Jarrel S. Bendivil
Justine P. Francia
Rino Jay R. Dupitas
Jonex A. Papio
Jhervie James R. Dela Peña
Rezele B. Nicolas
This research study aims to determine the factors that influencing career
choices among. Senior High Student. Factors influencing career choices
among senior high school students include personal traits such as proactive
personality, self-reported education, personal preferences, performance
expectations, days worked, industry experience, and years of study. Gender
perceptions and social support from family, teachers, and peers also play a
significant role in shaping career decision-making. Environmental factors,
institutional factors, and personal characteristics were found to influence
career choices and academic programs. Other factors identified include
interest, personality, environment, and opportunity.
95-97 98-99
The table presents the General Weighted 3.3% 3.3%
Average (GWA) distribution of the
respondents. Among the respondents, the
GWA range of 90-94 has the highest frequency
and percentage at 43.3%, followed by the
range of 86-89 with 36.7%. The GWA range
below 80-85 and the percentage 13.3% and the 90-94
range of 93-94 both have a percentage of 86-89
13.3%Notably, there were no respondents w 36.7%
In the question" Do you believe that passion for a particular A field is the most important
factor in choosing a career". There are 22 or 73.3 % agree and an additional 6 or 20%
strongly agree that passion for a particular field is the most crucial factor in making career
decisions A minority of Respondents hold the perspective, with 2 or 6.7%expressing
disagreement with the notion that passion is the most important factor in career section
.This suggests that while passion holds significant weight for many individuals other may
prioritize different consideration such as financial stability, job security, or practically when
making career decisions
2.How much influence do your parents/guardian have choices?
In the question Do you believe that potential influence plays significant role in shaping your
career choices " There are 25 or 83 % of respondents agree that parental influence plays a
significant role in shaping their careerChoices highlighting the strong impact that parents can
have on the direction of their children professional lives This agreement suggest that many see
parent as key adviser or role models in career planning. An additional 2 or 6.7% of respondents
strongly agree, further reinforcing the idea that parental guidance is crucial and possibly exen
decisive in career related decision.In contrast 3 or 10% of the respondents strongly dis agree with
this notion indicating a belief that career choices are more autonomously made , without
significant parental influence this divergence in views showcases the varied perspective on the role
of family in career development.
3.What resources or support do you feel would be beneficial in helping you make
informed career decision?
In the question Do you agree that personal interest should be prioritized over
financial considerations in career decision making ?There are 21 or 70 % agreeing and
an additional 2 or 6.7 % strongly agreeing.On the other hand 7 or 23% dis agree
suggesting that a notable minority still consider financial rewards as a crucial factor
in their career choices .This division reflects the on going debate between pursuing
personal satisfaction versus economic stability in professional life.
The survey outcomes underscore the significance of passion, parental influence, and personal interests in the
career decision-making process among senior high students. The majority of respondents prioritize passion as
the most crucial factor in selecting a career path, emphasizing the intrinsic motivation behind career choices.
Additionally, asignificant proportion acknowledges the influential role of parents in shaping their career
decisions, indicating the importance of familial guidance and support.
Furthermore, the survey reveals a strong inclination towards prioritizing personal interests over financial
considerations in career decision-making. While the majority of respondents prioritize personal satisfaction,
a notable minority still consider financial rewards as a crucial factor, highlighting the ongoing debate
between personal fulfillment and economic stability in professional life.
Overall, these findings shed light on the diverse perspectives and considerations that influence career
choices among senior high students, emphasizing the need for comprehensive career guidance programs that
cater to individual preferences and priorities.
Based on the comprehensive research you've conducted on "Exploring the Factors Influencing the Career Choices
among Senior High Students of SINHS," here are some recommendations:
1. Implement career guidance programs: SINHS can establish structured career guidance programs to help students
explore various career options, understand their interests, strengths, and weaknesses, and make informed decisions
about their future paths.
2. Enhance parental involvement: Encourage parents/guardians to actively participate in their children's career
exploration process by providing them with resources, workshops, and information about different career paths. This
can help students receive valuable support and guidance from their families.
3. Foster industry partnerships: Collaborate with local industries, businesses, and professionals to provide students
with opportunities for internships, mentorship programs, and career exposure activities. This hands-on experience can
help students gain insight into different career fields and make more informed choices.