Railway Technology
J. Pombo
Volume 1 - Issue 1
Special Issue:
Railways 2012: The First International Conference
on Railway Technology:
Research, Development and Maintenance
The International Journal of Railway Technology (IJRT) is an international journal
dedicated to research, development and application in the scope of railway systems.
The aim of the Journal is to provide an international platform for researchers and ex-
perts to promote, disseminate and discuss the recent developments and advances in
the field of railway technology. Furthermore, this publication aims to encourage inter-
action and collaboration between universities, research centers, railway operators and
industry in order to identify problems, propose solutions and indicate directions for
future research. The Journal publishes original papers that cover, but are not limited
to, the following topics:
published 2012 by
Saxe-Coburg Publications
Dun Eaglais, Station Brae, Kippen
Stirlingshire, FK8 3DY, United Kingdom
ISSN 2049-5358
Volume 1 - Issue 1, 2012
Publisher’s production and editorial team: Jelle Muylle, Jane Tabor, Rosemary Brodie
Cover design: Erzsébet Győri
Printed in Great Britain by Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow
Editorial iii
The Dynamics of Foundations for High Speed Lines on Soft Soils 147-166
P. Hölscher
Tribology of the Wheel-Rail Contact: The Effect of Third Body Materials 167-194
R. Lewis, R.S. Dwyer-Joyce, S.R. Lewis, C. Hardwick and
E.A. Gallardo-Hernandez
Application of Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation Geometry to
Railroad Vehicle System Dynamics 221-230
A.A. Shabana
Railways have always played a significant role in the development of the wealth cre-
ation capabilities of society. The early roman wagonways, the steam driven railways
during the industrial revolution and the electric railways of the late nineteenth and
twentieth centuries are just a few of the railway systems that have played a vital role in
past infrastructure development. The search for fast, reliable and cost effective means
of transport which presents better energy efficiency and less impact on the environ-
ment has resulted in renewed interest and rapid development in railway technology.
This volume launches the “International Journal of Railway Technology” (IJRT) which
is dedicated to research, development and application in the scope of railway systems.
The aim of the Journal is to provide an international platform for researchers and ex-
perts to promote, disseminate and discuss the recent developments and advances in
the field of railway technology. Furthermore, this publication aims to encourage in-
teraction and collaboration between universities, research centers, railway operators
and industry in order to identify problems, propose solutions and indicate directions
of future research.
The IJRT is published by Saxe-Coburg Publications in print and digital versions with
four issues per annum. The Journal publishes original papers that cover, but are not
limited to, the following topics: rolling stock; infrastructure; energy and environment;
signalling and communication; operations; strategies and economics.
This first issue of the IJRT comprises the twelve invited lectures presented at “Rail-
ways 2012: The First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research,
Development and Maintenance” held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 18-20
April 2012. The invited lectures provide a state-of-the-art review of a particular re-
search area or summarise a body of significant research or knowledge.
Other contributed papers presented at the Railways 2012 conference were published in
“Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research,
Development and Maintenance” edited by J. Pombo and published by Civil-Comp
I would like to thank the members of the Editorial Board of the Railways 2012 con-
ference: Prof. J.E. Abdalla Filho, Brazil; Prof. J.A.C. Ambrósio, Portugal; Prof.
L. Baeza, Spain; Prof. A. Bracciali, Italy; Prof. S. Bruni, Italy; Dr D.L. Cadet,
France; Prof. R. Calçada, Portugal; Dr R.L. Chen, China; Dr S. Churba, UK; Prof.
K. Dang Van, France; Prof. G. Degrande, Belgium; Prof. R. Delgado, Portugal; Prof.
Z. Dimitrovová, Portugal; Dr D.J. Edwards, UK; Prof. J.L. Escalona, Spain; Prof.
E. Esmailzadeh, Canada; Dr A. Facchinetti, Italy; Prof. P. Fisette, Belgium; Dr E.
Fortunato, Portugal; Dr P. Galvı́n, Spain; Dr A. Gastañares, Spain; Prof. J. Gerlici,
Slovakia; Prof. J.M. Goicolea, Spain; Prof. A. Gomes Correia, Portugal; Dr M. Hart-
nett, Ireland; Dr P. Hölscher, Netherlands; Dr L. Hornicek, Czech Republic; Prof. B.
Indraratna, Australia; Prof. S. Iwnicki, UK; Dr J. Jaiswal, UK; Dipl.-Ing. I. Kaiser,
Germany; Dr E. Kassa, UK; Dr P. Koziol, Poland; Dr N. Kuka, France; Dr R. Lewis,
UK; Dr Q.S. Li, Hong Kong; Dr Z. Li, Netherlands; Prof. J. Máca, Czech Repub-
lic; Dr M. Malvezzi, Italy; Dr V. Markine, Netherlands; Dr M.D. Martı́nez-Rodrigo,
Spain; Prof. M. Matos Neves, Portugal; Dr T. Mazilu, Romania; Prof. A. Metrikine,
Netherlands; Prof. P. Museros Romero, Spain; Dr J. Náprstek, Czech Republic; Dr
M. Novales, Spain; Prof. U. Olofsson, Sweden; Prof. J.C.F. Pereira, Portugal; Prof.
M.S. Pereira, Portugal; Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Proppe, Germany; Dr F.G. Rauter, Portu-
gal; Dr A. Rindi, Italy; Mr A. Robinet, France; Dr A. Roda Buch, Spain; Prof. M.
Rosário Macário, Portugal; Dr J. Santamaria, Spain; Prof. A.A. Shabana, USA; Prof.
G. Shen, China; Dr M.J.M.M. Steenbergen, Netherlands; Dr B. Suarez, Spain; Prof.
Y. Suda, Japan; Prof. H. Sugiyama, Japan; Prof. P.F. Teixeira, Portugal; Prof. Y.
Terumichi, Japan; Dr N. Thom, UK; Prof. B.H.V. Topping, UK; Dr J. Tunna, USA;
Dr S. Urushadze, Czech Republic; Dr J. Vinolas, Spain; Dr P.K. Woodward, UK; Dr
V. Yazykov, Russia; Dr D. Younesian, Iran; Dr K.E. Zaazaa, USA; Prof. K. Zboinski,
Poland; and Prof. W.M. Zhai, China.
Finally, I would particularly like to thank Professor Barry Topping for his support and
experience, Jelle Muylle for his organisational and design skills and Dawn Sewell for
her administrative support.
Dr J. Pombo
IDMEC-IST, Lisbon, Portugal