Akhil Buss Pass
Akhil Buss Pass
Akhil Buss Pass
1.Student Details
1.1 Reg Id / M.R.No: 24070817015492 / MR16606393
1.2 Student Name: AKHIL
1.3 Father/Mother's Name: JANGAIAH
1.4 Date Of Birth 25-Sep-2007
1.5 Gender/Age : Male / 16
1.6 Address: ATTPUUR4-2-155/1/B/8, (V), (M), HYDERABAD
1.7 Mobile No. 7601082934
Please visit RTC MEHDIPATNAM center, on 09-JUL-2024 to take your pass along with online filled
and printed application form with attestation by the Principal/Head of the Institution.
I here by declare that the particulars given above are true and correct. I will abide by the rules &
regulations of TGSRTC governing in issual of Bus Passes.
Instructions to Students:
The Student is advised to visit the School/College and ensure that the Head Master/Principal/Head of the
Institution has certified and forwarded the online applied bus pass application form to TGSRTC to issue bus
pass.Without forwrding the application form through online by the Head Master/Principal/Head of the
Institutions to TGSRTC bus pass can not be issued.
Instructions to RTC Employee Children:
In case of Employee children pass the applicant should enclose the original declaration form and employee id
card xerox copy along with the online certified application receipt.
Instructions to School/College Management:
It is requested to forward the above student online applied bus pass application form to TGSRTC after verifying
his/her credentials and bonafides duly visiting the web address https://mis.tgsrtcpass.com/ by login into the
institution account with already messaged login details to respective institution mobile number. While
forwarding the application through online if you find any difficulty related to Hyderabad City Passes please
contact us on Ph:8008204216 or mail us at ghzbuspasstsrtc@gmail.com.
I here by certify that Sri/kum/Smt AKHIL is bonafide student of SRI ADARSH JR COLLEGE ,S.R.NAGAR [ J5688 ]
(Name of the Institution) studying Inter 1st Year class With Admission No 06299 & Roll No _________His /Her Date of Birth is
25-Sep-2007 (DD-MM-YYYY) as per office records and the course will be completed by _______ (DD/MM/YYYY).Educational
Institute Recognition Code No _________ (As per the D.E.O. records). Course Code No ________ for the Academic year 2024-25.
This is to certify that the above student details have been verified and found correct. Hence,
forwarded through online to TGSRTC to issue bus pass.
You are requested to take pass within 10 days from centre visit date