Star Struck
Star Struck
Star Struck
galaxy is brighter and more massive than most other galaxies.
From end to end, the disk-shaped Milky Way spans 120,000
light-years. 1 Encircling it is another disk, composed mostly of
5 hydrogen gas. And enclosing that is an enormous halo2 of dark
matter. 3 Indeed, our galaxy is so huge that dozens of lesser
galaxies circle it, like moons orbiting a planet.
massive Giant galaxies like the Milky Way and the nearby, even larger,
Andromeda galaxy possess the power to create a rich supply
10 of i'ron, oxygen, and other heavy elements (heavier than
hydrogen and helium). Such heavy elements are the building
blocks of planets, and are essential for life. a depiction of our Milky Way
When a star explodes in a smaller galaxy, this raw material shoots out into space and is lost. But
in the vast Milky Way, the elements encounter gas and dust along their path, and are restrained
15 by the strength of the galaxy's gravitational field. These impediments slow their speed, so
they can enrich star-forming gas clouds with the ingredients for new generations of stars and
planets. That's what happened 4.6 billion years ago, when the sun and Earth were born.
rich --- enrich
Because we reside within the Milky Way, we actually know less about its overall appearance
than we do about distant galaxies. Think about it this way: in the absence of a mirror, you
20 know more about your friends' faces than your own. Nevertheless, in the past decade
astronomers have made numerous startling discoveries about our galaxy, beginning with
the revelation that a huge black hole4 lies at its heart.
Every star in the Milky Way revolves around this black hole, named
Sagittarius A* (pronounced "Sagittarius A-star"). The Sun, 27,000 light-
years away, completes a revolution once every 230 million years. 25
Within just a light-year of the black hole, there are more than 100,000
other stars caught far more firmly in its grip. Some take only a few
years to complete their orbits. These paths reveal that Sagittarius A*
is four million times the mass of the sun.
Every now and then, the black hole swallows a planet or star like a
particularly voracious vacuum cleaner. The victim is heated to such
Sagittarius A*, the Milky Way high temperatures that it lets out an explosion of x-rays which light
galaxy's supermassive black up nearby gas clouds. This helps keep a record of the black hole's
A light-year is the distance light can travel in one year, equal to about 10 trillion kilometers.
2 The halo is the region of space surrounding a galaxy.
3 Dark matter has not yet been detected by astronomers, but is believed to exist to account for observed gravitational effects.
4 A black hole is an area in space that has such strong gravity that light cannot escape it.
5 An echo is a sound caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener.
B Complete the following sentences using the words in blue from A. You
might have to change the form of the word.
B Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words
from A.
1 The people who live on the coast have been ordered to ____ evacuate_
because of the hurricane threat.
2 He didn't contribute much to the conversation and met every question
with a vacuous remark.
3 Although he has many hobbies, the _____ void left in my grandfather's
life when my grandmother died has never been filled.
4 Many scientists believe that Mars is devoid of life, but others think
there is a possibility that life exists.
5 It is an incredibly interesting country to travel to, but you must remember
to avoid drinking the tap water or you'll become ill.
6 On my vacation I'm planning to spend a day at the Kennedy Space
Center near Orlando.
7 This apartment will only be _____ vacant from next month. Until then,
someone will be living here.
8 vanish
In my favorite sci-fi' film, a spaceship _____ into a black hole and
only comes out of it at the end of the movie.
C Write two sentences using any two words from the chart in A.