Soilless Farming

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Soilless Farming-A Key Player in the Realisation of "Zero Hunger" of the

Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria

Article · January 2018


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International Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering
2018; 5(1): 1-7
ISSN: 2375-3854

Soilless Farming – A Key Player in

the Realisation of “Zero Hunger” of
the Sustainable Development Goals
in Nigeria
Ajibade Lanre Tajudeen*, Oyeniyi Solomon Taiwo
Department of Geography and Environment Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, University
of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

Email address (O. S. Taiwo)
Corresponding author
Ajibade Lanre Tajudeen, Oyeniyi Solomon Taiwo. Soilless Farming – A Key Player in the
Realisation of “Zero Hunger” of the Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria. International
Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering. Vol. 5, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-7.
Food Security, Abstract
Food Production, For many millennia, farming has been dependent on soil because it seen as the most
SDGs available growing medium for plants. It harbour nutrients, air, and water among others
for plant growth. However, soil degradation has been identified as a major global
challenge facing land use for food production which has been further worsened by the
effect of climate change. In addition to this, the use of soil for crop production in Nigeria
Received: October 29, 2017 is been stiffly competed with by the need for shelter, transport, urbanization and
Accepted: November 27, 2017 industrialization and other socio-economic needs. All these and many more challenges
Published: January 4, 2018 possess a great deal of opposition to the actualization of “zero hunger” of the SDGs and
raises a questions of whether or not soil farming can be relied upon solely for food
production and food security in the country. Soilless farming is a sustainable agricultural
practice because the system is not in need of soil to grow crops, therefore it is free from
all challenges facing soil today and subsequently, this makes it a viable alternative to soil
farming in order to achieve a world free of hunger by year 2030.

1. Introduction
Over the years, due to continuous increase in human population among other reasons,
there has been a drastic rise in the demand for food production which has depended
almost entirely on soil as a growing medium for crops. Soils as mentioned by [18] is a
complex mixture of minerals obtained from the breakdown of underlying rocks or sub-
soils, organic matter obtained from the decay of plant and animal material, water, air and
other gases, plus biological life in the form of worms, insects and microbes. It provides a
basic medium for plant growth, supporting the production of crops and fodder and
assisting a range of ecosystem activities [22]. [24], estimated that by 2050 the world
population is expected to rise from its present 7 billion to 9 billion. This will require
another production of about 1 billion tonnes of cereals per year [3].
However, soil degradation has been identified as a major global challenge facing land
use for food production which has been further worsened by the effect of climate change.
In addition to this, the use of soil for crop production in order to feed this ever growing
population is been stiffly competed with by the need for shelter, transport, urbanisation
and industrialization and other socio-economic needs. According to [6], land and water
resources and the way they are used plays a principal role in food security and these
2 Ajibade Lanre Tajudeen and Oyeniyi Solomon Taiwo: Soilless Farming – A Key Player in the Realisation of
“Zero Hunger” of the Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria

resources are at risk due to demographic pressure, climate hunger, #3 – Good health and wellbeing, #4 – Quality
change and increased competition and so to ensure food education, #5 – Gender equality, #6 – Clean water sanitation,
security and nutrition improvement, agricultural production #7 – Affordable and clean energy, #8 – Decent work and
will have to rise faster than population growth to about 70% economic growth, #9 – Industry, innovation and
globally which will depend majorly on existing Agricultural infrastructure, #10 – Reduced inequality, #11 – Sustainable
land. cities and communities, #12 – Responsible consumption and
The problem of soil degradation is a global challenge with production, #13 – Climate action, #14 – Life below water,
Nigeria having her fair share while her population and #15 – Life on land #16 – Peace, justice and strong
consequently the need for food production increases. All institutions, #17 – partnership for the goals.
these and many more challenges possess a great deal of Every member nation is expected to key into these goals,
opposition to the actualization of the “zero hunger” SDG and put in place necessary policies, initiate and fund projects and
raises a questions of whether or not soil farming can be relied others possible means to aid its achievement within the
upon solely for food production and food security in order to stipulated time. Nations are thereby needed to work together
consistently feed her estimated population. and with the support of several other local and international
organisations in order to achieve this desired future.
2. Food Security and Food Production Nigeria as a country played a strategic role as far as MDGs
is concerned and was able to recorded substantial
Crop production plays a major role in food production and achievements particularly in the area of universal primary
food security in the development of any nation. Nigeria has enrolment, gender parity in education, reduction of hunger,
about 79 million hectares of arable land, of which 32 million spread of HIV/AIDs, maternal and child mortality and
hectares are cultivated [7]. Despite this, both crop and eradication of polio [12]. In order to ensure successful
livestock production remains below potentials. Also, despite achievement of SDGs the government decided to map her
a 7% growth rate in agricultural production (2000 to 2008), priorities for implementation placing eradication of extreme
the growing population is still dependent on imported staple poverty and hunger as her first while setting Agriculture at
food as indicated by increase in food import bill (Challenges the forefront with the aim to double the agricultural
of food security in Nigeria: options before Government [5]. productivity and the incomes of small-scale food producers,
[5] mentioned that Agriculture has remained an important particularly women, indigenous peoples, family farmers,
aspect of any economy. Viable agricultural programmes and pastoralists and fishers [11].
activities in any nation are capable of sustaining the food
supply and reserves needed for the welfare of the citizens but
changes of climate over a period of time affect food security 4. Traditional Farming and the “Zero
significantly. Changing climatic conditions affect both the Hunger” SDG
physical and the economic availability of certain preferred
food items. Their impacts on income-earning opportunities Although agriculture can directly or indirectly contribute
can affect: the ability to buy food, the availability of certain to the achievement of every goal on the list of SDGs, it
food products, and price. Changes in the demand for seasonal seems to be most relevant in the achievement of goal 2 –
agricultural labour, consequent upon changes in production “zero hunger” since there is no other way to solve the
practices, will in turn affect income-generating capacity. [16] problem of hunger than to eat food. Farming is an
highlighted further that low level of technology, policy indispensable sector if “zero hunger must truly be achieved.
inconsistency and corruption, poverty and hunger, conflicts, It calls for us to make our agriculture and food systems more
natural disaster, low agricultural financing and rural-urban efficient and sustainable [9].
migration as posing serious threat to food production in A dedicated global goal, SDG2, based on a comprehensive
Nigeria. approach to tackling food insecurity and malnutrition while
promoting sustainable agriculture is an important step to
achieving zero hunger and ushering in a new era of
3. SDGs in Brief sustainable development [8].
In the third quarter of 2015, 193 countries came together to “From ending poverty and hunger to responding to climate
set new goals for global development and tackle challenges change and sustaining our natural resources, food and
facing the world today for the next 15 years and design agriculture lies at the very heart of the 2030 Agenda for
necessary framework for its success. This is as a follow up of Sustainable Development” [9].
the achievements of the previous 15 years Millennium For many millennia, farming has been dependent on soil
Development Goals (MDGs) which ended same year. The because it seen as the most available growing medium for
new set of goals, the Sustainable Development Goals plants. It harbour nutrients, air, water among others for plant
(SDGs), aims to end poverty and hunger by 2030 with goals growth. [2] and [26] asserted that the choice of what to
set for the land, the oceans and the waterways [23]. produce and how to produce it is largely determined by the
These set of 17 goals include: #1 – No poverty, #2 – Zero soil condition. The soil on which the crop is grown play a
International Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering 2018; 5(1): 1-7 3

major role in securing the right quality and safety of crops urban flooding. Coastal flooding occurs in the low-
and their derived products [15]. lying belt of mangrove and fresh water swamps along
This traditional method of farming using soil is referred to the coast. River flooding occurs in the flood plains of
as geoponics. Geoponic technology has many weaknesses the larger rivers, while sudden, short-lived flash floods
and flaws, most arising due to the presence of a vulnerable are associated with rivers in the inland areas where
medium in which plants grow: soil. Soil is so vulnerable sudden heavy rains can change them into destructive
because of its non-consistency in density, nutrient torrents within a short period. Urban flooding occur in
concentration, and moisture level. Differences in these towns located on flat or low lying terrain especially
factors make it very difficult for one type of fertilizer to where little or no provision has been made for surface
accurately and effectively increase crop yields and improve drainage, or where existing drainage has been blocked
the quality of production for all of one type of crop. Fertilizer with municipal waste, refuse and eroded soil
in itself is imperfect due to the effect of runoff pollution from sediments. According to Punch Editorial Board (2012),
farms into large bodies of water [28]. In addition [1], also in 2012, flood was recorded to wash away farmlands in
mentioned that geoponic is faced with problems such as; the 20 states and Nasarawa lost over 2,000 hectares of
land tenure system, decreasing soil fertility, climate change, farmland to the flood.
presence of disease causing organisms and nematodes, iv. Declining Soil Fertility: this is a decline of chemical,
unsuitable soil reaction, unfavourable soil compaction, poor physical and biological soil properties which are
drainage, degradation due to erosion among others. required for good plant growth. Citing Agboola (1989)
In West Africa, 48% of soils have been discovered to have only 5.52% of the Nigerian soil is said to fall under the
low productivity and soil management issues including: soil category of high productivity, 31.75% falls under
erosion; salinization; flooding; organic matter decline; medium productivity, 46.45% under low productivity
degradation of soil structure; loss of soil chemical quality; and 16.31% under very low productivity with 0.00%
acidification; deforestation/overgrazing and poor under very high productivity.
management with nutrient loss rates shown to be highest in v. Desert Encroachment and Drought: 11 states across the
Ghana, Nigeria and Ivory Coast [25]. Although some level of north-west and north-eastern zones of the country are
improvement was noted but much still need to be done in being threatened by adverse desert encroachment
order to ensure increased food production and food security which poses great danger to agriculture, food security,
as it relates to the SDG. and water resources. In katsina, out of the state’s 34
Land degradation has been identified as a major crisis local governments councils, eight — Daura, Maiadua,
facing geoponics today. It has been defined as the decline in Zango, Sandamu, Baure, Jibia, Kaita, Mashi, Katsina
any or all of the characteristics which make soil suitable for — mostly the bordering Niger Republic are most
food production through the deterioration of the physical, affected. These areas have been grappling with the
chemical and biological properties that results in soil challenge of desertification which travels at 0.6
compaction, soil loss from wind and water erosion, kilometres every year, leading to soil erosion and
acidification and salinization. An estimated amount of disruption of the ecosystem (Daily trust, 2016).
between $6.3 and 10.6 trillion dollars is said to be lost per Currently, Nigeria is losing about 351,000 square
year globally to soil degradation, affecting 1.9 billion kilometres of her land mass to the desert yearly, this
hectares, 12 million hectares of land lost to food production been a pointer to the fact that land might not be
and 24 billion tonnes of fertile soil irretrievably washed or available for farming soon if no drastic steps are taken
blown away [18]. or productive and sustainable alternatives provided in
As mentioned by [14], the challenges facing the Nigerian order to meet up with the need for food production.
soil include: vi. Another major issue is Land availability which
i. Soil Erosion: Siting Nigeria Country Profile, (1997), continues to reduce as a result of increasing population,
gully erosion has been observed to be particularly economic use of land for other purposes and the likes.
severe in Abia, Imo, Anambra, Enugu, Ondo, Edo, Under strong demographic pressure in the coming
Ebonyi, Kogi, Adamawa, Delta, Jigawa and Gombe decades, the per capita availability of land in
States. Anambra with Enugu States alone having over developing countries is expected to halve (to 0.12 ha)
50 active gully complexes, with some extending over by 2050, resulting in increasing pressures for
100 metres long, 20 meters wide and 15 meters deep. expanding the cultivated area (Fischer et al., 2010).
ii. Soil Salinity: factors that contribute majorly to salinity “Agricultural land- use category occupy the largest
are soil salinity, wet breeze from high tide especially area of land-use class but keeps on decreasing in
around peak of rainy season and irrigation of crop with Kaduna from 1980 to 2005 and with the greatest
saline water. This is experienced majorly in the coastal agricultural loss experience between 2005 and 2012.
areas of Nigeria with small patches in the semi-arid This trend may continue if not controlled and it will
belt of northern Nigeria. drastically leads to loss of productive agricultural
iii. Flooding: He noted that in Nigeria there are three main areas” [27].
forms of flooding: coastal flooding, river flooding, and vii. Among other challenges include: Land tenure, Soil-
4 Ajibade Lanre Tajudeen and Oyeniyi Solomon Taiwo: Soilless Farming – A Key Player in the Realisation of
“Zero Hunger” of the Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria

borne diseases and Pest, Land and water pollution due are placed in holes made on the material. Most float
to chemical usage and Labour requirement. systems are long, rectangular reservoirs built out of
As a result of these challenges and limitations facing soil cement or wood and lined with a durable polyliner.
and soil farming, there is need to opt for better, safer and a 3. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): in this technique, thin
more productive way of farming so as to boast food layer of nutrient solution is made to flow through an
production and ensure food security in order to achieve the elevated channel (trough) within which the root of the
“zero hunger” SDG. Hence the need for soilless farming. plant lie. Thin layer of the nutrient solution allows the
upper part of the plant root to be adequately oxygenated
while the elevation of the channel is to allow nutrient
5. Soilless Farming – A Key Player in solution to reach plants at the lower end. The nutrient
the Realisation of “Zero Hunger” of solution may be delivered continuously in a 24-hour
the SDGs cycle, or intermittent (alternating watering and dry
periods to increase root system oxygenation) or
Soilless culture can be defined as “any method of growing continuous recirculation during daylight hours and
plants without the use of soil as a rooting medium, in which automated switching off at night.
the nutrients absorbed by the roots are supplied via the 4. Deep Flow Technique (DFT): similar to some other
irrigation water”. The nutrients to be supplied to the crop are aforementioned techniques, the root of plants are
dissolved in appropriate concentration in the irrigation water continuously exposed to moving nutrient solution by
and such solution is referred to as “nutrient solution” supporting them with floating materials but the channel
(Gianquinto G. and Berlin H., 2013) here usually contains solution of a depth of 50–150 mm
“The 2030 Agenda recognizes that we can no longer look and width of about 1m. Control of the nutrient solution
at food, livelihoods and the management of natural resources is simplified by the large water volume and this buffers
separately. A focus on rural development and investment in the temperature, making it suitable for regions where
agriculture - crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and fluctuation in temperature of nutrient solution can be an
aquaculture – are powerful tools to end poverty and hunger, issue.
and bring about sustainable development. Agriculture has a 5. Aeroponics: this has to do with growing plants with
major role to play in combating climate change. Soilless their roots suspended while fine mist of nutrient
farming is a sustainable agricultural practice that possess a solution are continuously or intermittently applied.
more sustainable solution to the challenges of soil faming In some parts of Bangladesh most affected by flood and
today” (Food and Agriculture - Key to achieving the 2030 waterlogging, farmers are using methods similar to
Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2015) hydroponic know as floating agriculture. In this method,
[19] states that as nutritious soil is fast disappearing plants are grown on the water in a bio-land or floating bed
because of climate change and intensive farming activities made of water hyacinth, or other plant residues [19]. This
and there is need increased to feed more people, soilless method of farming is not only practised in Bangladesh but in
farming may provide a more productive and sustainable some other part of the world faced with similar challenge and
alternative to soil-based farming. this makes it recommendable for regions in Nigeria having
Soilless farming is not in need of soil to grow crops in such issue of flooding or waterlogging or little land but much
order to feed the constantly growing population, therefore it water resources.
is free from all challenges facing soil today and subsequently,
this makes it a viable alternative to soil farming in order to 5.2. Aeroponics
achieve a world free of hunger by year 2030. According to [13], soil-less farming (aeroponics) is an
5.1. Hydroponics optimized process developed for growing crops and plants in
an air medium without the use of soil. Here, plants are
Hydroponics according to [20] can simply be defined, as suspended in a closed or semi-closed environment and the
the growing of plants in a soilless medium and fertilizer plant’s dangling roots are sprayed with nutrient-rich water
solution containing necessary nutrients for the plant growth. solution. Basically, plants require 17 essential nutrients for
[4], classified hydroponics into five namely: growth and development: carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen
1. Deep Water Culture (DWC): this technique allows plant (O), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S),
to be grown in bucket containing nutrient solution calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), chlorine (Cl),
covered with a lid and the plants, contained in net pots, copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo),
suspended from the centre of the cover. This system is nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) [17]. All these nutrients are made
aerated using an air pump as the covering of the bucket available in aeroponics farming, because without these
limits air-water exchange. nutrients plants cannot complete their life cycles and their
2. Float Hydroponics (FH): in this technique, floating roles in plant growth cannot be replaced by any other
materials such as polystyrene or Styrofoam are placed elements.
on a trough containing nutrient solution. These floating The soilless culture grower must have a good knowledge
materials are used to support each plant in net pot which of the plant nutrients, because the supplied nutrient solution
International Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering 2018; 5(1): 1-7 5

is important in achieving soilless farming. The soilless their roots in the fish water and sometimes water from the
culture methods enable growers to control the availability of fish pond is just used to irrigate plants in different media
essential nutrients by adjusting or changing the nutrient without the water returning back to the pond.
solution to suit the plant growth stage and to provide them in Aquaponics has some specific advantages over other
balanced amounts [1]. These conditions allow for better plant soilless farming techniques which include:
nutrition assimilation in a more balanced way, with 1. Production of both crop and fish simultaneously.
consequential faster development of the cultivated plants 2. Very low water consumption. About 1/10th of water is
because plants do not need to search or compete for available used in traditional farming.
nutrients as they do in soil. 3. No need for fertilization or nutrient solution.
4. High fish stocking density allowed.
5. No plant spacing require so crowding is allowed.
6. It can be used to grow root crops.
*Vertical farming: Vertical farming is a system of soilless
farming whereby plants are grow on shelves or storey
buildings stake one above the other and this can be applicable
to Aeroponics, hydroponics and Aquaponics. This is most
relevant in land scarce regions especially developed cities
wanting to grow its own crops.
*Greenhouse farming: this is also called Controlled
Environment Agriculture (CEA) whereby plants are grown in
Figure 1. Aeroponics System. an artificial environment where factors influencing the
growth of plant can the controlled. This is currently been
i. A seedling is transplanted to an Aeroponic System integrated into soilless farming systems to boost production
ii. Plant is suspended, foliage and roots free of among other benefits.
iii. Nutrient mix is sprayed or misted directly onto the
6. Need for Soilless Farming
roots through the nozzle
iv. Reservoir holds nutrient mix Soilless farming has been discovered to proffer solution to
v. A pump supplies nutrient mix to the roots the problems being faced by tradition soil farming. The major
vi. The timer controls the nutrient pump. advantage with such a system is the absence of weeds and
other soil borne pests, no toxic pesticide residue, better use of
5.3. Aquaponics
water, better control over nutrient and oxygen, increased crop
Basically, Aquaponics is a symbiotic combination of quality and yields [9].
aquaculture and hydroponics. It essentially fills the existing i. Higher productivity: in line with the need for food
gap between both and develop on their limitations to provide production to rise faster than population growth to
a more efficient use of both techniques [10] noted that while ensure food security and nutrition improvement, crops
aquaculture and hydroponics are both efficient methods of grown under soilless farming techniques have been
producing fish and vegetables, combining the two turns their studied and observed to better and faster as they
negatives into positives. expend energy in leave and fruit development rather
In aquaculture, nutrient rich water is regularly flushed out than in the development of roots systems in search for
due to its potential harm to the aquatic life and so also is nutrients in the soil as in the case of geoponics.
excessive nutrient which is harmful to plant life regularly ii. Reduced labour requirement: the labour requirement in
flushed out in hydroponics system. In an Aquaponics system soilless farming is lesser as there are no soil to till,
however, nutrient filled water from a fish tank is pumped into plough or ridge, no weeding to be done, no watering
a grow bed as required to serve as a source of nutrient for the and requires less for pest control especially in
plants and the plants in turn purify the water as it is greenhouses.
channelled back into the fish tank. The nitrogen cycle is a iii. Not season-bound: plants grown in soilless farming
simple process that explains the purification of the system. are not affected by the season as they are constantly
Nitrosomonas sp. bacteria present in the grow bed converts fed with the required nutrient and water to grow.
the ammonia present in fish water being supplied as a result iv. Low management cost: cost of running the systems is
of decomposing fish feed and fish excreta into nitrite. usually low especially for the NFT system because
Nitrobacter sp. futher turns the nitrite into nitrate which is these are kept running almost entirely automatic and
taken up as food by the plants thereby purifying the water for each input is expected to last for years.
the fishes. When the system has enough bacteria to v. No weed competing: since soil is not used, with all
completely process the ammonia and nitrites it is said to have seeds carefully selected, soilless farming has no weed
“cycled” [21]. In some cases plants are made to grow directly or weeding problem. This saves cost on herbicide and
on the fish pond by supporting them with polystyrene with spraying.
6 Ajibade Lanre Tajudeen and Oyeniyi Solomon Taiwo: Soilless Farming – A Key Player in the Realisation of
“Zero Hunger” of the Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria

vi. No soil-borne pest and disease: plants under soilless C. M., the initial stage of introduction of soilless
planting system can be attacked by pest and diseases farming system involves high cost of inputs for
too but not usually as much as that of soil farming as construction and maintenance and also considering the
most soil and diseases are known to be soil-borne. degree of perfection required in control when
Soilless farming has be observed to have little pest and compared to the traditional farming system but
disease issue. eventually the annual running cost for NFT is lower.
vii. No big expensive machinery required: since the iii. Technical knowhow: soilless farming can be technical
system doesn’t involve land ploughing, ridging, tilling, as the knowledge of plant physiology, chemistry,
clearing, windrowing therefore no big expensive instrumentation and the likes might be require from
machineries like tractors, bulldozers, combine time to time.
harvester needed. iv. Government policy: government is needed to put in
viii. Precision in terms of nutrient supply: excessive use of place structures, framework and policies to aid the
fertilizer know with geoponics is not the case in success and development of soilless farming.
soilless farming as nutrients are either released based v. Other limitations could include low awareness due to
on plant requirement or are recycled or reused in most the fact that it is a somewhat young innovation just
cases. gradually gaining publicity compared to soil farming
ix. Pollution: pollution of the surrounding air and water and also acceptability due to the sceptical nature of
body close to farmlands has been discovered to be as a people in accepting new innovations.
result of indiscriminate use of fertilisers and other
chemicals which are sent to the environment by the 8. Way Forward
wind or runoff.
x. Water and land conservation: less water and land is In line with afore mentioned limitations, for soilless
used up in soilless farming due to reduced farming to be successful a lot has to be put in place as it is
evapotranspiration, no indiscriminate use of water for quite a big investment and as such cannot be gambled with.
irrigation, no need for the traditional spacing standards The government will need to see it as a major part of the
and more is produced with lesser space. nation’s food production chain so as to include it in policy
xi. Support life in space: research shows that soilless making. Grants and loans should be provided with private-
farming has been tested and adopted for use in space public partnership to encourage youths and entrepreneurs to
jets and other planets since there are no soil for planting. invest money and resourcefulness into this emerging
xii. Better for research purpose: this system is specifically agricultural sector. It should be viewed as a means of
good for research purpose since precision is usually achieving equality, reducing unemployment and supporting
high and can easily be controlled. With this method people in waterlogged regions of the country so they too can
one can measure the exact amount of nutrient or water feed themselves and be a part of the nation’s food producer.
or light required for plant to grow or to develop certain Power problem should be speedily addressed as it not only
characteristics in them. affects agriculture but all other sectors of the economy. Also,
xiii. Adaptability to greenhouse and vertical farming: in government, private investors, companies manufacturing
develop nations soilless farming is usually practiced in equipment for soilless farming and all stakeholders should
greenhouses and are sometimes grown vertically not only encourage but assist research and training of all
especially in land scarce countries like Singapore and interested on the technicalities involved.
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