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Gravity may put the planets into motion, but without the divine Power,
it could never put them into such a circulating motion as they have
about the Sun; and therefore, for this as well as other reasons, I am
compelled to ascribe the frame of this System to an intelligent Agent.



rom at least the time of the ancient Greeks, two problems were puzzling : (1) the
falling of objects released near the Earth’s surface, and (2) the motions of the planets.
Although there was no reason at that time to connect these two problems, today we
recognize that they result from the effect of the same force-gravitation. In fact, this
force also determines the motion of the Sun in our Milky Way galaxy, as well as the
motion of the galaxy in our Local Cluster of galaxies, the motion of the Local Cluster
in the Local Supercluster, and so on through the universe. In short, the gravitational
force, and the law that describes that force, controls the structure, the development,
and the eventual fate of the universe.
Famous Indian astronomer and mathematician, Aryabhat, studied motion of earth in
great detail, most likely in the 5th century A.D., and wrote his conclusions in his
book Aryabhat. He established that the earth revolves about its own axis and
moves in a circular orbit about the sun, and that the moon moves in a circular orbit
about the earth. But these ideas could not be communicated to the world.
We have discussed various forces : pushes and pulls, elastic force, friction and
other forces that act when one body is in contact with another. In this chapter we
study the properties of one particularly important non contact force, gravitation,
which is one of the fundamental and universal forces of nature.
Isaac Newton Observation
The year 1665 was very fruitful for Isaac Newton aged 23. He was forced to take rest in his home in Lincolnshire
after his college at Cambridge was closed for an indefinite period due to plague. In this year, he performed brilliant
theoretical and experimental takes mainly in the field of mechanics and optics. In this same year he focussed his
attention of the motion of the moon about the earth.
The moon makes a revolution about the earth in T = 27.3 days. The distance of the moon from the earth T = 27.3
days. The distance of the moon from the earth is R = 3.85 × 105 km. The acceleration of the moon is, therefore,

4 2  (3.85  105 km)

a = 2R = = 0.0027 ms–2.
(27.3days) 2
The first question before Newton was that what is the force that produces this acceleration. The acceleration is
towards the center of the orbit, that is towards the center of the earth. Hence, the force must act towards the centre
of the earth. A natural guess was that the earth is attracting the moon. The saying goes that Newton was sitting
under an apple tree when an apple fell down from the tree on the earth. This sparked the idea that the earth attracts
all bodies towards its centre. The next question was what is the law governing this force.

Newton had to make several daring assumptions which proved to be turning points in science and philosophy. He
declared that the law of nature are the same for earthly and celestial bodies. The force operating between the earth
and an apple and that operating between the earth and the moon, must be governed by the same laws. This
statement may look vary obvious today but in the era before Newton, there was a general belief in the western
countries that the earthly bodies are governed by certain rules and the heavenly bodies are governed by different
rules. In particular, this heavenly structures was supposed to be so perfect that there could not be any change in
the sky. This distinction was so sharp that when Tycho Brahe saw a new star in the sky, he did not believe his eyes
as there could be no change in the sky.
So the Newton’s declaration was indeed revolutionary.
The acceleration of a body falling near the earth’s surface is about 9.8 ms–2.
a apple 9.8 ms 2
Thus,   3600
a moon 0.0027 ms 2

d moom 3.85  105 km

Also, =   60
d apple 6400km

a apple d 
Thus,   moon  .
a moon d
 apple 

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Newton guessed that the acceleration of a body towards the earth is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance of the body from the same of the earth.
Thus, a 2
Also, the force is mass times acceleration and so it is proportional to the mass of the body.
F 2
By the third law of motion, the force on a body due to the earth must be equal to the force on the earth due to the
body. Therefore, this force should also be proportional to the mass of the earth. Thus, the force between the earth
and a body is
Mm GMm
F or F  2
r2 r
Newton further generalized the law by saying that not only the earth but all material bodies in the universe attract
each other.
Here, G called the gravitational constant, has the experimentally determined value
G = 6.67 × 10–11 N.m2/kg2
G is a universal constant with the same value for any pair of particles at any location in the universe.


(i) Gravitational, the force that acts between bodies due only to their masses, is one of four basic forces of physics.
It acts throughout the universe : between bodies on Earth, where it is weak and difficult to measure ; between the
Earth and bodies in its vicinity, where it is the controlling feature of our lives ; and among the stars and galaxies,
where it controls their evolution and structure.
(ii) Normally, however, it is only when the mass of at least one of the interacting bodies is large (planet-sized) that
the effects of the gravitational force become significant.
(iii) In this argument, the distance of the apple from the earth is taken to be equal to the radius of the earth. This
means we have assumed that earth can be treated as a single particle placed at its centre. This is of course not
obvious. Newton had spent several years to prove that indeed this can be done. A spherically symmetric body
can be replaced by a point particle of equal mass placed at its centre for the purpose of calculating gravitational


According to this law "Each particle attracts every other particle. The force of attraction between them is
directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to square of the distance
between them".
m1 m2
m1 m 2 m1 m 2
F or F = G 2 r
r2 r
where G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2 is the universal gravitational constant. This law holds good irrespective of the
nature of two objects (size, shape, mass etc.) at all places and all times. That is why it is known as universal
law of gravitation.
Newton's Law of gravitation in vector form :
 Gm1m2  Gm1m2
F12 = 2
r̂12 & F2 1 = r̂21
r r2

Where F is the force on mass m 1 exerted by mass m 2 and vice-versa.
  G m1 m2  
Now r̂12   r̂21 , Thus F21  2
r̂12 . Comparing above, we get F12   F21
r 181
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1. Newton`s law of gravitation m1 r m2

Gm1m 2
Force of attraction between two points masses F =
Directed along the line joining of point masses.
 It is a conservation force field  mechanical energy is conserved.

 It is a central force field  angular momentum is conserved.

2. Gravitation field due to spherical shell

 Outside the shell E g  , where r > R

 On the surface E g  , where r = R
 Inside the shell Eg = 0 , where r < R
[Note : Direction always towards the centre of the sphere]

3. Gravitation field due to solid sphere

(a) Outside the sphere E g  , where r > R
(b) On the surface E g  , where r = R
(c) Inside the sphere E g  3 , where r < R

4. Acceleration due to gravity


GM  2h 
At height h g h  2 , If h << R ; gh  gs  1  
R  h  R 

GM  R  d   d
At depth d g d  3
 g s  1  
R  R
Effect of rotation on g : g' = g – 2 Rcos2  where  is angle of latitude

5. Gravitational potential
Due to a point mass at a distance V  

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Ex. 1 Two particles of equal mass m go round a circle Where R = maximum distance from centre of the
of radius R under the action of their mutual
gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle 1 1 2GM
earth Also v = ve 
is 4 4 Re

1 1 Gm
(A) (B) 1 1 2GM GMm GMm
2 R Gm 2R  m× × = –
2 16 R e Re R
1 Gm 4 Gm
(C) (D) 16 R
2 R R R = R h = R – Re = e
Sol. Centripetal force provided by the gravitational 15 e 15
force of attraction
between two particles i.e. Ex. 4 A mass 6 × 1024 kg ( = mass of earth) is to be
compressed in a sphere in such a way that the
mv2 Gm  m 1 Gm
   escape velocity from its surface is 3 × 108 m/s (equal
R 2R 2 2 R
to that of light). What should be the radius of the
mv Gm m 1 Gm
 
R 2 R (A) 9 mm (B) 8 mm

Ex. 2 The escape velocity for a planet is ve. A particle (C) 7 mm (D) 6 mm
starts from rest at a large distance from the planet,
 2GM   2GM 
reaches the planet only under gravitational Sol. As, ve   ,R=  2  ,
 R   ve 
attraction, and passes through a smooth tunnel
through its centre. Its speed at the centre of the
planet will be- 2× 6.67×10 –11 × 6×1024
 R = 2
= 9×10 –3 m = 9 mm
 3×108 
(A) 1 .5 ve (B) Ex. 5 Calculate the mass of the sun if the mean radius
of the earth's orbit is 1.5 × 10 8 km and
(C) ve (D) zero
G = 6.67 × 10–11 N × m2/kg2.
Sol. From mechanical energy conservation 0 + 0

11 2 33GMm
GMm 33GM
GM (A) M  2  10 3 0 kg
= mvmv  vv 
  11.5
.5 vv e
22 22RR RR
(B) M  3  10 30 kg
Ex. 3 A particle is projected vertically upwards the surface
of the earth (radius Re) with a speed equal to one (C) M  2  10 15 kg
fourth of escape velocity. What is the maximum height
attained by it from the surface of the earth ? (D) M  3  10 1 5 kg

16 Re  GM 
(A) R (B) Sol. In case of orbital motion as v  
15 e 15  r 
4 2 r r 4 2 r 3
(C) R (D) None of these So T   2 r , i.e., M 
15 e v GM GT 2
1 3
Sol. From conservation of mechanical energy mv2 4  2  1.5  10 11 
2 M 2
6.67  10 1 1   3.15  10 7 
= –
Re R [as T = 1 year = 3.15 × 107s] i.e., M  2  10 3 0 kg 221
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1. The tidal waves in the sea are primary due to 7. Two sphere of mass m and M are situated in air and
(A) The gravitational effect of the moon on the earth the gravitational force between them is F. The space
around the masses is now filled with a liquid of
(B) The gravitational effect of the sun on the earth specific gravity 3. The gravitational force will now
(C) The gravitational effect of venus on the earth be
(D) The atmospheric effect of the earth itself F
(A) F (B)
2. A point mass m is placed inside a spherical shell of F
radius R and mass M at a distance R/2 from the (C) (D) 3 F
centre of the shell. The gravitational force exerted
by the shell on the point mass is 8. The gravitational force Fg between two objects does
not depend on
GMm GMm (A) Sum of the masses
(A) (B) –
R2 R2 (B) Product of the masses
(C) Gravitational constant
GMm (D) Distance between the masses
(C) 0 (D) 4
9. Two particles of equal mass go round a circle of
3. A satellite of the earth is revolving in a circular orbit radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational
with a uniform speed v. If the gravitational force attraction. The speed of each particle is
suddenly disappears, the satellite will
(A) Continue to move with velocity v along the 1 1 Gm
(A) v  (B) v 
original orbit 2R Gm 2R
(B) Move with a velocity v, tangentially to the
1 Gm 4Gm
original orbit (C) v  (D) v 
2 R R
(C) Fall down with increasing velocity
(D) Ultimately come to rest somewhere on the original 10. Force between two objects of equal masses is F. If
orbit 25& mass of one object is transferred to the other
object, then the new force will be
4. The atmosphere is held to the earth by F F
(A) (B) 3
(A) Winds (B) Gravity 4 4
(C) Clouds (D) None of the above (C) F (D) F
5. Two identical solid copper spheres of radius R are 11. A body of mass 500 g thrown upward with a velocity
placed in contact with each other. The gravitational 20 m/s and reaches back to the surface of a planet
attraction between them is proportional to after 20 sec. Then the weight of the body on that
(A) R2 (B) R–2 planet is
(A) 2 N (B) 4 N
(C) R4 (D) R–4
(C) 5 N (D) 1 N
6. If the distance between two masses is doubled, the 12. If the change in the value of ‘g’ at a height h above
gravitational attraction between them the surface of the earth is the same as at a depth x
(A) Is doubled below it, then (both x and h being much smaller than
the radius of the earth)
(B) Becomes four times (A) x = h (B) x = 2h
(C) Is reduced to half h
(C) x  (D) x = h2
(D) Is reduced to a quarter 2

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1. If the gravitational force were to vary inversely 7. An object weighs 10 N at the north pole of the
as m th power of the distance, then the time period Earth. In a geostationary satellite distance 7R from
of a planet in circular orbit of radius r around the the centre of the Earth (of radius R), the true weight
Sun will be proportional to and the apparent weight are–
(A) r –3m/2 (B) r 3m/2 (A) 0 N, 0 N (B) 0.2 N, 0
m + 1/2
(C) r (D) r (m+1)/2 (C) 0.2 N, 9.8 N (D) 0.2 N, 0.2 N

2. Three identical point masses, each of mass 1 kg lie in 8. Imagine a new planet having the same density as
the x–y plane at points (0, 0) (0, 0.2m) and (0.2m,0). The that of Earth but it is 3 times bigger than the Earth in
gravitational force on the mass at the origin is :– size. If the acceleration due to gravity on the sur-
face of Earth is g and that on the surface of the new
(A) 1.67 x 10–11 (iˆ  ˆj)N (B) 3.34 x 10–10 (iˆ  ˆj)N planet is g', then

(C) 1.67 x 10–9 (iˆ  ˆj)N (D) 3.34 x 10–10 (iˆ  ˆj)N g
(A) g' = 3g (B) g' =
3. If the distance between the centres of Earth and (C) g' = 9g (D) g' = 27 g
Moon is D and mass of Earth is 81 times that of
9. The rotation of the Earth having radius R about its
Moon. At what distance from the centre of Earth
axis speeds upto a value such that a man at latitude
gravitational field will be zero ?
angle 600 feels weightless. The duration of the day
D 2D in such case will be
(A) (B)
2 3
4D 9D R g
(C) (D) (A) 8  (B) 8 
5 10 g R

4. Weight of a body of mass m decreases by 1% when R g

it is raised to height h above the Earth's surface. If (C)  (D) 4 
g R
the body is taken to a depth h in a mine, then its
weight will :–
10. A body attains a height equal to the radius of the
(A) decrease by 0.5% (B) decrease by 2% Earth when projected from Earth' surface. The ve-
(C) increase by 0.5% (D) increase by 1% locity of the body with which it was projected is :–

5. The radius of Earth is about 6400 km and that of GMe 2 GMe

mars is 3200 km. The mass of the Earth is 10 times (A) (B)
the mass of mars. An object weight 200 N on the
surface of Earth. Its weight on the surface of mars 5 GMe 3 GMe
will be :– (C) (D)
4 R R
(A) 80 N (B) 40 N
(C) 20 N (D) 8 N 11. A small body of superdense material, whose mass
is twice the mass of the Earth but whose size is very
6. A stone drop from height 'h' reaches to Earth surface small compared to the size of the Earth, starts from
in1 sec. If the same stone taken to Moon and drop rest at a height H < < R above the Earth's surface,
freely then it will reaches from the surface of the and reach the Earth's surface in time t. Then t is
Moon in the time (The 'g' of Moon is 1/6 times of equal to
(A) 2 H / g (B) H/ g
(A) 6 second (B) 9 second
(C) 2 H / 3 g (D) 4 H / 3 g
(C) 3 second (D) 6 second

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Following question contains statements given in two columns, which have to be matched. The statements in
Column-I are labelled as A, B, C and D while the statements in Column-II are labelled as p, q, r and s. Any given
statement in Column-I can have correct matching with one or more statement(s) in Column-II.
1. In elliptical orbit of a planet, as the planet moves from apogee position to perigee position,
Column–I Column–II
(A) Speed of planet (P) Remains same
(B) Distance of planet from centre of Sun (Q) Decreases
(C) Potential energy (R) Increases
(D) Angular momentum about centre of Sun (S) Can not say

2. A satellite is in a circular equatorial orbit of radius 7000 km around the Earth. If it is transferred to a circular orbit of
double the radius
Column I Column II
(A) Angular momentum (P) Increases
(B) Area of Earth covered by satellite signal (Q) Decreases
(C) Potential energy (R) Becomes double
(D) Kinetic energy (S) Becomes half

3. Two concentric spherical shells are as shown in figure. :

Column–I Column–II
(A) Potential at A (P) greater than B
(B) Gravitational field at A (Q) less than B
(C) As one moves from C to D (R) potential remains constant
(D) As one moves from D to A (S) gravitational field decreases
(T) None

4. Column–I Column–II
(A) Kinetic energy of a particle in (P) work done by gravitational force
gravitational field is increasing should be positive
(B) Potential energy of a particle in (Q) work done by external force
gravitational field is increasing should be non zero
(C) Mechanical energy of a particle (R) work done by gravitational force
in gravitational field is increasing should be negative
(S) can not say anything 233
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1. Escape velocity from the earth is 11.2 km/s. Another 6. The density of newly discovered planet is twice
planet of same mass has radius 1/4 times that of the that of the earth. The acceleration due to gravity at
earth. What is the escape velocity from another the surface of the planet is equal to that at the surface
planet? [CBSE AIPMT 2000] of the earth. If the radius of the earth is R, the radius
(A) 11.2 km/s (B) 44.8 km/s of the planet would be [CBSE AIPMT 2004]
(C) 22.4 km/s (D) 5.6 km/s (A) 2 R (B) 4 R
1 1
2. A body attains a height equal to the radius of the (C) R (D) R
4 2
earth. The velocity of the body with which it was
projected is [CBSE AIPMT 2001] 7. Imagine a new planet having the same density as
that of the earth but it is 3 ti me bigger than the earth
GM 2GM in size. If the acceleration due to gravity on the
(A) (B)
R R surface of the new planet is g', then
5 GM 3GM
(C) (D) g
4 R R (A) g' = 3g (B) g' 
3. A body of mass m is placed on the earth’s surface. It (C) g' = 9 g (D) g' = 27 g
is then taken form the earth’s surface to a height 8. For a satllite moving in an orbit around the earth,
h = 3R, then the change in gravitational potential the ratio of kinetic energy to potential energy is
energy is [CBSE AIPMT 2002] [CBSE AIPMT 2005]
mgh  (A) 2 (B) 1/2
(A) (B) mgR
R 3 1
(C) (D) 2
3 mgR 2
(C) mgR (D)
4 2 9. The earth is assumed to be a sphere of radius R. A
platform is arranged at a height R from the surface
4. The acceleration due to gravity on the planet A is 9 of the earth. The escape velocity of a body from this
times the acceleration due to gravity on the planet platform is fve, where ve is its escape velocity from
B. A man jumps to a height of 2m on the surface of the surface of the earth. The value of f is
A. What is the height of jump by the same person
on the planet B? [CBSE AIPMT 2003]
2 (A) 2 (B)
m 2
(A) 6 m (B)
3 1 1
(C) (D)
2 3 2
(C) m (D) 18 m
9 10. Two satellites of the earth, S1 and S2 are moving in
the same orbit. The mass of S1 is four times the mass
5. Two spheres of masses m and M are situated in air
of S2. Whic one of the following statements is true?
and the gravitational force between them is F. The
space around the masses is now filled with a liquid
(A) The time period of S1 is four times that of S2
of specific gravity 3. The gravitational force will
now be [CBSE AIPMT 2003] (B) The potential energies of the earth and satellite
in the two cases are equal
F F (C) S1 and S2 are moving with the same speed
(A) (B)
3 9 (D) The kinetic energies of the two satellites are
(C) 3 F (D) F equal 235
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1. A tunnel is dug along the diameter of the earth (Radius R & mass M). There is a particle of mass 'm' at the
centre of the tunnel. The minimum velocity given to the particle so that it just reaches to the surface of the
earth is :

(A) (B) 2R (C)
(D) it will reach with the help of negligible velocity.

2. A cavity of radius R/2 is made inside a solid sphere of radius R. The centre of the cavity is located at a
distance R/2 from the centre of the sphere. The gravitational force on a particle of mass ' m ' at a distance R/
2 from the centre of the sphere on the line joining both the centres of sphere and cavity is (opposite to the
centre of cavity). [Here g = GM/R2, where M is the mass of the sphere ]
mg 3 mg mg
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
2 8 16
3. A satellite is launched in the equatorial plane in such a way that it can transmit signals upto 60º latitude on the
earth. The angular velocity of the satellite is :

(A) 3 (B) 3 (C) 3 (D)
8R 2R 4R 8R 3
4. A satellite is seen after each 8 hours over equator at a place on the earth when its sense of rotation is opposite
to the earth. The time interval after which it can be seen at the same place when the sense of rotation of earth
& satellite is same will be :
(A) 8 hours (B) 12 hours (C) 24 hours (D) 6 hours
5. Four similar particles of mass m are orbiting in a circle of radius r in the same angular direction because of their
mutual gravitational attractive force. Velocity of a particle is given by
 Gm  1  2 2  2 Gm
(A)    (B) 3
 4 
 r  r

Gm  1 Gm  1  2  2
1 2 2  (D)   
 2 r  2 

6. Three particles P, Q and R are placed as per given figure. Masses of P, Q and R are 3 m, 3 m and m respectively..
The gravitational force on a fourth particle ‘S’ of mass m is equal to
3 GM 2
(A) in ST direction only
2d 2
3 Gm 2 3 Gm 2
(B) in SQ direction and in SU direction
2d 2 2d 2
3 Gm 2
(C) in SQ direction only
2d 2
3 Gm 2 3 Gm 2
(D) in SQ direction and in ST direction
2d 2 2d 2

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11th Class Modules Chapter Details

Physics Chemistry Mathematics

5 5 5
Modules Modules Modules


Module-1 Module-1(PC) Module-1

1. Physical World & 1. Some Basic Conceps of 1. Diversity in the Living
Measurements Chemistry World
2. Basic Maths & Vector 2. Atomic Structure 2. Plant Kingdom
3. Kinematics 3. Chemical Equilibrium 3. Animal Kingdom
4. Ionic Equilibrium
Module-2 Module-2
Module-2(PC) 1. Morphology in Flowering Plants
1. Law of Motion & Friction 1. Thermodynamics & 2. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
2. Work, Energy & Power Thermochemistry 3. Structural Organization in
2. Redox Reaction Animals
Module-3 3. States Of Matter (Gaseous &
1. Motion of system of Liquid) Module-3
particles & Rigid Body 1. Cell: The Unit of Life
2. Gravitation
1. Periodic Table 2. Biomolecules
2. Chemical Bonding 3. Cell Cycle & Cell Division
3. Hydrogen & Its Compounds 4. Transport in Plants
1. Mechanical Properties 4. S-Block 5. Mineral Nutrition
of Matter
2. Thermal Properties of Matter Module-4
1. Nomenclature of 1. Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Module-5 Organic Compounds 2. Respiration in Plants
2. Isomerism 3. Plant Growth and Development
1. Oscillations
3. General Organic Chemistry 4. Digestion & Absorption
2. Waves
5. Breathing & Exchange of Gases
Module-5(OC) Module-5
1. Reaction Mechanism
2. Hydrocarbon 1. Body Fluids & Its Circulation
3. Aromatic Hydrocarbon 2. Excretory Products & Their
4. Environmental Chemistry & Elimination
Analysis Of Organic Compounds 3. Locomotion & Its Movement
4. Neural Control & Coordination
5. Chemical Coordination and

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12th Class Modules Chapter Details

Physics Chemistry Mathematics

5 5 5
Modules Modules Modules


Module-1 Module-1(PC) Module-1

1. Electrostatics 1. Solid State 1. Reproduction in Organisms
2. Capacitance 2. Chemical Kinetics 2. Sexual Reproduction in
3. Solutions and Colligative Flowering Plants
Module-2 Properties 3. Human Reproduction
4. Reproductive Health
1. Current Electricity Module-2(PC)
2. Magnetic Effect of Current
1. Electrochemistry Module-2
and Magnetism
2. Surface Chemistry 1. Principles of Inheritance and
Module-3 Variation
2. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
1. Electromagnetic Induction 1. P-Block Elements 3. Evolution
2. Alternating Current 2. Transition Elements
(d & f block) Module-3
Module-4 3. Co-ordination Compound
4. Metallurgy 1. Human Health and Disease
1. Geometrical Optics 2. Strategies for Enhancement in
2. Wave Optics Module-4(OC) Food Production
3. Microbes in Human Welfare
Module-5 1. HaloAlkanes & HaloArenes
2. Alcohol, Phenol & Ether Module-4
1. Modern Physics 3. Aldehyde, Ketone &
2. Nuclear Physics Carboxylic Acid 1. Biotechnology: Principles and
3. Solids & Semiconductor Processes
Devices Module-5(OC) 2. Biotechnology and Its
4. Electromagnetic Waves 1. Nitrogen & Its Derivatives Applications
2. Biomolecules & Polymers 3. Organisms and Populations
3. Chemistry in Everyday Life Module-5
1. Ecosystem
2. Biodiversity and Conservation
3. Environmental Issues

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