Heart review Accepted version
Heart review Accepted version
Heart review Accepted version
Ken Kato1,2 M.D.; Alexander R. Lyon3 M.D.; Jelena-R. Ghadri2 M.D.; Christian Templin2#
M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba, Japan
University Heart Center, Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
NIHR Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital and Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
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worldwide basis to the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and its Licensees to permit this article (if
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coronary syndrome.
To learn the general strategy for the treatment of takotsubo syndrome based on the
limited evidence.
1. Introduction
In the clinical setting, takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is one of the most important diseases that
must be accurately differentiated from acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to enable appropriate
2-3% in all patients presenting with suspected ACS.1 However, it may be underestimated
because knowledge of diagnostic criteria is often incomplete, such as the possible coexistence
of coronary artery disease (CAD). According to the widely-used Mayo Clinic Diagnostic
Criteria modified in 2008, incidental obstructive CAD, not related to the wall motion
abnormality may be an inclusion criterion for the diagnosis of TTS. However, this fact has
been cited only as a footnote in a paper by Prasad and colleagues.2 In addition, atypical
variants are not very well recognised by physicians, which may contribute to the
from TTS, revealed novel data pertaining to TTS which aided to the understanding of this
enigmatic disease.4 This review summarises current knowledge on the aetiology, presentation,
2. Aetiology
The exact aetiology of TTS is still unknown but several hypotheses are considered relevant
for its pathophysiology. A number of observational clinical studies and pre-clinical models
have helped to illuminate how the cardiovascular system responds to sudden extreme stress.
incomplete. A critical factor in determining the quality of the observational studies is the
timing, as the cardiovascular response following sudden and extreme stress evolves over
seconds, minutes, hours, and days.5 Combining myocardial, coronary, systemic vascular,
Vascular responses
Multivessel vasospasm
Many of the initial TTS cases from Japan reported multivessel coronary vasospasm in patients
additional effect of high circulating catecholamine levels and/or high acute after-load from
peripheral vasospasm may also be a contributing factor resulting in acute apical dysfunction, a
pattern that is not observed through ischaemia alone. However, in the majority of acute cases
vasospasm is not observed 9 and when provoked in follow-up studies, it is not clear if this is
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) studies during acute presentation TTS in patients are limited
and inconsistent. However, for those that have been reported, coronary arteries free of
atheroma or plaque rupture have generally been reported.11 A retrospective analysis of
LAD anatomy.12 The circulating microRNA profile showed significant differences between
acute myocardial infarction (MI) and TTS patients supporting a different pathophysiological
entity, with a link to both neuropsychiatric physiology and the endothelin axis. 13 Together
with the epidemiology regarding seasonal and diurnal presentation patterns, and the prevalent
demographic, evidence strongly suggests that TTS is not the result of acute atherosclerotic
plaque rupture.5
Myocardial causes
A number of clinical observations and pre-clinical studies suggest that high levels of
catecholamines play a causative role in TTS. Wittstein and colleagues measured circulating
catecholamine levels in the blood of a cohort of TTS patients and reported levels that were
10-20 times higher than normal, and higher than matched patients with acute left anterior
(STEMI),14 although others could not replicate this finding. Clinical conditions associated
haemorrhage with sympathetic storm,16 and acute thyrotoxicosis,17 have been reported to
cause TTS. Perhaps the most robust evidence is from the cohorts of patients reported where
TTS was triggered by administration of adrenaline or dobutamine, either for medical reasons
or by accident.18 The plausibility of the catecholamine hypothesis has also been supported by
experimental data. Several models have been reported where acute and reversible apical or
basal dysfunction in more than one coronary territory has been triggered by acute
administration of high dose adrenaline or isoproterenol. 19,20 These pre-clinical studies have
their limitations but provide supportive evidence to the growing portfolio of clinical studies.
nerve endings and β-adrenergic receptors (βARs) in mammalian hearts (Figure 1). A
consistent finding across species including humans is a gradient of sympathetic nerve endings
in the mammalian heart, with the highest in the atria and basal ventricular myocardium, and
the lowest in the apical myocardium.21 To compensate for this innervation gradient, there
appears to be a reverse βAR gradient on the myocardium, with the highest βAR density in the
apical myocardium, and a lower βAR density towards the basal myocardium.19 This has been
demonstrated in the healthy hearts of various mammals but to date this has not been proven in
humans.6 These gradients provide balanced responses to sympathetic neural and circulating
catecholamines under resting conditions. During extreme stress, the apical myocardium may
be more sensitive to high levels of circulating catecholamines due to higher βAR density. 22
inotropic responses via the β1AR and β2AR during dose-response studies, which may be
relevant to an understanding of the cardiac responses to extreme stress in TTS. Whilst both
adrenaline and noradrenaline elicit positive inotropic responses via the β1AR-Gs pathway,
these hormones behave differently when activating the β2AR. The latter comprises ~20% of
βARs on healthy human hearts. Noradrenaline stimulates a positively inotropic response via
β2ARs at all doses studied. In contrast, adrenaline activates the positive inotropic β2AR-Gs
pathway whilst at low and medium range doses. However, at higher doses it initiates a
molecular switch to the β2AR-Gi pathway, which is negatively inotropic.23 This could explain
why at higher levels of stress or following injection of high adrenaline doses, the apical
myocardium with the highest density of βARs, is initially hypercontractile for the first few
minutes and then progressively becomes hypokinetic. Excess activation of β1AR-Gs and
β2AR-Gs pathways is cardiotoxic, promoting necrosis and apoptosis via high levels of
Endomyocardial biopsy studies from patients during the acute phase of TTS support
activation of the pro-survival pathways PI3K and akt, which can be activated by βAR-Gi
signalling. These acute gene expression changes have returned to normal levels at follow-up
and not activated in samples from acute ischaemic myocardium.25 This would correlate with
the relatively low troponin release observed for the degree of dysfunctional myocardium
during the acute phase, and the recovery with limited infarction compared to acute coronary
occlusion, which initiates the same extent of acute left ventricular impairment. Indeed, in
experimental models that blocked the cardioprotective Gi signalling pathway mortality was
Oestrogen regulates sympathetic tone via central actions and βAR expression both in the
expression in women during their reproductive years. This sympatholytic effect of oestrogens
is lost following the menopause, with heightened myocardial and vascular responses to βAR
agonists. This may partly explain why TTS is most commonly observed in postmenopausal
Recent studies suggest that the peripheral vascular responses may also be relevant to
seconds following intravenous adrenaline administration, both humans and animals show an
acute hypertensive response, often with extremely high systolic and diastolic aortic pressure.
In the following minutes and hours, hypotension may develop in the context of acute heart
failure.19 In patients with hypotension during acute TTS, some show paradoxical peripheral
vasodilatation in addition to acute ventricular failure and this correlates with dysfunctional
peripheral sympathetic nerve regulation in the aftermath of the catecholamine storm. Rodent
model studies have also reported varied apical and basal variants in response to differing
afterload scenarios initiated and manipulated pharmacologically. 28 Whilst these studies have
In summary, according to the etiology of TTS, these hypotheses are still being investigated
but there is no proven pathophysiological mechanism to explain the clinical features of both
TTS occurs predominantly in post-menopausal women but can also occur in younger women,
men, children, and even in newly born babies. The International Takotsubo Registry
demonstrated that 89.8% of women were affected with a mean age of 66.8 years.4 Deshmukh
et al. reported that women have an almost 9-fold higher risk of developing TTS compared to
men; furthermore women older than 55 years had a 4.8-fold higher risk when compared with
women younger than 55 years.29 Interestingly, male patients in Asia have a higher prevalence
two-thirds of patients have identifiable preceding stressors (Figure 2).31,32 Emotional stressors
are usually associated with negative life events, such as death of a beloved one, disasters,
bullying or financial loss. Recently, Ghadri et al. revealed that TTS is not only provoked by
negative stressors but can also be precipitated by positive, joyous events; this entity has been
described as the ‘happy heart syndrome’.33 A patient suffering from TTS is no longer the
classic “broken-hearted” patient as the disease can be triggered by positive emotions, too. It is
A variety of physical stressors have been reported, including acute critical illness,
respiratory failure, central nervous system disorders and iatrogenic factors such as surgery,
Yerasi et al. reported that TTS patients with a preceding medical illness experience an
unfavorable outcome compared to those with an emotional stressor. 37 This is not surprising
because patients with a physical stressor are usually treated for a variety of underlying
diseases (including subarachnoid haemorrhage, surgery, cancer, and sepsis) and are “more ill”.
However, this result needs careful interpretation because almost all in-hospital deaths were
associated with the underlying medical illness and not exclusively with a cardiac cause.
Of note, the absence of a preceding trigger does not exclude TTS, since it has recently
been shown that one-third of patients have no identifiable stressors.31
Summers et al. reported that TTS patients are more likely to have chronic anxiety
from the International Takotsubo Registry revealed that more than half of all TTS patients had
an acute, former, or chronic neurologic disorder, such as seizure, intracranial bleeding and
stroke, or psychiatric disorder, such as affective, anxiety, and adjustment disorder, and the
incidence was significantly higher than that of age- and gender-matched patients with ACS.4
In addition, it has been reported that stress- and depression-related miRNAs were
significantly up-regulated in patients with TTS.13 These results indicate that patients with
neuropsychiatric disorders may be susceptible for the development of TTS. Other important
co-morbidities are pulmonary diseases, malignancies, chronic kidney diseases, and thyroid
Ghadri et al. reported differences in the clinical features between typical and atypical
types of TTS.40 Patients with atypical TTS were younger at the age of onset, had more
frequent ST-segment depression, less pronounced reduction in LVEF, and lower BNP values
on admission and more often neurologic disorders. Furthermore, patients with atypical TTS
were more likely to have compared with those of typical TTS. This finding suggests that
leading to morphologic changes in the heart. Outcomes are comparable between typical and
atypical TTS, suggesting that both variants of the condition require careful follow-up.40
3.2. ECG
Abnormal findings of ECG resembling ACS are present on admission in most TTS patients,
although a minority of TTS patients present with a normal ECG. In the typical time course of
TTS, ST-segment elevation is observed at onset, followed by deep and widespread T-wave
inversion with significant QT prolongation, and an abnormal Q wave may be observed after
24-48 h.41 If presentation is delayed, giant T-wave inversion with QT prolongation without
ST-segment elevation may be observed. Madias et al. reported that 8.6% of TTS patients
ECG findings during the acute phase of the disease may be helpful in distinguishing TTS
from STEMI. Recently, Frangieh et al. defined specific ECG criteria for the differentiation
between TTS and MI. These novel criteria may differentiate between TTS and AMI,
Biomarkers of myocardial injury, such as creatine kinase, creatine kinase-MB, and troponin
are elevated in most TTS patients. However, the extent of these biomarkers are
disproportionately low when compared to the extent of wall motion abnormality. 4 During the
acute phase of TTS, serum cardiac brain natriuretic peptides (BNP or NT-proBNP) are often
notably elevated compared to patients with ACS. 44 Nguyen et al. reported that BNP and
NT-proBNP were substantially elevated during the first 24 h after the onset of TTS. Slow and
incomplete resolution was observed during 3 months and the peak NT-proBNP level
correlated with the severity of wall motion abnormality. 45 Other studies found that elevated
BNP was associated with delayed recovery of wall motion abnormality46 or poor clinical
outcomes47 in TTS patients.
miR-1, and miR-133a) related to the stress response as novel and robust biomarkers for
differentiating between patients with TTS and those with STEMI. These miRNAs may have
angiography to exclude ACS and to confirm the diagnosis of TTS unless there is a
contraindication. In most patients with TTS, epicardial coronary arteries are normal and
unobstructed. However, bystander CAD can be found incidentally, because most TTS patients
are quite old and often have several risk factors for CAD.4 As aforementioned, the revised
Mayo Clinic Diagnostic Criteria do not exclude patients with incidental CAD which does not
cause the wall motion abnormality.2 The prevalence of incidental CAD in TTS patients has
TTS diagnosis, Chou et al. reported that 8% of patients had been overlooked for spontaneous
coronary artery dissection (SCAD) upon careful review of coronary angiography.50 Thus,
coronary angiography should be closely scrutinized for subtle signs of SCAD to avoid
classification of the TTS type. Four different patterns of TTS have previously been reported
(Figure 4). Although apical ballooning is the classic and most common type (80%), variant
forms such as mid-ventricular51 and basal type52 have been demonstrated. The mid-ventricular
type has been shown to be present in approximately 4-40% of TTS patients.47,53-56 The basal
type is rare and only evident in 1-3% of all TTS.47,53.55 Focal types occur in 1.5-7%.4,57
To differentiate between TTS and aborted MI, biplane left ventriculography is more
useful than single plane, if it can be performed. Regional wall motion abnormality extending
beyond a single epicardial coronary artery distribution is one of the most important feature
distinguishing TTS from CAD. However, it may be difficult in some patients especially for
the focal type because the area of wall motion abnormality in this type of TTS is limited and
nearly identical to a single branch distribution. In this regard, biplane left ventriculography
Echocardiography is useful in the diagnosis of TTS in the emergency department and also in
the clinical course of the disease. In typical TTS, circumferential wall motion abnormality can
be detected in the short axis view of the mid LV.58 Echocardiography is also valuable in
detecting potential complications of TTS, such as LVOTO, acute mitral regurgitation, right
CMR can accurately visualize regional wall motion abnormality in both the LV and RV,
which helps to distinguish TTS from other cardiac diseases. CMR may be superior to
with obesity or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, in our experience CMR is
often not well-tolerated by the acute patient.
A CMR study has shown that RV involvement can be present in 34% of TTS patients and
is associated with a longer and more severe clinical course of disease.53 Ahtarovski et al. used
serial CMR to demonstrate that recovery of LV diastolic function was delayed compared with
that of systolic function in TTS patients.59 One of the characteristic CMR findings of TTS is
myocardial oedema, showing high signal intensity in T2-weighted images, which is located in
the area consistent with wall motion abnormality. In TTS, myocardial oedema is usually
frequently located in the middle layer of the ventricular wall or subepicardial region and often
seen in the infero-lateral wall of the LV.61 These differences may permit differentiation of TTS
from acute myocarditis. Classically, the absence of obvious late gadolinium enhancement
amounts of LGE may be present in some TTS patients. In this regard it has been shown that
minute focal or patchy LGE can be detected in approximately 9% of TTS patients when a
threshold of 3 standard deviations (SDs) above the mean signal intensity for normal
have evidence of LGE using a threshold of 5 SDs, which is commonly used for defining LGE
in MI and myocarditis.
Different nuclear imaging techniques have been used to evaluate TTS. Myocardial
perfusion imaging during the acute phase demonstrates normal or mildly reduced uptake in
motion recovery. Ghadri et al. reported that microcirculatory function including hyperemic
myocardial blood flow and coronary flow reserve detected by positron emission tomography
(PET) with N-13-NH3 were globally reduced in the entire LV.64 In contrast, PET with F-18
metabolism in the same area. These metabolic defects often exceed the area of perfusion
There are no randomized clinical trials on the specific treatment of TTS. Table 1 shows a list
during the acute phase are mainly supportive aiming to reduce life-threatening complications.
For a long time it was thought that the prognosis of patients with TTS is favorable. However,
serious cardiac complications during the acute phase occurs in approximately 20% of TTS
patients, which is comparable to ACS.4 Predictors for a poor outcome include physical
triggers, acute neurologic or psychiatric diseases, high troponin levels, and a low ejection
fraction on admission (Figure 5). Recently, Lyon et al. proposed a risk stratification system
for in-hospital complications of TTS.72 All patients with TTS should be ECG monitored for at
haemodynamically significant LVOTO exists. If LVOTO is present, inotropic agents should
associated with basal hypercontractility. In such patients without severe heart failure,
short-acting intravenous β-blockers would be reasonable. On the other hand, in TTS patients
patients with low cardiac output. Regarding novel mechanical support devices, such as a
complicated by cardiogenic shock.74 The advantage of such therapy is that the afterload is not
increased by such therapy. In TTS patients with refractory shock, extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation (ECMO) and temporary LV assist devices (LVAD) should be considered, if there
are no contraindications.
In TTS patients with congestive heart failure, the standard therapies such as diuretics or
inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) may also be an option when
wall motion abnormality and impaired LVEF is present. Isogai et al. unexpectedly found that
β-blocker use during the acute phase of TTS had no beneficial effect on in-hospital mortality
complication of TTS especially in patients with severe apical ballooning and reduced LV
ejection fraction, which occurs in approximately 2-5% of patients.53,75 Some experts have
recommended that prophylactic anticoagulation should be considered to prevent apical
thrombus formations, following embolic events in all TTS patients until LVEF recovery.76,77
and prolongation of the corrected QT interval was significantly associated with the occurrence
prevent its recurrence has been described. Whether an implantable cardioverter defibrillator
arrhythmias during acute phase is not known but the reversible nature of TTS suggests that
systematic ICD implantation may not be needed. LifeVest TM may be an alternative for
Beta-blockers are intuitively the most logical pharmaco-therapy for prevention of TTS
recurrence. This may protect against stressful triggers and subsequent catecholamine surges.
In fact, β-blockers are the most common prescribed medication in patients with TTS upon
discharge. However, recently it has been demonstrated that the use of β-blockers in patients
with TTS after discharge, did not have a beneficial effect on mortality after one year of
preventing recurrence of TTS.70,71 It is possible that β-blockers might be useful for preventing
recurrence of TTS in selected patients especially those with persistent anxiety and elevated
sympathetic tone. On the other hand, the use of ACEI or ARBs during the chronic phase after
the initial event of TTS was associated with reduced recurrence rate of TTS 71 or improved
survival at 1 year follow-up.4 Reduction of sympathetic activity through the renin-angiotensin
mentioned previously, oestrogens may play a role in the pathogenesis of TTS. Thus, oestrogen
trials have been so far performed. At present, this therapy may not be recommended, given the
5. Future directions
TTS has been increasingly recognized among clinicians worldwide, yet the exact
pathophysiological mechanisms are still unknown. The International Takotsubo Registry and
other studies have demonstrated that TTS has a much more diverse clinical presentation than
initially appreciated and the short- and long-term outcome is not benign. Further research is
development of novel therapeutic strategies for those at risk of mortality, acute complications
or chronic cardiac symptoms. Current knowledge may help for precise diagnosis of TTS and
to optimize clinical management during both the acute and chronic phase. However,
large-scale randomized controlled trials are needed to obtain more robust evidence for optimal
treatment of TTS. In parallel with these clinical approaches, it is necessary to clarify the exact
pathophysiology, which can rapidly facilitate systematic management strategies for TTS.
Key Points
The exact aetiology of TTS is still unclear, but catecholamines may play a central role.
A preceding emotional or physical stress is a typical feature of TTS, and positive life
events can provoke TTS. However, obvious triggers cannot be identified in one third of
TTS patients.
The novel criteria using electrocardiography on admission can differentiate between TTS
and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) with high specificity and positive predictive value.
In TTS patients, bystander coronary artery disease can be found incidentally, because
Although apical ballooning is classic and the most common, variant forms such as
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can provide not only functional but also
The International Takotsubo Registry reveals that serious cardiac complications during
Predictors for an in-hospital worse outcome include physical triggers, acute neurologic
or psychiatric diseases, high troponin levels, and a low ejection fraction on admission.
β-blockers may not be beneficial for both acute and chronic treatment of TTS.
In TTS patients complicated by cardiogenic shock, intra-aortic balloon pump is not any
more recommended, but novel mechanical support device, such as microaxial blood
Figure legends
The opposing apical-basal gradients of sympathetic nerve endings and β-adrenergic receptors
may relate to the pathogenesis of TTS. Figure adapted from Lyon AR et al.22 with copyright
Emotional and physical stressors can trigger TTS. Emotional stressors do not only include
negative life events but also very joyous moments, which can trigger TTS. Physical stressors
can be associated with every organ system. Figure adapted from Schlossbauer SA et al.32 with
copyright permission.
Figure 3. Algorithm for the differential diagnosis of takotsubo syndrome (TTS) and
These criteria can clearly differentiate between TTS and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) with
high specificity and positive predictive value. STe, ST-segment elevation; STd, ST-segment
depression; TTS, takotsubo syndrome. *100% specificity and 100% positive predictive value;
† ‡
More than 2 leads out of 3 in II-III-aVF; More than 4 leads out of 6 in
Figure 4. Different takotsubo types
Left ventriculography in the right anterior oblique projection during diastole (upper row) and
systole (middle row) shows the 4 different wall motion patterns of TTS: apical,
midventricular, basal, and focal. The bottom row demonstrates the schema of wall motion
abnormalities. Blue dashed lines indicate affected regions. LVEF, left ventricular ejection
Univariate (A) and Multivariate (B) analysis for in-hospital complications in TTS.
high troponin levels, and a low ejection fraction on admission as being independent predictors
of a poor outcome. Black: statistically significant predictors, grey: not significant. BNP, brain
natriuretic peptide; C.I., confidence interval; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; OR,
odds ratio; ULN, upper limit of the normal range. Figure from Templin C et al.4 with
copyright permission.
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