Corujinhas Mini
Corujinhas Mini
Corujinhas Mini
o f o llow
h e a sy t d life
Wit ctions an s.
instr e Pattern
By Paloma Rocha
Owl garland
Size: 3-4”
Felt can basically be divided into two types: wool felt or washable felt. Wool felt is
recommended for these felties. These quality materials help dolls look their very best.
Remove paper
Paper pattern
Cut out the paper pattern roughly and attach it onto felt. Roughly cut out the felt around
the pattern, which will be easier to maneuver and cut to final shape without removing
Sewing and embroidery
These owls are embroidered and stitched together with embroidery floss.
In case you´re not familiar with one of the stitches, you can practice the stitches a few
times on a felt scraps before working on a ornament. None of the stitches are difficult, but
can take some practice to get perfect. Always keep your stitches and the space between
them the same length. Be consistent with your sewing tension.
Or, if you want to keep embroidery to a minimum, you can sometimes glue on certain
elements, instead of embroidering them.
You can experiment and use your imagination to customize the project.
These illustrations will help you with any unfamiliar stitches:
3 out 2 in
Keep thread Carry needle 1 stitch
at right angle beyond previous stitch
1. Appliqué Stitch: Stitching a felt piece onto a felt surface. Place the appliqué on the background
felt. Make tiny stitches perpendicular to the edge of the appliqué.
2. Overcast Stitch: Simple stitch over the edge of the felt. Also called whip-stitch, is used to attach
two pieces of felt. This isn´t a decorative stitch, so always use floss that matches the color of the felt
and make the stitches small and neat.
3. Straight Stitch: Use a simple straight stitch to create a motif.
4. Back Stitch: This simple stitch creates a solid line so it´s great for outlining shapes or creating text.
A backstitch gets its name because you create it moving the needle a stitch backward before moving it
forward to create the next stitch.
Sew on
If you are using your owl as a brooch, attach the pin to the owl back. Sew a brooch finding
securely to the center of the head back with doubled thread. If you want, you can cover the
base of the pin back with a small felt heart.
Owl 1
. Turquoise felt (4” x 8”) . . Embroidery needle.
. Scraps of white, light blue and orange felt. . Scissors.
. Stuffing. . Chopstick or pointy tool.
. Embroidery floss: . 2 Safety eyes (4 mm)
Black, turquoise, white, light blue and orange. . Pencil or felt marker.
Eyes Appliqué
Owl stitch
1 front Wi
Belly 3
B stitch darts
Eye hole s straig lack
Wing Insert eye ht stitc
(wrong side)
4 6
8 9 10
7 Opening for
stuffing satin stitch
1. Print the pattern pieces on page 11 onto paper and cut out to make templates. Trace
templates onto felt using a felt marker or pencil and cut out on the line. Cut carefully so
edges are vertical, not slanted.
2. Using the picture as a guide, arrange the blue eyes pieces on the front head piece. Tack
the pieces down with a pin or a dot of fabric glue to keep them in place while you sew.
Using two strands of light blue embroidery floss and needle, appliqué stitch around the
edges. Keep the stitches small so you will barely see them when you are finished. Center
the owl beak between the owl eyes, checking against the picture to position it correctly.
Thread an embroidery needle with one strand of orange embroidery floss and sew around
the beak with a small, neat appliqué stitch.
3. Carefully, arrange the white eyes and the belly in place, as pictured, and pin them in
place. Sew all the pieces in position with matching sewing thread, sewing around the
edges of each shape with appliqué stitches.
4. Carefully, make a tiny hole with the tip of a very sharp pair of embroidery scissors.
5. Insert safety eye and connectors at back. Make eyebrows by sewing a tiny straight stitch
for each one.
6. Overcast stitch the darts on front and back head pieces with two strands of turquoise
floss, making sure to sew them up on the wrong side of the felt.
7.Align the two wing pieces (white + turquoise) and sew together with a overcast stitch.
8. Pin or glue the wings in place on the wrong side of the owl back shape. Align the
two owl shapes together and thread an embroidery needle with two strands of turquoise
embroidery floss. Stitch the pieces together around the edges using overcast stitch, sewing
through all four layers of felt in the wings areas, leaving a gap open.
9. Before ending overcast stitches, push in toy stuffing using a stick and stitch it closed.
Knot thread and cut off excess.
10. Embroider the feet using two straight stitches and six strands of orange embroidery
Owl 2
. Dark pink felt (4” x 8”).
. Embroidery needle and scissors.
. Scraps of light pink and orange felt.
. 2 Safety eyes (4 mm)
. Embroidery floss:
. Pencil or felt marker.
Black, light and dark pink and orange.
. Stuffing.
Beak Appliqué
2 stitch 3
Owl Wing
back back
Belly front
1 s
Eye hole Insert eye straight stitch
placement 6
4 5 Overcast
Overcast straight stitch
stitch darts
(wrong side) Overcast
stitch 10
8 9 Opening for
the cheeks
1. Use the templates (see page 11) to cut all the owl pieces.
2 & 3. Arrange the beak and belly shapes in place and appliqué stitch around the edges,
using the matching sewing thread and needle.
4 & 5. Make two tiny holes and insert safety eyes and connectors at back.
6. Thread the needle with two strands of black floss. Make the brows by sewing a tiny
straight stitch and, if you like, add little eyelashes at the outer corner of the eyes. Using
two strands of dark pink embroidery floss, add a few decorative stitches to the belly to
suggest feathers.
7. Align the two wing pieces (dark and light pink) and sew together with a overcast stitch.
8. Overcast stitch the darts.
9 & 10. Fix the wings in position on the wrong side of the second body piece. Align the
two owl pieces and sew together with a overcast stitch. Stop stitching when opening is
small enough for stuffing. Fill it with toy stuffing and stitch it closed. Add a bit of color to
it cheeks using an artist pastel or powder blush.
Owl 3
. Light blue felt (5” x 2”). . Embroidery needle.
.Dark blue felt (5” x 9”). . Scissors.
. Scraps of orange felt. . Chopstick or pointy tool.
. Embroidery floss: . Pencil or felt marker.
Black, dark and light blue and orange. . Stuffing.
2 stitch 3
Owl Face
Owl fronng
front t
Belly 1 B Overcast
straig lack
ht stitc stitch darts
h (wrong side)
4 stitch
Black 5
back Orange
stitch straight
8 9
7 Opening for
stuffing Stuff
1. Use the templates (see page 12) to cut two owl and four wing shapes from the dark blue
felt; one beak shape from the orange felt and one face, one belly and two wing shapes from
the light blue felt.
2. Pin the face and the belly in place on owl front shape. Using the matching sewing
thread, appliqué stitch around the edges.
3. Center the owl beak on the face. Thread an embroidery needle with one strand of
orange embroidery floss and sew around the beak with a small, neat appliqué stitch.
4. Thread an embroidery needle with two strands of black embroidery floss and sew the
eyes and lashes onto the face piece, checking against the picture to get the placement
right. The eyes are made using a few curving backstitches, and the eyelashes with two
small straight stitches for each eye. Embroider the feet using two straight stitches and six
strands of orange embroidery floss. Make the brows by sewing two tiny straight stitches.
5. Overcast stitch the darts on front and back head pieces with two strands of blue floss,
making sure to sew them up on the wrong side of the felt.
6. Align the two wing pieces (dark and light blue) and sew together with a overcast stitch.
7. Pin or glue the wings in place on the wrong side of the back owl shape. Align the
two owl shapes together and thread an embroidery needle with two strands of dark blue
embroidery floss. Stitch the pieces together around the edges using overcast stitch, sewing
through all four layers of felt in the wings areas, leaving a gap open.
8. Before ending overcast stitches, push in toy stuffing using a stick and stitch it closed.
Knot thread and cut off excess. Paint the cheeks using artist pastels. Rub the pastel on a
piece of paper and then apply the resulting powder with a soft brush.
10. Fold the right wing and secure it to the face with a straight stitch.
Owl 4
. Peach felt (4” x 7”).
. Embroidery needle and scissors.
. Scraps of light yellow and orange felt.
. 2 Safety eyes (4 mm)
. Embroidery floss:
. Pencil or felt marker.
Black, light and dark pink and orange.
. Stuffing.
Beak Straight stitch
1 Appliqué 3
Owl stitch
Face 2 back stitch
Overcast Overcast Paint
stitch darts stitch the cheeks
(wrong side)
4 5 6 Stuff 7
Opening for
1. Use the templates (see page 12) to cut two owl shapes from the peach felt, one beak
shape from the orange felt and a face shape from the light yellow felt.
2. Pin the face in place on the head. Using the matching sewing thread, appliqué stitch
around the edges.
3. Thread an embroidery needle with two strands of brown embroidery floss and sew
the eyes and lashes onto the face piece, checking against the picture to get the placement
right. The eyes are made using a few curving backstitches, and the eyelashes with two
small straight stitches for each eye. Embroider the wings with two lines of backstitch
along the sides of the body shape. Center the owl beak between the owl eyes. Thread an
embroidery needle with one strand of orange embroidery floss and sew around the beak
with a small, neat appliqué stitch.
4. Overcast stitch the darts on front and back owl pieces with two strands of peach floss,
making sure to sew them up on the wrong side of the felt.
5 & 6. Align the two owl pieces together, right sides out. Thread an embroidery needle
with two strands of peach embroidery floss and sew the two owl pieces together with a
overcast stitch. Stop stitching when opening is small enough for stuffing. Fill it with toy
stuffing and stitch it closed.
7. Add a bit of color to it cheeks using an artist pastel or powder blush.
Assembling the garland
String together simple felt balls or pompoms and the owls to create this Owl garland.
Owl 1 pattern
(cut 2)
Belly (cut 1)
Wing Light blue
2 turquoise
2 white
Beak (cut 1)
Owl 2 pattern
2 Dark pink
2 Light pink
Beak (cut 1)
Owl (cut 2)
Dark pink
Belly (cut 1)
Light pink
Owl 3 pattern
Beak (cut 1)
Owl (cut 2) 2 Light blue
Dark blue 2 Dark blue
Belly (cut 1)
Light blue
Face (cut 1)
Light blue
Owl 4 pattern
Beak (cut 1)
Owl (cut 2)
Face (cut 1) Peach
Light yellow
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