بوكليت 2 ث ازهر.pdf (darsenglizy.com موقع درس انجليزي)
بوكليت 2 ث ازهر.pdf (darsenglizy.com موقع درس انجليزي)
بوكليت 2 ث ازهر.pdf (darsenglizy.com موقع درس انجليزي)
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Model Marks
A- Language Functions
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
Plant medicines were used for treating illness very long ago, and they are still common in many
parts of the world. These plant medicines are safer and cheaper than scientific medicines, and
they work just as well for many diseases. However, many people still use scientific medicines. Dr.
Christina says that we are too dependent on scientific medicines, which can be dangerous and
make people ill. Some diseases have become resistant to them. If the medicines stop killing
bacteria and viruses, then they are more dangerous than useful. Many doctors do not
recommend plant medicines but this is because they do not understand them. Dr. Christina says,
“We are learning about forest plants so that we can teach city people to use them.” She thinks
we should use plant medicines for most of our illnesses, and keep scientific medicines for
treating dangerous diseases.
7 Translation
A. Translate into Arabic: (One mark)
The mobile phone is one of the most fabulous inventions of the present time. It is of
great importance for many people like doctors, businessmen and others
B. Translate into English: (One mark)
حيتاج الناس هذه األيام اىل ادراك أن التعليم حيب أن يكون مدى احلياة وهذا ضروريا ألن عامل العمل يتغري بسرعة كبرية ولكى
تظل موظفا جيب أن يبحث العاملون ويتعلموا معرفة ومهارات جديدة
A- Language Functions
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
Passenger planes fly nonstop to different parts of the world and their pilots can find time to relax
as the computers do most of the hard work for them. This all leaves people more time to enjoy
themselves and it also explains the remarkable current progress in the leisure industry.
Leisure today is a big business. Just read the advertisement in your newspaper. You just won’t
believe the variety; you will find something to fit all incomes and tastes. As robots take over the
work of people in industry, as communications across the world became faster., and while
technology continues to create ways of persuading us to work less and enjoy ourselves more, so
the leisure industry will play a far more important role in the lives of us all.
7 Translation
A. Translate into Arabic: (One mark)
Press has a great role in developing the public awareness concerning economic and social issues.
A- Language Functions
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
noticed an odd smell. It wasn’t until I’d made absolutely sure there was a fire and I couldn’t do
anything about it myself that I rang the fire brigade.” The store manager reported, “We have had
a number of threats lately. There was a minor fire in the store the same time last year and we had
received a number of warnings before that one, too.” He went on, “Fire prevention people
suggested some more fire precautions. Accordingly, we have installed a complete new fire
prevention system” “But for Hassan,” he added, “it could have been much worse. We shall be
showing our appreciation to him with a gift.”
The Reader: King Lear
Choose the correct answer 2 marks
1. To ........... is to change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you.
a behave b attack c wise d disguise
2. The man felt ............. about the sum of money he stole from the old lady.
a surprised b guilty c crazy d happily
7 Translation
A. Translate into Arabic: (One mark)
The government and the individuals should work together to offer more support and help the
handicapped and the children with special needs.
B. Translate into English: (One mark)
فالعمل اجلماعي هو شئ ال ميكن االستغناء عنه وهو ضرورى لنجاح أى مشروع.حتتاج كل الكائنات احلية ان تتعاون لتحقق أهدافها
A- Language Functions
1 Listen carefully and choose the correct answer: (2 marks)
1- John speaks ..................... language(s) very well.
Ⓐ one Ⓑ two Ⓒ three Ⓓ many
2- Mark is ......................
Ⓐ Egyptian Ⓑ French Ⓒ Canadian Ⓓ German
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
push the other out of the way to secure the chance for him.
Worse still a clever person might twist it wrong to make it look right. A clever lawyer in the
sense of the word is he who manages to prove the innocence of a wrong doer. A doctor who
entices more patients to go to him and consequently makes more money out of them would be
a clever doctor. A company whose products are not much in demand, employs a clever
propagandist to increase its sales. There are clever men both in commerce and in politics. Even in
government offices there are clever social climbers that get all gains with the least efforts.
Yet, there are still honest people in society who have a reputation for doing what they are
convinced is right.
a) Answer the following questions:
1- Why would a modern man resent being described as clever?
2- How would a clever man in simple societies win a competition?
3- What happens when chances are limited in a society?
b ) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- An honest doctor .............................
a) makes as much money as he can from his patients. b) gives the right diagnosis.
c) entices more patients to go to him. d) prescribes the wrong medicine .
5- A suitable title for the passage is..........................
a) a simple society b) honest and dishonest people
c) a chance for oneself d) life conditions
7 Translation
A. Translate into Arabic: (One mark)
Reading helps to upgrade the child and develop his talents so that he may have the ability of
B. Translate into English: (One mark)
النجاح الشخصى ليس وليد الصدفة فمعظم األشخاص الناجحني قد عانوا الكثري حتى يصلوا ألهدافهم فالتخطيط والعمل اجلاد هو أعظم
.مفاتيح النجاح
A- Language Functions
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
of his pockets and got on a bus. He met an old friend on the bus and had a conversation with
him. Unconsciously, every now and then he put his hand on his pocket to make sure that the
envelope was still there. But suddenly he felt it had gone.
He looked at the faces of the people around him but could not know which one was the thief. He
did not lose his nerve and with a smile he said to his friend. “A foolish thief has taken from my
pocket the envelope which is full of newspaper cuttings about a subject I am going to write an
article about for my paper. I think the fool thought it was full of money.” Every body heard what
he said. My friend looked down and saw his envelope under the feet of the passengers. He
picked it up. As he was anxious to count the money in it, he left the bus at the next stop. He was
happy to find the two thousand pounds still in the envelope.
7 Translation
A. Translate into Arabic: (One mark)
The state pays great attention to producing the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
B. Translate into English: (One mark)
إن السفر جتربة رائعة والتى يتطلع حنوها الكثري من الناس فالعديد من الناس يعترب السفر هروبا من ضغوط احلياة اليومية ولكن
. هناك آخرين يعتربون أن السفر وسيلة لتوسيع االفاق
A- Language Functions
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
also destroy many that are not. An increase in population has meant more buildings, more
vehicles, more pollution... and with it the destruction of much of the countryside that provide
shelters for wild animals. To satisfy man’s selfish desires the polar bear in North America is under
threat hunted by sportsmen; whales are killed worldwide for the oil and food they yield. These
are only a few of the species under threat. But the problem is receiving worldwide recognition,
and some action is being taken. For example pollution in the River Thames has been greatly
reduced; trading in some furs has been forbidden; and organizations like “friends of the Earth” do
valuable work in this deserving cause.
7 Translation
A. Translate into Arabic: (One mark)
Learning foreign languages and the internet is indispensable for every educated person at the
present time.
B. Translate into English: (One mark)
.جيب على احلكومة االستثمار يف البنية التحتية وتشجيع االستثمارات الداخلية و اخلارجية
Model -1-
rap h
r ag
slat ion
Tr a n
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
Model -2-
a r agrap
s lat ion
Tr a n
Model -3-
rap h
r ag
slat ion
Tr a n
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
Model -4-
a r agrap
a n s latio
Model -5-
a r agrap
slat ion
Tr a n
بوكليت امتحانات األزهر
Model -6-
rap h
r ag
slat ion
Tr a n