Unit Grammar Vocabulary Real life (functions) Pronunciation
be (am/is/are) personal information meeting people for the contracted forms
possessive ’s and family first time the same or
possessive adjectives wordbuilding: word roots different sounds
everyday verbs saying numbers
People word focus: in and percentages
pages 9–20
there is/are colours shopping /ɪ/ or /i:/
prepositions of place furniture word stress
plural nouns useful objects contrastive
this, that, these, those countries and nationalities stress (1)
Possessions wordbuilding: suffixes
prices and currencies
pages 21–32 word focus: one/ones
present simple (I/you/ telling the time giving directions -s endings
we/they) describing cities ordinal numbers
present simple (he/she/ places of work
it) ordinal and cardinal
Places numbers
wordbuilding: adjective +
pages 33–44 noun collocations
places in a city
like/love + -ing form wordbuilding: verb + talking about abilities /ŋ/
adverbs of frequency noun collocations and interests can
expressions of everyday activities sentence stress
frequency sports
Free time can/can’t
pages 45–56
countable and food verbs ordering a meal /tʃ/ or /dʒ/
uncountable nouns food contracted forms
(a/an, some and any) quantities and containers
a lot of and much/many word focus: mean
Food how many / how much menus
pages 57–68
was/were periods of time asking what people did -ed endings
past simple regular time expressions intonation
and irregular verbs, word focus: write
negatives and opinion adjectives
Past lives question forms
pages 69–80
Descargado por Lehjef Mohamed (mohamedlehjef@gmail.com)
someone talking about a an article about four close reading a room in your home a description of
family’s plastic possessions apartments in Seoul your possessions a room in your
an interview with Andy an article about a where things are home
Torbet global product from text type: adverts
writing skill:
describing objects
with adjectives
someone talking about a an article about no-car main ideas and your life text type: a
famous meeting place in zones supporting exchanging description of
Melbourne an article about information information about a place
an interview with a student languages spoken a photographer writing skill: capital
living in London around the world your languages letters
three people talking about
their jobs
three people talking about an article about fact or opinion likes and dislikes text type: short
their free-time activities identical twins saying how often emails
an interview with Norbert an article about you do things writing skill:
Rosing extreme sports your abilities reference words
gap year volunteer
someone talking about an article about food ways of giving advice famous dishes from advice for a healthy
street food in Oaxaca markets around the different countries eating blog
people describing famous world planning a special text type:
dishes from their countries an article about labels meal instructions
a conversation at a market on food buying food at a writing skill:
market punctuation
advice about healthy
someone talking about an article about for or against past lives text type: thank
photographs showing how famous people from talking about what you messages
lives have changed the past you did yesterday writing skill: formal
a documentary about a an article about a survey about and informal
woman who lived in a cave lifelogging lifelogging expressions
three people describing their
Descargado por Lehjef Mohamed (mohamedlehjef@gmail.com)
comparative adjectives journey adjectives requesting stressed and weak
superlative adjectives wordbuilding: collocations syllables /ə/
ways of travelling
word focus: time
Journeys money
pages 81–92
present continuous adjectives about festivals talking about pictures /s/ and /ʃ/
present simple and clothes and photos sound and spelling
present continuous face and body silent letters
have got word focus: like
pages 93–104
VIDEO: Festivals and special events page 102 REVIEW page 104
be going to (for plans) places for entertainment inviting and making /tə/
infinitive of purpose films arrangements showing
see or watch? enthusiasm
talking about TV
Entertainment nature
pages 105–116
present perfect school subjects checking and clarifying contrastive
present perfect and past learning stress (2)
simple wordbuilding: synonyms
and antonyms
Learning daily habits
word focus: up
117–128 email addresses and
VIDEO: Memory and language learning page 126 REVIEW page 128
have to / don’t have to, types of holiday making suggestions /ˈhæftə/
can / can’t in another country /ʌ/, /ʊ/ or /uː/
should/shouldn’t tourism
something, nobody, wordbuilding: word
Tourism anywhere families
word focus: take
pages 129–140
will/won’t parts of the Earth giving a presentation ’ll
articles with the names measurements pausing on
of places wordbuilding: word commas
The Earth land and water
word focus: how
pages 141–152
Descargado por Lehjef Mohamed (mohamedlehjef@gmail.com)
someone describing the an article about a is it in the text? what people are text type: short
Dinagyang festival fashion business wearing messages
a description of two photos an article about boys’ your life at the writing skill: the
of a festival and girls’ colour moment KISS rule
choices people’s appearance
opinion of an article
someone talking about an an article about the the writer’s deciding which films text type: reviews
unusual video Tallgrass Film Festival preferences to see writing skill: giving
two people at a film festival an article about nature your future plans your opinion with
changing TV habits in art explaining sense verbs
two people discussing a preferences
Broadway show
someone talking about a an article about what supporting the main experiences with advice about good
place for learning scientists have idea learning habits
a news report about a learned explaining memory text type: a
memory champion tips about memory techniques telephone
someone phoning his office techniques talking about message
an article about good learning writing skill:
habits giving advice about imperatives
good habits
someone talking about their a tourist information reasons for and rules a description of a
holiday leaflet against advice for a tourist tourist destination
a podcast from a travel a questionnaire from a a tourist destination text type: a
programme travel magazine what’s important in questionnaire
two friends discussing a trip a travel article a hotel writing skill:
to South America closed and open
a documentary about a maps showing climate the writer’s opinion your future text type: an
photographer change places on Earth announcement
a programme about an article about a new life on another writing skill:
unexplored places on Earth planet planet important words
an article about Earth places you’d like to and information
Day visit
Descargado por Lehjef Mohamed (mohamedlehjef@gmail.com)