Mothbean (Vigna acontifolia) is a native crop of hot and dry
habitats of northern and western parts of India. These very
adjusting abilities have rendered this crop as an indispensable
component of cropping system prevailing in arid regions. This crop is used as a source of
food, feed, fodder, green manuring and green pasture. Green pods are delicious source of
vegetables. Being a pulse, it is a cheap source of vegetable protein for balancing
nutritional deficiency.
Crop Status
A total of 9.26 lakh hectares and 2.77 lakh tonnes of Moth production was recorded in the
country during the twelfth plan (2012-15) period. Area and production of moth bean has
been highest in Rajasthan (96.75% and 94.49%) followed by Gujarat (2.38% and 3.6%).
However, yield of Rajasthan (292 kg/ha) was below the National average yield of (299
It can tolerate high temperature without any adverse effect on flowering and fruit
development. Optimum temperature requirement for growth and development is 25-37ºc.
Bulk of the cultivation is, confined to dry-lands of arid zone with 250-500 mm rainfall
requirement with arrangement of proper drainage.
Other than the following specific varieties may be selected from table given below
a) Normal maturity group (> 90 days) Moth Guj. 1 (MG-1), Jadra (IPCMO 943), Jwala
(IPCMO-926) , IPCMO 880 (26% Protein)
b) Medium maturity group (70-90 days) with uniform rainfall throughout season (i)
IPCMO 912 (ii) CZM 1 (both 75-80 days duration) c) Early maturity group 60-65
days, higher yield, escape terminal drought especially suitable for late season, drought
areas, resistant to YMV.
Field Preparation
In a good rainfall year, one ploughing with mouldboard plough and a cross harrowing
serve the purpose in arid conditions of western Rajasthan. Other alternative is Sweep
Cultivation with a ferti seed drill (developed at CAZRI) that can also be used for inter
cultivation in wide spaced crop.
Sowing Time
With the onset of monsoon. Generally start with first soaking rain to second rain after
onset of monsoon. Optimum sowing time 2nd to 3rd week of July. Delay in sowing may
result in poor growth, poor germination, increased seedling mortality and incidence of pest
and diseases and more conspicuously moisture stress at the flowering, the most critical
Seed Treatment
Seed treatment with 2 g thiram + 1 g Carbendazim / kg of seed. After fungicide treatment
seed inocultion with Rhizobium and PSB culture @ 5-7 g /kg of seed.
It is cultivated in dry land and rainfed condition but in long dry spell one irrigation should
be given at pod formation stage.
Cropping system
Generally grown as single (mono) crop in a year mixed or as a sole crop. However, in
a year of good rainfall, it can be rotated with mustard.
Mixed cropping with pearl millet, cluster bean, cowpea, mung & sesame in risk prone
areas during monsoon. Varieties recommended are RMO 40 & FMM 96 of mothbean
and HHB 67 of Bajra.
Inter cropping (2:1) - 2/3 rows of mothbean in between two rows of pearl millet.
Anthracnose Circular, black sunken spots with i. Seed treatment with Thiram 3
(Collectotrichum dark centres and bright red or orange m/kg of seed.
spp.) margins on leaves and pods. In ii. Spraying the crop with
severe infection affected parts wither Mancozeb 75 WP @ 2.5 g/litre
off. of water.
Harvesting , threshing & Storage
Crop is ready to harvest when pods get mature and turn brown. Plant show drying
symptom or yellowing of leaves. Estimated Post harvest losses are 9-10% during threshing
transportation, processing and storage. Sun drying, heat treatment, and storage at low
temperature with low moisture percentage in seeds (8-9%), is recommended.
With adoption of improved technology 6-8 quintal grain yield and if it is cultivated for
fodder 12- 25 q/ha green fodder yield (depend on variety) can be achieved.
For technical information of crop production please contact to district KVK/ nearest KVK.
To avail benefit from Centrally and State Government running schemes for crop production
(ploughing, fertilizers, micronutrient, pesticide, irrigation equipment), agricultural implements,
storage infrastructure etc., please contact to your DDA/SADO office.