4e Collected Errata
4e Collected Errata
4e Collected Errata
Mounts Table
Page 11: In the “Horse, Riding” entry, replace “8” with “10” and in the “Horse, Warhorse” entry, replace “200”
with “680.”
Mount Price (gp) Speed1 Per Hour1 Per Day1 Normal (lb.) Heavy (lb.) Push/Drag (lb.)
Blade spiderMM 13,000 6 3 miles 30 miles 250 500 1,250
Camel 75 9 4-1/2 miles 45 miles 237 475 1,187
Dire boarMM 1,800 8 4 miles 40 miles 237 475 1,187
Elephant 3,400 8 4 miles 40 miles 312 625 1,562
Giant ant 1,800 9 4-1/2 miles 45 miles 237 475 1,187
Giant lizard, draft 200 7 3-1/2 miles 35 miles 237 475 1,187
Giant lizard, riding 1,800 9 4-1/2 miles 45 miles 250 500 1,250
GriffonMM 9,000 fly 10 5 miles 50 miles 250 500 1,250
Griffon, rimefireMM 525,000 fly 10 5 miles 50 miles 300 600 1,500
Hippogriff MM 4,200 fly 10 5 miles 50 miles 237 475 1,187
Hippogriff dreadmountMM 4,200 fly 10 5 miles 50 miles 262 525 1,312
Horse, celestial chargerMM 13,000 8 4 miles 40 miles 287 575 1,437
Horse, ridingMM 75 10 4 miles 40 miles 237 475 1,187
Horse, sea 1,800 swim 10 5 miles 50 miles 225 450 1,125
Horse, skeletal 17,000 10 5 miles 50 miles 250 500 1,250
Horse, warhorseMM 680 8 4 miles 40 miles 262 525 1,312
ManticoreMM 45,000 fly 8 4 miles 40 miles 262 525 1,312
NightmareMM 25,000 fly 10 5 miles 50 miles 287 575 1,437
Rage drakeMM 2,600 8 4 miles 40 miles 237 475 1,187
Rhinoceros 2,600 6 3 miles 30 miles 262 525 1,312
Shark, dire 21,000 swim 11 5-1/2 miles 55 miles 210 420 1,050
Shark, riding 3,400 swim 11 5-1/2 miles 55 miles 190 380 950
Trihorn behemoth 21,000 6 3 miles 30 miles 325 650 1,625
Wolf, direMM 1,000 8 4 miles 40 miles 237 475 1,187
WyvernMM 21,000 fly 8 4 miles 40 miles 300 600 1,500
This monster’s statistics can be found in the Monster Manual.
A flying mount ignores distance multipliers for difficult terrain. Distances for an aquatic mount assume it is traveling in
Double Weapons
Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Double axe +2 1d10 — 40 gp 15 lb. Axe Stout
—Secondary end +2 1d10 Axe Off-hand
Double flail +2 1d8 — 30 gp 11 lb. Flail Defensive, stout
—Secondary end +2 1d8 Flail Off-hand
Double sword +3 1d6 — 40 gp 9 lb. Light blade Defensive, off-hand
—Secondary end +3 1d6 Light blade Off-hand
Urgrosh +2 1d12 — 10 gp 8 lb. Axe Defensive, stout
—Secondary end +2 1d6 Spear Off-hand
Rare Items
Boots of Teleportation
Headband of Intellect
Opal Ring of Remembrance
Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor
Hit: The target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Illusory Wall While the target is stunned by this power, you gain a +4
Page 107: Add the “Implement” keyword to the power bonus to damage rolls against it.
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
power, and replace the “encounter” usage with
“daily.” At the end of the second sentence on the
Effect line, add “, and it lasts until the end of your Deceptive Shadows
next turn.” The wall originally lacked a duration. Page 112: The damage type was changed to psychic
and the psychic keyword was added. The damage
Mass Resistance dice were changed to d8s. An Effect entry was added.
Page 107: The amount of resistance is longer based The entry includes the effect formerly in Hit entry.
on half level.
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, each target cannot
see any creatures that are not adjacent to it.
Bubbling Acid
Page 113: Insert the following sentence after the
second sentence of the Effect entry. “A creature can
take this damage only once per turn.”
Page 147: Replace the feature’s text with the following
text. The feature was revised for balance.
Demonic Hordes
Page 25: Replace each instance of “Intelligence” in
the power with “Intelligence or Charisma.”
Betrayal of Body
Page 30: Append the following sentence to the feat:
“You can use this benefit only once per round.”
Page 111: This creature should have low-light vision.
High Consort
Page 117: Change the reference to “courtesan” in
arcane defiling to “consort”.
Silt Shark
Page 125: Change this creature’s bloodied value to
Shake it Off
Page 127: Remove “that a save can end” from the
Trigger entry.
Ravaging Fury
Page 132: Delete “free action”.
Wasting Plague
Page 135: In the Endurance entry, replace “DC 10”
with “DC 41.”
Page 141: In the rutterkin’s bone barbs power, add
“(one creature)” between “Ranged 5” and “; +11 vs.
Page 145: In the shaadee’s withering burst power,
replace the area burst icon with the close burst icon.
Page 232: On the HP line, replace “1,660” with
“1,200” and “830” with “600.” Hit points are incor-
rect. The hit points were too high for even Monster
Manual guidelines. This change adjusts the monster
hit points based on Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 and
Monster Manual 2 standard.
Page 242: On the HP line, replace “1,500” with
“1,230” and “750” with “615.” Hit points are incor-
rect. The hit points were too high for even Monster
Manual guidelines. This change adjusts the monster
hit points based on Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 and
Monster Manual 2 standard.
Aspect of Tiamat
Page 246: In the aspect of Tiamat’s chromatic breath
power, replace “4d20 + 12” with “4d10 + 12.”
Rimewrought Armor
Page 55: Change its rarity to common.
Rules Update 08/2012 Page 29 of 140
Dragon 366 Caiphon’s Guidance
Page 24: Replace the feature’s text with the follow-
ing text: “Your fear or radiant warlock powers and
Shadowslayer (Watcher of the Night
student of Caiphon powers score critical hits on rolls
of 18–20.” The expanded critical range should apply
Page 16: This class feature now reads, “While you
to radiant or fear powers (as opposed to powers that
have any concealment, you can deal your Sneak
have both keywords), but it should not apply to other
Attack damage when you make an opportunity attack
class’ powers.
against a target granting combat advantage, even if
you miss.
Page 25: In the first sentence of the destiny feature,
Arcane Blade
replace “radiant fire damage” with “radiant damage
Page 16: The elemental keywords have been
and fire damage”.
replaced with “Varies”, and the power now allows
you to choose the damage type for the attack instead
of modifying later attacks. The power is reproduced
Page 25: Replace “radiant fire damage” with “radiant
below for clarity.
and fire damage”.
Arcane Blade Watcher of the Night Attack 11
You snatch arcane power from the Feywild, wreathing your dagger in Dragon 367
Encounter F Arcane, Martial, Weapon ; Varies Alluring Lights
Standard Action Melee weapon Page 41: In the Hit line, replace “dazed” with
Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade. “immobilized”.
Target: One creature
Special: Choose cold, fire, lightning, or thunder whenever
you use this power. Your choice determines the power’s
Claw Fighter
damage type. Page 54: Replace the last sentence in the feat’s
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Benefit section with the following: “You can enchant
Hit: 3[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. and disenchant your claws. When you disenchant
your claws, they do not turn to dust.”
Sacrifice to Caiphon
Page 20: In the first sentence of the Benefit line, add Icy Sweep
“warlock” before “encounter power”. Page 57: On the Hit line, the slide should read “and
you slide the target 3 squares to a square adjacent to
Student of the Athanaeum you.” This change prevents a player from using the
Page 20: In the Benefit line, add “warlock” before power to slide an enemy throughout the battlefield.
“daily power”.
Dragon 379 Hit: You slide the target up to 3 squares. The target is then
dazed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: The target makes a basic attack against a creature of
Wall of Shadows your choice as a free action. The basic attack gains a +2
Page 24: Add “(a creature can take this damage only power bonus to the damage roll.
once per turn)” to the end of the third sentence in the
Effect entry. Spectral Image
Page 66: Perception was removed as a way to see
Dragon 380 through the illusion.
Command Undead Feat Attack Seer: The level 5 feature grants a power bonus. When
You compel an undead creature to become your slave for a time. sustaining clairvoyance, the user retains darkvision.
Encounter F Channel Divinity, Divine, Implement, Shadow
Targets of cast fortune can have the power used on
Standard Action Close burst 5 (10 at 21st level) them only once before taking an extended rest.
Target: One undead creature in the burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Heroes of Nature and Lore
Hit: You slide the target up to a number of squares equal to
3 + your Wisdom modifier. The target then makes a basic
Optional Powers: Append the following paragraph
attack as a free action against a creature of your choice. to this subsection: “You can use retraining to replace
The target then becomes immobilized until the end of a class power with an optional theme power or vice
your next turn. versa, exchanging one power for another power of
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. the same type (at-will attack, encounter attack, daily
Special: You can use only one channel divinity power per attack, or utility). The new power must be of the same
level as the old power or lower. You can also replace an
optional theme power with a different optional power
Vecna’s Final Command: This is an attack power, of the same theme, as long as the new power is the
not a utility power, and it should have the Special same type and is of the same level or lower.”
entry common to channel divinity powers (“You can
use only one channel divinity power per encounter.”) Changing Themes: Change the final two sentences
of this section to read, “f you have any optional powers
Primal Spirits of Athas from your current theme or any feats that require it,
Curse of the Oba: This boon’s rarity is now you must first retrain those feats or powers to choices
uncommon. that don’t have the theme as a prerequisite. When
you do lose a theme, you lose all the features that it
Earth Grasp Rage: Change the damage to 1[W] + granted to you, including any items provided by those
Strength modifier. Change “against prone targets” in features.”
the Effect entry to “against immobilized, restrained, or
prone targets.” Animal Master: Animal minions grant no XP.
Their defenses scale with their master’s level. Each
Verdant Presence: The attack granted by this bless- animal minion’s base AC is 14, and their base non-AC
ing’s power should be a minor action once per round, defenses are reduced by 1. The dog’s Reflex is reduced
and the attack should be the blessing’s level +5 vs. by 3. You can replace your animal minion after one
Reflex. week, instead of one month.
Dungeon 199
Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant
Axe of the Glacial Rift, page 12: Delete the Trigger
entry from the daily utility power.
Dungeon 200
Blood Money
Page 23: In the human noble stat block, cut low-light
Dungeon 201
Ecology of the Vegepygmy
Shrieker, page 6: Change this creature’s initiative
modifier to +3.
Actions the Rules Don’t Cover ✦ Space: The rider and mount both occupy the mount’s
Page 42: Replace the “Other Checks” paragraph space. However, the origin squares of the rider’s
with the following text. powers and other effects do not change to the
mount’s size. Whenever the rider uses an effect that
Other Checks: If the action is related to a skill has an origin square (such as a melee, a ranged, an
(Acrobatics and Athletics cover a lot of the stunts area, or a close power), the rider first picks where
characters try in combat), use that check. If it is not that square is located in the mount’s space, and
an obvious skill or attack roll, use an ability check. the effect uses that origin square. For example, if a
Consult the Difficulty Class and Damage by Level Medium rider uses a close burst attack power, the
table below, and set the DC according to whether you rider chooses a single square within the mount’s
think the task should easy, hard, or somewhere in space, and the burst emanates from that square. This
between. A quick rule of thumb is to start with a DC rule means that if the burst targets each creature
of 5 (easy), 10 (moderate), or 15 (hard) and add one- within it, rather than each enemy, it can hit the
half the character’s level. mount.
✦ Mount Benefits: Many mounts offer special attacks ✦ Actions (Adventurers Only): An adventurer and his
or benefits they can use or grant to their riders. or her mount have one combined set of actions: a
These abilities range from flat bonuses, such as an standard action, a move action, and a minor action.
AC bonus to the rider, to special attacks that the The player chooses how the two creatures use the
mount can use. The Monster Manual details the ben- actions on the adventurer’s turn. Most commonly,
efits that many creatures grant if the rider meets a the mount takes a move action to walk or fly, and
minimum level and has the Mounted Combat feat. If the adventurer takes a standard action to attack.
the rider doesn’t meet a mount’s prerequisites, he or The adventurer and the mount also share a single
she can ride it but doesn’t gain the mount’s special immediate action each round and a single opportu-
benefits. nity action each turn. If the adventurer dismounts,
the two still share one set of actions on that turn, but
✦ Provoking Opportunity Attacks: If the mount’s
have separate sets of actions thereafter.
movement provokes an opportunity attack, the
attacker chooses to target either the mount or the ✦ Mount Attacks: The mount takes a –2 penalty to
rider, since the two of them move together. However, attack rolls unless the rider has the Mounted Combat
if the mount or the rider provokes an opportunity feat. While not being ridden, a typical mount (such
attack by using a ranged or an area power, the as a riding horse) rarely attacks on its own, unless
attacker must target whichever one of them pro- it has been trained for battle, is defending itself, or
voked the opportunity attack. feels unusually protective of its rider. Left to its own
devices, a typical mount avoids combat.
✦ Forced Movement: If the mount is pulled, pushed,
or slid, the rider moves with it. If the rider is pulled, ✦ Charging: When the rider charges, the rider and
pushed, or slid and the mount isn’t, the rider can mount move up to the mount’s speed and then the
have the two of them move together. Otherwise, the rider makes the charge attack. When the mount
rider is dismounted and falls prone in the destination charges, it follows the normal rules for a charge.
space of the forced movement.
✦ Squeezing: When the mount squeezes, the rider is
✦ Teleportation: If either the mount or the rider is also considered to be squeezing.
teleported, the other does not teleport with it. If the
✦ Falling Prone: If the mount falls prone, the rider is
mount is teleported without the rider, the rider is
dismounted and falls prone in an unoccupied space
dismounted and falls prone.
of the rider’s choice adjacent to the now-prone
mount. However, if the mount is flying when it falls
Mounts in Combat prone, it instead falls and the rider isn’t dismounted
Page 46: Replace the shaded text with the following unless the mount lands and falls prone itself.
text. A rider who is knocked prone can immediately
make a saving throw. On a roll lower than 10, the
rider is dismounted and falls prone in an unoccupied
Mounts in Combat
space of the rider’s choice adjacent to the mount. On
A mount and rider follow these rules while the rider is a roll of 10 or higher, the rider is neither dismounted
mounted. nor knocked prone.
✦ Mount (Move Action): The rider mounts a creature A rider who voluntarily drops prone falls prone in
adjacent to it and enters its space. an unoccupied space of the rider’s choice adjacent to
the mount.
✦ Dismount (Move Action): The rider dismounts,
moving from the mount’s space to a square adjacent
to it. The Fly Action
Page 47: The following text replaces “The Fly Action”
section. These rules clarify how flight works and
remove “fly” as an action. The revisions also expunge
“crash” in favor of “fall.” See “Falling,” page 284 of
the Player’s Handbook.
Urban Chase
Page 78: On the Complexity line, replace “before 6
Flame Jet
failures” with “before 3 failures.” Page 90: In the second bullet of the Countermea-
sures section, replace “2 failures” with “3 failures.”
Complexity: 5 (requires 12 successes before 3 This change syncs up this trap with previous updates
failures). to skill challenges.
Damage By Level
Conditions table
Add the following text to the prone condition: “You
can’t move from your space, although you can
teleport, crawl, or be forced to move by a pull, a push,
or a slide”
Conditions table
Delete “other than free actions” from the surprised
Goblin Totem
Page 56: In the item’s property, replace “an addi-
tional” with “an item.” This change limits the damage
yield on the totem by ensuring it doesn’t stack with
item bonuses from other sources.
Page 266: On the sharn’s Alignment line, replace
“Chaotic evil” with “Unaligned.”
Merciless Killer
Page 138: In the Benefit line, add “against that
enemy” to the end of the sentence.
Blade Initiate
Page 139: In the Benefit section, add “as a minor
action” to the end of the second sentence.
At the end of the Benefit section, add “In addition, you
can use swordmage implements.”
Cunning Escape
Page 181: Change the action type from an immedi-
ate reaction to an immediate interrupt.
Mage’s Spellbook
Page 200: Replace the first three sentences of the
second paragraph with the following.
Fountain of Flame
Page 207: Append the following sentence to the
Effect entry. “An enemy can take this damage only
once per turn.”
Shield of Deflection
Page 349: Add “Prerequisite: Any” above the “Item
Slot: Arms” line.
Total Concealment
Page 363: Change the second instance of “attacker”
to “target.”
Power Strike
Page 182: Change the action type to No Action,
change the range to Special, delete the Target line,
and replace “target” with “enemy” in the Effect entry.
The power has been reproduced below for clarity.
Resolute Scout
Page 196: Delete this entry from the Scout Epic Tier
table. Its inclusion was an error.
Total Concealment
Page 363: Change the second instance of “attacker”
to “target.”
Flesh Rend
Page 93: Add the implement keyword.
Spirit Flay
Page 93: Add the implement keyword.
Cordon of Bones
Page 101: Append the following sentence to the
Effect entry. “A creature can take this damage only
once per turn.”
Shadow Beast
Page 102: Add the following to the creature’s stat
block above its standard action.
The beast takes half damage from any damage source, except
those that deal radiant damage.
Blackening Pyre
Page 104: Append the following sentence to the
Effect entry. “A creature can take this damage only
once per turn.”
Line-Breaker Assault Dreadnought Attack 20 If the target hits you with a melee attack, it can slide
you 1 square to a square adjacent to its space unless you
Your hammering strike knocks your foe where you want it and leaves
succeed on a saving throw.
it staggering.
Daily ✦ Martial, Reliable, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Wanderer’s Action
Target: One creature Page 64: Replace the path feature’s text with the fol-
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude lowing: “When you spend an action point to take an
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the
extra action, you can also take a move action before
target 3 squares to an adjacent space. The target is dazed
(save ends).
or after that action.” This path feature combined with
Effect: You gain resist 5 to all damage until the start of your the Warmaster epic destiny allows a character to
next turn. take an infinite number of move actions. This change
closes this loophole.
Spitting-Cobra Stance
Wanderer’s Action (11th Level): When you spend
Page 47: In the Effect line, replace “opportunity
an action point to take an extra action, you can also
action” with “immediate reaction.” As previously
take a move action before or after that action.
written, a party that keeps withdrawing from
enemies and toward the ranger each turn allows
the ranger to continuously attack every enemy. This Bleed Away
change helps balance the damage output of this Page 66: In the Effect line, add “(save ends)” after
power. “ongoing 10 damage.”
Deadly Returns
Page 107: Next to the Action line, add “Melee
weapon” range.
Beast Protector Benefit: When you use the infernal wrath racial
Page 132: In the first sentence of this feat, change “if power against an enemy marked by you, you gain a
an enemy” to “if an adjacent enemy.” +1 bonus to attack rolls against that enemy until it is
no longer marked by you.
Cunning Ambusher
Page 133: Replace the Benefit entry with the fol-
Rattling Wrath
lowing text: “If you use infernal wrath when you have Page 138: Replace the Benefit entry with the fol-
combat advantage against the target, you gain a bonus lowing text: “When you use your infernal wrath racial
to the damage roll equal to your Dexterity modifier.” power, any rattling powers you use against the target
This update syncs up this text with the revision to before the end of your next turn apply a –4 penalty to
infernal wrath. the target’s attack rolls instead of a –2 penalty.” This
update syncs up this text with the revision to infernal
Benefit: If you use infernal wrath when you have wrath.
combat advantage against the target, you gain a bonus
to the damage roll equal to your Dexterity modifier. Benefit: When you use your infernal wrath racial
power, any rattling powers you use against the target
before the end of your next turn apply a –4 penalty to
Dwarf Stoneblood the target’s attack rolls instead of a –2 penalty.
Page 133: Replace the Benefit line with the follow-
ing: “Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to the number
of temporary hit points you gain from using an invigo-
Two-Fisted Shooter
rating power. The bonus increases to 4 at 11th level Page 140: Change the Benefit entry’s last sentence to
and 6 at 21st level.” This update revises the previous say, “When you score a critical hit and have a loaded
Benefit line to work with revised Battlerager Vigor hand crossbow in your off hand, you can make
class feature. a ranged basic attack with that weapon as a free
Prerequisites: Dwarf, fighter, Battlerager Vigor class
feature Unbalancing Wrath
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to the number of Page 140: Replace the Benefit entry with the fol-
temporary hit points you gain from using an invigo- lowing text: “The target of your infernal wrath grants
rating power. The bonus increases to 4 at 11th level combat advantage to your allies until the end of the
and 6 at 21st level. target’s next turn.” This update syncs up this text with
the revision to infernal wrath.
Improved Vigor
Page 136: Replace the Benefit line with the follow- Benefit: The target of your infernal wrath grants
ing: “Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to the number combat advantage to your allies until the end of the
of temporary hit points you gain from using an invigo- target’s next turn.
rating power. The bonus increases to 2 at 11th level
and 3 at 21st level.” This update revises the previous Fey Charge
Benefit line to work with revised Battlerager Vigor Page 143: In the first sentence of the Benefit entry,
class feature. replace “use” with “expend.” This change clarifies
that a character who has Fey Charge is not actually
Prerequisites: Fighter, trained in Endurance using fey step when making the charge and thus does
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of not gain the benefit of features or feats like Eladrin
temporary hit points you gain from using an invigo- Swordmage Advance or Fey Gambit. Instead, the
rating power. The bonus increases to 2 at 11th level power is treated as a resource that is traded for the
and 3 at 21st level. ability to teleport as part of the charge.
Benefit: When you charge, each square of your Legendary Tactical Action (24th level): Any
movement need not bring you closer to the target of ally can spend an action point possessed by you or
your charge, but you must start the charge at least 3 by any other ally whom he or she can see once per
squares away from the target. encounter.
Explosive Leader
Page 133: In the Prerequisite entry, replace “earth-
shock, firepulse, or promise of storm” with “earthshock
or firepulse.” In the Benefit entry, replace the first
comma with “or” and delete “, or promise of storm.”
Promise of storm is not an attack power, so you cannot
hit an enemy with it.
Martial Ploy
Page 137: Replace the first sentence of the feat’s
Benefit entry. This update syncs up the feat with the
revised aid attack, aid defense, and aid another rules.
Page 7: Replace the third paragraph with the follow-
Cyclops Battleweaver
ing text. Page 48: In the evil eye power, replace the attack’s
text with the following text: “Ranged 20; the target
Some powers deal damage that combines two takes a –2 penalty to speed until the end of the
or more damage types. Resistance doesn’t reduce encounter or until the cyclops battleweaver uses evil
damage unless the target has resistance to each type eye on a different target.” This change adds a duration
of damage from the attack, and then only the weakest to the effect.
of the resistances applies.
R Evil Eye (minor; at-will)
Ranged 20; the target takes a –2 penalty to speed until the
Angel of Battle end of the encounter or until the cyclops battleweaver uses
Page 14: Replace “HP 296” with “HP 148” and evil eye on a different target.
“Bloodied 148” with “Bloodied 74.”
HP 148; Bloodied 74
Page 54: Replace the claws damage: “1d8 + 5
damage” with “1d12 + 5 damage.”
Cave Bear m Claws (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d12 + 5 damage.
Page 29: Replace the claw damage: “1d8 + 5
damage” with “2d8 + 5 damage.”
Replace the cave bear frenzy damage: “1d8 + 5 Mezzodemon
damage” with “2d8 + 5 damage.” Page 58: Replace “Large” with “Medium” on the
second line of the statistics block.
m Claw (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage.
C Cave Bear Frenzy (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅ )
Mezzodemon Level 11 Soldier
Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 600
Close burst 1; targets enemies; +10 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage.
Page 91: Replace “Tiny” with “Small” for the crea- Ettercap Fang Guard
ture’s size. Page 107: In the ettercap’s web reaper ability, replace
“restrained and immobilized” with “restrained or
Pseudodragon Level 3 Lurker
Small natural beast (reptile) XP 150 Web Reaper
The ettercap fang guard gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and
deals an extra 2 damage against restrained or immobilized
Drow Warrior creatures.
Page 94: Replace the rapier attack’s “(X2)” with “and
the drow warrior makes a secondary attack against Death Giant
the same target. Secondary Attack: +13 vs. Fortitude;
Page 120: Replace the greataxe damage: “2d6 + 9
see drow poison for the effect.”
damage (crit 6d6 + 21)” with “4d6 + 9 damage (crit
m Rapier (standard; at-will) ✦ Poison, Weapon
12d6 + 33).”
+14 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage, and the drow warrior makes a
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: m Greataxe (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+13 vs. Fortitude; see drow poison for the effect. Reach 2; +25 vs. AC; 4d6 + 9 damage (crit 12d6 + 33).
R Fan the Flames (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire m Greatclub (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20; affects only a target taking ongoing fire damage; Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 2d10 + 7 damage.
automatic hit; the target takes 3d6 fire damage, and the
efreet makes a secondary attack against all creatures adja-
cent to the target. Secondary Attack: +17 vs. Reflex; 2d6 fire
Githyanki Warrior
damage. Page 128: In the githyanki’s telekinetic grasp attack,
Miss: Half damage. delete “sustain minor;.”
Shadowraven Swarm
Page 243: Replace the third line of the statistics
block with the following:
Troglodyte Warrior
Page 252: Replace “Large” with “Medium” on the
second line of the statistics block.
Yuan-ti Abomination
Page 270: In the grasping coils power, add “Reach
2;” before “+18 vs. Reflex.” The creature cannot pull
when it can only attack adjacent enemies, so the
attack is intended to have reach.
Page 280: Remove “and effects imposed by an aura
last until the end of the affected creatures’ next turn
unless otherwise stated” from the first paragraph.
Replace the third paragraph of the aura section with
the following text. This change removes the rule that
prevents stacking in damage auras, ensuring that
monsters are achieving correct damage output.
Slaughterstone Slicer
Page 187: In bloodied bladestorm, replace the attack’s Wood Woad
text with the following: “The slaughterstone slicer Page 214: In the wood woad’s nature’s mystery power,
uses whirling bladestorm.” The former text was incor- replace “(a free action on the target’s turn)” with “as a
rect because whirling bladestorm is not a recharge minor action. As a free action, there is no limit to or
power. penalty for the number of skill check a character can
C Bloodied Bladestorm (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
The slaughterstone slicer uses whirling bladestorm. C Nature’s Mystery (minor; encounter) ✦ Charm
Close burst 2; targets one creature; no attack roll; the target
takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls, all defenses, and saving
Herald of Hadar throws (save ends). In addition, the target takes a –5 penalty
Page 196: In the hungry claws power, replace the to saving throws against this effect unless it succeeds on a DC
attack’s text with the following: “The herald of Hadar 20 Nature check as a minor action.
makes the following attack twice: +18 vs. AC; 1d10
+ 5 damage.” The power’s former text was recursive, Aura
and this change corrects the problem.
Page 216: Replace the third paragraph of the section
m Hungry Claws (standard; at-will)
with the following text. This change removes the rule
The herald of Hadar makes the following attack twice: +18 vs. that prevents stacking in damage auras, ensuring that
AC; 1d10 + 5 damage. monsters are achieving correct damage output.
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target loses all fire resistance
until the end of the dragon’s next turn.
Su Ambusher
Page 189: In the su ambusher’s grasping claws power,
replace “Death” with “Encounter.”
Potion of Invulnerability
Page 97: The Effect entry now reads, “You drink the
potion and lose a healing surge. Until the end of your
next turn, you gain resist 25 to all damage.”
Nothic Mindwarp
Page 95: In warping gaze, change the recharge
frequency to “when the power misses.” Delete the
second sentence of the Hit entry, and append the fol-
lowing to the first sentence. “Until this effect ends,
the nothic is invisible to every enemy but the target,
and its claw deals 1d6 extra damage to the target.
When the effect ends, this power recharges.”
AC 31; Fortitude 29, Reflex 26, Will 31; see also sphinx’s
Von Zarovich Family Sword challenge
Page 47: In the item’s second power, replace “Imme-
diate Reaction” with “Free Action.” As an immediate Paralyth
reaction, the power is almost unusable. Most of the
Page 184: In the pain lash power, replace “2d6” with
time, a creature uses the power during its turn, when
“1d6.” The creature’s damage output is too high.
immediate actions cannot be used.
m Pain Lash (standard; at-will)
Power (Daily ✦ Weapon): Free Action, when you hit with
+16 vs. AC; 1d6 + 6 damage, and the target is slowed until the
the Sword. The target is weakened (save ends), and you
end of the paralyth’s next turn.
gain 20 temporary hit points.
Your mere presence is enough to tip the balance of fortune for you and Encounter ✦ Fire
your allies. Free Action Close burst 10
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you hits you
Target: The triggering enemy in burst
Minor Action Close burst 5
Effect: The target takes 1d6 + Intelligence or Charisma
Target: You or one ally in the burst
modifier fire damage.
Effect: Choose one of the following.
Level 11: 2d6 + Intelligence or Charisma modifier fire
✦ The target makes a saving throw.
✦ The target shifts up to 2 squares as a free action.
Level 21: 3d6 + Intelligence or Charisma modifier fire
✦ The target gains a +2 power bonus to his or her next
attack roll made before the end of his or her next turn.
✦ The target gains a +4 power bonus to his or her next
skill check made before the end of his or her next turn.
Angel Ascendant
Page 73: This power now has a Target entry, and
targets one creature.
Rain of Blows
Page 79: Replace “Primary Target” with “Target.”
Delete “+ Strength modifier” from the first Hit line.
Delete the Secondary Target, Secondary Attack, and
Hit lines under the Weapon line, remove the Weapon
line’s indent, and replace that line with the follow-
ing: “Weapon: If you’re wielding a flail, a light blade,
or a spear and have Dexterity 15 or higher, make
the attack a third time against either the target or a
different creature.” This revision is reproduced for
clarity below, updates damage to bring this power
in line with other fighter powers and it improves
Coldfire Vortex
Page 136: This power’s damage has been increased,
Banish to the Void
and its secondary attack is now an Effect. Page 139: On the Hit line, replace “The target
attacks the nearest target on its next turn” with “The
target makes a melee basic attack against the nearest
Curse of the Golden Mist creature on its next turn. This power’s damage has
Page 136: This power now deals damage and has been increased.
a Miss entry. The Hit entry’s language has been
Curse of the Fey King
Page 139: This power’s damage has been increased.
Page 137: This power now deals damage on a miss.
The Sustain entry is now an Effect, with clarified
Curse of the Dark Delirium
language. Page 140: This power now deals damage.
Icy Rays
Page 161: The power now slows the target until the
end of your next turn on a miss.
View Object
Page 314: On the Focus line at the end of the ritual,
replace “1,000” with “5,000.” The focus costs of the
ritual disagree. At the top of the ritual, it says “5,000”
and at the bottom it say “1,000.”
Rare Items
Shadowflow Armor
Dancing Weapon
Rage Strike
Page 50: Between 19th level and 25th level, add the
following: “20th level 7[W] + Strength modi-
fier.” Some paragon paths provide rage powers, so
this change allows a barbarian to swap those powers
when using rage strike.
Hellfire of Mephistopheles
Page 27: In the Benefit entry, delete the second sen-
tence. This change removes this feat’s ability to assign
vulnerabilities and limits a character’s ability to capi-
talize on that vulnerability to deal exorbitant damage.
Tail Trip
Page 28: Add “11th level” as a prerequisite.
Hellfire Teleport
Page 28: In the Benefit entry, replace “When” with
“Once per turn, when.” This update revises the
feature to prevent misuse with features that allow
multiple teleports during a turn.
Entropic Shift
Page 157: In the power, replace “+20 vs. Will” with
“+27 vs. Will.” The attack bonus is too low.
Effect: You conjure a leafy wall that lasts until the end of
the encounter. The wall can be up to 4 squares high and
must be on a solid surface. You or any ally has partial
concealment while in the wall. Enemies grant combat
advantage while in the wall or adjacent to it.
Targeted Assault
Page 142: On the Benefit line, replace “any crea-
ture marked by you” with “any creature that has you
marked.” The benefit is incorrect. This change repre-
sent the feat’s intent.
Primal Prison
Page 158: In the second sentence of the third para-
graph, replace “unconscious” with “asleep, if the
creature is capable of sleep” This change allows a
Dungeon Master to have the bandwidth to adjudicate
the effect instead of requiring a specific duration on
the unconscious condition.
Effect: You are instead petrified for as long as you would be Inflict Pain
unconscious or stunned by the triggering attack. You gain Page 90: In the Hit entry, replace “save ends” with
a +2 power bonus to saving throws until you are no longer “save ends both.”
petrified. When the petrification ends, you can spend a
healing surge.
Malicious Lightning
Page 90: Remove “(1/round)” from the lightning
Unseen Ambush mote’s attack.
Page 79: Delete “you are hidden from” from the
Target entry.
Void Shard
Page 93: Replace the Effect entry and unaugmented
Shaper Psion build attack section with the following.
Page 85: In the Suggested Feat entry, replace Bul-
warked Construction* with Bloodied Concentration*. Effect: You conjure a void shard in an unoccupied square
within range. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to
the shard is slowed until the end of its turn. At the start
Force Shard of your next turn, the shard disappears and you make the
Page 86: Add the following sentence after the third following attack.
sentence in the Hit entry. “An enemy can take this No Action Close burst 3 centered on the
damage only once per turn.” square the shard occupied
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Static Mote Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the target
Page 86: Replace the Effect entry and unaugmented falls prone.”
attack section with the following.
Hungry Flames
Page 102: Add the conjuration keyword to this power. Item Rarity Changes
Master Summoner Common Items
Resilient Creation feature, page 103: Add “or psion Mind Hunter’s Armor
paragon path power” after “using a psion power”.
Discorporate Retaliation
Page 126: In the Hit entry, add “modifier” between
“Charisma” and “psychic.”
Rising Hopes
Page 138: Add “1 square” between “and shift” and “as
a free action.”
Awakened Potential
Page 141: Change “[Multiclass]” to “[Multiclass
Ardent, Battlemind, or Psion]” and append the fol-
lowing to the end of the feat. “Special: Choose ardent,
battlemind, or psion when you select this feat. This feat
counts as a multiclass feat for that class.”
Unbalanced Mind
Foulborn Heritage feat power, page 142: Append
the following to the Effect entry. “A creature can take
this damage only once per turn.”
Anchoring Armor
Page 154: In the Augment 1 entry in the item’s power,
replace “save ends” with “save ends both.”
Hit: 3d6 + 5 necrotic damage, and the gray angel knocks the
target prone.
Rare Items
Aegis Fang
Anarch Sphere
Bloodcrystal Raven Skull
Bloody Maul of Kord
Boots of Teleportation
Dancing Weapon
Dawn Warrior Weapon
Dice of Auspicious Fortune
Eladrin Ring of Passage
Entreri’s Jeweled Dagger
Fortune Stones
Headband of Intellect
Horreb Ritual Cube
Immurements (all)
Jarlaxle’s Eyepatch
Master’s Blade
Moonstone Sphere
Mrtok, Ogre Chief (gauntlets of power)
Opal Ring of Remembrance
Regis’s Ruby Pendant
Ring of Free Time
Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor
Rod of Dispater
Shadowfell Blade
Shadowflow Armor
Shard of Evil
Slaying Stone of Kiris Dahn
White Kingdom Boneclaw