Music and aroma fear
Music and aroma fear
Music and aroma fear
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Original Article
Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok,
Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Phitsanulok, Thailand
Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand
KEYWORDS Abstract Background/purpose: Dental anxiety and fear in children are major public health
Aromatherapy; concerns. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of music therapy combined with
Dental care; aromatherapy, in reducing the children’s dental anxiety and fear.
Dental fear; Materials and methods: A total of 128 school-age children aged 10e12 years were randomly allo-
Dental anxiety; cated into 4 groups: a control group with 32 volunteers, an experimental group that received mu-
Music therapy sic therapy, with 33 volunteers, an aromatherapy experimental group with 31 volunteers, and 32
volunteers in an experimental group with music therapy combined with aromatherapy.
Results: The results found that within-group comparisons before and after the experiment re-
vealed the outcomes with a statistically significant change at the 0.05 level of each group as fol-
lows. The control group had increased heart rate. The music therapy group showed decreased
dental anxiety and fear and systolic blood pressure. The aromatherapy experimental group ex-
hibited increased oxygen saturation. The experimental group receiving music therapy combined
with aromatherapy showed decreased dental anxiety and fear, heart rate, and systolic and dia-
stolic blood pressure as well as increased oxygen saturation values. In addition, it was found that
music therapy combined with aromatherapy had a co-influence on dental anxiety and fear
(F Z 22.22, P < 0.001) and oxygen saturation (F Z 17.40, P < 0.001), and the two main treat-
ments also significantly influenced these outcomes at the 0.05 level.
Conclusion: The results showed that music therapy in combination with aromatherapy reduced
children’s anxiety and fear of dental services better than a single treatment.
ª 2022 Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China. Publishing services by Elsevier
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
* Corresponding author. Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University, Tambon Tha Pho Amphoe Mueang, Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand.
E-mail address: (O. Keeratisiroj).
1991-7902/ª 2022 Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (
N. Janthasila and O. Keeratisiroj
Journal of Dental Sciences 18 (2023) 203e210
2) having problems with hearing; and 3) having a history of during the sealant procedure and the volunteers were
oil allergy or essential oils. restricted from other activities.
The sample size was calculated using the effect size The experimental procedure was carefully organized to
value from the previous research26 with mean diastolic prevent contact between the subjects during the experi-
blood pressure in the experimental and control groups ment. All study participants were arranged to rest in the
118.8 12.1 and 127.8 9.5, respectively. The sample size lounge. Then take the 1st and 2nd volunteers to the waiting
was calculated using the Bernard (2000) formula.27 The room. To collect information before receiving dental ser-
type I error was defined as 5% and the power of the test was vices from vital signs, including heart rate, blood pressure,
90%. At least 31 samples were used per group. In addition, and oxygen saturation and the researchers inquired about
the sample size for drop out was increased by 5%, so the dental anxiety and fear questionnaire. Then, the first
sample size was 33 per group. Subjects were divided into research participant was taken to the dental service room
four groups with block randomization by the research team. for sealant (3M Clinpro Sealant Refill, St.Paul, MN, USA)
treatment. This takes about 10e15 min when the sealant is
Outcomes and measures finished. The researchers recorded the same data after one
more service and then took the volunteers to rest in
Dental anxiety and fear scores were the primary outcomes another room.
of the trial. Secondary outcomes were vital signs: blood
pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation. These variables Statistical analysis
were measured only once, with pre-and post-treatment
assessments by the research team. Statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical
Data collection tools include record forms of baseline Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 for Windows
characteristics and outcome variables, standard measure- (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive statistics were
ment forms, and scientific instrumentation. The Children’s used by number and percentage for categorical data, and
Fear Survey Schedule (CFSS-DS)1 and Facial Image Scale the mean and standard deviation for continuous data. The
(FIS)28 were applied to measure dental anxiety and fear using baseline characteristics of the participants in the four arms
15 questions on CFSS-DS. To ask the question and have the were compared using Chi-square tests for categorical vari-
children choose the answer to each question by selecting five ables and one-way analysis of variance for continuous var-
different facial expressions, in order from the most anxious iables. Differences in outcomes (change in the dental
(a score of 5) to the least anxious (a score of 1), which was anxiety and fear scores, blood pressure, heart rate, and
also assessed for reliability, had Cronbach’s alpha coefficient oxygen saturation before and after treatment) were
of 0.795 for school-age children aged 10e12 years. compared within groups with paired t-tests. In case the
data is non-normally distributed, non-parametric statistics
Interventions are used. Finally, the main effect and the interaction effect
of music therapy and aromatherapy were analysed by 2 2
Each experimental group underwent three different in- factorial analysis of variance. The level of significance was
terventions while receiving the sealant services from the set at 0.05.
institution’s dentist. In the first group of music therapy, the
most popular instrumental Thai pop songs were played, Results
which were surveyed by researchers before the trial began.
By dividing the songs into four sets, then choosing 1 set of the
Baseline characteristics
most desired sets to play music during dental services. This
offers volunteers an option to listen to their favorite music
through an MP3 player by turning the music through a Blue- A total of 132 volunteers were randomly assigned to each
tooth radio transmitter to a speaker that can be adjusted at a group prior to the trial date, 33 participants per group.
certain volume level. The sound does not exceed 60 dB and Overall, data for 128 school-age children were used in the
has a letter plate in front of the service room (It says “Music final analysis; these patients were divided into the control
therapy activities, please do not disturb) to prevent dis- group (n Z 32), an experimental group with music therapy
turbing the patient while listening to music therapy. In the (n Z 33), an experimental group with aromatherapy
second group of aromatherapy, use the aroma diffuser (MUJI (n Z 31), and experimental group with music therapy
Retail, Thailand) to start by adding 300 ml of water at room combined with aromatherapy (n Z 32) as shown in Fig. 1.
temperature to the receptacle of the device. Lavender There was a balance of baseline data between groups for
(Lavandula officinalis var. maillette, France) scent into 3 demographic and clinical characteristics (Table 1). Except
drops, then turn on the device half an hour before the pro- for quantitative data, dental anxiety and fear scores were
cedure. Finally, add water and 3 drops of lavender essential not balanced between groups (P Z 0.013). Therefore, the
oil every 2 h. And the last group of music therapy with pre-and post-treatment difference of the outcome variable
aromatherapy, the subjects received both of the above was used to compare between groups as shown in Table 3.
programs together during dental treatment.
The control group arranged the environment, placement Effects of music therapy and aromatherapy
of the music player, Bluetooth speaker, and procedures, as
in the three experimental groups, using only water-only Within-group comparisons before and after the experiment
essential oil diffusers. Additionally, no music was played revealed that the control group had no change in outcomes
N. Janthasila and O. Keeratisiroj
except increased heart rate values. For the three experi- was found to be effective in managing the anxiety and fear
mental groups, the change in outcome was statistically of dental care in school-aged children as a non-
significant at the 0.05 level as follows: The music therapy pharmacological manipulation in the intervention. Anxiety
group and the aromatherapy group had dental anxiety and is both a physiological and psychological structure. The two
fear, and systolic blood pressure decreased and the oxygen interact with each other, and their effects can be measured
saturation value increases. For the experimental group by central nervous system activity, heart rate and respira-
receiving music therapy combined with aromatherapy, tion, among others.29
there was a positive change in outcomes for all variables, In the present study, the experimental group receiving
including dental anxiety and fear, heart rate, systolic and the music therapy had decreased dental anxiety and fear
diastolic blood pressure decreased, and the oxygen satu- and decreased systolic blood pressure and increased oxygen
ration value increased (Table 2). saturation values. This is consistent with a previous study
by Kaur and colleagues who enrolled 30 children aged 4e8
Main effect and interaction effects of music years, the children were divided into three groups: control
therapy and aromatherapy group, music group and audiovisual group. It was found that
the use of video and audio or music alone reduced stress in
children better than in the control group.30 This is also
Assessment of the between-subject effects revealed a sig-
consistent with the study by Singh and colleagues. It was
nificant interaction effect between music therapy and
found that listening to their favorite music was effective in
aromatherapy on dental anxiety and fear (F Z 22.22,
reducing anxiety among 60 children aged 6e12 years while
P < 0.001) and oxygen saturation (F Z 17.40, P < 0.001).
having their teeth extracted. Therefore, it is important to
The main effects of music therapy and aromatherapy were
consider music preferences when giving music therapy.26
both statistically significant at the 0.05 level for all out-
We also found that the aromatherapy experimental
comes (Table 3).
group had reduced dental anxiety and fear and systolic
blood pressure and increased oxygen saturation supported
Discussion by several studies18,31 Ghaderi and Solhjou found that
saliva cortisol, pulse rate and lavender’s Face Rating Scale
Children’s dental anxiety and fear are major problems in scores could reduce children’s stress and pain perceptions
dental services as anxiety and fear deprive them of coop- during dental treatment.32 A study by Arslan and col-
eration and increase dental treatment failures. The main leagues found the effect of inhaling lavender reduced the
reasons why some children do not visit dental personnel intensity of pain during tooth extraction.33 Because lav-
despite toothache are lack of time and dental anxiety and ender oil, the active substances linalool and linalyl ace-
fear. As a result, children avoid visiting dental personnel, tate, act as a sedative by affecting the aminobutyric acid
resulting in a decrease in their quality of life of the child.1 receptors in the central nervous system, calming the brain
In this study, music therapy combined with aromatherapy and reducing anxiety.21 Lavender essential oil improves
Journal of Dental Sciences 18 (2023) 203e210
DBP 67.7 10.4 68.9 8.7 68.0 6.9 70.2 4.6 0.587 b
SpO2 98.3 1.1 98.2 0.9 98.1 1.0 98.4 0.9 0.644 c
FIS, CFSS-DS 35.2 7.4 35.3 5.1 39.4 5.9 38.2 6.0 0.013 b
CG, control group; EG1, music therapy group; EG2, aromatherapy group; EG3, music therapy with aromatherapy group; SBP, systolic
blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HR, Heart rate; SpO2, oxygen saturation; FIS, Facial Image Scale; CFSS-DS, The Children’s
Fear Survey Schedule
The data are presented as the mean standard deviation (SD) for continuous data; n (%) for categorical data.
The P-value was obtained by Chi-square test.
The P-value was obtained by one-way ANOVA.
The P-value was obtained by Kruskal-Wallis test.
mood, and reduces anxiety because it depresses the between those who listened to the upbeat music group,
parasympathetic nervous system, which is the autonomic relaxing group, and no music group. And likewise, the study
nervous system.34 It is believed that the effect of used the music therapy-only program by Gupta and col-
breathing begins with the absorption of volatile odor leagues. They studied three groups of pediatric patients
molecules. The odor molecules are then converted into aged 3e7 years: upbeat music, relaxing music, and control.
chemical signals in the olfactory bulbs. The amygdala and Studies have shown that music does not reduce pain, anx-
the limbic system stimulate the secretion of certain hor- iety, or disruptive behavior.38
mones such as enkephalins, endorphins and serotonin, Additionally, our study found that music therapy com-
thereby creating a feeling of pleasure.35 bined with aromatherapy had an interactive effect on dental
The results showed that the experimental group who anxiety and fear and oxygen saturation. The benefits of
received music therapy combined with aromatherapy had music therapy are stimulating the brain to produce alpha-
decreased dental anxiety and fear, heart rate, systolic and wave and bringing a relaxing effect on the listeners. Music
diastolic blood pressure and increased oxygen saturation. therapy can help overcome anxiety caused by psychological
Systolic and diastolic pressure were the main factors in effects, such as by lowering blood pressure, pulse rate, and
controlling anxiety levels. But heart rate variability, espe- respiration rate so that the patient becomes more relaxed
cially those that increase during contiguous periods, risks and calmer. And the benefits of aromatherapy affected the
mental health, cardiovascular health, and mortality.36 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. GABA receptor
By contrast, another study by Aitken and colleagues11 is an important target for hypnotic sedative components in
about the efficacy of music therapy on forty-five children humans that can cause relaxation and decrease anxiety
aged 4e6 years old who were about to undergo dental levels.22 Using a single program is not enough to effectively
treatment showed no significant differences statistically reduce dental anxiety and fear. The findings are supported
N. Janthasila and O. Keeratisiroj
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