Examination of Niddm20 candidate genes of OLETF rats in
Examination of Niddm20 candidate genes of OLETF rats in
Examination of Niddm20 candidate genes of OLETF rats in
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12041-021-01356-5 (0123456789().,-volV)
1Department of Natural Sciences, International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8585, Japan
2Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrobiology, Niigata University, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2181, Japan
3Present address: Laboratory of Bio-Resource Regulation, Department of Integrated BioSciences, Graduate School of
Abstract. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a metabolic disorder caused by a complex interplay between genetic and environmental
factors. While remarkable progress have been made in our understanding of the genetic components that lead to disease expression, the
‘diabetes genes’ identified to date are inadequate for assessing disease risk, which suggests that many other genes remain to be discovered.
Here, we used Drosophila to examine the protein-coding genes annotated in the hyperglycaemic locus of Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima
Fatty (OLETF) rats, a well-characterized model of T2D. We identified lilliputian (lilli), a fly homolog of AF4/FMR2 family member 2, as a
novel candidate gene for T2D. Lilli knockdown adult females had significantly higher haemolymph trehalose and glucose levels, while
dilp2, which plays a major role in sugar metabolism, was downregulated. Tissue-specific knockdown strain revealed that lilli plays a crucial
function in oenocytes and the fat body, which together are homologous organs to the liver. Together, these findings demonstrate the
importance of using fly models for investigating polygenic diseases such as T2D.
Total RNA was extracted from the whole larvae body using
ISOGEN II (NIPPON GENE), and subsequently was reverse-
transcribed into cDNA using FastGeneTM Scriptase II Ready
Figure 1. Proximal Niddm20, Niddm20, the hyperglycaemic locus Mix (NIPPON GENE). qPCR was performed using AriaMx
of the OLETF rat. The locus is defined by microsatellite markers real-time PCR system (Agilent Technologies) with KAPA
D14Rat23 and D14Rat12 (Moralejo et al. 1998). The subsequent
analysis showed that the region consists of two subregions (shown
SYBR Fast qPCR Kit (NIPPON Genetics). All qRT-PCR
in gray), both contain hyperglycaemic genes. The proximal peak, products were normalized to dGAPDH gene expression. The
which is about 8 Mbp was investigated in this study. following gene-specific primers were used: dGAPDH:
Examination of Niddm20 candidate genes of OLETF rats Page 3 of 8 15
Table 1. Protein-coding genes in the proximal Nidd2/of. and fat body were dissected from third instar larva and fixed for
20 min in a fixative solution (4% formaldehyde (polyscience),
Stock 0.1% Tween-20(WAKO) in PBS (150 mM NaCl, 1.4 mM
RDG symbol Fly gene CG centre Stock ID NaH2PO4, 8.7 mM Na2HPO4, pH 7.6)). The tissues were rinsed
Pcgf3 l(3)73Ah CG4195 NIG 4195R-1 thrice for 10 min each with PBST (0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS).
Pde6b Pde11 CG34341 NIG HMS01286 Blocking was performed in PBST containing 5% normal goat
Pigg PIG-G CG2144 VDRC 107722 serum for 1 h. The primary antibody reaction was allowed
Dr1-201 NC2beta CG4185 n/a overnight at 4°C. After washing with PBST thrice for 10 min
Tmed5 p24-1 CG1967 NIG 1967R-2 each, the tissues were incubated in the secondary antibody
Mtf2 Pcl CG5109 NIG 5109R-1
Dipk1a CG12038 CG12038 VDRC 107527 solution containing DAPI (WAKO, 1 lg/mL) overnight at 4°C.
Rpl5 RpL5 CG17489 VDRC 109986 The primary and secondary antibody were rabbit anti-GFP
Ube2d4 CG2924 CG2924 NIG 2924R-3 (BioAcademia) and Alexa-conjugated Goat anti-rabbit antibody
Gfi1 sens CG32120 n/a (Jackson ImmunoResearch), respectively. Images were captured
Glmn CG30496 CG30496 VDRC 110548 by FV3000 confocal microscope (Olympus).
Lpcat2b LPCAT CG32699 VDRC 104570
Ephx4 CG5704 CG5704 NIG 5704R-2
Brdt Gcn5 CG4107 n/a
Cdc7 Cdc7 CG32742 VDRC 104902 Statistics
Barhl2 B-H1 CG5529 VDRC 104681
Gbp6 atl CG6668 NIG HMS01627
Abcg3l3 CG31689 CG31689 NIG 31689R-1 Differences between the experimental and control conditions
LOC679894 tho2 CG31671 NIG 31671R-2 were analysed by Student t-test. A P value of \0.05 was
Pkd2 Pkd2 CG6504 VDRC 110681 considered to indicate statistical significance.
Sparcl1 SPARC CG6378 VDRC 100566
Aff1 lilli CG8817 VDRC 106142
AABR07014298.1 ND-B14 CG13240 NIG 2LG-0040
Mapk10 CG8565 n/a Results
Cds1 cds CG7962 n/a
Nkx6-1 NK7.1 CG8524 NIG HMJ22342
Mrps18c n/a CG31450 VDRC 103657 Examination of hyperglycaemic candidate genes in proximal
sub-region of Niddm20
List of genes annotated in the proximal Nidd2/of, which have
Drosophila orthologus. The region demarked by two microsatellite We first listed genes annotated between the two markers
markers spans ca. 8 Mbp; n/a, not applicable. (D14Rat23 and D14Wox1) on Ensembl Database (release 95)
and found 66 protein-coding genes, of which 28 have orthologs
(dGAPDH1.751-) ATCGTCGAGGGTCTGATGAC, reported in the Drosophila genome. We excluded RNA-coding
(dGAPDH1.-994) CGGACGGTAAGATCCACAAC; lilli: genes and pseudogenes. We tested those genes whose RNAi
(lilli 7262-) AAGAAAGGATTGTCGGGCCA, (lilli-7398) driver strains are available from the fly stock centre (table 1).
TATTCGAACCGGAGCCCTGC; dilp2: (forward) ATGAG- Each RNAi strain was crossed with the ubiquitous Gal4 strain,
CAAGCCTTTGTCCTTC, (reverse) GACCACGGAGCAG- but all of the F1 progeny was found to be lethal in larva or pupae
TACTCCC (S. J. Broughton et al. 2005); dilp3: (forward): stage (data not shown). Therefore, we utilized the GS system to
AGAGAACTTTGGACCCCGTGA, (reverse) TGAACC- temporarily downregulate the target genes after hatching to the
GAACTATCACTCAACAGTCT; dilp5: (forward) GAGG- adult stage. Intriguingly, we found variances in baseline tre-
CACCTTGGGCCTATTC, (reverse) halose levels (e.g., before gene-knockdown induction, one-way
CATGTGGTGAGATTCGGAGCTA (Broughton et al. 2005); ANOVA P\0.0001) among the strains tested, implying that the
InR: (forward) TGAGCATGTGGAGCACATCAAGATG, difference in the genetic backgrounds of the laboratory strains
(reverse) CGTAGGAGATTTTCTCGTTTGGCTG (Okamoto can make a significant difference in the metabolic function. We
et al. 2013); and 4E-BP: (forward) TGATCACCAG- found that downregulation of two of the genes, lilli and tho2,
GAAGGTTGTCATCTC, (reverse) GAGCCACGGA- significantly elevated haemolymph trehalose levels (figure 2).
GATTCTTCAGAAAG (Okamoto et al. 2013). Independent Since lilli showed higher statistical significance and is reported
PCR reactions for all samples were performed thrice or more. to function in the insulin signalling pathway (see below), we
The uniqueness of each amplicon was verified using dissocia- decided to further characterize lilli.
tion curves.
Figure 2. Lilli and tho2 knockdown mutants showed hypertrehalosaemia. The ubiquitous knockdown of the target genes with the GS
system, with quadruplicate independent samples, revealed two strains that significantly elevated hemolymph trehalose levels. Error bars
represent the standard error of the mean (SEM) (t-test, *P \ 0.05, **P \ 0.001). All the unlabelled comparisons are not significant.
and Nelson 2003). The gene is not known to play an important (Yuva-Aydemir et al. 2019). We then examined levels of
role in basic metabolism, but lilli is critical for normal pho- glucose, which is another type of sugar in circulation (Klow-
toreceptor neurons in Drosophila via the IIS pathway (Wittwer den 2008). Hemolymph glucose was elevated in oenocyte-
et al. 2001). qPCR analysis confirmed that, in the knockdown specific and fat-body-specific lilli knockdown flies (figure 3d).
flies, the expression levels of lilli were downregulated in a In a study where screening was performed to identify genes
drug-dependent manner (figure 3a). To further confirm this, involved in glucose and trehalose regulation using mid-third
we examined heterozygote lilli mutant, F1 progeny between a instar larva, glucose and trehalose appeared to be under
wild-type OR and lilliA17-2/CyO and found elevated haemo- independent regulatory mechanisms (Ugrankar et al. 2015).
lymph trehalose levels (figure 3b). The lilliA17-2 allele was Although this screening did not identify lilli, our results imply
generated by ethyl methanesulphonate mutagenesis and is a that lilli may be a part of the basis of carbohydrate regulation.
loss-of-function allele, although the exact molecular nature To examine the lilli expression, we examined the Gal4
has yet to be determined (Melicharek et al. 2008). Given the enhancer trap strain in which the transgene containing Gal4
common caveat of off-target issues of RNAi and unknown under the minimum promoter is inserted into the lilli locus
modifier mutations, the functional significance of lilli will (Hayashi et al. 2002). We found that the reporter gene was
need to be conclusively validated by rescue experiments. expressed in both oenocytes and fat body, consistent with the
Next, to determine which tissues or organs require lilli, we notion that lilli is active in these tissues (figure 3, e–h).
performed tissue-specific knockdown and found that down-
regulation of lilli in either oenocytes or the fat body elevated
haemolymph trehalose levels (figure 3c). The oenocytes are a Lilli functions via IIS pathway
cluster of cells on the lateral surface of each segment and,
together with the fat body, are considered to subsume the There are eight insulin homologs encoded in the fly genome,
functions of mammalian liver (Gutierrez et al. 2007). We did and three of them (dilp2, 3 and 5) are highly expressed in the
not observe any change in neuron-specific knockdown stain. insulin-producing cells of the brain (Rulifson et al. 2002;
This is interesting because in addition to its role in growth Grönke et al. 2010; Colombani et al. 2012). The secretion of
control during development, lilli is critical for proper loco- Dilp peptides are tightly controlled by nutritional demands
motive activity and the longevity of post-mitotic neurons (Ikeya et al. 2002). We found that mRNA expression of dilp2,
Examination of Niddm20 candidate genes of OLETF rats Page 5 of 8 15
Figure 3. Lilli is required in oenocytes and fat body for sugar metabolism. (a) qPCR confirmed the reduced expression of lilli. (b) The
heterozygote of lilli also showed elevated hemolymph trehalose, suggesting that half dosage reduction of lilli is sufficient for
hypertrehalosaemia. Tissue-specific GS knockdown showed that the lilli is needed in both oenocytes and the fat body, but not CNS (c). lilli
knockdown resulted in hyperglycaemia (d). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM) (t-test; *P\0.05; ns, not significant).
(e–h) Lilli expression was detected in the oenocyte and fat body of the lilli enhancer trap strain, w;P{w[?mW.hs]=GawB}lilli[NP2790]/
CyO. NP2790 enhancer trap line was crossed with UAS-GFP. (e, f) GFP fluorescent signal in the oenocyte of OR strain, control (e) and lilli
enhancer trap strain (f). (g, h) Lilli expression was also observed in the fat body of the enhancer trap strain (h) but not in the control strain
(g). (e0 –h0 ) Corresponding bright field images. Scale bar is 20 lm.
which is believed to play a key role in controlling glucose/ The latest rat-genome database describes 110 genes in this
trehalose in circulation, was lowered in both oenocyte-specific region, some of which were not examined in this study,
and fat-body-specific lilli knockdown flies (figure 4, a&b). On including lncRNAs, pseudogenes, and those whose ortho-
the other hand, dilp3 expression was upregulated, which may logs are not found in the fly genome. Thus, the current study
be a result of compensatory response (Grönke et al. 2010). is by no means a comprehensive screening. However, three
Finally, we examined the whole-body expression of InR aspects need to be pointed out. First, screening was per-
and 4E-BP, which are direct targets of dFOXO (Puig and Tjian formed on adult flies rather than third instar larvae, which
2005; Bai et al. 2013). Since dFOXO, a well-conserved main are a far more favoured developmental stage in similar
down-stream transcription factor of the IIS pathway, is metabolic studies of Drosophila, partly due to the feasibility
exported to the cytoplasm when the signalling is activated, the of haemolymph extraction. However, common diagnostic
upregulation of these genes is considered to indicate the state assays in mammals, such as insulin injection and OGTT,
of insulin resistance. We found that InR expression was have been developed for adult flies (Haselton et al. 2010;
slightly repressed only in the oenocyte-specific lilli knock- Haselton and Fridell 2011). Further, as is widely recognized,
down flies (figure 4c), but no difference was observed in either the IIS pathway has been linked to longevity (Broughton
gene of fat-body specific knockdown strains (figure 4d). et al. 2005, 2008). Thus, understanding the relatively less
explored adult-stage metabolism will help to identify con-
nections between metabolism and longevity. Second, we
Discussion addressed the function of oenocytes in the context of sugar
metabolism. The liver plays a pivotal role in metabolic
Candidate gene search on adult flies homeostasis. Insulin resistance in the liver is often a com-
mon denominator of many metabolic deficiencies, including
In this study, we examined 21 protein-coding genes anno- elevated fasting glucose. In insects, two morphologically
tated in one of the hyperglycaemic loci in the OLETF rat. independent tissues, oenocytes and the fat body, have
15 Page 6 of 8 Lan Enli et al.
Figure 4. IIS pathway components are deregulated in lilli knockdown flies. The whole body lilli mRNA expression was confirmed to be
downregulated in the tissue-specific knockdown females by qPCR. (a) oenocytes specific knockdown strain (b) the fat body specific
knockdown strain. For both tissue specific knockdown strains, the expression of dilp2 was downregulated, whereas the level of dilp3 was
elevated. Two of the IIS pathway marker genes were examined (c&d). One of the dFOXO targets, InR, was reduced in its expression when
lilli was knocked-down in oenocytes (c). Neither gene showed difference expression in the fat-body specific knockdown strain (d). Error
bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM) (t-test; *P \ 0.05; ns, not significant).
equivalent functions to the mammalian liver (Gutierrez et al. (Gu and Nelson 2003; Melko et al. 2011). In vertebrates,
2007). Several studies have addressed the metabolic roles of there are four palalogues of AF4/FMR2: FMR2, MLLT2,
the fat body in larvae (Sekine et al. 2010; Bai et al. 2012; LAF4 and AP5q31. FMR2 is an ortholog of lilli. In verte-
Ugrankar et al. 2015), but the oenocytes have gained less brates, metabolic roles may be played by one or more of
attention (Chatterjee et al. 2014). Third, we used the GS other palalogs. In Drosophila, null mutation of lilli is
Gal4 system in an attempt to examine the effect of temporal embryonic lethal with defects in germinal band extension,
gene repression as opposed to life-long chronicle gene cytoskeletal movement and cell growth (Tang et al. 2001). It
knockdown. Indeed, the progeny of most of the RNAi was reported that Lilli controls cell growth via the IIS
strains used in this study were lethal when mated with the pathway and is associated with PTEN in a cell-autonomous
ubiquitous Gal4 driver (data not shown). In a large-scale manner (Wittwer et al. 2001). Since the IIS pathway is
screening to look for genes in sugar metabolism, either known to be activated in both oenocytes and the fat body,
ubiquitous or tissue-specific GAL4 driver strains were uti- lilli may be involved in metabolic regulation by cell-au-
lized. Neither study identified lilli as being involved in tonomously modulating the ISS pathway (Hwangbo et al.
metabolism (Pendse et al. 2013; Ugrankar et al. 2015). 2004; Chatterjee et al. 2014). lilli has also shown to be a part
of the regulatory network of TGF-b signalling (Su et al.
2001). Although the role of TGF-b in the pathogenesis of
Lilli’s function in metabolism diabetes is not fully understood, several studies have found
that the signalling is critical for b-cell differentiation (Lee
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has been linked to fragile XE syndrome (FRAXE), which 2020) and adiposity (Yadav et al. 2011).
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