UTF-8''Lec4_OmniFoods Case
UTF-8''Lec4_OmniFoods Case
UTF-8''Lec4_OmniFoods Case
Pong Yuen Howard Lam, Hugh Thomas, Hang Yee Rosette Leung, and Hanni Jie wrote this case solely to provide material for class
discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may
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David Yeung co-founded Green Monday Group (GMG) in Shanghai in 2012, with the goal “to construct a
multi-faceted global ecosystem of future food that combats climate change, food insecurity, public health
crisis [sic], planetary devastation, and animal suffering.” 1 The company took small steps to become green;
the idea of Green Monday was that if everyone avoided meat for only one day a week—Green Monday—
humanity could begin to change. 2 Yeung later became chief executive officer of GMG’s subsidiary
OmniFoods, and in 2020 he oversaw the placement of OmniFoods’ product OmniPork on McDonald’s
menus in Hong Kong and Macao—a dream come true. But the journey was not over yet. In February of
2021, Yeung began to consider how GMG might expand its partnership with McDonald’s in Hong Kong
to the rest of China. The size and potential of McDonald’s in China was vast, and GMG possessed the
resources necessary to see the expansion through. Yeung considered how GMG might leverage its recent
Hong Kong successes with a marketing strategy appropriate for the rest of China.
Analysts said that OmniFoods’ Hong Kong partnership with McDonald’s was like finding the Holy Grail.3
It placed OmniFoods among the major vegetarian food technology companies in terms of partnerships—
Impossible Burger/Impossible Food partnered with Burger King in 2019 and Beyond Burger/Beyond Meat
partnered with PepsiCo.4 But while Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat were focused on beef eaters in
North America, OmniFoods was targeting pork lovers in Asia.
There were 245 McDonald’s restaurants in Hong Kong, and that number was expected to remain constant.5
By February 2021, there were 3,272 McDonald’s restaurants in the rest of China (excluding Hong Kong,
Macao, and Taiwan), a number that was expected to rise to 4,500 within two years.6 Shanghai, to which
Yeung would soon be flying, had 117 McDonald’s restaurants.7
Since its inception, GMG had partnered many times while pursuing its vision “to become a global
changemaker for a sustainable future.”8 An Ashoka Fellow since 2018, Yeung had secured the investment
support of filmmaker James Cameron and UK photographer (and daughter of Paul McCartney of The
Beatles fame) Mary McCarthy.9 He had worked with over ten corporations in mission-oriented projects.10
编号 W27829
Pong Yuen Howard Lam、Hugh Thomas、Hang Yee Rosette Leung 和 Hanni Jie 撰写此案例只是为了提供课堂讨论的材料。作者无意说明对管理
或请求复制材料的许可,请联系 Ivey Publishing, Ivey Business School, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, N6G 0N1;(电话)
519.661.3208;(e) cases@ivey.ca;www.iveypublishing.ca. 我们的目标是发布最高质量的材料;将任何勘误表提交给 publishcases@ivey.ca。
分析人士表示,Omnifoods 与麦当劳在香港的合作就像找到圣杯一样。
它使 OmniFoods 在合作伙伴关系方面跻身主要素食食品技术公司之列——Impossible Burger/Impossible
Food 于 2019 年与汉堡王合作,Beyond Burger/Beyond Meat 与百事可乐合作。
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He had placed OmniPork on the menus of close to 2,000 restaurants, most of which were in Hong Kong.11
He had also run educational programs at over 800 schools in Hong Kong, and through Green Monday
Authorized for use only at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Any use outside this parameter is a copyright violation.
Ventures he had invested in nine green start-ups. In 2020, to accelerate the innovation of plant-based food
and scale up the business, Green Monday Holdings raised US$70 million of investment, the highest amount
of funding of its kind to date in Asia.12
Now, in February 2021, Yeung was preparing to discuss GMG’s emerging co-operation with McDonald’s
China, headquartered in Shanghai.13
The countries with the most vegetarians—people who did not eat the flesh of slaughtered animals—were
India, China, and the United States. Followers of traditional Hindu and Buddhist faiths in India and China,
respectively, accounted for the bulk of vegetarians. The number of vegans (those who did not consume any
animal products, including meat, eggs, dairy, and leather) and number of flexitarians (those who favoured
eating plant-based foods while continuing to consume animal products in moderation) were unknown but
were seen to be increasing due to health, environmental, and animal rights consciousness—and
entrepreneurs were taking note of them.14 Flexitarians tended to be younger, richer, and more urban than
other consumers. 15 To meet their demands, new food companies developed plant-based meat (such as
OmniPork) and clean meat (food made up of meat cells grown in vitro, rather than in the bodies of animals;
see Exhibit 1). As of 2020, global sales of plant-based meat were worth around US$4 billion, and that figure
was projected to double by 2025.16 As China became a middle-income nation, its food consumption also
changed (see Exhibit 2). These changes offered opportunities to OmniFoods.
From 2016 to 2018, OmniFoods’ scientists in Vancouver, Canada, developed OmniPork using basic
elements of cooking (heating, cooling, pressure, and mixing), combining shiitake mushrooms, peas, non-
genetically-modified soy, and rice to give it a meaty taste and texture.17 Made in the shape of SPAM—a
pork-based luncheon meat originating in the United States that became popular in the United Kingdom and
East Asia thanks to its role as a “specialized army meat” and a staple of 1940s and 1950s US Army rations—
OmniPork had the consistency and taste of preserved, pressed ground pork.
OmniPork launched in April 2018. Within two years, it had achieved 62 per cent market recognition in
Hong Kong18 and OmniFoods had introduced additional products: OmniPork Luncheon, OmniPork Strip,
and OmniEat.19
OmniPork achieved its rapid success partly because its taste and texture copied SPAM, which was popular
in Hong Kong. The Chinese called SPAM “午餐肉” (“luncheon meat”), and OmniPork was called “新餐
肉” in Chinese—literally, “new meal meat,” or more loosely, “new lunch meat.” McDonald’s Hong Kong
also used the name, and it advertised OmniPork as “OmniPork Luncheon (Plant-Based Luncheon)—thick
cut 15mm [millimetres], no oil frying, non-genetically modified organism (GMO).”
There were six dishes featuring OmniPork Luncheon in McDonald’s Hong Kong (see Exhibit 3). The
OmniPork Luncheon meat in those six dishes was 5 mm thicker than the OmniPork that retail groceries and
other restaurants used (15 mm compared with 10 mm), and the added thickness gave McDonald’s
OmniPork a meatier texture; the thicker cut was also exclusive to McDonald’s.20 The price range for these
dishes was HK$20.50–HK$30.00.21
第2页 编号 W27829
有、更城市化。为了满足他们的需求,新的食品公司开发了植物肉(如 OmniPork)和清洁肉(由体外生长
的肉细胞组成的食物,而不是在动物体内生长的肉细胞;见图 1) 。截至 2020 年,全球植物肉销售额约为 40
亿美元,预计 2025.As 中国成为中等收入国家时,这一数字将翻一番,其食品消费量也发生了变化(见图
。这些变化为 OmniFoods 提供了机会。
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For Yeung, food was a big and fragmented market, and the biggest competitors were still meat and dairy.
Yeung saw the success of all plant-based meat as feeding momentum to achieve his mission. When people
tasted a plant-based meat and loved it, Yeung’s pleasure in seeing OmniPork’s success went beyond
celebrating a success for GMG. After enjoying a meat-free hamburger, an individual might go to
McDonald’s and have an OmniPork Luncheon. And after Green Monday, they might choose to go green
on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday with other plant-based meat companies’ products.
Yeung viewed so-called competitors like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods (see Exhibit 4) as helping his
cause. If these competitors encouraged more people to eat more plant-based meat, these were positive signs
that the world was changing. Green Common, the marketplace of plant-based meat, had been carrying Beyond
Meat products since 2015, when it became Beyond Meat’s first distributor outside of the United States, so
Hong Kong was the first market outside of the United States to enjoy Beyond Meat products. In the early days,
people were skeptical and Yeung had to explain what the brand was about. At that time, Beyond Meat was
not listed. Yeung also worked with Califia Farms, a dairy-alternative company that offered non-dairy almond
milk, milk, and coffee drinks. Yeung liked to try new things and bring his partners’ products to Asia.
OmniPork had six channels of distribution: Green Common restaurants, partner restaurants (McDonald’s
and Jade), Green Common retail shops, supermarkets, the Green Common online channel, and other online
shops. OmniFoods first introduced OmniPork to consumers through selected restaurants in Hong Kong in
June–August 2018, featuring it in several pork dishes, and it was available in Green Common stores by the
end of 2018.22 In early 2019, major supermarket channels such as ParknShop, City’super, Sogo, and YATA
carried OmniPork, and the OmniPork retail pack started selling in Macao and Singapore.23
Green Common restaurants in Hong Kong offered OmniPork in their dishes, including a dish at Kind
Kitchen, a restaurant and grocery store built around good-for-you eating.24 Chefs used OmniPork in staple
dishes and snacks. Omni Luncheon Fries was a crispy snack priced at HK$42 made with OmniPork
Luncheon that had zero cholesterol, high protein content, and no carcinogenic nitrates. 25 Planet Army
Noodle was a Korean-style ramen with OmniPork Luncheon and Moving Mountain sausage priced at
HK$69.26 Whatever Rice/Spaghetti was made of OmniPork Luncheon and vegetables with vibrant colours,
such as broccoli, carrots, and okra, and was priced at HK$70.27
On December 24, 2020, Green Common opened its first restaurant outside Hong Kong, in the Raffles City
Changning complex in Shanghai.28 On January 19, 2021, it opened a restaurant in the VivoCity mall in
Singapore.29 Yeung said that the group would open more flagship restaurants across China and Asia from
2021 onwards.30
OmniPork had co-operated with restaurants since 2018. It had launched a variety of creative “pork” dishes
based on the food in different types of restaurants, including Chinese and Western restaurants. In addition
to McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and Starbucks also offered plant-based meat. KFC had
launched plant-based chicken meat in the United States and Hong Kong in 2020.31 In the same year, Yeung
had collaborated with Beyond Meat and Oatly in getting Starbucks China to introduce a plant-based menu
in over 3,300 Starbucks locations across China.32 Yeung said, “Starbucks China is setting a great example
for the entire F&B [food and beverage] industry on the future of food with this nationwide blockbuster
collaboration with Beyond Meat, OmniPork, and Oatly. This is a partnership that is almost one year in the
making. At the [start] of China’s recovering from the pandemic, this carries extra impact as a key watershed
moment toward a healthier and more sustainable food system.” 33
第3页 编号 W27829
竞争 对手
For Starbucks China, the new products were part of the “Starbucks GOOD GOOD” movement, featuring a
new plant-based food and beverage menu, compostable packaging for food items, and merchandise made
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from recycled materials. Leo Tsoi, senior vice-president, chief operating officer, and president at Starbucks
China Retail, stated, “Through the ‘Starbucks GOOD GOOD’ movement, we seek to inspire new routines
by inviting everyone to eat good, feel good and do good. Together, we could take a small, humble step to
make a better world.”34
Yeung set several goals for his February 2021 trip to Shanghai. He would visit colleagues at Green
Monday’s flagship store in Changning District and meet potential partners who ran Chinese restaurants. He
hoped to launch OmniPork in McDonald’s Shanghai and other key cities and then roll it out to the rest of
China. He was mindful of differences in food preferences: McDonald’s Shanghai’s menu included items
not available at McDonald’s Hong Kong (see Exhibit 5). Hong Kong and Shanghai also spoke different
languages; Hong Kongers spoke Cantonese and wrote with traditional Chinese characters while
Shanghainese spoke Shanghainese and Putonghua and wrote with simplified characters.
Yeung had protected GMG’s intellectual property by registering the trademark “OMN!PORK” at the US
Patent and Trademarks Office and in Hong Kong.35 For the rest of China, he registered “新膳肉” as the
Chinese name for OmniPork with the China National Intellectual Property Authority. 36 The word-for-word
English translation of the Chinese name was “New Good Meat.” Using a Chinese play on words, “膳” was
the first character in “膳食纤维,” the Chinese translation of the English term “plant fibre.”
GMG had rapidly expanded its online sales. OmniPork was available on Tmall, a popular online shopping
platform, in the rest of China—and, increasingly, on Tmall Global, in Hong Kong (see Exhibit 6). A
keyword search for “OmniPork” in Chinese search engines would first show GMG’s OMN!PORK, but it
would show other brands, too, including “人造肉” (meat artificially made by humans, i.e., clean meat), “植
物肉” (plant meat), and “ 素食肉” (vegetarian meat). GMG’s key messages in its marketing video for
OmniPork in Hong Kong (also shown on Tmall) emphasized that it was purely plant-based and intended to
give the consumer joy and freedom from guilt over eating meat—“New Meal Meat.”37 The OmniPork
Tmall online marketing themes, regardless of where the consumer was located, were the same themes that
Yeung had used for McDonald’s Hong Kong.38
As Yeung prepared to discuss OmniPork with McDonald’s China, he had questions for himself. Could he
urge McDonald’s to commit to reducing or eliminating meat in the long term? How should GMG
communicate the health and environmental and animal rights benefits of OmniPork to McDonald’s China
customers? Yeung knew that the “lack of negatives”—no meat, no cholesterol, no animal deaths—might
not convince consumers to change their habits because advertising the reduction of negative attributes in
products could have conflicting effects on customer demand (see Exhibit 7). He was adamant, however,
that all people should try plant-based meat products, and knew that they could benefit from them.
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如何在中国其他地区的麦当劳推销 OMNIPORK
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The data in the table below is from a questionnaire that explained clean meat to respondents as follows:
“One food innovation is called clean meat. This type of meat is identical at the cellular level to conventional
meat. This is real meat grown directly from animal cells. Clean meat is produced in a clean facility, similar
to a brewery. The process does not involve raising and slaughtering farm animals. The final product has an
identical taste and texture to conventional meat. Clean meat offers significant benefits for human health,
the environment, and animal welfare. Several companies have already successfully produced and taste-
tested clean meat. The products will be available for retail purchase in one to five years.”
The questionnaire explained plant-based meat to respondents as follows: “One food innovation is called
plant-based meat. This type of meat is made entirely from plants and has no animal ingredients. This meat
is produced using plant ingredients like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to mimic the structure of
conventional meat. Plant-based meat is produced in a clean facility. The process does not involve raising
and slaughtering farm animals. Recent breakthroughs in producing plant-based meat make these products
look, taste, and cook just like their conventional meat counterparts. Plant-based meat offers significant
benefits for human health, the environment, and animal welfare. Several companies have already
successfully launched products in grocery stores and restaurants. The products will become more
widespread in one to five years.”
US India China
Food Preference
(%) (%) (%)
Percentage of population made up of vegetarians 5.0 36.6 3.6
Percentage of urban population likely to purchase clean meat in the future* 76.4 89.3 93.3
Percentage of urban population likely to purchase plant-based meat in the future** 74.7 94.5 95.6
Source of vegetarian population figures: “China’s Vegetarian Population Touches 50 Million: Report,” The Times of India,
February 1, 2014, http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/29725767.cms; “Population –All Countries and Economies,”
The World Bank Group, accessed March 22, 2021. Source of clean meat and plant-based meat figures: Christopher Bryant,
Keri Szejda, Nishant Parekh, Varun Deshpande, and Brian Tse, “A Survey of Consumer Perceptions of Plant-Based and
Clean Meat in the USA, India, and China,” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, February 27, 2019,
第5页 编号 W27829
图表 1:美国、印度和中国对肉类替代品的熟悉程度
US 印度 中国
(%) (%) (%)
素食者占人口的百分比 5.0 36.6 3.6
未来可能购买清洁肉的城市人口百分比* 76.4 89.3 93.3 未来可能购买植物肉的城市人口百分比** 74.7 94.5 95.6
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Authorized for use only at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Any use outside this parameter is a copyright violation.
2016 2017 2018 2019 29-year 4-year
Food Item
(kg/yr) (kg/yr) (kg/yr) (kg/yr) CAGR (%) CAGR (%)
Staple foods 132.8 130.1 127.2 130.1 -2.39 -0.83
Cereals 122.0 119.6 116.3 117.9 N/A -1.31
Tubers 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.9 N/A 4.84
Beans 8.3 8.0 8.3 9.3 N/A 4.50
Oils and fats 10.6 10.4 9.6 9.5 2.12 -2.70
Vegetable oil 10.0 9.8 8.9 8.9 3.23 -2.87
Vegetables and edible mushrooms 100.1 99.2 96.1 98.6 N/A 0.20
Fresh vegetables 96.9 96.1 93.0 95.2 -1.17 0.08
Red meat 26.1 26.7 29.5 26.9 0.66 0.66
Pork 19.6 20.1 22.8 20.3 2.29 0.25
Beef 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2 6.05 8.29
Mutton* 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 3.86 0.00
Poultry 9.1 8.9 9.0 10.8 7.72 6.48
Aquatic products** 11.4 11.5 11.4 13.6 6.60 4.97
Eggs 9.7 10.0 9.7 10.7 5.27 3.02
Milk and dairy products 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.5 8.74 0.82
Dried and fresh melons and fruits 48.3 50.1 52.1 56.4 8.10 6.10
Fresh melons and fruits 43.9 45.6 47.4 51.4 N/A 6.14
Nuts and processed fruits 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.8 N/A 5.22
Sugar 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 -0.49 0.00
Note: * Mutton includes all sheep, goat and hogget meat; ** Aquatic products may refer to seafood; kg = kilograms; yr = year;
CAGR = compound annual growth rate; GDP = gross domestic product.
Source of major food consumption data: 2020 and 2022 China Statistical Yearbooks, “6–4 Nationwide Per Capita Consumption
of Major Foods,” compiled by National Bureau of Statistics of China, accessed February 6, 2021,
http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/ndsj/2020/indexeh.htm. Source of GDP per capita data: “World Development Indicators Database:
GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)—China,” World Bank, accessed May 25, 2021,
第6页 编号 W27829
图表 2:中国年人均食品消费量
人均 GDP(购买力平价当量,2020 年不变价美元)
13,573 14,344 15,614 16,804 10.29 6.67
Page 7 W27829
Authorized for use only at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Any use outside this parameter is a copyright violation.
Luncheon and Luncheon N’ Luncheon Luncheon Luncheon & Luncheon &
Ingredients Scrambled Egg Twisty Deluxe Jumbo Egg Mayo Egg Cheesy
Egg Burger Pasta Breakfast Breakfast Ciabatta Toast
OmniPork OmniPork OmniPork OmniPork OmniPork OmniPork
meat substitute
Scrambled Scrambled
Scrambled Mayonnaise, Mayonnaise,
Egg products Eggs, Steamed Eggs Eggs,
Eggs Eggs Eggs
Mayonnaise Hash Browns
Hotcakes with
substitute - - - Cheese Cheese
Onion Scallion
Other - - - - -
Note: The OmniPork Luncheon menu was available at the McCafé counters in McDonald’s in Hong Kong. McCafé counters
offered gourmet coffees (e.g., cappuccinos, mochas, and lattes) bean teas, and Danish pastries rather than the traditional
McDonald’s fare (e.g., Big Macs, Chicken McNuggets, and French Fries) offered at the main counters.
Source: Sonalie Figueiras, “McDonald’s x OmniLuncheon: Here’s The 411 On the New #PlantBased Menu,” Green Queen,
October 16, 2020, https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/mcdonalds-x-omniluncheon-heres-the-411-on-the-new-plantbased-menu/.
图表 4:OMNIFOODS 和竞争的植物肉公司
仿肉猪肉 鸡肉, 牛肉 牛肉
主要客户 麦当劳、Crystal Jade 肯德基、星巴克汉堡王、Red Robin
TPG 的 The Rise Fund, 比尔·盖茨,显而易见 李嘉诚爵士, Bill Gates,
太古股份有限公司 公司 Google Ventures
发行 7.5 亿美元高级有担保 6
最近的专业 7000 万美元私募股权(2020 年 2 亿美元(2020 年 8 月)
年期票据(2021 年 3 月 1
资金 9 月 22 日)
融资团队持股情况未披露 106 亿美元(2021 年 2 月的市 45 亿美元(价值基于 2020 年 8
值) 月的 G 轮融资)
Crunchbase,2021 年 2 月 6 日访问,https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/impossible-foods;莎拉·米特罗夫,“哪里可以买到不可
能的汉堡:红罗宾、汉堡王、白色城堡、小凯撒等”,CNet,2019 年 9 月 16 日,https://www.cnet.com/health/where-to-buythe-
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Menu Item Price
Sauerkraut Crisp Bamboo Shoots Chicken Porridge with Deep-fried Dough Sticks and Egg ¥12
Preserved Egg Chicken/Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Stipe Porridge with Deep-Fried Dough
Sticks and Egg
Note: ¥ = CNY = Chinese Yuan Renminbi; US$1 = ¥6.47 on February 1, 2021; item prices may fluctuate in different regions;
Stipe = shredded.
Source: “Breakfast,” McDonald’s China, accessed April 1, 2021, https://www.mcdonalds.com.cn.
*Compared with true luncheon meat (source: US Department of Agriculture’s nutrition database).
Note: A WeChat official account was similar to a Facebook Fan Page outside mainland China; Facebook was banned in
mainland China.
Source: WeChat official account of GMG in China, accessed April 8, 2021,
第8页 编号 W27829
图表 5:上海麦当劳早餐菜单项目
菜单项 价格
酸菜脆竹笋鸡粥 ¥5
皮蛋鸡/咸蛋黄鸡尖粥 ¥6
来源:“早餐”,麦当劳中国,2021 年 4 月 1 日访问,https://www.mcdonalds.com.cn。
天哪!PORK 新午餐蔬菜肉——无罪恶
• 高蛋白
• 纤维来源
• 无脂肪
• 全新的素食体验
V 卡路里减少 40%* V 胆固
醇减少 100%* V 钠减少
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A company with a product or service that has a negative attribute but that reduces that negative attribute through innovation
has a choice: tell customers about the reduction or ignore the reduction. Telling the customers might lead them to buy
more because they conclude they will be subject to less harm through the reduction of the negative attribute. Alternately,
telling the customers might lead them to buy less because telling them reminds them of the harm that the negative attribute
causes. What should the company do? The answer depends partly on the mindset of the customers.
Customers with an entity mindset believe that the world is consistent over time, whereas customers with an incremental
mindset believe that the world is evolving over time. Those with an entity mindset are more likely to react negatively to
being reminded of a product’s or service’s negative attribute, even if that reminder is worded in terms of reducing the
negative attribute. Those with an incremental mindset are likely to react positively to a product’s or service’s
improvements regarding the attribute, even if that attribute continues to be negative. One can determine and interpret
a person’s mindset in entity-incremental space using the following two-part questionnaire.
Questionnaire Part 1
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements (1 = strongly agree, 7 =
strongly disagree).
Statement # Statement
1 A person’s character is something basic about them, and it cannot be changed significantly.
2 People can do things differently, but they cannot change the important parts of who they are.
3 Each person is a certain kind of person, and little can be done to change that.
As much as I hate to admit it, you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. People cannot
change their basic attributes.
Questionnaire Part 2
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements (1 = strongly disagree, 7 =
strongly agree).
Statement # Statement
5 Everyone, no matter who they are, can significantly change their basic characteristics.
6 People can substantially change the kind of person they are.
7 No matter what kind of person someone is, they can always change significantly.
8 People can change even their most basic qualities.
Total Total of all scores for statements 1 through 8
Scoring Key
Note: Scoring for any given person is not constant over time, and altering the context can affect a person’s mindset. For
important attributes for medicinal products, and attributes that change only over long-time frames, however, the effective
inflection point between “incremental” and “entity” has a lower score.
Source: Vincent Chi Wong, Lei Su, and Howard Pong-Yuen Lam, “When Less is More: How Mindset Influences Consumers’
Responses to Products with Reduced Negative Attributes,” Journal of Marketing 84, no. 5 (September 2020): 137–1 53; Nicole
Chabot, “Diet Sodas and Low-Fat Snacks: Marketing When Less is More,” China Business Knowledge, August 13, 2020,
第9页 编号 W27829
图表 7:实体与增量思维
问卷第 1 部分
陈述# 陈述
1 一个人的性格是他们的基本特征,无法显着改变。
2 人们可以以不同的方式做事,但他们无法改变他们是谁的重要部分。
3 每个人都是某种类型的人,几乎无法改变这一点。
问卷调查第 2 部分
陈述# 陈述
5 每个人,无论他们是谁,都可以显着改变他们的基本特征。
6 人们可以从根本上改变他们是什么样的人。
7 无论一个人是什么样的人,他们总是可以发生重大变化。
8 人们甚至可以改变他们最基本的品质。
语句 1 到 8 的所有分数的总和。
8–31 = 您的心态可以被描述为「实体」。
32–56 = 您的心态可以被描述为“渐进式”。
资料来源:Vincent Chi Wong、Lei Su 和 Howard Pong-Yuen Lam,“少即是多:心态如何影响消费者对减少负面属性的产品的反应”,营
月 13 日,https://cbk.bschool.cuhk.edu.hk/low-sugar-sodas-and-reduced-fat-snacks-marketing-when-less-is-more。
Page 10 W27829
Authorized for use only at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Any use outside this parameter is a copyright violation.
“Our Mission,” Green Monday, accessed March 19, 2021, https://greenmonday.org/en/vision-and-mission/.
Chenyan Gu, “Character X Concept: Founding Green Monday to Create a Vegetarian Trend [ 人物 X 概念:創辦 Green
Monday 打 造 素 食 潮 流 ],” Ming Pao News, December 10, 2015,
Sally Ho, “McDonald’s Milestone: Hong Kong Franchise Launches First Vegetarian Menu With Green Monday’s OmniPork
Luncheon,” Green Queen, updated October 15, 2020, https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/mcdonalds-milestone-hong-kong-
Amanda Capritto, “Burger King Impossible Whopper: Calories, Ingredients and Where to Buy It,” CNet, November 8, 2019,
https://www.cnet.com/health/burger-king-impossible-whopper-ingredients-calories-where-to-buy-it/; Amelia Lucas, “Beyond
Meat Shares Soar 26% as Company Teams Up with PepsiCo to Make Plant-Based Snacks and Drinks,” CNBC, January 26,
2021, https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/26/beyond-meat-and-pepsico-form-venture-to-make-plant-based-products.html.
“Find a Restaurant,” McDonald’s Hong Kong, accessed March 18, 2021, https://www.mcdonalds.com.hk/find-a-restaurant/.
McDonald’s China, Restaurants List, accessed March 18, 2021,
https://www.mcdonalds.com.cn/index/Quality/publicinfo/deliveryinfo?data%5BSearch%5D%5Bcity%5D=; McDonald’s,
“McDonald’s China has been Certified as ‘China’s Top Employer,’” [ 麦当劳中国第十一次获得“中国杰出雇主”认证], press
release, January 25, 2021, https://www.mcdonalds.com.cn/news/20210125-Top-Employer-award.
McDonald’s Shanghai, Restaurants List, accessed March 18, 2021,
https://www.mcdonalds.com.cn/index/Quality/publicinfo/deliveryinfo?data%5BSearch%5D%5Bcity%5D= 上海&page=23.
“Our Vision,” Green Monday, accessed March 19, 2021, https://greenmonday.org/en/vision-and-mission/.
“David Yeung: Ashoka Fellow,” Ashoka, accessed March 19, 2021, https://www.ashoka.org/en-us/fellow/david-yeung;
“Food,” Mary McCartney, accessed March 19, 2021, https://marymccartney.com/food/.
“Go Green Solutions: Mission Partners,” Green Monday, accessed March 19, 2021, https://greenmonday.org/en/corporate-solutions/.
“Our Restaurant Network,” Green Monday, accessed March 29, 2021, https://greenmonday.org/en/restaurant-program/.
All dollar amounts are in US$; Chad Bray, “Cathay Pacific Parent Swire, TPG Invest in Plant-based Food Firm Green
Monday’s US$70 Million Funding Round,” South China Morning Post, September 22, 2020,
McDonald’s China was a majority owned subsidiary of CITIC Limited. While McDonalds China owned McDonald’s Hong
Kong, it delegated decision-making concerning menu items such as OmniPork to Hong Kong. Decisions for the rest of China,
however, were centralized in Shanghai. Eric Schroeder, “McDonalds Opens New Headquarters in China,” Food Business
News, October 14, 2021https://www.foodbusinessnews.net/articles/19822-mcdonalds-opens-new-headquarters-in-china.
For a study of effective marketing vegan brands, see Catherine Anne Armstrong Soule and Tejvir Sekhon, “Preaching to
the Middle of the Road,” British Food Journal 121, no. 1 (2019): 157–171.
Callum Cheshire, “The Rise of Veganism and Its Impact on Spending on Meat,” Frontier Economics, accessed July 21,
2022, https://www.frontier-economics.com/uk/en/news-and-articles/articles/article-i6912-the-rise-of-veganism-and-its-impact-
“Plant-Based Meat Market,” MarketsandMarkets, accessed March 14, 2021, https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-
“Omn!Pork,” OmniPork, accessed March 22, 2021, https://omnipork.co/about-us/.
In a confidential survey of 1,000 respondents that GMG commissioned and that Ipsos carried out in December 2020, 55 per
cent of men in Hong Kong and 66 per cent of women in Hong Kong indicated that they were aware of OmniPork; “What We
Do,” Green Monday, accessed January 30, 2021, https://greenmonday.org/en/.
Sally Ho, “Breaking: Green Monday Launches World’s First 100% Vegan ‘Spam’ Luncheon Meat,” Green Queen, May 19,
2020, https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/green-monday-launches-worlds-first-vegan-spam-luncheon-meat/; Sally Ho,
“Omnipork Strip Now Available in Retail, Omnipork Luncheon ‘Spam’ To Come Soon,” Green Queen, July 2, 2020,
https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/omnipork-strip-now-available-in-retail-omnipork-luncheon-spam-to-come-soon/; Sally Ho,
“Omnipork’s New OmniEats Product Range Prove Plant-Based Food Can be Healthy, Accessible & Affordable,” Green Queen,
March 18, 2020, https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/omniporks-new-omnieats-product-range-prove-plant-based-food-can-be-
Bernice Chan, “McDonald’s, McCafes add OmniPork Plant-Based Luncheon Meat to Menus in ‘Groundbreaking’ Move,”
South China Morning Post, October 13, 2020.
HK$ = HKD = Hong Kong dollar; US$1 = HK$7.75 on February 1, 2021; “McDonald’s Hong Kong Menu,” McDonald’s HK,
accessed April 1, 2021, https://www.mcdonalds.com.hk.
Lester Wan, “’Omnipork’: Plant-based Pork Product Debuts in Hong Kong,” Food Navigator-Asia.com, May 17, 2018,
Tanja Wessels, “The Future of Food Has Arrived: Where to Try 3 of the Best Plant-based Protein Options in Macao,” Macao
News, March 26, 2021, https://macaonews.org/fooddrinks/the-future-of-food-has-arrived-where-to-try-3-of-the-best-plant-
based-protein-options-in-macao/; Sally Ho, “OmniPork Luncheon Lands in Singapore ahead January 2021 Green Common
Store Launch,” Green Queen, November 23, 2020, https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/omnipork-luncheon-lands-in-singapore-
“Menu,” Green Common, accessed February 4, 2021, https://www.greencommon.com/hk/en/menu/.
“Top 10 Dishes,” Green Common, accessed February 4, 2021, https://www.greencommon.com/hk/en/green-common-top-10-dishes/.
第 10 页 编号 W27829
“我们的使命”,绿色星期一,2021 年 3 月 19 日访问,https://greenmonday.org/en/vision-and-mission/。
2 Chenyan Gu, “Character X Concept: Founding Green Monday to Create a Vegetarian Trend [人物 X 概念:創辦 Green
星期一打造素 食 潮 流 ],
《明报》2015 年 12 月 10 日,http://www.mingpaocanada.com/TOR/htm/NEWS/20151210/HK-gfj1_er_r.htm。
麦卡特尼,2021 年 3 月 19 日访问,https://marymccartney.com/food/。
10 “绿色解决方案:使命合作伙伴”,绿色星期一,2021 年 3 月 19 日访问,https://greenmonday.org/en/corporate-solutions/。
11 “我们的餐厅网络”,绿色星期一,2021 年 3 月 29 日访问,https://greenmonday.org/en/restaurant-program/。12 所有美元金额均以
美元为单位;Chad Bray, 〈国泰航空母公司太古、TPG 投资植物性食品公司 Green Monday 的 7,000 万美元融资〉, 《南华早报》,2020 年 9
月 22 日,https://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/3102478/cathay-pacific-parent-swire-tpg-invest-plant-
Kong)中,它将 OmniPork 等菜单项目的决策权委托给香港。中国其他地区的决定,
然而,集中在上海。Eric Schroeder,“麦当劳在中国开设新总部”,食品商业新闻,2021 年 10 月 14 日
https://www.foodbusinessnews.net/articles/19822-mcdonalds-opens-new-headquarters-in-china。14 有关有效营销纯素品牌的研
究,见凯瑟琳·安妮·阿姆斯特朗·苏勒和特维尔·塞洪,“向中间道路传道”, 《英国食品杂志》第 121 期,第 1 期(2019) :157-171。
15 卡勒姆·切希尔,“素食主义的兴起及其对肉类支出的影响”,Frontier Economics,2022 年 7 月 21 日访问,https://www.frontier-
年 3 月 14 日访问,https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/MarketReports/plant-based-
“哎呀!猪肉“,OmniPork,2021 年 3 月 22 日访问,https://omnipork.co/about-us/。
18 在 GMG 委托 Ipsos 于 2020 年 12 月对 1,000 名受访者进行的一项保密调查中,55% 的香港男性和 66% 的香港女性表示他们知道
OmniPork;“我们做什么”,绿色星期一,2021 年 1 月 30 日访问,https://greenmonday.org/en/。
新闻,2021 年 3 月 26 日,https://macaonews.org/fooddrinks/the-future-of-food-has-arrived-where-to-try-3-of-the-best-plant-
“Top 10 Dishes.”
Authorized for use only at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Any use outside this parameter is a copyright violation.
“Top 10 Dishes;” “Menu.”
Sonalie Figueiras, “Green Common Shanghai: Green Monday Celebrates First Mainland China Store Milestone,” Green
Queen, December 31, 2020, https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/green-common-shanghai-green-monday-first-retail-shop-
Sally Ho, “Green Common Singapore: First South East Asian Branch Opens Doors with VivoCity Plant-Based Store & Café,”
Green Queen, January 18, 2021, https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/green-common-singapore-first-south-east-asian-branch-
Figueiras, “Green Common Shanghai.”
Reuters, “KFC to Sell Beyond Meat’s Plant-Based ‘Fried Chicken’ in the Southern US,” CNBC, January 29, 2020,
https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/29/kfc-to-sell-beyond-meats-plant-based-fried-chicken-in-the-southern-us.html; Sally Ho, “KFC Hong
Kong Launches ‘New Era’ Meatless Nuggets & Burger in Partnership with Green Monday,” Green Queen, updated June 30, 2020,
Sally Ho, “Breaking: Starbucks China Launches Plant-Based Menu with Beyond Meat, OmniPork & Oatly,” Green Queen,
updated June 29, 2020, https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/breaking-starbucks-china-partners-beyond-meat-OmniPork-oatly-
Ho, “Breaking: Starbucks China Launches.”
Wang ZhuoQiong, “Starbucks Rolls Out Plant-Based Options at Chinese Stores,” China Daily, April 21, 2020,
“OMN!PORK” Trademark Electronic Search System, United States Patent and Trademark Office, September 17, 2020,;
“OMN!PORK STRIP,” Trademark Search, Intellectual Property Department, Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region, February 11, 2021, https://esearch.ipd.gov.hk/nis-pos-view/#/tm/quicksearch.
“新膳肉 OMN!PORK” Trademark Search, Trademark Office of China National Intellectual Property Administration, accessed
March 22, 2021, http://wcjs.sbj.cnipa.gov.cn.
OmniFoods, “New Meal Meat, Guilt-Free OmniPork Luncheon Official Debut” [ 新餐肉·零罪感 OmniPork Luncheon 正式登
場], September 16, 2020, YouTube Video, Cantonese version, https://youtu.be/LzrQ3XRjdfc.
McDonaldsHK, “McDonald’s® OmniPork New Meal Meat Breakfast 2020 TV Commercial” [ 麥當勞® OmniPork 新餐肉早餐
2020 電視廣告], October 12, 2020, YouTube Video, https://youtu.be/cfD-DzF66m8.
第 11 页 编号 W27829
“前 10 道菜。 ”
“Top 10 Dishes”(前 10 道菜);“菜单。 ”
Sonalie Figueiras,“Green Common Shanghai:Green Monday庆祝中国大陆门店成立首个里程碑”,Green
女王,2020 年 12 月 31 日,https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/green-common-shanghai-green-monday-first-retail-shopmainland-
29 Sally Ho,“Green Common Singapore:第一家东南亚分店开业,VivoCity植物性商店和咖啡馆”,Green Queen,2021年1月18日,
路透社,“肯德基将在美国南部销售 Beyond Meat 的植物性'炸鸡'”,CNBC,2020 年 1 月 29 日,
https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/29/kfc-to-sell-beyond-meats-plant-based-fried-chicken-in-the-southern-us.html;Sally Ho,“肯德基香港
Kong与Green Monday合作推出'New Era'无肉块和汉堡,“Green Queen,更新于2020年6月30日,https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/kfc-
32 Sally Ho,“突破性:星巴克中国推出Beyond Meat、OmniPork和Oatly的植物性菜单”,Green Queen,更新于2020年6月29日,
Ho,“Breaking: Starbucks China Launches”。
zhuoQiong,“星巴克在中国门店推出植物性选择”,中国日报,2020 年 4 月 21 日,
35 “OMN!PORK“商标电子检索系统,美国专利商标局,2020 年 9 月 17 日,;“天哪!猪肉条“,商标检索,香港特别行政区政府知识产权
署,2021 年 2 月 11 日,https://esearch.ipd.gov.hk/nis-pos-view/#/tm/quicksearch。
OMN!PORK“商标检索,中国国家知识产权局商标局,2021 年 3 月 22 日访问,http://wcjs.sbj.cnipa.gov.cn。
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麦当劳® OmniPork新餐肉早餐 2020 电视广告〉®,2020 年 10 月 12 日,YouTube 视频,