IT Law LLB 1st sem
IT Law LLB 1st sem
IT Law LLB 1st sem
3. Electronic Governance.
3.1 Legal Recognition of Electronic Records.
3.2 Legal Recognition of Digital Signature & Electronic Signatures.
3.3 Use of Electronic Records and Digital Signatures in Government and
its Agencies.
3.4 Retention of Electronic Records.
Unit-III: Certifying Authorities
1. Need of Certifying Authority.
2. Functioning of the Certifying Authority.
3. Types of Certificates.
3.1Identification Certificate.
3.2Authorizing Certificate.
3.3Transactional Certificate.
3.4 Digital Time Stamping Service.
4. Validity Period of Digital Signatures.
5. Certificate Chain.
6. Appointment of Controller.
7. Functions of Controller.
8. Controller to act as a Repository.
9. Powers of Controller.
10. Powers of Central Government.
11. Data-base of Certifying Authorities.
12. Who can be a Certifying Authority?
13. Application for License.
14. Certification Practice Statement.
15. Issuance of License.
16. Refusal of License.
17. Surrender of License.
18. Cross Certification.
19. Duties of Certifying Authorities.
20. Certifying Authority as an Indemnifier.
21. Commencement of commercial operation by licensed Certifying Authorities.
22. Requirements prior to Cessation as Certifying Authority.
LL.B. Syllabus- School of Law, University of Kashmir
Recommended Readings:
1. Chris Reed Computer Law, Universal, New Delhi.
2. Farooq Ahmad, Cyber Law in India,4 Edition, 2011.
3. Krishna Kumar, Cyber Laws, Intellectual property an de-commerce Security, (2011)
Dominant Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi;
4. Markandey Katju, Law in the Scientific Era (2000),Universal, New Delhi.
5. Nandi Kamath, The Law Relating to Computers,
6. Rajan Nagia, Cyber Laws and Computer Crimes, (2009) Cyber Tech Publications, New
7. Richard Raysmanand Peter Brown. Computer Law: Drafting and Negotiating Forms
and Agreements, by Law Journal Press, 1999–2008.
8. S. K. Bansal, Cyber Crime, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi
9. S.R. Sharma, Encyclopedia of Cyber Laws and Crime, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.