Statistical Tigray

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Statistical data that reflect the socio-economic and demographic conditions of the residents
of a country are useful for designing and preparation of development plans as well as for
monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of the implementation of the development plans.
These statistical data include population size, age, sex, literacy and education, marital
status, housing stocks and conditions …etc. In order to fill the gap for these socio-economic
and demographic data need, Ethiopia has conducted its third Population and Housing
Census in May and November 2007.

The 2007 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia was conducted under the auspices of
the Population Census Commission that was established by a proclamation No. 449/1997.
The Commission is chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and the members of the
commission were drawn from various relevant Ministries, Regional States representatives,
House of Federation, National Electoral Board and the Central Statistical Agency, serving
as the Office of the Census Commission (Secretariat). According to this proclamation, the
processing, evaluation and analyses of the data collected in this census as well as its
dissemination are the major responsibilities of this office. Thus, the Office of the Population
Census Commission is pleased to present the census report entitled “The 2007 Population
and Housing Census of Ethiopia: Statistical Report for Tigray Region” for the users.
Subsequently, another report which deals with detailed analysis of the result of the 2007
Population and Housing Census data is in the process of being prepared and will also be
prepared and printed soon.

Before the conduct of a census enumeration, numbers of preparatory activities were also
carried-out. Among the major census preparatory activities the conduct of the Population
and Housing Census Cartographic Work was one of the important tasks to be undertaken.
During this census cartographic work, urban and rural kebeles were sub-divided into
enumeration areas, each having 150-200 housing units and households, respectively.
About 4-6 contiguous enumeration areas were made to form one supervision area. In this
exercise for each enumeration area and supervision area maps have been prepared.

During the census enumeration, each enumerator was given a map of an enumeration area
along with other census documents and he/she was responsible to record all persons and
households in that enumeration area without omission and duplication. One supervisor was
also assigned to a supervision area and was responsible for ensuring the quality of the


Statistical data that reflect the socio-economic and demographic conditions of the residents
of a country are useful for designing and preparation of development plans as well as for
monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of the implementation of the development plans.
These statistical data include population size, age, sex, literacy and education, marital
status, housing stocks and conditions …etc. In order to fill the gap for these socio-economic
and demographic data need, Ethiopia has conducted its third Population and Housing
Census in May and November 2007.

The 2007 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia was conducted under the auspices of
the Population Census Commission that was established by a proclamation No. 449/1997.
The Commission is chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and the members of the
commission were drawn from various relevant Ministries, Regional States representatives,
House of Federation, National Electoral Board and the Central Statistical Agency, serving
as the Office of the Census Commission (Secretariat). According to this proclamation, the
processing, evaluation and analyses of the data collected in this census as well as its
dissemination are the major responsibilities of this office. Thus, the Office of the Population
Census Commission is pleased to present the census report entitled “The 2007 Population
and Housing Census of Ethiopia: Statistical Report for Tigray Region” for the users.
Subsequently, another report which deals with detailed analysis of the result of the 2007
Population and Housing Census data is in the process of being prepared and will also be
prepared and printed soon.

Before the conduct of a census enumeration, numbers of preparatory activities were also
carried-out. Among the major census preparatory activities the conduct of the Population
and Housing Census Cartographic Work was one of the important tasks to be undertaken.
During this census cartographic work, urban and rural kebeles were sub-divided into
enumeration areas, each having 150-200 housing units and households, respectively.
About 4-6 contiguous enumeration areas were made to form one supervision area. In this
exercise for each enumeration area and supervision area maps have been prepared.

During the census enumeration, each enumerator was given a map of an enumeration area
along with other census documents and he/she was responsible to record all persons and
households in that enumeration area without omission and duplication. One supervisor was
also assigned to a supervision area and was responsible for ensuring the quality of the

information collected in the area of his/her jurisdiction. Unlike the previous censuses, in this
census enumerators were primary school teachers while supervisors were secondary
school teachers.

It is to be noted that the Population and Housing Census is a huge nation wide operation
which could not be undertaken by a single organization. Thus, full cooperation and
assistance of government and non-government organizations, donor agencies and the
general public have been obtained for the 2007 Population and Housing Census.

The office of the Population Census Commission is therefore, very grateful to the
Government of Ethiopia for its huge financial and administrative supports. The office is also
grateful to the development partners particularly; the United Nations Fund for Population
Activities (UNFPA) and the Department for International Development (DFID) for their
generous financial, logistics and technical supports. Thanks are also due to the United
Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Embassy of Japan, the Italian Cooperation, the
United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), as well as the Dutch and Irish
Governments for their substantial financial supports.

Finally, the office would like to express its appreciation for the elementary and secondary
school teachers who participated in the data collection and supervision activities; the staff
members of the Central Statistical Agency for their invaluable contributions throughout the
census operations and also more importantly, the general public as well as the
administrators at all levels, who were critical to the success of the census enumeration.

The office hopes that the data contained in this Statistical Report will be utilized by all data
users for various development planning.

Samia Zekaria
Population Census Commission


Foreword ……………………………………………………………………………i

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………..iii

List of Tables ……………………………………………………………………….iv

Chapter I Introduction ……………………………………………………………1

Chapter II Population Characteristics …………………………………………..…5

Chapter III Other Population Characteristics …………………………………..…60

Chapter IV Disability and Orphanhood ……………………………………...…..103

4.1 Disability Status……………………………………………………..103

4.2 Orphanhood Status…………………………………………….……158

Chapter V Literacy and Education………………………………………………180

Chapter VI Economic Activity……………………………………………………226

Chapter VII Population Dynamics…………………………………………..……264

7.1 Migration…………………………………………………….………264

7.2 Fertility………………………………………………………………286

7.3 Mortality…………………………………………………..…………300

Chapter VIII Housing Characteristics and Conditions…………………..………….321

Appendix IA Population of Urban Kebeles by Sex with Number of Housing
Units and Households……………………………………………..428
Appendix IB Population of Rural Kebeles by Sex with Number of Housing
Units and Households……………………………………………..431

Appendix II Short Questionnaire (English translation) ……………………………441

Appendix III Long Questionnaire (English translation) ……………………………443


2.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007………………………………..7
2.2 Population of Towns by Sex: 2007……………………………………………………...9
2.3 Population by Type of Resident, Sex, and Five Year Age
Group: 2007……………………………………………………………………………..11
2.4 Population by Type of Resident and Sex: 2007……………………………………...14
2.5 Persons, Households, and Housing Units for Conventional Household
and Persons and Households for Non-Conventional Households, with
Households per Housing unit for Conventional Households: 2007……………….. 27
2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household
Size, with Percent Distributions and Averages: 2007……………………………….30
2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of
Household, Sex, and Five Year Age Groups: 2007………………………………….34
2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year Age Group
to 95+: 2007……………………………………………………………………………..40
2.9 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Single Year of
Age: 2007………………………………………………………………………………..58
3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007…………...62
3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007………...76
3.3 Population by Religion, Sex, and Five Year Groups: 2007………………………..90
3.4 Population by Religion, and Sex 2007……………………………………………….93
3.5 Persons 10 years old and older by Marital Status, Sex and Age: 2007………...100
4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group, with
Disability Rate: 2007………………………………………………………………….108
4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007…………………………...115
4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007………………..123
4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability
and Sex: 2007…………………………………………………………………………139
4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007……………..145
4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group,
with Rate of Mental Problem per 10,000 population: 2007……………………….151
4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphan hood Status, Sex, and
Age: 2007………………………………………………………………………………159
4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphan hood Status and Sex: 2007……….166
4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphan hood
Status, Sex, and Age Group: 2007………………………………………………….171
5.1 Population 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group: 2007………………………………………………………………………183
5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendance, Sex and
Single Year of Age to 30+: 2007……………………………………………………..190
5.3 Population 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendance and Sex: 2007………210
5.4 Population 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level, Sex,
and Single Year of Age to 30+: 2007………………………………………………..214
5.5 Population 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level and
Sex: 2007………………………………………………………………………………220
5.6 Population 5 Years Old and Over by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex,
and Highest Grade Completed: 2007……………………………………………….222
5.7 Population 5 Years Old and Older by Highest Level of School
Completed, Sex, and Age: 2007……………………………………………………..223
6.1 Population Aged 10 Years and above by Sex, Economic Activity
Status, Age Group and Economic Activity Rates, Urban and
Rural: 2007..........................................................................................................232
6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and above by Sex, Economic Activity
Urban-Rural Residence and Economic Activity Rates: 2007……………………..234
6.3 Economically Inactive Persons 10 Years and above by Reason for
Inactivity, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex
Ratio: 2007……………………………………………………………………………..241
6.4 Economically Active Persons Aged 10 years and above by Age
Group, Sex, and Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates: 2007……………………………………………………………………………244
6.5 Economically Active Persons Aged 10 Years and above by
Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment Rates, Urban and
Rural: 2007……………………………………………………………………………..246

6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and above
by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment Rates During
the Last Seven Days: 2007…………………………………………………………..253
6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years above by Employment Status,
Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007…………………258
7.1 Population and Migrants by Sex, Urban-Rural Residence, and Five
Year Age Group, with Percent Migrants: 2007……………………………………..267
7.2 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and
Age: 2007……………………………………………………………………………...269
7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Sex and Age: 2007…………………………...272
7.4 Rural to Urban Migrants and Urban to Rural Migrants by Sex and
Age: Sex: 2007………………………………………………………………………..285
7.5 Reproductive Age of Women by Five Year Age Group, Births During
the last 12 Months Prior to the Census, Age-Specific Birth Rates, and
Total Fertility Rates (TFRs), by Urban-Rural Residence: 2007…………………..288
7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group
and Number of Children Ever Born (CEB), with Total Children
Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born per Woman: 2007………………….290
7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children
Surviving by Five Year Age Groups, with Average Number of
Children Ever Born per Woman and Proportion of Children Ever
Born Deceased: 2007…………………………………………………………………302
7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the
12 Months Prior to the Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural
Residence, and Age: 2007…………………………………………………………...312
7.9 Women Age 12-49 Years of Age and Deaths of Women 12-49 Years
of Age During the 12 Months Prior to the Census, by Urban-Rural
Residence and Age-specific Death Rates: 2007…………………………………..319
8.1 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Housing Units: 2007…………………………324
8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007……………………………..327
8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007…………………………….335
8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007………………339

8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007…………………347
8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms
Per Housing Unit: 2007………………………………………………………………355
8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007………………………………….362
8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007……………………...366
8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007…………………………..371
8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007………………………………………377
8.11 Table 10.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Households
and Average Number of Holds Per Housing Unit: 2007………………………….382
8.12 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Years since Construction: 2007…………387
8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007……………………………………………..390
8.14 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Kitchen: 2007…………………………………394
8.15 Housing Units by Type of Kitchen for Rural Areas: 2007………………………….397
8.16 Housing Units by Type of Fuel for Cooking in Rural Areas: 2007………………...399
8.17 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Fuel for Cooking: 2007………………………400
8.18 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Bathing Facility: 2007………………………..403
8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007…………………………………405
8.20 Housing Units of Towns by Availability of Radio, Telephone and
Television: 2007………………………………………………………………………411
8.21 Housing Units of Towns by Ways of Waste Disposal: 2007……………………….414
8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007…………………………………...417
8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average
Number of Persons per Housing Unit: 2007……………………………………….421
8.24 Housing Units by Whether Livestock Spend the Night in the Room
Where Persons also Spend the Night in Rural Areas: 2007…………….………..426

1A Population, Households and Housing Units for Urban Kebeles

by Sex: 2007…………………………………………………………………….……..428
1B Population, Households and Housing Units for Rural Kebeles
by Sex: 2007…………………………………………………………………….……..431



This chapter presents an over view of the contents of the census report entitled “The 2007
Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia: Statistical Report for Tigray Region”. The report
presents the major statistical data that are essential to policy makers, planners, administrators,
researchers and other data users in a table format.

In Tigray region the census has covered the then existing total of 692 rural and urban Kebeles
which were sub-divided into 5619 enumeration areas. The May 2007 Population and Housing
Census was the third Population and Housing Census. The first Population and Housing
Census was conducted in May 1984 whereas the second Population and Housing Census of
Ethiopia was conducted in October, 1994. In this third Census, twenty eight of May, 2007 was
used as the census day or census reference day. The census has counted people on dejure
and defacto basis. The dejure population comprises all the persons who belong to a given area
at a given time by virtue of usual residence, while under defacto approach people were counted
as the residents of the place where they found (Shryock et al., 1976). In the census, a person is
said to be a usual resident of a household ( and hence an area ) if he/ she has been residing in
the household continuously for at least six months before the census day or intends to reside in
the household for six months or longer. Thus, visitors are not included with the usual (dejure)
population. Homeless persons were enumerated in the place where they spent the night on the
enumeration day. The 2007 census counted foreign nationals who were residing in the region.
On the other hand all Ethiopians living abroad were not counted.
In this census the questionnaires that were used to collect information were generally prepared
in Amharic. However, English translation of the short questionnaires was used to collect data
from the foreigners residing in Tigray Region.
In the census two types of questionnaires were used:

i) Short Questionnaire (Appendix II) and

ii) Long Questionnaire (Appendix III)

Unlike the previous censuses, the contents of the short and long questionnaires were similar
both for the urban and rural areas as well as for all regions. But the short and the long
questionnaires differ by the number of variables they contained. That is, the short questionnaire

was used to collect basic data on population characteristics such as population size, sex, age,
language, ethnic group, religion, orphan hood and disability. Where as a the long questionnaire
includes information on marital status, education, economic activity, migration, fertility, mortality,
as well as housing stocks and conditions in addition to those questions contained in a short

The questionnaires were filled-in by enumerators who went from one household to the next. All
members of the household were recorded on the same questionnaire if their number is eight or
less and on consecutive questionnaires if their members are more than eight. The type of
questionnaire administered to each household depends on whether a household was selected
for a long questionnaire or not. The selection procedure was determined by using a systematic
sampling procedure as follows. During the three days before the census day all households
and housing units were listed in a separate form designed for the purpose. Then, this list was
used to identify the type of questionnaire that was to be administered to the households. One
out of five households was systematically selected from the list /following scientific procedures/
to be interviewed using the long questionnaire, while the other remaining four were interviewed
using the short questionnaire. Residents of hotels, hostels and other collective quarters were
being interviewed using a long questionnaire whereas homeless persons were counted using a
short questionnaire.

Accordingly, information presented in this report that refer to population size, sex, age
composition, language, ethnic group, religion, disability and orphan hood status of children
under 18 years were collected from all persons covered in the census. However, some other
information presented in this report was collected from a sample of the population. Even
though information on the long questionnaire was collected from a sample of the population,
statistical weights were applied to make them represent the entire population. This means that
the numbers presented in the tables that refer to education, economic activity, fertility, mortality
…etc were made to represent the entire population of Tigray Region covered in the census and
not only the sampled population.

The fact that the information was collected from a sample of households and not from the entire
households does not make the information less reliable. In fact this process is expected to
increase the quality of the information collected by reducing the work load that would have been
faced if all households were covered using the long questionnaires. In turn, the reduction of the

work load improves the quality of the data through facilitating a closer supervision during field
work and enabling the timely processing of the data collected.

This report has one part and contains eight chapters. The first chapter serves as an
introduction to the report. Chapter II presents the basic population characteristics such as
population size, type of residence, relation to head of household, sex and age. Chapter III
presents other population characteristics such as religion, mother tongue, ethnic group and
marital status. Chapter IV contains statistical data on disability and orphan hood. Chapter V
presents literacy status, school attendance and educational attainment. Chapter VI presents
economic activity that deals with current and usual economic activity as well as employment and
unemployment statuses. Chapter VII contains data on population dynamics dealing with fertility,
mortality and migration. Chapter VIII presents information on Housing conditions and
characteristics. Each chapter has a brief description concerning the type of questions asked
and the corresponding answer categories, instructions followed by the enumerator while
interviewing, basic definitions of concepts, etc. Population of urban and rural kebeles by sex
with number of households and housing units and copies of an English version – short and long
questionnaire are presented as appendices II and III at the end of this report.

It worth mentioning that because of the use of weights, slight discrepancies between various
tables may sometimes be observed for some of the data collected by long questionnaire. Apart
form this, tables that deal with education, economic activity and housing exclude the number of
homeless population. Since the homeless population is very small as compared to the total
population of a region, the discrepancies are very small. Homeless persons were enumerated
using only the short questionnaire because the enumeration took place at night at the place
where they were sleeping, and it was not convenient to apply long questionnaires in such

General Information
The following points are worth mentioning regarding the contents of this statistical report, the
supply of the compiled statistical data in print and digital copies and also concerning access to
raw data:
a) The majority of the tables containing statistical data on population characteristics,
education, economic activity, fertility, mortality, migration and housing stock and

conditions were aggregated at region and zone levels and only very few tables are
produced at wereda level. The data will be provided in print and digital forms.
b) More detailed information up to wereda and town levels will be provided in digital
form on CDs.
c) Apart from these, raw data as well as further detailed cross tabulations can be
obtained from the Census Commission office up on the user’s request.



This chapter presents population size by type of residence, relationship to head of the
household and age classified by sex. Detailed information on the characteristics of the
population is also presented for the regions. Theses include type of residence, number of
housing unit, household size, relationship to the head of the household, headship rate,
population by zones, weredas, towns, urban and rural residence, conventional and non-
conventional households, single year and population by five years age group, etc.

The type of residence is one of the questions included in the census questionnaire.
Type of residence is categorized into two major groups, namely, conventional and non-
conventional. Please note that, in Tables 2.5 the population size of pastoralists are added to
conventional households, in addition to that, Tables 2.6 and 2.7 also include the population size
of pastoralists. Respondents who live in the same housing unit and have common cooking
arrangements (eat their food together) are said to be residing in conventional households. The
non-conventional population in turn is sub-divided into residents of collective quarters
(hotel/hostel and other collective quarters) and homeless. A collective quarter is a housing unit,
a building, or a compound in which a number of unrelated persons reside together and share
common facilities e.g. boarding schools, prisons, hotels, hostels, etc. Homeless persons refer
to individuals without any fixed residence. Pastoralists are people who are wandering from
place to palace in search of grass and water for their animals. Almost the same question was
included in the 1994 census but the response categories were conventional, hotel/hostel, other
collective quarters, nomads and homeless.

The 2007 census has also collected information on members of the household and their
relationship to the head. The question asked was “NAME” what is your relationship to the head
of the household?” the categories for this question are head, spouse, child of head and/or
spouse, parent of head/spouse, sibling of head/spouse, niece/nephew of head or spouse,
grandchild of head or spouse, other relatives of head or spouse and non-relatives. This
question was also included in the 1994 census but there was very much little difference in the
categories. The head of the household is any member of the household who is recognized as a

head by the members. In a polygamous marriage where each of the wives has their own
separated households the husband is considered to be the head or member of the household
of the first wife. The other wives or other members (e.g. elder son) are considered to be the
head of their respective households.

The information on age is collected from every individual counted in the census. The
question was presented as “what is NAME’s age?” for an infant less than one year of age the
enumerator was instructed to shade “00”. On the other hand, for a person whose age was 97
years and more all enumerators were trained to record as 97. Age information is recorded in
completed years. For instance, a person whose age was 37 years 11 months and 29 days on
the census date the enumerator will record it as 37. For those people who did not know their
exact age the enumerators have been trained how to probe with the help of historical events in
the enumerators manual, which has been collected from the 9 regional states and two city
administrations. Apart from this other method that would be used by the enumerators to get an
exact age or to make a reasonable estimate of the respondents age are included in the
manual. This question was also available in the 1994 census in the same way as in 2007

Table 2.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Geographical Both Both Both
Area Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
TIGRAY REGION 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 736,805 368,254 368,551 107,999 49,642 58,357 628,806 318,612 310,194
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA 90,144 45,834 44,310 6,377 2,790 3,587 83,767 43,044 40,723
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA 113,836 56,685 57,151 8,033 3,508 4,525 105,803 53,177 52,626
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA 125,028 61,977 63,051 10,526 4,669 5,857 114,502 57,308 57,194
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA 68,989 34,477 34,512 - - - 68,989 34,477 34,512
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA 135,621 69,143 66,478 10,111 4,641 5,470 125,510 64,502 61,008
TSELEMTI WEREDA 138,858 70,108 68,750 8,623 4,004 4,619 130,235 66,104 64,131
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA 47,284 21,867 25,417 47,284 21,867 25,417 - - -
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA 17,045 8,163 8,882 17,045 8,163 8,882 - - -
CENTRAL TIGRAY ZONE 1,245,824 613,797 632,027 176,453 81,844 94,609 1,069,371 531,953 537,418
MEREB LEHE WEREDA 107,218 53,425 53,793 7,911 3,616 4,295 99,307 49,809 49,498
AHIFEROM WEREDA 173,700 84,014 89,686 23,421 10,895 12,526 150,279 73,119 77,160
WERE LEHE WEREDA 146,104 71,659 74,445 16,525 7,585 8,940 129,579 64,074 65,505
ADWA WEREDA 99,711 49,546 50,165 - - - 99,711 49,546 50,165
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 72,625 36,203 36,422 - - - 72,625 36,203 36,422
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 99,122 48,623 50,499 11,187 5,244 5,943 87,935 43,379 44,556
NADER ADET WEREDA 104,966 52,061 52,905 1,842 914 928 103,124 51,147 51,977
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA 134,336 66,925 67,411 - - - 134,336 66,925 67,411
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA 113,595 56,955 56,640 7,270 3,335 3,935 106,325 53,620 52,705
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA 93,185 47,512 45,673 7,035 3,381 3,654 86,150 44,131 42,019
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 16,115 7,826 8,289 16,115 7,826 8,289 - - -
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA 40,500 18,307 22,193 40,500 18,307 22,193 - - -
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA 44,647 20,741 23,906 44,647 20,741 23,906 - - -
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 755,343 359,638 395,705 146,064 66,321 79,743 609,279 293,317 315,962
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA 84,236 40,549 43,687 10,101 4,525 5,576 74,135 36,024 38,111
EROB WEREDA 25,471 12,412 13,059 2,091 1,008 1,083 23,380 11,404 11,976
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA 139,191 65,796 73,395 18,933 8,371 10,562 120,258 57,425 62,833
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA 88,644 42,096 46,548 3,636 1,658 1,978 85,008 40,438 44,570
HAWZEN WEREDA 117,954 56,415 61,539 7,553 3,541 4,012 110,401 52,874 57,527
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA 99,708 48,645 51,063 4,808 2,166 2,642 94,900 46,479 48,421
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA 112,341 53,659 58,682 11,144 4,986 6,158 101,197 48,673 52,524
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA 57,588 26,010 31,578 57,588 26,010 31,578 - - -
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA 30,210 14,056 16,154 30,210 14,056 16,154 - - -
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE 1,006,504 497,280 509,224 125,787 59,328 66,459 880,717 437,952 442,765
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA 124,340 61,868 62,472 9,189 4,294 4,895 115,151 57,574 57,577
ENDERTA WEREDA 114,297 57,482 56,815 - - - 114,297 57,482 56,815
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA 153,505 75,890 77,615 11,936 5,631 6,305 141,569 70,259 71,310
ALAJE WEREDA 107,972 52,844 55,128 7,568 3,670 3,898 100,404 49,174 51,230
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA 84,739 42,052 42,687 2,986 1,278 1,708 81,753 40,774 40,979
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA 135,870 67,687 68,183 16,056 7,626 8,430 119,814 60,061 59,753
ALAMATA WEREDA 85,403 42,483 42,920 4,563 2,133 2,430 80,840 40,350 40,490
OFLA WEREDA 126,889 62,278 64,611 - - - 126,889 62,278 64,611
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA 23,419 11,024 12,395 23,419 11,024 12,395 - - -
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA 16,856 7,532 9,324 16,856 7,532 9,324 - - -
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA 33,214 16,140 17,074 33,214 16,140 17,074 - - -
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 356,598 182,571 174,027 71,823 36,735 35,088 284,775 145,836 138,939
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA 92,167 47,909 44,258 30,234 15,550 14,684 61,933 32,359 29,574

Table 2.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Geographical Both Both Both
Area Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
WELKAYIT WEREDA 138,926 70,504 68,422 10,758 5,225 5,533 128,168 65,279 62,889
TSEGEDE WEREDA 103,852 52,763 51,089 9,178 4,565 4,613 94,674 48,198 46,476
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA 21,653 11,395 10,258 21,653 11,395 10,258 - - -
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE 215,914 104,925 110,989 215,914 104,925 110,989 - - -
DEBUB WEREDA 92,104 44,153 47,951 92,104 44,153 47,951 - - -
SEMEN WEREDA 123,810 60,772 63,038 123,810 60,772 63,038 - - -

Table 2.2 Population of Towns by Sex: 2007
Area Both Sexes Male Female
TIGRAY-REGION 844,040 398,795 445,245
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 107,999 49,642 58,357
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 6,377 2,790 3,587
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 6,377 2,790 3,587
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 8,033 3,508 4,525
ADI DAERO-TOWN 8,033 3,508 4,525
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 10,526 4,669 5,857
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 7,275 3,287 3,988
ZANA-TOWN 3,251 1,382 1,869
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 10,111 4,641 5,470
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 10,111 4,641 5,470
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 8,623 4,004 4,619
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 8,623 4,004 4,619
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 47,284 21,867 25,417
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 17,045 8,163 8,882
SHIRARO-TOWN 17,045 8,163 8,882
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 176,453 81,844 94,609
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 7,911 3,616 4,295
RAMA-TOWN 7,911 3,616 4,295
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 23,421 10,895 12,526
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 6,299 2,798 3,501
INTICHO-TOWN 10,298 4,897 5,401
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 2,498 1,097 1,401
FERES MAY-TOWN 4,326 2,103 2,223
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 16,525 7,585 8,940
NEBELAT-TOWN 3,447 1,557 1,890
IDAGARBI-TOWN 8,571 3,949 4,622
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 4,507 2,079 2,428
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 11,187 5,244 5,943
CHILA-TOWN 3,005 1,345 1,660
WUKRO MARYA 8,182 3,899 4,283
NADER ADET-WEREDA 1,842 914 928
SEMEMA TOWN 1,842 914 928
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 7,270 3,335 3,935
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 7,270 3,335 3,935
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 7,035 3,381 3,654
MEARAY-TOWN 7,035 3,381 3,654
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 16,115 7,826 8,289
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 16,115 7,826 8,289
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 40,500 18,307 22,193
ADWA-TOWN 40,500 18,307 22,193
AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 44,647 20,741 23,906
AXUM-TOWN 44,647 20,741 23,906
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 146,064 66,321 79,743
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 10,101 4,525 5,576
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 7,502 3,329 4,173
FATSI-TOWN 2,599 1,196 1,403
EROB-WEREDA 2,091 1,008 1,083
DAWUHAN-TOWN 2,091 1,008 1,083
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 18,933 8,371 10,562
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 12,004 5,314 6,690
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 6,929 3,057 3,872
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 3,636 1,658 1,978
BAZET-TOWN 3,636 1,658 1,978

Table 2.2 Population of Towns by Sex: 2007
Area Both Sexes Male Female
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 7,553 3,541 4,012
HAWUZEN-TOWN 7,553 3,541 4,012
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 4,808 2,166 2,642
AGULA-TOWN 4,808 2,166 2,642
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 11,144 4,986 6,158
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 7,983 3,548 4,435
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 3,161 1,438 1,723
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 57,588 26,010 31,578
ADIGRAT-TOWN 57,588 26,010 31,578
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,210 14,056 16,154
WUKRO-TOWN 30,210 14,056 16,154
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 125,787 59,328 66,459
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 9,189 4,294 4,895
GIJET-TOWN 4,458 2,037 2,421
SAMIRA-TOWN 4,731 2,257 2,474
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 11,936 5,631 6,305
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 8,024 3,885 4,139
HIWANE-TOWN 3,912 1,746 2,166
ALAJE-WEREDA 7,568 3,670 3,898
ADISHOHU-TOWN 7,568 3,670 3,898
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 2,986 1,278 1,708
MESWAET-TOWN 2,986 1,278 1,708
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 16,056 7,626 8,430
MEHONI-TOWN 13,793 6,560 7,233
CHERCHER-TOWN 2,263 1,066 1,197
ALAMATA-WEREDA 4,563 2,133 2,430
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 4,563 2,133 2,430
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,419 11,024 12,395
MAYCHEW-TOWN 23,419 11,024 12,395
KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 16,856 7,532 9,324
KOREM-TOWN 16,856 7,532 9,324
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 33,214 16,140 17,074
ALAMATA-TOWN 33,214 16,140 17,074
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 71,823 36,735 35,088
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 30,234 15,550 14,684
ADEBAYE-TOWN 10,268 5,257 5,011
BIHER-TOWN 7,116 3,637 3,479
MAY CADERA-TOWN 12,850 6,656 6,194
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 10,758 5,225 5,533
MEZEGA-TOWN 5,555 2,779 2,776
ADI REMETS-TOWN 5,203 2,446 2,757
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 9,178 4,565 4,613
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 1,971 898 1,073
DANISHA-TOWN 7,207 3,667 3,540
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 21,653 11,395 10,258
HUMERA-TOWN 21,653 11,395 10,258
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 215,914 104,925 110,989
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 92,104 44,153 47,951
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 92,104 44,153 47,951
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 123,810 60,772 63,038
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 123,810 60,772 63,038

Table 2.3 Population by Type of Residence, Sex, and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Sex and Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Age Group Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 4,316,988 4,288,175 3,596 839 5,682 2,680 14,892 - 1,124

0 - 4 630,862 630,305 153 69 11 8 303 - 13

5 - 9 641,674 641,151 111 128 55 7 201 - 21
10-14 613,806 612,127 203 307 92 17 836 - 224
15-19 496,217 489,043 1,054 251 1,165 527 3,786 - 391
20-24 362,473 352,702 914 33 3,956 676 4,023 - 169
25-29 285,841 282,517 428 13 320 503 1,984 - 76
30-34 249,309 247,699 205 7 43 280 1,022 - 53
35-39 225,087 223,914 143 9 16 219 749 - 37
40-44 170,667 169,679 160 6 10 128 651 - 33
45-49 137,813 137,285 61 5 2 106 331 - 23
50-54 125,628 125,178 58 2 8 64 290 - 28
55-59 94,965 94,701 38 3 1 63 145 - 14
60-64 91,376 91,141 32 1 1 31 156 - 14
65-69 67,471 67,291 19 2 - 24 128 - 7
70-74 60,395 60,225 10 - - 18 130 - 12
75+ 63,404 63,217 7 3 2 9 157 - 9

Male 2,126,465 2,104,207 1,718 409 4,446 2,609 12,109 - 967

0 - 4 320,265 319,988 81 30 9 5 147 - 5

5 - 9 324,557 324,267 60 57 28 5 124 - 16
10-14 314,868 313,611 104 156 44 17 715 - 221
15-19 244,567 239,437 360 132 779 508 2,991 - 360
20-24 175,557 167,826 406 19 3,213 673 3,297 - 123
25-29 127,993 125,197 239 5 303 496 1,688 - 65
30-34 111,434 110,070 132 - 37 273 876 - 46
35-39 103,756 102,757 86 3 15 210 656 - 29
40-44 83,846 82,989 110 1 9 123 589 - 25
45-49 67,205 66,755 38 - 1 101 290 - 20
50-54 57,711 57,355 34 1 6 60 236 - 19
55-59 49,320 49,114 21 2 1 61 112 - 9
60-64 43,731 43,569 20 1 - 28 106 - 7
65-69 35,351 35,222 15 2 - 23 84 - 5
70-74 30,109 29,990 7 - - 17 85 - 10
75+ 36,195 36,060 5 - 1 9 113 - 7

Female 2,190,523 2,183,968 1,878 430 1,236 71 2,783 - 157

0 - 4 310,597 310,317 72 39 2 3 156 - 8

5 - 9 317,117 316,884 51 71 27 2 77 - 5
10-14 298,938 298,516 99 151 48 - 121 - 3
15-19 251,650 249,606 694 119 386 19 795 - 31
20-24 186,916 184,876 508 14 743 3 726 - 46
25-29 157,848 157,320 189 8 17 7 296 - 11
30-34 137,875 137,629 73 7 6 7 146 - 7
35-39 121,331 121,157 57 6 1 9 93 - 8
40-44 86,821 86,690 50 5 1 5 62 - 8
45-49 70,608 70,530 23 5 1 5 41 - 3
50-54 67,917 67,823 24 1 2 4 54 - 9
55-59 45,645 45,587 17 1 - 2 33 - 5
60-64 47,645 47,572 12 - 1 3 50 - 7
65-69 32,120 32,069 4 - - 1 44 - 2
70-74 30,286 30,235 3 - - 1 45 - 2
75+ 27,209 27,157 2 3 1 - 44 - 2

Table 2.3 Population by Type of Residence, Sex, and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Sex and Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Age Group Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 844,040 824,111 3,017 690 5,103 2,620 7,583 - 916

0 - 4 104,018 103,651 108 63 11 6 172 - 7

5 - 9 97,947 97,564 82 108 52 5 121 - 15
10-14 106,074 104,936 146 272 88 14 397 - 221
15-19 119,643 114,447 943 196 818 518 2,381 - 340
20-24 101,230 93,877 798 16 3,742 660 2,036 - 101
25-29 77,045 74,956 353 8 311 496 874 - 47
30-34 54,533 53,536 180 6 42 273 458 - 38
35-39 47,441 46,761 111 7 15 216 304 - 27
40-44 31,562 31,031 122 5 10 123 241 - 30
45-49 24,313 23,998 51 4 2 104 138 - 16
50-54 20,444 20,180 43 1 8 62 125 - 25
55-59 14,421 14,240 31 - 1 62 74 - 13
60-64 14,317 14,168 27 1 1 30 77 - 13
65-69 10,660 10,554 14 - - 24 62 - 6
70-74 9,841 9,757 4 - - 18 54 - 8
75+ 10,551 10,455 4 3 2 9 69 - 9

Male 398,795 383,804 1,415 331 4,004 2,556 5,852 - 833

0 - 4 52,844 52,664 57 29 9 5 78 - 2
5 - 9 48,891 48,691 45 44 26 3 69 - 13
10-14 52,234 51,438 72 140 41 14 311 - 218
15-19 53,892 50,247 328 103 549 499 1,837 - 329
20-24 45,377 39,609 362 8 3,016 658 1,634 - 90
25-29 34,652 32,940 192 3 294 489 692 - 42
30-34 25,876 25,057 110 - 36 267 373 - 33
35-39 22,078 21,525 66 2 15 208 241 - 21
40-44 16,645 16,210 80 1 9 119 204 - 22
45-49 12,287 12,026 30 - 1 100 116 - 14
50-54 8,890 8,693 25 - 6 58 91 - 17
55-59 6,280 6,143 15 - 1 60 52 - 9
60-64 5,626 5,530 16 1 - 27 46 - 6
65-69 4,365 4,290 11 - - 23 37 - 4
70-74 3,966 3,909 2 - - 17 32 - 6
75+ 4,892 4,832 4 - 1 9 39 - 7

Female 445,245 440,307 1,602 359 1,099 64 1,731 - 83

0 - 4 51,174 50,987 51 34 2 1 94 - 5
5 - 9 49,056 48,873 37 64 26 2 52 - 2
10-14 53,840 53,498 74 132 47 - 86 - 3
15-19 65,751 64,200 615 93 269 19 544 - 11
20-24 55,853 54,268 436 8 726 2 402 - 11
25-29 42,393 42,016 161 5 17 7 182 - 5
30-34 28,657 28,479 70 6 6 6 85 - 5
35-39 25,363 25,236 45 5 - 8 63 - 6
40-44 14,917 14,821 42 4 1 4 37 - 8
45-49 12,026 11,972 21 4 1 4 22 - 2
50-54 11,554 11,487 18 1 2 4 34 - 8
55-59 8,141 8,097 16 - - 2 22 - 4
60-64 8,691 8,638 11 - 1 3 31 - 7
65-69 6,295 6,264 3 - - 1 25 - 2
70-74 5,875 5,848 2 - - 1 22 - 2
75+ 5,659 5,623 - 3 1 - 30 - 2

Table 2.3 Population by Type of Residence, Sex, and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Sex and Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Age Group Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 3,472,948 3,464,064 579 149 579 60 7,309 - 208

0 - 4 526,844 526,654 45 6 - 2 131 - 6

5 - 9 543,727 543,587 29 20 3 2 80 - 6
10-14 507,732 507,191 57 35 4 3 439 - 3
15-19 376,574 374,596 111 55 347 9 1,405 - 51
20-24 261,243 258,825 116 17 214 16 1,987 - 68
25-29 208,796 207,561 75 5 9 7 1,110 - 29
30-34 194,776 194,163 25 1 1 7 564 - 15
35-39 177,646 177,153 32 2 1 3 445 - 10
40-44 139,105 138,648 38 1 - 5 410 - 3
45-49 113,500 113,287 10 1 - 2 193 - 7
50-54 105,184 104,998 15 1 - 2 165 - 3
55-59 80,544 80,461 7 3 - 1 71 - 1
60-64 77,059 76,973 5 - - 1 79 - 1
65-69 56,811 56,737 5 2 - - 66 - 1
70-74 50,554 50,468 6 - - - 76 - 4
75+ 52,853 52,762 3 - - - 88 - -

Male 1,727,670 1,720,403 303 78 442 53 6,257 - 134

0 - 4 267,421 267,324 24 1 - - 69 - 3
5 - 9 275,666 275,576 15 13 2 2 55 - 3
10-14 262,634 262,173 32 16 3 3 404 - 3
15-19 190,675 189,190 32 29 230 9 1,154 - 31
20-24 130,180 128,217 44 11 197 15 1,663 - 33
25-29 93,341 92,257 47 2 9 7 996 - 23
30-34 85,558 85,013 22 - 1 6 503 - 13
35-39 81,678 81,232 20 1 - 2 415 - 8
40-44 67,201 66,779 30 - - 4 385 - 3
45-49 54,918 54,729 8 - - 1 174 - 6
50-54 48,821 48,662 9 1 - 2 145 - 2
55-59 43,040 42,971 6 2 - 1 60 - -
60-64 38,105 38,039 4 - - 1 60 - 1
65-69 30,986 30,932 4 2 - - 47 - 1
70-74 26,143 26,081 5 - - - 53 - 4
75+ 31,303 31,228 1 - - - 74 - -

Female 1,745,278 1,743,661 276 71 137 7 1,052 - 74

0 - 4 259,423 259,330 21 5 - 2 62 - 3
5 - 9 268,061 268,011 14 7 1 - 25 - 3
10-14 245,098 245,018 25 19 1 - 35 - -
15-19 185,899 185,406 79 26 117 - 251 - 20
20-24 131,063 130,608 72 6 17 1 324 - 35
25-29 115,455 115,304 28 3 - - 114 - 6
30-34 109,218 109,150 3 1 - 1 61 - 2
35-39 95,968 95,921 12 1 1 1 30 - 2
40-44 71,904 71,869 8 1 - 1 25 - -
45-49 58,582 58,558 2 1 - 1 19 - 1
50-54 56,363 56,336 6 - - - 20 - 1
55-59 37,504 37,490 1 1 - - 11 - 1
60-64 38,954 38,934 1 - - - 19 - -
65-69 25,825 25,805 1 - - - 19 - -
70-74 24,411 24,387 1 - - - 23 - -
75+ 21,550 21,534 2 - - - 14 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 4,316,988 4,288,175 3,596 839 5,682 2,680 14,892 - 1,124
Male 2,126,465 2,104,207 1,718 409 4,446 2,609 12,109 - 967
Female 2,190,523 2,183,968 1,878 430 1,236 71 2,783 - 157


Both Sexes 844,040 824,111 3,017 690 5,103 2,620 7,583 - 916
Male 398,795 383,804 1,415 331 4,004 2,556 5,852 - 833
Female 445,245 440,307 1,602 359 1,099 64 1,731 - 83


Both Sexes 3,472,948 3,464,064 579 149 579 60 7,309 - 208

Male 1,727,670 1,720,403 303 78 442 53 6,257 - 134
Female 1,745,278 1,743,661 276 71 137 7 1,052 - 74


Both Sexes 736,805 732,758 826 - 5 89 3,020 - 107

Male 368,254 364,977 401 - 2 87 2,685 - 102
Female 368,551 367,781 425 - 3 2 335 - 5


Both Sexes 107,999 106,229 505 - - 40 1,151 - 74

Male 49,642 48,312 208 - - 40 1,011 - 71
Female 58,357 57,917 297 - - - 140 - 3


Both Sexes 628,806 626,529 321 - 5 49 1,869 - 33

Male 318,612 316,665 193 - 2 47 1,674 - 31
Female 310,194 309,864 128 - 3 2 195 - 2


Both Sexes 90,144 89,449 186 - - - 485 - 24

Male 45,834 45,283 112 - - - 415 - 24
Female 44,310 44,166 74 - - - 70 - -


Both Sexes 6,377 6,313 37 - - - 27 - -

Male 2,790 2,771 14 - - - 5 - -
Female 3,587 3,542 23 - - - 22 - -


Both Sexes 83,767 83,136 149 - - - 458 - 24

Male 43,044 42,512 98 - - - 410 - 24
Female 40,723 40,624 51 - - - 48 - -


Both Sexes 113,836 113,674 77 - - - 85 - -

Male 56,685 56,599 28 - - - 58 - -
Female 57,151 57,075 49 - - - 27 - -


Both Sexes 8,033 7,978 42 - - - 13 - -

Male 3,508 3,489 11 - - - 8 - -
Female 4,525 4,489 31 - - - 5 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 105,803 105,696 35 - - - 72 - -

Male 53,177 53,110 17 - - - 50 - -
Female 52,626 52,586 18 - - - 22 - -


Both Sexes 125,028 124,968 7 - 2 - 51 - -

Male 61,977 61,929 4 - - - 44 - -
Female 63,051 63,039 3 - 2 - 7 - -


Both Sexes 10,526 10,497 7 - - - 22 - -

Male 4,669 4,647 4 - - - 18 - -
Female 5,857 5,850 3 - - - 4 - -


Both Sexes 114,502 114,471 - - 2 - 29 - -

Male 57,308 57,282 - - - - 26 - -
Female 57,194 57,189 - - 2 - 3 - -


Both Sexes 68,989 68,804 60 - - - 125 - -

Male 34,477 34,334 28 - - - 115 - -
Female 34,512 34,470 32 - - - 10 - -


Both Sexes 68,989 68,804 60 - - - 125 - -

Male 34,477 34,334 28 - - - 115 - -
Female 34,512 34,470 32 - - - 10 - -


Both Sexes 135,621 134,881 107 - - 49 577 - 7

Male 69,143 68,498 61 - - 47 532 - 5
Female 66,478 66,383 46 - - 2 45 - 2


Both Sexes 10,111 10,035 33 - - - 43 - -

Male 4,641 4,584 14 - - - 43 - -
Female 5,470 5,451 19 - - - - - -


Both Sexes 125,510 124,846 74 - - 49 534 - 7

Male 64,502 63,914 47 - - 47 489 - 5
Female 61,008 60,932 27 - - 2 45 - 2


Both Sexes 138,858 138,117 29 - 3 - 707 - 2

Male 70,108 69,461 8 - 2 - 635 - 2
Female 68,750 68,656 21 - 1 - 72 - -


Both Sexes 8,623 8,541 26 - - - 56 - -

Male 4,004 3,948 5 - - - 51 - -
Female 4,619 4,593 21 - - - 5 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 130,235 129,576 3 - 3 - 651 - 2

Male 66,104 65,513 3 - 2 - 584 - 2
Female 64,131 64,063 - - 1 - 67 - -


Both Sexes 47,284 46,108 182 - - 40 908 - 46

Male 21,867 20,877 77 - - 40 830 - 43
Female 25,417 25,231 105 - - - 78 - 3


Both Sexes 47,284 46,108 182 - - 40 908 - 46

Male 21,867 20,877 77 - - 40 830 - 43
Female 25,417 25,231 105 - - - 78 - 3


Both Sexes 17,045 16,757 178 - - - 82 - 28

Male 8,163 7,996 83 - - - 56 - 28
Female 8,882 8,761 95 - - - 26 - -


Both Sexes 17,045 16,757 178 - - - 82 - 28

Male 8,163 7,996 83 - - - 56 - 28
Female 8,882 8,761 95 - - - 26 - -


Both Sexes 1,245,824 1,239,741 453 175 946 533 3,802 - 174
Male 613,797 609,152 177 35 733 512 3,051 - 137
Female 632,027 630,589 276 140 213 21 751 - 37


Both Sexes 176,453 172,882 424 160 638 531 1,657 - 161
Male 81,844 79,316 163 27 485 511 1,212 - 130
Female 94,609 93,566 261 133 153 20 445 - 31


Both Sexes 1,069,371 1,066,859 29 15 308 2 2,145 - 13

Male 531,953 529,836 14 8 248 1 1,839 - 7
Female 537,418 537,023 15 7 60 1 306 - 6


Both Sexes 107,218 107,077 15 - - - 126 - -

Male 53,425 53,327 3 - - - 95 - -
Female 53,793 53,750 12 - - - 31 - -


Both Sexes 7,911 7,881 15 - - - 15 - -

Male 3,616 3,598 3 - - - 15 - -
Female 4,295 4,283 12 - - - - - -


Both Sexes 99,307 99,196 - - - - 111 - -

Male 49,809 49,729 - - - - 80 - -
Female 49,498 49,467 - - - - 31 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 173,700 173,286 123 - - - 267 - 24

Male 84,014 83,767 44 - - - 183 - 20
Female 89,686 89,519 79 - - - 84 - 4


Both Sexes 23,421 23,137 123 - - - 137 - 24

Male 10,895 10,709 44 - - - 122 - 20
Female 12,526 12,428 79 - - - 15 - 4


Both Sexes 150,279 150,149 - - - - 130 - -

Male 73,119 73,058 - - - - 61 - -
Female 77,160 77,091 - - - - 69 - -


Both Sexes 146,104 145,944 5 - - 6 135 - 14

Male 71,659 71,548 2 - - 6 91 - 12
Female 74,445 74,396 3 - - - 44 - 2


Both Sexes 16,525 16,426 5 - - 6 74 - 14

Male 7,585 7,523 2 - - 6 42 - 12
Female 8,940 8,903 3 - - - 32 - 2


Both Sexes 129,579 129,518 - - - - 61 - -

Male 64,074 64,025 - - - - 49 - -
Female 65,505 65,493 - - - - 12 - -


Both Sexes 99,711 99,663 - 8 - - 27 - 13

Male 49,546 49,519 - 4 - - 16 - 7
Female 50,165 50,144 - 4 - - 11 - 6


Both Sexes 99,711 99,663 - 8 - - 27 - 13

Male 49,546 49,519 - 4 - - 16 - 7
Female 50,165 50,144 - 4 - - 11 - 6


Both Sexes 72,625 72,159 - - 308 - 158 - -

Male 36,203 35,844 - - 248 - 111 - -
Female 36,422 36,315 - - 60 - 47 - -


Both Sexes 72,625 72,159 - - 308 - 158 - -

Male 36,203 35,844 - - 248 - 111 - -
Female 36,422 36,315 - - 60 - 47 - -


Both Sexes 99,122 99,014 20 7 - - 81 - -

Male 48,623 48,559 8 4 - - 52 - -
Female 50,499 50,455 12 3 - - 29 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 11,187 11,108 20 - - - 59 - -

Male 5,244 5,202 8 - - - 34 - -
Female 5,943 5,906 12 - - - 25 - -


Both Sexes 87,935 87,906 - 7 - - 22 - -

Male 43,379 43,357 - 4 - - 18 - -
Female 44,556 44,549 - 3 - - 4 - -


Both Sexes 104,966 104,901 16 - - - 49 - -

Male 52,061 52,019 8 - - - 34 - -
Female 52,905 52,882 8 - - - 15 - -


Both Sexes 1,842 1,828 - - - - 14 - -

Male 914 902 - - - - 12 - -
Female 928 926 - - - - 2 - -


Both Sexes 103,124 103,073 16 - - - 35 - -

Male 51,147 51,117 8 - - - 22 - -
Female 51,977 51,956 8 - - - 13 - -


Both Sexes 134,336 134,311 - - - - 25 - -

Male 66,925 66,907 - - - - 18 - -
Female 67,411 67,404 - - - - 7 - -


Both Sexes 134,336 134,311 - - - - 25 - -

Male 66,925 66,907 - - - - 18 - -
Female 67,411 67,404 - - - - 7 - -


Both Sexes 113,595 113,389 7 - - - 199 - -

Male 56,955 56,768 1 - - - 186 - -
Female 56,640 56,621 6 - - - 13 - -


Both Sexes 7,270 7,202 7 - - - 61 - -

Male 3,335 3,282 1 - - - 52 - -
Female 3,935 3,920 6 - - - 9 - -


Both Sexes 106,325 106,187 - - - - 138 - -

Male 53,620 53,486 - - - - 134 - -
Female 52,705 52,701 - - - - 4 - -


Both Sexes 93,185 91,705 13 - - 2 1,448 - 17

Male 47,512 46,152 6 - - 1 1,339 - 14
Female 45,673 45,553 7 - - 1 109 - 3

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 7,035 7,008 - - - - 10 - 17

Male 3,381 3,358 - - - - 9 - 14
Female 3,654 3,650 - - - - 1 - 3


Both Sexes 86,150 84,697 13 - - 2 1,438 - -

Male 44,131 42,794 6 - - 1 1,330 - -
Female 42,019 41,903 7 - - 1 108 - -


Both Sexes 16,115 15,088 87 - 540 216 184 - -

Male 7,826 7,036 30 - 419 200 141 - -
Female 8,289 8,052 57 - 121 16 43 - -


Both Sexes 16,115 15,088 87 - 540 216 184 - -

Male 7,826 7,036 30 - 419 200 141 - -
Female 8,289 8,052 57 - 121 16 43 - -


Both Sexes 40,500 39,571 98 59 90 9 626 - 47

Male 18,307 17,682 45 16 62 5 455 - 42
Female 22,193 21,889 53 43 28 4 171 - 5


Both Sexes 40,500 39,571 98 59 90 9 626 - 47

Male 18,307 17,682 45 16 62 5 455 - 42
Female 22,193 21,889 53 43 28 4 171 - 5


Both Sexes 44,647 43,633 69 101 8 300 477 - 59

Male 20,741 20,024 30 11 4 300 330 - 42
Female 23,906 23,609 39 90 4 - 147 - 17


Both Sexes 44,647 43,633 69 101 8 300 477 - 59

Male 20,741 20,024 30 11 4 300 330 - 42
Female 23,906 23,609 39 90 4 - 147 - 17


Both Sexes 755,343 752,635 397 187 207 543 1,222 - 152
Male 359,638 357,732 210 118 137 527 834 - 80
Female 395,705 394,903 187 69 70 16 388 - 72


Both Sexes 146,064 144,129 361 68 207 543 676 - 80

Male 66,321 64,856 191 54 137 527 487 - 69
Female 79,743 79,273 170 14 70 16 189 - 11


Both Sexes 609,279 608,506 36 119 - - 546 - 72

Male 293,317 292,876 19 64 - - 347 - 11
Female 315,962 315,630 17 55 - - 199 - 61

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 84,236 84,089 24 - - - 118 - 5

Male 40,549 40,468 14 - - - 65 - 2
Female 43,687 43,621 10 - - - 53 - 3


Both Sexes 10,101 10,055 15 - - - 28 - 3

Male 4,525 4,506 9 - - - 8 - 2
Female 5,576 5,549 6 - - - 20 - 1


Both Sexes 74,135 74,034 9 - - - 90 - 2

Male 36,024 35,962 5 - - - 57 - -
Female 38,111 38,072 4 - - - 33 - 2


Both Sexes 25,471 25,256 27 - - 3 115 - 70

Male 12,412 12,311 15 - - 3 72 - 11
Female 13,059 12,945 12 - - - 43 - 59


Both Sexes 2,091 2,045 27 - - 3 16 - -

Male 1,008 977 15 - - 3 13 - -
Female 1,083 1,068 12 - - - 3 - -


Both Sexes 23,380 23,211 - - - - 99 - 70

Male 11,404 11,334 - - - - 59 - 11
Female 11,976 11,877 - - - - 40 - 59


Both Sexes 139,191 138,956 56 - 11 - 168 - -

Male 65,796 65,681 19 - 2 - 94 - -
Female 73,395 73,275 37 - 9 - 74 - -


Both Sexes 18,933 18,762 42 - 11 - 118 - -

Male 8,371 8,287 12 - 2 - 70 - -
Female 10,562 10,475 30 - 9 - 48 - -


Both Sexes 120,258 120,194 14 - - - 50 - -

Male 57,425 57,394 7 - - - 24 - -
Female 62,833 62,800 7 - - - 26 - -


Both Sexes 88,644 88,531 23 - - - 90 - -

Male 42,096 42,041 9 - - - 46 - -
Female 46,548 46,490 14 - - - 44 - -


Both Sexes 3,636 3,618 14 - - - 4 - -

Male 1,658 1,650 4 - - - 4 - -
Female 1,978 1,968 10 - - - - - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 85,008 84,913 9 - - - 86 - -

Male 40,438 40,391 5 - - - 42 - -
Female 44,570 44,522 4 - - - 44 - -


Both Sexes 117,954 117,799 40 - - - 115 - -

Male 56,415 56,315 16 - - - 84 - -
Female 61,539 61,484 24 - - - 31 - -


Both Sexes 7,553 7,454 36 - - - 63 - -

Male 3,541 3,481 14 - - - 46 - -
Female 4,012 3,973 22 - - - 17 - -


Both Sexes 110,401 110,345 4 - - - 52 - -

Male 52,874 52,834 2 - - - 38 - -
Female 57,527 57,511 2 - - - 14 - -


Both Sexes 99,708 99,398 59 119 - - 132 - -

Male 48,645 48,414 53 64 - - 114 - -
Female 51,063 50,984 6 55 - - 18 - -


Both Sexes 4,808 4,718 59 - - - 31 - -

Male 2,166 2,090 53 - - - 23 - -
Female 2,642 2,628 6 - - - 8 - -


Both Sexes 94,900 94,680 - 119 - - 101 - -

Male 46,479 46,324 - 64 - - 91 - -
Female 48,421 48,356 - 55 - - 10 - -


Both Sexes 112,341 112,232 9 - - - 93 - 7

Male 53,659 53,591 5 - - - 59 - 4
Female 58,682 58,641 4 - - - 34 - 3


Both Sexes 11,144 11,103 9 - - - 25 - 7

Male 4,986 4,954 5 - - - 23 - 4
Female 6,158 6,149 4 - - - 2 - 3


Both Sexes 101,197 101,129 - - - - 68 - -

Male 48,673 48,637 - - - - 36 - -
Female 52,524 52,492 - - - - 32 - -


Both Sexes 57,588 56,935 43 68 - 232 255 - 55

Male 26,010 25,480 22 54 - 228 174 - 52
Female 31,578 31,455 21 14 - 4 81 - 3

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 57,588 56,935 43 68 - 232 255 - 55

Male 26,010 25,480 22 54 - 228 174 - 52
Female 31,578 31,455 21 14 - 4 81 - 3


Both Sexes 30,210 29,439 116 - 196 308 136 - 15

Male 14,056 13,431 57 - 135 296 126 - 11
Female 16,154 16,008 59 - 61 12 10 - 4


Both Sexes 30,210 29,439 116 - 196 308 136 - 15

Male 14,056 13,431 57 - 135 296 126 - 11
Female 16,154 16,008 59 - 61 12 10 - 4


Both Sexes 1,006,504 1,002,219 543 21 290 613 2,651 - 167

Male 497,280 493,729 266 9 214 596 2,303 - 163
Female 509,224 508,490 277 12 76 17 348 - 4


Both Sexes 125,787 123,658 508 6 24 608 824 - 159

Male 59,328 57,659 254 3 22 593 642 - 155
Female 66,459 65,999 254 3 2 15 182 - 4


Both Sexes 880,717 878,561 35 15 266 5 1,827 - 8

Male 437,952 436,070 12 6 192 3 1,661 - 8
Female 442,765 442,491 23 9 74 2 166 - -


Both Sexes 124,340 124,183 1 7 18 - 131 - -

Male 61,868 61,730 1 2 14 - 121 - -
Female 62,472 62,453 - 5 4 - 10 - -


Both Sexes 9,189 9,149 1 - - - 39 - -

Male 4,294 4,255 1 - - - 38 - -
Female 4,895 4,894 - - - - 1 - -


Both Sexes 115,151 115,034 - 7 18 - 92 - -

Male 57,574 57,475 - 2 14 - 83 - -
Female 57,577 57,559 - 5 4 - 9 - -


Both Sexes 114,297 113,535 2 - 232 5 523 - -

Male 57,482 56,849 - - 167 3 463 - -
Female 56,815 56,686 2 - 65 2 60 - -


Both Sexes 114,297 113,535 2 - 232 5 523 - -

Male 57,482 56,849 - - 167 3 463 - -
Female 56,815 56,686 2 - 65 2 60 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 153,505 153,143 50 - - - 283 - 29

Male 75,890 75,609 12 - - - 240 - 29
Female 77,615 77,534 38 - - - 43 - -


Both Sexes 11,936 11,823 45 - - - 39 - 29

Male 5,631 5,562 12 - - - 28 - 29
Female 6,305 6,261 33 - - - 11 - -


Both Sexes 141,569 141,320 5 - - - 244 - -

Male 70,259 70,047 - - - - 212 - -
Female 71,310 71,273 5 - - - 32 - -


Both Sexes 107,972 107,452 12 - 6 308 194 - -

Male 52,844 52,396 5 - 6 293 144 - -
Female 55,128 55,056 7 - - 15 50 - -


Both Sexes 7,568 7,178 9 - - 308 73 - -

Male 3,670 3,322 5 - - 293 50 - -
Female 3,898 3,856 4 - - 15 23 - -


Both Sexes 100,404 100,274 3 - 6 - 121 - -

Male 49,174 49,074 - - 6 - 94 - -
Female 51,230 51,200 3 - - - 27 - -


Both Sexes 84,739 84,622 - - - - 117 - -

Male 42,052 41,942 - - - - 110 - -
Female 42,687 42,680 - - - - 7 - -


Both Sexes 2,986 2,985 - - - - 1 - -

Male 1,278 1,278 - - - - - - -
Female 1,708 1,707 - - - - 1 - -


Both Sexes 81,753 81,637 - - - - 116 - -

Male 40,774 40,664 - - - - 110 - -
Female 40,979 40,973 - - - - 6 - -


Both Sexes 135,870 135,467 162 - 16 - 189 - 36

Male 67,687 67,407 66 - 15 - 163 - 36
Female 68,183 68,060 96 - 1 - 26 - -


Both Sexes 16,056 15,807 158 - 16 - 39 - 36

Male 7,626 7,484 64 - 15 - 27 - 36
Female 8,430 8,323 94 - 1 - 12 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 119,814 119,660 4 - - - 150 - -

Male 60,061 59,923 2 - - - 136 - -
Female 59,753 59,737 2 - - - 14 - -


Both Sexes 85,403 84,967 8 - - - 428 - -

Male 42,483 42,063 3 - - - 417 - -
Female 42,920 42,904 5 - - - 11 - -


Both Sexes 4,563 4,552 - - - - 11 - -

Male 2,133 2,124 - - - - 9 - -
Female 2,430 2,428 - - - - 2 - -


Both Sexes 80,840 80,415 8 - - - 417 - -

Male 40,350 39,939 3 - - - 408 - -
Female 40,490 40,476 5 - - - 9 - -


Both Sexes 126,889 126,686 13 8 10 - 164 - 8

Male 62,278 62,099 7 4 5 - 155 - 8
Female 64,611 64,587 6 4 5 - 9 - -


Both Sexes 126,889 126,686 13 8 10 - 164 - 8

Male 62,278 62,099 7 4 5 - 155 - 8
Female 64,611 64,587 6 4 5 - 9 - -


Both Sexes 23,419 23,124 115 6 - - 174 - -

Male 11,024 10,809 58 3 - - 154 - -
Female 12,395 12,315 57 3 - - 20 - -


Both Sexes 23,419 23,124 115 6 - - 174 - -

Male 11,024 10,809 58 3 - - 154 - -
Female 12,395 12,315 57 3 - - 20 - -


Both Sexes 16,856 16,674 59 - 8 - 103 - 12

Male 7,532 7,413 34 - 7 - 69 - 9
Female 9,324 9,261 25 - 1 - 34 - 3


Both Sexes 16,856 16,674 59 - 8 - 103 - 12

Male 7,532 7,413 34 - 7 - 69 - 9
Female 9,324 9,261 25 - 1 - 34 - 3


Both Sexes 33,214 32,366 121 - - 300 345 - 82

Male 16,140 15,412 80 - - 300 267 - 81
Female 17,074 16,954 41 - - - 78 - 1

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 33,214 32,366 121 - - 300 345 - 82

Male 16,140 15,412 80 - - 300 267 - 81
Female 17,074 16,954 41 - - - 78 - 1


Both Sexes 356,598 353,606 878 - 16 294 1,654 - 150

Male 182,571 180,427 380 - 16 292 1,312 - 144
Female 174,027 173,179 498 - - 2 342 - 6


Both Sexes 71,823 69,997 720 - 16 290 732 - 68

Male 36,735 35,471 315 - 16 290 576 - 67
Female 35,088 34,526 405 - - - 156 - 1


Both Sexes 284,775 283,609 158 - - 4 922 - 82

Male 145,836 144,956 65 - - 2 736 - 77
Female 138,939 138,653 93 - - 2 186 - 5


Both Sexes 92,167 91,237 299 - - 4 585 - 42

Male 47,909 47,277 116 - - 2 472 - 42
Female 44,258 43,960 183 - - 2 113 - -


Both Sexes 30,234 29,841 193 - - - 200 - -

Male 15,550 15,315 71 - - - 164 - -
Female 14,684 14,526 122 - - - 36 - -


Both Sexes 61,933 61,396 106 - - 4 385 - 42

Male 32,359 31,962 45 - - 2 308 - 42
Female 29,574 29,434 61 - - 2 77 - -


Both Sexes 138,926 138,356 56 - - - 510 - 4

Male 70,504 70,057 31 - - - 413 - 3
Female 68,422 68,299 25 - - - 97 - 1


Both Sexes 10,758 10,621 38 - - - 99 - -

Male 5,225 5,121 23 - - - 81 - -
Female 5,533 5,500 15 - - - 18 - -


Both Sexes 128,168 127,735 18 - - - 411 - 4

Male 65,279 64,936 8 - - - 332 - 3
Female 62,889 62,799 10 - - - 79 - 1


Both Sexes 103,852 103,437 189 - - - 190 - 36

Male 52,763 52,521 72 - - - 138 - 32
Female 51,089 50,916 117 - - - 52 - 4

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 9,178 8,959 155 - - - 64 - -

Male 4,565 4,463 60 - - - 42 - -
Female 4,613 4,496 95 - - - 22 - -


Both Sexes 94,674 94,478 34 - - - 126 - 36

Male 48,198 48,058 12 - - - 96 - 32
Female 46,476 46,420 22 - - - 30 - 4


Both Sexes 21,653 20,576 334 - 16 290 369 - 68

Male 11,395 10,572 161 - 16 290 289 - 67
Female 10,258 10,004 173 - - - 80 - 1


Both Sexes 21,653 20,576 334 - 16 290 369 - 68

Male 11,395 10,572 161 - 16 290 289 - 67
Female 10,258 10,004 173 - - - 80 - 1


Both Sexes 215,914 207,216 499 456 4,218 608 2,543 - 374
Male 104,925 98,190 284 247 3,344 595 1,924 - 341
Female 110,989 109,026 215 209 874 13 619 - 33


Both Sexes 215,914 207,216 499 456 4,218 608 2,543 - 374
Male 104,925 98,190 284 247 3,344 595 1,924 - 341
Female 110,989 109,026 215 209 874 13 619 - 33


Both Sexes 92,104 87,142 341 37 3,661 - 892 - 31

Male 44,153 40,223 192 27 2,935 - 755 - 21
Female 47,951 46,919 149 10 726 - 137 - 10


Both Sexes 92,104 87,142 341 37 3,661 - 892 - 31

Male 44,153 40,223 192 27 2,935 - 755 - 21
Female 47,951 46,919 149 10 726 - 137 - 10


Both Sexes 123,810 120,074 158 419 557 608 1,651 - 343
Male 60,772 57,967 92 220 409 595 1,169 - 320
Female 63,038 62,107 66 199 148 13 482 - 23


Both Sexes 123,810 120,074 158 419 557 608 1,651 - 343
Male 60,772 57,967 92 220 409 595 1,169 - 320
Female 63,038 62,107 66 199 148 13 482 - 23

Table 2.5 Persons, Households, and Housing Units for Conventional Households
and Persons and Households for Non-Conventional Households,
with Households per Housing Unit for Conventional Households: 2007
Conventional Households Unconventional Households
------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
Geographical Housing per Housing
Area Persons Households Units Unit Persons Households
TIGRAY REGION 4,288,175 989,512 957,684 1.033 28,813 3,123
TIGRAY REGION-URBAN 824,111 240,384 231,825 1.037 19,929 1,990
TIGRAY REGION-RURAL 3,464,064 749,128 725,859 1.032 8,884 1,133
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 732,758 166,603 161,142 1.034 4,047 628
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY-URBAN 106,229 32,186 31,360 1.026 1,770 277
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY-RURAL 626,529 134,417 129,782 1.036 2,277 351
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA 89,449 20,415 19,141 1.067 695 138
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA-URBAN 6,313 1,995 1,953 1.022 64 26
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA-RURAL 83,136 18,420 17,188 1.072 631 112
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA 113,674 25,362 24,407 1.039 162 52
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA-URBAN 7,978 2,538 2,479 1.024 55 19
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA-RURAL 105,696 22,824 21,928 1.041 107 33
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA 124,968 27,670 26,918 1.028 60 19
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA-URBAN 10,497 3,219 3,146 1.023 29 9
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA-RURAL 114,471 24,451 23,772 1.029 31 10
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA 68,804 14,253 13,842 1.030 185 20
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA-RURAL 68,804 14,253 13,842 1.030 185 20
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA 134,881 29,561 28,574 1.035 740 116
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA-URBAN 10,035 3,056 2,952 1.035 76 11
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA-RURAL 124,846 26,505 25,622 1.034 664 105
TSELEMTI WEREDA 138,117 30,385 29,805 1.019 741 100
TSELEMTI WEREDA-URBAN 8,541 2,421 2,375 1.019 82 29
TSELEMTI WEREDA-RURAL 129,576 27,964 27,430 1.019 659 71
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA 46,108 13,908 13,551 1.026 1,176 116
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 46,108 13,908 13,551 1.026 1,176 116
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA 16,757 5,049 4,904 1.030 288 67
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 16,757 5,049 4,904 1.030 288 67
CENTRAL TIGRAY ZONE 1,239,741 279,272 269,877 1.035 6,083 603
CENTRAL TIGRAY-URBAN 172,882 53,102 51,126 1.039 3,571 404
CENTRAL TIGRAY-RURAL 1,066,859 226,170 218,751 1.034 2,512 199
MEREB LEHE WEREDA 107,077 23,334 22,531 1.036 141 36
MEREB LEHE WEREDA-URBAN 7,881 2,427 2,386 1.017 30 11
MEREB LEHE WEREDA-RURAL 99,196 20,907 20,145 1.038 111 25
AHIFEROM WEREDA 173,286 38,855 37,483 1.037 414 79
AHIFEROM WEREDA-URBAN 23,137 6,951 6,604 1.053 284 55
AHIFEROM WEREDA-RURAL 150,149 31,904 30,879 1.033 130 24
WERE LEHE WEREDA 145,944 32,543 31,090 1.047 160 48
WERE LEHE WEREDA-URBAN 16,426 5,018 4,605 1.090 99 33
WERE LEHE WEREDA-RURAL 129,518 27,525 26,485 1.039 61 15
ADWA WEREDA 99,663 20,126 19,525 1.031 48 15
ADWA WEREDA-RURAL 99,663 20,126 19,525 1.031 48 15
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 72,159 14,670 14,203 1.033 466 28
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-RURAL 72,159 14,670 14,203 1.033 466 28
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 99,014 22,067 21,545 1.024 108 29
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-URBAN 11,108 3,241 3,142 1.032 79 21
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-RURAL 87,906 18,826 18,403 1.023 29 8
NADER ADET WEREDA 104,901 23,190 22,478 1.032 65 18
NADER ADET WEREDA-URBAN 1,828 667 646 1.033 14 4
NADER ADET WEREDA-RURAL 103,073 22,523 21,832 1.032 51 14
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA 134,311 28,909 28,028 1.031 25 8

Table 2.5 Persons, Households, and Housing Units for Conventional Households
and Persons and Households for Non-Conventional Households,
with Households per Housing Unit for Conventional Households: 2007
Conventional Households Unconventional Households
------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
Geographical Housing per Housing
Area Persons Households Units Unit Persons Households
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA-RURAL 134,311 28,909 28,028 1.031 25 8
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA 113,389 25,248 24,591 1.027 206 42
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA-URBAN 7,202 2,216 2,171 1.021 68 16
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA-RURAL 106,187 23,032 22,420 1.027 138 26
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA 91,705 19,730 18,767 1.051 1,480 45
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA-URBAN 7,008 1,982 1,936 1.024 27 9
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA-RURAL 84,697 17,748 16,831 1.054 1,453 36
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 15,088 4,798 4,684 1.024 1,027 63
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 15,088 4,798 4,684 1.024 1,027 63
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA 39,571 12,467 12,114 1.029 929 104
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 39,571 12,467 12,114 1.029 929 104
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA 43,633 13,335 12,838 1.039 1,014 88
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 43,633 13,335 12,838 1.039 1,014 88
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 752,635 171,810 166,486 1.032 2,708 372
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 144,129 42,538 41,258 1.031 1,935 243
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 608,506 129,272 125,228 1.032 773 129
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA 84,089 18,322 17,673 1.037 147 43
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA-URBAN 10,055 2,724 2,602 1.047 46 14
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA-RURAL 74,034 15,598 15,071 1.035 101 29
EROB WEREDA 25,256 5,338 5,165 1.033 215 25
EROB WEREDA-URBAN 2,045 674 661 1.020 46 9
EROB WEREDA-RURAL 23,211 4,664 4,504 1.036 169 16
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA 138,956 30,101 29,258 1.029 235 63
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA-URBAN 18,762 5,304 5,212 1.018 171 47
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA-RURAL 120,194 24,797 24,046 1.031 64 16
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA 88,531 19,273 18,855 1.022 113 28
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA-URBAN 3,618 1,167 1,150 1.015 18 8
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA-RURAL 84,913 18,106 17,705 1.023 95 20
HAWZEN WEREDA 117,799 25,029 24,105 1.038 155 38
HAWZEN WEREDA-URBAN 7,454 2,243 2,168 1.035 99 22
HAWZEN WEREDA-RURAL 110,345 22,786 21,937 1.039 56 16
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA 99,398 21,629 20,932 1.033 310 28
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA-URBAN 4,718 1,428 1,389 1.028 90 7
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA-RURAL 94,680 20,201 19,543 1.034 220 21
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA 112,232 26,405 25,533 1.034 109 20
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA-URBAN 11,103 3,285 3,111 1.056 41 9
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA-RURAL 101,129 23,120 22,422 1.031 68 11
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA 56,935 16,389 15,972 1.026 653 68
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 56,935 16,389 15,972 1.026 653 68
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA 29,439 9,324 8,993 1.037 771 59
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 29,439 9,324 8,993 1.037 771 59
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE 1,002,219 232,316 226,119 1.027 4,285 526
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 123,658 36,207 34,884 1.038 2,129 252
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 878,561 196,109 191,235 1.025 2,156 274
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA 124,183 26,419 25,837 1.023 157 42
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA-URBAN 9,149 2,564 2,498 1.026 40 13
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA-RURAL 115,034 23,855 23,339 1.022 117 29
ENDERTA WEREDA 113,535 24,571 23,856 1.030 762 47
ENDERTA WEREDA-RURAL 113,535 24,571 23,856 1.030 762 47
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA 153,143 34,279 33,130 1.035 362 81

Table 2.5 Persons, Households, and Housing Units for Conventional Households
and Persons and Households for Non-Conventional Households,
with Households per Housing Unit for Conventional Households: 2007
Conventional Households Unconventional Households
------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
Geographical Housing per Housing
Area Persons Households Units Unit Persons Households
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA-URBAN 11,823 3,411 3,052 1.118 113 24
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA-RURAL 141,320 30,868 30,078 1.026 249 57
ALAJE WEREDA 107,452 24,747 23,952 1.033 520 37
ALAJE WEREDA-URBAN 7,178 2,118 2,076 1.020 390 20
ALAJE WEREDA-RURAL 100,274 22,629 21,876 1.034 130 17
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA 84,622 18,798 18,371 1.023 117 18
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA-URBAN 2,985 904 882 1.025 1 1
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA-RURAL 81,637 17,894 17,489 1.023 116 17
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA 135,467 32,294 31,468 1.026 403 66
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA-URBAN 15,807 4,739 4,443 1.067 249 39
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA-RURAL 119,660 27,555 27,025 1.020 154 27
ALAMATA WEREDA 84,967 20,495 20,107 1.019 436 37
ALAMATA WEREDA-URBAN 4,552 1,283 1,252 1.025 11 3
ALAMATA WEREDA-RURAL 80,415 19,212 18,855 1.019 425 34
OFLA WEREDA 126,686 29,525 28,717 1.028 203 46
OFLA WEREDA-RURAL 126,686 29,525 28,717 1.028 203 46
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA 23,124 7,214 7,101 1.016 295 42
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 23,124 7,214 7,101 1.016 295 42
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA 16,674 4,909 4,732 1.037 182 40
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 16,674 4,909 4,732 1.037 182 40
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA 32,366 9,065 8,848 1.025 848 70
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 32,366 9,065 8,848 1.025 848 70
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 353,606 82,757 79,351 1.043 2,992 448
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 69,997 19,597 18,488 1.060 1,826 268
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 283,609 63,160 60,863 1.038 1,166 180
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA 91,237 23,301 22,259 1.047 930 148
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA-URBAN 29,841 7,940 7,527 1.055 393 64
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA-RURAL 61,396 15,361 14,732 1.043 537 84
WELKAYIT WEREDA 138,356 30,295 29,336 1.033 570 80
WELKAYIT WEREDA-URBAN 10,621 2,899 2,643 1.097 137 28
WELKAYIT WEREDA-RURAL 127,735 27,396 26,693 1.026 433 52
TSEGEDE WEREDA 103,437 22,930 21,785 1.053 415 91
TSEGEDE WEREDA-URBAN 8,959 2,527 2,347 1.077 219 47
TSEGEDE WEREDA-RURAL 94,478 20,403 19,438 1.050 196 44
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA 20,576 6,231 5,971 1.044 1,077 129
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 20,576 6,231 5,971 1.044 1,077 129
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE 207,216 56,754 54,709 1.037 8,698 546
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE-URBAN 207,216 56,754 54,709 1.037 8,698 546
DEBUB WEREDA 87,142 24,703 23,727 1.041 4,962 255
DEBUB WEREDA-URBAN 87,142 24,703 23,727 1.041 4,962 255
SEMEN WEREDA 120,074 32,051 30,982 1.035 3,736 291
SEMEN WEREDA-URBAN 120,074 32,051 30,982 1.035 3,736 291

Table 2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household Size, with Percent
Distributions and Averages: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Size Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent


Total 4,288,175 100.0 989,512 100.0 824,111 100.0 240,384 100.0 3,464,064 100.0 749,128 100.0
1 127,296 3.0 127,296 12.9 53,667 6.5 53,667 22.3 73,629 2.1 73,629 9.8
2 264,086 6.2 132,043 13.3 89,386 10.8 44,693 18.6 174,700 5.0 87,350 11.7
3 441,276 10.3 147,092 14.9 122,838 14.9 40,946 17.0 318,438 9.2 106,146 14.2
4 572,320 13.3 143,080 14.5 134,244 16.3 33,561 14.0 438,076 12.6 109,519 14.6
5 636,780 14.8 127,356 12.9 127,260 15.4 25,452 10.6 509,520 14.7 101,904 13.6
6 674,790 15.7 112,465 11.4 109,842 13.3 18,307 7.6 564,948 16.3 94,158 12.6
7 619,577 14.4 88,511 8.9 79,996 9.7 11,428 4.8 539,581 15.6 77,083 10.3
8 615,440 14.4 76,930 7.8 64,992 7.9 8,124 3.4 550,448 15.9 68,806 9.2
9 181,278 4.2 20,142 2.0 19,296 2.3 2,144 .9 161,982 4.7 17,998 2.4
10 93,410 2.2 9,341 .9 11,030 1.3 1,103 .5 82,380 2.4 8,238 1.1
11 35,673 .8 3,243 .3 5,335 .6 485 .2 30,338 .9 2,758 .4
12+ 26,249 .6 2,013 .2 6,225 .8 474 .2 20,024 .6 1,539 .2
Average 4.3 3.4 4.6


Total 732,758 100.0 166,603 100.0 106,229 100.0 32,186 100.0 626,529 100.0 134,417 100.0
1 20,215 2.8 20,215 12.1 7,592 7.1 7,592 23.6 12,623 2.0 12,623 9.4
2 44,072 6.0 22,036 13.2 12,336 11.6 6,168 19.2 31,736 5.1 15,868 11.8
3 73,665 10.1 24,555 14.7 17,031 16.0 5,677 17.6 56,634 9.0 18,878 14.0
4 96,924 13.2 24,231 14.5 17,704 16.7 4,426 13.8 79,220 12.6 19,805 14.7
5 108,575 14.8 21,715 13.0 16,365 15.4 3,273 10.2 92,210 14.7 18,442 13.7
6 113,472 15.5 18,912 11.4 13,734 12.9 2,289 7.1 99,738 15.9 16,623 12.4
7 105,959 14.5 15,137 9.1 9,933 9.4 1,419 4.4 96,026 15.3 13,718 10.2
8 106,752 14.6 13,344 8.0 7,336 6.9 917 2.8 99,416 15.9 12,427 9.2
9 32,445 4.4 3,605 2.2 2,034 1.9 226 .7 30,411 4.9 3,379 2.5
10 17,680 2.4 1,768 1.1 1,100 1.0 110 .3 16,580 2.6 1,658 1.2
11 7,106 1.0 646 .4 528 .5 48 .1 6,578 1.0 598 .4
12+ 5,893 .8 439 .3 536 .5 41 .1 5,357 .9 398 .3
Average 4.4 3.3 4.7

Table 2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household Size, with Percent
Distributions and Averages: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Size Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent


Total 1,239,741 100.0 279,272 100.0 172,882 100.0 53,102 100.0 1,066,859 100.0 226,170 100.0
1 35,548 2.9 35,548 12.7 12,819 7.4 12,819 24.1 22,729 2.1 22,729 10.0
2 68,372 5.5 34,186 12.2 20,564 11.9 10,282 19.4 47,808 4.5 23,904 10.6
3 116,211 9.4 38,737 13.9 27,252 15.8 9,084 17.1 88,959 8.3 29,653 13.1
4 155,860 12.6 38,965 14.0 29,728 17.2 7,432 14.0 126,132 11.8 31,533 13.9
5 182,360 14.7 36,472 13.1 27,190 15.7 5,438 10.2 155,170 14.5 31,034 13.7
6 206,166 16.6 34,361 12.3 23,160 13.4 3,860 7.3 183,006 17.2 30,501 13.5
7 193,760 15.6 27,680 9.9 15,792 9.1 2,256 4.2 177,968 16.7 25,424 11.2
8 192,112 15.5 24,014 8.6 11,256 6.5 1,407 2.6 180,856 17.0 22,607 10.0
9 50,976 4.1 5,664 2.0 2,664 1.5 296 .6 48,312 4.5 5,368 2.4
10 25,240 2.0 2,524 .9 1,320 .8 132 .2 23,920 2.2 2,392 1.1
11 8,173 .7 743 .3 649 .4 59 .1 7,524 .7 684 .3
12+ 4,963 .4 378 .1 488 .3 37 .1 4,475 .4 341 .2
Average 4.4 3.3 4.7


Total 752,635 100.0 171,810 100.0 144,129 100.0 42,538 100.0 608,506 100.0 129,272 100.0
1 23,217 3.1 23,217 13.5 9,448 6.6 9,448 22.2 13,769 2.3 13,769 10.7
2 45,920 6.1 22,960 13.4 16,864 11.7 8,432 19.8 29,056 4.8 14,528 11.2
3 72,282 9.6 24,094 14.0 21,438 14.9 7,146 16.8 50,844 8.4 16,948 13.1
4 95,704 12.7 23,926 13.9 23,556 16.3 5,889 13.8 72,148 11.9 18,037 14.0
5 106,835 14.2 21,367 12.4 22,010 15.3 4,402 10.3 84,825 13.9 16,965 13.1
6 114,144 15.2 19,024 11.1 18,978 13.2 3,163 7.4 95,166 15.6 15,861 12.3
7 109,767 14.6 15,681 9.1 13,720 9.5 1,960 4.6 96,047 15.8 13,721 10.6
8 111,288 14.8 13,911 8.1 10,808 7.5 1,351 3.2 100,480 16.5 12,560 9.7
9 41,166 5.5 4,574 2.7 3,771 2.6 419 1.0 37,395 6.1 4,155 3.2
10 20,070 2.7 2,007 1.2 1,910 1.3 191 .4 18,160 3.0 1,816 1.4
11 7,216 1.0 656 .4 759 .5 69 .2 6,457 1.1 587 .5
12+ 5,026 .7 393 .2 867 .6 68 .2 4,159 .7 325 .3
Average 4.4 3.4 4.7

Table 2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household Size, with Percent
Distributions and Averages: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Size Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent


Total 1,002,219 100.0 232,316 100.0 123,658 100.0 36,207 100.0 878,561 100.0 196,109 100.0
1 26,803 2.7 26,803 11.5 8,020 6.5 8,020 22.2 18,783 2.1 18,783 9.6
2 62,610 6.2 31,305 13.5 13,504 10.9 6,752 18.6 49,106 5.6 24,553 12.5
3 110,610 11.0 36,870 15.9 18,849 15.2 6,283 17.4 91,761 10.4 30,587 15.6
4 140,868 14.1 35,217 15.2 20,116 16.3 5,029 13.9 120,752 13.7 30,188 15.4
5 154,345 15.4 30,869 13.3 19,425 15.7 3,885 10.7 134,920 15.4 26,984 13.8
6 160,374 16.0 26,729 11.5 16,800 13.6 2,800 7.7 143,574 16.3 23,929 12.2
7 143,171 14.3 20,453 8.8 11,823 9.6 1,689 4.7 131,348 15.0 18,764 9.6
8 138,840 13.9 17,355 7.5 9,528 7.7 1,191 3.3 129,312 14.7 16,164 8.2
9 36,558 3.6 4,062 1.7 2,601 2.1 289 .8 33,957 3.9 3,773 1.9
10 17,280 1.7 1,728 .7 1,380 1.1 138 .4 15,900 1.8 1,590 .8
11 6,765 .7 615 .3 737 .6 67 .2 6,028 .7 548 .3
12+ 3,995 .4 310 .1 875 .7 64 .2 3,120 .4 246 .1
Average 4.3 3.4 4.5


Total 353,606 100.0 82,757 100.0 69,997 100.0 19,597 100.0 283,609 100.0 63,160 100.0
1 9,654 2.7 9,654 11.7 3,929 5.6 3,929 20.0 5,725 2.0 5,725 9.1
2 24,218 6.8 12,109 14.6 7,224 10.3 3,612 18.4 16,994 6.0 8,497 13.5
3 40,455 11.4 13,485 16.3 10,215 14.6 3,405 17.4 30,240 10.7 10,080 16.0
4 50,816 14.4 12,704 15.4 10,992 15.7 2,748 14.0 39,824 14.0 9,956 15.8
5 52,970 15.0 10,594 12.8 10,575 15.1 2,115 10.8 42,395 14.9 8,479 13.4
6 52,608 14.9 8,768 10.6 9,144 13.1 1,524 7.8 43,464 15.3 7,244 11.5
7 45,661 12.9 6,523 7.9 7,469 10.7 1,067 5.4 38,192 13.5 5,456 8.6
8 46,720 13.2 5,840 7.1 6,336 9.1 792 4.0 40,384 14.2 5,048 8.0
9 13,545 3.8 1,505 1.8 1,638 2.3 182 .9 11,907 4.2 1,323 2.1
10 8,910 2.5 891 1.1 1,090 1.6 109 .6 7,820 2.8 782 1.2
11 4,334 1.2 394 .5 583 .8 53 .3 3,751 1.3 341 .5
12+ 3,715 1.1 290 .4 802 1.1 61 .3 2,913 1.0 229 .4
Average 4.3 3.6 4.5

Table 2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household Size, with Percent
Distributions and Averages: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Size Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent


Total 207,216 100.0 56,754 100.0 207,216 100.0 56,754 100.0 - - - -

1 11,859 5.7 11,859 20.9 11,859 5.7 11,859 20.9 - - - -
2 18,894 9.1 9,447 16.6 18,894 9.1 9,447 16.6 - - - -
3 28,053 13.5 9,351 16.5 28,053 13.5 9,351 16.5 - - - -
4 32,148 15.5 8,037 14.2 32,148 15.5 8,037 14.2 - - - -
5 31,695 15.3 6,339 11.2 31,695 15.3 6,339 11.2 - - - -
6 28,026 13.5 4,671 8.2 28,026 13.5 4,671 8.2 - - - -
7 21,259 10.3 3,037 5.4 21,259 10.3 3,037 5.4 - - - -
8 19,728 9.5 2,466 4.3 19,728 9.5 2,466 4.3 - - - -
9 6,588 3.2 732 1.3 6,588 3.2 732 1.3 - - - -
10 4,230 2.0 423 .7 4,230 2.0 423 .7 - - - -
11 2,079 1.0 189 .3 2,079 1.0 189 .3 - - - -
12+ 2,657 1.3 203 .4 2,657 1.3 203 .4 - - - -
Average 3.7 3.7 -

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate


Both Sexes 4,288,175 989,509 597,683 2,360,368 23,219 46,594 39,568 119,260 82,333 29,641 2.3

0 - 4 630,305 - - 573,925 - 1,480 5,700 38,695 9,577 928 -

5 - 9 641,151 - - 592,155 - 2,852 6,560 31,185 7,630 769 -
10-14 612,127 - 1,200 552,423 - 7,935 9,603 28,345 9,722 2,899 -
15-19 489,043 16,811 34,787 371,368 - 14,797 9,558 14,515 16,798 10,409 .3
20-24 352,702 59,568 85,060 170,595 - 9,202 4,605 4,288 12,051 7,333 1.7
25-29 282,517 101,622 102,093 61,810 - 4,140 1,732 1,244 6,497 3,379 3.6
30-34 247,699 120,928 96,248 22,663 7 1,717 709 424 3,654 1,349 4.9
35-39 223,914 126,766 83,981 8,301 67 945 306 252 2,625 671 5.7
40-44 169,679 105,498 56,757 3,534 272 615 183 166 2,234 420 6.2
45-49 137,285 87,899 44,669 1,740 509 426 135 66 1,539 302 6.4
50-54 125,178 83,805 36,556 975 1,304 522 103 64 1,604 245 6.7
55-59 94,701 68,333 22,791 484 1,405 330 70 10 1,115 163 7.2
60-64 91,141 68,877 16,789 219 3,048 454 75 3 1,460 216 7.6
65-69 67,291 53,554 9,196 127 2,836 303 56 3 1,071 145 8.0
70-74 60,225 48,175 5,014 39 4,705 379 63 - 1,666 184 8.0
75+ 63,217 47,673 2,542 10 9,066 497 110 - 3,090 229 7.5

Male 2,104,207 683,788 7,050 1,251,403 3,796 23,356 20,503 61,463 38,285 14,563 3.2

0 - 4 319,988 - - 291,547 - 724 2,856 19,518 4,863 480 -

5 - 9 324,267 - - 299,810 - 1,250 3,296 15,782 3,755 374 -
10-14 313,611 - 527 284,779 - 3,361 4,548 14,583 4,514 1,299 -
15-19 239,437 6,545 1,013 201,831 - 6,846 4,754 7,621 7,197 3,630 .3
20-24 167,826 32,578 1,356 112,259 - 5,612 2,921 2,686 6,462 3,952 1.9
25-29 125,197 72,572 1,197 40,995 - 2,699 1,171 753 3,591 2,219 5.8
30-34 110,070 91,599 886 13,110 3 1,054 451 219 1,773 975 8.3
35-39 102,757 95,659 596 4,139 5 525 170 122 1,049 492 9.3
40-44 82,989 79,420 358 1,515 19 301 98 98 876 304 9.6
45-49 66,755 64,571 244 730 34 189 67 38 665 217 9.7
50-54 57,355 55,583 227 366 105 187 36 34 664 153 9.7
55-59 49,114 47,898 153 196 105 112 31 7 507 105 9.8
60-64 43,569 42,384 150 62 229 147 25 1 462 109 9.7
65-69 35,222 34,274 104 48 279 101 17 1 320 78 9.7
70-74 29,990 28,702 97 14 563 95 19 - 429 71 9.6
75+ 36,060 32,003 142 2 2,454 153 43 - 1,158 105 8.9

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate

Female 2,183,968 305,721 590,633 1,108,965 19,423 23,238 19,065 57,797 44,048 15,078 1.4

0 - 4 310,317 - - 282,378 - 756 2,844 19,177 4,714 448 -

5 - 9 316,884 - - 292,345 - 1,602 3,264 15,403 3,875 395 -
10-14 298,516 - 673 267,644 - 4,574 5,055 13,762 5,208 1,600 -
15-19 249,606 10,266 33,774 169,537 - 7,951 4,804 6,894 9,601 6,779 .4
20-24 184,876 26,990 83,704 58,336 - 3,590 1,684 1,602 5,589 3,381 1.5
25-29 157,320 29,050 100,896 20,815 - 1,441 561 491 2,906 1,160 1.8
30-34 137,629 29,329 95,362 9,553 4 663 258 205 1,881 374 2.1
35-39 121,157 31,107 83,385 4,162 62 420 136 130 1,576 179 2.6
40-44 86,690 26,078 56,399 2,019 253 314 85 68 1,358 116 3.0
45-49 70,530 23,328 44,425 1,010 475 237 68 28 874 85 3.3
50-54 67,823 28,222 36,329 609 1,199 335 67 30 940 92 4.2
55-59 45,587 20,435 22,638 288 1,300 218 39 3 608 58 4.5
60-64 47,572 26,493 16,639 157 2,819 307 50 2 998 107 5.6
65-69 32,069 19,280 9,092 79 2,557 202 39 2 751 67 6.0
70-74 30,235 19,473 4,917 25 4,142 284 44 - 1,237 113 6.4
75+ 27,157 15,670 2,400 8 6,612 344 67 - 1,932 124 5.8

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate


Both Sexes 824,111 240,384 93,042 377,270 5,164 24,903 16,139 24,584 27,075 15,550 2.9

0 - 4 103,651 - - 92,248 - 396 1,583 7,111 1,921 392 -

5 - 9 97,564 - - 86,362 - 899 1,961 6,337 1,712 293 -
10-14 104,936 - 169 87,872 - 3,349 3,464 5,887 2,799 1,396 -
15-19 114,447 12,350 6,055 63,732 - 9,374 5,029 3,652 8,022 6,233 1.1
20-24 93,877 28,749 18,359 28,212 - 5,876 2,467 1,090 5,300 3,824 3.1
25-29 74,956 35,722 19,926 11,498 - 2,459 899 295 2,519 1,638 4.8
30-34 53,536 31,818 14,430 4,340 4 845 320 98 1,090 591 5.9
35-39 46,761 31,076 12,357 1,633 20 435 135 55 730 320 6.6
40-44 31,031 22,721 6,450 713 55 263 88 37 489 215 7.3
45-49 23,998 17,768 5,108 324 99 169 48 4 343 135 7.4
50-54 20,180 15,091 3,932 171 281 184 31 15 354 121 7.5
55-59 14,240 10,790 2,600 86 327 102 20 3 239 73 7.6
60-64 14,168 11,098 1,800 41 650 164 23 - 307 85 7.8
65-69 10,554 8,447 1,015 21 654 102 18 - 234 63 8.0
70-74 9,757 7,587 506 15 1,037 118 23 - 396 75 7.8
75+ 10,455 7,167 335 2 2,037 168 30 - 620 96 6.9

Male 383,804 134,587 2,621 193,853 765 12,014 7,690 12,604 13,343 6,327 3.5

0 - 4 52,664 - - 46,887 - 187 793 3,641 967 189 -

5 - 9 48,691 - - 43,326 - 371 904 3,159 799 132 -
10-14 51,438 - 99 44,408 - 1,195 1,365 3,001 1,049 321 -
15-19 50,247 4,836 223 32,219 - 3,824 2,154 1,861 3,453 1,677 1.0
20-24 39,609 13,033 314 15,940 - 3,370 1,412 653 3,053 1,834 3.3
25-29 32,940 20,518 451 6,906 - 1,656 613 172 1,618 1,006 6.2
30-34 25,057 20,001 434 2,597 2 615 234 54 709 411 8.0
35-39 21,525 19,251 313 925 3 281 87 32 413 220 8.9
40-44 16,210 14,984 213 361 12 151 48 19 262 160 9.2
45-49 12,026 11,331 145 152 10 89 24 2 178 95 9.4
50-54 8,693 8,145 119 74 22 74 10 7 170 72 9.4
55-59 6,143 5,770 73 34 32 36 11 3 131 53 9.4
60-64 5,530 5,160 80 11 62 53 9 - 110 45 9.3
65-69 4,290 4,030 50 7 56 31 5 - 75 36 9.4
70-74 3,909 3,550 47 5 120 33 8 - 118 28 9.1
75+ 4,832 3,978 60 1 446 48 13 - 238 48 8.2

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate

Female 440,307 105,797 90,421 183,417 4,399 12,889 8,449 11,980 13,732 9,223 2.4

0 - 4 50,987 - - 45,361 - 209 790 3,470 954 203 -

5 - 9 48,873 - - 43,036 - 528 1,057 3,178 913 161 -
10-14 53,498 - 70 43,464 - 2,154 2,099 2,886 1,750 1,075 -
15-19 64,200 7,514 5,832 31,513 - 5,550 2,875 1,791 4,569 4,556 1.2
20-24 54,268 15,716 18,045 12,272 - 2,506 1,055 437 2,247 1,990 2.9
25-29 42,016 15,204 19,475 4,592 - 803 286 123 901 632 3.6
30-34 28,479 11,817 13,996 1,743 2 230 86 44 381 180 4.1
35-39 25,236 11,825 12,044 708 17 154 48 23 317 100 4.7
40-44 14,821 7,737 6,237 352 43 112 40 18 227 55 5.2
45-49 11,972 6,437 4,963 172 89 80 24 2 165 40 5.4
50-54 11,487 6,946 3,813 97 259 110 21 8 184 49 6.0
55-59 8,097 5,020 2,527 52 295 66 9 - 108 20 6.2
60-64 8,638 5,938 1,720 30 588 111 14 - 197 40 6.9
65-69 6,264 4,417 965 14 598 71 13 - 159 27 7.1
70-74 5,848 4,037 459 10 917 85 15 - 278 47 6.9
75+ 5,623 3,189 275 1 1,591 120 17 - 382 48 5.7

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate


Both Sexes 3,464,064 749,125 504,641 1,983,098 18,055 21,691 23,429 94,676 55,258 14,091 2.2

0 - 4 526,654 - - 481,677 - 1,084 4,117 31,584 7,656 536 -

5 - 9 543,587 - - 505,793 - 1,953 4,599 24,848 5,918 476 -
10-14 507,191 - 1,031 464,551 - 4,586 6,139 22,458 6,923 1,503 -
15-19 374,596 4,461 28,732 307,636 - 5,423 4,529 10,863 8,776 4,176 .1
20-24 258,825 30,819 66,701 142,383 - 3,326 2,138 3,198 6,751 3,509 1.2
25-29 207,561 65,900 82,167 50,312 - 1,681 833 949 3,978 1,741 3.2
30-34 194,163 89,110 81,818 18,323 3 872 389 326 2,564 758 4.6
35-39 177,153 95,690 71,624 6,668 47 510 171 197 1,895 351 5.4
40-44 138,648 82,777 50,307 2,821 217 352 95 129 1,745 205 6.0
45-49 113,287 70,131 39,561 1,416 410 257 87 62 1,196 167 6.2
50-54 104,998 68,714 32,624 804 1,023 338 72 49 1,250 124 6.5
55-59 80,461 57,543 20,191 398 1,078 228 50 7 876 90 7.2
60-64 76,973 57,779 14,989 178 2,398 290 52 3 1,153 131 7.5
65-69 56,737 45,107 8,181 106 2,182 201 38 3 837 82 8.0
70-74 50,468 40,588 4,508 24 3,668 261 40 - 1,270 109 8.0
75+ 52,762 40,506 2,207 8 7,029 329 80 - 2,470 133 7.7

Male 1,720,403 549,201 4,429 1,057,550 3,031 11,342 12,813 48,859 24,942 8,236 3.2

0 - 4 267,324 - - 244,660 - 537 2,063 15,877 3,896 291 -

5 - 9 275,576 - - 256,484 - 879 2,392 12,623 2,956 242 -
10-14 262,173 - 428 240,371 - 2,166 3,183 11,582 3,465 978 -
15-19 189,190 1,709 790 169,612 - 3,022 2,600 5,760 3,744 1,953 .1
20-24 128,217 19,545 1,042 96,319 - 2,242 1,509 2,033 3,409 2,118 1.5
25-29 92,257 52,054 746 34,089 - 1,043 558 581 1,973 1,213 5.6
30-34 85,013 71,598 452 10,513 1 439 217 165 1,064 564 8.4
35-39 81,232 76,408 283 3,214 2 244 83 90 636 272 9.4
40-44 66,779 64,436 145 1,154 7 150 50 79 614 144 9.6
45-49 54,729 53,240 99 578 24 100 43 36 487 122 9.7
50-54 48,662 47,438 108 292 83 113 26 27 494 81 9.7
55-59 42,971 42,128 80 162 73 76 20 4 376 52 9.8
60-64 38,039 37,224 70 51 167 94 16 1 352 64 9.8
65-69 30,932 30,244 54 41 223 70 12 1 245 42 9.8
70-74 26,081 25,152 50 9 443 62 11 - 311 43 9.6
75+ 31,228 28,025 82 1 2,008 105 30 - 920 57 9.0

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate

Female 1,743,661 199,924 500,212 925,548 15,024 10,349 10,616 45,817 30,316 5,855 1.1

0 - 4 259,330 - - 237,017 - 547 2,054 15,707 3,760 245 -

5 - 9 268,011 - - 249,309 - 1,074 2,207 12,225 2,962 234 -
10-14 245,018 - 603 224,180 - 2,420 2,956 10,876 3,458 525 -
15-19 185,406 2,752 27,942 138,024 - 2,401 1,929 5,103 5,032 2,223 .1
20-24 130,608 11,274 65,659 46,064 - 1,084 629 1,165 3,342 1,391 .9
25-29 115,304 13,846 81,421 16,223 - 638 275 368 2,005 528 1.2
30-34 109,150 17,512 81,366 7,810 2 433 172 161 1,500 194 1.6
35-39 95,921 19,282 71,341 3,454 45 266 88 107 1,259 79 2.0
40-44 71,869 18,341 50,162 1,667 210 202 45 50 1,131 61 2.6
45-49 58,558 16,891 39,462 838 386 157 44 26 709 45 2.9
50-54 56,336 21,276 32,516 512 940 225 46 22 756 43 3.8
55-59 37,490 15,415 20,111 236 1,005 152 30 3 500 38 4.1
60-64 38,934 20,555 14,919 127 2,231 196 36 2 801 67 5.3
65-69 25,805 14,863 8,127 65 1,959 131 26 2 592 40 5.8
70-74 24,387 15,436 4,458 15 3,225 199 29 - 959 66 6.3
75+ 21,534 12,481 2,125 7 5,021 224 50 - 1,550 76 5.8

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278

0 - 4 630,862 320,265 310,597 104,018 52,844 51,174 526,844 267,421 259,423

5 - 9 641,674 324,557 317,117 97,947 48,891 49,056 543,727 275,666 268,061
10-14 613,806 314,868 298,938 106,074 52,234 53,840 507,732 262,634 245,098
15-19 496,217 244,567 251,650 119,643 53,892 65,751 376,574 190,675 185,899
20-24 362,473 175,557 186,916 101,230 45,377 55,853 261,243 130,180 131,063
25-29 285,841 127,993 157,848 77,045 34,652 42,393 208,796 93,341 115,455
30-34 249,309 111,434 137,875 54,533 25,876 28,657 194,776 85,558 109,218
35-39 225,087 103,756 121,331 47,441 22,078 25,363 177,646 81,678 95,968
40-44 170,667 83,846 86,821 31,562 16,645 14,917 139,105 67,201 71,904
45-49 137,813 67,205 70,608 24,313 12,287 12,026 113,500 54,918 58,582
50-54 125,628 57,711 67,917 20,444 8,890 11,554 105,184 48,821 56,363
55-59 94,965 49,320 45,645 14,421 6,280 8,141 80,544 43,040 37,504
60-64 91,376 43,731 47,645 14,317 5,626 8,691 77,059 38,105 38,954
65-69 67,471 35,351 32,120 10,660 4,365 6,295 56,811 30,986 25,825
70-74 60,395 30,109 30,286 9,841 3,966 5,875 50,554 26,143 24,411
75-79 30,600 17,539 13,061 4,691 2,191 2,500 25,909 15,348 10,561
80-84 21,983 11,974 10,009 3,699 1,596 2,103 18,284 10,378 7,906
85-89 6,691 4,344 2,347 1,226 676 550 5,465 3,668 1,797
90-94 2,755 1,547 1,208 605 264 341 2,150 1,283 867
95+ 1,375 791 584 330 165 165 1,045 626 419


Total 736,805 368,254 368,551 107,999 49,642 58,357 628,806 318,612 310,194

0 - 4 118,131 59,826 58,305 15,189 7,586 7,603 102,942 52,240 50,702

5 - 9 109,919 55,420 54,499 13,081 6,337 6,744 96,838 49,083 47,755
10-14 100,851 51,954 48,897 13,463 6,708 6,755 87,388 45,246 42,142
15-19 79,176 39,528 39,648 13,339 5,825 7,514 65,837 33,703 32,134
20-24 65,602 31,971 33,631 12,329 4,865 7,464 53,273 27,106 26,167
25-29 51,828 23,974 27,854 9,803 4,101 5,702 42,025 19,873 22,152
30-34 44,182 20,731 23,451 7,237 3,286 3,951 36,945 17,445 19,500
35-39 39,742 19,793 19,949 6,285 2,857 3,428 33,457 16,936 16,521
40-44 30,240 15,808 14,432 4,345 2,313 2,032 25,895 13,495 12,400
45-49 22,650 11,434 11,216 3,118 1,637 1,481 19,532 9,797 9,735
50-54 20,273 9,417 10,856 2,545 1,087 1,458 17,728 8,330 9,398
55-59 14,656 7,797 6,859 1,721 748 973 12,935 7,049 5,886
60-64 13,934 6,773 7,161 1,760 631 1,129 12,174 6,142 6,032
65-69 9,733 5,204 4,529 1,367 580 787 8,366 4,624 3,742
70-74 8,376 4,298 4,078 1,182 475 707 7,194 3,823 3,371
75-79 3,730 2,182 1,548 534 260 274 3,196 1,922 1,274
80-84 2,650 1,463 1,187 452 211 241 2,198 1,252 946
85-89 717 470 247 138 80 58 579 390 189
90-94 286 142 144 72 34 38 214 108 106
95+ 129 69 60 39 21 18 90 48 42


Total 90,144 45,834 44,310 6,377 2,790 3,587 83,767 43,044 40,723

0 - 4 16,389 8,299 8,090 1,040 519 521 15,349 7,780 7,569

5 - 9 13,447 6,857 6,590 832 418 414 12,615 6,439 6,176
10-14 11,402 6,059 5,343 752 384 368 10,650 5,675 4,975
15-19 8,868 4,551 4,317 706 337 369 8,162 4,214 3,948
20-24 9,176 4,343 4,833 820 217 603 8,356 4,126 4,230
25-29 7,295 3,495 3,800 588 186 402 6,707 3,309 3,398
30-34 5,446 2,938 2,508 359 154 205 5,087 2,784 2,303
35-39 4,361 2,330 2,031 340 141 199 4,021 2,189 1,832
40-44 3,064 1,625 1,439 229 121 108 2,835 1,504 1,331
45-49 2,556 1,252 1,304 177 87 90 2,379 1,165 1,214
50-54 2,217 988 1,229 150 63 87 2,067 925 1,142
55-59 1,585 861 724 73 33 40 1,512 828 684
60-64 1,511 709 802 86 29 57 1,425 680 745
65-69 1,081 588 493 83 39 44 998 549 449
70-74 914 457 457 62 21 41 852 436 416
75-79 406 235 171 31 12 19 375 223 152
80-84 286 161 125 36 22 14 250 139 111
85-89 80 55 25 5 3 2 75 52 23
90-94 44 22 22 6 4 2 38 18 20
95+ 16 9 7 2 - 2 14 9 5

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 113,836 56,685 57,151 8,033 3,508 4,525 105,803 53,177 52,626

0 - 4 19,159 9,661 9,498 1,311 666 645 17,848 8,995 8,853

5 - 9 17,469 8,732 8,737 1,104 499 605 16,365 8,233 8,132
10-14 15,459 8,022 7,437 1,031 534 497 14,428 7,488 6,940
15-19 11,538 5,753 5,785 859 391 468 10,679 5,362 5,317
20-24 10,279 4,826 5,453 827 258 569 9,452 4,568 4,884
25-29 8,409 3,867 4,542 722 249 473 7,687 3,618 4,069
30-34 6,675 3,277 3,398 569 220 349 6,106 3,057 3,049
35-39 5,854 3,005 2,849 475 162 313 5,379 2,843 2,536
40-44 4,215 2,232 1,983 301 154 147 3,914 2,078 1,836
45-49 3,394 1,647 1,747 202 115 87 3,192 1,532 1,660
50-54 2,898 1,290 1,608 141 53 88 2,757 1,237 1,520
55-59 2,194 1,171 1,023 97 44 53 2,097 1,127 970
60-64 2,054 987 1,067 140 54 86 1,914 933 981
65-69 1,603 828 775 93 30 63 1,510 798 712
70-74 1,383 691 692 67 26 41 1,316 665 651
75-79 627 352 275 40 23 17 587 329 258
80-84 431 227 204 35 21 14 396 206 190
85-89 118 87 31 7 5 2 111 82 29
90-94 50 20 30 6 2 4 44 18 26
95+ 27 10 17 6 2 4 21 8 13


Total 125,028 61,977 63,051 10,526 4,669 5,857 114,502 57,308 57,194

0 - 4 18,332 9,398 8,934 1,442 719 723 16,890 8,679 8,211

5 - 9 18,265 9,198 9,067 1,320 629 691 16,945 8,569 8,376
10-14 17,471 8,984 8,487 1,338 674 664 16,133 8,310 7,823
15-19 13,783 6,970 6,813 1,188 512 676 12,595 6,458 6,137
20-24 9,845 5,196 4,649 999 382 617 8,846 4,814 4,032
25-29 7,260 3,333 3,927 860 338 522 6,400 2,995 3,405
30-34 7,327 2,959 4,368 773 327 446 6,554 2,632 3,922
35-39 7,341 3,345 3,996 668 278 390 6,673 3,067 3,606
40-44 5,812 2,932 2,880 484 246 238 5,328 2,686 2,642
45-49 4,339 2,028 2,311 319 156 163 4,020 1,872 2,148
50-54 4,087 1,824 2,263 263 104 159 3,824 1,720 2,104
55-59 2,887 1,489 1,398 173 60 113 2,714 1,429 1,285
60-64 2,870 1,398 1,472 212 67 145 2,658 1,331 1,327
65-69 2,045 1,078 967 170 53 117 1,875 1,025 850
70-74 1,767 924 843 153 56 97 1,614 868 746
75-79 828 490 338 74 35 39 754 455 299
80-84 553 296 257 66 23 43 487 273 214
85-89 144 98 46 12 6 6 132 92 40
90-94 50 26 24 11 4 7 39 22 17
95+ 22 11 11 1 - 1 21 11 10


Total 68,989 34,477 34,512 - - - 68,989 34,477 34,512

0 - 4 9,817 4,927 4,890 - - - 9,817 4,927 4,890

5 - 9 10,126 5,161 4,965 - - - 10,126 5,161 4,965
10-14 10,075 5,156 4,919 - - - 10,075 5,156 4,919
15-19 8,069 4,158 3,911 - - - 8,069 4,158 3,911
20-24 5,838 2,913 2,925 - - - 5,838 2,913 2,925
25-29 4,106 1,851 2,255 - - - 4,106 1,851 2,255
30-34 3,804 1,604 2,200 - - - 3,804 1,604 2,200
35-39 3,672 1,721 1,951 - - - 3,672 1,721 1,951
40-44 2,987 1,496 1,491 - - - 2,987 1,496 1,491
45-49 2,377 1,225 1,152 - - - 2,377 1,225 1,152
50-54 2,247 1,054 1,193 - - - 2,247 1,054 1,193
55-59 1,528 810 718 - - - 1,528 810 718
60-64 1,597 813 784 - - - 1,597 813 784
65-69 1,008 577 431 - - - 1,008 577 431
70-74 915 495 420 - - - 915 495 420
75-79 415 265 150 - - - 415 265 150
80-84 288 176 112 - - - 288 176 112
85-89 84 58 26 - - - 84 58 26
90-94 25 12 13 - - - 25 12 13
95+ 11 5 6 - - - 11 5 6

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 135,621 69,143 66,478 10,111 4,641 5,470 125,510 64,502 61,008

0 - 4 22,480 11,316 11,164 1,566 779 787 20,914 10,537 10,377

5 - 9 20,822 10,526 10,296 1,285 589 696 19,537 9,937 9,600
10-14 19,137 9,849 9,288 1,304 636 668 17,833 9,213 8,620
15-19 14,256 7,403 6,853 1,195 514 681 13,061 6,889 6,172
20-24 11,478 5,869 5,609 1,007 408 599 10,471 5,461 5,010
25-29 9,178 4,371 4,807 870 352 518 8,308 4,019 4,289
30-34 8,235 3,965 4,270 690 306 384 7,545 3,659 3,886
35-39 7,521 3,988 3,533 650 305 345 6,871 3,683 3,188
40-44 5,655 2,996 2,659 431 228 203 5,224 2,768 2,456
45-49 3,952 2,050 1,902 265 149 116 3,687 1,901 1,786
50-54 3,527 1,692 1,835 221 107 114 3,306 1,585 1,721
55-59 2,608 1,458 1,150 137 63 74 2,471 1,395 1,076
60-64 2,414 1,242 1,172 145 46 99 2,269 1,196 1,073
65-69 1,665 931 734 114 50 64 1,551 881 670
70-74 1,393 723 670 117 43 74 1,276 680 596
75-79 598 347 251 46 24 22 552 323 229
80-84 499 297 202 40 26 14 459 271 188
85-89 130 74 56 14 8 6 116 66 50
90-94 53 33 20 10 5 5 43 28 15
95+ 20 13 7 4 3 1 16 10 6


Total 138,858 70,108 68,750 8,623 4,004 4,619 130,235 66,104 64,131

0 - 4 23,295 11,893 11,402 1,171 571 600 22,124 11,322 10,802

5 - 9 22,281 11,269 11,012 1,031 525 506 21,250 10,744 10,506
10-14 19,455 10,027 9,428 1,186 623 563 18,269 9,404 8,865
15-19 14,384 7,101 7,283 1,113 479 634 13,271 6,622 6,649
20-24 11,158 5,581 5,577 848 357 491 10,310 5,224 5,086
25-29 9,561 4,401 5,160 744 320 424 8,817 4,081 4,736
30-34 8,424 3,959 4,465 575 250 325 7,849 3,709 4,140
35-39 7,340 3,642 3,698 499 209 290 6,841 3,433 3,408
40-44 5,995 3,157 2,838 388 194 194 5,607 2,963 2,644
45-49 4,114 2,232 1,882 237 130 107 3,877 2,102 1,775
50-54 3,769 1,915 1,854 242 106 136 3,527 1,809 1,718
55-59 2,763 1,528 1,235 150 68 82 2,613 1,460 1,153
60-64 2,477 1,240 1,237 166 51 115 2,311 1,189 1,122
65-69 1,531 843 688 107 49 58 1,424 794 630
70-74 1,310 715 595 89 36 53 1,221 679 542
75-79 549 343 206 36 16 20 513 327 186
80-84 347 198 149 29 11 18 318 187 131
85-89 65 43 22 4 3 1 61 40 21
90-94 30 13 17 5 3 2 25 10 15
95+ 10 8 2 3 3 - 7 5 2


Total 47,284 21,867 25,417 47,284 21,867 25,417 - - -

0 - 4 6,144 3,020 3,124 6,144 3,020 3,124 - - -

5 - 9 5,448 2,647 2,801 5,448 2,647 2,801 - - -
10-14 5,710 2,811 2,899 5,710 2,811 2,899 - - -
15-19 6,181 2,677 3,504 6,181 2,677 3,504 - - -
20-24 5,709 2,323 3,386 5,709 2,323 3,386 - - -
25-29 4,463 1,904 2,559 4,463 1,904 2,559 - - -
30-34 3,206 1,542 1,664 3,206 1,542 1,664 - - -
35-39 2,742 1,308 1,434 2,742 1,308 1,434 - - -
40-44 1,901 1,046 855 1,901 1,046 855 - - -
45-49 1,423 770 653 1,423 770 653 - - -
50-54 1,147 494 653 1,147 494 653 - - -
55-59 790 325 465 790 325 465 - - -
60-64 721 265 456 721 265 456 - - -
65-69 576 253 323 576 253 323 - - -
70-74 544 212 332 544 212 332 - - -
75-79 243 112 131 243 112 131 - - -
80-84 210 89 121 210 89 121 - - -
85-89 79 45 34 79 45 34 - - -
90-94 28 13 15 28 13 15 - - -
95+ 19 11 8 19 11 8 - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 17,045 8,163 8,882 17,045 8,163 8,882 - - -

0 - 4 2,515 1,312 1,203 2,515 1,312 1,203 - - -

5 - 9 2,061 1,030 1,031 2,061 1,030 1,031 - - -
10-14 2,142 1,046 1,096 2,142 1,046 1,096 - - -
15-19 2,097 915 1,182 2,097 915 1,182 - - -
20-24 2,119 920 1,199 2,119 920 1,199 - - -
25-29 1,556 752 804 1,556 752 804 - - -
30-34 1,065 487 578 1,065 487 578 - - -
35-39 911 454 457 911 454 457 - - -
40-44 611 324 287 611 324 287 - - -
45-49 495 230 265 495 230 265 - - -
50-54 381 160 221 381 160 221 - - -
55-59 301 155 146 301 155 146 - - -
60-64 290 119 171 290 119 171 - - -
65-69 224 106 118 224 106 118 - - -
70-74 150 81 69 150 81 69 - - -
75-79 64 38 26 64 38 26 - - -
80-84 36 19 17 36 19 17 - - -
85-89 17 10 7 17 10 7 - - -
90-94 6 3 3 6 3 3 - - -
95+ 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -


Total 1,245,824 613,797 632,027 176,453 81,844 94,609 1,069,371 531,953 537,418

0 - 4 181,213 91,986 89,227 23,741 12,032 11,709 157,472 79,954 77,518

5 - 9 187,626 94,718 92,908 21,565 10,817 10,748 166,061 83,901 82,160
10-14 181,756 93,178 88,578 22,342 10,964 11,378 159,414 82,214 77,200
15-19 140,418 70,341 70,077 24,543 11,125 13,418 115,875 59,216 56,659
20-24 97,398 49,100 48,298 19,646 8,684 10,962 77,752 40,416 37,336
25-29 75,195 32,215 42,980 15,193 6,096 9,097 60,002 26,119 33,883
30-34 71,071 30,213 40,858 11,367 4,888 6,479 59,704 25,325 34,379
35-39 66,864 30,754 36,110 10,265 4,694 5,571 56,599 26,060 30,539
40-44 49,009 23,766 25,243 6,351 3,403 2,948 42,658 20,363 22,295
45-49 40,327 19,066 21,261 4,803 2,461 2,342 35,524 16,605 18,919
50-54 38,029 17,123 20,906 4,035 1,716 2,319 33,994 15,407 18,587
55-59 29,361 15,351 14,010 2,774 1,150 1,624 26,587 14,201 12,386
60-64 29,059 14,241 14,818 3,088 1,137 1,951 25,971 13,104 12,867
65-69 21,446 11,558 9,888 2,336 895 1,441 19,110 10,663 8,447
70-74 19,182 9,808 9,374 2,222 832 1,390 16,960 8,976 7,984
75-79 9,056 5,204 3,852 1,021 442 579 8,035 4,762 3,273
80-84 6,162 3,517 2,645 764 301 463 5,398 3,216 2,182
85-89 1,784 1,164 620 236 135 101 1,548 1,029 519
90-94 610 360 250 111 48 63 499 312 187
95+ 258 134 124 50 24 26 208 110 98


Total 107,218 53,425 53,793 7,911 3,616 4,295 99,307 49,809 49,498

0 - 4 16,439 8,316 8,123 1,133 562 571 15,306 7,754 7,552

5 - 9 17,016 8,672 8,344 1,127 581 546 15,889 8,091 7,798
10-14 15,737 8,054 7,683 1,068 512 556 14,669 7,542 7,127
15-19 11,250 5,750 5,500 958 464 494 10,292 5,286 5,006
20-24 8,507 4,398 4,109 784 359 425 7,723 4,039 3,684
25-29 6,454 2,878 3,576 683 234 449 5,771 2,644 3,127
30-34 5,987 2,590 3,397 506 200 306 5,481 2,390 3,091
35-39 5,866 2,813 3,053 440 185 255 5,426 2,628 2,798
40-44 4,079 2,064 2,015 287 123 164 3,792 1,941 1,851
45-49 3,425 1,682 1,743 257 124 133 3,168 1,558 1,610
50-54 3,023 1,331 1,692 168 73 95 2,855 1,258 1,597
55-59 2,369 1,239 1,130 117 63 54 2,252 1,176 1,076
60-64 2,289 1,092 1,197 131 43 88 2,158 1,049 1,109
65-69 1,793 955 838 91 33 58 1,702 922 780
70-74 1,547 772 775 78 28 50 1,469 744 725
75-79 756 421 335 39 13 26 717 408 309
80-84 503 289 214 30 12 18 473 277 196
85-89 116 74 42 6 5 1 110 69 41
90-94 48 29 19 7 2 5 41 27 14
95+ 14 6 8 1 - 1 13 6 7

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 173,700 84,014 89,686 23,421 10,895 12,526 150,279 73,119 77,160

0 - 4 25,658 12,983 12,675 3,772 1,884 1,888 21,886 11,099 10,787

5 - 9 26,951 13,648 13,303 3,387 1,705 1,682 23,564 11,943 11,621
10-14 25,527 13,061 12,466 2,885 1,446 1,439 22,642 11,615 11,027
15-19 19,212 9,642 9,570 2,844 1,348 1,496 16,368 8,294 8,074
20-24 12,900 6,378 6,522 2,374 1,022 1,352 10,526 5,356 5,170
25-29 9,778 4,034 5,744 2,104 757 1,347 7,674 3,277 4,397
30-34 9,699 3,855 5,844 1,658 688 970 8,041 3,167 4,874
35-39 9,309 4,089 5,220 1,344 610 734 7,965 3,479 4,486
40-44 6,135 2,948 3,187 762 430 332 5,373 2,518 2,855
45-49 5,703 2,416 3,287 562 276 286 5,141 2,140 3,001
50-54 5,134 2,067 3,067 478 198 280 4,656 1,869 2,787
55-59 4,348 2,119 2,229 320 144 176 4,028 1,975 2,053
60-64 4,212 1,991 2,221 306 124 182 3,906 1,867 2,039
65-69 3,292 1,711 1,581 222 94 128 3,070 1,617 1,453
70-74 3,018 1,476 1,542 209 79 130 2,809 1,397 1,412
75-79 1,443 816 627 90 49 41 1,353 767 586
80-84 933 512 421 75 26 49 858 486 372
85-89 306 194 112 18 9 9 288 185 103
90-94 113 60 53 8 4 4 105 56 49
95+ 29 14 15 3 2 1 26 12 14


Total 146,104 71,659 74,445 16,525 7,585 8,940 129,579 64,074 65,505

0 - 4 21,970 11,114 10,856 2,671 1,343 1,328 19,299 9,771 9,528

5 - 9 21,845 11,099 10,746 2,363 1,178 1,185 19,482 9,921 9,561
10-14 21,745 11,147 10,598 2,267 1,129 1,138 19,478 10,018 9,460
15-19 16,788 8,456 8,332 2,297 1,106 1,191 14,491 7,350 7,141
20-24 11,197 5,715 5,482 1,524 699 825 9,673 5,016 4,657
25-29 8,290 3,365 4,925 1,302 426 876 6,988 2,939 4,049
30-34 8,099 3,303 4,796 1,069 370 699 7,030 2,933 4,097
35-39 7,870 3,491 4,379 1,019 437 582 6,851 3,054 3,797
40-44 5,423 2,566 2,857 551 293 258 4,872 2,273 2,599
45-49 4,536 2,043 2,493 363 176 187 4,173 1,867 2,306
50-54 4,440 1,914 2,526 291 115 176 4,149 1,799 2,350
55-59 3,632 1,935 1,697 201 82 119 3,431 1,853 1,578
60-64 3,418 1,696 1,722 202 76 126 3,216 1,620 1,596
65-69 2,670 1,475 1,195 153 53 100 2,517 1,422 1,095
70-74 2,141 1,088 1,053 130 43 87 2,011 1,045 966
75-79 1,005 616 389 53 30 23 952 586 366
80-84 731 431 300 48 19 29 683 412 271
85-89 217 152 65 15 5 10 202 147 55
90-94 62 38 24 5 4 1 57 34 23
95+ 25 15 10 1 1 - 24 14 10


Total 99,711 49,546 50,165 - - - 99,711 49,546 50,165

0 - 4 13,605 6,962 6,643 - - - 13,605 6,962 6,643

5 - 9 15,358 7,788 7,570 - - - 15,358 7,788 7,570
10-14 15,596 8,137 7,459 - - - 15,596 8,137 7,459
15-19 10,974 5,745 5,229 - - - 10,974 5,745 5,229
20-24 6,949 3,525 3,424 - - - 6,949 3,525 3,424
25-29 5,293 2,220 3,073 - - - 5,293 2,220 3,073
30-34 5,310 2,195 3,115 - - - 5,310 2,195 3,115
35-39 5,173 2,184 2,989 - - - 5,173 2,184 2,989
40-44 4,013 1,902 2,111 - - - 4,013 1,902 2,111
45-49 3,586 1,727 1,859 - - - 3,586 1,727 1,859
50-54 3,248 1,551 1,697 - - - 3,248 1,551 1,697
55-59 2,514 1,273 1,241 - - - 2,514 1,273 1,241
60-64 2,465 1,234 1,231 - - - 2,465 1,234 1,231
65-69 1,987 1,095 892 - - - 1,987 1,095 892
70-74 1,798 930 868 - - - 1,798 930 868
75-79 954 550 404 - - - 954 550 404
80-84 615 353 262 - - - 615 353 262
85-89 194 121 73 - - - 194 121 73
90-94 51 36 15 - - - 51 36 15
95+ 28 18 10 - - - 28 18 10

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 72,625 36,203 36,422 - - - 72,625 36,203 36,422

0 - 4 9,543 4,931 4,612 - - - 9,543 4,931 4,612

5 - 9 10,863 5,390 5,473 - - - 10,863 5,390 5,473
10-14 11,169 5,878 5,291 - - - 11,169 5,878 5,291
15-19 8,786 4,560 4,226 - - - 8,786 4,560 4,226
20-24 5,266 2,847 2,419 - - - 5,266 2,847 2,419
25-29 3,711 1,596 2,115 - - - 3,711 1,596 2,115
30-34 3,819 1,454 2,365 - - - 3,819 1,454 2,365
35-39 3,924 1,635 2,289 - - - 3,924 1,635 2,289
40-44 3,042 1,445 1,597 - - - 3,042 1,445 1,597
45-49 2,623 1,241 1,382 - - - 2,623 1,241 1,382
50-54 2,442 1,103 1,339 - - - 2,442 1,103 1,339
55-59 1,786 969 817 - - - 1,786 969 817
60-64 1,822 935 887 - - - 1,822 935 887
65-69 1,325 737 588 - - - 1,325 737 588
70-74 1,329 735 594 - - - 1,329 735 594
75-79 586 362 224 - - - 586 362 224
80-84 417 265 152 - - - 417 265 152
85-89 117 85 32 - - - 117 85 32
90-94 40 27 13 - - - 40 27 13
95+ 15 8 7 - - - 15 8 7


Total 99,122 48,623 50,499 11,187 5,244 5,943 87,935 43,379 44,556

0 - 4 13,584 6,878 6,706 1,756 903 853 11,828 5,975 5,853

5 - 9 14,866 7,422 7,444 1,638 829 809 13,228 6,593 6,635
10-14 14,623 7,417 7,206 1,527 780 747 13,096 6,637 6,459
15-19 11,430 5,783 5,647 1,252 583 669 10,178 5,200 4,978
20-24 7,778 3,925 3,853 1,006 372 634 6,772 3,553 3,219
25-29 5,715 2,361 3,354 924 320 604 4,791 2,041 2,750
30-34 5,818 2,429 3,389 799 312 487 5,019 2,117 2,902
35-39 5,659 2,565 3,094 763 363 400 4,896 2,202 2,694
40-44 4,273 2,031 2,242 449 242 207 3,824 1,789 2,035
45-49 3,359 1,588 1,771 262 136 126 3,097 1,452 1,645
50-54 3,218 1,501 1,717 230 107 123 2,988 1,394 1,594
55-59 2,193 1,192 1,001 136 73 63 2,057 1,119 938
60-64 2,340 1,190 1,150 174 75 99 2,166 1,115 1,051
65-69 1,525 828 697 92 47 45 1,433 781 652
70-74 1,519 802 717 99 52 47 1,420 750 670
75-79 598 355 243 37 23 14 561 332 229
80-84 435 239 196 26 14 12 409 225 184
85-89 129 85 44 11 10 1 118 75 43
90-94 47 28 19 6 3 3 41 25 16
95+ 13 4 9 - - - 13 4 9


Total 104,966 52,061 52,905 1,842 914 928 103,124 51,147 51,977

0 - 4 14,993 7,654 7,339 327 171 156 14,666 7,483 7,183

5 - 9 15,377 7,852 7,525 197 88 109 15,180 7,764 7,416
10-14 14,823 7,600 7,223 183 89 94 14,640 7,511 7,129
15-19 11,843 5,875 5,968 215 86 129 11,628 5,789 5,839
20-24 8,937 4,632 4,305 260 102 158 8,677 4,530 4,147
25-29 6,344 2,862 3,482 261 132 129 6,083 2,730 3,353
30-34 5,991 2,607 3,384 163 91 72 5,828 2,516 3,312
35-39 5,099 2,396 2,703 123 82 41 4,976 2,314 2,662
40-44 4,358 1,942 2,416 55 39 16 4,303 1,903 2,400
45-49 3,339 1,477 1,862 22 12 10 3,317 1,465 1,852
50-54 3,514 1,492 2,022 15 8 7 3,499 1,484 2,015
55-59 2,661 1,503 1,158 12 8 4 2,649 1,495 1,154
60-64 2,821 1,445 1,376 3 2 1 2,818 1,443 1,375
65-69 1,826 1,029 797 4 2 2 1,822 1,027 795
70-74 1,646 872 774 2 2 - 1,644 870 774
75-79 702 403 299 - - - 702 403 299
80-84 521 315 206 - - - 521 315 206
85-89 106 70 36 - - - 106 70 36
90-94 41 24 17 - - - 41 24 17
95+ 24 11 13 - - - 24 11 13

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 134,336 66,925 67,411 - - - 134,336 66,925 67,411

0 - 4 20,652 10,408 10,244 - - - 20,652 10,408 10,244

5 - 9 20,715 10,453 10,262 - - - 20,715 10,453 10,262
10-14 19,604 10,078 9,526 - - - 19,604 10,078 9,526
15-19 14,547 7,199 7,348 - - - 14,547 7,199 7,348
20-24 9,663 5,110 4,553 - - - 9,663 5,110 4,553
25-29 7,922 3,518 4,404 - - - 7,922 3,518 4,404
30-34 7,658 3,275 4,383 - - - 7,658 3,275 4,383
35-39 7,052 3,482 3,570 - - - 7,052 3,482 3,570
40-44 5,527 2,617 2,910 - - - 5,527 2,617 2,910
45-49 4,292 1,975 2,317 - - - 4,292 1,975 2,317
50-54 4,262 1,931 2,331 - - - 4,262 1,931 2,331
55-59 3,342 1,765 1,577 - - - 3,342 1,765 1,577
60-64 3,250 1,710 1,540 - - - 3,250 1,710 1,540
65-69 2,288 1,306 982 - - - 2,288 1,306 982
70-74 1,888 1,047 841 - - - 1,888 1,047 841
75-79 911 560 351 - - - 911 560 351
80-84 546 353 193 - - - 546 353 193
85-89 157 99 58 - - - 157 99 58
90-94 40 27 13 - - - 40 27 13
95+ 20 12 8 - - - 20 12 8


Total 113,595 56,955 56,640 7,270 3,335 3,935 106,325 53,620 52,705

0 - 4 17,129 8,633 8,496 1,015 508 507 16,114 8,125 7,989

5 - 9 18,392 9,241 9,151 926 475 451 17,466 8,766 8,700
10-14 17,356 9,047 8,309 1,107 542 565 16,249 8,505 7,744
15-19 11,051 5,890 5,161 929 443 486 10,122 5,447 4,675
20-24 7,062 3,524 3,538 674 278 396 6,388 3,246 3,142
25-29 6,625 2,735 3,890 554 230 324 6,071 2,505 3,566
30-34 6,772 2,888 3,884 501 174 327 6,271 2,714 3,557
35-39 6,435 2,950 3,485 437 182 255 5,998 2,768 3,230
40-44 4,700 2,282 2,418 267 151 116 4,433 2,131 2,302
45-49 3,809 2,021 1,788 188 106 82 3,621 1,915 1,706
50-54 3,629 1,864 1,765 163 71 92 3,466 1,793 1,673
55-59 2,769 1,555 1,214 117 39 78 2,652 1,516 1,136
60-64 2,550 1,263 1,287 118 47 71 2,432 1,216 1,216
65-69 1,849 1,087 762 98 32 66 1,751 1,055 696
70-74 1,715 912 803 78 25 53 1,637 887 750
75-79 862 511 351 49 14 35 813 497 316
80-84 612 363 249 28 8 20 584 355 229
85-89 175 124 51 11 6 5 164 118 46
90-94 69 47 22 7 3 4 62 44 18
95+ 34 18 16 3 1 2 31 17 14


Total 93,185 47,512 45,673 7,035 3,381 3,654 86,150 44,131 42,019

0 - 4 15,790 8,056 7,734 1,217 610 607 14,573 7,446 7,127

5 - 9 15,390 7,726 7,664 1,074 534 540 14,316 7,192 7,124
10-14 13,267 6,780 6,487 996 487 509 12,271 6,293 5,978
15-19 9,142 4,652 4,490 653 306 347 8,489 4,346 4,143
20-24 6,714 3,449 3,265 599 255 344 6,115 3,194 2,921
25-29 6,254 2,870 3,384 556 221 335 5,698 2,649 3,049
30-34 5,762 2,801 2,961 515 237 278 5,247 2,564 2,683
35-39 4,751 2,536 2,215 413 222 191 4,338 2,314 2,024
40-44 3,757 1,989 1,768 278 145 133 3,479 1,844 1,635
45-49 2,686 1,354 1,332 180 89 91 2,506 1,265 1,241
50-54 2,579 1,306 1,273 150 81 69 2,429 1,225 1,204
55-59 1,977 1,115 862 101 55 46 1,876 1,060 816
60-64 1,856 966 890 118 51 67 1,738 915 823
65-69 1,289 737 552 74 36 38 1,215 701 514
70-74 1,012 596 416 57 25 32 955 571 384
75-79 511 313 198 25 16 9 486 297 189
80-84 316 184 132 24 9 15 292 175 117
85-89 93 61 32 1 1 - 92 60 32
90-94 23 13 10 2 1 1 21 12 9
95+ 16 8 8 2 - 2 14 8 6

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 16,115 7,826 8,289 16,115 7,826 8,289 - - -

0 - 4 1,934 1,007 927 1,934 1,007 927 - - -

5 - 9 1,797 878 919 1,797 878 919 - - -
10-14 2,003 947 1,056 2,003 947 1,056 - - -
15-19 2,779 1,294 1,485 2,779 1,294 1,485 - - -
20-24 2,262 1,232 1,030 2,262 1,232 1,030 - - -
25-29 1,290 613 677 1,290 613 677 - - -
30-34 962 442 520 962 442 520 - - -
35-39 784 351 433 784 351 433 - - -
40-44 535 298 237 535 298 237 - - -
45-49 349 202 147 349 202 147 - - -
50-54 328 126 202 328 126 202 - - -
55-59 212 86 126 212 86 126 - - -
60-64 259 88 171 259 88 171 - - -
65-69 198 82 116 198 82 116 - - -
70-74 221 80 141 221 80 141 - - -
75-79 95 41 54 95 41 54 - - -
80-84 69 36 33 69 36 33 - - -
85-89 19 11 8 19 11 8 - - -
90-94 12 7 5 12 7 5 - - -
95+ 7 5 2 7 5 2 - - -


Total 40,500 18,307 22,193 40,500 18,307 22,193 - - -

0 - 4 4,705 2,392 2,313 4,705 2,392 2,313 - - -

5 - 9 4,290 2,175 2,115 4,290 2,175 2,115 - - -
10-14 4,716 2,255 2,461 4,716 2,255 2,461 - - -
15-19 6,231 2,701 3,530 6,231 2,701 3,530 - - -
20-24 5,081 2,083 2,998 5,081 2,083 2,998 - - -
25-29 3,707 1,578 2,129 3,707 1,578 2,129 - - -
30-34 2,404 1,125 1,279 2,404 1,125 1,279 - - -
35-39 2,311 1,013 1,298 2,311 1,013 1,298 - - -
40-44 1,402 724 678 1,402 724 678 - - -
45-49 1,217 622 595 1,217 622 595 - - -
50-54 1,048 429 619 1,048 429 619 - - -
55-59 675 265 410 675 265 410 - - -
60-64 843 288 555 843 288 555 - - -
65-69 639 216 423 639 216 423 - - -
70-74 626 209 417 626 209 417 - - -
75-79 283 103 180 283 103 180 - - -
80-84 209 76 133 209 76 133 - - -
85-89 79 40 39 79 40 39 - - -
90-94 25 10 15 25 10 15 - - -
95+ 9 3 6 9 3 6 - - -


Total 44,647 20,741 23,906 44,647 20,741 23,906 - - -

0 - 4 5,211 2,652 2,559 5,211 2,652 2,559 - - -

5 - 9 4,766 2,374 2,392 4,766 2,374 2,392 - - -
10-14 5,590 2,777 2,813 5,590 2,777 2,813 - - -
15-19 6,385 2,794 3,591 6,385 2,794 3,591 - - -
20-24 5,082 2,282 2,800 5,082 2,282 2,800 - - -
25-29 3,812 1,585 2,227 3,812 1,585 2,227 - - -
30-34 2,790 1,249 1,541 2,790 1,249 1,541 - - -
35-39 2,631 1,249 1,382 2,631 1,249 1,382 - - -
40-44 1,765 958 807 1,765 958 807 - - -
45-49 1,403 718 685 1,403 718 685 - - -
50-54 1,164 508 656 1,164 508 656 - - -
55-59 883 335 548 883 335 548 - - -
60-64 934 343 591 934 343 591 - - -
65-69 765 300 465 765 300 465 - - -
70-74 722 289 433 722 289 433 - - -
75-79 350 153 197 350 153 197 - - -
80-84 255 101 154 255 101 154 - - -
85-89 76 48 28 76 48 28 - - -
90-94 39 14 25 39 14 25 - - -
95+ 24 12 12 24 12 12 - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 755,343 359,638 395,705 146,064 66,321 79,743 609,279 293,317 315,962

0 - 4 104,988 53,531 51,457 19,534 9,989 9,545 85,454 43,542 41,912

5 - 9 115,700 58,521 57,179 18,851 9,377 9,474 96,849 49,144 47,705
10-14 117,337 59,826 57,511 19,638 9,695 9,943 97,699 50,131 47,568
15-19 90,802 44,040 46,762 21,900 9,830 12,070 68,902 34,210 34,692
20-24 54,654 24,729 29,925 15,153 6,195 8,958 39,501 18,534 20,967
25-29 42,680 16,814 25,866 12,029 4,583 7,446 30,651 12,231 18,420
30-34 37,421 14,535 22,886 8,983 3,677 5,306 28,438 10,858 17,580
35-39 36,441 14,435 22,006 8,061 3,423 4,638 28,380 11,012 17,368
40-44 26,145 11,880 14,265 4,866 2,459 2,407 21,279 9,421 11,858
45-49 25,713 11,367 14,346 4,070 1,926 2,144 21,643 9,441 12,202
50-54 22,272 9,529 12,743 3,165 1,330 1,835 19,107 8,199 10,908
55-59 18,323 8,895 9,428 2,220 867 1,353 16,103 8,028 8,075
60-64 18,148 8,141 10,007 2,375 851 1,524 15,773 7,290 8,483
65-69 15,065 7,498 7,567 1,802 649 1,153 13,263 6,849 6,414
70-74 13,723 6,669 7,054 1,634 636 998 12,089 6,033 6,056
75-79 7,397 4,236 3,161 806 380 426 6,591 3,856 2,735
80-84 5,426 2,980 2,446 618 271 347 4,808 2,709 2,099
85-89 1,947 1,298 649 206 107 99 1,741 1,191 550
90-94 800 481 319 97 48 49 703 433 270
95+ 361 233 128 56 28 28 305 205 100


Total 84,236 40,549 43,687 10,101 4,525 5,576 74,135 36,024 38,111

0 - 4 11,482 5,884 5,598 1,707 869 838 9,775 5,015 4,760

5 - 9 12,696 6,482 6,214 1,478 755 723 11,218 5,727 5,491
10-14 13,867 7,164 6,703 1,563 761 802 12,304 6,403 5,901
15-19 9,986 5,026 4,960 1,282 578 704 8,704 4,448 4,256
20-24 5,283 2,544 2,739 767 306 461 4,516 2,238 2,278
25-29 3,877 1,446 2,431 692 200 492 3,185 1,246 1,939
30-34 3,508 1,289 2,219 619 210 409 2,889 1,079 1,810
35-39 3,917 1,488 2,429 601 236 365 3,316 1,252 2,064
40-44 2,969 1,348 1,621 358 166 192 2,611 1,182 1,429
45-49 3,190 1,332 1,858 306 122 184 2,884 1,210 1,674
50-54 2,722 1,171 1,551 205 99 106 2,517 1,072 1,445
55-59 2,320 1,125 1,195 126 51 75 2,194 1,074 1,120
60-64 2,297 1,031 1,266 123 56 67 2,174 975 1,199
65-69 1,959 972 987 88 43 45 1,871 929 942
70-74 1,877 901 976 102 41 61 1,775 860 915
75-79 1,091 630 461 40 18 22 1,051 612 439
80-84 732 408 324 27 8 19 705 400 305
85-89 314 215 99 10 4 6 304 211 93
90-94 109 68 41 3 1 2 106 67 39
95+ 40 25 15 4 1 3 36 24 12


Total 25,471 12,412 13,059 2,091 1,008 1,083 23,380 11,404 11,976

0 - 4 3,775 1,957 1,818 316 146 170 3,459 1,811 1,648

5 - 9 4,054 2,081 1,973 282 127 155 3,772 1,954 1,818
10-14 3,871 1,970 1,901 185 94 91 3,686 1,876 1,810
15-19 3,180 1,521 1,659 415 175 240 2,765 1,346 1,419
20-24 2,068 921 1,147 277 144 133 1,791 777 1,014
25-29 1,619 673 946 231 89 142 1,388 584 804
30-34 1,107 503 604 137 80 57 970 423 547
35-39 1,083 428 655 107 59 48 976 369 607
40-44 868 380 488 51 37 14 817 343 474
45-49 801 384 417 33 27 6 768 357 411
50-54 704 300 404 21 11 10 683 289 394
55-59 569 319 250 13 9 4 556 310 246
60-64 523 275 248 9 3 6 514 272 242
65-69 419 245 174 5 3 2 414 242 172
70-74 324 166 158 2 - 2 322 166 156
75-79 196 109 87 - - - 196 109 87
80-84 167 91 76 4 3 1 163 88 75
85-89 89 58 31 2 1 1 87 57 30
90-94 35 20 15 1 - 1 34 20 14
95+ 19 11 8 - - - 19 11 8

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 139,191 65,796 73,395 18,933 8,371 10,562 120,258 57,425 62,833

0 - 4 20,141 10,277 9,864 2,842 1,445 1,397 17,299 8,832 8,467

5 - 9 21,985 11,052 10,933 2,693 1,301 1,392 19,292 9,751 9,541
10-14 21,590 11,125 10,465 2,723 1,354 1,369 18,867 9,771 9,096
15-19 16,424 7,901 8,523 2,796 1,219 1,577 13,628 6,682 6,946
20-24 9,262 4,162 5,100 1,660 671 989 7,602 3,491 4,111
25-29 7,599 2,846 4,753 1,395 459 936 6,204 2,387 3,817
30-34 6,721 2,519 4,202 1,177 416 761 5,544 2,103 3,441
35-39 6,677 2,497 4,180 1,084 440 644 5,593 2,057 3,536
40-44 4,776 2,135 2,641 643 305 338 4,133 1,830 2,303
45-49 4,888 2,155 2,733 519 237 282 4,369 1,918 2,451
50-54 4,126 1,703 2,423 343 130 213 3,783 1,573 2,210
55-59 3,131 1,526 1,605 228 88 140 2,903 1,438 1,465
60-64 3,317 1,475 1,842 272 83 189 3,045 1,392 1,653
65-69 2,787 1,374 1,413 191 67 124 2,596 1,307 1,289
70-74 2,604 1,270 1,334 193 75 118 2,411 1,195 1,216
75-79 1,373 755 618 85 38 47 1,288 717 571
80-84 1,183 631 552 63 28 35 1,120 603 517
85-89 355 237 118 17 9 8 338 228 110
90-94 177 107 70 4 3 1 173 104 69
95+ 75 49 26 5 3 2 70 46 24


Total 88,644 42,096 46,548 3,636 1,658 1,978 85,008 40,438 44,570

0 - 4 10,786 5,396 5,390 508 253 255 10,278 5,143 5,135

5 - 9 13,088 6,662 6,426 520 251 269 12,568 6,411 6,157
10-14 14,337 7,330 7,007 517 260 257 13,820 7,070 6,750
15-19 10,623 5,285 5,338 477 206 271 10,146 5,079 5,067
20-24 5,782 2,777 3,005 328 145 183 5,454 2,632 2,822
25-29 4,395 1,797 2,598 323 126 197 4,072 1,671 2,401
30-34 4,136 1,536 2,600 272 110 162 3,864 1,426 2,438
35-39 4,232 1,557 2,675 214 91 123 4,018 1,466 2,552
40-44 3,123 1,397 1,726 126 75 51 2,997 1,322 1,675
45-49 3,193 1,276 1,917 77 41 36 3,116 1,235 1,881
50-54 2,975 1,190 1,785 49 18 31 2,926 1,172 1,754
55-59 2,492 1,166 1,326 52 19 33 2,440 1,147 1,293
60-64 2,650 1,178 1,472 50 15 35 2,600 1,163 1,437
65-69 2,247 1,090 1,157 39 16 23 2,208 1,074 1,134
70-74 2,106 1,027 1,079 45 13 32 2,061 1,014 1,047
75-79 1,080 626 454 14 7 7 1,066 619 447
80-84 888 485 403 11 7 4 877 478 399
85-89 335 218 117 10 3 7 325 215 110
90-94 124 69 55 4 2 2 120 67 53
95+ 52 34 18 - - - 52 34 18


Total 117,954 56,415 61,539 7,553 3,541 4,012 110,401 52,874 57,527

0 - 4 16,508 8,388 8,120 1,093 531 562 15,415 7,857 7,558

5 - 9 18,278 9,238 9,040 1,024 549 475 17,254 8,689 8,565
10-14 19,225 9,776 9,449 1,028 523 505 18,197 9,253 8,944
15-19 13,634 6,662 6,972 1,172 555 617 12,462 6,107 6,355
20-24 7,680 3,542 4,138 730 339 391 6,950 3,203 3,747
25-29 5,691 2,163 3,528 635 224 411 5,056 1,939 3,117
30-34 6,163 2,118 4,045 552 227 325 5,611 1,891 3,720
35-39 5,932 2,366 3,566 420 200 220 5,512 2,166 3,346
40-44 4,402 2,032 2,370 261 136 125 4,141 1,896 2,245
45-49 3,902 1,764 2,138 155 82 73 3,747 1,682 2,065
50-54 3,565 1,609 1,956 98 40 58 3,467 1,569 1,898
55-59 2,930 1,490 1,440 61 23 38 2,869 1,467 1,402
60-64 2,901 1,350 1,551 88 25 63 2,813 1,325 1,488
65-69 2,497 1,309 1,188 87 23 64 2,410 1,286 1,124
70-74 2,184 1,115 1,069 68 22 46 2,116 1,093 1,023
75-79 1,210 723 487 36 19 17 1,174 704 470
80-84 790 444 346 25 14 11 765 430 335
85-89 308 222 86 11 5 6 297 217 80
90-94 105 67 38 6 3 3 99 64 35
95+ 49 37 12 3 1 2 46 36 10

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 99,708 48,645 51,063 4,808 2,166 2,642 94,900 46,479 48,421

0 - 4 14,998 7,608 7,390 760 415 345 14,238 7,193 7,045

5 - 9 16,199 8,124 8,075 659 320 339 15,540 7,804 7,736
10-14 15,618 7,989 7,629 632 320 312 14,986 7,669 7,317
15-19 11,135 5,543 5,592 607 308 299 10,528 5,235 5,293
20-24 7,045 3,299 3,746 464 138 326 6,581 3,161 3,420
25-29 5,635 2,262 3,373 391 112 279 5,244 2,150 3,094
30-34 4,803 2,011 2,792 246 92 154 4,557 1,919 2,638
35-39 4,659 2,041 2,618 256 105 151 4,403 1,936 2,467
40-44 3,420 1,549 1,871 152 80 72 3,268 1,469 1,799
45-49 3,256 1,589 1,667 107 69 38 3,149 1,520 1,629
50-54 2,786 1,309 1,477 110 54 56 2,676 1,255 1,421
55-59 2,526 1,282 1,244 85 21 64 2,441 1,261 1,180
60-64 2,237 1,040 1,197 112 33 79 2,125 1,007 1,118
65-69 1,819 1,013 806 64 20 44 1,755 993 762
70-74 1,732 863 869 87 40 47 1,645 823 822
75-79 926 560 366 41 20 21 885 540 345
80-84 577 338 239 25 12 13 552 326 226
85-89 206 138 68 6 5 1 200 133 67
90-94 84 52 32 3 1 2 81 51 30
95+ 47 35 12 1 1 - 46 34 12


Total 112,341 53,659 58,682 11,144 4,986 6,158 101,197 48,673 52,524

0 - 4 16,869 8,624 8,245 1,879 933 946 14,990 7,691 7,299

5 - 9 19,015 9,689 9,326 1,810 881 929 17,205 8,808 8,397
10-14 17,454 8,887 8,567 1,615 798 817 15,839 8,089 7,750
15-19 11,748 5,758 5,990 1,079 445 634 10,669 5,313 5,356
20-24 7,503 3,322 4,181 896 290 606 6,607 3,032 3,575
25-29 6,542 2,647 3,895 1,040 393 647 5,502 2,254 3,248
30-34 5,799 2,345 3,454 796 328 468 5,003 2,017 2,986
35-39 5,239 2,071 3,168 677 305 372 4,562 1,766 2,796
40-44 3,697 1,586 2,111 385 207 178 3,312 1,379 1,933
45-49 3,889 1,668 2,221 279 149 130 3,610 1,519 2,091
50-54 3,233 1,335 1,898 178 66 112 3,055 1,269 1,786
55-59 2,821 1,382 1,439 121 51 70 2,700 1,331 1,369
60-64 2,646 1,201 1,445 144 45 99 2,502 1,156 1,346
65-69 2,082 1,039 1,043 73 21 52 2,009 1,018 991
70-74 1,839 914 925 80 32 48 1,759 882 877
75-79 969 571 398 38 16 22 931 555 376
80-84 658 397 261 32 13 19 626 384 242
85-89 201 138 63 11 8 3 190 130 60
90-94 98 64 34 8 4 4 90 60 30
95+ 39 21 18 3 1 2 36 20 16


Total 57,588 26,010 31,578 57,588 26,010 31,578 - - -

0 - 4 6,916 3,610 3,306 6,916 3,610 3,306 - - -

5 - 9 6,835 3,436 3,399 6,835 3,436 3,399 - - -
10-14 7,362 3,619 3,743 7,362 3,619 3,743 - - -
15-19 9,128 4,088 5,040 9,128 4,088 5,040 - - -
20-24 6,344 2,514 3,830 6,344 2,514 3,830 - - -
25-29 4,798 1,884 2,914 4,798 1,884 2,914 - - -
30-34 3,407 1,421 1,986 3,407 1,421 1,986 - - -
35-39 2,966 1,258 1,708 2,966 1,258 1,708 - - -
40-44 1,889 916 973 1,889 916 973 - - -
45-49 1,757 772 985 1,757 772 985 - - -
50-54 1,586 667 919 1,586 667 919 - - -
55-59 1,084 421 663 1,084 421 663 - - -
60-64 1,094 423 671 1,094 423 671 - - -
65-69 873 321 552 873 321 552 - - -
70-74 724 286 438 724 286 438 - - -
75-79 365 166 199 365 166 199 - - -
80-84 288 128 160 288 128 160 - - -
85-89 102 49 53 102 49 53 - - -
90-94 42 17 25 42 17 25 - - -
95+ 28 14 14 28 14 14 - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 30,210 14,056 16,154 30,210 14,056 16,154 - - -

0 - 4 3,513 1,787 1,726 3,513 1,787 1,726 - - -

5 - 9 3,550 1,757 1,793 3,550 1,757 1,793 - - -
10-14 4,013 1,966 2,047 4,013 1,966 2,047 - - -
15-19 4,944 2,256 2,688 4,944 2,256 2,688 - - -
20-24 3,687 1,648 2,039 3,687 1,648 2,039 - - -
25-29 2,524 1,096 1,428 2,524 1,096 1,428 - - -
30-34 1,777 793 984 1,777 793 984 - - -
35-39 1,736 729 1,007 1,736 729 1,007 - - -
40-44 1,001 537 464 1,001 537 464 - - -
45-49 837 427 410 837 427 410 - - -
50-54 575 245 330 575 245 330 - - -
55-59 450 184 266 450 184 266 - - -
60-64 483 168 315 483 168 315 - - -
65-69 382 135 247 382 135 247 - - -
70-74 333 127 206 333 127 206 - - -
75-79 187 96 91 187 96 91 - - -
80-84 143 58 85 143 58 85 - - -
85-89 37 23 14 37 23 14 - - -
90-94 26 17 9 26 17 9 - - -
95+ 12 7 5 12 7 5 - - -


Total 1,006,504 497,280 509,224 125,787 59,328 66,459 880,717 437,952 442,765

0 - 4 145,919 73,874 72,045 13,630 6,900 6,730 132,289 66,974 65,315

5 - 9 154,937 78,553 76,384 14,507 7,248 7,259 140,430 71,305 69,125
10-14 144,118 74,732 69,386 17,601 8,831 8,770 126,517 65,901 60,616
15-19 114,996 57,672 57,324 19,513 9,322 10,191 95,483 48,350 47,133
20-24 75,585 36,688 38,897 12,715 6,108 6,607 62,870 30,580 32,290
25-29 63,208 28,303 34,905 9,726 4,540 5,186 53,482 23,763 29,719
30-34 58,946 25,715 33,231 7,364 3,304 4,060 51,582 22,411 29,171
35-39 52,210 23,388 28,822 6,775 2,845 3,930 45,435 20,543 24,892
40-44 42,988 20,120 22,868 5,232 2,404 2,828 37,756 17,716 20,040
45-49 32,504 16,369 16,135 3,625 1,675 1,950 28,879 14,694 14,185
50-54 30,676 14,624 16,052 3,611 1,447 2,164 27,065 13,177 13,888
55-59 22,954 12,178 10,776 2,587 1,043 1,544 20,367 11,135 9,232
60-64 21,769 10,503 11,266 2,725 1,026 1,699 19,044 9,477 9,567
65-69 15,084 8,055 7,029 1,825 724 1,101 13,259 7,331 5,928
70-74 14,060 6,996 7,064 2,023 813 1,210 12,037 6,183 5,854
75-79 7,969 4,641 3,328 1,023 474 549 6,946 4,167 2,779
80-84 5,760 3,119 2,641 814 381 433 4,946 2,738 2,208
85-89 1,587 1,041 546 270 145 125 1,317 896 421
90-94 765 437 328 136 55 81 629 382 247
95+ 469 272 197 85 43 42 384 229 155


Total 124,340 61,868 62,472 9,189 4,294 4,895 115,151 57,574 57,577

0 - 4 18,538 9,223 9,315 1,217 625 592 17,321 8,598 8,723

5 - 9 20,158 9,996 10,162 1,360 649 711 18,798 9,347 9,451
10-14 18,670 9,827 8,843 1,496 723 773 17,174 9,104 8,070
15-19 13,311 6,660 6,651 1,022 487 535 12,289 6,173 6,116
20-24 8,808 4,341 4,467 714 336 378 8,094 4,005 4,089
25-29 7,077 3,200 3,877 652 249 403 6,425 2,951 3,474
30-34 7,133 3,015 4,118 535 223 312 6,598 2,792 3,806
35-39 6,465 2,994 3,471 551 246 305 5,914 2,748 3,166
40-44 5,274 2,450 2,824 378 185 193 4,896 2,265 2,631
45-49 3,923 2,022 1,901 274 140 134 3,649 1,882 1,767
50-54 4,026 1,992 2,034 263 118 145 3,763 1,874 1,889
55-59 2,920 1,674 1,246 175 80 95 2,745 1,594 1,151
60-64 2,775 1,414 1,361 191 65 126 2,584 1,349 1,235
65-69 1,977 1,150 827 112 48 64 1,865 1,102 763
70-74 1,599 875 724 118 50 68 1,481 825 656
75-79 876 546 330 69 35 34 807 511 296
80-84 572 329 243 39 25 14 533 304 229
85-89 147 102 45 16 9 7 131 93 38
90-94 60 42 18 2 - 2 58 42 16
95+ 31 16 15 5 1 4 26 15 11

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 114,297 57,482 56,815 - - - 114,297 57,482 56,815

0 - 4 17,777 9,052 8,725 - - - 17,777 9,052 8,725

5 - 9 18,118 9,300 8,818 - - - 18,118 9,300 8,818
10-14 16,541 8,493 8,048 - - - 16,541 8,493 8,048
15-19 13,044 6,546 6,498 - - - 13,044 6,546 6,498
20-24 9,036 4,500 4,536 - - - 9,036 4,500 4,536
25-29 7,020 3,384 3,636 - - - 7,020 3,384 3,636
30-34 5,877 2,749 3,128 - - - 5,877 2,749 3,128
35-39 4,924 2,145 2,779 - - - 4,924 2,145 2,779
40-44 4,441 2,080 2,361 - - - 4,441 2,080 2,361
45-49 3,392 1,757 1,635 - - - 3,392 1,757 1,635
50-54 3,321 1,639 1,682 - - - 3,321 1,639 1,682
55-59 2,525 1,328 1,197 - - - 2,525 1,328 1,197
60-64 2,834 1,429 1,405 - - - 2,834 1,429 1,405
65-69 1,741 894 847 - - - 1,741 894 847
70-74 1,816 972 844 - - - 1,816 972 844
75-79 899 599 300 - - - 899 599 300
80-84 660 392 268 - - - 660 392 268
85-89 174 130 44 - - - 174 130 44
90-94 112 68 44 - - - 112 68 44
95+ 45 25 20 - - - 45 25 20


Total 153,505 75,890 77,615 11,936 5,631 6,305 141,569 70,259 71,310

0 - 4 23,051 11,725 11,326 1,405 717 688 21,646 11,008 10,638

5 - 9 24,642 12,630 12,012 1,549 772 777 23,093 11,858 11,235
10-14 22,514 11,588 10,926 1,790 917 873 20,724 10,671 10,053
15-19 16,457 8,276 8,181 1,735 857 878 14,722 7,419 7,303
20-24 10,693 5,260 5,433 1,070 488 582 9,623 4,772 4,851
25-29 8,951 3,702 5,249 873 361 512 8,078 3,341 4,737
30-34 9,520 4,087 5,433 732 303 429 8,788 3,784 5,004
35-39 7,829 3,564 4,265 659 272 387 7,170 3,292 3,878
40-44 6,357 2,981 3,376 420 201 219 5,937 2,780 3,157
45-49 4,765 2,410 2,355 356 169 187 4,409 2,241 2,168
50-54 4,541 2,204 2,337 277 113 164 4,264 2,091 2,173
55-59 3,330 1,768 1,562 237 107 130 3,093 1,661 1,432
60-64 3,479 1,624 1,855 265 92 173 3,214 1,532 1,682
65-69 2,320 1,235 1,085 180 65 115 2,140 1,170 970
70-74 2,306 1,183 1,123 201 89 112 2,105 1,094 1,011
75-79 1,338 793 545 90 51 39 1,248 742 506
80-84 943 543 400 62 33 29 881 510 371
85-89 250 183 67 22 16 6 228 167 61
90-94 139 89 50 7 4 3 132 85 47
95+ 80 45 35 6 4 2 74 41 33


Total 107,972 52,844 55,128 7,568 3,670 3,898 100,404 49,174 51,230

0 - 4 15,172 7,487 7,685 821 398 423 14,351 7,089 7,262

5 - 9 16,152 8,254 7,898 821 437 384 15,331 7,817 7,514
10-14 15,347 7,800 7,547 971 489 482 14,376 7,311 7,065
15-19 12,508 6,276 6,232 1,221 586 635 11,287 5,690 5,597
20-24 7,992 3,838 4,154 842 407 435 7,150 3,431 3,719
25-29 6,943 3,040 3,903 655 341 314 6,288 2,699 3,589
30-34 6,472 2,750 3,722 440 217 223 6,032 2,533 3,499
35-39 5,910 2,678 3,232 398 192 206 5,512 2,486 3,026
40-44 4,731 2,181 2,550 300 139 161 4,431 2,042 2,389
45-49 3,704 1,905 1,799 195 89 106 3,509 1,816 1,693
50-54 3,239 1,500 1,739 203 80 123 3,036 1,420 1,616
55-59 2,519 1,300 1,219 180 72 108 2,339 1,228 1,111
60-64 2,285 1,086 1,199 141 47 94 2,144 1,039 1,105
65-69 1,731 967 764 125 56 69 1,606 911 695
70-74 1,506 740 766 114 48 66 1,392 692 700
75-79 886 520 366 62 28 34 824 492 332
80-84 629 353 276 57 33 24 572 320 252
85-89 162 111 51 12 7 5 150 104 46
90-94 49 33 16 6 1 5 43 32 11
95+ 35 25 10 4 3 1 31 22 9

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 84,739 42,052 42,687 2,986 1,278 1,708 81,753 40,774 40,979

0 - 4 12,257 6,247 6,010 372 167 205 11,885 6,080 5,805

5 - 9 13,037 6,624 6,413 373 184 189 12,664 6,440 6,224
10-14 12,521 6,715 5,806 406 219 187 12,115 6,496 5,619
15-19 9,480 4,835 4,645 344 171 173 9,136 4,664 4,472
20-24 6,019 2,926 3,093 230 84 146 5,789 2,842 2,947
25-29 5,104 2,190 2,914 192 77 115 4,912 2,113 2,799
30-34 4,935 2,062 2,873 140 57 83 4,795 2,005 2,790
35-39 4,645 2,022 2,623 166 55 111 4,479 1,967 2,512
40-44 3,781 1,710 2,071 145 41 104 3,636 1,669 1,967
45-49 3,072 1,558 1,514 100 48 52 2,972 1,510 1,462
50-54 2,672 1,307 1,365 111 32 79 2,561 1,275 1,286
55-59 2,023 1,138 885 98 30 68 1,925 1,108 817
60-64 1,671 807 864 106 38 68 1,565 769 796
65-69 1,142 627 515 58 17 41 1,084 610 474
70-74 1,041 527 514 70 29 41 971 498 473
75-79 628 353 275 24 7 17 604 346 258
80-84 471 255 216 33 14 19 438 241 197
85-89 135 86 49 12 7 5 123 79 44
90-94 77 47 30 5 1 4 72 46 26
95+ 28 16 12 1 - 1 27 16 11


Total 135,870 67,687 68,183 16,056 7,626 8,430 119,814 60,061 59,753

0 - 4 21,035 10,769 10,266 2,068 1,096 972 18,967 9,673 9,294

5 - 9 22,561 11,452 11,109 2,044 996 1,048 20,517 10,456 10,061
10-14 18,561 9,834 8,727 2,156 1,080 1,076 16,405 8,754 7,651
15-19 14,342 7,169 7,173 2,250 1,078 1,172 12,092 6,091 6,001
20-24 10,043 4,654 5,389 1,498 680 818 8,545 3,974 4,571
25-29 9,356 4,284 5,072 1,390 663 727 7,966 3,621 4,345
30-34 8,368 3,884 4,484 1,059 490 569 7,309 3,394 3,915
35-39 6,740 3,104 3,636 824 352 472 5,916 2,752 3,164
40-44 6,038 2,968 3,070 676 327 349 5,362 2,641 2,721
45-49 3,859 1,965 1,894 427 199 228 3,432 1,766 1,666
50-54 4,039 1,918 2,121 462 173 289 3,577 1,745 1,832
55-59 2,694 1,469 1,225 267 122 145 2,427 1,347 1,080
60-64 2,707 1,301 1,406 311 129 182 2,396 1,172 1,224
65-69 1,697 922 775 182 66 116 1,515 856 659
70-74 1,692 831 861 191 72 119 1,501 759 742
75-79 889 505 384 121 52 69 768 453 315
80-84 819 416 403 73 26 47 746 390 356
85-89 207 124 83 27 16 11 180 108 72
90-94 125 62 63 20 5 15 105 57 48
95+ 98 56 42 10 4 6 88 52 36


Total 85,403 42,483 42,920 4,563 2,133 2,430 80,840 40,350 40,490

0 - 4 12,566 6,375 6,191 579 267 312 11,987 6,108 5,879

5 - 9 13,076 6,563 6,513 567 272 295 12,509 6,291 6,218
10-14 11,788 6,184 5,604 605 313 292 11,183 5,871 5,312
15-19 9,810 5,049 4,761 576 265 311 9,234 4,784 4,450
20-24 6,734 3,299 3,435 473 238 235 6,261 3,061 3,200
25-29 5,721 2,705 3,016 355 163 192 5,366 2,542 2,824
30-34 4,617 2,143 2,474 271 123 148 4,346 2,020 2,326
35-39 4,285 1,919 2,366 231 100 131 4,054 1,819 2,235
40-44 3,616 1,617 1,999 211 90 121 3,405 1,527 1,878
45-49 2,907 1,427 1,480 161 68 93 2,746 1,359 1,387
50-54 2,626 1,250 1,376 140 46 94 2,486 1,204 1,282
55-59 2,072 1,110 962 115 49 66 1,957 1,061 896
60-64 1,739 890 849 103 55 48 1,636 835 801
65-69 1,322 686 636 63 36 27 1,259 650 609
70-74 1,164 543 621 56 22 34 1,108 521 587
75-79 677 361 316 26 10 16 651 351 300
80-84 444 221 223 20 11 9 424 210 214
85-89 145 90 55 5 4 1 140 86 54
90-94 44 24 20 1 - 1 43 24 19
95+ 50 27 23 5 1 4 45 26 19

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 126,889 62,278 64,611 - - - 126,889 62,278 64,611

0 - 4 18,355 9,366 8,989 - - - 18,355 9,366 8,989

5 - 9 19,400 9,796 9,604 - - - 19,400 9,796 9,604
10-14 17,999 9,201 8,798 - - - 17,999 9,201 8,798
15-19 13,679 6,983 6,696 - - - 13,679 6,983 6,696
20-24 8,372 3,995 4,377 - - - 8,372 3,995 4,377
25-29 7,427 3,112 4,315 - - - 7,427 3,112 4,315
30-34 7,837 3,134 4,703 - - - 7,837 3,134 4,703
35-39 7,466 3,334 4,132 - - - 7,466 3,334 4,132
40-44 5,648 2,712 2,936 - - - 5,648 2,712 2,936
45-49 4,770 2,363 2,407 - - - 4,770 2,363 2,407
50-54 4,057 1,929 2,128 - - - 4,057 1,929 2,128
55-59 3,356 1,808 1,548 - - - 3,356 1,808 1,548
60-64 2,671 1,352 1,319 - - - 2,671 1,352 1,319
65-69 2,049 1,138 911 - - - 2,049 1,138 911
70-74 1,663 822 841 - - - 1,663 822 841
75-79 1,145 673 472 - - - 1,145 673 472
80-84 692 371 321 - - - 692 371 321
85-89 191 129 62 - - - 191 129 62
90-94 64 28 36 - - - 64 28 36
95+ 48 32 16 - - - 48 32 16


Total 23,419 11,024 12,395 23,419 11,024 12,395 - - -

0 - 4 2,185 1,123 1,062 2,185 1,123 1,062 - - -

5 - 9 2,466 1,273 1,193 2,466 1,273 1,193 - - -
10-14 3,052 1,563 1,489 3,052 1,563 1,489 - - -
15-19 4,031 1,845 2,186 4,031 1,845 2,186 - - -
20-24 2,717 1,256 1,461 2,717 1,256 1,461 - - -
25-29 1,905 916 989 1,905 916 989 - - -
30-34 1,342 608 734 1,342 608 734 - - -
35-39 1,266 558 708 1,266 558 708 - - -
40-44 957 455 502 957 455 502 - - -
45-49 695 329 366 695 329 366 - - -
50-54 654 271 383 654 271 383 - - -
55-59 447 161 286 447 161 286 - - -
60-64 510 189 321 510 189 321 - - -
65-69 334 119 215 334 119 215 - - -
70-74 420 164 256 420 164 256 - - -
75-79 179 77 102 179 77 102 - - -
80-84 160 63 97 160 63 97 - - -
85-89 56 32 24 56 32 24 - - -
90-94 25 11 14 25 11 14 - - -
95+ 18 11 7 18 11 7 - - -


Total 16,856 7,532 9,324 16,856 7,532 9,324 - - -

0 - 4 1,655 818 837 1,655 818 837 - - -

5 - 9 1,832 923 909 1,832 923 909 - - -
10-14 2,417 1,195 1,222 2,417 1,195 1,222 - - -
15-19 2,855 1,288 1,567 2,855 1,288 1,567 - - -
20-24 1,646 749 897 1,646 749 897 - - -
25-29 1,104 493 611 1,104 493 611 - - -
30-34 888 351 537 888 351 537 - - -
35-39 944 345 599 944 345 599 - - -
40-44 760 306 454 760 306 454 - - -
45-49 497 216 281 497 216 281 - - -
50-54 535 192 343 535 192 343 - - -
55-59 395 142 253 395 142 253 - - -
60-64 384 130 254 384 130 254 - - -
65-69 266 100 166 266 100 166 - - -
70-74 289 114 175 289 114 175 - - -
75-79 167 77 90 167 77 90 - - -
80-84 140 56 84 140 56 84 - - -
85-89 46 21 25 46 21 25 - - -
90-94 21 9 12 21 9 12 - - -
95+ 15 7 8 15 7 8 - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 33,214 16,140 17,074 33,214 16,140 17,074 - - -

0 - 4 3,328 1,689 1,639 3,328 1,689 1,639 - - -

5 - 9 3,495 1,742 1,753 3,495 1,742 1,753 - - -
10-14 4,708 2,332 2,376 4,708 2,332 2,376 - - -
15-19 5,479 2,745 2,734 5,479 2,745 2,734 - - -
20-24 3,525 1,870 1,655 3,525 1,870 1,655 - - -
25-29 2,600 1,277 1,323 2,600 1,277 1,323 - - -
30-34 1,957 932 1,025 1,957 932 1,025 - - -
35-39 1,736 725 1,011 1,736 725 1,011 - - -
40-44 1,385 660 725 1,385 660 725 - - -
45-49 920 417 503 920 417 503 - - -
50-54 966 422 544 966 422 544 - - -
55-59 673 280 393 673 280 393 - - -
60-64 714 281 433 714 281 433 - - -
65-69 505 217 288 505 217 288 - - -
70-74 564 225 339 564 225 339 - - -
75-79 285 137 148 285 137 148 - - -
80-84 230 120 110 230 120 110 - - -
85-89 74 33 41 74 33 41 - - -
90-94 49 24 25 49 24 25 - - -
95+ 21 12 9 21 12 9 - - -


Total 356,598 182,571 174,027 71,823 36,735 35,088 284,775 145,836 138,939

0 - 4 58,213 29,640 28,573 9,526 4,929 4,597 48,687 24,711 23,976

5 - 9 51,759 26,380 25,379 8,210 4,147 4,063 43,549 22,233 21,316
10-14 44,458 22,969 21,489 7,744 3,827 3,917 36,714 19,142 17,572
15-19 39,101 18,896 20,205 8,624 3,700 4,924 30,477 15,196 15,281
20-24 36,926 17,713 19,213 9,079 4,169 4,910 27,847 13,544 14,303
25-29 30,266 15,507 14,759 7,630 4,152 3,478 22,636 11,355 11,281
30-34 23,495 12,560 10,935 5,388 3,041 2,347 18,107 9,519 8,588
35-39 18,029 9,423 8,606 4,254 2,296 1,958 13,775 7,127 6,648
40-44 14,572 8,042 6,530 3,055 1,836 1,219 11,517 6,206 5,311
45-49 10,369 5,833 4,536 2,447 1,452 995 7,922 4,381 3,541
50-54 9,194 4,699 4,495 1,904 991 913 7,290 3,708 3,582
55-59 5,897 3,414 2,483 1,345 787 558 4,552 2,627 1,925
60-64 5,092 2,626 2,466 995 534 461 4,097 2,092 2,005
65-69 3,554 1,932 1,622 741 413 328 2,813 1,519 1,294
70-74 2,735 1,367 1,368 461 239 222 2,274 1,128 1,146
75-79 1,333 750 583 192 109 83 1,141 641 500
80-84 1,079 525 554 145 62 83 934 463 471
85-89 331 195 136 51 33 18 280 162 118
90-94 123 57 66 18 9 9 105 48 57
95+ 72 43 29 14 9 5 58 34 24


Total 92,167 47,909 44,258 30,234 15,550 14,684 61,933 32,359 29,574

0 - 4 15,171 7,759 7,412 4,130 2,187 1,943 11,041 5,572 5,469

5 - 9 12,780 6,544 6,236 3,804 1,920 1,884 8,976 4,624 4,352
10-14 10,517 5,363 5,154 3,465 1,714 1,751 7,052 3,649 3,403
15-19 9,469 4,514 4,955 3,373 1,542 1,831 6,096 2,972 3,124
20-24 10,038 4,522 5,516 3,285 1,502 1,783 6,753 3,020 3,733
25-29 8,873 4,594 4,279 2,871 1,476 1,395 6,002 3,118 2,884
30-34 6,746 3,825 2,921 2,190 1,117 1,073 4,556 2,708 1,848
35-39 5,075 2,790 2,285 1,852 896 956 3,223 1,894 1,329
40-44 3,830 2,332 1,498 1,460 897 563 2,370 1,435 935
45-49 2,932 1,816 1,116 1,262 780 482 1,670 1,036 634
50-54 2,289 1,271 1,018 907 503 404 1,382 768 614
55-59 1,541 964 577 668 426 242 873 538 335
60-64 1,140 639 501 408 243 165 732 396 336
65-69 740 424 316 279 177 102 461 247 214
70-74 536 284 252 170 99 71 366 185 181
75-79 217 132 85 54 39 15 163 93 70
80-84 183 87 96 35 17 18 148 70 78
85-89 57 34 23 16 12 4 41 22 19
90-94 17 7 10 - - - 17 7 10
95+ 16 8 8 5 3 2 11 5 6

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 138,926 70,504 68,422 10,758 5,225 5,533 128,168 65,279 62,889

0 - 4 23,536 11,914 11,622 1,713 854 859 21,823 11,060 10,763

5 - 9 21,529 10,894 10,635 1,448 726 722 20,081 10,168 9,913
10-14 18,547 9,645 8,902 1,358 669 689 17,189 8,976 8,213
15-19 15,260 7,663 7,597 1,292 558 734 13,968 7,105 6,863
20-24 12,878 6,405 6,473 1,114 560 554 11,764 5,845 5,919
25-29 10,034 4,987 5,047 880 431 449 9,154 4,556 4,598
30-34 8,592 4,466 4,126 742 405 337 7,850 4,061 3,789
35-39 6,479 3,306 3,173 581 276 305 5,898 3,030 2,868
40-44 5,661 2,851 2,810 397 193 204 5,264 2,658 2,606
45-49 3,769 1,939 1,830 275 141 134 3,494 1,798 1,696
50-54 3,774 1,760 2,014 270 105 165 3,504 1,655 1,849
55-59 2,327 1,301 1,026 191 94 97 2,136 1,207 929
60-64 2,279 1,130 1,149 171 68 103 2,108 1,062 1,046
65-69 1,524 835 689 105 48 57 1,419 787 632
70-74 1,300 650 650 103 48 55 1,197 602 595
75-79 624 352 272 48 23 25 576 329 247
80-84 556 269 287 42 13 29 514 256 258
85-89 158 88 70 16 8 8 142 80 62
90-94 65 31 34 8 4 4 57 27 30
95+ 34 18 16 4 1 3 30 17 13


Total 103,852 52,763 51,089 9,178 4,565 4,613 94,674 48,198 46,476

0 - 4 17,250 8,840 8,410 1,427 761 666 15,823 8,079 7,744

5 - 9 15,620 8,021 7,599 1,128 580 548 14,492 7,441 7,051
10-14 13,427 6,997 6,430 954 480 474 12,473 6,517 5,956
15-19 11,454 5,488 5,966 1,041 369 672 10,413 5,119 5,294
20-24 10,567 5,161 5,406 1,237 482 755 9,330 4,679 4,651
25-29 8,615 4,272 4,343 1,135 591 544 7,480 3,681 3,799
30-34 6,405 3,153 3,252 704 403 301 5,701 2,750 2,951
35-39 5,211 2,505 2,706 557 302 255 4,654 2,203 2,451
40-44 4,249 2,339 1,910 366 226 140 3,883 2,113 1,770
45-49 2,984 1,694 1,290 226 147 79 2,758 1,547 1,211
50-54 2,554 1,371 1,183 150 86 64 2,404 1,285 1,119
55-59 1,620 931 689 77 49 28 1,543 882 661
60-64 1,328 672 656 71 38 33 1,257 634 623
65-69 981 511 470 48 26 22 933 485 448
70-74 738 352 386 27 11 16 711 341 370
75-79 418 228 190 16 9 7 402 219 183
80-84 285 141 144 13 4 9 272 137 135
85-89 98 61 37 1 1 - 97 60 37
90-94 31 14 17 - - - 31 14 17
95+ 17 12 5 - - - 17 12 5


Total 21,653 11,395 10,258 21,653 11,395 10,258 - - -

0 - 4 2,256 1,127 1,129 2,256 1,127 1,129 - - -

5 - 9 1,830 921 909 1,830 921 909 - - -
10-14 1,967 964 1,003 1,967 964 1,003 - - -
15-19 2,918 1,231 1,687 2,918 1,231 1,687 - - -
20-24 3,443 1,625 1,818 3,443 1,625 1,818 - - -
25-29 2,744 1,654 1,090 2,744 1,654 1,090 - - -
30-34 1,752 1,116 636 1,752 1,116 636 - - -
35-39 1,264 822 442 1,264 822 442 - - -
40-44 832 520 312 832 520 312 - - -
45-49 684 384 300 684 384 300 - - -
50-54 577 297 280 577 297 280 - - -
55-59 409 218 191 409 218 191 - - -
60-64 345 185 160 345 185 160 - - -
65-69 309 162 147 309 162 147 - - -
70-74 161 81 80 161 81 80 - - -
75-79 74 38 36 74 38 36 - - -
80-84 55 28 27 55 28 27 - - -
85-89 18 12 6 18 12 6 - - -
90-94 10 5 5 10 5 5 - - -
95+ 5 5 - 5 5 - - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 215,914 104,925 110,989 215,914 104,925 110,989 - - -

0 - 4 22,398 11,408 10,990 22,398 11,408 10,990 - - -

5 - 9 21,733 10,965 10,768 21,733 10,965 10,768 - - -
10-14 25,286 12,209 13,077 25,286 12,209 13,077 - - -
15-19 31,724 14,090 17,634 31,724 14,090 17,634 - - -
20-24 32,308 15,356 16,952 32,308 15,356 16,952 - - -
25-29 22,664 11,180 11,484 22,664 11,180 11,484 - - -
30-34 14,194 7,680 6,514 14,194 7,680 6,514 - - -
35-39 11,801 5,963 5,838 11,801 5,963 5,838 - - -
40-44 7,713 4,230 3,483 7,713 4,230 3,483 - - -
45-49 6,250 3,136 3,114 6,250 3,136 3,114 - - -
50-54 5,184 2,319 2,865 5,184 2,319 2,865 - - -
55-59 3,774 1,685 2,089 3,774 1,685 2,089 - - -
60-64 3,374 1,447 1,927 3,374 1,447 1,927 - - -
65-69 2,589 1,104 1,485 2,589 1,104 1,485 - - -
70-74 2,319 971 1,348 2,319 971 1,348 - - -
75-79 1,115 526 589 1,115 526 589 - - -
80-84 906 370 536 906 370 536 - - -
85-89 325 176 149 325 176 149 - - -
90-94 171 70 101 171 70 101 - - -
95+ 86 40 46 86 40 46 - - -


Total 92,104 44,153 47,951 92,104 44,153 47,951 - - -

0 - 4 8,845 4,475 4,370 8,845 4,475 4,370 - - -

5 - 9 8,716 4,354 4,362 8,716 4,354 4,362 - - -
10-14 10,472 4,982 5,490 10,472 4,982 5,490 - - -
15-19 14,217 6,360 7,857 14,217 6,360 7,857 - - -
20-24 15,433 7,599 7,834 15,433 7,599 7,834 - - -
25-29 9,475 4,563 4,912 9,475 4,563 4,912 - - -
30-34 5,773 3,043 2,730 5,773 3,043 2,730 - - -
35-39 4,767 2,229 2,538 4,767 2,229 2,538 - - -
40-44 3,304 1,712 1,592 3,304 1,712 1,592 - - -
45-49 2,647 1,256 1,391 2,647 1,256 1,391 - - -
50-54 2,245 987 1,258 2,245 987 1,258 - - -
55-59 1,617 713 904 1,617 713 904 - - -
60-64 1,403 586 817 1,403 586 817 - - -
65-69 1,107 445 662 1,107 445 662 - - -
70-74 981 381 600 981 381 600 - - -
75-79 479 208 271 479 208 271 - - -
80-84 392 153 239 392 153 239 - - -
85-89 138 71 67 138 71 67 - - -
90-94 62 25 37 62 25 37 - - -
95+ 31 11 20 31 11 20 - - -


Total 123,810 60,772 63,038 123,810 60,772 63,038 - - -

0 - 4 13,553 6,933 6,620 13,553 6,933 6,620 - - -

5 - 9 13,017 6,611 6,406 13,017 6,611 6,406 - - -
10-14 14,814 7,227 7,587 14,814 7,227 7,587 - - -
15-19 17,507 7,730 9,777 17,507 7,730 9,777 - - -
20-24 16,875 7,757 9,118 16,875 7,757 9,118 - - -
25-29 13,189 6,617 6,572 13,189 6,617 6,572 - - -
30-34 8,421 4,637 3,784 8,421 4,637 3,784 - - -
35-39 7,034 3,734 3,300 7,034 3,734 3,300 - - -
40-44 4,409 2,518 1,891 4,409 2,518 1,891 - - -
45-49 3,603 1,880 1,723 3,603 1,880 1,723 - - -
50-54 2,939 1,332 1,607 2,939 1,332 1,607 - - -
55-59 2,157 972 1,185 2,157 972 1,185 - - -
60-64 1,971 861 1,110 1,971 861 1,110 - - -
65-69 1,482 659 823 1,482 659 823 - - -
70-74 1,338 590 748 1,338 590 748 - - -
75-79 636 318 318 636 318 318 - - -
80-84 514 217 297 514 217 297 - - -
85-89 187 105 82 187 105 82 - - -
90-94 109 45 64 109 45 64 - - -
95+ 55 29 26 55 29 26 - - -

Table 2.9 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Single Years of Age: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------
Both Both Both
Single Age Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278
0 119,603 60,449 59,154 19,489 9,868 9,621 100,114 50,581 49,533
1 113,812 57,829 55,983 19,557 10,049 9,508 94,255 47,780 46,475
2 128,436 65,405 63,031 21,415 10,868 10,547 107,021 54,537 52,484
3 136,531 68,748 67,783 22,020 11,136 10,884 114,511 57,612 56,899
4 132,480 67,834 64,646 21,537 10,923 10,614 110,943 56,911 54,032
5 136,052 68,368 67,684 21,215 10,507 10,708 114,837 57,861 56,976
6 128,829 66,127 62,702 18,311 9,224 9,087 110,518 56,903 53,615
7 129,150 64,836 64,314 19,207 9,565 9,642 109,943 55,271 54,672
8 122,321 62,557 59,764 18,843 9,454 9,389 103,478 53,103 50,375
9 125,322 62,669 62,653 20,371 10,141 10,230 104,951 52,528 52,423
10 150,955 77,231 73,724 23,555 11,724 11,831 127,400 65,507 61,893
11 101,121 51,042 50,079 17,643 8,687 8,956 83,478 42,355 41,123
12 134,274 69,462 64,812 22,937 11,457 11,480 111,337 58,005 53,332
13 119,263 60,826 58,437 21,154 10,240 10,914 98,109 50,586 47,523
14 108,193 56,307 51,886 20,785 10,126 10,659 87,408 46,181 41,227
15 109,880 55,527 54,353 20,628 9,658 10,970 89,252 45,869 43,383
16 101,076 51,624 49,452 22,524 10,400 12,124 78,552 41,224 37,328
17 79,711 40,765 38,946 19,708 9,103 10,605 60,003 31,662 28,341
18 132,016 61,041 70,975 35,770 15,494 20,276 96,246 45,547 50,699
19 73,534 35,610 37,924 21,013 9,237 11,776 52,521 26,373 26,148
20 130,251 59,130 71,121 35,486 15,255 20,231 94,765 43,875 50,890
21 45,800 22,678 23,122 13,534 6,176 7,358 32,266 16,502 15,764
22 84,195 41,187 43,008 22,913 10,136 12,777 61,282 31,051 30,231
23 51,859 26,488 25,371 15,266 7,094 8,172 36,593 19,394 17,199
24 50,368 26,074 24,294 14,031 6,716 7,315 36,337 19,358 16,979
25 91,702 39,901 51,801 26,217 11,261 14,956 65,485 28,640 36,845
26 46,778 22,660 24,118 12,245 5,730 6,515 34,533 16,930 17,603
27 46,700 21,527 25,173 13,443 6,110 7,333 33,257 15,417 17,840
28 72,166 30,592 41,574 17,908 8,062 9,846 54,258 22,530 31,728
29 28,495 13,313 15,182 7,232 3,489 3,743 21,263 9,824 11,439
30 125,823 50,589 75,234 29,622 13,209 16,413 96,201 37,380 58,821
31 22,751 10,989 11,762 4,402 2,242 2,160 18,349 8,747 9,602
32 44,875 21,515 23,360 9,947 5,005 4,942 34,928 16,510 18,418
33 31,252 15,660 15,592 5,990 2,969 3,021 25,262 12,691 12,571
34 24,608 12,681 11,927 4,572 2,451 2,121 20,036 10,230 9,806
35 88,442 36,661 51,781 21,247 9,665 11,582 67,195 26,996 40,199
36 35,936 17,592 18,344 6,281 3,032 3,249 29,655 14,560 15,095
37 33,558 16,526 17,032 6,987 3,181 3,806 26,571 13,345 13,226
38 48,806 23,007 25,799 9,496 4,423 5,073 39,310 18,584 20,726
39 18,345 9,970 8,375 3,430 1,777 1,653 14,915 8,193 6,722
40 100,150 44,158 55,992 19,896 9,713 10,183 80,254 34,445 45,809
41 13,089 7,410 5,679 2,102 1,264 838 10,987 6,146 4,841
42 27,531 15,112 12,419 4,869 2,861 2,008 22,662 12,251 10,411
43 17,608 9,866 7,742 2,946 1,756 1,190 14,662 8,110 6,552
44 12,289 7,300 4,989 1,749 1,051 698 10,540 6,249 4,291
45 62,740 28,134 34,606 13,045 6,365 6,680 49,695 21,769 27,926
46 18,694 10,152 8,542 2,732 1,513 1,219 15,962 8,639 7,323
47 16,352 8,433 7,919 2,717 1,398 1,319 13,635 7,035 6,600
48 29,693 14,703 14,990 4,374 2,233 2,141 25,319 12,470 12,849
49 10,334 5,783 4,551 1,445 778 667 8,889 5,005 3,884
50 76,710 31,200 45,510 13,703 5,378 8,325 63,007 25,822 37,185
51 9,461 5,077 4,384 1,269 673 596 8,192 4,404 3,788
52 16,968 9,042 7,926 2,421 1,258 1,163 14,547 7,784 6,763
53 11,795 6,558 5,237 1,671 854 817 10,124 5,704 4,420
54 10,694 5,834 4,860 1,380 727 653 9,314 5,107 4,207
55 41,034 18,974 22,060 7,377 2,948 4,429 33,657 16,026 17,631
56 17,561 9,926 7,635 2,341 1,080 1,261 15,220 8,846 6,374
57 14,212 7,892 6,320 2,051 967 1,084 12,161 6,925 5,236
58 16,425 8,982 7,443 2,015 936 1,079 14,410 8,046 6,364
59 5,733 3,546 2,187 637 349 288 5,096 3,197 1,899
60 60,678 26,039 34,639 10,266 3,663 6,603 50,412 22,376 28,036

Table 2.9 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Single Years of Age: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------
Both Both Both
Single Age Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

61 5,137 2,801 2,336 602 277 325 4,535 2,524 2,011
62 9,647 5,534 4,113 1,327 674 653 8,320 4,860 3,460
63 8,631 5,132 3,499 1,187 567 620 7,444 4,565 2,879
64 7,283 4,225 3,058 935 445 490 6,348 3,780 2,568
65 30,328 14,418 15,910 5,554 2,212 3,342 24,774 12,206 12,568
66 13,274 7,501 5,773 1,859 766 1,093 11,415 6,735 4,680
67 9,444 5,501 3,943 1,440 625 815 8,004 4,876 3,128
68 10,491 5,676 4,815 1,346 555 791 9,145 5,121 4,024
69 3,934 2,255 1,679 461 207 254 3,473 2,048 1,425
70 37,813 16,859 20,954 6,760 2,423 4,337 31,053 14,436 16,617
71 5,910 3,044 2,866 803 357 446 5,107 2,687 2,420
72 7,265 4,271 2,994 984 520 464 6,281 3,751 2,530
73 5,370 3,354 2,016 726 384 342 4,644 2,970 1,674
74 4,037 2,581 1,456 568 282 286 3,469 2,299 1,170
75 13,766 7,088 6,678 2,276 982 1,294 11,490 6,106 5,384
76 4,838 2,963 1,875 679 329 350 4,159 2,634 1,525
77 4,399 2,711 1,688 695 330 365 3,704 2,381 1,323
78 5,837 3,611 2,226 807 415 392 5,030 3,196 1,834
79 1,760 1,166 594 234 135 99 1,526 1,031 495
80 15,937 7,974 7,963 2,882 1,135 1,747 13,055 6,839 6,216
81 1,429 878 551 188 95 93 1,241 783 458
82 1,973 1,282 691 270 155 115 1,703 1,127 576
83 1,515 1,045 470 209 124 85 1,306 921 385
84 1,129 795 334 150 87 63 979 708 271
85 3,179 1,887 1,292 650 318 332 2,529 1,569 960
86 1,225 871 354 180 115 65 1,045 756 289
87 901 616 285 151 85 66 750 531 219
88 877 618 259 153 99 54 724 519 205
89 509 352 157 92 59 33 417 293 124
90 1,933 1,024 909 434 158 276 1,499 866 633
91 196 131 65 41 27 14 155 104 51
92 218 126 92 48 33 15 170 93 77
93 240 156 84 46 23 23 194 133 61
94 168 110 58 36 23 13 132 87 45
95 441 238 203 123 51 72 318 187 131
96 192 132 60 44 27 17 148 105 43
97+ 742 421 321 163 87 76 579 334 245

Chapter III

Ethnic Group, Mother Tongue, Religion and Marital Status

In the 2007 Census, “Ethnic identity” of respondents was obtained through the
question “What is (NAME’S) ethnic group?” Ethnic group (nation/nationality) of a
person is traced through his/her national or tribal origin. A detailed list of ethnic
groups in the country was obtained from the House of Federation. Codes for the
ethnic groups were entered from these lists, which were attached in the
enumerator’s manual.

“Mother Tongue” of respondents was identified by asking the question “What is

(NAME’S) mother tongue?” Mother tongue is the language used by the
respondent for communication with his/her family members or guardians during
his/her childhood. Detailed lists of the names & codes of the country’s languages
were provided to the enumerators in their instruction manuals. Similar types of
questions were used for both the 1994 & 2007 census, except that during the
1994 census question about the most frequently used additional language of
respondents was asked in addition to mother tongue & ethnic group.

The question on “Religion” was asked to all persons as “What is (NAME’S)

religion?” The possible answers were categorized under the following six groups:
Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic, Muslim/Islam, Traditional & Other. Orthodox
Christianity includes the “Tewahido”, “Kibat”, & “Tsega”, while Seven Day
Adventist, Pentecost, Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican, Presbyterian, “Meserete
Kirstos”, “Mulu Wengel”, “Kale Hiywot”, etc. were put under the Protestant
category. Jehovah’s, Behais, Jews, Hindus, etc. fall under the other category.
Those respondents who answered simply “Christian” as their religion were further
asked to identify themselves either as Orthodox, Protestant or Catholic Christian.
For the new born children, the religion of their parents was taken, but for those
children born from parents that follow different religions, the parents had been

asked to decide which religion the child may follow in the future. Similar type of
question was asked in the 1994 Census.

“Marital status” of respondents aged ten years & older was identified through the
question “What is (NAME’S) current marital status?” The responses fell under six
major categories: Never Married, Currently Married, Divorced, Separated,
Widow/Widower, & Living Together as Husband & Spouse. Never married refers
to all persons who were single & had not been married earlier; currently married
include those bounded by any kind of marital engagement at the time of
enumeration (traditional, church, or municipality); separated couples were also
considered to be married unless they have dissolved their marriage agreement.
Persons who had been married but whose marriage was dissolved before the
census day were put under divorced. Those who responded they had not been
married after the deaths of their spouses were categorized as widowed/widower.
Those who had been living together as wife & husband (through consensual
union), without any formal binding relations (traditional, church, or municipality)
were fall on living together. Two additional categories (“separated” & “living
together”) were added in the 2007 census, compared to the 1994, which had only
four categories of marital status: never married, currently married, divorced &

Tables 3.1 to 3.5 show the results of the 2007 Census on Ethnic Group, Mother
Tongue, Religion and Marital Status.

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278
Affar 12,314 6,763 5,551 1,203 649 554 11,111 6,114 4,997
Agew-Awi 918 448 470 415 226 189 503 222 281
Agew Hamyra 8,270 4,076 4,194 927 441 486 7,343 3,635 3,708
Alaba 233 132 101 179 102 77 54 30 24
Amhara 70,561 33,659 36,902 32,077 14,655 17,422 38,484 19,004 19,480
Anyiwak 95 58 37 67 42 25 28 16 12
Argoba 88 56 32 75 50 25 13 6 7
Ari 2,904 1,407 1,497 630 311 319 2,274 1,096 1,178
Arborie 470 449 21 13 5 8 457 444 13
Bacha 70 33 37 25 16 9 45 17 28
Basketo 5 2 3 3 2 1 2 - 2
Bench 201 102 99 127 62 65 74 40 34
Berta 85 46 39 72 37 35 13 9 4
Bodi 83 42 41 72 40 32 11 2 9
Brayle 132 53 79 76 25 51 56 28 28
Burji 29 17 12 26 15 11 3 2 1
Bena 19 8 11 11 6 5 8 2 6
Chara 33 22 11 17 13 4 16 9 7
Dasenech 65 40 25 43 26 17 22 14 8
Dawuro 95 43 52 29 12 17 66 31 35
Debase/Gewada 8 5 3 7 4 3 1 1 -
Derashe 34 21 13 24 14 10 10 7 3
Dime 7 4 3 6 4 2 1 - 1
Dizi 7 3 4 1 1 - 6 2 4
Donga 17 11 6 13 9 4 4 2 2
Fedashe 22 10 12 15 6 9 7 4 3
Gamo 44 30 14 35 25 10 9 5 4
Gebato 76 39 37 23 13 10 53 26 27
Gedeo 17 11 6 16 10 6 1 1 -
Gedicho 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
Gidole 6 1 5 6 1 5 - - -
Goffa 5 4 1 5 4 1 - - -
Gumuz 13 9 4 10 7 3 3 2 1
Guragie 391 257 134 350 232 118 41 25 16
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 112 82 30 77 59 18 35 23 12
Hareri 97 51 46 86 45 41 11 6 5
Hamer 79 43 36 38 18 20 41 25 16
Irob 30,549 14,996 15,553 3,701 1,758 1,943 26,848 13,238 13,610
Kefficho 39 31 8 27 23 4 12 8 4
Kembata 56 45 11 46 37 9 10 8 2
Konta 4 1 3 1 - 1 3 1 2
Komo 5 4 1 1 1 - 4 3 1
Konso 8 6 2 5 4 1 3 2 1
Kore 61 27 34 35 21 14 26 6 20
Koyego 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Kunama 2,981 1,471 1,510 351 190 161 2,630 1,281 1,349
Karo 7 5 2 3 2 1 4 3 1
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 37 30 7 28 21 7 9 9 -
Mao 10 7 3 10 7 3 - - -
Mareko 26 20 6 18 16 2 8 4 4
Mashola 8 4 4 6 3 3 2 1 1
Mere 17 11 6 13 9 4 4 2 2
Me'enite 5 3 2 2 - 2 3 3 -
Messengo 43 20 23 36 16 20 7 4 3
Mejenger 178 71 107 41 19 22 137 52 85
Mossiye 5 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 -
Mursi 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Murle 4 4 - 2 2 - 2 2 -
Nao 7 4 3 7 4 3 - - -
Nuwer 19 13 6 12 10 2 7 3 4
Nyangatom 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Oromo 7,184 4,006 3,178 2,220 1,437 783 4,964 2,569 2,395
Oida 8 5 3 6 5 1 2 - 2

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Qechem 162 74 88 36 19 17 126 55 71
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 10 10 - 7 7 - 3 3 -
Sheko 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Shinasha 10 10 - 8 8 - 2 2 -
Sidama 36 30 6 29 25 4 7 5 2
Silte 59 48 11 54 44 10 5 4 1
Somalie 2,110 1,128 982 138 80 58 1,972 1,048 924
Surma 60 29 31 46 20 26 14 9 5
She 7 2 5 5 1 4 2 1 1
Tigrie 4,167,813 2,051,272 2,116,541 799,011 376,936 422,075 3,368,802 1,674,336 1,694,466
Timebaro 306 161 145 84 43 41 222 118 104
Tsemay 80 40 40 22 12 10 58 28 30
Upo 40 18 22 3 2 1 37 16 21
Welaita 187 133 54 151 111 40 36 22 14
Werji 139 74 65 28 16 12 111 58 53
Yem 43 26 17 10 5 5 33 21 12
Zeyese 20 13 7 6 5 1 14 8 6
Zelmam 195 91 104 50 23 27 145 68 77
Ethiopian National 169 95 74 47 34 13 122 61 61
From different
Parents 173 94 79 83 49 34 90 45 45
Eritrean 5,429 3,472 1,957 342 216 126 5,087 3,256 1,831
Djiboutian 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Somalian 8 3 5 7 3 4 1 - 1
Kenyan 14 8 6 6 3 3 8 5 3
Sudanese 712 625 87 330 264 66 382 361 21
Other Foreigners 321 172 149 152 87 65 169 85 84

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 736,805 368,254 368,551 107,999 49,642 58,357 628,806 318,612 310,194
Affar 436 230 206 342 187 155 94 43 51
Agew-Awi 22 8 14 6 2 4 16 6 10
Agew Hamyra 72 26 46 58 15 43 14 11 3
Alaba 28 11 17 22 6 16 6 5 1
Amhara 11,635 4,798 6,837 4,263 1,413 2,850 7,372 3,385 3,987
Anyiwak 11 6 5 2 1 1 9 5 4
Argoba 13 7 6 12 7 5 1 - 1
Ari 421 210 211 77 33 44 344 177 167
Arborie 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Bacha 14 7 7 8 3 5 6 4 2
Basketo - - - - - - - - -
Bench 44 23 21 27 12 15 17 11 6
Berta 45 26 19 43 25 18 2 1 1
Bodi 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Brayle 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Burji 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
Bena 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 2
Chara 7 5 2 6 5 1 1 - 1
Dasenech 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Dawuro 21 9 12 8 3 5 13 6 7
Debase/Gewada - - - - - - - - -
Derashe 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Dime 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dizi - - - - - - - - -
Donga - - - - - - - - -
Fedashe 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gamo 3 - 3 2 - 2 1 - 1
Gebato 13 7 6 1 - 1 12 7 5
Gedeo 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Gedicho - - - - - - - - -
Gidole 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Goffa 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gumuz 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Guragie 48 30 18 33 20 13 15 10 5
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 7 4 3 5 2 3 2 2 -
Hareri 61 34 27 60 33 27 1 1 -
Hamer 11 8 3 4 3 1 7 5 2
Irob 1,104 577 527 43 23 20 1,061 554 507
Kefficho 7 7 - 1 1 - 6 6 -
Kembata 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Konta 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Komo 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Konso 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Kore 4 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 -
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 1,741 852 889 254 133 121 1,487 719 768
Karo - - - - - - - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 5 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 -
Mao 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mareko 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
Mashola - - - - - - - - -
Mere 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Me'enite - - - - - - - - -
Messengo 11 6 5 7 3 4 4 3 1
Mejenger 24 7 17 4 1 3 20 6 14
Mossiye 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Mursi - - - - - - - - -
Murle - - - - - - - - -
Nao - - - - - - - - -
Nuwer 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 894 456 438 803 390 413 91 66 25
Oida 4 4 - 4 4 - - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Qechem 18 7 11 2 - 2 16 7 9
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha - - - - - - - - -
Sidama 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Silte 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Somalie 1,146 627 519 23 7 16 1,123 620 503
Surma 5 2 3 5 2 3 - - -
She - - - - - - - - -
Tigrie 713,325 356,641 356,684 101,573 47,074 54,499 611,752 309,567 302,185
Timebaro 51 27 24 11 8 3 40 19 21
Tsemay 9 4 5 3 2 1 6 2 4
Upo 23 8 15 - - - 23 8 15
Welaita 35 23 12 25 17 8 10 6 4
Werji 46 26 20 2 1 1 44 25 19
Yem 9 7 2 1 1 - 8 6 2
Zeyese 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Zelmam 35 16 19 7 4 3 28 12 16
Ethiopian National 84 42 42 - - - 84 42 42
From different
Parents 31 17 14 28 14 14 3 3 -
Eritrean 5,118 3,318 1,800 102 85 17 5,016 3,233 1,783
Djiboutian 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Somalian - - - - - - - - -
Kenyan - - - - - - - - -
Sudanese 98 86 12 91 84 7 7 2 5
Other Foreigners 17 11 6 1 - 1 16 11 5

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 1,245,824 613,797 632,027 176,453 81,844 94,609 1,069,371 531,953 537,418
Affar 1,780 882 898 55 27 28 1,725 855 870
Agew-Awi 106 49 57 62 30 32 44 19 25
Agew Hamyra 283 128 155 59 27 32 224 101 123
Alaba 23 12 11 18 11 7 5 1 4
Amhara 2,084 1,037 1,047 1,332 629 703 752 408 344
Anyiwak 6 5 1 1 1 - 5 4 1
Argoba 15 11 4 10 9 1 5 2 3
Ari 749 364 385 80 39 41 669 325 344
Arborie 452 440 12 - - - 452 440 12
Bacha 25 10 15 1 1 - 24 9 15
Basketo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Bench 14 8 6 8 5 3 6 3 3
Berta 8 4 4 6 2 4 2 2 -
Bodi 3 1 2 1 1 - 2 - 2
Brayle 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Burji 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Bena 6 3 3 5 3 2 1 - 1
Chara 7 5 2 2 2 - 5 3 2
Dasenech 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Dawuro 28 9 19 8 3 5 20 6 14
Debase/Gewada 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Derashe 7 5 2 3 2 1 4 3 1
Dime - - - - - - - - -
Dizi - - - - - - - - -
Donga - - - - - - - - -
Fedashe 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
Gamo 6 4 2 3 2 1 3 2 1
Gebato 22 11 11 4 3 1 18 8 10
Gedeo 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gedicho - - - - - - - - -
Gidole 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Goffa - - - - - - - - -
Gumuz 4 1 3 3 - 3 1 1 -
Guragie 34 23 11 18 12 6 16 11 5
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 29 23 6 10 10 - 19 13 6
Hareri 8 4 4 5 3 2 3 1 2
Hamer 19 8 11 9 5 4 10 3 7
Irob 221 110 111 21 9 12 200 101 99
Kefficho 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Kembata 10 9 1 3 3 - 7 6 1
Konta - - - - - - - - -
Komo - - - - - - - - -
Konso 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Kore 18 9 9 14 9 5 4 - 4
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 22 13 9 7 5 2 15 8 7
Karo 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 12 12 - 5 5 - 7 7 -
Mao - - - - - - - - -
Mareko 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Mashola - - - - - - - - -
Mere 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Me'enite - - - - - - - - -
Messengo 6 4 2 6 4 2 - - -
Mejenger 65 26 39 10 4 6 55 22 33
Mossiye - - - - - - - - -
Mursi - - - - - - - - -
Murle - - - - - - - - -
Nao 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Nuwer 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 213 128 85 80 42 38 133 86 47
Oida - - - - - - - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena - - - - - - - - -
Qechem 52 24 28 9 4 5 43 20 23
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Sidama 6 4 2 1 1 - 5 3 2
Silte 5 4 1 - - - 5 4 1
Somalie 874 436 438 39 17 22 835 419 416
Surma 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
She 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Tigrie 1,237,921 609,487 628,434 174,439 80,856 93,583 1,063,482 528,631 534,851
Timebaro 76 35 41 10 4 6 66 31 35
Tsemay 23 10 13 7 4 3 16 6 10
Upo 6 6 - - - - 6 6 -
Welaita 13 9 4 4 3 1 9 6 3
Werji 39 19 20 6 4 2 33 15 18
Yem 11 7 4 1 1 - 10 6 4
Zeyese 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Zelmam 59 29 30 9 7 2 50 22 28
Ethiopian National 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
From different
Parents - - - - - - - - -
Eritrean 20 13 7 16 11 5 4 2 2
Djiboutian - - - - - - - - -
Somalian 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Kenyan 9 5 4 1 - 1 8 5 3
Sudanese 308 295 13 5 3 2 303 292 11
Other Foreigners 70 31 39 29 8 21 41 23 18

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 755,343 359,638 395,705 146,064 66,321 79,743 609,279 293,317 315,962
Affar 3,458 1,680 1,778 480 242 238 2,978 1,438 1,540
Agew-Awi 26 9 17 5 1 4 21 8 13
Agew Hamyra 158 63 95 57 20 37 101 43 58
Alaba 46 28 18 32 20 12 14 8 6
Amhara 1,747 639 1,108 1,159 427 732 588 212 376
Anyiwak 5 2 3 4 2 2 1 - 1
Argoba 9 2 7 9 2 7 - - -
Ari 372 162 210 99 39 60 273 123 150
Arborie 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Bacha 7 3 4 1 1 - 6 2 4
Basketo 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 2
Bench 12 3 9 7 3 4 5 - 5
Berta 8 3 5 3 - 3 5 3 2
Bodi 11 6 5 9 6 3 2 - 2
Brayle 58 28 30 5 2 3 53 26 27
Burji 12 6 6 11 5 6 1 1 -
Bena 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 - 2
Chara 10 7 3 2 2 - 8 5 3
Dasenech 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Dawuro 10 5 5 2 - 2 8 5 3
Debase/Gewada - - - - - - - - -
Derashe 8 3 5 5 1 4 3 2 1
Dime 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Dizi 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Donga 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Fedashe 5 - 5 3 - 3 2 - 2
Gamo 5 2 3 3 - 3 2 2 -
Gebato 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Gedeo 5 2 3 5 2 3 - - -
Gedicho - - - - - - - - -
Gidole - - - - - - - - -
Goffa - - - - - - - - -
Gumuz - - - - - - - - -
Guragie 19 6 13 14 5 9 5 1 4
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Hareri 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Hamer 25 10 15 15 4 11 10 6 4
Irob 28,527 13,949 14,578 3,307 1,574 1,733 25,220 12,375 12,845
Kefficho 9 6 3 8 6 2 1 - 1
Kembata 5 2 3 5 2 3 - - -
Konta 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Komo 3 3 - - - - 3 3 -
Konso - - - - - - - - -
Kore 17 3 14 3 1 2 14 2 12
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 22 10 12 1 1 - 21 9 12
Karo 4 3 1 - - - 4 3 1
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mao - - - - - - - - -
Mareko 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Mashola 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
Mere - - - - - - - - -
Me'enite - - - - - - - - -
Messengo 8 4 4 7 3 4 1 1 -
Mejenger 27 11 16 9 5 4 18 6 12
Mossiye - - - - - - - - -
Mursi 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Murle 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Nao 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Nuwer 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 175 83 92 157 77 80 18 6 12
Oida - - - - - - - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Qechem 27 12 15 6 4 2 21 8 13
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho - - - - - - - - -
Sheko 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Shinasha 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Sidama 4 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 -
Silte 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Somalie 18 9 9 14 8 6 4 1 3
Surma 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
She - - - - - - - - -
Tigrie 720,000 342,661 377,339 140,384 63,743 76,641 579,616 278,918 300,698
Timebaro 80 44 36 28 12 16 52 32 20
Tsemay 9 3 6 4 2 2 5 1 4
Upo 7 2 5 2 1 1 5 1 4
Welaita 27 13 14 26 13 13 1 - 1
Werji 10 3 7 3 - 3 7 3 4
Yem 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
Zeyese 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
Zelmam 47 17 30 19 7 12 28 10 18
Ethiopian National 54 30 24 17 12 5 37 18 19
From different
Parents 21 11 10 16 10 6 5 1 4
Eritrean 99 23 76 54 19 35 45 4 41
Djiboutian 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Somalian 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Kenyan - - - - - - - - -
Sudanese 17 10 7 17 10 7 - - -
Other Foreigners 54 32 22 12 10 2 42 22 20

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 1,006,504 497,280 509,224 125,787 59,328 66,459 880,717 437,952 442,765
Affar 6,414 3,829 2,585 141 80 61 6,273 3,749 2,524
Agew-Awi 526 233 293 135 63 72 391 170 221
Agew Hamyra 7,367 3,651 3,716 437 209 228 6,930 3,442 3,488
Alaba 50 33 17 25 19 6 25 14 11
Amhara 27,131 13,385 13,746 11,620 5,487 6,133 15,511 7,898 7,613
Anyiwak 14 9 5 5 4 1 9 5 4
Argoba 10 7 3 3 3 - 7 4 3
Ari 802 384 418 110 60 50 692 324 368
Arborie 3 3 - - - - 3 3 -
Bacha 8 1 7 1 - 1 7 1 6
Basketo - - - - - - - - -
Bench 9 6 3 8 5 3 1 1 -
Berta 4 1 3 2 - 2 2 1 1
Bodi 18 9 9 15 7 8 3 2 1
Brayle 15 7 8 15 7 8 - - -
Burji 5 4 1 5 4 1 - - -
Bena - - - - - - - - -
Chara 4 2 2 3 2 1 1 - 1
Dasenech 53 35 18 34 22 12 19 13 6
Dawuro 25 12 13 5 1 4 20 11 9
Debase/Gewada 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Derashe 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Dime - - - - - - - - -
Dizi 5 2 3 - - - 5 2 3
Donga 7 5 2 5 4 1 2 1 1
Fedashe 3 2 1 1 - 1 2 2 -
Gamo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gebato 27 12 15 7 3 4 20 9 11
Gedeo - - - - - - - - -
Gedicho 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Gidole - - - - - - - - -
Goffa - - - - - - - - -
Gumuz - - - - - - - - -
Guragie 17 11 6 14 9 5 3 2 1
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 11 6 5 1 1 - 10 5 5
Hareri 7 3 4 3 - 3 4 3 1
Hamer 9 5 4 2 - 2 7 5 2
Irob 4 4 - 1 1 - 3 3 -
Kefficho - - - - - - - - -
Kembata 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Konta - - - - - - - - -
Komo - - - - - - - - -
Konso - - - - - - - - -
Kore 11 8 3 5 5 - 6 3 3
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 48 22 26 10 6 4 38 16 22
Karo - - - - - - - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Mao - - - - - - - - -
Mareko 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 -
Mashola - - - - - - - - -
Mere 4 2 2 - - - 4 2 2
Me'enite 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Messengo 6 2 4 6 2 4 - - -
Mejenger 41 20 21 3 2 1 38 18 20
Mossiye 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mursi - - - - - - - - -
Murle - - - - - - - - -
Nao - - - - - - - - -
Nuwer 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Nyangatom 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Oromo 3,690 1,862 1,828 42 24 18 3,648 1,838 1,810
Oida 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena - - - - - - - - -
Qechem 43 17 26 4 2 2 39 15 24
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho - - - - - - - - -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha - - - - - - - - -
Sidama 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Silte - - - - - - - - -
Somalie 9 5 4 4 2 2 5 3 2
Surma 7 3 4 6 2 4 1 1 -
She - - - - - - - - -
Tigrie 959,789 473,509 486,280 113,053 53,257 59,796 846,736 420,252 426,484
Timebaro 59 34 25 8 4 4 51 30 21
Tsemay 29 17 12 2 1 1 27 16 11
Upo 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2
Welaita 12 6 6 8 5 3 4 1 3
Werji 19 10 9 2 1 1 17 9 8
Yem 11 5 6 1 - 1 10 5 5
Zeyese 8 5 3 - - - 8 5 3
Zelmam 41 24 17 6 3 3 35 21 14
Ethiopian National 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
From different
Parents 24 12 12 7 5 2 17 7 10
Eritrean 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Djiboutian - - - - - - - - -
Somalian - - - - - - - - -
Kenyan - - - - - - - - -
Sudanese 5 4 1 3 2 1 2 2 -
Other Foreigners 68 32 36 6 4 2 62 28 34

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 356,598 182,571 174,027 71,823 36,735 35,088 284,775 145,836 138,939
Affar 55 38 17 14 9 5 41 29 12
Agew-Awi 170 102 68 139 83 56 31 19 12
Agew Hamyra 202 108 94 128 70 58 74 38 36
Alaba 12 8 4 8 6 2 4 2 2
Amhara 23,093 11,007 12,086 8,832 3,906 4,926 14,261 7,101 7,160
Anyiwak 6 3 3 2 1 1 4 2 2
Argoba 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Ari 411 204 207 115 57 58 296 147 149
Arborie - - - - - - - - -
Bacha 3 1 2 1 - 1 2 1 1
Basketo - - - - - - - - -
Bench 69 34 35 24 9 15 45 25 20
Berta 5 4 1 3 2 1 2 2 -
Bodi 8 4 4 4 4 - 4 - 4
Brayle 6 2 4 5 2 3 1 - 1
Burji - - - - - - - - -
Bena 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Chara 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Dasenech 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Dawuro 5 3 2 - - - 5 3 2
Debase/Gewada 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Derashe 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Dime 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Dizi - - - - - - - - -
Donga 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Fedashe 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Gamo 4 2 2 1 1 - 3 1 2
Gebato 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Gedeo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gedicho 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Gidole 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Goffa 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gumuz - - - - - - - - -
Guragie 19 12 7 17 11 6 2 1 1
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 5 4 1 2 2 - 3 2 1
Hareri 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Hamer 8 7 1 1 1 - 7 6 1
Irob 386 221 165 22 16 6 364 205 159
Kefficho 6 2 4 1 - 1 5 2 3
Kembata 4 4 - 3 3 - 1 1 -
Konta - - - - - - - - -
Komo - - - - - - - - -
Konso 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Kore 5 1 4 4 1 3 1 - 1
Koyego 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Kunama 1,120 554 566 51 25 26 1,069 529 540
Karo - - - - - - - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Mao - - - - - - - - -
Mareko 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Mashola - - - - - - - - -
Mere - - - - - - - - -
Me'enite 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Messengo 4 2 2 2 2 - 2 - 2
Mejenger 11 4 7 5 4 1 6 - 6
Mossiye 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Mursi - - - - - - - - -
Murle 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Nao 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Nuwer - - - - - - - - -
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 1,251 688 563 177 115 62 1,074 573 501
Oida - - - - - - - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena - - - - - - - - -
Qechem 9 7 2 2 2 - 7 5 2
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha - - - - - - - - -
Sidama 7 7 - 7 7 - - - -
Silte 8 6 2 8 6 2 - - -
Somalie 9 7 2 4 2 2 5 5 -
Surma 11 8 3 1 1 - 10 7 3
She 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Tigrie 329,080 169,078 160,002 61,864 32,110 29,754 267,216 136,968 130,248
Timebaro 14 7 7 1 1 - 13 6 7
Tsemay 4 3 1 - - - 4 3 1
Upo 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Welaita 34 29 5 22 20 2 12 9 3
Werji 18 10 8 8 4 4 10 6 4
Yem 3 3 - - - - 3 3 -
Zeyese 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 -
Zelmam 4 3 1 - - - 4 3 1
Ethiopian National 17 11 6 17 11 6 - - -
From different
Parents 73 40 33 8 6 2 65 34 31
Eritrean 110 74 36 88 57 31 22 17 5
Djiboutian - - - - - - - - -
Somalian - - - - - - - - -
Kenyan - - - - - - - - -
Sudanese 243 205 38 173 140 33 70 65 5
Other Foreigners 36 17 19 28 16 12 8 1 7

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 215,914 104,925 110,989 215,914 104,925 110,989 - - -

Affar 171 104 67 171 104 67 - - -
Agew-Awi 68 47 21 68 47 21 - - -
Agew Hamyra 188 100 88 188 100 88 - - -
Alaba 74 40 34 74 40 34 - - -
Amhara 4,871 2,793 2,078 4,871 2,793 2,078 - - -
Anyiwak 53 33 20 53 33 20 - - -
Argoba 40 28 12 40 28 12 - - -
Ari 149 83 66 149 83 66 - - -
Arborie 11 4 7 11 4 7 - - -
Bacha 13 11 2 13 11 2 - - -
Basketo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Bench 53 28 25 53 28 25 - - -
Berta 15 8 7 15 8 7 - - -
Bodi 41 22 19 41 22 19 - - -
Brayle 50 13 37 50 13 37 - - -
Burji 5 3 2 5 3 2 - - -
Bena 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Chara 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Dasenech 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Dawuro 6 5 1 6 5 1 - - -
Debase/Gewada 3 1 2 3 1 2 - - -
Derashe 12 9 3 12 9 3 - - -
Dime 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Dizi 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Donga 7 5 2 7 5 2 - - -
Fedashe 7 4 3 7 4 3 - - -
Gamo 25 21 4 25 21 4 - - -
Gebato 10 6 4 10 6 4 - - -
Gedeo 9 7 2 9 7 2 - - -
Gedicho 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gidole 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Goffa 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Gumuz 6 6 - 6 6 - - - -
Guragie 254 175 79 254 175 79 - - -
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 57 43 14 57 43 14 - - -
Hareri 17 8 9 17 8 9 - - -
Hamer 7 5 2 7 5 2 - - -
Irob 307 135 172 307 135 172 - - -
Kefficho 14 14 - 14 14 - - - -
Kembata 35 29 6 35 29 6 - - -
Konta - - - - - - - - -
Komo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Konso 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Kore 6 4 2 6 4 2 - - -
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 28 20 8 28 20 8 - - -
Karo - - - - - - - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 15 10 5 15 10 5 - - -
Mao 9 6 3 9 6 3 - - -
Mareko 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
Mashola 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Mere 10 7 3 10 7 3 - - -
Me'enite 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Messengo 8 2 6 8 2 6 - - -
Mejenger 10 3 7 10 3 7 - - -
Mossiye 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mursi 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Murle 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Nao 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Nuwer 12 10 2 12 10 2 - - -
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 961 789 172 961 789 172 - - -
Oida 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena - - - - - - - - -
Qechem 13 7 6 13 7 6 - - -
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 6 6 - 6 6 - - - -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha 7 7 - 7 7 - - - -
Sidama 15 13 2 15 13 2 - - -
Silte 42 36 6 42 36 6 - - -
Somalie 54 44 10 54 44 10 - - -
Surma 32 14 18 32 14 18 - - -
She 3 - 3 3 - 3 - - -
Tigrie 207,698 99,896 107,802 207,698 99,896 107,802 - - -
Timebaro 26 14 12 26 14 12 - - -
Tsemay 6 3 3 6 3 3 - - -
Upo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Welaita 66 53 13 66 53 13 - - -
Werji 7 6 1 7 6 1 - - -
Yem 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Zeyese 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Zelmam 9 2 7 9 2 7 - - -
Ethiopian National 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
From different
Parents 24 14 10 24 14 10 - - -
Eritrean 79 41 38 79 41 38 - - -
Djiboutian 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Somalian 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Kenyan 5 3 2 5 3 2 - - -
Sudanese 41 25 16 41 25 16 - - -
Other Foreigners 76 49 27 76 49 27 - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278
Affarigna 13,443 7,307 6,136 1,138 609 529 12,305 6,698 5,607
Agew-Awinigigna 1,275 609 666 430 229 201 845 380 465
Agew-Kamyrnya 11,268 5,563 5,705 862 409 453 10,406 5,154 5,252
Alabigna 204 102 102 130 63 67 74 39 35
Amarigna 131,810 64,578 67,232 41,146 18,973 22,173 90,664 45,605 45,059
Anyiwakgna 75 39 36 45 25 20 30 14 16
Argobigna 59 34 25 46 27 19 13 7 6
Arigna 3,193 1,762 1,431 586 278 308 2,607 1,484 1,123
Arborigna 38 24 14 9 3 6 29 21 8
Bachagna 70 35 35 11 3 8 59 32 27
Basketigna 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Benchigna 120 49 71 78 33 45 42 16 26
Bertagna 131 61 70 113 57 56 18 4 14
Bodigna 67 42 25 53 36 17 14 6 8
Brayligna 89 40 49 58 26 32 31 14 17
Burjigna 37 20 17 21 10 11 16 10 6
Benagna 11 2 9 5 2 3 6 - 6
Charigna 44 18 26 12 6 6 32 12 20
Dasenechgna 58 34 24 41 25 16 17 9 8
Dawurogna 114 55 59 35 19 16 79 36 43
Debosgna 9 5 4 7 4 3 2 1 1
Derashigna 41 23 18 32 18 14 9 5 4
Dimegna 19 13 6 13 10 3 6 3 3
Dizigna 11 5 6 3 1 2 8 4 4
Dongigna 20 16 4 14 11 3 6 5 1
Demegna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Felashigna 16 4 12 3 1 2 13 3 10
Fedashigna 36 17 19 22 8 14 14 9 5
Gamogna 33 20 13 28 18 10 5 2 3
Gebatogna 86 46 40 23 12 11 63 34 29
Gedeogna 19 12 7 9 8 1 10 4 6
Gedichogna 8 6 2 4 3 1 4 3 1
Gedoligna 8 4 4 8 4 4 - - -
Goffigna 9 7 2 7 6 1 2 1 1
Gumuzigna 10 6 4 7 5 2 3 1 2
Guragiegna 217 148 69 187 131 56 30 17 13
Guagugna 7 6 1 6 5 1 1 1 -
Hadiyigna 89 69 20 56 47 9 33 22 11
Hareriegna 108 58 50 99 52 47 9 6 3
Hamerigna 148 70 78 51 25 26 97 45 52
Irobigna 30,078 14,829 15,249 3,240 1,536 1,704 26,838 13,293 13,545
Keffagna 32 24 8 23 18 5 9 6 3
Kembatigna 46 36 10 36 29 7 10 7 3
Kontigna 6 5 1 5 4 1 1 1 -
Komigna 5 3 2 2 2 - 3 1 2
Konsogna 9 7 2 6 5 1 3 2 1
Koregna 4 1 3 3 1 2 1 - 1
Koygogna 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Koyrigna 77 36 41 38 24 14 39 12 27
Kunamigna 3,085 1,538 1,547 395 219 176 2,690 1,319 1,371
Karogna 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Kusumegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Maliegna 28 26 2 19 17 2 9 9 -
Maogna 7 4 3 7 4 3 - - -
Marekogna 38 27 11 30 23 7 8 4 4
Mashiligna 6 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 1
Merigna 7 6 1 7 6 1 - - -
Me'enigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Messengogna 46 25 21 41 22 19 5 3 2
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Mursygna 3 2 1 2 2 - 1 - 1
Murlegna 4 4 - 1 1 - 3 3 -
Naogna 9 5 4 7 5 2 2 - 2

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

Nuwerigna 26 19 7 14 11 3 12 8 4
Nyangatomigna 5 3 2 4 3 1 1 - 1
Oromigna 3,794 2,262 1,532 1,947 1,264 683 1,847 998 849
Oydigna 12 6 6 10 6 4 2 - 2
Qebenigna 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Qechemigna 139 64 75 18 10 8 121 54 67
Qewamigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Shekacho 10 7 3 5 5 - 5 2 3
Shekogna 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1
Shinashigna 14 14 - 12 12 - 2 2 -
Sidamigna 33 29 4 28 24 4 5 5 -
Shitagna 46 41 5 37 32 5 9 9 -
Somaligna 1,270 708 562 121 74 47 1,149 634 515
Surmagna 26 11 15 22 9 13 4 2 2
Shegna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 4,109,511 2,022,246 2,087,265 791,751 373,755 417,996 3,317,760 1,648,491 1,669,269
Tembarogna 311 151 160 99 48 51 212 103 109
Tsemayigna 111 45 66 27 12 15 84 33 51
UPO 70 39 31 10 8 2 60 31 29
Welaitigna 170 117 53 122 91 31 48 26 22
Wergigna 119 46 73 27 9 18 92 37 55
Yemsagna 74 39 35 10 6 4 64 33 31
Zeysegna 23 11 12 10 6 4 13 5 8
Zlmamigna 152 83 69 51 27 24 101 56 45
Languages 95 50 45 10 8 2 85 42 43
English 37 17 20 21 6 15 16 11 5
Languages 4,427 2,952 1,475 406 238 168 4,021 2,714 1,307

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 736,805 368,254 368,551 107,999 49,642 58,357 628,806 318,612 310,194
Affarigna 1,325 688 637 340 187 153 985 501 484
Agew-Awinigigna 22 11 11 2 1 1 20 10 10
Agew-Kamyrnya 68 26 42 46 10 36 22 16 6
Alabigna 27 10 17 19 7 12 8 3 5
Amarigna 20,608 9,383 11,225 4,570 1,546 3,024 16,038 7,837 8,201
Anyiwakgna 7 3 4 3 - 3 4 3 1
Argobigna 11 7 4 10 6 4 1 1 -
Arigna 500 234 266 59 22 37 441 212 229
Arborigna 3 1 2 - - - 3 1 2
Bachagna 11 7 4 1 1 - 10 6 4
Basketigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Benchigna 16 6 10 16 6 10 - - -
Bertagna 47 25 22 44 23 21 3 2 1
Bodigna 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 - 2
Brayligna 9 5 4 5 1 4 4 4 -
Burjigna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Benagna 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 2
Charigna 6 2 4 4 2 2 2 - 2
Dasenechgna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Dawurogna 19 11 8 5 4 1 14 7 7
Debosgna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Derashigna 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Dimegna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Dizigna - - - - - - - - -
Dongigna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Fedashigna 5 1 4 4 1 3 1 - 1
Gamogna 4 - 4 3 - 3 1 - 1
Gebatogna 20 13 7 1 - 1 19 13 6
Gedeogna 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Gedichogna - - - - - - - - -
Gedoligna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Goffigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Gumuzigna 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Guragiegna 37 22 15 26 15 11 11 7 4
Guagugna - - - - - - - - -
Hadiyigna 8 5 3 5 2 3 3 3 -
Hareriegna 79 45 34 77 43 34 2 2 -
Hamerigna 15 6 9 5 1 4 10 5 5
Irobigna 1,413 742 671 46 26 20 1,367 716 651
Keffagna 5 5 - 1 1 - 4 4 -
Kembatigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna - - - - - - - - -
Konsogna 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Koregna - - - - - - - - -
Koygogna - - - - - - - - -
Koyrigna 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Kunamigna 1,751 873 878 258 147 111 1,493 726 767
Karogna - - - - - - - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 3 1 2 1 - 1 2 1 1
Mashiligna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Merigna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Me'enigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Messengogna 11 7 4 9 5 4 2 2 -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Mursygna - - - - - - - - -
Murlegna - - - - - - - - -
Naogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Nyangatomigna 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Oromigna 867 439 428 780 375 405 87 64 23
Oydigna 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Qebenigna - - - - - - - - -
Qechemigna 25 10 15 4 3 1 21 7 14
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho - - - - - - - - -
Shekogna - - - - - - - - -
Shinashigna - - - - - - - - -
Sidamigna 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Shitagna 8 8 - 2 2 - 6 6 -
Somaligna 1,136 626 510 12 5 7 1,124 621 503
Surmagna 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Shegna - - - - - - - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 704,377 352,145 352,232 101,464 47,098 54,366 602,913 305,047 297,866
Tembarogna 57 29 28 11 6 5 46 23 23
Tsemayigna 18 6 12 3 2 1 15 4 11
UPO 19 7 12 3 2 1 16 5 11
Welaitigna 36 23 13 23 15 8 13 8 5
Wergigna 52 25 27 4 1 3 48 24 24
Yemsagna 10 5 5 1 1 - 9 4 5
Zeysegna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Zlmamigna 26 14 12 5 2 3 21 12 9
Languages 91 48 43 6 6 - 85 42 43
English 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Languages 3,991 2,693 1,298 85 45 40 3,906 2,648 1,258

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 1,245,824 613,797 632,027 176,453 81,844 94,609 1,069,371 531,953 537,418
Affarigna 1,751 868 883 36 21 15 1,715 847 868
Agew-Awinigigna 117 52 65 63 26 37 54 26 28
Agew-Kamyrnya 566 260 306 47 15 32 519 245 274
Alabigna 19 8 11 10 5 5 9 3 6
Amarigna 2,624 1,349 1,275 1,704 854 850 920 495 425
Anyiwakgna 5 2 3 1 - 1 4 2 2
Argobigna 7 4 3 5 3 2 2 1 1
Arigna 1,103 757 346 90 46 44 1,013 711 302
Arborigna 18 16 2 - - - 18 16 2
Bachagna 25 12 13 2 - 2 23 12 11
Basketigna - - - - - - - - -
Benchigna 11 4 7 9 4 5 2 - 2
Bertagna 21 5 16 13 5 8 8 - 8
Bodigna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Brayligna 11 5 6 3 1 2 8 4 4
Burjigna 10 3 7 8 2 6 2 1 1
Benagna 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1
Charigna 8 3 5 2 1 1 6 2 4
Dasenechgna 5 1 4 - - - 5 1 4
Dawurogna 35 14 21 10 4 6 25 10 15
Debosgna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Derashigna 11 7 4 6 4 2 5 3 2
Dimegna 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Dizigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dongigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Demegna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Felashigna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Fedashigna 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Gamogna 6 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 1
Gebatogna 24 10 14 4 2 2 20 8 12
Gedeogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Gedichogna - - - - - - - - -
Gedoligna - - - - - - - - -
Goffigna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gumuzigna - - - - - - - - -
Guragiegna 22 15 7 14 10 4 8 5 3
Guagugna 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 -
Hadiyigna 26 21 5 9 9 - 17 12 5
Hareriegna 8 4 4 6 3 3 2 1 1
Hamerigna 28 18 10 14 10 4 14 8 6
Irobigna 230 117 113 24 12 12 206 105 101
Keffagna 3 1 2 3 1 2 - - -
Kembatigna 10 9 1 3 3 - 7 6 1
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Konsogna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Koregna 3 1 2 3 1 2 - - -
Koygogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Koyrigna 16 8 8 7 6 1 9 2 7
Kunamigna 55 25 30 10 5 5 45 20 25
Karogna 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 11 11 - 5 5 - 6 6 -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 4 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 -
Mashiligna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Merigna - - - - - - - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 9 6 3 9 6 3 - - -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna - - - - - - - - -
Mursygna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Murlegna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Naogna - - - - - - - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Nyangatomigna - - - - - - - - -
Oromigna 191 119 72 75 37 38 116 82 34
Oydigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Qebenigna - - - - - - - - -
Qechemigna 41 20 21 5 2 3 36 18 18
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Shekogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Shinashigna 3 3 - 1 1 - 2 2 -
Sidamigna 8 6 2 5 3 2 3 3 -
Shitagna 3 3 - - - - 3 3 -
Somaligna 51 20 31 39 16 23 12 4 8
Surmagna 8 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 2
Shegna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 1,238,393 609,841 628,552 174,090 80,663 93,427 1,064,303 529,178 535,125
Tembarogna 74 38 36 19 10 9 55 28 27
Tsemayigna 38 16 22 9 5 4 29 11 18
UPO 21 14 7 1 1 - 20 13 7
Welaitigna 14 4 10 3 1 2 11 3 8
Wergigna 22 8 14 6 3 3 16 5 11
Yemsagna 27 14 13 - - - 27 14 13
Zeysegna 5 1 4 2 1 1 3 - 3
Zlmamigna 40 24 16 12 9 3 28 15 13
Languages - - - - - - - - -
English 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Languages 44 21 23 35 13 22 9 8 1

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 755,343 359,638 395,705 146,064 66,321 79,743 609,279 293,317 315,962
Affarigna 3,819 1,837 1,982 504 242 262 3,315 1,595 1,720
Agew-Awinigigna 38 21 17 11 8 3 27 13 14
Agew-Kamyrnya 96 40 56 48 17 31 48 23 25
Alabigna 31 16 15 21 9 12 10 7 3
Amarigna 2,162 840 1,322 1,426 548 878 736 292 444
Anyiwakgna 4 3 1 3 3 - 1 - 1
Argobigna 5 - 5 4 - 4 1 - 1
Arigna 387 176 211 92 42 50 295 134 161
Arborigna - - - - - - - - -
Bachagna 10 7 3 3 1 2 7 6 1
Basketigna - - - - - - - - -
Benchigna 16 6 10 14 5 9 2 1 1
Bertagna 8 4 4 6 3 3 2 1 1
Bodigna 15 8 7 9 7 2 6 1 5
Brayligna 14 3 11 5 1 4 9 2 7
Burjigna 9 7 2 1 - 1 8 7 1
Benagna 3 1 2 1 1 - 2 - 2
Charigna 9 4 5 5 2 3 4 2 2
Dasenechgna 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Dawurogna 14 6 8 2 1 1 12 5 7
Debosgna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Derashigna 8 2 6 5 - 5 3 2 1
Dimegna 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
Dizigna 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Dongigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2
Fedashigna 4 1 3 3 - 3 1 1 -
Gamogna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gebatogna 9 6 3 3 3 - 6 3 3
Gedeogna 6 2 4 - - - 6 2 4
Gedichogna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Gedoligna - - - - - - - - -
Goffigna - - - - - - - - -
Gumuzigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Guragiegna 17 3 14 11 2 9 6 1 5
Guagugna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Hadiyigna 3 1 2 1 - 1 2 1 1
Hareriegna - - - - - - - - -
Hamerigna 70 29 41 17 6 11 53 23 30
Irobigna 27,715 13,610 14,105 2,822 1,346 1,476 24,893 12,264 12,629
Keffagna 10 7 3 8 6 2 2 1 1
Kembatigna 7 3 4 5 2 3 2 1 1
Kontigna 6 5 1 5 4 1 1 1 -
Komigna 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Konsogna - - - - - - - - -
Koregna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Koygogna - - - - - - - - -
Koyrigna 23 8 15 9 6 3 14 2 12
Kunamigna 24 11 13 6 3 3 18 8 10
Karogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Kusumegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Maliegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Mashiligna 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Merigna - - - - - - - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 8 5 3 7 4 3 1 1 -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mursygna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Murlegna 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Naogna 3 - 3 2 - 2 1 - 1

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna - - - - - - - - -
Nyangatomigna - - - - - - - - -
Oromigna 193 94 99 169 84 85 24 10 14
Oydigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Qebenigna 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Qechemigna 27 8 19 - - - 27 8 19
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho - - - - - - - - -
Shekogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Shinashigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Sidamigna 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 -
Shitagna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Somaligna 11 6 5 11 6 5 - - -
Surmagna - - - - - - - - -
Shegna - - - - - - - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 720,266 342,711 377,555 140,692 63,888 76,804 579,574 278,823 300,751
Tembarogna 83 34 49 36 14 22 47 20 27
Tsemayigna 12 3 9 3 2 1 9 1 8
UPO 13 6 7 - - - 13 6 7
Welaitigna 27 16 11 21 12 9 6 4 2
Wergigna 16 6 10 6 2 4 10 4 6
Yemsagna 17 10 7 3 1 2 14 9 5
Zeysegna 3 2 1 2 2 - 1 - 1
Zlmamigna 19 10 9 7 3 4 12 7 5
Languages - - - - - - - - -
English 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Languages 58 33 25 26 16 10 32 17 15

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 1,006,504 497,280 509,224 125,787 59,328 66,459 880,717 437,952 442,765
Affarigna 6,369 3,798 2,571 102 59 43 6,267 3,739 2,528
Agew-Awinigigna 875 384 491 168 76 92 707 308 399
Agew-Kamyrnya 10,150 5,029 5,121 373 175 198 9,777 4,854 4,923
Alabigna 54 30 24 16 10 6 38 20 18
Amarigna 56,135 27,659 28,476 17,303 8,064 9,239 38,832 19,595 19,237
Anyiwakgna 16 9 7 5 2 3 11 7 4
Argobigna 11 7 4 3 2 1 8 5 3
Arigna 748 354 394 129 56 73 619 298 321
Arborigna 10 4 6 2 - 2 8 4 4
Bachagna 17 7 10 2 1 1 15 6 9
Basketigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Benchigna 6 4 2 1 1 - 5 3 2
Bertagna 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Bodigna 9 8 1 5 4 1 4 4 -
Brayligna 28 15 13 19 11 8 9 4 5
Burjigna 5 4 1 3 3 - 2 1 1
Benagna 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Charigna 4 2 2 - - - 4 2 2
Dasenechgna 37 25 12 28 19 9 9 6 3
Dawurogna 24 12 12 2 1 1 22 11 11
Debosgna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Derashigna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Dimegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dizigna 7 4 3 - - - 7 4 3
Dongigna 7 6 1 3 3 - 4 3 1
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna 11 3 8 1 - 1 10 3 7
Fedashigna 10 5 5 1 - 1 9 5 4
Gamogna - - - - - - - - -
Gebatogna 16 11 5 4 3 1 12 8 4
Gedeogna - - - - - - - - -
Gedichogna 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Gedoligna - - - - - - - - -
Goffigna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Gumuzigna 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Guragiegna 11 8 3 8 5 3 3 3 -
Guagugna - - - - - - - - -
Hadiyigna 9 5 4 1 1 - 8 4 4
Hareriegna 8 3 5 3 - 3 5 3 2
Hamerigna 28 13 15 11 6 5 17 7 10
Irobigna 10 6 4 7 3 4 3 3 -
Keffagna - - - - - - - - -
Kembatigna - - - - - - - - -
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna - - - - - - - - -
Konsogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Koregna - - - - - - - - -
Koygogna - - - - - - - - -
Koyrigna 19 12 7 6 6 - 13 6 7
Kunamigna 64 30 34 16 8 8 48 22 26
Karogna - - - - - - - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 9 4 5 6 4 2 3 - 3
Mashiligna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Merigna - - - - - - - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 6 2 4 6 2 4 - - -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna - - - - - - - - -
Mursygna - - - - - - - - -
Murlegna - - - - - - - - -
Naogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Nyangatomigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Oromigna 612 308 304 39 27 12 573 281 292
Oydigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Qebenigna - - - - - - - - -
Qechemigna 32 17 15 1 1 - 31 16 15
Qewamigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Shekacho 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2
Shekogna - - - - - - - - -
Shinashigna - - - - - - - - -
Sidamigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Shitagna - - - - - - - - -
Somaligna 11 6 5 2 1 1 9 5 4
Surmagna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Shegna - - - - - - - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 930,912 459,370 471,542 107,463 50,747 56,716 823,449 408,623 414,826
Tembarogna 57 27 30 5 2 3 52 25 27
Tsemayigna 25 14 11 2 1 1 23 13 10
UPO 6 4 2 1 1 - 5 3 2
Welaitigna 13 8 5 8 5 3 5 3 2
Wergigna 15 4 11 3 2 1 12 2 10
Yemsagna 8 4 4 - - - 8 4 4
Zeysegna 7 4 3 - - - 7 4 3
Zlmamigna 33 17 16 2 1 1 31 16 15
Languages 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
English - - - - - - - - -
Languages 26 19 7 13 8 5 13 11 2

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 356,598 182,571 174,027 71,823 36,735 35,088 284,775 145,836 138,939
Affarigna 30 21 9 7 5 2 23 16 7
Agew-Awinigigna 162 101 61 125 78 47 37 23 14
Agew-Kamyrnya 165 83 82 125 67 58 40 16 24
Alabigna 22 14 8 13 8 5 9 6 3
Amarigna 43,421 21,513 21,908 9,283 4,127 5,156 34,138 17,386 16,752
Anyiwakgna 12 3 9 2 1 1 10 2 8
Argobigna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Arigna 301 160 141 62 31 31 239 129 110
Arborigna - - - - - - - - -
Bachagna 4 2 2 - - - 4 2 2
Basketigna - - - - - - - - -
Benchigna 45 17 28 12 5 7 33 12 21
Bertagna 32 13 19 27 12 15 5 1 4
Bodigna 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Brayligna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Burjigna 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
Benagna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Charigna 16 6 10 - - - 16 6 10
Dasenechgna 5 3 2 4 2 2 1 1 -
Dawurogna 6 3 3 - - - 6 3 3
Debosgna - - - - - - - - -
Derashigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dimegna 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Dizigna - - - - - - - - -
Dongigna 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna - - - - - - - - -
Fedashigna 4 4 - 1 1 - 3 3 -
Gamogna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Gebatogna 6 2 4 - - - 6 2 4
Gedeogna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Gedichogna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gedoligna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Goffigna - - - - - - - - -
Gumuzigna - - - - - - - - -
Guragiegna 13 10 3 11 9 2 2 1 1
Guagugna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Hadiyigna 5 4 1 2 2 - 3 2 1
Hareriegna - - - - - - - - -
Hamerigna 4 3 1 1 1 - 3 2 1
Irobigna 388 218 170 19 13 6 369 205 164
Keffagna 4 1 3 1 - 1 3 1 2
Kembatigna 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna - - - - - - - - -
Konsogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Koregna - - - - - - - - -
Koygogna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Koyrigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Kunamigna 1,146 574 572 60 31 29 1,086 543 543
Karogna - - - - - - - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 5 5 - 3 3 - 2 2 -
Mashiligna - - - - - - - - -
Merigna - - - - - - - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 4 2 2 2 2 - 2 - 2
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna - - - - - - - - -
Mursygna - - - - - - - - -
Murlegna - - - - - - - - -
Naogna 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 7 4 3 - - - 7 4 3
Nyangatomigna - - - - - - - - -
Oromigna 1,179 655 524 132 94 38 1,047 561 486
Oydigna - - - - - - - - -
Qebenigna - - - - - - - - -
Qechemigna 6 5 1 - - - 6 5 1
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Shekogna - - - - - - - - -
Shinashigna - - - - - - - - -
Sidamigna 7 7 - 7 7 - - - -
Shitagna 8 6 2 8 6 2 - - -
Somaligna 8 6 2 4 2 2 4 4 -
Surmagna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Shegna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 309,260 158,930 150,330 61,739 32,110 29,629 247,521 126,820 120,701
Tembarogna 16 9 7 4 2 2 12 7 5
Tsemayigna 11 4 7 3 - 3 8 4 4
UPO 7 5 2 1 1 - 6 4 2
Welaitigna 31 26 5 18 18 - 13 8 5
Wergigna 10 2 8 4 - 4 6 2 4
Yemsagna 8 4 4 2 2 - 6 2 4
Zeysegna 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1
Zlmamigna 13 8 5 4 2 2 9 6 3
Languages 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
English 18 11 7 3 1 2 15 10 5
Languages 164 99 65 103 69 34 61 30 31

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 215,914 104,925 110,989 215,914 104,925 110,989 - - -

Affarigna 149 95 54 149 95 54 - - -
Agew-Awinigigna 61 40 21 61 40 21 - - -
Agew-Kamyrnya 223 125 98 223 125 98 - - -
Alabigna 51 24 27 51 24 27 - - -
Amarigna 6,860 3,834 3,026 6,860 3,834 3,026 - - -
Anyiwakgna 31 19 12 31 19 12 - - -
Argobigna 22 15 7 22 15 7 - - -
Arigna 154 81 73 154 81 73 - - -
Arborigna 7 3 4 7 3 4 - - -
Bachagna 3 - 3 3 - 3 - - -
Basketigna - - - - - - - - -
Benchigna 26 12 14 26 12 14 - - -
Bertagna 21 14 7 21 14 7 - - -
Bodigna 33 21 12 33 21 12 - - -
Brayligna 24 11 13 24 11 13 - - -
Burjigna 8 4 4 8 4 4 - - -
Benagna - - - - - - - - -
Charigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dasenechgna 7 3 4 7 3 4 - - -
Dawurogna 16 9 7 16 9 7 - - -
Debosgna 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Derashigna 16 11 5 16 11 5 - - -
Dimegna 6 6 - 6 6 - - - -
Dizigna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Dongigna 7 5 2 7 5 2 - - -
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Fedashigna 11 6 5 11 6 5 - - -
Gamogna 19 16 3 19 16 3 - - -
Gebatogna 11 4 7 11 4 7 - - -
Gedeogna 8 7 1 8 7 1 - - -
Gedichogna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Gedoligna 5 1 4 5 1 4 - - -
Goffigna 5 5 - 5 5 - - - -
Gumuzigna 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Guragiegna 117 90 27 117 90 27 - - -
Guagugna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Hadiyigna 38 33 5 38 33 5 - - -
Hareriegna 13 6 7 13 6 7 - - -
Hamerigna 3 1 2 3 1 2 - - -
Irobigna 322 136 186 322 136 186 - - -
Keffagna 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
Kembatigna 25 21 4 25 21 4 - - -
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Konsogna 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Koregna - - - - - - - - -
Koygogna - - - - - - - - -
Koyrigna 16 6 10 16 6 10 - - -
Kunamigna 45 25 20 45 25 20 - - -
Karogna - - - - - - - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 8 7 1 8 7 1 - - -
Maogna 7 4 3 7 4 3 - - -
Marekogna 15 13 2 15 13 2 - - -
Mashiligna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Merigna 5 4 1 5 4 1 - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 8 3 5 8 3 5 - - -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mursygna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Murlegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Naogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 13 11 2 13 11 2 - - -
Nyangatomigna - - - - - - - - -
Oromigna 752 647 105 752 647 105 - - -
Oydigna 6 2 4 6 2 4 - - -
Qebenigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Qechemigna 8 4 4 8 4 4 - - -
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho 5 5 - 5 5 - - - -
Shekogna - - - - - - - - -
Shinashigna 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
Sidamigna 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
Shitagna 26 24 2 26 24 2 - - -
Somaligna 53 44 9 53 44 9 - - -
Surmagna 14 6 8 14 6 8 - - -
Shegna - - - - - - - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 206,303 99,249 107,054 206,303 99,249 107,054 - - -
Tembarogna 24 14 10 24 14 10 - - -
Tsemayigna 7 2 5 7 2 5 - - -
UPO 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Welaitigna 49 40 9 49 40 9 - - -
Wergigna 4 1 3 4 1 3 - - -
Yemsagna 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Zeysegna 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Zlmamigna 21 10 11 21 10 11 - - -
Languages 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
English 12 2 10 12 2 10 - - -
Languages 144 87 57 144 87 57 - - -

Table 3.3 Population by Religion, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups: 2007
Sex and
Age Group Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other

Both Sexes 4,316,988 4,125,497 3,639 15,668 170,833 164 1,187

0 - 4 630,862 605,170 334 2,176 23,110 16 56

5 - 9 641,674 614,257 264 2,212 24,880 34 27
10-14 613,806 587,510 263 2,143 23,850 17 23
15-19 496,217 473,650 484 2,013 20,019 21 30
20-24 362,473 344,651 875 1,467 15,334 13 133
25-29 285,841 271,849 539 1,252 12,049 15 137
30-34 249,309 237,947 304 839 10,043 4 172
35-39 225,087 215,557 225 723 8,395 5 182
40-44 170,667 162,732 140 543 7,038 4 210
45-49 137,813 131,983 85 462 5,194 3 86
50-54 125,628 119,745 36 429 5,338 6 74
55-59 94,965 91,098 32 309 3,496 2 28
60-64 91,376 87,035 14 317 3,989 5 16
65-69 67,471 64,762 14 256 2,429 4 6
70-74 60,395 57,446 8 221 2,705 12 3
75+ 63,404 60,105 22 306 2,964 3 4

Male 2,126,465 2,030,273 1,985 7,672 85,446 78 1,011

0 - 4 320,265 307,140 169 1,090 11,814 10 42

5 - 9 324,557 310,699 129 1,120 12,576 16 17
10-14 314,868 301,022 126 1,107 12,599 7 7
15-19 244,567 233,361 208 933 10,039 10 16
20-24 175,557 166,615 526 718 7,575 11 112
25-29 127,993 121,297 291 548 5,750 6 101
30-34 111,434 105,948 195 393 4,741 1 156
35-39 103,756 99,242 129 328 3,889 2 166
40-44 83,846 79,812 93 258 3,480 2 201
45-49 67,205 64,280 48 233 2,565 1 78
50-54 57,711 55,017 22 201 2,397 4 70
55-59 49,320 47,339 18 160 1,780 - 23
60-64 43,731 41,645 8 151 1,914 - 13
65-69 35,351 33,892 7 140 1,308 - 4
70-74 30,109 28,599 4 117 1,379 8 2
75+ 36,195 34,365 12 175 1,640 - 3

Female 2,190,523 2,095,224 1,654 7,996 85,387 86 176

0 - 4 310,597 298,030 165 1,086 11,296 6 14
5 - 9 317,117 303,558 135 1,092 12,304 18 10
10-14 298,938 286,488 137 1,036 11,251 10 16
15-19 251,650 240,289 276 1,080 9,980 11 14
20-24 186,916 178,036 349 749 7,759 2 21
25-29 157,848 150,552 248 704 6,299 9 36
30-34 137,875 131,999 109 446 5,302 3 16
35-39 121,331 116,315 96 395 4,506 3 16
40-44 86,821 82,920 47 285 3,558 2 9
45-49 70,608 67,703 37 229 2,629 2 8
50-54 67,917 64,728 14 228 2,941 2 4
55-59 45,645 43,759 14 149 1,716 2 5
60-64 47,645 45,390 6 166 2,075 5 3
65-69 32,120 30,870 7 116 1,121 4 2
70-74 30,286 28,847 4 104 1,326 4 1
75+ 27,209 25,740 10 131 1,324 3 1

Table 3.3 Population by Religion, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups: 2007
Sex and
Age Group Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other

Both Sexes 844,040 766,653 2,779 4,312 69,853 111 332

0 - 4 104,018 95,329 240 524 7,895 9 21

5 - 9 97,947 88,872 198 478 8,359 24 16
10-14 106,074 95,607 165 446 9,828 12 16
15-19 119,643 109,132 351 696 9,424 17 23
20-24 101,230 92,579 711 556 7,294 9 81
25-29 77,045 70,758 415 449 5,357 11 55
30-34 54,533 49,918 240 310 4,019 4 42
35-39 47,441 43,374 190 237 3,615 3 22
40-44 31,562 28,563 118 154 2,716 3 8
45-49 24,313 21,922 63 119 2,198 1 10
50-54 20,444 18,105 26 82 2,217 4 10
55-59 14,421 12,821 23 58 1,507 - 12
60-64 14,317 12,514 10 46 1,735 2 10
65-69 10,660 9,426 7 57 1,167 - 3
70-74 9,841 8,568 5 39 1,216 11 2
75+ 10,551 9,165 17 61 1,306 1 1

Male 398,795 360,158 1,507 1,971 34,892 58 209

0 - 4 52,844 48,422 127 244 4,032 7 12

5 - 9 48,891 44,403 104 220 4,144 11 9
10-14 52,234 46,911 80 211 5,023 6 3
15-19 53,892 48,698 142 277 4,754 8 13
20-24 45,377 40,875 437 271 3,724 7 63
25-29 34,652 31,586 198 171 2,661 5 31
30-34 25,876 23,536 144 148 2,016 1 31
35-39 22,078 20,117 107 121 1,720 2 11
40-44 16,645 15,086 81 86 1,385 1 6
45-49 12,287 11,111 34 69 1,067 - 6
50-54 8,890 7,853 18 44 966 2 7
55-59 6,280 5,539 13 29 692 - 7
60-64 5,626 4,810 6 16 787 - 7
65-69 4,365 3,728 6 22 608 - 1
70-74 3,966 3,320 3 12 621 8 2
75+ 4,892 4,163 7 30 692 - -

Female 445,245 406,495 1,272 2,341 34,961 53 123

0 - 4 51,174 46,907 113 280 3,863 2 9
5 - 9 49,056 44,469 94 258 4,215 13 7
10-14 53,840 48,696 85 235 4,805 6 13
15-19 65,751 60,434 209 419 4,670 9 10
20-24 55,853 51,704 274 285 3,570 2 18
25-29 42,393 39,172 217 278 2,696 6 24
30-34 28,657 26,382 96 162 2,003 3 11
35-39 25,363 23,257 83 116 1,895 1 11
40-44 14,917 13,477 37 68 1,331 2 2
45-49 12,026 10,811 29 50 1,131 1 4
50-54 11,554 10,252 8 38 1,251 2 3
55-59 8,141 7,282 10 29 815 - 5
60-64 8,691 7,704 4 30 948 2 3
65-69 6,295 5,698 1 35 559 - 2
70-74 5,875 5,248 2 27 595 3 -
75+ 5,659 5,002 10 31 614 1 1

Table 3.3 Population by Religion, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups: 2007
Sex and
Age Group Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other

Both Sexes 3,472,948 3,358,844 860 11,356 100,980 53 855

0 - 4 526,844 509,841 94 1,652 15,215 7 35

5 - 9 543,727 525,385 66 1,734 16,521 10 11
10-14 507,732 491,903 98 1,697 14,022 5 7
15-19 376,574 364,518 133 1,317 10,595 4 7
20-24 261,243 252,072 164 911 8,040 4 52
25-29 208,796 201,091 124 803 6,692 4 82
30-34 194,776 188,029 64 529 6,024 - 130
35-39 177,646 172,183 35 486 4,780 2 160
40-44 139,105 134,169 22 389 4,322 1 202
45-49 113,500 110,061 22 343 2,996 2 76
50-54 105,184 101,640 10 347 3,121 2 64
55-59 80,544 78,277 9 251 1,989 2 16
60-64 77,059 74,521 4 271 2,254 3 6
65-69 56,811 55,336 7 199 1,262 4 3
70-74 50,554 48,878 3 182 1,489 1 1
75+ 52,853 50,940 5 245 1,658 2 3

Male 1,727,670 1,670,115 478 5,701 50,554 20 802

0 - 4 267,421 258,718 42 846 7,782 3 30

5 - 9 275,666 266,296 25 900 8,432 5 8
10-14 262,634 254,111 46 896 7,576 1 4
15-19 190,675 184,663 66 656 5,285 2 3
20-24 130,180 125,740 89 447 3,851 4 49
25-29 93,341 89,711 93 377 3,089 1 70
30-34 85,558 82,412 51 245 2,725 - 125
35-39 81,678 79,125 22 207 2,169 - 155
40-44 67,201 64,726 12 172 2,095 1 195
45-49 54,918 53,169 14 164 1,498 1 72
50-54 48,821 47,164 4 157 1,431 2 63
55-59 43,040 41,800 5 131 1,088 - 16
60-64 38,105 36,835 2 135 1,127 - 6
65-69 30,986 30,164 1 118 700 - 3
70-74 26,143 25,279 1 105 758 - -
75+ 31,303 30,202 5 145 948 - 3

Female 1,745,278 1,688,729 382 5,655 50,426 33 53

0 - 4 259,423 251,123 52 806 7,433 4 5
5 - 9 268,061 259,089 41 834 8,089 5 3
10-14 245,098 237,792 52 801 6,446 4 3
15-19 185,899 179,855 67 661 5,310 2 4
20-24 131,063 126,332 75 464 4,189 - 3
25-29 115,455 111,380 31 426 3,603 3 12
30-34 109,218 105,617 13 284 3,299 - 5
35-39 95,968 93,058 13 279 2,611 2 5
40-44 71,904 69,443 10 217 2,227 - 7
45-49 58,582 56,892 8 179 1,498 1 4
50-54 56,363 54,476 6 190 1,690 - 1
55-59 37,504 36,477 4 120 901 2 -
60-64 38,954 37,686 2 136 1,127 3 -
65-69 25,825 25,172 6 81 562 4 -
70-74 24,411 23,599 2 77 731 1 1
75+ 21,550 20,738 - 100 710 2 -

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 4,316,988 4,125,497 3,639 15,668 170,833 164 1,187

Male 2,126,465 2,030,273 1,985 7,672 85,446 78 1,011
Female 2,190,523 2,095,224 1,654 7,996 85,387 86 176


Both Sexes 736,805 712,905 504 907 22,405 27 57

Male 368,254 356,165 296 525 11,219 13 36
Female 368,551 356,740 208 382 11,186 14 21


Both Sexes 90,144 86,171 247 837 2,840 3 46

Male 45,834 43,622 183 482 1,516 1 30
Female 44,310 42,549 64 355 1,324 2 16


Both Sexes 113,836 111,393 17 10 2,394 22 -

Male 56,685 55,502 5 3 1,164 11 -
Female 57,151 55,891 12 7 1,230 11 -


Both Sexes 125,028 122,833 10 11 2,174 - -

Male 61,977 60,899 5 7 1,066 - -
Female 63,051 61,934 5 4 1,108 - -


Both Sexes 68,989 67,413 73 - 1,503 - -

Male 34,477 33,720 34 - 723 - -
Female 34,512 33,693 39 - 780 - -


Both Sexes 135,621 132,237 15 16 3,353 - -

Male 69,143 67,387 8 10 1,738 - -
Female 66,478 64,850 7 6 1,615 - -


Both Sexes 138,858 136,730 20 9 2,092 - 7

Male 70,108 69,054 10 5 1,035 - 4
Female 68,750 67,676 10 4 1,057 - 3

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 47,284 40,243 78 23 6,935 2 3

Male 21,867 18,411 32 18 3,404 1 1
Female 25,417 21,832 46 5 3,531 1 2


Both Sexes 17,045 15,885 44 1 1,114 - 1

Male 8,163 7,570 19 - 573 - 1
Female 8,882 8,315 25 1 541 - -


Both Sexes 1,245,824 1,218,635 403 225 25,768 4 789

Male 613,797 599,955 215 108 12,756 3 760
Female 632,027 618,680 188 117 13,012 1 29


Both Sexes 107,218 103,926 98 7 3,187 - -

Male 53,425 51,823 49 5 1,548 - -
Female 53,793 52,103 49 2 1,639 - -


Both Sexes 173,700 169,804 30 14 3,851 1 -

Male 84,014 82,249 14 6 1,745 - -
Female 89,686 87,555 16 8 2,106 1 -


Both Sexes 146,104 144,041 20 - 2,042 - 1

Male 71,659 70,603 10 - 1,045 - 1
Female 74,445 73,438 10 - 997 - -


Both Sexes 99,711 99,008 2 7 690 - 4

Male 49,546 49,178 2 4 360 - 2
Female 50,165 49,830 - 3 330 - 2


Both Sexes 72,625 72,110 54 1 456 1 3

Male 36,203 35,927 42 - 230 1 3
Female 36,422 36,183 12 1 226 - -

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 99,122 95,913 3 3 3,193 - 10

Male 48,623 46,992 - - 1,624 - 7
Female 50,499 48,921 3 3 1,569 - 3


Both Sexes 104,966 103,504 6 - 1,456 - -

Male 52,061 51,330 5 - 726 - -
Female 52,905 52,174 1 - 730 - -


Both Sexes 134,336 134,148 5 1 182 - -

Male 66,925 66,821 4 - 100 - -
Female 67,411 67,327 1 1 82 - -


Both Sexes 113,595 113,469 7 1 118 - -

Male 56,955 56,881 - 1 73 - -
Female 56,640 56,588 7 - 45 - -


Both Sexes 93,185 92,173 13 2 243 - 754

Male 47,512 46,605 8 2 162 - 735
Female 45,673 45,568 5 - 81 - 19


Both Sexes 16,115 14,276 4 11 1,822 - 2

Male 7,826 6,931 2 4 888 - 1
Female 8,289 7,345 2 7 934 - 1


Both Sexes 40,500 36,560 98 167 3,665 - 10

Male 18,307 16,388 46 81 1,785 - 7
Female 22,193 20,172 52 86 1,880 - 3


Both Sexes 44,647 39,703 63 11 4,863 2 5

Male 20,741 18,227 33 5 2,470 2 4
Female 23,906 21,476 30 6 2,393 - 1

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 755,343 723,120 524 13,479 18,148 31 41

Male 359,638 344,294 241 6,524 8,538 16 25
Female 395,705 378,826 283 6,955 9,610 15 16


Both Sexes 84,236 83,578 10 497 150 - 1

Male 40,549 40,260 2 229 58 - -
Female 43,687 43,318 8 268 92 - 1


Both Sexes 25,471 14,262 14 10,351 842 2 -

Male 12,412 6,891 7 5,093 420 1 -
Female 13,059 7,371 7 5,258 422 1 -


Both Sexes 139,191 131,250 54 497 7,385 5 -

Male 65,796 61,992 22 237 3,543 2 -
Female 73,395 69,258 32 260 3,842 3 -


Both Sexes 88,644 87,879 8 180 556 - 21

Male 42,096 41,736 3 85 258 - 14
Female 46,548 46,143 5 95 298 - 7


Both Sexes 117,954 117,250 16 3 683 1 1

Male 56,415 56,102 7 1 304 - 1
Female 61,539 61,148 9 2 379 1 -


Both Sexes 99,708 96,796 118 3 2,789 1 1

Male 48,645 47,278 50 2 1,314 - 1
Female 51,063 49,518 68 1 1,475 1 -


Both Sexes 112,341 109,856 86 9 2,377 12 1

Male 53,659 52,544 42 4 1,061 7 1
Female 58,682 57,312 44 5 1,316 5 -

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 57,588 54,173 116 1,741 1,545 3 10

Male 26,010 24,410 56 802 735 2 5
Female 31,578 29,763 60 939 810 1 5


Both Sexes 30,210 28,076 102 198 1,821 7 6

Male 14,056 13,081 52 71 845 4 3
Female 16,154 14,995 50 127 976 3 3


Both Sexes 1,006,504 927,518 413 102 78,387 53 31

Male 497,280 457,833 185 57 39,161 23 21
Female 509,224 469,685 228 45 39,226 30 10


Both Sexes 124,340 122,633 5 6 1,695 1 -

Male 61,868 61,048 1 5 813 1 -
Female 62,472 61,585 4 1 882 - -


Both Sexes 114,297 113,929 8 3 356 1 -

Male 57,482 57,301 5 2 174 - -
Female 56,815 56,628 3 1 182 1 -


Both Sexes 153,505 151,726 14 6 1,756 1 2

Male 75,890 75,024 8 4 853 - 1
Female 77,615 76,702 6 2 903 1 1


Both Sexes 107,972 107,630 9 2 331 - -

Male 52,844 52,640 4 2 198 - -
Female 55,128 54,990 5 - 133 - -


Both Sexes 84,739 79,340 6 - 5,393 - -

Male 42,052 38,819 - - 3,233 - -
Female 42,687 40,521 6 - 2,160 - -

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 135,870 95,942 45 27 39,842 7 7

Male 67,687 47,959 19 15 19,686 3 5
Female 68,183 47,983 26 12 20,156 4 2


Both Sexes 85,403 68,550 29 1 16,805 17 1

Male 42,483 34,221 12 1 8,241 7 1
Female 42,920 34,329 17 - 8,564 10 -


Both Sexes 126,889 122,576 8 2 4,291 9 3

Male 62,278 60,170 5 1 2,098 3 1
Female 64,611 62,406 3 1 2,193 6 2


Both Sexes 23,419 22,313 94 12 994 2 4

Male 11,024 10,467 51 6 495 1 4
Female 12,395 11,846 43 6 499 1 -


Both Sexes 16,856 15,528 32 2 1,290 - 4

Male 7,532 6,914 18 1 597 - 2
Female 9,324 8,614 14 1 693 - 2


Both Sexes 33,214 27,351 163 41 5,634 15 10

Male 16,140 13,270 62 20 2,773 8 7
Female 17,074 14,081 101 21 2,861 7 3


Both Sexes 356,598 343,220 147 76 13,113 19 23

Male 182,571 175,496 82 48 6,922 8 15
Female 174,027 167,724 65 28 6,191 11 8


Both Sexes 92,167 87,706 57 55 4,327 12 10

Male 47,909 45,496 36 34 2,332 5 6
Female 44,258 42,210 21 21 1,995 7 4

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 138,926 135,147 8 5 3,761 1 4

Male 70,504 68,562 2 5 1,930 1 4
Female 68,422 66,585 6 - 1,831 - -


Both Sexes 103,852 100,190 26 3 3,628 3 2

Male 52,763 50,868 13 1 1,878 1 2
Female 51,089 49,322 13 2 1,750 2 -


Both Sexes 21,653 20,177 56 13 1,397 3 7

Male 11,395 10,570 31 8 782 1 3
Female 10,258 9,607 25 5 615 2 4


Both Sexes 215,914 200,099 1,648 879 13,012 30 246

Male 104,925 96,530 966 410 6,850 15 154
Female 110,989 103,569 682 469 6,162 15 92


Both Sexes 92,104 88,399 1,149 575 1,790 22 169

Male 44,153 41,976 713 275 1,065 12 112
Female 47,951 46,423 436 300 725 10 57


Both Sexes 123,810 111,700 499 304 11,222 8 77

Male 60,772 54,554 253 135 5,785 3 42
Female 63,038 57,146 246 169 5,437 5 35

Table 3.5 Persons 10 Years Old and Older by Marital Status, Sex,
and Age: 2007
Marital Status
together as
Sex and Never Currently Widow/ Husband and Not
Age Group Total Married Married Divorced Separated Widower Spouse Stated


Both Sexes 3,044,558 1,279,038 1,396,960 159,289 36,867 161,465 10,702 235

10-14 613,806 576,092 33,658 1,237 726 532 1,562 -

15-19 496,217 408,665 74,033 6,838 3,569 592 2,438 82
20-24 362,473 190,812 143,570 17,518 5,759 1,885 2,876 52
25-29 285,841 63,418 190,231 21,435 5,493 3,707 1,529 28
30-34 249,309 18,909 196,273 22,114 4,618 6,531 852 12
35-39 225,121 7,220 183,616 20,652 3,562 9,563 492 16
40-44 170,712 3,568 137,343 15,856 2,696 11,012 231 6
45-49 137,867 1,983 109,616 12,541 2,121 11,441 158 6
50-54 125,630 1,814 92,891 11,899 2,086 16,799 136 5
55-59 94,978 1,058 70,664 7,712 1,265 14,177 98 5
60-64 91,412 1,288 58,818 7,661 1,606 21,967 67 5
65-69 67,457 785 42,268 5,296 1,057 17,979 72 -
70-74 60,380 1,055 32,507 4,313 1,143 21,290 67 5
75+ 63,355 2,371 31,472 4,219 1,167 23,990 124 12

Male 1,481,704 736,119 684,821 29,237 8,934 17,923 4,564 106

10-14 314,868 297,793 15,284 521 152 251 867 -

15-19 244,567 231,298 11,198 750 376 201 707 36
20-24 175,557 134,483 34,199 3,049 2,051 361 1,395 18
25-29 127,993 47,539 72,595 4,536 2,031 401 873 18
30-34 111,434 13,461 91,727 4,156 1,182 573 328 7
35-39 103,756 4,711 94,323 3,291 682 641 92 16
40-44 83,846 2,031 78,205 2,220 382 959 49 -
45-49 67,275 978 63,048 1,938 386 884 35 6
50-54 57,706 876 53,483 1,603 329 1,355 61 -
55-59 49,326 537 45,823 1,414 249 1,276 27 -
60-64 43,752 533 39,829 1,422 270 1,680 18 -
65-69 35,339 316 31,767 1,209 232 1,774 41 -
70-74 30,096 361 25,948 1,277 284 2,210 16 -
75+ 36,189 1,200 27,392 1,851 329 5,356 55 5

Female 1,562,854 542,919 712,140 130,053 27,933 143,542 6,138 129

10-14 298,938 278,299 18,375 716 573 281 694 -

15-19 251,650 177,367 62,835 6,088 3,193 391 1,731 46
20-24 186,916 56,329 109,370 14,469 3,708 1,524 1,481 34
25-29 157,848 15,878 117,636 16,899 3,462 3,306 656 11
30-34 137,875 5,447 104,547 17,957 3,437 5,958 524 5
35-39 121,365 2,509 89,293 17,361 2,880 8,922 400 -
40-44 86,866 1,537 59,138 13,636 2,314 10,053 182 6
45-49 70,592 1,005 46,569 10,603 1,735 10,557 123 -
50-54 67,924 938 39,408 10,297 1,757 15,444 75 5
55-59 45,652 521 24,840 6,298 1,016 12,901 71 5
60-64 47,660 755 18,989 6,239 1,336 20,287 49 5
65-69 32,118 470 10,501 4,087 825 16,204 32 -
70-74 30,284 694 6,559 3,036 859 19,081 51 5
75+ 27,166 1,171 4,080 2,368 838 18,634 69 6

Table 3.5 Persons 10 Years Old and Older by Marital Status, Sex,
and Age: 2007
Marital Status
together as
Sex and Never Currently Widow/ Husband and Not
Age Group Total Married Married Divorced Separated Widower Spouse Stated


Both Sexes 642,181 305,723 240,734 48,801 9,807 34,269 2,761 86

10-14 106,074 98,939 6,412 151 116 96 361 -

15-19 119,643 103,401 13,386 1,660 494 138 537 27
20-24 101,230 61,420 32,283 4,971 1,136 643 758 17
25-29 77,045 25,859 41,067 6,737 1,496 1,437 432 17
30-34 54,533 8,401 35,829 6,820 1,320 1,917 234 12
35-39 47,475 3,333 33,052 6,937 1,125 2,851 170 6
40-44 31,607 1,410 21,940 4,707 855 2,595 100 -
45-49 24,367 633 16,335 4,008 729 2,633 29 -
50-54 20,446 543 12,274 3,662 593 3,345 29 -
55-59 14,434 314 8,366 2,503 488 2,717 40 5
60-64 14,353 425 6,788 2,439 481 4,213 6 -
65-69 10,646 222 5,009 1,646 356 3,405 8 -
70-74 9,826 284 3,953 1,404 320 3,844 21 -
75+ 10,502 538 4,040 1,156 298 4,435 35 -

Male 297,121 169,337 114,445 7,519 1,834 2,980 969 36

10-14 52,234 48,697 3,200 46 47 40 203 -

15-19 53,892 51,081 2,290 112 74 66 263 5
20-24 45,377 39,258 5,328 400 121 89 174 6
25-29 34,652 19,007 14,348 787 246 100 152 12
30-34 25,876 6,429 17,970 1,017 253 138 61 7
35-39 22,078 2,503 18,051 1,041 224 238 17 6
40-44 16,645 905 14,591 717 157 253 22 -
45-49 12,357 378 10,826 801 168 160 23 -
50-54 8,885 241 7,731 537 113 244 19 -
55-59 6,286 153 5,361 467 83 205 16 -
60-64 5,647 198 4,627 449 104 262 6 -
65-69 4,353 92 3,667 297 79 215 3 -
70-74 3,953 94 3,074 405 94 286 - -
75+ 4,886 302 3,380 442 70 682 10 -

Female 345,060 136,386 126,289 41,282 7,973 31,289 1,791 49

10-14 53,840 50,242 3,212 105 68 56 158 -

15-19 65,751 52,320 11,095 1,547 420 72 273 22
20-24 55,853 22,162 26,955 4,571 1,015 554 584 11
25-29 42,393 6,852 26,719 5,950 1,250 1,337 281 5
30-34 28,657 1,972 17,859 5,803 1,067 1,779 173 5
35-39 25,397 830 15,001 5,897 901 2,614 154 -
40-44 14,962 505 7,349 3,991 699 2,342 78 -
45-49 12,010 255 5,510 3,207 561 2,472 6 -
50-54 11,561 303 4,543 3,126 479 3,100 10 -
55-59 8,148 161 3,004 2,036 405 2,511 25 5
60-64 8,706 227 2,161 1,990 377 3,951 - -
65-69 6,293 130 1,341 1,348 277 3,190 5 -
70-74 5,873 190 879 999 226 3,558 21 -
75+ 5,616 237 660 713 227 3,754 25 -

Table 3.5 Persons 10 Years Old and Older by Marital Status, Sex,
and Age: 2007
Marital Status
together as
Sex and Never Currently Widow/ Husband and Not
Age Group Total Married Married Divorced Separated Widower Spouse Stated


Both Sexes 2,402,377 973,315 1,156,227 110,488 27,060 127,196 7,941 149

10-14 507,732 477,153 27,246 1,086 610 436 1,201 -

15-19 376,574 305,264 60,648 5,178 3,075 454 1,901 55
20-24 261,243 129,392 111,287 12,547 4,623 1,242 2,118 35
25-29 208,796 37,559 149,165 14,698 3,997 2,270 1,097 11
30-34 194,776 10,508 160,444 15,294 3,299 4,614 618 -
35-39 177,646 3,887 150,564 13,715 2,437 6,712 322 10
40-44 139,105 2,158 115,403 11,148 1,841 8,418 131 6
45-49 113,500 1,350 93,281 8,533 1,392 8,808 129 6
50-54 105,184 1,270 80,617 8,237 1,493 13,454 107 5
55-59 80,544 744 62,298 5,208 776 11,460 57 -
60-64 77,059 863 52,030 5,222 1,125 17,754 61 5
65-69 56,811 563 37,259 3,650 700 14,574 64 -
70-74 50,554 771 28,554 2,908 823 17,447 46 5
75+ 52,853 1,832 27,432 3,063 870 19,555 89 12

Male 1,184,583 566,782 570,376 21,718 7,100 14,943 3,595 70

10-14 262,634 249,096 12,083 475 105 211 664 -

15-19 190,675 180,218 8,908 638 302 135 444 31
20-24 130,180 95,225 28,872 2,649 1,930 272 1,221 12
25-29 93,341 28,532 58,247 3,749 1,785 301 721 6
30-34 85,558 7,033 73,756 3,139 929 435 267 -
35-39 81,678 2,208 76,273 2,250 458 404 75 10
40-44 67,201 1,126 63,614 1,503 225 706 27 -
45-49 54,918 600 52,222 1,137 218 724 12 6
50-54 48,821 635 45,752 1,066 215 1,110 42 -
55-59 43,040 384 40,462 947 165 1,070 11 -
60-64 38,105 335 35,202 973 166 1,418 12 -
65-69 30,986 224 28,099 912 153 1,560 38 -
70-74 26,143 268 22,874 871 190 1,924 16 -
75+ 31,303 898 24,012 1,409 259 4,675 45 5

Female 1,217,794 406,533 585,851 88,770 19,960 112,253 4,346 80

10-14 245,098 228,057 15,163 611 505 225 537 -

15-19 185,899 125,046 51,740 4,540 2,773 318 1,457 24
20-24 131,063 34,167 82,415 9,898 2,693 970 897 23
25-29 115,455 9,027 90,918 10,949 2,212 1,969 375 5
30-34 109,218 3,475 86,688 12,155 2,370 4,179 351 -
35-39 95,968 1,678 74,291 11,465 1,979 6,308 247 -
40-44 71,904 1,032 51,789 9,645 1,616 7,712 104 6
45-49 58,582 750 41,059 7,397 1,174 8,085 118 -
50-54 56,363 635 34,865 7,171 1,277 12,344 65 5
55-59 37,504 360 21,836 4,261 611 10,390 46 -
60-64 38,954 528 16,828 4,249 959 16,336 49 5
65-69 25,825 340 9,160 2,738 547 13,014 27 -
70-74 24,411 504 5,680 2,037 633 15,523 29 5
75+ 21,550 934 3,420 1,654 611 14,880 44 6


This chapter presents data on Disability and Orphanhood statuses of the population.
Both disability and orphanhood data were collected for every member of the
household in the 2007 Population and Housing Census. Three questions on disability
status were included in the census questionnaire to measure the status, type and
cause of disability. Similarly, two questions on orphanhood status were included in the
census questionnaire to measure the type and status of orphanhood.

4.1 Disability Status

A person who was unable to carry out or limited in carrying out activities that others
can do due to congenital or long term physical/mental disabilities was identified as a
disabled person. Short term difficulties due to temporary conditions were excluded. In
general, a person was defined as disabled if due to physical or mental injuries could
not fully perform activities that other healthy person could do. Based on this UN
definition, recommendations and the previous experiences, the following three basic
questions were administered in the 2007 Population and Housing Census. These are:-
i) Does (NAME) have a problem of seeing, hearing, speaking and/or
standing/walking/seating, body parts movement, functioning of hands/ legs or
mental retardation or mental problem or other mental/physical damages?
ii) If yes, what is (NAME’s) type of disability or problem? and
iii) What was the cause of (NAME’s) disability?

The above questions on disability were developed in collaboration with the experts
from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Confederation of the Disabled and
Addis Ababa University.

4.1.1 Type of Disability

The question on type of disability was asked based on the following basic definitions:
 Blind: - Persons who totally lost their vision.

 Seeing difficulty: - persons with two eyes and with partial seeing ability
were considered in this category. Persons with seeing difficulty are those
who can’t count fingers of hands at a distance of two meters or those who
can’t identify the individual standing four meters away from them. Persons
who lost one of their eyes and became unable to fully see due to the
problem in one eye affecting the other were considered as persons with
seeing difficulty. Moreover, persons who were unable to do their work
without the help of others because of weakness in seeing were considered
as persons who have seeing difficulty. A person after wearing a pair of
spectacles gets back his sight was not included under this category.

 Deaf: - Persons who were not able to hear from both ears but can speak
were grouped under this category.

 Hearing difficulty: - Persons who totally lost hearing in one ear and
partially hear by one or those who were able to hear partially by both ears
were considered as persons with hearing difficulty.

 Dumb: - Persons who were not able to speak at all but can hear were
considered as dumb.

 Speaking difficulty: - Persons who were not able to speak as a healthy

person could speak or persons whose speech couldn’t be understood
clearly to others were considered as having speaking difficulties.

 Deaf mute: - Persons who were not able to speak and hear at all were
categorized as deaf mute.

 Disability in Hands: - (Non functional upper limbs) Loss of one hand or

both hands, paralysis of one hand or both hands or any other disability in
one hand or both hands were taken as disability in hands.
Persons who were unable to use one hand or both hands to hold or pick up
anything, in attending their day-to-day work were considered as paralyzed in
hand/hands. Persons having any other type of disability in one hand or both

hands not related to above types were considered as having other disability
in hand/hands.

 Disability in Legs: - (Non functional lower limbs) Loss of one leg or both
legs, paralysis of one leg or both legs, or any other disability in one leg or
both legs were taken as disability in legs. Persons having completely
lifeless or inactive leg/legs were considered as paralyzed in leg/legs.

 Physical Organs Movement Difficulty: - Any other specific physical organ

movement difficulties (such as difficulties in seating, keeping balance, sever
shaking, coordinated organs’ movement, … etc) other than the disabilities of
seeing, hearing/speaking, disabilities in hands or disabilities in legs were
taken as physical organ movement difficulty.

 Mental retardation: - in our census mentally retarded persons were taken

as mentally disabled persons having difficulties in learning. A person whose
social interaction is below expected and backward having low capacity of
understanding, training with difficulties in helping themselves in attending
their day to day activities or learning due to undeveloped brain was
considered as mentally retarded.

 Mental Problem: - Persons with mental illness due to unknown causes

were not considered as disabled as long as they are treated and healed. It
must be understood that there is a difference between mental problem and
mental retardation and caution should be taken not to consider mental
retardation and epilepsy as mental problem.

 Other: - Persons identified as disabled and not classified in any of the

above mentioned categories were considered in this group.

The 2007 Population and Housing Census excludes the following persons from being
classified as disabled for they are being capable of performing activities that other
healthy persons could do. Persons with one eye or one ear as long as the person is

able to fully perform activities in the manner or within the range considered normal for
a human being, even if his/her other eye or ear is blind or defective, he or she is not
considered as disabled person. Unlike in the 1994 Census Leprosy, Epilepsy, and
Mental problem (except mental retardation) were not considered as disability.
However, they could be causes of disabilities.

4.1.2 Cause of Disability

The cause of disability is categorized in one of the following stated groups:

 Vehicle Accident: - accidents caused by car, train, rail way, bicycle, Motor
Cycle, horse pulled wheeled vehicle …etc.

 Other accidents: - accidents caused due to falling, accidents caused by cattle,

falling from animals back or stroke, accidents caused on job, accidents due to
electric shocks, accidents caused by fire arms, bullet, bomb, sharp objects,
piercing objects, hand grenades …etc out of the battle field, accidents caused
by hammering bomb or explosive, accidents caused by explosives of mining or
quarrying, accidents caused due to accidentally fired bullet and other related

 Polio: - virus causing disability of body paralysis.

 Leprosy: - chronic infectious disease caused by micro- bacterium leprae

primarily affecting nerves and causes disability if not treated early.

 Other diseases (post natal -after delivery):- cause of disability other than
polio and leprosy which occurs due to small pox, measles, meningitis, diabetes
mellitus, hyper tension, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)/Venereal disease

 Intra-uterine (in the uterus) Prenatal and during Delivery: - disability caused
before birth and during delivery.

 War/mines:- disability caused in the battle field by fire arms, bullet, explosives,
mines, bombs piercing objects, and sharp objects...etc and disabilities caused
by exploding mines be it in the battle field or not.

 Others: - disabilities caused different from the above described causes are
considered in this category (e.g.:- disabilities caused due to un-prescribed

 Unknown case: - if the cause is not known or could not be described by the
respondent (e.g.:-mental Problem).

It is to be noted that in the 2007 population and housing census disability data were
collected for every member of all the households (complete count) where as in the
1994 population and housing census information on disability were collected for every
member from every fifth households using long questionnaire on sample basis. Hence,
it is important to note this difference when comparing the results of the 2007 census
disability data with that of the 1994 census results.

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 4,316,988 69,017 2,126,465 35,802 2,190,523 33,215 160 168 152

0 - 4 630,862 1,726 320,265 944 310,597 782 27 29 25

5 - 9 641,674 3,361 324,557 1,880 317,117 1,481 52 58 47
10 - 14 613,806 4,671 314,868 2,601 298,938 2,070 76 83 69
15 - 19 496,217 5,582 244,567 3,021 251,650 2,561 112 124 102
20 - 24 362,473 4,683 175,557 2,507 186,916 2,176 129 143 116
25 - 29 285,841 4,189 127,993 2,143 157,848 2,046 147 167 130
30 - 34 249,309 4,301 111,434 2,194 137,875 2,107 173 197 153
35 - 39 225,087 4,554 103,756 2,604 121,331 1,950 202 251 161
40 - 44 170,667 4,444 83,846 2,571 86,821 1,873 260 307 216
45 - 49 137,813 3,955 67,205 2,261 70,608 1,694 287 336 240
50 - 54 125,628 4,165 57,711 1,911 67,917 2,254 332 331 332
55 - 59 94,965 3,390 49,320 1,736 45,645 1,654 357 352 362
60 - 64 91,376 4,439 43,731 1,879 47,645 2,560 486 430 537
65 - 69 67,471 3,917 35,351 1,778 32,120 2,139 581 503 666
70 - 74 60,395 4,737 30,109 2,110 30,286 2,627 784 701 867
75+ 63,404 6,903 36,195 3,662 27,209 3,241 1,089 1,012 1,191

ALL AGES 844,040 15,235 398,795 8,260 445,245 6,975 181 207 157

0 - 4 104,018 264 52,844 152 51,174 112 25 29 22

5 - 9 97,947 534 48,891 290 49,056 244 55 59 50
10 - 14 106,074 937 52,234 513 53,840 424 88 98 79
15 - 19 119,643 1,384 53,892 751 65,751 633 116 139 96
20 - 24 101,230 1,059 45,377 581 55,853 478 105 128 86
25 - 29 77,045 1,134 34,652 638 42,393 496 147 184 117
30 - 34 54,533 1,123 25,876 631 28,657 492 206 244 172
35 - 39 47,441 1,388 22,078 878 25,363 510 293 398 201
40 - 44 31,562 1,232 16,645 841 14,917 391 390 505 262
45 - 49 24,313 955 12,287 642 12,026 313 393 523 260
50 - 54 20,444 919 8,890 464 11,554 455 450 522 394
55 - 59 14,421 673 6,280 352 8,141 321 467 561 394
60 - 64 14,317 823 5,626 317 8,691 506 575 563 582
65 - 69 10,660 751 4,365 298 6,295 453 705 683 720
70 - 74 9,841 854 3,966 352 5,875 502 868 888 854
75+ 10,551 1,205 4,892 560 5,659 645 1,142 1,145 1,140

ALL AGES 3,472,948 53,782 1,727,670 27,542 1,745,278 26,240 155 159 150

0 - 4 526,844 1,462 267,421 792 259,423 670 28 30 26

5 - 9 543,727 2,827 275,666 1,590 268,061 1,237 52 58 46
10 - 14 507,732 3,734 262,634 2,088 245,098 1,646 74 80 67
15 - 19 376,574 4,198 190,675 2,270 185,899 1,928 111 119 104
20 - 24 261,243 3,624 130,180 1,926 131,063 1,698 139 148 130
25 - 29 208,796 3,055 93,341 1,505 115,455 1,550 146 161 134
30 - 34 194,776 3,178 85,558 1,563 109,218 1,615 163 183 148
35 - 39 177,646 3,166 81,678 1,726 95,968 1,440 178 211 150
40 - 44 139,105 3,212 67,201 1,730 71,904 1,482 231 257 206
45 - 49 113,500 3,000 54,918 1,619 58,582 1,381 264 295 236
50 - 54 105,184 3,246 48,821 1,447 56,363 1,799 309 296 319
55 - 59 80,544 2,717 43,040 1,384 37,504 1,333 337 322 355
60 - 64 77,059 3,616 38,105 1,562 38,954 2,054 469 410 527
65 - 69 56,811 3,166 30,986 1,480 25,825 1,686 557 478 653
70 - 74 50,554 3,883 26,143 1,758 24,411 2,125 768 672 871
75+ 52,853 5,698 31,303 3,102 21,550 2,596 1,078 991 1,205

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 736,805 11,353 368,254 5,932 368,551 5,421 154 161 147

0 - 4 118,131 364 59,826 204 58,305 160 31 34 27

5 - 9 109,919 563 55,420 338 54,499 225 51 61 41
10 - 14 100,851 814 51,954 451 48,897 363 81 87 74
15 - 19 79,176 920 39,528 526 39,648 394 116 133 99
20 - 24 65,602 908 31,971 482 33,631 426 138 151 127
25 - 29 51,828 799 23,974 398 27,854 401 154 166 144
30 - 34 44,182 738 20,731 367 23,451 371 167 177 158
35 - 39 39,742 748 19,793 424 19,949 324 188 214 162
40 - 44 30,240 782 15,808 453 14,432 329 259 287 228
45 - 49 22,650 680 11,434 373 11,216 307 300 326 274
50 - 54 20,273 665 9,417 309 10,856 356 328 328 328
55 - 59 14,656 540 7,797 287 6,859 253 368 368 369
60 - 64 13,934 703 6,773 314 7,161 389 505 464 543
65 - 69 9,733 593 5,204 263 4,529 330 609 505 729
70 - 74 8,376 665 4,298 305 4,078 360 794 710 883
75+ 7,512 871 4,326 438 3,186 433 1,159 1,012 1,359

ALL AGES 107,999 2,330 49,642 1,258 58,357 1,072 216 253 184

0 - 4 15,189 58 7,586 34 7,603 24 38 45 32

5 - 9 13,081 87 6,337 41 6,744 46 67 65 68
10 - 14 13,463 126 6,708 71 6,755 55 94 106 81
15 - 19 13,339 189 5,825 112 7,514 77 142 192 102
20 - 24 12,329 149 4,865 84 7,464 65 121 173 87
25 - 29 9,803 163 4,101 76 5,702 87 166 185 153
30 - 34 7,237 177 3,286 97 3,951 80 245 295 202
35 - 39 6,285 198 2,857 117 3,428 81 315 410 236
40 - 44 4,345 211 2,313 147 2,032 64 486 636 315
45 - 49 3,118 187 1,637 129 1,481 58 600 788 392
50 - 54 2,545 134 1,087 70 1,458 64 527 644 439
55 - 59 1,721 119 748 66 973 53 691 882 545
60 - 64 1,760 122 631 47 1,129 75 693 745 664
65 - 69 1,367 124 580 44 787 80 907 759 1,017
70 - 74 1,182 132 475 53 707 79 1,117 1,116 1,117
75+ 1,235 154 606 70 629 84 1,247 1,155 1,335

ALL AGES 628,806 9,023 318,612 4,674 310,194 4,349 143 147 140

0 - 4 102,942 306 52,240 170 50,702 136 30 33 27

5 - 9 96,838 476 49,083 297 47,755 179 49 61 37
10 - 14 87,388 688 45,246 380 42,142 308 79 84 73
15 - 19 65,837 731 33,703 414 32,134 317 111 123 99
20 - 24 53,273 759 27,106 398 26,167 361 142 147 138
25 - 29 42,025 636 19,873 322 22,152 314 151 162 142
30 - 34 36,945 561 17,445 270 19,500 291 152 155 149
35 - 39 33,457 550 16,936 307 16,521 243 164 181 147
40 - 44 25,895 571 13,495 306 12,400 265 221 227 214
45 - 49 19,532 493 9,797 244 9,735 249 252 249 256
50 - 54 17,728 531 8,330 239 9,398 292 300 287 311
55 - 59 12,935 421 7,049 221 5,886 200 325 314 340
60 - 64 12,174 581 6,142 267 6,032 314 477 435 521
65 - 69 8,366 469 4,624 219 3,742 250 561 474 668
70 - 74 7,194 533 3,823 252 3,371 281 741 659 834
75+ 6,277 717 3,720 368 2,557 349 1,142 989 1,365

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 1,245,824 20,626 613,797 10,471 632,027 10,155 166 171 161

0 - 4 181,213 389 91,986 191 89,227 198 21 21 22

5 - 9 187,626 844 94,718 464 92,908 380 45 49 41
10 - 14 181,756 1,311 93,178 742 88,578 569 72 80 64
15 - 19 140,418 1,589 70,341 858 70,077 731 113 122 104
20 - 24 97,398 1,347 49,100 737 48,298 610 138 150 126
25 - 29 75,195 1,218 32,215 594 42,980 624 162 184 145
30 - 34 71,071 1,251 30,213 589 40,858 662 176 195 162
35 - 39 66,864 1,375 30,754 789 36,110 586 206 257 162
40 - 44 49,009 1,330 23,766 702 25,243 628 271 295 249
45 - 49 40,327 1,163 19,066 649 21,261 514 288 340 242
50 - 54 38,029 1,384 17,123 606 20,906 778 364 354 372
55 - 59 29,361 1,092 15,351 540 14,010 552 372 352 394
60 - 64 29,059 1,475 14,241 627 14,818 848 508 440 572
65 - 69 21,446 1,242 11,558 561 9,888 681 579 485 689
70 - 74 19,182 1,610 9,808 713 9,374 897 839 727 957
75+ 17,870 2,006 10,379 1,109 7,491 897 1,123 1,069 1,197

ALL AGES 176,453 3,451 81,844 1,907 94,609 1,544 196 233 163

0 - 4 23,741 52 12,032 31 11,709 21 22 26 18

5 - 9 21,565 87 10,817 58 10,748 29 40 54 27
10 - 14 22,342 181 10,964 109 11,378 72 81 99 63
15 - 19 24,543 303 11,125 170 13,418 133 123 153 99
20 - 24 19,646 213 8,684 121 10,962 92 108 139 84
25 - 29 15,193 243 6,096 126 9,097 117 160 207 129
30 - 34 11,367 258 4,888 134 6,479 124 227 274 191
35 - 39 10,265 412 4,694 269 5,571 143 401 573 257
40 - 44 6,351 335 3,403 223 2,948 112 527 655 380
45 - 49 4,803 222 2,461 157 2,342 65 462 638 278
50 - 54 4,035 238 1,716 137 2,319 101 590 798 436
55 - 59 2,774 139 1,150 75 1,624 64 501 652 394
60 - 64 3,088 174 1,137 68 1,951 106 563 598 543
65 - 69 2,336 163 895 58 1,441 105 698 648 729
70 - 74 2,222 193 832 65 1,390 128 869 781 921
75+ 2,182 238 950 106 1,232 132 1,091 1,116 1,071

ALL AGES 1,069,371 17,175 531,953 8,564 537,418 8,611 161 161 160

0 - 4 157,472 337 79,954 160 77,518 177 21 20 23

5 - 9 166,061 757 83,901 406 82,160 351 46 48 43
10 - 14 159,414 1,130 82,214 633 77,200 497 71 77 64
15 - 19 115,875 1,286 59,216 688 56,659 598 111 116 106
20 - 24 77,752 1,134 40,416 616 37,336 518 146 152 139
25 - 29 60,002 975 26,119 468 33,883 507 162 179 150
30 - 34 59,704 993 25,325 455 34,379 538 166 180 156
35 - 39 56,599 963 26,060 520 30,539 443 170 200 145
40 - 44 42,658 995 20,363 479 22,295 516 233 235 231
45 - 49 35,524 941 16,605 492 18,919 449 265 296 237
50 - 54 33,994 1,146 15,407 469 18,587 677 337 304 364
55 - 59 26,587 953 14,201 465 12,386 488 358 327 394
60 - 64 25,971 1,301 13,104 559 12,867 742 501 427 577
65 - 69 19,110 1,079 10,663 503 8,447 576 565 472 682
70 - 74 16,960 1,417 8,976 648 7,984 769 835 722 963
75+ 15,688 1,768 9,429 1,003 6,259 765 1,127 1,064 1,222

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 755,343 13,243 359,638 6,880 395,705 6,363 175 191 161

0 - 4 104,988 340 53,531 184 51,457 156 32 34 30

5 - 9 115,700 724 58,521 406 57,179 318 63 69 56
10 - 14 117,337 931 59,826 516 57,511 415 79 86 72
15 - 19 90,802 1,095 44,040 558 46,762 537 121 127 115
20 - 24 54,654 736 24,729 405 29,925 331 135 164 111
25 - 29 42,680 623 16,814 324 25,866 299 146 193 116
30 - 34 37,421 715 14,535 391 22,886 324 191 269 142
35 - 39 36,441 796 14,435 456 22,006 340 218 316 155
40 - 44 26,145 735 11,880 481 14,265 254 281 405 178
45 - 49 25,713 767 11,367 430 14,346 337 298 378 235
50 - 54 22,272 716 9,529 311 12,743 405 321 326 318
55 - 59 18,323 618 8,895 321 9,428 297 337 361 315
60 - 64 18,148 856 8,141 349 10,007 507 472 429 507
65 - 69 15,065 822 7,498 364 7,567 458 546 485 605
70 - 74 13,723 1,052 6,669 452 7,054 600 767 678 851
75+ 15,931 1,717 9,228 932 6,703 785 1,078 1,010 1,171

ALL AGES 146,064 2,535 66,321 1,314 79,743 1,221 174 198 153

0 - 4 19,534 55 9,989 31 9,545 24 28 31 25

5 - 9 18,851 113 9,377 61 9,474 52 60 65 55
10 - 14 19,638 173 9,695 89 9,943 84 88 92 84
15 - 19 21,900 249 9,830 118 12,070 131 114 120 109
20 - 24 15,153 169 6,195 87 8,958 82 112 140 92
25 - 29 12,029 176 4,583 101 7,446 75 146 220 101
30 - 34 8,983 186 3,677 106 5,306 80 207 288 151
35 - 39 8,061 209 3,423 130 4,638 79 259 380 170
40 - 44 4,866 184 2,459 133 2,407 51 378 541 212
45 - 49 4,070 158 1,926 92 2,144 66 388 478 308
50 - 54 3,165 143 1,330 61 1,835 82 452 459 447
55 - 59 2,220 96 867 43 1,353 53 432 496 392
60 - 64 2,375 144 851 52 1,524 92 606 611 604
65 - 69 1,802 130 649 50 1,153 80 721 770 694
70 - 74 1,634 143 636 65 998 78 875 1,022 782
75+ 1,783 207 834 95 949 112 1,161 1,139 1,180

ALL AGES 609,279 10,708 293,317 5,566 315,962 5,142 176 190 163

0 - 4 85,454 285 43,542 153 41,912 132 33 35 31

5 - 9 96,849 611 49,144 345 47,705 266 63 70 56
10 - 14 97,699 758 50,131 427 47,568 331 78 85 70
15 - 19 68,902 846 34,210 440 34,692 406 123 129 117
20 - 24 39,501 567 18,534 318 20,967 249 144 172 119
25 - 29 30,651 447 12,231 223 18,420 224 146 182 122
30 - 34 28,438 529 10,858 285 17,580 244 186 262 139
35 - 39 28,380 587 11,012 326 17,368 261 207 296 150
40 - 44 21,279 551 9,421 348 11,858 203 259 369 171
45 - 49 21,643 609 9,441 338 12,202 271 281 358 222
50 - 54 19,107 573 8,199 250 10,908 323 300 305 296
55 - 59 16,103 522 8,028 278 8,075 244 324 346 302
60 - 64 15,773 712 7,290 297 8,483 415 451 407 489
65 - 69 13,263 692 6,849 314 6,414 378 522 458 589
70 - 74 12,089 909 6,033 387 6,056 522 752 641 862
75+ 14,148 1,510 8,394 837 5,754 673 1,067 997 1,170

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 1,006,504 14,706 497,280 7,445 509,224 7,261 146 150 143

0 - 4 145,919 413 73,874 241 72,045 172 28 33 24

5 - 9 154,937 778 78,553 416 76,384 362 50 53 47
10 - 14 144,118 987 74,732 550 69,386 437 68 74 63
15 - 19 114,996 1,203 57,672 663 57,324 540 105 115 94
20 - 24 75,585 929 36,688 468 38,897 461 123 128 119
25 - 29 63,208 853 28,303 433 34,905 420 135 153 120
30 - 34 58,946 895 25,715 451 33,231 444 152 175 134
35 - 39 52,210 944 23,388 504 28,822 440 181 215 153
40 - 44 42,988 886 20,120 461 22,868 425 206 229 186
45 - 49 32,504 768 16,369 398 16,135 370 236 243 229
50 - 54 30,676 890 14,624 398 16,052 492 290 272 307
55 - 59 22,954 732 12,178 345 10,776 387 319 283 359
60 - 64 21,769 954 10,503 380 11,266 574 438 362 509
65 - 69 15,084 863 8,055 409 7,029 454 572 508 646
70 - 74 14,060 972 6,996 447 7,064 525 691 639 743
75+ 16,550 1,639 9,510 881 7,040 758 990 926 1,077

ALL AGES 125,787 2,182 59,328 1,137 66,459 1,045 173 192 157

0 - 4 13,630 26 6,900 14 6,730 12 19 20 18

5 - 9 14,507 72 7,248 35 7,259 37 50 48 51
10 - 14 17,601 120 8,831 72 8,770 48 68 82 55
15 - 19 19,513 206 9,322 110 10,191 96 106 118 94
20 - 24 12,715 147 6,108 72 6,607 75 116 118 114
25 - 29 9,726 164 4,540 106 5,186 58 169 233 112
30 - 34 7,364 138 3,304 83 4,060 55 187 251 135
35 - 39 6,775 177 2,845 107 3,930 70 261 376 178
40 - 44 5,232 147 2,404 86 2,828 61 281 358 216
45 - 49 3,625 116 1,675 70 1,950 46 320 418 236
50 - 54 3,611 143 1,447 65 2,164 78 396 449 360
55 - 59 2,587 91 1,043 43 1,544 48 352 412 311
60 - 64 2,725 144 1,026 53 1,699 91 528 517 536
65 - 69 1,825 126 724 45 1,101 81 690 622 736
70 - 74 2,023 131 813 59 1,210 72 648 726 595
75+ 2,328 234 1,098 117 1,230 117 1,005 1,066 951

ALL AGES 880,717 12,524 437,952 6,308 442,765 6,216 142 144 140

0 - 4 132,289 387 66,974 227 65,315 160 29 34 24

5 - 9 140,430 706 71,305 381 69,125 325 50 53 47
10 - 14 126,517 867 65,901 478 60,616 389 69 73 64
15 - 19 95,483 997 48,350 553 47,133 444 104 114 94
20 - 24 62,870 782 30,580 396 32,290 386 124 129 120
25 - 29 53,482 689 23,763 327 29,719 362 129 138 122
30 - 34 51,582 757 22,411 368 29,171 389 147 164 133
35 - 39 45,435 767 20,543 397 24,892 370 169 193 149
40 - 44 37,756 739 17,716 375 20,040 364 196 212 182
45 - 49 28,879 652 14,694 328 14,185 324 226 223 228
50 - 54 27,065 747 13,177 333 13,888 414 276 253 298
55 - 59 20,367 641 11,135 302 9,232 339 315 271 367
60 - 64 19,044 810 9,477 327 9,567 483 425 345 505
65 - 69 13,259 737 7,331 364 5,928 373 556 497 629
70 - 74 12,037 841 6,183 388 5,854 453 699 628 774
75+ 14,222 1,405 8,412 764 5,810 641 988 908 1,103

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 356,598 5,527 182,571 3,138 174,027 2,389 155 172 137

0 - 4 58,213 174 29,640 97 28,573 77 30 33 27

5 - 9 51,759 320 26,380 184 25,379 136 62 70 54
10 - 14 44,458 373 22,969 212 21,489 161 84 92 75
15 - 19 39,101 426 18,896 215 20,205 211 109 114 104
20 - 24 36,926 468 17,713 246 19,213 222 127 139 116
25 - 29 30,266 412 15,507 230 14,759 182 136 148 123
30 - 34 23,495 442 12,560 256 10,935 186 188 204 170
35 - 39 18,029 389 9,423 240 8,606 149 216 255 173
40 - 44 14,572 449 8,042 295 6,530 154 308 367 236
45 - 49 10,369 396 5,833 283 4,536 113 382 485 249
50 - 54 9,194 328 4,699 198 4,495 130 357 421 289
55 - 59 5,897 236 3,414 155 2,483 81 400 454 326
60 - 64 5,092 275 2,626 141 2,466 134 540 537 543
65 - 69 3,554 246 1,932 110 1,622 136 692 569 838
70 - 74 2,735 232 1,367 113 1,368 119 848 827 870
75+ 2,938 361 1,570 163 1,368 198 1,229 1,038 1,447

ALL AGES 71,823 1,175 36,735 708 35,088 467 164 193 133

0 - 4 9,526 27 4,929 15 4,597 12 28 30 26

5 - 9 8,210 43 4,147 23 4,063 20 52 55 49
10 - 14 7,744 82 3,827 42 3,917 40 106 110 102
15 - 19 8,624 88 3,700 40 4,924 48 102 108 97
20 - 24 9,079 86 4,169 48 4,910 38 95 115 77
25 - 29 7,630 104 4,152 65 3,478 39 136 157 112
30 - 34 5,388 104 3,041 71 2,347 33 193 233 141
35 - 39 4,254 90 2,296 64 1,958 26 212 279 133
40 - 44 3,055 93 1,836 73 1,219 20 304 398 164
45 - 49 2,447 91 1,452 66 995 25 372 455 251
50 - 54 1,904 79 991 42 913 37 415 424 405
55 - 59 1,345 56 787 37 558 19 416 470 341
60 - 64 995 63 534 29 461 34 633 543 738
65 - 69 741 57 413 30 328 27 769 726 823
70 - 74 461 49 239 30 222 19 1,063 1,255 856
75+ 420 63 222 33 198 30 1,500 1,486 1,515

ALL AGES 284,775 4,352 145,836 2,430 138,939 1,922 153 167 138

0 - 4 48,687 147 24,711 82 23,976 65 30 33 27

5 - 9 43,549 277 22,233 161 21,316 116 64 72 54
10 - 14 36,714 291 19,142 170 17,572 121 79 89 69
15 - 19 30,477 338 15,196 175 15,281 163 111 115 107
20 - 24 27,847 382 13,544 198 14,303 184 137 146 129
25 - 29 22,636 308 11,355 165 11,281 143 136 145 127
30 - 34 18,107 338 9,519 185 8,588 153 187 194 178
35 - 39 13,775 299 7,127 176 6,648 123 217 247 185
40 - 44 11,517 356 6,206 222 5,311 134 309 358 252
45 - 49 7,922 305 4,381 217 3,541 88 385 495 249
50 - 54 7,290 249 3,708 156 3,582 93 342 421 260
55 - 59 4,552 180 2,627 118 1,925 62 395 449 322
60 - 64 4,097 212 2,092 112 2,005 100 517 535 499
65 - 69 2,813 189 1,519 80 1,294 109 672 527 842
70 - 74 2,274 183 1,128 83 1,146 100 805 736 873
75+ 2,518 298 1,348 130 1,170 168 1,183 964 1,436

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 215,914 3,562 104,925 1,936 110,989 1,626 165 185 147

0 - 4 22,398 46 11,408 27 10,990 19 21 24 17

5 - 9 21,733 132 10,965 72 10,768 60 61 66 56
10 - 14 25,286 255 12,209 130 13,077 125 101 106 96
15 - 19 31,724 349 14,090 201 17,634 148 110 143 84
20 - 24 32,308 295 15,356 169 16,952 126 91 110 74
25 - 29 22,664 284 11,180 164 11,484 120 125 147 104
30 - 34 14,194 260 7,680 140 6,514 120 183 182 184
35 - 39 11,801 302 5,963 191 5,838 111 256 320 190
40 - 44 7,713 262 4,230 179 3,483 83 340 423 238
45 - 49 6,250 181 3,136 128 3,114 53 290 408 170
50 - 54 5,184 182 2,319 89 2,865 93 351 384 325
55 - 59 3,774 172 1,685 88 2,089 84 456 522 402
60 - 64 3,374 176 1,447 68 1,927 108 522 470 560
65 - 69 2,589 151 1,104 71 1,485 80 583 643 539
70 - 74 2,319 206 971 80 1,348 126 888 824 935
75+ 2,603 309 1,182 139 1,421 170 1,187 1,176 1,196

ALL AGES 215,914 3,562 104,925 1,936 110,989 1,626 165 185 147

0 - 4 22,398 46 11,408 27 10,990 19 21 24 17

5 - 9 21,733 132 10,965 72 10,768 60 61 66 56
10 - 14 25,286 255 12,209 130 13,077 125 101 106 96
15 - 19 31,724 349 14,090 201 17,634 148 110 143 84
20 - 24 32,308 295 15,356 169 16,952 126 91 110 74
25 - 29 22,664 284 11,180 164 11,484 120 125 147 104
30 - 34 14,194 260 7,680 140 6,514 120 183 182 184
35 - 39 11,801 302 5,963 191 5,838 111 256 320 190
40 - 44 7,713 262 4,230 179 3,483 83 340 423 238
45 - 49 6,250 181 3,136 128 3,114 53 290 408 170
50 - 54 5,184 182 2,319 89 2,865 93 351 384 325
55 - 59 3,774 172 1,685 88 2,089 84 456 522 402
60 - 64 3,374 176 1,447 68 1,927 108 522 470 560
65 - 69 2,589 151 1,104 71 1,485 80 583 643 539
70 - 74 2,319 206 971 80 1,348 126 888 824 935
75+ 2,603 309 1,182 139 1,421 170 1,187 1,176 1,196

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 69,017 9,390 10,722 2,168 7,226 781 1,163 3,500 5,650 11,998 6,308 4,533 5,578
Male 35,802 3,960 4,807 1,082 3,611 425 643 1,814 3,671 7,482 3,224 2,275 2,808
Female 33,215 5,430 5,915 1,086 3,615 356 520 1,686 1,979 4,516 3,084 2,258 2,770

Both Sexes 11,353 1,425 1,847 416 1,236 148 188 692 964 1,832 1,010 681 914
Male 5,932 543 874 223 638 79 94 364 602 1,159 522 364 470
Female 5,421 882 973 193 598 69 94 328 362 673 488 317 444

Both Sexes 1,484 150 207 55 173 17 18 86 151 283 122 101 121
Male 801 55 109 26 86 12 7 51 101 168 63 53 70
Female 683 95 98 29 87 5 11 35 50 115 59 48 51

Both Sexes 1,976 205 285 65 203 41 50 137 168 303 216 126 177
Male 1,008 75 133 37 112 20 25 62 101 186 108 61 88
Female 968 130 152 28 91 21 25 75 67 117 108 65 89

Both Sexes 1,930 253 390 86 216 21 14 138 135 241 149 120 167
Male 987 103 180 48 106 12 6 78 75 154 75 68 82
Female 943 150 210 38 110 9 8 60 60 87 74 52 85

Both Sexes 957 121 110 43 97 17 14 90 74 145 96 59 91

Male 462 37 51 22 45 10 9 42 45 73 51 33 44
Female 495 84 59 21 52 7 5 48 29 72 45 26 47

Both Sexes 1,672 213 281 64 201 25 48 93 138 276 113 99 121
Male 929 92 146 33 111 13 23 50 90 188 62 56 65
Female 743 121 135 31 90 12 25 43 48 88 51 43 56

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,963 369 321 75 234 13 27 110 131 241 181 109 152
Male 960 128 128 41 122 8 16 62 81 154 91 56 73
Female 1,003 241 193 34 112 5 11 48 50 87 90 53 79

Both Sexes 967 88 192 24 72 13 12 21 113 229 97 50 56

Male 550 42 106 12 34 4 5 9 72 154 53 27 32
Female 417 46 86 12 38 9 7 12 41 75 44 23 24

Both Sexes 404 26 61 4 40 1 5 17 54 114 36 17 29

Male 235 11 21 4 22 - 3 10 37 82 19 10 16
Female 169 15 40 - 18 1 2 7 17 32 17 7 13

Both Sexes 20,626 3,042 3,254 704 2,285 211 352 1,074 1,494 3,153 1,901 1,459 1,697
Male 10,471 1,233 1,476 351 1,141 117 194 548 982 1,938 941 738 812
Female 10,155 1,809 1,778 353 1,144 94 158 526 512 1,215 960 721 885

Both Sexes 1,872 233 300 71 271 12 32 84 139 255 184 122 169
Male 983 84 144 34 149 8 15 47 100 156 100 61 85
Female 889 149 156 37 122 4 17 37 39 99 84 61 84

Both Sexes 3,202 407 541 106 316 41 50 203 236 455 341 273 233
Male 1,667 162 281 61 151 27 30 99 157 286 159 144 110
Female 1,535 245 260 45 165 14 20 104 79 169 182 129 123

Both Sexes 2,181 371 313 70 255 23 49 125 147 300 191 146 191
Male 1,063 153 141 27 115 17 33 62 104 170 89 74 78
Female 1,118 218 172 43 140 6 16 63 43 130 102 72 113

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,757 240 315 65 200 17 27 110 124 216 152 150 141
Male 890 100 139 39 111 8 14 62 76 134 71 69 67
Female 867 140 176 26 89 9 13 48 48 82 81 81 74

Both Sexes 1,455 156 325 52 199 19 16 83 88 175 81 99 162

Male 691 62 132 25 99 7 9 39 57 105 34 49 73
Female 764 94 193 27 100 12 7 44 31 70 47 50 89

Both Sexes 1,559 209 206 62 154 23 24 105 110 215 163 107 181
Male 817 83 103 30 91 11 13 56 67 132 79 54 98
Female 742 126 103 32 63 12 11 49 43 83 84 53 83

Both Sexes 1,476 297 193 74 164 12 28 88 87 193 143 105 92

Male 695 105 92 41 79 7 18 43 48 113 55 46 48
Female 781 192 101 33 85 5 10 45 39 80 88 59 44

Both Sexes 1,901 305 352 63 239 18 43 100 128 277 155 110 111
Male 900 114 145 31 124 10 20 48 72 166 72 54 44
Female 1,001 191 207 32 115 8 23 52 56 111 83 56 67

Both Sexes 1,785 315 297 61 201 16 34 69 113 304 166 100 109
Male 930 132 143 28 97 5 14 37 80 194 96 49 55
Female 855 183 154 33 104 11 20 32 33 110 70 51 54

Both Sexes 1,413 201 218 42 146 12 17 66 136 271 124 80 100
Male 722 94 87 15 75 8 9 36 85 159 77 39 38
Female 691 107 131 27 71 4 8 30 51 112 47 41 62

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 280 44 25 7 14 5 2 5 31 63 25 30 29

Male 156 19 8 3 5 4 2 3 24 39 17 20 12
Female 124 25 17 4 9 1 - 2 7 24 8 10 17

Both Sexes 863 114 98 11 56 7 15 12 87 188 95 69 111

Male 462 52 34 7 18 3 10 7 59 123 46 40 63
Female 401 62 64 4 38 4 5 5 28 65 49 29 48

Both Sexes 882 150 71 20 70 6 15 24 68 241 81 68 68

Male 495 73 27 10 27 2 7 9 53 161 46 39 41
Female 387 77 44 10 43 4 8 15 15 80 35 29 27

Both Sexes 13,243 1,710 2,313 369 1,295 141 205 557 1,217 2,283 1,245 932 976
Male 6,880 732 1,021 179 642 75 111 293 811 1,394 656 474 492
Female 6,363 978 1,292 190 653 66 94 264 406 889 589 458 484

Both Sexes 1,817 224 312 44 193 22 32 74 137 318 176 149 136
Male 945 89 149 26 101 15 19 48 89 180 80 76 73
Female 872 135 163 18 92 7 13 26 48 138 96 73 63

Both Sexes 524 35 98 19 53 6 8 16 69 99 63 36 22

Male 286 12 45 11 26 4 3 8 47 62 40 18 10
Female 238 23 53 8 27 2 5 8 22 37 23 18 12

Both Sexes 2,236 254 535 52 182 29 27 85 203 378 192 126 173
Male 1,115 118 218 21 80 17 17 47 119 234 108 59 77
Female 1,121 136 317 31 102 12 10 38 84 144 84 67 96

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,674 229 309 56 180 11 33 83 108 210 169 141 145
Male 859 119 138 29 90 5 14 43 68 119 89 68 77
Female 815 110 171 27 90 6 19 40 40 91 80 73 68

Both Sexes 1,878 211 305 58 176 19 29 85 210 333 183 144 125
Male 1,015 82 145 28 92 9 16 48 141 216 99 65 74
Female 863 129 160 30 84 10 13 37 69 117 84 79 51

Both Sexes 1,771 294 304 50 189 13 25 64 146 271 157 127 131
Male 895 120 134 23 95 5 12 31 102 174 74 68 57
Female 876 174 170 27 94 8 13 33 44 97 83 59 74

Both Sexes 1,857 273 273 51 195 21 32 79 191 296 185 122 139
Male 980 111 120 26 105 10 17 40 139 173 105 69 65
Female 877 162 153 25 90 11 15 39 52 123 80 53 74

Both Sexes 1,014 149 109 30 85 17 12 61 100 244 79 60 68

Male 523 61 44 13 32 9 8 23 67 150 40 39 37
Female 491 88 65 17 53 8 4 38 33 94 39 21 31

Both Sexes 472 41 68 9 42 3 7 10 53 134 41 27 37

Male 262 20 28 2 21 1 5 5 39 86 21 12 22
Female 210 21 40 7 21 2 2 5 14 48 20 15 15

Both Sexes 14,706 2,102 2,171 446 1,533 189 247 726 1,087 2,848 1,310 865 1,182
Male 7,445 905 916 212 746 102 151 379 679 1,700 634 427 594
Female 7,261 1,197 1,255 234 787 87 96 347 408 1,148 676 438 588

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,779 268 323 41 200 13 25 85 122 297 169 109 127
Male 923 116 139 23 106 7 12 41 71 186 96 59 67
Female 856 152 184 18 94 6 13 44 51 111 73 50 60

Both Sexes 1,513 254 207 53 186 36 27 59 99 205 154 104 129
Male 754 115 99 22 86 16 18 30 62 122 70 49 65
Female 759 139 108 31 100 20 9 29 37 83 84 55 64

Both Sexes 2,420 311 450 65 247 28 44 82 174 445 249 152 173
Male 1,179 132 168 33 107 15 25 47 104 271 108 81 88
Female 1,241 179 282 32 140 13 19 35 70 174 141 71 85

Both Sexes 1,674 218 236 75 197 24 17 111 134 322 154 95 91
Male 839 95 103 29 93 14 11 50 90 196 72 43 43
Female 835 123 133 46 104 10 6 61 44 126 82 52 48

Both Sexes 1,006 163 106 37 121 15 22 73 60 189 60 66 94

Male 541 75 54 19 65 8 14 36 39 120 31 30 50
Female 465 88 52 18 56 7 8 37 21 69 29 36 44

Both Sexes 1,800 252 258 54 160 24 31 77 114 381 122 101 226
Male 913 109 113 29 86 12 18 50 67 210 55 49 115
Female 887 143 145 25 74 12 13 27 47 171 67 52 111

Both Sexes 1,244 175 164 41 133 8 22 62 91 262 130 63 93

Male 610 71 76 22 64 6 13 29 57 141 59 33 39
Female 634 104 88 19 69 2 9 33 34 121 71 30 54

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,964 261 292 44 185 24 38 120 166 405 163 99 167
Male 997 106 119 25 92 14 26 68 97 239 90 38 83
Female 967 155 173 19 93 10 12 52 69 166 73 61 84

Both Sexes 358 64 28 4 25 4 5 12 37 84 44 25 26

Male 191 24 11 2 10 2 4 6 30 54 24 11 13
Female 167 40 17 2 15 2 1 6 7 30 20 14 13

Both Sexes 365 46 49 15 33 3 6 17 37 93 26 19 21

Male 174 17 14 4 15 2 4 6 22 60 7 13 10
Female 191 29 35 11 18 1 2 11 15 33 19 6 11

Both Sexes 583 90 58 17 46 10 10 28 53 165 39 32 35

Male 324 45 20 4 22 6 6 16 40 101 22 21 21
Female 259 45 38 13 24 4 4 12 13 64 17 11 14

Both Sexes 5,527 552 740 173 650 63 124 363 588 971 530 267 506
Male 3,138 247 365 88 341 41 68 184 404 672 307 137 284
Female 2,389 305 375 85 309 22 56 179 184 299 223 130 222

Both Sexes 1,397 116 221 37 177 13 22 45 153 267 159 65 122
Male 850 61 111 25 102 8 9 24 108 191 100 34 77
Female 547 55 110 12 75 5 13 21 45 76 59 31 45

Both Sexes 1,885 255 256 66 226 23 58 143 152 270 145 96 195
Male 917 89 110 29 105 16 29 63 90 173 65 46 102
Female 968 166 146 37 121 7 29 80 62 97 80 50 93

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,853 148 198 57 212 24 41 163 235 345 186 91 153
Male 1,126 80 109 30 116 15 28 91 171 235 122 47 82
Female 727 68 89 27 96 9 13 72 64 110 64 44 71

Both Sexes 392 33 65 13 35 3 3 12 48 89 40 15 36

Male 245 17 35 4 18 2 2 6 35 73 20 10 23
Female 147 16 30 9 17 1 1 6 13 16 20 5 13

Both Sexes 3,562 559 397 60 227 29 47 88 300 911 312 329 303
Male 1,936 300 155 29 103 11 25 46 193 619 164 135 156
Female 1,626 259 242 31 124 18 22 42 107 292 148 194 147

Both Sexes 1,369 170 188 25 91 15 18 30 142 376 112 66 136

Male 755 85 71 13 41 2 12 15 89 264 60 36 67
Female 614 85 117 12 50 13 6 15 53 112 52 30 69

Both Sexes 2,193 389 209 35 136 14 29 58 158 535 200 263 167
Male 1,181 215 84 16 62 9 13 31 104 355 104 99 89
Female 1,012 174 125 19 74 5 16 27 54 180 96 164 78

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 15,235 1,926 1,945 322 1,235 168 211 480 1,518 3,806 1,412 1,026 1,186
Male 8,260 913 798 134 548 85 118 222 1,058 2,506 746 517 615
Female 6,975 1,013 1,147 188 687 83 93 258 460 1,300 666 509 571

Both Sexes 2,330 205 414 61 195 29 35 71 260 556 212 113 179
Male 1,258 86 182 27 88 15 14 35 172 372 112 66 89
Female 1,072 119 232 34 107 14 21 36 88 184 100 47 90

Both Sexes 121 8 15 3 6 1 2 6 16 25 9 10 20

Male 62 2 8 - 3 1 1 2 12 14 4 5 10
Female 59 6 7 3 3 - 1 4 4 11 5 5 10

Both Sexes 121 8 15 3 6 1 2 6 16 25 9 10 20

Male 62 2 8 - 3 1 1 2 12 14 4 5 10
Female 59 6 7 3 3 - 1 4 4 11 5 5 10

Both Sexes 239 16 18 9 17 11 4 11 15 58 23 11 46

Male 116 5 6 4 8 9 3 4 11 30 11 6 19
Female 123 11 12 5 9 2 1 7 4 28 12 5 27

Both Sexes 239 16 18 9 17 11 4 11 15 58 23 11 46

Male 116 5 6 4 8 9 3 4 11 30 11 6 19
Female 123 11 12 5 9 2 1 7 4 28 12 5 27

Both Sexes 233 19 56 12 24 1 4 5 17 53 15 12 15

Male 111 6 18 5 6 1 - 3 10 36 9 10 7
Female 122 13 38 7 18 - 4 2 7 17 6 2 8

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 139 14 24 8 15 - 3 3 11 37 7 7 10

Male 73 5 9 3 5 - - 1 8 26 4 6 6
Female 66 9 15 5 10 - 3 2 3 11 3 1 4

Both Sexes 94 5 32 4 9 1 1 2 6 16 8 5 5
Male 38 1 9 2 1 1 - 2 2 10 5 4 1
Female 56 4 23 2 8 - 1 - 4 6 3 1 4

Both Sexes 171 14 24 2 16 2 4 7 27 49 12 7 7

Male 96 4 9 - 7 - - 4 20 37 7 4 4
Female 75 10 15 2 9 2 4 3 7 12 5 3 3

Both Sexes 171 14 24 2 16 2 4 7 27 49 12 7 7

Male 96 4 9 - 7 - - 4 20 37 7 4 4
Female 75 10 15 2 9 2 4 3 7 12 5 3 3

Both Sexes 195 34 48 7 20 - 4 4 18 28 20 6 6

Male 88 16 14 2 8 - 2 3 10 19 9 4 1
Female 107 18 34 5 12 - 2 1 8 9 11 2 5

Both Sexes 195 34 48 7 20 - 4 4 18 28 20 6 6

Male 88 16 14 2 8 - 2 3 10 19 9 4 1
Female 107 18 34 5 12 - 2 1 8 9 11 2 5

Both Sexes 967 88 192 24 72 13 12 21 113 229 97 50 56

Male 550 42 106 12 34 4 5 9 72 154 53 27 32
Female 417 46 86 12 38 9 7 12 41 75 44 23 24

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 967 88 192 24 72 13 12 21 113 229 97 50 56

Male 550 42 106 12 34 4 5 9 72 154 53 27 32
Female 417 46 86 12 38 9 7 12 41 75 44 23 24

Both Sexes 404 26 61 4 40 1 5 17 54 114 36 17 29

Male 235 11 21 4 22 - 3 10 37 82 19 10 16
Female 169 15 40 - 18 1 2 7 17 32 17 7 13

Both Sexes 404 26 61 4 40 1 5 17 54 114 36 17 29

Male 235 11 21 4 22 - 3 10 37 82 19 10 16
Female 169 15 40 - 18 1 2 7 17 32 17 7 13

Both Sexes 3,451 433 379 64 284 34 50 93 349 860 352 253 300
Male 1,907 200 161 31 117 19 27 41 261 558 181 148 163
Female 1,544 233 218 33 167 15 23 52 88 302 171 105 137

Both Sexes 225 18 23 5 26 - 2 8 34 52 24 11 22

Male 133 5 13 2 12 - 2 5 27 39 10 7 11
Female 92 13 10 3 14 - - 3 7 13 14 4 11

Both Sexes 225 18 23 5 26 - 2 8 34 52 24 11 22

Male 133 5 13 2 12 - 2 5 27 39 10 7 11
Female 92 13 10 3 14 - - 3 7 13 14 4 11

Both Sexes 400 26 59 3 34 3 3 11 44 114 45 29 29

Male 240 16 35 1 13 2 1 5 34 76 20 19 18
Female 160 10 24 2 21 1 2 6 10 38 25 10 11

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 155 5 18 3 15 1 - 5 19 46 20 7 16

Male 92 3 10 1 6 1 - 3 14 34 6 4 10
Female 63 2 8 2 9 - - 2 5 12 14 3 6

Both Sexes 158 12 33 - 13 1 2 - 14 42 17 13 11

Male 89 5 21 - 4 - - - 10 26 8 9 6
Female 69 7 12 - 9 1 2 - 4 16 9 4 5

Both Sexes 27 - 4 - 1 - 1 4 5 9 2 1 -
Male 15 - 2 - 1 - 1 2 4 5 - - -
Female 12 - 2 - - - - 2 1 4 2 1 -

Both Sexes 60 9 4 - 5 1 - 2 6 17 6 8 2
Male 44 8 2 - 2 1 - - 6 11 6 6 2
Female 16 1 2 - 3 - - 2 - 6 - 2 -

Both Sexes 255 26 31 5 25 4 5 18 29 52 24 22 14

Male 120 7 15 4 10 1 1 7 21 25 10 12 7
Female 135 19 16 1 15 3 4 11 8 27 14 10 7

Both Sexes 73 6 10 1 4 1 - 1 12 16 8 5 9
Male 28 1 3 1 2 1 - - 5 6 2 3 4
Female 45 5 7 - 2 - - 1 7 10 6 2 5

Both Sexes 138 19 13 2 18 2 5 11 11 24 13 16 4

Male 64 5 6 2 7 - 1 3 10 14 6 8 2
Female 74 14 7 - 11 2 4 8 1 10 7 8 2

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 44 1 8 2 3 1 - 6 6 12 3 1 1
Male 28 1 6 1 1 - - 4 6 5 2 1 1
Female 16 - 2 1 2 1 - 2 - 7 1 - -

Both Sexes 244 23 29 8 28 6 5 5 33 54 28 13 12

Male 145 11 16 4 18 5 3 1 26 34 14 6 7
Female 99 12 13 4 10 1 2 4 7 20 14 7 5

Both Sexes 20 2 2 1 - - - 1 4 8 2 - -
Male 12 - 1 - - - - - 4 6 1 - -
Female 8 2 1 1 - - - 1 - 2 1 - -

Both Sexes 224 21 27 7 28 6 5 4 29 46 26 13 12

Male 133 11 15 4 18 5 3 1 22 28 13 6 7
Female 91 10 12 3 10 1 2 3 7 18 13 7 5

Both Sexes 7 - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 1 - -
Male 6 - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 - - -
Female 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - -

Both Sexes 7 - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 1 - -
Male 6 - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 - - -
Female 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - -

Both Sexes 181 24 31 1 17 2 1 5 14 56 14 8 8

Male 94 12 7 - 7 1 - 2 9 39 11 4 2
Female 87 12 24 1 10 1 1 3 5 17 3 4 6

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 181 24 31 1 17 2 1 5 14 56 14 8 8

Male 94 12 7 - 7 1 - 2 9 39 11 4 2
Female 87 12 24 1 10 1 1 3 5 17 3 4 6

Both Sexes 114 8 12 4 14 - 2 4 8 37 15 3 7

Male 56 5 6 - 7 - 1 1 7 19 7 1 2
Female 58 3 6 4 7 - 1 3 1 18 8 2 5

Both Sexes 114 8 12 4 14 - 2 4 8 37 15 3 7

Male 56 5 6 - 7 - 1 1 7 19 7 1 2
Female 58 3 6 4 7 - 1 3 1 18 8 2 5

Both Sexes 280 44 25 7 14 5 2 5 31 63 25 30 29

Male 156 19 8 3 5 4 2 3 24 39 17 20 12
Female 124 25 17 4 9 1 - 2 7 24 8 10 17

Both Sexes 280 44 25 7 14 5 2 5 31 63 25 30 29

Male 156 19 8 3 5 4 2 3 24 39 17 20 12
Female 124 25 17 4 9 1 - 2 7 24 8 10 17

Both Sexes 863 114 98 11 56 7 15 12 87 188 95 69 111

Male 462 52 34 7 18 3 10 7 59 123 46 40 63
Female 401 62 64 4 38 4 5 5 28 65 49 29 48

Both Sexes 863 114 98 11 56 7 15 12 87 188 95 69 111

Male 462 52 34 7 18 3 10 7 59 123 46 40 63
Female 401 62 64 4 38 4 5 5 28 65 49 29 48

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 882 150 71 20 70 6 15 24 68 241 81 68 68

Male 495 73 27 10 27 2 7 9 53 161 46 39 41
Female 387 77 44 10 43 4 8 15 15 80 35 29 27

Both Sexes 882 150 71 20 70 6 15 24 68 241 81 68 68

Male 495 73 27 10 27 2 7 9 53 161 46 39 41
Female 387 77 44 10 43 4 8 15 15 80 35 29 27

Both Sexes 2,535 295 329 50 221 34 30 99 289 640 220 143 185
Male 1,314 121 128 20 95 16 21 39 202 402 111 74 85
Female 1,221 174 201 30 126 18 9 60 87 238 109 69 100

Both Sexes 129 10 14 2 17 2 3 3 17 41 8 8 4

Male 71 4 4 2 10 2 2 3 12 22 4 3 3
Female 58 6 10 - 7 - 1 - 5 19 4 5 1

Both Sexes 96 10 12 2 12 2 1 2 12 30 7 5 1
Male 47 4 4 2 7 2 - 2 8 14 3 1 -
Female 49 6 8 - 5 - 1 - 4 16 4 4 1

Both Sexes 33 - 2 - 5 - 2 1 5 11 1 3 3
Male 24 - - - 3 - 2 1 4 8 1 2 3
Female 9 - 2 - 2 - - - 1 3 - 1 -

Both Sexes 38 - 4 - 4 - - - 8 16 4 - 2
Male 24 - 2 - 3 - - - 5 11 3 - -
Female 14 - 2 - 1 - - - 3 5 1 - 2

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 38 - 4 - 4 - - - 8 16 4 - 2
Male 24 - 2 - 3 - - - 5 11 3 - -
Female 14 - 2 - 1 - - - 3 5 1 - 2

Both Sexes 348 32 56 4 27 8 6 13 37 80 36 15 34

Male 177 16 18 1 9 4 5 4 27 56 20 7 10
Female 171 16 38 3 18 4 1 9 10 24 16 8 24

Both Sexes 133 16 11 4 12 - 1 2 14 52 9 7 5

Male 77 8 5 1 3 - - 2 8 34 9 3 4
Female 56 8 6 3 9 - 1 - 6 18 - 4 1

Both Sexes 215 16 45 - 15 8 5 11 23 28 27 8 29

Male 100 8 13 - 6 4 5 2 19 22 11 4 6
Female 115 8 32 - 9 4 - 9 4 6 16 4 23

Both Sexes 39 2 4 - 5 - 1 2 6 11 3 2 3
Male 18 1 1 - 2 - - 1 3 6 1 1 2
Female 21 1 3 - 3 - 1 1 3 5 2 1 1

Both Sexes 39 2 4 - 5 - 1 2 6 11 3 2 3
Male 18 1 1 - 2 - - 1 3 6 1 1 2
Female 21 1 3 - 3 - 1 1 3 5 2 1 1

Both Sexes 129 9 16 2 3 3 - 2 28 38 11 10 7

Male 67 1 8 1 1 - - - 19 23 7 4 3
Female 62 8 8 1 2 3 - 2 9 15 4 6 4

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 129 9 16 2 3 3 - 2 28 38 11 10 7

Male 67 1 8 1 1 - - - 19 23 7 4 3
Female 62 8 8 1 2 3 - 2 9 15 4 6 4

Both Sexes 174 21 45 1 20 1 1 1 11 26 20 13 14

Male 71 7 17 - 9 - 1 1 7 16 5 5 3
Female 103 14 28 1 11 1 - - 4 10 15 8 11

Both Sexes 174 21 45 1 20 1 1 1 11 26 20 13 14

Male 71 7 17 - 9 - 1 1 7 16 5 5 3
Female 103 14 28 1 11 1 - - 4 10 15 8 11

Both Sexes 192 31 13 2 18 - - 7 29 50 18 8 16

Male 101 11 6 1 8 - - 2 23 32 10 3 5
Female 91 20 7 1 10 - - 5 6 18 8 5 11

Both Sexes 160 29 11 1 17 - - 6 23 39 13 6 15

Male 80 10 6 1 8 - - 1 17 22 8 2 5
Female 80 19 5 - 9 - - 5 6 17 5 4 10

Both Sexes 32 2 2 1 1 - - 1 6 11 5 2 1
Male 21 1 - - - - - 1 6 10 2 1 -
Female 11 1 2 1 1 - - - - 1 3 1 1

Both Sexes 1,014 149 109 30 85 17 12 61 100 244 79 60 68

Male 523 61 44 13 32 9 8 23 67 150 40 39 37
Female 491 88 65 17 53 8 4 38 33 94 39 21 31

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 1,014 149 109 30 85 17 12 61 100 244 79 60 68

Male 523 61 44 13 32 9 8 23 67 150 40 39 37
Female 491 88 65 17 53 8 4 38 33 94 39 21 31

Both Sexes 472 41 68 9 42 3 7 10 53 134 41 27 37

Male 262 20 28 2 21 1 5 5 39 86 21 12 22
Female 210 21 40 7 21 2 2 5 14 48 20 15 15

Both Sexes 472 41 68 9 42 3 7 10 53 134 41 27 37

Male 262 20 28 2 21 1 5 5 39 86 21 12 22
Female 210 21 40 7 21 2 2 5 14 48 20 15 15

Both Sexes 2,182 329 244 58 176 31 31 90 205 584 172 138 124
Male 1,137 155 84 15 74 17 20 41 145 367 84 71 64
Female 1,045 174 160 43 102 14 11 49 60 217 88 67 60

Both Sexes 163 18 31 1 14 1 - 6 12 42 16 15 7

Male 91 11 14 1 5 - - 2 8 25 13 8 4
Female 72 7 17 - 9 1 - 4 4 17 3 7 3

Both Sexes 95 4 20 - 10 1 - 4 5 26 11 10 4
Male 55 4 8 - 5 - - 1 3 16 9 7 2
Female 40 - 12 - 5 1 - 3 2 10 2 3 2

Both Sexes 68 14 11 1 4 - - 2 7 16 5 5 3
Male 36 7 6 1 - - - 1 5 9 4 1 2
Female 32 7 5 - 4 - - 1 2 7 1 4 1

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 221 31 43 9 23 1 6 8 17 52 16 10 5

Male 104 18 14 2 6 - 4 4 12 34 5 4 1
Female 117 13 29 7 17 1 2 4 5 18 11 6 4

Both Sexes 163 22 37 7 16 - 6 7 10 36 11 9 2

Male 82 16 12 2 5 - 4 3 7 24 4 4 1
Female 81 6 25 5 11 - 2 4 3 12 7 5 1

Both Sexes 58 9 6 2 7 1 - 1 7 16 5 1 3
Male 22 2 2 - 1 - - 1 5 10 1 - -
Female 36 7 4 2 6 1 - - 2 6 4 1 3

Both Sexes 144 21 14 3 8 3 - 6 14 44 11 9 11

Male 79 10 4 1 4 1 - 2 12 29 5 5 6
Female 65 11 10 2 4 2 - 4 2 15 6 4 5

Both Sexes 144 21 14 3 8 3 - 6 14 44 11 9 11

Male 79 10 4 1 4 1 - 2 12 29 5 5 6
Female 65 11 10 2 4 2 - 4 2 15 6 4 5

Both Sexes 32 6 1 2 1 - 1 5 3 6 1 3 3
Male 10 2 - - - - 1 - 2 3 - 1 1
Female 22 4 1 2 1 - - 5 1 3 1 2 2

Both Sexes 32 6 1 2 1 - 1 5 3 6 1 3 3
Male 10 2 - - - - 1 - 2 3 - 1 1
Female 22 4 1 2 1 - - 5 1 3 1 2 2

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 238 43 16 4 22 8 1 5 20 71 15 18 15

Male 125 22 5 1 10 5 - 4 12 48 4 6 8
Female 113 21 11 3 12 3 1 1 8 23 11 12 7

Both Sexes 187 40 10 4 22 8 1 4 15 52 6 10 15

Male 106 21 4 1 10 5 - 3 11 37 2 4 8
Female 81 19 6 3 12 3 1 1 4 15 4 6 7

Both Sexes 51 3 6 - - - - 1 5 19 9 8 -
Male 19 1 1 - - - - 1 1 11 2 2 -
Female 32 2 5 - - - - - 4 8 7 6 -

Both Sexes 78 10 4 3 4 1 2 3 12 27 4 7 1
Male 39 6 2 - 2 1 1 1 7 13 4 2 -
Female 39 4 2 3 2 - 1 2 5 14 - 5 1

Both Sexes 78 10 4 3 4 1 2 3 12 27 4 7 1
Male 39 6 2 - 2 1 1 1 7 13 4 2 -
Female 39 4 2 3 2 - 1 2 5 14 - 5 1

Both Sexes 358 64 28 4 25 4 5 12 37 84 44 25 26

Male 191 24 11 2 10 2 4 6 30 54 24 11 13
Female 167 40 17 2 15 2 1 6 7 30 20 14 13

Both Sexes 358 64 28 4 25 4 5 12 37 84 44 25 26

Male 191 24 11 2 10 2 4 6 30 54 24 11 13
Female 167 40 17 2 15 2 1 6 7 30 20 14 13

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 365 46 49 15 33 3 6 17 37 93 26 19 21

Male 174 17 14 4 15 2 4 6 22 60 7 13 10
Female 191 29 35 11 18 1 2 11 15 33 19 6 11

Both Sexes 365 46 49 15 33 3 6 17 37 93 26 19 21

Male 174 17 14 4 15 2 4 6 22 60 7 13 10
Female 191 29 35 11 18 1 2 11 15 33 19 6 11

Both Sexes 583 90 58 17 46 10 10 28 53 165 39 32 35

Male 324 45 20 4 22 6 6 16 40 101 22 21 21
Female 259 45 38 13 24 4 4 12 13 64 17 11 14

Both Sexes 583 90 58 17 46 10 10 28 53 165 39 32 35

Male 324 45 20 4 22 6 6 16 40 101 22 21 21
Female 259 45 38 13 24 4 4 12 13 64 17 11 14

Both Sexes 1,175 105 182 29 132 11 18 39 115 255 144 50 95

Male 708 51 88 12 71 7 11 20 85 188 94 23 58
Female 467 54 94 17 61 4 7 19 30 67 50 27 37

Both Sexes 470 37 86 8 70 5 9 13 40 87 54 20 41

Male 287 19 41 4 41 4 5 8 31 66 36 9 23
Female 183 18 45 4 29 1 4 5 9 21 18 11 18

Both Sexes 182 17 39 5 26 - 6 8 9 31 22 4 15

Male 110 8 19 3 10 - 3 7 8 24 14 3 11
Female 72 9 20 2 16 - 3 1 1 7 8 1 4

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 135 9 25 2 21 4 - 3 11 29 7 9 15

Male 82 4 9 1 17 3 - - 9 23 6 4 6
Female 53 5 16 1 4 1 - 3 2 6 1 5 9

Both Sexes 153 11 22 1 23 1 3 2 20 27 25 7 11

Male 95 7 13 - 14 1 2 1 14 19 16 2 6
Female 58 4 9 1 9 - 1 1 6 8 9 5 5

Both Sexes 155 30 21 6 18 - 2 8 13 31 11 10 5

Male 65 12 5 4 7 - - 4 7 15 5 3 3
Female 90 18 16 2 11 - 2 4 6 16 6 7 2

Both Sexes 67 21 8 4 5 - - 4 2 12 7 2 2
Male 26 7 1 2 3 - - 2 2 5 3 - 1
Female 41 14 7 2 2 - - 2 - 7 4 2 1

Both Sexes 88 9 13 2 13 - 2 4 11 19 4 8 3
Male 39 5 4 2 4 - - 2 5 10 2 3 2
Female 49 4 9 - 9 - 2 2 6 9 2 5 1

Both Sexes 158 5 10 2 9 3 4 6 14 48 39 5 13

Male 111 3 7 - 5 1 4 2 12 34 33 1 9
Female 47 2 3 2 4 2 - 4 2 14 6 4 4

Both Sexes 28 2 - - 2 1 2 2 2 8 6 2 1
Male 17 - - - 2 - 2 2 1 4 5 - 1
Female 11 2 - - - 1 - - 1 4 1 2 -

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 130 3 10 2 7 2 2 4 12 40 33 3 12

Male 94 3 7 - 3 1 2 - 11 30 28 1 8
Female 36 - 3 2 4 1 - 4 1 10 5 2 4

Both Sexes 392 33 65 13 35 3 3 12 48 89 40 15 36

Male 245 17 35 4 18 2 2 6 35 73 20 10 23
Female 147 16 30 9 17 1 1 6 13 16 20 5 13

Both Sexes 392 33 65 13 35 3 3 12 48 89 40 15 36

Male 245 17 35 4 18 2 2 6 35 73 20 10 23
Female 147 16 30 9 17 1 1 6 13 16 20 5 13

Both Sexes 3,562 559 397 60 227 29 47 88 300 911 312 329 303
Male 1,936 300 155 29 103 11 25 46 193 619 164 135 156
Female 1,626 259 242 31 124 18 22 42 107 292 148 194 147

Both Sexes 1,369 170 188 25 91 15 18 30 142 376 112 66 136

Male 755 85 71 13 41 2 12 15 89 264 60 36 67
Female 614 85 117 12 50 13 6 15 53 112 52 30 69

Both Sexes 1,369 170 188 25 91 15 18 30 142 376 112 66 136

Male 755 85 71 13 41 2 12 15 89 264 60 36 67
Female 614 85 117 12 50 13 6 15 53 112 52 30 69

Both Sexes 2,193 389 209 35 136 14 29 58 158 535 200 263 167
Male 1,181 215 84 16 62 9 13 31 104 355 104 99 89
Female 1,012 174 125 19 74 5 16 27 54 180 96 164 78

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 2,193 389 209 35 136 14 29 58 158 535 200 263 167
Male 1,181 215 84 16 62 9 13 31 104 355 104 99 89
Female 1,012 174 125 19 74 5 16 27 54 180 96 164 78

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known

Both Sexes 9,390 35 580 355 83 1,953 232 261 1,308 4,583
Male 3,960 19 295 158 31 813 104 217 493 1,830
Female 5,430 16 285 197 52 1,140 128 44 815 2,753

Both Sexes 10,722 41 924 341 90 2,129 239 434 1,854 4,670
Male 4,807 20 538 150 41 873 120 381 727 1,957
Female 5,915 21 386 191 49 1,256 119 53 1,127 2,713

Both Sexes 2,168 11 106 132 16 559 114 61 201 968
Male 1,082 3 63 74 8 284 57 45 100 448
Female 1,086 8 43 58 8 275 57 16 101 520

Both Sexes 7,226 19 305 303 64 1,716 347 239 840 3,393
Male 3,611 15 152 148 32 865 168 194 366 1,671
Female 3,615 4 153 155 32 851 179 45 474 1,722

Both Sexes 781 3 26 20 10 174 127 23 41 357
Male 425 1 13 9 8 92 61 22 27 192
Female 356 2 13 11 2 82 66 1 14 165

Both Sexes 1,163 9 55 29 9 233 132 49 74 573
Male 643 4 27 10 6 131 69 41 37 318
Female 520 5 28 19 3 102 63 8 37 255


Both Sexes 3,500 10 119 243 31 899 463 41 247 1,447
Male 1,814 6 61 121 16 476 250 32 126 726
Female 1,686 4 58 122 15 423 213 9 121 721


Both Sexes 5,650 134 954 151 167 589 243 1,628 593 1,191
Male 3,671 93 520 85 104 288 126 1,497 317 641
Female 1,979 41 434 66 63 301 117 131 276 550

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known


Both Sexes 11,998 355 1,189 745 382 1,758 618 2,481 1,133 3,337
Male 7,482 227 738 406 220 968 344 2,234 626 1,719
Female 4,516 128 451 339 162 790 274 247 507 1,618


Both Sexes 6,308 105 361 203 175 1,084 363 868 699 2,450
Male 3,224 75 198 110 87 519 123 756 289 1,067
Female 3,084 30 163 93 88 565 240 112 410 1,383

Both Sexes 4,533 21 153 83 29 850 386 210 313 2,488
Male 2,275 15 90 32 13 412 186 166 167 1,194
Female 2,258 6 63 51 16 438 200 44 146 1,294

Both Sexes 5,578 205 307 199 104 701 262 452 758 2,590
Male 2,808 110 158 92 46 355 104 396 345 1,202
Female 2,770 95 149 107 58 346 158 56 413 1,388

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known

Both Sexes 1,926 11 146 69 11 444 54 118 258 815
Male 913 7 84 41 4 222 31 97 87 340
Female 1,013 4 62 28 7 222 23 21 171 475

Both Sexes 1,945 14 148 73 10 355 37 168 361 779
Male 798 5 79 25 - 133 16 149 119 272
Female 1,147 9 69 48 10 222 21 19 242 507

Both Sexes 322 1 16 16 - 76 12 17 36 148
Male 134 - 12 7 - 30 3 12 16 54
Female 188 1 4 9 - 46 9 5 20 94

Both Sexes 1,235 10 60 47 5 255 59 78 145 576
Male 548 9 25 23 3 110 19 57 63 239
Female 687 1 35 24 2 145 40 21 82 337

Both Sexes 168 1 8 3 2 34 21 11 11 77
Male 85 1 5 - 2 17 8 11 7 34
Female 83 - 3 3 - 17 13 - 4 43

Both Sexes 211 3 10 5 - 43 18 16 16 100
Male 118 2 4 1 - 19 9 14 8 61
Female 93 1 6 4 - 24 9 2 8 39


Both Sexes 480 1 19 19 3 112 48 12 34 232
Male 222 1 13 6 1 56 16 8 18 103
Female 258 - 6 13 2 56 32 4 16 129


Both Sexes 1,518 54 197 26 41 110 56 670 116 248
Male 1,058 37 106 15 27 54 26 602 62 129
Female 460 17 91 11 14 56 30 68 54 119

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known


Both Sexes 3,806 200 319 220 74 437 134 1,325 318 779
Male 2,506 129 176 134 41 235 75 1,157 175 384
Female 1,300 71 143 86 33 202 59 168 143 395


Both Sexes 1,412 41 86 43 26 190 66 354 175 431
Male 746 28 45 26 13 86 16 290 63 179
Female 666 13 41 17 13 104 50 64 112 252

Both Sexes 1,026 6 33 17 5 153 45 104 78 585
Male 517 4 22 9 3 74 23 75 41 266
Female 509 2 11 8 2 79 22 29 37 319

Both Sexes 1,186 58 78 33 25 141 38 186 187 440
Male 615 33 37 18 13 70 15 159 76 194
Female 571 25 41 15 12 71 23 27 111 246

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known

Both Sexes 7,464 24 434 286 72 1,509 178 143 1,050 3,768
Male 3,047 12 211 117 27 591 73 120 406 1,490
Female 4,417 12 223 169 45 918 105 23 644 2,278

Both Sexes 8,777 27 776 268 80 1,774 202 266 1,493 3,891
Male 4,009 15 459 125 41 740 104 232 608 1,685
Female 4,768 12 317 143 39 1,034 98 34 885 2,206

Both Sexes 1,846 10 90 116 16 483 102 44 165 820
Male 948 3 51 67 8 254 54 33 84 394
Female 898 7 39 49 8 229 48 11 81 426

Both Sexes 5,991 9 245 256 59 1,461 288 161 695 2,817
Male 3,063 6 127 125 29 755 149 137 303 1,432
Female 2,928 3 118 131 30 706 139 24 392 1,385

Both Sexes 613 2 18 17 8 140 106 12 30 280
Male 340 - 8 9 6 75 53 11 20 158
Female 273 2 10 8 2 65 53 1 10 122

Both Sexes 952 6 45 24 9 190 114 33 58 473
Male 525 2 23 9 6 112 60 27 29 257
Female 427 4 22 15 3 78 54 6 29 216


Both Sexes 3,020 9 100 224 28 787 415 29 213 1,215
Male 1,592 5 48 115 15 420 234 24 108 623
Female 1,428 4 52 109 13 367 181 5 105 592


Both Sexes 4,132 80 757 125 126 479 187 958 477 943
Male 2,613 56 414 70 77 234 100 895 255 512
Female 1,519 24 343 55 49 245 87 63 222 431

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known


Both Sexes 8,192 155 870 525 308 1,321 484 1,156 815 2,558
Male 4,976 98 562 272 179 733 269 1,077 451 1,335
Female 3,216 57 308 253 129 588 215 79 364 1,223


Both Sexes 4,896 64 275 160 149 894 297 514 524 2,019
Male 2,478 47 153 84 74 433 107 466 226 888
Female 2,418 17 122 76 75 461 190 48 298 1,131

Both Sexes 3,507 15 120 66 24 697 341 106 235 1,903
Male 1,758 11 68 23 10 338 163 91 126 928
Female 1,749 4 52 43 14 359 178 15 109 975

Both Sexes 4,392 147 229 166 79 560 224 266 571 2,150
Male 2,193 77 121 74 33 285 89 237 269 1,008
Female 2,199 70 108 92 46 275 135 29 302 1,142

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


BOTH SEXES 69,017 9,390 10,722 2,168 7,226 781 1,163 3,500 5,650 11,998 6,308 4,533 5,578

0 - 4 1,726 94 169 38 88 66 63 110 131 366 245 66 290

5 - 9 3,361 147 337 110 375 163 184 341 321 448 300 246 389
10 - 14 4,671 254 463 147 666 127 169 280 451 844 371 434 465
15 - 19 5,582 362 496 189 747 89 144 472 446 1,195 407 568 467
20 - 24 4,683 291 395 204 601 78 103 499 326 870 368 561 387
25 - 29 4,189 243 319 240 559 53 86 488 315 686 332 501 367
30 - 34 4,301 287 332 209 494 37 73 309 391 841 421 476 431
35 - 39 4,554 309 446 134 416 27 72 176 566 1,070 515 422 401
40 - 44 4,444 341 519 121 383 24 51 175 499 1,109 535 303 384
45 - 49 3,955 377 558 82 320 16 51 142 522 915 412 220 340
50 - 54 4,165 606 732 116 413 19 39 105 370 754 435 216 360
55 - 59 3,390 538 644 90 291 15 31 92 311 600 379 111 288
60 - 64 4,439 929 1,007 126 443 17 23 122 307 624 420 139 282
65 - 69 3,917 881 1,028 89 329 15 29 89 241 514 372 88 242
70 - 74 4,737 1,376 1,331 112 425 15 16 54 230 525 348 88 217
75+ 6,903 2,355 1,946 161 676 20 29 46 223 637 448 94 268

MALE 35,802 3,960 4,807 1,082 3,611 425 643 1,814 3,671 7,482 3,224 2,275 2,808

0 - 4 944 41 89 21 52 34 37 53 78 208 135 36 160

5 - 9 1,880 72 185 50 217 94 115 177 181 276 167 136 210
10 - 14 2,601 123 246 82 393 79 95 167 278 465 191 235 247
15 - 19 3,021 224 258 103 401 48 79 255 280 657 197 292 227
20 - 24 2,507 161 209 102 292 40 66 252 219 482 197 291 196
25 - 29 2,143 130 140 119 246 29 37 238 193 426 167 241 177
30 - 34 2,194 140 144 95 210 17 44 154 270 501 196 237 186
35 - 39 2,604 138 200 73 215 11 35 90 408 736 277 230 191
40 - 44 2,571 137 215 62 179 12 27 92 383 796 313 152 203
45 - 49 2,261 146 227 45 178 8 25 77 387 664 218 100 186
50 - 54 1,911 178 250 55 184 8 14 51 227 472 215 95 162
55 - 59 1,736 209 268 42 156 9 12 49 188 403 199 53 148
60 - 64 1,879 307 343 58 205 8 11 59 170 355 177 56 130
65 - 69 1,778 326 408 41 139 7 16 45 141 311 179 40 125
70 - 74 2,110 514 568 45 192 11 9 27 131 293 163 42 115
75+ 3,662 1,114 1,057 89 352 10 21 28 137 437 233 39 145

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


FEMALE 33,215 5,430 5,915 1,086 3,615 356 520 1,686 1,979 4,516 3,084 2,258 2,770

0 - 4 782 53 80 17 36 32 26 57 53 158 110 30 130

5 - 9 1,481 75 152 60 158 69 69 164 140 172 133 110 179
10 - 14 2,070 131 217 65 273 48 74 113 173 379 180 199 218
15 - 19 2,561 138 238 86 346 41 65 217 166 538 210 276 240
20 - 24 2,176 130 186 102 309 38 37 247 107 388 171 270 191
25 - 29 2,046 113 179 121 313 24 49 250 122 260 165 260 190
30 - 34 2,107 147 188 114 284 20 29 155 121 340 225 239 245
35 - 39 1,950 171 246 61 201 16 37 86 158 334 238 192 210
40 - 44 1,873 204 304 59 204 12 24 83 116 313 222 151 181
45 - 49 1,694 231 331 37 142 8 26 65 135 251 194 120 154
50 - 54 2,254 428 482 61 229 11 25 54 143 282 220 121 198
55 - 59 1,654 329 376 48 135 6 19 43 123 197 180 58 140
60 - 64 2,560 622 664 68 238 9 12 63 137 269 243 83 152
65 - 69 2,139 555 620 48 190 8 13 44 100 203 193 48 117
70 - 74 2,627 862 763 67 233 4 7 27 99 232 185 46 102
75+ 3,241 1,241 889 72 324 10 8 18 86 200 215 55 123

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


BOTH SEXES 15,235 1,926 1,945 322 1,235 168 211 480 1,518 3,806 1,412 1,026 1,186

0 - 4 264 17 22 5 12 12 10 7 29 59 35 14 42
5 - 9 534 27 44 12 54 37 29 45 52 74 35 64 61
10 - 14 937 83 73 24 125 30 39 58 75 166 61 106 97
15 - 19 1,384 141 105 26 166 21 28 74 124 359 89 141 110
20 - 24 1,059 83 91 28 103 13 19 71 89 276 72 137 77
25 - 29 1,134 95 86 50 115 10 16 60 104 265 106 122 105
30 - 34 1,123 77 78 29 94 7 15 30 139 336 113 101 104
35 - 39 1,388 97 103 20 72 6 15 28 212 485 153 86 111
40 - 44 1,232 87 99 18 57 6 7 24 157 462 157 70 88
45 - 49 955 87 114 9 43 1 13 15 146 321 88 44 74
50 - 54 919 138 118 23 75 6 6 15 105 231 89 39 74
55 - 59 673 107 117 10 34 5 3 10 63 163 71 23 67
60 - 64 823 174 161 18 57 3 3 21 60 168 96 25 37
65 - 69 751 146 192 10 55 2 4 14 62 140 70 13 43
70 - 74 854 224 212 16 76 3 - 5 51 149 63 17 38
75+ 1,205 343 330 24 97 6 4 3 50 152 114 24 58

MALE 8,260 913 798 134 548 85 118 222 1,058 2,506 746 517 615

0 - 4 152 4 9 4 7 8 4 4 22 35 18 10 27
5 - 9 290 13 21 1 32 21 17 25 28 45 21 36 30
10 - 14 513 41 27 11 68 19 20 37 53 95 30 59 53
15 - 19 751 108 58 12 81 10 14 30 81 194 39 72 52
20 - 24 581 58 47 13 48 5 14 31 63 165 45 54 38
25 - 29 638 60 46 18 39 3 7 25 71 177 65 65 62
30 - 34 631 50 35 13 41 3 11 13 99 206 64 52 44
35 - 39 878 56 49 11 27 2 10 11 169 352 85 51 55
40 - 44 841 43 50 8 22 2 4 9 130 362 110 39 62
45 - 49 642 47 51 4 27 1 10 7 122 252 51 24 46
50 - 54 464 55 37 7 24 3 1 5 72 158 44 21 37
55 - 59 352 50 49 4 18 3 - 3 39 111 37 8 30
60 - 64 317 62 39 10 21 1 1 11 24 89 37 7 15
65 - 69 298 51 56 4 15 1 2 7 30 83 28 4 17
70 - 74 352 81 70 2 30 2 - 3 28 79 27 8 22
75+ 560 134 154 12 48 1 3 1 27 103 45 7 25

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


FEMALE 6,975 1,013 1,147 188 687 83 93 258 460 1,300 666 509 571

0 - 4 112 13 13 1 5 4 6 3 7 24 17 4 15
5 - 9 244 14 23 11 22 16 12 20 24 29 14 28 31
10 - 14 424 42 46 13 57 11 19 21 22 71 31 47 44
15 - 19 633 33 47 14 85 11 14 44 43 165 50 69 58
20 - 24 478 25 44 15 55 8 5 40 26 111 27 83 39
25 - 29 496 35 40 32 76 7 9 35 33 88 41 57 43
30 - 34 492 27 43 16 53 4 4 17 40 130 49 49 60
35 - 39 510 41 54 9 45 4 5 17 43 133 68 35 56
40 - 44 391 44 49 10 35 4 3 15 27 100 47 31 26
45 - 49 313 40 63 5 16 - 3 8 24 69 37 20 28
50 - 54 455 83 81 16 51 3 5 10 33 73 45 18 37
55 - 59 321 57 68 6 16 2 3 7 24 52 34 15 37
60 - 64 506 112 122 8 36 2 2 10 36 79 59 18 22
65 - 69 453 95 136 6 40 1 2 7 32 57 42 9 26
70 - 74 502 143 142 14 46 1 - 2 23 70 36 9 16
75+ 645 209 176 12 49 5 1 2 23 49 69 17 33

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


BOTH SEXES 53,782 7,464 8,777 1,846 5,991 613 952 3,020 4,132 8,192 4,896 3,507 4,392

0 - 4 1,462 77 147 33 76 54 53 103 102 307 210 52 248

5 - 9 2,827 120 293 98 321 126 155 296 269 374 265 182 328
10 - 14 3,734 171 390 123 541 97 130 222 376 678 310 328 368
15 - 19 4,198 221 391 163 581 68 116 398 322 836 318 427 357
20 - 24 3,624 208 304 176 498 65 84 428 237 594 296 424 310
25 - 29 3,055 148 233 190 444 43 70 428 211 421 226 379 262
30 - 34 3,178 210 254 180 400 30 58 279 252 505 308 375 327
35 - 39 3,166 212 343 114 344 21 57 148 354 585 362 336 290
40 - 44 3,212 254 420 103 326 18 44 151 342 647 378 233 296
45 - 49 3,000 290 444 73 277 15 38 127 376 594 324 176 266
50 - 54 3,246 468 614 93 338 13 33 90 265 523 346 177 286
55 - 59 2,717 431 527 80 257 10 28 82 248 437 308 88 221
60 - 64 3,616 755 846 108 386 14 20 101 247 456 324 114 245
65 - 69 3,166 735 836 79 274 13 25 75 179 374 302 75 199
70 - 74 3,883 1,152 1,119 96 349 12 16 49 179 376 285 71 179
75+ 5,698 2,012 1,616 137 579 14 25 43 173 485 334 70 210

MALE 27,542 3,047 4,009 948 3,063 340 525 1,592 2,613 4,976 2,478 1,758 2,193

0 - 4 792 37 80 17 45 26 33 49 56 173 117 26 133

5 - 9 1,590 59 164 49 185 73 98 152 153 231 146 100 180
10 - 14 2,088 82 219 71 325 60 75 130 225 370 161 176 194
15 - 19 2,270 116 200 91 320 38 65 225 199 463 158 220 175
20 - 24 1,926 103 162 89 244 35 52 221 156 317 152 237 158
25 - 29 1,505 70 94 101 207 26 30 213 122 249 102 176 115
30 - 34 1,563 90 109 82 169 14 33 141 171 295 132 185 142
35 - 39 1,726 82 151 62 188 9 25 79 239 384 192 179 136
40 - 44 1,730 94 165 54 157 10 23 83 253 434 203 113 141
45 - 49 1,619 99 176 41 151 7 15 70 265 412 167 76 140
50 - 54 1,447 123 213 48 160 5 13 46 155 314 171 74 125
55 - 59 1,384 159 219 38 138 6 12 46 149 292 162 45 118
60 - 64 1,562 245 304 48 184 7 10 48 146 266 140 49 115
65 - 69 1,480 275 352 37 124 6 14 38 111 228 151 36 108
70 - 74 1,758 433 498 43 162 9 9 24 103 214 136 34 93
75+ 3,102 980 903 77 304 9 18 27 110 334 188 32 120

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


FEMALE 26,240 4,417 4,768 898 2,928 273 427 1,428 1,519 3,216 2,418 1,749 2,199

0 - 4 670 40 67 16 31 28 20 54 46 134 93 26 115

5 - 9 1,237 61 129 49 136 53 57 144 116 143 119 82 148
10 - 14 1,646 89 171 52 216 37 55 92 151 308 149 152 174
15 - 19 1,928 105 191 72 261 30 51 173 123 373 160 207 182
20 - 24 1,698 105 142 87 254 30 32 207 81 277 144 187 152
25 - 29 1,550 78 139 89 237 17 40 215 89 172 124 203 147
30 - 34 1,615 120 145 98 231 16 25 138 81 210 176 190 185
35 - 39 1,440 130 192 52 156 12 32 69 115 201 170 157 154
40 - 44 1,482 160 255 49 169 8 21 68 89 213 175 120 155
45 - 49 1,381 191 268 32 126 8 23 57 111 182 157 100 126
50 - 54 1,799 345 401 45 178 8 20 44 110 209 175 103 161
55 - 59 1,333 272 308 42 119 4 16 36 99 145 146 43 103
60 - 64 2,054 510 542 60 202 7 10 53 101 190 184 65 130
65 - 69 1,686 460 484 42 150 7 11 37 68 146 151 39 91
70 - 74 2,125 719 621 53 187 3 7 25 76 162 149 37 86
75+ 2,596 1,032 713 60 275 5 7 16 63 151 146 38 90

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 4,316,988 3,812 2,126,465 1,952 2,190,523 1,860 9 9 8

0 - 4 630,862 42 320,265 25 310,597 17 1 1 1

5 - 9 641,674 140 324,557 88 317,117 52 2 3 2
10 - 14 613,806 214 314,868 135 298,938 79 3 4 3
15 - 19 496,217 268 244,567 154 251,650 114 5 6 5
20 - 24 362,473 383 175,557 208 186,916 175 11 12 9
25 - 29 285,841 410 127,993 228 157,848 182 14 18 12
30 - 34 249,309 484 111,434 256 137,875 228 19 23 17
35 - 39 225,087 459 103,756 218 121,331 241 20 21 20
40 - 44 170,667 354 83,846 179 86,821 175 21 21 20
45 - 49 137,813 286 67,205 126 70,608 160 21 19 23
50 - 54 125,628 224 57,711 98 67,917 126 18 17 19
55 - 59 94,965 156 49,320 58 45,645 98 16 12 21
60 - 64 91,376 133 43,731 60 47,645 73 15 14 15
65 - 69 67,471 86 35,351 35 32,120 51 13 10 16
70 - 74 60,395 96 30,109 37 30,286 59 16 12 19
75+ 63,404 77 36,195 47 27,209 30 12 13 11

ALL AGES 844,040 1,100 398,795 641 445,245 459 13 16 10

0 - 4 104,018 6 52,844 4 51,174 2 1 1 -

5 - 9 97,947 34 48,891 23 49,056 11 3 5 2
10 - 14 106,074 47 52,234 34 53,840 13 4 7 2
15 - 19 119,643 90 53,892 57 65,751 33 8 11 5
20 - 24 101,230 97 45,377 71 55,853 26 10 16 5
25 - 29 77,045 152 34,652 96 42,393 56 20 28 13
30 - 34 54,533 146 25,876 91 28,657 55 27 35 19
35 - 39 47,441 132 22,078 64 25,363 68 28 29 27
40 - 44 31,562 110 16,645 65 14,917 45 35 39 30
45 - 49 24,313 72 12,287 38 12,026 34 30 31 28
50 - 54 20,444 74 8,890 37 11,554 37 36 42 32
55 - 59 14,421 35 6,280 20 8,141 15 24 32 18
60 - 64 14,317 34 5,626 16 8,691 18 24 28 21
65 - 69 10,660 20 4,365 5 6,295 15 19 11 24
70 - 74 9,841 26 3,966 7 5,875 19 26 18 32
75+ 10,551 25 4,892 13 5,659 12 24 27 21

ALL AGES 3,472,948 2,712 1,727,670 1,311 1,745,278 1,401 8 8 8

0 - 4 526,844 36 267,421 21 259,423 15 1 1 1

5 - 9 543,727 106 275,666 65 268,061 41 2 2 2
10 - 14 507,732 167 262,634 101 245,098 66 3 4 3
15 - 19 376,574 178 190,675 97 185,899 81 5 5 4
20 - 24 261,243 286 130,180 137 131,063 149 11 11 11
25 - 29 208,796 258 93,341 132 115,455 126 12 14 11
30 - 34 194,776 338 85,558 165 109,218 173 17 19 16
35 - 39 177,646 327 81,678 154 95,968 173 18 19 18
40 - 44 139,105 244 67,201 114 71,904 130 18 17 18
45 - 49 113,500 214 54,918 88 58,582 126 19 16 22
50 - 54 105,184 150 48,821 61 56,363 89 14 12 16
55 - 59 80,544 121 43,040 38 37,504 83 15 9 22
60 - 64 77,059 99 38,105 44 38,954 55 13 12 14
65 - 69 56,811 66 30,986 30 25,825 36 12 10 14
70 - 74 50,554 70 26,143 30 24,411 40 14 11 16
75+ 52,853 52 31,303 34 21,550 18 10 11 8

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 736,805 647 368,254 355 368,551 292 9 10 8

0 - 4 118,131 8 59,826 6 58,305 2 1 1 -

5 - 9 109,919 31 55,420 22 54,499 9 3 4 2
10 - 14 100,851 33 51,954 21 48,897 12 3 4 2
15 - 19 79,176 43 39,528 30 39,648 13 5 8 3
20 - 24 65,602 74 31,971 40 33,631 34 11 13 10
25 - 29 51,828 88 23,974 50 27,854 38 17 21 14
30 - 34 44,182 85 20,731 54 23,451 31 19 26 13
35 - 39 39,742 78 19,793 42 19,949 36 20 21 18
40 - 44 30,240 65 15,808 30 14,432 35 21 19 24
45 - 49 22,650 38 11,434 17 11,216 21 17 15 19
50 - 54 20,273 39 9,417 15 10,856 24 19 16 22
55 - 59 14,656 18 7,797 7 6,859 11 12 9 16
60 - 64 13,934 18 6,773 10 7,161 8 13 15 11
65 - 69 9,733 10 5,204 4 4,529 6 10 8 13
70 - 74 8,376 11 4,298 4 4,078 7 13 9 17
75+ 7,512 8 4,326 3 3,186 5 11 7 16

ALL AGES 107,999 152 49,642 90 58,357 62 14 18 11

0 - 4 15,189 1 7,586 1 7,603 - 1 1 -

5 - 9 13,081 7 6,337 5 6,744 2 5 8 3
10 - 14 13,463 4 6,708 3 6,755 1 3 4 1
15 - 19 13,339 7 5,825 5 7,514 2 5 9 3
20 - 24 12,329 14 4,865 10 7,464 4 11 21 5
25 - 29 9,803 33 4,101 19 5,702 14 34 46 25
30 - 34 7,237 24 3,286 18 3,951 6 33 55 15
35 - 39 6,285 13 2,857 8 3,428 5 21 28 15
40 - 44 4,345 16 2,313 8 2,032 8 37 35 39
45 - 49 3,118 8 1,637 5 1,481 3 26 31 20
50 - 54 2,545 11 1,087 4 1,458 7 43 37 48
55 - 59 1,721 2 748 1 973 1 12 13 10
60 - 64 1,760 3 631 1 1,129 2 17 16 18
65 - 69 1,367 1 580 - 787 1 7 - 13
70 - 74 1,182 3 475 1 707 2 25 21 28
75+ 1,235 5 606 1 629 4 40 17 64

ALL AGES 628,806 495 318,612 265 310,194 230 8 8 7

0 - 4 102,942 7 52,240 5 50,702 2 1 1 -

5 - 9 96,838 24 49,083 17 47,755 7 2 3 1
10 - 14 87,388 29 45,246 18 42,142 11 3 4 3
15 - 19 65,837 36 33,703 25 32,134 11 5 7 3
20 - 24 53,273 60 27,106 30 26,167 30 11 11 11
25 - 29 42,025 55 19,873 31 22,152 24 13 16 11
30 - 34 36,945 61 17,445 36 19,500 25 17 21 13
35 - 39 33,457 65 16,936 34 16,521 31 19 20 19
40 - 44 25,895 49 13,495 22 12,400 27 19 16 22
45 - 49 19,532 30 9,797 12 9,735 18 15 12 18
50 - 54 17,728 28 8,330 11 9,398 17 16 13 18
55 - 59 12,935 16 7,049 6 5,886 10 12 9 17
60 - 64 12,174 15 6,142 9 6,032 6 12 15 10
65 - 69 8,366 9 4,624 4 3,742 5 11 9 13
70 - 74 7,194 8 3,823 3 3,371 5 11 8 15
75+ 6,277 3 3,720 2 2,557 1 5 5 4

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 1,245,824 1,144 613,797 578 632,027 566 9 9 9

0 - 4 181,213 13 91,986 6 89,227 7 1 1 1

5 - 9 187,626 33 94,718 19 92,908 14 2 2 2
10 - 14 181,756 58 93,178 35 88,578 23 3 4 3
15 - 19 140,418 85 70,341 49 70,077 36 6 7 5
20 - 24 97,398 121 49,100 69 48,298 52 12 14 11
25 - 29 75,195 104 32,215 57 42,980 47 14 18 11
30 - 34 71,071 141 30,213 70 40,858 71 20 23 17
35 - 39 66,864 141 30,754 59 36,110 82 21 19 23
40 - 44 49,009 111 23,766 59 25,243 52 23 25 21
45 - 49 40,327 97 19,066 42 21,261 55 24 22 26
50 - 54 38,029 68 17,123 33 20,906 35 18 19 17
55 - 59 29,361 48 15,351 19 14,010 29 16 12 21
60 - 64 29,059 45 14,241 19 14,818 26 15 13 18
65 - 69 21,446 34 11,558 17 9,888 17 16 15 17
70 - 74 19,182 26 9,808 12 9,374 14 14 12 15
75+ 17,870 19 10,379 13 7,491 6 11 13 8

ALL AGES 176,453 293 81,844 156 94,609 137 17 19 14

0 - 4 23,741 1 12,032 - 11,709 1 - - 1

5 - 9 21,565 4 10,817 2 10,748 2 2 2 2
10 - 14 22,342 11 10,964 7 11,378 4 5 6 4
15 - 19 24,543 21 11,125 14 13,418 7 9 13 5
20 - 24 19,646 24 8,684 17 10,962 7 12 20 6
25 - 29 15,193 24 6,096 14 9,097 10 16 23 11
30 - 34 11,367 34 4,888 21 6,479 13 30 43 20
35 - 39 10,265 51 4,694 19 5,571 32 50 40 57
40 - 44 6,351 34 3,403 21 2,948 13 54 62 44
45 - 49 4,803 29 2,461 12 2,342 17 60 49 73
50 - 54 4,035 21 1,716 11 2,319 10 52 64 43
55 - 59 2,774 7 1,150 5 1,624 2 25 43 12
60 - 64 3,088 14 1,137 6 1,951 8 45 53 41
65 - 69 2,336 8 895 2 1,441 6 34 22 42
70 - 74 2,222 4 832 1 1,390 3 18 12 22
75+ 2,182 6 950 4 1,232 2 27 42 16

ALL AGES 1,069,371 851 531,953 422 537,418 429 8 8 8

0 - 4 157,472 12 79,954 6 77,518 6 1 1 1

5 - 9 166,061 29 83,901 17 82,160 12 2 2 1
10 - 14 159,414 47 82,214 28 77,200 19 3 3 2
15 - 19 115,875 64 59,216 35 56,659 29 6 6 5
20 - 24 77,752 97 40,416 52 37,336 45 12 13 12
25 - 29 60,002 80 26,119 43 33,883 37 13 16 11
30 - 34 59,704 107 25,325 49 34,379 58 18 19 17
35 - 39 56,599 90 26,060 40 30,539 50 16 15 16
40 - 44 42,658 77 20,363 38 22,295 39 18 19 17
45 - 49 35,524 68 16,605 30 18,919 38 19 18 20
50 - 54 33,994 47 15,407 22 18,587 25 14 14 13
55 - 59 26,587 41 14,201 14 12,386 27 15 10 22
60 - 64 25,971 31 13,104 13 12,867 18 12 10 14
65 - 69 19,110 26 10,663 15 8,447 11 14 14 13
70 - 74 16,960 22 8,976 11 7,984 11 13 12 14
75+ 15,688 13 9,429 9 6,259 4 8 10 6

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 755,343 723 359,638 318 395,705 405 10 9 10

0 - 4 104,988 6 53,531 5 51,457 1 1 1 -

5 - 9 115,700 26 58,521 12 57,179 14 2 2 2
10 - 14 117,337 51 59,826 27 57,511 24 4 5 4
15 - 19 90,802 46 44,040 18 46,762 28 5 4 6
20 - 24 54,654 52 24,729 26 29,925 26 10 11 9
25 - 29 42,680 66 16,814 33 25,866 33 15 20 13
30 - 34 37,421 78 14,535 34 22,886 44 21 23 19
35 - 39 36,441 89 14,435 36 22,006 53 24 25 24
40 - 44 26,145 59 11,880 24 14,265 35 23 20 25
45 - 49 25,713 64 11,367 29 14,346 35 25 26 24
50 - 54 22,272 43 9,529 17 12,743 26 19 18 20
55 - 59 18,323 40 8,895 8 9,428 32 22 9 34
60 - 64 18,148 30 8,141 12 10,007 18 17 15 18
65 - 69 15,065 19 7,498 7 7,567 12 13 9 16
70 - 74 13,723 31 6,669 14 7,054 17 23 21 24
75+ 15,931 23 9,228 16 6,703 7 14 17 10

ALL AGES 146,064 175 66,321 85 79,743 90 12 13 11

0 - 4 19,534 1 9,989 1 9,545 - 1 1 -

5 - 9 18,851 6 9,377 2 9,474 4 3 2 4
10 - 14 19,638 11 9,695 6 9,943 5 6 6 5
15 - 19 21,900 21 9,830 9 12,070 12 10 9 10
20 - 24 15,153 14 6,195 11 8,958 3 9 18 3
25 - 29 12,029 21 4,583 10 7,446 11 17 22 15
30 - 34 8,983 19 3,677 9 5,306 10 21 24 19
35 - 39 8,061 20 3,423 8 4,638 12 25 23 26
40 - 44 4,866 11 2,459 6 2,407 5 23 24 21
45 - 49 4,070 12 1,926 7 2,144 5 29 36 23
50 - 54 3,165 11 1,330 5 1,835 6 35 38 33
55 - 59 2,220 9 867 3 1,353 6 41 35 44
60 - 64 2,375 5 851 3 1,524 2 21 35 13
65 - 69 1,802 4 649 1 1,153 3 22 15 26
70 - 74 1,634 7 636 2 998 5 43 31 50
75+ 1,783 3 834 2 949 1 17 24 11

ALL AGES 609,279 548 293,317 233 315,962 315 9 8 10

0 - 4 85,454 5 43,542 4 41,912 1 1 1 -

5 - 9 96,849 20 49,144 10 47,705 10 2 2 2
10 - 14 97,699 40 50,131 21 47,568 19 4 4 4
15 - 19 68,902 25 34,210 9 34,692 16 4 3 5
20 - 24 39,501 38 18,534 15 20,967 23 10 8 11
25 - 29 30,651 45 12,231 23 18,420 22 15 19 12
30 - 34 28,438 59 10,858 25 17,580 34 21 23 19
35 - 39 28,380 69 11,012 28 17,368 41 24 25 24
40 - 44 21,279 48 9,421 18 11,858 30 23 19 25
45 - 49 21,643 52 9,441 22 12,202 30 24 23 25
50 - 54 19,107 32 8,199 12 10,908 20 17 15 18
55 - 59 16,103 31 8,028 5 8,075 26 19 6 32
60 - 64 15,773 25 7,290 9 8,483 16 16 12 19
65 - 69 13,263 15 6,849 6 6,414 9 11 9 14
70 - 74 12,089 24 6,033 12 6,056 12 20 20 20
75+ 14,148 20 8,394 14 5,754 6 14 17 10

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 1,006,504 764 497,280 385 509,224 379 8 8 7

0 - 4 145,919 9 73,874 5 72,045 4 1 1 1

5 - 9 154,937 33 78,553 24 76,384 9 2 3 1
10 - 14 144,118 48 74,732 37 69,386 11 3 5 2
15 - 19 114,996 49 57,672 29 57,324 20 4 5 3
20 - 24 75,585 70 36,688 35 38,897 35 9 10 9
25 - 29 63,208 80 28,303 41 34,905 39 13 14 11
30 - 34 58,946 108 25,715 52 33,231 56 18 20 17
35 - 39 52,210 97 23,388 50 28,822 47 19 21 16
40 - 44 42,988 64 20,120 35 22,868 29 15 17 13
45 - 49 32,504 55 16,369 19 16,135 36 17 12 22
50 - 54 30,676 45 14,624 18 16,052 27 15 12 17
55 - 59 22,954 32 12,178 11 10,776 21 14 9 19
60 - 64 21,769 26 10,503 12 11,266 14 12 11 12
65 - 69 15,084 14 8,055 4 7,029 10 9 5 14
70 - 74 14,060 20 6,996 6 7,064 14 14 9 20
75+ 16,550 14 9,510 7 7,040 7 8 7 10

ALL AGES 125,787 132 59,328 83 66,459 49 10 14 7

0 - 4 13,630 1 6,900 - 6,730 1 1 - 1

5 - 9 14,507 7 7,248 6 7,259 1 5 8 1
10 - 14 17,601 7 8,831 6 8,770 1 4 7 1
15 - 19 19,513 12 9,322 8 10,191 4 6 9 4
20 - 24 12,715 7 6,108 6 6,607 1 6 10 2
25 - 29 9,726 20 4,540 15 5,186 5 21 33 10
30 - 34 7,364 20 3,304 13 4,060 7 27 39 17
35 - 39 6,775 14 2,845 9 3,930 5 21 32 13
40 - 44 5,232 13 2,404 8 2,828 5 25 33 18
45 - 49 3,625 8 1,675 4 1,950 4 22 24 21
50 - 54 3,611 7 1,447 3 2,164 4 19 21 18
55 - 59 2,587 2 1,043 1 1,544 1 8 10 6
60 - 64 2,725 4 1,026 1 1,699 3 15 10 18
65 - 69 1,825 1 724 - 1,101 1 5 - 9
70 - 74 2,023 6 813 2 1,210 4 30 25 33
75+ 2,328 3 1,098 1 1,230 2 13 9 16

ALL AGES 880,717 632 437,952 302 442,765 330 7 7 7

0 - 4 132,289 8 66,974 5 65,315 3 1 1 -

5 - 9 140,430 26 71,305 18 69,125 8 2 3 1
10 - 14 126,517 41 65,901 31 60,616 10 3 5 2
15 - 19 95,483 37 48,350 21 47,133 16 4 4 3
20 - 24 62,870 63 30,580 29 32,290 34 10 9 11
25 - 29 53,482 60 23,763 26 29,719 34 11 11 11
30 - 34 51,582 88 22,411 39 29,171 49 17 17 17
35 - 39 45,435 83 20,543 41 24,892 42 18 20 17
40 - 44 37,756 51 17,716 27 20,040 24 14 15 12
45 - 49 28,879 47 14,694 15 14,185 32 16 10 23
50 - 54 27,065 38 13,177 15 13,888 23 14 11 17
55 - 59 20,367 30 11,135 10 9,232 20 15 9 22
60 - 64 19,044 22 9,477 11 9,567 11 12 12 11
65 - 69 13,259 13 7,331 4 5,928 9 10 5 15
70 - 74 12,037 14 6,183 4 5,854 10 12 6 17
75+ 14,222 11 8,412 6 5,810 5 8 7 9

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 356,598 264 182,571 141 174,027 123 7 8 7

0 - 4 58,213 5 29,640 2 28,573 3 1 1 1

5 - 9 51,759 10 26,380 6 25,379 4 2 2 2
10 - 14 44,458 13 22,969 5 21,489 8 3 2 4
15 - 19 39,101 19 18,896 8 20,205 11 5 4 5
20 - 24 36,926 36 17,713 16 19,213 20 10 9 10
25 - 29 30,266 32 15,507 18 14,759 14 11 12 9
30 - 34 23,495 34 12,560 24 10,935 10 14 19 9
35 - 39 18,029 32 9,423 19 8,606 13 18 20 15
40 - 44 14,572 27 8,042 12 6,530 15 19 15 23
45 - 49 10,369 20 5,833 12 4,536 8 19 21 18
50 - 54 9,194 8 4,699 2 4,495 6 9 4 13
55 - 59 5,897 9 3,414 9 2,483 - 15 26 -
60 - 64 5,092 7 2,626 3 2,466 4 14 11 16
65 - 69 3,554 5 1,932 2 1,622 3 14 10 18
70 - 74 2,735 2 1,367 - 1,368 2 7 - 15
75+ 2,938 5 1,570 3 1,368 2 17 19 15

ALL AGES 71,823 78 36,735 52 35,088 26 11 14 7

0 - 4 9,526 1 4,929 1 4,597 - 1 2 -

5 - 9 8,210 3 4,147 3 4,063 - 4 7 -
10 - 14 7,744 3 3,827 2 3,917 1 4 5 3
15 - 19 8,624 3 3,700 1 4,924 2 3 3 4
20 - 24 9,079 8 4,169 5 4,910 3 9 12 6
25 - 29 7,630 14 4,152 9 3,478 5 18 22 14
30 - 34 5,388 11 3,041 8 2,347 3 20 26 13
35 - 39 4,254 12 2,296 8 1,958 4 28 35 20
40 - 44 3,055 8 1,836 3 1,219 5 26 16 41
45 - 49 2,447 3 1,452 3 995 - 12 21 -
50 - 54 1,904 3 991 1 913 2 16 10 22
55 - 59 1,345 6 787 6 558 - 45 76 -
60 - 64 995 1 534 1 461 - 10 19 -
65 - 69 741 2 413 1 328 1 27 24 30
70 - 74 461 - 239 - 222 - - - -
75+ 420 - 222 - 198 - - - -

ALL AGES 284,775 186 145,836 89 138,939 97 7 6 7

0 - 4 48,687 4 24,711 1 23,976 3 1 - 1

5 - 9 43,549 7 22,233 3 21,316 4 2 1 2
10 - 14 36,714 10 19,142 3 17,572 7 3 2 4
15 - 19 30,477 16 15,196 7 15,281 9 5 5 6
20 - 24 27,847 28 13,544 11 14,303 17 10 8 12
25 - 29 22,636 18 11,355 9 11,281 9 8 8 8
30 - 34 18,107 23 9,519 16 8,588 7 13 17 8
35 - 39 13,775 20 7,127 11 6,648 9 15 15 14
40 - 44 11,517 19 6,206 9 5,311 10 16 15 19
45 - 49 7,922 17 4,381 9 3,541 8 21 21 23
50 - 54 7,290 5 3,708 1 3,582 4 7 3 11
55 - 59 4,552 3 2,627 3 1,925 - 7 11 -
60 - 64 4,097 6 2,092 2 2,005 4 15 10 20
65 - 69 2,813 3 1,519 1 1,294 2 11 7 15
70 - 74 2,274 2 1,128 - 1,146 2 9 - 17
75+ 2,518 5 1,348 3 1,170 2 20 22 17

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 215,914 270 104,925 175 110,989 95 13 17 9

0 - 4 22,398 1 11,408 1 10,990 - - 1 -

5 - 9 21,733 7 10,965 5 10,768 2 3 5 2
10 - 14 25,286 11 12,209 10 13,077 1 4 8 1
15 - 19 31,724 26 14,090 20 17,634 6 8 14 3
20 - 24 32,308 30 15,356 22 16,952 8 9 14 5
25 - 29 22,664 40 11,180 29 11,484 11 18 26 10
30 - 34 14,194 38 7,680 22 6,514 16 27 29 25
35 - 39 11,801 22 5,963 12 5,838 10 19 20 17
40 - 44 7,713 28 4,230 19 3,483 9 36 45 26
45 - 49 6,250 12 3,136 7 3,114 5 19 22 16
50 - 54 5,184 21 2,319 13 2,865 8 41 56 28
55 - 59 3,774 9 1,685 4 2,089 5 24 24 24
60 - 64 3,374 7 1,447 4 1,927 3 21 28 16
65 - 69 2,589 4 1,104 1 1,485 3 15 9 20
70 - 74 2,319 6 971 1 1,348 5 26 10 37
75+ 2,603 8 1,182 5 1,421 3 31 42 21

ALL AGES 215,914 270 104,925 175 110,989 95 13 17 9

0 - 4 22,398 1 11,408 1 10,990 - - 1 -

5 - 9 21,733 7 10,965 5 10,768 2 3 5 2
10 - 14 25,286 11 12,209 10 13,077 1 4 8 1
15 - 19 31,724 26 14,090 20 17,634 6 8 14 3
20 - 24 32,308 30 15,356 22 16,952 8 9 14 5
25 - 29 22,664 40 11,180 29 11,484 11 18 26 10
30 - 34 14,194 38 7,680 22 6,514 16 27 29 25
35 - 39 11,801 22 5,963 12 5,838 10 19 20 17
40 - 44 7,713 28 4,230 19 3,483 9 36 45 26
45 - 49 6,250 12 3,136 7 3,114 5 19 22 16
50 - 54 5,184 21 2,319 13 2,865 8 41 56 28
55 - 59 3,774 9 1,685 4 2,089 5 24 24 24
60 - 64 3,374 7 1,447 4 1,927 3 21 28 16
65 - 69 2,589 4 1,104 1 1,485 3 15 9 20
70 - 74 2,319 6 971 1 1,348 5 26 10 37
75+ 2,603 8 1,182 5 1,421 3 31 42 21

4.2 Orphanhood Status
Orphanhood can be defined as the condition of being a child without living biological
parents or a child deprived by death of one or usually both of his/her biological
parents. Information on Orphanhood status of children under age 18 (survival status of
the parents) was collected on complete count basis for every household member. The
data on the survival status of parents for children less than 18 years are summarized
as Only Mothers alive, Only Fathers alive, Both deceased (Double orphaned) and Both
alive (Non-orphaned) categories.

The continuous increase in social problem due to orphanhood in Ethiopia and the lists
of topics suggested in the Principles and Recommendations for Population and
Housing Census has brought an idea of collecting information on orphanhood in the
2007 Population and Housing Census. Having this in mind, two basic questions on
orphanhood status were administered in the 2007 Population and Housing Census.
These are:
i. “Is NAME’s biological mother alive?” and
ii. “Is NAME’s biological father alive?”
Using the answers for these two questions, children have been classified as orphaned
or non-orphaned. Based on these, children less than 18 years are said to be orphaned
if they have lost one or both of their parent(s) by death.

N.B: - It is important to note that orphanhood status of children is considered only in

relation to their biological parents, but not attached to other kinship relations or other

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 2,177,009 1,959,720 142,232 42,977 29,834 2,246

0-4 630,862 609,186 12,879 4,458 4,017 322
5-9 641,674 589,667 34,575 10,726 6,547 159
10-14 613,806 527,306 57,765 16,987 11,448 300
15-17 290,667 233,561 37,013 10,806 7,822 1,465

Male 1,107,606 997,057 72,603 21,622 15,101 1,223

0-4 320,265 309,351 6,378 2,343 2,013 180
5-9 324,557 298,288 17,560 5,386 3,243 80
10-14 314,868 270,403 29,726 8,653 5,923 163
15-17 147,916 119,015 18,939 5,240 3,922 800

Female 1,069,403 962,663 69,629 21,355 14,733 1,023

0-4 310,597 299,835 6,501 2,115 2,004 142
5-9 317,117 291,379 17,015 5,340 3,304 79
10-14 298,938 256,903 28,039 8,334 5,525 137
15-17 142,751 114,546 18,074 5,566 3,900 665

Both Sexes 370,899 316,026 36,370 8,259 9,418 826

0-4 104,018 99,470 3,076 640 682 150
5-9 97,947 86,486 8,098 1,647 1,648 68
10-14 106,074 84,607 14,244 3,271 3,842 110
15-17 62,860 45,463 10,952 2,701 3,246 498

Male 183,130 156,409 17,908 3,839 4,539 435

0-4 52,844 50,602 1,476 326 346 94
5-9 48,891 43,209 4,038 799 811 34
10-14 52,234 41,604 7,118 1,577 1,875 60
15-17 29,161 20,994 5,276 1,137 1,507 247

Female 187,769 159,617 18,462 4,420 4,879 391

0-4 51,174 48,868 1,600 314 336 56
5-9 49,056 43,277 4,060 848 837 34
10-14 53,840 43,003 7,126 1,694 1,967 50
15-17 33,699 24,469 5,676 1,564 1,739 251

Both Sexes 1,806,110 1,643,694 105,862 34,718 20,416 1,420

0-4 526,844 509,716 9,803 3,818 3,335 172
5-9 543,727 503,181 26,477 9,079 4,899 91
10-14 507,732 442,699 43,521 13,716 7,606 190
15-17 227,807 188,098 26,061 8,105 4,576 967

Male 924,476 840,648 54,695 17,783 10,562 788

0-4 267,421 258,749 4,902 2,017 1,667 86
5-9 275,666 255,079 13,522 4,587 2,432 46
10-14 262,634 228,799 22,608 7,076 4,048 103
15-17 118,755 98,021 13,663 4,103 2,415 553

Female 881,634 803,046 51,167 16,935 9,854 632

0-4 259,423 250,967 4,901 1,801 1,668 86
5-9 268,061 248,102 12,955 4,492 2,467 45
10-14 245,098 213,900 20,913 6,640 3,558 87
15-17 109,052 90,077 12,398 4,002 2,161 414

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 374,820 337,754 23,478 8,629 4,627 332

0-4 118,131 114,016 2,313 996 761 45
5-9 109,919 101,079 5,653 2,195 968 24
10-14 100,851 86,193 9,484 3,407 1,724 43
15-17 45,919 36,466 6,028 2,031 1,174 220

Male 191,134 171,960 12,139 4,452 2,400 183

0-4 59,826 57,792 1,130 507 372 25
5-9 55,420 50,925 2,876 1,112 495 12
10-14 51,954 44,294 4,955 1,770 909 26
15-17 23,934 18,949 3,178 1,063 624 120

Female 183,686 165,794 11,339 4,177 2,227 149

0-4 58,305 56,224 1,183 489 389 20
5-9 54,499 50,154 2,777 1,083 473 12
10-14 48,897 41,899 4,529 1,637 815 17
15-17 21,985 17,517 2,850 968 550 100

Both Sexes 48,829 41,974 4,732 1,084 950 89

0-4 15,189 14,533 454 88 96 18
5-9 13,081 11,581 1,099 228 164 9
10-14 13,463 10,763 1,865 447 377 11
15-17 7,096 5,097 1,314 321 313 51

Male 23,910 20,575 2,322 509 456 48

0-4 7,586 7,290 200 35 51 10
5-9 6,337 5,594 549 107 82 5
10-14 6,708 5,356 943 224 176 9
15-17 3,279 2,335 630 143 147 24

Female 24,919 21,399 2,410 575 494 41

0-4 7,603 7,243 254 53 45 8
5-9 6,744 5,987 550 121 82 4
10-14 6,755 5,407 922 223 201 2
15-17 3,817 2,762 684 178 166 27

Both Sexes 325,991 295,780 18,746 7,545 3,677 243

0-4 102,942 99,483 1,859 908 665 27
5-9 96,838 89,498 4,554 1,967 804 15
10-14 87,388 75,430 7,619 2,960 1,347 32
15-17 38,823 31,369 4,714 1,710 861 169

Male 167,224 151,385 9,817 3,943 1,944 135

0-4 52,240 50,502 930 472 321 15
5-9 49,083 45,331 2,327 1,005 413 7
10-14 45,246 38,938 4,012 1,546 733 17
15-17 20,655 16,614 2,548 920 477 96

Female 158,767 144,395 8,929 3,602 1,733 108

0-4 50,702 48,981 929 436 344 12
5-9 47,755 44,167 2,227 962 391 8
10-14 42,142 36,492 3,607 1,414 614 15
15-17 18,168 14,755 2,166 790 384 73

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 634,371 577,392 38,046 11,175 7,278 480

0-4 181,213 175,449 3,368 1,183 1,144 69
5-9 187,626 174,046 9,126 2,769 1,655 30
10-14 181,756 158,941 15,592 4,463 2,697 63
15-17 83,776 68,956 9,960 2,760 1,782 318

Male 322,421 293,684 19,217 5,620 3,652 248

0-4 91,986 89,046 1,679 629 597 35
5-9 94,718 87,937 4,574 1,380 813 14
10-14 93,178 81,564 7,944 2,270 1,375 25
15-17 42,539 35,137 5,020 1,341 867 174

Female 311,950 283,708 18,829 5,555 3,626 232

0-4 89,227 86,403 1,689 554 547 34
5-9 92,908 86,109 4,552 1,389 842 16
10-14 88,578 77,377 7,648 2,193 1,322 38
15-17 41,237 33,819 4,940 1,419 915 144

Both Sexes 80,202 69,818 7,010 1,555 1,684 135

0-4 23,741 22,836 593 135 152 25
5-9 21,565 19,337 1,589 285 347 7
10-14 22,342 18,321 2,712 629 656 24
15-17 12,554 9,324 2,116 506 529 79

Male 39,612 34,589 3,414 756 786 67

0-4 12,032 11,592 278 78 70 14
5-9 10,817 9,721 782 133 179 2
10-14 10,964 8,965 1,360 322 307 10
15-17 5,799 4,311 994 223 230 41

Female 40,590 35,229 3,596 799 898 68

0-4 11,709 11,244 315 57 82 11
5-9 10,748 9,616 807 152 168 5
10-14 11,378 9,356 1,352 307 349 14
15-17 6,755 5,013 1,122 283 299 38

Both Sexes 554,169 507,574 31,036 9,620 5,594 345

0-4 157,472 152,613 2,775 1,048 992 44
5-9 166,061 154,709 7,537 2,484 1,308 23
10-14 159,414 140,620 12,880 3,834 2,041 39
15-17 71,222 59,632 7,844 2,254 1,253 239

Male 282,809 259,095 15,803 4,864 2,866 181

0-4 79,954 77,454 1,401 551 527 21
5-9 83,901 78,216 3,792 1,247 634 12
10-14 82,214 72,599 6,584 1,948 1,068 15
15-17 36,740 30,826 4,026 1,118 637 133

Female 271,360 248,479 15,233 4,756 2,728 164

0-4 77,518 75,159 1,374 497 465 23
5-9 82,160 76,493 3,745 1,237 674 11
10-14 77,200 68,021 6,296 1,886 973 24
15-17 34,482 28,806 3,818 1,136 616 106

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 392,944 353,496 26,742 7,044 5,295 367

0-4 104,988 101,584 2,061 633 656 54
5-9 115,700 106,292 6,519 1,675 1,182 32
10-14 117,337 101,171 11,164 2,856 2,110 36
15-17 54,919 44,449 6,998 1,880 1,347 245

Male 199,285 179,382 13,563 3,514 2,662 164

0-4 53,531 51,803 1,041 336 324 27
5-9 58,521 53,760 3,332 847 576 6
10-14 59,826 51,584 5,694 1,443 1,090 15
15-17 27,407 22,235 3,496 888 672 116

Female 193,659 174,114 13,179 3,530 2,633 203

0-4 51,457 49,781 1,020 297 332 27
5-9 57,179 52,532 3,187 828 606 26
10-14 57,511 49,587 5,470 1,413 1,020 21
15-17 27,512 22,214 3,502 992 675 129

Both Sexes 69,683 59,868 6,852 1,190 1,640 133

0-4 19,534 18,736 555 96 120 27
5-9 18,851 16,720 1,573 242 300 16
10-14 19,638 15,826 2,679 447 679 7
15-17 11,660 8,586 2,045 405 541 83

Male 34,433 29,675 3,369 527 808 54

0-4 9,989 9,592 269 55 57 16
5-9 9,377 8,349 752 121 152 3
10-14 9,695 7,797 1,351 196 349 2
15-17 5,372 3,937 997 155 250 33

Female 35,250 30,193 3,483 663 832 79

0-4 9,545 9,144 286 41 63 11
5-9 9,474 8,371 821 121 148 13
10-14 9,943 8,029 1,328 251 330 5
15-17 6,288 4,649 1,048 250 291 50

Both Sexes 323,261 293,628 19,890 5,854 3,655 234

0-4 85,454 82,848 1,506 537 536 27
5-9 96,849 89,572 4,946 1,433 882 16
10-14 97,699 85,345 8,485 2,409 1,431 29
15-17 43,259 35,863 4,953 1,475 806 162

Male 164,852 149,707 10,194 2,987 1,854 110

0-4 43,542 42,211 772 281 267 11
5-9 49,144 45,411 2,580 726 424 3
10-14 50,131 43,787 4,343 1,247 741 13
15-17 22,035 18,298 2,499 733 422 83

Female 158,409 143,921 9,696 2,867 1,801 124

0-4 41,912 40,637 734 256 269 16
5-9 47,705 44,161 2,366 707 458 13
10-14 47,568 41,558 4,142 1,162 690 16
15-17 21,224 17,565 2,454 742 384 79

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 512,934 462,996 32,251 9,697 7,414 576

0-4 145,919 140,769 3,152 972 973 53
5-9 154,937 142,395 8,193 2,554 1,763 32
10-14 144,118 124,332 13,030 3,824 2,852 80
15-17 67,960 55,500 7,876 2,347 1,826 411

Male 262,450 236,753 16,646 4,938 3,781 332

0-4 73,874 71,312 1,562 498 474 28
5-9 78,553 72,226 4,126 1,291 891 19
10-14 74,732 64,356 6,822 1,999 1,502 53
15-17 35,291 28,859 4,136 1,150 914 232

Female 250,484 226,243 15,605 4,759 3,633 244

0-4 72,045 69,457 1,590 474 499 25
5-9 76,384 70,169 4,067 1,263 872 13
10-14 69,386 59,976 6,208 1,825 1,350 27
15-17 32,669 26,641 3,740 1,197 912 179

Both Sexes 56,674 46,612 6,585 1,603 1,723 151

0-4 13,630 12,889 546 94 91 10
5-9 14,507 12,413 1,446 347 293 8
10-14 17,601 13,530 2,695 649 713 14
15-17 10,936 7,780 1,898 513 626 119

Male 28,261 23,248 3,298 787 842 86

0-4 6,900 6,534 275 41 43 7
5-9 7,248 6,209 726 173 137 3
10-14 8,831 6,772 1,359 330 360 10
15-17 5,282 3,733 938 243 302 66

Female 28,413 23,364 3,287 816 881 65

0-4 6,730 6,355 271 53 48 3
5-9 7,259 6,204 720 174 156 5
10-14 8,770 6,758 1,336 319 353 4
15-17 5,654 4,047 960 270 324 53

Both Sexes 456,260 416,384 25,666 8,094 5,691 425

0-4 132,289 127,880 2,606 878 882 43
5-9 140,430 129,982 6,747 2,207 1,470 24
10-14 126,517 110,802 10,335 3,175 2,139 66
15-17 57,024 47,720 5,978 1,834 1,200 292

Male 234,189 213,505 13,348 4,151 2,939 246

0-4 66,974 64,778 1,287 457 431 21
5-9 71,305 66,017 3,400 1,118 754 16
10-14 65,901 57,584 5,463 1,669 1,142 43
15-17 30,009 25,126 3,198 907 612 166

Female 222,071 202,879 12,318 3,943 2,752 179

0-4 65,315 63,102 1,319 421 451 22
5-9 69,125 63,965 3,347 1,089 716 8
10-14 60,616 53,218 4,872 1,506 997 23
15-17 27,015 22,594 2,780 927 588 126

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 176,360 155,592 13,580 4,398 2,548 242

0-4 58,213 55,966 1,345 527 327 48
5-9 51,759 46,574 3,447 1,167 550 21
10-14 44,458 36,480 5,361 1,619 964 34
15-17 21,930 16,572 3,427 1,085 707 139

Male 90,413 79,703 7,038 2,190 1,322 160

0-4 29,640 28,511 647 294 158 30
5-9 26,380 23,729 1,808 571 257 15
10-14 22,969 18,867 2,769 787 522 24
15-17 11,424 8,596 1,814 538 385 91

Female 85,947 75,889 6,542 2,208 1,226 82

0-4 28,573 27,455 698 233 169 18
5-9 25,379 22,845 1,639 596 293 6
10-14 21,489 17,613 2,592 832 442 10
15-17 10,506 7,976 1,613 547 322 48

Both Sexes 29,931 25,264 3,056 793 749 69

0-4 9,526 9,074 288 80 67 17
5-9 8,210 7,154 754 179 115 8
10-14 7,744 5,978 1,159 281 316 10
15-17 4,451 3,058 855 253 251 34

Male 15,011 12,747 1,505 352 363 44

0-4 4,929 4,707 135 38 37 12
5-9 4,147 3,625 385 80 50 7
10-14 3,827 2,976 563 121 158 9
15-17 2,108 1,439 422 113 118 16

Female 14,920 12,517 1,551 441 386 25

0-4 4,597 4,367 153 42 30 5
5-9 4,063 3,529 369 99 65 1
10-14 3,917 3,002 596 160 158 1
15-17 2,343 1,619 433 140 133 18

Both Sexes 146,429 130,328 10,524 3,605 1,799 173

0-4 48,687 46,892 1,057 447 260 31
5-9 43,549 39,420 2,693 988 435 13
10-14 36,714 30,502 4,202 1,338 648 24
15-17 17,479 13,514 2,572 832 456 105

Male 75,402 66,956 5,533 1,838 959 116

0-4 24,711 23,804 512 256 121 18
5-9 22,233 20,104 1,423 491 207 8
10-14 19,142 15,891 2,206 666 364 15
15-17 9,316 7,157 1,392 425 267 75

Female 71,027 63,372 4,991 1,767 840 57

0-4 23,976 23,088 545 191 139 13
5-9 21,316 19,316 1,270 497 228 5
10-14 17,572 14,611 1,996 672 284 9
15-17 8,163 6,357 1,180 407 189 30

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 85,580 72,490 8,135 2,034 2,672 249

0-4 22,398 21,402 640 147 156 53
5-9 21,733 19,281 1,637 366 429 20
10-14 25,286 20,189 3,134 818 1,101 44
15-17 16,163 11,618 2,724 703 986 132

Male 41,903 35,575 4,000 908 1,284 136

0-4 11,408 10,887 319 79 88 35
5-9 10,965 9,711 844 185 211 14
10-14 12,209 9,738 1,542 384 525 20
15-17 7,321 5,239 1,295 260 460 67

Female 43,677 36,915 4,135 1,126 1,388 113

0-4 10,990 10,515 321 68 68 18
5-9 10,768 9,570 793 181 218 6
10-14 13,077 10,451 1,592 434 576 24
15-17 8,842 6,379 1,429 443 526 65

Both Sexes 85,580 72,490 8,135 2,034 2,672 249

0-4 22,398 21,402 640 147 156 53
5-9 21,733 19,281 1,637 366 429 20
10-14 25,286 20,189 3,134 818 1,101 44
15-17 16,163 11,618 2,724 703 986 132

Male 41,903 35,575 4,000 908 1,284 136

0-4 11,408 10,887 319 79 88 35
5-9 10,965 9,711 844 185 211 14
10-14 12,209 9,738 1,542 384 525 20
15-17 7,321 5,239 1,295 260 460 67

Female 43,677 36,915 4,135 1,126 1,388 113

0-4 10,990 10,515 321 68 68 18
5-9 10,768 9,570 793 181 218 6
10-14 13,077 10,451 1,592 434 576 24
15-17 8,842 6,379 1,429 443 526 65

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 2,177,009 1,959,720 142,232 42,977 29,834 2,246

Male 1,107,606 997,057 72,603 21,622 15,101 1,223
Female 1,069,403 962,663 69,629 21,355 14,733 1,023

Both Sexes 374,820 337,754 23,478 8,629 4,627 332

Male 191,134 171,960 12,139 4,452 2,400 183
Female 183,686 165,794 11,339 4,177 2,227 149

Both Sexes 45,985 40,884 3,257 1,257 539 48

Male 23,819 21,163 1,677 670 283 26
Female 22,166 19,721 1,580 587 256 22

Both Sexes 58,642 53,591 3,217 1,141 661 32

Male 29,905 27,208 1,736 591 352 18
Female 28,737 26,383 1,481 550 309 14

Both Sexes 62,400 56,802 3,773 1,130 642 53

Male 31,893 29,069 1,879 578 344 23
Female 30,507 27,733 1,894 552 298 30

Both Sexes 34,857 31,887 1,931 630 380 29

Male 17,827 16,233 1,015 346 217 16
Female 17,030 15,654 916 284 163 13

Both Sexes 70,944 64,552 3,819 1,774 744 55

Male 36,236 32,947 1,980 870 404 35
Female 34,708 31,605 1,839 904 340 20

Both Sexes 73,713 65,780 4,725 2,037 1,110 61

Male 37,618 33,481 2,476 1,077 547 37
Female 36,095 32,299 2,249 960 563 24

Both Sexes 20,445 17,421 2,102 442 435 45

Male 9,932 8,470 1,040 208 191 23
Female 10,513 8,951 1,062 234 244 22

Both Sexes 7,834 6,837 654 218 116 9

Male 3,904 3,389 336 112 62 5
Female 3,930 3,448 318 106 54 4

Both Sexes 634,371 577,392 38,046 11,175 7,278 480

Male 322,421 293,684 19,217 5,620 3,652 248
Female 311,950 283,708 18,829 5,555 3,626 232

Both Sexes 55,944 50,760 3,541 1,069 527 47

Male 28,493 25,894 1,792 517 271 19
Female 27,451 24,866 1,749 552 256 28

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 89,712 81,609 5,445 1,648 963 47

Male 45,559 41,465 2,723 843 506 22
Female 44,153 40,144 2,722 805 457 25

Both Sexes 75,652 68,734 4,564 1,366 916 72

Male 38,520 35,033 2,292 702 454 39
Female 37,132 33,701 2,272 664 462 33

Both Sexes 51,513 46,947 2,998 853 684 31

Male 26,521 24,209 1,532 427 340 13
Female 24,992 22,738 1,466 426 344 18

Both Sexes 37,011 33,850 2,232 585 322 22

Male 18,972 17,351 1,147 291 169 14
Female 18,039 16,499 1,085 294 153 8

Both Sexes 50,136 45,606 3,136 835 532 27

Male 25,306 23,052 1,557 413 271 13
Female 24,830 22,554 1,579 422 261 14

Both Sexes 52,228 47,914 3,030 724 522 38

Male 26,621 24,430 1,557 348 266 20
Female 25,607 23,484 1,473 376 256 18

Both Sexes 69,861 64,590 3,589 1,088 554 40

Male 35,419 32,703 1,839 568 284 25
Female 34,442 31,887 1,750 520 270 15

Both Sexes 59,664 55,009 3,038 962 616 39

Male 30,692 28,259 1,589 497 324 23
Female 28,972 26,750 1,449 465 292 16

Both Sexes 49,935 45,689 2,642 1,110 466 28

Male 25,381 23,236 1,333 569 228 15
Female 24,554 22,453 1,309 541 238 13

Both Sexes 7,057 6,175 629 135 107 11

Male 3,420 3,005 295 63 52 5
Female 3,637 3,170 334 72 55 6

Both Sexes 16,870 14,279 1,588 400 572 31

Male 8,236 7,035 760 180 249 12
Female 8,634 7,244 828 220 323 19

Both Sexes 18,788 16,230 1,614 400 497 47

Male 9,281 8,012 801 202 238 28
Female 9,507 8,218 813 198 259 19

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 392,944 353,496 26,742 7,044 5,295 367

Male 199,285 179,382 13,563 3,514 2,662 164
Female 193,659 174,114 13,179 3,530 2,633 203

Both Sexes 44,331 40,299 2,855 717 435 25

Male 22,706 20,582 1,512 374 227 11
Female 21,625 19,717 1,343 343 208 14

Both Sexes 13,573 12,510 664 199 183 17

Male 6,960 6,430 346 108 70 6
Female 6,613 6,080 318 91 113 11

Both Sexes 73,841 66,881 4,719 1,349 815 77

Male 37,459 33,984 2,364 679 398 34
Female 36,382 32,897 2,355 670 417 43

Both Sexes 44,991 40,494 3,118 814 530 35

Male 22,801 20,535 1,577 411 262 16
Female 22,190 19,959 1,541 403 268 19

Both Sexes 62,499 56,915 3,888 1,060 599 37

Male 31,667 28,833 1,990 512 316 16
Female 30,832 28,082 1,898 548 283 21

Both Sexes 53,701 48,508 3,277 1,025 846 45

Male 27,240 24,564 1,692 515 441 28
Female 26,461 23,944 1,585 510 405 17

Both Sexes 60,495 54,321 4,243 1,148 739 44

Male 30,870 27,791 2,110 582 360 27
Female 29,625 26,530 2,133 566 379 17

Both Sexes 25,970 22,322 2,503 460 622 63

Male 12,926 11,130 1,257 202 317 20
Female 13,044 11,192 1,246 258 305 43

Both Sexes 13,543 11,246 1,475 272 526 24

Male 6,656 5,533 715 131 271 6
Female 6,887 5,713 760 141 255 18

Both Sexes 512,934 462,996 32,251 9,697 7,414 576

Male 262,450 236,753 16,646 4,938 3,781 332
Female 250,484 226,243 15,605 4,759 3,633 244

Both Sexes 65,241 59,165 3,688 1,306 1,034 48

Male 33,235 30,066 1,940 687 515 27
Female 32,006 29,099 1,748 619 519 21

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 60,184 54,898 3,461 999 765 61

Male 30,804 28,090 1,782 518 374 40
Female 29,380 26,808 1,679 481 391 21

Both Sexes 79,594 72,716 4,266 1,369 1,143 100

Male 40,801 37,283 2,190 680 592 56
Female 38,793 35,433 2,076 689 551 44

Both Sexes 54,029 50,237 2,515 739 494 44

Male 27,284 25,351 1,284 363 267 19
Female 26,745 24,886 1,231 376 227 25

Both Sexes 43,519 39,895 2,488 668 432 36

Male 22,651 20,698 1,330 386 220 17
Female 20,868 19,197 1,158 282 212 19

Both Sexes 70,799 63,802 4,508 1,274 1,113 102

Male 36,520 32,873 2,368 647 569 63
Female 34,279 30,929 2,140 627 544 39

Both Sexes 43,314 38,107 3,549 958 647 53

Male 22,302 19,591 1,848 481 353 29
Female 21,012 18,516 1,701 477 294 24

Both Sexes 64,271 58,463 3,752 1,378 632 46

Male 32,898 29,931 1,917 693 328 29
Female 31,373 28,532 1,835 685 304 17

Both Sexes 9,834 8,078 1,073 277 369 37

Male 4,963 4,098 537 133 172 23
Female 4,871 3,980 536 144 197 14

Both Sexes 7,544 6,165 913 237 218 11

Male 3,697 3,039 435 121 98 4
Female 3,847 3,126 478 116 120 7

Both Sexes 14,605 11,470 2,038 492 567 38

Male 7,295 5,733 1,015 229 293 25
Female 7,310 5,737 1,023 263 274 13

Both Sexes 176,360 155,592 13,580 4,398 2,548 242

Male 90,413 79,703 7,038 2,190 1,322 160
Female 85,947 75,889 6,542 2,208 1,226 82

Both Sexes 43,682 38,561 3,403 879 750 89

Male 22,398 19,758 1,748 440 396 56
Female 21,284 18,803 1,655 439 354 33

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 72,438 64,374 5,158 1,976 858 72

Male 37,198 32,964 2,732 1,014 439 49
Female 35,240 31,410 2,426 962 419 23

Both Sexes 52,786 46,689 4,101 1,275 661 60

Male 27,171 24,054 2,104 636 338 39
Female 25,615 22,635 1,997 639 323 21

Both Sexes 7,454 5,968 918 268 279 21

Male 3,646 2,927 454 100 149 16
Female 3,808 3,041 464 168 130 5

Both Sexes 85,580 72,490 8,135 2,034 2,672 249

Male 41,903 35,575 4,000 908 1,284 136
Female 43,677 36,915 4,135 1,126 1,388 113

Both Sexes 34,964 29,165 3,687 865 1,136 111

Male 16,913 14,115 1,824 377 535 62
Female 18,051 15,050 1,863 488 601 49

Both Sexes 50,616 43,325 4,448 1,169 1,536 138

Male 24,990 21,460 2,176 531 749 74
Female 25,626 21,865 2,272 638 787 64

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 2,177,009 2,171,302 926 694 321 217 3,045 - 504
0-4 630,862 630,305 153 69 11 8 303 - 13
5-9 641,674 641,151 111 128 55 7 201 - 21
10-14 613,806 612,127 203 307 92 17 836 - 224
15-17 290,667 287,719 459 190 163 185 1,705 - 246

Male 1,107,606 1,103,616 415 338 176 200 2,381 - 480

0-4 320,265 319,988 81 30 9 5 147 - 5
5-9 324,557 324,267 60 57 28 5 124 - 16
10-14 314,868 313,611 104 156 44 17 715 - 221
15-17 147,916 145,750 170 95 95 173 1,395 - 238

Female 1,069,403 1,067,686 511 356 145 17 664 - 24

0-4 310,597 310,317 72 39 2 3 156 - 8
5-9 317,117 316,884 51 71 27 2 77 - 5
10-14 298,938 298,516 99 151 48 - 121 - 3
15-17 142,751 141,969 289 95 68 12 310 - 8


Both Sexes 1,959,720 1,956,114 658 55 194 159 2,301 - 239
0-4 609,186 608,720 133 22 10 8 280 - 13
5-9 589,667 589,431 77 10 10 4 122 - 13
10-14 527,306 526,413 126 9 46 13 603 - 96
15-17 233,561 231,550 322 14 128 134 1,296 - 117

Male 997,057 994,383 311 33 120 145 1,841 - 224

0-4 309,351 309,111 74 12 8 5 136 - 5
5-9 298,288 298,134 43 7 8 2 85 - 9
10-14 270,403 269,668 65 5 26 13 531 - 95
15-17 119,015 117,470 129 9 78 125 1,089 - 115

Female 962,663 961,731 347 22 74 14 460 - 15

0-4 299,835 299,609 59 10 2 3 144 - 8
5-9 291,379 291,297 34 3 2 2 37 - 4
10-14 256,903 256,745 61 4 20 - 72 - 1
15-17 114,546 114,080 193 5 50 9 207 - 2

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 142,232 141,557 118 42 37 33 321 - 124
0-4 12,879 12,851 7 6 - - 15 - -
5-9 34,575 34,513 17 4 8 3 26 - 4
10-14 57,765 57,553 35 22 13 2 75 - 65
15-17 37,013 36,640 59 10 16 28 205 - 55

Male 72,603 72,144 40 21 15 32 230 - 121

0-4 6,378 6,370 1 1 - - 6 - -
5-9 17,560 17,534 9 - 2 3 8 - 4
10-14 29,726 29,567 15 13 5 2 60 - 64
15-17 18,939 18,673 15 7 8 27 156 - 53

Female 69,629 69,413 78 21 22 1 91 - 3

0-4 6,501 6,481 6 5 - - 9 - -
5-9 17,015 16,979 8 4 6 - 18 - -
10-14 28,039 27,986 20 9 8 - 15 - 1
15-17 18,074 17,967 44 3 8 1 49 - 2


Both Sexes 42,977 42,596 43 70 17 17 160 - 74
0-4 4,458 4,441 - 10 1 - 6 - -
5-9 10,726 10,696 2 6 6 - 13 - 3
10-14 16,987 16,852 11 30 5 1 50 - 38
15-17 10,806 10,607 30 24 5 16 91 - 33

Male 21,622 21,350 16 34 7 17 126 - 72

0-4 2,343 2,334 - 4 1 - 4 - -
5-9 5,386 5,374 1 2 - - 7 - 2
10-14 8,653 8,546 5 18 2 1 44 - 37
15-17 5,240 5,096 10 10 4 16 71 - 33

Female 21,355 21,246 27 36 10 - 34 - 2

0-4 2,115 2,107 - 6 - - 2 - -
5-9 5,340 5,322 1 4 6 - 6 - 1
10-14 8,334 8,306 6 12 3 - 6 - 1
15-17 5,566 5,511 20 14 1 - 20 - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 29,834 28,789 107 527 73 8 263 - 67
0-4 4,017 3,971 13 31 - - 2 - -
5-9 6,547 6,352 15 108 31 - 40 - 1
10-14 11,448 11,009 31 246 28 1 108 - 25
15-17 7,822 7,457 48 142 14 7 113 - 41

Male 15,101 14,516 48 250 34 6 184 - 63

0-4 2,013 1,993 6 13 - - 1 - -
5-9 3,243 3,145 7 48 18 - 24 - 1
10-14 5,923 5,667 19 120 11 1 80 - 25
15-17 3,922 3,711 16 69 5 5 79 - 37

Female 14,733 14,273 59 277 39 2 79 - 4

0-4 2,004 1,978 7 18 - - 1 - -
5-9 3,304 3,207 8 60 13 - 16 - -
10-14 5,525 5,342 12 126 17 - 28 - -
15-17 3,900 3,746 32 73 9 2 34 - 4

Both Sexes 2,246 2,246 - - - - - - -
0-4 322 322 - - - - - - -
5-9 159 159 - - - - - - -
10-14 300 300 - - - - - - -
15-17 1,465 1,465 - - - - - - -

Male 1,223 1,223 - - - - - - -

0-4 180 180 - - - - - - -
5-9 80 80 - - - - - - -
10-14 163 163 - - - - - - -
15-17 800 800 - - - - - - -

Female 1,023 1,023 - - - - - - -

0-4 142 142 - - - - - - -
5-9 79 79 - - - - - - -
10-14 137 137 - - - - - - -
15-17 665 665 - - - - - - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 370,899 366,985 744 605 199 206 1,684 - 476
0-4 104,018 103,651 108 63 11 6 172 - 7
5-9 97,947 97,564 82 108 52 5 121 - 15
10-14 106,074 104,936 146 272 88 14 397 - 221
15-17 62,860 60,834 408 162 48 181 994 - 233

Male 183,130 180,509 325 296 97 191 1,253 - 459

0-4 52,844 52,664 57 29 9 5 78 - 2
5-9 48,891 48,691 45 44 26 3 69 - 13
10-14 52,234 51,438 72 140 41 14 311 - 218
15-17 29,161 27,716 151 83 21 169 795 - 226

Female 187,769 186,476 419 309 102 15 431 - 17

0-4 51,174 50,987 51 34 2 1 94 - 5
5-9 49,056 48,873 37 64 26 2 52 - 2
10-14 53,840 53,498 74 132 47 - 86 - 3
15-17 33,699 33,118 257 79 27 12 199 - 7


Both Sexes 316,026 313,830 542 38 88 150 1,158 - 220
0-4 99,470 99,173 101 18 10 6 155 - 7
5-9 86,486 86,348 62 3 8 2 56 - 7
10-14 84,607 84,130 95 6 43 10 228 - 95
15-17 45,463 44,179 284 11 27 132 719 - 111

Male 156,409 154,850 253 27 52 138 877 - 212

0-4 50,602 50,452 56 11 8 5 68 - 2
5-9 43,209 43,122 35 3 6 - 37 - 6
10-14 41,604 41,242 49 4 23 10 182 - 94
15-17 20,994 20,034 113 9 15 123 590 - 110

Female 159,617 158,980 289 11 36 12 281 - 8

0-4 48,868 48,721 45 7 2 1 87 - 5
5-9 43,277 43,226 27 - 2 2 19 - 1
10-14 43,003 42,888 46 2 20 - 46 - 1
15-17 24,469 24,145 171 2 12 9 129 - 1

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 36,370 35,860 101 32 28 33 196 - 120
0-4 3,076 3,053 5 6 - - 12 - -
5-9 8,098 8,051 15 3 8 3 14 - 4
10-14 14,244 14,076 30 15 13 2 44 - 64
15-17 10,952 10,680 51 8 7 28 126 - 52

Male 17,908 17,558 33 18 8 32 142 - 117

0-4 1,476 1,469 - 1 - - 6 - -
5-9 4,038 4,019 7 - 2 3 3 - 4
10-14 7,118 6,991 13 10 5 2 34 - 63
15-17 5,276 5,079 13 7 1 27 99 - 50

Female 18,462 18,302 68 14 20 1 54 - 3

0-4 1,600 1,584 5 5 - - 6 - -
5-9 4,060 4,032 8 3 6 - 11 - -
10-14 7,126 7,085 17 5 8 - 10 - 1
15-17 5,676 5,601 38 1 6 1 27 - 2


Both Sexes 8,259 7,957 39 53 13 15 112 - 70
0-4 640 626 - 10 1 - 3 - -
5-9 1,647 1,623 2 2 6 - 11 - 3
10-14 3,271 3,162 9 25 4 1 33 - 37
15-17 2,701 2,546 28 16 2 14 65 - 30

Male 3,839 3,627 16 25 4 15 84 - 68

0-4 326 318 - 4 1 - 3 - -
5-9 799 791 1 - - - 5 - 2
10-14 1,577 1,491 5 15 2 1 27 - 36
15-17 1,137 1,027 10 6 1 14 49 - 30

Female 4,420 4,330 23 28 9 - 28 - 2

0-4 314 308 - 6 - - - - -
5-9 848 832 1 2 6 - 6 - 1
10-14 1,694 1,671 4 10 2 - 6 - 1
15-17 1,564 1,519 18 10 1 - 16 - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 9,418 8,512 62 482 70 8 218 - 66
0-4 682 649 2 29 - - 2 - -
5-9 1,648 1,474 3 100 30 - 40 - 1
10-14 3,842 3,458 12 226 28 1 92 - 25
15-17 3,246 2,931 45 127 12 7 84 - 40

Male 4,539 4,039 23 226 33 6 150 - 62

0-4 346 331 1 13 - - 1 - -
5-9 811 725 2 41 18 - 24 - 1
10-14 1,875 1,654 5 111 11 1 68 - 25
15-17 1,507 1,329 15 61 4 5 57 - 36

Female 4,879 4,473 39 256 37 2 68 - 4

0-4 336 318 1 16 - - 1 - -
5-9 837 749 1 59 12 - 16 - -
10-14 1,967 1,804 7 115 17 - 24 - -
15-17 1,739 1,602 30 66 8 2 27 - 4

Both Sexes 826 826 - - - - - - -
0-4 150 150 - - - - - - -
5-9 68 68 - - - - - - -
10-14 110 110 - - - - - - -
15-17 498 498 - - - - - - -

Male 435 435 - - - - - - -

0-4 94 94 - - - - - - -
5-9 34 34 - - - - - - -
10-14 60 60 - - - - - - -
15-17 247 247 - - - - - - -

Female 391 391 - - - - - - -

0-4 56 56 - - - - - - -
5-9 34 34 - - - - - - -
10-14 50 50 - - - - - - -
15-17 251 251 - - - - - - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 1,806,110 1,804,317 182 89 122 11 1,361 - 28
0-4 526,844 526,654 45 6 - 2 131 - 6
5-9 543,727 543,587 29 20 3 2 80 - 6
10-14 507,732 507,191 57 35 4 3 439 - 3
15-17 227,807 226,885 51 28 115 4 711 - 13

Male 924,476 923,107 90 42 79 9 1,128 - 21

0-4 267,421 267,324 24 1 - - 69 - 3
5-9 275,666 275,576 15 13 2 2 55 - 3
10-14 262,634 262,173 32 16 3 3 404 - 3
15-17 118,755 118,034 19 12 74 4 600 - 12

Female 881,634 881,210 92 47 43 2 233 - 7

0-4 259,423 259,330 21 5 - 2 62 - 3
5-9 268,061 268,011 14 7 1 - 25 - 3
10-14 245,098 245,018 25 19 1 - 35 - -
15-17 109,052 108,851 32 16 41 - 111 - 1


Both Sexes 1,643,694 1,642,284 116 17 106 9 1,143 - 19
0-4 509,716 509,547 32 4 - 2 125 - 6
5-9 503,181 503,083 15 7 2 2 66 - 6
10-14 442,699 442,283 31 3 3 3 375 - 1
15-17 188,098 187,371 38 3 101 2 577 - 6

Male 840,648 839,533 58 6 68 7 964 - 12

0-4 258,749 258,659 18 1 - - 68 - 3
5-9 255,079 255,012 8 4 2 2 48 - 3
10-14 228,799 228,426 16 1 3 3 349 - 1
15-17 98,021 97,436 16 - 63 2 499 - 5

Female 803,046 802,751 58 11 38 2 179 - 7

0-4 250,967 250,888 14 3 - 2 57 - 3
5-9 248,102 248,071 7 3 - - 18 - 3
10-14 213,900 213,857 15 2 - - 26 - -
15-17 90,077 89,935 22 3 38 - 78 - 1

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 105,862 105,697 17 10 9 - 125 - 4
0-4 9,803 9,798 2 - - - 3 - -
5-9 26,477 26,462 2 1 - - 12 - -
10-14 43,521 43,477 5 7 - - 31 - 1
15-17 26,061 25,960 8 2 9 - 79 - 3

Male 54,695 54,586 7 3 7 - 88 - 4

0-4 4,902 4,901 1 - - - - - -
5-9 13,522 13,515 2 - - - 5 - -
10-14 22,608 22,576 2 3 - - 26 - 1
15-17 13,663 13,594 2 - 7 - 57 - 3

Female 51,167 51,111 10 7 2 - 37 - -

0-4 4,901 4,897 1 - - - 3 - -
5-9 12,955 12,947 - 1 - - 7 - -
10-14 20,913 20,901 3 4 - - 5 - -
15-17 12,398 12,366 6 2 2 - 22 - -


Both Sexes 34,718 34,639 4 17 4 2 48 - 4
0-4 3,818 3,815 - - - - 3 - -
5-9 9,079 9,073 - 4 - - 2 - -
10-14 13,716 13,690 2 5 1 - 17 - 1
15-17 8,105 8,061 2 8 3 2 26 - 3

Male 17,783 17,723 - 9 3 2 42 - 4

0-4 2,017 2,016 - - - - 1 - -
5-9 4,587 4,583 - 2 - - 2 - -
10-14 7,076 7,055 - 3 - - 17 - 1
15-17 4,103 4,069 - 4 3 2 22 - 3

Female 16,935 16,916 4 8 1 - 6 - -

0-4 1,801 1,799 - - - - 2 - -
5-9 4,492 4,490 - 2 - - - - -
10-14 6,640 6,635 2 2 1 - - - -
15-17 4,002 3,992 2 4 - - 4 - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 20,416 20,277 45 45 3 - 45 - 1
0-4 3,335 3,322 11 2 - - - - -
5-9 4,899 4,878 12 8 1 - - - -
10-14 7,606 7,551 19 20 - - 16 - -
15-17 4,576 4,526 3 15 2 - 29 - 1

Male 10,562 10,477 25 24 1 - 34 - 1

0-4 1,667 1,662 5 - - - - - -
5-9 2,432 2,420 5 7 - - - - -
10-14 4,048 4,013 14 9 - - 12 - -
15-17 2,415 2,382 1 8 1 - 22 - 1

Female 9,854 9,800 20 21 2 - 11 - -

0-4 1,668 1,660 6 2 - - - - -
5-9 2,467 2,458 7 1 1 - - - -
10-14 3,558 3,538 5 11 - - 4 - -
15-17 2,161 2,144 2 7 1 - 7 - -

Both Sexes 1,420 1,420 - - - - - - -
0-4 172 172 - - - - - - -
5-9 91 91 - - - - - - -
10-14 190 190 - - - - - - -
15-17 967 967 - - - - - - -

Male 788 788 - - - - - - -

0-4 86 86 - - - - - - -
5-9 46 46 - - - - - - -
10-14 103 103 - - - - - - -
15-17 553 553 - - - - - - -

Female 632 632 - - - - - - -

0-4 86 86 - - - - - - -
5-9 45 45 - - - - - - -
10-14 87 87 - - - - - - -
15-17 414 414 - - - - - - -



This chapter presents data on educational characteristics of the population of the

Region. The data was collected from members of the sampled household. Three
questions on education were included in the census questionnaire to measure literacy
status, school attendance and educational attainment. The information was collected
from members of sampled households where long questionnaires were administered.
However, the information has been weighted and all the figures in this chapter refer to
the entire population of the Region.

Every person aged five years and over in a sampled household was asked to report
his/her literacy status. The two possible alternative answers given were literate and
illiterate. In the census, a person is considered as literate if he/she can read and write a
simple sentence in any language; other wise he/she is categorized as illiterate. This
chapter presents data on literacy status of the population aged five years and over for
this Region.

Every person aged five years and over in the sampled household was also asked to
report his/her educational status. The three alternative answers given were (1) attending
school during the census day, (2) attended school in the past but left before the census
day and (3) never attended.

Those who were attending school during the census day were further asked to indicate
the grade in which they were attending. All grades were given codes exhaustively but
for the purpose of Presentation and analysis, these grades are regrouped into five
categories (levels) as follows. These are (1) pre-school (2) elementary (1-8 grades) (3)
general secondary (9-10 grades) (4) above grade ten (including preparatory 1& 2, 10+1,
10+2, 10+3, university education) (5) non regular (adult education and literacy
campaign). For this purpose, a grade is defined as a stage of instruction usually

covered in the course of the school year. The grade in which the respondent was
attending during the census was pre-coded and provided to the enumerators with
separate code card sheet.

Status of school attendance question was also similarly phrased and asked in the 1994
Population and Housing Census, but in 2007, the response categories slightly were
different. The modification was done based on the new educational curriculum being
implemented by the Ministry of Education of Ethiopia.

Data on educational attainment is also given in this chapter. Those who were attending
school during the census day and those who attended in the past and left school prior to
the census day were asked to report the highest grade completed in the formal
education system by further probing whether the person completed that grade in the
current or old educational curriculum. The possible categorical answers for highest
grade completed question are (1) pre-school (2) grade 1-8 (these are similar in both
system) (3) grade 9-10 (new system) (4) grade 9-12 (old system) (5) certificate (old
system) (6) preparatory 1 & 2 (7) at least one year in a diploma program (8) at least
one year in a first-degree program (9) diploma (old system) (10) Bachelor's Degree (11)
at least one year in a post-graduate program (12) Master's degree (13) Doctorate/PhD
(14) 10+1 certificate (15) at least one year in 10+2 program (16) 10+2 program (17) first
year in 10+3 program (18) second years in 10+3 program (19) diploma (10+3) (20) non-
Regular (adult education and literacy campaign). The detailed code for highest grade
completed was pre-coded and delivered to the enumerators with separate code card to
be filled in the field.

Unlike the 2007 census, highest grade completed in the 1994 census was asked for
those who were reporting as literate and their highest grades were based on the old
educational system. This chapter also presents data on educational attainment for
population aged five years and over.

The report in general and this chapter in particular refers to formal education only. "A
formal education is defined as education in which students are enrolled or registered
regardless of the mode of teaching used’’. It includes both 'regular school and
university education' and 'adult education'. All regular schools and university education
are essentially formal. Adult education, however, could be formal and non-formal. The
2007 Population and Housing Census covered only the formal component of the adult
education and all regular as well as university education.

Regular school and university education are used to describe the system that
provides a 'ladder' by which children and young people may progress from primary
schools through universities (although many drop out on the way). Adult education is
used to describe out-of-school education, which provides education for people who are
not in the regular school and university system and who are generally fifteen years or
older (although in some circumstances, younger students are accommodated along with
their older colleagues) “(UNESCO, 1976).

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 3,686,232 1,673,427 1,806,261 950,638 1,879,971 722,789 45.4 52.6 38.4

5 - 9 641,674 216,523 324,557 105,068 317,117 111,455 33.7 32.4 35.1

10 - 14 613,806 432,831 314,868 213,708 298,938 219,123 70.5 67.9 73.3
15 - 19 496,217 342,774 244,567 174,365 251,650 168,409 69.1 71.3 66.9
20 - 24 362,473 218,676 175,557 121,964 186,916 96,712 60.3 69.5 51.7
25 - 29 285,841 133,232 127,993 82,540 157,848 50,692 46.6 64.5 32.1
30 - 34 249,309 90,209 111,434 63,209 137,875 27,000 36.2 56.7 19.6
35 - 39 225,121 76,169 103,756 55,070 121,365 21,099 33.8 53.1 17.4
40 - 44 170,712 49,870 83,846 40,546 86,866 9,324 29.2 48.4 10.7
45 - 49 137,867 34,937 67,275 28,824 70,592 6,113 25.3 42.8 8.7
50 - 54 125,630 24,149 57,706 20,365 67,924 3,784 19.2 35.3 5.6
55 - 59 94,978 16,840 49,326 14,448 45,652 2,392 17.7 29.3 5.2
60 - 64 91,412 12,968 43,752 10,681 47,660 2,287 14.2 24.4 4.8
65 - 69 67,457 9,187 35,339 7,739 32,118 1,448 13.6 21.9 4.5
70 - 74 60,380 6,896 30,096 5,650 30,284 1,246 11.4 18.8 4.1
75+ 63,355 8,166 36,189 6,461 27,166 1,705 12.9 17.9 6.3

Total 5+ 740,128 537,169 346,012 283,645 394,116 253,524 72.6 82.0 64.3

5 - 9 97,947 56,120 48,891 27,880 49,056 28,240 57.3 57.0 57.6

10 - 14 106,074 101,232 52,234 49,970 53,840 51,262 95.4 95.7 95.2
15 - 19 119,643 111,215 53,892 51,473 65,751 59,742 93.0 95.5 90.9
20 - 24 101,230 87,743 45,377 42,495 55,853 45,248 86.7 93.6 81.0
25 - 29 77,045 58,282 34,652 31,173 42,393 27,109 75.6 90.0 63.9
30 - 34 54,533 36,502 25,876 22,142 28,657 14,360 66.9 85.6 50.1
35 - 39 47,475 30,474 22,078 18,154 25,397 12,320 64.2 82.2 48.5
40 - 44 31,607 18,405 16,645 13,034 14,962 5,371 58.2 78.3 35.9
45 - 49 24,367 13,102 12,357 9,443 12,010 3,659 53.8 76.4 30.5
50 - 54 20,446 8,401 8,885 6,162 11,561 2,239 41.1 69.4 19.4
55 - 59 14,434 4,936 6,286 3,617 8,148 1,319 34.2 57.5 16.2
60 - 64 14,353 3,932 5,647 2,837 8,706 1,095 27.4 50.2 12.6
65 - 69 10,646 2,641 4,353 2,036 6,293 605 24.8 46.8 9.6
70 - 74 9,826 2,012 3,953 1,540 5,873 472 20.5 39.0 8.0
75+ 10,502 2,172 4,886 1,689 5,616 483 20.7 34.6 8.6

Total 5+ 2,946,104 1,136,261 1,460,249 666,997 1,485,855 469,264 38.6 45.7 31.6

5 - 9 543,727 160,403 275,666 77,188 268,061 83,215 29.5 28.0 31.0

10 - 14 507,732 331,600 262,634 163,739 245,098 167,861 65.3 62.3 68.5
15 - 19 376,574 231,559 190,675 122,892 185,899 108,667 61.5 64.5 58.5
20 - 24 261,243 130,933 130,180 79,469 131,063 51,464 50.1 61.0 39.3
25 - 29 208,796 74,950 93,341 51,368 115,455 23,582 35.9 55.0 20.4
30 - 34 194,776 53,707 85,558 41,067 109,218 12,640 27.6 48.0 11.6
35 - 39 177,646 45,696 81,678 36,917 95,968 8,779 25.7 45.2 9.1
40 - 44 139,105 31,466 67,201 27,513 71,904 3,953 22.6 40.9 5.5
45 - 49 113,500 21,835 54,918 19,381 58,582 2,454 19.2 35.3 4.2
50 - 54 105,184 15,748 48,821 14,203 56,363 1,545 15.0 29.1 2.7
55 - 59 80,544 11,904 43,040 10,831 37,504 1,073 14.8 25.2 2.9
60 - 64 77,059 9,036 38,105 7,844 38,954 1,192 11.7 20.6 3.1
65 - 69 56,811 6,546 30,986 5,703 25,825 843 11.5 18.4 3.3
70 - 74 50,554 4,884 26,143 4,110 24,411 774 9.7 15.7 3.2
75+ 52,853 5,994 31,303 4,772 21,550 1,222 11.3 15.2 5.7

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 618,674 233,598 308,428 134,766 310,246 98,832 37.8 43.7 31.9

5 - 9 109,919 29,762 55,420 13,447 54,499 16,315 27.1 24.3 29.9

10 - 14 100,851 59,271 51,954 27,799 48,897 31,472 58.8 53.5 64.4
15 - 19 79,176 45,261 39,528 23,062 39,648 22,199 57.2 58.3 56.0
20 - 24 65,602 32,161 31,971 18,678 33,631 13,483 49.0 58.4 40.1
25 - 29 51,828 19,546 23,974 13,362 27,854 6,184 37.7 55.7 22.2
30 - 34 44,182 13,120 20,731 9,954 23,451 3,166 29.7 48.0 13.5
35 - 39 39,742 11,323 19,793 8,818 19,949 2,505 28.5 44.6 12.6
40 - 44 30,240 8,170 15,808 6,916 14,432 1,254 27.0 43.8 8.7
45 - 49 22,650 4,808 11,434 4,210 11,216 598 21.2 36.8 5.3
50 - 54 20,273 3,220 9,417 2,800 10,856 420 15.9 29.7 3.9
55 - 59 14,656 2,131 7,797 1,808 6,859 323 14.5 23.2 4.7
60 - 64 13,934 1,694 6,773 1,392 7,161 302 12.2 20.6 4.2
65 - 69 9,733 1,143 5,204 982 4,529 161 11.7 18.9 3.6
70 - 74 8,376 1,006 4,298 782 4,078 224 12.0 18.2 5.5
75+ 7,512 982 4,326 756 3,186 226 13.1 17.5 7.1

Total 5+ 92,810 63,587 42,056 33,550 50,754 30,037 68.5 79.8 59.2

5 - 9 13,081 7,121 6,337 3,344 6,744 3,777 54.4 52.8 56.0

10 - 14 13,463 12,761 6,708 6,325 6,755 6,436 94.8 94.3 95.3
15 - 19 13,339 12,120 5,825 5,473 7,514 6,647 90.9 94.0 88.5
20 - 24 12,329 9,985 4,865 4,525 7,464 5,460 81.0 93.0 73.2
25 - 29 9,803 6,787 4,101 3,680 5,702 3,107 69.2 89.7 54.5
30 - 34 7,237 4,455 3,286 2,805 3,951 1,650 61.6 85.4 41.8
35 - 39 6,285 3,669 2,857 2,264 3,428 1,405 58.4 79.2 41.0
40 - 44 4,345 2,478 2,313 1,871 2,032 607 57.0 80.9 29.9
45 - 49 3,118 1,609 1,637 1,255 1,481 354 51.6 76.7 23.9
50 - 54 2,545 896 1,087 707 1,458 189 35.2 65.0 13.0
55 - 59 1,721 534 748 371 973 163 31.0 49.6 16.8
60 - 64 1,760 404 631 305 1,129 99 23.0 48.3 8.8
65 - 69 1,367 271 580 233 787 38 19.8 40.2 4.8
70 - 74 1,182 246 475 187 707 59 20.8 39.4 8.3
75+ 1,235 251 606 205 629 46 20.3 33.8 7.3

Total 5+ 525,864 170,010 266,372 101,217 259,492 68,793 32.3 38.0 26.5

5 - 9 96,838 22,641 49,083 10,103 47,755 12,538 23.4 20.6 26.3

10 - 14 87,388 46,511 45,246 21,475 42,142 25,036 53.2 47.5 59.4
15 - 19 65,837 33,141 33,703 17,589 32,134 15,552 50.3 52.2 48.4
20 - 24 53,273 22,176 27,106 14,153 26,167 8,023 41.6 52.2 30.7
25 - 29 42,025 12,758 19,873 9,682 22,152 3,076 30.4 48.7 13.9
30 - 34 36,945 8,665 17,445 7,149 19,500 1,516 23.5 41.0 7.8
35 - 39 33,457 7,654 16,936 6,554 16,521 1,100 22.9 38.7 6.7
40 - 44 25,895 5,692 13,495 5,045 12,400 647 22.0 37.4 5.2
45 - 49 19,532 3,200 9,797 2,955 9,735 245 16.4 30.2 2.5
50 - 54 17,728 2,323 8,330 2,093 9,398 230 13.1 25.1 2.4
55 - 59 12,935 1,597 7,049 1,437 5,886 160 12.3 20.4 2.7
60 - 64 12,174 1,289 6,142 1,087 6,032 202 10.6 17.7 3.3
65 - 69 8,366 873 4,624 750 3,742 123 10.4 16.2 3.3
70 - 74 7,194 759 3,823 594 3,371 165 10.6 15.5 4.9
75+ 6,277 731 3,720 551 2,557 180 11.6 14.8 7.0

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 1,064,658 500,171 521,834 285,672 542,824 214,499 47.0 54.7 39.5

5 - 9 187,626 60,888 94,718 29,207 92,908 31,681 32.5 30.8 34.1

10 - 14 181,756 131,117 93,178 64,841 88,578 66,276 72.1 69.6 74.8
15 - 19 140,418 102,675 70,341 52,402 70,077 50,273 73.1 74.5 71.7
20 - 24 97,398 63,160 49,100 35,771 48,298 27,389 64.8 72.9 56.7
25 - 29 75,195 38,537 32,215 22,796 42,980 15,741 51.2 70.8 36.6
30 - 34 71,071 27,385 30,213 18,842 40,858 8,543 38.5 62.4 20.9
35 - 39 66,864 24,602 30,754 18,183 36,110 6,419 36.8 59.1 17.8
40 - 44 49,019 15,410 23,766 12,757 25,253 2,653 31.4 53.7 10.5
45 - 49 40,347 11,160 19,086 9,258 21,261 1,902 27.7 48.5 8.9
50 - 54 38,041 7,730 17,128 6,591 20,913 1,139 20.3 38.5 5.4
55 - 59 29,372 5,499 15,351 4,835 14,021 664 18.7 31.5 4.7
60 - 64 29,067 4,480 14,250 3,799 14,817 681 15.4 26.7 4.6
65 - 69 21,435 3,097 11,549 2,699 9,886 398 14.4 23.4 4.0
70 - 74 19,180 2,061 9,806 1,751 9,374 310 10.7 17.9 3.3
75+ 17,869 2,370 10,379 1,940 7,490 430 13.3 18.7 5.7

Total 5+ 152,759 114,028 69,835 58,802 82,924 55,226 74.6 84.2 66.6

5 - 9 21,565 12,574 10,817 6,215 10,748 6,359 58.3 57.5 59.2

10 - 14 22,342 21,509 10,964 10,574 11,378 10,935 96.3 96.4 96.1
15 - 19 24,543 23,415 11,125 10,815 13,418 12,600 95.4 97.2 93.9
20 - 24 19,646 17,635 8,684 8,292 10,962 9,343 89.8 95.5 85.2
25 - 29 15,193 11,883 6,096 5,690 9,097 6,193 78.2 93.3 68.1
30 - 34 11,367 7,664 4,888 4,328 6,479 3,336 67.4 88.5 51.5
35 - 39 10,265 7,004 4,694 4,065 5,571 2,939 68.2 86.6 52.8
40 - 44 6,361 4,042 3,403 2,831 2,958 1,211 63.5 83.2 40.9
45 - 49 4,823 2,968 2,481 2,108 2,342 860 61.5 85.0 36.7
50 - 54 4,047 1,926 1,721 1,383 2,326 543 47.6 80.4 23.3
55 - 59 2,785 1,020 1,150 747 1,635 273 36.6 65.0 16.7
60 - 64 3,096 874 1,146 608 1,950 266 28.2 53.1 13.6
65 - 69 2,325 587 886 430 1,439 157 25.2 48.5 10.9
70 - 74 2,220 458 830 360 1,390 98 20.6 43.4 7.1
75+ 2,181 469 950 356 1,231 113 21.5 37.5 9.2

Total 5+ 911,899 386,140 451,999 226,867 459,900 159,273 42.3 50.2 34.6

5 - 9 166,061 48,315 83,901 22,992 82,160 25,323 29.1 27.4 30.8

10 - 14 159,414 109,608 82,214 54,267 77,200 55,341 68.8 66.0 71.7
15 - 19 115,875 79,259 59,216 41,586 56,659 37,673 68.4 70.2 66.5
20 - 24 77,752 45,525 40,416 27,479 37,336 18,046 58.6 68.0 48.3
25 - 29 60,002 26,655 26,119 17,106 33,883 9,549 44.4 65.5 28.2
30 - 34 59,704 19,721 25,325 14,514 34,379 5,207 33.0 57.3 15.1
35 - 39 56,599 17,597 26,060 14,117 30,539 3,480 31.1 54.2 11.4
40 - 44 42,658 11,367 20,363 9,925 22,295 1,442 26.6 48.7 6.5
45 - 49 35,524 8,192 16,605 7,150 18,919 1,042 23.1 43.1 5.5
50 - 54 33,994 5,804 15,407 5,208 18,587 596 17.1 33.8 3.2
55 - 59 26,587 4,478 14,201 4,088 12,386 390 16.8 28.8 3.1
60 - 64 25,971 3,606 13,104 3,191 12,867 415 13.9 24.4 3.2
65 - 69 19,110 2,509 10,663 2,268 8,447 241 13.1 21.3 2.9
70 - 74 16,960 1,604 8,976 1,392 7,984 212 9.5 15.5 2.7
75+ 15,688 1,900 9,429 1,584 6,259 316 12.1 16.8 5.0

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 650,380 360,951 306,128 198,779 344,252 162,172 55.5 64.9 47.1

5 - 9 115,700 54,222 58,521 27,094 57,179 27,128 46.9 46.3 47.4

10 - 14 117,337 104,990 59,826 53,376 57,511 51,614 89.5 89.2 89.7
15 - 19 90,802 77,281 44,040 38,695 46,762 38,586 85.1 87.9 82.5
20 - 24 54,654 40,557 24,729 20,996 29,925 19,561 74.2 84.9 65.4
25 - 29 42,680 23,575 16,814 13,398 25,866 10,177 55.2 79.7 39.3
30 - 34 37,421 15,348 14,535 9,947 22,886 5,401 41.0 68.4 23.6
35 - 39 36,475 13,193 14,435 8,760 22,040 4,433 36.2 60.7 20.1
40 - 44 26,131 8,207 11,880 6,651 14,251 1,556 31.4 56.0 10.9
45 - 49 25,713 6,553 11,367 5,447 14,346 1,106 25.5 47.9 7.7
50 - 54 22,272 4,787 9,529 3,988 12,743 799 21.5 41.9 6.3
55 - 59 18,332 3,660 8,908 3,194 9,424 466 20.0 35.9 4.9
60 - 64 18,167 2,755 8,158 2,319 10,009 436 15.2 28.4 4.4
65 - 69 15,062 2,005 7,495 1,733 7,567 272 13.3 23.1 3.6
70 - 74 13,723 1,737 6,669 1,513 7,054 224 12.7 22.7 3.2
75+ 15,911 2,081 9,222 1,668 6,689 413 13.1 18.1 6.2

Total 5+ 126,555 93,608 56,353 47,271 70,202 46,337 74.0 83.9 66.0

5 - 9 18,851 10,916 9,377 5,448 9,474 5,468 57.9 58.1 57.7

10 - 14 19,638 19,314 9,695 9,516 9,943 9,798 98.4 98.2 98.5
15 - 19 21,900 21,087 9,830 9,617 12,070 11,470 96.3 97.8 95.0
20 - 24 15,153 13,513 6,195 6,010 8,958 7,503 89.2 97.0 83.8
25 - 29 12,029 8,970 4,583 4,307 7,446 4,663 74.6 94.0 62.6
30 - 34 8,983 5,882 3,677 3,236 5,306 2,646 65.5 88.0 49.9
35 - 39 8,095 5,138 3,423 2,789 4,672 2,349 63.5 81.5 50.3
40 - 44 4,852 2,791 2,459 1,944 2,393 847 57.5 79.1 35.4
45 - 49 4,070 2,073 1,926 1,515 2,144 558 50.9 78.7 26.0
50 - 54 3,165 1,458 1,330 992 1,835 466 46.1 74.6 25.4
55 - 59 2,229 740 880 546 1,349 194 33.2 62.0 14.4
60 - 64 2,394 684 868 501 1,526 183 28.6 57.7 12.0
65 - 69 1,799 371 646 293 1,153 78 20.6 45.4 6.8
70 - 74 1,634 343 636 277 998 66 21.0 43.6 6.6
75+ 1,763 328 828 280 935 48 18.6 33.8 5.1

Total 5+ 523,825 267,343 249,775 151,508 274,050 115,835 51.0 60.7 42.3

5 - 9 96,849 43,307 49,144 21,647 47,705 21,660 44.7 44.0 45.4

10 - 14 97,699 85,676 50,131 43,860 47,568 41,816 87.7 87.5 87.9
15 - 19 68,902 56,195 34,210 29,078 34,692 27,117 81.6 85.0 78.2
20 - 24 39,501 27,043 18,534 14,985 20,967 12,058 68.5 80.9 57.5
25 - 29 30,651 14,604 12,231 9,091 18,420 5,513 47.6 74.3 29.9
30 - 34 28,438 9,466 10,858 6,711 17,580 2,755 33.3 61.8 15.7
35 - 39 28,380 8,055 11,012 5,970 17,368 2,085 28.4 54.2 12.0
40 - 44 21,279 5,415 9,421 4,706 11,858 709 25.4 50.0 6.0
45 - 49 21,643 4,481 9,441 3,932 12,202 549 20.7 41.6 4.5
50 - 54 19,107 3,329 8,199 2,996 10,908 333 17.4 36.5 3.1
55 - 59 16,103 2,919 8,028 2,648 8,075 271 18.1 33.0 3.4
60 - 64 15,773 2,072 7,290 1,819 8,483 253 13.1 25.0 3.0
65 - 69 13,263 1,633 6,849 1,440 6,414 193 12.3 21.0 3.0
70 - 74 12,089 1,395 6,033 1,237 6,056 158 11.5 20.5 2.6
75+ 14,148 1,753 8,394 1,388 5,754 365 12.4 16.5 6.3

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 860,585 315,692 423,429 182,975 437,156 132,717 36.7 43.2 30.4

5 - 9 154,937 43,996 78,553 21,346 76,384 22,650 28.4 27.2 29.7

10 - 14 144,118 87,772 74,732 43,116 69,386 44,656 60.9 57.7 64.4
15 - 19 114,996 67,842 57,672 35,821 57,324 32,021 59.0 62.1 55.9
20 - 24 75,585 36,871 36,688 22,072 38,897 14,799 48.8 60.2 38.0
25 - 29 63,208 21,171 28,303 14,272 34,905 6,899 33.5 50.4 19.8
30 - 34 58,946 15,876 25,715 11,846 33,231 4,030 26.9 46.1 12.1
35 - 39 52,210 12,948 23,388 9,899 28,822 3,049 24.8 42.3 10.6
40 - 44 42,988 8,800 20,120 7,374 22,868 1,426 20.5 36.7 6.2
45 - 49 32,527 6,003 16,392 5,124 16,135 879 18.5 31.3 5.4
50 - 54 30,676 4,343 14,624 3,799 16,052 544 14.2 26.0 3.4
55 - 59 22,954 3,116 12,178 2,757 10,776 359 13.6 22.6 3.3
60 - 64 21,769 2,285 10,503 1,834 11,266 451 10.5 17.5 4.0
65 - 69 15,084 1,667 8,055 1,348 7,029 319 11.1 16.7 4.5
70 - 74 14,060 1,273 6,996 983 7,064 290 9.1 14.1 4.1
75+ 16,527 1,729 9,510 1,384 7,017 345 10.5 14.6 4.9

Total 5+ 112,157 74,759 52,451 40,626 59,706 34,133 66.7 77.5 57.2

5 - 9 14,507 8,240 7,248 4,122 7,259 4,118 56.8 56.9 56.7

10 - 14 17,601 16,467 8,831 8,255 8,770 8,212 93.6 93.5 93.6
15 - 19 19,513 17,795 9,322 8,780 10,191 9,015 91.2 94.2 88.5
20 - 24 12,715 10,372 6,108 5,533 6,607 4,839 81.6 90.6 73.2
25 - 29 9,726 6,765 4,540 3,850 5,186 2,915 69.6 84.8 56.2
30 - 34 7,364 4,414 3,304 2,711 4,060 1,703 59.9 82.1 41.9
35 - 39 6,775 3,679 2,845 2,134 3,930 1,545 54.3 75.0 39.3
40 - 44 5,232 2,289 2,404 1,647 2,828 642 43.8 68.5 22.7
45 - 49 3,648 1,510 1,698 1,116 1,950 394 41.4 65.7 20.2
50 - 54 3,611 998 1,447 762 2,164 236 27.6 52.7 10.9
55 - 59 2,587 690 1,043 546 1,544 144 26.7 52.3 9.3
60 - 64 2,725 553 1,026 381 1,699 172 20.3 37.1 10.1
65 - 69 1,825 377 724 300 1,101 77 20.7 41.4 7.0
70 - 74 2,023 280 813 210 1,210 70 13.8 25.8 5.8
75+ 2,305 330 1,098 279 1,207 51 14.3 25.4 4.2

Total 5+ 748,428 240,932 370,978 142,348 377,450 98,584 32.2 38.4 26.1

5 - 9 140,430 35,756 71,305 17,224 69,125 18,532 25.5 24.2 26.8

10 - 14 126,517 71,305 65,901 34,861 60,616 36,444 56.4 52.9 60.1
15 - 19 95,483 50,047 48,350 27,041 47,133 23,006 52.4 55.9 48.8
20 - 24 62,870 26,499 30,580 16,539 32,290 9,960 42.1 54.1 30.8
25 - 29 53,482 14,406 23,763 10,422 29,719 3,984 26.9 43.9 13.4
30 - 34 51,582 11,462 22,411 9,135 29,171 2,327 22.2 40.8 8.0
35 - 39 45,435 9,269 20,543 7,765 24,892 1,504 20.4 37.8 6.0
40 - 44 37,756 6,513 17,716 5,728 20,040 785 17.3 32.3 3.9
45 - 49 28,879 4,491 14,694 4,007 14,185 484 15.6 27.3 3.4
50 - 54 27,065 3,344 13,177 3,036 13,888 308 12.4 23.0 2.2
55 - 59 20,367 2,426 11,135 2,211 9,232 215 11.9 19.9 2.3
60 - 64 19,044 1,732 9,477 1,453 9,567 279 9.1 15.3 2.9
65 - 69 13,259 1,290 7,331 1,048 5,928 242 9.7 14.3 4.1
70 - 74 12,037 993 6,183 773 5,854 220 8.2 12.5 3.8
75+ 14,222 1,399 8,412 1,105 5,810 294 9.8 13.1 5.1

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 298,419 108,221 152,925 66,702 145,494 41,519 36.3 43.6 28.5

5 - 9 51,759 13,863 26,380 6,946 25,379 6,917 26.8 26.3 27.3

10 - 14 44,458 25,299 22,969 12,663 21,489 12,636 56.9 55.1 58.8
15 - 19 39,101 19,868 18,896 10,769 20,205 9,099 50.8 57.0 45.0
20 - 24 36,926 16,081 17,713 9,720 19,213 6,361 43.5 54.9 33.1
25 - 29 30,266 11,038 15,507 8,269 14,759 2,769 36.5 53.3 18.8
30 - 34 23,495 7,201 12,560 5,764 10,935 1,437 30.6 45.9 13.1
35 - 39 18,029 5,111 9,423 4,074 8,606 1,037 28.3 43.2 12.0
40 - 44 14,621 3,762 8,042 3,206 6,579 556 25.7 39.9 8.5
45 - 49 10,380 2,395 5,860 2,168 4,520 227 23.1 37.0 5.0
50 - 54 9,184 1,441 4,689 1,298 4,495 143 15.7 27.7 3.2
55 - 59 5,890 798 3,407 686 2,483 112 13.5 20.1 4.5
60 - 64 5,101 523 2,621 452 2,480 71 10.3 17.2 2.9
65 - 69 3,554 366 1,932 317 1,622 49 10.3 16.4 3.0
70 - 74 2,722 198 1,356 166 1,366 32 7.3 12.2 2.3
75+ 2,933 277 1,570 204 1,363 73 9.4 13.0 5.4

Total 5+ 62,331 36,385 31,800 21,647 30,531 14,738 58.4 68.1 48.3

5 - 9 8,210 3,478 4,147 1,724 4,063 1,754 42.4 41.6 43.2

10 - 14 7,744 6,797 3,827 3,386 3,917 3,411 87.8 88.5 87.1
15 - 19 8,624 6,951 3,700 3,172 4,924 3,779 80.6 85.7 76.7
20 - 24 9,079 6,392 4,169 3,407 4,910 2,985 70.4 81.7 60.8
25 - 29 7,630 4,513 4,152 3,203 3,478 1,310 59.1 77.1 37.7
30 - 34 5,388 2,808 3,041 2,206 2,347 602 52.1 72.5 25.6
35 - 39 4,254 1,989 2,296 1,563 1,958 426 46.8 68.1 21.8
40 - 44 3,104 1,284 1,836 1,098 1,268 186 41.4 59.8 14.7
45 - 49 2,458 923 1,479 830 979 93 37.6 56.1 9.5
50 - 54 1,894 494 981 429 913 65 26.1 43.7 7.1
55 - 59 1,338 315 780 240 558 75 23.5 30.8 13.4
60 - 64 1,004 186 529 158 475 28 18.5 29.9 5.9
65 - 69 741 124 413 119 328 5 16.7 28.8 1.5
70 - 74 448 64 228 51 220 13 14.3 22.4 5.9
75+ 415 67 222 61 193 6 16.1 27.5 3.1

Total 5+ 236,088 71,838 121,125 45,055 114,963 26,783 30.4 37.2 23.3

5 - 9 43,549 10,384 22,233 5,222 21,316 5,162 23.8 23.5 24.2

10 - 14 36,714 18,501 19,142 9,276 17,572 9,225 50.4 48.5 52.5
15 - 19 30,477 12,918 15,196 7,597 15,281 5,321 42.4 50.0 34.8
20 - 24 27,847 9,690 13,544 6,313 14,303 3,377 34.8 46.6 23.6
25 - 29 22,636 6,526 11,355 5,066 11,281 1,460 28.8 44.6 12.9
30 - 34 18,107 4,393 9,519 3,558 8,588 835 24.3 37.4 9.7
35 - 39 13,775 3,122 7,127 2,511 6,648 611 22.7 35.2 9.2
40 - 44 11,517 2,478 6,206 2,108 5,311 370 21.5 34.0 7.0
45 - 49 7,922 1,472 4,381 1,338 3,541 134 18.6 30.5 3.8
50 - 54 7,290 947 3,708 869 3,582 78 13.0 23.4 2.2
55 - 59 4,552 484 2,627 447 1,925 37 10.6 17.0 1.9
60 - 64 4,097 337 2,092 294 2,005 43 8.2 14.1 2.1
65 - 69 2,813 242 1,519 198 1,294 44 8.6 13.0 3.4
70 - 74 2,274 134 1,128 115 1,146 19 5.9 10.2 1.7
75+ 2,518 210 1,348 143 1,170 67 8.3 10.6 5.7

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 193,516 154,800 93,517 81,744 99,999 73,056 80.0 87.4 73.1

5 - 9 21,733 13,791 10,965 7,026 10,768 6,765 63.5 64.1 62.8

10 - 14 25,286 24,382 12,209 11,913 13,077 12,469 96.4 97.6 95.4
15 - 19 31,724 29,847 14,090 13,616 17,634 16,231 94.1 96.6 92.0
20 - 24 32,308 29,845 15,356 14,727 16,952 15,118 92.4 95.9 89.2
25 - 29 22,664 19,364 11,180 10,443 11,484 8,921 85.4 93.4 77.7
30 - 34 14,194 11,281 7,680 6,856 6,514 4,425 79.5 89.3 67.9
35 - 39 11,801 8,993 5,963 5,337 5,838 3,656 76.2 89.5 62.6
40 - 44 7,713 5,521 4,230 3,642 3,483 1,879 71.6 86.1 53.9
45 - 49 6,250 4,018 3,136 2,618 3,114 1,400 64.3 83.5 45.0
50 - 54 5,184 2,630 2,319 1,889 2,865 741 50.7 81.5 25.9
55 - 59 3,774 1,637 1,685 1,168 2,089 469 43.4 69.3 22.5
60 - 64 3,374 1,231 1,447 884 1,927 347 36.5 61.1 18.0
65 - 69 2,589 910 1,104 661 1,485 249 35.1 59.9 16.8
70 - 74 2,319 622 971 455 1,348 167 26.8 46.9 12.4
75+ 2,603 728 1,182 509 1,421 219 28.0 43.1 15.4

Total 5+ 193,516 154,800 93,517 81,744 99,999 73,056 80.0 87.4 73.1

5 - 9 21,733 13,791 10,965 7,026 10,768 6,765 63.5 64.1 62.8

10 - 14 25,286 24,382 12,209 11,913 13,077 12,469 96.4 97.6 95.4
15 - 19 31,724 29,847 14,090 13,616 17,634 16,231 94.1 96.6 92.0
20 - 24 32,308 29,845 15,356 14,727 16,952 15,118 92.4 95.9 89.2
25 - 29 22,664 19,364 11,180 10,443 11,484 8,921 85.4 93.4 77.7
30 - 34 14,194 11,281 7,680 6,856 6,514 4,425 79.5 89.3 67.9
35 - 39 11,801 8,993 5,963 5,337 5,838 3,656 76.2 89.5 62.6
40 - 44 7,713 5,521 4,230 3,642 3,483 1,879 71.6 86.1 53.9
45 - 49 6,250 4,018 3,136 2,618 3,114 1,400 64.3 83.5 45.0
50 - 54 5,184 2,630 2,319 1,889 2,865 741 50.7 81.5 25.9
55 - 59 3,774 1,637 1,685 1,168 2,089 469 43.4 69.3 22.5
60 - 64 3,374 1,231 1,447 884 1,927 347 36.5 61.1 18.0
65 - 69 2,589 910 1,104 661 1,485 249 35.1 59.9 16.8
70 - 74 2,319 622 971 455 1,348 167 26.8 46.9 12.4
75+ 2,603 728 1,182 509 1,421 219 28.0 43.1 15.4

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 3,686,237 1,806,265 1,879,972 969,298 517,674 451,624 691,187 421,978 269,209 2,025,752 866,613 1,159,139

5 136,417 68,397 68,020 15,027 7,390 7,637 4,646 2,617 2,029 116,744 58,390 58,354
6 127,950 66,057 61,893 18,242 8,991 9,251 4,360 2,306 2,054 105,348 54,760 50,588
7 128,664 64,189 64,475 39,320 18,559 20,761 7,148 3,655 3,493 82,196 41,975 40,221
8 121,403 62,201 59,202 51,784 25,399 26,385 9,448 4,691 4,757 60,171 32,111 28,060
9 127,242 63,713 63,529 66,774 31,880 34,894 12,263 5,762 6,501 48,205 26,071 22,134
10 152,100 77,765 74,335 83,984 40,475 43,509 16,668 8,532 8,136 51,448 28,758 22,690
11 100,400 50,730 49,670 61,459 29,742 31,717 12,217 6,097 6,120 26,724 14,891 11,833
12 135,541 70,842 64,699 80,485 40,011 40,474 16,882 8,720 8,162 38,174 22,111 16,063
13 119,073 60,492 58,581 71,946 34,883 37,063 15,892 8,419 7,473 31,235 17,190 14,045
14 106,693 55,040 51,653 63,012 31,544 31,468 14,730 7,738 6,992 28,951 15,758 13,193
15 110,472 56,353 54,119 59,339 30,438 28,901 17,388 8,815 8,573 33,745 17,100 16,645
16 100,732 51,298 49,434 53,653 27,759 25,894 17,238 8,788 8,450 29,841 14,751 15,090
17 78,266 40,248 38,018 39,648 21,134 18,514 15,429 7,823 7,606 23,189 11,291 11,898
18 134,518 62,019 72,499 56,838 29,790 27,048 30,689 13,429 17,260 46,991 18,800 28,191
19 72,230 34,650 37,580 29,468 16,264 13,204 19,222 8,346 10,876 23,540 10,040 13,500
20 128,181 57,686 70,495 36,828 21,978 14,850 37,842 16,474 21,368 53,511 19,234 34,277
21 44,912 21,575 23,337 13,117 8,087 5,030 15,381 7,285 8,096 16,414 6,203 10,211
22 84,967 41,981 42,986 19,736 12,938 6,798 29,828 15,367 14,461 35,403 13,676 21,727
23 52,503 27,071 25,432 11,156 7,735 3,421 20,483 11,268 9,215 20,864 8,068 12,796
24 51,909 27,244 24,665 9,724 6,638 3,086 19,943 11,624 8,319 22,242 8,982 13,260
25 91,258 39,764 51,494 12,015 8,044 3,971 30,194 16,663 13,531 49,049 15,057 33,992
26 46,615 22,351 24,264 6,025 4,122 1,903 16,645 10,104 6,541 23,945 8,125 15,820
27 45,752 20,737 25,015 5,369 3,628 1,741 16,219 9,743 6,476 24,164 7,366 16,798
28 72,891 31,140 41,751 6,928 4,824 2,104 22,912 13,933 8,979 43,051 12,383 30,668
29 29,327 14,003 15,324 2,697 1,934 763 10,506 6,933 3,573 16,124 5,136 10,988
30+ 1,286,221 618,719 667,502 54,724 43,487 11,237 257,014 196,846 60,168 974,483 378,386 596,097

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 740,132 346,013 394,119 290,634 149,855 140,779 250,518 135,274 115,244 198,980 60,884 138,096

5 21,193 10,451 10,742 6,000 2,828 3,172 1,404 720 684 13,789 6,903 6,886
6 18,103 9,190 8,913 7,001 3,549 3,452 1,130 566 564 9,972 5,075 4,897
7 19,401 9,686 9,715 12,657 6,186 6,471 1,676 914 762 5,068 2,586 2,482
8 18,725 9,239 9,486 14,429 7,062 7,367 2,165 1,143 1,022 2,131 1,034 1,097
9 20,528 10,326 10,202 16,560 8,354 8,206 2,621 1,251 1,370 1,347 721 626
10 24,147 11,751 12,396 20,018 9,679 10,339 2,936 1,483 1,453 1,193 589 604
11 17,618 8,832 8,786 14,667 7,315 7,352 2,326 1,150 1,176 625 367 258
12 22,908 11,403 11,505 19,013 9,508 9,505 2,993 1,494 1,499 902 401 501
13 20,772 10,187 10,585 17,060 8,358 8,702 2,865 1,471 1,394 847 358 489
14 20,630 10,062 10,568 16,666 8,177 8,489 2,947 1,459 1,488 1,017 426 591
15 20,880 9,811 11,069 15,568 7,489 8,079 3,924 1,845 2,079 1,388 477 911
16 22,819 10,700 12,119 17,239 8,354 8,885 4,187 1,931 2,256 1,393 415 978
17 19,851 9,218 10,633 13,942 6,703 7,239 4,656 2,088 2,568 1,253 427 826
18 36,125 15,589 20,536 21,974 10,467 11,507 10,720 4,191 6,529 3,431 931 2,500
19 19,968 8,575 11,393 11,641 5,764 5,877 6,655 2,348 4,307 1,672 463 1,209
20 34,384 14,667 19,717 14,328 7,937 6,391 15,294 5,787 9,507 4,762 943 3,819
21 12,850 5,516 7,334 4,871 2,722 2,149 6,313 2,415 3,898 1,666 379 1,287
22 23,204 10,319 12,885 7,259 4,114 3,145 12,382 5,366 7,016 3,563 839 2,724
23 16,013 7,742 8,271 4,364 2,722 1,642 9,303 4,493 4,810 2,346 527 1,819
24 14,779 7,132 7,647 3,702 2,165 1,537 8,751 4,320 4,431 2,326 647 1,679
25 25,820 11,054 14,766 4,802 2,829 1,973 14,567 6,853 7,714 6,451 1,372 5,079
26 12,467 5,791 6,676 2,455 1,486 969 7,214 3,766 3,448 2,798 539 2,259
27 12,969 5,728 7,241 2,066 1,213 853 7,520 3,967 3,553 3,383 548 2,835
28 18,178 8,347 9,831 2,821 1,739 1,082 10,222 5,597 4,625 5,135 1,011 4,124
29 7,611 3,731 3,880 1,211 763 448 4,440 2,494 1,946 1,960 474 1,486
30+ 238,189 110,966 127,223 18,320 12,372 5,948 101,307 66,162 35,145 118,562 32,432 86,130

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 2,946,107 1,460,250 1,485,857 678,664 367,818 310,846 440,670 286,703 153,967 1,826,773 805,729 1,021,044

5 115,223 57,946 57,277 9,027 4,563 4,464 3,242 1,897 1,345 102,954 51,486 51,468
6 109,847 56,867 52,980 11,241 5,442 5,799 3,230 1,740 1,490 95,376 49,685 45,691
7 109,263 54,503 54,760 26,663 12,373 14,290 5,472 2,741 2,731 77,128 39,389 37,739
8 102,679 52,962 49,717 37,355 18,337 19,018 7,283 3,548 3,735 58,041 31,077 26,964
9 106,716 53,389 53,327 50,214 23,526 26,688 9,643 4,512 5,131 46,859 25,351 21,508
10 127,954 66,014 61,940 63,966 30,796 33,170 13,732 7,049 6,683 50,256 28,169 22,087
11 82,780 41,898 40,882 46,791 22,427 24,364 9,891 4,947 4,944 26,098 14,524 11,574
12 112,635 59,440 53,195 61,472 30,503 30,969 13,890 7,227 6,663 37,273 21,710 15,563
13 98,300 50,304 47,996 54,886 26,525 28,361 13,026 6,947 6,079 30,388 16,832 13,556
14 86,064 44,978 41,086 46,347 23,367 22,980 11,782 6,279 5,503 27,935 15,332 12,603
15 89,590 46,541 43,049 43,771 22,949 20,822 13,462 6,969 6,493 32,357 16,623 15,734
16 77,913 40,598 37,315 36,414 19,405 17,009 13,051 6,857 6,194 28,448 14,336 14,112
17 58,414 31,029 27,385 25,705 14,430 11,275 10,773 5,735 5,038 21,936 10,864 11,072
18 98,394 46,430 51,964 34,865 19,323 15,542 19,969 9,238 10,731 43,560 17,869 25,691
19 52,263 26,076 26,187 17,827 10,500 7,327 12,569 5,999 6,570 21,867 9,577 12,290
20 93,797 43,020 50,777 22,500 14,041 8,459 22,548 10,687 11,861 48,749 18,292 30,457
21 32,061 16,058 16,003 8,246 5,365 2,881 9,067 4,869 4,198 14,748 5,824 8,924
22 61,764 31,663 30,101 12,478 8,825 3,653 17,446 10,001 7,445 31,840 12,837 19,003
23 36,490 19,328 17,162 6,791 5,012 1,779 11,181 6,775 4,406 18,518 7,541 10,977
24 37,130 20,111 17,019 6,022 4,473 1,549 11,192 7,303 3,889 19,916 8,335 11,581
25 65,439 28,710 36,729 7,214 5,215 1,999 15,627 9,810 5,817 42,598 13,685 28,913
26 34,146 16,559 17,587 3,570 2,636 934 9,431 6,338 3,093 21,145 7,585 13,560
27 32,784 15,009 17,775 3,303 2,415 888 8,700 5,776 2,924 20,781 6,818 13,963
28 54,713 22,792 31,921 4,107 3,085 1,022 12,690 8,336 4,354 37,916 11,371 26,545
29 21,715 10,271 11,444 1,485 1,170 315 6,066 4,439 1,627 14,164 4,662 9,502
30+ 1,048,033 507,754 540,279 36,404 31,115 5,289 155,707 130,684 25,023 855,922 345,955 509,967

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 618,674 308,430 310,244 121,069 63,781 57,288 108,149 67,979 40,170 389,456 176,670 212,786

5 24,037 12,166 11,871 1,757 843 914 675 404 271 21,605 10,919 10,686
6 22,335 11,723 10,612 2,180 1,069 1,111 635 330 305 19,520 10,324 9,196
7 22,145 10,781 11,364 5,256 2,211 3,045 1,260 566 694 15,629 8,004 7,625
8 20,476 10,384 10,092 6,279 2,853 3,426 1,528 639 889 12,669 6,892 5,777
9 20,924 10,366 10,558 8,315 3,682 4,633 1,860 763 1,097 10,749 5,921 4,828
10 25,886 13,186 12,700 10,971 4,724 6,247 3,107 1,557 1,550 11,808 6,905 4,903
11 16,427 8,122 8,305 7,994 3,447 4,547 2,124 1,096 1,028 6,309 3,579 2,730
12 23,002 12,086 10,916 10,803 4,956 5,847 3,061 1,589 1,472 9,138 5,541 3,597
13 18,652 9,621 9,031 8,675 4,045 4,630 2,907 1,521 1,386 7,070 4,055 3,015
14 16,883 8,939 7,944 7,842 3,884 3,958 2,554 1,322 1,232 6,487 3,733 2,754
15 17,022 8,934 8,088 6,860 3,544 3,316 3,089 1,630 1,459 7,073 3,760 3,313
16 16,447 8,277 8,170 6,606 3,338 3,268 3,041 1,478 1,563 6,800 3,461 3,339
17 12,037 6,428 5,609 4,359 2,485 1,874 2,578 1,278 1,300 5,100 2,665 2,435
18 22,460 10,348 12,112 6,801 3,697 3,104 5,266 2,238 3,028 10,393 4,413 5,980
19 11,211 5,542 5,669 3,077 1,839 1,238 3,020 1,333 1,687 5,114 2,370 2,744
20 22,417 9,850 12,567 4,243 2,622 1,621 6,259 2,897 3,362 11,915 4,331 7,584
21 7,439 3,496 3,943 1,464 924 540 2,481 1,144 1,337 3,494 1,428 2,066
22 16,294 8,207 8,087 2,717 1,874 843 5,066 2,773 2,293 8,511 3,560 4,951
23 9,236 4,905 4,331 1,392 1,036 356 3,071 1,871 1,200 4,773 1,998 2,775
24 10,220 5,515 4,705 1,429 1,100 329 3,323 2,033 1,290 5,468 2,382 3,086
25 15,831 7,306 8,525 1,609 1,203 406 4,352 2,689 1,663 9,870 3,414 6,456
26 9,168 4,532 4,636 869 640 229 2,641 1,842 799 5,658 2,050 3,608
27 8,401 3,976 4,425 684 492 192 2,447 1,642 805 5,270 1,842 3,428
28 13,501 5,699 7,802 843 622 221 3,540 2,391 1,149 9,118 2,686 6,432
29 4,925 2,460 2,465 325 259 66 1,396 1,029 367 3,204 1,172 2,032
30+ 211,298 105,581 105,717 7,719 6,392 1,327 36,868 29,924 6,944 166,711 69,265 97,446

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 92,813 42,058 50,755 31,866 16,170 15,696 31,829 17,405 14,424 29,118 8,483 20,635

5 2,978 1,484 1,494 680 331 349 162 72 90 2,136 1,081 1,055
6 2,478 1,237 1,241 773 421 352 123 59 64 1,582 757 825
7 2,615 1,327 1,288 1,579 762 817 233 117 116 803 448 355
8 2,275 971 1,304 1,692 738 954 247 107 140 336 126 210
9 2,737 1,320 1,417 2,196 1,046 1,150 310 141 169 231 133 98
10 3,164 1,551 1,613 2,505 1,225 1,280 497 247 250 162 79 83
11 2,433 1,216 1,217 2,017 989 1,028 330 184 146 86 43 43
12 2,989 1,409 1,580 2,466 1,129 1,337 412 217 195 111 63 48
13 2,473 1,270 1,203 1,911 969 942 441 232 209 121 69 52
14 2,405 1,262 1,143 1,950 983 967 338 210 128 117 69 48
15 2,515 1,241 1,274 1,800 865 935 566 312 254 149 64 85
16 2,504 1,117 1,387 1,808 800 1,008 531 268 263 165 49 116
17 2,126 991 1,135 1,344 667 677 639 279 360 143 45 98
18 4,168 1,653 2,515 2,077 915 1,162 1,558 597 961 533 141 392
19 2,023 821 1,202 957 499 458 760 253 507 306 69 237
20 4,129 1,615 2,514 1,201 694 507 2,132 790 1,342 796 131 665
21 1,588 617 971 444 248 196 858 296 562 286 73 213
22 2,947 1,124 1,823 706 396 310 1,640 640 1,000 601 88 513
23 1,870 784 1,086 322 195 127 1,131 535 596 417 54 363
24 1,798 727 1,071 336 213 123 1,081 460 621 381 54 327
25 3,210 1,288 1,922 399 266 133 1,776 838 938 1,035 184 851
26 1,608 649 959 230 144 86 859 454 405 519 51 468
27 1,667 718 949 193 106 87 965 519 446 509 93 416
28 2,387 1,000 1,387 246 136 110 1,308 758 550 833 106 727
29 930 445 485 81 56 25 541 323 218 308 66 242
30+ 30,796 14,221 16,575 1,953 1,377 576 12,391 8,497 3,894 16,452 4,347 12,105

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 525,862 266,371 259,491 89,207 47,611 41,596 76,318 50,574 25,744 360,337 168,186 192,151

5 21,059 10,683 10,376 1,076 512 564 514 333 181 19,469 9,838 9,631
6 19,860 10,487 9,373 1,409 649 760 513 271 242 17,938 9,567 8,371
7 19,530 9,454 10,076 3,677 1,449 2,228 1,027 449 578 14,826 7,556 7,270
8 18,203 9,414 8,789 4,589 2,116 2,473 1,281 532 749 12,333 6,766 5,567
9 18,188 9,046 9,142 6,119 2,636 3,483 1,550 621 929 10,519 5,789 4,730
10 22,722 11,635 11,087 8,465 3,498 4,967 2,611 1,311 1,300 11,646 6,826 4,820
11 13,993 6,905 7,088 5,977 2,458 3,519 1,794 912 882 6,222 3,535 2,687
12 20,013 10,676 9,337 8,338 3,827 4,511 2,649 1,372 1,277 9,026 5,477 3,549
13 16,181 8,351 7,830 6,765 3,076 3,689 2,466 1,289 1,177 6,950 3,986 2,964
14 14,476 7,676 6,800 5,891 2,900 2,991 2,215 1,112 1,103 6,370 3,664 2,706
15 14,508 7,694 6,814 5,061 2,680 2,381 2,523 1,318 1,205 6,924 3,696 3,228
16 13,940 7,159 6,781 4,797 2,537 2,260 2,509 1,210 1,299 6,634 3,412 3,222
17 9,908 5,435 4,473 3,015 1,818 1,197 1,937 998 939 4,956 2,619 2,337
18 18,292 8,695 9,597 4,725 2,782 1,943 3,708 1,641 2,067 9,859 4,272 5,587
19 9,188 4,721 4,467 2,120 1,340 780 2,260 1,080 1,180 4,808 2,301 2,507
20 18,289 8,236 10,053 3,042 1,928 1,114 4,128 2,108 2,020 11,119 4,200 6,919
21 5,852 2,879 2,973 1,021 676 345 1,623 848 775 3,208 1,355 1,853
22 13,346 7,083 6,263 2,010 1,478 532 3,426 2,133 1,293 7,910 3,472 4,438
23 7,365 4,120 3,245 1,070 841 229 1,939 1,335 604 4,356 1,944 2,412
24 8,422 4,789 3,633 1,093 888 205 2,242 1,573 669 5,087 2,328 2,759
25 12,621 6,019 6,602 1,210 937 273 2,577 1,852 725 8,834 3,230 5,604
26 7,559 3,883 3,676 639 496 143 1,781 1,388 393 5,139 1,999 3,140
27 6,735 3,258 3,477 491 385 106 1,482 1,123 359 4,762 1,750 3,012
28 11,115 4,699 6,416 597 486 111 2,232 1,633 599 8,286 2,580 5,706
29 3,994 2,014 1,980 244 203 41 854 705 149 2,896 1,106 1,790
30+ 180,503 91,360 89,143 5,766 5,015 751 24,477 21,427 3,050 150,260 64,918 85,342

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 1,064,658 521,834 542,824 287,953 153,111 134,842 206,135 128,250 77,885 570,570 240,473 330,097

5 39,316 19,800 19,516 4,211 2,058 2,153 1,355 725 630 33,750 17,017 16,733
6 37,726 18,996 18,730 4,984 2,388 2,596 1,223 632 591 31,519 15,976 15,543
7 37,818 18,975 18,843 10,414 5,000 5,414 1,750 867 883 25,654 13,108 12,546
8 35,204 18,397 16,807 14,272 7,124 7,148 2,399 1,231 1,168 18,533 10,042 8,491
9 37,561 18,550 19,011 19,398 9,020 10,378 3,315 1,486 1,829 14,848 8,044 6,804
10 44,782 23,114 21,668 25,265 12,402 12,863 4,377 2,345 2,032 15,140 8,367 6,773
11 29,593 14,847 14,746 18,450 8,792 9,658 3,358 1,680 1,678 7,785 4,375 3,410
12 39,909 21,003 18,906 25,106 12,664 12,442 4,608 2,341 2,267 10,195 5,998 4,197
13 35,543 18,058 17,485 22,288 10,720 11,568 4,534 2,506 2,028 8,721 4,832 3,889
14 31,929 16,155 15,774 19,599 9,678 9,921 4,331 2,220 2,111 7,999 4,257 3,742
15 31,402 15,700 15,702 17,952 8,902 9,050 4,820 2,345 2,475 8,630 4,453 4,177
16 29,066 15,117 13,949 16,500 8,627 7,873 4,858 2,553 2,305 7,708 3,937 3,771
17 23,143 11,931 11,212 12,533 6,541 5,992 4,594 2,430 2,164 6,016 2,960 3,056
18 36,790 17,554 19,236 17,258 9,033 8,225 8,476 3,842 4,634 11,056 4,679 6,377
19 20,016 10,039 9,977 8,744 4,897 3,847 5,520 2,573 2,947 5,752 2,569 3,183
20 34,883 16,383 18,500 11,385 6,578 4,807 10,742 4,778 5,964 12,756 5,027 7,729
21 11,836 5,967 5,869 3,839 2,355 1,484 4,228 2,126 2,102 3,769 1,486 2,283
22 22,632 11,540 11,092 5,726 3,978 1,748 8,488 4,309 4,179 8,418 3,253 5,165
23 14,152 7,756 6,396 3,217 2,243 974 5,764 3,321 2,443 5,171 2,192 2,979
24 13,895 7,454 6,441 2,700 1,837 863 5,678 3,438 2,240 5,517 2,179 3,338
25 21,598 9,449 12,149 3,260 2,137 1,123 8,311 4,428 3,883 10,027 2,884 7,143
26 12,556 5,894 6,662 1,721 1,110 611 5,119 3,018 2,101 5,716 1,766 3,950
27 12,316 5,287 7,029 1,561 1,065 496 4,627 2,599 2,028 6,128 1,623 4,505
28 20,038 7,812 12,226 1,873 1,239 634 7,108 3,937 3,171 11,057 2,636 8,421
29 8,687 3,773 4,914 730 527 203 3,277 2,066 1,211 4,680 1,180 3,500
30+ 382,267 182,283 199,984 14,967 12,196 2,771 83,275 64,454 18,821 284,025 105,633 178,392

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 152,764 69,839 82,925 63,067 32,213 30,854 51,937 26,976 24,961 37,760 10,650 27,110

5 4,495 2,277 2,218 1,197 561 636 332 178 154 2,966 1,538 1,428
6 4,066 2,001 2,065 1,617 788 829 224 79 145 2,225 1,134 1,091
7 4,421 2,239 2,182 2,992 1,506 1,486 313 160 153 1,116 573 543
8 4,196 2,119 2,077 3,371 1,654 1,717 385 202 183 440 263 177
9 4,390 2,182 2,208 3,715 1,883 1,832 436 179 257 239 120 119
10 5,336 2,584 2,752 4,676 2,231 2,445 440 252 188 220 101 119
11 3,525 1,768 1,757 3,090 1,542 1,548 297 152 145 138 74 64
12 4,934 2,427 2,507 4,215 2,106 2,109 529 237 292 190 84 106
13 4,432 2,164 2,268 3,886 1,891 1,995 401 216 185 145 57 88
14 4,118 2,023 2,095 3,543 1,785 1,758 420 164 256 155 74 81
15 4,059 1,845 2,214 3,197 1,512 1,685 604 256 348 258 77 181
16 4,698 2,281 2,417 3,787 1,887 1,900 743 339 404 168 55 113
17 3,985 1,820 2,165 3,069 1,412 1,657 741 355 386 175 53 122
18 7,700 3,397 4,303 5,293 2,482 2,811 1,960 783 1,177 447 132 315
19 4,101 1,782 2,319 2,645 1,332 1,313 1,227 400 827 229 50 179
20 7,228 3,062 4,166 3,356 1,805 1,551 3,192 1,139 2,053 680 118 562
21 2,277 914 1,363 824 480 344 1,235 405 830 218 29 189
22 4,556 1,953 2,603 1,458 852 606 2,603 998 1,605 495 103 392
23 2,901 1,455 1,446 684 472 212 1,855 926 929 362 57 305
24 2,683 1,300 1,383 596 333 263 1,706 857 849 381 110 271
25 4,965 1,970 2,995 838 471 367 3,175 1,354 1,821 952 145 807
26 2,472 1,038 1,434 454 254 200 1,570 704 866 448 80 368
27 2,367 968 1,399 372 213 159 1,392 681 711 603 74 529
28 3,916 1,512 2,404 566 319 247 2,290 1,097 1,193 1,060 96 964
29 1,474 609 865 203 120 83 876 400 476 395 89 306
30+ 49,469 22,149 27,320 3,423 2,322 1,101 22,991 14,463 8,528 23,055 5,364 17,691

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 911,897 452,001 459,896 224,893 120,906 103,987 154,197 101,272 52,925 532,807 229,823 302,984

5 34,821 17,523 17,298 3,014 1,497 1,517 1,023 547 476 30,784 15,479 15,305
6 33,660 16,994 16,666 3,366 1,599 1,767 999 553 446 29,295 14,842 14,453
7 33,397 16,737 16,660 7,423 3,495 3,928 1,437 707 730 24,537 12,535 12,002
8 31,010 16,278 14,732 10,902 5,470 5,432 2,014 1,029 985 18,094 9,779 8,315
9 33,171 16,369 16,802 15,683 7,138 8,545 2,879 1,307 1,572 14,609 7,924 6,685
10 39,447 20,531 18,916 20,589 10,171 10,418 3,937 2,093 1,844 14,921 8,267 6,654
11 26,070 13,081 12,989 15,361 7,251 8,110 3,062 1,529 1,533 7,647 4,301 3,346
12 34,974 18,575 16,399 20,891 10,558 10,333 4,078 2,103 1,975 10,005 5,914 4,091
13 31,111 15,895 15,216 18,401 8,829 9,572 4,133 2,290 1,843 8,577 4,776 3,801
14 27,812 14,133 13,679 16,056 7,893 8,163 3,912 2,057 1,855 7,844 4,183 3,661
15 27,344 13,855 13,489 14,756 7,391 7,365 4,217 2,089 2,128 8,371 4,375 3,996
16 24,368 12,835 11,533 12,715 6,741 5,974 4,114 2,213 1,901 7,539 3,881 3,658
17 19,159 10,111 9,048 9,464 5,129 4,335 3,854 2,075 1,779 5,841 2,907 2,934
18 29,090 14,158 14,932 11,966 6,552 5,414 6,516 3,059 3,457 10,608 4,547 6,061
19 15,916 8,258 7,658 6,100 3,566 2,534 4,292 2,172 2,120 5,524 2,520 3,004
20 27,654 13,320 14,334 8,029 4,773 3,256 7,549 3,638 3,911 12,076 4,909 7,167
21 9,559 5,053 4,506 3,014 1,875 1,139 2,994 1,721 1,273 3,551 1,457 2,094
22 18,078 9,589 8,489 4,269 3,127 1,142 5,885 3,311 2,574 7,924 3,151 4,773
23 11,251 6,301 4,950 2,534 1,772 762 3,909 2,395 1,514 4,808 2,134 2,674
24 11,211 6,154 5,057 2,104 1,504 600 3,971 2,581 1,390 5,136 2,069 3,067
25 16,633 7,479 9,154 2,422 1,666 756 5,136 3,074 2,062 9,075 2,739 6,336
26 10,085 4,856 5,229 1,267 856 411 3,550 2,314 1,236 5,268 1,686 3,582
27 9,950 4,320 5,630 1,189 852 337 3,235 1,918 1,317 5,526 1,550 3,976
28 16,120 6,299 9,821 1,307 920 387 4,818 2,840 1,978 9,995 2,539 7,456
29 7,212 3,164 4,048 528 407 121 2,400 1,666 734 4,284 1,091 3,193
30+ 332,794 160,133 172,661 11,543 9,874 1,669 60,283 49,991 10,292 260,968 100,268 160,700

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 650,380 306,125 344,255 239,965 126,637 113,328 122,021 72,240 49,781 288,394 107,248 181,146

5 24,673 12,520 12,153 3,927 2,039 1,888 928 579 349 19,818 9,902 9,916
6 22,567 11,761 10,806 4,636 2,419 2,217 771 381 390 17,160 8,961 8,199
7 22,499 11,114 11,385 10,798 5,233 5,565 1,264 653 611 10,437 5,228 5,209
8 21,983 10,895 11,088 14,685 7,250 7,435 1,706 876 830 5,592 2,769 2,823
9 23,980 12,231 11,749 18,000 9,110 8,890 2,329 1,156 1,173 3,651 1,965 1,686
10 27,354 13,787 13,567 21,445 10,653 10,792 2,728 1,379 1,349 3,181 1,755 1,426
11 20,737 10,770 9,967 16,569 8,605 7,964 2,324 1,167 1,157 1,844 998 846
12 24,873 12,782 12,091 19,802 10,052 9,750 2,709 1,476 1,233 2,362 1,254 1,108
13 23,569 11,723 11,846 18,788 9,230 9,558 2,665 1,406 1,259 2,116 1,087 1,029
14 20,803 10,764 10,039 16,215 8,307 7,908 2,466 1,437 1,029 2,122 1,020 1,102
15 20,579 10,239 10,340 14,988 7,508 7,480 2,758 1,468 1,290 2,833 1,263 1,570
16 18,938 9,319 9,619 13,448 6,760 6,688 2,896 1,449 1,447 2,594 1,110 1,484
17 15,007 7,764 7,243 10,235 5,435 4,800 2,713 1,430 1,283 2,059 899 1,160
18 22,946 10,489 12,457 13,406 6,730 6,676 5,237 2,345 2,892 4,303 1,414 2,889
19 13,330 6,227 7,103 7,362 3,885 3,477 3,597 1,404 2,193 2,371 938 1,433
20 19,775 8,702 11,073 8,098 4,638 3,460 6,557 2,679 3,878 5,120 1,385 3,735
21 6,988 3,338 3,650 2,605 1,566 1,039 2,725 1,265 1,460 1,658 507 1,151
22 12,204 5,456 6,748 3,838 2,208 1,630 4,988 2,333 2,655 3,378 915 2,463
23 8,145 3,755 4,390 2,148 1,396 752 3,809 1,776 2,033 2,188 583 1,605
24 7,540 3,476 4,064 1,667 1,086 581 3,616 1,818 1,798 2,257 572 1,685
25 13,994 5,345 8,649 2,201 1,419 782 5,539 2,689 2,850 6,254 1,237 5,017
26 6,596 2,874 3,722 1,199 826 373 2,707 1,498 1,209 2,690 550 2,140
27 6,975 2,640 4,335 1,056 602 454 2,818 1,502 1,316 3,101 536 2,565
28 10,239 3,875 6,364 1,325 882 443 3,648 2,103 1,545 5,266 890 4,376
29 4,878 2,081 2,797 530 343 187 2,094 1,238 856 2,254 500 1,754
30+ 229,208 102,198 127,010 10,994 8,455 2,539 46,429 34,733 11,696 171,785 59,010 112,775

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 126,559 56,354 70,205 57,125 28,996 28,129 37,616 18,816 18,800 31,818 8,542 23,276

5 4,347 2,087 2,260 1,278 573 705 224 116 108 2,845 1,398 1,447
6 3,586 1,853 1,733 1,398 765 633 180 85 95 2,008 1,003 1,005
7 3,599 1,740 1,859 2,589 1,211 1,378 235 128 107 775 401 374
8 3,539 1,761 1,778 3,011 1,499 1,512 305 156 149 223 106 117
9 3,778 1,935 1,843 3,200 1,627 1,573 435 229 206 143 79 64
10 4,286 2,103 2,183 3,825 1,839 1,986 389 203 186 72 61 11
11 3,398 1,675 1,723 2,975 1,453 1,522 379 183 196 44 39 5
12 4,311 2,198 2,113 3,919 2,008 1,911 340 169 171 52 21 31
13 3,859 1,833 2,026 3,423 1,635 1,788 387 181 206 49 17 32
14 3,784 1,886 1,898 3,268 1,650 1,618 420 200 220 96 36 60
15 3,650 1,658 1,992 3,038 1,405 1,633 447 214 233 165 39 126
16 4,166 1,905 2,261 3,473 1,607 1,866 568 246 322 125 52 73
17 3,845 1,824 2,021 3,002 1,450 1,552 703 346 357 140 28 112
18 6,457 2,835 3,622 4,533 2,167 2,366 1,549 586 963 375 82 293
19 3,786 1,610 2,176 2,636 1,261 1,375 1,030 314 716 120 35 85
20 5,305 2,313 2,992 2,795 1,570 1,225 2,012 683 1,329 498 60 438
21 1,976 844 1,132 838 503 335 954 330 624 184 11 173
22 3,237 1,251 1,986 1,091 542 549 1,681 645 1,036 465 64 401
23 2,427 972 1,455 666 376 290 1,425 540 885 336 56 280
24 2,208 815 1,393 585 313 272 1,305 463 842 318 39 279
25 3,944 1,421 2,523 775 454 321 2,217 818 1,399 952 149 803
26 1,855 818 1,037 405 263 142 1,011 528 483 439 27 412
27 2,112 740 1,372 363 172 191 1,176 515 661 573 53 520
28 2,684 993 1,691 467 272 195 1,371 665 706 846 56 790
29 1,436 611 825 231 136 95 842 419 423 363 56 307
30+ 38,984 16,673 22,311 3,341 2,245 1,096 16,031 9,854 6,177 19,612 4,574 15,038

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 523,829 249,775 274,054 182,844 97,645 85,199 84,406 53,424 30,982 256,579 98,706 157,873

5 20,325 10,433 9,892 2,648 1,466 1,182 704 463 241 16,973 8,504 8,469
6 18,979 9,907 9,072 3,238 1,654 1,584 589 295 294 15,152 7,958 7,194
7 18,899 9,374 9,525 8,208 4,022 4,186 1,029 525 504 9,662 4,827 4,835
8 18,443 9,133 9,310 11,673 5,750 5,923 1,401 720 681 5,369 2,663 2,706
9 20,202 10,296 9,906 14,800 7,483 7,317 1,894 927 967 3,508 1,886 1,622
10 23,071 11,685 11,386 17,621 8,815 8,806 2,340 1,176 1,164 3,110 1,694 1,416
11 17,339 9,095 8,244 13,594 7,152 6,442 1,945 984 961 1,800 959 841
12 20,561 10,584 9,977 15,883 8,044 7,839 2,369 1,307 1,062 2,309 1,233 1,076
13 19,711 9,891 9,820 15,366 7,596 7,770 2,278 1,225 1,053 2,067 1,070 997
14 17,019 8,877 8,142 12,947 6,657 6,290 2,045 1,236 809 2,027 984 1,043
15 16,930 8,582 8,348 11,951 6,103 5,848 2,312 1,255 1,057 2,667 1,224 1,443
16 14,774 7,415 7,359 9,975 5,153 4,822 2,328 1,203 1,125 2,471 1,059 1,412
17 11,162 5,940 5,222 7,233 3,985 3,248 2,010 1,084 926 1,919 871 1,048
18 16,491 7,655 8,836 8,873 4,563 4,310 3,689 1,760 1,929 3,929 1,332 2,597
19 9,544 4,617 4,927 4,726 2,624 2,102 2,567 1,090 1,477 2,251 903 1,348
20 14,472 6,390 8,082 5,304 3,069 2,235 4,546 1,996 2,550 4,622 1,325 3,297
21 5,012 2,494 2,518 1,767 1,063 704 1,771 935 836 1,474 496 978
22 8,968 4,205 4,763 2,747 1,666 1,081 3,307 1,688 1,619 2,914 851 2,063
23 5,718 2,783 2,935 1,483 1,020 463 2,383 1,236 1,147 1,852 527 1,325
24 5,333 2,662 2,671 1,083 774 309 2,311 1,355 956 1,939 533 1,406
25 10,050 3,924 6,126 1,426 965 461 3,322 1,871 1,451 5,302 1,088 4,214
26 4,741 2,056 2,685 794 563 231 1,696 970 726 2,251 523 1,728
27 4,862 1,900 2,962 693 430 263 1,641 987 654 2,528 483 2,045
28 7,557 2,882 4,675 859 610 249 2,278 1,438 840 4,420 834 3,586
29 3,443 1,470 1,973 299 207 92 1,253 819 434 1,891 444 1,447
30+ 190,223 85,525 104,698 7,653 6,211 1,442 30,398 24,879 5,519 152,172 54,435 97,737

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 860,584 423,428 437,156 194,139 106,212 87,927 117,050 73,099 43,951 549,395 244,117 305,278

5 32,464 15,989 16,475 2,230 1,005 1,225 941 522 419 29,293 14,462 14,831
6 31,003 16,168 14,835 3,343 1,565 1,778 984 537 447 26,676 14,066 12,610
7 31,465 15,633 15,832 7,303 3,360 3,943 1,683 904 779 22,479 11,369 11,110
8 29,600 15,334 14,266 10,342 5,024 5,318 2,107 1,109 998 17,151 9,201 7,950
9 30,405 15,428 14,977 13,350 6,368 6,982 2,685 1,354 1,331 14,370 7,706 6,664
10 36,808 18,895 17,913 17,261 8,167 9,094 4,088 1,997 2,091 15,459 8,731 6,728
11 22,850 11,592 11,258 11,764 5,489 6,275 2,724 1,368 1,356 8,362 4,735 3,627
12 32,469 17,100 15,369 16,403 8,143 8,260 3,947 2,044 1,903 12,119 6,913 5,206
13 28,205 14,629 13,576 14,771 7,388 7,383 3,441 1,804 1,637 9,993 5,437 4,556
14 23,786 12,516 11,270 12,140 6,152 5,988 2,952 1,500 1,452 8,694 4,864 3,830
15 27,719 14,524 13,195 12,778 6,810 5,968 3,758 1,939 1,819 11,183 5,775 5,408
16 22,736 12,043 10,693 10,465 5,711 4,754 3,458 1,852 1,606 8,813 4,480 4,333
17 16,918 8,603 8,315 7,512 4,101 3,411 2,535 1,242 1,293 6,871 3,260 3,611
18 30,800 14,440 16,360 11,427 6,340 5,087 5,266 2,269 2,997 14,107 5,831 8,276
19 16,824 8,062 8,762 6,363 3,641 2,722 3,297 1,418 1,879 7,164 3,003 4,161
20 28,951 13,308 15,643 7,541 4,872 2,669 6,038 2,638 3,400 15,372 5,798 9,574
21 9,998 4,897 5,101 2,799 1,864 935 2,373 1,246 1,127 4,826 1,787 3,039
22 17,300 8,596 8,704 3,789 2,640 1,149 4,308 2,343 1,965 9,203 3,613 5,590
23 10,278 5,073 5,205 2,228 1,608 620 2,674 1,550 1,124 5,376 1,915 3,461
24 9,056 4,814 4,242 1,703 1,183 520 2,230 1,382 848 5,123 2,249 2,874
25 22,929 9,585 13,344 2,536 1,762 774 4,719 2,783 1,936 15,674 5,040 10,634
26 9,053 4,169 4,884 990 747 243 2,128 1,281 847 5,935 2,141 3,794
27 9,147 4,445 4,702 1,028 765 263 2,340 1,568 772 5,779 2,112 3,667
28 16,536 7,285 9,251 1,449 1,078 371 3,362 2,243 1,119 11,725 3,964 7,761
29 5,543 2,819 2,724 460 351 109 1,407 1,063 344 3,676 1,405 2,271
30+ 307,741 147,481 160,260 12,164 10,078 2,086 41,605 33,143 8,462 253,972 104,260 149,712

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 112,153 52,449 59,704 47,131 25,157 21,974 27,518 15,408 12,110 37,504 11,884 25,620

5 3,055 1,402 1,653 579 222 357 164 79 85 2,312 1,101 1,211
6 2,563 1,331 1,232 906 429 477 150 108 42 1,507 794 713
7 2,823 1,380 1,443 1,759 865 894 184 98 86 880 417 463
8 2,869 1,435 1,434 2,160 1,045 1,115 278 178 100 431 212 219
9 3,199 1,700 1,499 2,665 1,430 1,235 297 132 165 237 138 99
10 4,021 1,917 2,104 3,265 1,576 1,689 437 167 270 319 174 145
11 2,856 1,460 1,396 2,377 1,218 1,159 320 137 183 159 105 54
12 3,718 1,916 1,802 3,002 1,568 1,434 490 222 268 226 126 100
13 3,536 1,810 1,726 2,850 1,481 1,369 433 229 204 253 100 153
14 3,469 1,728 1,741 2,930 1,465 1,465 345 180 165 194 83 111
15 3,725 1,811 1,914 2,810 1,383 1,427 562 296 266 353 132 221
16 3,971 1,986 1,985 3,074 1,622 1,452 517 246 271 380 118 262
17 3,216 1,533 1,683 2,502 1,248 1,254 460 194 266 254 91 163
18 5,330 2,471 2,859 3,633 1,871 1,762 1,053 427 626 644 173 471
19 3,270 1,520 1,750 2,181 1,185 996 809 238 571 280 97 183
20 4,836 2,199 2,637 2,358 1,354 1,004 1,593 618 975 885 227 658
21 1,679 806 873 840 471 369 556 272 284 283 63 220
22 2,747 1,286 1,461 1,002 623 379 1,066 496 570 679 167 512
23 2,003 989 1,014 807 480 327 816 437 379 380 72 308
24 1,449 828 621 432 291 141 742 436 306 275 101 174
25 3,664 1,629 2,035 878 529 349 1,598 839 759 1,188 261 927
26 1,476 689 787 324 209 115 686 356 330 466 124 342
27 1,627 747 880 320 201 119 835 458 377 472 88 384
28 2,139 1,043 1,096 416 280 136 967 564 403 756 199 557
29 816 430 386 165 106 59 433 265 168 218 59 159
30+ 38,096 16,403 21,693 2,896 2,005 891 11,727 7,736 3,991 23,473 6,662 16,811

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 748,428 370,978 377,450 147,002 81,052 65,950 89,531 57,689 31,842 511,895 232,237 279,658

5 29,409 14,587 14,822 1,651 783 868 777 443 334 26,981 13,361 13,620
6 28,439 14,837 13,602 2,437 1,136 1,301 834 429 405 25,168 13,272 11,896
7 28,642 14,254 14,388 5,544 2,496 3,048 1,499 806 693 21,599 10,952 10,647
8 26,731 13,900 12,831 8,181 3,979 4,202 1,829 931 898 16,721 8,990 7,731
9 27,206 13,727 13,479 10,685 4,938 5,747 2,388 1,221 1,167 14,133 7,568 6,565
10 32,788 16,979 15,809 13,996 6,591 7,405 3,651 1,830 1,821 15,141 8,558 6,583
11 19,993 10,132 9,861 9,385 4,270 5,115 2,404 1,231 1,173 8,204 4,631 3,573
12 28,750 15,183 13,567 13,401 6,575 6,826 3,456 1,821 1,635 11,893 6,787 5,106
13 24,669 12,819 11,850 11,921 5,907 6,014 3,008 1,575 1,433 9,740 5,337 4,403
14 20,317 10,788 9,529 9,211 4,687 4,524 2,606 1,320 1,286 8,500 4,781 3,719
15 23,993 12,713 11,280 9,967 5,427 4,540 3,196 1,643 1,553 10,830 5,643 5,187
16 18,766 10,057 8,709 7,392 4,089 3,303 2,940 1,606 1,334 8,434 4,362 4,072
17 13,702 7,069 6,633 5,009 2,852 2,157 2,075 1,048 1,027 6,618 3,169 3,449
18 25,469 11,968 13,501 7,794 4,469 3,325 4,212 1,841 2,371 13,463 5,658 7,805
19 13,555 6,543 7,012 4,183 2,457 1,726 2,488 1,180 1,308 6,884 2,906 3,978
20 24,115 11,109 13,006 5,183 3,518 1,665 4,445 2,020 2,425 14,487 5,571 8,916
21 8,319 4,091 4,228 1,958 1,393 565 1,818 974 844 4,543 1,724 2,819
22 14,553 7,310 7,243 2,787 2,017 770 3,242 1,847 1,395 8,524 3,446 5,078
23 8,276 4,084 4,192 1,420 1,127 293 1,859 1,113 746 4,997 1,844 3,153
24 7,608 3,987 3,621 1,271 892 379 1,488 946 542 4,849 2,149 2,700
25 19,264 7,954 11,310 1,658 1,232 426 3,121 1,944 1,177 14,485 4,778 9,707
26 7,575 3,478 4,097 665 537 128 1,442 925 517 5,468 2,016 3,452
27 7,518 3,698 3,820 706 563 143 1,506 1,111 395 5,306 2,024 3,282
28 14,398 6,243 8,155 1,033 798 235 2,395 1,679 716 10,970 3,766 7,204
29 4,726 2,389 2,337 294 245 49 974 798 176 3,458 1,346 2,112
30+ 269,647 131,079 138,568 9,270 8,074 1,196 29,878 25,407 4,471 230,499 97,598 132,901

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 298,420 152,924 145,496 49,377 28,424 20,953 58,221 37,548 20,673 190,822 86,952 103,870

5 11,420 5,689 5,731 927 452 475 305 160 145 10,188 5,077 5,111
6 10,380 5,412 4,968 1,073 550 523 407 262 145 8,900 4,600 4,300
7 10,411 5,536 4,875 2,503 1,254 1,249 683 379 304 7,225 3,903 3,322
8 9,811 4,976 4,835 2,801 1,426 1,375 1,098 497 601 5,912 3,053 2,859
9 9,735 4,766 4,969 3,961 1,783 2,178 1,321 610 711 4,453 2,373 2,080
10 11,756 6,070 5,686 4,496 2,269 2,227 1,568 842 726 5,692 2,959 2,733
11 6,524 3,260 3,264 3,242 1,671 1,571 957 443 514 2,325 1,146 1,179
12 10,103 5,291 4,812 4,136 2,103 2,033 1,752 829 923 4,215 2,359 1,856
13 8,113 4,070 4,043 3,445 1,582 1,863 1,496 774 722 3,172 1,714 1,458
14 7,964 4,278 3,686 3,152 1,682 1,470 1,452 793 659 3,360 1,803 1,557
15 8,368 4,457 3,911 2,903 1,783 1,120 1,706 900 806 3,759 1,774 1,985
16 7,850 4,047 3,803 2,547 1,470 1,077 1,726 897 829 3,577 1,680 1,897
17 5,764 3,015 2,749 1,560 914 646 1,398 710 688 2,806 1,391 1,415
18 11,640 4,908 6,732 2,315 1,348 967 2,893 1,299 1,594 6,432 2,261 4,171
19 5,480 2,469 3,011 1,131 728 403 1,573 695 878 2,776 1,046 1,730
20 12,113 5,086 7,027 1,485 1,109 376 3,264 1,503 1,761 7,364 2,474 4,890
21 4,424 1,998 2,426 694 477 217 1,367 615 752 2,363 906 1,457
22 8,905 4,450 4,455 958 734 224 2,743 1,586 1,157 5,204 2,130 3,074
23 5,414 2,835 2,579 500 380 120 1,987 1,222 765 2,927 1,233 1,694
24 6,071 3,344 2,727 636 534 102 2,011 1,353 658 3,424 1,457 1,967
25 9,177 4,564 4,613 657 535 122 2,628 1,863 765 5,892 2,166 3,726
26 5,359 2,918 2,441 288 244 44 1,609 1,173 436 3,462 1,501 1,961
27 5,200 2,581 2,619 340 272 68 1,571 1,151 420 3,289 1,158 2,131
28 7,197 3,596 3,601 444 371 73 1,781 1,288 493 4,972 1,937 3,035
29 3,332 1,848 1,484 232 209 23 1,040 830 210 2,060 809 1,251
30+ 95,909 51,460 44,449 2,951 2,544 407 17,885 14,874 3,011 75,073 34,042 41,031

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 62,333 31,802 30,531 14,664 7,821 6,843 22,004 13,806 8,198 25,665 10,175 15,490

5 1,814 971 843 292 149 143 81 49 32 1,441 773 668

6 1,472 771 701 283 147 136 112 70 42 1,077 554 523
7 1,618 851 767 693 343 350 203 124 79 722 384 338
8 1,519 739 780 790 404 386 341 161 180 388 174 214
9 1,786 815 971 1,035 452 583 388 174 214 363 189 174
10 1,828 884 944 1,200 547 653 374 202 172 254 135 119
11 1,140 577 563 769 376 393 271 152 119 100 49 51
12 1,768 870 898 1,177 604 573 414 206 208 177 60 117
13 1,485 722 763 1,012 465 547 357 207 150 116 50 66
14 1,524 774 750 910 452 458 448 239 209 166 83 83
15 1,552 757 795 867 434 433 490 234 256 195 89 106
16 1,786 916 870 1,012 585 427 568 273 295 206 58 148
17 1,282 541 741 576 268 308 502 180 322 204 93 111
18 2,587 954 1,633 808 391 417 1,048 362 686 731 201 530
19 1,417 532 885 433 215 218 611 219 392 373 98 275
20 2,845 1,121 1,724 542 355 187 1,384 579 805 919 187 732
21 1,102 455 647 207 118 89 504 223 281 391 114 277
22 2,084 974 1,110 294 198 96 1,156 564 592 634 212 422
23 1,534 795 739 215 128 87 898 527 371 421 140 281
24 1,514 824 690 166 119 47 830 504 326 518 201 317
25 2,306 1,230 1,076 159 120 39 1,156 793 363 991 317 674
26 1,173 633 540 82 60 22 648 433 215 443 140 303
27 1,483 750 733 117 88 29 735 514 221 631 148 483
28 1,676 927 749 135 100 35 814 542 272 727 285 442
29 993 613 380 112 100 12 455 379 76 426 134 292
30+ 21,045 11,806 9,239 778 603 175 7,216 5,896 1,320 13,051 5,307 7,744

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 236,091 121,125 114,966 34,714 20,605 14,109 36,214 23,739 12,475 165,163 76,781 88,382

5 9,608 4,719 4,889 636 304 332 225 111 114 8,747 4,304 4,443
6 8,907 4,642 4,265 790 404 386 294 192 102 7,823 4,046 3,777
7 8,792 4,684 4,108 1,810 911 899 479 254 225 6,503 3,519 2,984
8 8,293 4,238 4,055 2,011 1,022 989 757 336 421 5,525 2,880 2,645
9 7,949 3,951 3,998 2,927 1,332 1,595 932 435 497 4,090 2,184 1,906
10 9,927 5,185 4,742 3,295 1,721 1,574 1,194 640 554 5,438 2,824 2,614
11 5,386 2,685 2,701 2,474 1,296 1,178 686 291 395 2,226 1,098 1,128
12 8,336 4,421 3,915 2,959 1,499 1,460 1,338 623 715 4,039 2,299 1,740
13 6,627 3,348 3,279 2,432 1,117 1,315 1,139 567 572 3,056 1,664 1,392
14 6,440 3,504 2,936 2,242 1,230 1,012 1,004 554 450 3,194 1,720 1,474
15 6,817 3,700 3,117 2,037 1,349 688 1,216 666 550 3,564 1,685 1,879
16 6,063 3,131 2,932 1,535 885 650 1,158 624 534 3,370 1,622 1,748
17 4,483 2,474 2,009 984 646 338 897 530 367 2,602 1,298 1,304
18 9,054 3,955 5,099 1,507 957 550 1,845 937 908 5,702 2,061 3,641
19 4,061 1,937 2,124 698 513 185 961 476 485 2,402 948 1,454
20 9,269 3,965 5,304 942 753 189 1,881 925 956 6,446 2,287 4,159
21 3,321 1,541 1,780 486 358 128 862 391 471 1,973 792 1,181
22 6,819 3,476 3,343 665 537 128 1,585 1,021 564 4,569 1,918 2,651
23 3,880 2,040 1,840 285 252 33 1,089 695 394 2,506 1,093 1,413
24 4,557 2,520 2,037 470 415 55 1,181 849 332 2,906 1,256 1,650
25 6,871 3,334 3,537 498 415 83 1,472 1,070 402 4,901 1,849 3,052
26 4,186 2,285 1,901 206 184 22 961 740 221 3,019 1,361 1,658
27 3,718 1,831 1,887 223 184 39 836 637 199 2,659 1,010 1,649
28 5,524 2,670 2,854 310 271 39 968 746 222 4,246 1,653 2,593
29 2,338 1,234 1,104 120 109 11 584 450 134 1,634 675 959
30+ 74,865 39,655 35,210 2,172 1,941 231 10,670 8,979 1,691 62,023 28,735 33,288

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 193,515 93,515 100,000 76,790 39,503 37,287 79,612 42,861 36,751 37,113 11,151 25,962

5 4,504 2,231 2,273 1,975 993 982 441 226 215 2,088 1,012 1,076
6 3,940 1,998 1,942 2,026 1,000 1,026 340 164 176 1,574 834 740
7 4,325 2,149 2,176 3,046 1,500 1,546 508 287 221 771 362 409
8 4,328 2,214 2,114 3,405 1,722 1,683 610 339 271 313 153 160
9 4,636 2,373 2,263 3,748 1,916 1,832 754 395 359 134 62 72
10 5,515 2,713 2,802 4,547 2,260 2,287 800 412 388 168 41 127
11 4,268 2,137 2,131 3,439 1,737 1,702 730 342 388 99 58 41
12 5,187 2,582 2,605 4,235 2,093 2,142 807 442 365 145 47 98
13 4,987 2,388 2,599 3,978 1,917 2,061 847 407 440 162 64 98
14 5,329 2,389 2,940 4,065 1,842 2,223 975 466 509 289 81 208
15 5,381 2,498 2,883 3,857 1,890 1,967 1,256 532 724 268 76 192
16 5,695 2,495 3,200 4,086 1,853 2,233 1,260 559 701 349 83 266
17 5,397 2,507 2,890 3,450 1,658 1,792 1,610 733 877 337 116 221
18 9,881 4,279 5,602 5,630 2,641 2,989 3,551 1,436 2,115 700 202 498
19 5,368 2,310 3,058 2,790 1,274 1,516 2,216 923 1,293 362 113 249
20 10,044 4,358 5,686 4,078 2,160 1,918 4,981 1,978 3,003 985 220 765
21 4,228 1,880 2,348 1,718 902 816 2,206 889 1,317 304 89 215
22 7,632 3,731 3,901 2,707 1,503 1,204 4,236 2,023 2,213 689 205 484
23 5,278 2,747 2,531 1,670 1,071 599 3,178 1,528 1,650 430 148 282
24 5,127 2,640 2,487 1,588 898 690 3,086 1,600 1,486 453 142 311
25 7,729 3,515 4,214 1,752 988 764 4,644 2,211 2,433 1,333 316 1,017
26 3,882 1,964 1,918 958 555 403 2,441 1,292 1,149 483 117 366
27 3,715 1,808 1,907 702 433 269 2,417 1,281 1,136 596 94 502
28 5,376 2,871 2,505 991 631 360 3,473 1,971 1,502 912 269 643
29 1,962 1,022 940 420 245 175 1,292 707 585 250 70 180
30+ 59,801 29,716 30,085 5,929 3,821 2,108 30,953 19,718 11,235 22,919 6,177 16,742

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 193,515 93,515 100,000 76,790 39,503 37,287 79,612 42,861 36,751 37,113 11,151 25,962

5 4,504 2,231 2,273 1,975 993 982 441 226 215 2,088 1,012 1,076
6 3,940 1,998 1,942 2,026 1,000 1,026 340 164 176 1,574 834 740
7 4,325 2,149 2,176 3,046 1,500 1,546 508 287 221 771 362 409
8 4,328 2,214 2,114 3,405 1,722 1,683 610 339 271 313 153 160
9 4,636 2,373 2,263 3,748 1,916 1,832 754 395 359 134 62 72
10 5,515 2,713 2,802 4,547 2,260 2,287 800 412 388 168 41 127
11 4,268 2,137 2,131 3,439 1,737 1,702 730 342 388 99 58 41
12 5,187 2,582 2,605 4,235 2,093 2,142 807 442 365 145 47 98
13 4,987 2,388 2,599 3,978 1,917 2,061 847 407 440 162 64 98
14 5,329 2,389 2,940 4,065 1,842 2,223 975 466 509 289 81 208
15 5,381 2,498 2,883 3,857 1,890 1,967 1,256 532 724 268 76 192
16 5,695 2,495 3,200 4,086 1,853 2,233 1,260 559 701 349 83 266
17 5,397 2,507 2,890 3,450 1,658 1,792 1,610 733 877 337 116 221
18 9,881 4,279 5,602 5,630 2,641 2,989 3,551 1,436 2,115 700 202 498
19 5,368 2,310 3,058 2,790 1,274 1,516 2,216 923 1,293 362 113 249
20 10,044 4,358 5,686 4,078 2,160 1,918 4,981 1,978 3,003 985 220 765
21 4,228 1,880 2,348 1,718 902 816 2,206 889 1,317 304 89 215
22 7,632 3,731 3,901 2,707 1,503 1,204 4,236 2,023 2,213 689 205 484
23 5,278 2,747 2,531 1,670 1,071 599 3,178 1,528 1,650 430 148 282
24 5,127 2,640 2,487 1,588 898 690 3,086 1,600 1,486 453 142 311
25 7,729 3,515 4,214 1,752 988 764 4,644 2,211 2,433 1,333 316 1,017
26 3,882 1,964 1,918 958 555 403 2,441 1,292 1,149 483 117 366
27 3,715 1,808 1,907 702 433 269 2,417 1,281 1,136 596 94 502
28 5,376 2,871 2,505 991 631 360 3,473 1,971 1,502 912 269 643
29 1,962 1,022 940 420 245 175 1,292 707 585 250 70 180
30+ 59,801 29,716 30,085 5,929 3,821 2,108 30,953 19,718 11,235 22,919 6,177 16,742

Table 5.3 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
-------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------

Geographical Area Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
TIGRAY REGION 3,686,232 1,806,261 1,879,971 969,296 517,673 451,623 691,185 421,976 269,209 2,025,751 866,612 1,159,139
TIGRAY REGION-URBAN 740,129 346,012 394,117 290,636 149,857 140,779 250,515 135,272 115,243 198,978 60,883 138,095
TIGRAY REGION-RURAL 2,946,105 1,460,250 1,485,855 678,661 367,816 310,845 440,670 286,704 153,966 1,826,774 805,730 1,021,044
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 618,674 308,428 310,246 121,072 63,781 57,291 108,145 67,977 40,168 389,457 176,670 212,787
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY-URBAN 92,810 42,056 50,754 31,865 16,170 15,695 31,825 17,403 14,422 29,120 8,483 20,637
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY-RURAL 525,864 266,372 259,492 89,207 47,611 41,596 76,320 50,574 25,746 360,337 168,187 192,150
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA 73,755 37,535 36,220 9,931 5,217 4,714 15,517 9,913 5,604 48,307 22,405 25,902
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA-URBAN 5,337 2,271 3,066 802 471 331 2,498 1,313 1,185 2,037 487 1,550
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA-RURAL 68,418 35,264 33,154 9,129 4,746 4,383 13,019 8,600 4,419 46,270 21,918 24,352
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA 94,675 47,023 47,652 17,084 9,250 7,834 13,102 8,353 4,749 64,489 29,420 35,069
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA-URBAN 6,722 2,842 3,880 2,588 1,390 1,198 1,331 661 670 2,803 791 2,012
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA-RURAL 87,955 44,182 43,773 14,497 7,861 6,636 11,771 7,692 4,079 61,687 28,629 33,058
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA 106,696 52,579 54,117 22,279 11,854 10,425 17,975 11,927 6,048 66,442 28,798 37,644
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA-URBAN 9,086 3,951 5,135 3,032 1,492 1,540 3,163 1,670 1,493 2,891 789 2,102
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA-RURAL 97,612 48,629 48,983 19,247 10,362 8,885 14,813 10,258 4,555 63,552 28,009 35,543
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA 59,172 29,550 29,622 14,631 7,292 7,339 10,551 6,570 3,981 33,990 15,688 18,302
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA-RURAL 59,172 29,550 29,622 14,631 7,292 7,339 10,551 6,570 3,981 33,990 15,688 18,302
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA 113,142 57,828 55,314 18,162 9,044 9,118 16,941 10,832 6,109 78,039 37,952 40,087
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA-URBAN 8,544 3,861 4,683 3,220 1,606 1,614 2,120 1,263 857 3,204 992 2,212
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA-RURAL 104,595 53,965 50,630 14,941 7,438 7,503 14,820 9,568 5,252 74,834 36,959 37,875
TSELEMTI WEREDA 115,563 58,215 57,348 19,396 11,280 8,116 13,342 9,026 4,316 82,825 37,909 44,916
TSELEMTI WEREDA-URBAN 7,451 3,433 4,018 2,633 1,367 1,266 1,996 1,140 856 2,822 926 1,896
TSELEMTI WEREDA-RURAL 108,111 54,781 53,330 16,763 9,913 6,850 11,345 7,885 3,460 80,003 36,983 43,020
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA 41,141 18,847 22,294 14,754 7,341 7,413 16,077 8,656 7,421 10,310 2,850 7,460
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 41,141 18,847 22,294 14,754 7,341 7,413 16,077 8,656 7,421 10,310 2,850 7,460
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA 14,530 6,851 7,679 4,836 2,503 2,333 4,641 2,700 1,941 5,053 1,648 3,405
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 14,530 6,851 7,679 4,836 2,503 2,333 4,641 2,700 1,941 5,053 1,648 3,405
CENTRAL TIGRAY ZONE 1,064,658 521,834 542,824 287,955 153,113 134,842 206,135 128,249 77,886 570,568 240,472 330,096
CENTRAL TIGRAY-URBAN 152,759 69,835 82,924 63,062 32,209 30,853 51,935 26,975 24,960 37,762 10,651 27,111
CENTRAL TIGRAY-RURAL 911,899 451,999 459,900 224,893 120,904 103,989 154,200 101,274 52,926 532,806 229,821 302,985
MEREB LEHE WEREDA 90,779 45,109 45,670 18,162 10,218 7,944 14,499 9,603 4,896 58,118 25,288 32,830
MEREB LEHE WEREDA-URBAN 6,778 3,054 3,724 3,064 1,591 1,473 1,833 985 848 1,881 478 1,403
MEREB LEHE WEREDA-RURAL 84,001 42,055 41,946 15,098 8,627 6,471 12,666 8,618 4,048 56,237 24,810 31,427
AHIFEROM WEREDA 148,055 71,044 77,011 46,243 24,947 21,296 33,427 20,331 13,096 68,385 25,766 42,619
AHIFEROM WEREDA-URBAN 19,662 9,024 10,638 8,434 4,451 3,983 5,832 2,989 2,843 5,396 1,584 3,812
AHIFEROM WEREDA-RURAL 128,393 62,020 66,373 37,810 20,497 17,313 27,595 17,342 10,253 62,988 24,181 38,807
WERE LEHE WEREDA 124,134 60,545 63,589 39,192 20,600 18,592 25,010 15,537 9,473 59,932 24,408 35,524
WERE LEHE WEREDA-URBAN 13,854 6,242 7,612 6,204 3,184 3,020 4,075 2,093 1,982 3,575 965 2,610
WERE LEHE WEREDA-RURAL 110,280 54,303 55,977 32,988 17,416 15,572 20,935 13,444 7,491 56,357 23,443 32,914
ADWA WEREDA 86,106 42,584 43,522 27,595 14,252 13,343 17,969 11,314 6,655 40,542 17,018 23,524
ADWA WEREDA-RURAL 86,106 42,584 43,522 27,595 14,252 13,343 17,969 11,314 6,655 40,542 17,018 23,524

Table 5.3 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
-------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------

Geographical Area Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 63,082 31,272 31,810 20,716 10,891 9,825 12,290 7,846 4,444 30,076 12,535 17,541
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-RURAL 63,082 31,272 31,810 20,716 10,891 9,825 12,290 7,846 4,444 30,076 12,535 17,541
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 85,548 41,745 43,803 23,400 12,536 10,864 15,909 10,312 5,597 46,239 18,897 27,342
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-URBAN 9,442 4,342 5,100 2,875 1,502 1,373 3,124 1,820 1,304 3,443 1,020 2,423
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-RURAL 76,108 37,405 38,703 20,526 11,035 9,491 12,786 8,493 4,293 42,796 17,877 24,919
NADER ADET WEREDA 89,996 44,417 45,579 16,688 9,052 7,636 13,878 9,081 4,797 59,430 26,284 33,146
NADER ADET WEREDA-URBAN 1,539 753 786 527 250 277 508 297 211 504 206 298
NADER ADET WEREDA-RURAL 88,458 43,664 44,794 16,162 8,802 7,360 13,370 8,784 4,586 58,926 26,078 32,848
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA 113,683 56,516 57,167 22,799 12,688 10,111 14,578 10,333 4,245 76,306 33,495 42,811
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA-RURAL 113,683 56,516 57,167 22,799 12,688 10,111 14,578 10,333 4,245 76,306 33,495 42,811
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA 96,466 48,322 48,144 21,289 11,133 10,156 13,625 8,926 4,699 61,552 28,263 33,289
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA-URBAN 6,253 2,826 3,427 2,545 1,285 1,260 1,909 1,090 819 1,799 451 1,348
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA-RURAL 90,212 45,495 44,717 18,744 9,848 8,896 11,715 7,835 3,880 59,753 27,812 31,941
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA 77,395 39,456 37,939 14,446 7,905 6,541 11,573 8,041 3,532 51,376 23,510 27,866
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA-URBAN 5,818 2,771 3,047 1,989 1,056 933 1,279 777 502 2,550 938 1,612
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA-RURAL 71,577 36,685 34,892 12,457 6,849 5,608 10,294 7,264 3,030 48,826 22,572 26,254
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 14,182 6,820 7,362 6,808 3,677 3,131 3,928 2,161 1,767 3,446 982 2,464
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 14,182 6,820 7,362 6,808 3,677 3,131 3,928 2,161 1,767 3,446 982 2,464
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA 35,795 15,915 19,880 14,152 6,964 7,188 15,122 7,296 7,826 6,521 1,655 4,866
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 35,795 15,915 19,880 14,152 6,964 7,188 15,122 7,296 7,826 6,521 1,655 4,866
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA 39,436 18,089 21,347 16,466 8,250 8,216 14,324 7,467 6,857 8,646 2,372 6,274
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 39,436 18,089 21,347 16,466 8,250 8,216 14,324 7,467 6,857 8,646 2,372 6,274
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 650,382 306,129 344,253 239,967 126,640 113,327 122,020 72,240 49,780 288,395 107,249 181,146
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 126,554 56,353 70,201 57,123 28,996 28,127 37,615 18,816 18,799 31,816 8,541 23,275
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 523,824 249,775 274,049 182,843 97,644 85,199 84,404 53,424 30,980 256,577 98,707 157,870
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA 72,749 34,666 38,083 28,688 15,170 13,518 14,154 8,790 5,364 29,907 10,706 19,201
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA-URBAN 8,390 3,657 4,733 4,077 2,013 2,064 1,983 1,045 938 2,330 599 1,731
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA-RURAL 64,359 31,008 33,351 24,611 13,157 11,454 12,172 7,745 4,427 27,576 10,106 17,470
EROB WEREDA 21,714 10,455 11,259 7,931 4,278 3,653 3,678 2,089 1,589 10,105 4,088 6,017
EROB WEREDA-URBAN 1,794 862 932 1,049 564 485 368 159 209 377 139 238
EROB WEREDA-RURAL 19,920 9,592 10,328 6,883 3,714 3,169 3,310 1,930 1,380 9,727 3,948 5,779
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA 119,050 55,519 63,531 43,764 23,229 20,535 20,212 12,613 7,599 55,074 19,677 35,397
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA-URBAN 16,091 6,926 9,165 6,840 3,444 3,396 4,805 2,382 2,423 4,446 1,100 3,346
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA-RURAL 102,959 48,593 54,366 36,924 19,785 17,139 15,407 10,231 5,176 50,628 18,577 32,051
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA 77,858 36,700 41,158 32,591 16,839 15,752 13,519 8,390 5,129 31,748 11,471 20,277
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA-URBAN 3,128 1,405 1,723 1,344 662 682 881 466 415 903 277 626
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA-RURAL 74,730 35,295 39,435 31,247 16,177 15,070 12,638 7,924 4,714 30,845 11,194 19,651
HAWZEN WEREDA 101,446 48,027 53,419 37,837 19,812 18,025 16,885 10,507 6,378 46,724 17,708 29,016
HAWZEN WEREDA-URBAN 6,459 3,009 3,450 3,225 1,686 1,539 1,507 784 723 1,727 539 1,188
HAWZEN WEREDA-RURAL 94,986 45,017 49,969 34,610 18,125 16,485 15,378 9,723 5,655 44,998 17,169 27,829
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA 84,730 41,057 43,673 25,500 13,584 11,916 15,281 9,016 6,265 43,949 18,457 25,492

Table 5.3 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
-------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------

Geographical Area Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA-URBAN 4,068 1,771 2,297 1,418 743 675 1,248 613 635 1,402 415 987
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA-RURAL 80,662 39,286 41,376 24,081 12,841 11,240 14,032 8,402 5,630 42,549 18,043 24,506
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA 95,463 45,034 50,429 28,317 15,773 12,544 13,440 8,632 4,808 53,706 20,629 33,077
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA-URBAN 9,256 4,053 5,203 3,831 1,929 1,902 1,974 1,165 809 3,451 959 2,492
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA-RURAL 86,206 40,981 45,225 24,486 13,844 10,642 11,465 7,467 3,998 50,255 19,670 30,585
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA 50,672 22,400 28,272 23,134 11,675 11,459 16,465 7,828 8,637 11,073 2,897 8,176
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 50,672 22,400 28,272 23,134 11,675 11,459 16,465 7,828 8,637 11,073 2,897 8,176
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA 26,698 12,270 14,428 12,205 6,280 5,925 8,385 4,374 4,011 6,108 1,616 4,492
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 26,698 12,270 14,428 12,205 6,280 5,925 8,385 4,374 4,011 6,108 1,616 4,492
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE 860,584 423,429 437,155 194,139 106,212 87,927 117,049 73,099 43,950 549,396 244,118 305,278
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 112,156 52,451 59,705 47,134 25,159 21,975 27,518 15,408 12,110 37,504 11,884 25,620
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 748,428 370,978 377,450 147,005 81,053 65,952 89,531 57,691 31,840 511,892 232,234 279,658
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA 105,778 52,645 53,133 20,743 10,959 9,784 13,543 9,061 4,482 71,492 32,625 38,867
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA-URBAN 7,949 3,669 4,280 3,368 1,774 1,594 1,753 981 772 2,828 914 1,914
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA-RURAL 97,831 48,977 48,854 17,376 9,185 8,191 11,790 8,080 3,710 68,665 31,712 36,953
ENDERTA WEREDA 96,520 48,430 48,090 23,561 12,317 11,244 13,435 7,695 5,740 59,524 28,418 31,106
ENDERTA WEREDA-RURAL 96,520 48,430 48,090 23,561 12,317 11,244 13,435 7,695 5,740 59,524 28,418 31,106
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA 130,454 64,165 66,289 26,744 14,593 12,151 17,309 10,882 6,427 86,401 38,690 47,711
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA-URBAN 10,530 4,913 5,617 4,206 2,229 1,977 2,567 1,429 1,138 3,757 1,255 2,502
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA-RURAL 119,922 59,250 60,672 22,537 12,363 10,174 14,742 9,453 5,289 82,643 37,434 45,209
ALAJE WEREDA 92,800 45,357 47,443 21,096 11,739 9,357 15,311 9,904 5,407 56,393 23,714 32,679
ALAJE WEREDA-URBAN 6,747 3,272 3,475 2,436 1,357 1,079 1,842 1,043 799 2,469 872 1,597
ALAJE WEREDA-RURAL 86,053 42,085 43,968 18,660 10,382 8,278 13,469 8,861 4,608 53,924 22,842 31,082
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA 72,484 35,806 36,678 13,913 7,576 6,337 9,004 5,875 3,129 49,567 22,355 27,212
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA-URBAN 2,614 1,111 1,503 945 504 441 361 222 139 1,308 385 923
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA-RURAL 69,868 34,694 35,174 12,968 7,072 5,896 8,641 5,652 2,989 48,259 21,970 26,289
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA 114,858 56,941 57,917 18,762 10,179 8,583 14,453 8,756 5,697 81,643 38,006 43,637
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA-URBAN 14,010 6,553 7,457 4,799 2,546 2,253 3,653 2,141 1,512 5,558 1,866 3,692
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA-RURAL 100,847 50,388 50,459 13,962 7,633 6,329 10,800 6,615 4,185 76,085 36,140 39,945
ALAMATA WEREDA 72,836 36,108 36,728 15,763 8,972 6,791 8,324 5,392 2,932 48,749 21,744 27,005
ALAMATA WEREDA-URBAN 3,984 1,866 2,118 1,175 621 554 978 592 386 1,831 653 1,178
ALAMATA WEREDA-RURAL 68,854 34,242 34,612 14,589 8,351 6,238 7,347 4,800 2,547 46,918 21,091 25,827
OFLA WEREDA 108,534 52,912 55,622 23,355 13,751 9,604 9,306 6,534 2,772 75,873 32,627 43,246
OFLA WEREDA-RURAL 108,534 52,912 55,622 23,355 13,751 9,604 9,306 6,534 2,772 75,873 32,627 43,246
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA 21,234 9,901 11,333 9,457 4,938 4,519 6,692 3,517 3,175 5,085 1,446 3,639
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 21,234 9,901 11,333 9,457 4,938 4,519 6,692 3,517 3,175 5,085 1,446 3,639
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA 15,201 6,714 8,487 7,618 3,951 3,667 3,015 1,596 1,419 4,568 1,167 3,401
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 15,201 6,714 8,487 7,618 3,951 3,667 3,015 1,596 1,419 4,568 1,167 3,401
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA 29,888 14,452 15,436 13,130 7,238 5,892 6,658 3,888 2,770 10,100 3,326 6,774
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 29,888 14,452 15,436 13,130 7,238 5,892 6,658 3,888 2,770 10,100 3,326 6,774
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 298,419 152,925 145,494 49,375 28,423 20,952 58,222 37,549 20,673 190,822 86,953 103,869

Table 5.3 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
-------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------

Geographical Area Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 62,331 31,800 30,531 14,664 7,820 6,844 22,007 13,808 8,199 25,660 10,172 15,488
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 236,088 121,125 114,963 34,712 20,604 14,108 36,215 23,741 12,474 165,161 76,780 88,381
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA 76,997 40,150 36,847 14,001 7,530 6,471 21,721 13,937 7,784 41,275 18,683 22,592
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA-URBAN 26,104 13,363 12,741 6,121 3,278 2,843 7,632 4,889 2,743 12,351 5,196 7,155
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA-RURAL 50,892 26,787 24,105 7,879 4,251 3,628 14,088 9,048 5,040 28,925 13,488 15,437
WELKAYIT WEREDA 115,405 58,590 56,815 17,199 10,332 6,867 13,572 9,088 4,484 84,634 39,170 45,464
WELKAYIT WEREDA-URBAN 9,059 4,371 4,688 2,592 1,356 1,236 1,980 1,343 637 4,487 1,672 2,815
WELKAYIT WEREDA-RURAL 106,345 54,219 52,126 14,607 8,976 5,631 11,591 7,745 3,846 80,147 37,498 42,649
TSEGEDE WEREDA 86,622 43,917 42,705 13,915 8,268 5,647 13,094 8,494 4,600 59,613 27,155 32,458
TSEGEDE WEREDA-URBAN 7,772 3,798 3,974 1,688 891 797 2,560 1,547 1,013 3,524 1,360 2,164
TSEGEDE WEREDA-RURAL 78,852 40,120 38,732 12,227 7,377 4,850 10,535 6,948 3,587 56,090 25,795 30,295
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA 19,397 10,268 9,129 4,262 2,294 1,968 9,836 6,030 3,806 5,299 1,944 3,355
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 19,397 10,268 9,129 4,262 2,294 1,968 9,836 6,030 3,806 5,299 1,944 3,355
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE 193,516 93,517 99,999 76,789 39,504 37,285 79,612 42,861 36,751 37,115 11,152 25,963
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE-URBAN 193,516 93,517 99,999 76,789 39,504 37,285 79,612 42,861 36,751 37,115 11,152 25,963
DEBUB WEREDA 83,259 39,679 43,580 34,182 17,619 16,563 34,858 18,382 16,476 14,219 3,678 10,541
DEBUB WEREDA-URBAN 83,259 39,679 43,580 34,182 17,619 16,563 34,858 18,382 16,476 14,219 3,678 10,541
SEMEN WEREDA 110,256 53,839 56,417 42,606 21,885 20,721 44,755 24,480 20,275 22,895 7,474 15,421
SEMEN WEREDA-URBAN 110,256 53,839 56,417 42,606 21,885 20,721 44,755 24,480 20,275 22,895 7,474 15,421

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 969,300 22,252 774,579 88,003 50,233 34,233

5 15,028 14,755 - - - 273
6 18,242 7,497 10,557 - - 188
7 39,321 - 39,145 - - 176
8 51,783 - 51,659 - - 124
9 66,774 - 66,546 - - 228
10 83,983 - 83,620 - - 363
11 61,459 - 61,227 - - 232
12 80,485 - 80,006 - - 479
13 71,945 - 71,376 - - 569
14 63,012 - 61,262 1,214 - 536
15 59,340 - 53,439 5,029 - 872
16 53,652 - 43,658 8,487 818 689
17 39,649 - 27,605 9,152 2,158 734
18 56,839 - 33,921 16,236 5,710 972
19 29,468 - 15,406 9,098 4,420 544
20 36,829 - 17,945 11,267 6,606 1,011
21 13,117 - 5,870 3,874 2,881 492
22 19,737 - 9,009 5,701 4,216 811
23 11,156 - 4,391 3,193 3,010 562
24 9,725 - 3,990 2,334 2,890 511
25 12,015 - 5,171 3,153 2,881 810
26 6,025 - 2,464 1,390 1,781 390
27 5,368 - 2,115 1,219 1,528 506
28 6,927 - 2,921 1,340 1,932 734
29 2,697 - 1,051 474 863 309
30+ 54,724 - 20,225 4,842 8,539 21,118

Male 517,674 10,920 395,594 49,361 30,881 30,918

5 7,391 7,225 - - - 166
6 8,991 3,695 5,159 - - 137
7 18,559 - 18,451 - - 108
8 25,399 - 25,303 - - 96
9 31,880 - 31,703 - - 177
10 40,474 - 40,181 - - 293
11 29,742 - 29,540 - - 202
12 40,011 - 39,585 - - 426
13 34,883 - 34,418 - - 465
14 31,544 - 30,391 687 - 466
15 30,439 - 27,135 2,519 - 785
16 27,758 - 22,431 4,363 361 603
17 21,134 - 14,717 4,619 1,111 687
18 29,790 - 18,094 8,001 2,776 919
19 16,264 - 8,646 4,903 2,217 498
20 21,978 - 10,699 6,493 3,841 945
21 8,087 - 3,673 2,294 1,672 448
22 12,938 - 5,902 3,572 2,727 737
23 7,735 - 3,058 2,105 2,042 530
24 6,639 - 2,805 1,408 1,982 444
25 8,044 - 3,389 1,995 1,952 708
26 4,122 - 1,635 925 1,199 363
27 3,628 - 1,318 808 1,044 458
28 4,824 - 1,903 907 1,333 681
29 1,934 - 750 325 590 269
30+ 43,486 - 14,708 3,437 6,034 19,307

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Female 451,626 11,332 378,985 38,642 19,352 3,315

5 7,637 7,530 - - - 107
6 9,251 3,802 5,398 - - 51
7 20,762 - 20,694 - - 68
8 26,384 - 26,356 - - 28
9 34,894 - 34,843 - - 51
10 43,509 - 43,439 - - 70
11 31,717 - 31,687 - - 30
12 40,474 - 40,421 - - 53
13 37,062 - 36,958 - - 104
14 31,468 - 30,871 527 - 70
15 28,901 - 26,304 2,510 - 87
16 25,894 - 21,227 4,124 457 86
17 18,515 - 12,888 4,533 1,047 47
18 27,049 - 15,827 8,235 2,934 53
19 13,204 - 6,760 4,195 2,203 46
20 14,851 - 7,246 4,774 2,765 66
21 5,030 - 2,197 1,580 1,209 44
22 6,799 - 3,107 2,129 1,489 74
23 3,421 - 1,333 1,088 968 32
24 3,086 - 1,185 926 908 67
25 3,971 - 1,782 1,158 929 102
26 1,903 - 829 465 582 27
27 1,740 - 797 411 484 48
28 2,103 - 1,018 433 599 53
29 763 - 301 149 273 40
30+ 11,238 - 5,517 1,405 2,505 1,811

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 290,637 9,517 186,415 53,137 38,471 3,097

5 6,000 5,933 - - - 67
6 7,001 3,584 3,383 - - 34
7 12,657 - 12,646 - - 11
8 14,429 - 14,423 - - 6
9 16,560 - 16,554 - - 6
10 20,018 - 20,018 - - -
11 14,667 - 14,662 - - 5
12 19,013 - 18,984 - - 29
13 17,061 - 17,049 - - 12
14 16,666 - 15,686 974 - 6
15 15,568 - 11,536 4,001 - 31
16 17,239 - 9,761 6,670 749 59
17 13,942 - 5,286 6,647 1,969 40
18 21,975 - 6,313 10,539 5,036 87
19 11,641 - 2,589 5,233 3,779 40
20 14,328 - 3,253 5,960 5,038 77
21 4,872 - 1,005 1,837 1,977 53
22 7,259 - 1,685 2,618 2,888 68
23 4,363 - 981 1,442 1,916 24
24 3,702 - 840 1,115 1,690 57
25 4,802 - 1,317 1,486 1,886 113
26 2,454 - 601 578 1,253 22
27 2,067 - 541 593 927 6
28 2,819 - 825 548 1,406 40
29 1,213 - 322 223 637 31
30+ 18,321 - 6,155 2,673 7,320 2,173

Male 149,859 4,629 91,677 28,448 22,866 2,239

5 2,828 2,805 - - - 23
6 3,549 1,824 1,702 - - 23
7 6,186 - 6,175 - - 11
8 7,062 - 7,056 - - 6
9 8,354 - 8,354 - - -
10 9,679 - 9,679 - - -
11 7,315 - 7,310 - - 5
12 9,508 - 9,479 - - 29
13 8,359 - 8,347 - - 12
14 8,177 - 7,577 594 - 6
15 7,489 - 5,479 1,985 - 25
16 8,354 - 4,562 3,407 332 53
17 6,703 - 2,338 3,322 1,003 40
18 10,468 - 2,803 5,138 2,452 75
19 5,764 - 1,052 2,806 1,871 35
20 7,938 - 1,559 3,409 2,893 77
21 2,723 - 471 1,060 1,144 48
22 4,114 - 741 1,489 1,845 39
23 2,721 - 555 878 1,264 24
24 2,165 - 491 551 1,083 40
25 2,830 - 730 816 1,219 65
26 1,486 - 302 335 827 22
27 1,213 - 274 359 574 6
28 1,738 - 472 322 910 34
29 764 - 201 140 405 18
30+ 12,372 - 3,968 1,837 5,044 1,523

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Female 140,778 4,888 94,738 24,689 15,605 858

5 3,172 3,128 - - - 44
6 3,452 1,760 1,681 - - 11
7 6,471 - 6,471 - - -
8 7,367 - 7,367 - - -
9 8,206 - 8,200 - - 6
10 10,339 - 10,339 - - -
11 7,352 - 7,352 - - -
12 9,505 - 9,505 - - -
13 8,702 - 8,702 - - -
14 8,489 - 8,109 380 - -
15 8,079 - 6,057 2,016 - 6
16 8,885 - 5,199 3,263 417 6
17 7,239 - 2,948 3,325 966 -
18 11,507 - 3,510 5,401 2,584 12
19 5,877 - 1,537 2,427 1,908 5
20 6,390 - 1,694 2,551 2,145 -
21 2,149 - 534 777 833 5
22 3,145 - 944 1,129 1,043 29
23 1,642 - 426 564 652 -
24 1,537 - 349 564 607 17
25 1,972 - 587 670 667 48
26 968 - 299 243 426 -
27 854 - 267 234 353 -
28 1,081 - 353 226 496 6
29 449 - 121 83 232 13
30+ 5,949 - 2,187 836 2,276 650

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 678,665 12,734 588,163 34,869 11,760 31,139

5 9,027 8,821 - - - 206
6 11,241 3,913 7,174 - - 154
7 26,664 - 26,499 - - 165
8 37,355 - 37,236 - - 119
9 50,215 - 49,993 - - 222
10 63,965 - 63,602 - - 363
11 46,792 - 46,565 - - 227
12 61,472 - 61,022 - - 450
13 54,885 - 54,327 - - 558
14 46,346 - 45,576 240 - 530
15 43,771 - 41,903 1,027 - 841
16 36,413 - 33,897 1,817 69 630
17 25,706 - 22,318 2,505 188 695
18 34,865 - 27,607 5,698 674 886
19 17,828 - 12,818 3,865 641 504
20 22,500 - 14,692 5,307 1,567 934
21 8,245 - 4,865 2,038 904 438
22 12,478 - 7,324 3,083 1,328 743
23 6,792 - 3,410 1,751 1,093 538
24 6,023 - 3,150 1,219 1,199 455
25 7,213 - 3,854 1,667 995 697
26 3,570 - 1,862 812 528 368
27 3,303 - 1,574 628 601 500
28 4,108 - 2,096 792 526 694
29 1,485 - 729 251 227 278
30+ 36,403 - 14,070 2,169 1,220 18,944

Male 367,815 6,290 303,917 20,914 8,013 28,681

5 4,562 4,419 - - - 143
6 5,442 1,871 3,457 - - 114
7 12,373 - 12,276 - - 97
8 18,337 - 18,246 - - 91
9 23,527 - 23,350 - - 177
10 30,796 - 30,503 - - 293
11 22,427 - 22,230 - - 197
12 30,503 - 30,106 - - 397
13 26,525 - 26,071 - - 454
14 23,367 - 22,814 93 - 460
15 22,949 - 21,656 533 - 760
16 19,405 - 17,869 957 29 550
17 14,430 - 12,378 1,297 107 648
18 19,323 - 15,291 2,863 324 845
19 10,500 - 7,594 2,097 346 463
20 14,041 - 9,141 3,084 948 868
21 5,364 - 3,202 1,234 528 400
22 8,824 - 5,161 2,083 882 698
23 5,013 - 2,503 1,227 777 506
24 4,473 - 2,314 857 898 404
25 5,214 - 2,659 1,179 733 643
26 2,636 - 1,333 590 372 341
27 2,415 - 1,043 450 470 452
28 3,085 - 1,431 585 423 646
29 1,170 - 549 185 185 251
30+ 31,114 - 10,740 1,600 991 17,783

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Female 310,850 6,444 284,246 13,955 3,747 2,458

5 4,465 4,402 - - - 63
6 5,799 2,042 3,717 - - 40
7 14,291 - 14,223 - - 68
8 19,018 - 18,990 - - 28
9 26,688 - 26,643 - - 45
10 33,169 - 33,099 - - 70
11 24,365 - 24,335 - - 30
12 30,969 - 30,916 - - 53
13 28,360 - 28,256 - - 104
14 22,979 - 22,762 147 - 70
15 20,822 - 20,247 494 - 81
16 17,008 - 16,028 860 40 80
17 11,276 - 9,940 1,208 81 47
18 15,542 - 12,316 2,835 350 41
19 7,328 - 5,224 1,768 295 41
20 8,459 - 5,551 2,223 619 66
21 2,881 - 1,663 804 376 38
22 3,654 - 2,163 1,000 446 45
23 1,779 - 907 524 316 32
24 1,550 - 836 362 301 51
25 1,999 - 1,195 488 262 54
26 934 - 529 222 156 27
27 888 - 531 178 131 48
28 1,023 - 665 207 103 48
29 315 - 180 66 42 27
30+ 5,289 - 3,330 569 229 1,161

Table 5.5 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School
by Level and Sex: 2007
Level of School

Sex All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 969,296 22,251 774,579 88,003 50,232 34,231

Male 517,673 10,919 395,595 49,360 30,881 30,918
Female 451,623 11,332 378,984 38,643 19,351 3,313

Both Sexes 290,637 9,517 186,417 53,137 38,471 3,095

Male 149,858 4,629 91,678 28,447 22,866 2,238
Female 140,779 4,888 94,739 24,690 15,605 857

Both Sexes 678,661 12,735 588,162 34,867 11,761 31,136

Male 367,816 6,291 303,917 20,914 8,015 28,679
Female 310,845 6,444 284,245 13,953 3,746 2,457

Both Sexes 121,073 2,323 100,294 8,956 4,068 5,432

Male 63,782 1,156 50,291 4,770 2,504 5,061
Female 57,291 1,167 50,003 4,186 1,564 371

Both Sexes 31,864 1,068 22,855 4,926 2,733 282

Male 16,169 550 11,177 2,559 1,658 225
Female 15,695 518 11,678 2,367 1,075 57

Both Sexes 89,206 1,255 77,438 4,028 1,335 5,150

Male 47,611 606 39,113 2,210 846 4,836
Female 41,595 649 38,325 1,818 489 314

Both Sexes 287,956 6,167 233,472 26,672 11,476 10,169

Male 153,113 2,986 119,163 14,734 7,029 9,201
Female 134,843 3,181 114,309 11,938 4,447 968

Both Sexes 63,063 1,984 39,705 13,343 7,494 537

Male 32,209 970 19,516 7,058 4,282 383
Female 30,854 1,014 20,189 6,285 3,212 154

Both Sexes 224,893 4,183 193,767 13,328 3,982 9,633

Male 120,904 2,016 99,647 7,675 2,747 8,819
Female 103,989 2,167 94,120 5,653 1,235 814

Both Sexes 239,968 6,133 196,293 21,262 10,329 5,951

Male 126,641 3,106 99,659 12,108 6,426 5,342
Female 113,327 3,027 96,634 9,154 3,903 609

Both Sexes 57,124 1,972 36,474 11,323 6,913 442

Male 28,996 944 17,651 5,945 4,136 320
Female 28,128 1,028 18,823 5,378 2,777 122

Table 5.5 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School
by Level and Sex: 2007
Level of School

Sex All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 182,843 4,159 159,820 9,939 3,416 5,509

Male 97,644 2,161 82,009 6,163 2,289 5,022
Female 85,199 1,998 77,811 3,776 1,127 487

Both Sexes 194,139 3,160 157,140 16,565 8,064 9,210

Male 106,212 1,428 81,308 9,976 5,124 8,376
Female 87,927 1,732 75,832 6,589 2,940 834

Both Sexes 47,135 958 30,033 10,030 5,537 577

Male 25,159 409 15,216 5,743 3,364 427
Female 21,976 549 14,817 4,287 2,173 150

Both Sexes 147,004 2,202 127,107 6,535 2,527 8,633

Male 81,053 1,019 66,092 4,233 1,760 7,949
Female 65,951 1,183 61,015 2,302 767 684

Both Sexes 49,375 1,350 41,677 2,477 1,405 2,466

Male 28,424 687 22,945 1,503 1,029 2,260
Female 20,951 663 18,732 974 376 206

Both Sexes 14,663 417 11,647 1,441 904 254

Male 7,820 199 5,888 871 656 206
Female 6,843 218 5,759 570 248 48

Both Sexes 34,714 934 30,030 1,036 502 2,212

Male 20,604 488 17,057 632 373 2,054
Female 14,110 446 12,973 404 129 158

Both Sexes 76,788 3,119 45,703 12,072 14,890 1,004

Male 39,504 1,557 22,229 6,270 8,770 678
Female 37,284 1,562 23,474 5,802 6,120 326

Both Sexes 76,788 3,119 45,703 12,072 14,890 1,004

Male 39,504 1,557 22,229 6,270 8,770 678
Female 37,284 1,562 23,474 5,802 6,120 326

Table 5.6 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and Highest
Grade Completed: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------
Region and Highest
Grade Completed Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 1,660,479 939,648 720,831 541,151 285,129 256,022 1,119,328 654,519 464,809
Pre-School 156,294 83,382 72,912 34,731 16,973 17,758 121,563 66,409 55,154
Primary 1,221,360 670,256 551,104 341,519 171,992 169,527 879,841 498,264 381,577
Grade 1 179,803 97,762 82,041 27,460 13,540 13,920 152,343 84,222 68,121
Grade 2 213,832 119,255 94,577 35,517 17,178 18,339 178,315 102,077 76,238
Grade 3 210,490 117,465 93,025 45,483 22,576 22,907 165,007 94,889 70,118
Grade 4 166,490 92,426 74,064 45,343 22,836 22,507 121,147 69,590 51,557
Grade 5 136,379 74,495 61,884 44,615 23,198 21,417 91,764 51,297 40,467
Grade 6 120,692 65,333 55,359 45,223 23,262 21,961 75,469 42,071 33,398
Grade 7 111,909 58,500 53,409 50,855 25,058 25,797 61,054 33,442 27,612
Grade 8 81,765 45,020 36,745 47,023 24,344 22,679 34,742 20,676 14,066
Old Sysytem Secondary 143,545 82,524 61,021 98,685 53,915 44,770 44,860 28,609 16,251
Grade 9 53,014 30,682 22,332 33,006 18,070 14,936 20,008 12,612 7,396
Grade 10 58,204 32,256 25,948 38,595 19,981 18,614 19,609 12,275 7,334
Grade 11 10,004 6,628 3,376 8,036 5,204 2,832 1,968 1,424 544
Grade 12 22,323 12,958 9,365 19,048 10,660 8,388 3,275 2,298 977
Certificate 12,612 6,746 5,866 6,241 2,921 3,320 6,371 3,825 2,546
1+ Year in Diploma
Programe 6,809 4,503 2,306 4,852 3,006 1,846 1,957 1,497 460
1+ Year in 1st Degree
Program 4,178 2,859 1,319 3,789 2,564 1,225 389 295 94
Diploma 15,118 10,357 4,761 12,280 8,192 4,088 2,838 2,165 673
Bachelor's Degree 8,154 6,851 1,303 7,413 6,214 1,199 741 637 104
Post-Graduate Programe 314 275 39 247 219 28 67 56 11
Master's degree 1,712 1,316 396 1,433 1,088 345 279 228 51
Doctorate/PhD 948 684 264 785 560 225 163 124 39
New System Secondary 16,523 9,535 6,988 12,227 7,019 5,208 4,296 2,516 1,780
Grade 9 7,053 4,358 2,695 5,346 3,366 1,980 1,707 992 715
Grade 10 9,470 5,177 4,293 6,881 3,653 3,228 2,589 1,524 1,065
Preparatory 1st Year 2,619 1,622 997 2,115 1,281 834 504 341 163
Preparatory 2nd Year 1,530 952 578 1,063 641 422 467 311 156
10+1 Certificate 4,455 2,244 2,211 1,690 707 983 2,765 1,537 1,228
1+ Year in 10+2 821 464 357 625 344 281 196 120 76
Completet 10+2 Program 792 410 382 632 294 338 160 116 44
1st Year in 10+3 963 614 349 660 390 270 303 224 79
2nd Year in 10+3 1,436 915 521 988 587 401 448 328 120
Diploma(10+3) 2,901 1,927 974 1,864 1,157 707 1,037 770 267
Non-Regular 57,395 51,212 6,183 7,312 5,065 2,247 50,083 46,147 3,936

Table 5.7 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Highest Level of School
Completed, Sex, and Age: 2007
Level of School
New Old Secondary
Pre- Grades Grades Secondary Secondary (New or Non-
Sex and Age All Level School 1 - 4 5 - 8 System System Old) Regular


Both Sexes 1,660,478 156,294 770,614 450,745 16,522 143,546 65,361 57,396
5 - 9 229,009 103,442 124,066 - - - - 1,501
10 - 14 437,273 24,980 324,571 84,844 - - - 2,878
15 - 19 338,911 7,168 104,384 172,373 5,129 41,531 3,309 5,017
20 - 24 214,037 3,590 49,250 77,080 6,385 48,098 24,801 4,833
25 - 29 129,509 2,569 38,495 40,138 2,713 24,804 16,255 4,535
30 - 34 87,022 2,403 33,426 25,137 1,005 11,750 7,721 5,580
35 - 39 73,277 2,669 31,214 19,336 640 7,702 5,851 5,865
40 - 44 47,041 2,002 20,823 11,550 252 4,044 3,389 4,981
45 - 49 33,216 1,424 14,897 7,619 198 2,660 1,924 4,494
50 - 54 22,713 1,482 9,809 4,604 74 1,417 1,242 4,085
55 - 59 15,606 1,111 6,982 2,910 44 655 379 3,525
60 - 64 11,697 1,098 4,956 2,020 17 412 176 3,018
65 - 69 8,181 794 3,337 1,256 5 204 94 2,491
70 - 74 6,012 695 2,283 820 10 107 82 2,015
75+ 6,974 867 2,121 1,058 50 162 138 2,578

Male 939,648 83,382 426,908 243,348 9,534 82,526 42,738 51,212

5 - 9 111,249 51,211 58,981 - - - - 1,057
10 - 14 216,159 13,726 158,916 41,094 - - - 2,423
15 - 19 172,586 4,556 57,534 81,349 2,571 20,513 1,552 4,511
20 - 24 119,393 2,343 28,182 39,789 3,560 26,745 14,475 4,299
25 - 29 79,927 1,598 22,429 23,694 1,714 15,189 11,313 3,990
30 - 34 60,872 1,503 23,097 17,595 664 7,808 5,306 4,899
35 - 39 52,805 1,766 22,971 13,778 500 4,770 4,010 5,010
40 - 44 38,401 1,423 17,296 9,383 212 2,938 2,653 4,496
45 - 49 27,312 986 12,305 6,304 170 2,091 1,532 3,924
50 - 54 19,331 1,029 8,368 3,846 58 1,177 1,114 3,739
55 - 59 13,535 840 6,078 2,435 33 554 346 3,249
60 - 64 9,836 728 4,198 1,567 12 364 170 2,797
65 - 69 7,143 575 2,873 1,044 5 178 88 2,380
70 - 74 5,213 469 1,926 715 5 87 72 1,939
75+ 5,886 629 1,754 755 30 112 107 2,499

Female 720,830 72,912 343,706 207,397 6,988 61,020 22,623 6,184

5 - 9 117,760 52,231 65,085 - - - - 444
10 - 14 221,114 11,254 165,655 43,750 - - - 455
15 - 19 166,325 2,612 46,850 91,024 2,558 21,018 1,757 506
20 - 24 94,644 1,247 21,068 37,291 2,825 21,353 10,326 534
25 - 29 49,582 971 16,066 16,444 999 9,615 4,942 545
30 - 34 26,150 900 10,329 7,542 341 3,942 2,415 681
35 - 39 20,472 903 8,243 5,558 140 2,932 1,841 855
40 - 44 8,640 579 3,527 2,167 40 1,106 736 485
45 - 49 5,904 438 2,592 1,315 28 569 392 570
50 - 54 3,382 453 1,441 758 16 240 128 346
55 - 59 2,071 271 904 475 11 101 33 276
60 - 64 1,861 370 758 453 5 48 6 221
65 - 69 1,038 219 464 212 - 26 6 111
70 - 74 799 226 357 105 5 20 10 76
75+ 1,088 238 367 303 20 50 31 79

Table 5.7 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Highest Level of School
Completed, Sex, and Age: 2007
Level of School
New Old Secondary
Pre- Grades Grades Secondary Secondary (New or Non-
Sex and Age All Level School 1 - 4 5 - 8 System System Old) Regular


Both Sexes 541,153 34,733 153,802 187,718 12,225 98,686 46,679 7,310
5 - 9 65,640 29,817 35,694 - - - - 129
10 - 14 101,492 1,228 58,667 41,522 - - - 75
15 - 19 110,506 665 10,701 60,668 4,261 31,298 2,601 312
20 - 24 86,566 433 8,617 28,713 4,386 29,205 14,759 453
25 - 29 57,319 359 9,073 18,751 1,891 15,603 11,139 503
30 - 34 35,687 286 7,591 11,769 676 8,423 6,201 741
35 - 39 29,849 424 7,237 9,483 519 6,236 5,113 837
40 - 44 17,999 256 4,431 5,890 209 3,364 3,120 729
45 - 49 12,956 230 3,708 4,119 174 2,230 1,833 662
50 - 54 8,217 240 2,506 2,508 44 1,134 1,151 634
55 - 59 4,763 125 1,733 1,428 33 516 346 582
60 - 64 3,838 203 1,424 1,213 17 346 159 476
65 - 69 2,537 159 1,063 716 - 169 73 357
70 - 74 1,810 135 714 424 - 55 77 405
75+ 1,974 173 643 514 15 107 107 415

Male 285,131 16,973 76,130 95,862 7,019 53,916 30,167 5,064

5 - 9 32,572 14,779 17,715 - - - - 78
10 - 14 50,093 605 28,497 20,939 - - - 52
15 - 19 51,180 268 4,456 27,364 2,175 15,432 1,229 256
20 - 24 42,042 202 3,200 12,276 2,459 15,116 8,437 352
25 - 29 30,709 180 3,620 9,418 1,152 8,579 7,366 394
30 - 34 21,686 133 4,056 7,300 412 5,173 4,102 510
35 - 39 17,692 192 3,824 5,699 403 3,655 3,426 493
40 - 44 12,697 114 2,847 4,347 182 2,318 2,419 470
45 - 49 9,247 93 2,308 3,154 152 1,709 1,457 374
50 - 54 6,021 68 1,606 1,955 34 927 1,039 392
55 - 59 3,511 60 1,169 1,147 33 420 313 369
60 - 64 2,756 67 986 916 12 313 153 309
65 - 69 1,961 70 804 592 - 153 67 275
70 - 74 1,429 39 546 369 - 44 67 364
75+ 1,535 103 496 386 5 77 92 376

Female 256,022 17,760 77,672 91,856 5,206 44,770 16,512 2,246

5 - 9 33,068 15,038 17,979 - - - - 51
10 - 14 51,399 623 30,170 20,583 - - - 23
15 - 19 59,326 397 6,245 33,304 2,086 15,866 1,372 56
20 - 24 44,524 231 5,417 16,437 1,927 14,089 6,322 101
25 - 29 26,610 179 5,453 9,333 739 7,024 3,773 109
30 - 34 14,001 153 3,535 4,469 264 3,250 2,099 231
35 - 39 12,157 232 3,413 3,784 116 2,581 1,687 344
40 - 44 5,302 142 1,584 1,543 27 1,046 701 259
45 - 49 3,709 137 1,400 965 22 521 376 288
50 - 54 2,196 172 900 553 10 207 112 242
55 - 59 1,252 65 564 281 - 96 33 213
60 - 64 1,082 136 438 297 5 33 6 167
65 - 69 576 89 259 124 - 16 6 82
70 - 74 381 96 168 55 - 11 10 41
75+ 439 70 147 128 10 30 15 39

Table 5.7 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Highest Level of School
Completed, Sex, and Age: 2007
Level of School
New Old Secondary
Pre- Grades Grades Secondary Secondary (New or Non-
Sex and Age All Level School 1 - 4 5 - 8 System System Old) Regular


Both Sexes 1,119,332 121,564 616,813 263,028 4,300 44,860 18,685 50,082
5 - 9 163,370 73,626 88,372 - - - - 1,372
10 - 14 335,783 23,753 265,904 43,323 - - - 2,803
15 - 19 228,405 6,503 93,683 111,706 868 10,233 709 4,703
20 - 24 127,472 3,157 40,633 48,367 2,000 18,893 10,042 4,380
25 - 29 72,192 2,211 29,422 21,387 823 9,201 5,116 4,032
30 - 34 51,336 2,118 25,834 13,368 330 3,327 1,520 4,839
35 - 39 43,427 2,244 23,977 9,853 121 1,465 738 5,029
40 - 44 29,042 1,746 16,393 5,659 43 680 269 4,252
45 - 49 20,259 1,193 11,189 3,500 24 430 91 3,832
50 - 54 14,498 1,242 7,304 2,097 30 283 91 3,451
55 - 59 10,844 987 5,249 1,482 11 139 34 2,942
60 - 64 7,857 895 3,531 807 - 66 17 2,541
65 - 69 5,644 635 2,274 540 5 35 21 2,134
70 - 74 4,203 560 1,569 396 10 53 5 1,610
75+ 5,000 694 1,479 543 35 55 32 2,162

Male 654,516 66,409 350,778 147,485 2,516 28,610 12,572 46,146

5 - 9 78,678 36,433 41,266 - - - - 979
10 - 14 166,067 13,122 130,419 20,155 - - - 2,371
15 - 19 121,406 4,288 53,078 53,986 396 5,081 323 4,254
20 - 24 77,351 2,140 24,983 27,513 1,101 11,629 6,038 3,947
25 - 29 49,219 1,418 18,809 14,276 563 6,610 3,947 3,596
30 - 34 39,185 1,370 19,040 10,295 252 2,635 1,204 4,389
35 - 39 35,113 1,573 19,147 8,079 97 1,115 584 4,518
40 - 44 25,703 1,309 14,449 5,035 30 620 234 4,026
45 - 49 18,064 892 9,997 3,150 18 382 75 3,550
50 - 54 13,311 961 6,763 1,891 24 250 75 3,347
55 - 59 10,025 781 4,909 1,288 - 134 34 2,879
60 - 64 7,078 661 3,211 651 - 51 17 2,487
65 - 69 5,182 505 2,069 452 5 25 21 2,105
70 - 74 3,784 430 1,380 346 5 43 5 1,575
75+ 4,350 526 1,258 368 25 35 15 2,123

Female 464,816 55,155 266,035 115,543 1,784 16,250 6,113 3,936

5 - 9 84,692 37,193 47,106 - - - - 393
10 - 14 169,716 10,631 135,485 23,168 - - - 432
15 - 19 106,999 2,215 40,605 57,720 472 5,152 386 449
20 - 24 50,121 1,017 15,650 20,854 899 7,264 4,004 433
25 - 29 22,973 793 10,613 7,111 260 2,591 1,169 436
30 - 34 12,151 748 6,794 3,073 78 692 316 450
35 - 39 8,314 671 4,830 1,774 24 350 154 511
40 - 44 3,339 437 1,944 624 13 60 35 226
45 - 49 2,195 301 1,192 350 6 48 16 282
50 - 54 1,187 281 541 206 6 33 16 104
55 - 59 819 206 340 194 11 5 - 63
60 - 64 779 234 320 156 - 15 - 54
65 - 69 462 130 205 88 - 10 - 29
70 - 74 419 130 189 50 5 10 - 35
75+ 650 168 221 175 10 20 17 39

6.1 Introduction

This chapter presents some of the major statistical data of the census on the
economically active and inactive population. According to the 2007 Population and
Housing Census, the term economic activity status refers to the size and
distribution of the work force of economically active and non active population.
Persons aged ten years and over who were engaged or available to be engaged
in the production of economic goods and services during a given reference period
were classified as economically active, while those who were neither engaged nor
available to be engaged in the production of economic goods and services during
a given reference period were considered as economically non-active. In the 2007
census, information on economic activity status was collected from all persons
selected for the long questionnaire and those aged ten years and over. The lower
age limit was fixed at ten years realizing that children start to participate in the
production of economic goods and services at earlier ages in both urban and rural
areas. The long questionnaire was administered only on selected households.
The selection was done using systematic sampling methods and covered one-fifth
of the total households. However, statistical weights were later applied which
makes the figures to represent the entire population.

The 2007 Population and Housing Census administered the following labour force
questions in four major areas to measure the economic activity status in the
country. The data collected on economic activity status are:

a) whether persons were engaged in economic/productive activities during

the last seven days;
b) whether persons will be available for work in the coming one month or
reason for not being available during the reference period,
c) whether persons were engaged in economic/productive activities during
most of the last twelve months or reason for not being engaged ;
d) Employment status in the main activity.
Every person aged ten years and over in the sampled household was asked if
he/she was engaged in any of productive/economic activities during the last seven

days. If the answer is "yes”, code”1” is given, if the answer is," I had work but not
at work", code “2” is given. Those who were not working during the last seven
days is given code “3”, then respondents were asked the next question whether
they were available or reason for not being available for work, such as due to
attending education, household chores, too young to work, illness, old age etc…
The same questions were also asked for the last twelve months.

When the above questions on economic activity were not clear, the enumerators
ask a simple question in another way, that is, the type of activity that a person was
engaged during the last seven days. The fourth question is the type of
employment status for the main job.

This chapter presents the statistical data of the 2007 Population and Housing
Census on the economically active and non active population based on the
following international standard definitions. Economic activity is defined in terms of
the production of goods and/or services that falls within the United Nations
System of National Accounts (SNA) production boundary (ILO, 1990a). In this
census, economic activity is defined as work, which involves the production of
goods and /or services for sale or exchange. In addition, production of goods and
services for own consumption or own use is considered as economic activity.
These include production of primary products (agriculture, hunting, fishing,
forestry and logging, and mining and quarrying), for own consumption; processing
of primary products by the producers themselves; production of other commodities
where part of it is sold on the market; and own account construction and fixed
asset formation (expected life use of one year or more). Such economic activities
could be performed for an individual, family or private enterprise, government
establishment and/ social organization. The remuneration may be on daily,
weekly, monthly, yearly or contract basis. The activities of apprentices are also
considered as economic activities. On the other hand, unpaid household chores
such as preparing food, cleaning the house, taking care of children are not
considered to be economic activities. Similarly, unpaid community and volunteer
services are classified as non-economic activities.

6.2 Data Collection Approaches of the Economically Active and Non-
active Population

In the 2007 Population and Housing Census, the same approaches were used in
both urban and rural areas in the collection of data on economic activity status,
that is, the current and usual status approaches. However, in the 1994 census the
two approaches were used differently for the collection of data, i.e., the current
status approach was used in urban areas while the usual status approach was
used in rural areas. The main difference between the two approaches is the length
of the reference periods, that is, the current status approach refers to the short
reference period of the last seven days while the usual status approach refers to
the long reference period of the last twelve months prior to the census date. With
this understanding, care should be taken when comparing the results of the
census to that of retrospective data in relation to economic activity status variables
by urban and rural areas.

6.2.1 Current Activity Status Approach

The current status approach measures the economic activity based on a short
reference period of the seven days prior to the census date. In this approach, all
persons aged ten years and over who were productively engaged or available to
be engaged during the reference week were considered as economically active.
The data collected from household members aged ten years and over was used
to divide the population into three mutually exclusive categories: employed,
unemployed, and not in the labour force. The employed and the unemployed
population together make up the labour force or the currently active population.
The employed population based on the current activity status approach consists of
those who were engaged in productive activity at least for four hours during the
seven days prior to the date of the census. Persons who had regular jobs, or
business, or holdings but who were temporarily absent from work (not at work or

worked less than four hours) for various reasons such as illness or injury, holiday
or vacation, strike or lock out, and seasonality of work, annual leave, temporarily
closure of establishment were also considered as employed.

On the other hand, the third category those who were neither employed nor
unemployed during the reference period, following the definitions given for
employed and unemployed persons were categorized to be economically non
active population. This includes persons who were neither engaged nor available
to be engaged in productive activity during the short reference period due to
homemaking, education, illness… etc. Persons who were not economically active
were further asked to report why they were not being active or available to work
during most of the twelve months.

6.2. 2 Usual Activity Status Approach

In the usual activity status approach, all persons aged ten years and over were
asked to report whether they were engaged in productive activities during most of
the last twelve months. The usual status approach measures the economic
activity status in the long reference period of the twelve months prior to the census
date. Those who were engaged in productive activities during the reference period
were classified as usually employed. In the cases of persons engaged in
agriculture, it was decided to classify them in the usually employed category, if
they have worked during most of the main agricultural season of the reference
period. Those who were not working during most of the reference period and were
actively looking for work or available for work considered as usually unemployed.
The usually employed and the usually unemployed persons together make up the
usually active population. On the other hand, those who were not engaged in
productive activity during most of the last twelve months for the following reasons
such as homemaking activities, attending school, illness, old age/pensioner etc.
are classified as population not usually active.

6.3 Unemployed Population and Unemployment Rate

The International standard definition of unemployment covers persons who with

out work, currently available for work and seeking work during the reference
period. According to the standard definition, these three criteria should be satisfied
simultaneously. However, the resolution adopted by International Conference of
Labor Statistics (ICLS) in 1982, Introduced a provision which allows for relaxation
of the "seeking work criteria". It was felt that the standard definition of
unemployment, with its emphasis on seeking work criterion, that is, to take active
steps to look for work might be some what restrictive and might not fully capture
the prevailing employment situations in many developing countries where the
labour market is largely unorganized or of limited scope, where labour absorption
is, at the time inadequate or where the labour force is largely self-employed.

Hence, Ethiopia like some other developing countries utilized a relaxed definition
for seeking work and adopted the availability criteria rather than restricting only on
the actively seeking work criteria. For generating data on unemployment, an
option of the completely relaxed which is based on both seeking and availability
criteria of unemployment definition is used in the 2007 Population and Housing
Census. The completely relaxed definition of unemployment refers to persons with
out work but willing to take up work for wage or salary in locally prevailing term. In
other word, the unemployed population consists of those who were not working
but currently available for work during the reference period. This includes those
who were and were not actively seeking for work or discouraged job seekers.
Discouraged job seekers refers to persons who want a job and are currently
available for work but who have given up any active search for work because they
believe that they can not find it. A person who is looking for work but was
temporarily engaged in a productive activity during the reference period is
recorded as employed and not as unemployed person.

6.4 Employment Status

Employment status of a person indicates the level of involvement and degree of

decision-making in respective activity. In the census, employment status is
classified as paid employees (Government employees, NGO’s employees and
domestic employees), self employed, unpaid family workers, apprentice, members
of cooperatives and others. Employment status was asked for all employed and
unemployed persons aged ten years and over and those who had prior work

In this 2007 population and housing census, statistical data on activity status,
activity rate, reason for inactivity, employed, unemployed, unemployment rate and
employment status are presented in Tables 6.1 - 6.7.

Table 6.1 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Age Group and Economic
Activity Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Urban-Rural Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Residence/ cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Age Group All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female
Age 10+ 3,044,558 1,969,707 1,074,851 1,481,704 1,054,816 426,888 1,562,854 914,891 647,963 64.7 71.2 58.5

10-14 613,806 247,938 365,868 314,868 131,953 182,915 298,938 115,985 182,953 40.4 41.9 38.8
15-19 496,217 254,106 242,111 244,567 129,086 115,481 251,650 125,020 126,630 51.2 52.8 49.7
20-24 362,473 252,400 110,073 175,557 128,502 47,055 186,916 123,898 63,018 69.6 73.2 66.3
25-29 285,841 225,767 60,074 127,993 113,392 14,601 157,848 112,375 45,473 79.0 88.6 71.2
30-34 249,309 205,069 44,240 111,434 104,665 6,769 137,875 100,404 37,471 82.3 93.9 72.8
35-39 225,121 187,385 37,736 103,756 98,182 5,574 121,365 89,203 32,162 83.2 94.6 73.5
40-44 170,712 142,394 28,318 83,846 79,458 4,388 86,866 62,936 23,930 83.4 94.8 72.5
45-49 137,867 113,629 24,238 67,275 63,549 3,726 70,592 50,080 20,512 82.4 94.5 70.9
50-54 125,630 98,270 27,360 57,706 53,671 4,035 67,924 44,599 23,325 78.2 93.0 65.7
55-59 94,978 73,745 21,233 49,326 45,560 3,766 45,652 28,185 17,467 77.6 92.4 61.7
60-64 91,412 62,996 28,416 43,752 37,638 6,114 47,660 25,358 22,302 68.9 86.0 53.2
65-69 67,457 44,028 23,429 35,339 28,818 6,521 32,118 15,210 16,908 65.3 81.5 47.4
70-74 60,380 32,847 27,533 30,096 21,017 9,079 30,284 11,830 18,454 54.4 69.8 39.1
75+ 63,355 29,133 34,222 36,189 19,325 16,864 27,166 9,808 17,358 46.0 53.4 36.1

Age 10+ 642,181 322,252 319,929 297,121 169,763 127,358 345,060 152,489 192,571 50.2 57.1 44.2

10-14 106,074 11,405 94,669 52,234 5,539 46,695 53,840 5,866 47,974 10.8 10.6 10.9
15-19 119,643 32,762 86,881 53,892 13,751 40,141 65,751 19,011 46,740 27.4 25.5 28.9
20-24 101,230 58,004 43,226 45,377 27,015 18,362 55,853 30,989 24,864 57.3 59.5 55.5
25-29 77,045 56,322 20,723 34,652 29,303 5,349 42,393 27,019 15,374 73.1 84.6 63.7
30-34 54,533 43,385 11,148 25,876 23,657 2,219 28,657 19,728 8,929 79.6 91.4 68.8
35-39 47,475 38,047 9,428 22,078 20,389 1,689 25,397 17,658 7,739 80.1 92.3 69.5
40-44 31,607 24,920 6,687 16,645 15,229 1,416 14,962 9,691 5,271 78.8 91.5 64.8
45-49 24,367 18,606 5,761 12,357 11,304 1,053 12,010 7,302 4,708 76.4 91.5 60.8
50-54 20,446 13,593 6,853 8,885 7,796 1,089 11,561 5,797 5,764 66.5 87.7 50.1
55-59 14,434 8,906 5,528 6,286 5,350 936 8,148 3,556 4,592 61.7 85.1 43.6
60-64 14,353 6,883 7,470 5,647 4,113 1,534 8,706 2,770 5,936 48.0 72.8 31.8
65-69 10,646 4,489 6,157 4,353 2,916 1,437 6,293 1,573 4,720 42.2 67.0 25.0
70-74 9,826 2,807 7,019 3,953 1,964 1,989 5,873 843 5,030 28.6 49.7 14.4
75+ 10,502 2,123 8,379 4,886 1,437 3,449 5,616 686 4,930 20.2 29.4 12.2

Table 6.1 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Age Group and Economic
Activity Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Urban-Rural Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Residence/ cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Age Group All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female
Age 10+ 2,402,377 1,647,455 754,922 1,184,583 885,053 299,530 1,217,794 762,402 455,392 68.6 74.7 62.6

10-14 507,732 236,533 271,199 262,634 126,414 136,220 245,098 110,119 134,979 46.6 48.1 44.9
15-19 376,574 221,344 155,230 190,675 115,335 75,340 185,899 106,009 79,890 58.8 60.5 57.0
20-24 261,243 194,396 66,847 130,180 101,487 28,693 131,063 92,909 38,154 74.4 78.0 70.9
25-29 208,796 169,445 39,351 93,341 84,089 9,252 115,455 85,356 30,099 81.2 90.1 73.9
30-34 194,776 161,684 33,092 85,558 81,008 4,550 109,218 80,676 28,542 83.0 94.7 73.9
35-39 177,646 149,338 28,308 81,678 77,793 3,885 95,968 71,545 24,423 84.1 95.2 74.6
40-44 139,105 117,474 21,631 67,201 64,229 2,972 71,904 53,245 18,659 84.4 95.6 74.1
45-49 113,500 95,023 18,477 54,918 52,245 2,673 58,582 42,778 15,804 83.7 95.1 73.0
50-54 105,184 84,677 20,507 48,821 45,875 2,946 56,363 38,802 17,561 80.5 94.0 68.8
55-59 80,544 64,839 15,705 43,040 40,210 2,830 37,504 24,629 12,875 80.5 93.4 65.7
60-64 77,059 56,113 20,946 38,105 33,525 4,580 38,954 22,588 16,366 72.8 88.0 58.0
65-69 56,811 39,539 17,272 30,986 25,902 5,084 25,825 13,637 12,188 69.6 83.6 52.8
70-74 50,554 30,040 20,514 26,143 19,053 7,090 24,411 10,987 13,424 59.4 72.9 45.0
75+ 52,853 27,010 25,843 31,303 17,888 13,415 21,550 9,122 12,428 51.1 57.1 42.3

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 3,044,558 1,969,705 1,074,853 1,481,704 1,054,816 426,888 1,562,854 914,889 647,965 64.7 71.2 58.5
Urban 642,181 322,252 319,929 297,121 169,762 127,359 345,060 152,490 192,570 50.2 57.1 44.2
Rural 2,402,377 1,647,453 754,924 1,184,583 885,054 299,529 1,217,794 762,399 455,395 68.6 74.7 62.6

Urban+Rural 508,755 347,098 161,657 253,008 193,177 59,831 255,747 153,921 101,826 68.2 76.4 60.2
Urban 79,729 42,507 37,222 35,719 21,943 13,776 44,010 20,564 23,446 53.3 61.4 46.7
Rural 429,026 304,591 124,435 217,289 171,234 46,055 211,737 133,357 78,380 71.0 78.8 63.0

Urban+Rural 60,308 45,415 14,893 30,678 25,330 5,348 29,630 20,085 9,545 75.3 82.6 67.8
Urban 4,505 2,258 2,247 1,853 1,103 750 2,652 1,155 1,497 50.1 59.5 43.6
Rural 55,803 43,157 12,646 28,825 24,227 4,598 26,978 18,930 8,048 77.3 84.0 70.2

Urban+Rural 77,208 51,685 25,523 38,292 28,432 9,860 38,916 23,253 15,663 66.9 74.3 59.8
Urban 5,618 2,821 2,797 2,343 1,307 1,036 3,275 1,514 1,761 50.2 55.8 46.2
Rural 71,590 48,864 22,726 35,949 27,125 8,824 35,641 21,739 13,902 68.3 75.5 61.0

Urban+Rural 88,431 59,311 29,120 43,381 31,972 11,409 45,050 27,339 17,711 67.1 73.7 60.7
Urban 7,764 4,032 3,732 3,321 1,931 1,390 4,443 2,101 2,342 51.9 58.1 47.3
Rural 80,667 55,279 25,388 40,060 30,041 10,019 40,607 25,238 15,369 68.5 75.0 62.2

Urban+Rural 49,046 34,488 14,558 24,389 18,802 5,587 24,657 15,686 8,971 70.3 77.1 63.6
Rural 49,046 34,488 14,558 24,389 18,802 5,587 24,657 15,686 8,971 70.3 77.1 63.6

Urban+Rural 92,319 64,689 27,630 47,301 38,074 9,227 45,018 26,615 18,403 70.1 80.5 59.1
Urban 7,260 3,784 3,476 3,273 2,083 1,190 3,987 1,701 2,286 52.1 63.6 42.7
Rural 85,059 60,905 24,154 44,028 35,991 8,037 41,031 24,914 16,117 71.6 81.7 60.7

Urban+Rural 93,282 65,455 27,827 46,946 36,854 10,092 46,336 28,601 17,735 70.2 78.5 61.7
Urban 6,421 3,560 2,861 2,908 1,807 1,101 3,513 1,753 1,760 55.4 62.1 49.9
Rural 86,861 61,895 24,966 44,038 35,047 8,991 42,823 26,848 15,975 71.3 79.6 62.7

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 35,692 19,040 16,652 16,200 9,978 6,222 19,492 9,062 10,430 53.3 61.6 46.5
Urban 35,692 19,040 16,652 16,200 9,978 6,222 19,492 9,062 10,430 53.3 61.6 46.5

Urban+Rural 12,469 7,012 5,457 5,821 3,734 2,087 6,648 3,278 3,370 56.2 64.1 49.3
Urban 12,469 7,012 5,457 5,821 3,734 2,087 6,648 3,278 3,370 56.2 64.1 49.3

Urban+Rural 877,032 601,413 275,619 427,116 314,698 112,418 449,916 286,715 163,201 68.6 73.7 63.7
Urban 131,194 65,418 65,776 59,018 32,735 26,283 72,176 32,683 39,493 49.9 55.5 45.3
Rural 745,838 535,995 209,843 368,098 281,963 86,135 377,740 254,032 123,708 71.9 76.6 67.3

Urban+Rural 73,763 52,707 21,056 36,437 27,652 8,785 37,326 25,055 12,271 71.5 75.9 67.1
Urban 5,651 2,383 3,268 2,473 1,100 1,373 3,178 1,283 1,895 42.2 44.5 40.4
Rural 68,112 50,324 17,788 33,964 26,552 7,412 34,148 23,772 10,376 73.9 78.2 69.6

Urban+Rural 121,104 83,824 37,280 57,396 41,414 15,982 63,708 42,410 21,298 69.2 72.2 66.6
Urban 16,275 8,650 7,625 7,319 4,076 3,243 8,956 4,574 4,382 53.1 55.7 51.1
Rural 104,829 75,174 29,655 50,077 37,338 12,739 54,752 37,836 16,916 71.7 74.6 69.1

Urban+Rural 102,289 85,620 16,669 49,446 42,531 6,915 52,843 43,089 9,754 83.7 86.0 81.5
Urban 11,491 5,799 5,692 5,064 2,569 2,495 6,427 3,230 3,197 50.5 50.7 50.3
Rural 90,798 79,821 10,977 44,382 39,962 4,420 46,416 39,859 6,557 87.9 90.0 85.9

Urban+Rural 70,748 50,346 20,402 34,796 26,109 8,687 35,952 24,237 11,715 71.2 75.0 67.4
Rural 70,748 50,346 20,402 34,796 26,109 8,687 35,952 24,237 11,715 71.2 75.0 67.4

Urban+Rural 52,219 33,673 18,546 25,882 18,098 7,784 26,337 15,575 10,762 64.5 69.9 59.1
Rural 52,219 33,673 18,546 25,882 18,098 7,784 26,337 15,575 10,762 64.5 69.9 59.1

Urban+Rural 70,682 51,337 19,345 34,323 26,192 8,131 36,359 25,145 11,214 72.6 76.3 69.2
Urban 7,803 4,784 3,019 3,512 2,300 1,212 4,291 2,484 1,807 61.3 65.5 57.9
Rural 62,879 46,553 16,326 30,811 23,892 6,919 32,068 22,661 9,407 74.0 77.5 70.7

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 74,620 60,627 13,993 36,565 30,724 5,841 38,055 29,903 8,152 81.2 84.0 78.6
Urban 1,342 898 444 665 458 207 677 440 237 66.9 68.9 65.0
Rural 73,278 59,729 13,549 35,900 30,266 5,634 37,378 29,463 7,915 81.5 84.3 78.8

Urban+Rural 92,969 59,033 33,936 46,064 32,487 13,577 46,905 26,546 20,359 63.5 70.5 56.6
Rural 92,969 59,033 33,936 46,064 32,487 13,577 46,905 26,546 20,359 63.5 70.5 56.6

Urban+Rural 78,074 44,921 33,153 39,081 26,659 12,422 38,993 18,262 20,731 57.5 68.2 46.8
Urban 5,329 2,731 2,598 2,352 1,341 1,011 2,977 1,390 1,587 51.2 57.0 46.7
Rural 72,745 42,190 30,555 36,729 25,318 11,411 36,016 16,872 19,144 58.0 68.9 46.8

Urban+Rural 62,005 41,447 20,558 31,730 23,205 8,525 30,275 18,242 12,033 66.8 73.1 60.3
Urban 4,744 2,293 2,451 2,237 1,263 974 2,507 1,030 1,477 48.3 56.5 41.1
Rural 57,261 39,154 18,107 29,493 21,942 7,551 27,768 17,212 10,556 68.4 74.4 62.0

Urban+Rural 12,384 5,215 7,169 5,941 2,865 3,076 6,443 2,350 4,093 42.1 48.2 36.5
Urban 12,384 5,215 7,169 5,941 2,865 3,076 6,443 2,350 4,093 42.1 48.2 36.5

Urban+Rural 31,505 14,485 17,020 13,740 7,172 6,568 17,765 7,313 10,452 46.0 52.2 41.2
Urban 31,505 14,485 17,020 13,740 7,172 6,568 17,765 7,313 10,452 46.0 52.2 41.2

Urban+Rural 34,670 18,177 16,493 15,715 9,589 6,126 18,955 8,588 10,367 52.4 61.0 45.3
Urban 34,670 18,177 16,493 15,715 9,589 6,126 18,955 8,588 10,367 52.4 61.0 45.3

Urban+Rural 534,680 310,134 224,546 247,607 152,555 95,052 287,073 157,579 129,494 58.0 61.6 54.9
Urban 107,704 50,498 57,206 46,976 23,525 23,451 60,728 26,973 33,755 46.9 50.1 44.4
Rural 426,976 259,636 167,340 200,631 129,030 71,601 226,345 130,606 95,739 60.8 64.3 57.7

Urban+Rural 60,053 38,109 21,944 28,184 18,097 10,087 31,869 20,012 11,857 63.5 64.2 62.8
Urban 6,911 3,197 3,714 2,902 1,362 1,540 4,009 1,835 2,174 46.3 46.9 45.8
Rural 53,142 34,912 18,230 25,282 16,735 8,547 27,860 18,177 9,683 65.7 66.2 65.2

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 17,660 9,544 8,116 8,374 4,979 3,395 9,286 4,565 4,721 54.0 59.5 49.2
Urban 1,511 794 717 735 384 351 776 410 366 52.5 52.2 52.8
Rural 16,149 8,750 7,399 7,639 4,595 3,044 8,510 4,155 4,355 54.2 60.2 48.8

Urban+Rural 97,065 56,553 40,512 44,467 27,178 17,289 52,598 29,375 23,223 58.3 61.1 55.8
Urban 13,398 6,631 6,767 5,625 2,715 2,910 7,773 3,916 3,857 49.5 48.3 50.4
Rural 83,667 49,922 33,745 38,842 24,463 14,379 44,825 25,459 19,366 59.7 63.0 56.8

Urban+Rural 64,770 38,742 26,028 30,038 18,996 11,042 34,732 19,746 14,986 59.8 63.2 56.9
Urban 2,608 1,379 1,229 1,154 584 570 1,454 795 659 52.9 50.6 54.7
Rural 62,162 37,363 24,799 28,884 18,412 10,472 33,278 18,951 14,327 60.1 63.7 56.9

Urban+Rural 83,168 51,162 32,006 38,789 25,114 13,675 44,379 26,048 18,331 61.5 64.7 58.7
Urban 5,436 2,322 3,114 2,461 1,064 1,397 2,975 1,258 1,717 42.7 43.2 42.3
Rural 77,732 48,840 28,892 36,328 24,050 12,278 41,404 24,790 16,614 62.8 66.2 59.9

Urban+Rural 68,531 46,024 22,507 32,933 23,560 9,373 35,598 22,464 13,134 67.2 71.5 63.1
Urban 3,409 2,072 1,337 1,451 915 536 1,958 1,157 801 60.8 63.1 59.1
Rural 65,122 43,952 21,170 31,482 22,645 8,837 33,640 21,307 12,333 67.5 71.9 63.3

Urban+Rural 76,449 39,878 36,571 35,346 19,921 15,425 41,103 19,957 21,146 52.2 56.4 48.6
Urban 7,447 3,980 3,467 3,172 1,790 1,382 4,275 2,190 2,085 53.4 56.4 51.2
Rural 69,002 35,898 33,104 32,174 18,131 14,043 36,828 17,767 19,061 52.0 56.4 48.2

Urban+Rural 43,837 19,952 23,885 18,964 9,465 9,499 24,873 10,487 14,386 45.5 49.9 42.2
Urban 43,837 19,952 23,885 18,964 9,465 9,499 24,873 10,487 14,386 45.5 49.9 42.2

Urban+Rural 23,147 10,171 12,976 10,512 5,247 5,265 12,635 4,924 7,711 43.9 49.9 39.0
Urban 23,147 10,171 12,976 10,512 5,247 5,265 12,635 4,924 7,711 43.9 49.9 39.0

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 705,648 452,913 252,735 344,876 244,652 100,224 360,772 208,261 152,511 64.2 70.9 57.7
Urban 97,650 41,583 56,067 45,203 21,801 23,402 52,447 19,782 32,665 42.6 48.2 37.7
Rural 607,998 411,330 196,668 299,673 222,851 76,822 308,325 188,479 119,846 67.7 74.4 61.1

Urban+Rural 85,621 56,989 28,632 42,649 30,806 11,843 42,972 26,183 16,789 66.6 72.2 60.9
Urban 6,589 3,576 3,013 3,020 1,783 1,237 3,569 1,793 1,776 54.3 59.0 50.2
Rural 79,032 53,413 25,619 39,629 29,023 10,606 39,403 24,390 15,013 67.6 73.2 61.9

Urban+Rural 78,402 58,437 19,965 39,130 31,604 7,526 39,272 26,833 12,439 74.5 80.8 68.3
Rural 78,402 58,437 19,965 39,130 31,604 7,526 39,272 26,833 12,439 74.5 80.8 68.3

Urban+Rural 105,812 72,167 33,645 51,535 37,980 13,555 54,277 34,187 20,090 68.2 73.7 63.0
Urban 8,982 3,834 5,148 4,142 1,964 2,178 4,840 1,870 2,970 42.7 47.4 38.6
Rural 96,830 68,333 28,497 47,393 36,016 11,377 49,437 32,317 17,120 70.6 76.0 65.4

Urban+Rural 76,648 44,427 32,221 37,103 24,909 12,194 39,545 19,518 20,027 58.0 67.1 49.4
Urban 5,926 2,965 2,961 2,835 1,648 1,187 3,091 1,317 1,774 50.0 58.1 42.6
Rural 70,722 41,462 29,260 34,268 23,261 11,007 36,454 18,201 18,253 58.6 67.9 49.9

Urban+Rural 59,445 36,929 22,516 29,181 20,014 9,167 30,264 16,915 13,349 62.1 68.6 55.9
Urban 2,241 1,256 985 927 562 365 1,314 694 620 56.0 60.6 52.8
Rural 57,204 35,673 21,531 28,254 19,452 8,802 28,950 16,221 12,729 62.4 68.8 56.0

Urban+Rural 92,297 70,502 21,795 45,489 36,920 8,569 46,808 33,582 13,226 76.4 81.2 71.7
Urban 11,967 5,166 6,801 5,557 2,910 2,647 6,410 2,256 4,154 43.2 52.4 35.2
Rural 80,330 65,336 14,994 39,932 34,010 5,922 40,398 31,326 9,072 81.3 85.2 77.5

Urban+Rural 59,761 35,699 24,062 29,545 20,391 9,154 30,216 15,308 14,908 59.7 69.0 50.7
Urban 3,417 1,433 1,984 1,594 819 775 1,823 614 1,209 41.9 51.4 33.7
Rural 56,344 34,266 22,078 27,951 19,572 8,379 28,393 14,694 13,699 60.8 70.0 51.8

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 89,134 54,411 34,723 43,116 29,914 13,202 46,018 24,497 21,521 61.0 69.4 53.2
Rural 89,134 54,411 34,723 43,116 29,914 13,202 46,018 24,497 21,521 61.0 69.4 53.2

Urban+Rural 18,768 8,222 10,546 8,628 4,069 4,559 10,140 4,153 5,987 43.8 47.2 41.0
Urban 18,768 8,222 10,546 8,628 4,069 4,559 10,140 4,153 5,987 43.8 47.2 41.0

Urban+Rural 13,369 4,971 8,398 5,791 2,483 3,308 7,578 2,488 5,090 37.2 42.9 32.8
Urban 13,369 4,971 8,398 5,791 2,483 3,308 7,578 2,488 5,090 37.2 42.9 32.8

Urban+Rural 26,391 10,159 16,232 12,709 5,562 7,147 13,682 4,597 9,085 38.5 43.8 33.6
Urban 26,391 10,159 16,232 12,709 5,562 7,147 13,682 4,597 9,085 38.5 43.8 33.6

Urban+Rural 246,660 168,128 78,532 126,545 99,688 26,857 120,115 68,440 51,675 68.2 78.8 57.0
Urban 54,121 32,227 21,894 27,653 19,713 7,940 26,468 12,514 13,954 59.5 71.3 47.3
Rural 192,539 135,901 56,638 98,892 79,975 18,917 93,647 55,926 37,721 70.6 80.9 59.7

Urban+Rural 64,216 46,566 17,650 33,606 27,149 6,457 30,610 19,417 11,193 72.5 80.8 63.4
Urban 22,300 13,057 9,243 11,443 8,077 3,366 10,857 4,980 5,877 58.6 70.6 45.9
Rural 41,916 33,509 8,407 22,163 19,072 3,091 19,753 14,437 5,316 79.9 86.1 73.1

Urban+Rural 93,875 64,621 29,254 47,696 38,090 9,606 46,179 26,531 19,648 68.8 79.9 57.5
Urban 7,611 3,907 3,704 3,645 2,186 1,459 3,966 1,721 2,245 51.3 60.0 43.4
Rural 86,264 60,714 25,550 44,051 35,904 8,147 42,213 24,810 17,403 70.4 81.5 58.8

Urban+Rural 71,002 46,061 24,941 35,896 27,530 8,366 35,106 18,531 16,575 64.9 76.7 52.8
Urban 6,643 4,382 2,261 3,218 2,530 688 3,425 1,852 1,573 66.0 78.6 54.1
Rural 64,359 41,679 22,680 32,678 25,000 7,678 31,681 16,679 15,002 64.8 76.5 52.6

Urban+Rural 17,567 10,882 6,685 9,347 6,921 2,426 8,220 3,961 4,259 61.9 74.0 48.2
Urban 17,567 10,882 6,685 9,347 6,921 2,426 8,220 3,961 4,259 61.9 74.0 48.2

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 171,783 90,021 81,762 82,552 50,046 32,506 89,231 39,975 49,256 52.4 60.6 44.8
Urban 171,783 90,021 81,762 82,552 50,046 32,506 89,231 39,975 49,256 52.4 60.6 44.8

Urban+Rural 74,543 39,454 35,089 35,324 21,020 14,304 39,219 18,434 20,785 52.9 59.5 47.0
Urban 74,543 39,454 35,089 35,324 21,020 14,304 39,219 18,434 20,785 52.9 59.5 47.0

Urban+Rural 97,240 50,567 46,673 47,228 29,026 18,202 50,012 21,541 28,471 52.0 61.5 43.1
Urban 97,240 50,567 46,673 47,228 29,026 18,202 50,012 21,541 28,471 52.0 61.5 43.1

Table 6.3 Economically Inactive Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Reason for
Inactivity, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Reason for Not Being Active
Urban-Rural Old Age/
Residence/ Total Student/ Home Illness/ Pensioner/
Sex/Age Group Inactive Training Maker Disabled Injury Too Young Remittance Other

URBAN+RURAL 1,074,850 501,315 284,260 10,207 33,322 91,472 95,755 58,519

10-14 365,867 247,203 24,830 531 3,026 84,250 - 6,027

15-19 242,110 174,528 38,782 917 2,598 7,222 - 18,063
20-24 110,073 56,343 42,180 862 2,340 - - 8,348
25-29 60,073 12,943 39,374 684 2,136 - - 4,936
30-34 44,239 3,468 33,905 836 2,348 - - 3,682
35-39 37,739 1,894 29,129 722 2,591 - - 3,403
40-44 28,317 993 20,220 762 2,906 - - 3,436
45-49 24,241 756 16,345 692 2,853 - - 3,595
50-54 27,361 553 14,731 876 3,105 - 6,621 1,475
55-59 21,231 470 9,019 580 2,349 - 7,570 1,243
60-64 28,417 455 7,279 764 2,621 - 15,912 1,386
65-69 23,428 346 4,106 607 1,885 - 15,710 774
70-74 27,533 536 2,559 649 1,339 - 21,514 936
75+ 34,221 827 1,801 725 1,225 - 28,428 1,215

TOTAL-MALE 426,885 262,302 38,002 5,015 12,338 49,583 30,682 28,963

10-14 182,915 121,517 10,276 323 1,749 45,506 - 3,544

15-19 115,480 90,683 8,881 381 1,371 4,077 - 10,087
20-24 47,055 36,176 5,248 381 1,070 - - 4,180
25-29 14,600 8,645 2,609 363 769 - - 2,214
30-34 6,768 2,133 1,911 440 710 - - 1,574
35-39 5,576 933 2,041 299 739 - - 1,564
40-44 4,387 441 1,269 383 847 - - 1,447
45-49 3,727 313 1,250 342 594 - - 1,228
50-54 4,035 223 1,274 430 700 - 796 612
55-59 3,764 141 906 311 719 - 1,075 612
60-64 6,115 187 834 343 929 - 3,226 596
65-69 6,520 151 567 307 856 - 4,274 365
70-74 9,079 258 414 324 577 - 7,125 381
75+ 16,864 501 522 388 708 - 14,186 559

TOTAL-FEMALE 647,965 239,013 246,258 5,192 20,984 41,889 65,073 29,556

10-14 182,952 125,686 14,554 208 1,277 38,744 - 2,483

15-19 126,630 83,845 29,901 536 1,227 3,145 - 7,976
20-24 63,018 20,167 36,932 481 1,270 - - 4,168
25-29 45,473 4,298 36,765 321 1,367 - - 2,722
30-34 37,471 1,335 31,994 396 1,638 - - 2,108
35-39 32,163 961 27,088 423 1,852 - - 1,839
40-44 23,930 552 18,951 379 2,059 - - 1,989
45-49 20,514 443 15,095 350 2,259 - - 2,367
50-54 23,326 330 13,457 446 2,405 - 5,825 863
55-59 17,467 329 8,113 269 1,630 - 6,495 631
60-64 22,302 268 6,445 421 1,692 - 12,686 790
65-69 16,908 195 3,539 300 1,029 - 11,436 409
70-74 18,454 278 2,145 325 762 - 14,389 555
75+ 17,357 326 1,279 337 517 - 14,242 656

URBAN-TOTAL 319,925 185,335 65,395 2,842 7,692 15,735 24,148 18,778

10-14 94,668 75,486 2,620 128 411 14,468 - 1,555

15-19 86,880 72,941 7,043 218 561 1,267 - 4,850
20-24 43,226 26,632 12,658 200 515 - - 3,221
25-29 20,723 6,054 11,779 232 628 - - 2,030
30-34 11,147 1,479 7,546 206 624 - - 1,292
35-39 9,430 886 6,303 265 761 - - 1,215
40-44 6,686 453 4,100 222 700 - - 1,211
45-49 5,762 261 3,617 213 527 - - 1,144
50-54 6,854 186 3,314 311 699 - 1,867 477
55-59 5,527 156 2,303 144 490 - 1,987 447
60-64 7,471 174 1,733 236 633 - 4,233 462
65-69 6,156 133 1,268 153 535 - 3,842 225
70-74 7,017 156 657 131 321 - 5,464 288
75+ 8,378 338 454 183 287 - 6,755 361

Table 6.3 Economically Inactive Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Reason for
Inactivity, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Reason for Not Being Active
Urban-Rural Old Age/
Residence/ Total Student/ Home Illness/ Pensioner/
Sex/Age Group Inactive Training Maker Disabled Injury Too Young Remittance Other

URBAN-MALE 127,357 94,952 5,037 1,503 2,660 8,292 6,650 8,263

10-14 46,695 37,297 782 49 241 7,605 - 721

15-19 40,141 35,804 862 96 305 687 - 2,387
20-24 18,362 15,866 794 108 232 - - 1,362
25-29 5,349 3,723 406 138 295 - - 787
30-34 2,218 918 351 139 192 - - 618
35-39 1,691 446 411 133 189 - - 512
40-44 1,415 229 304 106 212 - - 564
45-49 1,053 101 269 124 137 - - 422
50-54 1,089 66 262 182 158 - 261 160
55-59 935 60 132 78 122 - 348 195
60-64 1,536 96 174 131 157 - 773 205
65-69 1,436 63 119 71 182 - 936 65
70-74 1,988 55 79 69 112 - 1,566 107
75+ 3,449 228 92 79 126 - 2,766 158

URBAN-FEMALE 192,568 90,383 60,358 1,339 5,032 7,443 17,498 10,515

10-14 47,973 38,189 1,838 79 170 6,863 - 834

15-19 46,739 37,137 6,181 122 256 580 - 2,463
20-24 24,864 10,766 11,864 92 283 - - 1,859
25-29 15,374 2,331 11,373 94 333 - - 1,243
30-34 8,929 561 7,195 67 432 - - 674
35-39 7,739 440 5,892 132 572 - - 703
40-44 5,271 224 3,796 116 488 - - 647
45-49 4,709 160 3,348 89 390 - - 722
50-54 5,765 120 3,052 129 541 - 1,606 317
55-59 4,592 96 2,171 66 368 - 1,639 252
60-64 5,935 78 1,559 105 476 - 3,460 257
65-69 4,720 70 1,149 82 353 - 2,906 160
70-74 5,029 101 578 62 209 - 3,898 181
75+ 4,929 110 362 104 161 - 3,989 203

RURAL-TOTAL 754,925 315,980 218,865 7,365 25,630 75,737 71,607 39,741

10-14 271,199 171,717 22,210 403 2,615 69,782 - 4,472

15-19 155,230 101,587 31,739 699 2,037 5,955 - 13,213
20-24 66,847 29,711 29,522 662 1,825 - - 5,127
25-29 39,350 6,889 27,595 452 1,508 - - 2,906
30-34 33,092 1,989 26,359 630 1,724 - - 2,390
35-39 28,309 1,008 22,826 457 1,830 - - 2,188
40-44 21,631 540 16,120 540 2,206 - - 2,225
45-49 18,479 495 12,728 479 2,326 - - 2,451
50-54 20,507 367 11,417 565 2,406 - 4,754 998
55-59 15,704 314 6,716 436 1,859 - 5,583 796
60-64 20,946 281 5,546 528 1,988 - 11,679 924
65-69 17,272 213 2,838 454 1,350 - 11,868 549
70-74 20,516 380 1,902 518 1,018 - 16,050 648
75+ 25,843 489 1,347 542 938 - 21,673 854

RURAL-MALE 299,528 167,350 32,965 3,512 9,678 41,291 24,032 20,700

10-14 136,220 84,220 9,494 274 1,508 37,901 - 2,823

15-19 75,339 54,879 8,019 285 1,066 3,390 - 7,700
20-24 28,693 20,310 4,454 273 838 - - 2,818
25-29 9,251 4,922 2,203 225 474 - - 1,427
30-34 4,550 1,215 1,560 301 518 - - 956
35-39 3,885 487 1,630 166 550 - - 1,052
40-44 2,972 212 965 277 635 - - 883
45-49 2,674 212 981 218 457 - - 806
50-54 2,946 157 1,012 248 542 - 535 452
55-59 2,829 81 774 233 597 - 727 417
60-64 4,579 91 660 212 772 - 2,453 391
65-69 5,084 88 448 236 674 - 3,338 300
70-74 7,091 203 335 255 465 - 5,559 274
75+ 13,415 273 430 309 582 - 11,420 401

Table 6.3 Economically Inactive Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Reason for
Inactivity, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Reason for Not Being Active
Urban-Rural Old Age/
Residence/ Total Student/ Home Illness/ Pensioner/
Sex/Age Group Inactive Training Maker Disabled Injury Too Young Remittance Other

RURAL-FEMALE 455,397 148,630 185,900 3,853 15,952 34,446 47,575 19,041

10-14 134,979 87,497 12,716 129 1,107 31,881 - 1,649

15-19 79,891 46,708 23,720 414 971 2,565 - 5,513
20-24 38,154 9,401 25,068 389 987 - - 2,309
25-29 30,099 1,967 25,392 227 1,034 - - 1,479
30-34 28,542 774 24,799 329 1,206 - - 1,434
35-39 24,424 521 21,196 291 1,280 - - 1,136
40-44 18,659 328 15,155 263 1,571 - - 1,342
45-49 15,805 283 11,747 261 1,869 - - 1,645
50-54 17,561 210 10,405 317 1,864 - 4,219 546
55-59 12,875 233 5,942 203 1,262 - 4,856 379
60-64 16,367 190 4,886 316 1,216 - 9,226 533
65-69 12,188 125 2,390 218 676 - 8,530 249
70-74 13,425 177 1,567 263 553 - 10,491 374
75+ 12,428 216 917 233 356 - 10,253 453

10+ 66 110 15 97 59 118 47 98

10-14 100 97 71 155 137 117 - 143

15-19 91 108 30 71 112 130 - 126
20-24 75 179 14 79 84 - - 100
25-29 32 201 7 113 56 - - 81
30-34 18 160 6 111 43 - - 75
35-39 17 97 8 71 40 - - 85
40-44 18 80 7 101 41 - - 73
45-49 18 71 8 98 26 - - 52
50-54 17 68 9 96 29 - 14 71
55-59 22 43 11 116 44 - 17 97
60-64 27 70 13 81 55 - 25 75
65-69 39 77 16 102 83 - 37 89
70-74 49 93 19 100 76 - 50 69
75+ 97 154 41 115 137 - 100 85

Table 6.4 Economically Active Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Age Group, Sex, Employed, Unemployed
and Unemployment Rates: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------
Residence/ Both
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Age 10+ 1,969,707 1,054,816 914,891 1,855,560 1,002,036 853,524 114,144 52,779 61,365 5.8 5.0 6.7

10-14 247,938 131,953 115,985 238,343 126,955 111,388 9,595 4,998 4,597 3.9 3.8 4.0
15-19 254,106 129,086 125,020 235,555 120,158 115,397 18,550 8,928 9,622 7.3 6.9 7.7
20-24 252,400 128,502 123,898 228,990 118,869 110,121 23,410 9,633 13,777 9.3 7.5 11.1
25-29 225,767 113,392 112,375 208,874 106,541 102,333 16,893 6,851 10,042 7.5 6.0 8.9
30-34 205,069 104,665 100,404 193,404 99,904 93,500 11,667 4,762 6,905 5.7 4.5 6.9
35-39 187,385 98,182 89,203 177,919 94,083 83,836 9,466 4,100 5,366 5.1 4.2 6.0
40-44 142,394 79,458 62,936 135,734 76,031 59,703 6,659 3,426 3,233 4.7 4.3 5.1
45-49 113,629 63,549 50,080 108,254 60,706 47,548 5,375 2,843 2,532 4.7 4.5 5.1
50-54 98,270 53,671 44,599 94,059 51,565 42,494 4,212 2,106 2,106 4.3 3.9 4.7
55-59 73,745 45,560 28,185 70,933 43,923 27,010 2,811 1,637 1,174 3.8 3.6 4.2
60-64 62,996 37,638 25,358 60,735 36,292 24,443 2,261 1,347 914 3.6 3.6 3.6
65-69 44,028 28,818 15,210 42,537 27,893 14,644 1,491 924 567 3.4 3.2 3.7
70-74 32,847 21,017 11,830 31,932 20,325 11,607 913 691 222 2.8 3.3 1.9
75+ 29,133 19,325 9,808 28,291 18,791 9,500 841 533 308 2.9 2.8 3.1

Age 10+ 322,252 169,763 152,489 249,579 141,322 108,257 72,675 28,441 44,234 22.6 16.8 29.0

10-14 11,405 5,539 5,866 7,931 3,935 3,996 3,474 1,604 1,870 30.5 29.0 31.9
15-19 32,762 13,751 19,011 22,260 9,496 12,764 10,502 4,255 6,247 32.1 30.9 32.9
20-24 58,004 27,015 30,989 41,747 21,592 20,155 16,257 5,423 10,834 28.0 20.1 35.0
25-29 56,322 29,303 27,019 44,264 25,304 18,960 12,058 3,999 8,059 21.4 13.6 29.8
30-34 43,385 23,657 19,728 35,281 20,816 14,465 8,105 2,841 5,264 18.7 12.0 26.7
35-39 38,047 20,389 17,658 31,534 17,887 13,647 6,513 2,502 4,011 17.1 12.3 22.7
40-44 24,920 15,229 9,691 20,607 13,180 7,427 4,313 2,049 2,264 17.3 13.5 23.4
45-49 18,606 11,304 7,302 14,917 9,492 5,425 3,689 1,812 1,877 19.8 16.0 25.7
50-54 13,593 7,796 5,797 10,878 6,644 4,234 2,716 1,152 1,564 20.0 14.8 27.0
55-59 8,906 5,350 3,556 7,163 4,462 2,701 1,743 889 854 19.6 16.6 24.0
60-64 6,883 4,113 2,770 5,489 3,364 2,125 1,394 749 645 20.3 18.2 23.3
65-69 4,489 2,916 1,573 3,568 2,415 1,153 922 501 421 20.5 17.2 26.8
70-74 2,807 1,964 843 2,252 1,559 693 555 405 150 19.8 20.6 17.8
75+ 2,123 1,437 686 1,688 1,176 512 434 260 174 20.4 18.1 25.4

Table 6.4 Economically Active Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Age Group, Sex, Employed, Unemployed
and Unemployment Rates: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------
Residence/ Both
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Age 10+ 1,647,455 885,053 762,402 1,605,981 860,714 745,267 41,469 24,338 17,131 2.5 2.7 2.2

10-14 236,533 126,414 110,119 230,412 123,020 107,392 6,121 3,394 2,727 2.6 2.7 2.5
15-19 221,344 115,335 106,009 213,295 110,662 102,633 8,048 4,673 3,375 3.6 4.1 3.2
20-24 194,396 101,487 92,909 187,243 97,277 89,966 7,153 4,210 2,943 3.7 4.1 3.2
25-29 169,445 84,089 85,356 164,610 81,237 83,373 4,835 2,852 1,983 2.9 3.4 2.3
30-34 161,684 81,008 80,676 158,123 79,088 79,035 3,562 1,921 1,641 2.2 2.4 2.0
35-39 149,338 77,793 71,545 146,385 76,196 70,189 2,953 1,598 1,355 2.0 2.1 1.9
40-44 117,474 64,229 53,245 115,127 62,851 52,276 2,346 1,377 969 2.0 2.1 1.8
45-49 95,023 52,245 42,778 93,337 51,214 42,123 1,686 1,031 655 1.8 2.0 1.5
50-54 84,677 45,875 38,802 83,181 44,921 38,260 1,496 954 542 1.8 2.1 1.4
55-59 64,839 40,210 24,629 63,770 39,461 24,309 1,068 748 320 1.6 1.9 1.3
60-64 56,113 33,525 22,588 55,246 32,928 22,318 867 598 269 1.5 1.8 1.2
65-69 39,539 25,902 13,637 38,969 25,478 13,491 569 423 146 1.4 1.6 1.1
70-74 30,040 19,053 10,987 29,680 18,766 10,914 358 286 72 1.2 1.5 .7
75+ 27,010 17,888 9,122 26,603 17,615 8,988 407 273 134 1.5 1.5 1.5

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 1,969,705 1,054,816 914,889 1,855,563 1,002,038 853,525 114,142 52,779 61,363 5.8 5.0 6.7
URBAN 322,252 169,762 152,490 249,579 141,322 108,257 72,673 28,441 44,232 22.6 16.8 29.0
RURAL 1,647,453 885,054 762,399 1,605,984 860,716 745,268 41,469 24,338 17,131 2.5 2.7 2.2


URBAN+RURAL 347,098 193,177 153,921 334,655 187,227 147,428 12,443 5,950 6,493 3.6 3.1 4.2
URBAN 42,507 21,943 20,564 34,650 18,864 15,786 7,857 3,079 4,778 18.5 14.0 23.2
RURAL 304,591 171,234 133,357 300,005 168,363 131,642 4,586 2,871 1,715 1.5 1.7 1.3

URBAN+RURAL 45,415 25,330 20,085 44,436 24,889 19,547 980 442 538 2.2 1.7 2.7
URBAN 2,258 1,103 1,155 1,932 1,023 909 326 80 246 14.4 7.3 21.3
RURAL 43,157 24,227 18,930 42,504 23,866 18,638 654 362 292 1.5 1.5 1.5

URBAN+RURAL 51,685 28,432 23,253 50,796 28,095 22,701 889 337 552 1.7 1.2 2.4
URBAN 2,821 1,307 1,514 2,289 1,159 1,130 532 148 384 18.9 11.3 25.4
RURAL 48,864 27,125 21,739 48,507 26,936 21,571 357 189 168 .7 .7 .8

URBAN+RURAL 59,311 31,972 27,339 57,510 31,155 26,355 1,801 817 984 3.0 2.6 3.6
URBAN 4,032 1,931 2,101 3,032 1,566 1,466 1,001 365 636 24.8 18.9 30.3
RURAL 55,279 30,041 25,238 54,478 29,589 24,889 800 452 348 1.4 1.5 1.4

URBAN+RURAL 34,488 18,802 15,686 33,906 18,488 15,418 583 314 269 1.7 1.7 1.7
RURAL 34,488 18,802 15,686 33,906 18,488 15,418 583 314 269 1.7 1.7 1.7

URBAN+RURAL 64,689 38,074 26,615 62,751 36,923 25,828 1,939 1,151 788 3.0 3.0 3.0
URBAN 3,784 2,083 1,701 3,013 1,673 1,340 771 410 361 20.4 19.7 21.2
RURAL 60,905 35,991 24,914 59,738 35,250 24,488 1,168 741 427 1.9 2.1 1.7

URBAN+RURAL 65,455 36,854 28,601 63,868 35,813 28,055 1,587 1,042 545 2.4 2.8 1.9
URBAN 3,560 1,807 1,753 2,997 1,579 1,418 562 228 334 15.8 12.6 19.1
RURAL 61,895 35,047 26,848 60,871 34,234 26,637 1,025 814 211 1.7 2.3 .8

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 19,040 9,978 9,062 16,259 8,945 7,314 2,781 1,033 1,748 14.6 10.4 19.3
URBAN 19,040 9,978 9,062 16,259 8,945 7,314 2,781 1,033 1,748 14.6 10.4 19.3

URBAN+RURAL 7,012 3,734 3,278 5,129 2,919 2,210 1,883 815 1,068 26.9 21.8 32.6
URBAN 7,012 3,734 3,278 5,129 2,919 2,210 1,883 815 1,068 26.9 21.8 32.6

URBAN+RURAL 601,413 314,698 286,715 572,163 300,709 271,454 29,250 13,989 15,261 4.9 4.4 5.3
URBAN 65,418 32,735 32,683 50,252 27,227 23,025 15,166 5,508 9,658 23.2 16.8 29.6
RURAL 535,995 281,963 254,032 521,911 273,482 248,429 14,084 8,481 5,603 2.6 3.0 2.2

URBAN+RURAL 52,707 27,652 25,055 51,255 26,963 24,292 1,452 689 763 2.8 2.5 3.0
URBAN 2,383 1,100 1,283 1,731 860 871 652 240 412 27.4 21.8 32.1
RURAL 50,324 26,552 23,772 49,524 26,103 23,421 800 449 351 1.6 1.7 1.5

URBAN+RURAL 83,824 41,414 42,410 79,260 39,299 39,961 4,563 2,114 2,449 5.4 5.1 5.8
URBAN 8,650 4,076 4,574 6,734 3,439 3,295 1,916 637 1,279 22.2 15.6 28.0
RURAL 75,174 37,338 37,836 72,526 35,860 36,666 2,647 1,477 1,170 3.5 4.0 3.1

URBAN+RURAL 85,620 42,531 43,089 84,220 41,972 42,248 1,399 559 840 1.6 1.3 1.9
URBAN 5,799 2,569 3,230 4,806 2,259 2,547 992 310 682 17.1 12.1 21.1
RURAL 79,821 39,962 39,859 79,414 39,713 39,701 407 249 158 .5 .6 .4

URBAN+RURAL 50,346 26,109 24,237 49,001 25,349 23,652 1,345 760 585 2.7 2.9 2.4
RURAL 50,346 26,109 24,237 49,001 25,349 23,652 1,345 760 585 2.7 2.9 2.4

URBAN+RURAL 33,673 18,098 15,575 32,438 17,489 14,949 1,235 609 626 3.7 3.4 4.0
RURAL 33,673 18,098 15,575 32,438 17,489 14,949 1,235 609 626 3.7 3.4 4.0

URBAN+RURAL 51,337 26,192 25,145 50,124 25,596 24,528 1,213 596 617 2.4 2.3 2.5
URBAN 4,784 2,300 2,484 4,199 2,094 2,105 585 206 379 12.2 9.0 15.3
RURAL 46,553 23,892 22,661 45,925 23,502 22,423 628 390 238 1.3 1.6 1.1

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 60,627 30,724 29,903 58,791 29,593 29,198 1,835 1,130 705 3.0 3.7 2.4
URBAN 898 458 440 729 413 316 169 45 124 18.8 9.8 28.2
RURAL 59,729 30,266 29,463 58,062 29,180 28,882 1,666 1,085 581 2.8 3.6 2.0

URBAN+RURAL 59,033 32,487 26,546 56,435 30,799 25,636 2,598 1,688 910 4.4 5.2 3.4
RURAL 59,033 32,487 26,546 56,435 30,799 25,636 2,598 1,688 910 4.4 5.2 3.4

URBAN+RURAL 44,921 26,659 18,262 42,623 25,182 17,441 2,298 1,477 821 5.1 5.5 4.5
URBAN 2,731 1,341 1,390 2,188 1,127 1,061 543 214 329 19.9 16.0 23.7
RURAL 42,190 25,318 16,872 40,435 24,055 16,380 1,755 1,263 492 4.2 5.0 2.9

URBAN+RURAL 41,447 23,205 18,242 39,912 22,448 17,464 1,534 757 777 3.7 3.3 4.3
URBAN 2,293 1,263 1,030 1,760 1,016 744 532 247 285 23.2 19.6 27.7
RURAL 39,154 21,942 17,212 38,152 21,432 16,720 1,002 510 492 2.6 2.3 2.9

URBAN+RURAL 5,215 2,865 2,350 4,349 2,560 1,789 866 305 561 16.6 10.6 23.9
URBAN 5,215 2,865 2,350 4,349 2,560 1,789 866 305 561 16.6 10.6 23.9

URBAN+RURAL 14,485 7,172 7,313 10,060 5,543 4,517 4,425 1,629 2,796 30.5 22.7 38.2
URBAN 14,485 7,172 7,313 10,060 5,543 4,517 4,425 1,629 2,796 30.5 22.7 38.2

URBAN+RURAL 18,177 9,589 8,588 13,693 7,915 5,778 4,484 1,674 2,810 24.7 17.5 32.7
URBAN 18,177 9,589 8,588 13,693 7,915 5,778 4,484 1,674 2,810 24.7 17.5 32.7


URBAN+RURAL 310,134 152,555 157,579 288,224 143,713 144,511 21,911 8,843 13,068 7.1 5.8 8.3
URBAN 50,498 23,525 26,973 37,074 19,315 17,759 13,424 4,210 9,214 26.6 17.9 34.2
RURAL 259,636 129,030 130,606 251,150 124,398 126,752 8,487 4,633 3,854 3.3 3.6 3.0

URBAN+RURAL 38,109 18,097 20,012 35,450 17,017 18,433 2,660 1,080 1,580 7.0 6.0 7.9
URBAN 3,197 1,362 1,835 1,417 770 647 1,780 592 1,188 55.7 43.5 64.7
RURAL 34,912 16,735 18,177 34,033 16,247 17,786 880 488 392 2.5 2.9 2.2

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 9,544 4,979 4,565 8,543 4,455 4,088 1,000 523 477 10.5 10.5 10.4
URBAN 794 384 410 596 334 262 198 50 148 24.9 13.0 36.1
RURAL 8,750 4,595 4,155 7,947 4,121 3,826 802 473 329 9.2 10.3 7.9

URBAN+RURAL 56,553 27,178 29,375 53,544 25,951 27,593 3,010 1,227 1,783 5.3 4.5 6.1
URBAN 6,631 2,715 3,916 5,223 2,299 2,924 1,408 416 992 21.2 15.3 25.3
RURAL 49,922 24,463 25,459 48,321 23,652 24,669 1,602 811 791 3.2 3.3 3.1

URBAN+RURAL 38,742 18,996 19,746 37,359 18,218 19,141 1,383 778 605 3.6 4.1 3.1
URBAN 1,379 584 795 1,154 524 630 225 60 165 16.3 10.3 20.8
RURAL 37,363 18,412 18,951 36,205 17,694 18,511 1,158 718 440 3.1 3.9 2.3

URBAN+RURAL 51,162 25,114 26,048 48,899 24,046 24,853 2,263 1,068 1,195 4.4 4.3 4.6
URBAN 2,322 1,064 1,258 1,739 828 911 582 235 347 25.1 22.1 27.6
RURAL 48,840 24,050 24,790 47,160 23,218 23,942 1,681 833 848 3.4 3.5 3.4

URBAN+RURAL 46,024 23,560 22,464 44,557 22,869 21,688 1,466 691 775 3.2 2.9 3.4
URBAN 2,072 915 1,157 1,428 717 711 644 198 446 31.1 21.6 38.5
RURAL 43,952 22,645 21,307 43,129 22,152 20,977 822 493 329 1.9 2.2 1.5

URBAN+RURAL 39,878 19,921 19,957 37,810 18,954 18,856 2,067 966 1,101 5.2 4.8 5.5
URBAN 3,980 1,790 2,190 3,454 1,640 1,814 526 150 376 13.2 8.4 17.2
RURAL 35,898 18,131 17,767 34,356 17,314 17,042 1,541 816 725 4.3 4.5 4.1

URBAN+RURAL 19,952 9,465 10,487 14,183 7,827 6,356 5,768 1,637 4,131 28.9 17.3 39.4
URBAN 19,952 9,465 10,487 14,183 7,827 6,356 5,768 1,637 4,131 28.9 17.3 39.4

URBAN+RURAL 10,171 5,247 4,924 7,879 4,376 3,503 2,293 872 1,421 22.5 16.6 28.9
URBAN 10,171 5,247 4,924 7,879 4,376 3,503 2,293 872 1,421 22.5 16.6 28.9

URBAN+RURAL 452,913 244,652 208,261 432,881 234,217 198,664 20,032 10,436 9,596 4.4 4.3 4.6
URBAN 41,583 21,801 19,782 33,055 18,123 14,932 8,527 3,678 4,849 20.5 16.9 24.5

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
RURAL 411,330 222,851 188,479 399,826 216,094 183,732 11,505 6,758 4,747 2.8 3.0 2.5

URBAN+RURAL 56,989 30,806 26,183 55,086 29,744 25,342 1,902 1,061 841 3.3 3.4 3.2
URBAN 3,576 1,783 1,793 2,840 1,415 1,425 735 367 368 20.6 20.6 20.5
RURAL 53,413 29,023 24,390 52,246 28,329 23,917 1,167 694 473 2.2 2.4 1.9

URBAN+RURAL 58,437 31,604 26,833 56,978 30,662 26,316 1,460 942 518 2.5 3.0 1.9
RURAL 58,437 31,604 26,833 56,978 30,662 26,316 1,460 942 518 2.5 3.0 1.9

URBAN+RURAL 72,167 37,980 34,187 69,770 36,806 32,964 2,396 1,173 1,223 3.3 3.1 3.6
URBAN 3,834 1,964 1,870 2,970 1,594 1,376 864 370 494 22.5 18.8 26.4
RURAL 68,333 36,016 32,317 66,800 35,212 31,588 1,532 803 729 2.2 2.2 2.3

URBAN+RURAL 44,427 24,909 19,518 42,640 23,978 18,662 1,787 931 856 4.0 3.7 4.4
URBAN 2,965 1,648 1,317 2,170 1,310 860 795 338 457 26.8 20.5 34.7
RURAL 41,462 23,261 18,201 40,470 22,668 17,802 992 593 399 2.4 2.5 2.2

URBAN+RURAL 36,929 20,014 16,915 35,752 19,227 16,525 1,176 787 389 3.2 3.9 2.3
URBAN 1,256 562 694 1,121 490 631 134 72 62 10.7 12.8 8.9
RURAL 35,673 19,452 16,221 34,631 18,737 15,894 1,042 715 327 2.9 3.7 2.0

URBAN+RURAL 70,502 36,920 33,582 66,682 34,843 31,839 3,819 2,076 1,743 5.4 5.6 5.2
URBAN 5,166 2,910 2,256 3,959 2,289 1,670 1,207 621 586 23.4 21.3 26.0
RURAL 65,336 34,010 31,326 62,723 32,554 30,169 2,612 1,455 1,157 4.0 4.3 3.7

URBAN+RURAL 35,699 20,391 15,308 34,424 19,596 14,828 1,273 794 479 3.6 3.9 3.1
URBAN 1,433 819 614 1,180 663 517 252 156 96 17.6 19.0 15.6
RURAL 34,266 19,572 14,694 33,244 18,933 14,311 1,021 638 383 3.0 3.3 2.6

URBAN+RURAL 54,411 29,914 24,497 52,732 28,997 23,735 1,678 917 761 3.1 3.1 3.1
RURAL 54,411 29,914 24,497 52,732 28,997 23,735 1,678 917 761 3.1 3.1 3.1

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 8,222 4,069 4,153 6,661 3,546 3,115 1,562 524 1,038 19.0 12.9 25.0
URBAN 8,222 4,069 4,153 6,661 3,546 3,115 1,562 524 1,038 19.0 12.9 25.0

URBAN+RURAL 4,971 2,483 2,488 4,287 2,196 2,091 685 288 397 13.8 11.6 16.0
URBAN 4,971 2,483 2,488 4,287 2,196 2,091 685 288 397 13.8 11.6 16.0

URBAN+RURAL 10,159 5,562 4,597 7,868 4,621 3,247 2,291 941 1,350 22.6 16.9 29.4
URBAN 10,159 5,562 4,597 7,868 4,621 3,247 2,291 941 1,350 22.6 16.9 29.4

URBAN+RURAL 168,128 99,688 68,440 156,648 93,385 63,263 11,480 6,303 5,177 6.8 6.3 7.6
URBAN 32,227 19,713 12,514 23,555 15,006 8,549 8,672 4,707 3,965 26.9 23.9 31.7
RURAL 135,901 79,975 55,926 133,093 78,379 54,714 2,808 1,596 1,212 2.1 2.0 2.2

URBAN+RURAL 46,566 27,149 19,417 40,748 23,748 17,000 5,819 3,401 2,418 12.5 12.5 12.5
URBAN 13,057 8,077 4,980 8,342 5,319 3,023 4,715 2,758 1,957 36.1 34.1 39.3
RURAL 33,509 19,072 14,437 32,406 18,429 13,977 1,104 643 461 3.3 3.4 3.2

URBAN+RURAL 64,621 38,090 26,531 62,949 37,115 25,834 1,672 975 697 2.6 2.6 2.6
URBAN 3,907 2,186 1,721 3,236 1,827 1,409 671 359 312 17.2 16.4 18.1
RURAL 60,714 35,904 24,810 59,713 35,288 24,425 1,001 616 385 1.6 1.7 1.6

URBAN+RURAL 46,061 27,530 18,531 44,444 26,799 17,645 1,615 730 885 3.5 2.7 4.8
URBAN 4,382 2,530 1,852 3,469 2,136 1,333 912 393 519 20.8 15.5 28.0
RURAL 41,679 25,000 16,679 40,975 24,663 16,312 703 337 366 1.7 1.3 2.2

URBAN+RURAL 10,882 6,921 3,961 8,507 5,724 2,783 2,374 1,197 1,177 21.8 17.3 29.7
URBAN 10,882 6,921 3,961 8,507 5,724 2,783 2,374 1,197 1,177 21.8 17.3 29.7


URBAN+RURAL 90,021 50,046 39,975 70,994 42,787 28,207 19,027 7,259 11,768 21.1 14.5 29.4
URBAN 90,021 50,046 39,975 70,994 42,787 28,207 19,027 7,259 11,768 21.1 14.5 29.4

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 39,454 21,020 18,434 31,278 17,906 13,372 8,175 3,113 5,062 20.7 14.8 27.5
URBAN 39,454 21,020 18,434 31,278 17,906 13,372 8,175 3,113 5,062 20.7 14.8 27.5

URBAN+RURAL 50,567 29,026 21,541 39,715 24,880 14,835 10,852 4,146 6,706 21.5 14.3 31.1
URBAN 50,567 29,026 21,541 39,715 24,880 14,835 10,852 4,146 6,706 21.5 14.3 31.1

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

TIGRAY-REGION 322,252 169,762 152,490 249,579 141,322 108,257 72,673 28,441 44,232 22.6 16.8 29.0

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 42,507 21,943 20,564 34,650 18,864 15,786 7,857 3,079 4,778 18.5 14.0 23.2

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,258 1,103 1,155 1,932 1,023 909 326 80 246 14.4 7.3 21.3

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 2,258 1,103 1,155 1,932 1,023 909 326 80 246 14.4 7.3 21.3

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,821 1,307 1,514 2,289 1,159 1,130 532 148 384 18.9 11.3 25.4

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,821 1,307 1,514 2,289 1,159 1,130 532 148 384 18.9 11.3 25.4

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 4,032 1,931 2,101 3,032 1,566 1,466 1,001 365 636 24.8 18.9 30.3

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,816 1,370 1,446 2,103 1,083 1,020 713 287 426 25.3 20.9 29.5

ZANA-TOWN 1,218 562 656 930 484 446 288 78 210 23.6 13.9 32.0

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 3,784 2,083 1,701 3,013 1,673 1,340 771 410 361 20.4 19.7 21.2

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 3,784 2,083 1,701 3,013 1,673 1,340 771 410 361 20.4 19.7 21.2

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 3,560 1,807 1,753 2,997 1,579 1,418 562 228 334 15.8 12.6 19.1

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 3,560 1,807 1,753 2,997 1,579 1,418 562 228 334 15.8 12.6 19.1

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 19,040 9,978 9,062 16,259 8,945 7,314 2,781 1,033 1,748 14.6 10.4 19.3

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 19,040 9,978 9,062 16,259 8,945 7,314 2,781 1,033 1,748 14.6 10.4 19.3

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,012 3,734 3,278 5,129 2,919 2,210 1,883 815 1,068 26.9 21.8 32.6

SHIRARO-TOWN 7,012 3,734 3,278 5,129 2,919 2,210 1,883 815 1,068 26.9 21.8 32.6

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 65,418 32,735 32,683 50,252 27,227 23,025 15,166 5,508 9,658 23.2 16.8 29.6

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,383 1,100 1,283 1,731 860 871 652 240 412 27.4 21.8 32.1

RAMA-TOWN 2,383 1,100 1,283 1,731 860 871 652 240 412 27.4 21.8 32.1

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 8,650 4,076 4,574 6,734 3,439 3,295 1,916 637 1,279 22.2 15.6 28.0

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 2,397 1,058 1,339 1,902 912 990 495 146 349 20.7 13.8 26.1

INTICHO-TOWN 3,898 1,885 2,013 2,992 1,614 1,378 907 271 636 23.3 14.4 31.6

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 781 369 412 381 192 189 398 176 222 51.0 47.7 53.9

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,574 764 810 1,459 721 738 116 43 73 7.4 5.6 9.0

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 5,799 2,569 3,230 4,806 2,259 2,547 992 310 682 17.1 12.1 21.1

NEBELAT-TOWN 1,251 469 782 970 384 586 281 85 196 22.5 18.1 25.1

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,777 1,324 1,453 2,506 1,256 1,250 271 68 203 9.8 5.1 14.0

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,771 776 995 1,331 619 712 440 157 283 24.8 20.2 28.4

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 4,784 2,300 2,484 4,199 2,094 2,105 585 206 379 12.2 9.0 15.3

CHILA-TOWN 1,339 555 784 1,052 470 582 288 85 203 21.5 15.3 25.9

WUKRO MARYA 3,445 1,745 1,700 3,147 1,624 1,523 298 122 176 8.7 7.0 10.4

NADER ADET-WEREDA 898 458 440 729 413 316 169 45 124 18.8 9.8 28.2

SEMEMA TOWN 898 458 440 729 413 316 169 45 124 18.8 9.8 28.2

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,731 1,341 1,390 2,188 1,127 1,061 543 214 329 19.9 16.0 23.7

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,731 1,341 1,390 2,188 1,127 1,061 543 214 329 19.9 16.0 23.7

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 2,293 1,263 1,030 1,760 1,016 744 532 247 285 23.2 19.6 27.7

MEARAY-TOWN 2,293 1,263 1,030 1,760 1,016 744 532 247 285 23.2 19.6 27.7

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 5,215 2,865 2,350 4,349 2,560 1,789 866 305 561 16.6 10.6 23.9

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 5,215 2,865 2,350 4,349 2,560 1,789 866 305 561 16.6 10.6 23.9

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 14,485 7,172 7,313 10,060 5,543 4,517 4,425 1,629 2,796 30.5 22.7 38.2

ADWA-TOWN 14,485 7,172 7,313 10,060 5,543 4,517 4,425 1,629 2,796 30.5 22.7 38.2

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 18,177 9,589 8,588 13,693 7,915 5,778 4,484 1,674 2,810 24.7 17.5 32.7

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

AXUM-TOWN 18,177 9,589 8,588 13,693 7,915 5,778 4,484 1,674 2,810 24.7 17.5 32.7

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 50,498 23,525 26,973 37,074 19,315 17,759 13,424 4,210 9,214 26.6 17.9 34.2

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 3,197 1,362 1,835 1,417 770 647 1,780 592 1,188 55.7 43.5 64.7

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 2,251 913 1,338 632 373 259 1,619 540 1,079 71.9 59.1 80.6

FATSI-TOWN 946 449 497 784 396 388 162 53 109 17.1 11.8 21.9

EROB-WEREDA 794 384 410 596 334 262 198 50 148 24.9 13.0 36.1

DAWUHAN-TOWN 794 384 410 596 334 262 198 50 148 24.9 13.0 36.1

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 6,631 2,715 3,916 5,223 2,299 2,924 1,408 416 992 21.2 15.3 25.3

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,918 1,554 2,364 2,954 1,278 1,676 964 276 688 24.6 17.8 29.1

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 2,713 1,161 1,552 2,269 1,021 1,248 444 140 304 16.4 12.1 19.6

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,379 584 795 1,154 524 630 225 60 165 16.3 10.3 20.8

BAZET-TOWN 1,379 584 795 1,154 524 630 225 60 165 16.3 10.3 20.8

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,322 1,064 1,258 1,739 828 911 582 235 347 25.1 22.1 27.6

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,322 1,064 1,258 1,739 828 911 582 235 347 25.1 22.1 27.6

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 2,072 915 1,157 1,428 717 711 644 198 446 31.1 21.6 38.5

AGULA-TOWN 2,072 915 1,157 1,428 717 711 644 198 446 31.1 21.6 38.5

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,980 1,790 2,190 3,454 1,640 1,814 526 150 376 13.2 8.4 17.2

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 3,059 1,329 1,730 2,672 1,240 1,432 387 89 298 12.7 6.7 17.2

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 921 461 460 783 400 383 139 61 78 15.1 13.2 17.0

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 19,952 9,465 10,487 14,183 7,827 6,356 5,768 1,637 4,131 28.9 17.3 39.4

ADIGRAT-TOWN 19,952 9,465 10,487 14,183 7,827 6,356 5,768 1,637 4,131 28.9 17.3 39.4

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 10,171 5,247 4,924 7,879 4,376 3,503 2,293 872 1,421 22.5 16.6 28.9

WUKRO-TOWN 10,171 5,247 4,924 7,879 4,376 3,503 2,293 872 1,421 22.5 16.6 28.9

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 41,583 21,801 19,782 33,055 18,123 14,932 8,527 3,678 4,849 20.5 16.9 24.5

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 3,576 1,783 1,793 2,840 1,415 1,425 735 367 368 20.6 20.6 20.5

GIJET-TOWN 1,772 872 900 1,250 595 655 522 277 245 29.5 31.8 27.2

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,804 911 893 1,591 821 770 213 90 123 11.8 9.9 13.8

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,834 1,964 1,870 2,970 1,594 1,376 864 370 494 22.5 18.8 26.4

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,503 1,324 1,179 2,047 1,146 901 455 178 277 18.2 13.4 23.5

HIWANE-TOWN 1,332 640 692 922 448 474 409 192 217 30.7 30.0 31.4

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,965 1,648 1,317 2,170 1,310 860 795 338 457 26.8 20.5 34.7

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,965 1,648 1,317 2,170 1,310 860 795 338 457 26.8 20.5 34.7

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 1,256 562 694 1,121 490 631 134 72 62 10.7 12.8 8.9

MESWAET-TOWN 1,256 562 694 1,121 490 631 134 72 62 10.7 12.8 8.9

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 5,166 2,910 2,256 3,959 2,289 1,670 1,207 621 586 23.4 21.3 26.0

MEHONI-TOWN 4,299 2,443 1,856 3,429 1,949 1,480 870 495 375 20.2 20.3 20.2

CHERCHER-TOWN 867 466 401 530 340 190 336 126 210 38.8 27.0 52.4

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,433 819 614 1,180 663 517 252 156 96 17.6 19.0 15.6

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,433 819 614 1,180 663 517 252 156 96 17.6 19.0 15.6

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,222 4,069 4,153 6,661 3,546 3,115 1,562 524 1,038 19.0 12.9 25.0

MAYCHEW-TOWN 8,222 4,069 4,153 6,661 3,546 3,115 1,562 524 1,038 19.0 12.9 25.0

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,971 2,483 2,488 4,287 2,196 2,091 685 288 397 13.8 11.6 16.0

KOREM-TOWN 4,971 2,483 2,488 4,287 2,196 2,091 685 288 397 13.8 11.6 16.0

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 10,159 5,562 4,597 7,868 4,621 3,247 2,291 941 1,350 22.6 16.9 29.4

ALAMATA-TOWN 10,159 5,562 4,597 7,868 4,621 3,247 2,291 941 1,350 22.6 16.9 29.4

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 32,227 19,713 12,514 23,555 15,006 8,549 8,672 4,707 3,965 26.9 23.9 31.7

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 13,057 8,077 4,980 8,342 5,319 3,023 4,715 2,758 1,957 36.1 34.1 39.3

ADEBAYE-TOWN 3,773 2,315 1,458 2,249 1,450 799 1,524 865 659 40.4 37.4 45.2

BIHER-TOWN 3,152 1,829 1,323 2,023 1,191 832 1,129 638 491 35.8 34.9 37.1

MAY CADERA-TOWN 6,130 3,932 2,198 4,068 2,677 1,391 2,062 1,255 807 33.6 31.9 36.7

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 3,907 2,186 1,721 3,236 1,827 1,409 671 359 312 17.2 16.4 18.1

MEZEGA-TOWN 2,138 1,125 1,013 1,725 908 817 412 217 195 19.3 19.3 19.2

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,768 1,060 708 1,510 918 592 259 142 117 14.6 13.4 16.5

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 4,382 2,530 1,852 3,469 2,136 1,333 912 393 519 20.8 15.5 28.0

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 1,182 509 673 1,126 498 628 56 11 45 4.7 2.2 6.7

DANISHA-TOWN 3,200 2,021 1,179 2,344 1,639 705 856 382 474 26.8 18.9 40.2

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 10,882 6,921 3,961 8,507 5,724 2,783 2,374 1,197 1,177 21.8 17.3 29.7

HUMERA-TOWN 10,882 6,921 3,961 8,507 5,724 2,783 2,374 1,197 1,177 21.8 17.3 29.7

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 90,021 50,046 39,975 70,994 42,787 28,207 19,027 7,259 11,768 21.1 14.5 29.4

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 39,454 21,020 18,434 31,278 17,906 13,372 8,175 3,113 5,062 20.7 14.8 27.5

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 39,454 21,020 18,434 31,278 17,906 13,372 8,175 3,113 5,062 20.7 14.8 27.5

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 50,567 29,026 21,541 39,715 24,880 14,835 10,852 4,146 6,706 21.5 14.3 31.1

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 50,567 29,026 21,541 39,715 24,880 14,835 10,852 4,146 6,706 21.5 14.3 31.1

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other

Age 10+ 1,996,687 85,467 34,183 51,784 6,611 45,759 8,906 1,135,468 378,622 10,149 5,260 5,471 229,007

10-14 261,202 2,004 1,242 1,787 - 5,432 806 95,934 85,267 4,878 574 - 63,278
15-19 261,746 3,392 2,884 6,362 466 10,208 1,157 108,730 78,079 2,873 680 326 46,589
20-24 252,518 20,130 4,926 11,579 1,121 8,392 1,472 120,747 55,467 1,280 656 506 26,242
25-29 225,048 18,390 4,961 9,207 1,356 5,358 1,195 129,242 37,789 404 579 623 15,944
30-34 204,252 11,912 4,645 6,718 1,031 3,945 1,117 130,429 30,318 222 527 691 12,697
35-39 186,971 10,660 4,281 5,091 785 3,152 756 125,325 25,141 130 487 681 10,482
40-44 142,342 6,908 3,422 3,226 538 2,301 579 98,837 17,219 74 412 635 8,191
45-49 113,702 5,039 2,423 2,249 544 1,736 538 79,579 13,851 76 416 374 6,877
50-54 98,850 3,258 2,002 1,650 246 1,502 376 70,599 11,537 51 278 346 7,005
55-59 74,497 1,499 1,304 1,271 194 1,239 312 54,548 8,075 49 154 340 5,512
60-64 64,514 1,071 885 1,018 120 1,001 199 46,623 6,413 26 187 235 6,736
65-69 45,425 603 553 755 106 586 141 32,590 4,154 33 119 307 5,478
70-74 34,513 250 358 456 75 459 127 23,209 3,010 22 113 186 6,248
75+ 31,107 351 297 415 29 448 131 19,076 2,302 31 78 221 7,728

Age 10+ 1,061,844 55,730 19,054 34,617 3,683 24,713 5,497 656,606 144,030 5,529 2,878 3,478 106,029

10-14 138,496 1,131 683 1,133 - 2,823 468 53,031 44,211 2,492 290 - 32,234
15-19 132,053 1,609 1,444 3,398 184 4,438 600 56,518 37,923 1,469 331 153 23,986
20-24 128,008 11,539 2,603 6,994 602 4,401 927 61,875 25,028 812 308 270 12,649
25-29 112,459 12,110 2,490 6,141 715 3,074 718 69,187 10,714 301 268 350 6,391
30-34 103,855 7,609 2,406 4,771 604 2,344 653 73,777 5,736 160 290 482 5,023
35-39 97,682 6,658 2,099 3,572 443 1,939 499 72,953 4,410 91 282 453 4,283
40-44 79,084 5,078 1,940 2,482 326 1,365 333 59,938 3,424 45 280 453 3,420
45-49 63,168 3,939 1,511 1,706 298 1,047 340 48,430 2,603 37 237 218 2,802
50-54 53,360 2,820 1,336 1,270 153 896 265 41,319 2,282 30 169 221 2,599
55-59 45,454 1,323 983 948 121 808 235 36,348 2,271 27 82 233 2,075
60-64 37,783 909 665 852 99 610 151 30,062 1,774 16 117 154 2,374
65-69 29,008 511 431 630 82 365 119 23,117 1,447 18 77 172 2,039
70-74 21,299 208 267 372 46 289 105 16,329 1,168 16 92 144 2,263
75+ 20,135 286 196 348 10 314 84 13,722 1,039 15 55 175 3,891

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other
Age 10+ 934,843 29,737 15,129 17,167 2,928 21,046 3,409 478,862 234,592 4,620 2,382 1,993 122,978

10-14 122,706 873 559 654 - 2,609 338 42,903 41,056 2,386 284 - 31,044
15-19 129,693 1,783 1,440 2,964 282 5,770 557 52,212 40,156 1,404 349 173 22,603
20-24 124,510 8,591 2,323 4,585 519 3,991 545 58,872 30,439 468 348 236 13,593
25-29 112,589 6,280 2,471 3,066 641 2,284 477 60,055 27,075 103 311 273 9,553
30-34 100,397 4,303 2,239 1,947 427 1,601 464 56,652 24,582 62 237 209 7,674
35-39 89,289 4,002 2,182 1,519 342 1,213 257 52,372 20,731 39 205 228 6,199
40-44 63,258 1,830 1,482 744 212 936 246 38,899 13,795 29 132 182 4,771
45-49 50,534 1,100 912 543 246 689 198 31,149 11,248 39 179 156 4,075
50-54 45,490 438 666 380 93 606 111 29,280 9,255 21 109 125 4,406
55-59 29,043 176 321 323 73 431 77 18,200 5,804 22 72 107 3,437
60-64 26,731 162 220 166 21 391 48 16,561 4,639 10 70 81 4,362
65-69 16,417 92 122 125 24 221 22 9,473 2,707 15 42 135 3,439
70-74 13,214 42 91 84 29 170 22 6,880 1,842 6 21 42 3,985
75+ 10,972 65 101 67 19 134 47 5,354 1,263 16 23 46 3,837

Age 10+ 114 187 126 202 126 117 161 137 61 120 121 175 86

10-14 113 130 122 173 - 108 138 124 108 104 102 - 104
15-19 102 90 100 115 65 77 108 108 94 105 95 88 106
20-24 103 134 112 153 116 110 170 105 82 174 89 114 93
25-29 100 193 101 200 112 135 151 115 40 292 86 128 67
30-34 103 177 107 245 141 146 141 130 23 258 122 231 65
35-39 109 166 96 235 130 160 194 139 21 233 138 199 69
40-44 125 277 131 334 154 146 135 154 25 155 212 249 72
45-49 125 358 166 314 121 152 172 155 23 95 132 140 69
50-54 117 644 201 334 165 148 239 141 25 143 155 177 59
55-59 157 752 306 293 166 187 305 200 39 123 114 218 60
60-64 141 561 302 513 471 156 315 182 38 160 167 190 54
65-69 177 555 353 504 342 165 541 244 53 120 183 127 59
70-74 161 495 293 443 159 170 477 237 63 267 438 343 57
75+ 184 440 194 519 53 234 179 256 82 94 239 380 101

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other

Age 10+ 374,218 54,636 9,513 35,040 2,926 20,826 3,564 149,624 28,866 2,246 1,358 1,840 63,779

10-14 29,107 818 201 702 - 1,350 168 5,305 4,830 750 57 - 14,926
15-19 45,931 1,526 630 3,960 172 5,327 405 11,640 5,830 657 118 78 15,588
20-24 62,541 8,546 1,715 8,763 538 4,802 760 20,853 5,382 531 281 164 10,206
25-29 58,296 11,757 1,823 6,862 712 2,950 583 23,968 3,535 160 221 251 5,474
30-34 44,478 8,967 1,442 4,715 492 1,890 494 20,555 2,406 50 169 284 3,014
35-39 39,055 8,470 1,230 3,413 410 1,397 295 19,047 1,914 26 177 253 2,423
40-44 26,004 5,517 893 2,099 256 802 250 12,889 1,129 21 103 248 1,797
45-49 19,594 4,051 622 1,384 217 611 233 9,857 923 18 81 122 1,475
50-54 14,976 2,497 420 959 68 566 139 7,738 760 5 61 126 1,637
55-59 10,200 1,067 246 648 18 406 98 5,705 598 5 26 106 1,277
60-64 8,861 707 142 601 11 304 45 4,841 591 - 17 40 1,562
65-69 6,223 373 66 459 17 191 36 3,341 403 12 17 84 1,224
70-74 4,647 145 53 237 - 121 33 2,162 328 11 11 49 1,497
75+ 4,305 195 30 238 15 109 25 1,723 237 - 19 35 1,679

Age 10+ 191,612 36,022 5,817 22,970 1,718 9,442 2,357 75,772 7,872 1,245 790 1,094 26,513

10-14 14,498 508 95 472 - 402 111 2,778 2,256 329 23 - 7,524
15-19 19,965 825 347 1,993 43 1,347 206 5,257 2,098 318 65 39 7,427
20-24 29,261 4,984 931 5,070 255 2,073 499 9,157 1,486 376 138 63 4,229
25-29 29,981 7,438 1,089 4,517 393 1,635 378 11,695 655 122 122 137 1,800
30-34 23,884 5,549 854 3,305 327 1,168 330 10,724 332 38 103 200 954
35-39 20,625 5,253 700 2,342 266 877 208 9,647 270 22 114 159 767
40-44 15,478 3,976 561 1,643 191 517 196 7,277 192 16 80 173 656
45-49 11,478 3,141 471 1,054 147 379 155 5,398 141 7 59 59 467
50-54 8,010 2,153 356 751 57 329 93 3,681 79 - 26 74 411
55-59 5,641 953 182 522 11 285 73 3,136 77 5 11 72 314
60-64 4,599 628 110 507 11 170 40 2,581 83 - 12 19 438
65-69 3,381 334 49 381 12 110 20 2,007 48 7 12 33 368
70-74 2,395 118 42 217 - 72 28 1,371 86 5 11 36 409
75+ 2,416 162 30 196 5 78 20 1,063 69 - 14 30 749

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other
Age 10+ 182,606 18,614 3,696 12,070 1,208 11,384 1,207 73,852 20,994 1,001 568 746 37,266

10-14 14,609 310 106 230 - 948 57 2,527 2,574 421 34 - 7,402
15-19 25,966 701 283 1,967 129 3,980 199 6,383 3,732 339 53 39 8,161
20-24 33,280 3,562 784 3,693 283 2,729 261 11,696 3,896 155 143 101 5,977
25-29 28,315 4,319 734 2,345 319 1,315 205 12,273 2,880 38 99 114 3,674
30-34 20,594 3,418 588 1,410 165 722 164 9,831 2,074 12 66 84 2,060
35-39 18,430 3,217 530 1,071 144 520 87 9,400 1,644 4 63 94 1,656
40-44 10,526 1,541 332 456 65 285 54 5,612 937 5 23 75 1,141
45-49 8,116 910 151 330 70 232 78 4,459 782 11 22 63 1,008
50-54 6,966 344 64 208 11 237 46 4,057 681 5 35 52 1,226
55-59 4,559 114 64 126 7 121 25 2,569 521 - 15 34 963
60-64 4,262 79 32 94 - 134 5 2,260 508 - 5 21 1,124
65-69 2,842 39 17 78 5 81 16 1,334 355 5 5 51 856
70-74 2,252 27 11 20 - 49 5 791 242 6 - 13 1,088
75+ 1,889 33 - 42 10 31 5 660 168 - 5 5 930

Age 10+ 105 194 157 190 142 83 195 103 37 124 139 147 71

10-14 99 164 90 205 - 42 195 110 88 78 68 - 102

15-19 77 118 123 101 33 34 104 82 56 94 123 100 91
20-24 88 140 119 137 90 76 191 78 38 243 97 62 71
25-29 106 172 148 193 123 124 184 95 23 321 123 120 49
30-34 116 162 145 234 198 162 201 109 16 317 156 238 46
35-39 112 163 132 219 185 169 239 103 16 550 181 169 46
40-44 147 258 169 360 294 181 363 130 20 320 348 231 57
45-49 141 345 312 319 210 163 199 121 18 64 268 94 46
50-54 115 626 556 361 518 139 202 91 12 - 74 142 34
55-59 124 836 284 414 157 236 292 122 15 - 73 212 33
60-64 108 795 344 539 - 127 800 114 16 - 240 90 39
65-69 119 856 288 488 240 136 125 150 14 140 240 65 43
70-74 106 437 382 1,085 - 147 560 173 36 83 - 277 38
75+ 128 491 - 467 50 252 400 161 41 - 280 600 81

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other

Age 10+ 1,622,470 30,828 24,674 16,744 3,686 24,934 5,341 985,846 349,760 7,899 3,901 3,629 165,228

10-14 232,094 1,186 1,041 1,085 - 4,081 637 90,629 80,438 4,128 517 - 48,352
15-19 215,810 1,865 2,253 2,402 294 4,881 752 97,090 72,249 2,216 562 246 31,000
20-24 189,980 11,583 3,212 2,816 583 3,590 713 99,894 50,087 748 375 343 16,036
25-29 166,751 6,633 3,138 2,345 644 2,407 611 105,274 34,254 244 358 372 10,471
30-34 159,774 2,945 3,204 2,002 539 2,056 623 109,875 27,912 172 357 407 9,682
35-39 147,917 2,190 3,052 1,678 374 1,755 462 106,278 23,228 103 310 428 8,059
40-44 116,339 1,391 2,530 1,127 282 1,499 329 85,948 16,090 53 309 387 6,394
45-49 94,111 988 1,801 865 328 1,126 305 69,723 12,929 57 335 252 5,402
50-54 83,870 760 1,581 691 180 936 236 62,860 10,777 46 217 219 5,367
55-59 64,299 432 1,058 624 176 833 215 48,844 7,477 43 128 234 4,235
60-64 55,651 364 743 418 108 697 153 41,782 5,821 26 170 195 5,174
65-69 39,201 230 488 295 89 395 104 29,249 3,751 21 102 223 4,254
70-74 29,868 105 305 220 75 338 94 21,047 2,682 11 102 137 4,752
75+ 26,805 156 268 176 14 340 107 17,353 2,065 31 59 186 6,050

Age 10+ 870,229 19,707 13,239 11,644 1,965 15,272 3,140 580,833 136,159 4,281 2,087 2,384 79,518

10-14 123,999 623 588 661 - 2,421 357 50,253 41,956 2,163 267 - 24,710
15-19 112,086 784 1,096 1,405 141 3,091 394 51,261 35,825 1,151 266 113 16,559
20-24 98,748 6,555 1,672 1,924 347 2,328 428 52,718 23,543 435 170 208 8,420
25-29 82,476 4,672 1,401 1,624 322 1,438 339 57,492 10,059 179 146 213 4,591
30-34 79,970 2,060 1,553 1,465 277 1,176 323 63,053 5,404 122 186 282 4,069
35-39 77,056 1,404 1,400 1,230 176 1,062 291 63,305 4,141 69 168 294 3,516
40-44 63,606 1,102 1,379 839 135 848 137 52,661 3,232 29 200 280 2,764
45-49 51,692 798 1,040 652 152 669 185 43,033 2,462 29 178 159 2,335
50-54 45,349 667 979 519 97 567 172 37,637 2,203 30 143 147 2,188
55-59 39,813 370 801 426 110 523 163 33,212 2,194 21 71 161 1,761
60-64 33,182 281 555 345 87 440 111 27,481 1,690 16 105 135 1,936
65-69 25,626 177 383 248 70 255 98 21,110 1,399 11 65 139 1,671
70-74 18,905 90 225 155 46 217 77 14,958 1,082 11 81 108 1,855
75+ 17,721 124 167 151 5 237 65 12,659 969 15 41 145 3,143

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other
Age 10+ 752,241 11,121 11,435 5,100 1,721 9,662 2,201 405,013 213,601 3,618 1,814 1,245 85,710

10-14 108,095 563 453 424 - 1,660 280 40,376 38,482 1,965 250 - 23,642
15-19 103,724 1,081 1,157 997 153 1,790 358 45,829 36,424 1,065 296 133 14,441
20-24 91,232 5,028 1,540 892 236 1,262 285 47,176 26,544 313 205 135 7,616
25-29 84,275 1,961 1,737 721 322 969 272 47,782 24,195 65 212 159 5,880
30-34 79,804 885 1,651 537 262 880 300 46,822 22,508 50 171 125 5,613
35-39 70,861 786 1,652 448 198 693 171 42,973 19,087 34 142 134 4,543
40-44 52,733 289 1,151 288 147 651 192 33,287 12,858 24 109 107 3,630
45-49 42,419 190 761 213 176 457 120 26,690 10,467 28 157 93 3,067
50-54 38,521 93 602 172 83 369 64 25,223 8,574 16 74 72 3,179
55-59 24,486 62 257 198 66 310 52 15,632 5,283 22 57 73 2,474
60-64 22,469 83 188 73 21 257 42 14,301 4,131 10 65 60 3,238
65-69 13,575 53 105 47 19 140 6 8,139 2,352 10 37 84 2,583
70-74 10,963 15 80 65 29 121 17 6,089 1,600 - 21 29 2,897
75+ 9,084 32 101 25 9 103 42 4,694 1,096 16 18 41 2,907

Age 10+ 116 177 116 228 114 158 143 143 64 118 115 191 93

10-14 115 111 130 156 - 146 128 124 109 110 107 - 105
15-19 108 73 95 141 92 173 110 112 98 108 90 85 115
20-24 108 130 109 216 147 184 150 112 89 139 83 154 111
25-29 98 238 81 225 100 148 125 120 42 275 69 134 78
30-34 100 233 94 273 106 134 108 135 24 244 109 226 72
35-39 109 179 85 275 89 153 170 147 22 203 118 219 77
40-44 121 381 120 291 92 130 71 158 25 121 183 262 76
45-49 122 420 137 306 86 146 154 161 24 104 113 171 76
50-54 118 717 163 302 117 154 269 149 26 188 193 204 69
55-59 163 597 312 215 167 169 313 212 42 95 125 221 71
60-64 148 339 295 473 414 171 264 192 41 160 162 225 60
65-69 189 334 365 528 368 182 1,633 259 59 110 176 165 65
70-74 172 600 281 238 159 179 453 246 68 - 386 372 64
75+ 195 388 165 604 56 230 155 270 88 94 228 354 108



This chapter deals with the components of population dynamics (changes) that are
occurring over time and space in the population. Change in population size,
composition and distribution over time is the function of migration, fertility and mortality.
All the information on population dynamics were collected from members of sampled
households where long questionnaires were administered. However, the information
has been weighted and all the figures in this chapter refer to the entire population of
Tigray Region. The first section of the chapter deals with migration, the second section
presents statistical data on fertility and the last section of the chapter contains data on


This section presents the level of migrant population in Tigray Region. Information on
migration of a population is of direct interest to planning and implementing agencies as
well as academic institutions, because migration has a direct effect on the geographic
distribution of the population. Moreover, migration has an interaction with other
demographic forces as well as other aspects of social and economic changes. In the
2007 census the following three migration related questions were employed.

A) Length of Continuous Residence is phrased differently for rural and urban areas
of enumeration as follows:-
 In rural areas: for how long have you lived continuously in this wereda? .
 In urban areas: for how long have you lived continuously in this town/city?
B) Was your last previous place of residence a Rural or an Urban?
C) In which zone your last place of residence is found?

A) Length of Continuous Residence

This questionnaire was designed to obtain information on the migration status of

persons residing in the region. Every person in the sampled household was asked
how long he/she has lived continuously in this current place of residence. In rural
area of enumeration a person is considered as a migrant if he/she was born in
another rural or town which is different from the current wereda or town of
enumeration. Similarly, in urban areas of enumeration a person is considered as a
migrant, if he/she was born in another town or any rural part of the country.
However, a person is non-migrant, if he/she was born in the rural area of
enumeration or in the given town and has been continuously residing there up to
enumeration period. The answer categories were (1) below one year (2) one year (3)
two years (4) three years (5) four years (6) five to six years (7) seven to nine years
(8) ten years and above (9) since birth. This information will allow to identify migrants
and non-migrants in the region and to get data on length of year of residence in the
current place. Similar information has been collected in the 1994 Census to compare
migration related indicators in the region.

B) Area of Previous Place of Residence

The area of previous place of residence refers to the area where the migrant has
been residing before he/she migrated to the area of enumeration. Those who were
migrated to the area of enumeration during the census day were further asked about
the area of their previous place of residence. The answer categories were ‘’urban’’ or
‘’rural’’ residence which enables the classification of all migrants as person migrating
from rural to urban or from urban to rural. Information on area of previous place of
residence was also collected in 1994.

C) Zone of Previous Place of Residence

The questionnaire was designed to obtain in which administrative zone this area of
migration belonged. For this purpose every migrant person in a sampled household

was asked to which zone his/her previous place of residence belong. The answer
categories were list of all zones in the country and some of the name of neighboring
countries for foreigners residing in Ethiopia during the 2007 census enumeration. This
information enables us to compute migration streams to the area of enumeration.
Because the editing of this data is not completed the statistical data is not provided in
this Statistical Report.

Table 7.1 Population and Migrants by Sex, Urban-Rural Residence, and
Five Years Age Group, with Percent Migrants: 2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Migrants
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------
Age Group Population Migrants Population Migrants Population Migrants Sexes Males Females
----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 4,317,094 859,805 2,126,526 403,510 2,190,568 456,295 19.9 19.0 20.8

0 - 4 630,862 60,071 320,265 30,088 310,597 29,983 9.5 9.4 9.7

5 - 9 641,674 67,966 324,557 33,974 317,117 33,992 10.6 10.5 10.7
10 - 14 613,806 79,666 314,868 39,589 298,938 40,077 13.0 12.6 13.4
15 - 19 496,217 103,741 244,567 45,441 251,650 58,300 20.9 18.6 23.2
20 - 24 362,473 111,044 175,557 48,082 186,916 62,962 30.6 27.4 33.7
25 - 29 285,841 93,606 127,993 41,297 157,848 52,309 32.7 32.3 33.1
30 - 34 249,309 74,767 111,434 34,358 137,875 40,409 30.0 30.8 29.3
35 - 39 225,121 66,495 103,756 31,207 121,365 35,288 29.5 30.1 29.1
40 - 44 170,712 47,801 83,846 24,988 86,866 22,813 28.0 29.8 26.3
45 - 49 137,867 37,636 67,275 19,428 70,592 18,208 27.3 28.9 25.8
50 - 54 125,630 31,954 57,706 14,613 67,924 17,341 25.4 25.3 25.5
55 - 59 94,978 22,801 49,326 11,452 45,652 11,349 24.0 23.2 24.9
60 - 64 91,412 20,903 43,752 9,130 47,660 11,773 22.9 20.9 24.7
65 - 69 67,457 14,941 35,339 7,083 32,118 7,858 22.1 20.0 24.5
70 - 74 60,380 13,032 30,096 5,875 30,284 7,157 21.6 19.5 23.6
75 + 63,355 13,381 36,189 6,905 27,166 6,476 21.1 19.1 23.8

All Ages 844,146 445,065 398,856 205,625 445,290 239,440 52.7 51.6 53.8

0 - 4 104,018 19,881 52,844 10,018 51,174 9,863 19.1 19.0 19.3

5 - 9 97,947 28,592 48,891 14,133 49,056 14,459 29.2 28.9 29.5
10 - 14 106,074 39,886 52,234 19,066 53,840 20,820 37.6 36.5 38.7
15 - 19 119,643 67,046 53,892 28,129 65,751 38,917 56.0 52.2 59.2
20 - 24 101,230 66,527 45,377 29,040 55,853 37,487 65.7 64.0 67.1
25 - 29 77,045 54,180 34,652 24,256 42,393 29,924 70.3 70.0 70.6
30 - 34 54,533 39,208 25,876 18,680 28,657 20,528 71.9 72.2 71.6
35 - 39 47,475 35,105 22,078 16,634 25,397 18,471 73.9 75.3 72.7
40 - 44 31,607 23,128 16,645 12,691 14,962 10,437 73.2 76.2 69.8
45 - 49 24,367 18,029 12,357 9,473 12,010 8,556 74.0 76.7 71.2
50 - 54 20,446 14,582 8,885 6,558 11,561 8,024 71.3 73.8 69.4
55 - 59 14,434 10,082 6,286 4,655 8,148 5,427 69.8 74.1 66.6
60 - 64 14,353 9,302 5,647 3,738 8,706 5,564 64.8 66.2 63.9
65 - 69 10,646 6,926 4,353 2,920 6,293 4,006 65.1 67.1 63.7
70 - 74 9,826 6,094 3,953 2,565 5,873 3,529 62.0 64.9 60.1
75 + 10,502 6,497 4,886 3,069 5,616 3,428 61.9 62.8 61.0

Table 7.1 Population and Migrants by Sex, Urban-Rural Residence, and
Five Years Age Group, with Percent Migrants: 2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Migrants
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------
Age Group Population Migrants Population Migrants Population Migrants Sexes Males Females
----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 3,472,948 414,744 1,727,670 197,887 1,745,278 216,857 11.9 11.5 12.4

0 - 4 526,844 40,190 267,421 20,070 259,423 20,120 7.6 7.5 7.8

5 - 9 543,727 39,375 275,666 19,841 268,061 19,534 7.2 7.2 7.3
10 - 14 507,732 39,780 262,634 20,523 245,098 19,257 7.8 7.8 7.9
15 - 19 376,574 36,697 190,675 17,313 185,899 19,384 9.7 9.1 10.4
20 - 24 261,243 44,517 130,180 19,042 131,063 25,475 17.0 14.6 19.4
25 - 29 208,796 39,426 93,341 17,041 115,455 22,385 18.9 18.3 19.4
30 - 34 194,776 35,559 85,558 15,678 109,218 19,881 18.3 18.3 18.2
35 - 39 177,646 31,389 81,678 14,573 95,968 16,816 17.7 17.8 17.5
40 - 44 139,105 24,674 67,201 12,298 71,904 12,376 17.7 18.3 17.2
45 - 49 113,500 19,607 54,918 9,955 58,582 9,652 17.3 18.1 16.5
50 - 54 105,184 17,372 48,821 8,055 56,363 9,317 16.5 16.5 16.5
55 - 59 80,544 12,719 43,040 6,797 37,504 5,922 15.8 15.8 15.8
60 - 64 77,059 11,602 38,105 5,392 38,954 6,210 15.1 14.2 15.9
65 - 69 56,811 8,015 30,986 4,163 25,825 3,852 14.1 13.4 14.9
70 - 74 50,554 6,938 26,143 3,310 24,411 3,628 13.7 12.7 14.9
75 + 52,853 6,884 31,303 3,836 21,550 3,048 13.0 12.3 14.1

Table 7.2 Migrants by Length of Residence,Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and Age: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Age Group Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 859,805 103,834 56,693 67,385 64,809 57,922 98,209 77,011 333,942

0 - 4 60,069 25,759 11,900 11,373 8,913 2,124 - - -

5 - 9 67,966 7,391 4,268 5,578 7,133 15,001 22,319 6,276 -
10 - 14 79,668 7,424 4,011 4,834 6,027 5,468 10,550 11,667 29,687
15 - 19 103,741 16,638 10,323 10,253 7,812 5,663 9,430 8,964 34,658
20 - 24 111,044 19,306 11,051 14,134 11,622 8,165 12,169 8,496 26,101
25 - 29 93,606 10,783 6,550 9,250 8,915 7,208 12,554 10,995 27,351
30 - 34 74,768 5,535 3,249 4,518 5,466 4,871 10,000 9,290 31,839
35 - 39 66,494 3,437 1,997 2,880 3,581 3,561 7,737 7,312 35,989
40 - 44 47,800 1,866 959 1,539 1,883 2,014 4,274 4,408 30,857
45 - 49 37,636 1,470 671 906 1,052 1,304 2,830 2,825 26,578
50 - 54 31,954 1,152 508 683 829 817 2,005 1,996 23,964
55 - 59 22,801 768 285 342 465 500 1,365 1,522 17,554
60 - 64 20,904 742 268 385 337 390 932 1,186 16,664
65 - 69 14,941 414 187 236 273 341 787 797 11,906
70 - 74 13,033 497 181 224 285 228 563 655 10,400
75 + 13,380 652 285 250 216 267 694 622 10,394

Male 403,509 51,017 27,468 33,596 31,187 29,142 47,573 35,829 147,697

0 - 4 30,088 12,908 6,054 5,690 4,284 1,152 - - -

5 - 9 33,973 3,529 2,100 2,848 3,448 7,719 11,220 3,109 -
10 - 14 39,590 3,422 1,824 2,341 2,864 2,645 5,335 5,987 15,172
15 - 19 45,441 6,511 3,871 4,061 2,995 2,401 3,943 4,244 17,415
20 - 24 48,082 9,351 4,982 6,389 4,598 2,956 4,099 3,242 12,465
25 - 29 41,297 6,301 3,714 5,044 4,605 3,438 4,726 3,444 10,025
30 - 34 34,358 3,353 1,972 2,618 3,010 2,953 5,476 4,105 10,871
35 - 39 31,206 1,932 1,157 1,808 2,262 2,138 4,546 3,925 13,438
40 - 44 24,988 1,100 574 1,051 1,220 1,413 3,027 2,631 13,972
45 - 49 19,427 812 423 570 677 894 1,819 1,667 12,565
50 - 54 14,613 537 274 401 412 497 1,052 1,068 10,372
55 - 59 11,452 358 137 186 273 282 788 825 8,603
60 - 64 9,131 270 116 191 179 217 445 573 7,140
65 - 69 7,083 186 85 123 134 190 411 420 5,534
70 - 74 5,875 212 57 126 122 103 300 324 4,631
75 + 6,905 235 128 149 104 144 386 265 5,494

Female 456,296 52,817 29,225 33,789 33,622 28,780 50,636 41,182 186,245

0 - 4 29,981 12,851 5,846 5,683 4,629 972 - - -

5 - 9 33,993 3,862 2,168 2,730 3,685 7,282 11,099 3,167 -
10 - 14 40,078 4,002 2,187 2,493 3,163 2,823 5,215 5,680 14,515
15 - 19 58,300 10,127 6,452 6,192 4,817 3,262 5,487 4,720 17,243
20 - 24 62,962 9,955 6,069 7,745 7,024 5,209 8,070 5,254 13,636
25 - 29 52,309 4,482 2,836 4,206 4,310 3,770 7,828 7,551 17,326
30 - 34 40,410 2,182 1,277 1,900 2,456 1,918 4,524 5,185 20,968
35 - 39 35,288 1,505 840 1,072 1,319 1,423 3,191 3,387 22,551
40 - 44 22,812 766 385 488 663 601 1,247 1,777 16,885
45 - 49 18,209 658 248 336 375 410 1,011 1,158 14,013
50 - 54 17,341 615 234 282 417 320 953 928 13,592
55 - 59 11,349 410 148 156 192 218 577 697 8,951
60 - 64 11,773 472 152 194 158 173 487 613 9,524
65 - 69 7,858 228 102 113 139 151 376 377 6,372
70 - 74 7,158 285 124 98 163 125 263 331 5,769
75 + 6,475 417 157 101 112 123 308 357 4,900

Table 7.2 Migrants by Length of Residence,Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and Age: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Age Group Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 445,065 55,242 31,845 36,747 35,046 29,348 59,226 48,148 149,463

0 - 4 19,881 8,457 3,981 3,735 2,729 979 - - -

5 - 9 28,591 3,701 2,380 2,606 3,403 4,838 8,451 3,212 -
10 - 14 39,885 3,865 2,374 2,695 3,522 3,076 6,794 7,303 10,256
15 - 19 67,046 11,606 7,711 7,631 5,641 3,811 7,023 6,269 17,354
20 - 24 66,528 11,570 6,463 8,289 7,049 5,080 8,779 5,807 13,491
25 - 29 54,179 6,669 3,965 5,086 5,000 4,128 8,697 7,268 13,366
30 - 34 39,207 3,127 1,889 2,549 2,785 2,389 6,168 5,560 14,740
35 - 39 35,105 2,005 1,152 1,686 1,981 1,778 4,821 4,503 17,179
40 - 44 23,130 1,066 562 806 936 1,093 2,525 2,528 13,614
45 - 49 18,029 904 395 461 632 736 1,693 1,607 11,601
50 - 54 14,581 657 282 392 406 367 1,295 1,147 10,035
55 - 59 10,081 371 138 180 272 282 849 939 7,050
60 - 64 9,303 412 156 180 216 237 643 734 6,725
65 - 69 6,926 185 112 133 171 208 562 460 5,095
70 - 74 6,096 322 129 151 180 149 428 429 4,308
75 + 6,497 325 156 167 123 197 498 382 4,649

Male 205,622 26,676 15,345 18,381 16,433 14,186 27,892 21,898 64,811

0 - 4 10,018 4,221 2,014 1,886 1,338 559 - - -

5 - 9 14,133 1,733 1,193 1,300 1,660 2,483 4,156 1,608 -
10 - 14 19,065 1,601 1,012 1,264 1,556 1,431 3,305 3,715 5,181
15 - 19 28,130 4,434 2,929 3,100 2,135 1,560 2,815 2,863 8,294
20 - 24 29,041 5,561 3,088 3,943 3,003 1,975 3,097 2,180 6,194
25 - 29 24,255 3,926 2,265 2,781 2,550 1,871 3,418 2,480 4,964
30 - 34 18,679 1,990 1,151 1,546 1,423 1,386 3,377 2,362 5,444
35 - 39 16,633 1,188 647 1,055 1,193 998 2,872 2,364 6,316
40 - 44 12,692 680 362 575 588 747 1,738 1,474 6,528
45 - 49 9,472 524 287 295 364 483 1,004 917 5,598
50 - 54 6,557 256 156 224 185 164 651 557 4,364
55 - 59 4,655 171 53 80 136 120 425 506 3,164
60 - 64 3,738 131 45 82 102 141 283 314 2,640
65 - 69 2,920 53 46 68 70 114 254 211 2,104
70 - 74 2,566 106 30 79 73 61 215 193 1,809
75 + 3,068 101 67 103 57 93 282 154 2,211

Female 239,443 28,566 16,500 18,366 18,613 15,162 31,334 26,250 84,652

0 - 4 9,863 4,236 1,967 1,849 1,391 420 - - -

5 - 9 14,458 1,968 1,187 1,306 1,743 2,355 4,295 1,604 -
10 - 14 20,820 2,264 1,362 1,431 1,966 1,645 3,489 3,588 5,075
15 - 19 38,916 7,172 4,782 4,531 3,506 2,251 4,208 3,406 9,060
20 - 24 37,487 6,009 3,375 4,346 4,046 3,105 5,682 3,627 7,297
25 - 29 29,924 2,743 1,700 2,305 2,450 2,257 5,279 4,788 8,402
30 - 34 20,528 1,137 738 1,003 1,362 1,003 2,791 3,198 9,296
35 - 39 18,472 817 505 631 788 780 1,949 2,139 10,863
40 - 44 10,438 386 200 231 348 346 787 1,054 7,086
45 - 49 8,557 380 108 166 268 253 689 690 6,003
50 - 54 8,024 401 126 168 221 203 644 590 5,671
55 - 59 5,426 200 85 100 136 162 424 433 3,886
60 - 64 5,565 281 111 98 114 96 360 420 4,085
65 - 69 4,006 132 66 65 101 94 308 249 2,991
70 - 74 3,530 216 99 72 107 88 213 236 2,499
75 + 3,429 224 89 64 66 104 216 228 2,438

Table 7.2 Migrants by Length of Residence,Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and Age: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Age Group Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 414,741 48,588 24,849 30,640 29,762 28,577 38,981 28,866 184,478

0 - 4 40,191 17,303 7,920 7,639 6,185 1,144 - - -

5 - 9 39,374 3,690 1,887 2,973 3,729 10,164 13,868 3,063 -
10 - 14 39,781 3,559 1,638 2,138 2,504 2,392 3,755 4,364 19,431
15 - 19 36,696 5,032 2,612 2,622 2,172 1,853 2,407 2,695 17,303
20 - 24 44,517 7,735 4,588 5,845 4,574 3,085 3,391 2,689 12,610
25 - 29 39,425 4,113 2,585 4,165 3,915 3,080 3,856 3,727 13,984
30 - 34 35,559 2,408 1,359 1,969 2,680 2,482 3,832 3,730 17,099
35 - 39 31,388 1,432 845 1,195 1,599 1,784 2,916 2,808 18,809
40 - 44 24,674 800 397 733 948 922 1,749 1,881 17,244
45 - 49 19,607 565 276 445 420 568 1,136 1,219 14,978
50 - 54 17,371 495 226 290 423 451 709 849 13,928
55 - 59 12,719 396 147 162 192 219 516 583 10,504
60 - 64 11,602 330 112 206 121 152 289 453 9,939
65 - 69 8,013 228 75 102 101 132 227 337 6,811
70 - 74 6,938 175 52 73 106 79 135 226 6,092
75 + 6,886 327 130 83 93 70 195 242 5,746

Male 197,889 24,338 12,123 15,216 14,756 14,958 19,681 13,931 82,886

0 - 4 20,070 8,687 4,040 3,805 2,946 592 - - -

5 - 9 19,841 1,796 907 1,548 1,788 5,237 7,064 1,501 -
10 - 14 20,524 1,821 812 1,076 1,308 1,214 2,030 2,272 9,991
15 - 19 17,313 2,077 942 961 861 842 1,128 1,381 9,121
20 - 24 19,042 3,790 1,894 2,446 1,595 981 1,003 1,062 6,271
25 - 29 17,040 2,374 1,449 2,263 2,055 1,567 1,307 964 5,061
30 - 34 15,678 1,363 820 1,072 1,587 1,567 2,099 1,743 5,427
35 - 39 14,572 744 510 754 1,069 1,140 1,674 1,560 7,121
40 - 44 12,298 420 212 476 633 667 1,289 1,157 7,444
45 - 49 9,955 288 136 275 313 411 815 750 6,967
50 - 54 8,055 281 118 176 227 333 401 511 6,008
55 - 59 6,798 187 84 106 137 163 363 319 5,439
60 - 64 5,393 139 71 110 77 75 162 259 4,500
65 - 69 4,162 132 39 55 64 75 158 209 3,430
70 - 74 3,310 106 27 47 49 43 85 131 2,822
75 + 3,838 133 62 46 47 51 103 112 3,284

Female 216,852 24,250 12,726 15,424 15,006 13,619 19,300 14,935 101,592

0 - 4 20,121 8,616 3,880 3,834 3,239 552 - - -

5 - 9 19,533 1,894 980 1,425 1,941 4,927 6,804 1,562 -
10 - 14 19,257 1,738 826 1,062 1,196 1,178 1,725 2,092 9,440
15 - 19 19,383 2,955 1,670 1,661 1,311 1,011 1,279 1,314 8,182
20 - 24 25,475 3,945 2,694 3,399 2,979 2,104 2,388 1,627 6,339
25 - 29 22,385 1,739 1,136 1,902 1,860 1,513 2,549 2,763 8,923
30 - 34 19,881 1,045 539 897 1,093 915 1,733 1,987 11,672
35 - 39 16,816 688 335 441 530 644 1,242 1,248 11,688
40 - 44 12,376 380 185 257 315 255 460 724 9,800
45 - 49 9,652 277 140 170 107 157 321 469 8,011
50 - 54 9,316 214 108 114 196 118 308 338 7,920
55 - 59 5,921 209 63 56 55 56 153 264 5,065
60 - 64 6,209 191 41 96 44 77 127 194 5,439
65 - 69 3,851 96 36 47 37 57 69 128 3,381
70 - 74 3,628 69 25 26 57 36 50 95 3,270
75 + 3,048 194 68 37 46 19 92 130 2,462

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+


Both Sexes 859,806 103,832 56,694 67,386 64,808 57,924 98,210 77,010 333,942
Male 403,511 51,017 27,467 33,597 31,188 29,143 47,574 35,828 147,697
Female 456,295 52,815 29,227 33,789 33,620 28,781 50,636 41,182 186,245


Both Sexes 445,064 55,242 31,844 36,748 35,047 29,346 59,227 48,147 149,463
Male 205,627 26,678 15,345 18,383 16,434 14,185 27,893 21,898 64,811
Female 239,437 28,564 16,499 18,365 18,613 15,161 31,334 26,249 84,652


Both Sexes 414,745 48,589 24,851 30,639 29,762 28,578 38,983 28,864 184,479
Male 197,887 24,338 12,123 15,215 14,755 14,958 19,681 13,931 82,886
Female 216,858 24,251 12,728 15,424 15,007 13,620 19,302 14,933 101,593


Both Sexes 150,939 16,615 8,316 9,458 8,919 8,732 16,833 13,439 68,627
Male 70,072 7,959 3,782 4,401 4,144 4,229 7,950 6,180 31,427
Female 80,867 8,656 4,534 5,057 4,775 4,503 8,883 7,259 37,200


Both Sexes 59,391 7,673 4,065 4,776 4,386 4,017 7,577 6,668 20,229
Male 25,917 3,398 1,782 2,173 2,000 1,859 3,250 2,800 8,655
Female 33,474 4,275 2,283 2,603 2,386 2,158 4,327 3,868 11,574


Both Sexes 91,549 8,942 4,252 4,683 4,533 4,714 9,256 6,771 48,398
Male 44,157 4,561 2,001 2,229 2,144 2,369 4,700 3,380 22,773
Female 47,392 4,381 2,251 2,454 2,389 2,345 4,556 3,391 25,625


Both Sexes 30,086 2,736 1,083 1,486 1,318 1,446 4,380 2,909 14,728
Male 14,688 1,377 379 580 606 677 2,254 1,498 7,317
Female 15,398 1,359 704 906 712 769 2,126 1,411 7,411


Both Sexes 3,066 506 215 290 228 173 500 414 740
Male 1,141 179 56 86 105 66 196 165 288
Female 1,925 327 159 204 123 107 304 249 452


Both Sexes 27,020 2,230 868 1,196 1,090 1,273 3,879 2,496 13,988
Male 13,548 1,198 323 494 501 611 2,058 1,334 7,029
Female 13,472 1,032 545 702 589 662 1,821 1,162 6,959


Both Sexes 14,743 1,608 883 880 759 837 1,163 1,042 7,571
Male 6,445 662 418 417 365 385 479 423 3,296
Female 8,298 946 465 463 394 452 684 619 4,275


Both Sexes 4,109 555 250 270 286 360 434 392 1,562
Male 1,702 228 115 122 137 162 159 107 672
Female 2,407 327 135 148 149 198 275 285 890

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 10,636 1,053 632 611 473 477 730 650 6,010
Male 4,744 434 303 295 227 223 320 317 2,625
Female 5,892 619 329 316 246 254 410 333 3,385


Both Sexes 13,927 1,730 897 788 722 859 1,576 899 6,456
Male 6,072 947 392 339 309 466 650 316 2,653
Female 7,855 783 505 449 413 393 926 583 3,803


Both Sexes 6,058 855 461 424 344 367 851 604 2,152
Male 2,604 484 188 186 141 208 323 209 865
Female 3,454 371 273 238 203 159 528 395 1,287


Both Sexes 7,869 875 436 364 378 492 725 295 4,304
Male 3,468 463 204 153 168 258 327 107 1,788
Female 4,401 412 232 211 210 234 398 188 2,516


Both Sexes 7,351 971 461 535 355 325 692 469 3,543
Male 3,185 410 174 276 127 129 316 226 1,527
Female 4,166 561 287 259 228 196 376 243 2,016


Both Sexes 7,351 971 461 535 355 325 692 469 3,543
Male 3,185 410 174 276 127 129 316 226 1,527
Female 4,166 561 287 259 228 196 376 243 2,016


Both Sexes 30,360 3,352 1,547 1,701 1,531 1,898 2,719 2,202 15,410
Male 15,072 1,700 840 906 706 980 1,380 1,050 7,510
Female 15,288 1,652 707 795 825 918 1,339 1,152 7,900


Both Sexes 5,731 898 435 508 421 504 780 524 1,661
Male 2,519 401 186 232 181 254 303 241 721
Female 3,212 497 249 276 240 250 477 283 940


Both Sexes 24,626 2,454 1,112 1,193 1,108 1,394 1,939 1,677 13,749
Male 12,551 1,299 654 674 524 726 1,077 808 6,789
Female 12,075 1,155 458 519 584 668 862 869 6,960


Both Sexes 19,260 1,828 1,117 1,361 1,467 1,136 2,202 1,609 8,540
Male 8,979 962 532 610 764 630 999 761 3,721
Female 10,281 866 585 751 703 506 1,203 848 4,819


Both Sexes 5,212 468 376 576 339 383 911 425 1,734
Male 2,316 204 190 272 167 208 397 173 705
Female 2,896 264 186 304 172 175 514 252 1,029

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 14,044 1,359 741 784 1,128 753 1,291 1,184 6,804
Male 6,661 758 342 337 597 422 602 588 3,015
Female 7,383 601 399 447 531 331 689 596 3,789


Both Sexes 25,328 3,113 1,672 1,931 1,975 1,772 3,115 3,138 8,612
Male 11,158 1,375 713 924 892 751 1,456 1,365 3,682
Female 14,170 1,738 959 1,007 1,083 1,021 1,659 1,773 4,930


Both Sexes 25,328 3,113 1,672 1,931 1,975 1,772 3,115 3,138 8,612
Male 11,158 1,375 713 924 892 751 1,456 1,365 3,682
Female 14,170 1,738 959 1,007 1,083 1,021 1,659 1,773 4,930


Both Sexes 9,882 1,277 655 777 792 457 985 1,171 3,768
Male 4,473 525 334 350 377 210 415 540 1,722
Female 5,409 752 321 427 415 247 570 631 2,046


Both Sexes 9,882 1,277 655 777 792 457 985 1,171 3,768
Male 4,473 525 334 350 377 210 415 540 1,722
Female 5,409 752 321 427 415 247 570 631 2,046


Both Sexes 180,234 22,804 12,966 13,417 11,954 11,696 20,697 14,920 71,780
Male 80,539 11,245 6,386 6,693 5,450 5,518 9,417 6,620 29,210
Female 99,695 11,559 6,580 6,724 6,504 6,178 11,280 8,300 42,570


Both Sexes 89,264 11,723 7,138 7,551 7,107 6,130 12,436 9,807 27,372
Male 39,846 5,653 3,562 3,710 3,147 2,921 5,516 4,267 11,070
Female 49,418 6,070 3,576 3,841 3,960 3,209 6,920 5,540 16,302


Both Sexes 90,970 11,081 5,828 5,866 4,847 5,567 8,261 5,112 44,408
Male 40,692 5,592 2,824 2,983 2,303 2,597 3,901 2,352 18,140
Female 50,278 5,489 3,004 2,883 2,544 2,970 4,360 2,760 26,268


Both Sexes 12,628 1,798 896 780 737 879 1,256 1,169 5,113
Male 5,421 879 443 391 327 410 571 488 1,912
Female 7,207 919 453 389 410 469 685 681 3,201


Both Sexes 4,365 750 263 277 281 241 540 463 1,550
Male 1,905 405 154 141 114 107 235 166 583
Female 2,460 345 109 136 167 134 305 297 967


Both Sexes 8,261 1,048 633 502 456 637 715 706 3,564
Male 3,514 474 289 249 213 302 335 322 1,330
Female 4,747 574 344 253 243 335 380 384 2,234

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 27,165 3,523 2,536 2,449 2,021 1,995 3,250 2,225 9,166
Male 12,036 1,712 1,281 1,172 946 931 1,361 965 3,668
Female 15,129 1,811 1,255 1,277 1,075 1,064 1,889 1,260 5,498


Both Sexes 12,862 2,022 1,211 1,367 1,103 1,040 1,874 1,433 2,812
Male 5,751 1,001 626 623 465 512 742 633 1,149
Female 7,111 1,021 585 744 638 528 1,132 800 1,663


Both Sexes 14,301 1,501 1,325 1,083 917 954 1,376 791 6,354
Male 6,285 711 655 550 481 419 619 331 2,519
Female 8,016 790 670 533 436 535 757 460 3,835


Both Sexes 21,622 2,785 1,411 1,546 1,361 1,367 2,678 1,591 8,883
Male 9,598 1,395 705 747 669 673 1,194 599 3,616
Female 12,024 1,390 706 799 692 694 1,484 992 5,267


Both Sexes 9,621 1,410 823 858 792 672 1,376 1,126 2,564
Male 4,271 671 448 425 407 327 634 432 927
Female 5,350 739 375 433 385 345 742 694 1,637


Both Sexes 11,998 1,374 587 687 569 695 1,302 465 6,319
Male 5,325 723 257 321 262 346 560 167 2,689
Female 6,673 651 330 366 307 349 742 298 3,630


Both Sexes 10,278 1,416 592 720 456 685 924 672 4,813
Male 4,704 731 246 341 214 292 455 304 2,121
Female 5,574 685 346 379 242 393 469 368 2,692


Both Sexes 10,278 1,416 592 720 456 685 924 672 4,813
Male 4,704 731 246 341 214 292 455 304 2,121
Female 5,574 685 346 379 242 393 469 368 2,692


Both Sexes 5,949 672 383 363 243 286 454 231 3,317
Male 2,640 423 164 177 119 135 219 99 1,304
Female 3,309 249 219 186 124 151 235 132 2,013


Both Sexes 5,949 672 383 363 243 286 454 231 3,317
Male 2,640 423 164 177 119 135 219 99 1,304
Female 3,309 249 219 186 124 151 235 132 2,013


Both Sexes 15,027 1,629 755 1,008 912 998 1,568 1,182 6,975
Male 6,722 801 392 482 402 509 760 510 2,866
Female 8,305 828 363 526 510 489 808 672 4,109

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 5,820 807 360 473 436 375 727 675 1,967
Male 2,578 351 198 225 184 200 350 273 797
Female 3,242 456 162 248 252 175 377 402 1,170


Both Sexes 9,207 822 395 534 476 623 841 507 5,009
Male 4,145 450 194 257 218 309 410 237 2,070
Female 5,062 372 201 277 258 314 431 270 2,939


Both Sexes 9,898 1,820 547 570 677 617 750 319 4,598
Male 4,322 902 273 253 333 274 357 158 1,772
Female 5,576 918 274 317 344 343 393 161 2,826


Both Sexes 1,672 473 197 212 286 265 194 15 30

Male 835 280 109 78 159 109 79 15 6
Female 837 193 88 134 127 156 115 - 24


Both Sexes 8,229 1,347 352 358 391 352 556 305 4,568
Male 3,489 622 165 175 174 165 278 144 1,766
Female 4,740 725 187 183 217 187 278 161 2,802


Both Sexes 8,395 1,020 548 663 550 532 735 449 3,898
Male 3,815 546 276 359 284 259 302 227 1,562
Female 4,580 474 272 304 266 273 433 222 2,336


Both Sexes 8,395 1,020 548 663 550 532 735 449 3,898
Male 3,815 546 276 359 284 259 302 227 1,562
Female 4,580 474 272 304 266 273 433 222 2,336


Both Sexes 10,677 1,233 684 726 482 686 1,247 825 4,794
Male 4,846 528 398 438 192 319 626 401 1,944
Female 5,831 705 286 288 290 367 621 424 2,850


Both Sexes 3,851 458 294 270 153 328 567 402 1,379
Male 1,631 160 164 157 65 141 251 183 510
Female 2,220 298 130 113 88 187 316 219 869


Both Sexes 6,823 776 389 456 328 357 680 423 3,414
Male 3,212 368 233 281 127 177 375 218 1,433
Female 3,611 408 156 175 201 180 305 205 1,981


Both Sexes 10,928 1,505 976 785 800 695 1,374 973 3,820
Male 5,149 753 514 424 348 306 740 462 1,602
Female 5,779 752 462 361 452 389 634 511 2,218

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 3,397 397 354 286 341 249 696 408 666
Male 1,585 207 170 152 137 114 392 158 255
Female 1,812 190 184 134 204 135 304 250 411


Both Sexes 7,533 1,107 622 499 460 447 679 565 3,154
Male 3,567 546 344 272 212 193 349 304 1,347
Female 3,966 561 278 227 248 254 330 261 1,807


Both Sexes 8,609 1,527 809 708 967 427 1,073 799 2,299
Male 4,182 796 426 413 488 188 537 373 961
Female 4,427 731 383 295 479 239 536 426 1,338


Both Sexes 8,609 1,527 809 708 967 427 1,073 799 2,299
Male 4,182 796 426 413 488 188 537 373 961
Female 4,427 731 383 295 479 239 536 426 1,338


Both Sexes 19,025 1,636 1,360 1,413 1,438 1,230 2,750 2,589 6,609
Male 8,109 711 581 656 559 619 1,128 1,156 2,699
Female 10,916 925 779 757 879 611 1,622 1,433 3,910


Both Sexes 19,025 1,636 1,360 1,413 1,438 1,230 2,750 2,589 6,609
Male 8,109 711 581 656 559 619 1,128 1,156 2,699
Female 10,916 925 779 757 879 611 1,622 1,433 3,910


Both Sexes 20,044 2,243 1,466 1,689 1,309 1,303 2,641 1,897 7,496
Male 9,002 1,070 686 841 569 604 1,169 879 3,184
Female 11,042 1,173 780 848 740 699 1,472 1,018 4,312


Both Sexes 20,044 2,243 1,466 1,689 1,309 1,303 2,641 1,897 7,496
Male 9,002 1,070 686 841 569 604 1,169 879 3,184
Female 11,042 1,173 780 848 740 699 1,472 1,018 4,312


Both Sexes 145,618 18,617 10,239 11,937 10,751 10,011 17,557 14,243 52,263
Male 65,271 9,004 4,687 5,731 4,811 4,603 8,273 6,376 21,786
Female 80,347 9,613 5,552 6,206 5,940 5,408 9,284 7,867 30,477


Both Sexes 82,747 10,546 6,333 7,457 7,426 6,921 10,982 8,855 24,227
Male 36,416 5,132 2,865 3,647 3,251 3,097 4,905 3,773 9,746
Female 46,331 5,414 3,468 3,810 4,175 3,824 6,077 5,082 14,481


Both Sexes 62,872 8,071 3,907 4,479 3,325 3,090 6,575 5,389 28,036
Male 28,856 3,872 1,823 2,083 1,560 1,506 3,368 2,604 12,040
Female 34,016 4,199 2,084 2,396 1,765 1,584 3,207 2,785 15,996

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 19,735 1,857 999 1,052 2,777 3,094 2,367 2,644 4,945
Male 8,835 790 495 469 1,186 1,404 1,123 1,263 2,105
Female 10,900 1,067 504 583 1,591 1,690 1,244 1,381 2,840


Both Sexes 7,976 508 432 425 2,308 2,593 1,106 179 425
Male 3,487 212 209 198 1,011 1,148 502 79 128
Female 4,489 296 223 227 1,297 1,445 604 100 297


Both Sexes 11,756 1,349 567 627 469 501 1,260 2,464 4,519
Male 5,347 578 286 271 175 256 620 1,184 1,977
Female 6,409 771 281 356 294 245 640 1,280 2,542


Both Sexes 4,060 813 471 498 233 233 674 273 865
Male 1,836 390 214 247 116 115 318 107 329
Female 2,224 423 257 251 117 118 356 166 536


Both Sexes 1,533 419 155 233 72 58 408 94 94

Male 737 217 68 142 38 4 188 30 50
Female 796 202 87 91 34 54 220 64 44


Both Sexes 2,528 394 316 264 162 175 267 179 771
Male 1,100 173 146 104 79 111 131 77 279
Female 1,428 221 170 160 83 64 136 102 492


Both Sexes 19,201 2,166 1,402 1,415 1,297 1,423 2,213 1,860 7,425
Male 8,455 934 619 689 513 638 1,151 851 3,060
Female 10,746 1,232 783 726 784 785 1,062 1,009 4,365


Both Sexes 9,990 1,109 772 748 764 790 1,279 1,271 3,257
Male 4,136 446 374 408 244 344 575 558 1,187
Female 5,854 663 398 340 520 446 704 713 2,070


Both Sexes 9,209 1,056 631 666 534 632 934 590 4,166
Male 4,316 487 245 280 269 294 576 293 1,872
Female 4,893 569 386 386 265 338 358 297 2,294


Both Sexes 11,865 1,554 763 878 692 714 1,198 672 5,394
Male 5,375 850 394 416 317 299 565 342 2,192
Female 6,490 704 369 462 375 415 633 330 3,202


Both Sexes 2,308 432 222 155 124 225 278 176 696
Male 1,023 250 127 65 60 75 97 66 283
Female 1,285 182 95 90 64 150 181 110 413

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 9,558 1,122 542 722 569 489 921 496 4,697
Male 4,352 600 267 351 258 224 468 276 1,908
Female 5,206 522 275 371 311 265 453 220 2,789


Both Sexes 14,333 2,511 1,099 1,541 706 585 1,353 1,036 5,502
Male 6,875 1,385 554 810 351 274 708 479 2,314
Female 7,458 1,126 545 731 355 311 645 557 3,188


Both Sexes 4,282 903 460 758 313 235 486 412 715
Male 2,029 510 225 422 128 78 219 157 290
Female 2,253 393 235 336 185 157 267 255 425


Both Sexes 10,050 1,608 639 783 392 349 867 625 4,787
Male 4,846 875 329 388 223 196 489 322 2,024
Female 5,204 733 310 395 169 153 378 303 2,763


Both Sexes 12,906 1,964 930 1,047 817 668 1,508 668 5,304
Male 5,741 935 388 435 371 299 699 285 2,329
Female 7,165 1,029 542 612 446 369 809 383 2,975


Both Sexes 2,433 554 336 216 175 107 296 116 633
Male 1,105 320 106 77 82 47 144 46 283
Female 1,328 234 230 139 93 60 152 70 350


Both Sexes 10,474 1,410 594 831 642 561 1,212 552 4,672
Male 4,636 615 281 358 289 252 556 239 2,046
Female 5,838 795 313 473 353 309 656 313 2,626


Both Sexes 15,113 2,025 1,112 1,191 966 675 1,714 1,194 6,236
Male 6,800 1,001 453 641 488 320 797 500 2,600
Female 8,313 1,024 659 550 478 355 917 694 3,636


Both Sexes 5,809 892 494 603 409 291 597 711 1,812
Male 2,536 456 184 309 221 145 267 288 666
Female 3,273 436 310 294 188 146 330 423 1,146


Both Sexes 9,298 1,132 619 586 556 383 1,116 482 4,424
Male 4,260 544 269 331 267 174 529 212 1,934
Female 5,038 588 350 255 289 209 587 270 2,490


Both Sexes 30,922 3,381 2,054 2,385 2,056 1,701 4,093 3,802 11,450
Male 13,252 1,603 942 1,042 907 765 1,689 1,576 4,728
Female 17,670 1,778 1,112 1,343 1,149 936 2,404 2,226 6,722

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 30,922 3,381 2,054 2,385 2,056 1,701 4,093 3,802 11,450
Male 13,252 1,603 942 1,042 907 765 1,689 1,576 4,728
Female 17,670 1,778 1,112 1,343 1,149 936 2,404 2,226 6,722


Both Sexes 17,486 2,345 1,408 1,932 1,207 918 2,439 2,095 5,142
Male 8,107 1,117 629 984 562 490 1,224 973 2,128
Female 9,379 1,228 779 948 645 428 1,215 1,122 3,014


Both Sexes 17,486 2,345 1,408 1,932 1,207 918 2,439 2,095 5,142
Male 8,107 1,117 629 984 562 490 1,224 973 2,128
Female 9,379 1,228 779 948 645 428 1,215 1,122 3,014


Both Sexes 137,229 18,870 9,203 10,995 9,456 8,330 12,582 9,578 58,215
Male 64,182 9,716 4,747 5,777 4,537 4,143 6,081 4,309 24,872
Female 73,047 9,154 4,456 5,218 4,919 4,187 6,501 5,269 33,343


Both Sexes 53,338 7,632 3,877 4,759 4,094 3,061 4,487 3,577 21,851
Male 24,537 4,009 2,080 2,580 2,048 1,578 2,110 1,592 8,540
Female 28,801 3,623 1,797 2,179 2,046 1,483 2,377 1,985 13,311


Both Sexes 83,891 11,238 5,326 6,235 5,362 5,270 8,095 6,002 36,363
Male 39,643 5,707 2,667 3,196 2,489 2,565 3,971 2,717 16,331
Female 44,248 5,531 2,659 3,039 2,873 2,705 4,124 3,285 20,032


Both Sexes 11,477 1,591 641 896 914 717 1,114 928 4,676
Male 5,255 780 350 470 419 318 457 393 2,068
Female 6,222 811 291 426 495 399 657 535 2,608


Both Sexes 2,885 418 137 306 304 180 313 341 886
Male 1,331 216 58 173 129 92 137 168 358
Female 1,554 202 79 133 175 88 176 173 528


Both Sexes 8,590 1,173 504 589 610 536 802 586 3,790
Male 3,923 564 292 296 290 226 321 224 1,710
Female 4,667 609 212 293 320 310 481 362 2,080


Both Sexes 10,379 1,775 696 837 569 793 1,112 522 4,075
Male 5,049 900 360 421 273 396 626 245 1,828
Female 5,330 875 336 416 296 397 486 277 2,247


Both Sexes 10,379 1,775 696 837 569 793 1,112 522 4,075
Male 5,049 900 360 421 273 396 626 245 1,828
Female 5,330 875 336 416 296 397 486 277 2,247

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 19,067 2,213 1,262 1,392 1,109 1,045 1,704 1,372 8,970
Male 8,938 1,149 704 746 521 500 776 631 3,911
Female 10,129 1,064 558 646 588 545 928 741 5,059


Both Sexes 4,288 528 377 418 291 281 396 353 1,644
Male 1,920 271 248 209 144 141 173 127 607
Female 2,368 257 129 209 147 140 223 226 1,037


Both Sexes 14,778 1,686 883 974 817 764 1,309 1,019 7,326
Male 7,018 879 455 536 377 359 604 504 3,304
Female 7,760 807 428 438 440 405 705 515 4,022


Both Sexes 11,031 1,899 909 971 877 547 1,067 730 4,031
Male 5,014 919 472 528 451 274 460 293 1,617
Female 6,017 980 437 443 426 273 607 437 2,414


Both Sexes 2,904 602 328 270 237 112 266 145 944
Male 1,413 303 201 173 125 64 121 52 374
Female 1,491 299 127 97 112 48 145 93 570


Both Sexes 8,128 1,298 580 700 640 436 801 585 3,088
Male 3,601 616 271 354 326 211 339 241 1,243
Female 4,527 682 309 346 314 225 462 344 1,845


Both Sexes 6,400 629 380 409 237 436 709 306 3,294
Male 2,986 318 162 248 108 207 368 130 1,445
Female 3,414 311 218 161 129 229 341 176 1,849


Both Sexes 480 38 40 43 10 40 54 65 190

Male 210 24 20 23 5 24 25 29 60
Female 270 14 20 20 5 16 29 36 130


Both Sexes 5,921 592 339 367 228 396 656 239 3,104
Male 2,776 295 142 226 103 183 343 100 1,384
Female 3,145 297 197 141 125 213 313 139 1,720


Both Sexes 26,113 3,677 1,910 2,134 2,090 1,668 2,707 2,225 9,702
Male 12,527 1,806 946 1,063 1,003 887 1,295 1,059 4,468
Female 13,586 1,871 964 1,071 1,087 781 1,412 1,166 5,234


Both Sexes 8,410 1,406 731 879 801 482 701 543 2,867
Male 4,003 737 391 440 405 259 327 265 1,179
Female 4,407 669 340 439 396 223 374 278 1,688

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 17,702 2,272 1,178 1,255 1,289 1,186 2,006 1,682 6,834
Male 8,523 1,070 554 623 598 628 968 794 3,288
Female 9,179 1,202 624 632 691 558 1,038 888 3,546


Both Sexes 12,096 1,443 711 991 919 715 950 997 5,370
Male 5,998 821 375 510 407 383 523 465 2,514
Female 6,098 622 336 481 512 332 427 532 2,856


Both Sexes 1,746 275 137 219 286 158 70 53 548

Male 819 142 66 102 135 83 43 14 234
Female 927 133 71 117 151 75 27 39 314


Both Sexes 10,349 1,167 574 772 633 558 879 944 4,822
Male 5,179 679 309 408 272 300 480 451 2,280
Female 5,170 488 265 364 361 258 399 493 2,542


Both Sexes 8,044 1,278 571 741 575 601 533 422 3,323
Male 3,574 706 284 332 249 262 292 156 1,293
Female 4,470 572 287 409 326 339 241 266 2,030


Both Sexes 8,044 1,278 571 741 575 601 533 422 3,323
Male 3,574 706 284 332 249 262 292 156 1,293
Female 4,470 572 287 409 326 339 241 266 2,030


Both Sexes 11,522 1,919 825 1,008 902 874 744 623 4,627
Male 5,310 1,053 432 568 499 428 323 276 1,731
Female 6,212 866 393 440 403 446 421 347 2,896


Both Sexes 11,522 1,919 825 1,008 902 874 744 623 4,627
Male 5,310 1,053 432 568 499 428 323 276 1,731
Female 6,212 866 393 440 403 446 421 347 2,896


Both Sexes 7,322 822 498 472 378 234 643 501 3,774
Male 3,051 438 236 259 180 100 302 209 1,327
Female 4,271 384 262 213 198 134 341 292 2,447


Both Sexes 7,322 822 498 472 378 234 643 501 3,774
Male 3,051 438 236 259 180 100 302 209 1,327
Female 4,271 384 262 213 198 134 341 292 2,447


Both Sexes 13,779 1,624 804 1,144 886 698 1,300 952 6,371
Male 6,477 825 428 632 427 386 659 451 2,669
Female 7,302 799 376 512 459 312 641 501 3,702

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 13,779 1,624 804 1,144 886 698 1,300 952 6,371
Male 6,477 825 428 632 427 386 659 451 2,669
Female 7,302 799 376 512 459 312 641 501 3,702


Both Sexes 132,754 14,121 8,833 12,760 14,822 12,490 12,570 12,643 44,515
Male 68,912 6,925 4,363 6,599 7,920 7,255 6,871 6,523 22,456
Female 63,842 7,196 4,470 6,161 6,902 5,235 5,699 6,120 22,059


Both Sexes 47,289 4,864 3,295 3,383 3,128 2,552 5,774 7,053 17,240
Male 24,374 2,319 1,555 1,875 1,662 1,334 3,131 3,645 8,853
Female 22,915 2,545 1,740 1,508 1,466 1,218 2,643 3,408 8,387


Both Sexes 85,467 9,257 5,539 9,377 11,695 9,938 6,796 5,590 27,275
Male 44,539 4,606 2,809 4,724 6,259 5,921 3,740 2,878 13,602
Female 40,928 4,651 2,730 4,653 5,436 4,017 3,056 2,712 13,673


Both Sexes 53,674 4,342 3,254 5,363 7,726 7,509 3,782 6,305 15,393
Male 28,452 2,029 1,625 2,721 4,107 4,688 2,057 3,214 8,011
Female 25,222 2,313 1,629 2,642 3,619 2,821 1,725 3,091 7,382


Both Sexes 21,112 1,341 859 991 856 795 2,216 4,508 9,546
Male 10,944 556 447 593 483 427 1,151 2,306 4,981
Female 10,168 785 412 398 373 368 1,065 2,202 4,565


Both Sexes 32,561 3,001 2,395 4,371 6,870 6,715 1,566 1,797 5,846
Male 17,509 1,474 1,178 2,128 3,624 4,262 906 908 3,029
Female 15,052 1,527 1,217 2,243 3,246 2,453 660 889 2,817


Both Sexes 29,258 3,502 1,798 2,385 2,393 1,930 2,840 2,020 12,390
Male 14,955 1,812 951 1,226 1,271 948 1,524 1,059 6,164
Female 14,303 1,690 847 1,159 1,122 982 1,316 961 6,226


Both Sexes 4,419 739 387 446 382 402 307 260 1,496
Male 2,088 400 173 189 222 195 152 135 622
Female 2,331 339 214 257 160 207 155 125 874


Both Sexes 24,840 2,763 1,411 1,939 2,011 1,528 2,533 1,761 10,894
Male 12,867 1,411 778 1,037 1,049 753 1,372 925 5,542
Female 11,973 1,352 633 902 962 775 1,161 836 5,352


Both Sexes 35,052 4,600 2,467 3,719 3,601 2,355 3,343 2,699 12,268
Male 17,578 2,301 1,158 1,925 1,894 1,205 1,826 1,433 5,836
Female 17,474 2,299 1,309 1,794 1,707 1,150 1,517 1,266 6,432

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 6,988 1,107 736 652 788 660 646 666 1,733
Male 3,416 580 306 366 308 299 364 388 805
Female 3,572 527 430 286 480 361 282 278 928


Both Sexes 28,062 3,493 1,731 3,065 2,813 1,695 2,697 2,033 10,535
Male 14,161 1,721 852 1,558 1,586 906 1,462 1,045 5,031
Female 13,901 1,772 879 1,507 1,227 789 1,235 988 5,504


Both Sexes 14,767 1,676 1,312 1,293 1,102 695 2,605 1,619 4,465
Male 7,924 783 628 727 648 413 1,464 816 2,445
Female 6,843 893 684 566 454 282 1,141 803 2,020


Both Sexes 14,767 1,676 1,312 1,293 1,102 695 2,605 1,619 4,465
Male 7,924 783 628 727 648 413 1,464 816 2,445
Female 6,843 893 684 566 454 282 1,141 803 2,020


Both Sexes 113,030 12,804 7,136 8,821 8,905 6,665 17,969 12,187 38,543
Male 54,532 6,167 3,501 4,397 4,325 3,395 8,980 5,820 17,947
Female 58,498 6,637 3,635 4,424 4,580 3,270 8,989 6,367 20,596


Both Sexes 113,030 12,804 7,136 8,821 8,905 6,665 17,969 12,187 38,543
Male 54,532 6,167 3,501 4,397 4,325 3,395 8,980 5,820 17,947
Female 58,498 6,637 3,635 4,424 4,580 3,270 8,989 6,367 20,596


Both Sexes 50,244 5,645 3,234 3,637 4,130 3,037 7,426 5,373 17,762
Male 23,744 2,541 1,526 1,886 1,919 1,507 3,734 2,507 8,124
Female 26,500 3,104 1,708 1,751 2,211 1,530 3,692 2,866 9,638


Both Sexes 50,244 5,645 3,234 3,637 4,130 3,037 7,426 5,373 17,762
Male 23,744 2,541 1,526 1,886 1,919 1,507 3,734 2,507 8,124
Female 26,500 3,104 1,708 1,751 2,211 1,530 3,692 2,866 9,638


Both Sexes 62,787 7,159 3,902 5,184 4,775 3,629 10,543 6,814 20,781
Male 30,789 3,626 1,975 2,512 2,406 1,888 5,246 3,313 9,823
Female 31,998 3,533 1,927 2,672 2,369 1,741 5,297 3,501 10,958


Both Sexes 62,787 7,159 3,902 5,184 4,775 3,629 10,543 6,814 20,781
Male 30,789 3,626 1,975 2,512 2,406 1,888 5,246 3,313 9,823
Female 31,998 3,533 1,927 2,672 2,369 1,741 5,297 3,501 10,958

Table 7.4 Migrants by Previous Place of Residence,Sex and Age Group: 2007
Previous Place of Residence Rural Previous Place of Residence Urban Not Stated
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

Age Group Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female

All Ages 574,815 266,683 308,132 284,986 136,822 148,164 5 5 -

0 - 4 41,081 20,347 20,734 18,990 9,741 9,249 - - -

5 - 9 46,041 23,084 22,957 21,926 10,890 11,036 - - -
10 - 14 51,442 25,469 25,973 28,224 14,120 14,104 - - -
15 - 19 68,647 30,628 38,019 35,094 14,813 20,281 - - -
20 - 24 68,720 29,468 39,252 42,324 18,614 23,710 - - -
25 - 29 59,779 25,173 34,606 33,827 16,124 17,703 - - -
30 - 34 50,531 22,383 28,148 24,236 11,975 12,261 - - -
35 - 39 44,889 20,581 24,308 21,605 10,626 10,979 - - -
40 - 44 33,617 17,002 16,615 14,184 7,986 6,198 - - -
45 - 49 25,971 13,075 12,896 11,664 6,352 5,312 - - -
50 - 54 22,378 9,930 12,448 9,576 4,683 4,893 - - -
55 - 59 16,304 8,340 7,964 6,497 3,112 3,385 - - -
60 - 64 15,238 6,575 8,663 5,661 2,550 3,111 5 5 -
65 - 69 10,698 5,180 5,518 4,243 1,903 2,340 - - -
70 - 74 9,636 4,335 5,301 3,397 1,541 1,856 - - -
75 + 9,843 5,113 4,730 3,538 1,792 1,746 - - -


This section presents the fertility level of the population of Tigray Region. In the
2007 Population and Housing Census Questionnaire information was collected
on both current and retrospective fertility (births of last year and children ever
born) from every woman aged 10 years and over.

Generally, data on current and retrospective fertility collected in censuses of

developing countries are not usually free from error. Data on total number of
children ever born may also be distorted due to recall-lapse and socio-cultural
factors. Above all, because of the extended family system in the country, the
women are likely to include relatives with their own. Again, the various social
practices associated with birth of small babies, especially those births that end in
early death are likely to have been omitted from reporting. Another source of
error in the reported number of children could be the inclusion of still births.
These probable errors should be borne in mind while interpreting reported fertility
measures presented in this section. In the 2007 census the following two fertility
related questions were employed.

A) Last Year Births

The questionnaire was designed to obtain the total number of births occurred
during the 12 months prior to the date of the census. Every woman aged 10
years and over in the sampled household was asked if she gave birth during the
12 months prior to the date of the census and the response of each woman was
recorded in the household. The answer categories were age of women and the
number of children born alive. This information will allow computing the number
of women and the number of children by place of residence at different
administrative levels, total fertility rates and age-specific birth rates. The

appropriate reference date of last year births for each woman aged 10 years and
over was given to the enumerator from May 29, 2006 to May 28, 2007. Birth
information for each woman aged 10 years and over was collected for the 1994
and the 2007 censuses to compute and compare total fertility rate, age-specific
birth rate and other birth related information.

B) Children Ever Born

The questionnaire was designed to obtain the total number of children even born
alive for every woman aged 10 years and over. For this purpose every woman
aged 10 years and over in a sampled household was asked about the total
number of children even born alive in her life time. The answer categories were
the number of children living at home by sex, the number of children living
elsewhere by sex, and the number of children who died by sex. The appropriate
reference given to the enumerator was to interview only women aged 10 years
and over in the sampled household.

Table 7.5 Reproductive Age of Women by Five Year Age Group, Birth During
the Last 12 Months Prior to the Census, Age-Specific Birth Rate,
and Total Fertility Rate(TFRs), by Urban - Rural Residence: 2007

Urban + Rural Urban Rural Age-Specific Birth Rates
--------------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------------
Age Group Women Births Women Births Women Births U+R Urban Rural

15 - 49 1,013,112 133,577 245,023 22,323 768,089 111,254

15 - 19 251,650 13,089 65,751 2,422 185,899 10,667 .052 .037 .057
20 - 24 186,916 32,437 55,853 6,823 131,063 25,614 .174 .122 .195
25 - 29 157,848 34,213 42,393 6,253 115,455 27,960 .217 .148 .242
30 - 34 137,875 28,325 28,657 3,750 109,218 24,575 .205 .131 .225
35 - 39 121,365 18,048 25,397 2,358 95,968 15,690 .149 .093 .163
40 - 44 86,866 5,581 14,962 488 71,904 5,093 .064 .033 .071
45 - 49 70,592 1,884 12,010 229 58,582 1,655 .027 .019 .028

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 4.440 2.915 4.905

15 - 49 170,181 26,903 31,572 3,582 138,609 23,321

15 - 19 39,648 2,970 7,514 415 32,134 2,555 .075 .055 .080
20 - 24 33,631 7,252 7,464 1,250 26,167 6,002 .216 .167 .229
25 - 29 27,854 6,878 5,702 934 22,152 5,944 .247 .164 .268
30 - 34 23,451 5,196 3,951 545 19,500 4,651 .222 .138 .239
35 - 39 19,949 3,252 3,428 342 16,521 2,910 .163 .100 .176
40 - 44 14,432 975 2,032 52 12,400 923 .068 .026 .074
45 - 49 11,216 380 1,481 44 9,735 336 .034 .030 .035

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 5.125 3.400 5.505

15 - 49 284,837 36,682 50,827 4,907 234,010 31,775

15 - 19 70,077 2,743 13,418 408 56,659 2,335 .039 .030 .041
20 - 24 48,298 7,573 10,962 1,312 37,336 6,261 .157 .120 .168
25 - 29 42,980 9,480 9,097 1,550 33,883 7,930 .221 .170 .234
30 - 34 40,858 8,779 6,479 880 34,379 7,899 .215 .136 .230
35 - 39 36,110 5,869 5,571 647 30,539 5,222 .163 .116 .171
40 - 44 25,253 1,742 2,958 99 22,295 1,643 .069 .033 .074
45 - 49 21,261 496 2,342 11 18,919 485 .023 .005 .026

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 4.435 3.050 4.720

15 - 49 176,076 20,581 42,989 4,037 133,087 16,544

15 - 19 46,762 1,344 12,070 307 34,692 1,037 .029 .025 .030
20 - 24 29,925 4,461 8,958 1,202 20,967 3,259 .149 .134 .155
25 - 29 25,866 5,394 7,446 1,182 18,420 4,212 .209 .159 .229
30 - 34 22,886 4,788 5,306 764 17,580 4,024 .209 .144 .229
35 - 39 22,040 3,262 4,672 429 17,368 2,833 .148 .092 .163
40 - 44 14,251 974 2,393 135 11,858 839 .068 .056 .071
45 - 49 14,346 358 2,144 18 12,202 340 .025 .008 .028

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 4.185 3.090 4.525

15 - 49 232,182 30,940 34,752 2,768 197,430 28,172

15 - 19 57,324 3,410 10,191 402 47,133 3,008 .059 .039 .064
20 - 24 38,897 7,302 6,607 765 32,290 6,537 .188 .116 .202
25 - 29 34,905 7,666 5,186 665 29,719 7,001 .220 .128 .236
30 - 34 33,231 6,712 4,060 490 29,171 6,222 .202 .121 .213
35 - 39 28,822 3,979 3,930 311 24,892 3,668 .138 .079 .147
40 - 44 22,868 1,421 2,828 61 20,040 1,360 .062 .022 .068
45 - 49 16,135 450 1,950 74 14,185 376 .028 .038 .027

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 4.485 2.715 4.785

Table 7.5 Reproductive Age of Women by Five Year Age Group, Birth During
the Last 12 Months Prior to the Census, Age-Specific Birth Rate,
and Total Fertility Rate(TFRs), by Urban - Rural Residence: 2007

Urban + Rural Urban Rural Age-Specific Birth Rates
--------------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------------
Age Group Women Births Women Births Women Births U+R Urban Rural

15 - 49 84,817 13,884 19,864 2,438 64,953 11,446

15 - 19 20,205 2,084 4,924 352 15,281 1,732 .103 .071 .113
20 - 24 19,213 4,370 4,910 814 14,303 3,556 .227 .166 .249
25 - 29 14,759 3,416 3,478 543 11,281 2,873 .231 .156 .255
30 - 34 10,935 2,134 2,347 354 8,588 1,780 .195 .151 .207
35 - 39 8,606 1,320 1,958 262 6,648 1,058 .153 .134 .159
40 - 44 6,579 388 1,268 59 5,311 329 .059 .047 .062
45 - 49 4,520 172 979 54 3,541 118 .038 .055 .033

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 5.030 3.900 5.390

15 - 49 65,019 4,589 65,019 4,589 - -

15 - 19 17,634 537 17,634 537 - - .030 .030 -
20 - 24 16,952 1,480 16,952 1,480 - - .087 .087 -
25 - 29 11,484 1,379 11,484 1,379 - - .120 .120 -
30 - 34 6,514 717 6,514 717 - - .110 .110 -
35 - 39 5,838 367 5,838 367 - - .063 .063 -
40 - 44 3,483 81 3,483 81 - - .023 .023 -
45 - 49 3,114 28 3,114 28 - - .009 .009 -

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 2.210 2.210 -

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 146,269 1,781 26,956 51,344 25,331 10,483 6,383 3,774 2,882 3,759 2,809 3,794 6,973
2 259,699 12 9,993 69,847 68,487 33,322 20,147 11,577 9,455 10,409 6,276 6,974 13,200
3 355,314 - 2,486 43,825 95,856 67,424 41,391 23,238 17,184 17,730 12,010 12,859 21,311
4 462,161 - 646 20,091 93,006 108,685 70,411 40,642 30,265 27,875 18,654 18,841 33,045
5 523,325 - - 6,294 54,700 119,038 108,387 58,515 44,081 38,023 23,311 25,190 45,786
6 576,110 34 - 2,752 26,850 98,291 131,119 87,468 59,313 50,683 31,653 31,974 55,973
7 453,606 - - 383 8,506 41,463 80,553 75,939 59,768 54,123 35,308 35,357 62,206
8 374,411 - 47 - 4,793 18,796 50,855 64,435 57,248 52,119 35,095 33,381 57,642
9 284,606 - - - 1,364 9,735 28,097 44,844 49,446 45,543 31,361 26,168 48,048
10 186,488 - 115 - 644 4,889 14,155 26,210 33,033 29,917 25,044 18,095 34,386
11 102,900 - - - - 2,460 6,878 12,681 16,785 20,631 13,294 10,404 19,767
12 56,215 - - - - 391 3,981 6,949 9,852 10,316 7,541 6,660 10,525
13 24,083 - - - - - 1,823 2,187 5,000 4,341 3,825 3,315 3,592
14 10,813 - - - - 382 1,139 1,118 1,907 2,078 1,330 865 1,994
15+ 9,249 - - - - - 862 1,582 1,770 1,990 645 1,309 1,091
Total CEB 3,825,249 1,827 40,243 194,536 379,537 515,359 566,181 461,159 397,989 369,537 248,156 235,186 415,539
Average CEB 2.45 .01 .16 1.04 2.40 3.74 4.67 5.31 5.64 5.44 5.44 4.93 4.64


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 44,591 486 5,949 16,356 9,493 3,675 2,361 1,176 803 1,002 684 772 1,834
2 70,801 - 1,453 16,283 20,727 10,703 6,885 3,271 2,487 2,500 1,287 1,709 3,496
3 81,565 - 507 6,356 20,907 16,931 12,513 6,387 3,835 3,988 2,594 2,833 4,714
4 88,354 - 45 2,380 13,837 20,195 17,091 8,332 6,830 4,749 3,914 3,844 7,137
5 83,938 - - 768 6,929 14,478 19,873 9,955 7,092 7,028 4,152 4,910 8,753
6 78,886 - - 456 3,003 9,144 15,437 11,612 9,614 8,416 5,561 5,381 10,262
7 58,590 - - - 971 3,003 9,423 9,205 8,592 7,385 5,073 5,475 9,463
8 43,019 - - - 612 2,166 5,304 5,895 6,766 5,525 4,983 4,290 7,478
9 30,935 - - - - 1,050 2,150 3,607 5,775 4,209 4,444 3,172 6,528
10 19,148 - - - - 388 1,730 1,828 2,262 2,735 2,856 2,028 5,321
11 11,061 - - - - 291 729 863 1,303 1,819 1,700 1,138 3,218
12 6,290 - - - - - 343 383 713 1,386 975 1,059 1,431
13 2,832 - - - - - 214 494 318 563 413 346 484
14 1,463 - - - - - - 296 177 - 468 228 294
15+ 1,536 - - - - - 83 - 457 345 233 167 251
Total CEB 623,009 486 7,954 42,599 76,479 82,024 94,136 63,304 57,024 51,650 39,337 37,352 70,664
Average CEB 1.81 .01 .12 .76 1.80 2.86 3.71 4.23 4.75 4.47 4.83 4.29 3.97

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 101,679 1,295 21,007 34,988 15,838 6,807 4,022 2,598 2,080 2,758 2,125 3,022 5,139
2 188,896 12 8,539 53,564 47,760 22,619 13,261 8,305 6,968 7,909 4,990 5,265 9,704
3 273,751 - 1,979 37,469 74,949 50,493 28,878 16,851 13,349 13,743 9,416 10,027 16,597
4 373,810 - 601 17,712 79,170 88,490 53,320 32,310 23,435 23,125 14,741 14,997 25,909
5 439,384 - - 5,525 47,770 104,559 88,514 48,560 36,989 30,995 19,159 20,280 37,033
6 497,222 34 - 2,296 23,847 89,147 115,681 75,856 49,699 42,267 26,091 26,593 45,711
7 395,015 - - 383 7,534 38,460 71,130 66,734 51,176 46,738 30,235 29,882 52,743
8 331,394 - 47 - 4,181 16,630 45,552 58,541 50,482 46,594 30,112 29,091 50,164
9 253,672 - - - 1,364 8,686 25,947 41,238 43,671 41,333 26,917 22,996 41,520
10 167,337 - 115 - 644 4,501 12,425 24,381 30,771 27,181 22,187 16,066 29,066
11 91,839 - - - - 2,169 6,149 11,818 15,482 18,811 11,594 9,266 16,550
12 49,925 - - - - 391 3,638 6,567 9,139 8,930 6,566 5,600 9,094
13 21,251 - - - - - 1,609 1,693 4,682 3,778 3,412 2,970 3,107
14 9,351 - - - - 382 1,139 822 1,730 2,078 863 637 1,700
15+ 7,713 - - - - - 779 1,582 1,314 1,644 412 1,142 840
Total CEB 3,202,239 1,341 32,288 151,937 303,057 433,334 472,044 397,856 340,967 317,884 208,820 197,834 344,877
Average CEB 2.63 .01 .17 1.16 2.62 3.97 4.92 5.53 5.82 5.64 5.57 5.08 4.80


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 26,244 283 5,136 10,467 4,173 1,686 1,122 578 416 558 456 480 889
2 45,889 - 2,056 14,029 12,630 5,345 3,201 1,795 1,647 1,560 1,070 1,098 1,458
3 59,189 - 487 8,548 18,059 10,900 6,405 3,639 2,807 2,695 1,796 1,647 2,206
4 76,495 - 116 3,807 17,864 18,511 11,966 7,087 4,096 4,133 2,725 2,444 3,746
5 87,237 - - 1,008 11,110 21,455 17,319 9,659 7,284 6,066 3,315 4,039 5,982
6 94,975 - - 317 4,444 18,762 22,279 15,815 9,269 7,709 4,269 4,874 7,237
7 72,370 - - 35 1,551 6,754 13,006 12,628 10,157 7,787 5,932 5,940 8,580
8 62,642 - 47 - 1,191 3,386 8,859 10,134 8,702 9,814 6,077 5,327 9,105
9 50,010 - - - 327 1,700 5,192 8,231 8,720 9,048 4,566 4,621 7,605
10 31,660 - - - 50 761 2,727 4,467 4,924 4,925 3,814 3,555 6,437
11 17,451 - - - - 472 1,177 2,099 3,227 3,680 2,041 1,639 3,116
12 10,117 - - - - 67 465 1,296 1,423 2,055 1,359 890 2,562
13 5,181 - - - - - 452 459 1,017 1,011 675 617 950
14 2,214 - - - - - 314 81 726 583 - 225 285
15+ 2,006 - - - - - 252 314 167 511 339 239 184
Total CEB 643,680 283 7,842 38,211 71,399 89,799 94,736 78,282 64,582 62,135 38,434 37,635 60,342
Average CEB 2.52 .01 .20 1.14 2.56 3.83 4.75 5.42 5.76 5.72 5.60 5.26 5.12

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 6,689 37 821 2,734 1,367 588 338 164 101 117 77 110 235
2 10,269 - 251 2,462 3,147 1,381 988 524 357 305 198 269 387
3 10,696 - 99 872 2,898 2,367 1,809 702 463 398 221 349 518
4 12,024 - 21 332 1,970 2,984 2,425 1,307 855 582 607 400 541
5 11,725 - - 79 905 2,088 2,870 1,502 786 1,065 433 886 1,111
6 8,655 - - - 336 1,145 1,717 1,283 903 979 528 576 1,188
7 6,757 - - - 73 435 1,119 1,069 1,095 882 538 484 1,062
8 6,165 - - - 121 292 743 746 1,030 799 906 607 921
9 4,905 - - - - 95 340 532 1,119 726 684 351 1,058
10 2,335 - - - - 51 96 340 94 225 222 298 1,009
11 1,700 - - - - 56 228 49 156 403 332 102 374
12 510 - - - - - - 62 91 74 35 111 137
13 486 - - - - - - 61 56 77 - 69 223
14 342 - - - - - - - 177 - - 77 88
15+ 338 - - - - - - - - - 74 80 184
Total CEB 83,596 37 1,192 6,479 10,817 11,482 12,673 8,341 7,283 6,632 4,855 4,769 9,036
Average CEB 1.90 .01 .16 .87 1.90 2.91 3.70 4.10 4.92 4.55 4.99 4.22 4.26


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 19,554 246 4,315 7,733 2,805 1,098 784 415 315 441 378 370 654
2 35,619 - 1,805 11,567 9,483 3,963 2,213 1,272 1,290 1,255 872 829 1,070
3 48,493 - 388 7,676 15,161 8,533 4,596 2,937 2,344 2,298 1,574 1,298 1,688
4 64,470 - 95 3,475 15,894 15,527 9,541 5,780 3,241 3,551 2,118 2,044 3,204
5 75,513 - - 929 10,205 19,367 14,450 8,157 6,498 5,001 2,882 3,154 4,870
6 86,320 - - 317 4,108 17,618 20,562 14,531 8,366 6,729 3,741 4,299 6,049
7 65,614 - - 35 1,479 6,320 11,887 11,559 9,062 6,904 5,393 5,457 7,518
8 56,478 - 47 - 1,071 3,094 8,116 9,387 7,672 9,015 5,172 4,720 8,184
9 45,104 - - - 327 1,605 4,852 7,699 7,601 8,321 3,882 4,270 6,547
10 29,324 - - - 50 709 2,631 4,126 4,830 4,700 3,593 3,257 5,428
11 15,751 - - - - 416 949 2,050 3,071 3,277 1,709 1,537 2,742
12 9,606 - - - - 67 465 1,234 1,332 1,981 1,324 779 2,424
13 4,694 - - - - - 452 397 961 934 675 548 727
14 1,873 - - - - - 314 81 549 583 - 149 197
15+ 1,668 - - - - - 252 314 167 511 265 159 -
Total CEB 560,081 246 6,650 31,732 60,583 78,317 82,064 69,939 57,299 55,501 33,578 32,870 51,302
Average CEB 2.65 .01 .21 1.21 2.73 4.02 4.97 5.64 5.89 5.91 5.70 5.45 5.31

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 36,881 399 6,231 12,969 6,766 2,800 1,504 872 704 888 739 1,177 1,832
2 65,646 - 1,871 16,430 17,643 9,174 5,443 2,968 2,140 2,879 1,553 1,996 3,549
3 97,907 - 667 10,404 26,851 19,580 11,441 5,699 4,803 5,178 3,400 3,846 6,038
4 134,671 - 182 4,235 25,968 33,942 20,834 11,320 8,727 8,898 5,597 5,828 9,140
5 158,778 - - 1,557 14,117 38,671 33,744 16,931 13,374 11,352 7,102 8,027 13,903
6 180,867 34 - 353 7,004 28,545 43,739 27,610 19,042 15,899 10,751 10,094 17,796
7 148,942 - - 76 2,065 12,512 26,060 25,692 20,474 18,022 11,525 11,803 20,713
8 118,760 - - - 1,384 4,943 15,063 20,236 19,607 16,838 11,146 10,534 19,009
9 89,734 - - - 348 2,865 6,838 12,901 15,084 14,660 11,146 9,075 16,817
10 59,252 - 115 - 215 1,799 3,862 7,776 10,588 10,051 7,937 5,704 11,205
11 34,173 - - - - 881 1,936 3,962 5,226 6,865 4,760 3,507 7,036
12 17,335 - - - - 60 1,058 2,478 2,829 3,714 2,410 2,096 2,690
13 7,920 - - - - - 465 612 1,651 1,392 1,167 1,531 1,102
14 3,885 - - - - 157 248 309 541 1,052 442 439 697
15+ 2,386 - - - - - 93 256 464 622 75 582 294
Total CEB 1,157,137 433 9,066 46,024 102,361 155,929 172,328 139,622 125,254 118,310 79,750 76,239 131,821
Average CEB 2.57 - .13 .95 2.38 3.82 4.77 5.53 5.89 5.66 5.69 5.15 4.93


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 8,942 73 1,134 3,192 1,992 749 494 236 164 185 146 147 430
2 14,882 - 202 3,413 4,398 2,384 1,587 661 399 525 157 286 870
3 18,724 - 170 1,419 4,788 3,889 2,999 1,438 854 862 495 743 1,067
4 20,462 - - 500 3,102 5,071 4,152 1,508 1,363 1,037 753 981 1,995
5 17,812 - - 191 1,673 3,554 4,026 1,856 1,522 1,254 713 1,165 1,858
6 16,851 - - 126 985 1,803 3,318 2,127 1,841 1,654 1,283 1,281 2,433
7 11,582 - - - 135 551 1,979 1,778 1,660 1,056 1,198 1,227 1,998
8 7,839 - - - 124 338 910 1,151 1,298 931 598 878 1,611
9 6,201 - - - - 246 529 795 697 855 916 534 1,629
10 4,277 - - - - 97 506 501 493 556 725 676 723
11 2,508 - - - - 53 68 290 96 385 546 336 734
12 1,606 - - - - - 59 126 251 376 338 177 279
13 602 - - - - - - 79 44 203 154 76 46
14 291 - - - - - - 67 - - 90 82 52
15+ 380 - - - - - - - 176 117 - 87 -
Total CEB 132,959 73 1,506 8,841 17,197 18,735 20,627 12,613 10,858 9,996 8,112 8,676 15,725
Average CEB 1.84 .01 .11 .81 1.89 2.89 3.70 4.26 4.64 4.30 4.96 4.45 3.87

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 27,936 326 5,098 9,777 4,774 2,051 1,009 635 539 703 592 1,030 1,402
2 50,762 - 1,669 13,016 13,244 6,789 3,856 2,307 1,741 2,354 1,396 1,711 2,679
3 79,185 - 497 8,985 22,063 15,690 8,443 4,261 3,949 4,317 2,905 3,104 4,971
4 114,207 - 182 3,736 22,865 28,870 16,681 9,812 7,364 7,861 4,844 4,847 7,145
5 140,966 - - 1,366 12,444 35,117 29,718 15,075 11,851 10,098 6,389 6,863 12,045
6 164,017 34 - 227 6,019 26,742 40,421 25,483 17,202 14,245 9,468 8,813 15,363
7 137,360 - - 76 1,930 11,960 24,082 23,914 18,814 16,966 10,327 10,576 18,715
8 110,921 - - - 1,260 4,605 14,153 19,085 18,309 15,907 10,548 9,656 17,398
9 83,530 - - - 348 2,619 6,309 12,105 14,386 13,805 10,230 8,541 15,187
10 54,976 - 115 - 215 1,701 3,357 7,274 10,096 9,495 7,213 5,028 10,482
11 31,664 - - - - 828 1,868 3,672 5,130 6,480 4,214 3,171 6,301
12 15,729 - - - - 60 999 2,352 2,578 3,338 2,072 1,919 2,411
13 7,318 - - - - - 465 533 1,607 1,189 1,013 1,455 1,056
14 3,595 - - - - 157 248 242 541 1,052 352 358 645
15+ 2,006 - - - - - 93 256 288 504 75 496 294
Total CEB 1,024,172 360 7,561 37,183 85,162 137,189 151,702 127,006 114,395 108,314 71,638 67,568 116,094
Average CEB 2.71 - .13 1.00 2.51 3.99 4.97 5.70 6.05 5.83 5.78 5.25 5.12


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 22,220 325 3,376 7,485 4,108 1,772 1,164 475 450 603 364 648 1,450
2 43,174 12 1,108 10,167 11,747 5,842 3,423 1,869 1,870 1,504 1,085 1,353 3,194
3 58,696 - 289 5,671 15,321 11,283 7,401 3,235 2,801 2,983 2,395 2,562 4,755
4 81,996 - 73 3,015 14,957 17,297 12,331 6,356 6,204 4,601 4,195 4,069 8,898
5 95,450 - - 1,025 8,443 18,624 20,012 9,480 8,809 7,693 4,800 5,654 10,910
6 109,020 - - 637 3,934 16,689 23,685 14,187 11,402 10,161 6,663 7,361 14,301
7 92,193 - - 40 1,144 6,980 15,102 12,890 12,331 11,400 7,573 8,223 16,510
8 83,346 - - - 767 3,409 10,002 12,750 13,346 11,504 7,779 7,997 15,792
9 61,623 - - - 302 1,870 5,505 8,125 11,538 9,804 7,709 5,513 11,257
10 38,146 - - - 166 633 2,720 5,582 7,126 5,365 5,803 3,538 7,213
11 21,517 - - - - 370 1,195 1,770 3,883 4,722 3,030 1,702 4,845
12 10,380 - - - - 69 911 844 2,533 1,446 1,650 1,372 1,555
13 3,945 - - - - - 317 160 733 794 840 399 702
14 1,342 - - - - - 346 90 249 153 140 67 297
15+ 1,932 - - - - - 181 298 371 374 76 319 313
Total CEB 724,980 337 4,846 28,040 60,889 84,838 104,295 78,111 83,646 73,107 54,102 50,777 101,992
Average CEB 2.53 .01 .10 .94 2.35 3.71 4.73 5.48 5.83 5.74 5.74 5.07 4.79

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 7,057 134 899 2,615 1,500 534 437 171 141 188 84 93 261
2 12,630 - 216 2,908 4,069 2,046 1,160 480 389 343 175 322 522
3 14,101 - 68 964 3,991 3,431 1,973 819 551 584 522 434 764
4 16,298 - - 466 2,981 3,710 3,432 1,265 1,265 557 696 666 1,260
5 15,997 - - 80 1,325 2,993 4,059 1,721 1,462 1,262 851 910 1,334
6 15,020 - - - 191 2,145 2,845 2,809 1,857 1,291 861 1,022 1,999
7 11,282 - - - 78 647 1,732 1,856 1,814 1,295 792 915 2,153
8 7,875 - - - 42 288 1,317 653 1,120 1,225 805 762 1,663
9 5,074 - - - - 191 144 387 937 731 958 713 1,013
10 3,364 - - - - 121 171 258 374 463 524 347 1,106
11 1,592 - - - - - 62 - 261 177 102 60 930
12 676 - - - - - 69 - 178 121 121 130 57
13 200 - - - - - - - 66 64 - 70 -
14 71 - - - - - - - - - 71 - -
15+ 159 - - - - - 83 - - - 76 - -
Total CEB 111,396 134 1,183 7,033 14,177 16,106 17,484 10,419 10,415 8,301 6,638 6,444 13,062
Average CEB 1.83 .01 .10 .79 1.90 3.04 3.74 4.35 4.86 4.52 4.92 4.22 4.23


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 15,167 191 2,478 4,870 2,608 1,238 728 304 309 415 281 555 1,190
2 30,543 12 892 7,259 7,677 3,796 2,263 1,388 1,481 1,160 910 1,032 2,673
3 44,593 - 221 4,706 11,330 7,852 5,428 2,416 2,250 2,399 1,873 2,128 3,990
4 65,698 - 73 2,549 11,976 13,587 8,899 5,091 4,939 4,044 3,499 3,403 7,638
5 79,451 - - 944 7,118 15,631 15,953 7,759 7,347 6,432 3,949 4,743 9,575
6 94,001 - - 637 3,743 14,544 20,840 11,378 9,545 8,871 5,802 6,339 12,302
7 80,909 - - 40 1,066 6,332 13,370 11,033 10,517 10,105 6,781 7,308 14,357
8 75,471 - - - 725 3,121 8,685 12,097 12,226 10,279 6,975 7,234 14,129
9 56,550 - - - 302 1,680 5,361 7,738 10,602 9,073 6,750 4,800 10,244
10 34,780 - - - 166 513 2,549 5,324 6,752 4,901 5,278 3,190 6,107
11 19,923 - - - - 370 1,133 1,770 3,622 4,544 2,928 1,642 3,914
12 9,704 - - - - 69 842 844 2,355 1,325 1,529 1,242 1,498
13 3,744 - - - - - 317 160 667 730 840 328 702
14 1,271 - - - - - 346 90 249 153 69 67 297
15+ 1,773 - - - - - 98 298 371 374 - 319 313
Total CEB 613,578 203 3,664 21,005 46,711 68,733 86,812 67,690 73,232 64,805 47,464 44,330 88,929
Average CEB 2.71 - .11 1.00 2.54 3.91 5.00 5.71 6.00 5.94 5.88 5.23 4.88

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 34,838 498 7,282 10,715 5,385 2,265 1,500 1,181 884 1,186 944 1,089 1,909
2 63,750 - 3,030 16,350 15,579 7,898 4,921 3,237 2,541 3,033 1,847 1,773 3,541
3 90,224 - 657 11,487 21,733 17,437 10,351 6,882 4,656 4,585 2,852 3,530 6,054
4 112,648 - 274 5,386 21,689 26,016 17,184 10,684 7,386 7,047 4,182 4,709 8,091
5 125,707 - - 1,640 12,744 28,623 25,475 16,378 10,215 8,997 5,728 5,632 10,275
6 133,474 - - 751 6,871 23,678 29,993 20,756 13,656 11,885 7,259 6,799 11,826
7 98,809 - - 154 2,538 10,900 19,093 18,530 11,346 10,938 7,620 6,179 11,511
8 75,627 - - - 897 4,854 11,115 15,437 10,746 9,496 6,502 6,535 10,045
9 57,925 - - - 386 2,322 7,691 10,863 9,647 8,448 5,043 5,099 8,426
10 40,017 - - - 158 1,368 3,004 6,237 7,134 6,201 5,366 3,886 6,663
11 20,760 - - - - 550 1,809 3,497 2,839 3,861 2,404 2,595 3,205
12 13,452 - - - - 125 1,189 1,912 2,153 2,230 1,352 1,791 2,700
13 4,992 - - - - - 375 601 1,091 775 941 571 638
14 2,375 - - - - - 157 409 391 290 504 63 561
15+ 2,012 - - - - - 245 631 503 159 72 169 233
Total CEB 876,610 498 11,243 46,483 87,980 126,036 134,102 117,235 85,188 79,131 52,616 50,420 85,678
Average CEB 2.43 .01 .20 1.20 2.52 3.79 4.65 5.13 5.28 4.93 4.88 4.48 4.06


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 6,477 44 1,017 2,078 1,220 429 356 200 145 215 174 215 384
2 9,916 - 176 1,740 2,550 1,566 925 555 420 490 311 358 825
3 13,159 - 34 1,030 2,693 2,683 2,127 1,327 704 672 371 448 1,070
4 13,647 - 24 327 1,667 2,595 2,351 1,643 1,005 1,025 660 863 1,487
5 13,490 - - 156 721 1,979 3,315 1,813 1,107 1,107 842 859 1,591
6 13,738 - - 167 349 1,389 2,500 2,043 1,683 1,606 1,149 1,039 1,813
7 10,730 - - - 342 522 1,784 2,122 1,135 1,487 948 893 1,497
8 7,772 - - - 43 600 665 1,097 1,268 740 1,007 844 1,508
9 5,437 - - - - 282 385 659 986 994 660 692 779
10 3,373 - - - - 64 535 274 511 278 592 462 657
11 2,011 - - - - 59 - 158 319 525 139 357 454
12 2,058 - - - - - 66 141 75 431 108 523 714
13 520 - - - - - - 77 81 152 129 - 81
14 139 - - - - - - - - - 139 - -
15+ 98 - - - - - - - 98 - - - -
Total CEB 102,565 44 1,251 5,498 9,585 12,168 15,009 12,109 9,537 9,722 7,229 7,553 12,860
Average CEB 1.96 .01 .12 .83 1.85 3.00 3.82 4.28 4.89 4.49 4.68 4.45 3.66

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 28,360 454 6,265 8,636 4,165 1,836 1,144 981 739 971 770 874 1,525
2 53,831 - 2,854 14,610 13,029 6,331 3,996 2,682 2,121 2,542 1,535 1,415 2,716
3 77,064 - 623 10,457 19,040 14,753 8,224 5,555 3,952 3,913 2,481 3,082 4,984
4 99,002 - 250 5,059 20,022 23,421 14,833 9,041 6,381 6,023 3,522 3,846 6,604
5 112,219 - - 1,485 12,024 26,645 22,160 14,565 9,108 7,890 4,886 4,773 8,683
6 119,739 - - 584 6,523 22,290 27,493 18,713 11,973 10,280 6,111 5,759 10,013
7 88,080 - - 154 2,197 10,378 17,309 16,408 10,211 9,451 6,672 5,286 10,014
8 67,856 - - - 854 4,254 10,451 14,340 9,478 8,756 5,495 5,691 8,537
9 52,489 - - - 386 2,040 7,306 10,204 8,661 7,455 4,383 4,407 7,647
10 36,642 - - - 158 1,304 2,469 5,963 6,623 5,922 4,774 3,424 6,005
11 18,750 - - - - 491 1,809 3,339 2,521 3,336 2,265 2,238 2,751
12 11,397 - - - - 125 1,124 1,771 2,078 1,800 1,245 1,269 1,985
13 4,472 - - - - - 375 524 1,010 623 812 571 557
14 2,236 - - - - - 157 409 391 290 365 63 561
15+ 1,914 - - - - - 245 631 405 159 72 169 233
Total CEB 774,051 454 9,992 40,985 78,398 113,868 119,095 105,126 75,652 69,411 45,388 42,867 72,815
Average CEB 2.51 .01 .21 1.27 2.64 3.90 4.78 5.25 5.33 5.00 4.92 4.48 4.14


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 14,748 113 3,531 5,635 2,186 925 556 360 259 301 188 235 459
2 23,904 - 1,487 8,753 5,925 2,537 1,427 868 563 832 363 395 754
3 30,186 - 302 6,401 8,952 4,680 2,767 2,128 1,223 1,180 776 695 1,082
4 36,864 - - 3,198 9,638 8,795 4,500 3,393 1,822 2,012 894 992 1,620
5 38,599 - - 921 7,154 8,992 7,861 4,012 2,967 2,177 1,264 981 2,270
6 39,685 - - 625 4,019 9,019 7,740 6,594 3,400 2,838 1,293 1,664 2,493
7 27,184 - - 78 971 3,960 5,258 4,469 3,145 4,005 1,331 1,423 2,544
8 24,167 - - - 327 1,896 4,983 4,418 3,125 2,956 2,413 1,891 2,158
9 17,678 - - - - 825 2,476 3,987 2,779 2,771 1,925 978 1,937
10 12,769 - - - 55 274 1,676 1,811 2,709 2,296 1,492 1,212 1,244
11 6,194 - - - - 127 459 987 1,184 1,224 546 678 989
12 3,807 - - - - 70 292 419 847 616 397 391 775
13 1,213 - - - - - - 137 437 303 73 198 65
14 545 - - - - 225 75 - - - 245 - -
15+ 350 - - - - - 90 82 82 96 - - -
Total CEB 277,893 113 5,320 25,611 39,227 42,325 40,160 33,665 24,542 23,607 13,200 11,733 18,390
Average CEB 2.31 .01 .26 1.33 2.66 3.87 4.67 5.12 5.43 5.25 5.32 4.73 4.23

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 4,086 35 679 1,663 701 341 199 97 81 73 83 43 91
2 5,765 - 167 1,643 1,599 799 493 212 227 235 86 115 189
3 5,776 - 52 756 1,598 1,016 580 447 369 364 193 281 120
4 6,430 - - 306 1,226 1,709 1,134 806 312 365 135 135 302
5 7,364 - - 121 1,175 1,192 1,628 1,007 782 603 212 234 410
6 6,533 - - 94 564 1,065 1,374 842 787 695 323 280 509
7 4,132 - - - 108 490 776 649 574 693 269 168 405
8 3,498 - - - 56 340 835 787 328 319 490 101 242
9 1,681 - - - - 84 357 495 358 92 253 - 42
10 1,155 - - - - - 258 117 239 133 163 45 200
11 444 - - - - 63 69 - 45 50 69 - 148
12 317 - - - - - 83 53 51 130 - - -
13 188 - - - - - - 58 - - - 130 -
14 168 - - - - - - - - - 168 - -
15+ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total CEB 47,537 35 898 4,583 7,027 7,099 7,786 5,570 4,153 3,752 2,444 1,532 2,658
Average CEB 1.80 .01 .18 .93 2.02 3.02 3.98 4.39 4.24 4.11 4.38 3.23 3.59


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 10,661 78 2,852 3,972 1,486 584 357 263 177 228 104 192 368
2 18,138 - 1,320 7,110 4,326 1,739 933 657 335 596 277 280 565
3 24,413 - 250 5,645 7,355 3,664 2,187 1,681 855 816 583 414 963
4 30,436 - - 2,893 8,413 7,086 3,366 2,587 1,510 1,647 759 858 1,317
5 31,235 - - 800 5,979 7,800 6,233 3,005 2,185 1,574 1,053 746 1,860
6 33,152 - - 531 3,455 7,955 6,366 5,751 2,613 2,143 970 1,383 1,985
7 23,052 - - 78 863 3,470 4,482 3,820 2,571 3,312 1,062 1,255 2,139
8 20,669 - - - 271 1,556 4,148 3,632 2,797 2,637 1,923 1,789 1,916
9 15,997 - - - - 741 2,119 3,492 2,421 2,679 1,672 978 1,895
10 11,614 - - - 55 274 1,418 1,694 2,470 2,163 1,329 1,167 1,044
11 5,751 - - - - 64 390 987 1,138 1,175 478 678 841
12 3,489 - - - - 70 209 365 796 486 397 391 775
13 1,025 - - - - - - 79 437 303 73 68 65
14 377 - - - - 225 75 - - - 77 - -
15+ 350 - - - - - 90 82 82 96 - - -
Total CEB 230,359 78 4,422 21,029 32,203 35,228 32,373 28,095 20,387 19,855 10,757 10,199 15,733
Average CEB 2.46 - .29 1.47 2.85 4.10 4.87 5.29 5.76 5.54 5.59 5.09 4.36

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 11,339 162 1,400 4,073 2,713 1,034 537 308 171 224 119 164 434
2 17,339 - 442 4,118 4,964 2,527 1,732 840 695 601 358 359 703
3 19,108 - 85 1,315 4,940 3,544 3,025 1,653 893 1,108 791 579 1,175
4 19,490 - - 450 2,891 4,125 3,596 1,803 2,030 1,183 1,063 798 1,551
5 17,552 - - 143 1,131 2,672 3,975 2,055 1,433 1,738 1,101 856 2,448
6 18,091 - - 69 578 1,597 3,684 2,508 2,545 2,191 1,417 1,182 2,320
7 14,107 - - - 236 357 2,034 1,731 2,315 1,971 1,328 1,788 2,347
8 9,871 - - - 227 308 833 1,461 1,723 1,512 1,177 1,097 1,533
9 7,636 - - - - 152 395 738 1,679 811 973 882 2,006
10 4,643 - - - - 54 165 337 552 1,079 631 199 1,626
11 2,803 - - - - 60 302 365 425 279 512 283 577
12 1,123 - - - - - 66 - 67 255 372 119 244
13 835 - - - - - 214 219 71 66 130 - 135
14 453 - - - - - - 229 - - - 70 154
15+ 560 - - - - - - - 182 228 83 - 67
Total CEB 144,950 162 1,927 10,168 17,680 16,430 20,558 14,247 14,781 13,246 10,055 8,376 17,320
Average CEB 1.62 .01 .11 .60 1.54 2.52 3.52 4.09 4.75 4.62 4.81 4.35 4.07


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 11,339 162 1,400 4,073 2,713 1,034 537 308 171 224 119 164 434
2 17,339 - 442 4,118 4,964 2,527 1,732 840 695 601 358 359 703
3 19,108 - 85 1,315 4,940 3,544 3,025 1,653 893 1,108 791 579 1,175
4 19,490 - - 450 2,891 4,125 3,596 1,803 2,030 1,183 1,063 798 1,551
5 17,552 - - 143 1,131 2,672 3,975 2,055 1,433 1,738 1,101 856 2,448
6 18,091 - - 69 578 1,597 3,684 2,508 2,545 2,191 1,417 1,182 2,320
7 14,107 - - - 236 357 2,034 1,731 2,315 1,971 1,328 1,788 2,347
8 9,871 - - - 227 308 833 1,461 1,723 1,512 1,177 1,097 1,533
9 7,636 - - - - 152 395 738 1,679 811 973 882 2,006
10 4,643 - - - - 54 165 337 552 1,079 631 199 1,626
11 2,803 - - - - 60 302 365 425 279 512 283 577
12 1,123 - - - - - 66 - 67 255 372 119 244
13 835 - - - - - 214 219 71 66 130 - 135
14 453 - - - - - - 229 - - - 70 154
15+ 560 - - - - - - - 182 228 83 - 67
Total CEB 144,950 162 1,927 10,168 17,680 16,430 20,558 14,247 14,781 13,246 10,055 8,376 17,320
Average CEB 1.62 .01 .11 .60 1.54 2.52 3.52 4.09 4.75 4.62 4.81 4.35 4.07


This section presents the mortality level of the population of Tigray Region. In the
2007 Population and Housing Census Questionnaire information was collected
for women in their reproductive ages and referred to the total number of children
ever born and the number surviving. To get the data, all women aged 10 years
and over in a sampled household were asked the total number of sons and
daughters they ever gave birth. In the 2007 census the following two mortality
related questions were employed.

A) Household Deaths

The questionnaire was designed to obtain occurrence of deaths at household

level. It is based on one year reference period, which refers to an episode of
death in the household during the 12 months prior to the date of the census. The
answer categories were death by sex and age at death, which allows computing
deaths by sex and age-specific death rates at different administrative levels. The
appropriate reference dates of death occurrence in a sampled household were
given to the enumerator from May 29, 2006 to May 28, 2007. Death information
at household level was not collected in the 1994 Population and Housing
Census. In the 2007 census it is designed to obtain death information at different
administrative levels where vital registration system is not adequate in the

B) Maternal Deaths

The questionnaire was designed to obtain child bearing related deaths of women
12-49 years of age during the 12 months prior to the date of the census. The
answer categories were designed to know whether the death is related to child

bearing or not. If her death related to pregnancy, childbirth or within two months
of childbirth, the information will allow computing maternal deaths at different
levels. The appropriate reference date of death for women 12-49 years of age
were given to the enumerator from May 29, 2006 to May 28, 2007.

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female


10+ 1,562,854 3,825,252 3,219,123 1,998,598 1,649,363 1,826,654 1,569,760 2.4 .842 .825 .859
10 - 14 298,938 1,827 1,676 589 520 1,238 1,156 - .917 .883 .934
15 - 19 251,650 40,244 38,115 20,276 19,018 19,968 19,097 .2 .947 .938 .956
20 - 24 186,916 194,536 185,013 100,142 94,330 94,394 90,683 1.0 .951 .942 .961
25 - 29 157,848 379,538 356,274 196,387 182,575 183,151 173,699 2.4 .939 .930 .948
30 - 34 137,875 515,359 476,246 265,828 243,098 249,531 233,148 3.7 .924 .914 .934
35 - 39 121,365 566,181 507,095 295,152 260,382 271,029 246,713 4.7 .896 .882 .910
40 - 44 86,866 461,160 394,462 244,111 205,776 217,049 188,686 5.3 .855 .843 .869
45 - 49 70,592 397,990 330,675 209,073 171,368 188,917 159,307 5.6 .831 .820 .843
50 - 54 67,924 369,536 290,443 194,429 149,865 175,107 140,578 5.4 .786 .771 .803
55 - 59 45,652 248,156 187,674 130,887 96,580 117,269 91,094 5.4 .756 .738 .777
60 - 64 47,660 235,186 169,349 123,687 85,763 111,499 83,586 4.9 .720 .693 .750
65 - 69 32,118 157,762 109,713 82,927 55,192 74,835 54,521 4.9 .695 .666 .729
70 - 74 30,284 138,212 92,756 72,753 45,922 65,459 46,834 4.6 .671 .631 .715
75 + 27,166 119,565 79,632 62,357 38,974 57,208 40,658 4.4 .666 .625 .711


10+ 345,060 623,015 526,860 321,435 265,866 301,580 260,994 1.8 .846 .827 .865
10 - 14 53,840 486 441 157 134 329 307 - .907 .854 .933
15 - 19 65,751 7,955 7,633 3,895 3,740 4,060 3,893 .1 .960 .960 .959
20 - 24 55,853 42,600 40,911 21,722 20,691 20,878 20,220 .8 .960 .953 .968
25 - 29 42,393 76,481 72,132 39,630 37,107 36,851 35,025 1.8 .943 .936 .950
30 - 34 28,657 82,024 75,886 41,654 38,029 40,370 37,857 2.9 .925 .913 .938
35 - 39 25,397 94,137 84,949 48,293 42,782 45,844 42,167 3.7 .902 .886 .920
40 - 44 14,962 63,304 54,293 33,242 27,973 30,062 26,320 4.2 .858 .841 .876
45 - 49 12,010 57,024 48,269 29,493 24,531 27,531 23,738 4.7 .846 .832 .862
50 - 54 11,561 51,651 40,266 26,683 20,294 24,968 19,972 4.5 .780 .761 .800
55 - 59 8,148 39,336 29,500 20,360 14,943 18,976 14,557 4.8 .750 .734 .767
60 - 64 8,706 37,353 26,869 19,562 13,500 17,791 13,369 4.3 .719 .690 .751
65 - 69 6,293 26,714 17,861 14,095 8,896 12,619 8,965 4.2 .669 .631 .710
70 - 74 5,873 22,534 14,347 11,751 6,952 10,783 7,395 3.8 .637 .592 .686
75 + 5,616 21,416 13,503 10,898 6,294 10,518 7,209 3.8 .631 .578 .685

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 1,217,794 3,202,236 2,692,264 1,677,162 1,383,498 1,525,074 1,308,766 2.6 .841 .825 .858
10 - 14 245,098 1,341 1,235 432 386 909 849 - .921 .894 .934
15 - 19 185,899 32,289 30,482 16,381 15,278 15,908 15,204 .2 .944 .933 .956
20 - 24 131,063 151,936 144,102 78,420 73,639 73,516 70,463 1.2 .948 .939 .958
25 - 29 115,455 303,057 284,141 156,757 145,468 146,300 138,673 2.6 .938 .928 .948
30 - 34 109,218 433,335 400,359 224,174 205,068 209,161 195,291 4.0 .924 .915 .934
35 - 39 95,968 472,044 422,147 246,859 217,601 225,185 204,546 4.9 .894 .881 .908
40 - 44 71,904 397,856 340,169 210,869 177,803 186,987 162,366 5.5 .855 .843 .868
45 - 49 58,582 340,966 282,406 179,580 146,837 161,386 135,569 5.8 .828 .818 .840
50 - 54 56,363 317,886 250,178 167,746 129,571 150,140 120,607 5.6 .787 .772 .803
55 - 59 37,504 208,820 158,174 110,527 81,637 98,293 76,537 5.6 .757 .739 .779
60 - 64 38,954 197,832 142,480 104,125 72,263 93,707 70,217 5.1 .720 .694 .749
65 - 69 25,825 131,047 91,852 68,831 46,296 62,216 45,556 5.1 .701 .673 .732
70 - 74 24,411 115,678 78,410 61,002 38,971 54,676 39,439 4.7 .678 .639 .721
75 + 21,550 98,149 66,129 51,459 32,680 46,690 33,449 4.6 .674 .635 .716


10+ 255,747 643,680 541,506 337,882 278,717 305,798 262,789 2.5 .841 .825 .859
10 - 14 48,897 283 249 104 88 179 161 - .880 .846 .899
15 - 19 39,648 7,841 7,373 3,874 3,687 3,967 3,686 .2 .940 .952 .929
20 - 24 33,631 38,212 36,033 19,516 18,199 18,696 17,834 1.1 .943 .933 .954
25 - 29 27,854 71,399 66,505 36,405 33,417 34,994 33,088 2.6 .931 .918 .946
30 - 34 23,451 89,800 82,425 46,436 42,000 43,364 40,425 3.8 .918 .904 .932
35 - 39 19,949 94,735 83,900 49,380 42,984 45,355 40,916 4.7 .886 .870 .902
40 - 44 14,432 78,281 66,122 41,545 34,575 36,736 31,547 5.4 .845 .832 .859
45 - 49 11,216 64,583 52,937 34,185 27,448 30,398 25,489 5.8 .820 .803 .839
50 - 54 10,856 62,135 48,220 33,391 25,472 28,744 22,748 5.7 .776 .763 .791
55 - 59 6,859 38,433 29,287 20,507 15,446 17,926 13,841 5.6 .762 .753 .772
60 - 64 7,161 37,637 27,397 20,189 14,374 17,448 13,023 5.3 .728 .712 .746
65 - 69 4,529 24,056 16,577 12,815 8,390 11,241 8,187 5.3 .689 .655 .728
70 - 74 4,078 20,363 13,855 10,943 7,198 9,420 6,657 5.0 .680 .658 .707
75 + 3,186 15,922 10,626 8,592 5,439 7,330 5,187 5.0 .667 .633 .708

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 44,010 83,591 68,494 42,815 34,052 40,776 34,442 1.9 .819 .795 .845
10 - 14 6,755 36 31 5 - 31 31 - .861 - 1.000
15 - 19 7,514 1,191 1,153 537 537 654 616 .2 .968 1.000 .942
20 - 24 7,464 6,478 6,204 3,210 3,043 3,268 3,161 .9 .958 .948 .967
25 - 29 5,702 10,816 10,005 5,474 4,998 5,342 5,007 1.9 .925 .913 .937
30 - 34 3,951 11,484 10,291 5,635 4,935 5,849 5,356 2.9 .896 .876 .916
35 - 39 3,428 12,671 11,162 6,708 5,760 5,963 5,402 3.7 .881 .859 .906
40 - 44 2,032 8,341 6,882 4,211 3,337 4,130 3,545 4.1 .825 .792 .858
45 - 49 1,481 7,281 5,830 3,802 2,965 3,479 2,865 4.9 .801 .780 .824
50 - 54 1,458 6,633 4,711 3,510 2,455 3,123 2,256 4.5 .710 .699 .722
55 - 59 973 4,856 3,494 2,414 1,706 2,442 1,788 5.0 .720 .707 .732
60 - 64 1,129 4,768 3,179 2,538 1,634 2,230 1,545 4.2 .667 .644 .693
65 - 69 787 3,602 2,161 1,922 1,069 1,680 1,092 4.6 .600 .556 .650
70 - 74 707 2,731 1,694 1,504 872 1,227 822 3.9 .620 .580 .670
75 + 629 2,703 1,697 1,345 741 1,358 956 4.3 .628 .551 .704


10+ 211,737 560,087 473,015 295,064 244,666 265,023 228,349 2.6 .845 .829 .862
10 - 14 42,142 246 218 99 88 147 130 - .886 .889 .884
15 - 19 32,134 6,651 6,220 3,338 3,150 3,313 3,070 .2 .935 .944 .927
20 - 24 26,167 31,733 29,830 16,305 15,156 15,428 14,674 1.2 .940 .930 .951
25 - 29 22,152 60,583 56,500 30,931 28,419 29,652 28,081 2.7 .933 .919 .947
30 - 34 19,500 78,316 72,134 40,801 37,065 37,515 35,069 4.0 .921 .908 .935
35 - 39 16,521 82,064 72,737 42,672 37,224 39,392 35,513 5.0 .886 .872 .902
40 - 44 12,400 69,939 59,242 37,333 31,239 32,606 28,003 5.6 .847 .837 .859
45 - 49 9,735 57,302 47,107 30,383 24,483 26,919 22,624 5.9 .822 .806 .840
50 - 54 9,398 55,502 43,510 29,880 23,017 25,622 20,493 5.9 .784 .770 .800
55 - 59 5,886 33,578 25,794 18,094 13,741 15,484 12,053 5.7 .768 .759 .778
60 - 64 6,032 32,869 24,219 17,651 12,740 15,218 11,479 5.4 .737 .722 .754
65 - 69 3,742 20,454 14,416 10,892 7,321 9,562 7,095 5.5 .705 .672 .742
70 - 74 3,371 17,632 12,161 9,439 6,326 8,193 5,835 5.2 .690 .670 .712
75 + 2,557 13,218 8,927 7,246 4,697 5,972 4,230 5.2 .675 .648 .708

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 449,916 1,157,137 969,034 604,133 495,941 553,004 473,093 2.6 .837 .821 .855
10 - 14 88,578 433 400 195 178 238 222 - .924 .913 .933
15 - 19 70,077 9,067 8,529 4,698 4,269 4,369 4,260 .1 .941 .909 .975
20 - 24 48,298 46,023 43,860 23,790 22,398 22,233 21,462 1.0 .953 .941 .965
25 - 29 42,980 102,359 96,202 53,031 49,478 49,328 46,724 2.4 .940 .933 .947
30 - 34 40,858 155,929 144,286 80,581 73,682 75,348 70,604 3.8 .925 .914 .937
35 - 39 36,110 172,330 154,594 89,588 79,121 82,742 75,473 4.8 .897 .883 .912
40 - 44 25,253 139,621 119,202 74,131 62,326 65,490 56,876 5.5 .854 .841 .868
45 - 49 21,261 125,255 103,878 65,741 54,021 59,514 49,857 5.9 .829 .822 .838
50 - 54 20,913 118,310 93,338 61,954 48,089 56,356 45,249 5.7 .789 .776 .803
55 - 59 14,021 79,750 59,972 41,880 30,775 37,870 29,197 5.7 .752 .735 .771
60 - 64 14,817 76,241 54,803 39,690 27,375 36,551 27,428 5.1 .719 .690 .750
65 - 69 9,886 51,231 35,512 26,839 17,749 24,392 17,763 5.2 .693 .661 .728
70 - 74 9,374 45,129 30,622 23,778 15,121 21,351 15,501 4.8 .679 .636 .726
75 + 7,490 35,459 23,836 18,237 11,359 17,222 12,477 4.7 .672 .623 .724


10+ 72,176 132,963 112,902 68,908 57,307 64,055 55,595 1.8 .849 .832 .868
10 - 14 11,378 73 52 26 21 47 31 - .712 .808 .660
15 - 19 13,418 1,506 1,424 721 652 785 772 .1 .946 .904 .983
20 - 24 10,962 8,840 8,516 4,615 4,425 4,225 4,091 .8 .963 .959 .968
25 - 29 9,097 17,197 16,246 8,825 8,271 8,372 7,975 1.9 .945 .937 .953
30 - 34 6,479 18,737 17,314 9,985 9,071 8,752 8,243 2.9 .924 .908 .942
35 - 39 5,571 20,628 18,582 10,606 9,393 10,022 9,189 3.7 .901 .886 .917
40 - 44 2,958 12,614 10,982 6,576 5,682 6,038 5,300 4.3 .871 .864 .878
45 - 49 2,342 10,859 9,245 5,768 4,812 5,091 4,433 4.6 .851 .834 .871
50 - 54 2,326 9,995 7,742 5,127 3,890 4,868 3,852 4.3 .775 .759 .791
55 - 59 1,635 8,113 5,841 4,294 3,077 3,819 2,764 5.0 .720 .717 .724
60 - 64 1,950 8,675 6,328 4,393 3,031 4,282 3,297 4.4 .729 .690 .770
65 - 69 1,439 5,985 4,035 3,100 1,951 2,885 2,084 4.2 .674 .629 .722
70 - 74 1,390 5,092 3,468 2,654 1,685 2,438 1,783 3.7 .681 .635 .731
75 + 1,231 4,649 3,127 2,218 1,346 2,431 1,781 3.8 .673 .607 .733

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 377,740 1,024,176 856,134 535,227 438,634 488,949 417,500 2.7 .836 .820 .854
10 - 14 77,200 361 349 169 157 192 192 - .967 .929 1.000
15 - 19 56,659 7,561 7,106 3,977 3,618 3,584 3,488 .1 .940 .910 .973
20 - 24 37,336 37,183 35,343 19,175 17,973 18,008 17,370 1.0 .951 .937 .965
25 - 29 33,883 85,161 79,956 44,206 41,206 40,955 38,750 2.5 .939 .932 .946
30 - 34 34,379 137,192 126,972 70,596 64,611 66,596 62,361 4.0 .926 .915 .936
35 - 39 30,539 151,703 136,012 78,983 69,728 72,720 66,284 5.0 .897 .883 .911
40 - 44 22,295 127,007 108,220 67,555 56,644 59,452 51,576 5.7 .852 .838 .868
45 - 49 18,919 114,395 94,634 59,972 49,209 54,423 45,425 6.0 .827 .821 .835
50 - 54 18,587 108,315 85,596 56,827 44,199 51,488 41,397 5.8 .790 .778 .804
55 - 59 12,386 71,638 54,131 37,587 27,698 34,051 26,433 5.8 .756 .737 .776
60 - 64 12,867 67,566 48,475 35,297 24,344 32,269 24,131 5.3 .717 .690 .748
65 - 69 8,447 45,245 31,477 23,739 15,798 21,506 15,679 5.4 .696 .665 .729
70 - 74 7,984 40,038 27,154 21,125 13,436 18,913 13,718 5.0 .678 .636 .725
75 + 6,259 30,811 20,709 16,019 10,013 14,792 10,696 4.9 .672 .625 .723


10+ 287,073 724,977 604,711 377,399 307,055 347,578 297,656 2.5 .834 .814 .856
10 - 14 57,511 337 307 104 92 233 215 - .911 .885 .923
15 - 19 46,762 4,846 4,607 2,453 2,309 2,393 2,298 .1 .951 .941 .960
20 - 24 29,925 28,039 26,742 14,326 13,539 13,713 13,203 .9 .954 .945 .963
25 - 29 25,866 60,889 57,136 31,777 29,415 29,112 27,721 2.4 .938 .926 .952
30 - 34 22,886 84,839 78,682 43,625 40,035 41,214 38,647 3.7 .927 .918 .938
35 - 39 22,040 104,293 94,128 53,835 47,796 50,458 46,332 4.7 .903 .888 .918
40 - 44 14,251 78,111 67,886 41,464 35,601 36,647 32,285 5.5 .869 .859 .881
45 - 49 14,346 83,645 70,300 43,803 36,151 39,842 34,149 5.8 .840 .825 .857
50 - 54 12,743 73,107 57,791 37,884 29,110 35,223 28,681 5.7 .790 .768 .814
55 - 59 9,424 54,101 41,424 28,254 20,786 25,847 20,638 5.7 .766 .736 .798
60 - 64 10,009 50,777 37,273 26,637 18,678 24,140 18,595 5.1 .734 .701 .770
65 - 69 7,567 38,326 26,543 20,023 13,212 18,303 13,331 5.1 .693 .660 .728
70 - 74 7,054 32,626 21,562 16,903 10,345 15,723 11,217 4.6 .661 .612 .713
75 + 6,689 31,041 20,330 16,311 9,986 14,730 10,344 4.6 .655 .612 .702

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 60,728 111,401 95,444 57,368 47,827 54,033 47,617 1.8 .857 .834 .881
10 - 14 9,943 135 135 33 33 102 102 - 1.000 1.000 1.000
15 - 19 12,070 1,182 1,148 554 537 628 611 .1 .971 .969 .973
20 - 24 8,958 7,033 6,750 3,552 3,376 3,481 3,374 .8 .960 .950 .969
25 - 29 7,446 14,177 13,312 7,690 7,101 6,487 6,211 1.9 .939 .923 .957
30 - 34 5,306 16,106 15,070 8,054 7,456 8,052 7,614 3.0 .936 .926 .946
35 - 39 4,672 17,485 15,862 8,847 7,822 8,638 8,040 3.7 .907 .884 .931
40 - 44 2,393 10,419 9,157 5,501 4,758 4,918 4,399 4.4 .879 .865 .894
45 - 49 2,144 10,413 9,005 5,264 4,482 5,149 4,523 4.9 .865 .851 .878
50 - 54 1,835 8,302 6,690 4,147 3,225 4,155 3,465 4.5 .806 .778 .834
55 - 59 1,349 6,640 5,130 3,491 2,580 3,149 2,550 4.9 .773 .739 .810
60 - 64 1,526 6,446 4,763 3,300 2,300 3,146 2,463 4.2 .739 .697 .783
65 - 69 1,153 5,150 3,437 2,695 1,715 2,455 1,722 4.5 .667 .636 .701
70 - 74 998 3,995 2,725 2,097 1,287 1,898 1,438 4.0 .682 .614 .758
75 + 935 3,918 2,260 2,143 1,155 1,775 1,105 4.2 .577 .539 .623


10+ 226,345 613,576 509,268 320,030 259,228 293,546 250,040 2.7 .830 .810 .852
10 - 14 47,568 202 172 71 59 131 113 - .851 .831 .863
15 - 19 34,692 3,664 3,458 1,899 1,771 1,765 1,687 .1 .944 .933 .956
20 - 24 20,967 21,006 19,992 10,774 10,163 10,232 9,829 1.0 .952 .943 .961
25 - 29 18,420 46,712 43,824 24,086 22,314 22,626 21,510 2.5 .938 .926 .951
30 - 34 17,580 68,733 63,611 35,571 32,579 33,162 31,032 3.9 .925 .916 .936
35 - 39 17,368 86,810 78,267 44,989 39,974 41,821 38,293 5.0 .902 .889 .916
40 - 44 11,858 67,691 58,729 35,963 30,843 31,728 27,886 5.7 .868 .858 .879
45 - 49 12,202 73,231 61,295 38,538 31,669 34,693 29,626 6.0 .837 .822 .854
50 - 54 10,908 64,805 51,101 33,737 25,885 31,068 25,216 5.9 .789 .767 .812
55 - 59 8,075 47,463 36,295 24,764 18,207 22,699 18,088 5.9 .765 .735 .797
60 - 64 8,483 44,331 32,509 23,337 16,377 20,994 16,132 5.2 .733 .702 .768
65 - 69 6,414 33,176 23,107 17,328 11,498 15,848 11,609 5.2 .696 .664 .733
70 - 74 6,056 28,630 18,837 14,805 9,058 13,825 9,779 4.7 .658 .612 .707
75 + 5,754 27,122 18,071 14,168 8,831 12,954 9,240 4.7 .666 .623 .713

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 360,772 876,614 739,877 457,491 380,220 419,123 359,657 2.4 .844 .831 .858
10 - 14 69,386 498 476 91 80 407 396 - .956 .879 .973
15 - 19 57,324 11,244 10,755 5,573 5,304 5,671 5,451 .2 .957 .952 .961
20 - 24 38,897 46,484 44,592 24,156 23,030 22,328 21,562 1.2 .959 .953 .966
25 - 29 34,905 87,981 83,058 45,312 42,469 42,669 40,589 2.5 .944 .937 .951
30 - 34 33,231 126,037 116,762 64,678 59,412 61,359 57,350 3.8 .926 .919 .935
35 - 39 28,822 134,103 120,024 70,931 62,740 63,172 57,284 4.7 .895 .885 .907
40 - 44 22,868 117,235 100,015 61,665 51,911 55,570 48,104 5.1 .853 .842 .866
45 - 49 16,135 85,187 70,575 44,535 36,587 40,652 33,988 5.3 .828 .822 .836
50 - 54 16,052 79,133 61,133 41,666 31,580 37,467 29,553 4.9 .773 .758 .789
55 - 59 10,776 52,615 39,039 27,830 20,225 24,785 18,814 4.9 .742 .727 .759
60 - 64 11,266 50,420 35,197 26,465 17,822 23,955 17,375 4.5 .698 .673 .725
65 - 69 7,029 30,260 21,197 15,749 10,772 14,511 10,425 4.3 .700 .684 .718
70 - 74 7,064 28,837 19,366 15,136 9,587 13,701 9,779 4.1 .672 .633 .714
75 + 7,017 26,580 17,688 13,704 8,701 12,876 8,987 3.8 .665 .635 .698


10+ 52,447 102,567 84,021 52,653 42,269 49,914 41,752 2.0 .819 .803 .836
10 - 14 8,770 44 44 16 16 28 28 - 1.000 1.000 1.000
15 - 19 10,191 1,252 1,202 605 588 647 614 .1 .960 .972 .949
20 - 24 6,607 5,499 5,273 2,862 2,720 2,637 2,553 .8 .959 .950 .968
25 - 29 5,186 9,583 9,069 4,692 4,437 4,891 4,632 1.8 .946 .946 .947
30 - 34 4,060 12,169 11,268 6,105 5,524 6,064 5,744 3.0 .926 .905 .947
35 - 39 3,930 15,009 13,527 7,638 6,829 7,371 6,698 3.8 .901 .894 .909
40 - 44 2,828 12,109 10,187 6,401 5,317 5,708 4,870 4.3 .841 .831 .853
45 - 49 1,950 9,535 7,786 5,002 4,048 4,533 3,738 4.9 .817 .809 .825
50 - 54 2,164 9,723 7,113 5,049 3,601 4,674 3,512 4.5 .732 .713 .751
55 - 59 1,544 7,229 5,374 3,608 2,611 3,621 2,763 4.7 .743 .724 .763
60 - 64 1,699 7,554 5,313 4,012 2,778 3,542 2,535 4.4 .703 .692 .716
65 - 69 1,101 4,400 2,858 2,308 1,426 2,092 1,432 4.0 .650 .618 .685
70 - 74 1,210 4,432 2,638 2,203 1,209 2,229 1,429 3.7 .595 .549 .641
75 + 1,207 4,029 2,369 2,152 1,165 1,877 1,204 3.3 .588 .541 .641

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 308,325 774,049 655,854 404,837 337,951 369,212 317,903 2.5 .847 .835 .861
10 - 14 60,616 454 431 75 63 379 368 - .949 .840 .971
15 - 19 47,133 9,992 9,554 4,967 4,716 5,025 4,838 .2 .956 .949 .963
20 - 24 32,290 40,985 39,319 21,294 20,311 19,691 19,008 1.3 .959 .954 .965
25 - 29 29,719 78,398 73,990 40,620 38,033 37,778 35,957 2.6 .944 .936 .952
30 - 34 29,171 113,868 105,494 58,573 53,888 55,295 51,606 3.9 .926 .920 .933
35 - 39 24,892 119,094 106,497 63,293 55,911 55,801 50,586 4.8 .894 .883 .907
40 - 44 20,040 105,126 89,828 55,264 46,594 49,862 43,234 5.2 .854 .843 .867
45 - 49 14,185 75,653 62,788 39,533 32,539 36,120 30,249 5.3 .830 .823 .837
50 - 54 13,888 69,410 54,020 36,616 27,979 32,794 26,041 5.0 .778 .764 .794
55 - 59 9,232 45,386 33,665 24,222 17,614 21,164 16,051 4.9 .742 .727 .758
60 - 64 9,567 42,866 29,882 22,453 15,043 20,413 14,839 4.5 .697 .670 .727
65 - 69 5,928 25,862 18,339 13,442 9,346 12,420 8,993 4.4 .709 .695 .724
70 - 74 5,854 24,405 16,728 12,933 8,378 11,472 8,350 4.2 .685 .648 .728
75 + 5,810 22,550 15,319 11,552 7,536 10,998 7,783 3.9 .679 .652 .708


10+ 120,115 277,896 236,596 146,870 122,761 131,026 113,835 2.3 .851 .836 .869
10 - 14 21,489 114 96 43 43 71 53 - .842 1.000 .746
15 - 19 20,205 5,319 4,985 2,650 2,443 2,669 2,542 .3 .937 .922 .952
20 - 24 19,213 25,612 23,942 13,211 12,249 12,401 11,693 1.3 .935 .927 .943
25 - 29 14,759 39,230 36,380 20,455 18,754 18,775 17,626 2.7 .927 .917 .939
30 - 34 10,935 42,324 38,343 22,189 20,032 20,135 18,311 3.9 .906 .903 .909
35 - 39 8,606 40,160 35,162 21,017 18,075 19,143 17,087 4.7 .876 .860 .893
40 - 44 6,579 33,665 28,590 17,870 14,899 15,795 13,691 5.1 .849 .834 .867
45 - 49 4,520 24,541 19,765 13,287 10,553 11,254 9,212 5.4 .805 .794 .819
50 - 54 4,495 23,606 18,642 12,636 9,861 10,970 8,781 5.3 .790 .780 .800
55 - 59 2,483 13,201 9,744 7,153 5,156 6,048 4,588 5.3 .738 .721 .759
60 - 64 2,480 11,733 8,418 6,245 4,269 5,488 4,149 4.7 .717 .684 .756
65 - 69 1,622 7,476 5,101 4,110 2,637 3,366 2,464 4.6 .682 .642 .732
70 - 74 1,366 5,696 3,865 3,115 1,952 2,581 1,913 4.2 .679 .627 .741
75 + 1,363 5,219 3,563 2,889 1,838 2,330 1,725 3.8 .683 .636 .740

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 26,468 47,538 38,602 24,861 19,745 22,677 18,857 1.8 .812 .794 .832
10 - 14 3,917 35 29 24 24 11 5 - .829 1.000 .455
15 - 19 4,924 897 842 449 421 448 421 .2 .939 .938 .940
20 - 24 4,910 4,583 4,324 2,340 2,213 2,243 2,111 .9 .943 .946 .941
25 - 29 3,478 7,027 6,508 3,541 3,258 3,486 3,250 2.0 .926 .920 .932
30 - 34 2,347 7,097 6,195 3,556 3,107 3,541 3,088 3.0 .873 .874 .872
35 - 39 1,958 7,787 6,528 4,095 3,311 3,692 3,217 4.0 .838 .809 .871
40 - 44 1,268 5,571 4,440 3,116 2,416 2,455 2,024 4.4 .797 .775 .824
45 - 49 979 4,155 3,184 2,134 1,617 2,021 1,567 4.2 .766 .758 .775
50 - 54 913 3,751 2,690 1,950 1,370 1,801 1,320 4.1 .717 .703 .733
55 - 59 558 2,444 1,456 1,291 779 1,153 677 4.4 .596 .603 .587
60 - 64 475 1,532 1,024 857 511 675 513 3.2 .668 .596 .760
65 - 69 328 1,165 587 679 303 486 284 3.6 .504 .446 .584
70 - 74 220 722 334 414 179 308 155 3.3 .463 .432 .503
75 + 193 772 461 415 236 357 225 4.0 .597 .569 .630


10+ 93,647 230,354 197,996 122,005 103,017 108,349 94,979 2.5 .860 .844 .877
10 - 14 17,572 79 66 19 19 60 47 - .835 1.000 .783
15 - 19 15,281 4,421 4,144 2,200 2,023 2,221 2,121 .3 .937 .920 .955
20 - 24 14,303 21,029 19,618 10,871 10,036 10,158 9,582 1.5 .933 .923 .943
25 - 29 11,281 32,204 29,872 16,914 15,496 15,290 14,376 2.9 .928 .916 .940
30 - 34 8,588 35,227 32,148 18,633 16,925 16,594 15,223 4.1 .913 .908 .917
35 - 39 6,648 32,374 28,634 16,923 14,764 15,451 13,870 4.9 .884 .872 .898
40 - 44 5,311 28,094 24,151 14,754 12,483 13,340 11,668 5.3 .860 .846 .875
45 - 49 3,541 20,385 16,581 11,153 8,936 9,232 7,645 5.8 .813 .801 .828
50 - 54 3,582 19,854 15,952 10,685 8,491 9,169 7,461 5.5 .803 .795 .814
55 - 59 1,925 10,756 8,289 5,861 4,377 4,895 3,912 5.6 .771 .747 .799
60 - 64 2,005 10,200 7,394 5,387 3,758 4,813 3,636 5.1 .725 .698 .755
65 - 69 1,294 6,311 4,514 3,431 2,334 2,880 2,180 4.9 .715 .680 .757
70 - 74 1,146 4,974 3,530 2,701 1,772 2,273 1,758 4.3 .710 .656 .773
75 + 1,170 4,446 3,103 2,473 1,603 1,973 1,500 3.8 .698 .648 .760

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 89,231 144,952 127,402 74,827 64,673 70,125 62,729 1.6 .879 .864 .895
10 - 14 13,077 162 151 52 41 110 110 - .932 .788 1.000
15 - 19 17,634 1,926 1,865 1,028 1,006 898 859 .1 .968 .979 .957
20 - 24 16,952 10,168 9,845 5,144 4,915 5,024 4,930 .6 .968 .955 .981
25 - 29 11,484 17,681 16,993 9,408 9,042 8,273 7,951 1.5 .961 .961 .961
30 - 34 6,514 16,431 15,749 8,319 7,937 8,112 7,812 2.5 .958 .954 .963
35 - 39 5,838 20,558 19,287 10,400 9,666 10,158 9,621 3.5 .938 .929 .947
40 - 44 3,483 14,249 12,645 7,437 6,463 6,812 6,182 4.1 .887 .869 .908
45 - 49 3,114 14,780 13,221 7,523 6,609 7,257 6,612 4.7 .895 .879 .911
50 - 54 2,865 13,246 11,320 6,899 5,753 6,347 5,567 4.6 .855 .834 .877
55 - 59 2,089 10,056 8,207 5,263 4,191 4,793 4,016 4.8 .816 .796 .838
60 - 64 1,927 8,377 6,261 4,461 3,246 3,916 3,015 4.3 .747 .728 .770
65 - 69 1,485 6,413 4,783 3,391 2,433 3,022 2,350 4.3 .746 .717 .778
70 - 74 1,348 5,561 3,487 2,878 1,720 2,683 1,767 4.1 .627 .598 .659
75 + 1,421 5,344 3,588 2,624 1,651 2,720 1,937 3.8 .671 .629 .712


10+ 89,231 144,952 127,402 74,827 64,673 70,125 62,729 1.6 .879 .864 .895
10 - 14 13,077 162 151 52 41 110 110 - .932 .788 1.000
15 - 19 17,634 1,926 1,865 1,028 1,006 898 859 .1 .968 .979 .957
20 - 24 16,952 10,168 9,845 5,144 4,915 5,024 4,930 .6 .968 .955 .981
25 - 29 11,484 17,681 16,993 9,408 9,042 8,273 7,951 1.5 .961 .961 .961
30 - 34 6,514 16,431 15,749 8,319 7,937 8,112 7,812 2.5 .958 .954 .963
35 - 39 5,838 20,558 19,287 10,400 9,666 10,158 9,621 3.5 .938 .929 .947
40 - 44 3,483 14,249 12,645 7,437 6,463 6,812 6,182 4.1 .887 .869 .908
45 - 49 3,114 14,780 13,221 7,523 6,609 7,257 6,612 4.7 .895 .879 .911
50 - 54 2,865 13,246 11,320 6,899 5,753 6,347 5,567 4.6 .855 .834 .877
55 - 59 2,089 10,056 8,207 5,263 4,191 4,793 4,016 4.8 .816 .796 .838
60 - 64 1,927 8,377 6,261 4,461 3,246 3,916 3,015 4.3 .747 .728 .770
65 - 69 1,485 6,413 4,783 3,391 2,433 3,022 2,350 4.3 .746 .717 .778
70 - 74 1,348 5,561 3,487 2,878 1,720 2,683 1,767 4.1 .627 .598 .659
75 + 1,421 5,344 3,588 2,624 1,651 2,720 1,937 3.8 .671 .629 .712

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 4,288,175 2,104,207 2,183,968 39,995 22,561 17,434 .009 .011 .008

0 119,480 60,391 59,089 6,553 3,896 2,657 .055 .065 .045

1 - 4 510,825 259,597 251,228 8,639 4,893 3,746 .017 .019 .015
5 - 9 641,151 324,267 316,884 3,156 1,689 1,467 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 612,127 313,611 298,516 1,934 1,136 798 .003 .004 .003
15 - 19 489,043 239,437 249,606 1,748 917 831 .004 .004 .003
20 - 24 352,702 167,826 184,876 2,291 1,239 1,052 .006 .007 .006
25 - 29 282,517 125,197 157,320 2,110 1,036 1,074 .007 .008 .007
30 - 34 247,699 110,070 137,629 2,215 1,121 1,094 .009 .010 .008
35 - 39 223,914 102,757 121,157 1,641 865 777 .007 .008 .006
40 - 44 169,679 82,989 86,690 1,556 1,000 555 .009 .012 .006
45 - 49 137,285 66,755 70,530 966 550 416 .007 .008 .006
50 - 54 125,178 57,355 67,823 1,002 600 402 .008 .010 .006
55 - 59 94,701 49,114 45,587 702 442 260 .007 .009 .006
60 - 64 91,141 43,569 47,572 988 534 454 .011 .012 .010
65 - 69 67,291 35,222 32,069 799 506 292 .012 .014 .009
70 - 74 60,225 29,990 30,235 1,168 663 505 .019 .022 .017
75 - 79 30,513 17,473 13,040 658 375 283 .022 .021 .022
80 - 84 21,913 11,927 9,986 980 559 422 .045 .047 .042
85 - 89 6,675 4,330 2,345 443 287 156 .066 .066 .067
90 - 94 2,747 1,544 1,203 221 110 111 .080 .071 .092
95 + 1,369 786 583 224 140 84 .164 .178 .144

All Age 824,111 383,804 440,307 8,375 4,658 3,718 .010 .012 .008

0 19,399 9,828 9,571 990 617 372 .051 .063 .039

1 - 4 84,252 42,836 41,416 1,600 902 699 .019 .021 .017
5 - 9 97,564 48,691 48,873 457 231 227 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 104,936 51,438 53,498 288 164 124 .003 .003 .002
15 - 19 114,447 50,247 64,200 374 184 190 .003 .004 .003
20 - 24 93,877 39,609 54,268 513 276 237 .005 .007 .004
25 - 29 74,956 32,940 42,016 741 422 320 .010 .013 .008
30 - 34 53,536 25,057 28,479 634 373 261 .012 .015 .009
35 - 39 46,761 21,525 25,236 441 256 185 .009 .012 .007
40 - 44 31,031 16,210 14,821 375 241 133 .012 .015 .009
45 - 49 23,998 12,026 11,972 260 132 128 .011 .011 .011
50 - 54 20,180 8,693 11,487 241 154 87 .012 .018 .008
55 - 59 14,240 6,143 8,097 189 113 77 .013 .018 .010
60 - 64 14,168 5,530 8,638 223 99 124 .016 .018 .014
65 - 69 10,554 4,290 6,264 195 108 87 .018 .025 .014
70 - 74 9,757 3,909 5,848 235 143 92 .024 .037 .016
75 - 79 4,649 2,162 2,487 113 46 67 .024 .021 .027
80 - 84 3,662 1,577 2,085 216 77 138 .059 .049 .066
85 - 89 1,215 667 548 128 46 82 .105 .069 .150
90 - 94 601 263 338 99 41 58 .165 .156 .172
95 + 328 163 165 62 31 31 .189 .190 .188

All Age 3,464,064 1,720,403 1,743,661 31,619 17,903 13,716 .009 .010 .008

0 100,081 50,563 49,518 5,563 3,279 2,285 .056 .065 .046

1 - 4 426,573 216,761 209,812 7,038 3,991 3,047 .016 .018 .015
5 - 9 543,587 275,576 268,011 2,698 1,458 1,240 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 507,191 262,173 245,018 1,647 972 675 .003 .004 .003
15 - 19 374,596 189,190 185,406 1,375 734 641 .004 .004 .003
20 - 24 258,825 128,217 130,608 1,778 963 815 .007 .008 .006
25 - 29 207,561 92,257 115,304 1,369 615 754 .007 .007 .007
30 - 34 194,163 85,013 109,150 1,581 748 833 .008 .009 .008
35 - 39 177,153 81,232 95,921 1,200 608 592 .007 .007 .006
40 - 44 138,648 66,779 71,869 1,181 759 422 .009 .011 .006
45 - 49 113,287 54,729 58,558 706 418 288 .006 .008 .005
50 - 54 104,998 48,662 56,336 761 446 315 .007 .009 .006
55 - 59 80,461 42,971 37,490 512 329 183 .006 .008 .005
60 - 64 76,973 38,039 38,934 765 435 330 .010 .011 .008
65 - 69 56,737 30,932 25,805 604 398 206 .011 .013 .008
70 - 74 50,468 26,081 24,387 933 520 413 .018 .020 .017
75 - 79 25,864 15,311 10,553 545 329 216 .021 .021 .020
80 - 84 18,251 10,350 7,901 765 481 283 .042 .046 .036
85 - 89 5,460 3,663 1,797 315 241 74 .058 .066 .041
90 - 94 2,146 1,281 865 122 69 53 .057 .054 .061
95 + 1,041 623 418 162 109 53 .156 .175 .127

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 732,758 364,977 367,781 7,031 3,927 3,104 .010 .011 .008

0 23,702 12,004 11,698 1,033 571 462 .044 .048 .039

1 - 4 94,321 47,767 46,554 1,470 851 619 .016 .018 .013
5 - 9 109,859 55,380 54,479 584 301 282 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 100,662 51,803 48,859 392 222 170 .004 .004 .003
15 - 19 78,376 38,950 39,426 313 154 159 .004 .004 .004
20 - 24 64,542 31,135 33,407 456 228 228 .007 .007 .007
25 - 29 51,195 23,423 27,772 342 134 208 .007 .006 .007
30 - 34 43,848 20,428 23,420 439 243 196 .010 .012 .008
35 - 39 39,520 19,596 19,924 310 185 125 .008 .009 .006
40 - 44 30,044 15,630 14,414 331 212 119 .011 .014 .008
45 - 49 22,560 11,352 11,208 139 77 62 .006 .007 .006
50 - 54 20,175 9,328 10,847 202 129 73 .010 .014 .007
55 - 59 14,600 7,752 6,848 93 47 47 .006 .006 .007
60 - 64 13,883 6,728 7,155 202 120 83 .015 .018 .012
65 - 69 9,699 5,176 4,523 167 94 74 .017 .018 .016
70 - 74 8,320 4,252 4,068 211 132 79 .025 .031 .019
75 - 79 3,699 2,156 1,543 114 67 46 .031 .031 .030
80 - 84 2,630 1,445 1,185 130 99 31 .049 .069 .026
85 - 89 713 466 247 68 42 26 .095 .090 .105
90 - 94 284 140 144 10 - 10 .035 - .069
95 + 126 66 60 25 20 5 .198 .303 .083

All Age 106,229 48,312 57,917 1,280 726 554 .012 .015 .010

0 3,142 1,586 1,556 152 91 61 .048 .057 .039

1 - 4 12,013 5,981 6,032 270 142 128 .022 .024 .021
5 - 9 13,060 6,321 6,739 56 30 26 .004 .005 .004
10 - 14 13,406 6,672 6,734 66 35 31 .005 .005 .005
15 - 19 12,950 5,593 7,357 36 16 20 .003 .003 .003
20 - 24 11,826 4,485 7,341 77 41 36 .007 .009 .005
25 - 29 9,538 3,891 5,647 81 30 51 .008 .008 .009
30 - 34 7,077 3,143 3,934 106 71 35 .015 .023 .009
35 - 39 6,187 2,771 3,416 81 60 21 .013 .022 .006
40 - 44 4,246 2,224 2,022 66 36 31 .016 .016 .015
45 - 49 3,074 1,597 1,477 35 15 20 .011 .009 .014
50 - 54 2,508 1,053 1,455 56 41 15 .022 .039 .010
55 - 59 1,695 729 966 10 10 - .006 .014 -
60 - 64 1,746 620 1,126 30 15 15 .017 .024 .013
65 - 69 1,362 576 786 41 26 16 .030 .045 .020
70 - 74 1,171 468 703 36 25 10 .031 .053 .014
75 - 79 529 257 272 25 10 15 .047 .039 .055
80 - 84 451 211 240 31 16 15 .069 .076 .063
85 - 89 137 79 58 20 15 5 .146 .190 .086
90 - 94 72 34 38 5 - 5 .069 - .132
95 + 39 21 18 - - - - - -

All Age 626,529 316,665 309,864 5,751 3,201 2,549 .009 .010 .008

0 20,560 10,418 10,142 880 480 401 .043 .046 .040

1 - 4 82,308 41,786 40,522 1,200 709 491 .015 .017 .012
5 - 9 96,799 49,059 47,740 528 271 257 .005 .006 .005
10 - 14 87,256 45,131 42,125 326 187 139 .004 .004 .003
15 - 19 65,426 33,357 32,069 277 138 139 .004 .004 .004
20 - 24 52,716 26,650 26,066 379 186 192 .007 .007 .007
25 - 29 41,657 19,532 22,125 261 104 157 .006 .005 .007
30 - 34 36,771 17,285 19,486 333 172 161 .009 .010 .008
35 - 39 33,333 16,825 16,508 229 125 105 .007 .007 .006
40 - 44 25,798 13,406 12,392 265 177 88 .010 .013 .007
45 - 49 19,486 9,755 9,731 104 62 41 .005 .006 .004
50 - 54 17,667 8,275 9,392 146 88 58 .008 .011 .006
55 - 59 12,905 7,023 5,882 83 36 47 .006 .005 .008
60 - 64 12,137 6,108 6,029 172 104 68 .014 .017 .011
65 - 69 8,337 4,600 3,737 126 68 58 .015 .015 .016
70 - 74 7,149 3,784 3,365 176 107 69 .025 .028 .021
75 - 79 3,170 1,899 1,271 89 57 31 .028 .030 .024
80 - 84 2,179 1,234 945 99 84 16 .045 .068 .017
85 - 89 576 387 189 47 26 21 .082 .067 .111
90 - 94 212 106 106 5 - 5 .024 - .047
95 + 87 45 42 25 20 5 .287 .444 .119

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 1,239,741 609,152 630,589 11,175 6,515 4,660 .009 .011 .007

0 33,331 16,774 16,557 1,912 1,189 723 .057 .071 .044

1 - 4 147,722 75,129 72,593 2,910 1,698 1,212 .020 .023 .017
5 - 9 187,478 94,647 92,831 1,013 510 503 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 181,406 92,926 88,480 578 359 219 .003 .004 .002
15 - 19 139,102 69,466 69,636 476 258 218 .003 .004 .003
20 - 24 95,548 47,659 47,889 581 347 234 .006 .007 .005
25 - 29 74,539 31,666 42,873 462 233 229 .006 .007 .005
30 - 34 70,686 29,890 40,796 451 211 240 .006 .007 .006
35 - 39 66,529 30,452 36,077 395 198 197 .006 .007 .005
40 - 44 48,688 23,475 25,213 337 239 98 .007 .010 .004
45 - 49 40,158 18,913 21,245 223 109 114 .006 .006 .005
50 - 54 37,886 17,009 20,877 237 134 103 .006 .008 .005
55 - 59 29,283 15,286 13,997 207 146 62 .007 .010 .004
60 - 64 28,992 14,196 14,796 228 99 129 .008 .007 .009
65 - 69 21,400 11,524 9,876 197 120 78 .009 .010 .008
70 - 74 19,152 9,787 9,365 338 213 124 .018 .022 .013
75 - 79 9,041 5,189 3,852 141 109 32 .016 .021 .008
80 - 84 6,152 3,509 2,643 285 181 103 .046 .052 .039
85 - 89 1,782 1,162 620 119 99 20 .067 .085 .032
90 - 94 610 360 250 31 31 - .051 .086 -
95 + 256 133 123 53 32 21 .207 .241 .171

All Age 172,882 79,316 93,566 1,701 983 719 .010 .012 .008

0 4,338 2,211 2,127 212 146 66 .049 .066 .031

1 - 4 19,295 9,772 9,523 370 196 174 .019 .020 .018
5 - 9 21,444 10,765 10,679 80 41 40 .004 .004 .004
10 - 14 22,084 10,791 11,293 81 46 36 .004 .004 .003
15 - 19 23,655 10,548 13,107 95 65 30 .004 .006 .002
20 - 24 18,501 7,829 10,672 116 75 41 .006 .010 .004
25 - 29 14,852 5,823 9,029 101 71 30 .007 .012 .003
30 - 34 11,193 4,752 6,441 132 85 46 .012 .018 .007
35 - 39 10,134 4,583 5,551 76 36 40 .007 .008 .007
40 - 44 6,250 3,323 2,927 70 51 20 .011 .015 .007
45 - 49 4,729 2,397 2,332 55 20 35 .012 .008 .015
50 - 54 3,967 1,672 2,295 44 24 20 .011 .014 .009
55 - 59 2,726 1,114 1,612 35 15 20 .013 .013 .012
60 - 64 3,045 1,110 1,935 46 5 40 .015 .005 .021
65 - 69 2,302 872 1,430 25 15 10 .011 .017 .007
70 - 74 2,201 819 1,382 46 31 15 .021 .038 .011
75 - 79 1,011 432 579 15 15 - .015 .035 -
80 - 84 761 299 462 55 20 35 .072 .067 .076
85 - 89 234 133 101 20 5 15 .085 .038 .149
90 - 94 111 48 63 15 15 - .135 .313 -
95 + 49 23 26 10 5 5 .204 .217 .192

All Age 1,066,859 529,836 537,023 9,474 5,533 3,941 .009 .010 .007

0 28,993 14,563 14,430 1,701 1,043 658 .059 .072 .046

1 - 4 128,427 65,357 63,070 2,541 1,502 1,038 .020 .023 .016
5 - 9 166,034 83,882 82,152 933 469 463 .006 .006 .006
10 - 14 159,322 82,135 77,187 497 313 183 .003 .004 .002
15 - 19 115,447 58,918 56,529 380 193 188 .003 .003 .003
20 - 24 77,047 39,830 37,217 465 272 193 .006 .007 .005
25 - 29 59,687 25,843 33,844 361 163 199 .006 .006 .006
30 - 34 59,493 25,138 34,355 319 125 194 .005 .005 .006
35 - 39 56,395 25,869 30,526 319 162 156 .006 .006 .005
40 - 44 42,438 20,152 22,286 266 188 78 .006 .009 .003
45 - 49 35,429 16,516 18,913 168 89 79 .005 .005 .004
50 - 54 33,919 15,337 18,582 193 110 83 .006 .007 .004
55 - 59 26,557 14,172 12,385 172 130 41 .006 .009 .003
60 - 64 25,947 13,086 12,861 182 94 88 .007 .007 .007
65 - 69 19,098 10,652 8,446 172 104 68 .009 .010 .008
70 - 74 16,951 8,968 7,983 292 183 110 .017 .020 .014
75 - 79 8,030 4,757 3,273 126 94 32 .016 .020 .010
80 - 84 5,391 3,210 2,181 229 161 68 .042 .050 .031
85 - 89 1,548 1,029 519 99 94 5 .064 .091 .010
90 - 94 499 312 187 16 16 - .032 .051 -
95 + 207 110 97 42 26 16 .203 .236 .165

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 752,635 357,732 394,903 7,026 4,039 2,987 .009 .011 .008

0 19,517 9,934 9,583 1,257 779 478 .064 .078 .050

1 - 4 85,415 43,565 41,850 1,373 784 588 .016 .018 .014
5 - 9 115,636 58,484 57,152 427 242 185 .004 .004 .003
10 - 14 117,107 59,667 57,440 337 211 127 .003 .004 .002
15 - 19 89,969 43,508 46,461 284 148 136 .003 .003 .003
20 - 24 54,016 24,295 29,721 363 179 184 .007 .007 .006
25 - 29 42,339 16,541 25,798 406 259 148 .010 .016 .006
30 - 34 37,285 14,418 22,867 402 237 165 .011 .016 .007
35 - 39 36,339 14,350 21,989 334 206 128 .009 .014 .006
40 - 44 26,079 11,827 14,252 233 154 78 .009 .013 .005
45 - 49 25,659 11,321 14,338 148 68 80 .006 .006 .006
50 - 54 22,220 9,489 12,731 191 111 79 .009 .012 .006
55 - 59 18,288 8,866 9,422 95 63 32 .005 .007 .003
60 - 64 18,123 8,122 10,001 223 106 117 .012 .013 .012
65 - 69 15,038 7,483 7,555 148 90 59 .010 .012 .008
70 - 74 13,695 6,650 7,045 195 96 100 .014 .014 .014
75 - 79 7,388 4,229 3,159 159 68 90 .022 .016 .028
80 - 84 5,419 2,974 2,445 213 117 96 .039 .039 .039
85 - 89 1,944 1,295 649 85 42 43 .044 .032 .066
90 - 94 798 481 317 101 48 53 .127 .100 .167
95 + 361 233 128 52 31 21 .144 .133 .164

All Age 144,129 64,856 79,273 1,407 809 598 .010 .012 .008

0 3,612 1,809 1,803 210 143 67 .058 .079 .037

1 - 4 15,893 8,161 7,732 264 156 108 .017 .019 .014
5 - 9 18,822 9,360 9,462 89 42 47 .005 .004 .005
10 - 14 19,508 9,607 9,901 36 21 16 .002 .002 .002
15 - 19 21,284 9,402 11,882 63 21 42 .003 .002 .004
20 - 24 14,720 5,864 8,856 83 41 42 .006 .007 .005
25 - 29 11,788 4,388 7,400 167 114 53 .014 .026 .007
30 - 34 8,865 3,573 5,292 88 73 16 .010 .020 .003
35 - 39 7,974 3,348 4,626 73 47 26 .009 .014 .006
40 - 44 4,811 2,413 2,398 26 10 15 .005 .004 .006
45 - 49 4,022 1,884 2,138 21 10 10 .005 .005 .005
50 - 54 3,118 1,293 1,825 36 16 20 .012 .012 .011
55 - 59 2,190 839 1,351 31 21 10 .014 .025 .007
60 - 64 2,356 835 1,521 47 21 26 .020 .025 .017
65 - 69 1,785 639 1,146 52 21 31 .029 .033 .027
70 - 74 1,617 623 994 21 16 5 .013 .026 .005
75 - 79 798 373 425 5 - 5 .006 - .012
80 - 84 611 265 346 27 11 16 .044 .042 .046
85 - 89 203 104 99 16 - 16 .079 - .162
90 - 94 96 48 48 37 16 21 .385 .333 .438
95 + 56 28 28 15 10 5 .268 .357 .179

All Age 608,506 292,876 315,630 5,618 3,230 2,389 .009 .011 .008

0 15,905 8,125 7,780 1,047 635 412 .066 .078 .053

1 - 4 69,522 35,404 34,118 1,109 629 480 .016 .018 .014
5 - 9 96,814 49,124 47,690 339 201 138 .004 .004 .003
10 - 14 97,599 50,060 47,539 301 190 111 .003 .004 .002
15 - 19 68,685 34,106 34,579 221 126 95 .003 .004 .003
20 - 24 39,296 18,431 20,865 281 138 142 .007 .007 .007
25 - 29 30,551 12,153 18,398 239 144 95 .008 .012 .005
30 - 34 28,420 10,845 17,575 313 164 150 .011 .015 .009
35 - 39 28,365 11,002 17,363 261 159 101 .009 .014 .006
40 - 44 21,268 9,414 11,854 207 144 63 .010 .015 .005
45 - 49 21,637 9,437 12,200 127 58 69 .006 .006 .006
50 - 54 19,102 8,196 10,906 155 96 59 .008 .012 .005
55 - 59 16,098 8,027 8,071 64 42 22 .004 .005 .003
60 - 64 15,767 7,287 8,480 175 85 91 .011 .012 .011
65 - 69 13,253 6,844 6,409 96 69 27 .007 .010 .004
70 - 74 12,078 6,027 6,051 174 80 94 .014 .013 .016
75 - 79 6,590 3,856 2,734 153 68 85 .023 .018 .031
80 - 84 4,808 2,709 2,099 186 106 80 .039 .039 .038
85 - 89 1,741 1,191 550 69 42 27 .040 .035 .049
90 - 94 702 433 269 64 32 32 .091 .074 .119
95 + 305 205 100 37 21 16 .121 .102 .160

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 1,002,219 493,729 508,490 9,230 4,996 4,234 .009 .010 .008

0 27,241 13,688 13,553 1,350 727 623 .050 .053 .046

1 - 4 118,620 60,161 58,459 1,852 959 892 .016 .016 .015
5 - 9 154,872 78,510 76,362 705 420 285 .005 .005 .004
10 - 14 143,799 74,445 69,354 406 234 172 .003 .003 .002
15 - 19 113,563 56,484 57,079 456 275 182 .004 .005 .003
20 - 24 74,460 35,712 38,748 565 312 253 .008 .009 .007
25 - 29 62,691 27,845 34,846 518 222 295 .008 .008 .008
30 - 34 58,727 25,537 33,190 562 253 309 .010 .010 .009
35 - 39 52,062 23,273 28,789 378 156 222 .007 .007 .008
40 - 44 42,867 20,019 22,848 467 264 203 .011 .013 .009
45 - 49 32,447 16,327 16,120 284 186 98 .009 .011 .006
50 - 54 30,624 14,588 16,036 208 114 94 .007 .008 .006
55 - 59 22,916 12,153 10,763 181 114 67 .008 .009 .006
60 - 64 21,736 10,485 11,251 187 114 73 .009 .011 .006
65 - 69 15,047 8,032 7,015 186 130 56 .012 .016 .008
70 - 74 14,032 6,982 7,050 304 159 145 .022 .023 .021
75 - 79 7,950 4,631 3,319 171 109 62 .022 .024 .019
80 - 84 5,748 3,110 2,638 264 114 150 .046 .037 .057
85 - 89 1,584 1,039 545 93 73 21 .059 .070 .039
90 - 94 764 436 328 26 16 10 .034 .037 .030
95 + 469 272 197 67 47 21 .143 .173 .107

All Age 123,658 57,659 65,999 1,304 670 635 .011 .012 .010

0 2,398 1,199 1,199 82 41 41 .034 .034 .034

1 - 4 11,194 5,684 5,510 154 88 67 .014 .015 .012
5 - 9 14,468 7,222 7,246 92 46 46 .006 .006 .006
10 - 14 17,477 8,730 8,747 31 21 10 .002 .002 .001
15 - 19 18,844 8,793 10,051 61 41 21 .003 .005 .002
20 - 24 12,226 5,714 6,512 92 36 57 .008 .006 .009
25 - 29 9,430 4,285 5,145 169 82 87 .018 .019 .017
30 - 34 7,222 3,191 4,031 137 61 76 .019 .019 .019
35 - 39 6,686 2,782 3,904 77 36 41 .012 .013 .011
40 - 44 5,167 2,354 2,813 103 72 31 .020 .031 .011
45 - 49 3,584 1,642 1,942 35 24 10 .010 .015 .005
50 - 54 3,576 1,420 2,156 21 10 10 .006 .007 .005
55 - 59 2,562 1,026 1,536 36 20 15 .014 .019 .010
60 - 64 2,703 1,014 1,689 31 15 16 .011 .015 .009
65 - 69 1,803 711 1,092 25 5 20 .014 .007 .018
70 - 74 2,009 804 1,205 61 35 26 .030 .044 .022
75 - 79 1,014 471 543 16 5 10 .016 .011 .018
80 - 84 807 376 431 57 16 41 .071 .043 .095
85 - 89 268 144 124 10 5 5 .037 .035 .040
90 - 94 135 54 81 - - - - - -
95 + 85 43 42 15 10 5 .176 .233 .119

All Age 878,561 436,070 442,491 7,926 4,327 3,599 .009 .010 .008

0 24,843 12,489 12,354 1,267 686 581 .051 .055 .047

1 - 4 107,426 54,477 52,949 1,697 872 826 .016 .016 .016
5 - 9 140,404 71,288 69,116 613 374 239 .004 .005 .003
10 - 14 126,322 65,715 60,607 375 213 162 .003 .003 .003
15 - 19 94,719 47,691 47,028 395 234 161 .004 .005 .003
20 - 24 62,234 29,998 32,236 473 276 197 .008 .009 .006
25 - 29 53,261 23,560 29,701 348 140 208 .007 .006 .007
30 - 34 51,505 22,346 29,159 425 192 233 .008 .009 .008
35 - 39 45,376 20,491 24,885 301 120 182 .007 .006 .007
40 - 44 37,700 17,665 20,035 364 192 172 .010 .011 .009
45 - 49 28,863 14,685 14,178 249 161 88 .009 .011 .006
50 - 54 27,048 13,168 13,880 188 104 84 .007 .008 .006
55 - 59 20,354 11,127 9,227 145 93 52 .007 .008 .006
60 - 64 19,033 9,471 9,562 156 99 57 .008 .010 .006
65 - 69 13,244 7,321 5,923 161 125 36 .012 .017 .006
70 - 74 12,023 6,178 5,845 243 124 119 .020 .020 .020
75 - 79 6,936 4,160 2,776 156 104 52 .022 .025 .019
80 - 84 4,941 2,734 2,207 208 99 109 .042 .036 .049
85 - 89 1,316 895 421 83 68 16 .063 .076 .038
90 - 94 629 382 247 26 16 10 .041 .042 .040
95 + 384 229 155 52 36 16 .135 .157 .103

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 353,606 180,427 173,179 3,745 2,101 1,644 .011 .012 .009

0 11,727 5,962 5,765 825 511 314 .070 .086 .054

1 - 4 46,422 23,648 22,774 707 403 304 .015 .017 .013
5 - 9 51,718 26,354 25,364 338 163 175 .007 .006 .007
10 - 14 44,389 22,929 21,460 169 69 100 .004 .003 .005
15 - 19 38,537 18,625 19,912 146 63 84 .004 .003 .004
20 - 24 36,079 17,102 18,977 243 122 121 .007 .007 .006
25 - 29 29,710 15,050 14,660 194 90 105 .007 .006 .007
30 - 34 23,196 12,300 10,896 242 121 121 .010 .010 .011
35 - 39 17,842 9,259 8,583 131 79 53 .007 .009 .006
40 - 44 14,419 7,912 6,507 111 85 27 .008 .011 .004
45 - 49 10,280 5,757 4,523 94 58 37 .009 .010 .008
50 - 54 9,148 4,665 4,483 111 74 37 .012 .016 .008
55 - 59 5,883 3,404 2,479 73 42 31 .012 .012 .013
60 - 64 5,067 2,612 2,455 106 80 26 .021 .031 .011
65 - 69 3,540 1,923 1,617 53 32 21 .015 .017 .013
70 - 74 2,723 1,360 1,363 73 37 36 .027 .027 .026
75 - 79 1,329 748 581 27 11 16 .020 .015 .028
80 - 84 1,074 524 550 53 37 16 .049 .071 .029
85 - 89 329 193 136 26 16 10 .079 .083 .074
90 - 94 122 57 65 16 5 11 .131 .088 .169
95 + 72 43 29 5 5 - .069 .116 -

All Age 69,997 35,471 34,526 895 488 406 .013 .014 .012

0 1,947 994 953 157 76 81 .081 .076 .085

1 - 4 7,532 3,911 3,621 216 123 93 .029 .031 .026
5 - 9 8,182 4,131 4,051 52 20 32 .006 .005 .008
10 - 14 7,697 3,797 3,900 21 - 21 .003 - .005
15 - 19 8,218 3,507 4,711 45 20 25 .005 .006 .005
20 - 24 8,547 3,794 4,753 62 31 31 .007 .008 .007
25 - 29 7,305 3,881 3,424 36 26 10 .005 .007 .003
30 - 34 5,222 2,901 2,321 52 25 26 .010 .009 .011
35 - 39 4,158 2,214 1,944 41 36 5 .010 .016 .003
40 - 44 2,975 1,770 1,205 31 26 6 .010 .015 .005
45 - 49 2,408 1,421 987 36 10 26 .015 .007 .026
50 - 54 1,886 979 907 32 26 5 .017 .027 .006
55 - 59 1,336 782 554 25 15 10 .019 .019 .018
60 - 64 978 525 453 27 27 - .028 .051 -
65 - 69 735 408 327 5 - 5 .007 - .015
70 - 74 456 236 220 25 10 15 .055 .042 .068
75 - 79 191 109 82 6 6 - .031 .055 -
80 - 84 142 61 81 10 5 5 .070 .082 .062
85 - 89 50 32 18 10 5 5 .200 .156 .278
90 - 94 18 9 9 6 - 6 .333 - .667
95 + 14 9 5 - - - - - -

All Age 283,609 144,956 138,653 2,850 1,613 1,237 .010 .011 .009

0 9,780 4,968 4,812 668 435 233 .068 .088 .048

1 - 4 38,890 19,737 19,153 491 280 211 .013 .014 .011
5 - 9 43,536 22,223 21,313 286 143 143 .007 .006 .007
10 - 14 36,692 19,132 17,560 148 69 80 .004 .004 .005
15 - 19 30,319 15,118 15,201 101 43 58 .003 .003 .004
20 - 24 27,532 13,308 14,224 181 91 90 .007 .007 .006
25 - 29 22,405 11,169 11,236 158 64 95 .007 .006 .008
30 - 34 17,974 9,399 8,575 190 95 95 .011 .010 .011
35 - 39 13,684 7,045 6,639 90 43 48 .007 .006 .007
40 - 44 11,444 6,142 5,302 80 59 21 .007 .010 .004
45 - 49 7,872 4,336 3,536 58 48 11 .007 .011 .003
50 - 54 7,262 3,686 3,576 80 48 32 .011 .013 .009
55 - 59 4,547 2,622 1,925 48 27 21 .011 .010 .011
60 - 64 4,089 2,087 2,002 80 53 26 .020 .025 .013
65 - 69 2,805 1,515 1,290 48 32 16 .017 .021 .012
70 - 74 2,267 1,124 1,143 48 27 21 .021 .024 .018
75 - 79 1,138 639 499 21 5 16 .018 .008 .032
80 - 84 932 463 469 43 32 11 .046 .069 .023
85 - 89 279 161 118 16 10 5 .057 .062 .042
90 - 94 104 48 56 11 5 5 .106 .104 .089
95 + 58 34 24 5 5 - .086 .147 -

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 207,216 98,190 109,026 1,787 982 806 .009 .010 .007

0 3,962 2,029 1,933 177 119 57 .045 .059 .029

1 - 4 18,325 9,327 8,998 327 197 130 .018 .021 .014
5 - 9 21,588 10,892 10,696 88 52 36 .004 .005 .003
10 - 14 24,764 11,841 12,923 52 42 10 .002 .004 .001
15 - 19 29,496 12,404 17,092 73 21 52 .002 .002 .003
20 - 24 28,057 11,923 16,134 83 52 31 .003 .004 .002
25 - 29 22,043 10,672 11,371 187 99 88 .008 .009 .008
30 - 34 13,957 7,497 6,460 120 57 63 .009 .008 .010
35 - 39 11,622 5,827 5,795 93 42 52 .008 .007 .009
40 - 44 7,582 4,126 3,456 78 47 31 .010 .011 .009
45 - 49 6,181 3,085 3,096 78 52 26 .013 .017 .008
50 - 54 5,125 2,276 2,849 52 36 16 .010 .016 .006
55 - 59 3,731 1,653 2,078 52 31 21 .014 .019 .010
60 - 64 3,340 1,426 1,914 42 16 26 .013 .011 .014
65 - 69 2,567 1,084 1,483 47 42 5 .018 .039 .003
70 - 74 2,303 959 1,344 47 26 21 .020 .027 .016
75 - 79 1,106 520 586 47 10 36 .042 .019 .061
80 - 84 890 365 525 36 10 26 .040 .027 .050
85 - 89 323 175 148 52 16 36 .161 .091 .243
90 - 94 169 70 99 36 10 26 .213 .143 .263
95 + 85 39 46 21 5 16 .247 .128 .348

All Age 207,216 98,190 109,026 1,787 982 806 .009 .010 .007

0 3,962 2,029 1,933 177 119 57 .045 .059 .029

1 - 4 18,325 9,327 8,998 327 197 130 .018 .021 .014
5 - 9 21,588 10,892 10,696 88 52 36 .004 .005 .003
10 - 14 24,764 11,841 12,923 52 42 10 .002 .004 .001
15 - 19 29,496 12,404 17,092 73 21 52 .002 .002 .003
20 - 24 28,057 11,923 16,134 83 52 31 .003 .004 .002
25 - 29 22,043 10,672 11,371 187 99 88 .008 .009 .008
30 - 34 13,957 7,497 6,460 120 57 63 .009 .008 .010
35 - 39 11,622 5,827 5,795 93 42 52 .008 .007 .009
40 - 44 7,582 4,126 3,456 78 47 31 .010 .011 .009
45 - 49 6,181 3,085 3,096 78 52 26 .013 .017 .008
50 - 54 5,125 2,276 2,849 52 36 16 .010 .016 .006
55 - 59 3,731 1,653 2,078 52 31 21 .014 .019 .010
60 - 64 3,340 1,426 1,914 42 16 26 .013 .011 .014
65 - 69 2,567 1,084 1,483 47 42 5 .018 .039 .003
70 - 74 2,303 959 1,344 47 26 21 .020 .027 .016
75 - 79 1,106 520 586 47 10 36 .042 .019 .061
80 - 84 890 365 525 36 10 26 .040 .027 .050
85 - 89 323 175 148 52 16 36 .161 .091 .243
90 - 94 169 70 99 36 10 26 .213 .143 .263
95 + 85 39 46 21 5 16 .247 .128 .348

Table 7.9 Women Age 12-49 Years of Age and Deaths of Women 12-49 Years
of Age During the 12 Months Prior to the Census, by Urban-Rural
Residence and Age-Specific Death Rates: 2007
Death of Women During
Women in Conventional Pregnancy,Childbirth, or
Household within 2 months of Child Birth Age-Specific Death Rate
------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------------------
Urban+ Urban+ Urban+
Age Group Rural Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural


12 - 49 1,182,640 273,798 908,842 2,104 416 1,688 .002 .002 .002

12 - 14 174,832 32,806 142,026 130 36 94 .001 .001 .001

15 - 19 249,606 64,200 185,406 335 92 244 .001 .001 .001
20 - 24 184,876 54,268 130,608 444 88 356 .002 .002 .003
25 - 29 157,320 42,016 115,304 276 51 225 .002 .001 .002
30 - 34 137,629 28,479 109,150 465 67 398 .003 .002 .004
35 - 39 121,157 25,236 95,921 240 31 209 .002 .001 .002
40 - 44 86,690 14,821 71,869 130 31 99 .001 .002 .001
45 - 49 70,530 11,972 58,558 83 20 63 .001 .002 .001


12 - 49 197,781 35,202 162,579 502 91 410 .003 .003 .003

12 - 14 28,210 4,008 24,202 41 15 26 .001 .004 .001

15 - 19 39,426 7,357 32,069 82 15 67 .002 .002 .002
20 - 24 33,407 7,341 26,066 104 15 89 .003 .002 .003
25 - 29 27,772 5,647 22,125 78 15 63 .003 .003 .003
30 - 34 23,420 3,934 19,486 93 10 83 .004 .003 .004
35 - 39 19,924 3,416 16,508 52 5 47 .003 .001 .003
40 - 44 14,414 2,022 12,392 36 10 25 .002 .005 .002
45 - 49 11,208 1,477 9,731 15 5 10 .001 .003 .001


12 - 49 335,588 56,888 278,700 545 86 459 .002 .002 .002

12 - 14 51,859 6,829 45,030 42 5 37 .001 .001 .001

15 - 19 69,636 13,107 56,529 108 20 88 .002 .002 .002
20 - 24 47,889 10,672 37,217 125 10 115 .003 .001 .003
25 - 29 42,873 9,029 33,844 58 5 52 .001 .001 .002
30 - 34 40,796 6,441 34,355 99 16 83 .002 .002 .002
35 - 39 36,077 5,551 30,526 72 20 52 .002 .004 .002
40 - 44 25,213 2,927 22,286 26 - 26 .001 - .001
45 - 49 21,245 2,332 18,913 15 10 5 .001 .004 -


12 - 49 209,280 48,622 160,658 244 42 202 .001 .001 .001

12 - 14 33,854 6,030 27,824 10 - 10 - - -

15 - 19 46,461 11,882 34,579 36 10 26 .001 .001 .001
20 - 24 29,721 8,856 20,865 53 21 32 .002 .002 .002
25 - 29 25,798 7,400 18,398 5 5 - - .001 -
30 - 34 22,867 5,292 17,575 75 5 70 .003 .001 .004
35 - 39 21,989 4,626 17,363 27 - 27 .001 - .002
40 - 44 14,252 2,398 11,854 16 - 16 .001 - .001
45 - 49 14,338 2,138 12,200 21 - 21 .001 - .002

Table 7.9 Women Age 12-49 Years of Age and Deaths of Women 12-49 Years
of Age During the 12 Months Prior to the Census, by Urban-Rural
Residence and Age-Specific Death Rates: 2007
Death of Women During
Women in Conventional Pregnancy,Childbirth, or
Household within 2 months of Child Birth Age-Specific Death Rate
------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------------------
Urban+ Urban+ Urban+
Age Group Rural Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural

12 - 49 271,849 39,792 232,057 482 72 410 .002 .002 .002

12 - 14 40,229 5,394 34,835 21 5 16 .001 .001 -

15 - 19 57,079 10,051 47,028 41 5 36 .001 - .001
20 - 24 38,748 6,512 32,236 94 21 73 .002 .003 .002
25 - 29 34,846 5,145 29,701 98 15 83 .003 .003 .003
30 - 34 33,190 4,031 29,159 104 10 93 .003 .002 .003
35 - 39 28,789 3,904 24,885 67 5 62 .002 .001 .002
40 - 44 22,848 2,813 20,035 26 5 21 .001 .002 .001
45 - 49 16,120 1,942 14,178 31 5 26 .002 .003 .002


12 - 49 96,525 21,677 74,848 243 36 206 .003 .002 .003

12 - 14 12,467 2,332 10,135 16 11 5 .001 .005 -

15 - 19 19,912 4,711 15,201 36 10 27 .002 .002 .002
20 - 24 18,977 4,753 14,224 48 - 48 .003 - .003
25 - 29 14,660 3,424 11,236 26 - 26 .002 - .002
30 - 34 10,896 2,321 8,575 79 10 69 .007 .004 .008
35 - 39 8,583 1,944 6,639 21 - 21 .002 - .003
40 - 44 6,507 1,205 5,302 16 6 11 .002 .005 .002
45 - 49 4,523 987 3,536 - - - - - -


12 - 49 71,617 71,617 - 88 88 - .001 .001 -

12 - 14 8,213 8,213 - - - - - - -
15 - 19 17,092 17,092 - 31 31 - .002 .002 -
20 - 24 16,134 16,134 - 21 21 - .001 .001 -
25 - 29 11,371 11,371 - 10 10 - .001 .001 -
30 - 34 6,460 6,460 - 16 16 - .002 .002 -
35 - 39 5,795 5,795 - - - - - - -
40 - 44 3,456 3,456 - 10 10 - .003 .003 -
45 - 49 3,096 3,096 - - - - - - -



Definition of Terms

A housing unit is defined as a separate and independent place of abode, either

intended for habitation or not intended for habitation but occupied as a living quarter by
a household at the time of the census. A housing unit may at the time of the census be
occupied by one or more households or may be used partly for living and partly for

Residential Housing Unit is defined as a housing unit used only for habitation at the
time of the census.

Partial Residential Housing Unit is defined as a housing unit used for habitation and
establishment at the time of the census.

A room is defined as a space enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or
roof at least to a height of two meters and having an area of at least four square meters
(i.e. a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult). Except for bathrooms, toilets and
passage ways all other rooms found in the housing unit were considered as rooms.

A kitchen is defined as a room primarily used for cooking meals. However, it worth
mentioning that especially in most rural areas of the country, due to lack of adequate
rooms or space in the housing unit, some persons or some livestock may also spend
the night in the kitchen.

A modern kitchen is defined as a kitchen that has piped water and a sink.

The 2007 Population and Housing Census questionnaire included a detailed set of
housing questions that were administered both in urban and rural areas. Information on
housing characteristics and conditions were collected on the long questionnaire for all
occupied residential and partly residential housing units. When a housing unit was

occupied by more than one households enumerators were instructed to collect housing
units information only from the sampled household.

In the 2007 Population and Housing Census the following housing units information
were collected:

1. bathing facility,
2. toilet facility,
3. whether a housing unit has traditional or modern type of kitchen,
4. source of drinking water supply,
5. source of power for lighting,
6. type of fuel used for cooking,
7. availability of radio, television and telephone sets,
8. number of rooms,
9. type of waste disposal,
10. whether domestic animals spent the night in the room where member of the
household spend the (census) night,
11. whether there was a separate room in the housing unit that was used mainly
as kitchen,
12. type of building,
13. type of construction material of walls, roofs, floors, and ceilings,

The census also collected information regarding the status of tenure of housing units.
Tenure refers to the arrangements under which the household occupied its living
quarters. A housing unit is said to be owner occupied, if the occupant household owns
it and it is free from rent. Similarly, a housing unit is considered as rented if the
household living in it pays rent to a private individual or to Kebele office or to an Agency
for the Administration of Rented Housing or to other organizations. There are also
housing units occupied by households paying difference in rent. These are households
that own another housing unit elsewhere that is rented for a lesser or greater rent
compared to the rent of the housing unit the household is occupying at the time of

The data on number of rooms per occupied housing unit and number of persons living
per room has been also calculated. Here it should be noted that the averages were
calculated for conventional population and conventional housing units. During the
presentation of the result, some tables refer to urban areas only, while some others may
refer to both urban and rural areas. A few tables refer to rural areas only.

During the 1994 Population and Housing Census different census forms with housing
questions were employed in the rural and urban parts. The data on housing collected in
the urban areas was relatively detailed while the data collected in the rural areas was
limited. In the 2007 Population and Housing Census, however, the same type of
housing questions was employed. Also, the census collected information whether two or
more households shared some toilet and kitchen facilities.

Table 8.1 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Housing Unit: 2007
Type of Housing Unit
All ---------------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing
Area Units Conventional Improvised Mobile Others

TIGRAY-REGION 231,827 225,683 6,006 128 10

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 30,993 367 - -

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,902 51 - -

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,902 51 - -

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,464 15 - -

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,464 15 - -

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 3,136 10 - -

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 2,166 - - -

ZANA-TOWN 980 970 10 - -

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 2,923 29 - -

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 2,923 29 - -

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 2,365 10 - -

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 2,365 10 - -

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 13,352 199 - -

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 13,352 199 - -

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 4,851 53 - -

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 4,851 53 - -

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 49,964 1,123 39 -

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 2,376 10 - -

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 2,376 10 - -

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 6,373 216 15 -

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 1,542 99 5 -

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 2,962 96 5 -

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 659 - - -

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,235 1,210 20 5 -

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,604 4,523 67 14 -

NEBELAT-TOWN 970 942 14 14 -

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 2,471 53 - -

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 1,110 - - -

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 3,107 35 - -

CHILA-TOWN 884 874 10 - -

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 2,233 25 - -

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 646 - - -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 646 - - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 2,017 154 - -

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 2,017 154 - -

Table 8.1 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Housing Unit: 2007
Type of Housing Unit
All ---------------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing
Area Units Conventional Improvised Mobile Others
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,936 - - -

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,936 - - -

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 4,419 265 - -

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 4,419 265 - -

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 11,851 258 5 -

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 11,851 258 5 -

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,837 12,715 117 5 -

AXUM-TOWN 12,837 12,715 117 5 -

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 40,526 706 21 5

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 2,551 46 5 -

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,717 36 - -

FATSI-TOWN 849 834 10 5 -

EROB-WEREDA 661 546 115 - -

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 546 115 - -

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 5,091 121 - -

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 3,212 116 - -

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 1,879 5 - -

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 1,150 - - -

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 1,150 - - -

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 2,020 148 - -

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 2,020 148 - -

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 1,389 - - -

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 1,389 - - -

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 3,106 5 - -

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 2,278 5 - -

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 828 - - -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,973 15,818 139 16 -

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,973 15,818 139 16 -

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 8,855 133 - 5

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 8,855 133 - 5

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 33,612 1,257 10 5

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,401 97 - -

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 1,037 81 - -

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,364 16 - -

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 2,869 183 - -

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,946 115 - -

HIWANE-TOWN 991 923 68 - -

Table 8.1 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Housing Unit: 2007
Type of Housing Unit
All ---------------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing
Area Units Conventional Improvised Mobile Others

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 2,009 57 10 -

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 2,009 57 10 -


MESWAET-TOWN 882 882 - - -

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 4,322 122 - -

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 3,707 106 - -

CHERCHER-TOWN 631 615 16 - -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,232 20 - -

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,232 20 - -

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 6,969 132 - -

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 6,969 132 - -

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 4,435 297 - -

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 4,435 297 - -

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 8,494 349 - 5

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 8,494 349 - 5

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 17,480 998 10 -

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 7,092 435 - -

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 2,327 25 - -

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,691 140 - -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,074 270 - -

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 2,643 - - -

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,231 - - -

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 1,412 - - -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 2,084 263 - -

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 554 15 - -

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 1,530 248 - -

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 5,661 300 10 -

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 5,661 300 10 -

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,710 53,108 1,555 47 -

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 22,944 767 16 -

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 22,944 767 16 -

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 30,164 787 31 -

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 30,164 787 31 -

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks


Urban+Rural 957,683 197,864 27,204 641,564 55,205 21,396 2,995 1,031 7,006 333 2,231 854
Urban 231,825 74,284 2,121 81,962 45,610 19,408 1,858 866 3,797 115 1,552 252
Rural 725,858 123,580 25,083 559,602 9,595 1,988 1,137 165 3,209 218 679 602


Urban+Rural 161,141 28,916 4,106 115,180 6,130 5,138 545 153 511 10 385 67
Urban 31,360 17,054 32 5,124 3,895 4,587 439 46 57 - 116 10
Rural 129,781 11,862 4,074 110,056 2,235 551 106 107 454 10 269 57


Urban+Rural 19,139 2,135 425 15,112 720 283 26 107 52 - 263 16

Urban 1,952 254 - 1,246 295 122 15 - 20 - - -
Rural 17,187 1,881 425 13,866 425 161 11 107 32 - 263 16


Urban+Rural 24,407 3,082 242 19,956 988 56 10 - 68 - - 5

Urban 2,479 1,012 - 744 673 35 10 - - - - 5
Rural 21,928 2,070 242 19,212 315 21 - - 68 - - -


Urban+Rural 26,918 2,107 415 23,334 883 115 21 - 43 - - -

Urban 3,145 1,091 5 1,291 638 110 10 - - - - -
Rural 23,773 1,016 410 22,043 245 5 11 - 43 - - -


Urban+Rural 13,841 1,171 302 11,872 237 178 - - 76 - 5 -

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,841 1,171 302 11,872 237 178 - - 76 - 5 -


Urban+Rural 28,574 5,235 1,213 20,337 1,146 343 95 - 190 10 5 -

Urban 2,952 2,159 - 293 317 168 10 - - - 5 -
Rural 25,622 3,076 1,213 20,044 829 175 85 - 190 10 - -

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks

Urban+Rural 29,805 4,546 1,482 23,107 354 195 34 - 46 - - 41

Urban 2,375 1,898 - 88 170 185 34 - - - - -
Rural 27,430 2,648 1,482 23,019 184 10 - - 46 - - 41


Urban+Rural 13,550 8,310 - 622 1,269 3,120 163 36 20 - 5 5

Urban 13,550 8,310 - 622 1,269 3,120 163 36 20 - 5 5
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 4,905 2,330 27 840 532 846 197 11 16 - 106 -

Urban 4,905 2,330 27 840 532 846 197 11 16 - 106 -
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 269,877 17,107 4,541 225,348 16,933 3,860 365 123 942 58 276 324
Urban 51,126 5,194 91 27,780 13,655 3,639 339 107 154 5 106 56
Rural 218,751 11,913 4,450 197,568 3,278 221 26 16 788 53 170 268


Urban+Rural 22,530 1,527 736 17,359 904 1,674 168 10 105 5 10 32

Urban 2,385 228 5 132 305 1,553 147 5 - - 10 -
Rural 20,145 1,299 731 17,227 599 121 21 5 105 5 - 32


Urban+Rural 37,482 2,750 353 31,776 2,200 70 15 - 276 32 - 10

Urban 6,604 1,230 5 3,562 1,709 44 10 - 39 - - 5
Rural 30,878 1,520 348 28,214 491 26 5 - 237 32 - 5


Urban+Rural 31,090 1,378 458 28,567 515 10 10 - 127 5 5 15

Urban 4,606 77 19 4,136 316 5 10 - 33 - 5 5
Rural 26,484 1,301 439 24,431 199 5 - - 94 5 - 10


Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks

Urban+Rural 19,524 691 335 17,744 393 32 - 5 154 - 170 -

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,524 691 335 17,744 393 32 - 5 154 - 170 -


Urban+Rural 14,203 245 84 13,660 198 - - - 16 - - -

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,203 245 84 13,660 198 - - - 16 - - -


Urban+Rural 21,545 559 262 20,094 585 25 5 - 10 - - 5

Urban 3,142 56 - 2,644 412 25 5 - - - - -
Rural 18,403 503 262 17,450 173 - - - 10 - - 5


Urban+Rural 22,477 892 1,136 19,920 457 10 - - 36 10 - 16

Urban 646 - - 443 203 - - - - - - -
Rural 21,831 892 1,136 19,477 254 10 - - 36 10 - 16


Urban+Rural 28,028 2,541 158 24,837 406 10 - - 66 - - 10

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,028 2,541 158 24,837 406 10 - - 66 - - 10


Urban+Rural 24,591 3,908 845 19,477 154 138 5 5 59 - - -

Urban 2,170 1,942 - 53 21 133 5 - 16 - - -
Rural 22,421 1,966 845 19,424 133 5 - 5 43 - - -


Urban+Rural 18,768 956 134 16,360 1,026 56 15 - 31 - - 190

Urban 1,936 - 21 1,255 594 46 15 - 5 - - -
Rural 16,832 956 113 15,105 432 10 - - 26 - - 190


Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks
Urban+Rural 4,684 175 5 2,746 1,573 165 10 - 10 - - -
Urban 4,684 175 5 2,746 1,573 165 10 - 10 - - -
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 12,113 440 5 5,979 4,628 784 91 40 20 5 81 40

Urban 12,113 440 5 5,979 4,628 784 91 40 20 5 81 40
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 12,838 1,046 31 6,830 3,895 883 46 61 31 - 10 5

Urban 12,838 1,046 31 6,830 3,895 883 46 61 31 - 10 5
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,485 10,105 854 135,658 14,429 2,664 276 223 982 5 1,216 73
Urban 41,258 3,619 51 21,591 11,534 2,539 243 213 340 - 1,092 36
Rural 125,227 6,486 803 114,067 2,895 125 33 10 642 5 124 37


Urban+Rural 17,673 508 78 14,637 1,756 275 52 - 340 - 11 16

Urban 2,601 - 5 1,390 847 208 35 - 106 - - 10
Rural 15,072 508 73 13,247 909 67 17 - 234 - 11 6


Urban+Rural 5,165 375 98 3,933 156 360 57 - 176 - - 10

Urban 661 10 5 94 52 344 57 - 94 - - 5
Rural 4,504 365 93 3,839 104 16 - - 82 - - 5


Urban+Rural 29,256 977 105 26,131 1,888 36 5 - 104 - 5 5

Urban 5,211 10 - 3,847 1,329 15 - - 10 - - -
Rural 24,045 967 105 22,284 559 21 5 - 94 - 5 5


Urban+Rural 18,854 816 43 17,153 649 21 11 - 64 - 97 -

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks
Urban 1,150 - - 743 397 10 - - - - - -
Rural 17,704 816 43 16,410 252 11 11 - 64 - 97 -


Urban+Rural 24,106 863 26 21,886 1,188 30 - - 93 5 10 5

Urban 2,169 20 - 1,294 795 30 - - 30 - - -
Rural 21,937 843 26 20,592 393 - - - 63 5 10 5


Urban+Rural 20,931 1,063 199 18,985 607 46 - 5 26 - - -

Urban 1,389 216 5 813 309 46 - - - - - -
Rural 19,542 847 194 18,172 298 - - 5 26 - - -


Urban+Rural 25,533 2,394 271 21,768 929 72 - 5 78 - - 16

Urban 3,111 255 - 2,245 549 62 - - - - - -
Rural 22,422 2,139 271 19,523 380 10 - 5 78 - - 16


Urban+Rural 15,972 112 5 9,664 4,443 293 53 208 91 - 1,087 16

Urban 15,972 112 5 9,664 4,443 293 53 208 91 - 1,087 16
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 8,993 2,996 31 1,501 2,812 1,531 97 5 10 - 5 5

Urban 8,993 2,996 31 1,501 2,812 1,531 97 5 10 - 5 5
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 226,121 96,576 6,979 118,719 2,006 840 104 15 536 129 - 217
Urban 34,886 28,125 286 4,361 983 746 94 10 209 5 - 67
Rural 191,235 68,451 6,693 114,358 1,023 94 10 5 327 124 - 150


Urban+Rural 25,838 1,454 505 23,387 413 10 - - 37 16 - 16

Urban 2,498 56 101 2,037 278 5 - - 21 - - -

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks
Rural 23,340 1,398 404 21,350 135 5 - - 16 16 - 16


Urban+Rural 23,858 2,181 348 20,912 327 16 5 - 58 - - 11

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,858 2,181 348 20,912 327 16 5 - 58 - - 11


Urban+Rural 33,129 11,604 465 20,254 647 96 38 - 10 10 - 5

Urban 3,052 771 5 1,751 401 86 38 - - - - -
Rural 30,077 10,833 460 18,503 246 10 - - 10 10 - 5


Urban+Rural 23,950 6,266 720 16,717 124 10 5 - 93 - - 15

Urban 2,075 1,689 10 351 5 10 5 - - - - 5
Rural 21,875 4,577 710 16,366 119 - - - 93 - - 10


Urban+Rural 18,371 5,637 596 12,050 73 10 - - 5 - - -

Urban 882 877 - - - 5 - - - - - -
Rural 17,489 4,760 596 12,050 73 5 - - 5 - - -


Urban+Rural 31,468 28,883 2,048 123 41 192 10 5 78 47 - 41

Urban 4,443 4,202 5 30 25 161 10 - - - - 10
Rural 27,025 24,681 2,043 93 16 31 - 5 78 47 - 31


Urban+Rural 20,106 14,898 1,415 3,589 10 25 5 - 36 51 - 77

Urban 1,252 1,196 36 - - 10 - - 5 - - 5
Rural 18,854 13,702 1,379 3,589 10 15 5 - 31 51 - 72


Urban+Rural 28,716 6,319 752 21,495 99 10 - - 36 - - 5

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,716 6,319 752 21,495 99 10 - - 36 - - 5

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks


Urban+Rural 7,101 6,597 20 102 122 209 20 - 31 - - -

Urban 7,101 6,597 20 102 122 209 20 - 31 - - -
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 4,731 4,408 21 69 42 69 5 - 106 - - 11

Urban 4,731 4,408 21 69 42 69 5 - 106 - - 11
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 8,847 8,329 87 21 108 190 15 10 46 5 - 36

Urban 8,847 8,329 87 21 108 190 15 10 46 5 - 36
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 79,350 35,970 10,527 24,911 631 1,676 1,091 448 3,557 115 324 100
Urban 18,487 11,102 1,464 1,359 468 678 129 422 2,559 89 207 10
Rural 60,863 24,868 9,063 23,552 163 998 962 26 998 26 117 90


Urban+Rural 22,258 11,970 3,637 3,787 78 90 5 26 2,593 15 31 26

Urban 7,526 4,622 981 10 16 69 5 10 1,808 5 - -
Rural 14,732 7,348 2,656 3,777 62 21 - 16 785 10 31 26


Urban+Rural 29,336 11,656 2,970 14,086 354 32 5 5 180 - - 48

Urban 2,643 1,002 39 1,312 290 - - - - - - -
Rural 26,693 10,654 2,931 12,774 64 32 5 5 180 - - 48


Urban+Rural 21,785 8,698 3,640 7,006 71 1,055 1,033 60 71 43 92 16

Urban 2,348 1,832 164 6 33 109 77 55 39 27 6 -
Rural 19,437 6,866 3,476 7,000 38 946 956 5 32 16 86 16

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks

Urban+Rural 5,970 3,647 279 31 129 501 46 356 713 57 201 10

Urban 5,970 3,647 279 31 129 501 46 356 713 57 201 10
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,710 9,190 197 21,748 15,077 7,219 613 68 478 16 31 73

Urban 54,710 9,190 197 21,748 15,077 7,219 613 68 478 16 31 73
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 23,729 4,160 63 9,891 5,846 3,163 298 42 214 5 21 26

Urban 23,729 4,160 63 9,891 5,846 3,163 298 42 214 5 21 26
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 30,982 5,030 135 11,857 9,231 4,056 316 26 264 10 10 47

Urban 30,982 5,030 135 11,857 9,231 4,056 316 26 264 10 10 47
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -

Table 8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007
Construction Material of Roof
Urban-Rural Housing Corrugated Concrete/ Wood and Bamboo/ Plastic/
Residence Units Iron sheet Cement Thatch Mud Reed Shera Asbestos Others

Urban+Rural 957,685 391,688 5,917 220,815 330,439 3,235 1,805 282 3,504
Urban 231,827 209,564 4,073 11,067 6,137 239 258 78 411
Rural 725,858 182,124 1,844 209,748 324,302 2,996 1,547 204 3,093


Urban+Rural 161,141 67,514 2,259 23,768 66,366 301 545 15 373
Urban 31,359 28,650 1,939 158 519 10 37 15 31
Rural 129,782 38,864 320 23,610 65,847 291 508 - 342

Urban+Rural 19,141 4,944 11 1,032 12,844 16 279 - 15
Urban 1,953 1,816 - - 122 5 - - 10
Rural 17,188 3,128 11 1,032 12,722 11 279 - 5

Urban+Rural 24,407 5,805 - 599 17,929 26 37 - 11
Urban 2,479 2,459 - 5 15 - - - -
Rural 21,928 3,346 - 594 17,914 26 37 - 11

Urban+Rural 26,917 11,208 96 6,001 9,432 85 - - 95
Urban 3,146 2,940 16 5 180 - - - 5
Rural 23,771 8,268 80 5,996 9,252 85 - - 90

Urban+Rural 13,842 8,127 38 2,450 2,973 113 22 - 119
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,842 8,127 38 2,450 2,973 113 22 - 119

Urban+Rural 28,576 14,165 139 6,167 7,865 45 155 5 35
Urban 2,953 2,909 34 5 - - - 5 -
Rural 25,623 11,256 105 6,162 7,865 45 155 - 35

Urban+Rural 29,805 7,051 87 7,439 15,121 10 15 - 82
Urban 2,375 2,312 - 63 - - - - -
Rural 27,430 4,739 87 7,376 15,121 10 15 - 82

Urban+Rural 13,551 11,716 1,810 - 15 - 5 5 -
Urban 13,551 11,716 1,810 - 15 - 5 5 -
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,904 4,500 80 80 186 5 32 5 16
Urban 4,904 4,500 80 80 186 5 32 5 16
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,876 104,488 1,001 43,155 119,457 507 103 5 1,160
Urban 51,126 48,875 578 276 1,188 53 35 5 116
Rural 218,750 55,613 423 42,879 118,269 454 68 - 1,044

Urban+Rural 22,532 5,921 5 1,209 14,976 11 5 - 405
Urban 2,386 2,366 - 10 5 - - - 5
Rural 20,146 3,555 5 1,199 14,971 11 5 - 400

Urban+Rural 37,484 16,070 87 7,572 13,635 26 5 - 89
Urban 6,605 6,398 34 5 158 5 - - 5
Rural 30,879 9,672 53 7,567 13,477 21 5 - 84

Urban+Rural 31,089 7,675 41 3,018 20,090 80 10 - 175
Urban 4,605 3,980 10 24 472 33 5 - 81
Rural 26,484 3,695 31 2,994 19,618 47 5 - 94


Table 8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007
Construction Material of Roof
Urban-Rural Housing Corrugated Concrete/ Wood and Bamboo/ Plastic/
Residence Units Iron sheet Cement Thatch Mud Reed Shera Asbestos Others
Urban+Rural 19,525 9,393 37 2,573 7,453 37 - - 32
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,525 9,393 37 2,573 7,453 37 - - 32

Urban+Rural 14,204 8,148 16 1,477 4,479 47 - - 37
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,204 8,148 16 1,477 4,479 47 - - 37

Urban+Rural 21,544 13,997 31 4,732 2,507 178 5 - 94
Urban 3,142 3,107 5 15 15 - - - -
Rural 18,402 10,890 26 4,717 2,492 178 5 - 94

Urban+Rural 22,478 3,339 150 12,488 6,350 21 - - 130
Urban 646 646 - - - - - - -
Rural 21,832 2,693 150 12,488 6,350 21 - - 130

Urban+Rural 28,029 1,926 41 2,083 23,806 61 - - 112
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,029 1,926 41 2,083 23,806 61 - - 112

Urban+Rural 24,591 6,214 74 6,939 11,316 21 16 - 11
Urban 2,171 2,139 16 11 5 - - - -
Rural 22,420 4,075 58 6,928 11,311 21 16 - 11

Urban+Rural 18,768 3,173 5 1,029 14,469 10 31 - 51
Urban 1,937 1,606 - 176 155 - - - -
Rural 16,831 1,567 5 853 14,314 10 31 - 51

Urban+Rural 4,684 4,434 15 5 215 5 - - 10
Urban 4,684 4,434 15 5 215 5 - - 10
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,114 11,735 182 15 137 10 25 - 10
Urban 12,114 11,735 182 15 137 10 25 - 10
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,837 12,465 316 15 26 - 5 5 5
Urban 12,837 12,465 316 15 26 - 5 5 5
Rural - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,486 62,911 374 3,902 98,257 63 52 210 717
Urban 41,258 37,848 310 62 2,790 26 41 11 170
Rural 125,228 25,063 64 3,840 95,467 37 11 199 547

Urban+Rural 17,673 8,629 11 73 8,828 6 26 - 100
Urban 2,601 2,566 5 - 10 - 20 - -
Rural 15,072 6,063 6 73 8,818 6 6 - 100

Urban+Rural 5,164 1,726 10 16 3,390 - - - 22
Urban 661 625 10 - 26 - - - -
Rural 4,503 1,101 - 16 3,364 - - - 22

Urban+Rural 29,256 7,593 25 287 21,023 15 5 - 308
Urban 5,211 4,362 15 10 799 15 5 - 5
Rural 24,045 3,231 10 277 20,224 - - - 303

Urban+Rural 18,855 6,057 37 1,289 11,413 - - - 59
Urban 1,150 1,115 5 - 30 - - - -

Table 8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007
Construction Material of Roof
Urban-Rural Housing Corrugated Concrete/ Wood and Bamboo/ Plastic/
Residence Units Iron sheet Cement Thatch Mud Reed Shera Asbestos Others
Rural 17,705 4,942 32 1,289 11,383 - - - 59

Urban+Rural 24,104 4,804 15 152 19,102 5 - - 26
Urban 2,168 1,857 5 - 306 - - - -
Rural 21,936 2,947 10 152 18,796 5 - - 26

Urban+Rural 20,932 5,951 10 1,642 13,088 16 5 199 21
Urban 1,389 1,348 5 5 31 - - - -
Rural 19,543 4,603 5 1,637 13,057 16 5 199 21

Urban+Rural 25,534 4,866 5 396 20,225 10 16 - 16
Urban 3,111 2,690 5 - 400 - 16 - -
Rural 22,423 2,176 - 396 19,825 10 - - 16

Urban+Rural 15,972 14,379 224 5 1,177 11 - 11 165
Urban 15,972 14,379 224 5 1,177 11 - 11 165
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,993 8,906 36 41 10 - - - -
Urban 8,993 8,906 36 41 10 - - - -
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,119 70,468 824 107,990 43,644 1,811 315 15 1,052
Urban 34,884 29,900 103 3,937 770 51 72 10 41
Rural 191,235 40,568 721 104,053 42,874 1,760 243 5 1,011

Urban+Rural 25,837 3,844 16 7,937 13,523 93 10 - 414
Urban 2,498 2,057 - 209 201 - - - 31
Rural 23,339 1,787 16 7,728 13,322 93 10 - 383

Urban+Rural 23,855 7,769 58 2,760 13,032 105 26 - 105
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,855 7,769 58 2,760 13,032 105 26 - 105

Urban+Rural 33,130 10,658 68 8,924 13,051 387 5 - 37
Urban 3,052 2,518 10 57 467 - - - -
Rural 30,078 8,140 58 8,867 12,584 387 5 - 37

Urban+Rural 23,951 9,868 78 12,980 932 57 5 - 31
Urban 2,075 1,802 5 222 46 - - - -
Rural 21,876 8,066 73 12,758 886 57 5 - 31

Urban+Rural 18,371 5,805 67 12,224 244 31 - - -
Urban 882 786 - 91 5 - - - -
Rural 17,489 5,019 67 12,133 239 31 - - -

Urban+Rural 31,469 8,699 213 20,380 1,400 394 119 5 259
Urban 4,444 4,296 - 133 15 - - - -
Rural 27,025 4,403 213 20,247 1,385 394 119 5 259

Urban+Rural 20,107 2,305 133 16,269 482 687 67 - 164
Urban 1,252 772 10 445 - 20 5 - -
Rural 18,855 1,533 123 15,824 482 667 62 - 164

Urban+Rural 28,717 3,850 114 23,736 944 26 16 - 31
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,717 3,850 114 23,736 944 26 16 - 31

Table 8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007
Construction Material of Roof
Urban-Rural Housing Corrugated Concrete/ Wood and Bamboo/ Plastic/
Residence Units Iron sheet Cement Thatch Mud Reed Shera Asbestos Others
Urban+Rural 7,100 6,994 5 66 25 - - 10 -
Urban 7,100 6,994 5 66 25 - - 10 -
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,732 4,589 21 117 5 - - - -
Urban 4,732 4,589 21 117 5 - - - -
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,847 6,085 51 2,598 5 31 67 - 10
Urban 8,847 6,085 51 2,598 5 31 67 - 10
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,350 33,349 533 41,859 2,159 542 759 - 149
Urban 18,488 11,333 217 6,494 314 88 42 - -
Rural 60,862 22,016 316 35,365 1,845 454 717 - 149

Urban+Rural 22,260 10,342 140 10,560 666 82 470 - -
Urban 7,528 2,700 16 4,519 247 46 - - -
Rural 14,732 7,642 124 6,041 419 36 470 - -

Urban+Rural 29,337 11,288 127 16,760 986 64 11 - 101
Urban 2,643 2,378 - 265 - - - - -
Rural 26,694 8,910 127 16,495 986 64 11 - 101

Urban+Rural 21,785 7,556 85 13,031 452 361 252 - 48
Urban 2,347 2,092 21 201 11 6 16 - -
Rural 19,438 5,464 64 12,830 441 355 236 - 48

Urban+Rural 5,971 4,163 181 1,508 57 36 26 - -
Urban 5,971 4,163 181 1,508 57 36 26 - -
Rural - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,708 52,958 926 140 555 10 31 36 52
Urban 54,708 52,958 926 140 555 10 31 36 52
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,729 23,043 465 37 110 5 16 16 37
Urban 23,729 23,043 465 37 110 5 16 16 37
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,983 29,915 461 104 445 5 16 21 16
Urban 30,983 29,915 461 104 445 5 16 21 16
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 190,983 8,023 916 - 2,185 267 4,846 11,908 12,698

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,359 24,858 1,475 15 - 102 10 2,121 2,348 430

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,561 209 - - 5 - 10 163 5

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,561 209 - - 5 - 10 163 5

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,246 76 - - - - - 157 -

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,246 76 - - - - - 157 -

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 2,784 58 - - 11 - 21 204 68

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 1,859 53 - - 11 - 21 164 58

ZANA-TOWN 980 925 5 - - - - - 40 10

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 2,514 63 10 - 5 - 38 308 14

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 2,514 63 10 - 5 - 38 308 14

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 2,078 63 - - 5 - 5 200 24

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 2,078 63 - - 5 - 5 200 24

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,550 9,228 938 - - 71 10 1,988 1,030 285

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,550 9,228 938 - - 71 10 1,988 1,030 285

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 4,447 69 5 - 5 - 59 287 32

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 4,447 69 5 - 5 - 59 287 32

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 43,635 2,129 314 - 534 75 946 1,572 1,922

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 2,356 10 - - - - - 15 5

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 2,356 10 - - - - - 15 5

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 5,945 29 5 - 68 14 125 182 236

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,645 1,532 9 - - - - 61 19 24

INTICHO-TOWN 3,062 2,605 19 5 - 63 14 43 106 207

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 617 - - - 5 - 5 31 -

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 1,190 - - - - - 15 26 5

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,606 4,337 72 14 - - 10 10 144 19

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 885 57 - - - - 5 24 -

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,523 2,379 14 14 - - 10 5 87 14

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 1,072 - - - - - - 33 5

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 2,914 71 56 - - - 5 86 10

CHILA-TOWN 884 874 - - - - - 5 5 -

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 2,040 71 56 - - - - 81 10

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 598 16 - - - - - 27 5

SEMEMA TOWN 646 598 16 - - - - - 27 5

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,170 1,942 48 - - 5 - 16 154 5

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,170 1,942 48 - - 5 - 16 154 5

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,890 10 5 - 5 - - - 26

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,890 10 5 - 5 - - - 26

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 4,275 45 15 - 55 10 130 90 65

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 4,275 45 15 - 55 10 130 90 65

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,115 9,307 996 81 - 228 20 324 405 754

ADWA-TOWN 12,115 9,307 996 81 - 228 20 324 405 754

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 10,071 832 138 - 174 20 337 470 796

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 10,071 832 138 - 174 20 337 470 796

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,260 37,054 778 52 - 266 32 407 926 1,745

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,601 2,348 35 - - 36 - - 35 147

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,560 20 - - 36 - - 5 132

FATSI-TOWN 848 788 15 - - - - - 30 15

EROB-WEREDA 660 635 5 5 - - - 5 - 10

DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 635 5 5 - - - 5 - 10

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 4,794 41 26 - 15 - 20 214 102

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,327 3,146 20 - - 10 - 20 91 40

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,883 1,648 20 26 - 5 - - 123 61

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 1,125 10 5 - - - 5 5 -

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 1,125 10 5 - - - 5 5 -

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 2,089 35 - - 10 - - 35 -

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 2,089 35 - - 10 - - 35 -

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,390 1,302 26 5 - - 5 - 26 26

AGULA-TOWN 1,390 1,302 26 5 - - 5 - 26 26

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 2,911 47 - - - - - 132 21

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 2,083 47 - - - - - 132 21

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 828 - - - - - - - -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 13,612 410 11 - 160 21 330 357 1,071

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 13,612 410 11 - 160 21 330 357 1,071

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,992 8,238 168 - - 46 5 46 122 367

WUKRO-TOWN 8,992 8,238 168 - - 46 5 46 122 367

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 26,477 1,920 313 - 238 25 51 4,953 907

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,390 26 10 - 10 - - 21 41

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 1,088 5 10 - - - - 5 10

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,302 21 - - 10 - - 16 31

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 2,776 76 43 - - - 10 86 61

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,062 1,812 72 43 - - - 10 77 48

HIWANE-TOWN 992 964 5 - - - - - 9 14

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 1,611 77 - - 5 - 5 367 10

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 1,611 77 - - 5 - 5 367 10

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 766 5 - - - - - 96 15

MESWAET-TOWN 882 766 5 - - - - - 96 15

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 3,528 230 116 - 15 10 - 384 161

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 2,992 166 116 - 15 10 - 358 156

CHERCHER-TOWN 632 536 64 - - - - - 27 5

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,083 31 - - 10 - - 123 5

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,083 31 - - 10 - - 123 5

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 5,238 550 15 - 36 - - 1,028 234

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 5,238 550 15 - 36 - - 1,028 234

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,733 2,693 170 5 - 80 - 16 1,684 85

KOREM-TOWN 4,733 2,693 170 5 - 80 - 16 1,684 85

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 6,393 755 123 - 82 15 21 1,166 293

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 6,393 755 123 - 82 15 21 1,166 293

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,490 16,444 380 83 - 21 16 171 1,148 227

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,528 7,023 167 16 - - 5 5 286 26

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,351 2,271 25 5 - - - - 35 15

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,741 25 - - - - - 65 -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,011 116 11 - - 5 5 185 11

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,642 2,507 15 - - 5 10 - 85 20

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,232 1,203 5 - - - - - 24 -

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,411 1,305 10 - - 5 10 - 61 20

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 1,908 44 - - - - 21 364 10

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 570 324 5 - - - - 10 226 5

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,585 39 - - - - 11 138 6

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,970 5,005 155 67 - 15 - 145 413 170

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

HUMERA-TOWN 5,970 5,005 155 67 - 15 - 145 413 170

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,708 42,515 1,341 140 - 1,023 109 1,149 962 7,469

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,728 18,231 642 42 - 355 47 569 517 3,325

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,728 18,231 642 42 - 355 47 569 517 3,325

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,980 24,284 699 98 - 668 62 580 445 4,144

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,980 24,284 699 98 - 668 62 580 445 4,144

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 149,078 149 289 - 70,907 823 6,752 2,363 1,465

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,362 21,287 5 16 - 9,170 41 670 128 45

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,333 - - - 585 - 25 - 10

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,333 - - - 585 - 25 - 10

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 1,695 - - - 769 5 - - 10

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 1,695 - - - 769 5 - - 10

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,147 2,276 5 5 - 797 11 48 - 5

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 1,456 - 5 - 646 11 48 - -

ZANA-TOWN 980 819 5 - - 151 - - - 5

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 2,428 - - - 495 5 14 - 10

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 2,428 - - - 495 5 14 - 10

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 1,991 - - - 380 5 - - -

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 1,991 - - - 380 5 - - -

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,550 8,310 - 5 - 4,527 15 561 122 10

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,550 8,310 - 5 - 4,527 15 561 122 10

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,903 3,255 - 5 - 1,617 - 21 5 -

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,903 3,255 - 5 - 1,617 - 21 5 -

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 31,210 30 55 - 18,197 71 1,194 223 147

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 939 - - - 1,432 - 5 5 5

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 939 - - - 1,432 - 5 5 5

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 4,333 14 5 - 2,170 - 48 19 15

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 884 - - - 733 - 24 - 5

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 1,970 14 5 - 1,031 - 19 19 5

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 477 - - - 176 - - - 5

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 1,001 - - - 230 - 5 - -

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,606 4,140 - - - 451 5 10 - -

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 895 - - - 76 - - - -

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 2,210 - - - 304 5 5 - -

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 1,034 - - - 71 - 5 - -

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 2,594 - - - 513 - 20 - 15

CHILA-TOWN 885 751 - - - 119 - 10 - 5

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,843 - - - 395 - 10 - 10

NADER ADET-WEREDA 645 85 - - - 555 - - - 5

SEMEMA TOWN 645 85 - - - 555 - - - 5

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,170 1,873 - - - 271 5 11 5 5

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,170 1,873 - - - 271 5 11 5 5

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,301 - - - 625 - 10 - -

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,301 - - - 625 - 10 - -

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 2,936 - - - 1,598 5 110 5 30

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 2,936 - - - 1,598 5 110 5 30

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 6,358 10 40 - 5,018 46 546 61 35

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 6,358 10 40 - 5,018 46 546 61 35

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 6,651 5 10 - 5,564 10 434 128 36

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 6,651 5 10 - 5,564 10 434 128 36

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 23,494 16 15 - 16,401 115 920 157 140

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 775 5 - - 1,807 - 15 - -

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 340 5 - - 1,397 - 10 - -

FATSI-TOWN 849 435 - - - 409 - 5 - -

EROB-WEREDA 661 203 5 5 - 427 - 5 - 16

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 203 5 5 - 427 - 5 - 16

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 3,541 - 10 - 1,574 26 51 10 -

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,327 2,205 - - - 1,087 5 30 - -

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,882 1,336 - 10 - 486 20 20 10 -

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 593 - - - 542 - 5 - 10

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 593 - - - 542 - 5 - 10

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 1,324 - - - 835 5 - - 5

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 1,324 - - - 835 5 - - 5

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,388 941 - - - 406 5 26 - 10

AGULA-TOWN 1,388 941 - - - 406 5 26 - 10

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 2,485 - - - 553 5 68 - -

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 1,783 - - - 442 5 53 - -

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 702 - - - 111 - 15 - -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,971 9,110 5 - - 6,036 69 602 101 48

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,971 9,110 5 - - 6,036 69 602 101 48

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 4,522 - - - 4,221 5 148 46 51

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 4,522 - - - 4,221 5 148 46 51

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,886 28,869 36 62 - 5,018 102 702 56 41

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,271 - 20 - 166 5 21 - 15

GIJET-TOWN 1,117 1,062 - 20 - 20 5 - - 10

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,208 - - - 146 - 21 - 5

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,053 2,427 - - - 555 5 56 5 5

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,062 1,553 - - - 465 5 29 5 5

HIWANE-TOWN 991 874 - - - 90 - 27 - -

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 1,689 5 - - 279 - 103 - -

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 1,689 5 - - 279 - 103 - -

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 852 - 5 - 20 - 5 - -

MESWAET-TOWN 882 852 - 5 - 20 - 5 - -

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 3,980 5 5 - 424 5 25 - -

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 3,365 5 5 - 413 5 20 - -

CHERCHER-TOWN 631 615 - - - 11 - 5 - -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,145 - 5 - 87 - 15 - -

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,145 - 5 - 87 - 15 - -

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 5,706 5 10 - 1,059 56 219 36 10

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 5,706 5 10 - 1,059 56 219 36 10

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,733 3,904 11 16 - 611 16 165 5 5

KOREM-TOWN 4,733 3,904 11 16 - 611 16 165 5 5

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,847 6,897 10 - - 1,818 15 92 10 5

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,847 6,897 10 - - 1,818 15 92 10 5

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,487 16,574 5 - - 1,625 31 237 15 -

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 7,375 5 - - 126 11 5 5 -

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 2,337 - - - 10 - - 5 -

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,821 - - - 10 - - - -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,217 5 - - 106 11 5 - -

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,642 2,373 - - - 254 5 10 - -

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,212 - - - 19 - - - -

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,411 1,161 - - - 235 5 10 - -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 1,929 - - - 403 10 5 - -

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 510 - - - 44 10 5 - -

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 1,419 - - - 359 - - - -

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 4,897 - - - 842 5 217 10 -

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 4,897 - - - 842 5 217 10 -

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 27,645 57 140 - 20,497 463 3,030 1,784 1,093

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,726 12,229 16 78 - 8,205 318 1,341 913 626

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,726 12,229 16 78 - 8,205 318 1,341 913 626

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,981 15,416 41 62 - 12,292 145 1,689 870 466

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,981 15,416 41 62 - 12,292 145 1,689 870 466

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit

Urban+Rural 957,686 460,517 272,536 148,931 50,768 14,568 4,874 1,742 3,750 1,816,882 1.9
Urban 231,826 145,674 43,525 20,067 10,291 5,377 2,913 1,296 2,683 416,524 1.8
Rural 725,860 314,843 229,011 128,864 40,477 9,191 1,961 446 1,067 1,400,358 1.9


Urban+Rural 161,142 73,788 49,955 26,840 7,783 1,782 473 178 343 303,866 1.9
Urban 31,360 21,182 5,885 2,284 956 479 260 137 177 50,550 1.6
Rural 129,782 52,606 44,070 24,556 6,827 1,303 213 41 166 253,316 2.0

Urban+Rural 19,141 10,777 6,033 1,796 410 84 5 20 16 30,625 1.6
Urban 1,953 1,388 331 92 71 46 - 20 5 3,021 1.5
Rural 17,188 9,389 5,702 1,704 339 38 5 - 11 27,604 1.6

Urban+Rural 24,408 10,540 8,232 4,287 1,082 188 42 5 32 46,029 1.9
Urban 2,479 1,882 420 137 10 20 10 - - 3,334 1.3
Rural 21,929 8,658 7,812 4,150 1,072 168 32 5 32 42,695 1.9

Urban+Rural 26,917 8,748 7,604 7,088 2,702 649 95 10 21 60,423 2.2
Urban 3,146 2,167 634 166 106 42 21 5 5 4,781 1.5
Rural 23,771 6,581 6,970 6,922 2,596 607 74 5 16 55,642 2.3

Urban+Rural 13,843 4,382 4,922 3,438 858 189 16 11 27 29,751 2.1
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,843 4,382 4,922 3,438 858 189 16 11 27 29,751 2.1

Urban+Rural 28,574 12,850 9,415 4,745 1,157 233 80 20 74 53,796 1.9
Urban 2,951 2,014 611 216 43 38 10 5 14 4,539 1.5
Rural 25,623 10,836 8,804 4,529 1,114 195 70 15 60 49,257 1.9

Urban+Rural 29,805 14,482 10,284 3,959 893 117 30 10 30 51,833 1.7
Urban 2,376 1,723 423 146 44 10 15 5 10 3,465 1.5
Rural 27,429 12,759 9,861 3,813 849 107 15 5 20 48,368 1.8


Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Urban+Rural 13,552 8,172 2,733 1,331 591 296 189 97 143 24,889 1.8
Urban 13,552 8,172 2,733 1,331 591 296 189 97 143 24,889 1.8
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,904 3,835 734 197 90 27 16 5 - 6,521 1.3
Urban 4,904 3,835 734 197 90 27 16 5 - 6,521 1.3
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,878 85,880 77,879 67,618 27,293 7,628 1,983 664 933 620,759 2.3
Urban 51,127 30,788 10,224 4,894 2,380 1,288 680 317 556 93,796 1.8
Rural 218,751 55,092 67,655 62,724 24,913 6,340 1,303 347 377 526,963 2.4

Urban+Rural 22,531 6,720 7,220 5,679 2,195 487 136 42 52 51,157 2.3
Urban 2,385 1,614 447 147 71 66 15 10 15 3,889 1.6
Rural 20,146 5,106 6,773 5,532 2,124 421 121 32 37 47,268 2.3

Urban+Rural 37,484 12,775 11,523 8,379 3,131 1,083 364 87 142 83,641 2.2
Urban 6,605 4,047 1,413 538 292 170 53 29 63 11,694 1.8
Rural 30,879 8,728 10,110 7,841 2,839 913 311 58 79 71,947 2.3

Urban+Rural 31,091 9,092 8,348 8,291 3,754 1,130 301 118 57 75,159 2.4
Urban 4,606 3,323 765 321 96 43 29 24 5 6,793 1.5
Rural 26,485 5,769 7,583 7,970 3,658 1,087 272 94 52 68,366 2.6

Urban+Rural 19,526 3,344 4,646 6,422 3,742 978 229 96 69 54,721 2.8
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,526 3,344 4,646 6,422 3,742 978 229 96 69 54,721 2.8

Urban+Rural 14,204 3,116 4,390 4,933 1,415 287 37 - 26 34,618 2.4
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,204 3,116 4,390 4,933 1,415 287 37 - 26 34,618 2.4

Urban+Rural 21,543 6,187 5,765 5,772 2,682 961 135 15 26 51,846 2.4
Urban 3,141 1,957 786 217 106 40 25 5 5 5,045 1.6

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Rural 18,402 4,230 4,979 5,555 2,576 921 110 10 21 46,801 2.5

Urban+Rural 22,477 5,940 6,917 6,974 2,298 280 26 5 37 52,743 2.3
Urban 646 534 69 27 5 - - - 11 934 1.4
Rural 21,831 5,406 6,848 6,947 2,293 280 26 5 26 51,809 2.4

Urban+Rural 28,028 6,961 9,517 7,906 2,876 630 61 36 41 65,680 2.3
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,028 6,961 9,517 7,906 2,876 630 61 36 41 65,680 2.3

Urban+Rural 24,591 7,605 8,151 5,897 2,242 510 117 32 37 54,425 2.2
Urban 2,171 1,107 644 255 85 21 27 16 16 4,060 1.9
Rural 22,420 6,498 7,507 5,642 2,157 489 90 16 21 50,365 2.2

Urban+Rural 18,767 7,359 5,689 4,060 1,254 344 56 - 5 38,031 2.0
Urban 1,936 1,425 387 83 21 10 10 - - 2,643 1.4
Rural 16,831 5,934 5,302 3,977 1,233 334 46 - 5 35,388 2.1

Urban+Rural 4,684 3,091 724 419 165 135 80 30 40 8,190 1.7
Urban 4,684 3,091 724 419 165 135 80 30 40 8,190 1.7
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,114 6,581 2,059 1,421 845 470 293 157 288 26,413 2.2
Urban 12,114 6,581 2,059 1,421 845 470 293 157 288 26,413 2.2
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,838 7,111 2,930 1,465 694 332 148 46 112 24,134 1.9
Urban 12,838 7,111 2,930 1,465 694 332 148 46 112 24,134 1.9
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,485 77,637 53,897 23,843 7,101 2,128 858 293 728 311,784 1.9
Urban 41,258 24,759 8,144 3,616 2,095 1,212 559 261 612 78,039 1.9
Rural 125,227 52,878 45,753 20,227 5,006 916 299 32 116 233,745 1.9

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Urban+Rural 17,673 6,408 7,163 2,820 882 248 80 25 47 35,192 2.0
Urban 2,602 1,003 843 299 213 142 41 25 36 6,037 2.3
Rural 15,071 5,405 6,320 2,521 669 106 39 - 11 29,155 1.9

Urban+Rural 5,164 2,692 1,831 463 136 16 16 5 5 8,555 1.7
Urban 660 614 26 - 5 5 5 - 5 796 1.2
Rural 4,504 2,078 1,805 463 131 11 11 5 - 7,759 1.7

Urban+Rural 29,257 15,623 9,365 3,185 732 190 51 35 76 49,109 1.7
Urban 5,211 3,561 900 335 167 132 25 25 66 8,682 1.7
Rural 24,046 12,062 8,465 2,850 565 58 26 10 10 40,427 1.7

Urban+Rural 18,855 5,709 6,701 4,527 1,356 391 139 11 21 41,593 2.2
Urban 1,149 713 276 95 40 20 5 - - 1,843 1.6
Rural 17,706 4,996 6,425 4,432 1,316 371 134 11 21 39,750 2.2

Urban+Rural 24,106 9,191 8,738 4,805 1,077 218 41 10 26 47,228 2.0
Urban 2,170 1,324 410 262 119 30 15 5 5 3,768 1.7
Rural 21,936 7,867 8,328 4,543 958 188 26 5 21 43,460 2.0

Urban+Rural 20,931 9,337 7,466 3,121 805 135 31 - 36 38,281 1.8
Urban 1,389 926 273 108 57 15 5 - 5 2,171 1.6
Rural 19,542 8,411 7,193 3,013 748 120 26 - 31 36,110 1.8

Urban+Rural 25,531 14,097 7,958 2,556 749 88 41 5 37 41,938 1.6
Urban 3,110 2,038 739 151 130 26 5 5 16 4,854 1.6
Rural 22,421 12,059 7,219 2,405 619 62 36 - 21 37,084 1.7

Urban+Rural 15,972 9,323 2,850 1,508 884 586 320 149 352 32,647 2.0
Urban 15,972 9,323 2,850 1,508 884 586 320 149 352 32,647 2.0
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,993 5,257 1,827 857 480 255 138 51 128 17,241 1.9

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Urban 8,993 5,257 1,827 857 480 255 138 51 128 17,241 1.9
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,121 134,852 62,108 22,126 4,770 1,117 391 113 644 361,434 1.6
Urban 34,885 21,493 7,162 3,456 1,472 587 276 92 347 61,062 1.8
Rural 191,236 113,359 54,946 18,670 3,298 530 115 21 297 300,372 1.6

Urban+Rural 25,837 10,027 9,748 4,825 1,021 144 36 5 31 49,589 1.9
Urban 2,498 1,579 575 231 78 15 15 - 5 3,957 1.6
Rural 23,339 8,448 9,173 4,594 943 129 21 5 26 45,632 2.0

Urban+Rural 23,856 12,758 7,901 2,665 416 53 16 - 47 39,052 1.6
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,856 12,758 7,901 2,665 416 53 16 - 47 39,052 1.6

Urban+Rural 33,131 17,766 10,486 3,892 713 121 45 5 103 56,053 1.7
Urban 3,052 1,924 746 227 80 37 14 5 19 4,937 1.6
Rural 30,079 15,842 9,740 3,665 633 84 31 - 84 51,116 1.7

Urban+Rural 23,952 11,141 8,691 3,343 611 98 42 5 21 42,163 1.8
Urban 2,076 1,224 506 248 62 5 21 5 5 3,455 1.7
Rural 21,876 9,917 8,185 3,095 549 93 21 - 16 38,708 1.8

Urban+Rural 18,370 10,117 6,063 1,818 305 36 10 - 21 29,354 1.6
Urban 882 494 287 86 15 - - - - 1,386 1.6
Rural 17,488 9,623 5,776 1,732 290 36 10 - 21 27,968 1.6

Urban+Rural 31,468 25,199 4,894 858 323 82 36 20 56 40,228 1.3
Urban 4,443 2,525 1,227 365 209 56 31 10 20 7,649 1.7
Rural 27,025 22,674 3,667 493 114 26 5 10 36 32,579 1.2

Urban+Rural 20,106 17,509 2,270 272 20 10 10 - 15 23,274 1.2
Urban 1,252 813 332 87 5 5 10 - - 1,845 1.5
Rural 18,854 16,696 1,938 185 15 5 - - 15 21,429 1.1

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit

Urban+Rural 28,716 17,401 8,566 2,241 337 104 10 5 52 43,887 1.5
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,716 17,401 8,566 2,241 337 104 10 5 52 43,887 1.5

Urban+Rural 7,102 3,660 1,364 937 545 244 112 36 204 15,739 2.2
Urban 7,102 3,660 1,364 937 545 244 112 36 204 15,739 2.2
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,732 2,948 871 558 197 74 37 5 42 8,285 1.8
Urban 4,732 2,948 871 558 197 74 37 5 42 8,285 1.8
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,848 6,327 1,253 719 282 149 36 31 51 13,809 1.6
Urban 8,848 6,327 1,253 719 282 149 36 31 51 13,809 1.6
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,352 55,319 19,605 3,299 646 173 80 21 209 110,983 1.4
Urban 18,488 14,410 3,020 611 213 72 48 16 98 25,022 1.4
Rural 60,864 40,909 16,585 2,688 433 101 32 5 111 85,961 1.4

Urban+Rural 22,261 16,259 4,725 925 222 42 16 - 72 30,530 1.4
Urban 7,527 5,857 1,340 212 67 26 - - 25 9,825 1.3
Rural 14,734 10,402 3,385 713 155 16 16 - 47 20,705 1.4

Urban+Rural 29,336 18,197 9,454 1,423 152 53 10 5 42 42,865 1.5
Urban 2,643 2,121 406 71 25 5 5 - 10 3,419 1.3
Rural 26,693 16,076 9,048 1,352 127 48 5 5 32 39,446 1.5

Urban+Rural 21,785 16,168 4,524 745 203 48 28 6 63 29,422 1.4
Urban 2,347 1,737 371 122 53 10 17 6 31 3,612 1.5
Rural 19,438 14,431 4,153 623 150 38 11 - 32 25,810 1.3


Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Urban+Rural 5,971 4,695 904 207 67 31 26 10 31 8,166 1.4
Urban 5,971 4,695 904 207 67 31 26 10 31 8,166 1.4
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,707 33,041 9,089 5,206 3,174 1,740 1,091 473 893 108,055 2.0
Urban 54,707 33,041 9,089 5,206 3,174 1,740 1,091 473 893 108,055 2.0
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,727 14,859 3,862 2,072 1,253 679 485 209 308 44,620 1.9
Urban 23,727 14,859 3,862 2,072 1,253 679 485 209 308 44,620 1.9
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,982 18,182 5,227 3,134 1,922 1,062 606 264 585 63,435 2.0
Urban 30,982 18,182 5,227 3,134 1,922 1,062 606 264 585 63,435 2.0
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Table 8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Urban-Rural Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Residence Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond

Urban+Rural 957,684 15,783 34,046 83,201 314,349 163,947 178,675 167,683
Urban 231,825 13,702 32,209 72,029 94,269 10,764 5,520 3,332
Rural 725,859 2,081 1,837 11,172 220,080 153,183 173,155 164,351


Urban+Rural 161,143 1,886 3,646 7,228 42,884 30,633 48,456 26,410
Urban 31,361 1,604 3,519 5,871 17,885 1,780 488 214
Rural 129,782 282 127 1,357 24,999 28,853 47,968 26,196

Urban+Rural 19,141 166 133 259 7,207 2,805 7,518 1,053
Urban 1,954 107 122 92 1,521 102 10 -
Rural 17,187 59 11 167 5,686 2,703 7,508 1,053

Urban+Rural 24,406 92 167 444 7,258 5,251 6,976 4,218
Urban 2,479 66 167 334 1,821 71 15 5
Rural 21,927 26 - 110 5,437 5,180 6,961 4,213

Urban+Rural 26,920 201 278 493 7,110 5,474 5,826 7,538
Urban 3,146 174 246 301 2,199 68 37 121
Rural 23,774 27 32 192 4,911 5,406 5,789 7,417

Urban+Rural 13,840 59 59 410 3,232 3,702 3,475 2,903
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,840 59 59 410 3,232 3,702 3,475 2,903

Urban+Rural 28,575 151 371 868 4,352 5,763 12,396 4,674
Urban 2,952 91 361 548 1,635 245 67 5
Rural 25,623 60 10 320 2,717 5,518 12,329 4,669

Urban+Rural 29,805 139 98 221 4,763 6,578 11,988 6,018
Urban 2,376 88 83 63 1,747 234 83 78
Rural 27,429 51 15 158 3,016 6,344 11,905 5,940

Urban+Rural 13,551 1,020 2,274 3,895 5,149 938 270 5
Urban 13,551 1,020 2,274 3,895 5,149 938 270 5
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,904 59 266 638 3,814 122 5 -
Urban 4,904 59 266 638 3,814 122 5 -
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,878 3,523 7,114 14,859 91,886 50,573 47,118 54,805
Urban 51,125 3,105 6,089 11,274 24,976 3,059 1,475 1,147
Rural 218,753 418 1,025 3,585 66,910 47,514 45,643 53,658

Urban+Rural 22,531 179 484 720 7,831 4,396 3,717 5,204
Urban 2,386 142 305 310 1,584 - 15 30
Rural 20,145 37 179 410 6,247 4,396 3,702 5,174

Urban+Rural 37,484 464 528 1,998 15,607 6,948 4,996 6,943
Urban 6,604 390 422 1,180 3,386 189 363 674
Rural 30,880 74 106 818 12,221 6,759 4,633 6,269

Urban+Rural 31,089 145 210 604 12,501 5,246 5,090 7,293
Urban 4,605 77 153 202 3,967 62 110 34
Rural 26,484 68 57 402 8,534 5,184 4,980 7,259


Table 8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Urban-Rural Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Residence Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
Urban+Rural 19,526 43 388 314 7,724 3,934 3,035 4,088
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,526 43 388 314 7,724 3,934 3,035 4,088

Urban+Rural 14,204 42 37 282 4,719 2,965 3,043 3,116
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,204 42 37 282 4,719 2,965 3,043 3,116

Urban+Rural 21,546 21 78 315 5,739 5,452 4,588 5,353
Urban 3,143 - 15 111 896 1,630 405 86
Rural 18,403 21 63 204 4,843 3,822 4,183 5,267

Urban+Rural 22,477 31 36 223 5,829 3,320 5,536 7,502
Urban 646 - - - 641 5 - -
Rural 21,831 31 36 223 5,188 3,315 5,536 7,502

Urban+Rural 28,028 61 56 620 7,947 5,691 8,308 5,345
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,028 61 56 620 7,947 5,691 8,308 5,345

Urban+Rural 24,592 75 160 304 6,155 6,487 5,833 5,578
Urban 2,172 59 133 208 1,692 80 - -
Rural 22,420 16 27 96 4,463 6,407 5,833 5,578

Urban+Rural 18,768 26 82 304 6,584 5,112 2,415 4,245
Urban 1,936 - 5 88 1,559 72 26 186
Rural 16,832 26 77 216 5,025 5,040 2,389 4,059

Urban+Rural 4,684 295 459 844 2,851 5 225 5
Urban 4,684 295 459 844 2,851 5 225 5
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,113 1,254 2,473 5,301 3,030 20 10 25
Urban 12,113 1,254 2,473 5,301 3,030 20 10 25
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,838 888 2,124 3,032 5,370 995 322 107
Urban 12,838 888 2,124 3,032 5,370 995 322 107
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,484 3,037 6,435 15,111 59,259 32,792 26,239 23,611
Urban 41,257 2,712 6,287 13,053 15,906 2,098 678 523
Rural 125,227 325 148 2,058 43,353 30,694 25,561 23,088

Urban+Rural 17,674 72 185 512 5,004 5,929 3,357 2,615
Urban 2,603 61 168 122 2,232 5 5 10
Rural 15,071 11 17 390 2,772 5,924 3,352 2,605

Urban+Rural 5,165 16 21 123 2,454 1,068 856 627
Urban 661 16 21 36 567 5 16 -
Rural 4,504 - - 87 1,887 1,063 840 627

Urban+Rural 29,258 523 483 1,489 7,918 7,817 6,294 4,734
Urban 5,212 507 452 1,008 1,727 1,344 72 102
Rural 24,046 16 31 481 6,191 6,473 6,222 4,632

Urban+Rural 18,855 142 132 348 5,413 3,340 4,693 4,787
Urban 1,150 131 105 246 412 10 100 146

Table 8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Urban-Rural Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Residence Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
Rural 17,705 11 27 102 5,001 3,330 4,593 4,641

Urban+Rural 24,105 136 230 957 11,239 4,681 3,570 3,292
Urban 2,168 99 193 444 1,200 138 5 89
Rural 21,937 37 37 513 10,039 4,543 3,565 3,203

Urban+Rural 20,933 246 124 269 10,586 4,671 2,092 2,945
Urban 1,389 26 103 154 1,024 15 10 57
Rural 19,544 220 21 115 9,562 4,656 2,082 2,888

Urban+Rural 25,534 161 246 845 10,040 4,705 4,989 4,548
Urban 3,111 130 230 475 2,139 - 81 56
Rural 22,423 31 16 370 7,901 4,705 4,908 4,492

Urban+Rural 15,972 932 3,255 6,622 4,161 565 384 53
Urban 15,972 932 3,255 6,622 4,161 565 384 53
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,993 812 1,761 3,945 2,445 15 5 10
Urban 8,993 812 1,761 3,945 2,445 15 5 10
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,118 2,807 6,059 14,284 85,082 36,181 32,458 49,247
Urban 34,884 1,951 5,716 10,585 14,799 813 419 601
Rural 191,234 856 343 3,699 70,283 35,368 32,039 48,646

Urban+Rural 25,837 144 257 967 8,261 7,627 4,738 3,843
Urban 2,498 134 226 366 1,533 158 71 10
Rural 23,339 10 31 601 6,728 7,469 4,667 3,833

Urban+Rural 23,857 348 58 664 11,741 5,036 2,281 3,729
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,857 348 58 664 11,741 5,036 2,281 3,729

Urban+Rural 33,130 227 602 1,236 18,663 5,725 2,140 4,537
Urban 3,052 128 529 577 1,431 47 122 218
Rural 30,078 99 73 659 17,232 5,678 2,018 4,319

Urban+Rural 23,952 140 170 817 6,487 4,805 5,225 6,308
Urban 2,077 83 129 501 868 300 72 124
Rural 21,875 57 41 316 5,619 4,505 5,153 6,184

Urban+Rural 18,371 57 87 273 5,073 1,606 3,991 7,284
Urban 882 5 66 66 635 40 40 30
Rural 17,489 52 21 207 4,438 1,566 3,951 7,254

Urban+Rural 31,469 522 720 1,862 12,393 3,188 5,601 7,183
Urban 4,444 289 689 1,203 2,207 30 21 5
Rural 27,025 233 31 659 10,186 3,158 5,580 7,178

Urban+Rural 20,107 108 143 333 9,970 1,984 2,631 4,938
Urban 1,252 87 97 102 966 - - -
Rural 18,855 21 46 231 9,004 1,984 2,631 4,938

Urban+Rural 28,718 36 42 363 5,334 5,972 5,759 11,212
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,718 36 42 363 5,334 5,972 5,759 11,212

Table 8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Urban-Rural Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Residence Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
Urban+Rural 7,101 626 1,497 3,227 1,476 122 56 97
Urban 7,101 626 1,497 3,227 1,476 122 56 97
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,732 260 749 1,206 2,278 101 21 117
Urban 4,732 260 749 1,206 2,278 101 21 117
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,848 339 1,736 3,338 3,405 15 15 -
Urban 8,848 339 1,736 3,338 3,405 15 15 -
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,352 906 1,632 2,249 25,220 12,353 23,766 13,226
Urban 18,488 706 1,439 1,776 10,684 1,598 1,823 462
Rural 60,864 200 193 473 14,536 10,755 21,943 12,764

Urban+Rural 22,258 385 239 465 13,725 3,575 2,932 937
Urban 7,526 287 105 248 5,354 531 746 255
Rural 14,732 98 134 217 8,371 3,044 2,186 682

Urban+Rural 29,336 52 16 195 3,007 6,076 13,386 6,604
Urban 2,643 10 - 20 802 675 956 180
Rural 26,693 42 16 175 2,205 5,401 12,430 6,424

Urban+Rural 21,784 70 90 97 5,760 2,655 7,449 5,663
Urban 2,346 11 47 16 1,800 345 121 6
Rural 19,438 59 43 81 3,960 2,310 7,328 5,657

Urban+Rural 5,971 398 1,286 1,493 2,727 46 - 21
Urban 5,971 398 1,286 1,493 2,727 46 - 21
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,709 3,625 9,159 29,468 10,018 1,416 638 385
Urban 54,709 3,625 9,159 29,468 10,018 1,416 638 385
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,727 1,910 4,233 12,965 4,160 183 57 219
Urban 23,727 1,910 4,233 12,965 4,160 183 57 219
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,983 1,715 4,926 16,504 5,859 1,233 580 166
Urban 30,983 1,715 4,926 16,504 5,859 1,233 580 166
Rural - - - - - - - -

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond

TIGRAY-REGION 231,825 13,702 32,209 72,029 94,269 10,764 5,520 3,332

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,361 1,604 3,519 5,871 17,885 1,780 488 214

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,954 107 122 92 1,521 102 10 -

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,954 107 122 92 1,521 102 10 -

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 66 167 334 1,821 71 15 5

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 66 167 334 1,821 71 15 5

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 174 246 301 2,199 68 37 121

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 159 201 291 1,329 53 32 101

ZANA-TOWN 979 15 45 10 869 15 5 20

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 91 361 548 1,635 245 67 5

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 91 361 548 1,635 245 67 5

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 88 83 63 1,747 234 83 78

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 88 83 63 1,747 234 83 78

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 1,020 2,274 3,895 5,149 938 270 5

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 1,020 2,274 3,895 5,149 938 270 5

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 59 266 638 3,814 122 5 -

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 59 266 638 3,814 122 5 -

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,125 3,105 6,089 11,274 24,976 3,059 1,475 1,147

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 142 305 310 1,584 - 15 30

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 142 305 310 1,584 - 15 30

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 390 422 1,180 3,386 189 363 674

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,645 118 33 255 1,088 14 137 -

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 236 327 771 1,079 144 77 429

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 5 21 36 576 5 16 -

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,237 31 41 117 644 26 133 245

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 77 153 202 3,967 62 110 34

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 - 5 - 923 14 29 -

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 68 77 169 2,094 24 63 29

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 9 71 33 949 24 19 5

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,143 - 15 111 896 1,630 405 86

CHILA-TOWN 885 - 5 25 825 10 10 10

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 - 10 86 71 1,620 395 76

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 - - - 641 5 - -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 - - - 641 5 - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,172 59 133 208 1,692 80 - -

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,172 59 133 208 1,692 80 - -

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 - 5 88 1,559 72 26 186

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 - 5 88 1,559 72 26 186

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 295 459 844 2,851 5 225 5

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 295 459 844 2,851 5 225 5

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,113 1,254 2,473 5,301 3,030 20 10 25

ADWA-TOWN 12,113 1,254 2,473 5,301 3,030 20 10 25

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 888 2,124 3,032 5,370 995 322 107

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 888 2,124 3,032 5,370 995 322 107

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,257 2,712 6,287 13,053 15,906 2,098 678 523

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,603 61 168 122 2,232 5 5 10

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 46 147 71 1,468 5 5 10

FATSI-TOWN 849 15 20 51 763 - - -

EROB-WEREDA 661 16 21 36 567 5 16 -

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 16 21 36 567 5 16 -

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 507 452 1,008 1,727 1,344 72 102

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,327 384 303 885 1,538 212 5 -

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,883 123 148 123 189 1,131 67 102

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 131 105 246 412 10 100 146

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 131 105 246 412 10 100 146

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 99 193 444 1,200 138 5 89

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 99 193 444 1,200 138 5 89

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 26 103 154 1,024 15 10 57

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 26 103 154 1,024 15 10 57

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 130 230 475 2,139 - 81 56

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 84 189 384 1,599 - 11 16

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 827 45 40 91 540 - 71 40

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 932 3,255 6,622 4,161 565 384 53

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 932 3,255 6,622 4,161 565 384 53

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 812 1,761 3,945 2,445 15 5 10

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 812 1,761 3,945 2,445 15 5 10

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 1,951 5,716 10,585 14,799 813 419 601

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 134 226 366 1,533 158 71 10

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 40 111 116 648 132 61 10

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 94 115 250 885 26 10 -

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 128 529 577 1,431 47 122 218

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 101 407 532 877 34 - 110

HIWANE-TOWN 992 27 122 45 554 14 122 108

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,077 83 129 501 868 300 72 124

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,077 83 129 501 868 300 72 124

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 5 66 66 635 40 40 30

MESWAET-TOWN 882 5 66 66 635 40 40 30

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 289 689 1,203 2,207 30 21 5

MEHONI-TOWN 3,814 252 615 1,028 1,884 25 5 5

CHERCHER-TOWN 630 37 74 175 323 5 16 -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 87 97 102 966 - - -

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 87 97 102 966 - - -

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 626 1,497 3,227 1,476 122 56 97

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 626 1,497 3,227 1,476 122 56 97

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 260 749 1,206 2,278 101 21 117

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 260 749 1,206 2,278 101 21 117

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 339 1,736 3,338 3,405 15 15 -

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 339 1,736 3,338 3,405 15 15 -

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 706 1,439 1,776 10,684 1,598 1,823 462

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,526 287 105 248 5,354 531 746 255

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 20 10 10 2,221 25 66 -

BIHER-TOWN 1,830 45 - 10 350 490 680 255

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 222 95 228 2,783 16 - -

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 10 - 20 802 675 956 180

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 5 - 5 393 194 459 175

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,411 5 - 15 409 481 496 5

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,346 11 47 16 1,800 345 121 6

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 570 - 20 5 525 20 - -

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 11 28 11 1,276 326 121 6

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 398 1,286 1,493 2,727 46 - 21

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 398 1,286 1,493 2,727 46 - 21

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 3,625 9,159 29,468 10,018 1,416 638 385

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 1,910 4,233 12,965 4,160 183 57 219

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 1,910 4,233 12,965 4,160 183 57 219

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,983 1,715 4,926 16,504 5,859 1,233 580 166

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,983 1,715 4,926 16,504 5,859 1,233 580 166

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 115,399 10,819 23,638 7,618 17,396 17,170 39,786

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,358 14,556 827 1,821 950 2,313 2,892 7,999

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,302 36 36 25 86 97 371

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,302 36 36 25 86 97 371

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 1,427 - 76 35 106 182 653

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 1,427 - 76 35 106 182 653

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,145 1,686 69 115 68 158 437 612

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,165 1,038 64 95 58 148 291 471

ZANA-TOWN 980 648 5 20 10 10 146 141

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 1,976 34 115 115 231 154 327

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 1,976 34 115 115 231 154 327

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 1,927 5 5 24 24 195 195

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 1,927 5 5 24 24 195 195

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 3,217 653 1,213 607 1,356 1,509 4,996

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 3,217 653 1,213 607 1,356 1,509 4,996

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 3,021 32 261 74 351 319 846

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 3,021 32 261 74 351 319 846

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 29,737 1,941 4,208 2,039 3,913 3,282 6,007

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,385 1,350 112 213 71 86 264 289

RAMA-TOWN 2,385 1,350 112 213 71 86 264 289

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 4,656 102 224 443 493 235 451

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 1,249 5 47 95 132 47 71

INTICHO-TOWN 3,062 2,249 77 125 111 226 43 231

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 249 - 26 171 67 67 78

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 909 20 26 66 66 77 72

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,604 3,349 19 48 205 484 158 341

NEBELAT-TOWN 973 881 5 10 14 29 29 5

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 1,665 14 39 97 333 101 275

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,109 803 - - 94 123 28 61

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 2,075 15 35 147 324 248 298

CHILA-TOWN 885 840 - 15 5 5 10 10

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,235 15 20 142 319 238 289

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 646 - - - - - -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 646 - - - - - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,170 1,421 5 21 48 90 250 335

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,170 1,421 5 21 48 90 250 335

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,937 1,389 41 26 36 114 145 186

MEARAY-TOWN 1,937 1,389 41 26 36 114 145 186

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 3,745 55 180 150 220 125 210

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 3,745 55 180 150 220 125 210

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 5,655 733 1,725 526 1,259 602 1,614

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 5,655 733 1,725 526 1,259 602 1,614

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,839 5,452 858 1,736 413 842 1,256 2,282

AXUM-TOWN 12,839 5,452 858 1,736 413 842 1,256 2,282

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,257 19,012 2,515 4,693 1,620 3,371 3,401 6,645

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,176 396 213 188 197 295 137

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 686 386 91 147 61 285 97

FATSI-TOWN 847 490 10 121 40 136 10 40

EROB-WEREDA 660 489 36 26 - 99 - 10

DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 489 36 26 - 99 - 10

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,213 3,425 107 761 173 330 112 305

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 2,114 81 602 66 212 56 197

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,886 1,311 26 159 108 118 56 108

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 819 25 75 30 80 15 105

BAZET-TOWN 1,149 819 25 75 30 80 15 105

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,167 923 153 538 54 69 193 237

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,167 923 153 538 54 69 193 237

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 689 21 87 26 93 77 396

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 689 21 87 26 93 77 396

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,109 2,008 62 136 52 305 155 391

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 1,473 47 126 37 184 100 316

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 535 15 10 15 121 56 76

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 7,288 1,204 1,545 831 1,151 1,641 2,312

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 7,288 1,204 1,545 831 1,151 1,641 2,312

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 2,195 510 1,312 265 1,046 914 2,751

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 2,195 510 1,312 265 1,046 914 2,751

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,886 17,591 636 1,500 1,092 1,934 3,955 8,178

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,497 1,635 62 135 56 57 280 272

GIJET-TOWN 1,117 703 15 5 46 15 207 126

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 932 47 130 10 42 73 146

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,051 1,672 83 207 289 213 298 289

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 987 34 149 235 177 244 235

HIWANE-TOWN 992 685 50 59 54 36 54 54

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 1,079 36 129 67 139 155 470

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 1,079 36 129 67 139 155 470

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 333 5 - 30 5 237 272

MESWAET-TOWN 882 333 5 - 30 5 237 272

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,443 2,385 76 166 137 419 521 739

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 1,929 71 166 111 408 468 660

CHERCHER-TOWN 632 456 5 - 27 11 53 80

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,250 1,042 10 20 5 15 107 51

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,250 1,042 10 20 5 15 107 51

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,102 2,688 168 367 224 494 794 2,367

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,102 2,688 168 367 224 494 794 2,367

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,733 2,581 16 85 170 340 489 1,052

KOREM-TOWN 4,733 2,581 16 85 170 340 489 1,052

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 4,175 180 390 113 252 1,073 2,665

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 4,175 180 390 113 252 1,073 2,665

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 13,857 92 149 259 516 1,408 2,207

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 6,424 15 25 108 72 387 496

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,351 2,029 5 - 40 25 156 96

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,691 10 20 20 20 35 35

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 2,704 - 5 48 26 196 365

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 2,521 5 - - 41 31 45

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,217 - - - - - 14

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,413 1,305 5 - - 41 31 31

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,345 2,076 30 10 21 11 76 121

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 570 481 25 5 5 - 10 44

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,596 6 6 17 11 66 77

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 2,836 41 114 129 393 914 1,544

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 2,836 41 114 129 393 914 1,544

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,710 20,646 4,809 11,266 1,659 5,349 2,230 8,751

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,726 7,980 2,281 4,791 825 2,453 1,054 4,342

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,726 7,980 2,281 4,791 825 2,453 1,054 4,342

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 12,665 2,528 6,475 834 2,896 1,176 4,408

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 12,665 2,528 6,475 834 2,896 1,176 4,408

Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared


Urban+Rural 957,685 729,151 13,896 25,352 19,603 22,211 89,193 58,279

Urban 231,826 115,399 10,819 23,638 7,618 17,396 17,170 39,786
Rural 725,859 613,752 3,077 1,714 11,985 4,815 72,023 18,493


Urban+Rural 161,140 134,865 1,113 2,240 1,798 2,750 8,595 9,779

Urban 31,358 14,556 827 1,821 950 2,313 2,892 7,999
Rural 129,782 120,309 286 419 848 437 5,703 1,780


Urban+Rural 19,139 17,705 36 52 73 177 462 634

Urban 1,953 1,302 36 36 25 86 97 371
Rural 17,186 16,403 - 16 48 91 365 263


Urban+Rural 24,407 19,147 37 81 240 321 3,003 1,578

Urban 2,479 1,427 - 76 35 106 182 653
Rural 21,928 17,720 37 5 205 215 2,821 925


Urban+Rural 26,917 24,128 112 322 142 169 1,214 830

Urban 3,145 1,686 69 115 68 158 437 612
Rural 23,772 22,442 43 207 74 11 777 218


Urban+Rural 13,842 12,498 151 140 324 54 567 108

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,842 12,498 151 140 324 54 567 108


Urban+Rural 28,574 26,614 54 150 255 286 698 517

Urban 2,952 1,976 34 115 115 231 154 327
Rural 25,622 24,638 20 35 140 55 544 190


Urban+Rural 29,805 28,534 41 20 80 34 824 272

Urban 2,375 1,927 5 5 24 24 195 195
Rural 27,430 26,607 36 15 56 10 629 77


Urban+Rural 13,551 3,217 653 1,213 607 1,356 1,509 4,996

Urban 13,551 3,217 653 1,213 607 1,356 1,509 4,996
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 4,904 3,021 32 261 74 351 319 846

Urban 4,904 3,021 32 261 74 351 319 846
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 269,878 202,081 3,306 4,613 6,436 5,283 34,502 13,657

Urban 51,127 29,737 1,941 4,208 2,039 3,913 3,282 6,007
Rural 218,751 172,344 1,365 405 4,397 1,370 31,220 7,650


Urban+Rural 22,531 16,515 307 271 660 323 3,293 1,162

Urban 2,385 1,350 112 213 71 86 264 289

Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared
Rural 20,146 15,165 195 58 589 237 3,029 873


Urban+Rural 37,485 27,230 229 256 1,145 799 5,971 1,855

Urban 6,604 4,656 102 224 443 493 235 451
Rural 30,881 22,574 127 32 702 306 5,736 1,404


Urban+Rural 31,089 21,577 233 111 806 683 5,697 1,982

Urban 4,604 3,349 19 48 205 484 158 341
Rural 26,485 18,228 214 63 601 199 5,539 1,641


Urban+Rural 19,525 13,577 266 21 734 186 4,013 728

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,525 13,577 266 21 734 186 4,013 728


Urban+Rural 14,202 12,611 68 26 104 10 1,007 376

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,202 12,611 68 26 104 10 1,007 376


Urban+Rural 21,544 16,808 151 40 351 334 2,997 863

Urban 3,142 2,075 15 35 147 324 248 298
Rural 18,402 14,733 136 5 204 10 2,749 565


Urban+Rural 22,477 19,266 62 88 218 150 2,148 545

Urban 646 646 - - - - - -
Rural 21,831 18,620 62 88 218 150 2,148 545


Urban+Rural 28,027 23,023 30 81 315 51 3,506 1,021

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,027 23,023 30 81 315 51 3,506 1,021


Urban+Rural 24,589 20,345 164 26 675 233 2,556 590

Urban 2,170 1,421 5 21 48 90 250 335
Rural 22,419 18,924 159 5 627 143 2,306 255


Urban+Rural 18,768 16,278 149 52 339 191 1,332 427

Urban 1,937 1,389 41 26 36 114 145 186
Rural 16,831 14,889 108 26 303 77 1,187 241


Urban+Rural 4,685 3,745 55 180 150 220 125 210

Urban 4,685 3,745 55 180 150 220 125 210
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 12,114 5,655 733 1,725 526 1,259 602 1,614

Urban 12,114 5,655 733 1,725 526 1,259 602 1,614
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 12,839 5,452 858 1,736 413 842 1,256 2,282

Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared
Urban 12,839 5,452 858 1,736 413 842 1,256 2,282
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,485 121,497 3,065 5,047 5,223 5,068 16,460 10,125

Urban 41,257 19,012 2,515 4,693 1,620 3,371 3,401 6,645
Rural 125,228 102,485 550 354 3,603 1,697 13,059 3,480


Urban+Rural 17,673 13,241 418 263 980 587 1,634 550

Urban 2,602 1,176 396 213 188 197 295 137
Rural 15,071 12,065 22 50 792 390 1,339 413


Urban+Rural 5,164 4,617 52 26 120 121 147 81

Urban 660 489 36 26 - 99 - 10
Rural 4,504 4,128 16 - 120 22 147 71


Urban+Rural 29,259 25,113 138 855 414 586 1,393 760

Urban 5,213 3,425 107 761 173 330 112 305
Rural 24,046 21,688 31 94 241 256 1,281 455


Urban+Rural 18,854 14,280 181 96 777 247 2,642 631

Urban 1,149 819 25 75 30 80 15 105
Rural 17,705 13,461 156 21 747 167 2,627 526


Urban+Rural 24,105 19,521 420 617 426 221 2,255 645

Urban 2,167 923 153 538 54 69 193 237
Rural 21,938 18,598 267 79 372 152 2,062 408


Urban+Rural 20,931 14,352 52 129 1,025 480 3,801 1,092

Urban 1,389 689 21 87 26 93 77 396
Rural 19,542 13,663 31 42 999 387 3,724 696


Urban+Rural 25,532 20,891 88 204 385 628 2,034 1,302

Urban 3,109 2,008 62 136 52 305 155 391
Rural 22,423 18,883 26 68 333 323 1,879 911


Urban+Rural 15,972 7,288 1,204 1,545 831 1,151 1,641 2,312

Urban 15,972 7,288 1,204 1,545 831 1,151 1,641 2,312
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 8,993 2,195 510 1,312 265 1,046 914 2,751

Urban 8,993 2,195 510 1,312 265 1,046 914 2,751
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 226,122 177,040 1,464 1,993 4,067 3,110 25,159 13,289

Urban 34,886 17,591 636 1,500 1,092 1,934 3,955 8,178
Rural 191,236 159,449 828 493 2,975 1,176 21,204 5,111


Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared
Urban+Rural 25,835 20,768 233 140 372 166 3,496 660
Urban 2,497 1,635 62 135 56 57 280 272
Rural 23,338 19,133 171 5 316 109 3,216 388


Urban+Rural 23,856 19,484 42 16 780 158 2,955 421

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,856 19,484 42 16 780 158 2,955 421


Urban+Rural 33,128 23,646 433 244 1,256 464 6,054 1,031

Urban 3,051 1,672 83 207 289 213 298 289
Rural 30,077 21,974 350 37 967 251 5,756 742


Urban+Rural 23,952 20,472 98 176 394 326 1,731 755

Urban 2,075 1,079 36 129 67 139 155 470
Rural 21,877 19,393 62 47 327 187 1,576 285


Urban+Rural 18,372 15,940 36 21 108 26 1,694 547

Urban 882 333 5 - 30 5 237 272
Rural 17,490 15,607 31 21 78 21 1,457 275


Urban+Rural 31,469 23,358 185 405 391 694 3,871 2,565

Urban 4,443 2,385 76 166 137 419 521 739
Rural 27,026 20,973 109 239 254 275 3,350 1,826


Urban+Rural 20,106 18,769 25 41 36 87 692 456

Urban 1,250 1,042 10 20 5 15 107 51
Rural 18,856 17,727 15 21 31 72 585 405


Urban+Rural 28,718 25,158 47 109 223 104 2,309 768

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,718 25,158 47 109 223 104 2,309 768


Urban+Rural 7,102 2,688 168 367 224 494 794 2,367

Urban 7,102 2,688 168 367 224 494 794 2,367
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 4,733 2,581 16 85 170 340 489 1,052

Urban 4,733 2,581 16 85 170 340 489 1,052
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 8,848 4,175 180 390 113 252 1,073 2,665

Urban 8,848 4,175 180 390 113 252 1,073 2,665
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 79,351 73,023 139 191 421 653 2,244 2,680

Urban 18,488 13,857 92 149 259 516 1,408 2,207
Rural 60,863 59,166 47 42 162 137 836 473


Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

Urban+Rural 22,259 20,278 41 46 211 144 795 744

Urban 7,527 6,424 15 25 108 72 387 496
Rural 14,732 13,854 26 21 103 72 408 248


Urban+Rural 29,336 28,991 5 16 11 46 164 103

Urban 2,643 2,521 5 - - 41 31 45
Rural 26,693 26,470 - 16 11 5 133 58


Urban+Rural 21,782 20,918 51 15 69 70 371 288

Urban 2,345 2,076 30 10 21 11 76 121
Rural 19,437 18,842 21 5 48 59 295 167


Urban+Rural 5,971 2,836 41 114 129 393 914 1,544

Urban 5,971 2,836 41 114 129 393 914 1,544
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,710 20,646 4,809 11,266 1,659 5,349 2,230 8,751

Urban 54,710 20,646 4,809 11,266 1,659 5,349 2,230 8,751
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 23,726 7,980 2,281 4,791 825 2,453 1,054 4,342

Urban 23,726 7,980 2,281 4,791 825 2,453 1,054 4,342
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 30,982 12,665 2,528 6,475 834 2,896 1,176 4,408

Urban 30,982 12,665 2,528 6,475 834 2,896 1,176 4,408
Rural - - - - - - - -

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 224,078 7,247 501 240,382 1.037

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 30,619 705 36 32,181 1.026

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,913 39 1 1,995 1.022

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,913 39 1 1,995 1.022

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,422 55 2 2,538 1.024

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,422 55 2 2,538 1.024

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 3,073 73 - 3,219 1.023

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 2,119 47 - 2,213 1.022

ZANA-TOWN 980 954 26 - 1,006 1.027

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 2,883 64 5 3,055 1.035

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 2,883 64 5 3,055 1.035

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 2,331 43 1 2,421 1.019

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 2,331 43 1 2,421 1.019

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 13,226 308 17 13,904 1.026

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 13,226 308 17 13,904 1.026

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 4,771 123 10 5,049 1.030

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 4,771 123 10 5,049 1.030

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 49,353 1,651 122 53,100 1.039

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 2,348 35 3 2,427 1.017

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 2,348 35 3 2,427 1.017

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 6,270 322 12 6,951 1.053

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 1,405 231 10 1,898 1.153

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 3,005 56 2 3,123 1.020

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 637 22 - 681 1.033

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 1,223 13 - 1,249 1.011

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 4,212 375 18 5,018 1.090

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 853 115 3 1,092 1.125

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 2,364 149 11 2,697 1.069

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 995 111 4 1,229 1.107

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 3,056 76 10 3,241 1.032

CHILA-TOWN 884 869 15 - 899 1.017

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 2,187 61 10 2,342 1.037

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 625 21 - 667 1.033

SEMEMA TOWN 646 625 21 - 667 1.033

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 2,126 45 - 2,216 1.021

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 2,126 45 - 2,216 1.021

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,894 38 4 1,982 1.024

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,894 38 4 1,982 1.024

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 4,580 98 6 4,796 1.024

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 4,580 98 6 4,796 1.024

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 11,793 302 19 12,467 1.029

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 11,793 302 19 12,467 1.029

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 12,449 339 50 13,335 1.039

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 12,449 339 50 13,335 1.039

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 40,098 1,112 48 42,538 1.031

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 2,490 105 7 2,724 1.047

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,651 95 7 1,865 1.064

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit

FATSI-TOWN 849 839 10 - 859 1.012

EROB-WEREDA 661 648 13 - 674 1.020

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 648 13 - 674 1.020

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 5,130 81 1 5,304 1.018

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 3,283 45 - 3,373 1.014

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 1,847 36 1 1,931 1.025

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 1,134 15 1 1,167 1.015

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 1,134 15 1 1,167 1.015

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 2,100 61 7 2,243 1.035

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 2,100 61 7 2,243 1.035

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 1,351 37 1 1,428 1.028

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 1,351 37 1 1,428 1.028

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 2,940 168 3 3,285 1.056

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 2,144 136 3 2,425 1.062

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 796 32 - 860 1.039

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 15,630 326 16 16,389 1.026

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 15,630 326 16 16,389 1.026

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 8,675 306 12 9,324 1.037

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 8,675 306 12 9,324 1.037

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 33,643 1,184 58 36,208 1.038

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,432 66 - 2,564 1.026

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 1,081 37 - 1,155 1.033

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,351 29 - 1,409 1.021

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 2,725 300 27 3,411 1.118

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,878 167 16 2,263 1.098

HIWANE-TOWN 991 847 133 11 1,148 1.158

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 2,035 40 1 2,118 1.020

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 2,035 40 1 2,118 1.020

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 860 22 - 904 1.025

MESWAET-TOWN 882 860 22 - 904 1.025

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 4,161 271 12 4,740 1.067

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 3,562 240 11 4,076 1.069

CHERCHER-TOWN 631 599 31 1 664 1.052

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,221 31 - 1,283 1.025

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,221 31 - 1,283 1.025

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 6,991 107 3 7,214 1.016

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 6,991 107 3 7,214 1.016

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 4,567 158 7 4,909 1.037

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 4,567 158 7 4,909 1.037

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 8,651 189 8 9,065 1.025

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 8,651 189 8 9,065 1.025

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 17,514 870 104 19,598 1.060

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 7,132 378 17 7,941 1.055

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 2,146 197 9 2,569 1.092

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,751 74 6 1,917 1.047

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,235 107 2 3,455 1.033

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 2,413 210 20 2,899 1.097

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,038 181 12 1,438 1.168

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 1,375 29 8 1,461 1.035

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 2,209 98 40 2,527 1.077

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 549 19 1 590 1.037

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 1,660 79 39 1,937 1.089

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 5,760 184 27 6,231 1.044

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 5,760 184 27 6,231 1.044

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 52,851 1,725 133 56,757 1.037

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 22,810 868 49 24,703 1.041

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 22,810 868 49 24,703 1.041

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 30,041 857 84 32,054 1.035

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 30,041 857 84 32,054 1.035

Table 8.12 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Years Since Construction: 2007
Number of Years Since Construction
Geographical Housing Less than 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 Years
Area Units 5 Years Years Years Years or More

TIGRAY-REGION 231,825 56,599 52,660 36,288 19,681 66,597

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 7,661 7,538 5,363 2,994 7,804

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,952 559 488 310 122 473

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,952 559 488 310 122 473

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 632 734 334 187 592

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 632 734 334 187 592

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 643 699 579 266 959

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,165 397 498 307 185 778

ZANA-TOWN 979 246 201 271 80 181

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 1,000 678 476 226 572

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 1,000 678 476 226 572

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 506 784 248 127 711

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 506 784 248 127 711

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 2,819 3,018 2,427 1,662 3,625

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 2,819 3,018 2,427 1,662 3,625

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,903 1,500 1,138 989 404 872

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,903 1,500 1,138 989 404 872

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 10,471 11,776 8,921 4,189 15,769

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,385 787 746 355 157 340

RAMA-TOWN 2,385 787 746 355 157 340

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 1,587 1,893 1,364 427 1,333

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 255 577 454 109 251

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 819 761 592 154 737

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 150 228 52 47 182

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 363 327 266 117 163

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 1,317 1,155 986 354 793

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 224 209 224 105 209

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,523 767 685 545 164 362

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 326 260 217 85 222

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,143 638 806 528 372 799

CHILA-TOWN 883 202 370 143 119 49

WUKRO MARYA 2,257 435 435 385 253 749

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 459 187 - - -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 459 187 - - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 463 601 362 293 452

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 463 601 362 293 452

Table 8.12 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Years Since Construction: 2007
Number of Years Since Construction
Geographical Housing Less than 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 Years
Area Units 5 Years Years Years Years or More

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,937 661 609 377 83 207

MEARAY-TOWN 1,937 661 609 377 83 207

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 1,034 1,049 754 399 1,448

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 1,034 1,049 754 399 1,448

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,115 1,877 2,347 1,806 966 5,119

ADWA-TOWN 12,115 1,877 2,347 1,806 966 5,119

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 1,649 2,384 2,389 1,138 5,278

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 1,649 2,384 2,389 1,138 5,278

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 8,959 7,494 7,289 4,402 13,114

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,944 218 106 91 243

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,499 81 56 61 56

FATSI-TOWN 849 445 136 51 30 187

EROB-WEREDA 660 359 260 5 - 36

DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 359 260 5 - 36

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,213 888 985 1,027 406 1,907

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 683 703 602 278 1,062

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,885 205 282 425 128 845

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 256 271 261 70 291

BAZET-TOWN 1,149 256 271 261 70 291

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 889 435 262 99 484

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 889 435 262 99 484

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 329 257 304 67 432

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 329 257 304 67 432

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 829 628 785 323 546

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 642 426 447 252 516

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 187 202 338 71 30

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 1,588 2,440 2,951 2,477 6,516

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 1,588 2,440 2,951 2,477 6,516

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 1,878 2,001 1,587 868 2,659

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 1,878 2,001 1,587 868 2,659

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 9,238 7,500 4,330 2,588 11,228

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,499 531 634 452 134 748

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 192 212 228 61 425

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 338 422 224 73 323

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 562 746 408 270 1,066

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 355 422 273 139 872

Table 8.12 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Years Since Construction: 2007
Number of Years Since Construction
Geographical Housing Less than 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 Years
Area Units 5 Years Years Years Years or More

HIWANE-TOWN 991 207 324 135 131 194

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 511 423 186 124 831

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 511 423 186 124 831

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 883 217 81 55 76 454

MESWAET-TOWN 883 217 81 55 76 454

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 1,489 1,174 638 203 940

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 1,325 957 564 181 786

CHERCHER-TOWN 630 164 217 74 21 154

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 496 240 102 92 322

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 496 240 102 92 322

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 1,502 1,486 1,033 621 2,459

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 1,502 1,486 1,033 621 2,459

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 1,009 706 372 372 2,273

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 1,009 706 372 372 2,273

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 2,922 2,008 1,084 698 2,136

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 2,922 2,008 1,084 698 2,136

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 9,306 4,830 2,071 581 1,700

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 3,896 2,620 718 51 242

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 959 1,045 308 20 20

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,101 670 50 10 -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 1,836 905 360 21 222

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,644 1,054 804 298 116 372

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,230 445 440 175 85 85

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 609 363 123 31 286

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 1,314 555 384 73 21

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 568 132 201 196 34 5

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,182 353 188 39 17

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,970 3,042 852 671 341 1,064

HUMERA-TOWN 5,970 3,042 852 671 341 1,064

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,708 10,965 13,521 8,313 4,927 16,982

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,728 4,661 4,964 4,019 2,213 7,871

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,728 4,661 4,964 4,019 2,213 7,871

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,981 6,304 8,557 4,294 2,714 9,112

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,981 6,304 8,557 4,294 2,714 9,112

Table 8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007
Type of Tenure
Rented Rented
All Rented from House Rented from Occupied
Urban-Rural Housing Owner Rent from Renting from Other Private Difference
Residence Units Occupied Free Kebele Agency Organization Household Rent

Urban+Rural 957,685 709,498 89,921 4,910 1,351 1,139 150,302 564
Urban 231,827 85,148 20,035 3,614 1,068 672 120,994 296
Rural 725,858 624,350 69,886 1,296 283 467 29,308 268


Urban+Rural 161,143 122,325 12,041 415 114 106 26,064 78
Urban 31,360 10,573 1,694 290 41 70 18,651 41
Rural 129,783 111,752 10,347 125 73 36 7,413 37

Urban+Rural 19,141 14,321 1,920 156 27 10 2,692 15
Urban 1,953 712 163 97 - 10 961 10
Rural 17,188 13,609 1,757 59 27 - 1,731 5

Urban+Rural 24,407 20,365 1,063 20 5 5 2,949 -
Urban 2,479 759 91 20 - - 1,609 -
Rural 21,928 19,606 972 - 5 5 1,340 -

Urban+Rural 26,916 23,108 1,794 - - 5 1,994 15
Urban 3,145 1,124 251 - - - 1,760 10
Rural 23,771 21,984 1,543 - - 5 234 5

Urban+Rural 13,842 12,288 950 - - - 588 16
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,842 12,288 950 - - - 588 16

Urban+Rural 28,574 22,097 2,430 35 10 29 3,968 5
Urban 2,952 1,024 183 - - 19 1,726 -
Rural 25,622 21,073 2,247 35 10 10 2,242 5

Urban+Rural 29,805 24,209 2,995 75 31 15 2,475 5
Urban 2,375 1,017 117 44 - - 1,197 -
Rural 27,430 23,192 2,878 31 31 15 1,278 5

Urban+Rural 13,551 4,410 709 76 41 41 8,254 20
Urban 13,551 4,410 709 76 41 41 8,254 20
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,904 1,527 181 53 - - 3,143 -
Urban 4,904 1,527 181 53 - - 3,143 -
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,878 206,587 27,836 1,049 144 425 33,663 174
Urban 51,127 18,379 4,522 584 86 177 27,289 90
Rural 218,751 188,208 23,314 465 58 248 6,374 84

Urban+Rural 22,530 18,040 2,771 110 5 16 1,572 16
Urban 2,386 1,229 142 - - - 1,015 -
Rural 20,144 16,811 2,629 110 5 16 557 16

Urban+Rural 37,481 29,183 3,667 253 26 35 4,278 39
Urban 6,603 2,536 554 216 5 14 3,244 34
Rural 30,878 26,647 3,113 37 21 21 1,034 5

Urban+Rural 31,090 24,018 3,899 76 - 5 3,076 16
Urban 4,605 1,803 225 24 - 5 2,548 -
Rural 26,485 22,215 3,674 52 - - 528 16

Table 8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007
Type of Tenure
Rented Rented
All Rented from House Rented from Occupied
Urban-Rural Housing Owner Rent from Renting from Other Private Difference
Residence Units Occupied Free Kebele Agency Organization Household Rent
Urban+Rural 19,525 16,575 2,142 37 16 165 585 5
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,525 16,575 2,142 37 16 165 585 5

Urban+Rural 14,202 13,117 637 5 - 26 407 10
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,202 13,117 637 5 - 26 407 10

Urban+Rural 21,544 16,335 3,036 107 - 5 2,051 10
Urban 3,142 1,178 408 81 - 5 1,465 5
Rural 18,402 15,157 2,628 26 - - 586 5

Urban+Rural 22,477 19,529 1,840 114 - 5 984 5
Urban 646 27 123 5 - 5 486 -
Rural 21,831 19,502 1,717 109 - - 498 5

Urban+Rural 28,028 25,193 1,839 51 - 15 925 5
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,028 25,193 1,839 51 - 15 925 5

Urban+Rural 24,590 20,557 2,412 32 5 10 1,558 16
Urban 2,170 894 181 5 - 5 1,080 5
Rural 22,420 19,663 2,231 27 5 5 478 11

Urban+Rural 18,765 14,437 2,717 10 10 - 1,576 15
Urban 1,935 1,110 15 - - - 800 10
Rural 16,830 13,327 2,702 10 10 - 776 5

Urban+Rural 4,685 1,678 290 35 15 20 2,632 15
Urban 4,685 1,678 290 35 15 20 2,632 15
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,114 3,166 1,624 182 35 56 7,036 15
Urban 12,114 3,166 1,624 182 35 56 7,036 15
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,838 4,757 960 36 31 66 6,983 5
Urban 12,838 4,757 960 36 31 66 6,983 5
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,487 122,768 16,737 535 142 147 26,063 95
Urban 41,259 14,795 3,630 294 110 94 22,289 47
Rural 125,228 107,973 13,107 241 32 53 3,774 48

Urban+Rural 17,672 13,456 2,732 11 - 11 1,456 6
Urban 2,602 1,375 401 - - - 826 -
Rural 15,070 12,081 2,331 11 - 11 630 6

Urban+Rural 5,164 3,857 584 52 5 10 645 11
Urban 661 78 99 47 - 5 432 -
Rural 4,503 3,779 485 5 5 5 213 11

Urban+Rural 29,258 23,342 2,257 124 16 41 3,468 10
Urban 5,212 1,895 249 56 - 20 2,992 -
Rural 24,046 21,447 2,008 68 16 21 476 10


Table 8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007
Type of Tenure
Rented Rented
All Rented from House Rented from Occupied
Urban-Rural Housing Owner Rent from Renting from Other Private Difference
Residence Units Occupied Free Kebele Agency Organization Household Rent
Urban+Rural 18,855 15,765 2,032 5 - - 1,042 11
Urban 1,150 407 50 - - - 693 -
Rural 17,705 15,358 1,982 5 - - 349 11

Urban+Rural 24,104 19,098 2,923 198 - 10 1,875 -
Urban 2,168 726 217 109 - - 1,116 -
Rural 21,936 18,372 2,706 89 - 10 759 -

Urban+Rural 20,930 17,822 1,656 20 15 - 1,412 5
Urban 1,388 622 113 10 5 - 638 -
Rural 19,542 17,200 1,543 10 10 - 774 5

Urban+Rural 25,532 20,905 2,360 52 5 10 2,190 10
Urban 3,110 1,169 309 - 5 5 1,617 5
Rural 22,422 19,736 2,051 52 - 5 573 5

Urban+Rural 15,973 5,312 1,614 16 75 43 8,892 21
Urban 15,973 5,312 1,614 16 75 43 8,892 21
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,992 3,210 577 56 26 20 5,083 20
Urban 8,992 3,210 577 56 26 20 5,083 20
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,120 181,317 21,632 1,808 297 139 20,839 88
Urban 34,884 14,804 3,569 1,518 240 61 14,677 15
Rural 191,236 166,513 18,063 290 57 78 6,162 73

Urban+Rural 25,837 21,869 2,438 26 41 5 1,448 10
Urban 2,499 1,410 175 - 41 5 868 -
Rural 23,338 20,459 2,263 26 - - 580 10

Urban+Rural 23,856 20,590 2,634 32 21 5 558 16
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,856 20,590 2,634 32 21 5 558 16

Urban+Rural 33,129 26,976 3,604 40 54 - 2,445 10
Urban 3,051 1,337 362 19 38 - 1,290 5
Rural 30,078 25,639 3,242 21 16 - 1,155 5

Urban+Rural 23,951 20,452 1,259 62 - 46 2,122 10
Urban 2,075 857 253 15 - 5 945 -
Rural 21,876 19,595 1,006 47 - 41 1,177 10

Urban+Rural 18,371 16,488 1,229 5 5 - 644 -
Urban 882 575 5 5 - - 297 -
Rural 17,489 15,913 1,224 - 5 - 347 -

Urban+Rural 31,469 24,463 3,957 73 5 - 2,950 21
Urban 4,444 1,628 633 47 - - 2,136 -
Rural 27,025 22,835 3,324 26 5 - 814 21

Urban+Rural 20,107 16,694 2,210 226 15 20 932 10
Urban 1,252 567 164 123 10 5 383 -
Rural 18,855 16,127 2,046 103 5 15 549 10

Urban+Rural 28,717 25,355 2,324 36 5 16 981 -

Table 8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007
Type of Tenure
Rented Rented
All Rented from House Rented from Occupied
Urban-Rural Housing Owner Rent from Renting from Other Private Difference
Residence Units Occupied Free Kebele Agency Organization Household Rent
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,717 25,355 2,324 36 5 16 981 -

Urban+Rural 7,100 3,059 529 183 25 31 3,268 5
Urban 7,100 3,059 529 183 25 31 3,268 5
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,733 1,689 303 802 64 - 1,875 -
Urban 4,733 1,689 303 802 64 - 1,875 -
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,848 3,682 1,145 324 62 15 3,615 5
Urban 8,848 3,682 1,145 324 62 15 3,615 5
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,352 58,614 6,313 589 114 109 13,566 47
Urban 18,489 8,710 1,258 414 50 57 7,980 20
Rural 60,863 49,904 5,055 175 64 52 5,586 27

Urban+Rural 22,258 14,291 2,401 73 50 51 5,372 20
Urban 7,527 4,582 360 32 45 10 2,478 20
Rural 14,731 9,709 2,041 41 5 41 2,894 -

Urban+Rural 29,335 24,606 2,215 37 53 - 2,403 21
Urban 2,643 1,125 233 - - - 1,285 -
Rural 26,692 23,481 1,982 37 53 - 1,118 21

Urban+Rural 21,786 17,403 1,346 97 5 11 2,919 5
Urban 2,348 689 314 - - - 1,345 -
Rural 19,438 16,714 1,032 97 5 11 1,574 5

Urban+Rural 5,970 2,314 351 382 5 46 2,872 -
Urban 5,970 2,314 351 382 5 46 2,872 -
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,709 17,887 5,363 514 540 213 30,109 83
Urban 54,709 17,887 5,363 514 540 213 30,109 83
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,727 7,594 2,276 130 214 73 13,398 42
Urban 23,727 7,594 2,276 130 214 73 13,398 42
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,981 10,293 3,087 383 326 140 16,711 41
Urban 30,981 10,293 3,087 383 326 140 16,711 41
Rural - - - - - - - -

Table 8.14 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Kitchen: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside the Outside the Inside the Outside the
Area Units Kitchen Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 91,279 27,109 101,298 7,850 4,290

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,361 16,919 2,386 11,495 399 162

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,954 1,277 137 458 41 41

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,954 1,277 137 458 41 41

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,003 46 425 - 5

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,003 46 425 - 5

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 1,061 208 1,857 20 -

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 694 143 1,324 5 -

ZANA-TOWN 980 367 65 533 15 -

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 1,707 221 962 38 24

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 1,707 221 962 38 24

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 1,431 151 740 44 10

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 1,431 151 740 44 10

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 5,664 1,473 6,108 240 66

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 5,664 1,473 6,108 240 66

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 3,776 149 947 16 16

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 3,776 149 947 16 16

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 20,319 6,851 22,342 948 667

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,385 1,604 193 543 20 25

RAMA-TOWN 2,385 1,604 193 543 20 25

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,603 2,873 1,299 2,279 127 25

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 818 345 459 24 -

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 1,522 645 824 67 5

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 119 145 389 - 5

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 414 163 608 36 15

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,606 1,660 309 2,555 24 58

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 528 81 347 5 10

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 565 48 1,844 19 48

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 567 179 364 - -

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 1,401 371 1,264 30 76

CHILA-TOWN 884 677 133 59 15 -

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 724 238 1,205 15 76

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 614 - 27 5 -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 614 - 27 5 -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 516 202 1,426 16 11

Table 8.14 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Kitchen: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside the Outside the Inside the Outside the
Area Units Kitchen Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 516 202 1,426 16 11

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,935 1,409 108 408 10 -

MEARAY-TOWN 1,935 1,409 108 408 10 -

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 3,141 469 1,004 50 20

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 3,141 469 1,004 50 20

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 3,844 2,352 5,190 430 298

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 3,844 2,352 5,190 430 298

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,839 3,257 1,547 7,647 235 153

AXUM-TOWN 12,839 3,257 1,547 7,647 235 153

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 11,309 4,108 23,983 1,135 723

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,045 234 1,221 97 5

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 782 213 661 91 5

FATSI-TOWN 849 263 20 561 5 -

EROB-WEREDA 660 182 62 406 10 -

DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 182 62 406 10 -

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,211 2,272 766 2,057 81 35

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,327 1,345 546 1,340 66 30

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 927 220 717 15 5

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 341 45 743 10 10

BAZET-TOWN 1,149 341 45 743 10 10

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,167 716 202 1,096 74 79

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,167 716 202 1,096 74 79

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 170 72 1,101 41 5

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 170 72 1,101 41 5

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,112 1,092 282 1,685 16 37

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,284 779 116 1,341 11 37

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 313 167 343 5 -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 3,623 1,428 10,069 479 373

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 3,623 1,428 10,069 479 373

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,994 1,868 1,016 5,604 327 179

WUKRO-TOWN 8,994 1,868 1,016 5,604 327 179

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 13,172 5,051 15,518 712 432

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 951 473 1,007 31 36

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 233 390 470 15 10

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 719 83 536 16 26

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,053 1,033 263 1,589 134 34

Table 8.14 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Kitchen: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside the Outside the Inside the Outside the
Area Units Kitchen Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,062 556 249 1,098 125 34

HIWANE-TOWN 991 477 14 491 9 -

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,077 677 83 1,286 21 10

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,077 677 83 1,286 21 10

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 881 267 55 519 15 25

MESWAET-TOWN 881 267 55 519 15 25

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 1,364 1,297 1,692 71 20

MEHONI-TOWN 3,812 1,088 1,244 1,395 65 20

CHERCHER-TOWN 631 276 53 297 5 -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,099 82 66 5 -

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,099 82 66 5 -

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 1,232 967 4,367 270 265

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 1,232 967 4,367 270 265

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 844 706 3,091 64 27

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 844 706 3,091 64 27

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 5,705 1,125 1,900 103 15

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 5,705 1,125 1,900 103 15

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,489 13,997 1,119 3,269 57 47

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,526 5,894 607 1,005 15 5

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 1,580 358 414 - -

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,346 180 295 10 -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,343 2,968 69 296 5 5

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 1,984 107 552 - -

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,160 - 71 - -

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 824 107 481 - -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,348 1,388 198 762 - -

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 206 54 309 - -

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,182 144 453 - -

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,970 4,731 207 950 41 41

HUMERA-TOWN 5,970 4,731 207 950 41 41

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 15,563 7,595 24,691 4,600 2,260

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 5,778 3,617 11,373 2,056 903

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 5,778 3,617 11,373 2,056 903

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,981 9,785 3,978 13,318 2,543 1,357

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,981 9,785 3,978 13,318 2,543 1,357

Table 8.15 Housing Units by Type of Kitchen for Rural Areas: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside Inside Outside Outside Inside Inside Outside Outside
Area Units Kitchen Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

TIGRAY-REGION 725,859 191,741 244,065 29,190 206,445 44,570 6,715 1,232 1,379 522

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 129,782 42,249 50,058 4,052 29,156 3,227 731 79 124 106

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 17,188 7,987 4,783 591 3,252 473 97 - - 5

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 21,928 7,365 7,702 851 4,933 872 168 26 11 -

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 23,771 4,315 11,694 1,117 6,065 511 43 - 21 5

TAHTAY QORARO-WEREDA 13,842 3,249 5,418 243 4,236 324 232 38 32 70

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 25,622 7,341 9,812 764 6,851 669 110 10 45 20

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 27,430 11,992 10,648 486 3,819 378 82 5 15 5

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 218,749 35,917 97,427 12,084 57,843 11,104 3,282 424 548 120

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 20,146 3,034 9,623 947 5,227 994 147 32 105 37

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 30,880 5,087 15,656 1,884 6,422 1,203 491 79 37 21

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 26,487 3,277 12,647 2,007 6,031 1,552 831 89 37 16

ADWA-WEREDA 19,524 3,003 9,281 962 4,625 920 420 74 234 5

LAELAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 14,203 1,582 6,097 705 4,776 913 120 - 5 5

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 18,404 2,482 10,110 707 4,194 450 356 63 26 16

NADER ADET-WEREDA 21,831 4,057 12,680 1,556 2,501 643 332 36 21 5

KOLA TEMBEN-WEREDA 28,027 5,081 10,127 1,885 8,298 2,220 371 20 25 -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 22,419 4,580 5,663 584 10,397 1,052 106 5 32 -

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 16,832 3,735 5,544 848 5,374 1,156 108 26 26 15

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 125,227 27,155 33,718 6,197 43,718 12,139 1,278 406 420 196

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 15,070 3,018 4,646 496 5,137 1,411 195 39 95 33

Table 8.15 Housing Units by Type of Kitchen for Rural Areas: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside Inside Outside Outside Inside Inside Outside Outside
Area Units Kitchen Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

EROB-WEREDA 4,502 1,559 823 76 1,663 344 22 5 5 5

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 24,046 6,614 6,562 1,574 6,635 2,034 293 162 120 52

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 17,704 2,906 4,996 564 7,493 1,391 220 59 48 27

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 21,937 4,334 6,328 1,251 7,878 1,947 131 42 16 10

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 19,543 3,254 4,248 455 9,285 2,040 204 5 47 5

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 22,421 5,470 6,116 1,780 5,626 2,972 213 94 88 62

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 191,235 59,134 45,879 5,583 62,971 15,795 1,275 285 245 68

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 23,338 2,761 8,551 932 9,738 1,108 145 41 41 21

ENDERTA-WEREDA 23,856 5,252 6,247 579 10,271 1,227 195 16 58 11

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 30,077 5,547 8,898 742 12,396 2,091 319 37 37 10

ALAJE-WEREDA 21,875 5,650 4,759 503 9,258 1,524 124 57 - -

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 17,489 5,735 4,428 394 5,698 1,063 104 - 62 5

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 27,025 13,956 3,293 928 5,108 3,475 202 26 21 16

ALAMATA-WEREDA 18,855 11,066 2,205 538 2,636 2,282 46 72 5 5

OFLA-WEREDA 28,717 9,168 7,497 965 7,865 3,025 140 36 21 -

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 60,863 27,286 16,982 1,274 12,757 2,305 148 37 42 32

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 14,733 7,503 3,007 455 2,883 791 47 26 5 16

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 26,693 10,537 8,619 615 5,984 837 69 - 32 -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 19,437 9,246 5,356 204 3,890 677 32 11 5 16

Table 8.16 Housing Units By Type of Fuel for Cooking in Rural Areas: 2007
Type of Fuel for Cooking
Geographical Housing
Area Units Electricity Gas Kerosene Charcoal Firewood Dung Bio-Gas Other

TIGRAY-REGION 725,859 1,835 638 43,616 244,004 693,582 403,619 3,580 45,220
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 129,782 361 42 4,603 44,210 126,040 42,578 351 6,961
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 17,188 32 5 1,301 10,244 16,731 4,090 32 1,129
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 21,928 5 5 914 10,638 21,539 5,847 11 1,166
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 23,772 32 21 325 4,240 23,267 12,572 80 1,176
TAHTAY QORARO-WEREDA 13,842 221 5 362 5,256 13,292 8,386 11 1,031
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 25,622 55 - 889 8,689 24,568 4,884 85 819
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 27,430 15 5 813 5,142 26,643 6,799 133 1,641
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 218,751 701 203 12,918 77,525 211,810 121,783 1,375 15,461
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 20,145 53 - 989 8,918 19,456 10,028 268 1,898
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 30,879 69 21 2,301 14,996 30,277 22,595 127 2,285
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 26,485 5 5 1,270 10,656 25,544 14,298 240 1,448
ADWA-WEREDA 19,525 346 43 1,542 8,798 19,004 14,560 271 1,760
LAELAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 14,203 - - 997 4,886 12,710 11,129 68 1,112
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 18,403 10 10 1,932 5,236 17,801 10,885 68 1,084
NADER ADET-WEREDA 21,832 26 36 799 4,503 21,365 9,489 140 1,655
KOLA TEMBEN-WEREDA 28,028 193 15 1,169 7,058 27,256 8,150 61 2,276
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 22,420 - 5 1,068 7,656 21,899 19,200 90 1,137
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 16,831 - 67 853 4,819 16,497 1,449 41 807
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 125,228 351 230 13,038 54,048 115,411 89,469 862 6,598
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 15,071 45 156 2,995 8,205 14,195 11,786 385 1,294
EROB-WEREDA 4,504 - 22 453 1,925 4,444 1,385 33 196
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 24,046 78 37 2,672 8,862 21,411 15,341 63 1,391
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 17,705 118 5 1,939 8,079 16,942 12,801 48 113
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 21,937 16 - 2,047 8,412 19,545 16,200 73 1,230
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 19,543 78 10 1,449 8,427 17,560 16,624 63 1,072
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 22,422 16 - 1,483 10,139 21,313 15,333 198 1,301
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 191,235 333 125 11,155 52,369 181,785 128,387 816 10,989
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 23,339 10 16 1,440 5,470 21,987 15,186 88 1,279
ENDERTA-WEREDA 23,856 42 16 1,554 9,760 21,117 21,001 84 2,060
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 30,078 31 26 1,804 11,382 27,385 23,977 110 1,082
ALAJE-WEREDA 21,876 52 26 1,861 7,600 21,269 17,019 47 679
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 17,489 21 16 617 6,543 16,976 14,067 290 716
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 27,025 124 5 1,794 6,695 26,501 5,653 78 1,462
ALAMATA-WEREDA 18,855 5 5 497 1,333 18,476 9,912 62 1,656
OFLA-WEREDA 28,717 47 16 1,588 3,585 28,074 21,573 57 2,055
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 60,863 89 37 1,903 15,851 58,536 21,401 176 5,212
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 14,732 57 10 873 7,642 14,040 2,454 10 977
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 26,693 5 5 557 3,997 26,036 10,855 58 2,253
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 19,438 27 21 473 4,212 18,460 8,091 107 1,982

Table 8.17 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Fuel for Cooking: 2007
Type of Fuel for Cooking
Geographical Housing
Area Units Electricity Gas Kerosene Charcoal Firewood Dung Bio-Gas Other

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 22,113 1,057 56,598 192,866 198,738 50,176 1,660 15,936
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 785 20 2,002 25,553 28,166 4,040 97 3,160
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 92 5 468 1,724 1,785 280 20 41
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 92 5 468 1,724 1,785 280 20 41
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 10 - 96 2,302 2,388 460 5 15
ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 10 - 96 2,302 2,388 460 5 15
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 37 - 74 2,146 2,936 473 10 439
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 32 - 69 1,382 1,991 117 5 434
ZANA-TOWN 980 5 - 5 764 945 357 5 5
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 10 - 96 2,486 2,793 438 10 163
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 10 - 96 2,486 2,793 438 10 163
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 15 - 195 1,869 2,195 871 - 97
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 15 - 195 1,869 2,195 871 - 97
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 617 15 882 10,793 11,797 1,305 31 2,340
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 617 15 882 10,793 11,797 1,305 31 2,340
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 5 - 191 4,234 4,271 213 21 64
SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 5 - 191 4,234 4,271 213 21 64
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 2,416 126 6,441 44,496 46,833 10,800 423 4,268
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 30 5 96 2,005 2,249 294 10 5
RAMA-TOWN 2,386 30 5 96 2,005 2,249 294 10 5
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 212 24 818 4,884 6,220 2,123 108 439
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 43 - 322 1,282 1,509 454 38 5
INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 149 24 424 2,061 2,914 583 34 424
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 5 - 57 581 649 519 26 -
FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 15 - 15 960 1,149 567 10 10
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 19 - 240 4,342 4,404 1,826 9 275
NEBELAT-TOWN 971 - - 76 842 928 267 - 24
IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 19 - 145 2,432 2,394 941 - 43
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 - - 19 1,067 1,082 619 9 208
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 80 5 156 2,798 3,026 530 35 374
CHILA-TOWN 884 30 - 20 682 864 44 - 25
WUKRO MARYA 2,258 51 5 137 2,116 2,162 486 35 349
NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 - 5 53 614 619 64 27 -
SEMEMA TOWN 646 - 5 53 614 619 64 27 -
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 101 - 234 1,878 1,937 442 11 144
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 101 - 234 1,878 1,937 442 11 144
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 - - 191 1,709 1,853 114 - 5
MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 - - 191 1,709 1,853 114 - 5
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 80 5 519 4,240 4,394 824 10 85
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 80 5 519 4,240 4,394 824 10 85
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 688 46 1,942 10,662 10,855 2,367 167 971
ADWA-TOWN 12,114 688 46 1,942 10,662 10,855 2,367 167 971

Table 8.17 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Fuel for Cooking: 2007
Type of Fuel for Cooking
Geographical Housing
Area Units Electricity Gas Kerosene Charcoal Firewood Dung Bio-Gas Other

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 1,205 36 2,190 11,363 11,276 2,215 46 1,970

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 1,205 36 2,190 11,363 11,276 2,215 46 1,970
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 4,034 207 18,100 36,142 36,214 10,748 210 2,888
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 51 46 1,241 2,074 2,440 1,318 - 203
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 46 41 559 1,275 1,636 777 - 76
FATSI-TOWN 849 5 5 682 798 804 541 - 126
EROB-WEREDA 661 5 - 338 562 614 57 5 10
DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 5 - 338 562 614 57 5 10
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 360 41 1,847 4,994 4,750 1,339 132 218
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 263 35 1,340 3,186 3,019 1,001 106 212
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 97 5 507 1,807 1,730 338 26 5
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 176 10 266 1,009 1,110 698 - 10
BAZET-TOWN 1,150 176 10 266 1,009 1,110 698 - 10
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 25 - 306 1,842 2,069 449 - -
HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 25 - 306 1,842 2,069 449 - -
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 46 - 273 998 1,152 746 - 149
AGULA-TOWN 1,389 46 - 273 998 1,152 746 - 149
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 195 5 445 2,758 2,986 668 5 57
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 195 5 389 2,162 2,183 279 5 26
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 - - 56 596 803 389 - 30
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 2,099 80 10,005 14,203 13,473 3,298 43 1,481
ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 2,099 80 10,005 14,203 13,473 3,298 43 1,481
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 1,077 26 3,379 7,702 7,620 2,174 26 760
WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 1,077 26 3,379 7,702 7,620 2,174 26 760
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 1,655 122 5,623 27,322 31,480 11,517 252 1,920
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 21 5 274 2,065 2,334 1,155 30 5
GIJET-TOWN 1,118 5 - 61 794 1,042 739 30 -
SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 16 5 214 1,271 1,291 417 - 5
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 162 9 211 2,178 2,697 1,637 9 236
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 144 5 144 1,380 1,783 997 5 177
HIWANE-TOWN 991 18 5 68 797 914 640 5 59
ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 88 - 377 1,627 1,926 811 15 5
ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 88 - 377 1,627 1,926 811 15 5
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 5 5 96 776 872 680 30 5
MESWAET-TOWN 882 5 5 96 776 872 680 30 5
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 111 15 335 3,670 3,943 652 21 35
MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 111 15 287 3,098 3,360 504 10 35
CHERCHER-TOWN 631 - - 48 573 583 148 11 -
ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 10 - 92 526 1,175 577 - -
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 10 - 92 526 1,175 577 - -
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 962 36 1,644 6,175 6,012 1,430 36 494
MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 962 36 1,644 6,175 6,012 1,430 36 494

Table 8.17 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Fuel for Cooking: 2007
Type of Fuel for Cooking
Geographical Housing
Area Units Electricity Gas Kerosene Charcoal Firewood Dung Bio-Gas Other

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 122 16 1,089 4,010 4,371 2,140 74 308

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 122 16 1,089 4,010 4,371 2,140 74 308
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 175 36 1,505 6,296 8,150 2,434 36 832
ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 175 36 1,505 6,296 8,150 2,434 36 832
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 328 26 1,129 14,120 16,598 2,061 70 852
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 96 5 540 6,013 6,874 476 41 122
ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 15 - 146 1,792 2,241 298 20 61
BIHER-TOWN 1,831 70 5 145 1,391 1,686 125 5 35
MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 11 - 249 2,831 2,947 53 16 26
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 - 5 104 1,174 2,450 1,092 19 184
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 - 5 38 729 1,146 421 19 -
ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 - - 67 445 1,305 670 - 184
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 - 6 159 1,638 2,124 344 5 323
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 - - 10 495 500 78 5 152
DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 - 6 149 1,143 1,623 265 - 171
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 232 10 325 5,294 5,150 150 5 222
HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 232 10 325 5,294 5,150 150 5 222
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 12,896 557 23,303 45,233 39,448 11,010 607 2,848
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 5,820 308 10,042 20,042 16,018 4,509 157 1,247
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 5,820 308 10,042 20,042 16,018 4,509 157 1,247
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 7,076 249 13,261 25,191 23,429 6,501 451 1,601
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 7,076 249 13,261 25,191 23,429 6,501 451 1,601

Table 8.18 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Bathing Facility: 2007
Type of Bathing Facility
All Room for
Geographical Housing No Bathing Bathtub, Bathtub, Shower, Shower, Bathing,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Vacant

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 198,144 3,643 3,891 9,671 11,708 4,769

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 28,792 229 230 701 945 463
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,928 20 - - - 5
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,928 20 - - - 5
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,464 - - 10 - 5
ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,464 - - 10 - 5
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 2,941 20 - 47 48 90
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 1,981 5 - 42 48 90
ZANA-TOWN 980 960 15 - 5 - -
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,954 2,813 10 10 10 58 53
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,954 2,813 10 10 10 58 53
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 2,331 10 - 15 15 5
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 2,331 10 - 15 15 5
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,552 11,721 163 184 571 719 194
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,552 11,721 163 184 571 719 194
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 4,596 5 37 48 106 112
SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 4,596 5 37 48 106 112
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,125 44,423 1,056 963 1,674 2,153 856
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 2,163 - 25 56 61 81
RAMA-TOWN 2,386 2,163 - 25 56 61 81
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 6,241 49 77 87 126 24
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,645 1,556 9 9 28 38 5
INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 2,846 29 63 48 58 19
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 649 - - 5 5 -
FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 1,190 10 5 5 26 -
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 4,110 353 85 19 19 19
NEBELAT-TOWN 971 966 - - - - 5
IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 2,341 140 5 10 14 14
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 803 213 80 9 5 -
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,141 3,056 15 15 5 30 20
CHILA-TOWN 884 864 10 - - - 10
WUKRO MARYA 2,257 2,192 5 15 5 30 10
NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 646 - - - - -
SEMEMA TOWN 646 646 - - - - -
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,172 1,985 133 - 11 - 43
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,172 1,985 133 - 11 - 43
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,864 21 - 5 15 31
MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,864 21 - 5 15 31
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 4,155 45 50 140 195 100
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 4,155 45 50 140 195 100
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 9,474 288 430 683 961 278
ADWA-TOWN 12,114 9,474 288 430 683 961 278
AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 10,730 153 281 669 745 260
AXUM-TOWN 12,838 10,730 153 281 669 745 260
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 35,466 522 528 1,480 1,827 1,435
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,603 2,313 - 15 71 36 168
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 1,494 - 15 71 30 142
FATSI-TOWN 849 819 - - - 5 25
EROB-WEREDA 660 614 - - 10 5 31
DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 614 - - 10 5 31
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,211 4,730 192 71 56 86 76
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 2,964 187 66 20 56 35
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 1,766 5 5 36 31 41
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 1,125 - - 5 20 -
BAZET-TOWN 1,150 1,125 - - 5 20 -
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 1,990 20 54 25 15 64
HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 1,990 20 54 25 15 64
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 1,338 - - 31 10 10
AGULA-TOWN 1,389 1,338 - - 31 10 10
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,112 3,006 32 16 16 26 16
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,284 2,183 32 16 16 21 16
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 823 - - - 5 -
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,971 13,159 186 229 868 986 543
ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,971 13,159 186 229 868 986 543
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 7,191 92 143 398 643 526
WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 7,191 92 143 398 643 526
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 32,268 344 293 586 667 726
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,426 5 10 31 16 10
GIJET-TOWN 1,118 1,098 - 10 5 - 5
SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,328 5 - 26 16 5
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,051 2,808 124 38 33 29 19

Table 8.18 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Bathing Facility: 2007
Type of Bathing Facility
All Room for
Geographical Housing No Bathing Bathtub, Bathtub, Shower, Shower, Bathing,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Vacant

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,831 120 38 24 29 19

HIWANE-TOWN 991 977 5 - 9 - -
ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 1,937 15 - 21 26 77
ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 1,937 15 - 21 26 77
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 882 - - - - -
MESWAET-TOWN 882 882 - - - - -
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,446 4,187 25 76 76 46 36
MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 3,566 25 76 76 40 30
CHERCHER-TOWN 630 620 - - - 5 5
ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,196 - - 10 15 31
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,196 - - 10 15 31
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,100 6,505 122 61 117 163 132
MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,100 6,505 122 61 117 163 132
KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,733 4,424 16 16 32 96 149
KOREM-TOWN 4,733 4,424 16 16 32 96 149
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,847 7,903 36 92 267 277 272
ALAMATA-TOWN 8,847 7,903 36 92 267 277 272
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 17,756 93 36 235 207 161
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 7,407 11 5 57 26 21
ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 2,342 - - - 10 -
BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,811 - - 15 5 -
MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,254 11 5 42 11 21
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 2,623 10 - - - 10
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,226 5 - - - -
ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 1,397 5 - - - 10
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,348 2,297 6 - 28 6 11
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 569 - - - - -
DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,728 6 - 28 6 11
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,972 5,429 67 31 150 176 119
HUMERA-TOWN 5,972 5,429 67 31 150 176 119
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 39,440 1,399 1,839 4,995 5,909 1,127
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 17,093 731 668 2,229 2,552 454
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 17,093 731 668 2,229 2,552 454
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 22,347 668 1,171 2,766 3,357 673
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 22,347 668 1,171 2,766 3,357 673

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

TIGRAY-REGION 231,827 65,969 126,533 5,440 - 11,836 219 19,826 1,514 490

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 7,430 17,732 1,209 - 1,176 46 3,571 160 36

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,952 610 1,017 - - 66 10 244 5 -

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,952 610 1,017 - - 66 10 244 5 -

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,478 273 1,745 - - 121 5 324 5 5

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,478 273 1,745 - - 121 5 324 5 5

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,147 1,056 1,652 - - 32 10 397 - -

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 805 1,049 - - 26 - 286 - -

ZANA-TOWN 980 251 603 - - 5 10 111 - -

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 688 1,952 139 - 34 - 125 14 -

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 688 1,952 139 - 34 - 125 14 -

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 15 297 983 - 229 10 827 15 -

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 15 297 983 - 229 10 827 15 -

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,553 4,400 8,596 82 - 56 - 357 31 31

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,553 4,400 8,596 82 - 56 - 357 31 31

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,903 388 2,473 5 - 638 11 1,298 90 -

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,903 388 2,473 5 - 638 11 1,298 90 -

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 18,100 25,660 418 - 2,329 69 4,268 191 91

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 1,097 1,020 5 - 36 5 218 - 5

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 1,097 1,020 5 - 36 5 218 - 5

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 1,413 3,334 159 - 746 5 913 34 -

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 265 572 24 - 482 5 284 14 -

INTICHO-TOWN 3,064 641 1,787 130 - 207 - 289 10 -

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 140 285 5 - 47 - 171 10 -

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,237 368 690 - - 10 - 169 - -

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,606 1,225 1,872 5 - 661 5 804 10 24

NEBELAT-TOWN 972 52 76 5 - 486 - 343 5 5

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 734 1,385 - - 29 - 352 5 19

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 439 411 - - 146 5 109 - -

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,141 1,425 1,037 - - 30 49 570 30 -

CHILA-TOWN 884 301 227 - - 15 49 277 15 -

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,124 810 - - 15 - 294 15 -

NADER ADET-WEREDA 645 117 464 - - 5 - 59 - -

SEMEMA TOWN 645 117 464 - - 5 - 59 - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 803 937 21 - 192 - 202 16 -

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 803 937 21 - 192 - 202 16 -

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 563 532 - - 387 - 413 - 41

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 563 532 - - 387 - 413 - 41

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 2,127 2,122 25 - 130 - 265 15 -

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 2,127 2,122 25 - 130 - 265 15 -

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,115 4,143 7,542 71 - 106 - 223 25 5

ADWA-TOWN 12,115 4,143 7,542 71 - 106 - 223 25 5

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,837 5,186 6,799 133 - 36 5 602 61 15

AXUM-TOWN 12,837 5,186 6,799 133 - 36 5 602 61 15

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,257 13,226 25,118 397 - 467 16 1,869 138 26

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,411 1,039 5 - 10 - 132 - 5

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,169 483 5 - 10 - 81 - 5

FATSI-TOWN 850 243 556 - - - - 51 - -

EROB-WEREDA 661 78 552 - - 5 16 10 - -

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 78 552 - - 5 16 10 - -

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 1,514 3,286 40 - 92 - 270 10 -

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 951 2,170 40 - 46 - 111 10 -

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 563 1,116 - - 46 - 159 - -

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 352 738 - - - - 50 10 -

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 352 738 - - - - 50 10 -

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 736 1,240 20 - 5 - 148 20 -

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 736 1,240 20 - 5 - 148 20 -

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 484 746 67 - 51 - 41 - -

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 484 746 67 - 51 - 41 - -

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 819 1,718 62 - 118 - 368 26 -

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,284 652 1,294 32 - 58 - 237 11 -

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 167 424 30 - 61 - 131 15 -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,971 5,194 9,685 91 - 165 - 783 32 21

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,971 5,194 9,685 91 - 165 - 783 32 21

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,992 2,639 6,114 112 - 20 - 66 41 -

WUKRO-TOWN 8,992 2,639 6,114 112 - 20 - 66 41 -

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 9,862 19,920 292 - 402 31 4,220 128 30

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 944 1,085 - - 36 20 398 5 10

GIJET-TOWN 1,117 470 304 - - 25 20 293 5 -

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,379 474 781 - - 10 - 104 - 10

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 1,042 1,535 5 - 112 - 348 5 5

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 628 1,107 5 - 72 - 244 - 5

HIWANE-TOWN 992 414 428 - - 41 - 104 5 -

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 284 1,358 10 - 5 - 418 - -

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 284 1,358 10 - 5 - 418 - -

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 126 529 - - 5 - 212 10 -

MESWAET-TOWN 882 126 529 - - 5 - 212 10 -

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 1,265 2,841 26 - 72 - 235 - 5

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 1,048 2,534 15 - 40 - 171 - 5

CHERCHER-TOWN 632 217 308 11 - 32 - 64 - -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,251 235 567 - - 10 - 414 20 5

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,251 235 567 - - 10 - 414 20 5

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 2,555 4,179 76 - 31 - 229 31 -

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 2,555 4,179 76 - 31 - 229 31 -

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 1,397 2,756 21 - 64 - 473 21 -

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 1,397 2,756 21 - 64 - 473 21 -

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,847 2,013 5,068 154 - 67 10 1,494 36 5

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,847 2,013 5,068 154 - 67 10 1,494 36 5

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 1,509 3,401 2,915 - 5,311 48 4,569 512 223

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,525 167 61 1,919 - 3,876 10 1,370 76 46

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,350 40 5 368 - 1,504 10 373 30 20

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 - 40 265 - 976 - 515 25 10

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 127 16 1,286 - 1,397 - 481 21 16

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 10 14 191 - 282 5 1,793 196 152

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,232 5 14 175 - 114 - 729 43 152

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,411 5 - 15 - 169 5 1,064 153 -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,345 180 175 686 - 274 22 878 120 10

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 570 15 15 294 - 59 - 128 54 5

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 166 160 392 - 215 22 751 66 6

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 1,152 3,151 119 - 878 10 527 119 15

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 1,152 3,151 119 - 878 10 527 119 15

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,708 15,841 34,703 208 - 2,151 10 1,328 384 83

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 7,657 15,407 110 - 162 - 235 130 26

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 7,657 15,407 110 - 162 - 235 130 26

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 8,185 19,296 98 - 1,989 10 1,093 254 57

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 8,185 19,296 98 - 1,989 10 1,093 254 57

Table 8.20 Housing Units of Towns by Availablity of Radio, Telephone and Television: 2007
Radio Telephone Television
------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------------------
All All All
Geographical Housing Has Housing Has Has no Housing Has
Area Units Has Radio no Radio Units Telephone Telephone Units Has TV no TV

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 142,029 89,797 231,826 37,359 194,467 231,826 53,472 178,354
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 18,806 12,554 31,360 4,149 27,211 31,360 5,251 26,109
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,053 900 1,953 81 1,872 1,953 234 1,719
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,053 900 1,953 81 1,872 1,953 234 1,719
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 1,452 1,027 2,479 10 2,469 2,479 96 2,383
ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 1,452 1,027 2,479 10 2,469 2,479 96 2,383
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 1,941 1,205 3,146 343 2,803 3,146 373 2,773
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 1,303 863 2,166 312 1,854 2,166 312 1,854
ZANA-TOWN 980 638 342 980 30 950 980 60 920
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 1,726 1,226 2,952 394 2,558 2,952 250 2,702
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 1,726 1,226 2,952 394 2,558 2,952 250 2,702
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 1,027 1,348 2,375 5 2,370 2,375 83 2,292
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 1,027 1,348 2,375 5 2,370 2,375 83 2,292
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 8,932 4,619 13,551 3,023 10,528 13,551 3,870 9,681
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 8,932 4,619 13,551 3,023 10,528 13,551 3,870 9,681
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 2,675 2,229 4,904 293 4,611 4,904 346 4,558
SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 2,675 2,229 4,904 293 4,611 4,904 346 4,558
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 30,236 20,890 51,126 8,101 43,025 51,126 9,611 41,515
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 1,178 1,208 2,386 315 2,071 2,386 289 2,097
RAMA-TOWN 2,386 1,178 1,208 2,386 315 2,071 2,386 289 2,097
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 3,807 2,797 6,604 453 6,151 6,604 526 6,078
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 989 657 1,646 71 1,575 1,646 109 1,537
INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 1,710 1,353 3,063 352 2,711 3,063 294 2,769
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 348 311 659 - 659 659 31 628
FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 761 475 1,236 31 1,205 1,236 92 1,144
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 2,359 2,246 4,605 5 4,600 4,605 279 4,326
NEBELAT-TOWN 971 543 428 971 - 971 971 10 961
IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 1,216 1,308 2,524 - 2,524 2,524 217 2,307
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 600 510 1,110 5 1,105 1,110 52 1,058
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 1,662 1,480 3,142 380 2,762 3,142 273 2,869
CHILA-TOWN 884 361 523 884 5 879 884 25 859
WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,301 957 2,258 375 1,883 2,258 248 2,010
NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 336 310 646 11 635 646 69 577
SEMEMA TOWN 646 336 310 646 11 635 646 69 577
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 1,272 899 2,171 314 1,857 2,171 277 1,894
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 1,272 899 2,171 314 1,857 2,171 277 1,894
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,033 903 1,936 222 1,714 1,936 83 1,853
MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,033 903 1,936 222 1,714 1,936 83 1,853
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 2,322 2,362 4,684 669 4,015 4,684 794 3,890
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 2,322 2,362 4,684 669 4,015 4,684 794 3,890
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 7,794 4,320 12,114 2,666 9,448 12,114 3,495 8,619
ADWA-TOWN 12,114 7,794 4,320 12,114 2,666 9,448 12,114 3,495 8,619

Table 8.20 Housing Units of Towns by Availablity of Radio, Telephone and Television: 2007
Radio Telephone Television
------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------------------
All All All
Geographical Housing Has Housing Has Has no Housing Has
Area Units Has Radio no Radio Units Telephone Telephone Units Has TV no TV

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 8,474 4,364 12,838 3,068 9,770 12,838 3,527 9,311
AXUM-TOWN 12,838 8,474 4,364 12,838 3,068 9,770 12,838 3,527 9,311
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 27,034 14,224 41,258 5,959 35,299 41,258 8,704 32,554
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,577 1,025 2,602 163 2,439 2,602 228 2,374
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,062 691 1,753 158 1,595 1,753 127 1,626
FATSI-TOWN 849 515 334 849 5 844 849 101 748
EROB-WEREDA 661 385 276 661 - 661 661 5 656
DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 385 276 661 - 661 661 5 656
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 3,074 2,138 5,212 656 4,556 5,212 701 4,511
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 1,937 1,391 3,328 389 2,939 3,328 450 2,878
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 1,137 747 1,884 266 1,618 1,884 251 1,633
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 693 457 1,150 - 1,150 1,150 110 1,040
BAZET-TOWN 1,150 693 457 1,150 - 1,150 1,150 110 1,040
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 1,358 810 2,168 331 1,837 2,168 331 1,837
HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 1,358 810 2,168 331 1,837 2,168 331 1,837
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 962 427 1,389 10 1,379 1,389 123 1,266
AGULA-TOWN 1,389 962 427 1,389 10 1,379 1,389 123 1,266
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 1,762 1,349 3,111 - 3,111 3,111 210 2,901
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 1,383 900 2,283 - 2,283 2,283 200 2,083
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 379 449 828 - 828 828 10 818
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 11,119 4,853 15,972 3,942 12,030 15,972 5,045 10,927
ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 11,119 4,853 15,972 3,942 12,030 15,972 5,045 10,927
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 6,104 2,889 8,993 857 8,136 8,993 1,950 7,043
WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 6,104 2,889 8,993 857 8,136 8,993 1,950 7,043
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 17,763 17,122 34,885 3,920 30,965 34,885 5,058 29,827
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 1,184 1,314 2,498 10 2,488 2,498 109 2,389
GIJET-TOWN 1,118 455 663 1,118 5 1,113 1,118 20 1,098
SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 729 651 1,380 5 1,375 1,380 89 1,291
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 1,703 1,349 3,052 424 2,628 3,052 391 2,661
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,122 939 2,061 379 1,682 2,061 292 1,769
HIWANE-TOWN 991 581 410 991 45 946 991 99 892
ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 1,162 914 2,076 294 1,782 2,076 217 1,859
ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 1,162 914 2,076 294 1,782 2,076 217 1,859
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 292 590 882 - 882 882 25 857
MESWAET-TOWN 882 292 590 882 - 882 882 25 857
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 2,217 2,227 4,444 363 4,081 4,444 451 3,993
MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 1,909 1,904 3,813 358 3,455 3,813 403 3,410
CHERCHER-TOWN 631 308 323 631 5 626 631 48 583
ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 485 767 1,252 15 1,237 1,252 61 1,191
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 485 767 1,252 15 1,237 1,252 61 1,191
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 4,276 2,825 7,101 1,395 5,706 7,101 1,690 5,411
MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 4,276 2,825 7,101 1,395 5,706 7,101 1,690 5,411

Table 8.20 Housing Units of Towns by Availablity of Radio, Telephone and Television: 2007
Radio Telephone Television
------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------------------
All All All
Geographical Housing Has Housing Has Has no Housing Has
Area Units Has Radio no Radio Units Telephone Telephone Units Has TV no TV

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 2,300 2,432 4,732 499 4,233 4,732 728 4,004
KOREM-TOWN 4,732 2,300 2,432 4,732 499 4,233 4,732 728 4,004
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 4,144 4,704 8,848 919 7,929 8,848 1,387 7,461
ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 4,144 4,704 8,848 919 7,929 8,848 1,387 7,461
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 8,862 9,626 18,488 932 17,556 18,488 1,530 16,958
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 3,582 3,945 7,527 25 7,502 7,527 188 7,339
ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 1,120 1,232 2,352 20 2,332 2,352 35 2,317
BIHER-TOWN 1,831 900 931 1,831 - 1,831 1,831 20 1,811
MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 1,561 1,783 3,344 5 3,339 3,344 132 3,212
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 1,060 1,583 2,643 5 2,638 2,643 41 2,602
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 436 795 1,231 - 1,231 1,231 5 1,226
ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 624 788 1,412 5 1,407 1,412 36 1,376
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 1,018 1,329 2,347 178 2,169 2,347 124 2,223
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 289 280 569 34 535 569 69 500
DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 729 1,049 1,778 144 1,634 1,778 55 1,723
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 3,202 2,769 5,971 723 5,248 5,971 1,178 4,793
HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 3,202 2,769 5,971 723 5,248 5,971 1,178 4,793
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 39,328 15,381 54,709 14,298 40,411 54,709 23,317 31,392
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 17,354 6,373 23,727 5,710 18,017 23,727 10,553 13,174
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 17,354 6,373 23,727 5,710 18,017 23,727 10,553 13,174
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 21,974 9,008 30,982 8,589 22,393 30,982 12,764 18,218
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 21,974 9,008 30,982 8,589 22,393 30,982 12,764 18,218

Table 8.21 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Geographical Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Area Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 124,274 4,257 66,294 12,557 22,167 2,277

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 14,184 782 12,661 1,257 1,679 797
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 422 224 1,083 71 153 -
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 422 224 1,083 71 153 -
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,478 465 111 1,634 86 172 10
ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,478 465 111 1,634 86 172 10
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,145 1,278 26 1,145 124 567 5
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,165 1,017 26 778 74 270 -
ZANA-TOWN 980 261 - 367 50 297 5
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 635 53 2,139 87 38 -
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 635 53 2,139 87 38 -
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 380 - 1,806 19 102 68
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 380 - 1,806 19 102 68
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,552 8,504 347 3,008 673 418 602
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,552 8,504 347 3,008 673 418 602
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,905 2,500 21 1,846 197 229 112
SHIRARO-TOWN 4,905 2,500 21 1,846 197 229 112
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 26,532 126 14,278 2,182 7,527 481
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 1,213 - 716 183 259 15
RAMA-TOWN 2,386 1,213 - 716 183 259 15
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 2,677 5 2,816 347 744 15
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 544 - 941 33 123 5
INTICHO-TOWN 3,064 2,052 - 718 53 236 5
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 - 5 529 16 109 -
FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 82 - 628 245 276 5
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 19 29 2,195 251 2,092 19
NEBELAT-TOWN 971 - - 571 29 371 -
IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 14 29 1,269 34 1,178 -
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 5 - 354 189 543 19
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 1,468 5 1,184 114 366 5
CHILA-TOWN 884 5 - 647 94 138 -
WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,463 5 537 20 228 5
NADER ADET-WEREDA 645 - - 523 5 117 -
SEMEMA TOWN 645 - - 523 5 117 -
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,170 138 5 702 330 990 5
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,170 138 5 702 330 990 5
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 31 - 1,425 155 325 -
MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 31 - 1,425 155 325 -
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 3,031 10 934 360 325 25
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 3,031 10 934 360 325 25
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 8,831 46 1,522 132 1,421 162

Table 8.21 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Geographical Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Area Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 8,831 46 1,522 132 1,421 162

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 9,122 26 2,261 306 888 235
AXUM-TOWN 12,838 9,122 26 2,261 306 888 235
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 28,598 196 7,783 1,812 2,471 398
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,377 - 1,078 51 91 5
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,377 - 290 - 81 5
FATSI-TOWN 849 - - 788 51 10 -
EROB-WEREDA 660 - - 604 10 36 10
DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 - - 604 10 36 10
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 3,138 107 1,530 102 335 -
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,329 2,504 46 516 - 263 -
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 635 61 1,014 102 72 -
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 85 - 20 256 773 15
BAZET-TOWN 1,149 85 - 20 256 773 15
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 1,827 5 237 - 59 40
HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 1,827 5 237 - 59 40
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 571 - 633 113 72 -
AGULA-TOWN 1,389 571 - 633 113 72 -
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 2,151 5 778 15 151 11
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 1,636 5 526 - 105 11
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 827 515 - 252 15 45 -
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 11,609 64 2,056 1,172 810 261
ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 11,609 64 2,056 1,172 810 261
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 7,840 15 847 92 143 56
WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 7,840 15 847 92 143 56
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 14,937 374 10,957 3,859 4,633 124
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 390 26 1,071 147 864 -
GIJET-TOWN 1,118 10 - 607 142 359 -
SAMIRA-TOWN 1,379 380 26 463 5 505 -
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,051 1,458 9 897 152 535 -
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,169 5 614 134 139 -
HIWANE-TOWN 991 288 5 284 18 396 -
ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 1,162 5 620 181 103 5
ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 1,162 5 620 181 103 5
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 881 146 - 307 55 368 5
MESWAET-TOWN 881 146 - 307 55 368 5
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,443 1,974 15 1,141 309 999 5
MEHONI-TOWN 3,812 1,974 15 579 277 962 5
CHERCHER-TOWN 631 - - 562 32 37 -
ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 20 - 1,002 82 148 -
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 20 - 1,002 82 148 -

Table 8.21 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Geographical Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Area Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,100 4,770 132 1,537 178 463 20

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,100 4,770 132 1,537 178 463 20
KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,731 1,535 37 1,901 552 664 42
KOREM-TOWN 4,731 1,535 37 1,901 552 664 42
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 3,482 149 2,480 2,203 488 46
ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 3,482 149 2,480 2,203 488 46
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,487 5,952 234 8,660 1,136 2,443 62
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 2,468 95 3,290 490 1,179 5
ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 268 5 1,413 5 661 -
BIHER-TOWN 1,831 5 5 951 485 385 -
MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 2,196 85 926 - 132 5
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,644 5 - 2,383 200 56 -
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,230 - - 1,032 189 9 -
ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 5 - 1,351 10 46 -
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,348 385 - 1,469 28 460 6
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 103 - 437 - 29 -
DANISHA-TOWN 1,780 282 - 1,033 28 431 6
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 3,094 139 1,519 418 749 52
HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 3,094 139 1,519 418 749 52
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 34,071 2,545 11,954 2,310 3,414 415
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,728 16,775 1,540 3,199 679 1,441 94
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,728 16,775 1,540 3,199 679 1,441 94
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 17,296 1,005 8,754 1,632 1,974 321
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 17,296 1,005 8,754 1,632 1,974 321

Table 8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Urban-Rural Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Residence Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other

Urban+Rural 957,686 127,266 6,117 548,601 34,580 228,585 12,537
Urban 231,826 124,274 4,257 66,294 12,557 22,167 2,277
Rural 725,860 2,992 1,860 482,307 22,023 206,418 10,260


Urban+Rural 161,142 14,458 1,122 121,896 3,465 17,765 2,436
Urban 31,360 14,184 782 12,661 1,257 1,679 797
Rural 129,782 274 340 109,235 2,208 16,086 1,639

Urban+Rural 19,141 454 380 16,030 345 1,733 199
Urban 1,953 422 224 1,083 71 153 -
Rural 17,188 32 156 14,947 274 1,580 199

Urban+Rural 24,407 502 127 16,633 501 6,224 420
Urban 2,478 465 111 1,634 86 172 10
Rural 21,929 37 16 14,999 415 6,052 410

Urban+Rural 26,918 1,337 47 20,208 316 4,680 330
Urban 3,145 1,278 26 1,145 124 567 5
Rural 23,773 59 21 19,063 192 4,113 325

Urban+Rural 13,842 5 92 11,478 308 1,765 194
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 13,842 5 92 11,478 308 1,765 194

Urban+Rural 28,574 705 98 25,828 636 1,127 180
Urban 2,952 635 53 2,139 87 38 -
Rural 25,622 70 45 23,689 549 1,089 180

Urban+Rural 29,805 452 10 26,864 489 1,590 400
Urban 2,375 380 - 1,806 19 102 68
Rural 27,430 72 10 25,058 470 1,488 332

Urban+Rural 13,552 8,504 347 3,008 673 418 602
Urban 13,552 8,504 347 3,008 673 418 602
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,905 2,500 21 1,846 197 229 112
Urban 4,905 2,500 21 1,846 197 229 112
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,877 27,541 765 138,311 7,622 92,837 2,801
Urban 51,126 26,532 126 14,278 2,182 7,527 481
Rural 218,751 1,009 639 124,033 5,440 85,310 2,320

Urban+Rural 22,531 1,234 137 12,647 956 7,442 115
Urban 2,386 1,213 - 716 183 259 15
Rural 20,145 21 137 11,931 773 7,183 100

Urban+Rural 37,484 3,147 111 17,417 1,550 14,975 284
Urban 6,604 2,677 5 2,816 347 744 15
Rural 30,880 470 106 14,601 1,203 14,231 269

Urban+Rural 31,089 113 316 11,466 721 18,355 118
Urban 4,605 19 29 2,195 251 2,092 19
Rural 26,484 94 287 9,271 470 16,263 99

Table 8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Urban-Rural Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Residence Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other
Urban+Rural 19,526 133 27 9,420 245 9,611 90
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 19,526 133 27 9,420 245 9,611 90

Urban+Rural 14,203 - 16 8,978 292 4,870 47
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 14,203 - 16 8,978 292 4,870 47

Urban+Rural 21,544 1,515 15 11,959 559 7,392 104
Urban 3,142 1,468 5 1,184 114 366 5
Rural 18,402 47 10 10,775 445 7,026 99

Urban+Rural 22,476 83 5 12,684 363 8,973 368
Urban 645 - - 523 5 117 -
Rural 21,831 83 5 12,161 358 8,856 368

Urban+Rural 28,027 20 25 18,236 381 8,643 722
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 28,027 20 25 18,236 381 8,643 722

Urban+Rural 24,589 212 10 16,210 1,063 6,914 180
Urban 2,170 138 5 702 330 990 5
Rural 22,419 74 5 15,508 733 5,924 175

Urban+Rural 18,766 98 21 14,577 694 3,027 349
Urban 1,936 31 - 1,425 155 325 -
Rural 16,830 67 21 13,152 539 2,702 349

Urban+Rural 4,685 3,031 10 934 360 325 25
Urban 4,685 3,031 10 934 360 325 25
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,114 8,831 46 1,522 132 1,421 162
Urban 12,114 8,831 46 1,522 132 1,421 162
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,838 9,122 26 2,261 306 888 235
Urban 12,838 9,122 26 2,261 306 888 235
Rural - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,486 29,076 713 65,535 4,429 64,316 2,417
Urban 41,258 28,598 196 7,783 1,812 2,471 398
Rural 125,228 478 517 57,752 2,617 61,845 2,019

Urban+Rural 17,673 1,399 167 8,653 715 6,567 172
Urban 2,602 1,377 - 1,078 51 91 5
Rural 15,071 22 167 7,575 664 6,476 167

Urban+Rural 5,163 16 11 4,028 114 859 135
Urban 660 - - 604 10 36 10
Rural 4,503 16 11 3,424 104 823 125

Urban+Rural 29,257 3,211 133 13,482 562 11,409 460
Urban 5,212 3,138 107 1,530 102 335 -
Rural 24,045 73 26 11,952 460 11,074 460


Table 8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Urban-Rural Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Residence Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other
Urban+Rural 18,856 139 140 6,590 632 11,216 139
Urban 1,149 85 - 20 256 773 15
Rural 17,707 54 140 6,570 376 10,443 124

Urban+Rural 24,105 1,879 42 9,067 246 12,522 349
Urban 2,168 1,827 5 237 - 59 40
Rural 21,937 52 37 8,830 246 12,463 309

Urban+Rural 20,932 634 115 10,483 526 8,954 220
Urban 1,389 571 - 633 113 72 -
Rural 19,543 63 115 9,850 413 8,882 220

Urban+Rural 25,534 2,349 26 10,329 369 11,836 625
Urban 3,111 2,151 5 778 15 151 11
Rural 22,423 198 21 9,551 354 11,685 614

Urban+Rural 15,972 11,609 64 2,056 1,172 810 261
Urban 15,972 11,609 64 2,056 1,172 810 261
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,993 7,840 15 847 92 143 56
Urban 8,993 7,840 15 847 92 143 56
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,119 15,728 676 146,993 14,352 44,446 3,924
Urban 34,884 14,937 374 10,957 3,859 4,633 124
Rural 191,235 791 302 136,036 10,493 39,813 3,800

Urban+Rural 25,838 649 47 17,045 660 7,116 321
Urban 2,498 390 26 1,071 147 864 -
Rural 23,340 259 21 15,974 513 6,252 321

Urban+Rural 23,856 174 79 17,245 1,006 4,878 474
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 23,856 174 79 17,245 1,006 4,878 474

Urban+Rural 33,128 1,583 35 20,592 1,051 9,339 528
Urban 3,051 1,458 9 897 152 535 -
Rural 30,077 125 26 19,695 899 8,804 528

Urban+Rural 23,952 1,193 15 18,131 1,176 2,965 472
Urban 2,076 1,162 5 620 181 103 5
Rural 21,876 31 10 17,511 995 2,862 467

Urban+Rural 18,370 172 16 13,067 1,491 2,872 752
Urban 881 146 - 307 55 368 5
Rural 17,489 26 16 12,760 1,436 2,504 747

Urban+Rural 31,469 2,052 36 15,776 2,617 10,070 918
Urban 4,443 1,974 15 1,141 309 999 5
Rural 27,026 78 21 14,635 2,308 9,071 913

Urban+Rural 20,107 71 15 15,627 1,846 2,348 200
Urban 1,252 20 - 1,002 82 148 -
Rural 18,855 51 15 14,625 1,764 2,200 200

Urban+Rural 28,717 47 114 23,591 1,572 3,243 150

Table 8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Urban-Rural Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Residence Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 28,717 47 114 23,591 1,572 3,243 150

Urban+Rural 7,100 4,770 132 1,537 178 463 20
Urban 7,100 4,770 132 1,537 178 463 20
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,731 1,535 37 1,901 552 664 42
Urban 4,731 1,535 37 1,901 552 664 42
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,848 3,482 149 2,480 2,203 488 46
Urban 8,848 3,482 149 2,480 2,203 488 46
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,351 6,391 297 63,911 2,401 5,807 544
Urban 18,487 5,952 234 8,660 1,136 2,443 62
Rural 60,864 439 63 55,251 1,265 3,364 482

Urban+Rural 22,260 2,763 131 15,438 971 2,843 114
Urban 7,527 2,468 95 3,290 490 1,179 5
Rural 14,733 295 36 12,148 481 1,664 109

Urban+Rural 29,337 63 21 27,783 598 655 217
Urban 2,644 5 - 2,383 200 56 -
Rural 26,693 58 21 25,400 398 599 217

Urban+Rural 21,786 471 5 19,172 415 1,561 162
Urban 2,348 385 - 1,469 28 460 6
Rural 19,438 86 5 17,703 387 1,101 156

Urban+Rural 5,971 3,094 139 1,519 418 749 52
Urban 5,971 3,094 139 1,519 418 749 52
Rural - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,709 34,071 2,545 11,954 2,310 3,414 415
Urban 54,709 34,071 2,545 11,954 2,310 3,414 415
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,728 16,775 1,540 3,199 679 1,441 94
Urban 23,728 16,775 1,540 3,199 679 1,441 94
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,982 17,296 1,005 8,754 1,632 1,974 321
Urban 30,982 17,296 1,005 8,754 1,632 1,974 321
Rural - - - - - - -

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

TIGRAY-REGION 231,827 45,690 43,396 39,949 32,790 25,812 18,774 12,734 9,154 1,141 2,387 416,524 3.6

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 6,777 6,011 5,610 4,262 3,436 2,392 1,622 985 85 180 50,550 3.4

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,951 437 417 264 259 183 188 107 86 5 5 3,021 3.4

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,951 437 417 264 259 183 188 107 86 5 5 3,021 3.4

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 481 546 445 334 283 137 142 111 - - 3,334 3.4

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 481 546 445 334 283 137 142 111 - - 3,334 3.4

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,145 617 606 661 400 361 255 120 83 - 42 4,781 3.4

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,165 477 360 455 249 286 180 79 53 - 26 3,384 3.4

ZANA-TOWN 979 141 246 206 151 75 75 40 30 - 15 1,397 3.5

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 692 423 519 418 356 260 168 106 10 - 4,539 3.5

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 692 423 519 418 356 260 168 106 10 - 4,539 3.5

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,374 448 433 457 384 253 151 146 78 24 - 3,465 3.5

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,374 448 433 457 384 253 151 146 78 24 - 3,465 3.5

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 2,942 2,590 2,411 1,891 1,494 1,040 653 387 36 107 24,889 3.4

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 2,942 2,590 2,411 1,891 1,494 1,040 653 387 36 107 24,889 3.4

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,905 1,160 995 851 574 505 362 287 133 11 27 6,521 3.3

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,905 1,160 995 851 574 505 362 287 133 11 27 6,521 3.3

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 10,986 10,082 8,667 7,176 5,426 3,970 2,596 1,579 221 424 93,796 3.4

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,384 584 426 416 340 228 157 127 81 10 15 3,889 3.3

RAMA-TOWN 2,384 584 426 416 340 228 157 127 81 10 15 3,889 3.3

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 1,206 1,335 1,088 952 768 540 343 199 72 101 11,694 3.6

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,645 260 303 222 274 194 184 52 71 28 57 2,715 4.0

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

INTICHO-TOWN 3,064 607 689 496 390 337 212 183 82 34 34 5,876 3.5

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 109 104 140 93 99 57 31 10 5 10 1,199 3.7

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,237 230 240 230 194 138 87 77 36 5 - 1,905 3.4

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 815 820 885 589 536 402 257 143 63 95 6,793 3.7

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 209 157 195 138 76 90 48 29 10 19 1,418 3.5

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 507 516 434 323 309 203 97 63 48 24 3,769 3.5

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 99 146 255 128 151 109 113 52 5 52 1,606 4.4

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,141 506 562 553 573 413 262 146 91 5 30 5,045 3.6

CHILA-TOWN 885 198 183 158 163 84 49 30 10 - 10 1,111 3.2

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 309 380 395 410 329 213 116 81 5 20 3,934 3.8

NADER ADET-WEREDA 645 224 128 112 59 53 53 5 11 - - 934 2.7

SEMEMA TOWN 645 224 128 112 59 53 53 5 11 - - 934 2.7

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 442 479 330 303 271 160 117 64 - 5 4,060 3.4

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 442 479 330 303 271 160 117 64 - 5 4,060 3.4

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 361 408 315 279 248 129 145 36 10 5 2,643 3.5

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 361 408 315 279 248 129 145 36 10 5 2,643 3.5

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 964 1,004 989 529 479 365 210 115 15 15 8,190 3.3

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 964 1,004 989 529 479 365 210 115 15 15 8,190 3.3

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,113 2,989 2,413 1,947 1,775 1,179 819 526 379 10 76 26,413 3.2

ADWA-TOWN 12,113 2,989 2,413 1,947 1,775 1,179 819 526 379 10 76 26,413 3.2

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 2,894 2,506 2,032 1,776 1,251 1,082 720 459 36 82 24,134 3.4

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 2,894 2,506 2,032 1,776 1,251 1,082 720 459 36 82 24,134 3.4

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 8,359 7,740 6,937 5,876 4,449 3,408 2,327 1,624 187 351 78,039 3.5

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,601 345 380 512 421 304 264 178 152 15 30 6,037 4.0

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 173 224 330 290 213 213 147 117 15 30 4,349 4.3

FATSI-TOWN 849 172 157 182 131 91 51 30 35 - - 1,688 3.3

EROB-WEREDA 661 193 156 99 104 57 16 21 10 5 - 796 2.8

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 193 156 99 104 57 16 21 10 5 - 796 2.8

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 1,036 985 803 757 651 406 244 264 25 41 8,682 3.6

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 652 683 501 486 384 253 172 152 20 25 5,528 3.5

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 384 302 302 271 266 154 72 113 5 15 3,154 3.6

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 276 226 206 126 110 80 90 30 - 5 1,843 3.3

BAZET-TOWN 1,149 276 226 206 126 110 80 90 30 - 5 1,843 3.3

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 440 410 395 351 232 158 119 49 - 15 3,768 3.4

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 440 410 395 351 232 158 119 49 - 15 3,768 3.4

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 304 288 221 149 180 103 67 62 - 15 2,171 3.5

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 304 288 221 149 180 103 67 62 - 15 2,171 3.5

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 594 510 515 504 386 270 145 99 31 57 4,854 3.7

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,281 458 373 389 352 305 184 84 68 26 42 3,682 3.6

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 827 136 136 126 151 81 86 61 30 5 15 1,171 3.9

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,973 3,090 2,973 2,813 2,291 1,630 1,396 959 666 64 91 32,647 3.6

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,973 3,090 2,973 2,813 2,291 1,630 1,396 959 666 64 91 32,647 3.6

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 2,082 1,812 1,373 1,174 898 715 505 291 46 97 17,241 3.4

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 2,082 1,812 1,373 1,174 898 715 505 291 46 97 17,241 3.4

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 6,773 6,975 5,961 4,827 3,838 2,795 1,669 1,393 194 460 61,062 3.5

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,497 571 411 422 288 267 200 175 138 10 15 3,957 3.6

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 233 177 162 116 132 101 81 96 10 10 1,801 3.9

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,379 338 234 260 172 135 99 94 42 - 5 2,156 3.3

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,053 468 579 446 430 337 254 185 161 61 132 4,937 4.1

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,062 297 407 307 254 206 187 149 125 34 96 3,369 4.2

HIWANE-TOWN 992 171 171 140 176 131 68 36 36 27 36 1,568 3.9

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 377 398 418 284 253 165 103 52 10 15 3,455 3.5

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 377 398 418 284 253 165 103 52 10 15 3,455 3.5

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 880 171 156 186 141 101 60 50 10 5 - 1,386 3.4

MESWAET-TOWN 880 171 156 186 141 101 60 50 10 5 - 1,386 3.4

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 808 892 691 600 527 343 198 253 25 107 7,649 3.7

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 670 781 574 489 468 327 161 232 25 86 6,483 3.8

CHERCHER-TOWN 630 138 111 117 111 58 16 37 21 - 21 1,167 3.5

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 153 256 312 194 148 87 46 41 5 10 1,845 3.6

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 153 256 312 194 148 87 46 41 5 10 1,845 3.6

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,102 1,858 1,400 1,211 947 606 504 316 199 25 36 15,739 3.2

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,102 1,858 1,400 1,211 947 606 504 316 199 25 36 15,739 3.2

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,731 892 1,014 733 685 542 446 170 207 21 21 8,285 3.5

KOREM-TOWN 4,731 892 1,014 733 685 542 446 170 207 21 21 8,285 3.5

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 1,474 1,869 1,541 1,258 1,058 734 426 334 31 123 13,809 3.6

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 1,474 1,869 1,541 1,258 1,058 734 426 334 31 123 13,809 3.6

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,487 3,091 3,482 3,205 2,678 2,069 1,465 1,127 850 157 363 25,022 3.8

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,525 1,175 1,265 1,355 1,032 867 690 565 368 66 142 9,825 3.9

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,353 288 278 384 373 303 333 182 121 25 66 3,069 4.4

BIHER-TOWN 1,830 310 305 315 225 210 135 150 115 20 45 2,396 4.0

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,345 577 683 656 434 355 222 233 132 21 32 4,360 3.6

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,645 364 478 411 412 324 212 148 139 43 114 3,419 4.1

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 180 166 175 156 170 99 71 57 43 114 1,444 4.7

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 184 312 235 256 153 113 77 82 - - 1,975 3.7

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,348 410 484 366 361 242 171 172 54 17 71 3,612 3.7

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 118 147 78 74 49 49 39 10 - 5 1,006 3.3

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 293 337 287 287 193 121 133 44 17 66 2,606 3.9

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 1,142 1,255 1,074 873 635 393 243 289 31 36 8,166 3.5

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 1,142 1,255 1,074 873 635 393 243 289 31 36 8,166 3.5

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,710 9,705 9,107 9,568 7,971 6,594 4,744 3,393 2,723 297 608 108,055 3.8

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,728 4,468 4,181 4,196 3,335 2,683 1,968 1,404 1,091 167 235 44,620 3.7

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,728 4,468 4,181 4,196 3,335 2,683 1,968 1,404 1,091 167 235 44,620 3.7

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,983 5,237 4,926 5,372 4,636 3,911 2,777 1,989 1,632 130 373 63,435 3.8

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,983 5,237 4,926 5,372 4,636 3,911 2,777 1,989 1,632 130 373 63,435 3.8

Table 8.24 Housing Units by Whether Livestock Spend the Night in
the Room Where Persons also Spend the Night in Rural Areas: 2007
Whether Livestock Spend the Night
in the Same Room as Persons
All ------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing No
Area Units Yes No Livestock

TIGRAY-REGION 725,859 90,029 532,198 103,632

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 129,782 16,893 98,694 14,195

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 17,188 1,849 12,915 2,424

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 21,928 2,569 16,832 2,527

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 23,772 3,102 18,739 1,931

TAHTAY QORARO-WEREDA 13,842 1,549 10,599 1,694

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 25,622 3,081 19,745 2,796

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 27,431 4,744 19,865 2,822

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 218,750 19,824 173,092 25,834

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 20,146 2,456 15,723 1,967

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 30,879 2,812 23,835 4,232

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 26,485 2,258 21,008 3,219

ADWA-WEREDA 19,525 1,403 15,251 2,871

LAELAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 14,204 726 11,588 1,890

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 18,403 1,529 14,654 2,220

NADER ADET-WEREDA 21,832 2,475 17,261 2,096

KOLA TEMBEN-WEREDA 28,028 2,566 22,891 2,571

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 22,420 1,355 17,893 3,172

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 16,831 2,245 12,988 1,598

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 125,228 14,275 91,084 19,869

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 15,071 1,796 10,938 2,337

EROB-WEREDA 4,504 682 3,108 714

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 24,047 3,446 17,474 3,127

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 17,705 1,800 12,752 3,153

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 21,936 2,355 16,451 3,130

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 19,543 1,303 14,793 3,447

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 22,422 2,894 15,567 3,961

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 191,235 23,558 134,139 33,538

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 23,339 2,450 17,719 3,170

ENDERTA-WEREDA 23,856 3,466 16,034 4,356

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 30,078 4,329 19,768 5,981

ALAJE-WEREDA 21,876 3,437 13,748 4,691

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 17,489 1,410 12,994 3,085

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 27,025 3,024 20,428 3,573

ALAMATA-WEREDA 18,855 2,190 13,245 3,420

Table 8.24 Housing Units by Whether Livestock Spend the Night in
the Room Where Persons also Spend the Night in Rural Areas: 2007
Whether Livestock Spend the Night
in the Same Room as Persons
All ------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing No
Area Units Yes No Livestock
OFLA-WEREDA 28,717 3,253 20,203 5,261

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 60,863 15,479 35,188 10,196

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 14,731 1,524 8,717 4,490

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 26,693 6,170 17,348 3,175

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 19,438 7,785 9,123 2,530

Annex Table 1A. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Urban Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
TIGRAY-REGION 844,040 398,795 445,245 242,374 233,773
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 107,999 49,642 58,357 32,463 31,632
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 6,377 2,790 3,587 2,021 1,978
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 6,377 2,790 3,587 2,021 1,978
KEBELE 01 6,377 2,790 3,587 2,021 1,978
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 8,033 3,508 4,525 2,557 2,498
ADI DAERO-TOWN 8,033 3,508 4,525 2,557 2,498
KEBELE 01 8,033 3,508 4,525 2,557 2,498
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 10,526 4,669 5,857 3,228 3,155
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 7,275 3,287 3,988 2,221 2,174
KEBELE 01 7,275 3,287 3,988 2,221 2,174
ZANA-TOWN 3,251 1,382 1,869 1,007 981
KEBELE 01 3,251 1,382 1,869 1,007 981
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 10,111 4,641 5,470 3,067 2,963
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 10,111 4,641 5,470 3,067 2,963
KEBELE 01 10,111 4,641 5,470 3,067 2,963
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 8,623 4,004 4,619 2,450 2,404
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 8,623 4,004 4,619 2,450 2,404
KEBELE 01 8,623 4,004 4,619 2,450 2,404
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 47,284 21,867 25,417 14,024 13,663
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 47,284 21,867 25,417 14,024 13,663
DEDEBIT 9,254 4,166 5,088 2,737 2,675
SEHUL HBRETI 19,250 8,803 10,447 5,989 5,834
LEKATIT HEDE 18,780 8,898 9,882 5,298 5,154
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 17,045 8,163 8,882 5,116 4,971
SHIRARO-TOWN 17,045 8,163 8,882 5,116 4,971
MUSE 9,393 4,529 4,864 2,782 2,724
SEDR 7,652 3,634 4,018 2,334 2,247
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 176,453 81,844 94,609 53,506 51,523
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 7,911 3,616 4,295 2,438 2,397
RAMA-TOWN 7,911 3,616 4,295 2,438 2,397
RAMA 7,911 3,616 4,295 2,438 2,397
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 23,421 10,895 12,526 7,006 6,659
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 6,299 2,798 3,501 1,915 1,663
GERIHU SEMAY 6,299 2,798 3,501 1,915 1,663
INTICHO-TOWN 10,298 4,897 5,401 3,144 3,084
KEBELE 01 6,039 2,848 3,191 1,843 1,809
KEBELE 02 4,259 2,049 2,210 1,301 1,275
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 2,498 1,097 1,401 681 659
KEBELE 01 2,498 1,097 1,401 681 659
FERES MAY-TOWN 4,326 2,103 2,223 1,266 1,253
KEBELE 01 4,326 2,103 2,223 1,266 1,253
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 16,525 7,585 8,940 5,051 4,638
NEBELAT-TOWN 3,447 1,557 1,890 1,099 978
KEBELE 01 3,447 1,557 1,890 1,099 978
IDAGARBI-TOWN 8,571 3,949 4,622 2,711 2,538
KEBELE 01 8,571 3,949 4,622 2,711 2,538
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 4,507 2,079 2,428 1,241 1,122
KEBELE 01 4,507 2,079 2,428 1,241 1,122
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 11,187 5,244 5,943 3,262 3,163
CHILA-TOWN 3,005 1,345 1,660 905 890
KEBELE 02 3,005 1,345 1,660 905 890
WUKRO MARYA 8,182 3,899 4,283 2,357 2,273
KEBELE 01 8,182 3,899 4,283 2,357 2,273
NADER ADET-WEREDA 1,842 914 928 671 650
SEMEMA TOWN 1,842 914 928 671 650
KEBELE 01 1,842 914 928 671 650
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 7,270 3,335 3,935 2,232 2,187
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 7,270 3,335 3,935 2,232 2,187
KEBELE 01 7,270 3,335 3,935 2,232 2,187
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 7,035 3,381 3,654 1,991 1,945
MEARAY-TOWN 7,035 3,381 3,654 1,991 1,945
KEBELE 01 7,035 3,381 3,654 1,991 1,945
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 16,115 7,826 8,289 4,861 4,746
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 16,115 7,826 8,289 4,861 4,746
KEBELE 01 4,118 1,874 2,244 1,359 1,331
KEBELE 02 11,997 5,952 6,045 3,502 3,415
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 40,500 18,307 22,193 12,571 12,217

Annex Table 1A. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Urban Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
ADWA-TOWN 40,500 18,307 22,193 12,571 12,217
ABNET 8,691 3,730 4,961 2,744 2,692
MEBAL 13,010 6,141 6,869 4,081 4,014
HEYELOM 6,426 2,908 3,518 1,789 1,653
DEBRCHI 12,373 5,528 6,845 3,957 3,858
AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 44,647 20,741 23,906 13,423 12,921
AXUM-TOWN 44,647 20,741 23,906 13,423 12,921
HEYELOM 12,547 5,600 6,947 3,840 3,716
ENYEYA 11,589 5,419 6,170 3,629 3,448
HAWLTI 20,511 9,722 10,789 5,954 5,757
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 146,064 66,321 79,743 42,781 41,495
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 10,101 4,525 5,576 2,738 2,616
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 7,502 3,329 4,173 1,871 1,759
KEBELE 01 7,502 3,329 4,173 1,871 1,759
FATSI-TOWN 2,599 1,196 1,403 867 857
KEBELE 01 2,599 1,196 1,403 867 857
EROB-WEREDA 2,091 1,008 1,083 683 670
DAWUHAN-TOWN 2,091 1,008 1,083 683 670
KEBELE 01 2,091 1,008 1,083 683 670
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 18,933 8,371 10,562 5,351 5,258
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 12,004 5,314 6,690 3,409 3,364
KEBELE 01 12,004 5,314 6,690 3,409 3,364
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 6,929 3,057 3,872 1,942 1,894
KEBELE 01 6,929 3,057 3,872 1,942 1,894
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 3,636 1,658 1,978 1,175 1,158
BAZET-TOWN 3,636 1,658 1,978 1,175 1,158
KEBELE 01 3,636 1,658 1,978 1,175 1,158
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 7,553 3,541 4,012 2,265 2,189
HAWUZEN-TOWN 7,553 3,541 4,012 2,265 2,189
KEBELE 01 1,769 789 980 601 564
KEBELE 02 4,938 2,330 2,608 1,486 1,448
KEBELE 03 846 422 424 178 177
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 4,808 2,166 2,642 1,435 1,396
AGULA-TOWN 4,808 2,166 2,642 1,435 1,396
KEBELE 01 4,808 2,166 2,642 1,435 1,396
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 11,144 4,986 6,158 3,294 3,120
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 7,983 3,548 4,435 2,434 2,292
KEBELE 01 7,983 3,548 4,435 2,434 2,292
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 3,161 1,438 1,723 860 828
KEBELE 01 3,161 1,438 1,723 860 828
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 57,588 26,010 31,578 16,457 16,038
ADIGRAT-TOWN 57,588 26,010 31,578 16,457 16,038
KEBELE 01 16,959 7,808 9,151 4,874 4,706
KEBELE 02 14,096 6,330 7,766 3,974 3,878
KEBELE 03 13,891 6,230 7,661 4,137 4,061
KEBELE 04 12,642 5,642 7,000 3,472 3,393
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,210 14,056 16,154 9,383 9,050
WUKRO-TOWN 30,210 14,056 16,154 9,383 9,050
DEDEBIT 5,572 2,623 2,949 1,625 1,487
AEGAZI 6,572 2,904 3,668 2,126 2,078
HEYELOM 18,066 8,529 9,537 5,632 5,485
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 125,787 59,328 66,459 36,459 35,133
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 9,189 4,294 4,895 2,577 2,511
GIJET-TOWN 4,458 2,037 2,421 1,159 1,122
KEBELE 01 4,458 2,037 2,421 1,159 1,122
SAMIRA-TOWN 4,731 2,257 2,474 1,418 1,389
KEBELE 01 4,731 2,257 2,474 1,418 1,389
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 11,936 5,631 6,305 3,435 3,076
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 8,024 3,885 4,139 2,280 2,078
KEBELE 01 8,024 3,885 4,139 2,280 2,078
HIWANE-TOWN 3,912 1,746 2,166 1,155 998
KEBELE 01 3,912 1,746 2,166 1,155 998
ALAJE-WEREDA 7,568 3,670 3,898 2,138 2,096
ADISHOHU-TOWN 7,568 3,670 3,898 2,138 2,096
KEBELE 01 7,568 3,670 3,898 2,138 2,096
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 2,986 1,278 1,708 905 883
MESWAET-TOWN 2,986 1,278 1,708 905 883
KEBELE 01 2,986 1,278 1,708 905 883

Annex Table 1A. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Urban Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 16,056 7,626 8,430 4,778 4,482
MEHONI-TOWN 13,793 6,560 7,233 4,106 3,843
MEHONI KEBELE 01 13,793 6,560 7,233 4,106 3,843
CHERCHER-TOWN 2,263 1,066 1,197 672 639
WEYRA WUHA 2,263 1,066 1,197 672 639
ALAMATA-WEREDA 4,563 2,133 2,430 1,286 1,255
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 4,563 2,133 2,430 1,286 1,255
KEBELE 01 4,563 2,133 2,430 1,286 1,255
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,419 11,024 12,395 7,256 7,143
MAYCHEW-TOWN 23,419 11,024 12,395 7,256 7,143
KEBELE 01 4,333 1,989 2,344 1,319 1,304
KEBELE 02 6,316 3,036 3,280 2,033 1,989
KEBELE 03 6,735 3,225 3,510 2,124 2,105
KEBELE 04 6,035 2,774 3,261 1,780 1,745
KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 16,856 7,532 9,324 4,949 4,771
KOREM-TOWN 16,856 7,532 9,324 4,949 4,771
FAKLSI 4,583 1,974 2,609 1,380 1,330
ZKRESEMAETI 5,255 2,349 2,906 1,586 1,541
MUSENSELAM 7,018 3,209 3,809 1,983 1,900
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 33,214 16,140 17,074 9,135 8,916
ALAMATA-TOWN 33,214 16,140 17,074 9,135 8,916
KEBELE 01 6,752 3,431 3,321 1,799 1,746
KEBELE 02 8,222 3,971 4,251 2,371 2,315
KEBELE 03 7,823 3,675 4,148 2,111 2,062
KEBELE 04 10,417 5,063 5,354 2,854 2,793
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 71,823 36,735 35,088 19,865 18,755
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 30,234 15,550 14,684 8,004 7,590
ADEBAYE-TOWN 10,268 5,257 5,011 2,579 2,362
KEBELE 01 10,268 5,257 5,011 2,579 2,362
BIHER-TOWN 7,116 3,637 3,479 1,934 1,848
KEBELE 01 7,116 3,637 3,479 1,934 1,848
MAY CADERA-TOWN 12,850 6,656 6,194 3,491 3,380
KEBELE 01 12,850 6,656 6,194 3,491 3,380
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 10,758 5,225 5,533 2,927 2,671
MEZEGA-TOWN 5,555 2,779 2,776 1,446 1,239
KEBELE 01 5,555 2,779 2,776 1,446 1,239
ADI REMETS-TOWN 5,203 2,446 2,757 1,481 1,432
KEBELE 01 5,203 2,446 2,757 1,481 1,432
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 9,178 4,565 4,613 2,574 2,394
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 1,971 898 1,073 610 589
KEBELE 01 1,971 898 1,073 610 589
DANISHA-TOWN 7,207 3,667 3,540 1,964 1,805
KEBELE 01 7,207 3,667 3,540 1,964 1,805
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 21,653 11,395 10,258 6,360 6,100
HUMERA-TOWN 21,653 11,395 10,258 6,360 6,100
KEBELE 01 13,368 7,142 6,226 3,811 3,623
KEBELE 02 8,285 4,253 4,032 2,549 2,477
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 215,914 104,925 110,989 57,300 55,235
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 92,104 44,153 47,951 24,958 23,971
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 92,104 44,153 47,951 24,958 23,971
ADIHAKI 22,136 11,064 11,072 5,444 5,309
HEDNET 33,180 15,748 17,432 9,087 8,570
ADISS ALEM 14,990 6,904 8,086 4,677 4,522
AEYNALEM 6,480 3,709 2,771 1,127 1,099
KUHA 15,318 6,728 8,590 4,623 4,471
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 123,810 60,772 63,038 32,342 31,264
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 123,810 60,772 63,038 32,342 31,264
AEYDER 27,227 13,634 13,593 6,986 6,769
KEDAMY WEYANE 22,746 11,132 11,614 5,600 5,444
HEWULTI 16,947 8,282 8,665 5,052 4,914
SEWHI NGUS 14,676 6,988 7,688 4,190 3,979
INDUSTRY 42,214 20,736 21,478 10,514 10,158

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
TIGRAY-REGION 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278 750,261 726,968
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 628,806 318,612 310,194 134,768 130,128
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 83,767 43,044 40,723 18,532 17,296
TAHTAY ADIYABO-RURAL 83,767 43,044 40,723 18,532 17,296
BADME 3,743 1,761 1,982 1,047 963
ADIAWUALA 5,455 2,604 2,851 1,422 1,390
GELADIYUS 2,031 1,007 1,024 427 420
ADITELAOM 3,218 1,576 1,642 745 723
DAGUALA 6,642 3,412 3,230 1,448 1,424
ADIHEGERAY 2,137 1,082 1,055 483 479
SHEMBLINA 2,066 1,074 992 412 408
GEMHELO 5,119 2,612 2,507 1,083 1,054
LEMLEM 883 438 445 212 197
ADEMEYTI 4,033 2,080 1,953 866 844
ADITETER 6,085 3,211 2,874 1,248 1,208
ADIASER 3,501 1,866 1,635 724 702
MENTEBTEB 5,943 2,889 3,054 1,312 1,275
MARKUHILI 9,973 5,783 4,190 2,055 1,272
ATEREGA 5,511 2,822 2,689 1,209 1,183
ZABANGEDENA 12,172 6,112 6,060 2,741 2,681
LESEMUGUNA ANDI 5,255 2,715 2,540 1,098 1,073
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 105,803 53,177 52,626 22,857 21,961
LAELAY ADIYABO-RURAL 105,803 53,177 52,626 22,857 21,961
DOGALE 1,279 617 662 272 264
ADIKELITE 5,601 2,805 2,796 1,172 1,156
MEDERE FELASI 6,022 3,000 3,022 1,272 1,248
ADINEBEREID 9,341 4,467 4,874 2,300 2,245
GODFEYE 5,584 2,840 2,744 1,219 1,191
FETHI 6,360 3,170 3,190 1,407 1,379
HEBRET 7,412 3,771 3,641 1,526 1,511
ADI GEDENA 4,995 2,490 2,505 1,160 1,100
EGUB 5,001 2,497 2,504 983 967
MEDEBAY TERER 5,218 2,681 2,537 1,069 1,048
ADI MILIYEN 2,952 1,489 1,463 620 504
HADEGETA 5,554 2,887 2,667 1,168 1,145
MAY ANBESA 7,091 3,582 3,509 1,551 1,328
ADI ABAGI 6,855 3,469 3,386 1,463 1,420
STADA BORA 5,155 2,620 2,535 1,119 1,073
ADI NEGESTI 4,964 2,521 2,443 1,044 991
GUBA GOBA 2,723 1,342 1,381 574 555
STAHAYU 4,095 2,071 2,024 850 840
ZELAZELE 5,557 2,812 2,745 1,203 1,162
SEMERET 4,044 2,046 1,998 885 834
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 114,502 57,308 57,194 24,461 23,782
MEDEBAY ZANA-RURAL 114,502 57,308 57,194 24,461 23,782
NEFASIT 5,662 2,905 2,757 1,220 1,137
SHAME 4,774 2,318 2,456 1,035 1,015
TSEADA LEHA 3,788 1,820 1,968 856 838
ADI BEAREJI 5,655 2,831 2,824 1,175 1,151
ADI NGISTI 4,195 2,072 2,123 922 866
KUL FERHA 7,447 3,721 3,726 1,584 1,555
EMBA TSEHIDI 7,420 3,663 3,757 1,495 1,451
MESIHIL 6,848 3,419 3,429 1,386 1,365
ADE KEMALHI 6,896 3,431 3,465 1,402 1,366
KEMALO 6,108 3,063 3,045 1,257 1,238
ADI GESHEI 4,748 2,420 2,328 1,037 1,015
BAHIRA 7,893 4,022 3,871 1,689 1,626
WALKA 4,101 2,036 2,065 895 841
DEBRE KERBE 5,372 2,733 2,639 1,163 1,143
KIBRTO 8,238 4,205 4,033 1,676 1,661
THULA 8,824 4,501 4,323 1,975 1,913
ADI TSEGORA 8,875 4,379 4,496 1,988 1,917
MINTIL 7,658 3,769 3,889 1,706 1,684
TAHTAY QORARO-WEREDA 68,989 34,477 34,512 14,273 13,862
TAHTAY QORARO-RURAL 68,989 34,477 34,512 14,273 13,862
ADIGEBARO 4,993 2,577 2,416 1,029 1,003
ADIKOKOB 3,437 1,767 1,670 655 634
SIMEMA 7,320 3,624 3,696 1,642 1,597

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
SEKELA KOYITSA 5,344 2,650 2,694 1,060 1,050
MAYILIHAM 6,973 3,460 3,513 1,350 1,315
LEMLEM 8,547 4,250 4,297 1,813 1,727
MAYIDIMU 6,640 3,357 3,283 1,275 1,232
MAY ADIRASHA 2,747 1,355 1,392 559 543
ADI GIDAD 7,774 3,853 3,921 1,609 1,549
BELES 6,638 3,298 3,340 1,462 1,437
ADI MENAKER 2,810 1,405 1,405 609 588
KELAKIL 5,766 2,881 2,885 1,210 1,187
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 125,510 64,502 61,008 26,610 25,726
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-RURAL 125,510 64,502 61,008 26,610 25,726
DIGWADAGUGN 9,612 4,948 4,664 2,179 1,999
HITSATS 5,736 2,977 2,759 1,161 1,120
HIBIRET 8,542 4,406 4,136 1,868 1,827
MAY SEYE 6,542 3,245 3,297 1,590 1,533
MAY FERES 3,803 1,901 1,902 748 722
MAY SEWIHI 4,055 2,101 1,954 835 821
MAY SHEK 4,020 2,038 1,982 806 734
ALOGEN 5,304 2,623 2,681 1,091 1,065
LEMLEM 6,587 3,371 3,216 1,309 1,285
BIRIHAN 8,708 4,502 4,206 1,708 1,660
BONA KODA 5,565 2,819 2,746 1,204 1,184
HINITSET 8,939 4,533 4,406 1,849 1,822
MIZAN 10,699 5,405 5,294 2,292 2,230
DEBIR ABAY 9,126 4,875 4,251 1,896 1,849
ZENIGORAKODA 3,542 1,836 1,706 721 705
DEBIR MARIYAM 4,646 2,430 2,216 998 938
LIMAT 7,255 3,762 3,493 1,575 1,525
ADI MEHAMEDAY 7,692 4,031 3,661 1,633 1,585
DEDEBIT 5,137 2,699 2,438 1,147 1,122
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 130,235 66,104 64,131 28,035 27,501
TSELEMTI-RURAL 130,235 66,104 64,131 28,035 27,501
MAY TEHILIT 7,585 3,901 3,684 1,629 1,603
STADA KERNI 6,866 3,691 3,175 1,399 1,375
MEZKER 5,195 2,645 2,550 1,047 1,025
WUHEDET 6,640 3,427 3,213 1,414 1,380
MAY AYENE 9,794 4,919 4,875 2,131 2,092
MEDHANI ALEM 7,088 3,606 3,482 1,488 1,441
ADI WESENE 4,759 2,430 2,329 973 960
SERAKO 3,796 1,932 1,864 786 765
MAY ANBESA 4,048 2,084 1,964 884 868
SEKOTA SILASSE 6,644 3,331 3,313 1,432 1,400
SEKOTA MARIAM 7,555 3,764 3,791 1,706 1,673
DIMA 11,084 5,596 5,488 2,485 2,412
MECHARA 7,279 3,678 3,601 1,556 1,542
MAYAME 5,647 2,825 2,822 1,243 1,207
BABAKO 7,574 3,846 3,728 1,646 1,618
MAYGIMERE 7,153 3,583 3,570 1,577 1,557
CHACHORE 6,482 3,237 3,245 1,397 1,385
FIYELWIHA 8,189 4,138 4,051 1,820 1,793
MIDIR HAMSHO 4,553 2,296 2,257 940 935
MEDA 2,300 1,172 1,128 478 468
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 1,069,371 531,953 537,418 226,369 218,940
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 99,307 49,809 49,498 20,932 20,170
MEREB LEHE-RURAL 99,307 49,809 49,498 20,932 20,170
ADIGEBAT 4,703 2,369 2,334 943 881
ASAYEME 5,948 3,017 2,931 1,176 1,144
ADISHMBRHU 8,488 4,303 4,185 1,704 1,635
MYWEDI AMBERAYE 6,378 3,205 3,173 1,354 1,331
MEHEQUAN 5,350 2,638 2,712 1,178 1,152
MAYWEYENI 3,109 1,577 1,532 651 589
HAFTEMARIYAM 7,509 3,796 3,713 1,602 1,427
DEBREHARMAZ 3,383 1,749 1,634 730 724
ADIFETAW 2,946 1,445 1,501 604 585
HAFTOM 5,751 2,841 2,910 1,213 1,197
SEHUL 5,801 2,797 3,004 1,317 1,278
ADISELAM 3,898 1,975 1,923 814 789

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
ABENET 8,069 4,066 4,003 1,700 1,672
HADISH ADI 2,796 1,409 1,387 572 562
MEDEHEN 5,068 2,529 2,539 1,072 1,050
WEDI HAZO 5,993 2,982 3,011 1,312 1,280
SEMRET 3,969 2,003 1,966 828 810
ADIALENI 5,248 2,630 2,618 1,096 1,067
AWET 4,900 2,478 2,422 1,066 997
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 150,279 73,119 77,160 31,928 30,902
AHIFEROM-RURAL 150,279 73,119 77,160 31,928 30,902
MAY HAMETO 4,483 2,163 2,320 947 926
GEREHU SIRNAY 6,808 3,301 3,507 1,503 1,473
SEMEHAL 5,977 2,856 3,121 1,238 1,187
ZIBAN GUYILA 7,813 3,851 3,962 1,656 1,620
ERDI JEGANO 7,665 3,688 3,977 1,777 1,728
BET GEBEZ 5,228 2,606 2,622 1,149 1,137
MEZBIR 5,910 2,914 2,996 1,322 1,290
TAYTAY MAY GARETSEMIRI 5,562 2,796 2,766 1,166 1,143
DEGOZ 4,316 2,081 2,235 896 865
SERO 9,406 4,570 4,836 1,922 1,778
MAY SERU 4,506 2,209 2,297 913 893
ENDA MARIYAM 4,284 2,069 2,215 870 842
DIBDIBO 7,196 3,544 3,652 1,464 1,423
ADIZATA 7,866 3,866 4,000 1,612 1,572
TAYTAY DAIRIHA 8,046 4,007 4,039 1,624 1,594
ENDALASHIN 3,707 1,786 1,921 790 772
MAY KEYEHAT 3,681 1,775 1,906 801 777
SEFEO 4,825 2,307 2,518 996 972
EMBA AHIFEROM 4,664 2,214 2,450 965 934
EDAGA ARBI 6,708 3,163 3,545 1,504 1,467
KUDO 4,710 2,311 2,399 1,010 987
MISHAG 6,518 3,196 3,322 1,447 1,264
ADI BERETO 4,318 2,055 2,263 947 927
ADI SATIRE 5,958 2,858 3,100 1,289 1,258
EDAGA HAMUS 4,644 2,262 2,382 966 955
FERES MAY 937 439 498 197 190
ADI EKORO 4,543 2,232 2,311 957 928
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 129,579 64,074 65,505 27,540 26,500
WERE LEHE-RURAL 129,579 64,074 65,505 27,540 26,500
SIMRET 7,999 3,993 4,006 1,668 1,645
ZONGI 5,321 2,571 2,750 1,136 1,112
INDACHIWA 7,347 3,590 3,757 1,470 1,392
MAIKALAWI 5,266 2,660 2,606 1,090 1,064
WUHIDET 8,162 4,059 4,103 1,751 1,655
KOLAGEBLA 4,341 2,124 2,217 950 938
MALIKUHILI 4,519 2,231 2,288 979 956
MAYCHIKANTA 5,192 2,599 2,593 1,085 1,002
IDAGA HAMUS 8,402 4,131 4,271 1,864 1,812
SAGUHI 6,539 3,224 3,315 1,395 1,365
ADISALEM 5,749 2,802 2,947 1,221 1,198
MISIIMA 5,514 2,658 2,856 1,137 1,077
MAYNABRI 3,162 1,574 1,588 673 660
MAYTIUM 5,024 2,431 2,593 1,056 964
AZMERA 6,450 3,195 3,255 1,395 1,324
ARENA 5,114 2,589 2,525 1,128 1,112
HIBRET 4,183 2,120 2,063 912 867
SALAM 5,509 2,714 2,795 1,164 1,130
MAIHALSAGLI 6,231 3,084 3,147 1,327 1,300
MAYSAGLA 6,719 3,303 3,416 1,481 1,419
WARI 6,473 3,245 3,228 1,331 1,277
TSAI 6,363 3,177 3,186 1,327 1,231
ADWA-WEREDA 99,711 49,546 50,165 20,141 19,540
ADWA-RURAL 99,711 49,546 50,165 20,141 19,540
SIMIRET 4,972 2,511 2,461 949 913
WDI KESH 5,605 2,782 2,823 1,112 1,092
KEREN 3,752 1,881 1,871 778 747
SELAM 4,683 2,380 2,303 960 939
MARIYAM SHEWIT 6,341 3,178 3,163 1,251 1,232
YEHA 6,810 3,231 3,579 1,497 1,463

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
GENIDEBITA 7,295 3,687 3,608 1,428 1,398
WEYENITI 7,128 3,481 3,647 1,452 1,424
ENIDEBAGERIMA 6,667 3,316 3,351 1,319 1,297
SOLODA 3,830 1,838 1,992 846 823
BET YOHANIS 6,368 3,134 3,234 1,343 1,320
LAHIYA 4,506 2,269 2,237 848 793
MAY TUOM 8,520 4,252 4,268 1,628 1,554
DEBIR GENET 7,336 3,657 3,679 1,492 1,464
LOGOMITI 6,251 3,114 3,137 1,234 1,207
GEDIBA 5,364 2,663 2,701 1,089 973
TAHTAY YILOGOMITI 4,283 2,172 2,111 915 901
LAELAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 72,625 36,203 36,422 14,698 14,231
LAELAY MAYCHEW-RURAL 72,625 36,203 36,422 14,698 14,231
WELEL 4,678 2,328 2,350 968 938
WUHIDET 7,647 3,800 3,847 1,489 1,458
ADI TSEHAFI 4,371 2,170 2,201 864 789
DURA 6,934 3,428 3,506 1,387 1,315
MEDEGO 8,526 4,378 4,148 1,605 1,577
HATSEBO 7,892 3,882 4,010 1,545 1,471
MAY WEYINE 6,148 3,085 3,063 1,182 1,150
IDEGA ARIBI 5,037 2,512 2,525 1,000 983
AWULIO 3,935 1,980 1,955 869 843
MAHIBERE SELAM 7,578 3,784 3,794 1,748 1,705
DEREKA 7,480 3,698 3,782 1,525 1,494
NATIKA BILAI 2,399 1,158 1,241 516 508
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 87,935 43,379 44,556 18,834 18,411
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-RURAL 87,935 43,379 44,556 18,834 18,411
CHILA 6,871 3,436 3,435 1,455 1,426
RUBASHEWIT 4,404 2,194 2,210 907 885
DEBREMENKOL 3,526 1,865 1,661 769 725
MAUSESE 5,874 2,916 2,958 1,155 1,103
KEWANIT 4,078 1,949 2,129 842 835
HEDISHADI 4,582 2,273 2,309 905 876
MAYBRAZYU 6,657 3,299 3,358 1,401 1,371
AKABSEAT 6,062 2,993 3,069 1,224 1,192
MAYATEMI 6,962 3,414 3,548 1,529 1,496
MAEKEL 7,087 3,467 3,620 1,543 1,521
MREN 5,946 2,907 3,039 1,310 1,294
HEWUSTA 3,457 1,713 1,744 759 739
ADIHUSTA 8,251 4,078 4,173 1,912 1,878
BETSEMAETE 3,316 1,659 1,657 711 695
ADIGORA 5,545 2,668 2,877 1,241 1,222
FERIMA 5,317 2,548 2,769 1,171 1,153
NADER ADET-WEREDA 103,124 51,147 51,977 22,537 21,846
NADER ADET-RURAL 103,124 51,147 51,977 22,537 21,846
ADREBSERA HEHABLEIE 4,910 2,424 2,486 1,061 1,035
ABEBA YOHANNES 4,063 2,022 2,041 851 833
MAY TEMKET 4,864 2,319 2,545 1,169 1,140
LEYLAY AHEDUG 5,060 2,508 2,552 1,162 1,122
ADI SERAWIT 3,164 1,556 1,608 709 693
METEHELO 3,647 1,815 1,832 811 788
SEHKESA DEMOMENA 7,648 3,743 3,905 1,663 1,628
ADDIS LEM 7,088 3,596 3,492 1,533 1,508
SEABERU BADET 4,882 2,399 2,483 1,049 1,036
DEBERE GENET 5,136 2,412 2,724 1,254 1,218
GUNDEKSE DEIHI 7,457 3,645 3,812 1,538 1,515
ADI LEHEYEN 4,603 2,400 2,203 984 955
DAGENA 3,989 2,048 1,941 923 897
TERAGAY 5,045 2,537 2,508 1,122 1,100
RUBAYE 3,980 1,940 2,040 807 719
MAY DENYA 4,061 1,985 2,076 858 844
ADI KELAKELI 7,337 3,642 3,695 1,569 1,521
HUMRE 5,366 2,734 2,632 1,158 1,141
TEHAYE 6,075 3,044 3,031 1,292 1,280
SHENAKO 4,749 2,378 2,371 1,024 873
KOLA TEMBEN-WEREDA 134,336 66,925 67,411 28,917 28,036
KOLA TEMBEN-RURAL 134,336 66,925 67,411 28,917 28,036
CHAMO TSELAY 7,041 3,561 3,480 1,447 1,426

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
NAWI 5,532 2,740 2,792 1,203 1,177
DARNATSAB 5,694 2,783 2,911 1,304 1,294
MARARA 5,791 2,866 2,925 1,220 1,194
TABOTE GIYORGIS 5,620 2,833 2,787 1,247 1,170
SALAM 6,226 3,122 3,104 1,336 1,317
DABENO 4,817 2,459 2,358 1,025 983
WUHIDET 3,740 1,907 1,833 805 774
SANTA GELEBEDA 7,863 3,958 3,905 1,763 1,739
ADIHA 8,751 4,350 4,401 1,969 1,924
WERKAMBA 8,785 4,295 4,490 1,970 1,896
GETSIKIM LASLAY 6,933 3,568 3,365 1,428 1,385
DEBREGENET 2,920 1,478 1,442 601 572
ATAKLTI 7,020 3,518 3,502 1,488 1,469
MENJI 4,644 2,287 2,357 924 901
GORORO 5,754 2,816 2,938 1,268 1,165
MITSAWERKI 5,825 2,883 2,942 1,257 1,216
ARENA 6,731 3,372 3,359 1,434 1,412
SHULOM IMNI 5,353 2,662 2,691 1,156 1,125
GUYA 6,255 3,031 3,224 1,382 1,307
SEMRET 7,301 3,630 3,671 1,513 1,445
BEGASHAHI 5,740 2,806 2,934 1,177 1,145
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 106,325 53,620 52,705 23,058 22,444
DEGUA TEMBEN-RURAL 106,325 53,620 52,705 23,058 22,444
MELIFA 6,786 3,385 3,401 1,475 1,454
MAHIBERE SILASE 4,494 2,260 2,234 966 953
SELAM 3,449 1,704 1,745 781 719
HADINET 6,540 3,239 3,301 1,436 1,393
AREBAYI 7,477 3,761 3,716 1,686 1,645
AYIN BIRIKRKIN 8,105 4,011 4,094 1,816 1,773
EMINIAN KILALO 6,878 3,564 3,314 1,449 1,389
ADI AZMERA 7,056 3,575 3,481 1,464 1,408
MIZANE BIRIHAN 6,439 3,284 3,155 1,360 1,337
MIKAEL ABIYI 5,098 2,554 2,544 1,153 1,097
SERET 7,465 3,746 3,719 1,767 1,746
LIMIAT 4,798 2,430 2,368 1,018 995
AREGEN 4,024 2,018 2,006 812 785
MIZAN 6,801 3,414 3,387 1,491 1,468
SIMIRET 5,770 2,931 2,839 1,198 1,166
WALITA 8,075 4,112 3,963 1,721 1,691
DEBRE NAZIRET 7,070 3,632 3,438 1,465 1,425
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 86,150 44,131 42,019 17,784 16,860
TANQUA ABERGELE-RURAL 86,150 44,131 42,019 17,784 16,860
YAKER 2,337 1,191 1,146 491 444
SIMIRET 8,488 4,265 4,223 1,750 1,614
JIJIKA 5,691 2,857 2,834 1,210 1,130
SELAM 3,940 2,000 1,940 792 751
ADI WEYANE 5,272 2,643 2,629 1,038 984
LIMAAT 4,498 2,239 2,259 916 900
SHOHA TEKILE 7,361 3,560 3,801 1,655 1,604
OGIBE 6,126 3,061 3,065 1,314 1,283
GERA 5,411 2,810 2,601 1,099 1,043
TSEKEME 5,193 2,636 2,557 1,040 992
SIYE 10,317 5,935 4,382 1,987 1,779
FELEGE HIWET 4,249 2,144 2,105 883 860
HIBIRET 6,892 3,530 3,362 1,438 1,387
AMIBO RUFAEL 4,804 2,447 2,357 964 914
LEMLEM 5,571 2,813 2,758 1,207 1,175
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 609,279 293,317 315,962 129,401 125,355
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 74,135 36,024 38,111 15,627 15,100
GULO MEHEDA-RURAL 74,135 36,024 38,111 15,627 15,100
MARTA 4,643 2,255 2,388 1,011 853
SEBIYA 6,653 3,190 3,463 1,416 1,383
KILIAT 4,647 2,268 2,379 924 911
ADIS ALEM 4,032 2,038 1,994 825 805
ADIS TESFA 3,742 1,771 1,971 874 869
SHEWIT LEMLEM 3,912 1,876 2,036 833 824
MEZABIR 2,760 1,395 1,365 625 602
IRGIBAY MEDEBAY 4,262 2,067 2,195 934 907

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
AMBASETA FIKADA 3,316 1,608 1,708 724 707
HEBEN 3,952 1,929 2,023 769 713
HAYELOM 3,253 1,599 1,654 659 652
FEREDE SHUM 4,208 2,032 2,176 838 796
HAGERESELAM 6,103 2,980 3,123 1,261 1,234
MAYTSEADA 2,981 1,422 1,559 601 588
KOBTSIBA 5,909 2,814 3,095 1,249 1,203
KISADIMAIB 4,775 2,386 2,389 1,006 990
MERETA 4,987 2,394 2,593 1,078 1,063
EROB-WEREDA 23,380 11,404 11,976 4,680 4,519
EROB-RURAL 23,380 11,404 11,976 4,680 4,519
INDALGEDA 6,036 2,830 3,206 1,268 1,224
WER ATLE 1,458 735 723 264 255
ARAS 3,394 1,729 1,665 640 628
ALITENA 4,905 2,431 2,474 975 927
AGER LEKOMA 3,243 1,608 1,635 637 624
HARZE SEBAATA 1,775 875 900 342 338
INDA MOSA 2,569 1,196 1,373 554 523
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 120,258 57,425 62,833 24,813 24,061
SAESI TSADAMBA-RURAL 120,258 57,425 62,833 24,813 24,061
TAHITAY ZIBAN 2,522 1,206 1,316 516 502
GEBILEN 2,899 1,391 1,508 605 586
MARIWA 3,313 1,646 1,667 646 636
MESIHUL 556 252 304 120 118
SEWIN 2,849 1,442 1,407 585 565
MELIWALO 4,541 2,167 2,374 981 955
SAISI 8,738 4,230 4,508 1,786 1,760
KOMA SIWIHA 5,459 2,628 2,831 1,067 979
HADISH HIWOT 7,121 3,433 3,688 1,417 1,389
EMIBA ASEMENA 6,003 2,832 3,171 1,248 1,216
HADISH ADI 5,183 2,435 2,748 1,151 1,124
HANIGODA 3,546 1,742 1,804 686 669
BELESO 2,741 1,296 1,445 585 562
EGIAZI 7,543 3,558 3,985 1,482 1,468
SINIKETA 4,385 2,075 2,310 862 840
MAY MEGELITA 7,862 3,720 4,142 1,649 1,616
RAELA 5,244 2,483 2,761 1,132 1,114
HAWIL 6,678 3,030 3,648 1,533 1,500
GULA AMONA 8,402 4,002 4,400 1,792 1,745
GUIMIS AGAMAT 8,330 3,997 4,333 1,694 1,648
SINIDEDA 9,114 4,321 4,793 1,842 1,792
SAZ 7,229 3,539 3,690 1,434 1,277
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 85,008 40,438 44,570 18,126 17,725
GANTA AFESHUM-RURAL 85,008 40,438 44,570 18,126 17,725
WIHIET 5,885 2,765 3,120 1,258 1,237
SIMIRET 4,516 2,186 2,330 942 927
ADIKINEYI 7,181 3,532 3,649 1,445 1,408
MEREGAHAYA 2,602 1,304 1,298 537 531
BEATEMAYI MISANE 4,777 2,233 2,544 1,134 1,102
GOLA GENAHITI 4,293 2,095 2,198 850 836
SASUN BETEHAWARIYAT 4,296 2,061 2,235 854 827
KEKOT 3,558 1,704 1,854 792 768
HAGERE SELAM 5,159 2,417 2,742 1,149 1,124
MIGULAT 4,995 2,351 2,644 1,130 1,097
KITA GIDABA 2,676 1,268 1,408 537 523
HAGWA AREGWA 3,826 1,808 2,018 804 788
TSEADAT HAMELO 4,266 1,952 2,314 923 893
AZABA 6,396 3,023 3,373 1,358 1,335
HADINET 5,900 2,704 3,196 1,303 1,273
BAHIRASEHITA 5,505 2,628 2,877 1,183 1,166
DIBILA SIET 4,397 2,146 2,251 943 918
GWAHIGOT 4,780 2,261 2,519 984 972
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 110,401 52,874 57,527 22,802 21,953
HAWUZEN-RURAL 110,401 52,874 57,527 22,802 21,953
HARIKWA 1,165 539 626 269 266
D/BIZEN 4,058 1,956 2,102 836 805
D/ABAY 4,302 2,005 2,297 922 889
DEGA AMBA 4,756 2,165 2,591 1,036 1,012

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
SIMIRET 4,474 2,049 2,425 972 938
SHELEWA 3,016 1,385 1,631 651 639
BALEDA 2,333 1,100 1,233 485 480
MAYKADO 5,570 2,739 2,831 1,065 1,015
HAYELOM 5,125 2,456 2,669 983 948
MOZITEY 5,842 2,757 3,085 1,160 1,140
HATSET 4,390 2,045 2,345 860 835
TSENKANET 4,137 1,947 2,190 811 791
GIRA ARAS 4,464 2,085 2,379 935 919
SILUH 4,760 2,282 2,478 878 845
SELAM 7,412 3,613 3,799 1,451 1,308
D/HIYWET 4,759 2,270 2,489 1,022 894
D/SELAM 5,397 2,570 2,827 1,141 1,117
MEGAB 4,229 2,040 2,189 931 910
D/BIRIHAN 6,154 3,007 3,147 1,239 1,206
DIGUM 7,083 3,453 3,630 1,520 1,462
FIREWYINI 4,757 2,367 2,390 965 954
MAYGOBO 2,188 1,061 1,127 483 460
ADIBELEW 1,921 908 1,013 407 405
KORARO 5,682 2,856 2,826 1,261 1,226
ALAL 2,427 1,219 1,208 519 489
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 94,900 46,479 48,421 20,222 19,564
KLITE AWLALO-RURAL 94,900 46,479 48,421 20,222 19,564
TGEREDA 6,634 3,211 3,423 1,548 1,525
DEBRETEYUN 6,751 3,345 3,406 1,397 1,343
ABRHE WEATEBHE 4,390 2,121 2,269 969 935
GEMAD 9,523 4,624 4,899 1,865 1,806
NEGASH 7,753 3,607 4,146 1,689 1,626
ADIKSANDD 7,036 3,493 3,543 1,533 1,497
GENFEL 5,797 2,735 3,062 1,144 1,113
AYNALEM 7,099 3,505 3,594 1,482 1,436
MAYKUHA 7,070 3,477 3,593 1,594 1,548
AWALO 7,267 3,630 3,637 1,530 1,410
DEBREBRHEN 4,400 2,204 2,196 950 903
MAHBEREWEYNI 5,199 2,647 2,552 1,080 1,067
KIHEN 4,700 2,331 2,369 1,011 978
MESANU 5,657 2,737 2,920 1,229 1,207
HADNET 5,624 2,812 2,812 1,201 1,170
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 101,197 48,673 52,524 23,131 22,433
ATSBI WONBERTA-RURAL 101,197 48,673 52,524 23,131 22,433
HADINET 7,001 3,362 3,639 1,597 1,556
GEBIRE KIDAN 8,887 4,180 4,707 2,190 2,133
HARESAWO 5,308 2,501 2,807 1,256 1,238
RUBAFELEG 6,518 3,096 3,422 1,523 1,468
ZAREMA 6,550 3,079 3,471 1,535 1,493
GOLGOLNAELE 6,685 3,182 3,503 1,482 1,450
FELEGE WEYINI 7,527 3,648 3,879 1,673 1,655
KAL AMIN 8,315 4,051 4,264 1,866 1,816
MICHEAL EMBA 6,525 3,134 3,391 1,459 1,426
BARIKA ADIS SEBHA 6,099 2,964 3,135 1,430 1,208
ADI MESANU 6,871 3,371 3,500 1,494 1,463
HABEBES 3,503 1,705 1,798 891 874
DIBAB AHOREN 4,105 1,943 2,162 903 888
HAYELOM 5,944 2,910 3,034 1,274 1,245
ERA 5,632 2,793 2,839 1,228 1,217
KELISHA IMINI 5,727 2,754 2,973 1,330 1,303
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 880,717 437,952 442,765 196,383 191,504
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 115,151 57,574 57,577 23,884 23,367
SEHARTI SAMRE-RURAL 115,151 57,574 57,577 23,884 23,367
BEMBA 3,398 1,720 1,678 696 681
MAY KANA 5,039 2,504 2,535 1,032 1,002
MARIAM MOKO 8,333 4,096 4,237 1,753 1,718
ADI SHISHA 7,237 3,692 3,545 1,456 1,423
TASHI 6,712 3,355 3,357 1,397 1,377
CHLIESRET 8,790 4,383 4,407 1,876 1,838
HENSTA WAZA 8,483 4,219 4,264 1,647 1,625
ADI KAILA 9,845 4,869 4,976 2,054 2,025
ADDIS ALEM 6,871 3,455 3,416 1,445 1,417

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
AMDI WOYANE 6,661 3,254 3,407 1,393 1,372
MAY TEHILI 7,075 3,463 3,612 1,482 1,432
METKELILI MEIAT 6,110 3,095 3,015 1,258 1,237
DEKERA 4,465 2,280 2,185 961 923
NEBAR HADINAT 10,199 5,165 5,034 2,180 2,144
HADASH LEMLEM 6,084 3,045 3,039 1,222 1,162
LEMLEM ARENA 6,462 3,300 3,162 1,299 1,271
FERE WOYANE 3,387 1,679 1,708 733 720
ENDERTA-WEREDA 114,297 57,482 56,815 24,618 23,902
ENDERTA-RURAL 114,297 57,482 56,815 24,618 23,902
MAHIBERE GENET 6,626 3,255 3,371 1,424 1,385
MAYE ALEME 4,838 2,545 2,293 979 941
MAREYAME DAHANE 5,452 2,737 2,715 1,122 1,077
FALAGE MAYATI 4,325 2,179 2,146 947 779
MASOBO 5,324 2,627 2,697 1,172 1,148
DAREGA AJENI 9,484 4,740 4,744 2,112 2,070
ARATO 9,151 4,580 4,571 2,022 1,971
HEBITE 9,710 4,992 4,718 1,965 1,924
DEBIRI 7,169 3,657 3,512 1,504 1,468
MAYEI ANIBRSA 6,039 2,950 3,089 1,302 1,280
MAYI GENETE 4,737 2,398 2,339 1,015 985
CHELEKOTI 5,398 2,653 2,745 1,192 1,179
DIDIBA 6,893 3,418 3,475 1,532 1,508
FELEGE SALAME 6,179 3,139 3,040 1,362 1,335
MAYE TSEDA 6,955 3,614 3,341 1,449 1,380
LEMELE 7,886 3,953 3,933 1,727 1,709
MESARETE 8,131 4,045 4,086 1,792 1,763
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 141,569 70,259 71,310 30,925 30,135
HINTALO WAJIRAT-RURAL 141,569 70,259 71,310 30,925 30,135
METEKEL 8,158 4,116 4,042 1,721 1,673
DEJEN 8,042 3,975 4,067 1,669 1,624
AMIDI WEYANE 8,470 4,186 4,284 1,863 1,826
HINTALO 5,520 2,767 2,753 1,162 1,140
HAGERE SELAM 10,422 5,179 5,243 2,207 2,168
HAREKO 9,106 4,497 4,609 1,970 1,893
FIKIRE ALEM 7,748 3,834 3,914 1,667 1,596
ARA ALEMSEGED 10,011 4,966 5,045 2,161 2,105
GONIKA 3,641 1,854 1,787 778 765
SEBEBERA 4,623 2,304 2,319 1,014 994
MAYI NEBIRI 5,606 2,719 2,887 1,329 1,310
MUJA 7,903 3,957 3,946 1,680 1,518
HIWANE 6,892 3,486 3,406 1,439 1,412
WAZA ADI AWANA 7,442 3,685 3,757 1,617 1,602
BAHARI TSEBA 8,578 4,200 4,378 2,031 2,007
SENIALE 9,486 4,686 4,800 2,116 2,076
ADI KEYIH 6,848 3,413 3,435 1,529 1,506
ADI MESINO 5,780 2,814 2,966 1,366 1,331
TSEHAFITI 7,293 3,621 3,672 1,606 1,589
ALAJE-WEREDA 100,404 49,174 51,230 22,646 21,893
ALAJE-RURAL 100,404 49,174 51,230 22,646 21,893
ABINET 6,285 3,101 3,184 1,444 1,417
SERET 3,238 1,605 1,633 728 709
DEJEN 5,132 2,481 2,651 1,159 1,030
TEHILIWEYANE 5,656 2,753 2,903 1,208 1,192
BETIMERA 6,105 2,910 3,195 1,464 1,338
KEYIHITEHILI 9,165 4,464 4,701 2,019 1,986
FANA 6,567 3,182 3,385 1,574 1,555
SEMIRET 5,149 2,536 2,613 1,185 1,153
AMEDEWUHA 7,888 3,799 4,089 1,898 1,858
KILIMA 7,730 3,871 3,859 1,765 1,714
MAYILIHAL 7,938 3,864 4,074 1,800 1,776
ABEDA 4,139 2,047 2,092 924 906
TEHIA 5,513 2,758 2,755 1,257 1,250
ATESLA 5,756 2,840 2,916 1,215 1,196
AYIBA 7,478 3,654 3,824 1,539 1,520
SESAT 6,665 3,309 3,356 1,467 1,293
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 81,753 40,774 40,979 17,911 17,505
ENDAMEHONI-RURAL 81,753 40,774 40,979 17,911 17,505

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
KEREYA KANFA 6,635 3,268 3,367 1,502 1,463
TSEBET 5,196 2,515 2,681 1,126 1,111
EMBAHASTI 3,893 1,879 2,014 811 801
HEZEBA T/HAYMANOT 5,500 2,643 2,857 1,196 1,175
SHEMTAGESAWSA 11,884 6,475 5,409 2,166 2,074
SENAY 6,555 3,278 3,277 1,515 1,493
DUUM 4,079 2,063 2,016 896 889
NIKAH 6,569 3,180 3,389 1,638 1,610
ARENNA 6,262 3,136 3,126 1,458 1,426
JEMA 7,302 3,640 3,662 1,611 1,572
SEMRET 6,821 3,284 3,537 1,532 1,488
MEHAN 5,488 2,660 2,828 1,220 1,177
TACH HAYA 5,569 2,753 2,816 1,240 1,226
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 119,814 60,061 59,753 27,582 27,052
RAYA AZEBO-RURAL 119,814 60,061 59,753 27,582 27,052
EBO 6,276 3,099 3,177 1,372 1,354
HAWULTI 10,124 5,090 5,034 2,203 2,183
MECHARA 12,710 6,389 6,321 2,931 2,878
TSIGAWARGIBA 12,147 6,150 5,997 2,666 2,608
GENETE 8,784 4,409 4,375 2,084 2,020
KARA ADISHU 9,127 4,514 4,613 2,143 2,099
WERA BAYE 8,349 4,111 4,238 1,996 1,972
KEKU FITO 15,842 7,882 7,960 3,784 3,718
HEDA ALGA 7,124 3,618 3,506 1,590 1,554
CORME 8,648 4,395 4,253 1,916 1,861
MARU 6,055 3,055 3,000 1,363 1,337
BALEULAGA 8,859 4,378 4,481 2,164 2,123
HADIQINGI 5,769 2,971 2,798 1,370 1,345
ALAMATA-WEREDA 80,840 40,350 40,490 19,246 18,888
ALAMATA-RURAL 80,840 40,350 40,490 19,246 18,888
LAELAY DAYO 8,239 4,022 4,217 2,010 1,979
TAO 7,417 3,689 3,728 1,697 1,668
GEREJALE 6,835 3,400 3,435 1,735 1,714
HULEGIZE LEMELEM 4,121 2,192 1,929 908 882
SELAM BEQALESI 6,801 3,366 3,435 1,562 1,524
LEMEAT 7,255 3,629 3,626 1,697 1,679
SELEN WEHA 10,324 5,272 5,052 2,474 2,450
TEMUGA 8,543 4,264 4,279 2,047 2,002
TSETSERA 10,487 5,195 5,292 2,418 2,344
MEREWA 10,818 5,321 5,497 2,698 2,646
OFLA-WEREDA 126,889 62,278 64,611 29,571 28,762
OFLA-RURAL 126,889 62,278 64,611 29,571 28,762
DENKA ASHENA 4,357 2,156 2,201 1,047 1,029
SEMERET 9,238 4,438 4,800 2,271 2,198
SELAM BEKELISI 9,516 4,669 4,847 2,259 2,204
STELGO 4,959 2,486 2,473 1,143 1,118
HEGUMBERDA 6,459 3,123 3,336 1,582 1,518
HASHENGE 8,189 4,010 4,179 1,987 1,949
MENKERE 6,631 3,161 3,470 1,582 1,569
WOMBERET ADI GOLO 8,222 4,063 4,159 1,825 1,775
ADISHAM BEREKET 7,183 3,513 3,670 1,650 1,499
SASELA 9,685 4,842 4,843 2,208 2,127
DARA BEKEDA 3,673 1,811 1,862 822 800
ZATA 7,511 3,705 3,806 1,791 1,771
FALA 8,799 4,381 4,418 2,036 1,993
FEKERE WOLDA 3,608 1,725 1,883 843 803
HAYALO 4,980 2,425 2,555 1,117 1,075
WENBERET 4,531 2,245 2,286 1,019 1,011
KIDANA 6,136 3,045 3,091 1,333 1,319
LAT 4,570 2,230 2,340 1,019 1,006
GUARA 8,642 4,250 4,392 2,037 1,998
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 284,775 145,836 138,939 63,340 61,041
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 61,933 32,359 29,574 15,445 14,815
KAFTA HUMERA-RURAL 61,933 32,359 29,574 15,445 14,815
BEREKET 4,465 2,365 2,100 1,281 1,051
CENTERAL 359 200 159 128 128
RAWOYAN 6,578 3,400 3,178 1,651 1,611
HELET COKA 667 341 326 180 167

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
HAGERE SELAM 3,757 2,073 1,684 988 975
WOHEDET 3,176 1,694 1,482 757 741
MAY WOYENE 4,981 2,671 2,310 1,204 1,182
KUNAMA ADI GOSHU 546 256 290 138 136
HABESHA ADI GOSHU 8,471 4,407 4,064 2,078 2,022
SOLA 4,445 2,280 2,165 970 933
ADI HIREDI 11,541 5,833 5,708 2,632 2,546
ADI STESTER 5,495 2,790 2,705 1,158 1,126
TERKAN 3,256 1,742 1,514 1,010 956
AYEDOLA 458 263 195 138 136
SHEGELELE 582 350 232 182 178
RUWASA 2,720 1,427 1,293 796 776
EROB 100 61 39 29 28
NUGUARA ERSHA LIMAT/01 93 53 40 38 38
NUGUARA ERSHA LIMAT/02 29 16 13 7 7
BANAT ERSHA LIMAT 214 137 77 80 78
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 128,168 65,279 62,889 27,448 26,744
WELKAYIT-RURAL 128,168 65,279 62,889 27,448 26,744
KULETA 1,667 853 814 307 300
TSEBRE 8,543 4,456 4,087 2,116 1,971
MAYGABA 3,767 1,975 1,792 831 800
MAYCHEHA 4,294 2,249 2,045 928 868
DESASA KEKAHE 4,103 2,160 1,943 932 895
LAELAYE MAYHUMER 7,125 3,690 3,435 1,691 1,664
SHERELA 13,996 7,065 6,931 2,938 2,871
WEFARGEF 7,442 3,695 3,747 1,518 1,472
BELABA 8,380 4,231 4,149 1,722 1,690
ADIGABA 9,253 4,728 4,525 1,907 1,877
AWERKE 10,352 5,305 5,047 2,153 2,121
SELASA AYENA 7,272 3,683 3,589 1,448 1,408
AWERA 4,491 2,237 2,254 1,008 989
SHEKUDA 3,876 1,943 1,933 806 799
DEJENA 12,204 6,072 6,132 2,657 2,606
MEDERA WEYZERO 6,058 3,082 2,976 1,276 1,261
DEBREMARIYAM 9,263 4,716 4,547 1,900 1,866
MADO TEMKET 6,082 3,139 2,943 1,310 1,286
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 94,674 48,198 46,476 20,447 19,482
TSEGEDE-RURAL 94,674 48,198 46,476 20,447 19,482
WERIE 2,876 1,452 1,424 718 556
HADISHI ADI 278 143 135 90 89
EMBA GENET 462 245 217 146 145
LEKATIT 4,330 2,219 2,111 1,051 1,031
RUBA LOMIN 1,419 754 665 462 453
DEDEBIT 3,286 1,704 1,582 714 695
ZURIYA DANISHA 7,913 4,066 3,847 1,713 1,678
ALULA 282 150 132 78 78
LEMLEM 303 164 139 89 89
MAYIDELE 4,752 2,499 2,253 986 970
HAYALOM 344 196 148 87 86
DEBRE HAWARIYA 1,665 863 802 318 303
MAYIWEDISE LEHAYI 2,817 1,460 1,357 605 592
DARA 6,412 3,226 3,186 1,293 1,270
SHEHAGINE 7,225 3,650 3,575 1,502 1,337
INITABILO 5,096 2,494 2,602 1,085 1,060
ENDE SILASE 7,961 3,976 3,985 1,670 1,636
CHEKAR KUDO 3,934 1,925 2,009 822 811
ENDE MARIYAM 5,091 2,473 2,618 1,073 1,062
ENDE M/ALEM 8,115 4,088 4,027 1,697 1,679
WALIKA 3,959 1,990 1,969 784 762
ADI BERIGERA 4,780 2,483 2,297 974 961
ADI SELAM 11,176 5,861 5,315 2,399 2,050
KEBEBEW ERISHA 198 117 81 91 89

AZJG 4/7/07 10:15 Page 1

13. Urban: What is the number of


Serial No. of Household Member

years (NAME) has continuously lived AGE 0-17 ONLY AGE 5 AND ABOVE
10. Read the 11. If yes, what is (NAME’s) type of difficulty 12. What was the cause of 14. Was (NAME’s) 15. To which zone does this place

© DRS Data Services Limited/O80330107/AZJG

in this town?
question (NAME’s) disability? 18. Is 19. Is (NAME) currently attending
or problem? Rural: What is the number of years previous address belong?

Non functional upper limbs

Others (Not listed in codes 1-7)

Non functional lower limbs
16. Is 17. Is (NAME) school?

During pregnancy (At delivery)

Mental problem (go to 13)
Deaf and unable to speak
from the

Body movement problem

Other disease (After delivery)

(NAME) has continuously lived in urban or rural?
code list rural part of this Wereda? (NAME’s) (NAME’s) literate?

10 years and above

Learning difficulties

Hanson disease
card biological biological

Speaking difficulty
If yes, enter the code for the grade

Other accident
Hearing difficulty
Unable to speak
Seeing difficulty
provided mother father

Car accident

Below 1 year

Not known
alive? alive? If not attending, ask if attended before.

5 - 6 years
7 - 9 years

Since birth
If not disabled,

2 years
3 years
4 years
Code “97” if attended before. Code “98”

1 year
Use the code list card for zone codes

mark 2 and


skip to 16 then skip to Q21 if never attended school.

1 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Serial No. of H/hold Member

21. Has (NAME) been 22. Is (NAME) available to work during the 23. Was (NAME) engaged in productive activity during most of the 24. What was (NAME’s) employment status in the main job? 25. What is (NAME’s)

Employee - Domestic

Member of co-operative
Unpaid family worker
engaged in productive coming month? If Yes, code 1, if No code reason last 12 months? If Yes, code 1, if No code main reason. current marital status?

Private organisation
20. What is the highest grade (NAME)

Employee - others
activity for at least 4 hours

International org.
productive activity

Employee - NGO/

work experience

work experience

Unemployed with

completed? during the last 7 days?

Never married
Self employed



Yes goto Q23



not worked


Too young
Has job but

Employee -

Employee -

Employee -

Too young
Engaged in
goto Q23



Old age/


Old age/





Use the code list card

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

QZPF 4/7/07 10:16 Page 1


Serial No. of Household Member

26. Of the children you have borne, how many sons and daughters are 27. Of the children you have borne, how many sons and daughters are 28. Did you have children who have died? 29. Did (NAME) have any live
now living with you? living elsewhere? births between 29 May 2006 and
If yes, how many are males and how many are females. 28 May 2007?
Record “0” if none. Record “0” if none. Record “0” if none.

*Record “0” for women who have no child at all. *Record “0” for women who have no child at all. *Record “0” for women who have no child at all. If yes, record number of children.
If no, record “0”
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4


1. Did a death occur in the household since 29 May 2006?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
If yes, record number of deaths in the box on the right and further details below.
If no, record “0” and go to Section 5 (Housing)

2. Name of deceased 3. Sex of 4. Age at death ONLY FOR WOMEN

Record age in completed years AGE 12-49
5. Did (NAME) die during
pregnancy, childbirth or within
2 months after childbirth?

Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
© DRS Data Services Limited/O80340107/QZPF

Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2

AMYW 4/7/07 10:17 Page 1



© DRS Data Services Limited/O80350107/AMYW 1 Enumerator: In accordance with the 11 What type of LIGHTING does the housing
instruction, housing information will be:
7 What type of BATHING facility does unit have? For Questions 16 - 20 please mark by observation and/or asking
the housing unit have? Electricity/Meter private 1
Collected for the unit 1 Electricity/Meter shared 2 16 What is the type of housing unit? 19 What is the major material used for the
Skipped 2 No bathing facility 1 Electricity from generator (No Meter) 3 Conventional 1 construction of the major part of the ROOF
of the housing unit?
Bathtub private 2 Solar energy 4 Improvised 2
2 How many years ago was this housing unit built? Bathtub shared 3 Lantern 5 Mobile 3 Corrugated iron sheet 1
Less than 5 years 1 Shower private 4 Bio-gas 6 Other 4 Concrete or cement 2
5 - 9 years 2 Shower shared 5 Kerosene 7 Thatch 3
10 - 14 years 3 A room prepared for bathing 6 Candle/Wax candle 8 17 What is the major material used for Wood and mud 4
15 - 19 years 4 Firewood 9
the construction of the WALL of the 5
Bamboo or reed
housing unit?
20 years or more 5 8 What type of KITCHEN does the housing Plastic/Shera 6
unit have? 12 Does the housing unit have: YES NO Wood and mud 1 7
3 How many ROOMS are in the housing unit? No kitchen 1 Working radio 1 2 Other 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A room used for traditional kitchen inside the Wood and thatch/Wood only 2
Fixed Telephone/Wireless Telephone
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 housing unit 2 Excluding mobile phone 1 2 Stone and mud 3 20 What is the major material used for the
Stone and cement
construction of the major part of the
A room used for traditional kitchen outside Working television 1 2 4
FLOOR of the housing unit?
4 What is the main source of DRINKING the housing unit 3 Plastered hollow blocks 5
WATER for the members of this housing unit? 13 How does the housing unit dispose of Unplastered hollow blocks 6 Mud 1
A room used for modern kitchen inside the
Tap inside the house 1 housing unit 4
SOLID WASTE? Bricks 7 Bamboo/Reed 2
Tap in compound, private 2 A room used for modern kitchen outside the Collected by Municipality (Public Dump) 1 Corrugated iron 8 Wood planks 3
Tap in compound, shared 3 housing unit 5 Collected by private establishments/individuals 2 Reed/Bamboo 9 Parquet or polished wood 4
Dumped in street/Open space 3 Mud Bricks 10 Cement screed/Cement screed not applied 5
Tap outside compound/From private tap, public
tap, other organisation/(bought or free of charge) 4 Dumped in river 4 Other 11 Plastic tiles 6
If coded 2 - 5 only in Question 8
Protected well or spring 5 Cement tile/Brick tile 7
Burned/Buried solid waste 18 What is the major material used for the Ceramic/Marble tiles
Unprotected well or spring 6 5
construction of the major part of the CEILING
9 Does the household share the kitchen with
River/Lake/Pond 7 other households? Other 6 of the housing unit? Other 9
None 1
5 What type of TOILET facility does the 14 Do livestock spend the night in the
housing unit have?
Yes 1
room(s) where members spend the night?
No 2 Bamboo/Reed 3 Enumerator Name
Yes 1 Chip wood/Hardboard 4
No toilet facility 1 10 Do members of the housing unit use No 2 Parquet or polished wood 5
Flush toilet
2 No livestock 3 Wood planks 6 Enumerator Signature
VIP Latrine 3 YES NO Concrete/Cement 7
Pit Latrine 4 Electricity for cooking 1 2 15 What is the type of TENURE of the housing unit? Polythene sheet “Madaberia” 8
Gas/cylinder for cooking 1 2 Owner occupied 1 Other 9 Date
If coded 2 - 4 only in Question 5 Kerosene for cooking 1 2 Rent free 2

6 Does the household share the toilet with

Charcoal for cooking 1 2 Rented from Kebele 3 SUPERVISOR VALIDATION
other households? Firewood/Leaves/Sawdust for cooking 1 2 Rented from agency of rented houses 4 Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date
Dung/manure for cooking 1 2 Rented from other organisation 5
Yes 1 Bio-gas for cooking 1 2 Rented from private household 6
No 2 Other items than listed above 1 2 Occupied by paying rent difference 7


information collected in the area of his/her jurisdiction. Unlike the previous censuses, in this
census enumerators were primary school teachers while supervisors were secondary
school teachers.

It is to be noted that the Population and Housing Census is a huge nation wide operation
which could not be undertaken by a single organization. Thus, full cooperation and
assistance of government and non-government organizations, donor agencies and the
general public have been obtained for the 2007 Population and Housing Census.

The office of the Population Census Commission is therefore, very grateful to the
Government of Ethiopia for its huge financial and administrative supports. The office is also
grateful to the development partners particularly; the United Nations Fund for Population
Activities (UNFPA) and the Department for International Development (DFID) for their
generous financial, logistics and technical supports. Thanks are also due to the United
Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Embassy of Japan, the Italian Cooperation, the
United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), as well as the Dutch and Irish
Governments for their substantial financial supports.

Finally, the office would like to express its appreciation for the elementary and secondary
school teachers who participated in the data collection and supervision activities; the staff
members of the Central Statistical Agency for their invaluable contributions throughout the
census operations and also more importantly, the general public as well as the
administrators at all levels, who were critical to the success of the census enumeration.

The office hopes that the data contained in this Statistical Report will be utilized by all data
users for various development planning.

Samia Zekaria
Population Census Commission


Foreword ……………………………………………………………………………i

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………..iii

List of Tables ……………………………………………………………………….iv

Chapter I Introduction ……………………………………………………………1

Chapter II Population Characteristics …………………………………………..…5

Chapter III Other Population Characteristics …………………………………..…60

Chapter IV Disability and Orphanhood ……………………………………...…..103

4.1 Disability Status……………………………………………………..103

4.2 Orphanhood Status…………………………………………….……158

Chapter V Literacy and Education………………………………………………180

Chapter VI Economic Activity……………………………………………………226

Chapter VII Population Dynamics…………………………………………..……264

7.1 Migration…………………………………………………….………264

7.2 Fertility………………………………………………………………286

7.3 Mortality…………………………………………………..…………300

Chapter VIII Housing Characteristics and Conditions…………………..………….321

Appendix IA Population of Urban Kebeles by Sex with Number of Housing
Units and Households……………………………………………..428
Appendix IB Population of Rural Kebeles by Sex with Number of Housing
Units and Households……………………………………………..431

Appendix II Short Questionnaire (English translation) ……………………………441

Appendix III Long Questionnaire (English translation) ……………………………443


2.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007………………………………..7
2.2 Population of Towns by Sex: 2007……………………………………………………...9
2.3 Population by Type of Resident, Sex, and Five Year Age
Group: 2007……………………………………………………………………………..11
2.4 Population by Type of Resident and Sex: 2007……………………………………...14
2.5 Persons, Households, and Housing Units for Conventional Household
and Persons and Households for Non-Conventional Households, with
Households per Housing unit for Conventional Households: 2007……………….. 27
2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household
Size, with Percent Distributions and Averages: 2007……………………………….30
2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of
Household, Sex, and Five Year Age Groups: 2007………………………………….34
2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year Age Group
to 95+: 2007……………………………………………………………………………..40
2.9 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Single Year of
Age: 2007………………………………………………………………………………..58
3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007…………...62
3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007………...76
3.3 Population by Religion, Sex, and Five Year Groups: 2007………………………..90
3.4 Population by Religion, and Sex 2007……………………………………………….93
3.5 Persons 10 years old and older by Marital Status, Sex and Age: 2007………...100
4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group, with
Disability Rate: 2007………………………………………………………………….108
4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007…………………………...115
4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007………………..123
4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability
and Sex: 2007…………………………………………………………………………139
4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007……………..145
4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group,
with Rate of Mental Problem per 10,000 population: 2007……………………….151
4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphan hood Status, Sex, and
Age: 2007………………………………………………………………………………159
4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphan hood Status and Sex: 2007……….166
4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphan hood
Status, Sex, and Age Group: 2007………………………………………………….171
5.1 Population 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group: 2007………………………………………………………………………183
5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendance, Sex and
Single Year of Age to 30+: 2007……………………………………………………..190
5.3 Population 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendance and Sex: 2007………210
5.4 Population 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level, Sex,
and Single Year of Age to 30+: 2007………………………………………………..214
5.5 Population 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level and
Sex: 2007………………………………………………………………………………220
5.6 Population 5 Years Old and Over by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex,
and Highest Grade Completed: 2007……………………………………………….222
5.7 Population 5 Years Old and Older by Highest Level of School
Completed, Sex, and Age: 2007……………………………………………………..223
6.1 Population Aged 10 Years and above by Sex, Economic Activity
Status, Age Group and Economic Activity Rates, Urban and
Rural: 2007..........................................................................................................232
6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and above by Sex, Economic Activity
Urban-Rural Residence and Economic Activity Rates: 2007……………………..234
6.3 Economically Inactive Persons 10 Years and above by Reason for
Inactivity, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex
Ratio: 2007……………………………………………………………………………..241
6.4 Economically Active Persons Aged 10 years and above by Age
Group, Sex, and Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates: 2007……………………………………………………………………………244
6.5 Economically Active Persons Aged 10 Years and above by
Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment Rates, Urban and
Rural: 2007……………………………………………………………………………..246

6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and above
by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment Rates During
the Last Seven Days: 2007…………………………………………………………..253
6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years above by Employment Status,
Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007…………………258
7.1 Population and Migrants by Sex, Urban-Rural Residence, and Five
Year Age Group, with Percent Migrants: 2007……………………………………..267
7.2 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and
Age: 2007……………………………………………………………………………...269
7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Sex and Age: 2007…………………………...272
7.4 Rural to Urban Migrants and Urban to Rural Migrants by Sex and
Age: Sex: 2007………………………………………………………………………..285
7.5 Reproductive Age of Women by Five Year Age Group, Births During
the last 12 Months Prior to the Census, Age-Specific Birth Rates, and
Total Fertility Rates (TFRs), by Urban-Rural Residence: 2007…………………..288
7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group
and Number of Children Ever Born (CEB), with Total Children
Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born per Woman: 2007………………….290
7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children
Surviving by Five Year Age Groups, with Average Number of
Children Ever Born per Woman and Proportion of Children Ever
Born Deceased: 2007…………………………………………………………………302
7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the
12 Months Prior to the Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural
Residence, and Age: 2007…………………………………………………………...312
7.9 Women Age 12-49 Years of Age and Deaths of Women 12-49 Years
of Age During the 12 Months Prior to the Census, by Urban-Rural
Residence and Age-specific Death Rates: 2007…………………………………..319
8.1 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Housing Units: 2007…………………………324
8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007……………………………..327
8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007…………………………….335
8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007………………339

8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007…………………347
8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms
Per Housing Unit: 2007………………………………………………………………355
8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007………………………………….362
8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007……………………...366
8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007…………………………..371
8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007………………………………………377
8.11 Table 10.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Households
and Average Number of Holds Per Housing Unit: 2007………………………….382
8.12 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Years since Construction: 2007…………387
8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007……………………………………………..390
8.14 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Kitchen: 2007…………………………………394
8.15 Housing Units by Type of Kitchen for Rural Areas: 2007………………………….397
8.16 Housing Units by Type of Fuel for Cooking in Rural Areas: 2007………………...399
8.17 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Fuel for Cooking: 2007………………………400
8.18 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Bathing Facility: 2007………………………..403
8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007…………………………………405
8.20 Housing Units of Towns by Availability of Radio, Telephone and
Television: 2007………………………………………………………………………411
8.21 Housing Units of Towns by Ways of Waste Disposal: 2007……………………….414
8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007…………………………………...417
8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average
Number of Persons per Housing Unit: 2007……………………………………….421
8.24 Housing Units by Whether Livestock Spend the Night in the Room
Where Persons also Spend the Night in Rural Areas: 2007…………….………..426

1A Population, Households and Housing Units for Urban Kebeles

by Sex: 2007…………………………………………………………………….……..428
1B Population, Households and Housing Units for Rural Kebeles
by Sex: 2007…………………………………………………………………….……..431



This chapter presents an over view of the contents of the census report entitled “The 2007
Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia: Statistical Report for Tigray Region”. The report
presents the major statistical data that are essential to policy makers, planners, administrators,
researchers and other data users in a table format.

In Tigray region the census has covered the then existing total of 692 rural and urban Kebeles
which were sub-divided into 5619 enumeration areas. The May 2007 Population and Housing
Census was the third Population and Housing Census. The first Population and Housing
Census was conducted in May 1984 whereas the second Population and Housing Census of
Ethiopia was conducted in October, 1994. In this third Census, twenty eight of May, 2007 was
used as the census day or census reference day. The census has counted people on dejure
and defacto basis. The dejure population comprises all the persons who belong to a given area
at a given time by virtue of usual residence, while under defacto approach people were counted
as the residents of the place where they found (Shryock et al., 1976). In the census, a person is
said to be a usual resident of a household ( and hence an area ) if he/ she has been residing in
the household continuously for at least six months before the census day or intends to reside in
the household for six months or longer. Thus, visitors are not included with the usual (dejure)
population. Homeless persons were enumerated in the place where they spent the night on the
enumeration day. The 2007 census counted foreign nationals who were residing in the region.
On the other hand all Ethiopians living abroad were not counted.
In this census the questionnaires that were used to collect information were generally prepared
in Amharic. However, English translation of the short questionnaires was used to collect data
from the foreigners residing in Tigray Region.
In the census two types of questionnaires were used:

i) Short Questionnaire (Appendix II) and

ii) Long Questionnaire (Appendix III)

Unlike the previous censuses, the contents of the short and long questionnaires were similar
both for the urban and rural areas as well as for all regions. But the short and the long
questionnaires differ by the number of variables they contained. That is, the short questionnaire

was used to collect basic data on population characteristics such as population size, sex, age,
language, ethnic group, religion, orphan hood and disability. Where as a the long questionnaire
includes information on marital status, education, economic activity, migration, fertility, mortality,
as well as housing stocks and conditions in addition to those questions contained in a short

The questionnaires were filled-in by enumerators who went from one household to the next. All
members of the household were recorded on the same questionnaire if their number is eight or
less and on consecutive questionnaires if their members are more than eight. The type of
questionnaire administered to each household depends on whether a household was selected
for a long questionnaire or not. The selection procedure was determined by using a systematic
sampling procedure as follows. During the three days before the census day all households
and housing units were listed in a separate form designed for the purpose. Then, this list was
used to identify the type of questionnaire that was to be administered to the households. One
out of five households was systematically selected from the list /following scientific procedures/
to be interviewed using the long questionnaire, while the other remaining four were interviewed
using the short questionnaire. Residents of hotels, hostels and other collective quarters were
being interviewed using a long questionnaire whereas homeless persons were counted using a
short questionnaire.

Accordingly, information presented in this report that refer to population size, sex, age
composition, language, ethnic group, religion, disability and orphan hood status of children
under 18 years were collected from all persons covered in the census. However, some other
information presented in this report was collected from a sample of the population. Even
though information on the long questionnaire was collected from a sample of the population,
statistical weights were applied to make them represent the entire population. This means that
the numbers presented in the tables that refer to education, economic activity, fertility, mortality
…etc were made to represent the entire population of Tigray Region covered in the census and
not only the sampled population.

The fact that the information was collected from a sample of households and not from the entire
households does not make the information less reliable. In fact this process is expected to
increase the quality of the information collected by reducing the work load that would have been
faced if all households were covered using the long questionnaires. In turn, the reduction of the

work load improves the quality of the data through facilitating a closer supervision during field
work and enabling the timely processing of the data collected.

This report has one part and contains eight chapters. The first chapter serves as an
introduction to the report. Chapter II presents the basic population characteristics such as
population size, type of residence, relation to head of household, sex and age. Chapter III
presents other population characteristics such as religion, mother tongue, ethnic group and
marital status. Chapter IV contains statistical data on disability and orphan hood. Chapter V
presents literacy status, school attendance and educational attainment. Chapter VI presents
economic activity that deals with current and usual economic activity as well as employment and
unemployment statuses. Chapter VII contains data on population dynamics dealing with fertility,
mortality and migration. Chapter VIII presents information on Housing conditions and
characteristics. Each chapter has a brief description concerning the type of questions asked
and the corresponding answer categories, instructions followed by the enumerator while
interviewing, basic definitions of concepts, etc. Population of urban and rural kebeles by sex
with number of households and housing units and copies of an English version – short and long
questionnaire are presented as appendices II and III at the end of this report.

It worth mentioning that because of the use of weights, slight discrepancies between various
tables may sometimes be observed for some of the data collected by long questionnaire. Apart
form this, tables that deal with education, economic activity and housing exclude the number of
homeless population. Since the homeless population is very small as compared to the total
population of a region, the discrepancies are very small. Homeless persons were enumerated
using only the short questionnaire because the enumeration took place at night at the place
where they were sleeping, and it was not convenient to apply long questionnaires in such

General Information
The following points are worth mentioning regarding the contents of this statistical report, the
supply of the compiled statistical data in print and digital copies and also concerning access to
raw data:
a) The majority of the tables containing statistical data on population characteristics,
education, economic activity, fertility, mortality, migration and housing stock and

conditions were aggregated at region and zone levels and only very few tables are
produced at wereda level. The data will be provided in print and digital forms.
b) More detailed information up to wereda and town levels will be provided in digital
form on CDs.
c) Apart from these, raw data as well as further detailed cross tabulations can be
obtained from the Census Commission office up on the user’s request.



This chapter presents population size by type of residence, relationship to head of the
household and age classified by sex. Detailed information on the characteristics of the
population is also presented for the regions. Theses include type of residence, number of
housing unit, household size, relationship to the head of the household, headship rate,
population by zones, weredas, towns, urban and rural residence, conventional and non-
conventional households, single year and population by five years age group, etc.

The type of residence is one of the questions included in the census questionnaire.
Type of residence is categorized into two major groups, namely, conventional and non-
conventional. Please note that, in Tables 2.5 the population size of pastoralists are added to
conventional households, in addition to that, Tables 2.6 and 2.7 also include the population size
of pastoralists. Respondents who live in the same housing unit and have common cooking
arrangements (eat their food together) are said to be residing in conventional households. The
non-conventional population in turn is sub-divided into residents of collective quarters
(hotel/hostel and other collective quarters) and homeless. A collective quarter is a housing unit,
a building, or a compound in which a number of unrelated persons reside together and share
common facilities e.g. boarding schools, prisons, hotels, hostels, etc. Homeless persons refer
to individuals without any fixed residence. Pastoralists are people who are wandering from
place to palace in search of grass and water for their animals. Almost the same question was
included in the 1994 census but the response categories were conventional, hotel/hostel, other
collective quarters, nomads and homeless.

The 2007 census has also collected information on members of the household and their
relationship to the head. The question asked was “NAME” what is your relationship to the head
of the household?” the categories for this question are head, spouse, child of head and/or
spouse, parent of head/spouse, sibling of head/spouse, niece/nephew of head or spouse,
grandchild of head or spouse, other relatives of head or spouse and non-relatives. This
question was also included in the 1994 census but there was very much little difference in the
categories. The head of the household is any member of the household who is recognized as a

head by the members. In a polygamous marriage where each of the wives has their own
separated households the husband is considered to be the head or member of the household
of the first wife. The other wives or other members (e.g. elder son) are considered to be the
head of their respective households.

The information on age is collected from every individual counted in the census. The
question was presented as “what is NAME’s age?” for an infant less than one year of age the
enumerator was instructed to shade “00”. On the other hand, for a person whose age was 97
years and more all enumerators were trained to record as 97. Age information is recorded in
completed years. For instance, a person whose age was 37 years 11 months and 29 days on
the census date the enumerator will record it as 37. For those people who did not know their
exact age the enumerators have been trained how to probe with the help of historical events in
the enumerators manual, which has been collected from the 9 regional states and two city
administrations. Apart from this other method that would be used by the enumerators to get an
exact age or to make a reasonable estimate of the respondents age are included in the
manual. This question was also available in the 1994 census in the same way as in 2007

Table 2.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Geographical Both Both Both
Area Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
TIGRAY REGION 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 736,805 368,254 368,551 107,999 49,642 58,357 628,806 318,612 310,194
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA 90,144 45,834 44,310 6,377 2,790 3,587 83,767 43,044 40,723
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA 113,836 56,685 57,151 8,033 3,508 4,525 105,803 53,177 52,626
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA 125,028 61,977 63,051 10,526 4,669 5,857 114,502 57,308 57,194
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA 68,989 34,477 34,512 - - - 68,989 34,477 34,512
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA 135,621 69,143 66,478 10,111 4,641 5,470 125,510 64,502 61,008
TSELEMTI WEREDA 138,858 70,108 68,750 8,623 4,004 4,619 130,235 66,104 64,131
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA 47,284 21,867 25,417 47,284 21,867 25,417 - - -
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA 17,045 8,163 8,882 17,045 8,163 8,882 - - -
CENTRAL TIGRAY ZONE 1,245,824 613,797 632,027 176,453 81,844 94,609 1,069,371 531,953 537,418
MEREB LEHE WEREDA 107,218 53,425 53,793 7,911 3,616 4,295 99,307 49,809 49,498
AHIFEROM WEREDA 173,700 84,014 89,686 23,421 10,895 12,526 150,279 73,119 77,160
WERE LEHE WEREDA 146,104 71,659 74,445 16,525 7,585 8,940 129,579 64,074 65,505
ADWA WEREDA 99,711 49,546 50,165 - - - 99,711 49,546 50,165
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 72,625 36,203 36,422 - - - 72,625 36,203 36,422
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 99,122 48,623 50,499 11,187 5,244 5,943 87,935 43,379 44,556
NADER ADET WEREDA 104,966 52,061 52,905 1,842 914 928 103,124 51,147 51,977
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA 134,336 66,925 67,411 - - - 134,336 66,925 67,411
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA 113,595 56,955 56,640 7,270 3,335 3,935 106,325 53,620 52,705
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA 93,185 47,512 45,673 7,035 3,381 3,654 86,150 44,131 42,019
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 16,115 7,826 8,289 16,115 7,826 8,289 - - -
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA 40,500 18,307 22,193 40,500 18,307 22,193 - - -
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA 44,647 20,741 23,906 44,647 20,741 23,906 - - -
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 755,343 359,638 395,705 146,064 66,321 79,743 609,279 293,317 315,962
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA 84,236 40,549 43,687 10,101 4,525 5,576 74,135 36,024 38,111
EROB WEREDA 25,471 12,412 13,059 2,091 1,008 1,083 23,380 11,404 11,976
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA 139,191 65,796 73,395 18,933 8,371 10,562 120,258 57,425 62,833
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA 88,644 42,096 46,548 3,636 1,658 1,978 85,008 40,438 44,570
HAWZEN WEREDA 117,954 56,415 61,539 7,553 3,541 4,012 110,401 52,874 57,527
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA 99,708 48,645 51,063 4,808 2,166 2,642 94,900 46,479 48,421
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA 112,341 53,659 58,682 11,144 4,986 6,158 101,197 48,673 52,524
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA 57,588 26,010 31,578 57,588 26,010 31,578 - - -
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA 30,210 14,056 16,154 30,210 14,056 16,154 - - -
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE 1,006,504 497,280 509,224 125,787 59,328 66,459 880,717 437,952 442,765
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA 124,340 61,868 62,472 9,189 4,294 4,895 115,151 57,574 57,577
ENDERTA WEREDA 114,297 57,482 56,815 - - - 114,297 57,482 56,815
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA 153,505 75,890 77,615 11,936 5,631 6,305 141,569 70,259 71,310
ALAJE WEREDA 107,972 52,844 55,128 7,568 3,670 3,898 100,404 49,174 51,230
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA 84,739 42,052 42,687 2,986 1,278 1,708 81,753 40,774 40,979
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA 135,870 67,687 68,183 16,056 7,626 8,430 119,814 60,061 59,753
ALAMATA WEREDA 85,403 42,483 42,920 4,563 2,133 2,430 80,840 40,350 40,490
OFLA WEREDA 126,889 62,278 64,611 - - - 126,889 62,278 64,611
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA 23,419 11,024 12,395 23,419 11,024 12,395 - - -
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA 16,856 7,532 9,324 16,856 7,532 9,324 - - -
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA 33,214 16,140 17,074 33,214 16,140 17,074 - - -
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 356,598 182,571 174,027 71,823 36,735 35,088 284,775 145,836 138,939
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA 92,167 47,909 44,258 30,234 15,550 14,684 61,933 32,359 29,574

Table 2.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Geographical Both Both Both
Area Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
WELKAYIT WEREDA 138,926 70,504 68,422 10,758 5,225 5,533 128,168 65,279 62,889
TSEGEDE WEREDA 103,852 52,763 51,089 9,178 4,565 4,613 94,674 48,198 46,476
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA 21,653 11,395 10,258 21,653 11,395 10,258 - - -
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE 215,914 104,925 110,989 215,914 104,925 110,989 - - -
DEBUB WEREDA 92,104 44,153 47,951 92,104 44,153 47,951 - - -
SEMEN WEREDA 123,810 60,772 63,038 123,810 60,772 63,038 - - -

Table 2.2 Population of Towns by Sex: 2007
Area Both Sexes Male Female
TIGRAY-REGION 844,040 398,795 445,245
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 107,999 49,642 58,357
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 6,377 2,790 3,587
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 6,377 2,790 3,587
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 8,033 3,508 4,525
ADI DAERO-TOWN 8,033 3,508 4,525
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 10,526 4,669 5,857
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 7,275 3,287 3,988
ZANA-TOWN 3,251 1,382 1,869
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 10,111 4,641 5,470
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 10,111 4,641 5,470
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 8,623 4,004 4,619
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 8,623 4,004 4,619
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 47,284 21,867 25,417
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 17,045 8,163 8,882
SHIRARO-TOWN 17,045 8,163 8,882
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 176,453 81,844 94,609
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 7,911 3,616 4,295
RAMA-TOWN 7,911 3,616 4,295
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 23,421 10,895 12,526
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 6,299 2,798 3,501
INTICHO-TOWN 10,298 4,897 5,401
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 2,498 1,097 1,401
FERES MAY-TOWN 4,326 2,103 2,223
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 16,525 7,585 8,940
NEBELAT-TOWN 3,447 1,557 1,890
IDAGARBI-TOWN 8,571 3,949 4,622
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 4,507 2,079 2,428
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 11,187 5,244 5,943
CHILA-TOWN 3,005 1,345 1,660
WUKRO MARYA 8,182 3,899 4,283
NADER ADET-WEREDA 1,842 914 928
SEMEMA TOWN 1,842 914 928
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 7,270 3,335 3,935
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 7,270 3,335 3,935
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 7,035 3,381 3,654
MEARAY-TOWN 7,035 3,381 3,654
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 16,115 7,826 8,289
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 16,115 7,826 8,289
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 40,500 18,307 22,193
ADWA-TOWN 40,500 18,307 22,193
AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 44,647 20,741 23,906
AXUM-TOWN 44,647 20,741 23,906
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 146,064 66,321 79,743
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 10,101 4,525 5,576
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 7,502 3,329 4,173
FATSI-TOWN 2,599 1,196 1,403
EROB-WEREDA 2,091 1,008 1,083
DAWUHAN-TOWN 2,091 1,008 1,083
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 18,933 8,371 10,562
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 12,004 5,314 6,690
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 6,929 3,057 3,872
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 3,636 1,658 1,978
BAZET-TOWN 3,636 1,658 1,978

Table 2.2 Population of Towns by Sex: 2007
Area Both Sexes Male Female
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 7,553 3,541 4,012
HAWUZEN-TOWN 7,553 3,541 4,012
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 4,808 2,166 2,642
AGULA-TOWN 4,808 2,166 2,642
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 11,144 4,986 6,158
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 7,983 3,548 4,435
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 3,161 1,438 1,723
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 57,588 26,010 31,578
ADIGRAT-TOWN 57,588 26,010 31,578
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,210 14,056 16,154
WUKRO-TOWN 30,210 14,056 16,154
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 125,787 59,328 66,459
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 9,189 4,294 4,895
GIJET-TOWN 4,458 2,037 2,421
SAMIRA-TOWN 4,731 2,257 2,474
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 11,936 5,631 6,305
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 8,024 3,885 4,139
HIWANE-TOWN 3,912 1,746 2,166
ALAJE-WEREDA 7,568 3,670 3,898
ADISHOHU-TOWN 7,568 3,670 3,898
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 2,986 1,278 1,708
MESWAET-TOWN 2,986 1,278 1,708
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 16,056 7,626 8,430
MEHONI-TOWN 13,793 6,560 7,233
CHERCHER-TOWN 2,263 1,066 1,197
ALAMATA-WEREDA 4,563 2,133 2,430
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 4,563 2,133 2,430
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,419 11,024 12,395
MAYCHEW-TOWN 23,419 11,024 12,395
KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 16,856 7,532 9,324
KOREM-TOWN 16,856 7,532 9,324
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 33,214 16,140 17,074
ALAMATA-TOWN 33,214 16,140 17,074
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 71,823 36,735 35,088
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 30,234 15,550 14,684
ADEBAYE-TOWN 10,268 5,257 5,011
BIHER-TOWN 7,116 3,637 3,479
MAY CADERA-TOWN 12,850 6,656 6,194
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 10,758 5,225 5,533
MEZEGA-TOWN 5,555 2,779 2,776
ADI REMETS-TOWN 5,203 2,446 2,757
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 9,178 4,565 4,613
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 1,971 898 1,073
DANISHA-TOWN 7,207 3,667 3,540
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 21,653 11,395 10,258
HUMERA-TOWN 21,653 11,395 10,258
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 215,914 104,925 110,989
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 92,104 44,153 47,951
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 92,104 44,153 47,951
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 123,810 60,772 63,038
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 123,810 60,772 63,038

Table 2.3 Population by Type of Residence, Sex, and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Sex and Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Age Group Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 4,316,988 4,288,175 3,596 839 5,682 2,680 14,892 - 1,124

0 - 4 630,862 630,305 153 69 11 8 303 - 13

5 - 9 641,674 641,151 111 128 55 7 201 - 21
10-14 613,806 612,127 203 307 92 17 836 - 224
15-19 496,217 489,043 1,054 251 1,165 527 3,786 - 391
20-24 362,473 352,702 914 33 3,956 676 4,023 - 169
25-29 285,841 282,517 428 13 320 503 1,984 - 76
30-34 249,309 247,699 205 7 43 280 1,022 - 53
35-39 225,087 223,914 143 9 16 219 749 - 37
40-44 170,667 169,679 160 6 10 128 651 - 33
45-49 137,813 137,285 61 5 2 106 331 - 23
50-54 125,628 125,178 58 2 8 64 290 - 28
55-59 94,965 94,701 38 3 1 63 145 - 14
60-64 91,376 91,141 32 1 1 31 156 - 14
65-69 67,471 67,291 19 2 - 24 128 - 7
70-74 60,395 60,225 10 - - 18 130 - 12
75+ 63,404 63,217 7 3 2 9 157 - 9

Male 2,126,465 2,104,207 1,718 409 4,446 2,609 12,109 - 967

0 - 4 320,265 319,988 81 30 9 5 147 - 5

5 - 9 324,557 324,267 60 57 28 5 124 - 16
10-14 314,868 313,611 104 156 44 17 715 - 221
15-19 244,567 239,437 360 132 779 508 2,991 - 360
20-24 175,557 167,826 406 19 3,213 673 3,297 - 123
25-29 127,993 125,197 239 5 303 496 1,688 - 65
30-34 111,434 110,070 132 - 37 273 876 - 46
35-39 103,756 102,757 86 3 15 210 656 - 29
40-44 83,846 82,989 110 1 9 123 589 - 25
45-49 67,205 66,755 38 - 1 101 290 - 20
50-54 57,711 57,355 34 1 6 60 236 - 19
55-59 49,320 49,114 21 2 1 61 112 - 9
60-64 43,731 43,569 20 1 - 28 106 - 7
65-69 35,351 35,222 15 2 - 23 84 - 5
70-74 30,109 29,990 7 - - 17 85 - 10
75+ 36,195 36,060 5 - 1 9 113 - 7

Female 2,190,523 2,183,968 1,878 430 1,236 71 2,783 - 157

0 - 4 310,597 310,317 72 39 2 3 156 - 8

5 - 9 317,117 316,884 51 71 27 2 77 - 5
10-14 298,938 298,516 99 151 48 - 121 - 3
15-19 251,650 249,606 694 119 386 19 795 - 31
20-24 186,916 184,876 508 14 743 3 726 - 46
25-29 157,848 157,320 189 8 17 7 296 - 11
30-34 137,875 137,629 73 7 6 7 146 - 7
35-39 121,331 121,157 57 6 1 9 93 - 8
40-44 86,821 86,690 50 5 1 5 62 - 8
45-49 70,608 70,530 23 5 1 5 41 - 3
50-54 67,917 67,823 24 1 2 4 54 - 9
55-59 45,645 45,587 17 1 - 2 33 - 5
60-64 47,645 47,572 12 - 1 3 50 - 7
65-69 32,120 32,069 4 - - 1 44 - 2
70-74 30,286 30,235 3 - - 1 45 - 2
75+ 27,209 27,157 2 3 1 - 44 - 2

Table 2.3 Population by Type of Residence, Sex, and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Sex and Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Age Group Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 844,040 824,111 3,017 690 5,103 2,620 7,583 - 916

0 - 4 104,018 103,651 108 63 11 6 172 - 7

5 - 9 97,947 97,564 82 108 52 5 121 - 15
10-14 106,074 104,936 146 272 88 14 397 - 221
15-19 119,643 114,447 943 196 818 518 2,381 - 340
20-24 101,230 93,877 798 16 3,742 660 2,036 - 101
25-29 77,045 74,956 353 8 311 496 874 - 47
30-34 54,533 53,536 180 6 42 273 458 - 38
35-39 47,441 46,761 111 7 15 216 304 - 27
40-44 31,562 31,031 122 5 10 123 241 - 30
45-49 24,313 23,998 51 4 2 104 138 - 16
50-54 20,444 20,180 43 1 8 62 125 - 25
55-59 14,421 14,240 31 - 1 62 74 - 13
60-64 14,317 14,168 27 1 1 30 77 - 13
65-69 10,660 10,554 14 - - 24 62 - 6
70-74 9,841 9,757 4 - - 18 54 - 8
75+ 10,551 10,455 4 3 2 9 69 - 9

Male 398,795 383,804 1,415 331 4,004 2,556 5,852 - 833

0 - 4 52,844 52,664 57 29 9 5 78 - 2
5 - 9 48,891 48,691 45 44 26 3 69 - 13
10-14 52,234 51,438 72 140 41 14 311 - 218
15-19 53,892 50,247 328 103 549 499 1,837 - 329
20-24 45,377 39,609 362 8 3,016 658 1,634 - 90
25-29 34,652 32,940 192 3 294 489 692 - 42
30-34 25,876 25,057 110 - 36 267 373 - 33
35-39 22,078 21,525 66 2 15 208 241 - 21
40-44 16,645 16,210 80 1 9 119 204 - 22
45-49 12,287 12,026 30 - 1 100 116 - 14
50-54 8,890 8,693 25 - 6 58 91 - 17
55-59 6,280 6,143 15 - 1 60 52 - 9
60-64 5,626 5,530 16 1 - 27 46 - 6
65-69 4,365 4,290 11 - - 23 37 - 4
70-74 3,966 3,909 2 - - 17 32 - 6
75+ 4,892 4,832 4 - 1 9 39 - 7

Female 445,245 440,307 1,602 359 1,099 64 1,731 - 83

0 - 4 51,174 50,987 51 34 2 1 94 - 5
5 - 9 49,056 48,873 37 64 26 2 52 - 2
10-14 53,840 53,498 74 132 47 - 86 - 3
15-19 65,751 64,200 615 93 269 19 544 - 11
20-24 55,853 54,268 436 8 726 2 402 - 11
25-29 42,393 42,016 161 5 17 7 182 - 5
30-34 28,657 28,479 70 6 6 6 85 - 5
35-39 25,363 25,236 45 5 - 8 63 - 6
40-44 14,917 14,821 42 4 1 4 37 - 8
45-49 12,026 11,972 21 4 1 4 22 - 2
50-54 11,554 11,487 18 1 2 4 34 - 8
55-59 8,141 8,097 16 - - 2 22 - 4
60-64 8,691 8,638 11 - 1 3 31 - 7
65-69 6,295 6,264 3 - - 1 25 - 2
70-74 5,875 5,848 2 - - 1 22 - 2
75+ 5,659 5,623 - 3 1 - 30 - 2

Table 2.3 Population by Type of Residence, Sex, and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Sex and Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Age Group Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 3,472,948 3,464,064 579 149 579 60 7,309 - 208

0 - 4 526,844 526,654 45 6 - 2 131 - 6

5 - 9 543,727 543,587 29 20 3 2 80 - 6
10-14 507,732 507,191 57 35 4 3 439 - 3
15-19 376,574 374,596 111 55 347 9 1,405 - 51
20-24 261,243 258,825 116 17 214 16 1,987 - 68
25-29 208,796 207,561 75 5 9 7 1,110 - 29
30-34 194,776 194,163 25 1 1 7 564 - 15
35-39 177,646 177,153 32 2 1 3 445 - 10
40-44 139,105 138,648 38 1 - 5 410 - 3
45-49 113,500 113,287 10 1 - 2 193 - 7
50-54 105,184 104,998 15 1 - 2 165 - 3
55-59 80,544 80,461 7 3 - 1 71 - 1
60-64 77,059 76,973 5 - - 1 79 - 1
65-69 56,811 56,737 5 2 - - 66 - 1
70-74 50,554 50,468 6 - - - 76 - 4
75+ 52,853 52,762 3 - - - 88 - -

Male 1,727,670 1,720,403 303 78 442 53 6,257 - 134

0 - 4 267,421 267,324 24 1 - - 69 - 3
5 - 9 275,666 275,576 15 13 2 2 55 - 3
10-14 262,634 262,173 32 16 3 3 404 - 3
15-19 190,675 189,190 32 29 230 9 1,154 - 31
20-24 130,180 128,217 44 11 197 15 1,663 - 33
25-29 93,341 92,257 47 2 9 7 996 - 23
30-34 85,558 85,013 22 - 1 6 503 - 13
35-39 81,678 81,232 20 1 - 2 415 - 8
40-44 67,201 66,779 30 - - 4 385 - 3
45-49 54,918 54,729 8 - - 1 174 - 6
50-54 48,821 48,662 9 1 - 2 145 - 2
55-59 43,040 42,971 6 2 - 1 60 - -
60-64 38,105 38,039 4 - - 1 60 - 1
65-69 30,986 30,932 4 2 - - 47 - 1
70-74 26,143 26,081 5 - - - 53 - 4
75+ 31,303 31,228 1 - - - 74 - -

Female 1,745,278 1,743,661 276 71 137 7 1,052 - 74

0 - 4 259,423 259,330 21 5 - 2 62 - 3
5 - 9 268,061 268,011 14 7 1 - 25 - 3
10-14 245,098 245,018 25 19 1 - 35 - -
15-19 185,899 185,406 79 26 117 - 251 - 20
20-24 131,063 130,608 72 6 17 1 324 - 35
25-29 115,455 115,304 28 3 - - 114 - 6
30-34 109,218 109,150 3 1 - 1 61 - 2
35-39 95,968 95,921 12 1 1 1 30 - 2
40-44 71,904 71,869 8 1 - 1 25 - -
45-49 58,582 58,558 2 1 - 1 19 - 1
50-54 56,363 56,336 6 - - - 20 - 1
55-59 37,504 37,490 1 1 - - 11 - 1
60-64 38,954 38,934 1 - - - 19 - -
65-69 25,825 25,805 1 - - - 19 - -
70-74 24,411 24,387 1 - - - 23 - -
75+ 21,550 21,534 2 - - - 14 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 4,316,988 4,288,175 3,596 839 5,682 2,680 14,892 - 1,124
Male 2,126,465 2,104,207 1,718 409 4,446 2,609 12,109 - 967
Female 2,190,523 2,183,968 1,878 430 1,236 71 2,783 - 157


Both Sexes 844,040 824,111 3,017 690 5,103 2,620 7,583 - 916
Male 398,795 383,804 1,415 331 4,004 2,556 5,852 - 833
Female 445,245 440,307 1,602 359 1,099 64 1,731 - 83


Both Sexes 3,472,948 3,464,064 579 149 579 60 7,309 - 208

Male 1,727,670 1,720,403 303 78 442 53 6,257 - 134
Female 1,745,278 1,743,661 276 71 137 7 1,052 - 74


Both Sexes 736,805 732,758 826 - 5 89 3,020 - 107

Male 368,254 364,977 401 - 2 87 2,685 - 102
Female 368,551 367,781 425 - 3 2 335 - 5


Both Sexes 107,999 106,229 505 - - 40 1,151 - 74

Male 49,642 48,312 208 - - 40 1,011 - 71
Female 58,357 57,917 297 - - - 140 - 3


Both Sexes 628,806 626,529 321 - 5 49 1,869 - 33

Male 318,612 316,665 193 - 2 47 1,674 - 31
Female 310,194 309,864 128 - 3 2 195 - 2


Both Sexes 90,144 89,449 186 - - - 485 - 24

Male 45,834 45,283 112 - - - 415 - 24
Female 44,310 44,166 74 - - - 70 - -


Both Sexes 6,377 6,313 37 - - - 27 - -

Male 2,790 2,771 14 - - - 5 - -
Female 3,587 3,542 23 - - - 22 - -


Both Sexes 83,767 83,136 149 - - - 458 - 24

Male 43,044 42,512 98 - - - 410 - 24
Female 40,723 40,624 51 - - - 48 - -


Both Sexes 113,836 113,674 77 - - - 85 - -

Male 56,685 56,599 28 - - - 58 - -
Female 57,151 57,075 49 - - - 27 - -


Both Sexes 8,033 7,978 42 - - - 13 - -

Male 3,508 3,489 11 - - - 8 - -
Female 4,525 4,489 31 - - - 5 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 105,803 105,696 35 - - - 72 - -

Male 53,177 53,110 17 - - - 50 - -
Female 52,626 52,586 18 - - - 22 - -


Both Sexes 125,028 124,968 7 - 2 - 51 - -

Male 61,977 61,929 4 - - - 44 - -
Female 63,051 63,039 3 - 2 - 7 - -


Both Sexes 10,526 10,497 7 - - - 22 - -

Male 4,669 4,647 4 - - - 18 - -
Female 5,857 5,850 3 - - - 4 - -


Both Sexes 114,502 114,471 - - 2 - 29 - -

Male 57,308 57,282 - - - - 26 - -
Female 57,194 57,189 - - 2 - 3 - -


Both Sexes 68,989 68,804 60 - - - 125 - -

Male 34,477 34,334 28 - - - 115 - -
Female 34,512 34,470 32 - - - 10 - -


Both Sexes 68,989 68,804 60 - - - 125 - -

Male 34,477 34,334 28 - - - 115 - -
Female 34,512 34,470 32 - - - 10 - -


Both Sexes 135,621 134,881 107 - - 49 577 - 7

Male 69,143 68,498 61 - - 47 532 - 5
Female 66,478 66,383 46 - - 2 45 - 2


Both Sexes 10,111 10,035 33 - - - 43 - -

Male 4,641 4,584 14 - - - 43 - -
Female 5,470 5,451 19 - - - - - -


Both Sexes 125,510 124,846 74 - - 49 534 - 7

Male 64,502 63,914 47 - - 47 489 - 5
Female 61,008 60,932 27 - - 2 45 - 2


Both Sexes 138,858 138,117 29 - 3 - 707 - 2

Male 70,108 69,461 8 - 2 - 635 - 2
Female 68,750 68,656 21 - 1 - 72 - -


Both Sexes 8,623 8,541 26 - - - 56 - -

Male 4,004 3,948 5 - - - 51 - -
Female 4,619 4,593 21 - - - 5 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 130,235 129,576 3 - 3 - 651 - 2

Male 66,104 65,513 3 - 2 - 584 - 2
Female 64,131 64,063 - - 1 - 67 - -


Both Sexes 47,284 46,108 182 - - 40 908 - 46

Male 21,867 20,877 77 - - 40 830 - 43
Female 25,417 25,231 105 - - - 78 - 3


Both Sexes 47,284 46,108 182 - - 40 908 - 46

Male 21,867 20,877 77 - - 40 830 - 43
Female 25,417 25,231 105 - - - 78 - 3


Both Sexes 17,045 16,757 178 - - - 82 - 28

Male 8,163 7,996 83 - - - 56 - 28
Female 8,882 8,761 95 - - - 26 - -


Both Sexes 17,045 16,757 178 - - - 82 - 28

Male 8,163 7,996 83 - - - 56 - 28
Female 8,882 8,761 95 - - - 26 - -


Both Sexes 1,245,824 1,239,741 453 175 946 533 3,802 - 174
Male 613,797 609,152 177 35 733 512 3,051 - 137
Female 632,027 630,589 276 140 213 21 751 - 37


Both Sexes 176,453 172,882 424 160 638 531 1,657 - 161
Male 81,844 79,316 163 27 485 511 1,212 - 130
Female 94,609 93,566 261 133 153 20 445 - 31


Both Sexes 1,069,371 1,066,859 29 15 308 2 2,145 - 13

Male 531,953 529,836 14 8 248 1 1,839 - 7
Female 537,418 537,023 15 7 60 1 306 - 6


Both Sexes 107,218 107,077 15 - - - 126 - -

Male 53,425 53,327 3 - - - 95 - -
Female 53,793 53,750 12 - - - 31 - -


Both Sexes 7,911 7,881 15 - - - 15 - -

Male 3,616 3,598 3 - - - 15 - -
Female 4,295 4,283 12 - - - - - -


Both Sexes 99,307 99,196 - - - - 111 - -

Male 49,809 49,729 - - - - 80 - -
Female 49,498 49,467 - - - - 31 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 173,700 173,286 123 - - - 267 - 24

Male 84,014 83,767 44 - - - 183 - 20
Female 89,686 89,519 79 - - - 84 - 4


Both Sexes 23,421 23,137 123 - - - 137 - 24

Male 10,895 10,709 44 - - - 122 - 20
Female 12,526 12,428 79 - - - 15 - 4


Both Sexes 150,279 150,149 - - - - 130 - -

Male 73,119 73,058 - - - - 61 - -
Female 77,160 77,091 - - - - 69 - -


Both Sexes 146,104 145,944 5 - - 6 135 - 14

Male 71,659 71,548 2 - - 6 91 - 12
Female 74,445 74,396 3 - - - 44 - 2


Both Sexes 16,525 16,426 5 - - 6 74 - 14

Male 7,585 7,523 2 - - 6 42 - 12
Female 8,940 8,903 3 - - - 32 - 2


Both Sexes 129,579 129,518 - - - - 61 - -

Male 64,074 64,025 - - - - 49 - -
Female 65,505 65,493 - - - - 12 - -


Both Sexes 99,711 99,663 - 8 - - 27 - 13

Male 49,546 49,519 - 4 - - 16 - 7
Female 50,165 50,144 - 4 - - 11 - 6


Both Sexes 99,711 99,663 - 8 - - 27 - 13

Male 49,546 49,519 - 4 - - 16 - 7
Female 50,165 50,144 - 4 - - 11 - 6


Both Sexes 72,625 72,159 - - 308 - 158 - -

Male 36,203 35,844 - - 248 - 111 - -
Female 36,422 36,315 - - 60 - 47 - -


Both Sexes 72,625 72,159 - - 308 - 158 - -

Male 36,203 35,844 - - 248 - 111 - -
Female 36,422 36,315 - - 60 - 47 - -


Both Sexes 99,122 99,014 20 7 - - 81 - -

Male 48,623 48,559 8 4 - - 52 - -
Female 50,499 50,455 12 3 - - 29 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 11,187 11,108 20 - - - 59 - -

Male 5,244 5,202 8 - - - 34 - -
Female 5,943 5,906 12 - - - 25 - -


Both Sexes 87,935 87,906 - 7 - - 22 - -

Male 43,379 43,357 - 4 - - 18 - -
Female 44,556 44,549 - 3 - - 4 - -


Both Sexes 104,966 104,901 16 - - - 49 - -

Male 52,061 52,019 8 - - - 34 - -
Female 52,905 52,882 8 - - - 15 - -


Both Sexes 1,842 1,828 - - - - 14 - -

Male 914 902 - - - - 12 - -
Female 928 926 - - - - 2 - -


Both Sexes 103,124 103,073 16 - - - 35 - -

Male 51,147 51,117 8 - - - 22 - -
Female 51,977 51,956 8 - - - 13 - -


Both Sexes 134,336 134,311 - - - - 25 - -

Male 66,925 66,907 - - - - 18 - -
Female 67,411 67,404 - - - - 7 - -


Both Sexes 134,336 134,311 - - - - 25 - -

Male 66,925 66,907 - - - - 18 - -
Female 67,411 67,404 - - - - 7 - -


Both Sexes 113,595 113,389 7 - - - 199 - -

Male 56,955 56,768 1 - - - 186 - -
Female 56,640 56,621 6 - - - 13 - -


Both Sexes 7,270 7,202 7 - - - 61 - -

Male 3,335 3,282 1 - - - 52 - -
Female 3,935 3,920 6 - - - 9 - -


Both Sexes 106,325 106,187 - - - - 138 - -

Male 53,620 53,486 - - - - 134 - -
Female 52,705 52,701 - - - - 4 - -


Both Sexes 93,185 91,705 13 - - 2 1,448 - 17

Male 47,512 46,152 6 - - 1 1,339 - 14
Female 45,673 45,553 7 - - 1 109 - 3

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 7,035 7,008 - - - - 10 - 17

Male 3,381 3,358 - - - - 9 - 14
Female 3,654 3,650 - - - - 1 - 3


Both Sexes 86,150 84,697 13 - - 2 1,438 - -

Male 44,131 42,794 6 - - 1 1,330 - -
Female 42,019 41,903 7 - - 1 108 - -


Both Sexes 16,115 15,088 87 - 540 216 184 - -

Male 7,826 7,036 30 - 419 200 141 - -
Female 8,289 8,052 57 - 121 16 43 - -


Both Sexes 16,115 15,088 87 - 540 216 184 - -

Male 7,826 7,036 30 - 419 200 141 - -
Female 8,289 8,052 57 - 121 16 43 - -


Both Sexes 40,500 39,571 98 59 90 9 626 - 47

Male 18,307 17,682 45 16 62 5 455 - 42
Female 22,193 21,889 53 43 28 4 171 - 5


Both Sexes 40,500 39,571 98 59 90 9 626 - 47

Male 18,307 17,682 45 16 62 5 455 - 42
Female 22,193 21,889 53 43 28 4 171 - 5


Both Sexes 44,647 43,633 69 101 8 300 477 - 59

Male 20,741 20,024 30 11 4 300 330 - 42
Female 23,906 23,609 39 90 4 - 147 - 17


Both Sexes 44,647 43,633 69 101 8 300 477 - 59

Male 20,741 20,024 30 11 4 300 330 - 42
Female 23,906 23,609 39 90 4 - 147 - 17


Both Sexes 755,343 752,635 397 187 207 543 1,222 - 152
Male 359,638 357,732 210 118 137 527 834 - 80
Female 395,705 394,903 187 69 70 16 388 - 72


Both Sexes 146,064 144,129 361 68 207 543 676 - 80

Male 66,321 64,856 191 54 137 527 487 - 69
Female 79,743 79,273 170 14 70 16 189 - 11


Both Sexes 609,279 608,506 36 119 - - 546 - 72

Male 293,317 292,876 19 64 - - 347 - 11
Female 315,962 315,630 17 55 - - 199 - 61

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 84,236 84,089 24 - - - 118 - 5

Male 40,549 40,468 14 - - - 65 - 2
Female 43,687 43,621 10 - - - 53 - 3


Both Sexes 10,101 10,055 15 - - - 28 - 3

Male 4,525 4,506 9 - - - 8 - 2
Female 5,576 5,549 6 - - - 20 - 1


Both Sexes 74,135 74,034 9 - - - 90 - 2

Male 36,024 35,962 5 - - - 57 - -
Female 38,111 38,072 4 - - - 33 - 2


Both Sexes 25,471 25,256 27 - - 3 115 - 70

Male 12,412 12,311 15 - - 3 72 - 11
Female 13,059 12,945 12 - - - 43 - 59


Both Sexes 2,091 2,045 27 - - 3 16 - -

Male 1,008 977 15 - - 3 13 - -
Female 1,083 1,068 12 - - - 3 - -


Both Sexes 23,380 23,211 - - - - 99 - 70

Male 11,404 11,334 - - - - 59 - 11
Female 11,976 11,877 - - - - 40 - 59


Both Sexes 139,191 138,956 56 - 11 - 168 - -

Male 65,796 65,681 19 - 2 - 94 - -
Female 73,395 73,275 37 - 9 - 74 - -


Both Sexes 18,933 18,762 42 - 11 - 118 - -

Male 8,371 8,287 12 - 2 - 70 - -
Female 10,562 10,475 30 - 9 - 48 - -


Both Sexes 120,258 120,194 14 - - - 50 - -

Male 57,425 57,394 7 - - - 24 - -
Female 62,833 62,800 7 - - - 26 - -


Both Sexes 88,644 88,531 23 - - - 90 - -

Male 42,096 42,041 9 - - - 46 - -
Female 46,548 46,490 14 - - - 44 - -


Both Sexes 3,636 3,618 14 - - - 4 - -

Male 1,658 1,650 4 - - - 4 - -
Female 1,978 1,968 10 - - - - - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 85,008 84,913 9 - - - 86 - -

Male 40,438 40,391 5 - - - 42 - -
Female 44,570 44,522 4 - - - 44 - -


Both Sexes 117,954 117,799 40 - - - 115 - -

Male 56,415 56,315 16 - - - 84 - -
Female 61,539 61,484 24 - - - 31 - -


Both Sexes 7,553 7,454 36 - - - 63 - -

Male 3,541 3,481 14 - - - 46 - -
Female 4,012 3,973 22 - - - 17 - -


Both Sexes 110,401 110,345 4 - - - 52 - -

Male 52,874 52,834 2 - - - 38 - -
Female 57,527 57,511 2 - - - 14 - -


Both Sexes 99,708 99,398 59 119 - - 132 - -

Male 48,645 48,414 53 64 - - 114 - -
Female 51,063 50,984 6 55 - - 18 - -


Both Sexes 4,808 4,718 59 - - - 31 - -

Male 2,166 2,090 53 - - - 23 - -
Female 2,642 2,628 6 - - - 8 - -


Both Sexes 94,900 94,680 - 119 - - 101 - -

Male 46,479 46,324 - 64 - - 91 - -
Female 48,421 48,356 - 55 - - 10 - -


Both Sexes 112,341 112,232 9 - - - 93 - 7

Male 53,659 53,591 5 - - - 59 - 4
Female 58,682 58,641 4 - - - 34 - 3


Both Sexes 11,144 11,103 9 - - - 25 - 7

Male 4,986 4,954 5 - - - 23 - 4
Female 6,158 6,149 4 - - - 2 - 3


Both Sexes 101,197 101,129 - - - - 68 - -

Male 48,673 48,637 - - - - 36 - -
Female 52,524 52,492 - - - - 32 - -


Both Sexes 57,588 56,935 43 68 - 232 255 - 55

Male 26,010 25,480 22 54 - 228 174 - 52
Female 31,578 31,455 21 14 - 4 81 - 3

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 57,588 56,935 43 68 - 232 255 - 55

Male 26,010 25,480 22 54 - 228 174 - 52
Female 31,578 31,455 21 14 - 4 81 - 3


Both Sexes 30,210 29,439 116 - 196 308 136 - 15

Male 14,056 13,431 57 - 135 296 126 - 11
Female 16,154 16,008 59 - 61 12 10 - 4


Both Sexes 30,210 29,439 116 - 196 308 136 - 15

Male 14,056 13,431 57 - 135 296 126 - 11
Female 16,154 16,008 59 - 61 12 10 - 4


Both Sexes 1,006,504 1,002,219 543 21 290 613 2,651 - 167

Male 497,280 493,729 266 9 214 596 2,303 - 163
Female 509,224 508,490 277 12 76 17 348 - 4


Both Sexes 125,787 123,658 508 6 24 608 824 - 159

Male 59,328 57,659 254 3 22 593 642 - 155
Female 66,459 65,999 254 3 2 15 182 - 4


Both Sexes 880,717 878,561 35 15 266 5 1,827 - 8

Male 437,952 436,070 12 6 192 3 1,661 - 8
Female 442,765 442,491 23 9 74 2 166 - -


Both Sexes 124,340 124,183 1 7 18 - 131 - -

Male 61,868 61,730 1 2 14 - 121 - -
Female 62,472 62,453 - 5 4 - 10 - -


Both Sexes 9,189 9,149 1 - - - 39 - -

Male 4,294 4,255 1 - - - 38 - -
Female 4,895 4,894 - - - - 1 - -


Both Sexes 115,151 115,034 - 7 18 - 92 - -

Male 57,574 57,475 - 2 14 - 83 - -
Female 57,577 57,559 - 5 4 - 9 - -


Both Sexes 114,297 113,535 2 - 232 5 523 - -

Male 57,482 56,849 - - 167 3 463 - -
Female 56,815 56,686 2 - 65 2 60 - -


Both Sexes 114,297 113,535 2 - 232 5 523 - -

Male 57,482 56,849 - - 167 3 463 - -
Female 56,815 56,686 2 - 65 2 60 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 153,505 153,143 50 - - - 283 - 29

Male 75,890 75,609 12 - - - 240 - 29
Female 77,615 77,534 38 - - - 43 - -


Both Sexes 11,936 11,823 45 - - - 39 - 29

Male 5,631 5,562 12 - - - 28 - 29
Female 6,305 6,261 33 - - - 11 - -


Both Sexes 141,569 141,320 5 - - - 244 - -

Male 70,259 70,047 - - - - 212 - -
Female 71,310 71,273 5 - - - 32 - -


Both Sexes 107,972 107,452 12 - 6 308 194 - -

Male 52,844 52,396 5 - 6 293 144 - -
Female 55,128 55,056 7 - - 15 50 - -


Both Sexes 7,568 7,178 9 - - 308 73 - -

Male 3,670 3,322 5 - - 293 50 - -
Female 3,898 3,856 4 - - 15 23 - -


Both Sexes 100,404 100,274 3 - 6 - 121 - -

Male 49,174 49,074 - - 6 - 94 - -
Female 51,230 51,200 3 - - - 27 - -


Both Sexes 84,739 84,622 - - - - 117 - -

Male 42,052 41,942 - - - - 110 - -
Female 42,687 42,680 - - - - 7 - -


Both Sexes 2,986 2,985 - - - - 1 - -

Male 1,278 1,278 - - - - - - -
Female 1,708 1,707 - - - - 1 - -


Both Sexes 81,753 81,637 - - - - 116 - -

Male 40,774 40,664 - - - - 110 - -
Female 40,979 40,973 - - - - 6 - -


Both Sexes 135,870 135,467 162 - 16 - 189 - 36

Male 67,687 67,407 66 - 15 - 163 - 36
Female 68,183 68,060 96 - 1 - 26 - -


Both Sexes 16,056 15,807 158 - 16 - 39 - 36

Male 7,626 7,484 64 - 15 - 27 - 36
Female 8,430 8,323 94 - 1 - 12 - -

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 119,814 119,660 4 - - - 150 - -

Male 60,061 59,923 2 - - - 136 - -
Female 59,753 59,737 2 - - - 14 - -


Both Sexes 85,403 84,967 8 - - - 428 - -

Male 42,483 42,063 3 - - - 417 - -
Female 42,920 42,904 5 - - - 11 - -


Both Sexes 4,563 4,552 - - - - 11 - -

Male 2,133 2,124 - - - - 9 - -
Female 2,430 2,428 - - - - 2 - -


Both Sexes 80,840 80,415 8 - - - 417 - -

Male 40,350 39,939 3 - - - 408 - -
Female 40,490 40,476 5 - - - 9 - -


Both Sexes 126,889 126,686 13 8 10 - 164 - 8

Male 62,278 62,099 7 4 5 - 155 - 8
Female 64,611 64,587 6 4 5 - 9 - -


Both Sexes 126,889 126,686 13 8 10 - 164 - 8

Male 62,278 62,099 7 4 5 - 155 - 8
Female 64,611 64,587 6 4 5 - 9 - -


Both Sexes 23,419 23,124 115 6 - - 174 - -

Male 11,024 10,809 58 3 - - 154 - -
Female 12,395 12,315 57 3 - - 20 - -


Both Sexes 23,419 23,124 115 6 - - 174 - -

Male 11,024 10,809 58 3 - - 154 - -
Female 12,395 12,315 57 3 - - 20 - -


Both Sexes 16,856 16,674 59 - 8 - 103 - 12

Male 7,532 7,413 34 - 7 - 69 - 9
Female 9,324 9,261 25 - 1 - 34 - 3


Both Sexes 16,856 16,674 59 - 8 - 103 - 12

Male 7,532 7,413 34 - 7 - 69 - 9
Female 9,324 9,261 25 - 1 - 34 - 3


Both Sexes 33,214 32,366 121 - - 300 345 - 82

Male 16,140 15,412 80 - - 300 267 - 81
Female 17,074 16,954 41 - - - 78 - 1

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 33,214 32,366 121 - - 300 345 - 82

Male 16,140 15,412 80 - - 300 267 - 81
Female 17,074 16,954 41 - - - 78 - 1


Both Sexes 356,598 353,606 878 - 16 294 1,654 - 150

Male 182,571 180,427 380 - 16 292 1,312 - 144
Female 174,027 173,179 498 - - 2 342 - 6


Both Sexes 71,823 69,997 720 - 16 290 732 - 68

Male 36,735 35,471 315 - 16 290 576 - 67
Female 35,088 34,526 405 - - - 156 - 1


Both Sexes 284,775 283,609 158 - - 4 922 - 82

Male 145,836 144,956 65 - - 2 736 - 77
Female 138,939 138,653 93 - - 2 186 - 5


Both Sexes 92,167 91,237 299 - - 4 585 - 42

Male 47,909 47,277 116 - - 2 472 - 42
Female 44,258 43,960 183 - - 2 113 - -


Both Sexes 30,234 29,841 193 - - - 200 - -

Male 15,550 15,315 71 - - - 164 - -
Female 14,684 14,526 122 - - - 36 - -


Both Sexes 61,933 61,396 106 - - 4 385 - 42

Male 32,359 31,962 45 - - 2 308 - 42
Female 29,574 29,434 61 - - 2 77 - -


Both Sexes 138,926 138,356 56 - - - 510 - 4

Male 70,504 70,057 31 - - - 413 - 3
Female 68,422 68,299 25 - - - 97 - 1


Both Sexes 10,758 10,621 38 - - - 99 - -

Male 5,225 5,121 23 - - - 81 - -
Female 5,533 5,500 15 - - - 18 - -


Both Sexes 128,168 127,735 18 - - - 411 - 4

Male 65,279 64,936 8 - - - 332 - 3
Female 62,889 62,799 10 - - - 79 - 1


Both Sexes 103,852 103,437 189 - - - 190 - 36

Male 52,763 52,521 72 - - - 138 - 32
Female 51,089 50,916 117 - - - 52 - 4

Table 2.4 Population by Type of Residence and Sex: 2007
Type of Residence
Boarding Other
School/ Correct- Collect-
Conventional Hotel/ Orphan- University ional ive Pastor- Home-
Sex Total Households Hostel age /College Facility quarters alists less


Both Sexes 9,178 8,959 155 - - - 64 - -

Male 4,565 4,463 60 - - - 42 - -
Female 4,613 4,496 95 - - - 22 - -


Both Sexes 94,674 94,478 34 - - - 126 - 36

Male 48,198 48,058 12 - - - 96 - 32
Female 46,476 46,420 22 - - - 30 - 4


Both Sexes 21,653 20,576 334 - 16 290 369 - 68

Male 11,395 10,572 161 - 16 290 289 - 67
Female 10,258 10,004 173 - - - 80 - 1


Both Sexes 21,653 20,576 334 - 16 290 369 - 68

Male 11,395 10,572 161 - 16 290 289 - 67
Female 10,258 10,004 173 - - - 80 - 1


Both Sexes 215,914 207,216 499 456 4,218 608 2,543 - 374
Male 104,925 98,190 284 247 3,344 595 1,924 - 341
Female 110,989 109,026 215 209 874 13 619 - 33


Both Sexes 215,914 207,216 499 456 4,218 608 2,543 - 374
Male 104,925 98,190 284 247 3,344 595 1,924 - 341
Female 110,989 109,026 215 209 874 13 619 - 33


Both Sexes 92,104 87,142 341 37 3,661 - 892 - 31

Male 44,153 40,223 192 27 2,935 - 755 - 21
Female 47,951 46,919 149 10 726 - 137 - 10


Both Sexes 92,104 87,142 341 37 3,661 - 892 - 31

Male 44,153 40,223 192 27 2,935 - 755 - 21
Female 47,951 46,919 149 10 726 - 137 - 10


Both Sexes 123,810 120,074 158 419 557 608 1,651 - 343
Male 60,772 57,967 92 220 409 595 1,169 - 320
Female 63,038 62,107 66 199 148 13 482 - 23


Both Sexes 123,810 120,074 158 419 557 608 1,651 - 343
Male 60,772 57,967 92 220 409 595 1,169 - 320
Female 63,038 62,107 66 199 148 13 482 - 23

Table 2.5 Persons, Households, and Housing Units for Conventional Households
and Persons and Households for Non-Conventional Households,
with Households per Housing Unit for Conventional Households: 2007
Conventional Households Unconventional Households
------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
Geographical Housing per Housing
Area Persons Households Units Unit Persons Households
TIGRAY REGION 4,288,175 989,512 957,684 1.033 28,813 3,123
TIGRAY REGION-URBAN 824,111 240,384 231,825 1.037 19,929 1,990
TIGRAY REGION-RURAL 3,464,064 749,128 725,859 1.032 8,884 1,133
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 732,758 166,603 161,142 1.034 4,047 628
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY-URBAN 106,229 32,186 31,360 1.026 1,770 277
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY-RURAL 626,529 134,417 129,782 1.036 2,277 351
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA 89,449 20,415 19,141 1.067 695 138
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA-URBAN 6,313 1,995 1,953 1.022 64 26
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA-RURAL 83,136 18,420 17,188 1.072 631 112
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA 113,674 25,362 24,407 1.039 162 52
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA-URBAN 7,978 2,538 2,479 1.024 55 19
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA-RURAL 105,696 22,824 21,928 1.041 107 33
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA 124,968 27,670 26,918 1.028 60 19
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA-URBAN 10,497 3,219 3,146 1.023 29 9
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA-RURAL 114,471 24,451 23,772 1.029 31 10
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA 68,804 14,253 13,842 1.030 185 20
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA-RURAL 68,804 14,253 13,842 1.030 185 20
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA 134,881 29,561 28,574 1.035 740 116
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA-URBAN 10,035 3,056 2,952 1.035 76 11
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA-RURAL 124,846 26,505 25,622 1.034 664 105
TSELEMTI WEREDA 138,117 30,385 29,805 1.019 741 100
TSELEMTI WEREDA-URBAN 8,541 2,421 2,375 1.019 82 29
TSELEMTI WEREDA-RURAL 129,576 27,964 27,430 1.019 659 71
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA 46,108 13,908 13,551 1.026 1,176 116
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 46,108 13,908 13,551 1.026 1,176 116
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA 16,757 5,049 4,904 1.030 288 67
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 16,757 5,049 4,904 1.030 288 67
CENTRAL TIGRAY ZONE 1,239,741 279,272 269,877 1.035 6,083 603
CENTRAL TIGRAY-URBAN 172,882 53,102 51,126 1.039 3,571 404
CENTRAL TIGRAY-RURAL 1,066,859 226,170 218,751 1.034 2,512 199
MEREB LEHE WEREDA 107,077 23,334 22,531 1.036 141 36
MEREB LEHE WEREDA-URBAN 7,881 2,427 2,386 1.017 30 11
MEREB LEHE WEREDA-RURAL 99,196 20,907 20,145 1.038 111 25
AHIFEROM WEREDA 173,286 38,855 37,483 1.037 414 79
AHIFEROM WEREDA-URBAN 23,137 6,951 6,604 1.053 284 55
AHIFEROM WEREDA-RURAL 150,149 31,904 30,879 1.033 130 24
WERE LEHE WEREDA 145,944 32,543 31,090 1.047 160 48
WERE LEHE WEREDA-URBAN 16,426 5,018 4,605 1.090 99 33
WERE LEHE WEREDA-RURAL 129,518 27,525 26,485 1.039 61 15
ADWA WEREDA 99,663 20,126 19,525 1.031 48 15
ADWA WEREDA-RURAL 99,663 20,126 19,525 1.031 48 15
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 72,159 14,670 14,203 1.033 466 28
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-RURAL 72,159 14,670 14,203 1.033 466 28
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 99,014 22,067 21,545 1.024 108 29
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-URBAN 11,108 3,241 3,142 1.032 79 21
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-RURAL 87,906 18,826 18,403 1.023 29 8
NADER ADET WEREDA 104,901 23,190 22,478 1.032 65 18
NADER ADET WEREDA-URBAN 1,828 667 646 1.033 14 4
NADER ADET WEREDA-RURAL 103,073 22,523 21,832 1.032 51 14
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA 134,311 28,909 28,028 1.031 25 8

Table 2.5 Persons, Households, and Housing Units for Conventional Households
and Persons and Households for Non-Conventional Households,
with Households per Housing Unit for Conventional Households: 2007
Conventional Households Unconventional Households
------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
Geographical Housing per Housing
Area Persons Households Units Unit Persons Households
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA-RURAL 134,311 28,909 28,028 1.031 25 8
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA 113,389 25,248 24,591 1.027 206 42
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA-URBAN 7,202 2,216 2,171 1.021 68 16
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA-RURAL 106,187 23,032 22,420 1.027 138 26
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA 91,705 19,730 18,767 1.051 1,480 45
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA-URBAN 7,008 1,982 1,936 1.024 27 9
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA-RURAL 84,697 17,748 16,831 1.054 1,453 36
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 15,088 4,798 4,684 1.024 1,027 63
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 15,088 4,798 4,684 1.024 1,027 63
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA 39,571 12,467 12,114 1.029 929 104
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 39,571 12,467 12,114 1.029 929 104
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA 43,633 13,335 12,838 1.039 1,014 88
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 43,633 13,335 12,838 1.039 1,014 88
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 752,635 171,810 166,486 1.032 2,708 372
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 144,129 42,538 41,258 1.031 1,935 243
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 608,506 129,272 125,228 1.032 773 129
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA 84,089 18,322 17,673 1.037 147 43
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA-URBAN 10,055 2,724 2,602 1.047 46 14
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA-RURAL 74,034 15,598 15,071 1.035 101 29
EROB WEREDA 25,256 5,338 5,165 1.033 215 25
EROB WEREDA-URBAN 2,045 674 661 1.020 46 9
EROB WEREDA-RURAL 23,211 4,664 4,504 1.036 169 16
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA 138,956 30,101 29,258 1.029 235 63
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA-URBAN 18,762 5,304 5,212 1.018 171 47
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA-RURAL 120,194 24,797 24,046 1.031 64 16
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA 88,531 19,273 18,855 1.022 113 28
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA-URBAN 3,618 1,167 1,150 1.015 18 8
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA-RURAL 84,913 18,106 17,705 1.023 95 20
HAWZEN WEREDA 117,799 25,029 24,105 1.038 155 38
HAWZEN WEREDA-URBAN 7,454 2,243 2,168 1.035 99 22
HAWZEN WEREDA-RURAL 110,345 22,786 21,937 1.039 56 16
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA 99,398 21,629 20,932 1.033 310 28
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA-URBAN 4,718 1,428 1,389 1.028 90 7
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA-RURAL 94,680 20,201 19,543 1.034 220 21
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA 112,232 26,405 25,533 1.034 109 20
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA-URBAN 11,103 3,285 3,111 1.056 41 9
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA-RURAL 101,129 23,120 22,422 1.031 68 11
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA 56,935 16,389 15,972 1.026 653 68
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 56,935 16,389 15,972 1.026 653 68
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA 29,439 9,324 8,993 1.037 771 59
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 29,439 9,324 8,993 1.037 771 59
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE 1,002,219 232,316 226,119 1.027 4,285 526
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 123,658 36,207 34,884 1.038 2,129 252
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 878,561 196,109 191,235 1.025 2,156 274
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA 124,183 26,419 25,837 1.023 157 42
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA-URBAN 9,149 2,564 2,498 1.026 40 13
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA-RURAL 115,034 23,855 23,339 1.022 117 29
ENDERTA WEREDA 113,535 24,571 23,856 1.030 762 47
ENDERTA WEREDA-RURAL 113,535 24,571 23,856 1.030 762 47
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA 153,143 34,279 33,130 1.035 362 81

Table 2.5 Persons, Households, and Housing Units for Conventional Households
and Persons and Households for Non-Conventional Households,
with Households per Housing Unit for Conventional Households: 2007
Conventional Households Unconventional Households
------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
Geographical Housing per Housing
Area Persons Households Units Unit Persons Households
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA-URBAN 11,823 3,411 3,052 1.118 113 24
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA-RURAL 141,320 30,868 30,078 1.026 249 57
ALAJE WEREDA 107,452 24,747 23,952 1.033 520 37
ALAJE WEREDA-URBAN 7,178 2,118 2,076 1.020 390 20
ALAJE WEREDA-RURAL 100,274 22,629 21,876 1.034 130 17
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA 84,622 18,798 18,371 1.023 117 18
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA-URBAN 2,985 904 882 1.025 1 1
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA-RURAL 81,637 17,894 17,489 1.023 116 17
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA 135,467 32,294 31,468 1.026 403 66
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA-URBAN 15,807 4,739 4,443 1.067 249 39
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA-RURAL 119,660 27,555 27,025 1.020 154 27
ALAMATA WEREDA 84,967 20,495 20,107 1.019 436 37
ALAMATA WEREDA-URBAN 4,552 1,283 1,252 1.025 11 3
ALAMATA WEREDA-RURAL 80,415 19,212 18,855 1.019 425 34
OFLA WEREDA 126,686 29,525 28,717 1.028 203 46
OFLA WEREDA-RURAL 126,686 29,525 28,717 1.028 203 46
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA 23,124 7,214 7,101 1.016 295 42
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 23,124 7,214 7,101 1.016 295 42
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA 16,674 4,909 4,732 1.037 182 40
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 16,674 4,909 4,732 1.037 182 40
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA 32,366 9,065 8,848 1.025 848 70
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 32,366 9,065 8,848 1.025 848 70
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 353,606 82,757 79,351 1.043 2,992 448
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 69,997 19,597 18,488 1.060 1,826 268
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 283,609 63,160 60,863 1.038 1,166 180
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA 91,237 23,301 22,259 1.047 930 148
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA-URBAN 29,841 7,940 7,527 1.055 393 64
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA-RURAL 61,396 15,361 14,732 1.043 537 84
WELKAYIT WEREDA 138,356 30,295 29,336 1.033 570 80
WELKAYIT WEREDA-URBAN 10,621 2,899 2,643 1.097 137 28
WELKAYIT WEREDA-RURAL 127,735 27,396 26,693 1.026 433 52
TSEGEDE WEREDA 103,437 22,930 21,785 1.053 415 91
TSEGEDE WEREDA-URBAN 8,959 2,527 2,347 1.077 219 47
TSEGEDE WEREDA-RURAL 94,478 20,403 19,438 1.050 196 44
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA 20,576 6,231 5,971 1.044 1,077 129
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 20,576 6,231 5,971 1.044 1,077 129
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE 207,216 56,754 54,709 1.037 8,698 546
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE-URBAN 207,216 56,754 54,709 1.037 8,698 546
DEBUB WEREDA 87,142 24,703 23,727 1.041 4,962 255
DEBUB WEREDA-URBAN 87,142 24,703 23,727 1.041 4,962 255
SEMEN WEREDA 120,074 32,051 30,982 1.035 3,736 291
SEMEN WEREDA-URBAN 120,074 32,051 30,982 1.035 3,736 291

Table 2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household Size, with Percent
Distributions and Averages: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Size Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent


Total 4,288,175 100.0 989,512 100.0 824,111 100.0 240,384 100.0 3,464,064 100.0 749,128 100.0
1 127,296 3.0 127,296 12.9 53,667 6.5 53,667 22.3 73,629 2.1 73,629 9.8
2 264,086 6.2 132,043 13.3 89,386 10.8 44,693 18.6 174,700 5.0 87,350 11.7
3 441,276 10.3 147,092 14.9 122,838 14.9 40,946 17.0 318,438 9.2 106,146 14.2
4 572,320 13.3 143,080 14.5 134,244 16.3 33,561 14.0 438,076 12.6 109,519 14.6
5 636,780 14.8 127,356 12.9 127,260 15.4 25,452 10.6 509,520 14.7 101,904 13.6
6 674,790 15.7 112,465 11.4 109,842 13.3 18,307 7.6 564,948 16.3 94,158 12.6
7 619,577 14.4 88,511 8.9 79,996 9.7 11,428 4.8 539,581 15.6 77,083 10.3
8 615,440 14.4 76,930 7.8 64,992 7.9 8,124 3.4 550,448 15.9 68,806 9.2
9 181,278 4.2 20,142 2.0 19,296 2.3 2,144 .9 161,982 4.7 17,998 2.4
10 93,410 2.2 9,341 .9 11,030 1.3 1,103 .5 82,380 2.4 8,238 1.1
11 35,673 .8 3,243 .3 5,335 .6 485 .2 30,338 .9 2,758 .4
12+ 26,249 .6 2,013 .2 6,225 .8 474 .2 20,024 .6 1,539 .2
Average 4.3 3.4 4.6


Total 732,758 100.0 166,603 100.0 106,229 100.0 32,186 100.0 626,529 100.0 134,417 100.0
1 20,215 2.8 20,215 12.1 7,592 7.1 7,592 23.6 12,623 2.0 12,623 9.4
2 44,072 6.0 22,036 13.2 12,336 11.6 6,168 19.2 31,736 5.1 15,868 11.8
3 73,665 10.1 24,555 14.7 17,031 16.0 5,677 17.6 56,634 9.0 18,878 14.0
4 96,924 13.2 24,231 14.5 17,704 16.7 4,426 13.8 79,220 12.6 19,805 14.7
5 108,575 14.8 21,715 13.0 16,365 15.4 3,273 10.2 92,210 14.7 18,442 13.7
6 113,472 15.5 18,912 11.4 13,734 12.9 2,289 7.1 99,738 15.9 16,623 12.4
7 105,959 14.5 15,137 9.1 9,933 9.4 1,419 4.4 96,026 15.3 13,718 10.2
8 106,752 14.6 13,344 8.0 7,336 6.9 917 2.8 99,416 15.9 12,427 9.2
9 32,445 4.4 3,605 2.2 2,034 1.9 226 .7 30,411 4.9 3,379 2.5
10 17,680 2.4 1,768 1.1 1,100 1.0 110 .3 16,580 2.6 1,658 1.2
11 7,106 1.0 646 .4 528 .5 48 .1 6,578 1.0 598 .4
12+ 5,893 .8 439 .3 536 .5 41 .1 5,357 .9 398 .3
Average 4.4 3.3 4.7

Table 2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household Size, with Percent
Distributions and Averages: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Size Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent


Total 1,239,741 100.0 279,272 100.0 172,882 100.0 53,102 100.0 1,066,859 100.0 226,170 100.0
1 35,548 2.9 35,548 12.7 12,819 7.4 12,819 24.1 22,729 2.1 22,729 10.0
2 68,372 5.5 34,186 12.2 20,564 11.9 10,282 19.4 47,808 4.5 23,904 10.6
3 116,211 9.4 38,737 13.9 27,252 15.8 9,084 17.1 88,959 8.3 29,653 13.1
4 155,860 12.6 38,965 14.0 29,728 17.2 7,432 14.0 126,132 11.8 31,533 13.9
5 182,360 14.7 36,472 13.1 27,190 15.7 5,438 10.2 155,170 14.5 31,034 13.7
6 206,166 16.6 34,361 12.3 23,160 13.4 3,860 7.3 183,006 17.2 30,501 13.5
7 193,760 15.6 27,680 9.9 15,792 9.1 2,256 4.2 177,968 16.7 25,424 11.2
8 192,112 15.5 24,014 8.6 11,256 6.5 1,407 2.6 180,856 17.0 22,607 10.0
9 50,976 4.1 5,664 2.0 2,664 1.5 296 .6 48,312 4.5 5,368 2.4
10 25,240 2.0 2,524 .9 1,320 .8 132 .2 23,920 2.2 2,392 1.1
11 8,173 .7 743 .3 649 .4 59 .1 7,524 .7 684 .3
12+ 4,963 .4 378 .1 488 .3 37 .1 4,475 .4 341 .2
Average 4.4 3.3 4.7


Total 752,635 100.0 171,810 100.0 144,129 100.0 42,538 100.0 608,506 100.0 129,272 100.0
1 23,217 3.1 23,217 13.5 9,448 6.6 9,448 22.2 13,769 2.3 13,769 10.7
2 45,920 6.1 22,960 13.4 16,864 11.7 8,432 19.8 29,056 4.8 14,528 11.2
3 72,282 9.6 24,094 14.0 21,438 14.9 7,146 16.8 50,844 8.4 16,948 13.1
4 95,704 12.7 23,926 13.9 23,556 16.3 5,889 13.8 72,148 11.9 18,037 14.0
5 106,835 14.2 21,367 12.4 22,010 15.3 4,402 10.3 84,825 13.9 16,965 13.1
6 114,144 15.2 19,024 11.1 18,978 13.2 3,163 7.4 95,166 15.6 15,861 12.3
7 109,767 14.6 15,681 9.1 13,720 9.5 1,960 4.6 96,047 15.8 13,721 10.6
8 111,288 14.8 13,911 8.1 10,808 7.5 1,351 3.2 100,480 16.5 12,560 9.7
9 41,166 5.5 4,574 2.7 3,771 2.6 419 1.0 37,395 6.1 4,155 3.2
10 20,070 2.7 2,007 1.2 1,910 1.3 191 .4 18,160 3.0 1,816 1.4
11 7,216 1.0 656 .4 759 .5 69 .2 6,457 1.1 587 .5
12+ 5,026 .7 393 .2 867 .6 68 .2 4,159 .7 325 .3
Average 4.4 3.4 4.7

Table 2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household Size, with Percent
Distributions and Averages: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Size Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent


Total 1,002,219 100.0 232,316 100.0 123,658 100.0 36,207 100.0 878,561 100.0 196,109 100.0
1 26,803 2.7 26,803 11.5 8,020 6.5 8,020 22.2 18,783 2.1 18,783 9.6
2 62,610 6.2 31,305 13.5 13,504 10.9 6,752 18.6 49,106 5.6 24,553 12.5
3 110,610 11.0 36,870 15.9 18,849 15.2 6,283 17.4 91,761 10.4 30,587 15.6
4 140,868 14.1 35,217 15.2 20,116 16.3 5,029 13.9 120,752 13.7 30,188 15.4
5 154,345 15.4 30,869 13.3 19,425 15.7 3,885 10.7 134,920 15.4 26,984 13.8
6 160,374 16.0 26,729 11.5 16,800 13.6 2,800 7.7 143,574 16.3 23,929 12.2
7 143,171 14.3 20,453 8.8 11,823 9.6 1,689 4.7 131,348 15.0 18,764 9.6
8 138,840 13.9 17,355 7.5 9,528 7.7 1,191 3.3 129,312 14.7 16,164 8.2
9 36,558 3.6 4,062 1.7 2,601 2.1 289 .8 33,957 3.9 3,773 1.9
10 17,280 1.7 1,728 .7 1,380 1.1 138 .4 15,900 1.8 1,590 .8
11 6,765 .7 615 .3 737 .6 67 .2 6,028 .7 548 .3
12+ 3,995 .4 310 .1 875 .7 64 .2 3,120 .4 246 .1
Average 4.3 3.4 4.5


Total 353,606 100.0 82,757 100.0 69,997 100.0 19,597 100.0 283,609 100.0 63,160 100.0
1 9,654 2.7 9,654 11.7 3,929 5.6 3,929 20.0 5,725 2.0 5,725 9.1
2 24,218 6.8 12,109 14.6 7,224 10.3 3,612 18.4 16,994 6.0 8,497 13.5
3 40,455 11.4 13,485 16.3 10,215 14.6 3,405 17.4 30,240 10.7 10,080 16.0
4 50,816 14.4 12,704 15.4 10,992 15.7 2,748 14.0 39,824 14.0 9,956 15.8
5 52,970 15.0 10,594 12.8 10,575 15.1 2,115 10.8 42,395 14.9 8,479 13.4
6 52,608 14.9 8,768 10.6 9,144 13.1 1,524 7.8 43,464 15.3 7,244 11.5
7 45,661 12.9 6,523 7.9 7,469 10.7 1,067 5.4 38,192 13.5 5,456 8.6
8 46,720 13.2 5,840 7.1 6,336 9.1 792 4.0 40,384 14.2 5,048 8.0
9 13,545 3.8 1,505 1.8 1,638 2.3 182 .9 11,907 4.2 1,323 2.1
10 8,910 2.5 891 1.1 1,090 1.6 109 .6 7,820 2.8 782 1.2
11 4,334 1.2 394 .5 583 .8 53 .3 3,751 1.3 341 .5
12+ 3,715 1.1 290 .4 802 1.1 61 .3 2,913 1.0 229 .4
Average 4.3 3.6 4.5

Table 2.6 Persons and Households by Urban-Rural Residence and Household Size, with Percent
Distributions and Averages: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Size Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent Persons Percent Households Percent


Total 207,216 100.0 56,754 100.0 207,216 100.0 56,754 100.0 - - - -

1 11,859 5.7 11,859 20.9 11,859 5.7 11,859 20.9 - - - -
2 18,894 9.1 9,447 16.6 18,894 9.1 9,447 16.6 - - - -
3 28,053 13.5 9,351 16.5 28,053 13.5 9,351 16.5 - - - -
4 32,148 15.5 8,037 14.2 32,148 15.5 8,037 14.2 - - - -
5 31,695 15.3 6,339 11.2 31,695 15.3 6,339 11.2 - - - -
6 28,026 13.5 4,671 8.2 28,026 13.5 4,671 8.2 - - - -
7 21,259 10.3 3,037 5.4 21,259 10.3 3,037 5.4 - - - -
8 19,728 9.5 2,466 4.3 19,728 9.5 2,466 4.3 - - - -
9 6,588 3.2 732 1.3 6,588 3.2 732 1.3 - - - -
10 4,230 2.0 423 .7 4,230 2.0 423 .7 - - - -
11 2,079 1.0 189 .3 2,079 1.0 189 .3 - - - -
12+ 2,657 1.3 203 .4 2,657 1.3 203 .4 - - - -
Average 3.7 3.7 -

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate


Both Sexes 4,288,175 989,509 597,683 2,360,368 23,219 46,594 39,568 119,260 82,333 29,641 2.3

0 - 4 630,305 - - 573,925 - 1,480 5,700 38,695 9,577 928 -

5 - 9 641,151 - - 592,155 - 2,852 6,560 31,185 7,630 769 -
10-14 612,127 - 1,200 552,423 - 7,935 9,603 28,345 9,722 2,899 -
15-19 489,043 16,811 34,787 371,368 - 14,797 9,558 14,515 16,798 10,409 .3
20-24 352,702 59,568 85,060 170,595 - 9,202 4,605 4,288 12,051 7,333 1.7
25-29 282,517 101,622 102,093 61,810 - 4,140 1,732 1,244 6,497 3,379 3.6
30-34 247,699 120,928 96,248 22,663 7 1,717 709 424 3,654 1,349 4.9
35-39 223,914 126,766 83,981 8,301 67 945 306 252 2,625 671 5.7
40-44 169,679 105,498 56,757 3,534 272 615 183 166 2,234 420 6.2
45-49 137,285 87,899 44,669 1,740 509 426 135 66 1,539 302 6.4
50-54 125,178 83,805 36,556 975 1,304 522 103 64 1,604 245 6.7
55-59 94,701 68,333 22,791 484 1,405 330 70 10 1,115 163 7.2
60-64 91,141 68,877 16,789 219 3,048 454 75 3 1,460 216 7.6
65-69 67,291 53,554 9,196 127 2,836 303 56 3 1,071 145 8.0
70-74 60,225 48,175 5,014 39 4,705 379 63 - 1,666 184 8.0
75+ 63,217 47,673 2,542 10 9,066 497 110 - 3,090 229 7.5

Male 2,104,207 683,788 7,050 1,251,403 3,796 23,356 20,503 61,463 38,285 14,563 3.2

0 - 4 319,988 - - 291,547 - 724 2,856 19,518 4,863 480 -

5 - 9 324,267 - - 299,810 - 1,250 3,296 15,782 3,755 374 -
10-14 313,611 - 527 284,779 - 3,361 4,548 14,583 4,514 1,299 -
15-19 239,437 6,545 1,013 201,831 - 6,846 4,754 7,621 7,197 3,630 .3
20-24 167,826 32,578 1,356 112,259 - 5,612 2,921 2,686 6,462 3,952 1.9
25-29 125,197 72,572 1,197 40,995 - 2,699 1,171 753 3,591 2,219 5.8
30-34 110,070 91,599 886 13,110 3 1,054 451 219 1,773 975 8.3
35-39 102,757 95,659 596 4,139 5 525 170 122 1,049 492 9.3
40-44 82,989 79,420 358 1,515 19 301 98 98 876 304 9.6
45-49 66,755 64,571 244 730 34 189 67 38 665 217 9.7
50-54 57,355 55,583 227 366 105 187 36 34 664 153 9.7
55-59 49,114 47,898 153 196 105 112 31 7 507 105 9.8
60-64 43,569 42,384 150 62 229 147 25 1 462 109 9.7
65-69 35,222 34,274 104 48 279 101 17 1 320 78 9.7
70-74 29,990 28,702 97 14 563 95 19 - 429 71 9.6
75+ 36,060 32,003 142 2 2,454 153 43 - 1,158 105 8.9

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate

Female 2,183,968 305,721 590,633 1,108,965 19,423 23,238 19,065 57,797 44,048 15,078 1.4

0 - 4 310,317 - - 282,378 - 756 2,844 19,177 4,714 448 -

5 - 9 316,884 - - 292,345 - 1,602 3,264 15,403 3,875 395 -
10-14 298,516 - 673 267,644 - 4,574 5,055 13,762 5,208 1,600 -
15-19 249,606 10,266 33,774 169,537 - 7,951 4,804 6,894 9,601 6,779 .4
20-24 184,876 26,990 83,704 58,336 - 3,590 1,684 1,602 5,589 3,381 1.5
25-29 157,320 29,050 100,896 20,815 - 1,441 561 491 2,906 1,160 1.8
30-34 137,629 29,329 95,362 9,553 4 663 258 205 1,881 374 2.1
35-39 121,157 31,107 83,385 4,162 62 420 136 130 1,576 179 2.6
40-44 86,690 26,078 56,399 2,019 253 314 85 68 1,358 116 3.0
45-49 70,530 23,328 44,425 1,010 475 237 68 28 874 85 3.3
50-54 67,823 28,222 36,329 609 1,199 335 67 30 940 92 4.2
55-59 45,587 20,435 22,638 288 1,300 218 39 3 608 58 4.5
60-64 47,572 26,493 16,639 157 2,819 307 50 2 998 107 5.6
65-69 32,069 19,280 9,092 79 2,557 202 39 2 751 67 6.0
70-74 30,235 19,473 4,917 25 4,142 284 44 - 1,237 113 6.4
75+ 27,157 15,670 2,400 8 6,612 344 67 - 1,932 124 5.8

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate


Both Sexes 824,111 240,384 93,042 377,270 5,164 24,903 16,139 24,584 27,075 15,550 2.9

0 - 4 103,651 - - 92,248 - 396 1,583 7,111 1,921 392 -

5 - 9 97,564 - - 86,362 - 899 1,961 6,337 1,712 293 -
10-14 104,936 - 169 87,872 - 3,349 3,464 5,887 2,799 1,396 -
15-19 114,447 12,350 6,055 63,732 - 9,374 5,029 3,652 8,022 6,233 1.1
20-24 93,877 28,749 18,359 28,212 - 5,876 2,467 1,090 5,300 3,824 3.1
25-29 74,956 35,722 19,926 11,498 - 2,459 899 295 2,519 1,638 4.8
30-34 53,536 31,818 14,430 4,340 4 845 320 98 1,090 591 5.9
35-39 46,761 31,076 12,357 1,633 20 435 135 55 730 320 6.6
40-44 31,031 22,721 6,450 713 55 263 88 37 489 215 7.3
45-49 23,998 17,768 5,108 324 99 169 48 4 343 135 7.4
50-54 20,180 15,091 3,932 171 281 184 31 15 354 121 7.5
55-59 14,240 10,790 2,600 86 327 102 20 3 239 73 7.6
60-64 14,168 11,098 1,800 41 650 164 23 - 307 85 7.8
65-69 10,554 8,447 1,015 21 654 102 18 - 234 63 8.0
70-74 9,757 7,587 506 15 1,037 118 23 - 396 75 7.8
75+ 10,455 7,167 335 2 2,037 168 30 - 620 96 6.9

Male 383,804 134,587 2,621 193,853 765 12,014 7,690 12,604 13,343 6,327 3.5

0 - 4 52,664 - - 46,887 - 187 793 3,641 967 189 -

5 - 9 48,691 - - 43,326 - 371 904 3,159 799 132 -
10-14 51,438 - 99 44,408 - 1,195 1,365 3,001 1,049 321 -
15-19 50,247 4,836 223 32,219 - 3,824 2,154 1,861 3,453 1,677 1.0
20-24 39,609 13,033 314 15,940 - 3,370 1,412 653 3,053 1,834 3.3
25-29 32,940 20,518 451 6,906 - 1,656 613 172 1,618 1,006 6.2
30-34 25,057 20,001 434 2,597 2 615 234 54 709 411 8.0
35-39 21,525 19,251 313 925 3 281 87 32 413 220 8.9
40-44 16,210 14,984 213 361 12 151 48 19 262 160 9.2
45-49 12,026 11,331 145 152 10 89 24 2 178 95 9.4
50-54 8,693 8,145 119 74 22 74 10 7 170 72 9.4
55-59 6,143 5,770 73 34 32 36 11 3 131 53 9.4
60-64 5,530 5,160 80 11 62 53 9 - 110 45 9.3
65-69 4,290 4,030 50 7 56 31 5 - 75 36 9.4
70-74 3,909 3,550 47 5 120 33 8 - 118 28 9.1
75+ 4,832 3,978 60 1 446 48 13 - 238 48 8.2

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate

Female 440,307 105,797 90,421 183,417 4,399 12,889 8,449 11,980 13,732 9,223 2.4

0 - 4 50,987 - - 45,361 - 209 790 3,470 954 203 -

5 - 9 48,873 - - 43,036 - 528 1,057 3,178 913 161 -
10-14 53,498 - 70 43,464 - 2,154 2,099 2,886 1,750 1,075 -
15-19 64,200 7,514 5,832 31,513 - 5,550 2,875 1,791 4,569 4,556 1.2
20-24 54,268 15,716 18,045 12,272 - 2,506 1,055 437 2,247 1,990 2.9
25-29 42,016 15,204 19,475 4,592 - 803 286 123 901 632 3.6
30-34 28,479 11,817 13,996 1,743 2 230 86 44 381 180 4.1
35-39 25,236 11,825 12,044 708 17 154 48 23 317 100 4.7
40-44 14,821 7,737 6,237 352 43 112 40 18 227 55 5.2
45-49 11,972 6,437 4,963 172 89 80 24 2 165 40 5.4
50-54 11,487 6,946 3,813 97 259 110 21 8 184 49 6.0
55-59 8,097 5,020 2,527 52 295 66 9 - 108 20 6.2
60-64 8,638 5,938 1,720 30 588 111 14 - 197 40 6.9
65-69 6,264 4,417 965 14 598 71 13 - 159 27 7.1
70-74 5,848 4,037 459 10 917 85 15 - 278 47 6.9
75+ 5,623 3,189 275 1 1,591 120 17 - 382 48 5.7

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate


Both Sexes 3,464,064 749,125 504,641 1,983,098 18,055 21,691 23,429 94,676 55,258 14,091 2.2

0 - 4 526,654 - - 481,677 - 1,084 4,117 31,584 7,656 536 -

5 - 9 543,587 - - 505,793 - 1,953 4,599 24,848 5,918 476 -
10-14 507,191 - 1,031 464,551 - 4,586 6,139 22,458 6,923 1,503 -
15-19 374,596 4,461 28,732 307,636 - 5,423 4,529 10,863 8,776 4,176 .1
20-24 258,825 30,819 66,701 142,383 - 3,326 2,138 3,198 6,751 3,509 1.2
25-29 207,561 65,900 82,167 50,312 - 1,681 833 949 3,978 1,741 3.2
30-34 194,163 89,110 81,818 18,323 3 872 389 326 2,564 758 4.6
35-39 177,153 95,690 71,624 6,668 47 510 171 197 1,895 351 5.4
40-44 138,648 82,777 50,307 2,821 217 352 95 129 1,745 205 6.0
45-49 113,287 70,131 39,561 1,416 410 257 87 62 1,196 167 6.2
50-54 104,998 68,714 32,624 804 1,023 338 72 49 1,250 124 6.5
55-59 80,461 57,543 20,191 398 1,078 228 50 7 876 90 7.2
60-64 76,973 57,779 14,989 178 2,398 290 52 3 1,153 131 7.5
65-69 56,737 45,107 8,181 106 2,182 201 38 3 837 82 8.0
70-74 50,468 40,588 4,508 24 3,668 261 40 - 1,270 109 8.0
75+ 52,762 40,506 2,207 8 7,029 329 80 - 2,470 133 7.7

Male 1,720,403 549,201 4,429 1,057,550 3,031 11,342 12,813 48,859 24,942 8,236 3.2

0 - 4 267,324 - - 244,660 - 537 2,063 15,877 3,896 291 -

5 - 9 275,576 - - 256,484 - 879 2,392 12,623 2,956 242 -
10-14 262,173 - 428 240,371 - 2,166 3,183 11,582 3,465 978 -
15-19 189,190 1,709 790 169,612 - 3,022 2,600 5,760 3,744 1,953 .1
20-24 128,217 19,545 1,042 96,319 - 2,242 1,509 2,033 3,409 2,118 1.5
25-29 92,257 52,054 746 34,089 - 1,043 558 581 1,973 1,213 5.6
30-34 85,013 71,598 452 10,513 1 439 217 165 1,064 564 8.4
35-39 81,232 76,408 283 3,214 2 244 83 90 636 272 9.4
40-44 66,779 64,436 145 1,154 7 150 50 79 614 144 9.6
45-49 54,729 53,240 99 578 24 100 43 36 487 122 9.7
50-54 48,662 47,438 108 292 83 113 26 27 494 81 9.7
55-59 42,971 42,128 80 162 73 76 20 4 376 52 9.8
60-64 38,039 37,224 70 51 167 94 16 1 352 64 9.8
65-69 30,932 30,244 54 41 223 70 12 1 245 42 9.8
70-74 26,081 25,152 50 9 443 62 11 - 311 43 9.6
75+ 31,228 28,025 82 1 2,008 105 30 - 920 57 9.0

Table 2.7 Population Living in Conventional Households by Relation to Head of Household, Sex,
and Five Year Age Groups: 2007
Relationship to Head of Household
Niece/ Grand- Other
Child of Parent of Sibling nephew of child of relative
Sex and head or head or of head head or head or of head Unrelated Headship
Age Group Total Head Spouse spouse spouse or spouse spouse spouse or spouse person Rate

Female 1,743,661 199,924 500,212 925,548 15,024 10,349 10,616 45,817 30,316 5,855 1.1

0 - 4 259,330 - - 237,017 - 547 2,054 15,707 3,760 245 -

5 - 9 268,011 - - 249,309 - 1,074 2,207 12,225 2,962 234 -
10-14 245,018 - 603 224,180 - 2,420 2,956 10,876 3,458 525 -
15-19 185,406 2,752 27,942 138,024 - 2,401 1,929 5,103 5,032 2,223 .1
20-24 130,608 11,274 65,659 46,064 - 1,084 629 1,165 3,342 1,391 .9
25-29 115,304 13,846 81,421 16,223 - 638 275 368 2,005 528 1.2
30-34 109,150 17,512 81,366 7,810 2 433 172 161 1,500 194 1.6
35-39 95,921 19,282 71,341 3,454 45 266 88 107 1,259 79 2.0
40-44 71,869 18,341 50,162 1,667 210 202 45 50 1,131 61 2.6
45-49 58,558 16,891 39,462 838 386 157 44 26 709 45 2.9
50-54 56,336 21,276 32,516 512 940 225 46 22 756 43 3.8
55-59 37,490 15,415 20,111 236 1,005 152 30 3 500 38 4.1
60-64 38,934 20,555 14,919 127 2,231 196 36 2 801 67 5.3
65-69 25,805 14,863 8,127 65 1,959 131 26 2 592 40 5.8
70-74 24,387 15,436 4,458 15 3,225 199 29 - 959 66 6.3
75+ 21,534 12,481 2,125 7 5,021 224 50 - 1,550 76 5.8

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278

0 - 4 630,862 320,265 310,597 104,018 52,844 51,174 526,844 267,421 259,423

5 - 9 641,674 324,557 317,117 97,947 48,891 49,056 543,727 275,666 268,061
10-14 613,806 314,868 298,938 106,074 52,234 53,840 507,732 262,634 245,098
15-19 496,217 244,567 251,650 119,643 53,892 65,751 376,574 190,675 185,899
20-24 362,473 175,557 186,916 101,230 45,377 55,853 261,243 130,180 131,063
25-29 285,841 127,993 157,848 77,045 34,652 42,393 208,796 93,341 115,455
30-34 249,309 111,434 137,875 54,533 25,876 28,657 194,776 85,558 109,218
35-39 225,087 103,756 121,331 47,441 22,078 25,363 177,646 81,678 95,968
40-44 170,667 83,846 86,821 31,562 16,645 14,917 139,105 67,201 71,904
45-49 137,813 67,205 70,608 24,313 12,287 12,026 113,500 54,918 58,582
50-54 125,628 57,711 67,917 20,444 8,890 11,554 105,184 48,821 56,363
55-59 94,965 49,320 45,645 14,421 6,280 8,141 80,544 43,040 37,504
60-64 91,376 43,731 47,645 14,317 5,626 8,691 77,059 38,105 38,954
65-69 67,471 35,351 32,120 10,660 4,365 6,295 56,811 30,986 25,825
70-74 60,395 30,109 30,286 9,841 3,966 5,875 50,554 26,143 24,411
75-79 30,600 17,539 13,061 4,691 2,191 2,500 25,909 15,348 10,561
80-84 21,983 11,974 10,009 3,699 1,596 2,103 18,284 10,378 7,906
85-89 6,691 4,344 2,347 1,226 676 550 5,465 3,668 1,797
90-94 2,755 1,547 1,208 605 264 341 2,150 1,283 867
95+ 1,375 791 584 330 165 165 1,045 626 419


Total 736,805 368,254 368,551 107,999 49,642 58,357 628,806 318,612 310,194

0 - 4 118,131 59,826 58,305 15,189 7,586 7,603 102,942 52,240 50,702

5 - 9 109,919 55,420 54,499 13,081 6,337 6,744 96,838 49,083 47,755
10-14 100,851 51,954 48,897 13,463 6,708 6,755 87,388 45,246 42,142
15-19 79,176 39,528 39,648 13,339 5,825 7,514 65,837 33,703 32,134
20-24 65,602 31,971 33,631 12,329 4,865 7,464 53,273 27,106 26,167
25-29 51,828 23,974 27,854 9,803 4,101 5,702 42,025 19,873 22,152
30-34 44,182 20,731 23,451 7,237 3,286 3,951 36,945 17,445 19,500
35-39 39,742 19,793 19,949 6,285 2,857 3,428 33,457 16,936 16,521
40-44 30,240 15,808 14,432 4,345 2,313 2,032 25,895 13,495 12,400
45-49 22,650 11,434 11,216 3,118 1,637 1,481 19,532 9,797 9,735
50-54 20,273 9,417 10,856 2,545 1,087 1,458 17,728 8,330 9,398
55-59 14,656 7,797 6,859 1,721 748 973 12,935 7,049 5,886
60-64 13,934 6,773 7,161 1,760 631 1,129 12,174 6,142 6,032
65-69 9,733 5,204 4,529 1,367 580 787 8,366 4,624 3,742
70-74 8,376 4,298 4,078 1,182 475 707 7,194 3,823 3,371
75-79 3,730 2,182 1,548 534 260 274 3,196 1,922 1,274
80-84 2,650 1,463 1,187 452 211 241 2,198 1,252 946
85-89 717 470 247 138 80 58 579 390 189
90-94 286 142 144 72 34 38 214 108 106
95+ 129 69 60 39 21 18 90 48 42


Total 90,144 45,834 44,310 6,377 2,790 3,587 83,767 43,044 40,723

0 - 4 16,389 8,299 8,090 1,040 519 521 15,349 7,780 7,569

5 - 9 13,447 6,857 6,590 832 418 414 12,615 6,439 6,176
10-14 11,402 6,059 5,343 752 384 368 10,650 5,675 4,975
15-19 8,868 4,551 4,317 706 337 369 8,162 4,214 3,948
20-24 9,176 4,343 4,833 820 217 603 8,356 4,126 4,230
25-29 7,295 3,495 3,800 588 186 402 6,707 3,309 3,398
30-34 5,446 2,938 2,508 359 154 205 5,087 2,784 2,303
35-39 4,361 2,330 2,031 340 141 199 4,021 2,189 1,832
40-44 3,064 1,625 1,439 229 121 108 2,835 1,504 1,331
45-49 2,556 1,252 1,304 177 87 90 2,379 1,165 1,214
50-54 2,217 988 1,229 150 63 87 2,067 925 1,142
55-59 1,585 861 724 73 33 40 1,512 828 684
60-64 1,511 709 802 86 29 57 1,425 680 745
65-69 1,081 588 493 83 39 44 998 549 449
70-74 914 457 457 62 21 41 852 436 416
75-79 406 235 171 31 12 19 375 223 152
80-84 286 161 125 36 22 14 250 139 111
85-89 80 55 25 5 3 2 75 52 23
90-94 44 22 22 6 4 2 38 18 20
95+ 16 9 7 2 - 2 14 9 5

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 113,836 56,685 57,151 8,033 3,508 4,525 105,803 53,177 52,626

0 - 4 19,159 9,661 9,498 1,311 666 645 17,848 8,995 8,853

5 - 9 17,469 8,732 8,737 1,104 499 605 16,365 8,233 8,132
10-14 15,459 8,022 7,437 1,031 534 497 14,428 7,488 6,940
15-19 11,538 5,753 5,785 859 391 468 10,679 5,362 5,317
20-24 10,279 4,826 5,453 827 258 569 9,452 4,568 4,884
25-29 8,409 3,867 4,542 722 249 473 7,687 3,618 4,069
30-34 6,675 3,277 3,398 569 220 349 6,106 3,057 3,049
35-39 5,854 3,005 2,849 475 162 313 5,379 2,843 2,536
40-44 4,215 2,232 1,983 301 154 147 3,914 2,078 1,836
45-49 3,394 1,647 1,747 202 115 87 3,192 1,532 1,660
50-54 2,898 1,290 1,608 141 53 88 2,757 1,237 1,520
55-59 2,194 1,171 1,023 97 44 53 2,097 1,127 970
60-64 2,054 987 1,067 140 54 86 1,914 933 981
65-69 1,603 828 775 93 30 63 1,510 798 712
70-74 1,383 691 692 67 26 41 1,316 665 651
75-79 627 352 275 40 23 17 587 329 258
80-84 431 227 204 35 21 14 396 206 190
85-89 118 87 31 7 5 2 111 82 29
90-94 50 20 30 6 2 4 44 18 26
95+ 27 10 17 6 2 4 21 8 13


Total 125,028 61,977 63,051 10,526 4,669 5,857 114,502 57,308 57,194

0 - 4 18,332 9,398 8,934 1,442 719 723 16,890 8,679 8,211

5 - 9 18,265 9,198 9,067 1,320 629 691 16,945 8,569 8,376
10-14 17,471 8,984 8,487 1,338 674 664 16,133 8,310 7,823
15-19 13,783 6,970 6,813 1,188 512 676 12,595 6,458 6,137
20-24 9,845 5,196 4,649 999 382 617 8,846 4,814 4,032
25-29 7,260 3,333 3,927 860 338 522 6,400 2,995 3,405
30-34 7,327 2,959 4,368 773 327 446 6,554 2,632 3,922
35-39 7,341 3,345 3,996 668 278 390 6,673 3,067 3,606
40-44 5,812 2,932 2,880 484 246 238 5,328 2,686 2,642
45-49 4,339 2,028 2,311 319 156 163 4,020 1,872 2,148
50-54 4,087 1,824 2,263 263 104 159 3,824 1,720 2,104
55-59 2,887 1,489 1,398 173 60 113 2,714 1,429 1,285
60-64 2,870 1,398 1,472 212 67 145 2,658 1,331 1,327
65-69 2,045 1,078 967 170 53 117 1,875 1,025 850
70-74 1,767 924 843 153 56 97 1,614 868 746
75-79 828 490 338 74 35 39 754 455 299
80-84 553 296 257 66 23 43 487 273 214
85-89 144 98 46 12 6 6 132 92 40
90-94 50 26 24 11 4 7 39 22 17
95+ 22 11 11 1 - 1 21 11 10


Total 68,989 34,477 34,512 - - - 68,989 34,477 34,512

0 - 4 9,817 4,927 4,890 - - - 9,817 4,927 4,890

5 - 9 10,126 5,161 4,965 - - - 10,126 5,161 4,965
10-14 10,075 5,156 4,919 - - - 10,075 5,156 4,919
15-19 8,069 4,158 3,911 - - - 8,069 4,158 3,911
20-24 5,838 2,913 2,925 - - - 5,838 2,913 2,925
25-29 4,106 1,851 2,255 - - - 4,106 1,851 2,255
30-34 3,804 1,604 2,200 - - - 3,804 1,604 2,200
35-39 3,672 1,721 1,951 - - - 3,672 1,721 1,951
40-44 2,987 1,496 1,491 - - - 2,987 1,496 1,491
45-49 2,377 1,225 1,152 - - - 2,377 1,225 1,152
50-54 2,247 1,054 1,193 - - - 2,247 1,054 1,193
55-59 1,528 810 718 - - - 1,528 810 718
60-64 1,597 813 784 - - - 1,597 813 784
65-69 1,008 577 431 - - - 1,008 577 431
70-74 915 495 420 - - - 915 495 420
75-79 415 265 150 - - - 415 265 150
80-84 288 176 112 - - - 288 176 112
85-89 84 58 26 - - - 84 58 26
90-94 25 12 13 - - - 25 12 13
95+ 11 5 6 - - - 11 5 6

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 135,621 69,143 66,478 10,111 4,641 5,470 125,510 64,502 61,008

0 - 4 22,480 11,316 11,164 1,566 779 787 20,914 10,537 10,377

5 - 9 20,822 10,526 10,296 1,285 589 696 19,537 9,937 9,600
10-14 19,137 9,849 9,288 1,304 636 668 17,833 9,213 8,620
15-19 14,256 7,403 6,853 1,195 514 681 13,061 6,889 6,172
20-24 11,478 5,869 5,609 1,007 408 599 10,471 5,461 5,010
25-29 9,178 4,371 4,807 870 352 518 8,308 4,019 4,289
30-34 8,235 3,965 4,270 690 306 384 7,545 3,659 3,886
35-39 7,521 3,988 3,533 650 305 345 6,871 3,683 3,188
40-44 5,655 2,996 2,659 431 228 203 5,224 2,768 2,456
45-49 3,952 2,050 1,902 265 149 116 3,687 1,901 1,786
50-54 3,527 1,692 1,835 221 107 114 3,306 1,585 1,721
55-59 2,608 1,458 1,150 137 63 74 2,471 1,395 1,076
60-64 2,414 1,242 1,172 145 46 99 2,269 1,196 1,073
65-69 1,665 931 734 114 50 64 1,551 881 670
70-74 1,393 723 670 117 43 74 1,276 680 596
75-79 598 347 251 46 24 22 552 323 229
80-84 499 297 202 40 26 14 459 271 188
85-89 130 74 56 14 8 6 116 66 50
90-94 53 33 20 10 5 5 43 28 15
95+ 20 13 7 4 3 1 16 10 6


Total 138,858 70,108 68,750 8,623 4,004 4,619 130,235 66,104 64,131

0 - 4 23,295 11,893 11,402 1,171 571 600 22,124 11,322 10,802

5 - 9 22,281 11,269 11,012 1,031 525 506 21,250 10,744 10,506
10-14 19,455 10,027 9,428 1,186 623 563 18,269 9,404 8,865
15-19 14,384 7,101 7,283 1,113 479 634 13,271 6,622 6,649
20-24 11,158 5,581 5,577 848 357 491 10,310 5,224 5,086
25-29 9,561 4,401 5,160 744 320 424 8,817 4,081 4,736
30-34 8,424 3,959 4,465 575 250 325 7,849 3,709 4,140
35-39 7,340 3,642 3,698 499 209 290 6,841 3,433 3,408
40-44 5,995 3,157 2,838 388 194 194 5,607 2,963 2,644
45-49 4,114 2,232 1,882 237 130 107 3,877 2,102 1,775
50-54 3,769 1,915 1,854 242 106 136 3,527 1,809 1,718
55-59 2,763 1,528 1,235 150 68 82 2,613 1,460 1,153
60-64 2,477 1,240 1,237 166 51 115 2,311 1,189 1,122
65-69 1,531 843 688 107 49 58 1,424 794 630
70-74 1,310 715 595 89 36 53 1,221 679 542
75-79 549 343 206 36 16 20 513 327 186
80-84 347 198 149 29 11 18 318 187 131
85-89 65 43 22 4 3 1 61 40 21
90-94 30 13 17 5 3 2 25 10 15
95+ 10 8 2 3 3 - 7 5 2


Total 47,284 21,867 25,417 47,284 21,867 25,417 - - -

0 - 4 6,144 3,020 3,124 6,144 3,020 3,124 - - -

5 - 9 5,448 2,647 2,801 5,448 2,647 2,801 - - -
10-14 5,710 2,811 2,899 5,710 2,811 2,899 - - -
15-19 6,181 2,677 3,504 6,181 2,677 3,504 - - -
20-24 5,709 2,323 3,386 5,709 2,323 3,386 - - -
25-29 4,463 1,904 2,559 4,463 1,904 2,559 - - -
30-34 3,206 1,542 1,664 3,206 1,542 1,664 - - -
35-39 2,742 1,308 1,434 2,742 1,308 1,434 - - -
40-44 1,901 1,046 855 1,901 1,046 855 - - -
45-49 1,423 770 653 1,423 770 653 - - -
50-54 1,147 494 653 1,147 494 653 - - -
55-59 790 325 465 790 325 465 - - -
60-64 721 265 456 721 265 456 - - -
65-69 576 253 323 576 253 323 - - -
70-74 544 212 332 544 212 332 - - -
75-79 243 112 131 243 112 131 - - -
80-84 210 89 121 210 89 121 - - -
85-89 79 45 34 79 45 34 - - -
90-94 28 13 15 28 13 15 - - -
95+ 19 11 8 19 11 8 - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 17,045 8,163 8,882 17,045 8,163 8,882 - - -

0 - 4 2,515 1,312 1,203 2,515 1,312 1,203 - - -

5 - 9 2,061 1,030 1,031 2,061 1,030 1,031 - - -
10-14 2,142 1,046 1,096 2,142 1,046 1,096 - - -
15-19 2,097 915 1,182 2,097 915 1,182 - - -
20-24 2,119 920 1,199 2,119 920 1,199 - - -
25-29 1,556 752 804 1,556 752 804 - - -
30-34 1,065 487 578 1,065 487 578 - - -
35-39 911 454 457 911 454 457 - - -
40-44 611 324 287 611 324 287 - - -
45-49 495 230 265 495 230 265 - - -
50-54 381 160 221 381 160 221 - - -
55-59 301 155 146 301 155 146 - - -
60-64 290 119 171 290 119 171 - - -
65-69 224 106 118 224 106 118 - - -
70-74 150 81 69 150 81 69 - - -
75-79 64 38 26 64 38 26 - - -
80-84 36 19 17 36 19 17 - - -
85-89 17 10 7 17 10 7 - - -
90-94 6 3 3 6 3 3 - - -
95+ 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -


Total 1,245,824 613,797 632,027 176,453 81,844 94,609 1,069,371 531,953 537,418

0 - 4 181,213 91,986 89,227 23,741 12,032 11,709 157,472 79,954 77,518

5 - 9 187,626 94,718 92,908 21,565 10,817 10,748 166,061 83,901 82,160
10-14 181,756 93,178 88,578 22,342 10,964 11,378 159,414 82,214 77,200
15-19 140,418 70,341 70,077 24,543 11,125 13,418 115,875 59,216 56,659
20-24 97,398 49,100 48,298 19,646 8,684 10,962 77,752 40,416 37,336
25-29 75,195 32,215 42,980 15,193 6,096 9,097 60,002 26,119 33,883
30-34 71,071 30,213 40,858 11,367 4,888 6,479 59,704 25,325 34,379
35-39 66,864 30,754 36,110 10,265 4,694 5,571 56,599 26,060 30,539
40-44 49,009 23,766 25,243 6,351 3,403 2,948 42,658 20,363 22,295
45-49 40,327 19,066 21,261 4,803 2,461 2,342 35,524 16,605 18,919
50-54 38,029 17,123 20,906 4,035 1,716 2,319 33,994 15,407 18,587
55-59 29,361 15,351 14,010 2,774 1,150 1,624 26,587 14,201 12,386
60-64 29,059 14,241 14,818 3,088 1,137 1,951 25,971 13,104 12,867
65-69 21,446 11,558 9,888 2,336 895 1,441 19,110 10,663 8,447
70-74 19,182 9,808 9,374 2,222 832 1,390 16,960 8,976 7,984
75-79 9,056 5,204 3,852 1,021 442 579 8,035 4,762 3,273
80-84 6,162 3,517 2,645 764 301 463 5,398 3,216 2,182
85-89 1,784 1,164 620 236 135 101 1,548 1,029 519
90-94 610 360 250 111 48 63 499 312 187
95+ 258 134 124 50 24 26 208 110 98


Total 107,218 53,425 53,793 7,911 3,616 4,295 99,307 49,809 49,498

0 - 4 16,439 8,316 8,123 1,133 562 571 15,306 7,754 7,552

5 - 9 17,016 8,672 8,344 1,127 581 546 15,889 8,091 7,798
10-14 15,737 8,054 7,683 1,068 512 556 14,669 7,542 7,127
15-19 11,250 5,750 5,500 958 464 494 10,292 5,286 5,006
20-24 8,507 4,398 4,109 784 359 425 7,723 4,039 3,684
25-29 6,454 2,878 3,576 683 234 449 5,771 2,644 3,127
30-34 5,987 2,590 3,397 506 200 306 5,481 2,390 3,091
35-39 5,866 2,813 3,053 440 185 255 5,426 2,628 2,798
40-44 4,079 2,064 2,015 287 123 164 3,792 1,941 1,851
45-49 3,425 1,682 1,743 257 124 133 3,168 1,558 1,610
50-54 3,023 1,331 1,692 168 73 95 2,855 1,258 1,597
55-59 2,369 1,239 1,130 117 63 54 2,252 1,176 1,076
60-64 2,289 1,092 1,197 131 43 88 2,158 1,049 1,109
65-69 1,793 955 838 91 33 58 1,702 922 780
70-74 1,547 772 775 78 28 50 1,469 744 725
75-79 756 421 335 39 13 26 717 408 309
80-84 503 289 214 30 12 18 473 277 196
85-89 116 74 42 6 5 1 110 69 41
90-94 48 29 19 7 2 5 41 27 14
95+ 14 6 8 1 - 1 13 6 7

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 173,700 84,014 89,686 23,421 10,895 12,526 150,279 73,119 77,160

0 - 4 25,658 12,983 12,675 3,772 1,884 1,888 21,886 11,099 10,787

5 - 9 26,951 13,648 13,303 3,387 1,705 1,682 23,564 11,943 11,621
10-14 25,527 13,061 12,466 2,885 1,446 1,439 22,642 11,615 11,027
15-19 19,212 9,642 9,570 2,844 1,348 1,496 16,368 8,294 8,074
20-24 12,900 6,378 6,522 2,374 1,022 1,352 10,526 5,356 5,170
25-29 9,778 4,034 5,744 2,104 757 1,347 7,674 3,277 4,397
30-34 9,699 3,855 5,844 1,658 688 970 8,041 3,167 4,874
35-39 9,309 4,089 5,220 1,344 610 734 7,965 3,479 4,486
40-44 6,135 2,948 3,187 762 430 332 5,373 2,518 2,855
45-49 5,703 2,416 3,287 562 276 286 5,141 2,140 3,001
50-54 5,134 2,067 3,067 478 198 280 4,656 1,869 2,787
55-59 4,348 2,119 2,229 320 144 176 4,028 1,975 2,053
60-64 4,212 1,991 2,221 306 124 182 3,906 1,867 2,039
65-69 3,292 1,711 1,581 222 94 128 3,070 1,617 1,453
70-74 3,018 1,476 1,542 209 79 130 2,809 1,397 1,412
75-79 1,443 816 627 90 49 41 1,353 767 586
80-84 933 512 421 75 26 49 858 486 372
85-89 306 194 112 18 9 9 288 185 103
90-94 113 60 53 8 4 4 105 56 49
95+ 29 14 15 3 2 1 26 12 14


Total 146,104 71,659 74,445 16,525 7,585 8,940 129,579 64,074 65,505

0 - 4 21,970 11,114 10,856 2,671 1,343 1,328 19,299 9,771 9,528

5 - 9 21,845 11,099 10,746 2,363 1,178 1,185 19,482 9,921 9,561
10-14 21,745 11,147 10,598 2,267 1,129 1,138 19,478 10,018 9,460
15-19 16,788 8,456 8,332 2,297 1,106 1,191 14,491 7,350 7,141
20-24 11,197 5,715 5,482 1,524 699 825 9,673 5,016 4,657
25-29 8,290 3,365 4,925 1,302 426 876 6,988 2,939 4,049
30-34 8,099 3,303 4,796 1,069 370 699 7,030 2,933 4,097
35-39 7,870 3,491 4,379 1,019 437 582 6,851 3,054 3,797
40-44 5,423 2,566 2,857 551 293 258 4,872 2,273 2,599
45-49 4,536 2,043 2,493 363 176 187 4,173 1,867 2,306
50-54 4,440 1,914 2,526 291 115 176 4,149 1,799 2,350
55-59 3,632 1,935 1,697 201 82 119 3,431 1,853 1,578
60-64 3,418 1,696 1,722 202 76 126 3,216 1,620 1,596
65-69 2,670 1,475 1,195 153 53 100 2,517 1,422 1,095
70-74 2,141 1,088 1,053 130 43 87 2,011 1,045 966
75-79 1,005 616 389 53 30 23 952 586 366
80-84 731 431 300 48 19 29 683 412 271
85-89 217 152 65 15 5 10 202 147 55
90-94 62 38 24 5 4 1 57 34 23
95+ 25 15 10 1 1 - 24 14 10


Total 99,711 49,546 50,165 - - - 99,711 49,546 50,165

0 - 4 13,605 6,962 6,643 - - - 13,605 6,962 6,643

5 - 9 15,358 7,788 7,570 - - - 15,358 7,788 7,570
10-14 15,596 8,137 7,459 - - - 15,596 8,137 7,459
15-19 10,974 5,745 5,229 - - - 10,974 5,745 5,229
20-24 6,949 3,525 3,424 - - - 6,949 3,525 3,424
25-29 5,293 2,220 3,073 - - - 5,293 2,220 3,073
30-34 5,310 2,195 3,115 - - - 5,310 2,195 3,115
35-39 5,173 2,184 2,989 - - - 5,173 2,184 2,989
40-44 4,013 1,902 2,111 - - - 4,013 1,902 2,111
45-49 3,586 1,727 1,859 - - - 3,586 1,727 1,859
50-54 3,248 1,551 1,697 - - - 3,248 1,551 1,697
55-59 2,514 1,273 1,241 - - - 2,514 1,273 1,241
60-64 2,465 1,234 1,231 - - - 2,465 1,234 1,231
65-69 1,987 1,095 892 - - - 1,987 1,095 892
70-74 1,798 930 868 - - - 1,798 930 868
75-79 954 550 404 - - - 954 550 404
80-84 615 353 262 - - - 615 353 262
85-89 194 121 73 - - - 194 121 73
90-94 51 36 15 - - - 51 36 15
95+ 28 18 10 - - - 28 18 10

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 72,625 36,203 36,422 - - - 72,625 36,203 36,422

0 - 4 9,543 4,931 4,612 - - - 9,543 4,931 4,612

5 - 9 10,863 5,390 5,473 - - - 10,863 5,390 5,473
10-14 11,169 5,878 5,291 - - - 11,169 5,878 5,291
15-19 8,786 4,560 4,226 - - - 8,786 4,560 4,226
20-24 5,266 2,847 2,419 - - - 5,266 2,847 2,419
25-29 3,711 1,596 2,115 - - - 3,711 1,596 2,115
30-34 3,819 1,454 2,365 - - - 3,819 1,454 2,365
35-39 3,924 1,635 2,289 - - - 3,924 1,635 2,289
40-44 3,042 1,445 1,597 - - - 3,042 1,445 1,597
45-49 2,623 1,241 1,382 - - - 2,623 1,241 1,382
50-54 2,442 1,103 1,339 - - - 2,442 1,103 1,339
55-59 1,786 969 817 - - - 1,786 969 817
60-64 1,822 935 887 - - - 1,822 935 887
65-69 1,325 737 588 - - - 1,325 737 588
70-74 1,329 735 594 - - - 1,329 735 594
75-79 586 362 224 - - - 586 362 224
80-84 417 265 152 - - - 417 265 152
85-89 117 85 32 - - - 117 85 32
90-94 40 27 13 - - - 40 27 13
95+ 15 8 7 - - - 15 8 7


Total 99,122 48,623 50,499 11,187 5,244 5,943 87,935 43,379 44,556

0 - 4 13,584 6,878 6,706 1,756 903 853 11,828 5,975 5,853

5 - 9 14,866 7,422 7,444 1,638 829 809 13,228 6,593 6,635
10-14 14,623 7,417 7,206 1,527 780 747 13,096 6,637 6,459
15-19 11,430 5,783 5,647 1,252 583 669 10,178 5,200 4,978
20-24 7,778 3,925 3,853 1,006 372 634 6,772 3,553 3,219
25-29 5,715 2,361 3,354 924 320 604 4,791 2,041 2,750
30-34 5,818 2,429 3,389 799 312 487 5,019 2,117 2,902
35-39 5,659 2,565 3,094 763 363 400 4,896 2,202 2,694
40-44 4,273 2,031 2,242 449 242 207 3,824 1,789 2,035
45-49 3,359 1,588 1,771 262 136 126 3,097 1,452 1,645
50-54 3,218 1,501 1,717 230 107 123 2,988 1,394 1,594
55-59 2,193 1,192 1,001 136 73 63 2,057 1,119 938
60-64 2,340 1,190 1,150 174 75 99 2,166 1,115 1,051
65-69 1,525 828 697 92 47 45 1,433 781 652
70-74 1,519 802 717 99 52 47 1,420 750 670
75-79 598 355 243 37 23 14 561 332 229
80-84 435 239 196 26 14 12 409 225 184
85-89 129 85 44 11 10 1 118 75 43
90-94 47 28 19 6 3 3 41 25 16
95+ 13 4 9 - - - 13 4 9


Total 104,966 52,061 52,905 1,842 914 928 103,124 51,147 51,977

0 - 4 14,993 7,654 7,339 327 171 156 14,666 7,483 7,183

5 - 9 15,377 7,852 7,525 197 88 109 15,180 7,764 7,416
10-14 14,823 7,600 7,223 183 89 94 14,640 7,511 7,129
15-19 11,843 5,875 5,968 215 86 129 11,628 5,789 5,839
20-24 8,937 4,632 4,305 260 102 158 8,677 4,530 4,147
25-29 6,344 2,862 3,482 261 132 129 6,083 2,730 3,353
30-34 5,991 2,607 3,384 163 91 72 5,828 2,516 3,312
35-39 5,099 2,396 2,703 123 82 41 4,976 2,314 2,662
40-44 4,358 1,942 2,416 55 39 16 4,303 1,903 2,400
45-49 3,339 1,477 1,862 22 12 10 3,317 1,465 1,852
50-54 3,514 1,492 2,022 15 8 7 3,499 1,484 2,015
55-59 2,661 1,503 1,158 12 8 4 2,649 1,495 1,154
60-64 2,821 1,445 1,376 3 2 1 2,818 1,443 1,375
65-69 1,826 1,029 797 4 2 2 1,822 1,027 795
70-74 1,646 872 774 2 2 - 1,644 870 774
75-79 702 403 299 - - - 702 403 299
80-84 521 315 206 - - - 521 315 206
85-89 106 70 36 - - - 106 70 36
90-94 41 24 17 - - - 41 24 17
95+ 24 11 13 - - - 24 11 13

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 134,336 66,925 67,411 - - - 134,336 66,925 67,411

0 - 4 20,652 10,408 10,244 - - - 20,652 10,408 10,244

5 - 9 20,715 10,453 10,262 - - - 20,715 10,453 10,262
10-14 19,604 10,078 9,526 - - - 19,604 10,078 9,526
15-19 14,547 7,199 7,348 - - - 14,547 7,199 7,348
20-24 9,663 5,110 4,553 - - - 9,663 5,110 4,553
25-29 7,922 3,518 4,404 - - - 7,922 3,518 4,404
30-34 7,658 3,275 4,383 - - - 7,658 3,275 4,383
35-39 7,052 3,482 3,570 - - - 7,052 3,482 3,570
40-44 5,527 2,617 2,910 - - - 5,527 2,617 2,910
45-49 4,292 1,975 2,317 - - - 4,292 1,975 2,317
50-54 4,262 1,931 2,331 - - - 4,262 1,931 2,331
55-59 3,342 1,765 1,577 - - - 3,342 1,765 1,577
60-64 3,250 1,710 1,540 - - - 3,250 1,710 1,540
65-69 2,288 1,306 982 - - - 2,288 1,306 982
70-74 1,888 1,047 841 - - - 1,888 1,047 841
75-79 911 560 351 - - - 911 560 351
80-84 546 353 193 - - - 546 353 193
85-89 157 99 58 - - - 157 99 58
90-94 40 27 13 - - - 40 27 13
95+ 20 12 8 - - - 20 12 8


Total 113,595 56,955 56,640 7,270 3,335 3,935 106,325 53,620 52,705

0 - 4 17,129 8,633 8,496 1,015 508 507 16,114 8,125 7,989

5 - 9 18,392 9,241 9,151 926 475 451 17,466 8,766 8,700
10-14 17,356 9,047 8,309 1,107 542 565 16,249 8,505 7,744
15-19 11,051 5,890 5,161 929 443 486 10,122 5,447 4,675
20-24 7,062 3,524 3,538 674 278 396 6,388 3,246 3,142
25-29 6,625 2,735 3,890 554 230 324 6,071 2,505 3,566
30-34 6,772 2,888 3,884 501 174 327 6,271 2,714 3,557
35-39 6,435 2,950 3,485 437 182 255 5,998 2,768 3,230
40-44 4,700 2,282 2,418 267 151 116 4,433 2,131 2,302
45-49 3,809 2,021 1,788 188 106 82 3,621 1,915 1,706
50-54 3,629 1,864 1,765 163 71 92 3,466 1,793 1,673
55-59 2,769 1,555 1,214 117 39 78 2,652 1,516 1,136
60-64 2,550 1,263 1,287 118 47 71 2,432 1,216 1,216
65-69 1,849 1,087 762 98 32 66 1,751 1,055 696
70-74 1,715 912 803 78 25 53 1,637 887 750
75-79 862 511 351 49 14 35 813 497 316
80-84 612 363 249 28 8 20 584 355 229
85-89 175 124 51 11 6 5 164 118 46
90-94 69 47 22 7 3 4 62 44 18
95+ 34 18 16 3 1 2 31 17 14


Total 93,185 47,512 45,673 7,035 3,381 3,654 86,150 44,131 42,019

0 - 4 15,790 8,056 7,734 1,217 610 607 14,573 7,446 7,127

5 - 9 15,390 7,726 7,664 1,074 534 540 14,316 7,192 7,124
10-14 13,267 6,780 6,487 996 487 509 12,271 6,293 5,978
15-19 9,142 4,652 4,490 653 306 347 8,489 4,346 4,143
20-24 6,714 3,449 3,265 599 255 344 6,115 3,194 2,921
25-29 6,254 2,870 3,384 556 221 335 5,698 2,649 3,049
30-34 5,762 2,801 2,961 515 237 278 5,247 2,564 2,683
35-39 4,751 2,536 2,215 413 222 191 4,338 2,314 2,024
40-44 3,757 1,989 1,768 278 145 133 3,479 1,844 1,635
45-49 2,686 1,354 1,332 180 89 91 2,506 1,265 1,241
50-54 2,579 1,306 1,273 150 81 69 2,429 1,225 1,204
55-59 1,977 1,115 862 101 55 46 1,876 1,060 816
60-64 1,856 966 890 118 51 67 1,738 915 823
65-69 1,289 737 552 74 36 38 1,215 701 514
70-74 1,012 596 416 57 25 32 955 571 384
75-79 511 313 198 25 16 9 486 297 189
80-84 316 184 132 24 9 15 292 175 117
85-89 93 61 32 1 1 - 92 60 32
90-94 23 13 10 2 1 1 21 12 9
95+ 16 8 8 2 - 2 14 8 6

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 16,115 7,826 8,289 16,115 7,826 8,289 - - -

0 - 4 1,934 1,007 927 1,934 1,007 927 - - -

5 - 9 1,797 878 919 1,797 878 919 - - -
10-14 2,003 947 1,056 2,003 947 1,056 - - -
15-19 2,779 1,294 1,485 2,779 1,294 1,485 - - -
20-24 2,262 1,232 1,030 2,262 1,232 1,030 - - -
25-29 1,290 613 677 1,290 613 677 - - -
30-34 962 442 520 962 442 520 - - -
35-39 784 351 433 784 351 433 - - -
40-44 535 298 237 535 298 237 - - -
45-49 349 202 147 349 202 147 - - -
50-54 328 126 202 328 126 202 - - -
55-59 212 86 126 212 86 126 - - -
60-64 259 88 171 259 88 171 - - -
65-69 198 82 116 198 82 116 - - -
70-74 221 80 141 221 80 141 - - -
75-79 95 41 54 95 41 54 - - -
80-84 69 36 33 69 36 33 - - -
85-89 19 11 8 19 11 8 - - -
90-94 12 7 5 12 7 5 - - -
95+ 7 5 2 7 5 2 - - -


Total 40,500 18,307 22,193 40,500 18,307 22,193 - - -

0 - 4 4,705 2,392 2,313 4,705 2,392 2,313 - - -

5 - 9 4,290 2,175 2,115 4,290 2,175 2,115 - - -
10-14 4,716 2,255 2,461 4,716 2,255 2,461 - - -
15-19 6,231 2,701 3,530 6,231 2,701 3,530 - - -
20-24 5,081 2,083 2,998 5,081 2,083 2,998 - - -
25-29 3,707 1,578 2,129 3,707 1,578 2,129 - - -
30-34 2,404 1,125 1,279 2,404 1,125 1,279 - - -
35-39 2,311 1,013 1,298 2,311 1,013 1,298 - - -
40-44 1,402 724 678 1,402 724 678 - - -
45-49 1,217 622 595 1,217 622 595 - - -
50-54 1,048 429 619 1,048 429 619 - - -
55-59 675 265 410 675 265 410 - - -
60-64 843 288 555 843 288 555 - - -
65-69 639 216 423 639 216 423 - - -
70-74 626 209 417 626 209 417 - - -
75-79 283 103 180 283 103 180 - - -
80-84 209 76 133 209 76 133 - - -
85-89 79 40 39 79 40 39 - - -
90-94 25 10 15 25 10 15 - - -
95+ 9 3 6 9 3 6 - - -


Total 44,647 20,741 23,906 44,647 20,741 23,906 - - -

0 - 4 5,211 2,652 2,559 5,211 2,652 2,559 - - -

5 - 9 4,766 2,374 2,392 4,766 2,374 2,392 - - -
10-14 5,590 2,777 2,813 5,590 2,777 2,813 - - -
15-19 6,385 2,794 3,591 6,385 2,794 3,591 - - -
20-24 5,082 2,282 2,800 5,082 2,282 2,800 - - -
25-29 3,812 1,585 2,227 3,812 1,585 2,227 - - -
30-34 2,790 1,249 1,541 2,790 1,249 1,541 - - -
35-39 2,631 1,249 1,382 2,631 1,249 1,382 - - -
40-44 1,765 958 807 1,765 958 807 - - -
45-49 1,403 718 685 1,403 718 685 - - -
50-54 1,164 508 656 1,164 508 656 - - -
55-59 883 335 548 883 335 548 - - -
60-64 934 343 591 934 343 591 - - -
65-69 765 300 465 765 300 465 - - -
70-74 722 289 433 722 289 433 - - -
75-79 350 153 197 350 153 197 - - -
80-84 255 101 154 255 101 154 - - -
85-89 76 48 28 76 48 28 - - -
90-94 39 14 25 39 14 25 - - -
95+ 24 12 12 24 12 12 - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 755,343 359,638 395,705 146,064 66,321 79,743 609,279 293,317 315,962

0 - 4 104,988 53,531 51,457 19,534 9,989 9,545 85,454 43,542 41,912

5 - 9 115,700 58,521 57,179 18,851 9,377 9,474 96,849 49,144 47,705
10-14 117,337 59,826 57,511 19,638 9,695 9,943 97,699 50,131 47,568
15-19 90,802 44,040 46,762 21,900 9,830 12,070 68,902 34,210 34,692
20-24 54,654 24,729 29,925 15,153 6,195 8,958 39,501 18,534 20,967
25-29 42,680 16,814 25,866 12,029 4,583 7,446 30,651 12,231 18,420
30-34 37,421 14,535 22,886 8,983 3,677 5,306 28,438 10,858 17,580
35-39 36,441 14,435 22,006 8,061 3,423 4,638 28,380 11,012 17,368
40-44 26,145 11,880 14,265 4,866 2,459 2,407 21,279 9,421 11,858
45-49 25,713 11,367 14,346 4,070 1,926 2,144 21,643 9,441 12,202
50-54 22,272 9,529 12,743 3,165 1,330 1,835 19,107 8,199 10,908
55-59 18,323 8,895 9,428 2,220 867 1,353 16,103 8,028 8,075
60-64 18,148 8,141 10,007 2,375 851 1,524 15,773 7,290 8,483
65-69 15,065 7,498 7,567 1,802 649 1,153 13,263 6,849 6,414
70-74 13,723 6,669 7,054 1,634 636 998 12,089 6,033 6,056
75-79 7,397 4,236 3,161 806 380 426 6,591 3,856 2,735
80-84 5,426 2,980 2,446 618 271 347 4,808 2,709 2,099
85-89 1,947 1,298 649 206 107 99 1,741 1,191 550
90-94 800 481 319 97 48 49 703 433 270
95+ 361 233 128 56 28 28 305 205 100


Total 84,236 40,549 43,687 10,101 4,525 5,576 74,135 36,024 38,111

0 - 4 11,482 5,884 5,598 1,707 869 838 9,775 5,015 4,760

5 - 9 12,696 6,482 6,214 1,478 755 723 11,218 5,727 5,491
10-14 13,867 7,164 6,703 1,563 761 802 12,304 6,403 5,901
15-19 9,986 5,026 4,960 1,282 578 704 8,704 4,448 4,256
20-24 5,283 2,544 2,739 767 306 461 4,516 2,238 2,278
25-29 3,877 1,446 2,431 692 200 492 3,185 1,246 1,939
30-34 3,508 1,289 2,219 619 210 409 2,889 1,079 1,810
35-39 3,917 1,488 2,429 601 236 365 3,316 1,252 2,064
40-44 2,969 1,348 1,621 358 166 192 2,611 1,182 1,429
45-49 3,190 1,332 1,858 306 122 184 2,884 1,210 1,674
50-54 2,722 1,171 1,551 205 99 106 2,517 1,072 1,445
55-59 2,320 1,125 1,195 126 51 75 2,194 1,074 1,120
60-64 2,297 1,031 1,266 123 56 67 2,174 975 1,199
65-69 1,959 972 987 88 43 45 1,871 929 942
70-74 1,877 901 976 102 41 61 1,775 860 915
75-79 1,091 630 461 40 18 22 1,051 612 439
80-84 732 408 324 27 8 19 705 400 305
85-89 314 215 99 10 4 6 304 211 93
90-94 109 68 41 3 1 2 106 67 39
95+ 40 25 15 4 1 3 36 24 12


Total 25,471 12,412 13,059 2,091 1,008 1,083 23,380 11,404 11,976

0 - 4 3,775 1,957 1,818 316 146 170 3,459 1,811 1,648

5 - 9 4,054 2,081 1,973 282 127 155 3,772 1,954 1,818
10-14 3,871 1,970 1,901 185 94 91 3,686 1,876 1,810
15-19 3,180 1,521 1,659 415 175 240 2,765 1,346 1,419
20-24 2,068 921 1,147 277 144 133 1,791 777 1,014
25-29 1,619 673 946 231 89 142 1,388 584 804
30-34 1,107 503 604 137 80 57 970 423 547
35-39 1,083 428 655 107 59 48 976 369 607
40-44 868 380 488 51 37 14 817 343 474
45-49 801 384 417 33 27 6 768 357 411
50-54 704 300 404 21 11 10 683 289 394
55-59 569 319 250 13 9 4 556 310 246
60-64 523 275 248 9 3 6 514 272 242
65-69 419 245 174 5 3 2 414 242 172
70-74 324 166 158 2 - 2 322 166 156
75-79 196 109 87 - - - 196 109 87
80-84 167 91 76 4 3 1 163 88 75
85-89 89 58 31 2 1 1 87 57 30
90-94 35 20 15 1 - 1 34 20 14
95+ 19 11 8 - - - 19 11 8

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 139,191 65,796 73,395 18,933 8,371 10,562 120,258 57,425 62,833

0 - 4 20,141 10,277 9,864 2,842 1,445 1,397 17,299 8,832 8,467

5 - 9 21,985 11,052 10,933 2,693 1,301 1,392 19,292 9,751 9,541
10-14 21,590 11,125 10,465 2,723 1,354 1,369 18,867 9,771 9,096
15-19 16,424 7,901 8,523 2,796 1,219 1,577 13,628 6,682 6,946
20-24 9,262 4,162 5,100 1,660 671 989 7,602 3,491 4,111
25-29 7,599 2,846 4,753 1,395 459 936 6,204 2,387 3,817
30-34 6,721 2,519 4,202 1,177 416 761 5,544 2,103 3,441
35-39 6,677 2,497 4,180 1,084 440 644 5,593 2,057 3,536
40-44 4,776 2,135 2,641 643 305 338 4,133 1,830 2,303
45-49 4,888 2,155 2,733 519 237 282 4,369 1,918 2,451
50-54 4,126 1,703 2,423 343 130 213 3,783 1,573 2,210
55-59 3,131 1,526 1,605 228 88 140 2,903 1,438 1,465
60-64 3,317 1,475 1,842 272 83 189 3,045 1,392 1,653
65-69 2,787 1,374 1,413 191 67 124 2,596 1,307 1,289
70-74 2,604 1,270 1,334 193 75 118 2,411 1,195 1,216
75-79 1,373 755 618 85 38 47 1,288 717 571
80-84 1,183 631 552 63 28 35 1,120 603 517
85-89 355 237 118 17 9 8 338 228 110
90-94 177 107 70 4 3 1 173 104 69
95+ 75 49 26 5 3 2 70 46 24


Total 88,644 42,096 46,548 3,636 1,658 1,978 85,008 40,438 44,570

0 - 4 10,786 5,396 5,390 508 253 255 10,278 5,143 5,135

5 - 9 13,088 6,662 6,426 520 251 269 12,568 6,411 6,157
10-14 14,337 7,330 7,007 517 260 257 13,820 7,070 6,750
15-19 10,623 5,285 5,338 477 206 271 10,146 5,079 5,067
20-24 5,782 2,777 3,005 328 145 183 5,454 2,632 2,822
25-29 4,395 1,797 2,598 323 126 197 4,072 1,671 2,401
30-34 4,136 1,536 2,600 272 110 162 3,864 1,426 2,438
35-39 4,232 1,557 2,675 214 91 123 4,018 1,466 2,552
40-44 3,123 1,397 1,726 126 75 51 2,997 1,322 1,675
45-49 3,193 1,276 1,917 77 41 36 3,116 1,235 1,881
50-54 2,975 1,190 1,785 49 18 31 2,926 1,172 1,754
55-59 2,492 1,166 1,326 52 19 33 2,440 1,147 1,293
60-64 2,650 1,178 1,472 50 15 35 2,600 1,163 1,437
65-69 2,247 1,090 1,157 39 16 23 2,208 1,074 1,134
70-74 2,106 1,027 1,079 45 13 32 2,061 1,014 1,047
75-79 1,080 626 454 14 7 7 1,066 619 447
80-84 888 485 403 11 7 4 877 478 399
85-89 335 218 117 10 3 7 325 215 110
90-94 124 69 55 4 2 2 120 67 53
95+ 52 34 18 - - - 52 34 18


Total 117,954 56,415 61,539 7,553 3,541 4,012 110,401 52,874 57,527

0 - 4 16,508 8,388 8,120 1,093 531 562 15,415 7,857 7,558

5 - 9 18,278 9,238 9,040 1,024 549 475 17,254 8,689 8,565
10-14 19,225 9,776 9,449 1,028 523 505 18,197 9,253 8,944
15-19 13,634 6,662 6,972 1,172 555 617 12,462 6,107 6,355
20-24 7,680 3,542 4,138 730 339 391 6,950 3,203 3,747
25-29 5,691 2,163 3,528 635 224 411 5,056 1,939 3,117
30-34 6,163 2,118 4,045 552 227 325 5,611 1,891 3,720
35-39 5,932 2,366 3,566 420 200 220 5,512 2,166 3,346
40-44 4,402 2,032 2,370 261 136 125 4,141 1,896 2,245
45-49 3,902 1,764 2,138 155 82 73 3,747 1,682 2,065
50-54 3,565 1,609 1,956 98 40 58 3,467 1,569 1,898
55-59 2,930 1,490 1,440 61 23 38 2,869 1,467 1,402
60-64 2,901 1,350 1,551 88 25 63 2,813 1,325 1,488
65-69 2,497 1,309 1,188 87 23 64 2,410 1,286 1,124
70-74 2,184 1,115 1,069 68 22 46 2,116 1,093 1,023
75-79 1,210 723 487 36 19 17 1,174 704 470
80-84 790 444 346 25 14 11 765 430 335
85-89 308 222 86 11 5 6 297 217 80
90-94 105 67 38 6 3 3 99 64 35
95+ 49 37 12 3 1 2 46 36 10

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 99,708 48,645 51,063 4,808 2,166 2,642 94,900 46,479 48,421

0 - 4 14,998 7,608 7,390 760 415 345 14,238 7,193 7,045

5 - 9 16,199 8,124 8,075 659 320 339 15,540 7,804 7,736
10-14 15,618 7,989 7,629 632 320 312 14,986 7,669 7,317
15-19 11,135 5,543 5,592 607 308 299 10,528 5,235 5,293
20-24 7,045 3,299 3,746 464 138 326 6,581 3,161 3,420
25-29 5,635 2,262 3,373 391 112 279 5,244 2,150 3,094
30-34 4,803 2,011 2,792 246 92 154 4,557 1,919 2,638
35-39 4,659 2,041 2,618 256 105 151 4,403 1,936 2,467
40-44 3,420 1,549 1,871 152 80 72 3,268 1,469 1,799
45-49 3,256 1,589 1,667 107 69 38 3,149 1,520 1,629
50-54 2,786 1,309 1,477 110 54 56 2,676 1,255 1,421
55-59 2,526 1,282 1,244 85 21 64 2,441 1,261 1,180
60-64 2,237 1,040 1,197 112 33 79 2,125 1,007 1,118
65-69 1,819 1,013 806 64 20 44 1,755 993 762
70-74 1,732 863 869 87 40 47 1,645 823 822
75-79 926 560 366 41 20 21 885 540 345
80-84 577 338 239 25 12 13 552 326 226
85-89 206 138 68 6 5 1 200 133 67
90-94 84 52 32 3 1 2 81 51 30
95+ 47 35 12 1 1 - 46 34 12


Total 112,341 53,659 58,682 11,144 4,986 6,158 101,197 48,673 52,524

0 - 4 16,869 8,624 8,245 1,879 933 946 14,990 7,691 7,299

5 - 9 19,015 9,689 9,326 1,810 881 929 17,205 8,808 8,397
10-14 17,454 8,887 8,567 1,615 798 817 15,839 8,089 7,750
15-19 11,748 5,758 5,990 1,079 445 634 10,669 5,313 5,356
20-24 7,503 3,322 4,181 896 290 606 6,607 3,032 3,575
25-29 6,542 2,647 3,895 1,040 393 647 5,502 2,254 3,248
30-34 5,799 2,345 3,454 796 328 468 5,003 2,017 2,986
35-39 5,239 2,071 3,168 677 305 372 4,562 1,766 2,796
40-44 3,697 1,586 2,111 385 207 178 3,312 1,379 1,933
45-49 3,889 1,668 2,221 279 149 130 3,610 1,519 2,091
50-54 3,233 1,335 1,898 178 66 112 3,055 1,269 1,786
55-59 2,821 1,382 1,439 121 51 70 2,700 1,331 1,369
60-64 2,646 1,201 1,445 144 45 99 2,502 1,156 1,346
65-69 2,082 1,039 1,043 73 21 52 2,009 1,018 991
70-74 1,839 914 925 80 32 48 1,759 882 877
75-79 969 571 398 38 16 22 931 555 376
80-84 658 397 261 32 13 19 626 384 242
85-89 201 138 63 11 8 3 190 130 60
90-94 98 64 34 8 4 4 90 60 30
95+ 39 21 18 3 1 2 36 20 16


Total 57,588 26,010 31,578 57,588 26,010 31,578 - - -

0 - 4 6,916 3,610 3,306 6,916 3,610 3,306 - - -

5 - 9 6,835 3,436 3,399 6,835 3,436 3,399 - - -
10-14 7,362 3,619 3,743 7,362 3,619 3,743 - - -
15-19 9,128 4,088 5,040 9,128 4,088 5,040 - - -
20-24 6,344 2,514 3,830 6,344 2,514 3,830 - - -
25-29 4,798 1,884 2,914 4,798 1,884 2,914 - - -
30-34 3,407 1,421 1,986 3,407 1,421 1,986 - - -
35-39 2,966 1,258 1,708 2,966 1,258 1,708 - - -
40-44 1,889 916 973 1,889 916 973 - - -
45-49 1,757 772 985 1,757 772 985 - - -
50-54 1,586 667 919 1,586 667 919 - - -
55-59 1,084 421 663 1,084 421 663 - - -
60-64 1,094 423 671 1,094 423 671 - - -
65-69 873 321 552 873 321 552 - - -
70-74 724 286 438 724 286 438 - - -
75-79 365 166 199 365 166 199 - - -
80-84 288 128 160 288 128 160 - - -
85-89 102 49 53 102 49 53 - - -
90-94 42 17 25 42 17 25 - - -
95+ 28 14 14 28 14 14 - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 30,210 14,056 16,154 30,210 14,056 16,154 - - -

0 - 4 3,513 1,787 1,726 3,513 1,787 1,726 - - -

5 - 9 3,550 1,757 1,793 3,550 1,757 1,793 - - -
10-14 4,013 1,966 2,047 4,013 1,966 2,047 - - -
15-19 4,944 2,256 2,688 4,944 2,256 2,688 - - -
20-24 3,687 1,648 2,039 3,687 1,648 2,039 - - -
25-29 2,524 1,096 1,428 2,524 1,096 1,428 - - -
30-34 1,777 793 984 1,777 793 984 - - -
35-39 1,736 729 1,007 1,736 729 1,007 - - -
40-44 1,001 537 464 1,001 537 464 - - -
45-49 837 427 410 837 427 410 - - -
50-54 575 245 330 575 245 330 - - -
55-59 450 184 266 450 184 266 - - -
60-64 483 168 315 483 168 315 - - -
65-69 382 135 247 382 135 247 - - -
70-74 333 127 206 333 127 206 - - -
75-79 187 96 91 187 96 91 - - -
80-84 143 58 85 143 58 85 - - -
85-89 37 23 14 37 23 14 - - -
90-94 26 17 9 26 17 9 - - -
95+ 12 7 5 12 7 5 - - -


Total 1,006,504 497,280 509,224 125,787 59,328 66,459 880,717 437,952 442,765

0 - 4 145,919 73,874 72,045 13,630 6,900 6,730 132,289 66,974 65,315

5 - 9 154,937 78,553 76,384 14,507 7,248 7,259 140,430 71,305 69,125
10-14 144,118 74,732 69,386 17,601 8,831 8,770 126,517 65,901 60,616
15-19 114,996 57,672 57,324 19,513 9,322 10,191 95,483 48,350 47,133
20-24 75,585 36,688 38,897 12,715 6,108 6,607 62,870 30,580 32,290
25-29 63,208 28,303 34,905 9,726 4,540 5,186 53,482 23,763 29,719
30-34 58,946 25,715 33,231 7,364 3,304 4,060 51,582 22,411 29,171
35-39 52,210 23,388 28,822 6,775 2,845 3,930 45,435 20,543 24,892
40-44 42,988 20,120 22,868 5,232 2,404 2,828 37,756 17,716 20,040
45-49 32,504 16,369 16,135 3,625 1,675 1,950 28,879 14,694 14,185
50-54 30,676 14,624 16,052 3,611 1,447 2,164 27,065 13,177 13,888
55-59 22,954 12,178 10,776 2,587 1,043 1,544 20,367 11,135 9,232
60-64 21,769 10,503 11,266 2,725 1,026 1,699 19,044 9,477 9,567
65-69 15,084 8,055 7,029 1,825 724 1,101 13,259 7,331 5,928
70-74 14,060 6,996 7,064 2,023 813 1,210 12,037 6,183 5,854
75-79 7,969 4,641 3,328 1,023 474 549 6,946 4,167 2,779
80-84 5,760 3,119 2,641 814 381 433 4,946 2,738 2,208
85-89 1,587 1,041 546 270 145 125 1,317 896 421
90-94 765 437 328 136 55 81 629 382 247
95+ 469 272 197 85 43 42 384 229 155


Total 124,340 61,868 62,472 9,189 4,294 4,895 115,151 57,574 57,577

0 - 4 18,538 9,223 9,315 1,217 625 592 17,321 8,598 8,723

5 - 9 20,158 9,996 10,162 1,360 649 711 18,798 9,347 9,451
10-14 18,670 9,827 8,843 1,496 723 773 17,174 9,104 8,070
15-19 13,311 6,660 6,651 1,022 487 535 12,289 6,173 6,116
20-24 8,808 4,341 4,467 714 336 378 8,094 4,005 4,089
25-29 7,077 3,200 3,877 652 249 403 6,425 2,951 3,474
30-34 7,133 3,015 4,118 535 223 312 6,598 2,792 3,806
35-39 6,465 2,994 3,471 551 246 305 5,914 2,748 3,166
40-44 5,274 2,450 2,824 378 185 193 4,896 2,265 2,631
45-49 3,923 2,022 1,901 274 140 134 3,649 1,882 1,767
50-54 4,026 1,992 2,034 263 118 145 3,763 1,874 1,889
55-59 2,920 1,674 1,246 175 80 95 2,745 1,594 1,151
60-64 2,775 1,414 1,361 191 65 126 2,584 1,349 1,235
65-69 1,977 1,150 827 112 48 64 1,865 1,102 763
70-74 1,599 875 724 118 50 68 1,481 825 656
75-79 876 546 330 69 35 34 807 511 296
80-84 572 329 243 39 25 14 533 304 229
85-89 147 102 45 16 9 7 131 93 38
90-94 60 42 18 2 - 2 58 42 16
95+ 31 16 15 5 1 4 26 15 11

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 114,297 57,482 56,815 - - - 114,297 57,482 56,815

0 - 4 17,777 9,052 8,725 - - - 17,777 9,052 8,725

5 - 9 18,118 9,300 8,818 - - - 18,118 9,300 8,818
10-14 16,541 8,493 8,048 - - - 16,541 8,493 8,048
15-19 13,044 6,546 6,498 - - - 13,044 6,546 6,498
20-24 9,036 4,500 4,536 - - - 9,036 4,500 4,536
25-29 7,020 3,384 3,636 - - - 7,020 3,384 3,636
30-34 5,877 2,749 3,128 - - - 5,877 2,749 3,128
35-39 4,924 2,145 2,779 - - - 4,924 2,145 2,779
40-44 4,441 2,080 2,361 - - - 4,441 2,080 2,361
45-49 3,392 1,757 1,635 - - - 3,392 1,757 1,635
50-54 3,321 1,639 1,682 - - - 3,321 1,639 1,682
55-59 2,525 1,328 1,197 - - - 2,525 1,328 1,197
60-64 2,834 1,429 1,405 - - - 2,834 1,429 1,405
65-69 1,741 894 847 - - - 1,741 894 847
70-74 1,816 972 844 - - - 1,816 972 844
75-79 899 599 300 - - - 899 599 300
80-84 660 392 268 - - - 660 392 268
85-89 174 130 44 - - - 174 130 44
90-94 112 68 44 - - - 112 68 44
95+ 45 25 20 - - - 45 25 20


Total 153,505 75,890 77,615 11,936 5,631 6,305 141,569 70,259 71,310

0 - 4 23,051 11,725 11,326 1,405 717 688 21,646 11,008 10,638

5 - 9 24,642 12,630 12,012 1,549 772 777 23,093 11,858 11,235
10-14 22,514 11,588 10,926 1,790 917 873 20,724 10,671 10,053
15-19 16,457 8,276 8,181 1,735 857 878 14,722 7,419 7,303
20-24 10,693 5,260 5,433 1,070 488 582 9,623 4,772 4,851
25-29 8,951 3,702 5,249 873 361 512 8,078 3,341 4,737
30-34 9,520 4,087 5,433 732 303 429 8,788 3,784 5,004
35-39 7,829 3,564 4,265 659 272 387 7,170 3,292 3,878
40-44 6,357 2,981 3,376 420 201 219 5,937 2,780 3,157
45-49 4,765 2,410 2,355 356 169 187 4,409 2,241 2,168
50-54 4,541 2,204 2,337 277 113 164 4,264 2,091 2,173
55-59 3,330 1,768 1,562 237 107 130 3,093 1,661 1,432
60-64 3,479 1,624 1,855 265 92 173 3,214 1,532 1,682
65-69 2,320 1,235 1,085 180 65 115 2,140 1,170 970
70-74 2,306 1,183 1,123 201 89 112 2,105 1,094 1,011
75-79 1,338 793 545 90 51 39 1,248 742 506
80-84 943 543 400 62 33 29 881 510 371
85-89 250 183 67 22 16 6 228 167 61
90-94 139 89 50 7 4 3 132 85 47
95+ 80 45 35 6 4 2 74 41 33


Total 107,972 52,844 55,128 7,568 3,670 3,898 100,404 49,174 51,230

0 - 4 15,172 7,487 7,685 821 398 423 14,351 7,089 7,262

5 - 9 16,152 8,254 7,898 821 437 384 15,331 7,817 7,514
10-14 15,347 7,800 7,547 971 489 482 14,376 7,311 7,065
15-19 12,508 6,276 6,232 1,221 586 635 11,287 5,690 5,597
20-24 7,992 3,838 4,154 842 407 435 7,150 3,431 3,719
25-29 6,943 3,040 3,903 655 341 314 6,288 2,699 3,589
30-34 6,472 2,750 3,722 440 217 223 6,032 2,533 3,499
35-39 5,910 2,678 3,232 398 192 206 5,512 2,486 3,026
40-44 4,731 2,181 2,550 300 139 161 4,431 2,042 2,389
45-49 3,704 1,905 1,799 195 89 106 3,509 1,816 1,693
50-54 3,239 1,500 1,739 203 80 123 3,036 1,420 1,616
55-59 2,519 1,300 1,219 180 72 108 2,339 1,228 1,111
60-64 2,285 1,086 1,199 141 47 94 2,144 1,039 1,105
65-69 1,731 967 764 125 56 69 1,606 911 695
70-74 1,506 740 766 114 48 66 1,392 692 700
75-79 886 520 366 62 28 34 824 492 332
80-84 629 353 276 57 33 24 572 320 252
85-89 162 111 51 12 7 5 150 104 46
90-94 49 33 16 6 1 5 43 32 11
95+ 35 25 10 4 3 1 31 22 9

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 84,739 42,052 42,687 2,986 1,278 1,708 81,753 40,774 40,979

0 - 4 12,257 6,247 6,010 372 167 205 11,885 6,080 5,805

5 - 9 13,037 6,624 6,413 373 184 189 12,664 6,440 6,224
10-14 12,521 6,715 5,806 406 219 187 12,115 6,496 5,619
15-19 9,480 4,835 4,645 344 171 173 9,136 4,664 4,472
20-24 6,019 2,926 3,093 230 84 146 5,789 2,842 2,947
25-29 5,104 2,190 2,914 192 77 115 4,912 2,113 2,799
30-34 4,935 2,062 2,873 140 57 83 4,795 2,005 2,790
35-39 4,645 2,022 2,623 166 55 111 4,479 1,967 2,512
40-44 3,781 1,710 2,071 145 41 104 3,636 1,669 1,967
45-49 3,072 1,558 1,514 100 48 52 2,972 1,510 1,462
50-54 2,672 1,307 1,365 111 32 79 2,561 1,275 1,286
55-59 2,023 1,138 885 98 30 68 1,925 1,108 817
60-64 1,671 807 864 106 38 68 1,565 769 796
65-69 1,142 627 515 58 17 41 1,084 610 474
70-74 1,041 527 514 70 29 41 971 498 473
75-79 628 353 275 24 7 17 604 346 258
80-84 471 255 216 33 14 19 438 241 197
85-89 135 86 49 12 7 5 123 79 44
90-94 77 47 30 5 1 4 72 46 26
95+ 28 16 12 1 - 1 27 16 11


Total 135,870 67,687 68,183 16,056 7,626 8,430 119,814 60,061 59,753

0 - 4 21,035 10,769 10,266 2,068 1,096 972 18,967 9,673 9,294

5 - 9 22,561 11,452 11,109 2,044 996 1,048 20,517 10,456 10,061
10-14 18,561 9,834 8,727 2,156 1,080 1,076 16,405 8,754 7,651
15-19 14,342 7,169 7,173 2,250 1,078 1,172 12,092 6,091 6,001
20-24 10,043 4,654 5,389 1,498 680 818 8,545 3,974 4,571
25-29 9,356 4,284 5,072 1,390 663 727 7,966 3,621 4,345
30-34 8,368 3,884 4,484 1,059 490 569 7,309 3,394 3,915
35-39 6,740 3,104 3,636 824 352 472 5,916 2,752 3,164
40-44 6,038 2,968 3,070 676 327 349 5,362 2,641 2,721
45-49 3,859 1,965 1,894 427 199 228 3,432 1,766 1,666
50-54 4,039 1,918 2,121 462 173 289 3,577 1,745 1,832
55-59 2,694 1,469 1,225 267 122 145 2,427 1,347 1,080
60-64 2,707 1,301 1,406 311 129 182 2,396 1,172 1,224
65-69 1,697 922 775 182 66 116 1,515 856 659
70-74 1,692 831 861 191 72 119 1,501 759 742
75-79 889 505 384 121 52 69 768 453 315
80-84 819 416 403 73 26 47 746 390 356
85-89 207 124 83 27 16 11 180 108 72
90-94 125 62 63 20 5 15 105 57 48
95+ 98 56 42 10 4 6 88 52 36


Total 85,403 42,483 42,920 4,563 2,133 2,430 80,840 40,350 40,490

0 - 4 12,566 6,375 6,191 579 267 312 11,987 6,108 5,879

5 - 9 13,076 6,563 6,513 567 272 295 12,509 6,291 6,218
10-14 11,788 6,184 5,604 605 313 292 11,183 5,871 5,312
15-19 9,810 5,049 4,761 576 265 311 9,234 4,784 4,450
20-24 6,734 3,299 3,435 473 238 235 6,261 3,061 3,200
25-29 5,721 2,705 3,016 355 163 192 5,366 2,542 2,824
30-34 4,617 2,143 2,474 271 123 148 4,346 2,020 2,326
35-39 4,285 1,919 2,366 231 100 131 4,054 1,819 2,235
40-44 3,616 1,617 1,999 211 90 121 3,405 1,527 1,878
45-49 2,907 1,427 1,480 161 68 93 2,746 1,359 1,387
50-54 2,626 1,250 1,376 140 46 94 2,486 1,204 1,282
55-59 2,072 1,110 962 115 49 66 1,957 1,061 896
60-64 1,739 890 849 103 55 48 1,636 835 801
65-69 1,322 686 636 63 36 27 1,259 650 609
70-74 1,164 543 621 56 22 34 1,108 521 587
75-79 677 361 316 26 10 16 651 351 300
80-84 444 221 223 20 11 9 424 210 214
85-89 145 90 55 5 4 1 140 86 54
90-94 44 24 20 1 - 1 43 24 19
95+ 50 27 23 5 1 4 45 26 19

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 126,889 62,278 64,611 - - - 126,889 62,278 64,611

0 - 4 18,355 9,366 8,989 - - - 18,355 9,366 8,989

5 - 9 19,400 9,796 9,604 - - - 19,400 9,796 9,604
10-14 17,999 9,201 8,798 - - - 17,999 9,201 8,798
15-19 13,679 6,983 6,696 - - - 13,679 6,983 6,696
20-24 8,372 3,995 4,377 - - - 8,372 3,995 4,377
25-29 7,427 3,112 4,315 - - - 7,427 3,112 4,315
30-34 7,837 3,134 4,703 - - - 7,837 3,134 4,703
35-39 7,466 3,334 4,132 - - - 7,466 3,334 4,132
40-44 5,648 2,712 2,936 - - - 5,648 2,712 2,936
45-49 4,770 2,363 2,407 - - - 4,770 2,363 2,407
50-54 4,057 1,929 2,128 - - - 4,057 1,929 2,128
55-59 3,356 1,808 1,548 - - - 3,356 1,808 1,548
60-64 2,671 1,352 1,319 - - - 2,671 1,352 1,319
65-69 2,049 1,138 911 - - - 2,049 1,138 911
70-74 1,663 822 841 - - - 1,663 822 841
75-79 1,145 673 472 - - - 1,145 673 472
80-84 692 371 321 - - - 692 371 321
85-89 191 129 62 - - - 191 129 62
90-94 64 28 36 - - - 64 28 36
95+ 48 32 16 - - - 48 32 16


Total 23,419 11,024 12,395 23,419 11,024 12,395 - - -

0 - 4 2,185 1,123 1,062 2,185 1,123 1,062 - - -

5 - 9 2,466 1,273 1,193 2,466 1,273 1,193 - - -
10-14 3,052 1,563 1,489 3,052 1,563 1,489 - - -
15-19 4,031 1,845 2,186 4,031 1,845 2,186 - - -
20-24 2,717 1,256 1,461 2,717 1,256 1,461 - - -
25-29 1,905 916 989 1,905 916 989 - - -
30-34 1,342 608 734 1,342 608 734 - - -
35-39 1,266 558 708 1,266 558 708 - - -
40-44 957 455 502 957 455 502 - - -
45-49 695 329 366 695 329 366 - - -
50-54 654 271 383 654 271 383 - - -
55-59 447 161 286 447 161 286 - - -
60-64 510 189 321 510 189 321 - - -
65-69 334 119 215 334 119 215 - - -
70-74 420 164 256 420 164 256 - - -
75-79 179 77 102 179 77 102 - - -
80-84 160 63 97 160 63 97 - - -
85-89 56 32 24 56 32 24 - - -
90-94 25 11 14 25 11 14 - - -
95+ 18 11 7 18 11 7 - - -


Total 16,856 7,532 9,324 16,856 7,532 9,324 - - -

0 - 4 1,655 818 837 1,655 818 837 - - -

5 - 9 1,832 923 909 1,832 923 909 - - -
10-14 2,417 1,195 1,222 2,417 1,195 1,222 - - -
15-19 2,855 1,288 1,567 2,855 1,288 1,567 - - -
20-24 1,646 749 897 1,646 749 897 - - -
25-29 1,104 493 611 1,104 493 611 - - -
30-34 888 351 537 888 351 537 - - -
35-39 944 345 599 944 345 599 - - -
40-44 760 306 454 760 306 454 - - -
45-49 497 216 281 497 216 281 - - -
50-54 535 192 343 535 192 343 - - -
55-59 395 142 253 395 142 253 - - -
60-64 384 130 254 384 130 254 - - -
65-69 266 100 166 266 100 166 - - -
70-74 289 114 175 289 114 175 - - -
75-79 167 77 90 167 77 90 - - -
80-84 140 56 84 140 56 84 - - -
85-89 46 21 25 46 21 25 - - -
90-94 21 9 12 21 9 12 - - -
95+ 15 7 8 15 7 8 - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 33,214 16,140 17,074 33,214 16,140 17,074 - - -

0 - 4 3,328 1,689 1,639 3,328 1,689 1,639 - - -

5 - 9 3,495 1,742 1,753 3,495 1,742 1,753 - - -
10-14 4,708 2,332 2,376 4,708 2,332 2,376 - - -
15-19 5,479 2,745 2,734 5,479 2,745 2,734 - - -
20-24 3,525 1,870 1,655 3,525 1,870 1,655 - - -
25-29 2,600 1,277 1,323 2,600 1,277 1,323 - - -
30-34 1,957 932 1,025 1,957 932 1,025 - - -
35-39 1,736 725 1,011 1,736 725 1,011 - - -
40-44 1,385 660 725 1,385 660 725 - - -
45-49 920 417 503 920 417 503 - - -
50-54 966 422 544 966 422 544 - - -
55-59 673 280 393 673 280 393 - - -
60-64 714 281 433 714 281 433 - - -
65-69 505 217 288 505 217 288 - - -
70-74 564 225 339 564 225 339 - - -
75-79 285 137 148 285 137 148 - - -
80-84 230 120 110 230 120 110 - - -
85-89 74 33 41 74 33 41 - - -
90-94 49 24 25 49 24 25 - - -
95+ 21 12 9 21 12 9 - - -


Total 356,598 182,571 174,027 71,823 36,735 35,088 284,775 145,836 138,939

0 - 4 58,213 29,640 28,573 9,526 4,929 4,597 48,687 24,711 23,976

5 - 9 51,759 26,380 25,379 8,210 4,147 4,063 43,549 22,233 21,316
10-14 44,458 22,969 21,489 7,744 3,827 3,917 36,714 19,142 17,572
15-19 39,101 18,896 20,205 8,624 3,700 4,924 30,477 15,196 15,281
20-24 36,926 17,713 19,213 9,079 4,169 4,910 27,847 13,544 14,303
25-29 30,266 15,507 14,759 7,630 4,152 3,478 22,636 11,355 11,281
30-34 23,495 12,560 10,935 5,388 3,041 2,347 18,107 9,519 8,588
35-39 18,029 9,423 8,606 4,254 2,296 1,958 13,775 7,127 6,648
40-44 14,572 8,042 6,530 3,055 1,836 1,219 11,517 6,206 5,311
45-49 10,369 5,833 4,536 2,447 1,452 995 7,922 4,381 3,541
50-54 9,194 4,699 4,495 1,904 991 913 7,290 3,708 3,582
55-59 5,897 3,414 2,483 1,345 787 558 4,552 2,627 1,925
60-64 5,092 2,626 2,466 995 534 461 4,097 2,092 2,005
65-69 3,554 1,932 1,622 741 413 328 2,813 1,519 1,294
70-74 2,735 1,367 1,368 461 239 222 2,274 1,128 1,146
75-79 1,333 750 583 192 109 83 1,141 641 500
80-84 1,079 525 554 145 62 83 934 463 471
85-89 331 195 136 51 33 18 280 162 118
90-94 123 57 66 18 9 9 105 48 57
95+ 72 43 29 14 9 5 58 34 24


Total 92,167 47,909 44,258 30,234 15,550 14,684 61,933 32,359 29,574

0 - 4 15,171 7,759 7,412 4,130 2,187 1,943 11,041 5,572 5,469

5 - 9 12,780 6,544 6,236 3,804 1,920 1,884 8,976 4,624 4,352
10-14 10,517 5,363 5,154 3,465 1,714 1,751 7,052 3,649 3,403
15-19 9,469 4,514 4,955 3,373 1,542 1,831 6,096 2,972 3,124
20-24 10,038 4,522 5,516 3,285 1,502 1,783 6,753 3,020 3,733
25-29 8,873 4,594 4,279 2,871 1,476 1,395 6,002 3,118 2,884
30-34 6,746 3,825 2,921 2,190 1,117 1,073 4,556 2,708 1,848
35-39 5,075 2,790 2,285 1,852 896 956 3,223 1,894 1,329
40-44 3,830 2,332 1,498 1,460 897 563 2,370 1,435 935
45-49 2,932 1,816 1,116 1,262 780 482 1,670 1,036 634
50-54 2,289 1,271 1,018 907 503 404 1,382 768 614
55-59 1,541 964 577 668 426 242 873 538 335
60-64 1,140 639 501 408 243 165 732 396 336
65-69 740 424 316 279 177 102 461 247 214
70-74 536 284 252 170 99 71 366 185 181
75-79 217 132 85 54 39 15 163 93 70
80-84 183 87 96 35 17 18 148 70 78
85-89 57 34 23 16 12 4 41 22 19
90-94 17 7 10 - - - 17 7 10
95+ 16 8 8 5 3 2 11 5 6

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 138,926 70,504 68,422 10,758 5,225 5,533 128,168 65,279 62,889

0 - 4 23,536 11,914 11,622 1,713 854 859 21,823 11,060 10,763

5 - 9 21,529 10,894 10,635 1,448 726 722 20,081 10,168 9,913
10-14 18,547 9,645 8,902 1,358 669 689 17,189 8,976 8,213
15-19 15,260 7,663 7,597 1,292 558 734 13,968 7,105 6,863
20-24 12,878 6,405 6,473 1,114 560 554 11,764 5,845 5,919
25-29 10,034 4,987 5,047 880 431 449 9,154 4,556 4,598
30-34 8,592 4,466 4,126 742 405 337 7,850 4,061 3,789
35-39 6,479 3,306 3,173 581 276 305 5,898 3,030 2,868
40-44 5,661 2,851 2,810 397 193 204 5,264 2,658 2,606
45-49 3,769 1,939 1,830 275 141 134 3,494 1,798 1,696
50-54 3,774 1,760 2,014 270 105 165 3,504 1,655 1,849
55-59 2,327 1,301 1,026 191 94 97 2,136 1,207 929
60-64 2,279 1,130 1,149 171 68 103 2,108 1,062 1,046
65-69 1,524 835 689 105 48 57 1,419 787 632
70-74 1,300 650 650 103 48 55 1,197 602 595
75-79 624 352 272 48 23 25 576 329 247
80-84 556 269 287 42 13 29 514 256 258
85-89 158 88 70 16 8 8 142 80 62
90-94 65 31 34 8 4 4 57 27 30
95+ 34 18 16 4 1 3 30 17 13


Total 103,852 52,763 51,089 9,178 4,565 4,613 94,674 48,198 46,476

0 - 4 17,250 8,840 8,410 1,427 761 666 15,823 8,079 7,744

5 - 9 15,620 8,021 7,599 1,128 580 548 14,492 7,441 7,051
10-14 13,427 6,997 6,430 954 480 474 12,473 6,517 5,956
15-19 11,454 5,488 5,966 1,041 369 672 10,413 5,119 5,294
20-24 10,567 5,161 5,406 1,237 482 755 9,330 4,679 4,651
25-29 8,615 4,272 4,343 1,135 591 544 7,480 3,681 3,799
30-34 6,405 3,153 3,252 704 403 301 5,701 2,750 2,951
35-39 5,211 2,505 2,706 557 302 255 4,654 2,203 2,451
40-44 4,249 2,339 1,910 366 226 140 3,883 2,113 1,770
45-49 2,984 1,694 1,290 226 147 79 2,758 1,547 1,211
50-54 2,554 1,371 1,183 150 86 64 2,404 1,285 1,119
55-59 1,620 931 689 77 49 28 1,543 882 661
60-64 1,328 672 656 71 38 33 1,257 634 623
65-69 981 511 470 48 26 22 933 485 448
70-74 738 352 386 27 11 16 711 341 370
75-79 418 228 190 16 9 7 402 219 183
80-84 285 141 144 13 4 9 272 137 135
85-89 98 61 37 1 1 - 97 60 37
90-94 31 14 17 - - - 31 14 17
95+ 17 12 5 - - - 17 12 5


Total 21,653 11,395 10,258 21,653 11,395 10,258 - - -

0 - 4 2,256 1,127 1,129 2,256 1,127 1,129 - - -

5 - 9 1,830 921 909 1,830 921 909 - - -
10-14 1,967 964 1,003 1,967 964 1,003 - - -
15-19 2,918 1,231 1,687 2,918 1,231 1,687 - - -
20-24 3,443 1,625 1,818 3,443 1,625 1,818 - - -
25-29 2,744 1,654 1,090 2,744 1,654 1,090 - - -
30-34 1,752 1,116 636 1,752 1,116 636 - - -
35-39 1,264 822 442 1,264 822 442 - - -
40-44 832 520 312 832 520 312 - - -
45-49 684 384 300 684 384 300 - - -
50-54 577 297 280 577 297 280 - - -
55-59 409 218 191 409 218 191 - - -
60-64 345 185 160 345 185 160 - - -
65-69 309 162 147 309 162 147 - - -
70-74 161 81 80 161 81 80 - - -
75-79 74 38 36 74 38 36 - - -
80-84 55 28 27 55 28 27 - - -
85-89 18 12 6 18 12 6 - - -
90-94 10 5 5 10 5 5 - - -
95+ 5 5 - 5 5 - - - -

Table 2.8 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups to 95+: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 215,914 104,925 110,989 215,914 104,925 110,989 - - -

0 - 4 22,398 11,408 10,990 22,398 11,408 10,990 - - -

5 - 9 21,733 10,965 10,768 21,733 10,965 10,768 - - -
10-14 25,286 12,209 13,077 25,286 12,209 13,077 - - -
15-19 31,724 14,090 17,634 31,724 14,090 17,634 - - -
20-24 32,308 15,356 16,952 32,308 15,356 16,952 - - -
25-29 22,664 11,180 11,484 22,664 11,180 11,484 - - -
30-34 14,194 7,680 6,514 14,194 7,680 6,514 - - -
35-39 11,801 5,963 5,838 11,801 5,963 5,838 - - -
40-44 7,713 4,230 3,483 7,713 4,230 3,483 - - -
45-49 6,250 3,136 3,114 6,250 3,136 3,114 - - -
50-54 5,184 2,319 2,865 5,184 2,319 2,865 - - -
55-59 3,774 1,685 2,089 3,774 1,685 2,089 - - -
60-64 3,374 1,447 1,927 3,374 1,447 1,927 - - -
65-69 2,589 1,104 1,485 2,589 1,104 1,485 - - -
70-74 2,319 971 1,348 2,319 971 1,348 - - -
75-79 1,115 526 589 1,115 526 589 - - -
80-84 906 370 536 906 370 536 - - -
85-89 325 176 149 325 176 149 - - -
90-94 171 70 101 171 70 101 - - -
95+ 86 40 46 86 40 46 - - -


Total 92,104 44,153 47,951 92,104 44,153 47,951 - - -

0 - 4 8,845 4,475 4,370 8,845 4,475 4,370 - - -

5 - 9 8,716 4,354 4,362 8,716 4,354 4,362 - - -
10-14 10,472 4,982 5,490 10,472 4,982 5,490 - - -
15-19 14,217 6,360 7,857 14,217 6,360 7,857 - - -
20-24 15,433 7,599 7,834 15,433 7,599 7,834 - - -
25-29 9,475 4,563 4,912 9,475 4,563 4,912 - - -
30-34 5,773 3,043 2,730 5,773 3,043 2,730 - - -
35-39 4,767 2,229 2,538 4,767 2,229 2,538 - - -
40-44 3,304 1,712 1,592 3,304 1,712 1,592 - - -
45-49 2,647 1,256 1,391 2,647 1,256 1,391 - - -
50-54 2,245 987 1,258 2,245 987 1,258 - - -
55-59 1,617 713 904 1,617 713 904 - - -
60-64 1,403 586 817 1,403 586 817 - - -
65-69 1,107 445 662 1,107 445 662 - - -
70-74 981 381 600 981 381 600 - - -
75-79 479 208 271 479 208 271 - - -
80-84 392 153 239 392 153 239 - - -
85-89 138 71 67 138 71 67 - - -
90-94 62 25 37 62 25 37 - - -
95+ 31 11 20 31 11 20 - - -


Total 123,810 60,772 63,038 123,810 60,772 63,038 - - -

0 - 4 13,553 6,933 6,620 13,553 6,933 6,620 - - -

5 - 9 13,017 6,611 6,406 13,017 6,611 6,406 - - -
10-14 14,814 7,227 7,587 14,814 7,227 7,587 - - -
15-19 17,507 7,730 9,777 17,507 7,730 9,777 - - -
20-24 16,875 7,757 9,118 16,875 7,757 9,118 - - -
25-29 13,189 6,617 6,572 13,189 6,617 6,572 - - -
30-34 8,421 4,637 3,784 8,421 4,637 3,784 - - -
35-39 7,034 3,734 3,300 7,034 3,734 3,300 - - -
40-44 4,409 2,518 1,891 4,409 2,518 1,891 - - -
45-49 3,603 1,880 1,723 3,603 1,880 1,723 - - -
50-54 2,939 1,332 1,607 2,939 1,332 1,607 - - -
55-59 2,157 972 1,185 2,157 972 1,185 - - -
60-64 1,971 861 1,110 1,971 861 1,110 - - -
65-69 1,482 659 823 1,482 659 823 - - -
70-74 1,338 590 748 1,338 590 748 - - -
75-79 636 318 318 636 318 318 - - -
80-84 514 217 297 514 217 297 - - -
85-89 187 105 82 187 105 82 - - -
90-94 109 45 64 109 45 64 - - -
95+ 55 29 26 55 29 26 - - -

Table 2.9 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Single Years of Age: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------
Both Both Both
Single Age Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278
0 119,603 60,449 59,154 19,489 9,868 9,621 100,114 50,581 49,533
1 113,812 57,829 55,983 19,557 10,049 9,508 94,255 47,780 46,475
2 128,436 65,405 63,031 21,415 10,868 10,547 107,021 54,537 52,484
3 136,531 68,748 67,783 22,020 11,136 10,884 114,511 57,612 56,899
4 132,480 67,834 64,646 21,537 10,923 10,614 110,943 56,911 54,032
5 136,052 68,368 67,684 21,215 10,507 10,708 114,837 57,861 56,976
6 128,829 66,127 62,702 18,311 9,224 9,087 110,518 56,903 53,615
7 129,150 64,836 64,314 19,207 9,565 9,642 109,943 55,271 54,672
8 122,321 62,557 59,764 18,843 9,454 9,389 103,478 53,103 50,375
9 125,322 62,669 62,653 20,371 10,141 10,230 104,951 52,528 52,423
10 150,955 77,231 73,724 23,555 11,724 11,831 127,400 65,507 61,893
11 101,121 51,042 50,079 17,643 8,687 8,956 83,478 42,355 41,123
12 134,274 69,462 64,812 22,937 11,457 11,480 111,337 58,005 53,332
13 119,263 60,826 58,437 21,154 10,240 10,914 98,109 50,586 47,523
14 108,193 56,307 51,886 20,785 10,126 10,659 87,408 46,181 41,227
15 109,880 55,527 54,353 20,628 9,658 10,970 89,252 45,869 43,383
16 101,076 51,624 49,452 22,524 10,400 12,124 78,552 41,224 37,328
17 79,711 40,765 38,946 19,708 9,103 10,605 60,003 31,662 28,341
18 132,016 61,041 70,975 35,770 15,494 20,276 96,246 45,547 50,699
19 73,534 35,610 37,924 21,013 9,237 11,776 52,521 26,373 26,148
20 130,251 59,130 71,121 35,486 15,255 20,231 94,765 43,875 50,890
21 45,800 22,678 23,122 13,534 6,176 7,358 32,266 16,502 15,764
22 84,195 41,187 43,008 22,913 10,136 12,777 61,282 31,051 30,231
23 51,859 26,488 25,371 15,266 7,094 8,172 36,593 19,394 17,199
24 50,368 26,074 24,294 14,031 6,716 7,315 36,337 19,358 16,979
25 91,702 39,901 51,801 26,217 11,261 14,956 65,485 28,640 36,845
26 46,778 22,660 24,118 12,245 5,730 6,515 34,533 16,930 17,603
27 46,700 21,527 25,173 13,443 6,110 7,333 33,257 15,417 17,840
28 72,166 30,592 41,574 17,908 8,062 9,846 54,258 22,530 31,728
29 28,495 13,313 15,182 7,232 3,489 3,743 21,263 9,824 11,439
30 125,823 50,589 75,234 29,622 13,209 16,413 96,201 37,380 58,821
31 22,751 10,989 11,762 4,402 2,242 2,160 18,349 8,747 9,602
32 44,875 21,515 23,360 9,947 5,005 4,942 34,928 16,510 18,418
33 31,252 15,660 15,592 5,990 2,969 3,021 25,262 12,691 12,571
34 24,608 12,681 11,927 4,572 2,451 2,121 20,036 10,230 9,806
35 88,442 36,661 51,781 21,247 9,665 11,582 67,195 26,996 40,199
36 35,936 17,592 18,344 6,281 3,032 3,249 29,655 14,560 15,095
37 33,558 16,526 17,032 6,987 3,181 3,806 26,571 13,345 13,226
38 48,806 23,007 25,799 9,496 4,423 5,073 39,310 18,584 20,726
39 18,345 9,970 8,375 3,430 1,777 1,653 14,915 8,193 6,722
40 100,150 44,158 55,992 19,896 9,713 10,183 80,254 34,445 45,809
41 13,089 7,410 5,679 2,102 1,264 838 10,987 6,146 4,841
42 27,531 15,112 12,419 4,869 2,861 2,008 22,662 12,251 10,411
43 17,608 9,866 7,742 2,946 1,756 1,190 14,662 8,110 6,552
44 12,289 7,300 4,989 1,749 1,051 698 10,540 6,249 4,291
45 62,740 28,134 34,606 13,045 6,365 6,680 49,695 21,769 27,926
46 18,694 10,152 8,542 2,732 1,513 1,219 15,962 8,639 7,323
47 16,352 8,433 7,919 2,717 1,398 1,319 13,635 7,035 6,600
48 29,693 14,703 14,990 4,374 2,233 2,141 25,319 12,470 12,849
49 10,334 5,783 4,551 1,445 778 667 8,889 5,005 3,884
50 76,710 31,200 45,510 13,703 5,378 8,325 63,007 25,822 37,185
51 9,461 5,077 4,384 1,269 673 596 8,192 4,404 3,788
52 16,968 9,042 7,926 2,421 1,258 1,163 14,547 7,784 6,763
53 11,795 6,558 5,237 1,671 854 817 10,124 5,704 4,420
54 10,694 5,834 4,860 1,380 727 653 9,314 5,107 4,207
55 41,034 18,974 22,060 7,377 2,948 4,429 33,657 16,026 17,631
56 17,561 9,926 7,635 2,341 1,080 1,261 15,220 8,846 6,374
57 14,212 7,892 6,320 2,051 967 1,084 12,161 6,925 5,236
58 16,425 8,982 7,443 2,015 936 1,079 14,410 8,046 6,364
59 5,733 3,546 2,187 637 349 288 5,096 3,197 1,899
60 60,678 26,039 34,639 10,266 3,663 6,603 50,412 22,376 28,036

Table 2.9 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Single Years of Age: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------
Both Both Both
Single Age Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

61 5,137 2,801 2,336 602 277 325 4,535 2,524 2,011
62 9,647 5,534 4,113 1,327 674 653 8,320 4,860 3,460
63 8,631 5,132 3,499 1,187 567 620 7,444 4,565 2,879
64 7,283 4,225 3,058 935 445 490 6,348 3,780 2,568
65 30,328 14,418 15,910 5,554 2,212 3,342 24,774 12,206 12,568
66 13,274 7,501 5,773 1,859 766 1,093 11,415 6,735 4,680
67 9,444 5,501 3,943 1,440 625 815 8,004 4,876 3,128
68 10,491 5,676 4,815 1,346 555 791 9,145 5,121 4,024
69 3,934 2,255 1,679 461 207 254 3,473 2,048 1,425
70 37,813 16,859 20,954 6,760 2,423 4,337 31,053 14,436 16,617
71 5,910 3,044 2,866 803 357 446 5,107 2,687 2,420
72 7,265 4,271 2,994 984 520 464 6,281 3,751 2,530
73 5,370 3,354 2,016 726 384 342 4,644 2,970 1,674
74 4,037 2,581 1,456 568 282 286 3,469 2,299 1,170
75 13,766 7,088 6,678 2,276 982 1,294 11,490 6,106 5,384
76 4,838 2,963 1,875 679 329 350 4,159 2,634 1,525
77 4,399 2,711 1,688 695 330 365 3,704 2,381 1,323
78 5,837 3,611 2,226 807 415 392 5,030 3,196 1,834
79 1,760 1,166 594 234 135 99 1,526 1,031 495
80 15,937 7,974 7,963 2,882 1,135 1,747 13,055 6,839 6,216
81 1,429 878 551 188 95 93 1,241 783 458
82 1,973 1,282 691 270 155 115 1,703 1,127 576
83 1,515 1,045 470 209 124 85 1,306 921 385
84 1,129 795 334 150 87 63 979 708 271
85 3,179 1,887 1,292 650 318 332 2,529 1,569 960
86 1,225 871 354 180 115 65 1,045 756 289
87 901 616 285 151 85 66 750 531 219
88 877 618 259 153 99 54 724 519 205
89 509 352 157 92 59 33 417 293 124
90 1,933 1,024 909 434 158 276 1,499 866 633
91 196 131 65 41 27 14 155 104 51
92 218 126 92 48 33 15 170 93 77
93 240 156 84 46 23 23 194 133 61
94 168 110 58 36 23 13 132 87 45
95 441 238 203 123 51 72 318 187 131
96 192 132 60 44 27 17 148 105 43
97+ 742 421 321 163 87 76 579 334 245

Chapter III

Ethnic Group, Mother Tongue, Religion and Marital Status

In the 2007 Census, “Ethnic identity” of respondents was obtained through the
question “What is (NAME’S) ethnic group?” Ethnic group (nation/nationality) of a
person is traced through his/her national or tribal origin. A detailed list of ethnic
groups in the country was obtained from the House of Federation. Codes for the
ethnic groups were entered from these lists, which were attached in the
enumerator’s manual.

“Mother Tongue” of respondents was identified by asking the question “What is

(NAME’S) mother tongue?” Mother tongue is the language used by the
respondent for communication with his/her family members or guardians during
his/her childhood. Detailed lists of the names & codes of the country’s languages
were provided to the enumerators in their instruction manuals. Similar types of
questions were used for both the 1994 & 2007 census, except that during the
1994 census question about the most frequently used additional language of
respondents was asked in addition to mother tongue & ethnic group.

The question on “Religion” was asked to all persons as “What is (NAME’S)

religion?” The possible answers were categorized under the following six groups:
Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic, Muslim/Islam, Traditional & Other. Orthodox
Christianity includes the “Tewahido”, “Kibat”, & “Tsega”, while Seven Day
Adventist, Pentecost, Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican, Presbyterian, “Meserete
Kirstos”, “Mulu Wengel”, “Kale Hiywot”, etc. were put under the Protestant
category. Jehovah’s, Behais, Jews, Hindus, etc. fall under the other category.
Those respondents who answered simply “Christian” as their religion were further
asked to identify themselves either as Orthodox, Protestant or Catholic Christian.
For the new born children, the religion of their parents was taken, but for those
children born from parents that follow different religions, the parents had been

asked to decide which religion the child may follow in the future. Similar type of
question was asked in the 1994 Census.

“Marital status” of respondents aged ten years & older was identified through the
question “What is (NAME’S) current marital status?” The responses fell under six
major categories: Never Married, Currently Married, Divorced, Separated,
Widow/Widower, & Living Together as Husband & Spouse. Never married refers
to all persons who were single & had not been married earlier; currently married
include those bounded by any kind of marital engagement at the time of
enumeration (traditional, church, or municipality); separated couples were also
considered to be married unless they have dissolved their marriage agreement.
Persons who had been married but whose marriage was dissolved before the
census day were put under divorced. Those who responded they had not been
married after the deaths of their spouses were categorized as widowed/widower.
Those who had been living together as wife & husband (through consensual
union), without any formal binding relations (traditional, church, or municipality)
were fall on living together. Two additional categories (“separated” & “living
together”) were added in the 2007 census, compared to the 1994, which had only
four categories of marital status: never married, currently married, divorced &

Tables 3.1 to 3.5 show the results of the 2007 Census on Ethnic Group, Mother
Tongue, Religion and Marital Status.

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278
Affar 12,314 6,763 5,551 1,203 649 554 11,111 6,114 4,997
Agew-Awi 918 448 470 415 226 189 503 222 281
Agew Hamyra 8,270 4,076 4,194 927 441 486 7,343 3,635 3,708
Alaba 233 132 101 179 102 77 54 30 24
Amhara 70,561 33,659 36,902 32,077 14,655 17,422 38,484 19,004 19,480
Anyiwak 95 58 37 67 42 25 28 16 12
Argoba 88 56 32 75 50 25 13 6 7
Ari 2,904 1,407 1,497 630 311 319 2,274 1,096 1,178
Arborie 470 449 21 13 5 8 457 444 13
Bacha 70 33 37 25 16 9 45 17 28
Basketo 5 2 3 3 2 1 2 - 2
Bench 201 102 99 127 62 65 74 40 34
Berta 85 46 39 72 37 35 13 9 4
Bodi 83 42 41 72 40 32 11 2 9
Brayle 132 53 79 76 25 51 56 28 28
Burji 29 17 12 26 15 11 3 2 1
Bena 19 8 11 11 6 5 8 2 6
Chara 33 22 11 17 13 4 16 9 7
Dasenech 65 40 25 43 26 17 22 14 8
Dawuro 95 43 52 29 12 17 66 31 35
Debase/Gewada 8 5 3 7 4 3 1 1 -
Derashe 34 21 13 24 14 10 10 7 3
Dime 7 4 3 6 4 2 1 - 1
Dizi 7 3 4 1 1 - 6 2 4
Donga 17 11 6 13 9 4 4 2 2
Fedashe 22 10 12 15 6 9 7 4 3
Gamo 44 30 14 35 25 10 9 5 4
Gebato 76 39 37 23 13 10 53 26 27
Gedeo 17 11 6 16 10 6 1 1 -
Gedicho 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
Gidole 6 1 5 6 1 5 - - -
Goffa 5 4 1 5 4 1 - - -
Gumuz 13 9 4 10 7 3 3 2 1
Guragie 391 257 134 350 232 118 41 25 16
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 112 82 30 77 59 18 35 23 12
Hareri 97 51 46 86 45 41 11 6 5
Hamer 79 43 36 38 18 20 41 25 16
Irob 30,549 14,996 15,553 3,701 1,758 1,943 26,848 13,238 13,610
Kefficho 39 31 8 27 23 4 12 8 4
Kembata 56 45 11 46 37 9 10 8 2
Konta 4 1 3 1 - 1 3 1 2
Komo 5 4 1 1 1 - 4 3 1
Konso 8 6 2 5 4 1 3 2 1
Kore 61 27 34 35 21 14 26 6 20
Koyego 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Kunama 2,981 1,471 1,510 351 190 161 2,630 1,281 1,349
Karo 7 5 2 3 2 1 4 3 1
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 37 30 7 28 21 7 9 9 -
Mao 10 7 3 10 7 3 - - -
Mareko 26 20 6 18 16 2 8 4 4
Mashola 8 4 4 6 3 3 2 1 1
Mere 17 11 6 13 9 4 4 2 2
Me'enite 5 3 2 2 - 2 3 3 -
Messengo 43 20 23 36 16 20 7 4 3
Mejenger 178 71 107 41 19 22 137 52 85
Mossiye 5 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 -
Mursi 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Murle 4 4 - 2 2 - 2 2 -
Nao 7 4 3 7 4 3 - - -
Nuwer 19 13 6 12 10 2 7 3 4
Nyangatom 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Oromo 7,184 4,006 3,178 2,220 1,437 783 4,964 2,569 2,395
Oida 8 5 3 6 5 1 2 - 2

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Qechem 162 74 88 36 19 17 126 55 71
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 10 10 - 7 7 - 3 3 -
Sheko 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Shinasha 10 10 - 8 8 - 2 2 -
Sidama 36 30 6 29 25 4 7 5 2
Silte 59 48 11 54 44 10 5 4 1
Somalie 2,110 1,128 982 138 80 58 1,972 1,048 924
Surma 60 29 31 46 20 26 14 9 5
She 7 2 5 5 1 4 2 1 1
Tigrie 4,167,813 2,051,272 2,116,541 799,011 376,936 422,075 3,368,802 1,674,336 1,694,466
Timebaro 306 161 145 84 43 41 222 118 104
Tsemay 80 40 40 22 12 10 58 28 30
Upo 40 18 22 3 2 1 37 16 21
Welaita 187 133 54 151 111 40 36 22 14
Werji 139 74 65 28 16 12 111 58 53
Yem 43 26 17 10 5 5 33 21 12
Zeyese 20 13 7 6 5 1 14 8 6
Zelmam 195 91 104 50 23 27 145 68 77
Ethiopian National 169 95 74 47 34 13 122 61 61
From different
Parents 173 94 79 83 49 34 90 45 45
Eritrean 5,429 3,472 1,957 342 216 126 5,087 3,256 1,831
Djiboutian 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Somalian 8 3 5 7 3 4 1 - 1
Kenyan 14 8 6 6 3 3 8 5 3
Sudanese 712 625 87 330 264 66 382 361 21
Other Foreigners 321 172 149 152 87 65 169 85 84

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 736,805 368,254 368,551 107,999 49,642 58,357 628,806 318,612 310,194
Affar 436 230 206 342 187 155 94 43 51
Agew-Awi 22 8 14 6 2 4 16 6 10
Agew Hamyra 72 26 46 58 15 43 14 11 3
Alaba 28 11 17 22 6 16 6 5 1
Amhara 11,635 4,798 6,837 4,263 1,413 2,850 7,372 3,385 3,987
Anyiwak 11 6 5 2 1 1 9 5 4
Argoba 13 7 6 12 7 5 1 - 1
Ari 421 210 211 77 33 44 344 177 167
Arborie 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Bacha 14 7 7 8 3 5 6 4 2
Basketo - - - - - - - - -
Bench 44 23 21 27 12 15 17 11 6
Berta 45 26 19 43 25 18 2 1 1
Bodi 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Brayle 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Burji 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
Bena 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 2
Chara 7 5 2 6 5 1 1 - 1
Dasenech 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Dawuro 21 9 12 8 3 5 13 6 7
Debase/Gewada - - - - - - - - -
Derashe 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Dime 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dizi - - - - - - - - -
Donga - - - - - - - - -
Fedashe 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gamo 3 - 3 2 - 2 1 - 1
Gebato 13 7 6 1 - 1 12 7 5
Gedeo 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Gedicho - - - - - - - - -
Gidole 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Goffa 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gumuz 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Guragie 48 30 18 33 20 13 15 10 5
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 7 4 3 5 2 3 2 2 -
Hareri 61 34 27 60 33 27 1 1 -
Hamer 11 8 3 4 3 1 7 5 2
Irob 1,104 577 527 43 23 20 1,061 554 507
Kefficho 7 7 - 1 1 - 6 6 -
Kembata 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Konta 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Komo 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Konso 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Kore 4 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 -
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 1,741 852 889 254 133 121 1,487 719 768
Karo - - - - - - - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 5 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 -
Mao 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mareko 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
Mashola - - - - - - - - -
Mere 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Me'enite - - - - - - - - -
Messengo 11 6 5 7 3 4 4 3 1
Mejenger 24 7 17 4 1 3 20 6 14
Mossiye 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Mursi - - - - - - - - -
Murle - - - - - - - - -
Nao - - - - - - - - -
Nuwer 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 894 456 438 803 390 413 91 66 25
Oida 4 4 - 4 4 - - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Qechem 18 7 11 2 - 2 16 7 9
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha - - - - - - - - -
Sidama 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Silte 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Somalie 1,146 627 519 23 7 16 1,123 620 503
Surma 5 2 3 5 2 3 - - -
She - - - - - - - - -
Tigrie 713,325 356,641 356,684 101,573 47,074 54,499 611,752 309,567 302,185
Timebaro 51 27 24 11 8 3 40 19 21
Tsemay 9 4 5 3 2 1 6 2 4
Upo 23 8 15 - - - 23 8 15
Welaita 35 23 12 25 17 8 10 6 4
Werji 46 26 20 2 1 1 44 25 19
Yem 9 7 2 1 1 - 8 6 2
Zeyese 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Zelmam 35 16 19 7 4 3 28 12 16
Ethiopian National 84 42 42 - - - 84 42 42
From different
Parents 31 17 14 28 14 14 3 3 -
Eritrean 5,118 3,318 1,800 102 85 17 5,016 3,233 1,783
Djiboutian 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Somalian - - - - - - - - -
Kenyan - - - - - - - - -
Sudanese 98 86 12 91 84 7 7 2 5
Other Foreigners 17 11 6 1 - 1 16 11 5

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 1,245,824 613,797 632,027 176,453 81,844 94,609 1,069,371 531,953 537,418
Affar 1,780 882 898 55 27 28 1,725 855 870
Agew-Awi 106 49 57 62 30 32 44 19 25
Agew Hamyra 283 128 155 59 27 32 224 101 123
Alaba 23 12 11 18 11 7 5 1 4
Amhara 2,084 1,037 1,047 1,332 629 703 752 408 344
Anyiwak 6 5 1 1 1 - 5 4 1
Argoba 15 11 4 10 9 1 5 2 3
Ari 749 364 385 80 39 41 669 325 344
Arborie 452 440 12 - - - 452 440 12
Bacha 25 10 15 1 1 - 24 9 15
Basketo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Bench 14 8 6 8 5 3 6 3 3
Berta 8 4 4 6 2 4 2 2 -
Bodi 3 1 2 1 1 - 2 - 2
Brayle 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Burji 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Bena 6 3 3 5 3 2 1 - 1
Chara 7 5 2 2 2 - 5 3 2
Dasenech 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Dawuro 28 9 19 8 3 5 20 6 14
Debase/Gewada 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Derashe 7 5 2 3 2 1 4 3 1
Dime - - - - - - - - -
Dizi - - - - - - - - -
Donga - - - - - - - - -
Fedashe 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
Gamo 6 4 2 3 2 1 3 2 1
Gebato 22 11 11 4 3 1 18 8 10
Gedeo 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gedicho - - - - - - - - -
Gidole 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Goffa - - - - - - - - -
Gumuz 4 1 3 3 - 3 1 1 -
Guragie 34 23 11 18 12 6 16 11 5
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 29 23 6 10 10 - 19 13 6
Hareri 8 4 4 5 3 2 3 1 2
Hamer 19 8 11 9 5 4 10 3 7
Irob 221 110 111 21 9 12 200 101 99
Kefficho 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Kembata 10 9 1 3 3 - 7 6 1
Konta - - - - - - - - -
Komo - - - - - - - - -
Konso 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Kore 18 9 9 14 9 5 4 - 4
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 22 13 9 7 5 2 15 8 7
Karo 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 12 12 - 5 5 - 7 7 -
Mao - - - - - - - - -
Mareko 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Mashola - - - - - - - - -
Mere 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Me'enite - - - - - - - - -
Messengo 6 4 2 6 4 2 - - -
Mejenger 65 26 39 10 4 6 55 22 33
Mossiye - - - - - - - - -
Mursi - - - - - - - - -
Murle - - - - - - - - -
Nao 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Nuwer 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 213 128 85 80 42 38 133 86 47
Oida - - - - - - - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena - - - - - - - - -
Qechem 52 24 28 9 4 5 43 20 23
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Sidama 6 4 2 1 1 - 5 3 2
Silte 5 4 1 - - - 5 4 1
Somalie 874 436 438 39 17 22 835 419 416
Surma 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
She 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Tigrie 1,237,921 609,487 628,434 174,439 80,856 93,583 1,063,482 528,631 534,851
Timebaro 76 35 41 10 4 6 66 31 35
Tsemay 23 10 13 7 4 3 16 6 10
Upo 6 6 - - - - 6 6 -
Welaita 13 9 4 4 3 1 9 6 3
Werji 39 19 20 6 4 2 33 15 18
Yem 11 7 4 1 1 - 10 6 4
Zeyese 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Zelmam 59 29 30 9 7 2 50 22 28
Ethiopian National 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
From different
Parents - - - - - - - - -
Eritrean 20 13 7 16 11 5 4 2 2
Djiboutian - - - - - - - - -
Somalian 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Kenyan 9 5 4 1 - 1 8 5 3
Sudanese 308 295 13 5 3 2 303 292 11
Other Foreigners 70 31 39 29 8 21 41 23 18

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 755,343 359,638 395,705 146,064 66,321 79,743 609,279 293,317 315,962
Affar 3,458 1,680 1,778 480 242 238 2,978 1,438 1,540
Agew-Awi 26 9 17 5 1 4 21 8 13
Agew Hamyra 158 63 95 57 20 37 101 43 58
Alaba 46 28 18 32 20 12 14 8 6
Amhara 1,747 639 1,108 1,159 427 732 588 212 376
Anyiwak 5 2 3 4 2 2 1 - 1
Argoba 9 2 7 9 2 7 - - -
Ari 372 162 210 99 39 60 273 123 150
Arborie 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Bacha 7 3 4 1 1 - 6 2 4
Basketo 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 2
Bench 12 3 9 7 3 4 5 - 5
Berta 8 3 5 3 - 3 5 3 2
Bodi 11 6 5 9 6 3 2 - 2
Brayle 58 28 30 5 2 3 53 26 27
Burji 12 6 6 11 5 6 1 1 -
Bena 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 - 2
Chara 10 7 3 2 2 - 8 5 3
Dasenech 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Dawuro 10 5 5 2 - 2 8 5 3
Debase/Gewada - - - - - - - - -
Derashe 8 3 5 5 1 4 3 2 1
Dime 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Dizi 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Donga 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Fedashe 5 - 5 3 - 3 2 - 2
Gamo 5 2 3 3 - 3 2 2 -
Gebato 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Gedeo 5 2 3 5 2 3 - - -
Gedicho - - - - - - - - -
Gidole - - - - - - - - -
Goffa - - - - - - - - -
Gumuz - - - - - - - - -
Guragie 19 6 13 14 5 9 5 1 4
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Hareri 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Hamer 25 10 15 15 4 11 10 6 4
Irob 28,527 13,949 14,578 3,307 1,574 1,733 25,220 12,375 12,845
Kefficho 9 6 3 8 6 2 1 - 1
Kembata 5 2 3 5 2 3 - - -
Konta 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Komo 3 3 - - - - 3 3 -
Konso - - - - - - - - -
Kore 17 3 14 3 1 2 14 2 12
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 22 10 12 1 1 - 21 9 12
Karo 4 3 1 - - - 4 3 1
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mao - - - - - - - - -
Mareko 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Mashola 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
Mere - - - - - - - - -
Me'enite - - - - - - - - -
Messengo 8 4 4 7 3 4 1 1 -
Mejenger 27 11 16 9 5 4 18 6 12
Mossiye - - - - - - - - -
Mursi 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Murle 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Nao 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Nuwer 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 175 83 92 157 77 80 18 6 12
Oida - - - - - - - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Qechem 27 12 15 6 4 2 21 8 13
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho - - - - - - - - -
Sheko 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Shinasha 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Sidama 4 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 -
Silte 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Somalie 18 9 9 14 8 6 4 1 3
Surma 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
She - - - - - - - - -
Tigrie 720,000 342,661 377,339 140,384 63,743 76,641 579,616 278,918 300,698
Timebaro 80 44 36 28 12 16 52 32 20
Tsemay 9 3 6 4 2 2 5 1 4
Upo 7 2 5 2 1 1 5 1 4
Welaita 27 13 14 26 13 13 1 - 1
Werji 10 3 7 3 - 3 7 3 4
Yem 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
Zeyese 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
Zelmam 47 17 30 19 7 12 28 10 18
Ethiopian National 54 30 24 17 12 5 37 18 19
From different
Parents 21 11 10 16 10 6 5 1 4
Eritrean 99 23 76 54 19 35 45 4 41
Djiboutian 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Somalian 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Kenyan - - - - - - - - -
Sudanese 17 10 7 17 10 7 - - -
Other Foreigners 54 32 22 12 10 2 42 22 20

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 1,006,504 497,280 509,224 125,787 59,328 66,459 880,717 437,952 442,765
Affar 6,414 3,829 2,585 141 80 61 6,273 3,749 2,524
Agew-Awi 526 233 293 135 63 72 391 170 221
Agew Hamyra 7,367 3,651 3,716 437 209 228 6,930 3,442 3,488
Alaba 50 33 17 25 19 6 25 14 11
Amhara 27,131 13,385 13,746 11,620 5,487 6,133 15,511 7,898 7,613
Anyiwak 14 9 5 5 4 1 9 5 4
Argoba 10 7 3 3 3 - 7 4 3
Ari 802 384 418 110 60 50 692 324 368
Arborie 3 3 - - - - 3 3 -
Bacha 8 1 7 1 - 1 7 1 6
Basketo - - - - - - - - -
Bench 9 6 3 8 5 3 1 1 -
Berta 4 1 3 2 - 2 2 1 1
Bodi 18 9 9 15 7 8 3 2 1
Brayle 15 7 8 15 7 8 - - -
Burji 5 4 1 5 4 1 - - -
Bena - - - - - - - - -
Chara 4 2 2 3 2 1 1 - 1
Dasenech 53 35 18 34 22 12 19 13 6
Dawuro 25 12 13 5 1 4 20 11 9
Debase/Gewada 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Derashe 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Dime - - - - - - - - -
Dizi 5 2 3 - - - 5 2 3
Donga 7 5 2 5 4 1 2 1 1
Fedashe 3 2 1 1 - 1 2 2 -
Gamo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gebato 27 12 15 7 3 4 20 9 11
Gedeo - - - - - - - - -
Gedicho 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Gidole - - - - - - - - -
Goffa - - - - - - - - -
Gumuz - - - - - - - - -
Guragie 17 11 6 14 9 5 3 2 1
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 11 6 5 1 1 - 10 5 5
Hareri 7 3 4 3 - 3 4 3 1
Hamer 9 5 4 2 - 2 7 5 2
Irob 4 4 - 1 1 - 3 3 -
Kefficho - - - - - - - - -
Kembata 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Konta - - - - - - - - -
Komo - - - - - - - - -
Konso - - - - - - - - -
Kore 11 8 3 5 5 - 6 3 3
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 48 22 26 10 6 4 38 16 22
Karo - - - - - - - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Mao - - - - - - - - -
Mareko 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 -
Mashola - - - - - - - - -
Mere 4 2 2 - - - 4 2 2
Me'enite 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Messengo 6 2 4 6 2 4 - - -
Mejenger 41 20 21 3 2 1 38 18 20
Mossiye 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mursi - - - - - - - - -
Murle - - - - - - - - -
Nao - - - - - - - - -
Nuwer 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Nyangatom 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Oromo 3,690 1,862 1,828 42 24 18 3,648 1,838 1,810
Oida 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena - - - - - - - - -
Qechem 43 17 26 4 2 2 39 15 24
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho - - - - - - - - -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha - - - - - - - - -
Sidama 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Silte - - - - - - - - -
Somalie 9 5 4 4 2 2 5 3 2
Surma 7 3 4 6 2 4 1 1 -
She - - - - - - - - -
Tigrie 959,789 473,509 486,280 113,053 53,257 59,796 846,736 420,252 426,484
Timebaro 59 34 25 8 4 4 51 30 21
Tsemay 29 17 12 2 1 1 27 16 11
Upo 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2
Welaita 12 6 6 8 5 3 4 1 3
Werji 19 10 9 2 1 1 17 9 8
Yem 11 5 6 1 - 1 10 5 5
Zeyese 8 5 3 - - - 8 5 3
Zelmam 41 24 17 6 3 3 35 21 14
Ethiopian National 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
From different
Parents 24 12 12 7 5 2 17 7 10
Eritrean 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Djiboutian - - - - - - - - -
Somalian - - - - - - - - -
Kenyan - - - - - - - - -
Sudanese 5 4 1 3 2 1 2 2 -
Other Foreigners 68 32 36 6 4 2 62 28 34

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 356,598 182,571 174,027 71,823 36,735 35,088 284,775 145,836 138,939
Affar 55 38 17 14 9 5 41 29 12
Agew-Awi 170 102 68 139 83 56 31 19 12
Agew Hamyra 202 108 94 128 70 58 74 38 36
Alaba 12 8 4 8 6 2 4 2 2
Amhara 23,093 11,007 12,086 8,832 3,906 4,926 14,261 7,101 7,160
Anyiwak 6 3 3 2 1 1 4 2 2
Argoba 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Ari 411 204 207 115 57 58 296 147 149
Arborie - - - - - - - - -
Bacha 3 1 2 1 - 1 2 1 1
Basketo - - - - - - - - -
Bench 69 34 35 24 9 15 45 25 20
Berta 5 4 1 3 2 1 2 2 -
Bodi 8 4 4 4 4 - 4 - 4
Brayle 6 2 4 5 2 3 1 - 1
Burji - - - - - - - - -
Bena 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Chara 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Dasenech 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Dawuro 5 3 2 - - - 5 3 2
Debase/Gewada 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Derashe 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Dime 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Dizi - - - - - - - - -
Donga 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Fedashe 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Gamo 4 2 2 1 1 - 3 1 2
Gebato 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Gedeo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gedicho 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Gidole 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Goffa 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gumuz - - - - - - - - -
Guragie 19 12 7 17 11 6 2 1 1
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 5 4 1 2 2 - 3 2 1
Hareri 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Hamer 8 7 1 1 1 - 7 6 1
Irob 386 221 165 22 16 6 364 205 159
Kefficho 6 2 4 1 - 1 5 2 3
Kembata 4 4 - 3 3 - 1 1 -
Konta - - - - - - - - -
Komo - - - - - - - - -
Konso 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Kore 5 1 4 4 1 3 1 - 1
Koyego 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Kunama 1,120 554 566 51 25 26 1,069 529 540
Karo - - - - - - - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Mao - - - - - - - - -
Mareko 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Mashola - - - - - - - - -
Mere - - - - - - - - -
Me'enite 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Messengo 4 2 2 2 2 - 2 - 2
Mejenger 11 4 7 5 4 1 6 - 6
Mossiye 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Mursi - - - - - - - - -
Murle 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Nao 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Nuwer - - - - - - - - -
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 1,251 688 563 177 115 62 1,074 573 501
Oida - - - - - - - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena - - - - - - - - -
Qechem 9 7 2 2 2 - 7 5 2
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha - - - - - - - - -
Sidama 7 7 - 7 7 - - - -
Silte 8 6 2 8 6 2 - - -
Somalie 9 7 2 4 2 2 5 5 -
Surma 11 8 3 1 1 - 10 7 3
She 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Tigrie 329,080 169,078 160,002 61,864 32,110 29,754 267,216 136,968 130,248
Timebaro 14 7 7 1 1 - 13 6 7
Tsemay 4 3 1 - - - 4 3 1
Upo 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Welaita 34 29 5 22 20 2 12 9 3
Werji 18 10 8 8 4 4 10 6 4
Yem 3 3 - - - - 3 3 -
Zeyese 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 -
Zelmam 4 3 1 - - - 4 3 1
Ethiopian National 17 11 6 17 11 6 - - -
From different
Parents 73 40 33 8 6 2 65 34 31
Eritrean 110 74 36 88 57 31 22 17 5
Djiboutian - - - - - - - - -
Somalian - - - - - - - - -
Kenyan - - - - - - - - -
Sudanese 243 205 38 173 140 33 70 65 5
Other Foreigners 36 17 19 28 16 12 8 1 7

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

All Groups 215,914 104,925 110,989 215,914 104,925 110,989 - - -

Affar 171 104 67 171 104 67 - - -
Agew-Awi 68 47 21 68 47 21 - - -
Agew Hamyra 188 100 88 188 100 88 - - -
Alaba 74 40 34 74 40 34 - - -
Amhara 4,871 2,793 2,078 4,871 2,793 2,078 - - -
Anyiwak 53 33 20 53 33 20 - - -
Argoba 40 28 12 40 28 12 - - -
Ari 149 83 66 149 83 66 - - -
Arborie 11 4 7 11 4 7 - - -
Bacha 13 11 2 13 11 2 - - -
Basketo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Bench 53 28 25 53 28 25 - - -
Berta 15 8 7 15 8 7 - - -
Bodi 41 22 19 41 22 19 - - -
Brayle 50 13 37 50 13 37 - - -
Burji 5 3 2 5 3 2 - - -
Bena 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Chara 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Dasenech 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Dawuro 6 5 1 6 5 1 - - -
Debase/Gewada 3 1 2 3 1 2 - - -
Derashe 12 9 3 12 9 3 - - -
Dime 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Dizi 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Donga 7 5 2 7 5 2 - - -
Fedashe 7 4 3 7 4 3 - - -
Gamo 25 21 4 25 21 4 - - -
Gebato 10 6 4 10 6 4 - - -
Gedeo 9 7 2 9 7 2 - - -
Gedicho 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Gidole 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Goffa 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Gumuz 6 6 - 6 6 - - - -
Guragie 254 175 79 254 175 79 - - -
Guagu - - - - - - - - -
Hadiya 57 43 14 57 43 14 - - -
Hareri 17 8 9 17 8 9 - - -
Hamer 7 5 2 7 5 2 - - -
Irob 307 135 172 307 135 172 - - -
Kefficho 14 14 - 14 14 - - - -
Kembata 35 29 6 35 29 6 - - -
Konta - - - - - - - - -
Komo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Konso 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Kore 6 4 2 6 4 2 - - -
Koyego - - - - - - - - -
Kunama 28 20 8 28 20 8 - - -
Karo - - - - - - - - -
Kusumie - - - - - - - - -
Malie 15 10 5 15 10 5 - - -
Mao 9 6 3 9 6 3 - - -
Mareko 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
Mashola 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Mere 10 7 3 10 7 3 - - -
Me'enite 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Messengo 8 2 6 8 2 6 - - -
Mejenger 10 3 7 10 3 7 - - -
Mossiye 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mursi 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Murle 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Nao 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Nuwer 12 10 2 12 10 2 - - -
Nyangatom - - - - - - - - -
Oromo 961 789 172 961 789 172 - - -
Oida 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -

Table 3.1 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Ethnic Group: 2007
URBAN + RURAL Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Both Both Both
Ethnic Group Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Qebena - - - - - - - - -
Qechem 13 7 6 13 7 6 - - -
Qewama - - - - - - - - -
Shekecho 6 6 - 6 6 - - - -
Sheko - - - - - - - - -
Shinasha 7 7 - 7 7 - - - -
Sidama 15 13 2 15 13 2 - - -
Silte 42 36 6 42 36 6 - - -
Somalie 54 44 10 54 44 10 - - -
Surma 32 14 18 32 14 18 - - -
She 3 - 3 3 - 3 - - -
Tigrie 207,698 99,896 107,802 207,698 99,896 107,802 - - -
Timebaro 26 14 12 26 14 12 - - -
Tsemay 6 3 3 6 3 3 - - -
Upo 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Welaita 66 53 13 66 53 13 - - -
Werji 7 6 1 7 6 1 - - -
Yem 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Zeyese 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Zelmam 9 2 7 9 2 7 - - -
Ethiopian National 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
From different
Parents 24 14 10 24 14 10 - - -
Eritrean 79 41 38 79 41 38 - - -
Djiboutian 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Somalian 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Kenyan 5 3 2 5 3 2 - - -
Sudanese 41 25 16 41 25 16 - - -
Other Foreigners 76 49 27 76 49 27 - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 4,316,988 2,126,465 2,190,523 844,040 398,795 445,245 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278
Affarigna 13,443 7,307 6,136 1,138 609 529 12,305 6,698 5,607
Agew-Awinigigna 1,275 609 666 430 229 201 845 380 465
Agew-Kamyrnya 11,268 5,563 5,705 862 409 453 10,406 5,154 5,252
Alabigna 204 102 102 130 63 67 74 39 35
Amarigna 131,810 64,578 67,232 41,146 18,973 22,173 90,664 45,605 45,059
Anyiwakgna 75 39 36 45 25 20 30 14 16
Argobigna 59 34 25 46 27 19 13 7 6
Arigna 3,193 1,762 1,431 586 278 308 2,607 1,484 1,123
Arborigna 38 24 14 9 3 6 29 21 8
Bachagna 70 35 35 11 3 8 59 32 27
Basketigna 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Benchigna 120 49 71 78 33 45 42 16 26
Bertagna 131 61 70 113 57 56 18 4 14
Bodigna 67 42 25 53 36 17 14 6 8
Brayligna 89 40 49 58 26 32 31 14 17
Burjigna 37 20 17 21 10 11 16 10 6
Benagna 11 2 9 5 2 3 6 - 6
Charigna 44 18 26 12 6 6 32 12 20
Dasenechgna 58 34 24 41 25 16 17 9 8
Dawurogna 114 55 59 35 19 16 79 36 43
Debosgna 9 5 4 7 4 3 2 1 1
Derashigna 41 23 18 32 18 14 9 5 4
Dimegna 19 13 6 13 10 3 6 3 3
Dizigna 11 5 6 3 1 2 8 4 4
Dongigna 20 16 4 14 11 3 6 5 1
Demegna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Felashigna 16 4 12 3 1 2 13 3 10
Fedashigna 36 17 19 22 8 14 14 9 5
Gamogna 33 20 13 28 18 10 5 2 3
Gebatogna 86 46 40 23 12 11 63 34 29
Gedeogna 19 12 7 9 8 1 10 4 6
Gedichogna 8 6 2 4 3 1 4 3 1
Gedoligna 8 4 4 8 4 4 - - -
Goffigna 9 7 2 7 6 1 2 1 1
Gumuzigna 10 6 4 7 5 2 3 1 2
Guragiegna 217 148 69 187 131 56 30 17 13
Guagugna 7 6 1 6 5 1 1 1 -
Hadiyigna 89 69 20 56 47 9 33 22 11
Hareriegna 108 58 50 99 52 47 9 6 3
Hamerigna 148 70 78 51 25 26 97 45 52
Irobigna 30,078 14,829 15,249 3,240 1,536 1,704 26,838 13,293 13,545
Keffagna 32 24 8 23 18 5 9 6 3
Kembatigna 46 36 10 36 29 7 10 7 3
Kontigna 6 5 1 5 4 1 1 1 -
Komigna 5 3 2 2 2 - 3 1 2
Konsogna 9 7 2 6 5 1 3 2 1
Koregna 4 1 3 3 1 2 1 - 1
Koygogna 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Koyrigna 77 36 41 38 24 14 39 12 27
Kunamigna 3,085 1,538 1,547 395 219 176 2,690 1,319 1,371
Karogna 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Kusumegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Maliegna 28 26 2 19 17 2 9 9 -
Maogna 7 4 3 7 4 3 - - -
Marekogna 38 27 11 30 23 7 8 4 4
Mashiligna 6 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 1
Merigna 7 6 1 7 6 1 - - -
Me'enigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Messengogna 46 25 21 41 22 19 5 3 2
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Mursygna 3 2 1 2 2 - 1 - 1
Murlegna 4 4 - 1 1 - 3 3 -
Naogna 9 5 4 7 5 2 2 - 2

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

Nuwerigna 26 19 7 14 11 3 12 8 4
Nyangatomigna 5 3 2 4 3 1 1 - 1
Oromigna 3,794 2,262 1,532 1,947 1,264 683 1,847 998 849
Oydigna 12 6 6 10 6 4 2 - 2
Qebenigna 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Qechemigna 139 64 75 18 10 8 121 54 67
Qewamigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Shekacho 10 7 3 5 5 - 5 2 3
Shekogna 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1
Shinashigna 14 14 - 12 12 - 2 2 -
Sidamigna 33 29 4 28 24 4 5 5 -
Shitagna 46 41 5 37 32 5 9 9 -
Somaligna 1,270 708 562 121 74 47 1,149 634 515
Surmagna 26 11 15 22 9 13 4 2 2
Shegna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 4,109,511 2,022,246 2,087,265 791,751 373,755 417,996 3,317,760 1,648,491 1,669,269
Tembarogna 311 151 160 99 48 51 212 103 109
Tsemayigna 111 45 66 27 12 15 84 33 51
UPO 70 39 31 10 8 2 60 31 29
Welaitigna 170 117 53 122 91 31 48 26 22
Wergigna 119 46 73 27 9 18 92 37 55
Yemsagna 74 39 35 10 6 4 64 33 31
Zeysegna 23 11 12 10 6 4 13 5 8
Zlmamigna 152 83 69 51 27 24 101 56 45
Languages 95 50 45 10 8 2 85 42 43
English 37 17 20 21 6 15 16 11 5
Languages 4,427 2,952 1,475 406 238 168 4,021 2,714 1,307

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 736,805 368,254 368,551 107,999 49,642 58,357 628,806 318,612 310,194
Affarigna 1,325 688 637 340 187 153 985 501 484
Agew-Awinigigna 22 11 11 2 1 1 20 10 10
Agew-Kamyrnya 68 26 42 46 10 36 22 16 6
Alabigna 27 10 17 19 7 12 8 3 5
Amarigna 20,608 9,383 11,225 4,570 1,546 3,024 16,038 7,837 8,201
Anyiwakgna 7 3 4 3 - 3 4 3 1
Argobigna 11 7 4 10 6 4 1 1 -
Arigna 500 234 266 59 22 37 441 212 229
Arborigna 3 1 2 - - - 3 1 2
Bachagna 11 7 4 1 1 - 10 6 4
Basketigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Benchigna 16 6 10 16 6 10 - - -
Bertagna 47 25 22 44 23 21 3 2 1
Bodigna 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 - 2
Brayligna 9 5 4 5 1 4 4 4 -
Burjigna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Benagna 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 2
Charigna 6 2 4 4 2 2 2 - 2
Dasenechgna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Dawurogna 19 11 8 5 4 1 14 7 7
Debosgna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Derashigna 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Dimegna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Dizigna - - - - - - - - -
Dongigna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Fedashigna 5 1 4 4 1 3 1 - 1
Gamogna 4 - 4 3 - 3 1 - 1
Gebatogna 20 13 7 1 - 1 19 13 6
Gedeogna 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Gedichogna - - - - - - - - -
Gedoligna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Goffigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Gumuzigna 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Guragiegna 37 22 15 26 15 11 11 7 4
Guagugna - - - - - - - - -
Hadiyigna 8 5 3 5 2 3 3 3 -
Hareriegna 79 45 34 77 43 34 2 2 -
Hamerigna 15 6 9 5 1 4 10 5 5
Irobigna 1,413 742 671 46 26 20 1,367 716 651
Keffagna 5 5 - 1 1 - 4 4 -
Kembatigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna - - - - - - - - -
Konsogna 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Koregna - - - - - - - - -
Koygogna - - - - - - - - -
Koyrigna 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Kunamigna 1,751 873 878 258 147 111 1,493 726 767
Karogna - - - - - - - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 3 1 2 1 - 1 2 1 1
Mashiligna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Merigna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Me'enigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Messengogna 11 7 4 9 5 4 2 2 -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Mursygna - - - - - - - - -
Murlegna - - - - - - - - -
Naogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Nyangatomigna 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Oromigna 867 439 428 780 375 405 87 64 23
Oydigna 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Qebenigna - - - - - - - - -
Qechemigna 25 10 15 4 3 1 21 7 14
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho - - - - - - - - -
Shekogna - - - - - - - - -
Shinashigna - - - - - - - - -
Sidamigna 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Shitagna 8 8 - 2 2 - 6 6 -
Somaligna 1,136 626 510 12 5 7 1,124 621 503
Surmagna 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Shegna - - - - - - - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 704,377 352,145 352,232 101,464 47,098 54,366 602,913 305,047 297,866
Tembarogna 57 29 28 11 6 5 46 23 23
Tsemayigna 18 6 12 3 2 1 15 4 11
UPO 19 7 12 3 2 1 16 5 11
Welaitigna 36 23 13 23 15 8 13 8 5
Wergigna 52 25 27 4 1 3 48 24 24
Yemsagna 10 5 5 1 1 - 9 4 5
Zeysegna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Zlmamigna 26 14 12 5 2 3 21 12 9
Languages 91 48 43 6 6 - 85 42 43
English 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Languages 3,991 2,693 1,298 85 45 40 3,906 2,648 1,258

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 1,245,824 613,797 632,027 176,453 81,844 94,609 1,069,371 531,953 537,418
Affarigna 1,751 868 883 36 21 15 1,715 847 868
Agew-Awinigigna 117 52 65 63 26 37 54 26 28
Agew-Kamyrnya 566 260 306 47 15 32 519 245 274
Alabigna 19 8 11 10 5 5 9 3 6
Amarigna 2,624 1,349 1,275 1,704 854 850 920 495 425
Anyiwakgna 5 2 3 1 - 1 4 2 2
Argobigna 7 4 3 5 3 2 2 1 1
Arigna 1,103 757 346 90 46 44 1,013 711 302
Arborigna 18 16 2 - - - 18 16 2
Bachagna 25 12 13 2 - 2 23 12 11
Basketigna - - - - - - - - -
Benchigna 11 4 7 9 4 5 2 - 2
Bertagna 21 5 16 13 5 8 8 - 8
Bodigna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Brayligna 11 5 6 3 1 2 8 4 4
Burjigna 10 3 7 8 2 6 2 1 1
Benagna 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1
Charigna 8 3 5 2 1 1 6 2 4
Dasenechgna 5 1 4 - - - 5 1 4
Dawurogna 35 14 21 10 4 6 25 10 15
Debosgna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Derashigna 11 7 4 6 4 2 5 3 2
Dimegna 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
Dizigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dongigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Demegna 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
Felashigna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Fedashigna 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Gamogna 6 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 1
Gebatogna 24 10 14 4 2 2 20 8 12
Gedeogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Gedichogna - - - - - - - - -
Gedoligna - - - - - - - - -
Goffigna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gumuzigna - - - - - - - - -
Guragiegna 22 15 7 14 10 4 8 5 3
Guagugna 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 -
Hadiyigna 26 21 5 9 9 - 17 12 5
Hareriegna 8 4 4 6 3 3 2 1 1
Hamerigna 28 18 10 14 10 4 14 8 6
Irobigna 230 117 113 24 12 12 206 105 101
Keffagna 3 1 2 3 1 2 - - -
Kembatigna 10 9 1 3 3 - 7 6 1
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Konsogna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Koregna 3 1 2 3 1 2 - - -
Koygogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Koyrigna 16 8 8 7 6 1 9 2 7
Kunamigna 55 25 30 10 5 5 45 20 25
Karogna 3 2 1 3 2 1 - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 11 11 - 5 5 - 6 6 -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 4 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 -
Mashiligna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Merigna - - - - - - - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 9 6 3 9 6 3 - - -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna - - - - - - - - -
Mursygna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Murlegna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Naogna - - - - - - - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Nyangatomigna - - - - - - - - -
Oromigna 191 119 72 75 37 38 116 82 34
Oydigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Qebenigna - - - - - - - - -
Qechemigna 41 20 21 5 2 3 36 18 18
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Shekogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Shinashigna 3 3 - 1 1 - 2 2 -
Sidamigna 8 6 2 5 3 2 3 3 -
Shitagna 3 3 - - - - 3 3 -
Somaligna 51 20 31 39 16 23 12 4 8
Surmagna 8 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 2
Shegna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 1,238,393 609,841 628,552 174,090 80,663 93,427 1,064,303 529,178 535,125
Tembarogna 74 38 36 19 10 9 55 28 27
Tsemayigna 38 16 22 9 5 4 29 11 18
UPO 21 14 7 1 1 - 20 13 7
Welaitigna 14 4 10 3 1 2 11 3 8
Wergigna 22 8 14 6 3 3 16 5 11
Yemsagna 27 14 13 - - - 27 14 13
Zeysegna 5 1 4 2 1 1 3 - 3
Zlmamigna 40 24 16 12 9 3 28 15 13
Languages - - - - - - - - -
English 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Languages 44 21 23 35 13 22 9 8 1

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 755,343 359,638 395,705 146,064 66,321 79,743 609,279 293,317 315,962
Affarigna 3,819 1,837 1,982 504 242 262 3,315 1,595 1,720
Agew-Awinigigna 38 21 17 11 8 3 27 13 14
Agew-Kamyrnya 96 40 56 48 17 31 48 23 25
Alabigna 31 16 15 21 9 12 10 7 3
Amarigna 2,162 840 1,322 1,426 548 878 736 292 444
Anyiwakgna 4 3 1 3 3 - 1 - 1
Argobigna 5 - 5 4 - 4 1 - 1
Arigna 387 176 211 92 42 50 295 134 161
Arborigna - - - - - - - - -
Bachagna 10 7 3 3 1 2 7 6 1
Basketigna - - - - - - - - -
Benchigna 16 6 10 14 5 9 2 1 1
Bertagna 8 4 4 6 3 3 2 1 1
Bodigna 15 8 7 9 7 2 6 1 5
Brayligna 14 3 11 5 1 4 9 2 7
Burjigna 9 7 2 1 - 1 8 7 1
Benagna 3 1 2 1 1 - 2 - 2
Charigna 9 4 5 5 2 3 4 2 2
Dasenechgna 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Dawurogna 14 6 8 2 1 1 12 5 7
Debosgna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Derashigna 8 2 6 5 - 5 3 2 1
Dimegna 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
Dizigna 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Dongigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2
Fedashigna 4 1 3 3 - 3 1 1 -
Gamogna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gebatogna 9 6 3 3 3 - 6 3 3
Gedeogna 6 2 4 - - - 6 2 4
Gedichogna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Gedoligna - - - - - - - - -
Goffigna - - - - - - - - -
Gumuzigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Guragiegna 17 3 14 11 2 9 6 1 5
Guagugna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Hadiyigna 3 1 2 1 - 1 2 1 1
Hareriegna - - - - - - - - -
Hamerigna 70 29 41 17 6 11 53 23 30
Irobigna 27,715 13,610 14,105 2,822 1,346 1,476 24,893 12,264 12,629
Keffagna 10 7 3 8 6 2 2 1 1
Kembatigna 7 3 4 5 2 3 2 1 1
Kontigna 6 5 1 5 4 1 1 1 -
Komigna 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
Konsogna - - - - - - - - -
Koregna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Koygogna - - - - - - - - -
Koyrigna 23 8 15 9 6 3 14 2 12
Kunamigna 24 11 13 6 3 3 18 8 10
Karogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Kusumegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Maliegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Mashiligna 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Merigna - - - - - - - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 8 5 3 7 4 3 1 1 -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mursygna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Murlegna 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Naogna 3 - 3 2 - 2 1 - 1

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna - - - - - - - - -
Nyangatomigna - - - - - - - - -
Oromigna 193 94 99 169 84 85 24 10 14
Oydigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Qebenigna 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Qechemigna 27 8 19 - - - 27 8 19
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho - - - - - - - - -
Shekogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Shinashigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Sidamigna 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 -
Shitagna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Somaligna 11 6 5 11 6 5 - - -
Surmagna - - - - - - - - -
Shegna - - - - - - - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 720,266 342,711 377,555 140,692 63,888 76,804 579,574 278,823 300,751
Tembarogna 83 34 49 36 14 22 47 20 27
Tsemayigna 12 3 9 3 2 1 9 1 8
UPO 13 6 7 - - - 13 6 7
Welaitigna 27 16 11 21 12 9 6 4 2
Wergigna 16 6 10 6 2 4 10 4 6
Yemsagna 17 10 7 3 1 2 14 9 5
Zeysegna 3 2 1 2 2 - 1 - 1
Zlmamigna 19 10 9 7 3 4 12 7 5
Languages - - - - - - - - -
English 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Languages 58 33 25 26 16 10 32 17 15

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 1,006,504 497,280 509,224 125,787 59,328 66,459 880,717 437,952 442,765
Affarigna 6,369 3,798 2,571 102 59 43 6,267 3,739 2,528
Agew-Awinigigna 875 384 491 168 76 92 707 308 399
Agew-Kamyrnya 10,150 5,029 5,121 373 175 198 9,777 4,854 4,923
Alabigna 54 30 24 16 10 6 38 20 18
Amarigna 56,135 27,659 28,476 17,303 8,064 9,239 38,832 19,595 19,237
Anyiwakgna 16 9 7 5 2 3 11 7 4
Argobigna 11 7 4 3 2 1 8 5 3
Arigna 748 354 394 129 56 73 619 298 321
Arborigna 10 4 6 2 - 2 8 4 4
Bachagna 17 7 10 2 1 1 15 6 9
Basketigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Benchigna 6 4 2 1 1 - 5 3 2
Bertagna 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
Bodigna 9 8 1 5 4 1 4 4 -
Brayligna 28 15 13 19 11 8 9 4 5
Burjigna 5 4 1 3 3 - 2 1 1
Benagna 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Charigna 4 2 2 - - - 4 2 2
Dasenechgna 37 25 12 28 19 9 9 6 3
Dawurogna 24 12 12 2 1 1 22 11 11
Debosgna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Derashigna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Dimegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dizigna 7 4 3 - - - 7 4 3
Dongigna 7 6 1 3 3 - 4 3 1
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna 11 3 8 1 - 1 10 3 7
Fedashigna 10 5 5 1 - 1 9 5 4
Gamogna - - - - - - - - -
Gebatogna 16 11 5 4 3 1 12 8 4
Gedeogna - - - - - - - - -
Gedichogna 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Gedoligna - - - - - - - - -
Goffigna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Gumuzigna 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Guragiegna 11 8 3 8 5 3 3 3 -
Guagugna - - - - - - - - -
Hadiyigna 9 5 4 1 1 - 8 4 4
Hareriegna 8 3 5 3 - 3 5 3 2
Hamerigna 28 13 15 11 6 5 17 7 10
Irobigna 10 6 4 7 3 4 3 3 -
Keffagna - - - - - - - - -
Kembatigna - - - - - - - - -
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna - - - - - - - - -
Konsogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Koregna - - - - - - - - -
Koygogna - - - - - - - - -
Koyrigna 19 12 7 6 6 - 13 6 7
Kunamigna 64 30 34 16 8 8 48 22 26
Karogna - - - - - - - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 9 4 5 6 4 2 3 - 3
Mashiligna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Merigna - - - - - - - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 6 2 4 6 2 4 - - -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna - - - - - - - - -
Mursygna - - - - - - - - -
Murlegna - - - - - - - - -
Naogna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
Nyangatomigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Oromigna 612 308 304 39 27 12 573 281 292
Oydigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Qebenigna - - - - - - - - -
Qechemigna 32 17 15 1 1 - 31 16 15
Qewamigna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Shekacho 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2
Shekogna - - - - - - - - -
Shinashigna - - - - - - - - -
Sidamigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Shitagna - - - - - - - - -
Somaligna 11 6 5 2 1 1 9 5 4
Surmagna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Shegna - - - - - - - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 930,912 459,370 471,542 107,463 50,747 56,716 823,449 408,623 414,826
Tembarogna 57 27 30 5 2 3 52 25 27
Tsemayigna 25 14 11 2 1 1 23 13 10
UPO 6 4 2 1 1 - 5 3 2
Welaitigna 13 8 5 8 5 3 5 3 2
Wergigna 15 4 11 3 2 1 12 2 10
Yemsagna 8 4 4 - - - 8 4 4
Zeysegna 7 4 3 - - - 7 4 3
Zlmamigna 33 17 16 2 1 1 31 16 15
Languages 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
English - - - - - - - - -
Languages 26 19 7 13 8 5 13 11 2

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 356,598 182,571 174,027 71,823 36,735 35,088 284,775 145,836 138,939
Affarigna 30 21 9 7 5 2 23 16 7
Agew-Awinigigna 162 101 61 125 78 47 37 23 14
Agew-Kamyrnya 165 83 82 125 67 58 40 16 24
Alabigna 22 14 8 13 8 5 9 6 3
Amarigna 43,421 21,513 21,908 9,283 4,127 5,156 34,138 17,386 16,752
Anyiwakgna 12 3 9 2 1 1 10 2 8
Argobigna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Arigna 301 160 141 62 31 31 239 129 110
Arborigna - - - - - - - - -
Bachagna 4 2 2 - - - 4 2 2
Basketigna - - - - - - - - -
Benchigna 45 17 28 12 5 7 33 12 21
Bertagna 32 13 19 27 12 15 5 1 4
Bodigna 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
Brayligna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Burjigna 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
Benagna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Charigna 16 6 10 - - - 16 6 10
Dasenechgna 5 3 2 4 2 2 1 1 -
Dawurogna 6 3 3 - - - 6 3 3
Debosgna - - - - - - - - -
Derashigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dimegna 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Dizigna - - - - - - - - -
Dongigna 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna - - - - - - - - -
Fedashigna 4 4 - 1 1 - 3 3 -
Gamogna 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
Gebatogna 6 2 4 - - - 6 2 4
Gedeogna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Gedichogna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Gedoligna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Goffigna - - - - - - - - -
Gumuzigna - - - - - - - - -
Guragiegna 13 10 3 11 9 2 2 1 1
Guagugna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Hadiyigna 5 4 1 2 2 - 3 2 1
Hareriegna - - - - - - - - -
Hamerigna 4 3 1 1 1 - 3 2 1
Irobigna 388 218 170 19 13 6 369 205 164
Keffagna 4 1 3 1 - 1 3 1 2
Kembatigna 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna - - - - - - - - -
Konsogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Koregna - - - - - - - - -
Koygogna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Koyrigna 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Kunamigna 1,146 574 572 60 31 29 1,086 543 543
Karogna - - - - - - - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
Maogna - - - - - - - - -
Marekogna 5 5 - 3 3 - 2 2 -
Mashiligna - - - - - - - - -
Merigna - - - - - - - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 4 2 2 2 2 - 2 - 2
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna - - - - - - - - -
Mursygna - - - - - - - - -
Murlegna - - - - - - - - -
Naogna 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 7 4 3 - - - 7 4 3
Nyangatomigna - - - - - - - - -
Oromigna 1,179 655 524 132 94 38 1,047 561 486
Oydigna - - - - - - - - -
Qebenigna - - - - - - - - -
Qechemigna 6 5 1 - - - 6 5 1
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
Shekogna - - - - - - - - -
Shinashigna - - - - - - - - -
Sidamigna 7 7 - 7 7 - - - -
Shitagna 8 6 2 8 6 2 - - -
Somaligna 8 6 2 4 2 2 4 4 -
Surmagna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Shegna 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 309,260 158,930 150,330 61,739 32,110 29,629 247,521 126,820 120,701
Tembarogna 16 9 7 4 2 2 12 7 5
Tsemayigna 11 4 7 3 - 3 8 4 4
UPO 7 5 2 1 1 - 6 4 2
Welaitigna 31 26 5 18 18 - 13 8 5
Wergigna 10 2 8 4 - 4 6 2 4
Yemsagna 8 4 4 2 2 - 6 2 4
Zeysegna 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1
Zlmamigna 13 8 5 4 2 2 9 6 3
Languages 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
English 18 11 7 3 1 2 15 10 5
Languages 164 99 65 103 69 34 61 30 31

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Total 215,914 104,925 110,989 215,914 104,925 110,989 - - -

Affarigna 149 95 54 149 95 54 - - -
Agew-Awinigigna 61 40 21 61 40 21 - - -
Agew-Kamyrnya 223 125 98 223 125 98 - - -
Alabigna 51 24 27 51 24 27 - - -
Amarigna 6,860 3,834 3,026 6,860 3,834 3,026 - - -
Anyiwakgna 31 19 12 31 19 12 - - -
Argobigna 22 15 7 22 15 7 - - -
Arigna 154 81 73 154 81 73 - - -
Arborigna 7 3 4 7 3 4 - - -
Bachagna 3 - 3 3 - 3 - - -
Basketigna - - - - - - - - -
Benchigna 26 12 14 26 12 14 - - -
Bertagna 21 14 7 21 14 7 - - -
Bodigna 33 21 12 33 21 12 - - -
Brayligna 24 11 13 24 11 13 - - -
Burjigna 8 4 4 8 4 4 - - -
Benagna - - - - - - - - -
Charigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Dasenechgna 7 3 4 7 3 4 - - -
Dawurogna 16 9 7 16 9 7 - - -
Debosgna 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Derashigna 16 11 5 16 11 5 - - -
Dimegna 6 6 - 6 6 - - - -
Dizigna 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Dongigna 7 5 2 7 5 2 - - -
Demegna - - - - - - - - -
Felashigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Fedashigna 11 6 5 11 6 5 - - -
Gamogna 19 16 3 19 16 3 - - -
Gebatogna 11 4 7 11 4 7 - - -
Gedeogna 8 7 1 8 7 1 - - -
Gedichogna 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
Gedoligna 5 1 4 5 1 4 - - -
Goffigna 5 5 - 5 5 - - - -
Gumuzigna 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Guragiegna 117 90 27 117 90 27 - - -
Guagugna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Hadiyigna 38 33 5 38 33 5 - - -
Hareriegna 13 6 7 13 6 7 - - -
Hamerigna 3 1 2 3 1 2 - - -
Irobigna 322 136 186 322 136 186 - - -
Keffagna 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
Kembatigna 25 21 4 25 21 4 - - -
Kontigna - - - - - - - - -
Komigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Konsogna 3 3 - 3 3 - - - -
Koregna - - - - - - - - -
Koygogna - - - - - - - - -
Koyrigna 16 6 10 16 6 10 - - -
Kunamigna 45 25 20 45 25 20 - - -
Karogna - - - - - - - - -
Kusumegna - - - - - - - - -
Maliegna 8 7 1 8 7 1 - - -
Maogna 7 4 3 7 4 3 - - -
Marekogna 15 13 2 15 13 2 - - -
Mashiligna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Merigna 5 4 1 5 4 1 - - -
Me'enigna - - - - - - - - -
Messengogna 8 3 5 8 3 5 - - -
Mejengerigna - - - - - - - - -
Mossigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Mursygna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Murlegna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Naogna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -

Table 3.2 Population by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, and Mother Tongue: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
--------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
Both Both Both
Mother Tongue Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female


Nuwerigna 13 11 2 13 11 2 - - -
Nyangatomigna - - - - - - - - -
Oromigna 752 647 105 752 647 105 - - -
Oydigna 6 2 4 6 2 4 - - -
Qebenigna 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Qechemigna 8 4 4 8 4 4 - - -
Qewamigna - - - - - - - - -
Shekacho 5 5 - 5 5 - - - -
Shekogna - - - - - - - - -
Shinashigna 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
Sidamigna 10 10 - 10 10 - - - -
Shitagna 26 24 2 26 24 2 - - -
Somaligna 53 44 9 53 44 9 - - -
Surmagna 14 6 8 14 6 8 - - -
Shegna - - - - - - - - -
Shetagna - - - - - - - - -
Tigrigna 206,303 99,249 107,054 206,303 99,249 107,054 - - -
Tembarogna 24 14 10 24 14 10 - - -
Tsemayigna 7 2 5 7 2 5 - - -
UPO 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Welaitigna 49 40 9 49 40 9 - - -
Wergigna 4 1 3 4 1 3 - - -
Yemsagna 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Zeysegna 4 2 2 4 2 2 - - -
Zlmamigna 21 10 11 21 10 11 - - -
Languages 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
English 12 2 10 12 2 10 - - -
Languages 144 87 57 144 87 57 - - -

Table 3.3 Population by Religion, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups: 2007
Sex and
Age Group Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other

Both Sexes 4,316,988 4,125,497 3,639 15,668 170,833 164 1,187

0 - 4 630,862 605,170 334 2,176 23,110 16 56

5 - 9 641,674 614,257 264 2,212 24,880 34 27
10-14 613,806 587,510 263 2,143 23,850 17 23
15-19 496,217 473,650 484 2,013 20,019 21 30
20-24 362,473 344,651 875 1,467 15,334 13 133
25-29 285,841 271,849 539 1,252 12,049 15 137
30-34 249,309 237,947 304 839 10,043 4 172
35-39 225,087 215,557 225 723 8,395 5 182
40-44 170,667 162,732 140 543 7,038 4 210
45-49 137,813 131,983 85 462 5,194 3 86
50-54 125,628 119,745 36 429 5,338 6 74
55-59 94,965 91,098 32 309 3,496 2 28
60-64 91,376 87,035 14 317 3,989 5 16
65-69 67,471 64,762 14 256 2,429 4 6
70-74 60,395 57,446 8 221 2,705 12 3
75+ 63,404 60,105 22 306 2,964 3 4

Male 2,126,465 2,030,273 1,985 7,672 85,446 78 1,011

0 - 4 320,265 307,140 169 1,090 11,814 10 42

5 - 9 324,557 310,699 129 1,120 12,576 16 17
10-14 314,868 301,022 126 1,107 12,599 7 7
15-19 244,567 233,361 208 933 10,039 10 16
20-24 175,557 166,615 526 718 7,575 11 112
25-29 127,993 121,297 291 548 5,750 6 101
30-34 111,434 105,948 195 393 4,741 1 156
35-39 103,756 99,242 129 328 3,889 2 166
40-44 83,846 79,812 93 258 3,480 2 201
45-49 67,205 64,280 48 233 2,565 1 78
50-54 57,711 55,017 22 201 2,397 4 70
55-59 49,320 47,339 18 160 1,780 - 23
60-64 43,731 41,645 8 151 1,914 - 13
65-69 35,351 33,892 7 140 1,308 - 4
70-74 30,109 28,599 4 117 1,379 8 2
75+ 36,195 34,365 12 175 1,640 - 3

Female 2,190,523 2,095,224 1,654 7,996 85,387 86 176

0 - 4 310,597 298,030 165 1,086 11,296 6 14
5 - 9 317,117 303,558 135 1,092 12,304 18 10
10-14 298,938 286,488 137 1,036 11,251 10 16
15-19 251,650 240,289 276 1,080 9,980 11 14
20-24 186,916 178,036 349 749 7,759 2 21
25-29 157,848 150,552 248 704 6,299 9 36
30-34 137,875 131,999 109 446 5,302 3 16
35-39 121,331 116,315 96 395 4,506 3 16
40-44 86,821 82,920 47 285 3,558 2 9
45-49 70,608 67,703 37 229 2,629 2 8
50-54 67,917 64,728 14 228 2,941 2 4
55-59 45,645 43,759 14 149 1,716 2 5
60-64 47,645 45,390 6 166 2,075 5 3
65-69 32,120 30,870 7 116 1,121 4 2
70-74 30,286 28,847 4 104 1,326 4 1
75+ 27,209 25,740 10 131 1,324 3 1

Table 3.3 Population by Religion, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups: 2007
Sex and
Age Group Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other

Both Sexes 844,040 766,653 2,779 4,312 69,853 111 332

0 - 4 104,018 95,329 240 524 7,895 9 21

5 - 9 97,947 88,872 198 478 8,359 24 16
10-14 106,074 95,607 165 446 9,828 12 16
15-19 119,643 109,132 351 696 9,424 17 23
20-24 101,230 92,579 711 556 7,294 9 81
25-29 77,045 70,758 415 449 5,357 11 55
30-34 54,533 49,918 240 310 4,019 4 42
35-39 47,441 43,374 190 237 3,615 3 22
40-44 31,562 28,563 118 154 2,716 3 8
45-49 24,313 21,922 63 119 2,198 1 10
50-54 20,444 18,105 26 82 2,217 4 10
55-59 14,421 12,821 23 58 1,507 - 12
60-64 14,317 12,514 10 46 1,735 2 10
65-69 10,660 9,426 7 57 1,167 - 3
70-74 9,841 8,568 5 39 1,216 11 2
75+ 10,551 9,165 17 61 1,306 1 1

Male 398,795 360,158 1,507 1,971 34,892 58 209

0 - 4 52,844 48,422 127 244 4,032 7 12

5 - 9 48,891 44,403 104 220 4,144 11 9
10-14 52,234 46,911 80 211 5,023 6 3
15-19 53,892 48,698 142 277 4,754 8 13
20-24 45,377 40,875 437 271 3,724 7 63
25-29 34,652 31,586 198 171 2,661 5 31
30-34 25,876 23,536 144 148 2,016 1 31
35-39 22,078 20,117 107 121 1,720 2 11
40-44 16,645 15,086 81 86 1,385 1 6
45-49 12,287 11,111 34 69 1,067 - 6
50-54 8,890 7,853 18 44 966 2 7
55-59 6,280 5,539 13 29 692 - 7
60-64 5,626 4,810 6 16 787 - 7
65-69 4,365 3,728 6 22 608 - 1
70-74 3,966 3,320 3 12 621 8 2
75+ 4,892 4,163 7 30 692 - -

Female 445,245 406,495 1,272 2,341 34,961 53 123

0 - 4 51,174 46,907 113 280 3,863 2 9
5 - 9 49,056 44,469 94 258 4,215 13 7
10-14 53,840 48,696 85 235 4,805 6 13
15-19 65,751 60,434 209 419 4,670 9 10
20-24 55,853 51,704 274 285 3,570 2 18
25-29 42,393 39,172 217 278 2,696 6 24
30-34 28,657 26,382 96 162 2,003 3 11
35-39 25,363 23,257 83 116 1,895 1 11
40-44 14,917 13,477 37 68 1,331 2 2
45-49 12,026 10,811 29 50 1,131 1 4
50-54 11,554 10,252 8 38 1,251 2 3
55-59 8,141 7,282 10 29 815 - 5
60-64 8,691 7,704 4 30 948 2 3
65-69 6,295 5,698 1 35 559 - 2
70-74 5,875 5,248 2 27 595 3 -
75+ 5,659 5,002 10 31 614 1 1

Table 3.3 Population by Religion, Sex, and Five Year
Age Groups: 2007
Sex and
Age Group Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other

Both Sexes 3,472,948 3,358,844 860 11,356 100,980 53 855

0 - 4 526,844 509,841 94 1,652 15,215 7 35

5 - 9 543,727 525,385 66 1,734 16,521 10 11
10-14 507,732 491,903 98 1,697 14,022 5 7
15-19 376,574 364,518 133 1,317 10,595 4 7
20-24 261,243 252,072 164 911 8,040 4 52
25-29 208,796 201,091 124 803 6,692 4 82
30-34 194,776 188,029 64 529 6,024 - 130
35-39 177,646 172,183 35 486 4,780 2 160
40-44 139,105 134,169 22 389 4,322 1 202
45-49 113,500 110,061 22 343 2,996 2 76
50-54 105,184 101,640 10 347 3,121 2 64
55-59 80,544 78,277 9 251 1,989 2 16
60-64 77,059 74,521 4 271 2,254 3 6
65-69 56,811 55,336 7 199 1,262 4 3
70-74 50,554 48,878 3 182 1,489 1 1
75+ 52,853 50,940 5 245 1,658 2 3

Male 1,727,670 1,670,115 478 5,701 50,554 20 802

0 - 4 267,421 258,718 42 846 7,782 3 30

5 - 9 275,666 266,296 25 900 8,432 5 8
10-14 262,634 254,111 46 896 7,576 1 4
15-19 190,675 184,663 66 656 5,285 2 3
20-24 130,180 125,740 89 447 3,851 4 49
25-29 93,341 89,711 93 377 3,089 1 70
30-34 85,558 82,412 51 245 2,725 - 125
35-39 81,678 79,125 22 207 2,169 - 155
40-44 67,201 64,726 12 172 2,095 1 195
45-49 54,918 53,169 14 164 1,498 1 72
50-54 48,821 47,164 4 157 1,431 2 63
55-59 43,040 41,800 5 131 1,088 - 16
60-64 38,105 36,835 2 135 1,127 - 6
65-69 30,986 30,164 1 118 700 - 3
70-74 26,143 25,279 1 105 758 - -
75+ 31,303 30,202 5 145 948 - 3

Female 1,745,278 1,688,729 382 5,655 50,426 33 53

0 - 4 259,423 251,123 52 806 7,433 4 5
5 - 9 268,061 259,089 41 834 8,089 5 3
10-14 245,098 237,792 52 801 6,446 4 3
15-19 185,899 179,855 67 661 5,310 2 4
20-24 131,063 126,332 75 464 4,189 - 3
25-29 115,455 111,380 31 426 3,603 3 12
30-34 109,218 105,617 13 284 3,299 - 5
35-39 95,968 93,058 13 279 2,611 2 5
40-44 71,904 69,443 10 217 2,227 - 7
45-49 58,582 56,892 8 179 1,498 1 4
50-54 56,363 54,476 6 190 1,690 - 1
55-59 37,504 36,477 4 120 901 2 -
60-64 38,954 37,686 2 136 1,127 3 -
65-69 25,825 25,172 6 81 562 4 -
70-74 24,411 23,599 2 77 731 1 1
75+ 21,550 20,738 - 100 710 2 -

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 4,316,988 4,125,497 3,639 15,668 170,833 164 1,187

Male 2,126,465 2,030,273 1,985 7,672 85,446 78 1,011
Female 2,190,523 2,095,224 1,654 7,996 85,387 86 176


Both Sexes 736,805 712,905 504 907 22,405 27 57

Male 368,254 356,165 296 525 11,219 13 36
Female 368,551 356,740 208 382 11,186 14 21


Both Sexes 90,144 86,171 247 837 2,840 3 46

Male 45,834 43,622 183 482 1,516 1 30
Female 44,310 42,549 64 355 1,324 2 16


Both Sexes 113,836 111,393 17 10 2,394 22 -

Male 56,685 55,502 5 3 1,164 11 -
Female 57,151 55,891 12 7 1,230 11 -


Both Sexes 125,028 122,833 10 11 2,174 - -

Male 61,977 60,899 5 7 1,066 - -
Female 63,051 61,934 5 4 1,108 - -


Both Sexes 68,989 67,413 73 - 1,503 - -

Male 34,477 33,720 34 - 723 - -
Female 34,512 33,693 39 - 780 - -


Both Sexes 135,621 132,237 15 16 3,353 - -

Male 69,143 67,387 8 10 1,738 - -
Female 66,478 64,850 7 6 1,615 - -


Both Sexes 138,858 136,730 20 9 2,092 - 7

Male 70,108 69,054 10 5 1,035 - 4
Female 68,750 67,676 10 4 1,057 - 3

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 47,284 40,243 78 23 6,935 2 3

Male 21,867 18,411 32 18 3,404 1 1
Female 25,417 21,832 46 5 3,531 1 2


Both Sexes 17,045 15,885 44 1 1,114 - 1

Male 8,163 7,570 19 - 573 - 1
Female 8,882 8,315 25 1 541 - -


Both Sexes 1,245,824 1,218,635 403 225 25,768 4 789

Male 613,797 599,955 215 108 12,756 3 760
Female 632,027 618,680 188 117 13,012 1 29


Both Sexes 107,218 103,926 98 7 3,187 - -

Male 53,425 51,823 49 5 1,548 - -
Female 53,793 52,103 49 2 1,639 - -


Both Sexes 173,700 169,804 30 14 3,851 1 -

Male 84,014 82,249 14 6 1,745 - -
Female 89,686 87,555 16 8 2,106 1 -


Both Sexes 146,104 144,041 20 - 2,042 - 1

Male 71,659 70,603 10 - 1,045 - 1
Female 74,445 73,438 10 - 997 - -


Both Sexes 99,711 99,008 2 7 690 - 4

Male 49,546 49,178 2 4 360 - 2
Female 50,165 49,830 - 3 330 - 2


Both Sexes 72,625 72,110 54 1 456 1 3

Male 36,203 35,927 42 - 230 1 3
Female 36,422 36,183 12 1 226 - -

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 99,122 95,913 3 3 3,193 - 10

Male 48,623 46,992 - - 1,624 - 7
Female 50,499 48,921 3 3 1,569 - 3


Both Sexes 104,966 103,504 6 - 1,456 - -

Male 52,061 51,330 5 - 726 - -
Female 52,905 52,174 1 - 730 - -


Both Sexes 134,336 134,148 5 1 182 - -

Male 66,925 66,821 4 - 100 - -
Female 67,411 67,327 1 1 82 - -


Both Sexes 113,595 113,469 7 1 118 - -

Male 56,955 56,881 - 1 73 - -
Female 56,640 56,588 7 - 45 - -


Both Sexes 93,185 92,173 13 2 243 - 754

Male 47,512 46,605 8 2 162 - 735
Female 45,673 45,568 5 - 81 - 19


Both Sexes 16,115 14,276 4 11 1,822 - 2

Male 7,826 6,931 2 4 888 - 1
Female 8,289 7,345 2 7 934 - 1


Both Sexes 40,500 36,560 98 167 3,665 - 10

Male 18,307 16,388 46 81 1,785 - 7
Female 22,193 20,172 52 86 1,880 - 3


Both Sexes 44,647 39,703 63 11 4,863 2 5

Male 20,741 18,227 33 5 2,470 2 4
Female 23,906 21,476 30 6 2,393 - 1

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 755,343 723,120 524 13,479 18,148 31 41

Male 359,638 344,294 241 6,524 8,538 16 25
Female 395,705 378,826 283 6,955 9,610 15 16


Both Sexes 84,236 83,578 10 497 150 - 1

Male 40,549 40,260 2 229 58 - -
Female 43,687 43,318 8 268 92 - 1


Both Sexes 25,471 14,262 14 10,351 842 2 -

Male 12,412 6,891 7 5,093 420 1 -
Female 13,059 7,371 7 5,258 422 1 -


Both Sexes 139,191 131,250 54 497 7,385 5 -

Male 65,796 61,992 22 237 3,543 2 -
Female 73,395 69,258 32 260 3,842 3 -


Both Sexes 88,644 87,879 8 180 556 - 21

Male 42,096 41,736 3 85 258 - 14
Female 46,548 46,143 5 95 298 - 7


Both Sexes 117,954 117,250 16 3 683 1 1

Male 56,415 56,102 7 1 304 - 1
Female 61,539 61,148 9 2 379 1 -


Both Sexes 99,708 96,796 118 3 2,789 1 1

Male 48,645 47,278 50 2 1,314 - 1
Female 51,063 49,518 68 1 1,475 1 -


Both Sexes 112,341 109,856 86 9 2,377 12 1

Male 53,659 52,544 42 4 1,061 7 1
Female 58,682 57,312 44 5 1,316 5 -

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 57,588 54,173 116 1,741 1,545 3 10

Male 26,010 24,410 56 802 735 2 5
Female 31,578 29,763 60 939 810 1 5


Both Sexes 30,210 28,076 102 198 1,821 7 6

Male 14,056 13,081 52 71 845 4 3
Female 16,154 14,995 50 127 976 3 3


Both Sexes 1,006,504 927,518 413 102 78,387 53 31

Male 497,280 457,833 185 57 39,161 23 21
Female 509,224 469,685 228 45 39,226 30 10


Both Sexes 124,340 122,633 5 6 1,695 1 -

Male 61,868 61,048 1 5 813 1 -
Female 62,472 61,585 4 1 882 - -


Both Sexes 114,297 113,929 8 3 356 1 -

Male 57,482 57,301 5 2 174 - -
Female 56,815 56,628 3 1 182 1 -


Both Sexes 153,505 151,726 14 6 1,756 1 2

Male 75,890 75,024 8 4 853 - 1
Female 77,615 76,702 6 2 903 1 1


Both Sexes 107,972 107,630 9 2 331 - -

Male 52,844 52,640 4 2 198 - -
Female 55,128 54,990 5 - 133 - -


Both Sexes 84,739 79,340 6 - 5,393 - -

Male 42,052 38,819 - - 3,233 - -
Female 42,687 40,521 6 - 2,160 - -

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 135,870 95,942 45 27 39,842 7 7

Male 67,687 47,959 19 15 19,686 3 5
Female 68,183 47,983 26 12 20,156 4 2


Both Sexes 85,403 68,550 29 1 16,805 17 1

Male 42,483 34,221 12 1 8,241 7 1
Female 42,920 34,329 17 - 8,564 10 -


Both Sexes 126,889 122,576 8 2 4,291 9 3

Male 62,278 60,170 5 1 2,098 3 1
Female 64,611 62,406 3 1 2,193 6 2


Both Sexes 23,419 22,313 94 12 994 2 4

Male 11,024 10,467 51 6 495 1 4
Female 12,395 11,846 43 6 499 1 -


Both Sexes 16,856 15,528 32 2 1,290 - 4

Male 7,532 6,914 18 1 597 - 2
Female 9,324 8,614 14 1 693 - 2


Both Sexes 33,214 27,351 163 41 5,634 15 10

Male 16,140 13,270 62 20 2,773 8 7
Female 17,074 14,081 101 21 2,861 7 3


Both Sexes 356,598 343,220 147 76 13,113 19 23

Male 182,571 175,496 82 48 6,922 8 15
Female 174,027 167,724 65 28 6,191 11 8


Both Sexes 92,167 87,706 57 55 4,327 12 10

Male 47,909 45,496 36 34 2,332 5 6
Female 44,258 42,210 21 21 1,995 7 4

Table 3.4 Population by Religion and Sex: 2007

Sex Total Orthodox Protestant Catholic Islam Traditional Other



Both Sexes 138,926 135,147 8 5 3,761 1 4

Male 70,504 68,562 2 5 1,930 1 4
Female 68,422 66,585 6 - 1,831 - -


Both Sexes 103,852 100,190 26 3 3,628 3 2

Male 52,763 50,868 13 1 1,878 1 2
Female 51,089 49,322 13 2 1,750 2 -


Both Sexes 21,653 20,177 56 13 1,397 3 7

Male 11,395 10,570 31 8 782 1 3
Female 10,258 9,607 25 5 615 2 4


Both Sexes 215,914 200,099 1,648 879 13,012 30 246

Male 104,925 96,530 966 410 6,850 15 154
Female 110,989 103,569 682 469 6,162 15 92


Both Sexes 92,104 88,399 1,149 575 1,790 22 169

Male 44,153 41,976 713 275 1,065 12 112
Female 47,951 46,423 436 300 725 10 57


Both Sexes 123,810 111,700 499 304 11,222 8 77

Male 60,772 54,554 253 135 5,785 3 42
Female 63,038 57,146 246 169 5,437 5 35

Table 3.5 Persons 10 Years Old and Older by Marital Status, Sex,
and Age: 2007
Marital Status
together as
Sex and Never Currently Widow/ Husband and Not
Age Group Total Married Married Divorced Separated Widower Spouse Stated


Both Sexes 3,044,558 1,279,038 1,396,960 159,289 36,867 161,465 10,702 235

10-14 613,806 576,092 33,658 1,237 726 532 1,562 -

15-19 496,217 408,665 74,033 6,838 3,569 592 2,438 82
20-24 362,473 190,812 143,570 17,518 5,759 1,885 2,876 52
25-29 285,841 63,418 190,231 21,435 5,493 3,707 1,529 28
30-34 249,309 18,909 196,273 22,114 4,618 6,531 852 12
35-39 225,121 7,220 183,616 20,652 3,562 9,563 492 16
40-44 170,712 3,568 137,343 15,856 2,696 11,012 231 6
45-49 137,867 1,983 109,616 12,541 2,121 11,441 158 6
50-54 125,630 1,814 92,891 11,899 2,086 16,799 136 5
55-59 94,978 1,058 70,664 7,712 1,265 14,177 98 5
60-64 91,412 1,288 58,818 7,661 1,606 21,967 67 5
65-69 67,457 785 42,268 5,296 1,057 17,979 72 -
70-74 60,380 1,055 32,507 4,313 1,143 21,290 67 5
75+ 63,355 2,371 31,472 4,219 1,167 23,990 124 12

Male 1,481,704 736,119 684,821 29,237 8,934 17,923 4,564 106

10-14 314,868 297,793 15,284 521 152 251 867 -

15-19 244,567 231,298 11,198 750 376 201 707 36
20-24 175,557 134,483 34,199 3,049 2,051 361 1,395 18
25-29 127,993 47,539 72,595 4,536 2,031 401 873 18
30-34 111,434 13,461 91,727 4,156 1,182 573 328 7
35-39 103,756 4,711 94,323 3,291 682 641 92 16
40-44 83,846 2,031 78,205 2,220 382 959 49 -
45-49 67,275 978 63,048 1,938 386 884 35 6
50-54 57,706 876 53,483 1,603 329 1,355 61 -
55-59 49,326 537 45,823 1,414 249 1,276 27 -
60-64 43,752 533 39,829 1,422 270 1,680 18 -
65-69 35,339 316 31,767 1,209 232 1,774 41 -
70-74 30,096 361 25,948 1,277 284 2,210 16 -
75+ 36,189 1,200 27,392 1,851 329 5,356 55 5

Female 1,562,854 542,919 712,140 130,053 27,933 143,542 6,138 129

10-14 298,938 278,299 18,375 716 573 281 694 -

15-19 251,650 177,367 62,835 6,088 3,193 391 1,731 46
20-24 186,916 56,329 109,370 14,469 3,708 1,524 1,481 34
25-29 157,848 15,878 117,636 16,899 3,462 3,306 656 11
30-34 137,875 5,447 104,547 17,957 3,437 5,958 524 5
35-39 121,365 2,509 89,293 17,361 2,880 8,922 400 -
40-44 86,866 1,537 59,138 13,636 2,314 10,053 182 6
45-49 70,592 1,005 46,569 10,603 1,735 10,557 123 -
50-54 67,924 938 39,408 10,297 1,757 15,444 75 5
55-59 45,652 521 24,840 6,298 1,016 12,901 71 5
60-64 47,660 755 18,989 6,239 1,336 20,287 49 5
65-69 32,118 470 10,501 4,087 825 16,204 32 -
70-74 30,284 694 6,559 3,036 859 19,081 51 5
75+ 27,166 1,171 4,080 2,368 838 18,634 69 6

Table 3.5 Persons 10 Years Old and Older by Marital Status, Sex,
and Age: 2007
Marital Status
together as
Sex and Never Currently Widow/ Husband and Not
Age Group Total Married Married Divorced Separated Widower Spouse Stated


Both Sexes 642,181 305,723 240,734 48,801 9,807 34,269 2,761 86

10-14 106,074 98,939 6,412 151 116 96 361 -

15-19 119,643 103,401 13,386 1,660 494 138 537 27
20-24 101,230 61,420 32,283 4,971 1,136 643 758 17
25-29 77,045 25,859 41,067 6,737 1,496 1,437 432 17
30-34 54,533 8,401 35,829 6,820 1,320 1,917 234 12
35-39 47,475 3,333 33,052 6,937 1,125 2,851 170 6
40-44 31,607 1,410 21,940 4,707 855 2,595 100 -
45-49 24,367 633 16,335 4,008 729 2,633 29 -
50-54 20,446 543 12,274 3,662 593 3,345 29 -
55-59 14,434 314 8,366 2,503 488 2,717 40 5
60-64 14,353 425 6,788 2,439 481 4,213 6 -
65-69 10,646 222 5,009 1,646 356 3,405 8 -
70-74 9,826 284 3,953 1,404 320 3,844 21 -
75+ 10,502 538 4,040 1,156 298 4,435 35 -

Male 297,121 169,337 114,445 7,519 1,834 2,980 969 36

10-14 52,234 48,697 3,200 46 47 40 203 -

15-19 53,892 51,081 2,290 112 74 66 263 5
20-24 45,377 39,258 5,328 400 121 89 174 6
25-29 34,652 19,007 14,348 787 246 100 152 12
30-34 25,876 6,429 17,970 1,017 253 138 61 7
35-39 22,078 2,503 18,051 1,041 224 238 17 6
40-44 16,645 905 14,591 717 157 253 22 -
45-49 12,357 378 10,826 801 168 160 23 -
50-54 8,885 241 7,731 537 113 244 19 -
55-59 6,286 153 5,361 467 83 205 16 -
60-64 5,647 198 4,627 449 104 262 6 -
65-69 4,353 92 3,667 297 79 215 3 -
70-74 3,953 94 3,074 405 94 286 - -
75+ 4,886 302 3,380 442 70 682 10 -

Female 345,060 136,386 126,289 41,282 7,973 31,289 1,791 49

10-14 53,840 50,242 3,212 105 68 56 158 -

15-19 65,751 52,320 11,095 1,547 420 72 273 22
20-24 55,853 22,162 26,955 4,571 1,015 554 584 11
25-29 42,393 6,852 26,719 5,950 1,250 1,337 281 5
30-34 28,657 1,972 17,859 5,803 1,067 1,779 173 5
35-39 25,397 830 15,001 5,897 901 2,614 154 -
40-44 14,962 505 7,349 3,991 699 2,342 78 -
45-49 12,010 255 5,510 3,207 561 2,472 6 -
50-54 11,561 303 4,543 3,126 479 3,100 10 -
55-59 8,148 161 3,004 2,036 405 2,511 25 5
60-64 8,706 227 2,161 1,990 377 3,951 - -
65-69 6,293 130 1,341 1,348 277 3,190 5 -
70-74 5,873 190 879 999 226 3,558 21 -
75+ 5,616 237 660 713 227 3,754 25 -

Table 3.5 Persons 10 Years Old and Older by Marital Status, Sex,
and Age: 2007
Marital Status
together as
Sex and Never Currently Widow/ Husband and Not
Age Group Total Married Married Divorced Separated Widower Spouse Stated


Both Sexes 2,402,377 973,315 1,156,227 110,488 27,060 127,196 7,941 149

10-14 507,732 477,153 27,246 1,086 610 436 1,201 -

15-19 376,574 305,264 60,648 5,178 3,075 454 1,901 55
20-24 261,243 129,392 111,287 12,547 4,623 1,242 2,118 35
25-29 208,796 37,559 149,165 14,698 3,997 2,270 1,097 11
30-34 194,776 10,508 160,444 15,294 3,299 4,614 618 -
35-39 177,646 3,887 150,564 13,715 2,437 6,712 322 10
40-44 139,105 2,158 115,403 11,148 1,841 8,418 131 6
45-49 113,500 1,350 93,281 8,533 1,392 8,808 129 6
50-54 105,184 1,270 80,617 8,237 1,493 13,454 107 5
55-59 80,544 744 62,298 5,208 776 11,460 57 -
60-64 77,059 863 52,030 5,222 1,125 17,754 61 5
65-69 56,811 563 37,259 3,650 700 14,574 64 -
70-74 50,554 771 28,554 2,908 823 17,447 46 5
75+ 52,853 1,832 27,432 3,063 870 19,555 89 12

Male 1,184,583 566,782 570,376 21,718 7,100 14,943 3,595 70

10-14 262,634 249,096 12,083 475 105 211 664 -

15-19 190,675 180,218 8,908 638 302 135 444 31
20-24 130,180 95,225 28,872 2,649 1,930 272 1,221 12
25-29 93,341 28,532 58,247 3,749 1,785 301 721 6
30-34 85,558 7,033 73,756 3,139 929 435 267 -
35-39 81,678 2,208 76,273 2,250 458 404 75 10
40-44 67,201 1,126 63,614 1,503 225 706 27 -
45-49 54,918 600 52,222 1,137 218 724 12 6
50-54 48,821 635 45,752 1,066 215 1,110 42 -
55-59 43,040 384 40,462 947 165 1,070 11 -
60-64 38,105 335 35,202 973 166 1,418 12 -
65-69 30,986 224 28,099 912 153 1,560 38 -
70-74 26,143 268 22,874 871 190 1,924 16 -
75+ 31,303 898 24,012 1,409 259 4,675 45 5

Female 1,217,794 406,533 585,851 88,770 19,960 112,253 4,346 80

10-14 245,098 228,057 15,163 611 505 225 537 -

15-19 185,899 125,046 51,740 4,540 2,773 318 1,457 24
20-24 131,063 34,167 82,415 9,898 2,693 970 897 23
25-29 115,455 9,027 90,918 10,949 2,212 1,969 375 5
30-34 109,218 3,475 86,688 12,155 2,370 4,179 351 -
35-39 95,968 1,678 74,291 11,465 1,979 6,308 247 -
40-44 71,904 1,032 51,789 9,645 1,616 7,712 104 6
45-49 58,582 750 41,059 7,397 1,174 8,085 118 -
50-54 56,363 635 34,865 7,171 1,277 12,344 65 5
55-59 37,504 360 21,836 4,261 611 10,390 46 -
60-64 38,954 528 16,828 4,249 959 16,336 49 5
65-69 25,825 340 9,160 2,738 547 13,014 27 -
70-74 24,411 504 5,680 2,037 633 15,523 29 5
75+ 21,550 934 3,420 1,654 611 14,880 44 6


This chapter presents data on Disability and Orphanhood statuses of the population.
Both disability and orphanhood data were collected for every member of the
household in the 2007 Population and Housing Census. Three questions on disability
status were included in the census questionnaire to measure the status, type and
cause of disability. Similarly, two questions on orphanhood status were included in the
census questionnaire to measure the type and status of orphanhood.

4.1 Disability Status

A person who was unable to carry out or limited in carrying out activities that others
can do due to congenital or long term physical/mental disabilities was identified as a
disabled person. Short term difficulties due to temporary conditions were excluded. In
general, a person was defined as disabled if due to physical or mental injuries could
not fully perform activities that other healthy person could do. Based on this UN
definition, recommendations and the previous experiences, the following three basic
questions were administered in the 2007 Population and Housing Census. These are:-
i) Does (NAME) have a problem of seeing, hearing, speaking and/or
standing/walking/seating, body parts movement, functioning of hands/ legs or
mental retardation or mental problem or other mental/physical damages?
ii) If yes, what is (NAME’s) type of disability or problem? and
iii) What was the cause of (NAME’s) disability?

The above questions on disability were developed in collaboration with the experts
from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Confederation of the Disabled and
Addis Ababa University.

4.1.1 Type of Disability

The question on type of disability was asked based on the following basic definitions:
 Blind: - Persons who totally lost their vision.

 Seeing difficulty: - persons with two eyes and with partial seeing ability
were considered in this category. Persons with seeing difficulty are those
who can’t count fingers of hands at a distance of two meters or those who
can’t identify the individual standing four meters away from them. Persons
who lost one of their eyes and became unable to fully see due to the
problem in one eye affecting the other were considered as persons with
seeing difficulty. Moreover, persons who were unable to do their work
without the help of others because of weakness in seeing were considered
as persons who have seeing difficulty. A person after wearing a pair of
spectacles gets back his sight was not included under this category.

 Deaf: - Persons who were not able to hear from both ears but can speak
were grouped under this category.

 Hearing difficulty: - Persons who totally lost hearing in one ear and
partially hear by one or those who were able to hear partially by both ears
were considered as persons with hearing difficulty.

 Dumb: - Persons who were not able to speak at all but can hear were
considered as dumb.

 Speaking difficulty: - Persons who were not able to speak as a healthy

person could speak or persons whose speech couldn’t be understood
clearly to others were considered as having speaking difficulties.

 Deaf mute: - Persons who were not able to speak and hear at all were
categorized as deaf mute.

 Disability in Hands: - (Non functional upper limbs) Loss of one hand or

both hands, paralysis of one hand or both hands or any other disability in
one hand or both hands were taken as disability in hands.
Persons who were unable to use one hand or both hands to hold or pick up
anything, in attending their day-to-day work were considered as paralyzed in
hand/hands. Persons having any other type of disability in one hand or both

hands not related to above types were considered as having other disability
in hand/hands.

 Disability in Legs: - (Non functional lower limbs) Loss of one leg or both
legs, paralysis of one leg or both legs, or any other disability in one leg or
both legs were taken as disability in legs. Persons having completely
lifeless or inactive leg/legs were considered as paralyzed in leg/legs.

 Physical Organs Movement Difficulty: - Any other specific physical organ

movement difficulties (such as difficulties in seating, keeping balance, sever
shaking, coordinated organs’ movement, … etc) other than the disabilities of
seeing, hearing/speaking, disabilities in hands or disabilities in legs were
taken as physical organ movement difficulty.

 Mental retardation: - in our census mentally retarded persons were taken

as mentally disabled persons having difficulties in learning. A person whose
social interaction is below expected and backward having low capacity of
understanding, training with difficulties in helping themselves in attending
their day to day activities or learning due to undeveloped brain was
considered as mentally retarded.

 Mental Problem: - Persons with mental illness due to unknown causes

were not considered as disabled as long as they are treated and healed. It
must be understood that there is a difference between mental problem and
mental retardation and caution should be taken not to consider mental
retardation and epilepsy as mental problem.

 Other: - Persons identified as disabled and not classified in any of the

above mentioned categories were considered in this group.

The 2007 Population and Housing Census excludes the following persons from being
classified as disabled for they are being capable of performing activities that other
healthy persons could do. Persons with one eye or one ear as long as the person is

able to fully perform activities in the manner or within the range considered normal for
a human being, even if his/her other eye or ear is blind or defective, he or she is not
considered as disabled person. Unlike in the 1994 Census Leprosy, Epilepsy, and
Mental problem (except mental retardation) were not considered as disability.
However, they could be causes of disabilities.

4.1.2 Cause of Disability

The cause of disability is categorized in one of the following stated groups:

 Vehicle Accident: - accidents caused by car, train, rail way, bicycle, Motor
Cycle, horse pulled wheeled vehicle …etc.

 Other accidents: - accidents caused due to falling, accidents caused by cattle,

falling from animals back or stroke, accidents caused on job, accidents due to
electric shocks, accidents caused by fire arms, bullet, bomb, sharp objects,
piercing objects, hand grenades …etc out of the battle field, accidents caused
by hammering bomb or explosive, accidents caused by explosives of mining or
quarrying, accidents caused due to accidentally fired bullet and other related

 Polio: - virus causing disability of body paralysis.

 Leprosy: - chronic infectious disease caused by micro- bacterium leprae

primarily affecting nerves and causes disability if not treated early.

 Other diseases (post natal -after delivery):- cause of disability other than
polio and leprosy which occurs due to small pox, measles, meningitis, diabetes
mellitus, hyper tension, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)/Venereal disease

 Intra-uterine (in the uterus) Prenatal and during Delivery: - disability caused
before birth and during delivery.

 War/mines:- disability caused in the battle field by fire arms, bullet, explosives,
mines, bombs piercing objects, and sharp objects...etc and disabilities caused
by exploding mines be it in the battle field or not.

 Others: - disabilities caused different from the above described causes are
considered in this category (e.g.:- disabilities caused due to un-prescribed

 Unknown case: - if the cause is not known or could not be described by the
respondent (e.g.:-mental Problem).

It is to be noted that in the 2007 population and housing census disability data were
collected for every member of all the households (complete count) where as in the
1994 population and housing census information on disability were collected for every
member from every fifth households using long questionnaire on sample basis. Hence,
it is important to note this difference when comparing the results of the 2007 census
disability data with that of the 1994 census results.

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 4,316,988 69,017 2,126,465 35,802 2,190,523 33,215 160 168 152

0 - 4 630,862 1,726 320,265 944 310,597 782 27 29 25

5 - 9 641,674 3,361 324,557 1,880 317,117 1,481 52 58 47
10 - 14 613,806 4,671 314,868 2,601 298,938 2,070 76 83 69
15 - 19 496,217 5,582 244,567 3,021 251,650 2,561 112 124 102
20 - 24 362,473 4,683 175,557 2,507 186,916 2,176 129 143 116
25 - 29 285,841 4,189 127,993 2,143 157,848 2,046 147 167 130
30 - 34 249,309 4,301 111,434 2,194 137,875 2,107 173 197 153
35 - 39 225,087 4,554 103,756 2,604 121,331 1,950 202 251 161
40 - 44 170,667 4,444 83,846 2,571 86,821 1,873 260 307 216
45 - 49 137,813 3,955 67,205 2,261 70,608 1,694 287 336 240
50 - 54 125,628 4,165 57,711 1,911 67,917 2,254 332 331 332
55 - 59 94,965 3,390 49,320 1,736 45,645 1,654 357 352 362
60 - 64 91,376 4,439 43,731 1,879 47,645 2,560 486 430 537
65 - 69 67,471 3,917 35,351 1,778 32,120 2,139 581 503 666
70 - 74 60,395 4,737 30,109 2,110 30,286 2,627 784 701 867
75+ 63,404 6,903 36,195 3,662 27,209 3,241 1,089 1,012 1,191

ALL AGES 844,040 15,235 398,795 8,260 445,245 6,975 181 207 157

0 - 4 104,018 264 52,844 152 51,174 112 25 29 22

5 - 9 97,947 534 48,891 290 49,056 244 55 59 50
10 - 14 106,074 937 52,234 513 53,840 424 88 98 79
15 - 19 119,643 1,384 53,892 751 65,751 633 116 139 96
20 - 24 101,230 1,059 45,377 581 55,853 478 105 128 86
25 - 29 77,045 1,134 34,652 638 42,393 496 147 184 117
30 - 34 54,533 1,123 25,876 631 28,657 492 206 244 172
35 - 39 47,441 1,388 22,078 878 25,363 510 293 398 201
40 - 44 31,562 1,232 16,645 841 14,917 391 390 505 262
45 - 49 24,313 955 12,287 642 12,026 313 393 523 260
50 - 54 20,444 919 8,890 464 11,554 455 450 522 394
55 - 59 14,421 673 6,280 352 8,141 321 467 561 394
60 - 64 14,317 823 5,626 317 8,691 506 575 563 582
65 - 69 10,660 751 4,365 298 6,295 453 705 683 720
70 - 74 9,841 854 3,966 352 5,875 502 868 888 854
75+ 10,551 1,205 4,892 560 5,659 645 1,142 1,145 1,140

ALL AGES 3,472,948 53,782 1,727,670 27,542 1,745,278 26,240 155 159 150

0 - 4 526,844 1,462 267,421 792 259,423 670 28 30 26

5 - 9 543,727 2,827 275,666 1,590 268,061 1,237 52 58 46
10 - 14 507,732 3,734 262,634 2,088 245,098 1,646 74 80 67
15 - 19 376,574 4,198 190,675 2,270 185,899 1,928 111 119 104
20 - 24 261,243 3,624 130,180 1,926 131,063 1,698 139 148 130
25 - 29 208,796 3,055 93,341 1,505 115,455 1,550 146 161 134
30 - 34 194,776 3,178 85,558 1,563 109,218 1,615 163 183 148
35 - 39 177,646 3,166 81,678 1,726 95,968 1,440 178 211 150
40 - 44 139,105 3,212 67,201 1,730 71,904 1,482 231 257 206
45 - 49 113,500 3,000 54,918 1,619 58,582 1,381 264 295 236
50 - 54 105,184 3,246 48,821 1,447 56,363 1,799 309 296 319
55 - 59 80,544 2,717 43,040 1,384 37,504 1,333 337 322 355
60 - 64 77,059 3,616 38,105 1,562 38,954 2,054 469 410 527
65 - 69 56,811 3,166 30,986 1,480 25,825 1,686 557 478 653
70 - 74 50,554 3,883 26,143 1,758 24,411 2,125 768 672 871
75+ 52,853 5,698 31,303 3,102 21,550 2,596 1,078 991 1,205

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 736,805 11,353 368,254 5,932 368,551 5,421 154 161 147

0 - 4 118,131 364 59,826 204 58,305 160 31 34 27

5 - 9 109,919 563 55,420 338 54,499 225 51 61 41
10 - 14 100,851 814 51,954 451 48,897 363 81 87 74
15 - 19 79,176 920 39,528 526 39,648 394 116 133 99
20 - 24 65,602 908 31,971 482 33,631 426 138 151 127
25 - 29 51,828 799 23,974 398 27,854 401 154 166 144
30 - 34 44,182 738 20,731 367 23,451 371 167 177 158
35 - 39 39,742 748 19,793 424 19,949 324 188 214 162
40 - 44 30,240 782 15,808 453 14,432 329 259 287 228
45 - 49 22,650 680 11,434 373 11,216 307 300 326 274
50 - 54 20,273 665 9,417 309 10,856 356 328 328 328
55 - 59 14,656 540 7,797 287 6,859 253 368 368 369
60 - 64 13,934 703 6,773 314 7,161 389 505 464 543
65 - 69 9,733 593 5,204 263 4,529 330 609 505 729
70 - 74 8,376 665 4,298 305 4,078 360 794 710 883
75+ 7,512 871 4,326 438 3,186 433 1,159 1,012 1,359

ALL AGES 107,999 2,330 49,642 1,258 58,357 1,072 216 253 184

0 - 4 15,189 58 7,586 34 7,603 24 38 45 32

5 - 9 13,081 87 6,337 41 6,744 46 67 65 68
10 - 14 13,463 126 6,708 71 6,755 55 94 106 81
15 - 19 13,339 189 5,825 112 7,514 77 142 192 102
20 - 24 12,329 149 4,865 84 7,464 65 121 173 87
25 - 29 9,803 163 4,101 76 5,702 87 166 185 153
30 - 34 7,237 177 3,286 97 3,951 80 245 295 202
35 - 39 6,285 198 2,857 117 3,428 81 315 410 236
40 - 44 4,345 211 2,313 147 2,032 64 486 636 315
45 - 49 3,118 187 1,637 129 1,481 58 600 788 392
50 - 54 2,545 134 1,087 70 1,458 64 527 644 439
55 - 59 1,721 119 748 66 973 53 691 882 545
60 - 64 1,760 122 631 47 1,129 75 693 745 664
65 - 69 1,367 124 580 44 787 80 907 759 1,017
70 - 74 1,182 132 475 53 707 79 1,117 1,116 1,117
75+ 1,235 154 606 70 629 84 1,247 1,155 1,335

ALL AGES 628,806 9,023 318,612 4,674 310,194 4,349 143 147 140

0 - 4 102,942 306 52,240 170 50,702 136 30 33 27

5 - 9 96,838 476 49,083 297 47,755 179 49 61 37
10 - 14 87,388 688 45,246 380 42,142 308 79 84 73
15 - 19 65,837 731 33,703 414 32,134 317 111 123 99
20 - 24 53,273 759 27,106 398 26,167 361 142 147 138
25 - 29 42,025 636 19,873 322 22,152 314 151 162 142
30 - 34 36,945 561 17,445 270 19,500 291 152 155 149
35 - 39 33,457 550 16,936 307 16,521 243 164 181 147
40 - 44 25,895 571 13,495 306 12,400 265 221 227 214
45 - 49 19,532 493 9,797 244 9,735 249 252 249 256
50 - 54 17,728 531 8,330 239 9,398 292 300 287 311
55 - 59 12,935 421 7,049 221 5,886 200 325 314 340
60 - 64 12,174 581 6,142 267 6,032 314 477 435 521
65 - 69 8,366 469 4,624 219 3,742 250 561 474 668
70 - 74 7,194 533 3,823 252 3,371 281 741 659 834
75+ 6,277 717 3,720 368 2,557 349 1,142 989 1,365

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 1,245,824 20,626 613,797 10,471 632,027 10,155 166 171 161

0 - 4 181,213 389 91,986 191 89,227 198 21 21 22

5 - 9 187,626 844 94,718 464 92,908 380 45 49 41
10 - 14 181,756 1,311 93,178 742 88,578 569 72 80 64
15 - 19 140,418 1,589 70,341 858 70,077 731 113 122 104
20 - 24 97,398 1,347 49,100 737 48,298 610 138 150 126
25 - 29 75,195 1,218 32,215 594 42,980 624 162 184 145
30 - 34 71,071 1,251 30,213 589 40,858 662 176 195 162
35 - 39 66,864 1,375 30,754 789 36,110 586 206 257 162
40 - 44 49,009 1,330 23,766 702 25,243 628 271 295 249
45 - 49 40,327 1,163 19,066 649 21,261 514 288 340 242
50 - 54 38,029 1,384 17,123 606 20,906 778 364 354 372
55 - 59 29,361 1,092 15,351 540 14,010 552 372 352 394
60 - 64 29,059 1,475 14,241 627 14,818 848 508 440 572
65 - 69 21,446 1,242 11,558 561 9,888 681 579 485 689
70 - 74 19,182 1,610 9,808 713 9,374 897 839 727 957
75+ 17,870 2,006 10,379 1,109 7,491 897 1,123 1,069 1,197

ALL AGES 176,453 3,451 81,844 1,907 94,609 1,544 196 233 163

0 - 4 23,741 52 12,032 31 11,709 21 22 26 18

5 - 9 21,565 87 10,817 58 10,748 29 40 54 27
10 - 14 22,342 181 10,964 109 11,378 72 81 99 63
15 - 19 24,543 303 11,125 170 13,418 133 123 153 99
20 - 24 19,646 213 8,684 121 10,962 92 108 139 84
25 - 29 15,193 243 6,096 126 9,097 117 160 207 129
30 - 34 11,367 258 4,888 134 6,479 124 227 274 191
35 - 39 10,265 412 4,694 269 5,571 143 401 573 257
40 - 44 6,351 335 3,403 223 2,948 112 527 655 380
45 - 49 4,803 222 2,461 157 2,342 65 462 638 278
50 - 54 4,035 238 1,716 137 2,319 101 590 798 436
55 - 59 2,774 139 1,150 75 1,624 64 501 652 394
60 - 64 3,088 174 1,137 68 1,951 106 563 598 543
65 - 69 2,336 163 895 58 1,441 105 698 648 729
70 - 74 2,222 193 832 65 1,390 128 869 781 921
75+ 2,182 238 950 106 1,232 132 1,091 1,116 1,071

ALL AGES 1,069,371 17,175 531,953 8,564 537,418 8,611 161 161 160

0 - 4 157,472 337 79,954 160 77,518 177 21 20 23

5 - 9 166,061 757 83,901 406 82,160 351 46 48 43
10 - 14 159,414 1,130 82,214 633 77,200 497 71 77 64
15 - 19 115,875 1,286 59,216 688 56,659 598 111 116 106
20 - 24 77,752 1,134 40,416 616 37,336 518 146 152 139
25 - 29 60,002 975 26,119 468 33,883 507 162 179 150
30 - 34 59,704 993 25,325 455 34,379 538 166 180 156
35 - 39 56,599 963 26,060 520 30,539 443 170 200 145
40 - 44 42,658 995 20,363 479 22,295 516 233 235 231
45 - 49 35,524 941 16,605 492 18,919 449 265 296 237
50 - 54 33,994 1,146 15,407 469 18,587 677 337 304 364
55 - 59 26,587 953 14,201 465 12,386 488 358 327 394
60 - 64 25,971 1,301 13,104 559 12,867 742 501 427 577
65 - 69 19,110 1,079 10,663 503 8,447 576 565 472 682
70 - 74 16,960 1,417 8,976 648 7,984 769 835 722 963
75+ 15,688 1,768 9,429 1,003 6,259 765 1,127 1,064 1,222

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 755,343 13,243 359,638 6,880 395,705 6,363 175 191 161

0 - 4 104,988 340 53,531 184 51,457 156 32 34 30

5 - 9 115,700 724 58,521 406 57,179 318 63 69 56
10 - 14 117,337 931 59,826 516 57,511 415 79 86 72
15 - 19 90,802 1,095 44,040 558 46,762 537 121 127 115
20 - 24 54,654 736 24,729 405 29,925 331 135 164 111
25 - 29 42,680 623 16,814 324 25,866 299 146 193 116
30 - 34 37,421 715 14,535 391 22,886 324 191 269 142
35 - 39 36,441 796 14,435 456 22,006 340 218 316 155
40 - 44 26,145 735 11,880 481 14,265 254 281 405 178
45 - 49 25,713 767 11,367 430 14,346 337 298 378 235
50 - 54 22,272 716 9,529 311 12,743 405 321 326 318
55 - 59 18,323 618 8,895 321 9,428 297 337 361 315
60 - 64 18,148 856 8,141 349 10,007 507 472 429 507
65 - 69 15,065 822 7,498 364 7,567 458 546 485 605
70 - 74 13,723 1,052 6,669 452 7,054 600 767 678 851
75+ 15,931 1,717 9,228 932 6,703 785 1,078 1,010 1,171

ALL AGES 146,064 2,535 66,321 1,314 79,743 1,221 174 198 153

0 - 4 19,534 55 9,989 31 9,545 24 28 31 25

5 - 9 18,851 113 9,377 61 9,474 52 60 65 55
10 - 14 19,638 173 9,695 89 9,943 84 88 92 84
15 - 19 21,900 249 9,830 118 12,070 131 114 120 109
20 - 24 15,153 169 6,195 87 8,958 82 112 140 92
25 - 29 12,029 176 4,583 101 7,446 75 146 220 101
30 - 34 8,983 186 3,677 106 5,306 80 207 288 151
35 - 39 8,061 209 3,423 130 4,638 79 259 380 170
40 - 44 4,866 184 2,459 133 2,407 51 378 541 212
45 - 49 4,070 158 1,926 92 2,144 66 388 478 308
50 - 54 3,165 143 1,330 61 1,835 82 452 459 447
55 - 59 2,220 96 867 43 1,353 53 432 496 392
60 - 64 2,375 144 851 52 1,524 92 606 611 604
65 - 69 1,802 130 649 50 1,153 80 721 770 694
70 - 74 1,634 143 636 65 998 78 875 1,022 782
75+ 1,783 207 834 95 949 112 1,161 1,139 1,180

ALL AGES 609,279 10,708 293,317 5,566 315,962 5,142 176 190 163

0 - 4 85,454 285 43,542 153 41,912 132 33 35 31

5 - 9 96,849 611 49,144 345 47,705 266 63 70 56
10 - 14 97,699 758 50,131 427 47,568 331 78 85 70
15 - 19 68,902 846 34,210 440 34,692 406 123 129 117
20 - 24 39,501 567 18,534 318 20,967 249 144 172 119
25 - 29 30,651 447 12,231 223 18,420 224 146 182 122
30 - 34 28,438 529 10,858 285 17,580 244 186 262 139
35 - 39 28,380 587 11,012 326 17,368 261 207 296 150
40 - 44 21,279 551 9,421 348 11,858 203 259 369 171
45 - 49 21,643 609 9,441 338 12,202 271 281 358 222
50 - 54 19,107 573 8,199 250 10,908 323 300 305 296
55 - 59 16,103 522 8,028 278 8,075 244 324 346 302
60 - 64 15,773 712 7,290 297 8,483 415 451 407 489
65 - 69 13,263 692 6,849 314 6,414 378 522 458 589
70 - 74 12,089 909 6,033 387 6,056 522 752 641 862
75+ 14,148 1,510 8,394 837 5,754 673 1,067 997 1,170

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 1,006,504 14,706 497,280 7,445 509,224 7,261 146 150 143

0 - 4 145,919 413 73,874 241 72,045 172 28 33 24

5 - 9 154,937 778 78,553 416 76,384 362 50 53 47
10 - 14 144,118 987 74,732 550 69,386 437 68 74 63
15 - 19 114,996 1,203 57,672 663 57,324 540 105 115 94
20 - 24 75,585 929 36,688 468 38,897 461 123 128 119
25 - 29 63,208 853 28,303 433 34,905 420 135 153 120
30 - 34 58,946 895 25,715 451 33,231 444 152 175 134
35 - 39 52,210 944 23,388 504 28,822 440 181 215 153
40 - 44 42,988 886 20,120 461 22,868 425 206 229 186
45 - 49 32,504 768 16,369 398 16,135 370 236 243 229
50 - 54 30,676 890 14,624 398 16,052 492 290 272 307
55 - 59 22,954 732 12,178 345 10,776 387 319 283 359
60 - 64 21,769 954 10,503 380 11,266 574 438 362 509
65 - 69 15,084 863 8,055 409 7,029 454 572 508 646
70 - 74 14,060 972 6,996 447 7,064 525 691 639 743
75+ 16,550 1,639 9,510 881 7,040 758 990 926 1,077

ALL AGES 125,787 2,182 59,328 1,137 66,459 1,045 173 192 157

0 - 4 13,630 26 6,900 14 6,730 12 19 20 18

5 - 9 14,507 72 7,248 35 7,259 37 50 48 51
10 - 14 17,601 120 8,831 72 8,770 48 68 82 55
15 - 19 19,513 206 9,322 110 10,191 96 106 118 94
20 - 24 12,715 147 6,108 72 6,607 75 116 118 114
25 - 29 9,726 164 4,540 106 5,186 58 169 233 112
30 - 34 7,364 138 3,304 83 4,060 55 187 251 135
35 - 39 6,775 177 2,845 107 3,930 70 261 376 178
40 - 44 5,232 147 2,404 86 2,828 61 281 358 216
45 - 49 3,625 116 1,675 70 1,950 46 320 418 236
50 - 54 3,611 143 1,447 65 2,164 78 396 449 360
55 - 59 2,587 91 1,043 43 1,544 48 352 412 311
60 - 64 2,725 144 1,026 53 1,699 91 528 517 536
65 - 69 1,825 126 724 45 1,101 81 690 622 736
70 - 74 2,023 131 813 59 1,210 72 648 726 595
75+ 2,328 234 1,098 117 1,230 117 1,005 1,066 951

ALL AGES 880,717 12,524 437,952 6,308 442,765 6,216 142 144 140

0 - 4 132,289 387 66,974 227 65,315 160 29 34 24

5 - 9 140,430 706 71,305 381 69,125 325 50 53 47
10 - 14 126,517 867 65,901 478 60,616 389 69 73 64
15 - 19 95,483 997 48,350 553 47,133 444 104 114 94
20 - 24 62,870 782 30,580 396 32,290 386 124 129 120
25 - 29 53,482 689 23,763 327 29,719 362 129 138 122
30 - 34 51,582 757 22,411 368 29,171 389 147 164 133
35 - 39 45,435 767 20,543 397 24,892 370 169 193 149
40 - 44 37,756 739 17,716 375 20,040 364 196 212 182
45 - 49 28,879 652 14,694 328 14,185 324 226 223 228
50 - 54 27,065 747 13,177 333 13,888 414 276 253 298
55 - 59 20,367 641 11,135 302 9,232 339 315 271 367
60 - 64 19,044 810 9,477 327 9,567 483 425 345 505
65 - 69 13,259 737 7,331 364 5,928 373 556 497 629
70 - 74 12,037 841 6,183 388 5,854 453 699 628 774
75+ 14,222 1,405 8,412 764 5,810 641 988 908 1,103

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 356,598 5,527 182,571 3,138 174,027 2,389 155 172 137

0 - 4 58,213 174 29,640 97 28,573 77 30 33 27

5 - 9 51,759 320 26,380 184 25,379 136 62 70 54
10 - 14 44,458 373 22,969 212 21,489 161 84 92 75
15 - 19 39,101 426 18,896 215 20,205 211 109 114 104
20 - 24 36,926 468 17,713 246 19,213 222 127 139 116
25 - 29 30,266 412 15,507 230 14,759 182 136 148 123
30 - 34 23,495 442 12,560 256 10,935 186 188 204 170
35 - 39 18,029 389 9,423 240 8,606 149 216 255 173
40 - 44 14,572 449 8,042 295 6,530 154 308 367 236
45 - 49 10,369 396 5,833 283 4,536 113 382 485 249
50 - 54 9,194 328 4,699 198 4,495 130 357 421 289
55 - 59 5,897 236 3,414 155 2,483 81 400 454 326
60 - 64 5,092 275 2,626 141 2,466 134 540 537 543
65 - 69 3,554 246 1,932 110 1,622 136 692 569 838
70 - 74 2,735 232 1,367 113 1,368 119 848 827 870
75+ 2,938 361 1,570 163 1,368 198 1,229 1,038 1,447

ALL AGES 71,823 1,175 36,735 708 35,088 467 164 193 133

0 - 4 9,526 27 4,929 15 4,597 12 28 30 26

5 - 9 8,210 43 4,147 23 4,063 20 52 55 49
10 - 14 7,744 82 3,827 42 3,917 40 106 110 102
15 - 19 8,624 88 3,700 40 4,924 48 102 108 97
20 - 24 9,079 86 4,169 48 4,910 38 95 115 77
25 - 29 7,630 104 4,152 65 3,478 39 136 157 112
30 - 34 5,388 104 3,041 71 2,347 33 193 233 141
35 - 39 4,254 90 2,296 64 1,958 26 212 279 133
40 - 44 3,055 93 1,836 73 1,219 20 304 398 164
45 - 49 2,447 91 1,452 66 995 25 372 455 251
50 - 54 1,904 79 991 42 913 37 415 424 405
55 - 59 1,345 56 787 37 558 19 416 470 341
60 - 64 995 63 534 29 461 34 633 543 738
65 - 69 741 57 413 30 328 27 769 726 823
70 - 74 461 49 239 30 222 19 1,063 1,255 856
75+ 420 63 222 33 198 30 1,500 1,486 1,515

ALL AGES 284,775 4,352 145,836 2,430 138,939 1,922 153 167 138

0 - 4 48,687 147 24,711 82 23,976 65 30 33 27

5 - 9 43,549 277 22,233 161 21,316 116 64 72 54
10 - 14 36,714 291 19,142 170 17,572 121 79 89 69
15 - 19 30,477 338 15,196 175 15,281 163 111 115 107
20 - 24 27,847 382 13,544 198 14,303 184 137 146 129
25 - 29 22,636 308 11,355 165 11,281 143 136 145 127
30 - 34 18,107 338 9,519 185 8,588 153 187 194 178
35 - 39 13,775 299 7,127 176 6,648 123 217 247 185
40 - 44 11,517 356 6,206 222 5,311 134 309 358 252
45 - 49 7,922 305 4,381 217 3,541 88 385 495 249
50 - 54 7,290 249 3,708 156 3,582 93 342 421 260
55 - 59 4,552 180 2,627 118 1,925 62 395 449 322
60 - 64 4,097 212 2,092 112 2,005 100 517 535 499
65 - 69 2,813 189 1,519 80 1,294 109 672 527 842
70 - 74 2,274 183 1,128 83 1,146 100 805 736 873
75+ 2,518 298 1,348 130 1,170 168 1,183 964 1,436

Table 4.1 Population by Sex, Disability Status, and Five Year Age Group,
with Disability Rate: 2007

Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000

-------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------
Disabled Disabled Disabled Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Males Females


ALL AGES 215,914 3,562 104,925 1,936 110,989 1,626 165 185 147

0 - 4 22,398 46 11,408 27 10,990 19 21 24 17

5 - 9 21,733 132 10,965 72 10,768 60 61 66 56
10 - 14 25,286 255 12,209 130 13,077 125 101 106 96
15 - 19 31,724 349 14,090 201 17,634 148 110 143 84
20 - 24 32,308 295 15,356 169 16,952 126 91 110 74
25 - 29 22,664 284 11,180 164 11,484 120 125 147 104
30 - 34 14,194 260 7,680 140 6,514 120 183 182 184
35 - 39 11,801 302 5,963 191 5,838 111 256 320 190
40 - 44 7,713 262 4,230 179 3,483 83 340 423 238
45 - 49 6,250 181 3,136 128 3,114 53 290 408 170
50 - 54 5,184 182 2,319 89 2,865 93 351 384 325
55 - 59 3,774 172 1,685 88 2,089 84 456 522 402
60 - 64 3,374 176 1,447 68 1,927 108 522 470 560
65 - 69 2,589 151 1,104 71 1,485 80 583 643 539
70 - 74 2,319 206 971 80 1,348 126 888 824 935
75+ 2,603 309 1,182 139 1,421 170 1,187 1,176 1,196

ALL AGES 215,914 3,562 104,925 1,936 110,989 1,626 165 185 147

0 - 4 22,398 46 11,408 27 10,990 19 21 24 17

5 - 9 21,733 132 10,965 72 10,768 60 61 66 56
10 - 14 25,286 255 12,209 130 13,077 125 101 106 96
15 - 19 31,724 349 14,090 201 17,634 148 110 143 84
20 - 24 32,308 295 15,356 169 16,952 126 91 110 74
25 - 29 22,664 284 11,180 164 11,484 120 125 147 104
30 - 34 14,194 260 7,680 140 6,514 120 183 182 184
35 - 39 11,801 302 5,963 191 5,838 111 256 320 190
40 - 44 7,713 262 4,230 179 3,483 83 340 423 238
45 - 49 6,250 181 3,136 128 3,114 53 290 408 170
50 - 54 5,184 182 2,319 89 2,865 93 351 384 325
55 - 59 3,774 172 1,685 88 2,089 84 456 522 402
60 - 64 3,374 176 1,447 68 1,927 108 522 470 560
65 - 69 2,589 151 1,104 71 1,485 80 583 643 539
70 - 74 2,319 206 971 80 1,348 126 888 824 935
75+ 2,603 309 1,182 139 1,421 170 1,187 1,176 1,196

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 69,017 9,390 10,722 2,168 7,226 781 1,163 3,500 5,650 11,998 6,308 4,533 5,578
Male 35,802 3,960 4,807 1,082 3,611 425 643 1,814 3,671 7,482 3,224 2,275 2,808
Female 33,215 5,430 5,915 1,086 3,615 356 520 1,686 1,979 4,516 3,084 2,258 2,770

Both Sexes 11,353 1,425 1,847 416 1,236 148 188 692 964 1,832 1,010 681 914
Male 5,932 543 874 223 638 79 94 364 602 1,159 522 364 470
Female 5,421 882 973 193 598 69 94 328 362 673 488 317 444

Both Sexes 1,484 150 207 55 173 17 18 86 151 283 122 101 121
Male 801 55 109 26 86 12 7 51 101 168 63 53 70
Female 683 95 98 29 87 5 11 35 50 115 59 48 51

Both Sexes 1,976 205 285 65 203 41 50 137 168 303 216 126 177
Male 1,008 75 133 37 112 20 25 62 101 186 108 61 88
Female 968 130 152 28 91 21 25 75 67 117 108 65 89

Both Sexes 1,930 253 390 86 216 21 14 138 135 241 149 120 167
Male 987 103 180 48 106 12 6 78 75 154 75 68 82
Female 943 150 210 38 110 9 8 60 60 87 74 52 85

Both Sexes 957 121 110 43 97 17 14 90 74 145 96 59 91

Male 462 37 51 22 45 10 9 42 45 73 51 33 44
Female 495 84 59 21 52 7 5 48 29 72 45 26 47

Both Sexes 1,672 213 281 64 201 25 48 93 138 276 113 99 121
Male 929 92 146 33 111 13 23 50 90 188 62 56 65
Female 743 121 135 31 90 12 25 43 48 88 51 43 56

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,963 369 321 75 234 13 27 110 131 241 181 109 152
Male 960 128 128 41 122 8 16 62 81 154 91 56 73
Female 1,003 241 193 34 112 5 11 48 50 87 90 53 79

Both Sexes 967 88 192 24 72 13 12 21 113 229 97 50 56

Male 550 42 106 12 34 4 5 9 72 154 53 27 32
Female 417 46 86 12 38 9 7 12 41 75 44 23 24

Both Sexes 404 26 61 4 40 1 5 17 54 114 36 17 29

Male 235 11 21 4 22 - 3 10 37 82 19 10 16
Female 169 15 40 - 18 1 2 7 17 32 17 7 13

Both Sexes 20,626 3,042 3,254 704 2,285 211 352 1,074 1,494 3,153 1,901 1,459 1,697
Male 10,471 1,233 1,476 351 1,141 117 194 548 982 1,938 941 738 812
Female 10,155 1,809 1,778 353 1,144 94 158 526 512 1,215 960 721 885

Both Sexes 1,872 233 300 71 271 12 32 84 139 255 184 122 169
Male 983 84 144 34 149 8 15 47 100 156 100 61 85
Female 889 149 156 37 122 4 17 37 39 99 84 61 84

Both Sexes 3,202 407 541 106 316 41 50 203 236 455 341 273 233
Male 1,667 162 281 61 151 27 30 99 157 286 159 144 110
Female 1,535 245 260 45 165 14 20 104 79 169 182 129 123

Both Sexes 2,181 371 313 70 255 23 49 125 147 300 191 146 191
Male 1,063 153 141 27 115 17 33 62 104 170 89 74 78
Female 1,118 218 172 43 140 6 16 63 43 130 102 72 113

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,757 240 315 65 200 17 27 110 124 216 152 150 141
Male 890 100 139 39 111 8 14 62 76 134 71 69 67
Female 867 140 176 26 89 9 13 48 48 82 81 81 74

Both Sexes 1,455 156 325 52 199 19 16 83 88 175 81 99 162

Male 691 62 132 25 99 7 9 39 57 105 34 49 73
Female 764 94 193 27 100 12 7 44 31 70 47 50 89

Both Sexes 1,559 209 206 62 154 23 24 105 110 215 163 107 181
Male 817 83 103 30 91 11 13 56 67 132 79 54 98
Female 742 126 103 32 63 12 11 49 43 83 84 53 83

Both Sexes 1,476 297 193 74 164 12 28 88 87 193 143 105 92

Male 695 105 92 41 79 7 18 43 48 113 55 46 48
Female 781 192 101 33 85 5 10 45 39 80 88 59 44

Both Sexes 1,901 305 352 63 239 18 43 100 128 277 155 110 111
Male 900 114 145 31 124 10 20 48 72 166 72 54 44
Female 1,001 191 207 32 115 8 23 52 56 111 83 56 67

Both Sexes 1,785 315 297 61 201 16 34 69 113 304 166 100 109
Male 930 132 143 28 97 5 14 37 80 194 96 49 55
Female 855 183 154 33 104 11 20 32 33 110 70 51 54

Both Sexes 1,413 201 218 42 146 12 17 66 136 271 124 80 100
Male 722 94 87 15 75 8 9 36 85 159 77 39 38
Female 691 107 131 27 71 4 8 30 51 112 47 41 62

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 280 44 25 7 14 5 2 5 31 63 25 30 29

Male 156 19 8 3 5 4 2 3 24 39 17 20 12
Female 124 25 17 4 9 1 - 2 7 24 8 10 17

Both Sexes 863 114 98 11 56 7 15 12 87 188 95 69 111

Male 462 52 34 7 18 3 10 7 59 123 46 40 63
Female 401 62 64 4 38 4 5 5 28 65 49 29 48

Both Sexes 882 150 71 20 70 6 15 24 68 241 81 68 68

Male 495 73 27 10 27 2 7 9 53 161 46 39 41
Female 387 77 44 10 43 4 8 15 15 80 35 29 27

Both Sexes 13,243 1,710 2,313 369 1,295 141 205 557 1,217 2,283 1,245 932 976
Male 6,880 732 1,021 179 642 75 111 293 811 1,394 656 474 492
Female 6,363 978 1,292 190 653 66 94 264 406 889 589 458 484

Both Sexes 1,817 224 312 44 193 22 32 74 137 318 176 149 136
Male 945 89 149 26 101 15 19 48 89 180 80 76 73
Female 872 135 163 18 92 7 13 26 48 138 96 73 63

Both Sexes 524 35 98 19 53 6 8 16 69 99 63 36 22

Male 286 12 45 11 26 4 3 8 47 62 40 18 10
Female 238 23 53 8 27 2 5 8 22 37 23 18 12

Both Sexes 2,236 254 535 52 182 29 27 85 203 378 192 126 173
Male 1,115 118 218 21 80 17 17 47 119 234 108 59 77
Female 1,121 136 317 31 102 12 10 38 84 144 84 67 96

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,674 229 309 56 180 11 33 83 108 210 169 141 145
Male 859 119 138 29 90 5 14 43 68 119 89 68 77
Female 815 110 171 27 90 6 19 40 40 91 80 73 68

Both Sexes 1,878 211 305 58 176 19 29 85 210 333 183 144 125
Male 1,015 82 145 28 92 9 16 48 141 216 99 65 74
Female 863 129 160 30 84 10 13 37 69 117 84 79 51

Both Sexes 1,771 294 304 50 189 13 25 64 146 271 157 127 131
Male 895 120 134 23 95 5 12 31 102 174 74 68 57
Female 876 174 170 27 94 8 13 33 44 97 83 59 74

Both Sexes 1,857 273 273 51 195 21 32 79 191 296 185 122 139
Male 980 111 120 26 105 10 17 40 139 173 105 69 65
Female 877 162 153 25 90 11 15 39 52 123 80 53 74

Both Sexes 1,014 149 109 30 85 17 12 61 100 244 79 60 68

Male 523 61 44 13 32 9 8 23 67 150 40 39 37
Female 491 88 65 17 53 8 4 38 33 94 39 21 31

Both Sexes 472 41 68 9 42 3 7 10 53 134 41 27 37

Male 262 20 28 2 21 1 5 5 39 86 21 12 22
Female 210 21 40 7 21 2 2 5 14 48 20 15 15

Both Sexes 14,706 2,102 2,171 446 1,533 189 247 726 1,087 2,848 1,310 865 1,182
Male 7,445 905 916 212 746 102 151 379 679 1,700 634 427 594
Female 7,261 1,197 1,255 234 787 87 96 347 408 1,148 676 438 588

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,779 268 323 41 200 13 25 85 122 297 169 109 127
Male 923 116 139 23 106 7 12 41 71 186 96 59 67
Female 856 152 184 18 94 6 13 44 51 111 73 50 60

Both Sexes 1,513 254 207 53 186 36 27 59 99 205 154 104 129
Male 754 115 99 22 86 16 18 30 62 122 70 49 65
Female 759 139 108 31 100 20 9 29 37 83 84 55 64

Both Sexes 2,420 311 450 65 247 28 44 82 174 445 249 152 173
Male 1,179 132 168 33 107 15 25 47 104 271 108 81 88
Female 1,241 179 282 32 140 13 19 35 70 174 141 71 85

Both Sexes 1,674 218 236 75 197 24 17 111 134 322 154 95 91
Male 839 95 103 29 93 14 11 50 90 196 72 43 43
Female 835 123 133 46 104 10 6 61 44 126 82 52 48

Both Sexes 1,006 163 106 37 121 15 22 73 60 189 60 66 94

Male 541 75 54 19 65 8 14 36 39 120 31 30 50
Female 465 88 52 18 56 7 8 37 21 69 29 36 44

Both Sexes 1,800 252 258 54 160 24 31 77 114 381 122 101 226
Male 913 109 113 29 86 12 18 50 67 210 55 49 115
Female 887 143 145 25 74 12 13 27 47 171 67 52 111

Both Sexes 1,244 175 164 41 133 8 22 62 91 262 130 63 93

Male 610 71 76 22 64 6 13 29 57 141 59 33 39
Female 634 104 88 19 69 2 9 33 34 121 71 30 54

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,964 261 292 44 185 24 38 120 166 405 163 99 167
Male 997 106 119 25 92 14 26 68 97 239 90 38 83
Female 967 155 173 19 93 10 12 52 69 166 73 61 84

Both Sexes 358 64 28 4 25 4 5 12 37 84 44 25 26

Male 191 24 11 2 10 2 4 6 30 54 24 11 13
Female 167 40 17 2 15 2 1 6 7 30 20 14 13

Both Sexes 365 46 49 15 33 3 6 17 37 93 26 19 21

Male 174 17 14 4 15 2 4 6 22 60 7 13 10
Female 191 29 35 11 18 1 2 11 15 33 19 6 11

Both Sexes 583 90 58 17 46 10 10 28 53 165 39 32 35

Male 324 45 20 4 22 6 6 16 40 101 22 21 21
Female 259 45 38 13 24 4 4 12 13 64 17 11 14

Both Sexes 5,527 552 740 173 650 63 124 363 588 971 530 267 506
Male 3,138 247 365 88 341 41 68 184 404 672 307 137 284
Female 2,389 305 375 85 309 22 56 179 184 299 223 130 222

Both Sexes 1,397 116 221 37 177 13 22 45 153 267 159 65 122
Male 850 61 111 25 102 8 9 24 108 191 100 34 77
Female 547 55 110 12 75 5 13 21 45 76 59 31 45

Both Sexes 1,885 255 256 66 226 23 58 143 152 270 145 96 195
Male 917 89 110 29 105 16 29 63 90 173 65 46 102
Female 968 166 146 37 121 7 29 80 62 97 80 50 93

Table 4.2 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable to culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other

Both Sexes 1,853 148 198 57 212 24 41 163 235 345 186 91 153
Male 1,126 80 109 30 116 15 28 91 171 235 122 47 82
Female 727 68 89 27 96 9 13 72 64 110 64 44 71

Both Sexes 392 33 65 13 35 3 3 12 48 89 40 15 36

Male 245 17 35 4 18 2 2 6 35 73 20 10 23
Female 147 16 30 9 17 1 1 6 13 16 20 5 13

Both Sexes 3,562 559 397 60 227 29 47 88 300 911 312 329 303
Male 1,936 300 155 29 103 11 25 46 193 619 164 135 156
Female 1,626 259 242 31 124 18 22 42 107 292 148 194 147

Both Sexes 1,369 170 188 25 91 15 18 30 142 376 112 66 136

Male 755 85 71 13 41 2 12 15 89 264 60 36 67
Female 614 85 117 12 50 13 6 15 53 112 52 30 69

Both Sexes 2,193 389 209 35 136 14 29 58 158 535 200 263 167
Male 1,181 215 84 16 62 9 13 31 104 355 104 99 89
Female 1,012 174 125 19 74 5 16 27 54 180 96 164 78

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 15,235 1,926 1,945 322 1,235 168 211 480 1,518 3,806 1,412 1,026 1,186
Male 8,260 913 798 134 548 85 118 222 1,058 2,506 746 517 615
Female 6,975 1,013 1,147 188 687 83 93 258 460 1,300 666 509 571

Both Sexes 2,330 205 414 61 195 29 35 71 260 556 212 113 179
Male 1,258 86 182 27 88 15 14 35 172 372 112 66 89
Female 1,072 119 232 34 107 14 21 36 88 184 100 47 90

Both Sexes 121 8 15 3 6 1 2 6 16 25 9 10 20

Male 62 2 8 - 3 1 1 2 12 14 4 5 10
Female 59 6 7 3 3 - 1 4 4 11 5 5 10

Both Sexes 121 8 15 3 6 1 2 6 16 25 9 10 20

Male 62 2 8 - 3 1 1 2 12 14 4 5 10
Female 59 6 7 3 3 - 1 4 4 11 5 5 10

Both Sexes 239 16 18 9 17 11 4 11 15 58 23 11 46

Male 116 5 6 4 8 9 3 4 11 30 11 6 19
Female 123 11 12 5 9 2 1 7 4 28 12 5 27

Both Sexes 239 16 18 9 17 11 4 11 15 58 23 11 46

Male 116 5 6 4 8 9 3 4 11 30 11 6 19
Female 123 11 12 5 9 2 1 7 4 28 12 5 27

Both Sexes 233 19 56 12 24 1 4 5 17 53 15 12 15

Male 111 6 18 5 6 1 - 3 10 36 9 10 7
Female 122 13 38 7 18 - 4 2 7 17 6 2 8

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 139 14 24 8 15 - 3 3 11 37 7 7 10

Male 73 5 9 3 5 - - 1 8 26 4 6 6
Female 66 9 15 5 10 - 3 2 3 11 3 1 4

Both Sexes 94 5 32 4 9 1 1 2 6 16 8 5 5
Male 38 1 9 2 1 1 - 2 2 10 5 4 1
Female 56 4 23 2 8 - 1 - 4 6 3 1 4

Both Sexes 171 14 24 2 16 2 4 7 27 49 12 7 7

Male 96 4 9 - 7 - - 4 20 37 7 4 4
Female 75 10 15 2 9 2 4 3 7 12 5 3 3

Both Sexes 171 14 24 2 16 2 4 7 27 49 12 7 7

Male 96 4 9 - 7 - - 4 20 37 7 4 4
Female 75 10 15 2 9 2 4 3 7 12 5 3 3

Both Sexes 195 34 48 7 20 - 4 4 18 28 20 6 6

Male 88 16 14 2 8 - 2 3 10 19 9 4 1
Female 107 18 34 5 12 - 2 1 8 9 11 2 5

Both Sexes 195 34 48 7 20 - 4 4 18 28 20 6 6

Male 88 16 14 2 8 - 2 3 10 19 9 4 1
Female 107 18 34 5 12 - 2 1 8 9 11 2 5

Both Sexes 967 88 192 24 72 13 12 21 113 229 97 50 56

Male 550 42 106 12 34 4 5 9 72 154 53 27 32
Female 417 46 86 12 38 9 7 12 41 75 44 23 24

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 967 88 192 24 72 13 12 21 113 229 97 50 56

Male 550 42 106 12 34 4 5 9 72 154 53 27 32
Female 417 46 86 12 38 9 7 12 41 75 44 23 24

Both Sexes 404 26 61 4 40 1 5 17 54 114 36 17 29

Male 235 11 21 4 22 - 3 10 37 82 19 10 16
Female 169 15 40 - 18 1 2 7 17 32 17 7 13

Both Sexes 404 26 61 4 40 1 5 17 54 114 36 17 29

Male 235 11 21 4 22 - 3 10 37 82 19 10 16
Female 169 15 40 - 18 1 2 7 17 32 17 7 13

Both Sexes 3,451 433 379 64 284 34 50 93 349 860 352 253 300
Male 1,907 200 161 31 117 19 27 41 261 558 181 148 163
Female 1,544 233 218 33 167 15 23 52 88 302 171 105 137

Both Sexes 225 18 23 5 26 - 2 8 34 52 24 11 22

Male 133 5 13 2 12 - 2 5 27 39 10 7 11
Female 92 13 10 3 14 - - 3 7 13 14 4 11

Both Sexes 225 18 23 5 26 - 2 8 34 52 24 11 22

Male 133 5 13 2 12 - 2 5 27 39 10 7 11
Female 92 13 10 3 14 - - 3 7 13 14 4 11

Both Sexes 400 26 59 3 34 3 3 11 44 114 45 29 29

Male 240 16 35 1 13 2 1 5 34 76 20 19 18
Female 160 10 24 2 21 1 2 6 10 38 25 10 11

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 155 5 18 3 15 1 - 5 19 46 20 7 16

Male 92 3 10 1 6 1 - 3 14 34 6 4 10
Female 63 2 8 2 9 - - 2 5 12 14 3 6

Both Sexes 158 12 33 - 13 1 2 - 14 42 17 13 11

Male 89 5 21 - 4 - - - 10 26 8 9 6
Female 69 7 12 - 9 1 2 - 4 16 9 4 5

Both Sexes 27 - 4 - 1 - 1 4 5 9 2 1 -
Male 15 - 2 - 1 - 1 2 4 5 - - -
Female 12 - 2 - - - - 2 1 4 2 1 -

Both Sexes 60 9 4 - 5 1 - 2 6 17 6 8 2
Male 44 8 2 - 2 1 - - 6 11 6 6 2
Female 16 1 2 - 3 - - 2 - 6 - 2 -

Both Sexes 255 26 31 5 25 4 5 18 29 52 24 22 14

Male 120 7 15 4 10 1 1 7 21 25 10 12 7
Female 135 19 16 1 15 3 4 11 8 27 14 10 7

Both Sexes 73 6 10 1 4 1 - 1 12 16 8 5 9
Male 28 1 3 1 2 1 - - 5 6 2 3 4
Female 45 5 7 - 2 - - 1 7 10 6 2 5

Both Sexes 138 19 13 2 18 2 5 11 11 24 13 16 4

Male 64 5 6 2 7 - 1 3 10 14 6 8 2
Female 74 14 7 - 11 2 4 8 1 10 7 8 2

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 44 1 8 2 3 1 - 6 6 12 3 1 1
Male 28 1 6 1 1 - - 4 6 5 2 1 1
Female 16 - 2 1 2 1 - 2 - 7 1 - -

Both Sexes 244 23 29 8 28 6 5 5 33 54 28 13 12

Male 145 11 16 4 18 5 3 1 26 34 14 6 7
Female 99 12 13 4 10 1 2 4 7 20 14 7 5

Both Sexes 20 2 2 1 - - - 1 4 8 2 - -
Male 12 - 1 - - - - - 4 6 1 - -
Female 8 2 1 1 - - - 1 - 2 1 - -

Both Sexes 224 21 27 7 28 6 5 4 29 46 26 13 12

Male 133 11 15 4 18 5 3 1 22 28 13 6 7
Female 91 10 12 3 10 1 2 3 7 18 13 7 5

Both Sexes 7 - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 1 - -
Male 6 - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 - - -
Female 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - -

Both Sexes 7 - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 1 - -
Male 6 - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 - - -
Female 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - -

Both Sexes 181 24 31 1 17 2 1 5 14 56 14 8 8

Male 94 12 7 - 7 1 - 2 9 39 11 4 2
Female 87 12 24 1 10 1 1 3 5 17 3 4 6

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 181 24 31 1 17 2 1 5 14 56 14 8 8

Male 94 12 7 - 7 1 - 2 9 39 11 4 2
Female 87 12 24 1 10 1 1 3 5 17 3 4 6

Both Sexes 114 8 12 4 14 - 2 4 8 37 15 3 7

Male 56 5 6 - 7 - 1 1 7 19 7 1 2
Female 58 3 6 4 7 - 1 3 1 18 8 2 5

Both Sexes 114 8 12 4 14 - 2 4 8 37 15 3 7

Male 56 5 6 - 7 - 1 1 7 19 7 1 2
Female 58 3 6 4 7 - 1 3 1 18 8 2 5

Both Sexes 280 44 25 7 14 5 2 5 31 63 25 30 29

Male 156 19 8 3 5 4 2 3 24 39 17 20 12
Female 124 25 17 4 9 1 - 2 7 24 8 10 17

Both Sexes 280 44 25 7 14 5 2 5 31 63 25 30 29

Male 156 19 8 3 5 4 2 3 24 39 17 20 12
Female 124 25 17 4 9 1 - 2 7 24 8 10 17

Both Sexes 863 114 98 11 56 7 15 12 87 188 95 69 111

Male 462 52 34 7 18 3 10 7 59 123 46 40 63
Female 401 62 64 4 38 4 5 5 28 65 49 29 48

Both Sexes 863 114 98 11 56 7 15 12 87 188 95 69 111

Male 462 52 34 7 18 3 10 7 59 123 46 40 63
Female 401 62 64 4 38 4 5 5 28 65 49 29 48

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 882 150 71 20 70 6 15 24 68 241 81 68 68

Male 495 73 27 10 27 2 7 9 53 161 46 39 41
Female 387 77 44 10 43 4 8 15 15 80 35 29 27

Both Sexes 882 150 71 20 70 6 15 24 68 241 81 68 68

Male 495 73 27 10 27 2 7 9 53 161 46 39 41
Female 387 77 44 10 43 4 8 15 15 80 35 29 27

Both Sexes 2,535 295 329 50 221 34 30 99 289 640 220 143 185
Male 1,314 121 128 20 95 16 21 39 202 402 111 74 85
Female 1,221 174 201 30 126 18 9 60 87 238 109 69 100

Both Sexes 129 10 14 2 17 2 3 3 17 41 8 8 4

Male 71 4 4 2 10 2 2 3 12 22 4 3 3
Female 58 6 10 - 7 - 1 - 5 19 4 5 1

Both Sexes 96 10 12 2 12 2 1 2 12 30 7 5 1
Male 47 4 4 2 7 2 - 2 8 14 3 1 -
Female 49 6 8 - 5 - 1 - 4 16 4 4 1

Both Sexes 33 - 2 - 5 - 2 1 5 11 1 3 3
Male 24 - - - 3 - 2 1 4 8 1 2 3
Female 9 - 2 - 2 - - - 1 3 - 1 -

Both Sexes 38 - 4 - 4 - - - 8 16 4 - 2
Male 24 - 2 - 3 - - - 5 11 3 - -
Female 14 - 2 - 1 - - - 3 5 1 - 2

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 38 - 4 - 4 - - - 8 16 4 - 2
Male 24 - 2 - 3 - - - 5 11 3 - -
Female 14 - 2 - 1 - - - 3 5 1 - 2

Both Sexes 348 32 56 4 27 8 6 13 37 80 36 15 34

Male 177 16 18 1 9 4 5 4 27 56 20 7 10
Female 171 16 38 3 18 4 1 9 10 24 16 8 24

Both Sexes 133 16 11 4 12 - 1 2 14 52 9 7 5

Male 77 8 5 1 3 - - 2 8 34 9 3 4
Female 56 8 6 3 9 - 1 - 6 18 - 4 1

Both Sexes 215 16 45 - 15 8 5 11 23 28 27 8 29

Male 100 8 13 - 6 4 5 2 19 22 11 4 6
Female 115 8 32 - 9 4 - 9 4 6 16 4 23

Both Sexes 39 2 4 - 5 - 1 2 6 11 3 2 3
Male 18 1 1 - 2 - - 1 3 6 1 1 2
Female 21 1 3 - 3 - 1 1 3 5 2 1 1

Both Sexes 39 2 4 - 5 - 1 2 6 11 3 2 3
Male 18 1 1 - 2 - - 1 3 6 1 1 2
Female 21 1 3 - 3 - 1 1 3 5 2 1 1

Both Sexes 129 9 16 2 3 3 - 2 28 38 11 10 7

Male 67 1 8 1 1 - - - 19 23 7 4 3
Female 62 8 8 1 2 3 - 2 9 15 4 6 4

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 129 9 16 2 3 3 - 2 28 38 11 10 7

Male 67 1 8 1 1 - - - 19 23 7 4 3
Female 62 8 8 1 2 3 - 2 9 15 4 6 4

Both Sexes 174 21 45 1 20 1 1 1 11 26 20 13 14

Male 71 7 17 - 9 - 1 1 7 16 5 5 3
Female 103 14 28 1 11 1 - - 4 10 15 8 11

Both Sexes 174 21 45 1 20 1 1 1 11 26 20 13 14

Male 71 7 17 - 9 - 1 1 7 16 5 5 3
Female 103 14 28 1 11 1 - - 4 10 15 8 11

Both Sexes 192 31 13 2 18 - - 7 29 50 18 8 16

Male 101 11 6 1 8 - - 2 23 32 10 3 5
Female 91 20 7 1 10 - - 5 6 18 8 5 11

Both Sexes 160 29 11 1 17 - - 6 23 39 13 6 15

Male 80 10 6 1 8 - - 1 17 22 8 2 5
Female 80 19 5 - 9 - - 5 6 17 5 4 10

Both Sexes 32 2 2 1 1 - - 1 6 11 5 2 1
Male 21 1 - - - - - 1 6 10 2 1 -
Female 11 1 2 1 1 - - - - 1 3 1 1

Both Sexes 1,014 149 109 30 85 17 12 61 100 244 79 60 68

Male 523 61 44 13 32 9 8 23 67 150 40 39 37
Female 491 88 65 17 53 8 4 38 33 94 39 21 31

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 1,014 149 109 30 85 17 12 61 100 244 79 60 68

Male 523 61 44 13 32 9 8 23 67 150 40 39 37
Female 491 88 65 17 53 8 4 38 33 94 39 21 31

Both Sexes 472 41 68 9 42 3 7 10 53 134 41 27 37

Male 262 20 28 2 21 1 5 5 39 86 21 12 22
Female 210 21 40 7 21 2 2 5 14 48 20 15 15

Both Sexes 472 41 68 9 42 3 7 10 53 134 41 27 37

Male 262 20 28 2 21 1 5 5 39 86 21 12 22
Female 210 21 40 7 21 2 2 5 14 48 20 15 15

Both Sexes 2,182 329 244 58 176 31 31 90 205 584 172 138 124
Male 1,137 155 84 15 74 17 20 41 145 367 84 71 64
Female 1,045 174 160 43 102 14 11 49 60 217 88 67 60

Both Sexes 163 18 31 1 14 1 - 6 12 42 16 15 7

Male 91 11 14 1 5 - - 2 8 25 13 8 4
Female 72 7 17 - 9 1 - 4 4 17 3 7 3

Both Sexes 95 4 20 - 10 1 - 4 5 26 11 10 4
Male 55 4 8 - 5 - - 1 3 16 9 7 2
Female 40 - 12 - 5 1 - 3 2 10 2 3 2

Both Sexes 68 14 11 1 4 - - 2 7 16 5 5 3
Male 36 7 6 1 - - - 1 5 9 4 1 2
Female 32 7 5 - 4 - - 1 2 7 1 4 1

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 221 31 43 9 23 1 6 8 17 52 16 10 5

Male 104 18 14 2 6 - 4 4 12 34 5 4 1
Female 117 13 29 7 17 1 2 4 5 18 11 6 4

Both Sexes 163 22 37 7 16 - 6 7 10 36 11 9 2

Male 82 16 12 2 5 - 4 3 7 24 4 4 1
Female 81 6 25 5 11 - 2 4 3 12 7 5 1

Both Sexes 58 9 6 2 7 1 - 1 7 16 5 1 3
Male 22 2 2 - 1 - - 1 5 10 1 - -
Female 36 7 4 2 6 1 - - 2 6 4 1 3

Both Sexes 144 21 14 3 8 3 - 6 14 44 11 9 11

Male 79 10 4 1 4 1 - 2 12 29 5 5 6
Female 65 11 10 2 4 2 - 4 2 15 6 4 5

Both Sexes 144 21 14 3 8 3 - 6 14 44 11 9 11

Male 79 10 4 1 4 1 - 2 12 29 5 5 6
Female 65 11 10 2 4 2 - 4 2 15 6 4 5

Both Sexes 32 6 1 2 1 - 1 5 3 6 1 3 3
Male 10 2 - - - - 1 - 2 3 - 1 1
Female 22 4 1 2 1 - - 5 1 3 1 2 2

Both Sexes 32 6 1 2 1 - 1 5 3 6 1 3 3
Male 10 2 - - - - 1 - 2 3 - 1 1
Female 22 4 1 2 1 - - 5 1 3 1 2 2

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 238 43 16 4 22 8 1 5 20 71 15 18 15

Male 125 22 5 1 10 5 - 4 12 48 4 6 8
Female 113 21 11 3 12 3 1 1 8 23 11 12 7

Both Sexes 187 40 10 4 22 8 1 4 15 52 6 10 15

Male 106 21 4 1 10 5 - 3 11 37 2 4 8
Female 81 19 6 3 12 3 1 1 4 15 4 6 7

Both Sexes 51 3 6 - - - - 1 5 19 9 8 -
Male 19 1 1 - - - - 1 1 11 2 2 -
Female 32 2 5 - - - - - 4 8 7 6 -

Both Sexes 78 10 4 3 4 1 2 3 12 27 4 7 1
Male 39 6 2 - 2 1 1 1 7 13 4 2 -
Female 39 4 2 3 2 - 1 2 5 14 - 5 1

Both Sexes 78 10 4 3 4 1 2 3 12 27 4 7 1
Male 39 6 2 - 2 1 1 1 7 13 4 2 -
Female 39 4 2 3 2 - 1 2 5 14 - 5 1

Both Sexes 358 64 28 4 25 4 5 12 37 84 44 25 26

Male 191 24 11 2 10 2 4 6 30 54 24 11 13
Female 167 40 17 2 15 2 1 6 7 30 20 14 13

Both Sexes 358 64 28 4 25 4 5 12 37 84 44 25 26

Male 191 24 11 2 10 2 4 6 30 54 24 11 13
Female 167 40 17 2 15 2 1 6 7 30 20 14 13

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 365 46 49 15 33 3 6 17 37 93 26 19 21

Male 174 17 14 4 15 2 4 6 22 60 7 13 10
Female 191 29 35 11 18 1 2 11 15 33 19 6 11

Both Sexes 365 46 49 15 33 3 6 17 37 93 26 19 21

Male 174 17 14 4 15 2 4 6 22 60 7 13 10
Female 191 29 35 11 18 1 2 11 15 33 19 6 11

Both Sexes 583 90 58 17 46 10 10 28 53 165 39 32 35

Male 324 45 20 4 22 6 6 16 40 101 22 21 21
Female 259 45 38 13 24 4 4 12 13 64 17 11 14

Both Sexes 583 90 58 17 46 10 10 28 53 165 39 32 35

Male 324 45 20 4 22 6 6 16 40 101 22 21 21
Female 259 45 38 13 24 4 4 12 13 64 17 11 14

Both Sexes 1,175 105 182 29 132 11 18 39 115 255 144 50 95

Male 708 51 88 12 71 7 11 20 85 188 94 23 58
Female 467 54 94 17 61 4 7 19 30 67 50 27 37

Both Sexes 470 37 86 8 70 5 9 13 40 87 54 20 41

Male 287 19 41 4 41 4 5 8 31 66 36 9 23
Female 183 18 45 4 29 1 4 5 9 21 18 11 18

Both Sexes 182 17 39 5 26 - 6 8 9 31 22 4 15

Male 110 8 19 3 10 - 3 7 8 24 14 3 11
Female 72 9 20 2 16 - 3 1 1 7 8 1 4

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 135 9 25 2 21 4 - 3 11 29 7 9 15

Male 82 4 9 1 17 3 - - 9 23 6 4 6
Female 53 5 16 1 4 1 - 3 2 6 1 5 9

Both Sexes 153 11 22 1 23 1 3 2 20 27 25 7 11

Male 95 7 13 - 14 1 2 1 14 19 16 2 6
Female 58 4 9 1 9 - 1 1 6 8 9 5 5

Both Sexes 155 30 21 6 18 - 2 8 13 31 11 10 5

Male 65 12 5 4 7 - - 4 7 15 5 3 3
Female 90 18 16 2 11 - 2 4 6 16 6 7 2

Both Sexes 67 21 8 4 5 - - 4 2 12 7 2 2
Male 26 7 1 2 3 - - 2 2 5 3 - 1
Female 41 14 7 2 2 - - 2 - 7 4 2 1

Both Sexes 88 9 13 2 13 - 2 4 11 19 4 8 3
Male 39 5 4 2 4 - - 2 5 10 2 3 2
Female 49 4 9 - 9 - 2 2 6 9 2 5 1

Both Sexes 158 5 10 2 9 3 4 6 14 48 39 5 13

Male 111 3 7 - 5 1 4 2 12 34 33 1 9
Female 47 2 3 2 4 2 - 4 2 14 6 4 4

Both Sexes 28 2 - - 2 1 2 2 2 8 6 2 1
Male 17 - - - 2 - 2 2 1 4 5 - 1
Female 11 2 - - - 1 - - 1 4 1 2 -

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 130 3 10 2 7 2 2 4 12 40 33 3 12

Male 94 3 7 - 3 1 2 - 11 30 28 1 8
Female 36 - 3 2 4 1 - 4 1 10 5 2 4

Both Sexes 392 33 65 13 35 3 3 12 48 89 40 15 36

Male 245 17 35 4 18 2 2 6 35 73 20 10 23
Female 147 16 30 9 17 1 1 6 13 16 20 5 13

Both Sexes 392 33 65 13 35 3 3 12 48 89 40 15 36

Male 245 17 35 4 18 2 2 6 35 73 20 10 23
Female 147 16 30 9 17 1 1 6 13 16 20 5 13

Both Sexes 3,562 559 397 60 227 29 47 88 300 911 312 329 303
Male 1,936 300 155 29 103 11 25 46 193 619 164 135 156
Female 1,626 259 242 31 124 18 22 42 107 292 148 194 147

Both Sexes 1,369 170 188 25 91 15 18 30 142 376 112 66 136

Male 755 85 71 13 41 2 12 15 89 264 60 36 67
Female 614 85 117 12 50 13 6 15 53 112 52 30 69

Both Sexes 1,369 170 188 25 91 15 18 30 142 376 112 66 136

Male 755 85 71 13 41 2 12 15 89 264 60 36 67
Female 614 85 117 12 50 13 6 15 53 112 52 30 69

Both Sexes 2,193 389 209 35 136 14 29 58 158 535 200 263 167
Male 1,181 215 84 16 62 9 13 31 104 355 104 99 89
Female 1,012 174 125 19 74 5 16 27 54 180 96 164 78

Table 4.3 Disabled Persons in Towns by Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Sex Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


Both Sexes 2,193 389 209 35 136 14 29 58 158 535 200 263 167
Male 1,181 215 84 16 62 9 13 31 104 355 104 99 89
Female 1,012 174 125 19 74 5 16 27 54 180 96 164 78

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known

Both Sexes 9,390 35 580 355 83 1,953 232 261 1,308 4,583
Male 3,960 19 295 158 31 813 104 217 493 1,830
Female 5,430 16 285 197 52 1,140 128 44 815 2,753

Both Sexes 10,722 41 924 341 90 2,129 239 434 1,854 4,670
Male 4,807 20 538 150 41 873 120 381 727 1,957
Female 5,915 21 386 191 49 1,256 119 53 1,127 2,713

Both Sexes 2,168 11 106 132 16 559 114 61 201 968
Male 1,082 3 63 74 8 284 57 45 100 448
Female 1,086 8 43 58 8 275 57 16 101 520

Both Sexes 7,226 19 305 303 64 1,716 347 239 840 3,393
Male 3,611 15 152 148 32 865 168 194 366 1,671
Female 3,615 4 153 155 32 851 179 45 474 1,722

Both Sexes 781 3 26 20 10 174 127 23 41 357
Male 425 1 13 9 8 92 61 22 27 192
Female 356 2 13 11 2 82 66 1 14 165

Both Sexes 1,163 9 55 29 9 233 132 49 74 573
Male 643 4 27 10 6 131 69 41 37 318
Female 520 5 28 19 3 102 63 8 37 255


Both Sexes 3,500 10 119 243 31 899 463 41 247 1,447
Male 1,814 6 61 121 16 476 250 32 126 726
Female 1,686 4 58 122 15 423 213 9 121 721


Both Sexes 5,650 134 954 151 167 589 243 1,628 593 1,191
Male 3,671 93 520 85 104 288 126 1,497 317 641
Female 1,979 41 434 66 63 301 117 131 276 550

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known


Both Sexes 11,998 355 1,189 745 382 1,758 618 2,481 1,133 3,337
Male 7,482 227 738 406 220 968 344 2,234 626 1,719
Female 4,516 128 451 339 162 790 274 247 507 1,618


Both Sexes 6,308 105 361 203 175 1,084 363 868 699 2,450
Male 3,224 75 198 110 87 519 123 756 289 1,067
Female 3,084 30 163 93 88 565 240 112 410 1,383

Both Sexes 4,533 21 153 83 29 850 386 210 313 2,488
Male 2,275 15 90 32 13 412 186 166 167 1,194
Female 2,258 6 63 51 16 438 200 44 146 1,294

Both Sexes 5,578 205 307 199 104 701 262 452 758 2,590
Male 2,808 110 158 92 46 355 104 396 345 1,202
Female 2,770 95 149 107 58 346 158 56 413 1,388

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known

Both Sexes 1,926 11 146 69 11 444 54 118 258 815
Male 913 7 84 41 4 222 31 97 87 340
Female 1,013 4 62 28 7 222 23 21 171 475

Both Sexes 1,945 14 148 73 10 355 37 168 361 779
Male 798 5 79 25 - 133 16 149 119 272
Female 1,147 9 69 48 10 222 21 19 242 507

Both Sexes 322 1 16 16 - 76 12 17 36 148
Male 134 - 12 7 - 30 3 12 16 54
Female 188 1 4 9 - 46 9 5 20 94

Both Sexes 1,235 10 60 47 5 255 59 78 145 576
Male 548 9 25 23 3 110 19 57 63 239
Female 687 1 35 24 2 145 40 21 82 337

Both Sexes 168 1 8 3 2 34 21 11 11 77
Male 85 1 5 - 2 17 8 11 7 34
Female 83 - 3 3 - 17 13 - 4 43

Both Sexes 211 3 10 5 - 43 18 16 16 100
Male 118 2 4 1 - 19 9 14 8 61
Female 93 1 6 4 - 24 9 2 8 39


Both Sexes 480 1 19 19 3 112 48 12 34 232
Male 222 1 13 6 1 56 16 8 18 103
Female 258 - 6 13 2 56 32 4 16 129


Both Sexes 1,518 54 197 26 41 110 56 670 116 248
Male 1,058 37 106 15 27 54 26 602 62 129
Female 460 17 91 11 14 56 30 68 54 119

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known


Both Sexes 3,806 200 319 220 74 437 134 1,325 318 779
Male 2,506 129 176 134 41 235 75 1,157 175 384
Female 1,300 71 143 86 33 202 59 168 143 395


Both Sexes 1,412 41 86 43 26 190 66 354 175 431
Male 746 28 45 26 13 86 16 290 63 179
Female 666 13 41 17 13 104 50 64 112 252

Both Sexes 1,026 6 33 17 5 153 45 104 78 585
Male 517 4 22 9 3 74 23 75 41 266
Female 509 2 11 8 2 79 22 29 37 319

Both Sexes 1,186 58 78 33 25 141 38 186 187 440
Male 615 33 37 18 13 70 15 159 76 194
Female 571 25 41 15 12 71 23 27 111 246

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known

Both Sexes 7,464 24 434 286 72 1,509 178 143 1,050 3,768
Male 3,047 12 211 117 27 591 73 120 406 1,490
Female 4,417 12 223 169 45 918 105 23 644 2,278

Both Sexes 8,777 27 776 268 80 1,774 202 266 1,493 3,891
Male 4,009 15 459 125 41 740 104 232 608 1,685
Female 4,768 12 317 143 39 1,034 98 34 885 2,206

Both Sexes 1,846 10 90 116 16 483 102 44 165 820
Male 948 3 51 67 8 254 54 33 84 394
Female 898 7 39 49 8 229 48 11 81 426

Both Sexes 5,991 9 245 256 59 1,461 288 161 695 2,817
Male 3,063 6 127 125 29 755 149 137 303 1,432
Female 2,928 3 118 131 30 706 139 24 392 1,385

Both Sexes 613 2 18 17 8 140 106 12 30 280
Male 340 - 8 9 6 75 53 11 20 158
Female 273 2 10 8 2 65 53 1 10 122

Both Sexes 952 6 45 24 9 190 114 33 58 473
Male 525 2 23 9 6 112 60 27 29 257
Female 427 4 22 15 3 78 54 6 29 216


Both Sexes 3,020 9 100 224 28 787 415 29 213 1,215
Male 1,592 5 48 115 15 420 234 24 108 623
Female 1,428 4 52 109 13 367 181 5 105 592


Both Sexes 4,132 80 757 125 126 479 187 958 477 943
Male 2,613 56 414 70 77 234 100 895 255 512
Female 1,519 24 343 55 49 245 87 63 222 431

Table 4.4 Disabled Persons by Reason for Disability, Type of Disability and Sex: 2007
Reason for Disability

Total Other
Type of Disabled Vehicle Other Hanson Diseases/ Prenatal/on
Disabilty and Sex Persons accidents accident Polio Diseases post natal delivery War/Mines Others Not known


Both Sexes 8,192 155 870 525 308 1,321 484 1,156 815 2,558
Male 4,976 98 562 272 179 733 269 1,077 451 1,335
Female 3,216 57 308 253 129 588 215 79 364 1,223


Both Sexes 4,896 64 275 160 149 894 297 514 524 2,019
Male 2,478 47 153 84 74 433 107 466 226 888
Female 2,418 17 122 76 75 461 190 48 298 1,131

Both Sexes 3,507 15 120 66 24 697 341 106 235 1,903
Male 1,758 11 68 23 10 338 163 91 126 928
Female 1,749 4 52 43 14 359 178 15 109 975

Both Sexes 4,392 147 229 166 79 560 224 266 571 2,150
Male 2,193 77 121 74 33 285 89 237 269 1,008
Female 2,199 70 108 92 46 275 135 29 302 1,142

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


BOTH SEXES 69,017 9,390 10,722 2,168 7,226 781 1,163 3,500 5,650 11,998 6,308 4,533 5,578

0 - 4 1,726 94 169 38 88 66 63 110 131 366 245 66 290

5 - 9 3,361 147 337 110 375 163 184 341 321 448 300 246 389
10 - 14 4,671 254 463 147 666 127 169 280 451 844 371 434 465
15 - 19 5,582 362 496 189 747 89 144 472 446 1,195 407 568 467
20 - 24 4,683 291 395 204 601 78 103 499 326 870 368 561 387
25 - 29 4,189 243 319 240 559 53 86 488 315 686 332 501 367
30 - 34 4,301 287 332 209 494 37 73 309 391 841 421 476 431
35 - 39 4,554 309 446 134 416 27 72 176 566 1,070 515 422 401
40 - 44 4,444 341 519 121 383 24 51 175 499 1,109 535 303 384
45 - 49 3,955 377 558 82 320 16 51 142 522 915 412 220 340
50 - 54 4,165 606 732 116 413 19 39 105 370 754 435 216 360
55 - 59 3,390 538 644 90 291 15 31 92 311 600 379 111 288
60 - 64 4,439 929 1,007 126 443 17 23 122 307 624 420 139 282
65 - 69 3,917 881 1,028 89 329 15 29 89 241 514 372 88 242
70 - 74 4,737 1,376 1,331 112 425 15 16 54 230 525 348 88 217
75+ 6,903 2,355 1,946 161 676 20 29 46 223 637 448 94 268

MALE 35,802 3,960 4,807 1,082 3,611 425 643 1,814 3,671 7,482 3,224 2,275 2,808

0 - 4 944 41 89 21 52 34 37 53 78 208 135 36 160

5 - 9 1,880 72 185 50 217 94 115 177 181 276 167 136 210
10 - 14 2,601 123 246 82 393 79 95 167 278 465 191 235 247
15 - 19 3,021 224 258 103 401 48 79 255 280 657 197 292 227
20 - 24 2,507 161 209 102 292 40 66 252 219 482 197 291 196
25 - 29 2,143 130 140 119 246 29 37 238 193 426 167 241 177
30 - 34 2,194 140 144 95 210 17 44 154 270 501 196 237 186
35 - 39 2,604 138 200 73 215 11 35 90 408 736 277 230 191
40 - 44 2,571 137 215 62 179 12 27 92 383 796 313 152 203
45 - 49 2,261 146 227 45 178 8 25 77 387 664 218 100 186
50 - 54 1,911 178 250 55 184 8 14 51 227 472 215 95 162
55 - 59 1,736 209 268 42 156 9 12 49 188 403 199 53 148
60 - 64 1,879 307 343 58 205 8 11 59 170 355 177 56 130
65 - 69 1,778 326 408 41 139 7 16 45 141 311 179 40 125
70 - 74 2,110 514 568 45 192 11 9 27 131 293 163 42 115
75+ 3,662 1,114 1,057 89 352 10 21 28 137 437 233 39 145

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


FEMALE 33,215 5,430 5,915 1,086 3,615 356 520 1,686 1,979 4,516 3,084 2,258 2,770

0 - 4 782 53 80 17 36 32 26 57 53 158 110 30 130

5 - 9 1,481 75 152 60 158 69 69 164 140 172 133 110 179
10 - 14 2,070 131 217 65 273 48 74 113 173 379 180 199 218
15 - 19 2,561 138 238 86 346 41 65 217 166 538 210 276 240
20 - 24 2,176 130 186 102 309 38 37 247 107 388 171 270 191
25 - 29 2,046 113 179 121 313 24 49 250 122 260 165 260 190
30 - 34 2,107 147 188 114 284 20 29 155 121 340 225 239 245
35 - 39 1,950 171 246 61 201 16 37 86 158 334 238 192 210
40 - 44 1,873 204 304 59 204 12 24 83 116 313 222 151 181
45 - 49 1,694 231 331 37 142 8 26 65 135 251 194 120 154
50 - 54 2,254 428 482 61 229 11 25 54 143 282 220 121 198
55 - 59 1,654 329 376 48 135 6 19 43 123 197 180 58 140
60 - 64 2,560 622 664 68 238 9 12 63 137 269 243 83 152
65 - 69 2,139 555 620 48 190 8 13 44 100 203 193 48 117
70 - 74 2,627 862 763 67 233 4 7 27 99 232 185 46 102
75+ 3,241 1,241 889 72 324 10 8 18 86 200 215 55 123

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


BOTH SEXES 15,235 1,926 1,945 322 1,235 168 211 480 1,518 3,806 1,412 1,026 1,186

0 - 4 264 17 22 5 12 12 10 7 29 59 35 14 42
5 - 9 534 27 44 12 54 37 29 45 52 74 35 64 61
10 - 14 937 83 73 24 125 30 39 58 75 166 61 106 97
15 - 19 1,384 141 105 26 166 21 28 74 124 359 89 141 110
20 - 24 1,059 83 91 28 103 13 19 71 89 276 72 137 77
25 - 29 1,134 95 86 50 115 10 16 60 104 265 106 122 105
30 - 34 1,123 77 78 29 94 7 15 30 139 336 113 101 104
35 - 39 1,388 97 103 20 72 6 15 28 212 485 153 86 111
40 - 44 1,232 87 99 18 57 6 7 24 157 462 157 70 88
45 - 49 955 87 114 9 43 1 13 15 146 321 88 44 74
50 - 54 919 138 118 23 75 6 6 15 105 231 89 39 74
55 - 59 673 107 117 10 34 5 3 10 63 163 71 23 67
60 - 64 823 174 161 18 57 3 3 21 60 168 96 25 37
65 - 69 751 146 192 10 55 2 4 14 62 140 70 13 43
70 - 74 854 224 212 16 76 3 - 5 51 149 63 17 38
75+ 1,205 343 330 24 97 6 4 3 50 152 114 24 58

MALE 8,260 913 798 134 548 85 118 222 1,058 2,506 746 517 615

0 - 4 152 4 9 4 7 8 4 4 22 35 18 10 27
5 - 9 290 13 21 1 32 21 17 25 28 45 21 36 30
10 - 14 513 41 27 11 68 19 20 37 53 95 30 59 53
15 - 19 751 108 58 12 81 10 14 30 81 194 39 72 52
20 - 24 581 58 47 13 48 5 14 31 63 165 45 54 38
25 - 29 638 60 46 18 39 3 7 25 71 177 65 65 62
30 - 34 631 50 35 13 41 3 11 13 99 206 64 52 44
35 - 39 878 56 49 11 27 2 10 11 169 352 85 51 55
40 - 44 841 43 50 8 22 2 4 9 130 362 110 39 62
45 - 49 642 47 51 4 27 1 10 7 122 252 51 24 46
50 - 54 464 55 37 7 24 3 1 5 72 158 44 21 37
55 - 59 352 50 49 4 18 3 - 3 39 111 37 8 30
60 - 64 317 62 39 10 21 1 1 11 24 89 37 7 15
65 - 69 298 51 56 4 15 1 2 7 30 83 28 4 17
70 - 74 352 81 70 2 30 2 - 3 28 79 27 8 22
75+ 560 134 154 12 48 1 3 1 27 103 45 7 25

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


FEMALE 6,975 1,013 1,147 188 687 83 93 258 460 1,300 666 509 571

0 - 4 112 13 13 1 5 4 6 3 7 24 17 4 15
5 - 9 244 14 23 11 22 16 12 20 24 29 14 28 31
10 - 14 424 42 46 13 57 11 19 21 22 71 31 47 44
15 - 19 633 33 47 14 85 11 14 44 43 165 50 69 58
20 - 24 478 25 44 15 55 8 5 40 26 111 27 83 39
25 - 29 496 35 40 32 76 7 9 35 33 88 41 57 43
30 - 34 492 27 43 16 53 4 4 17 40 130 49 49 60
35 - 39 510 41 54 9 45 4 5 17 43 133 68 35 56
40 - 44 391 44 49 10 35 4 3 15 27 100 47 31 26
45 - 49 313 40 63 5 16 - 3 8 24 69 37 20 28
50 - 54 455 83 81 16 51 3 5 10 33 73 45 18 37
55 - 59 321 57 68 6 16 2 3 7 24 52 34 15 37
60 - 64 506 112 122 8 36 2 2 10 36 79 59 18 22
65 - 69 453 95 136 6 40 1 2 7 32 57 42 9 26
70 - 74 502 143 142 14 46 1 - 2 23 70 36 9 16
75+ 645 209 176 12 49 5 1 2 23 49 69 17 33

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


BOTH SEXES 53,782 7,464 8,777 1,846 5,991 613 952 3,020 4,132 8,192 4,896 3,507 4,392

0 - 4 1,462 77 147 33 76 54 53 103 102 307 210 52 248

5 - 9 2,827 120 293 98 321 126 155 296 269 374 265 182 328
10 - 14 3,734 171 390 123 541 97 130 222 376 678 310 328 368
15 - 19 4,198 221 391 163 581 68 116 398 322 836 318 427 357
20 - 24 3,624 208 304 176 498 65 84 428 237 594 296 424 310
25 - 29 3,055 148 233 190 444 43 70 428 211 421 226 379 262
30 - 34 3,178 210 254 180 400 30 58 279 252 505 308 375 327
35 - 39 3,166 212 343 114 344 21 57 148 354 585 362 336 290
40 - 44 3,212 254 420 103 326 18 44 151 342 647 378 233 296
45 - 49 3,000 290 444 73 277 15 38 127 376 594 324 176 266
50 - 54 3,246 468 614 93 338 13 33 90 265 523 346 177 286
55 - 59 2,717 431 527 80 257 10 28 82 248 437 308 88 221
60 - 64 3,616 755 846 108 386 14 20 101 247 456 324 114 245
65 - 69 3,166 735 836 79 274 13 25 75 179 374 302 75 199
70 - 74 3,883 1,152 1,119 96 349 12 16 49 179 376 285 71 179
75+ 5,698 2,012 1,616 137 579 14 25 43 173 485 334 70 210

MALE 27,542 3,047 4,009 948 3,063 340 525 1,592 2,613 4,976 2,478 1,758 2,193

0 - 4 792 37 80 17 45 26 33 49 56 173 117 26 133

5 - 9 1,590 59 164 49 185 73 98 152 153 231 146 100 180
10 - 14 2,088 82 219 71 325 60 75 130 225 370 161 176 194
15 - 19 2,270 116 200 91 320 38 65 225 199 463 158 220 175
20 - 24 1,926 103 162 89 244 35 52 221 156 317 152 237 158
25 - 29 1,505 70 94 101 207 26 30 213 122 249 102 176 115
30 - 34 1,563 90 109 82 169 14 33 141 171 295 132 185 142
35 - 39 1,726 82 151 62 188 9 25 79 239 384 192 179 136
40 - 44 1,730 94 165 54 157 10 23 83 253 434 203 113 141
45 - 49 1,619 99 176 41 151 7 15 70 265 412 167 76 140
50 - 54 1,447 123 213 48 160 5 13 46 155 314 171 74 125
55 - 59 1,384 159 219 38 138 6 12 46 149 292 162 45 118
60 - 64 1,562 245 304 48 184 7 10 48 146 266 140 49 115
65 - 69 1,480 275 352 37 124 6 14 38 111 228 151 36 108
70 - 74 1,758 433 498 43 162 9 9 24 103 214 136 34 93
75+ 3,102 980 903 77 304 9 18 27 110 334 188 32 120

Table 4.5 Disabled Persons by Type of Disability, Sex and Age Group: 2007
Type of Disability

Non-func- Non-func-
tional upper tional lower
Total Diffi- Diffi- Diffi- Deaf and limbs, limbs, Body move- Learning
Sex and Disabled culty culty Unable culty unable to gripping, standing, ment diffi- diffi-
Age Group Persons Blind Seeing Deaf Hearing to Speak speaking speak handling walking culty culty Other


FEMALE 26,240 4,417 4,768 898 2,928 273 427 1,428 1,519 3,216 2,418 1,749 2,199

0 - 4 670 40 67 16 31 28 20 54 46 134 93 26 115

5 - 9 1,237 61 129 49 136 53 57 144 116 143 119 82 148
10 - 14 1,646 89 171 52 216 37 55 92 151 308 149 152 174
15 - 19 1,928 105 191 72 261 30 51 173 123 373 160 207 182
20 - 24 1,698 105 142 87 254 30 32 207 81 277 144 187 152
25 - 29 1,550 78 139 89 237 17 40 215 89 172 124 203 147
30 - 34 1,615 120 145 98 231 16 25 138 81 210 176 190 185
35 - 39 1,440 130 192 52 156 12 32 69 115 201 170 157 154
40 - 44 1,482 160 255 49 169 8 21 68 89 213 175 120 155
45 - 49 1,381 191 268 32 126 8 23 57 111 182 157 100 126
50 - 54 1,799 345 401 45 178 8 20 44 110 209 175 103 161
55 - 59 1,333 272 308 42 119 4 16 36 99 145 146 43 103
60 - 64 2,054 510 542 60 202 7 10 53 101 190 184 65 130
65 - 69 1,686 460 484 42 150 7 11 37 68 146 151 39 91
70 - 74 2,125 719 621 53 187 3 7 25 76 162 149 37 86
75+ 2,596 1,032 713 60 275 5 7 16 63 151 146 38 90

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 4,316,988 3,812 2,126,465 1,952 2,190,523 1,860 9 9 8

0 - 4 630,862 42 320,265 25 310,597 17 1 1 1

5 - 9 641,674 140 324,557 88 317,117 52 2 3 2
10 - 14 613,806 214 314,868 135 298,938 79 3 4 3
15 - 19 496,217 268 244,567 154 251,650 114 5 6 5
20 - 24 362,473 383 175,557 208 186,916 175 11 12 9
25 - 29 285,841 410 127,993 228 157,848 182 14 18 12
30 - 34 249,309 484 111,434 256 137,875 228 19 23 17
35 - 39 225,087 459 103,756 218 121,331 241 20 21 20
40 - 44 170,667 354 83,846 179 86,821 175 21 21 20
45 - 49 137,813 286 67,205 126 70,608 160 21 19 23
50 - 54 125,628 224 57,711 98 67,917 126 18 17 19
55 - 59 94,965 156 49,320 58 45,645 98 16 12 21
60 - 64 91,376 133 43,731 60 47,645 73 15 14 15
65 - 69 67,471 86 35,351 35 32,120 51 13 10 16
70 - 74 60,395 96 30,109 37 30,286 59 16 12 19
75+ 63,404 77 36,195 47 27,209 30 12 13 11

ALL AGES 844,040 1,100 398,795 641 445,245 459 13 16 10

0 - 4 104,018 6 52,844 4 51,174 2 1 1 -

5 - 9 97,947 34 48,891 23 49,056 11 3 5 2
10 - 14 106,074 47 52,234 34 53,840 13 4 7 2
15 - 19 119,643 90 53,892 57 65,751 33 8 11 5
20 - 24 101,230 97 45,377 71 55,853 26 10 16 5
25 - 29 77,045 152 34,652 96 42,393 56 20 28 13
30 - 34 54,533 146 25,876 91 28,657 55 27 35 19
35 - 39 47,441 132 22,078 64 25,363 68 28 29 27
40 - 44 31,562 110 16,645 65 14,917 45 35 39 30
45 - 49 24,313 72 12,287 38 12,026 34 30 31 28
50 - 54 20,444 74 8,890 37 11,554 37 36 42 32
55 - 59 14,421 35 6,280 20 8,141 15 24 32 18
60 - 64 14,317 34 5,626 16 8,691 18 24 28 21
65 - 69 10,660 20 4,365 5 6,295 15 19 11 24
70 - 74 9,841 26 3,966 7 5,875 19 26 18 32
75+ 10,551 25 4,892 13 5,659 12 24 27 21

ALL AGES 3,472,948 2,712 1,727,670 1,311 1,745,278 1,401 8 8 8

0 - 4 526,844 36 267,421 21 259,423 15 1 1 1

5 - 9 543,727 106 275,666 65 268,061 41 2 2 2
10 - 14 507,732 167 262,634 101 245,098 66 3 4 3
15 - 19 376,574 178 190,675 97 185,899 81 5 5 4
20 - 24 261,243 286 130,180 137 131,063 149 11 11 11
25 - 29 208,796 258 93,341 132 115,455 126 12 14 11
30 - 34 194,776 338 85,558 165 109,218 173 17 19 16
35 - 39 177,646 327 81,678 154 95,968 173 18 19 18
40 - 44 139,105 244 67,201 114 71,904 130 18 17 18
45 - 49 113,500 214 54,918 88 58,582 126 19 16 22
50 - 54 105,184 150 48,821 61 56,363 89 14 12 16
55 - 59 80,544 121 43,040 38 37,504 83 15 9 22
60 - 64 77,059 99 38,105 44 38,954 55 13 12 14
65 - 69 56,811 66 30,986 30 25,825 36 12 10 14
70 - 74 50,554 70 26,143 30 24,411 40 14 11 16
75+ 52,853 52 31,303 34 21,550 18 10 11 8

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 736,805 647 368,254 355 368,551 292 9 10 8

0 - 4 118,131 8 59,826 6 58,305 2 1 1 -

5 - 9 109,919 31 55,420 22 54,499 9 3 4 2
10 - 14 100,851 33 51,954 21 48,897 12 3 4 2
15 - 19 79,176 43 39,528 30 39,648 13 5 8 3
20 - 24 65,602 74 31,971 40 33,631 34 11 13 10
25 - 29 51,828 88 23,974 50 27,854 38 17 21 14
30 - 34 44,182 85 20,731 54 23,451 31 19 26 13
35 - 39 39,742 78 19,793 42 19,949 36 20 21 18
40 - 44 30,240 65 15,808 30 14,432 35 21 19 24
45 - 49 22,650 38 11,434 17 11,216 21 17 15 19
50 - 54 20,273 39 9,417 15 10,856 24 19 16 22
55 - 59 14,656 18 7,797 7 6,859 11 12 9 16
60 - 64 13,934 18 6,773 10 7,161 8 13 15 11
65 - 69 9,733 10 5,204 4 4,529 6 10 8 13
70 - 74 8,376 11 4,298 4 4,078 7 13 9 17
75+ 7,512 8 4,326 3 3,186 5 11 7 16

ALL AGES 107,999 152 49,642 90 58,357 62 14 18 11

0 - 4 15,189 1 7,586 1 7,603 - 1 1 -

5 - 9 13,081 7 6,337 5 6,744 2 5 8 3
10 - 14 13,463 4 6,708 3 6,755 1 3 4 1
15 - 19 13,339 7 5,825 5 7,514 2 5 9 3
20 - 24 12,329 14 4,865 10 7,464 4 11 21 5
25 - 29 9,803 33 4,101 19 5,702 14 34 46 25
30 - 34 7,237 24 3,286 18 3,951 6 33 55 15
35 - 39 6,285 13 2,857 8 3,428 5 21 28 15
40 - 44 4,345 16 2,313 8 2,032 8 37 35 39
45 - 49 3,118 8 1,637 5 1,481 3 26 31 20
50 - 54 2,545 11 1,087 4 1,458 7 43 37 48
55 - 59 1,721 2 748 1 973 1 12 13 10
60 - 64 1,760 3 631 1 1,129 2 17 16 18
65 - 69 1,367 1 580 - 787 1 7 - 13
70 - 74 1,182 3 475 1 707 2 25 21 28
75+ 1,235 5 606 1 629 4 40 17 64

ALL AGES 628,806 495 318,612 265 310,194 230 8 8 7

0 - 4 102,942 7 52,240 5 50,702 2 1 1 -

5 - 9 96,838 24 49,083 17 47,755 7 2 3 1
10 - 14 87,388 29 45,246 18 42,142 11 3 4 3
15 - 19 65,837 36 33,703 25 32,134 11 5 7 3
20 - 24 53,273 60 27,106 30 26,167 30 11 11 11
25 - 29 42,025 55 19,873 31 22,152 24 13 16 11
30 - 34 36,945 61 17,445 36 19,500 25 17 21 13
35 - 39 33,457 65 16,936 34 16,521 31 19 20 19
40 - 44 25,895 49 13,495 22 12,400 27 19 16 22
45 - 49 19,532 30 9,797 12 9,735 18 15 12 18
50 - 54 17,728 28 8,330 11 9,398 17 16 13 18
55 - 59 12,935 16 7,049 6 5,886 10 12 9 17
60 - 64 12,174 15 6,142 9 6,032 6 12 15 10
65 - 69 8,366 9 4,624 4 3,742 5 11 9 13
70 - 74 7,194 8 3,823 3 3,371 5 11 8 15
75+ 6,277 3 3,720 2 2,557 1 5 5 4

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 1,245,824 1,144 613,797 578 632,027 566 9 9 9

0 - 4 181,213 13 91,986 6 89,227 7 1 1 1

5 - 9 187,626 33 94,718 19 92,908 14 2 2 2
10 - 14 181,756 58 93,178 35 88,578 23 3 4 3
15 - 19 140,418 85 70,341 49 70,077 36 6 7 5
20 - 24 97,398 121 49,100 69 48,298 52 12 14 11
25 - 29 75,195 104 32,215 57 42,980 47 14 18 11
30 - 34 71,071 141 30,213 70 40,858 71 20 23 17
35 - 39 66,864 141 30,754 59 36,110 82 21 19 23
40 - 44 49,009 111 23,766 59 25,243 52 23 25 21
45 - 49 40,327 97 19,066 42 21,261 55 24 22 26
50 - 54 38,029 68 17,123 33 20,906 35 18 19 17
55 - 59 29,361 48 15,351 19 14,010 29 16 12 21
60 - 64 29,059 45 14,241 19 14,818 26 15 13 18
65 - 69 21,446 34 11,558 17 9,888 17 16 15 17
70 - 74 19,182 26 9,808 12 9,374 14 14 12 15
75+ 17,870 19 10,379 13 7,491 6 11 13 8

ALL AGES 176,453 293 81,844 156 94,609 137 17 19 14

0 - 4 23,741 1 12,032 - 11,709 1 - - 1

5 - 9 21,565 4 10,817 2 10,748 2 2 2 2
10 - 14 22,342 11 10,964 7 11,378 4 5 6 4
15 - 19 24,543 21 11,125 14 13,418 7 9 13 5
20 - 24 19,646 24 8,684 17 10,962 7 12 20 6
25 - 29 15,193 24 6,096 14 9,097 10 16 23 11
30 - 34 11,367 34 4,888 21 6,479 13 30 43 20
35 - 39 10,265 51 4,694 19 5,571 32 50 40 57
40 - 44 6,351 34 3,403 21 2,948 13 54 62 44
45 - 49 4,803 29 2,461 12 2,342 17 60 49 73
50 - 54 4,035 21 1,716 11 2,319 10 52 64 43
55 - 59 2,774 7 1,150 5 1,624 2 25 43 12
60 - 64 3,088 14 1,137 6 1,951 8 45 53 41
65 - 69 2,336 8 895 2 1,441 6 34 22 42
70 - 74 2,222 4 832 1 1,390 3 18 12 22
75+ 2,182 6 950 4 1,232 2 27 42 16

ALL AGES 1,069,371 851 531,953 422 537,418 429 8 8 8

0 - 4 157,472 12 79,954 6 77,518 6 1 1 1

5 - 9 166,061 29 83,901 17 82,160 12 2 2 1
10 - 14 159,414 47 82,214 28 77,200 19 3 3 2
15 - 19 115,875 64 59,216 35 56,659 29 6 6 5
20 - 24 77,752 97 40,416 52 37,336 45 12 13 12
25 - 29 60,002 80 26,119 43 33,883 37 13 16 11
30 - 34 59,704 107 25,325 49 34,379 58 18 19 17
35 - 39 56,599 90 26,060 40 30,539 50 16 15 16
40 - 44 42,658 77 20,363 38 22,295 39 18 19 17
45 - 49 35,524 68 16,605 30 18,919 38 19 18 20
50 - 54 33,994 47 15,407 22 18,587 25 14 14 13
55 - 59 26,587 41 14,201 14 12,386 27 15 10 22
60 - 64 25,971 31 13,104 13 12,867 18 12 10 14
65 - 69 19,110 26 10,663 15 8,447 11 14 14 13
70 - 74 16,960 22 8,976 11 7,984 11 13 12 14
75+ 15,688 13 9,429 9 6,259 4 8 10 6

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 755,343 723 359,638 318 395,705 405 10 9 10

0 - 4 104,988 6 53,531 5 51,457 1 1 1 -

5 - 9 115,700 26 58,521 12 57,179 14 2 2 2
10 - 14 117,337 51 59,826 27 57,511 24 4 5 4
15 - 19 90,802 46 44,040 18 46,762 28 5 4 6
20 - 24 54,654 52 24,729 26 29,925 26 10 11 9
25 - 29 42,680 66 16,814 33 25,866 33 15 20 13
30 - 34 37,421 78 14,535 34 22,886 44 21 23 19
35 - 39 36,441 89 14,435 36 22,006 53 24 25 24
40 - 44 26,145 59 11,880 24 14,265 35 23 20 25
45 - 49 25,713 64 11,367 29 14,346 35 25 26 24
50 - 54 22,272 43 9,529 17 12,743 26 19 18 20
55 - 59 18,323 40 8,895 8 9,428 32 22 9 34
60 - 64 18,148 30 8,141 12 10,007 18 17 15 18
65 - 69 15,065 19 7,498 7 7,567 12 13 9 16
70 - 74 13,723 31 6,669 14 7,054 17 23 21 24
75+ 15,931 23 9,228 16 6,703 7 14 17 10

ALL AGES 146,064 175 66,321 85 79,743 90 12 13 11

0 - 4 19,534 1 9,989 1 9,545 - 1 1 -

5 - 9 18,851 6 9,377 2 9,474 4 3 2 4
10 - 14 19,638 11 9,695 6 9,943 5 6 6 5
15 - 19 21,900 21 9,830 9 12,070 12 10 9 10
20 - 24 15,153 14 6,195 11 8,958 3 9 18 3
25 - 29 12,029 21 4,583 10 7,446 11 17 22 15
30 - 34 8,983 19 3,677 9 5,306 10 21 24 19
35 - 39 8,061 20 3,423 8 4,638 12 25 23 26
40 - 44 4,866 11 2,459 6 2,407 5 23 24 21
45 - 49 4,070 12 1,926 7 2,144 5 29 36 23
50 - 54 3,165 11 1,330 5 1,835 6 35 38 33
55 - 59 2,220 9 867 3 1,353 6 41 35 44
60 - 64 2,375 5 851 3 1,524 2 21 35 13
65 - 69 1,802 4 649 1 1,153 3 22 15 26
70 - 74 1,634 7 636 2 998 5 43 31 50
75+ 1,783 3 834 2 949 1 17 24 11

ALL AGES 609,279 548 293,317 233 315,962 315 9 8 10

0 - 4 85,454 5 43,542 4 41,912 1 1 1 -

5 - 9 96,849 20 49,144 10 47,705 10 2 2 2
10 - 14 97,699 40 50,131 21 47,568 19 4 4 4
15 - 19 68,902 25 34,210 9 34,692 16 4 3 5
20 - 24 39,501 38 18,534 15 20,967 23 10 8 11
25 - 29 30,651 45 12,231 23 18,420 22 15 19 12
30 - 34 28,438 59 10,858 25 17,580 34 21 23 19
35 - 39 28,380 69 11,012 28 17,368 41 24 25 24
40 - 44 21,279 48 9,421 18 11,858 30 23 19 25
45 - 49 21,643 52 9,441 22 12,202 30 24 23 25
50 - 54 19,107 32 8,199 12 10,908 20 17 15 18
55 - 59 16,103 31 8,028 5 8,075 26 19 6 32
60 - 64 15,773 25 7,290 9 8,483 16 16 12 19
65 - 69 13,263 15 6,849 6 6,414 9 11 9 14
70 - 74 12,089 24 6,033 12 6,056 12 20 20 20
75+ 14,148 20 8,394 14 5,754 6 14 17 10

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 1,006,504 764 497,280 385 509,224 379 8 8 7

0 - 4 145,919 9 73,874 5 72,045 4 1 1 1

5 - 9 154,937 33 78,553 24 76,384 9 2 3 1
10 - 14 144,118 48 74,732 37 69,386 11 3 5 2
15 - 19 114,996 49 57,672 29 57,324 20 4 5 3
20 - 24 75,585 70 36,688 35 38,897 35 9 10 9
25 - 29 63,208 80 28,303 41 34,905 39 13 14 11
30 - 34 58,946 108 25,715 52 33,231 56 18 20 17
35 - 39 52,210 97 23,388 50 28,822 47 19 21 16
40 - 44 42,988 64 20,120 35 22,868 29 15 17 13
45 - 49 32,504 55 16,369 19 16,135 36 17 12 22
50 - 54 30,676 45 14,624 18 16,052 27 15 12 17
55 - 59 22,954 32 12,178 11 10,776 21 14 9 19
60 - 64 21,769 26 10,503 12 11,266 14 12 11 12
65 - 69 15,084 14 8,055 4 7,029 10 9 5 14
70 - 74 14,060 20 6,996 6 7,064 14 14 9 20
75+ 16,550 14 9,510 7 7,040 7 8 7 10

ALL AGES 125,787 132 59,328 83 66,459 49 10 14 7

0 - 4 13,630 1 6,900 - 6,730 1 1 - 1

5 - 9 14,507 7 7,248 6 7,259 1 5 8 1
10 - 14 17,601 7 8,831 6 8,770 1 4 7 1
15 - 19 19,513 12 9,322 8 10,191 4 6 9 4
20 - 24 12,715 7 6,108 6 6,607 1 6 10 2
25 - 29 9,726 20 4,540 15 5,186 5 21 33 10
30 - 34 7,364 20 3,304 13 4,060 7 27 39 17
35 - 39 6,775 14 2,845 9 3,930 5 21 32 13
40 - 44 5,232 13 2,404 8 2,828 5 25 33 18
45 - 49 3,625 8 1,675 4 1,950 4 22 24 21
50 - 54 3,611 7 1,447 3 2,164 4 19 21 18
55 - 59 2,587 2 1,043 1 1,544 1 8 10 6
60 - 64 2,725 4 1,026 1 1,699 3 15 10 18
65 - 69 1,825 1 724 - 1,101 1 5 - 9
70 - 74 2,023 6 813 2 1,210 4 30 25 33
75+ 2,328 3 1,098 1 1,230 2 13 9 16

ALL AGES 880,717 632 437,952 302 442,765 330 7 7 7

0 - 4 132,289 8 66,974 5 65,315 3 1 1 -

5 - 9 140,430 26 71,305 18 69,125 8 2 3 1
10 - 14 126,517 41 65,901 31 60,616 10 3 5 2
15 - 19 95,483 37 48,350 21 47,133 16 4 4 3
20 - 24 62,870 63 30,580 29 32,290 34 10 9 11
25 - 29 53,482 60 23,763 26 29,719 34 11 11 11
30 - 34 51,582 88 22,411 39 29,171 49 17 17 17
35 - 39 45,435 83 20,543 41 24,892 42 18 20 17
40 - 44 37,756 51 17,716 27 20,040 24 14 15 12
45 - 49 28,879 47 14,694 15 14,185 32 16 10 23
50 - 54 27,065 38 13,177 15 13,888 23 14 11 17
55 - 59 20,367 30 11,135 10 9,232 20 15 9 22
60 - 64 19,044 22 9,477 11 9,567 11 12 12 11
65 - 69 13,259 13 7,331 4 5,928 9 10 5 15
70 - 74 12,037 14 6,183 4 5,854 10 12 6 17
75+ 14,222 11 8,412 6 5,810 5 8 7 9

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 356,598 264 182,571 141 174,027 123 7 8 7

0 - 4 58,213 5 29,640 2 28,573 3 1 1 1

5 - 9 51,759 10 26,380 6 25,379 4 2 2 2
10 - 14 44,458 13 22,969 5 21,489 8 3 2 4
15 - 19 39,101 19 18,896 8 20,205 11 5 4 5
20 - 24 36,926 36 17,713 16 19,213 20 10 9 10
25 - 29 30,266 32 15,507 18 14,759 14 11 12 9
30 - 34 23,495 34 12,560 24 10,935 10 14 19 9
35 - 39 18,029 32 9,423 19 8,606 13 18 20 15
40 - 44 14,572 27 8,042 12 6,530 15 19 15 23
45 - 49 10,369 20 5,833 12 4,536 8 19 21 18
50 - 54 9,194 8 4,699 2 4,495 6 9 4 13
55 - 59 5,897 9 3,414 9 2,483 - 15 26 -
60 - 64 5,092 7 2,626 3 2,466 4 14 11 16
65 - 69 3,554 5 1,932 2 1,622 3 14 10 18
70 - 74 2,735 2 1,367 - 1,368 2 7 - 15
75+ 2,938 5 1,570 3 1,368 2 17 19 15

ALL AGES 71,823 78 36,735 52 35,088 26 11 14 7

0 - 4 9,526 1 4,929 1 4,597 - 1 2 -

5 - 9 8,210 3 4,147 3 4,063 - 4 7 -
10 - 14 7,744 3 3,827 2 3,917 1 4 5 3
15 - 19 8,624 3 3,700 1 4,924 2 3 3 4
20 - 24 9,079 8 4,169 5 4,910 3 9 12 6
25 - 29 7,630 14 4,152 9 3,478 5 18 22 14
30 - 34 5,388 11 3,041 8 2,347 3 20 26 13
35 - 39 4,254 12 2,296 8 1,958 4 28 35 20
40 - 44 3,055 8 1,836 3 1,219 5 26 16 41
45 - 49 2,447 3 1,452 3 995 - 12 21 -
50 - 54 1,904 3 991 1 913 2 16 10 22
55 - 59 1,345 6 787 6 558 - 45 76 -
60 - 64 995 1 534 1 461 - 10 19 -
65 - 69 741 2 413 1 328 1 27 24 30
70 - 74 461 - 239 - 222 - - - -
75+ 420 - 222 - 198 - - - -

ALL AGES 284,775 186 145,836 89 138,939 97 7 6 7

0 - 4 48,687 4 24,711 1 23,976 3 1 - 1

5 - 9 43,549 7 22,233 3 21,316 4 2 1 2
10 - 14 36,714 10 19,142 3 17,572 7 3 2 4
15 - 19 30,477 16 15,196 7 15,281 9 5 5 6
20 - 24 27,847 28 13,544 11 14,303 17 10 8 12
25 - 29 22,636 18 11,355 9 11,281 9 8 8 8
30 - 34 18,107 23 9,519 16 8,588 7 13 17 8
35 - 39 13,775 20 7,127 11 6,648 9 15 15 14
40 - 44 11,517 19 6,206 9 5,311 10 16 15 19
45 - 49 7,922 17 4,381 9 3,541 8 21 21 23
50 - 54 7,290 5 3,708 1 3,582 4 7 3 11
55 - 59 4,552 3 2,627 3 1,925 - 7 11 -
60 - 64 4,097 6 2,092 2 2,005 4 15 10 20
65 - 69 2,813 3 1,519 1 1,294 2 11 7 15
70 - 74 2,274 2 1,128 - 1,146 2 9 - 17
75+ 2,518 5 1,348 3 1,170 2 20 22 17

Table 4.6 Population by Sex, Mental Problem, and Five Year Age Group, with Rate
of Mental Problem per 10,000 population:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Rate Per 10,000
---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------
With Mental With Mental With Mental Both
Age Group All Problem All Problem All Problem Sexes Male Female


ALL AGES 215,914 270 104,925 175 110,989 95 13 17 9

0 - 4 22,398 1 11,408 1 10,990 - - 1 -

5 - 9 21,733 7 10,965 5 10,768 2 3 5 2
10 - 14 25,286 11 12,209 10 13,077 1 4 8 1
15 - 19 31,724 26 14,090 20 17,634 6 8 14 3
20 - 24 32,308 30 15,356 22 16,952 8 9 14 5
25 - 29 22,664 40 11,180 29 11,484 11 18 26 10
30 - 34 14,194 38 7,680 22 6,514 16 27 29 25
35 - 39 11,801 22 5,963 12 5,838 10 19 20 17
40 - 44 7,713 28 4,230 19 3,483 9 36 45 26
45 - 49 6,250 12 3,136 7 3,114 5 19 22 16
50 - 54 5,184 21 2,319 13 2,865 8 41 56 28
55 - 59 3,774 9 1,685 4 2,089 5 24 24 24
60 - 64 3,374 7 1,447 4 1,927 3 21 28 16
65 - 69 2,589 4 1,104 1 1,485 3 15 9 20
70 - 74 2,319 6 971 1 1,348 5 26 10 37
75+ 2,603 8 1,182 5 1,421 3 31 42 21

ALL AGES 215,914 270 104,925 175 110,989 95 13 17 9

0 - 4 22,398 1 11,408 1 10,990 - - 1 -

5 - 9 21,733 7 10,965 5 10,768 2 3 5 2
10 - 14 25,286 11 12,209 10 13,077 1 4 8 1
15 - 19 31,724 26 14,090 20 17,634 6 8 14 3
20 - 24 32,308 30 15,356 22 16,952 8 9 14 5
25 - 29 22,664 40 11,180 29 11,484 11 18 26 10
30 - 34 14,194 38 7,680 22 6,514 16 27 29 25
35 - 39 11,801 22 5,963 12 5,838 10 19 20 17
40 - 44 7,713 28 4,230 19 3,483 9 36 45 26
45 - 49 6,250 12 3,136 7 3,114 5 19 22 16
50 - 54 5,184 21 2,319 13 2,865 8 41 56 28
55 - 59 3,774 9 1,685 4 2,089 5 24 24 24
60 - 64 3,374 7 1,447 4 1,927 3 21 28 16
65 - 69 2,589 4 1,104 1 1,485 3 15 9 20
70 - 74 2,319 6 971 1 1,348 5 26 10 37
75+ 2,603 8 1,182 5 1,421 3 31 42 21

4.2 Orphanhood Status
Orphanhood can be defined as the condition of being a child without living biological
parents or a child deprived by death of one or usually both of his/her biological
parents. Information on Orphanhood status of children under age 18 (survival status of
the parents) was collected on complete count basis for every household member. The
data on the survival status of parents for children less than 18 years are summarized
as Only Mothers alive, Only Fathers alive, Both deceased (Double orphaned) and Both
alive (Non-orphaned) categories.

The continuous increase in social problem due to orphanhood in Ethiopia and the lists
of topics suggested in the Principles and Recommendations for Population and
Housing Census has brought an idea of collecting information on orphanhood in the
2007 Population and Housing Census. Having this in mind, two basic questions on
orphanhood status were administered in the 2007 Population and Housing Census.
These are:
i. “Is NAME’s biological mother alive?” and
ii. “Is NAME’s biological father alive?”
Using the answers for these two questions, children have been classified as orphaned
or non-orphaned. Based on these, children less than 18 years are said to be orphaned
if they have lost one or both of their parent(s) by death.

N.B: - It is important to note that orphanhood status of children is considered only in

relation to their biological parents, but not attached to other kinship relations or other

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 2,177,009 1,959,720 142,232 42,977 29,834 2,246

0-4 630,862 609,186 12,879 4,458 4,017 322
5-9 641,674 589,667 34,575 10,726 6,547 159
10-14 613,806 527,306 57,765 16,987 11,448 300
15-17 290,667 233,561 37,013 10,806 7,822 1,465

Male 1,107,606 997,057 72,603 21,622 15,101 1,223

0-4 320,265 309,351 6,378 2,343 2,013 180
5-9 324,557 298,288 17,560 5,386 3,243 80
10-14 314,868 270,403 29,726 8,653 5,923 163
15-17 147,916 119,015 18,939 5,240 3,922 800

Female 1,069,403 962,663 69,629 21,355 14,733 1,023

0-4 310,597 299,835 6,501 2,115 2,004 142
5-9 317,117 291,379 17,015 5,340 3,304 79
10-14 298,938 256,903 28,039 8,334 5,525 137
15-17 142,751 114,546 18,074 5,566 3,900 665

Both Sexes 370,899 316,026 36,370 8,259 9,418 826

0-4 104,018 99,470 3,076 640 682 150
5-9 97,947 86,486 8,098 1,647 1,648 68
10-14 106,074 84,607 14,244 3,271 3,842 110
15-17 62,860 45,463 10,952 2,701 3,246 498

Male 183,130 156,409 17,908 3,839 4,539 435

0-4 52,844 50,602 1,476 326 346 94
5-9 48,891 43,209 4,038 799 811 34
10-14 52,234 41,604 7,118 1,577 1,875 60
15-17 29,161 20,994 5,276 1,137 1,507 247

Female 187,769 159,617 18,462 4,420 4,879 391

0-4 51,174 48,868 1,600 314 336 56
5-9 49,056 43,277 4,060 848 837 34
10-14 53,840 43,003 7,126 1,694 1,967 50
15-17 33,699 24,469 5,676 1,564 1,739 251

Both Sexes 1,806,110 1,643,694 105,862 34,718 20,416 1,420

0-4 526,844 509,716 9,803 3,818 3,335 172
5-9 543,727 503,181 26,477 9,079 4,899 91
10-14 507,732 442,699 43,521 13,716 7,606 190
15-17 227,807 188,098 26,061 8,105 4,576 967

Male 924,476 840,648 54,695 17,783 10,562 788

0-4 267,421 258,749 4,902 2,017 1,667 86
5-9 275,666 255,079 13,522 4,587 2,432 46
10-14 262,634 228,799 22,608 7,076 4,048 103
15-17 118,755 98,021 13,663 4,103 2,415 553

Female 881,634 803,046 51,167 16,935 9,854 632

0-4 259,423 250,967 4,901 1,801 1,668 86
5-9 268,061 248,102 12,955 4,492 2,467 45
10-14 245,098 213,900 20,913 6,640 3,558 87
15-17 109,052 90,077 12,398 4,002 2,161 414

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 374,820 337,754 23,478 8,629 4,627 332

0-4 118,131 114,016 2,313 996 761 45
5-9 109,919 101,079 5,653 2,195 968 24
10-14 100,851 86,193 9,484 3,407 1,724 43
15-17 45,919 36,466 6,028 2,031 1,174 220

Male 191,134 171,960 12,139 4,452 2,400 183

0-4 59,826 57,792 1,130 507 372 25
5-9 55,420 50,925 2,876 1,112 495 12
10-14 51,954 44,294 4,955 1,770 909 26
15-17 23,934 18,949 3,178 1,063 624 120

Female 183,686 165,794 11,339 4,177 2,227 149

0-4 58,305 56,224 1,183 489 389 20
5-9 54,499 50,154 2,777 1,083 473 12
10-14 48,897 41,899 4,529 1,637 815 17
15-17 21,985 17,517 2,850 968 550 100

Both Sexes 48,829 41,974 4,732 1,084 950 89

0-4 15,189 14,533 454 88 96 18
5-9 13,081 11,581 1,099 228 164 9
10-14 13,463 10,763 1,865 447 377 11
15-17 7,096 5,097 1,314 321 313 51

Male 23,910 20,575 2,322 509 456 48

0-4 7,586 7,290 200 35 51 10
5-9 6,337 5,594 549 107 82 5
10-14 6,708 5,356 943 224 176 9
15-17 3,279 2,335 630 143 147 24

Female 24,919 21,399 2,410 575 494 41

0-4 7,603 7,243 254 53 45 8
5-9 6,744 5,987 550 121 82 4
10-14 6,755 5,407 922 223 201 2
15-17 3,817 2,762 684 178 166 27

Both Sexes 325,991 295,780 18,746 7,545 3,677 243

0-4 102,942 99,483 1,859 908 665 27
5-9 96,838 89,498 4,554 1,967 804 15
10-14 87,388 75,430 7,619 2,960 1,347 32
15-17 38,823 31,369 4,714 1,710 861 169

Male 167,224 151,385 9,817 3,943 1,944 135

0-4 52,240 50,502 930 472 321 15
5-9 49,083 45,331 2,327 1,005 413 7
10-14 45,246 38,938 4,012 1,546 733 17
15-17 20,655 16,614 2,548 920 477 96

Female 158,767 144,395 8,929 3,602 1,733 108

0-4 50,702 48,981 929 436 344 12
5-9 47,755 44,167 2,227 962 391 8
10-14 42,142 36,492 3,607 1,414 614 15
15-17 18,168 14,755 2,166 790 384 73

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 634,371 577,392 38,046 11,175 7,278 480

0-4 181,213 175,449 3,368 1,183 1,144 69
5-9 187,626 174,046 9,126 2,769 1,655 30
10-14 181,756 158,941 15,592 4,463 2,697 63
15-17 83,776 68,956 9,960 2,760 1,782 318

Male 322,421 293,684 19,217 5,620 3,652 248

0-4 91,986 89,046 1,679 629 597 35
5-9 94,718 87,937 4,574 1,380 813 14
10-14 93,178 81,564 7,944 2,270 1,375 25
15-17 42,539 35,137 5,020 1,341 867 174

Female 311,950 283,708 18,829 5,555 3,626 232

0-4 89,227 86,403 1,689 554 547 34
5-9 92,908 86,109 4,552 1,389 842 16
10-14 88,578 77,377 7,648 2,193 1,322 38
15-17 41,237 33,819 4,940 1,419 915 144

Both Sexes 80,202 69,818 7,010 1,555 1,684 135

0-4 23,741 22,836 593 135 152 25
5-9 21,565 19,337 1,589 285 347 7
10-14 22,342 18,321 2,712 629 656 24
15-17 12,554 9,324 2,116 506 529 79

Male 39,612 34,589 3,414 756 786 67

0-4 12,032 11,592 278 78 70 14
5-9 10,817 9,721 782 133 179 2
10-14 10,964 8,965 1,360 322 307 10
15-17 5,799 4,311 994 223 230 41

Female 40,590 35,229 3,596 799 898 68

0-4 11,709 11,244 315 57 82 11
5-9 10,748 9,616 807 152 168 5
10-14 11,378 9,356 1,352 307 349 14
15-17 6,755 5,013 1,122 283 299 38

Both Sexes 554,169 507,574 31,036 9,620 5,594 345

0-4 157,472 152,613 2,775 1,048 992 44
5-9 166,061 154,709 7,537 2,484 1,308 23
10-14 159,414 140,620 12,880 3,834 2,041 39
15-17 71,222 59,632 7,844 2,254 1,253 239

Male 282,809 259,095 15,803 4,864 2,866 181

0-4 79,954 77,454 1,401 551 527 21
5-9 83,901 78,216 3,792 1,247 634 12
10-14 82,214 72,599 6,584 1,948 1,068 15
15-17 36,740 30,826 4,026 1,118 637 133

Female 271,360 248,479 15,233 4,756 2,728 164

0-4 77,518 75,159 1,374 497 465 23
5-9 82,160 76,493 3,745 1,237 674 11
10-14 77,200 68,021 6,296 1,886 973 24
15-17 34,482 28,806 3,818 1,136 616 106

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 392,944 353,496 26,742 7,044 5,295 367

0-4 104,988 101,584 2,061 633 656 54
5-9 115,700 106,292 6,519 1,675 1,182 32
10-14 117,337 101,171 11,164 2,856 2,110 36
15-17 54,919 44,449 6,998 1,880 1,347 245

Male 199,285 179,382 13,563 3,514 2,662 164

0-4 53,531 51,803 1,041 336 324 27
5-9 58,521 53,760 3,332 847 576 6
10-14 59,826 51,584 5,694 1,443 1,090 15
15-17 27,407 22,235 3,496 888 672 116

Female 193,659 174,114 13,179 3,530 2,633 203

0-4 51,457 49,781 1,020 297 332 27
5-9 57,179 52,532 3,187 828 606 26
10-14 57,511 49,587 5,470 1,413 1,020 21
15-17 27,512 22,214 3,502 992 675 129

Both Sexes 69,683 59,868 6,852 1,190 1,640 133

0-4 19,534 18,736 555 96 120 27
5-9 18,851 16,720 1,573 242 300 16
10-14 19,638 15,826 2,679 447 679 7
15-17 11,660 8,586 2,045 405 541 83

Male 34,433 29,675 3,369 527 808 54

0-4 9,989 9,592 269 55 57 16
5-9 9,377 8,349 752 121 152 3
10-14 9,695 7,797 1,351 196 349 2
15-17 5,372 3,937 997 155 250 33

Female 35,250 30,193 3,483 663 832 79

0-4 9,545 9,144 286 41 63 11
5-9 9,474 8,371 821 121 148 13
10-14 9,943 8,029 1,328 251 330 5
15-17 6,288 4,649 1,048 250 291 50

Both Sexes 323,261 293,628 19,890 5,854 3,655 234

0-4 85,454 82,848 1,506 537 536 27
5-9 96,849 89,572 4,946 1,433 882 16
10-14 97,699 85,345 8,485 2,409 1,431 29
15-17 43,259 35,863 4,953 1,475 806 162

Male 164,852 149,707 10,194 2,987 1,854 110

0-4 43,542 42,211 772 281 267 11
5-9 49,144 45,411 2,580 726 424 3
10-14 50,131 43,787 4,343 1,247 741 13
15-17 22,035 18,298 2,499 733 422 83

Female 158,409 143,921 9,696 2,867 1,801 124

0-4 41,912 40,637 734 256 269 16
5-9 47,705 44,161 2,366 707 458 13
10-14 47,568 41,558 4,142 1,162 690 16
15-17 21,224 17,565 2,454 742 384 79

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 512,934 462,996 32,251 9,697 7,414 576

0-4 145,919 140,769 3,152 972 973 53
5-9 154,937 142,395 8,193 2,554 1,763 32
10-14 144,118 124,332 13,030 3,824 2,852 80
15-17 67,960 55,500 7,876 2,347 1,826 411

Male 262,450 236,753 16,646 4,938 3,781 332

0-4 73,874 71,312 1,562 498 474 28
5-9 78,553 72,226 4,126 1,291 891 19
10-14 74,732 64,356 6,822 1,999 1,502 53
15-17 35,291 28,859 4,136 1,150 914 232

Female 250,484 226,243 15,605 4,759 3,633 244

0-4 72,045 69,457 1,590 474 499 25
5-9 76,384 70,169 4,067 1,263 872 13
10-14 69,386 59,976 6,208 1,825 1,350 27
15-17 32,669 26,641 3,740 1,197 912 179

Both Sexes 56,674 46,612 6,585 1,603 1,723 151

0-4 13,630 12,889 546 94 91 10
5-9 14,507 12,413 1,446 347 293 8
10-14 17,601 13,530 2,695 649 713 14
15-17 10,936 7,780 1,898 513 626 119

Male 28,261 23,248 3,298 787 842 86

0-4 6,900 6,534 275 41 43 7
5-9 7,248 6,209 726 173 137 3
10-14 8,831 6,772 1,359 330 360 10
15-17 5,282 3,733 938 243 302 66

Female 28,413 23,364 3,287 816 881 65

0-4 6,730 6,355 271 53 48 3
5-9 7,259 6,204 720 174 156 5
10-14 8,770 6,758 1,336 319 353 4
15-17 5,654 4,047 960 270 324 53

Both Sexes 456,260 416,384 25,666 8,094 5,691 425

0-4 132,289 127,880 2,606 878 882 43
5-9 140,430 129,982 6,747 2,207 1,470 24
10-14 126,517 110,802 10,335 3,175 2,139 66
15-17 57,024 47,720 5,978 1,834 1,200 292

Male 234,189 213,505 13,348 4,151 2,939 246

0-4 66,974 64,778 1,287 457 431 21
5-9 71,305 66,017 3,400 1,118 754 16
10-14 65,901 57,584 5,463 1,669 1,142 43
15-17 30,009 25,126 3,198 907 612 166

Female 222,071 202,879 12,318 3,943 2,752 179

0-4 65,315 63,102 1,319 421 451 22
5-9 69,125 63,965 3,347 1,089 716 8
10-14 60,616 53,218 4,872 1,506 997 23
15-17 27,015 22,594 2,780 927 588 126

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 176,360 155,592 13,580 4,398 2,548 242

0-4 58,213 55,966 1,345 527 327 48
5-9 51,759 46,574 3,447 1,167 550 21
10-14 44,458 36,480 5,361 1,619 964 34
15-17 21,930 16,572 3,427 1,085 707 139

Male 90,413 79,703 7,038 2,190 1,322 160

0-4 29,640 28,511 647 294 158 30
5-9 26,380 23,729 1,808 571 257 15
10-14 22,969 18,867 2,769 787 522 24
15-17 11,424 8,596 1,814 538 385 91

Female 85,947 75,889 6,542 2,208 1,226 82

0-4 28,573 27,455 698 233 169 18
5-9 25,379 22,845 1,639 596 293 6
10-14 21,489 17,613 2,592 832 442 10
15-17 10,506 7,976 1,613 547 322 48

Both Sexes 29,931 25,264 3,056 793 749 69

0-4 9,526 9,074 288 80 67 17
5-9 8,210 7,154 754 179 115 8
10-14 7,744 5,978 1,159 281 316 10
15-17 4,451 3,058 855 253 251 34

Male 15,011 12,747 1,505 352 363 44

0-4 4,929 4,707 135 38 37 12
5-9 4,147 3,625 385 80 50 7
10-14 3,827 2,976 563 121 158 9
15-17 2,108 1,439 422 113 118 16

Female 14,920 12,517 1,551 441 386 25

0-4 4,597 4,367 153 42 30 5
5-9 4,063 3,529 369 99 65 1
10-14 3,917 3,002 596 160 158 1
15-17 2,343 1,619 433 140 133 18

Both Sexes 146,429 130,328 10,524 3,605 1,799 173

0-4 48,687 46,892 1,057 447 260 31
5-9 43,549 39,420 2,693 988 435 13
10-14 36,714 30,502 4,202 1,338 648 24
15-17 17,479 13,514 2,572 832 456 105

Male 75,402 66,956 5,533 1,838 959 116

0-4 24,711 23,804 512 256 121 18
5-9 22,233 20,104 1,423 491 207 8
10-14 19,142 15,891 2,206 666 364 15
15-17 9,316 7,157 1,392 425 267 75

Female 71,027 63,372 4,991 1,767 840 57

0-4 23,976 23,088 545 191 139 13
5-9 21,316 19,316 1,270 497 228 5
10-14 17,572 14,611 1,996 672 284 9
15-17 8,163 6,357 1,180 407 189 30

Table 4.7 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status, Sex,
and Age Group: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Sex and Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Age Group 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 85,580 72,490 8,135 2,034 2,672 249

0-4 22,398 21,402 640 147 156 53
5-9 21,733 19,281 1,637 366 429 20
10-14 25,286 20,189 3,134 818 1,101 44
15-17 16,163 11,618 2,724 703 986 132

Male 41,903 35,575 4,000 908 1,284 136

0-4 11,408 10,887 319 79 88 35
5-9 10,965 9,711 844 185 211 14
10-14 12,209 9,738 1,542 384 525 20
15-17 7,321 5,239 1,295 260 460 67

Female 43,677 36,915 4,135 1,126 1,388 113

0-4 10,990 10,515 321 68 68 18
5-9 10,768 9,570 793 181 218 6
10-14 13,077 10,451 1,592 434 576 24
15-17 8,842 6,379 1,429 443 526 65

Both Sexes 85,580 72,490 8,135 2,034 2,672 249

0-4 22,398 21,402 640 147 156 53
5-9 21,733 19,281 1,637 366 429 20
10-14 25,286 20,189 3,134 818 1,101 44
15-17 16,163 11,618 2,724 703 986 132

Male 41,903 35,575 4,000 908 1,284 136

0-4 11,408 10,887 319 79 88 35
5-9 10,965 9,711 844 185 211 14
10-14 12,209 9,738 1,542 384 525 20
15-17 7,321 5,239 1,295 260 460 67

Female 43,677 36,915 4,135 1,126 1,388 113

0-4 10,990 10,515 321 68 68 18
5-9 10,768 9,570 793 181 218 6
10-14 13,077 10,451 1,592 434 576 24
15-17 8,842 6,379 1,429 443 526 65

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 2,177,009 1,959,720 142,232 42,977 29,834 2,246

Male 1,107,606 997,057 72,603 21,622 15,101 1,223
Female 1,069,403 962,663 69,629 21,355 14,733 1,023

Both Sexes 374,820 337,754 23,478 8,629 4,627 332

Male 191,134 171,960 12,139 4,452 2,400 183
Female 183,686 165,794 11,339 4,177 2,227 149

Both Sexes 45,985 40,884 3,257 1,257 539 48

Male 23,819 21,163 1,677 670 283 26
Female 22,166 19,721 1,580 587 256 22

Both Sexes 58,642 53,591 3,217 1,141 661 32

Male 29,905 27,208 1,736 591 352 18
Female 28,737 26,383 1,481 550 309 14

Both Sexes 62,400 56,802 3,773 1,130 642 53

Male 31,893 29,069 1,879 578 344 23
Female 30,507 27,733 1,894 552 298 30

Both Sexes 34,857 31,887 1,931 630 380 29

Male 17,827 16,233 1,015 346 217 16
Female 17,030 15,654 916 284 163 13

Both Sexes 70,944 64,552 3,819 1,774 744 55

Male 36,236 32,947 1,980 870 404 35
Female 34,708 31,605 1,839 904 340 20

Both Sexes 73,713 65,780 4,725 2,037 1,110 61

Male 37,618 33,481 2,476 1,077 547 37
Female 36,095 32,299 2,249 960 563 24

Both Sexes 20,445 17,421 2,102 442 435 45

Male 9,932 8,470 1,040 208 191 23
Female 10,513 8,951 1,062 234 244 22

Both Sexes 7,834 6,837 654 218 116 9

Male 3,904 3,389 336 112 62 5
Female 3,930 3,448 318 106 54 4

Both Sexes 634,371 577,392 38,046 11,175 7,278 480

Male 322,421 293,684 19,217 5,620 3,652 248
Female 311,950 283,708 18,829 5,555 3,626 232

Both Sexes 55,944 50,760 3,541 1,069 527 47

Male 28,493 25,894 1,792 517 271 19
Female 27,451 24,866 1,749 552 256 28

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 89,712 81,609 5,445 1,648 963 47

Male 45,559 41,465 2,723 843 506 22
Female 44,153 40,144 2,722 805 457 25

Both Sexes 75,652 68,734 4,564 1,366 916 72

Male 38,520 35,033 2,292 702 454 39
Female 37,132 33,701 2,272 664 462 33

Both Sexes 51,513 46,947 2,998 853 684 31

Male 26,521 24,209 1,532 427 340 13
Female 24,992 22,738 1,466 426 344 18

Both Sexes 37,011 33,850 2,232 585 322 22

Male 18,972 17,351 1,147 291 169 14
Female 18,039 16,499 1,085 294 153 8

Both Sexes 50,136 45,606 3,136 835 532 27

Male 25,306 23,052 1,557 413 271 13
Female 24,830 22,554 1,579 422 261 14

Both Sexes 52,228 47,914 3,030 724 522 38

Male 26,621 24,430 1,557 348 266 20
Female 25,607 23,484 1,473 376 256 18

Both Sexes 69,861 64,590 3,589 1,088 554 40

Male 35,419 32,703 1,839 568 284 25
Female 34,442 31,887 1,750 520 270 15

Both Sexes 59,664 55,009 3,038 962 616 39

Male 30,692 28,259 1,589 497 324 23
Female 28,972 26,750 1,449 465 292 16

Both Sexes 49,935 45,689 2,642 1,110 466 28

Male 25,381 23,236 1,333 569 228 15
Female 24,554 22,453 1,309 541 238 13

Both Sexes 7,057 6,175 629 135 107 11

Male 3,420 3,005 295 63 52 5
Female 3,637 3,170 334 72 55 6

Both Sexes 16,870 14,279 1,588 400 572 31

Male 8,236 7,035 760 180 249 12
Female 8,634 7,244 828 220 323 19

Both Sexes 18,788 16,230 1,614 400 497 47

Male 9,281 8,012 801 202 238 28
Female 9,507 8,218 813 198 259 19

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 392,944 353,496 26,742 7,044 5,295 367

Male 199,285 179,382 13,563 3,514 2,662 164
Female 193,659 174,114 13,179 3,530 2,633 203

Both Sexes 44,331 40,299 2,855 717 435 25

Male 22,706 20,582 1,512 374 227 11
Female 21,625 19,717 1,343 343 208 14

Both Sexes 13,573 12,510 664 199 183 17

Male 6,960 6,430 346 108 70 6
Female 6,613 6,080 318 91 113 11

Both Sexes 73,841 66,881 4,719 1,349 815 77

Male 37,459 33,984 2,364 679 398 34
Female 36,382 32,897 2,355 670 417 43

Both Sexes 44,991 40,494 3,118 814 530 35

Male 22,801 20,535 1,577 411 262 16
Female 22,190 19,959 1,541 403 268 19

Both Sexes 62,499 56,915 3,888 1,060 599 37

Male 31,667 28,833 1,990 512 316 16
Female 30,832 28,082 1,898 548 283 21

Both Sexes 53,701 48,508 3,277 1,025 846 45

Male 27,240 24,564 1,692 515 441 28
Female 26,461 23,944 1,585 510 405 17

Both Sexes 60,495 54,321 4,243 1,148 739 44

Male 30,870 27,791 2,110 582 360 27
Female 29,625 26,530 2,133 566 379 17

Both Sexes 25,970 22,322 2,503 460 622 63

Male 12,926 11,130 1,257 202 317 20
Female 13,044 11,192 1,246 258 305 43

Both Sexes 13,543 11,246 1,475 272 526 24

Male 6,656 5,533 715 131 271 6
Female 6,887 5,713 760 141 255 18

Both Sexes 512,934 462,996 32,251 9,697 7,414 576

Male 262,450 236,753 16,646 4,938 3,781 332
Female 250,484 226,243 15,605 4,759 3,633 244

Both Sexes 65,241 59,165 3,688 1,306 1,034 48

Male 33,235 30,066 1,940 687 515 27
Female 32,006 29,099 1,748 619 519 21

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 60,184 54,898 3,461 999 765 61

Male 30,804 28,090 1,782 518 374 40
Female 29,380 26,808 1,679 481 391 21

Both Sexes 79,594 72,716 4,266 1,369 1,143 100

Male 40,801 37,283 2,190 680 592 56
Female 38,793 35,433 2,076 689 551 44

Both Sexes 54,029 50,237 2,515 739 494 44

Male 27,284 25,351 1,284 363 267 19
Female 26,745 24,886 1,231 376 227 25

Both Sexes 43,519 39,895 2,488 668 432 36

Male 22,651 20,698 1,330 386 220 17
Female 20,868 19,197 1,158 282 212 19

Both Sexes 70,799 63,802 4,508 1,274 1,113 102

Male 36,520 32,873 2,368 647 569 63
Female 34,279 30,929 2,140 627 544 39

Both Sexes 43,314 38,107 3,549 958 647 53

Male 22,302 19,591 1,848 481 353 29
Female 21,012 18,516 1,701 477 294 24

Both Sexes 64,271 58,463 3,752 1,378 632 46

Male 32,898 29,931 1,917 693 328 29
Female 31,373 28,532 1,835 685 304 17

Both Sexes 9,834 8,078 1,073 277 369 37

Male 4,963 4,098 537 133 172 23
Female 4,871 3,980 536 144 197 14

Both Sexes 7,544 6,165 913 237 218 11

Male 3,697 3,039 435 121 98 4
Female 3,847 3,126 478 116 120 7

Both Sexes 14,605 11,470 2,038 492 567 38

Male 7,295 5,733 1,015 229 293 25
Female 7,310 5,737 1,023 263 274 13

Both Sexes 176,360 155,592 13,580 4,398 2,548 242

Male 90,413 79,703 7,038 2,190 1,322 160
Female 85,947 75,889 6,542 2,208 1,226 82

Both Sexes 43,682 38,561 3,403 879 750 89

Male 22,398 19,758 1,748 440 396 56
Female 21,284 18,803 1,655 439 354 33

Table 4.8 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status
and Sex: 2007
Orphanhood Status
Children Under Both Parents Mother Only Father Only Both Parents
Sex 18 Years of Age Alive Alive Alive Deceased Not Stated

Both Sexes 72,438 64,374 5,158 1,976 858 72

Male 37,198 32,964 2,732 1,014 439 49
Female 35,240 31,410 2,426 962 419 23

Both Sexes 52,786 46,689 4,101 1,275 661 60

Male 27,171 24,054 2,104 636 338 39
Female 25,615 22,635 1,997 639 323 21

Both Sexes 7,454 5,968 918 268 279 21

Male 3,646 2,927 454 100 149 16
Female 3,808 3,041 464 168 130 5

Both Sexes 85,580 72,490 8,135 2,034 2,672 249

Male 41,903 35,575 4,000 908 1,284 136
Female 43,677 36,915 4,135 1,126 1,388 113

Both Sexes 34,964 29,165 3,687 865 1,136 111

Male 16,913 14,115 1,824 377 535 62
Female 18,051 15,050 1,863 488 601 49

Both Sexes 50,616 43,325 4,448 1,169 1,536 138

Male 24,990 21,460 2,176 531 749 74
Female 25,626 21,865 2,272 638 787 64

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 2,177,009 2,171,302 926 694 321 217 3,045 - 504
0-4 630,862 630,305 153 69 11 8 303 - 13
5-9 641,674 641,151 111 128 55 7 201 - 21
10-14 613,806 612,127 203 307 92 17 836 - 224
15-17 290,667 287,719 459 190 163 185 1,705 - 246

Male 1,107,606 1,103,616 415 338 176 200 2,381 - 480

0-4 320,265 319,988 81 30 9 5 147 - 5
5-9 324,557 324,267 60 57 28 5 124 - 16
10-14 314,868 313,611 104 156 44 17 715 - 221
15-17 147,916 145,750 170 95 95 173 1,395 - 238

Female 1,069,403 1,067,686 511 356 145 17 664 - 24

0-4 310,597 310,317 72 39 2 3 156 - 8
5-9 317,117 316,884 51 71 27 2 77 - 5
10-14 298,938 298,516 99 151 48 - 121 - 3
15-17 142,751 141,969 289 95 68 12 310 - 8


Both Sexes 1,959,720 1,956,114 658 55 194 159 2,301 - 239
0-4 609,186 608,720 133 22 10 8 280 - 13
5-9 589,667 589,431 77 10 10 4 122 - 13
10-14 527,306 526,413 126 9 46 13 603 - 96
15-17 233,561 231,550 322 14 128 134 1,296 - 117

Male 997,057 994,383 311 33 120 145 1,841 - 224

0-4 309,351 309,111 74 12 8 5 136 - 5
5-9 298,288 298,134 43 7 8 2 85 - 9
10-14 270,403 269,668 65 5 26 13 531 - 95
15-17 119,015 117,470 129 9 78 125 1,089 - 115

Female 962,663 961,731 347 22 74 14 460 - 15

0-4 299,835 299,609 59 10 2 3 144 - 8
5-9 291,379 291,297 34 3 2 2 37 - 4
10-14 256,903 256,745 61 4 20 - 72 - 1
15-17 114,546 114,080 193 5 50 9 207 - 2

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 142,232 141,557 118 42 37 33 321 - 124
0-4 12,879 12,851 7 6 - - 15 - -
5-9 34,575 34,513 17 4 8 3 26 - 4
10-14 57,765 57,553 35 22 13 2 75 - 65
15-17 37,013 36,640 59 10 16 28 205 - 55

Male 72,603 72,144 40 21 15 32 230 - 121

0-4 6,378 6,370 1 1 - - 6 - -
5-9 17,560 17,534 9 - 2 3 8 - 4
10-14 29,726 29,567 15 13 5 2 60 - 64
15-17 18,939 18,673 15 7 8 27 156 - 53

Female 69,629 69,413 78 21 22 1 91 - 3

0-4 6,501 6,481 6 5 - - 9 - -
5-9 17,015 16,979 8 4 6 - 18 - -
10-14 28,039 27,986 20 9 8 - 15 - 1
15-17 18,074 17,967 44 3 8 1 49 - 2


Both Sexes 42,977 42,596 43 70 17 17 160 - 74
0-4 4,458 4,441 - 10 1 - 6 - -
5-9 10,726 10,696 2 6 6 - 13 - 3
10-14 16,987 16,852 11 30 5 1 50 - 38
15-17 10,806 10,607 30 24 5 16 91 - 33

Male 21,622 21,350 16 34 7 17 126 - 72

0-4 2,343 2,334 - 4 1 - 4 - -
5-9 5,386 5,374 1 2 - - 7 - 2
10-14 8,653 8,546 5 18 2 1 44 - 37
15-17 5,240 5,096 10 10 4 16 71 - 33

Female 21,355 21,246 27 36 10 - 34 - 2

0-4 2,115 2,107 - 6 - - 2 - -
5-9 5,340 5,322 1 4 6 - 6 - 1
10-14 8,334 8,306 6 12 3 - 6 - 1
15-17 5,566 5,511 20 14 1 - 20 - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 29,834 28,789 107 527 73 8 263 - 67
0-4 4,017 3,971 13 31 - - 2 - -
5-9 6,547 6,352 15 108 31 - 40 - 1
10-14 11,448 11,009 31 246 28 1 108 - 25
15-17 7,822 7,457 48 142 14 7 113 - 41

Male 15,101 14,516 48 250 34 6 184 - 63

0-4 2,013 1,993 6 13 - - 1 - -
5-9 3,243 3,145 7 48 18 - 24 - 1
10-14 5,923 5,667 19 120 11 1 80 - 25
15-17 3,922 3,711 16 69 5 5 79 - 37

Female 14,733 14,273 59 277 39 2 79 - 4

0-4 2,004 1,978 7 18 - - 1 - -
5-9 3,304 3,207 8 60 13 - 16 - -
10-14 5,525 5,342 12 126 17 - 28 - -
15-17 3,900 3,746 32 73 9 2 34 - 4

Both Sexes 2,246 2,246 - - - - - - -
0-4 322 322 - - - - - - -
5-9 159 159 - - - - - - -
10-14 300 300 - - - - - - -
15-17 1,465 1,465 - - - - - - -

Male 1,223 1,223 - - - - - - -

0-4 180 180 - - - - - - -
5-9 80 80 - - - - - - -
10-14 163 163 - - - - - - -
15-17 800 800 - - - - - - -

Female 1,023 1,023 - - - - - - -

0-4 142 142 - - - - - - -
5-9 79 79 - - - - - - -
10-14 137 137 - - - - - - -
15-17 665 665 - - - - - - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 370,899 366,985 744 605 199 206 1,684 - 476
0-4 104,018 103,651 108 63 11 6 172 - 7
5-9 97,947 97,564 82 108 52 5 121 - 15
10-14 106,074 104,936 146 272 88 14 397 - 221
15-17 62,860 60,834 408 162 48 181 994 - 233

Male 183,130 180,509 325 296 97 191 1,253 - 459

0-4 52,844 52,664 57 29 9 5 78 - 2
5-9 48,891 48,691 45 44 26 3 69 - 13
10-14 52,234 51,438 72 140 41 14 311 - 218
15-17 29,161 27,716 151 83 21 169 795 - 226

Female 187,769 186,476 419 309 102 15 431 - 17

0-4 51,174 50,987 51 34 2 1 94 - 5
5-9 49,056 48,873 37 64 26 2 52 - 2
10-14 53,840 53,498 74 132 47 - 86 - 3
15-17 33,699 33,118 257 79 27 12 199 - 7


Both Sexes 316,026 313,830 542 38 88 150 1,158 - 220
0-4 99,470 99,173 101 18 10 6 155 - 7
5-9 86,486 86,348 62 3 8 2 56 - 7
10-14 84,607 84,130 95 6 43 10 228 - 95
15-17 45,463 44,179 284 11 27 132 719 - 111

Male 156,409 154,850 253 27 52 138 877 - 212

0-4 50,602 50,452 56 11 8 5 68 - 2
5-9 43,209 43,122 35 3 6 - 37 - 6
10-14 41,604 41,242 49 4 23 10 182 - 94
15-17 20,994 20,034 113 9 15 123 590 - 110

Female 159,617 158,980 289 11 36 12 281 - 8

0-4 48,868 48,721 45 7 2 1 87 - 5
5-9 43,277 43,226 27 - 2 2 19 - 1
10-14 43,003 42,888 46 2 20 - 46 - 1
15-17 24,469 24,145 171 2 12 9 129 - 1

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 36,370 35,860 101 32 28 33 196 - 120
0-4 3,076 3,053 5 6 - - 12 - -
5-9 8,098 8,051 15 3 8 3 14 - 4
10-14 14,244 14,076 30 15 13 2 44 - 64
15-17 10,952 10,680 51 8 7 28 126 - 52

Male 17,908 17,558 33 18 8 32 142 - 117

0-4 1,476 1,469 - 1 - - 6 - -
5-9 4,038 4,019 7 - 2 3 3 - 4
10-14 7,118 6,991 13 10 5 2 34 - 63
15-17 5,276 5,079 13 7 1 27 99 - 50

Female 18,462 18,302 68 14 20 1 54 - 3

0-4 1,600 1,584 5 5 - - 6 - -
5-9 4,060 4,032 8 3 6 - 11 - -
10-14 7,126 7,085 17 5 8 - 10 - 1
15-17 5,676 5,601 38 1 6 1 27 - 2


Both Sexes 8,259 7,957 39 53 13 15 112 - 70
0-4 640 626 - 10 1 - 3 - -
5-9 1,647 1,623 2 2 6 - 11 - 3
10-14 3,271 3,162 9 25 4 1 33 - 37
15-17 2,701 2,546 28 16 2 14 65 - 30

Male 3,839 3,627 16 25 4 15 84 - 68

0-4 326 318 - 4 1 - 3 - -
5-9 799 791 1 - - - 5 - 2
10-14 1,577 1,491 5 15 2 1 27 - 36
15-17 1,137 1,027 10 6 1 14 49 - 30

Female 4,420 4,330 23 28 9 - 28 - 2

0-4 314 308 - 6 - - - - -
5-9 848 832 1 2 6 - 6 - 1
10-14 1,694 1,671 4 10 2 - 6 - 1
15-17 1,564 1,519 18 10 1 - 16 - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 9,418 8,512 62 482 70 8 218 - 66
0-4 682 649 2 29 - - 2 - -
5-9 1,648 1,474 3 100 30 - 40 - 1
10-14 3,842 3,458 12 226 28 1 92 - 25
15-17 3,246 2,931 45 127 12 7 84 - 40

Male 4,539 4,039 23 226 33 6 150 - 62

0-4 346 331 1 13 - - 1 - -
5-9 811 725 2 41 18 - 24 - 1
10-14 1,875 1,654 5 111 11 1 68 - 25
15-17 1,507 1,329 15 61 4 5 57 - 36

Female 4,879 4,473 39 256 37 2 68 - 4

0-4 336 318 1 16 - - 1 - -
5-9 837 749 1 59 12 - 16 - -
10-14 1,967 1,804 7 115 17 - 24 - -
15-17 1,739 1,602 30 66 8 2 27 - 4

Both Sexes 826 826 - - - - - - -
0-4 150 150 - - - - - - -
5-9 68 68 - - - - - - -
10-14 110 110 - - - - - - -
15-17 498 498 - - - - - - -

Male 435 435 - - - - - - -

0-4 94 94 - - - - - - -
5-9 34 34 - - - - - - -
10-14 60 60 - - - - - - -
15-17 247 247 - - - - - - -

Female 391 391 - - - - - - -

0-4 56 56 - - - - - - -
5-9 34 34 - - - - - - -
10-14 50 50 - - - - - - -
15-17 251 251 - - - - - - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 1,806,110 1,804,317 182 89 122 11 1,361 - 28
0-4 526,844 526,654 45 6 - 2 131 - 6
5-9 543,727 543,587 29 20 3 2 80 - 6
10-14 507,732 507,191 57 35 4 3 439 - 3
15-17 227,807 226,885 51 28 115 4 711 - 13

Male 924,476 923,107 90 42 79 9 1,128 - 21

0-4 267,421 267,324 24 1 - - 69 - 3
5-9 275,666 275,576 15 13 2 2 55 - 3
10-14 262,634 262,173 32 16 3 3 404 - 3
15-17 118,755 118,034 19 12 74 4 600 - 12

Female 881,634 881,210 92 47 43 2 233 - 7

0-4 259,423 259,330 21 5 - 2 62 - 3
5-9 268,061 268,011 14 7 1 - 25 - 3
10-14 245,098 245,018 25 19 1 - 35 - -
15-17 109,052 108,851 32 16 41 - 111 - 1


Both Sexes 1,643,694 1,642,284 116 17 106 9 1,143 - 19
0-4 509,716 509,547 32 4 - 2 125 - 6
5-9 503,181 503,083 15 7 2 2 66 - 6
10-14 442,699 442,283 31 3 3 3 375 - 1
15-17 188,098 187,371 38 3 101 2 577 - 6

Male 840,648 839,533 58 6 68 7 964 - 12

0-4 258,749 258,659 18 1 - - 68 - 3
5-9 255,079 255,012 8 4 2 2 48 - 3
10-14 228,799 228,426 16 1 3 3 349 - 1
15-17 98,021 97,436 16 - 63 2 499 - 5

Female 803,046 802,751 58 11 38 2 179 - 7

0-4 250,967 250,888 14 3 - 2 57 - 3
5-9 248,102 248,071 7 3 - - 18 - 3
10-14 213,900 213,857 15 2 - - 26 - -
15-17 90,077 89,935 22 3 38 - 78 - 1

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 105,862 105,697 17 10 9 - 125 - 4
0-4 9,803 9,798 2 - - - 3 - -
5-9 26,477 26,462 2 1 - - 12 - -
10-14 43,521 43,477 5 7 - - 31 - 1
15-17 26,061 25,960 8 2 9 - 79 - 3

Male 54,695 54,586 7 3 7 - 88 - 4

0-4 4,902 4,901 1 - - - - - -
5-9 13,522 13,515 2 - - - 5 - -
10-14 22,608 22,576 2 3 - - 26 - 1
15-17 13,663 13,594 2 - 7 - 57 - 3

Female 51,167 51,111 10 7 2 - 37 - -

0-4 4,901 4,897 1 - - - 3 - -
5-9 12,955 12,947 - 1 - - 7 - -
10-14 20,913 20,901 3 4 - - 5 - -
15-17 12,398 12,366 6 2 2 - 22 - -


Both Sexes 34,718 34,639 4 17 4 2 48 - 4
0-4 3,818 3,815 - - - - 3 - -
5-9 9,079 9,073 - 4 - - 2 - -
10-14 13,716 13,690 2 5 1 - 17 - 1
15-17 8,105 8,061 2 8 3 2 26 - 3

Male 17,783 17,723 - 9 3 2 42 - 4

0-4 2,017 2,016 - - - - 1 - -
5-9 4,587 4,583 - 2 - - 2 - -
10-14 7,076 7,055 - 3 - - 17 - 1
15-17 4,103 4,069 - 4 3 2 22 - 3

Female 16,935 16,916 4 8 1 - 6 - -

0-4 1,801 1,799 - - - - 2 - -
5-9 4,492 4,490 - 2 - - - - -
10-14 6,640 6,635 2 2 1 - - - -
15-17 4,002 3,992 2 4 - - 4 - -

Table 4.9 Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Residence, Orphanhood Status, Sex
and Age Group: 2007
Type of Residence
Children Under School/ Other
Sex and 18 Years of Conventional University/ Correctional Collective
Age Group Age Households Hotel/Hostel Orphnage College Facility Quarters Pastoralists Homeless

Both Sexes 20,416 20,277 45 45 3 - 45 - 1
0-4 3,335 3,322 11 2 - - - - -
5-9 4,899 4,878 12 8 1 - - - -
10-14 7,606 7,551 19 20 - - 16 - -
15-17 4,576 4,526 3 15 2 - 29 - 1

Male 10,562 10,477 25 24 1 - 34 - 1

0-4 1,667 1,662 5 - - - - - -
5-9 2,432 2,420 5 7 - - - - -
10-14 4,048 4,013 14 9 - - 12 - -
15-17 2,415 2,382 1 8 1 - 22 - 1

Female 9,854 9,800 20 21 2 - 11 - -

0-4 1,668 1,660 6 2 - - - - -
5-9 2,467 2,458 7 1 1 - - - -
10-14 3,558 3,538 5 11 - - 4 - -
15-17 2,161 2,144 2 7 1 - 7 - -

Both Sexes 1,420 1,420 - - - - - - -
0-4 172 172 - - - - - - -
5-9 91 91 - - - - - - -
10-14 190 190 - - - - - - -
15-17 967 967 - - - - - - -

Male 788 788 - - - - - - -

0-4 86 86 - - - - - - -
5-9 46 46 - - - - - - -
10-14 103 103 - - - - - - -
15-17 553 553 - - - - - - -

Female 632 632 - - - - - - -

0-4 86 86 - - - - - - -
5-9 45 45 - - - - - - -
10-14 87 87 - - - - - - -
15-17 414 414 - - - - - - -



This chapter presents data on educational characteristics of the population of the

Region. The data was collected from members of the sampled household. Three
questions on education were included in the census questionnaire to measure literacy
status, school attendance and educational attainment. The information was collected
from members of sampled households where long questionnaires were administered.
However, the information has been weighted and all the figures in this chapter refer to
the entire population of the Region.

Every person aged five years and over in a sampled household was asked to report
his/her literacy status. The two possible alternative answers given were literate and
illiterate. In the census, a person is considered as literate if he/she can read and write a
simple sentence in any language; other wise he/she is categorized as illiterate. This
chapter presents data on literacy status of the population aged five years and over for
this Region.

Every person aged five years and over in the sampled household was also asked to
report his/her educational status. The three alternative answers given were (1) attending
school during the census day, (2) attended school in the past but left before the census
day and (3) never attended.

Those who were attending school during the census day were further asked to indicate
the grade in which they were attending. All grades were given codes exhaustively but
for the purpose of Presentation and analysis, these grades are regrouped into five
categories (levels) as follows. These are (1) pre-school (2) elementary (1-8 grades) (3)
general secondary (9-10 grades) (4) above grade ten (including preparatory 1& 2, 10+1,
10+2, 10+3, university education) (5) non regular (adult education and literacy
campaign). For this purpose, a grade is defined as a stage of instruction usually

covered in the course of the school year. The grade in which the respondent was
attending during the census was pre-coded and provided to the enumerators with
separate code card sheet.

Status of school attendance question was also similarly phrased and asked in the 1994
Population and Housing Census, but in 2007, the response categories slightly were
different. The modification was done based on the new educational curriculum being
implemented by the Ministry of Education of Ethiopia.

Data on educational attainment is also given in this chapter. Those who were attending
school during the census day and those who attended in the past and left school prior to
the census day were asked to report the highest grade completed in the formal
education system by further probing whether the person completed that grade in the
current or old educational curriculum. The possible categorical answers for highest
grade completed question are (1) pre-school (2) grade 1-8 (these are similar in both
system) (3) grade 9-10 (new system) (4) grade 9-12 (old system) (5) certificate (old
system) (6) preparatory 1 & 2 (7) at least one year in a diploma program (8) at least
one year in a first-degree program (9) diploma (old system) (10) Bachelor's Degree (11)
at least one year in a post-graduate program (12) Master's degree (13) Doctorate/PhD
(14) 10+1 certificate (15) at least one year in 10+2 program (16) 10+2 program (17) first
year in 10+3 program (18) second years in 10+3 program (19) diploma (10+3) (20) non-
Regular (adult education and literacy campaign). The detailed code for highest grade
completed was pre-coded and delivered to the enumerators with separate code card to
be filled in the field.

Unlike the 2007 census, highest grade completed in the 1994 census was asked for
those who were reporting as literate and their highest grades were based on the old
educational system. This chapter also presents data on educational attainment for
population aged five years and over.

The report in general and this chapter in particular refers to formal education only. "A
formal education is defined as education in which students are enrolled or registered
regardless of the mode of teaching used’’. It includes both 'regular school and
university education' and 'adult education'. All regular schools and university education
are essentially formal. Adult education, however, could be formal and non-formal. The
2007 Population and Housing Census covered only the formal component of the adult
education and all regular as well as university education.

Regular school and university education are used to describe the system that
provides a 'ladder' by which children and young people may progress from primary
schools through universities (although many drop out on the way). Adult education is
used to describe out-of-school education, which provides education for people who are
not in the regular school and university system and who are generally fifteen years or
older (although in some circumstances, younger students are accommodated along with
their older colleagues) “(UNESCO, 1976).

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 3,686,232 1,673,427 1,806,261 950,638 1,879,971 722,789 45.4 52.6 38.4

5 - 9 641,674 216,523 324,557 105,068 317,117 111,455 33.7 32.4 35.1

10 - 14 613,806 432,831 314,868 213,708 298,938 219,123 70.5 67.9 73.3
15 - 19 496,217 342,774 244,567 174,365 251,650 168,409 69.1 71.3 66.9
20 - 24 362,473 218,676 175,557 121,964 186,916 96,712 60.3 69.5 51.7
25 - 29 285,841 133,232 127,993 82,540 157,848 50,692 46.6 64.5 32.1
30 - 34 249,309 90,209 111,434 63,209 137,875 27,000 36.2 56.7 19.6
35 - 39 225,121 76,169 103,756 55,070 121,365 21,099 33.8 53.1 17.4
40 - 44 170,712 49,870 83,846 40,546 86,866 9,324 29.2 48.4 10.7
45 - 49 137,867 34,937 67,275 28,824 70,592 6,113 25.3 42.8 8.7
50 - 54 125,630 24,149 57,706 20,365 67,924 3,784 19.2 35.3 5.6
55 - 59 94,978 16,840 49,326 14,448 45,652 2,392 17.7 29.3 5.2
60 - 64 91,412 12,968 43,752 10,681 47,660 2,287 14.2 24.4 4.8
65 - 69 67,457 9,187 35,339 7,739 32,118 1,448 13.6 21.9 4.5
70 - 74 60,380 6,896 30,096 5,650 30,284 1,246 11.4 18.8 4.1
75+ 63,355 8,166 36,189 6,461 27,166 1,705 12.9 17.9 6.3

Total 5+ 740,128 537,169 346,012 283,645 394,116 253,524 72.6 82.0 64.3

5 - 9 97,947 56,120 48,891 27,880 49,056 28,240 57.3 57.0 57.6

10 - 14 106,074 101,232 52,234 49,970 53,840 51,262 95.4 95.7 95.2
15 - 19 119,643 111,215 53,892 51,473 65,751 59,742 93.0 95.5 90.9
20 - 24 101,230 87,743 45,377 42,495 55,853 45,248 86.7 93.6 81.0
25 - 29 77,045 58,282 34,652 31,173 42,393 27,109 75.6 90.0 63.9
30 - 34 54,533 36,502 25,876 22,142 28,657 14,360 66.9 85.6 50.1
35 - 39 47,475 30,474 22,078 18,154 25,397 12,320 64.2 82.2 48.5
40 - 44 31,607 18,405 16,645 13,034 14,962 5,371 58.2 78.3 35.9
45 - 49 24,367 13,102 12,357 9,443 12,010 3,659 53.8 76.4 30.5
50 - 54 20,446 8,401 8,885 6,162 11,561 2,239 41.1 69.4 19.4
55 - 59 14,434 4,936 6,286 3,617 8,148 1,319 34.2 57.5 16.2
60 - 64 14,353 3,932 5,647 2,837 8,706 1,095 27.4 50.2 12.6
65 - 69 10,646 2,641 4,353 2,036 6,293 605 24.8 46.8 9.6
70 - 74 9,826 2,012 3,953 1,540 5,873 472 20.5 39.0 8.0
75+ 10,502 2,172 4,886 1,689 5,616 483 20.7 34.6 8.6

Total 5+ 2,946,104 1,136,261 1,460,249 666,997 1,485,855 469,264 38.6 45.7 31.6

5 - 9 543,727 160,403 275,666 77,188 268,061 83,215 29.5 28.0 31.0

10 - 14 507,732 331,600 262,634 163,739 245,098 167,861 65.3 62.3 68.5
15 - 19 376,574 231,559 190,675 122,892 185,899 108,667 61.5 64.5 58.5
20 - 24 261,243 130,933 130,180 79,469 131,063 51,464 50.1 61.0 39.3
25 - 29 208,796 74,950 93,341 51,368 115,455 23,582 35.9 55.0 20.4
30 - 34 194,776 53,707 85,558 41,067 109,218 12,640 27.6 48.0 11.6
35 - 39 177,646 45,696 81,678 36,917 95,968 8,779 25.7 45.2 9.1
40 - 44 139,105 31,466 67,201 27,513 71,904 3,953 22.6 40.9 5.5
45 - 49 113,500 21,835 54,918 19,381 58,582 2,454 19.2 35.3 4.2
50 - 54 105,184 15,748 48,821 14,203 56,363 1,545 15.0 29.1 2.7
55 - 59 80,544 11,904 43,040 10,831 37,504 1,073 14.8 25.2 2.9
60 - 64 77,059 9,036 38,105 7,844 38,954 1,192 11.7 20.6 3.1
65 - 69 56,811 6,546 30,986 5,703 25,825 843 11.5 18.4 3.3
70 - 74 50,554 4,884 26,143 4,110 24,411 774 9.7 15.7 3.2
75+ 52,853 5,994 31,303 4,772 21,550 1,222 11.3 15.2 5.7

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 618,674 233,598 308,428 134,766 310,246 98,832 37.8 43.7 31.9

5 - 9 109,919 29,762 55,420 13,447 54,499 16,315 27.1 24.3 29.9

10 - 14 100,851 59,271 51,954 27,799 48,897 31,472 58.8 53.5 64.4
15 - 19 79,176 45,261 39,528 23,062 39,648 22,199 57.2 58.3 56.0
20 - 24 65,602 32,161 31,971 18,678 33,631 13,483 49.0 58.4 40.1
25 - 29 51,828 19,546 23,974 13,362 27,854 6,184 37.7 55.7 22.2
30 - 34 44,182 13,120 20,731 9,954 23,451 3,166 29.7 48.0 13.5
35 - 39 39,742 11,323 19,793 8,818 19,949 2,505 28.5 44.6 12.6
40 - 44 30,240 8,170 15,808 6,916 14,432 1,254 27.0 43.8 8.7
45 - 49 22,650 4,808 11,434 4,210 11,216 598 21.2 36.8 5.3
50 - 54 20,273 3,220 9,417 2,800 10,856 420 15.9 29.7 3.9
55 - 59 14,656 2,131 7,797 1,808 6,859 323 14.5 23.2 4.7
60 - 64 13,934 1,694 6,773 1,392 7,161 302 12.2 20.6 4.2
65 - 69 9,733 1,143 5,204 982 4,529 161 11.7 18.9 3.6
70 - 74 8,376 1,006 4,298 782 4,078 224 12.0 18.2 5.5
75+ 7,512 982 4,326 756 3,186 226 13.1 17.5 7.1

Total 5+ 92,810 63,587 42,056 33,550 50,754 30,037 68.5 79.8 59.2

5 - 9 13,081 7,121 6,337 3,344 6,744 3,777 54.4 52.8 56.0

10 - 14 13,463 12,761 6,708 6,325 6,755 6,436 94.8 94.3 95.3
15 - 19 13,339 12,120 5,825 5,473 7,514 6,647 90.9 94.0 88.5
20 - 24 12,329 9,985 4,865 4,525 7,464 5,460 81.0 93.0 73.2
25 - 29 9,803 6,787 4,101 3,680 5,702 3,107 69.2 89.7 54.5
30 - 34 7,237 4,455 3,286 2,805 3,951 1,650 61.6 85.4 41.8
35 - 39 6,285 3,669 2,857 2,264 3,428 1,405 58.4 79.2 41.0
40 - 44 4,345 2,478 2,313 1,871 2,032 607 57.0 80.9 29.9
45 - 49 3,118 1,609 1,637 1,255 1,481 354 51.6 76.7 23.9
50 - 54 2,545 896 1,087 707 1,458 189 35.2 65.0 13.0
55 - 59 1,721 534 748 371 973 163 31.0 49.6 16.8
60 - 64 1,760 404 631 305 1,129 99 23.0 48.3 8.8
65 - 69 1,367 271 580 233 787 38 19.8 40.2 4.8
70 - 74 1,182 246 475 187 707 59 20.8 39.4 8.3
75+ 1,235 251 606 205 629 46 20.3 33.8 7.3

Total 5+ 525,864 170,010 266,372 101,217 259,492 68,793 32.3 38.0 26.5

5 - 9 96,838 22,641 49,083 10,103 47,755 12,538 23.4 20.6 26.3

10 - 14 87,388 46,511 45,246 21,475 42,142 25,036 53.2 47.5 59.4
15 - 19 65,837 33,141 33,703 17,589 32,134 15,552 50.3 52.2 48.4
20 - 24 53,273 22,176 27,106 14,153 26,167 8,023 41.6 52.2 30.7
25 - 29 42,025 12,758 19,873 9,682 22,152 3,076 30.4 48.7 13.9
30 - 34 36,945 8,665 17,445 7,149 19,500 1,516 23.5 41.0 7.8
35 - 39 33,457 7,654 16,936 6,554 16,521 1,100 22.9 38.7 6.7
40 - 44 25,895 5,692 13,495 5,045 12,400 647 22.0 37.4 5.2
45 - 49 19,532 3,200 9,797 2,955 9,735 245 16.4 30.2 2.5
50 - 54 17,728 2,323 8,330 2,093 9,398 230 13.1 25.1 2.4
55 - 59 12,935 1,597 7,049 1,437 5,886 160 12.3 20.4 2.7
60 - 64 12,174 1,289 6,142 1,087 6,032 202 10.6 17.7 3.3
65 - 69 8,366 873 4,624 750 3,742 123 10.4 16.2 3.3
70 - 74 7,194 759 3,823 594 3,371 165 10.6 15.5 4.9
75+ 6,277 731 3,720 551 2,557 180 11.6 14.8 7.0

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 1,064,658 500,171 521,834 285,672 542,824 214,499 47.0 54.7 39.5

5 - 9 187,626 60,888 94,718 29,207 92,908 31,681 32.5 30.8 34.1

10 - 14 181,756 131,117 93,178 64,841 88,578 66,276 72.1 69.6 74.8
15 - 19 140,418 102,675 70,341 52,402 70,077 50,273 73.1 74.5 71.7
20 - 24 97,398 63,160 49,100 35,771 48,298 27,389 64.8 72.9 56.7
25 - 29 75,195 38,537 32,215 22,796 42,980 15,741 51.2 70.8 36.6
30 - 34 71,071 27,385 30,213 18,842 40,858 8,543 38.5 62.4 20.9
35 - 39 66,864 24,602 30,754 18,183 36,110 6,419 36.8 59.1 17.8
40 - 44 49,019 15,410 23,766 12,757 25,253 2,653 31.4 53.7 10.5
45 - 49 40,347 11,160 19,086 9,258 21,261 1,902 27.7 48.5 8.9
50 - 54 38,041 7,730 17,128 6,591 20,913 1,139 20.3 38.5 5.4
55 - 59 29,372 5,499 15,351 4,835 14,021 664 18.7 31.5 4.7
60 - 64 29,067 4,480 14,250 3,799 14,817 681 15.4 26.7 4.6
65 - 69 21,435 3,097 11,549 2,699 9,886 398 14.4 23.4 4.0
70 - 74 19,180 2,061 9,806 1,751 9,374 310 10.7 17.9 3.3
75+ 17,869 2,370 10,379 1,940 7,490 430 13.3 18.7 5.7

Total 5+ 152,759 114,028 69,835 58,802 82,924 55,226 74.6 84.2 66.6

5 - 9 21,565 12,574 10,817 6,215 10,748 6,359 58.3 57.5 59.2

10 - 14 22,342 21,509 10,964 10,574 11,378 10,935 96.3 96.4 96.1
15 - 19 24,543 23,415 11,125 10,815 13,418 12,600 95.4 97.2 93.9
20 - 24 19,646 17,635 8,684 8,292 10,962 9,343 89.8 95.5 85.2
25 - 29 15,193 11,883 6,096 5,690 9,097 6,193 78.2 93.3 68.1
30 - 34 11,367 7,664 4,888 4,328 6,479 3,336 67.4 88.5 51.5
35 - 39 10,265 7,004 4,694 4,065 5,571 2,939 68.2 86.6 52.8
40 - 44 6,361 4,042 3,403 2,831 2,958 1,211 63.5 83.2 40.9
45 - 49 4,823 2,968 2,481 2,108 2,342 860 61.5 85.0 36.7
50 - 54 4,047 1,926 1,721 1,383 2,326 543 47.6 80.4 23.3
55 - 59 2,785 1,020 1,150 747 1,635 273 36.6 65.0 16.7
60 - 64 3,096 874 1,146 608 1,950 266 28.2 53.1 13.6
65 - 69 2,325 587 886 430 1,439 157 25.2 48.5 10.9
70 - 74 2,220 458 830 360 1,390 98 20.6 43.4 7.1
75+ 2,181 469 950 356 1,231 113 21.5 37.5 9.2

Total 5+ 911,899 386,140 451,999 226,867 459,900 159,273 42.3 50.2 34.6

5 - 9 166,061 48,315 83,901 22,992 82,160 25,323 29.1 27.4 30.8

10 - 14 159,414 109,608 82,214 54,267 77,200 55,341 68.8 66.0 71.7
15 - 19 115,875 79,259 59,216 41,586 56,659 37,673 68.4 70.2 66.5
20 - 24 77,752 45,525 40,416 27,479 37,336 18,046 58.6 68.0 48.3
25 - 29 60,002 26,655 26,119 17,106 33,883 9,549 44.4 65.5 28.2
30 - 34 59,704 19,721 25,325 14,514 34,379 5,207 33.0 57.3 15.1
35 - 39 56,599 17,597 26,060 14,117 30,539 3,480 31.1 54.2 11.4
40 - 44 42,658 11,367 20,363 9,925 22,295 1,442 26.6 48.7 6.5
45 - 49 35,524 8,192 16,605 7,150 18,919 1,042 23.1 43.1 5.5
50 - 54 33,994 5,804 15,407 5,208 18,587 596 17.1 33.8 3.2
55 - 59 26,587 4,478 14,201 4,088 12,386 390 16.8 28.8 3.1
60 - 64 25,971 3,606 13,104 3,191 12,867 415 13.9 24.4 3.2
65 - 69 19,110 2,509 10,663 2,268 8,447 241 13.1 21.3 2.9
70 - 74 16,960 1,604 8,976 1,392 7,984 212 9.5 15.5 2.7
75+ 15,688 1,900 9,429 1,584 6,259 316 12.1 16.8 5.0

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 650,380 360,951 306,128 198,779 344,252 162,172 55.5 64.9 47.1

5 - 9 115,700 54,222 58,521 27,094 57,179 27,128 46.9 46.3 47.4

10 - 14 117,337 104,990 59,826 53,376 57,511 51,614 89.5 89.2 89.7
15 - 19 90,802 77,281 44,040 38,695 46,762 38,586 85.1 87.9 82.5
20 - 24 54,654 40,557 24,729 20,996 29,925 19,561 74.2 84.9 65.4
25 - 29 42,680 23,575 16,814 13,398 25,866 10,177 55.2 79.7 39.3
30 - 34 37,421 15,348 14,535 9,947 22,886 5,401 41.0 68.4 23.6
35 - 39 36,475 13,193 14,435 8,760 22,040 4,433 36.2 60.7 20.1
40 - 44 26,131 8,207 11,880 6,651 14,251 1,556 31.4 56.0 10.9
45 - 49 25,713 6,553 11,367 5,447 14,346 1,106 25.5 47.9 7.7
50 - 54 22,272 4,787 9,529 3,988 12,743 799 21.5 41.9 6.3
55 - 59 18,332 3,660 8,908 3,194 9,424 466 20.0 35.9 4.9
60 - 64 18,167 2,755 8,158 2,319 10,009 436 15.2 28.4 4.4
65 - 69 15,062 2,005 7,495 1,733 7,567 272 13.3 23.1 3.6
70 - 74 13,723 1,737 6,669 1,513 7,054 224 12.7 22.7 3.2
75+ 15,911 2,081 9,222 1,668 6,689 413 13.1 18.1 6.2

Total 5+ 126,555 93,608 56,353 47,271 70,202 46,337 74.0 83.9 66.0

5 - 9 18,851 10,916 9,377 5,448 9,474 5,468 57.9 58.1 57.7

10 - 14 19,638 19,314 9,695 9,516 9,943 9,798 98.4 98.2 98.5
15 - 19 21,900 21,087 9,830 9,617 12,070 11,470 96.3 97.8 95.0
20 - 24 15,153 13,513 6,195 6,010 8,958 7,503 89.2 97.0 83.8
25 - 29 12,029 8,970 4,583 4,307 7,446 4,663 74.6 94.0 62.6
30 - 34 8,983 5,882 3,677 3,236 5,306 2,646 65.5 88.0 49.9
35 - 39 8,095 5,138 3,423 2,789 4,672 2,349 63.5 81.5 50.3
40 - 44 4,852 2,791 2,459 1,944 2,393 847 57.5 79.1 35.4
45 - 49 4,070 2,073 1,926 1,515 2,144 558 50.9 78.7 26.0
50 - 54 3,165 1,458 1,330 992 1,835 466 46.1 74.6 25.4
55 - 59 2,229 740 880 546 1,349 194 33.2 62.0 14.4
60 - 64 2,394 684 868 501 1,526 183 28.6 57.7 12.0
65 - 69 1,799 371 646 293 1,153 78 20.6 45.4 6.8
70 - 74 1,634 343 636 277 998 66 21.0 43.6 6.6
75+ 1,763 328 828 280 935 48 18.6 33.8 5.1

Total 5+ 523,825 267,343 249,775 151,508 274,050 115,835 51.0 60.7 42.3

5 - 9 96,849 43,307 49,144 21,647 47,705 21,660 44.7 44.0 45.4

10 - 14 97,699 85,676 50,131 43,860 47,568 41,816 87.7 87.5 87.9
15 - 19 68,902 56,195 34,210 29,078 34,692 27,117 81.6 85.0 78.2
20 - 24 39,501 27,043 18,534 14,985 20,967 12,058 68.5 80.9 57.5
25 - 29 30,651 14,604 12,231 9,091 18,420 5,513 47.6 74.3 29.9
30 - 34 28,438 9,466 10,858 6,711 17,580 2,755 33.3 61.8 15.7
35 - 39 28,380 8,055 11,012 5,970 17,368 2,085 28.4 54.2 12.0
40 - 44 21,279 5,415 9,421 4,706 11,858 709 25.4 50.0 6.0
45 - 49 21,643 4,481 9,441 3,932 12,202 549 20.7 41.6 4.5
50 - 54 19,107 3,329 8,199 2,996 10,908 333 17.4 36.5 3.1
55 - 59 16,103 2,919 8,028 2,648 8,075 271 18.1 33.0 3.4
60 - 64 15,773 2,072 7,290 1,819 8,483 253 13.1 25.0 3.0
65 - 69 13,263 1,633 6,849 1,440 6,414 193 12.3 21.0 3.0
70 - 74 12,089 1,395 6,033 1,237 6,056 158 11.5 20.5 2.6
75+ 14,148 1,753 8,394 1,388 5,754 365 12.4 16.5 6.3

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 860,585 315,692 423,429 182,975 437,156 132,717 36.7 43.2 30.4

5 - 9 154,937 43,996 78,553 21,346 76,384 22,650 28.4 27.2 29.7

10 - 14 144,118 87,772 74,732 43,116 69,386 44,656 60.9 57.7 64.4
15 - 19 114,996 67,842 57,672 35,821 57,324 32,021 59.0 62.1 55.9
20 - 24 75,585 36,871 36,688 22,072 38,897 14,799 48.8 60.2 38.0
25 - 29 63,208 21,171 28,303 14,272 34,905 6,899 33.5 50.4 19.8
30 - 34 58,946 15,876 25,715 11,846 33,231 4,030 26.9 46.1 12.1
35 - 39 52,210 12,948 23,388 9,899 28,822 3,049 24.8 42.3 10.6
40 - 44 42,988 8,800 20,120 7,374 22,868 1,426 20.5 36.7 6.2
45 - 49 32,527 6,003 16,392 5,124 16,135 879 18.5 31.3 5.4
50 - 54 30,676 4,343 14,624 3,799 16,052 544 14.2 26.0 3.4
55 - 59 22,954 3,116 12,178 2,757 10,776 359 13.6 22.6 3.3
60 - 64 21,769 2,285 10,503 1,834 11,266 451 10.5 17.5 4.0
65 - 69 15,084 1,667 8,055 1,348 7,029 319 11.1 16.7 4.5
70 - 74 14,060 1,273 6,996 983 7,064 290 9.1 14.1 4.1
75+ 16,527 1,729 9,510 1,384 7,017 345 10.5 14.6 4.9

Total 5+ 112,157 74,759 52,451 40,626 59,706 34,133 66.7 77.5 57.2

5 - 9 14,507 8,240 7,248 4,122 7,259 4,118 56.8 56.9 56.7

10 - 14 17,601 16,467 8,831 8,255 8,770 8,212 93.6 93.5 93.6
15 - 19 19,513 17,795 9,322 8,780 10,191 9,015 91.2 94.2 88.5
20 - 24 12,715 10,372 6,108 5,533 6,607 4,839 81.6 90.6 73.2
25 - 29 9,726 6,765 4,540 3,850 5,186 2,915 69.6 84.8 56.2
30 - 34 7,364 4,414 3,304 2,711 4,060 1,703 59.9 82.1 41.9
35 - 39 6,775 3,679 2,845 2,134 3,930 1,545 54.3 75.0 39.3
40 - 44 5,232 2,289 2,404 1,647 2,828 642 43.8 68.5 22.7
45 - 49 3,648 1,510 1,698 1,116 1,950 394 41.4 65.7 20.2
50 - 54 3,611 998 1,447 762 2,164 236 27.6 52.7 10.9
55 - 59 2,587 690 1,043 546 1,544 144 26.7 52.3 9.3
60 - 64 2,725 553 1,026 381 1,699 172 20.3 37.1 10.1
65 - 69 1,825 377 724 300 1,101 77 20.7 41.4 7.0
70 - 74 2,023 280 813 210 1,210 70 13.8 25.8 5.8
75+ 2,305 330 1,098 279 1,207 51 14.3 25.4 4.2

Total 5+ 748,428 240,932 370,978 142,348 377,450 98,584 32.2 38.4 26.1

5 - 9 140,430 35,756 71,305 17,224 69,125 18,532 25.5 24.2 26.8

10 - 14 126,517 71,305 65,901 34,861 60,616 36,444 56.4 52.9 60.1
15 - 19 95,483 50,047 48,350 27,041 47,133 23,006 52.4 55.9 48.8
20 - 24 62,870 26,499 30,580 16,539 32,290 9,960 42.1 54.1 30.8
25 - 29 53,482 14,406 23,763 10,422 29,719 3,984 26.9 43.9 13.4
30 - 34 51,582 11,462 22,411 9,135 29,171 2,327 22.2 40.8 8.0
35 - 39 45,435 9,269 20,543 7,765 24,892 1,504 20.4 37.8 6.0
40 - 44 37,756 6,513 17,716 5,728 20,040 785 17.3 32.3 3.9
45 - 49 28,879 4,491 14,694 4,007 14,185 484 15.6 27.3 3.4
50 - 54 27,065 3,344 13,177 3,036 13,888 308 12.4 23.0 2.2
55 - 59 20,367 2,426 11,135 2,211 9,232 215 11.9 19.9 2.3
60 - 64 19,044 1,732 9,477 1,453 9,567 279 9.1 15.3 2.9
65 - 69 13,259 1,290 7,331 1,048 5,928 242 9.7 14.3 4.1
70 - 74 12,037 993 6,183 773 5,854 220 8.2 12.5 3.8
75+ 14,222 1,399 8,412 1,105 5,810 294 9.8 13.1 5.1

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 298,419 108,221 152,925 66,702 145,494 41,519 36.3 43.6 28.5

5 - 9 51,759 13,863 26,380 6,946 25,379 6,917 26.8 26.3 27.3

10 - 14 44,458 25,299 22,969 12,663 21,489 12,636 56.9 55.1 58.8
15 - 19 39,101 19,868 18,896 10,769 20,205 9,099 50.8 57.0 45.0
20 - 24 36,926 16,081 17,713 9,720 19,213 6,361 43.5 54.9 33.1
25 - 29 30,266 11,038 15,507 8,269 14,759 2,769 36.5 53.3 18.8
30 - 34 23,495 7,201 12,560 5,764 10,935 1,437 30.6 45.9 13.1
35 - 39 18,029 5,111 9,423 4,074 8,606 1,037 28.3 43.2 12.0
40 - 44 14,621 3,762 8,042 3,206 6,579 556 25.7 39.9 8.5
45 - 49 10,380 2,395 5,860 2,168 4,520 227 23.1 37.0 5.0
50 - 54 9,184 1,441 4,689 1,298 4,495 143 15.7 27.7 3.2
55 - 59 5,890 798 3,407 686 2,483 112 13.5 20.1 4.5
60 - 64 5,101 523 2,621 452 2,480 71 10.3 17.2 2.9
65 - 69 3,554 366 1,932 317 1,622 49 10.3 16.4 3.0
70 - 74 2,722 198 1,356 166 1,366 32 7.3 12.2 2.3
75+ 2,933 277 1,570 204 1,363 73 9.4 13.0 5.4

Total 5+ 62,331 36,385 31,800 21,647 30,531 14,738 58.4 68.1 48.3

5 - 9 8,210 3,478 4,147 1,724 4,063 1,754 42.4 41.6 43.2

10 - 14 7,744 6,797 3,827 3,386 3,917 3,411 87.8 88.5 87.1
15 - 19 8,624 6,951 3,700 3,172 4,924 3,779 80.6 85.7 76.7
20 - 24 9,079 6,392 4,169 3,407 4,910 2,985 70.4 81.7 60.8
25 - 29 7,630 4,513 4,152 3,203 3,478 1,310 59.1 77.1 37.7
30 - 34 5,388 2,808 3,041 2,206 2,347 602 52.1 72.5 25.6
35 - 39 4,254 1,989 2,296 1,563 1,958 426 46.8 68.1 21.8
40 - 44 3,104 1,284 1,836 1,098 1,268 186 41.4 59.8 14.7
45 - 49 2,458 923 1,479 830 979 93 37.6 56.1 9.5
50 - 54 1,894 494 981 429 913 65 26.1 43.7 7.1
55 - 59 1,338 315 780 240 558 75 23.5 30.8 13.4
60 - 64 1,004 186 529 158 475 28 18.5 29.9 5.9
65 - 69 741 124 413 119 328 5 16.7 28.8 1.5
70 - 74 448 64 228 51 220 13 14.3 22.4 5.9
75+ 415 67 222 61 193 6 16.1 27.5 3.1

Total 5+ 236,088 71,838 121,125 45,055 114,963 26,783 30.4 37.2 23.3

5 - 9 43,549 10,384 22,233 5,222 21,316 5,162 23.8 23.5 24.2

10 - 14 36,714 18,501 19,142 9,276 17,572 9,225 50.4 48.5 52.5
15 - 19 30,477 12,918 15,196 7,597 15,281 5,321 42.4 50.0 34.8
20 - 24 27,847 9,690 13,544 6,313 14,303 3,377 34.8 46.6 23.6
25 - 29 22,636 6,526 11,355 5,066 11,281 1,460 28.8 44.6 12.9
30 - 34 18,107 4,393 9,519 3,558 8,588 835 24.3 37.4 9.7
35 - 39 13,775 3,122 7,127 2,511 6,648 611 22.7 35.2 9.2
40 - 44 11,517 2,478 6,206 2,108 5,311 370 21.5 34.0 7.0
45 - 49 7,922 1,472 4,381 1,338 3,541 134 18.6 30.5 3.8
50 - 54 7,290 947 3,708 869 3,582 78 13.0 23.4 2.2
55 - 59 4,552 484 2,627 447 1,925 37 10.6 17.0 1.9
60 - 64 4,097 337 2,092 294 2,005 43 8.2 14.1 2.1
65 - 69 2,813 242 1,519 198 1,294 44 8.6 13.0 3.4
70 - 74 2,274 134 1,128 115 1,146 19 5.9 10.2 1.7
75+ 2,518 210 1,348 143 1,170 67 8.3 10.6 5.7

Table 5.1 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Literacy, Sex and Five Year
Age Group:2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Literate
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
Literate Literate Literate Both
Age Group All Persons Persons All Males Males All Females Females Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 193,516 154,800 93,517 81,744 99,999 73,056 80.0 87.4 73.1

5 - 9 21,733 13,791 10,965 7,026 10,768 6,765 63.5 64.1 62.8

10 - 14 25,286 24,382 12,209 11,913 13,077 12,469 96.4 97.6 95.4
15 - 19 31,724 29,847 14,090 13,616 17,634 16,231 94.1 96.6 92.0
20 - 24 32,308 29,845 15,356 14,727 16,952 15,118 92.4 95.9 89.2
25 - 29 22,664 19,364 11,180 10,443 11,484 8,921 85.4 93.4 77.7
30 - 34 14,194 11,281 7,680 6,856 6,514 4,425 79.5 89.3 67.9
35 - 39 11,801 8,993 5,963 5,337 5,838 3,656 76.2 89.5 62.6
40 - 44 7,713 5,521 4,230 3,642 3,483 1,879 71.6 86.1 53.9
45 - 49 6,250 4,018 3,136 2,618 3,114 1,400 64.3 83.5 45.0
50 - 54 5,184 2,630 2,319 1,889 2,865 741 50.7 81.5 25.9
55 - 59 3,774 1,637 1,685 1,168 2,089 469 43.4 69.3 22.5
60 - 64 3,374 1,231 1,447 884 1,927 347 36.5 61.1 18.0
65 - 69 2,589 910 1,104 661 1,485 249 35.1 59.9 16.8
70 - 74 2,319 622 971 455 1,348 167 26.8 46.9 12.4
75+ 2,603 728 1,182 509 1,421 219 28.0 43.1 15.4

Total 5+ 193,516 154,800 93,517 81,744 99,999 73,056 80.0 87.4 73.1

5 - 9 21,733 13,791 10,965 7,026 10,768 6,765 63.5 64.1 62.8

10 - 14 25,286 24,382 12,209 11,913 13,077 12,469 96.4 97.6 95.4
15 - 19 31,724 29,847 14,090 13,616 17,634 16,231 94.1 96.6 92.0
20 - 24 32,308 29,845 15,356 14,727 16,952 15,118 92.4 95.9 89.2
25 - 29 22,664 19,364 11,180 10,443 11,484 8,921 85.4 93.4 77.7
30 - 34 14,194 11,281 7,680 6,856 6,514 4,425 79.5 89.3 67.9
35 - 39 11,801 8,993 5,963 5,337 5,838 3,656 76.2 89.5 62.6
40 - 44 7,713 5,521 4,230 3,642 3,483 1,879 71.6 86.1 53.9
45 - 49 6,250 4,018 3,136 2,618 3,114 1,400 64.3 83.5 45.0
50 - 54 5,184 2,630 2,319 1,889 2,865 741 50.7 81.5 25.9
55 - 59 3,774 1,637 1,685 1,168 2,089 469 43.4 69.3 22.5
60 - 64 3,374 1,231 1,447 884 1,927 347 36.5 61.1 18.0
65 - 69 2,589 910 1,104 661 1,485 249 35.1 59.9 16.8
70 - 74 2,319 622 971 455 1,348 167 26.8 46.9 12.4
75+ 2,603 728 1,182 509 1,421 219 28.0 43.1 15.4

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 3,686,237 1,806,265 1,879,972 969,298 517,674 451,624 691,187 421,978 269,209 2,025,752 866,613 1,159,139

5 136,417 68,397 68,020 15,027 7,390 7,637 4,646 2,617 2,029 116,744 58,390 58,354
6 127,950 66,057 61,893 18,242 8,991 9,251 4,360 2,306 2,054 105,348 54,760 50,588
7 128,664 64,189 64,475 39,320 18,559 20,761 7,148 3,655 3,493 82,196 41,975 40,221
8 121,403 62,201 59,202 51,784 25,399 26,385 9,448 4,691 4,757 60,171 32,111 28,060
9 127,242 63,713 63,529 66,774 31,880 34,894 12,263 5,762 6,501 48,205 26,071 22,134
10 152,100 77,765 74,335 83,984 40,475 43,509 16,668 8,532 8,136 51,448 28,758 22,690
11 100,400 50,730 49,670 61,459 29,742 31,717 12,217 6,097 6,120 26,724 14,891 11,833
12 135,541 70,842 64,699 80,485 40,011 40,474 16,882 8,720 8,162 38,174 22,111 16,063
13 119,073 60,492 58,581 71,946 34,883 37,063 15,892 8,419 7,473 31,235 17,190 14,045
14 106,693 55,040 51,653 63,012 31,544 31,468 14,730 7,738 6,992 28,951 15,758 13,193
15 110,472 56,353 54,119 59,339 30,438 28,901 17,388 8,815 8,573 33,745 17,100 16,645
16 100,732 51,298 49,434 53,653 27,759 25,894 17,238 8,788 8,450 29,841 14,751 15,090
17 78,266 40,248 38,018 39,648 21,134 18,514 15,429 7,823 7,606 23,189 11,291 11,898
18 134,518 62,019 72,499 56,838 29,790 27,048 30,689 13,429 17,260 46,991 18,800 28,191
19 72,230 34,650 37,580 29,468 16,264 13,204 19,222 8,346 10,876 23,540 10,040 13,500
20 128,181 57,686 70,495 36,828 21,978 14,850 37,842 16,474 21,368 53,511 19,234 34,277
21 44,912 21,575 23,337 13,117 8,087 5,030 15,381 7,285 8,096 16,414 6,203 10,211
22 84,967 41,981 42,986 19,736 12,938 6,798 29,828 15,367 14,461 35,403 13,676 21,727
23 52,503 27,071 25,432 11,156 7,735 3,421 20,483 11,268 9,215 20,864 8,068 12,796
24 51,909 27,244 24,665 9,724 6,638 3,086 19,943 11,624 8,319 22,242 8,982 13,260
25 91,258 39,764 51,494 12,015 8,044 3,971 30,194 16,663 13,531 49,049 15,057 33,992
26 46,615 22,351 24,264 6,025 4,122 1,903 16,645 10,104 6,541 23,945 8,125 15,820
27 45,752 20,737 25,015 5,369 3,628 1,741 16,219 9,743 6,476 24,164 7,366 16,798
28 72,891 31,140 41,751 6,928 4,824 2,104 22,912 13,933 8,979 43,051 12,383 30,668
29 29,327 14,003 15,324 2,697 1,934 763 10,506 6,933 3,573 16,124 5,136 10,988
30+ 1,286,221 618,719 667,502 54,724 43,487 11,237 257,014 196,846 60,168 974,483 378,386 596,097

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 740,132 346,013 394,119 290,634 149,855 140,779 250,518 135,274 115,244 198,980 60,884 138,096

5 21,193 10,451 10,742 6,000 2,828 3,172 1,404 720 684 13,789 6,903 6,886
6 18,103 9,190 8,913 7,001 3,549 3,452 1,130 566 564 9,972 5,075 4,897
7 19,401 9,686 9,715 12,657 6,186 6,471 1,676 914 762 5,068 2,586 2,482
8 18,725 9,239 9,486 14,429 7,062 7,367 2,165 1,143 1,022 2,131 1,034 1,097
9 20,528 10,326 10,202 16,560 8,354 8,206 2,621 1,251 1,370 1,347 721 626
10 24,147 11,751 12,396 20,018 9,679 10,339 2,936 1,483 1,453 1,193 589 604
11 17,618 8,832 8,786 14,667 7,315 7,352 2,326 1,150 1,176 625 367 258
12 22,908 11,403 11,505 19,013 9,508 9,505 2,993 1,494 1,499 902 401 501
13 20,772 10,187 10,585 17,060 8,358 8,702 2,865 1,471 1,394 847 358 489
14 20,630 10,062 10,568 16,666 8,177 8,489 2,947 1,459 1,488 1,017 426 591
15 20,880 9,811 11,069 15,568 7,489 8,079 3,924 1,845 2,079 1,388 477 911
16 22,819 10,700 12,119 17,239 8,354 8,885 4,187 1,931 2,256 1,393 415 978
17 19,851 9,218 10,633 13,942 6,703 7,239 4,656 2,088 2,568 1,253 427 826
18 36,125 15,589 20,536 21,974 10,467 11,507 10,720 4,191 6,529 3,431 931 2,500
19 19,968 8,575 11,393 11,641 5,764 5,877 6,655 2,348 4,307 1,672 463 1,209
20 34,384 14,667 19,717 14,328 7,937 6,391 15,294 5,787 9,507 4,762 943 3,819
21 12,850 5,516 7,334 4,871 2,722 2,149 6,313 2,415 3,898 1,666 379 1,287
22 23,204 10,319 12,885 7,259 4,114 3,145 12,382 5,366 7,016 3,563 839 2,724
23 16,013 7,742 8,271 4,364 2,722 1,642 9,303 4,493 4,810 2,346 527 1,819
24 14,779 7,132 7,647 3,702 2,165 1,537 8,751 4,320 4,431 2,326 647 1,679
25 25,820 11,054 14,766 4,802 2,829 1,973 14,567 6,853 7,714 6,451 1,372 5,079
26 12,467 5,791 6,676 2,455 1,486 969 7,214 3,766 3,448 2,798 539 2,259
27 12,969 5,728 7,241 2,066 1,213 853 7,520 3,967 3,553 3,383 548 2,835
28 18,178 8,347 9,831 2,821 1,739 1,082 10,222 5,597 4,625 5,135 1,011 4,124
29 7,611 3,731 3,880 1,211 763 448 4,440 2,494 1,946 1,960 474 1,486
30+ 238,189 110,966 127,223 18,320 12,372 5,948 101,307 66,162 35,145 118,562 32,432 86,130

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 2,946,107 1,460,250 1,485,857 678,664 367,818 310,846 440,670 286,703 153,967 1,826,773 805,729 1,021,044

5 115,223 57,946 57,277 9,027 4,563 4,464 3,242 1,897 1,345 102,954 51,486 51,468
6 109,847 56,867 52,980 11,241 5,442 5,799 3,230 1,740 1,490 95,376 49,685 45,691
7 109,263 54,503 54,760 26,663 12,373 14,290 5,472 2,741 2,731 77,128 39,389 37,739
8 102,679 52,962 49,717 37,355 18,337 19,018 7,283 3,548 3,735 58,041 31,077 26,964
9 106,716 53,389 53,327 50,214 23,526 26,688 9,643 4,512 5,131 46,859 25,351 21,508
10 127,954 66,014 61,940 63,966 30,796 33,170 13,732 7,049 6,683 50,256 28,169 22,087
11 82,780 41,898 40,882 46,791 22,427 24,364 9,891 4,947 4,944 26,098 14,524 11,574
12 112,635 59,440 53,195 61,472 30,503 30,969 13,890 7,227 6,663 37,273 21,710 15,563
13 98,300 50,304 47,996 54,886 26,525 28,361 13,026 6,947 6,079 30,388 16,832 13,556
14 86,064 44,978 41,086 46,347 23,367 22,980 11,782 6,279 5,503 27,935 15,332 12,603
15 89,590 46,541 43,049 43,771 22,949 20,822 13,462 6,969 6,493 32,357 16,623 15,734
16 77,913 40,598 37,315 36,414 19,405 17,009 13,051 6,857 6,194 28,448 14,336 14,112
17 58,414 31,029 27,385 25,705 14,430 11,275 10,773 5,735 5,038 21,936 10,864 11,072
18 98,394 46,430 51,964 34,865 19,323 15,542 19,969 9,238 10,731 43,560 17,869 25,691
19 52,263 26,076 26,187 17,827 10,500 7,327 12,569 5,999 6,570 21,867 9,577 12,290
20 93,797 43,020 50,777 22,500 14,041 8,459 22,548 10,687 11,861 48,749 18,292 30,457
21 32,061 16,058 16,003 8,246 5,365 2,881 9,067 4,869 4,198 14,748 5,824 8,924
22 61,764 31,663 30,101 12,478 8,825 3,653 17,446 10,001 7,445 31,840 12,837 19,003
23 36,490 19,328 17,162 6,791 5,012 1,779 11,181 6,775 4,406 18,518 7,541 10,977
24 37,130 20,111 17,019 6,022 4,473 1,549 11,192 7,303 3,889 19,916 8,335 11,581
25 65,439 28,710 36,729 7,214 5,215 1,999 15,627 9,810 5,817 42,598 13,685 28,913
26 34,146 16,559 17,587 3,570 2,636 934 9,431 6,338 3,093 21,145 7,585 13,560
27 32,784 15,009 17,775 3,303 2,415 888 8,700 5,776 2,924 20,781 6,818 13,963
28 54,713 22,792 31,921 4,107 3,085 1,022 12,690 8,336 4,354 37,916 11,371 26,545
29 21,715 10,271 11,444 1,485 1,170 315 6,066 4,439 1,627 14,164 4,662 9,502
30+ 1,048,033 507,754 540,279 36,404 31,115 5,289 155,707 130,684 25,023 855,922 345,955 509,967

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 618,674 308,430 310,244 121,069 63,781 57,288 108,149 67,979 40,170 389,456 176,670 212,786

5 24,037 12,166 11,871 1,757 843 914 675 404 271 21,605 10,919 10,686
6 22,335 11,723 10,612 2,180 1,069 1,111 635 330 305 19,520 10,324 9,196
7 22,145 10,781 11,364 5,256 2,211 3,045 1,260 566 694 15,629 8,004 7,625
8 20,476 10,384 10,092 6,279 2,853 3,426 1,528 639 889 12,669 6,892 5,777
9 20,924 10,366 10,558 8,315 3,682 4,633 1,860 763 1,097 10,749 5,921 4,828
10 25,886 13,186 12,700 10,971 4,724 6,247 3,107 1,557 1,550 11,808 6,905 4,903
11 16,427 8,122 8,305 7,994 3,447 4,547 2,124 1,096 1,028 6,309 3,579 2,730
12 23,002 12,086 10,916 10,803 4,956 5,847 3,061 1,589 1,472 9,138 5,541 3,597
13 18,652 9,621 9,031 8,675 4,045 4,630 2,907 1,521 1,386 7,070 4,055 3,015
14 16,883 8,939 7,944 7,842 3,884 3,958 2,554 1,322 1,232 6,487 3,733 2,754
15 17,022 8,934 8,088 6,860 3,544 3,316 3,089 1,630 1,459 7,073 3,760 3,313
16 16,447 8,277 8,170 6,606 3,338 3,268 3,041 1,478 1,563 6,800 3,461 3,339
17 12,037 6,428 5,609 4,359 2,485 1,874 2,578 1,278 1,300 5,100 2,665 2,435
18 22,460 10,348 12,112 6,801 3,697 3,104 5,266 2,238 3,028 10,393 4,413 5,980
19 11,211 5,542 5,669 3,077 1,839 1,238 3,020 1,333 1,687 5,114 2,370 2,744
20 22,417 9,850 12,567 4,243 2,622 1,621 6,259 2,897 3,362 11,915 4,331 7,584
21 7,439 3,496 3,943 1,464 924 540 2,481 1,144 1,337 3,494 1,428 2,066
22 16,294 8,207 8,087 2,717 1,874 843 5,066 2,773 2,293 8,511 3,560 4,951
23 9,236 4,905 4,331 1,392 1,036 356 3,071 1,871 1,200 4,773 1,998 2,775
24 10,220 5,515 4,705 1,429 1,100 329 3,323 2,033 1,290 5,468 2,382 3,086
25 15,831 7,306 8,525 1,609 1,203 406 4,352 2,689 1,663 9,870 3,414 6,456
26 9,168 4,532 4,636 869 640 229 2,641 1,842 799 5,658 2,050 3,608
27 8,401 3,976 4,425 684 492 192 2,447 1,642 805 5,270 1,842 3,428
28 13,501 5,699 7,802 843 622 221 3,540 2,391 1,149 9,118 2,686 6,432
29 4,925 2,460 2,465 325 259 66 1,396 1,029 367 3,204 1,172 2,032
30+ 211,298 105,581 105,717 7,719 6,392 1,327 36,868 29,924 6,944 166,711 69,265 97,446

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 92,813 42,058 50,755 31,866 16,170 15,696 31,829 17,405 14,424 29,118 8,483 20,635

5 2,978 1,484 1,494 680 331 349 162 72 90 2,136 1,081 1,055
6 2,478 1,237 1,241 773 421 352 123 59 64 1,582 757 825
7 2,615 1,327 1,288 1,579 762 817 233 117 116 803 448 355
8 2,275 971 1,304 1,692 738 954 247 107 140 336 126 210
9 2,737 1,320 1,417 2,196 1,046 1,150 310 141 169 231 133 98
10 3,164 1,551 1,613 2,505 1,225 1,280 497 247 250 162 79 83
11 2,433 1,216 1,217 2,017 989 1,028 330 184 146 86 43 43
12 2,989 1,409 1,580 2,466 1,129 1,337 412 217 195 111 63 48
13 2,473 1,270 1,203 1,911 969 942 441 232 209 121 69 52
14 2,405 1,262 1,143 1,950 983 967 338 210 128 117 69 48
15 2,515 1,241 1,274 1,800 865 935 566 312 254 149 64 85
16 2,504 1,117 1,387 1,808 800 1,008 531 268 263 165 49 116
17 2,126 991 1,135 1,344 667 677 639 279 360 143 45 98
18 4,168 1,653 2,515 2,077 915 1,162 1,558 597 961 533 141 392
19 2,023 821 1,202 957 499 458 760 253 507 306 69 237
20 4,129 1,615 2,514 1,201 694 507 2,132 790 1,342 796 131 665
21 1,588 617 971 444 248 196 858 296 562 286 73 213
22 2,947 1,124 1,823 706 396 310 1,640 640 1,000 601 88 513
23 1,870 784 1,086 322 195 127 1,131 535 596 417 54 363
24 1,798 727 1,071 336 213 123 1,081 460 621 381 54 327
25 3,210 1,288 1,922 399 266 133 1,776 838 938 1,035 184 851
26 1,608 649 959 230 144 86 859 454 405 519 51 468
27 1,667 718 949 193 106 87 965 519 446 509 93 416
28 2,387 1,000 1,387 246 136 110 1,308 758 550 833 106 727
29 930 445 485 81 56 25 541 323 218 308 66 242
30+ 30,796 14,221 16,575 1,953 1,377 576 12,391 8,497 3,894 16,452 4,347 12,105

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 525,862 266,371 259,491 89,207 47,611 41,596 76,318 50,574 25,744 360,337 168,186 192,151

5 21,059 10,683 10,376 1,076 512 564 514 333 181 19,469 9,838 9,631
6 19,860 10,487 9,373 1,409 649 760 513 271 242 17,938 9,567 8,371
7 19,530 9,454 10,076 3,677 1,449 2,228 1,027 449 578 14,826 7,556 7,270
8 18,203 9,414 8,789 4,589 2,116 2,473 1,281 532 749 12,333 6,766 5,567
9 18,188 9,046 9,142 6,119 2,636 3,483 1,550 621 929 10,519 5,789 4,730
10 22,722 11,635 11,087 8,465 3,498 4,967 2,611 1,311 1,300 11,646 6,826 4,820
11 13,993 6,905 7,088 5,977 2,458 3,519 1,794 912 882 6,222 3,535 2,687
12 20,013 10,676 9,337 8,338 3,827 4,511 2,649 1,372 1,277 9,026 5,477 3,549
13 16,181 8,351 7,830 6,765 3,076 3,689 2,466 1,289 1,177 6,950 3,986 2,964
14 14,476 7,676 6,800 5,891 2,900 2,991 2,215 1,112 1,103 6,370 3,664 2,706
15 14,508 7,694 6,814 5,061 2,680 2,381 2,523 1,318 1,205 6,924 3,696 3,228
16 13,940 7,159 6,781 4,797 2,537 2,260 2,509 1,210 1,299 6,634 3,412 3,222
17 9,908 5,435 4,473 3,015 1,818 1,197 1,937 998 939 4,956 2,619 2,337
18 18,292 8,695 9,597 4,725 2,782 1,943 3,708 1,641 2,067 9,859 4,272 5,587
19 9,188 4,721 4,467 2,120 1,340 780 2,260 1,080 1,180 4,808 2,301 2,507
20 18,289 8,236 10,053 3,042 1,928 1,114 4,128 2,108 2,020 11,119 4,200 6,919
21 5,852 2,879 2,973 1,021 676 345 1,623 848 775 3,208 1,355 1,853
22 13,346 7,083 6,263 2,010 1,478 532 3,426 2,133 1,293 7,910 3,472 4,438
23 7,365 4,120 3,245 1,070 841 229 1,939 1,335 604 4,356 1,944 2,412
24 8,422 4,789 3,633 1,093 888 205 2,242 1,573 669 5,087 2,328 2,759
25 12,621 6,019 6,602 1,210 937 273 2,577 1,852 725 8,834 3,230 5,604
26 7,559 3,883 3,676 639 496 143 1,781 1,388 393 5,139 1,999 3,140
27 6,735 3,258 3,477 491 385 106 1,482 1,123 359 4,762 1,750 3,012
28 11,115 4,699 6,416 597 486 111 2,232 1,633 599 8,286 2,580 5,706
29 3,994 2,014 1,980 244 203 41 854 705 149 2,896 1,106 1,790
30+ 180,503 91,360 89,143 5,766 5,015 751 24,477 21,427 3,050 150,260 64,918 85,342

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 1,064,658 521,834 542,824 287,953 153,111 134,842 206,135 128,250 77,885 570,570 240,473 330,097

5 39,316 19,800 19,516 4,211 2,058 2,153 1,355 725 630 33,750 17,017 16,733
6 37,726 18,996 18,730 4,984 2,388 2,596 1,223 632 591 31,519 15,976 15,543
7 37,818 18,975 18,843 10,414 5,000 5,414 1,750 867 883 25,654 13,108 12,546
8 35,204 18,397 16,807 14,272 7,124 7,148 2,399 1,231 1,168 18,533 10,042 8,491
9 37,561 18,550 19,011 19,398 9,020 10,378 3,315 1,486 1,829 14,848 8,044 6,804
10 44,782 23,114 21,668 25,265 12,402 12,863 4,377 2,345 2,032 15,140 8,367 6,773
11 29,593 14,847 14,746 18,450 8,792 9,658 3,358 1,680 1,678 7,785 4,375 3,410
12 39,909 21,003 18,906 25,106 12,664 12,442 4,608 2,341 2,267 10,195 5,998 4,197
13 35,543 18,058 17,485 22,288 10,720 11,568 4,534 2,506 2,028 8,721 4,832 3,889
14 31,929 16,155 15,774 19,599 9,678 9,921 4,331 2,220 2,111 7,999 4,257 3,742
15 31,402 15,700 15,702 17,952 8,902 9,050 4,820 2,345 2,475 8,630 4,453 4,177
16 29,066 15,117 13,949 16,500 8,627 7,873 4,858 2,553 2,305 7,708 3,937 3,771
17 23,143 11,931 11,212 12,533 6,541 5,992 4,594 2,430 2,164 6,016 2,960 3,056
18 36,790 17,554 19,236 17,258 9,033 8,225 8,476 3,842 4,634 11,056 4,679 6,377
19 20,016 10,039 9,977 8,744 4,897 3,847 5,520 2,573 2,947 5,752 2,569 3,183
20 34,883 16,383 18,500 11,385 6,578 4,807 10,742 4,778 5,964 12,756 5,027 7,729
21 11,836 5,967 5,869 3,839 2,355 1,484 4,228 2,126 2,102 3,769 1,486 2,283
22 22,632 11,540 11,092 5,726 3,978 1,748 8,488 4,309 4,179 8,418 3,253 5,165
23 14,152 7,756 6,396 3,217 2,243 974 5,764 3,321 2,443 5,171 2,192 2,979
24 13,895 7,454 6,441 2,700 1,837 863 5,678 3,438 2,240 5,517 2,179 3,338
25 21,598 9,449 12,149 3,260 2,137 1,123 8,311 4,428 3,883 10,027 2,884 7,143
26 12,556 5,894 6,662 1,721 1,110 611 5,119 3,018 2,101 5,716 1,766 3,950
27 12,316 5,287 7,029 1,561 1,065 496 4,627 2,599 2,028 6,128 1,623 4,505
28 20,038 7,812 12,226 1,873 1,239 634 7,108 3,937 3,171 11,057 2,636 8,421
29 8,687 3,773 4,914 730 527 203 3,277 2,066 1,211 4,680 1,180 3,500
30+ 382,267 182,283 199,984 14,967 12,196 2,771 83,275 64,454 18,821 284,025 105,633 178,392

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 152,764 69,839 82,925 63,067 32,213 30,854 51,937 26,976 24,961 37,760 10,650 27,110

5 4,495 2,277 2,218 1,197 561 636 332 178 154 2,966 1,538 1,428
6 4,066 2,001 2,065 1,617 788 829 224 79 145 2,225 1,134 1,091
7 4,421 2,239 2,182 2,992 1,506 1,486 313 160 153 1,116 573 543
8 4,196 2,119 2,077 3,371 1,654 1,717 385 202 183 440 263 177
9 4,390 2,182 2,208 3,715 1,883 1,832 436 179 257 239 120 119
10 5,336 2,584 2,752 4,676 2,231 2,445 440 252 188 220 101 119
11 3,525 1,768 1,757 3,090 1,542 1,548 297 152 145 138 74 64
12 4,934 2,427 2,507 4,215 2,106 2,109 529 237 292 190 84 106
13 4,432 2,164 2,268 3,886 1,891 1,995 401 216 185 145 57 88
14 4,118 2,023 2,095 3,543 1,785 1,758 420 164 256 155 74 81
15 4,059 1,845 2,214 3,197 1,512 1,685 604 256 348 258 77 181
16 4,698 2,281 2,417 3,787 1,887 1,900 743 339 404 168 55 113
17 3,985 1,820 2,165 3,069 1,412 1,657 741 355 386 175 53 122
18 7,700 3,397 4,303 5,293 2,482 2,811 1,960 783 1,177 447 132 315
19 4,101 1,782 2,319 2,645 1,332 1,313 1,227 400 827 229 50 179
20 7,228 3,062 4,166 3,356 1,805 1,551 3,192 1,139 2,053 680 118 562
21 2,277 914 1,363 824 480 344 1,235 405 830 218 29 189
22 4,556 1,953 2,603 1,458 852 606 2,603 998 1,605 495 103 392
23 2,901 1,455 1,446 684 472 212 1,855 926 929 362 57 305
24 2,683 1,300 1,383 596 333 263 1,706 857 849 381 110 271
25 4,965 1,970 2,995 838 471 367 3,175 1,354 1,821 952 145 807
26 2,472 1,038 1,434 454 254 200 1,570 704 866 448 80 368
27 2,367 968 1,399 372 213 159 1,392 681 711 603 74 529
28 3,916 1,512 2,404 566 319 247 2,290 1,097 1,193 1,060 96 964
29 1,474 609 865 203 120 83 876 400 476 395 89 306
30+ 49,469 22,149 27,320 3,423 2,322 1,101 22,991 14,463 8,528 23,055 5,364 17,691

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 911,897 452,001 459,896 224,893 120,906 103,987 154,197 101,272 52,925 532,807 229,823 302,984

5 34,821 17,523 17,298 3,014 1,497 1,517 1,023 547 476 30,784 15,479 15,305
6 33,660 16,994 16,666 3,366 1,599 1,767 999 553 446 29,295 14,842 14,453
7 33,397 16,737 16,660 7,423 3,495 3,928 1,437 707 730 24,537 12,535 12,002
8 31,010 16,278 14,732 10,902 5,470 5,432 2,014 1,029 985 18,094 9,779 8,315
9 33,171 16,369 16,802 15,683 7,138 8,545 2,879 1,307 1,572 14,609 7,924 6,685
10 39,447 20,531 18,916 20,589 10,171 10,418 3,937 2,093 1,844 14,921 8,267 6,654
11 26,070 13,081 12,989 15,361 7,251 8,110 3,062 1,529 1,533 7,647 4,301 3,346
12 34,974 18,575 16,399 20,891 10,558 10,333 4,078 2,103 1,975 10,005 5,914 4,091
13 31,111 15,895 15,216 18,401 8,829 9,572 4,133 2,290 1,843 8,577 4,776 3,801
14 27,812 14,133 13,679 16,056 7,893 8,163 3,912 2,057 1,855 7,844 4,183 3,661
15 27,344 13,855 13,489 14,756 7,391 7,365 4,217 2,089 2,128 8,371 4,375 3,996
16 24,368 12,835 11,533 12,715 6,741 5,974 4,114 2,213 1,901 7,539 3,881 3,658
17 19,159 10,111 9,048 9,464 5,129 4,335 3,854 2,075 1,779 5,841 2,907 2,934
18 29,090 14,158 14,932 11,966 6,552 5,414 6,516 3,059 3,457 10,608 4,547 6,061
19 15,916 8,258 7,658 6,100 3,566 2,534 4,292 2,172 2,120 5,524 2,520 3,004
20 27,654 13,320 14,334 8,029 4,773 3,256 7,549 3,638 3,911 12,076 4,909 7,167
21 9,559 5,053 4,506 3,014 1,875 1,139 2,994 1,721 1,273 3,551 1,457 2,094
22 18,078 9,589 8,489 4,269 3,127 1,142 5,885 3,311 2,574 7,924 3,151 4,773
23 11,251 6,301 4,950 2,534 1,772 762 3,909 2,395 1,514 4,808 2,134 2,674
24 11,211 6,154 5,057 2,104 1,504 600 3,971 2,581 1,390 5,136 2,069 3,067
25 16,633 7,479 9,154 2,422 1,666 756 5,136 3,074 2,062 9,075 2,739 6,336
26 10,085 4,856 5,229 1,267 856 411 3,550 2,314 1,236 5,268 1,686 3,582
27 9,950 4,320 5,630 1,189 852 337 3,235 1,918 1,317 5,526 1,550 3,976
28 16,120 6,299 9,821 1,307 920 387 4,818 2,840 1,978 9,995 2,539 7,456
29 7,212 3,164 4,048 528 407 121 2,400 1,666 734 4,284 1,091 3,193
30+ 332,794 160,133 172,661 11,543 9,874 1,669 60,283 49,991 10,292 260,968 100,268 160,700

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 650,380 306,125 344,255 239,965 126,637 113,328 122,021 72,240 49,781 288,394 107,248 181,146

5 24,673 12,520 12,153 3,927 2,039 1,888 928 579 349 19,818 9,902 9,916
6 22,567 11,761 10,806 4,636 2,419 2,217 771 381 390 17,160 8,961 8,199
7 22,499 11,114 11,385 10,798 5,233 5,565 1,264 653 611 10,437 5,228 5,209
8 21,983 10,895 11,088 14,685 7,250 7,435 1,706 876 830 5,592 2,769 2,823
9 23,980 12,231 11,749 18,000 9,110 8,890 2,329 1,156 1,173 3,651 1,965 1,686
10 27,354 13,787 13,567 21,445 10,653 10,792 2,728 1,379 1,349 3,181 1,755 1,426
11 20,737 10,770 9,967 16,569 8,605 7,964 2,324 1,167 1,157 1,844 998 846
12 24,873 12,782 12,091 19,802 10,052 9,750 2,709 1,476 1,233 2,362 1,254 1,108
13 23,569 11,723 11,846 18,788 9,230 9,558 2,665 1,406 1,259 2,116 1,087 1,029
14 20,803 10,764 10,039 16,215 8,307 7,908 2,466 1,437 1,029 2,122 1,020 1,102
15 20,579 10,239 10,340 14,988 7,508 7,480 2,758 1,468 1,290 2,833 1,263 1,570
16 18,938 9,319 9,619 13,448 6,760 6,688 2,896 1,449 1,447 2,594 1,110 1,484
17 15,007 7,764 7,243 10,235 5,435 4,800 2,713 1,430 1,283 2,059 899 1,160
18 22,946 10,489 12,457 13,406 6,730 6,676 5,237 2,345 2,892 4,303 1,414 2,889
19 13,330 6,227 7,103 7,362 3,885 3,477 3,597 1,404 2,193 2,371 938 1,433
20 19,775 8,702 11,073 8,098 4,638 3,460 6,557 2,679 3,878 5,120 1,385 3,735
21 6,988 3,338 3,650 2,605 1,566 1,039 2,725 1,265 1,460 1,658 507 1,151
22 12,204 5,456 6,748 3,838 2,208 1,630 4,988 2,333 2,655 3,378 915 2,463
23 8,145 3,755 4,390 2,148 1,396 752 3,809 1,776 2,033 2,188 583 1,605
24 7,540 3,476 4,064 1,667 1,086 581 3,616 1,818 1,798 2,257 572 1,685
25 13,994 5,345 8,649 2,201 1,419 782 5,539 2,689 2,850 6,254 1,237 5,017
26 6,596 2,874 3,722 1,199 826 373 2,707 1,498 1,209 2,690 550 2,140
27 6,975 2,640 4,335 1,056 602 454 2,818 1,502 1,316 3,101 536 2,565
28 10,239 3,875 6,364 1,325 882 443 3,648 2,103 1,545 5,266 890 4,376
29 4,878 2,081 2,797 530 343 187 2,094 1,238 856 2,254 500 1,754
30+ 229,208 102,198 127,010 10,994 8,455 2,539 46,429 34,733 11,696 171,785 59,010 112,775

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 126,559 56,354 70,205 57,125 28,996 28,129 37,616 18,816 18,800 31,818 8,542 23,276

5 4,347 2,087 2,260 1,278 573 705 224 116 108 2,845 1,398 1,447
6 3,586 1,853 1,733 1,398 765 633 180 85 95 2,008 1,003 1,005
7 3,599 1,740 1,859 2,589 1,211 1,378 235 128 107 775 401 374
8 3,539 1,761 1,778 3,011 1,499 1,512 305 156 149 223 106 117
9 3,778 1,935 1,843 3,200 1,627 1,573 435 229 206 143 79 64
10 4,286 2,103 2,183 3,825 1,839 1,986 389 203 186 72 61 11
11 3,398 1,675 1,723 2,975 1,453 1,522 379 183 196 44 39 5
12 4,311 2,198 2,113 3,919 2,008 1,911 340 169 171 52 21 31
13 3,859 1,833 2,026 3,423 1,635 1,788 387 181 206 49 17 32
14 3,784 1,886 1,898 3,268 1,650 1,618 420 200 220 96 36 60
15 3,650 1,658 1,992 3,038 1,405 1,633 447 214 233 165 39 126
16 4,166 1,905 2,261 3,473 1,607 1,866 568 246 322 125 52 73
17 3,845 1,824 2,021 3,002 1,450 1,552 703 346 357 140 28 112
18 6,457 2,835 3,622 4,533 2,167 2,366 1,549 586 963 375 82 293
19 3,786 1,610 2,176 2,636 1,261 1,375 1,030 314 716 120 35 85
20 5,305 2,313 2,992 2,795 1,570 1,225 2,012 683 1,329 498 60 438
21 1,976 844 1,132 838 503 335 954 330 624 184 11 173
22 3,237 1,251 1,986 1,091 542 549 1,681 645 1,036 465 64 401
23 2,427 972 1,455 666 376 290 1,425 540 885 336 56 280
24 2,208 815 1,393 585 313 272 1,305 463 842 318 39 279
25 3,944 1,421 2,523 775 454 321 2,217 818 1,399 952 149 803
26 1,855 818 1,037 405 263 142 1,011 528 483 439 27 412
27 2,112 740 1,372 363 172 191 1,176 515 661 573 53 520
28 2,684 993 1,691 467 272 195 1,371 665 706 846 56 790
29 1,436 611 825 231 136 95 842 419 423 363 56 307
30+ 38,984 16,673 22,311 3,341 2,245 1,096 16,031 9,854 6,177 19,612 4,574 15,038

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 523,829 249,775 274,054 182,844 97,645 85,199 84,406 53,424 30,982 256,579 98,706 157,873

5 20,325 10,433 9,892 2,648 1,466 1,182 704 463 241 16,973 8,504 8,469
6 18,979 9,907 9,072 3,238 1,654 1,584 589 295 294 15,152 7,958 7,194
7 18,899 9,374 9,525 8,208 4,022 4,186 1,029 525 504 9,662 4,827 4,835
8 18,443 9,133 9,310 11,673 5,750 5,923 1,401 720 681 5,369 2,663 2,706
9 20,202 10,296 9,906 14,800 7,483 7,317 1,894 927 967 3,508 1,886 1,622
10 23,071 11,685 11,386 17,621 8,815 8,806 2,340 1,176 1,164 3,110 1,694 1,416
11 17,339 9,095 8,244 13,594 7,152 6,442 1,945 984 961 1,800 959 841
12 20,561 10,584 9,977 15,883 8,044 7,839 2,369 1,307 1,062 2,309 1,233 1,076
13 19,711 9,891 9,820 15,366 7,596 7,770 2,278 1,225 1,053 2,067 1,070 997
14 17,019 8,877 8,142 12,947 6,657 6,290 2,045 1,236 809 2,027 984 1,043
15 16,930 8,582 8,348 11,951 6,103 5,848 2,312 1,255 1,057 2,667 1,224 1,443
16 14,774 7,415 7,359 9,975 5,153 4,822 2,328 1,203 1,125 2,471 1,059 1,412
17 11,162 5,940 5,222 7,233 3,985 3,248 2,010 1,084 926 1,919 871 1,048
18 16,491 7,655 8,836 8,873 4,563 4,310 3,689 1,760 1,929 3,929 1,332 2,597
19 9,544 4,617 4,927 4,726 2,624 2,102 2,567 1,090 1,477 2,251 903 1,348
20 14,472 6,390 8,082 5,304 3,069 2,235 4,546 1,996 2,550 4,622 1,325 3,297
21 5,012 2,494 2,518 1,767 1,063 704 1,771 935 836 1,474 496 978
22 8,968 4,205 4,763 2,747 1,666 1,081 3,307 1,688 1,619 2,914 851 2,063
23 5,718 2,783 2,935 1,483 1,020 463 2,383 1,236 1,147 1,852 527 1,325
24 5,333 2,662 2,671 1,083 774 309 2,311 1,355 956 1,939 533 1,406
25 10,050 3,924 6,126 1,426 965 461 3,322 1,871 1,451 5,302 1,088 4,214
26 4,741 2,056 2,685 794 563 231 1,696 970 726 2,251 523 1,728
27 4,862 1,900 2,962 693 430 263 1,641 987 654 2,528 483 2,045
28 7,557 2,882 4,675 859 610 249 2,278 1,438 840 4,420 834 3,586
29 3,443 1,470 1,973 299 207 92 1,253 819 434 1,891 444 1,447
30+ 190,223 85,525 104,698 7,653 6,211 1,442 30,398 24,879 5,519 152,172 54,435 97,737

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 860,584 423,428 437,156 194,139 106,212 87,927 117,050 73,099 43,951 549,395 244,117 305,278

5 32,464 15,989 16,475 2,230 1,005 1,225 941 522 419 29,293 14,462 14,831
6 31,003 16,168 14,835 3,343 1,565 1,778 984 537 447 26,676 14,066 12,610
7 31,465 15,633 15,832 7,303 3,360 3,943 1,683 904 779 22,479 11,369 11,110
8 29,600 15,334 14,266 10,342 5,024 5,318 2,107 1,109 998 17,151 9,201 7,950
9 30,405 15,428 14,977 13,350 6,368 6,982 2,685 1,354 1,331 14,370 7,706 6,664
10 36,808 18,895 17,913 17,261 8,167 9,094 4,088 1,997 2,091 15,459 8,731 6,728
11 22,850 11,592 11,258 11,764 5,489 6,275 2,724 1,368 1,356 8,362 4,735 3,627
12 32,469 17,100 15,369 16,403 8,143 8,260 3,947 2,044 1,903 12,119 6,913 5,206
13 28,205 14,629 13,576 14,771 7,388 7,383 3,441 1,804 1,637 9,993 5,437 4,556
14 23,786 12,516 11,270 12,140 6,152 5,988 2,952 1,500 1,452 8,694 4,864 3,830
15 27,719 14,524 13,195 12,778 6,810 5,968 3,758 1,939 1,819 11,183 5,775 5,408
16 22,736 12,043 10,693 10,465 5,711 4,754 3,458 1,852 1,606 8,813 4,480 4,333
17 16,918 8,603 8,315 7,512 4,101 3,411 2,535 1,242 1,293 6,871 3,260 3,611
18 30,800 14,440 16,360 11,427 6,340 5,087 5,266 2,269 2,997 14,107 5,831 8,276
19 16,824 8,062 8,762 6,363 3,641 2,722 3,297 1,418 1,879 7,164 3,003 4,161
20 28,951 13,308 15,643 7,541 4,872 2,669 6,038 2,638 3,400 15,372 5,798 9,574
21 9,998 4,897 5,101 2,799 1,864 935 2,373 1,246 1,127 4,826 1,787 3,039
22 17,300 8,596 8,704 3,789 2,640 1,149 4,308 2,343 1,965 9,203 3,613 5,590
23 10,278 5,073 5,205 2,228 1,608 620 2,674 1,550 1,124 5,376 1,915 3,461
24 9,056 4,814 4,242 1,703 1,183 520 2,230 1,382 848 5,123 2,249 2,874
25 22,929 9,585 13,344 2,536 1,762 774 4,719 2,783 1,936 15,674 5,040 10,634
26 9,053 4,169 4,884 990 747 243 2,128 1,281 847 5,935 2,141 3,794
27 9,147 4,445 4,702 1,028 765 263 2,340 1,568 772 5,779 2,112 3,667
28 16,536 7,285 9,251 1,449 1,078 371 3,362 2,243 1,119 11,725 3,964 7,761
29 5,543 2,819 2,724 460 351 109 1,407 1,063 344 3,676 1,405 2,271
30+ 307,741 147,481 160,260 12,164 10,078 2,086 41,605 33,143 8,462 253,972 104,260 149,712

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 112,153 52,449 59,704 47,131 25,157 21,974 27,518 15,408 12,110 37,504 11,884 25,620

5 3,055 1,402 1,653 579 222 357 164 79 85 2,312 1,101 1,211
6 2,563 1,331 1,232 906 429 477 150 108 42 1,507 794 713
7 2,823 1,380 1,443 1,759 865 894 184 98 86 880 417 463
8 2,869 1,435 1,434 2,160 1,045 1,115 278 178 100 431 212 219
9 3,199 1,700 1,499 2,665 1,430 1,235 297 132 165 237 138 99
10 4,021 1,917 2,104 3,265 1,576 1,689 437 167 270 319 174 145
11 2,856 1,460 1,396 2,377 1,218 1,159 320 137 183 159 105 54
12 3,718 1,916 1,802 3,002 1,568 1,434 490 222 268 226 126 100
13 3,536 1,810 1,726 2,850 1,481 1,369 433 229 204 253 100 153
14 3,469 1,728 1,741 2,930 1,465 1,465 345 180 165 194 83 111
15 3,725 1,811 1,914 2,810 1,383 1,427 562 296 266 353 132 221
16 3,971 1,986 1,985 3,074 1,622 1,452 517 246 271 380 118 262
17 3,216 1,533 1,683 2,502 1,248 1,254 460 194 266 254 91 163
18 5,330 2,471 2,859 3,633 1,871 1,762 1,053 427 626 644 173 471
19 3,270 1,520 1,750 2,181 1,185 996 809 238 571 280 97 183
20 4,836 2,199 2,637 2,358 1,354 1,004 1,593 618 975 885 227 658
21 1,679 806 873 840 471 369 556 272 284 283 63 220
22 2,747 1,286 1,461 1,002 623 379 1,066 496 570 679 167 512
23 2,003 989 1,014 807 480 327 816 437 379 380 72 308
24 1,449 828 621 432 291 141 742 436 306 275 101 174
25 3,664 1,629 2,035 878 529 349 1,598 839 759 1,188 261 927
26 1,476 689 787 324 209 115 686 356 330 466 124 342
27 1,627 747 880 320 201 119 835 458 377 472 88 384
28 2,139 1,043 1,096 416 280 136 967 564 403 756 199 557
29 816 430 386 165 106 59 433 265 168 218 59 159
30+ 38,096 16,403 21,693 2,896 2,005 891 11,727 7,736 3,991 23,473 6,662 16,811

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 748,428 370,978 377,450 147,002 81,052 65,950 89,531 57,689 31,842 511,895 232,237 279,658

5 29,409 14,587 14,822 1,651 783 868 777 443 334 26,981 13,361 13,620
6 28,439 14,837 13,602 2,437 1,136 1,301 834 429 405 25,168 13,272 11,896
7 28,642 14,254 14,388 5,544 2,496 3,048 1,499 806 693 21,599 10,952 10,647
8 26,731 13,900 12,831 8,181 3,979 4,202 1,829 931 898 16,721 8,990 7,731
9 27,206 13,727 13,479 10,685 4,938 5,747 2,388 1,221 1,167 14,133 7,568 6,565
10 32,788 16,979 15,809 13,996 6,591 7,405 3,651 1,830 1,821 15,141 8,558 6,583
11 19,993 10,132 9,861 9,385 4,270 5,115 2,404 1,231 1,173 8,204 4,631 3,573
12 28,750 15,183 13,567 13,401 6,575 6,826 3,456 1,821 1,635 11,893 6,787 5,106
13 24,669 12,819 11,850 11,921 5,907 6,014 3,008 1,575 1,433 9,740 5,337 4,403
14 20,317 10,788 9,529 9,211 4,687 4,524 2,606 1,320 1,286 8,500 4,781 3,719
15 23,993 12,713 11,280 9,967 5,427 4,540 3,196 1,643 1,553 10,830 5,643 5,187
16 18,766 10,057 8,709 7,392 4,089 3,303 2,940 1,606 1,334 8,434 4,362 4,072
17 13,702 7,069 6,633 5,009 2,852 2,157 2,075 1,048 1,027 6,618 3,169 3,449
18 25,469 11,968 13,501 7,794 4,469 3,325 4,212 1,841 2,371 13,463 5,658 7,805
19 13,555 6,543 7,012 4,183 2,457 1,726 2,488 1,180 1,308 6,884 2,906 3,978
20 24,115 11,109 13,006 5,183 3,518 1,665 4,445 2,020 2,425 14,487 5,571 8,916
21 8,319 4,091 4,228 1,958 1,393 565 1,818 974 844 4,543 1,724 2,819
22 14,553 7,310 7,243 2,787 2,017 770 3,242 1,847 1,395 8,524 3,446 5,078
23 8,276 4,084 4,192 1,420 1,127 293 1,859 1,113 746 4,997 1,844 3,153
24 7,608 3,987 3,621 1,271 892 379 1,488 946 542 4,849 2,149 2,700
25 19,264 7,954 11,310 1,658 1,232 426 3,121 1,944 1,177 14,485 4,778 9,707
26 7,575 3,478 4,097 665 537 128 1,442 925 517 5,468 2,016 3,452
27 7,518 3,698 3,820 706 563 143 1,506 1,111 395 5,306 2,024 3,282
28 14,398 6,243 8,155 1,033 798 235 2,395 1,679 716 10,970 3,766 7,204
29 4,726 2,389 2,337 294 245 49 974 798 176 3,458 1,346 2,112
30+ 269,647 131,079 138,568 9,270 8,074 1,196 29,878 25,407 4,471 230,499 97,598 132,901

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 298,420 152,924 145,496 49,377 28,424 20,953 58,221 37,548 20,673 190,822 86,952 103,870

5 11,420 5,689 5,731 927 452 475 305 160 145 10,188 5,077 5,111
6 10,380 5,412 4,968 1,073 550 523 407 262 145 8,900 4,600 4,300
7 10,411 5,536 4,875 2,503 1,254 1,249 683 379 304 7,225 3,903 3,322
8 9,811 4,976 4,835 2,801 1,426 1,375 1,098 497 601 5,912 3,053 2,859
9 9,735 4,766 4,969 3,961 1,783 2,178 1,321 610 711 4,453 2,373 2,080
10 11,756 6,070 5,686 4,496 2,269 2,227 1,568 842 726 5,692 2,959 2,733
11 6,524 3,260 3,264 3,242 1,671 1,571 957 443 514 2,325 1,146 1,179
12 10,103 5,291 4,812 4,136 2,103 2,033 1,752 829 923 4,215 2,359 1,856
13 8,113 4,070 4,043 3,445 1,582 1,863 1,496 774 722 3,172 1,714 1,458
14 7,964 4,278 3,686 3,152 1,682 1,470 1,452 793 659 3,360 1,803 1,557
15 8,368 4,457 3,911 2,903 1,783 1,120 1,706 900 806 3,759 1,774 1,985
16 7,850 4,047 3,803 2,547 1,470 1,077 1,726 897 829 3,577 1,680 1,897
17 5,764 3,015 2,749 1,560 914 646 1,398 710 688 2,806 1,391 1,415
18 11,640 4,908 6,732 2,315 1,348 967 2,893 1,299 1,594 6,432 2,261 4,171
19 5,480 2,469 3,011 1,131 728 403 1,573 695 878 2,776 1,046 1,730
20 12,113 5,086 7,027 1,485 1,109 376 3,264 1,503 1,761 7,364 2,474 4,890
21 4,424 1,998 2,426 694 477 217 1,367 615 752 2,363 906 1,457
22 8,905 4,450 4,455 958 734 224 2,743 1,586 1,157 5,204 2,130 3,074
23 5,414 2,835 2,579 500 380 120 1,987 1,222 765 2,927 1,233 1,694
24 6,071 3,344 2,727 636 534 102 2,011 1,353 658 3,424 1,457 1,967
25 9,177 4,564 4,613 657 535 122 2,628 1,863 765 5,892 2,166 3,726
26 5,359 2,918 2,441 288 244 44 1,609 1,173 436 3,462 1,501 1,961
27 5,200 2,581 2,619 340 272 68 1,571 1,151 420 3,289 1,158 2,131
28 7,197 3,596 3,601 444 371 73 1,781 1,288 493 4,972 1,937 3,035
29 3,332 1,848 1,484 232 209 23 1,040 830 210 2,060 809 1,251
30+ 95,909 51,460 44,449 2,951 2,544 407 17,885 14,874 3,011 75,073 34,042 41,031

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 62,333 31,802 30,531 14,664 7,821 6,843 22,004 13,806 8,198 25,665 10,175 15,490

5 1,814 971 843 292 149 143 81 49 32 1,441 773 668

6 1,472 771 701 283 147 136 112 70 42 1,077 554 523
7 1,618 851 767 693 343 350 203 124 79 722 384 338
8 1,519 739 780 790 404 386 341 161 180 388 174 214
9 1,786 815 971 1,035 452 583 388 174 214 363 189 174
10 1,828 884 944 1,200 547 653 374 202 172 254 135 119
11 1,140 577 563 769 376 393 271 152 119 100 49 51
12 1,768 870 898 1,177 604 573 414 206 208 177 60 117
13 1,485 722 763 1,012 465 547 357 207 150 116 50 66
14 1,524 774 750 910 452 458 448 239 209 166 83 83
15 1,552 757 795 867 434 433 490 234 256 195 89 106
16 1,786 916 870 1,012 585 427 568 273 295 206 58 148
17 1,282 541 741 576 268 308 502 180 322 204 93 111
18 2,587 954 1,633 808 391 417 1,048 362 686 731 201 530
19 1,417 532 885 433 215 218 611 219 392 373 98 275
20 2,845 1,121 1,724 542 355 187 1,384 579 805 919 187 732
21 1,102 455 647 207 118 89 504 223 281 391 114 277
22 2,084 974 1,110 294 198 96 1,156 564 592 634 212 422
23 1,534 795 739 215 128 87 898 527 371 421 140 281
24 1,514 824 690 166 119 47 830 504 326 518 201 317
25 2,306 1,230 1,076 159 120 39 1,156 793 363 991 317 674
26 1,173 633 540 82 60 22 648 433 215 443 140 303
27 1,483 750 733 117 88 29 735 514 221 631 148 483
28 1,676 927 749 135 100 35 814 542 272 727 285 442
29 993 613 380 112 100 12 455 379 76 426 134 292
30+ 21,045 11,806 9,239 778 603 175 7,216 5,896 1,320 13,051 5,307 7,744

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 236,091 121,125 114,966 34,714 20,605 14,109 36,214 23,739 12,475 165,163 76,781 88,382

5 9,608 4,719 4,889 636 304 332 225 111 114 8,747 4,304 4,443
6 8,907 4,642 4,265 790 404 386 294 192 102 7,823 4,046 3,777
7 8,792 4,684 4,108 1,810 911 899 479 254 225 6,503 3,519 2,984
8 8,293 4,238 4,055 2,011 1,022 989 757 336 421 5,525 2,880 2,645
9 7,949 3,951 3,998 2,927 1,332 1,595 932 435 497 4,090 2,184 1,906
10 9,927 5,185 4,742 3,295 1,721 1,574 1,194 640 554 5,438 2,824 2,614
11 5,386 2,685 2,701 2,474 1,296 1,178 686 291 395 2,226 1,098 1,128
12 8,336 4,421 3,915 2,959 1,499 1,460 1,338 623 715 4,039 2,299 1,740
13 6,627 3,348 3,279 2,432 1,117 1,315 1,139 567 572 3,056 1,664 1,392
14 6,440 3,504 2,936 2,242 1,230 1,012 1,004 554 450 3,194 1,720 1,474
15 6,817 3,700 3,117 2,037 1,349 688 1,216 666 550 3,564 1,685 1,879
16 6,063 3,131 2,932 1,535 885 650 1,158 624 534 3,370 1,622 1,748
17 4,483 2,474 2,009 984 646 338 897 530 367 2,602 1,298 1,304
18 9,054 3,955 5,099 1,507 957 550 1,845 937 908 5,702 2,061 3,641
19 4,061 1,937 2,124 698 513 185 961 476 485 2,402 948 1,454
20 9,269 3,965 5,304 942 753 189 1,881 925 956 6,446 2,287 4,159
21 3,321 1,541 1,780 486 358 128 862 391 471 1,973 792 1,181
22 6,819 3,476 3,343 665 537 128 1,585 1,021 564 4,569 1,918 2,651
23 3,880 2,040 1,840 285 252 33 1,089 695 394 2,506 1,093 1,413
24 4,557 2,520 2,037 470 415 55 1,181 849 332 2,906 1,256 1,650
25 6,871 3,334 3,537 498 415 83 1,472 1,070 402 4,901 1,849 3,052
26 4,186 2,285 1,901 206 184 22 961 740 221 3,019 1,361 1,658
27 3,718 1,831 1,887 223 184 39 836 637 199 2,659 1,010 1,649
28 5,524 2,670 2,854 310 271 39 968 746 222 4,246 1,653 2,593
29 2,338 1,234 1,104 120 109 11 584 450 134 1,634 675 959
30+ 74,865 39,655 35,210 2,172 1,941 231 10,670 8,979 1,691 62,023 28,735 33,288

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 193,515 93,515 100,000 76,790 39,503 37,287 79,612 42,861 36,751 37,113 11,151 25,962

5 4,504 2,231 2,273 1,975 993 982 441 226 215 2,088 1,012 1,076
6 3,940 1,998 1,942 2,026 1,000 1,026 340 164 176 1,574 834 740
7 4,325 2,149 2,176 3,046 1,500 1,546 508 287 221 771 362 409
8 4,328 2,214 2,114 3,405 1,722 1,683 610 339 271 313 153 160
9 4,636 2,373 2,263 3,748 1,916 1,832 754 395 359 134 62 72
10 5,515 2,713 2,802 4,547 2,260 2,287 800 412 388 168 41 127
11 4,268 2,137 2,131 3,439 1,737 1,702 730 342 388 99 58 41
12 5,187 2,582 2,605 4,235 2,093 2,142 807 442 365 145 47 98
13 4,987 2,388 2,599 3,978 1,917 2,061 847 407 440 162 64 98
14 5,329 2,389 2,940 4,065 1,842 2,223 975 466 509 289 81 208
15 5,381 2,498 2,883 3,857 1,890 1,967 1,256 532 724 268 76 192
16 5,695 2,495 3,200 4,086 1,853 2,233 1,260 559 701 349 83 266
17 5,397 2,507 2,890 3,450 1,658 1,792 1,610 733 877 337 116 221
18 9,881 4,279 5,602 5,630 2,641 2,989 3,551 1,436 2,115 700 202 498
19 5,368 2,310 3,058 2,790 1,274 1,516 2,216 923 1,293 362 113 249
20 10,044 4,358 5,686 4,078 2,160 1,918 4,981 1,978 3,003 985 220 765
21 4,228 1,880 2,348 1,718 902 816 2,206 889 1,317 304 89 215
22 7,632 3,731 3,901 2,707 1,503 1,204 4,236 2,023 2,213 689 205 484
23 5,278 2,747 2,531 1,670 1,071 599 3,178 1,528 1,650 430 148 282
24 5,127 2,640 2,487 1,588 898 690 3,086 1,600 1,486 453 142 311
25 7,729 3,515 4,214 1,752 988 764 4,644 2,211 2,433 1,333 316 1,017
26 3,882 1,964 1,918 958 555 403 2,441 1,292 1,149 483 117 366
27 3,715 1,808 1,907 702 433 269 2,417 1,281 1,136 596 94 502
28 5,376 2,871 2,505 991 631 360 3,473 1,971 1,502 912 269 643
29 1,962 1,022 940 420 245 175 1,292 707 585 250 70 180
30+ 59,801 29,716 30,085 5,929 3,821 2,108 30,953 19,718 11,235 22,919 6,177 16,742

Table 5.2 Population 5 Years Old and Over by School Attendence, Sex and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


5 and Over 193,515 93,515 100,000 76,790 39,503 37,287 79,612 42,861 36,751 37,113 11,151 25,962

5 4,504 2,231 2,273 1,975 993 982 441 226 215 2,088 1,012 1,076
6 3,940 1,998 1,942 2,026 1,000 1,026 340 164 176 1,574 834 740
7 4,325 2,149 2,176 3,046 1,500 1,546 508 287 221 771 362 409
8 4,328 2,214 2,114 3,405 1,722 1,683 610 339 271 313 153 160
9 4,636 2,373 2,263 3,748 1,916 1,832 754 395 359 134 62 72
10 5,515 2,713 2,802 4,547 2,260 2,287 800 412 388 168 41 127
11 4,268 2,137 2,131 3,439 1,737 1,702 730 342 388 99 58 41
12 5,187 2,582 2,605 4,235 2,093 2,142 807 442 365 145 47 98
13 4,987 2,388 2,599 3,978 1,917 2,061 847 407 440 162 64 98
14 5,329 2,389 2,940 4,065 1,842 2,223 975 466 509 289 81 208
15 5,381 2,498 2,883 3,857 1,890 1,967 1,256 532 724 268 76 192
16 5,695 2,495 3,200 4,086 1,853 2,233 1,260 559 701 349 83 266
17 5,397 2,507 2,890 3,450 1,658 1,792 1,610 733 877 337 116 221
18 9,881 4,279 5,602 5,630 2,641 2,989 3,551 1,436 2,115 700 202 498
19 5,368 2,310 3,058 2,790 1,274 1,516 2,216 923 1,293 362 113 249
20 10,044 4,358 5,686 4,078 2,160 1,918 4,981 1,978 3,003 985 220 765
21 4,228 1,880 2,348 1,718 902 816 2,206 889 1,317 304 89 215
22 7,632 3,731 3,901 2,707 1,503 1,204 4,236 2,023 2,213 689 205 484
23 5,278 2,747 2,531 1,670 1,071 599 3,178 1,528 1,650 430 148 282
24 5,127 2,640 2,487 1,588 898 690 3,086 1,600 1,486 453 142 311
25 7,729 3,515 4,214 1,752 988 764 4,644 2,211 2,433 1,333 316 1,017
26 3,882 1,964 1,918 958 555 403 2,441 1,292 1,149 483 117 366
27 3,715 1,808 1,907 702 433 269 2,417 1,281 1,136 596 94 502
28 5,376 2,871 2,505 991 631 360 3,473 1,971 1,502 912 269 643
29 1,962 1,022 940 420 245 175 1,292 707 585 250 70 180
30+ 59,801 29,716 30,085 5,929 3,821 2,108 30,953 19,718 11,235 22,919 6,177 16,742

Table 5.3 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
-------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------

Geographical Area Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
TIGRAY REGION 3,686,232 1,806,261 1,879,971 969,296 517,673 451,623 691,185 421,976 269,209 2,025,751 866,612 1,159,139
TIGRAY REGION-URBAN 740,129 346,012 394,117 290,636 149,857 140,779 250,515 135,272 115,243 198,978 60,883 138,095
TIGRAY REGION-RURAL 2,946,105 1,460,250 1,485,855 678,661 367,816 310,845 440,670 286,704 153,966 1,826,774 805,730 1,021,044
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 618,674 308,428 310,246 121,072 63,781 57,291 108,145 67,977 40,168 389,457 176,670 212,787
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY-URBAN 92,810 42,056 50,754 31,865 16,170 15,695 31,825 17,403 14,422 29,120 8,483 20,637
NORTH WESTERN TIGRAY-RURAL 525,864 266,372 259,492 89,207 47,611 41,596 76,320 50,574 25,746 360,337 168,187 192,150
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA 73,755 37,535 36,220 9,931 5,217 4,714 15,517 9,913 5,604 48,307 22,405 25,902
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA-URBAN 5,337 2,271 3,066 802 471 331 2,498 1,313 1,185 2,037 487 1,550
TAHTAY ADIYABO WEREDA-RURAL 68,418 35,264 33,154 9,129 4,746 4,383 13,019 8,600 4,419 46,270 21,918 24,352
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA 94,675 47,023 47,652 17,084 9,250 7,834 13,102 8,353 4,749 64,489 29,420 35,069
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA-URBAN 6,722 2,842 3,880 2,588 1,390 1,198 1,331 661 670 2,803 791 2,012
LAELAY ADIYABO WEREDA-RURAL 87,955 44,182 43,773 14,497 7,861 6,636 11,771 7,692 4,079 61,687 28,629 33,058
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA 106,696 52,579 54,117 22,279 11,854 10,425 17,975 11,927 6,048 66,442 28,798 37,644
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA-URBAN 9,086 3,951 5,135 3,032 1,492 1,540 3,163 1,670 1,493 2,891 789 2,102
MEDEBAY ZANA WEREDA-RURAL 97,612 48,629 48,983 19,247 10,362 8,885 14,813 10,258 4,555 63,552 28,009 35,543
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA 59,172 29,550 29,622 14,631 7,292 7,339 10,551 6,570 3,981 33,990 15,688 18,302
TAHTAY KORARO WEREDA-RURAL 59,172 29,550 29,622 14,631 7,292 7,339 10,551 6,570 3,981 33,990 15,688 18,302
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA 113,142 57,828 55,314 18,162 9,044 9,118 16,941 10,832 6,109 78,039 37,952 40,087
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA-URBAN 8,544 3,861 4,683 3,220 1,606 1,614 2,120 1,263 857 3,204 992 2,212
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA WEREDA-RURAL 104,595 53,965 50,630 14,941 7,438 7,503 14,820 9,568 5,252 74,834 36,959 37,875
TSELEMTI WEREDA 115,563 58,215 57,348 19,396 11,280 8,116 13,342 9,026 4,316 82,825 37,909 44,916
TSELEMTI WEREDA-URBAN 7,451 3,433 4,018 2,633 1,367 1,266 1,996 1,140 856 2,822 926 1,896
TSELEMTI WEREDA-RURAL 108,111 54,781 53,330 16,763 9,913 6,850 11,345 7,885 3,460 80,003 36,983 43,020
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA 41,141 18,847 22,294 14,754 7,341 7,413 16,077 8,656 7,421 10,310 2,850 7,460
SHERE ENDASILASIE/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 41,141 18,847 22,294 14,754 7,341 7,413 16,077 8,656 7,421 10,310 2,850 7,460
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA 14,530 6,851 7,679 4,836 2,503 2,333 4,641 2,700 1,941 5,053 1,648 3,405
SHIRARO/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 14,530 6,851 7,679 4,836 2,503 2,333 4,641 2,700 1,941 5,053 1,648 3,405
CENTRAL TIGRAY ZONE 1,064,658 521,834 542,824 287,955 153,113 134,842 206,135 128,249 77,886 570,568 240,472 330,096
CENTRAL TIGRAY-URBAN 152,759 69,835 82,924 63,062 32,209 30,853 51,935 26,975 24,960 37,762 10,651 27,111
CENTRAL TIGRAY-RURAL 911,899 451,999 459,900 224,893 120,904 103,989 154,200 101,274 52,926 532,806 229,821 302,985
MEREB LEHE WEREDA 90,779 45,109 45,670 18,162 10,218 7,944 14,499 9,603 4,896 58,118 25,288 32,830
MEREB LEHE WEREDA-URBAN 6,778 3,054 3,724 3,064 1,591 1,473 1,833 985 848 1,881 478 1,403
MEREB LEHE WEREDA-RURAL 84,001 42,055 41,946 15,098 8,627 6,471 12,666 8,618 4,048 56,237 24,810 31,427
AHIFEROM WEREDA 148,055 71,044 77,011 46,243 24,947 21,296 33,427 20,331 13,096 68,385 25,766 42,619
AHIFEROM WEREDA-URBAN 19,662 9,024 10,638 8,434 4,451 3,983 5,832 2,989 2,843 5,396 1,584 3,812
AHIFEROM WEREDA-RURAL 128,393 62,020 66,373 37,810 20,497 17,313 27,595 17,342 10,253 62,988 24,181 38,807
WERE LEHE WEREDA 124,134 60,545 63,589 39,192 20,600 18,592 25,010 15,537 9,473 59,932 24,408 35,524
WERE LEHE WEREDA-URBAN 13,854 6,242 7,612 6,204 3,184 3,020 4,075 2,093 1,982 3,575 965 2,610
WERE LEHE WEREDA-RURAL 110,280 54,303 55,977 32,988 17,416 15,572 20,935 13,444 7,491 56,357 23,443 32,914
ADWA WEREDA 86,106 42,584 43,522 27,595 14,252 13,343 17,969 11,314 6,655 40,542 17,018 23,524
ADWA WEREDA-RURAL 86,106 42,584 43,522 27,595 14,252 13,343 17,969 11,314 6,655 40,542 17,018 23,524

Table 5.3 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
-------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------

Geographical Area Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 63,082 31,272 31,810 20,716 10,891 9,825 12,290 7,846 4,444 30,076 12,535 17,541
LAELAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-RURAL 63,082 31,272 31,810 20,716 10,891 9,825 12,290 7,846 4,444 30,076 12,535 17,541
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA 85,548 41,745 43,803 23,400 12,536 10,864 15,909 10,312 5,597 46,239 18,897 27,342
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-URBAN 9,442 4,342 5,100 2,875 1,502 1,373 3,124 1,820 1,304 3,443 1,020 2,423
TAHTAY MAYCHEW WEREDA-RURAL 76,108 37,405 38,703 20,526 11,035 9,491 12,786 8,493 4,293 42,796 17,877 24,919
NADER ADET WEREDA 89,996 44,417 45,579 16,688 9,052 7,636 13,878 9,081 4,797 59,430 26,284 33,146
NADER ADET WEREDA-URBAN 1,539 753 786 527 250 277 508 297 211 504 206 298
NADER ADET WEREDA-RURAL 88,458 43,664 44,794 16,162 8,802 7,360 13,370 8,784 4,586 58,926 26,078 32,848
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA 113,683 56,516 57,167 22,799 12,688 10,111 14,578 10,333 4,245 76,306 33,495 42,811
KOLA TEMBEN WEREDA-RURAL 113,683 56,516 57,167 22,799 12,688 10,111 14,578 10,333 4,245 76,306 33,495 42,811
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA 96,466 48,322 48,144 21,289 11,133 10,156 13,625 8,926 4,699 61,552 28,263 33,289
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA-URBAN 6,253 2,826 3,427 2,545 1,285 1,260 1,909 1,090 819 1,799 451 1,348
DEGUA TEMBEN WEREDA-RURAL 90,212 45,495 44,717 18,744 9,848 8,896 11,715 7,835 3,880 59,753 27,812 31,941
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA 77,395 39,456 37,939 14,446 7,905 6,541 11,573 8,041 3,532 51,376 23,510 27,866
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA-URBAN 5,818 2,771 3,047 1,989 1,056 933 1,279 777 502 2,550 938 1,612
TANQUA ABERGELE WEREDA-RURAL 71,577 36,685 34,892 12,457 6,849 5,608 10,294 7,264 3,030 48,826 22,572 26,254
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 14,182 6,820 7,362 6,808 3,677 3,131 3,928 2,161 1,767 3,446 982 2,464
ABI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 14,182 6,820 7,362 6,808 3,677 3,131 3,928 2,161 1,767 3,446 982 2,464
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA 35,795 15,915 19,880 14,152 6,964 7,188 15,122 7,296 7,826 6,521 1,655 4,866
ADWA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 35,795 15,915 19,880 14,152 6,964 7,188 15,122 7,296 7,826 6,521 1,655 4,866
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA 39,436 18,089 21,347 16,466 8,250 8,216 14,324 7,467 6,857 8,646 2,372 6,274
AXUM/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 39,436 18,089 21,347 16,466 8,250 8,216 14,324 7,467 6,857 8,646 2,372 6,274
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 650,382 306,129 344,253 239,967 126,640 113,327 122,020 72,240 49,780 288,395 107,249 181,146
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 126,554 56,353 70,201 57,123 28,996 28,127 37,615 18,816 18,799 31,816 8,541 23,275
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 523,824 249,775 274,049 182,843 97,644 85,199 84,404 53,424 30,980 256,577 98,707 157,870
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA 72,749 34,666 38,083 28,688 15,170 13,518 14,154 8,790 5,364 29,907 10,706 19,201
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA-URBAN 8,390 3,657 4,733 4,077 2,013 2,064 1,983 1,045 938 2,330 599 1,731
GULO MEHEDA WEREDA-RURAL 64,359 31,008 33,351 24,611 13,157 11,454 12,172 7,745 4,427 27,576 10,106 17,470
EROB WEREDA 21,714 10,455 11,259 7,931 4,278 3,653 3,678 2,089 1,589 10,105 4,088 6,017
EROB WEREDA-URBAN 1,794 862 932 1,049 564 485 368 159 209 377 139 238
EROB WEREDA-RURAL 19,920 9,592 10,328 6,883 3,714 3,169 3,310 1,930 1,380 9,727 3,948 5,779
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA 119,050 55,519 63,531 43,764 23,229 20,535 20,212 12,613 7,599 55,074 19,677 35,397
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA-URBAN 16,091 6,926 9,165 6,840 3,444 3,396 4,805 2,382 2,423 4,446 1,100 3,346
SAESI TSADAMBA WEREDA-RURAL 102,959 48,593 54,366 36,924 19,785 17,139 15,407 10,231 5,176 50,628 18,577 32,051
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA 77,858 36,700 41,158 32,591 16,839 15,752 13,519 8,390 5,129 31,748 11,471 20,277
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA-URBAN 3,128 1,405 1,723 1,344 662 682 881 466 415 903 277 626
GANTA AFESHUM WEREDA-RURAL 74,730 35,295 39,435 31,247 16,177 15,070 12,638 7,924 4,714 30,845 11,194 19,651
HAWZEN WEREDA 101,446 48,027 53,419 37,837 19,812 18,025 16,885 10,507 6,378 46,724 17,708 29,016
HAWZEN WEREDA-URBAN 6,459 3,009 3,450 3,225 1,686 1,539 1,507 784 723 1,727 539 1,188
HAWZEN WEREDA-RURAL 94,986 45,017 49,969 34,610 18,125 16,485 15,378 9,723 5,655 44,998 17,169 27,829
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA 84,730 41,057 43,673 25,500 13,584 11,916 15,281 9,016 6,265 43,949 18,457 25,492

Table 5.3 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
-------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------

Geographical Area Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA-URBAN 4,068 1,771 2,297 1,418 743 675 1,248 613 635 1,402 415 987
KILTE AWLALO WEREDA-RURAL 80,662 39,286 41,376 24,081 12,841 11,240 14,032 8,402 5,630 42,549 18,043 24,506
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA 95,463 45,034 50,429 28,317 15,773 12,544 13,440 8,632 4,808 53,706 20,629 33,077
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA-URBAN 9,256 4,053 5,203 3,831 1,929 1,902 1,974 1,165 809 3,451 959 2,492
ATSBI WONBERTA WEREDA-RURAL 86,206 40,981 45,225 24,486 13,844 10,642 11,465 7,467 3,998 50,255 19,670 30,585
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA 50,672 22,400 28,272 23,134 11,675 11,459 16,465 7,828 8,637 11,073 2,897 8,176
ADIGRAT/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 50,672 22,400 28,272 23,134 11,675 11,459 16,465 7,828 8,637 11,073 2,897 8,176
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA 26,698 12,270 14,428 12,205 6,280 5,925 8,385 4,374 4,011 6,108 1,616 4,492
WUKRO/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 26,698 12,270 14,428 12,205 6,280 5,925 8,385 4,374 4,011 6,108 1,616 4,492
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE 860,584 423,429 437,155 194,139 106,212 87,927 117,049 73,099 43,950 549,396 244,118 305,278
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 112,156 52,451 59,705 47,134 25,159 21,975 27,518 15,408 12,110 37,504 11,884 25,620
SOUTHERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 748,428 370,978 377,450 147,005 81,053 65,952 89,531 57,691 31,840 511,892 232,234 279,658
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA 105,778 52,645 53,133 20,743 10,959 9,784 13,543 9,061 4,482 71,492 32,625 38,867
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA-URBAN 7,949 3,669 4,280 3,368 1,774 1,594 1,753 981 772 2,828 914 1,914
SEHARTI SAMRE WEREDA-RURAL 97,831 48,977 48,854 17,376 9,185 8,191 11,790 8,080 3,710 68,665 31,712 36,953
ENDERTA WEREDA 96,520 48,430 48,090 23,561 12,317 11,244 13,435 7,695 5,740 59,524 28,418 31,106
ENDERTA WEREDA-RURAL 96,520 48,430 48,090 23,561 12,317 11,244 13,435 7,695 5,740 59,524 28,418 31,106
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA 130,454 64,165 66,289 26,744 14,593 12,151 17,309 10,882 6,427 86,401 38,690 47,711
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA-URBAN 10,530 4,913 5,617 4,206 2,229 1,977 2,567 1,429 1,138 3,757 1,255 2,502
HINTALO WAJIRAT WEREDA-RURAL 119,922 59,250 60,672 22,537 12,363 10,174 14,742 9,453 5,289 82,643 37,434 45,209
ALAJE WEREDA 92,800 45,357 47,443 21,096 11,739 9,357 15,311 9,904 5,407 56,393 23,714 32,679
ALAJE WEREDA-URBAN 6,747 3,272 3,475 2,436 1,357 1,079 1,842 1,043 799 2,469 872 1,597
ALAJE WEREDA-RURAL 86,053 42,085 43,968 18,660 10,382 8,278 13,469 8,861 4,608 53,924 22,842 31,082
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA 72,484 35,806 36,678 13,913 7,576 6,337 9,004 5,875 3,129 49,567 22,355 27,212
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA-URBAN 2,614 1,111 1,503 945 504 441 361 222 139 1,308 385 923
ENDAMEHONI WEREDA-RURAL 69,868 34,694 35,174 12,968 7,072 5,896 8,641 5,652 2,989 48,259 21,970 26,289
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA 114,858 56,941 57,917 18,762 10,179 8,583 14,453 8,756 5,697 81,643 38,006 43,637
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA-URBAN 14,010 6,553 7,457 4,799 2,546 2,253 3,653 2,141 1,512 5,558 1,866 3,692
RAYA AZEBO WEREDA-RURAL 100,847 50,388 50,459 13,962 7,633 6,329 10,800 6,615 4,185 76,085 36,140 39,945
ALAMATA WEREDA 72,836 36,108 36,728 15,763 8,972 6,791 8,324 5,392 2,932 48,749 21,744 27,005
ALAMATA WEREDA-URBAN 3,984 1,866 2,118 1,175 621 554 978 592 386 1,831 653 1,178
ALAMATA WEREDA-RURAL 68,854 34,242 34,612 14,589 8,351 6,238 7,347 4,800 2,547 46,918 21,091 25,827
OFLA WEREDA 108,534 52,912 55,622 23,355 13,751 9,604 9,306 6,534 2,772 75,873 32,627 43,246
OFLA WEREDA-RURAL 108,534 52,912 55,622 23,355 13,751 9,604 9,306 6,534 2,772 75,873 32,627 43,246
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA 21,234 9,901 11,333 9,457 4,938 4,519 6,692 3,517 3,175 5,085 1,446 3,639
MAYCHEW/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 21,234 9,901 11,333 9,457 4,938 4,519 6,692 3,517 3,175 5,085 1,446 3,639
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA 15,201 6,714 8,487 7,618 3,951 3,667 3,015 1,596 1,419 4,568 1,167 3,401
KOREM/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 15,201 6,714 8,487 7,618 3,951 3,667 3,015 1,596 1,419 4,568 1,167 3,401
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA 29,888 14,452 15,436 13,130 7,238 5,892 6,658 3,888 2,770 10,100 3,326 6,774
ALAMATA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 29,888 14,452 15,436 13,130 7,238 5,892 6,658 3,888 2,770 10,100 3,326 6,774
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE 298,419 152,925 145,494 49,375 28,423 20,952 58,222 37,549 20,673 190,822 86,953 103,869

Table 5.3 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended
-------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------

Geographical Area Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE-URBAN 62,331 31,800 30,531 14,664 7,820 6,844 22,007 13,808 8,199 25,660 10,172 15,488
WESTERN TIGRAY ZONE-RURAL 236,088 121,125 114,963 34,712 20,604 14,108 36,215 23,741 12,474 165,161 76,780 88,381
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA 76,997 40,150 36,847 14,001 7,530 6,471 21,721 13,937 7,784 41,275 18,683 22,592
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA-URBAN 26,104 13,363 12,741 6,121 3,278 2,843 7,632 4,889 2,743 12,351 5,196 7,155
KAFTA HUMERA WEREDA-RURAL 50,892 26,787 24,105 7,879 4,251 3,628 14,088 9,048 5,040 28,925 13,488 15,437
WELKAYIT WEREDA 115,405 58,590 56,815 17,199 10,332 6,867 13,572 9,088 4,484 84,634 39,170 45,464
WELKAYIT WEREDA-URBAN 9,059 4,371 4,688 2,592 1,356 1,236 1,980 1,343 637 4,487 1,672 2,815
WELKAYIT WEREDA-RURAL 106,345 54,219 52,126 14,607 8,976 5,631 11,591 7,745 3,846 80,147 37,498 42,649
TSEGEDE WEREDA 86,622 43,917 42,705 13,915 8,268 5,647 13,094 8,494 4,600 59,613 27,155 32,458
TSEGEDE WEREDA-URBAN 7,772 3,798 3,974 1,688 891 797 2,560 1,547 1,013 3,524 1,360 2,164
TSEGEDE WEREDA-RURAL 78,852 40,120 38,732 12,227 7,377 4,850 10,535 6,948 3,587 56,090 25,795 30,295
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA 19,397 10,268 9,129 4,262 2,294 1,968 9,836 6,030 3,806 5,299 1,944 3,355
HUMERA/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 19,397 10,268 9,129 4,262 2,294 1,968 9,836 6,030 3,806 5,299 1,944 3,355
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE 193,516 93,517 99,999 76,789 39,504 37,285 79,612 42,861 36,751 37,115 11,152 25,963
MEKELE SPECIAL ZONE-URBAN 193,516 93,517 99,999 76,789 39,504 37,285 79,612 42,861 36,751 37,115 11,152 25,963
DEBUB WEREDA 83,259 39,679 43,580 34,182 17,619 16,563 34,858 18,382 16,476 14,219 3,678 10,541
DEBUB WEREDA-URBAN 83,259 39,679 43,580 34,182 17,619 16,563 34,858 18,382 16,476 14,219 3,678 10,541
SEMEN WEREDA 110,256 53,839 56,417 42,606 21,885 20,721 44,755 24,480 20,275 22,895 7,474 15,421
SEMEN WEREDA-URBAN 110,256 53,839 56,417 42,606 21,885 20,721 44,755 24,480 20,275 22,895 7,474 15,421

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 969,300 22,252 774,579 88,003 50,233 34,233

5 15,028 14,755 - - - 273
6 18,242 7,497 10,557 - - 188
7 39,321 - 39,145 - - 176
8 51,783 - 51,659 - - 124
9 66,774 - 66,546 - - 228
10 83,983 - 83,620 - - 363
11 61,459 - 61,227 - - 232
12 80,485 - 80,006 - - 479
13 71,945 - 71,376 - - 569
14 63,012 - 61,262 1,214 - 536
15 59,340 - 53,439 5,029 - 872
16 53,652 - 43,658 8,487 818 689
17 39,649 - 27,605 9,152 2,158 734
18 56,839 - 33,921 16,236 5,710 972
19 29,468 - 15,406 9,098 4,420 544
20 36,829 - 17,945 11,267 6,606 1,011
21 13,117 - 5,870 3,874 2,881 492
22 19,737 - 9,009 5,701 4,216 811
23 11,156 - 4,391 3,193 3,010 562
24 9,725 - 3,990 2,334 2,890 511
25 12,015 - 5,171 3,153 2,881 810
26 6,025 - 2,464 1,390 1,781 390
27 5,368 - 2,115 1,219 1,528 506
28 6,927 - 2,921 1,340 1,932 734
29 2,697 - 1,051 474 863 309
30+ 54,724 - 20,225 4,842 8,539 21,118

Male 517,674 10,920 395,594 49,361 30,881 30,918

5 7,391 7,225 - - - 166
6 8,991 3,695 5,159 - - 137
7 18,559 - 18,451 - - 108
8 25,399 - 25,303 - - 96
9 31,880 - 31,703 - - 177
10 40,474 - 40,181 - - 293
11 29,742 - 29,540 - - 202
12 40,011 - 39,585 - - 426
13 34,883 - 34,418 - - 465
14 31,544 - 30,391 687 - 466
15 30,439 - 27,135 2,519 - 785
16 27,758 - 22,431 4,363 361 603
17 21,134 - 14,717 4,619 1,111 687
18 29,790 - 18,094 8,001 2,776 919
19 16,264 - 8,646 4,903 2,217 498
20 21,978 - 10,699 6,493 3,841 945
21 8,087 - 3,673 2,294 1,672 448
22 12,938 - 5,902 3,572 2,727 737
23 7,735 - 3,058 2,105 2,042 530
24 6,639 - 2,805 1,408 1,982 444
25 8,044 - 3,389 1,995 1,952 708
26 4,122 - 1,635 925 1,199 363
27 3,628 - 1,318 808 1,044 458
28 4,824 - 1,903 907 1,333 681
29 1,934 - 750 325 590 269
30+ 43,486 - 14,708 3,437 6,034 19,307

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Female 451,626 11,332 378,985 38,642 19,352 3,315

5 7,637 7,530 - - - 107
6 9,251 3,802 5,398 - - 51
7 20,762 - 20,694 - - 68
8 26,384 - 26,356 - - 28
9 34,894 - 34,843 - - 51
10 43,509 - 43,439 - - 70
11 31,717 - 31,687 - - 30
12 40,474 - 40,421 - - 53
13 37,062 - 36,958 - - 104
14 31,468 - 30,871 527 - 70
15 28,901 - 26,304 2,510 - 87
16 25,894 - 21,227 4,124 457 86
17 18,515 - 12,888 4,533 1,047 47
18 27,049 - 15,827 8,235 2,934 53
19 13,204 - 6,760 4,195 2,203 46
20 14,851 - 7,246 4,774 2,765 66
21 5,030 - 2,197 1,580 1,209 44
22 6,799 - 3,107 2,129 1,489 74
23 3,421 - 1,333 1,088 968 32
24 3,086 - 1,185 926 908 67
25 3,971 - 1,782 1,158 929 102
26 1,903 - 829 465 582 27
27 1,740 - 797 411 484 48
28 2,103 - 1,018 433 599 53
29 763 - 301 149 273 40
30+ 11,238 - 5,517 1,405 2,505 1,811

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 290,637 9,517 186,415 53,137 38,471 3,097

5 6,000 5,933 - - - 67
6 7,001 3,584 3,383 - - 34
7 12,657 - 12,646 - - 11
8 14,429 - 14,423 - - 6
9 16,560 - 16,554 - - 6
10 20,018 - 20,018 - - -
11 14,667 - 14,662 - - 5
12 19,013 - 18,984 - - 29
13 17,061 - 17,049 - - 12
14 16,666 - 15,686 974 - 6
15 15,568 - 11,536 4,001 - 31
16 17,239 - 9,761 6,670 749 59
17 13,942 - 5,286 6,647 1,969 40
18 21,975 - 6,313 10,539 5,036 87
19 11,641 - 2,589 5,233 3,779 40
20 14,328 - 3,253 5,960 5,038 77
21 4,872 - 1,005 1,837 1,977 53
22 7,259 - 1,685 2,618 2,888 68
23 4,363 - 981 1,442 1,916 24
24 3,702 - 840 1,115 1,690 57
25 4,802 - 1,317 1,486 1,886 113
26 2,454 - 601 578 1,253 22
27 2,067 - 541 593 927 6
28 2,819 - 825 548 1,406 40
29 1,213 - 322 223 637 31
30+ 18,321 - 6,155 2,673 7,320 2,173

Male 149,859 4,629 91,677 28,448 22,866 2,239

5 2,828 2,805 - - - 23
6 3,549 1,824 1,702 - - 23
7 6,186 - 6,175 - - 11
8 7,062 - 7,056 - - 6
9 8,354 - 8,354 - - -
10 9,679 - 9,679 - - -
11 7,315 - 7,310 - - 5
12 9,508 - 9,479 - - 29
13 8,359 - 8,347 - - 12
14 8,177 - 7,577 594 - 6
15 7,489 - 5,479 1,985 - 25
16 8,354 - 4,562 3,407 332 53
17 6,703 - 2,338 3,322 1,003 40
18 10,468 - 2,803 5,138 2,452 75
19 5,764 - 1,052 2,806 1,871 35
20 7,938 - 1,559 3,409 2,893 77
21 2,723 - 471 1,060 1,144 48
22 4,114 - 741 1,489 1,845 39
23 2,721 - 555 878 1,264 24
24 2,165 - 491 551 1,083 40
25 2,830 - 730 816 1,219 65
26 1,486 - 302 335 827 22
27 1,213 - 274 359 574 6
28 1,738 - 472 322 910 34
29 764 - 201 140 405 18
30+ 12,372 - 3,968 1,837 5,044 1,523

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Female 140,778 4,888 94,738 24,689 15,605 858

5 3,172 3,128 - - - 44
6 3,452 1,760 1,681 - - 11
7 6,471 - 6,471 - - -
8 7,367 - 7,367 - - -
9 8,206 - 8,200 - - 6
10 10,339 - 10,339 - - -
11 7,352 - 7,352 - - -
12 9,505 - 9,505 - - -
13 8,702 - 8,702 - - -
14 8,489 - 8,109 380 - -
15 8,079 - 6,057 2,016 - 6
16 8,885 - 5,199 3,263 417 6
17 7,239 - 2,948 3,325 966 -
18 11,507 - 3,510 5,401 2,584 12
19 5,877 - 1,537 2,427 1,908 5
20 6,390 - 1,694 2,551 2,145 -
21 2,149 - 534 777 833 5
22 3,145 - 944 1,129 1,043 29
23 1,642 - 426 564 652 -
24 1,537 - 349 564 607 17
25 1,972 - 587 670 667 48
26 968 - 299 243 426 -
27 854 - 267 234 353 -
28 1,081 - 353 226 496 6
29 449 - 121 83 232 13
30+ 5,949 - 2,187 836 2,276 650

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 678,665 12,734 588,163 34,869 11,760 31,139

5 9,027 8,821 - - - 206
6 11,241 3,913 7,174 - - 154
7 26,664 - 26,499 - - 165
8 37,355 - 37,236 - - 119
9 50,215 - 49,993 - - 222
10 63,965 - 63,602 - - 363
11 46,792 - 46,565 - - 227
12 61,472 - 61,022 - - 450
13 54,885 - 54,327 - - 558
14 46,346 - 45,576 240 - 530
15 43,771 - 41,903 1,027 - 841
16 36,413 - 33,897 1,817 69 630
17 25,706 - 22,318 2,505 188 695
18 34,865 - 27,607 5,698 674 886
19 17,828 - 12,818 3,865 641 504
20 22,500 - 14,692 5,307 1,567 934
21 8,245 - 4,865 2,038 904 438
22 12,478 - 7,324 3,083 1,328 743
23 6,792 - 3,410 1,751 1,093 538
24 6,023 - 3,150 1,219 1,199 455
25 7,213 - 3,854 1,667 995 697
26 3,570 - 1,862 812 528 368
27 3,303 - 1,574 628 601 500
28 4,108 - 2,096 792 526 694
29 1,485 - 729 251 227 278
30+ 36,403 - 14,070 2,169 1,220 18,944

Male 367,815 6,290 303,917 20,914 8,013 28,681

5 4,562 4,419 - - - 143
6 5,442 1,871 3,457 - - 114
7 12,373 - 12,276 - - 97
8 18,337 - 18,246 - - 91
9 23,527 - 23,350 - - 177
10 30,796 - 30,503 - - 293
11 22,427 - 22,230 - - 197
12 30,503 - 30,106 - - 397
13 26,525 - 26,071 - - 454
14 23,367 - 22,814 93 - 460
15 22,949 - 21,656 533 - 760
16 19,405 - 17,869 957 29 550
17 14,430 - 12,378 1,297 107 648
18 19,323 - 15,291 2,863 324 845
19 10,500 - 7,594 2,097 346 463
20 14,041 - 9,141 3,084 948 868
21 5,364 - 3,202 1,234 528 400
22 8,824 - 5,161 2,083 882 698
23 5,013 - 2,503 1,227 777 506
24 4,473 - 2,314 857 898 404
25 5,214 - 2,659 1,179 733 643
26 2,636 - 1,333 590 372 341
27 2,415 - 1,043 450 470 452
28 3,085 - 1,431 585 423 646
29 1,170 - 549 185 185 251
30+ 31,114 - 10,740 1,600 991 17,783

Table 5.4 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School by Level,
Sex,and Single Year Age to 30+: 2007
Level of School

Sex and Age All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Female 310,850 6,444 284,246 13,955 3,747 2,458

5 4,465 4,402 - - - 63
6 5,799 2,042 3,717 - - 40
7 14,291 - 14,223 - - 68
8 19,018 - 18,990 - - 28
9 26,688 - 26,643 - - 45
10 33,169 - 33,099 - - 70
11 24,365 - 24,335 - - 30
12 30,969 - 30,916 - - 53
13 28,360 - 28,256 - - 104
14 22,979 - 22,762 147 - 70
15 20,822 - 20,247 494 - 81
16 17,008 - 16,028 860 40 80
17 11,276 - 9,940 1,208 81 47
18 15,542 - 12,316 2,835 350 41
19 7,328 - 5,224 1,768 295 41
20 8,459 - 5,551 2,223 619 66
21 2,881 - 1,663 804 376 38
22 3,654 - 2,163 1,000 446 45
23 1,779 - 907 524 316 32
24 1,550 - 836 362 301 51
25 1,999 - 1,195 488 262 54
26 934 - 529 222 156 27
27 888 - 531 178 131 48
28 1,023 - 665 207 103 48
29 315 - 180 66 42 27
30+ 5,289 - 3,330 569 229 1,161

Table 5.5 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School
by Level and Sex: 2007
Level of School

Sex All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 969,296 22,251 774,579 88,003 50,232 34,231

Male 517,673 10,919 395,595 49,360 30,881 30,918
Female 451,623 11,332 378,984 38,643 19,351 3,313

Both Sexes 290,637 9,517 186,417 53,137 38,471 3,095

Male 149,858 4,629 91,678 28,447 22,866 2,238
Female 140,779 4,888 94,739 24,690 15,605 857

Both Sexes 678,661 12,735 588,162 34,867 11,761 31,136

Male 367,816 6,291 303,917 20,914 8,015 28,679
Female 310,845 6,444 284,245 13,953 3,746 2,457

Both Sexes 121,073 2,323 100,294 8,956 4,068 5,432

Male 63,782 1,156 50,291 4,770 2,504 5,061
Female 57,291 1,167 50,003 4,186 1,564 371

Both Sexes 31,864 1,068 22,855 4,926 2,733 282

Male 16,169 550 11,177 2,559 1,658 225
Female 15,695 518 11,678 2,367 1,075 57

Both Sexes 89,206 1,255 77,438 4,028 1,335 5,150

Male 47,611 606 39,113 2,210 846 4,836
Female 41,595 649 38,325 1,818 489 314

Both Sexes 287,956 6,167 233,472 26,672 11,476 10,169

Male 153,113 2,986 119,163 14,734 7,029 9,201
Female 134,843 3,181 114,309 11,938 4,447 968

Both Sexes 63,063 1,984 39,705 13,343 7,494 537

Male 32,209 970 19,516 7,058 4,282 383
Female 30,854 1,014 20,189 6,285 3,212 154

Both Sexes 224,893 4,183 193,767 13,328 3,982 9,633

Male 120,904 2,016 99,647 7,675 2,747 8,819
Female 103,989 2,167 94,120 5,653 1,235 814

Both Sexes 239,968 6,133 196,293 21,262 10,329 5,951

Male 126,641 3,106 99,659 12,108 6,426 5,342
Female 113,327 3,027 96,634 9,154 3,903 609

Both Sexes 57,124 1,972 36,474 11,323 6,913 442

Male 28,996 944 17,651 5,945 4,136 320
Female 28,128 1,028 18,823 5,378 2,777 122

Table 5.5 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over Attending School
by Level and Sex: 2007
Level of School

Sex All Attending Pre-School Grade 1-8 Grade 9-10 Above Grade 10 Non-Regular


Both Sexes 182,843 4,159 159,820 9,939 3,416 5,509

Male 97,644 2,161 82,009 6,163 2,289 5,022
Female 85,199 1,998 77,811 3,776 1,127 487

Both Sexes 194,139 3,160 157,140 16,565 8,064 9,210

Male 106,212 1,428 81,308 9,976 5,124 8,376
Female 87,927 1,732 75,832 6,589 2,940 834

Both Sexes 47,135 958 30,033 10,030 5,537 577

Male 25,159 409 15,216 5,743 3,364 427
Female 21,976 549 14,817 4,287 2,173 150

Both Sexes 147,004 2,202 127,107 6,535 2,527 8,633

Male 81,053 1,019 66,092 4,233 1,760 7,949
Female 65,951 1,183 61,015 2,302 767 684

Both Sexes 49,375 1,350 41,677 2,477 1,405 2,466

Male 28,424 687 22,945 1,503 1,029 2,260
Female 20,951 663 18,732 974 376 206

Both Sexes 14,663 417 11,647 1,441 904 254

Male 7,820 199 5,888 871 656 206
Female 6,843 218 5,759 570 248 48

Both Sexes 34,714 934 30,030 1,036 502 2,212

Male 20,604 488 17,057 632 373 2,054
Female 14,110 446 12,973 404 129 158

Both Sexes 76,788 3,119 45,703 12,072 14,890 1,004

Male 39,504 1,557 22,229 6,270 8,770 678
Female 37,284 1,562 23,474 5,802 6,120 326

Both Sexes 76,788 3,119 45,703 12,072 14,890 1,004

Male 39,504 1,557 22,229 6,270 8,770 678
Female 37,284 1,562 23,474 5,802 6,120 326

Table 5.6 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Over by Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and Highest
Grade Completed: 2007
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------
Region and Highest
Grade Completed Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 5+ 1,660,479 939,648 720,831 541,151 285,129 256,022 1,119,328 654,519 464,809
Pre-School 156,294 83,382 72,912 34,731 16,973 17,758 121,563 66,409 55,154
Primary 1,221,360 670,256 551,104 341,519 171,992 169,527 879,841 498,264 381,577
Grade 1 179,803 97,762 82,041 27,460 13,540 13,920 152,343 84,222 68,121
Grade 2 213,832 119,255 94,577 35,517 17,178 18,339 178,315 102,077 76,238
Grade 3 210,490 117,465 93,025 45,483 22,576 22,907 165,007 94,889 70,118
Grade 4 166,490 92,426 74,064 45,343 22,836 22,507 121,147 69,590 51,557
Grade 5 136,379 74,495 61,884 44,615 23,198 21,417 91,764 51,297 40,467
Grade 6 120,692 65,333 55,359 45,223 23,262 21,961 75,469 42,071 33,398
Grade 7 111,909 58,500 53,409 50,855 25,058 25,797 61,054 33,442 27,612
Grade 8 81,765 45,020 36,745 47,023 24,344 22,679 34,742 20,676 14,066
Old Sysytem Secondary 143,545 82,524 61,021 98,685 53,915 44,770 44,860 28,609 16,251
Grade 9 53,014 30,682 22,332 33,006 18,070 14,936 20,008 12,612 7,396
Grade 10 58,204 32,256 25,948 38,595 19,981 18,614 19,609 12,275 7,334
Grade 11 10,004 6,628 3,376 8,036 5,204 2,832 1,968 1,424 544
Grade 12 22,323 12,958 9,365 19,048 10,660 8,388 3,275 2,298 977
Certificate 12,612 6,746 5,866 6,241 2,921 3,320 6,371 3,825 2,546
1+ Year in Diploma
Programe 6,809 4,503 2,306 4,852 3,006 1,846 1,957 1,497 460
1+ Year in 1st Degree
Program 4,178 2,859 1,319 3,789 2,564 1,225 389 295 94
Diploma 15,118 10,357 4,761 12,280 8,192 4,088 2,838 2,165 673
Bachelor's Degree 8,154 6,851 1,303 7,413 6,214 1,199 741 637 104
Post-Graduate Programe 314 275 39 247 219 28 67 56 11
Master's degree 1,712 1,316 396 1,433 1,088 345 279 228 51
Doctorate/PhD 948 684 264 785 560 225 163 124 39
New System Secondary 16,523 9,535 6,988 12,227 7,019 5,208 4,296 2,516 1,780
Grade 9 7,053 4,358 2,695 5,346 3,366 1,980 1,707 992 715
Grade 10 9,470 5,177 4,293 6,881 3,653 3,228 2,589 1,524 1,065
Preparatory 1st Year 2,619 1,622 997 2,115 1,281 834 504 341 163
Preparatory 2nd Year 1,530 952 578 1,063 641 422 467 311 156
10+1 Certificate 4,455 2,244 2,211 1,690 707 983 2,765 1,537 1,228
1+ Year in 10+2 821 464 357 625 344 281 196 120 76
Completet 10+2 Program 792 410 382 632 294 338 160 116 44
1st Year in 10+3 963 614 349 660 390 270 303 224 79
2nd Year in 10+3 1,436 915 521 988 587 401 448 328 120
Diploma(10+3) 2,901 1,927 974 1,864 1,157 707 1,037 770 267
Non-Regular 57,395 51,212 6,183 7,312 5,065 2,247 50,083 46,147 3,936

Table 5.7 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Highest Level of School
Completed, Sex, and Age: 2007
Level of School
New Old Secondary
Pre- Grades Grades Secondary Secondary (New or Non-
Sex and Age All Level School 1 - 4 5 - 8 System System Old) Regular


Both Sexes 1,660,478 156,294 770,614 450,745 16,522 143,546 65,361 57,396
5 - 9 229,009 103,442 124,066 - - - - 1,501
10 - 14 437,273 24,980 324,571 84,844 - - - 2,878
15 - 19 338,911 7,168 104,384 172,373 5,129 41,531 3,309 5,017
20 - 24 214,037 3,590 49,250 77,080 6,385 48,098 24,801 4,833
25 - 29 129,509 2,569 38,495 40,138 2,713 24,804 16,255 4,535
30 - 34 87,022 2,403 33,426 25,137 1,005 11,750 7,721 5,580
35 - 39 73,277 2,669 31,214 19,336 640 7,702 5,851 5,865
40 - 44 47,041 2,002 20,823 11,550 252 4,044 3,389 4,981
45 - 49 33,216 1,424 14,897 7,619 198 2,660 1,924 4,494
50 - 54 22,713 1,482 9,809 4,604 74 1,417 1,242 4,085
55 - 59 15,606 1,111 6,982 2,910 44 655 379 3,525
60 - 64 11,697 1,098 4,956 2,020 17 412 176 3,018
65 - 69 8,181 794 3,337 1,256 5 204 94 2,491
70 - 74 6,012 695 2,283 820 10 107 82 2,015
75+ 6,974 867 2,121 1,058 50 162 138 2,578

Male 939,648 83,382 426,908 243,348 9,534 82,526 42,738 51,212

5 - 9 111,249 51,211 58,981 - - - - 1,057
10 - 14 216,159 13,726 158,916 41,094 - - - 2,423
15 - 19 172,586 4,556 57,534 81,349 2,571 20,513 1,552 4,511
20 - 24 119,393 2,343 28,182 39,789 3,560 26,745 14,475 4,299
25 - 29 79,927 1,598 22,429 23,694 1,714 15,189 11,313 3,990
30 - 34 60,872 1,503 23,097 17,595 664 7,808 5,306 4,899
35 - 39 52,805 1,766 22,971 13,778 500 4,770 4,010 5,010
40 - 44 38,401 1,423 17,296 9,383 212 2,938 2,653 4,496
45 - 49 27,312 986 12,305 6,304 170 2,091 1,532 3,924
50 - 54 19,331 1,029 8,368 3,846 58 1,177 1,114 3,739
55 - 59 13,535 840 6,078 2,435 33 554 346 3,249
60 - 64 9,836 728 4,198 1,567 12 364 170 2,797
65 - 69 7,143 575 2,873 1,044 5 178 88 2,380
70 - 74 5,213 469 1,926 715 5 87 72 1,939
75+ 5,886 629 1,754 755 30 112 107 2,499

Female 720,830 72,912 343,706 207,397 6,988 61,020 22,623 6,184

5 - 9 117,760 52,231 65,085 - - - - 444
10 - 14 221,114 11,254 165,655 43,750 - - - 455
15 - 19 166,325 2,612 46,850 91,024 2,558 21,018 1,757 506
20 - 24 94,644 1,247 21,068 37,291 2,825 21,353 10,326 534
25 - 29 49,582 971 16,066 16,444 999 9,615 4,942 545
30 - 34 26,150 900 10,329 7,542 341 3,942 2,415 681
35 - 39 20,472 903 8,243 5,558 140 2,932 1,841 855
40 - 44 8,640 579 3,527 2,167 40 1,106 736 485
45 - 49 5,904 438 2,592 1,315 28 569 392 570
50 - 54 3,382 453 1,441 758 16 240 128 346
55 - 59 2,071 271 904 475 11 101 33 276
60 - 64 1,861 370 758 453 5 48 6 221
65 - 69 1,038 219 464 212 - 26 6 111
70 - 74 799 226 357 105 5 20 10 76
75+ 1,088 238 367 303 20 50 31 79

Table 5.7 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Highest Level of School
Completed, Sex, and Age: 2007
Level of School
New Old Secondary
Pre- Grades Grades Secondary Secondary (New or Non-
Sex and Age All Level School 1 - 4 5 - 8 System System Old) Regular


Both Sexes 541,153 34,733 153,802 187,718 12,225 98,686 46,679 7,310
5 - 9 65,640 29,817 35,694 - - - - 129
10 - 14 101,492 1,228 58,667 41,522 - - - 75
15 - 19 110,506 665 10,701 60,668 4,261 31,298 2,601 312
20 - 24 86,566 433 8,617 28,713 4,386 29,205 14,759 453
25 - 29 57,319 359 9,073 18,751 1,891 15,603 11,139 503
30 - 34 35,687 286 7,591 11,769 676 8,423 6,201 741
35 - 39 29,849 424 7,237 9,483 519 6,236 5,113 837
40 - 44 17,999 256 4,431 5,890 209 3,364 3,120 729
45 - 49 12,956 230 3,708 4,119 174 2,230 1,833 662
50 - 54 8,217 240 2,506 2,508 44 1,134 1,151 634
55 - 59 4,763 125 1,733 1,428 33 516 346 582
60 - 64 3,838 203 1,424 1,213 17 346 159 476
65 - 69 2,537 159 1,063 716 - 169 73 357
70 - 74 1,810 135 714 424 - 55 77 405
75+ 1,974 173 643 514 15 107 107 415

Male 285,131 16,973 76,130 95,862 7,019 53,916 30,167 5,064

5 - 9 32,572 14,779 17,715 - - - - 78
10 - 14 50,093 605 28,497 20,939 - - - 52
15 - 19 51,180 268 4,456 27,364 2,175 15,432 1,229 256
20 - 24 42,042 202 3,200 12,276 2,459 15,116 8,437 352
25 - 29 30,709 180 3,620 9,418 1,152 8,579 7,366 394
30 - 34 21,686 133 4,056 7,300 412 5,173 4,102 510
35 - 39 17,692 192 3,824 5,699 403 3,655 3,426 493
40 - 44 12,697 114 2,847 4,347 182 2,318 2,419 470
45 - 49 9,247 93 2,308 3,154 152 1,709 1,457 374
50 - 54 6,021 68 1,606 1,955 34 927 1,039 392
55 - 59 3,511 60 1,169 1,147 33 420 313 369
60 - 64 2,756 67 986 916 12 313 153 309
65 - 69 1,961 70 804 592 - 153 67 275
70 - 74 1,429 39 546 369 - 44 67 364
75+ 1,535 103 496 386 5 77 92 376

Female 256,022 17,760 77,672 91,856 5,206 44,770 16,512 2,246

5 - 9 33,068 15,038 17,979 - - - - 51
10 - 14 51,399 623 30,170 20,583 - - - 23
15 - 19 59,326 397 6,245 33,304 2,086 15,866 1,372 56
20 - 24 44,524 231 5,417 16,437 1,927 14,089 6,322 101
25 - 29 26,610 179 5,453 9,333 739 7,024 3,773 109
30 - 34 14,001 153 3,535 4,469 264 3,250 2,099 231
35 - 39 12,157 232 3,413 3,784 116 2,581 1,687 344
40 - 44 5,302 142 1,584 1,543 27 1,046 701 259
45 - 49 3,709 137 1,400 965 22 521 376 288
50 - 54 2,196 172 900 553 10 207 112 242
55 - 59 1,252 65 564 281 - 96 33 213
60 - 64 1,082 136 438 297 5 33 6 167
65 - 69 576 89 259 124 - 16 6 82
70 - 74 381 96 168 55 - 11 10 41
75+ 439 70 147 128 10 30 15 39

Table 5.7 Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by Highest Level of School
Completed, Sex, and Age: 2007
Level of School
New Old Secondary
Pre- Grades Grades Secondary Secondary (New or Non-
Sex and Age All Level School 1 - 4 5 - 8 System System Old) Regular


Both Sexes 1,119,332 121,564 616,813 263,028 4,300 44,860 18,685 50,082
5 - 9 163,370 73,626 88,372 - - - - 1,372
10 - 14 335,783 23,753 265,904 43,323 - - - 2,803
15 - 19 228,405 6,503 93,683 111,706 868 10,233 709 4,703
20 - 24 127,472 3,157 40,633 48,367 2,000 18,893 10,042 4,380
25 - 29 72,192 2,211 29,422 21,387 823 9,201 5,116 4,032
30 - 34 51,336 2,118 25,834 13,368 330 3,327 1,520 4,839
35 - 39 43,427 2,244 23,977 9,853 121 1,465 738 5,029
40 - 44 29,042 1,746 16,393 5,659 43 680 269 4,252
45 - 49 20,259 1,193 11,189 3,500 24 430 91 3,832
50 - 54 14,498 1,242 7,304 2,097 30 283 91 3,451
55 - 59 10,844 987 5,249 1,482 11 139 34 2,942
60 - 64 7,857 895 3,531 807 - 66 17 2,541
65 - 69 5,644 635 2,274 540 5 35 21 2,134
70 - 74 4,203 560 1,569 396 10 53 5 1,610
75+ 5,000 694 1,479 543 35 55 32 2,162

Male 654,516 66,409 350,778 147,485 2,516 28,610 12,572 46,146

5 - 9 78,678 36,433 41,266 - - - - 979
10 - 14 166,067 13,122 130,419 20,155 - - - 2,371
15 - 19 121,406 4,288 53,078 53,986 396 5,081 323 4,254
20 - 24 77,351 2,140 24,983 27,513 1,101 11,629 6,038 3,947
25 - 29 49,219 1,418 18,809 14,276 563 6,610 3,947 3,596
30 - 34 39,185 1,370 19,040 10,295 252 2,635 1,204 4,389
35 - 39 35,113 1,573 19,147 8,079 97 1,115 584 4,518
40 - 44 25,703 1,309 14,449 5,035 30 620 234 4,026
45 - 49 18,064 892 9,997 3,150 18 382 75 3,550
50 - 54 13,311 961 6,763 1,891 24 250 75 3,347
55 - 59 10,025 781 4,909 1,288 - 134 34 2,879
60 - 64 7,078 661 3,211 651 - 51 17 2,487
65 - 69 5,182 505 2,069 452 5 25 21 2,105
70 - 74 3,784 430 1,380 346 5 43 5 1,575
75+ 4,350 526 1,258 368 25 35 15 2,123

Female 464,816 55,155 266,035 115,543 1,784 16,250 6,113 3,936

5 - 9 84,692 37,193 47,106 - - - - 393
10 - 14 169,716 10,631 135,485 23,168 - - - 432
15 - 19 106,999 2,215 40,605 57,720 472 5,152 386 449
20 - 24 50,121 1,017 15,650 20,854 899 7,264 4,004 433
25 - 29 22,973 793 10,613 7,111 260 2,591 1,169 436
30 - 34 12,151 748 6,794 3,073 78 692 316 450
35 - 39 8,314 671 4,830 1,774 24 350 154 511
40 - 44 3,339 437 1,944 624 13 60 35 226
45 - 49 2,195 301 1,192 350 6 48 16 282
50 - 54 1,187 281 541 206 6 33 16 104
55 - 59 819 206 340 194 11 5 - 63
60 - 64 779 234 320 156 - 15 - 54
65 - 69 462 130 205 88 - 10 - 29
70 - 74 419 130 189 50 5 10 - 35
75+ 650 168 221 175 10 20 17 39

6.1 Introduction

This chapter presents some of the major statistical data of the census on the
economically active and inactive population. According to the 2007 Population and
Housing Census, the term economic activity status refers to the size and
distribution of the work force of economically active and non active population.
Persons aged ten years and over who were engaged or available to be engaged
in the production of economic goods and services during a given reference period
were classified as economically active, while those who were neither engaged nor
available to be engaged in the production of economic goods and services during
a given reference period were considered as economically non-active. In the 2007
census, information on economic activity status was collected from all persons
selected for the long questionnaire and those aged ten years and over. The lower
age limit was fixed at ten years realizing that children start to participate in the
production of economic goods and services at earlier ages in both urban and rural
areas. The long questionnaire was administered only on selected households.
The selection was done using systematic sampling methods and covered one-fifth
of the total households. However, statistical weights were later applied which
makes the figures to represent the entire population.

The 2007 Population and Housing Census administered the following labour force
questions in four major areas to measure the economic activity status in the
country. The data collected on economic activity status are:

a) whether persons were engaged in economic/productive activities during

the last seven days;
b) whether persons will be available for work in the coming one month or
reason for not being available during the reference period,
c) whether persons were engaged in economic/productive activities during
most of the last twelve months or reason for not being engaged ;
d) Employment status in the main activity.
Every person aged ten years and over in the sampled household was asked if
he/she was engaged in any of productive/economic activities during the last seven

days. If the answer is "yes”, code”1” is given, if the answer is," I had work but not
at work", code “2” is given. Those who were not working during the last seven
days is given code “3”, then respondents were asked the next question whether
they were available or reason for not being available for work, such as due to
attending education, household chores, too young to work, illness, old age etc…
The same questions were also asked for the last twelve months.

When the above questions on economic activity were not clear, the enumerators
ask a simple question in another way, that is, the type of activity that a person was
engaged during the last seven days. The fourth question is the type of
employment status for the main job.

This chapter presents the statistical data of the 2007 Population and Housing
Census on the economically active and non active population based on the
following international standard definitions. Economic activity is defined in terms of
the production of goods and/or services that falls within the United Nations
System of National Accounts (SNA) production boundary (ILO, 1990a). In this
census, economic activity is defined as work, which involves the production of
goods and /or services for sale or exchange. In addition, production of goods and
services for own consumption or own use is considered as economic activity.
These include production of primary products (agriculture, hunting, fishing,
forestry and logging, and mining and quarrying), for own consumption; processing
of primary products by the producers themselves; production of other commodities
where part of it is sold on the market; and own account construction and fixed
asset formation (expected life use of one year or more). Such economic activities
could be performed for an individual, family or private enterprise, government
establishment and/ social organization. The remuneration may be on daily,
weekly, monthly, yearly or contract basis. The activities of apprentices are also
considered as economic activities. On the other hand, unpaid household chores
such as preparing food, cleaning the house, taking care of children are not
considered to be economic activities. Similarly, unpaid community and volunteer
services are classified as non-economic activities.

6.2 Data Collection Approaches of the Economically Active and Non-
active Population

In the 2007 Population and Housing Census, the same approaches were used in
both urban and rural areas in the collection of data on economic activity status,
that is, the current and usual status approaches. However, in the 1994 census the
two approaches were used differently for the collection of data, i.e., the current
status approach was used in urban areas while the usual status approach was
used in rural areas. The main difference between the two approaches is the length
of the reference periods, that is, the current status approach refers to the short
reference period of the last seven days while the usual status approach refers to
the long reference period of the last twelve months prior to the census date. With
this understanding, care should be taken when comparing the results of the
census to that of retrospective data in relation to economic activity status variables
by urban and rural areas.

6.2.1 Current Activity Status Approach

The current status approach measures the economic activity based on a short
reference period of the seven days prior to the census date. In this approach, all
persons aged ten years and over who were productively engaged or available to
be engaged during the reference week were considered as economically active.
The data collected from household members aged ten years and over was used
to divide the population into three mutually exclusive categories: employed,
unemployed, and not in the labour force. The employed and the unemployed
population together make up the labour force or the currently active population.
The employed population based on the current activity status approach consists of
those who were engaged in productive activity at least for four hours during the
seven days prior to the date of the census. Persons who had regular jobs, or
business, or holdings but who were temporarily absent from work (not at work or

worked less than four hours) for various reasons such as illness or injury, holiday
or vacation, strike or lock out, and seasonality of work, annual leave, temporarily
closure of establishment were also considered as employed.

On the other hand, the third category those who were neither employed nor
unemployed during the reference period, following the definitions given for
employed and unemployed persons were categorized to be economically non
active population. This includes persons who were neither engaged nor available
to be engaged in productive activity during the short reference period due to
homemaking, education, illness… etc. Persons who were not economically active
were further asked to report why they were not being active or available to work
during most of the twelve months.

6.2. 2 Usual Activity Status Approach

In the usual activity status approach, all persons aged ten years and over were
asked to report whether they were engaged in productive activities during most of
the last twelve months. The usual status approach measures the economic
activity status in the long reference period of the twelve months prior to the census
date. Those who were engaged in productive activities during the reference period
were classified as usually employed. In the cases of persons engaged in
agriculture, it was decided to classify them in the usually employed category, if
they have worked during most of the main agricultural season of the reference
period. Those who were not working during most of the reference period and were
actively looking for work or available for work considered as usually unemployed.
The usually employed and the usually unemployed persons together make up the
usually active population. On the other hand, those who were not engaged in
productive activity during most of the last twelve months for the following reasons
such as homemaking activities, attending school, illness, old age/pensioner etc.
are classified as population not usually active.

6.3 Unemployed Population and Unemployment Rate

The International standard definition of unemployment covers persons who with

out work, currently available for work and seeking work during the reference
period. According to the standard definition, these three criteria should be satisfied
simultaneously. However, the resolution adopted by International Conference of
Labor Statistics (ICLS) in 1982, Introduced a provision which allows for relaxation
of the "seeking work criteria". It was felt that the standard definition of
unemployment, with its emphasis on seeking work criterion, that is, to take active
steps to look for work might be some what restrictive and might not fully capture
the prevailing employment situations in many developing countries where the
labour market is largely unorganized or of limited scope, where labour absorption
is, at the time inadequate or where the labour force is largely self-employed.

Hence, Ethiopia like some other developing countries utilized a relaxed definition
for seeking work and adopted the availability criteria rather than restricting only on
the actively seeking work criteria. For generating data on unemployment, an
option of the completely relaxed which is based on both seeking and availability
criteria of unemployment definition is used in the 2007 Population and Housing
Census. The completely relaxed definition of unemployment refers to persons with
out work but willing to take up work for wage or salary in locally prevailing term. In
other word, the unemployed population consists of those who were not working
but currently available for work during the reference period. This includes those
who were and were not actively seeking for work or discouraged job seekers.
Discouraged job seekers refers to persons who want a job and are currently
available for work but who have given up any active search for work because they
believe that they can not find it. A person who is looking for work but was
temporarily engaged in a productive activity during the reference period is
recorded as employed and not as unemployed person.

6.4 Employment Status

Employment status of a person indicates the level of involvement and degree of

decision-making in respective activity. In the census, employment status is
classified as paid employees (Government employees, NGO’s employees and
domestic employees), self employed, unpaid family workers, apprentice, members
of cooperatives and others. Employment status was asked for all employed and
unemployed persons aged ten years and over and those who had prior work

In this 2007 population and housing census, statistical data on activity status,
activity rate, reason for inactivity, employed, unemployed, unemployment rate and
employment status are presented in Tables 6.1 - 6.7.

Table 6.1 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Age Group and Economic
Activity Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Urban-Rural Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Residence/ cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Age Group All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female
Age 10+ 3,044,558 1,969,707 1,074,851 1,481,704 1,054,816 426,888 1,562,854 914,891 647,963 64.7 71.2 58.5

10-14 613,806 247,938 365,868 314,868 131,953 182,915 298,938 115,985 182,953 40.4 41.9 38.8
15-19 496,217 254,106 242,111 244,567 129,086 115,481 251,650 125,020 126,630 51.2 52.8 49.7
20-24 362,473 252,400 110,073 175,557 128,502 47,055 186,916 123,898 63,018 69.6 73.2 66.3
25-29 285,841 225,767 60,074 127,993 113,392 14,601 157,848 112,375 45,473 79.0 88.6 71.2
30-34 249,309 205,069 44,240 111,434 104,665 6,769 137,875 100,404 37,471 82.3 93.9 72.8
35-39 225,121 187,385 37,736 103,756 98,182 5,574 121,365 89,203 32,162 83.2 94.6 73.5
40-44 170,712 142,394 28,318 83,846 79,458 4,388 86,866 62,936 23,930 83.4 94.8 72.5
45-49 137,867 113,629 24,238 67,275 63,549 3,726 70,592 50,080 20,512 82.4 94.5 70.9
50-54 125,630 98,270 27,360 57,706 53,671 4,035 67,924 44,599 23,325 78.2 93.0 65.7
55-59 94,978 73,745 21,233 49,326 45,560 3,766 45,652 28,185 17,467 77.6 92.4 61.7
60-64 91,412 62,996 28,416 43,752 37,638 6,114 47,660 25,358 22,302 68.9 86.0 53.2
65-69 67,457 44,028 23,429 35,339 28,818 6,521 32,118 15,210 16,908 65.3 81.5 47.4
70-74 60,380 32,847 27,533 30,096 21,017 9,079 30,284 11,830 18,454 54.4 69.8 39.1
75+ 63,355 29,133 34,222 36,189 19,325 16,864 27,166 9,808 17,358 46.0 53.4 36.1

Age 10+ 642,181 322,252 319,929 297,121 169,763 127,358 345,060 152,489 192,571 50.2 57.1 44.2

10-14 106,074 11,405 94,669 52,234 5,539 46,695 53,840 5,866 47,974 10.8 10.6 10.9
15-19 119,643 32,762 86,881 53,892 13,751 40,141 65,751 19,011 46,740 27.4 25.5 28.9
20-24 101,230 58,004 43,226 45,377 27,015 18,362 55,853 30,989 24,864 57.3 59.5 55.5
25-29 77,045 56,322 20,723 34,652 29,303 5,349 42,393 27,019 15,374 73.1 84.6 63.7
30-34 54,533 43,385 11,148 25,876 23,657 2,219 28,657 19,728 8,929 79.6 91.4 68.8
35-39 47,475 38,047 9,428 22,078 20,389 1,689 25,397 17,658 7,739 80.1 92.3 69.5
40-44 31,607 24,920 6,687 16,645 15,229 1,416 14,962 9,691 5,271 78.8 91.5 64.8
45-49 24,367 18,606 5,761 12,357 11,304 1,053 12,010 7,302 4,708 76.4 91.5 60.8
50-54 20,446 13,593 6,853 8,885 7,796 1,089 11,561 5,797 5,764 66.5 87.7 50.1
55-59 14,434 8,906 5,528 6,286 5,350 936 8,148 3,556 4,592 61.7 85.1 43.6
60-64 14,353 6,883 7,470 5,647 4,113 1,534 8,706 2,770 5,936 48.0 72.8 31.8
65-69 10,646 4,489 6,157 4,353 2,916 1,437 6,293 1,573 4,720 42.2 67.0 25.0
70-74 9,826 2,807 7,019 3,953 1,964 1,989 5,873 843 5,030 28.6 49.7 14.4
75+ 10,502 2,123 8,379 4,886 1,437 3,449 5,616 686 4,930 20.2 29.4 12.2

Table 6.1 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Age Group and Economic
Activity Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Urban-Rural Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Residence/ cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Age Group All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female
Age 10+ 2,402,377 1,647,455 754,922 1,184,583 885,053 299,530 1,217,794 762,402 455,392 68.6 74.7 62.6

10-14 507,732 236,533 271,199 262,634 126,414 136,220 245,098 110,119 134,979 46.6 48.1 44.9
15-19 376,574 221,344 155,230 190,675 115,335 75,340 185,899 106,009 79,890 58.8 60.5 57.0
20-24 261,243 194,396 66,847 130,180 101,487 28,693 131,063 92,909 38,154 74.4 78.0 70.9
25-29 208,796 169,445 39,351 93,341 84,089 9,252 115,455 85,356 30,099 81.2 90.1 73.9
30-34 194,776 161,684 33,092 85,558 81,008 4,550 109,218 80,676 28,542 83.0 94.7 73.9
35-39 177,646 149,338 28,308 81,678 77,793 3,885 95,968 71,545 24,423 84.1 95.2 74.6
40-44 139,105 117,474 21,631 67,201 64,229 2,972 71,904 53,245 18,659 84.4 95.6 74.1
45-49 113,500 95,023 18,477 54,918 52,245 2,673 58,582 42,778 15,804 83.7 95.1 73.0
50-54 105,184 84,677 20,507 48,821 45,875 2,946 56,363 38,802 17,561 80.5 94.0 68.8
55-59 80,544 64,839 15,705 43,040 40,210 2,830 37,504 24,629 12,875 80.5 93.4 65.7
60-64 77,059 56,113 20,946 38,105 33,525 4,580 38,954 22,588 16,366 72.8 88.0 58.0
65-69 56,811 39,539 17,272 30,986 25,902 5,084 25,825 13,637 12,188 69.6 83.6 52.8
70-74 50,554 30,040 20,514 26,143 19,053 7,090 24,411 10,987 13,424 59.4 72.9 45.0
75+ 52,853 27,010 25,843 31,303 17,888 13,415 21,550 9,122 12,428 51.1 57.1 42.3

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 3,044,558 1,969,705 1,074,853 1,481,704 1,054,816 426,888 1,562,854 914,889 647,965 64.7 71.2 58.5
Urban 642,181 322,252 319,929 297,121 169,762 127,359 345,060 152,490 192,570 50.2 57.1 44.2
Rural 2,402,377 1,647,453 754,924 1,184,583 885,054 299,529 1,217,794 762,399 455,395 68.6 74.7 62.6

Urban+Rural 508,755 347,098 161,657 253,008 193,177 59,831 255,747 153,921 101,826 68.2 76.4 60.2
Urban 79,729 42,507 37,222 35,719 21,943 13,776 44,010 20,564 23,446 53.3 61.4 46.7
Rural 429,026 304,591 124,435 217,289 171,234 46,055 211,737 133,357 78,380 71.0 78.8 63.0

Urban+Rural 60,308 45,415 14,893 30,678 25,330 5,348 29,630 20,085 9,545 75.3 82.6 67.8
Urban 4,505 2,258 2,247 1,853 1,103 750 2,652 1,155 1,497 50.1 59.5 43.6
Rural 55,803 43,157 12,646 28,825 24,227 4,598 26,978 18,930 8,048 77.3 84.0 70.2

Urban+Rural 77,208 51,685 25,523 38,292 28,432 9,860 38,916 23,253 15,663 66.9 74.3 59.8
Urban 5,618 2,821 2,797 2,343 1,307 1,036 3,275 1,514 1,761 50.2 55.8 46.2
Rural 71,590 48,864 22,726 35,949 27,125 8,824 35,641 21,739 13,902 68.3 75.5 61.0

Urban+Rural 88,431 59,311 29,120 43,381 31,972 11,409 45,050 27,339 17,711 67.1 73.7 60.7
Urban 7,764 4,032 3,732 3,321 1,931 1,390 4,443 2,101 2,342 51.9 58.1 47.3
Rural 80,667 55,279 25,388 40,060 30,041 10,019 40,607 25,238 15,369 68.5 75.0 62.2

Urban+Rural 49,046 34,488 14,558 24,389 18,802 5,587 24,657 15,686 8,971 70.3 77.1 63.6
Rural 49,046 34,488 14,558 24,389 18,802 5,587 24,657 15,686 8,971 70.3 77.1 63.6

Urban+Rural 92,319 64,689 27,630 47,301 38,074 9,227 45,018 26,615 18,403 70.1 80.5 59.1
Urban 7,260 3,784 3,476 3,273 2,083 1,190 3,987 1,701 2,286 52.1 63.6 42.7
Rural 85,059 60,905 24,154 44,028 35,991 8,037 41,031 24,914 16,117 71.6 81.7 60.7

Urban+Rural 93,282 65,455 27,827 46,946 36,854 10,092 46,336 28,601 17,735 70.2 78.5 61.7
Urban 6,421 3,560 2,861 2,908 1,807 1,101 3,513 1,753 1,760 55.4 62.1 49.9
Rural 86,861 61,895 24,966 44,038 35,047 8,991 42,823 26,848 15,975 71.3 79.6 62.7

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 35,692 19,040 16,652 16,200 9,978 6,222 19,492 9,062 10,430 53.3 61.6 46.5
Urban 35,692 19,040 16,652 16,200 9,978 6,222 19,492 9,062 10,430 53.3 61.6 46.5

Urban+Rural 12,469 7,012 5,457 5,821 3,734 2,087 6,648 3,278 3,370 56.2 64.1 49.3
Urban 12,469 7,012 5,457 5,821 3,734 2,087 6,648 3,278 3,370 56.2 64.1 49.3

Urban+Rural 877,032 601,413 275,619 427,116 314,698 112,418 449,916 286,715 163,201 68.6 73.7 63.7
Urban 131,194 65,418 65,776 59,018 32,735 26,283 72,176 32,683 39,493 49.9 55.5 45.3
Rural 745,838 535,995 209,843 368,098 281,963 86,135 377,740 254,032 123,708 71.9 76.6 67.3

Urban+Rural 73,763 52,707 21,056 36,437 27,652 8,785 37,326 25,055 12,271 71.5 75.9 67.1
Urban 5,651 2,383 3,268 2,473 1,100 1,373 3,178 1,283 1,895 42.2 44.5 40.4
Rural 68,112 50,324 17,788 33,964 26,552 7,412 34,148 23,772 10,376 73.9 78.2 69.6

Urban+Rural 121,104 83,824 37,280 57,396 41,414 15,982 63,708 42,410 21,298 69.2 72.2 66.6
Urban 16,275 8,650 7,625 7,319 4,076 3,243 8,956 4,574 4,382 53.1 55.7 51.1
Rural 104,829 75,174 29,655 50,077 37,338 12,739 54,752 37,836 16,916 71.7 74.6 69.1

Urban+Rural 102,289 85,620 16,669 49,446 42,531 6,915 52,843 43,089 9,754 83.7 86.0 81.5
Urban 11,491 5,799 5,692 5,064 2,569 2,495 6,427 3,230 3,197 50.5 50.7 50.3
Rural 90,798 79,821 10,977 44,382 39,962 4,420 46,416 39,859 6,557 87.9 90.0 85.9

Urban+Rural 70,748 50,346 20,402 34,796 26,109 8,687 35,952 24,237 11,715 71.2 75.0 67.4
Rural 70,748 50,346 20,402 34,796 26,109 8,687 35,952 24,237 11,715 71.2 75.0 67.4

Urban+Rural 52,219 33,673 18,546 25,882 18,098 7,784 26,337 15,575 10,762 64.5 69.9 59.1
Rural 52,219 33,673 18,546 25,882 18,098 7,784 26,337 15,575 10,762 64.5 69.9 59.1

Urban+Rural 70,682 51,337 19,345 34,323 26,192 8,131 36,359 25,145 11,214 72.6 76.3 69.2
Urban 7,803 4,784 3,019 3,512 2,300 1,212 4,291 2,484 1,807 61.3 65.5 57.9
Rural 62,879 46,553 16,326 30,811 23,892 6,919 32,068 22,661 9,407 74.0 77.5 70.7

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 74,620 60,627 13,993 36,565 30,724 5,841 38,055 29,903 8,152 81.2 84.0 78.6
Urban 1,342 898 444 665 458 207 677 440 237 66.9 68.9 65.0
Rural 73,278 59,729 13,549 35,900 30,266 5,634 37,378 29,463 7,915 81.5 84.3 78.8

Urban+Rural 92,969 59,033 33,936 46,064 32,487 13,577 46,905 26,546 20,359 63.5 70.5 56.6
Rural 92,969 59,033 33,936 46,064 32,487 13,577 46,905 26,546 20,359 63.5 70.5 56.6

Urban+Rural 78,074 44,921 33,153 39,081 26,659 12,422 38,993 18,262 20,731 57.5 68.2 46.8
Urban 5,329 2,731 2,598 2,352 1,341 1,011 2,977 1,390 1,587 51.2 57.0 46.7
Rural 72,745 42,190 30,555 36,729 25,318 11,411 36,016 16,872 19,144 58.0 68.9 46.8

Urban+Rural 62,005 41,447 20,558 31,730 23,205 8,525 30,275 18,242 12,033 66.8 73.1 60.3
Urban 4,744 2,293 2,451 2,237 1,263 974 2,507 1,030 1,477 48.3 56.5 41.1
Rural 57,261 39,154 18,107 29,493 21,942 7,551 27,768 17,212 10,556 68.4 74.4 62.0

Urban+Rural 12,384 5,215 7,169 5,941 2,865 3,076 6,443 2,350 4,093 42.1 48.2 36.5
Urban 12,384 5,215 7,169 5,941 2,865 3,076 6,443 2,350 4,093 42.1 48.2 36.5

Urban+Rural 31,505 14,485 17,020 13,740 7,172 6,568 17,765 7,313 10,452 46.0 52.2 41.2
Urban 31,505 14,485 17,020 13,740 7,172 6,568 17,765 7,313 10,452 46.0 52.2 41.2

Urban+Rural 34,670 18,177 16,493 15,715 9,589 6,126 18,955 8,588 10,367 52.4 61.0 45.3
Urban 34,670 18,177 16,493 15,715 9,589 6,126 18,955 8,588 10,367 52.4 61.0 45.3

Urban+Rural 534,680 310,134 224,546 247,607 152,555 95,052 287,073 157,579 129,494 58.0 61.6 54.9
Urban 107,704 50,498 57,206 46,976 23,525 23,451 60,728 26,973 33,755 46.9 50.1 44.4
Rural 426,976 259,636 167,340 200,631 129,030 71,601 226,345 130,606 95,739 60.8 64.3 57.7

Urban+Rural 60,053 38,109 21,944 28,184 18,097 10,087 31,869 20,012 11,857 63.5 64.2 62.8
Urban 6,911 3,197 3,714 2,902 1,362 1,540 4,009 1,835 2,174 46.3 46.9 45.8
Rural 53,142 34,912 18,230 25,282 16,735 8,547 27,860 18,177 9,683 65.7 66.2 65.2

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 17,660 9,544 8,116 8,374 4,979 3,395 9,286 4,565 4,721 54.0 59.5 49.2
Urban 1,511 794 717 735 384 351 776 410 366 52.5 52.2 52.8
Rural 16,149 8,750 7,399 7,639 4,595 3,044 8,510 4,155 4,355 54.2 60.2 48.8

Urban+Rural 97,065 56,553 40,512 44,467 27,178 17,289 52,598 29,375 23,223 58.3 61.1 55.8
Urban 13,398 6,631 6,767 5,625 2,715 2,910 7,773 3,916 3,857 49.5 48.3 50.4
Rural 83,667 49,922 33,745 38,842 24,463 14,379 44,825 25,459 19,366 59.7 63.0 56.8

Urban+Rural 64,770 38,742 26,028 30,038 18,996 11,042 34,732 19,746 14,986 59.8 63.2 56.9
Urban 2,608 1,379 1,229 1,154 584 570 1,454 795 659 52.9 50.6 54.7
Rural 62,162 37,363 24,799 28,884 18,412 10,472 33,278 18,951 14,327 60.1 63.7 56.9

Urban+Rural 83,168 51,162 32,006 38,789 25,114 13,675 44,379 26,048 18,331 61.5 64.7 58.7
Urban 5,436 2,322 3,114 2,461 1,064 1,397 2,975 1,258 1,717 42.7 43.2 42.3
Rural 77,732 48,840 28,892 36,328 24,050 12,278 41,404 24,790 16,614 62.8 66.2 59.9

Urban+Rural 68,531 46,024 22,507 32,933 23,560 9,373 35,598 22,464 13,134 67.2 71.5 63.1
Urban 3,409 2,072 1,337 1,451 915 536 1,958 1,157 801 60.8 63.1 59.1
Rural 65,122 43,952 21,170 31,482 22,645 8,837 33,640 21,307 12,333 67.5 71.9 63.3

Urban+Rural 76,449 39,878 36,571 35,346 19,921 15,425 41,103 19,957 21,146 52.2 56.4 48.6
Urban 7,447 3,980 3,467 3,172 1,790 1,382 4,275 2,190 2,085 53.4 56.4 51.2
Rural 69,002 35,898 33,104 32,174 18,131 14,043 36,828 17,767 19,061 52.0 56.4 48.2

Urban+Rural 43,837 19,952 23,885 18,964 9,465 9,499 24,873 10,487 14,386 45.5 49.9 42.2
Urban 43,837 19,952 23,885 18,964 9,465 9,499 24,873 10,487 14,386 45.5 49.9 42.2

Urban+Rural 23,147 10,171 12,976 10,512 5,247 5,265 12,635 4,924 7,711 43.9 49.9 39.0
Urban 23,147 10,171 12,976 10,512 5,247 5,265 12,635 4,924 7,711 43.9 49.9 39.0

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 705,648 452,913 252,735 344,876 244,652 100,224 360,772 208,261 152,511 64.2 70.9 57.7
Urban 97,650 41,583 56,067 45,203 21,801 23,402 52,447 19,782 32,665 42.6 48.2 37.7
Rural 607,998 411,330 196,668 299,673 222,851 76,822 308,325 188,479 119,846 67.7 74.4 61.1

Urban+Rural 85,621 56,989 28,632 42,649 30,806 11,843 42,972 26,183 16,789 66.6 72.2 60.9
Urban 6,589 3,576 3,013 3,020 1,783 1,237 3,569 1,793 1,776 54.3 59.0 50.2
Rural 79,032 53,413 25,619 39,629 29,023 10,606 39,403 24,390 15,013 67.6 73.2 61.9

Urban+Rural 78,402 58,437 19,965 39,130 31,604 7,526 39,272 26,833 12,439 74.5 80.8 68.3
Rural 78,402 58,437 19,965 39,130 31,604 7,526 39,272 26,833 12,439 74.5 80.8 68.3

Urban+Rural 105,812 72,167 33,645 51,535 37,980 13,555 54,277 34,187 20,090 68.2 73.7 63.0
Urban 8,982 3,834 5,148 4,142 1,964 2,178 4,840 1,870 2,970 42.7 47.4 38.6
Rural 96,830 68,333 28,497 47,393 36,016 11,377 49,437 32,317 17,120 70.6 76.0 65.4

Urban+Rural 76,648 44,427 32,221 37,103 24,909 12,194 39,545 19,518 20,027 58.0 67.1 49.4
Urban 5,926 2,965 2,961 2,835 1,648 1,187 3,091 1,317 1,774 50.0 58.1 42.6
Rural 70,722 41,462 29,260 34,268 23,261 11,007 36,454 18,201 18,253 58.6 67.9 49.9

Urban+Rural 59,445 36,929 22,516 29,181 20,014 9,167 30,264 16,915 13,349 62.1 68.6 55.9
Urban 2,241 1,256 985 927 562 365 1,314 694 620 56.0 60.6 52.8
Rural 57,204 35,673 21,531 28,254 19,452 8,802 28,950 16,221 12,729 62.4 68.8 56.0

Urban+Rural 92,297 70,502 21,795 45,489 36,920 8,569 46,808 33,582 13,226 76.4 81.2 71.7
Urban 11,967 5,166 6,801 5,557 2,910 2,647 6,410 2,256 4,154 43.2 52.4 35.2
Rural 80,330 65,336 14,994 39,932 34,010 5,922 40,398 31,326 9,072 81.3 85.2 77.5

Urban+Rural 59,761 35,699 24,062 29,545 20,391 9,154 30,216 15,308 14,908 59.7 69.0 50.7
Urban 3,417 1,433 1,984 1,594 819 775 1,823 614 1,209 41.9 51.4 33.7
Rural 56,344 34,266 22,078 27,951 19,572 8,379 28,393 14,694 13,699 60.8 70.0 51.8

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 89,134 54,411 34,723 43,116 29,914 13,202 46,018 24,497 21,521 61.0 69.4 53.2
Rural 89,134 54,411 34,723 43,116 29,914 13,202 46,018 24,497 21,521 61.0 69.4 53.2

Urban+Rural 18,768 8,222 10,546 8,628 4,069 4,559 10,140 4,153 5,987 43.8 47.2 41.0
Urban 18,768 8,222 10,546 8,628 4,069 4,559 10,140 4,153 5,987 43.8 47.2 41.0

Urban+Rural 13,369 4,971 8,398 5,791 2,483 3,308 7,578 2,488 5,090 37.2 42.9 32.8
Urban 13,369 4,971 8,398 5,791 2,483 3,308 7,578 2,488 5,090 37.2 42.9 32.8

Urban+Rural 26,391 10,159 16,232 12,709 5,562 7,147 13,682 4,597 9,085 38.5 43.8 33.6
Urban 26,391 10,159 16,232 12,709 5,562 7,147 13,682 4,597 9,085 38.5 43.8 33.6

Urban+Rural 246,660 168,128 78,532 126,545 99,688 26,857 120,115 68,440 51,675 68.2 78.8 57.0
Urban 54,121 32,227 21,894 27,653 19,713 7,940 26,468 12,514 13,954 59.5 71.3 47.3
Rural 192,539 135,901 56,638 98,892 79,975 18,917 93,647 55,926 37,721 70.6 80.9 59.7

Urban+Rural 64,216 46,566 17,650 33,606 27,149 6,457 30,610 19,417 11,193 72.5 80.8 63.4
Urban 22,300 13,057 9,243 11,443 8,077 3,366 10,857 4,980 5,877 58.6 70.6 45.9
Rural 41,916 33,509 8,407 22,163 19,072 3,091 19,753 14,437 5,316 79.9 86.1 73.1

Urban+Rural 93,875 64,621 29,254 47,696 38,090 9,606 46,179 26,531 19,648 68.8 79.9 57.5
Urban 7,611 3,907 3,704 3,645 2,186 1,459 3,966 1,721 2,245 51.3 60.0 43.4
Rural 86,264 60,714 25,550 44,051 35,904 8,147 42,213 24,810 17,403 70.4 81.5 58.8

Urban+Rural 71,002 46,061 24,941 35,896 27,530 8,366 35,106 18,531 16,575 64.9 76.7 52.8
Urban 6,643 4,382 2,261 3,218 2,530 688 3,425 1,852 1,573 66.0 78.6 54.1
Rural 64,359 41,679 22,680 32,678 25,000 7,678 31,681 16,679 15,002 64.8 76.5 52.6

Urban+Rural 17,567 10,882 6,685 9,347 6,921 2,426 8,220 3,961 4,259 61.9 74.0 48.2
Urban 17,567 10,882 6,685 9,347 6,921 2,426 8,220 3,961 4,259 61.9 74.0 48.2

Table 6.2 Population Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Economic Activity Status, Urban-Rural Residence and
Economic Activity Rates: 2007
Both Sexes Males Females Activity Rate
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi- Economi-
Urban-Rural cally cally cally cally cally cally Both
Residence All Active Inactive All Active Inactive All Active Inactive Sexes Male Female


Urban+Rural 171,783 90,021 81,762 82,552 50,046 32,506 89,231 39,975 49,256 52.4 60.6 44.8
Urban 171,783 90,021 81,762 82,552 50,046 32,506 89,231 39,975 49,256 52.4 60.6 44.8

Urban+Rural 74,543 39,454 35,089 35,324 21,020 14,304 39,219 18,434 20,785 52.9 59.5 47.0
Urban 74,543 39,454 35,089 35,324 21,020 14,304 39,219 18,434 20,785 52.9 59.5 47.0

Urban+Rural 97,240 50,567 46,673 47,228 29,026 18,202 50,012 21,541 28,471 52.0 61.5 43.1
Urban 97,240 50,567 46,673 47,228 29,026 18,202 50,012 21,541 28,471 52.0 61.5 43.1

Table 6.3 Economically Inactive Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Reason for
Inactivity, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Reason for Not Being Active
Urban-Rural Old Age/
Residence/ Total Student/ Home Illness/ Pensioner/
Sex/Age Group Inactive Training Maker Disabled Injury Too Young Remittance Other

URBAN+RURAL 1,074,850 501,315 284,260 10,207 33,322 91,472 95,755 58,519

10-14 365,867 247,203 24,830 531 3,026 84,250 - 6,027

15-19 242,110 174,528 38,782 917 2,598 7,222 - 18,063
20-24 110,073 56,343 42,180 862 2,340 - - 8,348
25-29 60,073 12,943 39,374 684 2,136 - - 4,936
30-34 44,239 3,468 33,905 836 2,348 - - 3,682
35-39 37,739 1,894 29,129 722 2,591 - - 3,403
40-44 28,317 993 20,220 762 2,906 - - 3,436
45-49 24,241 756 16,345 692 2,853 - - 3,595
50-54 27,361 553 14,731 876 3,105 - 6,621 1,475
55-59 21,231 470 9,019 580 2,349 - 7,570 1,243
60-64 28,417 455 7,279 764 2,621 - 15,912 1,386
65-69 23,428 346 4,106 607 1,885 - 15,710 774
70-74 27,533 536 2,559 649 1,339 - 21,514 936
75+ 34,221 827 1,801 725 1,225 - 28,428 1,215

TOTAL-MALE 426,885 262,302 38,002 5,015 12,338 49,583 30,682 28,963

10-14 182,915 121,517 10,276 323 1,749 45,506 - 3,544

15-19 115,480 90,683 8,881 381 1,371 4,077 - 10,087
20-24 47,055 36,176 5,248 381 1,070 - - 4,180
25-29 14,600 8,645 2,609 363 769 - - 2,214
30-34 6,768 2,133 1,911 440 710 - - 1,574
35-39 5,576 933 2,041 299 739 - - 1,564
40-44 4,387 441 1,269 383 847 - - 1,447
45-49 3,727 313 1,250 342 594 - - 1,228
50-54 4,035 223 1,274 430 700 - 796 612
55-59 3,764 141 906 311 719 - 1,075 612
60-64 6,115 187 834 343 929 - 3,226 596
65-69 6,520 151 567 307 856 - 4,274 365
70-74 9,079 258 414 324 577 - 7,125 381
75+ 16,864 501 522 388 708 - 14,186 559

TOTAL-FEMALE 647,965 239,013 246,258 5,192 20,984 41,889 65,073 29,556

10-14 182,952 125,686 14,554 208 1,277 38,744 - 2,483

15-19 126,630 83,845 29,901 536 1,227 3,145 - 7,976
20-24 63,018 20,167 36,932 481 1,270 - - 4,168
25-29 45,473 4,298 36,765 321 1,367 - - 2,722
30-34 37,471 1,335 31,994 396 1,638 - - 2,108
35-39 32,163 961 27,088 423 1,852 - - 1,839
40-44 23,930 552 18,951 379 2,059 - - 1,989
45-49 20,514 443 15,095 350 2,259 - - 2,367
50-54 23,326 330 13,457 446 2,405 - 5,825 863
55-59 17,467 329 8,113 269 1,630 - 6,495 631
60-64 22,302 268 6,445 421 1,692 - 12,686 790
65-69 16,908 195 3,539 300 1,029 - 11,436 409
70-74 18,454 278 2,145 325 762 - 14,389 555
75+ 17,357 326 1,279 337 517 - 14,242 656

URBAN-TOTAL 319,925 185,335 65,395 2,842 7,692 15,735 24,148 18,778

10-14 94,668 75,486 2,620 128 411 14,468 - 1,555

15-19 86,880 72,941 7,043 218 561 1,267 - 4,850
20-24 43,226 26,632 12,658 200 515 - - 3,221
25-29 20,723 6,054 11,779 232 628 - - 2,030
30-34 11,147 1,479 7,546 206 624 - - 1,292
35-39 9,430 886 6,303 265 761 - - 1,215
40-44 6,686 453 4,100 222 700 - - 1,211
45-49 5,762 261 3,617 213 527 - - 1,144
50-54 6,854 186 3,314 311 699 - 1,867 477
55-59 5,527 156 2,303 144 490 - 1,987 447
60-64 7,471 174 1,733 236 633 - 4,233 462
65-69 6,156 133 1,268 153 535 - 3,842 225
70-74 7,017 156 657 131 321 - 5,464 288
75+ 8,378 338 454 183 287 - 6,755 361

Table 6.3 Economically Inactive Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Reason for
Inactivity, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Reason for Not Being Active
Urban-Rural Old Age/
Residence/ Total Student/ Home Illness/ Pensioner/
Sex/Age Group Inactive Training Maker Disabled Injury Too Young Remittance Other

URBAN-MALE 127,357 94,952 5,037 1,503 2,660 8,292 6,650 8,263

10-14 46,695 37,297 782 49 241 7,605 - 721

15-19 40,141 35,804 862 96 305 687 - 2,387
20-24 18,362 15,866 794 108 232 - - 1,362
25-29 5,349 3,723 406 138 295 - - 787
30-34 2,218 918 351 139 192 - - 618
35-39 1,691 446 411 133 189 - - 512
40-44 1,415 229 304 106 212 - - 564
45-49 1,053 101 269 124 137 - - 422
50-54 1,089 66 262 182 158 - 261 160
55-59 935 60 132 78 122 - 348 195
60-64 1,536 96 174 131 157 - 773 205
65-69 1,436 63 119 71 182 - 936 65
70-74 1,988 55 79 69 112 - 1,566 107
75+ 3,449 228 92 79 126 - 2,766 158

URBAN-FEMALE 192,568 90,383 60,358 1,339 5,032 7,443 17,498 10,515

10-14 47,973 38,189 1,838 79 170 6,863 - 834

15-19 46,739 37,137 6,181 122 256 580 - 2,463
20-24 24,864 10,766 11,864 92 283 - - 1,859
25-29 15,374 2,331 11,373 94 333 - - 1,243
30-34 8,929 561 7,195 67 432 - - 674
35-39 7,739 440 5,892 132 572 - - 703
40-44 5,271 224 3,796 116 488 - - 647
45-49 4,709 160 3,348 89 390 - - 722
50-54 5,765 120 3,052 129 541 - 1,606 317
55-59 4,592 96 2,171 66 368 - 1,639 252
60-64 5,935 78 1,559 105 476 - 3,460 257
65-69 4,720 70 1,149 82 353 - 2,906 160
70-74 5,029 101 578 62 209 - 3,898 181
75+ 4,929 110 362 104 161 - 3,989 203

RURAL-TOTAL 754,925 315,980 218,865 7,365 25,630 75,737 71,607 39,741

10-14 271,199 171,717 22,210 403 2,615 69,782 - 4,472

15-19 155,230 101,587 31,739 699 2,037 5,955 - 13,213
20-24 66,847 29,711 29,522 662 1,825 - - 5,127
25-29 39,350 6,889 27,595 452 1,508 - - 2,906
30-34 33,092 1,989 26,359 630 1,724 - - 2,390
35-39 28,309 1,008 22,826 457 1,830 - - 2,188
40-44 21,631 540 16,120 540 2,206 - - 2,225
45-49 18,479 495 12,728 479 2,326 - - 2,451
50-54 20,507 367 11,417 565 2,406 - 4,754 998
55-59 15,704 314 6,716 436 1,859 - 5,583 796
60-64 20,946 281 5,546 528 1,988 - 11,679 924
65-69 17,272 213 2,838 454 1,350 - 11,868 549
70-74 20,516 380 1,902 518 1,018 - 16,050 648
75+ 25,843 489 1,347 542 938 - 21,673 854

RURAL-MALE 299,528 167,350 32,965 3,512 9,678 41,291 24,032 20,700

10-14 136,220 84,220 9,494 274 1,508 37,901 - 2,823

15-19 75,339 54,879 8,019 285 1,066 3,390 - 7,700
20-24 28,693 20,310 4,454 273 838 - - 2,818
25-29 9,251 4,922 2,203 225 474 - - 1,427
30-34 4,550 1,215 1,560 301 518 - - 956
35-39 3,885 487 1,630 166 550 - - 1,052
40-44 2,972 212 965 277 635 - - 883
45-49 2,674 212 981 218 457 - - 806
50-54 2,946 157 1,012 248 542 - 535 452
55-59 2,829 81 774 233 597 - 727 417
60-64 4,579 91 660 212 772 - 2,453 391
65-69 5,084 88 448 236 674 - 3,338 300
70-74 7,091 203 335 255 465 - 5,559 274
75+ 13,415 273 430 309 582 - 11,420 401

Table 6.3 Economically Inactive Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Reason for
Inactivity, Urban-Rural Residence, Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Reason for Not Being Active
Urban-Rural Old Age/
Residence/ Total Student/ Home Illness/ Pensioner/
Sex/Age Group Inactive Training Maker Disabled Injury Too Young Remittance Other

RURAL-FEMALE 455,397 148,630 185,900 3,853 15,952 34,446 47,575 19,041

10-14 134,979 87,497 12,716 129 1,107 31,881 - 1,649

15-19 79,891 46,708 23,720 414 971 2,565 - 5,513
20-24 38,154 9,401 25,068 389 987 - - 2,309
25-29 30,099 1,967 25,392 227 1,034 - - 1,479
30-34 28,542 774 24,799 329 1,206 - - 1,434
35-39 24,424 521 21,196 291 1,280 - - 1,136
40-44 18,659 328 15,155 263 1,571 - - 1,342
45-49 15,805 283 11,747 261 1,869 - - 1,645
50-54 17,561 210 10,405 317 1,864 - 4,219 546
55-59 12,875 233 5,942 203 1,262 - 4,856 379
60-64 16,367 190 4,886 316 1,216 - 9,226 533
65-69 12,188 125 2,390 218 676 - 8,530 249
70-74 13,425 177 1,567 263 553 - 10,491 374
75+ 12,428 216 917 233 356 - 10,253 453

10+ 66 110 15 97 59 118 47 98

10-14 100 97 71 155 137 117 - 143

15-19 91 108 30 71 112 130 - 126
20-24 75 179 14 79 84 - - 100
25-29 32 201 7 113 56 - - 81
30-34 18 160 6 111 43 - - 75
35-39 17 97 8 71 40 - - 85
40-44 18 80 7 101 41 - - 73
45-49 18 71 8 98 26 - - 52
50-54 17 68 9 96 29 - 14 71
55-59 22 43 11 116 44 - 17 97
60-64 27 70 13 81 55 - 25 75
65-69 39 77 16 102 83 - 37 89
70-74 49 93 19 100 76 - 50 69
75+ 97 154 41 115 137 - 100 85

Table 6.4 Economically Active Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Age Group, Sex, Employed, Unemployed
and Unemployment Rates: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------
Residence/ Both
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Age 10+ 1,969,707 1,054,816 914,891 1,855,560 1,002,036 853,524 114,144 52,779 61,365 5.8 5.0 6.7

10-14 247,938 131,953 115,985 238,343 126,955 111,388 9,595 4,998 4,597 3.9 3.8 4.0
15-19 254,106 129,086 125,020 235,555 120,158 115,397 18,550 8,928 9,622 7.3 6.9 7.7
20-24 252,400 128,502 123,898 228,990 118,869 110,121 23,410 9,633 13,777 9.3 7.5 11.1
25-29 225,767 113,392 112,375 208,874 106,541 102,333 16,893 6,851 10,042 7.5 6.0 8.9
30-34 205,069 104,665 100,404 193,404 99,904 93,500 11,667 4,762 6,905 5.7 4.5 6.9
35-39 187,385 98,182 89,203 177,919 94,083 83,836 9,466 4,100 5,366 5.1 4.2 6.0
40-44 142,394 79,458 62,936 135,734 76,031 59,703 6,659 3,426 3,233 4.7 4.3 5.1
45-49 113,629 63,549 50,080 108,254 60,706 47,548 5,375 2,843 2,532 4.7 4.5 5.1
50-54 98,270 53,671 44,599 94,059 51,565 42,494 4,212 2,106 2,106 4.3 3.9 4.7
55-59 73,745 45,560 28,185 70,933 43,923 27,010 2,811 1,637 1,174 3.8 3.6 4.2
60-64 62,996 37,638 25,358 60,735 36,292 24,443 2,261 1,347 914 3.6 3.6 3.6
65-69 44,028 28,818 15,210 42,537 27,893 14,644 1,491 924 567 3.4 3.2 3.7
70-74 32,847 21,017 11,830 31,932 20,325 11,607 913 691 222 2.8 3.3 1.9
75+ 29,133 19,325 9,808 28,291 18,791 9,500 841 533 308 2.9 2.8 3.1

Age 10+ 322,252 169,763 152,489 249,579 141,322 108,257 72,675 28,441 44,234 22.6 16.8 29.0

10-14 11,405 5,539 5,866 7,931 3,935 3,996 3,474 1,604 1,870 30.5 29.0 31.9
15-19 32,762 13,751 19,011 22,260 9,496 12,764 10,502 4,255 6,247 32.1 30.9 32.9
20-24 58,004 27,015 30,989 41,747 21,592 20,155 16,257 5,423 10,834 28.0 20.1 35.0
25-29 56,322 29,303 27,019 44,264 25,304 18,960 12,058 3,999 8,059 21.4 13.6 29.8
30-34 43,385 23,657 19,728 35,281 20,816 14,465 8,105 2,841 5,264 18.7 12.0 26.7
35-39 38,047 20,389 17,658 31,534 17,887 13,647 6,513 2,502 4,011 17.1 12.3 22.7
40-44 24,920 15,229 9,691 20,607 13,180 7,427 4,313 2,049 2,264 17.3 13.5 23.4
45-49 18,606 11,304 7,302 14,917 9,492 5,425 3,689 1,812 1,877 19.8 16.0 25.7
50-54 13,593 7,796 5,797 10,878 6,644 4,234 2,716 1,152 1,564 20.0 14.8 27.0
55-59 8,906 5,350 3,556 7,163 4,462 2,701 1,743 889 854 19.6 16.6 24.0
60-64 6,883 4,113 2,770 5,489 3,364 2,125 1,394 749 645 20.3 18.2 23.3
65-69 4,489 2,916 1,573 3,568 2,415 1,153 922 501 421 20.5 17.2 26.8
70-74 2,807 1,964 843 2,252 1,559 693 555 405 150 19.8 20.6 17.8
75+ 2,123 1,437 686 1,688 1,176 512 434 260 174 20.4 18.1 25.4

Table 6.4 Economically Active Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Age Group, Sex, Employed, Unemployed
and Unemployment Rates: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------
Residence/ Both
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
Age 10+ 1,647,455 885,053 762,402 1,605,981 860,714 745,267 41,469 24,338 17,131 2.5 2.7 2.2

10-14 236,533 126,414 110,119 230,412 123,020 107,392 6,121 3,394 2,727 2.6 2.7 2.5
15-19 221,344 115,335 106,009 213,295 110,662 102,633 8,048 4,673 3,375 3.6 4.1 3.2
20-24 194,396 101,487 92,909 187,243 97,277 89,966 7,153 4,210 2,943 3.7 4.1 3.2
25-29 169,445 84,089 85,356 164,610 81,237 83,373 4,835 2,852 1,983 2.9 3.4 2.3
30-34 161,684 81,008 80,676 158,123 79,088 79,035 3,562 1,921 1,641 2.2 2.4 2.0
35-39 149,338 77,793 71,545 146,385 76,196 70,189 2,953 1,598 1,355 2.0 2.1 1.9
40-44 117,474 64,229 53,245 115,127 62,851 52,276 2,346 1,377 969 2.0 2.1 1.8
45-49 95,023 52,245 42,778 93,337 51,214 42,123 1,686 1,031 655 1.8 2.0 1.5
50-54 84,677 45,875 38,802 83,181 44,921 38,260 1,496 954 542 1.8 2.1 1.4
55-59 64,839 40,210 24,629 63,770 39,461 24,309 1,068 748 320 1.6 1.9 1.3
60-64 56,113 33,525 22,588 55,246 32,928 22,318 867 598 269 1.5 1.8 1.2
65-69 39,539 25,902 13,637 38,969 25,478 13,491 569 423 146 1.4 1.6 1.1
70-74 30,040 19,053 10,987 29,680 18,766 10,914 358 286 72 1.2 1.5 .7
75+ 27,010 17,888 9,122 26,603 17,615 8,988 407 273 134 1.5 1.5 1.5

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 1,969,705 1,054,816 914,889 1,855,563 1,002,038 853,525 114,142 52,779 61,363 5.8 5.0 6.7
URBAN 322,252 169,762 152,490 249,579 141,322 108,257 72,673 28,441 44,232 22.6 16.8 29.0
RURAL 1,647,453 885,054 762,399 1,605,984 860,716 745,268 41,469 24,338 17,131 2.5 2.7 2.2


URBAN+RURAL 347,098 193,177 153,921 334,655 187,227 147,428 12,443 5,950 6,493 3.6 3.1 4.2
URBAN 42,507 21,943 20,564 34,650 18,864 15,786 7,857 3,079 4,778 18.5 14.0 23.2
RURAL 304,591 171,234 133,357 300,005 168,363 131,642 4,586 2,871 1,715 1.5 1.7 1.3

URBAN+RURAL 45,415 25,330 20,085 44,436 24,889 19,547 980 442 538 2.2 1.7 2.7
URBAN 2,258 1,103 1,155 1,932 1,023 909 326 80 246 14.4 7.3 21.3
RURAL 43,157 24,227 18,930 42,504 23,866 18,638 654 362 292 1.5 1.5 1.5

URBAN+RURAL 51,685 28,432 23,253 50,796 28,095 22,701 889 337 552 1.7 1.2 2.4
URBAN 2,821 1,307 1,514 2,289 1,159 1,130 532 148 384 18.9 11.3 25.4
RURAL 48,864 27,125 21,739 48,507 26,936 21,571 357 189 168 .7 .7 .8

URBAN+RURAL 59,311 31,972 27,339 57,510 31,155 26,355 1,801 817 984 3.0 2.6 3.6
URBAN 4,032 1,931 2,101 3,032 1,566 1,466 1,001 365 636 24.8 18.9 30.3
RURAL 55,279 30,041 25,238 54,478 29,589 24,889 800 452 348 1.4 1.5 1.4

URBAN+RURAL 34,488 18,802 15,686 33,906 18,488 15,418 583 314 269 1.7 1.7 1.7
RURAL 34,488 18,802 15,686 33,906 18,488 15,418 583 314 269 1.7 1.7 1.7

URBAN+RURAL 64,689 38,074 26,615 62,751 36,923 25,828 1,939 1,151 788 3.0 3.0 3.0
URBAN 3,784 2,083 1,701 3,013 1,673 1,340 771 410 361 20.4 19.7 21.2
RURAL 60,905 35,991 24,914 59,738 35,250 24,488 1,168 741 427 1.9 2.1 1.7

URBAN+RURAL 65,455 36,854 28,601 63,868 35,813 28,055 1,587 1,042 545 2.4 2.8 1.9
URBAN 3,560 1,807 1,753 2,997 1,579 1,418 562 228 334 15.8 12.6 19.1
RURAL 61,895 35,047 26,848 60,871 34,234 26,637 1,025 814 211 1.7 2.3 .8

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 19,040 9,978 9,062 16,259 8,945 7,314 2,781 1,033 1,748 14.6 10.4 19.3
URBAN 19,040 9,978 9,062 16,259 8,945 7,314 2,781 1,033 1,748 14.6 10.4 19.3

URBAN+RURAL 7,012 3,734 3,278 5,129 2,919 2,210 1,883 815 1,068 26.9 21.8 32.6
URBAN 7,012 3,734 3,278 5,129 2,919 2,210 1,883 815 1,068 26.9 21.8 32.6

URBAN+RURAL 601,413 314,698 286,715 572,163 300,709 271,454 29,250 13,989 15,261 4.9 4.4 5.3
URBAN 65,418 32,735 32,683 50,252 27,227 23,025 15,166 5,508 9,658 23.2 16.8 29.6
RURAL 535,995 281,963 254,032 521,911 273,482 248,429 14,084 8,481 5,603 2.6 3.0 2.2

URBAN+RURAL 52,707 27,652 25,055 51,255 26,963 24,292 1,452 689 763 2.8 2.5 3.0
URBAN 2,383 1,100 1,283 1,731 860 871 652 240 412 27.4 21.8 32.1
RURAL 50,324 26,552 23,772 49,524 26,103 23,421 800 449 351 1.6 1.7 1.5

URBAN+RURAL 83,824 41,414 42,410 79,260 39,299 39,961 4,563 2,114 2,449 5.4 5.1 5.8
URBAN 8,650 4,076 4,574 6,734 3,439 3,295 1,916 637 1,279 22.2 15.6 28.0
RURAL 75,174 37,338 37,836 72,526 35,860 36,666 2,647 1,477 1,170 3.5 4.0 3.1

URBAN+RURAL 85,620 42,531 43,089 84,220 41,972 42,248 1,399 559 840 1.6 1.3 1.9
URBAN 5,799 2,569 3,230 4,806 2,259 2,547 992 310 682 17.1 12.1 21.1
RURAL 79,821 39,962 39,859 79,414 39,713 39,701 407 249 158 .5 .6 .4

URBAN+RURAL 50,346 26,109 24,237 49,001 25,349 23,652 1,345 760 585 2.7 2.9 2.4
RURAL 50,346 26,109 24,237 49,001 25,349 23,652 1,345 760 585 2.7 2.9 2.4

URBAN+RURAL 33,673 18,098 15,575 32,438 17,489 14,949 1,235 609 626 3.7 3.4 4.0
RURAL 33,673 18,098 15,575 32,438 17,489 14,949 1,235 609 626 3.7 3.4 4.0

URBAN+RURAL 51,337 26,192 25,145 50,124 25,596 24,528 1,213 596 617 2.4 2.3 2.5
URBAN 4,784 2,300 2,484 4,199 2,094 2,105 585 206 379 12.2 9.0 15.3
RURAL 46,553 23,892 22,661 45,925 23,502 22,423 628 390 238 1.3 1.6 1.1

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 60,627 30,724 29,903 58,791 29,593 29,198 1,835 1,130 705 3.0 3.7 2.4
URBAN 898 458 440 729 413 316 169 45 124 18.8 9.8 28.2
RURAL 59,729 30,266 29,463 58,062 29,180 28,882 1,666 1,085 581 2.8 3.6 2.0

URBAN+RURAL 59,033 32,487 26,546 56,435 30,799 25,636 2,598 1,688 910 4.4 5.2 3.4
RURAL 59,033 32,487 26,546 56,435 30,799 25,636 2,598 1,688 910 4.4 5.2 3.4

URBAN+RURAL 44,921 26,659 18,262 42,623 25,182 17,441 2,298 1,477 821 5.1 5.5 4.5
URBAN 2,731 1,341 1,390 2,188 1,127 1,061 543 214 329 19.9 16.0 23.7
RURAL 42,190 25,318 16,872 40,435 24,055 16,380 1,755 1,263 492 4.2 5.0 2.9

URBAN+RURAL 41,447 23,205 18,242 39,912 22,448 17,464 1,534 757 777 3.7 3.3 4.3
URBAN 2,293 1,263 1,030 1,760 1,016 744 532 247 285 23.2 19.6 27.7
RURAL 39,154 21,942 17,212 38,152 21,432 16,720 1,002 510 492 2.6 2.3 2.9

URBAN+RURAL 5,215 2,865 2,350 4,349 2,560 1,789 866 305 561 16.6 10.6 23.9
URBAN 5,215 2,865 2,350 4,349 2,560 1,789 866 305 561 16.6 10.6 23.9

URBAN+RURAL 14,485 7,172 7,313 10,060 5,543 4,517 4,425 1,629 2,796 30.5 22.7 38.2
URBAN 14,485 7,172 7,313 10,060 5,543 4,517 4,425 1,629 2,796 30.5 22.7 38.2

URBAN+RURAL 18,177 9,589 8,588 13,693 7,915 5,778 4,484 1,674 2,810 24.7 17.5 32.7
URBAN 18,177 9,589 8,588 13,693 7,915 5,778 4,484 1,674 2,810 24.7 17.5 32.7


URBAN+RURAL 310,134 152,555 157,579 288,224 143,713 144,511 21,911 8,843 13,068 7.1 5.8 8.3
URBAN 50,498 23,525 26,973 37,074 19,315 17,759 13,424 4,210 9,214 26.6 17.9 34.2
RURAL 259,636 129,030 130,606 251,150 124,398 126,752 8,487 4,633 3,854 3.3 3.6 3.0

URBAN+RURAL 38,109 18,097 20,012 35,450 17,017 18,433 2,660 1,080 1,580 7.0 6.0 7.9
URBAN 3,197 1,362 1,835 1,417 770 647 1,780 592 1,188 55.7 43.5 64.7
RURAL 34,912 16,735 18,177 34,033 16,247 17,786 880 488 392 2.5 2.9 2.2

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 9,544 4,979 4,565 8,543 4,455 4,088 1,000 523 477 10.5 10.5 10.4
URBAN 794 384 410 596 334 262 198 50 148 24.9 13.0 36.1
RURAL 8,750 4,595 4,155 7,947 4,121 3,826 802 473 329 9.2 10.3 7.9

URBAN+RURAL 56,553 27,178 29,375 53,544 25,951 27,593 3,010 1,227 1,783 5.3 4.5 6.1
URBAN 6,631 2,715 3,916 5,223 2,299 2,924 1,408 416 992 21.2 15.3 25.3
RURAL 49,922 24,463 25,459 48,321 23,652 24,669 1,602 811 791 3.2 3.3 3.1

URBAN+RURAL 38,742 18,996 19,746 37,359 18,218 19,141 1,383 778 605 3.6 4.1 3.1
URBAN 1,379 584 795 1,154 524 630 225 60 165 16.3 10.3 20.8
RURAL 37,363 18,412 18,951 36,205 17,694 18,511 1,158 718 440 3.1 3.9 2.3

URBAN+RURAL 51,162 25,114 26,048 48,899 24,046 24,853 2,263 1,068 1,195 4.4 4.3 4.6
URBAN 2,322 1,064 1,258 1,739 828 911 582 235 347 25.1 22.1 27.6
RURAL 48,840 24,050 24,790 47,160 23,218 23,942 1,681 833 848 3.4 3.5 3.4

URBAN+RURAL 46,024 23,560 22,464 44,557 22,869 21,688 1,466 691 775 3.2 2.9 3.4
URBAN 2,072 915 1,157 1,428 717 711 644 198 446 31.1 21.6 38.5
RURAL 43,952 22,645 21,307 43,129 22,152 20,977 822 493 329 1.9 2.2 1.5

URBAN+RURAL 39,878 19,921 19,957 37,810 18,954 18,856 2,067 966 1,101 5.2 4.8 5.5
URBAN 3,980 1,790 2,190 3,454 1,640 1,814 526 150 376 13.2 8.4 17.2
RURAL 35,898 18,131 17,767 34,356 17,314 17,042 1,541 816 725 4.3 4.5 4.1

URBAN+RURAL 19,952 9,465 10,487 14,183 7,827 6,356 5,768 1,637 4,131 28.9 17.3 39.4
URBAN 19,952 9,465 10,487 14,183 7,827 6,356 5,768 1,637 4,131 28.9 17.3 39.4

URBAN+RURAL 10,171 5,247 4,924 7,879 4,376 3,503 2,293 872 1,421 22.5 16.6 28.9
URBAN 10,171 5,247 4,924 7,879 4,376 3,503 2,293 872 1,421 22.5 16.6 28.9

URBAN+RURAL 452,913 244,652 208,261 432,881 234,217 198,664 20,032 10,436 9,596 4.4 4.3 4.6
URBAN 41,583 21,801 19,782 33,055 18,123 14,932 8,527 3,678 4,849 20.5 16.9 24.5

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
RURAL 411,330 222,851 188,479 399,826 216,094 183,732 11,505 6,758 4,747 2.8 3.0 2.5

URBAN+RURAL 56,989 30,806 26,183 55,086 29,744 25,342 1,902 1,061 841 3.3 3.4 3.2
URBAN 3,576 1,783 1,793 2,840 1,415 1,425 735 367 368 20.6 20.6 20.5
RURAL 53,413 29,023 24,390 52,246 28,329 23,917 1,167 694 473 2.2 2.4 1.9

URBAN+RURAL 58,437 31,604 26,833 56,978 30,662 26,316 1,460 942 518 2.5 3.0 1.9
RURAL 58,437 31,604 26,833 56,978 30,662 26,316 1,460 942 518 2.5 3.0 1.9

URBAN+RURAL 72,167 37,980 34,187 69,770 36,806 32,964 2,396 1,173 1,223 3.3 3.1 3.6
URBAN 3,834 1,964 1,870 2,970 1,594 1,376 864 370 494 22.5 18.8 26.4
RURAL 68,333 36,016 32,317 66,800 35,212 31,588 1,532 803 729 2.2 2.2 2.3

URBAN+RURAL 44,427 24,909 19,518 42,640 23,978 18,662 1,787 931 856 4.0 3.7 4.4
URBAN 2,965 1,648 1,317 2,170 1,310 860 795 338 457 26.8 20.5 34.7
RURAL 41,462 23,261 18,201 40,470 22,668 17,802 992 593 399 2.4 2.5 2.2

URBAN+RURAL 36,929 20,014 16,915 35,752 19,227 16,525 1,176 787 389 3.2 3.9 2.3
URBAN 1,256 562 694 1,121 490 631 134 72 62 10.7 12.8 8.9
RURAL 35,673 19,452 16,221 34,631 18,737 15,894 1,042 715 327 2.9 3.7 2.0

URBAN+RURAL 70,502 36,920 33,582 66,682 34,843 31,839 3,819 2,076 1,743 5.4 5.6 5.2
URBAN 5,166 2,910 2,256 3,959 2,289 1,670 1,207 621 586 23.4 21.3 26.0
RURAL 65,336 34,010 31,326 62,723 32,554 30,169 2,612 1,455 1,157 4.0 4.3 3.7

URBAN+RURAL 35,699 20,391 15,308 34,424 19,596 14,828 1,273 794 479 3.6 3.9 3.1
URBAN 1,433 819 614 1,180 663 517 252 156 96 17.6 19.0 15.6
RURAL 34,266 19,572 14,694 33,244 18,933 14,311 1,021 638 383 3.0 3.3 2.6

URBAN+RURAL 54,411 29,914 24,497 52,732 28,997 23,735 1,678 917 761 3.1 3.1 3.1
RURAL 54,411 29,914 24,497 52,732 28,997 23,735 1,678 917 761 3.1 3.1 3.1

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 8,222 4,069 4,153 6,661 3,546 3,115 1,562 524 1,038 19.0 12.9 25.0
URBAN 8,222 4,069 4,153 6,661 3,546 3,115 1,562 524 1,038 19.0 12.9 25.0

URBAN+RURAL 4,971 2,483 2,488 4,287 2,196 2,091 685 288 397 13.8 11.6 16.0
URBAN 4,971 2,483 2,488 4,287 2,196 2,091 685 288 397 13.8 11.6 16.0

URBAN+RURAL 10,159 5,562 4,597 7,868 4,621 3,247 2,291 941 1,350 22.6 16.9 29.4
URBAN 10,159 5,562 4,597 7,868 4,621 3,247 2,291 941 1,350 22.6 16.9 29.4

URBAN+RURAL 168,128 99,688 68,440 156,648 93,385 63,263 11,480 6,303 5,177 6.8 6.3 7.6
URBAN 32,227 19,713 12,514 23,555 15,006 8,549 8,672 4,707 3,965 26.9 23.9 31.7
RURAL 135,901 79,975 55,926 133,093 78,379 54,714 2,808 1,596 1,212 2.1 2.0 2.2

URBAN+RURAL 46,566 27,149 19,417 40,748 23,748 17,000 5,819 3,401 2,418 12.5 12.5 12.5
URBAN 13,057 8,077 4,980 8,342 5,319 3,023 4,715 2,758 1,957 36.1 34.1 39.3
RURAL 33,509 19,072 14,437 32,406 18,429 13,977 1,104 643 461 3.3 3.4 3.2

URBAN+RURAL 64,621 38,090 26,531 62,949 37,115 25,834 1,672 975 697 2.6 2.6 2.6
URBAN 3,907 2,186 1,721 3,236 1,827 1,409 671 359 312 17.2 16.4 18.1
RURAL 60,714 35,904 24,810 59,713 35,288 24,425 1,001 616 385 1.6 1.7 1.6

URBAN+RURAL 46,061 27,530 18,531 44,444 26,799 17,645 1,615 730 885 3.5 2.7 4.8
URBAN 4,382 2,530 1,852 3,469 2,136 1,333 912 393 519 20.8 15.5 28.0
RURAL 41,679 25,000 16,679 40,975 24,663 16,312 703 337 366 1.7 1.3 2.2

URBAN+RURAL 10,882 6,921 3,961 8,507 5,724 2,783 2,374 1,197 1,177 21.8 17.3 29.7
URBAN 10,882 6,921 3,961 8,507 5,724 2,783 2,374 1,197 1,177 21.8 17.3 29.7


URBAN+RURAL 90,021 50,046 39,975 70,994 42,787 28,207 19,027 7,259 11,768 21.1 14.5 29.4
URBAN 90,021 50,046 39,975 70,994 42,787 28,207 19,027 7,259 11,768 21.1 14.5 29.4

Table 6.5 Economically Active Persons aged 10 years and above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and Unemployment
Rates, Urban and Rural: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
--------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

Urban-Rural Both
Residence Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

URBAN+RURAL 39,454 21,020 18,434 31,278 17,906 13,372 8,175 3,113 5,062 20.7 14.8 27.5
URBAN 39,454 21,020 18,434 31,278 17,906 13,372 8,175 3,113 5,062 20.7 14.8 27.5

URBAN+RURAL 50,567 29,026 21,541 39,715 24,880 14,835 10,852 4,146 6,706 21.5 14.3 31.1
URBAN 50,567 29,026 21,541 39,715 24,880 14,835 10,852 4,146 6,706 21.5 14.3 31.1

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

TIGRAY-REGION 322,252 169,762 152,490 249,579 141,322 108,257 72,673 28,441 44,232 22.6 16.8 29.0

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 42,507 21,943 20,564 34,650 18,864 15,786 7,857 3,079 4,778 18.5 14.0 23.2

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,258 1,103 1,155 1,932 1,023 909 326 80 246 14.4 7.3 21.3

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 2,258 1,103 1,155 1,932 1,023 909 326 80 246 14.4 7.3 21.3

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,821 1,307 1,514 2,289 1,159 1,130 532 148 384 18.9 11.3 25.4

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,821 1,307 1,514 2,289 1,159 1,130 532 148 384 18.9 11.3 25.4

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 4,032 1,931 2,101 3,032 1,566 1,466 1,001 365 636 24.8 18.9 30.3

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,816 1,370 1,446 2,103 1,083 1,020 713 287 426 25.3 20.9 29.5

ZANA-TOWN 1,218 562 656 930 484 446 288 78 210 23.6 13.9 32.0

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 3,784 2,083 1,701 3,013 1,673 1,340 771 410 361 20.4 19.7 21.2

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 3,784 2,083 1,701 3,013 1,673 1,340 771 410 361 20.4 19.7 21.2

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 3,560 1,807 1,753 2,997 1,579 1,418 562 228 334 15.8 12.6 19.1

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 3,560 1,807 1,753 2,997 1,579 1,418 562 228 334 15.8 12.6 19.1

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 19,040 9,978 9,062 16,259 8,945 7,314 2,781 1,033 1,748 14.6 10.4 19.3

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 19,040 9,978 9,062 16,259 8,945 7,314 2,781 1,033 1,748 14.6 10.4 19.3

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,012 3,734 3,278 5,129 2,919 2,210 1,883 815 1,068 26.9 21.8 32.6

SHIRARO-TOWN 7,012 3,734 3,278 5,129 2,919 2,210 1,883 815 1,068 26.9 21.8 32.6

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 65,418 32,735 32,683 50,252 27,227 23,025 15,166 5,508 9,658 23.2 16.8 29.6

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,383 1,100 1,283 1,731 860 871 652 240 412 27.4 21.8 32.1

RAMA-TOWN 2,383 1,100 1,283 1,731 860 871 652 240 412 27.4 21.8 32.1

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 8,650 4,076 4,574 6,734 3,439 3,295 1,916 637 1,279 22.2 15.6 28.0

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 2,397 1,058 1,339 1,902 912 990 495 146 349 20.7 13.8 26.1

INTICHO-TOWN 3,898 1,885 2,013 2,992 1,614 1,378 907 271 636 23.3 14.4 31.6

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 781 369 412 381 192 189 398 176 222 51.0 47.7 53.9

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,574 764 810 1,459 721 738 116 43 73 7.4 5.6 9.0

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 5,799 2,569 3,230 4,806 2,259 2,547 992 310 682 17.1 12.1 21.1

NEBELAT-TOWN 1,251 469 782 970 384 586 281 85 196 22.5 18.1 25.1

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,777 1,324 1,453 2,506 1,256 1,250 271 68 203 9.8 5.1 14.0

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,771 776 995 1,331 619 712 440 157 283 24.8 20.2 28.4

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 4,784 2,300 2,484 4,199 2,094 2,105 585 206 379 12.2 9.0 15.3

CHILA-TOWN 1,339 555 784 1,052 470 582 288 85 203 21.5 15.3 25.9

WUKRO MARYA 3,445 1,745 1,700 3,147 1,624 1,523 298 122 176 8.7 7.0 10.4

NADER ADET-WEREDA 898 458 440 729 413 316 169 45 124 18.8 9.8 28.2

SEMEMA TOWN 898 458 440 729 413 316 169 45 124 18.8 9.8 28.2

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,731 1,341 1,390 2,188 1,127 1,061 543 214 329 19.9 16.0 23.7

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,731 1,341 1,390 2,188 1,127 1,061 543 214 329 19.9 16.0 23.7

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 2,293 1,263 1,030 1,760 1,016 744 532 247 285 23.2 19.6 27.7

MEARAY-TOWN 2,293 1,263 1,030 1,760 1,016 744 532 247 285 23.2 19.6 27.7

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 5,215 2,865 2,350 4,349 2,560 1,789 866 305 561 16.6 10.6 23.9

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 5,215 2,865 2,350 4,349 2,560 1,789 866 305 561 16.6 10.6 23.9

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 14,485 7,172 7,313 10,060 5,543 4,517 4,425 1,629 2,796 30.5 22.7 38.2

ADWA-TOWN 14,485 7,172 7,313 10,060 5,543 4,517 4,425 1,629 2,796 30.5 22.7 38.2

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 18,177 9,589 8,588 13,693 7,915 5,778 4,484 1,674 2,810 24.7 17.5 32.7

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

AXUM-TOWN 18,177 9,589 8,588 13,693 7,915 5,778 4,484 1,674 2,810 24.7 17.5 32.7

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 50,498 23,525 26,973 37,074 19,315 17,759 13,424 4,210 9,214 26.6 17.9 34.2

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 3,197 1,362 1,835 1,417 770 647 1,780 592 1,188 55.7 43.5 64.7

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 2,251 913 1,338 632 373 259 1,619 540 1,079 71.9 59.1 80.6

FATSI-TOWN 946 449 497 784 396 388 162 53 109 17.1 11.8 21.9

EROB-WEREDA 794 384 410 596 334 262 198 50 148 24.9 13.0 36.1

DAWUHAN-TOWN 794 384 410 596 334 262 198 50 148 24.9 13.0 36.1

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 6,631 2,715 3,916 5,223 2,299 2,924 1,408 416 992 21.2 15.3 25.3

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,918 1,554 2,364 2,954 1,278 1,676 964 276 688 24.6 17.8 29.1

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 2,713 1,161 1,552 2,269 1,021 1,248 444 140 304 16.4 12.1 19.6

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,379 584 795 1,154 524 630 225 60 165 16.3 10.3 20.8

BAZET-TOWN 1,379 584 795 1,154 524 630 225 60 165 16.3 10.3 20.8

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,322 1,064 1,258 1,739 828 911 582 235 347 25.1 22.1 27.6

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,322 1,064 1,258 1,739 828 911 582 235 347 25.1 22.1 27.6

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 2,072 915 1,157 1,428 717 711 644 198 446 31.1 21.6 38.5

AGULA-TOWN 2,072 915 1,157 1,428 717 711 644 198 446 31.1 21.6 38.5

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,980 1,790 2,190 3,454 1,640 1,814 526 150 376 13.2 8.4 17.2

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 3,059 1,329 1,730 2,672 1,240 1,432 387 89 298 12.7 6.7 17.2

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 921 461 460 783 400 383 139 61 78 15.1 13.2 17.0

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 19,952 9,465 10,487 14,183 7,827 6,356 5,768 1,637 4,131 28.9 17.3 39.4

ADIGRAT-TOWN 19,952 9,465 10,487 14,183 7,827 6,356 5,768 1,637 4,131 28.9 17.3 39.4

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 10,171 5,247 4,924 7,879 4,376 3,503 2,293 872 1,421 22.5 16.6 28.9

WUKRO-TOWN 10,171 5,247 4,924 7,879 4,376 3,503 2,293 872 1,421 22.5 16.6 28.9

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 41,583 21,801 19,782 33,055 18,123 14,932 8,527 3,678 4,849 20.5 16.9 24.5

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 3,576 1,783 1,793 2,840 1,415 1,425 735 367 368 20.6 20.6 20.5

GIJET-TOWN 1,772 872 900 1,250 595 655 522 277 245 29.5 31.8 27.2

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,804 911 893 1,591 821 770 213 90 123 11.8 9.9 13.8

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,834 1,964 1,870 2,970 1,594 1,376 864 370 494 22.5 18.8 26.4

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,503 1,324 1,179 2,047 1,146 901 455 178 277 18.2 13.4 23.5

HIWANE-TOWN 1,332 640 692 922 448 474 409 192 217 30.7 30.0 31.4

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,965 1,648 1,317 2,170 1,310 860 795 338 457 26.8 20.5 34.7

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,965 1,648 1,317 2,170 1,310 860 795 338 457 26.8 20.5 34.7

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 1,256 562 694 1,121 490 631 134 72 62 10.7 12.8 8.9

MESWAET-TOWN 1,256 562 694 1,121 490 631 134 72 62 10.7 12.8 8.9

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 5,166 2,910 2,256 3,959 2,289 1,670 1,207 621 586 23.4 21.3 26.0

MEHONI-TOWN 4,299 2,443 1,856 3,429 1,949 1,480 870 495 375 20.2 20.3 20.2

CHERCHER-TOWN 867 466 401 530 340 190 336 126 210 38.8 27.0 52.4

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,433 819 614 1,180 663 517 252 156 96 17.6 19.0 15.6

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,433 819 614 1,180 663 517 252 156 96 17.6 19.0 15.6

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,222 4,069 4,153 6,661 3,546 3,115 1,562 524 1,038 19.0 12.9 25.0

MAYCHEW-TOWN 8,222 4,069 4,153 6,661 3,546 3,115 1,562 524 1,038 19.0 12.9 25.0

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,971 2,483 2,488 4,287 2,196 2,091 685 288 397 13.8 11.6 16.0

KOREM-TOWN 4,971 2,483 2,488 4,287 2,196 2,091 685 288 397 13.8 11.6 16.0

Table 6.6 Economically Active Persons of Towns Aged 10 Years and Above by Sex, Employed, Unemployed and
Unemployment Rates During the Last Seven Days: 2007
Economically Active Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate
------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Geographical Both
Area Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 10,159 5,562 4,597 7,868 4,621 3,247 2,291 941 1,350 22.6 16.9 29.4

ALAMATA-TOWN 10,159 5,562 4,597 7,868 4,621 3,247 2,291 941 1,350 22.6 16.9 29.4

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 32,227 19,713 12,514 23,555 15,006 8,549 8,672 4,707 3,965 26.9 23.9 31.7

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 13,057 8,077 4,980 8,342 5,319 3,023 4,715 2,758 1,957 36.1 34.1 39.3

ADEBAYE-TOWN 3,773 2,315 1,458 2,249 1,450 799 1,524 865 659 40.4 37.4 45.2

BIHER-TOWN 3,152 1,829 1,323 2,023 1,191 832 1,129 638 491 35.8 34.9 37.1

MAY CADERA-TOWN 6,130 3,932 2,198 4,068 2,677 1,391 2,062 1,255 807 33.6 31.9 36.7

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 3,907 2,186 1,721 3,236 1,827 1,409 671 359 312 17.2 16.4 18.1

MEZEGA-TOWN 2,138 1,125 1,013 1,725 908 817 412 217 195 19.3 19.3 19.2

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,768 1,060 708 1,510 918 592 259 142 117 14.6 13.4 16.5

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 4,382 2,530 1,852 3,469 2,136 1,333 912 393 519 20.8 15.5 28.0

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 1,182 509 673 1,126 498 628 56 11 45 4.7 2.2 6.7

DANISHA-TOWN 3,200 2,021 1,179 2,344 1,639 705 856 382 474 26.8 18.9 40.2

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 10,882 6,921 3,961 8,507 5,724 2,783 2,374 1,197 1,177 21.8 17.3 29.7

HUMERA-TOWN 10,882 6,921 3,961 8,507 5,724 2,783 2,374 1,197 1,177 21.8 17.3 29.7

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 90,021 50,046 39,975 70,994 42,787 28,207 19,027 7,259 11,768 21.1 14.5 29.4

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 39,454 21,020 18,434 31,278 17,906 13,372 8,175 3,113 5,062 20.7 14.8 27.5

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 39,454 21,020 18,434 31,278 17,906 13,372 8,175 3,113 5,062 20.7 14.8 27.5

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 50,567 29,026 21,541 39,715 24,880 14,835 10,852 4,146 6,706 21.5 14.3 31.1

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 50,567 29,026 21,541 39,715 24,880 14,835 10,852 4,146 6,706 21.5 14.3 31.1

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other

Age 10+ 1,996,687 85,467 34,183 51,784 6,611 45,759 8,906 1,135,468 378,622 10,149 5,260 5,471 229,007

10-14 261,202 2,004 1,242 1,787 - 5,432 806 95,934 85,267 4,878 574 - 63,278
15-19 261,746 3,392 2,884 6,362 466 10,208 1,157 108,730 78,079 2,873 680 326 46,589
20-24 252,518 20,130 4,926 11,579 1,121 8,392 1,472 120,747 55,467 1,280 656 506 26,242
25-29 225,048 18,390 4,961 9,207 1,356 5,358 1,195 129,242 37,789 404 579 623 15,944
30-34 204,252 11,912 4,645 6,718 1,031 3,945 1,117 130,429 30,318 222 527 691 12,697
35-39 186,971 10,660 4,281 5,091 785 3,152 756 125,325 25,141 130 487 681 10,482
40-44 142,342 6,908 3,422 3,226 538 2,301 579 98,837 17,219 74 412 635 8,191
45-49 113,702 5,039 2,423 2,249 544 1,736 538 79,579 13,851 76 416 374 6,877
50-54 98,850 3,258 2,002 1,650 246 1,502 376 70,599 11,537 51 278 346 7,005
55-59 74,497 1,499 1,304 1,271 194 1,239 312 54,548 8,075 49 154 340 5,512
60-64 64,514 1,071 885 1,018 120 1,001 199 46,623 6,413 26 187 235 6,736
65-69 45,425 603 553 755 106 586 141 32,590 4,154 33 119 307 5,478
70-74 34,513 250 358 456 75 459 127 23,209 3,010 22 113 186 6,248
75+ 31,107 351 297 415 29 448 131 19,076 2,302 31 78 221 7,728

Age 10+ 1,061,844 55,730 19,054 34,617 3,683 24,713 5,497 656,606 144,030 5,529 2,878 3,478 106,029

10-14 138,496 1,131 683 1,133 - 2,823 468 53,031 44,211 2,492 290 - 32,234
15-19 132,053 1,609 1,444 3,398 184 4,438 600 56,518 37,923 1,469 331 153 23,986
20-24 128,008 11,539 2,603 6,994 602 4,401 927 61,875 25,028 812 308 270 12,649
25-29 112,459 12,110 2,490 6,141 715 3,074 718 69,187 10,714 301 268 350 6,391
30-34 103,855 7,609 2,406 4,771 604 2,344 653 73,777 5,736 160 290 482 5,023
35-39 97,682 6,658 2,099 3,572 443 1,939 499 72,953 4,410 91 282 453 4,283
40-44 79,084 5,078 1,940 2,482 326 1,365 333 59,938 3,424 45 280 453 3,420
45-49 63,168 3,939 1,511 1,706 298 1,047 340 48,430 2,603 37 237 218 2,802
50-54 53,360 2,820 1,336 1,270 153 896 265 41,319 2,282 30 169 221 2,599
55-59 45,454 1,323 983 948 121 808 235 36,348 2,271 27 82 233 2,075
60-64 37,783 909 665 852 99 610 151 30,062 1,774 16 117 154 2,374
65-69 29,008 511 431 630 82 365 119 23,117 1,447 18 77 172 2,039
70-74 21,299 208 267 372 46 289 105 16,329 1,168 16 92 144 2,263
75+ 20,135 286 196 348 10 314 84 13,722 1,039 15 55 175 3,891

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other
Age 10+ 934,843 29,737 15,129 17,167 2,928 21,046 3,409 478,862 234,592 4,620 2,382 1,993 122,978

10-14 122,706 873 559 654 - 2,609 338 42,903 41,056 2,386 284 - 31,044
15-19 129,693 1,783 1,440 2,964 282 5,770 557 52,212 40,156 1,404 349 173 22,603
20-24 124,510 8,591 2,323 4,585 519 3,991 545 58,872 30,439 468 348 236 13,593
25-29 112,589 6,280 2,471 3,066 641 2,284 477 60,055 27,075 103 311 273 9,553
30-34 100,397 4,303 2,239 1,947 427 1,601 464 56,652 24,582 62 237 209 7,674
35-39 89,289 4,002 2,182 1,519 342 1,213 257 52,372 20,731 39 205 228 6,199
40-44 63,258 1,830 1,482 744 212 936 246 38,899 13,795 29 132 182 4,771
45-49 50,534 1,100 912 543 246 689 198 31,149 11,248 39 179 156 4,075
50-54 45,490 438 666 380 93 606 111 29,280 9,255 21 109 125 4,406
55-59 29,043 176 321 323 73 431 77 18,200 5,804 22 72 107 3,437
60-64 26,731 162 220 166 21 391 48 16,561 4,639 10 70 81 4,362
65-69 16,417 92 122 125 24 221 22 9,473 2,707 15 42 135 3,439
70-74 13,214 42 91 84 29 170 22 6,880 1,842 6 21 42 3,985
75+ 10,972 65 101 67 19 134 47 5,354 1,263 16 23 46 3,837

Age 10+ 114 187 126 202 126 117 161 137 61 120 121 175 86

10-14 113 130 122 173 - 108 138 124 108 104 102 - 104
15-19 102 90 100 115 65 77 108 108 94 105 95 88 106
20-24 103 134 112 153 116 110 170 105 82 174 89 114 93
25-29 100 193 101 200 112 135 151 115 40 292 86 128 67
30-34 103 177 107 245 141 146 141 130 23 258 122 231 65
35-39 109 166 96 235 130 160 194 139 21 233 138 199 69
40-44 125 277 131 334 154 146 135 154 25 155 212 249 72
45-49 125 358 166 314 121 152 172 155 23 95 132 140 69
50-54 117 644 201 334 165 148 239 141 25 143 155 177 59
55-59 157 752 306 293 166 187 305 200 39 123 114 218 60
60-64 141 561 302 513 471 156 315 182 38 160 167 190 54
65-69 177 555 353 504 342 165 541 244 53 120 183 127 59
70-74 161 495 293 443 159 170 477 237 63 267 438 343 57
75+ 184 440 194 519 53 234 179 256 82 94 239 380 101

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other

Age 10+ 374,218 54,636 9,513 35,040 2,926 20,826 3,564 149,624 28,866 2,246 1,358 1,840 63,779

10-14 29,107 818 201 702 - 1,350 168 5,305 4,830 750 57 - 14,926
15-19 45,931 1,526 630 3,960 172 5,327 405 11,640 5,830 657 118 78 15,588
20-24 62,541 8,546 1,715 8,763 538 4,802 760 20,853 5,382 531 281 164 10,206
25-29 58,296 11,757 1,823 6,862 712 2,950 583 23,968 3,535 160 221 251 5,474
30-34 44,478 8,967 1,442 4,715 492 1,890 494 20,555 2,406 50 169 284 3,014
35-39 39,055 8,470 1,230 3,413 410 1,397 295 19,047 1,914 26 177 253 2,423
40-44 26,004 5,517 893 2,099 256 802 250 12,889 1,129 21 103 248 1,797
45-49 19,594 4,051 622 1,384 217 611 233 9,857 923 18 81 122 1,475
50-54 14,976 2,497 420 959 68 566 139 7,738 760 5 61 126 1,637
55-59 10,200 1,067 246 648 18 406 98 5,705 598 5 26 106 1,277
60-64 8,861 707 142 601 11 304 45 4,841 591 - 17 40 1,562
65-69 6,223 373 66 459 17 191 36 3,341 403 12 17 84 1,224
70-74 4,647 145 53 237 - 121 33 2,162 328 11 11 49 1,497
75+ 4,305 195 30 238 15 109 25 1,723 237 - 19 35 1,679

Age 10+ 191,612 36,022 5,817 22,970 1,718 9,442 2,357 75,772 7,872 1,245 790 1,094 26,513

10-14 14,498 508 95 472 - 402 111 2,778 2,256 329 23 - 7,524
15-19 19,965 825 347 1,993 43 1,347 206 5,257 2,098 318 65 39 7,427
20-24 29,261 4,984 931 5,070 255 2,073 499 9,157 1,486 376 138 63 4,229
25-29 29,981 7,438 1,089 4,517 393 1,635 378 11,695 655 122 122 137 1,800
30-34 23,884 5,549 854 3,305 327 1,168 330 10,724 332 38 103 200 954
35-39 20,625 5,253 700 2,342 266 877 208 9,647 270 22 114 159 767
40-44 15,478 3,976 561 1,643 191 517 196 7,277 192 16 80 173 656
45-49 11,478 3,141 471 1,054 147 379 155 5,398 141 7 59 59 467
50-54 8,010 2,153 356 751 57 329 93 3,681 79 - 26 74 411
55-59 5,641 953 182 522 11 285 73 3,136 77 5 11 72 314
60-64 4,599 628 110 507 11 170 40 2,581 83 - 12 19 438
65-69 3,381 334 49 381 12 110 20 2,007 48 7 12 33 368
70-74 2,395 118 42 217 - 72 28 1,371 86 5 11 36 409
75+ 2,416 162 30 196 5 78 20 1,063 69 - 14 30 749

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other
Age 10+ 182,606 18,614 3,696 12,070 1,208 11,384 1,207 73,852 20,994 1,001 568 746 37,266

10-14 14,609 310 106 230 - 948 57 2,527 2,574 421 34 - 7,402
15-19 25,966 701 283 1,967 129 3,980 199 6,383 3,732 339 53 39 8,161
20-24 33,280 3,562 784 3,693 283 2,729 261 11,696 3,896 155 143 101 5,977
25-29 28,315 4,319 734 2,345 319 1,315 205 12,273 2,880 38 99 114 3,674
30-34 20,594 3,418 588 1,410 165 722 164 9,831 2,074 12 66 84 2,060
35-39 18,430 3,217 530 1,071 144 520 87 9,400 1,644 4 63 94 1,656
40-44 10,526 1,541 332 456 65 285 54 5,612 937 5 23 75 1,141
45-49 8,116 910 151 330 70 232 78 4,459 782 11 22 63 1,008
50-54 6,966 344 64 208 11 237 46 4,057 681 5 35 52 1,226
55-59 4,559 114 64 126 7 121 25 2,569 521 - 15 34 963
60-64 4,262 79 32 94 - 134 5 2,260 508 - 5 21 1,124
65-69 2,842 39 17 78 5 81 16 1,334 355 5 5 51 856
70-74 2,252 27 11 20 - 49 5 791 242 6 - 13 1,088
75+ 1,889 33 - 42 10 31 5 660 168 - 5 5 930

Age 10+ 105 194 157 190 142 83 195 103 37 124 139 147 71

10-14 99 164 90 205 - 42 195 110 88 78 68 - 102

15-19 77 118 123 101 33 34 104 82 56 94 123 100 91
20-24 88 140 119 137 90 76 191 78 38 243 97 62 71
25-29 106 172 148 193 123 124 184 95 23 321 123 120 49
30-34 116 162 145 234 198 162 201 109 16 317 156 238 46
35-39 112 163 132 219 185 169 239 103 16 550 181 169 46
40-44 147 258 169 360 294 181 363 130 20 320 348 231 57
45-49 141 345 312 319 210 163 199 121 18 64 268 94 46
50-54 115 626 556 361 518 139 202 91 12 - 74 142 34
55-59 124 836 284 414 157 236 292 122 15 - 73 212 33
60-64 108 795 344 539 - 127 800 114 16 - 240 90 39
65-69 119 856 288 488 240 136 125 150 14 140 240 65 43
70-74 106 437 382 1,085 - 147 560 173 36 83 - 277 38
75+ 128 491 - 467 50 252 400 161 41 - 280 600 81

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other

Age 10+ 1,622,470 30,828 24,674 16,744 3,686 24,934 5,341 985,846 349,760 7,899 3,901 3,629 165,228

10-14 232,094 1,186 1,041 1,085 - 4,081 637 90,629 80,438 4,128 517 - 48,352
15-19 215,810 1,865 2,253 2,402 294 4,881 752 97,090 72,249 2,216 562 246 31,000
20-24 189,980 11,583 3,212 2,816 583 3,590 713 99,894 50,087 748 375 343 16,036
25-29 166,751 6,633 3,138 2,345 644 2,407 611 105,274 34,254 244 358 372 10,471
30-34 159,774 2,945 3,204 2,002 539 2,056 623 109,875 27,912 172 357 407 9,682
35-39 147,917 2,190 3,052 1,678 374 1,755 462 106,278 23,228 103 310 428 8,059
40-44 116,339 1,391 2,530 1,127 282 1,499 329 85,948 16,090 53 309 387 6,394
45-49 94,111 988 1,801 865 328 1,126 305 69,723 12,929 57 335 252 5,402
50-54 83,870 760 1,581 691 180 936 236 62,860 10,777 46 217 219 5,367
55-59 64,299 432 1,058 624 176 833 215 48,844 7,477 43 128 234 4,235
60-64 55,651 364 743 418 108 697 153 41,782 5,821 26 170 195 5,174
65-69 39,201 230 488 295 89 395 104 29,249 3,751 21 102 223 4,254
70-74 29,868 105 305 220 75 338 94 21,047 2,682 11 102 137 4,752
75+ 26,805 156 268 176 14 340 107 17,353 2,065 31 59 186 6,050

Age 10+ 870,229 19,707 13,239 11,644 1,965 15,272 3,140 580,833 136,159 4,281 2,087 2,384 79,518

10-14 123,999 623 588 661 - 2,421 357 50,253 41,956 2,163 267 - 24,710
15-19 112,086 784 1,096 1,405 141 3,091 394 51,261 35,825 1,151 266 113 16,559
20-24 98,748 6,555 1,672 1,924 347 2,328 428 52,718 23,543 435 170 208 8,420
25-29 82,476 4,672 1,401 1,624 322 1,438 339 57,492 10,059 179 146 213 4,591
30-34 79,970 2,060 1,553 1,465 277 1,176 323 63,053 5,404 122 186 282 4,069
35-39 77,056 1,404 1,400 1,230 176 1,062 291 63,305 4,141 69 168 294 3,516
40-44 63,606 1,102 1,379 839 135 848 137 52,661 3,232 29 200 280 2,764
45-49 51,692 798 1,040 652 152 669 185 43,033 2,462 29 178 159 2,335
50-54 45,349 667 979 519 97 567 172 37,637 2,203 30 143 147 2,188
55-59 39,813 370 801 426 110 523 163 33,212 2,194 21 71 161 1,761
60-64 33,182 281 555 345 87 440 111 27,481 1,690 16 105 135 1,936
65-69 25,626 177 383 248 70 255 98 21,110 1,399 11 65 139 1,671
70-74 18,905 90 225 155 46 217 77 14,958 1,082 11 81 108 1,855
75+ 17,721 124 167 151 5 237 65 12,659 969 15 41 145 3,143

Table 6.7 Employed Persons Aged 10 Years and Above by Employment Status, Urban/Rural Residence, Sex,
Age Group and Sex Ratio: 2007
Employment Status
Paid Employees Other Employed Persons
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Total Unpaid Cooper-
Sex and Employed Government NGO/INTL Domestic Other Self Family Appren- ative
Age Group Persons Government Parastatal Private Employees Workers Employees Employed Worker tices Members Employer Other
Age 10+ 752,241 11,121 11,435 5,100 1,721 9,662 2,201 405,013 213,601 3,618 1,814 1,245 85,710

10-14 108,095 563 453 424 - 1,660 280 40,376 38,482 1,965 250 - 23,642
15-19 103,724 1,081 1,157 997 153 1,790 358 45,829 36,424 1,065 296 133 14,441
20-24 91,232 5,028 1,540 892 236 1,262 285 47,176 26,544 313 205 135 7,616
25-29 84,275 1,961 1,737 721 322 969 272 47,782 24,195 65 212 159 5,880
30-34 79,804 885 1,651 537 262 880 300 46,822 22,508 50 171 125 5,613
35-39 70,861 786 1,652 448 198 693 171 42,973 19,087 34 142 134 4,543
40-44 52,733 289 1,151 288 147 651 192 33,287 12,858 24 109 107 3,630
45-49 42,419 190 761 213 176 457 120 26,690 10,467 28 157 93 3,067
50-54 38,521 93 602 172 83 369 64 25,223 8,574 16 74 72 3,179
55-59 24,486 62 257 198 66 310 52 15,632 5,283 22 57 73 2,474
60-64 22,469 83 188 73 21 257 42 14,301 4,131 10 65 60 3,238
65-69 13,575 53 105 47 19 140 6 8,139 2,352 10 37 84 2,583
70-74 10,963 15 80 65 29 121 17 6,089 1,600 - 21 29 2,897
75+ 9,084 32 101 25 9 103 42 4,694 1,096 16 18 41 2,907

Age 10+ 116 177 116 228 114 158 143 143 64 118 115 191 93

10-14 115 111 130 156 - 146 128 124 109 110 107 - 105
15-19 108 73 95 141 92 173 110 112 98 108 90 85 115
20-24 108 130 109 216 147 184 150 112 89 139 83 154 111
25-29 98 238 81 225 100 148 125 120 42 275 69 134 78
30-34 100 233 94 273 106 134 108 135 24 244 109 226 72
35-39 109 179 85 275 89 153 170 147 22 203 118 219 77
40-44 121 381 120 291 92 130 71 158 25 121 183 262 76
45-49 122 420 137 306 86 146 154 161 24 104 113 171 76
50-54 118 717 163 302 117 154 269 149 26 188 193 204 69
55-59 163 597 312 215 167 169 313 212 42 95 125 221 71
60-64 148 339 295 473 414 171 264 192 41 160 162 225 60
65-69 189 334 365 528 368 182 1,633 259 59 110 176 165 65
70-74 172 600 281 238 159 179 453 246 68 - 386 372 64
75+ 195 388 165 604 56 230 155 270 88 94 228 354 108



This chapter deals with the components of population dynamics (changes) that are
occurring over time and space in the population. Change in population size,
composition and distribution over time is the function of migration, fertility and mortality.
All the information on population dynamics were collected from members of sampled
households where long questionnaires were administered. However, the information
has been weighted and all the figures in this chapter refer to the entire population of
Tigray Region. The first section of the chapter deals with migration, the second section
presents statistical data on fertility and the last section of the chapter contains data on


This section presents the level of migrant population in Tigray Region. Information on
migration of a population is of direct interest to planning and implementing agencies as
well as academic institutions, because migration has a direct effect on the geographic
distribution of the population. Moreover, migration has an interaction with other
demographic forces as well as other aspects of social and economic changes. In the
2007 census the following three migration related questions were employed.

A) Length of Continuous Residence is phrased differently for rural and urban areas
of enumeration as follows:-
 In rural areas: for how long have you lived continuously in this wereda? .
 In urban areas: for how long have you lived continuously in this town/city?
B) Was your last previous place of residence a Rural or an Urban?
C) In which zone your last place of residence is found?

A) Length of Continuous Residence

This questionnaire was designed to obtain information on the migration status of

persons residing in the region. Every person in the sampled household was asked
how long he/she has lived continuously in this current place of residence. In rural
area of enumeration a person is considered as a migrant if he/she was born in
another rural or town which is different from the current wereda or town of
enumeration. Similarly, in urban areas of enumeration a person is considered as a
migrant, if he/she was born in another town or any rural part of the country.
However, a person is non-migrant, if he/she was born in the rural area of
enumeration or in the given town and has been continuously residing there up to
enumeration period. The answer categories were (1) below one year (2) one year (3)
two years (4) three years (5) four years (6) five to six years (7) seven to nine years
(8) ten years and above (9) since birth. This information will allow to identify migrants
and non-migrants in the region and to get data on length of year of residence in the
current place. Similar information has been collected in the 1994 Census to compare
migration related indicators in the region.

B) Area of Previous Place of Residence

The area of previous place of residence refers to the area where the migrant has
been residing before he/she migrated to the area of enumeration. Those who were
migrated to the area of enumeration during the census day were further asked about
the area of their previous place of residence. The answer categories were ‘’urban’’ or
‘’rural’’ residence which enables the classification of all migrants as person migrating
from rural to urban or from urban to rural. Information on area of previous place of
residence was also collected in 1994.

C) Zone of Previous Place of Residence

The questionnaire was designed to obtain in which administrative zone this area of
migration belonged. For this purpose every migrant person in a sampled household

was asked to which zone his/her previous place of residence belong. The answer
categories were list of all zones in the country and some of the name of neighboring
countries for foreigners residing in Ethiopia during the 2007 census enumeration. This
information enables us to compute migration streams to the area of enumeration.
Because the editing of this data is not completed the statistical data is not provided in
this Statistical Report.

Table 7.1 Population and Migrants by Sex, Urban-Rural Residence, and
Five Years Age Group, with Percent Migrants: 2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Migrants
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------
Age Group Population Migrants Population Migrants Population Migrants Sexes Males Females
----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 4,317,094 859,805 2,126,526 403,510 2,190,568 456,295 19.9 19.0 20.8

0 - 4 630,862 60,071 320,265 30,088 310,597 29,983 9.5 9.4 9.7

5 - 9 641,674 67,966 324,557 33,974 317,117 33,992 10.6 10.5 10.7
10 - 14 613,806 79,666 314,868 39,589 298,938 40,077 13.0 12.6 13.4
15 - 19 496,217 103,741 244,567 45,441 251,650 58,300 20.9 18.6 23.2
20 - 24 362,473 111,044 175,557 48,082 186,916 62,962 30.6 27.4 33.7
25 - 29 285,841 93,606 127,993 41,297 157,848 52,309 32.7 32.3 33.1
30 - 34 249,309 74,767 111,434 34,358 137,875 40,409 30.0 30.8 29.3
35 - 39 225,121 66,495 103,756 31,207 121,365 35,288 29.5 30.1 29.1
40 - 44 170,712 47,801 83,846 24,988 86,866 22,813 28.0 29.8 26.3
45 - 49 137,867 37,636 67,275 19,428 70,592 18,208 27.3 28.9 25.8
50 - 54 125,630 31,954 57,706 14,613 67,924 17,341 25.4 25.3 25.5
55 - 59 94,978 22,801 49,326 11,452 45,652 11,349 24.0 23.2 24.9
60 - 64 91,412 20,903 43,752 9,130 47,660 11,773 22.9 20.9 24.7
65 - 69 67,457 14,941 35,339 7,083 32,118 7,858 22.1 20.0 24.5
70 - 74 60,380 13,032 30,096 5,875 30,284 7,157 21.6 19.5 23.6
75 + 63,355 13,381 36,189 6,905 27,166 6,476 21.1 19.1 23.8

All Ages 844,146 445,065 398,856 205,625 445,290 239,440 52.7 51.6 53.8

0 - 4 104,018 19,881 52,844 10,018 51,174 9,863 19.1 19.0 19.3

5 - 9 97,947 28,592 48,891 14,133 49,056 14,459 29.2 28.9 29.5
10 - 14 106,074 39,886 52,234 19,066 53,840 20,820 37.6 36.5 38.7
15 - 19 119,643 67,046 53,892 28,129 65,751 38,917 56.0 52.2 59.2
20 - 24 101,230 66,527 45,377 29,040 55,853 37,487 65.7 64.0 67.1
25 - 29 77,045 54,180 34,652 24,256 42,393 29,924 70.3 70.0 70.6
30 - 34 54,533 39,208 25,876 18,680 28,657 20,528 71.9 72.2 71.6
35 - 39 47,475 35,105 22,078 16,634 25,397 18,471 73.9 75.3 72.7
40 - 44 31,607 23,128 16,645 12,691 14,962 10,437 73.2 76.2 69.8
45 - 49 24,367 18,029 12,357 9,473 12,010 8,556 74.0 76.7 71.2
50 - 54 20,446 14,582 8,885 6,558 11,561 8,024 71.3 73.8 69.4
55 - 59 14,434 10,082 6,286 4,655 8,148 5,427 69.8 74.1 66.6
60 - 64 14,353 9,302 5,647 3,738 8,706 5,564 64.8 66.2 63.9
65 - 69 10,646 6,926 4,353 2,920 6,293 4,006 65.1 67.1 63.7
70 - 74 9,826 6,094 3,953 2,565 5,873 3,529 62.0 64.9 60.1
75 + 10,502 6,497 4,886 3,069 5,616 3,428 61.9 62.8 61.0

Table 7.1 Population and Migrants by Sex, Urban-Rural Residence, and
Five Years Age Group, with Percent Migrants: 2007
Both Sexes Male Female Percent Migrants
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------
Age Group Population Migrants Population Migrants Population Migrants Sexes Males Females
----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 3,472,948 414,744 1,727,670 197,887 1,745,278 216,857 11.9 11.5 12.4

0 - 4 526,844 40,190 267,421 20,070 259,423 20,120 7.6 7.5 7.8

5 - 9 543,727 39,375 275,666 19,841 268,061 19,534 7.2 7.2 7.3
10 - 14 507,732 39,780 262,634 20,523 245,098 19,257 7.8 7.8 7.9
15 - 19 376,574 36,697 190,675 17,313 185,899 19,384 9.7 9.1 10.4
20 - 24 261,243 44,517 130,180 19,042 131,063 25,475 17.0 14.6 19.4
25 - 29 208,796 39,426 93,341 17,041 115,455 22,385 18.9 18.3 19.4
30 - 34 194,776 35,559 85,558 15,678 109,218 19,881 18.3 18.3 18.2
35 - 39 177,646 31,389 81,678 14,573 95,968 16,816 17.7 17.8 17.5
40 - 44 139,105 24,674 67,201 12,298 71,904 12,376 17.7 18.3 17.2
45 - 49 113,500 19,607 54,918 9,955 58,582 9,652 17.3 18.1 16.5
50 - 54 105,184 17,372 48,821 8,055 56,363 9,317 16.5 16.5 16.5
55 - 59 80,544 12,719 43,040 6,797 37,504 5,922 15.8 15.8 15.8
60 - 64 77,059 11,602 38,105 5,392 38,954 6,210 15.1 14.2 15.9
65 - 69 56,811 8,015 30,986 4,163 25,825 3,852 14.1 13.4 14.9
70 - 74 50,554 6,938 26,143 3,310 24,411 3,628 13.7 12.7 14.9
75 + 52,853 6,884 31,303 3,836 21,550 3,048 13.0 12.3 14.1

Table 7.2 Migrants by Length of Residence,Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and Age: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Age Group Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 859,805 103,834 56,693 67,385 64,809 57,922 98,209 77,011 333,942

0 - 4 60,069 25,759 11,900 11,373 8,913 2,124 - - -

5 - 9 67,966 7,391 4,268 5,578 7,133 15,001 22,319 6,276 -
10 - 14 79,668 7,424 4,011 4,834 6,027 5,468 10,550 11,667 29,687
15 - 19 103,741 16,638 10,323 10,253 7,812 5,663 9,430 8,964 34,658
20 - 24 111,044 19,306 11,051 14,134 11,622 8,165 12,169 8,496 26,101
25 - 29 93,606 10,783 6,550 9,250 8,915 7,208 12,554 10,995 27,351
30 - 34 74,768 5,535 3,249 4,518 5,466 4,871 10,000 9,290 31,839
35 - 39 66,494 3,437 1,997 2,880 3,581 3,561 7,737 7,312 35,989
40 - 44 47,800 1,866 959 1,539 1,883 2,014 4,274 4,408 30,857
45 - 49 37,636 1,470 671 906 1,052 1,304 2,830 2,825 26,578
50 - 54 31,954 1,152 508 683 829 817 2,005 1,996 23,964
55 - 59 22,801 768 285 342 465 500 1,365 1,522 17,554
60 - 64 20,904 742 268 385 337 390 932 1,186 16,664
65 - 69 14,941 414 187 236 273 341 787 797 11,906
70 - 74 13,033 497 181 224 285 228 563 655 10,400
75 + 13,380 652 285 250 216 267 694 622 10,394

Male 403,509 51,017 27,468 33,596 31,187 29,142 47,573 35,829 147,697

0 - 4 30,088 12,908 6,054 5,690 4,284 1,152 - - -

5 - 9 33,973 3,529 2,100 2,848 3,448 7,719 11,220 3,109 -
10 - 14 39,590 3,422 1,824 2,341 2,864 2,645 5,335 5,987 15,172
15 - 19 45,441 6,511 3,871 4,061 2,995 2,401 3,943 4,244 17,415
20 - 24 48,082 9,351 4,982 6,389 4,598 2,956 4,099 3,242 12,465
25 - 29 41,297 6,301 3,714 5,044 4,605 3,438 4,726 3,444 10,025
30 - 34 34,358 3,353 1,972 2,618 3,010 2,953 5,476 4,105 10,871
35 - 39 31,206 1,932 1,157 1,808 2,262 2,138 4,546 3,925 13,438
40 - 44 24,988 1,100 574 1,051 1,220 1,413 3,027 2,631 13,972
45 - 49 19,427 812 423 570 677 894 1,819 1,667 12,565
50 - 54 14,613 537 274 401 412 497 1,052 1,068 10,372
55 - 59 11,452 358 137 186 273 282 788 825 8,603
60 - 64 9,131 270 116 191 179 217 445 573 7,140
65 - 69 7,083 186 85 123 134 190 411 420 5,534
70 - 74 5,875 212 57 126 122 103 300 324 4,631
75 + 6,905 235 128 149 104 144 386 265 5,494

Female 456,296 52,817 29,225 33,789 33,622 28,780 50,636 41,182 186,245

0 - 4 29,981 12,851 5,846 5,683 4,629 972 - - -

5 - 9 33,993 3,862 2,168 2,730 3,685 7,282 11,099 3,167 -
10 - 14 40,078 4,002 2,187 2,493 3,163 2,823 5,215 5,680 14,515
15 - 19 58,300 10,127 6,452 6,192 4,817 3,262 5,487 4,720 17,243
20 - 24 62,962 9,955 6,069 7,745 7,024 5,209 8,070 5,254 13,636
25 - 29 52,309 4,482 2,836 4,206 4,310 3,770 7,828 7,551 17,326
30 - 34 40,410 2,182 1,277 1,900 2,456 1,918 4,524 5,185 20,968
35 - 39 35,288 1,505 840 1,072 1,319 1,423 3,191 3,387 22,551
40 - 44 22,812 766 385 488 663 601 1,247 1,777 16,885
45 - 49 18,209 658 248 336 375 410 1,011 1,158 14,013
50 - 54 17,341 615 234 282 417 320 953 928 13,592
55 - 59 11,349 410 148 156 192 218 577 697 8,951
60 - 64 11,773 472 152 194 158 173 487 613 9,524
65 - 69 7,858 228 102 113 139 151 376 377 6,372
70 - 74 7,158 285 124 98 163 125 263 331 5,769
75 + 6,475 417 157 101 112 123 308 357 4,900

Table 7.2 Migrants by Length of Residence,Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and Age: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Age Group Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 445,065 55,242 31,845 36,747 35,046 29,348 59,226 48,148 149,463

0 - 4 19,881 8,457 3,981 3,735 2,729 979 - - -

5 - 9 28,591 3,701 2,380 2,606 3,403 4,838 8,451 3,212 -
10 - 14 39,885 3,865 2,374 2,695 3,522 3,076 6,794 7,303 10,256
15 - 19 67,046 11,606 7,711 7,631 5,641 3,811 7,023 6,269 17,354
20 - 24 66,528 11,570 6,463 8,289 7,049 5,080 8,779 5,807 13,491
25 - 29 54,179 6,669 3,965 5,086 5,000 4,128 8,697 7,268 13,366
30 - 34 39,207 3,127 1,889 2,549 2,785 2,389 6,168 5,560 14,740
35 - 39 35,105 2,005 1,152 1,686 1,981 1,778 4,821 4,503 17,179
40 - 44 23,130 1,066 562 806 936 1,093 2,525 2,528 13,614
45 - 49 18,029 904 395 461 632 736 1,693 1,607 11,601
50 - 54 14,581 657 282 392 406 367 1,295 1,147 10,035
55 - 59 10,081 371 138 180 272 282 849 939 7,050
60 - 64 9,303 412 156 180 216 237 643 734 6,725
65 - 69 6,926 185 112 133 171 208 562 460 5,095
70 - 74 6,096 322 129 151 180 149 428 429 4,308
75 + 6,497 325 156 167 123 197 498 382 4,649

Male 205,622 26,676 15,345 18,381 16,433 14,186 27,892 21,898 64,811

0 - 4 10,018 4,221 2,014 1,886 1,338 559 - - -

5 - 9 14,133 1,733 1,193 1,300 1,660 2,483 4,156 1,608 -
10 - 14 19,065 1,601 1,012 1,264 1,556 1,431 3,305 3,715 5,181
15 - 19 28,130 4,434 2,929 3,100 2,135 1,560 2,815 2,863 8,294
20 - 24 29,041 5,561 3,088 3,943 3,003 1,975 3,097 2,180 6,194
25 - 29 24,255 3,926 2,265 2,781 2,550 1,871 3,418 2,480 4,964
30 - 34 18,679 1,990 1,151 1,546 1,423 1,386 3,377 2,362 5,444
35 - 39 16,633 1,188 647 1,055 1,193 998 2,872 2,364 6,316
40 - 44 12,692 680 362 575 588 747 1,738 1,474 6,528
45 - 49 9,472 524 287 295 364 483 1,004 917 5,598
50 - 54 6,557 256 156 224 185 164 651 557 4,364
55 - 59 4,655 171 53 80 136 120 425 506 3,164
60 - 64 3,738 131 45 82 102 141 283 314 2,640
65 - 69 2,920 53 46 68 70 114 254 211 2,104
70 - 74 2,566 106 30 79 73 61 215 193 1,809
75 + 3,068 101 67 103 57 93 282 154 2,211

Female 239,443 28,566 16,500 18,366 18,613 15,162 31,334 26,250 84,652

0 - 4 9,863 4,236 1,967 1,849 1,391 420 - - -

5 - 9 14,458 1,968 1,187 1,306 1,743 2,355 4,295 1,604 -
10 - 14 20,820 2,264 1,362 1,431 1,966 1,645 3,489 3,588 5,075
15 - 19 38,916 7,172 4,782 4,531 3,506 2,251 4,208 3,406 9,060
20 - 24 37,487 6,009 3,375 4,346 4,046 3,105 5,682 3,627 7,297
25 - 29 29,924 2,743 1,700 2,305 2,450 2,257 5,279 4,788 8,402
30 - 34 20,528 1,137 738 1,003 1,362 1,003 2,791 3,198 9,296
35 - 39 18,472 817 505 631 788 780 1,949 2,139 10,863
40 - 44 10,438 386 200 231 348 346 787 1,054 7,086
45 - 49 8,557 380 108 166 268 253 689 690 6,003
50 - 54 8,024 401 126 168 221 203 644 590 5,671
55 - 59 5,426 200 85 100 136 162 424 433 3,886
60 - 64 5,565 281 111 98 114 96 360 420 4,085
65 - 69 4,006 132 66 65 101 94 308 249 2,991
70 - 74 3,530 216 99 72 107 88 213 236 2,499
75 + 3,429 224 89 64 66 104 216 228 2,438

Table 7.2 Migrants by Length of Residence,Urban-Rural Residence, Sex and Age: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Age Group Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------

All Ages 414,741 48,588 24,849 30,640 29,762 28,577 38,981 28,866 184,478

0 - 4 40,191 17,303 7,920 7,639 6,185 1,144 - - -

5 - 9 39,374 3,690 1,887 2,973 3,729 10,164 13,868 3,063 -
10 - 14 39,781 3,559 1,638 2,138 2,504 2,392 3,755 4,364 19,431
15 - 19 36,696 5,032 2,612 2,622 2,172 1,853 2,407 2,695 17,303
20 - 24 44,517 7,735 4,588 5,845 4,574 3,085 3,391 2,689 12,610
25 - 29 39,425 4,113 2,585 4,165 3,915 3,080 3,856 3,727 13,984
30 - 34 35,559 2,408 1,359 1,969 2,680 2,482 3,832 3,730 17,099
35 - 39 31,388 1,432 845 1,195 1,599 1,784 2,916 2,808 18,809
40 - 44 24,674 800 397 733 948 922 1,749 1,881 17,244
45 - 49 19,607 565 276 445 420 568 1,136 1,219 14,978
50 - 54 17,371 495 226 290 423 451 709 849 13,928
55 - 59 12,719 396 147 162 192 219 516 583 10,504
60 - 64 11,602 330 112 206 121 152 289 453 9,939
65 - 69 8,013 228 75 102 101 132 227 337 6,811
70 - 74 6,938 175 52 73 106 79 135 226 6,092
75 + 6,886 327 130 83 93 70 195 242 5,746

Male 197,889 24,338 12,123 15,216 14,756 14,958 19,681 13,931 82,886

0 - 4 20,070 8,687 4,040 3,805 2,946 592 - - -

5 - 9 19,841 1,796 907 1,548 1,788 5,237 7,064 1,501 -
10 - 14 20,524 1,821 812 1,076 1,308 1,214 2,030 2,272 9,991
15 - 19 17,313 2,077 942 961 861 842 1,128 1,381 9,121
20 - 24 19,042 3,790 1,894 2,446 1,595 981 1,003 1,062 6,271
25 - 29 17,040 2,374 1,449 2,263 2,055 1,567 1,307 964 5,061
30 - 34 15,678 1,363 820 1,072 1,587 1,567 2,099 1,743 5,427
35 - 39 14,572 744 510 754 1,069 1,140 1,674 1,560 7,121
40 - 44 12,298 420 212 476 633 667 1,289 1,157 7,444
45 - 49 9,955 288 136 275 313 411 815 750 6,967
50 - 54 8,055 281 118 176 227 333 401 511 6,008
55 - 59 6,798 187 84 106 137 163 363 319 5,439
60 - 64 5,393 139 71 110 77 75 162 259 4,500
65 - 69 4,162 132 39 55 64 75 158 209 3,430
70 - 74 3,310 106 27 47 49 43 85 131 2,822
75 + 3,838 133 62 46 47 51 103 112 3,284

Female 216,852 24,250 12,726 15,424 15,006 13,619 19,300 14,935 101,592

0 - 4 20,121 8,616 3,880 3,834 3,239 552 - - -

5 - 9 19,533 1,894 980 1,425 1,941 4,927 6,804 1,562 -
10 - 14 19,257 1,738 826 1,062 1,196 1,178 1,725 2,092 9,440
15 - 19 19,383 2,955 1,670 1,661 1,311 1,011 1,279 1,314 8,182
20 - 24 25,475 3,945 2,694 3,399 2,979 2,104 2,388 1,627 6,339
25 - 29 22,385 1,739 1,136 1,902 1,860 1,513 2,549 2,763 8,923
30 - 34 19,881 1,045 539 897 1,093 915 1,733 1,987 11,672
35 - 39 16,816 688 335 441 530 644 1,242 1,248 11,688
40 - 44 12,376 380 185 257 315 255 460 724 9,800
45 - 49 9,652 277 140 170 107 157 321 469 8,011
50 - 54 9,316 214 108 114 196 118 308 338 7,920
55 - 59 5,921 209 63 56 55 56 153 264 5,065
60 - 64 6,209 191 41 96 44 77 127 194 5,439
65 - 69 3,851 96 36 47 37 57 69 128 3,381
70 - 74 3,628 69 25 26 57 36 50 95 3,270
75 + 3,048 194 68 37 46 19 92 130 2,462

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+


Both Sexes 859,806 103,832 56,694 67,386 64,808 57,924 98,210 77,010 333,942
Male 403,511 51,017 27,467 33,597 31,188 29,143 47,574 35,828 147,697
Female 456,295 52,815 29,227 33,789 33,620 28,781 50,636 41,182 186,245


Both Sexes 445,064 55,242 31,844 36,748 35,047 29,346 59,227 48,147 149,463
Male 205,627 26,678 15,345 18,383 16,434 14,185 27,893 21,898 64,811
Female 239,437 28,564 16,499 18,365 18,613 15,161 31,334 26,249 84,652


Both Sexes 414,745 48,589 24,851 30,639 29,762 28,578 38,983 28,864 184,479
Male 197,887 24,338 12,123 15,215 14,755 14,958 19,681 13,931 82,886
Female 216,858 24,251 12,728 15,424 15,007 13,620 19,302 14,933 101,593


Both Sexes 150,939 16,615 8,316 9,458 8,919 8,732 16,833 13,439 68,627
Male 70,072 7,959 3,782 4,401 4,144 4,229 7,950 6,180 31,427
Female 80,867 8,656 4,534 5,057 4,775 4,503 8,883 7,259 37,200


Both Sexes 59,391 7,673 4,065 4,776 4,386 4,017 7,577 6,668 20,229
Male 25,917 3,398 1,782 2,173 2,000 1,859 3,250 2,800 8,655
Female 33,474 4,275 2,283 2,603 2,386 2,158 4,327 3,868 11,574


Both Sexes 91,549 8,942 4,252 4,683 4,533 4,714 9,256 6,771 48,398
Male 44,157 4,561 2,001 2,229 2,144 2,369 4,700 3,380 22,773
Female 47,392 4,381 2,251 2,454 2,389 2,345 4,556 3,391 25,625


Both Sexes 30,086 2,736 1,083 1,486 1,318 1,446 4,380 2,909 14,728
Male 14,688 1,377 379 580 606 677 2,254 1,498 7,317
Female 15,398 1,359 704 906 712 769 2,126 1,411 7,411


Both Sexes 3,066 506 215 290 228 173 500 414 740
Male 1,141 179 56 86 105 66 196 165 288
Female 1,925 327 159 204 123 107 304 249 452


Both Sexes 27,020 2,230 868 1,196 1,090 1,273 3,879 2,496 13,988
Male 13,548 1,198 323 494 501 611 2,058 1,334 7,029
Female 13,472 1,032 545 702 589 662 1,821 1,162 6,959


Both Sexes 14,743 1,608 883 880 759 837 1,163 1,042 7,571
Male 6,445 662 418 417 365 385 479 423 3,296
Female 8,298 946 465 463 394 452 684 619 4,275


Both Sexes 4,109 555 250 270 286 360 434 392 1,562
Male 1,702 228 115 122 137 162 159 107 672
Female 2,407 327 135 148 149 198 275 285 890

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 10,636 1,053 632 611 473 477 730 650 6,010
Male 4,744 434 303 295 227 223 320 317 2,625
Female 5,892 619 329 316 246 254 410 333 3,385


Both Sexes 13,927 1,730 897 788 722 859 1,576 899 6,456
Male 6,072 947 392 339 309 466 650 316 2,653
Female 7,855 783 505 449 413 393 926 583 3,803


Both Sexes 6,058 855 461 424 344 367 851 604 2,152
Male 2,604 484 188 186 141 208 323 209 865
Female 3,454 371 273 238 203 159 528 395 1,287


Both Sexes 7,869 875 436 364 378 492 725 295 4,304
Male 3,468 463 204 153 168 258 327 107 1,788
Female 4,401 412 232 211 210 234 398 188 2,516


Both Sexes 7,351 971 461 535 355 325 692 469 3,543
Male 3,185 410 174 276 127 129 316 226 1,527
Female 4,166 561 287 259 228 196 376 243 2,016


Both Sexes 7,351 971 461 535 355 325 692 469 3,543
Male 3,185 410 174 276 127 129 316 226 1,527
Female 4,166 561 287 259 228 196 376 243 2,016


Both Sexes 30,360 3,352 1,547 1,701 1,531 1,898 2,719 2,202 15,410
Male 15,072 1,700 840 906 706 980 1,380 1,050 7,510
Female 15,288 1,652 707 795 825 918 1,339 1,152 7,900


Both Sexes 5,731 898 435 508 421 504 780 524 1,661
Male 2,519 401 186 232 181 254 303 241 721
Female 3,212 497 249 276 240 250 477 283 940


Both Sexes 24,626 2,454 1,112 1,193 1,108 1,394 1,939 1,677 13,749
Male 12,551 1,299 654 674 524 726 1,077 808 6,789
Female 12,075 1,155 458 519 584 668 862 869 6,960


Both Sexes 19,260 1,828 1,117 1,361 1,467 1,136 2,202 1,609 8,540
Male 8,979 962 532 610 764 630 999 761 3,721
Female 10,281 866 585 751 703 506 1,203 848 4,819


Both Sexes 5,212 468 376 576 339 383 911 425 1,734
Male 2,316 204 190 272 167 208 397 173 705
Female 2,896 264 186 304 172 175 514 252 1,029

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 14,044 1,359 741 784 1,128 753 1,291 1,184 6,804
Male 6,661 758 342 337 597 422 602 588 3,015
Female 7,383 601 399 447 531 331 689 596 3,789


Both Sexes 25,328 3,113 1,672 1,931 1,975 1,772 3,115 3,138 8,612
Male 11,158 1,375 713 924 892 751 1,456 1,365 3,682
Female 14,170 1,738 959 1,007 1,083 1,021 1,659 1,773 4,930


Both Sexes 25,328 3,113 1,672 1,931 1,975 1,772 3,115 3,138 8,612
Male 11,158 1,375 713 924 892 751 1,456 1,365 3,682
Female 14,170 1,738 959 1,007 1,083 1,021 1,659 1,773 4,930


Both Sexes 9,882 1,277 655 777 792 457 985 1,171 3,768
Male 4,473 525 334 350 377 210 415 540 1,722
Female 5,409 752 321 427 415 247 570 631 2,046


Both Sexes 9,882 1,277 655 777 792 457 985 1,171 3,768
Male 4,473 525 334 350 377 210 415 540 1,722
Female 5,409 752 321 427 415 247 570 631 2,046


Both Sexes 180,234 22,804 12,966 13,417 11,954 11,696 20,697 14,920 71,780
Male 80,539 11,245 6,386 6,693 5,450 5,518 9,417 6,620 29,210
Female 99,695 11,559 6,580 6,724 6,504 6,178 11,280 8,300 42,570


Both Sexes 89,264 11,723 7,138 7,551 7,107 6,130 12,436 9,807 27,372
Male 39,846 5,653 3,562 3,710 3,147 2,921 5,516 4,267 11,070
Female 49,418 6,070 3,576 3,841 3,960 3,209 6,920 5,540 16,302


Both Sexes 90,970 11,081 5,828 5,866 4,847 5,567 8,261 5,112 44,408
Male 40,692 5,592 2,824 2,983 2,303 2,597 3,901 2,352 18,140
Female 50,278 5,489 3,004 2,883 2,544 2,970 4,360 2,760 26,268


Both Sexes 12,628 1,798 896 780 737 879 1,256 1,169 5,113
Male 5,421 879 443 391 327 410 571 488 1,912
Female 7,207 919 453 389 410 469 685 681 3,201


Both Sexes 4,365 750 263 277 281 241 540 463 1,550
Male 1,905 405 154 141 114 107 235 166 583
Female 2,460 345 109 136 167 134 305 297 967


Both Sexes 8,261 1,048 633 502 456 637 715 706 3,564
Male 3,514 474 289 249 213 302 335 322 1,330
Female 4,747 574 344 253 243 335 380 384 2,234

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 27,165 3,523 2,536 2,449 2,021 1,995 3,250 2,225 9,166
Male 12,036 1,712 1,281 1,172 946 931 1,361 965 3,668
Female 15,129 1,811 1,255 1,277 1,075 1,064 1,889 1,260 5,498


Both Sexes 12,862 2,022 1,211 1,367 1,103 1,040 1,874 1,433 2,812
Male 5,751 1,001 626 623 465 512 742 633 1,149
Female 7,111 1,021 585 744 638 528 1,132 800 1,663


Both Sexes 14,301 1,501 1,325 1,083 917 954 1,376 791 6,354
Male 6,285 711 655 550 481 419 619 331 2,519
Female 8,016 790 670 533 436 535 757 460 3,835


Both Sexes 21,622 2,785 1,411 1,546 1,361 1,367 2,678 1,591 8,883
Male 9,598 1,395 705 747 669 673 1,194 599 3,616
Female 12,024 1,390 706 799 692 694 1,484 992 5,267


Both Sexes 9,621 1,410 823 858 792 672 1,376 1,126 2,564
Male 4,271 671 448 425 407 327 634 432 927
Female 5,350 739 375 433 385 345 742 694 1,637


Both Sexes 11,998 1,374 587 687 569 695 1,302 465 6,319
Male 5,325 723 257 321 262 346 560 167 2,689
Female 6,673 651 330 366 307 349 742 298 3,630


Both Sexes 10,278 1,416 592 720 456 685 924 672 4,813
Male 4,704 731 246 341 214 292 455 304 2,121
Female 5,574 685 346 379 242 393 469 368 2,692


Both Sexes 10,278 1,416 592 720 456 685 924 672 4,813
Male 4,704 731 246 341 214 292 455 304 2,121
Female 5,574 685 346 379 242 393 469 368 2,692


Both Sexes 5,949 672 383 363 243 286 454 231 3,317
Male 2,640 423 164 177 119 135 219 99 1,304
Female 3,309 249 219 186 124 151 235 132 2,013


Both Sexes 5,949 672 383 363 243 286 454 231 3,317
Male 2,640 423 164 177 119 135 219 99 1,304
Female 3,309 249 219 186 124 151 235 132 2,013


Both Sexes 15,027 1,629 755 1,008 912 998 1,568 1,182 6,975
Male 6,722 801 392 482 402 509 760 510 2,866
Female 8,305 828 363 526 510 489 808 672 4,109

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 5,820 807 360 473 436 375 727 675 1,967
Male 2,578 351 198 225 184 200 350 273 797
Female 3,242 456 162 248 252 175 377 402 1,170


Both Sexes 9,207 822 395 534 476 623 841 507 5,009
Male 4,145 450 194 257 218 309 410 237 2,070
Female 5,062 372 201 277 258 314 431 270 2,939


Both Sexes 9,898 1,820 547 570 677 617 750 319 4,598
Male 4,322 902 273 253 333 274 357 158 1,772
Female 5,576 918 274 317 344 343 393 161 2,826


Both Sexes 1,672 473 197 212 286 265 194 15 30

Male 835 280 109 78 159 109 79 15 6
Female 837 193 88 134 127 156 115 - 24


Both Sexes 8,229 1,347 352 358 391 352 556 305 4,568
Male 3,489 622 165 175 174 165 278 144 1,766
Female 4,740 725 187 183 217 187 278 161 2,802


Both Sexes 8,395 1,020 548 663 550 532 735 449 3,898
Male 3,815 546 276 359 284 259 302 227 1,562
Female 4,580 474 272 304 266 273 433 222 2,336


Both Sexes 8,395 1,020 548 663 550 532 735 449 3,898
Male 3,815 546 276 359 284 259 302 227 1,562
Female 4,580 474 272 304 266 273 433 222 2,336


Both Sexes 10,677 1,233 684 726 482 686 1,247 825 4,794
Male 4,846 528 398 438 192 319 626 401 1,944
Female 5,831 705 286 288 290 367 621 424 2,850


Both Sexes 3,851 458 294 270 153 328 567 402 1,379
Male 1,631 160 164 157 65 141 251 183 510
Female 2,220 298 130 113 88 187 316 219 869


Both Sexes 6,823 776 389 456 328 357 680 423 3,414
Male 3,212 368 233 281 127 177 375 218 1,433
Female 3,611 408 156 175 201 180 305 205 1,981


Both Sexes 10,928 1,505 976 785 800 695 1,374 973 3,820
Male 5,149 753 514 424 348 306 740 462 1,602
Female 5,779 752 462 361 452 389 634 511 2,218

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 3,397 397 354 286 341 249 696 408 666
Male 1,585 207 170 152 137 114 392 158 255
Female 1,812 190 184 134 204 135 304 250 411


Both Sexes 7,533 1,107 622 499 460 447 679 565 3,154
Male 3,567 546 344 272 212 193 349 304 1,347
Female 3,966 561 278 227 248 254 330 261 1,807


Both Sexes 8,609 1,527 809 708 967 427 1,073 799 2,299
Male 4,182 796 426 413 488 188 537 373 961
Female 4,427 731 383 295 479 239 536 426 1,338


Both Sexes 8,609 1,527 809 708 967 427 1,073 799 2,299
Male 4,182 796 426 413 488 188 537 373 961
Female 4,427 731 383 295 479 239 536 426 1,338


Both Sexes 19,025 1,636 1,360 1,413 1,438 1,230 2,750 2,589 6,609
Male 8,109 711 581 656 559 619 1,128 1,156 2,699
Female 10,916 925 779 757 879 611 1,622 1,433 3,910


Both Sexes 19,025 1,636 1,360 1,413 1,438 1,230 2,750 2,589 6,609
Male 8,109 711 581 656 559 619 1,128 1,156 2,699
Female 10,916 925 779 757 879 611 1,622 1,433 3,910


Both Sexes 20,044 2,243 1,466 1,689 1,309 1,303 2,641 1,897 7,496
Male 9,002 1,070 686 841 569 604 1,169 879 3,184
Female 11,042 1,173 780 848 740 699 1,472 1,018 4,312


Both Sexes 20,044 2,243 1,466 1,689 1,309 1,303 2,641 1,897 7,496
Male 9,002 1,070 686 841 569 604 1,169 879 3,184
Female 11,042 1,173 780 848 740 699 1,472 1,018 4,312


Both Sexes 145,618 18,617 10,239 11,937 10,751 10,011 17,557 14,243 52,263
Male 65,271 9,004 4,687 5,731 4,811 4,603 8,273 6,376 21,786
Female 80,347 9,613 5,552 6,206 5,940 5,408 9,284 7,867 30,477


Both Sexes 82,747 10,546 6,333 7,457 7,426 6,921 10,982 8,855 24,227
Male 36,416 5,132 2,865 3,647 3,251 3,097 4,905 3,773 9,746
Female 46,331 5,414 3,468 3,810 4,175 3,824 6,077 5,082 14,481


Both Sexes 62,872 8,071 3,907 4,479 3,325 3,090 6,575 5,389 28,036
Male 28,856 3,872 1,823 2,083 1,560 1,506 3,368 2,604 12,040
Female 34,016 4,199 2,084 2,396 1,765 1,584 3,207 2,785 15,996

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 19,735 1,857 999 1,052 2,777 3,094 2,367 2,644 4,945
Male 8,835 790 495 469 1,186 1,404 1,123 1,263 2,105
Female 10,900 1,067 504 583 1,591 1,690 1,244 1,381 2,840


Both Sexes 7,976 508 432 425 2,308 2,593 1,106 179 425
Male 3,487 212 209 198 1,011 1,148 502 79 128
Female 4,489 296 223 227 1,297 1,445 604 100 297


Both Sexes 11,756 1,349 567 627 469 501 1,260 2,464 4,519
Male 5,347 578 286 271 175 256 620 1,184 1,977
Female 6,409 771 281 356 294 245 640 1,280 2,542


Both Sexes 4,060 813 471 498 233 233 674 273 865
Male 1,836 390 214 247 116 115 318 107 329
Female 2,224 423 257 251 117 118 356 166 536


Both Sexes 1,533 419 155 233 72 58 408 94 94

Male 737 217 68 142 38 4 188 30 50
Female 796 202 87 91 34 54 220 64 44


Both Sexes 2,528 394 316 264 162 175 267 179 771
Male 1,100 173 146 104 79 111 131 77 279
Female 1,428 221 170 160 83 64 136 102 492


Both Sexes 19,201 2,166 1,402 1,415 1,297 1,423 2,213 1,860 7,425
Male 8,455 934 619 689 513 638 1,151 851 3,060
Female 10,746 1,232 783 726 784 785 1,062 1,009 4,365


Both Sexes 9,990 1,109 772 748 764 790 1,279 1,271 3,257
Male 4,136 446 374 408 244 344 575 558 1,187
Female 5,854 663 398 340 520 446 704 713 2,070


Both Sexes 9,209 1,056 631 666 534 632 934 590 4,166
Male 4,316 487 245 280 269 294 576 293 1,872
Female 4,893 569 386 386 265 338 358 297 2,294


Both Sexes 11,865 1,554 763 878 692 714 1,198 672 5,394
Male 5,375 850 394 416 317 299 565 342 2,192
Female 6,490 704 369 462 375 415 633 330 3,202


Both Sexes 2,308 432 222 155 124 225 278 176 696
Male 1,023 250 127 65 60 75 97 66 283
Female 1,285 182 95 90 64 150 181 110 413

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 9,558 1,122 542 722 569 489 921 496 4,697
Male 4,352 600 267 351 258 224 468 276 1,908
Female 5,206 522 275 371 311 265 453 220 2,789


Both Sexes 14,333 2,511 1,099 1,541 706 585 1,353 1,036 5,502
Male 6,875 1,385 554 810 351 274 708 479 2,314
Female 7,458 1,126 545 731 355 311 645 557 3,188


Both Sexes 4,282 903 460 758 313 235 486 412 715
Male 2,029 510 225 422 128 78 219 157 290
Female 2,253 393 235 336 185 157 267 255 425


Both Sexes 10,050 1,608 639 783 392 349 867 625 4,787
Male 4,846 875 329 388 223 196 489 322 2,024
Female 5,204 733 310 395 169 153 378 303 2,763


Both Sexes 12,906 1,964 930 1,047 817 668 1,508 668 5,304
Male 5,741 935 388 435 371 299 699 285 2,329
Female 7,165 1,029 542 612 446 369 809 383 2,975


Both Sexes 2,433 554 336 216 175 107 296 116 633
Male 1,105 320 106 77 82 47 144 46 283
Female 1,328 234 230 139 93 60 152 70 350


Both Sexes 10,474 1,410 594 831 642 561 1,212 552 4,672
Male 4,636 615 281 358 289 252 556 239 2,046
Female 5,838 795 313 473 353 309 656 313 2,626


Both Sexes 15,113 2,025 1,112 1,191 966 675 1,714 1,194 6,236
Male 6,800 1,001 453 641 488 320 797 500 2,600
Female 8,313 1,024 659 550 478 355 917 694 3,636


Both Sexes 5,809 892 494 603 409 291 597 711 1,812
Male 2,536 456 184 309 221 145 267 288 666
Female 3,273 436 310 294 188 146 330 423 1,146


Both Sexes 9,298 1,132 619 586 556 383 1,116 482 4,424
Male 4,260 544 269 331 267 174 529 212 1,934
Female 5,038 588 350 255 289 209 587 270 2,490


Both Sexes 30,922 3,381 2,054 2,385 2,056 1,701 4,093 3,802 11,450
Male 13,252 1,603 942 1,042 907 765 1,689 1,576 4,728
Female 17,670 1,778 1,112 1,343 1,149 936 2,404 2,226 6,722

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 30,922 3,381 2,054 2,385 2,056 1,701 4,093 3,802 11,450
Male 13,252 1,603 942 1,042 907 765 1,689 1,576 4,728
Female 17,670 1,778 1,112 1,343 1,149 936 2,404 2,226 6,722


Both Sexes 17,486 2,345 1,408 1,932 1,207 918 2,439 2,095 5,142
Male 8,107 1,117 629 984 562 490 1,224 973 2,128
Female 9,379 1,228 779 948 645 428 1,215 1,122 3,014


Both Sexes 17,486 2,345 1,408 1,932 1,207 918 2,439 2,095 5,142
Male 8,107 1,117 629 984 562 490 1,224 973 2,128
Female 9,379 1,228 779 948 645 428 1,215 1,122 3,014


Both Sexes 137,229 18,870 9,203 10,995 9,456 8,330 12,582 9,578 58,215
Male 64,182 9,716 4,747 5,777 4,537 4,143 6,081 4,309 24,872
Female 73,047 9,154 4,456 5,218 4,919 4,187 6,501 5,269 33,343


Both Sexes 53,338 7,632 3,877 4,759 4,094 3,061 4,487 3,577 21,851
Male 24,537 4,009 2,080 2,580 2,048 1,578 2,110 1,592 8,540
Female 28,801 3,623 1,797 2,179 2,046 1,483 2,377 1,985 13,311


Both Sexes 83,891 11,238 5,326 6,235 5,362 5,270 8,095 6,002 36,363
Male 39,643 5,707 2,667 3,196 2,489 2,565 3,971 2,717 16,331
Female 44,248 5,531 2,659 3,039 2,873 2,705 4,124 3,285 20,032


Both Sexes 11,477 1,591 641 896 914 717 1,114 928 4,676
Male 5,255 780 350 470 419 318 457 393 2,068
Female 6,222 811 291 426 495 399 657 535 2,608


Both Sexes 2,885 418 137 306 304 180 313 341 886
Male 1,331 216 58 173 129 92 137 168 358
Female 1,554 202 79 133 175 88 176 173 528


Both Sexes 8,590 1,173 504 589 610 536 802 586 3,790
Male 3,923 564 292 296 290 226 321 224 1,710
Female 4,667 609 212 293 320 310 481 362 2,080


Both Sexes 10,379 1,775 696 837 569 793 1,112 522 4,075
Male 5,049 900 360 421 273 396 626 245 1,828
Female 5,330 875 336 416 296 397 486 277 2,247


Both Sexes 10,379 1,775 696 837 569 793 1,112 522 4,075
Male 5,049 900 360 421 273 396 626 245 1,828
Female 5,330 875 336 416 296 397 486 277 2,247

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 19,067 2,213 1,262 1,392 1,109 1,045 1,704 1,372 8,970
Male 8,938 1,149 704 746 521 500 776 631 3,911
Female 10,129 1,064 558 646 588 545 928 741 5,059


Both Sexes 4,288 528 377 418 291 281 396 353 1,644
Male 1,920 271 248 209 144 141 173 127 607
Female 2,368 257 129 209 147 140 223 226 1,037


Both Sexes 14,778 1,686 883 974 817 764 1,309 1,019 7,326
Male 7,018 879 455 536 377 359 604 504 3,304
Female 7,760 807 428 438 440 405 705 515 4,022


Both Sexes 11,031 1,899 909 971 877 547 1,067 730 4,031
Male 5,014 919 472 528 451 274 460 293 1,617
Female 6,017 980 437 443 426 273 607 437 2,414


Both Sexes 2,904 602 328 270 237 112 266 145 944
Male 1,413 303 201 173 125 64 121 52 374
Female 1,491 299 127 97 112 48 145 93 570


Both Sexes 8,128 1,298 580 700 640 436 801 585 3,088
Male 3,601 616 271 354 326 211 339 241 1,243
Female 4,527 682 309 346 314 225 462 344 1,845


Both Sexes 6,400 629 380 409 237 436 709 306 3,294
Male 2,986 318 162 248 108 207 368 130 1,445
Female 3,414 311 218 161 129 229 341 176 1,849


Both Sexes 480 38 40 43 10 40 54 65 190

Male 210 24 20 23 5 24 25 29 60
Female 270 14 20 20 5 16 29 36 130


Both Sexes 5,921 592 339 367 228 396 656 239 3,104
Male 2,776 295 142 226 103 183 343 100 1,384
Female 3,145 297 197 141 125 213 313 139 1,720


Both Sexes 26,113 3,677 1,910 2,134 2,090 1,668 2,707 2,225 9,702
Male 12,527 1,806 946 1,063 1,003 887 1,295 1,059 4,468
Female 13,586 1,871 964 1,071 1,087 781 1,412 1,166 5,234


Both Sexes 8,410 1,406 731 879 801 482 701 543 2,867
Male 4,003 737 391 440 405 259 327 265 1,179
Female 4,407 669 340 439 396 223 374 278 1,688

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 17,702 2,272 1,178 1,255 1,289 1,186 2,006 1,682 6,834
Male 8,523 1,070 554 623 598 628 968 794 3,288
Female 9,179 1,202 624 632 691 558 1,038 888 3,546


Both Sexes 12,096 1,443 711 991 919 715 950 997 5,370
Male 5,998 821 375 510 407 383 523 465 2,514
Female 6,098 622 336 481 512 332 427 532 2,856


Both Sexes 1,746 275 137 219 286 158 70 53 548

Male 819 142 66 102 135 83 43 14 234
Female 927 133 71 117 151 75 27 39 314


Both Sexes 10,349 1,167 574 772 633 558 879 944 4,822
Male 5,179 679 309 408 272 300 480 451 2,280
Female 5,170 488 265 364 361 258 399 493 2,542


Both Sexes 8,044 1,278 571 741 575 601 533 422 3,323
Male 3,574 706 284 332 249 262 292 156 1,293
Female 4,470 572 287 409 326 339 241 266 2,030


Both Sexes 8,044 1,278 571 741 575 601 533 422 3,323
Male 3,574 706 284 332 249 262 292 156 1,293
Female 4,470 572 287 409 326 339 241 266 2,030


Both Sexes 11,522 1,919 825 1,008 902 874 744 623 4,627
Male 5,310 1,053 432 568 499 428 323 276 1,731
Female 6,212 866 393 440 403 446 421 347 2,896


Both Sexes 11,522 1,919 825 1,008 902 874 744 623 4,627
Male 5,310 1,053 432 568 499 428 323 276 1,731
Female 6,212 866 393 440 403 446 421 347 2,896


Both Sexes 7,322 822 498 472 378 234 643 501 3,774
Male 3,051 438 236 259 180 100 302 209 1,327
Female 4,271 384 262 213 198 134 341 292 2,447


Both Sexes 7,322 822 498 472 378 234 643 501 3,774
Male 3,051 438 236 259 180 100 302 209 1,327
Female 4,271 384 262 213 198 134 341 292 2,447


Both Sexes 13,779 1,624 804 1,144 886 698 1,300 952 6,371
Male 6,477 825 428 632 427 386 659 451 2,669
Female 7,302 799 376 512 459 312 641 501 3,702

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 13,779 1,624 804 1,144 886 698 1,300 952 6,371
Male 6,477 825 428 632 427 386 659 451 2,669
Female 7,302 799 376 512 459 312 641 501 3,702


Both Sexes 132,754 14,121 8,833 12,760 14,822 12,490 12,570 12,643 44,515
Male 68,912 6,925 4,363 6,599 7,920 7,255 6,871 6,523 22,456
Female 63,842 7,196 4,470 6,161 6,902 5,235 5,699 6,120 22,059


Both Sexes 47,289 4,864 3,295 3,383 3,128 2,552 5,774 7,053 17,240
Male 24,374 2,319 1,555 1,875 1,662 1,334 3,131 3,645 8,853
Female 22,915 2,545 1,740 1,508 1,466 1,218 2,643 3,408 8,387


Both Sexes 85,467 9,257 5,539 9,377 11,695 9,938 6,796 5,590 27,275
Male 44,539 4,606 2,809 4,724 6,259 5,921 3,740 2,878 13,602
Female 40,928 4,651 2,730 4,653 5,436 4,017 3,056 2,712 13,673


Both Sexes 53,674 4,342 3,254 5,363 7,726 7,509 3,782 6,305 15,393
Male 28,452 2,029 1,625 2,721 4,107 4,688 2,057 3,214 8,011
Female 25,222 2,313 1,629 2,642 3,619 2,821 1,725 3,091 7,382


Both Sexes 21,112 1,341 859 991 856 795 2,216 4,508 9,546
Male 10,944 556 447 593 483 427 1,151 2,306 4,981
Female 10,168 785 412 398 373 368 1,065 2,202 4,565


Both Sexes 32,561 3,001 2,395 4,371 6,870 6,715 1,566 1,797 5,846
Male 17,509 1,474 1,178 2,128 3,624 4,262 906 908 3,029
Female 15,052 1,527 1,217 2,243 3,246 2,453 660 889 2,817


Both Sexes 29,258 3,502 1,798 2,385 2,393 1,930 2,840 2,020 12,390
Male 14,955 1,812 951 1,226 1,271 948 1,524 1,059 6,164
Female 14,303 1,690 847 1,159 1,122 982 1,316 961 6,226


Both Sexes 4,419 739 387 446 382 402 307 260 1,496
Male 2,088 400 173 189 222 195 152 135 622
Female 2,331 339 214 257 160 207 155 125 874


Both Sexes 24,840 2,763 1,411 1,939 2,011 1,528 2,533 1,761 10,894
Male 12,867 1,411 778 1,037 1,049 753 1,372 925 5,542
Female 11,973 1,352 633 902 962 775 1,161 836 5,352


Both Sexes 35,052 4,600 2,467 3,719 3,601 2,355 3,343 2,699 12,268
Male 17,578 2,301 1,158 1,925 1,894 1,205 1,826 1,433 5,836
Female 17,474 2,299 1,309 1,794 1,707 1,150 1,517 1,266 6,432

Table 7.3 Migrants by Length of Residence, Urban-Rural Residence and Sex: 2007
Length of Residence in Current Place (by Year)
Sex Migrants 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10+

Both Sexes 6,988 1,107 736 652 788 660 646 666 1,733
Male 3,416 580 306 366 308 299 364 388 805
Female 3,572 527 430 286 480 361 282 278 928


Both Sexes 28,062 3,493 1,731 3,065 2,813 1,695 2,697 2,033 10,535
Male 14,161 1,721 852 1,558 1,586 906 1,462 1,045 5,031
Female 13,901 1,772 879 1,507 1,227 789 1,235 988 5,504


Both Sexes 14,767 1,676 1,312 1,293 1,102 695 2,605 1,619 4,465
Male 7,924 783 628 727 648 413 1,464 816 2,445
Female 6,843 893 684 566 454 282 1,141 803 2,020


Both Sexes 14,767 1,676 1,312 1,293 1,102 695 2,605 1,619 4,465
Male 7,924 783 628 727 648 413 1,464 816 2,445
Female 6,843 893 684 566 454 282 1,141 803 2,020


Both Sexes 113,030 12,804 7,136 8,821 8,905 6,665 17,969 12,187 38,543
Male 54,532 6,167 3,501 4,397 4,325 3,395 8,980 5,820 17,947
Female 58,498 6,637 3,635 4,424 4,580 3,270 8,989 6,367 20,596


Both Sexes 113,030 12,804 7,136 8,821 8,905 6,665 17,969 12,187 38,543
Male 54,532 6,167 3,501 4,397 4,325 3,395 8,980 5,820 17,947
Female 58,498 6,637 3,635 4,424 4,580 3,270 8,989 6,367 20,596


Both Sexes 50,244 5,645 3,234 3,637 4,130 3,037 7,426 5,373 17,762
Male 23,744 2,541 1,526 1,886 1,919 1,507 3,734 2,507 8,124
Female 26,500 3,104 1,708 1,751 2,211 1,530 3,692 2,866 9,638


Both Sexes 50,244 5,645 3,234 3,637 4,130 3,037 7,426 5,373 17,762
Male 23,744 2,541 1,526 1,886 1,919 1,507 3,734 2,507 8,124
Female 26,500 3,104 1,708 1,751 2,211 1,530 3,692 2,866 9,638


Both Sexes 62,787 7,159 3,902 5,184 4,775 3,629 10,543 6,814 20,781
Male 30,789 3,626 1,975 2,512 2,406 1,888 5,246 3,313 9,823
Female 31,998 3,533 1,927 2,672 2,369 1,741 5,297 3,501 10,958


Both Sexes 62,787 7,159 3,902 5,184 4,775 3,629 10,543 6,814 20,781
Male 30,789 3,626 1,975 2,512 2,406 1,888 5,246 3,313 9,823
Female 31,998 3,533 1,927 2,672 2,369 1,741 5,297 3,501 10,958

Table 7.4 Migrants by Previous Place of Residence,Sex and Age Group: 2007
Previous Place of Residence Rural Previous Place of Residence Urban Not Stated
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

Age Group Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female

All Ages 574,815 266,683 308,132 284,986 136,822 148,164 5 5 -

0 - 4 41,081 20,347 20,734 18,990 9,741 9,249 - - -

5 - 9 46,041 23,084 22,957 21,926 10,890 11,036 - - -
10 - 14 51,442 25,469 25,973 28,224 14,120 14,104 - - -
15 - 19 68,647 30,628 38,019 35,094 14,813 20,281 - - -
20 - 24 68,720 29,468 39,252 42,324 18,614 23,710 - - -
25 - 29 59,779 25,173 34,606 33,827 16,124 17,703 - - -
30 - 34 50,531 22,383 28,148 24,236 11,975 12,261 - - -
35 - 39 44,889 20,581 24,308 21,605 10,626 10,979 - - -
40 - 44 33,617 17,002 16,615 14,184 7,986 6,198 - - -
45 - 49 25,971 13,075 12,896 11,664 6,352 5,312 - - -
50 - 54 22,378 9,930 12,448 9,576 4,683 4,893 - - -
55 - 59 16,304 8,340 7,964 6,497 3,112 3,385 - - -
60 - 64 15,238 6,575 8,663 5,661 2,550 3,111 5 5 -
65 - 69 10,698 5,180 5,518 4,243 1,903 2,340 - - -
70 - 74 9,636 4,335 5,301 3,397 1,541 1,856 - - -
75 + 9,843 5,113 4,730 3,538 1,792 1,746 - - -


This section presents the fertility level of the population of Tigray Region. In the
2007 Population and Housing Census Questionnaire information was collected
on both current and retrospective fertility (births of last year and children ever
born) from every woman aged 10 years and over.

Generally, data on current and retrospective fertility collected in censuses of

developing countries are not usually free from error. Data on total number of
children ever born may also be distorted due to recall-lapse and socio-cultural
factors. Above all, because of the extended family system in the country, the
women are likely to include relatives with their own. Again, the various social
practices associated with birth of small babies, especially those births that end in
early death are likely to have been omitted from reporting. Another source of
error in the reported number of children could be the inclusion of still births.
These probable errors should be borne in mind while interpreting reported fertility
measures presented in this section. In the 2007 census the following two fertility
related questions were employed.

A) Last Year Births

The questionnaire was designed to obtain the total number of births occurred
during the 12 months prior to the date of the census. Every woman aged 10
years and over in the sampled household was asked if she gave birth during the
12 months prior to the date of the census and the response of each woman was
recorded in the household. The answer categories were age of women and the
number of children born alive. This information will allow computing the number
of women and the number of children by place of residence at different
administrative levels, total fertility rates and age-specific birth rates. The

appropriate reference date of last year births for each woman aged 10 years and
over was given to the enumerator from May 29, 2006 to May 28, 2007. Birth
information for each woman aged 10 years and over was collected for the 1994
and the 2007 censuses to compute and compare total fertility rate, age-specific
birth rate and other birth related information.

B) Children Ever Born

The questionnaire was designed to obtain the total number of children even born
alive for every woman aged 10 years and over. For this purpose every woman
aged 10 years and over in a sampled household was asked about the total
number of children even born alive in her life time. The answer categories were
the number of children living at home by sex, the number of children living
elsewhere by sex, and the number of children who died by sex. The appropriate
reference given to the enumerator was to interview only women aged 10 years
and over in the sampled household.

Table 7.5 Reproductive Age of Women by Five Year Age Group, Birth During
the Last 12 Months Prior to the Census, Age-Specific Birth Rate,
and Total Fertility Rate(TFRs), by Urban - Rural Residence: 2007

Urban + Rural Urban Rural Age-Specific Birth Rates
--------------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------------
Age Group Women Births Women Births Women Births U+R Urban Rural

15 - 49 1,013,112 133,577 245,023 22,323 768,089 111,254

15 - 19 251,650 13,089 65,751 2,422 185,899 10,667 .052 .037 .057
20 - 24 186,916 32,437 55,853 6,823 131,063 25,614 .174 .122 .195
25 - 29 157,848 34,213 42,393 6,253 115,455 27,960 .217 .148 .242
30 - 34 137,875 28,325 28,657 3,750 109,218 24,575 .205 .131 .225
35 - 39 121,365 18,048 25,397 2,358 95,968 15,690 .149 .093 .163
40 - 44 86,866 5,581 14,962 488 71,904 5,093 .064 .033 .071
45 - 49 70,592 1,884 12,010 229 58,582 1,655 .027 .019 .028

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 4.440 2.915 4.905

15 - 49 170,181 26,903 31,572 3,582 138,609 23,321

15 - 19 39,648 2,970 7,514 415 32,134 2,555 .075 .055 .080
20 - 24 33,631 7,252 7,464 1,250 26,167 6,002 .216 .167 .229
25 - 29 27,854 6,878 5,702 934 22,152 5,944 .247 .164 .268
30 - 34 23,451 5,196 3,951 545 19,500 4,651 .222 .138 .239
35 - 39 19,949 3,252 3,428 342 16,521 2,910 .163 .100 .176
40 - 44 14,432 975 2,032 52 12,400 923 .068 .026 .074
45 - 49 11,216 380 1,481 44 9,735 336 .034 .030 .035

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 5.125 3.400 5.505

15 - 49 284,837 36,682 50,827 4,907 234,010 31,775

15 - 19 70,077 2,743 13,418 408 56,659 2,335 .039 .030 .041
20 - 24 48,298 7,573 10,962 1,312 37,336 6,261 .157 .120 .168
25 - 29 42,980 9,480 9,097 1,550 33,883 7,930 .221 .170 .234
30 - 34 40,858 8,779 6,479 880 34,379 7,899 .215 .136 .230
35 - 39 36,110 5,869 5,571 647 30,539 5,222 .163 .116 .171
40 - 44 25,253 1,742 2,958 99 22,295 1,643 .069 .033 .074
45 - 49 21,261 496 2,342 11 18,919 485 .023 .005 .026

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 4.435 3.050 4.720

15 - 49 176,076 20,581 42,989 4,037 133,087 16,544

15 - 19 46,762 1,344 12,070 307 34,692 1,037 .029 .025 .030
20 - 24 29,925 4,461 8,958 1,202 20,967 3,259 .149 .134 .155
25 - 29 25,866 5,394 7,446 1,182 18,420 4,212 .209 .159 .229
30 - 34 22,886 4,788 5,306 764 17,580 4,024 .209 .144 .229
35 - 39 22,040 3,262 4,672 429 17,368 2,833 .148 .092 .163
40 - 44 14,251 974 2,393 135 11,858 839 .068 .056 .071
45 - 49 14,346 358 2,144 18 12,202 340 .025 .008 .028

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 4.185 3.090 4.525

15 - 49 232,182 30,940 34,752 2,768 197,430 28,172

15 - 19 57,324 3,410 10,191 402 47,133 3,008 .059 .039 .064
20 - 24 38,897 7,302 6,607 765 32,290 6,537 .188 .116 .202
25 - 29 34,905 7,666 5,186 665 29,719 7,001 .220 .128 .236
30 - 34 33,231 6,712 4,060 490 29,171 6,222 .202 .121 .213
35 - 39 28,822 3,979 3,930 311 24,892 3,668 .138 .079 .147
40 - 44 22,868 1,421 2,828 61 20,040 1,360 .062 .022 .068
45 - 49 16,135 450 1,950 74 14,185 376 .028 .038 .027

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 4.485 2.715 4.785

Table 7.5 Reproductive Age of Women by Five Year Age Group, Birth During
the Last 12 Months Prior to the Census, Age-Specific Birth Rate,
and Total Fertility Rate(TFRs), by Urban - Rural Residence: 2007

Urban + Rural Urban Rural Age-Specific Birth Rates
--------------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------------
Age Group Women Births Women Births Women Births U+R Urban Rural

15 - 49 84,817 13,884 19,864 2,438 64,953 11,446

15 - 19 20,205 2,084 4,924 352 15,281 1,732 .103 .071 .113
20 - 24 19,213 4,370 4,910 814 14,303 3,556 .227 .166 .249
25 - 29 14,759 3,416 3,478 543 11,281 2,873 .231 .156 .255
30 - 34 10,935 2,134 2,347 354 8,588 1,780 .195 .151 .207
35 - 39 8,606 1,320 1,958 262 6,648 1,058 .153 .134 .159
40 - 44 6,579 388 1,268 59 5,311 329 .059 .047 .062
45 - 49 4,520 172 979 54 3,541 118 .038 .055 .033

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 5.030 3.900 5.390

15 - 49 65,019 4,589 65,019 4,589 - -

15 - 19 17,634 537 17,634 537 - - .030 .030 -
20 - 24 16,952 1,480 16,952 1,480 - - .087 .087 -
25 - 29 11,484 1,379 11,484 1,379 - - .120 .120 -
30 - 34 6,514 717 6,514 717 - - .110 .110 -
35 - 39 5,838 367 5,838 367 - - .063 .063 -
40 - 44 3,483 81 3,483 81 - - .023 .023 -
45 - 49 3,114 28 3,114 28 - - .009 .009 -

Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) 2.210 2.210 -

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 146,269 1,781 26,956 51,344 25,331 10,483 6,383 3,774 2,882 3,759 2,809 3,794 6,973
2 259,699 12 9,993 69,847 68,487 33,322 20,147 11,577 9,455 10,409 6,276 6,974 13,200
3 355,314 - 2,486 43,825 95,856 67,424 41,391 23,238 17,184 17,730 12,010 12,859 21,311
4 462,161 - 646 20,091 93,006 108,685 70,411 40,642 30,265 27,875 18,654 18,841 33,045
5 523,325 - - 6,294 54,700 119,038 108,387 58,515 44,081 38,023 23,311 25,190 45,786
6 576,110 34 - 2,752 26,850 98,291 131,119 87,468 59,313 50,683 31,653 31,974 55,973
7 453,606 - - 383 8,506 41,463 80,553 75,939 59,768 54,123 35,308 35,357 62,206
8 374,411 - 47 - 4,793 18,796 50,855 64,435 57,248 52,119 35,095 33,381 57,642
9 284,606 - - - 1,364 9,735 28,097 44,844 49,446 45,543 31,361 26,168 48,048
10 186,488 - 115 - 644 4,889 14,155 26,210 33,033 29,917 25,044 18,095 34,386
11 102,900 - - - - 2,460 6,878 12,681 16,785 20,631 13,294 10,404 19,767
12 56,215 - - - - 391 3,981 6,949 9,852 10,316 7,541 6,660 10,525
13 24,083 - - - - - 1,823 2,187 5,000 4,341 3,825 3,315 3,592
14 10,813 - - - - 382 1,139 1,118 1,907 2,078 1,330 865 1,994
15+ 9,249 - - - - - 862 1,582 1,770 1,990 645 1,309 1,091
Total CEB 3,825,249 1,827 40,243 194,536 379,537 515,359 566,181 461,159 397,989 369,537 248,156 235,186 415,539
Average CEB 2.45 .01 .16 1.04 2.40 3.74 4.67 5.31 5.64 5.44 5.44 4.93 4.64


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 44,591 486 5,949 16,356 9,493 3,675 2,361 1,176 803 1,002 684 772 1,834
2 70,801 - 1,453 16,283 20,727 10,703 6,885 3,271 2,487 2,500 1,287 1,709 3,496
3 81,565 - 507 6,356 20,907 16,931 12,513 6,387 3,835 3,988 2,594 2,833 4,714
4 88,354 - 45 2,380 13,837 20,195 17,091 8,332 6,830 4,749 3,914 3,844 7,137
5 83,938 - - 768 6,929 14,478 19,873 9,955 7,092 7,028 4,152 4,910 8,753
6 78,886 - - 456 3,003 9,144 15,437 11,612 9,614 8,416 5,561 5,381 10,262
7 58,590 - - - 971 3,003 9,423 9,205 8,592 7,385 5,073 5,475 9,463
8 43,019 - - - 612 2,166 5,304 5,895 6,766 5,525 4,983 4,290 7,478
9 30,935 - - - - 1,050 2,150 3,607 5,775 4,209 4,444 3,172 6,528
10 19,148 - - - - 388 1,730 1,828 2,262 2,735 2,856 2,028 5,321
11 11,061 - - - - 291 729 863 1,303 1,819 1,700 1,138 3,218
12 6,290 - - - - - 343 383 713 1,386 975 1,059 1,431
13 2,832 - - - - - 214 494 318 563 413 346 484
14 1,463 - - - - - - 296 177 - 468 228 294
15+ 1,536 - - - - - 83 - 457 345 233 167 251
Total CEB 623,009 486 7,954 42,599 76,479 82,024 94,136 63,304 57,024 51,650 39,337 37,352 70,664
Average CEB 1.81 .01 .12 .76 1.80 2.86 3.71 4.23 4.75 4.47 4.83 4.29 3.97

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 101,679 1,295 21,007 34,988 15,838 6,807 4,022 2,598 2,080 2,758 2,125 3,022 5,139
2 188,896 12 8,539 53,564 47,760 22,619 13,261 8,305 6,968 7,909 4,990 5,265 9,704
3 273,751 - 1,979 37,469 74,949 50,493 28,878 16,851 13,349 13,743 9,416 10,027 16,597
4 373,810 - 601 17,712 79,170 88,490 53,320 32,310 23,435 23,125 14,741 14,997 25,909
5 439,384 - - 5,525 47,770 104,559 88,514 48,560 36,989 30,995 19,159 20,280 37,033
6 497,222 34 - 2,296 23,847 89,147 115,681 75,856 49,699 42,267 26,091 26,593 45,711
7 395,015 - - 383 7,534 38,460 71,130 66,734 51,176 46,738 30,235 29,882 52,743
8 331,394 - 47 - 4,181 16,630 45,552 58,541 50,482 46,594 30,112 29,091 50,164
9 253,672 - - - 1,364 8,686 25,947 41,238 43,671 41,333 26,917 22,996 41,520
10 167,337 - 115 - 644 4,501 12,425 24,381 30,771 27,181 22,187 16,066 29,066
11 91,839 - - - - 2,169 6,149 11,818 15,482 18,811 11,594 9,266 16,550
12 49,925 - - - - 391 3,638 6,567 9,139 8,930 6,566 5,600 9,094
13 21,251 - - - - - 1,609 1,693 4,682 3,778 3,412 2,970 3,107
14 9,351 - - - - 382 1,139 822 1,730 2,078 863 637 1,700
15+ 7,713 - - - - - 779 1,582 1,314 1,644 412 1,142 840
Total CEB 3,202,239 1,341 32,288 151,937 303,057 433,334 472,044 397,856 340,967 317,884 208,820 197,834 344,877
Average CEB 2.63 .01 .17 1.16 2.62 3.97 4.92 5.53 5.82 5.64 5.57 5.08 4.80


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 26,244 283 5,136 10,467 4,173 1,686 1,122 578 416 558 456 480 889
2 45,889 - 2,056 14,029 12,630 5,345 3,201 1,795 1,647 1,560 1,070 1,098 1,458
3 59,189 - 487 8,548 18,059 10,900 6,405 3,639 2,807 2,695 1,796 1,647 2,206
4 76,495 - 116 3,807 17,864 18,511 11,966 7,087 4,096 4,133 2,725 2,444 3,746
5 87,237 - - 1,008 11,110 21,455 17,319 9,659 7,284 6,066 3,315 4,039 5,982
6 94,975 - - 317 4,444 18,762 22,279 15,815 9,269 7,709 4,269 4,874 7,237
7 72,370 - - 35 1,551 6,754 13,006 12,628 10,157 7,787 5,932 5,940 8,580
8 62,642 - 47 - 1,191 3,386 8,859 10,134 8,702 9,814 6,077 5,327 9,105
9 50,010 - - - 327 1,700 5,192 8,231 8,720 9,048 4,566 4,621 7,605
10 31,660 - - - 50 761 2,727 4,467 4,924 4,925 3,814 3,555 6,437
11 17,451 - - - - 472 1,177 2,099 3,227 3,680 2,041 1,639 3,116
12 10,117 - - - - 67 465 1,296 1,423 2,055 1,359 890 2,562
13 5,181 - - - - - 452 459 1,017 1,011 675 617 950
14 2,214 - - - - - 314 81 726 583 - 225 285
15+ 2,006 - - - - - 252 314 167 511 339 239 184
Total CEB 643,680 283 7,842 38,211 71,399 89,799 94,736 78,282 64,582 62,135 38,434 37,635 60,342
Average CEB 2.52 .01 .20 1.14 2.56 3.83 4.75 5.42 5.76 5.72 5.60 5.26 5.12

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 6,689 37 821 2,734 1,367 588 338 164 101 117 77 110 235
2 10,269 - 251 2,462 3,147 1,381 988 524 357 305 198 269 387
3 10,696 - 99 872 2,898 2,367 1,809 702 463 398 221 349 518
4 12,024 - 21 332 1,970 2,984 2,425 1,307 855 582 607 400 541
5 11,725 - - 79 905 2,088 2,870 1,502 786 1,065 433 886 1,111
6 8,655 - - - 336 1,145 1,717 1,283 903 979 528 576 1,188
7 6,757 - - - 73 435 1,119 1,069 1,095 882 538 484 1,062
8 6,165 - - - 121 292 743 746 1,030 799 906 607 921
9 4,905 - - - - 95 340 532 1,119 726 684 351 1,058
10 2,335 - - - - 51 96 340 94 225 222 298 1,009
11 1,700 - - - - 56 228 49 156 403 332 102 374
12 510 - - - - - - 62 91 74 35 111 137
13 486 - - - - - - 61 56 77 - 69 223
14 342 - - - - - - - 177 - - 77 88
15+ 338 - - - - - - - - - 74 80 184
Total CEB 83,596 37 1,192 6,479 10,817 11,482 12,673 8,341 7,283 6,632 4,855 4,769 9,036
Average CEB 1.90 .01 .16 .87 1.90 2.91 3.70 4.10 4.92 4.55 4.99 4.22 4.26


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 19,554 246 4,315 7,733 2,805 1,098 784 415 315 441 378 370 654
2 35,619 - 1,805 11,567 9,483 3,963 2,213 1,272 1,290 1,255 872 829 1,070
3 48,493 - 388 7,676 15,161 8,533 4,596 2,937 2,344 2,298 1,574 1,298 1,688
4 64,470 - 95 3,475 15,894 15,527 9,541 5,780 3,241 3,551 2,118 2,044 3,204
5 75,513 - - 929 10,205 19,367 14,450 8,157 6,498 5,001 2,882 3,154 4,870
6 86,320 - - 317 4,108 17,618 20,562 14,531 8,366 6,729 3,741 4,299 6,049
7 65,614 - - 35 1,479 6,320 11,887 11,559 9,062 6,904 5,393 5,457 7,518
8 56,478 - 47 - 1,071 3,094 8,116 9,387 7,672 9,015 5,172 4,720 8,184
9 45,104 - - - 327 1,605 4,852 7,699 7,601 8,321 3,882 4,270 6,547
10 29,324 - - - 50 709 2,631 4,126 4,830 4,700 3,593 3,257 5,428
11 15,751 - - - - 416 949 2,050 3,071 3,277 1,709 1,537 2,742
12 9,606 - - - - 67 465 1,234 1,332 1,981 1,324 779 2,424
13 4,694 - - - - - 452 397 961 934 675 548 727
14 1,873 - - - - - 314 81 549 583 - 149 197
15+ 1,668 - - - - - 252 314 167 511 265 159 -
Total CEB 560,081 246 6,650 31,732 60,583 78,317 82,064 69,939 57,299 55,501 33,578 32,870 51,302
Average CEB 2.65 .01 .21 1.21 2.73 4.02 4.97 5.64 5.89 5.91 5.70 5.45 5.31

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 36,881 399 6,231 12,969 6,766 2,800 1,504 872 704 888 739 1,177 1,832
2 65,646 - 1,871 16,430 17,643 9,174 5,443 2,968 2,140 2,879 1,553 1,996 3,549
3 97,907 - 667 10,404 26,851 19,580 11,441 5,699 4,803 5,178 3,400 3,846 6,038
4 134,671 - 182 4,235 25,968 33,942 20,834 11,320 8,727 8,898 5,597 5,828 9,140
5 158,778 - - 1,557 14,117 38,671 33,744 16,931 13,374 11,352 7,102 8,027 13,903
6 180,867 34 - 353 7,004 28,545 43,739 27,610 19,042 15,899 10,751 10,094 17,796
7 148,942 - - 76 2,065 12,512 26,060 25,692 20,474 18,022 11,525 11,803 20,713
8 118,760 - - - 1,384 4,943 15,063 20,236 19,607 16,838 11,146 10,534 19,009
9 89,734 - - - 348 2,865 6,838 12,901 15,084 14,660 11,146 9,075 16,817
10 59,252 - 115 - 215 1,799 3,862 7,776 10,588 10,051 7,937 5,704 11,205
11 34,173 - - - - 881 1,936 3,962 5,226 6,865 4,760 3,507 7,036
12 17,335 - - - - 60 1,058 2,478 2,829 3,714 2,410 2,096 2,690
13 7,920 - - - - - 465 612 1,651 1,392 1,167 1,531 1,102
14 3,885 - - - - 157 248 309 541 1,052 442 439 697
15+ 2,386 - - - - - 93 256 464 622 75 582 294
Total CEB 1,157,137 433 9,066 46,024 102,361 155,929 172,328 139,622 125,254 118,310 79,750 76,239 131,821
Average CEB 2.57 - .13 .95 2.38 3.82 4.77 5.53 5.89 5.66 5.69 5.15 4.93


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 8,942 73 1,134 3,192 1,992 749 494 236 164 185 146 147 430
2 14,882 - 202 3,413 4,398 2,384 1,587 661 399 525 157 286 870
3 18,724 - 170 1,419 4,788 3,889 2,999 1,438 854 862 495 743 1,067
4 20,462 - - 500 3,102 5,071 4,152 1,508 1,363 1,037 753 981 1,995
5 17,812 - - 191 1,673 3,554 4,026 1,856 1,522 1,254 713 1,165 1,858
6 16,851 - - 126 985 1,803 3,318 2,127 1,841 1,654 1,283 1,281 2,433
7 11,582 - - - 135 551 1,979 1,778 1,660 1,056 1,198 1,227 1,998
8 7,839 - - - 124 338 910 1,151 1,298 931 598 878 1,611
9 6,201 - - - - 246 529 795 697 855 916 534 1,629
10 4,277 - - - - 97 506 501 493 556 725 676 723
11 2,508 - - - - 53 68 290 96 385 546 336 734
12 1,606 - - - - - 59 126 251 376 338 177 279
13 602 - - - - - - 79 44 203 154 76 46
14 291 - - - - - - 67 - - 90 82 52
15+ 380 - - - - - - - 176 117 - 87 -
Total CEB 132,959 73 1,506 8,841 17,197 18,735 20,627 12,613 10,858 9,996 8,112 8,676 15,725
Average CEB 1.84 .01 .11 .81 1.89 2.89 3.70 4.26 4.64 4.30 4.96 4.45 3.87

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 27,936 326 5,098 9,777 4,774 2,051 1,009 635 539 703 592 1,030 1,402
2 50,762 - 1,669 13,016 13,244 6,789 3,856 2,307 1,741 2,354 1,396 1,711 2,679
3 79,185 - 497 8,985 22,063 15,690 8,443 4,261 3,949 4,317 2,905 3,104 4,971
4 114,207 - 182 3,736 22,865 28,870 16,681 9,812 7,364 7,861 4,844 4,847 7,145
5 140,966 - - 1,366 12,444 35,117 29,718 15,075 11,851 10,098 6,389 6,863 12,045
6 164,017 34 - 227 6,019 26,742 40,421 25,483 17,202 14,245 9,468 8,813 15,363
7 137,360 - - 76 1,930 11,960 24,082 23,914 18,814 16,966 10,327 10,576 18,715
8 110,921 - - - 1,260 4,605 14,153 19,085 18,309 15,907 10,548 9,656 17,398
9 83,530 - - - 348 2,619 6,309 12,105 14,386 13,805 10,230 8,541 15,187
10 54,976 - 115 - 215 1,701 3,357 7,274 10,096 9,495 7,213 5,028 10,482
11 31,664 - - - - 828 1,868 3,672 5,130 6,480 4,214 3,171 6,301
12 15,729 - - - - 60 999 2,352 2,578 3,338 2,072 1,919 2,411
13 7,318 - - - - - 465 533 1,607 1,189 1,013 1,455 1,056
14 3,595 - - - - 157 248 242 541 1,052 352 358 645
15+ 2,006 - - - - - 93 256 288 504 75 496 294
Total CEB 1,024,172 360 7,561 37,183 85,162 137,189 151,702 127,006 114,395 108,314 71,638 67,568 116,094
Average CEB 2.71 - .13 1.00 2.51 3.99 4.97 5.70 6.05 5.83 5.78 5.25 5.12


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 22,220 325 3,376 7,485 4,108 1,772 1,164 475 450 603 364 648 1,450
2 43,174 12 1,108 10,167 11,747 5,842 3,423 1,869 1,870 1,504 1,085 1,353 3,194
3 58,696 - 289 5,671 15,321 11,283 7,401 3,235 2,801 2,983 2,395 2,562 4,755
4 81,996 - 73 3,015 14,957 17,297 12,331 6,356 6,204 4,601 4,195 4,069 8,898
5 95,450 - - 1,025 8,443 18,624 20,012 9,480 8,809 7,693 4,800 5,654 10,910
6 109,020 - - 637 3,934 16,689 23,685 14,187 11,402 10,161 6,663 7,361 14,301
7 92,193 - - 40 1,144 6,980 15,102 12,890 12,331 11,400 7,573 8,223 16,510
8 83,346 - - - 767 3,409 10,002 12,750 13,346 11,504 7,779 7,997 15,792
9 61,623 - - - 302 1,870 5,505 8,125 11,538 9,804 7,709 5,513 11,257
10 38,146 - - - 166 633 2,720 5,582 7,126 5,365 5,803 3,538 7,213
11 21,517 - - - - 370 1,195 1,770 3,883 4,722 3,030 1,702 4,845
12 10,380 - - - - 69 911 844 2,533 1,446 1,650 1,372 1,555
13 3,945 - - - - - 317 160 733 794 840 399 702
14 1,342 - - - - - 346 90 249 153 140 67 297
15+ 1,932 - - - - - 181 298 371 374 76 319 313
Total CEB 724,980 337 4,846 28,040 60,889 84,838 104,295 78,111 83,646 73,107 54,102 50,777 101,992
Average CEB 2.53 .01 .10 .94 2.35 3.71 4.73 5.48 5.83 5.74 5.74 5.07 4.79

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 7,057 134 899 2,615 1,500 534 437 171 141 188 84 93 261
2 12,630 - 216 2,908 4,069 2,046 1,160 480 389 343 175 322 522
3 14,101 - 68 964 3,991 3,431 1,973 819 551 584 522 434 764
4 16,298 - - 466 2,981 3,710 3,432 1,265 1,265 557 696 666 1,260
5 15,997 - - 80 1,325 2,993 4,059 1,721 1,462 1,262 851 910 1,334
6 15,020 - - - 191 2,145 2,845 2,809 1,857 1,291 861 1,022 1,999
7 11,282 - - - 78 647 1,732 1,856 1,814 1,295 792 915 2,153
8 7,875 - - - 42 288 1,317 653 1,120 1,225 805 762 1,663
9 5,074 - - - - 191 144 387 937 731 958 713 1,013
10 3,364 - - - - 121 171 258 374 463 524 347 1,106
11 1,592 - - - - - 62 - 261 177 102 60 930
12 676 - - - - - 69 - 178 121 121 130 57
13 200 - - - - - - - 66 64 - 70 -
14 71 - - - - - - - - - 71 - -
15+ 159 - - - - - 83 - - - 76 - -
Total CEB 111,396 134 1,183 7,033 14,177 16,106 17,484 10,419 10,415 8,301 6,638 6,444 13,062
Average CEB 1.83 .01 .10 .79 1.90 3.04 3.74 4.35 4.86 4.52 4.92 4.22 4.23


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 15,167 191 2,478 4,870 2,608 1,238 728 304 309 415 281 555 1,190
2 30,543 12 892 7,259 7,677 3,796 2,263 1,388 1,481 1,160 910 1,032 2,673
3 44,593 - 221 4,706 11,330 7,852 5,428 2,416 2,250 2,399 1,873 2,128 3,990
4 65,698 - 73 2,549 11,976 13,587 8,899 5,091 4,939 4,044 3,499 3,403 7,638
5 79,451 - - 944 7,118 15,631 15,953 7,759 7,347 6,432 3,949 4,743 9,575
6 94,001 - - 637 3,743 14,544 20,840 11,378 9,545 8,871 5,802 6,339 12,302
7 80,909 - - 40 1,066 6,332 13,370 11,033 10,517 10,105 6,781 7,308 14,357
8 75,471 - - - 725 3,121 8,685 12,097 12,226 10,279 6,975 7,234 14,129
9 56,550 - - - 302 1,680 5,361 7,738 10,602 9,073 6,750 4,800 10,244
10 34,780 - - - 166 513 2,549 5,324 6,752 4,901 5,278 3,190 6,107
11 19,923 - - - - 370 1,133 1,770 3,622 4,544 2,928 1,642 3,914
12 9,704 - - - - 69 842 844 2,355 1,325 1,529 1,242 1,498
13 3,744 - - - - - 317 160 667 730 840 328 702
14 1,271 - - - - - 346 90 249 153 69 67 297
15+ 1,773 - - - - - 98 298 371 374 - 319 313
Total CEB 613,578 203 3,664 21,005 46,711 68,733 86,812 67,690 73,232 64,805 47,464 44,330 88,929
Average CEB 2.71 - .11 1.00 2.54 3.91 5.00 5.71 6.00 5.94 5.88 5.23 4.88

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 34,838 498 7,282 10,715 5,385 2,265 1,500 1,181 884 1,186 944 1,089 1,909
2 63,750 - 3,030 16,350 15,579 7,898 4,921 3,237 2,541 3,033 1,847 1,773 3,541
3 90,224 - 657 11,487 21,733 17,437 10,351 6,882 4,656 4,585 2,852 3,530 6,054
4 112,648 - 274 5,386 21,689 26,016 17,184 10,684 7,386 7,047 4,182 4,709 8,091
5 125,707 - - 1,640 12,744 28,623 25,475 16,378 10,215 8,997 5,728 5,632 10,275
6 133,474 - - 751 6,871 23,678 29,993 20,756 13,656 11,885 7,259 6,799 11,826
7 98,809 - - 154 2,538 10,900 19,093 18,530 11,346 10,938 7,620 6,179 11,511
8 75,627 - - - 897 4,854 11,115 15,437 10,746 9,496 6,502 6,535 10,045
9 57,925 - - - 386 2,322 7,691 10,863 9,647 8,448 5,043 5,099 8,426
10 40,017 - - - 158 1,368 3,004 6,237 7,134 6,201 5,366 3,886 6,663
11 20,760 - - - - 550 1,809 3,497 2,839 3,861 2,404 2,595 3,205
12 13,452 - - - - 125 1,189 1,912 2,153 2,230 1,352 1,791 2,700
13 4,992 - - - - - 375 601 1,091 775 941 571 638
14 2,375 - - - - - 157 409 391 290 504 63 561
15+ 2,012 - - - - - 245 631 503 159 72 169 233
Total CEB 876,610 498 11,243 46,483 87,980 126,036 134,102 117,235 85,188 79,131 52,616 50,420 85,678
Average CEB 2.43 .01 .20 1.20 2.52 3.79 4.65 5.13 5.28 4.93 4.88 4.48 4.06


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 6,477 44 1,017 2,078 1,220 429 356 200 145 215 174 215 384
2 9,916 - 176 1,740 2,550 1,566 925 555 420 490 311 358 825
3 13,159 - 34 1,030 2,693 2,683 2,127 1,327 704 672 371 448 1,070
4 13,647 - 24 327 1,667 2,595 2,351 1,643 1,005 1,025 660 863 1,487
5 13,490 - - 156 721 1,979 3,315 1,813 1,107 1,107 842 859 1,591
6 13,738 - - 167 349 1,389 2,500 2,043 1,683 1,606 1,149 1,039 1,813
7 10,730 - - - 342 522 1,784 2,122 1,135 1,487 948 893 1,497
8 7,772 - - - 43 600 665 1,097 1,268 740 1,007 844 1,508
9 5,437 - - - - 282 385 659 986 994 660 692 779
10 3,373 - - - - 64 535 274 511 278 592 462 657
11 2,011 - - - - 59 - 158 319 525 139 357 454
12 2,058 - - - - - 66 141 75 431 108 523 714
13 520 - - - - - - 77 81 152 129 - 81
14 139 - - - - - - - - - 139 - -
15+ 98 - - - - - - - 98 - - - -
Total CEB 102,565 44 1,251 5,498 9,585 12,168 15,009 12,109 9,537 9,722 7,229 7,553 12,860
Average CEB 1.96 .01 .12 .83 1.85 3.00 3.82 4.28 4.89 4.49 4.68 4.45 3.66

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 28,360 454 6,265 8,636 4,165 1,836 1,144 981 739 971 770 874 1,525
2 53,831 - 2,854 14,610 13,029 6,331 3,996 2,682 2,121 2,542 1,535 1,415 2,716
3 77,064 - 623 10,457 19,040 14,753 8,224 5,555 3,952 3,913 2,481 3,082 4,984
4 99,002 - 250 5,059 20,022 23,421 14,833 9,041 6,381 6,023 3,522 3,846 6,604
5 112,219 - - 1,485 12,024 26,645 22,160 14,565 9,108 7,890 4,886 4,773 8,683
6 119,739 - - 584 6,523 22,290 27,493 18,713 11,973 10,280 6,111 5,759 10,013
7 88,080 - - 154 2,197 10,378 17,309 16,408 10,211 9,451 6,672 5,286 10,014
8 67,856 - - - 854 4,254 10,451 14,340 9,478 8,756 5,495 5,691 8,537
9 52,489 - - - 386 2,040 7,306 10,204 8,661 7,455 4,383 4,407 7,647
10 36,642 - - - 158 1,304 2,469 5,963 6,623 5,922 4,774 3,424 6,005
11 18,750 - - - - 491 1,809 3,339 2,521 3,336 2,265 2,238 2,751
12 11,397 - - - - 125 1,124 1,771 2,078 1,800 1,245 1,269 1,985
13 4,472 - - - - - 375 524 1,010 623 812 571 557
14 2,236 - - - - - 157 409 391 290 365 63 561
15+ 1,914 - - - - - 245 631 405 159 72 169 233
Total CEB 774,051 454 9,992 40,985 78,398 113,868 119,095 105,126 75,652 69,411 45,388 42,867 72,815
Average CEB 2.51 .01 .21 1.27 2.64 3.90 4.78 5.25 5.33 5.00 4.92 4.48 4.14


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 14,748 113 3,531 5,635 2,186 925 556 360 259 301 188 235 459
2 23,904 - 1,487 8,753 5,925 2,537 1,427 868 563 832 363 395 754
3 30,186 - 302 6,401 8,952 4,680 2,767 2,128 1,223 1,180 776 695 1,082
4 36,864 - - 3,198 9,638 8,795 4,500 3,393 1,822 2,012 894 992 1,620
5 38,599 - - 921 7,154 8,992 7,861 4,012 2,967 2,177 1,264 981 2,270
6 39,685 - - 625 4,019 9,019 7,740 6,594 3,400 2,838 1,293 1,664 2,493
7 27,184 - - 78 971 3,960 5,258 4,469 3,145 4,005 1,331 1,423 2,544
8 24,167 - - - 327 1,896 4,983 4,418 3,125 2,956 2,413 1,891 2,158
9 17,678 - - - - 825 2,476 3,987 2,779 2,771 1,925 978 1,937
10 12,769 - - - 55 274 1,676 1,811 2,709 2,296 1,492 1,212 1,244
11 6,194 - - - - 127 459 987 1,184 1,224 546 678 989
12 3,807 - - - - 70 292 419 847 616 397 391 775
13 1,213 - - - - - - 137 437 303 73 198 65
14 545 - - - - 225 75 - - - 245 - -
15+ 350 - - - - - 90 82 82 96 - - -
Total CEB 277,893 113 5,320 25,611 39,227 42,325 40,160 33,665 24,542 23,607 13,200 11,733 18,390
Average CEB 2.31 .01 .26 1.33 2.66 3.87 4.67 5.12 5.43 5.25 5.32 4.73 4.23

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 4,086 35 679 1,663 701 341 199 97 81 73 83 43 91
2 5,765 - 167 1,643 1,599 799 493 212 227 235 86 115 189
3 5,776 - 52 756 1,598 1,016 580 447 369 364 193 281 120
4 6,430 - - 306 1,226 1,709 1,134 806 312 365 135 135 302
5 7,364 - - 121 1,175 1,192 1,628 1,007 782 603 212 234 410
6 6,533 - - 94 564 1,065 1,374 842 787 695 323 280 509
7 4,132 - - - 108 490 776 649 574 693 269 168 405
8 3,498 - - - 56 340 835 787 328 319 490 101 242
9 1,681 - - - - 84 357 495 358 92 253 - 42
10 1,155 - - - - - 258 117 239 133 163 45 200
11 444 - - - - 63 69 - 45 50 69 - 148
12 317 - - - - - 83 53 51 130 - - -
13 188 - - - - - - 58 - - - 130 -
14 168 - - - - - - - - - 168 - -
15+ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total CEB 47,537 35 898 4,583 7,027 7,099 7,786 5,570 4,153 3,752 2,444 1,532 2,658
Average CEB 1.80 .01 .18 .93 2.02 3.02 3.98 4.39 4.24 4.11 4.38 3.23 3.59


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 10,661 78 2,852 3,972 1,486 584 357 263 177 228 104 192 368
2 18,138 - 1,320 7,110 4,326 1,739 933 657 335 596 277 280 565
3 24,413 - 250 5,645 7,355 3,664 2,187 1,681 855 816 583 414 963
4 30,436 - - 2,893 8,413 7,086 3,366 2,587 1,510 1,647 759 858 1,317
5 31,235 - - 800 5,979 7,800 6,233 3,005 2,185 1,574 1,053 746 1,860
6 33,152 - - 531 3,455 7,955 6,366 5,751 2,613 2,143 970 1,383 1,985
7 23,052 - - 78 863 3,470 4,482 3,820 2,571 3,312 1,062 1,255 2,139
8 20,669 - - - 271 1,556 4,148 3,632 2,797 2,637 1,923 1,789 1,916
9 15,997 - - - - 741 2,119 3,492 2,421 2,679 1,672 978 1,895
10 11,614 - - - 55 274 1,418 1,694 2,470 2,163 1,329 1,167 1,044
11 5,751 - - - - 64 390 987 1,138 1,175 478 678 841
12 3,489 - - - - 70 209 365 796 486 397 391 775
13 1,025 - - - - - - 79 437 303 73 68 65
14 377 - - - - 225 75 - - - 77 - -
15+ 350 - - - - - 90 82 82 96 - - -
Total CEB 230,359 78 4,422 21,029 32,203 35,228 32,373 28,095 20,387 19,855 10,757 10,199 15,733
Average CEB 2.46 - .29 1.47 2.85 4.10 4.87 5.29 5.76 5.54 5.59 5.09 4.36

Table 7.6 Women 10 Years Old and Older in Zones by Five Year Age Group and Number of Children Ever Born(CEB),
with Total Children Ever Born and Average Children Ever Born Per Women: 2007

CEB Total 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 11,339 162 1,400 4,073 2,713 1,034 537 308 171 224 119 164 434
2 17,339 - 442 4,118 4,964 2,527 1,732 840 695 601 358 359 703
3 19,108 - 85 1,315 4,940 3,544 3,025 1,653 893 1,108 791 579 1,175
4 19,490 - - 450 2,891 4,125 3,596 1,803 2,030 1,183 1,063 798 1,551
5 17,552 - - 143 1,131 2,672 3,975 2,055 1,433 1,738 1,101 856 2,448
6 18,091 - - 69 578 1,597 3,684 2,508 2,545 2,191 1,417 1,182 2,320
7 14,107 - - - 236 357 2,034 1,731 2,315 1,971 1,328 1,788 2,347
8 9,871 - - - 227 308 833 1,461 1,723 1,512 1,177 1,097 1,533
9 7,636 - - - - 152 395 738 1,679 811 973 882 2,006
10 4,643 - - - - 54 165 337 552 1,079 631 199 1,626
11 2,803 - - - - 60 302 365 425 279 512 283 577
12 1,123 - - - - - 66 - 67 255 372 119 244
13 835 - - - - - 214 219 71 66 130 - 135
14 453 - - - - - - 229 - - - 70 154
15+ 560 - - - - - - - 182 228 83 - 67
Total CEB 144,950 162 1,927 10,168 17,680 16,430 20,558 14,247 14,781 13,246 10,055 8,376 17,320
Average CEB 1.62 .01 .11 .60 1.54 2.52 3.52 4.09 4.75 4.62 4.81 4.35 4.07


0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 11,339 162 1,400 4,073 2,713 1,034 537 308 171 224 119 164 434
2 17,339 - 442 4,118 4,964 2,527 1,732 840 695 601 358 359 703
3 19,108 - 85 1,315 4,940 3,544 3,025 1,653 893 1,108 791 579 1,175
4 19,490 - - 450 2,891 4,125 3,596 1,803 2,030 1,183 1,063 798 1,551
5 17,552 - - 143 1,131 2,672 3,975 2,055 1,433 1,738 1,101 856 2,448
6 18,091 - - 69 578 1,597 3,684 2,508 2,545 2,191 1,417 1,182 2,320
7 14,107 - - - 236 357 2,034 1,731 2,315 1,971 1,328 1,788 2,347
8 9,871 - - - 227 308 833 1,461 1,723 1,512 1,177 1,097 1,533
9 7,636 - - - - 152 395 738 1,679 811 973 882 2,006
10 4,643 - - - - 54 165 337 552 1,079 631 199 1,626
11 2,803 - - - - 60 302 365 425 279 512 283 577
12 1,123 - - - - - 66 - 67 255 372 119 244
13 835 - - - - - 214 219 71 66 130 - 135
14 453 - - - - - - 229 - - - 70 154
15+ 560 - - - - - - - 182 228 83 - 67
Total CEB 144,950 162 1,927 10,168 17,680 16,430 20,558 14,247 14,781 13,246 10,055 8,376 17,320
Average CEB 1.62 .01 .11 .60 1.54 2.52 3.52 4.09 4.75 4.62 4.81 4.35 4.07


This section presents the mortality level of the population of Tigray Region. In the
2007 Population and Housing Census Questionnaire information was collected
for women in their reproductive ages and referred to the total number of children
ever born and the number surviving. To get the data, all women aged 10 years
and over in a sampled household were asked the total number of sons and
daughters they ever gave birth. In the 2007 census the following two mortality
related questions were employed.

A) Household Deaths

The questionnaire was designed to obtain occurrence of deaths at household

level. It is based on one year reference period, which refers to an episode of
death in the household during the 12 months prior to the date of the census. The
answer categories were death by sex and age at death, which allows computing
deaths by sex and age-specific death rates at different administrative levels. The
appropriate reference dates of death occurrence in a sampled household were
given to the enumerator from May 29, 2006 to May 28, 2007. Death information
at household level was not collected in the 1994 Population and Housing
Census. In the 2007 census it is designed to obtain death information at different
administrative levels where vital registration system is not adequate in the

B) Maternal Deaths

The questionnaire was designed to obtain child bearing related deaths of women
12-49 years of age during the 12 months prior to the date of the census. The
answer categories were designed to know whether the death is related to child

bearing or not. If her death related to pregnancy, childbirth or within two months
of childbirth, the information will allow computing maternal deaths at different
levels. The appropriate reference date of death for women 12-49 years of age
were given to the enumerator from May 29, 2006 to May 28, 2007.

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female


10+ 1,562,854 3,825,252 3,219,123 1,998,598 1,649,363 1,826,654 1,569,760 2.4 .842 .825 .859
10 - 14 298,938 1,827 1,676 589 520 1,238 1,156 - .917 .883 .934
15 - 19 251,650 40,244 38,115 20,276 19,018 19,968 19,097 .2 .947 .938 .956
20 - 24 186,916 194,536 185,013 100,142 94,330 94,394 90,683 1.0 .951 .942 .961
25 - 29 157,848 379,538 356,274 196,387 182,575 183,151 173,699 2.4 .939 .930 .948
30 - 34 137,875 515,359 476,246 265,828 243,098 249,531 233,148 3.7 .924 .914 .934
35 - 39 121,365 566,181 507,095 295,152 260,382 271,029 246,713 4.7 .896 .882 .910
40 - 44 86,866 461,160 394,462 244,111 205,776 217,049 188,686 5.3 .855 .843 .869
45 - 49 70,592 397,990 330,675 209,073 171,368 188,917 159,307 5.6 .831 .820 .843
50 - 54 67,924 369,536 290,443 194,429 149,865 175,107 140,578 5.4 .786 .771 .803
55 - 59 45,652 248,156 187,674 130,887 96,580 117,269 91,094 5.4 .756 .738 .777
60 - 64 47,660 235,186 169,349 123,687 85,763 111,499 83,586 4.9 .720 .693 .750
65 - 69 32,118 157,762 109,713 82,927 55,192 74,835 54,521 4.9 .695 .666 .729
70 - 74 30,284 138,212 92,756 72,753 45,922 65,459 46,834 4.6 .671 .631 .715
75 + 27,166 119,565 79,632 62,357 38,974 57,208 40,658 4.4 .666 .625 .711


10+ 345,060 623,015 526,860 321,435 265,866 301,580 260,994 1.8 .846 .827 .865
10 - 14 53,840 486 441 157 134 329 307 - .907 .854 .933
15 - 19 65,751 7,955 7,633 3,895 3,740 4,060 3,893 .1 .960 .960 .959
20 - 24 55,853 42,600 40,911 21,722 20,691 20,878 20,220 .8 .960 .953 .968
25 - 29 42,393 76,481 72,132 39,630 37,107 36,851 35,025 1.8 .943 .936 .950
30 - 34 28,657 82,024 75,886 41,654 38,029 40,370 37,857 2.9 .925 .913 .938
35 - 39 25,397 94,137 84,949 48,293 42,782 45,844 42,167 3.7 .902 .886 .920
40 - 44 14,962 63,304 54,293 33,242 27,973 30,062 26,320 4.2 .858 .841 .876
45 - 49 12,010 57,024 48,269 29,493 24,531 27,531 23,738 4.7 .846 .832 .862
50 - 54 11,561 51,651 40,266 26,683 20,294 24,968 19,972 4.5 .780 .761 .800
55 - 59 8,148 39,336 29,500 20,360 14,943 18,976 14,557 4.8 .750 .734 .767
60 - 64 8,706 37,353 26,869 19,562 13,500 17,791 13,369 4.3 .719 .690 .751
65 - 69 6,293 26,714 17,861 14,095 8,896 12,619 8,965 4.2 .669 .631 .710
70 - 74 5,873 22,534 14,347 11,751 6,952 10,783 7,395 3.8 .637 .592 .686
75 + 5,616 21,416 13,503 10,898 6,294 10,518 7,209 3.8 .631 .578 .685

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 1,217,794 3,202,236 2,692,264 1,677,162 1,383,498 1,525,074 1,308,766 2.6 .841 .825 .858
10 - 14 245,098 1,341 1,235 432 386 909 849 - .921 .894 .934
15 - 19 185,899 32,289 30,482 16,381 15,278 15,908 15,204 .2 .944 .933 .956
20 - 24 131,063 151,936 144,102 78,420 73,639 73,516 70,463 1.2 .948 .939 .958
25 - 29 115,455 303,057 284,141 156,757 145,468 146,300 138,673 2.6 .938 .928 .948
30 - 34 109,218 433,335 400,359 224,174 205,068 209,161 195,291 4.0 .924 .915 .934
35 - 39 95,968 472,044 422,147 246,859 217,601 225,185 204,546 4.9 .894 .881 .908
40 - 44 71,904 397,856 340,169 210,869 177,803 186,987 162,366 5.5 .855 .843 .868
45 - 49 58,582 340,966 282,406 179,580 146,837 161,386 135,569 5.8 .828 .818 .840
50 - 54 56,363 317,886 250,178 167,746 129,571 150,140 120,607 5.6 .787 .772 .803
55 - 59 37,504 208,820 158,174 110,527 81,637 98,293 76,537 5.6 .757 .739 .779
60 - 64 38,954 197,832 142,480 104,125 72,263 93,707 70,217 5.1 .720 .694 .749
65 - 69 25,825 131,047 91,852 68,831 46,296 62,216 45,556 5.1 .701 .673 .732
70 - 74 24,411 115,678 78,410 61,002 38,971 54,676 39,439 4.7 .678 .639 .721
75 + 21,550 98,149 66,129 51,459 32,680 46,690 33,449 4.6 .674 .635 .716


10+ 255,747 643,680 541,506 337,882 278,717 305,798 262,789 2.5 .841 .825 .859
10 - 14 48,897 283 249 104 88 179 161 - .880 .846 .899
15 - 19 39,648 7,841 7,373 3,874 3,687 3,967 3,686 .2 .940 .952 .929
20 - 24 33,631 38,212 36,033 19,516 18,199 18,696 17,834 1.1 .943 .933 .954
25 - 29 27,854 71,399 66,505 36,405 33,417 34,994 33,088 2.6 .931 .918 .946
30 - 34 23,451 89,800 82,425 46,436 42,000 43,364 40,425 3.8 .918 .904 .932
35 - 39 19,949 94,735 83,900 49,380 42,984 45,355 40,916 4.7 .886 .870 .902
40 - 44 14,432 78,281 66,122 41,545 34,575 36,736 31,547 5.4 .845 .832 .859
45 - 49 11,216 64,583 52,937 34,185 27,448 30,398 25,489 5.8 .820 .803 .839
50 - 54 10,856 62,135 48,220 33,391 25,472 28,744 22,748 5.7 .776 .763 .791
55 - 59 6,859 38,433 29,287 20,507 15,446 17,926 13,841 5.6 .762 .753 .772
60 - 64 7,161 37,637 27,397 20,189 14,374 17,448 13,023 5.3 .728 .712 .746
65 - 69 4,529 24,056 16,577 12,815 8,390 11,241 8,187 5.3 .689 .655 .728
70 - 74 4,078 20,363 13,855 10,943 7,198 9,420 6,657 5.0 .680 .658 .707
75 + 3,186 15,922 10,626 8,592 5,439 7,330 5,187 5.0 .667 .633 .708

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 44,010 83,591 68,494 42,815 34,052 40,776 34,442 1.9 .819 .795 .845
10 - 14 6,755 36 31 5 - 31 31 - .861 - 1.000
15 - 19 7,514 1,191 1,153 537 537 654 616 .2 .968 1.000 .942
20 - 24 7,464 6,478 6,204 3,210 3,043 3,268 3,161 .9 .958 .948 .967
25 - 29 5,702 10,816 10,005 5,474 4,998 5,342 5,007 1.9 .925 .913 .937
30 - 34 3,951 11,484 10,291 5,635 4,935 5,849 5,356 2.9 .896 .876 .916
35 - 39 3,428 12,671 11,162 6,708 5,760 5,963 5,402 3.7 .881 .859 .906
40 - 44 2,032 8,341 6,882 4,211 3,337 4,130 3,545 4.1 .825 .792 .858
45 - 49 1,481 7,281 5,830 3,802 2,965 3,479 2,865 4.9 .801 .780 .824
50 - 54 1,458 6,633 4,711 3,510 2,455 3,123 2,256 4.5 .710 .699 .722
55 - 59 973 4,856 3,494 2,414 1,706 2,442 1,788 5.0 .720 .707 .732
60 - 64 1,129 4,768 3,179 2,538 1,634 2,230 1,545 4.2 .667 .644 .693
65 - 69 787 3,602 2,161 1,922 1,069 1,680 1,092 4.6 .600 .556 .650
70 - 74 707 2,731 1,694 1,504 872 1,227 822 3.9 .620 .580 .670
75 + 629 2,703 1,697 1,345 741 1,358 956 4.3 .628 .551 .704


10+ 211,737 560,087 473,015 295,064 244,666 265,023 228,349 2.6 .845 .829 .862
10 - 14 42,142 246 218 99 88 147 130 - .886 .889 .884
15 - 19 32,134 6,651 6,220 3,338 3,150 3,313 3,070 .2 .935 .944 .927
20 - 24 26,167 31,733 29,830 16,305 15,156 15,428 14,674 1.2 .940 .930 .951
25 - 29 22,152 60,583 56,500 30,931 28,419 29,652 28,081 2.7 .933 .919 .947
30 - 34 19,500 78,316 72,134 40,801 37,065 37,515 35,069 4.0 .921 .908 .935
35 - 39 16,521 82,064 72,737 42,672 37,224 39,392 35,513 5.0 .886 .872 .902
40 - 44 12,400 69,939 59,242 37,333 31,239 32,606 28,003 5.6 .847 .837 .859
45 - 49 9,735 57,302 47,107 30,383 24,483 26,919 22,624 5.9 .822 .806 .840
50 - 54 9,398 55,502 43,510 29,880 23,017 25,622 20,493 5.9 .784 .770 .800
55 - 59 5,886 33,578 25,794 18,094 13,741 15,484 12,053 5.7 .768 .759 .778
60 - 64 6,032 32,869 24,219 17,651 12,740 15,218 11,479 5.4 .737 .722 .754
65 - 69 3,742 20,454 14,416 10,892 7,321 9,562 7,095 5.5 .705 .672 .742
70 - 74 3,371 17,632 12,161 9,439 6,326 8,193 5,835 5.2 .690 .670 .712
75 + 2,557 13,218 8,927 7,246 4,697 5,972 4,230 5.2 .675 .648 .708

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 449,916 1,157,137 969,034 604,133 495,941 553,004 473,093 2.6 .837 .821 .855
10 - 14 88,578 433 400 195 178 238 222 - .924 .913 .933
15 - 19 70,077 9,067 8,529 4,698 4,269 4,369 4,260 .1 .941 .909 .975
20 - 24 48,298 46,023 43,860 23,790 22,398 22,233 21,462 1.0 .953 .941 .965
25 - 29 42,980 102,359 96,202 53,031 49,478 49,328 46,724 2.4 .940 .933 .947
30 - 34 40,858 155,929 144,286 80,581 73,682 75,348 70,604 3.8 .925 .914 .937
35 - 39 36,110 172,330 154,594 89,588 79,121 82,742 75,473 4.8 .897 .883 .912
40 - 44 25,253 139,621 119,202 74,131 62,326 65,490 56,876 5.5 .854 .841 .868
45 - 49 21,261 125,255 103,878 65,741 54,021 59,514 49,857 5.9 .829 .822 .838
50 - 54 20,913 118,310 93,338 61,954 48,089 56,356 45,249 5.7 .789 .776 .803
55 - 59 14,021 79,750 59,972 41,880 30,775 37,870 29,197 5.7 .752 .735 .771
60 - 64 14,817 76,241 54,803 39,690 27,375 36,551 27,428 5.1 .719 .690 .750
65 - 69 9,886 51,231 35,512 26,839 17,749 24,392 17,763 5.2 .693 .661 .728
70 - 74 9,374 45,129 30,622 23,778 15,121 21,351 15,501 4.8 .679 .636 .726
75 + 7,490 35,459 23,836 18,237 11,359 17,222 12,477 4.7 .672 .623 .724


10+ 72,176 132,963 112,902 68,908 57,307 64,055 55,595 1.8 .849 .832 .868
10 - 14 11,378 73 52 26 21 47 31 - .712 .808 .660
15 - 19 13,418 1,506 1,424 721 652 785 772 .1 .946 .904 .983
20 - 24 10,962 8,840 8,516 4,615 4,425 4,225 4,091 .8 .963 .959 .968
25 - 29 9,097 17,197 16,246 8,825 8,271 8,372 7,975 1.9 .945 .937 .953
30 - 34 6,479 18,737 17,314 9,985 9,071 8,752 8,243 2.9 .924 .908 .942
35 - 39 5,571 20,628 18,582 10,606 9,393 10,022 9,189 3.7 .901 .886 .917
40 - 44 2,958 12,614 10,982 6,576 5,682 6,038 5,300 4.3 .871 .864 .878
45 - 49 2,342 10,859 9,245 5,768 4,812 5,091 4,433 4.6 .851 .834 .871
50 - 54 2,326 9,995 7,742 5,127 3,890 4,868 3,852 4.3 .775 .759 .791
55 - 59 1,635 8,113 5,841 4,294 3,077 3,819 2,764 5.0 .720 .717 .724
60 - 64 1,950 8,675 6,328 4,393 3,031 4,282 3,297 4.4 .729 .690 .770
65 - 69 1,439 5,985 4,035 3,100 1,951 2,885 2,084 4.2 .674 .629 .722
70 - 74 1,390 5,092 3,468 2,654 1,685 2,438 1,783 3.7 .681 .635 .731
75 + 1,231 4,649 3,127 2,218 1,346 2,431 1,781 3.8 .673 .607 .733

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 377,740 1,024,176 856,134 535,227 438,634 488,949 417,500 2.7 .836 .820 .854
10 - 14 77,200 361 349 169 157 192 192 - .967 .929 1.000
15 - 19 56,659 7,561 7,106 3,977 3,618 3,584 3,488 .1 .940 .910 .973
20 - 24 37,336 37,183 35,343 19,175 17,973 18,008 17,370 1.0 .951 .937 .965
25 - 29 33,883 85,161 79,956 44,206 41,206 40,955 38,750 2.5 .939 .932 .946
30 - 34 34,379 137,192 126,972 70,596 64,611 66,596 62,361 4.0 .926 .915 .936
35 - 39 30,539 151,703 136,012 78,983 69,728 72,720 66,284 5.0 .897 .883 .911
40 - 44 22,295 127,007 108,220 67,555 56,644 59,452 51,576 5.7 .852 .838 .868
45 - 49 18,919 114,395 94,634 59,972 49,209 54,423 45,425 6.0 .827 .821 .835
50 - 54 18,587 108,315 85,596 56,827 44,199 51,488 41,397 5.8 .790 .778 .804
55 - 59 12,386 71,638 54,131 37,587 27,698 34,051 26,433 5.8 .756 .737 .776
60 - 64 12,867 67,566 48,475 35,297 24,344 32,269 24,131 5.3 .717 .690 .748
65 - 69 8,447 45,245 31,477 23,739 15,798 21,506 15,679 5.4 .696 .665 .729
70 - 74 7,984 40,038 27,154 21,125 13,436 18,913 13,718 5.0 .678 .636 .725
75 + 6,259 30,811 20,709 16,019 10,013 14,792 10,696 4.9 .672 .625 .723


10+ 287,073 724,977 604,711 377,399 307,055 347,578 297,656 2.5 .834 .814 .856
10 - 14 57,511 337 307 104 92 233 215 - .911 .885 .923
15 - 19 46,762 4,846 4,607 2,453 2,309 2,393 2,298 .1 .951 .941 .960
20 - 24 29,925 28,039 26,742 14,326 13,539 13,713 13,203 .9 .954 .945 .963
25 - 29 25,866 60,889 57,136 31,777 29,415 29,112 27,721 2.4 .938 .926 .952
30 - 34 22,886 84,839 78,682 43,625 40,035 41,214 38,647 3.7 .927 .918 .938
35 - 39 22,040 104,293 94,128 53,835 47,796 50,458 46,332 4.7 .903 .888 .918
40 - 44 14,251 78,111 67,886 41,464 35,601 36,647 32,285 5.5 .869 .859 .881
45 - 49 14,346 83,645 70,300 43,803 36,151 39,842 34,149 5.8 .840 .825 .857
50 - 54 12,743 73,107 57,791 37,884 29,110 35,223 28,681 5.7 .790 .768 .814
55 - 59 9,424 54,101 41,424 28,254 20,786 25,847 20,638 5.7 .766 .736 .798
60 - 64 10,009 50,777 37,273 26,637 18,678 24,140 18,595 5.1 .734 .701 .770
65 - 69 7,567 38,326 26,543 20,023 13,212 18,303 13,331 5.1 .693 .660 .728
70 - 74 7,054 32,626 21,562 16,903 10,345 15,723 11,217 4.6 .661 .612 .713
75 + 6,689 31,041 20,330 16,311 9,986 14,730 10,344 4.6 .655 .612 .702

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 60,728 111,401 95,444 57,368 47,827 54,033 47,617 1.8 .857 .834 .881
10 - 14 9,943 135 135 33 33 102 102 - 1.000 1.000 1.000
15 - 19 12,070 1,182 1,148 554 537 628 611 .1 .971 .969 .973
20 - 24 8,958 7,033 6,750 3,552 3,376 3,481 3,374 .8 .960 .950 .969
25 - 29 7,446 14,177 13,312 7,690 7,101 6,487 6,211 1.9 .939 .923 .957
30 - 34 5,306 16,106 15,070 8,054 7,456 8,052 7,614 3.0 .936 .926 .946
35 - 39 4,672 17,485 15,862 8,847 7,822 8,638 8,040 3.7 .907 .884 .931
40 - 44 2,393 10,419 9,157 5,501 4,758 4,918 4,399 4.4 .879 .865 .894
45 - 49 2,144 10,413 9,005 5,264 4,482 5,149 4,523 4.9 .865 .851 .878
50 - 54 1,835 8,302 6,690 4,147 3,225 4,155 3,465 4.5 .806 .778 .834
55 - 59 1,349 6,640 5,130 3,491 2,580 3,149 2,550 4.9 .773 .739 .810
60 - 64 1,526 6,446 4,763 3,300 2,300 3,146 2,463 4.2 .739 .697 .783
65 - 69 1,153 5,150 3,437 2,695 1,715 2,455 1,722 4.5 .667 .636 .701
70 - 74 998 3,995 2,725 2,097 1,287 1,898 1,438 4.0 .682 .614 .758
75 + 935 3,918 2,260 2,143 1,155 1,775 1,105 4.2 .577 .539 .623


10+ 226,345 613,576 509,268 320,030 259,228 293,546 250,040 2.7 .830 .810 .852
10 - 14 47,568 202 172 71 59 131 113 - .851 .831 .863
15 - 19 34,692 3,664 3,458 1,899 1,771 1,765 1,687 .1 .944 .933 .956
20 - 24 20,967 21,006 19,992 10,774 10,163 10,232 9,829 1.0 .952 .943 .961
25 - 29 18,420 46,712 43,824 24,086 22,314 22,626 21,510 2.5 .938 .926 .951
30 - 34 17,580 68,733 63,611 35,571 32,579 33,162 31,032 3.9 .925 .916 .936
35 - 39 17,368 86,810 78,267 44,989 39,974 41,821 38,293 5.0 .902 .889 .916
40 - 44 11,858 67,691 58,729 35,963 30,843 31,728 27,886 5.7 .868 .858 .879
45 - 49 12,202 73,231 61,295 38,538 31,669 34,693 29,626 6.0 .837 .822 .854
50 - 54 10,908 64,805 51,101 33,737 25,885 31,068 25,216 5.9 .789 .767 .812
55 - 59 8,075 47,463 36,295 24,764 18,207 22,699 18,088 5.9 .765 .735 .797
60 - 64 8,483 44,331 32,509 23,337 16,377 20,994 16,132 5.2 .733 .702 .768
65 - 69 6,414 33,176 23,107 17,328 11,498 15,848 11,609 5.2 .696 .664 .733
70 - 74 6,056 28,630 18,837 14,805 9,058 13,825 9,779 4.7 .658 .612 .707
75 + 5,754 27,122 18,071 14,168 8,831 12,954 9,240 4.7 .666 .623 .713

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 360,772 876,614 739,877 457,491 380,220 419,123 359,657 2.4 .844 .831 .858
10 - 14 69,386 498 476 91 80 407 396 - .956 .879 .973
15 - 19 57,324 11,244 10,755 5,573 5,304 5,671 5,451 .2 .957 .952 .961
20 - 24 38,897 46,484 44,592 24,156 23,030 22,328 21,562 1.2 .959 .953 .966
25 - 29 34,905 87,981 83,058 45,312 42,469 42,669 40,589 2.5 .944 .937 .951
30 - 34 33,231 126,037 116,762 64,678 59,412 61,359 57,350 3.8 .926 .919 .935
35 - 39 28,822 134,103 120,024 70,931 62,740 63,172 57,284 4.7 .895 .885 .907
40 - 44 22,868 117,235 100,015 61,665 51,911 55,570 48,104 5.1 .853 .842 .866
45 - 49 16,135 85,187 70,575 44,535 36,587 40,652 33,988 5.3 .828 .822 .836
50 - 54 16,052 79,133 61,133 41,666 31,580 37,467 29,553 4.9 .773 .758 .789
55 - 59 10,776 52,615 39,039 27,830 20,225 24,785 18,814 4.9 .742 .727 .759
60 - 64 11,266 50,420 35,197 26,465 17,822 23,955 17,375 4.5 .698 .673 .725
65 - 69 7,029 30,260 21,197 15,749 10,772 14,511 10,425 4.3 .700 .684 .718
70 - 74 7,064 28,837 19,366 15,136 9,587 13,701 9,779 4.1 .672 .633 .714
75 + 7,017 26,580 17,688 13,704 8,701 12,876 8,987 3.8 .665 .635 .698


10+ 52,447 102,567 84,021 52,653 42,269 49,914 41,752 2.0 .819 .803 .836
10 - 14 8,770 44 44 16 16 28 28 - 1.000 1.000 1.000
15 - 19 10,191 1,252 1,202 605 588 647 614 .1 .960 .972 .949
20 - 24 6,607 5,499 5,273 2,862 2,720 2,637 2,553 .8 .959 .950 .968
25 - 29 5,186 9,583 9,069 4,692 4,437 4,891 4,632 1.8 .946 .946 .947
30 - 34 4,060 12,169 11,268 6,105 5,524 6,064 5,744 3.0 .926 .905 .947
35 - 39 3,930 15,009 13,527 7,638 6,829 7,371 6,698 3.8 .901 .894 .909
40 - 44 2,828 12,109 10,187 6,401 5,317 5,708 4,870 4.3 .841 .831 .853
45 - 49 1,950 9,535 7,786 5,002 4,048 4,533 3,738 4.9 .817 .809 .825
50 - 54 2,164 9,723 7,113 5,049 3,601 4,674 3,512 4.5 .732 .713 .751
55 - 59 1,544 7,229 5,374 3,608 2,611 3,621 2,763 4.7 .743 .724 .763
60 - 64 1,699 7,554 5,313 4,012 2,778 3,542 2,535 4.4 .703 .692 .716
65 - 69 1,101 4,400 2,858 2,308 1,426 2,092 1,432 4.0 .650 .618 .685
70 - 74 1,210 4,432 2,638 2,203 1,209 2,229 1,429 3.7 .595 .549 .641
75 + 1,207 4,029 2,369 2,152 1,165 1,877 1,204 3.3 .588 .541 .641

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 308,325 774,049 655,854 404,837 337,951 369,212 317,903 2.5 .847 .835 .861
10 - 14 60,616 454 431 75 63 379 368 - .949 .840 .971
15 - 19 47,133 9,992 9,554 4,967 4,716 5,025 4,838 .2 .956 .949 .963
20 - 24 32,290 40,985 39,319 21,294 20,311 19,691 19,008 1.3 .959 .954 .965
25 - 29 29,719 78,398 73,990 40,620 38,033 37,778 35,957 2.6 .944 .936 .952
30 - 34 29,171 113,868 105,494 58,573 53,888 55,295 51,606 3.9 .926 .920 .933
35 - 39 24,892 119,094 106,497 63,293 55,911 55,801 50,586 4.8 .894 .883 .907
40 - 44 20,040 105,126 89,828 55,264 46,594 49,862 43,234 5.2 .854 .843 .867
45 - 49 14,185 75,653 62,788 39,533 32,539 36,120 30,249 5.3 .830 .823 .837
50 - 54 13,888 69,410 54,020 36,616 27,979 32,794 26,041 5.0 .778 .764 .794
55 - 59 9,232 45,386 33,665 24,222 17,614 21,164 16,051 4.9 .742 .727 .758
60 - 64 9,567 42,866 29,882 22,453 15,043 20,413 14,839 4.5 .697 .670 .727
65 - 69 5,928 25,862 18,339 13,442 9,346 12,420 8,993 4.4 .709 .695 .724
70 - 74 5,854 24,405 16,728 12,933 8,378 11,472 8,350 4.2 .685 .648 .728
75 + 5,810 22,550 15,319 11,552 7,536 10,998 7,783 3.9 .679 .652 .708


10+ 120,115 277,896 236,596 146,870 122,761 131,026 113,835 2.3 .851 .836 .869
10 - 14 21,489 114 96 43 43 71 53 - .842 1.000 .746
15 - 19 20,205 5,319 4,985 2,650 2,443 2,669 2,542 .3 .937 .922 .952
20 - 24 19,213 25,612 23,942 13,211 12,249 12,401 11,693 1.3 .935 .927 .943
25 - 29 14,759 39,230 36,380 20,455 18,754 18,775 17,626 2.7 .927 .917 .939
30 - 34 10,935 42,324 38,343 22,189 20,032 20,135 18,311 3.9 .906 .903 .909
35 - 39 8,606 40,160 35,162 21,017 18,075 19,143 17,087 4.7 .876 .860 .893
40 - 44 6,579 33,665 28,590 17,870 14,899 15,795 13,691 5.1 .849 .834 .867
45 - 49 4,520 24,541 19,765 13,287 10,553 11,254 9,212 5.4 .805 .794 .819
50 - 54 4,495 23,606 18,642 12,636 9,861 10,970 8,781 5.3 .790 .780 .800
55 - 59 2,483 13,201 9,744 7,153 5,156 6,048 4,588 5.3 .738 .721 .759
60 - 64 2,480 11,733 8,418 6,245 4,269 5,488 4,149 4.7 .717 .684 .756
65 - 69 1,622 7,476 5,101 4,110 2,637 3,366 2,464 4.6 .682 .642 .732
70 - 74 1,366 5,696 3,865 3,115 1,952 2,581 1,913 4.2 .679 .627 .741
75 + 1,363 5,219 3,563 2,889 1,838 2,330 1,725 3.8 .683 .636 .740

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 26,468 47,538 38,602 24,861 19,745 22,677 18,857 1.8 .812 .794 .832
10 - 14 3,917 35 29 24 24 11 5 - .829 1.000 .455
15 - 19 4,924 897 842 449 421 448 421 .2 .939 .938 .940
20 - 24 4,910 4,583 4,324 2,340 2,213 2,243 2,111 .9 .943 .946 .941
25 - 29 3,478 7,027 6,508 3,541 3,258 3,486 3,250 2.0 .926 .920 .932
30 - 34 2,347 7,097 6,195 3,556 3,107 3,541 3,088 3.0 .873 .874 .872
35 - 39 1,958 7,787 6,528 4,095 3,311 3,692 3,217 4.0 .838 .809 .871
40 - 44 1,268 5,571 4,440 3,116 2,416 2,455 2,024 4.4 .797 .775 .824
45 - 49 979 4,155 3,184 2,134 1,617 2,021 1,567 4.2 .766 .758 .775
50 - 54 913 3,751 2,690 1,950 1,370 1,801 1,320 4.1 .717 .703 .733
55 - 59 558 2,444 1,456 1,291 779 1,153 677 4.4 .596 .603 .587
60 - 64 475 1,532 1,024 857 511 675 513 3.2 .668 .596 .760
65 - 69 328 1,165 587 679 303 486 284 3.6 .504 .446 .584
70 - 74 220 722 334 414 179 308 155 3.3 .463 .432 .503
75 + 193 772 461 415 236 357 225 4.0 .597 .569 .630


10+ 93,647 230,354 197,996 122,005 103,017 108,349 94,979 2.5 .860 .844 .877
10 - 14 17,572 79 66 19 19 60 47 - .835 1.000 .783
15 - 19 15,281 4,421 4,144 2,200 2,023 2,221 2,121 .3 .937 .920 .955
20 - 24 14,303 21,029 19,618 10,871 10,036 10,158 9,582 1.5 .933 .923 .943
25 - 29 11,281 32,204 29,872 16,914 15,496 15,290 14,376 2.9 .928 .916 .940
30 - 34 8,588 35,227 32,148 18,633 16,925 16,594 15,223 4.1 .913 .908 .917
35 - 39 6,648 32,374 28,634 16,923 14,764 15,451 13,870 4.9 .884 .872 .898
40 - 44 5,311 28,094 24,151 14,754 12,483 13,340 11,668 5.3 .860 .846 .875
45 - 49 3,541 20,385 16,581 11,153 8,936 9,232 7,645 5.8 .813 .801 .828
50 - 54 3,582 19,854 15,952 10,685 8,491 9,169 7,461 5.5 .803 .795 .814
55 - 59 1,925 10,756 8,289 5,861 4,377 4,895 3,912 5.6 .771 .747 .799
60 - 64 2,005 10,200 7,394 5,387 3,758 4,813 3,636 5.1 .725 .698 .755
65 - 69 1,294 6,311 4,514 3,431 2,334 2,880 2,180 4.9 .715 .680 .757
70 - 74 1,146 4,974 3,530 2,701 1,772 2,273 1,758 4.3 .710 .656 .773
75 + 1,170 4,446 3,103 2,473 1,603 1,973 1,500 3.8 .698 .648 .760

Table 7.7 Women 10 Years Old and Older, Children Ever Born, and Children Surviving by Five
Year Age Groups, with Average Number of Children Ever Born Per Woman and Proportion
of Childern Surviving: 2007
Children Ever Born(CEB) and Surviving by Sex of Child
Average Proportion of Children
All Children Male Children Female Children Children Surviving
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------- Ever ------------------------
Age Total Women Total Surviving Total Surviving Total Surviving Born Total Male Female

10+ 89,231 144,952 127,402 74,827 64,673 70,125 62,729 1.6 .879 .864 .895
10 - 14 13,077 162 151 52 41 110 110 - .932 .788 1.000
15 - 19 17,634 1,926 1,865 1,028 1,006 898 859 .1 .968 .979 .957
20 - 24 16,952 10,168 9,845 5,144 4,915 5,024 4,930 .6 .968 .955 .981
25 - 29 11,484 17,681 16,993 9,408 9,042 8,273 7,951 1.5 .961 .961 .961
30 - 34 6,514 16,431 15,749 8,319 7,937 8,112 7,812 2.5 .958 .954 .963
35 - 39 5,838 20,558 19,287 10,400 9,666 10,158 9,621 3.5 .938 .929 .947
40 - 44 3,483 14,249 12,645 7,437 6,463 6,812 6,182 4.1 .887 .869 .908
45 - 49 3,114 14,780 13,221 7,523 6,609 7,257 6,612 4.7 .895 .879 .911
50 - 54 2,865 13,246 11,320 6,899 5,753 6,347 5,567 4.6 .855 .834 .877
55 - 59 2,089 10,056 8,207 5,263 4,191 4,793 4,016 4.8 .816 .796 .838
60 - 64 1,927 8,377 6,261 4,461 3,246 3,916 3,015 4.3 .747 .728 .770
65 - 69 1,485 6,413 4,783 3,391 2,433 3,022 2,350 4.3 .746 .717 .778
70 - 74 1,348 5,561 3,487 2,878 1,720 2,683 1,767 4.1 .627 .598 .659
75 + 1,421 5,344 3,588 2,624 1,651 2,720 1,937 3.8 .671 .629 .712


10+ 89,231 144,952 127,402 74,827 64,673 70,125 62,729 1.6 .879 .864 .895
10 - 14 13,077 162 151 52 41 110 110 - .932 .788 1.000
15 - 19 17,634 1,926 1,865 1,028 1,006 898 859 .1 .968 .979 .957
20 - 24 16,952 10,168 9,845 5,144 4,915 5,024 4,930 .6 .968 .955 .981
25 - 29 11,484 17,681 16,993 9,408 9,042 8,273 7,951 1.5 .961 .961 .961
30 - 34 6,514 16,431 15,749 8,319 7,937 8,112 7,812 2.5 .958 .954 .963
35 - 39 5,838 20,558 19,287 10,400 9,666 10,158 9,621 3.5 .938 .929 .947
40 - 44 3,483 14,249 12,645 7,437 6,463 6,812 6,182 4.1 .887 .869 .908
45 - 49 3,114 14,780 13,221 7,523 6,609 7,257 6,612 4.7 .895 .879 .911
50 - 54 2,865 13,246 11,320 6,899 5,753 6,347 5,567 4.6 .855 .834 .877
55 - 59 2,089 10,056 8,207 5,263 4,191 4,793 4,016 4.8 .816 .796 .838
60 - 64 1,927 8,377 6,261 4,461 3,246 3,916 3,015 4.3 .747 .728 .770
65 - 69 1,485 6,413 4,783 3,391 2,433 3,022 2,350 4.3 .746 .717 .778
70 - 74 1,348 5,561 3,487 2,878 1,720 2,683 1,767 4.1 .627 .598 .659
75 + 1,421 5,344 3,588 2,624 1,651 2,720 1,937 3.8 .671 .629 .712

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 4,288,175 2,104,207 2,183,968 39,995 22,561 17,434 .009 .011 .008

0 119,480 60,391 59,089 6,553 3,896 2,657 .055 .065 .045

1 - 4 510,825 259,597 251,228 8,639 4,893 3,746 .017 .019 .015
5 - 9 641,151 324,267 316,884 3,156 1,689 1,467 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 612,127 313,611 298,516 1,934 1,136 798 .003 .004 .003
15 - 19 489,043 239,437 249,606 1,748 917 831 .004 .004 .003
20 - 24 352,702 167,826 184,876 2,291 1,239 1,052 .006 .007 .006
25 - 29 282,517 125,197 157,320 2,110 1,036 1,074 .007 .008 .007
30 - 34 247,699 110,070 137,629 2,215 1,121 1,094 .009 .010 .008
35 - 39 223,914 102,757 121,157 1,641 865 777 .007 .008 .006
40 - 44 169,679 82,989 86,690 1,556 1,000 555 .009 .012 .006
45 - 49 137,285 66,755 70,530 966 550 416 .007 .008 .006
50 - 54 125,178 57,355 67,823 1,002 600 402 .008 .010 .006
55 - 59 94,701 49,114 45,587 702 442 260 .007 .009 .006
60 - 64 91,141 43,569 47,572 988 534 454 .011 .012 .010
65 - 69 67,291 35,222 32,069 799 506 292 .012 .014 .009
70 - 74 60,225 29,990 30,235 1,168 663 505 .019 .022 .017
75 - 79 30,513 17,473 13,040 658 375 283 .022 .021 .022
80 - 84 21,913 11,927 9,986 980 559 422 .045 .047 .042
85 - 89 6,675 4,330 2,345 443 287 156 .066 .066 .067
90 - 94 2,747 1,544 1,203 221 110 111 .080 .071 .092
95 + 1,369 786 583 224 140 84 .164 .178 .144

All Age 824,111 383,804 440,307 8,375 4,658 3,718 .010 .012 .008

0 19,399 9,828 9,571 990 617 372 .051 .063 .039

1 - 4 84,252 42,836 41,416 1,600 902 699 .019 .021 .017
5 - 9 97,564 48,691 48,873 457 231 227 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 104,936 51,438 53,498 288 164 124 .003 .003 .002
15 - 19 114,447 50,247 64,200 374 184 190 .003 .004 .003
20 - 24 93,877 39,609 54,268 513 276 237 .005 .007 .004
25 - 29 74,956 32,940 42,016 741 422 320 .010 .013 .008
30 - 34 53,536 25,057 28,479 634 373 261 .012 .015 .009
35 - 39 46,761 21,525 25,236 441 256 185 .009 .012 .007
40 - 44 31,031 16,210 14,821 375 241 133 .012 .015 .009
45 - 49 23,998 12,026 11,972 260 132 128 .011 .011 .011
50 - 54 20,180 8,693 11,487 241 154 87 .012 .018 .008
55 - 59 14,240 6,143 8,097 189 113 77 .013 .018 .010
60 - 64 14,168 5,530 8,638 223 99 124 .016 .018 .014
65 - 69 10,554 4,290 6,264 195 108 87 .018 .025 .014
70 - 74 9,757 3,909 5,848 235 143 92 .024 .037 .016
75 - 79 4,649 2,162 2,487 113 46 67 .024 .021 .027
80 - 84 3,662 1,577 2,085 216 77 138 .059 .049 .066
85 - 89 1,215 667 548 128 46 82 .105 .069 .150
90 - 94 601 263 338 99 41 58 .165 .156 .172
95 + 328 163 165 62 31 31 .189 .190 .188

All Age 3,464,064 1,720,403 1,743,661 31,619 17,903 13,716 .009 .010 .008

0 100,081 50,563 49,518 5,563 3,279 2,285 .056 .065 .046

1 - 4 426,573 216,761 209,812 7,038 3,991 3,047 .016 .018 .015
5 - 9 543,587 275,576 268,011 2,698 1,458 1,240 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 507,191 262,173 245,018 1,647 972 675 .003 .004 .003
15 - 19 374,596 189,190 185,406 1,375 734 641 .004 .004 .003
20 - 24 258,825 128,217 130,608 1,778 963 815 .007 .008 .006
25 - 29 207,561 92,257 115,304 1,369 615 754 .007 .007 .007
30 - 34 194,163 85,013 109,150 1,581 748 833 .008 .009 .008
35 - 39 177,153 81,232 95,921 1,200 608 592 .007 .007 .006
40 - 44 138,648 66,779 71,869 1,181 759 422 .009 .011 .006
45 - 49 113,287 54,729 58,558 706 418 288 .006 .008 .005
50 - 54 104,998 48,662 56,336 761 446 315 .007 .009 .006
55 - 59 80,461 42,971 37,490 512 329 183 .006 .008 .005
60 - 64 76,973 38,039 38,934 765 435 330 .010 .011 .008
65 - 69 56,737 30,932 25,805 604 398 206 .011 .013 .008
70 - 74 50,468 26,081 24,387 933 520 413 .018 .020 .017
75 - 79 25,864 15,311 10,553 545 329 216 .021 .021 .020
80 - 84 18,251 10,350 7,901 765 481 283 .042 .046 .036
85 - 89 5,460 3,663 1,797 315 241 74 .058 .066 .041
90 - 94 2,146 1,281 865 122 69 53 .057 .054 .061
95 + 1,041 623 418 162 109 53 .156 .175 .127

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 732,758 364,977 367,781 7,031 3,927 3,104 .010 .011 .008

0 23,702 12,004 11,698 1,033 571 462 .044 .048 .039

1 - 4 94,321 47,767 46,554 1,470 851 619 .016 .018 .013
5 - 9 109,859 55,380 54,479 584 301 282 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 100,662 51,803 48,859 392 222 170 .004 .004 .003
15 - 19 78,376 38,950 39,426 313 154 159 .004 .004 .004
20 - 24 64,542 31,135 33,407 456 228 228 .007 .007 .007
25 - 29 51,195 23,423 27,772 342 134 208 .007 .006 .007
30 - 34 43,848 20,428 23,420 439 243 196 .010 .012 .008
35 - 39 39,520 19,596 19,924 310 185 125 .008 .009 .006
40 - 44 30,044 15,630 14,414 331 212 119 .011 .014 .008
45 - 49 22,560 11,352 11,208 139 77 62 .006 .007 .006
50 - 54 20,175 9,328 10,847 202 129 73 .010 .014 .007
55 - 59 14,600 7,752 6,848 93 47 47 .006 .006 .007
60 - 64 13,883 6,728 7,155 202 120 83 .015 .018 .012
65 - 69 9,699 5,176 4,523 167 94 74 .017 .018 .016
70 - 74 8,320 4,252 4,068 211 132 79 .025 .031 .019
75 - 79 3,699 2,156 1,543 114 67 46 .031 .031 .030
80 - 84 2,630 1,445 1,185 130 99 31 .049 .069 .026
85 - 89 713 466 247 68 42 26 .095 .090 .105
90 - 94 284 140 144 10 - 10 .035 - .069
95 + 126 66 60 25 20 5 .198 .303 .083

All Age 106,229 48,312 57,917 1,280 726 554 .012 .015 .010

0 3,142 1,586 1,556 152 91 61 .048 .057 .039

1 - 4 12,013 5,981 6,032 270 142 128 .022 .024 .021
5 - 9 13,060 6,321 6,739 56 30 26 .004 .005 .004
10 - 14 13,406 6,672 6,734 66 35 31 .005 .005 .005
15 - 19 12,950 5,593 7,357 36 16 20 .003 .003 .003
20 - 24 11,826 4,485 7,341 77 41 36 .007 .009 .005
25 - 29 9,538 3,891 5,647 81 30 51 .008 .008 .009
30 - 34 7,077 3,143 3,934 106 71 35 .015 .023 .009
35 - 39 6,187 2,771 3,416 81 60 21 .013 .022 .006
40 - 44 4,246 2,224 2,022 66 36 31 .016 .016 .015
45 - 49 3,074 1,597 1,477 35 15 20 .011 .009 .014
50 - 54 2,508 1,053 1,455 56 41 15 .022 .039 .010
55 - 59 1,695 729 966 10 10 - .006 .014 -
60 - 64 1,746 620 1,126 30 15 15 .017 .024 .013
65 - 69 1,362 576 786 41 26 16 .030 .045 .020
70 - 74 1,171 468 703 36 25 10 .031 .053 .014
75 - 79 529 257 272 25 10 15 .047 .039 .055
80 - 84 451 211 240 31 16 15 .069 .076 .063
85 - 89 137 79 58 20 15 5 .146 .190 .086
90 - 94 72 34 38 5 - 5 .069 - .132
95 + 39 21 18 - - - - - -

All Age 626,529 316,665 309,864 5,751 3,201 2,549 .009 .010 .008

0 20,560 10,418 10,142 880 480 401 .043 .046 .040

1 - 4 82,308 41,786 40,522 1,200 709 491 .015 .017 .012
5 - 9 96,799 49,059 47,740 528 271 257 .005 .006 .005
10 - 14 87,256 45,131 42,125 326 187 139 .004 .004 .003
15 - 19 65,426 33,357 32,069 277 138 139 .004 .004 .004
20 - 24 52,716 26,650 26,066 379 186 192 .007 .007 .007
25 - 29 41,657 19,532 22,125 261 104 157 .006 .005 .007
30 - 34 36,771 17,285 19,486 333 172 161 .009 .010 .008
35 - 39 33,333 16,825 16,508 229 125 105 .007 .007 .006
40 - 44 25,798 13,406 12,392 265 177 88 .010 .013 .007
45 - 49 19,486 9,755 9,731 104 62 41 .005 .006 .004
50 - 54 17,667 8,275 9,392 146 88 58 .008 .011 .006
55 - 59 12,905 7,023 5,882 83 36 47 .006 .005 .008
60 - 64 12,137 6,108 6,029 172 104 68 .014 .017 .011
65 - 69 8,337 4,600 3,737 126 68 58 .015 .015 .016
70 - 74 7,149 3,784 3,365 176 107 69 .025 .028 .021
75 - 79 3,170 1,899 1,271 89 57 31 .028 .030 .024
80 - 84 2,179 1,234 945 99 84 16 .045 .068 .017
85 - 89 576 387 189 47 26 21 .082 .067 .111
90 - 94 212 106 106 5 - 5 .024 - .047
95 + 87 45 42 25 20 5 .287 .444 .119

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 1,239,741 609,152 630,589 11,175 6,515 4,660 .009 .011 .007

0 33,331 16,774 16,557 1,912 1,189 723 .057 .071 .044

1 - 4 147,722 75,129 72,593 2,910 1,698 1,212 .020 .023 .017
5 - 9 187,478 94,647 92,831 1,013 510 503 .005 .005 .005
10 - 14 181,406 92,926 88,480 578 359 219 .003 .004 .002
15 - 19 139,102 69,466 69,636 476 258 218 .003 .004 .003
20 - 24 95,548 47,659 47,889 581 347 234 .006 .007 .005
25 - 29 74,539 31,666 42,873 462 233 229 .006 .007 .005
30 - 34 70,686 29,890 40,796 451 211 240 .006 .007 .006
35 - 39 66,529 30,452 36,077 395 198 197 .006 .007 .005
40 - 44 48,688 23,475 25,213 337 239 98 .007 .010 .004
45 - 49 40,158 18,913 21,245 223 109 114 .006 .006 .005
50 - 54 37,886 17,009 20,877 237 134 103 .006 .008 .005
55 - 59 29,283 15,286 13,997 207 146 62 .007 .010 .004
60 - 64 28,992 14,196 14,796 228 99 129 .008 .007 .009
65 - 69 21,400 11,524 9,876 197 120 78 .009 .010 .008
70 - 74 19,152 9,787 9,365 338 213 124 .018 .022 .013
75 - 79 9,041 5,189 3,852 141 109 32 .016 .021 .008
80 - 84 6,152 3,509 2,643 285 181 103 .046 .052 .039
85 - 89 1,782 1,162 620 119 99 20 .067 .085 .032
90 - 94 610 360 250 31 31 - .051 .086 -
95 + 256 133 123 53 32 21 .207 .241 .171

All Age 172,882 79,316 93,566 1,701 983 719 .010 .012 .008

0 4,338 2,211 2,127 212 146 66 .049 .066 .031

1 - 4 19,295 9,772 9,523 370 196 174 .019 .020 .018
5 - 9 21,444 10,765 10,679 80 41 40 .004 .004 .004
10 - 14 22,084 10,791 11,293 81 46 36 .004 .004 .003
15 - 19 23,655 10,548 13,107 95 65 30 .004 .006 .002
20 - 24 18,501 7,829 10,672 116 75 41 .006 .010 .004
25 - 29 14,852 5,823 9,029 101 71 30 .007 .012 .003
30 - 34 11,193 4,752 6,441 132 85 46 .012 .018 .007
35 - 39 10,134 4,583 5,551 76 36 40 .007 .008 .007
40 - 44 6,250 3,323 2,927 70 51 20 .011 .015 .007
45 - 49 4,729 2,397 2,332 55 20 35 .012 .008 .015
50 - 54 3,967 1,672 2,295 44 24 20 .011 .014 .009
55 - 59 2,726 1,114 1,612 35 15 20 .013 .013 .012
60 - 64 3,045 1,110 1,935 46 5 40 .015 .005 .021
65 - 69 2,302 872 1,430 25 15 10 .011 .017 .007
70 - 74 2,201 819 1,382 46 31 15 .021 .038 .011
75 - 79 1,011 432 579 15 15 - .015 .035 -
80 - 84 761 299 462 55 20 35 .072 .067 .076
85 - 89 234 133 101 20 5 15 .085 .038 .149
90 - 94 111 48 63 15 15 - .135 .313 -
95 + 49 23 26 10 5 5 .204 .217 .192

All Age 1,066,859 529,836 537,023 9,474 5,533 3,941 .009 .010 .007

0 28,993 14,563 14,430 1,701 1,043 658 .059 .072 .046

1 - 4 128,427 65,357 63,070 2,541 1,502 1,038 .020 .023 .016
5 - 9 166,034 83,882 82,152 933 469 463 .006 .006 .006
10 - 14 159,322 82,135 77,187 497 313 183 .003 .004 .002
15 - 19 115,447 58,918 56,529 380 193 188 .003 .003 .003
20 - 24 77,047 39,830 37,217 465 272 193 .006 .007 .005
25 - 29 59,687 25,843 33,844 361 163 199 .006 .006 .006
30 - 34 59,493 25,138 34,355 319 125 194 .005 .005 .006
35 - 39 56,395 25,869 30,526 319 162 156 .006 .006 .005
40 - 44 42,438 20,152 22,286 266 188 78 .006 .009 .003
45 - 49 35,429 16,516 18,913 168 89 79 .005 .005 .004
50 - 54 33,919 15,337 18,582 193 110 83 .006 .007 .004
55 - 59 26,557 14,172 12,385 172 130 41 .006 .009 .003
60 - 64 25,947 13,086 12,861 182 94 88 .007 .007 .007
65 - 69 19,098 10,652 8,446 172 104 68 .009 .010 .008
70 - 74 16,951 8,968 7,983 292 183 110 .017 .020 .014
75 - 79 8,030 4,757 3,273 126 94 32 .016 .020 .010
80 - 84 5,391 3,210 2,181 229 161 68 .042 .050 .031
85 - 89 1,548 1,029 519 99 94 5 .064 .091 .010
90 - 94 499 312 187 16 16 - .032 .051 -
95 + 207 110 97 42 26 16 .203 .236 .165

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 752,635 357,732 394,903 7,026 4,039 2,987 .009 .011 .008

0 19,517 9,934 9,583 1,257 779 478 .064 .078 .050

1 - 4 85,415 43,565 41,850 1,373 784 588 .016 .018 .014
5 - 9 115,636 58,484 57,152 427 242 185 .004 .004 .003
10 - 14 117,107 59,667 57,440 337 211 127 .003 .004 .002
15 - 19 89,969 43,508 46,461 284 148 136 .003 .003 .003
20 - 24 54,016 24,295 29,721 363 179 184 .007 .007 .006
25 - 29 42,339 16,541 25,798 406 259 148 .010 .016 .006
30 - 34 37,285 14,418 22,867 402 237 165 .011 .016 .007
35 - 39 36,339 14,350 21,989 334 206 128 .009 .014 .006
40 - 44 26,079 11,827 14,252 233 154 78 .009 .013 .005
45 - 49 25,659 11,321 14,338 148 68 80 .006 .006 .006
50 - 54 22,220 9,489 12,731 191 111 79 .009 .012 .006
55 - 59 18,288 8,866 9,422 95 63 32 .005 .007 .003
60 - 64 18,123 8,122 10,001 223 106 117 .012 .013 .012
65 - 69 15,038 7,483 7,555 148 90 59 .010 .012 .008
70 - 74 13,695 6,650 7,045 195 96 100 .014 .014 .014
75 - 79 7,388 4,229 3,159 159 68 90 .022 .016 .028
80 - 84 5,419 2,974 2,445 213 117 96 .039 .039 .039
85 - 89 1,944 1,295 649 85 42 43 .044 .032 .066
90 - 94 798 481 317 101 48 53 .127 .100 .167
95 + 361 233 128 52 31 21 .144 .133 .164

All Age 144,129 64,856 79,273 1,407 809 598 .010 .012 .008

0 3,612 1,809 1,803 210 143 67 .058 .079 .037

1 - 4 15,893 8,161 7,732 264 156 108 .017 .019 .014
5 - 9 18,822 9,360 9,462 89 42 47 .005 .004 .005
10 - 14 19,508 9,607 9,901 36 21 16 .002 .002 .002
15 - 19 21,284 9,402 11,882 63 21 42 .003 .002 .004
20 - 24 14,720 5,864 8,856 83 41 42 .006 .007 .005
25 - 29 11,788 4,388 7,400 167 114 53 .014 .026 .007
30 - 34 8,865 3,573 5,292 88 73 16 .010 .020 .003
35 - 39 7,974 3,348 4,626 73 47 26 .009 .014 .006
40 - 44 4,811 2,413 2,398 26 10 15 .005 .004 .006
45 - 49 4,022 1,884 2,138 21 10 10 .005 .005 .005
50 - 54 3,118 1,293 1,825 36 16 20 .012 .012 .011
55 - 59 2,190 839 1,351 31 21 10 .014 .025 .007
60 - 64 2,356 835 1,521 47 21 26 .020 .025 .017
65 - 69 1,785 639 1,146 52 21 31 .029 .033 .027
70 - 74 1,617 623 994 21 16 5 .013 .026 .005
75 - 79 798 373 425 5 - 5 .006 - .012
80 - 84 611 265 346 27 11 16 .044 .042 .046
85 - 89 203 104 99 16 - 16 .079 - .162
90 - 94 96 48 48 37 16 21 .385 .333 .438
95 + 56 28 28 15 10 5 .268 .357 .179

All Age 608,506 292,876 315,630 5,618 3,230 2,389 .009 .011 .008

0 15,905 8,125 7,780 1,047 635 412 .066 .078 .053

1 - 4 69,522 35,404 34,118 1,109 629 480 .016 .018 .014
5 - 9 96,814 49,124 47,690 339 201 138 .004 .004 .003
10 - 14 97,599 50,060 47,539 301 190 111 .003 .004 .002
15 - 19 68,685 34,106 34,579 221 126 95 .003 .004 .003
20 - 24 39,296 18,431 20,865 281 138 142 .007 .007 .007
25 - 29 30,551 12,153 18,398 239 144 95 .008 .012 .005
30 - 34 28,420 10,845 17,575 313 164 150 .011 .015 .009
35 - 39 28,365 11,002 17,363 261 159 101 .009 .014 .006
40 - 44 21,268 9,414 11,854 207 144 63 .010 .015 .005
45 - 49 21,637 9,437 12,200 127 58 69 .006 .006 .006
50 - 54 19,102 8,196 10,906 155 96 59 .008 .012 .005
55 - 59 16,098 8,027 8,071 64 42 22 .004 .005 .003
60 - 64 15,767 7,287 8,480 175 85 91 .011 .012 .011
65 - 69 13,253 6,844 6,409 96 69 27 .007 .010 .004
70 - 74 12,078 6,027 6,051 174 80 94 .014 .013 .016
75 - 79 6,590 3,856 2,734 153 68 85 .023 .018 .031
80 - 84 4,808 2,709 2,099 186 106 80 .039 .039 .038
85 - 89 1,741 1,191 550 69 42 27 .040 .035 .049
90 - 94 702 433 269 64 32 32 .091 .074 .119
95 + 305 205 100 37 21 16 .121 .102 .160

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 1,002,219 493,729 508,490 9,230 4,996 4,234 .009 .010 .008

0 27,241 13,688 13,553 1,350 727 623 .050 .053 .046

1 - 4 118,620 60,161 58,459 1,852 959 892 .016 .016 .015
5 - 9 154,872 78,510 76,362 705 420 285 .005 .005 .004
10 - 14 143,799 74,445 69,354 406 234 172 .003 .003 .002
15 - 19 113,563 56,484 57,079 456 275 182 .004 .005 .003
20 - 24 74,460 35,712 38,748 565 312 253 .008 .009 .007
25 - 29 62,691 27,845 34,846 518 222 295 .008 .008 .008
30 - 34 58,727 25,537 33,190 562 253 309 .010 .010 .009
35 - 39 52,062 23,273 28,789 378 156 222 .007 .007 .008
40 - 44 42,867 20,019 22,848 467 264 203 .011 .013 .009
45 - 49 32,447 16,327 16,120 284 186 98 .009 .011 .006
50 - 54 30,624 14,588 16,036 208 114 94 .007 .008 .006
55 - 59 22,916 12,153 10,763 181 114 67 .008 .009 .006
60 - 64 21,736 10,485 11,251 187 114 73 .009 .011 .006
65 - 69 15,047 8,032 7,015 186 130 56 .012 .016 .008
70 - 74 14,032 6,982 7,050 304 159 145 .022 .023 .021
75 - 79 7,950 4,631 3,319 171 109 62 .022 .024 .019
80 - 84 5,748 3,110 2,638 264 114 150 .046 .037 .057
85 - 89 1,584 1,039 545 93 73 21 .059 .070 .039
90 - 94 764 436 328 26 16 10 .034 .037 .030
95 + 469 272 197 67 47 21 .143 .173 .107

All Age 123,658 57,659 65,999 1,304 670 635 .011 .012 .010

0 2,398 1,199 1,199 82 41 41 .034 .034 .034

1 - 4 11,194 5,684 5,510 154 88 67 .014 .015 .012
5 - 9 14,468 7,222 7,246 92 46 46 .006 .006 .006
10 - 14 17,477 8,730 8,747 31 21 10 .002 .002 .001
15 - 19 18,844 8,793 10,051 61 41 21 .003 .005 .002
20 - 24 12,226 5,714 6,512 92 36 57 .008 .006 .009
25 - 29 9,430 4,285 5,145 169 82 87 .018 .019 .017
30 - 34 7,222 3,191 4,031 137 61 76 .019 .019 .019
35 - 39 6,686 2,782 3,904 77 36 41 .012 .013 .011
40 - 44 5,167 2,354 2,813 103 72 31 .020 .031 .011
45 - 49 3,584 1,642 1,942 35 24 10 .010 .015 .005
50 - 54 3,576 1,420 2,156 21 10 10 .006 .007 .005
55 - 59 2,562 1,026 1,536 36 20 15 .014 .019 .010
60 - 64 2,703 1,014 1,689 31 15 16 .011 .015 .009
65 - 69 1,803 711 1,092 25 5 20 .014 .007 .018
70 - 74 2,009 804 1,205 61 35 26 .030 .044 .022
75 - 79 1,014 471 543 16 5 10 .016 .011 .018
80 - 84 807 376 431 57 16 41 .071 .043 .095
85 - 89 268 144 124 10 5 5 .037 .035 .040
90 - 94 135 54 81 - - - - - -
95 + 85 43 42 15 10 5 .176 .233 .119

All Age 878,561 436,070 442,491 7,926 4,327 3,599 .009 .010 .008

0 24,843 12,489 12,354 1,267 686 581 .051 .055 .047

1 - 4 107,426 54,477 52,949 1,697 872 826 .016 .016 .016
5 - 9 140,404 71,288 69,116 613 374 239 .004 .005 .003
10 - 14 126,322 65,715 60,607 375 213 162 .003 .003 .003
15 - 19 94,719 47,691 47,028 395 234 161 .004 .005 .003
20 - 24 62,234 29,998 32,236 473 276 197 .008 .009 .006
25 - 29 53,261 23,560 29,701 348 140 208 .007 .006 .007
30 - 34 51,505 22,346 29,159 425 192 233 .008 .009 .008
35 - 39 45,376 20,491 24,885 301 120 182 .007 .006 .007
40 - 44 37,700 17,665 20,035 364 192 172 .010 .011 .009
45 - 49 28,863 14,685 14,178 249 161 88 .009 .011 .006
50 - 54 27,048 13,168 13,880 188 104 84 .007 .008 .006
55 - 59 20,354 11,127 9,227 145 93 52 .007 .008 .006
60 - 64 19,033 9,471 9,562 156 99 57 .008 .010 .006
65 - 69 13,244 7,321 5,923 161 125 36 .012 .017 .006
70 - 74 12,023 6,178 5,845 243 124 119 .020 .020 .020
75 - 79 6,936 4,160 2,776 156 104 52 .022 .025 .019
80 - 84 4,941 2,734 2,207 208 99 109 .042 .036 .049
85 - 89 1,316 895 421 83 68 16 .063 .076 .038
90 - 94 629 382 247 26 16 10 .041 .042 .040
95 + 384 229 155 52 36 16 .135 .157 .103

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 353,606 180,427 173,179 3,745 2,101 1,644 .011 .012 .009

0 11,727 5,962 5,765 825 511 314 .070 .086 .054

1 - 4 46,422 23,648 22,774 707 403 304 .015 .017 .013
5 - 9 51,718 26,354 25,364 338 163 175 .007 .006 .007
10 - 14 44,389 22,929 21,460 169 69 100 .004 .003 .005
15 - 19 38,537 18,625 19,912 146 63 84 .004 .003 .004
20 - 24 36,079 17,102 18,977 243 122 121 .007 .007 .006
25 - 29 29,710 15,050 14,660 194 90 105 .007 .006 .007
30 - 34 23,196 12,300 10,896 242 121 121 .010 .010 .011
35 - 39 17,842 9,259 8,583 131 79 53 .007 .009 .006
40 - 44 14,419 7,912 6,507 111 85 27 .008 .011 .004
45 - 49 10,280 5,757 4,523 94 58 37 .009 .010 .008
50 - 54 9,148 4,665 4,483 111 74 37 .012 .016 .008
55 - 59 5,883 3,404 2,479 73 42 31 .012 .012 .013
60 - 64 5,067 2,612 2,455 106 80 26 .021 .031 .011
65 - 69 3,540 1,923 1,617 53 32 21 .015 .017 .013
70 - 74 2,723 1,360 1,363 73 37 36 .027 .027 .026
75 - 79 1,329 748 581 27 11 16 .020 .015 .028
80 - 84 1,074 524 550 53 37 16 .049 .071 .029
85 - 89 329 193 136 26 16 10 .079 .083 .074
90 - 94 122 57 65 16 5 11 .131 .088 .169
95 + 72 43 29 5 5 - .069 .116 -

All Age 69,997 35,471 34,526 895 488 406 .013 .014 .012

0 1,947 994 953 157 76 81 .081 .076 .085

1 - 4 7,532 3,911 3,621 216 123 93 .029 .031 .026
5 - 9 8,182 4,131 4,051 52 20 32 .006 .005 .008
10 - 14 7,697 3,797 3,900 21 - 21 .003 - .005
15 - 19 8,218 3,507 4,711 45 20 25 .005 .006 .005
20 - 24 8,547 3,794 4,753 62 31 31 .007 .008 .007
25 - 29 7,305 3,881 3,424 36 26 10 .005 .007 .003
30 - 34 5,222 2,901 2,321 52 25 26 .010 .009 .011
35 - 39 4,158 2,214 1,944 41 36 5 .010 .016 .003
40 - 44 2,975 1,770 1,205 31 26 6 .010 .015 .005
45 - 49 2,408 1,421 987 36 10 26 .015 .007 .026
50 - 54 1,886 979 907 32 26 5 .017 .027 .006
55 - 59 1,336 782 554 25 15 10 .019 .019 .018
60 - 64 978 525 453 27 27 - .028 .051 -
65 - 69 735 408 327 5 - 5 .007 - .015
70 - 74 456 236 220 25 10 15 .055 .042 .068
75 - 79 191 109 82 6 6 - .031 .055 -
80 - 84 142 61 81 10 5 5 .070 .082 .062
85 - 89 50 32 18 10 5 5 .200 .156 .278
90 - 94 18 9 9 6 - 6 .333 - .667
95 + 14 9 5 - - - - - -

All Age 283,609 144,956 138,653 2,850 1,613 1,237 .010 .011 .009

0 9,780 4,968 4,812 668 435 233 .068 .088 .048

1 - 4 38,890 19,737 19,153 491 280 211 .013 .014 .011
5 - 9 43,536 22,223 21,313 286 143 143 .007 .006 .007
10 - 14 36,692 19,132 17,560 148 69 80 .004 .004 .005
15 - 19 30,319 15,118 15,201 101 43 58 .003 .003 .004
20 - 24 27,532 13,308 14,224 181 91 90 .007 .007 .006
25 - 29 22,405 11,169 11,236 158 64 95 .007 .006 .008
30 - 34 17,974 9,399 8,575 190 95 95 .011 .010 .011
35 - 39 13,684 7,045 6,639 90 43 48 .007 .006 .007
40 - 44 11,444 6,142 5,302 80 59 21 .007 .010 .004
45 - 49 7,872 4,336 3,536 58 48 11 .007 .011 .003
50 - 54 7,262 3,686 3,576 80 48 32 .011 .013 .009
55 - 59 4,547 2,622 1,925 48 27 21 .011 .010 .011
60 - 64 4,089 2,087 2,002 80 53 26 .020 .025 .013
65 - 69 2,805 1,515 1,290 48 32 16 .017 .021 .012
70 - 74 2,267 1,124 1,143 48 27 21 .021 .024 .018
75 - 79 1,138 639 499 21 5 16 .018 .008 .032
80 - 84 932 463 469 43 32 11 .046 .069 .023
85 - 89 279 161 118 16 10 5 .057 .062 .042
90 - 94 104 48 56 11 5 5 .106 .104 .089
95 + 58 34 24 5 5 - .086 .147 -

Table 7.8 Population in Conventional Households and Deaths During the 12 Months
Prior to Census by Sex, Zone, Urban-Rural Residence, and Age: 2007
Population in Conventional
Households Deaths Age Specific Death Rate
---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
Both Both Both
Age Group Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females Sexes Males Females

All Age 207,216 98,190 109,026 1,787 982 806 .009 .010 .007

0 3,962 2,029 1,933 177 119 57 .045 .059 .029

1 - 4 18,325 9,327 8,998 327 197 130 .018 .021 .014
5 - 9 21,588 10,892 10,696 88 52 36 .004 .005 .003
10 - 14 24,764 11,841 12,923 52 42 10 .002 .004 .001
15 - 19 29,496 12,404 17,092 73 21 52 .002 .002 .003
20 - 24 28,057 11,923 16,134 83 52 31 .003 .004 .002
25 - 29 22,043 10,672 11,371 187 99 88 .008 .009 .008
30 - 34 13,957 7,497 6,460 120 57 63 .009 .008 .010
35 - 39 11,622 5,827 5,795 93 42 52 .008 .007 .009
40 - 44 7,582 4,126 3,456 78 47 31 .010 .011 .009
45 - 49 6,181 3,085 3,096 78 52 26 .013 .017 .008
50 - 54 5,125 2,276 2,849 52 36 16 .010 .016 .006
55 - 59 3,731 1,653 2,078 52 31 21 .014 .019 .010
60 - 64 3,340 1,426 1,914 42 16 26 .013 .011 .014
65 - 69 2,567 1,084 1,483 47 42 5 .018 .039 .003
70 - 74 2,303 959 1,344 47 26 21 .020 .027 .016
75 - 79 1,106 520 586 47 10 36 .042 .019 .061
80 - 84 890 365 525 36 10 26 .040 .027 .050
85 - 89 323 175 148 52 16 36 .161 .091 .243
90 - 94 169 70 99 36 10 26 .213 .143 .263
95 + 85 39 46 21 5 16 .247 .128 .348

All Age 207,216 98,190 109,026 1,787 982 806 .009 .010 .007

0 3,962 2,029 1,933 177 119 57 .045 .059 .029

1 - 4 18,325 9,327 8,998 327 197 130 .018 .021 .014
5 - 9 21,588 10,892 10,696 88 52 36 .004 .005 .003
10 - 14 24,764 11,841 12,923 52 42 10 .002 .004 .001
15 - 19 29,496 12,404 17,092 73 21 52 .002 .002 .003
20 - 24 28,057 11,923 16,134 83 52 31 .003 .004 .002
25 - 29 22,043 10,672 11,371 187 99 88 .008 .009 .008
30 - 34 13,957 7,497 6,460 120 57 63 .009 .008 .010
35 - 39 11,622 5,827 5,795 93 42 52 .008 .007 .009
40 - 44 7,582 4,126 3,456 78 47 31 .010 .011 .009
45 - 49 6,181 3,085 3,096 78 52 26 .013 .017 .008
50 - 54 5,125 2,276 2,849 52 36 16 .010 .016 .006
55 - 59 3,731 1,653 2,078 52 31 21 .014 .019 .010
60 - 64 3,340 1,426 1,914 42 16 26 .013 .011 .014
65 - 69 2,567 1,084 1,483 47 42 5 .018 .039 .003
70 - 74 2,303 959 1,344 47 26 21 .020 .027 .016
75 - 79 1,106 520 586 47 10 36 .042 .019 .061
80 - 84 890 365 525 36 10 26 .040 .027 .050
85 - 89 323 175 148 52 16 36 .161 .091 .243
90 - 94 169 70 99 36 10 26 .213 .143 .263
95 + 85 39 46 21 5 16 .247 .128 .348

Table 7.9 Women Age 12-49 Years of Age and Deaths of Women 12-49 Years
of Age During the 12 Months Prior to the Census, by Urban-Rural
Residence and Age-Specific Death Rates: 2007
Death of Women During
Women in Conventional Pregnancy,Childbirth, or
Household within 2 months of Child Birth Age-Specific Death Rate
------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------------------
Urban+ Urban+ Urban+
Age Group Rural Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural


12 - 49 1,182,640 273,798 908,842 2,104 416 1,688 .002 .002 .002

12 - 14 174,832 32,806 142,026 130 36 94 .001 .001 .001

15 - 19 249,606 64,200 185,406 335 92 244 .001 .001 .001
20 - 24 184,876 54,268 130,608 444 88 356 .002 .002 .003
25 - 29 157,320 42,016 115,304 276 51 225 .002 .001 .002
30 - 34 137,629 28,479 109,150 465 67 398 .003 .002 .004
35 - 39 121,157 25,236 95,921 240 31 209 .002 .001 .002
40 - 44 86,690 14,821 71,869 130 31 99 .001 .002 .001
45 - 49 70,530 11,972 58,558 83 20 63 .001 .002 .001


12 - 49 197,781 35,202 162,579 502 91 410 .003 .003 .003

12 - 14 28,210 4,008 24,202 41 15 26 .001 .004 .001

15 - 19 39,426 7,357 32,069 82 15 67 .002 .002 .002
20 - 24 33,407 7,341 26,066 104 15 89 .003 .002 .003
25 - 29 27,772 5,647 22,125 78 15 63 .003 .003 .003
30 - 34 23,420 3,934 19,486 93 10 83 .004 .003 .004
35 - 39 19,924 3,416 16,508 52 5 47 .003 .001 .003
40 - 44 14,414 2,022 12,392 36 10 25 .002 .005 .002
45 - 49 11,208 1,477 9,731 15 5 10 .001 .003 .001


12 - 49 335,588 56,888 278,700 545 86 459 .002 .002 .002

12 - 14 51,859 6,829 45,030 42 5 37 .001 .001 .001

15 - 19 69,636 13,107 56,529 108 20 88 .002 .002 .002
20 - 24 47,889 10,672 37,217 125 10 115 .003 .001 .003
25 - 29 42,873 9,029 33,844 58 5 52 .001 .001 .002
30 - 34 40,796 6,441 34,355 99 16 83 .002 .002 .002
35 - 39 36,077 5,551 30,526 72 20 52 .002 .004 .002
40 - 44 25,213 2,927 22,286 26 - 26 .001 - .001
45 - 49 21,245 2,332 18,913 15 10 5 .001 .004 -


12 - 49 209,280 48,622 160,658 244 42 202 .001 .001 .001

12 - 14 33,854 6,030 27,824 10 - 10 - - -

15 - 19 46,461 11,882 34,579 36 10 26 .001 .001 .001
20 - 24 29,721 8,856 20,865 53 21 32 .002 .002 .002
25 - 29 25,798 7,400 18,398 5 5 - - .001 -
30 - 34 22,867 5,292 17,575 75 5 70 .003 .001 .004
35 - 39 21,989 4,626 17,363 27 - 27 .001 - .002
40 - 44 14,252 2,398 11,854 16 - 16 .001 - .001
45 - 49 14,338 2,138 12,200 21 - 21 .001 - .002

Table 7.9 Women Age 12-49 Years of Age and Deaths of Women 12-49 Years
of Age During the 12 Months Prior to the Census, by Urban-Rural
Residence and Age-Specific Death Rates: 2007
Death of Women During
Women in Conventional Pregnancy,Childbirth, or
Household within 2 months of Child Birth Age-Specific Death Rate
------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------------------
Urban+ Urban+ Urban+
Age Group Rural Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural

12 - 49 271,849 39,792 232,057 482 72 410 .002 .002 .002

12 - 14 40,229 5,394 34,835 21 5 16 .001 .001 -

15 - 19 57,079 10,051 47,028 41 5 36 .001 - .001
20 - 24 38,748 6,512 32,236 94 21 73 .002 .003 .002
25 - 29 34,846 5,145 29,701 98 15 83 .003 .003 .003
30 - 34 33,190 4,031 29,159 104 10 93 .003 .002 .003
35 - 39 28,789 3,904 24,885 67 5 62 .002 .001 .002
40 - 44 22,848 2,813 20,035 26 5 21 .001 .002 .001
45 - 49 16,120 1,942 14,178 31 5 26 .002 .003 .002


12 - 49 96,525 21,677 74,848 243 36 206 .003 .002 .003

12 - 14 12,467 2,332 10,135 16 11 5 .001 .005 -

15 - 19 19,912 4,711 15,201 36 10 27 .002 .002 .002
20 - 24 18,977 4,753 14,224 48 - 48 .003 - .003
25 - 29 14,660 3,424 11,236 26 - 26 .002 - .002
30 - 34 10,896 2,321 8,575 79 10 69 .007 .004 .008
35 - 39 8,583 1,944 6,639 21 - 21 .002 - .003
40 - 44 6,507 1,205 5,302 16 6 11 .002 .005 .002
45 - 49 4,523 987 3,536 - - - - - -


12 - 49 71,617 71,617 - 88 88 - .001 .001 -

12 - 14 8,213 8,213 - - - - - - -
15 - 19 17,092 17,092 - 31 31 - .002 .002 -
20 - 24 16,134 16,134 - 21 21 - .001 .001 -
25 - 29 11,371 11,371 - 10 10 - .001 .001 -
30 - 34 6,460 6,460 - 16 16 - .002 .002 -
35 - 39 5,795 5,795 - - - - - - -
40 - 44 3,456 3,456 - 10 10 - .003 .003 -
45 - 49 3,096 3,096 - - - - - - -



Definition of Terms

A housing unit is defined as a separate and independent place of abode, either

intended for habitation or not intended for habitation but occupied as a living quarter by
a household at the time of the census. A housing unit may at the time of the census be
occupied by one or more households or may be used partly for living and partly for

Residential Housing Unit is defined as a housing unit used only for habitation at the
time of the census.

Partial Residential Housing Unit is defined as a housing unit used for habitation and
establishment at the time of the census.

A room is defined as a space enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or
roof at least to a height of two meters and having an area of at least four square meters
(i.e. a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult). Except for bathrooms, toilets and
passage ways all other rooms found in the housing unit were considered as rooms.

A kitchen is defined as a room primarily used for cooking meals. However, it worth
mentioning that especially in most rural areas of the country, due to lack of adequate
rooms or space in the housing unit, some persons or some livestock may also spend
the night in the kitchen.

A modern kitchen is defined as a kitchen that has piped water and a sink.

The 2007 Population and Housing Census questionnaire included a detailed set of
housing questions that were administered both in urban and rural areas. Information on
housing characteristics and conditions were collected on the long questionnaire for all
occupied residential and partly residential housing units. When a housing unit was

occupied by more than one households enumerators were instructed to collect housing
units information only from the sampled household.

In the 2007 Population and Housing Census the following housing units information
were collected:

1. bathing facility,
2. toilet facility,
3. whether a housing unit has traditional or modern type of kitchen,
4. source of drinking water supply,
5. source of power for lighting,
6. type of fuel used for cooking,
7. availability of radio, television and telephone sets,
8. number of rooms,
9. type of waste disposal,
10. whether domestic animals spent the night in the room where member of the
household spend the (census) night,
11. whether there was a separate room in the housing unit that was used mainly
as kitchen,
12. type of building,
13. type of construction material of walls, roofs, floors, and ceilings,

The census also collected information regarding the status of tenure of housing units.
Tenure refers to the arrangements under which the household occupied its living
quarters. A housing unit is said to be owner occupied, if the occupant household owns
it and it is free from rent. Similarly, a housing unit is considered as rented if the
household living in it pays rent to a private individual or to Kebele office or to an Agency
for the Administration of Rented Housing or to other organizations. There are also
housing units occupied by households paying difference in rent. These are households
that own another housing unit elsewhere that is rented for a lesser or greater rent
compared to the rent of the housing unit the household is occupying at the time of

The data on number of rooms per occupied housing unit and number of persons living
per room has been also calculated. Here it should be noted that the averages were
calculated for conventional population and conventional housing units. During the
presentation of the result, some tables refer to urban areas only, while some others may
refer to both urban and rural areas. A few tables refer to rural areas only.

During the 1994 Population and Housing Census different census forms with housing
questions were employed in the rural and urban parts. The data on housing collected in
the urban areas was relatively detailed while the data collected in the rural areas was
limited. In the 2007 Population and Housing Census, however, the same type of
housing questions was employed. Also, the census collected information whether two or
more households shared some toilet and kitchen facilities.

Table 8.1 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Housing Unit: 2007
Type of Housing Unit
All ---------------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing
Area Units Conventional Improvised Mobile Others

TIGRAY-REGION 231,827 225,683 6,006 128 10

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 30,993 367 - -

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,902 51 - -

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,902 51 - -

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,464 15 - -

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,464 15 - -

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 3,136 10 - -

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 2,166 - - -

ZANA-TOWN 980 970 10 - -

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 2,923 29 - -

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 2,923 29 - -

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 2,365 10 - -

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 2,365 10 - -

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 13,352 199 - -

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 13,352 199 - -

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 4,851 53 - -

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 4,851 53 - -

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 49,964 1,123 39 -

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 2,376 10 - -

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 2,376 10 - -

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 6,373 216 15 -

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 1,542 99 5 -

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 2,962 96 5 -

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 659 - - -

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,235 1,210 20 5 -

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,604 4,523 67 14 -

NEBELAT-TOWN 970 942 14 14 -

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 2,471 53 - -

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 1,110 - - -

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 3,107 35 - -

CHILA-TOWN 884 874 10 - -

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 2,233 25 - -

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 646 - - -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 646 - - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 2,017 154 - -

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 2,017 154 - -

Table 8.1 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Housing Unit: 2007
Type of Housing Unit
All ---------------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing
Area Units Conventional Improvised Mobile Others
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,936 - - -

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,936 - - -

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 4,419 265 - -

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 4,419 265 - -

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 11,851 258 5 -

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 11,851 258 5 -

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,837 12,715 117 5 -

AXUM-TOWN 12,837 12,715 117 5 -

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 40,526 706 21 5

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 2,551 46 5 -

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,717 36 - -

FATSI-TOWN 849 834 10 5 -

EROB-WEREDA 661 546 115 - -

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 546 115 - -

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 5,091 121 - -

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 3,212 116 - -

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 1,879 5 - -

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 1,150 - - -

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 1,150 - - -

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 2,020 148 - -

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 2,020 148 - -

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 1,389 - - -

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 1,389 - - -

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 3,106 5 - -

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 2,278 5 - -

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 828 - - -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,973 15,818 139 16 -

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,973 15,818 139 16 -

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 8,855 133 - 5

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 8,855 133 - 5

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 33,612 1,257 10 5

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,401 97 - -

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 1,037 81 - -

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,364 16 - -

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 2,869 183 - -

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,946 115 - -

HIWANE-TOWN 991 923 68 - -

Table 8.1 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Housing Unit: 2007
Type of Housing Unit
All ---------------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing
Area Units Conventional Improvised Mobile Others

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 2,009 57 10 -

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 2,009 57 10 -


MESWAET-TOWN 882 882 - - -

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 4,322 122 - -

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 3,707 106 - -

CHERCHER-TOWN 631 615 16 - -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,232 20 - -

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,232 20 - -

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 6,969 132 - -

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 6,969 132 - -

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 4,435 297 - -

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 4,435 297 - -

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 8,494 349 - 5

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 8,494 349 - 5

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 17,480 998 10 -

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 7,092 435 - -

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 2,327 25 - -

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,691 140 - -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,074 270 - -

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 2,643 - - -

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,231 - - -

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 1,412 - - -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 2,084 263 - -

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 554 15 - -

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 1,530 248 - -

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 5,661 300 10 -

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 5,661 300 10 -

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,710 53,108 1,555 47 -

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 22,944 767 16 -

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 22,944 767 16 -

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 30,164 787 31 -

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 30,164 787 31 -

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks


Urban+Rural 957,683 197,864 27,204 641,564 55,205 21,396 2,995 1,031 7,006 333 2,231 854
Urban 231,825 74,284 2,121 81,962 45,610 19,408 1,858 866 3,797 115 1,552 252
Rural 725,858 123,580 25,083 559,602 9,595 1,988 1,137 165 3,209 218 679 602


Urban+Rural 161,141 28,916 4,106 115,180 6,130 5,138 545 153 511 10 385 67
Urban 31,360 17,054 32 5,124 3,895 4,587 439 46 57 - 116 10
Rural 129,781 11,862 4,074 110,056 2,235 551 106 107 454 10 269 57


Urban+Rural 19,139 2,135 425 15,112 720 283 26 107 52 - 263 16

Urban 1,952 254 - 1,246 295 122 15 - 20 - - -
Rural 17,187 1,881 425 13,866 425 161 11 107 32 - 263 16


Urban+Rural 24,407 3,082 242 19,956 988 56 10 - 68 - - 5

Urban 2,479 1,012 - 744 673 35 10 - - - - 5
Rural 21,928 2,070 242 19,212 315 21 - - 68 - - -


Urban+Rural 26,918 2,107 415 23,334 883 115 21 - 43 - - -

Urban 3,145 1,091 5 1,291 638 110 10 - - - - -
Rural 23,773 1,016 410 22,043 245 5 11 - 43 - - -


Urban+Rural 13,841 1,171 302 11,872 237 178 - - 76 - 5 -

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,841 1,171 302 11,872 237 178 - - 76 - 5 -


Urban+Rural 28,574 5,235 1,213 20,337 1,146 343 95 - 190 10 5 -

Urban 2,952 2,159 - 293 317 168 10 - - - 5 -
Rural 25,622 3,076 1,213 20,044 829 175 85 - 190 10 - -

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks

Urban+Rural 29,805 4,546 1,482 23,107 354 195 34 - 46 - - 41

Urban 2,375 1,898 - 88 170 185 34 - - - - -
Rural 27,430 2,648 1,482 23,019 184 10 - - 46 - - 41


Urban+Rural 13,550 8,310 - 622 1,269 3,120 163 36 20 - 5 5

Urban 13,550 8,310 - 622 1,269 3,120 163 36 20 - 5 5
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 4,905 2,330 27 840 532 846 197 11 16 - 106 -

Urban 4,905 2,330 27 840 532 846 197 11 16 - 106 -
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 269,877 17,107 4,541 225,348 16,933 3,860 365 123 942 58 276 324
Urban 51,126 5,194 91 27,780 13,655 3,639 339 107 154 5 106 56
Rural 218,751 11,913 4,450 197,568 3,278 221 26 16 788 53 170 268


Urban+Rural 22,530 1,527 736 17,359 904 1,674 168 10 105 5 10 32

Urban 2,385 228 5 132 305 1,553 147 5 - - 10 -
Rural 20,145 1,299 731 17,227 599 121 21 5 105 5 - 32


Urban+Rural 37,482 2,750 353 31,776 2,200 70 15 - 276 32 - 10

Urban 6,604 1,230 5 3,562 1,709 44 10 - 39 - - 5
Rural 30,878 1,520 348 28,214 491 26 5 - 237 32 - 5


Urban+Rural 31,090 1,378 458 28,567 515 10 10 - 127 5 5 15

Urban 4,606 77 19 4,136 316 5 10 - 33 - 5 5
Rural 26,484 1,301 439 24,431 199 5 - - 94 5 - 10


Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks

Urban+Rural 19,524 691 335 17,744 393 32 - 5 154 - 170 -

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,524 691 335 17,744 393 32 - 5 154 - 170 -


Urban+Rural 14,203 245 84 13,660 198 - - - 16 - - -

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,203 245 84 13,660 198 - - - 16 - - -


Urban+Rural 21,545 559 262 20,094 585 25 5 - 10 - - 5

Urban 3,142 56 - 2,644 412 25 5 - - - - -
Rural 18,403 503 262 17,450 173 - - - 10 - - 5


Urban+Rural 22,477 892 1,136 19,920 457 10 - - 36 10 - 16

Urban 646 - - 443 203 - - - - - - -
Rural 21,831 892 1,136 19,477 254 10 - - 36 10 - 16


Urban+Rural 28,028 2,541 158 24,837 406 10 - - 66 - - 10

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,028 2,541 158 24,837 406 10 - - 66 - - 10


Urban+Rural 24,591 3,908 845 19,477 154 138 5 5 59 - - -

Urban 2,170 1,942 - 53 21 133 5 - 16 - - -
Rural 22,421 1,966 845 19,424 133 5 - 5 43 - - -


Urban+Rural 18,768 956 134 16,360 1,026 56 15 - 31 - - 190

Urban 1,936 - 21 1,255 594 46 15 - 5 - - -
Rural 16,832 956 113 15,105 432 10 - - 26 - - 190


Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks
Urban+Rural 4,684 175 5 2,746 1,573 165 10 - 10 - - -
Urban 4,684 175 5 2,746 1,573 165 10 - 10 - - -
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 12,113 440 5 5,979 4,628 784 91 40 20 5 81 40

Urban 12,113 440 5 5,979 4,628 784 91 40 20 5 81 40
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 12,838 1,046 31 6,830 3,895 883 46 61 31 - 10 5

Urban 12,838 1,046 31 6,830 3,895 883 46 61 31 - 10 5
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,485 10,105 854 135,658 14,429 2,664 276 223 982 5 1,216 73
Urban 41,258 3,619 51 21,591 11,534 2,539 243 213 340 - 1,092 36
Rural 125,227 6,486 803 114,067 2,895 125 33 10 642 5 124 37


Urban+Rural 17,673 508 78 14,637 1,756 275 52 - 340 - 11 16

Urban 2,601 - 5 1,390 847 208 35 - 106 - - 10
Rural 15,072 508 73 13,247 909 67 17 - 234 - 11 6


Urban+Rural 5,165 375 98 3,933 156 360 57 - 176 - - 10

Urban 661 10 5 94 52 344 57 - 94 - - 5
Rural 4,504 365 93 3,839 104 16 - - 82 - - 5


Urban+Rural 29,256 977 105 26,131 1,888 36 5 - 104 - 5 5

Urban 5,211 10 - 3,847 1,329 15 - - 10 - - -
Rural 24,045 967 105 22,284 559 21 5 - 94 - 5 5


Urban+Rural 18,854 816 43 17,153 649 21 11 - 64 - 97 -

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks
Urban 1,150 - - 743 397 10 - - - - - -
Rural 17,704 816 43 16,410 252 11 11 - 64 - 97 -


Urban+Rural 24,106 863 26 21,886 1,188 30 - - 93 5 10 5

Urban 2,169 20 - 1,294 795 30 - - 30 - - -
Rural 21,937 843 26 20,592 393 - - - 63 5 10 5


Urban+Rural 20,931 1,063 199 18,985 607 46 - 5 26 - - -

Urban 1,389 216 5 813 309 46 - - - - - -
Rural 19,542 847 194 18,172 298 - - 5 26 - - -


Urban+Rural 25,533 2,394 271 21,768 929 72 - 5 78 - - 16

Urban 3,111 255 - 2,245 549 62 - - - - - -
Rural 22,422 2,139 271 19,523 380 10 - 5 78 - - 16


Urban+Rural 15,972 112 5 9,664 4,443 293 53 208 91 - 1,087 16

Urban 15,972 112 5 9,664 4,443 293 53 208 91 - 1,087 16
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 8,993 2,996 31 1,501 2,812 1,531 97 5 10 - 5 5

Urban 8,993 2,996 31 1,501 2,812 1,531 97 5 10 - 5 5
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 226,121 96,576 6,979 118,719 2,006 840 104 15 536 129 - 217
Urban 34,886 28,125 286 4,361 983 746 94 10 209 5 - 67
Rural 191,235 68,451 6,693 114,358 1,023 94 10 5 327 124 - 150


Urban+Rural 25,838 1,454 505 23,387 413 10 - - 37 16 - 16

Urban 2,498 56 101 2,037 278 5 - - 21 - - -

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks
Rural 23,340 1,398 404 21,350 135 5 - - 16 16 - 16


Urban+Rural 23,858 2,181 348 20,912 327 16 5 - 58 - - 11

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,858 2,181 348 20,912 327 16 5 - 58 - - 11


Urban+Rural 33,129 11,604 465 20,254 647 96 38 - 10 10 - 5

Urban 3,052 771 5 1,751 401 86 38 - - - - -
Rural 30,077 10,833 460 18,503 246 10 - - 10 10 - 5


Urban+Rural 23,950 6,266 720 16,717 124 10 5 - 93 - - 15

Urban 2,075 1,689 10 351 5 10 5 - - - - 5
Rural 21,875 4,577 710 16,366 119 - - - 93 - - 10


Urban+Rural 18,371 5,637 596 12,050 73 10 - - 5 - - -

Urban 882 877 - - - 5 - - - - - -
Rural 17,489 4,760 596 12,050 73 5 - - 5 - - -


Urban+Rural 31,468 28,883 2,048 123 41 192 10 5 78 47 - 41

Urban 4,443 4,202 5 30 25 161 10 - - - - 10
Rural 27,025 24,681 2,043 93 16 31 - 5 78 47 - 31


Urban+Rural 20,106 14,898 1,415 3,589 10 25 5 - 36 51 - 77

Urban 1,252 1,196 36 - - 10 - - 5 - - 5
Rural 18,854 13,702 1,379 3,589 10 15 5 - 31 51 - 72


Urban+Rural 28,716 6,319 752 21,495 99 10 - - 36 - - 5

Urban - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,716 6,319 752 21,495 99 10 - - 36 - - 5

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks


Urban+Rural 7,101 6,597 20 102 122 209 20 - 31 - - -

Urban 7,101 6,597 20 102 122 209 20 - 31 - - -
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 4,731 4,408 21 69 42 69 5 - 106 - - 11

Urban 4,731 4,408 21 69 42 69 5 - 106 - - 11
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 8,847 8,329 87 21 108 190 15 10 46 5 - 36

Urban 8,847 8,329 87 21 108 190 15 10 46 5 - 36
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 79,350 35,970 10,527 24,911 631 1,676 1,091 448 3,557 115 324 100
Urban 18,487 11,102 1,464 1,359 468 678 129 422 2,559 89 207 10
Rural 60,863 24,868 9,063 23,552 163 998 962 26 998 26 117 90


Urban+Rural 22,258 11,970 3,637 3,787 78 90 5 26 2,593 15 31 26

Urban 7,526 4,622 981 10 16 69 5 10 1,808 5 - -
Rural 14,732 7,348 2,656 3,777 62 21 - 16 785 10 31 26


Urban+Rural 29,336 11,656 2,970 14,086 354 32 5 5 180 - - 48

Urban 2,643 1,002 39 1,312 290 - - - - - - -
Rural 26,693 10,654 2,931 12,774 64 32 5 5 180 - - 48


Urban+Rural 21,785 8,698 3,640 7,006 71 1,055 1,033 60 71 43 92 16

Urban 2,348 1,832 164 6 33 109 77 55 39 27 6 -
Rural 19,437 6,866 3,476 7,000 38 946 956 5 32 16 86 16

Table 8.2 Housing Units by Construction Material of Wall: 2007
Construction Material of Wall
All Wood Wood and Stone Plastered Unplastered
Urban-Rural Housing and Thatch/ Stone and Hollow Hollow Corrugated Reed/ Mud Others
Residence Units Mud Wood only and Mud Cement Blocks Blocks Bricks Iron Bamboo Bricks

Urban+Rural 5,970 3,647 279 31 129 501 46 356 713 57 201 10

Urban 5,970 3,647 279 31 129 501 46 356 713 57 201 10
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,710 9,190 197 21,748 15,077 7,219 613 68 478 16 31 73

Urban 54,710 9,190 197 21,748 15,077 7,219 613 68 478 16 31 73
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 23,729 4,160 63 9,891 5,846 3,163 298 42 214 5 21 26

Urban 23,729 4,160 63 9,891 5,846 3,163 298 42 214 5 21 26
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 30,982 5,030 135 11,857 9,231 4,056 316 26 264 10 10 47

Urban 30,982 5,030 135 11,857 9,231 4,056 316 26 264 10 10 47
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -

Table 8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007
Construction Material of Roof
Urban-Rural Housing Corrugated Concrete/ Wood and Bamboo/ Plastic/
Residence Units Iron sheet Cement Thatch Mud Reed Shera Asbestos Others

Urban+Rural 957,685 391,688 5,917 220,815 330,439 3,235 1,805 282 3,504
Urban 231,827 209,564 4,073 11,067 6,137 239 258 78 411
Rural 725,858 182,124 1,844 209,748 324,302 2,996 1,547 204 3,093


Urban+Rural 161,141 67,514 2,259 23,768 66,366 301 545 15 373
Urban 31,359 28,650 1,939 158 519 10 37 15 31
Rural 129,782 38,864 320 23,610 65,847 291 508 - 342

Urban+Rural 19,141 4,944 11 1,032 12,844 16 279 - 15
Urban 1,953 1,816 - - 122 5 - - 10
Rural 17,188 3,128 11 1,032 12,722 11 279 - 5

Urban+Rural 24,407 5,805 - 599 17,929 26 37 - 11
Urban 2,479 2,459 - 5 15 - - - -
Rural 21,928 3,346 - 594 17,914 26 37 - 11

Urban+Rural 26,917 11,208 96 6,001 9,432 85 - - 95
Urban 3,146 2,940 16 5 180 - - - 5
Rural 23,771 8,268 80 5,996 9,252 85 - - 90

Urban+Rural 13,842 8,127 38 2,450 2,973 113 22 - 119
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,842 8,127 38 2,450 2,973 113 22 - 119

Urban+Rural 28,576 14,165 139 6,167 7,865 45 155 5 35
Urban 2,953 2,909 34 5 - - - 5 -
Rural 25,623 11,256 105 6,162 7,865 45 155 - 35

Urban+Rural 29,805 7,051 87 7,439 15,121 10 15 - 82
Urban 2,375 2,312 - 63 - - - - -
Rural 27,430 4,739 87 7,376 15,121 10 15 - 82

Urban+Rural 13,551 11,716 1,810 - 15 - 5 5 -
Urban 13,551 11,716 1,810 - 15 - 5 5 -
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,904 4,500 80 80 186 5 32 5 16
Urban 4,904 4,500 80 80 186 5 32 5 16
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,876 104,488 1,001 43,155 119,457 507 103 5 1,160
Urban 51,126 48,875 578 276 1,188 53 35 5 116
Rural 218,750 55,613 423 42,879 118,269 454 68 - 1,044

Urban+Rural 22,532 5,921 5 1,209 14,976 11 5 - 405
Urban 2,386 2,366 - 10 5 - - - 5
Rural 20,146 3,555 5 1,199 14,971 11 5 - 400

Urban+Rural 37,484 16,070 87 7,572 13,635 26 5 - 89
Urban 6,605 6,398 34 5 158 5 - - 5
Rural 30,879 9,672 53 7,567 13,477 21 5 - 84

Urban+Rural 31,089 7,675 41 3,018 20,090 80 10 - 175
Urban 4,605 3,980 10 24 472 33 5 - 81
Rural 26,484 3,695 31 2,994 19,618 47 5 - 94


Table 8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007
Construction Material of Roof
Urban-Rural Housing Corrugated Concrete/ Wood and Bamboo/ Plastic/
Residence Units Iron sheet Cement Thatch Mud Reed Shera Asbestos Others
Urban+Rural 19,525 9,393 37 2,573 7,453 37 - - 32
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,525 9,393 37 2,573 7,453 37 - - 32

Urban+Rural 14,204 8,148 16 1,477 4,479 47 - - 37
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,204 8,148 16 1,477 4,479 47 - - 37

Urban+Rural 21,544 13,997 31 4,732 2,507 178 5 - 94
Urban 3,142 3,107 5 15 15 - - - -
Rural 18,402 10,890 26 4,717 2,492 178 5 - 94

Urban+Rural 22,478 3,339 150 12,488 6,350 21 - - 130
Urban 646 646 - - - - - - -
Rural 21,832 2,693 150 12,488 6,350 21 - - 130

Urban+Rural 28,029 1,926 41 2,083 23,806 61 - - 112
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,029 1,926 41 2,083 23,806 61 - - 112

Urban+Rural 24,591 6,214 74 6,939 11,316 21 16 - 11
Urban 2,171 2,139 16 11 5 - - - -
Rural 22,420 4,075 58 6,928 11,311 21 16 - 11

Urban+Rural 18,768 3,173 5 1,029 14,469 10 31 - 51
Urban 1,937 1,606 - 176 155 - - - -
Rural 16,831 1,567 5 853 14,314 10 31 - 51

Urban+Rural 4,684 4,434 15 5 215 5 - - 10
Urban 4,684 4,434 15 5 215 5 - - 10
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,114 11,735 182 15 137 10 25 - 10
Urban 12,114 11,735 182 15 137 10 25 - 10
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,837 12,465 316 15 26 - 5 5 5
Urban 12,837 12,465 316 15 26 - 5 5 5
Rural - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,486 62,911 374 3,902 98,257 63 52 210 717
Urban 41,258 37,848 310 62 2,790 26 41 11 170
Rural 125,228 25,063 64 3,840 95,467 37 11 199 547

Urban+Rural 17,673 8,629 11 73 8,828 6 26 - 100
Urban 2,601 2,566 5 - 10 - 20 - -
Rural 15,072 6,063 6 73 8,818 6 6 - 100

Urban+Rural 5,164 1,726 10 16 3,390 - - - 22
Urban 661 625 10 - 26 - - - -
Rural 4,503 1,101 - 16 3,364 - - - 22

Urban+Rural 29,256 7,593 25 287 21,023 15 5 - 308
Urban 5,211 4,362 15 10 799 15 5 - 5
Rural 24,045 3,231 10 277 20,224 - - - 303

Urban+Rural 18,855 6,057 37 1,289 11,413 - - - 59
Urban 1,150 1,115 5 - 30 - - - -

Table 8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007
Construction Material of Roof
Urban-Rural Housing Corrugated Concrete/ Wood and Bamboo/ Plastic/
Residence Units Iron sheet Cement Thatch Mud Reed Shera Asbestos Others
Rural 17,705 4,942 32 1,289 11,383 - - - 59

Urban+Rural 24,104 4,804 15 152 19,102 5 - - 26
Urban 2,168 1,857 5 - 306 - - - -
Rural 21,936 2,947 10 152 18,796 5 - - 26

Urban+Rural 20,932 5,951 10 1,642 13,088 16 5 199 21
Urban 1,389 1,348 5 5 31 - - - -
Rural 19,543 4,603 5 1,637 13,057 16 5 199 21

Urban+Rural 25,534 4,866 5 396 20,225 10 16 - 16
Urban 3,111 2,690 5 - 400 - 16 - -
Rural 22,423 2,176 - 396 19,825 10 - - 16

Urban+Rural 15,972 14,379 224 5 1,177 11 - 11 165
Urban 15,972 14,379 224 5 1,177 11 - 11 165
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,993 8,906 36 41 10 - - - -
Urban 8,993 8,906 36 41 10 - - - -
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,119 70,468 824 107,990 43,644 1,811 315 15 1,052
Urban 34,884 29,900 103 3,937 770 51 72 10 41
Rural 191,235 40,568 721 104,053 42,874 1,760 243 5 1,011

Urban+Rural 25,837 3,844 16 7,937 13,523 93 10 - 414
Urban 2,498 2,057 - 209 201 - - - 31
Rural 23,339 1,787 16 7,728 13,322 93 10 - 383

Urban+Rural 23,855 7,769 58 2,760 13,032 105 26 - 105
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,855 7,769 58 2,760 13,032 105 26 - 105

Urban+Rural 33,130 10,658 68 8,924 13,051 387 5 - 37
Urban 3,052 2,518 10 57 467 - - - -
Rural 30,078 8,140 58 8,867 12,584 387 5 - 37

Urban+Rural 23,951 9,868 78 12,980 932 57 5 - 31
Urban 2,075 1,802 5 222 46 - - - -
Rural 21,876 8,066 73 12,758 886 57 5 - 31

Urban+Rural 18,371 5,805 67 12,224 244 31 - - -
Urban 882 786 - 91 5 - - - -
Rural 17,489 5,019 67 12,133 239 31 - - -

Urban+Rural 31,469 8,699 213 20,380 1,400 394 119 5 259
Urban 4,444 4,296 - 133 15 - - - -
Rural 27,025 4,403 213 20,247 1,385 394 119 5 259

Urban+Rural 20,107 2,305 133 16,269 482 687 67 - 164
Urban 1,252 772 10 445 - 20 5 - -
Rural 18,855 1,533 123 15,824 482 667 62 - 164

Urban+Rural 28,717 3,850 114 23,736 944 26 16 - 31
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,717 3,850 114 23,736 944 26 16 - 31

Table 8.3 Housing Units by Construction Material of Roof: 2007
Construction Material of Roof
Urban-Rural Housing Corrugated Concrete/ Wood and Bamboo/ Plastic/
Residence Units Iron sheet Cement Thatch Mud Reed Shera Asbestos Others
Urban+Rural 7,100 6,994 5 66 25 - - 10 -
Urban 7,100 6,994 5 66 25 - - 10 -
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,732 4,589 21 117 5 - - - -
Urban 4,732 4,589 21 117 5 - - - -
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,847 6,085 51 2,598 5 31 67 - 10
Urban 8,847 6,085 51 2,598 5 31 67 - 10
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,350 33,349 533 41,859 2,159 542 759 - 149
Urban 18,488 11,333 217 6,494 314 88 42 - -
Rural 60,862 22,016 316 35,365 1,845 454 717 - 149

Urban+Rural 22,260 10,342 140 10,560 666 82 470 - -
Urban 7,528 2,700 16 4,519 247 46 - - -
Rural 14,732 7,642 124 6,041 419 36 470 - -

Urban+Rural 29,337 11,288 127 16,760 986 64 11 - 101
Urban 2,643 2,378 - 265 - - - - -
Rural 26,694 8,910 127 16,495 986 64 11 - 101

Urban+Rural 21,785 7,556 85 13,031 452 361 252 - 48
Urban 2,347 2,092 21 201 11 6 16 - -
Rural 19,438 5,464 64 12,830 441 355 236 - 48

Urban+Rural 5,971 4,163 181 1,508 57 36 26 - -
Urban 5,971 4,163 181 1,508 57 36 26 - -
Rural - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,708 52,958 926 140 555 10 31 36 52
Urban 54,708 52,958 926 140 555 10 31 36 52
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,729 23,043 465 37 110 5 16 16 37
Urban 23,729 23,043 465 37 110 5 16 16 37
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,983 29,915 461 104 445 5 16 21 16
Urban 30,983 29,915 461 104 445 5 16 21 16
Rural - - - - - - - - -

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 190,983 8,023 916 - 2,185 267 4,846 11,908 12,698

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,359 24,858 1,475 15 - 102 10 2,121 2,348 430

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,561 209 - - 5 - 10 163 5

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,561 209 - - 5 - 10 163 5

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,246 76 - - - - - 157 -

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,246 76 - - - - - 157 -

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 2,784 58 - - 11 - 21 204 68

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 1,859 53 - - 11 - 21 164 58

ZANA-TOWN 980 925 5 - - - - - 40 10

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 2,514 63 10 - 5 - 38 308 14

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 2,514 63 10 - 5 - 38 308 14

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 2,078 63 - - 5 - 5 200 24

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 2,078 63 - - 5 - 5 200 24

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,550 9,228 938 - - 71 10 1,988 1,030 285

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,550 9,228 938 - - 71 10 1,988 1,030 285

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 4,447 69 5 - 5 - 59 287 32

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 4,447 69 5 - 5 - 59 287 32

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 43,635 2,129 314 - 534 75 946 1,572 1,922

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 2,356 10 - - - - - 15 5

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 2,356 10 - - - - - 15 5

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 5,945 29 5 - 68 14 125 182 236

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,645 1,532 9 - - - - 61 19 24

INTICHO-TOWN 3,062 2,605 19 5 - 63 14 43 106 207

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 617 - - - 5 - 5 31 -

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 1,190 - - - - - 15 26 5

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,606 4,337 72 14 - - 10 10 144 19

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 885 57 - - - - 5 24 -

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,523 2,379 14 14 - - 10 5 87 14

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 1,072 - - - - - - 33 5

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 2,914 71 56 - - - 5 86 10

CHILA-TOWN 884 874 - - - - - 5 5 -

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 2,040 71 56 - - - - 81 10

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 598 16 - - - - - 27 5

SEMEMA TOWN 646 598 16 - - - - - 27 5

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,170 1,942 48 - - 5 - 16 154 5

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,170 1,942 48 - - 5 - 16 154 5

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,890 10 5 - 5 - - - 26

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,890 10 5 - 5 - - - 26

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 4,275 45 15 - 55 10 130 90 65

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 4,275 45 15 - 55 10 130 90 65

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,115 9,307 996 81 - 228 20 324 405 754

ADWA-TOWN 12,115 9,307 996 81 - 228 20 324 405 754

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 10,071 832 138 - 174 20 337 470 796

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 10,071 832 138 - 174 20 337 470 796

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,260 37,054 778 52 - 266 32 407 926 1,745

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,601 2,348 35 - - 36 - - 35 147

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,560 20 - - 36 - - 5 132

FATSI-TOWN 848 788 15 - - - - - 30 15

EROB-WEREDA 660 635 5 5 - - - 5 - 10

DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 635 5 5 - - - 5 - 10

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 4,794 41 26 - 15 - 20 214 102

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,327 3,146 20 - - 10 - 20 91 40

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,883 1,648 20 26 - 5 - - 123 61

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 1,125 10 5 - - - 5 5 -

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 1,125 10 5 - - - 5 5 -

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 2,089 35 - - 10 - - 35 -

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 2,089 35 - - 10 - - 35 -

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,390 1,302 26 5 - - 5 - 26 26

AGULA-TOWN 1,390 1,302 26 5 - - 5 - 26 26

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 2,911 47 - - - - - 132 21

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 2,083 47 - - - - - 132 21

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 828 - - - - - - - -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 13,612 410 11 - 160 21 330 357 1,071

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 13,612 410 11 - 160 21 330 357 1,071

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,992 8,238 168 - - 46 5 46 122 367

WUKRO-TOWN 8,992 8,238 168 - - 46 5 46 122 367

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 26,477 1,920 313 - 238 25 51 4,953 907

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,390 26 10 - 10 - - 21 41

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 1,088 5 10 - - - - 5 10

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,302 21 - - 10 - - 16 31

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 2,776 76 43 - - - 10 86 61

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,062 1,812 72 43 - - - 10 77 48

HIWANE-TOWN 992 964 5 - - - - - 9 14

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 1,611 77 - - 5 - 5 367 10

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 1,611 77 - - 5 - 5 367 10

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 766 5 - - - - - 96 15

MESWAET-TOWN 882 766 5 - - - - - 96 15

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 3,528 230 116 - 15 10 - 384 161

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 2,992 166 116 - 15 10 - 358 156

CHERCHER-TOWN 632 536 64 - - - - - 27 5

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,083 31 - - 10 - - 123 5

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,083 31 - - 10 - - 123 5

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 5,238 550 15 - 36 - - 1,028 234

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 5,238 550 15 - 36 - - 1,028 234

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,733 2,693 170 5 - 80 - 16 1,684 85

KOREM-TOWN 4,733 2,693 170 5 - 80 - 16 1,684 85

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 6,393 755 123 - 82 15 21 1,166 293

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 6,393 755 123 - 82 15 21 1,166 293

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,490 16,444 380 83 - 21 16 171 1,148 227

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,528 7,023 167 16 - - 5 5 286 26

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,351 2,271 25 5 - - - - 35 15

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,741 25 - - - - - 65 -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,011 116 11 - - 5 5 185 11

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,642 2,507 15 - - 5 10 - 85 20

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,232 1,203 5 - - - - - 24 -

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,411 1,305 10 - - 5 10 - 61 20

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 1,908 44 - - - - 21 364 10

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 570 324 5 - - - - 10 226 5

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,585 39 - - - - 11 138 6

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,970 5,005 155 67 - 15 - 145 413 170

Table 8.4 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Ceiling: 2007
Construction Material of Ceiling
All Parquet or Polythene
Geographical Housing Has no Bamboo/ Chip Wood/ Polished Wood Concrete/ Sheet/
Area Units Ceiling Fabrics Reed Hard Wood Wood Planks Cement "Madaberia" Others

HUMERA-TOWN 5,970 5,005 155 67 - 15 - 145 413 170

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,708 42,515 1,341 140 - 1,023 109 1,149 962 7,469

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,728 18,231 642 42 - 355 47 569 517 3,325

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,728 18,231 642 42 - 355 47 569 517 3,325

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,980 24,284 699 98 - 668 62 580 445 4,144

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,980 24,284 699 98 - 668 62 580 445 4,144

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 149,078 149 289 - 70,907 823 6,752 2,363 1,465

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,362 21,287 5 16 - 9,170 41 670 128 45

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,333 - - - 585 - 25 - 10

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,333 - - - 585 - 25 - 10

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 1,695 - - - 769 5 - - 10

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 1,695 - - - 769 5 - - 10

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,147 2,276 5 5 - 797 11 48 - 5

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 1,456 - 5 - 646 11 48 - -

ZANA-TOWN 980 819 5 - - 151 - - - 5

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 2,428 - - - 495 5 14 - 10

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 2,428 - - - 495 5 14 - 10

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 1,991 - - - 380 5 - - -

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 1,991 - - - 380 5 - - -

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,550 8,310 - 5 - 4,527 15 561 122 10

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,550 8,310 - 5 - 4,527 15 561 122 10

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,903 3,255 - 5 - 1,617 - 21 5 -

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,903 3,255 - 5 - 1,617 - 21 5 -

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 31,210 30 55 - 18,197 71 1,194 223 147

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 939 - - - 1,432 - 5 5 5

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 939 - - - 1,432 - 5 5 5

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 4,333 14 5 - 2,170 - 48 19 15

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 884 - - - 733 - 24 - 5

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 1,970 14 5 - 1,031 - 19 19 5

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 477 - - - 176 - - - 5

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 1,001 - - - 230 - 5 - -

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,606 4,140 - - - 451 5 10 - -

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 895 - - - 76 - - - -

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 2,210 - - - 304 5 5 - -

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 1,034 - - - 71 - 5 - -

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 2,594 - - - 513 - 20 - 15

CHILA-TOWN 885 751 - - - 119 - 10 - 5

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,843 - - - 395 - 10 - 10

NADER ADET-WEREDA 645 85 - - - 555 - - - 5

SEMEMA TOWN 645 85 - - - 555 - - - 5

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,170 1,873 - - - 271 5 11 5 5

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,170 1,873 - - - 271 5 11 5 5

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,301 - - - 625 - 10 - -

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,301 - - - 625 - 10 - -

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 2,936 - - - 1,598 5 110 5 30

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 2,936 - - - 1,598 5 110 5 30

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 6,358 10 40 - 5,018 46 546 61 35

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 6,358 10 40 - 5,018 46 546 61 35

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 6,651 5 10 - 5,564 10 434 128 36

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 6,651 5 10 - 5,564 10 434 128 36

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 23,494 16 15 - 16,401 115 920 157 140

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 775 5 - - 1,807 - 15 - -

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 340 5 - - 1,397 - 10 - -

FATSI-TOWN 849 435 - - - 409 - 5 - -

EROB-WEREDA 661 203 5 5 - 427 - 5 - 16

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 203 5 5 - 427 - 5 - 16

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 3,541 - 10 - 1,574 26 51 10 -

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,327 2,205 - - - 1,087 5 30 - -

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,882 1,336 - 10 - 486 20 20 10 -

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 593 - - - 542 - 5 - 10

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 593 - - - 542 - 5 - 10

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 1,324 - - - 835 5 - - 5

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 1,324 - - - 835 5 - - 5

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,388 941 - - - 406 5 26 - 10

AGULA-TOWN 1,388 941 - - - 406 5 26 - 10

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 2,485 - - - 553 5 68 - -

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 1,783 - - - 442 5 53 - -

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 702 - - - 111 - 15 - -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,971 9,110 5 - - 6,036 69 602 101 48

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,971 9,110 5 - - 6,036 69 602 101 48

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 4,522 - - - 4,221 5 148 46 51

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 4,522 - - - 4,221 5 148 46 51

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,886 28,869 36 62 - 5,018 102 702 56 41

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,271 - 20 - 166 5 21 - 15

GIJET-TOWN 1,117 1,062 - 20 - 20 5 - - 10

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,208 - - - 146 - 21 - 5

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,053 2,427 - - - 555 5 56 5 5

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,062 1,553 - - - 465 5 29 5 5

HIWANE-TOWN 991 874 - - - 90 - 27 - -

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 1,689 5 - - 279 - 103 - -

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 1,689 5 - - 279 - 103 - -

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 852 - 5 - 20 - 5 - -

MESWAET-TOWN 882 852 - 5 - 20 - 5 - -

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 3,980 5 5 - 424 5 25 - -

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 3,365 5 5 - 413 5 20 - -

CHERCHER-TOWN 631 615 - - - 11 - 5 - -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,145 - 5 - 87 - 15 - -

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,145 - 5 - 87 - 15 - -

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 5,706 5 10 - 1,059 56 219 36 10

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 5,706 5 10 - 1,059 56 219 36 10

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,733 3,904 11 16 - 611 16 165 5 5

KOREM-TOWN 4,733 3,904 11 16 - 611 16 165 5 5

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,847 6,897 10 - - 1,818 15 92 10 5

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,847 6,897 10 - - 1,818 15 92 10 5

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,487 16,574 5 - - 1,625 31 237 15 -

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 7,375 5 - - 126 11 5 5 -

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 2,337 - - - 10 - - 5 -

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,821 - - - 10 - - - -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,217 5 - - 106 11 5 - -

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,642 2,373 - - - 254 5 10 - -

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,212 - - - 19 - - - -

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,411 1,161 - - - 235 5 10 - -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 1,929 - - - 403 10 5 - -

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 510 - - - 44 10 5 - -

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 1,419 - - - 359 - - - -

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 4,897 - - - 842 5 217 10 -

Table 8.5 Housing Units of Towns by Construction Material of Floor: 2007
Construction Material of Floor
All Parquet/ Cement Screed/ Cement Ceramic/
Geographical Housing Bamboo/ Wood Polished Cement Screed Plastic Tiles/ Marble
Area Units Mud Reed Planks Wood Not Applid Tiles Brick Tiles Tiles Others

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 4,897 - - - 842 5 217 10 -

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 27,645 57 140 - 20,497 463 3,030 1,784 1,093

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,726 12,229 16 78 - 8,205 318 1,341 913 626

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,726 12,229 16 78 - 8,205 318 1,341 913 626

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,981 15,416 41 62 - 12,292 145 1,689 870 466

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,981 15,416 41 62 - 12,292 145 1,689 870 466

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit

Urban+Rural 957,686 460,517 272,536 148,931 50,768 14,568 4,874 1,742 3,750 1,816,882 1.9
Urban 231,826 145,674 43,525 20,067 10,291 5,377 2,913 1,296 2,683 416,524 1.8
Rural 725,860 314,843 229,011 128,864 40,477 9,191 1,961 446 1,067 1,400,358 1.9


Urban+Rural 161,142 73,788 49,955 26,840 7,783 1,782 473 178 343 303,866 1.9
Urban 31,360 21,182 5,885 2,284 956 479 260 137 177 50,550 1.6
Rural 129,782 52,606 44,070 24,556 6,827 1,303 213 41 166 253,316 2.0

Urban+Rural 19,141 10,777 6,033 1,796 410 84 5 20 16 30,625 1.6
Urban 1,953 1,388 331 92 71 46 - 20 5 3,021 1.5
Rural 17,188 9,389 5,702 1,704 339 38 5 - 11 27,604 1.6

Urban+Rural 24,408 10,540 8,232 4,287 1,082 188 42 5 32 46,029 1.9
Urban 2,479 1,882 420 137 10 20 10 - - 3,334 1.3
Rural 21,929 8,658 7,812 4,150 1,072 168 32 5 32 42,695 1.9

Urban+Rural 26,917 8,748 7,604 7,088 2,702 649 95 10 21 60,423 2.2
Urban 3,146 2,167 634 166 106 42 21 5 5 4,781 1.5
Rural 23,771 6,581 6,970 6,922 2,596 607 74 5 16 55,642 2.3

Urban+Rural 13,843 4,382 4,922 3,438 858 189 16 11 27 29,751 2.1
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,843 4,382 4,922 3,438 858 189 16 11 27 29,751 2.1

Urban+Rural 28,574 12,850 9,415 4,745 1,157 233 80 20 74 53,796 1.9
Urban 2,951 2,014 611 216 43 38 10 5 14 4,539 1.5
Rural 25,623 10,836 8,804 4,529 1,114 195 70 15 60 49,257 1.9

Urban+Rural 29,805 14,482 10,284 3,959 893 117 30 10 30 51,833 1.7
Urban 2,376 1,723 423 146 44 10 15 5 10 3,465 1.5
Rural 27,429 12,759 9,861 3,813 849 107 15 5 20 48,368 1.8


Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Urban+Rural 13,552 8,172 2,733 1,331 591 296 189 97 143 24,889 1.8
Urban 13,552 8,172 2,733 1,331 591 296 189 97 143 24,889 1.8
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,904 3,835 734 197 90 27 16 5 - 6,521 1.3
Urban 4,904 3,835 734 197 90 27 16 5 - 6,521 1.3
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,878 85,880 77,879 67,618 27,293 7,628 1,983 664 933 620,759 2.3
Urban 51,127 30,788 10,224 4,894 2,380 1,288 680 317 556 93,796 1.8
Rural 218,751 55,092 67,655 62,724 24,913 6,340 1,303 347 377 526,963 2.4

Urban+Rural 22,531 6,720 7,220 5,679 2,195 487 136 42 52 51,157 2.3
Urban 2,385 1,614 447 147 71 66 15 10 15 3,889 1.6
Rural 20,146 5,106 6,773 5,532 2,124 421 121 32 37 47,268 2.3

Urban+Rural 37,484 12,775 11,523 8,379 3,131 1,083 364 87 142 83,641 2.2
Urban 6,605 4,047 1,413 538 292 170 53 29 63 11,694 1.8
Rural 30,879 8,728 10,110 7,841 2,839 913 311 58 79 71,947 2.3

Urban+Rural 31,091 9,092 8,348 8,291 3,754 1,130 301 118 57 75,159 2.4
Urban 4,606 3,323 765 321 96 43 29 24 5 6,793 1.5
Rural 26,485 5,769 7,583 7,970 3,658 1,087 272 94 52 68,366 2.6

Urban+Rural 19,526 3,344 4,646 6,422 3,742 978 229 96 69 54,721 2.8
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,526 3,344 4,646 6,422 3,742 978 229 96 69 54,721 2.8

Urban+Rural 14,204 3,116 4,390 4,933 1,415 287 37 - 26 34,618 2.4
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,204 3,116 4,390 4,933 1,415 287 37 - 26 34,618 2.4

Urban+Rural 21,543 6,187 5,765 5,772 2,682 961 135 15 26 51,846 2.4
Urban 3,141 1,957 786 217 106 40 25 5 5 5,045 1.6

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Rural 18,402 4,230 4,979 5,555 2,576 921 110 10 21 46,801 2.5

Urban+Rural 22,477 5,940 6,917 6,974 2,298 280 26 5 37 52,743 2.3
Urban 646 534 69 27 5 - - - 11 934 1.4
Rural 21,831 5,406 6,848 6,947 2,293 280 26 5 26 51,809 2.4

Urban+Rural 28,028 6,961 9,517 7,906 2,876 630 61 36 41 65,680 2.3
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,028 6,961 9,517 7,906 2,876 630 61 36 41 65,680 2.3

Urban+Rural 24,591 7,605 8,151 5,897 2,242 510 117 32 37 54,425 2.2
Urban 2,171 1,107 644 255 85 21 27 16 16 4,060 1.9
Rural 22,420 6,498 7,507 5,642 2,157 489 90 16 21 50,365 2.2

Urban+Rural 18,767 7,359 5,689 4,060 1,254 344 56 - 5 38,031 2.0
Urban 1,936 1,425 387 83 21 10 10 - - 2,643 1.4
Rural 16,831 5,934 5,302 3,977 1,233 334 46 - 5 35,388 2.1

Urban+Rural 4,684 3,091 724 419 165 135 80 30 40 8,190 1.7
Urban 4,684 3,091 724 419 165 135 80 30 40 8,190 1.7
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,114 6,581 2,059 1,421 845 470 293 157 288 26,413 2.2
Urban 12,114 6,581 2,059 1,421 845 470 293 157 288 26,413 2.2
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,838 7,111 2,930 1,465 694 332 148 46 112 24,134 1.9
Urban 12,838 7,111 2,930 1,465 694 332 148 46 112 24,134 1.9
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,485 77,637 53,897 23,843 7,101 2,128 858 293 728 311,784 1.9
Urban 41,258 24,759 8,144 3,616 2,095 1,212 559 261 612 78,039 1.9
Rural 125,227 52,878 45,753 20,227 5,006 916 299 32 116 233,745 1.9

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Urban+Rural 17,673 6,408 7,163 2,820 882 248 80 25 47 35,192 2.0
Urban 2,602 1,003 843 299 213 142 41 25 36 6,037 2.3
Rural 15,071 5,405 6,320 2,521 669 106 39 - 11 29,155 1.9

Urban+Rural 5,164 2,692 1,831 463 136 16 16 5 5 8,555 1.7
Urban 660 614 26 - 5 5 5 - 5 796 1.2
Rural 4,504 2,078 1,805 463 131 11 11 5 - 7,759 1.7

Urban+Rural 29,257 15,623 9,365 3,185 732 190 51 35 76 49,109 1.7
Urban 5,211 3,561 900 335 167 132 25 25 66 8,682 1.7
Rural 24,046 12,062 8,465 2,850 565 58 26 10 10 40,427 1.7

Urban+Rural 18,855 5,709 6,701 4,527 1,356 391 139 11 21 41,593 2.2
Urban 1,149 713 276 95 40 20 5 - - 1,843 1.6
Rural 17,706 4,996 6,425 4,432 1,316 371 134 11 21 39,750 2.2

Urban+Rural 24,106 9,191 8,738 4,805 1,077 218 41 10 26 47,228 2.0
Urban 2,170 1,324 410 262 119 30 15 5 5 3,768 1.7
Rural 21,936 7,867 8,328 4,543 958 188 26 5 21 43,460 2.0

Urban+Rural 20,931 9,337 7,466 3,121 805 135 31 - 36 38,281 1.8
Urban 1,389 926 273 108 57 15 5 - 5 2,171 1.6
Rural 19,542 8,411 7,193 3,013 748 120 26 - 31 36,110 1.8

Urban+Rural 25,531 14,097 7,958 2,556 749 88 41 5 37 41,938 1.6
Urban 3,110 2,038 739 151 130 26 5 5 16 4,854 1.6
Rural 22,421 12,059 7,219 2,405 619 62 36 - 21 37,084 1.7

Urban+Rural 15,972 9,323 2,850 1,508 884 586 320 149 352 32,647 2.0
Urban 15,972 9,323 2,850 1,508 884 586 320 149 352 32,647 2.0
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,993 5,257 1,827 857 480 255 138 51 128 17,241 1.9

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Urban 8,993 5,257 1,827 857 480 255 138 51 128 17,241 1.9
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,121 134,852 62,108 22,126 4,770 1,117 391 113 644 361,434 1.6
Urban 34,885 21,493 7,162 3,456 1,472 587 276 92 347 61,062 1.8
Rural 191,236 113,359 54,946 18,670 3,298 530 115 21 297 300,372 1.6

Urban+Rural 25,837 10,027 9,748 4,825 1,021 144 36 5 31 49,589 1.9
Urban 2,498 1,579 575 231 78 15 15 - 5 3,957 1.6
Rural 23,339 8,448 9,173 4,594 943 129 21 5 26 45,632 2.0

Urban+Rural 23,856 12,758 7,901 2,665 416 53 16 - 47 39,052 1.6
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,856 12,758 7,901 2,665 416 53 16 - 47 39,052 1.6

Urban+Rural 33,131 17,766 10,486 3,892 713 121 45 5 103 56,053 1.7
Urban 3,052 1,924 746 227 80 37 14 5 19 4,937 1.6
Rural 30,079 15,842 9,740 3,665 633 84 31 - 84 51,116 1.7

Urban+Rural 23,952 11,141 8,691 3,343 611 98 42 5 21 42,163 1.8
Urban 2,076 1,224 506 248 62 5 21 5 5 3,455 1.7
Rural 21,876 9,917 8,185 3,095 549 93 21 - 16 38,708 1.8

Urban+Rural 18,370 10,117 6,063 1,818 305 36 10 - 21 29,354 1.6
Urban 882 494 287 86 15 - - - - 1,386 1.6
Rural 17,488 9,623 5,776 1,732 290 36 10 - 21 27,968 1.6

Urban+Rural 31,468 25,199 4,894 858 323 82 36 20 56 40,228 1.3
Urban 4,443 2,525 1,227 365 209 56 31 10 20 7,649 1.7
Rural 27,025 22,674 3,667 493 114 26 5 10 36 32,579 1.2

Urban+Rural 20,106 17,509 2,270 272 20 10 10 - 15 23,274 1.2
Urban 1,252 813 332 87 5 5 10 - - 1,845 1.5
Rural 18,854 16,696 1,938 185 15 5 - - 15 21,429 1.1

Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit

Urban+Rural 28,716 17,401 8,566 2,241 337 104 10 5 52 43,887 1.5
Urban - - - - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,716 17,401 8,566 2,241 337 104 10 5 52 43,887 1.5

Urban+Rural 7,102 3,660 1,364 937 545 244 112 36 204 15,739 2.2
Urban 7,102 3,660 1,364 937 545 244 112 36 204 15,739 2.2
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,732 2,948 871 558 197 74 37 5 42 8,285 1.8
Urban 4,732 2,948 871 558 197 74 37 5 42 8,285 1.8
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,848 6,327 1,253 719 282 149 36 31 51 13,809 1.6
Urban 8,848 6,327 1,253 719 282 149 36 31 51 13,809 1.6
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,352 55,319 19,605 3,299 646 173 80 21 209 110,983 1.4
Urban 18,488 14,410 3,020 611 213 72 48 16 98 25,022 1.4
Rural 60,864 40,909 16,585 2,688 433 101 32 5 111 85,961 1.4

Urban+Rural 22,261 16,259 4,725 925 222 42 16 - 72 30,530 1.4
Urban 7,527 5,857 1,340 212 67 26 - - 25 9,825 1.3
Rural 14,734 10,402 3,385 713 155 16 16 - 47 20,705 1.4

Urban+Rural 29,336 18,197 9,454 1,423 152 53 10 5 42 42,865 1.5
Urban 2,643 2,121 406 71 25 5 5 - 10 3,419 1.3
Rural 26,693 16,076 9,048 1,352 127 48 5 5 32 39,446 1.5

Urban+Rural 21,785 16,168 4,524 745 203 48 28 6 63 29,422 1.4
Urban 2,347 1,737 371 122 53 10 17 6 31 3,612 1.5
Rural 19,438 14,431 4,153 623 150 38 11 - 32 25,810 1.3


Table 8.6 Housing Units by Number of Rooms and Average Number of Rooms Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Rooms
All Eight Total Number of
Urban-Rural Housing or Number Rooms Per
Residence Units One Two Three Four Five Six Seven More of Rooms Housing Unit
Urban+Rural 5,971 4,695 904 207 67 31 26 10 31 8,166 1.4
Urban 5,971 4,695 904 207 67 31 26 10 31 8,166 1.4
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,707 33,041 9,089 5,206 3,174 1,740 1,091 473 893 108,055 2.0
Urban 54,707 33,041 9,089 5,206 3,174 1,740 1,091 473 893 108,055 2.0
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,727 14,859 3,862 2,072 1,253 679 485 209 308 44,620 1.9
Urban 23,727 14,859 3,862 2,072 1,253 679 485 209 308 44,620 1.9
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,982 18,182 5,227 3,134 1,922 1,062 606 264 585 63,435 2.0
Urban 30,982 18,182 5,227 3,134 1,922 1,062 606 264 585 63,435 2.0
Rural - - - - - - - - - - -

Table 8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Urban-Rural Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Residence Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond

Urban+Rural 957,684 15,783 34,046 83,201 314,349 163,947 178,675 167,683
Urban 231,825 13,702 32,209 72,029 94,269 10,764 5,520 3,332
Rural 725,859 2,081 1,837 11,172 220,080 153,183 173,155 164,351


Urban+Rural 161,143 1,886 3,646 7,228 42,884 30,633 48,456 26,410
Urban 31,361 1,604 3,519 5,871 17,885 1,780 488 214
Rural 129,782 282 127 1,357 24,999 28,853 47,968 26,196

Urban+Rural 19,141 166 133 259 7,207 2,805 7,518 1,053
Urban 1,954 107 122 92 1,521 102 10 -
Rural 17,187 59 11 167 5,686 2,703 7,508 1,053

Urban+Rural 24,406 92 167 444 7,258 5,251 6,976 4,218
Urban 2,479 66 167 334 1,821 71 15 5
Rural 21,927 26 - 110 5,437 5,180 6,961 4,213

Urban+Rural 26,920 201 278 493 7,110 5,474 5,826 7,538
Urban 3,146 174 246 301 2,199 68 37 121
Rural 23,774 27 32 192 4,911 5,406 5,789 7,417

Urban+Rural 13,840 59 59 410 3,232 3,702 3,475 2,903
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,840 59 59 410 3,232 3,702 3,475 2,903

Urban+Rural 28,575 151 371 868 4,352 5,763 12,396 4,674
Urban 2,952 91 361 548 1,635 245 67 5
Rural 25,623 60 10 320 2,717 5,518 12,329 4,669

Urban+Rural 29,805 139 98 221 4,763 6,578 11,988 6,018
Urban 2,376 88 83 63 1,747 234 83 78
Rural 27,429 51 15 158 3,016 6,344 11,905 5,940

Urban+Rural 13,551 1,020 2,274 3,895 5,149 938 270 5
Urban 13,551 1,020 2,274 3,895 5,149 938 270 5
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,904 59 266 638 3,814 122 5 -
Urban 4,904 59 266 638 3,814 122 5 -
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,878 3,523 7,114 14,859 91,886 50,573 47,118 54,805
Urban 51,125 3,105 6,089 11,274 24,976 3,059 1,475 1,147
Rural 218,753 418 1,025 3,585 66,910 47,514 45,643 53,658

Urban+Rural 22,531 179 484 720 7,831 4,396 3,717 5,204
Urban 2,386 142 305 310 1,584 - 15 30
Rural 20,145 37 179 410 6,247 4,396 3,702 5,174

Urban+Rural 37,484 464 528 1,998 15,607 6,948 4,996 6,943
Urban 6,604 390 422 1,180 3,386 189 363 674
Rural 30,880 74 106 818 12,221 6,759 4,633 6,269

Urban+Rural 31,089 145 210 604 12,501 5,246 5,090 7,293
Urban 4,605 77 153 202 3,967 62 110 34
Rural 26,484 68 57 402 8,534 5,184 4,980 7,259


Table 8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Urban-Rural Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Residence Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
Urban+Rural 19,526 43 388 314 7,724 3,934 3,035 4,088
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,526 43 388 314 7,724 3,934 3,035 4,088

Urban+Rural 14,204 42 37 282 4,719 2,965 3,043 3,116
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,204 42 37 282 4,719 2,965 3,043 3,116

Urban+Rural 21,546 21 78 315 5,739 5,452 4,588 5,353
Urban 3,143 - 15 111 896 1,630 405 86
Rural 18,403 21 63 204 4,843 3,822 4,183 5,267

Urban+Rural 22,477 31 36 223 5,829 3,320 5,536 7,502
Urban 646 - - - 641 5 - -
Rural 21,831 31 36 223 5,188 3,315 5,536 7,502

Urban+Rural 28,028 61 56 620 7,947 5,691 8,308 5,345
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,028 61 56 620 7,947 5,691 8,308 5,345

Urban+Rural 24,592 75 160 304 6,155 6,487 5,833 5,578
Urban 2,172 59 133 208 1,692 80 - -
Rural 22,420 16 27 96 4,463 6,407 5,833 5,578

Urban+Rural 18,768 26 82 304 6,584 5,112 2,415 4,245
Urban 1,936 - 5 88 1,559 72 26 186
Rural 16,832 26 77 216 5,025 5,040 2,389 4,059

Urban+Rural 4,684 295 459 844 2,851 5 225 5
Urban 4,684 295 459 844 2,851 5 225 5
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,113 1,254 2,473 5,301 3,030 20 10 25
Urban 12,113 1,254 2,473 5,301 3,030 20 10 25
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,838 888 2,124 3,032 5,370 995 322 107
Urban 12,838 888 2,124 3,032 5,370 995 322 107
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,484 3,037 6,435 15,111 59,259 32,792 26,239 23,611
Urban 41,257 2,712 6,287 13,053 15,906 2,098 678 523
Rural 125,227 325 148 2,058 43,353 30,694 25,561 23,088

Urban+Rural 17,674 72 185 512 5,004 5,929 3,357 2,615
Urban 2,603 61 168 122 2,232 5 5 10
Rural 15,071 11 17 390 2,772 5,924 3,352 2,605

Urban+Rural 5,165 16 21 123 2,454 1,068 856 627
Urban 661 16 21 36 567 5 16 -
Rural 4,504 - - 87 1,887 1,063 840 627

Urban+Rural 29,258 523 483 1,489 7,918 7,817 6,294 4,734
Urban 5,212 507 452 1,008 1,727 1,344 72 102
Rural 24,046 16 31 481 6,191 6,473 6,222 4,632

Urban+Rural 18,855 142 132 348 5,413 3,340 4,693 4,787
Urban 1,150 131 105 246 412 10 100 146

Table 8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Urban-Rural Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Residence Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
Rural 17,705 11 27 102 5,001 3,330 4,593 4,641

Urban+Rural 24,105 136 230 957 11,239 4,681 3,570 3,292
Urban 2,168 99 193 444 1,200 138 5 89
Rural 21,937 37 37 513 10,039 4,543 3,565 3,203

Urban+Rural 20,933 246 124 269 10,586 4,671 2,092 2,945
Urban 1,389 26 103 154 1,024 15 10 57
Rural 19,544 220 21 115 9,562 4,656 2,082 2,888

Urban+Rural 25,534 161 246 845 10,040 4,705 4,989 4,548
Urban 3,111 130 230 475 2,139 - 81 56
Rural 22,423 31 16 370 7,901 4,705 4,908 4,492

Urban+Rural 15,972 932 3,255 6,622 4,161 565 384 53
Urban 15,972 932 3,255 6,622 4,161 565 384 53
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,993 812 1,761 3,945 2,445 15 5 10
Urban 8,993 812 1,761 3,945 2,445 15 5 10
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,118 2,807 6,059 14,284 85,082 36,181 32,458 49,247
Urban 34,884 1,951 5,716 10,585 14,799 813 419 601
Rural 191,234 856 343 3,699 70,283 35,368 32,039 48,646

Urban+Rural 25,837 144 257 967 8,261 7,627 4,738 3,843
Urban 2,498 134 226 366 1,533 158 71 10
Rural 23,339 10 31 601 6,728 7,469 4,667 3,833

Urban+Rural 23,857 348 58 664 11,741 5,036 2,281 3,729
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,857 348 58 664 11,741 5,036 2,281 3,729

Urban+Rural 33,130 227 602 1,236 18,663 5,725 2,140 4,537
Urban 3,052 128 529 577 1,431 47 122 218
Rural 30,078 99 73 659 17,232 5,678 2,018 4,319

Urban+Rural 23,952 140 170 817 6,487 4,805 5,225 6,308
Urban 2,077 83 129 501 868 300 72 124
Rural 21,875 57 41 316 5,619 4,505 5,153 6,184

Urban+Rural 18,371 57 87 273 5,073 1,606 3,991 7,284
Urban 882 5 66 66 635 40 40 30
Rural 17,489 52 21 207 4,438 1,566 3,951 7,254

Urban+Rural 31,469 522 720 1,862 12,393 3,188 5,601 7,183
Urban 4,444 289 689 1,203 2,207 30 21 5
Rural 27,025 233 31 659 10,186 3,158 5,580 7,178

Urban+Rural 20,107 108 143 333 9,970 1,984 2,631 4,938
Urban 1,252 87 97 102 966 - - -
Rural 18,855 21 46 231 9,004 1,984 2,631 4,938

Urban+Rural 28,718 36 42 363 5,334 5,972 5,759 11,212
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,718 36 42 363 5,334 5,972 5,759 11,212

Table 8.7 Housing Units by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Urban-Rural Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Residence Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
Urban+Rural 7,101 626 1,497 3,227 1,476 122 56 97
Urban 7,101 626 1,497 3,227 1,476 122 56 97
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,732 260 749 1,206 2,278 101 21 117
Urban 4,732 260 749 1,206 2,278 101 21 117
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,848 339 1,736 3,338 3,405 15 15 -
Urban 8,848 339 1,736 3,338 3,405 15 15 -
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,352 906 1,632 2,249 25,220 12,353 23,766 13,226
Urban 18,488 706 1,439 1,776 10,684 1,598 1,823 462
Rural 60,864 200 193 473 14,536 10,755 21,943 12,764

Urban+Rural 22,258 385 239 465 13,725 3,575 2,932 937
Urban 7,526 287 105 248 5,354 531 746 255
Rural 14,732 98 134 217 8,371 3,044 2,186 682

Urban+Rural 29,336 52 16 195 3,007 6,076 13,386 6,604
Urban 2,643 10 - 20 802 675 956 180
Rural 26,693 42 16 175 2,205 5,401 12,430 6,424

Urban+Rural 21,784 70 90 97 5,760 2,655 7,449 5,663
Urban 2,346 11 47 16 1,800 345 121 6
Rural 19,438 59 43 81 3,960 2,310 7,328 5,657

Urban+Rural 5,971 398 1,286 1,493 2,727 46 - 21
Urban 5,971 398 1,286 1,493 2,727 46 - 21
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,709 3,625 9,159 29,468 10,018 1,416 638 385
Urban 54,709 3,625 9,159 29,468 10,018 1,416 638 385
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,727 1,910 4,233 12,965 4,160 183 57 219
Urban 23,727 1,910 4,233 12,965 4,160 183 57 219
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,983 1,715 4,926 16,504 5,859 1,233 580 166
Urban 30,983 1,715 4,926 16,504 5,859 1,233 580 166
Rural - - - - - - - -

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond

TIGRAY-REGION 231,825 13,702 32,209 72,029 94,269 10,764 5,520 3,332

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,361 1,604 3,519 5,871 17,885 1,780 488 214

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,954 107 122 92 1,521 102 10 -

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,954 107 122 92 1,521 102 10 -

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 66 167 334 1,821 71 15 5

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 66 167 334 1,821 71 15 5

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 174 246 301 2,199 68 37 121

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 159 201 291 1,329 53 32 101

ZANA-TOWN 979 15 45 10 869 15 5 20

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 91 361 548 1,635 245 67 5

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 91 361 548 1,635 245 67 5

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 88 83 63 1,747 234 83 78

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 88 83 63 1,747 234 83 78

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 1,020 2,274 3,895 5,149 938 270 5

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 1,020 2,274 3,895 5,149 938 270 5

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 59 266 638 3,814 122 5 -

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 59 266 638 3,814 122 5 -

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,125 3,105 6,089 11,274 24,976 3,059 1,475 1,147

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 142 305 310 1,584 - 15 30

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 142 305 310 1,584 - 15 30

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 390 422 1,180 3,386 189 363 674

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,645 118 33 255 1,088 14 137 -

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 236 327 771 1,079 144 77 429

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 5 21 36 576 5 16 -

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,237 31 41 117 644 26 133 245

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 77 153 202 3,967 62 110 34

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 - 5 - 923 14 29 -

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 68 77 169 2,094 24 63 29

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 9 71 33 949 24 19 5

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,143 - 15 111 896 1,630 405 86

CHILA-TOWN 885 - 5 25 825 10 10 10

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 - 10 86 71 1,620 395 76

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 - - - 641 5 - -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 - - - 641 5 - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,172 59 133 208 1,692 80 - -

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,172 59 133 208 1,692 80 - -

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 - 5 88 1,559 72 26 186

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 - 5 88 1,559 72 26 186

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 295 459 844 2,851 5 225 5

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 295 459 844 2,851 5 225 5

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,113 1,254 2,473 5,301 3,030 20 10 25

ADWA-TOWN 12,113 1,254 2,473 5,301 3,030 20 10 25

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 888 2,124 3,032 5,370 995 322 107

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 888 2,124 3,032 5,370 995 322 107

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,257 2,712 6,287 13,053 15,906 2,098 678 523

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,603 61 168 122 2,232 5 5 10

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 46 147 71 1,468 5 5 10

FATSI-TOWN 849 15 20 51 763 - - -

EROB-WEREDA 661 16 21 36 567 5 16 -

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 16 21 36 567 5 16 -

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 507 452 1,008 1,727 1,344 72 102

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,327 384 303 885 1,538 212 5 -

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,883 123 148 123 189 1,131 67 102

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 131 105 246 412 10 100 146

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 131 105 246 412 10 100 146

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 99 193 444 1,200 138 5 89

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 99 193 444 1,200 138 5 89

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 26 103 154 1,024 15 10 57

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 26 103 154 1,024 15 10 57

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 130 230 475 2,139 - 81 56

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 84 189 384 1,599 - 11 16

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 827 45 40 91 540 - 71 40

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 932 3,255 6,622 4,161 565 384 53

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 932 3,255 6,622 4,161 565 384 53

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 812 1,761 3,945 2,445 15 5 10

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 812 1,761 3,945 2,445 15 5 10

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 1,951 5,716 10,585 14,799 813 419 601

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 134 226 366 1,533 158 71 10

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 40 111 116 648 132 61 10

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 94 115 250 885 26 10 -

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 128 529 577 1,431 47 122 218

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 101 407 532 877 34 - 110

HIWANE-TOWN 992 27 122 45 554 14 122 108

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,077 83 129 501 868 300 72 124

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,077 83 129 501 868 300 72 124

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 5 66 66 635 40 40 30

MESWAET-TOWN 882 5 66 66 635 40 40 30

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 289 689 1,203 2,207 30 21 5

MEHONI-TOWN 3,814 252 615 1,028 1,884 25 5 5

CHERCHER-TOWN 630 37 74 175 323 5 16 -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 87 97 102 966 - - -

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 87 97 102 966 - - -

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 626 1,497 3,227 1,476 122 56 97

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 626 1,497 3,227 1,476 122 56 97

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 260 749 1,206 2,278 101 21 117

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 260 749 1,206 2,278 101 21 117

Table 8.8 Housing Units of Towns by Source of Drinking Water: 2007
Source of Drinking Water
All Tap in Tap in Protected Unprotected River/
Geographical Housing Tap Inside Compound, Compound, Tap Outside Well or Well or Lake/
Area Units the House Private Shared Compoud Spring Spring Pond

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 339 1,736 3,338 3,405 15 15 -

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 339 1,736 3,338 3,405 15 15 -

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 706 1,439 1,776 10,684 1,598 1,823 462

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,526 287 105 248 5,354 531 746 255

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 20 10 10 2,221 25 66 -

BIHER-TOWN 1,830 45 - 10 350 490 680 255

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 222 95 228 2,783 16 - -

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 10 - 20 802 675 956 180

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 5 - 5 393 194 459 175

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,411 5 - 15 409 481 496 5

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,346 11 47 16 1,800 345 121 6

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 570 - 20 5 525 20 - -

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 11 28 11 1,276 326 121 6

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 398 1,286 1,493 2,727 46 - 21

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 398 1,286 1,493 2,727 46 - 21

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 3,625 9,159 29,468 10,018 1,416 638 385

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 1,910 4,233 12,965 4,160 183 57 219

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 1,910 4,233 12,965 4,160 183 57 219

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,983 1,715 4,926 16,504 5,859 1,233 580 166

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,983 1,715 4,926 16,504 5,859 1,233 580 166

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 115,399 10,819 23,638 7,618 17,396 17,170 39,786

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,358 14,556 827 1,821 950 2,313 2,892 7,999

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,302 36 36 25 86 97 371

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,302 36 36 25 86 97 371

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 1,427 - 76 35 106 182 653

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 1,427 - 76 35 106 182 653

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,145 1,686 69 115 68 158 437 612

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,165 1,038 64 95 58 148 291 471

ZANA-TOWN 980 648 5 20 10 10 146 141

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 1,976 34 115 115 231 154 327

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 1,976 34 115 115 231 154 327

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 1,927 5 5 24 24 195 195

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 1,927 5 5 24 24 195 195

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 3,217 653 1,213 607 1,356 1,509 4,996

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 3,217 653 1,213 607 1,356 1,509 4,996

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 3,021 32 261 74 351 319 846

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 3,021 32 261 74 351 319 846

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 29,737 1,941 4,208 2,039 3,913 3,282 6,007

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,385 1,350 112 213 71 86 264 289

RAMA-TOWN 2,385 1,350 112 213 71 86 264 289

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 4,656 102 224 443 493 235 451

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 1,249 5 47 95 132 47 71

INTICHO-TOWN 3,062 2,249 77 125 111 226 43 231

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 249 - 26 171 67 67 78

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 909 20 26 66 66 77 72

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,604 3,349 19 48 205 484 158 341

NEBELAT-TOWN 973 881 5 10 14 29 29 5

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 1,665 14 39 97 333 101 275

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,109 803 - - 94 123 28 61

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 2,075 15 35 147 324 248 298

CHILA-TOWN 885 840 - 15 5 5 10 10

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,235 15 20 142 319 238 289

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 646 - - - - - -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 646 - - - - - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,170 1,421 5 21 48 90 250 335

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,170 1,421 5 21 48 90 250 335

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,937 1,389 41 26 36 114 145 186

MEARAY-TOWN 1,937 1,389 41 26 36 114 145 186

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 3,745 55 180 150 220 125 210

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 3,745 55 180 150 220 125 210

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 5,655 733 1,725 526 1,259 602 1,614

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 5,655 733 1,725 526 1,259 602 1,614

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,839 5,452 858 1,736 413 842 1,256 2,282

AXUM-TOWN 12,839 5,452 858 1,736 413 842 1,256 2,282

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,257 19,012 2,515 4,693 1,620 3,371 3,401 6,645

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,176 396 213 188 197 295 137

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 686 386 91 147 61 285 97

FATSI-TOWN 847 490 10 121 40 136 10 40

EROB-WEREDA 660 489 36 26 - 99 - 10

DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 489 36 26 - 99 - 10

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,213 3,425 107 761 173 330 112 305

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 2,114 81 602 66 212 56 197

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,886 1,311 26 159 108 118 56 108

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 819 25 75 30 80 15 105

BAZET-TOWN 1,149 819 25 75 30 80 15 105

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,167 923 153 538 54 69 193 237

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,167 923 153 538 54 69 193 237

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 689 21 87 26 93 77 396

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 689 21 87 26 93 77 396

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,109 2,008 62 136 52 305 155 391

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 1,473 47 126 37 184 100 316

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 535 15 10 15 121 56 76

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 7,288 1,204 1,545 831 1,151 1,641 2,312

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 7,288 1,204 1,545 831 1,151 1,641 2,312

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 2,195 510 1,312 265 1,046 914 2,751

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 2,195 510 1,312 265 1,046 914 2,751

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,886 17,591 636 1,500 1,092 1,934 3,955 8,178

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,497 1,635 62 135 56 57 280 272

GIJET-TOWN 1,117 703 15 5 46 15 207 126

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 932 47 130 10 42 73 146

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,051 1,672 83 207 289 213 298 289

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 987 34 149 235 177 244 235

HIWANE-TOWN 992 685 50 59 54 36 54 54

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 1,079 36 129 67 139 155 470

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 1,079 36 129 67 139 155 470

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 333 5 - 30 5 237 272

MESWAET-TOWN 882 333 5 - 30 5 237 272

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,443 2,385 76 166 137 419 521 739

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 1,929 71 166 111 408 468 660

CHERCHER-TOWN 632 456 5 - 27 11 53 80

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,250 1,042 10 20 5 15 107 51

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,250 1,042 10 20 5 15 107 51

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,102 2,688 168 367 224 494 794 2,367

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,102 2,688 168 367 224 494 794 2,367

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,733 2,581 16 85 170 340 489 1,052

KOREM-TOWN 4,733 2,581 16 85 170 340 489 1,052

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 4,175 180 390 113 252 1,073 2,665

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 4,175 180 390 113 252 1,073 2,665

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 13,857 92 149 259 516 1,408 2,207

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 6,424 15 25 108 72 387 496

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,351 2,029 5 - 40 25 156 96

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,691 10 20 20 20 35 35

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 2,704 - 5 48 26 196 365

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 2,521 5 - - 41 31 45

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,217 - - - - - 14

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,413 1,305 5 - - 41 31 31

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,345 2,076 30 10 21 11 76 121

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 570 481 25 5 5 - 10 44

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,596 6 6 17 11 66 77

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 2,836 41 114 129 393 914 1,544

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 2,836 41 114 129 393 914 1,544

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,710 20,646 4,809 11,266 1,659 5,349 2,230 8,751

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,726 7,980 2,281 4,791 825 2,453 1,054 4,342

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,726 7,980 2,281 4,791 825 2,453 1,054 4,342

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 12,665 2,528 6,475 834 2,896 1,176 4,408

Table 8.9 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Geographical Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 12,665 2,528 6,475 834 2,896 1,176 4,408

Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared


Urban+Rural 957,685 729,151 13,896 25,352 19,603 22,211 89,193 58,279

Urban 231,826 115,399 10,819 23,638 7,618 17,396 17,170 39,786
Rural 725,859 613,752 3,077 1,714 11,985 4,815 72,023 18,493


Urban+Rural 161,140 134,865 1,113 2,240 1,798 2,750 8,595 9,779

Urban 31,358 14,556 827 1,821 950 2,313 2,892 7,999
Rural 129,782 120,309 286 419 848 437 5,703 1,780


Urban+Rural 19,139 17,705 36 52 73 177 462 634

Urban 1,953 1,302 36 36 25 86 97 371
Rural 17,186 16,403 - 16 48 91 365 263


Urban+Rural 24,407 19,147 37 81 240 321 3,003 1,578

Urban 2,479 1,427 - 76 35 106 182 653
Rural 21,928 17,720 37 5 205 215 2,821 925


Urban+Rural 26,917 24,128 112 322 142 169 1,214 830

Urban 3,145 1,686 69 115 68 158 437 612
Rural 23,772 22,442 43 207 74 11 777 218


Urban+Rural 13,842 12,498 151 140 324 54 567 108

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,842 12,498 151 140 324 54 567 108


Urban+Rural 28,574 26,614 54 150 255 286 698 517

Urban 2,952 1,976 34 115 115 231 154 327
Rural 25,622 24,638 20 35 140 55 544 190


Urban+Rural 29,805 28,534 41 20 80 34 824 272

Urban 2,375 1,927 5 5 24 24 195 195
Rural 27,430 26,607 36 15 56 10 629 77


Urban+Rural 13,551 3,217 653 1,213 607 1,356 1,509 4,996

Urban 13,551 3,217 653 1,213 607 1,356 1,509 4,996
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 4,904 3,021 32 261 74 351 319 846

Urban 4,904 3,021 32 261 74 351 319 846
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 269,878 202,081 3,306 4,613 6,436 5,283 34,502 13,657

Urban 51,127 29,737 1,941 4,208 2,039 3,913 3,282 6,007
Rural 218,751 172,344 1,365 405 4,397 1,370 31,220 7,650


Urban+Rural 22,531 16,515 307 271 660 323 3,293 1,162

Urban 2,385 1,350 112 213 71 86 264 289

Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared
Rural 20,146 15,165 195 58 589 237 3,029 873


Urban+Rural 37,485 27,230 229 256 1,145 799 5,971 1,855

Urban 6,604 4,656 102 224 443 493 235 451
Rural 30,881 22,574 127 32 702 306 5,736 1,404


Urban+Rural 31,089 21,577 233 111 806 683 5,697 1,982

Urban 4,604 3,349 19 48 205 484 158 341
Rural 26,485 18,228 214 63 601 199 5,539 1,641


Urban+Rural 19,525 13,577 266 21 734 186 4,013 728

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,525 13,577 266 21 734 186 4,013 728


Urban+Rural 14,202 12,611 68 26 104 10 1,007 376

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,202 12,611 68 26 104 10 1,007 376


Urban+Rural 21,544 16,808 151 40 351 334 2,997 863

Urban 3,142 2,075 15 35 147 324 248 298
Rural 18,402 14,733 136 5 204 10 2,749 565


Urban+Rural 22,477 19,266 62 88 218 150 2,148 545

Urban 646 646 - - - - - -
Rural 21,831 18,620 62 88 218 150 2,148 545


Urban+Rural 28,027 23,023 30 81 315 51 3,506 1,021

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,027 23,023 30 81 315 51 3,506 1,021


Urban+Rural 24,589 20,345 164 26 675 233 2,556 590

Urban 2,170 1,421 5 21 48 90 250 335
Rural 22,419 18,924 159 5 627 143 2,306 255


Urban+Rural 18,768 16,278 149 52 339 191 1,332 427

Urban 1,937 1,389 41 26 36 114 145 186
Rural 16,831 14,889 108 26 303 77 1,187 241


Urban+Rural 4,685 3,745 55 180 150 220 125 210

Urban 4,685 3,745 55 180 150 220 125 210
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 12,114 5,655 733 1,725 526 1,259 602 1,614

Urban 12,114 5,655 733 1,725 526 1,259 602 1,614
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 12,839 5,452 858 1,736 413 842 1,256 2,282

Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared
Urban 12,839 5,452 858 1,736 413 842 1,256 2,282
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,485 121,497 3,065 5,047 5,223 5,068 16,460 10,125

Urban 41,257 19,012 2,515 4,693 1,620 3,371 3,401 6,645
Rural 125,228 102,485 550 354 3,603 1,697 13,059 3,480


Urban+Rural 17,673 13,241 418 263 980 587 1,634 550

Urban 2,602 1,176 396 213 188 197 295 137
Rural 15,071 12,065 22 50 792 390 1,339 413


Urban+Rural 5,164 4,617 52 26 120 121 147 81

Urban 660 489 36 26 - 99 - 10
Rural 4,504 4,128 16 - 120 22 147 71


Urban+Rural 29,259 25,113 138 855 414 586 1,393 760

Urban 5,213 3,425 107 761 173 330 112 305
Rural 24,046 21,688 31 94 241 256 1,281 455


Urban+Rural 18,854 14,280 181 96 777 247 2,642 631

Urban 1,149 819 25 75 30 80 15 105
Rural 17,705 13,461 156 21 747 167 2,627 526


Urban+Rural 24,105 19,521 420 617 426 221 2,255 645

Urban 2,167 923 153 538 54 69 193 237
Rural 21,938 18,598 267 79 372 152 2,062 408


Urban+Rural 20,931 14,352 52 129 1,025 480 3,801 1,092

Urban 1,389 689 21 87 26 93 77 396
Rural 19,542 13,663 31 42 999 387 3,724 696


Urban+Rural 25,532 20,891 88 204 385 628 2,034 1,302

Urban 3,109 2,008 62 136 52 305 155 391
Rural 22,423 18,883 26 68 333 323 1,879 911


Urban+Rural 15,972 7,288 1,204 1,545 831 1,151 1,641 2,312

Urban 15,972 7,288 1,204 1,545 831 1,151 1,641 2,312
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 8,993 2,195 510 1,312 265 1,046 914 2,751

Urban 8,993 2,195 510 1,312 265 1,046 914 2,751
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 226,122 177,040 1,464 1,993 4,067 3,110 25,159 13,289

Urban 34,886 17,591 636 1,500 1,092 1,934 3,955 8,178
Rural 191,236 159,449 828 493 2,975 1,176 21,204 5,111


Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared
Urban+Rural 25,835 20,768 233 140 372 166 3,496 660
Urban 2,497 1,635 62 135 56 57 280 272
Rural 23,338 19,133 171 5 316 109 3,216 388


Urban+Rural 23,856 19,484 42 16 780 158 2,955 421

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,856 19,484 42 16 780 158 2,955 421


Urban+Rural 33,128 23,646 433 244 1,256 464 6,054 1,031

Urban 3,051 1,672 83 207 289 213 298 289
Rural 30,077 21,974 350 37 967 251 5,756 742


Urban+Rural 23,952 20,472 98 176 394 326 1,731 755

Urban 2,075 1,079 36 129 67 139 155 470
Rural 21,877 19,393 62 47 327 187 1,576 285


Urban+Rural 18,372 15,940 36 21 108 26 1,694 547

Urban 882 333 5 - 30 5 237 272
Rural 17,490 15,607 31 21 78 21 1,457 275


Urban+Rural 31,469 23,358 185 405 391 694 3,871 2,565

Urban 4,443 2,385 76 166 137 419 521 739
Rural 27,026 20,973 109 239 254 275 3,350 1,826


Urban+Rural 20,106 18,769 25 41 36 87 692 456

Urban 1,250 1,042 10 20 5 15 107 51
Rural 18,856 17,727 15 21 31 72 585 405


Urban+Rural 28,718 25,158 47 109 223 104 2,309 768

Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,718 25,158 47 109 223 104 2,309 768


Urban+Rural 7,102 2,688 168 367 224 494 794 2,367

Urban 7,102 2,688 168 367 224 494 794 2,367
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 4,733 2,581 16 85 170 340 489 1,052

Urban 4,733 2,581 16 85 170 340 489 1,052
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 8,848 4,175 180 390 113 252 1,073 2,665

Urban 8,848 4,175 180 390 113 252 1,073 2,665
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 79,351 73,023 139 191 421 653 2,244 2,680

Urban 18,488 13,857 92 149 259 516 1,408 2,207
Rural 60,863 59,166 47 42 162 137 836 473


Table 8.10 Housing Units by Type of Toilet Facility: 2007
Type of Toilet Facility

All Flush Flush VIP VIP Pit Pit

Urban-Rural Housing No Toilet Toilet, Toilet, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine, Latrine,
Residence Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

Urban+Rural 22,259 20,278 41 46 211 144 795 744

Urban 7,527 6,424 15 25 108 72 387 496
Rural 14,732 13,854 26 21 103 72 408 248


Urban+Rural 29,336 28,991 5 16 11 46 164 103

Urban 2,643 2,521 5 - - 41 31 45
Rural 26,693 26,470 - 16 11 5 133 58


Urban+Rural 21,782 20,918 51 15 69 70 371 288

Urban 2,345 2,076 30 10 21 11 76 121
Rural 19,437 18,842 21 5 48 59 295 167


Urban+Rural 5,971 2,836 41 114 129 393 914 1,544

Urban 5,971 2,836 41 114 129 393 914 1,544
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,710 20,646 4,809 11,266 1,659 5,349 2,230 8,751

Urban 54,710 20,646 4,809 11,266 1,659 5,349 2,230 8,751
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 23,726 7,980 2,281 4,791 825 2,453 1,054 4,342

Urban 23,726 7,980 2,281 4,791 825 2,453 1,054 4,342
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 30,982 12,665 2,528 6,475 834 2,896 1,176 4,408

Urban 30,982 12,665 2,528 6,475 834 2,896 1,176 4,408
Rural - - - - - - - -

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 224,078 7,247 501 240,382 1.037

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 30,619 705 36 32,181 1.026

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,913 39 1 1,995 1.022

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,913 39 1 1,995 1.022

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,422 55 2 2,538 1.024

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,422 55 2 2,538 1.024

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 3,073 73 - 3,219 1.023

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 2,119 47 - 2,213 1.022

ZANA-TOWN 980 954 26 - 1,006 1.027

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 2,883 64 5 3,055 1.035

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 2,883 64 5 3,055 1.035

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 2,331 43 1 2,421 1.019

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 2,331 43 1 2,421 1.019

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 13,226 308 17 13,904 1.026

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 13,226 308 17 13,904 1.026

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 4,771 123 10 5,049 1.030

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 4,771 123 10 5,049 1.030

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 49,353 1,651 122 53,100 1.039

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 2,348 35 3 2,427 1.017

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 2,348 35 3 2,427 1.017

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 6,270 322 12 6,951 1.053

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 1,405 231 10 1,898 1.153

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 3,005 56 2 3,123 1.020

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 637 22 - 681 1.033

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 1,223 13 - 1,249 1.011

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 4,212 375 18 5,018 1.090

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 853 115 3 1,092 1.125

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 2,364 149 11 2,697 1.069

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 995 111 4 1,229 1.107

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 3,056 76 10 3,241 1.032

CHILA-TOWN 884 869 15 - 899 1.017

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 2,187 61 10 2,342 1.037

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 625 21 - 667 1.033

SEMEMA TOWN 646 625 21 - 667 1.033

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 2,126 45 - 2,216 1.021

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 2,126 45 - 2,216 1.021

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,894 38 4 1,982 1.024

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,894 38 4 1,982 1.024

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 4,580 98 6 4,796 1.024

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 4,580 98 6 4,796 1.024

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 11,793 302 19 12,467 1.029

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 11,793 302 19 12,467 1.029

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 12,449 339 50 13,335 1.039

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 12,449 339 50 13,335 1.039

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 40,098 1,112 48 42,538 1.031

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 2,490 105 7 2,724 1.047

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,651 95 7 1,865 1.064

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit

FATSI-TOWN 849 839 10 - 859 1.012

EROB-WEREDA 661 648 13 - 674 1.020

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 648 13 - 674 1.020

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 5,130 81 1 5,304 1.018

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 3,283 45 - 3,373 1.014

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 1,847 36 1 1,931 1.025

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 1,134 15 1 1,167 1.015

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 1,134 15 1 1,167 1.015

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 2,100 61 7 2,243 1.035

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 2,100 61 7 2,243 1.035

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 1,351 37 1 1,428 1.028

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 1,351 37 1 1,428 1.028

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 2,940 168 3 3,285 1.056

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 2,144 136 3 2,425 1.062

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 796 32 - 860 1.039

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 15,630 326 16 16,389 1.026

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 15,630 326 16 16,389 1.026

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 8,675 306 12 9,324 1.037

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 8,675 306 12 9,324 1.037

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 33,643 1,184 58 36,208 1.038

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,432 66 - 2,564 1.026

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 1,081 37 - 1,155 1.033

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,351 29 - 1,409 1.021

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 2,725 300 27 3,411 1.118

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,878 167 16 2,263 1.098

HIWANE-TOWN 991 847 133 11 1,148 1.158

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 2,035 40 1 2,118 1.020

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 2,035 40 1 2,118 1.020

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 860 22 - 904 1.025

MESWAET-TOWN 882 860 22 - 904 1.025

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 4,161 271 12 4,740 1.067

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 3,562 240 11 4,076 1.069

CHERCHER-TOWN 631 599 31 1 664 1.052

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,221 31 - 1,283 1.025

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,221 31 - 1,283 1.025

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 6,991 107 3 7,214 1.016

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 6,991 107 3 7,214 1.016

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 4,567 158 7 4,909 1.037

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 4,567 158 7 4,909 1.037

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 8,651 189 8 9,065 1.025

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 8,651 189 8 9,065 1.025

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 17,514 870 104 19,598 1.060

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 7,132 378 17 7,941 1.055

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 2,146 197 9 2,569 1.092

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,751 74 6 1,917 1.047

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,235 107 2 3,455 1.033

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 2,413 210 20 2,899 1.097

Table 8.11 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Housholds and Average Number
of Housholds Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Households Per Housing Unit
-------------------------------------- Average
All Three Total Households
Geographical Housing One Two Households Number of Per Housing
Area Units Household Households and Above Households Unit
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,038 181 12 1,438 1.168

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 1,375 29 8 1,461 1.035

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 2,209 98 40 2,527 1.077

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 549 19 1 590 1.037

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 1,660 79 39 1,937 1.089

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 5,760 184 27 6,231 1.044

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 5,760 184 27 6,231 1.044

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 52,851 1,725 133 56,757 1.037

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 22,810 868 49 24,703 1.041

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 22,810 868 49 24,703 1.041

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 30,041 857 84 32,054 1.035

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 30,041 857 84 32,054 1.035

Table 8.12 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Years Since Construction: 2007
Number of Years Since Construction
Geographical Housing Less than 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 Years
Area Units 5 Years Years Years Years or More

TIGRAY-REGION 231,825 56,599 52,660 36,288 19,681 66,597

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 7,661 7,538 5,363 2,994 7,804

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,952 559 488 310 122 473

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,952 559 488 310 122 473

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 632 734 334 187 592

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 632 734 334 187 592

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 643 699 579 266 959

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,165 397 498 307 185 778

ZANA-TOWN 979 246 201 271 80 181

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 1,000 678 476 226 572

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 1,000 678 476 226 572

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 506 784 248 127 711

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 506 784 248 127 711

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 2,819 3,018 2,427 1,662 3,625

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 2,819 3,018 2,427 1,662 3,625

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,903 1,500 1,138 989 404 872

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,903 1,500 1,138 989 404 872

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 10,471 11,776 8,921 4,189 15,769

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,385 787 746 355 157 340

RAMA-TOWN 2,385 787 746 355 157 340

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 1,587 1,893 1,364 427 1,333

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 255 577 454 109 251

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 819 761 592 154 737

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 150 228 52 47 182

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 363 327 266 117 163

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 1,317 1,155 986 354 793

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 224 209 224 105 209

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,523 767 685 545 164 362

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 326 260 217 85 222

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,143 638 806 528 372 799

CHILA-TOWN 883 202 370 143 119 49

WUKRO MARYA 2,257 435 435 385 253 749

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 459 187 - - -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 459 187 - - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 463 601 362 293 452

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 463 601 362 293 452

Table 8.12 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Years Since Construction: 2007
Number of Years Since Construction
Geographical Housing Less than 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 Years
Area Units 5 Years Years Years Years or More

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,937 661 609 377 83 207

MEARAY-TOWN 1,937 661 609 377 83 207

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 1,034 1,049 754 399 1,448

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 1,034 1,049 754 399 1,448

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,115 1,877 2,347 1,806 966 5,119

ADWA-TOWN 12,115 1,877 2,347 1,806 966 5,119

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 1,649 2,384 2,389 1,138 5,278

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 1,649 2,384 2,389 1,138 5,278

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 8,959 7,494 7,289 4,402 13,114

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,944 218 106 91 243

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,499 81 56 61 56

FATSI-TOWN 849 445 136 51 30 187

EROB-WEREDA 660 359 260 5 - 36

DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 359 260 5 - 36

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,213 888 985 1,027 406 1,907

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 683 703 602 278 1,062

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,885 205 282 425 128 845

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 256 271 261 70 291

BAZET-TOWN 1,149 256 271 261 70 291

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 889 435 262 99 484

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 889 435 262 99 484

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 329 257 304 67 432

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 329 257 304 67 432

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 829 628 785 323 546

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 642 426 447 252 516

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 187 202 338 71 30

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 1,588 2,440 2,951 2,477 6,516

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 1,588 2,440 2,951 2,477 6,516

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 1,878 2,001 1,587 868 2,659

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 1,878 2,001 1,587 868 2,659

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 9,238 7,500 4,330 2,588 11,228

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,499 531 634 452 134 748

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 192 212 228 61 425

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 338 422 224 73 323

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 562 746 408 270 1,066

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 355 422 273 139 872

Table 8.12 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Years Since Construction: 2007
Number of Years Since Construction
Geographical Housing Less than 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 Years
Area Units 5 Years Years Years Years or More

HIWANE-TOWN 991 207 324 135 131 194

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 511 423 186 124 831

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 511 423 186 124 831

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 883 217 81 55 76 454

MESWAET-TOWN 883 217 81 55 76 454

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 1,489 1,174 638 203 940

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 1,325 957 564 181 786

CHERCHER-TOWN 630 164 217 74 21 154

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 496 240 102 92 322

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 496 240 102 92 322

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 1,502 1,486 1,033 621 2,459

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 1,502 1,486 1,033 621 2,459

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 1,009 706 372 372 2,273

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 1,009 706 372 372 2,273

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 2,922 2,008 1,084 698 2,136

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 2,922 2,008 1,084 698 2,136

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 9,306 4,830 2,071 581 1,700

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 3,896 2,620 718 51 242

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 959 1,045 308 20 20

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,101 670 50 10 -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 1,836 905 360 21 222

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,644 1,054 804 298 116 372

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,230 445 440 175 85 85

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 609 363 123 31 286

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 1,314 555 384 73 21

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 568 132 201 196 34 5

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,182 353 188 39 17

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,970 3,042 852 671 341 1,064

HUMERA-TOWN 5,970 3,042 852 671 341 1,064

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,708 10,965 13,521 8,313 4,927 16,982

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,728 4,661 4,964 4,019 2,213 7,871

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,728 4,661 4,964 4,019 2,213 7,871

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,981 6,304 8,557 4,294 2,714 9,112

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,981 6,304 8,557 4,294 2,714 9,112

Table 8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007
Type of Tenure
Rented Rented
All Rented from House Rented from Occupied
Urban-Rural Housing Owner Rent from Renting from Other Private Difference
Residence Units Occupied Free Kebele Agency Organization Household Rent

Urban+Rural 957,685 709,498 89,921 4,910 1,351 1,139 150,302 564
Urban 231,827 85,148 20,035 3,614 1,068 672 120,994 296
Rural 725,858 624,350 69,886 1,296 283 467 29,308 268


Urban+Rural 161,143 122,325 12,041 415 114 106 26,064 78
Urban 31,360 10,573 1,694 290 41 70 18,651 41
Rural 129,783 111,752 10,347 125 73 36 7,413 37

Urban+Rural 19,141 14,321 1,920 156 27 10 2,692 15
Urban 1,953 712 163 97 - 10 961 10
Rural 17,188 13,609 1,757 59 27 - 1,731 5

Urban+Rural 24,407 20,365 1,063 20 5 5 2,949 -
Urban 2,479 759 91 20 - - 1,609 -
Rural 21,928 19,606 972 - 5 5 1,340 -

Urban+Rural 26,916 23,108 1,794 - - 5 1,994 15
Urban 3,145 1,124 251 - - - 1,760 10
Rural 23,771 21,984 1,543 - - 5 234 5

Urban+Rural 13,842 12,288 950 - - - 588 16
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 13,842 12,288 950 - - - 588 16

Urban+Rural 28,574 22,097 2,430 35 10 29 3,968 5
Urban 2,952 1,024 183 - - 19 1,726 -
Rural 25,622 21,073 2,247 35 10 10 2,242 5

Urban+Rural 29,805 24,209 2,995 75 31 15 2,475 5
Urban 2,375 1,017 117 44 - - 1,197 -
Rural 27,430 23,192 2,878 31 31 15 1,278 5

Urban+Rural 13,551 4,410 709 76 41 41 8,254 20
Urban 13,551 4,410 709 76 41 41 8,254 20
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,904 1,527 181 53 - - 3,143 -
Urban 4,904 1,527 181 53 - - 3,143 -
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,878 206,587 27,836 1,049 144 425 33,663 174
Urban 51,127 18,379 4,522 584 86 177 27,289 90
Rural 218,751 188,208 23,314 465 58 248 6,374 84

Urban+Rural 22,530 18,040 2,771 110 5 16 1,572 16
Urban 2,386 1,229 142 - - - 1,015 -
Rural 20,144 16,811 2,629 110 5 16 557 16

Urban+Rural 37,481 29,183 3,667 253 26 35 4,278 39
Urban 6,603 2,536 554 216 5 14 3,244 34
Rural 30,878 26,647 3,113 37 21 21 1,034 5

Urban+Rural 31,090 24,018 3,899 76 - 5 3,076 16
Urban 4,605 1,803 225 24 - 5 2,548 -
Rural 26,485 22,215 3,674 52 - - 528 16

Table 8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007
Type of Tenure
Rented Rented
All Rented from House Rented from Occupied
Urban-Rural Housing Owner Rent from Renting from Other Private Difference
Residence Units Occupied Free Kebele Agency Organization Household Rent
Urban+Rural 19,525 16,575 2,142 37 16 165 585 5
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 19,525 16,575 2,142 37 16 165 585 5

Urban+Rural 14,202 13,117 637 5 - 26 407 10
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 14,202 13,117 637 5 - 26 407 10

Urban+Rural 21,544 16,335 3,036 107 - 5 2,051 10
Urban 3,142 1,178 408 81 - 5 1,465 5
Rural 18,402 15,157 2,628 26 - - 586 5

Urban+Rural 22,477 19,529 1,840 114 - 5 984 5
Urban 646 27 123 5 - 5 486 -
Rural 21,831 19,502 1,717 109 - - 498 5

Urban+Rural 28,028 25,193 1,839 51 - 15 925 5
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,028 25,193 1,839 51 - 15 925 5

Urban+Rural 24,590 20,557 2,412 32 5 10 1,558 16
Urban 2,170 894 181 5 - 5 1,080 5
Rural 22,420 19,663 2,231 27 5 5 478 11

Urban+Rural 18,765 14,437 2,717 10 10 - 1,576 15
Urban 1,935 1,110 15 - - - 800 10
Rural 16,830 13,327 2,702 10 10 - 776 5

Urban+Rural 4,685 1,678 290 35 15 20 2,632 15
Urban 4,685 1,678 290 35 15 20 2,632 15
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,114 3,166 1,624 182 35 56 7,036 15
Urban 12,114 3,166 1,624 182 35 56 7,036 15
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,838 4,757 960 36 31 66 6,983 5
Urban 12,838 4,757 960 36 31 66 6,983 5
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,487 122,768 16,737 535 142 147 26,063 95
Urban 41,259 14,795 3,630 294 110 94 22,289 47
Rural 125,228 107,973 13,107 241 32 53 3,774 48

Urban+Rural 17,672 13,456 2,732 11 - 11 1,456 6
Urban 2,602 1,375 401 - - - 826 -
Rural 15,070 12,081 2,331 11 - 11 630 6

Urban+Rural 5,164 3,857 584 52 5 10 645 11
Urban 661 78 99 47 - 5 432 -
Rural 4,503 3,779 485 5 5 5 213 11

Urban+Rural 29,258 23,342 2,257 124 16 41 3,468 10
Urban 5,212 1,895 249 56 - 20 2,992 -
Rural 24,046 21,447 2,008 68 16 21 476 10


Table 8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007
Type of Tenure
Rented Rented
All Rented from House Rented from Occupied
Urban-Rural Housing Owner Rent from Renting from Other Private Difference
Residence Units Occupied Free Kebele Agency Organization Household Rent
Urban+Rural 18,855 15,765 2,032 5 - - 1,042 11
Urban 1,150 407 50 - - - 693 -
Rural 17,705 15,358 1,982 5 - - 349 11

Urban+Rural 24,104 19,098 2,923 198 - 10 1,875 -
Urban 2,168 726 217 109 - - 1,116 -
Rural 21,936 18,372 2,706 89 - 10 759 -

Urban+Rural 20,930 17,822 1,656 20 15 - 1,412 5
Urban 1,388 622 113 10 5 - 638 -
Rural 19,542 17,200 1,543 10 10 - 774 5

Urban+Rural 25,532 20,905 2,360 52 5 10 2,190 10
Urban 3,110 1,169 309 - 5 5 1,617 5
Rural 22,422 19,736 2,051 52 - 5 573 5

Urban+Rural 15,973 5,312 1,614 16 75 43 8,892 21
Urban 15,973 5,312 1,614 16 75 43 8,892 21
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,992 3,210 577 56 26 20 5,083 20
Urban 8,992 3,210 577 56 26 20 5,083 20
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,120 181,317 21,632 1,808 297 139 20,839 88
Urban 34,884 14,804 3,569 1,518 240 61 14,677 15
Rural 191,236 166,513 18,063 290 57 78 6,162 73

Urban+Rural 25,837 21,869 2,438 26 41 5 1,448 10
Urban 2,499 1,410 175 - 41 5 868 -
Rural 23,338 20,459 2,263 26 - - 580 10

Urban+Rural 23,856 20,590 2,634 32 21 5 558 16
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 23,856 20,590 2,634 32 21 5 558 16

Urban+Rural 33,129 26,976 3,604 40 54 - 2,445 10
Urban 3,051 1,337 362 19 38 - 1,290 5
Rural 30,078 25,639 3,242 21 16 - 1,155 5

Urban+Rural 23,951 20,452 1,259 62 - 46 2,122 10
Urban 2,075 857 253 15 - 5 945 -
Rural 21,876 19,595 1,006 47 - 41 1,177 10

Urban+Rural 18,371 16,488 1,229 5 5 - 644 -
Urban 882 575 5 5 - - 297 -
Rural 17,489 15,913 1,224 - 5 - 347 -

Urban+Rural 31,469 24,463 3,957 73 5 - 2,950 21
Urban 4,444 1,628 633 47 - - 2,136 -
Rural 27,025 22,835 3,324 26 5 - 814 21

Urban+Rural 20,107 16,694 2,210 226 15 20 932 10
Urban 1,252 567 164 123 10 5 383 -
Rural 18,855 16,127 2,046 103 5 15 549 10

Urban+Rural 28,717 25,355 2,324 36 5 16 981 -

Table 8.13 Housing Units by Type of Tenure: 2007
Type of Tenure
Rented Rented
All Rented from House Rented from Occupied
Urban-Rural Housing Owner Rent from Renting from Other Private Difference
Residence Units Occupied Free Kebele Agency Organization Household Rent
Urban - - - - - - - -
Rural 28,717 25,355 2,324 36 5 16 981 -

Urban+Rural 7,100 3,059 529 183 25 31 3,268 5
Urban 7,100 3,059 529 183 25 31 3,268 5
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,733 1,689 303 802 64 - 1,875 -
Urban 4,733 1,689 303 802 64 - 1,875 -
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,848 3,682 1,145 324 62 15 3,615 5
Urban 8,848 3,682 1,145 324 62 15 3,615 5
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,352 58,614 6,313 589 114 109 13,566 47
Urban 18,489 8,710 1,258 414 50 57 7,980 20
Rural 60,863 49,904 5,055 175 64 52 5,586 27

Urban+Rural 22,258 14,291 2,401 73 50 51 5,372 20
Urban 7,527 4,582 360 32 45 10 2,478 20
Rural 14,731 9,709 2,041 41 5 41 2,894 -

Urban+Rural 29,335 24,606 2,215 37 53 - 2,403 21
Urban 2,643 1,125 233 - - - 1,285 -
Rural 26,692 23,481 1,982 37 53 - 1,118 21

Urban+Rural 21,786 17,403 1,346 97 5 11 2,919 5
Urban 2,348 689 314 - - - 1,345 -
Rural 19,438 16,714 1,032 97 5 11 1,574 5

Urban+Rural 5,970 2,314 351 382 5 46 2,872 -
Urban 5,970 2,314 351 382 5 46 2,872 -
Rural - - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,709 17,887 5,363 514 540 213 30,109 83
Urban 54,709 17,887 5,363 514 540 213 30,109 83
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,727 7,594 2,276 130 214 73 13,398 42
Urban 23,727 7,594 2,276 130 214 73 13,398 42
Rural - - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,981 10,293 3,087 383 326 140 16,711 41
Urban 30,981 10,293 3,087 383 326 140 16,711 41
Rural - - - - - - - -

Table 8.14 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Kitchen: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside the Outside the Inside the Outside the
Area Units Kitchen Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 91,279 27,109 101,298 7,850 4,290

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,361 16,919 2,386 11,495 399 162

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,954 1,277 137 458 41 41

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,954 1,277 137 458 41 41

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,003 46 425 - 5

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,003 46 425 - 5

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 1,061 208 1,857 20 -

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 694 143 1,324 5 -

ZANA-TOWN 980 367 65 533 15 -

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 1,707 221 962 38 24

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 1,707 221 962 38 24

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 1,431 151 740 44 10

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 1,431 151 740 44 10

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 5,664 1,473 6,108 240 66

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 5,664 1,473 6,108 240 66

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 3,776 149 947 16 16

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 3,776 149 947 16 16

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 20,319 6,851 22,342 948 667

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,385 1,604 193 543 20 25

RAMA-TOWN 2,385 1,604 193 543 20 25

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,603 2,873 1,299 2,279 127 25

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 818 345 459 24 -

INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 1,522 645 824 67 5

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 119 145 389 - 5

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 414 163 608 36 15

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,606 1,660 309 2,555 24 58

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 528 81 347 5 10

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 565 48 1,844 19 48

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 567 179 364 - -

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 1,401 371 1,264 30 76

CHILA-TOWN 884 677 133 59 15 -

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 724 238 1,205 15 76

NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 614 - 27 5 -

SEMEMA TOWN 646 614 - 27 5 -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 516 202 1,426 16 11

Table 8.14 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Kitchen: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside the Outside the Inside the Outside the
Area Units Kitchen Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 516 202 1,426 16 11

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,935 1,409 108 408 10 -

MEARAY-TOWN 1,935 1,409 108 408 10 -

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 3,141 469 1,004 50 20

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 3,141 469 1,004 50 20

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 3,844 2,352 5,190 430 298

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 3,844 2,352 5,190 430 298

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,839 3,257 1,547 7,647 235 153

AXUM-TOWN 12,839 3,257 1,547 7,647 235 153

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 11,309 4,108 23,983 1,135 723

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,045 234 1,221 97 5

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 782 213 661 91 5

FATSI-TOWN 849 263 20 561 5 -

EROB-WEREDA 660 182 62 406 10 -

DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 182 62 406 10 -

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,211 2,272 766 2,057 81 35

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,327 1,345 546 1,340 66 30

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 927 220 717 15 5

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 341 45 743 10 10

BAZET-TOWN 1,149 341 45 743 10 10

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,167 716 202 1,096 74 79

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,167 716 202 1,096 74 79

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 170 72 1,101 41 5

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 170 72 1,101 41 5

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,112 1,092 282 1,685 16 37

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,284 779 116 1,341 11 37

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 313 167 343 5 -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 3,623 1,428 10,069 479 373

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 3,623 1,428 10,069 479 373

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,994 1,868 1,016 5,604 327 179

WUKRO-TOWN 8,994 1,868 1,016 5,604 327 179

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 13,172 5,051 15,518 712 432

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 951 473 1,007 31 36

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 233 390 470 15 10

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 719 83 536 16 26

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,053 1,033 263 1,589 134 34

Table 8.14 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Kitchen: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside the Outside the Inside the Outside the
Area Units Kitchen Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit Housing Unit

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,062 556 249 1,098 125 34

HIWANE-TOWN 991 477 14 491 9 -

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,077 677 83 1,286 21 10

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,077 677 83 1,286 21 10

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 881 267 55 519 15 25

MESWAET-TOWN 881 267 55 519 15 25

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 1,364 1,297 1,692 71 20

MEHONI-TOWN 3,812 1,088 1,244 1,395 65 20

CHERCHER-TOWN 631 276 53 297 5 -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,099 82 66 5 -

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,099 82 66 5 -

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 1,232 967 4,367 270 265

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 1,232 967 4,367 270 265

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 844 706 3,091 64 27

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 844 706 3,091 64 27

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 5,705 1,125 1,900 103 15

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 5,705 1,125 1,900 103 15

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,489 13,997 1,119 3,269 57 47

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,526 5,894 607 1,005 15 5

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 1,580 358 414 - -

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,346 180 295 10 -

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,343 2,968 69 296 5 5

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 1,984 107 552 - -

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,160 - 71 - -

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 824 107 481 - -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,348 1,388 198 762 - -

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 206 54 309 - -

DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,182 144 453 - -

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,970 4,731 207 950 41 41

HUMERA-TOWN 5,970 4,731 207 950 41 41

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 15,563 7,595 24,691 4,600 2,260

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 5,778 3,617 11,373 2,056 903

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 5,778 3,617 11,373 2,056 903

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,981 9,785 3,978 13,318 2,543 1,357

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,981 9,785 3,978 13,318 2,543 1,357

Table 8.15 Housing Units by Type of Kitchen for Rural Areas: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside Inside Outside Outside Inside Inside Outside Outside
Area Units Kitchen Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

TIGRAY-REGION 725,859 191,741 244,065 29,190 206,445 44,570 6,715 1,232 1,379 522

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 129,782 42,249 50,058 4,052 29,156 3,227 731 79 124 106

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 17,188 7,987 4,783 591 3,252 473 97 - - 5

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 21,928 7,365 7,702 851 4,933 872 168 26 11 -

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 23,771 4,315 11,694 1,117 6,065 511 43 - 21 5

TAHTAY QORARO-WEREDA 13,842 3,249 5,418 243 4,236 324 232 38 32 70

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 25,622 7,341 9,812 764 6,851 669 110 10 45 20

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 27,430 11,992 10,648 486 3,819 378 82 5 15 5

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 218,749 35,917 97,427 12,084 57,843 11,104 3,282 424 548 120

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 20,146 3,034 9,623 947 5,227 994 147 32 105 37

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 30,880 5,087 15,656 1,884 6,422 1,203 491 79 37 21

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 26,487 3,277 12,647 2,007 6,031 1,552 831 89 37 16

ADWA-WEREDA 19,524 3,003 9,281 962 4,625 920 420 74 234 5

LAELAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 14,203 1,582 6,097 705 4,776 913 120 - 5 5

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 18,404 2,482 10,110 707 4,194 450 356 63 26 16

NADER ADET-WEREDA 21,831 4,057 12,680 1,556 2,501 643 332 36 21 5

KOLA TEMBEN-WEREDA 28,027 5,081 10,127 1,885 8,298 2,220 371 20 25 -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 22,419 4,580 5,663 584 10,397 1,052 106 5 32 -

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 16,832 3,735 5,544 848 5,374 1,156 108 26 26 15

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 125,227 27,155 33,718 6,197 43,718 12,139 1,278 406 420 196

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 15,070 3,018 4,646 496 5,137 1,411 195 39 95 33

Table 8.15 Housing Units by Type of Kitchen for Rural Areas: 2007
Type of Kitchen
Traditionl Traditionl Traditionl Traditionl Modern Modern Modern Modern
All Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
Geographical Housing No Inside Inside Outside Outside Inside Inside Outside Outside
Area Units Kitchen Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared Private Shared

EROB-WEREDA 4,502 1,559 823 76 1,663 344 22 5 5 5

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 24,046 6,614 6,562 1,574 6,635 2,034 293 162 120 52

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 17,704 2,906 4,996 564 7,493 1,391 220 59 48 27

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 21,937 4,334 6,328 1,251 7,878 1,947 131 42 16 10

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 19,543 3,254 4,248 455 9,285 2,040 204 5 47 5

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 22,421 5,470 6,116 1,780 5,626 2,972 213 94 88 62

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 191,235 59,134 45,879 5,583 62,971 15,795 1,275 285 245 68

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 23,338 2,761 8,551 932 9,738 1,108 145 41 41 21

ENDERTA-WEREDA 23,856 5,252 6,247 579 10,271 1,227 195 16 58 11

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 30,077 5,547 8,898 742 12,396 2,091 319 37 37 10

ALAJE-WEREDA 21,875 5,650 4,759 503 9,258 1,524 124 57 - -

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 17,489 5,735 4,428 394 5,698 1,063 104 - 62 5

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 27,025 13,956 3,293 928 5,108 3,475 202 26 21 16

ALAMATA-WEREDA 18,855 11,066 2,205 538 2,636 2,282 46 72 5 5

OFLA-WEREDA 28,717 9,168 7,497 965 7,865 3,025 140 36 21 -

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 60,863 27,286 16,982 1,274 12,757 2,305 148 37 42 32

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 14,733 7,503 3,007 455 2,883 791 47 26 5 16

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 26,693 10,537 8,619 615 5,984 837 69 - 32 -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 19,437 9,246 5,356 204 3,890 677 32 11 5 16

Table 8.16 Housing Units By Type of Fuel for Cooking in Rural Areas: 2007
Type of Fuel for Cooking
Geographical Housing
Area Units Electricity Gas Kerosene Charcoal Firewood Dung Bio-Gas Other

TIGRAY-REGION 725,859 1,835 638 43,616 244,004 693,582 403,619 3,580 45,220
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 129,782 361 42 4,603 44,210 126,040 42,578 351 6,961
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 17,188 32 5 1,301 10,244 16,731 4,090 32 1,129
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 21,928 5 5 914 10,638 21,539 5,847 11 1,166
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 23,772 32 21 325 4,240 23,267 12,572 80 1,176
TAHTAY QORARO-WEREDA 13,842 221 5 362 5,256 13,292 8,386 11 1,031
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 25,622 55 - 889 8,689 24,568 4,884 85 819
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 27,430 15 5 813 5,142 26,643 6,799 133 1,641
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 218,751 701 203 12,918 77,525 211,810 121,783 1,375 15,461
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 20,145 53 - 989 8,918 19,456 10,028 268 1,898
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 30,879 69 21 2,301 14,996 30,277 22,595 127 2,285
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 26,485 5 5 1,270 10,656 25,544 14,298 240 1,448
ADWA-WEREDA 19,525 346 43 1,542 8,798 19,004 14,560 271 1,760
LAELAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 14,203 - - 997 4,886 12,710 11,129 68 1,112
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 18,403 10 10 1,932 5,236 17,801 10,885 68 1,084
NADER ADET-WEREDA 21,832 26 36 799 4,503 21,365 9,489 140 1,655
KOLA TEMBEN-WEREDA 28,028 193 15 1,169 7,058 27,256 8,150 61 2,276
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 22,420 - 5 1,068 7,656 21,899 19,200 90 1,137
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 16,831 - 67 853 4,819 16,497 1,449 41 807
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 125,228 351 230 13,038 54,048 115,411 89,469 862 6,598
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 15,071 45 156 2,995 8,205 14,195 11,786 385 1,294
EROB-WEREDA 4,504 - 22 453 1,925 4,444 1,385 33 196
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 24,046 78 37 2,672 8,862 21,411 15,341 63 1,391
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 17,705 118 5 1,939 8,079 16,942 12,801 48 113
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 21,937 16 - 2,047 8,412 19,545 16,200 73 1,230
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 19,543 78 10 1,449 8,427 17,560 16,624 63 1,072
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 22,422 16 - 1,483 10,139 21,313 15,333 198 1,301
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 191,235 333 125 11,155 52,369 181,785 128,387 816 10,989
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 23,339 10 16 1,440 5,470 21,987 15,186 88 1,279
ENDERTA-WEREDA 23,856 42 16 1,554 9,760 21,117 21,001 84 2,060
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 30,078 31 26 1,804 11,382 27,385 23,977 110 1,082
ALAJE-WEREDA 21,876 52 26 1,861 7,600 21,269 17,019 47 679
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 17,489 21 16 617 6,543 16,976 14,067 290 716
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 27,025 124 5 1,794 6,695 26,501 5,653 78 1,462
ALAMATA-WEREDA 18,855 5 5 497 1,333 18,476 9,912 62 1,656
OFLA-WEREDA 28,717 47 16 1,588 3,585 28,074 21,573 57 2,055
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 60,863 89 37 1,903 15,851 58,536 21,401 176 5,212
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 14,732 57 10 873 7,642 14,040 2,454 10 977
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 26,693 5 5 557 3,997 26,036 10,855 58 2,253
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 19,438 27 21 473 4,212 18,460 8,091 107 1,982

Table 8.17 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Fuel for Cooking: 2007
Type of Fuel for Cooking
Geographical Housing
Area Units Electricity Gas Kerosene Charcoal Firewood Dung Bio-Gas Other

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 22,113 1,057 56,598 192,866 198,738 50,176 1,660 15,936
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 785 20 2,002 25,553 28,166 4,040 97 3,160
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 92 5 468 1,724 1,785 280 20 41
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 92 5 468 1,724 1,785 280 20 41
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 10 - 96 2,302 2,388 460 5 15
ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 10 - 96 2,302 2,388 460 5 15
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 37 - 74 2,146 2,936 473 10 439
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 32 - 69 1,382 1,991 117 5 434
ZANA-TOWN 980 5 - 5 764 945 357 5 5
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 10 - 96 2,486 2,793 438 10 163
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 10 - 96 2,486 2,793 438 10 163
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 15 - 195 1,869 2,195 871 - 97
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 15 - 195 1,869 2,195 871 - 97
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 617 15 882 10,793 11,797 1,305 31 2,340
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 617 15 882 10,793 11,797 1,305 31 2,340
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 5 - 191 4,234 4,271 213 21 64
SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 5 - 191 4,234 4,271 213 21 64
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 2,416 126 6,441 44,496 46,833 10,800 423 4,268
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 30 5 96 2,005 2,249 294 10 5
RAMA-TOWN 2,386 30 5 96 2,005 2,249 294 10 5
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 212 24 818 4,884 6,220 2,123 108 439
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 43 - 322 1,282 1,509 454 38 5
INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 149 24 424 2,061 2,914 583 34 424
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 5 - 57 581 649 519 26 -
FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 15 - 15 960 1,149 567 10 10
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 19 - 240 4,342 4,404 1,826 9 275
NEBELAT-TOWN 971 - - 76 842 928 267 - 24
IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 19 - 145 2,432 2,394 941 - 43
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 - - 19 1,067 1,082 619 9 208
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 80 5 156 2,798 3,026 530 35 374
CHILA-TOWN 884 30 - 20 682 864 44 - 25
WUKRO MARYA 2,258 51 5 137 2,116 2,162 486 35 349
NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 - 5 53 614 619 64 27 -
SEMEMA TOWN 646 - 5 53 614 619 64 27 -
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 101 - 234 1,878 1,937 442 11 144
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 101 - 234 1,878 1,937 442 11 144
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 - - 191 1,709 1,853 114 - 5
MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 - - 191 1,709 1,853 114 - 5
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 80 5 519 4,240 4,394 824 10 85
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 80 5 519 4,240 4,394 824 10 85
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 688 46 1,942 10,662 10,855 2,367 167 971
ADWA-TOWN 12,114 688 46 1,942 10,662 10,855 2,367 167 971

Table 8.17 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Fuel for Cooking: 2007
Type of Fuel for Cooking
Geographical Housing
Area Units Electricity Gas Kerosene Charcoal Firewood Dung Bio-Gas Other

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 1,205 36 2,190 11,363 11,276 2,215 46 1,970

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 1,205 36 2,190 11,363 11,276 2,215 46 1,970
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 4,034 207 18,100 36,142 36,214 10,748 210 2,888
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 51 46 1,241 2,074 2,440 1,318 - 203
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 46 41 559 1,275 1,636 777 - 76
FATSI-TOWN 849 5 5 682 798 804 541 - 126
EROB-WEREDA 661 5 - 338 562 614 57 5 10
DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 5 - 338 562 614 57 5 10
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 360 41 1,847 4,994 4,750 1,339 132 218
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 263 35 1,340 3,186 3,019 1,001 106 212
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 97 5 507 1,807 1,730 338 26 5
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 176 10 266 1,009 1,110 698 - 10
BAZET-TOWN 1,150 176 10 266 1,009 1,110 698 - 10
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 25 - 306 1,842 2,069 449 - -
HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 25 - 306 1,842 2,069 449 - -
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 46 - 273 998 1,152 746 - 149
AGULA-TOWN 1,389 46 - 273 998 1,152 746 - 149
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 195 5 445 2,758 2,986 668 5 57
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 195 5 389 2,162 2,183 279 5 26
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 - - 56 596 803 389 - 30
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 2,099 80 10,005 14,203 13,473 3,298 43 1,481
ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 2,099 80 10,005 14,203 13,473 3,298 43 1,481
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 1,077 26 3,379 7,702 7,620 2,174 26 760
WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 1,077 26 3,379 7,702 7,620 2,174 26 760
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 1,655 122 5,623 27,322 31,480 11,517 252 1,920
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 21 5 274 2,065 2,334 1,155 30 5
GIJET-TOWN 1,118 5 - 61 794 1,042 739 30 -
SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 16 5 214 1,271 1,291 417 - 5
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 162 9 211 2,178 2,697 1,637 9 236
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 144 5 144 1,380 1,783 997 5 177
HIWANE-TOWN 991 18 5 68 797 914 640 5 59
ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 88 - 377 1,627 1,926 811 15 5
ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 88 - 377 1,627 1,926 811 15 5
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 5 5 96 776 872 680 30 5
MESWAET-TOWN 882 5 5 96 776 872 680 30 5
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 111 15 335 3,670 3,943 652 21 35
MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 111 15 287 3,098 3,360 504 10 35
CHERCHER-TOWN 631 - - 48 573 583 148 11 -
ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 10 - 92 526 1,175 577 - -
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 10 - 92 526 1,175 577 - -
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 962 36 1,644 6,175 6,012 1,430 36 494
MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 962 36 1,644 6,175 6,012 1,430 36 494

Table 8.17 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Fuel for Cooking: 2007
Type of Fuel for Cooking
Geographical Housing
Area Units Electricity Gas Kerosene Charcoal Firewood Dung Bio-Gas Other

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 122 16 1,089 4,010 4,371 2,140 74 308

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 122 16 1,089 4,010 4,371 2,140 74 308
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 175 36 1,505 6,296 8,150 2,434 36 832
ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 175 36 1,505 6,296 8,150 2,434 36 832
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 328 26 1,129 14,120 16,598 2,061 70 852
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 96 5 540 6,013 6,874 476 41 122
ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 15 - 146 1,792 2,241 298 20 61
BIHER-TOWN 1,831 70 5 145 1,391 1,686 125 5 35
MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 11 - 249 2,831 2,947 53 16 26
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 - 5 104 1,174 2,450 1,092 19 184
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 - 5 38 729 1,146 421 19 -
ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 - - 67 445 1,305 670 - 184
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 - 6 159 1,638 2,124 344 5 323
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 - - 10 495 500 78 5 152
DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 - 6 149 1,143 1,623 265 - 171
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 232 10 325 5,294 5,150 150 5 222
HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 232 10 325 5,294 5,150 150 5 222
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 12,896 557 23,303 45,233 39,448 11,010 607 2,848
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 5,820 308 10,042 20,042 16,018 4,509 157 1,247
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 5,820 308 10,042 20,042 16,018 4,509 157 1,247
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 7,076 249 13,261 25,191 23,429 6,501 451 1,601
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 7,076 249 13,261 25,191 23,429 6,501 451 1,601

Table 8.18 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Bathing Facility: 2007
Type of Bathing Facility
All Room for
Geographical Housing No Bathing Bathtub, Bathtub, Shower, Shower, Bathing,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Vacant

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 198,144 3,643 3,891 9,671 11,708 4,769

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 28,792 229 230 701 945 463
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,928 20 - - - 5
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,928 20 - - - 5
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 2,464 - - 10 - 5
ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 2,464 - - 10 - 5
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 2,941 20 - 47 48 90
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 1,981 5 - 42 48 90
ZANA-TOWN 980 960 15 - 5 - -
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,954 2,813 10 10 10 58 53
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,954 2,813 10 10 10 58 53
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 2,331 10 - 15 15 5
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 2,331 10 - 15 15 5
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,552 11,721 163 184 571 719 194
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,552 11,721 163 184 571 719 194
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 4,596 5 37 48 106 112
SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 4,596 5 37 48 106 112
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,125 44,423 1,056 963 1,674 2,153 856
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 2,163 - 25 56 61 81
RAMA-TOWN 2,386 2,163 - 25 56 61 81
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 6,241 49 77 87 126 24
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,645 1,556 9 9 28 38 5
INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 2,846 29 63 48 58 19
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 649 - - 5 5 -
FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 1,190 10 5 5 26 -
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 4,110 353 85 19 19 19
NEBELAT-TOWN 971 966 - - - - 5
IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 2,341 140 5 10 14 14
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 803 213 80 9 5 -
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,141 3,056 15 15 5 30 20
CHILA-TOWN 884 864 10 - - - 10
WUKRO MARYA 2,257 2,192 5 15 5 30 10
NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 646 - - - - -
SEMEMA TOWN 646 646 - - - - -
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,172 1,985 133 - 11 - 43
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,172 1,985 133 - 11 - 43
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,864 21 - 5 15 31
MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,864 21 - 5 15 31
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 4,155 45 50 140 195 100
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 4,155 45 50 140 195 100
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 9,474 288 430 683 961 278
ADWA-TOWN 12,114 9,474 288 430 683 961 278
AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 10,730 153 281 669 745 260
AXUM-TOWN 12,838 10,730 153 281 669 745 260
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 35,466 522 528 1,480 1,827 1,435
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,603 2,313 - 15 71 36 168
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 1,494 - 15 71 30 142
FATSI-TOWN 849 819 - - - 5 25
EROB-WEREDA 660 614 - - 10 5 31
DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 614 - - 10 5 31
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,211 4,730 192 71 56 86 76
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 2,964 187 66 20 56 35
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 1,766 5 5 36 31 41
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 1,125 - - 5 20 -
BAZET-TOWN 1,150 1,125 - - 5 20 -
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 1,990 20 54 25 15 64
HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 1,990 20 54 25 15 64
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 1,338 - - 31 10 10
AGULA-TOWN 1,389 1,338 - - 31 10 10
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,112 3,006 32 16 16 26 16
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,284 2,183 32 16 16 21 16
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 823 - - - 5 -
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,971 13,159 186 229 868 986 543
ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,971 13,159 186 229 868 986 543
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 7,191 92 143 398 643 526
WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 7,191 92 143 398 643 526
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 32,268 344 293 586 667 726
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 2,426 5 10 31 16 10
GIJET-TOWN 1,118 1,098 - 10 5 - 5
SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 1,328 5 - 26 16 5
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,051 2,808 124 38 33 29 19

Table 8.18 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Bathing Facility: 2007
Type of Bathing Facility
All Room for
Geographical Housing No Bathing Bathtub, Bathtub, Shower, Shower, Bathing,
Area Units Facility Private Shared Private Shared Vacant

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,831 120 38 24 29 19

HIWANE-TOWN 991 977 5 - 9 - -
ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 1,937 15 - 21 26 77
ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 1,937 15 - 21 26 77
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 882 - - - - -
MESWAET-TOWN 882 882 - - - - -
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,446 4,187 25 76 76 46 36
MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 3,566 25 76 76 40 30
CHERCHER-TOWN 630 620 - - - 5 5
ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 1,196 - - 10 15 31
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 1,196 - - 10 15 31
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,100 6,505 122 61 117 163 132
MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,100 6,505 122 61 117 163 132
KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,733 4,424 16 16 32 96 149
KOREM-TOWN 4,733 4,424 16 16 32 96 149
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,847 7,903 36 92 267 277 272
ALAMATA-TOWN 8,847 7,903 36 92 267 277 272
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 17,756 93 36 235 207 161
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 7,407 11 5 57 26 21
ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 2,342 - - - 10 -
BIHER-TOWN 1,831 1,811 - - 15 5 -
MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 3,254 11 5 42 11 21
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 2,623 10 - - - 10
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 1,226 5 - - - -
ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 1,397 5 - - - 10
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,348 2,297 6 - 28 6 11
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 569 - - - - -
DANISHA-TOWN 1,779 1,728 6 - 28 6 11
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,972 5,429 67 31 150 176 119
HUMERA-TOWN 5,972 5,429 67 31 150 176 119
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 39,440 1,399 1,839 4,995 5,909 1,127
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 17,093 731 668 2,229 2,552 454
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 17,093 731 668 2,229 2,552 454
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 22,347 668 1,171 2,766 3,357 673
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 22,347 668 1,171 2,766 3,357 673

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

TIGRAY-REGION 231,827 65,969 126,533 5,440 - 11,836 219 19,826 1,514 490

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 7,430 17,732 1,209 - 1,176 46 3,571 160 36

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,952 610 1,017 - - 66 10 244 5 -

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,952 610 1,017 - - 66 10 244 5 -

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,478 273 1,745 - - 121 5 324 5 5

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,478 273 1,745 - - 121 5 324 5 5

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,147 1,056 1,652 - - 32 10 397 - -

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 805 1,049 - - 26 - 286 - -

ZANA-TOWN 980 251 603 - - 5 10 111 - -

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 688 1,952 139 - 34 - 125 14 -

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 688 1,952 139 - 34 - 125 14 -

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,376 15 297 983 - 229 10 827 15 -

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,376 15 297 983 - 229 10 827 15 -

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,553 4,400 8,596 82 - 56 - 357 31 31

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,553 4,400 8,596 82 - 56 - 357 31 31

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,903 388 2,473 5 - 638 11 1,298 90 -

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,903 388 2,473 5 - 638 11 1,298 90 -

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 18,100 25,660 418 - 2,329 69 4,268 191 91

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 1,097 1,020 5 - 36 5 218 - 5

RAMA-TOWN 2,386 1,097 1,020 5 - 36 5 218 - 5

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 1,413 3,334 159 - 746 5 913 34 -

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 265 572 24 - 482 5 284 14 -

INTICHO-TOWN 3,064 641 1,787 130 - 207 - 289 10 -

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 140 285 5 - 47 - 171 10 -

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,237 368 690 - - 10 - 169 - -

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,606 1,225 1,872 5 - 661 5 804 10 24

NEBELAT-TOWN 972 52 76 5 - 486 - 343 5 5

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 734 1,385 - - 29 - 352 5 19

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 439 411 - - 146 5 109 - -

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,141 1,425 1,037 - - 30 49 570 30 -

CHILA-TOWN 884 301 227 - - 15 49 277 15 -

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,124 810 - - 15 - 294 15 -

NADER ADET-WEREDA 645 117 464 - - 5 - 59 - -

SEMEMA TOWN 645 117 464 - - 5 - 59 - -

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 803 937 21 - 192 - 202 16 -

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 803 937 21 - 192 - 202 16 -

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 563 532 - - 387 - 413 - 41

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 563 532 - - 387 - 413 - 41

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 2,127 2,122 25 - 130 - 265 15 -

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 2,127 2,122 25 - 130 - 265 15 -

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,115 4,143 7,542 71 - 106 - 223 25 5

ADWA-TOWN 12,115 4,143 7,542 71 - 106 - 223 25 5

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,837 5,186 6,799 133 - 36 5 602 61 15

AXUM-TOWN 12,837 5,186 6,799 133 - 36 5 602 61 15

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,257 13,226 25,118 397 - 467 16 1,869 138 26

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,411 1,039 5 - 10 - 132 - 5

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,169 483 5 - 10 - 81 - 5

FATSI-TOWN 850 243 556 - - - - 51 - -

EROB-WEREDA 661 78 552 - - 5 16 10 - -

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 78 552 - - 5 16 10 - -

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 1,514 3,286 40 - 92 - 270 10 -

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 951 2,170 40 - 46 - 111 10 -

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 563 1,116 - - 46 - 159 - -

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 352 738 - - - - 50 10 -

BAZET-TOWN 1,150 352 738 - - - - 50 10 -

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 736 1,240 20 - 5 - 148 20 -

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 736 1,240 20 - 5 - 148 20 -

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 484 746 67 - 51 - 41 - -

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 484 746 67 - 51 - 41 - -

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 819 1,718 62 - 118 - 368 26 -

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,284 652 1,294 32 - 58 - 237 11 -

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 167 424 30 - 61 - 131 15 -

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,971 5,194 9,685 91 - 165 - 783 32 21

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,971 5,194 9,685 91 - 165 - 783 32 21

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,992 2,639 6,114 112 - 20 - 66 41 -

WUKRO-TOWN 8,992 2,639 6,114 112 - 20 - 66 41 -

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 9,862 19,920 292 - 402 31 4,220 128 30

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 944 1,085 - - 36 20 398 5 10

GIJET-TOWN 1,117 470 304 - - 25 20 293 5 -

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,379 474 781 - - 10 - 104 - 10

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 1,042 1,535 5 - 112 - 348 5 5

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 628 1,107 5 - 72 - 244 - 5

HIWANE-TOWN 992 414 428 - - 41 - 104 5 -

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 284 1,358 10 - 5 - 418 - -

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 284 1,358 10 - 5 - 418 - -

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 126 529 - - 5 - 212 10 -

MESWAET-TOWN 882 126 529 - - 5 - 212 10 -

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 1,265 2,841 26 - 72 - 235 - 5

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 1,048 2,534 15 - 40 - 171 - 5

CHERCHER-TOWN 632 217 308 11 - 32 - 64 - -

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,251 235 567 - - 10 - 414 20 5

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,251 235 567 - - 10 - 414 20 5

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 2,555 4,179 76 - 31 - 229 31 -

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 2,555 4,179 76 - 31 - 229 31 -

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 1,397 2,756 21 - 64 - 473 21 -

KOREM-TOWN 4,732 1,397 2,756 21 - 64 - 473 21 -

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,847 2,013 5,068 154 - 67 10 1,494 36 5

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,847 2,013 5,068 154 - 67 10 1,494 36 5

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 1,509 3,401 2,915 - 5,311 48 4,569 512 223

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,525 167 61 1,919 - 3,876 10 1,370 76 46

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,350 40 5 368 - 1,504 10 373 30 20

BIHER-TOWN 1,831 - 40 265 - 976 - 515 25 10

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 127 16 1,286 - 1,397 - 481 21 16

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 10 14 191 - 282 5 1,793 196 152

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,232 5 14 175 - 114 - 729 43 152

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,411 5 - 15 - 169 5 1,064 153 -

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,345 180 175 686 - 274 22 878 120 10

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 570 15 15 294 - 59 - 128 54 5

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 166 160 392 - 215 22 751 66 6

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 1,152 3,151 119 - 878 10 527 119 15

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 1,152 3,151 119 - 878 10 527 119 15

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,708 15,841 34,703 208 - 2,151 10 1,328 384 83

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 7,657 15,407 110 - 162 - 235 130 26

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 7,657 15,407 110 - 162 - 235 130 26

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 8,185 19,296 98 - 1,989 10 1,093 254 57

Table 8.19 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Lighting: 2007
Type of Lighting
All Electricity/ Electricity/ from
Geographical Housing Meter Meter Generator Solar Candle/
Area Units Private Shared (No Meter) Energy Lantern Bio-Gas Lamps Wax Candle Firewood

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 8,185 19,296 98 - 1,989 10 1,093 254 57

Table 8.20 Housing Units of Towns by Availablity of Radio, Telephone and Television: 2007
Radio Telephone Television
------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------------------
All All All
Geographical Housing Has Housing Has Has no Housing Has
Area Units Has Radio no Radio Units Telephone Telephone Units Has TV no TV

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 142,029 89,797 231,826 37,359 194,467 231,826 53,472 178,354
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 18,806 12,554 31,360 4,149 27,211 31,360 5,251 26,109
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 1,053 900 1,953 81 1,872 1,953 234 1,719
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 1,053 900 1,953 81 1,872 1,953 234 1,719
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 1,452 1,027 2,479 10 2,469 2,479 96 2,383
ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 1,452 1,027 2,479 10 2,469 2,479 96 2,383
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,146 1,941 1,205 3,146 343 2,803 3,146 373 2,773
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,166 1,303 863 2,166 312 1,854 2,166 312 1,854
ZANA-TOWN 980 638 342 980 30 950 980 60 920
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 1,726 1,226 2,952 394 2,558 2,952 250 2,702
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 1,726 1,226 2,952 394 2,558 2,952 250 2,702
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 1,027 1,348 2,375 5 2,370 2,375 83 2,292
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 1,027 1,348 2,375 5 2,370 2,375 83 2,292
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 8,932 4,619 13,551 3,023 10,528 13,551 3,870 9,681
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 8,932 4,619 13,551 3,023 10,528 13,551 3,870 9,681
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,904 2,675 2,229 4,904 293 4,611 4,904 346 4,558
SHIRARO-TOWN 4,904 2,675 2,229 4,904 293 4,611 4,904 346 4,558
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 30,236 20,890 51,126 8,101 43,025 51,126 9,611 41,515
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 1,178 1,208 2,386 315 2,071 2,386 289 2,097
RAMA-TOWN 2,386 1,178 1,208 2,386 315 2,071 2,386 289 2,097
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 3,807 2,797 6,604 453 6,151 6,604 526 6,078
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 989 657 1,646 71 1,575 1,646 109 1,537
INTICHO-TOWN 3,063 1,710 1,353 3,063 352 2,711 3,063 294 2,769
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 348 311 659 - 659 659 31 628
FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 761 475 1,236 31 1,205 1,236 92 1,144
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 2,359 2,246 4,605 5 4,600 4,605 279 4,326
NEBELAT-TOWN 971 543 428 971 - 971 971 10 961
IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 1,216 1,308 2,524 - 2,524 2,524 217 2,307
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 600 510 1,110 5 1,105 1,110 52 1,058
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 1,662 1,480 3,142 380 2,762 3,142 273 2,869
CHILA-TOWN 884 361 523 884 5 879 884 25 859
WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,301 957 2,258 375 1,883 2,258 248 2,010
NADER ADET-WEREDA 646 336 310 646 11 635 646 69 577
SEMEMA TOWN 646 336 310 646 11 635 646 69 577
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 1,272 899 2,171 314 1,857 2,171 277 1,894
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 1,272 899 2,171 314 1,857 2,171 277 1,894
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 1,033 903 1,936 222 1,714 1,936 83 1,853
MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 1,033 903 1,936 222 1,714 1,936 83 1,853
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,684 2,322 2,362 4,684 669 4,015 4,684 794 3,890
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,684 2,322 2,362 4,684 669 4,015 4,684 794 3,890
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 7,794 4,320 12,114 2,666 9,448 12,114 3,495 8,619
ADWA-TOWN 12,114 7,794 4,320 12,114 2,666 9,448 12,114 3,495 8,619

Table 8.20 Housing Units of Towns by Availablity of Radio, Telephone and Television: 2007
Radio Telephone Television
------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------------------
All All All
Geographical Housing Has Housing Has Has no Housing Has
Area Units Has Radio no Radio Units Telephone Telephone Units Has TV no TV

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 8,474 4,364 12,838 3,068 9,770 12,838 3,527 9,311
AXUM-TOWN 12,838 8,474 4,364 12,838 3,068 9,770 12,838 3,527 9,311
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 27,034 14,224 41,258 5,959 35,299 41,258 8,704 32,554
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,577 1,025 2,602 163 2,439 2,602 228 2,374
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,062 691 1,753 158 1,595 1,753 127 1,626
FATSI-TOWN 849 515 334 849 5 844 849 101 748
EROB-WEREDA 661 385 276 661 - 661 661 5 656
DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 385 276 661 - 661 661 5 656
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 3,074 2,138 5,212 656 4,556 5,212 701 4,511
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 1,937 1,391 3,328 389 2,939 3,328 450 2,878
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 1,137 747 1,884 266 1,618 1,884 251 1,633
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,150 693 457 1,150 - 1,150 1,150 110 1,040
BAZET-TOWN 1,150 693 457 1,150 - 1,150 1,150 110 1,040
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 1,358 810 2,168 331 1,837 2,168 331 1,837
HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 1,358 810 2,168 331 1,837 2,168 331 1,837
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 962 427 1,389 10 1,379 1,389 123 1,266
AGULA-TOWN 1,389 962 427 1,389 10 1,379 1,389 123 1,266
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 1,762 1,349 3,111 - 3,111 3,111 210 2,901
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 1,383 900 2,283 - 2,283 2,283 200 2,083
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 828 379 449 828 - 828 828 10 818
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 11,119 4,853 15,972 3,942 12,030 15,972 5,045 10,927
ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 11,119 4,853 15,972 3,942 12,030 15,972 5,045 10,927
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 6,104 2,889 8,993 857 8,136 8,993 1,950 7,043
WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 6,104 2,889 8,993 857 8,136 8,993 1,950 7,043
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 17,763 17,122 34,885 3,920 30,965 34,885 5,058 29,827
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 1,184 1,314 2,498 10 2,488 2,498 109 2,389
GIJET-TOWN 1,118 455 663 1,118 5 1,113 1,118 20 1,098
SAMIRA-TOWN 1,380 729 651 1,380 5 1,375 1,380 89 1,291
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,052 1,703 1,349 3,052 424 2,628 3,052 391 2,661
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,122 939 2,061 379 1,682 2,061 292 1,769
HIWANE-TOWN 991 581 410 991 45 946 991 99 892
ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 1,162 914 2,076 294 1,782 2,076 217 1,859
ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 1,162 914 2,076 294 1,782 2,076 217 1,859
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 882 292 590 882 - 882 882 25 857
MESWAET-TOWN 882 292 590 882 - 882 882 25 857
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 2,217 2,227 4,444 363 4,081 4,444 451 3,993
MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 1,909 1,904 3,813 358 3,455 3,813 403 3,410
CHERCHER-TOWN 631 308 323 631 5 626 631 48 583
ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 485 767 1,252 15 1,237 1,252 61 1,191
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 485 767 1,252 15 1,237 1,252 61 1,191
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,101 4,276 2,825 7,101 1,395 5,706 7,101 1,690 5,411
MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,101 4,276 2,825 7,101 1,395 5,706 7,101 1,690 5,411

Table 8.20 Housing Units of Towns by Availablity of Radio, Telephone and Television: 2007
Radio Telephone Television
------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------------------
All All All
Geographical Housing Has Housing Has Has no Housing Has
Area Units Has Radio no Radio Units Telephone Telephone Units Has TV no TV

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,732 2,300 2,432 4,732 499 4,233 4,732 728 4,004
KOREM-TOWN 4,732 2,300 2,432 4,732 499 4,233 4,732 728 4,004
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 4,144 4,704 8,848 919 7,929 8,848 1,387 7,461
ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 4,144 4,704 8,848 919 7,929 8,848 1,387 7,461
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,488 8,862 9,626 18,488 932 17,556 18,488 1,530 16,958
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 3,582 3,945 7,527 25 7,502 7,527 188 7,339
ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 1,120 1,232 2,352 20 2,332 2,352 35 2,317
BIHER-TOWN 1,831 900 931 1,831 - 1,831 1,831 20 1,811
MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 1,561 1,783 3,344 5 3,339 3,344 132 3,212
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,643 1,060 1,583 2,643 5 2,638 2,643 41 2,602
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 436 795 1,231 - 1,231 1,231 5 1,226
ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 624 788 1,412 5 1,407 1,412 36 1,376
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,347 1,018 1,329 2,347 178 2,169 2,347 124 2,223
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 289 280 569 34 535 569 69 500
DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 729 1,049 1,778 144 1,634 1,778 55 1,723
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 3,202 2,769 5,971 723 5,248 5,971 1,178 4,793
HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 3,202 2,769 5,971 723 5,248 5,971 1,178 4,793
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 39,328 15,381 54,709 14,298 40,411 54,709 23,317 31,392
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,727 17,354 6,373 23,727 5,710 18,017 23,727 10,553 13,174
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,727 17,354 6,373 23,727 5,710 18,017 23,727 10,553 13,174
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 21,974 9,008 30,982 8,589 22,393 30,982 12,764 18,218
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 21,974 9,008 30,982 8,589 22,393 30,982 12,764 18,218

Table 8.21 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Geographical Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Area Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other

TIGRAY-REGION 231,826 124,274 4,257 66,294 12,557 22,167 2,277

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 14,184 782 12,661 1,257 1,679 797
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,953 422 224 1,083 71 153 -
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,953 422 224 1,083 71 153 -
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,478 465 111 1,634 86 172 10
ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,478 465 111 1,634 86 172 10
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,145 1,278 26 1,145 124 567 5
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,165 1,017 26 778 74 270 -
ZANA-TOWN 980 261 - 367 50 297 5
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 635 53 2,139 87 38 -
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 635 53 2,139 87 38 -
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,375 380 - 1,806 19 102 68
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,375 380 - 1,806 19 102 68
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,552 8,504 347 3,008 673 418 602
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,552 8,504 347 3,008 673 418 602
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,905 2,500 21 1,846 197 229 112
SHIRARO-TOWN 4,905 2,500 21 1,846 197 229 112
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,126 26,532 126 14,278 2,182 7,527 481
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,386 1,213 - 716 183 259 15
RAMA-TOWN 2,386 1,213 - 716 183 259 15
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 2,677 5 2,816 347 744 15
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,646 544 - 941 33 123 5
INTICHO-TOWN 3,064 2,052 - 718 53 236 5
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 659 - 5 529 16 109 -
FERES MAY-TOWN 1,236 82 - 628 245 276 5
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 19 29 2,195 251 2,092 19
NEBELAT-TOWN 971 - - 571 29 371 -
IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 14 29 1,269 34 1,178 -
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 5 - 354 189 543 19
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,142 1,468 5 1,184 114 366 5
CHILA-TOWN 884 5 - 647 94 138 -
WUKRO MARYA 2,258 1,463 5 537 20 228 5
NADER ADET-WEREDA 645 - - 523 5 117 -
SEMEMA TOWN 645 - - 523 5 117 -
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,170 138 5 702 330 990 5
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,170 138 5 702 330 990 5
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 31 - 1,425 155 325 -
MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 31 - 1,425 155 325 -
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 3,031 10 934 360 325 25
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 3,031 10 934 360 325 25
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,114 8,831 46 1,522 132 1,421 162

Table 8.21 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Geographical Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Area Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other

ADWA-TOWN 12,114 8,831 46 1,522 132 1,421 162

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 9,122 26 2,261 306 888 235
AXUM-TOWN 12,838 9,122 26 2,261 306 888 235
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 28,598 196 7,783 1,812 2,471 398
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,602 1,377 - 1,078 51 91 5
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,753 1,377 - 290 - 81 5
FATSI-TOWN 849 - - 788 51 10 -
EROB-WEREDA 660 - - 604 10 36 10
DAWUHAN-TOWN 660 - - 604 10 36 10
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 3,138 107 1,530 102 335 -
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,329 2,504 46 516 - 263 -
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 635 61 1,014 102 72 -
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 85 - 20 256 773 15
BAZET-TOWN 1,149 85 - 20 256 773 15
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,168 1,827 5 237 - 59 40
HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,168 1,827 5 237 - 59 40
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 571 - 633 113 72 -
AGULA-TOWN 1,389 571 - 633 113 72 -
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 2,151 5 778 15 151 11
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,283 1,636 5 526 - 105 11
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 827 515 - 252 15 45 -
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,972 11,609 64 2,056 1,172 810 261
ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,972 11,609 64 2,056 1,172 810 261
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 7,840 15 847 92 143 56
WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 7,840 15 847 92 143 56
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,884 14,937 374 10,957 3,859 4,633 124
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,498 390 26 1,071 147 864 -
GIJET-TOWN 1,118 10 - 607 142 359 -
SAMIRA-TOWN 1,379 380 26 463 5 505 -
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,051 1,458 9 897 152 535 -
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,061 1,169 5 614 134 139 -
HIWANE-TOWN 991 288 5 284 18 396 -
ALAJE-WEREDA 2,076 1,162 5 620 181 103 5
ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,076 1,162 5 620 181 103 5
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 881 146 - 307 55 368 5
MESWAET-TOWN 881 146 - 307 55 368 5
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,443 1,974 15 1,141 309 999 5
MEHONI-TOWN 3,812 1,974 15 579 277 962 5
CHERCHER-TOWN 631 - - 562 32 37 -
ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 20 - 1,002 82 148 -
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 20 - 1,002 82 148 -

Table 8.21 Housing Units of Towns by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Geographical Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Area Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,100 4,770 132 1,537 178 463 20

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,100 4,770 132 1,537 178 463 20
KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,731 1,535 37 1,901 552 664 42
KOREM-TOWN 4,731 1,535 37 1,901 552 664 42
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 3,482 149 2,480 2,203 488 46
ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 3,482 149 2,480 2,203 488 46
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,487 5,952 234 8,660 1,136 2,443 62
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,527 2,468 95 3,290 490 1,179 5
ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,352 268 5 1,413 5 661 -
BIHER-TOWN 1,831 5 5 951 485 385 -
MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,344 2,196 85 926 - 132 5
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,644 5 - 2,383 200 56 -
MEZEGA-TOWN 1,230 - - 1,032 189 9 -
ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 5 - 1,351 10 46 -
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,348 385 - 1,469 28 460 6
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 103 - 437 - 29 -
DANISHA-TOWN 1,780 282 - 1,033 28 431 6
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 3,094 139 1,519 418 749 52
HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 3,094 139 1,519 418 749 52
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,709 34,071 2,545 11,954 2,310 3,414 415
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,728 16,775 1,540 3,199 679 1,441 94
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,728 16,775 1,540 3,199 679 1,441 94
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,982 17,296 1,005 8,754 1,632 1,974 321
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,982 17,296 1,005 8,754 1,632 1,974 321

Table 8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Urban-Rural Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Residence Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other

Urban+Rural 957,686 127,266 6,117 548,601 34,580 228,585 12,537
Urban 231,826 124,274 4,257 66,294 12,557 22,167 2,277
Rural 725,860 2,992 1,860 482,307 22,023 206,418 10,260


Urban+Rural 161,142 14,458 1,122 121,896 3,465 17,765 2,436
Urban 31,360 14,184 782 12,661 1,257 1,679 797
Rural 129,782 274 340 109,235 2,208 16,086 1,639

Urban+Rural 19,141 454 380 16,030 345 1,733 199
Urban 1,953 422 224 1,083 71 153 -
Rural 17,188 32 156 14,947 274 1,580 199

Urban+Rural 24,407 502 127 16,633 501 6,224 420
Urban 2,478 465 111 1,634 86 172 10
Rural 21,929 37 16 14,999 415 6,052 410

Urban+Rural 26,918 1,337 47 20,208 316 4,680 330
Urban 3,145 1,278 26 1,145 124 567 5
Rural 23,773 59 21 19,063 192 4,113 325

Urban+Rural 13,842 5 92 11,478 308 1,765 194
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 13,842 5 92 11,478 308 1,765 194

Urban+Rural 28,574 705 98 25,828 636 1,127 180
Urban 2,952 635 53 2,139 87 38 -
Rural 25,622 70 45 23,689 549 1,089 180

Urban+Rural 29,805 452 10 26,864 489 1,590 400
Urban 2,375 380 - 1,806 19 102 68
Rural 27,430 72 10 25,058 470 1,488 332

Urban+Rural 13,552 8,504 347 3,008 673 418 602
Urban 13,552 8,504 347 3,008 673 418 602
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,905 2,500 21 1,846 197 229 112
Urban 4,905 2,500 21 1,846 197 229 112
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 269,877 27,541 765 138,311 7,622 92,837 2,801
Urban 51,126 26,532 126 14,278 2,182 7,527 481
Rural 218,751 1,009 639 124,033 5,440 85,310 2,320

Urban+Rural 22,531 1,234 137 12,647 956 7,442 115
Urban 2,386 1,213 - 716 183 259 15
Rural 20,145 21 137 11,931 773 7,183 100

Urban+Rural 37,484 3,147 111 17,417 1,550 14,975 284
Urban 6,604 2,677 5 2,816 347 744 15
Rural 30,880 470 106 14,601 1,203 14,231 269

Urban+Rural 31,089 113 316 11,466 721 18,355 118
Urban 4,605 19 29 2,195 251 2,092 19
Rural 26,484 94 287 9,271 470 16,263 99

Table 8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Urban-Rural Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Residence Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other
Urban+Rural 19,526 133 27 9,420 245 9,611 90
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 19,526 133 27 9,420 245 9,611 90

Urban+Rural 14,203 - 16 8,978 292 4,870 47
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 14,203 - 16 8,978 292 4,870 47

Urban+Rural 21,544 1,515 15 11,959 559 7,392 104
Urban 3,142 1,468 5 1,184 114 366 5
Rural 18,402 47 10 10,775 445 7,026 99

Urban+Rural 22,476 83 5 12,684 363 8,973 368
Urban 645 - - 523 5 117 -
Rural 21,831 83 5 12,161 358 8,856 368

Urban+Rural 28,027 20 25 18,236 381 8,643 722
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 28,027 20 25 18,236 381 8,643 722

Urban+Rural 24,589 212 10 16,210 1,063 6,914 180
Urban 2,170 138 5 702 330 990 5
Rural 22,419 74 5 15,508 733 5,924 175

Urban+Rural 18,766 98 21 14,577 694 3,027 349
Urban 1,936 31 - 1,425 155 325 -
Rural 16,830 67 21 13,152 539 2,702 349

Urban+Rural 4,685 3,031 10 934 360 325 25
Urban 4,685 3,031 10 934 360 325 25
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,114 8,831 46 1,522 132 1,421 162
Urban 12,114 8,831 46 1,522 132 1,421 162
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 12,838 9,122 26 2,261 306 888 235
Urban 12,838 9,122 26 2,261 306 888 235
Rural - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 166,486 29,076 713 65,535 4,429 64,316 2,417
Urban 41,258 28,598 196 7,783 1,812 2,471 398
Rural 125,228 478 517 57,752 2,617 61,845 2,019

Urban+Rural 17,673 1,399 167 8,653 715 6,567 172
Urban 2,602 1,377 - 1,078 51 91 5
Rural 15,071 22 167 7,575 664 6,476 167

Urban+Rural 5,163 16 11 4,028 114 859 135
Urban 660 - - 604 10 36 10
Rural 4,503 16 11 3,424 104 823 125

Urban+Rural 29,257 3,211 133 13,482 562 11,409 460
Urban 5,212 3,138 107 1,530 102 335 -
Rural 24,045 73 26 11,952 460 11,074 460


Table 8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Urban-Rural Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Residence Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other
Urban+Rural 18,856 139 140 6,590 632 11,216 139
Urban 1,149 85 - 20 256 773 15
Rural 17,707 54 140 6,570 376 10,443 124

Urban+Rural 24,105 1,879 42 9,067 246 12,522 349
Urban 2,168 1,827 5 237 - 59 40
Rural 21,937 52 37 8,830 246 12,463 309

Urban+Rural 20,932 634 115 10,483 526 8,954 220
Urban 1,389 571 - 633 113 72 -
Rural 19,543 63 115 9,850 413 8,882 220

Urban+Rural 25,534 2,349 26 10,329 369 11,836 625
Urban 3,111 2,151 5 778 15 151 11
Rural 22,423 198 21 9,551 354 11,685 614

Urban+Rural 15,972 11,609 64 2,056 1,172 810 261
Urban 15,972 11,609 64 2,056 1,172 810 261
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,993 7,840 15 847 92 143 56
Urban 8,993 7,840 15 847 92 143 56
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 226,119 15,728 676 146,993 14,352 44,446 3,924
Urban 34,884 14,937 374 10,957 3,859 4,633 124
Rural 191,235 791 302 136,036 10,493 39,813 3,800

Urban+Rural 25,838 649 47 17,045 660 7,116 321
Urban 2,498 390 26 1,071 147 864 -
Rural 23,340 259 21 15,974 513 6,252 321

Urban+Rural 23,856 174 79 17,245 1,006 4,878 474
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 23,856 174 79 17,245 1,006 4,878 474

Urban+Rural 33,128 1,583 35 20,592 1,051 9,339 528
Urban 3,051 1,458 9 897 152 535 -
Rural 30,077 125 26 19,695 899 8,804 528

Urban+Rural 23,952 1,193 15 18,131 1,176 2,965 472
Urban 2,076 1,162 5 620 181 103 5
Rural 21,876 31 10 17,511 995 2,862 467

Urban+Rural 18,370 172 16 13,067 1,491 2,872 752
Urban 881 146 - 307 55 368 5
Rural 17,489 26 16 12,760 1,436 2,504 747

Urban+Rural 31,469 2,052 36 15,776 2,617 10,070 918
Urban 4,443 1,974 15 1,141 309 999 5
Rural 27,026 78 21 14,635 2,308 9,071 913

Urban+Rural 20,107 71 15 15,627 1,846 2,348 200
Urban 1,252 20 - 1,002 82 148 -
Rural 18,855 51 15 14,625 1,764 2,200 200

Urban+Rural 28,717 47 114 23,591 1,572 3,243 150

Table 8.22 Housing Units by Type of Waste Disposal: 2007
Type of Waste Disposal
Collected Collected
All by by Private Open Space/
Urban-Rural Housing Municipality Establishments/ Behind the Dump in Burn/
Residence Units Individuals Housnig Unit River Bury Other
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural 28,717 47 114 23,591 1,572 3,243 150

Urban+Rural 7,100 4,770 132 1,537 178 463 20
Urban 7,100 4,770 132 1,537 178 463 20
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 4,731 1,535 37 1,901 552 664 42
Urban 4,731 1,535 37 1,901 552 664 42
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 8,848 3,482 149 2,480 2,203 488 46
Urban 8,848 3,482 149 2,480 2,203 488 46
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 79,351 6,391 297 63,911 2,401 5,807 544
Urban 18,487 5,952 234 8,660 1,136 2,443 62
Rural 60,864 439 63 55,251 1,265 3,364 482

Urban+Rural 22,260 2,763 131 15,438 971 2,843 114
Urban 7,527 2,468 95 3,290 490 1,179 5
Rural 14,733 295 36 12,148 481 1,664 109

Urban+Rural 29,337 63 21 27,783 598 655 217
Urban 2,644 5 - 2,383 200 56 -
Rural 26,693 58 21 25,400 398 599 217

Urban+Rural 21,786 471 5 19,172 415 1,561 162
Urban 2,348 385 - 1,469 28 460 6
Rural 19,438 86 5 17,703 387 1,101 156

Urban+Rural 5,971 3,094 139 1,519 418 749 52
Urban 5,971 3,094 139 1,519 418 749 52
Rural - - - - - - -


Urban+Rural 54,709 34,071 2,545 11,954 2,310 3,414 415
Urban 54,709 34,071 2,545 11,954 2,310 3,414 415
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 23,728 16,775 1,540 3,199 679 1,441 94
Urban 23,728 16,775 1,540 3,199 679 1,441 94
Rural - - - - - - -

Urban+Rural 30,982 17,296 1,005 8,754 1,632 1,974 321
Urban 30,982 17,296 1,005 8,754 1,632 1,974 321
Rural - - - - - - -

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

TIGRAY-REGION 231,827 45,690 43,396 39,949 32,790 25,812 18,774 12,734 9,154 1,141 2,387 416,524 3.6

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 31,360 6,777 6,011 5,610 4,262 3,436 2,392 1,622 985 85 180 50,550 3.4

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 1,951 437 417 264 259 183 188 107 86 5 5 3,021 3.4

ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 1,951 437 417 264 259 183 188 107 86 5 5 3,021 3.4

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 2,479 481 546 445 334 283 137 142 111 - - 3,334 3.4

ADI DAERO-TOWN 2,479 481 546 445 334 283 137 142 111 - - 3,334 3.4

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 3,145 617 606 661 400 361 255 120 83 - 42 4,781 3.4

SELEKILEHA-TOWN 2,165 477 360 455 249 286 180 79 53 - 26 3,384 3.4

ZANA-TOWN 979 141 246 206 151 75 75 40 30 - 15 1,397 3.5

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 2,952 692 423 519 418 356 260 168 106 10 - 4,539 3.5

ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 2,952 692 423 519 418 356 260 168 106 10 - 4,539 3.5

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 2,374 448 433 457 384 253 151 146 78 24 - 3,465 3.5

MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 2,374 448 433 457 384 253 151 146 78 24 - 3,465 3.5

SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 13,551 2,942 2,590 2,411 1,891 1,494 1,040 653 387 36 107 24,889 3.4

SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 13,551 2,942 2,590 2,411 1,891 1,494 1,040 653 387 36 107 24,889 3.4

SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,905 1,160 995 851 574 505 362 287 133 11 27 6,521 3.3

SHIRARO-TOWN 4,905 1,160 995 851 574 505 362 287 133 11 27 6,521 3.3

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 51,127 10,986 10,082 8,667 7,176 5,426 3,970 2,596 1,579 221 424 93,796 3.4

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 2,384 584 426 416 340 228 157 127 81 10 15 3,889 3.3

RAMA-TOWN 2,384 584 426 416 340 228 157 127 81 10 15 3,889 3.3

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 6,604 1,206 1,335 1,088 952 768 540 343 199 72 101 11,694 3.6

GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 1,645 260 303 222 274 194 184 52 71 28 57 2,715 4.0

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

INTICHO-TOWN 3,064 607 689 496 390 337 212 183 82 34 34 5,876 3.5

DIOBDIBO-TOWN 658 109 104 140 93 99 57 31 10 5 10 1,199 3.7

FERES MAY-TOWN 1,237 230 240 230 194 138 87 77 36 5 - 1,905 3.4

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 4,605 815 820 885 589 536 402 257 143 63 95 6,793 3.7

NEBELAT-TOWN 971 209 157 195 138 76 90 48 29 10 19 1,418 3.5

IDAGARBI-TOWN 2,524 507 516 434 323 309 203 97 63 48 24 3,769 3.5

MAYKINATIL-TOWN 1,110 99 146 255 128 151 109 113 52 5 52 1,606 4.4

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 3,141 506 562 553 573 413 262 146 91 5 30 5,045 3.6

CHILA-TOWN 885 198 183 158 163 84 49 30 10 - 10 1,111 3.2

WUKRO MARYA 2,258 309 380 395 410 329 213 116 81 5 20 3,934 3.8

NADER ADET-WEREDA 645 224 128 112 59 53 53 5 11 - - 934 2.7

SEMEMA TOWN 645 224 128 112 59 53 53 5 11 - - 934 2.7

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 2,171 442 479 330 303 271 160 117 64 - 5 4,060 3.4

HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 2,171 442 479 330 303 271 160 117 64 - 5 4,060 3.4

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 1,936 361 408 315 279 248 129 145 36 10 5 2,643 3.5

MEARAY-TOWN 1,936 361 408 315 279 248 129 145 36 10 5 2,643 3.5

ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 4,685 964 1,004 989 529 479 365 210 115 15 15 8,190 3.3

ABIYI ADI-TOWN 4,685 964 1,004 989 529 479 365 210 115 15 15 8,190 3.3

ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,113 2,989 2,413 1,947 1,775 1,179 819 526 379 10 76 26,413 3.2

ADWA-TOWN 12,113 2,989 2,413 1,947 1,775 1,179 819 526 379 10 76 26,413 3.2

AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 12,838 2,894 2,506 2,032 1,776 1,251 1,082 720 459 36 82 24,134 3.4

AXUM-TOWN 12,838 2,894 2,506 2,032 1,776 1,251 1,082 720 459 36 82 24,134 3.4

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 41,258 8,359 7,740 6,937 5,876 4,449 3,408 2,327 1,624 187 351 78,039 3.5

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 2,601 345 380 512 421 304 264 178 152 15 30 6,037 4.0

ZALAMBESA-TOWN 1,752 173 224 330 290 213 213 147 117 15 30 4,349 4.3

FATSI-TOWN 849 172 157 182 131 91 51 30 35 - - 1,688 3.3

EROB-WEREDA 661 193 156 99 104 57 16 21 10 5 - 796 2.8

DAWUHAN-TOWN 661 193 156 99 104 57 16 21 10 5 - 796 2.8

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 5,212 1,036 985 803 757 651 406 244 264 25 41 8,682 3.6

EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 3,328 652 683 501 486 384 253 172 152 20 25 5,528 3.5

FIREWEYINI-TOWN 1,884 384 302 302 271 266 154 72 113 5 15 3,154 3.6

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 1,149 276 226 206 126 110 80 90 30 - 5 1,843 3.3

BAZET-TOWN 1,149 276 226 206 126 110 80 90 30 - 5 1,843 3.3

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 2,169 440 410 395 351 232 158 119 49 - 15 3,768 3.4

HAWUZEN-TOWN 2,169 440 410 395 351 232 158 119 49 - 15 3,768 3.4

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 1,389 304 288 221 149 180 103 67 62 - 15 2,171 3.5

AGULA-TOWN 1,389 304 288 221 149 180 103 67 62 - 15 2,171 3.5

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 3,111 594 510 515 504 386 270 145 99 31 57 4,854 3.7

ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 2,281 458 373 389 352 305 184 84 68 26 42 3,682 3.6

HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 827 136 136 126 151 81 86 61 30 5 15 1,171 3.9

ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 15,973 3,090 2,973 2,813 2,291 1,630 1,396 959 666 64 91 32,647 3.6

ADIGRAT-TOWN 15,973 3,090 2,973 2,813 2,291 1,630 1,396 959 666 64 91 32,647 3.6

WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,993 2,082 1,812 1,373 1,174 898 715 505 291 46 97 17,241 3.4

WUKRO-TOWN 8,993 2,082 1,812 1,373 1,174 898 715 505 291 46 97 17,241 3.4

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 34,885 6,773 6,975 5,961 4,827 3,838 2,795 1,669 1,393 194 460 61,062 3.5

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 2,497 571 411 422 288 267 200 175 138 10 15 3,957 3.6

GIJET-TOWN 1,118 233 177 162 116 132 101 81 96 10 10 1,801 3.9

SAMIRA-TOWN 1,379 338 234 260 172 135 99 94 42 - 5 2,156 3.3

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 3,053 468 579 446 430 337 254 185 161 61 132 4,937 4.1

ADI GUDOM-TOWN 2,062 297 407 307 254 206 187 149 125 34 96 3,369 4.2

HIWANE-TOWN 992 171 171 140 176 131 68 36 36 27 36 1,568 3.9

ALAJE-WEREDA 2,075 377 398 418 284 253 165 103 52 10 15 3,455 3.5

ADISHOHU-TOWN 2,075 377 398 418 284 253 165 103 52 10 15 3,455 3.5

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 880 171 156 186 141 101 60 50 10 5 - 1,386 3.4

MESWAET-TOWN 880 171 156 186 141 101 60 50 10 5 - 1,386 3.4

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 4,444 808 892 691 600 527 343 198 253 25 107 7,649 3.7

MEHONI-TOWN 3,813 670 781 574 489 468 327 161 232 25 86 6,483 3.8

CHERCHER-TOWN 630 138 111 117 111 58 16 37 21 - 21 1,167 3.5

ALAMATA-WEREDA 1,252 153 256 312 194 148 87 46 41 5 10 1,845 3.6

WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 1,252 153 256 312 194 148 87 46 41 5 10 1,845 3.6

MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 7,102 1,858 1,400 1,211 947 606 504 316 199 25 36 15,739 3.2

MAYCHEW-TOWN 7,102 1,858 1,400 1,211 947 606 504 316 199 25 36 15,739 3.2

KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 4,731 892 1,014 733 685 542 446 170 207 21 21 8,285 3.5

KOREM-TOWN 4,731 892 1,014 733 685 542 446 170 207 21 21 8,285 3.5

ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 8,848 1,474 1,869 1,541 1,258 1,058 734 426 334 31 123 13,809 3.6

ALAMATA-TOWN 8,848 1,474 1,869 1,541 1,258 1,058 734 426 334 31 123 13,809 3.6

Table 8.23 Housing Units of Towns by Number of Persons and Average Number of Persons Per Housing Unit: 2007
Number of Persons Average
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Number of
Geographical Housing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or Number Persons Per
Area Units Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons More of Rooms Housing Unit

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 18,487 3,091 3,482 3,205 2,678 2,069 1,465 1,127 850 157 363 25,022 3.8

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 7,525 1,175 1,265 1,355 1,032 867 690 565 368 66 142 9,825 3.9

ADEBAYE-TOWN 2,353 288 278 384 373 303 333 182 121 25 66 3,069 4.4

BIHER-TOWN 1,830 310 305 315 225 210 135 150 115 20 45 2,396 4.0

MAY CADERA-TOWN 3,345 577 683 656 434 355 222 233 132 21 32 4,360 3.6

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 2,645 364 478 411 412 324 212 148 139 43 114 3,419 4.1

MEZEGA-TOWN 1,231 180 166 175 156 170 99 71 57 43 114 1,444 4.7

ADI REMETS-TOWN 1,412 184 312 235 256 153 113 77 82 - - 1,975 3.7

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 2,348 410 484 366 361 242 171 172 54 17 71 3,612 3.7

KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 569 118 147 78 74 49 49 39 10 - 5 1,006 3.3

DANISHA-TOWN 1,778 293 337 287 287 193 121 133 44 17 66 2,606 3.9

HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 5,971 1,142 1,255 1,074 873 635 393 243 289 31 36 8,166 3.5

HUMERA-TOWN 5,971 1,142 1,255 1,074 873 635 393 243 289 31 36 8,166 3.5

MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 54,710 9,705 9,107 9,568 7,971 6,594 4,744 3,393 2,723 297 608 108,055 3.8

DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,728 4,468 4,181 4,196 3,335 2,683 1,968 1,404 1,091 167 235 44,620 3.7

DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 23,728 4,468 4,181 4,196 3,335 2,683 1,968 1,404 1,091 167 235 44,620 3.7

SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,983 5,237 4,926 5,372 4,636 3,911 2,777 1,989 1,632 130 373 63,435 3.8

SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 30,983 5,237 4,926 5,372 4,636 3,911 2,777 1,989 1,632 130 373 63,435 3.8

Table 8.24 Housing Units by Whether Livestock Spend the Night in
the Room Where Persons also Spend the Night in Rural Areas: 2007
Whether Livestock Spend the Night
in the Same Room as Persons
All ------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing No
Area Units Yes No Livestock

TIGRAY-REGION 725,859 90,029 532,198 103,632

NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 129,782 16,893 98,694 14,195

TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 17,188 1,849 12,915 2,424

LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 21,928 2,569 16,832 2,527

MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 23,772 3,102 18,739 1,931

TAHTAY QORARO-WEREDA 13,842 1,549 10,599 1,694

ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 25,622 3,081 19,745 2,796

TSELEMTI-WEREDA 27,431 4,744 19,865 2,822

CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 218,750 19,824 173,092 25,834

MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 20,146 2,456 15,723 1,967

AHIFEROM-WEREDA 30,879 2,812 23,835 4,232

WERE LEHE-WEREDA 26,485 2,258 21,008 3,219

ADWA-WEREDA 19,525 1,403 15,251 2,871

LAELAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 14,204 726 11,588 1,890

TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 18,403 1,529 14,654 2,220

NADER ADET-WEREDA 21,832 2,475 17,261 2,096

KOLA TEMBEN-WEREDA 28,028 2,566 22,891 2,571

DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 22,420 1,355 17,893 3,172

TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 16,831 2,245 12,988 1,598

EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 125,228 14,275 91,084 19,869

GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 15,071 1,796 10,938 2,337

EROB-WEREDA 4,504 682 3,108 714

SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 24,047 3,446 17,474 3,127

GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 17,705 1,800 12,752 3,153

HAWUZEN-WEREDA 21,936 2,355 16,451 3,130

KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 19,543 1,303 14,793 3,447

ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 22,422 2,894 15,567 3,961

SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 191,235 23,558 134,139 33,538

SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 23,339 2,450 17,719 3,170

ENDERTA-WEREDA 23,856 3,466 16,034 4,356

HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 30,078 4,329 19,768 5,981

ALAJE-WEREDA 21,876 3,437 13,748 4,691

ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 17,489 1,410 12,994 3,085

RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 27,025 3,024 20,428 3,573

ALAMATA-WEREDA 18,855 2,190 13,245 3,420

Table 8.24 Housing Units by Whether Livestock Spend the Night in
the Room Where Persons also Spend the Night in Rural Areas: 2007
Whether Livestock Spend the Night
in the Same Room as Persons
All ------------------------------------------
Geographical Housing No
Area Units Yes No Livestock
OFLA-WEREDA 28,717 3,253 20,203 5,261

WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 60,863 15,479 35,188 10,196

KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 14,731 1,524 8,717 4,490

WELKAYIT-WEREDA 26,693 6,170 17,348 3,175

TSEGEDE-WEREDA 19,438 7,785 9,123 2,530

Annex Table 1A. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Urban Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
TIGRAY-REGION 844,040 398,795 445,245 242,374 233,773
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 107,999 49,642 58,357 32,463 31,632
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 6,377 2,790 3,587 2,021 1,978
ADI HAGERAY-TOWN 6,377 2,790 3,587 2,021 1,978
KEBELE 01 6,377 2,790 3,587 2,021 1,978
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 8,033 3,508 4,525 2,557 2,498
ADI DAERO-TOWN 8,033 3,508 4,525 2,557 2,498
KEBELE 01 8,033 3,508 4,525 2,557 2,498
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 10,526 4,669 5,857 3,228 3,155
SELEKILEHA-TOWN 7,275 3,287 3,988 2,221 2,174
KEBELE 01 7,275 3,287 3,988 2,221 2,174
ZANA-TOWN 3,251 1,382 1,869 1,007 981
KEBELE 01 3,251 1,382 1,869 1,007 981
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 10,111 4,641 5,470 3,067 2,963
ENDABA GUNA-TOWN 10,111 4,641 5,470 3,067 2,963
KEBELE 01 10,111 4,641 5,470 3,067 2,963
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 8,623 4,004 4,619 2,450 2,404
MAY TSEBRI-TOWN 8,623 4,004 4,619 2,450 2,404
KEBELE 01 8,623 4,004 4,619 2,450 2,404
SHIRE ENIDASILASE/TOWN/-WEREDA 47,284 21,867 25,417 14,024 13,663
SHIRE ENIDASILASE-TOWN 47,284 21,867 25,417 14,024 13,663
DEDEBIT 9,254 4,166 5,088 2,737 2,675
SEHUL HBRETI 19,250 8,803 10,447 5,989 5,834
LEKATIT HEDE 18,780 8,898 9,882 5,298 5,154
SHIRARO/TOWN/-WEREDA 17,045 8,163 8,882 5,116 4,971
SHIRARO-TOWN 17,045 8,163 8,882 5,116 4,971
MUSE 9,393 4,529 4,864 2,782 2,724
SEDR 7,652 3,634 4,018 2,334 2,247
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 176,453 81,844 94,609 53,506 51,523
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 7,911 3,616 4,295 2,438 2,397
RAMA-TOWN 7,911 3,616 4,295 2,438 2,397
RAMA 7,911 3,616 4,295 2,438 2,397
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 23,421 10,895 12,526 7,006 6,659
GERIHU SEMAY-TOWN 6,299 2,798 3,501 1,915 1,663
GERIHU SEMAY 6,299 2,798 3,501 1,915 1,663
INTICHO-TOWN 10,298 4,897 5,401 3,144 3,084
KEBELE 01 6,039 2,848 3,191 1,843 1,809
KEBELE 02 4,259 2,049 2,210 1,301 1,275
DIOBDIBO-TOWN 2,498 1,097 1,401 681 659
KEBELE 01 2,498 1,097 1,401 681 659
FERES MAY-TOWN 4,326 2,103 2,223 1,266 1,253
KEBELE 01 4,326 2,103 2,223 1,266 1,253
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 16,525 7,585 8,940 5,051 4,638
NEBELAT-TOWN 3,447 1,557 1,890 1,099 978
KEBELE 01 3,447 1,557 1,890 1,099 978
IDAGARBI-TOWN 8,571 3,949 4,622 2,711 2,538
KEBELE 01 8,571 3,949 4,622 2,711 2,538
MAYKINATIL-TOWN 4,507 2,079 2,428 1,241 1,122
KEBELE 01 4,507 2,079 2,428 1,241 1,122
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 11,187 5,244 5,943 3,262 3,163
CHILA-TOWN 3,005 1,345 1,660 905 890
KEBELE 02 3,005 1,345 1,660 905 890
WUKRO MARYA 8,182 3,899 4,283 2,357 2,273
KEBELE 01 8,182 3,899 4,283 2,357 2,273
NADER ADET-WEREDA 1,842 914 928 671 650
SEMEMA TOWN 1,842 914 928 671 650
KEBELE 01 1,842 914 928 671 650
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 7,270 3,335 3,935 2,232 2,187
HAGERE SELAM-TOWN 7,270 3,335 3,935 2,232 2,187
KEBELE 01 7,270 3,335 3,935 2,232 2,187
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 7,035 3,381 3,654 1,991 1,945
MEARAY-TOWN 7,035 3,381 3,654 1,991 1,945
KEBELE 01 7,035 3,381 3,654 1,991 1,945
ABIYI ADI/TOWN/WEREDA 16,115 7,826 8,289 4,861 4,746
ABIYI ADI-TOWN 16,115 7,826 8,289 4,861 4,746
KEBELE 01 4,118 1,874 2,244 1,359 1,331
KEBELE 02 11,997 5,952 6,045 3,502 3,415
ADWA/TOWN/-WEREDA 40,500 18,307 22,193 12,571 12,217

Annex Table 1A. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Urban Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
ADWA-TOWN 40,500 18,307 22,193 12,571 12,217
ABNET 8,691 3,730 4,961 2,744 2,692
MEBAL 13,010 6,141 6,869 4,081 4,014
HEYELOM 6,426 2,908 3,518 1,789 1,653
DEBRCHI 12,373 5,528 6,845 3,957 3,858
AXUM/TOWN/-WEREDA 44,647 20,741 23,906 13,423 12,921
AXUM-TOWN 44,647 20,741 23,906 13,423 12,921
HEYELOM 12,547 5,600 6,947 3,840 3,716
ENYEYA 11,589 5,419 6,170 3,629 3,448
HAWLTI 20,511 9,722 10,789 5,954 5,757
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 146,064 66,321 79,743 42,781 41,495
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 10,101 4,525 5,576 2,738 2,616
ZALAMBESA-TOWN 7,502 3,329 4,173 1,871 1,759
KEBELE 01 7,502 3,329 4,173 1,871 1,759
FATSI-TOWN 2,599 1,196 1,403 867 857
KEBELE 01 2,599 1,196 1,403 867 857
EROB-WEREDA 2,091 1,008 1,083 683 670
DAWUHAN-TOWN 2,091 1,008 1,083 683 670
KEBELE 01 2,091 1,008 1,083 683 670
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 18,933 8,371 10,562 5,351 5,258
EDEGA HAMUS-TOWN 12,004 5,314 6,690 3,409 3,364
KEBELE 01 12,004 5,314 6,690 3,409 3,364
FIREWEYINI-TOWN 6,929 3,057 3,872 1,942 1,894
KEBELE 01 6,929 3,057 3,872 1,942 1,894
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 3,636 1,658 1,978 1,175 1,158
BAZET-TOWN 3,636 1,658 1,978 1,175 1,158
KEBELE 01 3,636 1,658 1,978 1,175 1,158
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 7,553 3,541 4,012 2,265 2,189
HAWUZEN-TOWN 7,553 3,541 4,012 2,265 2,189
KEBELE 01 1,769 789 980 601 564
KEBELE 02 4,938 2,330 2,608 1,486 1,448
KEBELE 03 846 422 424 178 177
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 4,808 2,166 2,642 1,435 1,396
AGULA-TOWN 4,808 2,166 2,642 1,435 1,396
KEBELE 01 4,808 2,166 2,642 1,435 1,396
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 11,144 4,986 6,158 3,294 3,120
ATSBI ENDASILASIE-TOWN 7,983 3,548 4,435 2,434 2,292
KEBELE 01 7,983 3,548 4,435 2,434 2,292
HAYKA MESAHIL-TOWN 3,161 1,438 1,723 860 828
KEBELE 01 3,161 1,438 1,723 860 828
ADIGRAT/TOWN/-WEREDA 57,588 26,010 31,578 16,457 16,038
ADIGRAT-TOWN 57,588 26,010 31,578 16,457 16,038
KEBELE 01 16,959 7,808 9,151 4,874 4,706
KEBELE 02 14,096 6,330 7,766 3,974 3,878
KEBELE 03 13,891 6,230 7,661 4,137 4,061
KEBELE 04 12,642 5,642 7,000 3,472 3,393
WUKRO/TOWN/-WEREDA 30,210 14,056 16,154 9,383 9,050
WUKRO-TOWN 30,210 14,056 16,154 9,383 9,050
DEDEBIT 5,572 2,623 2,949 1,625 1,487
AEGAZI 6,572 2,904 3,668 2,126 2,078
HEYELOM 18,066 8,529 9,537 5,632 5,485
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 125,787 59,328 66,459 36,459 35,133
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 9,189 4,294 4,895 2,577 2,511
GIJET-TOWN 4,458 2,037 2,421 1,159 1,122
KEBELE 01 4,458 2,037 2,421 1,159 1,122
SAMIRA-TOWN 4,731 2,257 2,474 1,418 1,389
KEBELE 01 4,731 2,257 2,474 1,418 1,389
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 11,936 5,631 6,305 3,435 3,076
ADI GUDOM-TOWN 8,024 3,885 4,139 2,280 2,078
KEBELE 01 8,024 3,885 4,139 2,280 2,078
HIWANE-TOWN 3,912 1,746 2,166 1,155 998
KEBELE 01 3,912 1,746 2,166 1,155 998
ALAJE-WEREDA 7,568 3,670 3,898 2,138 2,096
ADISHOHU-TOWN 7,568 3,670 3,898 2,138 2,096
KEBELE 01 7,568 3,670 3,898 2,138 2,096
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 2,986 1,278 1,708 905 883
MESWAET-TOWN 2,986 1,278 1,708 905 883
KEBELE 01 2,986 1,278 1,708 905 883

Annex Table 1A. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Urban Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 16,056 7,626 8,430 4,778 4,482
MEHONI-TOWN 13,793 6,560 7,233 4,106 3,843
MEHONI KEBELE 01 13,793 6,560 7,233 4,106 3,843
CHERCHER-TOWN 2,263 1,066 1,197 672 639
WEYRA WUHA 2,263 1,066 1,197 672 639
ALAMATA-WEREDA 4,563 2,133 2,430 1,286 1,255
WAJA TEMUGA-TOWN 4,563 2,133 2,430 1,286 1,255
KEBELE 01 4,563 2,133 2,430 1,286 1,255
MAYCHEW/TOWN/-WEREDA 23,419 11,024 12,395 7,256 7,143
MAYCHEW-TOWN 23,419 11,024 12,395 7,256 7,143
KEBELE 01 4,333 1,989 2,344 1,319 1,304
KEBELE 02 6,316 3,036 3,280 2,033 1,989
KEBELE 03 6,735 3,225 3,510 2,124 2,105
KEBELE 04 6,035 2,774 3,261 1,780 1,745
KOREM/TOWN/-WEREDA 16,856 7,532 9,324 4,949 4,771
KOREM-TOWN 16,856 7,532 9,324 4,949 4,771
FAKLSI 4,583 1,974 2,609 1,380 1,330
ZKRESEMAETI 5,255 2,349 2,906 1,586 1,541
MUSENSELAM 7,018 3,209 3,809 1,983 1,900
ALAMATA/TOWN/-WEREDA 33,214 16,140 17,074 9,135 8,916
ALAMATA-TOWN 33,214 16,140 17,074 9,135 8,916
KEBELE 01 6,752 3,431 3,321 1,799 1,746
KEBELE 02 8,222 3,971 4,251 2,371 2,315
KEBELE 03 7,823 3,675 4,148 2,111 2,062
KEBELE 04 10,417 5,063 5,354 2,854 2,793
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 71,823 36,735 35,088 19,865 18,755
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 30,234 15,550 14,684 8,004 7,590
ADEBAYE-TOWN 10,268 5,257 5,011 2,579 2,362
KEBELE 01 10,268 5,257 5,011 2,579 2,362
BIHER-TOWN 7,116 3,637 3,479 1,934 1,848
KEBELE 01 7,116 3,637 3,479 1,934 1,848
MAY CADERA-TOWN 12,850 6,656 6,194 3,491 3,380
KEBELE 01 12,850 6,656 6,194 3,491 3,380
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 10,758 5,225 5,533 2,927 2,671
MEZEGA-TOWN 5,555 2,779 2,776 1,446 1,239
KEBELE 01 5,555 2,779 2,776 1,446 1,239
ADI REMETS-TOWN 5,203 2,446 2,757 1,481 1,432
KEBELE 01 5,203 2,446 2,757 1,481 1,432
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 9,178 4,565 4,613 2,574 2,394
KETEMA NIGUS-TOWN 1,971 898 1,073 610 589
KEBELE 01 1,971 898 1,073 610 589
DANISHA-TOWN 7,207 3,667 3,540 1,964 1,805
KEBELE 01 7,207 3,667 3,540 1,964 1,805
HUMERA/TOWN/-WEREDA 21,653 11,395 10,258 6,360 6,100
HUMERA-TOWN 21,653 11,395 10,258 6,360 6,100
KEBELE 01 13,368 7,142 6,226 3,811 3,623
KEBELE 02 8,285 4,253 4,032 2,549 2,477
MEKELE TOWN SPECIAL-ZONE 215,914 104,925 110,989 57,300 55,235
DEBUB MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 92,104 44,153 47,951 24,958 23,971
DEBUB MEKELE-TOWN 92,104 44,153 47,951 24,958 23,971
ADIHAKI 22,136 11,064 11,072 5,444 5,309
HEDNET 33,180 15,748 17,432 9,087 8,570
ADISS ALEM 14,990 6,904 8,086 4,677 4,522
AEYNALEM 6,480 3,709 2,771 1,127 1,099
KUHA 15,318 6,728 8,590 4,623 4,471
SEMEN MEKELE/TOWN/-WEREDA 123,810 60,772 63,038 32,342 31,264
SEMEN MEKELE-TOWN 123,810 60,772 63,038 32,342 31,264
AEYDER 27,227 13,634 13,593 6,986 6,769
KEDAMY WEYANE 22,746 11,132 11,614 5,600 5,444
HEWULTI 16,947 8,282 8,665 5,052 4,914
SEWHI NGUS 14,676 6,988 7,688 4,190 3,979
INDUSTRY 42,214 20,736 21,478 10,514 10,158

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
TIGRAY-REGION 3,472,948 1,727,670 1,745,278 750,261 726,968
NORTH WEST TIGRAY-ZONE 628,806 318,612 310,194 134,768 130,128
TAHTAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 83,767 43,044 40,723 18,532 17,296
TAHTAY ADIYABO-RURAL 83,767 43,044 40,723 18,532 17,296
BADME 3,743 1,761 1,982 1,047 963
ADIAWUALA 5,455 2,604 2,851 1,422 1,390
GELADIYUS 2,031 1,007 1,024 427 420
ADITELAOM 3,218 1,576 1,642 745 723
DAGUALA 6,642 3,412 3,230 1,448 1,424
ADIHEGERAY 2,137 1,082 1,055 483 479
SHEMBLINA 2,066 1,074 992 412 408
GEMHELO 5,119 2,612 2,507 1,083 1,054
LEMLEM 883 438 445 212 197
ADEMEYTI 4,033 2,080 1,953 866 844
ADITETER 6,085 3,211 2,874 1,248 1,208
ADIASER 3,501 1,866 1,635 724 702
MENTEBTEB 5,943 2,889 3,054 1,312 1,275
MARKUHILI 9,973 5,783 4,190 2,055 1,272
ATEREGA 5,511 2,822 2,689 1,209 1,183
ZABANGEDENA 12,172 6,112 6,060 2,741 2,681
LESEMUGUNA ANDI 5,255 2,715 2,540 1,098 1,073
LAELAY ADIYABO-WEREDA 105,803 53,177 52,626 22,857 21,961
LAELAY ADIYABO-RURAL 105,803 53,177 52,626 22,857 21,961
DOGALE 1,279 617 662 272 264
ADIKELITE 5,601 2,805 2,796 1,172 1,156
MEDERE FELASI 6,022 3,000 3,022 1,272 1,248
ADINEBEREID 9,341 4,467 4,874 2,300 2,245
GODFEYE 5,584 2,840 2,744 1,219 1,191
FETHI 6,360 3,170 3,190 1,407 1,379
HEBRET 7,412 3,771 3,641 1,526 1,511
ADI GEDENA 4,995 2,490 2,505 1,160 1,100
EGUB 5,001 2,497 2,504 983 967
MEDEBAY TERER 5,218 2,681 2,537 1,069 1,048
ADI MILIYEN 2,952 1,489 1,463 620 504
HADEGETA 5,554 2,887 2,667 1,168 1,145
MAY ANBESA 7,091 3,582 3,509 1,551 1,328
ADI ABAGI 6,855 3,469 3,386 1,463 1,420
STADA BORA 5,155 2,620 2,535 1,119 1,073
ADI NEGESTI 4,964 2,521 2,443 1,044 991
GUBA GOBA 2,723 1,342 1,381 574 555
STAHAYU 4,095 2,071 2,024 850 840
ZELAZELE 5,557 2,812 2,745 1,203 1,162
SEMERET 4,044 2,046 1,998 885 834
MEDEBAY ZANA-WEREDA 114,502 57,308 57,194 24,461 23,782
MEDEBAY ZANA-RURAL 114,502 57,308 57,194 24,461 23,782
NEFASIT 5,662 2,905 2,757 1,220 1,137
SHAME 4,774 2,318 2,456 1,035 1,015
TSEADA LEHA 3,788 1,820 1,968 856 838
ADI BEAREJI 5,655 2,831 2,824 1,175 1,151
ADI NGISTI 4,195 2,072 2,123 922 866
KUL FERHA 7,447 3,721 3,726 1,584 1,555
EMBA TSEHIDI 7,420 3,663 3,757 1,495 1,451
MESIHIL 6,848 3,419 3,429 1,386 1,365
ADE KEMALHI 6,896 3,431 3,465 1,402 1,366
KEMALO 6,108 3,063 3,045 1,257 1,238
ADI GESHEI 4,748 2,420 2,328 1,037 1,015
BAHIRA 7,893 4,022 3,871 1,689 1,626
WALKA 4,101 2,036 2,065 895 841
DEBRE KERBE 5,372 2,733 2,639 1,163 1,143
KIBRTO 8,238 4,205 4,033 1,676 1,661
THULA 8,824 4,501 4,323 1,975 1,913
ADI TSEGORA 8,875 4,379 4,496 1,988 1,917
MINTIL 7,658 3,769 3,889 1,706 1,684
TAHTAY QORARO-WEREDA 68,989 34,477 34,512 14,273 13,862
TAHTAY QORARO-RURAL 68,989 34,477 34,512 14,273 13,862
ADIGEBARO 4,993 2,577 2,416 1,029 1,003
ADIKOKOB 3,437 1,767 1,670 655 634
SIMEMA 7,320 3,624 3,696 1,642 1,597

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
SEKELA KOYITSA 5,344 2,650 2,694 1,060 1,050
MAYILIHAM 6,973 3,460 3,513 1,350 1,315
LEMLEM 8,547 4,250 4,297 1,813 1,727
MAYIDIMU 6,640 3,357 3,283 1,275 1,232
MAY ADIRASHA 2,747 1,355 1,392 559 543
ADI GIDAD 7,774 3,853 3,921 1,609 1,549
BELES 6,638 3,298 3,340 1,462 1,437
ADI MENAKER 2,810 1,405 1,405 609 588
KELAKIL 5,766 2,881 2,885 1,210 1,187
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-WEREDA 125,510 64,502 61,008 26,610 25,726
ASEGEDE TSIMBILA-RURAL 125,510 64,502 61,008 26,610 25,726
DIGWADAGUGN 9,612 4,948 4,664 2,179 1,999
HITSATS 5,736 2,977 2,759 1,161 1,120
HIBIRET 8,542 4,406 4,136 1,868 1,827
MAY SEYE 6,542 3,245 3,297 1,590 1,533
MAY FERES 3,803 1,901 1,902 748 722
MAY SEWIHI 4,055 2,101 1,954 835 821
MAY SHEK 4,020 2,038 1,982 806 734
ALOGEN 5,304 2,623 2,681 1,091 1,065
LEMLEM 6,587 3,371 3,216 1,309 1,285
BIRIHAN 8,708 4,502 4,206 1,708 1,660
BONA KODA 5,565 2,819 2,746 1,204 1,184
HINITSET 8,939 4,533 4,406 1,849 1,822
MIZAN 10,699 5,405 5,294 2,292 2,230
DEBIR ABAY 9,126 4,875 4,251 1,896 1,849
ZENIGORAKODA 3,542 1,836 1,706 721 705
DEBIR MARIYAM 4,646 2,430 2,216 998 938
LIMAT 7,255 3,762 3,493 1,575 1,525
ADI MEHAMEDAY 7,692 4,031 3,661 1,633 1,585
DEDEBIT 5,137 2,699 2,438 1,147 1,122
TSELEMTI-WEREDA 130,235 66,104 64,131 28,035 27,501
TSELEMTI-RURAL 130,235 66,104 64,131 28,035 27,501
MAY TEHILIT 7,585 3,901 3,684 1,629 1,603
STADA KERNI 6,866 3,691 3,175 1,399 1,375
MEZKER 5,195 2,645 2,550 1,047 1,025
WUHEDET 6,640 3,427 3,213 1,414 1,380
MAY AYENE 9,794 4,919 4,875 2,131 2,092
MEDHANI ALEM 7,088 3,606 3,482 1,488 1,441
ADI WESENE 4,759 2,430 2,329 973 960
SERAKO 3,796 1,932 1,864 786 765
MAY ANBESA 4,048 2,084 1,964 884 868
SEKOTA SILASSE 6,644 3,331 3,313 1,432 1,400
SEKOTA MARIAM 7,555 3,764 3,791 1,706 1,673
DIMA 11,084 5,596 5,488 2,485 2,412
MECHARA 7,279 3,678 3,601 1,556 1,542
MAYAME 5,647 2,825 2,822 1,243 1,207
BABAKO 7,574 3,846 3,728 1,646 1,618
MAYGIMERE 7,153 3,583 3,570 1,577 1,557
CHACHORE 6,482 3,237 3,245 1,397 1,385
FIYELWIHA 8,189 4,138 4,051 1,820 1,793
MIDIR HAMSHO 4,553 2,296 2,257 940 935
MEDA 2,300 1,172 1,128 478 468
CENTRAL TIGRAY-ZONE 1,069,371 531,953 537,418 226,369 218,940
MEREB LEHE-WEREDA 99,307 49,809 49,498 20,932 20,170
MEREB LEHE-RURAL 99,307 49,809 49,498 20,932 20,170
ADIGEBAT 4,703 2,369 2,334 943 881
ASAYEME 5,948 3,017 2,931 1,176 1,144
ADISHMBRHU 8,488 4,303 4,185 1,704 1,635
MYWEDI AMBERAYE 6,378 3,205 3,173 1,354 1,331
MEHEQUAN 5,350 2,638 2,712 1,178 1,152
MAYWEYENI 3,109 1,577 1,532 651 589
HAFTEMARIYAM 7,509 3,796 3,713 1,602 1,427
DEBREHARMAZ 3,383 1,749 1,634 730 724
ADIFETAW 2,946 1,445 1,501 604 585
HAFTOM 5,751 2,841 2,910 1,213 1,197
SEHUL 5,801 2,797 3,004 1,317 1,278
ADISELAM 3,898 1,975 1,923 814 789

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
ABENET 8,069 4,066 4,003 1,700 1,672
HADISH ADI 2,796 1,409 1,387 572 562
MEDEHEN 5,068 2,529 2,539 1,072 1,050
WEDI HAZO 5,993 2,982 3,011 1,312 1,280
SEMRET 3,969 2,003 1,966 828 810
ADIALENI 5,248 2,630 2,618 1,096 1,067
AWET 4,900 2,478 2,422 1,066 997
AHIFEROM-WEREDA 150,279 73,119 77,160 31,928 30,902
AHIFEROM-RURAL 150,279 73,119 77,160 31,928 30,902
MAY HAMETO 4,483 2,163 2,320 947 926
GEREHU SIRNAY 6,808 3,301 3,507 1,503 1,473
SEMEHAL 5,977 2,856 3,121 1,238 1,187
ZIBAN GUYILA 7,813 3,851 3,962 1,656 1,620
ERDI JEGANO 7,665 3,688 3,977 1,777 1,728
BET GEBEZ 5,228 2,606 2,622 1,149 1,137
MEZBIR 5,910 2,914 2,996 1,322 1,290
TAYTAY MAY GARETSEMIRI 5,562 2,796 2,766 1,166 1,143
DEGOZ 4,316 2,081 2,235 896 865
SERO 9,406 4,570 4,836 1,922 1,778
MAY SERU 4,506 2,209 2,297 913 893
ENDA MARIYAM 4,284 2,069 2,215 870 842
DIBDIBO 7,196 3,544 3,652 1,464 1,423
ADIZATA 7,866 3,866 4,000 1,612 1,572
TAYTAY DAIRIHA 8,046 4,007 4,039 1,624 1,594
ENDALASHIN 3,707 1,786 1,921 790 772
MAY KEYEHAT 3,681 1,775 1,906 801 777
SEFEO 4,825 2,307 2,518 996 972
EMBA AHIFEROM 4,664 2,214 2,450 965 934
EDAGA ARBI 6,708 3,163 3,545 1,504 1,467
KUDO 4,710 2,311 2,399 1,010 987
MISHAG 6,518 3,196 3,322 1,447 1,264
ADI BERETO 4,318 2,055 2,263 947 927
ADI SATIRE 5,958 2,858 3,100 1,289 1,258
EDAGA HAMUS 4,644 2,262 2,382 966 955
FERES MAY 937 439 498 197 190
ADI EKORO 4,543 2,232 2,311 957 928
WERE LEHE-WEREDA 129,579 64,074 65,505 27,540 26,500
WERE LEHE-RURAL 129,579 64,074 65,505 27,540 26,500
SIMRET 7,999 3,993 4,006 1,668 1,645
ZONGI 5,321 2,571 2,750 1,136 1,112
INDACHIWA 7,347 3,590 3,757 1,470 1,392
MAIKALAWI 5,266 2,660 2,606 1,090 1,064
WUHIDET 8,162 4,059 4,103 1,751 1,655
KOLAGEBLA 4,341 2,124 2,217 950 938
MALIKUHILI 4,519 2,231 2,288 979 956
MAYCHIKANTA 5,192 2,599 2,593 1,085 1,002
IDAGA HAMUS 8,402 4,131 4,271 1,864 1,812
SAGUHI 6,539 3,224 3,315 1,395 1,365
ADISALEM 5,749 2,802 2,947 1,221 1,198
MISIIMA 5,514 2,658 2,856 1,137 1,077
MAYNABRI 3,162 1,574 1,588 673 660
MAYTIUM 5,024 2,431 2,593 1,056 964
AZMERA 6,450 3,195 3,255 1,395 1,324
ARENA 5,114 2,589 2,525 1,128 1,112
HIBRET 4,183 2,120 2,063 912 867
SALAM 5,509 2,714 2,795 1,164 1,130
MAIHALSAGLI 6,231 3,084 3,147 1,327 1,300
MAYSAGLA 6,719 3,303 3,416 1,481 1,419
WARI 6,473 3,245 3,228 1,331 1,277
TSAI 6,363 3,177 3,186 1,327 1,231
ADWA-WEREDA 99,711 49,546 50,165 20,141 19,540
ADWA-RURAL 99,711 49,546 50,165 20,141 19,540
SIMIRET 4,972 2,511 2,461 949 913
WDI KESH 5,605 2,782 2,823 1,112 1,092
KEREN 3,752 1,881 1,871 778 747
SELAM 4,683 2,380 2,303 960 939
MARIYAM SHEWIT 6,341 3,178 3,163 1,251 1,232
YEHA 6,810 3,231 3,579 1,497 1,463

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
GENIDEBITA 7,295 3,687 3,608 1,428 1,398
WEYENITI 7,128 3,481 3,647 1,452 1,424
ENIDEBAGERIMA 6,667 3,316 3,351 1,319 1,297
SOLODA 3,830 1,838 1,992 846 823
BET YOHANIS 6,368 3,134 3,234 1,343 1,320
LAHIYA 4,506 2,269 2,237 848 793
MAY TUOM 8,520 4,252 4,268 1,628 1,554
DEBIR GENET 7,336 3,657 3,679 1,492 1,464
LOGOMITI 6,251 3,114 3,137 1,234 1,207
GEDIBA 5,364 2,663 2,701 1,089 973
TAHTAY YILOGOMITI 4,283 2,172 2,111 915 901
LAELAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 72,625 36,203 36,422 14,698 14,231
LAELAY MAYCHEW-RURAL 72,625 36,203 36,422 14,698 14,231
WELEL 4,678 2,328 2,350 968 938
WUHIDET 7,647 3,800 3,847 1,489 1,458
ADI TSEHAFI 4,371 2,170 2,201 864 789
DURA 6,934 3,428 3,506 1,387 1,315
MEDEGO 8,526 4,378 4,148 1,605 1,577
HATSEBO 7,892 3,882 4,010 1,545 1,471
MAY WEYINE 6,148 3,085 3,063 1,182 1,150
IDEGA ARIBI 5,037 2,512 2,525 1,000 983
AWULIO 3,935 1,980 1,955 869 843
MAHIBERE SELAM 7,578 3,784 3,794 1,748 1,705
DEREKA 7,480 3,698 3,782 1,525 1,494
NATIKA BILAI 2,399 1,158 1,241 516 508
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-WEREDA 87,935 43,379 44,556 18,834 18,411
TAHTAY MAYCHEW-RURAL 87,935 43,379 44,556 18,834 18,411
CHILA 6,871 3,436 3,435 1,455 1,426
RUBASHEWIT 4,404 2,194 2,210 907 885
DEBREMENKOL 3,526 1,865 1,661 769 725
MAUSESE 5,874 2,916 2,958 1,155 1,103
KEWANIT 4,078 1,949 2,129 842 835
HEDISHADI 4,582 2,273 2,309 905 876
MAYBRAZYU 6,657 3,299 3,358 1,401 1,371
AKABSEAT 6,062 2,993 3,069 1,224 1,192
MAYATEMI 6,962 3,414 3,548 1,529 1,496
MAEKEL 7,087 3,467 3,620 1,543 1,521
MREN 5,946 2,907 3,039 1,310 1,294
HEWUSTA 3,457 1,713 1,744 759 739
ADIHUSTA 8,251 4,078 4,173 1,912 1,878
BETSEMAETE 3,316 1,659 1,657 711 695
ADIGORA 5,545 2,668 2,877 1,241 1,222
FERIMA 5,317 2,548 2,769 1,171 1,153
NADER ADET-WEREDA 103,124 51,147 51,977 22,537 21,846
NADER ADET-RURAL 103,124 51,147 51,977 22,537 21,846
ADREBSERA HEHABLEIE 4,910 2,424 2,486 1,061 1,035
ABEBA YOHANNES 4,063 2,022 2,041 851 833
MAY TEMKET 4,864 2,319 2,545 1,169 1,140
LEYLAY AHEDUG 5,060 2,508 2,552 1,162 1,122
ADI SERAWIT 3,164 1,556 1,608 709 693
METEHELO 3,647 1,815 1,832 811 788
SEHKESA DEMOMENA 7,648 3,743 3,905 1,663 1,628
ADDIS LEM 7,088 3,596 3,492 1,533 1,508
SEABERU BADET 4,882 2,399 2,483 1,049 1,036
DEBERE GENET 5,136 2,412 2,724 1,254 1,218
GUNDEKSE DEIHI 7,457 3,645 3,812 1,538 1,515
ADI LEHEYEN 4,603 2,400 2,203 984 955
DAGENA 3,989 2,048 1,941 923 897
TERAGAY 5,045 2,537 2,508 1,122 1,100
RUBAYE 3,980 1,940 2,040 807 719
MAY DENYA 4,061 1,985 2,076 858 844
ADI KELAKELI 7,337 3,642 3,695 1,569 1,521
HUMRE 5,366 2,734 2,632 1,158 1,141
TEHAYE 6,075 3,044 3,031 1,292 1,280
SHENAKO 4,749 2,378 2,371 1,024 873
KOLA TEMBEN-WEREDA 134,336 66,925 67,411 28,917 28,036
KOLA TEMBEN-RURAL 134,336 66,925 67,411 28,917 28,036
CHAMO TSELAY 7,041 3,561 3,480 1,447 1,426

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
NAWI 5,532 2,740 2,792 1,203 1,177
DARNATSAB 5,694 2,783 2,911 1,304 1,294
MARARA 5,791 2,866 2,925 1,220 1,194
TABOTE GIYORGIS 5,620 2,833 2,787 1,247 1,170
SALAM 6,226 3,122 3,104 1,336 1,317
DABENO 4,817 2,459 2,358 1,025 983
WUHIDET 3,740 1,907 1,833 805 774
SANTA GELEBEDA 7,863 3,958 3,905 1,763 1,739
ADIHA 8,751 4,350 4,401 1,969 1,924
WERKAMBA 8,785 4,295 4,490 1,970 1,896
GETSIKIM LASLAY 6,933 3,568 3,365 1,428 1,385
DEBREGENET 2,920 1,478 1,442 601 572
ATAKLTI 7,020 3,518 3,502 1,488 1,469
MENJI 4,644 2,287 2,357 924 901
GORORO 5,754 2,816 2,938 1,268 1,165
MITSAWERKI 5,825 2,883 2,942 1,257 1,216
ARENA 6,731 3,372 3,359 1,434 1,412
SHULOM IMNI 5,353 2,662 2,691 1,156 1,125
GUYA 6,255 3,031 3,224 1,382 1,307
SEMRET 7,301 3,630 3,671 1,513 1,445
BEGASHAHI 5,740 2,806 2,934 1,177 1,145
DEGUA TEMBEN-WEREDA 106,325 53,620 52,705 23,058 22,444
DEGUA TEMBEN-RURAL 106,325 53,620 52,705 23,058 22,444
MELIFA 6,786 3,385 3,401 1,475 1,454
MAHIBERE SILASE 4,494 2,260 2,234 966 953
SELAM 3,449 1,704 1,745 781 719
HADINET 6,540 3,239 3,301 1,436 1,393
AREBAYI 7,477 3,761 3,716 1,686 1,645
AYIN BIRIKRKIN 8,105 4,011 4,094 1,816 1,773
EMINIAN KILALO 6,878 3,564 3,314 1,449 1,389
ADI AZMERA 7,056 3,575 3,481 1,464 1,408
MIZANE BIRIHAN 6,439 3,284 3,155 1,360 1,337
MIKAEL ABIYI 5,098 2,554 2,544 1,153 1,097
SERET 7,465 3,746 3,719 1,767 1,746
LIMIAT 4,798 2,430 2,368 1,018 995
AREGEN 4,024 2,018 2,006 812 785
MIZAN 6,801 3,414 3,387 1,491 1,468
SIMIRET 5,770 2,931 2,839 1,198 1,166
WALITA 8,075 4,112 3,963 1,721 1,691
DEBRE NAZIRET 7,070 3,632 3,438 1,465 1,425
TANQUA ABERGELE-WEREDA 86,150 44,131 42,019 17,784 16,860
TANQUA ABERGELE-RURAL 86,150 44,131 42,019 17,784 16,860
YAKER 2,337 1,191 1,146 491 444
SIMIRET 8,488 4,265 4,223 1,750 1,614
JIJIKA 5,691 2,857 2,834 1,210 1,130
SELAM 3,940 2,000 1,940 792 751
ADI WEYANE 5,272 2,643 2,629 1,038 984
LIMAAT 4,498 2,239 2,259 916 900
SHOHA TEKILE 7,361 3,560 3,801 1,655 1,604
OGIBE 6,126 3,061 3,065 1,314 1,283
GERA 5,411 2,810 2,601 1,099 1,043
TSEKEME 5,193 2,636 2,557 1,040 992
SIYE 10,317 5,935 4,382 1,987 1,779
FELEGE HIWET 4,249 2,144 2,105 883 860
HIBIRET 6,892 3,530 3,362 1,438 1,387
AMIBO RUFAEL 4,804 2,447 2,357 964 914
LEMLEM 5,571 2,813 2,758 1,207 1,175
EASTERN TIGRAY ZONE 609,279 293,317 315,962 129,401 125,355
GULO MEHEDA-WEREDA 74,135 36,024 38,111 15,627 15,100
GULO MEHEDA-RURAL 74,135 36,024 38,111 15,627 15,100
MARTA 4,643 2,255 2,388 1,011 853
SEBIYA 6,653 3,190 3,463 1,416 1,383
KILIAT 4,647 2,268 2,379 924 911
ADIS ALEM 4,032 2,038 1,994 825 805
ADIS TESFA 3,742 1,771 1,971 874 869
SHEWIT LEMLEM 3,912 1,876 2,036 833 824
MEZABIR 2,760 1,395 1,365 625 602
IRGIBAY MEDEBAY 4,262 2,067 2,195 934 907

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
AMBASETA FIKADA 3,316 1,608 1,708 724 707
HEBEN 3,952 1,929 2,023 769 713
HAYELOM 3,253 1,599 1,654 659 652
FEREDE SHUM 4,208 2,032 2,176 838 796
HAGERESELAM 6,103 2,980 3,123 1,261 1,234
MAYTSEADA 2,981 1,422 1,559 601 588
KOBTSIBA 5,909 2,814 3,095 1,249 1,203
KISADIMAIB 4,775 2,386 2,389 1,006 990
MERETA 4,987 2,394 2,593 1,078 1,063
EROB-WEREDA 23,380 11,404 11,976 4,680 4,519
EROB-RURAL 23,380 11,404 11,976 4,680 4,519
INDALGEDA 6,036 2,830 3,206 1,268 1,224
WER ATLE 1,458 735 723 264 255
ARAS 3,394 1,729 1,665 640 628
ALITENA 4,905 2,431 2,474 975 927
AGER LEKOMA 3,243 1,608 1,635 637 624
HARZE SEBAATA 1,775 875 900 342 338
INDA MOSA 2,569 1,196 1,373 554 523
SAESI TSADAMBA-WEREDA 120,258 57,425 62,833 24,813 24,061
SAESI TSADAMBA-RURAL 120,258 57,425 62,833 24,813 24,061
TAHITAY ZIBAN 2,522 1,206 1,316 516 502
GEBILEN 2,899 1,391 1,508 605 586
MARIWA 3,313 1,646 1,667 646 636
MESIHUL 556 252 304 120 118
SEWIN 2,849 1,442 1,407 585 565
MELIWALO 4,541 2,167 2,374 981 955
SAISI 8,738 4,230 4,508 1,786 1,760
KOMA SIWIHA 5,459 2,628 2,831 1,067 979
HADISH HIWOT 7,121 3,433 3,688 1,417 1,389
EMIBA ASEMENA 6,003 2,832 3,171 1,248 1,216
HADISH ADI 5,183 2,435 2,748 1,151 1,124
HANIGODA 3,546 1,742 1,804 686 669
BELESO 2,741 1,296 1,445 585 562
EGIAZI 7,543 3,558 3,985 1,482 1,468
SINIKETA 4,385 2,075 2,310 862 840
MAY MEGELITA 7,862 3,720 4,142 1,649 1,616
RAELA 5,244 2,483 2,761 1,132 1,114
HAWIL 6,678 3,030 3,648 1,533 1,500
GULA AMONA 8,402 4,002 4,400 1,792 1,745
GUIMIS AGAMAT 8,330 3,997 4,333 1,694 1,648
SINIDEDA 9,114 4,321 4,793 1,842 1,792
SAZ 7,229 3,539 3,690 1,434 1,277
GANTA AFESHUM-WEREDA 85,008 40,438 44,570 18,126 17,725
GANTA AFESHUM-RURAL 85,008 40,438 44,570 18,126 17,725
WIHIET 5,885 2,765 3,120 1,258 1,237
SIMIRET 4,516 2,186 2,330 942 927
ADIKINEYI 7,181 3,532 3,649 1,445 1,408
MEREGAHAYA 2,602 1,304 1,298 537 531
BEATEMAYI MISANE 4,777 2,233 2,544 1,134 1,102
GOLA GENAHITI 4,293 2,095 2,198 850 836
SASUN BETEHAWARIYAT 4,296 2,061 2,235 854 827
KEKOT 3,558 1,704 1,854 792 768
HAGERE SELAM 5,159 2,417 2,742 1,149 1,124
MIGULAT 4,995 2,351 2,644 1,130 1,097
KITA GIDABA 2,676 1,268 1,408 537 523
HAGWA AREGWA 3,826 1,808 2,018 804 788
TSEADAT HAMELO 4,266 1,952 2,314 923 893
AZABA 6,396 3,023 3,373 1,358 1,335
HADINET 5,900 2,704 3,196 1,303 1,273
BAHIRASEHITA 5,505 2,628 2,877 1,183 1,166
DIBILA SIET 4,397 2,146 2,251 943 918
GWAHIGOT 4,780 2,261 2,519 984 972
HAWUZEN-WEREDA 110,401 52,874 57,527 22,802 21,953
HAWUZEN-RURAL 110,401 52,874 57,527 22,802 21,953
HARIKWA 1,165 539 626 269 266
D/BIZEN 4,058 1,956 2,102 836 805
D/ABAY 4,302 2,005 2,297 922 889
DEGA AMBA 4,756 2,165 2,591 1,036 1,012

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
SIMIRET 4,474 2,049 2,425 972 938
SHELEWA 3,016 1,385 1,631 651 639
BALEDA 2,333 1,100 1,233 485 480
MAYKADO 5,570 2,739 2,831 1,065 1,015
HAYELOM 5,125 2,456 2,669 983 948
MOZITEY 5,842 2,757 3,085 1,160 1,140
HATSET 4,390 2,045 2,345 860 835
TSENKANET 4,137 1,947 2,190 811 791
GIRA ARAS 4,464 2,085 2,379 935 919
SILUH 4,760 2,282 2,478 878 845
SELAM 7,412 3,613 3,799 1,451 1,308
D/HIYWET 4,759 2,270 2,489 1,022 894
D/SELAM 5,397 2,570 2,827 1,141 1,117
MEGAB 4,229 2,040 2,189 931 910
D/BIRIHAN 6,154 3,007 3,147 1,239 1,206
DIGUM 7,083 3,453 3,630 1,520 1,462
FIREWYINI 4,757 2,367 2,390 965 954
MAYGOBO 2,188 1,061 1,127 483 460
ADIBELEW 1,921 908 1,013 407 405
KORARO 5,682 2,856 2,826 1,261 1,226
ALAL 2,427 1,219 1,208 519 489
KLITE AWLALO-WEREDA 94,900 46,479 48,421 20,222 19,564
KLITE AWLALO-RURAL 94,900 46,479 48,421 20,222 19,564
TGEREDA 6,634 3,211 3,423 1,548 1,525
DEBRETEYUN 6,751 3,345 3,406 1,397 1,343
ABRHE WEATEBHE 4,390 2,121 2,269 969 935
GEMAD 9,523 4,624 4,899 1,865 1,806
NEGASH 7,753 3,607 4,146 1,689 1,626
ADIKSANDD 7,036 3,493 3,543 1,533 1,497
GENFEL 5,797 2,735 3,062 1,144 1,113
AYNALEM 7,099 3,505 3,594 1,482 1,436
MAYKUHA 7,070 3,477 3,593 1,594 1,548
AWALO 7,267 3,630 3,637 1,530 1,410
DEBREBRHEN 4,400 2,204 2,196 950 903
MAHBEREWEYNI 5,199 2,647 2,552 1,080 1,067
KIHEN 4,700 2,331 2,369 1,011 978
MESANU 5,657 2,737 2,920 1,229 1,207
HADNET 5,624 2,812 2,812 1,201 1,170
ATSBI WENBERTA-WEREDA 101,197 48,673 52,524 23,131 22,433
ATSBI WONBERTA-RURAL 101,197 48,673 52,524 23,131 22,433
HADINET 7,001 3,362 3,639 1,597 1,556
GEBIRE KIDAN 8,887 4,180 4,707 2,190 2,133
HARESAWO 5,308 2,501 2,807 1,256 1,238
RUBAFELEG 6,518 3,096 3,422 1,523 1,468
ZAREMA 6,550 3,079 3,471 1,535 1,493
GOLGOLNAELE 6,685 3,182 3,503 1,482 1,450
FELEGE WEYINI 7,527 3,648 3,879 1,673 1,655
KAL AMIN 8,315 4,051 4,264 1,866 1,816
MICHEAL EMBA 6,525 3,134 3,391 1,459 1,426
BARIKA ADIS SEBHA 6,099 2,964 3,135 1,430 1,208
ADI MESANU 6,871 3,371 3,500 1,494 1,463
HABEBES 3,503 1,705 1,798 891 874
DIBAB AHOREN 4,105 1,943 2,162 903 888
HAYELOM 5,944 2,910 3,034 1,274 1,245
ERA 5,632 2,793 2,839 1,228 1,217
KELISHA IMINI 5,727 2,754 2,973 1,330 1,303
SOUTHERN TIGRAY-ZONE 880,717 437,952 442,765 196,383 191,504
SEHARTI SAMRE-WEREDA 115,151 57,574 57,577 23,884 23,367
SEHARTI SAMRE-RURAL 115,151 57,574 57,577 23,884 23,367
BEMBA 3,398 1,720 1,678 696 681
MAY KANA 5,039 2,504 2,535 1,032 1,002
MARIAM MOKO 8,333 4,096 4,237 1,753 1,718
ADI SHISHA 7,237 3,692 3,545 1,456 1,423
TASHI 6,712 3,355 3,357 1,397 1,377
CHLIESRET 8,790 4,383 4,407 1,876 1,838
HENSTA WAZA 8,483 4,219 4,264 1,647 1,625
ADI KAILA 9,845 4,869 4,976 2,054 2,025
ADDIS ALEM 6,871 3,455 3,416 1,445 1,417

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
AMDI WOYANE 6,661 3,254 3,407 1,393 1,372
MAY TEHILI 7,075 3,463 3,612 1,482 1,432
METKELILI MEIAT 6,110 3,095 3,015 1,258 1,237
DEKERA 4,465 2,280 2,185 961 923
NEBAR HADINAT 10,199 5,165 5,034 2,180 2,144
HADASH LEMLEM 6,084 3,045 3,039 1,222 1,162
LEMLEM ARENA 6,462 3,300 3,162 1,299 1,271
FERE WOYANE 3,387 1,679 1,708 733 720
ENDERTA-WEREDA 114,297 57,482 56,815 24,618 23,902
ENDERTA-RURAL 114,297 57,482 56,815 24,618 23,902
MAHIBERE GENET 6,626 3,255 3,371 1,424 1,385
MAYE ALEME 4,838 2,545 2,293 979 941
MAREYAME DAHANE 5,452 2,737 2,715 1,122 1,077
FALAGE MAYATI 4,325 2,179 2,146 947 779
MASOBO 5,324 2,627 2,697 1,172 1,148
DAREGA AJENI 9,484 4,740 4,744 2,112 2,070
ARATO 9,151 4,580 4,571 2,022 1,971
HEBITE 9,710 4,992 4,718 1,965 1,924
DEBIRI 7,169 3,657 3,512 1,504 1,468
MAYEI ANIBRSA 6,039 2,950 3,089 1,302 1,280
MAYI GENETE 4,737 2,398 2,339 1,015 985
CHELEKOTI 5,398 2,653 2,745 1,192 1,179
DIDIBA 6,893 3,418 3,475 1,532 1,508
FELEGE SALAME 6,179 3,139 3,040 1,362 1,335
MAYE TSEDA 6,955 3,614 3,341 1,449 1,380
LEMELE 7,886 3,953 3,933 1,727 1,709
MESARETE 8,131 4,045 4,086 1,792 1,763
HINTALO WAJIRAT-WEREDA 141,569 70,259 71,310 30,925 30,135
HINTALO WAJIRAT-RURAL 141,569 70,259 71,310 30,925 30,135
METEKEL 8,158 4,116 4,042 1,721 1,673
DEJEN 8,042 3,975 4,067 1,669 1,624
AMIDI WEYANE 8,470 4,186 4,284 1,863 1,826
HINTALO 5,520 2,767 2,753 1,162 1,140
HAGERE SELAM 10,422 5,179 5,243 2,207 2,168
HAREKO 9,106 4,497 4,609 1,970 1,893
FIKIRE ALEM 7,748 3,834 3,914 1,667 1,596
ARA ALEMSEGED 10,011 4,966 5,045 2,161 2,105
GONIKA 3,641 1,854 1,787 778 765
SEBEBERA 4,623 2,304 2,319 1,014 994
MAYI NEBIRI 5,606 2,719 2,887 1,329 1,310
MUJA 7,903 3,957 3,946 1,680 1,518
HIWANE 6,892 3,486 3,406 1,439 1,412
WAZA ADI AWANA 7,442 3,685 3,757 1,617 1,602
BAHARI TSEBA 8,578 4,200 4,378 2,031 2,007
SENIALE 9,486 4,686 4,800 2,116 2,076
ADI KEYIH 6,848 3,413 3,435 1,529 1,506
ADI MESINO 5,780 2,814 2,966 1,366 1,331
TSEHAFITI 7,293 3,621 3,672 1,606 1,589
ALAJE-WEREDA 100,404 49,174 51,230 22,646 21,893
ALAJE-RURAL 100,404 49,174 51,230 22,646 21,893
ABINET 6,285 3,101 3,184 1,444 1,417
SERET 3,238 1,605 1,633 728 709
DEJEN 5,132 2,481 2,651 1,159 1,030
TEHILIWEYANE 5,656 2,753 2,903 1,208 1,192
BETIMERA 6,105 2,910 3,195 1,464 1,338
KEYIHITEHILI 9,165 4,464 4,701 2,019 1,986
FANA 6,567 3,182 3,385 1,574 1,555
SEMIRET 5,149 2,536 2,613 1,185 1,153
AMEDEWUHA 7,888 3,799 4,089 1,898 1,858
KILIMA 7,730 3,871 3,859 1,765 1,714
MAYILIHAL 7,938 3,864 4,074 1,800 1,776
ABEDA 4,139 2,047 2,092 924 906
TEHIA 5,513 2,758 2,755 1,257 1,250
ATESLA 5,756 2,840 2,916 1,215 1,196
AYIBA 7,478 3,654 3,824 1,539 1,520
SESAT 6,665 3,309 3,356 1,467 1,293
ENDAMEHONI-WEREDA 81,753 40,774 40,979 17,911 17,505
ENDAMEHONI-RURAL 81,753 40,774 40,979 17,911 17,505

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
KEREYA KANFA 6,635 3,268 3,367 1,502 1,463
TSEBET 5,196 2,515 2,681 1,126 1,111
EMBAHASTI 3,893 1,879 2,014 811 801
HEZEBA T/HAYMANOT 5,500 2,643 2,857 1,196 1,175
SHEMTAGESAWSA 11,884 6,475 5,409 2,166 2,074
SENAY 6,555 3,278 3,277 1,515 1,493
DUUM 4,079 2,063 2,016 896 889
NIKAH 6,569 3,180 3,389 1,638 1,610
ARENNA 6,262 3,136 3,126 1,458 1,426
JEMA 7,302 3,640 3,662 1,611 1,572
SEMRET 6,821 3,284 3,537 1,532 1,488
MEHAN 5,488 2,660 2,828 1,220 1,177
TACH HAYA 5,569 2,753 2,816 1,240 1,226
RAYA AZEBO-WEREDA 119,814 60,061 59,753 27,582 27,052
RAYA AZEBO-RURAL 119,814 60,061 59,753 27,582 27,052
EBO 6,276 3,099 3,177 1,372 1,354
HAWULTI 10,124 5,090 5,034 2,203 2,183
MECHARA 12,710 6,389 6,321 2,931 2,878
TSIGAWARGIBA 12,147 6,150 5,997 2,666 2,608
GENETE 8,784 4,409 4,375 2,084 2,020
KARA ADISHU 9,127 4,514 4,613 2,143 2,099
WERA BAYE 8,349 4,111 4,238 1,996 1,972
KEKU FITO 15,842 7,882 7,960 3,784 3,718
HEDA ALGA 7,124 3,618 3,506 1,590 1,554
CORME 8,648 4,395 4,253 1,916 1,861
MARU 6,055 3,055 3,000 1,363 1,337
BALEULAGA 8,859 4,378 4,481 2,164 2,123
HADIQINGI 5,769 2,971 2,798 1,370 1,345
ALAMATA-WEREDA 80,840 40,350 40,490 19,246 18,888
ALAMATA-RURAL 80,840 40,350 40,490 19,246 18,888
LAELAY DAYO 8,239 4,022 4,217 2,010 1,979
TAO 7,417 3,689 3,728 1,697 1,668
GEREJALE 6,835 3,400 3,435 1,735 1,714
HULEGIZE LEMELEM 4,121 2,192 1,929 908 882
SELAM BEQALESI 6,801 3,366 3,435 1,562 1,524
LEMEAT 7,255 3,629 3,626 1,697 1,679
SELEN WEHA 10,324 5,272 5,052 2,474 2,450
TEMUGA 8,543 4,264 4,279 2,047 2,002
TSETSERA 10,487 5,195 5,292 2,418 2,344
MEREWA 10,818 5,321 5,497 2,698 2,646
OFLA-WEREDA 126,889 62,278 64,611 29,571 28,762
OFLA-RURAL 126,889 62,278 64,611 29,571 28,762
DENKA ASHENA 4,357 2,156 2,201 1,047 1,029
SEMERET 9,238 4,438 4,800 2,271 2,198
SELAM BEKELISI 9,516 4,669 4,847 2,259 2,204
STELGO 4,959 2,486 2,473 1,143 1,118
HEGUMBERDA 6,459 3,123 3,336 1,582 1,518
HASHENGE 8,189 4,010 4,179 1,987 1,949
MENKERE 6,631 3,161 3,470 1,582 1,569
WOMBERET ADI GOLO 8,222 4,063 4,159 1,825 1,775
ADISHAM BEREKET 7,183 3,513 3,670 1,650 1,499
SASELA 9,685 4,842 4,843 2,208 2,127
DARA BEKEDA 3,673 1,811 1,862 822 800
ZATA 7,511 3,705 3,806 1,791 1,771
FALA 8,799 4,381 4,418 2,036 1,993
FEKERE WOLDA 3,608 1,725 1,883 843 803
HAYALO 4,980 2,425 2,555 1,117 1,075
WENBERET 4,531 2,245 2,286 1,019 1,011
KIDANA 6,136 3,045 3,091 1,333 1,319
LAT 4,570 2,230 2,340 1,019 1,006
GUARA 8,642 4,250 4,392 2,037 1,998
WESTERN TIGRAY-ZONE 284,775 145,836 138,939 63,340 61,041
KAFTA HUMERA-WEREDA 61,933 32,359 29,574 15,445 14,815
KAFTA HUMERA-RURAL 61,933 32,359 29,574 15,445 14,815
BEREKET 4,465 2,365 2,100 1,281 1,051
CENTERAL 359 200 159 128 128
RAWOYAN 6,578 3,400 3,178 1,651 1,611
HELET COKA 667 341 326 180 167

Annex Table 1B. Population, Households and Housing Units
for Rural Kebeles by Sex: 2007
Population Number of
Geographical ------------------------------------ Number of Housing
Area Both Sexes Male Female households units
HAGERE SELAM 3,757 2,073 1,684 988 975
WOHEDET 3,176 1,694 1,482 757 741
MAY WOYENE 4,981 2,671 2,310 1,204 1,182
KUNAMA ADI GOSHU 546 256 290 138 136
HABESHA ADI GOSHU 8,471 4,407 4,064 2,078 2,022
SOLA 4,445 2,280 2,165 970 933
ADI HIREDI 11,541 5,833 5,708 2,632 2,546
ADI STESTER 5,495 2,790 2,705 1,158 1,126
TERKAN 3,256 1,742 1,514 1,010 956
AYEDOLA 458 263 195 138 136
SHEGELELE 582 350 232 182 178
RUWASA 2,720 1,427 1,293 796 776
EROB 100 61 39 29 28
NUGUARA ERSHA LIMAT/01 93 53 40 38 38
NUGUARA ERSHA LIMAT/02 29 16 13 7 7
BANAT ERSHA LIMAT 214 137 77 80 78
WELKAYIT-WEREDA 128,168 65,279 62,889 27,448 26,744
WELKAYIT-RURAL 128,168 65,279 62,889 27,448 26,744
KULETA 1,667 853 814 307 300
TSEBRE 8,543 4,456 4,087 2,116 1,971
MAYGABA 3,767 1,975 1,792 831 800
MAYCHEHA 4,294 2,249 2,045 928 868
DESASA KEKAHE 4,103 2,160 1,943 932 895
LAELAYE MAYHUMER 7,125 3,690 3,435 1,691 1,664
SHERELA 13,996 7,065 6,931 2,938 2,871
WEFARGEF 7,442 3,695 3,747 1,518 1,472
BELABA 8,380 4,231 4,149 1,722 1,690
ADIGABA 9,253 4,728 4,525 1,907 1,877
AWERKE 10,352 5,305 5,047 2,153 2,121
SELASA AYENA 7,272 3,683 3,589 1,448 1,408
AWERA 4,491 2,237 2,254 1,008 989
SHEKUDA 3,876 1,943 1,933 806 799
DEJENA 12,204 6,072 6,132 2,657 2,606
MEDERA WEYZERO 6,058 3,082 2,976 1,276 1,261
DEBREMARIYAM 9,263 4,716 4,547 1,900 1,866
MADO TEMKET 6,082 3,139 2,943 1,310 1,286
TSEGEDE-WEREDA 94,674 48,198 46,476 20,447 19,482
TSEGEDE-RURAL 94,674 48,198 46,476 20,447 19,482
WERIE 2,876 1,452 1,424 718 556
HADISHI ADI 278 143 135 90 89
EMBA GENET 462 245 217 146 145
LEKATIT 4,330 2,219 2,111 1,051 1,031
RUBA LOMIN 1,419 754 665 462 453
DEDEBIT 3,286 1,704 1,582 714 695
ZURIYA DANISHA 7,913 4,066 3,847 1,713 1,678
ALULA 282 150 132 78 78
LEMLEM 303 164 139 89 89
MAYIDELE 4,752 2,499 2,253 986 970
HAYALOM 344 196 148 87 86
DEBRE HAWARIYA 1,665 863 802 318 303
MAYIWEDISE LEHAYI 2,817 1,460 1,357 605 592
DARA 6,412 3,226 3,186 1,293 1,270
SHEHAGINE 7,225 3,650 3,575 1,502 1,337
INITABILO 5,096 2,494 2,602 1,085 1,060
ENDE SILASE 7,961 3,976 3,985 1,670 1,636
CHEKAR KUDO 3,934 1,925 2,009 822 811
ENDE MARIYAM 5,091 2,473 2,618 1,073 1,062
ENDE M/ALEM 8,115 4,088 4,027 1,697 1,679
WALIKA 3,959 1,990 1,969 784 762
ADI BERIGERA 4,780 2,483 2,297 974 961
ADI SELAM 11,176 5,861 5,315 2,399 2,050
KEBEBEW ERISHA 198 117 81 91 89

AZJG 4/7/07 10:15 Page 1

13. Urban: What is the number of


Serial No. of Household Member

years (NAME) has continuously lived AGE 0-17 ONLY AGE 5 AND ABOVE
10. Read the 11. If yes, what is (NAME’s) type of difficulty 12. What was the cause of 14. Was (NAME’s) 15. To which zone does this place

© DRS Data Services Limited/O80330107/AZJG

in this town?
question (NAME’s) disability? 18. Is 19. Is (NAME) currently attending
or problem? Rural: What is the number of years previous address belong?

Non functional upper limbs

Others (Not listed in codes 1-7)

Non functional lower limbs
16. Is 17. Is (NAME) school?

During pregnancy (At delivery)

Mental problem (go to 13)
Deaf and unable to speak
from the

Body movement problem

Other disease (After delivery)

(NAME) has continuously lived in urban or rural?
code list rural part of this Wereda? (NAME’s) (NAME’s) literate?

10 years and above

Learning difficulties

Hanson disease
card biological biological

Speaking difficulty
If yes, enter the code for the grade

Other accident
Hearing difficulty
Unable to speak
Seeing difficulty
provided mother father

Car accident

Below 1 year

Not known
alive? alive? If not attending, ask if attended before.

5 - 6 years
7 - 9 years

Since birth
If not disabled,

2 years
3 years
4 years
Code “97” if attended before. Code “98”

1 year
Use the code list card for zone codes

mark 2 and


skip to 16 then skip to Q21 if never attended school.

1 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 Yes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URBAN 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No 2 RURAL 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2 No 2 No 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Serial No. of H/hold Member

21. Has (NAME) been 22. Is (NAME) available to work during the 23. Was (NAME) engaged in productive activity during most of the 24. What was (NAME’s) employment status in the main job? 25. What is (NAME’s)

Employee - Domestic

Member of co-operative
Unpaid family worker
engaged in productive coming month? If Yes, code 1, if No code reason last 12 months? If Yes, code 1, if No code main reason. current marital status?

Private organisation
20. What is the highest grade (NAME)

Employee - others
activity for at least 4 hours

International org.
productive activity

Employee - NGO/

work experience

work experience

Unemployed with

completed? during the last 7 days?

Never married
Self employed



Yes goto Q23



not worked


Too young
Has job but

Employee -

Employee -

Employee -

Too young
Engaged in
goto Q23



Old age/


Old age/





Use the code list card

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

QZPF 4/7/07 10:16 Page 1


Serial No. of Household Member

26. Of the children you have borne, how many sons and daughters are 27. Of the children you have borne, how many sons and daughters are 28. Did you have children who have died? 29. Did (NAME) have any live
now living with you? living elsewhere? births between 29 May 2006 and
If yes, how many are males and how many are females. 28 May 2007?
Record “0” if none. Record “0” if none. Record “0” if none.

*Record “0” for women who have no child at all. *Record “0” for women who have no child at all. *Record “0” for women who have no child at all. If yes, record number of children.
If no, record “0”
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4


1. Did a death occur in the household since 29 May 2006?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
If yes, record number of deaths in the box on the right and further details below.
If no, record “0” and go to Section 5 (Housing)

2. Name of deceased 3. Sex of 4. Age at death ONLY FOR WOMEN

Record age in completed years AGE 12-49
5. Did (NAME) die during
pregnancy, childbirth or within
2 months after childbirth?

Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
© DRS Data Services Limited/O80340107/QZPF

Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2
Male 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes 1
Female 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No 2

AMYW 4/7/07 10:17 Page 1



© DRS Data Services Limited/O80350107/AMYW 1 Enumerator: In accordance with the 11 What type of LIGHTING does the housing
instruction, housing information will be:
7 What type of BATHING facility does unit have? For Questions 16 - 20 please mark by observation and/or asking
the housing unit have? Electricity/Meter private 1
Collected for the unit 1 Electricity/Meter shared 2 16 What is the type of housing unit? 19 What is the major material used for the
Skipped 2 No bathing facility 1 Electricity from generator (No Meter) 3 Conventional 1 construction of the major part of the ROOF
of the housing unit?
Bathtub private 2 Solar energy 4 Improvised 2
2 How many years ago was this housing unit built? Bathtub shared 3 Lantern 5 Mobile 3 Corrugated iron sheet 1
Less than 5 years 1 Shower private 4 Bio-gas 6 Other 4 Concrete or cement 2
5 - 9 years 2 Shower shared 5 Kerosene 7 Thatch 3
10 - 14 years 3 A room prepared for bathing 6 Candle/Wax candle 8 17 What is the major material used for Wood and mud 4
15 - 19 years 4 Firewood 9
the construction of the WALL of the 5
Bamboo or reed
housing unit?
20 years or more 5 8 What type of KITCHEN does the housing Plastic/Shera 6
unit have? 12 Does the housing unit have: YES NO Wood and mud 1 7
3 How many ROOMS are in the housing unit? No kitchen 1 Working radio 1 2 Other 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A room used for traditional kitchen inside the Wood and thatch/Wood only 2
Fixed Telephone/Wireless Telephone
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 housing unit 2 Excluding mobile phone 1 2 Stone and mud 3 20 What is the major material used for the
Stone and cement
construction of the major part of the
A room used for traditional kitchen outside Working television 1 2 4
FLOOR of the housing unit?
4 What is the main source of DRINKING the housing unit 3 Plastered hollow blocks 5
WATER for the members of this housing unit? 13 How does the housing unit dispose of Unplastered hollow blocks 6 Mud 1
A room used for modern kitchen inside the
Tap inside the house 1 housing unit 4
SOLID WASTE? Bricks 7 Bamboo/Reed 2
Tap in compound, private 2 A room used for modern kitchen outside the Collected by Municipality (Public Dump) 1 Corrugated iron 8 Wood planks 3
Tap in compound, shared 3 housing unit 5 Collected by private establishments/individuals 2 Reed/Bamboo 9 Parquet or polished wood 4
Dumped in street/Open space 3 Mud Bricks 10 Cement screed/Cement screed not applied 5
Tap outside compound/From private tap, public
tap, other organisation/(bought or free of charge) 4 Dumped in river 4 Other 11 Plastic tiles 6
If coded 2 - 5 only in Question 8
Protected well or spring 5 Cement tile/Brick tile 7
Burned/Buried solid waste 18 What is the major material used for the Ceramic/Marble tiles
Unprotected well or spring 6 5
construction of the major part of the CEILING
9 Does the household share the kitchen with
River/Lake/Pond 7 other households? Other 6 of the housing unit? Other 9
None 1
5 What type of TOILET facility does the 14 Do livestock spend the night in the
housing unit have?
Yes 1
room(s) where members spend the night?
No 2 Bamboo/Reed 3 Enumerator Name
Yes 1 Chip wood/Hardboard 4
No toilet facility 1 10 Do members of the housing unit use No 2 Parquet or polished wood 5
Flush toilet
2 No livestock 3 Wood planks 6 Enumerator Signature
VIP Latrine 3 YES NO Concrete/Cement 7
Pit Latrine 4 Electricity for cooking 1 2 15 What is the type of TENURE of the housing unit? Polythene sheet “Madaberia” 8
Gas/cylinder for cooking 1 2 Owner occupied 1 Other 9 Date
If coded 2 - 4 only in Question 5 Kerosene for cooking 1 2 Rent free 2

6 Does the household share the toilet with

Charcoal for cooking 1 2 Rented from Kebele 3 SUPERVISOR VALIDATION
other households? Firewood/Leaves/Sawdust for cooking 1 2 Rented from agency of rented houses 4 Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date
Dung/manure for cooking 1 2 Rented from other organisation 5
Yes 1 Bio-gas for cooking 1 2 Rented from private household 6
No 2 Other items than listed above 1 2 Occupied by paying rent difference 7



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