Carbonyl Compounds, _ CW_Bellary - Copy.pmd
Carbonyl Compounds, _ CW_Bellary - Copy.pmd
Carbonyl Compounds, _ CW_Bellary - Copy.pmd
Ravishankara BE - 9886414024
1. Dry distillation of calcium propanoate gives :- 8. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are readily
(1) Propanone (2) Propanal distinguished by reaction with :-
(3) Butanone (4) Diethyl ketone (1) A solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine
2. Acetone is obtained by the hydrolysis of the addi- (2) Fehling's solution
tion product of methyl magnesium iodide and :-
(3) Tollen's reagent
(1) HCHO (2) CH3CHO
(4) Iodine and alkali
(3) Acetone (4) Ethanenitrile
9. Fehling's solution is a :-
3. Carbonyl compounds are best purified by :-
(1) Solution of magenta dye bleached by SO2
(1) Steam distillation
(2) Ammonical solution of AgNO3
(2) Hydrolysis of sodium bisulphite adducts
(3) Mixture of a solution of CuSO4 and a solution
(3) Fractional crytallisation
of caustic soda and sodium potassium tartarate
(4) Sublimation
(4) Alcoholic solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine
4. Carbonyl compounds readily undergo :-
10. Acetaldehyde on warming with Fehling's solution
(1) Nucleophilic substitutions gives a red precipitate of :-
(2) Electrophilic addition reactions (1) Elemental copper
(3) Nucleophilic addition reactions (2) Cuprous oxide
(4) Free radical substitution reactions (3) Cupric oxide
5. Acetaldehyde reacts with NaOH to form :- (4) Mixture of all of the above
OH H 11. Acetone on distillation with conc. H2SO4 gives :-
(1) CH3 CH2 CH C O (1) mesityl oxide
OH H (2) An aromatic hydrocarbon
(2) CH3 CH CH2 C O (3) An aromatic compound containing phenolic group
(3) CH3 CH C CH3 and a ketonic group
OH O (4) Phorone
(4) CH2 CH2 CH2 C O 12. Formaldehyde reacts with conc. alkali to form :-
OH H (1) A resinous mass
6. Formaldehyde reacts with ammonia to give :- (2) Formic acid
(1) Formaldehyde-ammonia (3) A mixture of methanol and sodium formate
(2) Urotropine (4) Methanol
(3) Aldimine 13. Which of the following compounds does not
give aldol condensation :-
(4) Acetal
(1) Ethanal (2) Propanal
7. Acetone and acetaldehyde are readily distinguished
by their reaction with :- (3) Methanal (4) Butanal
(1) Iodine and alkali 14. Which of the following aldehydes does not form
(2) 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine iodoform on heating with iodine and alkali :-
(3) Tollen's reagent (1) Pyruvic aldehyde (2) ICH2CHO
(4) All the above (3) Propionaldehyde (4) 2-Hydroxypropanal
II PUC-Class Work 1
Dr. Ravishankara BE - 9886414024
15. Vapours of acetic acid, when passes over MnO at 21. The compounds A, B and C in the reaction sequence
300°C, gives :- CH3 I Ag dil H SO
C O2 A
Alkali B
Hg 2
(1) Acetaldehyde (2) Acetone
are given by the set :-
(3) Acetylacetone (4) Formaldehyde
(1) Iodoform, ethylene, ethyl alcohol
16. A carbonyl compound gives pink colour with Schiff's (2) Iodoform, acetylene, acetaldehyde
reagent and a yellow precipitate when boiled with (3) Iodoform, propyne, acetone
iodine and caustic alkali. It also gives a red precipitate
(4) Iodoform, 2–propanol, propanone
with Fehling's solution. It is likely to be :-
22. Acetone does not form :-
(1) Formaldehyde (2) Propionaldehyde (1) A phenylhydrazone with phenylhydrazine
(3) Acetaldehyde (4) Crotonaldehyde (2) A sodium bisulphite adduct with sodium bisulphite
17. A carbonyl compound gives a positive iodoform test (3) A silver mirror with Tollen's reagent
but does not reduce Tollen's reagent or Fehling's (4) An oxime with hydroxylamine
solution. It forms a cyanohydrin with HCN, which 23. In the reaction sequence
on hydrolysis gives a hydroxy acid with a methyl side BaSO 4 HO
RCOCl + H2 Pd A HCN B C 3
test I2 NaOH
II PUC-Class Work 2
Dr. Ravishankara BE - 9886414024
26. Which of the following acids reduces Tollen's 33. Which of the following compounds can form
reagent :- H–bonds :-
(1) CH3COOH (2) Salicylic acid
(1) Ethyl acetate
(3) HCOOH (4) Citric acid
(2) Methyl formate
27. Acids have much higher boiling points than isomeric
esters because :- (3) Acetamide (4) Acetic anhydride
(1) Acids form dimers by H–Bonding 34. Acyl chlorides undergo :-
(2) Acids are volatile in steam (1) Nucleophilic addition reactions
(3) Ester are non–volatile (2) Nucleophilic substitution reactions
(4) Acids can ionise to give protons in aqueous (3) Electrophilic substitution reactions
(4) Electrophilic addition reactions
28. Which of the following acids is stronger than acetic
acid :- 35. The reaction of ethanol on acetic anhydride is an
example of :-
(1) Propanoic acid (2) HCOOH
(3) Butyric acid (4) (CH ) CHCOOH (1) Nucleophilic addition
3 2
29. Which of the following acids have the lowest pKa (2) Nucleophilic substitution
value :- (3) Electrophilic addition
Cl (4) Free radical substitution
(1) CH3 CH COOH 36. Acid chlorides can be changed to aldehydes by
(2) Cl CH2 CH2 COOH reaction with :-
(3) CCl3COOH (4) CHCl2COOH (1) LiAlH4 (2) NaBH4
30. The compounds A and B in the reaction sequence (3) Hydrogen and palladised BaSO4
CH3COCl A (4) Zinc amalgam and conc. HCl
are given by the set :- 37. The reagents A and B in the reaction sequence
(3) CH3COCH3 , C6H5 OCOCH3
(4) CH3 C O O C CH3 , are given by the set :-
II PUC-Class Work 3
Dr. Ravishankara BE - 9886414024
40. Methyl amine reacts with acetyl chloride and forms :- 46. The compounds capable in reaction with Tollen's
(1) CH NH (2) CH NHNa reagent is (are) :
3 2 3
(3) CH3NHCOCH3 (4) (CH3)2NCOCH3 (1) Formaldehyde (2) Formic acid
41. Which of the following can be converted to (3) Acetaldehyde (4) All the above
CH3–CH=CH–CHO :- 47. Acetaldehyde reacts with semicarbazide, product
(1) Acetone will be :
45. Order of acidic strength of the following compound Z in the above reaction sequence is :–
will be :
(2) CH3CH2CH2NH2
(A) (B)
(C) (D)