Slides for 8_14_24 (CW)
Slides for 8_14_24 (CW)
Slides for 8_14_24 (CW)
Still to do:
● Join REMIND (8/12)
● Beginning of the Year Survey (8/12) Today’s Agenda
● Syllabus Scavenger Hunt (8/13)
● Journal Entry #1
● Theme
● Characters
Different Styles of Narrative Writing:
● The Quest
● Viewpoint Shifts
and then watch events unfold as the character struggles for that purpose.
● For example: in The Odyssey, Odysseus’ perilous voyage to his home of Ithaca to
● The story can start in the middle of the story and travels back and forth in time
using flashbacks
● This grabs the reader’s attention by getting to the problem/conflict right away
● For example: The Odyssey starts off at Odysseus’ home rather than at the end of
the Trojan War; it has been 10 years have gone, and Odysseus has yet to return
The Viewpoint Shift:
● This type of writing creates layers of complexity and tension
● Each chapter could come from a different character’s viewpoint; shifting the viewpoint in the
narrative can take a straightforward narrative writing outline and inject some tension and suspense
into it
● Using this type of narrative writing can create suspense and reveal hidden twists in the end
● For example: In the book, Ask Alice, each chapter is from a different character’s point of view so the
reader hears about the same situation, but they are all different. As a reader, you do not know which
● For example: Gone GIrl is a book of diary entries by a woman named Amy who, during the first part of
the book, persuades her reader that her husband has murdered her. However, in the second half of the
book, the author learns of Amy’s well-thought out plans. The reader is left wondering who to believe
Limit “I”:
○ Using “I” too much loses the audience attention
○ It shows that you are writing your own thoughts rather than
telling a story; focus on the story as it unfolds
No goal = No narrative:
○ Everything you write should have a goal
■ stories, speeches, poems, etc.