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Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311



Applications of pulsating heat pipe (PHP) as an efficient heat transfer

device: a review of recent developments
Mantri Sandeep Kumar1 · Satyanand Abraham1

Received: 4 March 2024 / Accepted: 3 June 2024 / Published online: 11 June 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024

Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP) is an emerging efficient heat transfer device, that transfers heat passively through oscillat-
ing motions of liquid slugs and vapor plugs within the device. PHP is of high effective thermal conductivity with great
potential in heat transfer management for various applications. The objective of this review paper is to summarize and
analyse the applications of PHP in various fields that have been reported in the open literature, emphasizing on studies
reported in past half decade. The thermo-hydraulic behaviour of PHP is influenced by numerous geometric and operational
parameters, which are discussed in detail in the first part of the paper. The thermal performance of the PHP under rota-
tion condition, which is seldom discussed in previous review articles, is also discussed. These parameters act individually
and in tandem to alter the performance of PHP, which makes its prediction extremely difficult. However, the benefit of
numerous influencing parameters is that they can be altered to make PHP suitable for various applications. These highly
variable configurations make PHP suitable for applications such as the transfer of absorbed solar energy to the location of
interest, waste heat recovery, thermal management of electric vehicle batteries, fuel cells, cooling of electronic components
etc. PHPs are recently being studied for applications in cryogenics and cooling of cutting tools in the machining process
also. In addition, novel applications of PHP such as high-performance fins for heat exchangers, cooling of building roofs
etc. are also being reported. All these applications of PHP reported in the open literature are reviewed and summarized
in the present article.

Nomenclature SCT Self cooling tool

PHP Pulsating heat pipe
OHP Oscillating heat pipe
CTPHP Capillary tube pulsating heat pipe 1 Introduction
CLPHP Closed loop pulsating heat pipe
FPPHP Flat plate pulsating heat pipe Pulsating heat pipe (PHP), also known as Oscillating Heat
MPHP Micro pulsating heat pipe Pipe (OHP) was first proposed by a Japanese inventor
HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Akachi in the 1990s [1, 2] as a novel structure of conven-
PCM Phase change material tional heat pipe, but without wick structure. PHPs are now
CPC Compound parabolic concentrator emerging as an efficient two-phase heat transfer device. The
PV Photo-voltaic unique characteristics of Pulsating Heat Pipes, such as their
HRV Heat recovery ventilator structural simplicity, flexibility, high heat transfer perfor-
EV Electric vehicle mance, and suitability for passive operation, make them an
BTMS Battery thermal management system appealing choice for various heat transfer applications.
PEM Proton exchange membrane PHP is configured as a meandering channel with tubes
of capillary dimensions as shown in Fig. 1. The channel is
properly vacuumed and then partially filled with a working
fluid. The fluid is distributed randomly in the form of liq-
Satyanand Abraham
abrahams@nitw.ac.in uid slugs and vapor plugs due to the dominance of surface
tension over gravity at the small diameters. Heat is added
Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of to this system through an evaporator section and is taken
Technology Warangal, Warangal, Telangana 506004, India

1286 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

Fig. 1 Classification of PHP based

on the configuration of the tube
(a) Closed loop PHP (b) Closed
loop PHP with check valve (c)
Closed end PHP

Fig. 2 (a) Capillary tube PHP (b)

Flat plate PHP (c) Coil type PHP

out from a condenser section. The heat addition causes direction. For CEPHP, both ends of a long capillary tube
bubble formation at the evaporator, while heat rejection are sealed. In general, most of the researchers prefer closed
causes condensation at the condenser section. These bubble loop PHP as it has better heat transfer performance and fluid
nucleation [3, 4], bubble agglomeration and collapse lead to circulation within the pipe [6, 7].
dynamic instabilities and non-equilibrium conditions. This According to geometric configuration, PHPs can be
creates uneven pressure distribution in the tube and gener- broadly classified as Capillary tube PHP (CTPHP) [8, 9],
ates force. This in turn produces an oscillating motion of Flat plate PHP (FPPHP) [10, 11] and Coil type PHP [12,
liquid slug and vapor plug between the evaporator and con- 13] as depicted in Fig. 2. CTPHP is a closed loop PHP made
denser, thereby transferring heat to various sections of the from a single tube of capillary dimension in a meandering
PHP. Heat is transferred as latent and sensible heat through manner. Whereas in FPPHP, the meandering channels of
a vapor plug and liquid slug respectively. As a result, the capillary dimensions are milled onto a flat plate. The thick-
working fluid within the PHP undergoes thermo-hydrody- ness of the flat plate causes thermal conduction between
namic mechanisms leading to complex operation. Since the the adjacent channels, effecting its thermal performance.
circulating motion of the working fluid does not require any Coil type PHP is a 3D structure with a single capillary tube
external power source, PHP is typically viewed as a pas- arranged in a meandering manner in two parallel planes.
sive heat transfer device. Moreover, the absence of any wick Different geometric configurations of PHP exhibit distinct
material makes the construction simpler compared to regu- flow regimes and thermal behaviours, indicating that the
lar heat pipes. geometry of the PHP structure significantly influences its
Based on the configuration of the tube, the PHP can be heat transfer performance. PHP can also be fabricated by
generally classified as Closed Loop PHP (CLPHP), Closed modifying the above-mentioned geometries and configura-
Loop PHP with check valve, and Closed End PHP (CEPHP) tions according to the requirements like micro-PHP, flexible
[5] as shown in Fig. 1. CLPHP is formed by connecting the PHP, flower type PHP etc. which will be discussed in detail
ends of a long capillary tube to form a closed loop. CLPHP in Sect. 3.
with check valves incorporates check valves in between the
loop to enable the circulation of the working fluid in a single

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1287

The performance of PHP is generally expressed in terms in turn, are influenced by various factors such as heat input,
of thermal resistance and effective thermal conductivity the type of working fluid used, and the filling ratio.
which are given below in Eqs. (1) & (2).
(ρl − ρv ) gD4
Te − Tc Bo = ≤ 4 (3)
Rth = (1)
where ρl , ρv , σ , g and D are the density of the liquid, den-
Leff sity of vapor, surface tension, gravitational constant and
Keff = (2)
RthAcs diameter of the tube respectively.
Operational parameters affecting the performance of
Where Rth is the thermal resistance, Te and Tc are the tem- PHP are the orientation of PHP, heat input, filling ratio and
peratures at the evaporator and condenser section, Q is the gravitational force. The type of the working fluid, and its
heat input, Keff is the effective thermal conductivity, Leff is thermo-physical properties also greatly influence the per-
the effective length (or average length) between the evapo- formance of PHP. The orientation of PHP can be under-
rator and condenser sections and Acs is area of cross-section stood as the angle between the gravitational force and the
of the PHP. channels. Even though the Bond number corresponding to
the tube diameter is small, gravitational forces still influ-
ence the performance of PHP [38–45]. In vertical orienta-
2 Factors affecting the thermal performance tion (channels parallel to the gravitational force), when
of the PHP the evaporator is located at the bottom and the condenser
at the top, gravitational forces assist the transfer of liquid
The performance of PHP depends on the structural param- from the condenser to the evaporator region and get the best
eters, operational conditions and working fluid properties. performance. Therefore, this orientation is sometimes called
Detailed review on the influence of various parameters on “gravity-assisted”. Conversely, if the sections are swapped,
the performance of PHP has been reported by many authors it becomes the “anti-gravity” orientation. The gravitational
[14–18]. A brief overview of these parameters is reported forces hinder the performance and can lead to evaporator
here for the sake of completeness. It is necessary to under- dry-out even at low heat input. The horizontal orientation
stand, analyze and evaluate these parameters while consid- (channels perpendicular to the gravitational force), on the
ering PHP in various fields of application. other hand, is independent of the gravitational force. The
Structural parameters include the diameter of the tube, performance of horizontally oriented PHP approaches that
the number of turns and the length of the various sections of gravity-assisted at a large number of turns in the evapora-
of PHP. The tube’s diameter [3, 19–24] is a crucial factor as tor region [19]. The influence of gravity on the functioning
it determines the formation of liquid slugs and vapor plugs of PHP leads to the investigation on the impact of various
within the PHP by balancing surface tension forces against gravitational field levels on the heat transfer performance
buoyancy forces. Small diameters give a better performance of PHP [46–51] by conducting parabolic flight tests. The
due to better distribution of vapor and liquid. However, too data from such studies indicate that the PHPs can effectively
small diameters increase the frictional losses and thereby function under reduced gravity, suggesting potential appli-
hinders the performance. The optimal choice of diameter cations for PHP technology in space.
is made by following the Bond number (Bo) criteria i.e., The heat input [23, 30, 34, 52–55] plays a significant
Bo < 4 [1, 25] shown in Eq. (3). Studies are reported with role in the operation of the PHP, as it affects the bubble
single PHP fabricated with tubes of two different diam- dynamics by transitioning the flow pattern from slug flow
eters i.e., “dual diameter” PHP [26–28]. This increases the to annular flow. However, at higher heat input, the evapora-
instability within the channels and enhances the perfor- tor region can experience dry-out, leading to a substantial
mance. The number of turns in the evaporator region is also increase in the temperature. Consequently, determining the
an important parameter as the instability within the PHP maximum heat input is essential for the specific design of a
increases with the number of turns [29–34], which leads to PHP. Another important factor is the filling ratio [55–61],
better performance. Furthermore, when the number of turns which is defined as the ratio of the volume of working fluid
exceeds 16, as recommended by Charoensawan et al. [19] to the total volume of PHP. A high filling ratio results in
the PHP performs well in different orientations. The heat reduced bubble formation due to a higher liquid mass frac-
transfer performance of the PHP is also influenced by the tion, impacting PHP performance. Conversely, a lower fill-
effective lengths of the evaporator, adiabatic, and condenser ing ratio leads to reduced sensible heat transfer because of
sections [19, 30, 35–37]. Optimum values of these lengths, a lower liquid mass fraction, potentially causing dry-out at

1288 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

the evaporator. Therefore, the optimum filling ratio must be 3 Applications of pulsating heat pipe (PHP)
used for a particular PHP design. The selection of various
working fluids [62–71], including conventional fluids, nano The flexibility in the fabrication of PHP makes it a suitable
fluids, self-rewetting fluids, ferro fluids with the applica- heat transfer device for many applications. Various dis-
tion of a magnetic field etc., significantly impact the perfor- cussed applications include:
mance enhancement of PHP.
In addition to these parameters, Rotating Pulsating Heat i) Solar thermal energy transfer,
Pipes (RPHPs) represent a specific type of PHP proposed ii) Waste heat recovery and heat recovery in Heating, Ven-
to manage and dissipate heat generated within rotating sys- tilation and Air Conditioning,
tems, such as gas turbine blades, wind turbine systems and iii) Cooling of Electric vehicle battery and fuel cells,
machining processes like milling, drilling, and grinding etc. iv) Electronic cooling,
RPHP acts as a passive heat transfer device for the rotating v) Cooling of cutting tools,
systems. Gravity plays a crucial role in the performance of vi) Heat transfer for Cryogenics applications,
conventional PHPs by enhancing their thermal performance vii) Miscellaneous applications.
in “gravity assisted” designs. Similarly, the centrifugal force
generated in RPHPs significantly affects their performance As mentioned earlier, a detailed discussion has been made
[72, 73], particularly when it aligns with the flow of liquid for studies since the year 2018. Some important studies
to the evaporator. This leads to a comprehensive study and reporting several applications of PHP before this period are
analysis of its performance under various centrifugal forces consolidated in tables.
and PHP operational parameters. Studies [72, 74–77] indi-
cate that as centrifugal force increases, the thermal resis- 3.1 PHP for solar thermal energy transfer
tance of RPHP decreases. Similar to conventional PHPs,
in RPHPs, an increase in heat input leads to a decrease in Solar energy is a renewable source of energy that is only
thermal resistance. Moreover, the reduction in thermal resis- available during daylight hours. So, there is a need to absorb
tance is more significant compared to conventional PHPs, and transfer the energy efficiently to the working location.
and the occurrence of dry-out at high heat fluxes is reduced Some of the major solar applications are solar distillation,
as rotational speeds increase. solar desalination, solar water heating, solar power genera-
In summary, the underlying working principle of PHP is tion etc. PHPs are devices of high effective thermal conduc-
to create instability within the channels by heat addition and tivity which can be used to transfer the heat energy from
rejection, to transport the heat energy from the evaporator to the collector to the utilization region efficiently, and thereby
the condenser region. Therefore, the PHP can be fabricated increasing the overall efficiency of the solar devices. Impor-
in various geometries and configurations which can create tant studies utilizing PHP in solar energy transfer applica-
and sustain the instability. This makes PHP a well sorted tions reported prior to the year 2018 are summarized in
candidate for various applications, from electronic cooling Table 1.
to cryogenics. Many studies are continuously being reported Charoensawan et al. [84] fabricated a flat plate solar col-
in the literature with various applications of PHP and all lector with multiple CLPHP. A total of 10 CLPHPs were
these studies need to be cataloged well for the effective use contained in the solar collector, and each CLPHP of 20
and modification of the existing configurations to enhance meandering turns was made to wrap around an aluminum
the performance and efficiency of the device. Therefore, bar. The details of the configurations are shown in Fig. 3.
this paper intends to present various applications of PHP Solar simulator was used to mimic the solar energy where
reported in the open literature, focusing mostly on studies the aluminum bar acted as the evaporator and copper tube
reported since 2018, as most of the application studies prior (tap water flows in it) as the condenser. The system was
to this period are reported in [78]. In this short span itself experimentally investigated for variable irradiation intensity
large volume of studies were reported on different applica- and water flow rates. A maximum thermal efficiency (“ratio
tions of PHP. The present paper also consolidates the appli- of the heat absorbed by water to the total solar irradiation
cation of PHP for the cooling of fuel cells, machine tools reached to the solar collector”) of around 67% was obtained
and buildings, heat transfer enhancement in heat exchang- at an irradiation intensity of 947–1086 W/m2 and water flow
ers etc. which are not commonly discussed in review papers rate of 2–3 LPM. The obtained efficiency is equivalent and
available in the literature. comparable to that of more costly heat pipes. Latif et al.
[85] proposed a solar collector integrated with dual diam-
eter PHP. The evaporator region of PHP was attached to the
solar collector. The PHP condenser section with an internal

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1289

Table 1 Key studies on PHP for solar thermal energy transfer prior to Zhao et al. [86] investigated the thermal performance of
the year 2018
long length PHP for heat transfer in solar energy applica-
SI. Authors Application Geometry Remarks
No tion, considering different parameters such as inner diam-
1 Abad et Solar desalina- CLPHP A noticeable eter, working fluid, inclination angles, and filling ratios. The
al. [79] tion system increase in hourly PHP with a length of 990 mm, 3 mm inner diameter and a
with PHP output and the filling ratio ranging from 50 to 60% showed the most sig-
maximum rate of
nificant thermal performance under high heat loads, exhibit-
production was
achieved at an ing a low thermal resistance of 0.0024℃/W. The research
inclination of 35º also revealed an inverse relationship between the start-up
with a 40% fill temperature of the PHP and the inclination angle, indicating
lower start-up temperatures at higher inclination angles.
2 Abad et Solar water CLPHP The inclination
al. [80] heating with angle was identi-
As mentioned earlier PHP can be fabricated by modify-
PHP fied as a significant ing the geometry and configuration. Che et al. [87] designed
factor influencing a novel solar collector model coupled with a PHP, which
the performance was inspired by the sunflower and named as the flower-type
of both the solar
collector and
PHP flat plate collector as shown in Fig. 4. The collector’s
PHP. The optimal design mimics the sunflower’s petals, which absorb heat
performance of from the sun and transport to its stem. Similarly, the PHP
the PHP was noted evaporator section absorbs heat from the absorber plate and
within the range of
35º to 45º inclina-
transfers it to the condenser section, which then conducts
tion angle. the heat to the cold water. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the evapo-
3 Nguyen Solar Collector CLPHP The solar col- rator section is designed in the shape of the sunflower petals,
et al. integrated with lector operates while the condenser sections are aligned and attached along
[81] PHP effectively with the water tube. Under sunny weather conditions, the collec-
minimum top heat
loss with the PHP tor has shown significant thermal performance, achieving a
filling ratios in the thermal efficiency (ratio heat transferred by PHP collector to
range of 60-70%. heat supplied) of 50% at 50% filling ratio.
4 Xu et al. Solar Collec- CLPHP PHP concentrated To increase the intensity of solar radiation, compound
[82] tor integrated by CPC is appro-
parabolic concentrators (CPCs) are designed to focus the
with PHP and priate, offering
compound higher efficiency sun rays on the absorber, which is located at the focal point
parabolic compared to PHP of the concentrator. Xu et al. [88] performed a numerical
concentrator solar collectors investigation on the CPC-PHP solar collector as it was ardu-
(CPC) and conventional
ous to control various parameters in the experiment. The
solar collectors
5 Arab et Solar water Extra-long The results of this PHP which acts as an absorber was fixed at the focus of CPC
al. [83] heating with PHP study have practi- such that all the solar radiation reflected onto the evapora-
PHP cal significance tor section of PHP. A numerical model in three dimensions
in enhancing the was created to examine the impact of air speed, tilt angle,
effectiveness and
efficiency of solar thickness of glass, thickness of insulation board and solar
water heaters by radiation intensity on the heat loss in the CPC-PHP solar
incorporating collector. The best performance was observed when the
Extra-long PHP solar radiation intensity was 1000 W/m2 at a 45° tilt angle.
Another type of solar collector, known as an evacuated solar
diameter different from the evaporator section was con- collector, uses vacuum-sealed tubes to minimize heat loss
nected to flowing fluid. As discussed earlier, the dual diam- and maximize the absorption of solar energy. Z. Su et al.
eter PHP increases the instability in flows and enhances [89] introduce a novel structure of annular PHP designed for
the performance. Studies were conducted at various filling these collectors. The study explores the influence of cooling
ratios and it was noted that the configuration featuring dual water temperature, cooling water flow rate, and heat trans-
diameter exhibits improved thermal performance compared fer distance by producing annular PHPs of varying lengths
to the single diameter in both vertical and inclined positions. (600 mm, 800 mm, and 1000 mm) and analyses their impact
The maximum thermal efficiency reported was 72.4% at a on heat transfer performance, contributing to the understand-
60% filling ratio. ing of PHP behaviour. The response surface method (RSM)
is used to optimize operation parameters and understand the

1290 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

Fig. 3 Flat plate solar water heater with multiple CLPHP reported in [84]

Fig. 4 Flower type PHP flat plate

collector [87]. (reprinted with

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1291

interactions affecting heat transfer performance. The RSM combined with experimental studies employed to obtain
model predicts the optimal working conditions as a 375 mm the surface temperature and the electrical gain of the PV
heat transfer distance, 15 °C cooling water temperature, and panel with four distinct cooling methods: natural air con-
a 1.0 L/min cooling water flow rate. The study finds that vection with and without CLPHP, forced convection with
heat transfer distance has a more significant effect on heat CLPHP, and conventional flat plate water cooling. The pas-
transfer capacity compared to cooling water temperature sive and active cooling utilizing CLPHP exhibited signifi-
and flow rate. cant enhancements in the electrical gain efficiency of the
To improve the efficiency of solar energy systems and PV panel, showing improvement rates of 23% and 35%,
promote their reliability, phase change materials (PCMs) respectively, under solar radiation of 1235 W/m2. The study
are integrated into these systems. This integration of PCMs concluded that employing CLPHP for PV panel cooling rep-
helps to store excess thermal energy generated by the sys- resents a suitable and cost-effective method for enhancing
tem during the day, making it available for use at night or its efficiency.
during cloudy weather. A solar still integrated with PCM Shadmehri et al. [96] designed a novel concentrated pho-
and PHP was designed by Khalilmoghadam et al. [90]. The tovoltaic thermal system (CPVT) comprising a parabolic
evaporator and condenser section of PHP were connected trough concentrator, PV cell, PHP heat exchanger, and a
to the PCM and saline water reservoir respectively. Dur- polar tracker to simultaneously generate electrical and ther-
ing day time, solar energy was stored in PCM and during mal energy. Heat is transferred from the collector to the
the night the stored energy was discharged with the help of PHP evaporator through a heat transfer fluid, where it trans-
PHP. The study revealed that the rate of evaporation in this fers the heat to the condenser section. Various heat transfer
mode of operation is superior to that of a system without any fluids, such as, calcium chloride-water mixture, ethylene
thermal energy storage device. An efficiency of 48.5% was glycol and glycerine, were evaluated for their efficiency in
reported, compared to the 23.7% efficiency of conventional transferring heat to the PHP. The study also investigated the
solar stills. performance of three distinct working fluids water, acetone
Photo-voltaic (PV) panels are suitable devices to trans- and Graphene Oxide/Water nanofluid for the PHP. The use
form solar energy into electricity. The working temperature of glycerine as the heat transfer fluid and graphene oxide
of the PV panels affects its performance; therefore, effective nanofluid/water as the working fluid resulted in the highest
cooling is necessary for their better performance. A detailed thermal performance. Under optimal conditions, this setup
review of using PHP for the thermal management of PV resulted in a notable 7.84 °C reduction in PV temperature
Thermal systems is presented by Kargaran et al. [91]. In and a corresponding 21.85% increase in electrical efficiency.
order to create a passive cooling system, Roslan et al. [92] The cooling system showcased its capacity to recover up to
attached a PHP onto the rear side of the solar PV panel and 190.4 kJ of heat energy with a thermal efficiency of 52.5%.
compared its performance with the solar PV panel without The integration of PHPs in solar energy systems has
PHP. The PHP was used to eject heat to the water in a stor- shown significant potential in increasing efficiency and
age tank. The inclusion of PHP led to a 19% increase in overall performance. Most of the reported studies make
electrical power output and a maximum of 10.5℃ reduc- use of the high flexibility in the geometry and configura-
tion in the temperature of the PV panel. Alizadeh et al. [93] tion of PHP for the effective transfer of solar energy. Results
performed a numerical simulation by integrating PHP to a indicate that PHPs contribute to increased electrical power
PV panel. The PV panel was connected to the evaporative output and enhanced thermal efficiency across diverse oper-
portion of PHP, where a heat flux of 1000 W/m2 was con- ating conditions. Furthermore, the combination of PHPs
sidered and a constant temperature boundary condition was with phase change materials (PCMs) and nanofluids has
given to the condenser section. To model the heat transfer shown remarkable potential for storing and utilizing excess
within the PHP, the thermal resistance of PHP was obtained thermal energy. Optimization of solar collector designs,
as a function of temperature difference between the evapo- including the exploration of novel geometries inspired by
rator and the condenser sections from experimental studies nature, could lead to even greater efficiencies and more reli-
by Saha et al. [94]. The data was compared with the heat able performance under varying environmental conditions.
transfer performance of a PV panel integrated with a solid Incorporating PHP for various other solar energy applica-
copper fin of the same dimensions. Studies show that the tions such as solar desalination, solar dryer etc. are seldom
surface temperature of the PV panel is reduced by 16.1°C available in literature.
with the use of PHP, whereas the decrease in surface tem-
perature with copper fins is relatively lower at 4.9°C. Addi-
tionally, this increases the production of electrical power by
18%. Alizadeh et al. [95] employed numerical simulations

1292 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

3.2 PHP for waste heat recovery, and heating, [103] conducted an experimental investigation on the per-
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) formance of a PHP to recover waste heat from a chimney
for heating water. Using distilled water as the working fluid
The drastic increase in energy consumption necessitates the with a 60% filling ratio, the study examined the impact of
need to recover the waste heat generated in various opera- inclination angles ranging from 0° to 90°. The results show
tions efficiently. This enhances the efficiency in energy that heat exchangers with PHPs can achieve high efficien-
interactions and reduces the impact on the environment. As cies, with the system reaching up to 54% efficiency at a 90°
PHPs are devices of high effective thermal conductivity, inclination angle.
these are integrated with the engineering systems to recover PHPs can be modified to enhance the area of heat transfer
waste heat. In most of the waste heat recovery applications, by altering the shape of their cross-section and by incor-
PHP is used to effectively preheat the incoming cold work- porating fins. Barrak et al. [104] reported a passive heat
ing fluid to the system by using the heat from hot exhaust, transfer enhancement approach for PHP by designing an
which otherwise would have been wasted. The evaporator elliptical cross-section CLPHP instead of a circular cross-
region of PHP is kept in the channel with hot fluid, and the section to recover heat from a hot air duct. This increases
condenser region is kept in the cold fluid flowing channel the heat transfer area for heat recovery through PHP. The
as shown in Fig. 5. A short summary of applications of PHP effect of the inlet air temperature and velocity on the heat
for waste heat recovery reported prior to the year 2018 is transfer effectiveness (“ratio of actual heat transfer to the
shown in Table 2. maximum possible heat transfer by the heat exchanger
Putra et al. [102] designed a moderately long length PHP between the exhaust and fresh air streams”) between hot and
using methanol and ethanol as working fluids to investigate cold air ducts was studied by comparing the data from PHP
the heat recovery application of PHP. The PHP was fabri- with elliptical and circular cross-section. It was concluded
cated with an effective length of 500 mm. The experimental that elliptical cross-section tubes perform better than con-
results show that in comparison to ethanol, methanol exhib- ventional circular tubes in terms of energy saving, effective-
ited a reduced temperature difference between the evapora- ness and thermal resistance of PHP.
tor and condenser. Moreover, methanol at a 90° inclination PHP is also used in Heating, ventilation and air condition-
had a maximum thermal conductivity of 13,586 W/mK at a ing (HVAC) applications to precool the incoming air using
maximum heat supply of 76 W, which was 35.2 times greater exhausted air so that the energy required for conditioning
than the thermal conductivity of solid copper. Shoeibi et al. the incoming air is reduced. Mahajan et al. [105] designed

Fig. 5 Representative sketch of the utilization of PHP in a waste heat recovery system

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1293

Table 2 Key studies on PHP application for Waste Heat Recovery and filling ratio, finned PHP often transfers heat at a rate that
HVAC prior to the year 2018
is over 80% higher than the bare PHP. The effectiveness of
Sl. Authors Application Geometry Remarks
No the fins was found to be greater than 2, which supports their
1 Rit- PHP as pre- CLPHP As the inlet tem- use on PHPs. However, it should be noted that the pres-
tidech et heater in the perature of the hot ence of fins also leads to higher power consumption due to
al. [97] drying process gas increases, the increased pressure drop.
effectiveness of
Another PHP heat exchanger was designed by Yang et
the PHP preheater
also increases. The al. [106] by operating both horizontal and bottom heated
designed CLPHP (evaporator at the bottom) modes to precool outdoor fresh
operates effectively air with indoor exhaust air. The effectiveness increases with
to recover the
an increase in fresh air inlet temperature for both modes,
waste heat.
2 Kho- Waste heat CLPHP The use of nano-
which implies PHP heat exchanger performs effectively in
dami et recovery from fluids improves the summer conditions. The highest performance was achieved
al. [98] chimney efficiency of PHP at an inclination angle of 60°, where an effectiveness of
heat exchangers. around 0.5 was attained.
Exergy destruction
is lower for silver
Kabát et al. [107] created a multi-layered PHP for the
nano-fluid com- purpose of recovering heat in HVAC systems and studied
pared to ethanol it under different filling ratios and heat loads. The multilay-
by a maximum of ered PHP contains 8 interconnected layers and each layer
contains 10 individual tubes. So, it was arranged into an
3 Mahajan PHP for heat CLPHP The PHP-HRV
et al. recovery venti- acts as an air-to-air 8 × 10 matrix. It was reported that the multilayered PHP heat
[99] lator (HRV) heat exchanger exchanger performs effectively as a heat transfer device in
between the used the HVAC applications and the best heat transfer perfor-
conditioned air and mance was obtained when the oscillations of the working
the incoming fresh
air. It was reported fluid become stable. Barrak et al. [108] designed a PHP heat
that the PHP-HRV exchanger for pre-cooling fresh air by passing it through the
can pre-cool the evaporator region and reheating the overcooled air by pass-
incoming air by up ing it through the condenser section in an HVAC system.
to 8.0 °C and the
overall effective- The effect of inlet air temperature and velocity on the ther-
ness of PHP-HRV mal performance of the PHP heat exchanger was studied for
can go up to 0.48. different working fluids which includes methanol, water and
4 Zabek et PHP electrical FPPHP Integrating binary fluid. Results show that the effectiveness and energy
al. [100] generator pyroelectric with
savings of the heat exchanger were improved by raising the
PHP offers a
novel method for inlet temperature and lowering the air velocity at the evap-
converting low- orator portion. Methanol exhibits the best thermal perfor-
temperature waste mance and energy-saving pattern of all the working fluids.
thermal energy into
Xu et al. [109] carried preliminary investigation to
electrical energy.
5 Mahajan Waste heat CLPHP Incorporating PHP evaluate the potential of integrating a Flat-Plate Heat Pipe
et al. recovery from design into HVAC (FPHP) with a Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) for low
[101] the HVAC systems enables grade waste heat recovery. TEGs are devices that utilize
system the recovery of as the Seebeck effect to transform heat energy into electrical
much as 240 W of
heat from the waste energy. The evaporator section of the FPPHP absorbs heat
exhaust air stream. from any waste heat source and transfers it to the condenser
section via working fluid. TEGs are integrated into the con-
a circular finned type PHP for pre-cooling fresh air. PHP denser section of FPPHP by fixing it between the PHP and
was fabricated by wrapping a thin copper strip (which acts the coolant water jacket, such that a temperature difference
as a fin) along the length of PHPs. Two wind tunnels were is created between two junctions of TEG. When coupled
used separately for hot and cold air streams over the PHP in with three TEGs, the FPHP system achieved a maximum
cross-flow to replicate as an HVAC environment. A com- output power of 1.98 W. However, a comparison of the
parative study on start-up and steady-state performance was performance of PHP with and without TEG was not pre-
conducted between finned PHP and bare PHP (without fins). sented. Further, Wang et al. [110] proposed and developed
Results show that when using the same working fluid and a hybrid system combining PHP with TEG for the recovery

1294 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

of low-grade energy and converting it into electricity. The to maintenance, materials, design intricacy, and expenses.
thermal performance and output voltage of the PHP-TEG Research can focus on enhancing the efficiency of antigrav-
system were experimentally studied, examining the impacts ity PHPs through design modifications, which could have
of different factors, including heat load, working fluids, broad implications for energy utilization.
filling ratios, inclination angles, and cooling methods. The
study revealed that the maximum peak amplitude of the out- 3.3 PHP for thermal management of battery and
put voltage in the PHP-TEG system is primarily influenced fuel cells
by heat load and working fluids, and is not influenced by
filling ratios. Specifically, the PHP-TEG system with ace- Advances in Electric vehicles (EVs) have been growing rap-
tone as working fluid exhibited the highest average output idly in recent years to fight against global warming, energy
voltage amplitude i.e., 1.04 V compared to systems using crisis and environmental pollution. Power batteries are the
ethanol and DI water. The findings revealed that the opti- source of energy for the EVs and their performance depends
mal heat recovery performance, reaching 80.12%, and the on the working temperature [111]. Lithium-ion batteries are
highest thermoelectric conversion efficiency of 1.22%, were an ideal power source for EVs due to their high energy den-
attained under the conditions of 10℃ inlet water tempera- sity lack of memory effect, low rate of self-discharge [111]
ture and 600 mL/min of cooling water flow rate. etc. To increase the performance and life of an EV’s battery,
Studies investigating the integration of PHPs in waste a proper Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS)
heat recovery and HVAC applications highlight their abil- is needed. PHP is very much suitable for BTMS due to its
ity to efficiently transfer heat, pre-cool or pre-heat incom- less weight, compact size and passive nature. Table 3 shows
ing air, and recover waste heat for various industrial some relevant studies related to PHP-BTMS and cooling of
processes. From utilizing different working fluids to explor- fuel cells reported prior to the year 2018.
ing innovative designs such as elliptical cross-sections and Wei et al. [115] designed a plug-in PHP by sandwich-
multi-layered structures, researchers have demonstrated sig- ing it between two flat plate electric heaters to represent
nificant advancements in thermal performance and energy a Li-ion battery module which liberates heat as shown in
recovery. Additionally, the integration of PHPs with TEGs Fig. 6. The device was analyzed under various filling ratios
further extends their capabilities, enabling the conver- using binary fluids, and forced air was used to cool the con-
sion of low-grade waste heat into usable electrical energy. denser. It was reported that the most efficient heat transfer
Although the inclusion of fins in combination with PHPs was observed when the binary fluid was a mixture of etha-
can greatly improve heat transfer and energy recovery in nol and water, at a mixing ratio of 1:1 and a filling ratio of
waste heat systems, they also introduce challenges related 30%. At a 55 W heat input, the average temperature of the
battery remained below 46.5℃, which was in the desired
Table 3 Key studies on PHP for Thermal Management of Battery and temperature range for Li-ion batteries [116]. Chiet et al.
Fuel cells prior to the year 2017 [117] designed a Closed-End PHP for Li-ion battery cool-
Sl. Authors Application Geometry Remarks ing application with a cell heater used to mock the batteries.
Studies were conducted in antigravity mode with a water-
1 Rao et PHP based CLPHP The study showed
al. [112] BTMS that the PHP cooled condenser at the bottom under different roll and pitch
startup temperature angles with respect to the vehicle. Results show that at high
must be less than heat inputs, the orientation of PHP has minimal influence on
the maximum tem-
its thermal resistance. The average heater surface tempera-
perature allowed
for the battery ture was maintained at around 65°C for heat input of 20 W.
2 Wang et PCM-PHP CLPHP PCM-PHP based As most of the EV cooling channels are installed at the bot-
al. [113] based BTMS BTM system tom, the proposed design is viable for implementation as a
exhibited greater battery cooling system for electric vehicles with a bottom
efficiency in cool-
ing the battery
cooling mode.
than the only PHP Chung et al. [118] explores the optimal design and
cooling system. operating conditions of a PHP cooling system for cylindri-
3 Clement PHP for Fuel CLPHP PHP can effectively cal 18,650 cells in electric vehicles. The findings indicate
et al. cell cooling be utilized as a pas- that the number of turns greatly impacted the thermal per-
[114] application. sive heat transfer
device in fuel cell formance of the PHP system, identifying the 8-turn FPHP
applications and system as optimal. For the cylindrical 3D PHP system, the
can extract heat 9-turn configuration was found to be optimal, with methanol
about 120 W within identified as the most suitable working fluid. Hongkun et al.
a 200 cm2 area.

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1295

Fig. 6 Schematic of plug-in PHPs with BTMS [115].

(reprinted with permission)

Fig. 7 Schematic of ⊥-shaped PHP with battery liquid cooling system [119]. (reprinted with permission)

[119]. introduced an innovative battery liquid-cooling sys- CLPHP with TiO2 nano-fluid (ethanol as base fluid) as the
tem featuring a ⊥-shaped PHP with pulsating coolant flow working fluid for heat dissipation of Li-ion battery under
to enhance heat dissipation and battery module efficiency. different surrounding temperatures. Condenser region with
The ⊥-shaped PHP positioned between the battery modules fins dissipated heat by natural convection to the controlled
is depicted in Fig. 7. The condenser section is sandwiched ambient. As the surrounding temperature increases, the PHP
between the liquid cooling plate, while the evaporator sec- suppresses the increase in maximum surface temperature
tion is placed on an aluminum heater collector plate. It was and maintains a uniform surface temperature across the
reported that this design increases the heat transfer surface battery. The maximum temperature of a lithium-ion battery
area, resulting in a reduction in maximum battery tempera- is below 42.22 °C for a surrounding temperature of 35 °C,
ture and maintaining uniform battery surface temperature. with the maximum temperature difference on the battery
The results show a significant increase in heat load limit surface being less than 2 °C.
from 90.4 W to 277.6 W, exhibiting superior thermal man- PHP can be shaped with greater flexibility because it
agement compared to conventional systems. Under opti- does not require any wicks or capillary structures to facili-
mal pulsating flow conditions, the system exhibited a 9.8% tate fluid flow from the condenser to the evaporator section.
reduction in temperature rise compared to systems without Qu et al. [121] developed different structures of flexible
the PHP, highlighting the improved thermal performance PHP (“I”,” “N” shape, “Stairstep” shape, and “Inverted-U”
due to stable PHP operation. Chen et al. [120] designed a shape) as shown in Fig. 8 with fluoro rubber tubes as an

1296 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

adiabatic section for electric vehicle battery cooling. The Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that transform the
heat was dissipated from the ambient by forced convection. chemical energy of a fuel into electrical energy through an
Results show that the “I” and “Stairstep” shapes have bet- electrochemical reaction with the help of a solid polymer
ter heat transfer performance, as these shapes are assisted membrane as an electrolyte. The heat generated in Fuel cells
by gravitational force These PHPs provide a possible solu- is primarily due to the electrochemical reactions occurring
tion for thermal management of EV batteries. However, it’s at the electrodes. Therefore, efficient thermal management
worth noting that the other flexible PHP structures experi- is needed to maintain the optimal and uniform tempera-
enced internal flow resistance due to tube bending, which ture range for the fuel cell’s performance. PHPs can help
consequently influenced their thermo-hydrodynamic behav- in maintaining the desired temperature distribution within
ior and overall performance. the fuel cell system. Min et al. [123] conducted a numerical
Managing the thermal conditions of batteries is crucial, study by developing a 3D model of a PEM fuel cell with
especially in extremely cold environments (below 0°C), PHP for efficient thermal management. The PHP’s evapora-
as the battery’s charging/discharging capability tends to tor section was placed in between the bipolar plates to dis-
decrease in such low temperatures. PHP can be used as an sipate heat generated during operation as depicted in Fig. 9.
effective medium to transfer heat from a heating source for The studies showed that the PHP reaches a steady state in 8s
preheating and heat preservation of batteries. Chen et al. for this application with an effective thermal conductivity
[122], designed a closed loop PHP power battery heating of 4056.34 W/mK. The results indicate that the decrease in
module with TiO2 nano-fluid as working fluid to enhance temperature with PHP is at par with liquid cooling, whereas
the performance of EV power battery under low temperature the uniformity in temperature is even better than liquid
environments (-30°C to 20°C). The evaporator of PHP was cooling.
connected to a heating plate and condenser section to the Shang et al. [124], conducted numerical studies on a
batteries at low temperatures. The effect of different nano- PEM fuel cell both with and without the inclusion of a PHP.
fluid concentrations and different heating strategies were It was reported that incorporating PHP results in a decrease
investigated. The functionality of the EV power battery was of around 12℃ in the temperature of the PEM fuel cell
enhanced in low temperature conditions and optimal perfor- channels under natural convection. This suggests that the
mance was attained at 2% nano-particle concentration with PHP can effectively lower the internal operating tempera-
a 50% filling ratio. ture of the PEMFC.
In summary, the application of PHPs in EV battery and
fuel cell thermal management has shown promising results
in terms of improving performance, extending battery life,
and maintaining temperature uniformity. Additionally, PHPs
offer viable solutions for battery heating in cold environ-
ments, ensuring continued functionality and efficiency. With
their compactness, lightweight design, and passive opera-
tion, PHPs emerge as practical options for efficient ther-
mal control in EVs. Moreover, in fuel cell systems, PHPs
contribute to effective thermal management, maintaining
uniform temperature distributions and reducing internal
operating temperatures, thereby improving overall effi-
ciency. To address the challenge of internal flow resistance
in flexible PHPs, particularly in structures with sharp bends,
further research in this field is essential. Additional research
is essential to explore design modifications and challenges
when integrating PHPs into fuel cell systems.

3.4 PHP for electronic cooling

According to Moore’s law [125] the number of transistors

in an integrated circuit doubles about every two years. As
the size of electronic components decreases and the number
Fig. 8 Flexible PHP (a) different structural shapes (1)” I” (2)” Stair of transistors increases in the latest generation of micropro-
step” (3) “Inverted U” (4)” N” (b) Flexible PHP setup [121]. (reprinted cessor chips, both power consumption and heat production
with permission)

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1297

Fig. 9 Schematic of 3D Physical model of PEMFC with PHP used by [123]

per unit area during the operation of these components also fin radiator. The study also found that the optimal filling
increase. The failure rate of the microprocessor increases ratio for the PHP is 25%, and the lowest operational ther-
exponentially with the rise in temperature [126, 127]. Con- mal resistance is 0.1 °C/W. Li et al. [136] reported using
ventional air-cooling techniques are unable to absorb and PHP as a thermal spreader for cooling of high power CPUs.
transfer the excess heat, and therefore latest techniques with Heat was supplied to the evaporator region at the center,
enhanced heat transfer capability are required. One of the and energy dissipated from the edge regions, with acetone
best methods to cool miniaturized electronic components is and R113 as working fluids. A maximum of 220 W was dis-
to carry the heat generated to a convenient location where sipated with thermal resistance as low as 0.225 K/W.
heat can be rejected to ambient or to a flowing coolant PHPs offer a promising alternative for efficient heat trans-
through a larger surface area. PHPs are such devices which fer management in mobile electronic devices due to its light-
can carry the heat to a convenient location as these are of weight nature and compact form factor, making it feasible
adaptable structure, lightweight with high effective thermal to integrate into the constrained space within these devices.
conductivity. Studies utilizing to PHP in electronic cooling Jang et al. [137] designed an ultra-thin FPPHP for cooling
application reported prior to the year 2018 are summarized mobile electronic devices and conducted a performance
in Table 4. comparison with mobile phones using graphite sheets as
Shang et al. [134] proposed the use of a PHP to dissi- heat spreaders. The identical size and thickness of both the
pate the high amount of heat flux generated by the CPU. FPPHP and graphite sheet were maintained at 60 × 110 mm²
The setup comprises a heat sink with fins attached to PHP and 0.4 mm, respectively, for a direct assessment of thermal
as the condenser and a copper plate with a heater to mock performance at inclination angles of 90°, 0°, and − 90°. The
the CPU. The results demonstrate a uniform surface tem- FPPHP exhibited a significantly lower evaporator tempera-
perature distribution at the evaporator, and the values reduce ture compared to the graphite sheet, indicating enhanced
with an increase in the coolant airflow to the condenser heat cooling efficiency. Furthermore, the thermal resistances of
sink. Moreover, there was no drying phenomenon observed the FPPHP at inclination angles of 0° and 90° were 56% and
when the temperature reached about 120 °C, indicating a 63% lower, respectively, than those of the graphite. Dreil-
high heat transfer capability of PHP. Xiahou et al. [135] ing et al. [138] incorporated FPPHP for effective thermal
experimentally investigated the heat transfer performance management of automotive power electronics. The work-
of the vertical PHP with multiple condenser sections for ing fluids used were refrigerants R1234yf and R1233zd(E).
CPU cooling and compared its performance with an alu- Experimental results demonstrated that the FPPHP could
minum fin radiator. The study indicated that the PHP out- attain heat flux densities greater than 100 W/cm2 without
performs the aluminum fin radiator in terms of temperature raising the evaporator temperature more than 600C.
uniformity, stability and heat dissipation performance. At Hota et al. [139] conducted experimental investigations
80 W heating power, the average temperature of the heat on the thermal efficiency of FPPHP and Embedded Heat
source is 66 °C, with an average temperature deviation of Pipe (EHP) heat spreaders for cooling electronic devices.
3.16 °C, which was significantly lower than the aluminum At temperatures below 40 °C, PHP with propylene as a

1298 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

Table 4 Key studies on PHP for Electronic Cooling prior to the year Ling et al. [140] introduced a cooling technique for elec-
tronic devices using 3D-PHPs. The 3D-PHPs were fabri-
Sl. Authors Application Geometry Remarks
No cated into a leaf-shaped structure to enhance the convective
1 Maydanik Cooling of CLPHP The device operated heat transfer coefficient of coolant air flow to the condenser
et al. compact effectively, particu- region as shown in Fig. 10. The experimental study reveals
[128] electronic larly when utilizing that, with the 3D-PHP, the surface temperature of electronic
devices methanol as the
devices was maintained below 100 °C. This is approxi-
working fluid, under
varying heating mately 35 °C lower than what conventional air-cooling
modes and heat load methods achieve. This indicates a promising design alterna-
conditions. tive for optimizing heat transfer performance in electronic
2 Miyazaki Cooling Flexible Effectively trans- cooling applications. Dai et al. [141] designed a novel 3D
[129] of laptop PHP - with ferred heat generated
computers flexible in the laptop comput-
array PHP for cooling electronic components. This innova-
rubber tubes er’s processing unit tive structure enhances the flexibility of the PHP, making
as adiabatic to the foldable dis- it suitable for the space constraints of electronic devices.
section play region, where The evaporator and condenser sections were designed as flat
the heat was subse-
quently dissipated
plates with internal cavities, connected by multiple parallel
into the surrounding array tubes, which enables less thermal contact resistance
environment. and maintains temperature uniformity. Comparisons of heat
3 C. Dang Rack cool- CLPHP The high amount of transfer performance with different working fluids revealed
et al. ing system heat can be trans- that Novec 7000 is more suitable as a working fluid for
[130]. with PHP to ferred to the ambient
cool CPU using PHP, which lower heat loads, while deionized water performs better at
leads to a decrease in higher heat loads. The 3D array PHP demonstrated adapt-
the average tempera- ability to various working fluids, with a maximum thermal
ture of the CPU resistance not exceeding 0.98 °C/W, highlighting its poten-
4 Qu et al. Cooling of Micro PHP Integrating the
tial for electronic cooling applications.
[131] semiconduc- MPHP as a part of
tor chips the semiconductor Electronic equipment under rotational conditions can
chip greatly reduced also be thermally managed by Rotating PHP (RPHP). Gao
the maximum local- et al. [142] proposed a RPHP to cool the pitch cabinets of
ized temperature and
rotating wind turbines and conducted a comparative study
the temperature dis-
tribution was evenly with a conventional air-cooling system. The primary heat
maintained. source within the pitch cabinet is the insulated gate bipolar
5 Lin et al. Cooling of FPPHP The inclusion of PHP transistor (IGBT), which requires effective cooling. A modi-
[132] LED led to a 7˚C reduc- fied structure of CLPHP was proposed with multiple cross
tion in LED tem-
perature compared to connections in the evaporator region as shown in Fig. 11.
conventional natural The study indicates that the RPHP operates successfully
convection cooling. across a heat load range of 200–1000 W, efficiently man-
6 Lv et al. Cooling of CLPHP The low cost and aging the heat generated by the pitch cabinet by keeping
[133]. LED chips lightweight nature
the outlet temperature of the evaporator at a safe level of
of PHP makes the
appropriate cooling 76.1 °C, which was approximately 20 °C lower compared
system for LED to the air-cooling system.
devices. In conclusion, the utilization of PHPs in diverse elec-
tronic cooling applications showcases their remarkable
working fluid exhibited superior performance compared to potential for efficient heat transfer management. From CPU
EHPs. EHPs exhibited significantly better performance than cooling to mobile electronic devices and automotive power
PHPs at temperatures above 40 °C, attributed to the latent electronics, PHPs offer advantages such as uniform temper-
heat of vapor. PHPs, on the other hand, contribute more to ature distribution, enhanced heat dissipation performance,
the sensible heat of the working fluid. Despite the differ- and reduced thermal resistance. However, further research
ences in performance, PHPs were lighter in weight. Further into optimizing parameters such as geometry, working flu-
research on various parameters, such as geometry, work- ids, and operating temperatures is recommended to fully
ing fluid, and operating temperature, was recommended to harness the potential of PHP in electronic cooling applica-
potentially enhance the performance of PHP heat spreaders tions. Additionally, there is a need for research in designing
in electronic cooling applications.

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1299

Fig. 10 Leaf shaped PHP proposed by [140] (a) Geometry of Leaf shaped PHP (b) Photograph of Leaf shaped PHP. (reprinted with permission)

Table 5 Key studies on PHP for cutting tool cooling prior to the year
Sl No Authors Application Geometry Remarks
1 Wu et al. self-cooling CEPHP The machin-
[143] tool (SCT) for ing tempera-
2 Wu et al. dry cutting of ture of SCT
[144] Ti-6Al-4 V was reduced
alloy by 10–15%
and the tool
life was
by 5–25%
compared to
the conven-
tional tool

one of the devices for effective heat dissipation. Few stud-

ies available on the application of PHP for the cooling of
cutting tools reported prior to the year 2018 are shown in
Table 5.
PHP cooled tool holder designed by Wu et al. [145, 146]
for the dry turning of Ti-6Al-4 V alloy is shown in Fig. 12.
The evaporator region of the CEPHP is attached to the cut-
Fig. 11 Schematic of RPHP used in the experiment by Gao et al. [142]. ting region and heat is dissipated from the condenser by nat-
(reprinted with permission)
ural convection. Experimental and numerical studies (using
micro and flexible PHPs to fit within the confined spaces Finite Element Method, FEM) were performed to investi-
inside these devices. gate the various cutting parameters with and without PHP. It
was concluded that the PHP-assisted tool holder was effec-
3.5 PHP for cooling of cutting tools during tive in cooling for the turning process of titanium alloys.
machining process The maximum cutting temperature was reduced by 10% and
the tool life improved by 20–30%compared to conventional
The heat generated in the machining process, especially in methods.
low-conducting materials leads to tool wear, poor surface A series of studies focusing on the integration of PHPs
finish, poor machining and limits the material removal rate. into grinding and milling tools to enhance heat dissipa-
Conventional methods use cutting fluid to dissipate heat, tion during machining operations have been reported by a
which in-turn causes environmental pollution, lung and skin group of researchers. In their initial study Qian et al. [147]
diseases to the operator. In order to prevent such negative presented a concept for a grinding wheel that incorpo-
effects, dry cutting technology was employed with PHP as rates PHP to effectively dissipate the heat produced during

1300 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

Fig. 12 Image of the tool holder equipped with a

PHP [145]. (reprinted with permission)

grinding operations. Figure 13 (a) and (b) illustrates the results were compared with a grinding wheel without PHP.
proposed integration of the PHP channels into the matrix The results indicate that the inclusion of a PHP in the grind-
of the grinding wheels rotating axially and radially respec- ing wheel leads to a significant temperature reduction in the
tively. However, flow visualization and experiments were grinding area, decreasing it from 917℃ to 285℃. Also, an
carried out on bare single loop PHP without attaching to increase in the number of PHPs increases the temperature
the grinding wheel to study the effects of internal diameter, uniformity on the grinding wheel. Furthermore, Qian et
working fluid and heat transfer capability of PHP. With a al. [151] conducted a comprehensive reduction in energy
3 mm internal diameter and acetone as a working fluid, the consumption by 26-42% and carbon emissions by 45-56%
PHP offers greater thermal performance in the grinding when using PHP-integrated grinding wheels compared to
process. In another study Qian et al. [148] investigated the non-PHP alternatives. Moreover, the material sustainabil-
start-up behaviour of PHPs in grinding wheels under axial ity analysis of PHP-integrated grinding wheels compared
rotation, focusing on the impact of working fluids, cooling to non-PHP grinding wheels. The evaporator region was
conditions, and centrifugal accelerations. The study shows connected to the cutting zone, while the condenser region
that the PHPs filled with acetone had the quickest start-up featured fins to dissipate heat to the ambient environment
time, followed by those filled with methanol, while water during tool rotation. The study observed removal rate was
exhibited the longest start-up time. Centrifugal accelera- improved by a factor of 2.4.
tion induced by axial rotation enhanced fluid motion and The application of PHPs in various machining operations
heat exchange in the PHPs, although it resulted in longer has shown substantial improvements in thermal perfor-
start-up times compared to static conditions. The proposed mance, leading to cooler operation temperatures, extended
PHP offers a promising approach for thermal management tool life, and enhanced efficiency. Furthermore, these inte-
in high-efficiency grinding applications. On a similar note, grations have yielded noteworthy reductions in energy
to improve the heat transfer in the milling operation Qian et consumption and emissions, alongside enhanced material
al. [149] employed a PHP in an abrasive milling tool. Stud- removal rates. However, further exploration is required
ies were conducted with PHP attached to a rotating setup to comprehensively understand the impact of centrifugal
to study the effect of centrifugal acceleration, heat flux and forces on PHP flow dynamics in the direct cooling of rotat-
working fluid. As centrifugal acceleration increases, there is ing cutting tools like grinding, milling, and drilling equip-
a gradual decrease in thermal resistance, with acetone and ment. The heat generated during the cutting operations is
methanol as working fluids. However, the thermal resis- unevenly distributed, necessitating further examination of
tance increases for DI water as a working fluid, which was PHP performance under these specific heating. Addition-
attributed to its higher viscosity. ally, there is a need to advance manufacturing techniques
Additionally, Qian et al. [150] conducted a numerical for integrating PHPs into these cutting tools.
analysis to study the temperature distribution between the
PHP integrated grinding wheel and the workpiece, and the

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1301

Fig. 13 PHP incorporated in a grinding (a) rotating

along the axis (b) rotating radially [147]. (reprinted
with permission)

effectively. A simplified representation of the arrangement

3.6 PHP for cryogenic applications of PHP with a cryo-cooler is depicted in Fig. 14.
Liang et al. [147] reported studies on cryogenic CLPHP
Cryogenics is a specialized field that deals with the study for cooling of superconducting magnets with Nitrogen as
and applications of materials at extremely low temperatures, working fluid. At the evaporator section, two copper blocks
typically below 120K. PHPs can be effectively employed in with a heating sheet were attached to form a mock super-
cryogenic applications such as cryo-preservation, cooling of conducting magnet generating heat. At the condenser sec-
superconducting magnets etc. ensuring efficient heat trans- tion, two copper blocks connected to the cryo-cooler head
fer at low temperatures. Since cryogenics involves low-tem- were attached and kept the temperature constant at 70 K.
perature heat transfer, it is essential to use working fluids The findings indicate that PHP reduced the cooldown tem-
with low boiling temperatures, such as hydrogen, helium, perature of the evaporator region to the operational tem-
or nitrogen, in PHPs. A few studies on PHP for cryogenic perature (70 K) compared to bare copper. In addition, the
applications reported prior to the year 2018 are shown in cryogenic PHP has high heat transfer capability during
Table 6. operation at a low temperature and kept the evaporator tem-
To maintain the low temperatures required, cryo-cool- perature below 82 K till a heat input of 12.24 W. Barba et
ers are integrated into cryogenic PHP systems. The PHP al. [148–150] developed a 1 m long horizontal cryogenic
condenser section is usually connected to the cryo-cooler, CLPHP with 36 turns for cooling of superconducting mag-
while the evaporator section is connected to the component net with Nitrogen as the working fluid. The condenser tem-
that needs to be thermally controlled. The evaporator tem- perature was kept constant at 70 K and the temperature in
perature must be kept below the critical temperature of the the evaporator region was kept below 90 K for a maximum
working fluid; otherwise, the PHP will be unable to function heat input of 30 W. The maximum effective thermal con-
ductivity was reported to be 85,000 W/mK. Further, a flow

1302 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

Table 6 Key studies on PHP for cryogenic applications prior to the ratio conditions. The study also found that large amplitude
year 2018
oscillating motion was rarely observed in Nitrogen PHPs,
Sl. Authors Application Geometry Remarks
No indicating a more stable fluid motion behaviour in this type
1 Nat- Cooling of CLPHP Modified cryogenic of heat pipe.
sume super-conduct- PHP with an evapora- Sun et al. [158, 160] used hydrogen as a working fluid
et al. ing magnets tor placed at the for CLPHP and studied the impact of the filling ratio and the
[152] center and a condenser
number of turns (two and five turns) on PHP. The evaporator
2 Nat- at both ends was
sume designed. H2, N2 and and condenser temperature were kept below 22 K and 19 K
et al. Ne were used as work- respectively with 5.5 W of heat input. The maximum effec-
[153] ing fluids. The new tive thermal conductivity of 70,000 W/(mK) was attained
design was observed
3 Mito with two-turn PHP, whereas higher heat carrying capacity
et al. to be functionally
stable and a maximum was observed for five turn PHP due to higher fluid inven-
effective thermal con- tory. The optimum filling ratio was observed to increase as
ductivity was reported the heat load increases. Further, Li et al. [161] studied the
to be 18,000 W/mK.
cryogenic PHP with hydrogen as a working fluid with step-
4 Liang The maximum effec-
et al. tive thermal conduc-
wise heating and sudden heating modes in the evaporator
[155] tivity with Neon as region. The data shows a negligible effect of heating modes
5 Liang a working fluid was on the temperature, pressure and thermal conductivity of
et al. reported as 22,180 W/ PHP. However, sudden heating mode was recommended
[156] mK at a filling ratio of
for stable start-up (where the temperature curve becomes
6 Liang smooth and stable fluid motion was obtained) in hydrogen
et al. PHP.
[157] Pfotenhauer et al. [162] studied the effect of aspect ratio
(ratio of the length of the vertical adiabatic section to hori-
visualization study of Nitrogen PHP was carried out by Li zontal adiabatic section) on the functionality of the L-shaped
et al. [159]. They obtained flow images revealing four dis- PHP as shown in Fig. 15. This configuration involves practi-
tinct flow patterns: bubbly, slug, churn, and annular, with cal application, as the connecting path between the supercon-
annular flow being dominant under low and medium filling ducting magnet and cryo-cooler involves the combination

Fig. 14 Schematic diagram illustrating the setup of a cryogenic PHP with a cryocooler employed by [158]

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1303

of vertical and horizontal structure. As the aspect ratio rises, Sagar et al. [167] conducted the numerical simulation of 2D
it was found that cryogenic PHP performs better. Li et al. cryogenic PHP with liquid Nitrogen as a working fluid for
[163, 164] studied the effect of filling ratio and number of the cooling of superconductors. To simulate the two-phase
turns on the performance of helium cryogenic CLPHP. It flow within the PHP, the Volume of Fluid method is incor-
was reported that the temperature difference between the porated. The primary objective of the study was to investi-
evaporator and condenser decreases as the number of turns gate the volume fraction of liquid nitrogen at various filling
increases from 8 turns to 48 turns, which leads to highly ratios. The study revealed that an increase in heat input led
efficient utilization of cooling power. The temperature at to a rise in the working fluid temperature gradient and the
the evaporator was limited below 11 K for 48 turns PHP optimal filling ratio was identified at 55%. This research
with a condenser temperature of 5 K. Effective thermal con- offers valuable insights into the thermo-fluidic behaviour
ductivity of 12,000 W/mK was reported for 48-turn PHP of a 2D cryogenic PHP through numerical simulations and
with vertical bottom heating mode. The inclined orientation analysis.
hindered the performance of the PHP, especially for a fill- The above studies have examined various aspects of
ing ratio of less than 66.1%. Dixit et al. [165] proposed a cryogenic PHPs in applications like cooling of supercon-
cryogenic PHP using neon as the working fluid for thermal ducting magnets. Different working fluids, orientations,
management of high-temperature superconducting devices. filling ratios, and heating modes have been investigated to
Experiments were conducted at a condenser temperature of optimize the performance of cryogenic PHPs. Using vari-
27.1 K, with heat loads ranging from 0 to 20 W. The PHP ous working fluids like nitrogen and hydrogen, these stud-
successfully transferred 18 W of heat at this condenser ies have shown that PHPs can effectively maintain critical
temperature. The lowest reported thermal resistance was low temperatures, with evaporator temperatures well below
0.17 K/W and 0.27 K/W in the vertical and horizontal ori- the boiling points of the working fluids under different heat
entation respectively. loads. Alternative cooling methods, such as using a cylin-
Sagar et al. [166] proposed a CLPHP for cryogenic appli- drical shell with liquid nitrogen, have also been explored,
cations with Nitrogen as the working fluid. Instead of a offering more effective heat dissipation compared to tradi-
cryo-cooler, a cylindrical shell with a continuous supply of tional cryo-coolers. While many studies focus on the work-
liquid nitrogen was attached to the condenser region for the ing of cryogenic PHPs on various parameters, scaling them
dissipation of heat. The maximum thermal conductivity of up for practical applications can be challenging. Ensuring
16,350 W/mK was reported at a filling ratio of 76%and the the reliable operation of PHP systems and their integra-
maximum temperature in the evaporator region was main- tion into real-world cryogenic applications requires further
tained below 200 K for a heat input of 70 W. It was con- development and testing. These studies play a significant
cluded that the cylindrical shell-type condenser transferred role in advancing the field of cryogenics and offer valuable
more heat load than cryo-cooler-based condensers. Further

Fig. 15 Schematic of the PHP with vertical and horizontal adiabatic length as discussed by [162]

1304 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

insights for the design and optimization of cryogenic PHPs Aboutalebi et al. [170] proposed the use of a rotating
in a wide range of applications. CLPHP for the application of gas turbine blade cooling. A
flower shaped PHP with four turns; each turns 90° apart;
3.7 Miscellaneous applications was proposed and conducted experimental studies under
various rotation conditions. Water was used as the working
The applications on to which the PHP studies are more con- fluid. For this study the heat input values and the evaporator
centrated are discussed in the previous sections. In addition, were not as per the actual conditions, but suitable for the
many researchers are reporting initial proposals on the appli- laboratory conditions. Results showed that the centrifugal
cation of PHP to many other cooling/heat transfer require- forces generated reduced the chances of drying out at the
ments such as heat exchangers, building heat management evaporator. In addition, the thermal resistance was reported
electric motor cooling, gas turbine blade cooling etc. This to reduce with the increase in the rotation speed for all the
section consolidates such literature proposing a novel appli- filling ratios and heat inputs investigated. Liou et al. [171]
cation of PHP, where very few studies are available. proposed a rotating PHP for cooling rotary parts of electri-
Mosleh et al. [168] reported application of PHP as high- cal motors. The PHP was configured as a sector plate over
performance fins for heat exchangers. PHP fabricated in the an angular span of 70°. The evaporator region occupied the
form of coils were wound around the tube with hot fluid. A upper region of the PHP sector plate. The channels were
portion of each turn is in contact with the hot pipe, and this interconnected to augment the thermal instabilities. Water
portion acts as the evaporator region. The rest of the portion was used as the working fluid with a 50% filling ratio. The
is designed with a small gap from the hot wall and acts as rotational speed was varied to achieve a maximum centrifu-
the condenser region. Figure 16 shows the hot pipe with reg- gal acceleration of 27.8 times the gravity, g. The thermal
ular fins and PHP attached. R134a was used as the working resistance of the PHP was reported to be reduced by nearly
fluid as the evaporator temperature was restricted to around 10% with an increase in centrifugal acceleration to 10g,
70°C. The studies show that the heat transfer improves after which the values are almost constant.
significantly with PHP as high-performance fins at inlet PHP can be used as an efficient heat transfer device for
hot fluid temperatures higher than 60°C. Saw et al. [169] storing energy using PCM for heat/cold storage applica-
reported usage of PHP as a passive device for the cooling tions. Ling et al. [172] reported a hybrid system, with the
of building rooftops of tropical regions. Sun radiation falls evaporator region of a coil-type PHP placed in PCM. The
on the rooftops, heating up the region to a temperature con- PCM can store energy and restrict the temperature in the
siderably higher than the surroundings. This heat gradually evaporator region to a critical value. The stored energy is
transferred to the rooms beneath. PHP was proposed to be then transferred to the condenser region of the PHP and then
used as the method to cool the rooftops by dissipating more supplied to the coolant (in the condenser). The application
heat to the external surroundings, and thereby reducing the was reported as the thermal management of any system.
heat transfer to the rooms. This can ultimately reduce the Xu et al. [173] conducted numerical studies on the PHP-
power requirement for the air conditioning system to keep PCM hybrid system for the application of cold storage. Cold
the rooms at comfortable condition. For this, a major portion sources at various low temperatures (as low as -50°C) were
of the CLPHP is embedded in the rooftop, which acts as the attached to the condenser region. PCM was attached to the
evaporator region. A small portion of the PHP is extruded region below the condenser. R22 was used as the working
out to the surrounding, which acts as the condenser region. fluid in PHP with a 50% filling ratio. Studies were conducted
When the rooftop is heated to temperatures much higher to analyze the phase transition characteristics of PCM with
than the surroundings, then PHP aids in the dissipation of the cold source attached to the condenser. It was reported
heat to the surroundings. Studies show that, in comparison that the PHP can be used as an effective transfer device for
to bare metal roofs, the CLPHP-embedded roof reduced the cold energy. As the cold source temperature decreases, the
attic temperature by more than 40°C.
Fig. 16 Photograph of hot
pipe with PHP and fins [168].
(reprinted with permission)

Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311 1305

PHP starts faster, transferring the cooling capacity easily, Rotating PHPs offer a viable solution for cooling heavy-
thereby reducing the required cold storage time. duty electric machinery and equipment under rotational
conditions, experiencing high heat loads ranging from
200 to 1000 W.
4 Conclusion ● The limitations of conventional cooling methods used
during the machining process can be overcome by a
The present review article summarizes the applications of PHP integrated self-cooling tool. PHPs demonstrate
PHP in various fields reported in open literature in recent efficient operation even under the rotational effects of
years. The main conclusions deduced are as follows: cutting tools. PHP-integrated grinding wheels have been
shown to significantly reduce energy consumption by
● PHP in solar thermal energy devices enhance the overall 26-42% and carbon emissions by 45-56%. Additionally,
performance of the system. Optimizing the inclination PHP integrated tools exhibit a tool life of 5–25% higher
angle is crucial, as it affects both PHP and solar collec- than that of conventional tools.
tor efficiency, with the best performance observed at a ● PHP can also be employed for cryogenics applications,
45° tilt angle under optimal solar radiation intensity. The with working fluids of very low boiling temperatures,
integration of PHP with PCM improves the reliability of such as H2, He, N2, etc. Similar to conventional PHP,
solar energy systems. Additionally, using PHPs in solar cryogenic PHP was studied under various working flu-
PV panels has been reported to increase power output ids, geometric parameters, flow visualization and re-
by 19.45%. ported the optimum conditions. Cryogenic PHP has a
● In waste heat recovery and HVAC applications, inte- substantially higher effective thermal conductivity than
grating PHPs as heat transfer devices between hot and pure copper, with one of the studies reporting a signifi-
cold fluid channels significantly enhances overall sys- cantly high maximum effective thermal conductivity of
tem effectiveness. Studies show a remarkable 54% ef- 85,000 W/mK with nitrogen as the working fluid. Over-
ficiency in transferring waste heat using PHPs. Incor- all, PHPs provide efficient heat transfer at cryogenic
porating PHPs into waste heat recovery systems allows temperatures and play a role in the thermal management
for the absorption of a larger amount of heat compared of superconducting devices.
to conventional copper bars, resulting in improved heat
recovery, as demonstrated by a study reporting a thermal
conductivity of PHP as 35.2 times higher than solid cop-
per. Furthermore, attaching Thermoelectric Generators 5 Future scope
to the condenser region of PHPs enables the generation
of electric power from the waste heat. As technology continues to progress, there is great potential
● Battery packs incorporating PHPs can regulate the op- for further development and optimization of PHPs to enable
erating temperature of Lithium-ion batteries within safe more efficient cooling applications. Enhancements can be
limits. PHP-based BTMS achieved a notable 9.8% re- made in the design, fabrication, and integration of advanced
duction in temperature rise compared to systems lack- materials and coatings to improve thermal conductivity, heat
ing PHPs. Moreover, PHPs contribute to a significant transfer capacity, and reliability. This advancement opens up
improvement in surface temperature uniformity by up possibilities for utilizing PHP in various applications. PHPs
to 60%. Similarly, in PEM fuel cells, PHP integration have the potential to be used in spacecraft and aircraft ther-
results in a decrease of approximately 12°C in chan- mal management systems. Their compact size, lightweight
nel temperatures, demonstrating their effective cooling nature, and ability to operate in different orientations make
capabilities. them suitable for aerospace applications. Rotational PHPs
● The compact size and flexibility make the PHP a suit- have the potential to mitigate the high temperatures experi-
able candidate for electronic cooling, especially in a enced by gas turbine blades, reducing thermal stresses and
limited space condition. Studies have shown that PHPs prolonging their lifespan. They can facilitate more uniform
are capable of cooling electronic devices, from small heat transfer across the blade surface, increasing reliability.
laptops to servers very effectively. Flexible material PHPs offer a promising alternative for efficient heat man-
for the adiabatic region makes PHP more flexible to agement in mobile devices like laptop computers, mobile
be used in equipment like laptop computers. Proposed phones etc., as they are lightweight, flexible, and have a
PHP designs for electronic cooling showcase efficient small form factor. More research needs to be done on design-
heat transfer performance, surpassing even vapor cham- ing micro and flexible PHPs that can fit into the limited
bers in terms of lowest thermal resistance. Moreover, space inside these devices. Also, new configuration of PHP

1306 Heat and Mass Transfer (2024) 60:1285–1311

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161. Li S, Sun X, Liu D, Jiao B, Pfotenhauer J, Gan Z et al (2022) dictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Experimental study on a hydrogen pulsating heat pipe in differ-
ent heating modes. Cryogenics (Guildf) 123:103440. https://doi. Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds
org/10.1016/j.cryogenics.2022.103440 exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the
162. Pfotenhauer JM, Sun X, Berryhill A, Shoemaker CB (2021) The author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted
influence of aspect ratio on the thermal performance of a cryo- manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of
genic pulsating heat pipe. Appl Therm Eng 196:117322. https:// such publishing agreement and applicable law.


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