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Unit -2
Topics to be covered

Machine-to-machine (M2M), SDN (software defined networking) and NFV (network function virtualization)
for IOT, data storage in IOT, IOT Cloud Based Services.

 Machine to machine (M2M) is a broad label that can be used to describe any technology that
Machine-to-machine (M2M)

enables networked devices to exchange information and perform actions without the manual
assistance of humans. M2M communication is often used for remote monitoring. In product
restocking, for example, a vending machine can message the distributor when a particular item is
running low. M2M communication is an important aspect of warehouse management, remote
control, robotics, traffic control, logistic services, supply chain management, fleet management and

 It forms the basis for a concept known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Key components of an M2M

system include sensors, RFID, a Wi-Fi or cellular communications link and autonomic computing
software programmed to help a networked device interpret data and make decisions. The most
well-known type of M2M communication is telemetry, which has been used since the early part of
the last century to transmit operational data. Pioneers in telemetric first used telephone lines and
later, on radio waves -- to transmit performance measurements gathered from monitoring
instruments in remote locations. The Internet and improved standards for wireless technology have
expanded the role of telemetry from pure science, engineering and manufacturing to everyday use
in products like home heating units, electric meters and Internet-connected appliances. Products
built with M2M communication capabilities are often marketed to end users as being smart.

Fig. 2.1 M2M Communication

SDN (software defined networking)-SDN deployment will enable Internet of Things devices to share
network resources efficiently and reliably, and further cut hardware investment, but the possibilities are
still emerging. Software-defined networking will meet the Internet of Things (IoT) at the crossroads of VPN
exhaustion, uptime challenges and limited network resources. The expected result is that SDN will help
drive the expansion of IoT-enabled devices, enable more efficient network resource sharing and improve
IoT service-level agreements (SLAs).

 Centralization of control through software that has complete knowledge of the network, enabling
SDN Benefits-SDN brings three important capabilities to IoT:

automated, policy-based control of even massive, complex networks. Given the huge potential
scale of IoT environments, SDN is critical in making them simple to manage.

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 Abstraction of the details of the many devices and protocols in the network, allowing IoT
applications to access data, enable analytics and control the devices, and add new sensors and
network control devices, without exposing the details of the underlying infrastructure. SDN
simplifies the creation, deployment and ongoing management of the IoT devices and the

applications that benefit from them.
The flexibility to tune the components within the IoT (and manage where data is stored and
analyzed) to continually maximize performance and security as business needs and data flows
change. IoT environments are inherently dispersed with many end devices and edge computing. As
a result, the et ork is e e ore riti al tha i sta dard appli atio e iro e ts. “DN’s a ilit
to dynamically change network behavior based on new traffic patterns, security incidents and
policy changes will enable IoT environments to deliver on their promise.

 SDN will make it easier to find and fight security threats through the improved visibility they
Features of SDN-

provide into network traffic right to the edge of the network. They also make it easy to apply
automated policies to redirect suspicious traffic to, for example, a honey net where it can be safely
examined. By making networking management less complex, SDN allows IT to set and enforce more
segmented access controls.SDN can provide a dynamic, intelligent self-learning layered model of
security that provides walls within walls and ensures people can only change the configuration of
the de i es the ’re authorized to tou h. This is far ore useful tha the traditio al all arou d
the peri eter of the et ork, hi h o ’t ork ith the IoT because of its size and the fact the
enemy is often inside the firewall, in the form of unauthorized actors updating firmware on

 SDN will allow IT to effectively program the network to make automatic, real-time decisions about
unprotected devices.

traffic flow. They will allow the analysis of not only sensor data, but data about the health of the
network, to be analyzed close to the network edge to give IT the information it needs to prevent
traffic jams and security risks. The centralized configuration and management of the network, and
the abstraction of network devices, also makes it far easier to manage applications that run on the

 For example, SDN will allow IT to fine-tune data aggregation, so data that is less critical is held at
edge of the IoT.

the edge a d ot tra s itted to ore s ste s u til it o ’t slo riti al appli atio traffi . This
edge computing can also perform fast, local analysis and speed the results to the network core if
the analysis indicates an urgent situation, such as the impending failure of a jet engine.

 Utilizing NFV (network function virtualization) capabilities is one way to address the IoT network
NFV (network function virtualization) for IOT-

challenges providing secure network resources for IoT. Network functions virtualization (also
Network function virtualization or NFV) is a network architecture concept that uses the
technologies of IT virtualization to virtualize entire classes of network node functions into building

 NFV relies upon, but differs from, traditional server-virtualization techniques, such as those used in
blocks that may connect, or chain together, to create communication services.

enterprise IT. A virtualized network function, or VNF, may consist of one or more virtual machines
running different software and processes, on top of standard high-volume servers, switches and
storage devices, or even cloud computing infrastructure, instead of having custom hardware

 For example, a virtual session border controller could be deployed to protect a network without the
appliances for each network function.

typical cost and complexity of obtaining and installing physical network protection units. Other
examples of NFV include virtualized load balancers, firewalls, intrusion detection devices and WAN

 Virtualized network functions (VNFs) are software implementations of network functions that can
The NFV framework consists of three main components-

be deployed on a network functions virtualization infrastructure (NFVI).

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 Network functions virtualization infrastructure (NFVI) is the totality of all hardware and software
components that build the environment where VNFs are deployed. The NFV infrastructure can span
several locations. The network providing connectivity between these locations is considered as part

of the NFV infrastructure.
Network functions virtualization management architectural framework (NFV-MANO Architectural
Framework) is the collection of all functional blocks, data repositories used by these blocks, and
reference points and interfaces through which these functional blocks exchange information for the
purpose of managing and orchestrating NFVI and VNFs.

 It is two of the most prominent technologies to serve as key enablers for the IoT networks of the
Software defined networking (SDN) and Network Virtualization (NV):

near future. The main idea behind SDN is to separate the control plane (where the logical
procedures supporting the networking protocols are executed and all the relevant decisions are
taken) from the data plane (where the forwarding of packets on the most suitable interface

 The main entity behind this separation is the controller, which communicates with the network
towards the intended destination is executed).

applications through the so-called northbound interface and translates their requirements into
appropriate network decisions. The controller also communicates with the network switches that
forward packets according to the controller-installed rules. This way, SDN provides increased
possibilities to smartly route traffic, for example to balance the load over the network or to exploit
underutilized network resources in an optimal way, thereby alleviating the burden on the network
by the data onslaught of IoT.
 The term network virtualization concerns a network that allows multiple service providers to form
multiple separate and isolated virtual networks by sharing physical resources provided by one or
more different physical network infrastructure providers.SDN (software defined networking) is another
element that works in combination with NFV while creating IoT network infrastructure. NFV in combination
with SDN enable network to utilize distributed intelligence capacity to analyze and manage traffic flows
across the network. NFV enables SPs to assemble and provide cost effective and secure IoT networks along
with ISV partners. The complexity part can be handled with effective implementation of NFV capabilities
with IoT network.

Relevance of NFV in IoT System-NFV can play a crucial role in achieving the goal with IoT network
combining both hardware and software network features in a single virtual network. NFV helps accelerate
the deployment of new services, operations, and maintenance of a network allowing high level of network
optimization. It brings multiples benefits to service operators and service providers including ROI. The
relevance of NFV lies with the promise of benefits across network architecture.

NFV to Enhance IoT Networking Capacity-NFV leverages couple of IT technologies to build flexible and
agile IoT network such as virtualization, standard servers, and open software. It distributes intelligence
throughout the IoT network enabling real time analytics and business intelligence. NFV creates menu for
virtual network functions (VNFs) that includes gateways, mobile core, deep packet inspection (DPI),
security, routing, and traffic management that helps delivering customized network services for IoT.
Conversely IoT drives NFV opportunity for service providers too financially and technologically.

Data storage in IOT-The Internet of Things is creating an enormous amount of data. To manage, access,
and make use of this data, digital storage becomes a critical factor. Data management is a broad concept
referring to the architectures, practices, and procedures for proper management of the data lifecycle
needs of a certain system. In the context of IoT, data management should act as a layer between the
objects and devices generating the data and the applications accessing the data for analysis purposes and
services. The devices themselves can be arranged into subsystems or subspaces with autonomous
governance and internal hierarchical management. The functionality and data provided by these

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subsystems is to be made available to the IoT network, depending on the level of privacy desired by the

 IoT data has distinctive characteristics that make traditional relational-based database
subsystem owners.

management an obsolete solution. A massive volume of heterogeneous, streaming and

geographically-dispersed real-time data will be created by millions of diverse devices periodically
sending observations about certain monitored phenomena or reporting the occurrence of certain

 Periodic observations are most demanding in terms of communication overhead and storage due to
or abnormal events of interest .

their streaming and continuous nature, while events present time-strain with end-to-end response
times depending on the urgency of the response required for the event. Furthermore, there is
metadata that des ri es Thi gs i additio to the data that is ge erated Thi gs ; o je t
identification, location, processes and services provided are an example of such data. IoT data will
statically reside in fixed- or flexible-schema databases and roam the network from dynamic and
mobile objects to concentration storage points. This will continue until it reaches centralized data
stores. Communication, storage and process will thus be defining factors in the design of data

 A data management framework for IoT is presented that incorporates a layered, data-centric, and
management solutions for IoT.

federated paradigm to join the independent IoT subsystems in an adaptable, flexible, and seamless
data et ork. I this fra e ork, the Thi gs la er is o posed of all e tities and subsystems that
can generate data. Raw data, or simple aggregates, are then transported via a communications
layer to data repositories. These data repositories are either owned by organizations or public, and

 Organizations or individual users have access to these repositories via query and federation layers
they can be located at specialized servers or on the cloud.

that process queries and analysis tasks, decide which repositories hold the needed data, and
negotiate participation to acquire the data. In addition, real-time or context-aware queries are
handled through the federation layer via a sources layer that seamlessly handles the discovery and
engagement of data sources. The whole framework therefore allows a two-way publishing and
querying of data. This allows the system to respond to the immediate data and processing requests
of the end users and provides archival capabilities for later long-term analysis and exploration of
value-added trends.

IOT Data Management-Traditional data management systems handle the storage, retrieval, and update of
elementary data items, records and files. In the context of IoT, data management systems must summarize
data online while providing storage, logging, and auditing facilities for offline analysis. This expands the
concept of data management from offline storage, query processing, and transaction management
operations into online-offline communication/storage dual operations. We first define the data lifecycle
within the context of IoT and then outline the energy consumption profile for each of the phases in order
to have a better understanding of IoT data management.

IOT Data Lifecycle-The lifecycle of data within an IoT system proceeds from data production to
aggregation, transfer, optional filtering and preprocessing, and finally to storage and archiving. Querying
and analysis are the end points that initiate (request) and consume data production, but data production
can be set to be pushed to the IoT consuming services. Production, collection, aggregation, filtering, and
some basic querying and preliminary processing functionalities are considered online, communication-
intensive operations. Intensive preprocessing, long-term storage and archival and in-depth
processing/analysis are considered offline storage-intensive operations.

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Fig 2.2 data Production

Storage operations aim at making data available on the long term for constant access/updates, while
archival is concerned with read-only data. Since some IoT systems may generate, process, and store data
in-network for real-time and localized services, with no need to propagate this data further up to
concentration points in the system, edges that combine both processing and storage elements may exist as
autonomous units in the cycle. In the following paragraphs, each of the elements in the IoT data lifecycle is

 Querying: Data-intensive systems rely on querying as the core process to access and retrieve data.

In the context of IoT, a query can be issued either to request real-time data to be collected for
temporal monitoring purposes or to retrieve a certain view of the data stored within the system.
The first case is typical when a (mostly localized) real-time request for data is needed. The second

 Production: Data produ tio i ol es se si g a d tra sfer of data

case represents more globalized views of data and in-depth analysis of trends and patterns.
the Thi gs ithi the IoT
framework and reporting this data to interested parties periodically (as in a subscribe/notify
model), pushing it up the network to aggregation points and subsequently to database servers, or
sending it as a response triggered by queries that request the data from sensors and smart objects.
Data is usually time-stamped and possibly geo-stamped, and can be in the form of simple key-value
pairs, or it may contain rich audio/image/video content, with varying degrees of complexity in-

 Collection: The sensors and smart objects within the IoT may store the data for a certain time

interval or report it to governing components. Data may be collected at concentration points or

gateways within the network where it is further filtered and processed, and possibly fused into
compact forms for efficient transmission. Wireless communication technologies such as Zigbee, Wi-

 Aggregation/Fusion: Transmitting all the raw data out of the network in real-time is often
Fi and cellular are used by objects to send data to collection points.

prohibitively expensive given the increasing data streaming rates and the limited bandwidth.
Aggregation and fusion techniques deploy summarization and merging operations in real-time to

 Delivery: As data is filtered, aggregated, and possibly processed either at the concentration points
compress the volume of data to be stored and transmitted.

or at the autonomous virtual units within the IoT, the results of these processes may need to be
sent further up the system, either as final responses, or for storage and in-depth analysis. Wired or

 Preprocessing: IoT data will come from different sources with varying formats and structures. Data
wireless broadband communications may be used there to transfer data to permanent data stores.

may need to be preprocessed to handle missing data, remove redundancies and integrate data
from different sources into a unified schema before being committed to storage. This preprocessing

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is a known procedure in data mining called data cleaning. Schema integration does not imply brute-
force fitting of all the data into a fixed relational (tables) schema, but rather a more abstract
definition of a consistent way to access the data without having to customize access for each
source's data format(s). Probabilities at different levels in the schema may be added at this phase
to IoT data items in order to handle uncertainty that may be present in data or to deal with the lack

of trust that may exist in data sources.
Storage/Update—Archiving: This phase handles the efficient storage and organization of data as
well as the continuous update of data with new information as it becomes available. Archiving
refers to the offline long-term storage of data that is not immediately needed for the system's
ongoing operations. The core of centralized storage is the deployment of storage structures that
adapt to the various data types and the frequency of data capture. Relational database
management systems are a popular choice that involves the organization of data into a table
schema with predefined interrelationships and metadata for efficient retrieval at later stages.
NoSQL key-value stores are gaining popularity as storage technologies for their support of big data
storage with no reliance on relational schema or strong consistency requirements typical of
relational database systems. Storage can also be decentralized for autonomous IoT systems, where
data is kept at the objects that generate it and is not sent up the system. However, due to the
limited capabilities of such objects, storage capacity remains limited in comparison to the

centralized storage model.
Processing/Analysis: This phase involves the ongoing retrieval and analysis operations performed
and stored and archived data in order to gain insights into historical data and predict future trends,
or to detect abnormalities in the data that may trigger further investigation or action. Task-specific
preprocessing may be needed to filter and clean data before meaningful operations take place.
When an IoT subsystem is autonomous and does not require permanent storage of its data, but
rather keeps the processing and storage in the network, then in-network processing may be
performed in response to real-time or localized queries.

Data Management Framework for IOT-Most of the current data management proposals are targeted to
WSNs, which are only a subset of the global IoT space, and therefore do not explicitly address the more

 WSNs are a mature networking paradigm whose data management solutions revolve mainly around
sophisticated architectural characteristics of IoT.

in-network data processing and optimization. Sensors are mostly of stationary, resource-

 The main focus in WSN-based data management solutions is to harvest real-time data promptly for
constrained nature, which does not facilitate sophisticated analysis and services.

quick decision making, with limited permanent storage capacities for long-term usage. This
represents only a subset of the more versatile IoT system, which aims at harnessing the data
available from a variety of sources; stationary and mobile, smart and embedded, resource-

 The main focus of IoT-based data management therefore extends the provisions made for WSNs to
constrained and resource-rich, real-time and archival.

add provisions of a seamless way to tap into the volumes of heterogeneous data in order to find
interesting global patterns and strategic opportunities.

IOT Cloud Based Services-As these devices start to become connected, we need a place to send, store,
and process all of the information. Setting up your own in-house s ste is ’t pra ti al a ore. The ost
of maintaining, upgrading and securing a system is just too high, and there are some great services

 Amazon Web Services IOT Platform-Amazon dominates the consumer cloud market. They were the

first to reall tur loud o puti g i to a o odit a a k i 2004. “i e the the ’ e put a lot
effort into innovation and building features, and probably have the most comprehensive set of
tools available.

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 Microsoft Azure IoT Hub-Microsoft is taking their Internet of Things cloud services very seriously.
They have cloud storage, machine learning, and IoT services, and have even developed their own
operating system for IoT devices. This means they intend to provide a complete IoT solution

IBM Watson IoT Platform-IBM is another IT giant trying to set itself up as an Internet of Things
platform authority. They try to make their cloud services as accessible as possible to beginners with
easy apps and interfaces. You can try out their sample apps to get a feel for how it all works. You
can also store your data for a specified period, to get historical information from your connected

Google Cloud Platform-Search giant Google is also taking the Internet of Things very seriously.
They claim that Cloud Platform is the best place to build IoT initiatives, taking advantage of
Google’s heritage of e -scale processing, analytics, and machine intelligence.


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