All applicants are required to undergo a migration health assessment as part of their visa application process for
Canada. In this document, you will find important information related to your upcoming migration health
assessment at IOM’s Migration Health Assessment Centre (MHAC) in Kampala, Uganda.
You will also be able to download this document at the end of the appointment-making process.
➢ Registration.
➢ Counselling to explain the health assessment process (at the end of the counselling you will sign an
informed consent form).
➢ Medical examination, which may include the following:
▪ A review of your medical history and current symptoms.
▪ Taking your measurements and vital signs.
▪ A detailed physical examination to assess your physical and mental status.
▪ A chest X-ray.
▪ Urine analysis.
▪ HIV test.
▪ Serum creatinine (test for kidney function).
▪ Syphilis test.
Breakdown of Migration Health Assessment Procedures, by Age of Applicant:
Below the Age of 5 Years Between 5 and 10 Years Between 11 and 14 Years 15 years and Above
- Medical examination
- Medical examination
- Medical examination - Medical examination - Urine analysis
- Urine analysis
- Urine analysis - Chest X-ray
- Chest X-ray
- Blood tests
All basic requirements are done on a two-day process, during the same appointment.
Will I need additional tests or procedures?
Additional tests, treatment or immunizations may be in order to complete the health assessment and/or to comply
with the requirements of the immigration authorities, based on health conditions identified during your
examination. In such an event, you will be provided with additional counselling and more information during your
Important Notes
Applicants under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who can provide consent and
make decisions on their behalf.
If you are pregnant and undergoing a migration health assessment, you may choose to either get the chest X-ray
with a double leaded shielding to protect you and your unborn baby or wait to proceed with the migration health
assessment until after giving birth. If you choose to proceed with the chest X-ray, you will be requested to sign an
additional consent form.
Tuberculosis (TB):
TB is a contagious bacterial infection that is spread from person to person through tiny droplets in the air. TB
can be either:
(1) Latent TB: when you have the bacteria in your body, but you don’t have any clinical manifestations. In
order to diagnose latent TB, active TB should be ruled out.
(2) Active TB: when you have the bacteria and have clinical, radiological or laboratory manifestations.
You might be asked to undergo further testing if the doctor suspects you have TB. In such an event, you will be
provided with additional counselling and more information during your appointment.
You will be requested to provide three (3) sputum samples over 3 consecutive days. These samples are then
tested in a laboratory; it can take up to 8-10 weeks to obtain a result.
If you are required to complete this test, your health assessment certificate will be put on hold until the results
are received. If you are found to have TB, you will need to successfully complete treatment before resuming the
immigration process.
Good news! TB is treatable and most people can be cured at home with a few months of oral antibiotics.
▹ Eyeglasses or lenses if you wear them.
▹ Please bring a hard copy of the proof of payment.
▹ There is no need to bring photographs since they will be taken at the MHAC.
▹ Clients wishing to pay in UGX should consult the IOM exchange rate shown in the banner at the top of the
MyMedical page; it can also be found in the My Appointment section of the MyMedical website.
▹ Payments can also made via mobile money, through the Stanbic Bank Flexi-pay platform (MTN and Airtel
transactions only).
Stanbic Bank Flexi-pay Platform Instructions:
1. Dial *291#
2. Select "Pay Merchant”
3. Enter IOM Merchant Code: 226929
4. Enter amount to be paid
5. Payment reason: Applicant's name, “Canada”
6. Select "Confirm"
7. Prompt will appear to input mobile money PIN.
8. Please provide the Flexi-pay "Ref" received when you come to the IOM Kampala MHAC.