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The Biblical Millionaire

How I Biblically Made My First

Million Dollars.
A Daily Devotional.
This Book is Inspired of the Holy
I dedicate this book to my wife Abigail and our
children for being a constant motivation in my
I want to acknowledge my father in faith, Apostle
Raymond Mujeyi. When God planned my life, he
had a man ready to guide me every step of the
way. I am a privileged son. I also want to
acknowledge my ministry and business partners,
friends for the encouragement to see this
through. I am grateful for your support.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the
heaven and the earth. And the earth was without
form, and void;
It is the doing of the Lord to create
something out of nothing.
As a rural boy who grew up in Masvingo,
Gurajena, all odds were against me to be
anything meaningful in life. After our father left,
we were raised by a single parent in the poverty
stricken Zimuto village. I grew up with four
siblings all of us being almost the same age and
going to school at the same time.
My mother was a peasant farmer with no other
source of income besides what should get from
her here and there works. This not only meant we
never had enough to eat, but we also never had
enough to wear, yet that never stopped her from
loving and providing for us as best as she could.
We used to trek to school which was about 4.5km
from home sometimes with or without shoes
depending on whether you had kept the last pair
from five years ago well. Studying was hard
because we had to use paraffin lit candles in
which the paraffin was not only bad for the eyes
but also the throat
In summary, all odds were against me but the
grace of God created something out of nothing.
I gave my life to Christ in 2009 in the suburbs of
Auckland Park Johannesburg South Africa,
through the ministration of the word of Christ
Jesus by brother Shepherd and sister Grace
Vukomba. From that day I felt something new in
my life. Though it would take me a couple of
more years to be properly planted in Christ, it
was the turning point for my story today.
I would need to write another book just to
encapsulate my life’s journey but for the sake of
this piece I have just shown you a glance of my
life so that you see that it is not because I was
deserving in any way for God to raise me. It is
because God is graceful and it is in His nature to
create something out of nothing as he did in
Genesis 1:1 and as He did with me.
As the Holy Spirit has led me to take you on a
step by step journey on what it took to get me to
where l am today, I want to assure you that there
are principles and guidelines in the book of life -
the Bible that if we follow them, we will
abundantly prosper without any doubt.
As you practically engage, put your seat belt on,
YOU are about to become the next Biblical
The Bible is the roadmap
Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.
The Bible contains myriad recipes of success,
prosperity and wealth creation. The truth in
God’s word is a shining light that guides
whosoever wills in choices and decisions that
lead to elevation. The revelation of the Word
makes pathways clear and throws a beam of light
in dark paths.
If you are willing and obedient as Obadiah 1 puts
it, you tap into these biblical secrets that will
result in the multiplication of your zeros. Some of
these secrets I will share in this devotion,
however it will not be exhaustive. I want to
encourage you to take a personal journey into
your Bible and discover prosperity secrets for
yourself. You might say, I read the Bible everyday
which is good, however it is better to study the
bible and it is even the best to meditate upon it
as Joshua was encouraged to do to get the best
out of it.
As I reflect, I see that through His word God has
opened me up to a whole lot of Biblical secrets
that have been exceptionally transformative. It is
in my heart that as you read this you will be
inspired to follow what the lord has opened us up
to in his word that we find in the Bible.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me see the wonderous
things in your word that you have set for my
upliftment. Help me to meditate on the
discovered truth thereof day and night.
Daily meditation
Joshua 1:8 NKJV “This Book of the Law shall not
depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate
in it day and night, that you may observe to do
according to all that is written in it. For then you
will make your way prosperous, and then you will
have good success.”

Daily I make it a point to read a portion of scripture

Joshua followed a successful leader, Moses. He

had served as Moses’ assistant, a role that had
both military and religious responsibilities. But
more important than being Moses’ right-hand
man, Joshua was commissioned by God as a
leader of Israel and the Lord promised to be with
When God calls, He empowers us. When God
calls, He promises success. What was true for
Joshua as he led the armies of Israel is true for us
today. Success comes from meditating on God’s
powerful written word day and night. Meditating
means reflecting on the Bible so it becomes part
of our thoughts and values. Success is linked to
our place of God’s word in both our thoughts and
our actions each day.

Prayer: God ,you know how I am easily distracted

with many things throughout the day .Give me a
desire to spend time in your word.
It’s a journey of Obedience
1st Sam 15:22 Then Samuel said, “Is the Lord as
delighted with burnt offerings and sacrifices as
he would be with your obedience? To follow
instructions is better than to sacrifice. To obey is
better than sacrificing the fat of rams.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. Before you get
to sacrifice start by obeying what the Lord has
instructed you. I am a product of obedience. I
have seen God intervene in all that l find my
hands doing as long I am walking in obedience.
You need to give your ears to incline to every
instruction that the Lord gives you and do it
according to the instruction not according to your
knowledge and your carnal mind but according to
the instruction of the Holy Spirit.
When you obey God’s instruction with precision
following every single detail to the instruction
given to you like Noah, you will be preserved in
your journey of life.
As l was feeding my spirit with the word l got to a
point where l question not what the Lord is
saying. l do as I am instructed because I believe
and I have witnessed that all that I am being
instructed is for my upliftment. A good example
is back in 2022 the Holy Spirit instructed me to
partner in a church event. Immediately after
heeding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He
instructed me on what project to invest in. After
that investment I quadrupled the profit margins
and it gave our company a positive business
growth like never before!
What a God! All He is chiefly asking us is to obey
Prayer: Holy Spirit, give me an obedient heart in
Jesus’ name.

It’s a journey of instant obedience

Psalm 119: 60 Without any hesitation I hurry to
obey your commandments.
Obedience is time sensitive. True obedience acts
at the moment of command not when it is
Above and beyond obeying, you should do so
without delay. Why is timeous obedience so
important? It shows you have an understanding
of who is giving the instruction. It shows you
believe in the one giving the instruction. It shows
you have an appreciation of the omniscient-ness
of the one giving the instruction. It shows
reverence and respect towards the one issuing
the instruction.
Therefore, before doing the other needful things,
OBEY but don’t only obey, obey on TIME. Be very
alert to the instruction of the Holy Spirit and the
Lord will take charge and control of the affairs of
your life.
Prayer: Holy Spirit give me grace to instantly
obey without compromise in Jesus’ name!
It’s a journey of repentance and
Isiah 59:1 The Lord is not too weak to save or his
ear too deaf to hear.2 But your wrongs have
separated you from your God, and your sins have
made him hide his face so that he doesn’t hear
You will most certainly fall. However, going back
before God and using the rule of two knees and
asking for His forgiveness works. Confession of
my shortcomings has been key to my day-to-day
ability to hear from God. The word says that He is
not far to hear us but rather it is our sins that
separate us from him. Like Job, the sin of my
family or myself might be that which will affect
my communion with Him, so I have made it a
point to seek His mercy - daily.
Now note I said repentance and confession,
repentance is intentionally turning away from the
sin that you have confessed. Its foolishness to
say Lord I am sorry but continue to do the things
that you have said you are sorry for. Imagine
being in a relationship with someone and they do
something that hurts you again and again and
soon after come back to you and say they are
sorry. You will most certainly start to doubt their
sincerity. The same goes for us, when we confess
our sins but do not turn away from them, we will
not be sincere before God and that shows a
corruptness of the heart and it separates us from
Prayer: Holy Spirit teach me to be sincere in my
confession and repentance so as to have a pure
heart before you that will be receptive of your
instructions and voice of instructions.
It’s a journey of guidance by the hand of
sent man.

Moses’ ⌞Teachings⌟ and the Prophets. Your

Luke 16:29“Abraham replied, ‘They have

brothers should listen to them!’

There is a place of a prophet in the life of every
biblical believer.
It would be a façade to make it out as if no
spiritual man played a role in my upliftment.
Thus, I want acknowledge the spiritual guidance l
have received and I am still receiving from my
mentor and prophet who has become a father to
me and my family Apostle Raymond Mujeyi.
He is a man sent by God to me and our
generation mandated for deliverance and
ushering us into financial prosperity. Every word
from him by the ministration of the Holy Spirit
has changed my entire story. An example of an
instruction he gave me and I disobeyed is when
he told me l was not supposed to invest in mining
or any minerals. I did the opposite out of sheer
disobedience and greed. l lost everything
including the investment. I learnt the hard way!
The word says He will give you pastors after His
own heart (Jeremiah 3:15), meaning its God who
chooses shepherds for us to steward us in His
ways. They are there to guide, instruct, assist
and impart. When you acknowledge the place of
a sent man you will activate the promise of 2 nd
chronicles 20:20 it is a gem! Listen to your sent
man. The reward is immense.
Prayer: Lord, help me identify and follow the man
you have sent for my upliftment in Jesus’ name.
You’ll have to fast and pray
Psalm 32: 8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in
the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee
with mine eye.
My entrepreneurship journey started in 2001
when I was still in high school. I used to buy and
resell bread in Gurajena Zimuto Masvingo. In
2006 when I was 20 years God sent a helper in
my life and he handed me over an office and
clients back in Tsovani in Chiredzi where l used to
fix phones and two-way communication radios. It
was from this experience that I developed the
taste buds for technology and telecoms. Fast
forward, to today I can tell you without doubt
that the significant shift in my entrepreneurial
landscape occurred when God began to
personally lead me. I started tapping into the
voice of the Spirit and getting divine insights on
how to run my business. How did I get there you
might ask, the answer is a lot of fasting and
prayer. Fasting coupled with prayer makes one
sensitive to the divine directives of the DIVINE!
Trust me you cannot go wrong under such
God speaks to every one of us it is our duty to
hear him(God) when he speaks to us .You need
no special anointing to hear God or for God to
talk to you ,you just need to give yourself to the
word, prayer and fasting. God still speaks to his
children but we are choosing not to pay attention
to his voice when he speaks. When God speaks
to you it becomes so clear and it will bring so
much comfort and confidence in whatever you
would have been instructed to do. The voice of
God gives us so much peace in a way that will
never change no matter the situation you are in.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me pay the price of
prayer and fasting so that I gain access to your
voice for divine direction in Jesus mighty name.
It’s a journey of walking in the reality of
1st John 4:18 No fear exists where his love is.
Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear…
God’s love for us is amazing and He shows it on a
daily basis. When you understand how God loves
you will fear nothing. You will not fear the market
place inflation, deflation, inconsistencies
etcetera, because you know there is a sure
Goshen for you. Scripture says perfect love casts
out fear, and how true that is.
Personally, His love has catapulted me from a
realm of poverty to comfort and further to a
realm where I am living an extra ordinary life
because my God’s love for me has become a
reality to my soul have tangibly caught the
reality that I am a child of God and he loves me
no matter my shortcomings nor my environment.
Nothing can stop His love from seeking out my
best interests (Jeremiah 29:11).
You need to come to a place of understanding
and appreciating this truth, God loves you so
much that He has already paid every necessary
price for your welfare.
Prayer: Lord Jesus thank you for loving me in a
way that cannot be explained, thank you for
perfect love that casts out all doubt and fear.
Help me reach out on that scarlet thread of your
love when my mind wants to doubt your love for
me. Let no mind-bending voice, anxiety or
depression find a foot hold in the canvas of my
soul in Jesus mighty name!
Building Altars
Genesis 12:7 And the Lord appeared unto
Abram, and said, unto thy seed will I give this
land: and there built he an altar unto the Lord,
who appeared unto him
God is a God of altars.
Looking at the faith patriarchs like Abraham,
Noah, David, and Issac they had a consistent
practice of building altars unto their God. In the
case scenario of Noah His altar is still in effect till
date as God made a covenant with him and the
whole human race. This is just how powerful an
altar can be. Look at every man of result both in
the Bible and our daily lives, they are men and
women of altars.
Personally, every time God appears in my life, I
do not take chance l connects. l builds an altar to
the Lord to make sure nothing will be stolen that
which my God has released for me in that
You see Abraham being told what to do and he is
told what he will become and instructed to
connect by the way of the altar. What am l saying
here many fail to do and thereby lack the result
thereof. After receiving a word of prophecy, they
only receive but you do not act on the word by
means of raising an altar.
Raising altars has seen me in realms that my
entire bloodline has never reached.
Prayer: Father, I have come to understand that
building an altar is key to manifestation of your
promises. Help me to consistently build altars in
Jesus name!

It’s a personal call

Genesis 12:1 Now the Lord had said unto
Abram, get thee out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land
that I will shew thee
God deals with us personally. That is why he
craves for intimacy from a personal level. I want
you know that just like your finger print is
different from the next person so is your life’s
blueprint, therefore do not compare, compete nor
seek companionship in your walk with Adonai.
When God calls you, please respond to the
calling alone do not call Lot to accompany you
where he has not been called. Calling Lot might
cause you to find yourself in battles you were
never supposed to fight and, in some cases, incur
losses that were never supposed to be yours.
Learn to separate yourself from men so that you
allow God to visit you and open you up to your
life’s mysteries that are key to your elevation and
fulfilment of purpose.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, you want me to know you
personally, help me do everything necessary so
as to do so effectively.

The principle of tithing

Malachai 3:10 Try me and see if l will not open
the windows of heaven
Tithing is kingdom principle of honouring God by
giving unto Him through His house 10% of your
increase. Tithing is a major principle that need no
questioning as it speaks for itself.
I have followed the principle of tithing up to this
day and I strongly believe and have seen it
playing a major role in my life in terms of
financial and business advancement.
Just by submitting to this principle not only are
you showing faith and honour in the God you
serve, but you are also helping the mandate of
ensuring there is food in His House.
God will surely honour you when you honour Him.
Remember He is not a respecter of persons but
rather of principle. Putting this principle into
practice initiates a protocol of observance
towards you and your finances that He cannot

Prayer: Holy Spirit, you have shown me that the

principle of tithing is key to my finances. Help me
to put it into practise so that I start to see
appositive change.
It’s a journey of separation
2 Corth 6:17 Wherefore come out from among
them, and be ye separate…
The moment God brought me to what I like to call
the “glory zone” I saw a lot of things changing
including losing friends, associates, partners and
to some extent family
I want you to know that walking with God is a
journey of separation. Look at all the great
people from the Bible, there was a time when
God called them into a period of isolation. Good
examples include Abraham who was called from
his kindred, David was set apart as a shepherd
boy and Lord Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights
in the wilderness.
God sometimes and for a season separates us
from people and the reasons differ from one
person to another. However usually it is so that
we can have intimacy with him without
distractions, until we master to do so without
deviations. So, if you are in the season that you
feel people are leaving you yet you have done
nothing wrong, you most likely are being
separated unto His glory. Embrace it!
My personal experience is that whenever God
separates me, I always get so much insight on
how to handle my business in the marketplace.
That separation time is a vital key to me as it
opens me up to the mysteries that are hidden in
the word and the person of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Father, help me embrace the seasons of
the separation that you have set in my destiny in
Jesus’ name.
Giving remains the mystery
Proverbs 22:9 Whoever has a bountiful eye will
be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.
Give and it shall be given back unto you is one of
the fundamental keys that has kept me winning
in the market.
I am always with an understanding that the Lord
has blessed me not to only put food on the table
of my house but of many tables in many homes
out there
And my prayer every single day is to continue in
supernatural dimensions of blessings so that l
fulfil all the lord has purposed me to fulfil in this
journey of my life
I have never allowed myself to question God’s
instruction on giving when the spirit speaks l do
Do not waiver at the
From the time l accepted God to be Lord over my
life my life has been a life full of mysteries and
The Lord is looking for those that are ready to
obey his instructions so he can push them into a
financial dominion that will bring many to God
I have always obeyed God’s instruction and the
Lord has responded to it all even though people
around me will argue from a worldly business
perspective I still hold on to God’s instruction and
even after disputing we have celebrated the
results of obedience together.
One baby step of obedience l have taken in
having faith has added to every single necessary
blessing l needed to get to where l am today.
It’s a journey of patience
Being able to be patiently waiting for God’s
instruction is one of the hardest but key factors
that can push you into the realms of millions and
when he speaks l move with the speed of the
Holy ghost
I love how God gets involved in my business
deals whenever l patiently wait for his
instruction, obey the instruction and do it
according to the instructions given to me And in
doing all that l never find myself in any
disadvantaged position at all times
In everything I do, l present it to my father in
heaven and patiently wait for him to instruct me
You can’t be successful if you are not patient to
hear from God, you have to hear from God before
you make decisions. Your decisions are based on
what the Lord is saying to you at that particular
time on that particular business transaction.
I am a testimony of God’s making where l have
experienced all the seasons and been patient
enough allow almighty God to move whenever he
concluded l was ready for my next level
We are not in competition
The other master key element l want you to
grasp is that in the kingdom we are never in a
competition because competition leads to jealous
and jealous l sum it up as highest degree of
witchcraft so avoid it by any means necessary.
Rather, learn from others how they handle
situations than to be jealous of their success
I have an understanding that as you learn from
the world and from others you will become better
and ability to archive your goals and purpose is
It’s a Faith journey
I am a testimony of crazy believing where u enter
deeply in the things of the kingdom
I never allowed myself to be led by those who are
living by the flesh but l believed walking by faith
was the only way and that took to greater
I used to pray but l do believe my prayers where
not being answered effectively due to how l was
praying. I eventually got to a stage where l got it
and understood that prayer is communicating
with our father and it was key for me to highlight
all the necessary steps when so that my father
could answer me accordingly - l got a revelation
of how to pray
I do know how much faith in God made this
millionaire and l want you to understand without
faith its not possible to be advanced to where
you are supposed to be. l never trusted in horses
or chariots but it has been my trust in the name
of the Lord for His name is a strong tower
Putting all my trust in God moved mountains for
and removed all obstacles that surprised me as l
was experiencing the supernatural dimensions
that were in play upgrading my life on a daily
Sit back in faith
I started thanking in everything that he had done
in my to where l am today and that has become
the order of my prayer life where l with be
thanking in everything to do with my life and
started seeing things happening
Many of us know how to pray but we don’t know
how to sit back in faith and listen to what God
has to after we have prayed so l prayed for the
grace to be able to sit back in faith and
wait ,listen what God will say after l have prayed
as he guides l do even it doesn’t make to those l
work with ‘l new when results come they ask how
did l manage to hear God’s voice .I pray that God
will open you up to this revelation so that when
you send your petition to God ,you can sit back
wait and listen in faith what God is saying about
that petition

The encounters l’ve had with God allowed me to

understand how God can shift you from one level
to another

It is very key and very important that we allow

God to lead us in every step of the journey we
are designed and appointed to takeover in the
marketplace as he is almighty all-knowing
omnipotent, omnipresent God
Seek HIM out!
Psalm 34:4-7 I sought the Lord, and he answered
me and delivered me from all my fears. Those
who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall
never be ashamed. This poor man cried, and the
Lord heard him and saved him out of all his
troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps around
those who fear him, and delivers them.

David sought the Lord. King Saul wanted to kill

David, so David ran to an enemy king,
Abimelech, for protection (1Sam21). To survive,
David acted like a madman and Abimelech left
him alone .Often in danger, David found
deliverance in God. God delivered him from
dreaded fear (v.4) and many troubles (v.6). God
gave David answers, made him fearless took
away his shame, heard him and saved him.
David’s deliverance began with him seeking the
Lord. Too many times men spend their lives
seeking things and the perfect circumstances.
But there is never enough stuff, never the perfect
life. However, when we seek the Lord, look for his
direction, listen to his voice and rejoice in his
answers he offers a profound sense of joy.

Prayer: Father God, may l be known as a man

who seeks you.
Confess and profess what you want
to see
I am a man who confesses what he wants and
that’s been a weapon I possess that has brought
tremendous results upon my life.
I remember when l got married l could tell my
wife how we were going to own some bigger
things and she was of course opposing my
prophetic utterance up to a time when it
manifested and it changed her perspective. l
thank God now because my wife and I have
grown together to a point of joint faith where we
win together.
Let’s get the job done
2 Timothy 4:5 But you should keep a clear mind
in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for
the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News,
and fully carry out the ministry God has given

When the apostle Paul wrote this to his son

Timothy encouraging him to keep the message
alive, he was telling him it’s time to get practical.
In this particular Scripture we’re being
challenged as believers to make sure our
message has hands and feet. Just as Jesus came
to serve and demonstrate the good news, we are
being asked to do the same.

Prayer: God, you are awesome. Thank you that

we don’t all need to be preachers. Show me
practical and helpful ways today that l can
lovingly demonstrate the kingdom of God to my
world. AMEN
Heavenly Teacher
John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name, will teach
you all things and will remind you of everything I
have said to you.

Holy Spirit is our teacher and our close confidant.

We have the heavenly teacher available to us
through the fellowship of the spirit today. There is
no problem too complicated, no confusion too
cloudy, and no resistance too great that one
revelation from the spirit could not set straight.
We must lean into that wise voice today.
Dream again
Psalms 126:1 “When the Lord brought back the
captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream.”

Life has a way of stealing, crushing and shrinking

our dreams. There was a time when our dreams
motivated us stirred our hearts and fuelled
passion in our souls. We were small, but our
dreams were huge. The writer of psalm 126
reminds us that it is never too late to dream
again. After a generation of captivity in Babylon.
God set his people free. They were free to return
home, and they were free to dream again. Not
just set free, but set free to dream.
A new season is a great opportunity to dream
again, to rediscover old dreams and to ask God
to give us new ones.
Be courageous and invite God to give you a
renewed ability to dream again
Be strong and courageous
Isaiah 43:1-2 When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you. When you go through rivers of
difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk
through the fire of oppression, you will not be
burned up; the flames will not consume you
Sometimes we give up too soon! If you keep
going you will have victory. You will make it out of
this, don’t give up hope God has already
prepared a way!

Loving Others

1Thessalonians 3:12 “And may the Lord make

you increase and abound in love to one another
and to all, just as we do to you,”

We know some people are hard to like, let alone

love. That’s just the way it is and pretty much
everyone agrees with that statement. However,
God says it’s important to Him that you love
others-not just your family and friends-but all

It is not easy. But look at the first phrase of this

verse: “May the Lord make….”. That’s so cool!
God will help you as you strive to love all people.
Loving others is so important to God, because it
exhibits Him, His nature. Remember GOD is LOVE
and he promises to help you love others!
Now loving others is probably the easiest cheat
sheet to prosperity in this kingdom. Once God
sees your love for His creation, He will do
anything for you to ensure that you continue
showing His nature that is “loving others”
Prayer: Lord, teach me the way of selfless love
that yields prosperity. Make me more like you
every day as I journey in love.
Tapping into the wisdom of God
1 Corinthians 1:25 “For the foolishness of God is
wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of
God is stronger than human strength.”

There is no greater perspective in the universe

than of the wise God.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord God, almighty for

sharing your wisdom with us who seek it. We
long to know you more and walk in the fullness
of your kingdom. Lord as we look up to you
today, give us greater revelation of your ways.
Fill us with the strength of your presence. We
open up to the direction, discernment, and
wisdom of God today. We will not rely on our own
understanding but on the perspective of God
who rules and reign over all. As we look to His
Word and meditate on the scriptures, we will find
direction and guidance. We declare that God’s
wisdom rules our life.
The Days of the secret of God

Job 29:4-6 KJV “As I was in the days of my youth,

When the secret of God was upon my tabernacle;
When the Almighty was yet with me, When my
children were about me; When I washed my
steps with butter, And the rock poured me out
rivers of oil;”

They are many days in a man’s lifetime and they

are days in a man’s life that he will experience
the favor of the Lord. Days of the secret of God.
This happened to Job in Job 29:4 it can also
happen to you. You can have your moment where
you can be so blessed that you don’t need to talk
about it but it will be so much visible to anyone
who will encounter you. That’s the God kind of
life He will bless you before that business project
is awarded to you, before that job opportunity is
given to you. Have faith in God, in everything you
do and He will bless the works of your hands, He
is able. He will teach you all things you need to
know about your business and cause you to
flourish on all sides.
He wants you and me well

Acts 10:38 How God anointed and consecrated

Jesus of Nazareth with the [Holy] Spirit and with
strength and ability and power; how He went
about doing good and, in particular, curing all
who were harassed and oppressed by [the power
of] the devil, for God was with Him.

It has never been God’s will for anyone to be sick

or afflicted with diseases and pain. God wants His
people well vibrant strong and free. If you are
sick and afflicted you cannot effectively serve nor
worship Yahweh and the devil knows this too
well. This is why he afflicts Gods children with
sickness and diseases. Remember the story of
Job, the devil goes to the extent of calling out
‘SKIN FOR SKIN’ he understood that loosing
wealth, honour or family would not have as much
effect on Job as compared to losing his health.

According to “1st John1:2 Beloved, I wish above

all things that thou mayest prosper and be in
health, even as thy soul prospereth.” meaning it
is never in Gods will nor desire that you should
be physically unwell. Those million need you well
to be able to make them. Embrace this truth
today, health is your only portion in Jesus name!
Declaration: I walk in soundness of health, all day
everyday because this is the will of the Father for
me. Therefore every spirit of affliction you are
violating me by your existence in my body
because this body is the temple of the Lord,
check out now in Jesus name!
It’s an intimacy journey
This intimate relationship l have with Holy spirit
has caused all abt me to be a book worthy to
write for others to benefit is a dramatic entrance
to the realm of millionaire realm as God said l will
make ways for you in wilderness. I am a
testimony of the move of God in my life that
caused me to be catapulted into millionaire
dimensions. This is because unapologetic l give
when God instructed me to give and it has
yielded some serious results in my life
The place of trust
We need to trust God with all you have never
claim ownership of anything that is happening in
your life it is always the Lord’s doing.
Learn to give honor to whom honor is due
All the honor and glory belongs to God
As the spirit leads l will touch a number of
characters that are the Bible that has made me
be where l am today and that has made me see
where God is taking me
Noah is given an instruction he obeys and he got
the results of obeying the instruction from God
So its always an important element in the journey
of life to be in a position where you hear God and
do what he instructed you according to the
It’s a journey of sacrifice
Just his obedience Noah God made a Covenant
not to destroy the humankind with the floods
And just buy studying this character Noah you
see after he has departed from the arch all he
does is to sacrifice top our God and that reached
God in heaven he immediately made a covenant

What am l saying they are thing I have done and
l will continue to do in this journey of life in the
kingdom of God which l need no other opinion
knowing God is the one seeing and he responds

I have been a testimony of of obedience and a

result of building of alters and l have heard
experience of supernatural advancement

God watches your heart and all that l do I do with

love for GOD and he has rewarded me
Be spiritually alert
I have survived many episodes in my journey of
life because of my spiritual alertness to the
things of the spirit
I thank almighty God he has blessed with such a
blessing of a wife she has now engaged in the
things of the spirit and she supports all l will tell
her the Lord has commanded and that has been
my pillar of strength in doing more on what the
Lord is saying in my life.
It’s a grace journey
As there are dimensions of grace that will be
flowing in your life and when you get to spiritual
insight you will start to move the spiritual l
entered in the year of 2009 and you never back
down look up to the alpha and omega as he will
be cleaning you up and purifying you and he will
the qualify you to be in a position where those in
the flesh will never understand

God is a maker and l am a proof of His making.

In conclusion I want to remind you that We all
qualify for the blessing if we are willing to pay
the price.
It knows no background, family history because
when it is from God it is not a respecter of
persons. God has ordained that you should be
the foremost dealer in your line of merchandise
in the market place. Don’t be deceived by the
enemy, rise up today and possess your
possessions. We are given an example in Genesis
26:13: “And the man waxed great, went forward
and grew until he became very great” this is how
the Bible describes the wealth of Isaac. At this
point in time Isaac was in Gerar in the Philistine.
Although there was famine, yet Isaac prospered.
The NIV Bible says. “The man became very rich
and his wealth continued to grow until he
became very wealthy. “The reason for this
supernatural growth is found in the preceding
verse it says “the Lord blessed him.”
What a simple and profound statement! To bless
means to empower to prosper! This basically
means that the Lord empowered Isaac to prosper
till he became very wealthy. Are you running your
business in a way God can bless you?
Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “Thou shalt remember
the Lord thy God; for it is he that giveth thee
power to get wealth…”
Check your life, check the way you are running
your business. As you pray these prayers with
clean hands and pure heart (Psalm 24:4), the
God that empowers to get wealth will step into
your business and grant you profitable sales.

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