EFFECT4buildings Toolbox:
Energy Performance Contracting; Annex 8
The project “Effective Financing Tools for implementing Energy Efficiency in
Buildings” (EFFECT4buildings) develops in collaboration with public building
managers a comprehensive decision-making support toolbox with a set of financial
instruments: Financial calculation tools; Bundling; Funding; Convincing
decision makers; Energy Performance Contracting; Multi Service
Contracting; Green Lease Contracting; Prosumerism. The tools and instruments
chosen by the project has the biggest potential to help building managers to
overcome financial barriers, based on nearly 40 interviews with the target group. The
project improves these tools through different real cases.
To make sure building managers invest in the best available solutions, more
knowledge on different possibilities is needed as well as confirmation from colleagues
that the solutions performs well. EFFECT4buildings mapped technological solutions
for energy efficiency in buildings with the aim to share knowledge and experiences of
energy efficiency solutions among building managers in the Baltic Sea Region.
This template for EPC project development report and energy analyses is based on
the Guide to EPC developed in the framework of the EFFECT4buildigs project. The
guide introduces a new implementation model based on experiences in the countries
involved in the EFFECT4buildings project. Its main novelty aspects being contract
based partnership during the analyses phase and new award criteria to better fit the
goals of building owners.
The Project development report and energy analyses is part of a toolbox with 9
documents and templates adapted to the new implementation models various phases
primarily emphasising the first two phases. Experiences from past EPC projects shows
that decisions made early are crucial. The goal is to promote EPC as an energy saving
model and simplify the start-up of an EPC project.
Below is a schematic overview of the adapted tools and instruments for EPC:
How to use the template
This document is based on a Norwegian template for EPC project
development report and energy analyses and adapted for changes in
the new implementation model for EPC with contract-based partnership
in phase 1.
In the margins there are important information to users with
background information and advice on what sections should be
thoroughly checked and adapted to national laws, regulations, and
specific project conditions.
Please make sure all introductory text, texts in the margins and logos
and layout are deleted before launching the EPC tender.
Programme Interreg Baltic Sea Region (European Regional Development Fund) and
Norwegian national funding. The aim of the project is to improve the capacity of public
building managers in the Baltic Sea Region by providing them a comprehensive decision-
making support toolbox with a set of financial instruments to unlock the investments and
lower the risks of implementing energy efficiency measures in buildings owned by public
stakeholders. More information: http://www.effect4buildings.se/
Template for:
Energy analyses
1. Energy analyses – layout
and content
The minimum requirements for information to be included in an energy
analysis and the project development report are set out below as a result
of the phase 1 analysis phase. The project development report is valid as
a contract document for Phase 2 implementation and Phase 3 savings
guarantee. All measures must be documented.
1.1. Summary
Brief summary describing the building (s) with year of construction, type
of building, and type of use and main data. Short summary with key
figures for all relevant measures. This includes, among other things:
Investment cost, savings in [EUR] and energy, and net present value.
1.3.1. Building envelope
- Today's indoor climate for the various premises in the building (s)
- The municipality's indoor climate requirements
- How users evaluate the indoor climate and air quality
- Classrooms, common rooms and office space: 20 ˚C, not exceeding
1000 ppm when persons present
- Gyms, sports halls: 15 ˚C
- Shower areas and wardrobes: 22 ˚C
- Swimming pools. 2 ˚C above water temperature
1.3.5. Ventilation systems
Specify solutions and technical conditions, consider the need for duct
Air treatment (heating, cooling and filtration)
Air distribution form
Heat recovery
Fan replacement
investment in [EUR]
lifetime this year
present value this year
payback time for each measure, with sub-sums for profitable
measures and sum for all measures.
1.6. Measures
Measure sheets as described in template for tender analyses for each
measure, with: measure number, name of the measure, background of
the measure, description of the measure, any additional benefits
(economy, indoor climate, operational improvements, etc.), description of
scope of work, calculation of savings and investment.
The basis for the calculations should be given for all calculated savings.
The list below is not exhaustive:
Ventilation measures: Indicate air volumes, annual efficiency and
operating times before and after measures.
Measures for heat management: indicate temperature and
operating time before and after measures, as well as area and
heating basis for the relevant zone, in accordance with total heat
consumption for the entire building.
Air / air heat pumps: provide covered area and heating basis for
the relevant zone in accordance with total heat consumption for
the entire building, energy coverage ratio and annual heat factor,
and output at e.g. - 7 degrees outside temperature.
Liquid / water heat pumps: state basis for calculation. That is, how
much of the heat requirement the heat pump should cover,
coverage ratio for this basis, annual heat factor (SCOP), and the
output delivered at e.g. - 7 degrees outside temperature.
Insulation measures: indicate the relevant area and U-value
(thermal transmittance) before and after.
Lighting measures: indicate the number of luminaires, brightness
before and after (LUX), effect (kW) and energy (kWh) before and
after, and operating time / lifetime before and after.
2.1. Summary
Short summary describing the implemented process and summary of
Savings Invest- Lifetime Net Payback
All buildings ment present time
and measures value
[kWh/y] [kW/y] [EUR/ y] [EUR] [y] [EUR] [y]
2.2. Project data and premises
Project organization, financial conditions and energy requirements.
2.3. Buildings
Overview of which buildings are included in the pre-project, with a
summary of selected measures for each building:
Considered measures
2.8. Training
Training plan.
2.9. Progress plan
A progress plan showing phase 2 Implementation and handover to phase
3 Savings guarantee, with important milestones. The progress plan should
be detailed on each building and measures.