Copper oxide (CuO) thin film is a promising material used as a photo-absorber layer in solar cell application due to its narrow
bandgap, low cost and high abundance. In this work, the CuO thin films have been prepared using various source materi-
als such as Cu(NO3)2·3H2O, CuCl2·2H2O and Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O by chemical spray pyrolysis technique. The XRD result
shows an increased crystallite size for Cu–N compared with Cu–Cl and Cu–A films. Good optical absorption in the visible
region is observed for all CuO films and Cu–N film illustrates high absorption coefficient in the order of 5.7 × 105 cm−1.
From SEM analysis, flake like morphology is observed for Cu–N and Cu–A films. The good electrical property i.e. high
conductivity (0.0611 S cm−1) and carrier concentration (2.287 × 1017 cm−3) is observed for Cu–N films. All CuO films
exhibit a single semicircle impedance nature and smaller diameter of semicircle corresponding to Cu–N film indicates low
electrical resistivity present in the sample. From I–V measurement, it is observed that the high current for Cu–N (16.6 µA)
than Cu–Cl (2.3 µA) and Cu–A (10.7 µA). All CuO films are photo-responsive under solar light exposure, which is due to
high absorption coefficient that leads to higher photocurrent (20.5 µA) for Cu–N film. The best solar cell performance is
obtained for Cu–N film which shows an efficiency of 0.31%. From the above results, we conclude that Cu–N is an optimum
precursor for fabricating CuO based thin film solar cell.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
where δ is the dislocation density, D is the crystallite size, The optical absorbance of CuO thin films prepared using
ε is the micro-strain and β is the full width half maximum various precursors is shown in Fig. 3. The measurement
of the prepared films. The dislocation density indicates the is carried out at room temperature in wavelength range of
presence of defect in the material. From Table 1, the Cu–N 200–1000 nm. All the films exhibit absorption edge near
film dislocation density is lower with increase in crystal- 880 nm and the majority light absorption is from the vis-
lite size and the microstrain values are also reduced, which ible region of the spectrum. The Cu–N shows high absorp-
indicates the reduction of lattice deficiency and exhibits high tion compared to other two precursors, this may be due
quality CuO films [23]. Hence, the outcome of the results to variations associated with morphology and crystalline
shows good crystallinity of CuO is achieved by Cu–N pre- nature of the prepared films. The absorption coefficient
cursor when compared to Cu–Cl and Cu–A precursors. For was also determined for the samples using the following
evaluating the degree of preferred orientation of the CuO Eq. (8) [26].
films, the texture coefficient ( TC(hkl)) [24] was also calcu- ( )
1 1
lated using the following relation (7). ∝= (8)
t ln (T)
I0(hkl) where α is the absorption coefficient, t is the thickness of
TC(hkl) = (7)
] the film, and T is the transmittance of the film. For Cu–N,
Σ I (hkl)
the absorption coefficient value is 5.7 × 105 cm−1 which is
higher than the other sample. It may be due to availability
of high density of nanoflakes morphological structure in the
where I is the measured relative intensity of (hkl) plane,
Cu–N thin films. Nanoflakes structure leads to multiple light
I0 is standard relative intensity of (hkl) plane and N is the
scattering at grain boundary, which shows higher number of
number of diffraction peaks. The TC was calculated using
photon absorption [27]. The optical energy gap E g can be
(111) plane of the CuO thin films. It is observed that for
obtained from the intercept of (αhʋ)2 against photon energy
Cu–N and Cu–Cl films, the TC value is greater than unity
(hʋ), for the direct transition. The precise Eg value for differ-
which represents the preferential orientation along (111)
ent precursors are obtained from extrapolation of the straight
plane. The increase in preferential orientation is attributed
line portions to αhʋ = 0. The obtained Eg from the plot has
with increased number of crystallites along the plane [25].
slight variation with different precursors. The obtained band-
gap values are found to be 1.53, 1.44 and 1.48 eV for cop-
per nitrate, copper chloride and copper acetate respectively
which are consistent with the earlier report [28–30].
Table 1 Average crystallite size, dislocation density, microstrain and
texture coefficient value for different precursors Figure 4 represents the photoluminescence emission
spectra of CuO thinfilms taken at room temperature with
Sample Crystal- Dislocation Micro- Texture an excitation wavelength of 220 nm. The strong UV emis-
lite size (D) density (δ) strain (ε) coefficient
× 10−9 m × 1015 lines m−2 × 10−2 (111) sion peak at 363 nm is observed for all CuO precursor films
which ascribed to near-band-edge (NBE) emission and origi-
Cu–N 22.6 1.94 0.17 1.11 nates from electron–hole pair recombination in free exci-
Cu–Cl 15.3 4.23 0.22 0.96 tons [31]. It is observed that photoluminescence quenching
Cu–A 21.6 2.13 0.21 1.09 is more evident in Cu–N films and almost 60% of the PL
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Fig. 5 SEM image of CuO film prepared from a Cu–N, b Cu–Cl and c Cu–A
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Fig. 7 Variation of a carrier concentration, b mobility, c conductivity and d resistivity as a function of different precursors
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Table 2 Electrical properties Sample Carrier concentra- Mobility Conductivity Resistivity Current Bandgap (eV)
and bandgap for various tion × 1017 (cm−3) (cm2 V−1s−1) (S cm−1) (Ω cm) × 10−6 (A)
precursors of CuO thin films
Cu–N 2.29 1.67 0.0611 16.37 16.6 1.53
Cu–Cl 1.94 0.32 0.0098 101.7 2.3 1.44
Cu–A 0.34 6.63 0.0358 27.88 10.7 1.48
number of charge carriers in the prepared films. For an effi- region (10 kHz–1 MHz), the value of Z′ corresponding to
cient usage of CuO thin film in device, the prepared film Cu–Cl and Cu–A is decreased and started to merge with Z′
should posses low resistivity and high conductivity. In our of Cu–N. This decreasing nature of Z′ value explains the
case CuO thin film prepared from Cu–N source shows high possible release of space charge in the film. Figure 8c shows
conductivity and low resistivity (Fig. 7c, d). The decrease the variation of imaginary part of impedance (Z″) as a func-
in resistivity (Fig. 7d) of CuO film from Cu–N source may tion of frequency. All the films show maximum Z″ (Z″ max)
be due to high crystalline nature as well as large number of value in the frequency region from 1 to 10 kHz. The Cu–Cl
charge carrier (2.29 × 1017 cm−3) in the prepared film. Car- film shows Z″ max at frequency 1 kHz, while Cu–A and
rier concentration, mobility, conductivity and resistivity of Cu–N show maximum peak at 10 kHz. This observed peak
the prepared film with different deposition techniques by shifting towards higher frequency region corresponds to the
different researchers [25, 36, 37] are given in Table 3. The presence of electrical relaxation process in the CuO thin
Cu–N based CuO thin film showed better electrical proper- films [40].
ties when compared to other deposition techniques. Finally Figure 9 shows the typical I–V characteristics of CuO
we conclude that high charge carriers, optimum mobility, thin films prepared using various precursor solutions. The
low resistivity and high conductivity nature of the CuO film electrical contacts were made using silver paste on both ends
prepared from Cu–N source will act as an effective absorber of the CuO film to act as contact electrodes. The DC input
layer for solid state solar cells in near future. was increased from − 5 to + 5 V in steps and subsequent
The charge transfer characteristics and frequency currents were measured. The observed linear I–V curve
dependant electrical properties were studied using imped- indicates the ohmic behaviour of the CuO films and the Ag
ance spectroscopy analysis. Figure 8a shows the complex electrodes. The measured current values for Cu–N, Cu–Cl
impedance spectra (cole–cole plot) of CuO thin films and Cu–A films at 4 V are 16.6 µA, 2.3 µA and 10.7 µA
measured at room temperature. It shows that single semi- respectively. Thus, Cu–N film has a higher current value at
circle is observed for all CuO thin films. Among them, the a given voltage when compared with other two films, this
observed semicircle with lower diameter for Cu–N film may be due to high conductivity which is analyzed from both
compared to Cu–A and Cu–Cl films indicates lower elec- Hall measurement and impedance spectra.
trical resistivity of the sample. In addition, the existence Figure 10 shows the photo-response behaviour of the
of single semicircle in the CuO thin films demonstrates CuO films investigated under illumination condition. Fig-
the presence of single polarization and it occurs due to an ure 10a shows the schematic representation of deposited
effective contribution of the grain interior [38]. The CuO films with 0.5 cm spacing of silver paste as electrical con-
film shows the dramatic variation in real part of imped- tacts and connected in series with a DC power supply. The
ance (Z′) with frequency as shown in Fig. 8b. The CuO difference between dark and illuminated current clearly
film prepared by Cu–N exhibits relatively lower Z′ value showed that the CuO thin film has good positive photo
in low frequency region (1 Hz–10 kHz) than Cu–Cl and response behaviour [41]. It is due to the absorption of pho-
Cu–A. This lowered Z′ value represents a possibility of tons which leads to the creation of free charge carriers
increase in the a.c conductivity [39]. At high frequency in the conduction band and/or in the valence band. Here,
Table 3 Comparison of carrier Materials Carrier Mobility Conduc- Resis- Method References
concentration, mobility, concentration (cm2 V−1s− 1) tivity tivity
conductivity and resistivity (cm−3) (S cm−1) (Ω cm)
of CuO thin films reported by
various works CuO 11.10 × 1017 0.38 0.007 14.91 DC sputtering [36]
CuO 13.53 × 1015 1 0.002 461 Nebulizer spray pyrolysis [25]
CuO 12.56 × 1015 0.60 – 821 Nebulizer spray pyrolysis [37]
CuO 2.29 × 1017 1.67 0.0611 16.37 Spray pyrolysis Present work
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Fig. 8 Electrical properties of a complex impedance spectra of CuO thin films and b variation of real part of impedance (Z′) c variation of imag-
inary part of impedance (Z″) with frequency
the photoconduction takes place by one of the subsequent (iv) deep level (located in the valence band) to conduction
mechanisms. (i) Band-to-band transitions, (ii) impurity lev- band transitions [42]. Compared with Cu–A and Cu–Cl
els to band edge transitions, (iii) ionization of donors, and (Fig. 10c, d), the higher photo response was observed for
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Fig. 10 Schematic of the photoconductivity measurement and I–V characteristic curve in the dark and under the presence of light for CuO thin
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
4 Conclusion
Table 5 Comparison of Junction formation Jsc (mA cm−2) Voc (V) FF (%) η (%) References
photovoltaic parameters of the
prepared solar cell with earlier CuO/ZnO 1.9 0.0028 0.25 0.0001 [43]
CuO/ZnO 0.63 0.37 36.9 0.1 [44]
CuO/ZnO 0.40 0.19 0.23 0.02 [45]
Cu2O/ZnO 2.08 0.19 0.295 0.117 [46]
CuO/ZnO 1.49 0.319 66 0.31 Present work
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
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