General Instructions:
1. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
2. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
3. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
4. Section D has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each.
5. Section E has 03 questions carrying 05 marks each
Section A
1 This is the type of memory in which data is lost, when the power is switched OFF. 1
(A) Impact
(B) Volatile
(C) Non-Impact
(D) Non-volatile
2 Suppose L is a list as below:- 1
L = [“Anushka”, [6,7,8], 17, “Raman”]
Predict the output of the following statement:-
print( L [1:2] )
(A) [6,7,8]
(B) [[6,7,8]]
(C) [6,7,8] ,3
(D) Error
3 ___________ generation of computers is still under development. 1
A) Fourth Generation
B) Fifth Generation
C) Sixth Generation
D) Seventh Generation
4 Which statement is used to iterate itself over a range of values or a sequence? 1
(A) if
(B) while
(C) for
(D) do-while
5 Ananya is trying to create a string. Help her to identify the correct way to declare 1
string variable in Python from the followings:-
(A) fruit = (banana)
(B) fruit = "banana’
(C) fruit = banana
(D) fruit = “banana”
6 Identify the odd one from the followings. 1
B) Microsoft Access
C) SQL Server
D) Google
D1 > D2
7 Anukta wrote the following code in Pytho (A) True (B) False
D1 = { “Ravi” : 48, “Jatin” : (C) Error (C) None
D2 = {“Raj” : 59, “Prem” : 4
Write a program to take number from user and display the sum of all the digits
present in the number. For example no=123 sum=6
25 Differentiate between interpreter and compiler. 2
Section C
26 Sanjeev wants to know about proprietary software and freeware. Explain him about 3
these types along with two suitable examples of each type.
27 Following list has the record of student raghav having ‘name’,’rollno’,marks in five 3
Strec=[‘Raghav’ , ’A-23’ ,[12,34,34,65,23],89.5]
Write python statements to retrieve the following information from the list Strec.
(a) To retrieve the Percentage of student
(b) To retrieve Marks in the second subject
(c) To print Maximum marks of the students
(d) To retrieve Rollno of the student
(e) To change the name of the student from ‘Raman’ to ‘Dhruv’
(f) To insert the grade ‘B’ at the end of the list
28 Write a program to take a number from the user and find out whether the entered 3
number is palindrome or not .
For example if entered number is 5225 it is palindrome . If you read number from
right side it will be same
29 Write a program to find and display the sum of all the values which are ending with 3
3 from list . Sample list is :[13,78,33,48,94,56,3] output will be 49
Write a program that takes list and add 10 to even values and 5 to 0dd values. For
example input : l=[10,20,30,15,18,40]
Output: l=[20,30,40,20,23,50]
30 What are the differences between dictionary & list? Create list and dictionary and 3
explain also.
Section D
31 (a) What is the importance of memory in computer system? 4
(b) Explain briefly the functions of operating system?
32 Manya is studying about DBMS. Help her to understand the difference between 4
Database and DBMS? Also explain her any four advantages of DBMS.
Section E
33 Write a program to input your friend’s names and their phone numbers and store 5
them in a dictionary as the key and value pair. Perform the following operations on
the dictionary.
(A) Display name and phone numbers of all your friends
(B) Delete a particular friend from dictionary
(C) Modify the phone number of existing friend
(D) Display the dictionary in sorted order of names.
(E) Check particular friend is present in the dictionary.
(a) What is dictionary?
(b) Can sequence operations such as slicing and concatenation be applied to
dictionary? Why/ why not?
(c) What are the differences between lists and dictionaries?
34 (A) Why the Primary memory is termed as “destructive write” memory but “non 5
destructive read memory”?
(B) Define the following
(i) Antivirus
(ii) Text Editor
(iii) Backup software
35 Answer the following 5
(A) Who developed Python?
(B) What is IDLE?
(C) Which method is used to take value from user?
(D) How many ways are there to work in Python ?
(E) How python is cross platform language?