Essay on Enviornment Challanges

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1. Nature is everything around us. It provides beauty to our environment and Its great
sense of power. Nature is the tiger, that extraordinary animal with its energy. Nature is not
put together by thought, as religion and belief are. It is all over the things that are in nature.
Nature is part of our life and we are part of all that. If you hurt nature, you are hurting
yourself. What is our relationship with nature? Nature is the Rivers, the trees, the swift-flying
birds the fish, the mineral under the earth, the waterfalls, and the shallow pools. What is your
relationship with them? Most of us are not aware of that relationship. Understanding one’s
relationship with nature is as difficult as understanding one’s relationship with one’s
neighbor, wife, husband, or children.

2. Nature is our life support system. Nature provides fresh air to breathe, clean water to
drink and naturally provides the essentials we all rely on for our survival and well-being.
Apart from that uncountable support will provide by the nature for our prosperity, with
millions of livelihoods and much of our economic activities. All these things will provide
immense benefits to humanity, however, it is obvious that nature is being loose very fast than
it can restore itself, therefore it is observed that we are do not taking urgent actions against
environmental pollution, which may result from significant harm to our economies and
insufficient food and water for our growing global population. Nature is the power of the
globe no one challenge it, especially even the technology also can’t defeat it. Therefore,
people in the world should understand that if not we are never able to face negative things
that happened by the nature. As examples are tsunami incidence, flooding, droughts, and at
present Covid 19 pandemic situation these are some examples of nature against the humans.
Though the world technology had immense improvement still no country to overcome this
pandemic situation since last two years. So there is a message, it is time humans adapt to the

3. Environment is a delicate relationship between humanity and the environment since

the industrial revolution. Increasing the world’s population growth, the environment has been
extremely affected. Deforestation, pollution, and global climate changes are amongst the


adverse effects while population and technological expansion has been introduced. The
industrial revolution was the major hit to the change of environment pattern with the increase
of human activities and the growth of population is also badly affected by the change of
environment due to increase of their needs.

4. By Melissa Mayer (2018), the use of resources and the impact of environmental issues
are not equal around the globe. People in developed countries require substantially more
resources to maintain their lifestyles compared with people in developing countries. For
example, the United States, which contains 5 percent of the world’s population, currently
produces a full 25 percent of CO2 emissions.

5. At present, the climate patterns have changed. It is obvious that everyone in the world
in the Middle Ages and more they can remind as an individual of their childhood, how the
environment had that time than the present. As, I think, it is the best indicator to calculate the
change of environmental pattern than proving it by calculating someone else. Now, is the
environment a challenge? Yes, now it is challenging, we all are far behind to overcome that
challenge. Therefore, only things are remaining to future every county in the world must take
every effort to make policies very strictly, to the protection of nature and every person in the
world must change their attitudes on nature.

6. Meanwhile, warning signs of nature continue to mount. Populations of mammals,

birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish have declined on average by 60 percent in the past 40
years and 5 percent of the land has been significantly altered by human activities. Therefore,
the people to seek a new deal to protect and restore nature for the benefit of peoples and
planet proposing without any single loss of natural spaces with the negative ecological
impacts of production and consumption. This will enable to us to provide enough food and
water for a global population that will grow to 9 billion people in the coming decades.


Sources of Environmental Issues

7. Over the last five decades, it is an indisputable point that the environment is exposed
to many dangers. With the rise of pollution levels and depletion of the ozone layer, all
countries in the world are concerned about the environment. Our environment is constantly
changing. Because of that, people are careless about their surroundings. But now with rising
awareness, some of them have become more cautious. There are so many things that are
happening damage to the environment in the world.

8. Global Warming and Climate Change.

a. The most significant environmental issues of today are global warming and
climate change. The gradual heating of Earth’s surface, oceans, and atmosphere are
caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon
dioxide (CO2), methane, and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. One of the
most immediate and obvious consequences of global warming is the increase in
temperature around the world. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, the average global temperature has increased by about 1.4 degrees
Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the past 100 years.

b. According to the UN’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development (2015).

Global warming due to CO2 emissions, which according to the UN has increased by
almost 50% since 1990 is accelerating climate change threatens the survival of
millions of people, plants, and animals by causing meteorological events like
droughts, fires, and floods, which are becoming increasingly frequent and more

c. The increasing of the global warming sea rising is increasing faster. Even just
two years ago the expectation was that sea levels will rise by approximately a meter
by the year 2100. The current prediction makes double that estimate looks
increasingly possible by the end of the century. And warming the planet by 1.5
degrees suggests an estimate of six to seven meters increase by the year 2500. The


impact is already being felt in low-lying coastal cities and the water level is becoming
saline as coastal freshwater aquifers are overused, and seawater intrudes.

d. Climate change is a very long-term trend that includes both global warming
and its impacts on the earth’s weather patterns. Climate change and global warming
are often used interchangeably, but have distinct meanings. Similarly, the term
weather and the climate are sometimes confused, however, weather refers to short
period (Examples – Rain, Snow, Clouds, Winds, Floods, Thunderstone, etc.) While
climate change refers to long term. The climate change observed since the early 20 th
century was driven by human activities, particularly fossil fuel burning, which
increases the heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in the earth’s atmosphere, raising
Earth’s average surface temperature. The biggest change in this area over the last
couple of years has been the increased certainty and accuracy of scientific predictions
about the rate and effect of human impact on the climate.

9. Overpopulations and Environmental Issues.

a. Overpopulation is also one of the crucial current environmental problems. The

population of the planet is reaching unsustainable levels as it faces a shortage of
resources like water, fuel, and food. Population explosions in less developed and
developing countries were straining the already scarce resources. Intensive agriculture
practiced, producing food damages the environment through the use of chemical
fertilizer, pesticides, and insecticides.

b. According to Max Roser (2019), he said the world population increased from
one billion in 1800 to 7.7 billion today, and the global issues of population article of
the United Nations say the world’s population is expected to increase by 2 billion
persons in the next 30 years from 7.7 billion currently to 9.7 billion in 2050 and could
peak at nearly 11 billion around 2100.

c. Therefore, the rapid increase of population growth globally may result the
environmental pollution and experienced decreased access to clean water, increased
exposure to air pollution, diseases, and increased greenhouse gases, mostly from CO 2
emissions. Therefore, it may result from decreased biodiversity and may feel the


impact more immediately as local resources including plants and animals deplete.
Apart from that increasing resource depletion, leading to specific environmental
concerns such as global warming, deforestation and decreasing biodiversity due to
demand for a natural resource is exceeding the supply leading to a decline in available
resources. Populations in developed country's trend toward using substantially more
resources, while populations in developing countries feel the impacts of
environmental problems more quickly, ultimately resulting in the long-term pattern
called climate change.

d. While the interconnected problems of population growth and environmental

issues seem overwhelming, it is important to remember that humans can make
changes that positively impact the planet. One good starting point is understanding
and applying the concept of sustainability, which is the opposite of resource depletion.
Sustainability describes a model of resource usage in which the current generation
uses only the resources the Earth provides indefinitely (like solar or wind power
instead of burning fossil fuels) to ensure that future generations inherit resources.

10. Pollution Issues.

a. There are 7 key types of polluted air, water, soil, noise, radioactive, light, and
thermal and these are primary causes that affect our environment in many ways. All
these types of pollution are interlinked and influence each other. Therefore, it is very
essential to tackle all of them together.

(1) Air Pollution - Air pollution is one of the biggest problems in the
world. Air contamination is created by different gasses and poisons discharged
by businesses and manufacturing plants and the burning of fossil fuels. Very
recently, the people whose are living in New Delhi, India they have to keep
their oxygen kit for them to breathe fresh air due to the huge pollution of air.
Therefore, Pollution of air, water, and soil takes a huge number of years to
recover. Industry and engine vehicle fumes are the most obvious toxins.
Substantial metals, nitrates, and plastic are poisons in charge of pollution. The
for best example of that is the news of the first lockdown period in a Covid 19
Pandemic situation in India, the mountain of Himalaya has visible into New


Delhi at the first time after a long period due to the peacetime in the

(2) Water pollution - Water pollution is also a leading environmental

challenge in the globe, while water contamination is brought about by oil
slicks, acid rain, and urban sprawl. When considering the freshwater level of
the world, it is only about 3% available whole the world, from that half of that
only accessible from rivers, lakes or the ground while the rest of that are being
locked into to inaccessible stores such as glaciers. The International Water
Management Institute estimates that nearly every country south of 35N
latitude will experience economic or physical water scarcity by 2025. At
present some 11% of the world’s land surface is used in crop production. Most
of the time clean drinking water is costlier than fuel in some countries and
water is turning into a monetary and political concern as the human populace
battles for this need. Wastes from industrial and agricultural activities pollute
the water that is used by humans, animals, and plants.

(3) Soil and Land Pollution - With the expansion of the global
population, demand for the land has increased. Therefore, the competition to
acquire land areas to meet human needs among the peoples may result in
pollution. Land pollution simply means degradation of the earth’s surface as a
result of human activities like mining, littering, deforestation, industrial,
construction, and agricultural activities. Land pollution can have a huge
environmental impact on air pollution and soil pollution, which in turn can
hurt human health.

(4) Noise Pollution

(a) It is regular exposure to the elevated sound level that may lead
to adverse effects in humans or other living organism. According to the
World Health Organization, a sound level less than 70 dB is not
damaging to a living organism, regardless of how long or consistent
the exposure is. The exposure of more than 8 hours to constant noise
beyond 85 dB may be hazardous.


(b) Apart from that continued exposure to hazardous noises is

caused to the human health in various ways like hypertension, hearing
loss, sleep disturbances, psychological dysfunctions, etc.

(5) Radioactive Pollution - Radioactive pollution is the physical pollution

of living organism and their environment as a result of the release of
radioactive substances into the environment during the nuclear explosion and
testing of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapon production and decommissioning,
mining of radioactive ores, handling and disposable radioactive waste and
accident at the nuclear power plant. Nuclear tests are carried out to determine
the effectiveness, yield, and explosive capability of nuclear weapons.

11. Deforestation Issues.

a. According to the state of the world’s forests 2020 conversation, it revealed

that only 31 percent of the global land areas are available, but not are equally
distributed around the globe. Almost half of the forest area is relatively intact, and
more than one-third is primary forest. More than half of the world’s forests are found
in only five counties like Brazil, Canada, China, the Russian Federation, and the
United State of America.

b. Therefore, deforestation and forest degradation continue to take place at

alarming rates, which contributes significantly to the ongoing loss of biodiversity.
According to the state of the world’s forests 2020 conversation, since 1999, it is
estimated that some 420 million hectares of forest have been lost through conversion
to other land uses, although the rate of deforestation has decreased over the past three
decades. Between 2015 and 2020, the rate of deforestation was estimated at 10
million hectares per year, down from 16 million hectares per year in the 1990s the
area of primary forest worldwide has decreased by over 80 million hectares since


c. Large-scale agriculture expansion continued that deforestation and which may

have resulted in a change of biodiversity, soil erosion, increased greenhouse gas in the
atmosphere, desertification, displacement of populations, etc.

12. Loss of Biodiversity Issues.

Biodiversity, the diversity of life on earth, is essential to the healthy functioning of the
ecosystem. Biodiversity has declined at an alarming rate in recent years due to the impact of
human beings on the environment, which is now happening up to ten thousand times faster
than for millions of years before. According to the Global Biodiversity Outlook Report
(2020), as a planet, we are fallen to me all the targets set for slowing down biodiversity
destruction by 2020. As a result of that following facts can be illustrated as some of the main
causes, affected by the loss of biodiversity.

(1) Climate Change - Climate change impacts biodiversity at various levels,

species distribution, population dynamic, community structure, and the functioning of
the ecosystem.

(2) Pollution - When talking about pollution, car exhaust fumes billowing into the
atmosphere, not only that it is also affected by noise pollution and light pollution.

(3) Destruction of Habit - Habitat destruction is a major cause of biodiversity

loss. Habitat loss is caused by deforestation, overpopulation, pollution, and global
warming. Soil pollution and changes in its uses due to activities such as deforestation
hurt ecosystems and the species that make them up.

(4) Invasive Alien Species - An invasive alien species is an introduced organism

that becomes overpopulated and harms its new environment, which is the second
biggest cause of loss of biodiversity in the world. Although most introduced species
are natural or beneficial concerning other species, inverse species adversely affect
habitats and bioregions, causing ecological, environmental, and economic damage.


(5) Over Exploitation of Natural Resources

(a) The overexploitation of natural resources, that is where the demand for
the natural resources is greater than that their natural regeneration.

(b) Apart from that, Rapid growth of the population, and unsustainable
consumption patterns are leading to the loss of biodiversity. Another example
is the destruction of coral reefs in the various oceans, which support the rich
marine life.

13. Natural Resources Depletion Issues.

a. The depletion of natural resources occurs when resources are consumed at a

faster rate than that of replacement. The Natural resource of the nation can be divided
into renewable recourses and nonrenewable resources. Natural resources contribute in
large to the economic development of the nation. Depletion of natural resources is
another crucial current environmental problem in the world due to the large demand
by humans for so many natural resources that it would need almost 1.5 earths to cover
all our needs. This will further increase in the future due to massive industrialization
in Asian countries like India and China. Increased use of natural resources leads to
several other environmental issues, such as industrialization, population growth, and
air pollution.

b. The demand for natural resources when increasing over time cause to
depletion of natural resources, which also leads to an energy crisis. The chemicals
emitted from many natural resources contribute to climate change. Fossil fuel
consumption results in the emission of greenhouse gases, which is primarily
responsible for global warming and climate change.

c. Globally, people are making efforts to shift to renewable sources of energy

like solar, wind, biogas, and geothermal energy. As such, the cost of installing the
infrastructure and maintaining these sources has plummeted in recent years.


14. Public Health Issues.

a. The current environmental problem poses a lot of risks to the health of humans
and animals. Environmental factors can have a major influence on human health due
to both natural and human-caused events. Dirty water is the biggest health risk in the
world and poses a threat to the quality of life and public health. Apart from that here
can explore key environmental factors that affect the health of humans.

(1) Chemical safety

(2) Air pollution
(3) Climate change and natural disaster
(4) Diseases caused by microbes
(5) Lack of access to health care
(6) Infrastructure issues
(7) Poor water quality
(8) Global environmental issues

b. Further, runoff to rivers carries with it toxins, chemicals, and disease-carrying

organisms. Pollutants cause respiratory diseases like Asthma and cardiac-vascular
problems. High temperatures encourage the spread of infectious diseases like Dengue.
Poor industrial hygiene is another example of how the environment can impact
wellness. In other words, industries that are irresponsible with manufacturing and
waste disposal may be poisoning the natural world, impacting our physical wellbeing.

15. Genetic Engineering Issues.

a. Genetic engineering is the process of using biotechnology to modification of

food. Genetic modification of food results in increased toxins and diseases as genes
from an allergic plant can transfer to the target plant. When this waste ends up in
landfills, it generates enormous amounts of methane, which ranks as one of the worst
greenhouse gases because of its high potential for global warming. It creates severe
explosion hazards. It is a serious environmental problem as an engineered gene may
prove toxic to wildlife. Another drawback is that increased use of toxins to make
insect resistant plants can cause resultant organisms to become resistant to antibiotics.


b. The rapid growth of the global population caused seek to more demand for
foods and the technological expansion leads genetic engineering methods to fill the
vacuum demand by the human without considering the future generations. This hyper-
consumption results in non-biodegradable trash in the form of plastic packaging, toxic
e-waste, and harmful chemicals that leach into our waterways. If humans continue
moving forward in such a harmful way towards the future, then there will be no future
to consider. Although it’s a fact that we cannot physically stop our ozone layer from
thinning (and scientists are still having trouble figuring out what is causing it exactly),
there are still so many things we can do to try and put a dent in what we already
know. Since modern technology allows us to access digital environments, many
things that you need can be fulfilled in the cloud. Consider your purchases carefully.

16. Waste Disposal Issues.

Disposing of waste has huge environmental impacts and can cause serious problems.
The overconsumption of resources and the creation of plastics are creating a global crisis of
waste disposal, because plastic tends to produce toxic substances, such as dioxins, when they
are burnt. Developed countries are notorious for producing excessive waste or garbage and
dumping their waste in the oceans and less developed countries. Gases from incineration may
cause air pollution and contribute to acid rain, while the ash from incinerators may contain
heavy metals and other toxins. Plastic, fast food, packaging, and cheap electronic wastes
threaten the wellbeing of humans. Waste disposal is, therefore, one of the urgent current
environmental problems.

17. Protecting the Oceans Issues.

a. Global warming is causing the sea level to rise. Although it covers over 70
percent of the surface of the planet, the oceans of the world are under serious threat.
Therefore, the following biggest problem can be discovered in the threat to the ocean
right now.


(1) Plastic - The ocean has become the giant waste dumping for plastic
soup that kills hundreds of marine animals daily. As a result, these millions of
plastic pieces will end up in the humans’ food circle sooner or later.

(2) Trash - The amount of litter left on the beaches or thrown into the
inland waterways, such as rivers and streams, will end up in the ocean. The
situation is more serious when it comes to non-biodegradable waste, such as
plastics, which break up into smaller particles, micro plastics, and are
mistaken for food by many marine species. Apart from that, the islands of
garbage are already a reality in some areas of the ocean.

(3) Overexploitation of Fishing Resources

(a) Fishing is an economic activity. Therefore, a major concern

right now is the problem of overfishing, but overfishing is having
drastic effects on the future of both ocean and land dwellers. Gathering
as many fish as possible may seem like a profitable practice, but
overfishing has serious consequences. The result not only affects the
balance of life in the oceans, but also the social and economic
wellbeing of the coastal communities who depend on fish for their way
of life. Therefore, with increased overfishing without sustainable
management, many fish stocks are reduced to below acceptable levels.

(b) Apart from that, there are other serious environmental problems
related to the oceans such as damage to ecosystems due to global
warming, dumping of pollutants, wastewater, marine engineering and
oil drilling, fuel spills, ocean acidification, and coral bleaching. The
UN calls for improved management of protected areas, giving them
sufficient resources, and reducing overfishing, pollution, and
acidification of the ocean caused by the increase in the earth's


(4) The Energy Transition and Renewables

(a) Energy can create transformational opportunities. For the

million people in the world who lack access to electricity, while energy
accounts for 60% of global greenhouse emissions, the UN calculates
that 13% of the world population lacks access to electricity and that 3
billion people depend on fossil fuels for cooking.

(b) Therefore, an energy revolution based on renewable and energy

efficient is urgently needed just to accelerate economic progress and
development. Meanwhile, there should be a more accessible and
efficient model based on the use of renewable energy sources to build
communities that are more sustainable, inclusive, and resistant to
environmental problems like climate change.

Solutions to Environmental Issues

18. By Erich Lawsom (2019). For years now, humans have mistreated and contaminated
the very environment that sustains them. But the broad concern for the environment can be so
overwhelming that people don’t know what to do or where to start making a difference.

19. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation to Global Warming.

a. Climate change mitigation involves human interventions that reduce

greenhouse gas emissions from sources or enhance their removal from the atmosphere
by the sink. Responding to climate change involves two possible approaches, such as
reducing and stabilizing the level of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
and adapting to the climate change already in the pipeline.

b. The first approach emission-reducing measures from sources, includes

improving energy efficiency and replacing fossil fuel sources (Oil, Gas, and Coal)
with renewable energy alternatives such as Wind, Solar, and Hydropower. The second


one is the de-carbonization of heat and transport with electricity and hydrogen
presenting alternatives to fossil fuels.

c. Further, global warming is the long-term heating of the earth’s climate system
due to the change of climate in long term globally. Therefore, here can be listed some
effective solutions to overcome these problems.

(1) Invest in and encourage the production of sustainable technology.

(2) Commercial and residential buildings should aim to achieve zero-
emission or zero-waste.
(3) Improve waste compaction in landfills with smart technology.
(4) Increase forest cover, restore sea gasses and boost the use of
agriculture cover crops to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

20. Solutions to Water Pollution and Ocean Acidification

Humans have been described as the world’s greatest evolutionary force with pollution
and human impacts on the environment have risen steadily. Rapid urban development,
improper sewage disposal by industries, oil spills, disposal of chemical and radioactive
wastes, and plastic pollution are some of the major causes of water pollution. Ocean
acidification occurs when the CO2 absorbed by the seawater undergoes a series of chemical
reactions which leads to increased concentration of hydrogen, thus making the seawater more
acidic. Therefore, the following facts may help prevent water pollution and ocean

a. Practice more effective measures to contain spills.

b. Curtail warm water runoff and plant trees near bodies to reduce soil erosion.
c. Expand the network which monitors the measuring of acidity levels to provide
researchers and shellfish farmers with long-term and real term pH data.
d. Incorporate ocean acidification threats into the coastal zone management plans
of states.
e. Increase marine protection measures.


21. Solutions to Deforestation

a. Deforestation is a real problem in the world today and deforestation also

brings social problems. Forests are one of the most important ecosystems on earth.
Nearly one-third of people in the world depend directly on forests for their

b. Ending deforestation is the best chance we have to stabilize our climate, save
wildlife species and protect our well being. Protecting the forest is our mutual
responsibility, no matter how far away we live from the nearest one. Adopt some of
these strategies to help prevent the loss of more trees.

(1) Plant trees

(2) Use less paper, recycle paper and cardboard
(3) Buy a recycled product and then recycle them again
(4) Support the products of companies that are committed to reducing
(5) Raise awareness in your circle and your community
(6) Don’t use Palm Oil or product with Palm Oil

22. Solutions to Loss of Biodiversity

There is so much life on this planet that it is estimated 86 percent of species are still
undiscovered. Biodiversity is becoming a bigger problem than we ever thought it could be.
Biodiversity helps maintain the balance of the ecosystem and provide biological resources
which are crucial to our existence. Loss of biodiversity can be countered in several ways.

a. Government should create and implement stricter policies and laws related to
the conservation of biodiversity.
b. Stop habitat destruction and encourage its restoration.
c. Practice sustainable living.
d. Reduce invasive species.
e. Research innovative ways to preserve biodiversity and educate the populace
about it.


23. Solutions to Natural Resources Depletion

Global Footprint Network (2018). The demand for natural recourses was increased
when the expansion of economic development. Therefore, we are using more natural
resources, materials the earth provides that enable economic gain. These substances include
minerals, forests, water, fertility, soil, and more. In many cases, we are using these resources
faster than nature can replenish them. Conserving natural resources is a broad topic that can
be mitigated to some extent by adhering, following things to start protecting the earth’s

a. Use Electricity More Efficient. Most of the time, coal and natural gas
was used globally to produce electricity, therefore, the electricity can be conserved
simply by turnings off and unplugging them when we are not using them and
introducing more energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. Further, advanced
technologies, such as smart thermostats, also help conserve energy by automatically
turning appliances on and off as needed.

b. Use More Renewable Energy. At present 63 percent of energy

consumption is being risen from fossil fuels, which are natural resources that only
replenish over an extremely long time. Therefore, wind and sunlight can also be used
to generate electricity as renewable resources. Renewable energy also doesn’t release
greenhouse gases, which are causing climate change.

c. Promote Sustainable Fishing Rules.

(1) Currently, the fishing method leads to altered the entire ecosystem and
hurting coastal economies that depend on fishing. Reducing destructive fishing
practice is probably the area where the most fasted progress can be made,
because many fishing methods destroy reefs, catch undersized species, and
have a huge level of bycatch.

(2) Apart from that, introducing new laws and ensuring existing ones stay
in a place that protects at-risk fish populations and ecosystems is crucial to
preventing these problems and the need to reduce illegal fishing and the


effects of environmentally destructive fishing techniques. Further, need to

come together to educate people and lobby for the preservation and
conservation of our sensitive oceans.

d. Avoid Single Use of Plastic. Single-use plastic or disposable create a

long-term issue. Plastics take roughly 450 years to decompose, therefore researchers
predicted that by the year 2050 there will be 12 billion tons of plastic waste in the
natural environment. So it is important to take a step back and recognize the
implications excessive plastic waste has on the environment to understand the
significance of cutting back on single-use of plastic by focusing following facts.

(1) Educate yourself.

(2) Educate others.
(3) Purchase reusable items.
(4) Influence to find greener alternatives.
(5) Think head to reduce plastic waste.

e. Drive Less. By using alternative forms of transportation, staying close to

home and making small changes to the ways of driving or introducing new eco-
friendly vehicles like an electric car, this will be more benefitted to cut off the
environmental pollution.

f. Recycle More and Improve Recycling System. There are plenty of

benefits to recycling that make it an alternative idea, and there are a few steps to take
some innovative ideas to improve recycling.

(1) Return to the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and recycling).

(2) Buy recycled.
(3) Anticipate recycling.
(4) Avoid using garbage bags.
(5) Refrain from shredding paper.
(6) Properly recycle e-waste.
(7) Keep recyclables clean, empty, and dry.
(8) Reuse your water.


g. Use Sustainable Agriculture Practices. The production of plant and

animal products is including foods, in a way that farming techniques protect the
environment, public health, communities, and the welfare of animals. Further, it
contributes, to environmental conservation, saves energy for the future, prevents
pollution, prevents soil erosion, reduction in cost, sustainable livestock management
and protects biodiversity. Sustainable agriculture allows us to produce and enjoy
healthy foods without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same.
The key to sustainable agriculture is the right balance between the need for food
production and the preservation of environmental ecosystems. Hence, the following
steps can be considered a method of sustainable agriculture.

(1) Crop rotation.

(2) Permaculture.
(3) Cover crops.
(4) Soil enrichment.
(5) Natural pest predators.
(6) Bio-intensive integrated pest management.
(7) Polyculture farming.
(8) Agroforestry.
(9) Biodynamic farming.
(10) Better water management.

h. Promote Sustainable Forest Management.

(1) Sustainable forestry benefits are multifold and embrace economic,

social, and ecological aspects. The implementation of sustainable forestry
practices is important as it helps protect forests, from conversion to
agricultural, urban, and industrial use.

(2) Sustainability in forestry is archived through weighted decision making

that considers economic, social, and ecological aspects of development. The
work best in a combination of these three aspects, which create a better good


result for forest management, and if one of them is underestimated or

overlooked, sustainable forestry implementation won’t not complete.

j. Treat Wastewater Before Discharging It.

(1) Wastewater uses water. It includes substances such as human waste,

food scraps, oil, soap, and chemicals. At home, this includes water from sinks,
showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines, and dishwashers. Businesses
and industries also contribute their share of used water that must be cleaned.
Nature has an amazing ability to cope with a small amount of wastewater and
pollution. But if we treat the billions of gallons of wastewater and sewage
products every day into the environment, nature is not in the position to bear
with it.

(2) Therefore, as a treatment of discharging wastewater, we can use

wastewater potable and usable by employing wastewater treatment
technologies that filter and treat the wastewater by removing contaminants
such as sewage and chemicals. Further, four common ways to treat wastewater
include physical water treatment, biological water treatment, and sludge

24. Solutions to Public Health Issues

a. The environment affects our health in a variety of ways. The interaction

between human health and the environment has been proven to significantly impact
human health, either directly by exposing people to harmful agents, or indirectly by
disrupting life sustain the ecosystem.

b. According to the outline of the World Health organization’s role and

leadership in health, environment, and climate change (2020). “All people attain the
highest possible level of health following the substantial reductions in the
environmental burden of disease and action to counter climate change and other
environmental health threats”. According to that, the outcomes of that can be listed as


(1) Governance mechanisms and capacity of the health sector are

strengthened for inter sectoral action and the health in all policy approach.
(2) Norms, standards, and legal instruments are in place and enforced to
protect people’s health through primary prevention.
(3) Policies are implemented and regularly adapted through monitoring,
evidence-supported solutions, and coordinated research.
(4) Populations who are vulnerable or in vulnerable situations are
protected from environmental and climate change risk in an equitable way,
including during emergencies.

25 A Sustainable Food Model.

A sustainable food system provides healthy food to people and creates a sustainable
environmental, economic and social system that surrounds food. The starting of the
sustainable agriculture system, sustainable food system was started. Furthermore, the current
food system does not provide a healthy diet for everyone. Therefore, the food system is a
major contributor to climate change, responsible for around 30% of global greenhouse gas
emissions. According to that, the UN considers it essential to change the food production
model and our food habits, including a more plant-based diet featuring local ingredients to
save energy and reduce CO2 emissions.



26. Everything we see around us, right from the moment we step outside our home is part
of nature. Nature does not arise spontaneously, but needs years and years to bloom and
blossom. According to researchers, the nature we see today has developed in 4.5 billion
years. Initially, the earth was not sustainable for any kind of living thing.

27. Unfortunately, humans today is polluting nature in such a way that the healing pace
has fallen slowly. Pressures on the environment will continue to increase. The use of plastic,
emission of CO2, production of industrial waste, increased use of chemicals, deforestation,
poaching, and oil spillage in water bodies are serious concerns today. In the meantime, global
population increase, rising incomes, and agricultural and industrial expansion will inevitably
produce unanticipated and potentially deleterious ecological, economic, and human health
consequences. These are not only polluting nature and are also degrading the quality of the
environment needed for the survival of not only animals and birds but also humans.

28. Many people are currently working and getting linked with nature conservation
organizations to preserve and enhance the nature and beauty around us. Environmental
research has proven its value in helping to respond to and prevent many environmental
problems, and it continues to be a wise and necessary investment.

29. An evolving understanding of the complexity, magnitude, and inter-relatedness of

environmental problems lead us to conclude that a New Balance of research programs may be
helpful. Furthermore, generic information about the protective measures for environmental
pollution will help improve understanding of many problems now and in the future. Apart
from that, the development of innovative tools, methods for understanding and managing
environmental problems, long-term collection, and dissemination of accurate environmental
data are also more significant to understanding the behavior of nature.



By Max Roser, Hannah Ritchie and Esteban Ortiz-Ospina World population growth revision
in May 2019.
By Melissa Mayer 2018 What Are Environmental Problems Due to Population Growth?
Updated June 11
the state of the world’s forests 2020, biodiversity and people [EN/AR/RU], 7 august 2020
By Max Roser, Hannah Ritchie and Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, World population growth revision
in May 2019.
Melissa Mayer 2018 What Are Environmental Problems Due to Population Growth? Updated
June 11
Complete Study of Factors Contributing to Air Pollution Jobs Admin — October 29, 2016



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