1. Cadaver is our first teacher. [5] [Anatomy paper I]
2. Discuss the importance of communication skills for a doctor. [5] [Physiology paper I] 3. Role of a physician. [5] [Biochemistry paper I]
1. What are the roles of of a physician? / What are the expected qualities of a physician? Hints :A physician must have certain roles or qualities
2. What is the role of a physician as Communicator?/
Hints— Physician communication skills are associated with improved patient satisfaction, better health outcomes, greater adherence to treatment, and more active self- management of chronic illnesses. Kalamazoo Consensus Statement (Kalamazoo I), identified 7 key elements of communication in clinical encounters: build the relationship, open the discussion, gather information, understand the patient's perspective, share information, reach agreement, and provide closure. It was hoped that by providing a common framework, this expert consensus statement would facilitate the development of communications curriculum and assessment tools in medical education. 3. What is the importance of lifelong learning of a physician?
4. How empathy can be shown to the patient?
5.How to communicate with a bereaved patient?/How to break a bad news to the patient?
5. How to respect a cadaver?/Cadaver is our first teacher.
Hints-- Focusing on humanistic values in the medical curriculum has become increasingly challenging, as medical care has grown to become more technical and medical education has become more centred on procedures. Dissection still plays a key role in the beginning of the medical curriculum as a means of learning the human anatomy. Therefore, the dissection hall would be a logical starting point for humanistic education. Being aware of the ethical and humanitarian values of cadaveric dissection could benefit students by widening their perspective on cadavers during the early stages of their education. Cadaveric dissection is an ancient yet powerful learning tool for medical students.The dissection of a body must be carried out in a respectful manner to show continued reverence towards the deceased person until the very end. The students undergo such training from the beginning of their curriculum with the intention of sensitising them towards the handling of the cadavers and allowing them to understand the significance of a body donor's contribution, thus creating a remarkable impact on their attitude towards cadaver. Undergraduate medical education has undergone considerable changes. Focus is not only directed on acquiring knowledge and obtaining skills, but also on the attitude students develop throughout the learning process. Cadaveric dissection continues to serve as a major learning tool for medical undergraduates and it is sustained by the active voluntary body donation programme, which is the medical schools' main source of cadavers.
6. What is the role of Indian Medical Graduate?
1. Clinician - preventive, promotive, curative, palliative and holistic care with compassion 2. Leader and member of the health care team – collect, analyze, synthesize and communicate health data 3. Communicator - patients, families, colleagues and community 4. Lifelong learner - continuous improvement 5. Professional - ethical, responsive and accountable .
7. What does it mean to be a patient?
Seek help for acute or chronic illness and must cooperate with a doctor Must want to get better quickly . Regarded as being in need of care Patients need to define their problems in an open and full manner. The patient’s right to seek care elsewhere when demands are not satisfactorily met.. Many issues may complicate or negatively affect the doctor- patient relationship if not taken properly into consideration.The Doctor-Patient Relationship itself is part of the therapeutic process. essential for the delivery of high-quality health care in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The doctor-patient relationship is at the core of the practice of healthcare.
The Pearls of Communication, History Taking, and Physical Examination: 450 PACES/OSCE Scenarios. The Road to Passing PACES, OSCE, all internal medicine examinations, and Improving Patient Care