Guide to Biblical Coins - David Hendin
Guide to Biblical Coins - David Hendin
Guide to Biblical Coins - David Hendin
subjects or struck in the time period of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.” Hendin David Hendin
— John W. Betlyon, Biblical Archaeologist
Sixth Edition
is author of Ancient Scale Weights, Cultural
Change, Not Kosher (Forgeries of Ancient Jewish
and Biblical Coins), and Collecting Coins plus
eight non-numismatic books including the
national bestseller Death as a Fact of Life.
In 1985 and 1986 he was chief numismatist of the Joint Sepphoris Project under the
auspices of Duke University and Hebrew University and Duke’s Sepphoris Research
Project in 2011.
FORTY-FIVE YEARS after its first edition, Hendin has revised and updated this
book to reflect relevant discoveries in archaeology and numismatics of ancient Israel.
The metallurgy of Judean coins, symbols on Hasmonean coins, the Hasmonean coin
chronology, Herodian mints, irregular issues, the Jewish War, and coin denominations
are only a few of the topics that Hendin has updated. New to the sixth edition is
numismatic information about the Kingdom of Adiabene, the Ituraean Kingdom, the
Roman Governors of Syria, and coins with images of Old Testament stories. Many
hundreds of new and improved graphics help illuminate the text. The photo plates
have been expanded dramatically as have the images in the catalog and text. Includes The most popular reference ever written for Biblical and Judean coins.
a complete concordance between previous editions of GBC as well as other key Fully revised and updated. Extensive concordance and indices.
references, elaborate end notes, an expanded bibliography, a full index, and an index of
Latin inscriptions on the Judaea Capta coins.
Complete catalog of the Judaea Capta series.
More than 2,000 illustrations and photos.
American Numismatic Society ISBN 9780897223706
75 Varick Street, Floor 11
New York, NY 10013
Cover: A Bar Kokhba coin hoard at the Te'omim Cave.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Boaz Langford.
9 780897 223706
Printed in the United States American Numismatic Society
Guide to
Biblical Coins
Sixth Edition
David Hendin
Copyright © 2010, 2021 American Numismatic Society
Sixth Edition
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized, in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including database, online access, photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
and for
Table of Contents
Information and Acknowledgements................................................xiii
About the Catalog............................................................................ xvii
Rarity............................................................................................... xviii
catalog: Ascalon........................................................................67
catalog: Gaza.............................................................................67
catalog: Philistia........................................................................69
catalog: Edom...........................................................................72
APPENDIX A. Alphabets and Numeric Equivalents.....................555
APPENDIX B. Metrological Chart for Jewish Bronze Coins.........557
APPENDIX C. Index of Latin Legends..........................................559
ABOUT THE AUTHOR..............................................................643
Coins are among the most important historical documents to have sur-
vived from ancient times; coins often help historians define the cultures
that produced them. Two principal benefits a nation derives from hav-
ing its own system of coinage are the abilities to proclaim establishment
of sovereignty and to control an economy. Since their invention in the
seventh century bce in Western Asia Minor, circulating coins have often
been the ultimate preserved documents, indicating sovereignty and defin-
ing independent nations. Because of overriding economic utility, the com-
munication and political-propaganda values of circulating coins are often
overlooked. This importance should not be underestimated, especially at a
time when coins were essentially the most advanced forms of mass com-
munication. Although this may sound simplistic in a day of instant mass
communications, when computers and smartphones are our constant com-
panions, one calls to mind a time when the dissemination of news and
information often took months, or even years. Unlike most artifacts, coins
are often dated. They bear portraits, symbols, political and religious mes-
sages, and even titles and names that may be unknown from other sources.
The coins struck in ancient Judea between the fourth century bce and
the second century ce represent a remarkable and readily available primary
source of information about the history, heritage, and emerging culture of
the Judeo-Christian tradition. Coins witnessed the return of Jews from the
Babylonian captivity, the wars of the Hasmoneans with the Seleucids, the
building and the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, the birth
and ascent of Christianity, and the creation of Rabbinic Judaism.
This sixth edition comes almost 45 years after the book was first pub-
lished under the title Guide to Ancient Jewish Coins. Each subsequent edi-
tion has been approximately 3,000 copies. This sixth edition comes just in
time for me to donate the copyrights and ownership of the book to the
American Numismatic Society, so the ANS can publish it into the future
and collect the revenues.
Each edition of Guide to Biblical Coins is not a dramatic revision, but
an expansion, as needed, for recent research in numismatics, history, and
archaeology. In this edition, I have removed and added coins, updated texts
to reflect current research, and attempted to improve the chronological na-
ture of the listings. These changes required a new numbering system. Once
again, I have used a numbering system that does not duplicate previous
editions. A complete concordance with standard current references and
previous editions is included (p. 533).
When I moved to New York in 1969 my horizons were opened to
a new world of numismatic organizations and collectors who helped me
expand my knowledge. This was conditional not only on my own work
and the assistance of many scholars and collectors but also was cheered
and encouraged by my many friends who were not necessarily involved in
Figure ii. PEANUTS comic strip of January 9, 1986. Copryight © 1986 by Peanuts
Worldwide LLC, reprinted by permission of Andrews and McMeel Syndication.
way of thinking the bce and ce designations are more logical, since Jesus
was almost certainly not born in the year 1.
I am indebted to the many archaeologists, numismatists, and histori-
ans who have written important works on Jewish numismatics and ancient
history that I draw upon. They are listed in the notes and bibliography. A
substantial body of scholars deserves much of the credit; while the amount
of my original research has increased in this edition. I was trained as a
journalist, and have done a journalist’s job of sifting, merging, cutting, and
clarifying the information, and have supplemented it with good stories and
fresh data.
Thanks to all of the collectors who have discussed and made their coins
and photographs available: Ken Abramowitz, Richard Beleson, Brad Bow-
lin, Martin Brody, Guy Clark, Jared Clark, Ken Dorney, Eby Friedman,
Mark Hendin, Terry and Ron Hendin, Roy Hendin, David Jesselsohn,
Doug Kroll, Simcha Kuritzky, Richard McAlee, Andrew McCabe, Aba
Neeman, Moshe Rotberg, Neil Schechter, Elliott Singer, Harry Sneh,
Abraham Sofaer, David Sundman, Patrick Tan, Fred Vink, Daniel Wolf,
and J. Benjamin Yablok.
Thanks to the dealers who have shown me fascinating coins over the de-
cades. First, my friends in Israel: Jamiel Abou Eid (three generations), K. Ba-
idun (three generations), Haj Nabeel Hroob (two generations), Kamal Im-
man, Samir Kando (three generations), Menashe Landesman, Sami Taha,
J. Zadok; and worldwide: John Aiello, Salem Alshdaifat, Harlan and Aaron
Berk, Curtis Clay, Selim Dere, Victor England, Ira Ettinger, Mike Gasvoda,
Ira Goldberg, John Jencek, Jon Kern, Matt Kreuzer, Constantin Marinescu,
Eric McFadden, David Michaels, Bill Rosenblum, Steve Rubinger, Arturo
Russo, Guliano Russo, Wayne Sayles, Shanna Schmidt, Bill Stern, Italo Vec-
chi, William Veres, Ed Waddell, Alan Walker, and Kerry Wetterstrom.
I acknowledge with friendship and appreciation the special contribu-
tions of scholars and friends who always find time to provide reliable ad-
vice and help in developing new insights and aspects of research: Donald
T. Ariel, Rachel Barkay, Gabriela Bijovsky, Ronen Bachar, Rafi Brown,
Andrew Burnett, Robert Deutsch, Yoav Farhi, J.P. Fontanille, Haim
Gitler, Isadore Goldstein, Oliver Hoover, Arthur Houghton, Robert Kool,
Brooks Levy, Cathy Lorber, Andrew Meadows, Carol and Eric Meyers,
Yigal Ronen, Ilan Schachar, Haim Shacham, Yanev Sheuer, Danny Syon,
Oren Tal, David Vagi, Peter Van Alfen, Ute Wartenberg, Peter Weiss, Boaz
Zissu, and David Jacobson. Special thanks to Renee and Frank Kovacs for
their intelligent, scholarly, and frequent assistance over our many years of
friendship. I have collaborated with Nathan Bower of Colorado College
for more than a decade on numerous physical studies of ancient coins. Prof.
Bower put together a remarkable group of colleagues and students, and we
have published many papers together.
Warm thanks to my superb colleagues at the American Numismatic
Society: Autin Andrews, Gilles Bransbourg, Lucia Carbone, David Hill,
Oliver Hoover, Joanne Isaac, Ute Wartenberg Kagan, Jesse Kraft, Emma
Pratt, Andrew Reinhard, Alan Roche, Elena Stolyarik, Peter van Alfen,
and David Yoon.
Photographs are provided courtesy of numerous dealers, private col-
lections, and the author’s personal collection. I note here that the majority
of ancient coins that are “published” each year are published in public sales
or auction catalogs created by the numismatic staff of coin dealers world-
wide. Many of them reach a high standard of excellence of scholarly as
well as commercial importance. I gratefully thank the following dealers for
permission to use coin images from their websites or auctions: Mike Gas-
voda, Victor England, and Eric McFadden (Classical Numismatic Group),
Chris Bierrenbach and Sam Spiegel (Heritage Auctions), Harlan and
Aaron Berk (Harlan J. Berk Ltd.), Ira J. Goldberg (Goldberg Auctions),
Guliano and Arturo Russo (Numismatica Ars Classica), A. Peter Wiess,
M.D. and Alan Walker (Nomos AG), Maxim Schick, and Yves Gunzen-
reiner (Leu Numismatik). Thanks to J. P. Fontanille for the graphics he
provided. For years of assistance and friendship, I thank my colleagues and
friends at the Israel Museum, the British Museum, the Israel Antiquities
Authority, and the Hebrew University Institute of Archaeology.
I also acknowledge friends who are no longer with us, but their stars
shine on all: Jay Galst, Steve Gerson, Fred Jacobs, Ed Janis, Alla Kushnir-
Stein, Leo Mildenberg, G. Momjian, Ehud Netzer, Uriel Rappaport, Mey-
er Rosenberger, Arturo Russo, Nasrallah Sahuri, Shucri Sahuri, Arnold
Spaer, Abu Ali al-Tawil, and Richard Witschonke.
My teachers of many decades have also died. Ya’akov Meshorer was
a dear friend who was most generous with his time and advice since we
first met in 1974. Dan Barag also spent many of his valuable hours sharing
insights and ideas with me and was always ready to discuss and consult.
If I had been studying at university with Meshorer or Barag I would not
have received as many hours of intensive study, friendship, and mentoring.
To this list of departed teachers, I add Alla Kushnir-Stein, to whom I had
the pleasure of presenting the Ya’akov Meshorer Numismatic Prize only a
few months before her death. Shraga Qedar was another dear friend and
mentor from whom I learned valuable lessons. I miss them all.
When I lived in Israel in 1967–1968, my first home was at Ulpan
Metzada in Be’er Sheva, where I studied Hebrew for a bit longer than
three months. Forty-three years later, in 2010, I was invited to participate
in a London conference on Judea and Rome. One of the organizers was
David Jacobson, a distinguished British scholar of Judean numismatics.
Several years later, in an email exchange, he asked me if I had lived in Be’er
Sheva in 1967. It turns out that we were well acquainted in those days and
I am pleased our friendship has been rekindled after so many years.
Herb Kreindler provided broad knowledge a vast library, and his
friendship for more than 50 years. Ronen Bachar is an Israeli numisma-
tist I met almost 40 years ago, when he was only 14 years old. Today he
David Hendin
April 2021
This edition replaces values with rarity because values become outmoded
so quickly. One can check recent realized prices at database websites or
those of many dealers. The websites I recommend are:
(subscription fee),, (subscription fee), Six-,, and
The rarity chart (Table i) is explained on the next page. The rarities
listed for the coins in this book are based on my five-plus decades of study-
ing more than a million coins, as well as information gleaned from many
institutions, collectors, scholars, references, and dealers. (The rarities of the
Roman coins are based on RIC, for example.)
Rarity is somewhat subjective when one considers that 484,000 of the
very rare 1909 S-VDB coins were struck. Sometimes availability of coins is
confused with actual rarity or desirability, but these are not always parallel.
Also note that rarity and monetary value are not necessarily reflective
upon each other. Certain extremely rare coins of the Herodian Dynasty, for
example, may sell for a fraction of the amount of other coins that are only
rare to scarce from the Jewish War series.
The rarity indicators provided here for ancient Jewish coins are offered
as they can be compared within the larger series of such coins, and against
other coins of their own subseries. The rarity of any Hasmonean coin is
thus judged against the universe of Hasmonean coins; likewise, the rar-
ity of Herodian or Jewish War or Bar Kokhba coins is judged against the
universes of each subseries.
About 0.001–0.1% as
Between one and
many as a C coin in any
Fewer than 25 100 examples extant
R3 series. Found in very few
known. depending on the
collections and appear in
the market rarely.
Table i. Rarity chart explanation. Even with these parameters, rarity of ancient coins
is relative and often in flux due to new finds.
1.1. The Ein Gedi Lamp Hoard of 139 prutot in a Herodian oil lamp was hidden in
a plaster wall by a Jew in 60 ce (see p. 16). This amount equalled ½ sheqel plus the
exchange fees, and was intended to bring good luck. (Photo: Israel Museum/Israel
Antiquities Authority.)
Biblical Coins
he word “biblical” refers to the Bible and its time. This includes
the sacred books of Judaism (Old Testament) or the sacred books
of Christianity (Old Testament, New Testament), as well as works
such as the Apocrypha, which are ancient documents but not canonized by
all religions. The Jewish Talmud ( Jerusalem and Babylonian) is not part of
the Bible but consists of commentary and explanations compiled around
the second to the fourth centuries ce and sheds light on earlier times.
The Jewish-Roman historian Josephus wrote several books recapping
the wars and history of the Jewish people through the first century ce,
providing information about places and times mentioned in the Bible. We
also have histories by Dio Cassius, Suetonius, and Philo of Alexandria,
among others.
2 Guide to Biblical Coins
Josephus’s only direct reference to coins, during the Jewish War, is par-
ticularly gruesome:
For one of the [ Judean] refugees in the Syrian ranks was discovered
picking gold coins from his excrements; these pieces, as we have said,
they had swallowed before their departure, because they were all
searched by the rebels and gold was so abundant in the town that they
could purchase for twelve Attic drachmas coin formerly worth five-
and-twenty [throughout Syria the standard of gold was depreciated
to half its former value]. This artifice being, however, detected in one
instance, a rumor ran through the camps that the deserters had come full
of gold, whereupon the Arab rabble with the Syrians proceeded to cut
open the supplicants and search their intestines. No more cruel calamity,
in my opinion, befell the Jews than this: Actually in one night no less
than two thousand were ripped up.1
The New Testament often mentions coins, but there are many dif-
ferent terms, and the exact types of coins are unclear. In the King James
translation, for example, we find the words farthing and penny, among oth-
ers. However, these words often refer to coins that were in circulation at
the time of the translation—in 1611—and this has added to the confusion.
(See pp. 433–38 for further discussion.)
The New Testament, Josephus, and the Talmud all mention the Has-
monean Kings, Herodian Kings, Pontius Pilate, and other kings, prefects,
and procurators. Thus, the adjective “biblical” is appropriate because of the
proximity of these coins in time and place as well as the references to them
or the rulers who issued them. In 1864, Madden refers to “Jewish and
biblical numismatics” as the subject of his book. He cites earlier books in
English by Ackerman, Evans, and Poole that deal with “coins of the New
Rogers noted in 1914 in Jewish Coins, “Perhaps the disappointment
of finding that there is so little [about coins] in the Old Testament and
Apocrypha is in some degree compensated for by the large place which
money occupies in the New Testament…. Many a lesson of divine teach-
ing is drawn from the fact of money: for example the parable of the talents
or pounds; the women searching for the lost piece of silver…. One miracle
at least, the finding of the piece of silver in the fish’s mouth; one Apostle,
S. Matthew, the publican, whose profession was to raise money, whet the
interest of Numismatists.”3
Tradition of Collecting
Humans have been collecting coins for thousands of years. Contents of
multiple ancient coin hoards suggest that some were actually collections,
Collecting Biblical Coins 3
not necessarily in the modern sense of well cataloged sets, but deliberate
accumulations of coins from earlier periods that held meaning for the in-
dividuals who saved them.
I was involved with two of these groups specifically relating to bibli-
cal coins. During the 1980s, a group of 16 gold, silver, and bronze coins
were brought to me for conservation. The coins were found inside a broken
Herodian oil lamp (c. first cen. bce–first century ce), and two large frag-
ments of the lamp accompanied the coins.4 After conservation, I identified
the coins as5 four Roman gold aurei from Domitian, Trajan, and Hadrian
(2); five silver denarii from Mark Antony,6 Trajan (3), and Antoninus Pius;
and seven Bar Kokhba bronze coins. (See p. 16 for the story of another
fascinating hoard.)
The hoard was significant for a few reasons. It was the first recorded
instance when coins of all three metals—gold, silver, and bronze—were
found together in a Bar Kokhba hoard.7 The Bar Kokhba coins literally ap-
pear to be a collection of bronze coins from the Bar Kokhba War. The sev-
en invalidated bronze coins include three coins with lyre or harp, one from
each year of the war, as well as a medium palm tree bronze dated year 2
and three small, palm tree bronzes of year 3.
The hoard provides moving insight into the psyche of a probable Jew-
ish survivor of the Bar Kokhba War. Its owner collected the coins in this
hoard until sometime after 151/152 ce, the date of the Antoninus Pius
gold aureus, the latest coin in the group.
A hoard found by archaeologists in the cave called “Me’arat Ha-Te
‘omim” (Cave of the Twins) on the western edge of the Jerusalem Hills,
is another meaningful collection.8 This hoard contained nine silver and
one bronze coin and a sewing needle. The earliest coin was a Hasmonean
bronze prutah, and the latest were two year 3 zuzim of Bar Kokhba. In ad-
dition to the valid currency in the hoard (2 Bar Kokhba zuzim, 1 Roman
provincial tridrachm, 5 Roman drachms or denarii), the group also con-
tained one Jewish war sheqel and the Hasmonean prutah of more than 150
years earlier.
This led us to conclude, “this family’s savings also constituted some-
thing of a collection.”9
Finders Keepers?
“Finders keepers, losers weepers” is mostly accurate for generic lost objects.
In ancient times, it did not necessarily work that way. The Talmud ad-
dresses the subject of lost coins and offers some interesting twists.
In Talmud Baba Metzia, the question is posed, “If one found a sela
coin in the market, and his friend encountered him and said to him: ‘the
coin is mine,’ and the claimant went on to state one of the following fea-
tures of the coin: ‘it is new’ or ‘it is a Neronian,’ or ‘it is of king so-and-so,’
he has said nothing of significance and the finder may keep the coin” (BT
Baba Metzia 25b ). Therefore, it turns out that “finders keepers” is an old
concept, and the Talmud was already repeating wisdom from earlier times.
However, what if a person’s name was actually written on the coin?
Ancient coins often carry graffiti, the scratching or stamping of symbols,
letters, or even names upon coins. Athenian and Ptolemaic tetradrachms,
and similar ancient coins often carry graffiti.
As usual, the Talmud’s discussion is wise: “But even if [the claimant’s]
name is written on [the coin], he has said nothing of significance because
there is no valid identifying mark for a coin” (BT Baba Metzia 25b ). Yes,
one can scratch his name on a coin, but the rabbis recognized that, “For
[the finder] can say: ‘Perhaps [the claimant] spent [the coin] and it fell
from another person.’”
Thus, a name or graffito only proves the coin was once in your hands,
not that you owned it forever. As the ArtScroll Talmud commentary notes,
“Since coins are commonly spent, we must consider the possibility that
the claimant previously bought something with one of his inscribed coins,
and it was the seller who subsequently lost it. Moreover, it is probable that
the claimant wrote his name on more than one coin. Therefore, even if the
claimant really lost a coin with his name on it, the coin that was found may
not be his. So, a signature on a coin is never considered a simian (reliable
sign or symbol).”
On the other hand, “if someone found a coin with a unique identifying
mark, it would be treated as any other lost object, which must be announced
and returned.” (This line of argument from the footnote refers to the influ-
ential thirteenth-century Spanish Rabbi known as the Ramban.)10 In this
case, we not only see an ancient reference to graffiti on coins (Fig. 1.3),
but also get a glimpse into the way the ancient rabbis discuss the contents
of the Talmud.
Another interesting point in Talmud Baba Metzia is the mention
of the lost coin as a “Neronian.” This description identifies the coin as a
“Neronian sela.” These are the tetradrachms of Nero, struck at Antioch dur-
ing Nero’s reign (Fig. 1.4). They represented an important portion of the
coinage of ancient Israel in the second part of the first century ce.
There is reference to these tetradrachms in M. Kelim (17:12), “In a
light-hole which was not made by the agency of man, the size required is
6 Guide to Biblical Coins
as large as a big fist, such as the fist of Ben Battiah. Said R. Jose: And this
[fist] is as large as a big head of a man. If [the light-hole], however, was
made by the agency of man, [the Sages] fixed the size to be as large as a
hole made with the large [carpenter’s borer kept in the Temple cell], which
is as large as an Italian dupondium or as large as a Neronian sela.”11
It is not as easy to collect coins today as it has been over the past 200 years.
But, one can still acquire genuine ancient coins at reasonable prices.
Our best advice for both museums and collectors is to buy coins from
dealers with known reputations for reliability and to use proper documen-
tation procedures. There are many good dealers in Europe and the United
States, and they will vouch for the authenticity and known provenance of
the coins they sell.
In recent years some individuals have spoken out in the belief that
collecting ancient coins—by individuals or institutions—is not a proper
endeavor because it may trample aspects of cultural heritage. My view is
that the very existence of coins negates those arguments. Quite simply,
coins were invented to allow commerce within and between societies and
nations. One can certainly make the cultural heritage argument with re-
gard to certain pieces of art or architecture. Temples, statues, and mosaics
were built to stay. But in ancient times, like today, coins were manufac-
tured with the intention of wide circulation, and in very large numbers, in
the millions. Not a single country in the world today considers its current
coinage to be objects of cultural heritage. Large numbers of Western fami-
lies originated in Europe, Africa, Asia, or the Middle East. Therefore, the
cultural heritage of these numerous, deliberately circulated objects should
be something to be shared and enjoyed.
I believe every source country should have its own laws regarding the
excavation and removal of ancient objects. Each nation should enforce its
own regulations appropriately. On the other hand, no nation should be
Collecting Biblical Coins 7
1.4. Neronian sela (tetradrachm of Nero) minted at Antioch in 63/64 ce. This type
circulated widely in the ancient Holy Land and was used in the Talmud to describe
the size of a light-hole.
able to claim the ownership rights to coins or objects that circulated away
or were manufactured elsewhere. For example, ancient Roman coins were
manufactured and circulated throughout Europe and the ancient world
as part of the Roman Empire. Except in its location, ancient Rome has
no relationship with the nation Italy of today, which may have no right to
claim coins at all, but certainly not to claim coins that have never been in
Italy. One country in the world, England, has developed a sophisticated
Treasure Trove law that accommodates collectors, museums, and archae-
ologists. Indeed, the British law has resulted in the employment of a sig-
nificant number of professional archaeologists in districts throughout the
country and the accumulation of a considerable amount of knowledge.
As for buying coins in the Middle East, each country has its own rules.
In Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt it is not legal to purchase coins and
export them.
In Israel, the antiquities trade is a controversial issue. However, Israel
is the only country in the Middle East at this writing that licenses dealers
for ancient coins and artifacts and allows them to sell coins for export. This
situation is based on Israel’s 1978 Antiquity Law. Here is advice for collec-
tors or dealers who wish to purchase ancient coins in Israel. “We welcome
collectors or dealers who visit Israel and wish to buy ancient coins. We ask
you to obey the rules,” says archaeologist Amir Ganor, director of the Israel
Antiquity Authority’s (IAA) Robbery Prevention Unit.
It is legal to purchase ancient coins and objects only from dealers with
current IAA licenses.
Once a buyer purchases an item and receives a receipt (which must
include the dealer’s specific inventory number), the object and receipt must
be presented to the IAA for export approval. This is a completely comput-
erized process and is performed online by the dealer.
It is highly recommended by the IAA that the dealer should ship the
object to the buyer after the export license is approved. All licensed dealers
maintain a numbered photographic database of their inventories.
8 Guide to Biblical Coins
Purchasers who wish to carry their objects out of Israel must make an
appointment with the IAA numismatic department, which will view the
coins and then forward the request for export to the Robbery Prevention
Unit for final approval. This process can often take several weeks, as well as
a time-consuming appointment for the initial examination. For this rea-
son, shipping by the dealer is recommended.
The folks who work at the IAA are reasonable people, and their job
is to enforce the existing laws. Keep in mind that the IAA does not guar-
antee authenticity when licensing exports, although they may refuse to
approve coins that are not authentic. Furthermore, prices can vary greatly
from dealer to dealer. If you are not an expert, you should be extremely
cautious when buying coins from a dealer with whom you do not have an
ongoing relationship.
Whether you visit Israel or order by phone or internet, the rules are
the same. All coins exported must have an official license from the IAA.
Just in case you are one of the lucky ones who finds a coin at a beach
or a site, the law now specifically states that you must report it to the IAA
within 14 days. If you are lucky, “there have been cases in which we let the
finders be keepers,” according to an IAA official.
For up-to-date information as well as an English version of the full
Israel Antiquities Law, check the IAA website at
I could dine out for weeks on the stories I have heard. An Arab dealer
once bought a handful of small Jewish bronzes from a peasant for a few
dollars. In the group, he was lucky to find one of the extremely rare me-
norah coins of Mattathias Antigonus, at the time worth some $10,000.
(Today worth several times more.) He sold the coin and used the money
to buy himself a wife. A couple of years later he had enough of the wife, so
he went to the person to whom he had sold the coin and asked if he would
be willing to accept an exchange—the wife for the coin.
Once I looked at several coins in a small Old City shop, whose pro-
prietor I did not know. He singled out one overpriced coin and told me:
“David Hendin offered $600 for this one.” I nodded and said, “I think you
should sell it to him,” and left. I have never returned to that particular shop,
so he still has not yet had the pleasure of formally meeting David Hendin.
1.5. Abu Anton (Kando) in his East Jerusalem shop, 1970s. (Rose Kando)
1.6. Abu Ali al-Tawil with the author in Jerusalem’s Old City around 1980.
Collecting Biblical Coins 11
born. Abu Ali al-Tawil (father of Ali, the tall one—to differentiate him
from a shorter Abu Ali with similar business interests) was well known by
Israeli antiquities enthusiasts. Moshe Dayan wrote that he often bought
antiquities from Abu Ali (Fig. 1.6), who also once saved the famous gen-
eral’s life:
“I do not think anyone has ever succeeded in duping Abu Ali by try-
ing to sell him a fake antique or a counterfeit coin. Whenever I bought
anything from him, I could always be sure that it was authentic.
“One day I received a message from him telling me that he had a beau-
tiful earthenware censer that he was sure would interest me. We arranged
to meet in Jerusalem and there I saw it.... I bought it and asked where it
had been discovered. Abu Ali said it was found in a cave south of Bethle-
hem. I asked him to take me there. I wished to see what kind of cave it was,
whether a burial cave, a dwelling, or one used for pagan rites.
“He promised to do so and we fixed a date. But shortly before we were
due to meet, he informed me that he was very busy and asked for a post-
ponement. He postponed the next meeting too on some pretext or other. I
refrained from interrogating too closely one so much smarter than I, and I
just went on waiting. The hoped-for day finally arrived and we set out for
the cave.
“We passed Bethlehem, and about half way along the road to Hebron
we turned off westward along a dirt track in the direction of the foothills....
[I saw what] had once been a burial cave. The remains of skeletons were
still there. But in the course of time it had been used as a sheepfold and as
shelter for shepherds in heavy rains....
“Now that my curiosity about the cave had been satisfied, I asked Abu
Ali why he had kept postponing our visit. ‘Oh, Wazir,’ he replied, ‘this cave
was being used at the time by a band of PLO saboteurs. It was they who
began digging in their spare time and they who unearthed the ancient ves-
sels and put them on the market. How, then, could I bring you here, you
who are Minister of Defense? I had to wait until they moved elsewhere.
Imagine what would have happened if I had brought you while they were
still here. Either they would have opened fire on you, in which case your sol-
diers would have shot me; or you would have shot them, in which case their
comrades would have suspected me of betraying them and delivering them
into your hands, and then they would have murdered me and my children.’”12
Abu Ali died in 1993, in Bethlehem, at age 60. He had been ill with
cancer for some time. I had often met with Abu Ali over the previous
20 years. For a while, he owned a little nut and sweet shop near Manger
Square in Bethlehem. Over six feet tall, with a strong, handsome face al-
ways framed by a white kafeyah, the traditional Bedouin headdress, Abu
Ali cut a colorful figure. When I visited Abu Ali, he sometimes showed me
coins or antiquities. Over the years, via friends as interpreters, he told me
many stories, including the one of how he found and sold the Dead Sea
Scrolls to Kando.13
12 Guide to Biblical Coins
Only about three weeks before Abu Ali died, Khalil Iskander Kando,
age 83, also of Bethlehem, died. Unlike Abu Ali, Kando had been an official-
ly licensed antiquities dealer for decades. Kando operated a small shop in a
room above his gift shop, adjoining the St. George Hotel in East Jerusalem.
Kando, called Abu Anton, wore a burgundy fez and traditional white
robes each time I saw him. A tall man with larger-than-life features, he
took delight in showing me coins and artifacts. Kando never wanted to talk
about the scrolls. Yet, in a nook off the stairway to his tiny, second-floor
antiquity shop stood one of the very jars in which they were found. No
matter how often I asked, he would never pose next to it for a photograph.
Once in the 1970s, I sat across from Abu Anton and looked at ancient
coins. He was cleaning one in a jar of dilute sulfuric acid he kept on his
desk for that purpose. As we talked, he took a dental bridge out of his
mouth and dipped it into the acid. Next, he brushed it with the toothbrush
he had been using to clean coins. Kando shook off the dental work and
returned it to his mouth, resumed talking and never even puckered.
Abu Ali, a finder of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Abu Anton, their first
buyer, were both publicity shy. Reputations were tarnished during the
1950s when, reportedly, some scrolls were deliberately cut up and sold in
pieces to extract higher prices from the market.
Yet the two men had honorable reputations. Ya’akov Meshorer, chief
curator of archaeology at The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, told me “from
1967, when we had dealings with him, Kando was always generous with
the Museum.”
When I telephoned my friend Samir Kando in Bethlehem to express
condolences on his father’s death, he said, “Aye, David, we are only guests
in this life. But what we touch may live forever.”
…there were Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men, from every nation
under heaven (Acts 2:5).
Jews from all over the ancient world traveled to the Holy Land to
pray at the Jerusalem Temple. In addition to traditions and languages, they
brought their own property—including money of their native lands, coins
picked up along the way, or local bronze coins.
Throughout the ancient Near East, scores of kinds of money, weight
standards, and currency systems came together. A network of independent
moneychangers evolved to deal with this. They provided a critical service,
especially in Jerusalem, where visiting Jews needed to change their local
Collecting Biblical Coins 13
money into silver coins from Tyre to pay their statutory annual half-sheqel
dues to the Temple. (See p. 438 for further discussion.)
At one time, the moneychangers were so ubiquitous and rowdy in con-
ducting their business, that they brought unwanted attention onto them-
And Jesus entered the Temple and cast out all those who were buy-
ing and selling in the Temple, and overturned the tables of the money
changers… (Matthew 21:12).
Sheqalim 2.13, where a merchant from far away who supplied the Temple
in Jerusalem with wine, oil, or cereals, asked to be paid in the currency of his
own country but was paid instead by the Temple authorities in whatever cur-
rency happened to be handy. It was noted that if he wished, he could then go
to a moneychanger and convert his money into his own currency.”16
Thus, there were three major functions of the moneychangers in the
ancient Holy Land: foreign exchange, breaking large denominations into
smaller ones and vice versa, and banking.
Fees charged to change money into Tyrian sheqels and half-sheqels used
for payment of dues to the Jerusalem Temple are of special interest.
The Talmud interprets these transactions in specific ways. We dis-
cussed this topic with Rabbi Benjamin Yablok, a numismatist and Tal-
mudic scholar. He observes that the Talmud specifies that if a man went
to the Temple and wanted to pay his half-sheqel, but only had a full sheqel
and needed change, it created a special situation. The man had to give to
the Temple not only the silver Tyre sheqel, but also a fee of “two kolbonot”
(the plural of kolbon). He received credit for full payment and would re-
ceive a half-sheqel as his change. In a footnote to his translation of the
Mishnah, Herbert Danby explains that the surcharge was “compensation
to the Temple’s sheqel-collectors to reimburse them for any loss incurred
in changing the sheqels or half-sheqels into or out of other money.” (This
statement refers to their subsequent transactions with moneychangers).17
A person should not be able to save by skipping the moneychanger, and
instead any benefit should go to the Temple. This belief reflects the early
1.7. Sheqel plus surcharge: If a Jew in the early first century paid his annual Temple
dues with a Tyre sheqel, he actually paid one sheqel plus a surcharge of two kolbonot,
equaling 11 prutot. His change would be a half-sheqel. Shown here is one sheqel of Tyre
plus 11 prutot of the Roman procurators of ancient Judea.
Collecting Biblical Coins 15
rabbinic principal of Yafeh Koach Hekdesh, which means that the Temple
must be the greatest beneficiary of any transaction
The moneychanger’s fee to make change for one sheqel was one kolbon.
The Temple’s financial experts looked at the transaction described above as
a double one, hence requiring two kolbonot as a fee (Fig. 1.7). The Talmud
goes a step further. If two men went to the Temple together and wanted
to pay their half-sheqels together with a single sheqel coin, they still had to
pay the two kolbonot fee. If they each paid with correct change, a half-sheqel
coin, there was no fee.
The Talmud mentions a unit called a ma‘ah, equal to one twenty-
fourth selah (the Aramaic equivalent to sheqel). In the Israelite period (Iron
Age), the Judahite sheqel was broken into 24 (or 20) gerot. The ma‘ah or
gerah equaled about 4.2% of a sheqel. The precise amount of the kolbon fee
is subject to dispute. Some Rabbis said the fee equaled one-half ma‘ah, but
Rabbi Meir posited that it equaled a full ma‘ah.
The kolbon may have equaled either about 4.2% of a sheqel or 2.1% of
a sheqel. Thus, the kolbon for this transaction was equal to either 11 or 5.5
prutot, based on the exchange standard during the late Second Temple pe-
riod (c. 6–70 ce), when the sheqel was worth 256 prutot, and the half-sheqel,
128 prutot. (Different sources calculate the number of prutot to the sheqel
differently; the Talmudic reference to 768 prutot per sheqel may refer to
Hasmonean and Herodian coins, which were lighter than those from the
Roman period in Second Temple period Jerusalem.)
Rabbi Isadore Goldstein explains that Rashi (the famous medieval com-
mentator on the Talmud) believed that the kolbon was paid as an expense
the Temple treasurers incurred when re-converting the half-sheqels. Rashi
writes that the half-sheqel was a small and inconvenient coin, apt to get lost,
and that it would be changed into larger coins. Thus, the Temple could not
keep the full amount of a half-sheqel if they had to pay a fee for conversion,
because this fee was the kolbon, paid by the donor (BT Beitzah 39b).
The Talmud’s Rabbi Meir stated his opinion in this way: even if a man
went to the Temple with a silver half-sheqel of Tyre in his hand, because the
half-sheqel was made by humans, therefore less than perfect, the person still
had to pay a bonus of one kolbon in order for the Temple to get full value
(M Shekalim 1:6).
There are several subtleties involved in this issue. Rabbi Goldstein
explains that the Talmudic commentaries say that silver coins cannot be
made without a slight mixture of foreign material (i.e., alloys) and the
weight of a half-sheqel had to be pure silver. Therefore, the kolbon was add-
ed so the Temple received a full half-sheqel.
Related archaeological evidence comes from the 1964 excavation at
the ancient settlement of Ein-Gedi on the shore of the Dead Sea from a
first-century ce house. In a plaster wall, archaeologists discovered a Hero-
dian-style oil lamp containing 139 prutot, from Agrippa I and the Ro-
man procurators who governed Judea after him until the beginning of the
16 Guide to Biblical Coins
Jewish War (Fig. 1.1). They concluded that 139 small bronze coins could
not constitute a hoard in the usual sense, because their value was so small.
While showing me this oil lamp and group of coins at The Israel Museum,
Ya’akov Meshorer reconstructed the story as follows: “A Jew in the year
60 ce built his house, and, while finishing it, before its last plaster stage,
decided to hide a sacred amount of money in the wall to protect against
the evil eye.”
The most sacred sum of money to the Jews at this time was the half-
sheqel, the amount each man paid annually to the Temple. Our first-cen-
tury Jew did not want simply to put a single, silver half-sheqel into his wall
for luck since “the large number of coins would make a better impression.”
The man also decided to put the money into a lamp, “a symbol of eternity,”
according to Meshorer.
However, if a half-sheqel of the time was equal to only 128 prutot, why
did the archaeologists find 139?
An exchange fee of two kolbonot on a half-sheqel equals about 11. Adding
128 plus 11—is 139 prutot. The owner of the house wanted to make sure that
when it came to his good luck, he took every precaution to ensure accuracy!
Bread. In the first to second centuries, one loaf of bread cost 1 pundion
(1/12 denarius), while a small loaf cost only 1 issar (1/24 denarius).
Wine. At the end of the third century, 100 ordinary containers of wine
cost 10 aurei, while 100 large containers of wine cost 20 aurei.
Olive oil. Josephus reported that one amphora of olive oil from the
Galilee cost 1 Tyrian drachm, the equivalent of 1 denarius.
Fruit. In the first to second centuries, a pomegranate cost between 1
and 8 prutot. A cluster of grapes or 10 figs cost 1 issar (8 prutot), and a cu-
cumber (which must have been very desirable) cost a full denarius.
Livestock. In the first to second centuries, an ox cost 100 denarii, but
a calf cost only 20 denarii. A newborn donkey foal cost 2–4 denarii. A ram
cost 8 denarii while a lamb cost only 4 denarii. In Jerusalem, two pigeons
cost 1 aureus, later reduced to 1 denarius. Two sparrows cost 1 as (1/16 de-
narius), and 5 sparrows cost 2 asses (1/8 denarius).
Assorted foods. The cheapest meal for a bridegroom cost 1 denarius. A
modest meal consisting of a small roll, a plate of lentils, two pieces of meat,
and two glasses of wine cost 2 issars.
Miscellanea. Several lamps and wicks cost 1 prutah. It cost up to 400
aurei to lease a ship. Rabbi Judah ben Ezekiel tells of Artabin, an examiner
of Mezuzot ( Jewish ritual amulets) in the upper market of Sepphoris, and
the quaestor, who once took 1,000 denarii from him as a tax. In another
anecdote, Rabbi Judah bar Nahman and Rabbi Levi appear as the equiva-
lent of today’s political advance men. Each of them used to receive 8 dena-
rii for convening the public to attend Rabbi Johanan’s lectures.
Jacobson cites this approach to the Greek and Roman relationships
between smaller denominations:19
1 drachm = 6 obols
1 obol = 8 chalkoi
i.e., 48 chalkoi = 1 drachm = 1 denarius
1 denarius = 16 asses = 256 prutot
2 semisses = 1 as
i.e., 32 semisses = 1 denarius = 1 drachm
of Joseph Biden. Or perhaps those 2021 coins could be dated “245,” corre-
sponding to the 245th year of the republic of the United States.
The first dated Jewish coins were struck under Alexander Jannaeus
(104–76 bce). Not all of his coins had dates. This small bronze coin carries
on its reverse an upside-down anchor within a circle surrounded by the
Greek legend “of King Alexander.” The obverse shows a star of eight rays
surrounded by dots and a crude Aramaic inscription, which translates to
“King Alexander Year 25” (no. 6191).
Many specimens of this type have several dots at the points of the an-
chor. These spell the letters L KE in a style almost identical to the lettering
on Seleucid coins of around the same period. The letters signify the date,
year 25, referring to the 25th year of the reign of Jannaeus—78 bce.
The coins of the Jewish War are dated from “year one” to “year five,”
which correspond to the five years the war spanned, 66–70 ce, before Je-
rusalem was destroyed.
During the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–135 ce) the coins were dated
“year one” and “year two.” A large number of the Bar Kokhba coins are not
dated, but evidence from the study of die combinations, breaks, and wear
shows that the undated coins were issued during the third and final year of
the war, 134–135 ce.
1.8. Set of chalkstone molds discovered at Khirbet Rafi‛, in the area of Lachish.
(Photo: Y. Meshorer/Israel Antiquities Authority.)
1.9. Drawings of (to row from left) side view of Judaean single-thick cast flan, top
view with narrow cut, top view with wide cut; below is flan strip. (Drawings Y. Me-
shorer 1982.)
1.10. Reconstruction of struck flan strip of Agrippa I coins (No. 1244) notice chop
marks where initial attempt failed to cut the strip. (Photo: David Sundman.)
20 Guide to Biblical Coins
1.11. Unstruck single flans and flan strips from Israel, first century bce to first cen-
tury ce. (Maxim Schick Collection.)
and off-center coins. Sometimes the worker who chopped the coins apart
did not do a good job, resulting in coins with flat projections from one or
both sides, such as the coin of the Jewish War shown as no. 6392a. Many
of the other coins shown in the plates have obvious flat edges where they
were chopped away from the strip. Figure 1.11 shows single, unstruck
coins and several on a still-connected strip.
Occasionally the flan strip broke and one coin got stuck in the lower
die (or vice versa) after striking. When the next blank was inserted, it re-
ceived the full strike from the top die, but instead of receiving the im-
pression from the bottom die, it was struck by the face of a coin that had
already been struck by the top die. This error caused the design of the top
die to be impressed in incuse on the reverse of the coin. The coin of Herod
Archelaus (no. 6227b) resulted from such an error. Its obverse shows the
usual helmet, but the reverse shows the exact design struck in incuse, like
a negative. This is called a brockage. Double striking, or striking a coin
twice, is yet another minting error common in ancient times (no. 6371e).
Sometimes the dies used for striking coins cracked or broke and one or
more coins were struck with the damaged die before it was discovered and
replaced, or repaired.
Minting errors are interesting because of what they can reveal about
methods of making coins. They are often encountered among ancient Jew-
ish bronze coins, most of which were manufactured without much quality
control, and the collector with a sharp eye can find them.
Dies to strike coins today are mass-produced. Machines copy the first
hand-engraved die, and it is rare to find significant die varieties in current
coins. Ancient coins were manufactured with completely hand-engraved
Collecting Biblical Coins 21
dies made of iron or other harder metal alloys, and there are easily noted
differences from one die variety to the next.
For this reason, a new coin type is not simply a variation in the cut-
ting of a die, but is a completely new design, new inscription, or different
denomination (size or metal). Die varieties and combinations of dies are
often helpful in establishing the chronology of a series of coins. Unpub-
lished and “new” coin types are more common in certain extensive series,
such as the Roman provincial coinage. References have never been able to
list every single type and certainly not every die variety. This situation is
now changing, since excellent online references and supplements are be-
coming available, such as RPC Online ( Mildenberg
documented most of the Bar Kokhba dies in his pioneering book.21 The
Menorah Coin Project, managed by the Israel Numismatic Society, has
begun to systematically identify and illustrate die varieties of many of the
Judean coin types (
The mints in Judea and the surrounding areas were quite small, and
there were probably several die engravers (classically referred to as cela-
tors) working on the same coin type. From analysis of the coins it seems
probable that there were one or several master engravers—that is, experts
who engraved the earliest dies for each coin type.22 Later, other engravers,
working at different levels of expertise, created coin dies and this accounts
for the many die varieties in the ancient Judean coins (as well as other
ancient coin series).
A modern mint is a large production operation located within a single
building or structure. Ancient mints may have been like that, but char-
acteristics and style of production in smaller mints such as Judea suggest
a different concept, especially for the Judean bronze coins. In the case of
the Jewish War and the Bar Kokhba Revolt, there were almost certainly
secondary mints, one possibly moving with troops, or operated by those
hiding in the Judean Hills. A particularly irregular issue of the famous
silver sheqel of the Jewish War was struck in bronze at Gamla (no. 6401).
Die studies by Mildenberg, and later analysis by Barag,23 clearly prove that
irregular Bar Kokhba coins were struck at a different mint or mints than
the standard issues.
The reality is that Judean mints were small and overworked when they
operated. Also, the method of minting small-denomination coins resulted
in a huge percentage of coins that were poorly produced, off center, weakly
struck, struck from cracked or broken dies, or struck on small, broken, or
cracked flans. Lorber has noted that those in charge of these coins “should
have been ashamed of some of the truly rotten stuff produced.”24
This poor production quality is why it has taken numismatists so long
to identify and begin to understand a slightly different group of coins, the
irregular coins of Judea.
22 Guide to Biblical Coins
1.12. Pairs of normal and irregular Judean bronze coins. Approximately 2–7% of
Judean bronze coins are irregular. (Author’s photo.)
but did not discuss them further. Later he cataloged more of these coins,
referring to them as either “crude” or “barbaric.”40 Meshorer focused on
the crude Bar Kokhba issues, but his principal discussion was to refute
Kindler’s published theories that some of the crude procurator coins
should be assigned to previously unknown dates.41 More recently, Fonta-
nille42 provided composite images of several irregular types and claimed
that they were the products of military or moving mints, contemporary
24 Guide to Biblical Coins
While many irregulars of Year 2 prutot of the Jewish War exist, they are
rare among the year three prutot, the year four larger bronzes, and among
the Jewish War sheqels.52 Many irregulars were produced under Hasmo-
neans, Herodians, and the Roman procurators after Ambibulus as well as
during the Jewish War and the Bar Kokhba Revolt. Deutsch’s results,53 to-
gether with Mildenberg’s die studies54 and Barag’s analysis,55 provide proof
that both Jewish War and Bar Kokhba irregular coins were produced at a
non-standard secondary mint (or mints).
Our elemental analysis using XRF shows that the Judean irregular
coins had relatively low levels of arsenic in their composition compared to
the standard issues. Trace elements were usually not controlled by ancient
coin minters, as they generally do not affect the metallurgical properties
of a coin. But they can be of use because their profile often reflects the
source of the ores used for the major component metals. Arsenic is one of
these trace metals that Hauptman56 and Epstein et al.57 found in different
amounts in the two major sources of copper in the Eastern Mediterranean
region: Cyprus and the various mines along the Dead Sea Rift, such as
those at Feynan near Petra, Jordan. Our study indicates there are generally
lower levels of arsenic (As) in the standard-issue coins. These levels drift
down over time as the Bronze Age Feynan mines were reactivated during
the Roman era using a new smelting technology. Arsenic levels suggest
that many, if not most, of the irregular coins were either produced at more
southerly mints or used metal obtained from this new source of copper.
Furthermore, the striking axes differ significantly and suggest that the
irregular issues are more than twice as likely to follow a 6 o’clock axis as
a 12 o’clock axis. This difference is another hint that irregular coins were
struck at secondary mints and not by apprentices at the primary mints,
where coins were struck according to more specific technical standards.
This scenario is similar to the so-called “hard times tokens” of the nine-
teenth century58 or “territorial” and “colonial” coins.59 The latter were unof-
ficially made by private mints in various countries when the government
was unable or unwilling to meet the public need.
We conclude that the majority of the “irregular” coins of ancient Judea
were neither “barbaric” nor “barbarous.” They were not forgeries and not
created by apprentice die makers or in military mints. They were rather
coins with equal fiduciary value struck by various “semi-official” local Ju-
dean minters, working outside the controls found in the standard mint-
ing centers that operated when the principal supply faltered. Their style is
defining and consistently crude; often the inscriptions and motifs on the
coins are blundered, retrograde, or mere imitations of the standard issues.
The metallurgy and most other aspects of their production are generally
irregular when compared to the populations of similar standard issues.
26 Guide to Biblical Coins
Israelis) since at least the late 1950s. Klimowsky explained the usage in a
short essay in 1963.67 Also, the smallest denomination of modern Israeli
coinage was officially named the prutah from 1952–1960, and even today
small change is often referred to as prutot much as United States one-cent
coins are referred to as pennies, even though the USA has never issued a
coin called a penny!
For our purposes, the terms prutah and lepton are used for the sake of
consistency and comparison. As will be shown, however, neither the prutah
nor the lepton nor the half-prutah were absolute denominations vis-à-vis
their weights, which varied greatly in individual issues and over time.
1.13. Three prutot dated to the Year 5 of Nero, weighing (from left) 1.49, 2.43, and
3.7 g. (Author’s photo.)
1.14. Unstruck coin flans from Judaea of various sizes. These are referred to in the
Talmud as “uncoined metal which bears no imprint” and underline the fiduciary
nature of bronze coinage in ancient Judea. (Author’s photo.)
“Tooling” is done either by hand or using power tools, in which the coin’s
metal is recut or moved in order to change its identity or to make it appear
to be in better condition. Sometimes a coin is improperly cleaned and gives
the appearance of being tooled, but in fact it is only the encrustation that
has been affected, and this can be often be resolved by an expert conservator.
Figure 1.15 shows how someone tooled a coin of Herod I. The fully
tooled coin was spotted and tracked down to an earlier internet offering,
thus we can provide illustrations of a tooled coin before and after the de-
ception took place. On the reverse of the coin, immediately to the right of
the tripod, very little was done to be offensive. However, parts of the tripod
itself and the entire inscription beneath and to the left side were com-
pletely recut into the metal or the patina of the coin. Compare this coin
to known photos of this die to see that the left portion of the inscription
is quite different from the way it should appear.The obverse of the coin
depicts a helmet surmounted by a star. Here, the person who altered the
coin created more of a windmill. The palm branches and other portions of
the helmet also have been heavily recut.
There is a major difference between scraping away encrustation and
tooling. Coins with a hard-packed earthen encrustation can often be suc-
cessfully cleaned under a microscope with a sharpened needle or piece of
wood as a tool. This process can be a part of proper cleaning and restora-
tion, especially of bronze coins, as long as the metal is not scratched or cut.
Ancient silver coins are almost always cleaned either chemically or
electrochemically. Bronze coins can also be cleaned in this way, but ex-
treme care must be taken to use only chemical processes that work slowly
and remove surface encrustation and mineralization and do not damage
the coin. Sometimes chemicals are used to soften encrustations which can
then be more easily removed mechanically.
1.15. Heavily tooled coin of Herod I (no. 1169) on top, compared with full compos-
ite image of coin struck from the same die set. Notice how details of both letters and
designs have been changed by this illicit work. (Graphic: Fontanille.)
Collecting Biblical Coins 33
Figure 1.16 shows two Judean coins before and after professional con-
servation. Sometimes uncleaned coins can bring a premium. Expert restor-
ers understand which encrustations can be removed and which ones are
probably hiding pitted or otherwise damaged surfaces.
I once received a call from a collector who had attended a coin show
and bought a “beautiful” bronze coin of Caligula with “great” surfaces and
a “nice green patina.” He paid a premium for the coin because it looked so
nice. He drove home and left the coin in an envelope behind the back seat
of his car, and forgot about it. It was summer, and the car became quite hot.
In a few days he remembered the coin, and retrieved it. When he looked at
the coin he was shocked to find a rather ugly bronze with a blob of green-
brown stuff on both sides.
He explained this to me, and I said that there was no way that the
heat inside his car could damage any genuine coin or patina, even one with
proper conservation. He sent the coin and I saw it had been poorly cleaned
and tooled. To hide that work, the coin was painted with a green-brown
glossy paint, varnish, or epoxy that imitated an apple-green patina well
enough to fool the collector. The heat in the car melted the coating and it
shrank into globs.
I soaked the coin in solvent to remove the coating. I was able to elim-
inate much of the scratching, because instead of tooling the metal, the
“cleaner” had scraped into a thick patina. Some of this cleaning was done
chemically, without detriment. Once I had neutralized any remaining
chemicals, I returned the coin to its owner. It was now an “okay” coin in-
stead of a “great” coin. It was not a total loss, but the buyer learned a lesson.
1.16. Year 5 sheqel of the Jewish War (left) and large bronze of year 1 of the Bar
Kokhba Revolt before and after conservation by author. (Author’s photos.)
34 Guide to Biblical Coins
Coin Plague
This is a powdery form of oxidized copper chlorides that naturally occur in
some ancient coins, especially those exposed to chlorides when they were
buried. This is not the same as hard green encrustation, which is usually
stable. The powdery “plague” can spread on a single coin. It is not caused by
bacteria and is only contagious if other coins have similar problems with
copper chlorides.
To prevent coin plague, avoid the use of any solution that contains
chlorine (including tap water) to clean coins, and make sure that your coins
are kept in a clean, dry place. Some years ago, the numismatic department
of the Israel Antiquities Authority installed a powerful dehumidifier in the
room where the country’s national treasure coin collection is kept, and it
successfully minimized the problem.
physician will examine the patient and then, based on findings, will make
a likely diagnosis.
Being a numismatist is not the same as being a physician. But when
a collector asks: “How do you know?” if a coin is not genuine, my answer
is: “the same way your doctor knows how to diagnose an illness.” In other
words: experience and study. In Malcolm Gladwell’s book The Outliers, he
discusses the 10,000-hour rule. It states that great mastery of complicated
topics requires at least that much study and practice (and even doctors
make mistakes!).
Over the past 50 years, I have developed a system of “differential diag-
nosis” when examining ancient coins. It is not brain surgery, but here it is:
1. Study the general appearance with the naked eye and with a 3×–7×
magnifier. Do you have a question about any aspect of the coin? (If you
know what you are looking for, higher magnification using a binocular
microscope is invaluable.)
2. Weigh the coin. The weight of gold and silver coins is significant;
compare the weight ranges with published weights in standard reference
works. Note, however, that the weight of genuine ancient silver coins can
sometimes vary greatly, especially if the coins were found in the sea. In
such instances, much of the alloy can leach out of the coins, leaving them
50% (or more) lighter than expected. The weight of bronze coins varies
considerably, and, in this case, weight is not as critical but can sometimes
be significant. Unfortunately, many modern forgers are not so stupid that
they get the weights wrong for the fakes they produce, though sometimes
they make amazing mistakes.
3. Study the edge. Is there a seam around the edge? Has the edge been
filed or hammered to hide the traces of casting? Keep in mind, however,
that specific hammer marks are expected on the silver coins of the Jewish
War, and that the silver coins of the Bar Kokhba Revolt were prepared for
restriking by hammering them in pans that caused the edge to become flat
or slightly concave. Furthermore, all Bar Kokhba bronze and silver coins
were overstruck upon coins that were already in circulation, and there are
often file marks on the surfaces of the bronze coins, where the portraits
and designs were filed down before restriking. This filing, however, occurs
on the surfaces and not usually the edges of the coins. If there are flan
cracks, they should go completely through the coin and have ragged edges
and not smooth edges. (Flan cracks certainly occur on some forgeries, es-
pecially when they are struck or pressed over genuine ancient bronze coins.
However, flan cracks themselves are not absolute indicators of false coins.)
4. Examine the surfaces. The surfaces should be free of pits and pock
marks unless the coin is clearly corroded and pitted from time, wear, or
cleaning. Look for tiny holes resulting from casting air bubbles. Carefully
look for places on the surface and edge of the coin where a monogram,
initials, or even the word “copy” might have been obliterated. Genuine
crystallization of silver coins is a good sign, but one must learn to distin-
36 Guide to Biblical Coins
guish this from artificial corrosion made by acids, which are used to mimic
natural aging. Flow lines (radial lines reflecting the flow of the coin’s metal
during the striking process), which are often apparent on struck gold and
silver coins, are a good sign; but remember that any struck coin will have
flow lines. Machine-made dies will create coins that have extremely flat
and even fields. Some forgers have been successful pressing coins on an-
cient flans, in which case genuine crystallization or patination may remain.
5. Examine the legend and the devices. Do letters rise sharply as with a
struck coin, or does the coin have an overall fuzzy appearance (Fig. 1.17)?
If it’s fuzzy, this is a warning sign (although the lack of fuzziness is no
guarantee of authenticity, and some fuzziness may appear on heavily worn
or lightly struck genuine coins).
6. Does the patina or oxidation appear to be genuine? An affirmative
answer can be a valuable indicator, but remember that many ancient coins
have been cleaned and darkened. This is true, even (or especially) for coins
in old collections. Some collectors say that they refuse to buy coins that
have been cleaned and re-toned. However, if you take this position, you
will not acquire many coins. There is a legend that forgers can create artifi-
cial patinas by feeding coins to goats, chickens, pigs, or cows and recover-
ing them at the other end of the process! This is a technique used to “age”
fake Egyptian scarabs. People heard about this approach and assumed it
could be done to coins—but it cannot! On the other hand, coins can be
buried in chemically treated dumps for years or decades and later dug out
with convincing patinas.
1.17. The left sides of the coins shown above are from a genuine sheqel of the Jewish
War, the right side is a cast forgery. Note the lack of sharp details and lack of flow
lines on right. (Author’s photo.)
Collecting Biblical Coins 37
1.18. Selection of a few of the forgeries in the market since 2000. Some are ridiculous,
others more convincing, with all kinds of artificial patinas. Photos are not exact sizes.
(Author’s photo.)
Barter also played a critical role when Joseph acquired all of the land
of Egypt from the people on behalf of Pharaoh during the years of famine:
Buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be bondmen
unto Pharaoh (Genesis 47:19).
40 Guide to Biblical Coins
talent mass but rather reflect some attempt to approximate the talent to
facilitate reckoning.”8
“The precise size of the load was bound to vary somewhat from locality
to locality and when the transition from crude estimates of weight to genu-
ine weighing with balances began, local tradition must have exerted a signifi-
cant influence on the determination of the precise mass of the local mina.”9
The Old Testament precisely defines a talent:
And the silver of them that were numbered of the congregation was a
hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred and three score and
fifteen [1,775] sheqels, after the sheqel of the sanctuary: a beqa a head,
that is half a sheqel, after the sheqel of the sanctuary, for every one that
passed over to them that are numbered, from twenty years old and up-
ward, for six hundred thousand three thousand and five hundred and
fifty [603,550] men (Exodus 38:25–26).
2.2. Detail from a tomb at Thebes shows man carrying a “load” ingot. (After Davies
in Metropolitan Museum of Art) (Bass 1967:63).
42 Guide to Biblical Coins
scale pan. Later, round or elliptical stones were worn away until the correct
weight was achieved, and occasionally, if they were too light, they were
drilled and filled with a dollop of lead.
The Hebrew word for “weight” used in the Old Testament is even,
which means stone (Leviticus 19:36, Deuteronomy 25:13, 15; Prov-
erbs 11:1; 20:10). In Akkadian, the scale weights are called abnu, the same
word. Such references reflect traditional use that goes back to the Early
Bronze Age. The early talent denominations were large slabs of bronze,
but silver and gold were much more portable, owing to the high density
of these metals, their unmistakable lustrous appearance, and being easy to
carry as jewelry.
And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took
a golden earring of half a sheqel weight, and two bracelets for her hands
of ten sheqels weight of gold... (Genesis 24:22).
Thus, gold bracelets, nose rings, earrings, and other jewelry became
storehouses of wealth, worn by men and women alike. It was normal for
this wealth to be drawn upon when it was needed for commercial transac-
tions or even for early fundraising, as when Aaron asked the Israelites to
donate funds to make the golden calf.
Break off the golden rings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your
sons, and of your daughters, and bring them onto me (Exodus 32:2).
Jewelry was also made of silver, which was commonly stored and ex-
changed in fragments or small ingots. Meshorer notes that the biblical
Hebrew text in Judges 5:19, betsa kesef, which is usually translated as “they
took no gain of money,” is more accurately translated as “they took no
piece of silver.”16 Even many hundreds of years after the invention of coins
they were often still referred to as “pieces of silver.” Early Middle Eastern
coin hoards from the fifth to fourth centuries bce also contained cut coins,
suggesting that their value was still based upon weight. Eventually people
developed more confidence in stamped coins, and they no longer were
weighed for every transaction.17
“Economically inexact weighing instituted the use of silver as a me-
dium of exchange for small commodities, and the facts themselves suggest
that this barrier to commerce was not overcome until the minting of cheap
coins became common.”18
The first mention of payment in the Old Testament occurs during the
story of the covenant between God and Abraham:
He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy silver, must
needs be circumcised... (Genesis 17:13).
44 Guide to Biblical Coins
The Hebrew word for money used here is kesef, which means silver,
almost certainly referring to small ingots of silver similar to those found
at Eshtemo‘a, south of Hebron in the Judean Hills. Archaeologists dis-
covered a hoard of five jugs from the tenth century bce filled with mostly
chopped pieces of silver jewelry. Three of those jugs were inscribed “five,”
and this may have signified the measurement of five Mesopotamian minas
in each jug.19
In a cooking pot discovered at Ein Gedi, hidden in a building that was
destroyed early in the sixth century bce, archaeologists discovered another
type of ingot, made from silver that had been melted and poured into a
shallow depression in the earth or sand. After cooling, the resultant mass
was etched with lines in order to break or chop away some pieces, much
like a modern chocolate bar.20
It was common practice throughout the ancient Near East to weigh
these small silver ingots on balances against “stones” of known weight.
These silver fragments, today called hacksilber (Fig. 2.3), were the im-
mediate precursors of coinage. Hacksilber hoards are documented from the
ancient land of Israel as early as around the twelfth century bce, which of
course suggests that there was also a system of weights available to use this
silver in transactions.21
Early in his career, Israeli numismatic scholar Ya’akov Meshorer made
a random surface find in Jerusalem of an Archaic Attic stater.22 Along with
other late sixth- and fifth-century bce silver coins of Athens, Acanthus, Ae-
gina, Cannus, Chios, Corinth, Cyprus, Cyzicus, Kindya, Kos, Lampsacus,
Lycia, Miletos, Paphos, Phocaea, Samos, Sinope, Stagira, and Thasos, these
are the earliest coins found in Israel. From the fifth century bce onward,
coins became more common in the Holy Land, but even during the period
of Persian rule, it is not clear whether coins were in wide circulation or were
limited to certain small groups such as merchants and officials. A clue lies in
a fifth-century bce papyrus found at Wadi Daliyeh, which reports the sale of
a slave named Nehemiah to a Samaritan named Yehonur for thirty “pieces”
of silver. Silver by weight is also mentioned in one of the Arad Ostraca (No.
41). Thus, we learn that even after coins were available, payments were some-
times made by units of weight instead of coins.23
“The same situation emerges even more clearly from a comparison
with the Elephantine documents. As in Palestine, in Egypt too, Greek
coins were in use and were apparently very common as early as the end of
the sixth century bce. Nevertheless, a study of the papyri from Elephantine,
which deal with commerce, reveals that throughout the fifth century bce
mercantile transactions in this city were carried out by weighed quantities
of silver. The earliest document that mentions coins as a means of payment
dates to around 400 bce. However, this document still employs the for-
mula according to which coins are equated with the old weights, thus “the
sum of 2 sheqels, that is, the sum of 1 stater.” In another document from the
year 402 bce the stater is explicitly described as “money of Greece.” These
two statements (and they are by no means unique) thus confirm the fact
that metal ingots were still being traded by weight as currency in business
transactions in the fifth and fourth centuries, though coins were already in
everyday use. It should also be noted that a number of coin hoards dating
from this period that have been uncovered at various sites in the Near East
contained both coins and metal ingots.”24
Thus, the use of weighed metal currency continued well into the time
after coinage was invented. Even in much later periods, scale and balance
weights were refined and used to weigh coins. These scales were also used
to weigh other precious commodities such as gemstones, various herbs,
spices, and medicinal items.
See, the nations are a drop in the pan [of the scales], like clouds on the
scale are they reckoned. See, the coastlands lift it [the pan] like dust
(Isaiah 40:5–16).25
46 Guide to Biblical Coins
2.4. Using a balance scale with bull-shaped weights and round ingots from a tomb
in Thebes c. 1400 bce.
Early scales were crudely built and not always accurate. Depending
on the scale, there was a certain amount that was too small to be weighed.
References from Mari in ancient Babylonia have given this error quantity a
name, shiqu(m), and the Hebrew version of this word appears in Isaiah 40:15
as shahak.26 This unweighable amount is known as the “dust on the scales.”
In general, ancient precision weights tolerated inaccuracies between
about 3% and 5%. Dayton experimented with a simple scale used to weigh
airmail letters to half-ounce (14.15 g). He found that 30 grains (1.94 g)
were needed to get the balance moving properly. From this experiment, it
follows that in the ancient world there must have been a similar quantity
that was simply not measurable.27
To evaluate ancient weight systems, we must make educated guesses
about the evolution of standards. Today we recognize weight standards,
the pound or the kilogram, which refer to original units of a measurable and
reproducible weight or mass. For example, one gram was originally defined
as the mass of one cubic centimeter of water at 4° C but now is taken as
the one-thousandth part of the standard kilogram, as defined by an inter-
national agreement based on abstract natural constants. We do not know
if such standards existed in the ancient world. There are Old Testament
references to what may be official standards, such as “current money with
Scale Weights to Coinage 47
This they shall give, every one that passeth among them that are num-
bered, half a sheqel after the sheqel of the sanctuary (Exodus 30: 13).
He weighed the hair of his head at two hundred sheqels, after the king’s
weight (II Samuel 14:26).
Thou shalt not have in thy bag diverse weights, a great and a small.
Thou shalt not have in thine house diverse measures, a great and a
small. But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight; a perfect and just
measure shalt thou have. . . (Deuteronomy 25:13–15).
Just balances, just weights, a just ephah [measure of about 1.1 bush-
els], and a just hin [a measure of about 1.5 gallons] shall ye have
(Leviticus 19:36).
The Prophets had a dim view of the weighing associated with buying
and selling. Amos condemns the people who cannot wait for the Sabbath
to end so they can get back to making profits and who:
Make the ephah small, and the sheqel great, and falsifying the balances
of deceit (Amos 8:5).
Let me be weighed in a just balance, that God may know mine integ-
rity ( Job 31:6).
From Mesopotamia through the Levant, some local temples and their
officials may have been involved in the regulation of weight systems and
trade. We do not yet have absolute archaeological evidence of this behavior,
Scale Weights to Coinage 49
2.5. A bronze balance-beam scale with pans of early style, probably Persian or Hel-
lenistic times. Original chains replaced with strings. Purchased in Israel. (Author’s
but “the temple and its agents frequently dealt in trade, lease, and purchase
of land, loans of silver, and many other economically motivated activities.
Bronze Age temple archives including those of Nippur are often filled with
documents and letters that clearly testify to the Temple’s economic prow-
ess.”34 Beginning in the Classical period, there existed a group of public
officials known in Greek as agoranomoi (agoranomos, singular) who super-
vised the commercial aspects of the market (agora), including the assurance
of the true nature of balance weights. Some weights from the Hellenistic
to Roman periods specifically name some of these officials.
This they shall give, every one that passeth among them that are num-
bered, half a sheqel after the sheqel of the sanctuary—the sheqel is twen-
ty gerahs—half a sheqel for an offering to the Lord (Exodus 30:13).
50 Guide to Biblical Coins
The weights of ancient Judah were used from the end of the eighth
century up to 586 bce, when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem. Al-
most all of these weights are polished, symmetric limestone domes with
flat bases and often have engraved inscriptions referring to denomination.
These weights measured the mass of precious items.
Until 1998, only 211 of the inscribed Judahite weights were found
in archaeological excavations; more than half came from Jerusalem and
its surroundings (76), Lachish (25), and Arad (15).35 Many non-inscribed
weights have also been discovered, and some of these weights exhibit
markings in ink or paint. Thus, it is possible that most of the uninscribed
Judahite limestone weights were once labeled by this method, both less
expensive and less permanent than engraving upon the stone.
By any account, Judahite weights are rare. It was possible for a small
village to do nicely with only one or two sets of weights that might have
been set up at “stations” in the markets, although active merchants must
have maintained their own sets of weights. When a commodity needed to
be weighed, it was brought to the weight station where the transaction was
completed, a small fee was charged and, perhaps, taxes may even have been
assessed. Personal weights could also be standardized at such locations.
The fractions of the Judahite sheqel in the Old Testament are:
A beqa a head, that is, half a sheqel, after the sheqel of the sanctuary
(Exodus 38:26).
One quarter sheqel, or rebah, was suggested as a gift from Saul to Sam-
uel the prophet:
Scale Weights to Coinage 51
And the servant answered Saul again, and said: “Behold I have in my
hand the fourth part of a sheqel of silver, that I will give to the man of
God to tell us our way” (I Samuel 9:8).
sort of Hieratic shortening for the word sheqel.”39 More recently Vainstub
suggested that it was a symbol based on early Canaanite letters.40
Sheqel weights ascend in multiples of eight—4, 8, 16, 24, and 40—and
provide a convincing connection to the importance of international trade,
especially with Egypt during the Iron Age II period. The system used in
Judaea is linked directly to the Egyptian qedet system.41 Four Judahite
sheqels equal five Egyptian qedet (half a deben), and eight Judahite sheqels
equal ten Egyptian qedet (one deben). Thus, it is not surprising to learn: a)
these sizes of Judahite weights are the most common that have been dis-
covered and, b) that the symbols known to represent four and eight sheqels
of Judah actually carry the hieratic numbers for five and ten. The nezef
(5/6 sheqel), far from being the basis of its own weight metrology system as
Sir Flinders Petrie and others previously suggested, is in fact the Judahite
equivalent of one Egyptian qedet.42
Other fractions of the sheqel correspond to other ancient weight
systems (e.g., the pym of around 7.6 g is related to the similar Late
Bronze Age Ugaritic or Phoenician sheqel), but during this time there was
no link so close as between the systems of Judah and Egypt. Kletter even
remarks how surprising it is that there is such a “lack of direct correlation
between the [limestone weights of Judah] and the Mesopotamian weight
system [of roughly 8.4 g]” (Tables 2.1 and 2.2).43
After the four- and eight-sheqel weights, the two-sheqel, pym, and nezef
are the most common. The one-sheqel weight and its fractions are rarer
than the aforementioned weights. This scarcity is probably because the
single sheqel and its fractions (other than the nezef and pym) were used
mainly for local trade.
What then can we make of the various biblical references to the “cur-
rent money with the merchant” (Genesis 23:16), the “sheqel of the sanctu-
ary” (Exodus 30:13), and sheqels of “the king’s weight” (II Samuel 14:26)?
These are possibly simply references used in this way to illustrate a number
of differing weight standards simultaneously used in ancient Israel during
the biblical period.
Judahite weights are found “in ‘secular’ contexts, public or private. Fur-
thermore, I doubt if the holy sheqel ever existed in Iron Age Judah. It prob-
ably reflects a utopian plan which did not exist (even during the times of
the Priestly Code and Ezekiel),”44 according to Kletter.
The vast majority of the known weights of Judah during the Iron Age
II period were limestone dome weights. Bronze weights of other shapes
with similar Hebrew or Phoenician inscriptions are probably contempo-
rary with the Judahite weights but may have been made and used outside
of Judah or for trading purposes with outsiders from Judah (Fig. 2.7).
(This chapter is adapted from my book Ancient Scale Weights and Pre-
Coinage Currency).45
54 Guide to Biblical Coins
Persian Period:
n 1914, George Francis Hill devoted a number of pages to coins he
referred to as “Philisto-Arabian” and “Egypto-Arabian” in the Brit-
ish Museum Catalogue on the Greek Coins of Palestine. Even then, Hill
observed that these headings were “not very satisfactory”1 for the earliest
known coins struck in the ancient land of Israel. These coins have more
accurately been referred to as “Philistian” by Haim Gitler, chief curator of
archaeology at the Israel Museum, and Oren Tal, professor of archaeology
at Tel Aviv University. Philistia, they note, “is a geographical rather than
an ethnic term. The fact that Gaza was the southernmost mint in Philis-
tia, bordering Arabian domination rather than being under Arabian rule,
lends support to our understanding of these coins as Philistian.”2 Judea is
also a geographic term used in this book synonymously with the ancient
Holy Land, or southern Levant. Geographically, the boundaries of the re-
gion under discussion are the Mediterranean Sea to the west, the Syrian
Desert to the east, the mountains of south Lebanon and south Syria to the
north, and the Sinai Desert and the Arabian Desert to the south. In the
Roman period these areas belonged to the provinces of Judea (later Syria-
Palaestina), Phoenecia, Arabia, and Syria, with periodic boundary changes
over years.3 Later, in the wake of the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–135 ce),
“The name of the Roman province was changed from Provincia Judea to
Provincia Syria Palaestina, in a blatant effort to annul the tie between the
Jewish people and the name of their country, and to erase the land’s Jewish
past,” note Eshel and Zissu.4
Philistia is the portion of the southwestern Levant that the Philis-
tines occupied in the Old Testament period. The Philistine confederacy of
five city-states included Ascalon, Ashdod, Gaza, Gat (Gath), and Ekron.
Phoenicia and Egypt as well as some of the other Mediterranean me-
tropolises influenced this area. Leo Mildenberg observed that at that time,
“Sidon and [Tyre] had developed their main coinages, the heavy denomi-
nations. Gaza is their counterpart, being the best of ports in the South.
Her importance as the destination of the desert routes and major junction
56 Guide to Biblical Coins
of the coastal roads can hardly be overestimated.”5 Indeed Gaza was the
central Philistian mint location.
The ancient Near East is possibly the specific location “where metal
economy was first initiated, which only later was modified into a proper
monetary economy in Lydia and Greece.”6
Before we discuss the coinage of the Persian Period, it is important to
recall the portion of the ancient economy in which early coins were inter-
mingled with small pieces of metal. In Chapter 2, I discussed the weighing
of metal in the form of small silver ingots, hacked from larger dumped
castings, called hacksilber, documented in the area of ancient Judea as early
as the Middle Bronze Age (2200–1550 bce). Some of the hacksilber hoards
also included bits of silver jewelry and chopped pieces of foreign silver
coins. Use of hacksilber “as a unified form of payment” was prominent in
the Iron Age II Period (1000–586 bce) in the southern Levant. This use of
metal may point to a “pre-coinage stage, an ‘underground economy’ in Iron
Age Palestine, in which cut units of controlled standard weights constitute
a metal economy which existed in the region prior to the traditional date
of the ‘invention’ of coinage in the Greco-Lydian milieu of Western Asia
Minor between 630 and 600 bce,”7 according to Gitler and Tal.
From multiple excavations in modern Israel and the West Bank we
have learned that hoards of hacksilber were often wrapped in cloth bags and
sealed with one or more clay bullae that indicated who had guaranteed the
purity and weight of the silver. These small bags are possibly the biblical
zror kesef referred to in Genesis 42:35:
… as they emptied their sacks, that, behold, every man’s bundle of mon-
ey was in his sack; and when they and their father saw their bundles of
money, they were afraid.
The earliest coins were simply small ingots of precious metals, closely
controlled, where a stamp impression was similar to today’s hallmark as a
guarantee of metal quality and weight. Quite a few Archaic Greek silver
coins of city-states from the sixth and early fifth centuries bce have been
found in and near Israel. These were the first coins to circulate in the area.
Many of those early coins were deliberately cut into rough halves,
thirds, quarters, or even smaller fractions. “We assume that they circulated
as bullion. In some cases, this widespread, intentional cutting may have
accorded to a set of standards. This is also evident from their appearance in
coin hoards together with jewelry dated mainly to the late sixth and fifth
centuries bce,”8 write Gitler and Tal.
Although Archaic Greek coins made their appearance in areas of the
Near East as early as the end of the sixth century bce throughout the fifth
century bce, I have already noted that most or all commercial transactions
continued to use weighed pieces of silver.
Persian Period: Philistia 57
or its first letter, yod (nos. 6048, 6049). In general, the coins of Philistia are
of similar fabric and design. “This kind of money could only come into
being in that distant Southern area of transit under the astonishing rule
of the late Persian Great Kings who had delegated power and guaranteed
ethnic and religious freedom and local autonomy to their citizens,” accord-
ing to Mildenberg.10
Overall, there is a great deal to consider here and good reason to watch
future excavation reports and translations of documents for further clues.
In the meantime, I agree with Tal’s conclusion that “the identification of a
Greek (Attic) denominational system and weight standard in Palestinian
coinages of the fourth century bce is not likely. A local denominational
system and weight standards based on the sheqel and its fractions should
be preferred.”17
And the border of the Canaanite was from Sidon...unto Gaza
(Genesis 10:19).
Persian Period: Philistia 61
Modern Ashdod is the sixth-largest city and largest port in Israel, with
more than 200,000 inhabitants. It is on the Mediterranean coast not far
from the archaeological ruins. Ancient Ashdod appears in the Bible several
times, notably as one of the five city-states of the Philistines:
And these are the golden emerods which the Philistines returned for
a guilt offering unto the LORD: for Ashdod one, for Gaza one, for
Askelon one, for Gath one, for Ekron one (I Samuel 6:17).
Ascalon (Ashqelon)
Thy beauty, O Israel, upon thy high places is slain! How are the mighty
fallen. Tell it not in Gath, Publish it not in Ascalon; Lest the daughters
of the Philistines rejoice, Lest the daughters of the uncircumcised tri-
umph (II Samuel 1: 19–20).
...I will give all Judea into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall
carry them captive to Babylon... ( Jeremiah 20:4).
The name Yehud (Persian for Judea) was struck on at least two Philis-
tian quarter-sheqels (nos. 6046, 6047) and the initial yod, its first letter, was
struck on both quarter-sheqels and ma‘ah-obols (nos. 6048, 6049). These
coins were manufactured according to the Philistian weight standards, and
in design and fabric resemble the Philistian coins and not the Yehud is-
sues struck later and used in and around the Jerusalem area. One coin,
no. 6049, possibly a quarter-sheqel, is of special interest because it relates to
the Judaean weight standard, and it carries the name yhwd in four letters
along with the C (‘ayin), one of the traditional mintmarks of Gaza. This
clue suggests that the earliest series of Yehud coins, all of which are either
unique or extremely rare, may have been struck at Gaza for use in Judea,
and later a mint was established in the Jerusalem area. Gitler and Tal have
64 Guide to Biblical Coins
noted that both generic “Philistian” and specific coins of Gaza were minted
at the same mint.22 Gitler also confirms that there is now additional evi-
dence for the increased probability of an initial central mint in Philistia.23
Edom (Idumaea)
And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land
of Seir, the field of Edom (Genesis 32:4).
The Edomites were a Semitic-speaking tribe that lived in the area of the
Negev Desert and the Aravah Valley near the south of the Dead Sea and
into the area of southern Jordan. Some believe the word Edom was derived
from the area’s extensive red sandstone features; adom is the Hebrew word
for red.
Previously, Edomite coins were not known, but Tal, Gitler, and Van
Alfen noted the first possible Edomite coins. They discuss a previously un-
recognized group of “peculiar Athenian-styled Palestinian coins” that were
struck from dies that had very worn obverses that were recut, re-polished,
and reused to strike coins. The results depict an obverse that is not more
than dome-shaped, with no traces of Athena’s head visible. “The coins’ dis-
tribution suggests that they circulated in the boundaries of what we define
as Edom in the later part of the Persian Period and might well have been
the silver money mentioned in several of the Edomite ostraca.”24
It is also quite possible that these are coins of Gaza struck from worn
dies, since the minting of coins without an “ethnic” or local name seems
unlikely at this period.25
Ostraca are pottery fragments used for some written documents in an-
cient times. They contain various communications or records. Some, writ-
ten in Aramaic, were discovered at Tel Arad, and they discuss monetary
units of ksp or kesef in Hebrew or Aramaic, which refer both to silver and to
money. The units of kesef in the Tel Arad ostraca are “s” (for sheqel), “r” (for
rebah) or quarter, and “m” (for either ma‘ah or maneh), probably a smaller
denomination that seems to be parallel to the gerah (1/24 of a Judaean
sheqel). Tal also points to a late fourth-century bce papyrus discovered near
Jericho and additional Aramaic ostraca discovered at Tel Be’er Sheva. All
of the references to sheqel, quarter, and ma‘ah suggest “a vivid monetary
economy in fourth-century bce Edom in which the sheqel contained four
quarters and each quarter contained six ma‘ahs” (ma‘in is the Hebrew plu-
“This denomination system is in fact similar to that of the Attic weight
standard, even though the weights of the sheqel and Attic tetradrachm dif-
fer. In the Attic system it was the tetradrachm which formed the basic
unit of weight, equal to four drachms, with the drachm corresponding to six
obols.”26 The average weight of the possible Edomite coins suggests a sheqel
standard of around 15.96 g.
Persian Period: Philistia 65
Test Cuts
Philistian quarter-sheqels (drachms) frequently carry test cuts, which are
less common on sheqels and smaller denominations. Test cuts were also
widely applied to Athenian tetradrachms. Conventional wisdom has been
that moneyers or individuals applied a test cut to ensure that a coin was
pure silver. This behavior was necessary because often base metal coins
were silver plated, or even circulated as base metal cores, usually attributed
to forgers. 27
Not so simple, report Gitler and Tal, who have discovered die links be-
tween regular issues and silver-plated Philistian, Samarian,28 and Edomite (?)
coins. They suggest that test cuts “were generally not random events. Rather,
the care in placing the cuts in a certain place on the coin suggests that, more
often than not, the test cuts were part of a regular procedure, probably carried
out in the mint, by mint representatives in charge of regulating the minting
process. The uniformity of the location of the test cuts argues against their
having been applied by money changers or concerned citizens.”29
In Philistia, the earliest coins were issued over some 110 years. Their
“minting was carried out intermittently according to the needs of the lo-
cal market in authorized metal workshops by metal smiths. It is therefore
reasonable to assume that during this period there was no justification for
the existence of a formal urban mint constantly engaged in the minting of
royal or autonomous coins. Accordingly, after the coins were produced, the
officials in charge would have sampled a certain number of pieces in order
to test the purity of the metal.”30
Gitler and Tal conclude that “the principal function of test cuts was
to validate the tested coins as silver ‘issues of confidence or trust’....These
coins, when put into circulation, were immediately detected as bona fide
issues of trusted quality as one could see the inner silver surface of the core
of the coin through the indentation made by the cut.”31
66 Guide to Biblical Coins
6001 6002
6003 6004
6003. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Satyr head r. with oriental hairstyle.
Rev: fl’ (‘Ash[dod]) above bull walking r., owl concealed in bull’s body.
Persian Period: Philistia 67
6005. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r.
Rev: AΘE downward on r., ua (’A[sql]n) between owl and Greek, owl r.,
head facing, olive spray and crescent upper l., within incuse square.
6007. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Archaic oriental-style female head r. within dotted border.
Rev: –a (’A[sql]n) lower r., owl r., head facing, olive sprigs upper l.
6009. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Janiform bearded male head, oriental hairstyle.
Rev: ìC (‘Az) in upper field, antithetic griffon-styled animals with
elongated necks, stylized as a wing with bovine’s head, between the
heads, female head with Hathor hairstyle faces front, in a guilloche-
pattern border within incuse square.
6009 6011
6010. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Head of Athena r. in crested helmet, ( on cheek.
Rev: AΘE downward on r., owl within incuse square.
6011. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Bearded male head r., oriental headdress and hair bunched in
Rev: Cì (r. to l., ‘Az) above forepart of horse r., within incuse square.
6012. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Janiform head, bearded male head l., female head r. Eyes are full,
frontal, and hair is represented by granulated parallel lines.
Rev: Cì (r. to l., ‘Az) above forepart of horse r., within incuse square.
6013. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r.
Rev: AΘE downward on r. ( , to its left, owl r., head facing, olive spray and
crescent upper l., within incuse square.
6014. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r.
Rev: AΘE downward on r., owl r., head facing, olive spray upper l. and
below it C (‘A[z]), within incuse square.
Persian Period: Philistia 69
6016 6017
6016. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Male head facing with female head with headdress r. A more care-
ful look will show that the headdress is a fierce, recumbent lion with
head turned back, and between the two heads, facing r., an ad-
ditional nose and mouth form a third additional profile to r.
Rev: Helmeted head of Athena r., with linear devices or monograms
possibly appearing in some or all corners, within incuse square.
70 Guide to Biblical Coins
6017. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Bearded male head l., with bunched hair represented by parallel
Rev: Y above r., Ó above l., c below l., and u below r., paradise flower or
Phoenician palmette within incuse square.
This coin was previously described (GBC 4:435) as a Yehud coin, based upon the dis-
covery of a specimen that seemed to show clear letters ¿HY (Yhd). Upon examination
of better-preserved specimens, Gitler and Tal show this type to clearly belong to the Phi-
listian series.
6019. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Antithetic standing horses frame two facing Bes heads, in upper
field I , pearled guilloche border all in incuse square.
Rev: Hybrid of male head to r. and bearded male facing, oriental hair-
style, pearled guilloche border within incuse square.
6021. AR ma’ah-obol
Obv: Male head r., oriental hairstyle, guilloche border.
Rev: Lion stands to l., head turned back. When rotated 90 degrees coun-
ter-clockwise, the main motif appears to be a bearded helmeted
male r. with a helmet formed by the lion’s body, within dotted bor-
der and incuse square.
6022 6023
6022. AR ma’ah-obol
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r., helmet adorned with three leaves and
Rev: Owl r. head facing, olive spray and crescent upper l., AΘE down-
ward on r., lily or possibly lotus between the Greek legend and the
owl, within incuse square.
Some suggest this type and similar larger and smaller denominations are products of the
Jerusalem mint. Gitler and Tal’s identification of the flower as a lotus bud rather than
the lily, closely associated with Jerusalem, coincides with the Egyptian theme in many of
the coins of Philistia.32
6023. AR ma’ah-obol
Obv: Head of bearded male r., his cap is a canine head l., probably show-
ing open jaws, but can also be seen as closed jaws.
Rev: Owl r., head facing, olive spray and crescent upper l., AΘE down-
ward on r., lily or possibly lotus between the Greek legend and the
owl, within incuse square.
72 Guide to Biblical Coins
6024. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Prominent dome shape rising sharply from coin’s lowest flat plain.
Rev: Owl r., head facing, olive spray and crescent upper l., AΘE down-
ward on r., within incuse square.
a. AR ma’ah–obol.
3.2. Publish it not in Ascalon.... Ruins at the Ascalon State Park. (Wikimedia photo).
Persian Period:
Samaria and Judea
he coins of Samaria and Judea primarily circulated in their own
territories, and their history has many connections that overlap the
theme of this book.
Both Judea (Yehud) and Samaria (Shomron) were provinces of the Fifth
Satrapy of Persia, ruled from Tarsus in Cilicia. As mentioned, these regions
were part of the vast territory known as Eber Nahar (in Hebrew) or Abar
Nahara (in Aramaic), “the land beyond the [Euphrates] river,” today also
referred to as Trans-Euphrates. A local governor or high priest ruled each
province, whose capital city shared its name. With regard to Shomron,
“The distinction between the city and the province...appears in one of the
Wadi Daliyeh papyri from the time of Darius III, which mentions the
place where it was signed: Smryn the capital city which is in Smryn the
province [or country],”1 according to Meshorer and Qedar. Both places
today are referred to as Samaria, although the city itself has been known
as Sebaste since Roman times. Yehud was the Aramaic name for the Per-
sian satrapy of Judea. The name Yehud/YHD was used as a local stamp, in
paleo-Hebrew or Aramaic script, on pottery jar handles until the second
century bce (Fig. 4.1) when it was replaced by a paleo-Hebrew stamp
naming Jerusalem.
While there were distinct religious and political similarities between
Judea and Samaria during the Persian Period, there were also long-stand-
ing differences that began around 930 bce when the United Kingdom of
Israel was divided by conflicts after the death of King Solomon. Israel’s
twelve tribes split. Solomon’s son Rehoboam led the tribes of Judah and
Benjamin to the south, and this territory became the Southern Kingdom
of Judea. The other ten tribes, led by Jeroboam, one of Solomon’s military
advisors, settled in the Northern Kingdom called Israel, which was about
the approximate territory today known as the Galilee and Samaria.
Samaria in Hebrew is Shomron, based on a root meaning “guard” or
“watch.” As capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, Samaria was liter-
ally a lookout point in the midst of the mountains along the west bank of
the Jordan River and north of the Jerusalem hills. The ruins of the ancient
74 Guide to Biblical Coins
4.1. Jar handle stamps, c. 5th–3rd centuries bce, with the inscription Yehud in Paleo-
Hebrew (ÎäUY). (Israel Museum).
city of Sebaste sit atop a rocky hill, with the modern village spread out on
its slopes.
The Old Testament tells a different story of how Samaria was named
in the thirty-first year of Asa, king of Judea, when King Omri reigned over
Israel for twelve years. For the first six years of his reign, his capital was
Tirzah. Then:
He bought the hill of Samaria of Shemer for two talents of silver; and
he built on the hill and called the name of the city which he built, after
the name of Shemer, the owner of the hill, Samaria (I Kings 16: 24).
The hilly area around the city was known as the region of Samaria,
which, in ancient times, stretched from the Jordan Valley to the Mediter-
ranean Sea and included the Sharon plains. Before Omri founded it as his
capital, around 879 bce, Samaria was an agricultural center for producing
wine and olive oil. Omri put it on the map, as witnessed by later Assyrian
texts in which it is referred to as “Beth-khumri” or the “house of Omri.”
Under Ahab and his queen, Jezebel, Samaria was built into a well-
fortified, wealthy capital. Jezebel was a Phoenician princess who spurned
the Israelite god and turned her husband away from Judahite worship and
toward worship of the Phoenician Ba’al. Their full stories are told in I and
II Kings.
In 722 bce, the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom, and end-
ed the Kingdom of Israel. In II Kings 17:24, we learn that after this time
the Assyrians from remote places such as Babylonia, Syria, and Cuthah
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 75
I am Cyrus, the king of the world…. Marduk, the great god, rejoices at
my pious acts…. I gathered all their people and led them back to their
abodes…and the gods…at the order of Marduk, the great lord; I had
them installed in joy in their sanctuaries…. May all the gods whom I
have led back to their cities [pray daily] for the length of my days.9
Cecil Roth cites Ezra (2:64) where the number of returning Jews are
said to have been 42,360, and those Jews who remained in Mesopotamia
made financial contributions: “As the caravans successively entered the
country, one may imagine that they dispersed, each family going to re-
assert its claim on the plot of land which it previously owned. That autumn,
however, they came together in Jerusalem in order to reinstitute Divine
worship at the Temple. On the solemnity at the beginning of the seventh
month (subsequently known as the New Year), the debris was cleared away
from the middle of the ruined courts, and a rough altar set up. From that
date, for a period of three and a half centuries, the regular sequence of wor-
ship, morning and evening, was uninterrupted.”10
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 77
Thus, Jews returned to the province called Yehud, and not surprisingly,
they had developed differences to their brethren, one of which was lan-
guage. While the Jews who had remained in Judea continued using written
and spoken Hebrew, the returning exiles now spoke Aramaic, which soon
became the dominant language not only in Judea but also throughout most
of the ancient Levant. Hebrew and Aramaic were now used mainly on the
coins of Yehud, as well as on some official seals and documents. This use of
language was a graphic show of nationalistic pride and religious tradition.
(The Samarians by contrast, reflecting their own citizenry, used Aramaic
inscriptions, with occasional Greek, on their coins.)
Written history of the Persian Period (c. 538–334 bce) begins with the
Old Testament books about the return and rebuilding of Jerusalem and its
Temple by Ezra and Nehemiah and ends at around the time the land was
conquered by Alexander the Great in 334 bce. As previously discussed,
this land included the southern part of the huge Fifth Satrapy (province)
of Persia called the “land beyond the river.” Abar Nahara included Syria,
Phoenicia, greater Judea, and Cyprus. Economic changes were significant
in the life of this region, whose basic financial system evolved from the
exclusive use of weighed metal, to the use of foreign coins or fragments of
them, and eventually to a local coinage.
Conflicts between the Jews and Samaritans are illustrated in Ezra,
which specifically notes, for example, that the Jews rebuffed offers of help
to rebuild the Jewish Temple and this resulted in open animosity:
…and they gave for the service of the house of God of gold five thousand
talents and ten thousand darics, and of silver ten thousand talents, and
of brass eighteen thousand talents, and of iron a hundred thousand tal-
ents (I Chronicles 29:7).
There are other references to the daric (Fig. 4.2) in both Ezra 2:69;
8:27, and Nehemiah 7:70–72. Since these gold coins circulated during the
fifth century bce throughout the Persian Empire, one would think that the
returning Jews, with whom they must have been current, carried a good
78 Guide to Biblical Coins
4.2. Gold daric, c. fourth century bce of the Great Kings of Persia, mentioned in
Ezra and Nehemiah but almost never found in excavations in Israel.
number of these darics back to Judea. However, until today only two gold
double darics and one daric were found in controlled archaeological excava-
tions in Judea, Philistia, Samaria, and Galilee.12 No silver sigloi (singular
siglos) have been found in archaeological excavations in the area, and these
common coins never appeared for sale in the markets of Israel until the
1990s, when they started being imported from abroad for sale to tourists.
Since many Jews returned from Babylon, one might expect that more of
these coins would have survived in the biblical lands. It therefore appears
that while the post-captivity references in Ezra and Nehemiah might be
to actual coins in circulation at the time, the archaeological evidence so far
suggests that even these references may be anachronistic, at least for the
land of Judea.
Coins of Samaria
Coins of Samaria were not known prior to the 1970s. They were first pub-
lished in the early 1980s, when Meshorer wrote a few paragraphs about
them and identified four coins in Ancient Jewish Coinage I.13 By 1991 Me-
shorer and Shraga Qedar published The Coinage of Samaria in the Fourth
Century bce. A second book, Samarian Coinage, appeared in 1999 and
identified 224 coin types or subtypes. More types and varieties of Samar-
ian coins are being discovered.14 Considering the large quantity of coins, it
is astonishing that they were virtually unknown as late as the mid-1970s.
The earliest substantial discovery of Samarian coins came from two hoards,
the “Nablus Hoard”15 of around 1,000 coins, of which several hundred
were Samaritan, and the “Samaria Hoard,” which was found near Samaria
(Sebaste) in the 1980s. Of 334 coins, 182 were Samarian, 43 from Sidon,
32 from Tyre, 11 from Arados, 66 Athenian prototypes, plus a number of
pieces of jewelry including earrings, beads, and miscellaneous objects.16
Single coins and small hoards continue to be found in many locations
north of Ramallah, in the ancient land of Samaria. (By contrast, the Yehud
coins of Judea are found in many locations, but only south of Ramallah.)
Samaria issued silver coins to maintain parallel prestige with cities
such as in Phoenicia and Philistia. The Samarian coins circulated locally,
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 79
although they have been found in both Judea and further south. Like other
Persian-Period fractions, Samaria’s small-denomination silver coins filled
the need for small payments in religious, military, and commercial transac-
tions, alongside the continued use of small pieces of jewelry and cut silver.
Since Samarian coins were apparently struck during the 45 years prior
to Alexander’s conquest in 330 bce, these coins should be considered Jew-
ish issues, according to Meshorer and Qedar.17 A second parallel is that the
coins of Gaza and Judea imitate mainly Athenian and Hellenistic Egyp-
tian prototypes while the Samaritan coins resemble the coins of places to
which Samaria was commercially connected such as Sidon, Tyre, and Cili-
cia. Samaria’s geographic location—well to the north of Jerusalem—makes
such commercial links logical. “Though only a few Cilician coins have been
found in the Samaria area, the Cilician prototypes are dominant and at
least fifteen different coins have Cilician prototypes.”18 Much more will be
learned in future studies of both the Samarian and Cilician coins.
Coins of both Samaria and Judea carry personal names or their ab-
breviations, apparently the names of governors of the respective regions.
Most of the names are Jewish. Some of those named on Samarian coins
are Jeroboam, Hiyam, Hananyah, Sanballat, and Delayah. Some coins also
refer to the Persian satrap Mazaeus.
Meshorer and Qedar engage in thought-provoking speculation about
some of the coins. One type, for example, a ma‘ah-obol (no. 6041), has
an obverse showing a bearded male figure seated on a throne, playing a
five-stringed harp. The reverse design depicts a male figure on the right,
stabbing a horse on the left with a spear. They observe that this type is not
derivative but original to Samarian coinage. Meshorer and Qedar specu-
late on the identity of the seated male figure, whose head is bare and thus
represents neither king nor satrap. “One could suggest a possibility that
this figure may represent some aspect of Samaritan religious practice. We
know that in the fourth century bce the Samaritans intended to build their
own temple on Mt. Gerizim, a temple to rival the Temple in Jerusalem.
The idea of building such a temple on Mt. Gerizim...meant that the Sa-
maritans considered the Jerusalem Temple as a model. Moreover, Sanbal-
lat, the governor of Samaria, brought Manasseh, the brother of the high
priest, from Jerusalem to Samaria, gave him his daughter in marriage and
appointed him to serve as high priest in the new Temple. The ceremonies
in the Jerusalem Temple included music in praise of the Lord, performed
by the Levites who were musicians and played harps and lyres. Can we
perhaps associate the unusual figure on [this coin] with the sacred music
of the Samaritan Yahvistic cult?”19
Many of the motifs of the Samarian coins are remarkably complicated,
especially considering that they have diameters of 10 mm or less. One of
the tiny ma‘ah-obols (no. 6042), for example, depicts “two figures walking
to the left, shouldering a bar from which an animal is suspended by its legs.
Between them, another animal walks to the left with its head turned back.”
80 Guide to Biblical Coins
As discussed above, it is not known whether Shomron (Samaria) represents the name of
the city or the name of the province when used on these coins.
6025 6026
6025. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r.
Rev: ufl (sn—Shomron) flank owl stands front, wings spread.
This interesting little coin imitates the famous Athenian decadrachm.
a. Half denomination.
6026. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r.
Rev: ÈuŸfl (shmrn—Shomron) to r. of owl stands r., head facing.
6027 6028
6027. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena l.
Rev: uye¤fl (shmryn—Shomron) above lion attacks stag r.
6028. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Facing female head, possibly Arethusa.
82 Guide to Biblical Coins
6029 6030
6029. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Forepart of crouching lion r., head facing.
Rev: iuye¤fl (shmryn—Shomron) behind Herakles head l., lightly bearded.
6030. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Bearded male head with Persian tiara r.
Rev: uye¤fl (shmryn—Shomron), forepart of horse r.
6031 6032
6031. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: ifl (sn—Shomron) behind Persian king with jagged crown seated on
throne r., long folded garment, holds knotted scepter in l. hand and
smells flower held in r. hand.
Rev: Z¤ (mz—Mazday?) behind crowned and bearded four-winged
deity (Ahura Mazda) with bird’s tail, r., holds flower in r. hand and
uncertain object in l.
6032. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: È»–¤fl (smryn—Shomron) above galley l. with oars, rudder, row of
shields, small figurehead, curved ornament over stern supporting
standard, double line of waves below.
Rev: Z¤ (mz—Mazday?) between Persian king on l. stands r. wearing
kidaris and kandys, fights lion standing on hind legs, l. hand on
lion’s head, r. holds dagger.
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 83
6033 6034
6033. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Persian king on throne r. smells a flower in r. hand and holds scepter
in l.
Rev: lb"»eb (bdyhbl) to l. of bearded male stands r., wears kidaris, sniffs
flower and holds another flower in l. hand.
The name Bdyehibel appears on several coins but is not yet fully understood or related to
a person.23
6034. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: lb"»eb (bdyhbl) to l. of bearded and partly nude figure of Bes-like
deity faces front, crouches slightly, hands rest on thighs, wears lion
skin cape, tail and paw appear between legs.
Rev: Persian king walks r., wears jagged crown and kandys, holds bow in
l. hand and arrows in r., three more arrows visible over king’s shoulder.
6035. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: e (d) above horse walking l., all in a dotted square border.
Rev: e, (d) above winged sphinx with head of Persian king l., all in dotted
square border.
The letter D could abbreviate the name Delayah, used in the Bible in the sixth to fifth
centuries bce. It is also the name of one of Sanballat’s sons mentioned in the Elephantine
letters. He may have succeeded his father as governor early in the fourth century bce. The
meaning of the name is “healed by the Lord” as used in Psalms 30:2.24
84 Guide to Biblical Coins
6036. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Crude helmeted head of Athena r.
Rev: AΘE on r., "##û (hnny—Hannanyah, retrograde) below it, owl
stands r. head facing.
Hannanyah appears as a governor of Samaria in Wadi Daliyeh papyri, (nos. 7 and 9).
The Samaritan Chronicles also mention a high priest named Hannanyah during the
time of Queen Esther.25
6037 6038
6037. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Head of Athena r., wearing crested helmet.
Rev: AΘE, the Θ has been moved outward to allow space for an Aramaic
legend in the space between the A and the E, c¯®Ó (ydw‘) to r. of
owl stands to r., head facing, to r. between the owl and the inscrip-
tion is an ear of barley, all within an incuse square.
6038. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: ‘cbeUú (yhrb‘m—Jeroboam) to l. of bearded male head l.
Rev: Male figure rides bull, holds spear in upraised l. hand.
There is no certain information on the name Jeroboam on the fragmentary list of gover-
nors of Samaria in the fourth century bce.
6039. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Crowned, bearded male head r.
Rev: b&, (sn—Sanballat) above lion seated l., all within square dotted
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 85
Perhaps this person is the Sanballat II referred to by Josephus as the one who “had been
sent to Samaria as satrap by Darius the last king.”28
6039 6040
6040. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: lfl (s[h]l[emiyah]?) above winged griffin with long curved horn r.,
letters on both sides of wing, another design, incense flower (?) in l.
field, all in square border.
Rev: lfl (sl) above l. of stag crouching r., head turned back, facing-head of
Bes between horns, in l. field, all in square border.
Shlemiyah appears in one of the Elephantine letters from 408 bce as a son of Sanbal-
lat, who may have struck these coins some 30 years later. Shlemiyah was also a popular
Hebrew name.29
6041 6042
6041. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Male figure (king?) sits r. on throne and plays harp, six pseudo-
cuneiform signs of unknown significance above, below, and to r.
Rev: Male figure on r. stabs horse on l. with spear in his r. hand and dag-
ger in his l.
6042. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Persian king bearded and wears jagged crown and kandys, stands l.,
holds two lions by their hind legs.
Rev: Two males walk l., carry pole over shoulders, animal hangs from it
by its feet, another animal stands between men to l., head turned
86 Guide to Biblical Coins
6043 6044
6043. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Triple-faced bearded head wears cone-shaped crown, the eyes of
the facing head also serve as eyes of the profile heads.
Rev: Five Athenian-style coins showing owl motif.
This tiny coin is remarkable since it is engraved in such amazing detail that one can
identify the five Athenian-style coins it depicts.
6044. AR half-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Head of horned mythological animal to r.
Rev: Forepart of bull r., traces of inscription on r.(?).
Athenian-styled coins tentatively attributed to Samaria
6045. AR ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Crude helmeted head of Athena r.
Rev: Crude owl stands to r., head facing, olive spray behind, sometimes
part of AΘE visible.
There are many variations of this type, which Gitler and Tal tentatively attribute to
Samaria since these coins appear in groups that are mostly die-linked, “hence the pos-
sibility of their circulation beyond their place of production in groups (especially against
their low denomination) is remote.”30
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 87
Yehud Coins
As discussed in Chapter 3, it seems likely that the earliest Yehud coins
such as the rare quarter-sheqels of Philistian style (nos. 6046–6048) were
struck at a Philistian mint, likely Gaza.37 A mint was later established in
Judea to produce the small silver denominations.
The first coin struck on the sheqel-gerah standard could have been the
unusual quarter-sheqel (three examples known) that carry both the ‘ayin of
Gaza and the name yhwd (no. 6049). This coin may also have been the final
Yehud type struck at the mint of Gaza. It may have been followed by the
small silver coins that imitate Athenian tetradrachms, but with the Yehud
( )יהדinscription instead of AΘE (no. 6050). These coins were followed by
the coins that depict the portrait of a Persian king on one side (no. 6057)
and share a reverse type copying the Athenian owl. The obverse of coin no.
6057 has long been misunderstood. Meshorer believed that its obverse was
88 Guide to Biblical Coins
Virtually all of the Yehud coins have been found within ancient Judea,
but coins from the same period struck in Tyre, Sidon, and Arados have
been found throughout the Middle East. Ronen suggests that “this situ-
ation might indicate that the Yehud coins were not used for international
trade, as were the Phoenician coins. If the Yehud coins were only used lo-
cally, the use of a non-conventional weight system becomes more readily
explicable,” and indeed this is the case.
Ronen’s final proof to his theory that these coins were the earliest lo-
cal coins used as Temple payments is the fact that all of the Yehud coins
discovered to date are composed of true silver.47
Fourée or “silver-plated” (in ancient times these were made by carefully
wrapping silver foil around base metal cores) coins with a base metal
interior are particularly common among the coins of the late Persian
Period. Anyone who has handled even relatively small groups of coins
from Gaza, Samaria, Sidon, Byblos, and Arados will notice that there are
an unusually large number of fourrée coins. Once it was thought that the
fourrée coins were simply ancient forgeries. However, this belief seems not
to have been the case, as shown by Oliver Hoover: “Although plated coins
are frequently described as ‘ancient forgeries,’ it is difficult to be certain that
criminal enterprise was responsible for all of the known plated specimens.
Some series that are of especially high quality may possibly be official.
Two examples in [Hoover’s] catalog actually die link to apparently regular
(un-plated) issues.”48 As already mentioned, similar die links occur in the
Samaritan series between fourrée and silver coins.
Whatever the reason, why should the Yehud coinage be the only small
silver coinage of the ancient Near East where there were no fourrée coins
minted? Ronen suggests that the reason for this is that the Yehud coins
were used for, among other things, payment of tribute to the Jerusalem
Temple. “If the Yehud coins were indeed used for the biblical half-sheqel
tribute to the Temple (Mishnah Shekalim 2:4), the sheqel weight sys-
tem is the appropriate standard. Moreover, pure silver was required for the
Temple tribute, which explains the absence of silver-plated Yehud coins.”49
No Jewish officials or even mint workers would have participated in a
scheme that might perpetrate a fraud on the Jerusalem Temple.
Therefore, what we have in these early Yehud coins are gerah and half-
gerah denomination coins used to make up the annual silver half-sheqel to
the Jerusalem Temple as well as other local commerce.
4.4. No. 6075, similarities to a duck and to ancient duck-shaped weights. (Graphic:
Barag explains that Judea “was the only area in which such a currency was
issued under the Ptolemies (after 301 bce) but for how long? Coin issues
of that kind were contrary to the highly centralized monetary system of
the Ptolemaic kingdom. Furthermore, the prolific issue of bronze coins by
the state mints, some of which were quite heavy and of greater commercial
value than the minute silver coins, as well as more practical for daily circu-
lation in the marketplace, made Judea’s silver coinage redundant (the small
silver coins were prone to break and were easily lost).”60
It is unusual that among all of the possessions of the early Ptolemaic
empire, only the mint of Judea was allowed to issue coins with its own
local paleo-Hebrew script and the name Yehud instead of the name of
the current Ptolemaic king. Barag suggests that this situation could reveal
a “political status beyond restricted local autonomy,” although the coins
themselves “certainly display direct control from the center of govern-
ment.”61 The rare examples of Aramaic script on the Yehud coins are not
yet adequately explained since all of the other Yehud coins are inscribed in
paleo-Hebrew script.
The language on Samarian coins was more congruent with the language
of larger foreign entities that surround them.” With regard to the Yehud
coins, however, he also points to “relatively greater prominence of sacred
‘Jewish’ iconography…. (the ear and the lily) suggest that the Judean valu-
ation of a more intense connection between the religious and the political;
perhaps, too, the priests had more political power in Yehud.”63
A great amount remains unknown about the ancient land of Israel
during the Persian Period. Some scholars, for example, contend that the
Persian provincial authorities issued the Yehud coins. But Barag argues
that this explanation is not sufficient. After all, he observes, “The Persian
governors of Judea were, in most cases, if not always, Jewish: Sheshbazzar
(Ezra 1:8) and Zerubbabal (Haggai 1:1,14) in the late sixth century bce,
Nehemiah (Nehemiah 5:14; 12:26) in the second half of the fifth century.
Epigraphic discoveries added names of Elnathan in the late sixth cen-
tury bce, Yeho‘ezer and Ahzai in the fifth century bce, and Yehiziqiyah
in the third quarter of the fourth century bce. Whether Bagohi (Bagoas)
known from the Elephantine papyri was Jewish is uncertain, but as all
other known governors were Jewish, he may also be Jewish.”64
Barag also discusses why these early Jewish rulers would have violated
the commandment against placing graven images on coins. “The liberal at-
titudes of the Achaemenid dynasty in religious matters and their favorable
policy towards the cult of the God of Heaven are well known. It is thus
inconceivable that Jewish governors in Judea, or the Persian authorities,
could have been insensitive to such matters. What is the likelihood that
they would have issued currency, that the majority of the population would
have rejected as offensive? The coin of Yohanan [no. 6071] suggests that
even the high priests saw fit to issue coins with images. The norm in the
fourth century bce was thus entirely different from that of the Hasmoneans,
King Herod, Herod Antipas, the mint of Agrippa I in Jerusalem, the Roman
procurators of Judea, and the Jewish authorities during the Jewish War and
the Bar Kokhba War. The explanation may be in a different attitude toward
representations on coins than was later introduced by the Hasmoneans in
their religious reforms. For Jews in the fourth century bce, the two-dimen-
sional representations on coins even if their subject matter was pagan did not
constitute an offense against the command: ‘Thou shalt not make thee any
graven image...’ (Deuteronomy 5:8; cf. Exodus 20:23; Leviticus 26:1,
Deuteronomy 27:15). In the early Hellenistic period, culminating in the
Maccabean Wars, attitudes in such matters changed drastically.”
The matter of iconography, specifically on Hasmonean coins, is dis-
cussed on pp. 141–43, but in general, it seems that when the Jewish popu-
lation is secure, the use of graven images on everyday objects such as coins
(as opposed to cult objects of worship) was not strongly resisted.
96 Guide to Biblical Coins
4.5. Reconstruction of set of Yehud coin dies for no. 6056; notice large flat areas on
obverse die. (Graphic: Fontanille.)
4.6. After continuous use, the obverse dies for the tiny silver coins deteriorate be-
yond recognition. (Graphic: Fontanille.)
hand-held reverse dies suffered smaller cracks and breaks.65 One may as-
sume that this was a result of poor manufacturing complicated by a lack
of quality control at this earliest-known Judean mint, probably in the Je-
rusalem area. The Yehud dies were particularly prone to this deterioration
because they were so small, and the majority of the dies had quite shallow
relief work. The obverses did not break because they were set firmly into an
anvil. But during the striking process, small grains of silver and other waste
fell into the dies and was pounded and hammered so hard and so often
that it mutilated the dies. This source of damage is a graphic explanation
since the effect on the obverse die was less in the way of actual breakage or
chips, but more pounding and filling. The shallowest areas of the die filled
quickly, while the deep areas ended up turning into the odd trapezoid and
finally an egg-shaped object. It also explains how these strange designs
could still be surrounded by a rather flat field (nos. 6075b, c).
A related discovery solves a mystery regarding the early type with the
large head of the Persian king with his chin resting over an enigmatic
square structure and a circle within, and a reverse owl, head facing, with
the Hebrew YHD (no. 6056). Originally believed to have been part of an
unexplained motif, this image actually resulted from a clashed-die error.
The square structure was the “incuse” design on the punch and the “circle”
within it is the result of the reversed design of the owl. This flaw occurred
when, early in their life cycle, the obverse and reverse dies were “clashed”
together without a flan between them. In this case, it resulted in perma-
nent damage to this obverse die. Another clashed-die error occurs in at
least one other Yehud coin and in other related series.66 The obverse die
of this coin was significantly larger than any of the flans, while the reverse
punch dies seem to be about the correct size.
98 Guide to Biblical Coins
4.7. Illustration of the creation of a clashed die error for type 6056. (Graphic:
6046. AR quarter-sheqel, 3.29 g.
Obv: Bearded oriental head (Bagoas?) r. wearing Corinthian helmet,
guilloche border.
Rev: eHY (yhd) above bearded deity seated r. on winged wheel (chari-
ot?), holds falcon in l. hand and r. hand rests on knee, small bearded
mask below r., within guilloche border and incuse square.
One known
This coin was described by Hill and others as the first Jewish coin, with a reverse depic-
tion of the Jewish deity on a winged chariot (Ezekiel 10:16).
Barag identifies the obverse portrait as “Bagoas, a general of Artaxerxes III who
was strategos and commander-in-chief of the Persian army invading Egypt in 343
bce68.... In choosing this representation with a helmet...he continued the precedent set
during the preparations for the second war against Egypt in 378–374 bce, namely that
a Persian strategos may be represented wearing a Greek helmet.” Barag also sees a paral-
lel between the reverse of this coin “and the coins struck by Pharnabazos in 378–374 bce
showing the enthroned Ba’al Tarz (Ba’al of Tarsus) …. One may thus conclude that the
deity on the British Museum drachm is the God of Yehud, i.e. the God of Israel.” 69
Gitler and Tal suggest that the coin was a product of the Philistian mint. They read
the legend as YHW or YHR instead of YHD and believe that the production of this coin
could have been carried out under Edomite Jews who disregarded the second command-
ment, or alternatively under gentiles who considered YHWH as just another deity of
their “cultic pantheon.”70 It seems possible that this coin was among the earliest coins of
the Yehud series, and without a local mint at this time, some coins were manufactured
in Gaza, and only later in Judea. The two quarter-sheqels described below may also be
members of this family. No. 6049 carries a clear legend of YHWD along with a symbol
that appears to be the C mintmark of Gaza.
100 Guide to Biblical Coins
The lapidary Aramaic legend clearly reading יהדsuggests that this drachm is a new coin
type of the Yehud series. The fact that there are only three other recorded drachms with
the full Yehud legend (no. 6049) and that those coins are much lighter with an Athenian
style points to the importance of this new find.
Since the iconography of this type is different from that of the known late Persian-
Period coins of Judea and the reverse exhibits a clear Philistian iconographical influ-
ence (see Gitler and Tal 2006: XIX. Oriental Head/Feline. 10D, XIX. Oriental Head/
Feline. 11D and XXVIII. Animals. 6D) suggests that this coin is probably the earliest
known coin of Judea. A similar scene appears on a Samarian coin that depicts a lion
holding a dagger in his right paw and standing above another animal (Meshorer and
Qedar 1999: No. 204).
This issue dates to the fourth century bce based on the lapidary Aramaic legend and
the late-style of the facing Gorgoneion. (Note courtesy Haim Gitler, Israel Mu-
seum, Jerusalem.)
6048. AR quarter-sheqel.
Obv: Athena head r. wearing crested helmet decorated with 3 olive leaves.
Rev: AΘ[E] and retrograde Y (y) to r. of owl standing r., head facing, with
olive leaves behind.
a. AR ma‘ah-obol of similar types.
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 101
c. 350–330 bce
6051 6052
6051. AR gerah.
Obv: Athena head r. wears helmet decorated with olive wreath.
Rev: ¿UY (yhd) to r. of owl standing to r., head facing, small lily above l.
Several varieties of this coin exist; some versions carry legends that are crude or retrograde.
6052. AR gerah.
Obv: Athena head r. wears helmet decorated with olive wreath.
Rev: ¿UY (yhd, retrograde) to l. of owl standing to l., head facing, in r.
field olive spray.
a. AR half-gerah (?), 0.26 g.
b. Athena crude head l., 0.36 g.
These smaller versions are from different die sets. It is not clear that these are half-gerah
coins. Since the weight of these small coins varies dramatically, it is difficult to consider
it a smaller denomination.
102 Guide to Biblical Coins
6053. AR gerah.
Obv: Athena crude head r.
Rev: Y on l. of U¿ (yhd) on r. of owl standing to r., head facing.
a. ¿äUY (yhwd, retrograde) around owl standing to r. head facing.
b. ¿UY (yhd) crude and written horizontally to r. of owl standing to
r. head facing.
6054. AR gerah.
Obv: Athena helmeted head r., decorated with olive wreath.
Rev: eĪ (yhd, retrograde Aramaic) to r. of owl standing to r., head facing.
6055. AR gerah.
Obv: Bare male head r.
Rev: ¿äU™ (yhwd) to r. of owl standing to r. head facing, in l. field olive
6056. AR gerah.
Obv: Persian king head wears jagged crown to r. On most examples, under
the head, a circular motif due to a clashed-die error.
Rev: ¿UY (yhd) to r. of owl standing to r., head facing, in upper l. field lily
a. Same but prior to clashing of the dies.
6057. AR gerah.
Obv: Persian king head wears jagged crown facing r.
Rev: ¿UY (yhd) to r. of fat owl standing to r., head facing, in upper l.
field lily flower.
6058. AR half-gerah.
Obv: Persian king head wears jagged crown facing r.
Rev: ¿UY (yhd) to r. of falcon with wings spread, head r.
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 103
6059a 6060
6059. AR half-gerah.
Obv: Lily.
Rev: ¿UY (yhd) above r. wing of falcon with wings spread, head r.
a. Falcon with longer wings, legend on r.
6060. AR gerah.
Obv: Large ear, possibly representing the “ear of God.”
Rev: ¿UY (yhd) retrograde on r. of falcon with wings spread, head r.
Gerson suggests that “the ear has to do with the Shema prayer, bedrock of Jewish liturgy
and ethical monotheism: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is one.’” This, then,
is the “Shema coin.”71
When one side of the coin is shown significantly larger than the other side in a
composite image, this situation means that one die was notably larger than the other die.
6061 6062
6061. AR gerah.
Obv: Shofar (animal horn prepared as a musical instrument).
Rev: ¿UY (yhd) to r. of crude falcon, wings spread, head r.
6062. AR gerah.
Obv: Incense bowl (?) with flames and smoke.
Rev: ¿UY (yhd) to r. of falcon with wings spread, head r.
104 Guide to Biblical Coins
Ronen suggests that the obverse description as a helmet is not consistent with the Jewish
symbols in this sub-series.72 This set of nos. 6059, 6060, 6061, and 6062 depicts four
parts of early Israelite rituals—the Temple (represented by the lily motif, used on Temple
decorations), the Lord listens (ear), we speak to the Lord (shofar), and we sacrifice to the
Lord (altar).
6063 6064
6063. AR half-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Lynx head with horns to l.
Rev: Uúkõxú (yhzqyh—Hezekiah) beneath forepart of winged ani-
mal with head of Persian king to l.
6064. AR half-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Young male head l.
Rev: Uúkõxú (yhzqyh—Hezekiah) beneath forepart of winged,
horned lynx l.
a. Brockage of reverse inscription on obverse to left of face.
This name may be the same Hezekiah mentioned by Josephus who, quoting Hecateus,
tells us that “after the battle of Gaza, Ptolemy became master of Syria, and that many
of the inhabitants, hearing of his kindliness and humanity, desired to accompany him to
Egypt and to associate themselves with his realm, ‘Among these (he says) was Ezechias
[Hezekiah], a chief priest of the Jews, a man of about 66 years of age, highly esteemed by
his countrymen....’”73
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 105
6065 6066
6065. AR half-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Young male head r.
Rev: Uúkõxú (yhzqyh—Hezekiah) beneath forepart of winged,
horned lynx l.
c. 330–306 bce
6067 6069
6069. AR half-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Facing head in a circle of connected dots.
Rev: ÕxJÕ (hapecha—the governor) to l., Õúkõxú (yhzqyh—Hezekiah)
to r. of owl standing r., head facing, the feathers of the head form a
beaded circle.
a. Inscription is retrograde.
b. Crude style and inscription.
106 Guide to Biblical Coins
6070 6071
6070. AR half-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Crude facing head.
Rev: Owl standing l., head facing, the feathers of the head form a beaded
circle, on l. and r. pseudo-Greek inscriptions, not readily legible.
6072 6073
6072. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Facing head in a circle of connected dots.
Rev: ¿Uú (yhd-retrograde) to l., U¿äUú (yhwdh-retrograde) to r. of
crude owl standing r., head facing.
c. 306–305 bce
6073. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Lily.
Rev: Owl stands to r. head facing, possible remnants of paleo-Hebrew
on r.
6074. AR half-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Crude lily.
Rev: Duck stands to r., head turned back surrounded by U¿|Uú�
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 107
6075 6075b
6075. AR half-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Chimera head r.
Rev: U¿|Uú (Yhwdh) around duck standing to r., head turned back.
a. Obv: Degraded Chimera head r.
b. Obv: Unusual trapezoidal shape.
c. Obv: Egg or pellet shape.
Under Ptolemy I
c. 302 bce
Loose dies.
6076 6077
6076. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Stylized head facing forward.
Rev: ¿Uú (yhd) to l. of eagle with wings spread standing l.
302/1–294 bce
6077. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Young male head r.
Rev: ¿Uú (yhd) to l. of eagle with wings spread standing l.
a. Young male head l. on obverse.
108 Guide to Biblical Coins
6078 6079
6078. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Young male head l.
Rev: ¿Uú (yhd) to l. of eagle with wings spread standing l.
a. Crude, narrow head l. on obverse.
294 bce
Tendency to vertical die axis.
6079. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Ptolemy I diademed head r., fine style.
Rev: ¿|Uú (yhwd) to r. of eagle, wings closed, stands l.
6080. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Ptolemy I diademed head l.
Rev: ¿Uú (yhd) to l. of eagle, wings spread, half-turned l. and standing
upon thunderbolt.
Under Ptolemy II
294–c. 282 bce (some issues after 272 bce)
6081. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Ptolemy I diademed head r.
Rev: U¿Uú (yhdh) to l. of eagle, wings spread, half-turned l. and stand-
ing upon thunderbolt.
a. Legend is ¿|Uú (yhyd).
b. More finely detailed portrait style.
c. Double struck.
Persian Period: Samaria & Judea 109
6082 6083
6082. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Ptolemy I diademed head r.
Rev: Eagle as above, but inscription is crude, square letters, possibly
a. Similar but the crude square letters appear to be retrograde.
c. 282–272 bce
6083. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Ptolemy I diademed head r.
Rev: ¿Uú (yhd) downward to r. of head Berenike I r.
6084. AR quarter-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Ptolemy I diademed head r.
Rev: ¿Uú (yhd) to l. of head Berenike I l.
272 bce
6085. AR hemi-ma‘ah-obol.
Obv: Ptolemy I and Berenike I jugate heads r.
Rev: ¿Uú (yhd) to r. of jugate heads of Ptolemy II and Arsinöe II r.
261/260–242/241 bce
Tendency to vertical die axis
110 Guide to Biblical Coins
6086. AR hemidrachm, one published, 1.71 g.
Obv: Ptolemy I diademed head r.
Rev: U¿Uú (yhdh) to l. of eagle, wings spread, half-turned l., standing
on thunderbolt, BA between inscription and eagle.
s if to underline the local importance of coins in Philistia, Sa-
maria, and Judea, the Macedonians, as well as the Seleucids and
Ptolemies, established branch mints in several cities of ancient
Israel. These mints struck coins of standard types, in varying denomina-
tions, that circulated throughout their empires. I included Macedonian
and Ptolemaic coins struck in the “Yehud” series in the previous chapter
as a matter of typology.
Macedonian influence on the lands under Greek rule began with
Philip II, King of Macedon, who was such an able statesman and skillful
general that his son Alexander III (the Great) is said to have complained,
“My father will get ahead of me in everything and will leave nothing great
for me to do.” In 338 bce, Philip II brought all of Greece under his control
and planned his next step toward world conquest: the overthrow of the
Persian Empire. This effort was interrupted by his assassination in 336 bce,
but Alexander (336–323 bce) eventually completed the task.
112 Guide to Biblical Coins
The Jews fared well under Alexander. He was tolerant of those who
submitted to his rule. Good relations between Alexander and the Jews are
reflected in a legend preserved in Josephus, who reports that when Alex-
ander was besieging Tyre, Sanballat, the governor of Samaria, came to him
with an army of 8,000 men.1
Alexander received him and granted his request to build a temple on
Mount Gerizim, where Sanballat’s son-in-law Manasseh would serve as
high priest.
Josephus says Alexander demanded that the Jewish high priest Jaddua
surrender Jerusalem and the Jewish people. Jaddua refused, and Alexander
and his army marched on Jerusalem to punish them. Jaddua was able to
keep the Jews calm by revealing his dream that no harm would befall the
city or the Temple.2
The next day at Zofim, north of Jerusalem, Jaddua met Alexander with
a procession of priests dressed in white, purple, scarlet, and gold. Alexander
bowed down to them. His own generals thought he was insane for doing
so, but Alexander appeased them by saying that he had seen Jaddua in a
dream and he had foretold that Alexander would defeat the Persian king.
Alexander then went to the Jerusalem Temple and offered a sacrifice to the
Jewish God, granting special privileges to the Jews while he was there.3
The Talmud tells a similar story, albeit with different names for the
high priest and the meeting place. It is clear that the Jewish people enjoyed
good fortune under Alexander the Great.4
Many of Alexander’s coins were struck upon the metal obtained from
the melting of the stores of gold and silver in the Persian treasury.
Syria, including the land of Israel, came under Ptolemaic rule, where it
remained for a hundred years. The Seleucids continued to control northern
Syria and its vital access to the Mediterranean.
Josephus reports how Ptolemy I Soter (323–283 bce) captured Jeru-
salem on a Sabbath when the Jews refused to fight in their own defense.
Ptolemy entered the city on the pretense of making a sacrifice.
Under Ptolemy II Philadelphus (283–245 bce) relations flourished
between his capital at Alexandria and the center of the Jewish community
at Jerusalem. Philadelphus freed many of the Jewish slaves who had been
captured during his father’s military campaigns.
But the best-remembered achievement of Ptolemy II was a literary
one that made the Jewish Bible accessible to the entire Greek world. Ptol-
emy II had a large and splendid library, of which he was especially proud.
One day, according to legend, the royal librarian told Ptolemy that he had
gathered 995 books of the best literature that all the nations of the world
had to offer. However, the librarian added, the greatest books of all, the five
books of Moses (Pentateuch), were not included.
Ptolemy II sent envoys bearing gifts to the high priest in Jerusalem.
The envoys were to ask not only for copies of the five books of Moses but
also for a group of scholars to translate them into Greek.
The high priest met the request and sent 72 scholars to Alexandria. It
is said that each of the scholars worked alone to complete the difficult and
unprecedented task. When they were finished and the translations were
compared, each of the 72 is said to have been identical. Thus, this Greek
translation of the Bible was called the Septuagint or “the seventy.” Now,
the wisdom of the Jewish nation was available for the first time to others,
including those Jews who had been born and raised outside their home-
land, as in Alexandria, and had lost fluency in the Hebrew language.6
Ptolemy II revitalized the major port city that had been called Akko
since the earliest times and renamed it Ptolemais. He established a mint
there, as well as in Gaza, Ascalon, and Jaffa. Additional coins were pro-
duced in nearby Egypt and Phoenicia, thus many Ptolemaic issues circu-
lated in the ancient Levant. It is worth noting once again that Ptolemy I
and II allowed Judea to issue Ptolemaic coins with the Yehud inscription
upon them.7 (See Chapter 4.)
Josephus writes that after Ptolemy III Euergetes (246–221 bce) de-
feated the Seleucids in the third Syrian war (246–241 bce), he offered a
sacrifice of incense at the Jerusalem Temple.8
His son Ptolemy IV Philopator (221–203 bce) was victorious over the
Seleucid king Antiochus III in 217 bce at Raphia. Josephus describes the
Jews of this time as “in no way different from a storm-tossed ship which
is beset on either side by heavy seas, finding themselves crushed between
the successes of Antiochus and the adverse turn of his fortunes.” Josephus
writes that Philopator also visited Jerusalem with the idea of entering the
Temple. However, the Jewish God stepped in and threw him to his knees.
114 Guide to Biblical Coins
The Egyptian king was not pleased, and when he returned to Alexandria
he ordered local Jews into the arena where they would be trampled by a
herd of elephants. Instead, legend says, the elephants turned upon their
keepers. This tale illustrates how the Jews of the time felt about Ptolemy
In 205 bce, Ptolemy IV died and was followed on the throne by his
five-year-old son, Ptolemy V. This change in rule created a situation favor-
able to Ptolemy’s enemies, and in 201 Antiochus III again invaded the area
of Judea, this time conquering all of the country except Gaza.
Mint of Akko-Ptolemais
Recorded with dates KE (25) = 261/60 bce, KH (28) = 258/7 bce, KΘ (29)
= 257/6 bce, Λ (30) = 256/5 bce, ΛA (31) = 255/4 bce, ΛB (32) = 254/3 bce,
ΛΓ (33) = 253/2 bce, ΛΔ (34) = 252/1 bce, ΛE (35) = 251/0 bce, Λς (36) =
250/49 bce, ΛZ (37) = 249/8 bce, ΛH (38) = 248/7 bce, ΛΘ (39) = 247/6 bce.
Ptolemaic and Seleucid Coins 115
Mint of Ascalon
Recorded with dates Γ (3) = 220/19 bce, Δ (4) = 219/8 bce, and E (5) 218/7 bce.
Mint of Dora
6098. Ptolemy V (204–181 bce). AR tetradrachm.
Obv: Ptolemy V diademed bust r.
Rev: ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle stands l. on thunderbolt, ΔΩ
in l. field.
Mint of Gaza
Recorded with dates KE (25) = 261/0 bce, KH (28) = 258/7 bce, KΘ (29) = 257/6
bce, Λ (30) = 256/5 bce, ΛA (31) = 255/4 bce, ΛB (32) = 254/3 bce, ΛΓ (33) =
253/2 bce, Λς (36) = 250/49 bce, ΛZ (37) = 249/8 bce, ΛH (38) = 248/7 bce.
Recorded with dates B (2) = 246/5 bce and ς (6) 242/1 bce.
Mint of Joppa
Recorded with dates KE (25) = 261/0 bce, KZ (27) = 259/8 bce, KΘ (29)
= 257/6 bce, Λ (30) = 256/5 bce, ΛA (31) = 255/4 bce, ΛB (32) = 254/3 bce,
ΛΓ (33) = 253/2 bce, ΛΔ (34) = 252/1 bce, ΛE (35) = 251/0 bce, Λς (36) =
250/49 bce, ΛZ (37) = 249/8 bce, ΛH (38) = 248/7 bce, ΛΘ (39) = 247/6 bce.
Recorded with dates A (1) = 247/6 bce, B (2) = 246/5 bce, Γ (3) = 245/4 bce, Δ (4) =
244/3 bce, E (5) = 243/2 bce, and ς (6) 242/1 bce.
Occur with dates A (1) = 247/6 bce, B (2) = 246/5 bce, Γ (3) = 245/4 bce, Δ (4) =
244/3 bce, E (5) = 243/2 bce, and ς (6) 242/1 bce.
Possibly Akko-Ptolemais mint. Occur with dates E (5) = 201/0 bce, ς (6) = 200/199
bce, Z (7) 199/8 bce.
Mint of Akko-Ptolemais
Recorded with dates SE 162 (BΞP = 151/0 bce), 163 (ΓΞP = 150/49 bce), 166 (ςΞP
= 147/6 bce).
Recorded with dates SE 169 (ΘEP = 144/3 bce) 170 (LOP = 143/2 bce), and 171
(AOP =142/1 bce).
Recorded with dates from regnal years 1 (LA = 142/1 bce), 3 (LΓ = 140/39 bce),
and 4 (LΔ = 139/8 bce).
6132. Demetrius II, second reign (129–125 bce). AR tetradrachm. Attic standard.
Obv: Demetrius II bearded, diademed head, horn at temple to r., fillet
trius, god, the father-loving victor), Zeus sits l. on throne, holds Nike,
facing l., wreath in outstretched r. hand and scepter in l., date EΠP
(SE 185 = 128/7 bce) on l, and control mark under throne.
126 Guide to Biblical Coins
Recorded with dates SE 184 (ΔΠP = 129/8 bce), 185 (EΠP = 128/7 bce), and 186
(ςΠP = 127/6 bce).
Recorded with dates SE 189 (ΘΠP = 124/3 bce) and 191 (APP = 122/1 bce).
Ptolemaic and Seleucid Coins 127
Recorded with dates SE 187 (ZΠP = 126/5 bce), 188 (HΠP = 125/4 bce) and 192
(BPP = 121/0 bce).
Recorded with dates SE 187 (ZΠP = 126/5 bce), 188 (HΠP = 125/4 bce) and 189
(ΘΠP = 124/3 bce).
Recorded with dates SE 192 (BPP = 121/0 bce), 193 (ΓPP = 120/19 bce), 195 (EPP
= 118/7 bce), 196 (ςPP = 117/6 bce), 197 (ZPP = 116/5 bce), 198 (HPP= 115/4
bce), and 199 (ΘPP = 114/3 bce).
128 Guide to Biblical Coins
a. Didrachm dates 196 (ςPP = 117/6 bce), 197 (ZPP = 116/5 bce),
and 199 (ΘPP = 114/3 bce).
Recorded with dates SE 201 (LAΣ = 112/11 bce), 202 (LBΣ = 111/10 bce), 204
(LΔΣ = 109/8 bce), and 206 (LςΣ = 107/6 bce).
Recorded with dates SE 164 (ΔΞP = 149/8 bce), 165 (EΞP = 148/7 bce), and 166
(ςΞP = 147/6 bce)
Recorded with dates regnal years 1 (LA = 142/1 bce), 3 (LΓ = 140/39 bce), and 4 (LΔ
= 139/8 bce).
Recorded with dates SE 187 (ZΠP = 126/5 bce) and 189 (ΘΠP = 124/3 bce).
130 Guide to Biblical Coins
Dated SE 191 (APP = 122/1 bce) and 192 (BPP = 121/0 bce).
Ptolemaic and Seleucid Coins 131
Recorded with dates SE 193 (ΓPP = 120/19 bce), 194 (ΔPP = 119/8 bce), 195 (EPP
= 118/7 bce), 196 (ςPP = 117/6 bce), 197 (ZPP = 116/5 bce), 198 (HPP = 115/4
bce), 199 (ΘPP = 114/3 bce), 200 (Σ = 113/2 bce), 201 (LAΣ = 112/1 bce), 203 (ΓΣ
= 110/9 bce), 204 (LΔΣ = 109/8 bce), 205 (LEΣ = 108/7 bce), 206 (LςΣ = 107/6
bce), 207 (LIΣ = 106/5 bce), 208 (LHΣ = 105/4 bce), and 209 (ΘΣ = 104/3 bce).
a. Didrachm dates SE 202 (LBΣ = 109/8 bce) and 204 (LΔΣ = 107/6 bce).
6155. Antiochus IX (113–95 bce). AR tetradrachm. Phoenician standard.
Obv: Antiochus IX diademed and draped bust r.
father-loving), eagle stands l. on thunderbolt, palm branch behind r.
shoulder, to l. AΣ above control mark beneath dove, date to r.
Recorded with dates SE 199, (ΘPP = 114/13 bce) and 200 (Σ = 113/12 bce).
6156. Demetrius II, first reign (145–140/39 bce). AR drachm. Attic standard.
Obv: Demetrius II diademed head of r.
Rev: Cornucopia to r. flanked by BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY on r.,
ΦIΛAΔEΛΦOY NIKATOPOΣ (of King Demetrius, the father-loving
victor) on l., ΔΗ monogram in inner r. field and ΔOP (SE 174 =
139/8 bce).
This mint was apparently a predecessor to Caesarea Maritima, also related to Strato’s
Tower, which also issued a series of autonomous bronze coins during the 2nd century bce
as well as dated coins between 63/62 and 42/41 bce.21
132 Guide to Biblical Coins
Mint of Gaza
Mint of Marisa
Mint of Jerusalem
See coins 6165 and 6166.
134 Guide to Biblical Coins
Comparative Timeline
Hasmonean Dynasty
Revolt of the Maccabees
The quick version is that Antiochus IV and his troops persecuted the Jews
and captured and defiled the Jerusalem Temple. The Jews, led by Judah the
Maccabee and his brothers, took back the Temple and re-purified it, cul-
minating with the miracle of one day’s supply of purified oil burning for a
full eight days—the miracle of Chanukah.
The story, however, is not so simple. The Seleucids initially aspired to
total domination, both political and religious, over Judea. The Maccabee
victory gave the people of Judea the religious freedom that they sought,
and the Seleucids decided to live with it. Realistically, however, Seleucid
political domination over the Maccabees in Judea continued well into the
reign of the Hasmonean rulers (Fig. 6.1). Over time, significant parts of
Hellenistic culture, lifestyles, and symbolism entered Jewish life.1
Many of Jerusalem’s citizens, and even some priests “placed no value
on their hereditary dignities, but cared above everything for Hellenic hon-
ors” (II Maccabees 4:15–16). The high priest Jason built a Greek-style
athletic stadium (gymnasium) near the Temple. Jewish youths competed
in the games, but since athletes participated naked, it was abhorrent to
the religious Jews. It was made worse when some of the Jewish athletes
had surgery that “made themselves uncircumcised” (I Maccabees 1:15) to
avoid embarrassment.2
Yet the nation as a whole would not betray itself and revolution fo-
mented. Many Jews “died for their beliefs” (I Maccabees 1:63). Others
refused to live with the profanities of the Seleucids. The leader of those
keepers of the faith was an elder, Mattityah [Mattathias] the Hasmonean,3
from the village of Modiin, around 19 miles west of Jerusalem. When
Mattityah and his five sons saw the desecration in the land, they “tore their
garments, put on sackcloth, and mourned bitterly” (I Maccabees 2:14).
When the soldiers of Antiochus came to Modiin to force the local
Jews to sacrifice to heathen gods and forsake their laws, Mattityah and his
sons refused to obey. Others were not as strong.
136 Guide to Biblical Coins
Thus, the Hasmonean Revolt began. Mattityah, his sons, and their
men waged guerilla war against the oppressive Seleucids. When Mattityah
died, he directed his son Judah (called the Maccabee) to become the mili-
tary leader and his son Simon to become the political leader. The name
Maccabee, according to legend, is an acronym for the initial Hebrew let-
ters of each word ( )מכביin a verse from Exodus (15:11) that was Judah’s
battle cry: “Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the mighty?” (?באלם ײ
)מי כמכה. Another legend suggests the name Maccabee derives from the
Aramaic maqqaba, “the hammer,” reflecting Judah’s hit-and-run warfare
At this time, the traditional title of the principal leader of the Jews was
high priest. The priests presided over the Jerusalem Temple. They were also
the supreme political authorities. Although Mattityah of Modiin was from
a priestly family, the Hasmoneans do not seem to have been related to any
previous high priests. Thus, they established their own dynasty.4
During these perilous times, the Jews shunned idolatry or even the
appearance of idolatry. The folk tale of Hannah and her seven sons5 is
a good example. At the time of Mattityah, Hannah and her seven sons
were brought before the Syrian king. Each son, beginning with the eldest,
was commanded to bow before an idol. Each of the older six refused and
was executed. When the king came to the seventh son, he made the same
demand and the boy refused. Even the brutal king felt pity for the mother
and said to the boy, “Look, your brothers are all slain. I shall throw my
signet ring in front of the idol. All you need to do is bend down and pick
it up. People will then say that you finally submitted to the authority of the
king.” The boy replied, “Alas for you, O king, if you are so zealous for your
honor, how much more so ought we be for God’s honor.” He refused even
the appearance of bowing and was killed. His mother, Hannah, went to the
roof and jumped to her death.
This story is meant to illustrate how Mattityah and his followers ag-
gressively rejected all forms of Hellenism. Realistically, as discussed above,
elements of the Greek culture had already entered the local culture, where
they remained.
Early in the struggle, Judah defeated a small Seleucid force and killed
its commander, Apollonius, whose sword Judah took and used for the rest
of his life as a symbol of vengeance. After successfully capturing settle-
ments such as Beit Horon, Emmaus, and Beit Zur, Judah and his men
liberated Jerusalem in 164 bce. They re-entered the Temple, cleaned, and
re-purified it.
The Jews proclaimed a festival beginning on the 25th day of Kislev of
the year 148 of the Seleucid Era (se), or 164 bce. This event is the origin
of the holiday Chanukah, which has been celebrated by Jews worldwide
for eight days every year since.
Judah Maccabee’s victory ended the Seleucid persecution of Jewish
religious practice but not their rule over Judea and Samaria. Possibly Ju-
dah initiated a treaty with the Romans in 161 bce to warn the Seleucids
138 Guide to Biblical Coins
against further incursions. The Romans were quite happy to find another
avenue to weaken the power of the Seleucid Empire.
In 162 bce, Demetrius I took the throne. He installed Eliakim (Alci-
mus) as the new high priest in Jerusalem. Eliakim was from a priestly line,
so many of the Hasidim recognized him. In effect, this constituted a de
facto decision that religious freedom was sufficient for the Jews and that
they did not need political liberty from the Seleucids. Now, the Hellenizers
again wielded power in Jerusalem, and the Seleucid king kept armed forces
near the Temple Mount.
Judah was killed in battle. His brother Jonathan succeeded him and
continued to gather support from his outpost in the hills north of Jerusa-
lem. In 153 bce, Alexander Balas, a young man of undistinguished birth,
passed himself off as a son of Antiochus IV. To further confuse the Seleu-
cids, the Roman Senate—which may have known the truth about him—
acknowledged Balas’s supposed royal origin.
Jonathan and his brother Simon allied themselves with Tryphon, who
was regent for the young Antiochus VI, a son of Balas. Jonathan and Si-
mon captured Ashkelon, Gaza, and other areas in the king’s name. As
Jonathan’s power increased, Tryphon became frightened of him, especially
since Jonathan had remained loyal to Antiochus VI.
Tryphon wanted to do away with Simon but planned to get rid of
Jonathan first. Toward that end, Tryphon marched to Beit Shean at the
head of a large army. However, Jonathan’s force of 40,000 men was strong.
Fearing defeat, Tryphon resorted to trickery. He received Jonathan cer-
emoniously and told him he had not come to fight, but to honor him.
Jonathan fell for the ploy and sent most of his men home. With a force
of only 1,000, he accompanied Tryphon and his army to Akko, where they
turned on the Jews and killed all except Jonathan, who was imprisoned.
Tryphon moved toward Judea, hoping to defeat the leaderless Jews. Hear-
ing of his brother’s capture, Simon had already rushed to Jerusalem where
he was accepted “in place of Judah and your brother Jonathan” (I Mac-
cabees 13:8).
Simon swiftly began a campaign to Judaize other cities, beginning
with Gezer and the port of Jaffa, his base for establishing trade with for-
eign lands. Simon’s success infuriated Tryphon so he had Jonathan and two
of his sons killed. This action gave Simon more reason to hate Tryphon,
so Simon set about making a deal with Demetrius II, a son of Demetrius
I, who by this time was hard up for funds. In exchange for gold to pay his
mercenaries, Demetrius gave Simon the complete independence of Judea
in writing and even dismissed Jews from paying annual tribute:
In the year 170 [142 bce] Israel was released from the gentile yoke.
The people began to write on their contracts and agreements, ‘In the
first year of Simon, the great high priest, general and leader of the Jews’
(I Maccabees 13:41–2).
Hasmonean Dynasty 139
Old men sat in the streets, talking together of their blessings; and the
young men dressed themselves in splendid military style.... He restored
peace to the land, and there were great rejoicings throughout Israel.
Each man sat under his own vine and fig tree, and they had no one to
fear. Those were days when every enemy vanished from the land and
every hostile king was crushed (I Maccabees 14:9–13).
small, undated bronze depicting a war helmet and an aphlaston (no. 6166).
Previously the coin was attributed to Ascalon,8 but recently Donald Ariel
showed it was more likely struck in Jerusalem as part of a denominational
series commemorating victories of Antiochus VII.9 These coins established
the Hasmonean fractional currency system that was fully aligned with that
of the Seleucids. It endured through the Hasmonean and Herodian periods
and coins of the prefects and procurators.10
The lily of Jerusalem appears on other Judean coins (nos. 6059, 6073,
6183), and continues as a symbol of Jerusalem for some time. The anchor
makes its debut here as a Jewish image. “The anchor symbolism continued
to be present in Judea after the fall of the Hasmoneans, reappearing on
several series of bronze coins struck at Jerusalem under Herod the Great.
Even after Herod’s death in 4 bce, the anchor emblem lived on, apparently
now as a Herodian symbol…the purpose seems to have been to express
continuity and legitimacy.”11 The anchor and lily symbols are discussed
further below.
The debate over who issued the first Hasmonean coins with paleo-
Hebrew legends has been long. Early scholars believed that Simon the
Maccabee (142–135 bce), also called Simon Thassis, Judah’s brother and
the first Maccabee to actually achieve the high priest title, struck the first
Jewish coins in the mid-130s bce.12 However, in light of evidence estab-
lished by archaeological excavations at Beit Zur and elsewhere, all coins
once attributed to Simon were re-attributed to the Jewish War (66–70 ce).13
Reifenberg suggested John Hyrcanus I issued the first Jewish coins.14 Nearly
20 years later, Sperber (in 1965)15 and Meshorer (in 1967) suggested that
it was Hyrcanus I’s son, Alexander Jannaeus, who struck the first Jewish
coins,16 and the coins with the name Yehohanan all belonged to Hyrcanus
II. This theory was widely debated for years.
It has now been firmly established that John Hyrcanus I, Yehohanan
(135–104 bce), struck the first Hasmonean coins.17 Dan Barag of the He-
brew University Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem told me how he
resolved the mystery:
“In January of 1988, an Arab antiquities dealer in Jerusalem showed
me a hoard of coins covered with the same type of earth. It was evident
that it was a part of a hoard. No doubt, it was the most important Hasmo-
nean hoard ever discovered. The coins were so encrusted that I could not
read their legends. Thus, there could not have been a previous classification
or sorting of the group.
“On cleaning and sorting through the first group of about 180 coins, it
became evident that it contained all types of coins referring to ‘Yehohanan
the high priest’ along with Seleucid issues of the second century bce and a
very early issue Nabataean coin.
“Within a few weeks after seeing the first group, I was able to trace
almost 700 pieces from the same find. There was not a single coin of Al-
exander Jannaeus, but the hoard contained all types of coins with the He-
Hasmonean Dynasty 141
brew name Yehohanan. This, then, confirmed what I and others claimed
on stylistic and circumstantial evidence before, that is, all of the coins of
Yehohanan belong to the same ruler. It also proved, in the absence of the
later coins of Jannaeus, that this ruler must be Hyrcanus I. It also raised the
question of whether the name of Hyrcanus II was actually Yehohanan, as
some theorized,”18 Barag reported.
In 2019, I visited Hebrew University’s Institute of Archaeology to ex-
amine this hoard.19 I examined 1,021 coins and eight small objects that
Barag had acquired for the university in 1988.
More than 900 of the coins are covered with a uniform reddish, com-
pacted fine earth, which Barag manually removed to reveal inscriptions.
(Manual cleaning is clearly visible on a large number of the coins.) This
encrustation underlines and confirms his initial critical observation that
until he cleaned the coins, he had no idea what inscriptions they carried.
After examining the hoard in 1988–89, Barag, Qedar, and Meshorer each
independently told me that they concluded that Hyrcanus I was the first
Hasmonean to issue coins with Hebrew inscriptions, and that none of
the Hasmonean types carried inscriptions pertaining to Hyrcanus II or
Aristobulus II. Not incidentally, we note that in 63 bce, Pompey captured
Jerusalem, and the sons of Jannaeus were in a markedly weaker position
politically than under the earlier Hasmonean descendants of Hyrcanus I.
My recent examination of the coins thus confirmed Barag’s conclusions.
preserved this script knew that it was the original Hebrew one and its ar-
chaic flavor made it suitable for writing the name of the Lord.”24
One of the earliest known inscriptions using paleo-Hebrew was the
Gezer Calendar, which is dated to the late tenth century bce. The inscrip-
tion is closely related to Phoenician inscriptions from the same period. The
paleo-Hebrew script was used on jar handles dating from the late eighth
century bce and to stone scale weights of Judea dating to eighth to sixth
centuries bce, as well as hundreds of bronze, stone, and bone seals dating
from the eighth to sixth centuries bce. The earliest-known fragments of a
biblical text are written in paleo-Hebrew script and make up the Priestly
Benediction in Numbers 6:24–26: “The Lord bless you and protect you.
The Lord makes his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The
Lord lift up his countenance to you and give you peace.” This prayer is in-
scribed on a small silver scroll found in a burial cave at Ketef Hinnom and
dated to the late seventh century bce.25
After the Babylonian capture of Judea and the exile of many Jews,
including most of the nobles, in 586 bce, those who remained behind con-
tinued to use the paleo-Hebrew script. Two generations later, when many
Jews returned, their language had become Aramaic. Soon both the Ara-
maic language and the “square” Aramaic letters became the official form of
communication in ancient Judea. It is, therefore, impossible to undertake a
meaningful epigraphic study of the paleo-Hebrew script used on the coins
of the Maccabees, the Jewish War, or the Bar Kokhba Revolt, because it
was an alphabet hundreds of years past any common use.
Rather than evolving as a living alphabet, variations in Hasmonean
script forms resulted from the way individual master engravers and their
assistants or apprentices cut into the coin dies. Further complicating this
process are many “irregular” issues of the Hasmonean coins.26 Since paleo-
Hebrew was no longer used, and it is not likely that artisans such as en-
gravers or die cutters were literate, one may assume that each workshop
was supplied with a written version of the coin legends. Further script
variations could have been introduced when the legend was copied for
various die cutters.27
Thus, each die cutter transferred his version of each legend to a die
for striking coins—the more skilled and artistic the engraver, the better
the style. Hasmonean script styles are also related to the celator’s tool
kit. Some inscriptions were cut using engraving chisels that were mostly
straight (e.g., nos. 6168, 6174) and others who had tools that created vari-
ous curved or angular shapes (e.g., nos. 6171, 6172), often smaller than
an eyelash. Hence, we clearly see several script styles on the Hasmonean
coins. Also, the tiny letters had to be engraved in confusing mirror writing
to appear corrrectly on the coins.
The very crude inscriptions, or those with many errors or omissions,
are likely irregular issues (nos. 6175–6177. These irregular coins are dis-
cussed on p. 22).
Hasmonean Dynasty 143
portraits on coins. The Jewish rulers were no less vain and no less in need
of consolidating power, but they deliberately refrained from copying the
rest of the Hellenistic world. Even though many of these Jewish rulers
and their aristocratic friends adopted some of the ways of their Hellenis-
tic suzerains, including Greek names and titles, they would not cross this
line. The Jews might have organized their army in the Greek style, raised
Greek mercenaries, dressed like Greeks, and participated naked in athletic
events in local gymnasia, but there must be no misunderstanding about
one crucial point: the Jews worshipped one God. This religious belief was
recognized by Antiochus VII and was a clear aspect of his understanding
with the Jews.
What was the motivation for the Jewish decision not to use human
portraits, especially as they relate to the political and religious environment
under the Hasmoneans?
Writers including Madden, Reifenberg, Romanoff, Kindler, Kanael,
Barag, Qedar, and Meshorer made major contributions to the discussion
of the iconography of these coins.32 Their works show an understanding of
the absence of graven images on early Jewish coin designs, but only a brief
discussion of the reasons.
Kindler, for example, states only “strict adherence to the Second Com-
mandment precluded the use of a ruler’s portrait on Hasmonean coins.”33
Meshorer notes, “Because of religious injunctions, Jewish kings could not,
at the time of Jannaeus, depict their own portraits on coinage.”34 Romanoff
writes, “No human portraits nor animal sacrifices nor pouring of blood
upon the altar are to be found among the emblems”35 on the coins of the
Hasmoneans. In his seminal article, Kanael mentions that the Hasmonean
coins “have a rather dull appearance.”36
While these numismatists were preoccupied with the critical matter of
the chronology of the Hasmonean coins by ruler, the paucity of discussion
of the biblical ban on “graven images” seems to be an oversight. The matter
of the Second Commandment is not completely clear in either ancient or
modern Judaism. If it were, we might more easily explain why at certain
times in their history Jews and Samaritans abided by this ban, and at other
times, they did not. For example, the Yehud and Samarian coins, struck in
the fourth century bce by local authorities in ancient Judea and Samaria,
virtually all portray graven images.37
What were the conditions during the Hasmonean period that com-
pelled the Jews to follow this ban, and what iconographic conventions did
they devise to obviate the need for the use of graven images?
Between the second century bce and the first century ce, the Jews in
their land, with few known exceptions, strictly obeyed the biblical admoni-
tion against graven images:
Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of
likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth
beneath, or that is in the water under the earth (Exodus 20:4).
Hasmonean Dynasty 145
…lest ye deal corruptly, and make you a graven image, even the form of
any figure, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any beast that
is on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the heaven,
the likeness of anything that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any
fish that is in the water under the earth (Deuteronomy 4:16–18).
The most common denomination of Hasmonean coins was the bronze coin
generally referred to as prutah (prutot, see p. 26), which Ariel suggests was
equal to a Greek dichalkon,thus the half-prutah (or lepton) would equal a chalk-
ous. The largest and rarest Hasmonean coin was likely the helmet/parallel-
cornucopias type and is approximately 50–70% heavier than the stan-
dard prutah of the time.41 Ariel thus concludes that the helmet coin is
either equivalent to a dichalkon ( Jacobson) or a one-and-a-half prutah—a
non-Seleucid denomination (trilepton) akin to a one-and-a-half chalkous
(Kindler); and the three-coin denominational series (nos. 6167–6170) had
a relationship of either 3:2:1 (Kindler) or 2:1:1/2 ( Jacobson).”42 (See p. 26
for a further discussion of Judean coin metrology.43)
were bronze. It is also possible that the Judeans had sufficient acceptable,
circulating silver coins and that issuing bronze coins satisfactorily fulfilled
their nationalistic, economic, and communications needs.
On the other hand, as soon as the people of Judea were in revolt against
Rome, both in 66 ce and in 132 ce, among the first things the rebels did
was strike silver as well as bronze coins. This mintage suggests that during
Hasmonean and Herodian times, the Jews may have been forbidden from
striking silver coins and when they did so, it emphasized rebellion.
None of the tetrarchs of Chalcis in Ituraea struck silver coins. Ituraea
had been annexed by Alexander Jannaeus, but by 63 bce had reverted to
Roman territory. In 64 bce, Ptolemy, the local tetrarch, bribed Pompey not
to annex the area and return to Ptolemy the lands lost to Jannaeus when
he ended the Judean state in 63 bce.
The nearby Nabataean Kings struck silver as well as bronze coins from
around 60 bce to 106 ce, and possibly much earlier.44 One could argue that
because the Nabataeans plied lengthy trade routes, they needed to main-
tain maximum flexibility in their own coinage to flourish. Judean needs for
silver coins, however, would have been primarily to pay dues to the Temple
and to provide funds for troops. It was well established that the Temple
functioned with the silver coinage of Tyre (see p. 438), and since many of
the Hasmonean troops were mercenaries, it is possible that, at any rate,
they preferred payment in Hellenistic silver, which was plentiful.
The bronze coins circulated in the shops and markets of Judea day
in and day out. Instead of being handled by the few who managed large
transactions, the messages of the bronze coins circulated widely among
the masses.
The helmet is the most overtly military symbol on these coins, and it ap-
pears on the first coin bearing the name of Hyrcanus I. The crested Boetian
helmet (no. 6167) is nearly identical to the helmet shown on the half-prutah
coin struck under Hyrcanus I with the name of Antiochus VII (no. 6166).
Thus, a familiar symbol, not a graven image was selected. Military and
bold, the helmet was clearly a symbol of victory. Some have suggested that
the helmet was selected to refer to a specific military event, but it is also
possible that Hyrcanus I was celebrating his victory of independence with
the first Hasmonean coin carrying the name and title of the high priest of
the Jews written in paleo-Hebrew. Helmets also appear later, on the two
largest denominations of Herod I’s dated coin series.
While avoiding the use of graven images, Judeans needed a format to re-
place the likeness of a dynast or a god. They chose a wreath (likely olive
or laurel) encompassing a paleo-Hebrew inscription naming the issuing
authority. This choice was an authoritative substitution for a portrait. The
wreath itself had long been associated with victory and royalty in Greco-
Hellenistic coins going back to the fifth century bce. Victory wreaths ap-
peared on Seleucid coins between around 162 bce and the time of Hyr-
canus I’s independent rule (after 129 bce).50 Noy adds that “The mention
of wreaths in Hellenistic Jewish literature reflected and reinforced its ac-
ceptance…. that wreaths were depicted on official objects such as coins…
suggests its significance was greater than mere adornment.”51
Meshorer also observes that the wreath was a popular metaphor in
rabbinic sources, and that in the Jerusalem Temple, wreaths adorned the
altar, the Holy Ark, and the showbread table.52
Noy concludes that the Hasmonean wreath “signified either the gen-
eral victory of the Hasmoneans, or possibly Hyrcanus’ conquests after the
death of Antiochus VII [in 129 bce].”53 He further suggests that at this
time, “a Jewish symbol of victory may not have existed. Thus, when [Hyr-
canus] sought a symbol of victory for his coins, he naturally chose from
the various symbols in use by his neighbors…and the wreath apparently
contravened no prohibitions. It was subsumed into acceptable Jewish ico-
nography and subsequently became common on Jewish coins as well as
other media (architecture decoration, funerary objects, oil lamps, etc.).”54
The cornucopia,55 a hollow animal horn, was used as a container for many
purposes (Fig. 6.2). As the overflowing “horn of plenty,” the cornucopia
contained agricultural fertility symbols such as ears of grain, bunches of
Hasmonean Dynasty 149
Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his
brethren (I Samuel 16: 13).
Possibly, the cornucopia became a symbol for the ancient Jews because
of the legendary richness of the ancient Holy Land—the land of milk and
honey. We know, for example, that the Jews in Judea used cornucopias in
the first few centuries bce/ce not only on coins, but on other small objects
such as seals, rings, amulets, and also in larger architectural contexts. A
stone table fragment depicting splayed cornucopias with a round object
between was found in the excavations of the Jewish Quarter of the Old
City of Jerusalem and is on display at the Israel Museum (Fig. 6.3).59 This
fragment dates from the first century bce to the first century ce. Motifs
of splayed, paired, and single cornucopias are prolific throughout the Hel-
lenistic and Roman world on coins (Fig. 6.4) and mosaics. The use of these
motifs on Hasmonean coins is certainly derivative.
The Hasmonean cornucopia design was formed with two symmetri-
cally splayed horns of plenty joined at their narrow bottoms between two
leaves.60 On the best-style coins, a ribbon with a bow (fillet) is seen tied
around each cornucopia; each horn contains an ear of grain and a bunch
of grapes. Between the cornucopias is a poppy seedpod or a pomegranate
on a long, thin stalk.
Since the splayed cornucopias with pomegranate/poppy appeared on
the opposite side of the wreath/paleo-Hebrew coins of Hyrcanus I, Noy
suggests that they “symbolized the fruits of victory (literally and figura-
tively): abundance and fertility.”61
150 Guide to Biblical Coins
6.3. Herodian period stone table fragment found in excavations of Jerusalem’s Old
City Jewish Quarter depicting splayed cornucopias with a round object between.
(Israel Museum)
6.4. Bronze coins of Alexander Zebina, 128–122 bce, with filleted cornucopias in
same direction, and splayed with intertwined ends (enlarged).
out clear guidance, as the designs moved down the Hasmonean dynasty
from Hyrcanus I to Mattityah Antigonus, it is possible that each celator
worked on his own interpretation. The motif of the splayed cornucopias is
consistent, but it becomes more schematic over time. The highest quality
engraving appears on the coin with an “A” above the Hebrew (no. 6171).
On many examples, the object appears to be a pomegranate. On the
other hand, other coins look much more similar to a poppy pod (no. 6176),
while other coins of Jannaeus are so schematic that the object appears al-
most as a flower rather than a fruit or seedpod.
Both the poppy seedpod and the pomegranate symbolize agricultural
riches, like the cornucopia and ear of grain. Agricultural richness is one of
the themes publicized on Hasmonean coins.
However, the exact identity of the motif, while on one hand carefully
thought out and executed to fill the face of a small coin without any graven
images, was on the other hand not fully understood even by the engravers
who made the coins.72
“It seems likely,” Klimowsky wrote, “that those emblems were being
given a transcendental meaning whose exact contents, however, we can but
Lily or Rose?
The lily, or shoshanah in Hebrew, was considered a standout among flowers.
Its fragile beauty, combined with the fact that it bloomed rapidly—thus
linking it to fertility—enhanced its position.78
There are three forms of flowers on the Hasmonean coins (Fig.
6.8). First is the flower on the earliest prutah struck with the name of
Antiochus VII (no. 6165). A second form appears on the half-prutot
154 Guide to Biblical Coins
6.8. Lillies (top row) and roses on Hasmonean period coins. (Graphic: Fontanille.)
of Hyrcanus I (nos. 6170 and 6173) and a prutah of Jannaeus (no. 6184).
Finally, on a prutah of Jannaeus, a lily appears in similar form to the lily on
a Yehud coin (no. 6060).
The earliest lily appears on Yehud coins, followed by the coins of An-
tiochus VII struck at the Jerusalem mint during the reign of Hyrcanus I.
This coin was a transitional issue from Seleucid domination to Hasmo-
nean control. The selection of the lily seems to be based on its ornamental
use in the Jerusalem Temple. Lilies, along with 200 pomegranates, graced
the capitals of the two pillars, Yachin and Boaz, at the entrance. Lilies
also appeared on other ornamental and ritual objects, and many tools
of everyday life (Fig. 6.9). The lily was a symbol of Jerusalem itself and,
as previously noted, Hoover suggests it replaces the obverse portrait of
Antiochus VII’s Jerusalem issue in order to satisfy Jewish needs to avoid
the use of graven images.79
Observing the lily on the half-prutot of Hyrcanus I and the prutah of
Jannaeus, Romanoff notes, “Strange as it may seem, the lily on the Jewish
coins resembles the Rhodos flower—the rose. This seeming inaccuracy is
explained by the generic term shoshan which might have included such
flowers as the lotus and even the rose.”80 Rabbinic sources refer to a “lily-
rose,” which is a symbol of Israel, as well as a “soft lily” and the “lily of the
Hasmonean Dynasty 155
6.10. Rose of Rhodes on handle from wine amphora imported from Rhodes, Hel-
lenistic period c. 125 bce. Found at Sepphoris. (Author photo.)
This was likely not an innacuracy at all. It’s not a surprise to find the
rose of Rhodes, a symbol of Hellenistic authority, on Hasmonean coins.
Ariel has published many amphora handles with Rhodian flower stamps,
dated from around 260 to 140 bce, that have been excavated in Jerusalem
(Fig. 6.10).81 They are widely found in excavations around Israel. Jacob-
son concludes, “Viewed from Jerusalem, Rhodes, not Rome was seen as
the major economic power in the region, and it is this perspective that is
so vividly reflected in the coinage of John Hyrcanus and Alexander Jan-
naeus… [It] may be seen as a haunting emblem or ‘logo’ and an instance of
branding in antiquity that was so successful that it displaced for a time the
lily as the floral symbol of Judea.”82
On the half-prutah coin of Hyrcanus I, the rose-like flower appears
between two ears of grain (nos. 6170, 6173), which provide additional
symbolism relating to agriculture and fertility.
Are all of the flower forms on Hasmonean coins meant to be inter-
preted as lilies, or were they intended as different flower species? We may
never know, but we will refer to those that appear to be lilies as such, and
those that are nearly identical to the Rhodian symbol will be called “rose.”
On the prutah coins of Jannaeus, the star is surrounded by a diadem (no. 6189),
which has also been incorrectly described as a circle or a wheel. The er-
ror occurs because the majority of the Jannaeus star and diadem types
are not fully centered, so the diadem’s knot is clear only on relatively few
specimens. This combination of the star and the diadem originated under
Jannaeus, and his name and title “King Alexander” are incorporated into
the motif. According to Kanael, the diadem was the Hellenistic symbol
of royalty and the star was the Jewish symbol for monarchy, derived from
the phrase in Numbers 24:17, “There shall come a star out of Jacob and a
scepter shall rise out of Israel.”
ertheless was forced to lift his siege after several months. Ptolemy killed his
mother-in-law anyway, together with another of Hyrcanus’s brothers, and
fled to Rabbath Ammon in 135 bce.91
Not long after Hyrcanus’s reign began, Antiochus VII Sidetes and a
large army marched on Jerusalem and besieged the city. The Jews suffered
from a lack of provisions, but the Syrians were short of water. After a
full summer, facing the dangerous Parthians to his east, Antiochus entered
into peace negotiations with Hyrcanus, who had bolstered his army with
mercenaries, mainly Pisidians and Cilicians. (Hyrcanus was the first Has-
monean ruler to imitate the Syrians by hiring mercenaries to supplement
the Jewish army.)
Antiochus first agreed to a seven-day armistice during Sukkot (Taber-
nacles). He even sent bulls with gilded horns for sacrifice and spices for the
Temple incense. In the ensuing treaty, Hyrcanus gave up weapons and paid
tribute for a number of towns that were formerly Syrian. Antiochus in turn
agreed not to suppress the Jewish religion and not to occupy Jerusalem.
Hyrcanus also gave Antiochus hostages—including his own brother—and
paid Antiochus 500 talents of silver. Josephus reports that Hyrcanus took
the initial portion of the payment, 300 talents, from the treasure in King
David’s sepulcher.
Now a vassal to the Syrian king, Hyrcanus marched on his behalf
against the Parthians in 130 bce. Antiochus Sidetes died in this battle,
and his brother Demetrius II ascended to the Syrian throne for the second
time, although he retained power for only a short period.
Hyrcanus exploited this weakness to expand his territories and to send
an emissary to Rome. He captured Medaba in Transjordan. He also con-
quered the Samarians who lived in Shechem and destroyed their temple
on Mt. Gerizim.
Before finishing off the Samarians, Hyrcanus marched against Idu-
mea, conquering the cities of Adora (near Hebron) and Marissa (near Beit
Guvrin). He gave the Idumeans (also called the Edomites, see p. 64) the
choice of leaving the land or converting to Judaism. Most of them chose
the latter.
This episode is said to have been the first example of forced conversion
in Jewish history. Ironically, it later led to the downfall of the Hasmonean
dynasty. The Herodian family was among the Idumeans forcibly converted
to Judaism, and their descendant Herod I (the Great) took the throne from
Hyrcanus’s descendant Mattityah Antigonus in 37 bce.
The Samarians still held their fortified town of Samaria, and they re-
mained hostile to the Jews. Hyrcanus once again turned his army against
the Samarians, sending his sons Antigonus and Aristobulus to attack and
besiege them. The Samarians got some help from Antiochus IX, but Hyr-
canus’s eldest son, Aristobulus, routed the Syrians and chased them to Beit
Shean (Nysa-Scythopolis). Next, Ptolemy Lathyrus, the governor of Cy-
prus, was called to assist the Samarians. In spite of the Syrian reinforce-
Hasmonean Dynasty 159
ments, the two sons of Hyrcanus successfully conquered Samaria and all of
the Jezreel plain, as well as the town of Beit Shean.
Meanwhile, Hyrcanus remained in Jerusalem, refortifying the walls
and attempting to raise his kingdom to a higher status in the eyes of Rome.
His embassy to Rome requested the Senate to “send envoys to bring about
the restitution of the places taken from the Jews by Antiochus and to esti-
mate the value of the territory ruined during the war.” The Senate granted
this request and issued a decree that “the alliance of friendship be renewed
with the worthy men who have been sent by a worthy and friendly people.”
The Jews received “money from the public treasury and a decree of the
Senate to those who were to conduct them on their way and furnish them
a safe return home.”92
During Hyrcanus’s reign, the sects of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and
Essenes became well established. Hyrcanus was a faithful student of the
Pharisees, but broke with them late in his life and enacted the Sadducee
beliefs as the basis of law.
Hyrcanus died at age 60 after governing his land for 31 years. Josephus
wrote, “He was the only man to unite in his person three of the highest
privileges: the supreme command of his nation, the high priesthood, and
the gift of prophecy. For so closely was he in touch with the Deity that he
was never ignorant of the future; thus he foresaw and predicted that his
two elder sons would not remain at the head of affairs….”93
Yehohanan the High Priest and the head of the Council of the Jews
Yehohanan the High Priest and the Council of the Jews
Many scholars previously believed that the Hebrew word rosh (head)
was inserted late in Hyrcanus I’s reign. Rappaport, however, argued that
the “rosh” series were the first coins struck under Hyrcanus I.95 Ariel agrees,
“Cogent reasons for arguing that Hyrcanus’ first coins bore the legend
[with rosh] are not difficult to find. From the time of his father Simon
Thassi’s death Hyrcanus was made high priest and became de facto politi-
cal head of the ethnos. Consequently, there is every reason to believe that
Hyrcanus headed up a ‘council of the Jews.’”96
The actual meaning of the Hebrew word hever, translated here as
“council,” has been broadly discussed.97 Perhaps the word referred to the
“community,” to the “council,” and perhaps even the Great Assembly or
Sanhedrin itself. 98 But as Ariel points out, “whatever the Council of the
Jews was, Hyrcanus was head of it.”99
It seems likely that the denominational series of three rosh coins
(nos. 6167–6170) was struck sometime after that, we suggest, perhaps ear-
160 Guide to Biblical Coins
ly in the reign of Alexander Zabinas. All three of the types of rosh coins
are quite rare, the most common is the splayed-cornucopias type. The rar-
ity suggests they were struck only for a brief period of time and perhaps
the word rosh was removed in an accommodation by Hyrcanus I with the
Seleucid king over political governance versus religious governance of the
semi-autonomous Jewish state. Josephus’s reports that Hyrcanus I “flour-
ished greatly during the reign of Alexander Zabinas” and was a friend of
the king.100
Hyrcanus I’s next coin series was the type with the large Greek-style
above the paleo-Hebrew inscription. This large, decorative letter in a
dominant position suggests that Hyrcanus “made this type a sign of his
alliance with Zabinas….”101 Barag and Qedar102 and Hoover103 agree, al-
though some extend their explanations to the other smaller, cruder mono-
grams that sometimes appear on the reverse (see below). Meshorer has
pointed out that the Hyrcanus type with the above Hebrew is a nicely
centered, well-struck coin far more frequent than the other types of usually
poorly made wreath/cornucopia coins.104 It is possible that if the coin was
indeed struck as part of a tribute and concession to the Seleucid king, then
many examples were deliberately struck as a kind of “commemorative” to
be widely distributed to Seleucid officials. Overall, this explanation seems
superior to earlier ideas such as Stein’s 1943 theory, suggesting that the
monogram on the obverse refers to Hyrcanus I’s son and successor, Aris-
tobulus I. Kindler, among others, suggested that the obverse monogram
referred to Hyrcanus II’s mother, Queen Salome Alexandra.
Hyrcanus I’s principal coin inscription, which became formulaic for
his descendants, was, “Yehohanan the high priest and the Council of the
Jews” inside a wreath. This clearly stated that it was not the high priest
alone who ruled the Jews, but that he shared governance with his council.
“Judea was not a monarchy but a diarchy,” Kanael explains.105
Besides the aforementioned large monogram, a significant number of
Hyrcanus I’s coins carry other small Greek letters or monograms (Fig. 6.11).
One previous explanation suggests a continuing relationship with Seleucid
rulers. Meshorer’s early idea was based on the now disproven theory that
Hyrcanus II minted the Yehohanan coins. In that case he posited that the
monograms referred to Antipater, who was Herod I’s father and the power
behind the Hyrcanus II.106
Current knowledge suggests Hyrcanus I’s coins were patterned after
Seleucid bronze coins. It is likely that these various monograms were sim-
ply the same sort of control marks that appear on most Seleucid bronze
and silver coins. The exact purpose remains unknown, but they may have
referred to magistrates or the location of mints. It is rather less likely that
the engravers of these poor coins bothered to sign them.107
Hasmonean Dynasty 161
6.11. Letters and monograms noted and drawn by Meshorer that occur on nos.
Antiochus VII
Mint of Jerusalem
Average weight prutah 2.47 g
6165. AE 14–15mm. Antiochus VII (Sidetes).
Obv: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ (of King Antiochus, bene-
factor), inverted anchor, below anchor AΠΡ (se 182 = 132/1 bce).
Rev: Lily. Struck 132/1 bce.
There are many varieties of Hasmonean prutot with paleo-Hebrew inscriptions that
vary in the number of lines, arrangements of letters, and misspellings or abbreviations.
We list general types.
6167. AE 2 prutot.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in classic style הכהן הגדל ראש חבר היהודים
( יהוחנןYehohanan the High Priest [and] head of [the] Council of the
Jews), two cornucopias, horns to r., adorned with ribbons.
Rev: Helmet with decorative crest facing r., monogram A below l.
This rare coin is the only Hasmonean type that was not struck with beveled edges, and
for this reason it is suggested that the coin was not struck at the Jerusalem mint. Samaria
is often mentioned as a possibility.
חנן הכהן
הגדל רא
ש חבר ה
6168. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in wedge style (Yehohanan the High Priest and
head of the Council of the Jews), within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between, monogram below r., or as noted below.
a. Monogram (see Figs. 6.11 and 6.12 for monograms and locations).
b. Reverse is obverse brockage.
Hasmonean Dynasty 163
6.12. Observed monogram locations for nos. 6170, 6172, 6174, 6177.
6169. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in classic style (Yehohanan the High Priest and head of
the Council of the Jews) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between, monogram below r., or as noted in
Figs. 6.11 and 6.12.
6170. AE half-prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in classic style (Yehohanan the High Priest and head of
the Council of the Jews) in two lines above and below palm branch.
Rev: Rose between two ears of grain, monogram A below l.
הכהן הגד
ל וחבר הי
6171. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in classic style יהוחנן הכהן הגדל וחבר היהודים
(Yehohanan the High Priest and [the] Council of the Jews) within
wreath, above inscription.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between.
הכהן הג
6172 דל וחבר
164 Guide to Biblical Coins
6172. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in classic style (Yehohanan the High Priest and the
Council of the Jews) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between, no monogram.
a. Monogram AΠ below r.
b. Monogram AΠ below l.
c. Monogram A above l.
d. Monogram A below l.
e. Reverse brockage with monogram A below r.
כהן הגדל
וחבר הי
6173. AE half-prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in classic style (Yehohanan the High Priest and the
Council of the Jews) in two lines above and below palm branch.
Rev: Rose between two ears of grain, monogram A below l.
a. Similar without monogram.
חנן הכהן
6174 הגדול
וחבר ה
6174. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in wedge style (Yehohanan the High Priest and the
Council of the Jews) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between, monogram as noted in Fig. 6.11.
This group consists of coins with unusual epigraphy, crude, incomplete, and sometimes
illegible monograms do not appear.
חנן כ
ה דל ו
6176. AE prutah, irregular issue.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew irregular square style (Yehohanan the High Priest…)
within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between.
a. Script variety.
b. Script variety.
Crude, angular letters, many errors, the letter הappears as H or h, the letter נappears
as e, monograms do not appear.
נן הכהן ו
גל וחבר
6177. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew irregular square style (Yehohanan the High Priest…)
within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between.
Crude, angular letters, many errors, the letter נappears as u, monograms do not appear.
166 Guide to Biblical Coins
Judah Aristobulus I, oldest son of Hyrcanus I, struck coins with the name
Yehudah. Josephus reports that Aristobulus was the first Hasmonean who
officially adopted the title “king.” It was probably well into his brief reign
(104 bce) because none of his coins carry that title. The coins of Aristobu-
lus are almost identical to those of his father.
Hyrcanus I had proclaimed that upon his death his wife would become
queen and Judah, his oldest son, would become high priest. His Greek
name, Aristobulus, means “best counselor,” and, according to Graetz, that
alone was enough to give “such offense to the people that they were ready
to ascribe to him the authorship of any evil deed that might occur in the
kingdom. Whilst the Greeks called him fair-minded and modest, the Ju-
deans accused him of heartlessness and cruelty.”109
After his father’s death, Judah quickly imprisoned his mother along
with three of his brothers. His favorite brother, Antigonus, not only re-
mained free, but played an important part in his government. His mother
died in prison. Charitable accounts list the cause as old age, while the gos-
sips whispered that she had been starved to death.
Aristobulus battled against both the Samarians and Syrians and ac-
quired new land for his nation. However, a severe illness caused him to
abandon the campaign and return to Jerusalem. Antigonus fought onward
on his brother’s behalf but returned to Jerusalem for the festivals. His op-
ponents used the occasion of his triumphal return to prod the fatally ill
king into a jealous fit.
Josephus completes this gruesome story: “To Antigonus himself he
sent instructions to come unarmed. To meet the occasion the queen [Aris-
tobulus’s wife, Salome Alexandra, or Shlomozion in Hebrew, who later
followed the Jewish custom by marrying her brother-in-law, Alexander
Jannaeus, after her husband’s death] concerted with the conspirators a very
crafty plot. They induced the messengers to keep the king’s orders to them-
selves, and instead to tell Antigonus that his brother had heard that he
had procured for himself some very fine armor and military decorations in
Galilee; that illness prevented him from paying a visit of inspection; ‘but
now that you are on the point of departure, I shall be very glad to see you
in your armor.’
“On hearing this, as there was nothing in his brother’s disposition to
arouse his suspicions, Antigonus went off in his armor as for a parade. On
reaching the dark passage, called Straton’s Tower, he was slain by the body-
guard; affording a sure proof that calumny severs all ties of affection and
Hasmonean Dynasty 167
of nature and that of our better feelings none is strong enough to hold out
interminably against envy….
“Remorse for his foul deed had the instant effect of aggravating the
malady of Aristobulus. His mind ever distracted with thoughts of the
murder, he fell into a decline; until sheer grief rendering his entrails, he
threw up a quantity of blood. While removing this, one of the pages in
attendance slipped, so divine providence willed, on the very spot where
Antigonus had been assassinated, and spilt on the yet visible stains of the
murder the blood of the murderer. An instantaneous cry broke from the
spectators, believing that the lad had intentionally poured the bloody liba-
tion on that spot.
“The king, hearing the cry, inquired what was its cause, and, when
no one ventured to tell him, became more insistent in his desire to be in-
formed. At length, under pressure of threats, they told him the truth. With
tears filling his eyes and a groan such as his remaining strength permitted,
he said: ‘My lawless deeds, then, were not destined to escape God’s mighty
eye; swift retribution pursues me for my kinsman’s blood. How long, most
shameless body, wilt thou detain the soul that is sentenced to a brother’s
and a mother’s vengeance? How long shall I make them these drop by drop
libations of my blood? Let them take it all at once, and let heaven cease to
mock them with these dribbling offerings from my entrails.’ With these
words on his lips he expired, after a reign of no more than a year.”110
Our epigraphic typology supports the dating of all of the coins with the
name of Yehudah to Aristobulus I.
We can understand this by observing the work of die cutters who op-
erated before, during, and after his reign. For example, the rare Yehudah
type (no. 6178), uses wedge-like characters that likely came from the same
die cutter as the Hyrcanus I coins with the same style (nos. 6168, 6174).
However, the more common Aristobulus coins (no. 6179) use a “block-
style” script almost identical in style to a group of coins of his successor,
Alexander Jannaeus (no. 6180), and probably came from the same die cut-
ter or a close associate. These connections between the workshops of Aris-
tobulus’s predecessor and successor allow us to establish a chronology for
his coins.111 (Not incidentally, the style of the cornucopias on the reverse of
these coins are also stylistically related to the die cutters.)
168 Guide to Biblical Coins
6179. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in block style (Yehudah the High Priest and the Coun-
cil of the Jews) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between.
a. Same style but the letter דis on second line.
Alexander Jannaeus (Yehonatan, Yonatan)
104–76 bce
Most coins attributed to Yehonatan (Alexander Jannaeus) are relatively
straightforward because more than one type carry both the names Ye-
honatan in Hebrew and Alexander in Greek. A translation of Dead Sea
Scroll fragment 4Q448 by Eshel, Eshel, and Yardeni offers this translation
of a 4 × 6-inch fragment:
“Holy city, for King Yonatan and all the congregation of your people
Israel who are in the four winds of Heaven.”112
Hasmonean Dynasty 169
This appears to be the earliest Dead Sea Scrolls reference to a Jewish his-
torical figure. It most likely uses the name Yonatan for Jannaeus, since he was
the only one who had this name and title at about the time this scroll was
written. There was another Yonatan, the brother of Judah Maccabee, one of
the immediate family members who liberated Jerusalem from the Greeks.
However, that Yonatan had ruled Judea from 157–142 bce and held the title
high priest, but never king. (There is no possibility that this Yonatan issued the
coins with that name, since the Jewish rulers did not mint coins until late in
the reign of Antiochus VII, 138–129 bce.) Thus, since scroll fragment 4Q448
refers to Jannaeus with the name Yonatan, it strongly suggests that both the
Yehonatan and the Yonatan coins were struck by Jannaeus.
Yonatan may also have been no more than a space-saving abbreviated
form of Yehonatan, Jannaeus’s Hebrew name.113 There are a few examples
of no. 6189 where the form of the name between the rays of the star is Yo-
natan rather than Yehonatan. There also are two ancient seal impressions,
apparently belonging to the same person, which are engraved “Yonatan the
King” and “Yehonatan the High Priest.”114
And now the king’s wife loosed the king’s brethren, and made Alex-
ander king, who appeared both elder in age, and more moderate in his
temper than the rest ( Josephus, BJ, I, IV:1).
Yehonatan the High Priest and the Council of the Jews
Yonatan the High Priest and the Council of the Jews
Yehonatan the King
[Of ] King Alexander
King Alexander, Year 25
King Alexander
Jannaeus struck multilingual coins, but not multi-title coins (no. 6190
is an unusual exception of uncertain meaning). Thus, Jannaeus expanded on
the coin types of his father and brother. He initially copied the wreath/cor-
nucopia coins pioneered by his father, replacing his father`s name with his
own Hebrew name, “Yehonatan,” or a shorter version “Yonatan.” But after
these issues, a change occurred. First, a half-prutah with a palm branch on
one side and lily on the other bore a new paleo-Hebrew inscription: “Ye-
honatan the King” (no. 6183). Thus, according to the coins, Jannaeus’s title
was changed from high priest to king, and mention of the Council of the
Jews was discontinued. The significance of this political body appears to
have been reduced dramatically.
Jannaeus’s first innovation may have been the anchor/rose bilingual
coins with a Greek legend stating, “of King Alexander” (BAΣIΛEΩΣ
AΛEΞANΔPOY) and the paleo-Hebrew “Yehonatan the King.” These
coins feature the anchor design, perhaps resurrected from the coins struck
earlier on the Jerusalem coins of Antiochus VII. Jannaeus’s use of this was
likely to copy a Seleucid royal symbol. It may also refer to his conquest of
a number of the Mediterranean coastal cities, greatly strengthening his
kingdom. Jannaeus’s first anchor coins also depict a rose on their other side
(no. 6184).
Hasmonean Dynasty 171
why Jannaeus’ mint chose (or was directed) to overstrike Jannaeus’ anchor/
flower type bearing the title ‘king’ with a cornucopias/inscription type
bearing the title ‘high priest.’ According to Josephus, Jannaeus provoked
a civil insurrection in the course of which thousands were killed. At one
point he tried to appease his enemies. One theory is that Jannaeus’ adop-
tion of the royal title was offensive to many, especially the Pharisees, and
a way to appease them might have been to overstrike stocks of his rose/
anchor coin with a new version of his cornucopias/inscription coin, thus
abandoning the Greek inscription and royal title on the rose/anchor coin
and again promoting his status as ‘high priest.’ Attempts at appeasement
did not succeed, and rival forces asked the Seleucid ruler, Demetrius III,
for military assistance. Demetrius ruled from 96–88 bce and died shortly
after his campaign against Jannaeus. If the appeasement theory is correct,
this would give a time frame of the latter part of Demetrius’ reign for
the overstriking phenomenon. Later issues of Jannaeus coins, which once
again give the title ‘king,’ could reflect his improved self-confidence after
military victories abroad and an end to the civil war.”
Barring the discovery of some lost work by a contemporaneous writer,
it is unlikely that we will ever fully understand why the massive overstrik-
ing took place. But, with the discovery of this double overstrike, one por-
tion of the issue is resolved.
have been the fractional currency which may also have been needed in such
In the excavated groups there was a single example of the dated coin
of Jannaeus (no. 6191), which dates the assemblage to 80/79 bce or later.
Eshel and Zissu describe this coin deposit as possibly being the result
of the Hasmonean Jews following a religious concept of “nullifying” ob-
jects, including coins, by throwing them into the Dead Sea.125
He who sets aside coin for a sin offering, which were lost, and [who]
offered up a sin offering in their stead, and afterward the coins turned
up—let them go to the Salt Sea. (M. Tem. 4:2)
bloody civil war raged in Judea. It stemmed from rivalry between the Sad-
ducees, the party supporting the king, and the more traditional Pharisees.
Bad will between the factions did not end with the war, but continued for
several years thereafter.
Jannaeus died in 76 bce, but it is believed that for several years before
his death he adopted a more benevolent policy toward the rival Phari-
sees, encouraged by his wife, Salome Alexandra. One method for a ruler
to ingratiate himself was to offer gifts to be redeemed for food or other
commodities; this largess was called congiarium. The Roman emperors
issued special tokens of bronze or even precious metals, but in the poor
province of Judea where only bronze coins were struck, lead may have
sufficed. Since the language of the masses during Jannaeus’s time was
Aramaic, it is not far-fetched to conclude that the lead issues in question
were tokens issued by the Jewish king to the masses to be redeemed for
gifts. This possibility may also explain the several small hoards made up
exclusively of these lead pieces.129
This lead issue by Jannaeus in about 79/78 bce may represent the first
Jewish tokens. (Other apparently Judean lead pieces—nos. 6193, 6194—
were found at Mt. Gerizim but so far without legends.) They remind us of
a time when the Jewish nation was ruled by royalty, but even to a powerful
monarch, the will of his people was important enough to warrant signifi-
cant consideration.
These lead pieces are often found scattered among other Judean prutah-
size coins of the time in surface or near-surface finds as well as small
hoards. We can thus conclude that once they outlived their usefulness as
tokens, the lead pieces entered circulation at a specified value, possibly a
prutah or a half-prutah.
Another lead object that we tentatively identified as a Jannaeus coin or
token (GBC 5, no. 1156) has been proven by Farhi to be a fragment of the
lead frame of a Roman/Byzantine mirror c. fifth century ce (Fig. 6.13). He
suggests that these objects “were used as currency during the fifth century ce
alongside other small bronze and lead issues.”130
6.13. Listed in GBC 5 as a possible Hasmonean lead token (no. 1156), Farhi (2013)
reported on this fragment of a fifth-century Roman/Byzantine lead mirror frame,
excavated at Horbat Sher, which proves the later origin for these objects. (Photo
Yoav Farhi.)
6180. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in block style יהונתן הכהן הגדל וחבר היהודים
(Yehonatan the High Priest and the Council of the Jews) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons,
pomegranate/poppy between.
נתן הכ
6181 הן הגד
ל וחבר ה
6181. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew in classic style (Yehonatan the High Priest and the
Council of the Jews) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between.
a. Struck on a square flan.
176 Guide to Biblical Coins
ן הכן גדל
6182 וחבר ו
6182. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew inscription in cursive style (Yehonatan the High
Priest and the Council of the Jews) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between.
6183. AE half-prutah.
Obv: Upright palm branch flanked by paleo-Hebrew in classic style
( יהונתן המלךYehonatan the King).
Rev: Lily.
הכהן ה
6185 גדל וחבר
Hasmonean Dynasty 177
Since there are so many of these overstrikes and the original lily/anchor type is far more
scarce than the overstrikes, it may be surmised that almost all of these coins were re-
struck before they left the mint rather than upon recall from circulation, which would
have led to a far less consistent output.
הכהן ג
6186 דל וחב
ר יהדי
6186. AE prutah, average weight 2.00 g.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew highly stylized ( ינתן הכהן גדל חבר יהדםYontan the
High Priest and the Council of the Jews), within wreath. Many letters
are illegible.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between.
a. More stylized legend.
b. Wildly stylized legend.
c. Overstruck on Jannaeus type 6184.
Could 6186c be a coincidental overstrike on this Jannaeus coin, or does it suggest that this
is a Jannaeus coin that was deliberately overstruck on another Jannaeus coin as 6185?
These inscriptions appear in many varieties. The highly stylized letters are surpris-
ingly readable, but there are often errors. Note the abbreviated spelling of the king’s
name as on the overstruck issue of 6185.
178 Guide to Biblical Coins
6189 המלך
6189f. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew (Yehonatan the King) between rays of star of eight
rays within diadem, several letters visible (yh)wntn. Part of a dotted
border, visible from 1 to 4 o’clock, represents a trace of a previous
Rev: ΒΑΣΙΛΕ(ΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY), around inverted anchor, the most
prominent trace of a previous striking is a clearly identifiable por-
tion of the inscription from no. 6185 (cornucopias/inscription
overstruck on anchor/flower).
One known
Hasmonean Dynasty 179
6191 6191a
Bijovsky, who is studying coins from excavations at Mt. Gerizim for publication, at-
tributes these and similar lead coins to the Hasmonean period based on iconography and
in an archaeological context of second to first centuries bce. “Due to their presence at Mt.
Gerizim, they were probably produced in Samaria.”132
Hasmonean Dynasty 181
Successors to Jannaeus:
Salome Alexandra (76–67 bce), Hyrcanus II
(67 and 63–40 bce), Aristobulus II (67–63 bce)
Alexander bequeathed the kingdom to his wife Alexandra, being con-
vinced that the Jews would bow to her authority as they would to no
other, because by her utter lack of his brutality and by her opposition to his
crimes she had won the affections of the populace ( Josephus BJ I: 107).
Hyrcanus, to whom even in her lifetime his mother had entrusted the
kingdom, was sole heir to the throne, but in capacity and courage, was
surpassed by Aristobulus. A battle for the crown took place near Jeri-
cho… ( Josephus BJ I: 120).
Jannaeus Successors:
Salome Alexandra, John Hyrcanus II,
or Aristobulus II (?)
Mint of Jerusalem and Perhaps Others
This coin, copying no. 6191, is found in innumerable varieties, some of which seem to
carry crude linear designs instead of stars on the obverse (d–i). Some were clearly struck
during Jannaeus’s lifetime; other coins of this massive issue were apparently struck under
his successors.
6196. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew instead of Aramaic (Yeho....), partial and crude,
around star within dotted border.
Rev: Stylized and incomplete Greek inscription around inverted anchor
within circle.
6.14. Side view of normal flan (left) and double-thick flan struck under Mattityah
Antigonus. (Drawing: Y. Meshorer)
this alloy was due to dire circumstances during the reign of the last Has-
monean king.
Antigonus’s rule overlapped the first three years of the rule of Herod,
who was named King of Judea in 40 bce.
6.15. Graffiti of seven-branched menorah and showbread table, below r., from Old
City of Jerusalem dating to the first century ce. (Courtesy D. Barag)
are also scratched into a few ossuaries dating from the mid-first century
bce to the mid-first century ce found in the area of ancient Judea. These
illustrations represent the few menorah or showbread table images prior to
Mattityah Antigonus’s coin.
According to Barag, it is important to keep in mind that at this time
these were “not symbols of Judaism but symbols of the Temple. The idea of a
symbol of Judaism is very late, and much later than the cross as a symbol of
Christianity. Sometime after the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed in 70 ce,
the menorah became a symbol of messianic hopes for rebuilding it.”142 A
menorah and table also appear as part of the Temple booty on the Arch
of Titus in Rome, completed in 81 ce. It was only in the third century ce
that the menorah began to appear more commonly as a symbol of Juda-
ism, frequently on oil lamps and rings or amulets (Fig. 6.16). This suggests
that when we look at the menorah on an ancient coin today, we probably
ascribe an anachronistic meaning to it.
There are two varieties of the showbread table on the coins of Anti-
gonus. One of them (no. 6203) is a plain table, while the other variation
(no. 6203b) has two stacks of bread loaves upon it. Bread itself was an early
symbol of prosperity. Some catalogers have suggested that the showbread
table is not venerated in modern Judaism “because of the importance of
Hasmonean Dynasty 187
6.16. Various objects dating from the 2nd–6th centuries ce, each depicting a meno-
rah. (Hendin Collection at the Israel Museum.)
bread and the Lord’s Table in Christian services.”143 Barag, a leading expert
on the use of these symbols in ancient times, however, suggests that this
connection is unlikely. “I have often been asked this question about the
bread and the Church. The meaning of wine and bread in the Christian
Church is entirely different and has nothing to do with the Temple and the
hopes of salvation and rebuilding the Temple.”144
It is far more likely, he explains, that the menorah continued as a sym-
bol of Judaism because it was more of a useful device; and heavily publi-
cized by the Romans as important booty removed from the Temple. After
the destruction of the Temple, menorahs were built and used functionally
in synagogues or homes, or graphically used to adorn various objects and
The menorah coins of Mattityah Antigonus are among the most
sought-after ancient Judean coins. For this reason, they are often copied,
sometimes with the intent to deceive unwitting collectors (Fig. 6.17). The
famous Islamic “menorah” coin (of either five or, rarely, seven branches)
dates to the Umayyad post-reform period after 696 ce and has a similar
menorah motif. The Islamic coins, several modern forgeries, and an error in
a 125-year-old (but widely used) book on Jewish numismatics have caused
significant confusion, clarified by Barag.146
In 1864, Madden accepted the 1860 view of Count Melchior de
Vogue, who attributed the coins with a seven-branched menorah and “a
row of four parallel trees” to Abd al-Malik, Islamic ruler of the mid-sev-
enth century. It was only in 1871 that de Saulcy showed that this coin was
actually a coin of Mattityah Antigonus. He also realized that the reverse
design was really the showbread table and not a row of trees.147
Madden corrected the error he picked up from Count Melchior in his
1881 edition. But his 1864 book is the one that is most widely reprinted
188 Guide to Biblical Coins
(probably because of the smaller format), and this book is especially con-
fusing to modern collectors because the coin with a seven-branched me-
norah and showbread table was shown in a line drawing. That line drawing
is strikingly similar to contemporary forgeries of the Antigonus showbread
table/menorah coin.
In 1967, I purchased a bronze cast copy of the menorah coin that was
not made to deceive collectors but as part of a set of museum replicas.
Some months later, a rather shady dealer of antiquities called me into the
far-back room of his shop in Jerusalem’s Old City, opened a huge safe, and
took out a nicely patinated coin of Mattityah Antigonus. He explained
that I could get a “great bargain” on this coin because of the circumstances
under which he had acquired it. I was naïve, but not stupid. When I first
saw the coin, I assumed it was genuine. I also believed this fellow was
my friend and was really trying to give me a good deal—lucky for me
I couldn’t afford it. However, something about the coin rang a bell, and
when I returned home that evening, I looked at my replica set and sure
enough, the menorah coin was exactly the same, only missing the patina. I
never saw that coin again (or bought from that dealer again!), but I assume
that in better light the telltale traces of casting—pinholes and file marks
on the edge—would have been more easily noticed.
The Islamic menorah coins are easy to distinguish from those issued
by Antigonus (Fig. 6.18). First, the style of the menorah is very different.
Most menorahs on these coins have five branches, but there is a rare va-
riety, possibly struck early in the series, with seven branches. Second, the
Islamic coins carry an inscription in Arabic (“Mohammed is Allah’s mes-
senger”) instead of the showbread table.
The Islamic coins are of interest to collectors of biblical coins. Barag
explains, “It is of course undeniable that by choosing the candlestick, and
at first a seven-branched candlestick, the mint authorities adopted the an-
cient Jewish menorah, albeit changing it slightly (e.g., the flat base). There
is no way of determining how this influence was effected and whether Jew-
ish die-makers or mint-masters were involved in the production of these
coins.... Does the preference of a five-branched candlestick demonstrate
Hasmonean Dynasty 189
more than the mere wish to move away from the Jewish prototype? The
introduction of (a variety with) the two-leaved stem may indicate the ac-
ceptance of Christian traditions concerning the Menorah.”
Barag also suggests the intriguing possibility that “the inception of
this series was connected to a particular event. The construction of the
Dome of the Rock was finished in 691/2 ce, a date too early by far for
the series. The construction of the second Aqsa Mosque around 715/6 ce
could have prompted the striking of such coins, but there is no positive
indication that this was the case.148
“After a while,” Barag notes, “the Muslim authorities of Jerusalem
abandoned this unusual experiment, leaving to posterity a series of coins
which testify in their own modest way of the struggle for Jerusalem.”149
Mattityah Antigonus
Mint of Jerusalem
6197. AE 8 prutot, average weight 14 g.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew ( מתתיה הכהן הגדל חבר ידMattityah the High
Priest and Council of the Jews), around and between two cornuco-
pias splayed outward, some specimens have letters between the
Rev: BACIΛEΩC ANTIΓONOY (of King Antigonus) around ivy wreath
tied with ribbons.
a. Irregular issue with retrograde reverse legend.
b. Double struck.
190 Guide to Biblical Coins
On this coin and the following coin, the paleo-Hebrew inscriptions appear in many ver-
sions struck from many die sets not yet studied.
6198 הכ גדל ח
6200. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew ( מתתיהMattityah) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, ear of bar-
ley between horns.
This coin is often described as a “mule” with the inscription of 6201 and the cornuco-
pias of 6199. This is not correct, since the obverse die was made in the style of 6199.
This type is struck on double-thick flans as is 6199, but 6201, 6202 are struck on flans
of single thickness.
Hasmonean Dynasty 191
מתתי מתתיה
ההכהן הכהן
6201 6201a
6201. AE prutah.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew, ( מתתיה הכהןMattityah the Priest) within wreath.
Rev: Two cornucopias splayed outward, adorned with ribbons, pome-
granate/poppy between.
a. Inscription different style, reads “Mattityah the Priest.”
6202. AE prutah.
Similar to 6201 but larger paleo-Hebrew letters and cruder cornucopias.
הכהן גדול
6203. AE prutah.
Obv: Showbread table, paleo-Hebrew (Mattityah the Priest) outside dot-
ted border.
Rev: BACIΛEΩC ANTIΓONOY, seven-branched menorah. RR
a. Second example.
b. Similar but clearly depicts two stacks of “showbread” on the table.
The inscriptions are never complete because the dies were cut to strike coins on flans larger
than those struck. The obverse die with the showbread table was considerably larger than
the reverse die, as shown in Fig. 6.19.
192 Guide to Biblical Coins
Herodian Dynasty
Herod I (the Great), 40–4 bce
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod
the king… (Matthew 2:1. See also Matthew 2:1–13 and 16–18)
erod I was born in 73 bce into an assimilated Jewish Idumean
family. His grandfather, Antipas, and his father, Antipater, were
both important advisors to the Hasmonean rulers. Members of
the dynasty Herod founded became official and unofficial representatives
for the Jewish people in their kingdom and throughout the ancient world.
The influence of Herod and his descendants affected decisions by the im-
perial court in Rome for more than a century.
Herod is often portrayed as a converted or an unwilling Jew. This is
not the case. The Jews under John Hyrcanus I (135–104 bce) conquered
the Idumeans (Edomites), who occupied the south of Judea. Some sources
refer to a forced conversion to Judaism. Strabo notes, however, “The Idu-
means are Nabataeans, but owing to sedition they were banished from
there, joined the Judeans, and shared in the same customs with them.”1
Thus, “The reassessment of Idumean conversion means that Herod’s
attachment to Judaism resulted from his grandfather’s voluntary adherence
and willing ‘full’ conversion to the Temple cult in Jerusalem and not from
a forced submission to a bare bones form of Judaism,”2 Richardson writes.
After Hyrcanus I annexed Idumea, “no Idumean delegation begged
Pompey for separate status and a revival of the Idumean cult.” The Tal-
mud says there were Idumean disciples in the House of Shammai, who
were “learned in Torah and punctilious in their observance.”3 Hyrcanus
II, a Hasmonean, married an Idumean, and Herod, an Idumean, married
a Hasmonean. Most important is that just a short time later, Hyrcanus
I’s son Alexander Jannaeus (104–76 bce) appointed Herod’s grandfather,
Antipas, as the strategos (governor) of Idumea. Richardson notes that this
194 Guide to Biblical Coins
would be, “an unusual degree of trust had Antipas only recently accepted
Judaism unwillingly.”4
In the next generation, Herod’s father, Antipater, married a Nabatae-
an woman, Cypros (Cyprus). Two of their five children received Hebrew
names—Joseph and Salome. Antipater became the closest advisor of Hyr-
canus II (67 and 63–40 bce), inextricably linking him to Rome as Hyrca-
nus II struggled against his brother Aristobulus II for the throne of Judea
and the high priesthood.
Hyrcanus II and Antipater were victorious and their alliance with
Rome had been most helpful. Not too many years later, Mark Antony
visited Syria, and a contingent of some 100 Jewish leaders complained
against Herod to him. Antony listened and then asked Hyrcanus II who
he thought was the fittest to govern. He replied that Herod, his brother,
Phasael, and their friends were the most competent. “Antony was de-
lighted, because he had formerly been their father’s guest and had been
hospitably entertained by Antipater when he accompanied Gabinius on
his Judean campaign. He, accordingly, created the brothers [as] tetrarchs,
entrusting to them the whole of Judea.”5 This promotion for Herod and
Phasael took place in 42 bce.6
Thus, Herod became governor of Galilee and a junior partner to his
elder brother, the governor of Jerusalem and environs. Young Herod did
not rest on his laurels and quickly turned the tables. Josephus recounts how
this “youth of high spirit” found and executed a man named Hezekias,
captain of a robber band who had terrorized the towns and cities of the
north. Now “they sang his praises for this deed throughout their villages
and cities…and through this action he became known to Sextus Caesar…
who was Governor of Syria.”7
Herod ruled Judea by the grace of Rome and was one of a group of
Oriental client kings subservient to Mark Antony.8 Herod’s administra-
tion was Hellenistic in character, including his harem of wives (ten),9 com-
plete with eunuchs.10 One of Herod’s continuing policy goals seemed to
be to strengthen the foreign element in ancient Israel and to bring the
kingdom completely into line as a strong link in the chain that was the
Roman Empire.
Herod knew that being from a non-priestly family that converted
to Judaism a few generations earlier, meant potential problems with the
Jewish people. To strengthen his ties with the royal Hasmonean family,
he married Mariamne, a granddaughter of Hyrcanus II. By all accounts,
she was the love of Herod’s life, but he was paranoid about threats to his
power and the last remaining Hasmonean princess was a threat, whether
real or imagined.
When Herod took the throne, he ignored the legal heir to the office
of high priest even though he was Aristobulus III, his wife’s brother. In-
stead, he appointed Hananel, whom he brought back to Jerusalem from
the Egyptian diaspora. This act caused Herod’s mother-in-law to com-
plain to Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt, whose Roman ties enabled her to
wield power over Herod. Cleopatra compelled Herod to dismiss Hananel
and appoint Aristobulus. But the young Hasmonean’s popularity with the
people grew and Herod decided to have him killed, a fate he also arranged
for the former king Hyrcanus II. These family murders caused severe ten-
sion between Herod and his beloved wife, Mariamne, and in 30/29 bce
Herod also ordered her executed.
Some years later, Herod also sentenced his two sons by Mariamne,
Antipater and Aristobulus (father of the child Agrippa, later to become
Agrippa I), to death. When Augustus heard about those sentences, he
reportedly said, “It is better to be Herod’s pig than his son.”11 These ex-
ecutions eliminated every member of the Hasmonean family who might
threaten Herod’s throne in the immediate future.
To advance his pro-Hellenistic policies, Herod embarked on many
construction and cultural projects. Ehud Netzer,12 the archaeologist-
architect who excavated many Herodian sites and discovered what is
believed to be Herod’s tomb at Herodium, explains, “The scope and vi-
brancy of Herod’s building enterprise in general lead us to the inevitable
conclusion that planning and erecting buildings was an integral part of
his ongoing operations.”13 Netzer further observed that while Herod was
almost certainly not an architect, he was intensively involved in the con-
ception and planning of his various building activities.14
Broshi identifies four of Herod’s building projects as being finest or
largest in the world at the time: largest temenos (structural enlargement of
the Temple Mount; largest palace (Herodium); longest building (the stoa
on the Temple Mount), and best port (Caesarea Maritima).15
Herodian Dynasty 197
Herod could build only one Temple in Judea, but he built many pal-
aces and fortresses. He built the gleaming white city of Sebaste (Greek for
Augustus) on the ruins of ancient Shomron-Samaria. Fully involved in
Roman politics, he also named his new port city Caesarea after Augustus
(Sebastos). Herod sponsored athletic contests and sat in a royal court that
reflected at least a partial cultural alienation from Judaism. On a visit to
Rome in either 18 or 12 bce, Herod was appointed president of the Olym-
pic Games.16 While Herod had been praised for his help to the Jewish
population, Josephus now complains that he was sucking the blood of the
Jewish people to curry favor among the non-Jews.
Herod’s pathological suspicions led him to construct a string of splen-
did mountain fortresses, which doubled as palatial resort homes for him-
self and his entourage. These bastions insured a hasty retreat in case of
insurrection, and included, among others, Herodium in Judea, Masada on
the Dead Sea, and Machaerus in Transjordan facing Nabataea.
Herod was generous to an extreme with building projects inside and
outside his territory. Above Jericho, he built a stronghold and named it
Cypros after his mother. In Jerusalem, he built three towers and named
them after the wife he murdered, Mariamne, his friend Hippicus, and his
brother Phasael. He built and named Herodium after himself. He built
gymnasia for Tripolis, Damascus, and Ptolemais; a wall for Byblos; temples
and marketplaces for Berytus and Tyre; theaters for Sidon and Damascus;
an aqueduct for Laodicea ad Mare; and baths, fountains, and colonnades
for Ascalon. That was only the beginning. He donated to the Olympic
Games and to Lycia, Samos, and every district of Ionia. “And that broad
street in Syrian Antioch, once shunned on account of the mud, was it not
he who paved its twenty furlongs with polished marble, and, as a protec-
tion from the rain, adorned it with a colonnade of equal length?”17 Yep,
built by Herod.
Herod hoped to improve his status with the Jewish people by re-
storing the Temple. He did it magnificently. It took 10,000 common-
ers and 1,000 priests at least nine years to complete the project. They
erected magnificent walls of majestic stones—many of which still exist
in Jerusalem today—doubled the Temple’s size, and encircled the Temple
with beautiful columns, gates, and courtyards. Herod also enlarged and
strengthened the fortress adjoining the Temple Mount and renamed it
Antonia, after Mark Antony.
With these construction expenses and other costs of a lavish court,
gifts and bribes to relatives and Roman allies, and heavy taxes to Rome,
Herod amassed a huge debt. To pay for it, he taxed his people heavily. Jo-
sephus reports that “the numeration of the debts and taxes discharged by
himself would be endless.”18 Stern notes, “Much of the money extorted
from the Jewish peasantry was squandered to enhance Herod’s reputa-
tion in foreign countries.”19
198 Guide to Biblical Coins
Herod’s Coinage
The life and times of Herod I (40–4 bce) have been the focus of a great deal
of interest due not only to his accomplishments but also to his proximity as
King of Judea when Jesus was born. Recent volumes about Herod’s life and
his building projects abound.34 During Herod’s reign, his kingdom was
200 Guide to Biblical Coins
Ariel explores some of the reasons Herod issued coins. Stocking the
marketplace with coins of appropriate size was important, as was the re-
quirement for small change so soldiers, construction workers, or other
employees could be paid in exact amounts, thus not overpaid. “Without
his own mint, when Herod had to purchase something worth less than a
drachm or denar, he would only be able to pay with the available coins in
circulation. This could entail a loss for him,” writes Ariel.42 Harl notes that
paymasters needed to provide some of a soldier’s pay in bronze, since small
denominations were always needed “for dice and drink.”43
At certain times, the Roman emperors issued largess known as a con-
giarium and donativum. Ariel believes that some of Herod’s coins may have
been issued and used as these handouts. Such coins might have celebrated
the entertainment structures and Herod’s founding and hosting of the
quadrennial games in Jerusalem44 and especially in Caesarea,45 where local
games were instituted in 12 bce at Herod’s dedication festival for the city
and its port. “Games were the type of event in which civilian handouts
were common. It would be unreasonable to think Herod initiated all of
those events, and did not include some form of distribution of gifts,” Ariel
writes.46 Herod also proclaimed an annual festival on the day he ascended
as king,47 a logical time to distribute gifts.
Jacobson disagrees since “even Herod’s largest coin was only approxi-
mately 5% of a daily Roman wage. So, one of Herod’s coins (or a moderate
multiple thereof ) was hardly likely to satisfy a donative, which, in Roman
writings are generally paid in generous helpings of silver or gold coin.”48
Ariel also suggests “there is cogency in viewing at least some of his
coins as commemorative issues related to his (building or other) activity.”49
Ariel, assisted by Fontanille’s die studies,50 gathered archaeological,
typological, epigraphic, and other evidence and presented it to shed fresh
light on the internal chronology of the Herodian coins.51
Herod’s coins avoided the use of graven images. This choice catered
to his local population by depicting motifs such as anchors, cornuco-
pias, tripod tables, and various plant species. Some of Herod’s designs
were taken from Roman coins, such as the helmet, shield, aphlaston, and
winged caduceus, but they were probably not fully understood as Roman
symbols by Herod’s subjects and thus did not offend them.52 One of
Herod’s coins depicts an eagle, which was patterned after similar motifs
of circulating Ptolemaic, Seleucid, and Tyrian coinage. Less likely is the
suggestion that it may have represented the eagle Herod ordered placed
over the Temple gate.53
are dated “year three,” yet their actual date of issue has been a matter of
much discussion. We follow the theory that the coins were struck in 37
bce, which was the “third year” of Herod’s kingship—he was proclaimed
“King of Judea” by a declaration of the Roman Senate and the approval of
Octavian. Another view is that that they were struck in 40 bce, based on
Mark Antony’s appointment of Herod as Tetrarch of Galilee in 42 bce.
A third possibility is that they were struck in 27 bce at the founding of
Sebaste in Samaria, and in honor of Herod’s re-confirmation as king in
30 bce following Octavian’s victory at Actium.54 Other theories have also
been suggested.55
Meshorer believed that the (TP) ligature on this series has a paral-
lel in some of the Ituraean coins of Chalcis, and that it stands for the title
“tetrarch.” This is why he thought these coins were first struck in 40/39
bce, the third year of Herod’s tetrarchy and possibly issued for several
years. Kanael wrote that the ligature on Herod’s early coins probably
represents a combination of the Greek letters TP, a contraction for trito, or
“third year.” Kanael says, “It is likely that Herod wanted to accentuate the
fact that 37 bce, which was in fact his first year as king, should be regarded
as his third year, and reckoned from 40 bce when Rome had appointed
him.”56 Krupp and Qedar suggested the ligature was a combination of the
first two letters of Herod’s name HP󠅮ΩΔHC, and is therefore another sym-
bol of his royal authority and a substitute for his portrait.57 Ariel observes
that these ideas are only a few of the nine different theories about the
meaning of the . He believes the ligature is likely the initials of a person
such as a moneyer.58 A similar ligature, which may represent TP, appears
on some varieties of the small anchor coins (no. 6209).
Some denominations of this series appear without date or monogram.
One might suggest that this was an inadvertent omission. However, Font-
anille’s die studies show that none of the dies without dates or monograms
has been re-engraved to add them and at least one die shows evidence that
the date and monogram were obliterated so they would not appear on the
coins.59 These coins were possibly later issues and their notations to the
“third year” were deliberately omitted.
Herod’s dated coins were struck in four denominations, often de-
scribed as 8, 4, 2, and 1 prutot. However, our metrological studies60 in-
dicate that Herod’s dated coins adhered to a different weight standard.
Herod’s largest coin (no. 6204, 6.93 g) is only half the weight of the
Antigonus coin (no. 6197, 14 g) struck at around the same time. Thus,
it is quite possible that the denominations are intended as 4, 3, 2, and 1
prutot.61 This system is also consistent with Herod’s undated coins, which
are, according to weight, 2, 1, and ½ prutot, which combine to establish a
Herodian series of five denominations.
Due to the weight differences as well as find spots between the Anti-
gonus coins and Herod’s dated coins, Meshorer’s suggestion that Herod’s
coins were struck at a mint in Samaria, rather than Jerusalem, seems credible.
Herodian Dynasty 203
Samaria was the capital of Herod’s tetrarchy, “and it was natural for him to
have minted his coins there.”62 Further evidence can be found in the excava-
tions in Jerusalem where hundreds of Herodian coins were found, but only
around 1% were of the dated types. At Masada where 393 Herodian coins
were found, only one of them was a dated coin. Meshorer cites excavations
in Sebaste/Samaria where 20% of the coins of Herod I belong to the dated
group. “From experience we learn that bronze coins become rarer as the dis-
tance between the excavation site and their mint increases. The discovery
of so many dated coins in Samaria is firm evidence that they were minted
there.”63 We also note that large numbers of the dated Herodian coins have
appeared on the markets in Jordan, which may suggest an origin to the north
of Jerusalem. Nevertheless, some scholars suggest a Jerusalem mint for the
dated Herodian coins.64
Most other coins of Herod I were probably struck at or near Jerusalem,
although there is ample evidence during the Hasmonean and Herodian
periods that multiple mints may have operated.65 The coins are cruder in
design, execution, and manufacture than the dated series (Fig. 7.1). An-
other interesting phenomenon that occurs on many of the Herodian coins
is that the obverse dies were cut for coins far larger than the reverse dies
(Figs. 7.2 and 7.3). This issue results in coins that are never fully centered
on one side because the flan is not sufficiently large. The reason for this
anomaly is not known, but it also previously existed in some later Hasmo-
nean coin types (nos. 6191, 6195, 6203) in which both obverse and reverse
dies were much larger than the flans upon which they were struck.
Establishing a chronology for the coins of Herod has been “one of the
most intractable subjects of Jewish Numismatics,” according to M. Avi-
Yonah.66 Ariel has used archaeological, typological, epigraphical, and other
evidence to set forth a relative chronology of the undated coins of Herod.67
He suggests, for example, that the final series of coins struck by Herod
included the common prutot with the anchor/double cornucopia motif.
“As a type, Herod’s coin bearing the anchor on the obverse and double
cornucopia with caduceus in between the horns on the reverse [no. 6219]
is copied exactly by his son Archelaus on his coinage [no. 6223]. In fact, for
the most part, one may differentiate between the poorly preserved of such
coins of Herod and those of his son only from the inscriptions.”68
“On the other hand,” Ariel writes, “the anchor of Herod’s inscription/
anchor type [nos. 6208–6210] which also appears both in the pre-Herod
and post-Herod series should be aligned closer to Jannaeus’ reign. This is
because the depictions of Jannaeus and Herod’s anchors are so similar…
and so dissimilar from the anchor on Archelaus’ coins.”69 It appears as if
the obverse of these coins were copied from the poor, late Hasmonean is-
sues to the extent that the lily-like designs, also described as Y-like, V-like,
or just rays, are intended to copy the crude imitation Greek legends on
some of the Hasmonean issues (Fig. 7.4).
204 Guide to Biblical Coins
7.1. Illustration of how obverse and reverse dies were often used in different combi-
nations. (Graphic: Fontanille.)
7.2. Composite of complete Herodian obverse die (no. 6215) with eight coins
struck from this die. Note the completely different appearance of the coins.
(Graphic: Fontanille.)
Herodian Dynasty 205
7.3. Recreation of Herodian dies (no. 6215) show disproportionate size difference
between obverse and reverse dies. (Graphic: Fontanille.)
7.4. Similarities between Hasmonean small prutot, above (no. 6195), and Herodian
small prutot, below (nos. 6208–6210). (Author’s collection.)
206 Guide to Biblical Coins
From the archaeological evidence, Ariel notes the “near absence of the
anchor/double cornucopia type from Area E in the Jewish Quarter, and
over-representation there of the inscription/anchor and single cornucopia/
eagle types.”70
Ariel also links some coins with specific events, such as his suggestion
that Herod’s common anchor/cornucopias prutah (no. 6219) may have
been issued to commemorate the dedication of Caesarea in 12 bce and,
likewise, he links Herod’s anchor/galley coin (no. 6222) to the first use of
Herod’s fleet in 14 bce.71
He adds, “One may create a relative chronology of Herod’s undated
coin types based upon the coin’s typological continuity/discontinuity with
his predecessors and successors at the Jerusalem mint. The validity of such
an approach is supported by the overall impression of continuity in other
features of the Jerusalem mint throughout the first century bce.”72
Ariel also places Herod’s diadem and table coins early in the series.
“The coins bearing the diadem symbol are the closest that Herod’s undated
coins come to being a denominational series. The diadem appears on all
three denominations in Herod’s undated coins and is certainly an impor-
tant symbol in his coins. The diadem was a symbol of kingship or the high
priesthood and... symbolic of Herod’s claim to legitimacy. The series could
have been the first of Herod’s undated coins.”73
In spite of his continuing adverse relationship with his own people,
Herod did not mint coins overtly offensive to the Jews. He used no graven
images except for the late small bronze with the eagle, mentioned earlier.
Herod was the first Jewish ruler to use exclusively Greek inscriptions on
his coins.
Ariel also makes the interesting observation that “After the diadem
‘denominational series’ the Jerusalem mint did not mint in such clearly
arranged denominations until perhaps a century later, during the Jewish
War. This fact also may support the series’ placement at the beginning of
Herod’s undated coins, soon after Antigonus’ denominational series.”74
Ariel’s “conjectural” internal chronology75 of Herod’s undated coins
suggests that the tripod table series (nos. 6211–6218) are earliest (c. 30–20
bce), with the anchor/legend series (nos. 6208–6210) overlapping and
slightly later (25–15 bce), and finally, the double cornucopia/anchor se-
ries (c. 15–5 bce) and other issues that commemorate the dedication of
Caesarea (nos. 6218–6221). It is also possible that Herod’s anchor/legend
series was struck a bit earlier and represented an extension of the late Has-
monean coins of similar appearance (see Fig. 7.4).
Until recently, there have been few chemical analyses performed on
Herod I’s undated coins, although as early as 1927 Reifenberg noted the
analysis of a single coin using older, but quite accurate, methods.76 Our
group analyzed 78 coins, mostly undated coins of Herod I (and also dated
coins bracketing his rule) using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to determine
major and trace elements, by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma
Herodian Dynasty 207
Table 7.1. Interval plot of percentage of arsenic in Herod I’s coin (Bars = one
standard error from the mean; labels are GBC numbers). (Graph: Nathan Bower).
central device. Thus, the object can be identified as a soldier’s helmet, facing
forward with cheekpieces and straps for securing the helmet behind the
head. The star surmounting the helmet parallels similar designs commonly
found on coins depicting the caps of the Dioscuri.80 Ariel and Fontanille
suggest the helmet could represent Herod’s personal armor, thus replacing
his portrait and reflecting victory over his enemies.81
Wreaths were commonly used as design motifs on helmets of this
period. For example, a silver cavalry helmet in the Rheinisches Landes-
museum features a gold wreath terminating in the front center with the
medallion of a human face. Since Herod I did not depict human images
on any of his coins, it was logical to substitute an acceptable decorative
symbol—in this case, a large leaf.
A helmet also appears not only on the second smaller bronze denomi-
nation of Herod I but earlier on a coin of Hyrcanus I (no. 6167) and later
on a coin of Herod’s son,Archelaus (no. 6227). Since the helmet is a mili-
tary device, one assumes that the reference is to the military powers of the
regime. It is possible that not all dies for Herod’s large bronze coins were
actually engraved with the leaf and wreath motif. We have examined sev-
eral hundred specimens and the hemispherical area of the helmet is often
flat, which may or may not be due to wear.
6204. AE 4 prutot, 6.93 g average. 31 obv. dies, 110 rev. dies.88
Obv: Military helmet, frontal view, wreath featuring acanthus leaf
around, cheekpieces and straps, star above flanked by palm branches.
Rev: ΗΡΩΔΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ (of King Herod), tripod, ceremonial bowl
(lebes) above, flanked by date LΓ (year 3) and .
a. Crude issue.
6205 6206
6207. AE prutah, 2.50 g average. 1 obv. die, 3 rev. dies.
Obv: Palm branch with objects (leaves?) on either side.
Rev: ΗΡΩΔΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, aphlaston flanked by date LΓ (year 3) and .
a. With “o” from king’s name to l. of aphlaston.
b. Without date or monogram.
6208 6209
6208. AE prutah, 0.08–1.5 g range for nos. 6208–6210. 3 obv. dies, 3 rev. dies.
Obv: BACIΛ ΕVC HP ΩΔΗC (King Herod).
Rev: Anchor within laurel wreath.
6209. AE prutah.
Obv: ΒΑCIΛΕΩC ΗΡΩΔΟΥ (of King Herod) in concentric circles.
Rev: Anchor within a circle decorated with fine vertical strokes or rays,
top of anchor as or anchor ring.
a. Circle around anchor decorated with V-shaped lines.
6210. AE prutah.
Obv: ΒΑCIΛΕΩC ΗΡΩ ΔΟΥ in uneven lines.
Rev: Anchor within circle decorated with V-shaped lines.
a. Anchor within circle and zigzag line.
212 Guide to Biblical Coins
6211 6211a
6212. AE prutah, 1.48 g average for nos. 6212–6215. 8 obv. dies, 10 rev. dies.
Obv: ΗPΩΔOΥ ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC, closed diadem cross within, inscrip-
tion often incomplete.
Rev: Tripod table.
Obverse dies are much larger than reverse dies for many Herodian coins; this situation
results in the coins being particularly crude and incomplete.
a. Diadem is open.
Herodian Dynasty 213
6213. AE prutah.
Obv: ΗPΩΔOΥ ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC, cross outside of diadem, inscription
often incomplete.
Rev: Tripod table in circle.
6214 6215
6214. AE prutah.
Obv: ΗPΩΔOΥ ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC, small closed diadem with no cross,
inscription often incomplete.
Rev: Tripod table in circle.
a. Diadem is open.
6215. AE prutah.
Obv: ΗPΩΔOΥ ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC in irregular lines.
Rev: Tripod table.
6216 6217
6218. AE half-prutah. 1 obv. die, 1 rev. die.
Obv: ΗPΩΔOΥ ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC, tripod table.
Rev: Bunch of grapes with vine branch.
Grapes and vine are clear on at least one specimen; thus, this is the f irst Jewish coin
to feature grapes, which are repeated on a coin of Archelaus and coins of the Bar
Kokhba Revolt.
6219 6222
Many varieties of this coin exist with various inscription combinations, all based on
ΗPWΔOΥ ΒΑCΙΛΕWC, including many errors. Nos. 6219–6222 may be related to
the founding of Herod’s port at Caesarea Maritima, 22–10/9 bce.
This type resembles no. 6219 of Herod I, but one cannot rule out Bijovsky’s suggestion
that the coin may be of Herod Archelaus, since there is no inscription and the shape of the
anchor somewhat resembles no. 6224.89
Herodian Dynasty 215
Archelaus was the oldest son of Herod by his Samaritan wife, Malthace.
In Herod’s final will, he designated Archelaus as future king of Judea and
Samaria. However, since Herod’s title was not hereditary, Archelaus need-
ed confirmation by Augustus. After the mourning period for his father,
Archelaus prepared to travel to Rome. Before he departed, however, he
met with representatives of various groups in the Temple area. A crowd
gathered and tested Archelaus’s sincerity and good will by making de-
mands. The people wanted Archelaus, for example, to drastically reduce
taxes. Members of the crowd also began to protest the death of the group
of scholars whom Herod had executed for removing the golden eagle from
the Temple gates. This interaction led to riots against Archelaus’s troops,
intensified by the huge influx of pilgrims into Jerusalem for the Passover
festival. Archelaus soon lost his patience and sent his soldiers against the
crowd, killing some 3,000 Jews.90
In Rome, where Archelaus hoped to argue his case before the em-
peror, there was a bitter power struggle between him and Antipas.91 After
hearing arguments, Augustus altered the terms of Herod’s will and named
Archelaus ethnarch of Judea, Samaria, and Idumea. Philip (4 bce–34 ce)
received the title tetrarch of Batanaea, Trachonitis, Auranitis, and some
other minor lands. Antipas (4 bce–39 ce) was named tetrarch of Peraea
and Galilee.92 This decision abolished the Judean monarchy, but the em-
peror promised that the title “king” would be forthcoming if Archelaus
governed well.
216 Guide to Biblical Coins
Archelaus, however, “on taking charge of his ethnarchy did not forget
old feuds, but treated not only the Jews but even the Samaritans with great
brutality. Both parties sent deputies to Caesar to denounce him, and in the
ninth year of his rule he was banished to Vienna, a town in Gaul, and his
property transferred to the imperial treasury.”93 Thus, Archelaus’s territo-
ries were annexed into the province of Syria and placed under direct rule
of the prefect Coponius.
The Parable of the Pounds mentions a hated ruler, believed to have
been Archelaus, “But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him,
saying, we will not have this man to reign over us” (Luke 19:14).
Based upon his inability to reasonably govern his subjects, one may
conclude that Archelaus can be blamed for the areas he governed falling
into Roman hands.
We assume that Archelaus continued manufacturing coins at Jeru-
salem. His earliest issue was probably a prutah nearly identical to one of
Herod’s latest issues, with the addition of the abbreviation of ethnarch on
the reverse (no. 6223).
The style and method of manufacturing coins at the Jerusalem mint
continued, and Archelaus issued a two-prutot coin (no. 6225) comparable
in size to Herod’s two-prutot coin (no. 6211) as well as prutah and half-
prutah coins. Archelaus’s coins generally copied the designs of his father
with minor variations—anchors, cornucopias, wreaths, galleys, grapes, and
helmets. All of the inscriptions on the coins of Archelaus are in Greek.
Archelaus’s coins carry the word (or abbreviation) ethnarch and his
name, “of Herod the Ethnarch.” Although the title ethnarch is attested
elsewhere in the Roman Empire, the only known instance of the title’s
use on coins are on those of Archelaus. He did not use graven images or
other symbols offensive to the Jews on his coins, nor do any of his coins
carry dates, so there is no way of dating the coins more precisely than to
his reign.
6223 6224
6223. AE prutah, 1.16 g average.94
Obv: HPWΔΟΥ (of Herod), anchor.
Rev: EΘ on r., N above (Ethnarch), two cornucopias splayed outward,
adorned with ribbons, caduceus between horns, dots above.
There are many varieties of inscriptions and placement of letters.
Herodian Dynasty 217
Reverse varieties with four to eight letters exist, including ΕΘ ΝΑΡ ΧΟΥ; some letters
may be out of order or retrograde.
6225 6227
a. Inscriptions are juxtaposed obverse to reverse.
b. Obverse carries incuse of helmet motif on reverse.
c.–e. Irregular issues.
218 Guide to Biblical Coins
6228. AE half-prutah, 1.19 g average.
Obv: HPW, galley prow facing l.
Rev: EΘN within wreath.
a. Prow facing r.
b. Reverse inscription NEΘ.
Antipas was full brother to Archelaus. With their half-brother, Philip, they
had been educated in Rome. Herod willed to Antipas the tetrarchy of
Galilee and Peraea and the Jewish portion of Transjordan. Augustus con-
firmed this territory and title. Antipas inherited a tetrarchy without much
infrastructure; his new capital was Sepphoris, probably at the time the only
real town in his territories. He rebuilt it “to be the ornament of all Galilee
and called it Autocratoris.”95 Several public structures had existed at Sep-
phoris for some time and were probably still in use when Antipas became
tetrarch. Meyers reported a fortified structure in Sepphoris, which “appears
to have been in use by ca. 100 bce judging by the coins, pottery, and other
late Hellenistic finds. Several mikvaot (ritual baths) also date back to this
period and their large size suggests some form of public usage.”96
Antipas eventually began to devote his attention to the creation and
“founding” of a new city, Tiberias. He moved his capital there and appar-
ently founded the city between 17/18 and 20/21 ce. Avi-Yonah explains
that the actual event most probably took place in the year 18, which was
not only the sixtieth birthday of Tiberius, but also the twentieth anniver-
sary of his holding the Tribunicia Potestas. The year 18/19 ce was also the
twenty-second year of the reign of Antipas as tetrarch.97
Not only did Antipas share his father’s interest and talent for building
great cities, he was “the most talented ruler and politician among all of
Herod’s sons,” according to Stern.98 Antipas’s tetrarchy had a clear Jew-
ish majority, including the often-rebellious population of the Galilee. Yet
Antipas ruled for 43 years without any armed rebellions in either Galilee
or Peraea.
Herodian Dynasty 219
When Caligula became emperor in 37 ce, Antipas tried to get into his
good graces, but Caligula’s good friend (and Antipas’s nephew and broth-
er-in-law) Agrippa I, grandson of Herod I, had already been granted the
title of king in Herod Philip’s previous territory. It troubled Antipas that
he remained only a tetrarch; it was not difficult for Herodias to persuade
him to appeal to Caligula for equal recognition. Antipas and Herodias
sailed to Rome to press his case. Part of this campaign consisted of striking
the coins dated year 43 (nos. 6246–6249), naming Caligula, the only coins
of Antipas that mention a Roman emperor. Agrippa used his powerful
position at court to accuse his uncle of allying himself with the Parthians
and building an arms cache to battle Rome. Caligula banished Antipas to
Lugdunum in Gaul (modern Lyon, France) and confiscated his property,
adding it to Agrippa’s kingdom.100
Meshorer expanded the number of known denominations and dates
of Herod Antipas’s coins and described four denominations for each
year Antipas minted coins at Tiberius beginning in 20/21 ce. Meshorer
equates these coins with the Roman dupondius, as, semis and quadrans
denominations and points out that in Jewish sources, these coins have
the corresponding names of pundion, issar, musmis, and kuntrunk. He
cites Rabbinic sources that suggest the largest denomination is equiva-
lent to 1/12 denarius; therefore, the following denominations are the half
1/24 denarius; the quarter 1/48 denarius, and the eighth 1/96 denarius;
although the standard Roman relationship to the silver denarius would
have been 1/8: 1/16: 1/32: 1/64.101
Antipas was the first Jewish ruler who had a date struck on each coin
issued. The dates were not consecutive. Coins were struck in his regnal years
4 (1 bce/1 ce), 24 (19/20 ce), 33 (28/29 ce), 34 (29/30 ce), 37 (32/33 ce),
220 Guide to Biblical Coins
and 43 (38/39 ce). Since the coins are all quite scarce, one may assume that
they were struck only during the date years and not continued during the
intervening years. What possible events might have prompted a coin-issuing
year is not known. It may have simply been the need to add, as required, base
metal coins in circulation for day-to-day financial transactions.
A significant new Antipas type was discovered and dated to 1 bce/1 ce
(no. 6229). 102 This coin is a prutah and was likely struck at Sepphoris.103 On
the coin’s obverse, it shows a grain of barley or wheat surrounded by a clear
Greek inscription: “Herod (year) 4.” On its reverse is a seven-branched
palm tree with a club-like trunk and three letters abbreviating “Herod.” 104
Until this coin was discovered, the first coins known to be struck
by Antipas were dated “Year 24” (of Antipas’s reign) and thought to be
struck in 20/21 ce.105 Meshorer had attributed the delay in Antipas’s first
coinage to the reality that he was “forced to establish an original basis
for his administration; no previous governing system existed for his tet-
rarchy.”106 Antipas started with no government, little infrastructure and,
ergo, no mint.
This coin sheds a different light and seems to show that Herod Anti-
pas did not wait 24 years to issue his first coinage. Since the coin is dated
to the fourth year of his reign, it indicates that he likely struck at least a
trial coinage at his first capital of Sepphoris. The coin was produced by the
method and style of typical Jewish or procuratorial prutot of the period.107
The weight is consistent with prutot from the period of Herod Archelaus;
the edges are beveled, and it was clearly struck on a strip of cast flans,
chopped away from coins on either side.108
The palm-tree motif is not remarkable for Jewish coins. In 6/7 ce, only
six years after its use on the coin under discussion, the palm tree appears on
a coin of Coponius; it appears later on coins of the Jewish War, Bar Kokh-
ba Revolt, and in the Judea Capta series, among others. However, this coin
would mark the palm tree’s first appearance in the Judean series. The grain
of either barley or wheat is also not a surprising design for an ancient Jew-
ish coin, although this coin is unique in its presentation of a single grain.
Ears of grain appear on coins of the Hasmonean kings, 109 Herod Philip,
Agrippa I, Agrippa II, and the procurators, Coponius and M. Ambibulus.
All of Antipas’s subsequent coins resembled Roman provincial coins.
Since he ruled a territory with a significant Jewish majority, Antipas was
careful not to use portraits or graven images. The designs are reeds, palm
branches, or palm trees, save one late issue that depicts a bunch of dates,
and inscriptions within wreaths. Except for the last coins of Antipas, all
carry the name of the city in which they were struck, Tiberias. This issue
was the first Jewish ruler’s coins to carry the name of a Roman emperor,
Caligula, and no doubt honored him.
The coins of Antipas are usually found in poor condition, quite cor-
roded. This is due to the poor alloy of the coins as well as moisture and
other environmental conditions in the northern territories where Antipas
Herodian Dynasty 221
ruled and where the coins circulated. They also circulated in the Jordan
Valley, and coins found in that drier area are generally better preserved.
Herod Antipas is consistently referred to as “Herod” in the Gospels, as
on the coins. In Matthew 14:1 and Luke 9:7 he is correctly called “Herod
the tetrarch,” as on the coins. But in Mark 6:14 he is incorrectly called
“King Herod.” Antipas is also mentioned in the following New Testa-
ment verses: Matthew 14:3, 14:6, 14:9; Mark 6:14–27; Luke 3:1, 3:19, 9:9,
23:7–15; Acts 5:27, 13:1.
6229. AE prutah, 14.1 mm, 1.58 g.
Obv: TETPA[PX]HC Δ (Tetrarch [year] 4), grain of barley or wheat.
Rev: HPW (Herod), palm tree with seven branches and club-like trunk,
below and to r., reading outwardly.
One known
6230. AE full denomination, 15.16 g average. 3 obv. dies, 9 rev. dies.110
Obv: TIBE PIAC (Tiberias), wreath.
Rev: HPWΔΟΥ TETPAPXOY (of Herod the Tetrarch), L KΔ (year 24),
reed upright.
6232 6233
6234 6235
6234. AE full denomination, 11.51 g average. 4 obv. dies, 24 rev. dies.
Obv: TIBE PIAC within wreath.
Rev: HPWΔOY TETPAPXOY (of Herod the Tetrarch), L ΛΓ, palm
branch upright.
6242 6243
6244. AE quarter-denomination, 3.12 g average. 3 obv. dies, 5 rev. dies.
Obv: TIBE PIAC within wreath.
Rev: HPWΔΟΥ TETPAPXOY, L ΛZ (year 37), palm branch upright.
6248. AE quarter-denomination, 2.96 g average. 3 obv. dies, 4 rev. dies.
Obv: ΓΑΙΩ ΚΑΙ CAP (for Gaius Caesar) within wreath.
Rev: HPΩΔHC TETPAPXHC, L MΓ, bunch of dates.
Herodian Dynasty 225
Now in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate
being governor of Judea and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his
brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis…
(Luke 3:1).
When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his dis-
ciples… (Matthew 16:13).
that time, Philip’s land was annexed to the Roman province of Syria, but
in 37 ce it was given to Herod I’s grandson, Agrippa I. Philip was buried
at Bethsaida, which he had rebuilt and renamed Julias in honor of Julia, the
daughter of his original patron, Augustus.114
As the least well-known of Herod’s three sons, it is ironic that Philip
is the only one, and the first Jewish ruler, whose face we are able to see.
His jutting nose was almost comically large for the rest of his face. He had
curly, short hair and a sharp jawline with a prominent chin.
Herod I had built a splendid Roman temple at Caesarea Philippi, the
Augusteum of Panias, which Philip depicted on most of his coins with a
facade of four columns and a staircase. His coins were issued in three de-
nominations. Herod Philip is mentioned in the following New Testament
verses: Matthew 14:3; Mark 6:17–29; Luke 3:19.
coin of the same obverse die as coin no. 6264, yet neither Madden nor any
subsequent numismatist describes this thunderbolt.
We identified 44 examples122 of Philip’s coins with this obverse die
combined with 16 different reverses. The dates: 26/27 ce (LΛ=year 30;
one example)123; 29/30 ce (LΛΓ=year 33; × 2; 1 reverse die identified);
30/31 ce (LΛΔ=year 34; × 18; 8 reverse dies identified); and 33/34 ce
(LΛZ=year 37; × 20; 7 reverse dies identified). Most of these coins are
either poorly preserved or struck slightly off center, with the missing por-
tion of the thunderbolt design partly or completely missing beneath the
emperor’s head.
Some other provincial coins struck under Tiberius depict a thunder-
bolt on either the obverse or the reverse.124 An imperial bronze as struck
in Rome under Tiberius depicts a deified bust of Augustus on the obverse
and a winged thunderbolt on the reverse.125 The thunderbolt, among other
objects such as an oak wreath, star, and patera, are “of a general simplicity
and universal nature that would have appeal in the provinces”126 and are
also clear references to the entry of Augustus to the pantheon of gods.
In general, lightning or more specifically the thunderbolt symbol—a
conflation of the lightning and the clap of thunder immediately following
it—is related to the god Zeus/Jupiter. “The Greeks and Romans respected
lightning so much that they considered any point struck by lightning as
holy and built their temples on these sites.”127
228 Guide to Biblical Coins
The coins of Philip with the laurel and thunderbolt appear to be the
singular pairing of these two objects on an ancient coin struck under Ti-
berius. Suetonius provides us with insightful evidence about the double
depiction. “Tiberius was somewhat neglectful of the gods and of religious
matters,” Suetonius wrote. At the same time, Tiberius was “addicted to
astrology and firmly convinced that everything was in the hands of fate, he
was nevertheless immoderately afraid of thunder. Whenever the sky was
lowering, he always wore a laurel wreath, because it is said that kind of leaf
is not blasted by lightning.”128 The laurel’s immunity to lightning was a
widespread belief at the time, Pliny the Elder (23–79 ce) claimed, “Among
things that grow in the ground [lightning] does not strike a laurel bush.”129
Considering Suetonius’s remarks on Tiberius’s astraphobia (fear of
thunder and lightning) and the emperor’s faith in the protection afforded
by a laurel wreath, we can conjecture that Philip was aware of this person-
ality trait and chose to employ it on his coins.
6250 6251
Herodian Dynasty 229
6252 6252a
6252. AE 20 mm, 8.09 g average.
Obv: KAICAPI CEBACTΩ (for Caesar Augustus), Augustus laureate
head r.
Rev: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, LIB (year 12) between columns, the
Augusteum of Panias, stairs leading to it, dot in pediment. The dot
may represent the clupeus virtutis, the shield proclaiming the virtues
of Augustus.131
a. Retrograde reverse.
b. Star countermark on obverse.
c. Φ countermark on obverse.
6254 6255a
6254. AE 20 mm, 6.16 g average.
Obv: KAICAPI CEBACTΩ, Augustus laureate head r.
Rev: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L Iς (year 16) between columns, the
Augusteum of Panias, stairs leading to columns, dot in pediment.
a. Star countermark on obverse.
b. Φ countermark on obverse.
6259 6260
6259. AE 18 mm, 5.15 g average.
Obv: KAIΣAPOΣ ΣEBACTOΥ, Tiberius laureate head r.
Rev: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΛΓ (year 33) between columns, the
Augusteum of Panias on low platform, dot in pediment.
b. Obv: Same as 6261.
This issue is not dated, but as noted in the previous edition, Shraga Qedar believes this
coin belongs to the series of year 34, based on style and historical circumstances. Strickert
agrees with this conclusion.132
6263 6264
6262. AE 14 mm, 3.23 average from 4 coins.
Obv: IΟΥΛΙΑ ΣEBAΣTH (Augusta Julia), Livia draped bust to r.
Rev: ΚΑΡΠΟΦΟΡΟΣ, L ΛΔ, hand holds three ears of grain.
Now about that time Herod [Agrippa] the king stretched forth his
hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of
John with the sword (Acts 12:1–2).
Temple, seem to have viewed his reign as a transient and insignificant epi-
sode. And, in fact, there is something to say for this view of the monarch,
a man whose burial place no one even cared to record.”135
The sources leave little doubt that Agrippa was a benevolent king for
the Jewish people. He carefully followed Pharisaic tradition in Jerusalem
and was quite popular. Both Josephus and the Talmud praise him. His ini-
tial unquestioning loyalty to Rome eventually gave way to deep religious
and nationalistic feelings, and Agrippa soon set about surrounding Jeru-
salem with “a wall on such a scale as, had it been completed would have
rendered ineffectual all the efforts of the Romans in the subsequent siege.
But before the work had reached the projected height, he died….”136
Agrippa was also a consummate politician. When he traveled out of
his Jewish territories, he was a liberal patron of Greek culture. He also
had “a gentle disposition and he was a benefactor to all alike…but to his
compatriots he was proportionally more generous and more compassion-
ate…he scrupulously observed the traditions of his people. He neglected
no rite of purification and no day passed for him without the prescribed
The Talmud tells of Agrippa’s attendance at the Feast of Tabernacles
in 41 ce. According to tradition, Agrippa read from the Book of Deuter-
onomy, and when he got to the passage “Thou mayest not set a stranger
over thee that is not thy brother,”138 he burst into tears because he felt this
passage referred to his own rule. However, the Talmud says that when the
people observed the king’s emotions, they cried out, “Fear not, Agrippa!
Thou art our brother! Thou art our brother!”139 Much of his popularity
among the Jews was because he went out of his way to reach an under-
standing with the leaders of the Pharisees.
Since Agrippa was king of Judea during the decade after the death
of Jesus, he faced issues relating to the spread of Christianity, and in
these matters, he sided more with the stern views of the Sadducees.
Agrippa ordered the execution of the apostle James, son of Zebedee,
and imprisoned the apostle Peter with the intention of killing him,
although Peter escaped.140
Agrippa was present in Rome when his patron Caligula was murdered.
Josephus tells us he contributed significantly to insuring the succession of
Claudius, another of his close childhood friends. In return, Claudius not
only confirmed Agrippa’s position but also handed over the territories of
Judea and Samaria, plus an award of the consular rank. Agrippa I now had
united under his rule the entire territory governed by his grandfather.
Agrippa was an enthusiastic client king of Rome. Josephus tells of
a royal meeting Agrippa convened in Tiberias. The meeting took place
shortly after Agrippa built a “sumptuous and elegant” theater in Berytus,
and when it was finished he staged a giant gala/execution in which 1,400
“malefactors” were punished by being pitted against each other, 700 versus
Herodian Dynasty 235
7.9. Meeting of the kings: from left, Agrippa I; his brother, Herod of Chalcis; Pol-
emo II, king of Pontus; and Antiochus IV of Commagene.
700, as gladiators, “In this way he brought about the utter annihilation of
these men.”141
When Agrippa finished his massacre of criminals at Berytus, he pro-
ceeded to Tiberias, where he convened the meeting of other Roman client
kings from eastern territories. He was visited by Antiochus IV, king of
Commagene; Sampsigeramus, king of Emesa; Cotys IX, king of Armenia
Minor; Polemo II, king of Pontus; and Agrippa’s brother Herod, king of
Chalcis. “His converse with all of them when he entertained and showed
them courtesies was such as to demonstrate an elevation of sentiment that
justified the honor done him by a visit of royalty.”142
The meeting had a rather untimely end, however, because at the same
time, “[Vibius] Marsus, the governor of Syria arrived. The king therefore,
to do honor to the Romans, advanced seven furlongs outside the city to
meet him. Now this action, as events proved, was destined to be the begin-
ning of a quarrel with Marsus; for Agrippa brought the other kings along
with him and sat with them in his carriage. However, Marsus was suspi-
cious of such concord and intimate friendship among these regional rulers.
He took it for granted that a meeting of the minds among so many chiefs
of state was prejudicial to Roman interests. He therefore at once sent some
of his associates with an order to each of the kings bidding him set off
without delay to his own territory. Agrippa felt very much hurt by this and
henceforth was at odds with Marsus.”143
Agrippa’s meeting of the kings offers an interesting look at the poten-
tial alliances between the men who ruled at the pleasure of Rome during
the first century, not to mention how uncomfortable those alliances could
make the local Roman representatives.
We can see some of these rulers via portraits on their coins, specifi-
cally Agrippa himself (Fig. 7.8), Antiochus IV of Commagene, Agrippa’s
brother Herod of Chalcis (who became the second husband of Agrippa’s
daughter Berenice), and Polemo, king of Pontus (who became the third
husband of the same Berenice) (Fig. 7.9).
Josephus’s account of this meeting is contained in the same chapter
that describes Agrippa’s death, so it probably occurred quite late in his life,
around 42 ce.
Schwartz summarizes an historic view of Agrippa’s reign as related to
Judea and Rome: “On the one hand, under Agrippa all of Palestine was
236 Guide to Biblical Coins
Border of dots on both sides unless noted.
Axis of Agrippa I coins is ↑.
6268. AE 20 mm, 7.97 g average.150
Obv: BACΙΛΕΩC ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑC (of King Agrippa), Agrippa I diademed
head r.
Rev: ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΥΙΟΥ ΒΑCIΛΕΩC (Agrippa, son of the king), LB be-
neath horse, Agrippa II rides horse r.
Mint of Jerusalem,
Year 6, 41/42 ce
6274. AE prutah, 2.33 g average.
Obv: BACIΛEWC ΑΓΡΙΠΑ (of King Agrippa), umbrella-like canopy
with fringes.
Rev: Lς (year 6), three ears of barley and leaves.
a. Irregular issue, crude and blundered.
b. Brockage of obverse on reverse.
c. Apparently unstruck on reverse.
240 Guide to Biblical Coins
Burnett suggests this reverse “implies that one [figure] is supposed to be Agrippa and
the other the emperor Claudius. On both coin designs, the Emperor is not only togate
but has his toga drawn over his head (capite velato) and holds a patera, in a religious
gesture. The figure of the King, to our left, also holds a patera. My suggestion in 1987
was that the scene may represent the consecration of the treaty between the two rulers
in the Temple of Capitoline Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill in Rome.152 Suetonius relates
how ‘Claudius cum regibus foedus in foro icit porca caesa ac vetere fetialium praefatione
adhibita’ (Claudius struck a treaty with kings in the Forum, sacrificing a pig and ap-
plying the ancient formula of the fetial priests).153
“Although Suetonius does not mention a temple, the fetial ceremony (which in-
volved singing a hymn and killing a pig) may be alluded to on Agrippa’s coin, since I
believe that the kneeling figure is engaged in killing a pig, the usual Roman sacrifice to
consecrate a treaty or oath.”154
Year 8, 43/44 ce
This historic coin is invariably in poor condition. This is Meshorer’s restoration of the
7.10. Images of Herod of Chalcis (l.) and Aristobulus of Chalcis (r.) recreated from
their coins. (Graphic: Fontanille.)
demanded (at her mother’s insistence) the head of John the Baptist. (Aris-
tobulus struck coins with his own portrait on the obverse and Salome’s
portrait on the reverse, no. 6286). As previously mentioned, Salome’s first
husband was her uncle, Herod Philip, a son of Herod I.
Aristobulus did not succeed to any throne upon his father’s death. He
had to wait until Claudius died to achieve royalty in his own right. Jose-
phus reports: “In the first year of Nero’s reign [54 ce]...the government of
Armenia Minor was placed by Nero in the hands of Aristobulus, son of
Herod, King of Chalcis.”157 Josephus later mentions “Aristobulus of the
region named Chalcidice.”158 Tacitus agrees on the year of the appoint-
ment.159 Neither reference, however, gives a clue about why Nero sent a
member of the Herodian family to rule over part of Armenia. “Aristobulus’
rule over Lesser Armenia was quite successful, at least if we judge from the
fact that he held his throne for 17 years,” Kokinos notes.160
Tigranes V was a grandson of Herod I, and in 60 ce, Nero granted
Greater Armenia to Tigranes VI (Fig. 7.11), Herod’s great-grandson. In
72, Aristobulus’s Lesser Armenia territory was returned to Armenia. “As
compensation Aristobulus was presented with his father’s old kingdom of
Chalcis, where we find him in 72/73 setting out with an army to support
the invasion of Commagene.”161
The latest coins of Aristobulus were dated to Year 17 (70/71 ce). The
final year of his reign can be deduced from the other coins of Chalcis.
Frank Kovacs discovered in 2010 a coin with a portrait of both Aristo-
bulus and Salome clearly dated to the year 13 (no. 6286). In the subsequent
decade, more than 20 of these formerly extremely rare coins have been
noted in trade, and each coin shows a legible date of Year 13. “Thus those
reported (with reservations) for years 3 (Γ) and 8 (Η) are certainly misread-
ing of Year 13 (IΓ). Since year 13 corresponds to 66/67 ce, the first year
of the Jewish War, Aristobulus’s coinage is logical as a token of loyalty to
244 Guide to Biblical Coins
7.11. Portrait coins of Tigranes V (top row) and Tigranes VI, scions of
the Herodian Dynasty. (Photos: Kovacs.)
“The great King Agrippa Philocaesar and Queen Berenice, children of the great
King Agrippa, restored in the colonia of Julia Augusta Felix Berytus, from their own
money, this bathhouse (?), which their ancestor, King Herod, had built and which
had fallen to ruins, and re-erected the marble statues and these six columns.”
(Author’s photo.)
Rome and his patron Nero. The propaganda value of a pro-Roman coinage
by a Herodian client king is self-evident in this context. The same applies
to Aristobulus’s issue in Year 17, which corresponds to 70/71 ce, recog-
nizing the new emperor Vespasian and the destruction of the Jerusalem
Temple. Thus, the issues of Aristobulus appear to have been struck in the
context of the Jewish War for propagandistic and political purposes.”162
Herodian Dynasty 245
6286. AE 21 mm, 13.24 g average.
Obv: BACIΛΕΩC APICTOBOΥΛΟΥ ET IΓ (of King Aristobulus, year
13), Aristobulus diademed bust l.
Rev: BACIΛΙCCHC CAΛΩΜΗC (of Queen Salome), Salome bust l.
Year 17 = 70/71 ce
6287. AE 23 mm
Obv: BACIΛΕΩC APICTOBOΥΛΟΥ ΕΤ IZ (of King Aristobulus, year
17), Aristobulus diademed bust l.
Vespasian Emperor Augustus) within wreath.
a. Monogram in square countermark on obverse.
6288. AE 15 mm.
Obv: BACIΛΕΩC APIC...(of King Aristobulus), Capricorn to l. star above.
Rev: ETOYC AZ (year 17), hand holding scales.
Herodian Dynasty 247
King Agrippa, do you believe in prophets? I know that you do. And
Agrippa replied to Paul, In a short time you will persuade me to become
a Christian (Acts 26:27–28).
There is little doubt that Agrippa II, whose full name was Marcus Julius
Agrippa, was a full client of Rome and even supported the Romans in
battle during the Jewish War. Before the outbreak of the war, Agrippa II
followed “the delicate path trod by his father, patronizing Jews, Greeks,
Romans and ‘Syrians’ alike.” Although Agrippa II was “probably the best
placed individual to prevent or limit the War that brought about the de-
struction of Jerusalem and its Temple. Yet he failed to act when the leading
voices in Jerusalem implored him to use his influence....”163
Other Jews did not take a strict stand against the Romans, includ-
ing Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai, who had his followers smuggle him out
of the besieged Jerusalem in a coffin. The famed teacher then received
approval from either Vespasian or Titus to open an academy for Jewish
learning in Yavne ( Jamnia), to the southwest of Jerusalem.164 In Yavne, he
formulated the changes in Judaism that enabled it to survive the destruc-
tion of the Jerusalem Temple and move forward to become one of the few
world religions to flourish for thousands of years.
It is ironic that if the Jews had won the war against Rome, Ben Zakkai
would have never led the movement for Judaism to develop the way it did.
Arguably, Judaism would have continued to exist as a Temple-centric cult,
based on pilgrimage and animal sacrifice, and would not have evolved into
a religion that substituted prayer for sacrifice and the “heavenly” Jerusalem
for the “earthly” Jerusalem. One key reason the Jews did not win the war
against Rome was that civil war raged among the Jews themselves. Perhaps
if the Jews had won, the civil war coupled with the Jerusalem Temple cult
might have prevented Judaism from surviving and thriving. Meanwhile,
other religions and civilizations from that time have become extinct.
I mention Rabbi Ben Zakkai’s story here to underline that Agrippa
was not alone in his support of making accommodations with Rome. In
effect, the pro-Roman party believed that Roman rule would continue to
allow Jewish institutions and teachings to flourish. Nevertheless, the Zeal-
ots (as told in the legend of Masada) preferred death to subjugation to
Roman rule.
Both sides had defensible viewpoints. In taking the Roman side, one
can argue, both Ben Zakkai, who was pro-negotiation, and Agrippa II,
who was pro-capitulation, tried to achieve a solution allowing survival of
the Jewish people.
Agrippa II was a major force in the ancient Holy Land from 49/50
ce to 94/95 ce. Nevertheless, he “has been relegated to the margins of
248 Guide to Biblical Coins
history to the extent that he was denied a walk-on part in the classic
seventeenth-century French dramas, Bérénice of Jean Racine and Tite
et Bérénice of Pierre Corneille.” Jacobson describes him as a mediocrity
with a rather “dull mind” that “might be put down to the considerable
inbreeding in his genetic makeup.”165
“His parentage,” Jacobson notes, “was somewhat incestuous, his father
and mother being cousins, with his mother, Cyprus, the granddaughter
of both Herod’s eldest brother Phasael and of Herod himself by his Has-
monean wife Mariamne I. That made him a great grandson of Herod the
Great on both sides of the family.”166
When his father Agrippa I died in 44 ce, Agrippa II was about 16
years old. Toward the end of his reign, Agrippa I was involved in some
activities that antagonized Rome. Still, he was a favorite of Claudius. Jo-
sephus says the emperor was inclined to pass along the kingdom directly
to Agrippa II. However, he was persuaded not to delegate the kingship “to
one who was quite young and had not even passed out of boyhood, and
who would find it impossible to sustain the cares of administration.”167
However, the young man soon received key responsibilities. For ex-
ample, Claudius assigned him guardianship of the high priest’s robes in
Jerusalem.168 Meanwhile, Claudius again brought the Jewish kingdom un-
der direct Roman rule and in 44 ce sent the procurator Cuspius Fadus to
govern. When Agrippa II’s uncle, Herod, king of Chalcis, died in 48 ce,
Claudius gave his throne to Agrippa II. Not long before Claudius died, in
Herodian Dynasty 249
has [also] shown that the starting point of Agrippa’s era is the autumn of
49.”176 She adds, “Since one of the anachronistic coins features Pan, the
tutelary deity of Caesarea Paneas, the era of 49 must belong to this city.”177
This discussion leads back to Agrippa II’s two rare double-dated coins,
which belong to this series (nos. 6306, 6307). Both coins carry reverse
inscriptions proclaiming “year 11 which is also year 6.” These were appar-
ently struck in 60 ce and thus correspond to the era of 49 combined with
a secondary local era of 54 ce. Kushnir-Stein explains, “When Agrippa
was appointed king over Chalcis, there must have been a counting by his
regnal years that started in 49/50. Josephus reports that, several years later,
Claudius took Chalcis away from Agrippa, but gave him instead the for-
mer territories of Philip, Lysanias, and Varus. When he moved into these
new territories Agrippa may well have retained his earlier era, with an ad-
ditional era, marking the beginning of his actual rule in these territories.”178
It seems that these small double-dated issues were the earliest coins
bearing Agrippa II’s royal title, and the only coins referring to both eras
beginning in 49 ce and 54 ce. Coin no. 6310 may have also been dated to
the era of 54 ce.
Kushnir-Stein further concludes that Agrippa II’s second major era
began in 60/61 (Table 7.2). This is the year Nero shaved his beard and re-
founded Caesarea Philippi as his royal capital, renamed Neronias.179
Agrippa II’s first Flavian mint was Caesarea Paneas, based on use of
the Pan motif on an early Flavian medallion (no. 6311) and rare pseudo-
medallions (no. 6316) dated to years 26 and 27 of 49 ce. I believe that the
medallions commemorated the inauguration of Agrippa II’s mint at Caesar-
ea Paneas beginning in 74/75 ce, just a year following the fall of Masada.180
One coin type of Agrippa I mentions the harbor of Caesarea Mari-
tima (nos. 6276, 6280), thus establishing that Agrippa II’s father operated
a mint there. It had been speculated that Agrippa II followed his father,
however, Andrew Burnett observes that Caesarea Maritima was not part
of Agrippa II’s kingdom, thus he likely did not mint coins there. He quotes
Kushnir-Stein, who studied the find records of Agrippa II coins, and re-
ports, “According to the picture I get from the find spots of Agrippa II’s
coins the issues dated by the era of 60 ce emanate from Tiberias. This is
certain at least for the dates 19, 24, and 25. These predominate in the Low-
er Galilee and especially around the Sea of Galilee. I have information on
32 coins of Agrippa II found in the Sea of Galilee Area (on the very coast
and no more than some 10 km inland; the bulk comes from excavations),
of which 26 are from these years. Among the latter, there are 10 coins of
year 19, the two coins from Capernaum included.”181
Another example is seen when one compares the series dated year
18 (nos. 6337–6339) and the series dated year 29 (nos. 6322–6324). The
coins with these dates exist with three denominations. Both obverse types
and reverse types are similar, but for the dates. One therefore wonders
how these coins could both be struck according to the same era consider-
252 Guide to Biblical Coins
Era of
Era of
49 CE
60 CE
6/11 60/1
-- 73/4 V T D 14
T/D med. 74/5 V D 15
26 V T D
ing these scenarios. If, for example, the coins were struck according to the
era of 49 ce, when Agrippa II assumed his first royal position, the year
18 coins would have been struck in 66/67 ce and the year 29 coins would
have been struck in 77/78 ce. Since Vespasian only became emperor in 69,
however, this era would be impossible for the year 18 coins. On the other
hand, if the dating era began in 60 ce, the year 18 coins would have been
struck in 77/78 CE and the year 29 coins would have been struck in 88/89
ce, ten years after Vespasian’s death, but with the same legend as when he
was alive. Similarly, it is unlikely that the unusual Regnal Year (RY) 29
bronze with Domitian as emperor/Tyche-Demeter (no. 6350) would have
been struck in Caesarea Paneas era RY 29 (77/78 ce), long before Domitian
became emperor, so we attribute that coin to the Tiberias mint.
The recognition of these two major eras and a secondary era solves a
number of problems in the dating of coins of Agrippa, although they still
may not fit perfectly. This is an area requiring further study and discussion,
Herodian Dynasty 253
Jacobson used statistical analysis and identified seven different denomi-
nations that “can be readily recognized as the unit of currency of later
Seleucid coinage, which has been identified as the hemichalkon denomi-
nation.”187 He explains the denominations as 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 (plus
larger medallions).188 The Seleucid currency system did not suddenly reap-
pear with the coins of Agrippa II but was inherited from the Seleucids by
the Hasmoneans and continued under their successors, including Herod
I. The most common Seleucid coin units are 2, 4, and 8. “The decimal de-
nomination (10 units) may reflect influence from Roman metrology (e.g.,
1 aureus = 100 sestertii). The issuing of ternary multiples (3 and 6), which
254 Guide to Biblical Coins
are not encountered in Seleucid coinage, may have been prompted by the
desire to include denominations that equate to Roman semisses and asses,
and thereby connect the coinage of Agrippa II with the Roman system so
as to achieve a readily convertible currency.”
Indeed, Agrippa II’s coins that are ternary multiples were dated year
25 and year 26 and comprise the Latin series coins that were likely struck
in Rome. In addition to a 6 o’clock axis, these coins are made from an alloy
that more closely resembles Roman issues during this period rather than
coins struck in the ancient Holy Land.189
The largest coins struck by Agrippa II in his regnal years 26 (74/75
ce) and 27 (75/76 ce) may be medallions (or just large coins) struck to
commemorate the inauguration of Agrippa II’s mint at Caesarea Paneas.190
One type depicts Pan with dual obverse busts of Titus and Domitian, and
the second type depicts a portrait of Vespasian with a reverse showing
Tyche-Fortuna holding a rudder on a globe.
Agrippa II’s Flavian coins also mainly follow a pattern of obverse-
reverse combinations. The largest coins, possibly two denominations,
generally carry Vespasian’s portrait and a Tyche reverse; the next denomi-
nation carries Titus’s portrait and a Nike (Victory) carrying a wreath; the
next denomination portrays Domitian and a reverse with Nike support-
ing a shield on her knee, and the smallest denomination carries a por-
trait of either Domitian or Tyche with either a legend or the cornucopia
reverse. This pattern does not hold true for the Domitian portrait coins
that are tentatively attributed to a Roman mint.
7.14. Throughout his reign, Agrippa struck a series of Victory coins strikingly similar
to Vespasian and Titus’s locally issued Judea Capta coins. The reverse on left is a Ju-
dea Capta coin of Titus (no. 6464) and the coin on right is a coin of Agrippa II with
his name and Domitian’s portrait dated to Year 19, or 78/79 CE (no. 6343).
ing coins in Domitian’s name. This issue has significant bearing on the se-
ries of coins struck in ancient Israel under Domitian, and this is discussed
further in Chapter 11.
Consider the coins that depict Nike walking to the right and hold-
ing both a wreath and a palm branch. Nike corresponds to Victoria, and
represents a winged victory. This symbolism refers to Rome’s defeat of
Agrippa II’s own Jewish people. This motif was already used as an em-
blem of Roman victory in Judea on coins of Vitellius and bear a striking
resemblance to local Judea Capta issues struck under Vespasian and Titus
(nos. 6472–6474) (Fig. 7.14). In fact, one locally issued Judea Capta coin
of Titus (no. 6475) depicts Nike with shield on knee without a palm tree,
nearly identical to the Agrippa II issues.
The people who handled these coins on a daily basis knew and un-
derstood the meaning of this motif. After all, the Roman victory allowed
Agrippa II to retain his kingship. The fact that he was a vassal of Rome
does not mitigate some loyalty to the Jewish tradition. At the end of
Agrippa’s speech to the Jewish people, pleading with them to avoid war, he
wept when he said, “Take pity, then, if not on your children and your wives,
at least on your mother city and its sacred precincts. Spare the Temple and
preserve...the sanctuary with its holy places.... I call your sanctuary and
God’s holy angels and our common country to witness, that I have kept
back nothing which could conduce to your preservation....” 199
Agrippa II’s coins with Judea Capta themes “provides clear, concrete
evidence that Agrippa II found it imperative to emphasize his wholehearted
commitment to Rome and celebration of its victory in the Judean-Roman
War,” Jacobson notes. “In his preference for these coin motifs, Agrippa dis-
played his complete disavowal of the rebellious Jews and implicit lack of
concern about their fate.”200
Further proof that Agrippa II commemorated the Roman victory
over the Jews on his coins is found in a coin explained by Shraga Qe-
dar (no. 6310). This bronze coin was struck in 69/70 ce in Tiberias. On
the obverse, around a palm branch, the coin carries the legend NIK[H]
CEB[ACTOY]. The Latin translation is VICTORIA AVGVSTI (victory
Herodian Dynasty 257
of the emperor) and was certainly a tribute to the Roman victory over the
Jews. This coin was no doubt Agrippa II’s official proclamation of the vic-
tory of Rome in the Jewish War.201
Era of Claudius,
Mint of Tiberias
Year 13, 53/54 ce
6299 6300
The only coin issued in the name of Claudia, Nero’s daughter, who died in infancy in
63 ce.
This coin and the following two coins were issued to commemorate Agrippa’s re-
founding of Caesarea Paneas as Neronias. It was once believed that the IE in the
reverse legend referred to a date, but this is not the case; rather, it is the last letters of
ΝΕΡΩΝΙΕ, the name of the mint city Neronias.
6305. AE 2 units, 13 mm, 3.24 g average.
Obv: ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ, Nero laureate bust to r., lituus in
front of face.
Rev: EΠΙ ΒΑCIΛΕ ΑΓΡΙΠΠ ΝΕΡΩ ΝΙΕ, circle and wreath.
Herodian Dynasty 261
6306. AE 2 units, 16 mm, 3.02 g average.
Obv: KAICAPIA TH KAI NEPWNIAΔI (for Caesarea which is also
Neronias), Tyche wearing crown of turreted city walls, bust to r.
Rev: BAC AΓP ETOYC AI TOY KAI ς _ (year 11, which is also year 6
of King Agrippa), two cornucopias splayed outward, crossed at base
with winged caduceus rising between horns.
Era of Nero
Mint of Sepphoris (Neronias)
Year 14 = 67/68 ce
6308 6309
This coin names Vespasian while he was Nero’s general and refers to Sepphoris as “Nero-
nias” to honor the emperor, and as “Irenopolis” or “City of Peace.”
262 Guide to Biblical Coins
Meshorer believed that the two Sepphoris coins belong in the Agrippa II series. Kushnir-
Stein, on the other hand, believed they are city coins of Sepphoris.
Mint of Tiberias
Era beginning 54 ce
Year 15, 69/70 ce
This coin might have been struck according to the era beginning in 60 ce, thus dating to
74/75. In the first case, the coin would have been struck just after the Jewish War ended,
and, in the second case, it would have been struck in the year after the absolute end of
the war when Masada fell in 73 ce. In either case, the iconography, reflecting both the
coins of Herod Antipas and the pre-royal issues of Agrippa II struck in Tiberias, suggests
that this coin is a reference to the victory of Agrippa II’s Roman allies in the Jewish War.
This coin is significant since it establishes the identification of the mint of Caesarea
Paneas during the first year Flavian coinage was struck there. Previously, only small-
er module (c. 30 mm) coins, with simple busts of Titus and Domitian, were known
Herodian Dynasty 263
(no. 6317). This coin seems to have been an inaugural medallion of Agrippa II’s mint
for Flavian coinage in Paneas. It is also noteworthy that Agrippa II chose to honor the
sons of the emperor on this issue.203
6314. AE 8 units, 27 mm, 12.35 g average.
Obv: ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΤΙΤΟC KAICAP CEBAC (Emperor Titus Caesar Augus-
tus), Titus laureate bust, draped and cuirassed r.
Rev: ΕΤΟ ΚS BA ΑΓΡΙ ΠΠΑ, Nike-Victory advances r., holds wreath in
r. hand and palm branch over shoulder in l.
a. Titus laureate head, star in upper r. reverse field.
b. Crescent in upper r. reverse field.
264 Guide to Biblical Coins
6315. AE 4 units, 20 mm, 6.22 g average.
Obv: ΔOMIT KAICAP (Domitian Caesar), Domitian laureate bust to r.
Rev: ΕΤ ΚS BACI ΑΓΡΙ ΠΠΑ, Nike-Victory stands r., l. foot on helmet,
writes on shield that rests on her l. knee.
a. Star upper r. reverse field.
b. Crescent upper r. reverse field.
c. Countermarks of standing figure and head on obverse.
This coin copies the inaugural medallion struck in year 26 (no. 6311), but the iportraits
are less adorned, and is struck upon a smaller flan.
a. On the reverse the first A was left out and squeezed into the field.
6321. AE 2 units, 15 mm, 3.78 g average.
Obv: ΔΟΜΙΤIANOC ΚΑΙCAP, Domitian laureate, draped, and cui-
rassed bust to r.
Rev: ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΕΤΟ ΚZ, BA between two cornucopias splayed out-
ward, crossed at base.
Year 29, 77/78 ce
Year 34, 82/83 ce
6327. AE 1 unit, 12 mm, 1.71 g average.
Obv: BA AΓP (King Agrippa), Tyche crowned with turreted city walls r.
Rev: ET ΔΛ (year 34), cornucopia.
Herodian Dynasty 267
6328. AE 10 units, 29 mm, 17.13 g average.
Caesar Germanicus), Domitian laureate bust to r.
Rev: ΕΤΟΥ ΕΛ ΒΑ ΑΓΡΙ ΠΠΑ (year 35, King Agrippa), Tyche-Demeter
as on no. 6312.
6330. AE 2 units, 15 mm, 3.06 g average.
Obv: ΑΥΤΟ ΔΟΜΙΤ (Emperor Domitian), Domitian laureate bust r.
Rev: ΒΑ ΑΓP ΕΤ ΕΛ (King Agrippa, year 35) within wreath.
268 Guide to Biblical Coins
Tiberias Mint
Era beginning 60 ce
Year 14, 73/74 ce
6333 6334
This coin, no. 6342, and no. 6343 possibly commemorate the voyage of Agrippa and his
sister Berenice to Rome, where they hoped and expected that Titus would choose her as
his wife.
6342. AE 2 units, 16 mm, 3.62 g average.
Obv: ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟC ΚΑΙCAP, Domitian laureate bust r.
Rev: ΕΤΟ ΙΘ ΒΑ Α ΓΡΙΠΠ, galley with oars sails l.
6347 6348
Rome Mint
Era beginning 60 ce
Year 14, 73/4 ce
Axis is ↓.
The above two coins as well as nos. 6353 and 6354 were copied directly from Roman
as coins of Domitian (see p. 274). They combine the original Latin legends with local
Greek legends. Some theories suggest that these coins were minted in Rome; other theo-
ries suggest that the dies were made in Rome or locally by Roman artisans and struck at
Caesarea Maritima.
Herodian Dynasty 273
6355 6356
7.15. Two bronze as coins of Domitian; Agrippa II’s nos. 6351 and 6353 were copied
from the coin on top (RIC II 756) and Agrippa II’s nos. 6352 and 6364 were copied
from the coin below (RIC II 224).
7.16. Near Herod I’s mausoleum at Herodium, three stone sarcophagi were discov-
ered in fragments. Two were light colored and this one was red stone. The red sar-
cophagus was decorated in an opulent but restrained fashion with rosettes and pal-
mettes. It was found smashed into hundreds of pieces. Archaeologists assume that
even though Herod’s name does not appear on it, this sarcophagus held the king’s
body and was destroyed by the Jewish rebels who vented their anger upon it. (Photo:
Israel Museum).
fter Herod Archelaus was banished in 6 ce, Rome assigned a se-
ries of governors called prefects (up to the time of Claudius) and
procurators (thereafter) to directly govern the territory of Judea.
Josephus and Tacitus do not use the word “prefects,” and refer to Ju-
dea’s governors simply as procurators.1 The title prefect is known only
from a stone discovered at Caesarea in 1961, now in the Israel Museum
(a facsimile is on display at Caesarea), inscribed with Pilate’s name and
title as “PRAEFECTVS IVDAEA” (Fig. 8.1). This fragment is the only
archaeological evidence for the existence of Pilate, although he is known
from historical accounts and the New Testament. Why don’t we consider
the coins struck under Pontius Pilate to be archaeological evidence? The
coins of Pontius Pilate, just like the coins of the other Roman governors
of Judea, never once mention their names. The only names used on coins
are those of emperors (or family members) at whose pleasure the prefects
8.1. Inscription mentions Pontius Pilate as well as his title, “Prefect of Judaea,” dis-
covered on a stone in secondary use at the Roman theater at Caesarea Maritima.
(Israel Museum.)
276 Guide to Biblical Coins
and procurators served. At this time, the province of Judea (later including
Galilee and Samaria) was linked to Syria, but with its own governor.
With the exception of the three years Agrippa I reigned as king (41–
44 ce), the prefects and procurators governed until 66 ce, when the Jewish
War began. A principal advantage of being governor was the power to
levy taxes on behalf of Rome and to retain a good portion of this wealth.
Hence the seeds of the Jewish rebellion against Rome were firmly planted
at the beginning of this era and fertilized by cruelty, greed, and oppressive
taxation. For the most part, the Roman governors minimized their contact
with the Jews except when it involved enriching themselves. The policy
of keeping their distance held true even for Tiberius Alexander, who was
born a Jew, and Antonius Felix, who married a Jew, Drusilla, the daughter
of Agrippa I.
The men appointed to these jobs between 6 and 41 ce governed Ju-
dea and took a supervisory role over the Jerusalem Temple, including the
power to appoint the high priest. Following Agrippa I’s reign, the terri-
tory governed by these governors was expanded to include Samaria and
the Galilee. The right to appoint the high priest was transferred first to
Agrippa I’s brother Herod, king of Chalcis, and later to Agrippa I’s son,
Agrippa II.
The Roman governors of Judea established their headquarters at Cae-
sarea Maritima, Herod’s magnificent harbor city. They traveled to Jeru-
salem only on special occasions, such as Jewish festivals, when they tem-
porarily moved their seat of government to stay on top of the large influx
of pilgrims to Jerusalem. Unlike the governors of Syria, the prefects and
procurators of Judea were not former senators or other aristocrats but
came from a lower social class known as equestrians. This group originally
included members of the cavalry; membership was based upon personal
wealth. Equestrians outnumbered Roman senators but had fewer privi-
leges. Antonius Felix was the only procurator who was a freedman and not
a member of the equestrian class.
Since only the names of members of the imperial household appear
on them, coins of the Roman governors must be attributed to individuals
based on the dates of the coins, which correspond to the regnal years of the
Roman emperors. For this reason, Israel Numismatic Research, the journal
of the Israel Numismatic Society, has taken an editorial position on the ap-
propriate way to attribute them. Alla Kushnir-Stein, a leading Israeli nu-
mismatist, writes that “if a coin is placed under a heading that includes…
two basic components—the emperor’s name and the year of his rule—it is
easy to identify it immediately. Moreover, these components correspond to
what one actually sees on a coin, with no speculative elements involved.”2
Previous editions of this guide have referred to these coins in this way,
but we have also added the generally accepted dates for each of the gover-
nors who may have ruled during each period. While this contains an ele-
The Roman Governors of Judea 277
We do not know why coins were issued only during the rule of six of
the fourteen prefects and procurators. Meshorer suggests “it is possible
that not all of them showed an interest in minting, and perhaps they in-
herited a market saturated with coins.”4 It is also possible that, in some
instances, coins from dated dies continued to be struck in subsequent years.
Kanael writes that the mintage of Agrippa I’s common prutah (no. 6274)
was so great that the procurators who succeeded him did not need to strike
coins for ten years.5
nication with the Jews.”14 If Pilate had really wanted to offend the Jews, he
would have portrayed the Roman emperor on his coins. Perhaps that was
not within his mandate. But he did use the images of the simpulum and
the lituus, both emblems of the Roman cult (Fig. 8.2).
The lituus is also known as an augur’s wand. Banks explains that “at the
very time when he was trying to get along comfortably with the Jews, he
had the effrontery to provide those devout people of Judea for their daily
use a coin bearing, in its augur’s wand, a symbol of one of the very customs
which the Children of Israel had been specifically taught to abominate.
Ever since the days of Moses they had been warned repeatedly against
divining or augury in any form.”15
8.2. Connections show combination of obverse and reverse die pairings for some
lituus coins dated to year 18 of Tiberius, 31/32 ce (Graphic: Fontanille.)
The Roman Governors of Judea 281
And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who
was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in
Christ (Acts 24:24).
Of Felix, the Roman historian Tacitus reports that he “played the ty-
rant with the spirit of a slave, plunging into all manner of cruelty and
lust....”18 This behavior refers to Felix’s lowly status as a freedman, the only
282 Guide to Biblical Coins
procurator who was not an equestrian. Felix also oversaw the treacherous
murder of Jonathan the high priest.19
Josephus reports that “when Porcius Festus was sent as successor to
Felix by Nero, the principal of the Jewish inhabitants of Caesarea went up to
Rome to accuse Felix; and he had certainly been brought to punishment....”20
Antonius Felix imprisoned Paul, but Porcius Festus sent him to
Rome to be tried. Festus served as procurator under Nero, from 59 to 62
ce. According to traditional dating, Festus was the last governor of Judea
to issue coins during his reign, perhaps due to the confusion and strife
leading up to the Jewish War, which began in 66 ce. The often-violent
Jewish Zealots, known as the Sicarii (literally, dagger-men), increased
significantly in number during the rule of Festus, even though he tried
in vain to crush them.
During Festus’s tenure, Agrippa II (who did not rule Judea, but only
geographically close lands, yet he received power from the emperor to con-
trol the Temple [Fig. 8.4], its grounds, and to appoint high priests) added
an additional level to the former Hasmonean palace. This higher floor al-
lowed Agrippa, who was king, but not from a priestly family, to overlook
the proceedings in the Temple court. To counter, the Jewish priests built a
wall screening the Temple from Agrippa’s palace.
At Agrippa’s request, Festus ordered this wall demolished. However,
a delegation headed by High Priest Ishmael ben Phabi traveled to Rome
to petition the emperor to overrule Festus and allow the wall to stand.
Nero’s wife, Poppaea, interceded on behalf of the Jews and influenced her
husband to support the high priest. It is not clear why Poppaea was sym-
pathetic toward the Jews, but this event is one of two instances in which
she lobbied successfully on their behalf.
Festus died in 62, while still in office, and he was succeeded by Albinus.
Of Albinus, Josephus wrote, “Not only did he embezzle public moneys
and rob a multitude of private citizens of their property and burden the
whole people with imposts, but he released captive highwaymen for ran-
soms from their relatives…. Every villain gathered a band of his own, and
Albinus towered among them like a robber-chief, using his adherents to
plunder honest citizens. The victims remained silent; others, still exempt,
flattered the wretch in order to secure immunity.
“…[H]is successor, Gessius Florus, made him appear by comparison
a paragon of virtue. [He] ostentatiously paraded his outrages upon the na-
tion and, as though he had been sent as hangman of condemned criminals,
abstained from no form of robbery or violence…he stripped whole cities,
The Roman Governors of Judea 283
8.4. Model of the Jerusalem Temple during the Second Temple Period at the scale
model on display at The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. (Author’s photo.)
ruined entire populations…his avarice brought desolation upon all the cit-
ies, and caused many to desert their ancestral haunts and seek refuge in
foreign provinces.”21
Florus’s abuses of the Jews mounted, antagonizing and punishing
them until they could tolerate no more. The final insult came when Florus
demanded 17 talents from the Temple treasury for government expenses,
and no doubt his personal use.22 In their outrage, bands of sarcastic Jews
took to the streets with signs begging pennies for “the poor, destitute Flo-
rus.” This mockery enraged the procurator, who called upon his troops to
sack the upper city; more than 600 Jews were killed.
His treachery was so great that Berenice, sister of Agrippa II, who was
visiting Jerusalem at the time, went barefoot to Florus and implored mercy
for her fellow Jews. But he insulted and ridiculed her and drove her away.23
To prevent Florus from further plundering the Temple, the Jews de-
stroyed all the approaches and bridges to the holy site. Now, the Jews
gathered around Agrippa II and begged him to denounce Florus to Nero.
Agrippa demanded that first the people restore the broken connections to
the Temple and pay the back taxes they owed to Rome. The Jews met both
demands but balked when Agrippa said they ought to honor Florus as the
representative of Rome until he was replaced. Agrippa was pelted with
stones and he quickly fled the city.
In their distaste for Florus and subsequent discontent with Rome, the
Jews decided to cease the daily sacrifice for the emperor in the Temple, a
tradition going back to the time of Augustus. This action was a declaration
of war.24
With the exception of Pontius Pilate, the coins of the prefects and
procurators do not carry symbols abhorrent to the Jews. They generally
carry agricultural symbols, an amphora, or a goblet. One coin of Felix
284 Guide to Biblical Coins
shows crossed shields and spears that were copied from Roman coins and
“meant to express the might of his rule,” according to Meshorer.25
Irregular Coins
Irregular or crudely engraved and struck bronze coins were made during
the reigns of Hasmonean and Herodian rulers, but they are often difficult
to fully assess since all of the coins of Herod I except for his dated series
(in which irregulars do not occur) were so crudely engraved and manufac-
tured. Under the Roman governors, however, the number and variations
of irregular coins struck increases tremendously. This growth can probably
be attributed to the need for many more bronze coins in the increasingly
Romanized low-level economy of Judea. (Bronze coins were used in the
markets, but gold and silver coins were used in commerce.) During the
early first century there were Jewish artisans but few Jewish artists. The
principal reason for this situation was the prohibition against graven im-
ages, so there was little demand for the fine arts of painting, sculpting, or
engraving gems and dies. For most coin types issued in Judea after the exile
of Herod Archelaus in 6 ce, there exist several die types of fine, high-style
work, more dies exhibiting average work, and additional dies exhibiting
crude work which also includes retrograde inscriptions, errors in the in-
scription, and just peculiar-looking copies of the master designs (see dis-
cussion p. 22).
Countermarked Coins
Fr. A. Spijkerman published a countermarked coin of Valerius Gratus in
1963; it was the first noted example of a countermarked coin of a prefect or
procurator of Judea. Lönnqvist published the most detailed study to date
on these coins and reported that there were “to our knowledge 20 counter-
marked coins of Valerius Gratus and Pontius Pilate.”26
The countermarks, which occur on Valerius Gratus’s coins of the palm
branch type (nos. 6367–6369) and both coin types of Pontius Pilate (nos.
6370–6371), consist of a palm branch within a circle. Sometimes the let-
ters CΠ flank the palm branch. Lönnqvist identifies the first letter as a
Greek sigma, which often appears in this lunate form on provincial coins
and inscriptions. He cites evidence that it abbreviates the Greek word for
“cohort”—a tactical military unit, which was a major element of a legion.
Lönnqvist concludes that the countermarks appeared on the coins after
29/30 ce, but before 41 ce. He refers to the book of Acts:
6357 6358
6357. AE prutah.
Obv: KAICAPOC (of Caesar), ear of grain curved to r.
Rev: LΛς (year 36 = 5/6 ce), eight-branched palm tree bearing two
bunches of dates.
a. Finely engraved dies.
b. Different style.
6358. AE prutah.
Obv: KAICAPOC, ear of grain curved to r.
Rev: LΛΘ (year 39 = 8/9 ce), eight-branched palm tree bearing two
bunches of dates.
6359 6360
6359. AE prutah.
Obv: KAICAPOC, ear of grain curved to r.
Rev: LM (year 40 = 9/10 ce), eight-branched palm tree bearing two
bunches of dates.
6360. AE prutah.
Obv: KAICAPOC, ear of grain curved to r.
Rev: LMA (year 41 = 10/11 ce), eight-branched palm tree bearing two
bunches of dates.
a. Obverse is reverse brockage, date not clear.
b. Struck on small flan, date not visible.
c. Irregular issue, date not visible.
d. Unstruck flan for prefect or procurator coin.
6361 6362
6361. AE prutah.
Obv: KAI CAP (Caesar), within wreath.
Rev: TIB (Tiberius) LB (year 2 = 15/16 ce), two cornucopias splayed
a. Irregular, struck on a tiny flan.
b. IOY ΛIA within wreath.
The Roman Governors of Judea 287
6362. AE prutah
Obv: IOY ΛIA ( Julia—Julia Livia, mother of Tiberius), within
Rev: LB (year 2 = 15/16 ce), upright palm branch.
a. Irregular, crude.
b. Irregular, crude, blundered obverse legend.
c. Irregular, crude, obverse legend is retrograde.
d. Irregular, KAI CAP retrograde within wreath.
6363. AE prutah.
Obv: KAI CAP, within wreath.
Rev: TIBEPIOY (of Tiberius) above, LΓ (year 3 = 16/17 ce), crossed corn-
ucopias, caduceus between.
a. Irregular issue.
b. TIBEIPOY on reverse.
6364. AE prutah.
Obv: IOY ΛIA, within wreath.
Rev: LΓ (year 3 = 16/17 ce), three lilies in bloom.
a. Irregular, small flan, obverse legend is retrograde.
b. KAI CAP on obverse.
6366. AE prutah.
Obv: TIBEPIOC (Tiberius), vine leaf on tendril.
Rev: KAICAP (Caesar) above, LΔ (year 4 = 17/18 ce), kantharos with
scroll handles.
6367. AE prutah.
Obv: TIB KAI CAP (Tib[erius] Caesar), within wreath tied at base with
an X.
Rev: IOY ΛIA ( Julia), LΔ (year 4 = 17/18 ce), palm branch.
a. Irregular issue, retrograde.
6368. AE prutah.
Obv: TIB KAI CAP, within wreath tied at base with an X.
Rev: IOY ΛIA ( Julia), LЄ (year 5 = 18/19 ce), palm branch.
6369. AE prutah.
Obv: TIB KAI CAP, within wreath tied at base with an X.
Rev: IOY ΛIA ( Julia), LIΛ (year 11= 24/25 ce), palm branch.
a. Countermark of branch flanked by CΠ in oval on rev., date
not clear.
6370 6371
6370. AE prutah.
Obv: TIBEPIOY KAICAPOC LIς (of Tiberius Caesar, year 16 =
29/30 ce), simpulum (libation ladle).
Rev: IOYΛIA KAICAPOC ( Julia the Empress), three bound ears
of grain, the outer two droop.
The Roman Governors of Judea 289
a. Irregular, crude.
b. Double struck both sides.
c. Reverse is obverse brockage.
d. Simpulum retrograde.
6371a 6372
6371. AE prutah.
Obv: LIZ (year 17 = 30/31 ce) within wreath.
Rev: TIBЄPIOY KAICAPOC (of Tiberius Caesar), lituus.
a. LIS (retrograde Z). This is possibly year 29.
b. HZ (the L and the I carelessly engraved together appear as
an H).
c. Irregular, crude with blundered legends.
d. Both sides retrograde.
e. Double struck, lituus on both sides.
f. Overstruck upon a coin of Agrippa I.
6372. AE prutah.
Obv: LIH (year 18 = 31/32 ce) within wreath.
a. Wreath is upside down.
b. HH within wreath.
c. LH within wreath.
d. LHI within wreath.
e. H.TI within wreath.
f. Countermark of branch flanked by CΠ in oval on rev.
6373. AE prutah.
Obv: TIBЄPIOY KAICAPOC LIς (of Tiberius Caesar, year 16 = 29/30 ce),
simpulum (libation ladle).
This is a hybrid of types from nos. 6370 and 6371.
290 Guide to Biblical Coins
6374 6375
6374. AE prutah.
Obv: IOYΛIA KAICAPOC, three bound ears of grain, the outer
two droop.
This is a hybrid of types from nos. 6370 and 6371.
6375. AE prutah.
Obv: LIZ (year 17 = 30/31 ce) within wreath.
Rev: IOYΛIA KAICAPOC, three bound ears of grain, the outer
two droop.
This is a hybrid of types from nos. 6370 and 6371.
6376 6377
6376. AE prutah.
Obv: IOY ΛIA AΓ PIΠΠI NA ( Julia Agrippina—wife of Claudius) within
wreath tied at bottom with an X.
Rev: TI KΛAYΔIOC KAICAP ΓЄPM (Ti[berius] Claudius Caesar
Germ[anicus]), LIΔ (year 14 = 54 ce) beneath two crossed palm
a. Irregular, crude, blundered legends.
b. Irregular, blundered legends, some retrograde.
c. Obverse wreath tied at top.
d. Irregular on odd-shaped flan, which shows how large the
coin on a fully rounded flan with all design and legend would be.
e. Obverse is brockage of obverse, reverse is normal.
f. Reverse is obverse brockage.
The Roman Governors of Judea 291
6377. AE prutah.
Obv: NEPW KΛAY KAICAP (Nero Clau[dius] Caesar—son of Claudius),
two oblong shields and spears crossed.
Rev: BPIT (Brit[annicus]—younger son of Claudius), LIΔ KAI (year 14
of Caesar = 54 ce), six-branched palm tree bearing two bunches of
a. Irregular, crude.
b. Irregular, crude.
c. Irregular, very crude, obverse legend retrograde.
d. Reverse is obverse brockage.
6378 6379
6378. AE prutah.
Obv: NЄPW KΛAY KAICAP, two oblong shields and spears crossed.
Rev: TI KΛAYΔIOC KAICAP ΓЄPM (Ti[berius] Claudius Caesar
Germ[anicus]), LIΔ (year 14 = 54 ce), two crossed palm branches.
This is a hybrid of types from nos. 6376 and 6377.
6379. AE prutah.
Obv: IOY ΛIA AΓ PIΠΠI NA ( Julia Agrippina—wife of Claudius) within
wreath tied at bottom with an X.
Rev: BPIT (Brit[annicus]—younger son of Claudius), LIΔ KAI (year 14 of
Caesar = 54 ce), six-branched palm tree bearing two bunches of
This is a hybrid of types from nos. 6376 and 6377.
292 Guide to Biblical Coins
6380. AE prutah.
Obv: NЄP / WNO / C (of Nero) within wreath, bottom tied with X.
Rev: LЄ KAICAPOC (year 5 = 58/59 ce, of Caesar), palm branch.
a. Flan strips remain.
b. Finely engraved dies.
c. Irregular, crude and blundered.
d. Second N retrograde.
e. Both Ns retrograde.
f. First N retrograde on obverse, reverse is retrograde.
g. Both Ns retrograde on obverse, reverse is retrograde.
h. Both Ns retrograde on obverse, reverse is brockage.
i. Die crack horizontally across reverse.
j. Cut for change in ancient times.
he war of the Jews against Rome was not a local revolt but a full
scale war, even though it pitted the sophisticated Roman army
against nonmilitary Jewish forces. Josephus reports that it was “the
greatest not only of the wars of our own time, but, so far as accounts have
reached us, well-nigh of all that ever broke out between cities or nations.”1
Ever since Archelaus was banished to Gaul in 6 ce, and the ensuing rule of
the first Roman prefect, the Jews, a predominantly poor, agrarian popula-
tion, had been subjected to heavy Roman taxation.
Financial pressures were all the more intolerable since local rulers were
no longer Jewish, but Romans who heaped one abuse on another. Compli-
cating the picture, the Jews had fragmented into several parties with vari-
ous views and interests. The Jewish masses scratched their livelihood from
the land and could foresee little more than increasing poverty. Most priests
and landowners made up a rich, aristocratic class among the Jews in Je-
rusalem. Religion aside, they were similar to the Roman aristocrats. There
was little recognition of the suffering by the majority of the Jews. A Jewish
middle class consisted of small merchants, artisans, and some more afflu-
ent peasants. On one hand, these Jews dearly wanted peace, yet they were
proud, observant people and did not appreciate exploitation by a Jewish
aristocracy. “It was generally true,” Goodman notes, “that the richer Jews
were more attracted to, or inclined to indulge in, Greek culture. Herod had
introduced athletic festivals, music contests, wild beast fights, and gladia-
tors to Jerusalem.”2
Hence, when the war with Rome erupted, the Jewish masses rebelled
against the priests and princes of the Jews almost as much as against the
Romans who, after all, had been masters of the Jewish rulers since the first
days of Herod I’s reign.
During the summer of 66 ce, the procurator Florus conscripted 17
talents from the Temple treasury “making the requirements of the impe-
rial service his pretext”3 and lit a fuse against the Roman overlords. This
dispute might have been settled, since Agrippa II came to Jerusalem when
he heard that many of his fellow Jews were killed while protesting Flo-
rus’s treachery. Agrippa and his sister Berenice urged the Jews to comply
with the wishes of Rome, which they may have been able to negotiate.
294 Guide to Biblical Coins
main opponents within the ruling class, especially his father Ananias, had
been responsible for some of the most blatant oppression of the lower
class,”7 according to Goodman.
The initial Jewish victories sent shock waves throughout the Roman
Empire. As Agrippa II had predicted, Jews everywhere were murdered. In
Caesarea, more than 20,000 Jews were massacred in a single bloody hour.
In Damascus, 10,000 more were killed. There was similar carnage in An-
tioch, Alexandria, and other cities.
The Romans wanted to quicky stamp out the rebellion, lest other lo-
cal potentates get the wrong idea about the strength of the empire. Late
in 66, from their position in nearby Syria, Rome’s Twelfth Legion under
the leadership of the Roman governor of Syria, Cestius Gallus, marched
toward Jerusalem and aimed to quiet the embattled Jews. Even though
the Jewish forces that met Gallus’s army consisted of factions squabbling
among themselves, they united to present a strong front and rout the Ro-
man garrisons stationed in and around Jerusalem.
Cestius Gallus and his troops, Josephus reports, “suffered heavily,
without any retaliation upon their foes…in their utter helplessness the
troops were reduced to groans and the wailings of despair, which were
answered by the war-whoop of the Jews, with mingled shouts of exultation
and fury. Cestius and his entire army were, indeed, within an ace of being
captured.”8 The Romans fled that night under cover of darkness, but the
Jews pursued them into the Beit Horon pass and cut the remnants of their
force to pieces. The Jews “collected the booty which had been left on the
route, and, with songs of triumph, retraced their steps to the capital. Their
own losses had been quite inconsiderable; of the Romans and their allies
they had slain five thousand three hundred infantry and four hundred and
eighty of the cavalry.”9
When word of Gallus’s defeat reached Nero, he recognized the dan-
gerous situation and called upon his most distinguished general, the aging
Flavius Vespasianus, who had led Rome’s armies to victory in Germany
and Britain.
Vespasian arrived at Akko-Ptolemais in 67 along with the powerful
Fifth and Tenth Legions and soon was joined by his son Titus lead-
ing the Fifteenth Legion. Vespasian’s first tactic was to encircle Galilee,
where the Jewish forces were under the command of general Yosef ben
Matityahu. Galilee fell within a few months, but before it did, Yosef
( Joseph) surrendered to Vespasian and tried to convince his fellows to
do the same. They did not. Meanwhile, Joseph befriended Vespasian and
became a court follower and historian. He became the most important
historian of his day, known by the name he took as a freed slave of Ves-
pasian’s family—Flavius Josephus.
By the autumn of 68, Vespasian’s troops had largely crushed the revolt
throughout Judea. Only Jerusalem and a few zealot-held fortresses such
as Machaerus and Masada remained. These were ignored while Vespasian
296 Guide to Biblical Coins
prepared to besiege Jerusalem. At about this time, Nero was murdered and
civil war rocked Rome, which survived the tumultuous year of 68/69ce, the
year of the four emperors—Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian. During
this political upheaval, the war was temporarily halted. The pause allowed
Simon bar Giora, a charismatic Jewish-Idumaean rebel leader, to regroup.
His forces seized Hebron and parts of Idumaea, then entered Jerusalem
and took over much of the city.
The Eastern legions proclaimed Vespasian emperor and within a year,
he successfully claimed the throne in Rome and sent his son Titus to crush
the Jewish uprising once and for all. Three factions of Jews engaged in civil
war within Jerusalem, providing the Romans with considerable help.
One faction of Jews was led by the Galilean firebrand John of Gis-
chala, who entered the city at the end of 67 ce with the remnants of his
army that had escaped the vengeance of Titus in the north.10 After some
battles and intrigue, and the murder of a moderate leader and former high
priest Ananias, son of Ananias, John became the leader of the Zealots,
who controlled the Temple and its environs. Josephus reports that some
of John’s Zealots put on women’s clothes and perfume and went through
the city with braided hair and painted eyes trying to attract men and then
unexpectedly killing them for sport.11 No wonder the people invited rebel
leader Simon bar Giora and his army into the city.
Bar Giora was joined by ordinary citizens in Jerusalem, where he laid
siege to John and his forces at the Temple. A priest named Eleazar ben
Simon fell out with John and formed a third faction of armed Jews within
the city. The civil war that ensued among Eleazar, John, and Simon was
mutually suicidal, and although each of them may have had a personal
rationale, this war was without positive outcome for the Jewish people.
Tacitus reported that for the Jewish factions, “it was upon each other that
they turned the weapons of battle, ambush, and fire, and great stocks of
corn went up in flames.”12
These were harsh days for Jews. The situation deteriorated rapidly and
little hope was in sight. This led to an irrational growth of messianic hopes,
which was encouraged by revolutionary leaders. Tacitus explains, “The ma-
jority were convinced that the ancient scriptures of their priests alluded
to the present as the very time when the Orient would triumph and from
Judea would go forth men destined to rule the world.”13
Both Tacitus and Josephus tell a similar story that reflects the supersti-
tions rife in Jerusalem at the time. Josephus says the tale “would, I imagine,
have been deemed a fable, were it not for the narratives of eyewitnesses.”14
Tacitus concisely reports, “In the sky appeared a vision of armies in con-
flict, of glittering armor. A sudden lightning flash from the clouds lit up
the Temple. The doors of the holy place abruptly opened, a superhuman
voice was heard to declare that the gods were leaving it, and in the same
instant came the rushing tumult of their departure.”15
The Jewish War 297
Josephus reports that the fighting inside Jerusalem was so vicious that
pious Jews had to climb over dead bodies to reach the Temple to offer
sacrifices as usual. Eventually Eleazar’s forces were diminished and those
remaining were absorbed into the Zealots. Toward the end of the war, as
Titus’s troops were preparing to breach the walls, the scene inside Jerusa-
lem was gruesome, but the Jews fought on. “They displayed an inflexible
determination, women no less than men, and the thought that they might
be compelled to leave their homes made them more afraid of living than of
dying,”16 according to Tacitus.
Titus’s siege machines pounded the city and its walls with battering
rams and huge stones. Even while Titus was at work on the outside of
Jerusalem, his allies, famine and plague, struck down thousands of the be-
sieged Jews. Slowly but surely, Titus’s men and machines tore down the
three walls of the city.
When the last wall fell, the survivors holed up in the Temple com-
pound and continued to resist for six more days. It is said that Titus had
ordered the Temple itself saved, but as his troops smelled the success that
had so long eluded them, they burnt it to the ground and butchered its
protectors. Even after this, however, isolated pockets of resistance flickered
in the Temple area, and it was a month before all were wiped out.
Throughout the conflict, at least four high-ranking Jews stood with
Titus: the apostate Tiberius Alexander of Alexandria, former procurator
of Judea and chief of staff; Agrippa II commanded an army of auxilia-
ries; Berenice, sister of Agrippa II and mistress of Titus, had hoped to
become his wife; and the turncoat historian, Josephus, who chronicled
the campaign.
Upon Titus’s victory, Josephus writes, a Roman officer “selected the
tallest and most handsome of the youth and reserved them for the tri-
umph; of the rest, those over 17 years of age he sent in chains to the works
in Egypt, while multitudes were presented by Titus to the various prov-
inces, to be destroyed in the theatres by the sword or by wild beasts; those
under 17 were sold….The total number of prisoners taken throughout the
entire war amounted to 97,000, and of those who perished during the
siege, from first to last, to 1,100,000.17 Of these the greater number were
of Jewish blood, but not natives of the place; for, having assembled from
every part of the country for the feast of unleavened bread, they found
themselves suddenly enveloped in the war, with the result that this over-
crowding produced first pestilence, and later the added and more rapid
scourge of famine.”18
John and Simon, ironically, were among the survivors. They ap-
proached Titus and asked him to allow them to go into the desert with
their followers and their families, to resume their lives and way of worship.
Titus was enraged by the vanquished leaders trying to dictate terms to
him and ordered his army to enter Jerusalem and sack the city. John and
Simon ended up being taken to Rome as captives and, after being paraded
298 Guide to Biblical Coins
through Rome in the “Triumph,” John was sentenced to life in prison and
Simon was executed.
The golden showbread table, menorah, and other holy objects from
the Temple were taken to Rome and put in the Temple of Peace.19 These
holy items have long since disappeared, but we can see an image of them
today on the reliefs on the Arch of Titus that was built to commemorate
Titus’s victory over the Jewish nation (Fig. 9.1). This arch stands today
not as a monument to its Roman builders, whose civilization has long
since disappeared, but as a monument to the Jewish people who outlived
their conquerors by many generations and millennia. A second arch was
constructed in memory of Titus’s victory in 81 ce at the Circus Maximus,
but remains are fragmentary.
When the Jerusalem Temple was burnt, the Jewish revolt was not
yet entirely crushed. After Titus sailed home to celebrate, Roman troops
marched on Zealot fortresses at Herodium, just south of Jerusalem, and
then on to conquer the hilltop fortress at Machaerus across the Jordan
River. A band of Zealots held out at the mountain fortress Masada near
the Dead Sea for a full three years.20 Even when Masada succumbed, the
Jewish people did not. Their faith depended more on tradition and laws
than on sanctuary and sacrifices. Virtually at the moment of Rome’s vic-
tory, Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai, with Titus’s blessing, was establishing a
center of learning in the town of Yavneh.
Smallwood observes that “Rabbi Johanan’s escape, technically an act
of treachery, was the Jews’ spiritual salvation, when the Rabbinic school
which he founded took the place of the Sanhedrin as the supreme Jewish
religious authority, and its president, the Nasi or patriarch, replaced the
high priest as the Jews’ leader and spokesman, both religious and political.
9.1. Relief on the Arch of Titus, Rome, depicts the Judean triumph, in which the
golden showbread table, menorah, and other holy objects were put on display. (Au-
thor photo.)
The Jewish War 299
But just as the high priests from 6 to 66 had been appointed by the procu-
rators and then by client kings bound to support Roman interests, so the
appointments of the Nasi after 70 were ratified by the Roman authorities,
who could thus ensure that Jewish leadership remained in the hands of
politically acceptable men.”21
The obverse of the sheqels depicts a chalice and the paleo-Hebrew in-
scription “Sheqel of Israel,” with the date in the same Hebrew letters above
the chalice. The reverse shows a staff with three pomegranate buds and
carries the inscription “Jerusalem the holy.” Jewish sheqels weigh on average
around 14 g, (with a range of 11.8–14.8 g) and the edges have been ham-
mered (peened) uniformly, except on the specimens of the first year, and
a few of the second year, which are hammered, but in a somewhat cruder
manner. This time-consuming manufacturing technique is unique to this
series and may have been undertaken to show the special nature of the
coins, or possibly to thwart cheats who would shave or trim away the silver
for their own gain.
Deutsch and Drei have shown that the sheqel and half-sheqel flans were
hammered prior to striking.29 The average weight of the Jewish War half-
sheqels is around 6.8 g, with a known range from 6–7.2 g.
Scholarly controversies raged over these sheqels for hundreds of years.
Once most scholars believed that the “thick Jewish sheqels,” as they were
called in the late 1800s and early 1900s, were issued under Simon Mac-
cabee, who was granted permission to mint coins by Seleucid King Antio-
chus VII Sidetes. By the mid-twentieth century, however, it had become
clear that Simon never actually issued coins since Antiochus revoked his
grant. Archaeological and historical evidence have proven that the silver
Jewish sheqels date from the Jewish War.
The Jewish War coins spanned the first five years of the war, until Jeru-
salem’s destruction. Hence the sheqels were issued with five different dates,
from year one to year five; the first year spanned May 66 (and possibly
later) to March 67, the second, third, and fourth years spanned the months
of April 67 to March 70, and the fifth year extended only from April to
August of the year 70.
Deutsch documents 1,221 sheqels30 and half-sheqels of the Jewish War,
and identifies 520 different dies from which they were struck (Table 9.1).31
The other silver coins include quarter-sheqels (nos. 6385, 6395) from
the first and fourth years, which are excessively rare and each struck from
only one die set. The fourth-year quarter-sheqels are the only coins in this
series that deviate from the standard design.
As one might expect, the rarity of the various sheqels and half-sheqels is
relative to the number of dies used in each year. For the sheqels, the coins of
the second year make up around 50% of the known coins followed by year
3, around 25%, year 1, around 18%, year 4, around 6% and year 5 around
2%. The half-sheqels are split around 30% each for the first through third
years with around 2% for the fourth year and only two known specimens
for the fifth year.
These numbers and ratios seem logical, with one exception. Accord-
ing to the numbers of dies, the sheqels of year 4 should be roughly com-
parable in number to those of year 1. Instead, however, there are fewer
than half as many year 4 sheqels as there are year 1 sheqels. The explanation
The Jewish War 301
9.2. Connection chart showing how obverse and reverse dies could combine for year
1 silver sheqels (left) and year 4 bronze quarter-sheqels. (Graphic: Fontanille)
combined its economic needs with popular national public opinion and
minted—for its own use—coins, with which it could acquire what was
necessary for the continuation of the Temple’s functioning.”34
Silver stocks of the Jerusalem Temple were probably the source for
the silver used to mint the silver sheqels and fractions. Since at one point
in the war, Jerusalem was cut off from the Jewish Diaspora as well as areas
of Judea itself, the income to the treasury was likely dramatically curtailed.
However, there had been an accumulation of silver from previous contri-
butions as well as the booty taken from the Romans during Jewish suc-
cesses early in the war.
The Jewish War 303
the bronze coins dated to the second and third years, which is less radical
than the “for the redemption (or salvation) of Zion” on the coins of the
fourth year.
Furthermore, Rappaport points out, the bronze coins were dated only
to the years 2, 3, and 4, which is consistent with Simon’s activity. “In the
first year of the revolt Simon was occupied with the stabilization of his
party, moving from one place to another and chased by the Hanan govern-
ment. Only in years two and three was he able to initiate minting in bronze
somewhere outside of Jerusalem. In year four, Simon occupied the greater
part of the city and became the most powerful and important leader. In
year five the two camps, of Simon and of John and the Zealots, were unit-
ed, and Jerusalem was besieged. Even the Temple minted few sheqels and
bronze was not minted at all.”38
We now know, however, that bronze coins were also dated to the first
year. A third specimen of a year one prutah from a private collection has
been examined (no. 6386). This coin allows us for the first time to read
additional letters and complete an accurate reading for the first time. This
shows that the coin was clearly dated to the first year.
Goldstein and Fontanille examined various aspects of the symbols
and legends on the Jewish War coins and also suggest that the fourth-
year bronze coins were not struck by the same mint that issued the silver
sheqels.39 The year-four bronzes vary from the sheqels in that they have a
different symbolism, different legends, and a slightly different paleogra-
phy. Rappaport argues that all of the bronze coins were issued at a mint
under Simon bar Giora’s rule, although he suggests that some technical
differences between the earlier dated bronzes and the year four bronzes
“may have been a result of bar Giora’s moving the mint from its temporary
location in his camp to a more stable and better equipped setting in Jeru-
salem.... Also, it may be explained by Simon’s elevation to the more impor-
tant leader in Jerusalem and the subsequent Roman siege of the city. The
upgrading of the message of his bronze coins from ‘freedom’ to ‘salvation’
may also be connected to the decision to mint heavier denominations.”40
Jerusalem itself when that city was being closely invested by Titus and his
army; by the fictitious value inscribed on them they show that though of
bronze, they were intended to pass as the half and quarter of a silver sheqel;
and lastly by the legend legeulat Zion (to the redemption of Zion) they give
us what must have been the daily prayer of the hard pressed and despairing
Jews during the last few terrible months of their heroic revolt.”42
Besieged by the Romans and fighting among themselves, the Jews in
Jerusalem by the fourth year were in the midst of a terrible famine. Jose-
phus relates the dismal situation: “The recklessness of the insurgents kept
pace with the famine…as corn [grain] was nowhere to be seen, they would
rush in and search the houses, and then if they found any they belabored
the inmates as having denied the possession of it; if they found none they
tortured them for more carefully concealing it. The personal appearance of
the wretches was an index whether they had it or not: those still in good
condition were presumed to be well off for food, while those already ema-
ciated were passed over, as it seemed senseless to kill persons so soon to
die of starvation. Many clandestinely bartered their possessions for a single
measure—of wheat, if they were rich, of barley, if they were poor; then
shutting themselves up in the most remote recesses of their houses, some
in the extremity of hunger devoured the grain un-ground, others so baked
it as necessity and fear dictated. Nowhere was any table laid; they snatched
the food half-cooked from the fire and tore it in pieces.”43
Josephus tells of a famine so desperate that “necessity drove the vic-
tims to gnaw anything, and objects which even the filthiest of brute beasts
would reject they condescended to collect and eat: thus in the end they
abstained not from belts and shoes and stripped off and chewed the very
leather of their bucklers.”44 In one gruesome tale, Josephus tells of a mother
who ate the roasted body of her own child.45 He concludes that “no other
city ever endured such miseries, nor since the world began has there been
a generation more prolific in crime.”46
If it had not been for the strong will of John’s and Simon’s oppos-
ing factions, the simple, unaffiliated people of Jerusalem might have suc-
cumbed earlier. However, the rebels provided a strong backbone, possibly
rooted in greed as well as devotion.
memorates the destruction of Herod’s Temple but also of the First Temple,
as well as the date Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 and other tragic
events in Jewish history.
One of the most emotional discoveries took place in 1970, the first year
of Jerusalem excavations led by Nahman Avigad, when his team uncovered
the remains of a house that was burnt in 70 ce during the war. Avigad re-
ports on the uncovering of debris and finding rooms many feet under the
current city streets, where, “Soot reigned over all, clinging to everything.
It covered the plastered walls, and even the faces of our workmen turned
black. There was no doubt that the fire had rampaged here, apparently fed
by some highly inflammable material contained in the rooms. It may well
have been some oil, which would account for the abundance of soot.”
Pottery, stone vessels, broken glass, iron nails, and coins were found
strewn about the building and it soon became “quite clear that this build-
ing was razed by the Romans in 70 ce, during the destruction of Jerusa-
lem,” Avigad wrote.
“Something amazing occurred in the hearts of all who witnessed the
progress of excavations here. The burning of the Temple and the destruc-
tion of Jerusalem suddenly took on a new and horrible significance. Per-
sons who had previously regarded this catastrophe as stirring but abstract
and remote, having occurred two millennia ago, were so visibly moved by
the site that they occasionally would beg permission to take a fistful of soil
or a bit of charred wood ‘in memory of the destructions.’”
Gabriela Bijovsky of the Israel Antiquities Authority studied numis-
matic evidence of the burning of Jerusalem. She discusses two groups of
burnt coins that date to the end of the Jewish War that were discovered in
excavations around the Temple Mount led by Benjamin Mazar (Fig. 9.4).
Evidence from those excavations correlates quite closely with comments of
Josephus, who may even have witnessed the events:
“The Romans, thinking it useless, now that the Temple was on fire, to
spare the surrounding buildings, set them all alight, both the remnants of
the porticoes and the gates, excepting two, one on the east and the other on
the south; these, also, they subsequently razed to the ground. They further
The Jewish War 307
burnt the treasury-chambers, in which lay vast sums of money, vast piles of
raiment, and other valuables.”47
Bijovsky discusses “two previously unpublished assemblages of bronze
coins discovered in 1975 [which] shed additional light on the dramatic
events that accompanied the destruction of the city by the Romans.” Both
groups were found in connection with “the shop and on an adjacent paved
Herodian-period street running parallel at that point to the Western Wall.”
The first hoard was found on the floor of a Herodian vault room at
Robinson’s Arch; a bronze juglet and cooking pot were discovered along
with 34 coins. Among those coins were 33 bronze coins of the Jewish War
and one of Agrippa I. The second group of 13 coins was discovered nearby
and consisted of one coin of Agrippa I, one procurator coin, and 11 coins
of the Jewish War.
Somewhat surprisingly, the two most common coins among the total
of 47 coins found here were 27 examples of the year-four bronze quar-
ter-sheqel (no. 6397) and 11 examples of the year-four bronze half-sheqel
(no. 6396). Only three examples of the more common eighth-sheqel were
found. The half and quarter are quite rare coins, and this number of these
coins seems significant. Bijovsky points out that the coins in these groups
were “almost exclusively struck during the fourth year of the revolt, April
69 through March 70.” Thus, many of them did not have time to circulate
far outside of the city.
Bijovsky notes that all of these 47 coins (for the two groups) are poorly
preserved. “Most of them bear evidence of severe burning, some to a point
that defies identification of the types, while others are merely blistered.
Some of the coins of the original assemblages may have completely melted
and were therefore not recovered.... The coins described here constitute
an even more vivid testimony of destruction by fire,” Bijovsky writes. “The
incidence of fourth year coins in “archaeological contexts, helps to provide
indications about the movements of the rebels and the advance of the Ro-
man army.”
For example, she cites a hoard of 19 fourth-year bronzes that was
found at Herodium, among ashes. These coins provided evidence as to the
earliest time of the collapse and burning of this room, and thus it is known
than the room was occupied by Jewish rebels as late as the fourth year of
the war.
Bijovsky also cites the excavations at Qumran, where no coins of the
fourth year have been found in excavations. She quotes her colleague Don-
ald Ariel, also of the Israel Antiquities Authority, as noting that “this ab-
sence leads to the conclusion that Qumran was abandoned before the end
of the third year of the revolt, namely in 68/69.”
Because of the frequency of fourth-year coins in the two Jerusalem
hoards, Bijovsky confirms “their character was more of an emergency na-
ture.” This corresponds with earlier descriptions of these fourth-year is-
sues as the world’s first “siege coins.” Bijovsky believes that “perhaps [these
308 Guide to Biblical Coins
coins] found their way to the two spots under Robinson’s Arch close to the
time when the Temple and its surroundings were being set to the torch.”48
Now the Feast of Booths was at hand. His brothers therefore said to
Him, “Depart from here, and go into Judea, that Your disciples also may
behold Your works which You are doing” ( John 7:2–3).
...And ye shall take you on the first day the fruit of goodly trees, branches
of palm-trees and boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook, and
ye shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days....Ye shall dwell
in booths seven days; all that are home-born in Israel shall dwell in
booths; that your generations may know that I made the children of Is-
rael to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt...
(Leviticus 23:39–43).
should take “the four species” in their hand for seven days to commemorate
the Temple. They were held while reciting prayers and psalms.
Even today, “the four species” are used by Jews throughout the world to
celebrate Sukkot. The palm branch, two willow branches, and three myrtle
twigs are wrapped together and held in a bunch in the right hand. This
bunch became collectively known as a lulav, probably because the lulav is
its largest component. The etrog is held in the left hand.
As a simple palm branch, we have already seen the lulav appear on
coins of John Hyrcanus I, Alexander Jannaeus, Herod I, and Herod An-
tipas. Now, with the coins of the fourth year of the Jewish War, “the four
species” as symbols of Sukkot and the pilgrimage to Jerusalem take center
stage. Each of the three bronze coins dated “year four” (nos. 6396–6398)
depicts variations of “the four species.”
When ye are come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap
the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring the sheaf of the first-fruits of
your harvest unto the priest. And he shall wave the sheaf before the
Lord, to be accepted for you... (Leviticus 23:9–11).
of Jerusalem may explain why it was chosen to appear on these coins. Sec-
ondly, it is possible that the staff represents the minting authority, whether
this was the Priesthood, or the Temple as an institution.”53
9.7. Jewish War bronze half-sheqel (no. 6396), year 4, and pilgrim’s ring with simi-
lar palm tree and basket motif from the same period. Such rings were probably
purchased by pilgrims who traveled to Jerusalem for holidays such as the Feast of
Tabernacles. (Author’s photo.)
9.8. Vespasian’s Judea Capta gold (top left), silver (top right), and bronze coins were
struck to commemorate the defeat of the Jews and destruction of Jerusalem at the
end of the Jewish War. (Author’s photo.)
The Jewish War 313
They used to fill a golden flagon holding three logs with water from
Siloam. When they reached the Water Gate, they blew on the shofar a
sustained, a quavering and another sustained blast. The priest whose
turn of duty it was went up the Altar-Ramp and turned to the right
where were two silver bowls…. They had each a hole like a narrow
snout, one wide and the other narrow so that both bowls emptied them-
selves together…. The bowl to the west was for water and that to the
east was for wine…. As was the rite on a weekday so was the rite on a
314 Guide to Biblical Coins
Sabbath save that on the eve of the Sabbath they used to fill with water
from Siloam a golden jar that had not been hallowed, and put it in a
special chamber. If it was upset or uncovered, they refilled it from the
laver, for wine or water which has been uncovered is invalid for the
Altar (Mishnah, Sukkah 4, 9–10).
The five selas due for the [firstborn] son should be paid in Tyrian coin-
age the thirty due for the slave [that was gored by an ox] and the fifth
due from the violator and the seducer, and the hundred due from him
that hath brought up an evil name, all all to be paid according to the
value of the sheqels of the sanctuary, in Tyrian coinage. Aught that is
to be redeemed may be redeemed with silver or its value, save only the
sheqel-dues (Mishnah, Bekhoroth 8:7).
Since the Mishnah was not codified until the third century ce, well
after the Jewish War, one might infer that even during the Jewish War
the payment made to the sanctuary should be in the coinage of Tyre.
There still is a widespread belief that the Jewish War half-sheqels were
issued specifically to fill the need for contributions to the Temple. Gold-
stein and Fontanille suggest that the quantity of the half-sheqels was
more tightly controlled than that of the sheqels and, furthermore, “since
the half-sheqels were needed in the Temple by the beginning of each year,
they were slated for the earliest production. They were struck before the
sheqels, allowing the required quota of half-sheqels to be minted in years
with regular production.”59
Further discussion and a description of the use and origins of Tyrian
sheqels is provided in Chapter 12.
The Jewish War 315
שקל ישראל א
6381 ירושלם קדשה
6381. AR sheqel. 1 obv. die, 1 rev. die.60
Obv: LARSy LkS (sheqel [of ] Israel), A ([year] 1) above ritual chalice with
smooth, wide rim, pellet on either side, the base has pearled ends,
circle of dots all around chalice and also outer legend.
Rev: US¿k M>Säry (Jerusalem [the] holy), stem with three pomegran-
ates, pearl at base, circle of dots all around pomegranates and also
outer legend.
This coin is a prototype of the first-year sheqel and is, therefore, the first coin type of the
Jewish War. These are three only known specimens at this time.
In the late 1970s, an Arab dealer in Jerusalem offered me a group of six sheqels.
Three were year two, two were year three, and the sixth was one of these coins. The price
asked for the six coins was $6,000. The dealer was well known for often dealing in forged
coins. I rejected the deal, but instead offered $4,000 for the five sheqels, not including
the sixth. At the time, this coin type had not been published. While it looked authentic to
me, I was not certain enough to overcome my doubts, and $2,000 for a questionable coin
was a lot of money. It was to my sincere chagrin that these rare coins were eventually
proven authentic!
חצי השקל
6384. AR half-sheqel. 5 obv. dies, 12 rev. dies.
Obv: LkSU yZx (half of a sheqel), A ([year] 1) above ritual chalice with
smooth rim, pellet on either side, flat base with pearled ends.
Rev: Pomegranate staff as on no. 6383.
a. Variety with large chalice.
רבע השקל
The Jewish War 317
6386. AE prutah.
Obv: A US¿k ∙M>Säry ( Jerusalem [the] holy, [year] 1), amphora with
fluted body, broad rim, and two handles.
Rev: LARSy (Israel), vine leaf on small branch.
a. Another example.
b. Overstruck specimen.
Notice the new reading based on the photograph. There are three known examples; see
discussion on p. 304.
שקל ישראל שב
ירושלים הקדושה
6387. AR sheqel. 19 obv. dies, 203 rev. dies.
Obv: LARSy LkS (sheqel [of ] Israel), BS (year 2) above ritual chalice
with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on ends.
Rev: USä¿kU My>Säry ( Jerusalem the holy), staff with three pome-
granate buds, round base.
חצי השקל
6389 6389a
שנת שתים חר]ו[ת ציון
6389. AE prutah.
Obv: MyTS TES (year 2), amphora with broad rim and two handles.
Rev: EäYZ TRx (freedom of Zion), vine leaf on small branch with tendril.
a. Reverse inscription is EäYZ TäRx.
b. Irregular issue.
c. Irregular issue, retrograde both sides.
d. Double struck both sides.
e. Overstruck on a serrated Seleucid bronze.
f. Struck on a small flan.
A large number of irregular issues occur in many forms from the crudely engraved to
those with completely retrograde inscriptions.
6390 6391
6392 6392a
שנת שלוש חר]ו[ת ציון
6392. AE prutah.
Obv: SäLS TES (year 3), amphora with broad rim, two handles, and
conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge.
Rev: EäYZ TäRx (freedom of Zion), vine leaf on small branch.
a. With long flan strips.
b. Reverse inscription is EäYZ TRx.
c. Irregular issue, extremely rare for the third year.
Less common than the second-year issue, the ratio is estimated to be roughly 1 to 8, a
significantly reduced production. Irregular issues of the third year are very rare.
6393 6394
6393. AR sheqel. 9 obv. dies, 29 rev. dies.
Obv: LARSy LkS (sheqel [of ] Israel), ¿S (year 4) above ritual chalice
with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on ends.
Rev: USä¿kU My>Säry ( Jerusalem the holy), staff with three pome-
granate buds, round base.
a. Irregular variety exists from a single die set.
We see for the first time since the second-year coins some poorly engraved (irregular) dies,
possibly reflecting fewer available artisans due to the stressful conditions of the Jewish
government near the end of the Jewish War (Fig. 9.3).
ד רבע השקל
6395. AR quarter-sheqel. 1 obv. die, 1 rev. die.
Obv: LkSU CBR (quarter of a sheqel), three palm branches tied together
at their stalks.
Rev: ¿ (4) surrounded61 by a wreath of palm branches, tied in X at bottom.
For many years, the single example of this coin existed in the collection of the British
Museum, London. G. F. Hill, the legendary Keeper of the Coins, wrote in his catalog of
this collection that it was “unique but of not absolutely undoubted authenticity, which
was acquired with the Hamburger collection.… I am distinctly inclined…to accept the
coin as antique, but I include it in the catalog with some reserve.”
Hill’s instinct has proven to be correct. After around 2004, three additional exam-
ples of this coin, from the same dies, surfaced in the market. I had previously examined
the coin in the British Museum, and I was fortunate to examine one of the recent finds
microscopically and to study the third example in photographs taken before, during, and
after cleaning of the original thick crust of oxidation and encrustation (Fig. 9.9). Thus,
there are four known examples of this coin.
Hill made another interesting observation unrelated to authenticity. He pointed
out that unlike the other coins of the Jewish War, this coin shows the distinct influence
of the procurator coins in that there is an X at the bottom of the wreath and the obverse
of three palm branches “recall the three barley-ears on the procurator coins of year 17/18
ce of Tiberius [no. 6370].”62 We note that three ears of grain also adorn the prutah of
Agrippa I. Why this change of types took place, we simply do not understand at this time.
9.9. Year 4 quarter-sheqel that came into the market around 2004, said to have been
part of a hoard of sheqels, including some fractions. This photo, obtained in the mar-
ket, shows the coin before (left), during, and after cleaning..
The Jewish War 321
לגאלת ציון
6396 שנת ארבע חצי
6396. AE half-sheqel, 26 mm, average 15.5 g, range 12.3–17.7 g.
Obv: yZx CBRA TES (year four, half ), two lulav bunches flank an
etrog (citron).
Rev: EñyZ TLA(L (to the redemption of Zion), seven-branched palm
tree with two bunches of dates, flanked by baskets of dates.
a. Irregular issue, some letters retrograde.
b. Cut in half to make smaller unit of money.
6398 6398b
6398. AE eighth-sheqel, AE 20 mm, 5.5 g, range 4–9.7 g.
Obv: CBRó TES (year four), lulav bunch flanked by an etrog on either
Rev: EñyZ TLA(L (to the redemption of Zion), chalice with pearled
a. Irregular, crude lettering.
b. Irregular, retrograde reverse.
c. Irregular, retrograde both sides.
d. Overstruck on a Ptolemaic bronze.
322 Guide to Biblical Coins
6399 6399a
The widely discussed irregular example of this coin was struck from a single pair of
dies. In the mid-1980s, thirteen Year 5 sheqels, all struck from the same die set and all
heavily cleaned, were found in the vault of Baldwin’s, a legendary London coin dealer.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, an unknown person had marked the group
as forgeries. However, the dies matched the previously thought-to-be unique specimen
in the British Museum collection,63 which had been acquired in 1887. The reverse of
the BM specimen is covered with a layer of silver chloride. This type of corrosion forms
during a long period underground. The silver chloride plus the circumstances of acquisi-
tion of the BM specimen seem to establish its authenticity. The remainder of the group
remains controversial and trades at a lower price than the other Year 5 sheqels, although
scanning electron microscopic studies of the entire group suggests authenticity.64 Optical
microscopic examination of the coins shows specific manufacturing attributes that may
not have been known to forgers of the nineteenth century. On the other hand, some argue
that the coins of the Baldwin’s group were manufactured from contact dies created us-
ing the BM specimen. The British Museum Laboratory studied five year 5 sheqels using
XRF and concluded that “there is no definitive reason to doubt the authenticity of this
group of Year 5 sheqels.”65
The Jewish War 323
6400. AR half-sheqel. 1 obv. die, 1 rev. die, rev. die re-used from fourth year.
Obv: LkSU yZx (half of a sheqel), US (year 5) above ritual chalice with
pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on ends.
Rev: Pomegranate staff as on no. 6399.
This limited issue was struck with a single obverse die combined with a reverse die of
year 4.
Mint of Gamla, 67 ce
Seven examples of this coin, inspired by the silver sheqels of Jerusalem, were discovered
in excavations at Gamla in the central Golan Heights (Figs. 9.10, 9.11); four examples
are known in private collections. All were struck from the same obverse die and one of
two reverse dies.66 Gamla was described by Josephus as a town and stronghold of Jews
during this period, and he reported that Romans led by Vespasian and Titus conquered
Gamla on October 20, 67 ce. According to Farhi they were struck for propaganda and
not commercial needs.67
The crudeness of the paleo-Hebrew and Aramaic inscription makes it difficult to
read. Meshorer first read the inscriptions ( לגאלתfor the redemption of ) (obv.) and
[(ירשלם הק ]דשהho[ly] Jerusalem) (rev.).68 Farhi later read the obverse as ב גמלא
(Gamla [year] 2) or “in Gamla.”69
“The benefits of this modest coin surpass its local significance, [it] is possibly the only
item that offers us a glimpse into the ideology that guided a provincial rebel authority
far from the provisional government in Jerusalem (which would probably have disap-
proved of its minting if asked).”70
The Aramaic name Gamla originates from the shape of the hill, which resembles the
back of a camel (Figs. 9.10, 9.11). Around the early first century ce, Gamla occupied
around 36 acres and had a population of 3,000 to 5,000.71 Archaeological remains
suggest that the town’s principal economy was olive and grain cultivation, olive oil,
and livestock. Josephus and archaeological evidence suggest that most or all of Gamla’s
population was Jewish.
324 Guide to Biblical Coins
9.10. The Aramaic name Gamla originates from the shape of the hill, which re-
sembles the back of a camel. (Photograph: Danny Syon.)
9.11. Remains of the Gamla synagogue, which dates to the first century ce and is one
of the earliest known. (Photograph: Danny Syon.)
fter Titus and his army conquered Jerusalem and expelled its in-
habitants, and the warriors of Machaerus and Masada finally fell, a
wave of refugees from the Holy Land bolstered Jewish communi-
ties already in exile. Emotionally as well as practically, these diaspora Jews
looked toward the day that the Temple would be rebuilt and they could
return to their holy Jerusalem.
These feelings simmered for decades and boiled over around 40 years
after the fall of the Second Temple. There was a significant Jewish revolt
between around 115 and 117 ce during the reign of Trajan. It was called
the War of Quietus, after the Roman general L. Quietus, who crushed
the revolt in Mesopotamia and became governor over the area of ancient
Judea. It was also referred to as the “Kitos” war, a reference to Quietus’s
name in Aramaic. This war was actually a series of local revolts that took
place throughout the ancient Near East in Cyrenaica, Cyprus, Egypt, and
Mesopotamia. It is possible that these revolts were a direct result of both
the aftermath of the reign of Domitian (who was especially hard on Jews
and Christians) as well as attacks under Trajan’s rule on both Jewish and
Christian leaders. Partly because of the Jewish uprisings, Trajan was ulti-
mately unsuccessful in his Parthian campaign, and he had to give up on his
plan to turn Parthia into a Roman province.
Both the Jewish War and the War of Quietus affected the Jewish peo-
ple so profoundly that wedding rituals were made less ornate to reflect
mourning of the tragic loss of life. “During the war with Vespasian the
Rabbis decreed against the use of crowns by bridegrooms.... During the
War of Quietus they decreed against the use of crowns worn by brides…”
(Mishnah Sotah 9, 14).
By 132 ce, a new Jewish revolt arose, but this time the battle was
fought again in Judea, where the fervent followers of the faith went “under-
ground” both figuratively and literally and once again began to challenge
Roman might. The spiritual leader of this revolt was Rabbi Akiba, and the
326 Guide to Biblical Coins
10.1. Hadrian’s bronze coin depicts a classic Roman foundation scene in which the
veiled emperor symbolically plows (around the city) with a cow and a bull, imperial
standard behind, and the Latin legend is COL[ONIA] AEL[IA] KAPIT[OLINA]
COND[ITA] (“The Colony of Aelia Capitolina, the foundation.”) Hadrian’s bust is
shown on obverse. cf. Meshorer (Aelia) 2.
military leader was Simon ben Kosba, also known as Simon bar Kokhba.
(The word ben in Hebrew means "son of," and has the same meaning as
bar in Aramaic.)
Akiba recognized Bar Kokhba as the Messiah. Not all of his contem-
poraries agreed. Rabbi Johanan ben Tortha told Akiba, “Grass will grow in
your cheeks and He (the Messiah) will still not have come.”1
The Bar Kokhba Revolt likely occurred, as Cassius Dio reports, be-
cause Hadrian rebuilt Jerusalem as the Roman colony of Aelia Capitolina
(Fig. 10.1),which began at the time of his visit to the area in 130 bce.2
Earlier scholars believed Hadrian’s supposed ban of circumcision was a
primary cause of this war, but today many scholars suggest that this opin-
ion was mistaken, and if Hadrian did in fact outlaw circumcision, it may
have been an outcome of the Bar Kokhba Revolt and not a cause. “There
is no source either in Greek and Latin, or in the Talmudic literature, from
which it is possible to conclude that the ban on circumcision preceded the
Bar Kokhba revolt.”3
At any rate, there is no doubt that only 60 years after the end of the
Jewish War, many Jews remained preoccupied with regaining Jerusalem
and rebuilding the Temple and its cult. Bar Kokhba, bolstered by Rabbi
Akiba’s endorsement, had the messianic aura.
Although Bar Kokhba was the leader of a relatively small army, leg-
ends say that he was a great warrior. Once when he went into battle, he im-
plored his Lord, “Neither help us nor discourage us!”4 When his enemies
hit him with their stones, “He would catch the missiles from the enemy’s
catapults on one of his knees and hurl them back, killing many of the foe.”5
Saint Jerome wrote that Bar Kokhba gave the impression that he was
breathing fire by “fanning a lighted blade of straw in his mouth with puffs
of breath.”6
Bar Kokhba and his followers were a true underground army. Roman
historian Cassius Dio reports that they “occupied the advantageous posi-
tions in the country and strengthened them with mines and walls, so that
they would have places of refuge when hard pressed and could commu-
nicate with one another unobserved underground; and they pierced these
subterranean passages from above at intervals to let in air and light.”7
Bar Kokhba Revolt 327
Eshel and Zissu, leading scholars of this period, point out, “In hun-
dreds of sites throughout the Judean foothills, man-made underground fa-
cilities have been discovered.... Many of these complexes contained dated
material, enabling the scholars to establish their main period of use to the
Bar Kokhba Revolt.”8 The caves were often large complexes with a dozen
or more rooms connected by tunnels. They contained water cisterns, ritual
baths, storehouses, workshops, columbaria, hiding areas, and synagogues.
When Hadrian sent his general Julius Severus to Judea, he began
slowly to smother the flames Bar Kokhba had ignited. Dio reports, “Very
few of [the Jews] in fact survived. Fifty of their most important outposts
and nine hundred and eighty-five of their most famous villages were razed
to the ground. Five hundred and eighty thousand men were slain in the
various raids and battles, and the number of those that perished by famine,
disease, and fire was past finding out.”9
Dio does not report in the same detail about Roman difficulties, but
notes, “Many Romans…perished in this war.” Just how many can be seen
by his next sentence: “Therefore Hadrian in writing to the senate did not
employ the opening phrase commonly affected by the emperors, ‘If you
and your children are in health, it is well; I and the legions are in health.’”10
Thus, at great expense, Rome extinguished another flicker of Jewish
freedom. Bar Kokhba’s coins mark an end to the minting of Jewish coins
in antiquity.
Bar Kokhba never captured Jerusalem, a fact underlined by coin finds:
of more than 50,000 coins found in archaeological excavations there, only
four were Bar Kokhba coins.11 These coins were probably pocket souvenirs
of Jews or Roman soldiers. Most Bar Kokhba hoards and single finds have
been found in the general area of Hebron, between the hills and the west
coast of the Dead Sea, and this region is considered to be the focal point
of the war.12 The distribution of known findspots for Bar Kokhba coins,
and how these findspots might help to determine the territory under Bar
Kokhba’s control, is a topic of continuing study. Numismatic material dis-
covered in controlled excavations shows that Bar Kokhba coins circulated
farther west and north of Jerusalem, where rebel activities took place.13
David Amit and Gabriela Bijovsky of the Israel Antiquities Authority
point out that the question of the territory where Bar Kokhba was ac-
tive has been a key issue between the minimalists, who believe the revolt
took place only in Judea, and others who believe that the territory of the
revolt should be expanded farther to the north. Archaeological evidence
“includes the remains of settlements, hiding complexes, pottery and nu-
mismatic evidence, and enable[s] us today to determine that the area of the
revolt included the region of Judea from the northern Negev in the south
to the area of Modiin-Lod in the north,” and specifically “the northern
limits of the Lod foothills,”14 Amit and Bijovsky report.
Like his predecessors in the Jewish War as well as his Roman foes,
Bar Kokhba understood the political impact that coins could have. Thus,
328 Guide to Biblical Coins
coins were struck with slogans designed to keep the spark of hope kindled
among his people: “Year one for the redemption of Israel,” “Year two of the
freedom of Israel,” “For the freedom of Jerusalem,” and a simple, hopeful,
“Jerusalem.” Bar Kokhba’s first name, Simon, also appeared on the coins,
and he sometimes styled himself “Prince of Israel.” Another name, “Elea-
zar the Priest,” also appears on both bronze and silver coins, and this name
is discussed below.
Mildenberg, author of the standard work on coins of the Bar Kokhba
Revolt, wrote a 1949 article on the Eleazar coins, that reminds us of the
vintage of much of the knowledge about this topic.15 At that time, neither
Mildenberg nor anyone else knew even the identity of the issuing author-
ity of the Bar Kokhba coins. Mildenberg writes, “Bar Kokhba himself may
well have given the order for the coinage, but we cannot justifiably assume
that he desired to put his own first name on the coins, particularly as there
is not the slightest indication that his name was actually Simon. Whatever
claims this man, whose deeds have thrilled later ages, may have made even
in those years, he would surely not have described himself as Nasi [Hebrew
for ‘President’], since this was the title of a house of scribes who succeeded
each other in the presidency of the Sanhedrin.” Mildenberg further added
in a footnote that “it seems improbable that ‘Simon’ of the coins can be
identified with Bar Kokhba and Bar Kokhba regarded as the authority for
the coinage.”
How dramatically knowledge can change quickly after relevant ar-
chaeological discoveries!
As Yigael Yadin wrote, “When all the fragmentary tales and traces of
Bar Kokhba were assembled they amounted to no more than the lineaments
of a ghost. He figured in Jewish folklore more as a myth than a man of flesh
and blood, as impersonal as a Hercules or a King Arthur. It was centuries
of persecution of the Jews and their yearning for national rehabilitation that
turned Bar Kokhba into a people’s hero—an elusive figure they clung to
because he had demonstrated, and was the last to demonstrate, that the Jews
could fight to win spiritual and political independence.”16
In the 1950s, Yadin’s team discovered a group of coins, objects, and
papyrus documents in Judean desert caves near the Dead Sea. These items
were the famous Bar Kokhba letters. In his book about the discovery, Yadin
recalls the emotion of his initial report:
“There has grown up a custom for the President of Israel to invite
archaeologists to his home from time to time to report on their discover-
ies. To one of these meetings in 1960 were invited all the leaders of an
expedition of four teams searching caves in the Judean Desert. It was to
be attended by the Prime Minister, then Mr. David Ben-Gurion, Cabinet
ministers, Members of the Knesset, and distinguished writers and other
guests. I had led one of the four teams and I set out for the President’s
home with my secret in my brief case.
Bar Kokhba Revolt 329
“A screen had been erected at [President] Ben Zvi’s house, and when
my turn came to report, I projected on to the screen through a film slide
the colored photograph of part of a document and read out aloud the first
line of writing upon it: ‘Shimon Bar Kosba, President over Israel.' And
turning to our Head of State, I said, ‘Your Excellence, I am honored to be
able to tell you that we have discovered fifteen dispatches written or dic-
tated by the last President of ancient Israel 1800 years ago.’”17
Until Yadin and his colleagues translated the name on these docu-
ments, there was no proof that Bar Kokhba’s first name was Simon except
for the coins. Indeed, as Mildenberg’s work showed, some doubted that it
was his name at all. Bar Kokhba’s letters show that the man’s name was ac-
tually Bar Kosba. Yadin noted, “His name was written KSBA, without the
vowels, as is the custom in Aramaic and Hebrew. It was only from one of
the Greek letters that we learned that his name was pronounced Kosba.”18
Bar Kokhba is one of the versions of his name that came to us through
the literature, by way of early Christian authors Justin Martyr and Euse-
bius. It probably related to the leader’s messianic aspirations. Bar Kokhba
means “son of a star,” and most believe that it is a reference to Rabbi Akiba’s
recitation of scripture in support of Bar Kokhba as Messiah: “There shall
go forth a star out of Jacob” (Numbers 24:17). On the other hand, most
Jewish sources refer to him as Bar (or Ben) Koziba, which can be translated
as “son of a liar” or “deceiver.” Perhaps this reference evolved after his failed
messianic mission to overcome Hadrian’s forces.
Bar Kokhba’s letters show that he “was a very meticulous and strict
commander, who never ceased from threatening his subordinates with
punishments if his orders were not followed.... Some of the letters show
that Bar Kokhba was also meticulous in fulfilling the Jewish command-
ments (mitzvot),” Eshel and Zissu note.
As an historical figure, Bar Kokhba is continually being reassessed.
Yael Zerubavel, among others, has written that modern Israel’s early ap-
proach to Bar Kokhba was to glorify him in spite of the grim outcome
of his revolt. A recent Israel Museum study guide asks whether the Bar
Kokhba Revolt was “a symbol of heroism and readiness to fight for na-
tional freedom or a careless act that brought a national disaster?”19
Zerubavel notes that “The gradual loss in the once sacred status of
the Bar Kokhba revolt is further manifested in the changes that the Israel
Museum recently introduced.... In 1997 the Museum removed the Bar
Kokhba and Babatha papyri and other objects related to the Bar Kokhba
period from the Shrine of the Book… to their appropriate historical loca-
tion within the area designated for Second Temple Judaism and the Ro-
man period.”20
330 Guide to Biblical Coins
Bar Kokhba coins were created without the benefit of a fully equipped
mint due to limited resources, a short time frame, and no inherited in-
frastructure. Meshorer suggested that the overstriking was a political act,
“a sort of small act of vengeance and a clear political declaration.”22 This
argument is a convenient explanation with some inherent truth, but it
seems that practical considerations were the primary reasons for the mas-
sive overstriking. For example, Greek coins, Jewish coins, and Nabataean
coins23 were all overstruck by the Bar Kokhba mint in addition to Roman
coins. The process suggests that minters were pulling coins from circula-
tion, and the reason they overstruck more Roman and Roman provincial
coins was simply that there were more of these coins in circulation at the
time. While it is simple today for an observant person to find traces of
previous coins on most Bar Kokhba issues, this overstruck image was not
as obvious to people at the time who were simply using the coins in com-
merce. The Bar Kokhba slogans and images were more than sufficient to
make their political statements of strength and sovereignty. Coins were
“the best mass media of the time,” Mildenberg observed.24
Bar Kokhba’s letters also shed some light on the money of this period
of Jewish history. One of the documents is a lease transaction. After deal-
ing with the particulars, the document states that the parties will each “pay
half of the money less sixteen dinars, which are four sela‘im only....” The
money is referred to in its “foreign currency” value, that is, dinars (denarii
or drachms) as well as its Jewish value, sela‘im (tetradrachms). Four dinars
equal one tetradrachm; the contemporary name used for the large silver
Bar Kokhba coins was sela. In another of these documents, it is written
that “Eleazar receives for the lease twelve silver zuzim which are ‘three
sela‘im.’”25 Thus, the Jewish name for the drachm-denarius during Bar
Kokhba’s time was zuz.
Most of the silver tetradrachms (or sela, pl. sela‘im) were struck upon
tetradrachms of Antioch or similar coins and weigh around 14 g. (Milden-
berg recorded specimens ranging from 11.4–15.4 g.) The silver zuz (pl.
zuzim) were struck upon local drachms, including Nabataean drachms, or
Roman denarii and weigh around 3.3 g (recorded range is 2.1–3.7 g). The
bronze coins had much greater weight variances since these coins were
struck upon coins from Ascalon, Gaza, Caesarea, or other nearby cities.
Occasionally, a Bar Kokhba coin was struck upon a Ptolemaic bronze coin
that had remained in circulation for hundreds of years before being re-
cycled by the Jewish rebels.
Bar Kokhba mints struck large, medium, and small bronze coins. These
coins were struck upon all kinds of coins in circulation, so it is difficult to
determine their exact value (Table 10.1). Meshorer observes, “The differ-
ence in weight between coins that are ostensibly of the same denomination
can reach 200%.”26
Foreign coins were prepared by hammering in metal “pans” (for silver
coins) or both hammering and filing (for the bronze) to remove traces of
332 Guide to Biblical Coins
From Eshel and Zissu 2019: 127. Note that these are all overstruck on various circu-
lating coins so great variances can occur.
the alien symbols. However, traces of the original coin can usually be seen
on the silver coins, and file marks are not uncommon on the bronze coins.
Rarely, an imperial portrait or a few letters from the original coin remain
on the bronze coins.
The Talmud explains: “For it was taught: The prutah which the Sages
mentioned is an eighth of an Italian issar. Thus one denar = six silver ma‘ahs;
one ma‘ah = two pundion; one pundion = two issars; one issar = two musmis;
one musmis = two kuntrunk; one kuntrunk = two prutahs. Hence the prutah
is an eighth of an Italian issar.”27
Based on this explanation, Meshorer suggests that the large Bar Kokh-
ba coins are equal to one ma’ah (sestertius), the medium coins equal one
pundion (dupondius), and the small coins equal one issar (as). There may be
a fourth bronze denomination equal to a semis, but because of the over-
striking on such a wide variety of coins, this is not fully understood.28
Bar Kokhba also struck irregular coins of silver and bronze, char-
acterized by their crude style and inscription errors. Barag pointed out
there were at least two Bar Kokhba mints, one of which manufactured
“regular” and another that issued “irregular” coinage. Not a single die link
is known between “regular” and “irregular” Bar Kokhba issues, further
bolstering this theory.
Barag suggests that Herodium was a likely location for the central
mint of Bar Kokhba. Ehud Netzer’s excavations there uncovered Herod’s
tomb and an elegant, small amphitheater with a beautifully decorated
royal box.29 Less publicized is an extensive underground complex of Bar
Kokhba, which was a “headquarter of the rebels’ administration during the
Second Jewish Revolt...also a base for guerilla warfare against the Roman
units.”29a In the 1960s, 837 Bar Kokhba bronze coins of nearly all types
were discovered at Herodium.30 Netzer’s excavations uncovered another
five coins.31 More Bar Kokhba coins, not yet published, have also been
discovered at Herodium.32
Even though the second mint produced cruder versions of Bar Kokhba
coins, it nevertheless also supplied official money to the population where
it operated and disseminated the same messages as the central mint. Proof
of this aspect is that the hoards of Bar Kokhba coins contain both “regular”
and “irregular” issues, which circulated together.
Bar Kokhba Revolt 333
10.2. Hoard “B” from Me’arat Ha-Te‘omim (Cave of the Twins). (Boaz Zissu
These discoveries are remarkable and represent the first and only direct
connections yet discovered between the coins of Bar Kokhba Revolt and
the Jewish War. The very fact that Mildenberg noted that such a connec-
tion was suspected, but never previously shown, illustrates the importance
of this find.
Another interesting aspect is that some coin hoards seem to be not
only a stash of personal wealth but show that people sometimes also held
old coins that might have been meaningful to the owners. The Jewish War
sheqel in hoard “B” had been saved for some 64 years, well beyond the time
the coin had been invalidated by the Flavian victory and destruction of Je-
rusalem. The sheqels were 14 g of nearly pure silver and had significant bul-
lion value even if they were not valid coins. Since this hoard also contains a
virtually valueless 240-year-old prutah of Hyrcanus I, we must consider the
possibility that this family’s savings also constituted a sentimental coin col-
lection. We noted a similar situation with regard to the Bar Kokhba lamp
hoard that was buried no earlier than 151/2 ce, but contained a neatly col-
lected set of Bar Kokhba bronze coins that had long been invalidated and
retained no monetary value (see pp. 2–3).38 Meshorer also observed that
Bar Kokhba coins were sometimes perforated and used as jewelry charms
long after the revolt ended.39
336 Guide to Biblical Coins
Bar Kokhba, 132–135 ce, struck in the third year 134/5 ce.
Obv. Ancient Hebrew inscription in two lines “SIMON” within a wreath, me-
dallion at top, all within a border of dots.
Rev. Ancient Hebrew inscription around, beginning lower l. “To the Freedom
of Jerusalem” around upright palm branch with tip curled slightly to l., all within a
border of dots.
Bronze rectangle, 6.46 g, 21.9 × 16.4 mm, the thickest part is 3.3 mm, the thin-
nest is 2.6 mm near the center of the longest dimension. Axis is 12 o’clock. The
obverse is slightly convex and reverse slightly concave. All edges show evidence of
having been chopped from a larger piece of flat bronze before striking.
Same dies as Mildenberg 205, no. 65, (O–14, R–37).41
Most known ancient test pieces were struck upon lead flans and are
frequently (but not exclusively) uniface. One should then ask why this test
piece was struck on a bronze fragment. The logical reason is that the Bar
Kokhba mint did not include a smelting and flan-manufacturing opera-
tion. Therefore, unlike other “full-service mints,” the Bar Kokhba mint had
no reason to store raw metal such as lead, which would have been used to
make bronze alloy a bit easier to strike.
Given the nature of the Bar Kokhba style of minting, it is curious that
a piece of “scrap” bronze would be used instead of a bronze “blank” that had
been prepared for restriking a bronze coin. Since the bronze coins retained
a fiduciary value higher than their value as bronze, the use of scrap has
some logic.
had been in circulation for at least 60 years. Bar Kokhba coins were struck
upon imperial and provincial coins from Nero to Hadrian.43 Mildenberg
concludes that most of the restruck coins were not captured directly from
Roman legions in the area. Instead, they were “gifts, contributions, taxes,
rent or war loans from the Jewish population,” thus “returning the heav-
ily circulated, by and large pre-Hadrianic money to the Jewish peasants
whence it had come, but in a new and specifically Jewish guise.”44
Imagine that a Jew had obtained this Judea Capta coin from circula-
tion and had held it, possibly as a souvenir. When the time came, under
Bar Kokhba, he or she gladly turned it in to be restruck by a “sovereign”
Jewish nation—or at least by rebels who sought to form one.
10.4. Reconstructed view of the Jerusalem Temple looking toward the entrance to
the sanctuary. This image shows both the golden vine, which appears on some Bar
Kokhba sela`im as a wavy line, and the twinkling golden chandelier donated by Hel-
ena, queen of Adiabene, depicted as a cross or star on some Bar Kokhba sela`im. The
twelve steps are also represented on the sela`im, shown as a kind of horizontal ladder
below the Temple. (Graphic: Fontanille.)
340 Guide to Biblical Coins
10.5. Possible reconstruction of the showbread table based upon images on the Bar
Kokhba silver sela`im and the half-sheqel (didrachm). (Courtesy Dan Barag.)
which mentions the staves used to carry the ark, which “were not seen,
but protruded through the curtain and looked like two woman’s breasts.”55
Indeed, the graphic image on the Bar Kokhba tetradrachms depicts two
dots, reminiscent of the Talmudic description. (The authors of the Talmud
may have even referred to an example of this coin.) The image suggests
an idealized, rebuilt Temple containing some kind of Ark that replaced
the original Ark and scrolls lost when the First Temple was destroyed and
now replaced with parchment Torah scrolls. Such an idealized reconstruc-
tion would be consistent with Bar Kokhba’s messianic message. Eventually,
every synagogue contained an Ark, the formal location where Torah scrolls
are stored.
Goldstein suggests that this representation may represent a generic ob-
ject within the Temple entrance. He also points out the horizontal ladder-
like object is not a balustrade or fence as some have suggested but is a styl-
ized version the twelve steps leading up to the Temple that were described
by both Josephus and in the Mishnah. “Not one of the dies recorded by
Mildenberg depicts more than twelve steps.”56
Thus, while Bar Kokhba may never have been ordained “Messiah” by
Akiba, and while he may never have considered himself more than the
“Nasi” who owned crown land and leased it to the Judean peasants, there
is little doubt that his coins, “the best mass media of the time,”57 loudly
proclaim his messianic message.
Trumpets and lyres or harps are also depicted on Bar Kokhba’s coins.
The trumpets recall an inscription discovered on a stone from the Jerusa-
lem Temple, now in the Israel Museum, that declares in Hebrew, “To the
place of the trumpeting…” (see Fig. 10.10). A similar pair of trumpets also
are depicted prominently on the Arch of Titus.
The harp, which has a sound box shaped like a skin bag (nevel in He-
brew, chelys in Greek), and the narrower lyre, with a chest-like sound box
(kinor in Hebrew, kithara in Greek), have been associated with the Jewish
religion since ancient times (Fig. 10.6).
342 Guide to Biblical Coins
10.8. Article from Louisville, KY, Courier-Journal, July 12, 1953 proclaiming the “dis-
the summer before, and it was the first time that local residents could recall
that this land had been turned over (Fig. 10.8). It was one of three similar
coins found in Kentucky.
This story was retold by Dr. Cyrus Gordon: “Other contacts with
the Roman Mediterranean of the second century A.D. have meanwhile
come to light in Kentucky, where inscribed Hebrew coins of Bar Kokh-
ba’s rebellion against Rome were dug up in Louisville, Hopkinsville, and
Clay City....”65
A long string of numismatic experts subsequently determined that
the coins were all modern replicas (probably intended as souvenirs, since
they were not made cleverly enough to be called “forgeries”). Apparently
the “experts” originally consulted were certainly not. Harvard’s renowned
Frank Moore Cross commented that Gordon’s theory “simply did not
make sense.” Thus, the replica coins were either deliberately planted in
Kentucky to deceive, or may have been lost souvenirs from a few years
earlier, or fraud may have been attempted. They are certainly not ancient
coins (Fig. 10.9).
Bar Kokhba Revolt 345
10.9. Fake Bar Kokhba sela exactly like the coin said to have been found in Clay City,
KY, in 1952. (Hendin Collection at the Israel Museum.)
On the other hand, genuine ancient Bar Kokhba coins have been
discovered buried in Europe. More than 30 years ago, a London coin
dealer received a small hoard of bronze coins from Spain, which he held
for my review. Among them was a Bar Kokhba bronze coin with the
legend “Simon, prince (or leader) of Israel.” That group was convincing,
with uniform patinas, but unfortunately, it was not provenanced so did
not provide much information.
However, a study reports on sixteen (genuine) bronze Bar Kokhba
coins found at Roman sites in three different provinces in Europe. One
coin was found in Britannia, a dozen were found in Pannonia (one in Vin-
dobona, nine in Carnuntum, and two in Brigetio) and three were found
in Dacia, each in remains of a different Roman camp: Ilisua, Pojejena, and
Ulpa Traiana Sarmizegetusa.66
The coin found in Britannia (in 1913) was one of the impressive large
bronze coins with “Simon” in a wreath on one side and an amphora on the
other. The coin was found alongside other coins ranging from the reigns of
Claudius (41–54 ce) to Valentinian I (364–375 ce). The Roman historian
Cassius Dio tells us that Sextus Julius Severus, governor of Britannia, was
sent to Judea to help suppress the Bar Kokhba Revolt, and “there is no
question that he brought with him some units from Britannia.”67
The largest number of Bar Kokhba coin finds in Europe was from
Pannonia, which corresponds to today’s Western Hungary and also en-
compassed parts of Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and
Herzegovina. In Vindobona (modern Vienna), a small Bar Kokhba bronze
(grapes/palm tree) was found in 1913 on a street that was part of a road
system near an ancient Roman camp. The earliest coin found there was
from the time of Trajan (98–117 ce). The Tenth Legion Gemina was sta-
tioned there, and three inscriptions suggest that some commanders from
this legion served in Judea during Hadrian’s reign, which corresponds with
the Bar Kokhba War.68
Nine more Bar Kokhba bronzes were found in Carnuntum, in Austria.
None of the coins was found in controlled excavations. One coin is in
the Carnuntum Museum. Several inscriptions suggest that some of the
cohorts of the Legion XIV Gemini and XV Apollinaris were stationed
there. Two more Bar Kokhba bronzes of the palm tree/vine leaf type were
found in Brigetio (Szöny, in modern Hungary). One coin was found in
a common grave in a Roman villa, and the second find location was not
346 Guide to Biblical Coins
reported, but it was pierced, “which shows that it was brought to Brigetio
as a souvenir,” according to Eshel and colleagues. Three more palm tree/
vine leaf bronzes of Bar Kokhba were found at different sites in Dacia,
largely modern Romania, and a Roman province adjacent to the Black Sea.
One coin was found at Ilisua, at the headquarters of the Roman fort. One
coin was found in Pojejena, the garrison of the Cohors V Gallorum, and a
third coin was found in the region’s capital, Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa,
at the Temple of Aesculapius, near the base of the Legion IV Flavia.
What were Judean coins doing in Europe? Eshel suggests that “be-
cause most of the coins discussed here were found in Roman military con-
texts, we can assume that many if not all of them were brought back to
Europe by Roman soldiers after the Bar Kokhba Revolt ended in Judea. Of
these sixteen coins, only one was pierced; it seems to have been used as a
pendant. The … coins discussed in this article were found at seven different
Roman sites. Three of them were legionary camps, and two sites in Dacia
were bases of auxiliary units. In the case of some legionary camps we have
hints that parts of the legions stationed in these camps were sent to fight
in Judea during the Bar Kokhba Revolt.”69
Eshel also predicts that Bar Kokhba coins will also be discovered in
Moesia (modern Bulgaria) in the future because “two of the three legions
situated in Moesia Inferior (Legio V Macedonia and Legio XI Claudia)
are mentioned in the Beitar inscription.”
The supposition that Roman soldiers picked up these coins in Judea
as pocket souvenirs and brought them home seems probable. Even if the
Romans had no affinity for the Jews, it is fairly common for soldiers to
bring home such items. When my father, a U.S. Army physician, returned
from World War II, he brought home a few German coins and pieces of
paper money. Another possible scenario is that Jewish slaves of Centurions
or higher-ranking legionnaires took Bar Kokhba coins to Europe.
אלעזר הכוהן
6403. AR zuz.
Obv: EU,:U R\CLA (Eleazar the priest), jug with handle, willow branch
at r.
Rev: LAR§y TLA¯L TxA TE§ (year one for the redemption of Israel),
bunch of grapes with branch and small leaf.
mL s
6404 שלם
6404. AE large bronze, 32 mm.
Obv: ML§ .Ry (Jerusalem) within a wreath.
Rev: LAR§y TLA¯L TxA TE§ (year one for the redemption of Israel),
amphora with two handles.
348 Guide to Biblical Coins
AY sP PIom s
שמעון נשיא
6405. AE large bronze, 31 mm.
Obv: LAR§y Ay§E EÄCM§ (Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath.
Rev: LAR§y TLA¯L TxA TE§ (year one for the redemption of Israel),
amphora with two handles.
6407 6408
Bar Kokhba Revolt 349
O> A א לע
H¿ ùõ זנ רה
6409 Hû כה
a b c
6409. AE small bronze, 18 mm.
Obv: EU,:U R\CLA (Eleazar the priest), seven-branched palm tree with
two bunches of dates.
Rev: LAR§y TLA¯L TxA TE§ (year one for the redemption of Israel),
bunch of grapes with branch and small leaf.
a. Obverse retrograde inscription.
b. Obverse retrograde variation.
c. Obverse inscription variation.
d. Irregular issue.
350 Guide to Biblical Coins
6410 6411
6412 6413
6412. AR zuz.
Obv: LAR§y TLA¯L TxA TE§ (year one for the redemption of Israel),
bunch of grapes with branch and small leaf.
Rev: LARSy RxL B§ (year two of the freedom of Israel), wide
lyre (nevel or chelys) with three strings, four dots on sound box.
6413. AR zuz.
Obv: C M§ (Sma—abbreviating Simon), the letters form a triangle, in a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion
at top, tendrils at bottom.
Rev: EU,:U R\CLA (Eleazar the priest), fluted jug, handle on l., willow
branch on r.
Bar Kokhba Revolt 351
While this coin is not dated, the only other use of the Eleazar name on a zuz is combined
with a die of the first year. Thus, this coin must be a hybrid issue of the first and second
year rather than a coin of the third year, where other undated issues are assigned.
The abbreviation “Sm‘” can also be read “Shma.” This may have a dual meaning in
this use of the first three letters of Bar Kokhba’s first name: first, a simple abbreviation,
and second, as the first word of the prayer, the Shema, which is believed to have been one
of Bar Kokhba’s rallying cries.
6414. AR sela.
Obv: MLS.Ry ( Jerusalem) on three sides of facade of Jerusalem Temple,
idealized Ark with scrolls in center of entrance.
Rev: LAR§y RxL B§ (year two of the freedom of Israel), lulav with etrog
at l.
This type of sela was struck with an obverse die type of the first year, thus it is also a
hybrid. We place it here because it is clearly dated in the reverse die to the second year.
6415. AR sela.
Obv: MLS .Ry (Jerusalem) on three sides divided by + above facade of
Jerusalem Temple, idealized Ark with scrolls in center of entrance.
Rev: LAR§y RxL B§ (year two of the freedom of Israel), lulav with
etrog at l.
a. Irregular issue.
RC= Bs
=ARs Y
שב לחר
6416 ישראל
6416. AR sela.
Obv: MLS .Ry ( Jerusalem) on two sides, + above facade of Jerusalem
Temple, idealized Ark with scrolls in center of entrance.
Rev: LAR§y RxL B§ (year two of the freedom of Israel), lulav with
etrog at l.
a. Variations, ¥ instead of y on obverse and S instead of §.
b. Irregular issue.
352 Guide to Biblical Coins
6417. AR sela.
Obv: EÄCM§ (Simon) on two sides, star above facade of the Jerusalem
Temple, idealized Ark with scrolls in center.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), lulav with etrog
at l.
a. Variations, Ö instead of Ä on obverse.
6418 6421
6418. AR zuz.
Obv: C M§ (Sm‘—abbreviating Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion
at top, tendrils at bottom.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), wide lyre (nevel
or chelys) with three strings, four dots on sound box.
a. Lyre is different shape.
6419. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6418.
Rev: LAR§y RxL B§ (year two of the freedom of Israel), palm branch.
a. Irregular issue.
6420. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6418.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), fluted jug, han-
dle on l., willow branch on r.
Bar Kokhba Revolt 353
6421. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6418.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), two trumpets
a. Struck upon a denarius of Otho, his name on obverse.
6422. AR zuz.
Obv: EÄCM§ (Simon) bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from
branch, a leaf to l. and a tendril to r.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), wide lyre (nevel
or chelys) with three strings, four dots on crescent-shaped sound
In this series, sometimes the obverse may use the letter vav in either Ä or Ö form.
6423. AR zuz.
Obv: Bunch of grapes as on no. 6422.
Rev: LAR§y RxL B§ (year two of the freedom of Israel), palm branch.
In this series, sometimes the obverse may use the letter vav in either Ä or Ö form.
a. Irregular issue.
6424. AR zuz.
Obv: Bunch of grapes as on no. 6422.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), fluted jug, han-
dle on l., willow branch on r.
354 Guide to Biblical Coins
6425. AR zuz.
Obv: Bunch of grapes as on no. 6422.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), elongated lyre
(kinor or kithara) with three strings.
6426. AR zuz.
Obv: ÖECM§ (Simon), the letters form a square with one in the center,
within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), wide lyre (nevel
or chelys) with three strings, four dots on sound box.
a. Paleo-Hebrew letters are arranged EÖCM§ (Simon).
6427 6429
6427. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6426.
Rev: LAR§y RxL B§ (year two of the freedom of Israel), palm branch.
a. Obverse as on 6426a.
6428. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6426.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), fluted jug, han-
dle on l., willow branch on r.
The obverse die used in coins 6426–6428 was used on only a very few coins. It may have
broken or been a trial die whose use was never extended further.
6429. AR zuz.
Obv: EÖCM§ (Simon), five letters in two lines, within a wreath of thin
branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils
at bottom.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), palm branch.
Bar Kokhba Revolt 355
6430. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as no. 6429.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), two trumpets
upright, dot between.
6431. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as no. 6429.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), elongated lyre
(kinor or kithara) with three strings.
6433. AE large bronze, 35 mm.
Obv: E,C M§ (Simon) within a wreath.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), amphora with
two handles.
The photographed example is double struck on the obverse.
356 Guide to Biblical Coins
6435. AE middle bronze, 20 mm.
Obv: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), palm branch within
a wreath.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), wide lyre (nevel
or chelys) of four or five strings.
6436 6436a
6436. AE middle bronze, 25 mm.
Obv: CM§ (Sma—abbreviating Simon) across fields, seven-branched
palm tree with two bunches of dates.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), vine leaf on
a. Simon in five letters on obverse, many varieties of this type.
b. Struck on a serrated Seleucid coin.
c. Irregular issue.
d. Irregular issue overstruck on coin with Tenth Roman Legion coun-
Bar Kokhba Revolt 357
6438. AE small bronze, 22 mm.
Obv: ML§.Ry ( Jerusalem), seven-branched palm tree with two bunches
of dates.
Rev: LAR§y RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel), bunch of grapes
with branch and small leaf.
6439 6439a
6439. AR sela.
Obv: EÄCM§ (Simon) on two sides, star above facade of the Jerusalem
Temple, idealized Ark with scrolls in center of entrance.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), lulav with etrog at l.
a. Irregular issue.
6440. AR sela.
Obv: EÄCM§ (Simon) on two sides, star above facade of the Jerusalem
Temple, idealized Ark with scrolls in center of entrance.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), lulav, no etrog.
358 Guide to Biblical Coins
6441. AR sela.
Obv: EÄCM§ (Simon) on two sides, wavy line above facade of the Jeru-
salem Temple, idealized Ark with scrolls in center of entrance.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), lulav with etrog at l.
a. Variety with lulav more elongated, rounded.
b. Wavy line of four semi-circles connected by horizontal lines above
It is not known whether the building depicted here was meant to also be a schematic
image of the Jerusalem Temple, as Meshorer suggested, or if the building simply received
two columns instead of four because it was half the denomination. Barag suggests that
this type was struck at Bar Kokhba’s second mint, responsible for the irregular coins, and
this different mint site explains the somewhat unusual epigraphy.
6443. AR zuz.
Obv: EÖCM§ (Simon) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), palm branch.
a. Trial strike, same dies, p. 337.
Bar Kokhba Revolt 359
6444. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6443.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), two trumpets up-
right, dot between.
6445. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6443.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), fluted jug, handle
on l., willow branch on r.
6446. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6443.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), elongated lyre (kinor
or kithara) with three strings.
6447. AR zuz.
Obv: .CEM§ (Simon, in this case, actually Simna, since letters are rear-
ranged) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight
almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of
dots, one inside and one outside, between each section.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), palm branch.
6448. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6447.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), two trumpets
upright, dot between.
6449. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6447.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), fluted jug, handle
on l., willow branch on r.
360 Guide to Biblical Coins
6450 6451
6450. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6447.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), fluted jug, handle
on l., no willow branch.
6451. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6447.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), elongated lyre (kinor
or kithara) with three strings.
6452. AR zuz.
Obv: E,CM§ within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight
almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom, a pair of dots, one
inside and one outside, between each section.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), palm branch.
6453. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6452.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), two trumpets up-
right, dot between.
6454. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on nno. 6452.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), fluted jug, handle
on l., willow branch on r.
Bar Kokhba Revolt 361
6455. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6452.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), fluted jug, handle
on l., no willow branch.
6456. AR zuz.
Obv: Paleo-Hebrew as on no. 6452.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), elongated lyre (kinor
or kithara) with three strings.
6457. AR zuz.
Obv: E,CM§ (Simon), bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from
branch, which has a tendril to l. and a leaf to r.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), palm branch.
a. Irregular issue.
b. Irregular issue.
6458 6458a
6458. AR zuz.
Obv: Bunch of grapes as on no. 6457.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), two trumpets up-
right, dot between.
a. Irregular issue.
Drawing 6458b shows a denarius of Trajan similar to a drachm struck in Bostra. This
type was often overstruck by Bar Kokhba zuz coins, and drawing 6458 shows an ex-
362 Guide to Biblical Coins
6459. AR zuz.
Same as 6458 but struck on a Vespasian Judaea Capta denarius with IV-
DAEA legend, which is clear on this example.
a. Another example, no. 6421 struck upon IVDAEA type.
This overstrike could occur with any zuz. There are only a few known examples with the
IVDAEA remaining clear.
6460. AR zuz.
Obv: Bunch of grapes as on no. 6457.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), fluted jug, handle
on l., willow branch on r.
6461. AR zuz.
Obv: Bunch of grapes as on no. 6457.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), fluted jug, handle
on l., no willow branch.
6462. AR zuz.
Obv: Bunch of grapes as on no. 6457.
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), elongated lyre (kinor
or kithara) with three strings.
a. Fourrée example.
b. Reverse with regular design plus obverse brockage.
c. Irregular issue.
d. Cut to invalidate or make change.
There has been some support for the idea that Bar Kokhba coins were cut to invalidate
them after the war. However, since such a miniscule percentage of both bronze and silver
coins have been cut, it seems far more likely they were simply cut to make change.
Bar Kokhba Revolt 363
a. Some examples of this coin were struck from “clashed dies” and
show several incuse letters from the reverse on the right side of the
b. Irregular issue.
6464. AE middle bronze, 27 mm.
Obv: E,CM§ (Simon), seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of
Rev: ML§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), vine leaf on tendril.
a. Irregular issue.
b. Overstruck on a Hadrian coin of Gaza.
6465 6466
6465. AE small bronze, 19 mm.
Obv: EU,:U R\CLA (Eleazar the priest), seven-branched palm tree with
two bunches of dates.
Rev: L§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), bunch of grapes with
branch and small leaf.
6467. AE small bronze, 20 mm.
Obv: E,CM§ (Simon), seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of
Rev: L§,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem), bunch of grapes
with branch and small leaf.
a. Regular style, but size and weight of a prutah.
b. Struck over a serrated Seleucid coin.
c. Irregular issue.
d. Irregular issue struck on prutah flan.
ompey the Great besieged Jerusalem in 63 bce and intervened in
the civil war between the brothers Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus
II. Aristobulus II, a supporter of the Sadducees, ousted his older
brother Hyrcanus II from both the high priesthood and the throne in Je-
rusalem. Hyrcanus II, taking advice from Antipater the Idumaean (father
of Herod I), promised the Nabataean King Aretas III territorial conces-
sions in exchange for his support against his brother. Aretas provided
an army of 50,000 soldiers who joined Hyrcanus’s troops and besieged
Aristobulus in Jerusalem.1
At this time, Pompey was consolidating his power in the recently cre-
ated province of Syria. He sent his legate M. Amelius Scarus from Damas-
cus to Jerusalem, where he met with both parties. Josephus reports that a
bribe by Aristobulus settled the matter (“three hundred talents offered by
Aristobulus outweighed considerations of justice”), and the Roman or-
dered Aretas to return to his homeland, Nabataea. On the way, Aristobu-
lus’s troops pursued and defeated the Nabataeans.2
Pompey met with each of the Hasmonean brothers in 63 bce in
Damascus. Pompey told them that he would resolve the matter when he
arrived in Jerusalem. Aristobulus II was not satisfied with this plan and
departed, taking his troops to his fortress at Alexandrion (also known as
Sartaba), on the northern boundary of Judaea. An enraged Pompey fol-
lowed with his army, and Aristobulus promptly surrendered. Shortly, Pom-
pey’s general, Aulus Gabinius, led a force to take Jerusalem, but this time
the supporters of Aristobulus refused to surrender and thus Pompey had
Aristobulus arrested and prepared to besiege Jerusalem.3 (Up to this point
we use the name Judea. In this chapter we use the Roman version, Judaea.)
366 Guide to Biblical Coins
detail of the eastern campaigns as far as the Jews and the Nabataean Arabs
were concerned.”9 In all likelihood, each was little more than a generic
representation of an eastern potentate.
However, the legend BACCHIVS IVDAEVS is far from generic. Yet
there are no records of Bacchius the Jew, not even a late legend in the Tal-
mud. Who was this “mystery man of the Roman official commentary of
Judaea?” asks St. Hart, who suggests “he was certainly some military leader
of at least considerable local importance....”10
On the other hand, St. Hart observes that while both coin types were
intended to enhance Roman military prestige, “There is no thought here
that Judaea is a major military liability as it afterwards became. The Jewish
question is obviously over. This numismatic reference to it may be half-
playful.”11 Unlike the later Vitellius and Flavian series, the Republican de-
narii do not commemorate Rome’s conquest of Judaea. Rather, Pompey’s
adventures in Judaea marked Rome’s earliest incursion and victory and
thus commemorated the beginning of a change of the axis of power in the
ancient Holy Land. Now the Jews, while retaining their own rulers, began
tilting away from the Greeks of Egypt and Syria and toward Rome.
We suggest that BACCHIVS IVDAEVS is not only half-playful but
tauntingly mean and mischievous as well. There are numerous suggestions
that many Romans and Greeks believed the ancient Jewish religion to be
a cult of Dionysus, the popular god of grapes and winemaking, feasting,
drunken behavior, and ecstasy. Josephus does not discuss any aspects of
Bacchus and the Jews, but he mentions that Herod I presented a golden
vine to the Temple.12 It was used to hang donatives of golden grapes and
vine leaves13 and the vine was said to be part of the booty taken to Rome by
Titus. Among the important prayers in Judaism, both ancient and modern,
are those prayers that call upon the monotheistic God to bless “the fruit of
the vine.” Grapes were also one of the seven species listed in Deuteronomy
8:8 as special products of the ancient Land of Israel.14
The relationship the Greeks and Romans fantasized to exist between
the Jews and Dionysus may also be related to the traditional mythology
that Dionysus was the son of Semele, “who was the daughter of Cadmus,
who, being a Phoenician, was a Semite who spoke a language closely akin
to Hebrew.”15
Plutarch wrote that the holiday of Sukkot (Tabernacles) was celebrat-
ed as a Bacchanalia, “for that which they call the Fast they celebrate in the
midst of the vintage, furnishing their tables with all sorts of fruits while
they sit under tabernacles made of vines and ivy; and the day which im-
mediately goes before this they call the day of Tabernacles. Within a few
days after they celebrate another feast, not darkly but openly, dedicated
to Bacchus, for they have a feast amongst them called Kradephoria, from
carrying palm-trees, and Thyrsophoria, when they enter into the temple
carrying thyrsi. What they do within I know not; but it is very probable
that they perform the rites of Bacchus.”16
368 Guide to Biblical Coins
6468. AR denarius.
Obv: M SCAVR AED CVR above, EX S C in fields, REX ARETAS
below, King Aretas kneels r. with palm branch in l. hand, alongside
COS PREIVE in exergue, Jupiter drives quadriga l. and hurls
thunderbolt, scorpion below horses.
6469. AR denarius.
Obv: M. SCAVR above and AED CVR in exergue on obv.
Rev: Jupiter drives quadriga as on no. 6468, no scorpion.
A. Plautius, c. 54 bce
Judaea and Rome 369
6470. AR denarius.
Obv: A. PLAVTIVS AED CVR S C, turreted head of Cybele r.
Rev: BACCHIVS IVDAEVS, bearded male figure kneels r. with palm
branch in l. hand, alongside camel.
6471. AE 19 mm.
Obv: Mark Antony’s head to r., ZA behind.
Rev: C SOSIVS IMP, trophy between Jewess, head in hands, seated on
l., and naked Jewish captive, looking back, seated on r, both to r.
Judaea Capta
Thy men shall fall by the sword, And thy mighty in the war. And her
gates shall lament and mourn; And utterly bereft she shall sit upon the
ground (Isaiah 3:25, 26).
So fell Jerusalem in the second year of Vespasian’s reign, on the 8th Sep-
tember, captured five times before and now for the second time laid
utterly waste. . .. There was no one left for the soldiers to kill or plunder
( Josephus, The Jewish War, 21, 22).
Two thousand years ago, when the Near East erupted in violent warfare,
there was no internet or cable news network to inform the world. The
Roman emperors could not depend on radios, magazines, newspapers, or
Twitter. They used another method of communication with extraordinary
One does not usually equate coins with communications. Neverthe-
less, in ancient times, as we have discussed, coins were the best available
mass communications.31 Hart discusses three methods of official commen-
tary on the ongoing events taking place in Rome, “whereby men might be
instructed how they ought to think of this or that transaction or this or
that notable public figure....” These are public occasions such as triumphs,
public buildings such as arches or other monuments, and coins.
Unlike the first two categories, coins represented a program of out-
reach, since triumphs and public buildings were in one place and the coins
could travel across the world as quickly as a person travels, carrying the
official version of the news. This was the ultimate political use of coins.
They allowed the authorities to “not only indicate how you should think of
passing public events, they could also to a great…extent determine upon
which passing public events out of an always wide choice your attention
should be fixed.”32
372 Guide to Biblical Coins
Vespasian, his chief rival for the throne, was approaching victory. In an ef-
fort to consolidate and spread word of his power, Vitellius issued the first
Judaea Capta coins. The basic types are two bronzes:
1. Bronze (brass) sestertius, reverse showing Victory, naked to waist,
standing r., l. foot set on helmet, inscribing OB CIVES SERV in three
lines on round shield attached to palm tree. VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C
(no. 6489).
2. Bronze as, reverse showing Victory, draped, stepping l. and placing a
shield on a trophy, beneath which is a captive seated l. on a globe. VICTOR
AVGVSTI, S C (no. 6490).
Both of these reverse types were later struck under Vespasian, and the
sestertius reverse was also struck under Titus. Neither Flavian coin was ever
thought to be anything other than a Judaea Capta issue.
Mattingly misses a point when he talks about the sestertius mentioned
above: “A favourite Victory theme—Victory inscribing a shield OB CIVES
SERV: the idea that the safety of Rome is bound up with the Victory of
Vitellius is aptly conveyed.”34 Mattingly does not mention that the Victory
is associated with a palm tree, a clear reference to victory over Judaea.
In describing the as, however, he notes that, “For the motif of Victory
erecting a trophy, compare types of Vespasian, showing Victory inscribing
shield. The captive seated below reminds one of the Jewish captives on
Vespasian’s Judaea Capta types.”35
Hart sheds additional light on these coins: “[Victory’s] first appear-
ance with a palm tree is not with Vespasian, but with Vitellius of evil
memory. We may accordingly submit that the Vitellius types are already
celebrating, and are the true numismatic beginning of the celebration of
the Jewish defeat in the First Revolt. The fact that this type and modifi-
cations of it are used by Vespasian and Titus for this purpose, and that a
variant of the same design appears on the cuirass of the Sabratha statue,
are best explained by supposing that it was for this very purpose that the
type had first been used in the time of Vitellius,” Hart writes. “This case is
much strengthened by the fact that the very same reverse sestertius dies for
this type were used by both Vitellius and Vespasian.”36
Hart further notes evidence from Tacitus that the “back of the war
was broken” early in 68 ce. “There is therefore time for Vitellius also to
anticipate the final victory. The palm-tree firmly connects his Victoria type
with Judaea.”
Here, a surprising coin enters this discussion: a fourrée denarius of Vi-
tellius with a clear, classic Judaea reverse (no. 6488). It shows beyond a
doubt that Vitellius did issue Judaea Capta coins. Some may argue that
this coin is a fourrée and thus a contemporary (ancient) forgery, not a mint
issue. This may be the case, but if it were a contemporary forgery, it would
have been made during the reign of Vitellius. Because Vitellius was so
thoroughly disliked, it is hardly thinkable that a forgery of a Vitellius coin
would have been created after Vespasian ascended to the throne. Therefore,
374 Guide to Biblical Coins
as a forgery, it must have been copied after a coin type that was known at
the time. Since during Vitellius’s reign Vespasian had not yet issued any
coins, this fourrée must have been copied from a coin of Vitellius.
him) saying ‘Here I am father, here I am!’ Together Titus and his father
celebrated the Judaean Triumph, with young Domitian at their side.”39
Titus was in love with the Jewish princess Julia Berenice, sister of
Agrippa II. They lived together in Rome for a while, but he soon sent her
away. She returned when he became emperor, but he rejected her again.
Apparently, Titus could not risk the wrath he would incur by marrying an
eastern princess; the memory of Cleopatra was still on the minds of Ro-
man senators.
Titus died at age 42, on September 13, 81 ce, from unknown causes.
His younger brother, Titus Flavius Domitianus, succeeded him.
The Emperor Titus Caesar Vespasian Augustus ordered the new am-
phitheater to be made from the (proceeds from the sale of the) booty.
Evidence also exists that the letter T for Titus was squeezed into the
inscription in antiquity. This addition is possible since Vespasian first dedi-
cated the Colosseum in 75 ce when only the first three stories had been
completed. The Colosseum was re-dedicated by Titus in 80/81 ce, when he
may have modified the original inscription to include reference to his name.
378 Guide to Biblical Coins
side of the building, so our view of the entrance facade is probably from
the south.55
Elkins believes these sestertii were initially issued as largess “for distri-
bution by the emperor at games in the Colosseum.... If all Titus’s (Colos-
seum) sestertii were struck before July 80, they could have been distributed
during the inaugural games; if, as I have suggested, they were struck both
in 80 and 81 ce, they could have been distributed piecemeal throughout
the first couple years of the Colosseum’s use. Domitian’s small issue of Col-
osseum sestertii would have been distributed at the games held in honor of
his deceased and divine brother.” It is also possible, Elkins says, that Titus
might have ordered one Colosseum piece to be given “to every spectator at
the inaugural games.” 56
Perhaps the most convincing reason to link the Colosseum sestertii to
the Judaean issues is the construction of the building as portrayed on some
of the coins.57 The facade had four tiers of arches. The lowest tier has four
empty arches. The second tier has six arches all containing figures, large
sculptures, the center of which depicts a quadriga to front. The third tier
has seven arches and the center arch contains a palm tree flanked by two
figures, probably the emperor or Nike and a Jewish captive.
The Judaea tableau along with the victory quadriga are placed at the fo-
cal point of the Colosseum’s facade, convincingly identifying the building, as
well as the coin commemorating it, as a fixture in the Judaea Capta series.
this major victory of his father and his brother—in fact, the Judaean vic-
tory was the founding legend of the Flavian dynasty.
The ancient sources say Domitian was envious and competitive with
his brother, Titus. Those who argue against the Domitian coins being part
of the Judaea Capta series suggest that he would never boast of a victory
that was mainly associated with his brother and father.
Historians, however, do not say that Domitian spurned association
with the family victory in Judaea. Josephus writes that in Titus’s triumphal
parade in Rome there appeared “a large group carrying images of Vic-
tory, all fashioned of ivory and gold. Behind them Vespasian drove first,
with Titus behind him, while Domitian rode alongside in magnificent ap-
parel and mounted on a horse that was itself a sight worth seeing.”62 Thus,
Domitian had no embarrassment being associated with this victory.
Suetonius reports that upon Vespasian’s death, Domitian claimed that
“his father’s will must have been tampered with, since it originally assigned
him a half-share in the Empire. He never once stopped plotting, secretly or
openly, against his brother. When Titus fell suddenly and dangerously ill,
Domitian told the attendants to presume his death by leaving the sickbed
before he had actually breathed his last; and afterwards granted him no
recognition at all, beyond approving his deification. In fact, he often slight-
ed Titus’s memory by the use of ambiguous terms in speeches and edicts”63
In spite of this (possibly true) tale, however, the Arch of Titus was
built in Rome during Domitian’s reign. This arch specifically commemo-
rated his brother’s victory in the Jewish War. The arch is a monument to
Flavian domination and victory in the Jewish War, thus a monument to
Domitian himself, the last reigning Flavian emperor.
Consider the coin struck in Domitian’s name by Agrippa II, great
friend of the Flavians. Qedar first explained this coin (no. 6310) struck by
Agrippa in year 15 of his era beginning in 54 ce or 69/70 ce. It is Agrippa
II’s own Judaea Capta coin commemorating the victory of his Flavian al-
lies over his Jewish nation.
Another series of Agrippa II’s coins began in the year 14 of his era of
60 ce, and was struck at Caesarea Maritima (see p. 250 for a full discussion
of the eras of Agrippa II). Among these year 14 coins are several types that
are repeated under Agrippa II. One of these coins deserves closer examina-
tion: the coin with Victory standing left and writing on a shield resting on
her knee (no. 6334). Similar coins were struck in at least eight additional
years by Agrippa II. The year 14 corresponds to 73/4 ce. Since Domitian
did not issue his first GERMANIA CAPTA coin until 85 ce there can be
no connection at all.64
The prototype for these coins of Agrippa II may have been the
VICTORIA AVGVSTI sestertius, first struck by Vitellius, and later
repeated by both Vespasian and Titus, from Rome and other Euro-
pean mints. Agrippa adopted the design without the date palm tree,
which had already become a symbol of ancient Judaea. Interestingly, all
Judaea and Rome 381
examples of this coin type struck under Agrippa II carry the obverse
portrait of Domitian. Furthermore, in the long series of coins struck by
Agrippa II, the coins with Domitian’s portrait are more common than
those coins with portraits of Vespasian or Titus.
An almost identical coin was struck under Domitian at the mint of
Pella and dated to 82/83 ce.65 Is this a coincidence? If so, how can we then
further explain another Domitian coin of Pella struck in 82/83, this one
depicting a date palm tree?66 Agrippa II struck a similar coin with Domi-
tian’s head and palm tree in year 25 (84/85 ce).
Meshorer cites Eusebius, who “relates that after the destruction of Je-
rusalem, some Jewish-Christian inhabitants fled to Pella, and perhaps it is
they who inspired the issue of coins commemorating Rome’s victory over
Jerusalem.” Thus while Meshorer rules out the Domitian coins of Caesarea
as commemorating Rome’s victory over Jerusalem; he inconsistently sug-
gests that Pella’s coins of Domitian commemorated this victory.67
With this background, we focus on the coins of Domitian struck at
Caesarea Maritima following the coins with portraits of Vespasian and
Titus. Carradice has created three groups based on obverse legends and
portrait styles. The first group (nos. 6477–6480) is dated to 81/82 ce and
contains the rarest examples, the foundation coin and emperor in mili-
tary dress, Victory with wreath, and rudder. These coins were struck before
Domitian’s Roman mint issued any coins related to Germany.
The second group (nos. 6481–6484) dated after 83 ce, displays the
Minerva and Victory series. Domitian claimed Minerva’s special protec-
tion, and her worship reached its highest popularity under him. Minerva
was very closely associated with Athena and Nike, the goddess who be-
stows victories.
The final group (nos. 6485-6487), dated to 92/93 ce, depicts the palm
tree, Nike/Victory, and trophy.
From the third group, the latest, smallest coin is patterned after a Ves-
pasian DE IVDAEA aureus (no. 6500). Certainly, the palm tree is also
connected to the earlier palm tree motifs of Pella and Agrippa, as well as
other palm tree coins linked to Judaea.
Why should Domitian play such a prominent role on various “Vic-
tory” type coins struck in ancient Israel, if it was not intended as a con-
tinuing message to the local populace? It seems logical that local officials,
perhaps even Agrippa II, were declaring the message to the populace that
what applied to the father and the first son held true for the second son.
While the local coinage follows Domitian’s Roman series and does not
specifically mention Judaea, how could Domitian’s interests be hurt by
the glorification that came from association with the victory in the Jewish
War? Domitian’s claim was closer than most—Vespasian and Titus were
his father and brother.
The Talmud contains a legal status called chazaka, essentially that the
status quo is always assumed unless compelling factors mitigate against
382 Guide to Biblical Coins
it.68 It would seem that, similarly, Domitian invoked the status quo, and
followed Vespasian and Titus by striking a series of coins depicting Victo-
ry-style reverses in mints very near the not-yet-forgotten battlegrounds of
the Jewish War. It must be assumed that the people of Judaea interpreted
these images as nothing less than a continuation of the Judaea Capta coin-
Thus, the Judaea Capta motifs had not disappeared from the local
coinage with the death of the two victors. Some coins with the Victory
motif issued under Domitian—minted before his successes in Germany—
logically relate to the Roman victory in the Jewish War. Types previously
associated with the Jewish War were repeated on later coins of the same
emperor. These latter types were deliberately open to interpretation, but
their association with the Jewish War, both in the minds of the issuing
authorities and of the local population, appears more than likely.69
Mint of Caesarea Maritima
6472. AE 20 mm.
Obv: AΥTOKP OΥ EΣΠAΣIANOΥ (of Emperor Vespasian), Vespasian
laureate head r.
Rev: ΙΟΥΔΑΙΑΣ ΕΑΛWKΥAΣ ( Judaea captured), Nike stands r. with l.
foot on helmet, she writes with r. hand on shield hanging from
palm tree.
6473. AE 20 mm.
Obv: AΥTOKP TIT OΣ KAIΣAP (of Emperor Titus Caesar), Titus laure-
ate head r.
Rev: ΙΟΥΔΑΙΑΣ ΕΑΛWKΥAΣ, Nike stands r. with l. foot on helmet,
she writes AΥT T KAIC with r. hand on shield hanging from palm tree.
6474 6476
6474. AE 20 mm.
Obv: AΥTOKP TIT OΣ KAIΣAP, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: ΙΟΥΔΑΙΑΣ ΕΑΛΩKΥAΣ, Nike stands r., writing on shield sup-
ported by her knee, palm tree at r.
6475. AE 20 mm.
Obv: AΥTOKP TIT OΣ KAIΣAP, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: IOΥΔAIAΣ EAΛΩKΥIAΣ, Nike stands r. with l. foot on helmet,
she writes with r. hand on shield on her knee (no palm tree!).
Struck 81/82 ce
6477. AE 30 mm.
ate head r.
Rev: DIVOS VESPASIANVS above and below, founder plows with ox
and cow to r.
Struck 83 (?) ce
6482. AE 23 mm.
ate head l.
Rev: Minerva in flowing gown advances l. holding trophy in r. hand and
shield and spear in l.
Struck 92/93 ce
6487. AE 18–20 mm.
Obv: IMP DOMIT AVG GERM, Domitian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTOR AVG, trophy.
Vitellius, 69 ce
Mint of Rome
6490. AE as.
Obv: A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG PM TR P, Vitellius laureate
head r.
Rev: Draped Victory steps l. and places shield on trophy, captive sits
beneath, upon globe, around VICTOR AVGVSTI, S C in ex-
Vespasian, 69–79 ce
Mint of Judaea (Jerusalem or Caesarea Maritima)
Undated, c. 21 December 69–early 70 ce
Gold aurei
6491. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Vespasian laureate head
r., drapery on l. shoulder.
Rev: IVDAEA RECEPTA, Jewess stands l. before palm tree in atti-
tude of mourning.
One known
Mint of Rome
Undated, c. 21 December 69–early 70 ce
6492. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. of trophy,
head resting on hand.
6493. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, on r. mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. of palm
tree, hands bound behind her back.
Judaea and Rome 387
72–73 ce
6494. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAES VESP AVG PM COS IIII, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: Palm tree, on l. Vespasian stands r. in military dress facing r., l. foot
on helmet, holding spear in r. hand and parazonium in l., on r.
mourning Jewess sits to r.
6495. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAES VESP AVG PM COS IIII, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds branch in r.
hand and scepter in l.
6496. AU aureus.
Obv: T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT, laureate head of Titus to r.
Rev: Palm tree, on l. Titus stands r. in military dress facing r., l. foot on
helmet, holding spear in r. hand and parazonium in l., on r. mourn-
ing Jewess sits to r.
6497. AU aureus.
Obv: T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds branch in r. hand
and scepter in l.
79 ce
6498. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: TR POT X COS VIIII, Victory draped, advancing l. erecting a
trophy, beneath it sits weeping Jewish captive to l.
388 Guide to Biblical Coins
6499. AU aureus.
Obv: T CAESAR IMP VESPASIANVS, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: TR POT VIII COS VII, Jewish male captive kneels r., hands
bound behind, above is trophy made of helmet, cuirass, crossed
swords, and shield.
Mint of Lyon
Undated, c. 71 ce
6500. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG TR P, Vespasian laureate
head r.
Rev: DE IVDAEIS, trophy.
a. Fourrée silver denarius.
6501. AU aureus.
laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, mourning Jewess, hands bound behind her
back, sits on r. to r. of palm tree.
6502. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG TR P, Vespasian laureate
head r.
Rev: IVDAEA DEVICTA, Jewess stands on l. of palm tree facing l.,
hands bound in front.
6503. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG TR P, Vespasian laureate
head r.
Rev: TRIVMP AVG, Emperor stands in triumphal quadriga with
horses pacing r., he holds palm branch and eagle-tipped scepter,
behind stands Victory crowning him accompanied by trumpeter,
in front of the horses is a soldier escorting a captive.
Judaea and Rome 389
6504. AU aureus.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: DE IVDAEIS, trophy.
6505. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP•CAESAR•VESPASIANVS•AVG, Vespasian laureate head
r. (dots not always present).
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. of trophy.
Mint in Judaea70
After 70 ce
6506. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP T CAESAR VESPASIANVS (outward), Titus laureate bust
with aegis r.
Rev: IVDAEA DEVICTA (outward from top l.), Victory stands r., l.
foot on helmet, inscribes IMP T CAES on shield hanging on
palm tree.
a. IVDAEA DEVICTA (outward from low r.), inscribes VICT
AVG on shield.
6507. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP T CAESAR VESPASIANVS (outward), Titus laureate bust
with aegis to r.
Rev: [PAX] AVGVST (outward), mourning Jewess sits r. on r., Tyche
stands behind, to r. wearing short chiton with spear and parazo-
nium, l. foot on shoulder of Jewess.
One known
390 Guide to Biblical Coins
Mint of Antioch
72–73 ce
6508. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP VESPAS AVG PM TR PPP COS IIII, Vespasian laureate
bust l.
Rev: Vespasian, nude, stands front, head l., holds spear in hand and
raises female kneeling r.
Mint of Rome
Silver denarii
Undated, c. 21 December 69–early 70 ce
6509. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. of trophy, head
resting on hand.
a. Vespasian head l., fourrée.
6510. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, on r. mourning Jewess sits of palm tree, to r.,
hands bound behind her back.
71 ce
6511. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAES VESP AVG P M, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds branch in r.
hand and scepter in l.
72–73 ce
6512. AR denarius.
Obv: T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: Palm tree, on l. Titus stands r. in military dress facing r., l. foot on
helmet, holding spear in r. hand and parazonium in l., on r. mourn-
ing Jewess sits to r.
Judaea and Rome 391
6513. AR denarius.
Obv: T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds branch in r. hand
and scepter in l.
a. Obverse legend T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT CENS.
74 ce
6514. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAESAR in exergue, Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to
r., holds branch in r. hand and scepter in l.
Rev: IMP VESP across fields, Victory stands r. on prow holding branch
and wreath.
a. T CAESAR in exergue on obverse.
This coin copies a denarius struck by Octavian at the time of the Battle of Actium (BM-
CRE 4343, RSC 115); however, it appears that Vespasian’s mint selected this design
because of its similarities to earlier issues commemorating the victory in Judaea. It may
have been struck only a few months after the holdouts at Masada were defeated by Titus.
79 ce
6515. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG (outward), Vespasian lau-
reate head r.
Rev: TR POT X COS VIIII, draped Victory advancing l. erecting a
trophy, beneath it sits weeping Jewish captive l.
a. Laureate head of Vespasian l.
6516. AR denarius.
Obv: T CAESAR IMP VESPASIANVS (outward), Titus laureate head r.
Rev: TR POT VIII COS VII, male Jewish captive kneels r., hands
bound behind, trophy above.
392 Guide to Biblical Coins
Mint of Lyon
Undated, c. 71 ce
6517. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG TR P, Vespasian laureate
head r.
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, on r. mourning Jewess sits of palm tree, to r.,
her hands bound behind her back.
6518. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG TR P, Vespasian laureate
head r.
Rev: IVDAEA DEVICTA, palm tree, on l. Jewess stands facing l.
6519. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP•CAESAR•VESPASIANVS•AVG, Vespasian laureate head r.
(dots not always present).
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. of trophy.
Mint of Antioch
72–73 ce
6520. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAES VESP AVG COS IIII, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: Palm tree, on l. Vespasian stands r. in military dress facing r., l. foot
on helmet, holding spear in r. hand and parazonium in l., on r.
mourning Jewess sits to r.
6521. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP CAES VESP AVG PM COS IIII, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds branch in r.
hand and scepter in l.
Judaea and Rome 393
6522. AR denarius.
Obv: T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: Palm tree, on l. Titus stands r. in military dress facing r., l. foot on
helmet, holding spear in r. hand and parazonium in l., on r. mourn-
ing Jewess sits to r.
6523. AR denarius.
Obv: T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds branch in r. hand
and scepter in l.
Mint of Rome
70 ce
6524. AE sestertius.
Obv: IMP CAES AVG VESPAS COS II TR POT, Vespasian laureate,
draped bust r., globe below.
Rev: S C in fields, palm tree, Victory on l. stands r. and inscribes shield
on tree VIC AVG, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r.
6525. AE sestertius.
Obv: IMP CAES AVG VESPAS COS II TR POT, Vespasian laureate
head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in fields, palm tree, male captive on
l., stands l. looking back, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on cuirass,
arms around both figures.
6526. AE sestertius.
reate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in fields, palm tree, Victory on l.
stands r., l. foot on helmet, and inscribes shield on tree OB CIV
SERV (or variation).
a. Laureate head to l.
394 Guide to Biblical Coins
6527. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: DEVICTA IVDAEA, S C in fields, palm tree, Victory on l.,
stands r. and inscribes SPQR on shield on tree, on r. mourning
Jewess sits on r. to r.
a. Laureate bust to r. with drapery on l. shoulder.
b. Rev. S C in exergue.
6528. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on l.,
stands r., mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on cuirass, arms around
both figures.
6529. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in fields, palm tree, Victory on l.
stands r., l. foot on helmet, and inscribes shield on tree OB CIV
SERV (or variation).
a. Laureate, draped bust of Vespasian to r.
b. Obv. legend starts high r.
c. As no. 6529a, but laureate, draped bust of Vespasian to r.
Judaea and Rome 395
71 ce
6530. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive
on l., stands facing r., on r. mourning Jewess sits to r. on cui-
rass, arms around both figures.
a. Vespasian laureate head l.
b. IVDEA CAPTA S C is reverse legend.
c. CAPTA IVDAEA S C is reverse legend.
6531. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive
on l., looking back, on r. mourning Jewess sits to r. on cuirass,
arms around both figures.
a. S C in fields.
396 Guide to Biblical Coins
6532. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess sits
mourning Jewess sits on l. to l. on cuirass, male captive stands on r.
facing l., arms around both figures.
6533. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
sits on l., to l. on cuirass, male captive on r. faces r., looking back,
arms around both figures.
6534. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
sits (sometimes on cuirass) r. on r., to l. of palm Vespasian stands r.
in military dress with spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
b. Laureate head of Vespasian to l.
c. One obv. die of this type reads COS II, probably an engraver’s
6535. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVG, S C in fields, Victory stands to l. of palm tree
facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing OB CIV SER (or variant) on
shield on tree.
a. Laureate head of Vespasian l.
6536. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head l.
Rev: VICTORIA AVG, S C in fields, palm tree, Victory on l. stands r.,
foot on helmet, inscribing OB CIV SER (or variant) on shield set
on tree.
Judaea and Rome 397
6537. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in exergue, Victory stands to l. of
palm tree facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing OB CIV SER (or
variant) on shield.
a. S C in fields.
b. Laureate head of Vespasian to l.
d. AVGVSTI VICTORIA S C and laureate head of Vespasian l.
6538. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning
Jewess sits on r. to r., Victory stands on l. to r., with l. foot on hel-
met, inscribing OB CIV SER (or variant) on shield set on tree.
a. Vespasian laureate head r. drapery on l. shoulder.
b. Vespasian laureate head l.
c. S C in fields.
d. Mourning Jewess sits to l. of palm facing toward Victory, S C in
e. As d, Vespasian laureate head l.
6539. AE sestertius.
laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on l.,
stands facing r., mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on cuirass, arms
around both figures.
a. Helmet hangs from spear behind male captive.
6540. AE sestertius.
laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on l.
looking back, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on cuirass.
398 Guide to Biblical Coins
6541. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
sits to r., on r., to l. of palm Vespasian stands r. in military dress
with spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6542. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on r.
stands l., hands tied, to l. of palm Vespasian stands r. in military
dress with spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6543. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Vespasian stands l., r. foot on prow, holding Vic-
tory and vertical spear, before him Jew kneels r., holding out hands
and Jewess advances r. with extended r. arm holding branch,
palm tree on far l.
6544. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in exergue, Victory stands to l. of
palm tree facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing OB CIV SER (or
variant) on shield.
Judaea and Rome 399
6545. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning
Jewess sits on r. to r., behind tree Victory stands with l. foot on
helmet, inscribing OB CIV SER (or variant) on shield set on
72–73 ce
6546. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on l.,
stands facing r., mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on cuirass, arms
6547. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on r.
stands l., hands tied, to l. of palm Vespasian stands r. in military
dress with spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6548. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus in military dress, cloak flies behind him, his
horse rearing as he attacks prostrate Jew, who lies l., armed with
sword and shield.
6549. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Vespasian stands l., r. foot on prow, holding Vic-
tory and vertical spear, before him Jew kneels r., holding out
hands and Jewess advances r. with extended r. arm holding
branch, palm tree on far l.
400 Guide to Biblical Coins
6550. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l., on side of cart is Victory to r.
holding wreath.
6551. AE sestertius.
pasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in fields, Victory stands to l. of palm
tree facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing VIC AVG on shield.
6552. AE sestertius.
reate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in fields, Victory stands to l. of
palm tree facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing VIC AVG on
6553. AE sestertius.
laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
sits on r. to r., to l. of palm Vespasian stands r. in military dress with
spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6554. AE sestertius.
reate head of Titus to r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus in military dress, cloak flies behind him, his
horse rearing as he attacks prostrate Jew, who lies l., armed with
sword and shield.
a. S C in fields.
Judaea and Rome 401
6555. AE sestertius.
laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l., on side of cart is Victory to r.
holding wreath.
402 Guide to Biblical Coins
6556. AE sestertius.
laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in fields, Victory stands to l. of palm
tree facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing VIC AVG on shield.
6557. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jew
stands on r., facing l., on l. of palm Vespasian stands r. in military
dress with spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6558. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l., on side of cart is Victory to r.
holding wreath.
6559. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in exergue, Victory stands to l. of
palm tree facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing VIC AVG on
a. S C in fields.
6560. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus in military dress, cloak flies behind him, his
horse rearing as he attacks prostrate Jew, who lies l., armed with
sword and shield.
See note at no. 6554.
Judaea and Rome 403
6561. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l., on side of cart is Victory to r.
holding wreath.
a. Titus laureate bust wearing cuirass and aegis to r., on side of cart is
figure of Titus, standing, putting hand on head of Jewish captive
who kneels toward him.
6562. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in exergue, Victory stands to l. of
palm tree facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing VIC AVG on
6563. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate bust wearing cuirass and aegis to r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus stands l. r. foot on prow, holding Victory on
globe and vertical spear, before him Jew kneels r., holding out
hands and Jewess advances r. with extended r. arm holding
branch, palm tree on far l.
6564. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
sits on r. to r., to l. of palm Titus stands r. in military dress with
spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6565. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus in military dress, cloak flies behind him, his
horse rearing as he attacks prostrate Jew, who lies l., armed with
sword and shield.
See note at no. 6554.
404 Guide to Biblical Coins
6566. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l., on side of cart is Victory to r.
holding wreath.
6567. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate, draped head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Vespasian stands l. r. foot on prow, holding Victory
on globe and vertical spear, before him Jew kneels r., holding
out hands and Jewess advances r. with extended r. arm holding
branch, palm tree on far l.
6568. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jew
stands on r., facing l., on l. of palm Titus stands r. in military dress
with spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6569. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus in military dress, cloak flies behind him, his
horse rearing as he attacks prostrate Jew, who lies l., armed with
sword and shield.
See note at no. 6554.
6570. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in exergue, Victory stands to l. of
palm tree facing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing shield on tree.
Judaea and Rome 405
6571. AE sestertius.
Vespasian head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l., on side of cart is Victory to r.
holding wreath.
6572. AE sestertius.
ate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l., on side of cart is Victory to r.
holding wreath.
Mint of Lyon
71 ce
6573. AE sestertius.
sian head r., globe below r., sometimes missing.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
sits on r. to r., to l. of palm Vespasian stands r. in military dress with
spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
a. Vespasian laureate head l.
72 ce
6574. AE sestertius.
Vespasian head r., globe below r. sometimes missing.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
sits on r. to r., to l. of palm Vespasian stands r. in military dress with
spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
406 Guide to Biblical Coins
77–78 ce
6575. AE sestertius.
Vespasian head r., globe below r., sometimes missing.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
sits on r. to r., to l. of palm Vespasian stands r. in military dress with
spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6576. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r., globe below r., sometimes missing.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on l.,
stands facing r., on r. mourning Jewess sits to r. on cuirass, arms
a. Male captive on l. stands facing l.
6577. AE sestertius.
laureate head r., globe below r., sometimes missing.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on l.,
stands facing, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on cuirass, arms
around both figures.
6578. AE sestertius.
laureate head r., globe below r., sometimes missing.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on
l., looking back, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r., cuirass, arms
around both figures.
Mint of Rome
Dupondii and ases
71 ce
6579. AE dupondius.
reate head r., with globe.
Rev: IVD CAPT in exergue, S C in fields, mourning Jewess, hands
bound behind back, sits r. on r. of palm tree.
Judaea and Rome 407
6581. AE as.
reate head l.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
seated on r. to r. on cuirass, surrounded by arms.
6582. AE dupondius.
Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, Vespasian radiate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
seated on r. to r. on cuirass, surrounded by arms.
6583. AE dupondius.
Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, Vespasian radiate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVG, S C in fields, draped Victory strides l. places
shield with both hands on trophy l., at foot of trophy is mourning
Jewess seated l.
6584. AE as.
Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
seated on r. to r. on cuirass, head on her hand, two shields on r.
b. Laureate head of Vespasian to l.
c. IVDEA CAPTA, S C in fields, Jewess seated on l. to l.
408 Guide to Biblical Coins
6585. AE as.
Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, trophy, mourning Jewess sits on
cuirass on r. to r., on cuirass, hands bound behind back, surrounded
by arms.
6586. AE as.
Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVG, S C in exergue, draped Victory strides l. places
shield with both hands on trophy, at foot of trophy is mourning
Jewess seated l.
a. Laureate head of Vespasian to l.
6587. AE as.
Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: VICTORIA AVG, S C in exergue, draped Victory stands r. placing
shield with both hands on trophy, at foot of trophy is mourning
Jewess seated r.
72 ce
6588. AE as.
laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
seated on r. to r. on cuirass.
6589. AE as.
reate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l.
Judaea and Rome 409
73 ce
6590. AE as.
laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l.
6591. AE as.
ate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
seated on r. to r. on cuirass.
6592. AE as.
ate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r.
Mint of Lyon
77–78 ce
6593. AE as.
ate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
seated on r. to r., arms around on l. of tree.
6594. AE as.
Obv: T CAES IMP AVG F TR P COS VI CENSOR, Titus laureate
head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jewess
seated on r. to r., arms to l. of tree.
a. Arms to l. of tree and r. of Jewess.
410 Guide to Biblical Coins
6595. AE as.
Obv: IMP•CAESAR•VESPASIANVS•AVG, Vespasian laureate head r.
(sometimes without dots in legend).
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, S C in fields, mourning Jewess sits on r. to r.
of trophy.
Mint of Rome
Small Bronze Denominations
71 ce
6596. AE quadrans.
Rev: PON M TR P P P COS III, S C in fields, vexillum.
6597. AE quadrans.
Rev: PON M TR P P P COS III, S C in fields, priestly implements.
6598. AE quadrans.
Rev: PON M TR P P P COS III, S C in fields, vexillum.
6599. AE quadrans.
Rev: PON M TR P P P COS III, S C in fields, crossed spears with
6600. AE quadrans.
Obv: IMP VESPASIAN AVG, palm tree.
Rev: P M TR P P P COS III, S C in fields, caduceus.
Judaea and Rome 411
6601. AE quadrans.
Obv: IMP VESPASIAN AVG, palm tree.
Rev: P M TR P P P COS III, S C in fields, vexillum.
6602. AE quadrans.
Rev: P M TR P P P COS III, S C in fields, vexillum.
72–73 ce
6603. AE quadrans.
Obv: IMP VESPASIAN AVG, palm tree.
Rev: P M TR P P P COS IIII, S C in fields, vexillum.
6604. AE quadrans.
Rev: P M TR P P P COS IIII, S C in fields, vexillum.
This provincial Roman coin as well as no. 6608, attributed to the Koinon of Bithynia,
are clearly related to the Jewish War. RPC notes that this coin has “a significance beyond
Bithynia: the palm tree with obverse of Titus is a clear allusion to Titus’ participation
in the defeat of Judaea....”71
Titus, 79–81 ce
Mint of Rome
Gold aurei
79 ce
6609. AU aureus.
laureate head r.
Rev: TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII, male Jewish captive kneels r.,
hands bound behind, trophy above.
Judaea and Rome 413
80 ce
6610. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, trophy flanked by seated cap-
tives, hands tied behind backs, female on l., male on r.
a. Laureate head of Titus to l.
6611. AU aureus.
Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS (outward), Vespasian lau-
reate head r.
Rev: EX S C in exergue, quadriga l., with temple upon or behind cart,
flanked by two wreath-bearing Victories.
6612. AU aureus.
Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS (outward), Vespasian lau-
reate head r.
Rev: EX S C across fields, draped Victory strides l. with both hands
placing shield on a trophy, mourning Jewess sits l. below.
Mint of Rome
Silver denarii
79 ce
6613. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP T CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: TR POT VIII COS VII, male Jewish captive kneels r., hands
bound behind, trophy above.
6614. AR denarius.
laureate head r.
Rev: TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII P P, male Jewish captive kneels
r., hands bound behind, trophy above.
a. Titus laureate head l.
c. As no. 6614b, but laureate head of Titus l.
414 Guide to Biblical Coins
6615. AR denarius.
Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, trophy flanked by seated cap-
tives, male’s hands bound behind back, female on l., male on r.
a. Laureate head of Titus to l.
b. Similar but male on l., female on r.
c. As no. 6615b, but laureate head of Titus l.
6616. AR denarius.
Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS (outward), Vespasian lau-
reate head r.
Rev: EX S C in exergue, quadriga l., with temple upon or behind cart,
flanked by two wreath-bearing Victories.
6617. AR denarius.
Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS (outward), Vespasian
laureate head r.
Rev: EX S C across fields, draped Victory strides l. with both hands
placing shield on a trophy, mourning Jewess sits l. below.
6618. AR denarius.
laureate head l.
Rev: EX S C across fields, draped Victory strides l. with both hands
placing shield on a trophy, mourning Jewess sits l. below.
6619. AE sestertius.
ward), Titus laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on l.,
stands facing r., mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on arms.
Judaea and Rome 415
80 ce
6620. AE sestertius.
(outward), Titus laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on l.,
stands facing r., mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on cuirass, arms
around both figures.
a. Rev. IVD CAP SC across fields, palm tree on l. mourning Jewess
sits to l. on pile of arms, on r. of tree mourning Jew with hands
bound stands r. looks back over shoulder, arms on ground.
6621. AE sestertius.
(outward), Titus laureate head r.
Rev: S C in exergue, Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l., on side of cart is Victory to r.
holding wreath.
Mint of Rome
80–81 ce
6622. AE sestertius.
ate head r.
Rev: IVD CAP across fields, S C in exergue, palm tree, mourning Jew-
ess sits on r. to r. on pile of arms, on l. of tree mourning Jew with
hands bound stands l., arms on ground.
a. Laureate head of Titus to l.
b. S C in fields.
c. Laureate head of Titus to l., S C in fields.
d. IVDAEA CAPTA around, S C in exergue.
416 Guide to Biblical Coins
6623. AE sestertius.
ate head l.
Rev: IVD CAP across fields, S C in exergue, palm tree, on l. mourning
Jewess sits to l. on pile of arms, on r. of tree mourning Jew with
hands bound stands r. looks back over shoulder, arms on ground.
a. Jewess sits upon a shield, tree trunk is wider, different style.
6624. AE sestertius.
ate head r.
Rev: IVD CAP across fields, S C in exergue, palm tree, on l. mourning
Jewess sits to l. on pile of arms, on r. of tree mourning Jew with
hands bound stands r., arms on ground.
a. Titus laureate head l.
b. S C in fields.
c. Titus laureate head l., S C in fields.
reate head r., apparently a mule.
6625. AE sestertius.
Obv: Flavian amphitheater (Colosseum) seen from three-quarter aerial
view showing both facade as well as inside of building, the Meta
Sudans on l. and building with portico on r. The facade of the
building shows four tiers, the lowest tier with five empty arches,
the second tier with six arches, each arch contains a statue and
in the central arch is a facing Victory quadriga, the third tier
with seven arches con- taining statues and in the central arch is
a palm tree flanked by a standing emperor (or Victory) on l. and
a Jew or Jewess on r., the fourth tier has seven compartments filled
with globes and squares. The interior shows rows of seats and box-
es, and, notably the royal box in the center of the crowd.
ergue, Titus seated left on curule chair holding branch and scroll,
arms (and booty?) scattered.
a. Meta Sudans on r. and building with portico on l.
b. As no. 6625a but S C in obverse fields.
6626. AE sestertius.
Vespasian laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, male captive on
l., stands facing r., on r. mourning Jewess sits to r. on cuirass, head
in hand, arms surround both figures.
6628. AE sestertius.
Titus laureate head r.
Rev: IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, palm tree, on r. mourning Jew-
ess sits to r. on cuirass, to l. of palm Titus stands r. in military dress
with spear and parazonium, l. foot on helmet.
6629. AE semis.
Obv: IMP T CAESAR DIVI VESPAS F AVG, Titus laureate head r.
Rev: IVD CAP and S C across fields, palm tree, mourning Jewess sits
on l. to l., yoke to r. of tree.
418 Guide to Biblical Coins
Domitian, 81–96 ce
81–82 after death of Titus
Mint of Rome
6630. AE sestertius.
Obv: Flavian amphitheater (Colosseum) seen from three-quarter aerial
view showing both facade as well as inside of building, the Meta
Sudans on l. and building with portico on r. The facade of the
building shows four tiers, the lowest tier with five empty arches,
the second tier with six arches, each arch contains a statue and in
the central arch is a facing Victory quadriga, the third tier with
seven arches containing statues and in the central arch is a palm
tree flanked by a standing emperor (or Victory) on l. and a Jew or
Jewess on r., the fourth tier has seven compartments filled with
globes and squares. The interior shows rows of seats and boxes,
and, notably the royal box in the center of the crowd.
Titus seated l. on curule chair holding branch and scroll, arms
(and booty?) scattered.
Not all obverse dies depict identical statues in building facade.
Unknown Mint
Trajan may have been the first emperor to recognize coins, a product of the
Sacra Moneta, as a way of recalling history.
Vespasian Restored
6632. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Vespasian laureate head r.
captive kneels l., hands bound behind, trophy above.
a. Captive kneels r.
Titus Restored
6633. AU aureus.
Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, Titus laureate head r.
a. Titus laureate head l.
origin, had not paid the tax imposed upon the people. I remember that it
was of interest to me during my youth when a ninety-year-old man was
brought before the procurator and a very crowded court to see whether
he was circumcised.”74
When Domitian was assassinated on September 18, 96 ce, Nerva suc-
ceeded him. Nerva instituted an extensive series of popular changes, one of
which was the abolition of the insulting method of collecting the Jewish
tax. The tax itself was not revoked, only the degrading method of collecting
it. To proclaim his benevolence, Nerva ordered a coin to be issued.
Another aspect of the Jewish Tax, according to Marius Heemstra, was
that it allowed the Romans to make “a separation between mainstream
Judaism and an important group of Jewish Christians, on the basis of re-
definition of those who were supposed to pay the Jewish tax to Fiscus Ju-
daicus. This was a legal distinction that was initiated by the Roman state
authorities.”75 Because of this, Heemstra suggests, that the “parting of the
ways” between Christian and Jewish communities was set in place by the
tax courts established for the Jewish Tax.
The Fiscus Judaicus apparently remained in effect until the reign of
Julian the Apostate, 361–363 ce. In a letter to the Jews, Julian writes, “In
times past, by far the most burdensome thing in the yoke of your slav-
ery has been the fact that you were subjected to unauthorized ordinances
and had to contribute an untold amount of money to the accounts of the
treasury. Of this I used to see many instances with my own eyes, and I
have learned more, by finding the records which are preserved against you.
Moreover, when a tax was about to be levied on you again I prevented it,
and compelled the impiety of such obloquy to cease here; and I threw into
the fire the records against you that were stored in my desks; so that it is
no longer possible for anyone to aim at you such a reproach of impiety.”76
nual didrachm Temple Tax, the Fiscus Judaicus, be paid to Rome rather than
to the Jewish Temple. This tax was extended to every Jew, male and female,
from the age of three, and even to slaves of Jewish households. The pro-
ceeds were earmarked for the rebuilding of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus
Maximus Capitolinus in Rome, which had been destroyed in the last days
of the Roman Civil War of 68–69 ce.
Thus, FISCI IVDAICI CALVMNIA SVBLATA (“the insult of the
Jewish Tax has been removed”) would refer to Vespasian’s removal of the
insult (to Rome) that prior to 71/72 the Jewish Temple Tax had been col-
lected by Jews for their own use. Romans considered themselves the only
legitimate taxing authority within the empire.
In summary, the idea that this coin represents a Roman apology, or a
Roman acknowledgement of its own callous behavior, must be abandoned.
Those are modern notions that we cannot retroactively apply to the Ro-
mans. Had Nerva been a Jew, and this sestertius a Jewish coin, we would be
right to consider otherwise, but Nerva was very much an old-fashioned,
noble Roman who would not have used Roman coinage to make an apol-
ogy to a conquered people. (This note by David Vagi.)
Nerva, 96–98 ce
Mint of Rome
6634. AE sestertius.
Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P, Nerva laureate
head r.
Rev: FISCI IVDAICI CALVMNIA SVBLATA (the insult of the Jew-
ish Tax has been removed), S C in fields, large palm tree with two
bunches of dates. Struck 96 ce.
6635a 6637
6635. AE sestertius.
Obv: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, Hadrian laureate head r.
Rev: ADVENTVI AVG IVDAEAE, S C in exergue, Hadrian, togate,
stands r., raising r. hand, facing Judaea, who holds object (cup?) in
l. hand, a bull alongside the altar, child stands l. in front of Judaea
holding palm, a second child stands l. behind her also holding a
a. Hadrian bare draped bust r.
b. Similar rev. with a third child in front of Judaea, no bull.
c. Obv. as no. 6635a, rev. with third child.
d. On rev. children stand on either side of altar.
e. Obv. as a, children stand on either side of altar.
f. As no. 6635a but SC is in rev. fields.
6636. AE sestertius.
Obv: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P. Hadrian bare head r.
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, S C in fields, Hadrian, togate, stands r. rais-
ing r. hand, raising the kneeling Judaea, who holds a patera over
altar, a sacrificial bull stands beside it, two children standing in the
center hold palm branches and greet Hadrian, a third child stands
behind Judaea.
Judaea and Rome 423
6637. AE sestertius.
Obv: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P. Hadrian bare head r.
Rev: IVDAEA in exergue, S C in fields, Hadrian, togate, stands r. rais-
ing r. hand, facing Judaea, who holds a patera over altar, a sacrificial
bull stand beside it, two children standing in the center hold palm
branches and greet Hadrian, a third child stands behind Judaea.
6638. AE as.
Obv: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P. Hadrian laureate bust r.
Rev: ADVENTVI AVG IVDAEAE, S C in exergue, Hadrian, togate,
stands r., raising r. hand, facing Judaea, who holds object (cup?) in
l. hand, bull alongside altar, child stands l. in front of Judaea hold-
ing palm, a second child stands l. behind her also holding a palm.
a. Similar reverse with a third child in front of Judaea, no bull.
b. Bare head of Hadrian l.
also have a devastating psychological effect on the people living in the ter-
ritory occupied by the legionary force.
The Roman forces active in ancient Israel were the Cohors II Italica
and the Legiones V Macedonica (also known as the V Scythica), VI Fer-
rata, X Fretensis, XII Fulminata, and XV Apollinaris. The countermarks of
the Second Cohort were discussed in Chapter 8 (p. 284). Josephus men-
tions the five legions—V, VI, X, XII, XV—by numbers only, without their
names. For the most part we have been able to fill in the legionary names
from contemporary numismatic and epigraphic evidence.
Legio V Macedonica
(also known as Legio V Scythica)
Not much is known about the origins of the Fifth Legion, usually called
Macedonica. The geographer Strabo cited settlement of its veterans at
Berytus by Agrippa in 15 bce. The legion may have fought at Philippi, or
perhaps it simply garrisoned in Macedonia before moving into Moesia.
Josephus mentions the Fifth Legion’s activity in Judaea during the
Jewish War. Nero appointed Vespasian to lead Roman troops to crush the
Jewish Revolt. He gathered his forces at Antioch near the end of 66 ce
and marched with two legions to Akko-Ptolemais, where he met Titus,
who had been in Alexandria. When Titus reached Akko-Ptolemais, Jose-
phus reports, “[T]here finding his father, together with the two legions, the
Fifth and the Tenth, which were the most eminent legions of all, he joined
them to that Fifteenth legion which he had brought....”78
The Fifth and the Tenth Legions with the Fifteenth, fought together
at Jotapata, which the Romans conquered in June/July 67 after a 48-day
siege. Before Jotapata fell, Sextus Cerealis Vettulenus, commander of the
Fifth, took a force of 600 cavalry and 3,000 infantry to Mt. Gerizim where
they massacred more than 11,000 rebellious Samaritans. Next, Vespasian
besieged Gamla with the Fifth, Tenth, and Fifteenth legions. During the
siege, the Fifth suffered major losses. After the fall of Gamla, in October
of 67, Vespasian led the Fifth and Tenth to winter quarters in Caesarea. In
the spring of 68, Vespasian moved the Fifth to Nicopolis-Emmaus, where
it apparently stayed until the siege of Jerusalem in 70.
Advancing against Jerusalem, the legions built siege ramps “after
seventeen days of continuous toil.” One ramp, “facing the Antonia was
thrown up by the Fifth Legion across the pool called Struthion....” The
Fifth besieged the Antonia and took it in a surprise attack in July of 70. In
71 ce, the Fifth Legion moved from Alexandria to Moesia.
The Fifth Legion is generally identified as Macedonica because of
three inscribed tombstones of its soldiers found at Nicopolis-Emmaus
late in the nineteenth century. However, Barag and Qedar presented four
coins countermarked by the Fifth Legion in Judaea during the Jewish War.
Judaea and Rome 425
Surprisingly, the inscription on the coins, LVS, points to the name Legio
V Scythica. They write, “The countermark LVS belongs the Legio V
Scythica and was punched on bronze coins at Caesarea between the late
summer of 68 ce and the legion’s departure for Alexandria with Titus late
in 70 ce or early in 71 ce, en route back to its quarters at Oescus in Moesia.
How can the discrepancy be resolved between the countermarks of the Le-
gio V Scythica and other evidence that the Vth Legion, fighting in Judaea
during the Jewish War, was the Legio V Macedonica?”79
Barag and Qedar note that the three soldiers of the Fifth, whose tomb-
stones have been found “were soldiers in active service, and not veterans,
and were buried at Emmaus between the spring of 68 ce and summer of
70 ce.” They further explain, “In the summer of 68 ce, or somewhat later,
bronze coins were countermarked at Caesarea for use in the camp of the
5th legion at Emmaus as L(egio) V S(cythia). A possible solution for this
apparent discrepancy may be found in the history of the legion before the
Jewish War. The Legio V Macedonica had its quarters, with the Legio IIII
Scythica, in the part of Macedonia that was eventually transferred to Moe-
sia. In 33/4 ce, the former legion is mentioned, together with the latter, in
an inscription set up during the construction of a road in Moesia Inferior,
and during the principate of Claudius, it is referred to, together with Legio
IIII Scythica, in an inscription of its legatus L. Martius Macer.”80
Barag and Qedar also refer to a fragmentary inscription from Peltvi-
num, a city of the Vestinians on the Via Claudia Nova, Italy, “LEG• V•
Scythica• IN • AR....” They suggest that the last two letters may be com-
pleted to read AR(menia), since the Fifth fought in the Armenian war
under Corbulo’s command.
“The fragment from Peltvinum and the countermark from Caesarea
constitute the only evidence that the Legio V Macedonica was referred to
as the Legio V Scythica in 62 ce (or earlier) and in 68–70 ce, respectively.
The parallel and contemporary use of the name Macedonica on the epi-
taphs at Emmaus and Scythica on the countermark used at Caesarea is dif-
ficult to explain. Was the name Scythica an official name, introduced after
the name Macedonica was in use and prevailed? The inscription fragment
from Peltvinum and the countermark from the Jewish War show that the
occasional inconsistency in the names of legions continued to the end of
the Julio-Claudian period,” according to Barag and Qedar.81
Legio VI Ferrata
The Sixth Roman Legion, known as the “iron legion” (ferrata) was prob-
ably one of Mark Antony’s original legions at the battle of Philippi in 42
bce, but at the time had not yet acquired its nickname.
The Sixth Legion was stationed in northern Syria as early at 4 bce. By
19 ce, it had moved to Laodicea, south of Antioch. Early in the second part
of the first century, the Sixth took part in the successful Armenian campaign.
426 Guide to Biblical Coins
Legio X Fretensis
The Tenth Legion probably acquired its name, Fretensis, from the Fretum
Siculum, the straits where the legion fought successfully in the Sicilian
War against Sextus Pompey. From at least 6 ce, the troops of the Tenth
Legion were stationed in northern Syria at Cyrrhus north of Antioch. In
18 ce at the Tenth Legion’s camp, Tacitus reports on a confrontation be-
tween Germanicus and Piso. Thereafter, Germanicus suddenly died, likely
from poisoning, and possibly on the orders of the jealous Tiberius. Piso
was accused of the deed and took his own life in Rome rather than stand
Still stationed in northern Syria, the Tenth took part in Corbulo’s
successful Armenian campaign of 57–58 ce. From there, the legion was
Judaea and Rome 427
and 23 ce. The legion was also part of the army in 62 ce during the Roman
campaign in Armenia.
By 66 ce, the Twelfth Legion, “renowned for its valor,” according to
Josephus, had returned to Syria, and Cestius Gallus moved the Twelfth
into Judaea to capture Jerusalem. However, Gallus and the Twelfth, with a
detachment from the Sixth, turned back from Jerusalem and were soundly
defeated by an army of Jews between Jerusalem and Antipatris.
The Twelfth Legion was one of the legions that helped capture and
destroy Jerusalem in 70 ce. But the legion did not participate in the sieges
of Machaerus and Masada because it was transferred back to Syria and
stationed at Miletus on the Euphrates. Titus reportedly wanted to send
the Twelfth away as quickly as possible because of its ignominious defeat
at the beginning of the First Revolt.
The Twelfth was also part of Trajan’s army that defeated the Parthians
and may have accompanied Trajan as far as the Persian Gulf.
Countermarks of the Twelfth Legion occur most frequently on coins
of Antioch with the large S C reverse design.
Legio XV Apollinaris
Augustus formed the Fifteenth Legion while he was still known as Octa-
vian. It was named after his protecting god, Apollo.
After the death of Augustus, while stationed in Carnuntum just east of
Vienna, Austria, the Fifteenth Legion joined the Ninth (Hispana) and the
Eighth (Augusta) in a rebellion for more pay and shorter service. Tacitus
reports that Drusus was finally able to extinguish this rebellion with the
help of a lunar eclipse and heavy storms.
The Fifteenth was part of Corbulo’s successful Armenian campaign in
63 ce and was shortly thereafter moved to Egypt where it ended a local
rebellion of Jews in Alexandria, who had attacked the Greek population
after an incident in the local amphitheater. Josephus reports that when
Tiberius Alexander, the apostate Jew who was prefect of Egypt, “realized
that nothing less than a major calamity would quell the rebels, he let loose
among them the two Roman legions [XV Apollinaris and XXII Deiote-
riana] stationed in the city, together with two thousand soldiers who hap-
pened to have come from Libya, to complete the ruin of the Jews. He gave
them leave not merely to kill them but to plunder their property and burn
down their houses.”84
Once Vespasian was ordered by Nero to crush the Jewish revolt in
Judaea, Titus was dispatched to Alexandria to bring the Fifteenth Legion
to Ptolemais to join the Fifth and Tenth. The Fifteenth Legion took part
in battles for Gamara near Ptolemais and then the siege of Jotapata in
Galilee, in which Josephus commanded the defending Jewish army. Titus
and a small detachment of the Fifteenth made a surprise night assault on
Judaea and Rome 429
Jotapata after a 48-day siege, and took the defenders by surprise. The city
was captured and Josephus surrendered, thus ending his career as a Jewish
patriot and beginning his new career as the most important contempora-
neous historian of Jewish history.
The Fifteenth was next sent to Nysa-Scythopolis to reorganize itself,
while the other two legions were sent to Caesarea. In September, Vespa-
sian united all three legions at Nysa and attacked Tarichaeae on the Sea
of Galilee. The Jews who were defending their city climbed aboard their
boats, but Vespasian had his troops construct rafts from which the legions
fought a sustained sea battle resulting in an important victory for the Ro-
mans. Many believe that Vespasian’s VICTORIA NAVALIS coins were
struck to commemorate this bloody battle.
In late September, the legions attacked Gamla, in the Golan above
the Sea of Galilee. It was a tenacious battle, and when Gamla’s wall was
breached, the Fifteenth poured into the city. The Jews, however, stood on
the rooftops and pelted the soldiers with projectiles. The Fifteenth fought
its way up the heights of the city in a bitter battle, and Vespasian was
nearly killed or captured. Ultimately, Gamla was destroyed and the legions
marched to Jerusalem. Today, the ruins at Gamla are preserved along with
many of the Roman siege stones.
At Jerusalem, the Fifteenth built an important siege tower, destroyed
by the Jews and rebuilt. The Romans used the tower and its battering ram
to breach Jerusalem’s walls.
When Jerusalem was destroyed, the Fifteenth was moved to Caesarea,
then to Egypt, then back to Carnuntum. In 115 ce, the Fifteenth was per-
430 Guide to Biblical Coins
manently moved back to the Middle East, where it was stationed at Satala
in northeastern Turkey.
Countermarks of the Fifteenth Legion are hard to find. The coin pub-
lished here (no. 6649) is the first example ever published of a Fifteenth
Legion countermark struck on a coin of the Jewish War, although other
LXV countermarks are known to occur on coins of Neapolis and Arados.
6647. Various 22–28 mm bronzes of Antioch and Commagene.
XF in rectangular countermark on coin of Vespasian struck at Comma-
432 Guide to Biblical Coins
At first glance, the countermark appears to read XVI. However, close examination shows
that what looks like an “I” is really the side of the rectangle enclosing the countermark.
Furthermore, countermarks of a Sixteenth Legion are not known to exist.
oins of his time can help us to better reconstruct the world in which
Jesus lived as well as the man himself. First, one must consider two
important variables, namely the time and place that Jesus was born.
Volumes could be (and have been) written about these topics. British
historian Michael Grant writes in his book JESUS: An Historian’s View of
the Gospels, “The belief that he was born in ce 1 came into existence in the
sixth century ce when a monk from South Russia living in Italy, Dionysius
Exiguus, made a mathematical miscalculation. His birth-date should be
reassigned to 6 or 5 or 4 bce, though some prefer 11 or 7.”1
About the place of Jesus’s birth, Grant says, “There is also a notorious
difficulty about determining Jesus’ birthplace. For whereas Matthew and
Luke name it as Bethlehem, which the Christian world has accepted, the
Gospel of John takes a different view…(that) Jesus came from Galilee.
The same Gospel also indicates that his place of origin in that country was
Nazareth. Mark seems to imply agreement....”2
Jesus was well aware of the importance of money, whether coins or
other forms of currency. During his life, bronze coins of various denomi-
nations were manufactured in the Galilee, Judea, and Samaria, and various
silver coins also circulated in these areas, although none were manufac-
tured there. Bronze coins were widely used, but silver coins were less com-
mon and were used in larger transactions as well as in paying the annual
Temple dues. Since Jesus traveled widely in these lands, he was familiar
with the use of money in both large and small transactions.
Rev. Rogers points out that Jesus often drew lessons from the “com-
mon use and existence of money. For [God] it is part of human life and
human intercourse and therefore it is the concern of God. For the numis-
matist his study accordingly acquires an importance and a sanction, which
dignify it as nothing else can.”3
“It is only natural,” Rogers writes, “that many, beyond the somewhat
narrow circle of numismatists, should want to know as accurately as pos-
sible what this money is; should want to possess it, should want at least to
have it so described as to be able to visualize it for themselves.”
434 Guide to Biblical Coins
And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast
money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And
there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites [λεπτόν],
which make a farthing [κοδράντης]. And he called unto him his dis-
ciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow
hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For
all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in
all that she had....
And he looked up and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the trea-
sury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two
mites. And he said…
The term “mite” first appears in the books of Mark and Luke in the
initial edition of Tyndale’s New Testament, published in 1525, where it was
probably intended as a shortened version of the word “minute” and not as
the name of a denomination. As Fr. Spijkerman has noted, the word lepton
“implies very small coins…even we may say...the smallest coin being in
circulation in Palestine at the time concerned.”5
It is not surprising that scholars who did early translations of the Bible
to English tended to “reinterpret the ancient coin denominations of the
Greek, Latin, and Hebrew scriptural sources in terms of contemporary
sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English money,”6 according to Oliver
Hoover. He adds that neither the original Greek text of the New Testa-
ment nor the Latin Vulgate, mention the “mite.” Instead, the Greek or
Latin words refer to either lepta or minuta, respectively.
The word “mite” was most widely spread via the King James version
of the Bible, printed in 1611, after translations by 47 scholars that lasted
nearly seven years. “Not only would this translation become one of the
most popular English versions of the Bible ever published, but the artistry
New Testament Coins 435
of its language ensured that it would also become one of the greatest single
influences on the development of English literature well into the twentieth
century,” Hoover explains.
The translators wished their work to “speak like itself, as in the lan-
guage of Canaan, that it may be understood even of the very vulgar.” For
this reason, the King James Bible and some earlier English translations are
of “some interest to numismatists, given their tendency to reinterpret the
ancient coin denominations of the Greek, Latin, and Hebrew scriptural
sources in terms of contemporary sixteenth- and seventeenth-century
English money. Thus, in a small way, the King James Version serves as
a document for the circulating coinage of early modern Great Britain,”
Hoover writes.
However, there was no mite coin known in British coinage of this pe-
riod. “In fact, the mite (meaning “small cut piece” in Old Dutch) was only
created as a circulating coin of Flanders in the fourteenth century. Initially,
the mite was a small billon coin...but by the sixteenth century it had be-
come copper,” Hoover notes.
One might guess, therefore, that this denomination was imported and
used in Britain at the time, but “there is little evidence to support this
possibility,” Hoover says. Even though the Dutch mite did not circulate in
Britain, and no British mites existed, the mite was mentioned in sixteenth-
century arithmetic books as a fraction of a farthing, varying from one-third
to one-sixteenth.
It seems quite “likely that the mite has entered into the King James
Version…as a result of a translational quandary created by the original....”
Hoover says.
In these early versions, Mark gives the value of two lepta as a kodrantes
or quadrans. However, Hoover pinpoints the crunch: “[While] any Latin
grammarian would have known that a quadrans was a bronze coin worth
one-fourth of a Roman as, making its English translation as farthing (one-
fourth of a penny) almost unavoidable. Unfortunately, in the English coin-
age system there were no denominations smaller than a farthing, creating
the problem of how to deal with Mark’s lepta/minuta.”
Since there was no British parallel for any coin smaller than a farthing,
there is a good chance that the arithmetic term mite was brought into play.
Hoover also speculates, however, that possibly William Tyndale’s pre-King
James translation might “have been a little influenced by the contempo-
rary Flemish monetary system when he chose his words. After all, Tyndale
is known to have had good Flemish connections, and he composed and
printed his translation of the New Testament while in the nearby Ger-
man cities of Hamburg, Cologne, and Worms. In 1534, Antwerp became
his home and a base for shipping his contraband translations into Tudor
England, until he was finally arrested and executed for heresy in 1536.
Thus, Tyndale is likely to have been conversant with the Flemish currency
system, in which there were twenty-four mites to the penning.”
436 Guide to Biblical Coins
12.1. Nineteenth-century etching: “And Jesus sat over against the treasury ... And
there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing,”
(Mark 12:41–44).
It is logical that people who are interested in the stories of the Bible
would want to know more about these coins and exactly which coins could
be associated with the stories.
Madden, in 1864, wrote, “The mite…was the smallest coin current in
Palestine in the time of our Lord.”
In 1914, Rogers wrote that “it is natural to conclude that the coins
being cast into the treasury were strictly Jewish coins…. [T]he choice of
strictly Jewish copper is accordingly limited to the coins of the Hasmo-
nean or the Herodian families….[A]nd with some degree of certainty it
may be said that the popular coins for this purpose were the small copper
of Alexander Jannaeus and his successors....”
Whatever its origin, the poor widow’s mite has become one of the
most frequently referenced and the most popular ancient biblical coin
(Fig. 12.1).
Here are two things we know about the widow’s mite story, as related
by both Mark and Luke:
It is certainly a story about charity and goodwill, rather than a story
about money. The poor widow gave all she had to the Jewish Temple in
New Testament Coins 437
12.2. Fourteen various dies and strikes of the many styles of small prutot of Jannaeus
(no. 6195) or successors, which have come to be known as mites. (Author’s photos.)
Jerusalem, while, relatively speaking, many rich people gave tiny portions
of their wealth.
The amount of money the widow threw into the Temple treasury
was two coins of the smallest size being used in Jerusalem at that time.
There is no doubt that the small prutah (nos. 6191, 6195) or half-prutah
(nos. 6170, 6173, 6183, 6208–6210) coins of the Hasmonean kings and
Herod the Great fit that description. The most-common coin among them
is the small prutah of Jannaeus and possibly his successors (Fig. 12.2).
The massive issue of these tiny bronze pieces in this poor land filled a
market need. These coins were first struck around 78 bce under Jannaeus,
and likely continued through the reigns of his successors up to the time of
Herod I. (See p. 181).
At one point, the Talmud suggests that during the first century, the
sheqel was made up of 256 prutot and thus 512 half-prutot or lepta.7 Else-
where the Talmud indicates that through the first century ce there were
768 prutot to the silver sheqel8 and these small coins may have been con-
sidered lepta. Thus, in any interpretation, the prutah was very small change
indeed. (Imagine the tiny value if there were 1,000 cents to the dollar or
the pound!) In those days, a few oil lamps and wicks cost only a prutah, as
did one pomegranate.
Even though these coins were struck in the first century bce, prutot
continued to circulate well into the first century when Jesus lived, and as
long as through the fourth century as well. Archaeological excavations in
Israel have illustrated this.9 When I worked as numismatist at the Joint
Sepphoris excavation in 1985, we found the small prutot of Jannaeus in
the same areas as fourth-century Roman bronze coins. These coins were
438 Guide to Biblical Coins
useful pieces of small change at a time and place where small change was
not easy to find.10 (Many late Roman and Byzantine small bronze coins
were chopped in halves and quarters to accommodate the market need.)11
Another aspect of the story of the poor widow’s mite remains relevant
today. Many people of great means contribute little to charitable causes,
while less wealthy individuals contribute a great deal relative to their abil-
ity. This is a topic fit for everyone to ponder.
Sheqels of Tyre
The sheqels and half-sheqels of Tyre (also called tetradrachms and didrachms)
were first issued as autonomous silver coins of the city after it was freed
from Seleucid domination in 126/5 bce. The sheqels were patterned after
the Seleucid coins with an eagle on the reverse, but the inscription no lon-
ger included the name of a king and was replaced with the name and titles
of the city: “of Tyre the holy and city of refuge.” The chief god of Tyre,
Herakles-Melqarth, took the place of the king’s bust. A date, according to
Tyre’s era beginning in 126/5 bce, appears along with various monograms
of uncertain meaning.
Tyrian sheqels and half-sheqels were prescribed as the coins of choice
for payments to the Jerusalem Temple, including the half-sheqel tribute
that every Jewish male over the age of twenty was obliged to pay (Exodus
30:11–16; Mishnah Shekalim 2, 4), individual contributions and vows,
as well as the redemption-price of the first-born and the purchase of sac-
rificial offerings.
The coins of Tyre were so commonly used in Judea in the first cen-
tury that the Tosefta, another compilation of oral law from the time of the
Mishnah, says that “Silver, wherever mentioned in the Pentateuch, is Tyr-
ian silver. What is Tyrian silver? It is a Jerusalemite” (Tosefta Ketubbot
A frequently asked question is why the Jews felt comfortable using
Tyre coinage that depicted the graven image of a pagan god to make their
annual payment to the Temple. The reason for this is, as the Mishnah
makes clear, that valid money is not subject to being unclean, and is only
susceptible to uncleanliness when it is used for another purpose such as
jewelry or a weight (Kelim 12,7). Since a viable coin cannot be defiled, the
only relevance is its value and purity, not its design.
Brooks Levy, a leading scholar of Tyre sheqels, has examined the ques-
tion of when the Jerusalem Temple tax began: “It is agreed that the passage
in Exodus is a late feature of the book, and in any case the tax there was not
to be annual, but levied on the occasion of a national census. Not until the
time of Nehemiah, that is, in the later fifth century, is it first described as a
yearly levy. There, the sum to be given is not a half but a third-sheqel, which
may reflect the currency system of the Persian Empire, in whose domain the
newly built temple then lay (Nehemiah 10:32). However, many scholars
New Testament Coins 439
believe that the regular collection of an annual tax dates only from the time
of the Maccabees—from the late second or even the late first century bce.
It has been argued that only then was there a large and stable enough Ju-
dean state to make such an effort possible.”13
However, Levy suggests that the collection of the annual tax began
earlier rather than later: “It seems clear that it wasn’t the inhabitants of
Judea but Diaspora Jews who were the main contributors and some Dias-
pora communities—certainly those of Babylonia and Egypt—went back
very far. Josephus and Philo attest to the importance of the evidently well-
established tax-bearing embassies that came from these areas in their day,
the first century ce.”14
Tyre, as a mother city to a widespread group of colonies, also received
annual offerings. This method of tribute was certainly visible to the
Jews as well as the Samaritans, Tyre’s closer neighbors. Levy cites two
inscriptions from the island of Delos,15 as well as a passage in Josephus,16
which indicate, “Samaritan Diasporas in Egypt and on Delos were
sending offerings to Jerusalem’s rival temple on Mt. Gerizim possibly as
far back as the early second century bce. The Delian inscriptions speak
of the Samaritan offerings as aparkhai—literally ‘first fruits,’ but in fact
money is doubtless meant.”
As a parallel, Levy points out that the Jewish-Egyptian historian Philo
specifically refers to the Jewish half-sheqel offerings as aparkhai. He also
refers to the distant Jewish communities as “colonies,” apoikiai, although
these communities were not political colonies as they were in the case of
Tyre. Levy believes that “this could reflect a Tyrian model—for both Sa-
maritan and Jewish practice. An early beginning of annual offerings would
explain why Tyre’s autonomous coinage so closely imitates the Seleucid
issues that immediately preceded it. These, like the Tyrians, are commonly
found in Judea, and could have served for the Temple tax, as the only silver
currency readily available to Jews.”
Once Rome took over the area that contained Jerusalem, there was
quite a different aspect to the Jewish Temple tax, Levy suggests. This was
Rome’s attempt to block the export of funds to Jerusalem from Jewish
inhabitants of the outlying Greek communities in the Roman Empire.
Levy cites seven documents, one in Cicero (Pro Flacco) and six in Josephus
(Ant. xvi: 172–73) concerning this topic. In Cicero’s day, Rome apparently
halted exports from Italy. But later, according to the documents Josephus
offers us, Roman officials, responding to Jewish complaints, ordered the
Greek communities of Asia Minor to allow the export of these moneys,
thus respecting the ancestral customs of the Jews.17
Why did official Rome change its mind on this matter? Levy attri-
butes this to “an abiding Roman respect for alien religious customs, es-
pecially when provably ancient. However, it was an equally high Roman
priority to reward active loyalty. In Rome’s Civil Wars, Jewish troops in
the East helped Caesar against Pompey. Later Herod the Great, after the
440 Guide to Biblical Coins
city’s coinage to the capital of Herod’s Judea. Within the coin series itself
there is no sign of a stylistic break at the proposed moment of transfer, nor
of consistent and gradual later deterioration. Since it seems that users of
the sheqel became increasingly limited to those who paid the Temple tax, a
concentration of find-spots in Judea should not surprise us; but in fact, the
largest single find of sheqels—the Usfiye hoard of over 4,000 pieces, closing
in 53/4 ce—was buried much closer to Tyre than Jerusalem. Finally, the
sheqel of Israel differs in fabric from its predecessors at least as much as it
resembles it.”22
The Usfiye hoard was named after the Druze village in which it was
found, around five miles southeast of Haifa. The coins in the hoard ranged
from 38 bce to 54 ce, and in addition to the Tyre sheqels and half-sheqels,
there were 157 Augustan and three Tiberian denarii. Much of the group
found its way into the markets, but the Israel Antiquities Authority has
the largest component, around 700 coins, along with records of much of
the rest of the group.
In 1963, at a Jerusalem symposium convened to celebrate the discov-
ery of the Usfiye hoard, Israeli numismatist Gerhard Cohn observed that
some 15% of the Tyre sheqels and half-sheqels were of the crude and dif-
ficult to date variety. “We don’t know what to make of these. Normally, at
the end of a certain period there is a deterioration,” Cohn said. Leo Kad-
man (who died during the opening ceremony of this symposium) and later
Meshorer agreed with this chronology, placing the “crude” pieces after the
hoard’s dated issues.
Yet Cohn made another relevant observation—that the Usfiye hoard
contained no datable coins from the years 23 through 29 ce. Levy focuses
on this issue and notes, “[T]here were (with one exception) no Tyrians
between 20/21 and 34/35 in the Jerusalem hoards reported by Ariel. The
excavations at Gamla, in an otherwise quite full year-by-year represen-
tation of later Tyrians…lack issues from 21 through 34.” Other smaller
hoards confirm these observations. Thus, Levy concludes that either the
Tyrian mint was producing very little and very poor work from 21–33, or
wasn’t working at all.23
This suggests that Kadman’s, Cohn’s, and later Meshorer’s ideas about
the late issue of all the crude Tyre sheqels can no longer be taken for granted.
It must be decided where such pieces belong: in the 20s, at the end of the
series, or both. Levy thinks it probable that close comparison of undatable
pieces with datable will show that many of the undatable coins actually
belong in the 20s. These observations of the chronology, especially that the
“crude” pieces did not appear at the end of the series, weigh in favor of the
production of these coins having remained at Tyre throughout the series.
Levy notes that thought must be given to the techniques by which such
pieces were produced. Some examples seem to come from more or less bru-
tally reworked authentic dies—or possibly from crudely touched-up dies
made by moldings from earlier coins. On some it seems that recutting was
442 Guide to Biblical Coins
chiefly, though not exclusively, applied to the reverses. This bias suggests that
the aim of re-cutting was not so much legibility as sharpness in the “legible”
areas that would allow the coins to be assessed at full value.
Levy observes, “[T]he ancient term used to describe a sharp coin was
a tactile one that might also be used, say, for the feel of a cat’s tongue:
asper in Latin, aspros in Greek. The few known applications of this term to
coinage are clustered between about 50 and 150 ce [for example] in a text
associated with Nero, who was said to demand his tax money in sharp coin,
nummus asper (Suetonius, Nero, 44:2).” In the Talmud, the rabbis suggest
that if a person redeems a worn tetradrachm in change for prutot, he must
estimate the coin at its worn (intrinsic) value, but if he uses the coin to pay
the Second Temple tithe, he can give the coin the value as if it is unworn.24
This statement shows that there was significant attention paid to worn
silver coins. Although the late Tyre sheqels were crude, if they were not
worn and were made of good silver they may have been acceptable for the
Temple tax where a Roman denarius or a tetradrachm of Roman Antioch
would not be accepted. This is another sign of how seriously the Mosaic
prescription was taken.
The definition of “good silver” is a key point here for fineness, not
degree of wear alone, determined the value of a coin. It is well known
that Ptolemaic and Seleucid coinage, as well as Roman Imperial coinage
from Augustus forward, became increasingly debased. Thus it is highly sig-
nificant, Levy says, that as other civic issues of the region petered out or
grew baser, Tyre alone annually struck silver more than 90% fine until the
outbreak of the Jewish War. “When Josephus tells us that the Tyrian tet-
radrachm of his day is worth four Attic drachmas (BJ 2:592), he is referring
not to its weight (well below traditional Attic) but to the amount of silver
it contains. It is significant that the only other coin of which he says this
is the legendary ‘holy sheqel’ of Exodus 30 (Ant. 3:195).”25 This passage
confirms Mishnaic statements that only Tyrian silver could be used for the
Temple tax.
Discussion of the Tyre sheqels and half-sheqels of various styles will con-
tinue for many years to come. Still to be fully explained is the enigmatic
KP monogram. Whether the “late series” of the sheqels and half-sheqels of
Tyre were actually minted in Tyre or Jerusalem becomes slightly less rel-
evant when one recognizes that the coins in this series struck after about
20 bce were almost certainly issued, at least in part, to help the Jews sat-
isfy their needs to pay dues to the Jerusalem Temple in appropriate coinage.
This approach is supported by a number of monograms and control marks
from the Tyre sheqels struck 27, 25, 20, 19, and 17 bce. can be translated to
the letters HPΔ. The letters HΣ are used in the years 19 and 18 bce, and a
symbol that may represent the Phoenician H (het) is used from 14–11 bce.
Levy says, “None of these marks appear anywhere else in the series. All could
stand for the name Herod (Herodes).”26 Thus, Herod I may have specifically
ordered silver coins from the Tyre mint for commerce in Jerusalem.
New Testament Coins 443
The minting of the Tyre sheqels was halted with the onset of the Jewish
War in 65/66 ce, although there are occasional reports of coins that are
said to be dated as late as 69/70. Since many of the later Tyre sheqels are
extremely crude and difficult to decipher, any dates after the beginning of
the Jewish War are problematic.
It is logical to assume that the “30 pieces of silver” paid to Judas were Tyre
sheqels, since these coins were the most commonly used and accepted large
silver coins in Judea at the time.
Michael Grant concludes that payment was made to Judas for his
deed, even if the amount may not have been exactly 30 pieces of silver.
“Although the report that his fee was 30 pieces of silver is dubious because,
like so much else in this part of the Gospels, it is an echo of the scriptures,
it is probable enough that Judas was paid for what he did.”
Here are some mentions of the same sum in earlier books of the Bible:
And I said unto them: “If ye think good, give me my hire; and if not,
forbear.” So they weighed for my hire thirty pieces of silver. And the
Lord said unto me: “Cast it into the treasury, the goodly price that I was
prized at of them.” And I took the thirty pieces of silver and cast them
into the treasury, in the house of the Lord (Zechariah 11:12, 13).
And when they had come to Capernaum, those who collected the two-
drachm tax came to Peter and said, “Does your teacher not pay the two-
drachm tax?” He said, “ Yes.” And when he came into the house, Jesus
spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do
the kings of the earth collect customs or poll-tax, from their sons or from
strangers?” And upon his saying, “From strangers,” Jesus said to him,
“Consequently the sons are exempt. But, lest we give them offense, go to
the sea, and throw in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up; and
when you open its mouth you will find a stater [στατῆρα]28 Take that
and give it to them for you and Me.”
New Testament Coins 445
It seems clear from Matthew’s report that the coin in the fish’s mouth
was a sheqel of Tyre since it was supposed to pay the annual half-sheqel
Temple tribute for both Jesus and for Peter the fisherman, although the
kolbon (p. 12) is not mentioned.
Sheqels of Tyre
All with border of dots on both sides.
Tyre sheqel weight standard 14 g.
Era begins 126/5 bce.
Axis is ↑.
Early Style
6650. AR sheqel.
Obv: Laureate head of Melqart r., wears lion skin knotted around neck.
Rev: TYPOY IEPAΣ KAI AΣYΛOY (of Tyre the holy and inviolable),
eagle standing l. with r. foot on prow of ship, palm branch over r.
shoulder, date and club are in field to l., a Phoenician letter bet-
ween eagle’s legs, in r. field are letters or monogram. The date range
from 126/5 bce to 20/19 bce. (photo LZ = year 7 = 120/119 bce.)
a. ZN = 57 = 69/68 bce.
6651. AR half-sheqel.
Obv: Melqart as on no. 6650.
Rev: Eagle as on no. 6650, date EM = 45 = 82/81 bce.
a. AN = 51 = 76/75 bce.
446 Guide to Biblical Coins
KP Issues
6652. AR sheqel.
Obv: Melqart as on no. 6650, but of a generally cruder fabric and style.
Rev: Eagle as on no. 6650, but of a generally cruder style, plus the Greek
letters KP to the r. of the eagle. The dates range from 19/18 bce
to 65/66 ce, and possibly a few years later. (photo PM = 140 =
14/15 ce.)
a. PΛς = 146 = 20/21 ce.
b. PΞΗ = 168 = 42/43 ce.
6653. AR half-sheqel.
Obv: Same as no. 6650.
Rev: Same as no. 6650, date PKΓ = 123 = 4/3 bce.
a. PΛB = 132 = 6/7 ce.
b. PΟΑ = 171 = 45/46 ce.
In this story, Jesus was probably referring to a coin that was not local—a
silver coin with an image of Caesar, either Augustus or Tiberius. Most nu-
mismatists suggest it was a drachm or denarius, the former a Greek and the
latter a Roman denomination (Fig. 12.4). In either case, this coin repre-
sents one-quarter of a tetradrachm or sheqel. Augustus reigned from 27–14
bce. Tiberius reigned from 14–37 ce.
Thus, at the death of Augustus in 14 bce, Jesus was a young man of
about 18. This means that during most of his ministry, Tiberius was the
emperor, while Augustus was the emperor of Jesus’s childhood.
New Testament Coins 447
not a single provincial tetradrachm in the records of the IAA before the
reign of Nero,” that is a rather unlikely possibility, he says.
Syon suggests two possibilities for the wording in the gospel, first that
it was written “with a Roman audience in mind, an audience that recog-
nized the denar, but not the tetradrachm and its fractions, which was the
silver coin the people in Jesus’ Judea knew. It is also possible that the writ-
er, writing in the post-70 ce period—when dinars were already common
enough—assumed that dinars had circulated under Tiberius as well....”
Syon, an expert in the coins of Roman Galilee, notes, “If the point
was showing Jesus an imperial portrait, then in statistical probability at
least, he was shown a bronze coin with an imperial portrait of Augustus or
Tiberius which stood in as a proxy for the tax coin, which was the Tyrian
tetradrachm/sheqel. We are left with a numismatic dilemma that apparently
cannot be solved by hard evidence alone; it seems that economic, linguistic,
and religious speculation will continue to lead the discussion.”31
We do not know more. For those who want to show off a silver coin
that was similar to the “Tribute penny” of Mark, either an Augustus or
Tiberius denarius or a provincial drachm would qualify, as would bronze
portrait coins struck at Antioch.
In the 1611 edition of the King James Bible, the word for denarius
was translated to the Anglo-Saxon British penny, the standard silver de-
nomination of the time. The British have used the initial “d” (referring to
denarius) as an abbreviation for penny or pence for hundreds of years.
The Greek equivalent to the silver denarius was the drachm, which was
the same size and value in the Roman period. Drachms are also found in
markets and excavations in the area of ancient Judea and the Galilee. Here
are some other references to the denarius/drachm denomination.
Matthew 18:28. “But the same servant went out, and found one
of his fellow servants, which owed him a hundred pence: and
he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat saying, Pay
me that thou owest.”
Matthew 20:2, 9, 10, 13. This is the parable of the laborers in
the vineyard: “And when he had agreed with the laborers for
a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.”
Mark 6:37. “He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to
eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred
pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?”
Mark 14:4-5. Judas asks about the value of the alabaster box of
spikenard that the woman broke over Jesus’s feet at Bethany:
“Why was this waste of the ointment made? For it might
have been sold for more than three hundred pence....” (See
also John 12:5.)
Luke 10:35. In the parable of the good Samaritan: “He took
out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him,
New Testament Coins 449
AR denarius. Lugdunum mint.
laureate head r.
RES • in exergue, Caius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, two
shields and two spears between them; above, on l., lituus r.,
and on r., simpulum l.
AR denarius. Lugdunum mint.
Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, Tiberius laureate head r.
Rev: PONTIF MAXIM, female figure (Livia?) sits on a plain chair r.,
she holds olive branch in her l. hand and long scepter in her r.
The farthing is another denomination mentioned in the King James ver-
sion; of course, it was a common English denomination starting in the
seventeenth century. The Greek words translated as farthing were assarion
(Matthew 10:29; Luke 12:6) and quadrans (Matthew 5:26; Mark
12:42). This denomination may have been a quadrans, although some have
suggested this coin was equivalent to the Roman as. Bronze coins of these
denominations struck at Antioch were in abundance, and commonly cir-
culated in the Holy Land.
Luke 12:6. “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings?”
These twelve Jesus sent out, charging them, “Go nowhere among the
Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost
sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:5–6).
Paul, however, stressed the concept that a Gentile did not need to
become a Jew in order to follow Jesus, leading to the famous agreement of
Jerusalem, which eventually led to the complete break between the Chris-
tian Church and the Jewish Temple.
Some scholars suggest Paul was a dealer in woven goods and this ac-
tivity explains the wide scope of his travels and missionary activities. Be-
New Testament Coins 451
low, we list the places visited by Paul during his four major journeys. Most
of these cities issued coins in ancient times, and collectors are often fond of
assembling sets of coins from the cities of Paul’s four journeys:
Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches: to Ephe-
sus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and
to Philadelphia and to Laodicea (Revelation 1:11).
In response to the voice, John turns around and sees seven golden lamp
stands. These lamps are reminiscent of the seven-branched menorah that
stood in the Jerusalem Temple. In the midst of the lamp stands, John saw
“one like a son of man who had hair like white wool, eyes like flames, feet
burnished like polished bronze, and a voice like the sound of rushing wa-
ters. He held seven stars in his right hand, a sharp sword came from his
mouth, his face shown like the sun in full strength.”
John collapses, paralyzed by fear. However, the figure urges John not
to be afraid and identifies himself as Jesus. Each of the seven letters to the
churches is introduced by a different visual or verbal attribute from John’s
vision of the description of Jesus.
Each of the seven letters is really a prophetic message conveyed by
Jesus through John. However, the specific reason these seven churches
were chosen is not known. There were certainly other important Christian
churches in Asia Minor at this time. It is very possible that Paul estab-
lished many, or even all, of these churches, although many of the seven
cities are not specifically listed in any of his three journeys or his journey
to Rome. After Jerusalem fell to Rome in 70 ce, this area became one of
the most important geographic centers of Christianity. There were already
many Jews in Asia Minor in the Hellenistic period. Ironically, the earlier
Seleucids liked to hire Jews and settle them there as mercenaries. Perhaps
these seven churches were singled out because of specific problems or op-
portunities. Each one of these churches was within 100 miles of Ephesus
in the Roman province of Asia, and may have been part of a preaching
circuit for itinerant Christian teachers and prophets.
New Testament Coins 453
12.5. Remains of the Roman Library of Celsus at Ephesus, Ionia, now Turkey. Ephe-
sus and the Ephesians are mentioned more than 20 times in the New Testament.
Ephesus was perhaps the most important city in Asia Minor. John’s letter commends
the Church of Ephesus for persevering amid persecution by the Romans and for
ostracizing evil men and false apostles. (Author’s photo.)
12.6. Map of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, all of them are in modern day
454 Guide to Biblical Coins
12.7. St. John on the Island of Patmos, 1625 engraving by Jacques Callot (1592–
12.8. Paul preaches at Athens during his Second Journey (Acts 15:36–18:22), eigh-
teenth-century steel engraving.
Related Issues
stater struck in Tarsus in Cilicia in the mid-fourth century bce,
around the time the Samarian and Yehud coins were struck, carries
a descriptive geographic phrase that was used in two books of the
Old Testament, codified at about the time the coin was issued. The phrase
appearing on the coin is in Aramaic, both the official language of the Per-
sian Empire at the time and the colloquial language in ancient Israel.
The obverse of this stater depicts Baal of Tarsus (also called Ba’altars)
seated, his name in Aramaic, which appears on other Cilician coins. But
the reverse motif and legend are unique. The image is two lines of turreted
city walls with a lion killing a bull above and the Aramaic inscription:
Mazaeus who is over Beyond the River and Cilicia. Abar Nahara was the
official name of the administrative district that encompassed the land be-
tween the Euphrates and the Mediterranean and went far enough south to
include Jerusalem. Since the phrase “Beyond the River” is used seven times
in Ezra and twice in Nehemiah, we recognize it as an important territory
at the time. Both Nehemiah and Mazaeus (Mazdai) were Persian court of-
ficials, so they used similar phraseology for administrative and geographic
regions. Their usage is preserved in the Bible.
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah were mainly memoirs of the two in-
dividuals. The Book of Nehemiah could have been first composed a year or
two after his arrival in Jerusalem in 445 bce. The Book of Ezra was prob-
ably composed at about the same time. In later editions around 400 bce,
unknown editors probably combined the memoirs of Ezra and Nehemiah,
often juxtaposing the lives of these two leaders of the restoration of Jewish
Temple worship in Jerusalem after the Persian exile.
In the days of Nehemiah, Darius and then Artaxerxes were the “Great
Kings” of Persia whose power extended Beyond the River. Mazaeus was
governor, or satrap, of the land Beyond the River around 350 bce. Govern-
ing from Tarsus, which had become the administrative capital, Mazaeus
456 Guide to Biblical Coins
thus exclaimed on his silver coins that he was now the man in charge of
Beyond the River.
The lion attacking the bull (of Tarsus) appears on several other coins
of Tarsus and similar motifs (lion attacking stag or another animal) ap-
pear with frequency on other ancient coins. The symbolism, other than
as a symbol of Tarsus, is not clear. A number of Cilician coins, including
coins of Tarsus, were copied by the Samarians in the fourth century bce.
Meshorer and Qedar note that “at least fifteen different coins have Cilician
These similarities underline the close relationship between ancient Ju-
dah, Samaria, and Cilicia. In the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we learn
that it was these same Samarians, led by Sanballat, who were the major
opponents to the restoration of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. An ab-
breviation of the name “Sanballat,” probably referring to an heir of Nehe-
miah’s Sanballat, appears on several Samarian coins contemporary with
Other aspects of this coin bind the entire region together. One obvious
feature is the use of Aramaic. Another, more intriguing symbol is the ear
of grain and bunch of grapes held in the outstretched hand of the Baal of
Tarsus. It reminds us of the Jewish blessing on wine and bread as a prelude
to a meal. From the coin images, we can appreciate that grain/bread and
grapes/wine have been used to represent the solid and liquid sustenance
from the earth in the Near East for millennia.
Mildenberg noted that the inscription on this coin “means that
[Mazaeus] was at that time ruling the huge satrapy of Transeuphratia
[Beyond the River], named first, as well as Cilicia, he became the first and
only Persian grandee who kept his original satrapy and was additionally
nominated to rule another, more important and larger territory. From the
suppression of the Phoenician revolt, in c. 345 bce till at least the eve of
Alexander’s conquest in 334, Mazaeus was, in fact, the victor of the greater
part of the Levant.”2
Ptolemy was followed by his son Lysanias, who, Josephus reports,9 as-
cended to the throne in 40 bce. (Coincidentally this event occurred the
same year Herod I was appointed by the Romans as King of Judea.)
Lysanias was called “king of the Ituraeans” by Dio Cassius10 and reigned
between about 40 and 36 bce. He fell victim to Roman intrigue, lost his
tetrarchy, and was executed by order of Mark Antony, who gave his for-
mer territory to Cleopatra as a gift.
Cleopatra ruled over Ituraea until she died. During her last year, she
issued a series of three coins dated according to both her reign in Egypt
and her rule over Ituraea, with an inscription that stated “Year 21 which
is also year 6.” Zenodorus, the son of Lysanias, leased some of his father’s
territory from Cleopatra. After Cleopatra committed suicide, Zenodorus
leased the southern portions of his father’s tetrarchy and also leased the
southern portions of Ituraea from the Romans. Zenodorus ruled until
about 23 bce, when Augustus deposed him and turned his territories, in-
cluding Gaulanitis, Batanaea, Trachonitis, and Auranitis, over to Herod
the Great. The Ituraean territories were ruled by the Herodian dynasty for
the next three generations. Herod’s son Philip built his capital in this area,
at Caesarea Panias.
In 37, ce Caligula gave Agrippa I the former tetrarchies of Philip,
which Agrippa I ruled until his death in 44 ce.
According to Agrippa I’s request in 41 ce, Claudius gave Chalcis as
well as a royal title to his brother Herod. When Herod of Chalcis died in
48 ce, his kingdom was given to Agrippa II, later to become a king, as a
tetrarchy. Agrippa II was forced to give up the tetrarchy of Chalcis in 53
ce, but in exchange, Claudius gave him the territories Philip had previ-
ously governed. In 57 ce, the territory that had been forfeited by Agrippa
II was given to his cousin Aristobulus, son of Herod of Chalcis.
The Ituraean coins were dated according to the Seleucid era, and struck
over a period of just less than 50 years, between 73 and 25 bce.
Kindler suggests that the Ituraeans probably worshipped various Arab/
Nabatean gods, thus on the coins Pallas Athena syncretistically represents
the Nabataean goddess Allath, consort of DuShara. He also describes the
two male figures in military dress as a pair of Arab gods such as Azizu and
Monimus, Aziz and Arsu, Sa’ad and Ash’ar, Ash’ar and Avgal, or Ma’anu
and Sha’aru.11
Related Issues 459
6660. AE 20 mm.
Obv: Zeus laureate head r.
Rev: ΠTOΛEMAIOY TETPAPXOY APX (of Ptolemy, the tetrarch and
high priest) in three lines below eagle, wings spread, flies r., hold-
ing wreath in beak, monogram between tail and wing.
Obverse is often countermarked with head in oval.
6662. AE 20 mm.
Obv: BACIΛICCHC KΛEOΠATRAC (of Queen Cleopatra), Cleopatra
bust r.
Rev: ETOYC KA TOY KAI ζΘEAC NEWTEPAC (year 21 and 6 of the
New Goddess), bare head Mark Antony to r.
6663. AE 17 mm.
Obv: BACIΛICCHC KΛEOΠATRAC, Cleopatra bust r.
Rev: ETOYC KA TOY KAI ζΘEAC NEWTEPAC; Nike advances r.
holding palm and wreath, all within wreath.
6664. AE 16 mm.
Obv: BACIΛICCHC KΛEOΠATRAC, Cleopatra bust r.
Rev: ETOYC KA TOY KAI ζΘEAC NEWTEPAC, Athena advances l.
holding shield and spear.
6665. AE 20 mm.
Obv: NE L BΠΣ (SE 282 = 32/31 bce), Octavian bare head r.
the Tetrarch and High Priest), bare head of Zenodorus to l.
Obverse is sometimes countermarked with a monogram.
6666. AE 20 mm.
Obv: L ZΠ NE KAI (SE 287 = 27/26 bce of Caesar), Augustus bare head r.
Zenodorus to l.
Obverse is sometimes countermarked with a monogram.
Related Issues 461
Some of these governors are linked directly to the ancient Holy Land.
One of the earliest is Aulus Gabinius, proconsul to Syria from 57–55 bce.
Gabinius refounded a number of Greek cities that the Hasmoneans had
destroyed or captured. These cities dated their coins from the so-called
Pompeian era and include Dora, Pella, Abila, Canatha, Philadelphia,
and Gadara, which was named for Pompey as “Pompeian Gadara.” Nysa
Scythopolis not only bore his name (Gabinis-Nysa), but also placed his
portrait on its coins. The city of Marisa also struck coins that are dated to
this period.13
Gabinius oversaw a financial reorganization in Syria, and, according
to Roman Provincial Coinage I, he was likely responsible for issuing the
posthumous revival of the coins of the Seleucid king Philip Philadelphus
in a crude style using debased silver. These coins were needed to finance
Roman military campaigns in Parthia and Judea, among other reasons.
The earliest and largest issue of these tetradrachms has a monogram of
Gabinius’s name (no. 6667).14
Various parts of the Judean kingdom were part of the province of Syria
at different times. Borders were changed at the time of the division of
Herod’s kingdom among his three sons, and later, the heirs of these sons.
Some of the territories remained with Herod’s successors until the death
of his grandson, Agrippa II, in 96 ce. From 6–66 ce, Roman prefects and
procurators, subordinate to the governors of the Province of Syria, gov-
erned Judea. The Syrian governors also oversaw several cities within the
territory of Judea, such as Gaza, Gadara, and Hippos, which were not ruled
by the Judean officials.
Three Roman governors of Syria played a significant role during the
years leading up to and including the Jewish War against Rome. All three
of them struck coins with their names, with a portrait of the emperor un-
der whom they served. Most of the information we have about these three
governors comes to us via Josephus, although coins and lapidary inscrip-
tions provide us with additional evidence of their tenure. The governors are
Caius Ummidius Quadratus, c. 51–60 ce, Caius Cestius Gallus, c. 63–67
ce, and Caius Licinius Mucianus, governor during the war, 67–69 ce.
Caius Ummidius Quadratus was deeply involved in a conflict between
Jews and Samaritans. It began when a Galilean pilgrim, on his way to
celebrate Passover in Jerusalem, was murdered while passing through Sa-
maritan territory. Antagonism grew between the Samaritans and the Jews.
Leaders of both sides took their grievances to the procurator, Cumanus,
but he was unable to solve the problem and dismissed them without re-
solving the issues.
Thus, the leaders of both camps brought their arguments before Qua-
dratus in Tyre. The Jewish delegation, which included High Priest Jona-
than ben Ananias, claimed that the Samaritans bribed Cumanus to ignore
the murder of the pilgrims passing through their territory. The Samaritans
accused Jewish bands of taking the law into their own hands and sacking
Samaritan villages.
464 Guide to Biblical Coins
AR posthumous tetradrachm of Philip Philadelphus.
Obv: Philip Philadelphus diademed head r.
King Philip the Present [God] and Brother-loving), Zeus seated l.
holding Nike and scepter, monogram of Gabinius AYΓB below l.
AE 19–20 mm. Nysa Scythopolis.
Obv: Gabinius laureate head r.
Rev: ΓAB NY (of Gabinian Nysa), in l. field, LI (year 10 = 54 bce) in r.
field, Λ in exergue, Dionysos stands l., wears short chiton.
Q. Caecilius Metellus Creticus Silanus, c. 11–17 ce
Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Augustus,
27 bce–14 ce. AE 18 mm.
Obv: Jupiter laureate head r.
Rev: EΠI ΣIΛANOY ANTIOXEΩN (Under Silanus, of the Antiochenes),
ram running r., looking back, star above, ΔM (year 44 of the Actian
Era = 13/14 ce) below.
Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Tiberius. 14–37 ce. AE 26–28 mm.
Obv: ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΣEBAΣTOY KAIΣAP (The Emperor Caesar, son of the
Emperor [i.e. Tiberius son of Augustus]), Tiberius bare head r.
Rev: A EΠI ΣIΛANOV ANTIOXEΩN ЄM ([Year] one, under Silanus, of
the Antiochenes [year] 45), in six lines within wreath. (RY 1 and
Actian Year 45 = 14/15 ce).
466 Guide to Biblical Coins
Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Tiberius. 14–37 ce. AE 24 mm.
Obv: TIBEPIOΣ KAIΣAP ΣEBAΣTOΣ (Tiberius Caesar, the Emperor),
Tiberius bare head r.
Rev: EΠI ΦΛAKKOV ANTIOXEΩN BΠ (Under Flaccus, of the Antio-
chenes, [year] 82), in four lines, all within wreath. (Year 82 of the
Caesarean Era = 33/34 ce).
P. Petronius, 39–42 ce
Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Claudius. 41–54 ce. AE 24 mm.
Obv: IMP.TI.CLAVD.CAE AV.GER, Claudius laureate head r.
Rev: EΠI ΠETONIΩY ANTIOXEΩN Ϙ (Under Petronius, of the Antio-
chenes, [year] 90), within wreath. (Year 90 of the Caesarean Era =
41/42 ce).
C. Cassius Longinus, 44–c. 51 ce
Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Tiberius. 41–54 ce. AE 23 mm.
Obv: IM.T[…]VG.GER, Claudius laureate head r.
Rev: ΕΠΙ ΚΑΣΣΙΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΤ ϘϚ (Under Cassius, of the
Antiochenes, year 96), within wreath. (Year 96 of the Caesarean
Era = 47/48 ce).
Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. 55/56 ce. AE 29 mm.
Obv: ANTIOXEΩN (Of the Antiochenes), turreted, veiled, draped bust of
the city goddess r.
Rev: EΠI KOYΔPATOY ET ΔP (Under Quadratus, year 104), ram
runs r., looking back, crescent and star above.
C. Cestius Gallus, 63–67 ce
Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. 66/67 ce. AE 29 mm.
Obv: IM NER CLAV CAESAR, Nero laureate head r., lituus in front.
Rev: ΕΠΙ ΚΕΣΤΙΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΤ ΔΙΡ (Under Cestius, of the
Antiochenes, year 114), within a wreath of eight leaves.
Related Issues 467
Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. 68/69 ce. AE 30 mm.
Obv: IM SER SVL GALBA CAE, laureate head of Galba r.
the Antiochenes, year 117), within a wreath of eight leaves.
a. Similar coin under Otho.
13.1. 1897 tourist photo of the Tomb of the Kings, the burial place of the family of
Queen Helena of Adiabene (see p. 494).
Josephus promises to further narrate the life of King Monobaz II, but
“such an account is not to be found in Josephus’ extant works, unless per-
haps Josephus has in mind the brief mention of the participation of the
family of Monobaz in the revolt in 66.”37
The tomb with three pyramids that Helena built in Jerusalem was
likely intended for Helena and both of her sons. Helena’s tomb is an excit-
ing spot for visitors to East Jerusalem, where it is known as the “Tomb of
the Kings.” The tomb is about a 15-minute walk from the Damascus Gate
(Fig. 13.1).
6677. AE 18 mm, struck 26/27 ce.
Obv: BAΣIΛΕΩΣ MONOBAZOY, Monobaz bust r., wearing tiara.
Rev: H ΛT (SE 338 = 26 ce) within a wreath, ear of grain.
470 Guide to Biblical Coins
Noah’s Ark
The following four coins were struck quite a bit later than other coins in
this volume. They are relevant as they are the only ancient coins I know
that depict stories from the Old Testament.
The coins with Noah’s Ark were struck in Apameia, Phrygia (modern
Turkey). Apameia Kibotos was in the shadow of Mt. Ararat, also called the
hill of Celaenae, where legend states (and some archaeologists and histori-
ans) believe that Noah’s Ark came to rest. These coins show that this belief
has existed for more than 1,700 years.
Noah’s Ark is likely depicted as a chest on these coins because the
Hebrew word teva can be translated as either “box” or “coffer.” Teva also
means “vessel” or “ark.” In the Hebrew Bible, the word teva is used to
describe Noah’s ark as well as the “basket” of bulrushes in which Miriam
placed Moses. In the Septuagint, teva is translated into the Greek kibotos,
which means “box” as well as “ark.”
Perhaps it was because of its proximity to the legendary final resting
place of the Ark that Apameia’s nickname was “city of the chest” in the an-
cient world. One of the town’s main industries was building packing crates
for shipping goods via the many trade routes that radiated from Apameia
in every direction.
The Noah’s Ark coin depicts two scenes on the same coin. This is also
apparently a unique situation on ancient coinage. These coins were struck
under Septimius Severus, Macrinus, and Philip Sr.
Noah’s Ark
13.2. Mosaic of the Binding of Isaac, c. sixth century ce, at the Beit Alpha synagogue.
Binding of Isaac
The second Old Testament story featured on an ancient coin is the bind-
ing of Isaac (Genesis 22). This story, according to Meshorer, “became a
symbol of devotion and submission to God’s will on the one hand and of
the sacrifice of the innocent on the other.” This scene is popular in Jewish
and Christian art and also in Islamic tradition throughout history, and it
appears, among other places, on mosaics in ancient churches and synagogues
(Fig. 13.2), in illuminated manuscripts, and on amulets.38
Both coins show the binding of Isaac, including the substitution of a
ram as a replacement sacrifice.39 Gitler and Mairat have a forthcoming ar-
ticle that describes the second coin, which they discovered, and tentatively
identifies the figures as noted below.40
Binding of Isaac
13.3. The Adiabene palaces stood near the Temple Mount as shown in the scale
model of ancient Jerusalem at the Israel Museum. (Israel Museum Photo)
Chapter 1: Collecting Biblical Coins
1. Josephus BJ, V: 550–52.
2. Madden 1864.
3. Rogers 1914: 67.
4. Hendin 2001. This lamp hoard was not from a controlled excavation but was
convincing to archaeologists and numismatists who examined it.
5. All five of the silver coins had identical patina, and all of the Bar Kokhba bronze
coins also had identical patina. The patina on the bronze coins matched exactly
a small bit of green encrustation on the aureus of Domitian. A piece of bronze
encrustation was found adhering to the inside bottom of the lamp and exactly
matched the encrustation on the bronze coins.
6. Mark Antony denarii were relatively rare in ancient Israel but have been
found in other hoards from this period, usually in worn condition. There are
four specimens at Kh. Bad Issah, and nine out of a total of eleven Roman
Republican denarii belonging to this category were found at the Murabba’at
hoard (Milik and Seyrig 1958: 23.)
7. Thanks to Gabriela Bijovsky, curator of the coin department at the Israel
Antiquities Authority, for this observation. cf. Bijovsky 2013. Also, Mildenberg
1984: 56, hoard 19, published the “Beit Mirsim” hoard found in 1973/4. This
hoard contained “At least 100 Bar Kokhba silver coins and some bronzes
together with Roman issues: 1 aureus of Vespasian, about 100 denarii from
Vespasian to Trajan including 1 Julia Titi, 30 Hadrianic denarii, 150 Syrian
tetradrachms and a few tridrachms....” This “hoard” however, was not recovered at
one time or in its entirety, to anyone’s knowledge, and therefore its composition
is not conclusive.
8. Zissu and Hendin 2012.
9. Ibid.: 222.
10. ArtScroll translation Baba Metzia, 25b notes.
11. A dupondius of Nero is 28–30 mm, whereas an Antioch tetradrachm of Nero
is usually a bit smaller, at 24–26 mm.
12. Dayan 1978: 111.
13. Abu Ali told me this story at least twice, each time in Arabic (he spoke
little English, I speak little Arabic) through mutual friends who acted as
interpreters. However, when I wrote about this in a magazine after Abu Ali’s
death, my friend the legendary Jerusalem attorney and numismatist Arnold
Spaer wrote to say that he had been the attorney for Abu Ali for many years,
and Abu Ali was absolutely not one of the finders of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
After receiving Mr. Spaer’s letter, I double checked with my two interpreters,
474 Guide to Biblical Coins
and both confirmed that they translated this story to me from Abu Ali
himself, and both said that he had also told them this story at other times. I
do not know why Mr. Spaer denied this on behalf of the deceased Abu Ali,
but I include the story here because, as Moshe Dayan has noted (ibid.), Abu
Ali was not one to tell tall tales.
14. Interestingly, trapeza is the word for “bank” in Greece today. Thus, the
connection of the tables of the moneychangers is perpetuated to this day.
15. Sperber 2007: 435–36.
16. Syon 2015: 33.
17. Danby 1933: 53, note 1. This “transaction fee” was the moneychanger’s
commission, no doubt inclusive of an element for the franchise charged by the
Temple authorities to the moneychanger for trading in the Temple precincts.
18. Sperber 1974: 101–6.
19. Jacobson 2017: 69.
20. Bower, Hendin, and Burt 2016: 95–110.
21. Mildenberg 1984.
22. It is possible that some expert die engravers were itinerant and went from
place to place as their services were needed.
23. Barag 2000–2002b: 153–56.
24. C. Lorber. Personal communications, 2009.
25. For example, see van Alfen 2000, 2004/2005; and Davies 1992.
26. e.g., Hill 1914: 255, no. 37; 273, no. 41.
27. Robinson complained that “the field archaeologist and numismatist did not
pay much attention to [crude and irregular] coins in the past” (1931: 97).
28. P. V. Hill 1950.
29. Kadman 1960: 113.
30. Mildenberg 1984: 22.
31. Hendin et al. AJN, 2011.
32. Thanks to Donald T. Ariel, head of the coin department of the Israel Antiquities
Authority, who kindly made these coins available during a visit to the IAA
office in Jerusalem in May 2011.
33. Kindler 2003: 64–65.
34. Meshorer 1989a: 102–14.
35. In comparison, the amount of counterfeit United States currency is estimated
to be less than $3 per $10,000 (0.03%), with less than $3 per $100,000
(0.003%) difficult to detect ( Judson and Porter 2010).
36. Kadman 1960.
37. The Museum Ha’aretz is now the Kadman Numismatic Pavilion of the Eretz
Israel Museum.
38. Kadman 1960: 112, note 17.
39. Meshorer 1967.
40. Meshorer II 1982.
41. Ibid.: 184.
42. Fontanille 2010.
43. Mildenberg 1984: 22–24.
44. Meshorer 2001: 80.
45. Robinson 1931: 173.
46. Ibid. 197.
Endnotes 475
1/8th of an Italian issar (assarion in Greek = Roman as), i.e., the prutah = 1/8
x 1/24 = 1/192 denarius (zuz).
77. Bijovsky 2000–2002: 202.
78. Seaford 2004: 145 notes, “The result is the paradox that even coinage of
unadulterated silver (let alone bronze) may tend to become in effect fiduciary
coinage: although the silver contributes to confidence, it is not envisaged as a
commodity. And so, whereas we frequently hear of metal artefacts being melted
down to make coins, we do not hear of Greek coins being melted down by
Greeks to create bullion or artefacts.”
79. van Alfen 2005a.
80. Hendin 2007–8 for a discussion of these matters regarding Hasmonean
81. Mørkholm, Grierson, and Westermark 1991: 6.
82. Ibid.
83. I Maccabees 16: 6 for the grant, discussed further in RPC I, Meshorer 2001
and Hendin 2010.
84. BT Baba Metziah 55a states that “with regard to one who robs from another
an item that has the value of one peruta and took an oath to him that he
robbed nothing, when he repents and seeks to return the stolen item he must
take it and follow its owner even to Media.” Baba Metziah 55b: “This serves
to include misuse of consecrated property less than the value of one peruta in
the halakha of restitution to the Temple treasury. The Gemara infers: To the
Temple treasury, yes, one must return that which he took; but to an ordinary
person [hedyot], no, one need not pay restitution for theft of less than one
85. Meshorer 2001: 176. Judean coins of various types have been discovered in
excavations as distant as Antioch, Dura Europos, Athens, and Cyprus. This
does not mean that the coins were used in the local markets, only that they
were in the possession of individuals at that time and place.
86. Baba Metziah 46a: “[T]hese coins that are in his house and those coins that he
took from the money changer are protetot, small perutot that are unminted, and
the legal status of both these coins and those coins is that of a commodity.”
87. Since the Herodian coinage, like the Hasmonean coinage before it, was both
fiduciary and intended for local circulation, this is credible. An earlier, possibly
relevant parallel from a fourth-century bce inscription from Olbia proclaims
that only Olbian coinage may be used within the polis and sets exchange rates
for various foreign coinages (Dittenberger 1915: 218).
88. Discussion in this paragraph is based on conversations with Catharine Lorber.
89. Meshorer 2001: 33.
90. Seaford 2004: 144.
yielded 106 bronze coins from “Year Four” in contexts of the Jewish War. See
Meshorer 1989a: 73, 79, 118f., nos. 3492–3594.
14. Reifenberg 1947, and a summary by Kindler 1974.
15. Sperber 1965.
16. Meshorer 1967.
17. Coksun’s 2018 article represents an extreme outlier view. Cf. Hendin 2020.
18. Barag, personal communications and quoted in Hendin 1996: 66–67.
19. Thanks to the kind cooperation of Daphne Tsoren and the Institute of
Archaeology, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem.
20. Kanael 1963: 44.
21. Naveh 1987: 119.
22. Meshorer 1982 I: 51.
23. VanderKam and Flint 2002: 151.
24. Meshorer 2001: 40.
25. Barkay et al. 2002. Barkay’s group excavated the cave. The unknown object was
later identified as a silver scroll by Ya’akov Meshorer of The Israel Museum
and read and transcribed by Ada Yardeni of Hebrew University.
26. Hendin et al. 2011: 35–54.
27. Dies were engraved in mirror image so the final coins appeared in normal
28. Meshorer 1967: 49.
29. Meshorer 2001: 41; Kiddushin 66, 1.
30. Josephus: AJ: XIII, 408.
31. Newell 1937.
32. Madden 1864; Reifenberg 1947; Romanoff 1944; Kindler 1974; Kanael 1950–
51: 17–175; Kanael 1963: 38–62; Barag and Qedar 1980; Meshorer 1982 I:
33. Kindler 1974: 10.
34. Meshorer 1982 I: 61.
35. Romanoff 1944: 9.
36. Kanael 1963: 43.
37. While these coins were apparently struck under authority of the Persian
Sovereign, via his satraps, the fact that Hebrew, Aramaic, and Samarian
inscriptions occur on many of them indicates that the local authorities were
certainly involved in their design and issue.
38. Roth 2007: 491–94.
39. Meshorer (1982 I), discusses the silver coins in circulation during the
Hasmonean period. The principal coin was the sheqel of Tyre, although
Seleucid, Ptolemaic, and rarely Roman Republican coins were used as well.
Barag explained that even though all of these coins carried graven images of
heathen gods or rulers, the Judeans seemed to accept these coins as part of the
way the world worked. While the Jews used these coins, they were not their
own. It is known that the annual half-sheqel tribute for each Jewish male for
the Jerusalem Temple, was payable only in Tyrian silver. Each Tyre silver coin
of this time carried a portrait of the Phoenician god Melquart. We also note
that coins are not subject to the regular rules of uncleanliness, according to the
Talmud. Today, modern Israel has graven images on most banknotes but not
on coins.
40. Meshorer 2001: 64.
Endnotes 483
because he had been designated as king in Herod’s earlier will, which he held
to be more binding than the one written later.”
92. Ant. XVII: 317–20.
93. BJ II: 3.
94. Hendin 2010b for average weights unless noted.
95. Ant. XVIII: 27.
96. E. M. Meyers, personal communication, December 17, 2003. Also Meyers
2002: 110–20 and Meyers 1999: 127–40.
97. Avi–Yonah 1950: 168.
98. M. Stern 1975: 132.
99. Mark 6: 22–25.
100. BJ II: 181–83.
101. Meshorer 2001: 84.
102. I feel comfortable with the attribution of this coin but present here an
alternate, albeit less–likely scenario. Upon first discovering this coin, my
impression was that it was a coin of Herod Antipas, based mainly on the
“tetrarch” inscription. However, because of the style of its manufacture,
I considered other possibilities. None of the coin types of Herod Antipas
struck at Tiberias were struck in the style of a Jewish prutah, that is, upon a
cast flan with beveled edges, and chopped from a strip. This insight led me, on
technical grounds, to consider the possibility that this was a coin of Herod I,
struck in his fourth year as tetrarch, approximately 37/36 bce.
I re–evaluated this idea on reading Donald Ariel’s 2002 article regarding
the chronology of the coins of Herod I, in which he specifically notes the
apparent chronology and form of the letter “omega” in the later coins of
Herod I and the earlier coins of Archelaus.
From an historical perspective, it is also not likely that this coin is of
Herod I. Josephus (BJ 243–44) places Herod’s appointment by Antony as
tetrarch after the latter’s meeting with Cleopatra, i.e., toward the end of 41
bce. Kushnir-Stein notes that the appointment of Herod and his brother
Phasael as tetrarchs “can mean one of two things: they were given the title,
but remained subordinate to Hyrcanus II or they were made independent
rulers with their own territories over which Hyrcanus II had no jurisdiction.
The last possibility seems very remote. Antony had seemingly no reasons
to punish Hyrcanus, and Josephus does not say anything about Hyrcanus
ceasing to be the head of the Jewish state. If neither Herod nor his brother
were made genuinely independent rulers, they would not have been in a
position to mint their own coins.”
Finally, I note that if the Δ on the obverse refers to the “fourth year,” by
this time Herod would have already become king, and would have issued
royal coinage dated to his third year as tetrarch.
103. Hendin 2003–6.
104. It is, of course, possible that more specimens of this coin will be discovered.
However, considering that until now the coin is unique, one must recognize
its great rarity and at least consider the possibility that it was a trial coinage
and not a full issue.
106. Meshorer 2001: 81.
107. Kushnir-Stein 2000–2002. This article contains relevant discussions of the
Endnotes 489
manufacture and style of this type of coinage in ancient Judea during this
108. Hendin 2003–6.
109. Individual grains of wheat or barley appear scattered around the cornucopias
on some of the Hasmonean issues.
110. Kogon and Fontanille 2018 for average weights and die totals for Herod
111. Unlike his brothers Archelaus and Antipas, the name “Herod” was not used
on Philip’s coins.
112. M. Stern 1975: 135.
113. Ant. XVIII: 107.
114. Ibid.: 28.
115. Herod I issued a small coin depicting an eagle (Meshorer 2001: 244, no. 66.;
GBC: 242, no. 1190), and it is possible, if not likely, that he did not consider
this design a graven image (Ariel and Fontanille 2011: 115–19).
116. Hendin 1987: 69; Ciecieląg 1997: 67.
117. Meshorer 2001: 85.
118. No. 6250 was possibly patterned after a coin of Zenodorus struck in 32/31
bce (RPC I: 663, no. 4775) [or 26/25 bce (Herman 2006: 71, no. 17.1)] at
Chalcis ad Libanum with his bust on one side and the bust of Augustus on
the other side.
119. Although Agrippa II’s bust only appears on a coin of his father Agrippa I
(Meshorer 2001: 231, no. 119), and not on his own coins.
120. Hendin and Fontanille 2016.
121. Madden 1864: 102.
122. Only 41 of these coins are identifiable as to the date.
123. This coin is the Bank of Israel specimen, shown as Meshorer 2001: 229, no.
102. The reverse die of this coin is clearly the same die as Meshorer 2001: 229,
no. 105, dated year 33. It is unclear whether the coin was first struck as a coin
of the year 30 and was later re–engraved adding the letter Γ, or whether the
die was originally cut as a year 33 die. On this particular specimen, however,
the area of the die where the Γ later appears may have been filled with grease
or other dirt when the coin was struck.
124. Thunderbolts on the obverse appear on Tiberius’s coins showing the deified
Augustus in Colonia Romula (RPC I: 80, no. 73; SNG Cop. 421), Emertia
(RPC I: 85, nos. 121–122), both in Spain, and in Panormus in Sicily (RPC
I: 172, no. 644). A reverse thunderbolt appears on a coin of Olbia in Cilicia
(RPC I: 565, no. 3731). Geographically closer but chronologically more
distant, is a recently described silver drachm from Nabataea (4.52 g), from
Obodas’ tenth year (21/20 bce) with an obverse depicting a bearded head
of Zeus with a thunderbolt beneath his neck (Barkay 2015–16: 437, fig. 9).
125. RIC I [rev.]: 99, no. 83.
126. RIC I [rev.]: 90–91.
127. Cooray 2015: 2.
128. Suet. Tib. 69. Suetonius (Suet. Aug. 97.2) also relates a story about lightning
from the time of Augustus linked to his death and divinity, “[T]he first
letter of his name was melted from the inscription on one of his statues by
a flash of lightning; this was interpreted to mean that he would live only
490 Guide to Biblical Coins
a hundred days from that time, the number indicated by the letter C, and
that he would be numbered with the gods, since aesar (that is, the part of the
name Caesar which was left) is the word for god in the Etruscan tongue.”
129. Plin. HN II: LVI.
130. Average weights from RPC unless noted.
131. Jacobson 2007a.
132. Strickert 2002.
133. Schwartz 1990: 40.
134. BJ I: 555.
135. Schwartz 1990: 171–72.
136. BJ II: 218–19.
137. Ant. XIX: 330–33.
138. Deuteronomy 17: 15.
139. Babylonian Talmud. Sotah 41a.
140. Acts 12: 1–19.
141. Ant. XIX: 338.
142. Ibid.: 339.
143. Ibid.: 341–342.
144. Schwartz 1990: 175.
145. Ant. 346–61.
146. Acts 12: 19–23.
147. Lönnqvist 1997.
148. Kushnir-Stein 2000–2002 and Hendin 2010b.
149. Epstein et al. 2010: 390.
150. Agrippa I average weights from RPC unless noted.
151. Two coins listed in TJC.
152. Burnett 1987: 35–36.
153. Suet. Claud. 25.5.
154. Burnett 2011–14.
155. Kovacs 2008: 337–50.
156. Ant. XXI: 5.
157. Ibid.XX: 158.
158. BJ VII: 226.
159. Tacitus Ann. 13.7, fine anni, or during 54 ce.
160. Kokkinos 1998: 311.
161. Ibid.: 312.
162. Kovacs, personal communications 2010.
163. Jacobson 2019: 137.
164. Talmud Gittin 56: 1.
165. Jacobson 2019: 144.
166. Ibid.: 16.
167. Ant. XIX: 362.
168. Ibid. XX: 9.
169. Jacobson 2019.
170. Kushnir-Stein 2002.
171. Burnett, personal communication, 2020.
172. Hill 1914: xcix.
173. Meshorer 2001: 107.
Endnotes 491
but this also is an exaggerated number, he may have been influenced by the
Exodus story” (personal communication, June 1, 2009).
18. BJ VI: 420–22.
19. Ibid. VII: 148–52.
20. Three sheqels dated to the fifth year were found in the excavations at Masada.
From this discovery, we can deduce that some Jews escaped from Jerusalem to
Masada near the end of the war.
21. Smallwood 1981: 349.
22. Roth 1962: 40.
23. Rappaport 2007: 103.
24. Roth 1962: 39.
25. Ibid.: 34.
26. Ibid.: 33.
27. Rappaport 2007: 104.
28. Goodman 2007: 14–15.
29. Deutsch 2017: 54.
30. Ibid. 89.
31. Ibid. 52.
32. Goldstein and Fontanille 2006: 17–19.
33. Meshorer 2001: 72–78.
34. Rappaport 2007: 107.
35. Ibid.: 109.
36. Ibid.
37. Ibid.: 111.
38. Ibid.: 112.
39. Goldstein and Fontanille 2006: 23.
40. Rappaport 2007: 113–14.
41. Meshorer 1975: 101, 84. A parallel exists in ancient Nabataean coinage with a
bronze coin inscribed “half silver.”
42. Newell 1913: 544.
43. BJ V: 424–28.
44. Ibid. VI: 196–97.
45. Ibid.: 206–13.
46. Ibid. V: 445–46.
47. BJ VI: 281.
48. Bijovsky 2019.
49. The sentiment of a “longing for Zion” was already articulated in Psalm 137. The
modern word Zionism, according to the Encyclopedia Judaica, “first appeared
at the end of the 19th century, denoting the movement whose goal was the
return of the Jewish people to Eretz Israel.” But, the word Zion itself is ancient,
referring most often to the city of Jerusalem or the people of Judaea. Some
2,000 years ago there was a Zionism very similar to the “modern” Zionism.
Nowhere is this concept more clearly shown than on the Zionist slogans of
the coins minted during the Jewish wars of the first and second centuries ce.
50. Roth 1962: 43.
51. Goldstein and Fontanille 2006: 21.
52. Romanoff 1944: 22–23.
53. Deutsch 2017: 27.
54. Romanoff 1944: 16–17.
494 Guide to Biblical Coins
and small-sized bronze Bar Kokhba coins were also cut for small change, see
no. 6462d for a Bar Kokhba silver coin cut in ancient times.
64. Dio Cassius, Roman History 69: 12.1–14.3.
65. C. Gordon 1971. Much of this book has been discredited.
66. Eshel et al. 2010.
67. Ibid.: 92.
68. Ibid.: 92–93.
69. Ibid.: 96–97.
8. Baba Bathra 166b; 192 prutahs equal one zuz or quarter sheqel. The smallest
possible version of the prutah is probably used in this calculation to ensure that
in any financial transactions that involved the Temple, the value of the prutah
was at the lowest rate possible vis-à-vis an actual silver equivalent in order not
to deprive the Temple of its proper due.
9. For some of the available excavation data related to this topic, see Ariel 2002:
281–305; Bijovsky 2000: 155–89.
10. Hasmonean coins circulated in the ancient holy land through the fifth century
ce, so there is every reason to believe these coins were used during the lifetime
of Jesus. cf. Bijovsky 2000–2002: 202.
11. Leonard 1993: 363–70.
12. In recent excavations by Shukrun and Reich in the main drainage channel
of Jerusalem from the Second Temple, a Tyre half-sheqel dated 22 ce was
discovered. The coin and its use in ancient times is discussed at www.
13. Levy 2005a: 5.
14. Josephus, Ant. 18: 312–13; Philo, De specialibus legibus 1: 76–78, and Legatio
ad Gaium: 311.
15. Levy 2005.
16. Ant. XIII: 62–73.
17. Levy 2005a: 5–6.
18. Ibid.: 8.
19. BJ VI: 335.
20. Meshorer 1982 II: 9.
21. Levy 2005b: 885–89.
22. Ibid.: 885. For a more complete discussion of Meshorer’s arguments, see Levy
1993: 267–74.
23. Levy 2005b: 887.
24. Baba Metzia 59b.
25. Levy 2005a: 18–19.
26. Cited in Ariel 2006: 102–3.
27. Moed, Shekalim, 1.3.
28. Stater is a Greek silver coin denomination that in general predates the sheqel or
tetradrachm, however; in many areas of the Greek world, the words stater and
sheqel may have been used interchangeably.
29. Chancy 2005: 175.
30. Syon 2015: 214.
31. Ibid.: 214–15.
8. Herman 2006.
9. Ant. XIV: 13:3.
10. Dio Cassius XLIX: 32.
11. Kindler 1993.
12. Schürer 1973: 564–73 for the chronology of these rulers and the complex and
partly obscure history of Ituraea.
13. Meshorer, Bijovsky, and Fischer-Bossert 2013: 181.
14. RPC I: 606–12 for discussion.
15. Ant. XX: 128–32.
16. Josephus AJ XX: 136.
17. BJ II: 280–83.
18. Ibid.: 539.
19. Ibid.: 554–55.
20. Ibid. IV: 632.
21. Dabrowa 1998 for dates and names.
22. Gitler and Kushnir-Stein 2004.
23. Josephus Ant. XX: 15–96 and later commentary in Mishna Yoma 3 are the
essential sources about the Jewish royal family of Adiabene.
24. Marciak 2014 is the current standard reference for this family.
25. Ant. XX: 20.
26. Ibid.: 33.
27. Ibid.: 39.
28. Ibid.: 49.
29. Ibid.
30. Ben-Ami and Tchekhanovets 2011.
31. Notley and Garcia 2014: 37–39.
32. Ibid.
33. Neusner 1964: 62. Neusner notes that the accuracy of the stories is not an
issue here: “What is relevant is that the people believed them, which proves
that the Adiabenians succeeded in impressing Palestinian Jews, particularly
Pharisees, by their piety and benevolence.”
34. Ant. XX: 95 and BJ V: 55,147.
35. Notley and Garcia 2014: 34.
36. Ibid.
37. Ant. XX: 51, note 6.
38. Meshorer 2000: 40.
39. Ibid.
40. Gitler and Mairat. Forthcoming.
Bibliography 501
AE bronze or any copper alloy
AR silver
AU gold
cm centemeters
g grams
l. left
mm millimeters
Obv. obverse
Pb lead
r. right
Rev. reverse
v variety (when occurring after a catalog number)
502 Guide to Biblical Coins
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Appendix A
Alphabets and
Numeric Equivalents
Greek Hebrew
Letter Form Num. Coin
Letter Form Num.
Alpha A 1
Aleph א WAa 1
Beta B 2
Bet ב B 2
Gamma Γ 3
Gimmel ג G 3
Delta Δ 4
Epsilon E 5
Dalet ד 8 4
Digamma ς 6 He ה hH 5
Zeta Ζ 7 Vav ו iVe 6
Eta Η 8 Zayin ז Z 7
Theta Θ 9 Chet ח C 8
Iota Ι 10 Tet ט — 9
Kappa Κ 20 Yod י y Y 10
Lamda Λ 30
Kaph כך r 20
Mu Μ 40
Lamed ל L 30
Nu Ν 50
Xi Ξ 60
Mem מם Mm 40
Appendix C
Index of Latin Legends
DE IVDAEIS 6500, 6504
DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS 6611, 6612, 6616, 6617, 6616a
EX SC 6611, 6612, 6613, 6616, 6617, 6618
HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P 6635, 6636, 6637, 6638
IMP CAES VESP AVG PM COS IIII 6494, 6495, 6521
IMP CAES VESPAS AVG P M TR P P P COS III 6539, 6540, 6541,
6542, 6543, 6544, 6545
6549, 6550, 6551
IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG 6596, 6597, 6598, 6599
IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III 6582, 6583, 6584, 6585, 6586,
562 Guide to Biblical Coins
566 Guide to Biblical Coins
Armenia(n), 143, 235, 242, 243, 246, Berenice, 225, 233, 235, 242, 244, 248, 249,
425–426, 428 253, 270, 283, 293–294, 297, 375
Arsinöe, 93, 109, 114–117 Berenike, 93, 109
Artaxerxes, 455 Beroea, 451
Ascalon, see Ashqelon Berytus, 197, 234, 235, 244, 424, 462
Ashdod, 55, 62, 63–66 Bes, 70, 80, 83
Ashqelon, 4, 55, 57, 59, 61–63, 72, 113, Bethany, 448
121, 128, 161, 169, 197, 331, 427, 431 Bethsaida, 226
Ashtoret, 63 Bithynia, 143, 412
Asia Minor, 4, 56, 111, 439, 452–453 Boar, 427, 430
Askelon, see Ashqelon Boaz, 154, 334
Asklepios, 63 Booths, 309
Assarion, 450 Booty, 186, 295, 302, 364, 367, 377–378,
Assyrian(s), 74–76 416, 418, 419, 464
Astarte, 63 Bore(r), 149, 170, 463
Astrology, 156, 228 Bostra, 361, 426
Athenian, 4, 5, 57, 61, 64, 65, 78, 79, 80, 81, Brockage, 21, 104, 162, 164, 178, 179, 183,
82, 86, 87, 88, 90, 100, 121 239, 286, 289–292, 362
Athens, 40, 67, 87, 233, 288, 489, 495 Bruttium, 451
Augur, 280 Byblos, 57, 90, 197
Augusteum, 229–232 Byzantine, 63, 174–175, 438
Augustus, 194, 196–198, 215, 218, 225–
227, 229, 230, 233, 237–241, 245–246, C
253, 260, 262–263, 264–265, 272, Caduceus, 150, 201, 203, 210, 214, 216,
277–278, 283, 377, 412, 427–428, 440, 217, 261, 273, 287, 384, 410
442, 446, 447–448, 449, 458, 460, 465 Caesarea Maritima, 131, 197, 214, 225,
Auranitis, 215, 226, 458 236, 237, 249, 251, 275–276, 376, 379,
380, 381
B Caesarea Philippi, 225–226, 251
Babylonia, 69, 100, 477 Caesonia, 237, 239
Babylonian(s), 1, 50, 59, 60, 76, 93, 142, Caiphas, 279
143, 185, 209 Caligula, 33, 219, 220, 233, 234, 237, 238,
Bacchius, 366–367 239, 277, 458
Bagoas (Bagohi), 95, 99, 498 Canaan, 61, 330, 435
Balances, 41, 44, 48 Canaanite, 42, 52, 63
Balustrade, 341 Canatha, 463
Banker(s), 13 Candelabra, 338
Bar Giora, 25, 296, 308 Candelabrum, 185, 366, 468
Bar Kokhba, 3, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 30, 33, Canopy, 236–237, 239
35, 37, 55, 95, 142, 152, 214, 220, 311, Capernaum, 251, 444
326–337, 339–343, 344, 345–346, 347, Cappadocia, 143, 432
351, 358, 423, 427, 463 Celators, 152–153
Barbaric (barbarous), 22–26, 440 Census, 278, 438, 464
Batanaea, 215, 226, 458 Chalcidice, 243
Bedouin(s), 9–11 Chalcis, 147, 202, 225, 226, 235, 237,
Beirut, 249 241–243, 245, 248–249, 251, 276,
Beit Shean, 138, 158–159 457–459
Beitar, 334, 343, 346 Chalkstone, 18–19
Beqa, 41, 50–53 Chandelier, 339
Index 567
Emisa, 249 Gamla, 21, 25, 255, 323, 424, 427, 441
Emmaus, 137, 424–426 Gaza, 55, 56, 57, 60–64, 79, 87, 88, 90, 96,
Ephah, 48 99, 104, 111, 113, 114, 121, 138, 182,
Ephesus, 152, 451–453 331, 363, 463
Ephron, 44, 47 Gelidonia, 40
Epigraphic(al), 59, 80, 95, 142, 167, 173, Genesis, 39, 43, 44, 47, 60, 64
201, 203, 285, 424 Genetic, 76, 248
Epigraphy, 169, 173, 189, 345, 386, 396 Genitals, 419
Equestrian(s), 276, 278, 282, 401 Gerahs, 50–51, 65, 89
Eshtemo, 44 Gerizim, 75, 79, 112, 121, 158, 174, 180,
Essene(s), 159 281, 424, 439, 471–472
Ethnarch(y), 182, 215, 216, 217, 225 Germanicus, 224, 238, 240, 241, 246, 252,
Ethnic, 55, 59, 61, 64, 249 259, 267, 271, 272, 426
Etrog(s), 309–310, 321, 338, 342, 347, 351, Gerot, 15, 51
352, 357, 358 Gessius Florus, 255, 277, 282–283, 293,
Europe, 4, 6–7, 27, 59, 345–346 294, 464
Europos, 145 Giora, 25, 296, 308
Eusebius, 329, 381 Gischala, 296
Eutychus, 233 Gladiators, 235, 293
Exiguus, 199, 433 Golan, 323, 429
Exile(d)(s), 76, 77, 142, 184, 284, 308, 325, Governor(s), 57, 61, 73, 75, 79, 84, 85, 95,
452, 455, 464 105, 112, 158, 182, 183, 193–194, 200,
Exodus, 41, 43, 47, 50, 51, 144, 145, 310, 225, 235, 255, 275–278, 279, 281–282,
325, 340, 419, 438, 442 284, 295, 313, 325, 345, 372, 374, 426,
Ezechias, 104 455, 457, 461–465
Ezekiel, 17, 53, 99 Graffiti, 6, 186
Grapes, 17, 128, 149, 190, 214, 216, 217,
F 287, 332, 337–338, 345, 347, 349–350,
Farthing(s), 2, 434, 435, 450 353–354, 357, 361–364, 367, 456
Feline, 92, 100 Greece, 45, 56, 94, 111, 152, 374
Felix, 249, 276, 277, 281–283 Greeks, 166, 169, 227, 247, 367, 467
Festus, 277, 282 Guvrin, 158
Fiduciary, 31
Flavians, 255, 380, 418 H
Flemish, 435 Hacksilber, 44–45, 57
Forgery(ies), 22, 23, 24, 26, 36, 37, 38, 80, Hadrian, 366–367, 370, 376, 383, 458,
90, 187–188, 322, 344, 373–374, 387 460–461, 470, 513
Fourrée(s), 22, 80, 90, 336, 362, 373, 374, Haifa, 441
385, 388, 390, 418 Hannanyah, 84
Harp(s), 3, 79, 85, 332, 341–342
G Hasmonean, 2, 3, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
Gabinius, 182, 194, 365, 461, 463, 465 30, 76, 95, 96, 121, 135, 137, 139–144,
Gadara, 182, 463 146–150, 151, 153–156, 158, 162, 166,
Gaius Sosius, 184, 194, 369–370, 461 171, 172–173, 175, 178, 179, 180, 182,
Galba, 296, 372 184–185, 193–194, 196, 200, 203, 205,
Galilean, 219, 296, 463 206, 209, 220, 226, 232, 235, 236, 242,
Galley(s), 82, 206, 215, 216, 217–218, 270, 248, 254, 282, 284, 334, 365, 369, 370,
350, 384, 427, 430, 431 436, 437, 463
Gallus, 295, 426, 428, 462–464 Hathor, 68, 152
Index 569
370, 371, 374, 376, 377, 378, 381, 419, Lepton(s), 26, 27, 146, 182, 434
424, 426–428, 429, 437, 438–439, Leviticus, 48, 309, 310
440–441, 443, 444, 447, 450, 451, 452, Libation(s), 167, 281, 288, 289, 313, 342,
455–456, 463–464, 467–468, 472 366
Jerusalemite(s), 120, 438 Limestone, 50, 52, 53, 468
Jezebel, 74 Loaf (loaves), 17, 186
Jezreel, 159 Lugdunum, 219, 449
Job, 49, 141 Luke, 219, 221, 225, 226, 433, 434, 436
Joppa see Jaffa Lulav, 153, 309–310, 321, 332, 338, 342,
Jordan, 7, 25, 64, 73, 74, 120, 158, 173, 180, 347, 351–352, 357–358
203, 221, 225, 298, 427 Lunar, 428
Josephus, 1, 2, 17, 24–26, 75, 85, 104, Lusitania, 372
112–113, 119, 143, 152, 158, 159, 160, Lycaonia, 451
166, 170, 172, 179, 183–184, 194, 197, Lycia, 45, 197, 451
198–199, 225, 233–237, 242, 243, 248, Lyon, 219
250–251, 254, 256, 275, 277, 278–282, Lyre(s), 3, 79, 332, 341, 342, 348, 350, 352,
293–297, 305–306, 323, 341, 365–367, 353, 354, 355, 356, 359, 360, 361, 362,
376, 378, 380, 401, 424, 426, 428–429, 363
439–440, 442, 457–458, 463–465, Lysanias, 251, 458, 459
Jotapata, 424, 428, 430 M
Judah Aristobulus, 166, 169 Maccabee (Maccabean), 95, 135, 137, 140,
Judges, 43 141, 142, 156, 157, 169, 183, 300, 439
Julia Livia, 226, 231, 232, 253, 287 Macedon, 111, 143
Macedonia, 460, 462–463, 489–490
K Macedonian, 22, 65, 87, 88, 90, 91, 111,
Kermatistes, 13 155
Kesef, 43, 44, 56, 64 Machaerus, 197, 295, 298, 325, 428
Kithara, 341, 354–355, 359–363 Malta, 451
Kodrantes, 435 Malthace, 215
Koinon, 412 Manasseh, 75, 79, 112, 457
Kokhba, 3, 18, 21–22, 24, 25, 30, 33, 35–36, Maqqaba, 137
37, 55, 95, 142, 152, 214, 220, 311, Marcus Ambibulus, 277, 278
326–347, 361, 362, 423, 427, 462, 468 Marduk, 76
Kolbon(ot), 14–16, 445 Mariamne, 156, 196, 197, 232, 233, 242,
Kollybistes (Kollybos), 13 248
Kos, 45, 310 Marisa, 182, 463
Kosher, 119 Mark Antony, 3, 184, 194, 196, 197, 202,
Kuntrunk, 219, 332 369, 371, 425, 427, 440, 458, 460
Mark, 27, 218, 221, 226, 434, 435, 436,
L 446, 447, 448
Lachish, 19, 50 Mattatayah Antigonus, 9, 143, 150, 152,
Lamp(s), 3, 4, 16, 17, 148, 186, 335, 366, 152, 158, 161, 166, 167, 182–189, 194,
437, 452 202, 206, 209, 369–370
Lampsacus, 45 Matthew, 2, 13, 193, 199, 215, 221, 225,
Laodicea, 197, 425, 452 226, 279, 433, 450
Largess, 174, 201, 379 Mauretania, 143
Legionary, 346, 374, 423, 429, 430 Mazaeus (Mazday), 62, 79, 455, 456
Lepta, see Leptons Medaba, 158
Index 571
Medallion(s), 208, 249, 251, 252, 254, 255, 258–262, 277, 281–283, 291, 292,
262–266, 336, 350, 352, 354, 358–359, 295, 296, 338, 372, 374, 424, 428, 430,
360 442, 448, 464, 465, 466
Mediterranean, 25, 55, 57, 62, 63, 113, 170, Neronias, 251, 255, 260–261
236, 344, 455 Nerva, 420–421
Melchior, 187 Nevel, 341, 348, 350, 352–354, 356
Melqart(h) (see Herakles), 438, 445–446 Nezef, 52–54
Menelaus, 120 Noah’s Ark, 469–470
Menorah(s), 9, 21, 152, 184–189, 191, 208, Numbers, 142, 338
209, 298, 311, 313, 378, 452 Numidia, 143
Mercenaries, 138, 144, 147, 158, 172, 452 Nummus, 442
Mesopotamia(n), 40, 44, 49, 53, 76, 93, Nysa Scythopolis, 148, 429, 461, 463, 465
111, 325
Messianic, 186, 296, 303, 326, 329, 330, O
338, 341 Octavia, 257, 259
Metrological, 27, 89, 201 Onias, 120
Metrology, 52, 146, 254 Ornithologist, 93
Mezuzot, 17 Orodes, 183
Microscope, 32, 33, 35 Ossuaries, 186
Microscopic(ally), 320, 322, 336 Ostraca, 45, 64, 75
Mikvaot, 218 Ottoman, 59
Miletos, 45
Miletus, 428, 451
Mina(s), 41–42, 44, 47, 114–118, 126 P
Minuta, 434, 436 Paleography, 304
Mishnah, 14, 26, 314, 338, 341, 438, 468 Palm Tree(s), 69, 220, 285–286, 291, 309,
Mishnaic, 313, 442 311–313, 321, 322, 338, 342, 345, 346,
Mite(s), 143, 182, 434–436, 438 349, 350, 356, 357, 363, 364, 367, 373,
Moab, 62 375–377, 379, 380–383, 385, 390–412,
Monetized, 200 414–418, 421
Moneychangers, 13–15, 30, 301, 443, 444 Parthian(s), 139, 158, 183–184, 194, 219,
Moneyer, 65, 202, 366 325, 369, 428
Monotheism, 103, 367, 368 Patmos, 452, 454
Mosaic(s), 6, 145, 149, 442, 471 Patriarch, 298
Mucianus, 426, 462, 463, 465 Paul, 247, 281, 282, 450–451, 454
Mythological, 86, 92 Pecunia (Pecus), 39
Pella, 381, 463
Penning, 435
N Pentateuch(al), 113, 141, 145, 438
Nabataea(n)(s), 140, 143, 147, 181, 193, Pentecost, 309
194, 197, 331, 365, 367, 426, 458 Perga, 451
Nablus, 78, 80, 170, 281 Pergamum, 452, 453
Neapolis, 151, 430, 451 Persepolis, 111
Nebuchadnezzar, 62, 76 Persia, 73, 76, 77, 78, 119, 455
Nebuchadrezzar, 76 Persians, 62, 111
Nehemiah, 1, 45, 51, 60, 62, 75, 77, 78, 95, Pharisee(s), 143, 159, 169, 170, 171, 172,
438, 455, 456 174, 179, 199, 234, 294,
Neo-Assyrian, 47 Phasael, 183, 184, 194, 197, 248, 369
Nero Claudius Caesar, 246, 261 Philadelphia, 452, 453, 463
Nero, 5, 7, 28, 243, 244, 246, 249, 250, 251, Philip, 111, 215, 218, 220, 225–226, 228,
572 Guide to Biblical Coins
229, 230, 231, 232, 243, 251, 255, 457, Ptolemies, 94, 111, 112, 119
458, 459, 461, 463, 465, 470, 471 Ptolemy, son of Mennaeus, 457
Philistine(s), 50, 55, 61, 62, 63 Ptolemy I, 93, 108–110, 113–115, 117–119
Philo, 233, 279, 439, 440, 467 Ptolemy II, 91, 110, 113, 114, 115–118
Phocaea, 45 Ptolemy III, 113, 115, 117–118
Phoenicia(n)(s), 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, Ptolemy IV, 113, 114, 116, 119
70, 74, 77, 79, 80, 90, 94, 112, 113, 121, Ptolemy V, 114, 116, 119
123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, Pundion, 17, 219, 332
131, 142, 431, 442, 445, 447, 451, 456,
462, Q
Pilgrimage, 247, 309, 310, 342 Quadrans, 27, 200, 219, 410–411, 435
Pilgrim(s), 216, 276, 312, 338, 443, 463 Quadratus, 462–464
Pisidia, 451 Quietus, 325
Pisidians, 158 Quirinus, 278
Plautius, 366 Qumran, 307, 427
Polemo, 235, 249
Pomegranates, 114, 116, 117, 149, 151,
152, 154, 315 R
Pompey, 141, 147, 181–182, 193, 365, 366, R. Akiba, 325, 329
367, 369, 426, 439, 457, 462, 463 R. Ben Zakkai, 247
Pontius Pilate, 2, 219, 225, 275, 277, 279, R. Eleazar of Modein, 330
284, 457 R. Gamaliel, 145, 450
Pontus, 143, 235, 249 R. Hillel, 16
Poppaea, 282 R. Johanan ben Tortha, 298, 310
Poppy, 149–153, 162–165, 168, 175, R. Judah bar Nachman, 17
177–178, 191, 210 R. Judah ben Ezekial, 17
Porcius Festus, 277, 282 R. Levi, 17
Pork, 199 R. Meir, 15
Prefect(s), 2, 140, 150, 200, 216, 237, 275, Rabbi, 5, 14–17, 145, 247, 298, 450
276, 278, 279, 284, 285, 286, 293, 311, Rabbinic(al), 13, 15, 16, 26, 148, 154, 179,
423, 428, 463 219, 233, 298, 309, 311, 313, 330, 342,
Priesthood, 76, 120, 159, 184, 194, 206, Ramallah, 79, 87
281, 311, 365 Ramat Rachel, 427
Priestly, 53, 84, 120, 137, 138, 142, 143, Raphia, 113
152, 196, 2099, 282, 299, 410 Rectangular, 350, 382, 383, 385, 430–432
Procurator(s), 2, 14, 16, 24, 25, 95, 140, Recut, 64, 72
182, 200, 220, 237, 248, 249, 250, 275, Redemption price, 438
276, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, Redemption, 304, 305, 308, 321, 323, 328,
286, 293, 297, 299, 307, 313, 320, 420, 347–350, 438
423, 463 Re-engraved, 98
Procuratorial, 220 Religion(s), 1, 75, 80, 120, 158, 198, 242,
Propaganda, 179, 184, 244, 294, 308, 323, 247, 279, 293, 294, 341, 367, 368, 467
372 Republican, 182, 366, 461
Prophecy, 159, 198 Revelation, 452
Prophet(s), 51, 247, 452 Rhegium, 451
Prototype(s), 24, 78, 79, 146, 189, 315, 370, Rhodes, 155, 451
380, 456 Rhodos, 154
Psalm(s), 84, 310, 342 Ritual Chalice, 310, 315, 316, 317–319,
Ptolemais (also see Akko), 197, 295, 424, 322–323
428, 451 Roman governors of Syria, 463
Index 573
Wadi Daliyeh, 45, 73, 75, 84 Zacynthus, 370, 461
Western Asia Minor, 56 Zealots, 247, 282, 294, 296–298, 303–304,
Widow’s mite, 434, 436–438 464
Workshop(s), 20, 142, 167, 327 Zedekiah, 76
Zenodorus, 226, 458, 459, 460
Y Zerubbabal, 95
Yahvistic, 79 Zeus, 6, 115, 118, 121, 122–129, 199, 227,
Yahweh, 75 459, 465
Yavne, 247 Zion, 303–305, 308, 318, 319, 321,
Yehiziqiyah, 91, 95 Zionistic, 308
Yehohanan, 139–141, 159–160, 161–165,
Yehonatan, 168–171, 175–178, 557
Yonatan, 168–171, 177, 557
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About the Author
David Hendin is a leading authority on Biblical and ancient Judean coins
and artifacts. His original research has been published in more than 75
journal articles and book chapters and he is author of hundreds of maga-
zine articles on these topics.
Hendin is first vice president and adjunct curator at the American Nu-
mismatic Society. He pursued his half-century-plus fascination with coins
and archaeology of the Middle East alongside his career as an award-win-
ning medical journalist, publishing executive and literary agent for clients
who have included cartoonists Charles M. Schulz (creator of Peanuts®),
Lincoln Peirce (creator of Big Nate®) and writers Judith Martin (Miss
Manners®) and mystery writer Elaine Viets.
He is the author of six editions of Guide to Biblical Coins as well as
Collecting Coins, Ancient Scale Weights, and Not Kosher (Forgeries of Ancient
Jewish and Biblical Coins). He is also the author of the national bestseller
Death as a Fact of Life and nine (non-numismatic) nonfiction books which
have been translated into six languages.
Hendin received the Gunnar Holst Foundation Medal at the Uni-
versity of Gothenberg (Sweden) in 2013 and the Presidents Award of the
American Numismatic Association in 2003. His work has earned more
than a dozen literary awards, ranging from the Numismatic Literary
Guild’s “Best Museum Catalog” in 2012 and 2013 to the Medical Journal-
ism Award of the American Medical Association in 1972.
Hendin has lectured on Judean and Biblical coins in Lebanon, Italy,
Germany, Sweden, England, and Israel as well as at seminars of the Amer-
ican Numismatic Society, the American Numismatic Association, and
many colleges and other organizations. In 1985 and 1986 he was chief
numismatist of the Joint Sepphoris Project under the auspices of Duke
University and Hebrew University and Duke’s Sepphoris Research Project
in 2011. As chairman of the numismatic committee of the Jewish Museum
in New York, Hendin prepared and acquired coins for the exhibit Coins
Reveal, with Ya’akov Meshorer. He edited and published A Treasury of Jew-
ish Coins and Ancient Jewish Coinage I & II by Ya’akov Meshorer.
Hendin earned his M.A. from the University of Missouri School of
Journalism in 1970 after a year as a biology teacher at Kfar Silver Agri-
cultural High School near Ascalon, Israel. He was named a distinguished
alumnus of Horton Watkins (Ladue, MO) High School in 2002. Hendin
is a life fellow of the American Numismatic Society and has been listed in
Who’s Who in America since 1974.
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