Lab Course - II (Web Technologies - I)

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Modern Education Society’s

Nowrosjee Wadia College

An Autonomous college affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

T.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science)

Choice Based Credit System

To be implemented from Academic Year 2024-2025

Work Book For
Lab Course - II (Web Technologies - I)


Roll No.__________________________ Division________________________

Academic Year

Internal Examiner ________________________ External Examiner _____________________

About The WorkBook

Objectives –

1. The scope of the course.

2. Bringing uniformity.
3. Continuous assessment of the students.

4. Providing ready references for students while working in the lab.

How to use this book?

This book is mandatory for the completion of the laboratory course. It is a

Measure of the performance of the student in the laboratory for the entire duration of the
Instructions to the students

1) Students should carry this book during practical sessions of Computer Science.
2) Students should maintain separate journal for the source code and outputs.
3) Students should read the topics mentioned in reading section of this Book before coming
for practical.
4) Students should solve all exercises which are selected by Practical in-charge as a part of
journal activity.

5) Students will be assessed for each exercise on a scale of 5

1 Note done 0
2 Incomplete 1
3 Late complete 2
4 Needs improvement 3

5 Complete 4
6 Well-done 5
Instructions to the practical in-charge

1. Explain the assignment and related concepts in around ten minutes using whiteboard if
required or by demonstrating the software.

2. Choose appropriate problems to be solved by student.

3. After a student completes a specific set, the instructor has to verify the outputs and
sign in the provided space after the activity.
4. Ensure that the students use good programming practices.
5. You should evaluate each assignment carried out by a student on a scale of 5 as
specified above ticking appropriate box.
6. The value should also be entered on assignment completion page of respected lab
Assignment Completion Sheet

Sr. Assignment Name Marks Sign

No. (out of 5)
1 Assignment Using HTML and CSS

2 Assignment Using Boot Strap

3 Assignment Using Functions and Strings

4 Assignment Using Arrays

5 Assignment Using Files and

Total out of 25

Total out of 05
Assignment 1: TO STUDY HTML, HTML5 & CSS

You should read following topics before starting this exercise

1. Internet and web

2. Web browsers and web servers
3. HTML tags

Internet and the Web

The internet is a collection of connected computers that communicate with each other. The
Web is a collection of protocols (rules) and software’s that support such communication.

In most situations when two computers communicate, one acts as a server and the other as
a client, known as client-server configuration.

Browsers running on client machines request documents provided by servers. Browsers are
so called because they allow the user to browse through the documents available on the
webservers. A browser initiates the communication with a server, requesting for a
document. The server that is continuously waiting for a request, locates the requested
document and sends it to the browser, which displays it to the user.
The most common protocol on the web is Hyper Text Transfer protocol (HTTP)
The most commonly used browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE).Netscape browser
and Mozilla. The most commonly used web servers are Apache and Microsoft Internet
Information server (IIS).

HTML Basics

Hyper Text Markup Language is a simple markup language used to create platform-
independent hypertext documents on the World Wide Web. Most hypertext documents
on theweb are written in HTML.

You will need a simple text editor to write html codes. For example you can use notepad
in windows and Vi editor in Linux operating system. You will need a browser to view
thehtml code, you can use IE on windows and Mozilla on Linux operating system.

HTML tags are somewhat like commands in programming languages. Tags are not
themselvesdisplayed, but tell the browser how to display the document’s contents.

Every HTML tag is made up of a tag name, sometimes followed by an optional list of
attributes, all of which appears between angle brackets < >. Nothing within the brackets
will bedisplayed in the browser. The tag name is generally an abbreviation of the tag’s

Attributes are properties that extend or refine the tag’s function. The name and
attributes within a tag are not case sensitive. Tag attributes, if any, belong after the tag
name, each separated by one or more spaces. Their order of appearance is not
important. Most attributestake values, which follow an equal sign (=) after the
attribute’s name. Values are limited to 1024 characters in length and may be case
sensitive. Sometimesthe value needs to appear in quotation marks (double or single).

Most HTML tags are containers, meaning they have a beginning start tag and an end
tag. Anend tag contains the same name as the start tag, but it is preceded by a slash
(/). Few tags do not have end tags.


HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML.

HTML5 is still a work in progress. However, the major browsers support many of the
new HTML5 elements and APIs.

HTML5 - New Features

New features of HTML5 are based on HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript. To better
handle today's internet use, HTML5 also includes new elements for drawing graphics,
adding media content, better page structure, better form handling, and several APIs to
drag/drop elements, find Geolocation, include web storage, application cache, web
workers, etc. Some of the most interesting new features in HTML5 are:

• The <canvas> element for 2D drawing

• The <video> and <audio> elements for media playback
• Support for local storage
• New content-specific elements, like <article>, <footer>, <header>, <nav>, <section>
• New form controls, like calendar, date, time, email, url, search

Browser Support forHTML5

The latest versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera all support many
HTML5 features and Internet Explorer 9.0 will also have support for some HTML5 functionality.
The mobile web browsers that come pre-installed on iPhones, iPads, and Android phones all have
excellent support for HTML5.


In HTML5 there is only one <!doctype> declaration, and it is very simple:

<!DOCTYPE html>

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration helps the browser to display a web page correctly. There
are many different documents on the web, and a browser can only display an HTML
page 100%correctly if it knows the HTML type and version used.

Header and Footer:

The <header> tag specifies a header for a document or section. The <header> element
shouldbe used as a container for introductory content or set of navigational links.You
can have several <header> elements in one document.

Note: A <header> tag cannot be placed within a <footer>, <address> or another


The <footer> tag defines a footer for a document or section. A <footer> element
should contain information about its containing element. A footer typically contains
the author of thedocument, copyright information, links to terms of use, contact
information, etc.

You can have several <footer> elements in one document.

Some HTML tags required to design simple web pages are given below

Tag Description
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type

<!--...--> Allows one to insert a line of browser-invisible comments

In the document
<HTML> <HTML>tagtellsthebrowserthatthisisstartoftheHTMLand</HTML>marksits end.
<HEAD> Every html page must have a header.
</HEAD> < Head> tag defines the Head Segment of an html document

<TITLE> One of the most important parts of a header is title. Title is the small text that
</TITLE> appears in title bar of viewer's browser.

<BODY> Every web page needs a body in which one can enter web page content

<BR> A single tag used to break lines

<p> A single tag used to break text. Breaking text with the<p>tag adds vertical spacing

<B></B> To make text appear bold

<U></U> To make text appear underlined

<I></I> To make text appear italic

<CENTER> Centers enclosed text
<BIG></BIG> Sets the type one font size larger than the surrounding text
<SMALL> Sets the type one font size smaller than the surrounding text
<SUB></SUB> Formats enclosed text as subscript.

<SUP></SUP> Formats enclosed text as superscript.

<MARQUEE> Creates a scrolling-text marquee area.

<IMG> Loads an inline image

<Header> The <header> tag specifies a header for a document or section. The
<header> element should be used as a container for introductory content or set of
navigational links.
You can have several <header>elements in one document.
Note:A<header> tag cannot be placed within a <footer>, <address>or another
<footer> The<footer>tag defines footer for a document or section.
A<footer>element should contain information about its containing element.

A footer typically contains the author of the document,copy right information, links
to terms of use, contact information, etc.

You can have several<footer>elements in one document.

An HTML document is divided into two major portions: the head and the body. The head
contains information about the document, such as its title and “meta” information
describingthe contents. The body contains the actual contents of the document (the part
that is displayed in the browser window).

A sample HTML document is given below

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p> 66


A sample HTML5 document is given below

<!—Starting my first web page assignment--!>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<BODY BACKGROUND=”myimage.jpg”text=”#FF0000”>




Example of All basic HTML Tags

<!DOCTYPE html>

<b>Bold Text</b><br>
<i>Italic Text</i><br>
<sup>superscripted Text</sup><br>
<sub>subscripted Text</sub><br>
<big> Big Text><br>
<strong> String Text</strong><br>
<u>Underlined Text</u>
<font face="Arial" size="10" color="blue">Formatted Text</font>

Lists: Lists are a great way to provide information in a structured and easy to read format.

There are two types of lists:

1] Numbered List(Ordered List)

An ordered list is used when sequence of list items is important.

2] Bulleted List(Unordered List)

An unordered list is a collection of related items that have no special order or sequence.

Tags used to create lists are given in the following table.

Tag Description Attributes Example

<LI> Specify the list item.
</OL> The<OL>tag Type=a/A/i/I/1 <!DOCTYPEhtml>
formats the Sets the numbering style to <html>
contents of an a,A,i,I,1default1 <body bgcolor="pink">
ordered list with start=“A” <font face="Arial”
numbers. The Specifies the number or letter size="6"color="green"
numbering starts at with which the list should >
1.It is incremented start. <u>
by one for each List of Cities....
successive ordered </u>
list item tagged with </font>
<LI> <ol type="A"
<UL> <UL> tag defines Type =
</UL> the unordered list of disc/square/circle <!DOCTYPEhtml>
items Specifies the bullet type. <html>
<body bg color= "sky
blue" text=”yellow”>
<font face="Arial”
List of Fruits
<ul type="square">

Tables: A table is a two dimensional matrix, consisting of rows and columns. HTML
tables are intended for displaying data in columns on a web page. Tables contains
information such as text, images, forms, hyperlinks etc.
Tags used to create table are given in the following table.

Tag Description Attributes

<TABLE> Create aTable Border=number

</TABLE> Draws an outline around the table rows and cells of widthequal to
number. By default table have no borders number
=0.Width=number Defines width of the table.
Cell spacing=number Sets the amount of cell space betweentable cells.
Default value is 2
Cell padding=number Sets the amount of cell space, in number of
pixels between the cell border and its contents.Default is 2 Bgcolor=”
#rrggbb” sets background color ofthe table Bordercolor=” #rrggbb”
sets border color of the table align=left|right|center
Aligns the table. The default alignment is left
frame=void|above|below|hsides|lhs|rhs|vsides|box|borderTells the
browser where to draw borders around the table

<TR> Creates a row in

</TR> the table

<TH> Cells are inserted

</TH> in a row of the
table for heading
<TD> Data cells are
</TD> inserted
in a row of the

A sample HTML document for creating table is given below





<table border=2cellspacing=4cellpadding=4 border color dark="red" border color light="blue"


<caption>List of Books</caption>


<th row span=2align="center">ItemNo</th>

<th row span=2align="center">ItemName</th>

<th align="center"colspan=2>Price</th>



<th align="center">Rs.</th>

<th align="center">Paise</th>


Frames : Using frames, one can divide the screen into multiple scrolling sections,
each of which can display a different web page in to it. It allows multiple HTML
documents to be seen concurrently
Inline frames: It is a new frame tag introduced in HTML5. It is having same
properties and attribute options as in<FRAME>tag. An<iframe>tag is used to display
a web page within a web page. Inline frames can be included within the text block in
HTML5 document.

Syntax of inline frame is:


Tags used to add frames are given in the following table

Tag Description Attributes Example

<FRAMESET> Splits Rows=number helps in <frameset
</FRAMESET> browser dividing the browser screen into rows=“20%,30%,*”>
screen into horizontal sections or frames.
frames. Cols=number divides the
Frameset is screen into vertical sections or
deprecated frames. The number written in
in html5, the rows and cols attribute can
but it still be given as absolute numbers
works! or percentage value or an
asterisk can be used to indicate
the remaining space.
<FRAME> used to name=text <html>
</FRAME> define a Assigns a name to the <frameset rows="50%,
singleframe frame. No resize *">
in a Prevents users from resizing <frameset cols="50%,
<frameset> the frame. *">
src=url <frame
Specifies the location of the src="success.html"
initial HTML file to be name="frm1">
By the frame . <frame
Border color=”#rrggbb” or src="welcome.html">
color name </frameset>
Sets the color for frame’s <frame src="failure.html">
borders </frameset>

<IFRAME> <iframe> Iframe Attribute 1. <iframesrc="C:\Docum
</IFRAME> entsandSettings\Desktop\
Tag is used to Attribute Specifications to a7.html"width="150"heig
specify an Adjust Appearance and ht="150"></iframe>
inline frame. Behavior

An inline o src="(URL of 2. <iframename="inli

frame initial iframe neframe"src="float.h
Allows you content)" tml"frameborder="0"
to embed o name="(name of scrolling="auto"widt
another frame ,required for h="500"height="180
document targeting)" "marginwidth="5"ma
within the o long desc="(link to rginheight="5"
current long description)" ></iframe>
HTML o width=(frame
document. width,% or pixels)
The HTML5 o height=(frame
Specification height,%or pixels)
refers to this o align=[top|middle|bott
as a"nested om|left| right|center
browsing ](frame alignment,
context". pick two, use comma)
o frame
border, default is1)
o margin
width, in pixels)
o margin
height, in pixels)
o scrolling=[yes|no|auto
](ability to scroll)

What is CSS?

CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets.CSS is a style language that defines
layout of HTML documents. For example, CSS covers fonts, colours, margins, lines,
height, width, background images, advanced positions and many other things. Just wait
and see!

HTML can be (mis-)used to add layout to websites. But CSS offers more options and is
more accurate and sophisticated. CSS is supported by all browsers today.

Difference between CSS and HTML:

HTML is used to structure content. CSS is used for formatting structured content. The
language HTML was only used to add structure to text. An author could mark his text
by stating "this is a headline" or "this is a paragraph" using HTML tags such as <h1>
and <p>.

As the Web gained popularity, designers started looking for possibilities to add layout
to online documents. To meet this demand, the browser producers (at that time
Netscapeand Microsoft) invented new HTML tags such as for example <font> which
differed from the original HTML tags by defining layout - and not structure.

This also led to a situation where original structure tags such as <table> were
increasingly being misused to layout pages instead of adding structure to text. Many
new layout tags such as <blink> were only supported by one type of browser. "You
need browser X to view this page" became a common disclaimer on web sites. CSS
was invented to remedy this situation by providing web designers with sophisticated
layout opportunities supported by all browsers. At the same time, separation of the
presentation style of documents from the content of documents, makes site
maintenance a lot easier.

Advantages of CSS: CSS was a revolution in the world of web design. The concrete
benefits of CSS include:

• control layout of many documents from one single style sheet;

• more precise control of layout;
• Apply different layout to different media-types (screen, print, etc.);
• Numerous advanced and sophisticated techniques.

How does CSS work?

In this assignment you will learn how to make your first style sheet. You will get to
know about the basic CSS model and which codes are necessary to use CSS in an
HTML document.

Many of the properties used in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are similar to those of
HTML.Thus, if you are used to use HTML for layout, you will most likely recognize
many of the codes. Let us look at a concrete example.

The basic CSS syntax

Let's say we want a nice red color as the background of a

webpage:Using HTML we could have done it like this:

<body bgcolor="#FF0000">

With CSS the same result can be achieved like this:

body {background-color: #FF0000;}

With CSS the same result can be achieved like this:


As you will note, the codes are more or less identical for HTML and CSS. The above
example also shows you the fundamental CSS model:

rule=selector + declaration

But where do you put the CSS code? This is exactly what we will go over now.

Applying CSS to an HTML document

There are three ways you can apply CSS to an HTML

document. These methods are all outlined below.

1. In-Line Method(the attribute style).

2. Internal Method(the tag style).
3. External Method(link to a style sheet).

Method 1: In-line (the attribute style)

One way to apply CSS to HTML is by using the HTML attribute style. Building on
the above example with the red background color, it can be applied like this:

<body style="background-color:#FF0000;">

<p>This is a red page</p>


Method 2: Internal (the tag style)

Another way is to include the CSS codes using the HTML tag <style>. For example like this:

<style type="text/css">


<p>This is a red page</p>








text align:center;






<p>This is a paragraph.</p>



Method 3
External style sheets are separate files full of CSS instructions (with the file extension .css). When any web
page includes an external style sheet, its look and feel will be controlled by this CSS file (unless you decide
to override a style using one of these next two types). This is how you change a whole website at once. And
that's perfect if you want to keep up with the latest fashion in web pages without rewriting every page!

Sample program of External Style:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Code for mystyle.css

body {
background-color: light blue;
h1 {
color: navy; margin-left: 20px;

Creation of forms

You should read following topics before starting this exercise

1. Forms and different types of Input element details

Forms: HTML5 provides better & more extensive support for collecting user inputs
throughforms. A form can be placed anywhere inside the body of an HTML

You can have more than one form in the document.

Tags used to add input forms are given in the following table.

Tag Description Attributes Example

<FORM> Creates a action="URL" Gives the URL <!doctype html>
</FORM> form of the application that is to <head>..
receive & process the forms </head>
data. <body>
method="get" or "post" Sets <form action=”url”
the method by which the method=”post/get”>
browser sends the forms data </form>
to the server for processing. </body>

<INPUT> It is used Name=text It is used to name <label for>enter your

</INPUT> for the field. name</label>
managing Maxlength=number The <input type=”text”
the input maximum number of input name=”nm”
controls characters allowed in the input width=20>
that will control.
be Size=number The width of the <input
Placed input control in pixels. type=”radio”
within the type="(checkbox/hidden/radio name=”gender”
tag. /reset/submit/text/image)" value=”male”
value="default value (for text checked>Male
or hidden widget);
Value to be submitted with the <input type=”radio”
form(for a check box or radio name=”gender”
button); value=”Female”>Female
Or label(for Reset or Submit
buttons)" <input type="check
src="source file for an image",\ box" name="chess"
checked indicates that value="chess">Chess
checkbox <input type="checkbox"
or radio button is name="Poker"
checked align="(text value="Poker">Poker
top/abs middle

<SELECT> Defines and <br>
</SELECT> displays Age Between:
name="(name to be passed to <select name=”age”
a the script as part of size=1>
set of name/value pair)" </select>
optional list rows="no. of
items rows" cols="(no.
fro of cols.)"
which the
user can
select one
more items.
<TEXTAREA> name=name of data field <textarea
</TEXTAREA> size=#of item s to display rows=10columns=40>
line text
multiple allows multiple </textarea>
<OPTION> indicates <select name=”age”
a selected=default selection size=1>
possible value="data submitted if this <option selected>21-30
item within option is selected" <option>31-40
a select </select>

New input types in HTML5

HTML5 introduces 13 new input types. When viewed in a browser that doesn't support
them, these input types fall back to text input.

Input types Description

Attribute Example
Label Define a <form>
Label for <label for>enter
<input>ele your name</label>
ment <input
Legend Define a <form>
Caption for • <legend>create new
field set acount</legend>
element </form>

Number For • value: The initial
numerical value. If omitted, the <input type="number
input field is initially "min="0"
blank, but the max="20"step="2"
internal value is not value="10"name="so
consistent across me-name"/>
• step: How much to
change the value
when you click on the
up or down arrows of
the control. The
default is 1.
• min, max: The
And largest values
that can be selected
with the up/down
Range For • value: The initial
numerical value. The default is <input type="range"
input, but half way between the name="some-name"/>
unlike min and the max.
number, • step: How much to
the actual change the value
is not when you click on the
important. up or down arrows of
the control. The
default is1.
• min, max: The
smallest and largest
values that can be
selected. The default
form in is 0, and the
the default for max
Date For entering • value: The initial
a date with value. The format is <input type="date"
no time "yyyy-mm-dd". name="some-name"/>
zone. • step: The step size
in days. The default
• min,max: The
smallest and largest
dates that can be
selected, formatted as
date strings of the
form "yyyy-mm-dd".
Time For entering
a time value <input type="time"/>
with hour,
but no time
Datetime-local For
entering a <input type="datetime-
date and local"/>
Time with
no time
Color For • value: The initial <input type="color”
choosing value. The intention value=”#ff0000"/>
color is that if a browser
through a pops up a color
Color well chooser, the initial
control Selection will
match the current

Email For entering
a single • value: The initial <input type="email"
mail value(a legal email name="some-name"/>
address or a address). <input
list of email • list: The id of a type="email"
addresses. separate" data list" list="email-
element that defines a choices"
list of email name="some-
addresses for the user name"/>
to choose among <datalist
<option label="Marty
<option label="Somebody
Else" value=
</data list>
URL For entering • value: The initial <input type="url"
a single value, as an absolute name="some-name"/>
URL. URL. <input type="url"
• list: The id of a list="url-choices
separate "data list" "name="some-
element that defines a name"/>
list of URLs for the <data list
user to choose id="url-
among. choices">
Tel For entering • value: The initial <input type="tel"
A telephone value as a phone name="some-name"/>
number. number

Placeholder Gives the • Place holder: A Input type="text(or
user a hint small hint. This other)"placeholder="so
about what differs from the me text" name="some-
sort of data "value" attribute in name"/>
they should two ways. First, it
enter. will usually be
rendered differently
(e.g., light gray).
Second, it will
disappear when you
click in the text field.
• value: The initial
value. If you have
placeholder and value,
The value wins, and
place holder isignored.

Autofocus Focuses the <input id="last name"

input on the • value: The initial type="text"
element value TRUE/FALSE autofocus="true"
when the
Page is

autocomplete For specifying <input id="password
that a field confirmation"
should not type="password"
auto complete • value: The name="Password
or be initialvalue confirmation"
pre-filled by ON/OFF autocomplete="off">
the browser
based on a
user's past
List/data list Representsa • list: The id of a <input type="text
set of separate "data (or
Option list" element that other)"list="some-
elements that defines alist of id" name="some-
can be used in choices for the name"/>
combination user to choose <data list
with the new among. id="email-
listattribute choices">
for input to • The <option label="Display
make option Val1
dropdown element(i "value="InsertVal1">
menus. nside <option label="Display
"data Val2"value="InsertVal2">
list") <option label="Display
• label: Extra ...
information that </datalist>
may be
displayed in the
list. Browsers
might showthis
label or a
combination of
the label and the
value. The label
is never partof
the value that is
inserted in to the
text field when
the entry is
• value: The
value that
should be
inserted into
the textfield
when the entry
is selected.

Try this Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>Registration Form</h3>
Enter your Name <input type="text" name="t1">
Your Email Address<input type="email" name="t2">
Your Phone Number<input type="text" name="t3">
Your City
<select name=t4>
<option> Mumbai</option>
Male <input type=radio name=r1>
Female<input type=radio name=r1>
<input type=submit value="display">

BOX Model in CSS

Every element that can be displayed on a web page is comprised of one or more rectangular boxes.
CSS box model typically describes how these rectangular boxes are laid out on a web page. These
boxes can have different properties and can interact with each other in different ways, but every box
has a content area and optional surrounding padding, border, and margin areas.

The following diagram demonstrates how the width, height, padding, border, and margin CSS
properties determines how much space an element can take on a web page.

The specific area that an element box may occupy on a web page is measured as follows-

Size of the Properties of CSS


Height height + padding-top + padding-bottom + border-top + border-bottom +

margin-top + margin-bottom

Width width + padding-left + padding-right + border-left + border-right + margin-

left + margin-right

div {
width: 300px;
border: 15px solid green;
padding: 50px;
margin: 20px;

CSS Navigation Bar

A Navigation bar or navigation system comes under GUI that helps the visitors in accessing
information. It is the UI element on a webpage that includes links for the other sections of the

A navigation bar is mostly displayed on the top of the page in the form of a horizontal list of links.
#ul-nb {
list-style: none;
#ul-nb li {
text-align: center;
#ul-nbli:hover {

<ul id="ul-nb">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Community</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Careers</a></li>

Q1) Create a HTML document to display the following screen.

Q 2. Write a HTML code, which generate the following output

List of Books

Item No Item Name
Rs. Paise

1 Programming in Python 500 50

2 Programming in Java 345 00

Q3. Write a HTML script to design the following screen

Q 1. Write the HTML code for generating the form as shown below.
Apply the internal CSS to following form change the font size of the heading to 6pt and change the
color to red and also change the background color yellow

Q 2. Write HTML 5 code which generates the following output and display each element of list in
different size, color & font. Use external CSS to format the list

Q 3. Create HTML5 page with following specifications
i) Title should be about your City.
ii) Color the background by Pink color.
iii) Place your city name at the top of page in large text and in blue color. iv) Add names of
the landmarks in your city, each in different color, style and font
v) Add scrolling text about your City.
vi) Add any image at the bottom. (Use inline CSS to format the web page)

Set C.
Q 1. Design HTML 5 Page Using CSS which display the following Box
( use Box Model Property in CSS)

Q 2Design HTML 5 Page Using CSS Which Display the following Navigation Bar

Signature of the instructor: Date :

Assignment Evaluation

0: Not Done 2: Late Complete 4: Complete

1: Incomplete 3: Needs Improvement 5: Well Done

Assignment: 2 Bootstrap

Before proceeding with the Bootstrap tutorial, you should have some basic knowledge to implement
web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to understand the bootstrap framework and its

What is Bootstrap?

• Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for faster and easier web development
• Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons,
tables, navigation, modals, image carousels and many other, as well as optional JavaScript
• Bootstrap also gives you the ability to easily create responsive designs

Bootstrap History

Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter, and released as an open
source product in August 2011 on GitHub.

In June 2014 Bootstrap was the No.1 project on GitHub!

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design is about creating web sites which automatically adjust themselves to look
good on all devices, from small phones to large desktops.

Why Use Bootstrap?

Advantages of Bootstrap:

• Easy to use: Anybody with just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start using
• Responsive features: Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops
• Mobile-first approach: In Bootstrap 3, mobile-first styles are part of the core framework
• Browser compatibility: Bootstrap is compatible with all modern browsers (Chrome,
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, and Opera)

Bootstrap Installation

Where to Get Bootstrap?

There are two ways to start using Bootstrap on your own web site.

You can:

• Download Bootstrap from

• Include Bootstrap from a CDN

Download Bootstrap Files

You can download the latest version of the Bootstrap framework from The
download files will contain the compiled and minified versions of CSS and JavaScript plugins. We
can include any of these versions, i.e., either full or minified version based on our requirements.

The full (uncompressed) version contains the proper description of each method along with the
comments. It is user-friendly and easily debugged but slower to load and heavier than
the minified version. This should use mainly in the development process.

On the other hand, the minified version eliminates any unnecessary spaces and comments, and hence
it is not so user-friendly. This loads faster and is much lighter than the compiled version. So this
version should be used when your project goes live.

Now, add the downloaded files to your application root directory and include those file references in
the header (<head>) section by using src attribute of the <script> tag like as shown below.

<html lang="en">
<title>Bootstrap Example</title>

<!-- Latest Bootstrap CSS -->

<script src="~/css/bootstrap.min.css"></script>
<!-- jQuery Library -->
<script src="~/jquery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
<!-- Popper JS -->
<script src="~/js/popper.min.js"></script>
<!-- Latest Compiled JavaScript -->
<script src="~/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

If you observe the above code, we included jQuery and Popper.js files in the header section because
if we want to use compiled bootstrap js file, we need to include jQuery and Popper.js before bootstrap
js file. So, you need to download and include those files in your application directory.

Use Bootstrap from CDN

If you don’t want to download the bootstrap files, then we can directly add them to our webpage by
referencing them from public CDN (Content Delivery Network) like as shown below.

<html lang="en">
<title>Bootstrap Example</title>

<!-- Latest Bootstrap CSS -->

<link rel="stylesheet" href="
<!-- jQuery Library -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Popper JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Latest Compiled JavaScript -->
<script src=""></script>

<body> </body>

The CDN’s will provide a performance benefit by reducing the loading time because the bootstrap
files are hosted on multiple servers, and those are spread across the globe, so when a user requests
the file, it will be served from the nearest server to them.

When we request a webpage, the CDN files will cache in the browser. If we request the same web
page, then the CDN files will load from cache instead of downloading again from CDN.

Example1 :

<html lang="en">


<title>Bootstrap Example</title>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<link rel="stylesheet"

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>


<div class="jumbotron text-center">
<h1>My First Bootstrap Page</h1>
<p>Resize this responsive page to see the effect!</p>

<div class="container">

<div class="row">

<div class="col-sm-4">

<h3>Personal Information</h3>

<p>Add your personal information..</p>



<div class="col-sm-4">

<h3>Educational Information</h3>

<p>Add your educational information. ..</p>

<p> .. </p>


<div class="col-sm-4">

<h3>Job Profile</h3>

<p>Add your job profile information. ... </p>

<p> .. </p>







Example 2 :
<html lang="en">


<title>Bootstrap 4 Website Example</title>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<link rel="stylesheet"

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>


.fakeimg {

height: 200px;

background: #aaa;

<div class="jumbotron text-center" style="margin-bottom:0">

<h1>My First Bootstrap 4 Page</h1>

<p>Resize this responsive page to see the effect!</p>


<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm bg-dark navbar-dark">

<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar</a>

<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-


<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>


<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="collapsibleNavbar">

<ul class="navbar-nav">

<li class="nav-item">

<a class="nav-link" href="#">Home</a>


<li class="nav-item">

<a class="nav-link" href="#">Page 1</a>


<li class="nav-item">

<a class="nav-link" href="#">Page 2</a>




<div class="container" style="margin-top:30px">
<div class="row">

<div class="col-sm-4">

<h2>About Me</h2>

<h5>Photo of me:</h5>

<div class="fakeimg">Your Image</div>

<p>Some text about me in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim..</p>

<h3>Some Links</h3>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame.</p>

<ul class="nav nav-pills flex-column">

<li class="nav-item">

<a class="nav-link active" href="#">Personal Data</a>


<li class="nav-item">

<a class="nav-link" href="#">Educational Info</a>


<li class="nav-item">

<a class="nav-link" href="#">Business Profile</a>


<li class="nav-item">

<a class="nav-link disabled" href="#">Disabled</a>



<hr class="d-sm-none">


<div class="col-sm-8">


<h5>Title description</h5>

<div class="fakeimg">Add Image</div>

<p>Add Some text..</p>
<p>Sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollincididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.</p>



<h5>Title description</h5>

<div class="fakeimg">Add Image</div>

<p>Add Some text..</p>

<p>Sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum qua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.</p>




<div class="jumbotron text-center" style="margin-bottom:0">






Run above program and check output and do changes as per your webpage requirement

The Carousel(slideshow) Plugin

The Carousel plugin is a component for cycling through elements, like a carousel (slideshow).

How To Create a Carousel ?

The outermost <div>:

Carousels require the use of an id (in this case id="myCarousel") for carousel controls to function

The class="carousel" specifies that this <div> contains a carousel.

The .slide class adds a CSS transition and animation effect, which makes the items slide when
showing a new item. Omit this class if you do not want this effect.
The data-ride="carousel" attribute tells Bootstrap
to begin animating the carousel immediately when
the page loads.

The "Indicators" part:

The indicators are the little dots at the bottom of each slide (which indicates how many slides there
are in the carousel, and which slide the user is currently viewing).

The indicators are specified in an ordered list with class .carousel-indicators.

The data-target attribute points to the id of the carousel.

The data-slide-to attribute specifies which slide to go to, when clicking on the specific dot.

The "Wrapper for slides" part:

The slides are specified in a <div> with class .carousel-inner.

The content of each slide is defined in a <div> with class .item. This can be text or images.

The .active class needs to be added to one of the slides. Otherwise, the carousel will not be visible.

The "Left and right controls" part:

This code adds "left" and "right" buttons that allows the user to go back and forth between the slides

The data-slide attribute accepts the keywords "prev" or "next", which alters the slide position relative
to its current position.

Add Captions to Slides

Add <div class="carousel-caption"> within each <div class="item"> to create a caption for each

Example :
<html lang="en">


<title>Bootstrap Example</title>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<link rel="stylesheet"
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div class="container">

<h2>Carousel Example</h2>

<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">

<!-- Indicators -->

<ol class="carousel-indicators">

<li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li>

<li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="1"></li>

<li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="2"></li>


<!-- Wrapper for slides -->

<div class="carousel-inner">

<div class="item active">

<img src="Desert.jpg" alt="Los Angeles" style="width:100%;">

<div class="carousel-caption">

<h3>Los Angeles</h3>

<p>LA is always so much fun!</p>



<div class="item">

<img src="Koala.jpg" alt="Chicago" style="width:100%;">

<div class="carousel-caption">
<p>Thank you, Chicago!</p>



<div class="item">
<img src="Tulips.jpg" alt="New York" style="width:100%;">

<div class="carousel-caption">

<h3>New York</h3>
<p>We love the Big Apple!</p>


<!-- Left and right controls -->

<a class="left carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>

<span class="sr-only">Previous</span>


<a class="right carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>

<span class="sr-only">Next</span>






Run above program and check output and change images as per your webpage

Bootstrap Forms
Bootstrap's Default Settings

Form controls automatically receive some global styling with Bootstrap:

All textual <input>, <textarea>, and <select> elements with class .form-control have a width of

Bootstrap Form Layouts

Bootstrap provides three types of form layouts:

• Vertical form (this is default)

• Horizontal form
• Inline form

Standard rules for all three form layouts:

• Wrap labels and form controls in <div class="form-group"> (needed for optimum spacing)
• Add class .form-control to all textual <input>, <textarea>, and <select> elements

Bootstrap Vertical Form (default)

VerticalForm.html :
<html lang="en">
<title>Bootstrap Example</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet"
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<h2>Basic form</h2>
<form action="/action_page.php">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="email">Email:</label> 45
<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Enter email"
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pwd">Password:</label>
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="pwd" placeholder="Enter password"

<div class="checkbox">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="remember"> Remember me</label>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>

Bootstrap Inline Form

In an inline form, all of the elements are inline, left-aligned, and the labels are alongside.

Note: This only applies to forms within viewports that are at least 768px wide!

Additional rule for an inline form:

• Add class .form-inline to the <form> element


<html lang="en">


<title>Bootstrap Example</title>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<link rel="stylesheet"

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>



<div class="container">

<h2>Inline form</h2>

<form class="form-inline" action="/action_page.php">

<div class="form-group">

<label for="email">Email:</label>

<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Enter email"



<div class="form-group">

<label for="pwd">Password:</label>

<input type="password" class="form-control" id="pwd" placeholder="Enter password"



<div class="checkbox">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="remember"> Remember me</label>


<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>





Bootstrap Horizontal Form

A horizontal form means that the labels are aligned next to the input field (horizontal) on large and
medium screens. On small screens (767px and below), it will transform to a vertical form (labels are
placed on top of each input).

Additional rules for a horizontal form:

• Add class .form-horizontal to the <form> element

• Add class .control-label to all <label> elements


<html lang="en">


<title>Bootstrap Example</title>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<link rel="stylesheet"

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<div class="container">

<h2>Horizontal form</h2>

<form class="form-horizontal" action="/action_page.php">

<div class="form-group">

<label class="control-label col-sm-2" for="email">Email:</label>

<div class="col-sm-10">

<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Enter email"




<div class="form-group">

<label class="control-label col-sm-2" for="pwd">Password:</label>

<div class="col-sm-10">

<input type="password" class="form-control" id="pwd" placeholder="Enter password"


<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
<div class="checkbox">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="remember"> Remember me</label>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>
Set A:

1. Create following Bootstrap Web Layout Design. There are 9 blocks of the region in
the arrangement. You can either place the images in them or the contents.

Set B
1. Create following layout using bootstrap

2. Create following News Template Layout using Bootstrap. At the top bar, you can include a
climate gadget and helpful links like part login and information exchange. Like in all other free news
site formats, mega menu choices are present to give you a chance to sort out the links.

Set C:
1. Create following one page website layout using bootstrap
Assignment Evaluation

0: Not Done 2: Late Complete 4: Complete

1: Incomplete 3: Needs Improvement 5: Well Done

Assignment No. 3 : To study functions & strings

User-defined functions
A function may be defined using syntax such as the following:
function function_name([argument_list…])
[return return_value;]
Any valid PHP code may appear inside a function, even other functions and class definitions. The
variables you use inside a function are, by default, not visible outside that function. In PHP3
functions must be defined, before they are referenced. No such requirement exists in PHP4.
Example 1.
Code Output
<?php Hello
msg("Hello"); // calling a function
function msg($a) // defining a function
echo $a;

Default parameters

You can give default values to more than one argument, but once you start assigning default values,
you have to give them to all arguments that follow as well.
Example 2.
Code Output
<?php Hello
function display($greeting, $message=”Good Day”) Good Day
echo $greeting;
echo “<br>”;
echo $message;

Variable parameters

You can set up functions that can take a variable number of arguments. Variable number of
arguments can be handled with these functions:
func_num_args : Returns the number of arguments passed
func_get_arg : Returns a single argument
func_get_args : Returns all arguments in an array
Code Output
<?php Passing 3 arg. to xconcat
echo “Passing 3 arg. to xconcat<br>”; Result is …How are you
echo “Result is …”;
function xconcat( )
$ans = “”;
$arg = func_get_args( );
for ($i=0; $i<func_num_args( ); $i++ )
$ans.= $arg[$i].” “;
echo $ans;

Missing parameters

When using default arguments, any defaults should be on the right side of any non-default
arguments, otherwise, things will not work as expected.
Example 4.
Code Output
<?php Making a cup of Nescafe.
function makecoffee ($type = "Nescafe") Making a cup of espresso.
return "Making a cup of $type<br>";
echo makecoffee ();
echo makecoffee ("espresso");
<?php Warning: Missing argument 2 in call to
function make ($type = "acidophilus", $flavour) make()…..
{ Making a bowl of raspberry
return "Making a bowl of $type $flavour<br>";
echo make ("raspberry"); // won’t work
<?php Making a bowl of acidophilus raspberry.
function make ($flavour, $type = "acidophilus")
return "Making a bowl of $type $flavour<br>";
echo make ("raspberry"); //it works

Variable functions
Assign a variable the name of a function, and then treat that variable as though it is the name of a

Example 5.
Code Output
<?php Function one
$varfun='fun1'; Function two
$varfun( ); Function three
$varfun( );
$varfun( );
function fun1( )
echo "<br>Function one";
function fun2( )
echo "<br>Function two";
function fun3( )
echo "<br>Function three";

Anonymous functions

The function that does not possess any name are called anonymous functions. Such functions are
created using create_function( ) built-in function. Anonymous functions are also called as lambda

Example 6.

Code Output
<?php 30
'$c = $a + $b; return $c;');
echo $fname(10,20);

Strings in PHP

- Single quoted string (few escape characters supported, variable interpolation not possible)
- Double quoted string (many escape characters supported, variable interpolation possible)
- Heredoc

There are functions to print the string, namely print, printf, echo.

StringsExample 1.
Code Output
<?php Both strings are not equal
$a='amit'; String1 sorts before String2
if($a==$b) //using operator
echo "Both strings are equal<br>";
echo "Both strings are not equal<br>";
if(strcmp($a,$b)>0) //using function
echo "String2 sorts before String1";
echo "both are equal";
elseif(strcmp($a,$b)<0) // negative value
echo "String1 sorts before String2";
<?php Both strings are not equal
if($a===$b) //using operator
echo "Both strings are equal<br>";
echo "Both strings are not equal<br>";

Other string comparison functions

strcasecmp( ): case in-sensitive string comparison
strnatcmp( ): string comparison using a “natural order”algorithm
strnatcasecmp( ): case in-sensitive version of strnatcmp( )

String manipulation & searching string

Example 2.
Code Output
<?php is my
$big="India is my country"; There are 2 i's in India is my
$str=substr($big,6,5); country
echo "<br>$str";
$cnt = substr_count($big,"i"); is found at 6 position
echo "<br>There are".$cnt." i's in $big"; before replacement->India is my
$pos=strpos($big,"is"); country
echo "<br>is found at $pos position"; after replacement ->Bharat is my
$replace=substr_replace($big,"Bharat",0,5); country
echo "<br>before replacement->$big";
echo "<br>after replacement ->$replace";

Regular Expressions
Two types of regular expressions
POSIX – style
PERL – compatible
Purpose of using regular expressions
Example 3.
Code Output
<?php am found in $big
$big=<<< paragraph Bharat is my country. I am proud
India is my country. of it. I live in Maharashtra.
I am proud of it. India
I live in Maharashtra. is
paragraph; my
echo "<br>"; country.
$found=preg_match('/am/i',$big); I
if($found) am
echo "<br>am found in \$big"; proud
$replace=preg_replace('/India/','Bharat',$big); of
echo "<br>$replace"; it.
$split=preg_split('/ /',$big); I
foreach($split as $elem) live
{ echo "<br>$elem";} in
?> Maharashtra

Q: 1) Write a script to accept two integers(Use html form having 2 textboxes).
Write a PHP script to,
a. Find mod of the two numbers.
b. Find the power of first number raised to the second.
c. Find the sum of first n numbers (considering first number as n)
d. Find the factorial of second number.
(Write separate function for each of the above operations.)
Q: 2) Write a PHP script for the following: Design a form to accept a string.
a. Write a function to find the length of given string without using built in functions.
b. Write a function to count the total number of vowels i.e. (a,e,i,o,u) ) from the string.
c. Convert the given string to lowercase and then to Title case.
d. Pad the given string with “*” from left and right both the sides.
e. Remove the leading whitespaces from the given string.

f. Find the reverse of given string.(use built-in functions)
(Use radio buttons and the concept of function. Use ‘include’ construct or ‘require’ stmt.)


Q. 1) :Write a PHP script for the following: Design a form to accept two strings from the user.
a. Find whether the small string appears at the start of the large string.
b. Find the position of the small string in the big string.
c. Compare both the string for first n characters, also the comparison should not be case

Q. 2) : Write a PHP script for the following: Design a form having a text box and a drop down list
containing any 3 separators(e.g. #, |, %, @, ! or comma) accept a strings from the user and also a
a. Splitthe string into separate words using the given separator.
b. Replace all the occurrences of separator in the given string with some other separator.
c. Find the last word in the given string(Use strrstr() function).

Q. 3) : Write a PHP script having 3 textboxes. The first textbox should be for accepting name of the
student, second for accepting name of college and third for accepting a proper greeting
message. Write a function for accepting all the three parameters and generating a proper
greeting message. If any of the parameters are not passed, generate the proper greeting
(Use the concept of missing parameters)


Q: 1) Write a PHP script for the following: Design a form to accept the marks of 5 different subjects
of a student, havingserial number, subject name & marks out of 100. Display the result in the
tabular format which will have total, percentage and grade. Use only 3 text boxes.(Use array
of form parameters)

Q: 2) Write a PHP script to accept 2 strings from the user, the first string should be a sentence and
second can be a word.

a. Delete a small part from first string after accepting position and number of characters to
b. Insert the given small string in the given big string at specified position without
removing any characters from the big string.
c. Replace some characters/ words from given big string with the given small string at
specified position.
d. Replace all the characters from the big string with the small string after a specified
(Use substr_replace() function)

Q: 3)Using regular expressions check for the validity of entered email-id.

a. The @ symbol should not appear more than once.

b. The dot (.) can appear at the most once before @ and at the most twice or at least once
after @ symbol.
c. The substring before @ should not begin with a digit or underscore or dot or @ or any
other special character. (Use explode and ereg function.)

Signature of the instructor: Date:

Assignment Evaluation

0:Not Done 2:Late Complete 4:Complete

1:Incomplete 3:Needs Improvement 5:Well Done


An array is a collection of data values. Array is organized as an ordered collection of (key,value)


In PHP there are two kinds of arrays:

Indexed array: An array with a numeric index starting with 0.

For example, Initializing an indexed array,


Associative array: An array which have strings as keys which are used to access the values.

Initializing an Associative array,

$numbers[ ‘one’ ]=100;
$numbers[ ‘two’ ]=200;
$numbers[ ‘three’ ]=300;

Creating Arrays

Arrays can be created in multiple ways

1. Using simple assignment to initialize an array.

Eg : $addresses[0] = "";
$addresses[1] = "";
$addresses[2] =


$price['gasket'] = 15.29;
$price['wheel'] = 75.25;
$price['tire'] = 50.00

2. An easier way to initialize an array is to use the array() construct, which builds an array from
its arguments. This builds an indexed array, and the index values (starting at 0) are created
$addresses = array("", "",
To create an associative array with array(), use the => symbol to separate indices
(keys) from values:
$price = array( 'gasket' => 15.29, 'wheel' => 75.25, 'tire' => 50.00 );

3. To construct an empty array, pass no arguments to array(): $addresses = array();

Name Use Example
Array() This construct is used to $numbers=array(100,200,300);
initialize an array. $cities=array( ‘Capital of Nation‘=>’Delhi’,
’Capital of state’=>’Mumbai’, ’My
List() This function is used to $cities=array( ‘Capital of Nation‘=>’Delhi’,
copy values from array ’Capital of state’=>’Mumbai’, ’My
to the variables. city’=>’Nashik’);
Count(), sizeof() The count() and sizeof() $family = array("Fred", "Wilma", "Pebbles");
functions are identical in $size = count($family);
use and effect. They // $size is 3
return the number of
elements in the array.
array_splice() This function is used to $student=array(11,12,13,14,15,16);
remove or insert $new_student=array_splice($student,2,3); /*
elements in array starting from index(2) and length =3
$new_student1=array_splice($student,2); /* here
length is not mentioned */ Output :
array_key_exists() This function is used to $cities=array( ‘Capital of Nation‘=>’Delhi’,
check if an element exist ’Capital of state’=>’Mumbai’, ’My
in the array. city’=>’Nashik’);
If (array_key_exists(‘Capital of State’,$cities))
{ Echo “key found!\n”; }
Output :Key_found!
extract() This function $student = array(‘roll’=>11,
automatically creates ‘name’=>’A’,’class’=>’TYBSC’);
local variables from the Extract($student);
array By this, the variables are created like this :
$roll = 11; $name=’A’; $class=’TYBSc’;
array_filter() To identify a subset of $callback = function isOdd ($element)
an array based on its { return $element % 2; };
values, use the $numbers = array(9, 23, 24, 27);
array_filter() function $odds = array_filter($numbers, $callback);
// $odds is array(0 => 9, 1 => 23, 3 => 27)
shuffle() To traverse the elements $weekdays = array("Monday", "Tuesday",
in an array in random "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday");
order, use the shuffle() shuffle($weekdays);
function print_r($days);
[0] => Tuesday
[1] => Thursday
[2] => Monday
[3] => Friday
[4] => Wednesday )

Set A

1. Create your array of 30 high temperatures, approximating the weather for a spring month,
then find the average high temp, the five warmest high temps and the five coolest high temps.
Display the result on the browser.
Hint: a) Use array_slice b) the HTML character entity for the degree sign is & deg;.

2. Write a menu driven program to perform the following stack and queue related
operations:[Hint: use Array_push(), Array_pop(), Array_shift(), Array_unshift() ]
a) Insert an element in stack
b) Delete an element from stack
c) Display the contents of stack
d) Insert an element in queue
e) Delete an element from queue
f) Display the contents of queue

Set B

1. Write a PHP script that inserts a new item in an array at any position.
(hint : use array_splice())

2. Define an array. Find the elements from the array that matches the given
value using appropriate search function.

Set C

1. Write a PHP script to sort the following associative array :

array("Sophia"=>"31","Jacob"=>"41","William"=>"39","Ramesh"=>"40") in
a) ascending order sort by value
b) ascending order sort by Key
c) descending order sorting by Value
d) descending order sorting by Key

2. Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on associative arrays:
a) Split an array into chunks
b) Sort the array by values without changing the keys.
c) Filter the odd elements from an array.
d) Merge the given arrays.
e) Find the intersection of two arrays.
f) Find the union of two arrays.
g) Find set difference of two arrays.

Assignment Evaluation

0: Not Done 2: Late Complete 4: Complete

1: Incomplete 3: Needs Improvement 5: Well Done

Assignment : 5 To study Files and Database (PHP-PostgreSQL)

File : A file is nothing more than an ordered sequence of bytes stored on hard
disk,floppy disk CD-ROM or some other storage media. Operations on file are
Opening and closing a file. Reading a file and writing into file Deleting and
renaming a file navigating a file

A file handler is nothing more than an integer value that will be used to
identify the file you to work with until it is closed working with files
Function Name Description
fopen() Opening and closing a file
This is used to open a file ,returning a file handle associatedwith
opened file .It can take three arguments :fname,mode and optional
We can also open a file on remote hostList
of modes used in fopen are:
Mode Purpose
R Open for reading only; place the file pointerat
the beginning of the file
r+ Open for reading and writing; place the file
pointer at the beginning of the file.
w Open for writing only; place the file pointer at
the beginning of the file and truncate thefile to
zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to
create it.
w+ Open for reading and writing; place the file
pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate
the file to zero length. If the file does not exist,
attempt to create it.
A Open for writing only; place the file pointerat
the end of the file. If the file does not exist,
attempt to create it.
a+ Open for reading and writing; place the file
pointer at the end of the file. If the file does
not exist, attempt to create it.
fclose() This is used to close file, using its associated file handle as a
single argument
Ex:- fclose(fp);
fread( ) This function is used to extract a character string from a fileand
takes two arguments, a file handle and a integer length
Ex: fread($fp,10);
fwrite() This function is used to write data to a file and takes two
arguments, a file handle and a string
Ex: fwrite($fp,”HELLO”);

fgetc() Function can be used to read one character from file at a fileIt
takes a single argument ,a file handle and return just
one character from the file .It returns false when it reached toend of
fgets() This function is used to read set of characters it takes two
arguments, file pointer and length.
It will stop reading for any one of three reasons:The
specified number of bytes has been read
A new line is encountered
The end of file is reached
fputs() This is simply an alias for fwrite() .
file() This function will return entire contents of file.This function will
automatically opens,reads,anclose the file.It has one
argument :a string containing the name of the file.It can alsofetch
files on remote host.
fpassthru() This function reads and print the entire file to the web browser.This
function takes one argument ,file handle.If youread a couple of lines
from a file before calling fpassthru()
,then this function only print the subsequent contents of afile.

readfile() This function prints content of file without having a call to

It takes a filename as its argument ,reads a file and then writeit to
standard output returning the number of bytesread(or false upon
fseek() It takes file handle and integer offset , offset type as an arguments .It
will move file position indicator associated withfile pointer to a
position determined by offset. By default this offset is measured in
bytes from the beginning of the file.
The third argument is optional ,can be specified as:
SEEK_SET:-Beginning of file +offset
SEEK_CUR:-Current position +offset(default)
SEEK_END:-End of the file +offset
ftell() It takes file handle as an argument and returns the current
offset(in bytes) of the corresponding file position indicator.
rewind() It accepts a file handle as an argument and reset the
corresponding file position indicator to the beginning of file.
file_exists() It takes file name with detail path as an argument and returns
true if file is there otherwise it returns false
file_size() It takes file name as an argument and returns total size of file
(in bytes)
fileatime() It takes filename as an argument and returns last access time
for a file in a UNIX timestamp format
filectime() It takes filename as an argument and returns the time at
which the file was last changed as a UNIX timestamp format
filemtime() It takes filename as an argument and returns the time at
which the file was last modified as a UNIX timestamp format
fileowner() It takes filename as an argument and returns the user ID of
the owner of specified file.
posix_getpwuid() It accept user id returned by fileowner() function as an argument and
returns an associative array with following
Key Description
name The shell account user name of the
passwd The encrypted user password
Uid The ID number of the user
Gid The group ID of the user
Gecos A comma separated list containing user
full name office phone, office number
and home phone number
Dir The absolute path to the home
directory of the user
Shell The absolute path to the users default
filegroup() It takes filename as an argument and returns the group ID of
owner of the specified file
posix_getgid() It accept group ID returned by filegroup() function as an
argument and returns an associative array on a group
identified by group ID with following refernces
Key Description
Name The name of group
Gid The ID number of group
members The number of members belonging to
the group
filetype() It takes filename as an argument and returns the type of specified file
. the type of possible values are fifo, char, dir,
block, link, file and unknown
basename() It takes file name as an argument and separate the filename
from its directory path.
copy() It takes two string arguments referring to the source and
destination file respectively.
rename() It takes two argument as old name and new name and
renames the file with new name.
unlink() It takes a single argument referring to the name of file we
want to delete.
is_file() It returns true if the given file name refers to a regular file.
fstat() The fstat() function returns information about an open file.
This function returns an array with the following elements:
[0] or [dev] - Device number
[1] or [ino] - Inode number
[2] or [mode] - Inode protection mode
[3] or [nlink] - Number of links
[4] or [uid] - User ID of owner
[5] or [gid] - Group ID of owner
[6] or [rdev] - Inode device type
[7] or [size] - Size in bytes
[8] or [atime] - Last access (as Unix timestamp)
[9] or [mtime] - Last modified (as Unix timestamp)
[10] or [ctime] - Last inode change (as Unix timestamp)
[11] or [blksize] - Blocksize of filesystem IO (if supported)
[12] or [blocks] - Number of blocks allocated
Use of some above mentioned functions is illustrated in the following
examples:Example: 1) To read file from server use fread() function. A file
pointer can be created to the file and read the content by specifying the size
of data to be collected.
$myfile = fopen("somefile.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
echo fread($myfile,filesize("somefile.txt"));

Example: 2) a file can be written by using fwrite() function in php. For this
open filein write mode. file can be written only if it has write permission. if
the file does not exist then one new file will be created. the file the
permissions can be changed.
$filecontent="some text in file"; // store some text to enter inside the file
$file_name="test_file.txt"; // file name
$fp = fopen ($filename, "w"); // open the file in write mode, if it
does notexist then it will be created.
fwrite ($fp,$filecontent); // entering data to the file
fclose ($fp); // closing the file pointer
chmod($filename,0777); // changing the file permission.
Example :
3) A small code for returning a file-size.
function dispfilesize($filesize)

$decr = 1024; $step = 0;
$prefix =
while(($filesize / $decr) > 0.9)
{ $filesize = $filesize / $decr;
return round($filesize,2).' '.$prefix[$step];
return 'NaN';
Accessing Databases (PostgreSQL)

PostgreSQL supports a wide variety of built-in data types and it also provides an option to
the users to add new data types to PostgreSQL, using the CREATE TYPEcommand.
Table lists the data types officially supported by PostgreSQL. Most datatypes supported
by PostgreSQL are directly derived from SQL standards.

The following table contains PostgreSQL supported data types for your ready reference
Category Data type Description
Boolean boolean, bool A single true or false value.
Binary types bit(n) An n-length bit string (exactly n)
binary bits)
bit varying(n), varbit(n) A variable n-length bit string (upton)
binary nbits)
Character Types character(n) A fixed n-length character string
char(n) A fixed n-length character string
character varying(n)
varchar (n)
text A variable length character stringof
unlimited length
Numeric types smallint, int2 A signed 2-byte integer
integer, int, int4 A signed, fixed precision 4-byte
bigint, int8 A signed 8-byte integer, up to 18
digits in length
real, float4 A 4-byte floating point number
float8, float An 8-byte floating point number
numeric(p,s) An exact numeric type with
arbituary precision p, and scale s.
Currency money A fixed precision, U.S style
serial An auto-incrementing 4-byte
Date and time date The calendar date(day, monthand
types year)
time The time of day
time with time zone the time of day, including time
zone information
timestamp(includes time An arbitrarily specified length

Functions used for PostgreSQL database manipulation

S. No. API & Description

resource pg_connect ( string $connection_string [, int $connect_type ] )

This opens a connection to a PostgreSQL database specified by the connection_string.

If PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW is passed as connect_type, then a new connection
is created in case of a second call to pg_connect(), even if the connection_string is identical
to an existing connection.

bool pg_connection_reset ( resource $connection )

2 This routine resets the connection. It is useful for error recovery. Returns TRUE on success
or FALSE on failure.

int pg_connection_status ( resource $connection )

3 This routine returns the status of the specified connection. Returns


string pg_dbname ([ resource $connection ] )

4 This routine returns the name of the database that the given PostgreSQL connection

resource pg_prepare ([ resource $connection ], string $stmtname, string $query )

5 This submits a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters and waits
for completion.

resource pg_execute ([ resource $connection ], string $stmtname, array $params )

6 This routine sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters and
waits for the result.
resource pg_query ([ resource $connection ], string $query )
This routine executes the query on the specified database connection.

array pg_fetch_row ( resource $result [, int $row ] )

8 This routine fetches one row of data from the result associated with the specified result

array pg_fetch_all ( resource $result )

This routine returns an array that contains all rows (records) in the result resource.

int pg_affected_rows ( resource $result )

10 This routine returns the number of rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE

int pg_num_rows ( resource $result )

11 This routine returns the number of rows in a PostgreSQL result resource for example
number of rows returned by SELECT statement.

bool pg_close ([ resource $connection ] )

12 This routine closes the non-persistent connection to a PostgreSQL database associated with
the given connection resource.

string pg_last_error ([ resource $connection ] )

This routine returns the last error message for a given connection.

string pg_escape_literal ([ resource $connection ], string $data )

This routine escapes a literal for insertion into a text field.
string pg_escape_string ([ resource $connection ], string $data )
This routine escapes a string for querying the database.

Connecting to Database
pg_connect ( ) — is used to open a PostgreSQL connection.

Syntax :

resource pg_connect ( string $connection_string [, int $connect_type ] )

pg_connect() opens a connection to a PostgreSQL database specified by the connection_string.

If a second call is made to pg_connect() with the same connection_string as an existing connection,
the existing connection will be returned unless you
pass PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW as connect_type

The following PHP code shows how to connect to an existing database on a local machine and finally
a database connection object will be returned.


$db=pg_connect(“host=localhost port= 5432 dbname=sonal”);

$db=pg_connect(“host=localhost port=5432 dbname=sonal

user=postgres password=redhat”);

$host = "host =";
$port = "port = 5432";
$dbname = "dbname = testdb";
$credentials = "user = postgres password=pass123";
$db = pg_connect( "$host $port $dbname $credentials" );
if(!$db) {
echo "Error : Unable to open database\n";
} else {
echo "Opened database successfully\n";

Now, let us run the above given program to open our database testdb: if the database is successfully
opened, then it will give the following message −

Opened database successfully

Closing Connection:
pg_close()- function closes a POSTgreSQL connection

pg_close — Closes a PostgreSQL connection

syntax :
bool pg_close ([ resource $connection ] )

pg_close() closes the non-persistent connection to a PostgreSQL database associated with the given
connection resource.

Execute A Query :
pg_query — to Execute a query

syntax :

resource pg_query ([ resource $connection ], string $query )

pg_query() executes the query on the specified database connection.

Create a Table
The following PHP program will be used to create a table in a previously created database −

$host = "host =";
$port = "port = 5432";
$dbname = "dbname = testdb";
$credentials = "user = postgres password=pass123";

$db = pg_connect( "$host $port $dbname $credentials" );

if(!$db) {
echo "Error : Unable to open database\n";
} else {
echo "Opened database successfully\n";

$sql =<<<EOF
$ret = pg_query($db, $sql);
if(!$ret) {
echo pg_last_error($db);
} else {
echo "Table created successfully\n";

When the above given program is executed, it will create COMPANY table in your testdb and it will
display the following messages −

Opened database successfully

Table created successfully
INSERT Operation
The following PHP program shows how we can create records in our COMPANY table created in
above example −

$credentials = "user = postgres password=pass123";

$db = pg_connect( "$host $port $dbname $credentials" );

if(!$db) {
echo "Error : Unable to open database\n";
} else {
echo "Opened database successfully\n";

$sql =<<<EOF
VALUES (1, 'Paul', 32, 'California', 20000.00 );


VALUES (2, 'Allen', 25, 'Texas', 15000.00 );


VALUES (3, 'Teddy', 23, 'Norway', 20000.00 );


VALUES (4, 'Mark', 25, 'Rich-Mond ', 65000.00 );

$ret = pg_query($db, $sql);

if(!$ret) {
echo pg_last_error($db);
} else {
echo "Records created successfully\n";
When the above given program is executed, it will create the given records in COMPANY table and
will display the following two lines −

Opened database successfully

Records created successfully


pg_fetch_row — Get a row as an enumerated array


array pg_fetch_row ( resource $result [, int $row ] )

pg_fetch_row() fetches one row of data from the result associated with the specified result resource.

Note: This function sets NULL fields to the PHP NULL value.


PostgreSQL query result resource, returned

by pg_query(), pg_query_params() or pg_execute() (among others).


Row number in result to fetch. Rows are numbered from 0 upwards. If omitted or NULL, the
next row is fetched.

Return Values

An array, indexed from 0 upwards, with each value represented as a string. Database NULL values
are returned as NULL.

FALSE is returned if row exceeds the number of rows in the set, there are no more rows, or on any
other error.

SELECT Operation
The following PHP program shows how we can fetch and display records from our COMPANY table
created in above example −

$host = "host =";
$port = "port = 5432";
$dbname = "dbname = testdb";
$credentials = "user = postgres password=pass123";

$db = pg_connect( "$host $port $dbname $credentials" );

if(!$db) {
echo "Error : Unable to open database\n";
} else {
echo "Opened database successfully\n";

$sql =<<<EOF

$ret = pg_query($db, $sql);

if(!$ret) {
echo pg_last_error($db);
while($row = pg_fetch_row($ret)) {
echo "ID = ". $row[0] . "\n";
echo "NAME = ". $row[1] ."\n";
echo "ADDRESS = ". $row[2] ."\n";
echo "SALARY = ".$row[4] ."\n\n";
echo "Operation done successfully\n";


When the above given program is executed, it will produce the following result. Keep a note that
fields are returned in the sequence they were used while creating table.

Opened database successfully

ID = 1
NAME = Paul
ADDRESS = California
SALARY = 20000

ID = 2
NAME = Allen
SALARY = 15000

ID = 3
NAME = Teddy
ADDRESS = Norway
SALARY = 20000

ID = 4
NAME = Mark
ADDRESS = Rich-Mond
SALARY = 65000

Operation done successfully

UPDATE Operation
The following PHP code shows how we can use the UPDATE statement to update any record and
then fetch and display updated records from our COMPANY table −

$host = "host=";
$port = "port=5432";
$dbname = "dbname = testdb";
$credentials = "user = postgres password=pass123";

$db = pg_connect( "$host $port $dbname $credentials" );

if(!$db) {
echo "Error : Unable to open database\n";
} else {
$sql =<<<EOF
UPDATE COMPANY set SALARY = 25000.00 where ID=1;
$ret = pg_query($db, $sql);
if(!$ret) {
echo pg_last_error($db);
} else {
echo "Record updated successfully\n";

$sql =<<<EOF

$ret = pg_query($db, $sql);

if(!$ret) {
echo pg_last_error($db);
while($row = pg_fetch_row($ret)) {
echo "ID = ". $row[0] . "\n";
echo "NAME = ". $row[1] ."\n";
echo "ADDRESS = ". $row[2] ."\n";
echo "SALARY = ".$row[4] ."\n\n";
echo "Operation done successfully\n";

When the above given program is executed, it will produce the following result −
Record updated successfully
ID = 2
NAME = Allen
SALARY = 15000

ID = 3
NAME = Teddy
SALARY = 20000

ID = 4
NAME = Mark
SALARY = 65000

ID = 1
NAME = Paul
SALARY = 25000

Operation done successfully

DELETE Operation
The following PHP code shows how we can use the DELETE statement to delete any record and then
fetch and display the remaining records from our COMPANY table −

$host = "host =";
$port = "port = 5432";
$dbname = "dbname = testdb";
$credentials = "user = postgres password=pass123";

$db = pg_connect( "$host $port $dbname $credentials" );

if(!$db) {
echo "Error : Unable to open database\n";
} else {
echo "Opened database successfully\n";
$sql =<<<EOF
DELETE from COMPANY where ID=2;
$ret = pg_query($db, $sql);
if(!$ret) {
echo pg_last_error($db);
} else {
echo "Record deleted successfully\n";

$sql =<<<EOF

$ret = pg_query($db, $sql);

if(!$ret) {
echo pg_last_error($db);
while($row = pg_fetch_row($ret)) {
echo "ID = ". $row[0] . "\n";
echo "NAME = ". $row[1] ."\n";
echo "ADDRESS = ". $row[2] ."\n";
echo "SALARY = ".$row[4] ."\n\n";
echo "Operation done successfully\n";

When the above given program is executed, it will produce the following result −

Opened database successfully

Record deleted successfully
ID = 3
NAME = Teddy
SALARY = 20000
ID = 4
NAME = Mark
SALARY = 65000

ID = 1
NAME = Paul
SALARY = 25000

Operation done successfully


Q1.Write a program to read one file and display the contents of the file with its size.

Q2. Consider the following entities and their relationships

Event (eno , title , date )

Committee ( cno , name, head , from_time ,to_time , status)

Event and Committee have many to many relationship. Write a script to accept title of event and
modify status committee as working.


Q1) Write a program to read a flat file “item.dat”, which contains details of 5 different items such
as Item code, Item Name, unit sold, and Rate. Display the Bill in tabular format.

Q2) Considerer the following entities and their relationships

Student (Stud_id,name,class)
Competition (c_no,c_name,type)
Relationship between student and competition is many-many with attribute rank and year. Create a
RDB in 3NF for the above and solve the following. Using above database write a script in PHP to
accept a competition name from user and display information of student who has secured 1st rank in that


Q 1. Write a menu driven program to perform various file operations. Accept filename from user.
a) Display type of file.
b) Display last access time of file
c) Display the size of file
d) Delete the file

Q 2. Property (pno, description, area)

a. Owner (oname, address, phone)
b. An owner can have one or more properties, but a property belongs to exactly one
owner. 79
c. Accept owner name from the user. Write a PHP script which will display all
properties which are own by that owner

Signature of the instructor: Date :

Assignment Evaluation

0:Not Done 2:Late Complete 4:Complete

1:Incomplete 3:Needs Improvement 5: 5: Well Done


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