Database Administration Level IV Theory Exam 12
Database Administration Level IV Theory Exam 12
Database Administration Level IV Theory Exam 12
A. Sorting
B. Shining
C. Straightening
D. Sustaining
2. When the compiler cannot differetiate between two overloaded constructors,they are called
A. Overloaded
B. Ambiguos
C. Destructed
D. Dubious
3. When a child class function is called,the complier looks first for a matching function name in
A. Descendant class
B. Base class
C. Immediate ancestor class
D. Class of the object using the function name
4. A type of query that is placed with in a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query is
A. Master query
B. Super query
C. Sub query
D. Multi query
5. Referential integrity dictates that:
A. The value of a primary key must appear in a foreign key of the related table
B. The value of a foreign key cannot appear in a primary key of the related table
C. The value of a foreign key must appear in a primary key of the related table
D. The value of a primary key cannot appear in a foreign key of the related table
6. Database locking concept is used to solve the problem of
A. Data integrity
B. Functional dependency
C. Lost update
D. Transitive dependence
7. ODBC STANDS FOR--------------
A. Offline database connection
B. Open database connection
C. Oriented database connection
D. None of above
8. The issue that applies only to a multi-user to system is?
A. Durability
B. Media recovery
C. System recovery
D. Concurrency
9. One of the following is a category of SQL environments
A. View
B. Data dictionary
C. Index
D. Catalog
10. The EMP table has these columns: ENAME,SALARY,HIRE_DATE, and the management wants a
list of required results?
11. Which of the following statement is used to remove the privilege from the user amir?
A. Remove update on department from amir
B. Revoke update on employee from amir
C. Grant update on employee from amir
D. Delete select on department from raj
12. ----------of oracle, the datbase adminstrator creates a user acount in the database
A. External authenthication
B. Database authenthication
C. Operating system authenthication
D. Internal authenthication
13. Which mechanism is used to detect deadlock
A. Commit
B. Waits for graph structure
C. Ghant chart
D. Rollback
14. The ------schema uses a page table containing pointers to all pages; thepage table itself and all
updated pages are copied to a new location
A. Shadow copy
B. Delete log record
C. update log record
D. shadow paging
15. create table manager(ID numeric, Name varchar(20), budget numeric, details varchar(30) );
in order to ensure that the value of budget is non negative which of the following should be
A. Check(budget<0)
B. Alter(budget>0)
C. Alter (budget<0)
D. Check(budget>0)
16. A database language concerned with the definition of the whole database structure and schema
is ---------------
17. Which of the following plan can be developed by top level managers of an organization?
A. Tactical plan
B. Strategic plan
C. Implementation plan
D. Work plan
18. The entity relationship(ER)model
A. Attributes are represented by rectangle
B. Entities are represented by by circle
C. It represents conceptual view
D. It corresponds to row
19. Structured query language can be defined as --------------
A. Disable portability
B. Define data un structures
C. Standard for relational database management systems
D. Un specific syntax /semantics for data definition and manipulation
20. Which of the following is not important in order to increase the performance of the database
A. Use high speed connection between database components
B. Use more ram capacity
C. Use more powerful cpu’s
D. Use less memory
21. Which of the following is a basic form of grant statement?
A. Grant’ privilege list’ on ‘user/role list’ to ‘relation name or view name ‘;
B. Grant’ privilege list’ to ‘user/role list’
C. Grant’ privilege list’ on ‘relation name or view name’on ‘user/role list’;
D. Grant’ privilege list’ on ‘relation name or view name’ to ‘user/role list’;
22. A type of joins that can be returns only the rows from each table that has matching values in the
join columns and any rows that do not have a match between the tables will not appear in the
result table
A. Full join
B. Inner join
C. Cross join
D. Outer join
23. The operator is that allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause
24. Which of the following does not occur in the process of normalization?
A. Redundancy is eliminated
B. Duplicate columns are eliminated
C. Separate tables are merged
D. Separate tables are created for related group of data
25. The clause is optional and used in combination with the group by clause
A. Having by
B. Order by
C. Group by
D. Where clause
26. The language associated with a database management system that is employed by end users
and programmers to alter data values in the database is the
A. Data translation language
B. Data presentation language
C. Data definition language
D. Data manipulation language
27. Which of the following is considered as SQL server level pincipal?
A. SQL server
B. SQL server login
C. Windows domain login
D. Application role
28. A database problem occurs when one transaction wants to read more than on object at same
A. Transaction conflict
B. Deadlock
C. Dirty read
D. Recover
29. Aset convention ,rules,and standards employed in a computer systems technical frame work ,
plus customer requirements and specifications
A. System architecture
B. Fow chart
C. Data modeling
D. ER diagram
30. Which one true about the guide lines to create a data model
A. Test the model with similar scenarios
B. No repeat the steps to optimize the model
C. Identify the different data components consider raw and processed data
D. Identify the relationship between the similar dat components
31. One is the process of creating new classes from the existing class or classes with taken some
properties of the base class
A. Inheritance
B. Encapsulation
C. Polymorphism
D. Function