Class 9 Varadhi EM (1)
Class 9 Varadhi EM (1)
Class 9 Varadhi EM (1)
3. The body which is in motion always tries to move in same direction until some force acts
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
Inertia is a property of matter that resists changes in its state of motion or rest. It depends on
the mass of the object. The car has more inertia than a bicycle beacause of its mass.
Physical Science
Chapter - 2 LAWS OF MOTION
Class:IX Work Sheet - 2 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
5. 1) Force a) N - S
2) Momentum b) Kgs
3) Mass c) Newton
7. What is momentum and write its units.
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
Momentum is a vector becuase velocity is a vector. Hence the direction of momen- tum is
Physical Science
Chapter - 2 LAWS OF MOTION
Class:IX Work Sheet - 3 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
III Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
A fly collides with the windshield of a fast moving bus. They both experience the same
impact force how ever the fly will experience a greats acceleration because of it less weight
9. Is the impact force experienced, same for fly and the bus?
10. Is the same acceleration experienced by the fly and bus? Why?
Physical Science
Chapter - 2 LAWS OF MOTION
Class:IX Work Sheet-4 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
3. Law of conservation of momentum states that in the absence of a net external force on the
4. Two people push a car for 3S with a combined net force of 200N. Then impulse = __________
7. What is impulse.
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
Take two eggs and drop them from a certain height such that one egg falls on a concrete
9. What changes do you notice in both eggs after they are dropped?
10. Which factor determines whether the egg will break or not.
Physical Science
Chapter - 5 What is inside the Atom
Class:IX Work Sheet - 1 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
2. _____________ are the first sub atoms particles discovered and studies.
III Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
Atoms are made of small particles called Protons,Neutrons and Electrons. Each of
these particles are discribed in terms of measurable proparties like mass and charge. Proton
and electron have equal and opposite charges. A neutron has no electrical charge.
Physical Science
Chapter - 5 What is inside the Atom
Class:IX Work Sheet - 2 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
3. Most of the alpha particles pased through atom in a straight line without any ___________
8. Most of the space inside the atom is empty. Who conclded this?
III Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
An atom like hydrogen have one electron and one proton. The electon is attracted by the
Physical Science
Chapter - 5 What is inside the Atom
Class:IX Work Sheet - 3 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
We studies that mass of neutrons and proton is almost equal and about 1836 times
Physical Science
Chapter - 5 What is inside the Atom
Class:IX Work Sheet - 4 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
2. The maximum number of electrons present in a shell is given by the formula _____________
• The given arrangement of electrons belongs to which element?
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
The number of electrons present in the outmost orbit of an atom is called its valency.
Physical Science
Chapter - 5 What is inside the Atom
Class:IX Work Sheet - 5 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
1. Neon and Argan have _________ electrons in their outer most shell.
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
Atoms of elements thus react with other atoms so as to active octeet in their outer most
shell. From this we can conclude that when an element reacts to form compounds their atoms
must combine in such way that they can attain stable configuration.
Physical Science
Chapter - 5 What is inside the Atom
Class:IX Work Sheet - 6 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
1. Nucleus is the centre of the atom which contains ___________ and _____________
2. Elements differ from one another according to number of __________ in then atomic nucler.
7. 9
F what is the number of neutrons?
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
The number of nucleons is the total number of protons and neutrons is an atom. Ir is
called atomic mass number and is denoted by Atomic mass number. Atomic mass number of
Physical Science
Chapter - 5 What is inside the Atom
Class:IX Work Sheet - 7 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
4. There are more than one type of atoms of same ________________ present in nature in
certain cases
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
The atoms of same element which have the same no of protons but have different no of
netrons are called isolopes. Qeuterium and tutium are the isotopes of hydrogen the chemical
properties of isotopes are similar. But then phyncal properties are different.
10. Which properties of isotopes are similar and which properties are different?
Physical Science
Chapter - 5 What is inside the Atom
Class:IX Work Sheet - 8 Date: __________
I. Fill in the blanks
2. Isotopes of chlorine occurs in nature in two isotpic masses with _____ unitic units
III. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below?
Same isotopes are used in medical mystences solving. The isotope of iodine is used in
the treatment of goitre. The isotope of cobalt is used in the treatment of cancer.