Module - 7
Lecture - 33
Sample Complexity: Finite Hypothesis Space
Good morning, in the last class we looked at computational learning theory and we
looked at situations where a learner sees a certain number of examples, outputs the
consist hypothesis and we derived bounds on how many examples the learner has to see,
so that a consistent hypothesis is a PAC hypothesis.
So, today we will continue our discussion and look at the situation where the hypothesis
output by the learner has non-zero error on the training set and then we will look at a few
worked out examples.
So, in the last class we have seen that in the finite hypothesis case where the learner
outputs a consistent hypothesis what value of m is required.
We have earlier seen that normally the true error will be greater than equal to the sample
error, and we want that the true error is not so much different from the sample error, that
is true error is less than equal to epsilon plus sample error for a given epsilon and we will
find out that. If m is the number of training examples with respect to which you have
tested, you have come up with the hypothesis then this probability is less than equal to e
to the power minus 2 m epsilon square, and we want to ensure that the best hypothesis
that our algorithm outputs has error bounded in this way. So, we consider that any one,
suppose the hypothesis that the learner comes up with has an error, error D (f), this is the
sample error
And we want to find out the probability that there exists any hypothesis whose true error
is less than equal to this is less than equal to h times e to the power minus 2 m epsilon
square. This is for a single hypothesis, this is where they exists any hypothesis at all and
from this we can derive the bound by algebraic manipulation that in order to ensure that
the number of examples required must be greater than equal to 1 by 2 epsilon square
times logarithm h plus logarithm 1 by delta. So, if you have this many numbers of
examples, then the hypothesis which comes up with the training error of x will
correspond to a hypothesis whose true error is less than equal to epsilon plus x.
So, just to summarize, in consistent case we found this bound on m, this value of m in
the inconsistent case we find this value of m and we can compare these two equations.
So, here in the consistent case we came up with m greater than 1 by epsilon log h plus
log 1 by delta, here we come up with this value of m. So, we see that there is a lot of
similarity between these relations, but in this case, in the inconsistent case you require
larger number of examples, larger by a factor of 2 by epsilon in order to give this
guarantee, what is the guarantee? The guarantee is that the true error is no more than
epsilon error epsilon plus sample error.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:32)
Now, let us look at an example of the first case. So, suppose we look at a particular
hypothesis class. So, our hypothesis class is conjunction of Boolean literals, these are
also called monomials. Suppose, x 1, small x 1, small x 2, small x n are your features
these are your features. So, examples of Boolean literals are x 1 and x 2bar and x 4 x 2
and x 3 bar and x 4 bar x 2 bar and x 7, these are examples of conjunction of literals.
Now, this is our hypothesis space, what is the size of this hypothesis space? There are n
literals in a particular hypothesis that literal may occur in the positive form, may occur in
the negative from or may not occur at all. So, each for each literal there are three ways of
it appearing in this formula and there are n literals. So, the size of the hypothesis space is
3 to the power n.
If we take this particular hypothesis space, the size of the hypothesis space is 3 to the
power n and if we plug it in here in the equation that we have then what we get is m
greater than equal to 1 by epsilon log of 3 to the power n plus log of 1 by delta and log of
3 to the power n is just n log 3. Now, we can put values for epsilon and delta and given
the number of features, we can find out the value of m and these are some of the values
that I have worked out. If epsilon and delta are both 0.05 then if you have 10 features
then you require 280 examples. If n is 10 epsilon is 0.05 delta is 0.01 then you require
312 examples. If epsilon and delta are both 0.01 then you require 1560 examples. If
epsilon and delta are 0.01, n is 50, it requires 5954 examples.
And these values are coming from this formula and this result holds for any algorithm
which given a training set can find a consistent hypothesis, and it is up to you to design
an algorithm which processes a training set and find out if there is any consistent
hypothesis. If there are many consistent hypotheses, your algorithm will come up with
one of them. One such algorithm we will just discuses very quickly that can come up
with the conjunction of Boolean literals given a training example is called finders and I
will quickly go through the algorithm.
So, here we have a concept learning task and we have 6 or 7, we have 6 different
attributes sky, air, temperature, humidity, wind velocity water temperature forecast
enjoys sport. So, enjoys sport is our target variant and these are our input attributes.
Now, a conjunction of constrains conjunction of literals is our hypothesis space and a
conjunction can be represented by, you see for every attribute in a particular hypothesis
that attribute may occur in the positive form, may occur in the negative form or may not
occur. If it does not occur any value of that attribute is acceptable. So, I put question
mark when any value is acceptable and otherwise I specify whether it is there in the
positive from or negative form, 5 means no value is acceptable..
(Refer Slide Time: 10:15)
So, this is a representation of one such hypothesis, which says the x 1 can be anything, x
2 must be cold, x 3 must be high, x 4, x 5, x 6 can be anything right. So, this is one
particular hypothesis. The most general hypothesis is one where any attribute can take
any value and the most specific hypothesis is one where no value is possible
Now, what the find s algorithm does is that it initializes small h, small h is our current
hypothesis. It initializes small h to the most specific hypothesis in the hypothesis space in
this case 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 then it takes a positive training instance and for each attribute a i
in the hypothesis, if the constraint a i in h is satisfied by h will do nothing, otherwise if it
is not satisfied we will replace a i by the more general constrain satisfied by x, for
example, if a i was given as true and it is not satisfied then.
Finally, after processing all the positive examples, we will output the hypothesis h that
we get. So, suppose you are given this training set and you run the algorithm then
initially h 1 is the most specific algorithm, most specific hypothesis where all attributes
where none of the attributes are permissible.
Then after you see the first example 1, where sky is sunny temperature, warm humidity
normal etcetera then h 2 becomes sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm same which agrees
with the first training exam, it is the most specific hypothesis that agrees with the first
training example, then you bring in second training example and the second training
example as humidity is high which is not agreeing with the current hypothesis. So,
humidity you set as question mark which is the more general form. Then we look at the
next training examples and you find out that water is not agreeing, water and forecast are
not agreeing. So, you put these things. So, this is the final hypothesis that you have h 4 is
sunny, warm, question mark strong question mark question mark.
Now, this is the find s algorithm which given a set of training examples finds a consistent
hypothesis, and if more than one consistent hypothesis exists it will come up with the
one which is more specific and according to our theory for this particular hypothesis we
can have this relation. The relation states that, if we look at these many numbers of
examples then we can produce these guarantees.
If your hypothesis space is all possible Boolean function, the size of the hypothesis space
if you have n attributes is 2 to the power 2 to the power n which we have already seen in
this case, m will be given by this relation, m greater than equal to log of 2 to the power 2
to the power n plus log of 1 by delta into 1 by epsilon and if you put some values of
epsilon and delta, for example, epsilon and delta are 0.05, n is 10, you require 14,256
examples, but if n equal to 20 you require 14.5 million examples and n is 50, you require
1.561 into 10 to the power 16 examples. So, if the number of attribute is large, the
numbers of examples required is exponentially which makes this problem infeasible.
With this we stop today.
Thank you.