Governing Body Roles and Responsibilities
Governing Body Roles and Responsibilities
Governing Body Roles and Responsibilities
The Governing Body at Coundon Court is responsible for the strategic oversight of
school improvement and the quality of its daily work. It works with the Headteacher
How it works
The Academy Trust is the formal responsibility of the Members. They are responsible for
setting up and maintain effective governance of the school. This responsibility is then
delegated to the Full Governing Body.
The full Governing Body meets six times a year and the meetings last for approximately
two hours. We start at 5.00 p.m. The formal agenda allows for scrutiny of the schools’
work as well as a chance for Governors to develop knowledge and understanding of the
changing educational landscape, in order to facilitate their decision making and critical
oversight. Every alternate meeting starts with a 30-minute Student Voice activity or a
Members meeting.
The Governing Body does not have sub committees. It is a relatively small group and
meets as whole to ensure that finance, HR and Site management decisions are set in the
context of curriculum, teaching and learning and outcomes.
Governors visit Learning Teams (subject areas) twice a year to review quality assurance
processes, discuss teaching and learning / curriculum strategies and cross reference
senior leader reports to the Governing Body with actual activity and standards. The
Headteacher works closely with Governors to equip them with the necessary educational
understanding to manage these meetings and visits.
From time to time the Governing Body is also required to engage in formal processes
related to student discipline and HR management.
A Pay Committee also exists to ensure a fair and transparent adherence to the Pay Policy
and also to review the performance of the Headteacher.
The Members are: Mark Payne, Brynn Lewis (Governor), Antony Cash (Governor), Joanne
Doyle (Governor), Mark McNally and Chris Millerchip.
The Chair of Governors is Bryn Lewis. The Vice Chair is Joanne Doyle.
A full breakdown of all the Governors, their backgrounds and responsibilities is below. This
also includes a detailed explanation of the terms of reference.
of Business
Term of
1 VAC Appointed
2 Corrine Hanlon Appointed 26/03/2019 25/03/2023
3 Antony Cash Member / 07/07/2015 06/07/2023
4 Tom Roberts Appointed 15/03/2016 14/03/2020
5 Ravi Vetsa Appointed 20/09/2016 19/09/2020
6 Ajeet Panesar Appointed 19/09/2017 18/09/2021
7 Doris Appointed 01/04/2012 31/03/2020
8 Joanne Doyle Appointed / Yes 10/03/2018 09/03/2022
9 VAC Parent
10 Ian Foster Appointed 27/03/2018 26/03/2022
11 Bryn Lewis Parent / Member Yes 10/03/2018 09/03/2022
12 Joanne Appointed 17/09/2019 17/09/2023
13 Andrew Clay Headteacher 01/09/2014 Ex Officio
14 VAC Staff
15 Anthony Staff 10/07/2018 09/09/2022
Appointed 11
Parent 2 Minimum of 2 and can be any parent of a school aged child if
Staff 2 Any number but must not make up more than one third of the total.
Headteacher Ex Officio appointed
Pay Committee
Bryn Lewis (Chair)
Joanne Doyle
Antony Cash
Joanne Humphrey
Governors delegated roles for specific monitoring
The Governing Body engages with the academy beyond the Leadership Team through
two main activities;
Engagement in the in learning team professional growth strategy and understand the
work of subject teams and individual teachers.
Engagement with student voice activity of the school and to add weight and formality
to the house council experience.
Governors visit the Learning Team twice in the year on a Tuesday at 3.10 to
participate in and review the professional growth activity of the team.
One visit will a whole team review of collective activity. One visit will be with an
individual or sub team to be informed about their work and its relationship to the
whole team’s growth and that of the individual(s).
This strategy will allow Governors to meet with and engage with a wide range of staff
and understand in more detail the work of subject teams and their focus for
development. It would enable triangulation with the development plan, Headteacher
reports and examination outcomes.
Safeguarding & Inclusion and the Sixth Form can be managed in a similar manner
as teams all have professional growth targets and development work to be
This would see a shift in Governance focus from strong areas to key development
work that will move the school forwards educationally.
Student Voice
Student representatives will attend for 30 minutes at the start of each FGB meeting
to present on House Council agendas, activity and requests for action.
FGB meetings will start at 5.00 with refreshments taken on board throughout the
formal meeting that starts at 5.30.
Governors are also allocated to each House. Governors are invited to attend at least
one formal meeting a year to hear student voice and participate in the agendas.
Link Activity Schedule - Governors delegated roles for specific monitoring
Governor Learning Team Staff Link Staff email House Link
Bryn Lewis English & MFL Natasha Hunt
Agenda focus Au Sp Su
Strategic Planning School Development Plan review X x
DFE Policy landscape. LA and Partnership landscape and activity x x
Leadership and responsibility structures – annual review. x
Standards & Awards Summer examination analysis X
Monitoring outcomes - core data review, Awards, The Edge and D of E. x x
Curriculum Annual curriculum plan and staffing model review x
Curriculum, timetable and Student Development and SMCS (social, moral, spiritual and cultural) review. x
Quality of teaching and Governor Link visit reports X X X
learning Learning Quality dashboard review X
External evaluation reports e.g.. HMI, Ofsted etc
Annual Training Plan update x x x
SEND / Safeguarding / Governor Link visit reports X X X
Inclusion SEN Code of Practice
Safeguarding Policy X
Alt Programme/Personalised Curriculum review x
Coundon Learning Centre activity update x
School Visits Policy adoption and policy X
EDVIS compliance review
Overseas / Residential and Day Visit annual plan and feedback x x x
Student Development School Self-Evaluation – Student Voice X X X
Behaviour and Attendance dashboards x x x
Admissions Admissions Policy X
Admissions - students in/out report x x x
Staffing Issues Recruitment and Retention X
Staff Absence & HR matters X x x
Pay and Professional Growth Strategy x
Health and Safety / Risk Business Risk and Continuity Planning X
Management Receive external audit reports and action plan reviews X X X
Annual Staff Induction / H&S awareness form feedback X
Fire Drill review sheet termly x x x
Quality of learning Create a Capital Investment Plan – Site and Network x
resources & Estate Accessibility Planning
Marketing and Web site review / compliance x
Communication Updates on Brochures etc. as produced
Parents Evening Governor exit survey reports
Budget Planning Review of accounting and financial processes x x
Review Management Accounts
Audit reports and action plan monitoring
Financial Handbook updates
Set Annual Budget
Full Terms of Reference
The Members operate at a strategic level with ultimate control over the direction of the Academy Trust. The
Academy Trust’s objects are specifically restricted to the following:-
To advance for the public benefit education in the United Kingdom, in particular but without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing by establishing, maintaining, carrying on, managing and developing a school
offering a broad and balanced curriculum.
To promote for the benefit of the inhabitants of Coventry and the surrounding area the provision of facilities
for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of
their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances or for the
public at large in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving the condition of life of the
said inhabitants.
The dates for meetings will be agreed on an annual basis at the Annual General Meeting.
There shall be a minimum of 3 members of the committee, with any 2 constituting a quorum, except when
appointing additional members, when all members must be present and the vote is unanimously.
The Academy Members will consist of the signatures on the original memorandum, Members appointed by
the existing members (see item 4), the Chair of Governors and one person appointed by the Secretary of
State, in the event that the Secretary of State appoints a person for this purpose.
The members may agree unanimously in writing to appoint such additional members as they think fit and
may unanimously (say that the agreement of the member(s) to be removed shall not be required in writing)
agree to remove any such additional members. The reasons for removal of any member would be as laid
down in the academies Articles of Association.
The local authority Governor Support Service is the clerk of the committee.
The clerk to the committee will circulate an agenda for each meeting and papers at least a week before the
committee meeting.
Be a guardian of the Academy vision and Trust Objects, safeguarding and promoting the values of the
Appoint governors to the governing body, ensure arrangements for the selection of parent and staff
governors are properly carried out, and ensure each governor signs up to the Trust Objects.
Contribute to the Governing Body’s role in giving clear strategic direction to the Academy.
Power to amend the Articles of the company and, ultimately, to remove the governors/directors.
Terms of Reference for the Governing Body
The terms of reference are reviewed and approved annually by the Governing Body. They provide the sole,
agreed framework within which each committee operates.
1. The membership of the GB is reviewed at least annually and the dates for meetings will be agreed on an
annual basis at the first meeting of the academic year.
2. The Chair and Vice Chair are elected by the full Governing Body on an annual basis at the first meeting of
the academic year. No governor employed by the academy can be the Chair. In the absence of the Chair /
Vice Chair the Governing Body will elect a temporary replacement from among the governors present.
3. The Clerk is an independent appointment and is currently provided by the local authority Governor Support
4. The quorum for the Governing Body is half of the Full Governing Body or in the event of an odd number it
would be half plus one.
5. The Governing Body will meet six times a year, spaced appropriately to manage its strategic oversight.
6. The Clerk will circulate an agenda for each meeting and associated papers at least a week before the
committee meeting.
7. Attendance at each committee meeting, issues discussed and recommendations for decisions will be
recorded and minutes will be provided.
8. The Governing Body will regularly review its own performance, constitution and terms of reference, and
make any recommendations that it may consider necessary.
9. In the event of a need to make genuinely urgent decisions between meetings on matters falling within the
remit of the Governing Body, the Chair of the Governors and Headteacher together may take appropriate
action on behalf of the Governing Body. The decision taken and the reasons for urgency will be explained
fully at the next meeting of the whole governing body.
10. The Chair of Governors will meet the Headteacher at the beginning of each term to plan the work of each
Governing Body meeting, in relation to the Academy’s development plan and the Terms of Reference.
Strategic Oversight and Quality Assurance Terms of Reference - A Curriculum Intent and Outcomes
Ensure the quality of educational provision at Coundon Court through strategic review and quality
assurance of curriculum planning and delivery and student and staff experience.
Specific References
Maintain a regular oversight of Coundon Court’s academic results, curriculum (formal and enrichment
provision), timetable and options, quality of teaching and learning, strategic planning and staffing
recruitment and retention issues.
This oversight will be gained by receiving reports from the Headteacher and such staff as are chosen to
present to the Committee, and by engaging in discussions with them about educational developments and
Review the academic performance of the Academy, as measured by external and other academic results
presented to them by the Headteacher.
Give attention to the quality of the teaching facilities, equipment and apparatus at the Academy, consider
proposals from the Principal for changing or supplementing the arrangements, and make recommendations
to the full LGB.
Ensure that all policies and statements required by Government regulations on academic matters are in
place and are being correctly implemented by the Academy.
Routine and regular checking of data on attendance, punctuality, absence and exclusions.
Approve, monitor and scrutinise financial, people, information and property management.
Ensure that Coundon Court complies with charity and company law.
To ensure that strategic planning for the academy’s finances, resources, premises & asset management is
aligned to the development plan.
To monitor and review expenditure on a regular basis and ensure compliance with the Budget and Capital
Investment Plan and with the Academy Financial Handbook.
To monitor and review capital investment planning to ensure the viability of the site and its assets.
To ensure sustainable and efficient management of the academy’s resources, premises and asset s.
Ensure that all policies and statements required by Government regulations on Health and Safety are in
place and are being correctly implemented by the academy.
To advise the governing body on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Academy’s systems of internal
control and its arrangements for risk management, control and governance processes
To recommend to the full governing body the appointment or reappointment of the auditors of the academy.
The Pay Committee will be authorised by the Governing Body to determine all matters relating to
pay and related performance of staff to establish a whole Academy pay policy for adoption by the
Governing Body and to monitor and review the pay policy as necessary.
Committee Membership
The Pay Committee will consist of at least four Governors, elected by the Governing Body. Normally,
wherever possible, the Pay Committee will not include any member of staff employed by the Governing
Body at the Academy.
The quorum for the committee is fixed at three Governors from a minimum of two categories.
Committee Remit
The Pay Committee will have full delegated powers from the Governing Body to take all decisions relating
to pay in accordance with the approved Academy pay policy.
Ensuring that the Pay Policy is applied equitably and consistently and specifically receive an annual report
from the Headteacher on the equity of pay progression.
Ensuring that pay decisions are properly linked to the Appraisal Policy and Professional Growth Guidance
and review the pay progression recommendations of the Headteacher.
Oversee the annual appraisal of the Headteachers performance and determine the appropriate pay
Ensure that external advice is sought where appropriate, particularly in respect of the Headteachers
appraisal and pay progression.