Admit Card
Admit Card
Admit Card
Name of the Examination: 88 ENG : Master of Arts(English) SEMESTER-1 December 2024 (Odd
Semester)(Academic Year- 2024-2025)
Center Code Registration No. Roll No.
240608032 240608032
Examination Center:
ABC_AcId: 514264143264
Controller of Examinations
1. This Admit Card is issued provisionally subject to the sanction of registration by the University.
2. The examination will be held according to the programme notified.
3. Candidates whose photo and signature are not printed on their Admit Card must report to the controllers Office immediately, failing which they will not be
allowed into the examination hall.
4. Correction of any kind on the Admit Card is required to be made before the commencement of the examination. Any alternation made in the entries on the
admit card without the permission of the University/college shall render the candidate to be disqualified to sit for this examination.
5. Candidates are to produce their Admit Cards and registration certificates and to sign their names as and when directed by the officer-in-charge.
6. The doors of the examination hall will be opened in the morning of the first day of examination before one hour and in the afternoon and on other days 15
minutes before the commencement of the examination. Entry to the examination hall after 30 minutes of the commencement of examination will not be
7. Candidates are required to reach their respective examination centres at least 5 minutes before the examination time to occupy their allotted seats.
8. Candidates cannot leave the examination hall until an hour has elapsed from the time when the papers are distributed Except as hereinafter provided no
candidate will be allowed to re-enter the examination hall during the hours of examination after once leaving it, nor to leave the examination hall without
submitting his/her answer paper. A candidate may with special permission of the officer-in-charge, leave the examination hall temporarily for a necessary
purpose but only under the surveillance of the trustworthy person to be deputed by the Officer-in-charge. On this behalf and under proper safeguards to render
recourse to unfair practices impossible. No candidates will be allowed to remain in the examination hall after the end of the examination, except to allow
his/her answer script to be collected by the invigilator.
9. If ABC_ID is missing in the admit card, students are requested to contact the concerned College or Controller of Examination after examination.
10. Mobile phones or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where University Examination is being held. Any infringement of
these instructions shall entail disciplinary action against the concerned candidates including ban from future examination.
11. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones to the venue of the examination.
12 Candidates must have their own pencils, pen, and ink. They are to bring their own hand pencils, dividers, compasses, protractors, set squares and straight
ruler centimetres and inches, or other drawing implement When necessary for examination in such subject Geography and Geometry.
13. Candidates must write on the cover of their answer-book in the appropriate column only their Roll Number and Registration Number. They must not write
any objectionable or improper remarks in their answer paper in any way to render identification of the answer-paper impossible by giving false Roll Number or
intentional omitting to state correct Roll Number. They must not write anything on any question paper or blotting paper or other paper or carry away any writing
scribbling from the examination hall. They must not tear any paper from the answer-book supplied by the University.
14. Any material or article besides admit card, registration certificate is strictly forbidden in the examination hall. Any article carried, into the examination hall in
contravention of this rule shall be liable to expulsion.
15. Communication of any sort or in any from between a candidate and any person inside or outside the examination hall is strictly prohibited. A Candidate
requiring an additional answer-book or blotting paper or desiring permission to leave the room for necessary purpose, or intending to give up his/her answer-
paper may call the attention of the invigilator by rising from his/her. Seat without any disturbance.
16. Violation of any examination rules and adoption of any unfair means in the examination hall shall render the candidate liable to be reported by the officer-in-
charge and to such further penalties as the University Authority may determine.
17. Notwithstanding the issuance of the admit card, the University Authority reserves the right, for any reason which may appear to them sufficient to cancel
the admission of any candidate to any examination whether before, during or after the examination. The University Authority may also debar a candidate from
appearing at any subsequent University examination(s). The decision of the University Authority in all such cases shall be final. allready commented
18. Candidates must bring downloaded admit card with any photo identity proof (as Voter Id, Addhar Card, Pan Card etc.) to the exam centre for appearing
(Evaluated answer-scripts for all University Examination shall not be preserved beyond six month from the respective dates of publication of results.)