Unit Outline
Introduction to Public Relations
Theory and Practice
Semester May 2024
This Unit introduces students to the principles, theories, models, roles and approaches of public
relations by examining the basic definition(s), perceptions, relevant concepts, theories, and
application fields of the profession.
Graduate Attributes
The Swinburne Graduate Attributes describe the capability of our graduates to use knowledge,
skills and behaviours to contribute to society meaningfully and positively. They include
professional, self-directed learning and future-ready skills.
This unit contributes to the development of the following Swinburne Graduate Attributes:
■ GA1 Communication - Verbal communication: Nature of contemporary public relations
activity; oral presentation skills development
■ GA2 Communication - Communicating using different media: Historical development of
• The historical development of public relations
• The nature of contemporary public relations activity
• Application of theories of communication to public relations practice
• The fields practice of public relations, including business, government and non¬government
• Roles and responsibilities of the public relations practitioner, including social, organisational,
administrative, cultural, ethical and legal responsibilities
• Examination of public relations practice through case studies
Feedback provided by previous students through the Student Survey has resulted in improvements
that have been made to this unit. Recent improvements include changes to content and
By email appointment
Nguyen Lan Chi Unit Coordinator
in advance
In person tutorials/workshops 24 hours 2 hours Weeks 1 to 12
Topic notes: Fields of practice 1 Read: Eight steps to using social media
8 24 Jun Tutorial: Crisis simulation effectively during a PR crisis
Mid-Semester Break
Monday 01 July to Sunday 07 July inclusive
Topic notes: Public relations
9 08 Jul Tutorial: Ethical dilemmas Read: Gunning, Ch. 2
Topic notes: Reputation
management Read: Weber Shandwick - State of
10 15 Jul Tutorial: PR plan - team Corporate Reputation
Fields of practice 2
11 22 Jul Read: Snapshot of Saudi Arabia
Tutorial: Semester review; Q&A
a) Assessment Overview
Individual Unit
Tasks and Details Weighting Graduate Assessment Due Date
or Group Learning
Worksheet 1 - In-class -
Combined GA1, GA2, Week 2
1. Portfolio (A) -
Individual weighting 1,2, 4, 5, 6 GA3, GA4,
Worksheets 1 and 2 Worksheet 2 -
25% GA5, GA6
In-class - Week 4
In-class tutorial - Week 7
2. Case study GA1, GA2,
Individual 20% 1, 2, 3, 4 due (VN time) 23:59 (VN
presentation GA5, GA6
Time), Sunday 23 Jun 24
GA1, GA3,
3. Public relations Due at 23:59 (VN Time) of
Group 35% 2, 3, 5, 6 GA4, GA5,
campaign plan Sunday 28 Jul 2024
GA1, GA5, Due at 23:59 (VN Time) of
3. Portfolio (B) - Test Individual 20% 1, 2, 3, 4
GA6 Sunday 04 Aug 2024
Required Textbook(s)
There is no required textbook for this unit.
The Library has a large collection of resource materials. Listed below are some references that
will provide valuable supplementary information to this unit. It is also recommended that you
explore other sources to broaden your understanding.
Chia, J & Synnott, G (eds), 2012, An Introduction to Public Relations and Communication
Management, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Australia.
Doorley, J & Garcia, H F, 2015, Reputation Management - The Key to Successful Public
Relations and Corporate Communication, 3rd edn, Routledge, NY, New York.
Gunning, E, 2019, Public Relations: A Practical Approach, 3rd edn, Red Globe Press, London.
Johnston, J & Rowney, K, 2018, Media Strategies: Managing content, platforms and
relationships, Allen & Unwin, Australia.
Mahoney, J, 2016, Strategic Communication: Campaign Planning, 2nd edn, Oxford University
Press, ANZ.
Parsons, P J, 2021, Ethics in Public Relations: A Guide to Best Practice (PR in Practice), 3rd ed.,
Kogan Page, London.
Sutherland, K, Ali, S & Khattab, U (eds), 2019, Public Relations and Strategic Communication,
Oxford University Press, ANZ.
Student Charter
Please familiarise yourself with Swinburne’s Student Charter. The charter describes what students can
reasonably expect from Swinburne in order to enjoy a quality learning experience. As students contribute to
their own learning experience and to that of their fellow students, the charter also defines the University's
expectations of students.
Student behaviour and wellbeing
Swinburne has a range of policies and procedures that govern how students are expected to conduct
themselves throughout the course of their relationship with the University. These include policies on
expected standards of behaviour and conduct which cover interaction with fellow students, staff and the
wider University community, in addition to following the health and safety requirements in the course of
their studies and whilst using University facilities.
All students are expected to familiarise themselves with University regulations, policies and procedures and
have an obligation to abide by the expected guidelines. Any student found to be in breach may be subject
to relevant disciplinary processes. Some examples of relevant expected behaviours are:
• Not engaging in student misconduct
• Ensuring compliance with the University’s Anti-Discrimination, Bullying and Violence and Sexual
Harassment requirements
• Complying with all Swinburne occupational health and safety requirements, including following
emergency and evacuation procedures and following instructions given by staff/wardens or
emergency response.
In teaching areas, it is expected that students conduct themselves in a manner that is professional and not
disruptive to others. In all Swinburne laboratories, there are specific safety procedures which must be
followed, such as wearing appropriate footwear and safety equipment, not acting in a manner which is
dangerous or disruptive (e.g. playing computer games), and not bringing in food or drink.
You should regularly access the Swinburne learning management system, Canvas, which is available via
the Current Students webpage or Canvas is updated regularly with
important unit information and communications.
All communication will be via your Swinburne email address. If you access your email through a provider
other than Swinburne, then it is your responsibility to ensure that your Swinburne email is redirected to your
private email address.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is about taking responsibility for your learning and submitting work that is honestly your
own. It means acknowledging the ideas, contributions and work of others; referencing your sources;
contributing fairly to group work; and completing tasks, tests and exams without cheating.
Swinburne University uses the Turnitin system, which helps to identify inadequate citations, poor
paraphrasing and unoriginal work in assignments that are submitted via Canvas. Your Unit Convenor will
provide further details.
Plagiarising, cheating and seeking an unfair advantage with regards to an exam or assessment are all
breaches of academic integrity and treated as academic misconduct.
Plagiarism is submitting or presenting someone else’s work as though it is your own without full and
appropriate acknowledgement of their ideas and work. Examples include:
• using the whole or part of computer program written by another person as your own without
appropriate acknowledgement
• copying the whole or part of somebody else’s work in an assessment, including material from a
published work, a website or database, a set of lecture notes, current or past student’s work, or any
other person’s work
• using output from artificial intelligence tools (e.g. ChatGPT) in whole or part without
acknowledgement and/or without the approval of the Unit Convenor
The penalties for academic misconduct can be severe, ranging from a zero grade for an assessment task
through to expulsion from the unit and, in the extreme, exclusion from Swinburne.
Student support
You should talk to your Unit Convenor or Student Services, for information on academic support services
available for Swinburne students.
Special consideration
If your studies have been adversely affected due to serious and unavoidable circumstances outside of your
control (e.g. severe illness or unavoidable obligation) you may be able to apply for special consideration
Applications for Special Consideration will be submitted via the SPC online tool normally no later than 5.00pm
on the third working day after the submission/sitting date for the relevant assessment component.
Special needs
Sometimes students with a disability, a mental health or medical condition or significant carer responsibilities
require reasonable adjustments to enable full access to and participation in education. Your special needs
can be addressed by Swinburne's Disability Services, who can negotiate and distribute an 'Education Access
Plan' that outlines recommendations for university teaching and examination staff. You must notify the
University Disability Liaison Officer of your disability or condition within one week after the commencement
of a unit of study to allow the University to make reasonable adjustments.
Review of marks
An independent marker reviews all fail grades for major assessment tasks. In addition, a review of
assessment is undertaken if your final result is a marginal fail (45-49) or within 2 marks of a grade threshold.
If you are not satisfied with the result of an assessment you can ask the Unit Convenor to review the result.
Your request must be made in writing within 10 working days of receiving the result. The Unit Convenor will
review your result against the marking guide to determine if your result is appropriate.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcomes of the review you can lodge a formal complaint.
Feedback, complaints and suggestions
In the first instance you may discuss any issues with your Unit Convenor.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the discussions with the Unit Convenor or would prefer not to
deal with your Unit Convenor, then you can complete a feedback form.
Should you require assistance with any academic issues, University statutes, regulations, policies and
procedures, you are advised to seek advice from an Academic Student Support Officer at Swinburne
Student Life. For an appointment, please call 19006412 or email
For more information, please see