then we say that the measure space (X, A, J1.) is a-finite. All of the measure
spaces we consider will be a-finite.
Example 1.1. If we were considering a phase space like X = [0, 1] or
X = R, then a reasonable a algebra would be the· smallest collection of
closed intervals of the form [a, b]. These intervals have Lebesgue measure
Jl.L([a, b]) = b- a. •
Throughout, we will associate a thermodynamic system with a measure
space through the following postulate.
POSTULATE A. A thermodynamic system is equivalent to a
measure space.
Thus, every time we use the term thermodynamic system we are referring
to the triple consisting of a phase space X, a a algebra A, and a measure
We next consider a thermodynamic system operating in a phase space X.
On this phase space the temporal evolution of our system is described by a
dynamical law St that maps points in the phase space X into new points,
i.e., St: X- X, as timet changes. In general, X may bead-dimensional
phase space, either finite or not, and therefore xis ad-dimensional vector.
Timet may be either continuous (t E R) as, e.g., it would be for a system
whose dynamics were governed by a set of differential equations, or discrete
(integer valued, t E Z) if the dynamics are determined by discrete time
We only consider autonomous processes in which the dynamics St are not
an explicit function of the timet so it is always the case that St(St'(x)) =
St+t'(x). Thus, the dynamics governing the evolution of the system are
the same on the intervals [0, t'] and [t, t + t']. This is not a serious restric-
tion since any nonautonomous system can always be reformulated as an
autonomous one by the definition of new dependent variables.
Two types of dynamics will be important in our considerations, and
some preliminary discussion will be helpful. Consider a phase space X and a
dynamics St : X - X. For every initial point x 0 , the sequence of successive
points St(x0 ), considered as a function of timet, is called a trajectory. In
the phase space X, if the trajectory St(x 0 ) is nonintersecting with itself,
or intersecting but periodic, then at any given final time t f such that xf =
St 1 (x 0 ) we could change the sign of time by replacing t by -t, and run
the trajectory backward using xf as a new initial point in X. Then our
new trajectory S_t(xf) would arrive precisely back at x 0 after a time t1
had elapsed: x 0 = S_t 1 (xf). Thus in this case we have a dynamics that
may be reversed in time completely unambiguously. Dynamics with this
character are known variously as time reversal invariant {Sachs, 1987) or
reversible {Reichenbach, 1957) in the physics literature, and as invertible
in the mathematics literature.
The usual way of examining the dynamics of systems is by studying the
properties of individual trajectories, but in keeping with the ergodic theory
approach adopted here we opt instead to study the way in which the system
dynamics operate on an infinite number of initial points.
More specifically, we will examine the way in which the dynamics alter
densities. What do we mean by a density? If f is an L 1 function in the
space X, i.e., if
[ lf(x)l dx < oo,
then f is a density if f(x) ~ 0 and II f II= 1. As usual, II f II denotes the
L 1 norm of the function/,
space X is defined by
1-Lt(A) = f(x) dx,
and f is called the density of the measure IL1. The usual Lebesgue measure
of a set A is denoted by ILL(A), and the density of the Lebesgue measure
is the uniform density, f(x) = 1/~-tL(X) for all points x in the phase space
X. We always write ~-tL{dx) = dx.
The Lebesgue measure of the entire phase space, denoted by ILL(X), may
either be finite or infinite. If it is finite, we often take it to be normalized
so ILL(X) = 1. It is important to realize that the measure of a set can be
quite different depending on the density f. Thus for example, the Lebesgue
measure of the positive real line R+ is infinite, whereas the measure of R+
with respect to the density f(x) = ke-kx is just
from the assumption that they were dealing with systems of dimension
d = 28 whose dynamics were described by 8 position variables Xi and 8
momentum variables Pi· Boltzmann considered the phase space to be a
28-dimensional space which is usually called J.L space. He then consid-
ered the evolution of a large number N of identical particles, each with
the same dynamics, in J.L space. N is large and typically on the order of
Avagadro's number, 6 x 1023 • The limiting case of N-+ oo is the ther-
modynamic limit in which case the Boltzmann approach is equivalent
to studying the evolution of a density in J.L space. Gibbs also considered
N identical particles operating with these 28-dimensional dynamics in a
phase space (commonly called the r space) of dimension 28N. He then
considered an infinite number of copies of this original system, and gave
this construct the name ensemble. Thus Gibbs studies the evolution of
the ensemble density, and r space has proved to be the most useful in
statistical mechanics.
This book is devoted to the study of systems by the evolution of densities,
how system properties (dynamics) determine the character of the density
evolution, and how this is translated into entropy behavior. Later, it will
become clear what types of systems may be described by the evolution of
densities. However, if for now we accept Postulate B that such systems
exist, then it will be easy to examine the consequences of this postulate.
Having postulated that a thermodynamic system has a state character-
ized by a density f, we are now in a position to develop the physically
useful concept of entropy as both Boltzmann and Gibbs introduced the
First we define an observable 0 to be a real number characterizing
some aspect of a thermodynamic system, for example the energy, pressure,
or temperature. As such, an observable corresponds to a map 0 : X -+ R
from the phase space X that yields this number. The expected, or average,
value of the observable 0 is just given by weighting O(x) with the system
state density f(x) and integrating over the entire phase space:
0 X
Figure 1.1. The graph of 71(x) as a function of x. The solid line tangent
to the curve at x = v has slope 71'(x), while the dashed line connecting the
points v and w has slope [71(w)- 'l(v)]/(w- v). This illustrates the origin
of inequality (1.3).
O(w) = 8logw.
Thus the only observable that gives the requisite additive property for the
Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy is the logarithmic function and it is unique up
to a multiplicative constant.
We formalize the entropy definition by saying that the Boltzmann-
Gibbs entropy of the density f is defined by
for all w, v > 0. Combining Eq. (1.2) defining 71 with inequality (1.3) gives
the Gibbs inequality
Integrating Eq. {1.4) gives another useful inequality. If I and g are two den-
sities, and TJ{f(x)) and TJ(g(x)) are both integrable, then we have directly
from Eq. {1.4) that