Unit title: Practice sheet
Key concept: Related concept(s): Global context: Scientific
Relationship Environment, Interactions and technical innovation:
Systems, models, methods
Statement of inquiry: The relationship between natural and human systems can be
understood and improved through innovative scientific models and methods.
Time assigned: 30 Time Taken: Date:
NOTE: The work produced by the student for this assignment must be
student’s original work and must not be plagiarized (copied from some
other source) or peer plagiarized (peer’s ideas/work copied as their own in
the responses
Criterion B questions
You are an engineer tasked with designing an underwater research
station. The station will be located at different depths in various fluids
such as freshwater, saltwater, and oil. To ensure the safety and integrity of
the structure, you need to investigate how the pressure varies in fluids
with different densities at the same depth.
1. Formulate a research question for the above investigation.
How does the pressure at a fixed depth in a fluid depend on
the density of the fluid?
a. Fill three separate containers with freshwater, saltwater, and cooking oil.
b. Use a manometer or pressure sensor to measure the pressure at a depth of
10 cm in each fluid.
c. Ensure that all fluids are at the same temperature.
d. Record three pressure readings (trials) for each fluid to account for
e. Calculate the average pressure for each fluid and compare values.
5. State the safety measures you will take while doing the experiment
in the lab.
Handle liquids carefully to avoid spills.
Ensure the pressure sensor is waterproof and correctly sealed.
Clean up any spilled
Criterion C questions
A. Here is a data set for the investigation that students took, where the
fluids used are freshwater, saltwater, and cooking oil, and pressure
is measured at a depth of 10 cm. The density of each fluid is
provided, and the pressure readings are recorded for three trials.