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SubmittedTo: SubmittedBy:
Mrs.Priya Robin
Dept.ofCSE BCA 2ndyear


DeenbandhuChhotuRamUniversityofScienceandTechnologyMurthal,Sonipat-INDIA, Haryana
State Government University

AIM:-Different types of datatypes present in RDBMS.

String Datatypes:
SQL character/string datatypes are used to store alpha numeric characters in a database. The
most commonly used of these are CHAR and VARCHAR .

Date and Time datatype:

MySQL comes with the following datatypes for storing a date or a date/timevalue in the
database: DATE - format YYYY-MM-DD. DATETIME - format: YYYY-MM-DD
Numeric Datatype:
SQL numeric datatypes are used to store numeric values in a database.The most commonly
used numeric datatypes are INT and FLOAT.The INT datatype is used to store whole numbers,
while the FLOAT data type is used to store decimal numbers.

Aim: To implement DDL Commands in SQL.

DDL (Data Definition Language) is a type of SQL command used to define data structures and modify
data. It creates, alters, and deletes database objects such as tables, views, indexes, and users. Examples
of DDL statements include CREATE, ALTER, DROP and TRUNCATE.
Types of DDL Commands:
1. Create: SQL CREATE command is a type of DDL Command and is among the commands which is
primarily used for creating databases and tables. The CREATE command has a particular syntax which
needs to be followed In order to create databases or tables with desired structure.

Example: create table lib(Book_name varchar(100), Issued_to char(30), Issuing_authority

Char(30), Date_of_issue date);

2. Alter: The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.

Example: alter table lib

add Roll_no int;

3. Drop: The DROP TABLE statement is used to drop an existing table in a database.
Example: Drop Table lib;

4. Truncate: The TRUNCATE TABLE statement is used to delete the data inside a table, but not the
table itself.
Example: Truncate Table lib;

Aim: To implement DML Commands in SQL.

DML statements allow you to query, edit, add, and remove data stored in database objects. The
primary DML commands are SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE. Using DML statements, you
can perform powerful actions on the actuasl data stored in your system.
Types of DML Commands:
1. Select: The SQL SELECT statement returns a result set of records, from one or more tables. A SELECT
statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views. In most
applications, SELECT is the most commonly used data manipulation language (DML) command.
Example: insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25'),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26'),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27'),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24');
select * from lib
where Book_name= “Morris Mano”;

2. Insert: The SQL INSERT statement inserts one or more rows of data into a table. You can also see
INSERT written as INSERT INTO, but both behave the same. The inclusion of INTO is optional in
most variants of SQL. The INSERT statement is considered a SQL data manipulation command.

Syntax: INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,etc)

VALUES (value1, value2, value3, etc);
insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25'),
('Wing on Fire', 'Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26'),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27'),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24');
3. Delete: The DELETE command is used to delete existing records in a table.

Syntax: DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Example: delete from lib
where Book_name="Morris Mano";
select * from lib


4. Update: An SQL UPDATE statement changes the data of one or more records in a table. Either all
the rows can be updated, or a subset may be chosen using a condition.

Syntax: UPDATE table_name

SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE condition;
Example: update lib
set Issuing_authority="University";

select * from lib;


Aim: To apply constraints in SQL.

Constraints can be specified when the table is created with the CREATE TABLE statement, or
after the table is created with the ALTER TABLE statement.
Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table. This ensures the accuracy
and reliability of the data in the table. If there is any violation between the constraint and the
data action, the action is aborted.
Constraints can be column level or table level. Column level constraints apply to a column, and
table level constraints apply to the whole table.
The following constraints are commonly used in SQL:
NOT NULL - Ensures that a column cannot have a NULL value
UNIQUE - Ensures that all values in a column are different
PRIMARY KEY - A combination of a NOT NULL and UNIQUE. Uniquely identifies each row in a
FOREIGN KEY - Prevents actions that would destroy links between tables
CHECK - Ensures that the values in a column satisfies a specific condition
DEFAULT - Sets a default value for a column if no value is specified
CREATE INDEX - Used to create and retrieve data from the database very quickly
Syntax: CREATE TABLE table_name (
column1 datatype constraint,
column2 datatype constraint,
column3 datatype constraint,
Example: CREATE TABLE Persons (
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
Age int
Desc Persons;


Example- create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100) Not Null,
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date);
Desc lib;

2. Unique-

Example - create table lib

(Book_name varchar(100) Not Null,
Issued_to char(30) Unique,
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date);
Desc lib;


Example - create table lib

(Book_name varchar(100) Not Null,
Issued_to char(30) Unique,
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Student_ID Int Primary Key);
Desc lib;

Create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100) Not Null,
Issued_to char(30) Unique,
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Student_ID Int Primary Key,
Desc lib;
Example- Condition 1: All conditions are true
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18));
insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',23),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',27),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44);

select * from lib;

Example- Condition 2: All conditions are true
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18));
insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',23),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',17),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44);

select * from lib;

Output –

6. Default –
Example –
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Trans');
insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30, default),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',23, default),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34, default),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male'),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, default);
select * from lib;


7. Create Index-
Syntax –
CREATE INDEX index_name
ON table_name (column1, column2, ...);
Example –

Aim: To implement aggregate function in sql.

An aggregate function in SQL returns one value after calculating multiple values of a column.
We often use aggregate functions with the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses of the SELECT

Types of aggregate functions:

1. Count()-The COUNT() function returns the number of rows in a database table.

COUNT( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Trans');
insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30, default),
('Wing on Fire', 'Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',23, default),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34, default),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male'),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male'),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male'),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, default);

select count(Book_name)
from lib;

• The SQL GROUP BY Statement:

The GROUP BY statement groups rows that have the same values into summary rows, like "find
the number of customers in each country".
The GROUP BY statement is often used with aggregate functions
(COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), SUM(), AVG()) to group the result-set by one or more columns.
GROUP BY Syntax:
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name(s)
ORDER BY column_name(s);
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Trans',
Price int);

insert into lib values

('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30, 'Male', 120),
('Wing on Fire', 'Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',33, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('Rich Dad, Poor Dad','Sweety', 'Library', '2025-01-26',41, default, 450),
('Java Programming', 'Hitashi', 'Dcrust', '2024-11-07', 86, default, 123),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Sarojini', 'Office', '2023-01-25', 28, 'Female', 365),
('First Love', 'Poonam Pandey', 'College', '2024-02-24', 78, 'Female', 900);

select * from lib;

select count(Price), Gender
from lib
group by(Gender);

2. Sum()-The SUM() function returns the total sum of a numeric column.

SUM( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Trans',
Price int);

insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30, default, 120),
('Wing on Fire', 'Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',23, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 149),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 200),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, default, 80);

select sum(Price)
from lib;

3. Avg()-The AVG() function calculates the average of a set of values.

AVG( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Trans',
Price int);

insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30, default, 120),
('Wing on Fire', 'Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',23, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 149),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 200),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, default, 80);

select avg(Price)
from lib;

4. Min()-The MIN() aggregate function returns the lowest value (minimum) in a set of non-
NULL values.

MIN( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Trans',
Price int);
insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30, default, 120),
('Wing on Fire', 'Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',23, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 149),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 200),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, default, 80);

select min(Price)
from lib;

• The SQL HAVING Clause

The HAVING clause was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword cannot be used with
aggregate functions.
HAVING Syntax:
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name(s)
HAVING condition
ORDER BY column_name(s);
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Trans',
Price int);

insert into lib values

('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30, 'Male', 120),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',33, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('Rich Dad, Poor Dad','Sweety', 'Library', '2025-01-26',41, default, 450),
('Java Programming', 'Hitashi', 'Dcrust', '2024-11-07', 86, default, 123),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Sarojini', 'Office', '2023-01-25', 28, 'Female', 365),
('First Love', 'Poonam Pandey', 'College', '2024-02-24', 78, 'Female', 900);
select Avg(Price), Issuing_authority
from lib
group by(Issuing_authority)
having avg(Price)>300;

5. Max()-The Max() function calculates the max value of a set of values.

Max( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Trans',
Price int);

insert into lib values('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25',30, default, 120),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26',23, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27',34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 149),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 200),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, default, 80);

select Max(Price)
from lib;
Aim: To implement Join statement in SQL.
SQL Join statement is used to combine data or rows from two or more tables based on a
common field between them.
Types of DDL Commands:
1. (INNER) JOIN: Returns records that have matching values in both tables.

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Others',
Price int);

insert into lib values

('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25', 30, 'Male', 120),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26', 33, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27', 34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('Rich Dad, Poor Dad','Sweety', 'Library', '2025-01-26', 41, default, 450),
('Java Programming', 'Hitashi', 'Dcrust', '2024-11-07', 86, default, 123),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Sarojini', 'Office', '2023-01-25', 28, 'Female', 365),
('First Love', 'Poonam Pandey', 'College', '2024-02-24', 78, 'Female', 900);
select * from lib;
create table example
(Student_name varchar(300),
Issuing_authority char(40),
Roll_no int primary key,
Mobile_number bigint);
insert into example values
('Gagan', 'Dcrust', 17, 7988755597),
('Deepak', 'University', 14, 7988068458),
('Deepak Prajapati', 'Dcrust', 15, 9050431145),
('Hema', 'Library', 56, 8930556580);
select * from example;
select lib.Issuing_authority, example.Student_name
from lib
INNER join example
on lib.Issuing_authority = example.Issuing_authority;


2. LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the left table, and the matched records
from the right table.

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name
WHERE condition;
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Others',
Price int);
insert into lib values
('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25', 30, 'Male', 120),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26', 33, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27', 34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('Rich Dad, Poor Dad','Sweety', 'Library', '2025-01-26', 41, default, 450),
('Java Programming', 'Hitashi', 'Dcrust', '2024-11-07', 86, default, 123),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Sarojini', 'Office', '2023-01-25', 28, 'Female', 365),
('First Love', 'Poonam Pandey', 'College', '2024-02-24', 78, 'Female', 900);
select * from lib;
create table example
(Student_name varchar(300),
Issuing_authority char(40),
Roll_no int primary key,
Mobile_number bigint);

insert into example values

('Gagan', 'Dcrust', 17, 7988755597),
('Deepak', 'University', 14, 7988068458),
('Deepak Prajapati', 'Dcrust', 15, 9050431145),
('Hema', 'Library', 56, 8930556580);
select * from example;
select lib.Issuing_authority, example.Student_name
from lib

left join example

on lib.Issuing_authority = example.Issuing_authority;
3. RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the right table, and the matched records
from the left table.

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Others',
Price int);
insert into lib values
('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25', 30, 'Male', 120),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26', 33, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27', 34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('Rich Dad, Poor Dad','Sweety', 'Library', '2025-01-26', 41, default, 450),
('Java Programming', 'Hitashi', 'Dcrust', '2024-11-07', 86, default, 123),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Sarojini', 'Office', '2023-01-25', 28, 'Female', 365),
('First Love', 'Poonam Pandey', 'College', '2024-02-24', 78, 'Female', 900);
select * from lib;
create table example
(Student_name varchar(300),
Issuing_authority char(40),
Roll_no int primary key,
Mobile_number bigint);
insert into example values
('Gagan', 'Dcrust', 17, 7988755597),
('Deepak', 'University', 14, 7988068458),
('Deepak Prajapati', 'Dcrust', 15, 9050431145),
('Hema', 'Library', 56, 8930556580);
select * from example;
select lib.Issuing_authority, example.Student_name
from lib
right join example
on lib.Issuing_authority = example.Issuing_authority;

4. FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records when there is a match in either left or right

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name
WHERE condition;
create table lib
(Book_name varchar(100),
Issued_to char(30),
Issuing_authority Char(30),
Date_of_issue date,
Age int check(Age>=18),
Gender Char(40) default 'Others',
Price int);
insert into lib values
('Morris Mano', 'Deepak', 'University', '2024-01-25', 30, 'Male', 120),
('Wing on Fire','Sweety', 'University', '2024-01-26', 33, default, 400),
('Python Programming', 'Hitesh', 'Dcrust', '2024-01-27', 34, default, 211),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Pinki', 'College', '2024-02-24', 44, 'Male', 320),
('Rich Dad, Poor Dad', 'Sweety', 'Library', '2025-01-26', 41, default, 450),
('Java Programming', 'Hitashi', 'Dcrust', '2024-11-07', 86, default, 123),
('The unsung Heroes', 'Sarojini', 'Office', '2023-01-25', 28, 'Female', 365),
('First Love', 'Poonam Pandey', 'College', '2024-02-24', 78, 'Female', 900);
select * from lib;
create table example
(Student_name varchar(300),
Issuing_authority char(40),
Roll_no int primary key,
Mobile_number bigint);
insert into example values
('Gagan', 'Dcrust', 17, 7988755597),
('Deepak', 'University', 14, 7988068458),
('Deepak Prajapati', 'Dcrust', 15, 9050431145),
('Hema', 'Library', 56, 8930556580);
select * from example;
select lib.Issuing_authority, example.Student_name
from lib
right join example
on lib.Issuing_authority = example.Issuing_authority;

| Book_name | Issued_to | Issuing_authority | Date_of_issue | Age | Gender | Price |
Student_name | Issuing_authority | Roll_no | Mobile_number |
| Morris Mano | Deepak | University | 2024-01-25 | 30 | Male | 120 | Hema
| Library | 56 | 8930556580 |
| Morris Mano | Deepak | University | 2024-01-25 | 30 | Male | 120 |
Gagan | Dcrust | 17 | 7988755597 |
| Morris Mano | Deepak | University | 2024-01-25 | 30 | Male | 120 |
Deepak Prajapati | Dcrust | 15 | 9050431145 |
| Morris Mano | Deepak | University | 2024-01-25 | 30 | Male | 120 |
Deepak | University | 14 | 7988068458 |
| Wing on Fire | Sweety | University | 2024-01-26 | 33 | Others | 400 | Hema
| Library | 56 | 8930556580 |
| Wing on Fire | Sweety | University | 2024-01-26 | 33 | Others | 400 |
Gagan | Dcrust | 17 | 7988755597 |
| Wing on Fire | Sweety | University | 2024-01-26 | 33 | Others | 400 |
Deepak Prajapati | Dcrust | 15 | 9050431145 |
| Wing on Fire | Sweety | University | 2024-01-26 | 33 | Others | 400 |
Deepak | University | 14 | 7988068458 |
| Python Programming | Hitesh | Dcrust | 2024-01-27 | 34 | Others | 211 | Hema
| Library | 56 | 8930556580 |
| Python Programming | Hitesh | Dcrust | 2024-01-27 | 34 | Others | 211 |
Gagan | Dcrust | 17 | 7988755597 |
| Python Programming | Hitesh | Dcrust | 2024-01-27 | 34 | Others | 211 |
Deepak Prajapati | Dcrust | 15 | 9050431145 |
| Python Programming | Hitesh | Dcrust | 2024-01-27 | 34 | Others | 211 |
Deepak | University | 14 | 7988068458 |
| The unsung Heroes | Pinki | College | 2024-02-24 | 44 | Male | 320 | Hema
| Library | 56 | 8930556580 |
| The unsung Heroes | Pinki | College | 2024-02-24 | 44 | Male | 320 |
Gagan | Dcrust | 17 | 7988755597 |
| The unsung Heroes | Pinki | College | 2024-02-24 | 44 | Male | 320 |
Deepak Prajapati | Dcrust | 15 | 9050431145 |
| The unsung Heroes | Pinki | College | 2024-02-24 | 44 | Male | 320 |
Deepak | University | 14 | 7988068458 |
| Rich Dad, Poor Dad | Sweety | Library | 2025-01-26 | 41 | Others | 450 | Hema
| Library | 56 | 8930556580 |
| Rich Dad, Poor Dad | Sweety | Library | 2025-01-26 | 41 | Others | 450 |
Gagan | Dcrust | 17 | 7988755597 |
| Rich Dad, Poor Dad | Sweety | Library | 2025-01-26 | 41 | Others | 450 |
Deepak Prajapati | Dcrust | 15 | 9050431145 |
| Rich Dad, Poor Dad | Sweety | Library | 2025-01-26 | 41 | Others | 450 |
Deepak | University | 14 | 7988068458 |
| Java Programming | Hitashi | Dcrust | 2024-11-07 | 86 | Others | 123 | Hema
| Library | 56 | 8930556580 |
| Java Programming | Hitashi | Dcrust | 2024-11-07 | 86 | Others | 123 |
Gagan | Dcrust | 17 | 7988755597 |
| Java Programming | Hitashi | Dcrust | 2024-11-07 | 86 | Others | 123 |
Deepak Prajapati | Dcrust | 15 | 9050431145 |
| Java Programming | Hitashi | Dcrust | 2024-11-07 | 86 | Others | 123 |
Deepak | University | 14 | 7988068458 |
| The unsung Heroes | Sarojini | Office | 2023-01-25 | 28 | Female | 365 | Hema
| Library | 56 | 8930556580 |
| The unsung Heroes | Sarojini | Office | 2023-01-25 | 28 | Female | 365 |
Gagan | Dcrust | 17 | 7988755597 |
| The unsung Heroes | Sarojini | Office | 2023-01-25 | 28 | Female | 365 |
Deepak Prajapati | Dcrust | 15 | 9050431145 |
| The unsung Heroes | Sarojini | Office | 2023-01-25 | 28 | Female | 365 |
Deepak | University | 14 | 7988068458 |
| First Love | Poonam Pandey | College | 2024-02-24 | 78 | Female | 900 | Hema
| Library | 56 | 8930556580 |
| First Love | Poonam Pandey | College | 2024-02-24 | 78 | Female | 900 |
Gagan | Dcrust | 17 | 7988755597 |
| First Love | Poonam Pandey | College | 2024-02-24 | 78 | Female | 900 |
Deepak Prajapati | Dcrust | 15 | 9050431145 |
| First Love | Poonam Pandey | College | 2024-02-24 | 78 | Female | 900 |
Deepak | University | 14 | 7988068458 |

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