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(g uftag s Tommt e, i W)
National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt of India)
drfrr wratera, shfyen /Regional Office, Odisha
301 - q, et dforer,
urer e, @z A ¥/ 7, vk fag, yavaT - 751013, shfgen
301-A, 3rd Floor, Pal Heights, Plot No : J/7, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar- 751013, Odisha
gowm /Ph.: 0674 - 2361470/ 570/670 (wO)
e §-#a/e-mail : roodisha@nhai.org, ronhaiodisha@gmail.com, FaTge/Web : ‘www.nhal.gov.in

NHAI/13011/54/RO/OD/ 2) 9 ” 12024 11.11.2024

The Sr. Technical Director,
NIC Centre at MoRTH,
Transport Bhawan,
New Delhi 110001

Sub: Rehabilitation and up-gradation to 4- laning of Rajamunda- Barkote section of NH-23

(New NH-143) Km. 287+200 to Km.337+185 in the State of Odisha under NHDP-IV on EPC
Mode - Permission for laying of 500mm@ slurry pipeline with 65mm@ OFC duct in the
RHS of ROW of utility corridor of NH-143 from km 287+200 to km. 292+450 within
1000mm width from Rajamunda to Narendra and 1no of NH crossing at Ch.287+20
from LHS to RHS for transportation of Iron Ore slurry from proposed 34M1PA Iron Ore
Beneficiation Plant located at village-Teherei under Koira Tahasil under Sundargarh
District of M/s-Rungta Sons Pvt. Ltd. to Action Ispat & Power Pvt. Ltd. located at
village - Pandripathar under Jharsuguda District of Odisha- Reg

Ref: PD, PIU- Keonjhar letter No. 1486 dated 22.10.2024

Please tind enclosed herewlth a propusal uf M/s Rungta Sons Pvt. Ltd for laying of 500
mm slurry pipeline with 65mm OFC duct in the RHS of ROW of utility corridor of NH-143 from
Km.287+200 to Km.292+450 within 1000 mm width from Rajamunda to Narendra and 1 no of NH
crossing at Km.287+200 from LHS to RHS. The details are as under:

Width of
SL. Chainage Side Length Corridor Remarks
No. (m) (mm)

B Km.287+200 | Km.292+450 RHS 5250 Open Trench

1000 HDD Method
2z KM.287+200 Across 60 (Casing pipe

2 Accordingly, as per guidelines issued by MoRTH vide F. No. RW/NH-

along with the recommenda tions of
3.3044/2912015/5&R(R) dt. 22.11.2016, the application
herewith, with request to hoist the same in the
concerned PD/Consultants are enclosed
Ministry’s Website for public comments within 30 days of uploading on the website.

This is issued with the approval of the “Regional Officer, NHAI, Regional Office,
Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
Yours faithfully,

(Abinash Béé;%' e
Dy. Manager (Tech)

W e | Corporate Office : -5 @ -6, a2t -10, gram, 7 feesfi-110075 / G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110 075
3792 /website : nhai.cov.in
Zu / Phone : 011-25074100/25074200,
(g aftaga i Temmt dETer, wTIeE weE)
National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt of India)
arfra , sitfgent /Regional Office, Odisha
301 - ©, frerft dfer, arer gz, wgW 7, wrada fagre, yEAvas - 751013, sifgen
301-A, 3rd Floor, Pal Heights, Plot No : J/7, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar- 751013, Odisha
- P goa /Ph.: 0674 - 2361470/ §70/670 (wv0)
-t/ €-mail : roodisha@nhai.org, ronhalodisha@gmail.com, ¥wwrgz/Web : www.nhal.gov.in

NHAI/13011/54/R0/0D/ 2.2 [() 12024 11.11.2024


Rehabilitation and up-gradation to 4- laning of Rajamunda- Barkote section of NH-23

Odisha under NHDP-IV on EPC
(New NH-143) Km. 287+200 to Km.337+185 in the State of
OFC duct in the
Mode - Permission for laying of 500mm@ slurry pipeline with 65mm@
km 287+20 0 to km. 292+450 within
RHS of ROW of utility corridor of NH-143 from
a and 1no of NH crossing at Ch.287+200
1000mm width from Rajamunda to Narendr Ore
proposed 34MTPA Iron
from LHS to RHS for transportation of Iron Ore slurry from
at village -Tehere i under Koira Tahasil under Sundargarh
Beneficiation Plant located
Pvt. Ltd. located at
District of M/s-Rungta Sons Pvt. Ltd. to Action Ispat & Power
village - Pandripathar under Jharsuguda District of Odisha-
pipeline with
M/s Rungta Sons Pvt. Ltd has submitted a proposal laying of 500 mm slurry
of NH-143 from Km.287+ 200 to Km.292+450
65mm OFC duct in the RHS of ROW of utility corridor
and 1 no of NH crossing at Km.287+ 200 from
within 1000 mm width from Rajamunda to Narendra
LHS to RHS. The details are as under:
Width of
Chainage Side Length Corridor Remarks
SL. (m) (mm)
5 Km.287+200 | Km.292+450 RHS 5250 Open Trench
1000 HDD Method
2. KM.287+200 Across 60 (Casing pipe

2. As per guidelines issued by MoRTH vide F. No. RW/NH-33044/29/2015/S&R(R) dated

the public domain for 30
22.11.2016; the Highway Administration will put out the application in
days for seeking claims and objections (on grounds of public inconvenie nce, safety and general
public interest).

3; In view of the above, the comments of public, if any, on the above mentioned proposal
is invited on below mentioned address:
The Regional Officer,
National Highways Authority of India,
Regional Office, Odisha
301-A, 3rd Floor, Pal Heights,
J/7, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar 751013, Odisha
e-mail : roodisha@nhai.org

This is issued with the approval of the “Regional Officer, NHAI, Regional Office, Odisha,

Dy. Manager (Tech)
National Highways Authority of India,
Regional Office, Odisha
301-A, 3rd Floor, Pal Heights,
J/7, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar 751013

W@ wrdterd
| Corporate Office : f3-5@ -6, ¥at 10, grea, 7§ feet-110075 / G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110 075
7o/ Phone : 011-25074100/25074200.
33012z /website : nhai.qov.in
Main Road, Barbil - 758 035, Dist.- Keonjhar, Odisha,
Guidelines for Project Directors for processing the proposal for laying of 500 mm O Slurry Pipeline
with 65 mm @ OFC duct in the land of National Highway No.- 143 from Ch.- 287.200 Km. to
LHS to RHS at Ch.- 287.200 Km. from Rajamund a to
292.450 Km. in RHS and NH Crossing from
Narendra vested with NHAL

Relevant Circulars
Mainistry Circular No. NH-41(58)/68 dated 31.1.1969

Ministry Circular No. NH-1I/P/66/76 dated 18/19.11.1976

Ministry Circular No. RW/NH-11I/P/66/76 dated 11.05.1982
Ministry Circular No. RW/NH-11037/1/66-DOI(ii) dated 28.07.1993
Ministry Circular No. RW/NH-11037/1/86-DOI dated 19.01.1995
Ministry Circular No. RW/NH-34066/2/95/S&R dated 25.10. 1999
Ministry Circular No. RW/NH-34066/7/2003 S&R(B) dated 17.09.2003
Ministry Circular No. RW/NH-33044/29/2015/S&R(R) dated 22.11.2016
Ministry Circular No. RW/NH-37011/52/2020-BP&SP dated 15.01.2021

Item Information/Status Remarks

1 | General Information Laying of 500 mm @ Iron Ore Slurry Pipeline
with 65 mm @ OFC duct from Ch.- 287+200 |
Km. to Ch.- 292+450 Km. in the RHS of
RoW of utility corridor of NH- 143 and NH
crossing at Ch.- 287+200 Km. from LHS to
RHS in a corridor of 1000 MM width for
transportation of Iron Ore Slurry from
proposed 34 MTPA IOBP of M/s. Rungta
Sons Private Limited located at village
Teherei under Koira Tahasil to Action Ispat & |
Power Pvt. Lid. located at village-
Pandripathar under Jharsug uda District.
1.1 | Name and Address of the M/s Rungta Sons Private Limited
Applicant / Agency Main Road, Barbil, Dist.- Keonjhar,
btiol ines.com | ]
1.2 | National Highway Number NH-143
1.3 | State Odisha
Rajamunda to Narendra —
1.4 | Location
1.5 | (Chainage in Km.) RoW from Ch.- 287+200 Km. to Ch.-
292+450 Km. in RHS and
Crossing @ Ch.- 287+200 Km. from LHS to
RHS - . =
1.6 | Length in Meters. 5250 M (RHS) + 60 M Crossing @ Km.-
287+200 M = 5310 M (in total)
1.7 | Width of available Row 60 Mtrs. (in general)
(a) Left side from centre line 30 Mtrs. (in general) J
[P &
towards increasing
oo, r


3 hrd "
3 Nati
Authorized e\ O oS-
garkole LT gineer0“5 - nager (Teoi
chainage/km. direction
(b) Right side from centre 30 Mtrs. (in general)
line towards increasing
chainage/km. direction
1.8 | Proposal to lay Underground
(a) Left side from center line
towards increasing NA
chainage/km direction.
(b) Right side from center
From Ch.- 287+200 Km. to Ch.- 292+450
line towards increasing Km.
chainage/km direction.
1.9 | Proposal to acquire land NA
(a) Lefl side from centre line. No
(b) Right side from centre line. No
Whether proposal is in the same
side where land is not to be No
If not then where to lay the In the utility corridor of NHAI RoW
Underground Pipeline.
1.11 | Details of already laid services, Attached
if any, along the proposed route
Number of lanes (2/4/6/8 lanes) Existing 4 lanes with paved shoulder
1.13 | Proposed number of lanes (2
lane with paved shoulders/4/6/8 NA
14 | Service road existing or not NO
If yes then which side
(a) Left side from center line
| (b) Right side from center line
Proposed service road
(a) Left side from centerline
(b)Right side from center line
Whether proposal to lay
Underground Pipeline is after Afier the service road, within the utility
the service road or between the corridor
service road and main
1.17 | The permission for laying of
Underground Pipeline shall be
considered for approval/ Yes, Agreed
rejection based on the Ministry
Circulars mentioned as above
(a) |Carrying of Underground
Pipeline on highway bridges NA
shall not be permitted as fumes
/gases pipes can accelerate the
process of corrosion or may
t .
cause explosions, thus, being
much more injurious than
leakage of water.
(b) |Camrying of Underground
Pipeline on bridges shall also be
discouraged. However if the
water supply authorities seem to NA
have no other viable alternative
and approach the Highway
Authority well in time before
the design of the bridge is
finalized. They may be
permitted to carry the pipe line
on independent superstructure,
supported on extended portions
of piers and abutments in such a
manner that in the final
arrangement enough free space
around the superstructure of the
bridge remains available for
inspection and repairs etc.
() Cost of required extension of the
substructure as well as that of
the supporting superstructure
shall be borne by the agency- in-
charge of the utilitics.
(@) Services are not being allowed
indiscriminately on the parapet/any
part of the bridges, Safety of the
bridges has to be kept in view
while permitting various services
along bridge. Approvals are to be
accorded in this regard with the
concurrence of the Ministry’s
project Chief Engineers only.
1.18 | If crossing of the road involved.
If yes, it shall be either encased Yes, crossing involved and it shall be encased
in pipes or through structure of with MS casing pipes of 750 mm dia.
conduits specially built for that (1 number of crossing at Ch.- 287+200 Km.)
purpose at the expenses of the
agency owning the line.
(a) | Existing drainage structures
shall not be allowed to carry the Agreed (No drain structure involved)
(b) | Is it on a line normal to NH Yes
Distance from the nearest existing structures is
(©) Crossing shall not be too near beyond 15m
the existing structures on the
National Highway, the
minimum distance being 15
meter. What is the distance from
t %
B o vl
o g
the existing structures.
(@ The casing pipe (or conduit pipe
in the case of clectric power
cable) carrying the utility line
Yes, agreed and Casing pipe material to be used is
shall be of steel, cast iron, or MS of 750 mm dia. -
reinforced cement concrete and
have adequate strength and be
large enough to permit ready
withdrawal ~of the carrier
(e) Ends of the casing/conduit pipe
Yes, agreed to comply
shall be sealed from the outside,
so that it does not act as a
drainage path.
0] The casing/conduit pipe should,
Yes, agreed to comply
as minimum extend from drain
to drain in cuts and toe of slope
in the fills.
@ The top of the casing/conduit
Yes, agreed to comply
pipe should be at least 1.2 meter
below the surface of the road
subject to being at least 0.3 mtr
below the drain inverts.
(h) Crossing shall be by boring
method (HDD) especially where
the existing road pavement is of Yes, crossing will be done by HDD method
cement concrete or dense
bituminous concrete type.
The casing/conduit pipe shall be
installed with an even bearing
throughout its length and in such Yes, agreed to comply
a manner as to prevent the
formation of a waterway along
Document / Drawings enclosed Yes, drawing, documents, enclosed
with proposal
Cross section showing the size
of trench for open trenching NA
method. (Is it normal size of
1.2m deep X 0.3m wide).
Should not be greater than
60cm. Wider than the outer NA
diameter of the pipe.
(i) Located as close to the extreme
edge of the right-of-way as NA
possible but not less than 15
meter from the centre-lines of
the nearest carriageway.

gjeclm %

5\\\'N U Y KEON.
Ihn.ger (Tech.|
\ Keonjhar
(iii) | Shall not be permitted to run
along the National Highways
when the road formation is NA
situated in double cutting. Nor
shall these be laid over the
existing culverts and bridges.
(iv) | These should be so laid that
their top is at least 0.6 meter NA
below the ground level so as not
to obstruct drainage of the road
Cross section showing the size Yes, Submitted as incorporated in the drawing
22 |of the pit and location of and attached methodology
Pipeline for HDD method
2.3 | Strip plan / Route plan showing
chainage, width of ROW,
distance of proposed pipeline Yes, submitted showing all desired details in
from the edge of ROW, the drawings
important mile stone,
intersections, cross drainage
works etc.
24 | Methodology for laying of Yes, Submitted
Underground Pipeline.
2.4. | Open trenching method (May be
| 1 |allowed in utility corridor only
| where pavement is neither Yes, Submitted
" cement concrete nor dense
| bituminous concrete type). If
| yes, Methodology of refilling of
| trench.
(a) | The trench width should be at
least 30 cm, but not more that 60 Yes, agreed to comply
cm wider than the outer
diameter of the power cable.
(b) | For filling of the trench, bedding
shall be to a depth of not less than
30cm. It shall consist of granular Yes, agreed to comply
material, free of lumps, clods and
cobbles and graded to yield a firm
surface without sudden change in
the bearing valve. Unsuitable soil
and rock edged should be
excavated and replaced by selected
(c) | The backfill shall be completed
in two stages (i) side-fill to the Yes, agreed to comply
level of the top of the pipe and
(ii) overfill to the bottom of the nit
Project implemeqtation
road crust. f i


W ngecr

—Rrcrcene. Authorized
= Keonjhar.

\ Keariner
(d) The side fill shall consist of
granular material laid in 15cm
layers each consolidated by
mechanical tampering and Yes, agreed to comply
controlled addition of moisture
10 95% of the Proctor’s Density.
Overfill shall be compacted to
the same density as the material
that had been removed.
Consolidation by saturation or
ponding will not be permitted.
(e) The road crust shall be built to
the same strength as the existing
crust on either side of the trench. Yes, agreed to comply
Care shall be taken to avoid the
formation of a dip at the trench.
0 The excavation shall be
protected by flagman, signs and Yes, agreed to comply
barricades and red lights during
night hours.
(@) If required, a diversion shall be
constructed at the expenses of NA
agency owning the utility line.
Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes, HDD method will be adopted as per
Lo S

(HDD) Method submitted methodology and as per

MoRTH/IRC guidelines and NHAI
Laying of Underground NA

Pipeline through CD works and


method of laying
(a) On approaches, the
Underground Pipeline shall be
carried along a line as close to Yes, agreed to comply
the edge of the right-of-way as
possible up to a distance of 30 m
from the bridge and subject to
all other stipulations contained
in this Ministry’s guidelines
issued with letter No. NH-
HI/P/66/76 dated 19.11.1976.
Draft License Agreement signed Yes, submitted
by two witness
Performance Bank Guarantee in Yes, agreed for submission of Performance
favour of NHAI has to be BG as per latest MORTH / NHAI guidelines
obtained @ Rs.50/- per running when asked by NHAI
meter (parallel to NH) and Rs.
1,00,000/- per crossing
for a period of one year initially
of NH,
Project impleme
el fotli
(extendable if required till wational "'fi"‘


Authorized i
satisfactory completion of work)
as a security for ensuring /
making good the excavated
trench for laying the
cables/ducts by proper filling
and compaction, cleaning debris
/ loose earth produced due to
execution of trenching at least
50m away from the edge of the
right of way. No payment shall
be payable by the NHAI to the
licensee for clearing debris
/loose earth.
4.1 | Performance BG as per above is | Yes, agreed for submission when intimated by
to be obtained. NHAI
42 | Confirmation of BG has been | Yes, will be obtained after submission of BG.
obtained as per NHAI guidelines
5 | Affidavit/Undertaking from the Yes agreed & Submitted
applicant for
5.1 | Not to damage to other utility, if
damaged then to pay the losses Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
cither to NHAI or to the undertaking
concerned agency.
5.2 | Renewal of Bank Guarantee. Yes, agreed to comply
5.3 | Confirming all standard Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
condition of NHAI's guidelines. undertaking
5.4 | Shifting of Underground Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
Pipeline as and when required undertaking
by NHAI at their own cost.
5.5 | Shifting due to 6 laning / Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
widening of NH. undertaking
5.6 | Indemnity against all damages Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
and claims clause (24). undertaking
5.7 | Traffic movement during laying Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
of Underground Pipeline to be undertaking
managed by the applicant.
5.8 |If any claim is raised by the Yes, agreed to comply& submitted
Concessionaire then the same undertaking
| has to be paid by the applicant.
5.9 | Prior approval of the NHAI
shall be obtained before Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
undertaking any work of undertaking
installation, shifting or repairs,
or alterations to the showing
Underground Pipeline located in
the National Highway right of
5.10 | Expenditure, if any incurred by Yes, agreed to comply & submitted " A
NHAI for repairing any damage undertaking R~
For Mis. RUNGTA W vas \ o

./\\\uwvuwi, ) <1 Wi \m@


Auharized Sames Site Engineer w“ \‘3‘:‘ 13 Manager fl.cn )

NHAL, PIU - Keani® ',.\d’ ,.u“ NHA, PIU
e \ Keonjhar
caused to the National Highway
by the laying, maintenance or
shifting of the Underground
Pipeline will be borne by the
agency owning the line.
5.11 If the NHAI considers it
necessary in future to move the
utility line for any work of Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
improvement or repairs to the undertaking
road, it shall be carried out as
desired by the NHALI at the cost
of the agency owning the utility
line within a reasonable time
(not exceeding 60days) of the
intimation given.
5.12 Certificate from the applicant in
the following format
@) Laying of Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
Underground undertaking
Pipeline will not
have any deleterious
effects on any of the
bridge components
and roadway safety
for traffic.
(i) For 6-laning” We do
undertake that we
will relocate service
roads/ approach road/ Yes, agreed to comply & submitted
utilities at our own undertaking
cost notwithstanding
the permission
granted within such
time as will be
stipulated by NHAI
for future six-laning
or any other
Who will sign the agreement on Mr. Hirak Mazumder
behalf of Slurry Pipeline & OFC (Sr. President- Mining)
Duct agency Rungta Sons Private Limited
(Power of Attorney & Board Resolution
Certificate from the Project Attached
71 Certificate for confirming of all
standard condition issued vide Yes, Attached
Ministry Circular No.
1. Ministry Circular No. pROJECT oms%
watingl_ EON &H
Authorized sM
NH-41(58)/68 dated
2. Ministry Circular No.
NH-111/P/66/76 dated
3. Ministry Circular No.
dated 11.05.1982
4. Ministry Circular No.
DOI(ii) dated 28.07.1993
5. Ministry Circular No.
DOI dated 19.01.1995
6. Ministry Circular No.
34066/2/95/S&R dated
7. Ministry Circular No.
S&R(B) dated
8. Ministry Circular No.
33044/29/2015/S&R (R)
dated 22.11.2016
9. Ministry Circular No.
BP&SP dated
7.2 | Certificate from PD in the
following format
(i) “Itis certified that any Attached
other location of the
132 KV underground
electrical power
cable in Circuit-2
would be extremely
difficult and
unreasonable costly
and the installation
of 132 KV
electrical power
cable in Circuit-2
within ROW will not
adversely affect the
design, stability and
traffic safety of the
nor _the PRO*CT DIREC
highway Un
Project Implernentat
For Mis. RUNGTA A SONS - PVT. LTD . W’HW"'WY‘ ol ki
a‘ -~ "‘U’V"L
Authorized SgRatane. S\fi Aages
“,mr&wa“““““'“ Manager (Tech)
Fo T3 \u-w
likely future
improvement such as
widening of the
carriageway, easing
of curve etc.”
(ii) For 6- laning
(a) Where feasible is Attached
available” 1 do
certify that there
will be no
hindrance to
proposed six-
laning based on
the feasibility
structures at the
said location.”
(b) In case feasibility Attached
report is not
available, “ 1 do
certify that
sufficient ROW
is available at site
proposed six- o

If NH section proposed to be
taken up
basis —a clause is to be inserted
in the agreement. “the permitted
Highway on which Licensee has
been granted the right to lay
cable/duct has also been granted
as a right of way to the
concessionaire under the
concession agreement for up-
gradation of 1§
section from Km to
Km -———of NH NO.----—-
--on Build, Operate and
Transfer Basis | and
therefore, the licensee shall
honour the same.”
Rungta Sons Private Limited,
Who will supervise the work of RECT
Main Road, Barbil - 758 035, Dist.- Kendujhar,
laying of Pipeline & OFC Duct pROJECT ‘.m R
.= Praject sastivothey0f

Suthorized SISy i g ishrd Q

NHAL, PIU - Keonjfia" mw;‘,‘““s,'}fw:fi"{f Manager g&cx,,

o e B "\ Keanjhar
E-mail- btiobp@rungtamines.com
Phone No.- 06767- 276651
10 Who will ensure that the defects Rungta Sons Private Limited,
in road portion after laying of | Main Road, Barbil- 758 035, Dist.- Kendujhar,
Pipeline with OFC duct are ~ Odisha.
corrected and if not corrected E-mail- btiobp@rungtamines.com
then what action will be taken. Phone No.- 06767- 276651
11 Who will pay the claims for Rungta Sons Private Limited,
damages done/disruption in | Main Road, Barbil- 758 035, Dist.- Kendujhar,
working of concessionaire if _ Odisha.
asked by the concessionaire. E-mail- btio! ines.com
Phone No.- 06767- 276651
12 A certificate from Project
Director that he will enter the Yes, attached
proposed permission in the
register of records of the
permissions in the prescribed
proforma (copy enclosed).
13 If any previous approval is
accorded for laying of utilities, Yes. enclosed
that photocopy of register of
records of permissions accorded
as maintained by PD then copy
be enclosed.

sammngum L LTD . g
authorized Signatory

0 e b 3
‘t’;“. \a\\‘““h


tion Unit
Project implementt Lt india

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