Breast Lump
Breast Lump
Breast Lump
Mrs. XYZ
R/o Bihar
Daily wage labourer
Low class SES as per MKS
Informant – Self
DOE: 21-07-2021
Chief c/o
The patient was apparently well 5 months ago, when she first noticed a lump in her
left breast while bathing
It was insidious in onset and the size has increased rapidly in the last 5 months from 1
x 1 cm initially to 5 x 3 cm at present
Lump is Painless
Nipple Discharge:
Benign Malignant
Bilateral Unilateral
Milky / serous discharge Bloody discharge
Multi-ductal Uni-ductal
On Expression Spontaneous
change in discharge with
Past H/o
Family H/o
Obstetrics H/o
- P1L1
- Male child via LSCS at the age of 35 years
- Breastfed up to 1 year of age
Menstrual H/o
Personal H/o
Summary of H/o
48 y/o lady presents with mass in left breast x 5 months, which is painless and rapidly
increasing in size to present size of 5 x 3 cm with no symptoms s/o local and distant
- Breast CA
- Phylloides Tumour [35-50 years, rapid increase in size]
- Breast cyst [40-50 years – due to ANDI – abnormalities in normal development
and involution]
Local spread
- Skin involvement
- Lymphatic spread – No left limb swelling
Metastasis/Distant spread
- Vertebra – Backache (Bone Pain)
- Liver – hepatomegaly, jaundice, abdominal distention
- Lung – haemoptysis, dyspnea {malignant pleural effusion - dyspnea}
- CNS – headache, convulsions – due to increased ICT ]
- Examination done in well-lit room with patient sitting comfortably on bed,
- Patient is conscious, cooperative, well-oriented to time place and person
- Built- normal; Height – 157 cm; Weight – 52 Kg; BMI: 21.1 kg/m2
- PR: 79/min; BP: 125/78 mmHg; RR: 18/min; Temp: 37 degrees C; JVP not raised
- PICKLE [cervical LN, pedal edema] absent; axillary LN examination discussed in
local O/E
Local Examination
- Patient examined after due verbal informed consent, with adequate privacy, in
the presence of a female attendant, and exposed from neck to umbilicus
- Right Breast
o No local rise of temperature, no tenderness
o No lump felt in any quadrant
o No discharge from nipple present
- Left Breast
o No local rise in temperature, no tenderness
o Lump present in the Lower Inner quadrant, globular in shape, 5 x 3 cm in
size, hard in consistency, with irregular surface, irregular and ill-defined
o Fixed to skin, no fixity to underlying muscle
o No nipple discharge present
Lymph node examination- B/L axillary LN are not palpable, Supraclavicular LN not
Spinal tenderness – Absent [to look for distant metastasis to spine]
[Left Arm – no edema, no restriction of movement at the shoulder joint]
[Texture and consistency of the breast variable in different females. Palpate the
apparently normal breast first for normal texture/consistency, then compare abnormal
with normal.]
[Fixity to Muscles:
1. Pectoralis major:
- First, check the fixity of the lump to the muscle when the muscle is relaxed
- If the lump is mobile, ask the patient to press her hands against the waist/hips
- Feel the anterior axillary fold to see if it is taut to make sure that the muscle is
adequately contracting or not
- Check the movement of the lump parallel and perpendicular to the fibres of the
2. Serratus Anterior
- Look for fixity to serratus anterior in lumps in the Outer Quadrants of the breast
- Ask the patient to stand near a wall and push the wall to check for mobility
- First see mobility in a relaxed position, then in a contracted position
Systemic O/E
- CVS – S1S2 present, no murmur heard
- RS – B/L air entry present. Normal vesicular BS. No added sounds
- P/A – soft, non-tender, no lump or organomegaly, no free fluid
Provisional Diagnosis: Breast Lump, probably Breast CA with stage cT2N0M0 – Stage
2a. {I would like to do USG to confirm LN status as per 8 th AJCC}
D/d – Phyllodes tumour
[Why CA Breast
- H/o = Age- 48 years, painless, rapidly progressive lump, risk factor – older age
at first live child birth
- O/E – Hard lump, irregular margins, fixed to the skin
Why not Phyllodes tumour – classical features of phyllodes tumour (distended veins)
missing and phyllodes tumour is not fixed to overlying skin
TRUCUT BIOPSY preferred over FNAC
- Basement membrane invasion – in situ vs invasive CA
- Hormonal status of tumour – ER, PR, HER2Neu status
- Grade of tumour
- 14G needle is used, and at least 6 cores of tissue should be taken
Metastatic workup
- Stage 1 and Stage 2 (Early Breast CA)– CBC and LFT
o CT chest + abdomen / Bone scan is needed only if patient is symptomatic
OR abnormality on CBC, LFT detected. E.g. increased ALP on LFT – Bone
- Stage 3 (LABC – risk of occult metastasis is more)
o 3a: CBC, LFT, CT chest + abdomen + pelvis
o 3b and 3c: CBC, LFT, FDG-PET-CT
C/I of BCS:
- Technical C/I
o Multicentric disease- M/L foci of malignancy involving >1 quadrant of
breast, two tumours/foci of malignancy in same quadrant at > 4 cm
o Tumour breast ratio is not adequate – for adequate margins and cosmesis
o Persistently positive margins [BCS- tumour sent to pathologist – positive
margins – remove margins – again send – positive margins – MRM]
- C/I to radiotherapy:
o 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In T3, radiotherapy after delivery
o Previous history of radiation to chest wall
o Inflammatory breast CA
o Collagen vascular diseases
Alternatives to BCS
- If patient is N0 – sentinel LN biopsy + simple mastectomy
- N1 – modified radical mastectomy
Adjuvant therapies
- Chemotherapy: Tumour > 1 cm, >0.5 cm with high risk factors, LN positive
o Stage 1, 2 EBC, ER/PR +ve, LN -ve: Gene recurrence score (Oncotype Dx)-
o Anthracycline – cyclophosphamide – taxanes sequentially
- Hormonal therapy
o ER/PR +
o Premenopausal – Tamoxifen (SERM); postmenopausal – Letrozole (AI)
- Targeted therapy
o HER2Neu +ve – Transtuzumab
- Neoadjuvant CT – assessment of response – if response good/complete –
Surgery (MRM).
- If response not good/partial – 1 or 2 more cycles of NACT – MRM – adjuvant
Advantage of NACT
- Downstages the disease
- In vivo response to chemotherapy – response to CT drugs present or not – can
decide which CT drugs to give for adjuvant CT post MRM
Metastatic Breast CA
- Palliation of symptoms
- Hormonal therapy – ER/PR+
- CT: ER/PR-
- Bony metastasis – HT has good response, Visceral metastasis – CT has good
- Bony metastasis – Bisphosphonates can be given. In painful Bony mets. – RT
- Ulcerative/fungating mass – Simple/Toilet mastectomy to improve QoL (palliative
Stage 1: T1N0
Stage 4: M1