Disciple making plan is document that contains the total ministry of the church.
It describes what is the ministry of the church and how the ministry of is undertaken
during the fiscal year.
It contains the strategic direction of the church, its mission, vision, core values,
activities, schedules, people involved and the cost of the program.
This part of the disciple-making plan provides the description of the church. It answers the
question, “who we are, what we are doing and what we want to accomplish”.
a. Name of Church
b. Address
c. Years of Existence
d. Brief History (1 page only)
e. Describe your current ministries
The mission of the church answers the question, “What this local church is supposed to be
The mission of the church is embodied in the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:18-
20. The mission of the church is “to make disciples.”
While the heart of the mission statement is the same, “to make disciples,” it can be stated in
slightly different ways that fits the local church and its community.
It is intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action.
Vision statement focus on TOMORROW – the way a church hopes this will be and what will
be happening in the FUTURE.
4. Description of Disciple Making (You can adopt our class definition if you want)
The description of the disciple making states the comprehensive understanding of the
church about its mission. It will help the church how disciple making will be undertaken.
Our meaning:
“Discipleship is trusting God’s presence as we intentionally enter into the lives of others to
guide them to trust and follow Jesus and obey all his teachings”
5. Core Values
The core values are the guiding principles that dictate behavior and action.
It can help the church to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling the church
mission and goals, creating an unwavering and unchanging guide.
Core values are the basic elements of how the church go about its ministry.
A Commitment to Multiply
We believe that God wants us to reach as many people as possible with the Gospel (Matt.
Therefore, we will pursue methods that will facilitate numerical growth without
compromising our integrity or commitment to biblical truth.
A Commitment to Excellence
We believe that our God is a God excellence who deserves the best we can offer (1 Cor.
Therefore, in all our ministries and activities, we will seek to maintain the highest standards
of excellence to the glory of God.
A Commitment to Relevance
In today’s rapid changing world, we believe that our ministry methods are flexible not our
biblical principles (1 Cor. 9:19-23).
Therefore, while maintaining our principles, we will regularly evaluate and change our forms
of ministry to remain relevant to our times (1 Chron. 12:31).
6. Disciple Making Objectives using WIDER Framework (Write it in your own words
following the WIDER Framework)
Objective is a specific result that the church aims to achieve within a time frame.
4. To equip to engage committed believers for the ministry in the church. (E-NGAGE)
5. To involve every believers to rejoice in worship. (R-EJOICE)
7. Description of a Discipled Person (You can adopt our class definition if you want)
The description of the disciple person (DDP) is the biblical, measurable behavioral a fully
trained disciple. It is a description of the product the church intends to produce. It answers the
question, “How does a disciple person looks like?”
Our example:
A disciple is someone who is living out the decision to follow Christ in everyday
life. He or she is a person who knows Christ inwardly and is committed to living
outwardly in love and obedience to Him.
8. Disciple Making Process (See separate page entitle Disciple Making Process
Disciple making is a process that moves people from pre-birth to maturity that is it moves
them from wherever they are along their spiritual journey to where God wants them to be
through various disciple making environment.
You will integrate your personal evangelism immersion. It means that you will only use
the individual environment here for the Winning stage. Now, you complete the plan with regards
to the I.D.E.R of disciple making.