• Layer Structure:
Typically consist of two layers:
a. Pavement Slab (cement concrete, either
reinforced or unreinforced)
b. Sub-base Course
• Structural Capacity:
a. Unlike flexible pavements, the structural capacity
in rigid pavements is largely supported by the concrete
base layer.
b. High rigidity and elasticity allow traffic loads to
be distributed more evenly, reducing the pressure on
the underlying layers.
Design Considerations:
• The concrete layer must have sufficient thickness and strength to resist:
⚬ Wheel load stresses
⚬ Temperature and moisture variations
⚬ Volumetric changes in the supporting material.
Pavement Slab
Pavement slabs may be constructed with or without reinforcement. They may
be designed as continuous structural elements or jointed structural elements where
relatively shorter slab lengths are joined together in a systematic way to maintain
good ride quality.
Sub-base Course
• While its structural support is minimal in rigid pavements, the sub-
base course is provided to:
a. Create a stable working platform for construction equipment.
b. Ensure a uniform bearing surface under the pavement.
c. Reduce deflection at joints.
d. Control shrink and swell in high-volume subgrade soils.
e. Prevent pumping at joints and slab edges.
Gravel pavements
• Gravel pavements are designed to have a layer thick enough to
distribute heavy loads, ensuring the subgrade (the foundation beneath
the road) isn’t overstressed, which could cause noticeable rutting
(depressions or grooves).
• The thickness needed depends on the subgrade strength (usually
measured by California Bearing Ratio or CBR), the weight of the loads,
and how often the loads pass over the road.
Failure of Existing Pavements
Understanding the causes of pavement failure is crucial for designing new or reconstructed pavements.
Common causes of failure include:
1.Inadequate Structural Strength:
⚬ Poor compaction of embankments leading to inadequate subgrade support, settlement, and pavement
2.Substandard Materials:
⚬ Insufficient quality of base course materials, often involving uncrushed pit-run gravel.
⚬ Open-graded gravel placed on soft subgrades (clay and silt), leading to contamination and reduced
bearing capacity.
3.Design and Construction Issues:
⚬ Cement concrete placed directly on fine-grained soils without a base, causing deformation and cracking.
⚬ Poor construction practices, including low concrete strength due to inadequate curing and poorly
constructed joints, resulting in uncontrolled cracking.
⚬ Use of wooden forms leads to poor ride quality on new pavements.
4.Early Traffic Exposure:
⚬ Early exposure to high traffic loads beyond the pavement's design capacity.
5.Insufficient Sub-base:
⚬ Absence or poor quality of the sub-base layer beneath flexible pavements.
Designing New Road Pavements
The main factors which influence the performance of a pavement are:
1. Traffic:
• Volume and loading characteristics.
2. Subgrade Support:
• Strength and stiffness of subgrade soils.
3. Water:
• Effects on pavement materials.
4. Pavement Material Performance:
• Quality and characteristics of selected materials.
5. Quality of Construction:
• Adherence to construction standards and practices.
There are three main steps to be followed in designing a new road pavement:
1.Traffic Assessment:
⚬ Estimate the traffic volume, axle loading, and load distribution over the pavement's design life.
2.Subgrade Support Evaluation:
⚬ Measure the strength of the subgrade soils to ensure adequate support for the pavement structure.
3.Structure Design:
⚬ Select the most economical combination of pavement materials and layer thickness to ensure
satisfactory service with only routine maintenance throughout the design life.
Considerations for
Flexible Pavements
This guide outlines key factors in designing flexible pavement structures.
It's based on AASHTO Road Test data and other research. The process
involves evaluating several parameters to determine the optimal
pavement design.
Soil Support and Regional Factor
Soil Support Regional Factor
Soil support values range from 1.00 to 10.00. They account This factor adjusts for climatic and environmental
for soil density and moisture variations during construction. conditions different from the AASHTO Road Test site.
Structural Number and
Layer Coefficients
2 Layer Coefficients
Used to convert SN to actual thickness of surfacing, base, and
Rigid Pavement Design
1 Pavement Slab
Consists of Portland cement, reinforced steel, and joint sealing
2 Sub-base
Provides uniform support and prevents pumping of fine-grained
3 Joints
Include expansion, contraction, and longitudinal joints for crack
Materials for Rigid Pavements
Portland Cement
Minimum cement factor determined by laboratory tests and prior experience.
Reinforcing Steel
Various grades available based on strength and flexural property requirements.
Joint-Sealing Materials
Include liquid sealants and preformed elastomeric seals.
Modulus of Subgrade
Represents load divided by deflection of the loaded area.
Obtained through plate loading tests or estimated from previous
Used in design charts to represent various soil types.
Load Transfer Devices
1 Chart Selection
Choose based on desired terminal serviceability index.
3 Subgrade Reaction
Draw line from pivot to subgrade reaction value for slab
Pavement Jointing
Design for Concrete
Control cracking due to restrained Allow for interruptions during Allow relative movement between
shrinkage and placement or occur at planned adjacent structures or pavements.
temperature/moisture locations between adjacent lanes. Used sparingly at fixed objects or
differentials. Spacing depends on Can be butt-type or keyed. asymmetrical intersections.
pavement thickness, concrete
strength, aggregate type, and
Slab Length and Design Factors
Pavement thickness, base stiffness, and climate affect the maximum joint spacing. The ratio of
slab length (L) to radius of relative stiffness (ℓ) should not exceed 4.44 to prevent transverse
cracking. Slab length (in feet) is typically 2 to 2.5 times the slab thickness in inches, with a
maximum of 5 m (15 ft).
1 Determine Thickness
Calculate pavement thickness based on traffic load and subgrade conditions.
Load transfer across joints is crucial for pavement performance. It can be achieved through
aggregate interlock, stabilized subgrades/subbases, or mechanical devices like dowel bars.
Aggregate interlock depends on joint spacing and crack width. Dowels are recommended
for pavements 200 mm (8 in.) or thicker, especially under heavy truck traffic.
1 Aggregate Interlock
Effective for lighter traffic and closely spaced joints. Depends on crack width and
aggregate properties.
2 Stabilized Layers
Improve joint performance by reducing deflections. Require proper drainage
3 Dowel Bars
Transfer shear loads across joints. Sized according to pavement thickness and
spaced at 300 mm (12 in.) intervals.
Transverse Joint Design
Transverse joints control cracking caused by restrained drying shrinkage and thermal movements. They are typically spaced according to
pavement thickness and subgrade characteristics. Contraction joints can be created by sawcutting, using grooving tools, or inserting premolded
filler strips. Construction joints are used at planned locations or for necessary work stoppages.
Isolation joints allow differential movement between pavements and fixed structures. They use
full-depth joint filler material and are typically 19 to 25 mm (0.75 to 1.0 in.) wide. Expansion
joints are rarely needed except at bridges. Both types require careful design and sealing to
prevent infiltration of incompressible materials.
Sealant Application
Install compatible sealant on top of filler, recessed 6 mm below surface.
Edge Thickening
For vehicular traffic, thicken pavement edge by 20% and taper over 6-10 times
slab thickness.
Special Considerations for Low-Volume
For most low-volume concrete pavements, distributed steel reinforcement is unnecessary
if joint spacing is kept short. However, reinforcement may be considered for odd-shaped
panels or areas with poor soil support. Irregular panels, such as those with length-to-width
ratios exceeding 1.70:1 or non-rectangular shapes, may benefit from steel reinforcement to
minimize deterioration of any cracking over time.
Odd-Shaped Panels
May require steel reinforcement to control cracking.
1 Coralline Aggregates
Used in Portland cement concrete pavement as per DPWH Order No. 66 (2007)
2 Slurry Seal
Instapave system for road surface treatment specified in Order No. 05 (2008)
3 Lahar Aggregates
Fine aggregates for hot rolled asphalt and asphaltic concrete as per Order No. 30 (2010)
1991 1
DPWH Order No. 34 specifies the use of fly ash in concrete mix for
rigid pavements
2006 (February)
Order No. 11 provides specifications for concrete joint sealants,
including hot-poured elastic and cold-applied types
2006 (February)
Order No. 18 outlines specifications for Portland cement concrete
pavement with wire mesh
Flexible Pavement Design Procedure
The AASHTO method is used for flexible pavement design, involving two main steps: 1)
Determining the Structural Number (SN) using the AASHTO Road Test Equation or Design
Chart, and 2) Calculating the thickness of pavement layers. The process considers factors such
as predicted traffic loads, standard deviation, serviceability index, resilient modulus, and layer
Step 1
Calculate Structural Number (SN) using AASHTO equation
Step 2
Determine layer thicknesses based on SN and material properties
Step 3
Verify and adjust layer thicknesses to meet design requirements
Flexible Pavement Design Example
A detailed example is provided for designing a single-lane entrance ramp. The
process involves calculating equivalent single axle loads (ESAL), determining design
parameters, and solving for layer thicknesses. The example uses a 10-year analysis
period, specific traffic data, and material properties. Through iterative calculations,
the final design recommends 100mm AC, 200mm CAB, and 450mm ASB layers.
2 Stress Distribution
It helps distribute tensile stresses caused by temperature and
moisture changes.
3 Structural Integrity
Reinforcement maintains pavement integrity without
preventing crack formation entirely.
Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement
1 Joint Spacing
Proper joint spacing prevents intermediate cracks by controlling tensile stress
2 Slab Length
Optimum slab length balances joint performance, cost, and ride quality.
4 Friction Factor
Sub-base material affects the friction factor, influencing stress development.
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
Continuous Reinforcement Crack Induction Crack Width Control
Reinforcement induces planned Steel ties cracks together, limiting
CRCP features continuous transverse cracking by restraining their width within acceptable
longitudinal reinforcement concrete shrinkage. limits.
throughout the slab length.
CRCP Design Considerations
Concrete Strength
Both flexural and tensile strength at 28 days are crucial for design.
Concrete Shrinkage
28-day shrinkage value is used for design purposes.
Thermal Coefficient
Aggregate type significantly influences the concrete's thermal coefficient.
Steel Properties
Bar diameter, spacing, and thermal coefficient are key design factors.
Design Temperature and
Factor Consideration
Input Parameters
Gather concrete properties, environmental factors, and design requirements.
Finalize Design
Specify reinforcement details including bar size, spacing, and layout.
Pavement Overlay
Pavement overlay design requires careful consideration of various
factors to ensure optimal performance and longevity. This guide
explores key aspects of overlay design, including pre-overlay
repair, reflection crack control, and traffic loading calculations.
Pre-Overlay Repair and
Reflection Crack Control
1 Pre-Overlay Repair
Assess visible and hidden damage. Consider cost-effectiveness
of repairs versus overlay options.
3 Sub-Surface Drainage
Evaluate and improve drainage conditions before overlay
application to enhance performance.
Traffic Loading and
Material Considerations
Existing Overlay Type Equivalency
Pavement Factors
Flexible AC Flexible
2 Depth Determination
Base overlay depth on coring, deflection testing, and traffic
volume. Account for milling and reduced composite section.
3 Surface Preparation
Mill ACC surface to restore crown and remove high spots.
Create thickened ends at termini.
Joint Design and Fiber
1 Joint Patterns
Relate to underlying PCC slab width. Create nearly square
segments. Avoid wheel path joints.
2 Spacing Guidelines
Joint spacing (feet) should not exceed twice the depth
(inches), unless using fibers.
3 Fiber Benefits
Recommended for overlays less than 4 inches. Helps hold
cracks tight and bond layers.
Construction Techniques
Scheduling Paving Methods Traffic Control
Close roads only during paving. Use one-lane or two-lane Similar to other overlay projects.
Perform other tasks under traffic. techniques. Employ maturity Hold public meetings to address
Consider subdrain location and testing for strength gain. Maintain potential conflicts with businesses.
timing. good surface profile.
Concrete Placement and Curing
Austroads (2003). Guide to the Selection of Road Surfacings Revised Edition. Part 2
Properties of Road Surfacings. Austroads publication AP-G63/03, Austroads Sydney
Design and Performance of Road Pavements. Chapter 17, The AASHO and WASHO
road tests. McGraw-Hill, New York 1998.