NOTES: Please note your section number, and circle your professor’s name.
1.This is a Closed Book examination. No aids other than the approved calculators are allowed.
2.Answer all four questions.
3.Laplace Table and Fourier series equations are provided in the back of this question paper.
4.No questions are to be asked. If needed, make valid assumptions to solve the question, but
please state clearly the assumptions used.
Q2 20
Q3 20
Q4 20
Total: 80
Q1: Laplace Transforms
VS = 1 volt after t > 0s.
R = 3, L = 1H, C = ½ F.
[20 marks]
(a) For the circuit, write a Kirchhoff’s voltage law equation for t > 0s in terms of i(t). [5]
Q2: Mutual Inductance
VS=10V, R = 10, -jXC = -j16, jX1 = j1, jX2 = 9, jXM = j3 [20 marks]
(a) Write a loop equation using Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law in terms of I. [10]
Q3: Three-phase circuits
Consider the Y- three-phase circuit in Fig. 1 with: [20 marks]
(a) Convert the load impedances from a −configuration to a Y-configuration (answer in phasor
representation). [2.5]
(b) Convert the source from a Y-configuration to a -configuration. [2.5]
(c) Calculate the values of the line currents Ia, Ib and Ic (in phasor & time domain). [5]
(d) Calculate the value of the voltage across the 2- load resistor. [2.5]
(e) Calculate the value of the voltage across the load capacitor. [2.5]
(f) Calculate the total complex power in the source, transmission line impedances and load. [5]
Q4: Fourier Series
Given the periodic non-sinusoidal voltage Vs(t) shown below:
4 Volts
t (s)
-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-3 Volts
c) Find coefficients for the cosine components of Fourier series, an, for Vs(t) and evaluate for n =
3. [8]
d) Vs(t) = 5 + 20 cos(0.8t) + 15 sin(0.8t) volts. Calculate the response Vo(t) for the following
circuit. [7]
5H 0.5F
Vs(t) 2Ω Vo(t)
Some useful Laplace Transforms:
f(t) → F(s)
Ku(t) K /s
d f (t )
s F(s) – f(0- )
d 2 f (t )
s2F(s) – s f(0- ) –f 1(0-)
dt 2
t F (s) 0
f (q) dq + f (q ) dq
− s −
Fourier’s series:
f(t) = a0 + (a
n =1
n cos nw0 t + bn sin nw0 t )
1 T
a0 =
T 0
f (t )dt
2 T
T 0
an = f (t ) cos nw0 t dt
2 T 2
bn = f (t ) sin nw0 t dt , where w0 =
T 0 T
4 2
T 0
For an even function, a n = f (t ) cos nw0 t dt , and bn = 0
For an odd function, bn = 2 f (t ) sin nw0 t dt , and a n = 0
T 0