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005 / 22

The West Bengal University of Health Sciences

B.Sc. Nursing Part-III February - March, 2022 Examination
Suhjcct: Child Health Nur Ing
Time: 3 hr. Pull M:srks : 75
An wcr any five of the following que tio

1. a)
Define Bronchial a thma. 2 5
List down the etiological factor of Bronchial asthma.
c) Discuss the nursing management of a child suffering from acute attack of Bron.chial 3$lbm.a.

2. a) Define Neonatal sepsis.

2 3+3 7
b) Enumerate the causes and types of Neonatal sepsis.
c) What arc the measures a nurse will take inside the NICU to prevent the occurrence of
neonatal sepsis?

3. I3aby Sunu, 1 year old is admitted in the paediatric surgery ward aficr cleft palate repair.

a) What arc cleft lip and cleft palate defects? 3+ 2+3 7

b) Discuss the causes and types of defects.
c) Prepare a post-opera!ive nursing care plan for Baby Sunu.

4:, Master Arun, 5 year old, is admitted in the paediatric ward with the diagnosis of ephrotic
a) Define Nephrotic Syndrome.
b) List down the clinical features ofNephrotl Syndrome.
c) Discuss the management of Master Arun.

5. a) Define play.
b) Explain the types ofplay.
c) What are the principles to be followed while selecting play materials for children?

6. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) Universal Immunization 3x5

Programme. b Physiological
c) Early initiation of breast feeding.
/ d) ehavioural problems among pre-schoolers.
e) Cyanotic h art disease.-

005 / 19

The West Bengal University of Health

B.Sc. Nursing Part-III August, 2019
Time: 3 Examination
Subject : Child Health Nursing
Full Mnrk.1 : 75
Use separate a11swer script for t!acl, group
Answer all questions

_..l. and
Master Arun 8 year
hypertension. Heold child is admitted
is diagnosed with A inc uthe
t e Pedintric ward with the complaints of hematuria

Glomeculonephritis. 2+5+8
. .
Define ?>5 o
Acute Glomeruloneohritis.

--- b) Discuss the pathophysiology of Acute Glomerulonephritis. 3 SC

00.- c) Develop a nursing care plan for Master Arun. 351
s")<.A e""' · .
;)-- a) Define Low Birth Weight Bnby. 1 b 2- 3+5+7
b) Describe the physical characteristics of Low Birth Weight Baby. 162
c) Describ the nursing management of a newborn weighing 1500 gms. 1
3. Miss. Rin 5years old child is admitted in the hospital for the first time.
a) What are the common reactions a nurse should expect from:tnI c:liild?
b) Di cuss the role of a nurse care of hospitalized children.


4. At w- doay old baby is admitted in NICU with the diagnosis of Trachea Oesophageal
P - 2..1-6

a) What is tracheo- oesophage-;l fistula? 3+5+7
Enumerate the type oftracheo- oesophageal fistula with dingram.p..2.-1-Q- /
) Write the pre- operative and post-_operative management of tracheo-oesophageaJ fistula
t::>·, So't"e1e'0') & -o . ('(\ S-\\ \ [ s.,) ,
2.Cfo- 2-
Write short notes on any three of the following: q.I
a) Hypoglycemia in newbo . 3x5
b) Child Welfatc Programmes: '2.j.
c) Weaning. 10 "1
d) Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI). lOlJ .
JS/ 18

The West Bengal University of Health Sciences

B.Sc. Nursing Part-III Examination, 2018
'imc: 3 Subject : Child Hcnlth Nursing
hrs. Full I\1nr : 75
Ust! St!ptrrate answt!r script for acl,
group Answer all questions

Define growth and development. 5 b
_+s+ +s
Discuss the factors influencing growth and development.
List do'WD the characteristics of growth and development.
Discuss the different stages of psycholog ca.l development of children. 1
..' .
• Ran a4years old boy is diagnosed as a case ofbncterial meningitis.
a) Define meningitls. 3,b:f
b) List down the signs and symptoms of bacterial meningitis. .::>
c) Write do·wn the differences between bacterial meningitis and tubercular meningitis.
d) Discuss the nursing care plan for Ranju. :, 0

Sujit, a 4-years old boy is admitted in Paediatric surgery ward ,,rith_ undescended testis.-+2+3+S
a) Define undescended testis. :>69
b) What are the name of surgery and ideal nge for operating n child with undescended testis 3
c) List down the complications if not operated in time.
d) Outline the post-operative nursing process f r the child.
_ Mita, n five years old girl is admitte inn Pnedintric wnrd with burns on foce. nntcri r trunk nnd
anterior part of lo ver e ities. +4+6+2
a) Calculate the percentage of body surfocc nrcn burnt.
b) Write do'Wil the «:JlC meas\.ircs you will carry out for Mita. •..
c) Describe the Nursing interventions during the n<::,-t 48 hrs.
d) Why bums arc more dangerous in children than to ndults?

Writ rt notes on any tl,ree of the following:

· ote ofpecliatric nurse. Prevention ofhome accident of children. q.
Al-I ,..\_4_'( .
c) Newborn reflexes.·>, nurcs1s. 50
)5 / 17

The West Bengal University of Health Sciences

B.Sc. Nursing Part-III Examination, 2017
Subject : Child Hcn1th Nnnfnn
hn1::3hr3. Full Mnrlu: 75
Usest!parate answt!r script for t!nclt group
Answer all questions
Miss -Rani. a 3 yenr old girl is ndmittcd in Pcdintric wnrd nnd is suffering from protein - energy
malnutrition Grnde II.
a) Define PEM. 2-2.fl
b) Write do the clnssificntion of PEM. . . CJ
Explain theclinical feature of PEM. Q .:,
Discuss the management of Miss Rnni.
co....,....,....._,.._o"Y'\ --¼ , ·, n y , ....
Baby Atul is admitted in NICU and wns born nt 34 weeks of gcstntion.
( a) Define prctcrm birth.
) b) List down the features ofpretenn bnby. ,.
\ c; rite down the nursing management of bnby Atul. t6
H-t h- 'P; sk_ "'('\-e

a) Define Meconium Aspiration syndrome . 1..i 2.. . 2+3+4+G

b) Enumerate the causes of mcconium nspirntion syndrome
c) List down the clinical fentures ofmeconium nsp rntion syndrome. \ ..,
d) Write down the nursing care plan for meconium nspimtion syndrome.


4. Baby Anu is admitted in NICU wi the dingnosis of Congcnitnl Pyloric stcnosis.

a) Whnt is congenitnl Pyloric stenosis: Q. :,-g P- 2+4+2+7
b) Explain the clinical manifestations ofcongcnitnl Pyloric Stenosis.
c) Name the surgery done for_the correction of congenital pyloric stenosis. p- Zl._
d) Outline the pre-operative nnd post -operative cnrc plnn for baby Anu.

·t short notes on nny t/rre ofthefollowing :

s. Wr1 e .
b · £ - ' JxS
l Apgnr scoring l :> •'f\
b) Oral Rehydration therapy D·,SO J 'r S
• I -1 -,
c) Pica S o.J_ ·e.h-o ' l 1·), S. o -\h .J-

d) Universal Immunizntion Progmmme. \ '2. Lf I.I

; / 16

The West Bengal University of Health

B.Sc. Nursing Part-III Examination, 2016
me: 3 hrs. Subject : Child Health Nursing
Full l\,forks : 75
Use separate answer script for eac/r
group Answer all questions
days old baby has been admitted in NICU with yellowish discoloration of skin. She is diagnosed
acase of'nconatal jaundice.
r 'a)-Ocrmc neonatal jaundice. ( ":J-5 . · 2+5+8
) -b) Oiffc:rcntiate between physiological and pathological jaundice. \ 1- b
\. nursing management for this baby. t 'L
'-....:> R sk "'1eDY\O...""\e.
2. Rudra. a 5 years old child has been adm_itted in the Pediatric ward and diagnosed a case of nephrotic
_a.)--Define nephrotic syndrome. Lt 1 3+5+7
_..b)--Discuss clinical features of nephritic syndrome. S½ 1
'? plain nursing management ofRudra 3L-f9 ·
D ·, S o Je e> Gi eY1-1+o u Y~> , 11 0-a-;:, iJ-- S-i e
numerate the common behavioral disorders during pre-schooling period. ½Cf t 4+5+6

Vhat a r teh ec a u s e s of behavioral disorders in children? 0

\'is · '
plain advises to be given to a mother of a child with school phobia.
C3:, e. '11a\...J<'ro...\ ,D .., So y,J-ey, ·1 h-,Id 0
'1,---,• ""'

, . Group-B

4. of spina bifida.? ::,4 · 3+4+8

>r-£numcrate theproblems of ne·wbom baby with meningomyelocete. ::> q Lf

pre-operative and post operative nursing management of a baby with
ti,so J o'(:- ce--n\ Ne.'r\J()u s S'-1<;-\e -
Vritc short notes on any t/rree of the fo,lowing: 3x5 Care of a child with club foot.
'-1 \ 0) · _ o._y--\ o f>e t c.. .f O'o e Y'I""\ S 1
n Rights of children.
?- Prevention of common accidental home hazards among <:hildren. I 1I
_1 Vitamin Kprophylaxis. 0 f=' -\
The West Bengal University of Health Sciences
B.Sc. Nursing Part-l:I:I Examination, 2015
Subject: Child Health Nuning
e:3hn.. Full Marks : 75
U!rl! St!paratl! answer script for l!ach group
Answer all que.stlmu
a) one year old boy is admitted in your pediatric ward with Acute Respiratory Tract Infection
(ARI) 2+4+9
i) Ddm: theterm ARI. 25if, ·
ii) Acc:onf'mg to WHO Classify the dj!JCa.!-C. o:a
Iii) List oat f"oar inrpottmt mJrsing diagnosis & write a m:i:rsjng care plan for Anik. during acute period of
iDnc,s .


b) MecJa., four yeaa old gm admitted in Pediatric Emergency ward with the diagnosis of 40% bum
inj my. 6+5+4
i) Idemifytbrce hnpottant problem.s ofMeena and write down the management. S
ii) De,c:noe the different rules by which we can assess the percentage of bum area. 3
iii) the guide tin forprevention of bum among the children. i5

) What is pyloric sten js? 2-jQ. 2+6+6+1

b) Emnnerate its pathophysiology with signs & symptoms. '21
c) Write down the pre-operative management of a two month old baby with pyloric stenosis. 2
d) Name the :su,ge1y which is performed in this disease. .2.Cf '2.

a) List down the differences between growth & development. 5+5+5

b) D the factors influencing growth &•development. 5 '5
c) Discuss thedifferent stages of psychosocial development of children. 5=i
• a) Define lowbirth weight baby. \ b 2+4+9
b) D cnoe whythey are called physiologically handicapped.
c) Discuss the immediate care of new born baby.\ 2.

Write !!hort notes on any threl! of the following: 3x5

a) Tcmpcrtantnnn!I. 500 . b) Role ofpcdiatric nurse. =t-
b) Feeding problems of'cleft lip & cleft pallet infant. ,:f ,:_ · d) Cyanotic spell. 327f-
The West Bengal University of Health Sciences
B.Sc. Nursi"ng Part-III Examination, 2014
Subject : Child Health Nursing
Full Marks: 75
Use separate answer script for eacli group
Answer all questions
· Group-A
i) Define Neonatal sepsis. \ 1s 1 3+5+7

ii) Enumerate the causes of neonatal sepsis. \ :)

iii) Discuss1hemeasures to be taken by a NlCU nurse to prevent neonatal sepsis in NICU. l<2)0
- \< eo a.: eor·
Avik a4 year old child is admitted inn hospital with diagnosis of ALL. 2+ 3+4+6
Define ALL. 39 I
ii) Descn"'be the cµnical manifestation of Avik. -3 q \
rn) Enlist the investigation to be done for Avik. '!::,q f
iv) Develop a plan of nursing actions for Avik l.llldergoing chemotherapy.
He-rn·a..-\-a lo t
b -, S y--1. . .-J
Define spina bifida. 2+3+10
1 Enumerate the clinical features of spina bifida.
1 Discuss the pre & post operative nursing management of a baby with meningomyelocele.
., t:>. s C,) c.. e" .;..-\ r -.\
) Define asthma. '('- .Q. 50 2+3+4+6
-) List down the factors precipitating acute attack of asthma.
:) E.m:unerate measures to decrease the acute attack of asthma.
:I) Write down the nursing management for a child suffering from acute attack of asthma.
Bis4 year old boy is admitted in pe?iatric ward with acute glomerulonephritis (AGN).
a) Define acute glomerulonephritis.
b) Enumerate the pathopbysiology of AGN.
c) List down the clinical features of AGN.
d) Discuss tbe nursing management of Bisbu.

Write short notes·on any three of the following: 3x 5

a) Rights of a child. b) Cognitive development of a school aged child.
c) Battered child syndrome. d) Prev¢ntion of accidents of children at home.

TJ! est Bengal {!niversity of Heafth Sciences

B·.Sc. Nursing Part-J:J:l: Exam. ination,2013
Dme:3'&:rs. Subject: Child Health Nursing
Useseparate answer scrlptfor t!ac/, group ' Full Marks: 7.S
Answer all questions
a) i) What are the degree ofHypothennin?
ii) Brlefly discuss 1he heat loss mechanism. :-"
Dl} Discuss the measures to be t cn bya SNCU nurse to prevent hypothermia in
Define asthma. 2+3+4+6
List down the factors precipitating acute attack of asthma.
DJ) Fxo111tuatCIDC8SUI'CS to decrease the acute attack of asthma.
h) Dcvclopplan of"nursing actions for a child suffering from acute attack ofnsthma.

-2. a) Defioc Hirschpnmg's disease.

b) En:umuate 1heclinical features of Hirschprung..s disease.
c) Write dawn thenursing management ofHirscbprung s disease.
3_ Baby Susan is born with cleft lip andcleft palate.
a) Define cleft lip and cleft palate. P - ..2 rQ
b) Enumerate the etiology of cleft lip and cleft palate.
c) Discuss the pre and post operative nursing management of
4_ Bndba. a 3 years old y is diagnosed as a case of bacterial meningitis. 2+3+3+7
a) Define meningitis.
b) List down the signs and p!oms ofbacterial meningitis.
c) Write down·the difference be bacterial meningitis and tubercular meningitis.
: d) Discuss tho nursing care,Plan fBudha.

s. Write short notes on any three of thefollowing : 3 X5

a) Newborn Reflexes.
b) PreVCntion of common a idental home ba7.8rds among children.
c) Cognitive development ofa school aged child.
d) ORS.
The West Bengal University of Health Sciences
B!Sc;-(H) Nursing Part-III Examination, 2012
Subject : Child Hc:ilth Nursing ·
Full Mnrk.3 : 75
Ust! st!parate_answt!r script for l!ac/;!: gr_ot!P
Answer nil questions
fi)l D:tinc growth d development. 3+4+8
cmmic::o,ttc various factors influencing growth and development.
iii) cit, aia £or l\sscssment of growth and important developmental tasks of a Jycnr

'U11 erc-fhe degrees of Hypothermia? 3+5+7

Briefly di:Sl> iti the beat loss mechanism.
m) Dbc crts the mcasmcs to be taken by a SNCU nurse to prevent hypothermia in LBW
1,11,,U. -
yr.. old child is admitted in pediatric surgery ward "Yith undersecended Testis. 2+2+3+8
Define Undescended Testes? -
'What is-the name of surgery and ideal age for operating Underscended Testis?
List1hc complications if not operated in time?
Outline the postoperative nursing care plan for the child.

List the common behavioural problems during school going age.

What arc the common causes of behavioural disorders?
Disccss the management of a child having School Phobia.

a) Define Nephrotic Syn rome.

b) Enumerate the clinical features ofNephrotic syndrome.
c) Discuss·the path physiology ofNephrotic syndrome.
d) Write down its therapeutic management.

Write short notes on any tl,,:ee of the following :

3 X5
a) Growth Chart. b) Enuresis.
c) Under five clinic. d)
Care of a child with fever.
The West-Bengal University .ofHealth Sciences
B.Sc. (H) Nursing Part-Xll Examination, 2011
Subjcc : Child Health Nursing
FuJl Marks : 75
Useseparate answer scriptfor
Annver any five questions, taking at least two from each
Group-A 5+3+7
p,1 ......._ 9month old rl _is diagnosed as a case of congenital megacolon.
Bwwerate the clinical features of congenital megacolon.
:fist the investigations done for diagnosing congenital megacolon .
..Discuss the post operative nursing management of the baby after corrective surgery.

Rckha is born with cleft up and cleft palate. 3+3+3+6

Define cleft up and·cleft palate.
List down the probable causes of cleft up and cleft palate.
·What are the pos ible problems of the baby suffering from cleft lip with cleft palate.
PJ►_:.,.Bii:sc: ·tss the post operative nursing care of the baby after palatoplasty.
Define hydrocephalus.
iscuss the causes of hydrocephalus.
• s the clinical features of hydrocephalus.
Discuss the post operative management of hydrocephalus.
Group-B ·
l:I-ta1t>'·i, a 6 year oldboy is admitted in the hospital for the first time.
What are the common reactions to!1o pitalizatio°: a pediatric nurse can·expect from him?
Discuss how will you mini.nuze tho e reactions.

a 5 year oid child ls admitted in the "children ward with diagnosis of ALL.
•) 1+4+3+7
b) What is the full form of AI/L?
Enumerate the probatile signs and symptoms of ALL.
List down the investigations to be done for her.
Outline a nursing process for Bina.
r'W'ritc hort notes on any three _of the following:

a) Kangaroo mother care C). b) Oral Rehydration Therapy.

c) Pica. d) ARI.

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