Print 3rd Yr Pediatric
Print 3rd Yr Pediatric
Print 3rd Yr Pediatric
1. a)
Define Bronchial a thma. 2 5
List down the etiological factor of Bronchial asthma.
c) Discuss the nursing management of a child suffering from acute attack of Bron.chial 3$lbm.a.
3. I3aby Sunu, 1 year old is admitted in the paediatric surgery ward aficr cleft palate repair.
4:, Master Arun, 5 year old, is admitted in the paediatric ward with the diagnosis of ephrotic
a) Define Nephrotic Syndrome.
b) List down the clinical features ofNephrotl Syndrome.
c) Discuss the management of Master Arun.
5. a) Define play.
b) Explain the types ofplay.
c) What are the principles to be followed while selecting play materials for children?
Programme. b Physiological
c) Early initiation of breast feeding.
/ d) ehavioural problems among pre-schoolers.
e) Cyanotic h art disease.-
005 / 19
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Master Arun 8 year
hypertension. Heold child is admitted
is diagnosed with A inc uthe
t e Pedintric ward with the complaints of hematuria
Glomeculonephritis. 2+5+8
. .
Define ?>5 o
Acute Glomeruloneohritis.
4. At w- doay old baby is admitted in NICU with the diagnosis of Trachea Oesophageal
P - 2..1-6
a) What is tracheo- oesophage-;l fistula? 3+5+7
Enumerate the type oftracheo- oesophageal fistula with dingram.p..2.-1-Q- /
) Write the pre- operative and post-_operative management of tracheo-oesophageaJ fistula
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2.Cfo- 2-
Write short notes on any three of the following: q.I
a) Hypoglycemia in newbo . 3x5
b) Child Welfatc Programmes: '2.j.
c) Weaning. 10 "1
d) Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI). lOlJ .
JS/ 18
Define growth and development. 5 b
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Discuss the factors influencing growth and development.
List do'WD the characteristics of growth and development.
Discuss the different stages of psycholog ca.l development of children. 1
..' .
• Ran a4years old boy is diagnosed as a case ofbncterial meningitis.
a) Define meningitls. 3,b:f
b) List down the signs and symptoms of bacterial meningitis. .::>
c) Write do·wn the differences between bacterial meningitis and tubercular meningitis.
d) Discuss the nursing care plan for Ranju. :, 0
Sujit, a 4-years old boy is admitted in Paediatric surgery ward ,,rith_ undescended testis.-+2+3+S
a) Define undescended testis. :>69
b) What are the name of surgery and ideal nge for operating n child with undescended testis 3
c) List down the complications if not operated in time.
d) Outline the post-operative nursing process f r the child.
_ Mita, n five years old girl is admitte inn Pnedintric wnrd with burns on foce. nntcri r trunk nnd
anterior part of lo ver e ities. +4+6+2
a) Calculate the percentage of body surfocc nrcn burnt.
b) Write do'Wil the «:JlC meas\.ircs you will carry out for Mita. •..
c) Describe the Nursing interventions during the n<::,-t 48 hrs.
d) Why bums arc more dangerous in children than to ndults?
, . Group-B
b) MecJa., four yeaa old gm admitted in Pediatric Emergency ward with the diagnosis of 40% bum
inj my. 6+5+4
i) Idemifytbrce hnpottant problem.s ofMeena and write down the management. S
ii) De,c:noe the different rules by which we can assess the percentage of bum area. 3
iii) the guide tin forprevention of bum among the children. i5
a 5 year oid child ls admitted in the "children ward with diagnosis of ALL.
•) 1+4+3+7
b) What is the full form of AI/L?
Enumerate the probatile signs and symptoms of ALL.
List down the investigations to be done for her.
Outline a nursing process for Bina.
r'W'ritc hort notes on any three _of the following: