Module 7 Tutorial
Module 7 Tutorial
Module 7 Tutorial
Technology transfer is a collaborative process that allows scientific findings, knowledge and
intellectual property to flow from creators, such as universities and research institutions, to
public and private users. Its goal is to transform inventions and scientific outcomes into new
products and services that benefit society. Technology transfer is closely related to
knowledge transfer.
Also known as transfer of technology (ToT), technology transfer can take place between
universities, businesses and governments, either formally or informally, to share skills,
knowledge, technologies, manufacturing methods, and more.
The two main methods of technology transfer are vertical and horizontal:
Technology transfer activities can be broadly split into three phases; preparation, installation
and utilization. These three phases are, in turn, affected by technological, organizational and
environmental factors.
However, some people point to six steps in the technology transfer process, these are:
1. Invention disclosure
2. Evaluation
3. Patent application
4. Assessment and marketing
5. Patent licensing
6. Commercialisation
These steps take an innovation forward to a commercial product via market evaluation,
intellectual property protection and licensing, as well as promotion and commercialisation
for the marketplace.
Why is Technology Transfer Important?
Tech transfer allows research to develop from the discovery of novel technologies along the
value chain to disclosure, evaluation and the protection of these breakthroughs. From here,
marketing, licensing and further development of products allow the research to become an
impactful product, process or service for society. In addition, the financial returns afforded
by a successful product can be reinvested into further research to begin the cycle again.
As a result, technology transfer creates revenues for universities to use for faculty
recruitment, funding and more research. Companies are able to tap into the advances brought
about by this academic research without having to spend on internal R&D to create new
products to drive business forward.
The advantages of successful technology transfer can be felt through national and regional
economies via growth through innovation, new ventures and stronger industry to boost
Finally, there are benefits for society as a whole, whether that is saving lives, better health, a
cleaner environment, and technical advances to deliver new capabilities, products and
Technology transfer is important for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), who are
able to utilize the process to help them compete with larger competitors. Rather than having
to pay for internal R&D, SMEs are able to form alliances with fellow companies and
research institutes to produce innovations, reduce financial risks or share technologies.
SMEs adapt technology transfer to support their needs, address obstacles and challenges,
acquire and develop technologies and access new research that they can take forward.
Using tech transfer methods allows SMEs to react to challenges and provide positive
contributions to technological advances, economic growth and their own ability to innovate.
Examples of technology transfer can be found across virtually every scientific and industrial
area, from pharmaceuticals and medical devices to alternative energy solutions, computing,
transport, artificial intelligence, robotics, agriculture, aerospace, environmental
improvements and many more.
Many of the products and technological advances we take for granted in our everyday lives
came from university or institute research before being transferred to the marketplace
through technology transfer procedures.
IP is also a powerful business tool to gain position on the market and exclusivity over a new
product or process. This makes it an important instrument to attract partners and potentially
obtain return on research investment through development collaboration or licensing deals.
What is a Patent?
A patent is a legal document that is granted by the government of the state or the country,
depending on the national rules. It gives an inventor of a particular thing the exclusive right
to make, use, and sell his or her creation for a specified period.
The basic idea of this system is to encourage the inventors to safeguard their creations.
Books, movies, and some artworks cannot be patented. However, one can protect these assets
under copyright law. The law of patent is one branch of the larger legal field known as
intellectual property, which also includes trademark and copyright law.
For any asset or invention to qualify for a patent, it must meet three basic requirements:
● It must be novel and one of a kind: This means that the particular invention must be
new, and there should not be any existential trace of it
● It must be unique in itself: An improvement in the current technology by an individual
cannot be patented.
● It must be helpful too: It should add value to the life of the common man, and it must
not benefit or support the use of illegal things or must not be used for any immoral
Some types of inventions (or discoveries), like Isaac Newton’s law of gravity or Albert
Einstein’s formula for relativity, do not qualify for this. Simply put, no one can obtain a
patent on a law of nature or any scientific principle.