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Research article
Keywords: The degradation of the environment in China is accelerating along with economic expansion.
Green innovation Adoption of renewable energy technologies (RETs) is crucial for reducing the adverse impacts of
Economic growth economic growth on the environment and fostering sustainable development. This study attempts
Renewable energy technologies
to identify the green innovation drivers and sub-drivers that affect the adoption of RETs in China
Sustainable development
and provide solutions for boosting their implementation. The study prioritized the drivers, sub-
SAW drivers, and strategies of green innovation by combining the Analytical Hierarchy Process
(AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods. In the study, the triple bottom line (TBL)
approach has been used to determine the economic, societal, and environmental driving forces.
The study also suggests strategies for encouraging the use of RETs. The results of the AHP method
revealed that economics is the most crucial driver, with a weight of 0.376, followed by envi
ronmental (0.332), and social (0.291) drivers. The findings of the SAW method indicated that
government green innovation initiatives, consumer initiatives, and industry initiatives are the
most significant strategies for deploying RETs in China. This study has important theoretical and
practical ramifications for encouraging China to adopt RETs. The suggested approaches can help
researchers, business professionals, and policymakers promote sustainable development in China.
1. Introduction
Sustainable development has emerged as a global development paradigm [1]. Since the start of the twenty-first century, green
technology innovation has been a crucial component of the global industrial revolution and technical competitiveness [2,3]. Around
the world, numerous countries have created policies to promote innovation in green technology. One of the top economies in the
world, China places a strong emphasis on green innovation to address the problems brought on by climate change and global warming.
Climate change is one of the biggest worldwide issues, affecting ecosystems, economy, and society [4]. Climate change, air pollution,
and resource depletion are threatening sustainable development worldwide. Moreover, one of the main global contributors to
greenhouse gases (GHGs) is CO2 emissions, which has accelerated global warming [5]. In order to achieve sustainable economic and
social growth, natural resources and environmental circumstances have a significant impact on any country’s development [6]. China
has progressed toward ecologically sustainable growth through legislation, standards, and investments to decrease pollution, conserve
resources, and foster green innovation. It basically involves developing and spreading renewable energy technology (RETs), products,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: yasir.solangi86@hotmail.com, ysolangi@psu.edu.sa (Y.A. Solangi), ralyamani@psu.edu.sa (R. Alyamani), cosimo.magazzino@
uniroma3.it (C. Magazzino).
Received 24 January 2024; Received in revised form 13 April 2024; Accepted 21 April 2024
Available online 24 April 2024
2405-8440/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
and services that reduce environmental consequences and boost economic growth and social welfare [7,8]. Green innovation is seen as
a significant driver of sustainable development in China since it may alleviate environmental issues and create new economic op
portunities [9]. Moreover, green innovation relies on RETs to decrease pollution, save resources, and promote sustainable
There is an extensive empirical literature on the green innovation, its determinants, and impacts on climate change mitigation and
adaptation efforts and sustainable development in China. For instance Ref. [2], explore how does government policy affects Green
Technology Innovation (GTI) in China. The study concludes heterogeneous direct and indirect impacts government policies on GTI.
Another study [10] determine that technological level and industrial structure directly affect carbon emission in Chinese provinces. In
comprehensive planning cities, a spatial self-correlation study of resource-based cities shows that government assistance and influ
encing variables like industrial structure and economic growth favor green innovation. Environmental rules, on the other hand, have a
negative influence and stifle urban green innovation. As a result, it is critical to strike a balance between these elements when
developing policies to support green innovation in resource-constrained communities [11]. find inertial development and
self-reinforcing mechanism among digitalization, technological innovation and green economic development (GED). The study
explored positive promotion impact of digitalization on GED. Whereas, the impact of technological innovation on latter is insignificant.
Moreover, the study also found positive impact of GED on technological innovation in short run. However, this impact gradually
declines to zero in the long run [12]. evaluate the link between green innovation, resource efficiency and sustainable growth in E7
Table 1
Drivers and Sub-drivers of green innovation.
Driver Sub-driver Brief description Reference
Economic drivers (A) Cost-effectiveness (A- It refers to the ability of an RETs to provide a cost-effective solution compared to outdated [21–25]
1) energy technologies. In this regard, the expected financial returns of the investment in the
technology, the costs associated with the use and maintenance of the technology and the costs
associated with the inputs or materials required to produce the technology are important
determinants of green innovation.
Financial incentives Refers to government programs or incentives that fund RET development and adoption. [22,23,26,
(A-2) Technology development and use are supported by government subsidies and tax incentives. 27]
Besides, green financing also boosts green innovation.
Competitive It refers to the ability of a company to gain a competitive edge in the market by adopting [19,22,23]
advantage (A-3) RETs. Furthermore, the green innovation enables the companies to differentiate their
products and introduce green products.
Access to funding (A- The governments are allocating the financial resources support the development and [27–30]
4) adoption of RETs. The policies are also devised to enable the ability to access investment from
venture capitalists or other investors to support the development and adoption of the
Social drivers (B) Public awareness (B- It refers to the level of knowledge and understanding of environmental issues among the [24,25,31]
1) general public. In this regard, the knowledge of environmental issues and their impact on
their health impacts the public behavior to demand for eco-friendlier products and clean
Social responsibility The level of social responsibility that companies and individuals feel towards the environment [25,32,33]
(B-2) and society is also one of the social drivers to stimulate green innovation. In this regard,
corporate social responsibility shapes the culture of innovation. Furthermore, companies and
individuals take into account the ethical considerations while making decisions about the
adoption of RETs.
Consumer preferences The consumers’ preferences regarding the product features and design, convenience and ease [25,28,34]
(B-3) of use of eco-friendly products also encourage the green innovation in the economy.
Furthermore, the product quality and performance also affect the consumer behavior to
demand for eco-friendly product.
Stakeholder It refers to the level of engagement and collaboration with stakeholders such as NGOs, civil [35,36]
engagement (B-4) society groups, and local communities. The extent to which companies collaborate with NGOs
and civil society groups to address environmental issues, communication and engagement
with local communities, and participation in industry associations that promote RETs may
also drive green innovation.
Environmental Air pollution (C-1) The negative impacts of air pollution on the environment and public health. The ability of [4,28,37]
drivers (C) RETs to reduce emissions of air pollutants, enabling the use of alternative energy sources to
reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce air pollution are the major drivers of green
Resource depletion (C- It refers to the depletion of natural resources and the need to promote resource efficiency. [12,38,39]
2) Since the green innovation provides the opportunities to use resources of clean energy,
purification of water, and natural resource conservation, such benefits of the former provide
strong reasons to believe that it is should be promoted to ensure sustainability.
Climate change (C-3) It refers to the negative impacts of climate change on the environment and society. Firms are [19,39]
under pressure to decrease their carbon footprints due to various factors such as the rise in
global warming, climate change, and demands from stakeholders including investors,
employees, and network partners.
Waste management It refers to the management of waste and the need to promote circular economy. Green [40,41]
(C-4) technology and innovation has been making possible the recycling and reusing waste
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
economies including China. The study finds positive association between green innovation and resource efficiency. The findings of
[13] show a substantial geographical clustering pattern of green technology innovation level and carbon intensity across Chinese
regions. GTI and carbon intensity in a local area have an Inverted-U shape, with low levels of green technology innovation tending to
promote carbon emissions. However, as levels of green technology innovation increase to a certain threshold, this relationship shifts to
an inhibiting effect on carbon emissions. The previous study examined renewable energy sustainability in 27 EU nations using a
composite assessment approach [14]. The model used the DPSIR, RAGA, projection pursuit, and fuzzy clustering iteration. The model
considers energy, economy, society, and environment. The findings indicated that Denmark and Sweden have the most sustainable
energy in the EU. Besides, another related study, the authors evaluated the potential of China’s shale gas industry for sustainable
development [15]. The outcome indicated that core technological capability is the biggest sustainable development challenge. Similar
study, conducted the empirical analysis of Sichuan and Chongqing to analyze the sustainability of shale gas industry [16]. In the earlier
work, the scholars focused on the quantitative assessment of renewable energy in several European countries during 2007–2016 [17].
The Germany, France, and Italy outperformed than other European countries.
Green innovation is essential to attaining sustainable development and tackling environmental issues. However, RETs must be used
to realize the benefits of green innovation. The adoption of such technologies is influenced by various factors that impact the decision-
making processes of many stakeholders, including governments, industry, civil society, and consumers. As indicated by its many patent
filings and institutional policies aiming to raise green technology innovation levels, China is one of the top countries in green tech
nology innovation [2,18]. RET adoption remains challenging due to policy complexity, delay, executive force, and policy initiative
success. Solving this problem requires investigating RET adoption’s green innovation drivers. Addressing drivers’ priorities first assists
in enhancing green technologies and environmental sustainability. Further research is required to determine how regulations affect
RET adoption in China and the drivers of green innovation. It can assist determine which policies work best to promote green tech
nology in China’s industries and regions.
The primary focus of current study is to examine the drivers of green innovation influencing the adoption of RETs in China based on
the theoretical Triple Bottom Line (environmental, social, and economic factors). A study by Ref. [19] attempted to examine the
drivers of green innovation based on the TBL foundations using NARDL on quarterly data from Pakistan economy. Since it is important
to examine the association between the TBL and green innovation [20], the current study examine the drivers of green innovation to
adopt RETs in the perspective of theoretical ground provided by TBL. This study prioritizes the economic, social, and environmental
green innovation drivers of RET adoption in China. The study also highlights green innovation strategies that influence RET adoption.
Therefore, to achieve these objectives, the study integrates multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methodologies i.e. Analytical
Hierarchical Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) to asses prioritize the drivers of green innovation and strategies to
implement RETs in China.
The adoption of green innovation and RETs are becoming increasingly important in order to address environmental issues such as
pollution, resource depletion, and climate change. The criteria or elements that affect adopting RETs are referred to as drivers. In the
study, the various key drivers and sub-drivers of green innovation are identified for further assessment. The drivers and sub-drivers of
green innovation for RETs in China are summarized in Table 1.
The analysis of the TBL approach i.e., economic, social, and environmental drivers of green innovation and their sub-drivers would
assist policymakers and industry practitioners identify viable solutions to the constraints that impede the adoption of RETs and
encourage long-term growth in China.
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
In this study, the several key strategies are proposed for the sustainable adoption of RETs and foster green innovation in China. The
government of China has already implemented specific policy plans to promote the zero-carbon in the country, although the further
regulations are required to effectively adopt green practices. Fig. 1 displays the identified vital strategies of this study.
The following four have been identified as significant strategies to implement RETs in China.
3. Methodology
The MCDA based decision-making framework has been adopted to analyze the problem of this study. Thus, the AHP and SAW
methods are utilized to assess and rank the drivers, sub-drivers, and strategies of green innovation for implementing RETs in China. The
AHP method is used to evaluate the drivers and sub-drivers of green innovation. Later, the SAW method is used to rank the most
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
significant strategies for adopting RETs. Fig. 2 shows the decision-making framework of this study.
The AHP method was developed by Saaty in 1970s [46]. The AHP is a transparent approach, which allows decision to incorporate
their preferences and judgments into the decision-making process [47]. This approach is a simple and effective tool for handling
complicated situations containing both objective and subjective assessments. This method employed when several decision-makers
must select from a wide range of contradictory options while dealing with ambiguity and certainty. AHP is widely used method in
various fields such as healthcare [48], mining [49], supply chain [50], agriculture [51], and education [52]. This approach is
hierarchical-based that assess the various criteria and sub-criteria using pairwise comparison matrix and arrive at well-suited decision
[53]. Therefore, the pairwise comparison matrix are used to determine the relative importance of each criterion over other criterion.
The AHP method involves the following steps [54].
Step 1. Identify criteria and sub-criteria
Step 2. Develop a hierarchical-based decision-making structure.
Step 3. Develop pair-wise comparisons matrix. Table 2 shows the Saaty’s 1–9 points scale.
Step 4. Compute the Consistency Index (CI):
In this step, CI can be used to measure the consistency of the pair-wise comparison of the matrix. CI can be presented as [55].
λmax − n
CI = (1)
n− 1
CR = (2)
Where RI is the random consistency index, which is presented in Table 3. During the pair-wise comparison, the CR must be within the
limit of 0.1; if it exceeds above 0.1, then the results could be inconsistent [56].
The SAW method enables decision-makers to examine and compare alternatives using multiple criteria. The SAW method assigns a
weight to each criterion based on its importance and scores each alternative based on its performance [57]. This purpose of this method
is to find the sum of the weighted performance rating for each alternative on all attributes [58]. This method has been used in various
disciplines such as energy [59], supply chain [60], and education [61]. Table 4 provides the scale of attributes used in the study.
The SAW method involves the following steps [62]:
Step 1. Construct the decision matrix, including n decision criteria:
⎛ ⎞
a11 a12 ⋯ a1n
⎜ a21 a22 ⋯ a2n ⎟ [ ]
A=⎜⎝ ⋮
⎟ = aij (3)
⋮ ⋯ ⋮ ⎠ m×n
Table 2
Saaty’s 1–9 points scale.
Numerical value Description
1 Equal importance
3 Moderate importance
5 Strong importance
7 Very strong importance
9 Absolute importance
2,4,6,8 Intermediate values
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
Table 3
Random consistency index.
n RI
1 0.00
2 0.00
3 0.058
4 0.90
5 1.12
6 1.24
7 1.32
8 1.41
9 1.45
10 1.49
Table 4
Attribute scale.
Number Attribute
1 Very Low
3 Low
5 Medium
7 High
9 Very High
μij = ( )f2 , i = 1, 2, …, m, j = 1, 2, …, n (5)
1+ f1
Step 3. Determine weights of decision criteria by subjective or objective weighting methods. The resulting weight vector would be
as follows:
W = [w1 , w2 , …, wn ] (6)
In the study five experts were consulted to analyze the decision making. The consulted experts were well-skilled and professional
consists of environmental analyst, academia, economic analyst, and industry practitioner. All these experts were contacted via
webmail and they were asked to provide their useful insights in determining the drivers, sub-drivers, and strategies for promote green
innovation and for adoption of RETs.
In this research, the AHP and SAW methods has been used to assess and prioritize the drivers and strategies of green innovation for
implementing the RETs in China. Therefore, in the subsequent sub-sections, the detailed findings are provided and discussed.
Table 5 shows the ranking of main-drivers of green innovation. The findings indicated that, economic (A) is the most influential in
driving the adoption of RETs for green innovation in China, followed by environmental (C) and social drivers (B), respectively. This
indicates that economic benefits such as cost savings, revenue generation, and market competitiveness are the primary motivation for
Table 5
The ranking of drivers for promoting the adoption of RETs.
Drivers Weight Rank
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
firms to adopt green technologies, while environmental and social benefits are also considered important factors. Therefore,
encouraging the widespread implementation of RETs in diverse economic sectors require laws and programs that offer financial in
centives and support for green innovation.
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
Moreover, addressing air pollution may require stricter legislation and improved enforcement [37], whereas trash management
may require more extensive public education and behavior change. Finally, the rankings of environmental drivers of green innovation
sub-drivers give a valuable framework for evaluating the relative relevance of each sub-driver in attaining sustainable development.
According to the findings, climate change is the most crucial sub-driver of green innovation since it substantially challenges global
sustainability. By creating renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, and adopting carbon capture and storage tech
nology, green innovation can assist in alleviating the harmful effects of climate change [11,43,64–68]. Another key driver of green
innovation is resource depletion, which emphasizes the need to use natural resources more effectively and sustainably. Green inno
vation enhances resource efficiency [12] by inventing goods that consume fewer resources, using renewable resources, and imple
menting circular economy models. Air pollution is a critical environmental and public health concern that may be addressed through
green innovation by creating clean energy and transportation technologies, imposing emission limits, and encouraging sustainable
urban planning [69]. Despite receiving the lowest ranking, waste management is nevertheless essential for achieving environmental
sustainability since it lowers waste production, promotes recycling and composting, and develops cutting-edge waste treatment
The SAW approach effectively prioritizes various strategies based on their relative value for a particular goal. The goal in this
situation is to encourage the use of RETs in China. Table 6 present the final ranking of four feasible strategies for adoption of RETs in
According to the findings, the government green innovation initiatives (FS1) are ranked first, followed by consumer initiatives
(FS4), industry initiatives (FS2), and civil society initiatives (FS3). This ranking indicates that the government may have a major
impact on the market and plays a crucial role in promoting the usage of RETs in China through its policies and activities. China has
instituted institutional mechanisms to increase the levels of green technology innovation and has recently placed a greater emphasis on
Table 6
The final ranking value of strategies promoting the adoption of RETs.
Strategy Value Rank
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
the role that innovation in green technologies plays in achieving sustainability. The influence of policies on green technology inno
vation, on the other hand, varies depending on their number, efficacy, and execution [18].
The government can use RET subsidies, tax exemptions, and limits, among other policy measures, to encourage people and cor
porations to use RETs. For instance, the government can offer tax benefits to people who install RETs in their houses, or it can subsidize
businesses that make investments in energy-efficient technologies. These laws may improve the environment for the implementation of
RETs and reduce the entrance barriers for environmentally conscious businesses. Governments may provide financial support in the
form of subsidies to encourage RETs. Rather of penalizing polluters for their emissions, subsidies offer compensation for reducing
emissions. Subsidies include things like grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and procurement laws. Subsidiaries have been used to
achieve a wide range of goals, such as cleaning up contaminated land, preventing erosion through agricultural grants, lending low-
interest money to small farmers, encouraging land conservation through grants, and funding the recycling of commercial, indus
trial, and residential products. Subsidies, like taxes, encourage the reduction of emissions but require market action in order to be
eligible [25,70]. Furthermore, the market for green technology products may grow as a result of government measures promoting
corporate responsibility and raising public awareness of ecologically responsible consumption.
Therefore, if there is focused governmental support and a positive industrial development environment, company innovation
ability may be increased in supporting green technology innovation. However, other studies contend that environmental rules may
impede the effectiveness of technological innovation and lower firm productivity, as demonstrated by empirical assessments [2,71]. It
is notable that the subsidy programs by the government may have a "crowding effect," which hinders businesses from developing new
green technologies. However, specific assistance measures have increased the business’s ability to develop new goods. However,
businesses may prioritize the development of new technologies and products that produce economic advantages without more targeted
legislation to boost green technology innovation. It might reduce the vitality of enterprise innovation in fostering the development of
green technologies [72]. Consumer efforts are placed second in significance, indicating the importance of developing public awareness
and fostering sustainable purchasing practices. Businesses can employ a variety of strategies, such eco-labeling and green marketing, to
tell and educate consumers about the benefits of RETs and the ways in which their choices will affect the environment. Customers can
also actively support companies that promote sustainability by endorsing greener goods and services. The importance rankings for
industry and civil society activities are third and fourth, respectively. Business sector initiatives to develop and advance RETs,
including as research and development, technology transfer, and green supply chain management, are examples of industry activity.
5. Conclusion
Using the TBL theoretical framework, which integrates environmental, social, and economic issues, the current study intends to
analyze the drivers of green innovation impacting the adoption of RETs in China. Given the significance of understanding the link
between TBL and green innovation, this research aims to identify and prioritize the economic, social, and environmental drivers of
green innovation that impact the adoption of RETs in China. Furthermore, the study identifies and prioritizes policies and initiatives
that encourage green innovation in implementing RETs. In this regard, this study adopted a MCDA that combines AHP and SAW
techniques to achieve these goals.
The research indicates that economic drivers are the most significant drivers of sustainability, followed by environmental and social
factors. The most important economic sub-drivers for green innovation are financial incentives and competitive advantage. Moreover,
cost-effectiveness and access to funding are other critical economic sub-drivers for green innovation. Policymakers can use this in
formation to develop effective strategies for promoting green innovation and accelerating the transition to a sustainable economy.
Among the social sub-drivers of green innovation to adopt RETs, stakeholder engagement has been ranked as the most crucial factor.
Consumer preferences, public awareness, and social responsibility have been ranked 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, respectively. Regarding
environmental sub-drivers, the research has identified climate change as the most critical sub-driver for green innovation, followed by
resource depletion, air pollution, and waste management. These findings can help policymakers prioritize their efforts to address these
environmental challenges and promote the adoption of RETs.
Various limitations to this study must be considered. The study focuses solely on adopting RETs in China, with little consideration
given to the worldwide consequences of encouraging green innovation. Future studies should look at the possibility of cross-country
collaborations to enhance global sustainable development. Furthermore, the study does not mention the ethical and societal ramifi
cations of encouraging RETs. More studies might investigate the ethical and societal aspects of fostering green innovation. In addition,
the research may differ based on the technology or sector under consideration. Future studies might investigate the relative signifi
cance of the drivers and sub-drivers for various technologies and sectors. Moreover, the limitations and assumptions of the AHP and
SAW methodologies utilized in this study must be acknowledged. Future studies might look into other decision-making techniques to
find effective green innovation strategies. Despite these limitations, this study provides a valuable framework for understanding the
drivers of green innovation and has the potential to contribute to long-term growth.
Yasir Ahmed Solangi: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Validation, Methodology, Formal analysis, Data
Y.A. Solangi et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e30158
curation, Conceptualization. Rakan Alyamani: Writing – review & editing, Visualization, Validation, Resources. Cosimo Magazzino:
Writing – review & editing, Visualization, Investigation, Funding acquisition.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
The authors would like to acknowledge the technical support received from Renewable Energy Lab, Prince Sultan University, Saudi
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