Fibroid Uterus
Fibroid Uterus
Fibroid Uterus
➢ Red: Hemorrhage and necrosis occurs within the fibroid typically presenting in mid second
trimester pregnancy with acute pain
➢ Hyaline: Asymptomatic softening and liquefaction of the fibroid
➢ Cystic: Asymptomatic central necrosis leaving cystic spaces at the centre .Degenerative
changes can initiate calcium deposition leading to calcification
》Fibroids are one of the commonest indication of hysterectomy
》Abdominal examination may indicate presence of firm mass arising from the pelvis
》Endometrial cavity grossly distorted by submucosal Fibroids may prevent implantation of a fertilised ovum
》In late pregnancy fibroids are located In cervix or lower Uterine segment and may cause Abnormal lie
Minimally invasive hysteroscopic surgery can be used to cut away a submucous fibroid or fibroid polyp, helping to resolve
HMB symptoms even in the presence of other types of fibroid.
Where a bulky fibroid uterus causes pressure symptoms or where HMB is refractory to medical interventions, the options
are myomectomy to surgically remove fibroids with uterine conservation, or hysterectomy. Myomectomy will be the
preferred option where preservation of fertility is required.
● Radiological treatment
Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a technique performed by interventional radiologists. It involves embolization of both
uterine arteries under radiological guidance. A small incision is made in the groin under local anaesthesia and a cannula
placed into the femoral artery and guided into the uterine arteries. Embolization particles are then injected, reducing the
blood supply to the uterus, which induces infarction and degeneration of fibroids such that the overall reduction in fibroid
volume is around 50%.
Complications include fever, infection, fibroid expulsion and potential ovarian failure.