8 Chinonso Aquinas
8 Chinonso Aquinas
8 Chinonso Aquinas
JULY, 2021
I, CHINONSO AQUINAS JAMES, do hereby declare that this project is entirely my work and
composition. The work embodied in this project has not been submitted in candidature for any degree
and is not concurrently being submitted for any other degree. All references made to works of other
We certify that this research work was carried out by CHINONSO AQUINAS JAMES in the
Department of Computer Science, College of Pure and Applied Sciences, Caleb University, Lagos.
The research work is considered adequate in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
_______________________ ________________________
Project Supervisor
______________________ ________________________
Head of Department
______________________ ________________________
Dean of COPAS
____________________ ________________________
I would like to dedicate this project to the Almighty God for grace wisdom, understanding, and the
strength he gave me during this period and also to my parents for their support physically, emotionally
The saving power of Android enabled devices have become a significant issue with 400,000 such
devices being activated daily. Android smartphones and tablets offer several power-hungry hardware
components and the app developers are exploiting these components at disposal to provide
revolutionary user experience. But the battery life has not increased at the same pace to support the
power demand. Thus, many projects have been carried out to investigate how to minimize the power
consumption in smartphones. This research reports four different project’s themes towards the
reduction of smartphone power consumption. Efforts have been made to survey Android power saving
apps available in Google play Apps store as the basis to find out different power saving approaches,
operations and limitations. Then I present four different avenues to prolong the batter life of Android
devices. The first two approaches include usage pattern analysis to generate power saving profiles.
The advantage being that the power saving profiles are customized to actual user behavior.
Integrating a photovoltaic film on top of the smartphone and tablet touch screen to generate electricity
is also mentioned. The usage pattern-based power saving profile generation has several privacy
concerns which are discussed and countermeasures are proposed. Some emerging security attacks
Keywords - Android power management; usage pattern; SetCPU; JuiceDefender; power monitoring;
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Abstract v
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
2.1.1 Pathak Et Al 6
2.1.2 Xu Et Al 6
2.1.3 Woo Et Al 8
3.7 Implementation 25
4.4.2 Software Requirements 29
4.8 Documentation 32
5.1 Summary 33
5.2 Conclusion 33
5.3 Recommendation 34
2.1 Energy Savings From Different Email Size and Inbox Size 8
Smartphone Battery is inherently limited and the applications that consume more power are increasing
every day, it is known that most of cell phones application rarely useful if cell phone is not connected
to certain network services and saving battery trade off tends against power saving. Currently many
applications installed in Smartphone use technologies that may consume battery power quickly, those
applications use technology such as GPS, 3G, 3GS and 4G is considered as power drain. A list of
applications and services that might consume power such as auto-synch applications, 3G, 4G, GPS,
and Wi-Fi can be found in Smartphone. Android system provides an interface where user can see
where battery power goes; this interface is located in “Battery use” within about phone panel of
android system.
However, there are tools that provide more information in graphical and visualized form such as
power Tutor (powerTutor.org). Power Tutor provide more details about power consuming for power
consuming of specific hardware or application in real-time or within certain period of time. Those
tools show that hardware such as GPS and Wi-Fi consume more power even though the Smartphone
is idle.
Most of the end users have difficulty determining which application designers have an incentive to
develop energy efficient smartphones software. Their main barrier is the difficulty of determining the
impact of software design decisions on system energy consumption, but that barrier can be overcome.
Many papers have mentioned that the energy consumption has become an important problem in
energy management of mobile phones and have their own ways to save energy. We should first know
the energy consumption of the applications on mobile phones. Monitoring the energy consumption of
smartphone is very important for saving energy to extend the lifetime of battery.
Battery Viewer that includes both the hardware and software setup. Along with the observations from
energy profiling of a mobile phones. The main focus on understanding the energy consumption of
real time applications. The most real time applications that are consuming more energy as comparative
to other real time applications like Wi-Fi, GPS, LCD, AUDIO, VIDEO and CPU. Our Battery Viewer
The apps are designed to clear the recent apps/running apps that stops using the CPU and thus saving
the battery. But then when you open the app again, your phone has to load each and every resource
Secondly, the app itself keeps running in background which drains the battery as the phone needs to
Thirdly, the app itself drains your battery percentage dramatically as it run in the background for 24/7
The aim of this study is to develop an android battery saving application that would help users
minimize drainage of battery on their android devices. The following objectives have been set in order
Implementation of the Android battery saver.
The app is designed to clear the recent apps/running that stops using the CPU and thus saving the
battery. This system uses Android studio as its front end and doesn’t use any backend as this type of
application doesn’t need one since it uses the data from the phone itself and projects to the user.
The system provides with less information than the phones build in app.
The heavier tasks that need the CPU power is not available in the battery saver app, because they
continue to run in background even after you remove them from the recent apps they often requires
Battery Life: is pioneer compared to all other battery analysis tools from the App Store. The
application will display runtimes, various internal as well as external battery data and keep you
Smartphones: A smartphone is a mobile device that combines cellular and mobile computing
Android: Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and
other open-source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones
and tablets.
Application: is a program or group of programs designed for end users. Examples of an application
include a word processor, a spreadsheet, an accounting application, a web browser, an email client, a
One of the most prominent issues with smartphones is battery life, with 37% of user stating it is their
biggest problem. As more powerful smartphones are developed, concerns with battery life increase.
Users should be able to utilize their device as they wish for a full day before a recharge is required.
However, this is often not the case, leading to a change in our activities to preserve battery life. This
concern was not evident on desktop computers, as they have a constant source of power. With the rise
of smartphone services, it is one of the biggest challenges faced by developers. While research into
more efficient batteries is possible, another area of research focuses on improving the efficiency of
For software developers, the solution to preserving battery life is dependent on the efficiency of the
application. Each application may have different shortcomings that cause this, varying for each case.
However, consistent problems that can affect many applications are no sleep energy bugs. Pathak et
al. define no-sleep bugs as energy consuming errors that stem from mismanagement of power control
APIs. The components of a smartphone are either off or idle, unless an application explicitly instructs
it to remain on. The resulting process requires developers to constantly enable and disable components
when developing their applications. This ultimately leads to errors when a component should be
disabled but is not turned off. The smartphone’s battery will be depleted at an increased rate,
A variety of no-sleep bugs have been recorded and categorized into three groups. Pathak et al. note
that their list is not definitive, and more bugs can exist. No-sleep code paths define code paths in an
application that wake the component, but do not release it after use. This represents the majority of
known no-sleep bugs from the findings of Pathak et al. No-sleep race condition occurs in multi-
threaded applications, where one thread switches the component on, and another switches it off.
Lastly, no-sleep dilation bugs occur when the awoken component is intended to be put to sleep, but
2.1.1 Pathak Et Al
The solution proposed by Pathak et al. is to create a compile-time dataflow analysis solution that can
detect no-sleep energy bugs. Dataflow analysis is defined as a set of techniques that analyze the effects
of program properties throughout a given program, managed within a control flow graph. Their
solution focuses on the sections where smartphone component power is managed. If all of those
sections have end points that turn off the components, the program is free of no-sleep bugs. To test
their application, they ran their analysis on 86 different android applications. In addition to the 12
known energy bugs detected, 30 new types of bugs were discovered. Pathak et al. note that this area
of research is relatively new, and they are making the first advances towards understanding and
2.1.2 Xu Et Al
Focusing on a specific type of application, Xu et al (2014) examined the built-in email clients of
Windows Phone and Android to determine areas of improvement. Windows phone uses Microsoft
Exchange, while Android uses Gmail. Gmail is one of the most popular applications on a mobile
device, with over 50 million users per month. With such a large user base, it is important that Gmail
and other email applications are optimized for functionality, accessibility, and power consumption.
Unfortunately, functionality and power consumption can be contradicting. Functionality requires the
application to be constantly checking for new messages, but continually syncing is extremely resource
intensive. Finding a balance between these two concerns is not only limited to email, and can be
(Xu et al 2014) findings outlined five distinct areas that required improvement. The first improvement
was reducing the 3G tail time. The tail time is a standby period during data transmission where the
device waits for more data before ending a connection. The purpose of tail time is to avoid ending
and restarting a connection, which is energy inefficient. However, events received by email are so
infrequent, that this process ends up using more energy on average. The second improvement was to
decouple data transmission from data processing. The current method will process the current data
before receiving the next transmission. Network communication remains open during this time,
leading to a waste of energy alongside the 3G tail effect. While this is not an easy process, retrieving
all of the transmissions first and closing the connection eliminates the stated problems. The third
improvement is to batch data processing requests. As multiple small writes to flash storage is slow
and energy inefficient, it is beneficial to batch these requests and process them together. The fourth
make it easy and natural to create a new connection for each new email received, but the energy costs
are not negligible. The fifth improvement is partitioning the inbox. The energy cost of receiving an
email increase when the inbox is larger, and can be attributed to the time is takes to update the
metadata. The proposed solution is to partition the inbox into two parts: a small inbox for recently
received emails, and a large one for the remainder. As most new messages will interact with recent
messages, there is no need to search through old emails. Xu et al. implemented these changes and
proceeded to observe the change in energy consumption. Their findings indicated an average energy
reduction of 49.9%.
Figure 2.1: Energy saving with different email sizes (left) and energy saving with different inbox sizes
Beyond applications, web browsing can also have a large impact on energy consumption. Most
modern webpages are populated with a variety of detail beyond traditional text. Pictures, videos, and
animations are placed throughout the site, which require significantly more resources to generate in
terms of both bandwidth and energy. This is evident in, a study on the energy and bandwidth costs of
web advertisements on smartphones. Another study examines and characterizes resource usage for
2.1.3 Woo Et Al
(Woo et al 2015) examine caching in their study, as minimal work has been done to optimize the
content caching in cellular networks. The increasing number of high-speed base stations has made
network accessibility more convenient for users. However, the problem surfacing with cellular
networks is that all user traffic has to pass a limited number of gateways at core networks before
reaching the wired internet. Simply increasing the physical backhaul bandwidth is not feasible for
centralized architectures such as this. To circumvent this, optimization strategies must be considered.
Their study focuses on three types of caching: conventional web caching, prefix-based web caching,
and TCP-level redundancy elimination. Conventional web caching places information at the Digital
Unit Aggregation (DUA) component of the cellular network architecture. However, this approach
suffers from two problems. The first problem is that it “…cannot suppress duplicate objects that are
uncatchable or that have different URLs (i.e., aliases)”. Secondly, it is difficult to handle handovers
from the mobile device to the DUA while the content is being delivered. Prefix-based web caching
can overcome the first problem that web caching has, suppressing the duplicate and aliased objects.
The drawback of this approach is that it’s efficiency and rate of false positives was initially unknown,
but is addressed by Woo et al. later in the study. Lastly, TCP redundancy elimination can also handle
the issues of traditional web caching, but suffers from a complex implementation and high
computational overhead.
The first part of the study was to analyse the TCP and application-level characteristics of the traffic,
while the second part was comparing the effectiveness of the three types of web caching. Based on
the results, 59.4% of the traffic is redundant with TCP-level redundancy elimination if we have
infinite cache. In regards to caching options, standard web caching only achieved 21.0-27.1%
bandwidth savings with infinite cache, while prefix-based web caching produced 22.4-34.0%
bandwidth savings with infinite cache. In addition, TCP-RE achieved the highest bandwidth savings
(Li et al 2014) perform an analysis of energy consumption on android smartphones, focusing on how
the device is used as opposed to the applications running. To maintain consistency, an additional
battery with a fixed voltage source is attached to a smartphone instead of using the traditional lithium-
ion battery. A series of test cases are then performed on three different Android devices, and the
electric current is measured with a multimeter. In each device’s test case, the smartphone was set to
Table 2.1: List of test cases performed by each device. Power consumption values for each scenario
are collected.
Test Case
Opening GPS
Opening Wi-Fi
Opening Bluetooth
CPU multithreads
Opening terminal
Incoming call
Sending a message
Taking a picture
Playing music
Playing video
The power consumption of each test case is recorded, and the results are analysed. In addition,
additional test cases are performed with varying screen brightness. With the data collected, energy
consumption models for screen brightness are provided. However, models for the other test case
modules such as CPU, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth were unable to be determined. As each module has
a variety of states which were rapidly changing, an accurate model could not be calculated for each
case. Instead, a general function is provided to approximate the power consumption of any given state.
(Hoque at al 2015) present an analysis of the battery in order to examine charging mechanisms, state
of charge estimation techniques, battery properties, and the charging behavior of both devices and
users, using data collected from the Carat application. Carat is an application that tracks the
applications you’re using, but does not measure energy consumption directly. The first analysis
examines the charging techniques of smartphones and the charging rates. The charging mechanisms,
battery voltage and charging rates of the devices are outlined. In addition, two additional charging
mechanisms that are variants of the established CC-CV and DLC methods are identified. The second
part of the analysis examines battery properties such as the changes in its capacity, temperature when
The results indicated a linear relationship between the remaining battery capacity and final voltage,
and a decrease in battery temperature over time as the device charged. In addition, the health of the
Android 5.0 also builds in a power saving mode called Battery Saver. This feature is turned on
automatically once the battery drops below a threshold value. The saver lowers the processor's speed,
Figure 2.2: Battery Saver feature on the Nexus 5
In Lollipop, a new API was provided to enable developers to define conditions for background jobs
for the system to perform. This allows the OS to batch together multiple tasks and run them together
when those conditions are met. This prevents the processor from being woken up in the middle of its
sleep for something that can be safely delayed for later, thus reducing overall power consumption.
The scheduler is also smart enough not to allow tasks to run when the resource required isn't available,
The purpose of reviewing the current battery management applications was to determine the
functionality that is currently offered, and to check that prediction is not an established approach. DU
Battery Saver, Battery Doctor, and Battery Saver applications were retrieved from the Google Play
Store, using the search tag battery saver and battery life. They were the highest rated applications, top
results from searches, and had a minimum rating of 4.5/5.0. In addition, DU Battery Saver and Battery
Doctor have over 8 million downloads respectively as of May 2018. Battery Saver is no longer
available in the Google Play Store as of May 2018, and the number of downloads was not recorded.
The DU Battery Saver offers a significant amount of functionality, providing a main page showing
the battery percentage, battery remaining, and the temperature of the device as shown in Figure 3.
The fix now feature will cause the device to close unused applications that are draining resources to
extend the battery life. Within the main page, the mode option allows the user to change the current
profile. The smart button reveals a set of options that determine which applications are needlessly
using resources, freeing them up to conserve battery. Included here is a whitelist of applications that
won’t be terminated. A list of profiles is also available, altering the functionality of the device based
on the user’s needs. A table of switches is provided to quickly enable/disable features such as Wi-Fi,
data, display brightness, and ringtones. In addition, the settings page in Figure 5 provides a variety of
reminder features. Alongside these features, the application is also visually appealing as well. Icons
are used within the main menu, and animations are provided when it is scanning for applications that
Figure 2.4: Settings page of Battery Saver
The issue with this application comes from the boost and toolbox options on the main menu. The
toolbox is a list of advertisements, while boost claims that there is trash on the device, and advertises
for another application. While many of the features on the device are beneficial, these components
are obstructive and unnecessary. In addition, notifications advertising the other applications were also
The Battery Doctor application lacks the design appeal of DU Battery Saver, and provides similar
features. The application monitors the battery consumption, and notifies the user when background
applications are consuming excessive battery life. A highlight of application battery usage, power
remaining, battery level history, and device temperature are also provided on the main page. Tabs on
the bottom of the application lead to charging history, battery profiles, and a consumption page of the
applications that are running. A settings page also provided a low power notifications, Wi-Fi toggling,
and an ignore list. However, beyond these features, the application was not as appealing as The
Battery Doctor. The application would constantly note that the battery was draining fast, as shown in
Figure 6, even though the optimize now button was recently used. However, the biggest issue was the
amount of advertisements throughout the entire application. In some cases, they blended in with some
of the features, which could confuse users. Figure 7 provides an example of how intrusive the ads on
The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) can be applied to a system which aims to recognize user states.
In this system, Android app battery state (i.e., extracted user contexts through mobile device-based
sensors) are seen as inputs. These readings undergo a series of signal processing operations and
eventually end up with a classification algorithm in order to provide desirable inferences about user
Classification algorithms produce observations (i.e., visible states), ϑ, of HMM. Among observations,
only one observation is expected to provide the most likely differentiation in selection of instant user
state representation. This observation is marked as instant observation, which also indicates the most
recent element of observation sequence of HMM. On the other hand, user states are defined as hidden
states, S, of HMM since they are not directly observable but only reachable over visible states.
Therefore, each observation has cross probabilities to point any user state. These cross probabilities
build an emission matrix, bjk, which basically defines decision probabilities of picking user states
from available observations. In addition, a user state might not be stationary since a general user
behaviour changes in time. Thus, it is expected from a user state either to transit into another user
state or to remain same. These occurrences build a time-variant user state transition matrix, aij, which
3.2 Observation and Interview Carried Out
The main method of data gathering in this research is by internet surfing; I carried out my research
on the internet by searching on how GPS, Bluetooth, internet, Brightness etc power consumption can
be minimized. Also, I did research on how to implement an Artificial Intelligence method to the app
to know when to put off the on the Power saver if the phone is running hot. I also carried out interview
This covers the core of the system functionality and the proposing use case of the system. However,
• Memory consumers are implemented by dynamically allocating custom objects that wrap byte
arrays. To analyze the frequency of garbage collection, a Java WeakReference object is used to inform
the garbage collector that they can be reclaimed, despite having active references within running code.
The object’s finalize() method (which is called immediately before the object is reclaimed by the
Android Dalvik virtual machine) is overridden to record the time of garbage collection, thereby
allowing developers to analyze the frequency of garbage collection runs. The WeakReference object
will thus be reclaimed during every garbage collection run. Due to the limitations of the Android
instrumentation API, garbage collection and memory usage must be inferred through analysis of the
frequency and duration of garbage collection runs, rather than through direct power consumption
measurement. Although this limitation prevents developers from including memory statistics in the
data along with CPU, sensor, and network utilization, they can still examine how their design uses
memory. Users can also configure the amount of memory and frequency of allocation, as well as
supply custom objects (such as WreckWatch’s image caches) to use rather than the byte arrays used
by default.
• GPS consumers are implemented by code that registers to receive location updates from the GPS
• Accelerometer consumers are implemented using the configuration specified in the XML file, along
• Network consumers are implemented as emulation code containing a timer that executes a given
• Screen drawing agents allow users to specify 3D and 2D graphics to draw on the screen. Developers
will specify object contents along with any potential motion or actions.
• Custom code modules allow developers to supply their own code blocks to extend the functionality
of SPOT and enhance emulation accuracy as the development cycle progresses by substituting the
faux emulation code with actual application logic. SPOT allows developers to supply class files to
load into the emulation application dynamically, as well as method “hooks” to allow the emulation
The data that were collected in this research were from the primary sources. Observations were made
while gathering my data on operations Vehicle breakdown assistance finder, I did research on the
most suitable programming language to use. Other sources of data were of the secondary source,
which includes gathering information from journals and magazines, materials from internet,
3.3.2 System Architecture
To analyse the energy consumption of the application on mobile phones, we designed Battery Viewer
System. First, we will start the application. Second it will check the energy consumption of the
application on mobile devices according to the data it collects. Then third, it will show on the screen
according to the select of tab that will show on the application. Last one is it shows the graphical view
of energy consumption of applications. Battery Viewer is used to check the information of the battery
and application, especially the energy consumption information. It draws the real time graphical view
of energy consumption
(Software Development Kit) by using Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with the
ADT (Android Development Tools). First, we implemented a data collection application for analyzing
user usage pattern. Our application was written in java and runs on any Android based platform. It
periodically records the following information to a log file. Currently it is scheduled to store the
information every second. 1. Screen Status: -Whether the screen status is in the “ON” state or “OFF”
state. 2. Wi-Fi Status: -Whether the Wi-Fi status is in the “ON” state or “OFF” state. 3. GPS, 3G and
Audio Status: -Whether the GPS, 3G and Audio status is in the “ON” state or “OFF” state..
Each line of code executed results in a specific amount of power consumed by the hardware. In the
simplest case, this power consumption results from a small series of CPU operations, such as reading
from memory or adding numbers. In some cases, however, a single line of code can result in a chain
of hardware interactions, such as activation of the GPS receiver and increasing the rate at which the
screen is redrawn. Moreover, although the higher levels of abstraction provided by modern
smartphone SDKs make it easier for developers to implement mobile application software, they also
For example, WreckWatch heavily utilizes the Google Maps API and the “MyLocation” map overlay,
which provides end users with a marker indicating their current GPS location. The use of the
“MyLocation” is typically accomplished with fewer than 10 lines of code, but results in substantial
power consumption. This is because the overlay is redrawn at a high rate to achieve a “flashing”
effect, and because the overlay enables and heavily utilizes the GPS receiver on the device, which
further increases power expenditure. It is hard to predict how using arbitrary API calls, such as this
overlay, will affect application power consumption without implementing a particular design and
testing it on a particular target device. This abstraction in code makes power consumption analysis on
arbitrary segments of code hard. Predicting power usage from high-level design abstractions, such as
In applications utilizing sensor data, the most accurate sensor data is obtained by sampling as often
as possible. Sampling at high rates, however, incurs high power consumption (Krause et al., 2005) by
not allowing sensors to enter low power modes and by increasing the amount of data processed by
applications. Reducing the sample rate can decrease application power consumption considerably, but
also reduces accuracy. The trade-offs between power consumption and accuracy at a given sampling
rate are hard to determine without empirical tests on a target device due to the high-degree of layering
in modern smartphone APIs and system architectures. For example, WreckWatch was originally
designed to collect GPS data every 500 milliseconds and consume accelerometer data at Android’s
predefined NORMAL rate setting. During the development of WreckWatch, it was clear that reducing
WreckWatch’s GPS sampling rate would reduce overall power consumption, but it was unclear to
what degree. Moreover, it was hard to predict what sample rate would provide sufficient accuracy and
still allow the phone to operate for days between charges. Section 4 describes how we use automatic
code generation to create emulated applications that accurately analyze the power consumption of a
candidate sensor utilization architecture without incurring the substantial time and effort to manually
Each application and network communication protocol has a specific overhead associated with it and
can result in significant power consumption (Heinzelman et al., 2000). Certain protocols require more
development overhead to implement, but have low runtime overhead (e.g. bandwidth consumption,
message processing time, etc.). It is hard to determine early (e.g., at design time) in an applications
lifecycle, however, how this overhead will affect power consumption and whether the number of
messages transmitted will be substantial enough to impact power consumption significantly. This
challenge is exacerbated if certain network operations consume more power than others, e.g.,
receiving data often consumes more power than transmitting data (Wang et al., 2006). For example,
to provide the most accurate situational awareness to first responders—and provide the most accurate
congestion information to motorists— the WreckWatch application must periodically request wreck
information from the central web server. These updates must be done periodically and were originally
intended to run over HTTP. Using HTTP results in a significantly less developer effort but results in
a considerable amount of communication overhead from the underlying TCP and HTTP protocols,
which ultimately transmits substantial amounts of data that have no relevance to the application. It is
hard to determine at design time if/how this additional data transmission will significantly impact
power consumption. Section 4 shows how we used MDE code generation to implement and analyze
Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for Google's Android operating
system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development.
USER INTERFACE DESIGN: It is a system that permits the interaction between human beings and
the computer. The project has a user interface design because of the level of interaction where the
PROCEDURAL DESIGN: This involves the design of an efficient algorithm that will satisfy the
3.5.1 Program Module Specifications
Homepage –
Registration page
Login page
The instrumentation system are either Collectors, Recorders, or Event Handlers. Collectors interface
directly with the specific power API on the system and pass collected data to Recorders, which persist
the data collected by Collectors by writing it to a file or other storage medium. Event Handlers respond
to the events fired by entering or leaving emulation code blocks. These components are dynamically
loaded via Java reflection to ensure extensibility and flexibility. For instance, developers can
implement a custom Collector to monitor which components are in memory at any given time.
Alternatively, developers could define Recorders to log power consumption information to another
data storage medium, such as a local or network database rather than a flat file. To analyze an
architecture effectively, SPOT records battery state information over time to allow developers to
pinpoint specific locations in their application’s execution path that demand the most power. To
collect power consumption information accurately, SPOT uses an event-driven architecture that
precisely identifies the occurrence of each major application-state change, such as registering or
unregistering a GPS listener and SPOT takes a “snapshot” of the power consumption when the
application performs these operations. This event-driven architecture allows developers to understand
the power consumption of the application before, during, and after key power-intensive components.
In addition to event-triggered power snapshots, SPOT also periodically collects power consumption
information. This information allows developers to trace overall power consumption or power
consumption within a given block. The power information Collector that collects snapshots and
periodic samples can be configured to run in a separate process to prevent contamination of the data.
To accomplish event-driven power profiling, SPOT fires events immediately before an application
enters a component that was defined in the model and immediately after it leaves a model-defined
component. These events work in conjunction with the periodic power consumption updates to
provide developers with a complete description of how their software architecture elements consume
power. SPOT’s event driven model of collecting power consumption data also allows developers to
identify precisely what the application was doing when key power consumption spikes occur, further
3.6 Requirement Specifications
System requirements are a description of the needs, and devices a user needs for an information
system. Here, unique requirements of a system are identified as user requirement. These are the
Flutter: Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop
applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia and the web from a single
codebase. The first version of Flutter was known as codename "Sky" and ran on the Android operating
Firebase: Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. It
was originally an independent company founded in 2011. In 2014, Google acquired the platform and
Flutter is reliable mobile application programming language with the right modules to build a user-
friendly mobile application and easily adapts with other third parties and works very well with
3.7 Implementation
Based on the design described above I develop a model of our Battery Viewer System. This model is
Fig 3.3: System flowchart
Android battery saver is an Android power optimization application that is developed to assist users
save power consumption on their android phone. However, the system is covering the following
Mobile Application
System design is a logical and creative process consisting of an integrated collection of tools and
specifications of input, output etc of the system. The purpose is usually to propose a specification
which will enable the complete and accurate implementation of this new system. The result of such
an analysis will give rise to proper documentation of events into a document or a set of documents
The input to the new system consists of the user’s credentials like: username, email and password.
The samples are labeled according to the types of the input and also verify to determine its validity.
The outputs are the processed information which includes the user’s record. The output will be design
Table 4.1: Input Specifications
Retained power
Power consumed
1. Hardware
2. Software
Internet Connection
Android Device
4.4.2 Software Requirement
Windows 7 or higher
Android Studio
System implementation also includes creating a new system and getting it into working order. For
this to be achieved it must be done in a procedure involving how to start and stop the system, entering
of information and data must be documented. Although some users already have a good idea of the
system while others need to be taught about it in order to be conversant with it. Here, the entire
program is tested using different data and system platform. During this phase, the developer
documents clearly the user trimly and instructions on the changes the new system will introduce in
4.5 Program Design
The program is designed to take care Hof Android power saver system with mobile application
respective task that constitutes an Android implementation. The program design is based on the input
and output specification to facilitate easy coding, testing, debugging and it is in module.
Dart programming language has distinct modes for developing a mobile application base system.
Before the program is implemented, the user must test and run it and if bug is found in the program,
the developer debugs the program so that the program can run without bugs when the program is free
This is an important part of system development it uses the techniques and tools of system analysis
and design to record and communicates the activities and result of each stay of information system
The hardware has all features required to best utilize the software. The software can handle the data
processing assignment easily without major modification, and the language it is written in a
programming language that is commonly used by mobile app developers and user.
Maintenance of the system means keeping the system running without a problem that may cause the
system to breakdown. The steps outlined below can help prevent the system:
No usage of outside source floppy disk, flash drives or CD-Rom which may contain program that can
Anti-virus package most be installed and updated annually.
The staff / Users of the new system will be given adequate training, it involves prove decision on how
well the system work, handbooks are needed for this purpose to provide detailed description on how
the job is done. On rare occasions depending on the complexity of the system and the level of skill
currently available courses should be organized periodically to update the staff/user knowledge. Also
job aid are needed to assist staff /user to carryout instruction while performing the job. Effort should
be made to work on the psychology of staff/user in order to disabuse any wrong motion or mindset
This is the implementation process which the changes are made from the existing system to the newly
This involves changing part of the system using parable or indirect change over procedure. This
geographical area.
This is termed immediate or crash change over using this method, the old system is discontinued and
the new system is put into operation at once. For a large organization. This system is risky should
there be a system failure. This approach is feasible only the timing problem becomes greater as the
scale of operation increase with regard to me new system an individual can easily adapt. This system
This is a changeover procedure where the old system is run in parallel with the new system and
comparison made for a whole. One merit is that, there is room for proper evaluation of the new system
as to ascertain errors in any of the process. This method has been formed to be operational effective
4.8 Documentation
Documentation is very important since it is a method of recording and communicating the activities
of the system development and the outcomes of each stage in the entire process. Documentation of
any system will minimize during the problem that may be encountered during modification or
The complexity of the system documentation will normally depend on the extent of the system being
developed. For instance, a system being developed for a temporary use would not require a detailed
5.1 Summary
Android operating system is an open platform which is becoming very popular operating system. Its
open-source code is easily handled by the users to get and use new contents and applications on their
handsets. Android is based on Linux kernel. Android device are being activated per day and power
management of these device is becoming an issue. The one problem is common that is Low battery
life of the device. It is not a common thing in smartphones. Now days, more powerful with power
consuming technologies like GPS, 3G and 3GS.In this approach we do not require the client server
architecture. we will include a learning engine. This learning will monitor the user behavior in terms
of apps used, battery consumption and contexts, and then we will collect the information for a period
of time and the fed to a learning engine. Artificial neural can be used to implement the learning engine.
This pattern-based learning engine intelligently decide, how to control the smartphones features. This
will build after the learning of user behavior, would not include any statically define power saving
5.2 Conclusion
Energy consumption in android devices has become more important issue to save energy it is critical
to monitor the energy consumption of application on android device. This paper described online
power estimation. The Battery Viewer main focus on more energy consuming components likes CPU,
Wi-Fi, LCD, and GPS etc. Now, at the end of our project, we have reached our goal of almost fully.
We have shown that, by learning the resource utilization of user's activities we have been able to
predict and supply the minimum required resources and thereby successfully save energy on mobile
device. In this project, we proposed unique power management frameworks which leverage the user's
behavior to save energy. Additionally, we created an accurate power estimation model, which allow
estimating power consumption of individual. components and applications in real time. Validation
tests indicate that the model is highly accurate. The estimation model can be used for estimating
5.3 Recommendation
Future researchers can add more components to check battery consumptions like Video, Gaming
Application etc. Another possible future work could be developing a software tool that measures the
power consumes by main components and application of a smartphone on a very detailed level.
The research is recommended for future researches on Mobile phone Micro controller, the operating
system., etc
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