exam2tri 1AS POLLUTION
exam2tri 1AS POLLUTION
exam2tri 1AS POLLUTION
We all know that industry can provide us with many benefits. But it can also cause many social and
environmental problems. Today the earth faces many problems caused by industrial pollution.
The worst single example of industrial pollution happened in the town of Bhopal in central India. On
December 1984, there was an explosion at a factory which produced pesticides. As a result of the
explosion, 30 tons of poisonous gas was released into the air. The gas floated over the schools, shops and
houses around the factory, killing more than 2,500 people and injuring another 20,000. After that, the
American company which owned the factory agreed to pay money to the families of the victims of the
disaster. But until now, they have received nothing.
A major type of pollution in Europe and North America is known as acid rain. It is caused by the
chemical sulphur dioxide (SO2), which is produced when coal, oil and petrol are burned. It is estimated
that every year, more than 110 million tons of this poison are released into the atmosphere. There this
harmful chemical mixes with water (H2O) and oxygen (O). A chemical reaction then takes place and
sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is formed. The sulphuric acid then falls to the earth as acid rain, which can kill trees
and pollute rivers and lakes.
cause effect
1- a-
2- b-
3- c-
(A) (B)
1.disaster §2 a-a substance causing death or harm if absorbed by living things
2. poison §3 b- a terrible accident
3. factory § 2 c- a chemical substance used for killing pests especially insects
4. pesticide §2 d- buildings where goods are manufactured
Topic two: What are the major causes and effects of pollution?
1. How often do you think about the issue of global warming? a) Daily b) Weekly
c) Monthly d) Rarely e) Never
2. How concerned are you about the impact of global warming on the
environment? a) Very concerned b) somewhat concerned c) Neutral d) Not
concerned e) Not sure
3. Do you believe that human activities are contributing to global warming? a) Yes,
definitely b) Yes, to some extent c) Maybe d) No, not really e) No, not at all
4. Have you made any changes in your daily life to reduce your carbon footprint
and help combat global warming? a) Yes, I have made significant changes b)
Yes, I have made some changes c) No, but I am considering making changes
d) No, I do not believe my actions can make a difference e) No, I am not
concerned about global warming
5. How do you think schools can better educate students about global warming
and its effects? a) More classroom discussions and activities about the issue b)
Field trips to environmental organizations or parks c) Guest speakers or
presentations on global warming d) Incorporating it into the curriculum e) Other
(please specify)
6. Do you think that governments should take more action to address global
warming? a) Yes, they should be doing more b) Yes, they are doing enough c)
No, they are doing too much d) No, they are not doing enough e) Not sure
7. How do you think technology can be used to combat global warming? a)
Renewable energy sources b) Energy-efficient technologies c) Transportation
alternatives d) Recycling and waste management technology e) Other (please
8. Have you participated in any environmental or climate change activism or
events? a) Yes, I have participated in protests or marches b) Yes, I have
volunteered for environmental organizations c) No, but I am interested in getting
involved d) No, I do not believe activism makes a difference e) No, I am not
9. Do you think that future generations will be significantly affected by global
warming? a) Yes, I am very concerned about future generations b) Yes, but I
think they will find solutions c) Maybe, it depends on the actions we take now d)
No, I do not think it will have a major impact e) Not sure
10. How do you think individuals can make a difference in combating global
warming? a) Reduce energy consumption b) Drive less and use public
transportation or walk c) Support renewable energy initiatives d) Reduce, reuse,
and recycle e) Other (please specify)